The Sevan Podcast - Ricky Garard | 2023 Season Is Over #887

Episode Date: April 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam. Bam. We're live.
Starting point is 00:00:32 It could be. It could be. I time coded it. I showed him. Caleb, I time coded it. It's in my notes. It says 645 in the video. You're talking to Zach Thomas.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And behind you, there's a lady with the biggest boobs ever. And the thing is, is. I did not know that. Yeah, well, you're a good dude. You're not a 51-year-old guy that spends too much time looking at the internet. You're happily. You're happily. What are you holding you're happy you're happy you're happily um what are you holding in your hand why are you holding why are you holding like that why do you
Starting point is 00:01:09 get your pinky up like that you are you you're what's going on here it's a microphone i don't understand but do you hear him okay caleb it's a little weird right he's kind of muffled yeah not very clear hi are you ricky garard yeah can everyone hear ricky good because he's fancy okay can you see the comments ricky yeah yeah yeah i don't do i don't know if you have puerto ricans in um uh in in australia but there there's one that calls you sexy rakey, and they know. They're like of the highest order. That's like the highest – like if a German dude called you sexy, you don't want that.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Puerto Rican lady, that's high props. They don't impress easy. Old German dude would sleep with a rabbit. Good to see you. Oh my god, this audio is driving me fucking crazy. What's going on? Can you not hear me very good? Now I hear you good. What are you, in Australia?
Starting point is 00:02:18 Yeah, I'm in Australia. I'm at home. Is that a new setup? Yeah. Why is there a place with an Asian name in Australia, Wollongong? What's the deal with that? I don't know. Everywhere in Australia has got interesting names to you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Hey, your arm, is that the arm in the shoulder? Yeah, that one. Crazy dude. I've got it out of the sling when I'm sitting down. So you still have a sling? Yeah. I wear it when I go out and about. Let me ask you some things about that arm in hand, hand. Can you drink a glass of water with it?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Yeah, I can. Are you right-handed? Yeah. Can you brush your teeth with it? Yeah. When you pee, can you hold your pecker with it? Yeah, I can. You can, okay can you hold your pecker with it? Yeah, I can. You can. Okay. Can you wipe your butt with it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:30 You can't. Not yet. Wow. Okay. I'm getting pretty good with my left hand. Hey, dude, you know, you brush your teeth with your wrong hand and it could be a little, it could be a little dangerous, but wiping your butt with the, with the hand that doesn't have the proper dexterity could be messy. You got to double down on the washing.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Ricky, let's be honest about two things. First, have you ever used this podcast setup before? Like, do you think it's a good idea to try your setup for the first time on the biggest podcast in the space with the greatest podcaster who ever lived? Do you think this is a good idea? I thought it was a better idea than using my phone. I can revert back to my phone if it's not working very good. But tell me the truth.
Starting point is 00:04:20 You've never used this setup before, right? I've done it once with... With fucking who? Peter from Coffee Wads and Pods? Is that better? No, it's fucking horrible. Who the fuck is giving you advice from over there? Secret.
Starting point is 00:04:41 God, if she's hot, I apologize if it's Benny telling me he needs to be slapped up. Okay. Why don't I change it to my phone? Okay, let's try. Yeah, cool. Thank you. I appreciate it. You don't want me to just keep ripping on you the whole time?
Starting point is 00:04:57 Jan says use an AirPod. The thing is, is it doesn't sound bad. There's just some sort of like delay or something. Right, Caleb? It's just kind of muffled. I don't know if it's a delay. Or maybe I was thinking at first, I was like, well, maybe he's just in. Maybe he's, yeah, that would have been better.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Sorry, Judy. Yeah, that wasn't fair to go after Pedro like that. I should have said it was the Make Wads Great Again podcast. You're totally right. Take two. What is it, Ricky? You think this is the Make Wads Great Again podcast. You're totally right. Take two. What is it, Rick? You think this is the Make Wads Great Again podcast?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Is that better? Oh my god! You're amazing. God, you're a good dude. I tried to do the right thing and get a podcast thing and it turned out it made it worse. That happened to me the first time I got a mic too. Don't give up. Keep tweaking.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Don't give up. I'll revert back to the phone um so you're you I actually thought of this and I heard then I heard Justin Kotler say it and he said it even better than I thought it but you're not Paul Tremblay. You're not Griffin Raleigh. You're not Jason Hopper. You're not Fikowski. Sorry, Fikowski, but your days are done. You actually had a chance. Like, there's only three of you. You actually had a chance to win the CrossFit Games. It actually had a chance to win the CrossFit Games. It's so fucking hard to win the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:06:29 But there's a dude named Justin Medeiros, Ricky Garrard, and this Russian dude, Roman Krennikov. And the three of you, like, no one has to, like, come to your defense. Someone could be like, who's going to win it this year? And you'd be like, Ricky. And no one's like, nah. Like, no one. Or Roman's going to win.
Starting point is 00:06:44 No one's like, nah. You know what I mean Or Roman's going to win. No one's like, nah. You know what I mean? Oh, Justin's going to win. It's crazy. Yeah, it's tough. Tough to... Like, no one had to even defend you. Who'd you pick?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Ricky. Oh, that's good money. Yeah, look it. Look it. Even Chris knows. He's Ricky fucking Gerrard. I know. It's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:07:05 It's been a hard pill to swallow. It's pretty devastating, but just got to focus on next year now. It's all I can do. I'll get back there, and I'm still confident I can win it. I'm not going to give up. The good news is, is you are with those guys. It's you guys.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Right. Yeah. Yeah. Um, do you, do you think that if you weren't so close, let's say you were a top 30 competitor, let's say you didn't have your eyes set,
Starting point is 00:07:44 not only on the podium but standing on top of the podium. Do you think you'd give up? I don't know. It would be a tougher situation to be in, to come back from, but just having that belief in myself that I can do it is what's kept me going for all those years. And it's going to be the same with this.
Starting point is 00:08:11 I'm not going to let it stop me. I've still got that confidence. You can still see it. You can taste it. You can smell it. Yeah. I could smell it very good until this happened um can you walk me through the day uh like like you woke up you're happy coffee maker's working fine you're like i'm
Starting point is 00:08:37 gonna go for a bike ride when was the first time you got on a bike ricky how old were you uh probably four three or four and it's been a part of your life always right yeah yeah can you walk me through that day did you ride somewhere new what bike you were on who you were with like what was the deal yeah were you trying to stay out of the gym so you could give your body a rest yeah pretty. So quarterfinals finish and I was just like a week off to just relax, stay out of the gym, get active and just have a bit of fun. Live my life before training started and things got more hectic leading into semifinals. So, yeah, I was out with one of my good mates that I always go riding with.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And, yeah, it was somewhere new. We hadn't been there before. It was like a six-hour drive from where I live to go check out these trails that we've always wanted to go to. We've seen them on YouTube and followed some people on Instagram and seen the trails. So we tracked it down there. We did a 56k loop on the trail in the trails. So we tracked it down there. We did a 56K loop on the trail in the morning,
Starting point is 00:09:49 and we finished up about lunchtime and then got some lunch and stuff, and then we drove about another 30 minutes to this other place where there's more trails, and we were checking that out for the afternoon before the sun was going down. more trails and we'll check them that out for the afternoon before the sun was gone down. So, so you, you rode for 34 miles. You drove six hours. What time did you leave in the morning? Oh, we can't hear you. Something happened to your audio, Ricky. Can you hear him?
