The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR Jan 22nd, 2024

Episode Date: January 23, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
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Starting point is 00:01:08 Don't have a second monitor monitor today i did purchase one uh greg and i cruised down to best buy in quarter lane and of course the guys there told me what to get and i am so much smarter than 99 of people when it comes to like mac shit and i knew it wasn't gonna work but the kid there insisted and it's like like, didn't work. I'm a $7,000 monitor Mac type of guy. You know what I mean? I'm with the $1,000 fucking aluminum laser stand. I know my shit. I got all the Mac stuff, everything. And I shouldn't have listened, but I was desperate.
Starting point is 00:01:37 So now I have, there's this, you know, there's an HDMI cable that I've never seen before that came with this monitor. It's not symmetrical. You guys ever seen an asymmetrical HDMI cable? No. I don't know what that looks like. Yeah, it's bizarre. Anyway, I'll crack the code on it, but now I'm going to have to order some sort of adapter. I knew it didn't have USB-C.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Oh, nope, and it doesn't fit the hdmi in the macbook pro he's like of course it will work on the macbook pro like uh-huh how long that's not an hdmi my guy what is that what would you say that is yeah what is that thing oh hold on let me show you this thing how long has it been since he operated with one monitor never usually it's always with the second monitor yeah yeah he got up to the when he got up to the house he was like fuck i was on the phone when he's setting up and he's like damn i just realized i still have my second monitor which is crucial when traveling because if you're working off that laptop and you try to share something it just covers you you know what's ironic about this shirt? It's a gray shirt
Starting point is 00:02:46 like the benchmark workout. You see how it's got the marks here from the bar? Will, what is this thing? Look at this thing. What the? It's an ace. It's an ace. It should be bent.
Starting point is 00:03:00 See how it bends down on both sides? Or on this side? But not on this side? Display port cable. It's called the display port cable. Some Microsoft shit. Some PC shit. Here I am sitting with...
Starting point is 00:03:16 Retard gaming computer shit. That super video. Well, whatever it is. I'm not happy okay i i i shouldn't have got uh i should i it's it's a samsung i should have just i should have just ordered something from apple not ceo samsung shit yeah i like the samsung tv uh dave castro came out with a weekend review today. Boy, it is – I've never gotten so many text messages about it. I did text Dave. I'm like, hey, what did you say today? Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:54 What did you say today? I haven't watched it at all. Have you watched it, Tyler? Yeah, I always get in trouble for watching it before we do it. You got to react live. I haven't seen anything. I haven't seen anything. I haven't seen anything. Also, you guys have a super-duper great treat coming on this evening.
Starting point is 00:04:10 It looks like today at 6.30, we will have the nations, the United States of America, their greatest border reporter. Oh, your guy. Is coming on. He's at the border. We're about to find out firsthand what is going on at the border, and he'll explain all that shit to us. So, Jorge Ventura. Oh, man, I'm so bummed. So that should be cool.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm stoked about it, but I'm bummed I won't be able to be there for it. Man, man, oh, man. Who in their fucking right mind would vote for Biden? He's a nice guy. He's a nice guy. He's a nice guy. And you know what? I'd rather have a nice guy than a divider. He's really been through a lot.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Yeah. It tends to happen when you're 70,000 years old. You tend to go through a lot. He's been through a lot. He's just got the reps in, you know? I believe his name is pronounced george fucking racist like a racist ken okay kenneth yeah mr white guy okay uh behind the scenes episode six is up uh previews for episode seven have been sent to my three thousand of my closest
Starting point is 00:05:19 friends um it looks like um for those of you who want to see the behind the scenes episode seven on wednesday you will not be and you can blame suza for that because suza uh in the discussion today is suggesting that um we put the uh the behind the scenes from Wadapalooza made by Patrick Rios, which is going to blow you guys away. That will go up Wednesday for members. And then on Friday, you will get another behind-the-scenes seven, and then Monday we'll be back on schedule. So in a way, you have to wait an extra two days for seven,
Starting point is 00:05:57 but it's not going to push out eight, so you're kind of stoked there. And then you get the bonus Wadapalooza. So if you're stoked, thank me. If you're not stoked, blame me. Blame me. I think it's a damn good deal. It's a damn good deal. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Edgar. Oh, sorry. Oh, my bad. My bad. I got you. That's good. Edgar Lozano. Eats pasta.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Stevvy, I was finally able to catch up with the behind the scenes, and I'm loving it. You guys are killing it. I can't imagine what you guys can accomplish with more resources. Mind-blowing. Thanks, man. I don't know how many. Let's say we have 400 comments on the behind the scenes and it's not one negative. It's like just nothing negative. It is so cool. And I've been watching some other people's behind the scenes and they are not behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:06:47 They are recaps. They're self-flagellation. Is that what that is? There it is. I'm okay with the self-flagellation, and I'm okay with recaps, but they're not recaps. Yeah. So not only – the reason why this – so now this is not only the best behind the scenes. It's the only behind the scenes, which is not only the best behind the scenes it's the only behind the scenes which makes it obviously the best behind the scenes you heard uh dawn fall neutralized an affiliate today yeah i saw i saw that i saw i don't know if it was today
Starting point is 00:07:16 but i saw frank had made a post the philly collective guy um had made a post saying dawn had – I forget the exact post, but kicked him to the curb. That's happened to a couple affiliates I've seen recently, yeah? Who else got kicked to the curb? Wasn't there – I thought there was another one. I might be mistaken. There was another one.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Sorry, that was the guy, Beehive CrossFit. Oh, he got kicked. Yeah, that guy got kicked. Both of these, I'm sort of trying to get to the bottom of it, and I'm sort of just kind of, I want to stay kind of like 30,000 foot view
Starting point is 00:08:00 on both of these. Just an observer. One thing I want to say about that is if people are trying to make changes the last thing you do is berate your affiliate rep that's like having a bad experience at a restaurant that didn't have nothing to do with the server and then you bring the server over and you just like bitch at them for it and scream at them like they're just the messenger in there so be kind okay sorry if if crossfit contacted me and they were like hey dude we're not letting you fucking come to the behind – cover any more CrossFit events, there's no way in hell I'd be like, how the fuck are you doing that?
