The Sevan Podcast - Rich Froning | The Right to BEAR Arms

Episode Date: December 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 What's up? Good to see you. Good to see you. What are you doing? Just hanging out. Hotel room. Hotel room living. Hey, do I look red?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Why do I look so red? Does it look good to you guys? Okay, good. Okay, good. I feel good. It's a little early for me, but I feel great. Where are you at? Arizona.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Arizona. How are you doing in Arizona? Greg lives here. Oh, nice. Hey, guest today, Rich Froning. I'm here. Matt Souza is here also. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I want to tell you guys something real quick. Is my mic too loud? How's that better? No, it's how it was before. You sound great. You sound great. Who's being so self-conscious? Full blast. I've just great. You sound great. Who'd been so self-conscious? I've just got a new setup here.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I have to be self-conscious. I'm concerned about the masses. Carried about what you look like. Carried about your sound. Phone works. This is my first little run with this particular movement. Listen, throughout the day, I think about you guys. Thanks. Not you, Rich. I think about Judy. I think about you guys um
Starting point is 00:02:05 not you Rich I think about Judy I think about Cave Dastro I think about all you guys throughout the day right but you have to remember like I don't really like expect you guys to have a level of um detachment from the show
Starting point is 00:02:21 Audrey of course yeah think about you when I tell you guys that um if you send your kids to school you're a shitty parent you just dropped your kids off at school rich yeah i did we're actually looking at homeschooling i think that was rich no i'm here oh i can't hear him can you guys hear me we lost you and i can hear it what the fuck happened to my what's going on with my shit? I don't know. Yeah, I can hear him. Good.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I've got these wired in Apple headphones. Could you guys hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Okay. Okay. Okay. Uh, did you just, so when I tell you that you're a shitty, uh, um, uh, parent for, if you agree with that, listen, I expected there to be half of you to be out there to be so confident in your choice of sending your kids to school that you're like hey
Starting point is 00:03:09 i'm letting that slide like i like i'm not um uh i i'm totally open uh to being wrong and and i'm totally open to speaking in uh hyperbole now don't anyone get... I'm offended. I'm triggered. I'm going to unfollow you. Anyway, I love you guys. Enjoy the show. Take what you want from it and throw the rest away. I have a blast with you guys.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Some of you probably found the greatest school ever that's a thousand times better than anything that I'm doing with my kids. Are you apologizing right now? No, I'm not apologizing. I hope not. Is that what we're supposed to be doing on here? Do I'm doing with my kids. Are you apologizing right now? No, I'm not apologizing. I hope not. Is that what we're supposed to be doing on here? Do I need to have my apology ready? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Greg, what do you have to say to the masses for killing that bear? Nothing. I can't wait to eat some bear meat. Hey, they're really going to make sausage, bear sausage? Yeah. Yeah, chorizo and other things, other sausages and soap and all kind of stuff out of the fat it's pretty versatile meat pretty versatile animal versatile animal what's what's the guy's name that um makes the sausages is it carlos uh no his name is dave dave curtis he look he needs to
Starting point is 00:04:18 change his name to carlos he's such a carlos dude dave's the man dave's uh dave's the one that talked me into doing leadville last year um and what what's crazy about how we met dave curtis was remember we did that moto tour a couple years ago with castro when we were in leadville uh no okay when we were in leadville it was like me dan josh dave um who else oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i remember that i remember that pretty that pretty much ruined your guys's friendship that was cool yeah yeah for about a week and then we were good um yeah that was dave would just get so mad that we just wanted to hang out dave wanted to ride 1 million miles a day uh right and so and we wanted to work out he didn't understand that um and so uh we were in leadville colorado at a at a campground and we wanted to work out. He didn't understand that. And so we were in Leadville, Colorado, at a campground and we posted a video.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Dave posted a video or a picture or whatever. And next thing we know, we're sitting at this fire and somebody just walks out of the darkness. And he's like, hey, this is really creepy, but I literally live right next door and just wanted to bring you guys some beer and hang out and so that's how we met dave curtis and then we've become friends throughout the years and hunting buddies and um yeah really cool kind of like full circle story a couple years later wow that is a trip now guys listen this rich is claiming this guy's name is fucking what did you say dave curtis dave curtis listen people this is not a dave curtis i've there's no dave curtis Rich is claiming this guy's name is fucking, what did you say, Dave Curtis? Dave Curtis. Listen, people, this is not a Dave Curtis. There's no Dave Curtis that looks like this. This is straight Carlos.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Wait, hold on, hold on. There he is. There he is. Look it. Please. I'll tell Dave. Carlos is awesome. We'll have him change his name. Carlos is making some chorizo.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Dude, that's carlos hernan carlos hernandez uh first generation ecuadorian uh holy cow that is uh he also that looks like the guy that works at the hawaii trail run you know what i mean the the guy at that gym you know what's that guy uh what's that guy's name juan well yeah yeah carlos and ju are brothers. Long lost brothers. I'll see if Dave has any brothers named Juan. Dude, there's no way his name is Dave. Maybe that's part of his...
Starting point is 00:06:34 Maybe he's witness protection. I would believe that. That's exactly what I was thinking, dude. That's exactly what I was thinking. My name is Tom. Oh my goodness david i mean you see it right there's no david there that guy's ethnic as a mofo yeah my name's charlie by the way i'm charlie ben davidson you know who's on our media team he's very he'll ask you whatever question anything like there's nothing off the table and he just looked at dave when we were hunting um in archery season he looks at him
Starting point is 00:07:09 and he said what's your heritage and dave's like what are you asking and he's like well what are you you know so it was pretty good and what is he uh i think he's uh you were too busy enjoying the question to hear the answer he's uh mexican and then uh i think he's black too so i think he said latin american and and uh ben's like what does that even mean you know like asking him um you know what it was what what exactly ben wanted like his you know so my takeaway from that whole video is um what what's the cook like after all that shit you guys go through what what what if this is a cook that's the only thing that's all you got not anything about the same clock not anything about the story not anything about you know
Starting point is 00:07:58 any of the the cinematography anything nope not me and matt fighting back and forth hillary hillary watched it yesterday she usually doesn't watch the videos and she's like you and matt are so mean to each other and i was like yeah we've been best we've been best friends for 30 years like that's just what you do you just you know you just talk shit to each other was there um in the beginning there is that scene that it seems like there could be a little tension oh no you don't normally see people push back on you you're like me, hey, let's do this way. He's like, no. No, me and Matt, I mean, literally, we're brothers,
Starting point is 00:08:31 and it happens all the time. Like, we were working bison yesterday, and we're dog cussing each other, and it just is what it is, you know? And then you walk away, and everybody's like, are you guys still friends? We're like, yeah, absolutely. You know, there's no part of me that would even question that. What's dog cussing
Starting point is 00:08:45 just lots of cussing is it like i'm someone this is a family this is a family friendly uh you know podcast i can't say any of the words but yeah yeah yeah please so it's a lot of cussing dog likes how like not cussing but cussing yeah like dog you yell at a dog like dog does something bad you know you it the same word? Go ahead, Susan. I said you stupid SOB. Why would you put it that way? Yep, exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:12 But it's cousin. Cussing. Dog cussing. Dog cussing. But it's from the word cussing. Yeah, for sure. You just put an apostrophe. You drop the G and put an apostrophe over the N.
Starting point is 00:09:23 That's what we learn in Tennessee schools. Cussing. Like bussing. Dog cussing. Dog cussing. Someone would just unleash on their dog. I actually have a friend or two that every time I'm on the phone with them, they're yelling at their dog. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I got a dog like that. His name's Bill. To berate in a hateful or vicious manner using a various and sundry profane word sundry sundry i don't know click that word seriously let's see what that is a vocabulary lesson here this is a oh urban dictionary yeah this is a real vocabulary list yeah this is real this is real it's got to be real is this various items not important enough to be mentioned individually all right yeah they don't really make sense i wonder if my mom knows that word yes you guys so you guys were rolling uh uh tell me about this how much is a bear tag um so the elk tag was i think seven hundred 700 and then you just do an add-on bear tag it's an
Starting point is 00:10:27 over-the-counter tag um i think it was 114 depends on what unit you're in meaning meaning geographically where you are yeah so basically whatever all the whatever state we'll take colorado for um well balloons happy birthday um we'll take uh color, um, well balloons, happy birthday. Um, we'll take, uh, Colorado for instance. And it's, it's divided up into different, um, units. And so some units are what they call over the counter where any old jackass like myself, you could just show up and get a tag depending on how many are left. Um, and then some units where either there's less animals or more high-quality trophy animals might cost you points, and you can apply for points and get points. It's really a very confusing system unless you know somebody that knows what the hell they're doing. Okay, let me ask you this question.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I'm poor as shit. I only make $89,000 a year. I mean I am poor. That's California poor for sure. I am fucking poor. I'm picking up cans. I save my cans. Yep. You get five cents in Colorado or California? $3 a can. $3 a can. Wow. Hell yeah. Good job, Newsome, man. After taxes, you pay them though. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. Well, you get $3, but they get $5. You have to pay them $5. I am poor as shit.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I make $89,000 a year. I'm driving my car down to where I see the, what's the shit? Low fuel light? Oh. Yeah, that too. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're just, no, but that's, you're just being environmentally responsible there, right? I – I'm six months late on paying my gardener who I pay $500 a month to keep the property nice.
Starting point is 00:12:15 You know what I mean? Carlos? Yeah, Carlos. Actually, what is his name? Carlos. David? Javier. No, Javier.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Javier and Javier, two Javiers. I – you know, like I have the cheap, cheap, dirty, cheap cable package. Why don't you use it to your kids to cut your lawn? $2.75 a month, I have the cheap cable package. I can't even watch all the football games. It's only $2.75 a month. Why the fuck would I want to spend $700? Why can't I just go shoot an elk for free?
Starting point is 00:12:43 It sounds like a fucking racket. Why do I have to spend $700? I, why can't I just go shoot an elk for free? It sounds like a fucking racket. Why do I have to spend $700? I need food for my family. Well, because... I don't want to spend $700 to shoot an elk. That's bullshit. I should be able to do that for free. You should go buy a house in Colorado.
Starting point is 00:12:57 You can get a $50 elk tag. But since you're coming from out of state, you have to pay more, and all that money goes back into their state. Oh. If you live there, you have to pay more and all that money goes back into their state oh if you live or you or you could donate yeah donate conservation to their conservation fund you know that's what all the vegans do right that's what they're doing for the environment is they're donating all their money right do they know where that really goes the bullets bullets hey okay so is that true for every state if i so so yeah a lot of states well i'm pretty sure every state every state that i've ever hunted in
Starting point is 00:13:33 you pay way more as a resident you get some type of break like um i'm don't quote me on the 50 but i'm pretty sure it's close to like 50 to uh apply for a tag. Okay, I feel better about that. But if I'm coming from a different state, they're going to gouge you, which, I mean, hey, if you've got the funds or if you want to raise some money for your supply and demand. Okay, okay. That makes me feel way, way, way, way better. And that money goes back into the habitat for the animal. It goes into paying for people to do studies, watch out for the animals, set bag limits, all those types of things. Yeah. The other day, a rat climbed into my van.
Starting point is 00:14:19 You could shoot that. Yeah. I had to get to the toyota dealership it got caught in the the where and that was that was fifteen hundred dollars i'm like did did anything break no sir no why is it 1500 bucks we got to sanitize that we got to sanitize that you don't want to get bubonic plague someone got to know some windex and a rubber glove and did that hey service fee man we changed your cabin filter yeah that's cool yeah you did yeah you did did you get to keep the rat bring it home and eat it no but you know what the guy actually did say he's like hey man when i came in there he's like oh you're so lucky i go why he goes
Starting point is 00:15:03 there's a guy working in a mechanic here today who just specializes in this he loves it he's like oh you're so lucky i go why he goes there's a guy working in a mechanic here today who just specializes in this he loves it it's like you know like when you get your kid gets in an accident every parent says the same thing oh we're so lucky the best surgeon in the world was there today for that right you know that story you've heard it like a hundred he specializes in this i was so lucky fifteen hundred dollars later 15 you lucky sob 1498 oh it was a fifteen hundred dollars you're lying i know 1498 verbally there are some there are some good parents good parents that send their kids to school too but you know man what did you do what'd you do you you go all assault on the public school system or public and private? I always do.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I say all sorts of weird shit. Like if you have a tattoo, you have mental health issues. If you have a septum ring, you have mental health issues. And these people fucking flip out. And it's like, hey, you're the one. Like if you don't, then you don't. Just be cool. Just be confident in it.
Starting point is 00:15:59 You're like, oh, someone got that one wrong. Yep. I know how that goes. Okay. Suppose one dead animal and people lose their mind when you or five when when you are thinking about i know you take scott everywhere so everything can be a fucking write-off oh let's start here why why not start a hunting um channel like tdc did maybe that's what we're doing oh okay oh you're pivoting the one you have yeah why though why not keep that one why not start a new one i think we are no we are we're gonna start i'm not saying because no i'm not saying because people are offended
Starting point is 00:16:36 either i'm just thinking it's nice to have yeah yeah no i think that that's where stuff will go um you know we're we're um there's such a value, I think, in fitness and hunting. Some of these guys go out there just ill-prepared. When you get out there, it's a mental, physical grind. use CrossFit for the hunting space. And so a lot of guys are immediately or instantly turned off when they hear the name CrossFit. So if we can kind of ease them into our side and bring them to the dark side and show them how much benefit there is if you actually do it the right way. And so, yeah, the idea is to just get more people, like even, you know, it's a big, large community of people doing or that are hunting. are hunting. Um, and we want to, you know, show them how awesome it is that if you go out in the woods and you're not necessarily worried about getting this thing out because I physically can't do it or, um, getting to wherever that animal is,
Starting point is 00:17:36 then, um, the more confident, more prepared you are in the mountains or in the woods. Dude, tell me if I'm wrong wrong but it's clear as day to me that i don't want to ruin the video for people but as nightfall is coming you're still in pursuit oh yeah you and if you weren't a crossfitter there's no fucking way you'd have done that no way no way yeah no your average dickhead hunter is not like with the fucking beer gut is not doing what you did but but but i think your average crossfitter actually, I don't think it would be the fittest man in the world to do it. I think like I would, if I was there, I could have done it.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah. I think so too. And like just CrossFit shit, like, Hey, put your head down. Just go, just go. And you know, and that's, what's awesome about like me and Scott, we train regularly for those types of things. And so, I mean, at no point is, am I ever thinking about, Hey, Scott, can we do this? Are you in shape enough?
