The Sevan Podcast - Ricky Garard | Would He Have Won the 2023 CrossFit Games? #985

Episode Date: August 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like me.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you you that's weird the same one as normal like crazy crisp all right i'm digging it look at oh there's oh shit he was upside down for a second hello hey dude what's up hey it's the one how you doing dude living the dream how are you doing yeah good just got home from the track oh serious yeah this this track yeah been doing some running yeah oh so i heard are you prepping or did you do it did you do the high rocks?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah, I did the high rocks on the weekend. How'd it go? Yeah, it was pretty gnarly. It was a tough race. My legs are still recovering. How'd you place? I got second. Second place.
Starting point is 00:01:42 To Benny? To Benny Garrett? Nah, nah, Benny got 17th, I think. No shit. Benny's still that good? Yeah, he's still got it in him. Dang. Hey, how old is Benny?
Starting point is 00:01:58 He turned 35 today. Hey. Oh, no shit. Hey, would he make another run at it? You think he'd go Masters? Yeah, he's planning on it. No shit. Yeah, he's keen. He's still been training pretty hard with me and getting amongst it as often as he can.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Ricky Garrard, one hour, two minutes, 21 seconds. High Rocks race, just out here proving that CrossFit prepares you for anything. God, Ricky Garrard is so good for the brand. Look at that. I'm going to get you a check for $10,000 from HQ just for that line. Yeah. No practice runs or any specific training. I think if I wanted to have a more competitive time, I'd drop 10.
Starting point is 00:02:41 KG, really? You think you could drop 20 pounds? Yeah. I could drop that easy you could drop 20 pounds yeah i could drop that easy no shit stop lifting weights stop eating just run hey hey ricky um you think jason hopper's too big for crossfit no i don't think so he probably needs to drop 10 kg you see how fucking big that dude is? Yeah, I'm not sure what he weighs. What does he weigh?
Starting point is 00:03:10 1,000 pounds? I don't know. He's fucking huge. Where would you lose? Seriously, you would stop lifting and then just start running and biking and you think you could drop 20 pounds? Wow. Yeah, if I was serious about winning High Rocks, I'd just literally just run probably 30 40 k's
Starting point is 00:03:27 a week and just drop 10 kilos and just focus on that but that's not my goal at the moment no you look good by the way you look younger than than i remember you yeah maybe I had a haircut that always helps Caleb um what was the original world record for high rocks I know now it's like someone broke an hour but at some point would that hour and two minutes have been a world record like four years ago three years ago let me check I'm not sure I know it's 54 minutes something at the moment it really is that fast yeah 5407 is the current is it hunter that's yeah it's hunter i remember getting off the um lunges i think it was and i just started my run and it was 54 minutes. I was like, man, Hunter's finished right now. That is quick. Oh, that is crazy. Huge fan. Stay off the fucking bike.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yeah. When you say you were at the track, you mean you were on foot? Yeah, I was on the athletics track. Yeah, I was on foot. Okay, good. Yeah, that's what you mean. Thank you. I was racing Benny in some 100 meter sprints. Hey, is he your premier training partner? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, majority of the time. Got a few other guys, but Benny's probably the main one.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I wonder if there's any other sibling duo out there. There's this kind of this theory going around, you know the theory, you get two competitive guys together and they'll push too hard. And now some people are saying, Hey, the reason why Justin Medeiros didn't do well this year is because he was just trying to beat Ellie, but you know, and there's all these theories, but I never heard anyone talk about like what it's like training with your sibling. Probably sounds like it's a great match.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah. I don't think you can beat it. I mean, we've been competitive towards each other since the day I can remember. And yeah, we never want to lose to each other. So we always go as hard as we can. And then
Starting point is 00:05:39 since he's your older brother, when he does beat you, are you proud of him? Do you like it? After about an hour, two hours, I'll get over it. No. Okay. So you don't want to lose to him. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yeah. You don't want to lose to him. Nah. Nah, never. He, um, yeah, man, for 21, 20 years, I couldn't beat him at anything. Literally just, yeah, always come second to him. If it was running, it was bike riding, it was ping pong, it was tennis, golf. Anything he'd beat me at.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And then I started catching him in my 20s, and now it's done the reverse. How does he take that? Does he take it good? Yeah, he's good. I mean, he still beats me at ping pong and tennis and golf. You play tennis? Yeah, a little bit. How often is a little bit?
Starting point is 00:06:40 Once a month? Yeah, once a month. The game with the yellow ball and the big court and the big rack yeah yeah that's it no shit yeah that's a great game you're uh my wife just rolled her ankle doing that what about that you worried about that i mean i haven't rolled my ankle but are you worried about rolling your ankle doing that well last time i played it actually my back tightened up heaps after it. So I haven't played it in a little while. So not too worried. But since I hurt my shoulder, I haven't honestly been doing much at all.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I've just been doing CrossFit. Is the shoulder better? Yeah. Yeah, it seems better. It's coming along. The rehab, recovery has been great. I've been putting a lot of work into it and putting a lot of time and effort in with physios and my rehab and anything and everything that I can do to help it.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And I'm pretty much back to 100%. No shit. Yeah, I could have competed at the games based off the workouts. I would have confidently been able to get through the games. Hey, let's just cut to the chase, Ricky. It is what it is. You ready? Were these your games to win?
Starting point is 00:08:04 Not going to lie. Don't lie. Were these your games to win? Not going to lie. Don't lie. It was pretty good workouts for me. Would have been a great opportunity and a pretty big chance that I could have taken it out. I want to go through the workouts with you. Do you mind? Could you pull up the leaderboard, Sousa? We'll just play a game and pretend like no one's watching.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Let's do it. I may have already played this game with myself. Yeah, good, good. It's always good to do it with yourself a few times before you go live with it. Okay. What's the very first workout, Caleb? What is it? The 40-minute bike.
Starting point is 00:08:49 The bike ride. Now, do you think you would have been haunted by your accident and you probably would have taken like 27th on this? Nah, definitely not. Definitely not. I mean, it's a flat course. It's not a 90-degree downhill course. Dude, Ricky, I walked onto that fucking course this year,
Starting point is 00:09:10 and I stood in the spot where you won it the first year, and you did like a 180 as you crossed the finish line, and I was right there. Big skid. Yeah, right next to you or whatever that is. I was really devastated. I couldn't relive that moment and do another big skid so you put it to uh you put it to um the fin the fin and the canadian you win this one
Starting point is 00:09:34 yeah i mean koski rode really well i was i could see what he was doing throughout the race and i he paced it really well and took his chance when he could. I would have rode a very similar race to him. But I feel like, at worst case, second place. But I feel like I would have maybe had more power then at the end to sprint the last lap and take it. And, hey, here's the other thing too. And hey, here's the other thing too. I suspect that that race had a bigger impact on the athletes than they ever expected.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Yeah, 40 minutes is a long time to be going at that speed. I mean, the aftermath on the legs would have been pretty brutal. I mean, Emma Lawson was – I think she won the women, and she was frozen on the ground. She couldn't move. Yeah. Yeah, I did hear a lot of comments about people cramping and wanting to get, like, sodium and electrolytes back in and try and recover for the next event. And you,
Starting point is 00:10:45 and you're adapted to that. You, you would have probably also, not only would you have done great at it, but you would be adapted to it. Yeah. I'd say so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I do a lot of bike riding, so I kind of know what that feeling is. God, it sucks. You weren't here for this. I have no proof or evidence of this, but I have to guess that we're not going to see bike riding like that again. Yeah, depending on the venue, where they go.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I was just thinking because of all the crashes. There were a lot of crashes. Yeah, that's true. If you would have gotten in a crash on the course, would you have exchanged pleasantries? Do you exchange a fuck you? What are you doing? I would have caught up to them and took him out all right good there was some drama there yesterday uh jay gazan reported that uh he thinks emily uh ellie turner maybe gave uh alex gazan a little oh yeah yeah a little yeah i mean what happens on the
Starting point is 00:11:43 course stays on the course all right it's competition hey have you guys seen that clip going around um with uh I think it's on the CrossFit Games Instagram with uh Patrick Vellner at the start of the race have you guys seen that nah are you on your phone I didn't um did someone give him a nudge or something or a push it's hard it's hard for me to, but it looks like maybe James Sprague fucking just shoved him from the back. I just can't see James Sprague doing that. Oh, wasn't that on the 5K?
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah. Oh, you're talking about the 5K, yeah. Is that what happened? Can you freeze this, Caleb, when we – not yet, but whenever we see – okay, so Vellner's going. Yeah. Doesn't look like it yet. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:30 It looks like BKG did it. God, Vellner looks like a speed skater. Sprague was right behind him. Yeah. Yeah. Looks like he – I got him pushed in the back. It's on Vellner's story. Does Vellner comment on it?
Starting point is 00:12:49 Hey, that's all fair, right? I mean, that's obviously like you have to be a tough guy if you're going to get to the front there, right? Yeah, I mean, if someone's in your way and you're about to tread on them, you've got to give them a push. Who is that in the black that's in front of Vellner? Yellow Hosta. But BKG is to the left of Vellner here.
Starting point is 00:13:13 You like that running form right there, Ricky, that Yellow Hosta's got? Just fucking straight pose running, right? Just lean forward. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, it looks good. I got bad news for you, Ricky uh-oh here we go gray goes five dollars fuck mary kill danny spiegel tia can't do it man i can't do it you're smart man can't do it. You're a smart man. You're smart.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Are you still got a girlfriend? My girlfriend's watching. Oh, good. Hey, what's your dog doing? Like just standing guard for you? Yeah, he's security. No one's sneaking up on Ricky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:02 I live in a bit of a dodgy area, so he's on lookout. How many people does that dog bit? Be honest. No one. No one? It's flaccid. Zero bites? Not somebody.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Zero bites. Okay, let's go back to the second event. Let's see what we got here. So I'm giving you first in that first one. I think it's fair. Yeah. I'll get up first. Hey, how's your brain? Are you depressed at all?