Starting point is 00:10:19 Hold on, Ricky. Wait, wait, we can't hear you. We can't hear you. No, no, no. We can't hear you. We can't hear you. We can't hear you. No, no, no. We can't hear you. We can't hear you. I can't hear you. He can't hear us. Oh, you can't hear us. What the fuck? Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Just jokes. Ricky is a handsome bugger. Yes, he is definitely a handsome bugger. Let's talk about him while he can't hear us, while he works with his audio a little bit. No. Muted, unmuted. No. Maybe log out and log back in. Should I just kick him off and make him log back in? Yeah, you could try it. Okay. Usually that works. Okay, I'll kick him off. There, I kicked him out. Let's see what happens.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Did you just say he just rode 56 kilometers? Okay, I'll kick him out. There, I kicked him out. Let's see what happens. He goes again. Did you just say he just rode 56 kilometers? Yeah, so he drove six hours to this spot. So that means he got up early as shit, right? He rides 35 miles in the morning. Right. And then drove another 30 minutes to another place. If he's on the he's changed the audio settings okay here we go hey hello oh good okay so so you so you rode um so you rode 30 you drove what time did you leave if it was six hours away uh well that's the day before
Starting point is 00:11:42 okay so an overnighter before the afternoon we got down there about 10 o'clock at night and slept in the van right right next to the trails and who and who is this dude uh he's a good friend of mine he's a crossfitter and he has his own business um we have known him for a long time is he a better rider than you are you a better rider than him i asked because i'm wondering like was he pushing you too hard were you trying to keep up with someone you shouldn't have been we're very similar very similar riders that's that's why we love riding together because we pretty much get to share the trail together because we were literally like the same speed and same skills and stuff. Yeah, he wasn't pushing me at all.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Just the normal trail with jumps that we've done before and just on one of the runs down, we're just sending it. And on one of the jumps before, the one that I crashed on, I just probably didn't clear it as smoothly as I would have liked. And I probably should have pulled out and not hit the last jump. But I went for it anyway and came up short on the down ramp. Do you remember that? As you down ramp my do you remember that as you approached it do you remember thinking oh maybe i should pull out i didn't think pull out i just
Starting point is 00:13:12 thought that i wasn't quite going quick enough so i tried to compensate by really like pulling up on the suspension and getting like some extra height so I could clear the jump. What a shame there's no video of it. Yeah. All that effort of crashing and no video. Ricky, that original 34-mile loop, how long did that take you? Almost four hours. Okay, so you're on the bike for four hours.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yeah. And then you drive somewhere bike for four hours. Yeah. And then you drive somewhere else for 30 minutes. You eat something. You get your shit back together. Your muscles are rested. And then you drive 30 minutes to a place. Are you guys headed home in the direction of home when you do that? Not quite.
Starting point is 00:13:59 A little bit further north. Oh, okay. But that wasn't a new place? Yeah, both a new place. So we stopped at the first place on the way there, did the loop, and then continued on to the place where we wanted to ride. I'm just trying to figure out, I know you're an amazing bike rider. I'm just trying to figure out why that happened. Like if you were fatigued, didn't sleep well because you weren't in your bed.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah, I'm not sure. It could have been fatigue just long day i shouldn't or probably more so just too much confidence that i could that i'd be okay that i could do the jump when i had that split second to pull out and i was able to realize maybe i didn't have enough speed but i still had the confidence that i could do the jump because I had already done the jump before probably three three times and then it just happened to happen so fast and it was like clicking my fingers I couldn't believe it happened to be honest when I hit the ground I jumped up and I was like holy shit that was crazy and then I thought I was fine and I looked at my
Starting point is 00:15:04 body and my bike was okay and then i went to ride away and my shoulder just had no strength in it when i grabbed the bike and i was like oh no and then i like swung my arm around it was like clicking and didn't feel right and then when you say you swung your arm around like you couldn't bring it around just like this you had to like turn your body to bring it because the shoulder was all jacked up. I could still do everything. You could. Yeah, it just felt funny and it was clicking.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Clicking. Okay, Ricky, next time you go for a job interview and they're like, Mr. Garrard, do you have any shortcomings? Well, actually, yeah, I have too much confidence. What happened on your bike crash? Too much confidence. I'm just filled with too much confidence. And it's clicking. Are you immediately like CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 00:16:02 Yeah. It is that quick? Yeah. Yeah. As soon as I as first thought i was like i think i fucked my whole season yeah it's kind of like coming home and you're and your wife's like banging some dude you're just like divorce it's like it's like i could imagine yeah it's just like you just immediately are just like oh shit and and your buddy knows too right what oh shit no i got angry and i like threw my bike and i kicked my helmet and i was like
Starting point is 00:16:33 walking away just like couldn't believe it what did your homeboy say he he didn't quite see the crash he just it. And then he came back and he was like, take your shirt off, let me have a look. And then he's like, it doesn't look good. Let's get out of here, get you to a hospital and see if we can get an X-ray and see what's wrong with it and we'll try to get you home as quick as we could. But yeah, he was pretty stressed as well.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And was it like, what actually happened? I just ruptured the AC joint. So the three ligaments that hold your collarbone down to the shoulder joint. Okay. One ligament on the tip of your shoulder and there's two that come underneath and hold it down. All three of them snapped, ruptured. Oh, my goodness. Is that normal?