Starting point is 00:18:26 Like if I say it, Scott's right behind me and we're, you know, at one point I wish, I wish I had a camera because we're going up and we were going after that bear, um, in the North facing slopes, there's still some snow and it was some of the thickest nastiest, just awful hillside. Um, like my knuckles had just scratches all over them because there were thorns and stuff. And I look, and Scott is face down in the snow punching the ground.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Oh, just because he's so frustrated? So pissed off. And I mean, that's how I felt on the inside because I find logs, and I'll kind of catwalk logs up. And Scott, he is all go and no show. Like he's going to fall off of every, there's no like balance beam or anything. He must've fallen 700 times when we were dragging that bear out.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Like he just gets going and they can't stop himself and falls. But like I said, Scott's not going to ever say, Hey, we shouldn't do that. He's going to go. But it's just funny. Like you, you turn around and he's punching the ground.
Starting point is 00:19:27 He's got his camera in one hand and he's just wearing out the ground. And so it's not only physical, it's mental. And just to know you have somebody like that that's going to go. There's no question ever. The funniest part about that whole, I guess it was the second day, he's like, hey, all right, we do an end of the day wrap up and that's that was in real time where he's like hey give me the end of the day and i'm kind of cinching my stuff up and i'm like it's not the end of the day and then as soon as i look i see elk over his shoulder and they were uh straight line about a mile mile and
Starting point is 00:19:59 a half away and i look at matt and i'm like we're going and so that was that actually happened the way it videoed out and so uh it was their bomb they're a little bum matt's like a little like oh matt's matt wasn't happy scott is like i said he's in he's going and it was matt's day you know that's kind of the funny we try to make it a switch where matt becomes the main character for that day and matt's come a long way actually you. When we first went to Montana, the first time we ever went elk hunting, Matt was 99% sure he got rhabdo on the very first day. And for the next three days, just sat in a tree stand. From what? We climbed a mountain with a guide. And the guide, he tried to take it easy, but the problem was I
Starting point is 00:20:40 was right on his hip the whole time. And so we just kept climbing this mountain, kept climbing this mountain all the way up to the top. about three quarters of the way he's like he could tell Matt was get slowing down a little bit so he's like hey why don't you just hang here glass a little bit you know if you watch this draw maybe something will pop out so me and him go back up or the guide go all the way to the top and we we look on the back side of this hill well it gets starts getting dark so we start coming down the hill. Well, we would walk 10 or 15 minutes, and Matt would come sauntering in about five or ten minutes later. And then we'd walk. We didn't get back to camp until 10 o'clock that night.
Starting point is 00:21:13 And Matt all night was talking about how he thinks he's pissing blood and, like, the room is spinning. He's like, I can't. I'm like, dude, you got to eat something. You got to drink. I can't do it. My stomach, blah, blah, blah. And so I'm not kidding. For two days, Matt laid the next morning. He would not get out of bed. He was like, I'm going. We'd paid this money to go this first time. And me and the guide go, we come back middle of the day and the guide's like, I can put you in a stand. So for the next two days, Matt sat in a stand and we always talk about it, but he was miserable. And so he's surprised he went again. I'm surprised. Oh,
Starting point is 00:21:49 I know. Yeah. Yeah. No, he's, he's gone now. I think he went one time we were all in the same group. He didn't hunt really with me. This is the second time we've hunted together since that time. And he was, uh, but he, he, he he's come to the gym some and actually gotten physically a little bit more physically prepared for it. So, you know, it scared him. I think that first time that, hey, maybe I do need to do something. But he's not a CrossFitter, Rich. I would say he dabbles in it. He you know, he's one of those that are hot and cold. He'll do it for a while, get on a good kick. And then they've got a son that's like a year old and he quit about the time bear was born but now he's bears getting a little bit more
Starting point is 00:22:29 self-sufficient so he started to come and um their their daughter does crossfit kids and all that type stuff but he's he's gotten a lot more um physically active for sure yeah dude even even when um i did the behind the scenes again this year and i hadn't done it in um i don't know a few years i trained for it just like i did the previous time yeah you have to 20 pound d ball and walk 10 miles with it like you really have to yeah you really have to prepare a few weeks before yeah you'll get you'll fuck yourself up especially if you're not used to being on your feet if you're not used to being on your feet that's a um the biggest thing a lot what we do is you know we use crossfit uh specific you know, we use CrossFit, uh, specific, you know, just plain old CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:23:07 And then about six weeks out, we'll start getting a little bit more, um, you know, specific on what we're doing. We'll push a ton of sleds. Uh, we've got a stair master. Um, you know, everybody makes fun of us for having the stair master, but man, it's such a good tool. We'll throw a ruck on and just walk on that for 30 or 40 minutes. You just, you CrossFit can prepare you
Starting point is 00:23:25 really well, but if you want kind of that next little spot, you got to specialize just a little bit on what you're doing. Like we know that. And that's what I did with mountain biking. You know, I did CrossFit the entire time getting ready for Leadville one a day. And then my second session that was normally, you know, a CrossFit session was just supplemented with more bike riding. And it's the exact same way we do it with with hunting what's their master do you have i don't even know uh to be honest so is it the one bill and katie sell i think so yeah it's did you get it from rogue uh i don't know where josh got it but i'm pretty sure they got it from rogue do you like it i love stairmaster
Starting point is 00:24:03 it's actually like if you are just kind of not really feeling working out at the moment and you just hop on that thing, your heart rate immediately spikes, starts burning your legs, and you feel pretty good about moving around, man. Stairmaster, it's kind of a hidden gem, I think. I want one
Starting point is 00:24:20 so bad. Oh, shit. That one's expensive. Yeah, it's almost $8,000. They're not cheap. Yeah, they're not cheap. God, I want one so bad. You'll probably's expensive yeah it's almost eight grand they're not cheap yeah they're not cheap god i want one so bad you probably haven't used one too craigslist that bitch you you use it pretty like more than you would think you know like i said if you even just hop on it for 10 minutes and get moving um it's surprising how high your heart rate gets you know like i said i'll throw a ruck on and we'll just watch a movie or something like that. That's what I like.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I like it because I could just be preparing for podcasts while I'm on it. That's why the assault bike is so good. Yeah. You can multitask. Yeah. And you can get shit done. Yeah, that's fucking cool. Hey, how do you know how to do all that cleaning stuff?
Starting point is 00:25:00 How do you know how to practice? Who teaches you that? Like the L thing. Guys. How do you know how to practice um you know that teaches you that like the l thing like guys there how do you know yeah guys like dave um watching youtube videos um you know really you you i've watched a bunch of youtube videos to do it and then it's just hands-on man and you just have to um you gotta have a you know a stomach for it i guess you know i think having the background being a firefighter and that type of stuff doesn't gotta have a, you know, a stomach for it, I guess, you know, I think having the background of being a firefighter and that type of stuff doesn't really bother me, but you know, they'll get some people in there that just like, you don't want to touch that. So, um, it's, yeah, it's something you gotta, you gotta learn. You gotta have somebody, like I said,
Starting point is 00:25:37 the first couple of times to kind of either guide you and tell you what to do, but you, the best way to do it, it's just to learn to do it. And I think it's a skill. I mean, I had never really cleaned a large animal. I'd cleaned large or smaller animals like turkeys and stuff. Um, but the first time you, you got out an animal and start quartering it up, you're kind of like, Oh man, this is a skill that is actually super beneficial. Um, you know, if anything were to ever happen or if you're ever out somewhere, um, it's, uh, it's something you just, just you almost take for granted in the in the world we live in now that it's so everything's so hands off. So in the video, it's just you and Matt and then you. Well, I guess Scott's there and you get the elk.
Starting point is 00:26:19 That was the first one me and Matt had ever done by ourselves. Matt's got a lot of deer and usually around here you you just got the deer and then you take it to a processor. Um, so that was our first kind of solo mission, I guess, with just me and Matt doing it. And so, uh, we probably took a little extra, uh, you know, we, we could have hacked off the bottom of the legs and save some weight and things like that. But, um, we just, we kind of just went for it. It was cold. So yeah, that was our first. On the safe side side you think you brought back more than you needed to yeah probably like just or at least kept pieces in in larger uh pieces than needed to be we could have divided it up a little bit better and there was only three of us to get that thing out
Starting point is 00:26:59 it's so crazy that i don't know how to do that. It's so crazy that you could be a man on planet earth and not know how to skin an animal. It's, it's like when I saw you doing, I'm like, God, that seems so weird that I don't know how to do that. It's really until you see it, you, you don't really think about that. Right. You know, like we're so disconnected from, you know, everybody wants to hate on hunting and hate on that type of thing. But where do you – that eats meat. But where do you think that comes from?
Starting point is 00:27:31 And it's – the farm has helped a lot with that I think too is like learning those types of skills or thinking about those things. And everybody wants to look at us at how we're – Are those all people who don't eat meat? No, that's the problem. I think. How do those people, what's their justification? Why would you get mad at someone for hunting? Because they eat meat.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Where do they think their meat comes from? I don't mean, I'm not trying to be a dick. No, no, I agree. I want to understand the mechanism or their thinking process. They say there's enough meat already out there that we don't need to take more meat, which is kind of bizarre to me. Wait a second. That's like – that doesn't make sense because if those animals are – we all know those animals are abused already and have a shitty life. So if you reduce the supply on those animals –
Starting point is 00:28:19 You're going to have to – Then you help – you actually – then less animals are abused. Yep. Am I thinking right on that no i mean i think you're thinking clearly i have an aunt and uncle my dad's brother is and his family are vegetarians and so at thanksgiving uh we're kind of like they're asking me questions about the hunt and i'm kind of like this is you know like someone in your in your in your family tree is a vegetarian yeah my dad's uh's brother is a vegetarian, his whole family. Wow, wow.