Starting point is 00:14:25 You didn't go to the games or you accepted it? I accepted it. You're not on suicide watch or anything? No, just for a couple of days and then I got over it. All right. Hey, what does that look like? Are you at home just like fucking, are you tense during the games at home? Yeah, to be honest, I had a pretty short fuse.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I normally got a really long fuse. It takes a lot to set me off, but my fuse was pretty short. For that Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday? Yeah, for like five days, yeah. Like be slant? Best way to deal with it was just to go to the gym and do the workouts. Like if someone touched your protein powder, you'd be like, hey, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, pretty much. The best way to deal with it was just to go to the gym and do the workouts. Like if someone touched your protein powder, you'd be like,
Starting point is 00:15:07 hey, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, pretty much. Kick the dog a little bit. I just didn't really speak to anyone, just kind of stayed quiet. Pig chipper, event number two, 10 pig flips. Is that too heavy for you? No, that's cool. Yeah, you proved you're strong last year, right?
Starting point is 00:15:30 Yeah, I flipped the pig pretty solid last year in that event. 25 chest-to-bar. I mean, you could do those in your sleep. 50 toes-to-bar, 100 wall-ball shots, then 50 toes-to-bar. Man, You might. I mean, I did 100 wall balls unbroken on the weekend at the end of the High Rocks, but I definitely wouldn't have done
Starting point is 00:15:53 100 unbroken in this. Let me tell you who I'm going to go to the leaderboard and I'm going to tell you who There you go Simon Roman and Lazar oh yeah
Starting point is 00:16:10 I'm going to give that one to you too buddy first place for that one too yeah possibly I mean it would have been I feel like it would have been a good race anyone in the comments have a fucking problem with that two first place for ricky anyone good keep your mouth shut uh what's ricky's ftp on a bike what's that mean uh oh 20 minute average watts um man i did that 334 or something, I think it was.
Starting point is 00:16:45 330 something. What's FTP? Functional Threshold Power? Yeah, that sounds about right. Jesus. And Ricky, it's a guy on a bike in his profile picture asking the question. Look at him. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:01 He just wants to be like, I'm better at Ricky or something. I feel like that second workout was um a lot to do the toaster bar and then obviously having the grip and strength to bring the pig flip home so normally normally with a toaster bar workout um normally up there with lazar and roman so i feel like it would have been a good race. Ricky would have won this game hands down. Thanks. Mason, thanks. Whatever that was.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Thanks, Luke. Okay. So a third workout. So he's two first. Two first. That's good. That's 200 points. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Third workout, inverted medley. Melody. Yeah, yeah, that too. Yeah, I gave this one a go at the gym. I set it up as best I could. I really like the freestanding handstand pushups. I've always liked those.
Starting point is 00:18:04 But I mean, at the games, it's a different story. It's a lot of pressure. You've got to execute. No mistakes. And obviously doing it in your home gym is a lot easier, a bit less pressure. What was your time at your home gym, do you know? 3.34, I think it was. That's what I thought.
Starting point is 00:18:24 First place again. Hey, what about this guy, Bailey Martin? Is he any good? Yeah, I bet he's good. You ever train with him? He's a gun, yeah. No, I haven't trained with him, but I know him pretty well. He's a funny lad.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Like good funny? Yeah, good funny. Like good sense of humor? Yeah, good vibes, good sense of humor. Always a good time. Is he the of humor. Yeah, good vibes, good sense of humor. Always a good time. Is he the guy that replaced you at the games? No, no.
Starting point is 00:18:52 He didn't replace me. Oh, wait, for the semifinals, you mean? Oh, maybe for semifinals, yep. No, that was Zach Thomas. Oh, okay. Different. Yeah. But he replaced me and ended up seventhth I think At semi-final
Starting point is 00:19:06 Which is pretty impressive Yeah that is impressive Hey was Bailey Martin the third dude out of Australia It was Jay Crouch Second Who was the third Jake Douglas Oh that's right
Starting point is 00:19:19 Oh poor Jake Something happened to Jake The bike fucking sucked him of his. Sucked the life out of him. Yeah, it did. He was not feeling good. That sucked. I felt horrible for him.
Starting point is 00:19:33 You know him? Yeah. Yeah, I know Jake, yeah. Yeah, he seems like a straight up dude. Yeah, he's a good lad. Okay, so you're kicking ass. So you get where your three first places. Anyone?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Go ahead. Someone say something. I dare you. Yep. where your three first places. Anyone? Go ahead. Someone say something. I dare you. Yep. Yep, Ricky first again. Look, yeah, I know. It's crazy. Everyone knows.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Everyone knows. Oh, shit. Victor Harker talking some shit. 330 is okay. He's heavy. So I'd expect 350. Damn. No, Ricky's not heavy.
Starting point is 00:20:03 You're not heavy. 205. Oh oh you are heavy pretty heavy chunky ricky i didn't know that okay did i say that out loud chunky ricky been eating well alpaca something redux i don't know the typo or something uh that's the one where you you pushed that impossible sled that was bringing people to a halt you got some rope climbs in there legless rope climbs wasn't there something else it was a kettlebell cleaning jerks oh yeah yeah yeah how's your shoulder overhead you good yeah i like that movement it's good that would have tested out your shoulder that would have tested out your shoulder yeah I've been doing those
Starting point is 00:20:47 a bit but yeah it would have tested them out a bit I suppose are those kettlebells too heavy for you? 70 pounds? nah it's good what about that sled?
Starting point is 00:21:02 I don't mind it what about that sled? last year's last year's event I was leading going into the last 10 reps, and I failed my 10th rep on the cleaner jerk and then got pipped on the sled coming home. What's that mean, pipped? Is that Australian for something? Beat, let's just say.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Pipped, like. What place did you take last year? I think seventh. Seventh in that. Let me see. It's okay. I'll pull this up here. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Pretty sure it's seventh. Got to make this fair. 2022 CrossFit Games individual men. Ricky Garrard, the alpaca, seventh. I mean, this one would have been, obviously it was a harder workout and it looked hard as hell. But legless rope climbs are really good for me.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Well, here we go. Guy wasn't there. And let's say Justin and Hopper wouldn't have beaten you, they didn't have a good year, those two. I don't know if you saw the games. They didn't do well. Okay, so we'll let Roman, Sam, and Patrick Vellner beat you on that. We'll give you fourth on that.
Starting point is 00:22:16 You okay with that? Yeah. You're not going to punch me when you see me? You're cool? You're not going to be like, hey, dickhead, you gave me a fourth? You're cool? Maybe. Okay. First, first, first gave me a fourth you're cool maybe okay first
Starting point is 00:22:25 first first and a fourth okay god i love this game it's fun isn't it yeah it's fucking awesome okay uh uh ski bag oh it's heavy oh you're good with the bag you showed you're good with the bag you like a bag yeah i don't mind this i don't mind the same bag i showed you're good with the bag. You like a bag. Yeah, I don't mind the sandbag. I actually did this one at the gym. I set it up. And? From memory, I would have got third with my time. I can't remember what time it was.
Starting point is 00:22:58 It was like a 4.30 something. I think I saw it on your story. Yeah. Yeah, 4.30. 4.37 maybe? Yeah, something like that. Okay. Sorry, I can't have you beat Colton Mertens in that.
Starting point is 00:23:14 You okay with that? Yeah, that's cool. I'll give it to Colton. Okay. And Sam Quant, can we give Sam Quant a second at 434? Yeah, I'll give him that. All right. And then you squeeze in there.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Third place, Ricky. Third. First, first, first, fourth, third. So it's a bad day for you. Friday's a bad day for you. It's not a great day for you. I did. It was.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I had been training two days in the lead up before these events. I didn't take or anything. Just kind of squeezed it in with the program. Did you actually do all the workouts? Did you actually do them? Like the days the athletes were doing them? I did them the day, like they would have done it while I was asleep
Starting point is 00:23:57 and then I'd wake up and see the events and I'd do it that day. You did the whole entire games while the game was? No, I just, I only only did six six workouts out of the 12 all right good no reason to go yeah okay the other ones are too too hard to simulate okay then we have uh helena and uh and the champ fucking murdered that first place 75, 756. Yeah, that was fast. I did this one at my gym as well.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Oh, how'd you do? 804, I did. Okay, okay. I tried to map out a 400-meter run that was like a similar route to what they did. Wow, you even did that with all those weird turns and shit? to what they did wow you even did that with all those weird turns and shit yeah i put like um markers on the footy field because there's a big rugby field next to our gym so i went out at the gym across the car park around the the markers on the footy field and back back to the gym where there's like a rig we We got a rig outside the gym.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Kind of worked perfect for that workout. Carlos Ochoa. Is he grabbing his dick? For sure. Ricky is goaded. Double goaded. Thanks, Carlos.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Not quite yet, mate. Ricky, top four and Helena. Okay. Yeah, I think we can give him a third in that after Jeffrey Adler and Will Morad. We'll put you between 805 and 808. Okay. Tough. I'm really sorry about Saturday.
Starting point is 00:25:42 A fourth, a third, and a third. That's how I'm going. It's an emotional come down off of Thursday. Day one. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Did you think we were going to do this when you came on?
Starting point is 00:25:59 Not quite. I thought you were going to ask me, but not every week. Yeah. Yeah. This is good. Don't ruin it. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Oh, shit. The cuts have happened. You survived the cuts. You're probably still wearing the leader's jersey. And you got the 5K. Let's talk about the 5K for a second. Did you hear about that? Did you hear about that?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Did you hear about that? Yeah. Between Adler and Roman. Adler was chirping him. Roman got all flustered all flustered oh no i didn't hear that yeah adler was chirping him roman was getting all flustered all flustered getting during their eyes and um and uh when i talked to adler about the stories i was hearing when i was there was just that roman was tripping because he didn't mind the chirping. But that Adler actually touched him a few times, you know, roughed him up a little bit on the track.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And when I asked Adler about it, he's like, hey, dude, when we were at the starting line, I purposely moved people over so he could get in the front with me. Oh, yeah. Helping him out. Yeah. Helping a brother out. Oh, yeah. So the competition competition will though. Ah Helping him out Yeah helping a brother out So The competition will So Adler was
Starting point is 00:27:11 Touching Roman and he was like Don't effing touch me Adler says that he didn't touch him Ah yeah Who won the race You never know Oh Jelly Yeah Jelly Who won out race? You never know. Oh, Jelly. Yellow hosta.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah, Jelly. Who won out, Adler or Roman? Adler beat him by nine seconds. No, 11 seconds. 11 seconds. Oh, yeah, that's right. Roman looked like he was hurting, and then he just sprinted off at the end.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I was like, wow. Dude's tapped are you when you see these are you surprised at this finish right here does this look about right to you the hosted guy Adler, Roman, Lazar Jukic, Brent Frikowski, Jay Crouch yeah I mean Jay did really well but yeah that's
Starting point is 00:28:03 pretty much the top four I would have predicted. I knew Yellow Host was a good runner based off semifinals. But yeah, I did get the heads up that it was four and a half Ks, not five Ks. So I wasn't
Starting point is 00:28:17 too shocked when I seen the times. How about Chandler Smith taking seventh? That's impressive. Yeah, that's really good too. That's a lot of dude to drag around. I did a 5K here at home, just like around the beach. And I did that in 1753. That was an actual 5K.