Starting point is 00:17:32 If one snaps, is it normal for all three to snap? It's pretty uncommon. Normally, just the one at the top. Yeah. See in the photo. Normally, that one just snaps and the collarbone like sits up a bit but all three of them let go and my collarbone was sitting right up like pushing right up into the skin any pain um and actually they say it's not as painful when you snap them all because
Starting point is 00:17:59 the ligaments just let go and it's not as painful as if they don't let go but they're more like stretched and and pissed off so it wasn't too painful to be honest uh sorry uh bury my cock in her uh you said you wouldn't divorce your wife if she cheated on you i i wouldn't it was it was just a hypothetical i wouldn't i appreciate you, being clear on that in case my wife listens to this show. Extra sloppy. Dear Savant, MFK Newberry Ricky Khan. Oh, what? Mary, fuck, kill.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Normally, I wouldn't answer this, but for $1.99, I'll do anything. I, um, I Oh God. Wow. No pressure. Oh my goodness. Well I'm going to keep I'll marry Ricky. Oh that's so sweet.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And I would fuck Newberry. I think if I fuck Con I'd turn gay. So I don't want to fuck Con. Sorry Con I'd kill you. I want to stay straight. So I'll fuck Newberry how's that okay good don't anyone ask any dumb questions like that again so what are what's the so those all tear and you know that right
Starting point is 00:19:19 away what if I didn't know straight away until I got an MRI sorry and that's what i meant as soon as they took the mri they just know yeah and do you see it in the picture they point to it and they're like mr gerard those they're supposed to be attached and they're not yeah i was laying in a hyperbaric chamber when i got the email of my mri results and I was like come on please grade one or two and I opened the email and straight away grade three blah blah blah blah blah no you're kidding what does that mean grade
Starting point is 00:19:54 three it's that it's torn yeah the three ligaments have torn yeah oh so if it was grade two it'd be two grade one would just be one yeah grade 2 would be the top 1 would be torn, and the bottom 2 would be still intact. And type 1 would just be the top 1. Okay. And type 3 is all ligaments. But most injuries get graded 1 to, or sometimes 1 to 5. And you trust your doctor?
Starting point is 00:20:28 What's that? And you like your doctor, you trust your doctor? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's good. And what were you doing in the hyperbaric chamber? Is that a normal... Yeah, I just started using them. I've known a lot about them and been wanting to use one for a while and i found out there's one in woollongong where i live so i only just just started using it um more so after i got injured i was like maybe i can use this as extra healing and to get this
Starting point is 00:20:59 shoulder fixed as soon as possible so um yeah i went there a few times and i was going there before i got surgery to try and get it healed as quick as possible and still have a chance to compete at semifinals but while i was there i got the email and when i seen grade three i was like i think i'm in trouble how long did it take before you got the email um after you took like you took the mri and then how long does it take next day next day okay that that's good because i wanted to rip on your uh socialist uh medic medical but you you you stopped that i wanted to be like hey that's because you're fucked but no you you win okay and then and then you do they know you're obviously your doctor knows that you're not he does he know you're not a normal human being?
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah. Do you think he really knows that? Because I don't even – I go to the doctor and I look around. I'm not a normal human being based on the – I mean, do they really know, you think? Yeah. I don't know. It was my osteo. He was the guy I was dealing with, and I seen him at his practice,
Starting point is 00:22:01 He was the guy I was dealing with And I seen him at his practice And he was confident that maybe we could get it healed for semifinals So he sent me to get an x-ray just to check how much separation was in the bones To have a clear idea if it was possible for it to heal itself And he wasn't too sure He kind of didn't want to break the bad news to me so i think he was kind of like let's give it a crack and maybe we can heal it but then i went and seen a shoulder specialist in sydney and he was like there's no way like if you're a rugby player i'd let you get
Starting point is 00:22:41 away with it and you can continue to play but because of crossfit and the amount of overhead movements you want to do and if you want to get back to that level then you're going to need surgery to have any chance of your shoulder being 100 ever again that that won't um what if you didn't have surgery it won't heal heal by itself? Yeah, he said it will heal by itself. And he said at semifinals, he was like, how good are you with pain tolerance? And he said you can probably push through it. But your career would probably at max last one more year.
Starting point is 00:23:20 And you'd be dealing with a lot of pain and bursitis and all these issues. And if you decide to get surgery later and don't get the surgery within the next week, then it's a much bigger surgery. We have to go in, put plates in, and cut out all the scar tissue, and it's like a 12-month recovery. So I was like, damn. I like everything you're saying because it lets me know that you're not
Starting point is 00:23:46 normal like like of course you can't do semi-finals but the fact that you're still trying like that that's all that matters not that you actually do them and um those those two what are those things called ligaments that rip those that that white stuff how do they get them do they um tie them back together or is there how do they get those things to yeah so i had what they call tight rope surgery so they drill drilled through my collarbone and then they feed all these stitch wires down through the the hole that they drilled in the collarbone and attach it to my there's like a little bone on your scapula. So then they lock it off with like a dog bone sort of clip and then they pull it really tight so the collarbone comes back down to its proper position,
Starting point is 00:24:36 which brings the ligaments back together and then they reattach themselves. So it's not a wire, it's not a synthetic wire in there that eventually keeps it together. reattach themselves. So it's not a wire, it's not a synthetic wire in there that eventually keeps it together. The ligaments actually do those little things reconnect. Yeah. Crazy. God, the human body is nuts. Yeah. Is Ricky's doctor a crocodile Dundee? I'm not suggesting extra sloppy, thank you for the money.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I'm not suggesting that that's a mean comment. I cruised around on the internet earlier, and I saw people – not a lot of people, but one or two people make mean comments, and I couldn't resist but to call them pieces of shit. I just – I wish he was my doctor. You wish what? I wish he was my doctor. Crocodile Dundee? Yeah, that'd be cool. He would have just given you something to bite on,
Starting point is 00:25:28 and he would have tied it in a knot. It's crazy. I saw that there's this YouTube station called Other Human or Overly Human or something, and they released a video about you one month ago. That's about the shit that happened five years ago. Did you see that video? It's a short,
Starting point is 00:25:50 it's one minute long because I was searching YouTube for all the most recent Ricky information. It's fucking crazy. The shit that people will do for clicks. It's, it reminds me of what, what a Zach Tillander just did to Greg Glassman, like just rehash a bunch of old shit.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It's not even, it's not even accurate. Just frank and biting shit together. Does that piss you off or are you just like, fuck it, that shit will follow me around forever or whatever? Yeah, fuck it. I don't care. So you've been bike riding. What's the longest you've gone without bike riding
Starting point is 00:26:23 since you've been four? Think you've ever gone a month? Yeah, maybe a month maximum. Yeah. So it's a huge part of your life. Yeah. Or maybe like, Oh, even I was going to say maybe when I was prepping for the games last year when I was in Vegas, but we did some riding,
Starting point is 00:26:48 like some cycling outside on the road. Yeah, it's a big part of my life. I've always done it. Riding my bikes and push bikes since I was four years old. So it's not like you're going to stop. It would be like asking someone to stop walking for you. It's a part of your life. You're going to keep riding.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I mean, I won't stop riding, but I think I'll stop how extreme I ride and maybe tame down some of the trails and jumps and stuff that I do. Can you pull up a jump on a uh just a random youtube video with a bike jump caleb how how how big was this jump just so we can get an idea like like one feet like were you like one or two feet off the ground would have been about like this high like two penis like three penises stacked on top of each other Penises stacked on top of each other? About 10 times that.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Holy shit. 30 penises. About 12 meters, maybe? 10 to 12 meters. Oh, my God. You're crazy. So it is a little weird what you're doing. I want it to be like, I heard people being like, you know, maybe he shouldn't have been doing that.