Starting point is 00:28:46 And so they're asking, you know, like asking legitimate – Rich Sr. has a vegetarian brother? He does. I'm processing this. Yep. The dude I know that I smoked cigarettes and drank beer with while you worked out in the bar. Yep, that's him. That dude's got a vegetarian family?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yep, yep, my Uncle Dave, his brother. All right. And so – and I'm kind of like at first, not awkward, but, you know, thinking I'm getting judged, but no, at no point. And then they were talking about how people at their church were talking about it. And they're like, oh, we probably shouldn't talk about this in front of you. And they were like, my aunt was like, no, this is, I think hunting is 100% fine. It's the industry farms is the reason that they
Starting point is 00:29:27 are vegetarians. So industrial farming. And so they were completely fine with it, which is, I don't know, for me, I was just, it was a weird, I thought it was going to be weird and it turned out fine. So it was cool to have those conversations is, is it's conversations, you know, like I'm not going to, they know I'm not going to be a vegetarian you know like i'm not gonna they know i'm not gonna be a vegetarian and i know i'm not gonna force meat on them and so it's just why can't we just have a discussion instead of people freaking out um i i do have a a pretty i do respect the fuck out of people who don't want to kill things for their own existence i think that that thought process is uh sound when you um um do you feel any emotional uh pain like like when when matt shot the animal in the video you're like
Starting point is 00:30:16 hey dude you got it and i saw it roll down the hill and i thought oh god i don't know if i that part might i might like feel my tear ducts turn on if I saw a big deer roll down a hill like that. So there's a there's an immediate, I think, excitement. And then when you get to the animal, there's 100 percent. There's some remorse to it. You know, like there is there is some remorse and respect. I think at times that is one thing that, you know, when people want to get upset about us posting or, you know, you see that emotional response, I understand them being upset about that 100%. Because Homeboy's done. His journey
Starting point is 00:30:53 on earth is done. Well, as far as we know, it's done. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what happens to that. I don't know what happens. It looks like it's done. It's done. But that means, you know, so there's an immediate excitement when you get to the animal and then you see the like life leave or you're there at the animal. There is some you're kind of like, damn, that that sucks. You know, there's that part of that. Then there's some respect of, hey, this animal will go to like I've, I waste a whole lot less meat, even 100% from that animal, but even from animal or from meat we buy at the store or anywhere else, because now I see the, you know, there, there, you can connect to the, Hey, there's a life lost. And there was a kind of a trade off here. And so I'm way more, and as bad as that sounds, like it took that for me to be, you know, you're already in 1% of 1% with what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Most, yeah. Most of that meat away, you know, like we don't need that meat. And now I'm like, oh, Hey, we're going to use these leftovers or we're going to do whatever. And so, um, I, I, you know, everybody wants to say it's, you're a horrible person for, I think it's made me a better person on that respect for it is that hey this this is a life there's no disconnect from here when you see that life leave when you see all that goes into it um it's it's completely different for you uh joel kelly uh seven drop a pair like like nuts why on earth are you trying to apologize at the beginning of this um i have no issue uh i have no issue apologizing but i'm not apologizing i'm trying to explain that the
Starting point is 00:32:30 how i would like you guys to take this show i don't want you guys to like be um i don't want to browbeat you guys like like if you're confident in the fact that you have a septum ring and it doesn't mean blue hair and you're and you don't think you're a woke douche but but i think that that's a strong correlate for being a woke douche i'm gay it's a correlate it's a correlate it's not a like it's not an absolute right yeah yeah and i don't and i don't want to be and i don't want to be mean to people that's the thing like i don't care who you are like i don't want to be mean to people it's not it's not a character trait i want to have i'm just working on it that's it good for you good for you hey so so um i um i watched this um many years ago i was um i watched this uh pita video that showed like how like cows and chickens
Starting point is 00:33:18 and pigs were like brought to farm and i forced myself to to watch it because i'm like hey i eat so much fucking meat i need to watch this and um dude it took me three sittings to get through it like i was sobbing so hard that snot was pouring out of my nose and my wife's like what the fuck are you doing i'm like just giving myself a fucking healthy dose reality check and i didn't eat meat for like two weeks after that yeah um that's what your hunting trip is yeah but but but um like if you eat meat and you're not going to go on a hunting trip i mean there's it's not a correlate you're a fucking coward yeah yeah i've said that multiple times i think that's my you have said that sound bite yeah yeah like and and not if you eat meat and that's okay if you're a coward i got a little coward in me but well if you eat meat and are if you eat meat. And that's okay if you're a coward. I got a little coward in me.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Well, if you eat meat and are against hunting, then you're a coward, in my opinion. Well, even if you won't go on the trip, dude. Even if you won't go on the trip, dude. Dude, something's fucking dying for you and you won't... Hey, it's like people who don't... When they go put their dog down at the vet and they just fucking drop the dog
Starting point is 00:34:22 off and fucking go back in their car. People do that? Fuck yeah, dude because they yes they do oh that's cowardice you gotta fucking be there with it yeah don't don't um uh yeah yeah if you can't um if you're eating meat and you can't at least just suck it up you know and and take a gun and fucking shoot something in the head and go over and skin it and like just deal with it just yeah and if not you're a coward and if you're a coward that's cool too i accept you for being a coward i'm not apologizing i'm just saying yeah you guys just got a little fucking uh coward in you yeah or a lot i don't know what if they have a septum ring blue hair and they're a coward
Starting point is 00:35:05 is that another correlate like i i think that there's a lot of that are we still moving that way i i think that there's a uh california what's the line graph look like there um what what did i see here oh man if you want to do something i have one i do have a click are you going through comments? No. I'm looking. I have a clip down here that I thought, okay, if Rich really wants to get controversial, we can go there.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Also, in the video, you get the animal in one shot. Matt uses about $3,000 worth of ammo. When you edit that, it's like Scott, like, fuck it,
Starting point is 00:35:53 I'm making this dude look like he can't shoot worth of shit. No. I mean, this fire. We might have left it out if he hadn't killed anything. But the fact that he killed something. And the hard part was it's zeroed for me.
Starting point is 00:36:10 And I don't know 100% the math on this. Dave could probably tell me. But where my cheek sits on the rifle stock is a little bit different. So actually re-zeroing the rifle would have been better for Matt. And the problem was he had his own rifle. But there's a little knob that changes the minutes of action and so basically as the the bullet goes out it'll drop so you can adjust that so matt had his adjustment off on his rifle so he had to use my rifle is what happened you're telling so what is the reason why someone one scope i don't know so like the way my cheek sits on the rifle, I get a certain picture.
Starting point is 00:36:46 You know, the crosshairs are in a certain spot. And so if he's got a thicker cheek, you know, that's my only thing that we could figure out. You say something like that in the video too. You say, hey, when you set up a rifle, it's specific to the person. But I was having trouble believing that. I thought. Yeah, I don't know. Like out to 100 or 200, maybe not. But he he uh shot he takes the harder it is and you know people are
Starting point is 00:37:10 like oh he's missing at 500 why are you gonna why is he gonna take a thousand yard shot that was that was a joke if you notice us just bantering back and forth and winking at the camera and me making fun of him for having a sticker you know like, like I'm not going to, we're not going to take a thousand yard shot if he was missing at 500, you know? So, um, man, people, people read into the, like, they're looking for something obviously to, to get mad about, but, uh, yeah, you, man, and you feel bad because Matt is like, Matt grew up around guns. His dad, um, is one of the guys that taught me how to shoot guns. Like, so I was left eye dominant as a kid and I went over to their house and I'm trying to shoot right-handed, but left eye down. So he actually taped my eye shut for the whole weekend that I was there, this left eye. So my right eye would take over. And so Matt is one of the best shot. Like if I'm going to shoot with anybody and put money on
Starting point is 00:38:00 somebody, Matt's that person that I'd put money on. And so for him to miss was very uncharacteristic. And then what you see too is when the gun just doesn't load, the first time you can see him kind of lunge into the gun, but the second time there's no movement whatsoever. And so the hard part is it's like not his gun. After he shot it and missed those three times at that 500 yard shot and there's wind and all kind of stuff in there so um you know not shooting a gun and having shot a gun for the first time is is tough so it's just different um we'll get back
Starting point is 00:38:41 to matt in a second i want to go back to the cleaning thing. So how many, how many elk or how many animals have you cleaned? Is that what it's called? Is that what it's called? Yeah, you would, you would gut one and then quarter it or skin it, whatever it is. So I've now probably four, three or four whitetail that I've helped out to probably that I've done myself. One, two, four elk, four elk five elk now well we didn't skin mats we just we were so close to the road and then with that bear we just gutted it and then carried him out because it was uh I didn't want to mess up the hide because I will
Starting point is 00:39:17 I would like to keep that and my knife skills like I said I'm, I'm not super proficient yet. Um, and so I didn't want to mess it up too much. Um, do you want to be so good at it that like, I want it to be second nature, you know, like I can just hop in there and do it. You know, like, uh, we went on a guided hunt earlier in Idaho, um, to be, to, um, with a TV show and the guide said, the guys usually just shoot it, with a TV show. And the guide said, the guys usually just shoot it, come take a picture and leave. They don't help clean or do anything like that. And so I'm like, Hey, let me, you know, show me what I need to do here. And he was, luckily the whole group was like that, but he said, yeah, most, most people are just like, Oh yeah, just, you know, bring it to me at the house or whatever. And some people won't even keep the meat. So I had to ship my meat back from Idaho. They're like, hey, this is really expensive. At no point did I ever even question if I was going to send the meat back. I think it was in the range of $2,000 to ship this meat back.
Starting point is 00:40:16 What would you do? Just give it to someone else to eat? I wouldn't. Some people will. I'd just give it to whoever, or there's, um, there's a organization called, um, hunters for the hungry and you can donate meat. And so does the guide have 10 refrigerators full of meat? I would, I would assume, or maybe the processor or whatever. Um, we have a community freezer in the barn that, uh, people can just go grab stuff if they want some stuff out of the freezer. So it's all game meat. And then I'm actually – At Mayhem you have that? At the barn. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And so I'm actually – So if Haley's there or something or Guy's there, they just grab a fucking – If they want to. If they want to grab a pound of meat. Wow. Yeah, if they want to. Wow. And then I want to get a hanging fridge or hanging freezer for one of our sheds.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And then we – so this – the last couple of years – Like Rocky? Like Rocky? Yeah. Where you go punch the meat then we, so this, the last couple of years. Like Rocky? Like Rocky? Yeah, yeah. Just like that, punch it? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:08 The last couple of deer we've had, we had kind of a little weekend party where we ground up the meat, made our own stuff. And we had three deer that we just processed right there in the shed. So we didn't, so the hard part for me is if you know a processor and you've got like somebody that you that you trust to do it, then you know, your meat's coming back. But sometimes you take a meat, some take your meat somewhere and you don't know,
Starting point is 00:41:31 and who knows what comes back. Right. So, um, the more, more involved you can be in the whole process, uh, I'm for it. And so I think it'd be a cool, like you're saying, like, cool thing to teach the kids. The kids have been there multiple times when we've, um, you know, got, I'll send you a picture of Trice carrying this backstrap. Like they want to be part of it and see it. And, you know, there's, um, I mean, there's a, a, a biology lesson in there as well. Like, Hey, what is that? What is like Lakeland's holding the heart, you know, an important one that most kids won't ever get. Exactly. You know, you might get one in high school where you're, you know, dissecting a formaldehyde cap, but that's not real life. And you and your friends don't give a shit and you're just trying to fucking throw the genitalia at each other.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Exactly. Which that still happens at times. Did someone get some genitalia thrown at them when you guys were gutting the deer? It is what it is. I got you. Thatcha that's awesome here here's the uterus yep so but you know the kids are like hey what is that you know what you know what why are you doing that and so it's really cool when you see that kind of full circle of um you know they're not they're not gross violet at times was like oh i don't know if i like that you could kind of tell she was getting a little squeamish. But at a young age, if you can kind of get over that.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Because some people can't handle blood. It is what it is. They see the insides on the outside and they come unhinged. It's hard for some. It really is. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sousa was getting... You get a little queasy?
Starting point is 00:43:05 I forgot about that. It got fucking all... Did you get all woozy? Yeah, a little woozy. They wouldn't draw my blood afterwards. Really? Yeah, they're like, hey, all the colors out of this dude's face.
Starting point is 00:43:17 We can't do it. I'm like... You saw Hiller getting his blood done, and you got woozy? Yeah, I was with Hiller when he got his blood work done, and he's like, film this. And I'm like, okay, and okay and i'm filming it all of a sudden i was like i can't i can't watch this i don't know why and i had to look away and then when it was oh you don't even
Starting point is 00:43:31 know why just a reaction you have you don't even know like it's not like this is gross dude growing up skateboarding one time a dude clipped a rail came down bap his face but busted both the teeth out blood everywhere and didn't really have an issue with it but when it was sitting there watching hillary for whatever reason 20 years later i couldn't i got queasy i don't even know why yeah man i used to love roller coasters and then we went on a roller coaster and at no point am i scared i'm black we did like a little loop-de-loop thing with lakeland and next thing i know like i'm out for a split second like the g's of it awesome god i love that i'm like what the hell and then i get
Starting point is 00:44:05 off of my stomach is it right i'm like man you're such a bitch you know like i cannot do roller coaster i used to love them you know like i could do anything that wasn't spinny like a fair ride like those coasters you couldn't you could oh hell no no we had a uh i had a a sandlot moment as a kid we we just got out of a baseball game. We went to the fair, Putnam County Fair, and me and Matt, we were probably second, third grade or something like that. We're riding some rides. Wow, you really have known him a long time. ride and him and my other buddy are like well we're gonna go ride this ride i'm like all right good so i sit out a ride they're like come on come on i'm like all right i'm good i think i'm good we hop on it was almost identical to the ride on the movie sandlot and it's spinning around and i'm like oh nope it's coming so i'm trying to like get the guy's attention to stop it he won't stop it i puke onto matt matt pukes onto other buddy. My other buddy pukes off the side.
Starting point is 00:45:06 It was insane. How stoked were you when they puked? I felt better. I'm like, I don't want to be that guy, but as soon as they puked, I'm like, all right, I'm not the weakest link in here. I puked. He puked. He puked. It was a trained reaction. Felt so bad for the
Starting point is 00:45:23 guy that had to clean it up. I tried to stop. I'm like, hey, stop. Stop. He wouldnuked. He puked. It was like train reaction. Felt so bad for the guy that had to clean it up. But, hey, I tried to stop. I'm like, hey, stop. Stop. And he wouldn't stop. Misery loves company. Frogat, great to see Rich froning on. Been binging on so much OG Rich content lately.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Coaching my first class tonight. Oh, awesome. Any tips from any of you? Would be great to hear stories from classes Rich has coached too. Rich, any tips for this guy? Man, I think it's just have fun. They're there for you to teach
Starting point is 00:45:56 them something, but also it should be the most fun hour of their day and enjoy. I've been coaching a lot lately, but I've been going to the two o'clock class here at Mayhem probably been four or five times in the last month or so. So it's been a lot of fun and it's cool just to see, you know, see everybody and everybody getting in there in different levels. And you got people in there that want to push a little too hard and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:46:18 damn it, here we got to go. You know, so we did one the other day, Darren had it programmed. It was 10 sets. you did 15 cal echo bike and then max burpee box jump overs in 90 seconds and then you got a 90 second rest and i think i had to do 143 burpee box jump overs just to stay ahead of this other guy in the class i was like you bastard can't you just like mail it in you know so do you have any advice for him yeah use everybody's name at least like two or three times keep going just just use their name you know? So do you have any advice for him? Yeah. Use everybody's name at least like two or three times.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Keep going. Just, just use their name. Nice job, rich seven. That was awesome, dude. Good job.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Hey, rich elbows up. You can never, nobody in your class would ever say you didn't give them attention or they didn't feel the connection. I like that. Yeah. That's horrible with names. That's good.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Yeah. Um, when Scott put this thing together um did he what did he watch other um uh is this a genre i've never seen a video like this but i thought this one was really good i thought the fucking music was i was paying attention to the edit and i'm like wow this i watched it last i wanted to go to bed but i knew you were coming on so i watched it late last night and i'm like fuck but man the 39 minutes blew by and there was some tense moments and some moments where i'm like oh are they really fighting and then the the missing the shots and then right the late a couple of the
Starting point is 00:47:36 late pushes twice you made late pushes and then i'm like whoa fuck hillary's there what is she doing there yeah right i didn't know she did that shit so i was like how did scott know how to edit is that new for him a new genre or like what did you guys talk about it did he watch i think i think i think scott's a master at whatever he does um he does watch i mean he does a lot of research i think too you know as much as i've gotten into hunting he's gotten into it just as much um and i you know josh malone made the joke around here because we've gotten a lot of people on staff into hunting and everybody's like, oh, just because Rich is hunting, everybody's hunting now. Which I mean, is kind of cool, right? But I think, but my kind of obsession with it, I think has kind of bled over. Scott's like, he's all in and it's not even like his wife makes bone broth
Starting point is 00:48:22 out of the bones now and like we're using the entire animal. And so I think he has gotten into it just as much as I have, but from a creative aspect, like he wants to showcase the emotions that go into it. You know, it's not just walking out here shooting some animal and, oh, you know, like we always use the term it's hunting and not killing because it is so hard. People want to talk about, oh, you're using a high powered rifle against an animal, defenseless animal that, you know, but you're going into their their arena or their their where they live and they have all the advantages. You know, I prefer archery like I'll go on record saying I prefer to do it with a bow, that style, the more intimate, being close. But here's the deal. As the season progresses, you can use a weapon with more range because these animals throughout the season get smarter and smarter and harder and harder to kill. If I had more time and could leave my family for six to eight weeks, I would go multiple times within that six to eight
Starting point is 00:49:25 weeks archery and do it that way. I would 1000% prefer to do it that way. But I, you know, I don't have the time. And so we have gone rifle quite a few times, and it is still incredibly hard. And so I think Scott's trying to showcase the emotion of that there's such an emotional roller coaster of you know highs and lows and and getting close and then it not happening like if you watch our archery video from earlier in the year it's 50 something minutes and we do not kill anything but it's pretty cool how he captures just um how awesome it was like we we called a bull into 15 yards, one of the coolest experiences I ever had, and I didn't kill it. It was that close and to not have a shot. What happened? He ran? He ran?