Starting point is 00:28:43 1753, an actual 5K. Yeah. that was an actual 5k 1753 an actual 5k yeah so i think that works out to be like 16 20 or something oh four and a half k wow and maybe even faster because you would have had a little juice there at the end yeah yeah i mean if i was there running race, I would have just sat with them like they all did in the group and then taken off at the end. How have you been in other running events at the CrossFit Games? Yeah, good. Last year, we did the Capital. Me, Lazar, and Roman ran together all the way to the Capital. Travis was the only one that broke off?
Starting point is 00:29:26 Oh, Travis was in the heat before us. Oh. Yeah. How'd you do in the capital? Yeah, I won it. Oh, fuck. You get first place in this. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:29:36 There we go. Done. Look at that. This is scientific. This is science. All over it. Okay. Oh, Patrick Clark.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Altitude training for Chandler. He's also run six miles while in the Army. Oh, he's run six-minute miles while in the Army. Sean M., Ricky would have won the 5K. Thanks, Sean. Would have been great to see Ricky and Roman battle it out and then see Ricky Win over Adler God it's crazy that you weren't there
Starting point is 00:30:12 What a weird year Yeah This is just like a fun game here Okay Intervals, which one was that? What workout is that? I can't even picture What was that one?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Oh The box jumps 21 box jump overs Uh, intervals. Which one was that? What workout is that? I can't even picture. What was that one? Oh, the box jumps. 21 box jump overs, some burpee box jump overs, some more other 15 calorie row nine. I don't even remember watching this six minute rest. I don't even remember seeing this workout. I must've been interviewing people in the, in the color team. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Okay. Belner won it. And I'm not sure who won the girls. Maybe. I can't remember. He really put it to Janikowski. Beat Janikowski by 24 seconds. Beat Bailey Martin by 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah, Belner smashed it. I know why he won, because of the box jump overs i mean he's good on everything else but he separated himself from the box jump overs i thought can you do that technique that velner does where he like baseball yeah yeah exactly what i did what i do on mine i was watching him did that you did velner steal that from you? I don't know. I was watching him do it, and I was like, yeah. That a boy. That's how you do it. Hey, did you text anyone during the games? Like, did you text Vellner, hey, good luck, buddy, or any?
Starting point is 00:31:36 Vellner messaged me, like, about their mountain bike crash and the injury and stuff. And I said, thanks and whatnot, and said, and stuff. And I said thanks and whatnot and said good luck. But during the games, I was messaging just the Aussie boys, really. Jay Crouch? Yeah, Jay Crouch. He had a good first couple of days, and then he was just holding on for dear life.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yeah, and heaps of people were hitting me up for tips on the bike as well when they announced the bike. The bike's easy. Just stay away from Lazar Jukic and you'll be fine. I said just ride faster than everyone else. Okay, intervals. What do you think? Did you do that one?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Yeah, I did that one. I set it up at the gym. I simulated as best I could. Yeah, I would have. By my time, I would have won. I think I got 7-16, I think, was my final score. Wow. Did you have a judge? Nah, didn't have a judge.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I think we should give you second place for that. Yeah, why not? Let Vellner have a win. You already got three wins. Yeah, I'll not going to judge. I think we should give you second place for that. Yeah, why not? Let Velner have a win. You already got three wins. Yeah, I'll give it to him. Okay, so day three is looking good. Okay, Olympic total. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:00 What is your max snatch, ever? Ever? Ever. It is 135 kilos so like 298 i think okay and then what's your max clean and jerk ever uh 165 so 364 I'd say okay I'm going to tell you the math I did on that 14, 15 carry the one if I was at the games
Starting point is 00:33:32 doing that right now which I did these lifts during the games and I only hit 245 and what I claimed at 145, so 320. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Okay. I like this. Did you miss any of your attempts? No, I didn't actually. Okay. So 565, that would have put you in 27th place oh yeah there you go
Starting point is 00:34:09 oh because Bjorkman didn't lift you think that's fair 27th you think you would have had one where you shit the bed I mean relative to the to the crew yeah I mean if I was there
Starting point is 00:34:24 right now doing it with my current shoulder, that's what I would have roughly got. All right, I like it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is very honest. I'll take a 27. Oh, yeah, I know. Scott Hall, Ricky is choking. I know.
Starting point is 00:34:42 It's a tough one. It was a tough event for him. Averaging top five. We'll all go out drinking after 27th. I can't believe it's a first, a first, a first, a fourth, a third, a third, a first, a second, a 27th. I got a homeboy got a hole in his game. Okay, on to the next one.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Would you overcome that mentally? Would you be cool? Like, would you? How would you deal with that? Yeah, I mean, if I had those placings leading into it and I was still in first, then the show goes on. All right. Big Baka 99.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I love this game. Yeah, isn't it great? Love this game. Tr, isn't it great? Trish, Ricky, does that Aussie pussy hit different? That's not cool. That is not cool. I'm sorry, Ricky. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Trish is like a 69-year-old lady. She thinks she can get away with saying anything because she's old. I mean, all I can say is that people that come to Australia rarely go home. Fair. Wow. It's anecdotal. Oh, who would best play Ricky in a movie? Chris Hemsworth, Mel Gibson, or Russell Crowe? I think we have to find a
Starting point is 00:36:06 up-and-comer. Hey, what if this really isn't Trish and someone's just stolen Trish's identity? Yeah, they're awfully chatty today. It's weird. Oh, Matt Burns has asked Justin. Wow. Okay, yeah, that's fair. We'll ask Justin.
Starting point is 00:36:24 It's so inappropriate. Holy shit. Oh, God. I'm sorry. The show always... Now I kind of understand why some people don't... This show isn't for some people. Muscle-up logs, five rounds for time, seven muscle-ups. Oh, this one was cool. This one was cool. Yeah, this one's awesome. You think you'd have broke your ankle on this one? Broke your foot on this one was cool. This one was cool. Yeah, this one's awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:45 You think you'd have broke your ankle on this one? Broke your foot on this one? Shit. Damn, I hope not. Poor Roman, that was devastating. You're probably one of the better athletes out there. Just period. Like, I mean, you're not a one-trick pony.
Starting point is 00:37:01 You ride bikes, you play tennis, you can do all sorts of shit. You can run. Right? You're agile. Like, you just not a one-trick pony. You ride bikes. You play tennis. You can do all sorts of shit. You can run. Right? You're agile. Like, you just bounce off a bag. Yeah. I'd love to think so. I would think less of you.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Like, I'm not surprised that Roman hurt his foot on the bag. He's, like, just the big, you know, strong Russian. But, like, the agile athlete, if you would have done it, I would have, like, been disappointed in you. It would have been embarrassing. Yeah, a little bit. I'd have been like oh shit i thought richie was richie clean it up tough okay tough way to go okay tough way to not win the games poor runner you did not do this one you couldn't set this one up nah couldn't quite set it up i i went to do it with the yoke put sandbags over the yoke jump over the yoke but then i needed the next yoke to be higher
Starting point is 00:37:53 and then i only had one yoke and i was like this is too hard to set up so we'll just give it a miss um did you do the um that workout that year where you had to put the bags over the hay bales? Yeah. How'd you place in that? I won it. You did win that? Yeah, 2017, yeah. And that had running in it too, right?
Starting point is 00:38:23 Yeah, running, burpees, same bag over the hay bars. God, you're good at this CrossFit shit. This is so weird because this is such a fucked up game to play. You couldn't play this with anyone. I don't see one hateful comment in the comments, which is amazing. Like if you didn't really legitimately have a chance to win the games, like really, really win win it nobody would be uh everyone be like this is stupid yeah yeah i mean ring muscle-ups is one of my strikes sandbags
Starting point is 00:38:53 australia i mean like if you were sleepwalking on this event if you slept walk and then like you woke up and you were doing muscle-ups you'd walked over to the gym and we're doing muscle-ups you wouldn't be surprised that's how much you like them yeah i do love a muscle up i'm giving you first on this especially because you have something to prove after that 27th you come out hard right oh yeah sure and you execute on it too right you don't let you don't fuck up you execute on it grab each bag the first time. Get it over. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, I would have loved that event. Who did win that event?
Starting point is 00:39:31 Jeffrey Adler. Oh, I know, yeah. Hey, what do you mean Buster Cherry, nah, fifth? Let me tell you. You're telling me that, listen to the people who, Jeffrey Adler, Janikowski, Yella Hosta, Roman Krennikoff, Patrick Vellner, Justin Medeiros, Dallin Pepper, Will will more they're good names but i mean yeah i think definitely top two all right i'm gonna give you i mean it's always hard to predict because you're not there you're not in the heat you're not you're having the fatigue from the last few
Starting point is 00:40:05 days but very hard to predict that's why we have our best scientists on this me you and fucking 508 people in the chat it is a beautiful workout it is right you should have seen it in person looking at it it was such a cool setup yeah that looked awesome anyone who's like i can't we need to professionalize the sport. I'm like, dude, did you not see that setup that Rogue did and CrossFit did? That thing was crazy. Yeah, I saw that.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Oh, Sean M. Roman's foot got last place in this event. It did. Savage. Oh, how we do it. Hip and still loves muscle ups too that's cool damn ricky you're in australia right now yeah what a crazy what a crazy good connection we have yeah it's going good that's your house you're at your house yeah what is that stuff behind you You're at your house?