Starting point is 00:28:11 No fucking way. It was something like that yeah similar but that one was a wooden ramp the other was the dirt ramp but yeah it's probably bigger than that a little bit bigger and you've never done it before you just come around to turn and there it is yeah for that video it was but no but i mean the one that you crashed on you never you just i've done it before it was probably my fourth time oh okay yeah okay so you're a legit rider it's not it's not uh wow okay yeah it's not it's not um not some baby stuff no no and um look at look yeah, I know, Yonzi, right? Oh, Ricky, I know. I didn't like to see how big that jump is too.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Oh, Ricky. And the bike, was it damaged or was your helmet damaged? My helmet was pretty bad damage. My bike just snapped a cable tie on the front mud guard. And that was, that was fine. But my helmet had two big dints in it, one near my temple and one at the back of my head. And then like the jaw part was cracked. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:29:15 So that helmet's toast. Yeah. It's toast. So it was a little, wow, dude. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:22 It could have been worse. Uh, dude, that's a crazy jump. jump yeah that is a crazy jump and what's great how many of those had you done throughout the day you think like just jumps from from three penises to 100 penises how many you think you'd jump 50 times uh yeah probably 20 20 times 20 and that particular jump it was the fourth or fifth time? Fourth time, yeah. Yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Trina, from one of your fellow Australians, Trina McLeod, did he faceplant? I would have faceplanted, but I tucked my head and kind of like rolled, and my shoulder took all the impact. As opposed to you could have gone like this and kind of scorpioned yeah yeah some guy named lampshade uh ricky is an animal yes he's uh part crocodile you know i i if if if andrew hiller uh fucked a crocodile i think you could be its child you're like a more angular version of andrew hiller like andrew andrew hiller looks like you if you use one of those like filters that the girls use you know what i mean like you you just
Starting point is 00:30:30 look more you look like a man and he looks like more coiffed more like he uses more lotion than you no we're not doing any no we're not doing any more mary fuck kill but thank you i appreciate the money i will spend that wisely oh Oh, that's for Ricky. Okay. Oh, that's for... You want to know if Ricky? Fine. Ricky, a merry fucker kill Steve Irwin, Crocodile Dundee and actual Crocodile. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Marry Dundee, fuck Steve Irwin, and kill the Crocs. You're a good dude Look at Ricky Garrett Playing the game You're a good dude So you're in the car And you're driving
Starting point is 00:31:14 And it's a six hour drive So after the accident how long before you get A physician's eyes or hands on you About probably 40 minutes Oh so you go to a local hospital Yeah eyes or hands on you? About probably 40 minutes. Oh, so you go to a local hospital. Yeah, yeah. I think the hospital is on call for these mountain bikers.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Because it's like a pretty big mountain biking town. We literally pulled up at this hospital and it was like an outdoor section where this lady was just waiting for people. She helped me straight away and gave me a sling and some painkillers and stuff. They knew. Yeah. Did you take the painkillers, or were you like, nah, I'm Ricky Garrard.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Just throw them. I took them with me because I didn't feel like I needed it at the time. Perfect, yeah. Whenever they give my wife pain pills for anything, I'm like, keep those. Don't say no. Bring those home. Bring those to daddy. I took them about four hours later.
Starting point is 00:32:16 You did take them four hours later? Yeah, when I was in pain. It's at that hospital they take the MRI Nah Nah I had to drive home and get the MRI Back here At home
Starting point is 00:32:34 Did you cry in the car on the way home Nah I didn't cry Have you cried at all since Nah Don't you think you should let out Some sort of like Didn't cry. Have you cried at all since? No. Don't you think you should let out some sort of... There's some sort of loss. You should let out some sort of...
Starting point is 00:32:52 I'm going to go in my bedroom and just close the door and just let out a few tears. Just lay there and just really like, fuck. Maybe I should, but I don't know. That's not me. It's not you? No, I'm not a cryer. All right. You remember the remember the last time I cried yeah um I cried before waterpalooza when I when I pulled out last
Starting point is 00:33:21 not last waterpalooza one before when I was like full on vomiting and sink and just like couldn't stop. And it's, don't forget explosive diarrhea. Yeah. And that like the night before the comp started. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:33:35 this is bullshit. Why is this happening to me? But not with not, but not now going into probably one of the best game seasons ever for you. Where are fitter than you've ever been? Are you just all tuned up and ready to destroy shit? Yeah, I was. I wasn't until this happened. I was feeling real good. There's a video of you on the assault bike, or it's the echo bike. Echo bike, yeah. And you do 50 calories in 47 seconds with one arm.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah. And what I found fascinating about that is your RPM stayed between 103 and 106. You couldn't peak your RPMs because you couldn't get the leverage with both arms, right? Yeah. Yeah. When Kotler sees that, is he okay with you doing that? Do you get a note from him right away or like, what's the deal?
Starting point is 00:34:38 That seems like some pretty intense attack. It seems like a pretty intense attack for a guy who just had surgery. Yeah, he's all good. As long as I'm not going to cause any more damage. But, yeah, it was only 46 seconds and it was all over. Went quick. And when you got off the bike, you were wobbly.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Like, your legs were all... I just did a massive leg session before on all the machines at the gym. So my legs were toast by the end of that. Yeah, I liked seeing you get off that machine. You look like you're just taking 15 shots of booze. Too many tequila shots. $4.99 from Mapussy. Ricky doesn't cry, he gets revenge.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Oh, geez, here's an incredible question. Trish, I don't know if we're going to get an answer for $1.99. Has Ricky ever been rejected by a woman? I'm so sorry, Ricky. But I collect money, and so I'm like a whore. I just will ask anything. All the time. There you go.
Starting point is 00:35:53 All the time. Has Justin Medeiros reached out to you and expressed his condolences? Nah. Okay. Has Pat Vellner reached out to you and expressed his condolences? Yeah, he did. No shit. Yeah, he sent me a message.
Starting point is 00:36:11 A DM? Yeah. God, Pat's a class act, isn't he? Good fella. What did he say, if you don't mind sharing? Can you give us a little, or just the spirit of it? Yeah, he said, sorry to hear about the news. I hope you heal up quick and get back out on the floor as soon as possible.