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah. We call him in. I'm still learning a lot of the stuff. What I like to do is I like to learn by doing. We call this bull and we're trying to get the wind. You want to keep it from winding you because that's their strongest scent. so you're paying attention to where the wind is we're trying to get higher than him we almost similar to that bear where we dropped down went all the way up this hill and i mean it's some of the nasty at some point we're on all fours crawling through this brush and it's called oak brush and um it's just nasty and thick and so i keep calling to try to figure out where he's at but i'm also calling me and you're blowing yeah blowing in in archery you're blown into the the
Starting point is 00:50:51 tube and trying to piss him off basically or just locate him well i'm trying to piss him off and get closer and closer to hopefully keep him there and then maybe draw him in once we get into an open spot well so he thinks you're another male maybe he thinks he thinks we're yeah and so as i i make a mistake in getting too close to him and not having a shot right so we thought and that and that's a big thing about knowing what i mean the brush is so thick you can't oh it's awesome yeah it's incredibly thick to where you can't see i mean you can see but i'm not going to take a shot through a bunch of brush and take the chance of it missing where i'm trying to shoot and make a bad shot and hit him somewhere that, you know, is just going to injure him and not kill him.
Starting point is 00:51:31 And so as we're pushing in, pushing in, I think he's about 50 yards out. We sit down for a second because we'd close every 15 yards or so. I sit down and I look and this thing is looking. It had gotten up and it's looking through the brush doing this type of deal. And I'm like, Scott, sit down. And he's like, what? I'm like, it's staring right at us. And he's, where?
Starting point is 00:51:53 And I'm like, don't move and shut up. Like, shut up. And sure enough, this thing looks and it can't figure out what we are. So it takes off about 50 yards, right? So I'm trying to, I'm like, damn, it's gone. Well, when we start moving, we start moving some brush. Well, it thinks that we're – they'll rake trees to kind of show dominance or territory or whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:16 So this thing just starts raking trees with its horns. So I just start raking trees with a stick. Well, it would rake. And we just keep doing that back and forth. That's awesome. Then I call again, and he's only about 50 yards away. So we start the pursuit again, but he's moving away because I think he thinks we're a bigger bull and he doesn't want to mess with us. Well, we get into an open area and I'm like, oh, I'm an idiot. I should cow call thinking now he'll come back thinking there's cows. Well, as I call, 10 elk come up over this hill and we're kind of stuck.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Well, the problem is there's eight or 10 cow elk, and then there's this stupid little spike bull. He's a young bull. Then he has one horn and then a huge bull higher up. He basically sends this little one in like his tribute. And the bulls are male elk? Yeah, bulls are male elk. And so he's basically sending this little one in his tribute because you can bulls are male elk and so he's basically sending this little one in his tribute because you can't shoot them they have to have uh in colorado we have to have uh three or four points i don't remember now um i know every time we go what it is but it's three or four points and one has to be a six inch brow time anyway we i know that this is brow time a six inch penis no time, not brow pine.
Starting point is 00:53:29 And so I see this really, really big bull up the hill, but this spike is coming around, and he's about to wind us. And you just talk about the emotions of, like, you're full on, like, my hands are quivering. You have a pistol, and you're like, fuck this. No, no. But you do have a pistol in case there's a mountain lion or something, right? See, I need to start carrying a pistol, so I don't now. Oh, you're crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I know, I know. You're crazy. If I was in grizzly country, I 1,000% would. But yeah, now that I know that there's these mountain lions where we're at, I'll definitely start doing that. But anyway. Hey, dude, I was rolling with one of my friends the other day. It is in California.
Starting point is 00:54:02 California is sketchy. Just a regular person. Yep. and they open up their backpack and they had a fucking gun in there like you you carry a gun they're like yeah i'm like you got concealed carry they're like no it's california yeah in tennessee that tennessee that's legal i'm like it's gotten like that here this person is the last person in the fucking world you think would have a fucking gun. And you're going into the sticks without a gun? Yeah, yeah. Probably safer than California.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Never said I was smart, you know? Never claimed to be smart. So all those guys got away? Yeah. You can't shoot the girls? The spike busted us. This was early on in the hunt. early on in the hunt. And so, um, you know, day three or four, I usually go for a bull. And then after four or five, um, in archery, if it's an either sex tag, then I'll take a cow. But you
Starting point is 00:54:51 know, you want to kind of like the ideas is the beginning of the hunt. I want to go for a bull, but then towards the end, you're just like, all right, meat it is. Why do you want to, um, a dude? Oh, I don't know. There's just something to it like i know i knew that we could get a cow later on in the season because there's so many more yeah well they just they group up differently and then they split up and it's it's there's this kind of like weird how they their their whole biology works but that's way longer of a podcast um so so so scott like you see so you think scott has studied other hunting videos i guess
Starting point is 00:55:27 when at the end of the day like i think this was an incredible video i think so and i think he's also put his own twist on it you know i think he's um kind of taking what we do here at mayhem and kind of put his own flavor on it i think they like like you said they he captures him and even ben did one of our archery hunts two years ago that he wasn't even on when we killed the bull. And the music on it, man, it's just so like it captures the emotion really well because that's the hard part to capture, I think. And a lot of these is just the ups and downs of what goes on into these hunts. You know, it's not just like you walk out. We've yet to have one where you just walk out and you're like, oh, let's kill first morning whatever it is i mean we've had to work for it um does scott have uh two cameras with
Starting point is 00:56:10 him uh yeah he carries now as as we've kind of progressed he's got a kind of a longer lens camera and i actually okay i was wondering how he's getting some of those shots i actually stole i stole his i stole his uh uh tripod for a rest in that shot if you notice the shot that i take i was like give me that and he's like yeah but i can't get the shot i'm like we don't have a show if you don't like we need something you know so uh he was he was good about that yeah if you watch when matt is like matt's on a nice tripod matt's on a nice carbon fiber tripod that was the that was the same tripod i used so when i used it first so i'm like i've got that one he's trying to find two or three bedded down and he's like if you see the time lapse he's like moving around in the trees trying he's like i can't find
Starting point is 00:56:53 one i can't get a wrist i can't do this i can't do this blah blah and he's just so loud i'm i literally just take scott's tripod and i'm like all right we got a good shot. You know, where are you right now? Uh, I'm in Rory's office. Oh, cool. Yeah. Um, uh, TJ Crawford,
Starting point is 00:57:10 $10. Rich Froning Jr. I run a cattle ranch out here in Montana. Oh, that's where, absolutely. Wait a second. I read,
Starting point is 00:57:21 I read ahead. Sorry. I read ahead. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Uh, um, that's That's the Kevin Costner's Thing is in Montana Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:30 Yellowstone Ranch Rich Froning The fictional ranch I run a cattle ranch out here in Montana And then Rich jumped in and said Sorry I did We're fortunate enough to be located In an area with an abundant And then Rich jumped in and said, sorry, sorry, sorry. Go ahead. Not on the, I did. Can't hold it.
Starting point is 00:57:45 $10 worth. Oh, we're fortunate enough to be located in an area with an abundant elk population. Can you please give your phone number live here on the air so I can call you info at mayhem info at mayhem Um, yeah. And then just putting the title, uh, I have nudes of rich and then he'll for sure open and be like what the fuck i thought for sure i thought we got rid of all those dang i thought they were gone i thought i purged i thought that was on the private server
Starting point is 00:58:15 we have a burn we have a burn server here at mayhem you know like anytime you say anything stupid it's like oh that's going on the burn file oh that's and then maybe someday in the future all these guys are just keeping their jobs you know yeah awesome that's how scientology works they keep uh they keep all the crazy shit you've ever said you know shit tj that would be crazy for tj that would be incredible we'd love that yeah i want to go to montana that's uh montana uh arizona um and utah those are the places I've not been yet. Montana is incredible. The one time we did go hunting there. Julie Smitherman.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Julie. What's up, girl? My husband and I met Rich Froney Jr. during a spectator workout at Rogue. He worked out with a cool guy that lost a ton of weight. It was an awesome example of the value of CrossFit. Rich took pics and hung out after. What a cool dude. That was this most recent time? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:11 We had a couple of mayhem athlete spectator workouts. I try to get out there and hang out and have some fun and do some fitness. I think that was a ski snatch one. You did the Legends comp and you worked out with the common man? Yeah, the Legends.
Starting point is 00:59:27 The workouts, I did tear my hands, which I've not torn my hands in years on that killer cage. I kind of wish there was a little bit more structure to the Legends. It's a little bit harder on us. Oh, really? You do wish it was a little harder? Yeah, we had some fun. It's fun to get everybody out there. I wish there was like, hey, it's a little bit harder on us it was uh oh really you do wish it was a little harder yeah you know we had some fun it's fun to get everybody out there i wish there was like hey let's partner up um a couple months in advance you know your partner and then have some some events and we could you know figure out how to make sure everybody could be involved but
Starting point is 00:59:57 uh i mean it's fun to get out there what you so you would like it to be a little more competitive and a little just a little you think it's just all Special Olympics? Dear Bill and Katie, Rich doesn't want to be part of Special Olympics. No, I didn't say that. I didn't say that. It's fun. It's still a good time. But, yeah, you know, when people are like, oh, I can't do that.
Starting point is 01:00:14 So they just don't even do it, you know? Oh, oh, oh. You know? Yeah. Which I get. You know, we're out there and we're not making it. Josh Everett. Was it Josh Everett because he's old as shit?
Starting point is 01:00:22 No, Josh. Dude, Josh crushed it, dude. Josh was great uh i'm talking to jason having josh do some of his killer cage for him i love shit and i see jason drop down and josh jump up in the middle of the killer cage and i'm that's not fair come on jason's arms are too big he can't he has a limited time he can hold him over his head his triceps i mean i guess. Starts cutting off blood flow. What do you think about Jason's whole... He's gotten way into jiu-jitsu. Man, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I wish I had the joints and ligaments to do it. Everybody's like, you should try jiu-jitsu, but I just feel like I would get my... There's my left shoulders hanging on by a thread already. I don't need somebody tugging on it and just rip it off. But I think it's awesome. Anytime, anything you can do to, you know, still be competitive and, you know, find something to train for.
Starting point is 01:01:14 That's what I tell people. Even if you're not training for the CrossFit Games. For me, I need something to, I don't, I'm not a huge, like, goals. Like, I need a, you know, a month goal or something like that. I need kind of events or things to train for and a target, I guess. He's a fucking brown belt. That's crazy. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:01:35 That's gnarly. I remember when he started. Yeah. It's been, what, three or four years ago? Eight. Eight years ago? Holy cow. Time flies, right? what three or four years ago eight eight years ago holy cow wow time flies right he might he might
Starting point is 01:01:46 he might like uh i i suspect he's like legitimately dangerous yeah i bet i mean heck yeah he's got that much strength yeah that dude's dangerous before he's been doing jiu-jitsu now he knows what to do with it yeah he's deadly he went from dangerous to deadly yeah um allegra r allegra hey uh rich uh what a true legend just watch your podcast and video with cam uh haynes what great videos man cam's a man he's he's a cool dude um you know he joked that he'd never done crossfit so we sneakily snuck some he does crossfit like not pure crossfit he's you know he runs a lot and does the in endurance stuff but that's what i think it's funny when people are like oh i don't i don't do crossfit i'm like i mean you do functional movements you constantly vary them and it looks like you do stuff at high intensity so um you
Starting point is 01:02:34 know people just don't like he's 55 or something 50 50s yeah solid dude though good guy i mean what i mean but he's a solid dude? Like there's not a lot of solid dudes who are over 50? Why but? There was no but. There was no but. It was just he's a solid dude. I'm very sensitive.