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yeah. What is that stuff behind you? Leica? Is that what you're getting to? Oh, is that just like a box you sit on and lift up? It's a bench. Yeah, you lift it up and you store stuff. Your dogs live up there?
Starting point is 00:41:19 No, no. The other stuff is my dog's dog food that I buy them. Looks like a box of diapers. $100 a week, to be honest, I spend for the dogs. Like some raw dehydrated food? Yeah, raw dog food. Frozen or dehydrated? It comes frozen.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Wow. They guaranteed me that my dogs will live 10 years longer. Yeah. Signed up. I believe it. Unless they go bike riding with you. Tank Reeves, is Ricky doing Rogue? You'll have to wait and see.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Dude, he is. Good question. How many people are involved in the decision-making with your shoulder? What's going on with your shoulder? Do you have a council? Yeah, just kind of between the physio, really, and just kind of trial and error. Just kind of once I feel confident, I'm ready to hit the floor again,
Starting point is 00:42:25 I'll be out there. Just kind of time will tell. But I'm progressing very fast every week. So, I mean, Rogue's looking like a possibility. That's awesome. High current comment. Okay. We are on – no, no.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Here, this is what I want. Where am I looking? Okay. We are on the parallel bar pool. I have to take a quick break to pee, and I'm going to run this one quick ad while we think about it. Everyone think about this. Ricky has a first, a first, a first, a fourth, a third, a third, a first, a first a second a 27th and then he's just come out with fucking the double danielle brandon uh fuck you and won the uh sandbag over the the bar okay we'll be back in uh 60 seconds my old mattress was trash it was so hot i couldn't control the temperature my wife my wife's boyfriend everybody
Starting point is 00:43:22 was pissed about how hot it was it was crazy crazy. And you know what? I'm done with the battle. You want different temperatures. You can make that happen. You can have your temperature. She could have her temperature. The dude next to her could have his temperature. It doesn't matter. It's all good. This episode is brought to you by Eight Sleep. Summer is reaching its apex and there's nothing worse than tossing and turning and sweating your hog off at night because of the summer heat. The PodCover by 8Sleep will keep you cool all night long, baby. All the way down to 55 degrees. Crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:43:54 55 degrees? Your mattress couldn't even dream of that. So you wake up fully refreshed. The PodCover by 8Sleep fits on any bed like a fitted sheet. Slips on nice and easy. The PodC cover will improve your sleep by automatically adjusting the temperature on each side of the bed based on your and your partner's individual needs. And it adjusts based on the phases of your sleep in the environment that you are in. Now, I thought I was sleeping good before, but I realized that wasn't until I
Starting point is 00:44:22 got the pod cover. I love eight sleep because I can adjust mine down to a brisk 68 degrees. She has her too. I love my eight sleep also. Thank you, Matt. Sorry. He's really pushy. Anytime I go to the bathroom, he just jumps in and just can't stop talking about that pod cover. I've got one of them. You do? Yeah, they're good You have the king size one? Queen You have a queen size bed? Yeah Is it just for you? No You sleep, you, 205 pounds of man, you sleep in a queen size bed with a girl
Starting point is 00:44:56 Yeah, we like it, it's snuggly, it's all good So she can't get away, there's like nowhere to hide No Hey I'm a good girl like feel good she so she can't get away there's like nowhere to hide no hey um uh did it change the um did it change the texture of your mattress or anything did it change like how does it work exactly i have one i haven't stuck it on yet how does it like i'm afraid if i'm gonna it's in that black bag and i'm afraid i'm gonna open it and it's gonna be just fucking everywhere yeah it's a little tricky to get on but once you get it on and then you get your sheet over the top,
Starting point is 00:45:28 actually you can't really notice it. It's kind of like just an electric blanket. You get in and it's warm and you're like, oh, it's nice. And it didn't change the, like, did it make your bed firmer? I'd love it if my bed was a little firmer. No. Does it fill with air or water or what's it fill with? Water, water. love it if my mouth is a little firmer no it doesn't fill with air or water or what's it fill with water water it's like a really thin film through the through the sheet and you can't
Starting point is 00:45:50 really feel it it just it's controlled by water yeah that's why i have to fill that black thing up with water first like vinegar and whatever yeah yeah that's it did you use distilled water did you follow instructions or you're just like fucking'm using tap water? I didn't have distilled water. Tap water it is. Well, shit, that's good. Wow, you just got a plug from Ricky Garrard. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Game changer. Caleb, see? Nice. The needle mover. This is a needle mover podcast. I'm glad I didn't schedule anyone after him. It's always nice talking to Ricky. Yeah, I don't want to be crowded.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Okay, parallel. Only two workouts left of the CrossFit Games. Yeah. You have 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 points just from your first places. And let's say 90, 90, 90, or let's say 80, 80, 80 just to make it easy. Times 4, 320. That gives you 820. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:46:58 You have 820 points plus your 27th. You have 870 points about it. I'm just making that up. Okay. So, I up. Okay, so, I mean, you're winning, but you're not running away. Adler's fucking with you. What am I on?
Starting point is 00:47:12 870? Yeah, something. I just kind of made that up. Oh, you made it up. Yeah. I mean, I just gave you like the fourth, the third, the third, and the second.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I just gave you all 80s for and that 27th, I gave you 60. Yeah. Cool. Love you. all 80s for and that 27th they gave you 60 yeah cool if we had something like some real journalist on here they'd have figured that shit out we can do the maths at the end how much better is it how much fucking better is it that i i'm honest and i haven't seen the fucking mattress i didn't know ricky fucking had that i played the fucking commercial and he fucking loves it but no you give your fucking
Starting point is 00:47:49 sponsorship money to these other fucking ding dongs that reach it hi get trifecta now i can't believe my six is trifecta sponsor of yours if they are i apologize no then okay get trifecta now and you too can have a six pack with your roast beef oh i dropped my roast beef it's fucking awesome best the best meal company out there is live fit nutrition based at australia yeah you eat their stuff yeah every day can i get it in the states uh i might be able to send you a box no but i mean just like in general they can make money off me no okay no unfortunately not and what happens it just comes it comes with that dry ice in it and it's your house yeah no he he literally his kitchen is empty at the start of the week all the the orders come in on a Sunday night, and he shops for all the food.
Starting point is 00:48:48 He cooks it that week, boxes it all up, and vacuum seals it, and it's on your doorstep Friday morning. Nothing's frozen. Everything's fresh. No shit. The ingredients are unreal. It's clean as all grass-fed beef. How do you stop yourself from eating Monday and Tuesday's food all on Monday?
Starting point is 00:49:10 Is that hard? Yeah. Do you do that sometimes? I actually get a lot of meals, so it's actually hard for me to get through them all. Oh, okay. Hey, see that fruit right there where it says live fit supplements? You see that fruit right there, that passion fruit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I shit you not, those are like $2 to $3 a piece in California. And I have like 10,000 of them. Yeah? Yeah, I'll send you a picture. My yard is overrun by them. Yeah, I grow them. Nice. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yeah. Do you grow those? Do you have those in Australia, passion fruit? Yeah, we love passion fruit. How much are they for one? I don't buy them because they're expensive, yeah. Oh, they're expensive there fruit? Yeah, we love passion fruit. How much are they for one? I don't buy them because they're expensive. Oh, they're expensive there too? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:49 If you live in Santa Cruz and you want to eat passion fruit, DM me. I will fucking hook you up beyond fucking belief. Yeah, that's cool. I have so many. It's crazy. They are unreal. They got heaps of options.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Heaps healthy. Live Fit does. Yeah. Oh, shit. There you are. You even got brownies. Nice. Isn't that nice? Yeah, they do like mussel and beef.
Starting point is 00:50:18 They do surf and turf. They do chicken palmies. I don't know what PRP is a tanker he wants to know would PRP work on shoulders what is that is that like that prolotherapy
Starting point is 00:50:29 where they inject oh that's blood blood plasma sort of stuff where they take the blood out and then spin it and
Starting point is 00:50:39 put it back in are you doing like every fucking possible fucking legal thing to, to help you? Like, or do you like go to acupuncture and a shaman and like de-inflammation and just everything?
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah. Everything. That red, that fucking red light thing that everyone's like, look at my red light. You even got one of those? Yeah. I got one of those.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yeah. It's actually a gun. It helps you. Really? Yeah. Sometimes I have like gun. It helps you. Really? Yeah. Sometimes I have like localized like aching in the shoulder. Yeah. And I wear that for like 40 minutes, 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And then the ache is gone. God, I thought a red light just meant the whore's in back in the day when I was a kid. Yeah. Yeah. Just like you see the red light. It's like, oh, she's home. Hey. Oh, that's a joke. I was a kid. Yeah. Yeah, just like you see the red light, she's like, oh, she's home. Hey, hey. That's just a joke, bad joke.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Have you ever been to Amsterdam, Ricky? No, I haven't. No. No. I kind of know what it's about. They got a district there, a red light district. Yeah, yeah. And my mom sent me away to college in the first stop before I went there. She sent me away to college in the first stop before i went
Starting point is 00:51:45 to she sent me away to college for a semester in london and the first stop i was going to go was i went to amsterdam really and and and i went to the red light district and the whole flight there i'm thinking i'm going to go there and get a girl right you're that right tom i didn't i just i turned it was like it was like i was at the it went from like hey I'm gonna go there and just fuck to like oh my god these are like real human beings and it's like going to the pound like you start feeling sorry for them yeah it was horrible
Starting point is 00:52:14 I hated it yeah it was fucked up you had a crisis? no you did oh yeah yeah it was crazy I know what a puss i know it was crazy i crumbled i was just like i started thinking the shit like that i was like wow these are people like believe it or not yeah my my girlfriend was born in amsterdam no shit yeah she's not australian
Starting point is 00:52:38 no she's dutch oh that's cool she. She moved to Australia when she was seven years old. Oh, so I want to go back to that quick question. Does that Australian pussy hit different? He doesn't know. Yeah. He doesn't know. There you go. Parallel bar.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Parallel bar. What about weed? are you smoking weed for your shoulder no no good you smoke anything no nothing yeah you seem very you're pretty you seem very sober just thin and sunshine how about bike have you been on a bike since your accident yeah road bike i have Just on the road. But I actually sold my mountain bike two weeks ago. No shit. Yeah, it's gone. Was that emotional? Yeah, I cried.