Starting point is 00:08:34 Like I would get it. I would completely get it. I fucking go hard on the paint on CrossFit. I'm not – I wouldn't be surprised. But I try to – I try not to be a hater i fully support the level one i fully support um the open this year i fully support the cure for the world's most vexing problem i think the stuff they post on twitter is completely fucking vapid and retarded i think that it's bad for the brand and it makes it look like um crossfit's a ghost
Starting point is 00:09:03 town it feels like fuck what are you guys on myspace brand and it makes it look like CrossFit's a ghost town. It feels like, fuck, what are you guys on MySpace? I mean, it is some ghetto. You know, like you go into a tired casino, Indian Casino, and there's no one there. And you're like, fuck, that's the way their Twitter account feels. It is bad. And posting a picture of a dog on the games page, I mean, horrible. But right after I say all that, Don were to call me and be like, dude you talk shit about crossfit uh uh uh social media and we don't want you uh we're not inviting you to our events anymore i'm not gonna be like
Starting point is 00:09:28 you asshole fair i would get it i'm hard i go hard but for some reason but i also i think i add a shit ton of value to a shit ton i do the affiliate series i've um i've had more than half the affiliates i've had on here like are just jerking fucking hq off i can't think of a better way to spend a thousand bucks than to take your level one um so so uh it's a um it's uh it's interesting but if i was an affiliate and i was lobbing bombs at if i'm just lobbing bombs at crossfit or if i if if this cf affiliate collective is somehow a threat to the status quo i could see them not wanting uh this guy frank around uh frank uh this is this is the guy who runs the cf affiliate collective uh
Starting point is 00:10:15 instagram account the cf affiliate collective has repeatedly stated that our issue is not with don dave nicole or katie oh you mean like on a personal level yeah and i don't think well other than the fact that they might think you're threatening their job, if they think that, then it would be personal. But before we get – because this could turn into a wild show. So let's play this. I haven't seen this yet. Yeah. And let's see what happens. For those of you who don't know, well, let's see what Dave says, and then if you guys don't know, maybe we'll get into the backstory a little bit. Okay, here we go. Action. D'Souza's running the controls. You want to go at regular speed today since it's just 12 minutes? If it gets
Starting point is 00:10:56 bad, start at 1.25, and then it gets weird, go to normal. I'm just worried about your connection. I know, me too. Sorry, guys, if there's an issue with it. View, January 22nd, 2024. Just finished some filming with Matt Bischel from our CrossFit team. He asked to come over and film some content for some Go Ruck videos that we're doing with them, highlighting rucking and highlighting the partnership. So we hiked to the top of the hill, 645 this morning, had 40 pounds in a ruck. He caught some B-roll of just the rucking. And then he asked if I'd do a workout. So I wasn't prepared or planning to do that. So on the fly, we programmed a little
Starting point is 00:11:33 box jump on a tree stump and run with the ruck workout. So I'd run 200 meters, take the ruck off, run downhill, uphill, 200 meters, take the ruck off, put it on the tree stump, 10 box jumps on the tree stump, which was pretty high. It was around 30 inches and then put the pack back on and repeat that for five rounds. So it's a good little sprint, fun little workout. And it's been raining here all morning. So this I'm wet. It's not sweat. Even though I was sweating, I'm just wet from the rain and being outside trying to get that big fire going. It took a while to get that fire going because, because it's been raining, but finally got it going. So good morning, good session. Been here for over three hours because we were filming um it's 9 30 so
Starting point is 00:12:08 recording the weekend review at 9 30 okay hold on i do want to say this uh for just whatever it's worth anyone who were to say something like oh hey dave's just doing this because they're a sponsor for the um event dave has been rucking since before i fucking knew him i think he's he introduced me to what rucking is um i remember last year he invited me on a 50 mile ruck he invited me on a 35 mile ruck i on both of them i said i would go but i'm not gonna ruck like i'll just go you know what i mean like if i make it from start to finish um so so so he is a rucker he's probably really excited i'm guessing about the sponsorship because it's something he gives a shit about he probably wasn't never in he probably never drank a sip of progenics or he probably you know never had a
Starting point is 00:12:55 sip of monster um i'm guessing he never wore a pair of nobles um but he's a fucking rucking machine and uh he loves that shit and so congrats to crossfit for getting something that dave's like and i'm not saying that it's bad that you take money from those other people but this one he probably loves he probably got like so much cool ruck shit and he's happy and the president of go ruck is a very very good friend of mine and dave's like a very good friend so and and actually he'll be on the show tomorrow morning, Jimmy Letchford, Dave and I worked with him very closely for years.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I mean, very closely. All right, here we go. What time do you think Dave got up by the way for this? He gets up every morning at the same time he gets up. I think it's raining outside. That's why his hair looks like that.
Starting point is 00:13:43 But he gets up every morning. Five 30. I think he gets up i think it's raining outside that's why his hair looks like that but um he gets up every morning 5 30 i think he gets up 5 30 he reads for an hour something i'll even just crank call him sometimes like letter because i know hang up like what i'm like a pocket dial just that early morning early morning pocket dial you out for your ruck sorry yeah yeah yeah he gets up he reads an hour every morning pretty sure 5 30 to 6 30 all right here we go dive into comments first comment is from at beach house crossfit thoughts or opinions on frank f's initiative so frank frank owns first city crossfit in monterey and he is someone who um i've known for several years now and been to that gym multiple times because monterey is super close, 30 minutes away.
Starting point is 00:14:25 So it's one of the closer gyms to me. And I also have I've even done open workouts there. Over the years, had a few lunch, had a few meetings with him and heard his opinions on CrossFit and how we should and could be doing things better. And he's been very vocal to me about that. I've actually facilitated meetings with Don and Frank after Don took the role that he currently has. And so Frank's been someone we've gone back and forth with for a while, someone we've communicated with a lot over the last couple of years. Recently, though, he decided to start an initiative to rally affiliates to organize.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And I think essentially, I could be saying this wrong because I haven't looked too closely at what he's doing, but to organize affili feelings to kind of take back CrossFit. He has an ideal and an idea and a vision of how he thinks CrossFit should be run and what CrossFit should be doing. And I don't think we're doing those things to his liking or doing some of the ideas he has fast enough. So he got frustrated and decided to organize. has fast enough. So he got frustrated and decided to organize in that through that process. He's also since started taking a lot of shots at us, started taking a lot of jabs, started questioning. Okay. Pause this. Hold on a second. So, so a couple of things I want to clarify. Dave said he hasn't looked into what Frank is doing, but he also is saying Frank is taking
Starting point is 00:15:40 jabs at us. So there's a little bit of, there's a little bit of inconsistency there. He said that Frank's trying to take back the affiliates. It's not that I don't think Frank's trying to take back cause he never had them. Maybe he's trying to take over. And Greg did say when Greg was on the show, Greg Glassman, the former owner of CrossFit and founder said, Hey, what would you, if you were in their position and you thought the affiliates were organizing, what would you do? How would that make you feel? And he goes, it was one of my biggest fears always. And I'd be scared shitless. And so I understand what Dave's articulating. I think, I think that was what Dave was trying to say that, Hey, why would we want someone amongst our ranks? who's trying to organize and take it away
Starting point is 00:16:25 from the... Dave, in essence, works for the private equity company that bought it. So why would we want someone around who's going to take that from the people who bought this as an investment to make money? That being said, I don't know. I'd be curious what Dave knows and doesn't know about Frank because there is that inconsistency do you guys have any thoughts on what i said or what dave said asuza yeah he always does that he tells you that he doesn't watch anything but then gives you details on what he didn't watch which is always kind of funny but i i don't know if he and maybe there is some truth to that maybe is my mic okay now i turned it down i don't know it's a bit great for me if you guys are if you guys uh if it's mic still too loud just comment in the comments we'll fix it. It's probably not my mic.