Starting point is 01:02:52 I know, man. Do I need to do an apology? 56 years old, Cam. He's older than my sister. He's a monster. Is he on TRT? I don't know. I've never asked him uh young clark seve will you and rich come to scotland if bill and katie take rogue to scotland man i love uh that's one place i want
Starting point is 01:03:15 to go back that i've only visited very very briefly was edinburgh um such a cool city old but very clean yeah i went there once for a film festival it's cool and i think crossfit paid for it and so i shot some crossfit content when i was there too right uh sebi sebi have you met rich he works out numerous times a day i know but he's old i saw him in an interview recently where he says he worked only that works out six days a week now i don't think i said that i still work out some days a week no no i saw um uh in the uh let's talk about that for a second yep so um crossfit hq the the their their their content creation since 2018 has hit a roadblock. Just straight into a fucking wall. Boom. I'd be a roadblock.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Or into quicksand or whatever. And all of a sudden now they're ramping up production again. And it looks like that they're trying to do it with budget in mind. Fiscally responsible? Yeah, yes. Thank you. budget in mind to be to fiscally responsible yeah yes thank you and it sounds like someone has come up with the um idea because i think i've seen this a few times now and i think it's probably what i'm guessing what happened i don't know if this is true i'm just making this up but um charlie duby has a company called hamilton road i'm guessing hamilton road has some sort of contract with crossfit to produce content and so And so what I think that they've done is they took your video – basically the same thing I'm doing right here.
Starting point is 01:04:50 They took your video, they watched it, and then they interviewed you about the video, and then they spliced the two together. And it's on the main site. Have you seen – so Sean Woodland did an interview with you, and they spliced it together with the footage from – Oh, it's cool. They spliced it. It's a cool video. with you and they spliced it together with the footage oh it's cool they spliced it it's just a cool video they spliced it together with your hunting footage and and then they released it on their main site so you didn't even know that's what they were doing when you were doing that
Starting point is 01:05:14 interview with sean what did you think you were doing uh i he said we were doing a crossfit piece um i didn't know that they would use b-roll from us but yeah yeah it's it's it's way cool so basically he said so that's what i'm trying to get if i'm trying to get like the temperature on what cross is doing so he said hey we're making a piece and he works for hamilton road so he said we're making a piece can i interview because it's not he's not in his um his uh talking elite fitness uh yeah it was like a separate thing we did a talking elite fitness after which if you get a, skim through that and just watch Trice the whole time. Oh, I did.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I watched that. I watched that whole thing. I wanted like, you know, I keep it pretty well together on video. But Trice is literally, he's got this. And it reminded me of the, you know, the SNL, my dad's mayor. Why don't you put the crack down on him? Why don't you put the crack down on him? He was, I mean, he was just having fun. Are you a pushover, dad? Are you a pushover on him? Why don't you put the crackdown on him? He was just having fun.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Are you a pushover, Dad? You can ask my kids. Usually when it gets to about two, he's like, okay, okay, okay. Is Rich cool with that? You're in public. I don't think you had to put the smackdown on, but if it was bothering you, I'm surprised you didn't.
Starting point is 01:06:20 It was getting annoying. It really reminded me me if you see the my dad's mayor rudy giuliani snl with chris uh chris farley it's it was very similar to that um i thought it was a good mental test to see if i could keep talking and keep my train of thought with him jumping all over me but yes i did want to strangle him. I would give that interview an eight and it being the absolutely worst interview with you ever. Are you, Dave, a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you. Who says with TD Insurance because he's a claimsbing, driving, university grad who signed up online.
Starting point is 01:07:08 It's Dave. Not Dave? No problem. TD Insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So... You can totally save, just not exactly like Dave. Save like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you.
Starting point is 01:07:31 At Best Western, when you stay three nights this summer, you earn 10,000 bonus points. And while you're reliving your summer childhood road trip memories, they're creating new ones. So check into any one of our more than 2,300 hotels and make more memories to look back on. Here, we'll set the scene. Life's a trip. Make the most of it at Best Western. Visit for terms and conditions. That's all I got to say.
Starting point is 01:07:58 And I'm not blaming Trice. And you got tag team too, because then Lakeland came. Yeah, Lakeland came in too. She's like, I'm getting a piece of this. Yeah, she's like, let me get some famous in here. Could you tell her, hey, take your fucking brother out of here? I was trying to insinuate that. Is she capable of that?
Starting point is 01:08:14 Oh yeah, she puts the Smackdown on Trice on the regular. Yeah, Greg's kids are like that. His older daughter like... Everybody's like, oh, you let those you let them do that? I'm like, hey, they got sorted out themselves, you know, like everybody's like, oh, you let those – you let them do that? I'm like, hey, they got sorted out themselves, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:28 It's cool having the – it's crazy watching the girl run the – because Greg's four kids, the girl runs the show, the older girl. Matt said one time he – I was there or I was doing something else. He was sitting in the living room. We have an in-ground trampoline. She said – he said, Trice and Lakeland are, you know, going at each other. And he's like, ah, should I step in? Should I not? I'm going to let it play out a little bit. Trice knocks Lakeland down. Trice is standing over him. And she takes both feet and kicks him
Starting point is 01:08:56 up under the chin. And you know the movie Snatch with Brad Pitt where he's like parallel? Yeah. He said, Matt said, Triceice does that lands on his back matt jumps up to go help he said trice jumps right up and just starts like getting on top of her like they're full-on fight like he was like i thought trice died do you have a rule about head kicks i got this rule we have no head no head kicks i say no and my kids don't know and no like pushing from behind the one that bothered oh yeah i don't like pushing from behind. The one that bothered. Oh yeah. I don't like pushing from behind. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:09:25 come on. Like just, just if you're going to like, if they're running away, get in front of them, you know, like my Hillary doesn't, she does not do well with it.
Starting point is 01:09:33 She had a sister and she was, Hillary was kind of the, you know, keep a sister safe where our kids are just every man, every time they're together, somebody starts, you know, like it starts off fun,
Starting point is 01:09:43 fun, fun. And then all of a sudden it's just throwing, throwing swings. My kids will also grab each other's heads. Just fucking put a palm on your face, palm on the back of your head and just slam someone down. I'm just like, holy shit. Savages. Savages.
Starting point is 01:09:59 I'd like to go back to this. Seve, will you and Rich come to Scotland if Bill and Katie take Rogue Scotland? This isn't your question. I will go anywhere that Katie and Bill pay me to go. I love Bill and Katie. Pay for my travel. There you go. Yeah, in a suitcase.
Starting point is 01:10:17 First class. First class. First class. Just said that in there. Plus a suitcase. I want to sit between Bill and Katie if we go. I'm not joking. I know you we go. I'm not joking. I know you're not.
Starting point is 01:10:28 I'm not joking. All right, guys. This is going to be exciting. Except I'm going only if I can sit between you guys. Facilitated conversation. Bernie Gannon. So that's what they're doing now. Sorry, before we get to Bernie.
Starting point is 01:10:43 So that's what they're doing now. So when Sean asks you, does he say, say hey this is going to go on dot com and we're going to promote the hunting thing i thought it was kind of risky that they did that because you even say in the interview you're like yeah this isn't the most damaged goods yeah but but they embraced you and they put you on the front yeah yeah i mean we talked a little bit about leadville um and just doing things outside of the gym you know i think that's what we're all trying to do, right, is to get people to actually use their fitness. I think, you know, fitness in the gym is great, but you're not doing it.
Starting point is 01:11:12 I don't know how those Palestinian protesters are using their fitness. I don't need them using their fitness for that shit. That's true. That is true. That's not terrorism though, right? Can you denounce? Let's get double canceled here i'm down well i was watching i was watching the president of fucking like harvard the other day be interviewed by congress and they're like can you denounce um uh the demand
Starting point is 01:11:38 that all jews are killed as uh can can you say that that's bullying if you say that on campus that all jews must die? Bullying. And she's like, well, it depends on context. It's free speech, right? It's like, hold on a second. This is a college campus. This isn't like you in front of your – in your front yard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:54 No, hey, we're going to put a government ban on information about COVID, but you can tell people you can kill them. You can't – I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Free speech. Free you know i don't can you imagine can you imagine going on to like ucla with 20 year homies and being like uh we demand the death of all italians no and then then being like and it'd be okay
Starting point is 01:12:18 that is a peaceful protest peaceful or at least at. At least if you're the president of the university, you'd be like, hey, dude, legally they can do it. I fucking hate that shit. What's wrong with these people? How about bare minimum? Just being like, yeah, I don't want the demanding of killing of anybody on my campus.
Starting point is 01:12:40 No, absolutely not. Bizarre. Maybe just one bear and two elk you can kill animals but not people come on people that are against hunting have made threats to my wife that i hope she dies like what so that really happened that's that has happened she had a post like multiple i saw you say something on your podcast about that and i'm like that say what you want to me like i don't care um i'll wear your wife they did your wife i'm pretty sure there's a comment on one of her just recent posts it wasn't even to do with anything it was like i hope that gun malfunctions and you
Starting point is 01:13:12 die the same way that bear did what is what are like holy shit what is wrong with you people people i don't get it like i said come at me i don't care um i'll take it hey that's the kill to fight killing exactly kill a human racism to fight racism it's the whole thing is just ass backwards people who do that you should be careful yeah yeah that's true yeah you should be careful threatening people's like children and wives and like it's crazy man bizarre how does she handle it she she didn't i mean obviously it's she's she's tough she's super tough woman but uh yeah for sure that's you know somebody tells you they want you to die like that's yeah yeah it's gonna get at you a little bit so if they're over six years old you can't say that to someone yeah she was like maybe maybe we don't post another bear i'm like well i won't post you
Starting point is 01:14:12 in the bear you get the you need to get the last dinosaur yeah i'll go kill a alligator rhino a white rhino yeah in a zoo in a zoo do you think? What do you think about that? I do. I don't like these this idea. Maybe maybe it could be explaining to me. I don't like this idea of dudes hanging out in. Blinds that are facing feeders. Yeah. They feed the deer and then the dude shoots a deer was at the feeder. I don't really like that. and then the dude shoots a deer while he's at the feeder. I don't really like that. Yeah, it's not my style.
Starting point is 01:14:53 You know, at no point, you know, there's these high fences that you look at too and some of them are super big and whatever. To each their own, I guess. You know, I don't prefer that style of hunting. It's more fishing to me. It's, yeah, I don't prefer that style of hunting. Uh, it's more fishing to me. Um, it's, uh, yeah, I, I don't do it. Really? Fishing's in that same category? Wait, fishing's in that same category? No, no, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. But you're, you're luring something in with food and then, you know, it is what it is. I just, I, you know, I've gotten into whitetail hunting now that I've done more Western style. Um, it's illegal to bait in Tennessee, so I don't do it.
Starting point is 01:15:26 There's some states where it's legal. In Texas, they have these huge ranches. They breed the animals on there, and then dudes come on and shoot them from blinds at feeders. Is it better or worse than industrial farming? No, it's probably still better. Those deer will live a much better life. A good life until that point, as long as they're taking ethical shots. Like I said, I'm not against it if it's legal.
Starting point is 01:15:55 That's not what I like to do. Maybe with some hogs or something like that that are more detrimental to the – if a farmer is trying to keep hogs out from there, messing up their fields or messing with their cattle or anything like that, you know, it's, there's a guy named Robbie Kroger, that's, he does this thing called Blood Origins, and he's a conservationist. And basically, you know, it's, it's a nonprofit conservation company, I guess. And so he, man, that guy is very well, well versed. So, uh, on those types of issues, you know, it's, uh, it's different. Some people have just different styles of doing
Starting point is 01:16:31 things. Yeah. I guess if you, if you put it into the relative scope of things of just cows being fed drugs, packed in shoulder to shoulder, and then, and then when they get so fat and they collapse to the ground they're drugged to be butchered um fucking shooting something from that lived a good life yeah yeah you know it's like i said it's it's not my style but you know i i don't i don't have a problem with it if it's legal i feel like it's for people who are out of why do you care if it's legal or not i don't give a fuck if it's legal well i mean then at that point it becomes poaching and not hunting you know and i have a problem with poaching i don't have a problem with hunting i have a problem but but do i i guess i'm just taking it to this extreme dude if you're if like um you know if let's say one of these uh
Starting point is 01:17:19 freak things happens that everyone that occasionally these wing nuts will talk about about a uh something that takes down the american u.s grid right yeah and we go dark for fucking a month you're not gonna be like hey that's it no that's a difference you're not gonna be like i need a tag no you're gonna be like bring the dogs to the back we're starting with them here comes martial law you know yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean yeah that point, then it's all. Yeah. Gloves are off property. One leg, two leg, four legs.
Starting point is 01:17:48 You're getting it. And if you're edible, you're getting eaten. If it's Brown, it's down, you know, I don't know if you can say that. Rednecks.
Starting point is 01:17:54 I don't know if you can say that. Animals. Animals. Right. Okay. Careful. Jesus. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Sorry. All right. All right. I'm out. That was about you. That was about you, Carlos. Unfollow it again.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Bernie Gannon. Rich, would you ever consider bringing Sevan on a hunting expedition? Absolutely. Rich invites me. Every time I talk to him, he invites me. He's like, come on. Come on. Come on. It's that thing that they do in Tennessee.
Starting point is 01:18:22 Come on. Come on. It hasn't escaped the notice of Seonistas who care about him that he could seriously use some manning up. We'll cut that bun off and you'll be good to go. Holy shit. That would be amazing. A hunting video where I lose the bun. Yep.