Starting point is 00:36:33 God. And do you write back or do you just double tap it with a heart? No, I write back. Yeah. That's awesome. Did anyone reach out that kind of surprised you? Not really. Two of the guys reached out from memory.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Jay Crouch? Yeah, Jay Crouch. Good. I like him. I didn't want... Hey, it sounds like your fire alarm needs to change its batteries. What's that? It sounds like your fire detector needs to change its batteries. What's that? It sounds like your fire detector needs to change its batteries.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Oh, really? Did you hear that? Yeah. Oh. I like Jay Crouch. Oh, Matt Fraser. Did Matt Fraser reach out? No, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:37:19 No. No, no, from old Matty. Can you pull up that clip caleb um and uh it's uh my 2023 crossfit game season is over and maybe start it like at 49 seconds i i love the way you guys word stuff like in in america it'd be like oh dude i fucking wrecked on my bike and i crashed and it was fucked up but listen is how Australians talk. Listen, it's about the 50-second mark. Listen how Ricky describes this. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:37:49 What's actually happened and what my season's going to look like. But long story short, I come off my mountain bike about nine days ago now. Landed on my shoulder. Wait, hold on. I came off my mountain bike? That's it? You just came off your mountain bike? Oh, shit. We can't
Starting point is 00:38:15 hear him again, son of a bitch. I'm struggling. Ricky, you can't hear us? I kick Ricky. Should I kick him off again? You can't hear us? It's that fire alarm. Okay, watch this. hear us? Can't hear us? I kick Ricky. Should I kick him off again? You can't hear us? No. It's that fire alarm. Okay, watch this.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I'm going to kick him off. Bye, Ricky. Okay, let's see if he comes back. Jeez Louise. This is tough. I come on my bike. You come on your bike. I come on my bike.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Ricky came off. I'll ask if Jason Hopper. Oh, you think that was someone whistling for their dog hi i'm back yeah but you know what's happened when i can't hear you i just um i just kick you off so that you'll come back on and we'll get a refresh hey um um i was just making fun of the fact of how how classy you guys talk you just say, I came off my bike. It's just such a nice way to say it when really your shit wrecked and you're fucked up and your season got postponed.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Pretty much. Hey, no doubt you come back? Yeah, no doubt. I'll be back. Have you reached out to anyone who's had um similar um injuries or heard from anyone who has to put themselves who eventually has to put two or three hundred pounds overhead again no no not exactly but um i've spoke to a few people that have had the same injury but
Starting point is 00:39:41 didn't get the surgery and they're they're still able to go overhead and snatch and over it's gotten hair stand push up and all that stuff but um it's a 95 success rate for the surgery and everyone i speak to is confident that i'll get back to 100 i like this um i like the video series that you're doing it you're doing you're pretty open in the videos I watched three of the videos that you've made and you're pretty open it's cool to see that side of you are you having fun with it or is it difficult to let go
Starting point is 00:40:14 because you've let go yeah I'm enjoying it it's good it's a little bit different to what you've seen in the past but it's good I like it it's good. I like it.
Starting point is 00:40:29 It's good for people to see that side of me. In one of the videos you walk up to at the six-minute point, you walk up to Zach Thomas, who's a fellow athlete, and you let him know that you're out, at which point he realizes that he's in, right, because he's 31st, and with you pulling out of semifinals, now he gets to go in. Yeah. Oh, yeah, can we play a little bit of that?
Starting point is 00:40:59 This has kind of like that mayhem, CrossFit mayhem feel to it. You know what I mean? I don't know if you watch any of their videos, but you get to just see the dudes hanging out in the gym. I really like this. This is cool. Let's play like 30. Can we play 30 seconds of this? You won't report me for stealing your shit their videos, but you get to just see the dudes hanging out in the gym. I really like this. This is cool. Let's play like 30. Can we play 30 seconds of this?
Starting point is 00:41:07 You won't report me for stealing your shit? No, no, you're cool. Okay, let's go. That's why this is great. I'm out, bro. You're in. Actually? You're dressed up as me.
Starting point is 00:41:23 That means there's like two spots open as well for the games. Yeah, pretty much. Whoever wants it. Oh, it's devastating. The last person I wanted to pull out. Pull come off the bike. Shit happens. Yeah, I went over a jump.
Starting point is 00:41:37 That'll teach you not to do that and come in next time. Yeah, it's pretty bad. I was just – like it was nothing out of the ordinary or what I normally do. It just caught me off guard. I just went off for a jump. Oh, can you pause it? That's the – yeah, yeah. Look how big that lady's boobs are back.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Okay, okay. That's enough of that. Okay. So this – He was messaging us about training, and he wanted to come train with us because I got some other athletes down here training with me that we organized to live with me and hang out until the semifinals. But the injury happened in the process of that.
Starting point is 00:42:10 So they all came down and he was messaging us. And we said, yeah, let's meet up. Let's train. And I didn't tell him I have a text message. I just rocked up at the gym and then let him know from there. And that's what you see on YouTube. Whose idea was that to capture that on film? I think it was my idea.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Well, it's good. Keep doing that stuff. Those are the insights like we want to see. That shit's so cool. Yeah. You guys talk shorthand. You walk up to him and you're like, hey, I'm not going to compete this year.
Starting point is 00:42:43 And he responds with, actually? And us Americans, we don't talk like that so like we have to piece that together you know it's it's all cool it's interesting yeah actually it means like how they they might say in the hood is for real for reals for real yeah yeah for reals i'm not competing for reals no actually actually and then se reals? No, actually, actually. And then Seve, the director. Yes, thank you. Are you a tier athlete? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Does it affect your sponsorship at all? No, it's okay. Yeah, good. Awesome. Yeah. Focus, Seve. I'm trying. I'm trying. Are you focused, Ricky?
Starting point is 00:43:25 Always. Oh, shit. I'm trying. Are you focused, Ricky? Always. Oh, shit. Here we go. Oh, God. I hate this. For the chat. This is going to be bad. I'm going to get fucking butt-fucked here. Extra sloppy for $1.99 for the chat. Mary, fuck or kill Ricky Caleb Savant I hate my life
Starting point is 00:43:50 oh oh people under 40 say actually a lot alright alright actually alright oh thank you Kenneth yes let's stop oh no that's kill Savant what the fuck? So you tell Zach that, and there's something he says in there, Ricky, that I didn't understand.
Starting point is 00:44:11 He says it actually opens up two spots. Why does you not competing open up two spots? Because the men's field's kind of pretty open besides Jay Crouch. It's kind of pretty open for the next kind of males to make the games. No one under him has made the games before. So there's kind of about four or five guys that have an opportunity to take one of those two spots. Oh, okay. So basically he's saying there's two spots open now, meaning. So basically he's saying there's two spots open now, meaning
Starting point is 00:44:47 there was one spot open before. You and Jay were pretty much a shoe-in, unless someone got in a bike accident. And now there's two. Okay. Wow. So people are stoked. Someone's going to get to go to the games this year who's never been before. Guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Do you have a pick? There's probably three people I think that will make it. Is Newberry a legit contender? I don't know. It's hard to know. Yeah, it is hard to know, right? I mean, he did good in quarterfinals, but he went from third to 28th or something after a penalty.