Starting point is 00:53:35 You did? No, I didn't cry. Oh, was it emotional though? Yes and no. I had a kind of bittersweet feeling when i looked at it so i was kind of happy but sad to move it on um what was the thought process in selling that bike how why did you how did that come about i mean did you need the money or like or you were trying to protect yourself or like yeah more so just um wasn't going to use it anymore it's designed to go downhill and
Starting point is 00:54:07 do big steep hills and big jumps and stuff so i figured i'm not going to do that stuff anymore so what's the point of having the bike just sitting there and it's just devaluing and um like it's cheaper the value of it is just declining so i thought move it on while it's cheaper. The value of it is just declining. So I thought move it on while it's still worth a bit of money and got my money's back for it. Did you put it online to sell it? Yeah, I had it online for a while on Facebook. I wasn't like rushing to sell it.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I just kind of put it online and thought if someone wants it they can take it so you put it up high too high you're like yeah yeah you put it up like for the brand new value price because you didn't really want to sell it yeah i had some ridiculous offers and stuff and i was like no no no no, can't sell it that cheap. And then one guy wanted to follow through with it. He didn't even come and look at it. He lives in another state. And I took it to the shop that I bought it from, and they boxed it up and mailed it straight to him.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Wow. I got it. Did he know who you were? No, I don't think so. He just wanted to buy the bike because he bought his wife a similar bike and they wanted to go riding together. Did you tell him that that bike cost you $350,000? Nah, I should tell him that.
Starting point is 00:55:40 You should tell him that. I should tell him that scratch right there cost me $315,000. God, that's fucking nuts. Okay, so that's – would it be fair if I called one of my friends tonight and I was like, dude, I talked to Ricky Garrard, and he sold his bike because he knows that he should not be on it and he didn't want to be tempted to get on it? Yeah. i'm just making that up but that's what i'm guessing yeah yeah you would be like seban's a liar that's there's some truth to that yeah for sure temptation was was coming back so
Starting point is 00:56:17 it's time to get it out of my sight wow hey did any what about your friends that you ride with so is it like like your friends who like are addicted to drugs or like hey dude you can't come over here anymore no they're cool they're a bit devastated they've lost a riding partner but they now i'll be back riding with them in five six years yeah you'll be back oh i like that yeah that means he's doing rogue what was the mountain bike what kind of mountain bike it was a
Starting point is 00:56:47 specialized Levo oh and and not electric just the just the
Starting point is 00:56:54 the Levo yeah it was electric it was electric yeah expert I purchased it for like
Starting point is 00:57:02 14 grand it was it was a sick bike and what was the road what's the road bike you have Trek Trek it's pretty old school to be honest $500
Starting point is 00:57:15 oh that's cool yeah I'm actually looking at upgrading yeah that's it similar yeah that's the that's the S-Works one i should send you some pictures
Starting point is 00:57:28 some crazy pictures of uh my friend's bikes one of my friend has a levo addiction oh yeah yeah yeah they're an awesome bike it's crazy he has a crazy addiction to bikes yeah he just yeah they're they're like art those bikes are like artwork you're like you're writing art that's insane the terrain that they can handle and the suspension and even the braking system how the battery works and it's nuts uh rb uh uh ricky gerard am i pronouncing your last name right gerard got gerard gerard gerard yes gerard gerard yeah gerard i like to say gerard when i'm sometimes when i'm angry fucking ricky gerard didn't show up at the game fucking uh you have You have a middle name? Yeah, Mac Mac Fucking Mac Fucking Mac
Starting point is 00:58:27 Really? M-A-C-K? That's your middle name? M-A-C Ricky Mac? Ricky Mac, yeah Wow, dude Dude
Starting point is 00:58:38 Wow How the fuck do you not use that? Your dad loves you That's crazy Wow How should I use that? Your dad loves you. That's crazy. Wow. How should I use it? Just fucking Ricky Mac.
Starting point is 00:58:52 That's your fucking name, Ricky Mac. Holy shit, that is pimp, dude. People call me that, actually. They do? People do? Yeah. My friends and some people I train with. Hey, can I? Ken Walters even knows stud yeah dude wow wow yeah look at elise carver dow ricky mack forever dude it's that's crazy hell yeah
Starting point is 00:59:13 how did how did they come up with that do you know are you named how did they come up with yeah my listen to rap music my mom's dad's name was mac oh that is great oh that's so i don't ruin it bernie don't ruin it i love you bernie but don't ruin it what did he not not mac truck just ricky mac just he's a mac he's the fucking mac mac and g's yeah and ricky mac yeah look at ann and yeah you know ricky mac yeah Ricky Mack. Yeah, I like it. Let's run with it. All right. Yeah, Greg Glassman knows.
Starting point is 00:59:48 That's a dope name. That's not really Greg Glassman, by the way. Don't get all crazy. Trent Murrell. We have two events to get through. Come on. Let's get through these. Trent Murrell, do you ever enjoy a pint on the weekends,
Starting point is 01:00:04 or are you sober? Nah, unfortunately not. I'm a sober Steve. Is that because of your dedication to the win, the victory? Yeah, yeah, just dedication to the sport, CrossFit. I can only drink if I podium at a competition. That's my deal. Dude, I love it.
Starting point is 01:00:28 If I podium and there's an after party, then you'll see me there. I had this dude on the show, Patrick Bed David. I think he's worth like probably $300 million now. When I had him on, he's worth like $150 million. And he, at one point in his life, he said that he wasn't going to have sex until, I think even ejaculate, until he was worth a million dollars.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I think, yeah. That's wild. Yeah, that is wild. But putting a carrot on the end of the stick, right? Yeah, whatever it takes. Yeah. That's cool. Farmerfit, Ricky Mac Paddydywhack give a dog a bone
Starting point is 01:01:06 okay sober mac yeah sober mac uh he has answered this i don't even know what you're fucking talking about and it's okay i ask the same thing all the time stop it's okay are you annoyed if i ask you the same question two or three times no that's cool as long as it's not games week i understand uh you have a dad who's how old's your dad 64 i think yeah you're used to dealing with old people like me who ask the same shit over and over yeah yeah normally my mom but yeah uh parallel uh bar pull over so that was would that would that make you dizzy you're on the older end of athletes let's pull all those pullovers 16 pullovers oh yeah yeah they made me dizzy as hell they did i was all cockeyed when i got off trying to walk back to the traverse, the pirouette.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Yeah. Oh, so you did this one. This is a different workout. Did you do this one? No, I didn't do this one. You've got them mixed up. You're talking about the inverted mat length. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Okay, my bad. Sorry. I have them mixed oh, oh, oh. Okay, my bad. Sorry. I have them mixed up. See, more old people shit. Okay. Eight rounds for time, down and back, P-bar traverse. Oh, yeah, okay. 30 heavy rope double unders, a one-section handover, hand sled pull.
Starting point is 01:02:39 This was mixed with handstand push-ups the last time you saw it, right? This P-bar thing? Oh, last year. Yeah. Squat cleanse and dips. with handstand push-ups the last time you saw it, right? This P-bar thing? Oh, last year. Nah, squat cleanse and dips. It wasn't handstand push-ups? Nah. Oh, how did you do on this?
Starting point is 01:03:01 Last year I came seventh, I think, sixth or seventh. How do you think you would have done this year? Yeah, I like it. I think maybe around the same, similar, six or seven. Okay, we'll give you a sixth. Yeah. I mean, I do love a hand-over-hand sled pull. Did you do this one?
Starting point is 01:03:24 Did you set this one up? No nah i didn't set it up i didn't quite have the hand over hand sled pull to do i've got parallel bars and i mucked around with that technique and was pretty confident with it you can flip around and do do all that stuff yeah yeah you have a good set like a legit legit, like, gymnastic set, like something that looks pretty good? Yeah. That's a legit set. Hey, the people that – if you took six, the people that would have beat you would be Brent Fikowski,
Starting point is 01:03:56 Patrick Vellner, Yonikoski, Bjorgvin Karl, Gudmundsson, Dallin Pepper, and then would have been Ricky Mack, and then Lazar Jukic. Yeah. Yeah, sounds about right. Okay, we'll give you six. Going to the final event. Echo Thruster Final.
Starting point is 01:04:14 What was that one? I forget what that one was. There's lots of Echo Blacks and three barbells work your way up the field. Finish with the lunges. Oh, yeah. You know, I don't even the field, finish with the lunges. Oh, yeah. You know, I don't even think I – I think I was in – I would think I was underground by the corrals, you know, in Madison when they walk out. I think I was just there just interviewing people
Starting point is 01:04:33 as they came out either excited or devastated. Yeah. I don't even think I got to watch this. Dallin Pepper took first, then Samuel Quant, then Justin Migaderos, then Yonakoski, then Jeffrey Adler, then Jay Crouch. Would you beat Jay Crouch at this? I feel like I'd be pretty similar with Jay on this one. Maybe just behind him.
Starting point is 01:04:55 He's like, wow, you got some love for Jay Crouch. He's good, huh? Yeah, he's got some wheels. He goes all right. So you'd give yourself a seventh on this? Yeah, I'd say so, yeah. he's got some wheels he goes alright so you give yourself a 7th on this? yeah I'd say so I mean if you were
Starting point is 01:05:11 in the leaders jersey and it was the last event and you had to do whatever it takes to keep the jersey man you'd sell your soul no matter what I'm doing some quick math here. 85, 85, 100, 95.