Starting point is 00:17:05 It's probably my presence. I don't blame Don. I don't blame Don. I'm trying to be, I don't blame Don for booting him out. Just if that's what he's trying to do, if he's threatening the owners of the company. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I don't blame Don for that. I would want Frank to go away too. And I think that, um, that we on the show too have also accused like hq of just kind of being soft these days and not really too soft too soft too soft and so i think that and i i definitely said that so they're probably just using that as an example right it's low-hanging fruit they have somebody who's kind of um you know poking at them and organizing and they don't really like it. So then they can put them on the chopping block and say, hey, look, here's what we did. We cut this guy out.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And Frankie, look at Frank says, I don't blame Don either. Yeah. By the way, you can turn your mic up just a little bit. Thoughts, Tyler? Dave's level of knowing is probably he knows 90% and he's not willing to opine because he doesn't know the 10%. If he knew the full 100, he'd be like, okay, I know everything. And so I think he's backing out to be like, there's might be one thing I don't know about what's the situation is.
Starting point is 00:18:12 What I'm interested to know is Dave's opinion, I guess on if he put himself in their shoes, like does their move. Right. Yeah. I don't blame what Frank's doing either. Yeah. Yeah. Good point. i don't blame what frank's doing either yeah yeah good point i don't blame what frank's doing either like if if frank's not happy and he sees that there's not strong control over them over the affiliates and he thinks he could do better um that's i mean that's what capitalism and free markets are about because that's i mean that's what we're seeing in every piece of the the crossfit ecosystem right now is the athletes are starting to try to unionize the athletes are starting to try to unionize
Starting point is 00:18:45 the judges are starting to try to unionize the affiliates are starting to try to unionize and it's like okay if everybody's doing that what's the underlying girder there um i don't i don't love union and the unionization but i can't say that frank wasn – his hand wasn't forced to a degree or that his action wasn't appropriate in some way. And Frank is saying here in the comments, I don't blame Don either, and he has a fiduciary responsibility to rep private equity. Yeah, also true. He can't be like, hey, Frank, by the way, if you do steal this shit, could I have my job? I mean he can't do that. Maybe he could even go to jail for that. right i mean he can't do that yeah maybe he could even go to jail for that and i um and i think to pray to to frank's point is like he's basically saying like if the private equity is going to own
Starting point is 00:19:31 it their ultimate goal in the thing that's going to govern all their decisions is 100 predicated on money on making roi and we know as we talked with greg that was not what his end all be all was and i think that's where the issue comes in with CrossFit being owned by a private equity. That will always be the governing decision. Right. Frank, basically Frank's saying if the affiliates were making money hand over fist, there wouldn't be any complaints from him. He's saying if there was a line out the door, the complaints would stop. I've said this to Frank, and I've said this on the show,
Starting point is 00:20:05 and I've shared this before. I personally don't think a group of affiliates can run CrossFit either. They're just people, and they'll end up at some point taking Coca-Cola as a sponsor. Yeah, that's the first part. Yeah. Okay. Let's keep going. Here we go. Questioning our motives. And so has become very aggressive in the process, very aggressive in terms of vocally
Starting point is 00:20:39 loud and taking these shots at us from this position of being an affiliate owner. And so he is, or he, let's say, was. He was an affiliate owner, and he had renewed in November and planned on being an affiliate, I guess, until next November. So just a couple months ago, he re-upped his affiliation. At the same time, trying to organize affiliates basically against us and taking jabs at us and our leadership and the way we're doing things. And so the question had to be asked internally, should we allow him to continue to be an affiliate if he's going to have this very negative and vocal opinion of us and our leadership? So Don,
Starting point is 00:21:16 so when Beach House CrossFit asked this or made this comment, this was three days ago. So I don't know if you know this, but Frank has posted a video since this weekend. But after that comment and this weekend, Don called Frank and actually talked to him about like, hey, do you want to be an affiliate? And if so, we don't want you disparaging us or making these comments against us. And Frank told him he was going to continue to do that. And so Don decided to de-affiliate him. And I think that was absolutely the right call to make and to do at this point. And I'm very proud of Don and the leadership that he exhibited in making this tough call. That's probably going to be controversial and some people might not agree with, but it's something
Starting point is 00:21:56 that like I really respect in him for doing. And it's the type of leader that that's the type of leader I want to work for. And I want to rally behind. And I think us as a community should see that and respect it and understand what it represents. Like, Hey, here we have this affiliate who's disparaging the way CrossFit is being run, disparaging the brand and, and wants to organize, have an effort against us essentially. Um, and doing it in a very vocal and negative way. And that is something we should not allow as leaders of CrossFit to be in our ranks. So you want the benefit of being a CrossFit affiliate, but you also want to be very negative and criticize and take jabs at us while flying the CrossFit flag. Well, do that without the flag. And honestly, I believe Frank probably
Starting point is 00:22:39 should have be affiliated as soon as he started off on this endeavor. Almost like, hey, put your money where your mouth is. If you're going to be so critical and you don't like how we're doing things, don't have your affiliation through November of next year. Just fucking de-affiliate right now and then start organizing affiliates. So this isn't about shutting him down. And this isn't about telling him not to say what he's saying or not to do what he's doing. This is about, hey, say you could fucking do all of that, but you're not going to do that while concurrently flying the CrossFit flag. So yeah, say all the things you want. Say, do everything. Have your, I think his effort's called the CrossFit Affiliate Collective. And actually, fucking drop CrossFit. You should drop CrossFit from it. If you're so
Starting point is 00:23:17 disappointed in how we're doing things and want to see it so differently, call it the Frank Affiliate Collective. So that went on this weekend. And so that's the latest on the initiative. Frank is no longer an affiliate. And I'm proud of CrossFit. And I'm proud of Don for taking that action in this situation and de-affiliating Frank. Because he basically said, he's not going to back off. He's not going to stop taking shots at us, taking jabs at CrossFit. And so it's like, cool. Then we have the power to say, we don't want you in our ranks. We don't want you to be an affiliate. Okay, hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So I think the three of us, Dave and Frank, all agree on one thing. We don't blame. It sounds like Don. We all agree Don made the right decision. Like, yo, dude, you obviously don't want to be here. We're going to make the decision for you. I hear Dave's point about maybe he should have de-affiliated. He should have never paid his affiliate fees and re-upped.
Starting point is 00:24:14 But I know it's a hard decision too because Don probably feels very loyal to the name and the brand just like everyone else does. And it's not easy for Don or for Frank. So I can't give him uh you you know divorce is fucking hard uh we all do you think that's fair so far we we know that from what frank's saying the comments what dave's saying and what don did yeah the only thing that i worry about is what what's the line that's going to be pushed so like is now this going to be a trend if you start speaking out against CrossFit and stuff? You're out.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Yeah. Hey, dude. Okay. But he's not speaking out. He's not like, hey, fuck Dave. Affiliates are allowed to say, hey, Dave's horrible at doing the Open. Or hey, fucking Rose is a pussy
Starting point is 00:25:04 for not standing up against covet and fucking grabbing his ankles and fucking lubing up all the affiliates assholes and letting the government fuck them raw dog you're allowed to say that what you're not allowed to say though where don's drawn the line is um hey you can't you can't be trying to take over the fucking company from the inside. Interesting. Right? You're allowed to say the food on this cruise ship is horrible. You're not allowed to pull the fire alarm.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Can't run a mutiny. Yeah. Wouldn't you say, Sousa? There's a line somewhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's just what I was wondering. It's like obviously him wanting to – Frank wanting to organize people to kind of, for lack of better words, overthrow the current leadership at CrossFit was that line. So I could come on here and I could disagree with a lot of the money that they've wasted on a bunch of failed initiatives that have died on the vine, their lack of vision and direction for the company, the fact that they have no philosophical direction. But I'm not actually organizing against them, so that's okay.