Starting point is 01:18:35 What are you guys going to do when you find out it's not even real that I bought this on Amazon and just put it on? Hey, is the man bun a correlateora let though probably i don't know probably let me know let me know send me a text after the show i'll do it let's do it i'm in uh uh uh mike pool boy uh had rich hunted bigfoot yet you haven't seen him yet if i saw him i'd shoot him too. What, did you put Bigfoot down? Just kidding.
Starting point is 01:19:13 I'm kidding. Two fucking Armenian men just bathing in the woods and they get shot. Rich is like, sorry, Harry. Sorry, sorry. I thought it was Bigfoot. I thought it was baby Bigfoot. It's non-native and therefore invasive. You can shoot it.
Starting point is 01:19:27 You know, that's the thing in Texas. If it's non-native. Is that seriously true? I mean, I'm pretty sure. I've never hunted in Texas. That's New Zealand. That's the cool thing is like a lot of these species of animals are not native and are invasive. So there's no season for them.
Starting point is 01:19:39 As long as you've got landowner permission, you can hunt them. as you've got landowner permission you can hunt them uh rich i heard um uh i heard when the rates uh went up uh for the affiliates um that you guys uh the mayhem empire the executive team at the mayhem empire well i know you don't call them executive team i call you um knights of the court knights uh come came together and you guys started laughing. I heard you guys just mailed a few gold bars. Old bags of gold. Is that true? You guys are like 4,500 or piddly. I heard you guys
Starting point is 01:20:13 met. Here's some shillings. Here's some shillings. You told them not to talk to you to interrupt the court for another 20 years. Leave us. Here you go, peasants. There's bags of years. Leave us. Here you go, peasants. Just bags of gold. Chink.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Do you even have time to think about that? Are you just too busy making bullets in the barn? They've got to do what they've got to do to justify what they're doing. I don't necessarily like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:46 I mean, I think if there is some value to the name CrossFit, which I think there is, um, you know, I, I don't like the fact that you make two, uh, you know, you've got a, we're going to raise rates and you're going to have to be level two. Um, luckily the, the, the affiliate is in Josh's his name. He's the registered, um, because I'm no longer, I was up to a level three and then I didn't get my CEU. So I'm now, um, I'm not a level, any level certificate holder of CrossFit at the current moment. I'm a peasant, you know, I'm, yeah, I'm, um, I'm not even, I'm not even at the table at mayhem, you know, cause I'm not even a peasant. I'm not even at the table at Mayhem
Starting point is 01:21:26 because I'm not even a level one. Here's the thing. There's no fucking way if you don't take your level two. If Josh doesn't take his level two, they don't de-affiliate you. Just for shits and giggles, you should wait. Josh is too by the rules, man. Josh would not. There is no way.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Josh, if you're by the rules, you need to fucking wear a you're by the rules, you need to fucking wear a shirt that fits you. Oh, I clipped this and said it to him. Come on, Josh. Come on,
Starting point is 01:21:54 Josh. So, so, um, uh, yeah, so, so it's,
Starting point is 01:22:00 it's interesting. Cause you know, Annie runs that fucking Reykjavik gym with a thousand members up there. And, you know, it's no sweat off of her fucking Reykjavik gym with 1,000 members up there. It's no sweat off of her fucking back. But she still had some concerns. Well, I just want to know what value they're adding now. What value are you adding to increase those rates?
Starting point is 01:22:23 Yeah, you say inflation. They don't need to add inflation. Inflation should be enough of a reason, right? Fuck it, dude. Come on, man. It's been 11 years. increase those rates yeah you say we've inflation they don't need that inflation inflation should be enough of a reason right like fuck it dude like yeah it's been 11 years yeah it's been 11 years like we're not socialists like you can't fucking worry about every fucking peasant right feel like work harder yeah yeah i mean but you know you read some of the stories where people said they were promised that their rate would never go up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But there's – I don't think it's a blanket.
Starting point is 01:22:49 You can – every situation is the same. That's the hard part. Like we're in a situation where $4,500 – Greg said he would never sell the company either though. So I mean things change, right? That's true. And that's the deal. It's like things change and, hey, here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:23:05 If you don't want to pay the $4,500, don't pay the $4,500. It's as simple as that. Let me say something really crazy. Crazy. Hot take. Buckling. Yeah. You got another booster.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Excuse me. Was that it? Was I guessing? You think that that's the correlate of my man bun that i get boosters you got boosters you gotta oh my god greg asked me yesterday if he wanted me to take him he's like won't take you to get a haircut not a way to drop it can't afford it You were just talking about how expensive it was living out in California. Okay. You have this Mayhem affiliate program. I don't know a lot about it, but in my head, I make up basically what it is. Some people pay you a monthly fee and they get support for running workouts at their gym.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Programming and then also some business stuff. And, you know, we've got a pretty cool team that, you know, challenges and different things that we've done. And, yeah, you can say that you, you know, use Mayhem programming. Okay. I'm going to go over to, let me type into, can you type into Google Sousa Mayhem and then just go to images just see what we get what if i just want to take my gym like i'm like okay it's forty five hundred dollars is a lot it's not for me can i just put um uh over my gym takedown um uh santa cruz crossfit and put um no not that mayhem maybe type in mayhem from mayhem nation or something like that mayhem empire can i put
Starting point is 01:24:55 on my gym seven matosians mayhem empire huge on the rooftop of my gym and we don't we don't license the name mayhem um you know it's um we do have a map like an affiliate map of all the gyms that use our programming um we do have that so i can't do that you can't call yourself like mayhem we've never really gotten into i you know the who would i call if i wanted to do that uh probably jake which was jake foster or jake jake walker they're coming on tomorrow huh or sometime sometime you're about to get scienced up what is that so jake so jake yesterday he's been like uh he gets in these biohacking wait wait
Starting point is 01:25:38 before you say that before you say i really like the idea i didn't even think of until just now i really like the idea of Sevan's Mayhem Empire. There you go. Hey, Rory and Jake, talk to them. Partnerships with Rory and Jake's the programmer. I pay like 50 cents more or something on top of the $129. Someone did say, hey, how I'm going to afford this is that I'm going to stop buying my affiliate programming. Whoever it was from.
Starting point is 01:26:04 It's free now. The affiliate programming whether whoever it was from it's free now like the affiliate programming is free no from someone else is what i'm saying there you go hey gotta do it is it gonna be bad for your business for your business uh i don't i mean it is what it is you know like that's that's capitalism right like we gotta do a better job maybe that is the competitive move you do you start licensing out the name dude it would be a very powerful name to put on someone's gym. It's a beautiful logo. It's also very, hey, people are already intimidated by CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:26:31 We didn't really think about that in the beginning. People are intimidated by CrossFit. Now we're going to add the name Mayhem to it. Yeah. No, you don't even do CrossFit. You could even charge people. You could still say you even have to have your level one to be mayhem nation affiliate but maybe we just start our own
Starting point is 01:26:50 or our own uh certificate courses uh anyway i heard i heard you could take the level one and ask ai to rewrite it and it satisfies um copyright oh look at you. IP laws. Oh, look at you. I don't know if that's true. Okay, sorry. The Jakes. Okay, enough of that. So Jake Locker is really big. Let Jake know if they want to talk to me about that.
Starting point is 01:27:10 I got some ideas. I could be a podcast. Tell him tomorrow. Tell him tomorrow. Okay. Okay. So Jake's really into biohacking. I have a very notable short attention span when it comes to meetings.
Starting point is 01:27:22 About 45 minutes. Jake Foster or Jake Locker? Locker. Locker. And so i start derailing things right well when jake gets into like work mode he's tried to like you know things that help him and stuff like that so he started chewing nicotine gum every once in a while to like just get in the zone and whatever and he said it chills him out so yesterday we're having a meeting
Starting point is 01:27:39 and i'm like let me try judging the fuck out of him already i'm just so i take out of them i take a half of a piece oh the complete opposite happens full-on like energy through the roof can't sit still skin crawling yeah can't concentrate worst thing i've ever done to concentrate in a meeting. Nicotine's powerful shit, man. Holy crap. All day I was just like full on like hammered and then also just could not concentrate so much energy. So yeah, it was, don't take nicotine gum. I think what I've read is that almost confirms the fact that I have ADD. Oh, really? Yeah, because it's supposed to, I guess, chill you out a little bit.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Well, it's supposed to allow you to, it's not the word focus they use. Nicotine is, you know how you'll be somewhere and there'll be a thousand sounds, but you'll just be focused on what you need to be focused on? Not me. Not with nicotine. But nicotine's supposed to do that. to that's why baseball players like it so much because it allows you just to almost like uh what do they say you know get in the zone yeah no yeah it does the complete opposite for me it was like squirrel oh let me think about this let me do this let's do this i can't write it was one of the most
Starting point is 01:28:59 bizarre things i've ever encountered yeah nicotine is a fucking crazy drug. It really was. Ernie Garza, Rich, how long did it take you from the first time you shot a bow to hunting an animal? I drank the archery juice and now I want to dive all in. Two or three years. There is a lot of
Starting point is 01:29:19 technique that one goes into the bow, but then two within bow hunting, the range is way less. So you've got to like one, have a really good spot or no, or do a bunch of research if you're whitetail hunting. Um, and then also learn to call or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:29:33 If you're elk hunting. Uh, does someone cry more when the bun is cut off or when the animal dies? Start up when the animal dies? Start a pole. When the animal dies. Oh, start a pole. Like P-O-L-O. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Not start a pole. Hey, I'm guessing you want to be really proficient in shooting a bow because you don't want to fucking shoot an animal. Anything you do. Yeah. Yeah. Same with a gun, but yeah. Way harder to fuck up with a gun. Yes and no.
Starting point is 01:30:07 A boat, if you do it right, is extremely lethal. And it's hard to... I've never been shot by either of the things, so I don't know. Robbie, the guy I keep coming back to talks about you know if you think about it from human terms like if you cut your finger super deep and at first it doesn't really hurt right and so that's the idea with these blades that are on bows now and the you know you that the pass-through happens so fast that the animal and if you hit them in a good spot they're going to die within a couple seconds and And so, you know, you just want to make sure
Starting point is 01:30:46 you're super lethal with it. And so I'm practice way more with a bow because it's easier to practice than I do with a rifle because, you know, shooting a rifle is one very expensive. It's not as like, there's something therapeutic to shooting a bow. Um, just the silence, the, it's just something about it. This is an interesting comment. Juxtaposition of thoughts. Stefan, looking old as hell today. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:13 That's uncalled for. But look at this. Sorry, bud. It's a little Southern, you know, bless her heart. At the end, if that person's a piece of shit, bless her heart. As long as you say bless their heart, they're good. Damn, you have a tiny dick. Oh, sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Sorry about it. Jesus Christ. You're rhyming me. How about just you look old? The sorry's just weird. Yeah, you don't need it. Why not just say you're old? Why not just say, hey, Savon, I'm sorry. And then I can just be like, what's he talking about jesus um bernie gannon if uh after dangerous game uh sebi could
Starting point is 01:31:57 earn his keep as live bait the sasquatch just tie me down face down naked Sasquatch can come out of a cold think my ass is a fucking Sasquatch vagina uh for safety you could attach a rope and pull him back dude you're thinking this you're really thinking he's got a fantasy there hey what about um what have you have you seen this thing? I thought of you the other day. This guy has his kids on an inner tube and he pushes him down a hill and then he has a fishing line
Starting point is 01:32:34 attached to it and then he pulls out his Makita. Oh, and then we drill. Yeah, it pushes the head in his drill and it pulls the kids up. That's some fucking Tennessee shit, right? That's some Rich Fr it pulls the kids up. That's some fucking Tennessee shit, right? That's some Rich Froning senior shit right there. That's for sure.
Starting point is 01:32:51 I was like, wow. Rich has that. Not me, dad, maybe. Chase Ingram, your man bun screams booster and soy latte. See? Correlates. You drink soy lattes? soy latte. See? Coralette. You drink soy lattes? Soy latte.
Starting point is 01:33:12 I like my coffee black like I like my men. Okay, Sasquatch. Alright. You ever seen the Sasquatch episode with the $6 million man? You ever watch the $6 million man? No, I think it was a little bit before my time. I know the opening song. Like the was opening song like the thing yeah we can rebuild yeah all right i'm approaching the nine minute mark hold on hold on let me see my uh uh
Starting point is 01:33:38 i found this uh when it popped up when i was just looking at hunting stuff. It just popped up in my feed. Oh, yeah. Just one more important question. You're getting targeted. Have you ever considered a hunting trip like this? Oh, shit. Hogs? Holy cow. Are they shooting those hogs with a machine gun?
Starting point is 01:34:00 That's like a Tommy gun. Yeah, it's like a Gatling gun. Gatling gun. Look at it. That would get... that's like a tummy gun yeah it's like a gatling gatling gun gatling gun jeez that would get yep that would do it holy i just never saw anything like holy shit jeez hey rich what's up with the dude um uh maddie getting his ears all fucked up uh we forgot ear protection like rookies how about is he hurt no he's fine he can't hear anything yeah yeah no it's fine no it was but we idiots just forgot ear protection 100 stupid don't shoot again
Starting point is 01:34:40 couldn't you stuff something in your ear yeah i guess but we forgot even that you just get yeah god that part yeah i did not like that part of the video did you like how scott added the little like ears ringing part yes yes yeah he was he was proud of that yes it was the whole thing though the video is so good it's good he does an incredible job. Okay. In summation, to round this up, you sent gold bars to HQ. Yep. We got our gold bars in bags.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Gold bags. There's no official plan for people to become Mayhem affiliates on their signage, but I should bring it up. Bring it up to Jake. Yep, Jake and Jake.