Starting point is 01:05:38 How many points do you think you get for 27th? I'm going to give him 35 for that. Not many because it was top 30 at the time and then 100 and then and then uh five uh 70 and then 70 let's say okay uh 100 plus 100 plus 100 is 300 plus 165 is four 65 plus 85 is four 70 plus 80 is a five 50 plus a hundred is six 50 plus 95 is seven 45 plus 100 is 880 plus 140. Oh, you'd easily... Oh, 140 plus 880.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Let me see. That's 1020. Oh, damn, you're good. Okay. Well, fuck. Unofficial. The scientist has done his calculations. Let's see how the audience would react Unofficial. The scientist.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Let's see how the audience would react. Ricky Mac wins with a broken foot. Oh, Ricky changes his name to Ricky Mac. Sevan's third grade math in full effect. Would Ricky have also won Spirit of the Games? Yes. Double win Why not? Is Ricky doing
Starting point is 01:07:11 Waterpalooza? Yeah, I'll be there Yeah? Which one? Yeah Which one? The California one Not until end of next year So you know when is Waterpalooza in January? The California ones are not until end of next year, right?
Starting point is 01:07:25 Yeah, I think you're right. So you know – when is Waterpalooza in, January? January, yeah. You think you'll be on a team there? Yeah, I'd love to do what I did last year, do individual and then a team. How did you do on the individual? I won. Of course.
Starting point is 01:07:43 And so you got one beer for Ricky. One beer. And how did you one beer for Ricky. One beer. And how did you do on the team? Seventh, we got. I was with Tim Paulson and Matt DeLugos. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. It was good fun.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Has anyone ever chirped you at the games? Like, you ever had any issues where you, like, thought someone took anything even remotely too far? Or any good shit-talking stories? No. Not that I can remember. Do you talk? Do you chirp people? Do you chirp Benny, like, when you're racing him?
Starting point is 01:08:24 Like, after you're done, if you beat him? Yeah, a little bit. Yeah? A little bit, yeah. What would you say? I mean, yeah, last year there was a bit of banter and friendly rivalry between some people, like Lazar, Hopper.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Hopper's always good. Oh, yeah. Some banter. Yeah, Belner. Belner's always got something to say. It's always funny. Hey, what do you think about what happened to Jason Hopper? What place did he take?
Starting point is 01:09:01 30th? 31st? 31st. Do you have any thoughts on that? No, I was pretty shocked, to be honest. I'm not too sure what happened. But yeah, just a bit hard for him, I suppose, to figure out what happened as well. But sometimes that's just the way it goes.
Starting point is 01:09:24 John Young, Ricky, what's your 4.5 K time? I'll have to retest. You, we don't know if you're doing rogue, so I'm going to go out on a limb and just say that you're still taking the shoulder out for some test runs. Yeah. Is it just the shoulder? Is it just the shoulder that you want to make sure? You don't want to come back early and set yourself back?
Starting point is 01:09:58 Yeah. Yeah, just the shoulder. Everything else is good. And so the shoulder is good enough that you're like, fuck yeah, by December, whenever Wadapalooza is, you're all going to get this. Yeah. Will you get an invite to Wadapalooza?
Starting point is 01:10:14 How does that work? Or do you have to do some qualifier? I hope so. I'm not too sure, but normally the games athletes get an invite, but I'm hoping that because I'm the previous champ. Oh, totally. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. That's a cool event like that. They take care of people. Like they, they, they don't get caught up on too much shit and they,
Starting point is 01:10:34 and they make sure the right people are there. Right. Yeah. But if I, if I can somehow get an invite for rogue, then, then I'm definitely going to consider it I mean I can do everything
Starting point is 01:10:48 it's just if a one rep max comes up right now I wouldn't be at my full potential but I mean you know me I'll dive under a snatch or try and get something on the board but you wouldn't
Starting point is 01:11:04 reach your full potential because you're mentally not there, physically not there, or you're hurt still? Nah, physically. Okay, so you just need to build the strength up again. Yeah, yeah. I can do the movement, but just my full strength is not there for snatch and jerk.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Do they look at the tear? Like, do you periodically go in and somehow they can look at the tear and be like, yep, it's all healed up? Yeah, I could get an MRI and have it looked at. But they don't? Yeah, they don't, no. I mean, if it wasn't fully healed, you'd know about it. But I don't have any pain in the shoulder at all.
Starting point is 01:11:46 It's just strength that I'm building back. Dear Bill and Katie, on behalf of Ricky Gerrard, if you are doing invites this year, I would like to endorse him. Caleb, do you want to endorse him? I'll endorse him. Caleb and I, that's the majority of the 7-1 podcast. The 7-1 podcast, if Susan doesn't want to endorse him,
Starting point is 01:12:12 fuck him, we outvote him. We'd like to endorse Ricky Mack. Let's just call him Ricky Mack. To be invited to Austin to perform and add value. You're going to add value to the event, right? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Give the spectators and fans something to watch. Uh-oh. Oh, I lost him. Okay. Well, thank you. Thank you for the eight sleep thing. I'll send you $1,000. Wait, are we still live?
Starting point is 01:12:52 Yes. Oh oh darn it uh thank you for uh everything dude thanks for coming on thanks for giving me your whatsapp number i can't believe i can actually just fuck with you now i can just get a hold of you can't call you and shit thanks text me whenever you want call me whatever hey do aussies um look at do you look at whatsapp like the way I would look at iMessage? Like, I look at iMessage every, like, six minutes. Do you guys look at WhatsApp like that? Nah. If I get an application, I'll read it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:13:15 All right, dude. Well, thanks for coming on. You're the man. And congratulations on the CrossFit Games. It sucks you didn't get the money, but you won. Unofficial rookie match. Yeah. Take care of yourself. I look forward money, but you won. Unofficial Ricky Mack. Yeah. Take care of yourself.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I look forward to talking to you soon. I'll be bugging you soon. Yeah. No, thanks, man. All right, brother. Say hi to Benny for me. Yep. Anytime.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Okay. Ciao. Thanks, guys. See ya. Bernie Gannon. Ricky Mack. There's some dude in here who just has a hard-on for Ricky in the comments. Where is that guy?
Starting point is 01:13:50 Dude. Did you see the comments? I don't think so. Man. Was it Farmer Fit? Oh, sorry. Mike Crumley, $4.99. Ricky, did you get emotional when the Muscle Hamster won the Sandbag Ski event?
Starting point is 01:14:10 I'm not calling Colton Mertens that. The original Muscle Hamster, I think, is Tori Dyson. I agree. But then everybody keeps using it. Yeah. I think it just sticks with her. Home run events this year for Ricky at the Games. I agree.
Starting point is 01:14:30 A little baseball, Barry Bonds. Thank you, Rosie. Hi, thank you. Rosie. I came up with that. For Colton? You came up with that for Colton or for Tyson? If you came up with it for Colton, our friendship's over.
Starting point is 01:14:42 If you came up with it for Tori Dyson, she probably hates you. No one wants to be called a muscle hamster. I think Bill Grundler is the one that came up with that. I'm not 100% certain, but I think it was him. Yeah, of course. At least Carver Dow. I bet you Colton hates it. I'm not even going to say that word on the show anymore.
Starting point is 01:15:00 No one wants to be a hamster. Shit, I said it. No one wants to be a hamster. Shit, I said it. I'm tripping. Tomorrow morning I got this guy coming from Rolling Stone. Yeah, what the hell? I wonder if I type in Rolling Stone woke on – I mean I'm going to be – obviously I'm going to be –
Starting point is 01:15:22 woke companies don't go broke and profits prove it. That's like a Rolling Stones. It's a Rolling Stone article. Article, yeah. Oh no. And it says, sorry, the article is this, sorry, Kid Rock, Bud Light's going to be fine. Dude.
Starting point is 01:15:39 I was hoping it was going to be behind a paywall or something that would have been funny. The right is absolutely terrified of woke AI. He's the guy that wrote the article about Dale, right? Yeah, and he did a great job. That's dope. he's the guy that wrote the article about Dale right and he did a great job that's dope
Starting point is 01:16:08 I'm gonna put that in the chat real quick damn alright alright when I saw he was getting interviewed by Rolling Stone I kind of got a little excited for him yeah I mean I don't know why I just just imagine Rolling Stone still has like the prestige of the name
Starting point is 01:16:41 I guess well the cool thing is this guy's been around forever. This guy knows some shit. I mean, he comes from a good pedigree. He's not some teeny bobber. Yeah, that's cool. So, yeah, hopefully, I think it's going to be... Oh, you did put it in there.
Starting point is 01:17:00 That's cool. How come I can't click it? Can other people click it? Do they got to copy and paste it it if they're watching it on YouTube they can click on it they just can't I mean we can't click on it because we're using the streaming platform oh shit big
Starting point is 01:17:15 baka Ricky Mac should have mailed his bike to Adler with a note saying you're welcome except he would have put you apostrophe R E except he would have put you apostrophe re so oh yeah either way i mean ricky's math was faster than my math i'm a fucking wizard edition he was fucking me up he was quick with it yeah he's kind of he's a student of the game too you know what i mean he knew he knows shit that i didn't think he knew. I think Colton and Ricky would like each other. Yeah, that's a good point.
Starting point is 01:17:50 They're students of the game, yeah. They pay attention. Dale King. Go ahead. They could do point math right after an event, probably. I bet you they would just pick up on it so quick. Like, oh, I got 10th place? Okay, that's 80 points or whatever, you know?
Starting point is 01:18:09 Rollingstone is proud of touch dads who wear ripped jeans. It's for... Damn. Bernie, you should have said... You should have used the greater than or less than sign. Sevan's math, not as good as LeBron's school math. You should have like, you know what I mean? Like Sevan's is less than.
Starting point is 01:18:28 That's like the alligator eating. Yeah, that's the cool thing to do. You know he's old when he doesn't do that. Yeah, yeah, Jack Mosley, exactly. Him and Colton could spend all day together and not say a word, and it wouldn't be weird. That's why I get a little nervous when Greg's on the show, because Greg and I are the kind of people who will be on the phone,
Starting point is 01:18:50 and we won't talk for a few minutes. But I'll just have him in my ears as I'm doing shit or I'm driving. Yeah. And then all of a sudden we'll start talking again, and I get nervous, like, what if we just do that on the show? You start doing your chores on the show. You start doing your chores on the show. Zach Jones dropping bombs.