Starting point is 00:26:06 But if I take the next step to say, now I'm going to organize all these troops to come after you, then that's where they draw the line, right? I was thinking about this. Go ahead, go ahead. No, you go ahead. Go ahead, Tyler, go ahead. Well, when I first listened to it,
Starting point is 00:26:21 I thought about what sort of relationship do the affiliates have with HQ? Cause he says a bit about like, you can't, he said something about a relationship and, and I was like, Oh, like in a marriage, you couldn't do certain things.
Starting point is 00:26:37 There's like definitely lines to be drawn, but that relationship with like a marriage doesn't seem right. But this happens in churches all the time. Right. Where this, this group over here doesn't agree with what's being preached on. So they sort of like raise their opinions for a while. And the church sort of bats it around for a while. And then eventually they're like, okay, this is a compromise. And then soon enough, they're like, we're, we're, we're not happy with the compromise. And then eventually they just splinter off and do their own church. And we're seeing the same thing here. Now, Frank hasn't started his own church, but it's funny that we're treading similar sort of lines.
Starting point is 00:27:16 The other thing I'm wondering – I think Frank has made proposals maybe is a little strong, but he's laid out. proposals maybe is a little strong but he's laid out i haven't i haven't looked at the crossfit collective account closely but i think i've seen videos where he's laid out hey it could it could be like this and and those it could be like this is a threat to don the owners of the company um uh it's like your wife may be asking if the ex-boyfriend can move in. We told HQ when we renewed that we were only renewing to give us time to move off the brand. Freedom of speech. Wow. Yeah, I don't –
Starting point is 00:27:56 What the fuck is that? He was allowed to say what he wanted. Yeah, I don't – Yeah, what does that mean? I don't think it was a problem. And the only thing I was bringing up was – What does that even mean, freedom of speech? They're saying that you should be able to say anything you want and still be an affiliate?
Starting point is 00:28:10 I don't think you can do that. You could have freedom of speech, but you're not going to have lack of consequences. Right. There's a big difference there. You could say whatever you want, but realize that there's going to be consequences to what you're saying at the same time. Yeah. And you're not void of those. It's their sandbox, and you're paying money to play in it yeah and and they're pretty loose with the fucking rules dude and by the way too
Starting point is 00:28:34 i wasn't saying like i was just i was just speculating for the sake of our conversation here i'm not even disagreeing with what they had done in fact it's probably better for the brand that don actually did that because it shows that they do have boundaries and they are going to push back and and they and they will make tough calls when they have to which is something that we haven't necessarily seen them do in the past so hey how about this i mean you you saw greg had his balls out all the time he'd be like hello everyone look at my balls i mean yeah this is the first time i can't remember if we've ever seen don's balls before but it's kind of nice to see him the community the community
Starting point is 00:29:11 wants to see the balls i mean we're ball driven community we love the balls we love the balls yeah and don showed a set of balls so um uh we uh frank by the way frank i appreciate this we and most affiliates don't want to de-affiliate we love the community and methodology we don't agree with the decision made by private equity fair enough yeah i i don't i i'm on the exact same page as frank i don't i don't like i don't i don't like the decisions probably being made either so is that something we have an idea we have to get rid of is that i think he thinks of the kernel of, you know, Dave and Don and all of those people at HQ as sort of really CrossFit and then private equity is exterior to that.
Starting point is 00:29:54 And he's like, this is a cancer. We need to cut it off. I want them out. This is what Frank is thinking, right? But is that an idea us as a community have to get rid of? Private equity is now part of it. And I just to get over this. I just called myself the CEO. It's worked out so far. It's paying off. The other thing I would relate this to is if I had an issue with, I would just relate it to the affiliate. If I had an issue with somebody at the affiliate that says, Matt's programming sucks. I think the way they run the gym sucks. I want to gather all of his members. I'm talking now to his coaches and we're going to take all this shit. We're going to leave. We're going to go up the street and start our own gym. I would immediately bring that person and be like,
Starting point is 00:30:31 Hey, don't fucking come back here. Right. Right. Like right away. I would cut them out of there right away. We've had members who want to come in and do their own thing. And I'm going to the CrossFit games. And they sound like a douche to me. And you go over to the corner and you start slamming barbells and disrupting my classes. I go over there and hey i think you should go to the dream up the street i think you'd be better suited going over there they're a better fit for you we're not the fit for you if you want to come in here and do your hwpo programming off to the side go do that somewhere else hear them about the class and about the community if you don't want to fit into that then we're not the right fit for you that's happened to three people that's happened to three people in our co-op, in our consortium, in our locker room.
Starting point is 00:31:07 We had to remove three people. It's not the right fit. And can we slap some people around on this whole entire freedom of speech is supposed to protect you from freedom of consequence? Dude, are you fucking kidding me with that? Hold on. Hold on. Before we get there. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Hold on. Let me get down there one second. But I do want to hear that. I do want to hear that. Frank, I'm organizing affiliates to provide a third option. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that at all. Does – Dave, you fought for our right of freedom of speech. What happened? Wow, this person is confused. Hey, dude, you don't know what freedom of speech is, dude. No one's taking Frank's freedom of speech away. But if you yell your fucking sister's name, or if you yell your wife's sister's name into her ear when you're fucking balls deep in her,
Starting point is 00:31:55 she's going to leave you, dude. And are you going to look in her eyes and be like, freedom of speech, Sally? You fucknut. I mean, Kendra. You nailed it nailed it yeah yeah it's kendra yeah i got nothing more to say on the topic come on ds stop with the freedom of speech shit come on this is the fucking smart room this is where the logic is freedom of speech that's yeah you you made my point holy shit that was actually much better than the analogy
Starting point is 00:32:25 that'd be san frank san frank like no this isn't a show we're not this isn't like a show like that this is nice thank you thank you i appreciate frank being in the in the um in the comments though it's exciting and and um but i'm not uh this isn't that show this is a fucking review show um that was the only example that would work herbert don has to protect the brand just as greg did from threats outside and internally this should be good signs for the affiliates yeah suzy you're always talking about the fact that um there was a one of the things you're concerned about about crossfit is that they're not they don't have anyone on the mountaintop looking at threats but but don didn't have to do that.
Starting point is 00:33:05 This threat was in the inside, right? Yeah. We just have different opinions. Wait, hold on. If you go further down in the comments, what I could see, he's saying I stand corrected. My freedom of speech was the wrong approach. So let's give DS that.