Starting point is 01:35:30 The Mayhem Empire. They can handle it. That would be such a cool thing on people's gyms. Mayhem. Yeah. Do they get anything like that already when they buy? Do they get a flag or anything? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Mayhem affiliate banner. I think we've got flags coming out. You hated the ringing part? I liked it. Oh, it's funny. Oh, you hated that? Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:52 It was good. Hate's a strong word. Hate, man. Hate. I hate that part. You're going to go to Montana with that guy? Yep. Message us for sure.
Starting point is 01:36:04 All right. All right. Thanks. We're going to to Scotland and you're going on a hunt let's do it oh that would be cool when's the last I saw you at the games yeah come visit what were you doing at the games
Starting point is 01:36:20 no I didn't see you oh that's right that's right. Yeah. That's right. Oh, yeah, that was fucking crazy. Yeah, it did. Yeah, I was really fucking pissed until I knew it was you. And I was like, man, I realize how fucking soft I am, how weak I am. God.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Next time I'm just going to top notch you. If you do, please film it. All right. There's like a whole YouTube on that. Please, if you do it, film it. please film it all right there's like a whole youtube on that please if you do it film it please film it i would be so sad if it went to waste i wouldn't do it i don't even care all right boys live yet live last week rich on my show my fucking instagram account went down and the coolest thing was is that like i didn't even i don't even care no yeah yeah you know what i mean it's not it's not like i have genital warts i'm cool that would be a problem that would be a
Starting point is 01:37:10 problem all right buddy all right love you love you talk to you soon merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas happy hanukkah uh young clark uh big, a piece up or down guys, big, big foot, a piece, a piece up or down. I don't understand that. I think he's talking about where the, uh,
Starting point is 01:37:31 big foot stick goes up or down. I don't still get it. You know, like the resting position of your hog. Oh, really? I don't know, baby.
Starting point is 01:37:48 I bet you big foot as a tiny Johnson, a uh rich my husband stopped into mayhem last week and got to meet you you convinced him to take a class he was pleased to see it was everyday people like himself oh that's cool oh that's crazy cool i've um i would call Rich and read that to him, but I've never called him and he answered. Ever. Ever. Just leave it as a message. Never. I don't leave messages. I wonder if the phone's working.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Can someone try the phone? I just want to know if it's working. That's crazy that Nick tried uh nick uh rich tried nicotine nick tried nicotine rich tried nicotine nicotine gum how come everyone else understands people's comments but i don't bigfoot a, up or down guy? What is a piece in there? Why doesn't it just say big foot, up or down guy? What's a piece? Well, I think he's trying to give you the hint at where it's going.
Starting point is 01:38:55 With a piece? Why not say big foot, pumpkin pie, up or down? What's a piece? I don't know. How do you guys know? Why can't I read, but you still knew? Well, because I'm just focused on the question. You're running the show. It's really hard. I'll give you the benefit
Starting point is 01:39:09 of the doubt there. Yeah, but, okay. Hey. Hello? I got nothing on my end. Hello? Can you hear me? Oh, yeah. Cool. Here we go. It's working? Yeah. It's working. That's good. What's going on, guys? Hey, yeah. Cool. There we go. It's working? Yeah. It's working.
Starting point is 01:39:25 That's good. What's going on, guys? Hey, just chilling. Thanks for calling. Hey, did you get that online? Bigfoot, a piece, up or down guy. Do you know what a piece means? I do not.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Okay. Elaborate. I can't. I don't know. But everyone knew still. Oh, a piece is another name for a dick. Oh, okay. let me see this. Bigfoot, a penis, up or down a piece, like his unit.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Bigfoot's unit. Bigfoot, comma, his unit, comma, up or down guy. Question mark. I mean, maybe I need some – God, it's still – I don't have an excuse because you guys all got it. I don't get it. Oh, good. Well, maybe black need some, God, I still, it's still, I don't have an excuse because you guys all got it. I don't get it. Oh, good. Well, maybe black guys don't get it. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:40:10 No, we don't get much, you know. How are things? We're keeping it down. How are things? Things are good, man. Things are good. I was going to. You have a new girlfriend?
Starting point is 01:40:18 I was going to call you. Uh, I got a few. No, I, dude, honestly. Yeah, honestly. Honestly, i am at the point i think where uh what are the sayings i'm gonna leave it in the universe's hands and we're in god's hands or whatever people say yeah i've had some interesting experiences and i'm not obviously i can't speak in generalities and just say well all, all modern women are weird, but the ones I keep meeting are interesting people. Um, we're like, and not in a good way.
Starting point is 01:40:54 So I'm kind of just like, are you a magnet for liberal girls? No, not necessarily. Just like a magnet for dramatic. Like, you know, like, like too much where everything's a big deal. And, you know, we're kind of like, you know, hey, I just met you. You know, it's like, let's, let's, let's take a step back. You know, it's not that big of a deal. Create space. So yeah, I'm just kind of, kind of chilling, you know it's not that big of a deal create space but so i yeah i'm just kind of kind of chilling you know um which is weird man you know when you're with someone for for 20 years and then you dive back into the modern dating game and it's nothing like it was yeah yeah and that's how i picture i would be i would just like, not know what the fuck is going on. Dude. It's trippy. It's, it's fun in a sense. Cause I don't know. You're like free,
Starting point is 01:41:49 I guess. But at the same time, the, the security of a relationship is a much more, can be much more appealing. Any chance you would, any chance you'd get back together with your ex just to like, be like,
Starting point is 01:42:02 all right, that was weird. But now I'm coming back to my ex. I that ship has sailed i really do oh wow yeah she she she was just over her her lifestyle i mean completely the opposite of anything that i'm into as far as you know health wealth crossfit you know yeah stuff like. She's not into that at all. It's more party, drink, you know, be unhealthy, which, you know,
Starting point is 01:42:32 I like to party, I like to drink, be unhealthy sometimes, but not as much as her. Cave Dasterite, Sebi, you said you were a hog-up guy. Yon is asking if Bigfoot would be a hog-up or down type of guy. Dude, I completely up guy. Yon is asking if Bigfoot would be a hog up or down type of guy, dude. We're I,
Starting point is 01:42:46 I completely understand. My, my question is, is how come I, my question is, is what he's saying. All right. We already figured that out.
Starting point is 01:42:55 My question is, how the fuck do I not know? And all you guys know my tarded. Oh, not at all. Do you know what they're talking about? Yeah. Susan figured it out. He cracked the code.
Starting point is 01:43:07 Sousa's like, did two sides of the Rubik's Cube. I can't even do one. Maybe because it got that tism. Is it like how your hog is in your pants? Yeah, I'm an up guy. You're an up guy. Yeah, I don't like my penis stuck to my balls. I'm an up guy. You're an up guy. Yeah, I don't like my penis stuck to my balls. I'm an up guy.
Starting point is 01:43:27 Oh. I mean, you do got a lot of penis to take care of. Yeah, I don't like it on my leg. I just like it up. But my kids are down boys. It's weird. I'm like, dude, penis up. They're like, penis down.
Starting point is 01:43:40 I'm like, what? No shit. I didn't even know anyone did penis down. Now I'm learning a whole new world. A ton of dudes do penis down. I wonder like, what? No shit. I didn't even know anyone did penis down. Now I'm like learning a whole new world. A ton of dudes do penis down. I wonder what the ratio is. You think like 50-50? 60-40? No, no, no. Most men. What are you?
Starting point is 01:43:53 Are you a penis up guy or a penis down guy? I'm down, bro. Oh, see? Most guys are down. I would think so. I would imagine. I think you're a rare case. That's crazy. You've been hanging or what? I'm not. That's why I don't even like wearing boxers, except at night when I sleep.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Because I can't have that shit just like dangling down. You free ball it all day? No, tighty whities, tighty whities. Dude, you want to see? I wear underwear that like gay strippers wear, like gay prostitutes wear. I wear these underwear called Pump. Why am I not surprised? They're just, they're the gayest things you've ever seen in your life yeah you're the straightest gay person i've ever heard of it it's weird no or the gayest i don't
Starting point is 01:44:36 know are these fucking real don't don't come on don are real. I do. I have like 30 pairs of those. Susan's losing his shit. You didn't know that, Susan? That's what I wore? Anytime you see me, yeah. I wear three of those a day. I change my mind to wear three times a day. That's fantastic. Why? Well, you work it out? I just like to
Starting point is 01:45:03 keep really clean down there. Actually, I don't even know if I like to be really clean down there. I just like to keep really clean down there. Actually, I don't even know if I like to be really clean down there. I just like fresh clothes. No, I get you. I get you. I like to change my shirt. Oh, I thought the gays thing was just a shtick of Seve's. Now he sees what underwear I wear. Now he's like, oh, no, maybe he really is gay.
Starting point is 01:45:24 You guys are going to have to Google that. I don't wear the ones that go up the center of your butt. I don't wear those. I mean, I wear the... It's a full butt one. Not every day, just sometimes? Hey, I even... No, I never wear those. And I also wear the briefs that Pump makes, but they're
Starting point is 01:45:40 really tight still. I'm a brief guy. You know, you got to keep it tight, especially with how much we're working out. You can't be flopping all over the place. It's too much. I just don't know if I can bring myself the way these pumps are talking about.
Starting point is 01:45:55 I think you would look fantastic. You would rock the shit out of those. Your game would go through the fucking roof if you threw those bad boys on. Is that the answer? The pumps will bring the right chick along all right yeah maybe i will maybe i will i'm telling you so happy the phone's working this is better than this phone works better than the this is like an old ass roadcaster this works better than the one at home yeah it's nice bring it home with you um you've been hanging from a
Starting point is 01:46:23 bar or what i was doing that actually uh before i um i'm on the road now i'm actually today i didn't work i haven't worked out two days in a row which for me is absolutely nuts i didn't even realize that but today i'm gonna do um i'm gonna row 250 in under a minute i'm gonna go probably like stick it like 55 seconds, row 250 in 55 seconds and do 15 pushups, 10 rounds. Plan on doing that here very shortly. And I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:53 And the thing is, is all the pushups have to be done on broken. So, so I give myself a little bit, a couple, like probably five or six deep breaths before I dive into the, after every row, when I get off.
Starting point is 01:47:04 We go on traditional pushups, diamond pushups. My pushups are so fucking good. Just imagine the best fucking, my pushups are like my squats. I like, I have the best pushups ever in the world, all the way down,
Starting point is 01:47:17 all the way up. Boom. Is this the hotel gym? They got a roar there. If is a board. Yeah. I'm in the nicest hotel you've ever seen. Are you going over to the Legends then?
Starting point is 01:47:29 I'm going to try to. I'm going to try to. I asked Greg if he wanted to go. He said, yeah, let's go over there and fuck around. I said, cool. I wish I had known you were going. I would have come down there. No, no, it's not like that.
Starting point is 01:47:40 No, no. Don't ever do anything because I'm doing it. Then I feel obligated that I have to actually like spend time with you uh uh did i seriously hear there's a potential for mayhem affiliate memberships directly to mayhem separate from cfhq uh you did hear that that's my idea uh i don't know i'm sure brilliant number one sure they've had it but rich played stupid like they don't but dude it's a fucking brilliant idea wait so like so like an affiliate to mayhem just like it would be to hq a regular gym yeah like hey instead of paying for them i think i think mayhem's affiliate programming is 129 a month so instead of paying 4500 to crossfit just pay mayhem 129 dollars and put a fucking huge mayhem empire nation and just use your name so it'd be seven matosians mayhem empire and it's you know what
Starting point is 01:48:33 i mean then all of a sudden you're like you've got a cool ass gym name with a fucking the and you're saving a lot by a free Bible or something. Yeah. Bible. And then you can buy, yeah, you go to their store and there's giant Bible quotes you can buy to stick on the walls and shit. I think it's a good idea. Oh, Heidi says, I'm going to open Heidi's
Starting point is 01:48:58 T&A facility. I'm not too far from Heidi's, so I'll join. How much are we talking from Heidi so I'll join how much are we talking Heidi? I'll join $129 a month all the TNA you can get all the TNA you want I'm in let's go and like Flynn
Starting point is 01:49:16 you're good alright thank you for testing the phone absolutely what are we doing now? you doing live calling or? No, no. I'm actually going to go. I am going to schedule.
Starting point is 01:49:31 There's a – I'm going to call Greg. I'm going to take the boys to ride skateboards around Scottsdale a little bit for 20 minutes. And then there's this guy, Tiago, who teaches jiu-jitsu in Scottsdale a little bit for 20 minutes. Then there's this guy, Tiago, who teaches jiu-jitsu in Scottsdale. I'm going to try to get a private lesson for my kids. That's it. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:49:56 All right. Have fun. Talk to you later. All right, buddy. Thank you. Have a good day, man. Bye. Someone cares about the show. Yeah. That phone sounds great though good all right um today's thursday uh you will get uh shut up and scribble coming very soon uh fantastic show well great numbers today with rich phoning on even though we started an hour
Starting point is 01:50:20 early and kind of fucked everyone up we're starting an hour hour early tomorrow too? I didn't make any switch, but we could ask him. Yeah, let's try it. Let's ask him. Do you want the rest of them all an hour early? Can we go day by day? Sure. Okay. Yeah, we do want them all an hour early.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Okay. You're right. Yeah. Because I'm on Arizona time. I'm going to get my L2 this weekend. Oh, on Saturday and Sunday in Sacramento. Yeah. I had to jump into like a last minute one.