Starting point is 01:19:11 He stayed fit. By he, he means Ricky Mack. For four years without competing to get back to the games, he got to love it a lot. Man, that's crazy. Got a lot of respect for that guy. I'm going to check my live call-in notes. Sometimes I have some important shit on there. Paper Street Coffee, Swolverine.
Starting point is 01:19:31 I know why people don't want to play racquetball with me. I already talked about that. Oh! That was a great story. You guys know about the Tyson Bajent shirt over at Vindicate? Yeah. I want to show you this article I found on uh tyson bajan watch this look at this doing so many oh i can't wait what there it is what's going oh thank you um
Starting point is 01:19:57 seven on three for three for ten oh my show today was only three of ten with ricky serious i don't know that seems harsh that's rough i give myself a a 10 out of 10 for content and working with ricky and a 7 out of 10 for being myself i felt a little um like cheese dick today but other than that i was i was i was having Okay, look at this. For Chicago – this is – I don't know what this is. BGO News. For Chicago Bears players in danger of going into second preseason game. In danger of going – oh, meaning that they could get whacked, right?
Starting point is 01:20:39 Mm-hmm. Are the rookies coming up across the defensive line? Could Vellis Jones Jr. be playing his way off the roster? Is there reason to worry about a certain quarterback? God, this is like chalk up. Jesus Christ. PJ Walker showed cause for concern, and then it goes on and talks about him. And then it says, PJ Walker, I guess there's concern he's going to get cut.
Starting point is 01:21:01 And then it says this, in contrast, Nathan Peterman looked fine. He finished 4 of 6 for 58 yards on the day. But who we should really be talking about is the undrafted rookie, Tyson Bajan. Yeah, baby. He came in and completed 4 of 5 for 37 yards and looked sharp. Bajan came out of Shepard as an incredible, accurate passer, having thrown over 2,000 passes in college ball and completing 70% of those passes.
Starting point is 01:21:33 A regular on the Sevan podcast, he is sweet, intelligent, and a man of high integrity. Oh, we got a little plug. Wow, nice. Regardless of the level of competition, his numbers are outstanding, and in his limited action against the Titans Bajent looked accurate As per usual
Starting point is 01:21:50 Again This could be somewhat of an overreaction But Walker needs to step it up Bajent looked like he wanted it He does Seve you should get Tyson back on. I'm trying. Fucking trying.
Starting point is 01:22:09 You know what happens? These motherfuckers get successful and kick us CrossFitters to the kizerb. It's fine. I kept refreshing my page looking for more articles about that game. I'd only seen the one. There was a tweet there was a great tweet that showed a 26 pound 26 pound
Starting point is 01:22:32 26 yard pass oh yeah I can just call Tyson like right now and be like yo what the fuck dude I texted you three days ago Luckett oh I talked about Brandon Luckett picking a girl up by the bra.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Dude, what can we do to have Brandon Luckett on more? If you ever want to have him, if we ever think of any reason to have him, I need to put him in my Google AdWord, or no, Google Alerts. That guy's so great. Yeah, he's cool. Oh,s. That guy's so great. Yeah, he's cool. Oh, my God, he's so great. Oh, I love this. Can I play something to you?
Starting point is 01:23:14 I want to play something for you. Vivek Ramaswamy. Do you like this guy? I've seen him a couple times. Sorry, I'm just going through my notes now. I didn't give you these. I should have. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Okay. Listen to this. Listen to this. This is a pansexual LGBTQIA plus activist approached Vivek Ramaswamy at the Iowa State Fair with a question. He answered directly in the name of protecting against tyranny of the majority. We've created a new tyranny of the minority. That's just the truth. What were your opinions on the LGBT community? Well, I don't think it's one community.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Really? Yeah. I mean, how could it be? Just mash together an alphabet soup. Trans is fundamentally in tension with gay, if you ask me. But what's your opinion? I am personally a pansexual, so I was just wondering what your views on same-sex couples were. I don't have a negative view of same-sex couples, but I do have a negative view of a tyranny of the minority. So I think that in the name of protecting against a tyranny of the majority,
Starting point is 01:24:21 and there are times in this country's history where we have had a tyranny of the majority, we have now, in the name of protecting against a tyranny of the majority, created a new tyranny of the majority. And there are times in this country's history where we have had a tyranny of the majority. We have now, in the name of protecting against tyranny of the majority, created a new tyranny of the minority. And I think that that's wrong. I don't think that somebody who's religious should be forced to officiate a wedding that they disagree with. I don't think somebody who is a woman who's worked really hard for her achievements should be forced to compete against a biological man in a swim competition I don't think that somebody who's a woman that respects her bodily autonomy and dignity should be forced to change clothes in a locker
Starting point is 01:24:50 room with a man that's not freedom that's oppression and so I believe that we live in a country where free adults should be free to dress how they want behave how they want and that's fine but you don't oppress you don't become oppressive by foisting that on others. And that especially includes kids, because kids aren't the same as adults. And so I think adults are free to make whatever choices they want. But do not foist that ideology onto children before children are in a position as adults to make decisions for themselves. And so I think a lot of the frustration in the country, and if I'm being really honest, that I also share, comes from that new culture of oppression where saying those things can actually get somebody
Starting point is 01:25:29 punished. And in my case, it's part of why it's my responsibility to say them. And I respect that you may have a different opinion, and that's okay. Part of what makes our country great is that you and I can be civil and have this conversation, and that we live in a country that still gives us, each of us the right to speak to a presidential candidate and back and still say that we pledge allegiance to the same nation. So I think that's the beauty of our country, and that's my honest opinion. Awesome. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Thank you for your civility as well. I appreciate it. Hey, dude, it would have taken RFK six months to say all that. I'm just saying. I'm not trying to be a dick. I mean, that dude just fucking ran around the base. Like, he touched everything. Yeah, he did. And it wasn't like he was just bullshitting either, I don't think.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Because I don't think she comprehended everything that he was saying, but I do think that what he said was tactful. because I don't think she comprehended everything that he was saying, but I do think that what he said was tactful. Oh, God, Barry, you're so stupid. You don't know what pansexual is? That's like when you fuck pans, like pots and pans. Very close. Yeah, you just fuck pots and pans and stuff, dude.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Come on. It's so obvious. I don't even want to know. Don't even. You don't need to. Okay, all right. All right. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:26:50 I'm sorry. I don't mean to shoot down your job. You still have a job here, Caleb. High-paying job at the 7-On podcast, but you don't. Some shopping carts should just be left out there in the parking lot. Fair enough. I don't want to know. Cast iron nonstick.
Starting point is 01:27:05 It's all of them. It's inclusive. It's't want to know. Cast Iron Nostic, it's all of them. It's inclusive. It's just straight pan fucking. Ricky Mac, don't fuck pans. Here we go. Here's the orange in tribute to Tyson Bajan. Probably never come on the show again. Still love him.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Just look at him like, oh, my God, he was once on the show. The one that got away. Yeah, it's cool. I'm just joking. No one start hating on him in the... Just love on him. He's good. It's a joke. Hey, someone say...
Starting point is 01:27:40 The Dani thing is just crazy. Here's all I have to say about Dani Spiegel. She has an fucking insane body she works incredibly hard um she has a shit ton of followers um she's really good at crossfit um i don't even know what to say to her like i could i think i could take better pictures of her and do better interviews with her than anything she's done out there um i would have put her uh in a if she wanted to do i love what the fact that she's if she's trying to get attention for hawaii she's doing it and um i i don't think it really bums me out that wad zombies page is not a meme account anymore that's not what i probably should call nick and tell him this directly and not over the thing i don't over the thing just post the meme
Starting point is 01:28:26 I don't need any explanation I don't need any attacks on Danny I don't care about any of that just post the meme so I can laugh at it here she gets attention again and then she could write in the comments yep that's me and then it could be funny instead it's like turned into this big fucking drama
Starting point is 01:28:40 like I'm going to tell you guys a lesson here. First of all, oh, Nelly, here we go. I'm going to go hard in the paint. First of all, that kettlebells and cocktails thing, that whole make wads great again meme page, complete garbage. First of all, I don't understand 80% of the memes on there, me personally. So maybe I'm stupid. I think it's horrible Second of all, any meme person Who tells you their identity Like Wadzombie has done or he has done Is no longer a meme page
Starting point is 01:29:12 It is no longer A meme page The second you out yourself on a meme page It is no longer a meme page It's like you cut your own Balls off You never never, ever, ever tell anyone in the world who the fuck – look, we don't know who Trish is. It's fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 01:29:36 The second we know who you are – I mean he has to – poor Wadzombie has to justify every fucking post he makes now. Go completely anonymous. It completely ruins it. And MakeWadsGradient can't even be a real account. How do you have 500,000 followers or 300,000, whatever he has, and there'd be two comments, and they're both bots? That's pretty bad. Dude.
Starting point is 01:30:03 And why would Jason Kalipa go on that podcast? I can't wait until he comes on here in a couple days. Why would anyone go on a brand-diminishing podcast? What is wrong with the people around me? Do you guys not like – It's not fucking sophisticated at all Yeah it becomes a politics game Once you out yourself It's no longer about fun and funny
Starting point is 01:30:34 Just be fun and funny And Dani's completely The poor girl's completely lost her mind She thinks people are being mean to her. Like, dude, 99% of all the dudes, 1.7 million dudes jerk off to you a day. Like, what more do you want? That's what your account is. Like, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:31:01 You can keep telling yourself it's for women empowerment or no one should be talking about my body or whatever but no one hates you like not one the only people who hate you are the people that you that you they only hate you because you think that people hate you because you say that no i did not freeze my fucking internet connection is tits my camera's's great. My studio's out of fucking control. I have the fucking nicest fucking studio right now. Wait till I show you. Yeah, no one... Any guy that's even talking...
Starting point is 01:31:35 Anyone who's ever even talking shit to you, if they were in your presence, they would just stop anyway. Like, how is she getting caught up in any of that? Unless she's just playing the fucking super chess and it's like hey she's fighting with people in order to bring attention to maui then fuck stoke for you but you actually some people actually seem like but her people are like defending her you don't defend someone on a mean page it's a fucking joke here's the cord right here right here dude god this studio is so nice when you started okay danny's just reflecting whatever go ahead caleb i just the negativity is just like dude
Starting point is 01:32:15 how are these people not having fun i think those people how are you not having fun because it doesn't look like you're having fun even if she is a narcissist whatever have fun with it go ahead when you know when i saw you putting uh miscolored foam pieces yeah on the wall i started going a little nuts you were tripping but hey but it'll be um it'll be consistent right so like that whole bottom will be gray. Yeah, it's fine. It's not my office. I know, but you have to stare at it.