Starting point is 00:33:22 He's corrected himself. We're all up on the same page. Yeah, that wife one hit hard, right? hit that was beautiful i mean that was exactly the point that i was going to make but then now yeah uh uh miss uh miss sally why why are you divorcing him well your honor he keeps calling out my sister's name when he's falling deep in me all right well freedom of speech bitch get back in the marriage okay uh uh not not looking to overthrow don and dave looking to kick out private equity are you fine but but i mean at the time that you can say that but but i think what suza was saying maybe suza elaborate he's protecting the ship uh he's don's protecting the ship right yeah that's the way that i see it yeah and by and by
Starting point is 00:34:11 the way frank i have no love for uh private equity like i'm not i'm not like i don't i don't i i don't think these guys who own it well i think yeah i'm not like woohoo i can't wait they're gonna fucking take us to the next level i think that the only hope for this company is, is Greg gets it back. And then when he dies, the whole thing goes away. Wouldn't that be an amazing story? Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Action. I forgot that that was me for a second. At Dax, Mauricio, Scott, Meza217. The team series, as well as the liftoff, were very good evaluations to identify the preparation process for the Open, giving me not only valuable data, but a clear idea of the resistance period and strength period of your programming.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Yep, I agree. Supportive comment of the team series and liftoff. I would like to see some one of those come back. They probably both won't, but I would like to see us do more of those in the off season and even have some some regular um tempo of workouts like that like rogues doing a good thing with the monthly challenges i could see a scenario where we're doing something like that maybe not monthly but maybe every other month or maybe monthly who knows but i think we should get back to doing online competitions outside of the open at gerol i have no opinion i i i that's sort of what okay go ahead
Starting point is 00:35:30 and go ahead daddy well that's sort of it was it was several it was uh by the way tyler runs the heat one app he wants a competition every fucking weekend just no fucking idea no i was just saying that that's dave version of when Savant pulls up a comment and goes, okay. It's like more of a statement. I think, I mean, I've already stated my opinions about how that if you're going to use the games as a marketing tool, that the season has to very nicely link up with the affiliates. And I think that that's completely way off base now, so that the games is drifting further and further away from being like a really strong marketing tool for the affiliates. And I think that that's completely way off base now so that the games is drifting further and further away from being like a really strong marketing tool for the affiliates.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I think that there's a really cool option to where you could bring back the open, but make it just about the affiliates. Don't even worry about it potentially going on to a next stage in competition and make it just amongst like, who's the fittest affiliate, who has the fittest members, who, you know, something of that sort to where it mattered more like people showing up to run a 5k race together that you know are just using it as a goal marker and i think that there's too much emphasis in the open from an outsider perspective looking in i've been placed to making it to quarterfinals and being placed to for advancement and not just doing the thing as the thing and so a lot of members, when we start pushing them to sign up to the open,
Starting point is 00:36:46 literally the number one response I get back is, oh yeah, because I'm going to make the games. So if you eliminated that and made it just, no, you're representing CrossFit Livermore and the person with the most participation gets a certain like, you know, place on the leaderboard. The people that completed all three workouts get a place on the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Sounds like something familiar that we might be doing with behind the scenes right and like you make it about the affiliates and you give them that as the you know putting them on the pedestal just amongst our cohorts amongst our peers i think would make something like that really viable and you could do that outside of season because it doesn't need to have a fucking season if it's not related to the ultimate show which is the crossfit games i said this on spins podcast too it's like semi-finals should have community events at them i don't know why they don't and it's it's not even a competition like you can just go to semi-finals and do a 5k like you're already there anyway why not test yourself like there there's a lot of low hanging fruit for these opportunities. I agree totally with Sousa. Sorry. So what's it like to buy your first cryptocurrency on Kraken? Well,
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Starting point is 00:38:53 Why can't it be exactly what you said and you move on? It was in 2018 and now we're too far away from it. And I just want to bring up Patrick Clark's comment here. It says, it sounds great, Sousa, but who who runs this they have a small team that can even run the occupational games i'm a really big belief of that crossfit should have no business running this competition i think that the product that they sell is the l1 i think that the upsell from that product is affiliateship i think those two revenue revenue lines subsidize the CrossFit Games, and they do it with this touting this whole entire thing.
Starting point is 00:39:28 It's a marketing tool for the games. It's fucking not. When I talk to my members, and I go over there, and I take a poll in my class, and I say, raise your hand of who's following the CrossFit Games. Raise your hand of who knows who Tia is. Raise your hand who knows who Laura Horvat is. I guarantee you a majority of those hands do not go up in my classroom.
Starting point is 00:39:44 So if I'm going to do that, get rid of those people. And I'm looking at the data directly in front of me. I could tell you that the power of the CrossFit games as a marketing tool is starting to diminish. Let me, let me, let me counter that.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Susan went to the games this year and had a fucking amazing time. He's like, dude, I can't believe how energized amazing time to go back to work in the gym. Yeah. I had an amazing time at the CrossFit games, but I know what else I had an amazing time at. The affiliate gathering. I had an amazing time at the affiliate gathering.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And for me, that brought a ton of energy and also fired up my coaches that I got to bring with me because it was local. It was at a gym up the street. And all the local affiliates came. We started sharing ideas and we were talking about different stuff and that energizes me up to go back into the affiliate and give stuff back to all my members just as much if not more than the crossfit games can i push back yeah please please push back hard on them i'm i was with you right there yeah okay so what the the games serves as that like television spot to get people who don't know anything about CrossFit into a gym. Have you seen television?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah. Who the fuck watches TV? TV, YouTube, ESPN, something like that. Okay, okay, okay. How does an affiliate gathering do that for any new people? Dude, if you had an amazing media team that was there and you covered all of it and you let all those speeches go and you started talking to the affiliate owners. What makes you fired up about owning an affiliate? Hey, is this your coach here?
Starting point is 00:41:07 What makes you fired about being coached? What makes your affiliate is special? What stories do you have to tell? And you produce media at scale at those events like they do at the games. You would have a much big marketing tool. All I would see was a bunch of people talking about business that they owned, not something I should be doing. This is me pushing back.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yeah, that was a pushback because as an interviewee, I'm leading the questions. Hey, what makes your gym a special? What's special about your thing? How did you get started? There's no shortage of complaints about the lack of media, and the current media is – I swear I wasn't going to do it,
Starting point is 00:41:43 but I almost feel like bringing up the Twitter page. I read the last five going to do it, but I almost feel like bringing up the Twitter page. I read the last five Twitter posts three times, and then I took five deep breaths and tried to remember what I read, and I couldn't. Seriously, it feels like just tumbleweeds blowing through there. Their engagement everywhere is so bad. But it sounds like the open is doing great, and I'm stoked, and fuck, maybe it's us. I'll take credit for it. Affiliates built this community, not private equity. Hey, Frank, here's an interesting thing too.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I think about it a lot too. This thing can't ever be built. That's why it's such a weird thing. You can't be like, okay, I have a trillion dollars and I want to build something like CrossFit. This thing cannot be built. The fact that this thing kind of exists is weird. This thing cannot be built. No amount of money can build this.