Starting point is 01:50:58 We have the Jakes and Tom. Oh, we have the Jakes and then Tom McCoy. And then I think Sunday you'll be traveling again right yeah your show on sunday i uh we are i don't know when i go try to bring my stuff i think we could maybe sneak one in before i have to head to the head to the seminar are you staying the night out there yeah i think so yeah and then i want to do a show friday across the games update show dude um we gotta get the time something fucking crazy real quick yeah it's fucking nuts dude
Starting point is 01:51:38 i guess you're saying i'm getting my l2 renewed. I'm going to go to the Lone Ranger podcast. Okay. Do you want me to bring it up or are you? It's okay. I got it. Thank you. Okay. I'm going to go to the Lone Ranger podcast.
Starting point is 01:51:56 And I want you to see this. This makes no fucking sense. This is the Lone Ranger podcast episode 301 okay a conversation with dawnfall a day ago how the fuck does this have 599 views we have more than 599 views on this show with Rich Froning already. If we had Don on, we'd probably have like 1,000 live. Dude. But here's the thing. They do an interview with Don?
Starting point is 01:52:34 Yep. Guys, it's crazy because this podcast is the first 40 sorry the first 39 minutes might be the worst YouTube video you've ever seen the Lone Ranger Tonto and the the Dragon Slayer Khaleesi absolutely just nonsense talk 39 minutes of just like, come on, guys. And then they get to the hard-hitting stuff. Dude, they really do. Oh, they do? Holy fuck. It's so good, dude. It's so fucking
Starting point is 01:53:14 good. Oh. They kill it. They should clip that then. Clip that piece out. They fucking kill it. Sean Woodland, the Lone Ranger, and Tommy Marquez, Tonto, they fucking murder it Sean Woodland the Lone Ranger and Tommy Marquez Tonto
Starting point is 01:53:26 they fucking murder it it's the best interview Don's ever done it's nuts it's nuts it's absolutely nuts it's so fucking good they ask
Starting point is 01:53:38 they fucking drill him and Don and Don takes it like a fucking champ there's some there's some corporate rambling bullshit in there but not a lot compared to the other shit. It's fucking really good.
Starting point is 01:53:51 So here's the thing I'm tripping on. Why do you have 39 minutes of, and I'm not joking, probably the worst fucking YouTube video ever, and then have that be what you need to listen to to listen to 45 minutes of their best work ever. And I watch a lot of Lone Ranger podcast. And then why did they why they put this up? I think a day after they put it on their Patreon. Why is Don doing interviews with people who allow who who at one point they asked Don a question. They say this is from one of our patreon members
Starting point is 01:54:25 they're basically leveraging don and hq to make three dollars it's fucking a bad look for everyone especially uh don and hq well yeah yeah well you you have an you have an obligation to take care of your guests and and they should have done that. But kudos to – I would not have asked those questions they asked. They asked some fucking hard questions. I would have been – like if I was Don, some of them would have been like, fuck you, none of your business. But Don – it's a great conversation. It is, once again, fucking buried.
Starting point is 01:55:05 First, you got to go to their – they got some sort of weird thing going where they first release on patreon or they let you know that only the patreon members can ask questions and then it goes to spotify and then it comes to youtube it's just fucking scumbaggery in in terms of their release um it's petty it's petty scumbaggery's too hard it's petty and it's um it's inappropriate it's inappropriate for hq to do that if do you feel me on that or do i need to explain why elaborate on that again what do you mean um everything that any communications with the affiliates you would want to be free readily available and um uh easily accessible and um upright and center and like i, it's the best communication.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Hey dude, there's stuff in there and I'll give you a little tidbit. Cause I'm going to talk about on the CrossFit Games update show. At one point he says, Hey, our investors are looking for this amount of money on their return. And you're like, Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:55:59 That's some fucking, you don't get any more transparent than that. Like he tells you exactly what, how much they want from you fuckers, you affiliates. They bought a fucking taco truck, and this is what they expect in the return. He just tells you. Straight up. That's gangster, right?
Starting point is 01:56:19 Yeah, it is. I want to listen to it because I want to comment on it for sure. So I'm going to listen to it on my way to Hayward today because, yeah. Dude, just skip the first 39 minutes. I just don't understand. It's retardville in terms of the presentation. These guys should cut it. Listen, Lone Ranger guys, if you want to pay me, I don't know, $5,000 or $6,000 a month, I'll consult for you.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Hey, was this show done live when they did it? No, it wasn't, right? Because you said it was on their – They talked about – I think maybe part of it's live when they did it no it wasn't right because you said it was on there they talked about i think maybe part of it's live and part of it's not i couldn't i wasn't paying attention too much to that but i took fucking thorough notes i was gonna be proud of myself the whole the whole team should be proud of don he he murdered it after having some some not so good uh showings during the week I think just fluff stuff this is not this is this is fucking good anyway
Starting point is 01:57:09 bizarre world but once again why are they going please no one get this wrong don't misunderstand well don't misunderstand this I don't care that they're going to these guys they can do what they want but I just suspect
Starting point is 01:57:25 that this is all ego driven shit because if you wanted we already have 80 000 downloads from our affiliate shows on on all platforms on the two affiliate shows we've done it's obviously this is where all the chatter is happening this is where you're going to get the most bang for your buck why are you going to venues that, um, I think that this is a better venue. I don't even know. I don't know. Uh, and I would only probably charge them $10,000 to come on the show.
Starting point is 01:57:55 What a steal. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe it's a safe space. Maybe they have questions ahead of time or orchestrated differently. I just, I, um, I, uh, it's just, it's, it's fat. It's fascinating to me. Maybe they have questions ahead of time or orchestrate it differently. It's fascinating to me. I don't understand their strategy.
Starting point is 01:58:17 Bury the best interview of Don on the platform that's not getting the views. It just doesn't make sense to me. Yep. A lot of the stuff kind of ends up that way, doesn't it and maybe there is a reason maybe there is a reason if i'm but hey on the other hand i i don't think i could have done a better job it's like i have cotton mouth do you hear that yeah um i couldn't have done a better job than um than uh the lone ranger and tonto they fucking killed it i could not have done a better job i would not have but now that you have that clip that shit and put it somewhere i want to see the views increase after you uh hyped it up so much because i'm for sure
Starting point is 01:58:55 gonna watch and i wouldn't i wouldn't have not not please please don't don't watch it because i don't want to give them views i think it's gonna happen because you've everybody's curious now i am so good i want to listen to it on my way down. Hey, you don't have to watch it. Listen, listen, listen. Listen, you jackasses. No one listen to it. Watch the CrossFit Games update show tomorrow. I'm going to highlight all the points.
Starting point is 01:59:12 I have fucking meticulous notes. I'm going to go through all of them. It's going to be a good crew tomorrow. Spin, Young, and... Hiller. Hiller Hiller are we gonna try to do that at the normal time I don't fucking know idea
Starting point is 01:59:31 okay that's a very important question we have to answer yeah I need to invite him I don't know if I'm ready to invite him on the show but I probably should I should invite him even just for political reasons just so he knows like he's always welcome here yeah maybe i think he knows you want to know why i don't want
Starting point is 01:59:50 to invite him i don't want to i don't want him not like in a bad way i just i like i don't know i like that space oh between oh like we bring him on we come friends with him then we can't just fucking ass pound him not that i mean yeah it's like i don't know what we're gonna get out of them that would be hey we're not gonna i just want to have a real conversation and i i don't think that i'm not interested in pressuring him to talk about shit that maybe he doesn't want to talk about yeah i think that's what i meant i think the lone ranger and tonto did an amazing job at that that wasn't offensive it wasn't rude and i just don't want to do that to him yes i don't know why i don't want to do that to him i i'm and if you're just gonna say it's because i'm a pussy it could
Starting point is 02:00:36 be yeah it it it 100 could be i'm not like oh no i'm not a pussy but i could be i just don't want to do that to him but i also don't want to have him come on here and talk corporate talk to me. Yes. Thank you for articulating what I meant when I said no. Not like I don't want to have a conversation with that. I'd love to, but I feel like, you know. I would like to go get drunk with him at a bar. That I would definitely be game for.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Yeah. Here's some stories and stuff. Yeah. hear some stories and stuff yeah yeah uh here exactly bring uh bring him uh mike alvin bring him on and then get a dollar 99 comment asking his take on black squares hey all right or or what if i said hey i'm having dawn on but you can only ask him questions if you pay money. That's what I feel like some of these other people have done. There's that component. And that's a horrible
Starting point is 02:01:30 look. Yeah. You're $1.99. Anyway, they absolutely killed that interview. And tomorrow on the CrossFit Games podcast, I'll review it. Please don't watch them. Do not go over to the Lone Ranger podcast and watch the interview with Don at the 45-minute mark.
Starting point is 02:01:53 Do not. How do you think people are interpreting that? Is he saying not to or is he saying to? I think it doesn't matter what you say. Either way, they're going to hate on me. Yeah, don't matter. I can't believe he was so negative towards us. We increased our views by double.
Starting point is 02:02:12 You sent everybody going there. Hunter's coming on soon. Yeah, he's coming. Johnny, thanks for asking. I'm going to try to do a Christmas show with Hunter and Hiller, too, on Christmas. We think way far in advance we already have our whole 2024 schedule done here we actually do
Starting point is 02:02:33 we're in February we got this guy coming on who ran 50 miles in under 5 hours get your head fucking wrapped around that yeah Charlie no way Seval and that's not true 50 miles in under five hours. Get your head fucking wrapped around that. Yeah. We got some Charlie.
Starting point is 02:02:49 No way, Seval, and that's not true. It's fucking nuts, dude. Hey, we got the former president or operations officer for Levi Strauss coming on. She got back to me, too. Oh, she did? Yep. Looks like we got some lockdown. She left Levi Strauss because of the whole woke thing. I think she wouldn't take the injection.
Starting point is 02:03:13 I think that's why she left. She wouldn't take the injection. Yeah, that's going to be a cool story to hear. Or not. No. We got some cool people coming up. Tom McCoy, I think he's a physician He's coming on after the two Jakes
Starting point is 02:03:27 Yeah, he's Saturday That's a fucking good question So, Alexis Landot That fucking guy You know what's funny is He big-timed us Go over to his Instagram account And tell him to come on the show You know what's funny is he big-timed us. Go over to his Instagram account and tell him to come on the show.
Starting point is 02:03:50 He basically said he has to check with his agent. People are such fucking – All 420 of you guys right now just did nothing but just tagged the podcast Instagram handle. What a douche nozzle. I want to be like, hey, dude, this is the only real podcast you're going to fucking do anyway. Like, I don't care. Don't do it then, you dildo. Alexis, he was so cool when he came on. It bummed me out that he responded like that.
Starting point is 02:04:13 Yeah, that's I mean, that happens, you know. How about relationships? How about relationships? All right. I do. I care. Will Branson, who cares about Alexis Landau? I do.
Starting point is 02:04:32 I want to hear about him climbing the fucking bourgeois tower. Yeah, the bougie-dougie in Dubai. Yeah. All right. What's up, Dan? Dan Guerrero oh yeah i should i should probably have hibble on again too after his goons attacked me on instagram good i just i love him in the um i love him in the YouTube comments too. All right, guys. Shut Up and Scribble will be on today in two hours?
Starting point is 02:05:12 Yeah, two and a half hours. Okay. It's going to be a good show over there today. I heard JR's coming out of the closet today. Tune in to find out. I can be a female hubler. Taylor's going to let you
Starting point is 02:05:28 know that he's been juicing all these years and he can't handle the pressure of not being honest anymore. It's going to be a great show. It's the coming out show.
Starting point is 02:05:37 I love my four in the morning text from Taylor. What was it? I can't get under stream yard. Oh, oh, because of his new computer. Yeah. Oh, did you get him in? I hooked't get under stream yard. Oh, because of his new computer? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:46 Oh, did you get him in? I hooked him up. Yeah. Karina Rain, morning, Sousa. Waterpalooza in Miami again this year? Ooh. I think we're letting the crew run it. But, dude, I'm hearing that the Wadapalooza crew,
Starting point is 02:06:06 that Dylan is running the Carson event. And if he is running that Carson event and we can get in there, we will be there in full force filming. We'll get some crazy behind-the-scenes content for you. That's right in my hood. Dude, you know how excited I've been just for the nostalgic part of it, to be there and, like, that'll be so much. We're definitely doing the Carson thing.
Starting point is 02:06:30 We just got to hear back from Dylan. He hasn't responded back to me yet, though. No, but. I wonder what the politics will be there again. If it's going to be weird with me. If they're over being weird with me and they've just accepted me. Or if it's still like, okay, we got to deal with the Sebon thing again. I don't know look dan guerrero cracked the code on will look at will writes uh who cares about uh alexis land uh dan guerrero goes will tell us what you do care about
Starting point is 02:06:59 hey will did you get my text this morning at 4.30 in the morning? Dude. There are three hours ahead, so they never do. It's only when we bombard them at midnight. That's when they get it late in the night. We get it early in the morning. So Suta had a meeting yesterday with the team. I wasn't there, but it sounds like the behind the scenes is very close to uh scheduled release date all we have to we're gonna run all the episodes by dave first
Starting point is 02:07:30 and then we're trying to figure out a way to negotiate of getting it behind a paywall for like a month so basically each episode would go behind a paywall for one month and then be free after that in order to raise money to do more behind the scenes and to pay for private jet flights. Shit like that. We need a lot of questions for that. And then
Starting point is 02:07:58 as soon as we get all that figured out, the behind the scenes will be, I'll tell you this, it's going to be 14 episodes. Probably 30 minutes to an hour each. Yep. That's a safe bet. You guys are going to like it. And if you don't shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 02:08:14 Go by.

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