Starting point is 00:45:31 But I think it's going to be out of Bailey Martin, Jake Douglas, and Peter Ellis. Look at this guy, Ron. That wasn't one of the choices BF Seve does that translate to Australian do I need to spell that out for you Ricky you know what that is
Starting point is 00:45:54 it's not best friend it's not best friend for the sake of the show we have to kill you um Zach uh Zach uh you're talking to Zach um okay we we we we we you scanned over the boobs really quick that was cool um any any any do you ever have any regrets? Oh, Wiki.
Starting point is 00:46:28 He agrees with you. Wiki, good to see you. Dude, I got to get you on the show, Wiki. I'm going to DM you. What's his name? Vicky. Vicky. Vicky.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Vicky. Are you friends with him? Yeah. I know Vicky. Is he cool? He's cool. He he cool? He's cool He's from Australia He lives in the Gold Coast
Starting point is 00:46:50 I can't Okay So do you have any Regrets that you didn't walk away from CrossFit four years ago? Does any part of you, do you ever think, ah, shit, I should have walked away, now I'm in too deep? No. No. You're stoked?
Starting point is 00:47:15 Stoked. Stoked that I stuck it out and didn't give up. And in the video, in one of those videos, you say that one of the things that you've done in sort of your comeback is get trust from the community. Why does that matter to you? What does that mean to you, and why does that matter to you? I don't know. I suppose it just helps with your sense of belonging in the sport and just allows you to
Starting point is 00:47:46 have one one little bit less stress to worry about and um just to make sure that you feel welcomed and like you belong in the sport. It definitely just helps with your mindset, I feel. Are you a pretty social guy? Yeah, very. Very. That's another quality of the leader over there at the Mayhem Empire. Very social. Like he doesn't want to do shit by himself.
Starting point is 00:48:20 He likes all the camaraderie. Yeah, I love being social and having people around me and having training partners and going surfing and mountain biking with people and going out for dinner and all that sort of stuff. And when I spoke to you last time, you had a girlfriend. Do you still have one of those? Yeah. The same one? Yeah, Michelle.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Oh, congratulations. Yeah, she's an angel. And what does she say when she finds, oh, yeah, there she is. Oh, yeah, look the way she's looking at you. That's fun. What does she say about your accident? She thought I was jerking on the fine when I called her. Because I'm a bit of a jokester Sometimes she wasn't sure if I was being serious or not
Starting point is 00:49:11 But yeah, she was devastated And was just glad that I was okay And that I was in one piece And I didn't break my neck Or could have got helicoptered out of there or been in a wheelchair so it's not a permanent injury for the rest of my life so she's happy that I was okay and just wanted me to come home so she could look after me yeah that's a good girl um uh do you have a black eye Ricky I think maybe it's just a shadow underneath your left eye nah not black eye but it's always swollen
Starting point is 00:49:46 just like scar tissue from from rugby days petition to send Wykie a link Ricky wants to no no no Wykie gets his own show come here and ruin my
Starting point is 00:50:03 ruin my shit with... You won Waterpalooza. That's awesome. Yeah. Important to build confidence. Wink at Roman and let him know that, hey, daddy's home. Daddy's home.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Yeah, it was great. I had an awesome time at Waterpalooalooza i was super stoked with my performance and how the week went and um yeah massive confidence boost and um yeah good good hit of prize money as well it always helps when when you when you win that do on the flight home, are you thinking, wow, this is fucking awesome. I'm ready for the games. Yeah, you feel pretty good.
Starting point is 00:50:58 You think you would have won the games this year? Yeah, I definitely had a chance of winning it, for sure. Sometimes guys will say, hey, my goal is to be top 10 or my goal is to be on the podium. Do you have one of those goals? Yeah, I just want to win the game. Yeah, it's not the podium for you. It's on the top of the podium.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Yeah, yeah. So where's it going to go? Does anyone think that's unrealistic for ricky crazy uh ricky is so jack savvy have a flex off with ricky great thanks or more great not more great ideas from the chat thank you um one of the great one another great video on your YouTube channel is three tips to stay focused through adversity. Whose idea was it to make that? The guy I'm doing the YouTube channel with.
Starting point is 00:51:56 And did you like that idea when he brought it up? Yeah, we filmed it. Two years ago now, I think it was. Almost three years ago now. Yeah, it filmed it like two years ago now, I think it was. Almost three years ago now. Yeah, it was cool. Wait, that's three years old, that video? Yeah, that was when I was in my band. But did it just come out recently?
Starting point is 00:52:19 Yeah, we just released it recently. But yeah, that was like during COVID and lockdown, just after lockdown and stuff why did so he's just been sitting on that footage yeah because i didn't really have a youtube channel at the time it was just some footage that we had captured from the past so we just thought we'd bring it out now dude i loved it three tips to stay focused through adversity i thought it was a it's an awesome title it's almost like something it's like almost like every athlete should make that video so we can get inside i thought it was awesome uh number one um you said stay present and then and kind of then and then follow it up with uh be resilient uh and face your obstacles
Starting point is 00:52:59 what do you mean by that stay present people like to throw that around what does that mean to you yeah um i suppose just like living in the moment and appreciating what's in front of you right now and not thinking that the grass is greener and there's something better on the horizon and just be present and enjoy the people around you and just be present and enjoy the people around you and um yeah and just being present for me is also just like being able to stay focused on the tasks you have for the day like my program and not thinking too far forward and getting distracted and stressing yourself out. So, yeah, I feel like that's very important. Will you go to semifinals? Will you go to the Tournament Pro?
Starting point is 00:53:54 Do you think you'll go to the CrossFit Games, like be working a booth or something now that you're wounded? Yeah, I'm planning to go to the Games, but I'm definitely going to Tourian Pro to the semifinals. I'd already booked flights and accommodation and stuff, and I'd like to go anyway, and I'd rather watch it live than on the TV.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It'll probably be hard for me to watch when the boys are on, but it is what it is. That looks like one of the Charlie's Angels for the chat smash or pass stop stop no more no more don't put I don't want to be like boned anymore everyone wants to
Starting point is 00:54:34 bone Ricky why do I have just say you want to bone Ricky and just give me money and say you want to bone Ricky it's fine what is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen geez Louise what is going on i'm trying to do an interview here ricky uh what is the most beautiful thing you've seen i think there's one right answer my girlfriend yeah yeah you thought trish you thought you were gonna fuck him up with
Starting point is 00:55:00 that huh you can't you can't trick ricky um make number two make conscious decisions to achieve your goals uh ask yourself uh if your choices are helping you achieve your goals it's interesting because when kotler was interviewed on talking elite fitness he was saying that he you and him were having that talk but it's interesting because you said this three years ago yeah so you knew and um and you also know that riding your bike um is a conscious decision you make to help yourself uh prepare for the games right it's who you are your physical your physical man who likes to do shit um and now you're saying you've tweaked you're going to tweak that a little bit how How old are you? 28. 28. Do you think you're past your prime? No.