Starting point is 00:42:31 This is a really weird – this whole CrossFit thing is a weird phenomenon. It's a bizarre entity. Okay, let's keep going. Hey, Dave, I've been a firefighter for 18 years and also an affiliate owner, CrossFit office since 2013, and recently had the opportunity to be part of a fitness and health committee with my department. What would the process be to implement an affiliate within my department? Thanks for all you do. Thanks for all you do. Email the affiliate support email and they will be able to steer you in the right direction to get an affiliate within your department.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Wait, wait, pause that a second. That was so fast for me. Where does the guy want an affiliate and where? Sounds like inside the fire department, which is weird because I don't know why that would be an advantage for them to affiliate they like to do it because they like to fly the flag yeah then crossfit should be giving those out for free dude if they do they do they do oh thank goodness that's awesome they do that's amazing yeah because like why would you if you have a fire department or a police department that wants to fly the
Starting point is 00:43:39 crossfit flag like some of the banner be like yeah we'll list you on our thing, like all that, all of that. Frank, Greg is not interested in buying it back. Greg has said on Sebon's podcast that he supports a Phil that's buying it back. Scott Morgan, this pussy is trying to keep his job. Is he referring to me? No, no, he's referring to Dave. Yes, yes, this guy has been hired to do a job, and he's going to do it to the best of his ability.
Starting point is 00:44:11 That's correct. Any other astute observations, Mr. Scott? Thank you. Thank you. Will had a good point to Pool Boy's comics. Pool Boy was saying he doesn't know of any other thing larger than the CrossFit games that brought people into affiliates. And mike says the number one source of people coming to crossfit gyms is definitely referrals from practitioners and that probably makes up 80
Starting point is 00:44:31 percent of the people that do crossfit and that's what i agree with i think like you have way more people showing up and dragging their mom and their cousin and their best friend to the crossfit games and then now you can make the argument make the argument for you savon that you would say that that person that's the loudest one in the room telling everyone bringing buddy Elson came for probably from seeing the CrossFit Games on ESPN on YouTube and those type of things I'm just saying that just like college used to be the one you go for your four-year college degree and you come out with your great job right that motherfucker diminished quite a bit and that's yeah yeah I'm just saying it's diminished it under, right? That motherfucker diminished quite a bit. And that's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I'm just saying it's diminished under the current season and the current way that they have it built. I think if you build it back to how it was before, make CrossFit great again, then you would have that straight line from open affiliates to regionals, the local gatherings for affiliates and competitors, and then the games, the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I mean, that was the fucking holy grail. Travis B b i got into crossfit pleasuring myself to pull boys tiktok uh riding a stationary bike with a mouth guard mouth guard and dollops of sauce dripping out of his mouth uh jimmy jimmy gross i still don't get how we don't have an occupational games fucking nuts dude i'm pretty sure people would rather watch first responders than the teen division dude who cares who would watch it who would not watch it talking to the bay it they probably they don't even know who the base is they probably completely lost their they probably completely lost their way it's insane there's no occupational game there is a question on the signup for the Open that leads to that being an event.
Starting point is 00:46:07 What's it say? It asks you what your occupation is. Are they organizing it this year? Remember how last year you had to put in a hashtag? Will you actually be able to go to the website this year and put firefighter and see who the fittest firefighter is? No, yeah. I showed you guys a picture earlier of the hashtag.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I was doing hashtag Sentinel for Taylor. But before that, there is like seven or eight checkboxes of what your occupation is. Well, look at Jay Hartle saying it's a hashtag. That doesn't cut it for me. No. I need more than a hashtag. I'm not hashtagging. I need to be able to push a dot that says elite women uh or individual
Starting point is 00:46:46 women then one down there that says firefighters worldwide and then i click on it and shows me who the 10 top best fittest firefighters in the world are has to be has to be um okay action support email, and they will be able to steer you in the right direction to get an affiliate within your department. At Corey Bakskalotsky5410, every week someone has a new idea or positive change suggestion for CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:47:18 You always answer, we are discussing it, or I've looked into that. Will there be any actual changes in the future or just discussions about it? Appreciate the honesty and openness of the reviews. So there has been a lot of change. There will continue to be a lot of change. And yes, there is a lot we are always discussing. And a lot of these ideas people do have. Some we're acting on, some we're discussing, some we're acting on. They're in various stages. But we're not able to just say, I can't see some
Starting point is 00:47:40 of these comments and be like, that's a great idea. And then on the next week in review, it's like, yes, we are doing that. It's just the truth. There's a lot of this stuff we are discussing or we are looking into. And on that, some we decide to do. And it's just further down the road on the priorities or when it's going to happen. And other things we decide we can't do or are not going to do. So we're discussing it or have looked into it. Sorry that it's frustrating that I say that, but it's just the honest reality of a lot of this stuff. Um, but to the point, will there be any, I think, I think Dave's only been back a year as in charge of the games. He's maybe been back almost two years in totality and only a year at the game. So they brought him in and he was just at first, I think he was just a figurehead.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Like they didn't know what they were going to do with them. Then Justin and the team overspent for the games. They got rid of Justin. They brought Dave in. And then Nicole moved to brand manager or brand something, chief executive of brand or whatever the fuck that position is. And then Dave became head of the training department. So I understand. It's because we have access to him so much that I think that question might seem like it has validity.
Starting point is 00:48:47 But I think we need a little more time before we tell him he ain't doing shit. Is Dave a professional auctioneer? No, we're playing at 1.25. Or maybe it's 1.25. Man, it seems fast today. It's 1.25. You want me to slow it down? Sure. Okay. So here we go. Will down? Sure. Okay. So here we go. Will Branstetter.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Okay. Actual changes in the future or just discussions about it. There are definitely changes and there are definitely things we are doing differently and we'll continue to do differently in the future. Thank you for that though. Thanks for calling me out on that. At Tomas Stowowski 9348. Hey Dave, thank you for answering my question on the open announcement. Can't wait. I'd like your opinion related to participating in the open. I just recovered from a three-month injury and even though I kept training in a safe manner, obviously, I did lose a lot of my fitness during
Starting point is 00:49:48 that time. Knowing that I will not perform as well as I did last year, would you say I should still sign up for the Open and do the workouts? I am very competitive with myself, and I just don't know if I should do it or not. Of course, I'm going to suggest and say I think you should sign up for the Open and do it. I do think you should sign up for the open and do it. I think you should actually sign. I do think you should sign up for the open and do it for this reason, for the learning experience of actually how you're going to take the workout and scale it or modify it to your specific injury or specific what you're working around. So use it as a learning experience. Use it as an opportunity to take what's this high intensity challenge that we put out three weeks over the year and learn and modify those to safely perform them for whatever you're dealing with. So yes, I think you should sign up for the open, but of course you'd expect I would say that, right jb1 uh frank multiple ceos day fired rehired repeated turnover moving titles responsibilities lots of nothing so uh went from greg what went from greg
Starting point is 00:50:56 to jeff kane to greg to dave to rosa to allison to john holy shit to Allison to Dawn. Holy shit. And in all fairness, equal chaos in every department except training. Nicole held that down. Masalmano. She quit and then came back.
Starting point is 00:51:20 But the affiliates, a complete fucking shit show. Um, although they do have some fucking pipe hitters in there, like, uh, um,
Starting point is 00:51:31 Daniel Chaffee, uh, the media team to peer and utter, utter chaos. Um, uh, every, every department, every department's just gone through havoc. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:49 I mean Frank's right. I mean it has been a wild fucking ride. And I used to talk the dick of the new leader and not lose their job. Because what happens is every time you get a new leader, there's like – it becomes jockeying, and everything comes to a stance to all of you who work in a corporate environment understand that. So, yeah, it's, yeah, it's, we're lucky, we're lucky we have Dave as a, sort of as a rock, as a constant, you know. So, yeah, I can't push back on that, what Frank's saying. But then what happens if all the affiliates buy the company, then what happens is another five years of turbulence? I mean… Fair question. Action. Oh, and you should join the Open. Everyone should sign up for the Open. Josh Bridges. For whatever. For whatever you're dealing with.
Starting point is 00:53:07 So yes, I think you should sign up for the open. But of course you'd expect I would say that, right? At JB11334. Josh Bridges is 40. So I wonder if this was Josh Bridges saying this. So that would make you 50 to 55. There's no way you're that old. Okay, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:53:22 I'm 46. So I guess I'm only six years older than older than Josh. Josh actually also hit me up and said, Hey dude, you're, you're not that much older than I am. And I said, well, to me, you're always forever, like 25, 30. And, uh, that's not the case. He's not, he's aged just like I have, but he's much 40. So he's 40, I'm 46. He's still, he's still, that's much younger. I mean, I was, I remember 40 being very different than where I am now in my fitness level. This weekend, I shot a centerfire rifle, precision rifle match in Sacramento. Had a good time. Finished six, had a couple of stages where it didn't perform as well as I would have liked,
Starting point is 00:54:05 but it was really fun. Great group of guys that I shot with. This week, have a pretty full week traveling tomorrow and Wednesday to San Jose for some meetings with my EDU leadership team. And then Thursday, Friday, I'm going to head to shot show for just the the afternoon of thursday and then i'll fly can you pause this too i want to i want to say one more thing too they had a wave of wokeism run through the company you have to remember that too and and and a lot of it's still there but they had a wave of wokeism run through the company and and so that's the antithesis they had people there who are the antithesis of what crossfit is like some people you but some people be like crossfit's a community crossfit's a fitness program crossfit's this
Starting point is 00:54:53 well don't one of the cornerstones of crossfit it's it's a fucking rad radical active uh activist group we butter we eat steak we squat below parallel um and we think it's okay for 80 year old people to do pull-ups i mean we are fucking crazy like we think we're in control of our own health we think getting up and early early and eating right and exercising is is mandatory we are fringe motherfuckers. And wokeism ran rampant through the company, which is the exact opposite of that. It believes in just complete and utter weakness and catering to the lowest, absolute lowest common denominator. You have to – I mean that was fucking nuts that that ran through all companies crossfit and they spent five hundred thousand dollars on a fucking commercial
Starting point is 00:55:46 for the fucking it for the games one year and they were fighting over fucking rainbow jump ropes i mean it was fucking nuts over there they made it they made a video that was like they spent your fucking affiliate money celebrating um 13 of our 17 uh employees on the games media team are women it's like listen so we so they forgot what we transcended and they took us back to the stone ages so so there was that chaos too so i worked for a mining company and we had god you're southern god you're southern go on in my defense it was my that we operated mostly in the west but coal mining no no coal mining it was like zinc and other cobalt minerals cobalt in africa. But we had huge turnover in the upper strata of the company. And eventually, like the employees that I controlled, they were just like, why even start on this?
Starting point is 00:56:57 We're just going to have to do processes all over again here in two months when the new CFO wants to do everything new. And so eventually, like after you have so much turnover, no one wants to work because they're just like, I'm just going to have to redo this in six months. And so it's like, you know, for all the things that you've said have died on the vine, it's like, well, yeah, no wonder you don't have, you know, and then you don't want to be the rogue, you know, team on the inside that's just getting shit done without permission because then you'll get your head chopped off oh yeah they got a lot of that they got a lot of that paralysis your paralysis yeah and that's just kind of echoing what seven was saying earlier about like with all the change in leadership there's no way that there could be a
Starting point is 00:57:40 ton of productivity coming from all those teams because everybody is exact doing exactly what you were saying fucking holding on for dear life yeah um i wanted to chat about patrick clark's question first should we finish off the last piece and then sure sure yep yep yep yep so uh as always drop comments in the or drop your comment in the comment section, and I'll try to address it the following week. All right. Thanks a lot. Bye. Josh is not aged at the same rate as Dave. That's the hot take right there. That's my take. Before you say this, i want to say one
Starting point is 00:58:25 more thing and then i want to i want to bring i want to bring this up a lot and i'll and i'll go it is a requirement for crossfit affiliates to have a link to the journal on their website used to be think of the unutilized it's not anymore it's not a requirement no i don't think it's been a requirement in a while i mean it so so talk about a fiduciary duty to to if i if i'm the board and i found out that that was in the contract and it's gone you're all fired every every fucking person's fired you had a link to 15 000 websites that would be maintained by other people that had to put up whatever you wanted. Mm-hmm. And they dropped it.
Starting point is 00:59:10 So that way everybody could be directed there to... That could take you to every video that you want. Imagine what that would do with SEO. It'd be insane. Mm-hmm. Oh, shit. Mm-hmm. Okay, go on. What were you going to say?
Starting point is 00:59:26 That's it. I'll bring that up like 100 more times until I see them put that back. No one needs to tell Don about that. Probably doesn't even know. Don probably doesn't even know. Probably never even heard that. I bet you're absolutely right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:39 And, I mean, I think it was being talked about in the thread today that the last thing that was uploaded to the CrossFit journal was in December 23rd of 2018. And it was the killing the fat man series. Um, okay. I wanted to address this question and someone you'll probably have to help me out with this a little bit, but he said my question for seven on, and maybe Greg has said it before, but what was the plan for the NSCA settlement? That was already the wrong choice of words there patrick was the plan to stay within the top level leaders of crossfit now it's about i'll let you speak on this because you're you know way more
Starting point is 01:00:16 about it than i do what can you pull oh what was the plan to stay within the top level leaders of what's that mean what was the plan what's that last sentence i don't understand it i i get it it's basically were they gonna keep what happened with the nsc case only in the top level of leaders in crossfit where they got basically just gonna keep it hush hush except for in that main group or were they gonna talk about it you you so for those of you don't know there was an um susan should have greg on explain the whole thing and Russell Berger. You guys can't even believe the fucking NSCA case. It is gnarlier than a Grisham novel. It is fucking wild. But basically, the NSCA was the largest fucking certification fitness group in the United States.
Starting point is 01:00:57 The CrossFit showed up on the scene and fucking decimated them on accident. Not only – it became the only place you could get a certificate worldwide they were doing more certificates in a weekend than fucking nsca was probably doing in a fucking year it was fucking nuts and um and so nsca basically uh in their journal published a paper that said crossfit causes injuries and basically they've greg uh found all the people who were in the study and sent lawyers to their house, and the lawyer's like, hey, can you tell us if you were injured? They're like, no, I wasn't injured. Not a single one of them was injured.