Starting point is 00:55:48 I think I'm just about to enter very soon. You think your prime is going to be just like a moment in time, like, I'm in my prime, oh shit, I'm declining? Or you think that there's like a window? I think it's all mindset.
Starting point is 00:56:04 How you think and what you tell yourself so so be so even if you're like i could i could think that and just be delusional at 51 i'm in my i'm in my prime yeah you know you know if you're lying to yourself normally i i have i have uh hi i'm ricky uh gerard and i have confident issues oh oh can we help you with that yeah and you have too much confidence god i love you you're a good dude uh okay what is what so conscious decisions um is it more difficult now um than ever since you're a one-armed man? Is this going to be like a really tough eight weeks, maybe not to drink, watch TV, stay up too late, smoke weed, watch porn, just like things that are distractions to mortals
Starting point is 00:56:57 that may have not been a distraction to you in the past? I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'll stay busy. I'm still training every day. Got good people around me that are also training, so I just hang out with them and train as much as I can, work around the injury and just keep eating healthy and getting plenty of sleep and try and get healed as quick as I can. What about doing some just ridiculous shit shit like learning to juggle four balls with one hand or getting a slack line or like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:30 Learn how to ride a unicycle. What about doing some things that like that could challenge you, but could give you some, some legitimate rest? Yeah, not a bad idea. I could definitely definitely I'm terrible at juggling I'm terrible on the slack line I should definitely not do the slack line on above land or just like this high off
Starting point is 00:57:54 yeah or above water maybe good I thought you were going to be like no Sevan don't be a pussy I have to continue training 499 did you blame yourself for the injury you were going to be like, no, Sevan, don't be a pussy. I have to continue training. It could have gone to your line. 499, did you blame yourself for the injury? Asked Trish.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Immediately afterwards, did you think I shouldn't have been doing that? Immediately after, I thought I knew I should have pulled out because I wasn't going fast enough. And that's a constant replay I have in my head of the jump and that split decision of I wasn't going quick enough, I'm not going to make it, I'm going to try it anyway, and splat, I got smashed. When's your last bike accident before that, do you know? Had you crashed several times during the day?
Starting point is 00:58:46 No, that was the first time. Last time I crashed was probably a month before that, but it wasn't like a big crash. I just slipped out on some wet dirt, and I was riding in the rain, and it was slippery at the bottom of the mountain and just lost my front wheel and just hit the dirt but i was i wasn't going fast at all um uh mike says um what did mike say he had a great comment here
Starting point is 00:59:18 uh ricky tries the slack slack line fucks his other shoulder up thanks Evon uh Snorri's your agent yeah and uh does he give you um any any um like does he give you any love or or console you or is he like okay um
Starting point is 00:59:39 he was obviously um disappointed a little bit for what happened, but he was just making sure I was okay and in one piece. He's just looking on the horizon and staying positive and just controlling what we can control at the moment and helping me out with getting me all the recovery protocols and stuff that i can use to help my shoulder and are there a lot is there something every day
Starting point is 01:00:15 hyperbaric chamber like some sort of weird red lights hot cold are you doing just a ton of crazy shit yeah red light you are any on machine with the red light i got the hyper ice venom shoulder that just like provides massage and heat and then the hyperbaric chamber been saunering ice bath and that's about it yeah Really? What? Turmeric. You take that orally? No, powder. Okay, but you still eat it? Yeah, just in my smoothies. What is...
Starting point is 01:00:56 I have no idea if the red light worked. I'm just making shit up. I'm just feeling around in the dark. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I'm just a dude over here who measures things with penises. Do you think the red light really works? I think so, yeah. They've done the research
Starting point is 01:01:12 and science behind it. I can't see why they would put it out there if it didn't work. Tell me what the injury's called again. It's called a stage three grade three AC joint separation. AC joint Tell me what the injury is called again. It's called a stage three. Grade three AC joint separation.
Starting point is 01:01:30 AC joint separation. What will be the first movements you do when you start working again? Like what will be, do you know what the physical therapy looks like? Will it just be just putting your hand? I've already started doing a little bit. I just have a broomstick and I push the broomstick into my injured hand and just move it up and front, forward and back at the front and then out to the side, but not above 90 degrees. But all assisted with the broomstick for the next week or two, just depending how it goes. What do you mean assisted with the broomstick for the next week or two,
Starting point is 01:02:06 just depending how it goes. What do you mean assisted with the broomstick? Meaning you're holding the broomstick like this so it's touching the ground so you don't actually have to put any weight? You just go through range of motion? Oh, like that. Oh, your other hand helps you. Yeah, the other hand controls what you do.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Your affected hand just holds on. Is that just so you don't lose range of motion? You not trying to build strength you're just trying to keep range of motion is that what that's about yeah yeah just keep the range of motion yeah i guess you can't that would be fucked if you lose that for overhead positions right handstand walking all that yeah interesting okay cool um number three uh three tips to stay focused for adversity um let go of negativity and stay focused on your own
Starting point is 01:02:52 path um and use the negativity for fire uh to help you rise above it I mean shit you gotta be like kind of a master at that by now yeah I think I've just the road I've been on has allowed me to be like kind of a master at that by now yeah yeah i think i've just the road i've been on has allowed me to be yeah a bit of a master at that at the moment so um yeah i've just don't let it
Starting point is 01:03:15 get to me and just focus on my own path there's nothing you can control outside of your own life and the things you do and the thoughts you have. So that's, that's all I do. And are you good at staying away from negativity or not creating your own negativity? Yeah. Yeah, I'd say so. Three tips to stay focused through adversity. I can, I can recommend that video to anyone are you talking to justin kotler every single day
Starting point is 01:03:49 uh not every day but yeah fair bit and what time do you talk your time um usually around this time oh okay so i stole it from you because right now for him it's like eight o'clock or seven o'clock it It's 7 o'clock for him also. My lunch time is night time. And that's good? That relationship's good? You're going to stay with underdogs? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:19 He's the man. Have your medical staff said anything stupid? Like I went to the doctor the other day and they told me I should be cooking with canola oil. Have your doctors said anything to you, and you're like, yeah, you have fucking no idea what you're talking about? No, not that I can think of. Okay. I can imagine how often that happens. A lot.
Starting point is 01:04:49 All right. You still have a girlfriend. The helmet's broken. The hard was fall. You trust your doctor. I think I went through three pages of notes. You haven't miss anything? No, you're just a great dude.
Starting point is 01:05:09 I appreciate you taking the time and kind of reliving that with me. It's interesting that it is your right shoulder that got fucked up. That kind of sucks. But I guess the really good thing is if you're – it just teaches you your left arm better. It's like there is that skill training that's going on to make you better with your left hand. My left arm is going to be as coordinated as my right, I think, by the end of this. Ron, what's wrong with cooking with canola oil? Well, if you want to get rid of that – if you want to see your neck ever again, Ron.