Starting point is 01:01:35 And then Greg's dad found the original paper and found the notes where they said, hey, we won't publish this unless you put in injuries, and it only gets more wild from there. Cell phones being flushed down toilets, iPads being smashed with hammers. We won't publish this unless you put in injuries. And it only gets more wild from there. Cell phones being flushed down toilets, iPads being smashed with hammers. The corruption was crazy. Then what happened was this. I think this was a federal case.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Then they sued Greg, countersued Greg in California because Greg, I think, called them retards or something. Called them soda whores. They countersued Greg in California, which opened up the second case. And in that case, Greg asked for discovery and found out that they were giving them things in that case that they said in the original case didn't exist. And the two fucking judges got together. And this never happens in law. And I'm cutting out a lot of the stuff. But basically, the judge said – and NSCA, by the way, dropped that case because they got fucking decimated. They found over a million hidden documents and found fucking collusion with the NSCA and Budweiser and Coca-Cola and ESPN and all these people who were involved on some level with the demise of CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:02:41 And you know why, because he doesn't support any of those lifestyles. And so, um, what ended up happening was there was settlement after settlement after settlement being offered. And they went through like six legal teams there. A matter of fact, when there was one settlement offered and their insurance company said, Hey, we're not going to pay CrossFit this money because we only pay if it's like an accident you know like your insurance won't cover you like if you get in a drunk driving accident it's only if you're sober something it was like that like the insurance company was like hey because there's so much fraud here on your part we're not even gonna yeah so they started suing fucking the nsca and it just
Starting point is 01:03:21 got crazy and the judge kept saying to greg when are you going to settle this and greg's like i'm when the discovery's done we want more more and so the judge said this and i forget what it's called if there's a lawyer they can tell me they said hey this isn't even going to go to a whether um these people are innocent or guilty this case will never be tried as a judge i'm saying they're guilty right now because of all the fraud and lying they've done and the only thing the jury is going to be there is to determine the amount of the money that happened in the united states america that shit don't happen judges like fuck it they're guilty there was not even a fucking trial or nothing the most guilty yeah the quote was the most egregious case that has ever come across their courtroom and and it wasn't to stay
Starting point is 01:04:03 within the top levels of the leadership of CrossFit. What does that mean, though? What does that mean, stay within the top levels? It wasn't talked about. And the thing was, it was talked about. Oh, Greg, we made so much media on it, and Greg was never going to settle the case. He wanted to kill them.
Starting point is 01:04:18 He called them a cancer that needed to be cut out. He was bleeding them dry from every angle. He was using every single legal resource to fucking decimate them they were begging they were begging for settlements and it was fucking nuts and greg would talk about it everywhere and anywhere he would even the stuff that he wasn't supposed to talk about or the judge said he couldn't he would he didn't care and greg's metaphor was this do you know in the Western movies when the good guys are dragging the bad guy around by his ankles, he's all, there's no destination. That's what I'm doing. I'm not – there's no – there's no settlement. There's no amount of money. But there was one thing he would always say fucking once a week I heard it.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Sevan, the only thing I care about is that this case is never sealed. I want everyone to always be able to go back and look at this. This is a museum-quality specimen of corruption of the highest order in the sciences. Yes. And then he sold it and he settled it. And here's what I would say because when Greg talked about the corruption and basically he in memory, he did the crushed soda tour. And part of the thing that he would say all the time on on that crushed soda tour is I don't want soda out of the grocery store. I don't care what soda does. I just don't want them in our exercise sciences.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Yeah, yes, yes. He didn't care. He'd be drinking a Diet Coke, a Jack and Coke and be like, yeah, I don't give a fuck if you drink it, but it can't be in the sciences. And then here's what they found out. Doctors just say shit, yeah. William Kramer, who was the guy who – Falsified the paper. Editor of the NSCA's journal, yep. Yes. They found out that the American Beverage Association was the only reason that the lights stayed on in that building.
Starting point is 01:06:00 And they funded William Kramer, and they were funding stuff with the NSCA. So what you had was this corruption coming into the exercise sciences from the American Beverage Association directly. And Greg basically started digging through and was unearthing that. And I will say this, that the NSCA was our Jeffrey Epstein. And the new regiment at CrossFit was the people who turned off the cameras and said he killed himself. Wow. Wow. That's all I've got to say about that. Yeah. When Greg's on the show asking me, he'll go off.
Starting point is 01:06:37 It's crazy. The stuff – I'm not – the kind of the bizarre twist it took, I'm even leaving some shit out. I mean there was every there was sex violence and rock and roll it was crazy patrick clark dana see it was consolidating all their finances in preparation for them to declare bankruptcy protection to try to avoid paying out i'm sure i think that maybe they even tried that but they had all their shit frozen i think that basically all their shit was going to be given to greg like their buildings and their shoes and like i think that they were going to be given to greg like their buildings and their shoes and like i think
Starting point is 01:07:06 that they were going to get just completely fucking ass pounded yeah i remember hiding in the back of a ddc l1 um and they brought everybody in from the lecture hall and they said hey come into the l1 that's happening right now greg's gonna give a talk and i like squeezed as far up against that back wall as i could and i I was listening to him talk. And he had said during this discovery that they had found something of 200,000 messages going back and forth from email and text to these people about this case and trying to cover it up and everything else all the way up until that they hoped something bad would happen at the games to slow us down.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Dude, it was crazy. It was crazy. Yeah. Of course there's's you know when um pepsi when pepsi spends 300 million dollars a year just on billboards advertising gatorade i use billboard as a metaphor for just just advertising gatorade 300 million a year yeah of course there are people who've speculated that hey like why not just buy crossfit and make the whole thing go away so so of course that's that's been um speculated forever speculation i don't think it's true but but but a lot of people i know think it's true
Starting point is 01:08:20 um all right cool so the moral of the story is frank needs to go to pepsi and get money to buy the company there's there's one thing you've learned this evening i have hung out with frank he's a fucking mellow, cool dude. Chill. Threw down. I had, or every, everyone seems cool when I have four pineapple margaritas, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:53 And, and, uh, and he's a CrossFitter through and through. Um, yeah, he's, he's, he's a,
Starting point is 01:08:58 he's a, he's a CrossFitter through and through. Uh, all right. Um, in summation, uh, Don, we saw don's balls um people like frank are concerned and making moves um and um dave is interested in keeping his job which is
Starting point is 01:09:14 like i'm interested in keeping my job too i'm scared to death after what happened to mark bell okay uh we are trying to get um jorge venter on here at 6.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. He is the leading border reporter in the United States today, and we can ask him just everything that's going on. Are we about to go into a civil fucking war? Are we going to watch Texas and the fucking U.S. government go to war? I'm getting uneasy after you just said we're terrified what happened to Mark Bell and then announced our next guest coming up. It's going to be only on X.
Starting point is 01:09:52 That show's only on X. Maybe we should only do that show on X. It'd be interesting to see just what happens. Say that again, Tyler? It'd be interesting to see just how many people go over and just watch that on X. I'm going gonna re-download it and fix it because i haven't had twitter in a while all right well thank you oh sorry x twitter we're uh uh buying it non-binary all right guys thank you and tomorrow morning uh the president of go ruck good friend jimmy
Starting point is 01:10:24 letchford, hang out. Shoot the shit with him. See how he's doing. He's got a bunch of kids, too. So it's cool. He knows some shit about raising kids. Love you guys. Frank, thanks for joining in the chat.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Talk to you guys all later. Is there a new Spiegel shirt? What was that? I'm Bo-bye. is there a new Spiegel shirt? What was that? I'm BoBi

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