Starting point is 01:05:51 All right. I appreciate you coming on. I've been wanting to have you on for a long time. I almost feel like if you wouldn't have got injured, I wouldn't have been able to get you on. So that's another. I'm usually a busy man so yeah i i like it you're wounded you're trapped and uh you're forced to do shit like this now uh you're welcome anytime uh brother and uh and and i'll and i'll be in touch thank you for responding to my dms and uh maybe since if you have some downtime, we can have you on
Starting point is 01:06:26 and get some of your thoughts on the games as the workouts and whatnot. Come on and get some of your insights. For sure. I'll be sure. Thanks a lot. Cheers. Tell Michelle thank you for letting us borrow you. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Tell me. bye bye tell me I heard some crazy shit what do you mean shots fired what shots did I fire I was chill I was poking fun at Tremblay and Fikowski and... Do you hear that? No.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Are your kids fighting or something? No, it sounds like a hot air balloon's over my house. You know that sound? Oh, yeah. your kids fighting or something no it's it sounds like a hot air balloons over my house you know that sound oh yeah uh i i don't know what do you mean i don't know what what shots fired shots for oh at ron oh okay thank you thank you katie katie maybe maybe maybe you need to be on this show too like to help me interpret shit i do have a haircut i shaved the sides of my head uh yolana jennings seve and ricky on behalf of lucky camera straps who is out meeting for who is out mt being at mountain biking for his birthday oh he mountain bikes also also wow here's some low value aussie because he's missing the live oh thank you that's awesome i don't know how low i mean our
Starting point is 01:08:05 dollars fucked up too a propane tank propane propane tank is off-gassing yeah that's what it sounds like it's crazy uh no this didn't just start okay um i'm disappointed that i feel like i couldn't i couldn't keep it going do you think i was that was that was a little bit hard that interview would you say it was a little bit hard, that interview. Would you say it was a little hard? I was struggling a little? I don't know if it was you. I think he feels a little down.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Oh. Well, in his videos, he's become so talkative. Maybe that's just the way they edit it. Movie magic. Movie magic. Trish, 6 out of ten. I appreciate the honesty.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Thank you. He's just mellow. That too. Oh, look it. Yeah, he fucking hates you. How does someone do that so fast? They just go in and change their name and you can just do that yeah god that's good yeah he uh ricky does hate you you're the only thing that ricky uh hates
Starting point is 01:09:13 uh tory k did you do the nope and workout seven no i didn't been in my own um six of 10 is very fair. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. And I'm not even pushing back. Stop. I don't want to see that six of 10 again. It's a fucking D. It's a low D. It's a D minus.
Starting point is 01:09:37 I wonder if she's watched the comedian shows we've had. She should rate those. The which shows? The ones that we've had comedians on. Oh yeah. Those are great. Um, yeah, those are great. Roman worked on Ricky's bike before the accident. Can't rule that shit out.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Okay, Katie Gannon. Ricky is pretty low-key with media, not his own people. I am his people, though. I'm not really media. Not really. Yes, he is jacking off left-handed. No, he has a girlfriend. Anything else? Anyone want to talk about anything else? I have a few more minutes before I go into retire into the backyard,
Starting point is 01:10:28 sip a Moscow mule or something. Anyone, anyone? It's, it's nice. Oh shit. Listen to this fucking, I hate logic.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Uh, Katie Gannon, you are only talking to him. Oh my God. This one's gonna sting you you are only talking to him because he's ricky gerard the crossfit athlete your media i don't know how do i push back on that is there do i have any options or did she win the ko i mean if we found him and he was just an interesting dude, we would have interviewed him, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:09 You were only talking to him because he's Ricky Garrard. Well, if his name was Lance Armstrong, I'd be talking to him, too. Yeah. But this CrossFit athlete part is kind of hard. This CrossFit athlete. If he believed in UFOs, i'm like okay fine you win maybe we need to cover mountain biking now we need to get back to frisbee we need brian to fucking unfuck himself so we can get back to frisbee i'm behind on the silver series man
Starting point is 01:11:36 yeah did you did you watch it this weekend without without us going no okay uh we uh we haven't talked about trannies in a while i'd like to save that for tomorrow morning Did you watch it this weekend without us going? No. We haven't talked about trannies in a while. I'd like to save that for tomorrow morning. Someone's being forced to self-realize. It's beautiful. Well, thank you. You're just not real.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Oh, listen. This is why I stayed on. I want to tell you about Vindicate. Listen, people. Go get your CEO shirt. Katie Gannon, do you have a CEO shirt? You need one. Seve, an hour show for you is considered a reel for you.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Fair. I agree. This is the shortest show ever. Oh, there's a cat. That's how slow the show is. We have a cat. Is Brian part two coming? We could.
Starting point is 01:12:28 He's got some interesting shit. He's got a very interesting life. We only got through half of his life anyway. We did? I don't know. I'm just fucking around. Oh, good. Stephanie Fallows. You think that's really her, that picture? Yeah. Seems legit. She looks like she just
Starting point is 01:12:43 buried someone out in the woods behind her or she was playing disc golf astute uh my husband is trying to train for a 21 mile mountain bike race in two weeks granted he does crossfit and before winter he was riding a lot thoughts on how well he will do yeah he's gonna win it probably yeah it is i did a rowing competition and i took second against like division one collegiate rowers you did recently uh it was a few years ago but yeah wow i'd probably do it again yeah they were pretty pissed did that hurt what rowing rowing? Yeah, that competition. Was that painful? No.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I've always been a pretty good rower, but it was funny watching everybody. You could see the other guys on the podium just sitting there like, this fucking sucks. Miso is Barry McCockner's girl. Have you met her, Savon? Miso is Barry McCockner's girl have you met her Savant oh my goodness okay get your CEO shirt vindicated
Starting point is 01:13:56 that's all I'm trying to say yeah Caleb is a beast that's pretty crazy okay well thank you for entertaining me this last five minutes you guys have been great i love hanging with you guys uh oh one more okay here we go this is gonna be good extra sloppy somehow i have been influenced by the myriad of people in this chat and on this show to buy a 40 year old motor home And the first thing I put in it were hippie sticks and a hacky sack.
Starting point is 01:14:29 That's not exactly where I thought this was going. What? I'm going to, I want to have, Brian should come on and talk about his new media empire. I agree. I would like to have, I think we're scheduling Patrick Clark and Brian both to come on together. I feel like it's time to bring Patrick Clark a little closer into the fold.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Not much, just a little. Let him peek. I think he's close to me, actually. I might go see him. Patrick Clark? Yeah. Okay. That was anticlimimactic that's our cue all right guys uh love you guys see you tomorrow morning 7 a.m live calling show it's gonna be short tomorrow taking the boys to tennis tomorrow saturday right yeah and uh i hope everyone has a climax tonight bye

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