Starting point is 01:32:52 No, I don't care. I was just joking. Not really. And this is one inch thick foam, and this is two inch thick foam, by the way. Oh. Oh. All this shit behind me is going behind me behind me behind me is gonna go soon too really what are you gonna do with it i'm just gonna clean it up a little bit i'm gonna dude you gotta see in here like right over here is gonna be a big huge tv screen like 75 or 80 or
Starting point is 01:33:21 90 inches i can't remember i ordered on ordered it on Amazon. It shows up tomorrow. And then right through here, there's a couch right here now. Oh, yeah. And I got all new. I wish I could show you this arm I got. I got all new arms and all new cameras. And the whole fucking studio is like nuts. There's just shit everywhere.
Starting point is 01:33:43 That's awesome. Arms and carpets and foamets and foam I'm so excited that's dope sex couch not really I'm gonna give you more camera angles you'll see meanwhile Caleb has half a dorm
Starting point is 01:34:00 I know and I keep promising Caleb shit too more shit Caleb are you just on one laptop? Yeah, I have a laptop right here and then a monitor right here. How big is the monitor?
Starting point is 01:34:17 24 inches maybe? Wow, it's tiny. Yeah, I mean... Can your computer run two monitors? Probably. I'd have to get another connection thing. Sousa brought a computer to Madison for you,
Starting point is 01:34:37 a new computer, brand new in the box, and didn't give it to you. Oh, he did text me about that. I think he's going to send it to me. Okay, good. Yeah, it'll be exciting. He's on a PS4. I do have a PS4.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Old school. All black panels would professionalize the studio, thanks. No, it doesn't have to be the same color I could do it all the same color why would I do that I got the gray on purpose to give it like texture and feel
Starting point is 01:35:15 no I don't agree listen I'm the one who said the Danny Spiegel should be what is the Hawaiian flag what is the Hawaiian flag? Can we see the – what is the Hawaiian flag? Do they have a Hawaiian flag bathing suit? Maybe I'll buy her a fucking bathing suit like to try to make the piece. Hawaiian, it'll probably like backfire.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Hawaiian flag bathing suit. I think Hawaiians would riot if they saw that. Because it's like the British Empire or something? I just know that Hawaiians are very particular about their culture. How about this? This is kind of a cool bathing suit yeah that's nice i don't like here's an i don't like all the like the really skimpy i don't like really skimpy bathing suits you think that's skimpy no that one's good that one's good that one's that one's that's a lot
Starting point is 01:36:20 um how about i'm. How about this one? That one's cool. Yeah. A little more to it. It's nice. Yeah. I like that one. I wonder if I type in Hawaiian bathing suit one piece.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Big one piece guy, huh? I don't know. Just lately I've been into one pieces. Nalani Hawaii State flag USA sexy two piece bikini. Oh, huh? I don't know. Just lately I've been into one-pieces. Nalani, Hawaii State flag, USA sexy two-piece bikini. Oh, on Amazon. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. This is a great bathing suit. How would I get this?
Starting point is 01:36:57 How could I buy this for Danny? That's good. That's good. That's a nice bathing suit, right sure i like it see hillar bought john young uh 2,500 followers i'm gonna buy danny at bathing suit i feel bad it's 20 bucks she probably is like i ain't wearing something that's worth 20 bucks you know sometimes they're um influencers uh content creators um they have like an amazon gift like cart and they just have things that they want and then you can just like buy them
Starting point is 01:37:28 and sell them to her so maybe she'll put it on her want list and you can just buy it for her as a gift yeah that's cool I like that hey do you think she would do a if she knew that let's say how much money would it take for her would do a, if she knew that, let's say,
Starting point is 01:37:48 how much money would it take for her to do a photo shoot with me to donate it to Maui? I mean, I wonder how much money they gave her to go to Saudi Arabia. So I imagine she's probably got like. She's going to be expensive, even if it's to save the Hawaiian people. Probably like a hundred grand. God, here's a one-piece. It's a little expensive. Is it $40?
Starting point is 01:38:11 No, but I'll show you. It's a little expensive, and I'm not a huge fan of it for some reason. Here's a one-piece. Yeah, no. No way. Hey, dude, that chick's not even really wearing that bathing suit. No, she's not. Do you see that?
Starting point is 01:38:27 Like right here, something's not right here. Yeah, they just took a picture of it and put it on that model. Look it. Look it. They have an XXXXX. Wait a second. wait a second how the fuck is the extra small the same price as the x x x x x l that's like five times as much material isn't it uh it's six uh five plus six seven eight i'm gonna go nine times more material if each if, if each one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
Starting point is 01:39:07 at least seven times between seven and nine. Dude, if you buy a double XL hoodie, it's like $5 more. There's no way that's still the same price. That's really true. What you just said. Yeah. Like whenever I've tried to buy, like whenever I've had to buy like double XL stuff for family or whatever, it ends up being like a surcharge of $5 plus. Hey, bro, look at 1,259 five-star reviews. Is that really true?
Starting point is 01:39:37 No way. You can't click on it. Yeah, it's bullshit. That's crazy. Are the reviews at the bottom of the page oh they're there oh these are all fake ass bathing suits on this chick do you see these aren't this isn't real it's the same clothes you put on people when you're a little kid in those books that like stick on people first things first thank you for your products mr cliff i like the way you advertise your products great it's all dudes oh shit oh people said wow
Starting point is 01:40:15 i will say though for whatever reason so wait a second just so you know real quick this isn't for the bathing suit this is for everything they fucking sell okay go on i i had a friend i was deployed with he's i want to say polynesian and for whatever reason every island has like their own shirt manufacturer and it looks exactly like that like they just that you can design whatever you want and they have like one family on that island that just makes a bunch of shirts so it was so like if you ever had like a softball team and you want to make a bunch of jerseys you just have like dude over there make a bunch of shirts the same one i can't remember which bank it was but if it was wells fargo or bank of america but when we were on one of the islands i was looking for the atm machine for one of those
Starting point is 01:41:04 banks they're like hey they don't have that atm machine here and i'm like how can that fucking be or Bank of America, but when we were on one of the islands, I was looking for the ATM machine for one of those banks. They're like, hey, they don't have that ATM machine here. And I'm like, how can that fucking be? And they're like, because of the fucking Hawaiian Boys Club or the Hawaiian Mafia. And basically all those islands, it's like you said, everything is like who you know, and it's controlled. Massively. It's crazy. Robbie Myers, send the XXXXXXL to Sporty Beth.
Starting point is 01:41:28 They didn't have a 6X. They only had a 5X. That one would cost more. The 6X? Yeah, for sure. Oh, Beaver's right for the extra large, $5 more. Vindicate Graves' website to get your credit card in post hey dude what's crazy is they didn't even try to like put one four star in there
Starting point is 01:41:52 yeah like if you go to like an amazon review there's at least like four one star reviews and they're all like this didn't come on time stuff like that yeah the box was broken right hey i got a i got a dehydrator 24 tray dehydrator today 24 trays yeah the size of a fridge it's huge it's big and i um a branch broke on one of my apple trees and like i don't know how many hundreds of apples had to be even though they were still not done they had to decide to do something with them so i gave a bag of them to a friend like a huge like a grocery bag full and then i cut like two grocery bags and i ordered dehydrator and i'm like fuck it i to make. Is it the one that Dave has?
Starting point is 01:42:45 I saw him post. No, no, no, no, no. He's got he's got a six thousand dollar. Or seven thousand dollar. Freeze dryer. Oh, that's what that was. Yeah, that shit. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:43:00 Yes. Wow. Oh, you guys want to hear about the patriarchy? Boy, do I, what time is it? Oh, hour and 42.
Starting point is 01:43:12 I should go. I have to set up my office and get ready for Rolling Stone tomorrow. You guys want to see one more video? Ready? Let's do it. Okay, here we go. Uh,
Starting point is 01:43:22 it's, it's titled, uh, a woman wants a man that's greater than the burden of reality. That's an, well Woman Wants a Man That's Greater Than the Burden of Reality. Wow, that's an interesting, that sentence is a mouthful. You know what? Let me see if I can refresh this page. Okay, here we go. Brace yourself, people.
Starting point is 01:43:41 This one's a lot. Stay open-minded. Here we go. But Islam is quite patriarchal, isn't it? I mean, doesn't the Quran say that men have authority over women? Well, don't they? Men are the ones who have been oppressing you all this time, right? I mean, according to your own narrative, men have been running the show. The feminists are asking for their so-called rights from who exactly?
Starting point is 01:44:03 Look, if you didn't have what you call patriarchy, then what you would have is a hell on earth for women because clearly women do not have the power to coerce men, to force men, to make men deal with them this way or that way. If you're out somewhere and a man starts to chat you up and you don't want to be chatted up, what do you do? You tell him, I have a boyfriend. I'm married. And he goes away. You have to conjure up an imaginary man to get him to back off.
Starting point is 01:44:34 Because nine times out of ten, only a man can keep another man in check. Because men are inherently more dangerous than women. That part's really important right there. It's a good thing and a bad thing. It's all the men are all, it's all the shit. It's the men. The men. The carjackers.
Starting point is 01:44:56 The ones that pick the apples from the highest part on the tree and bring them home. All that shit, all the dangerous shit. It's the men. Both ends of the spectrum good and bad whoa buddy whoa buddy here we go here we go here we go okay brace yourself there's more we're not done i know it's a lot instead of patriarchy replace that word with bodyguard what makes more sense for you to be my bodyguard or for me to be your bodyguard? Who do you think is more capable of protecting who? From who? If men didn't protect women, who would? Why, men would do whatever they wanted. And isn't your bodyguard responsible for
Starting point is 01:45:35 you? Shouldn't you listen to him? If he says, for example, don't go here, don't go there, or let's take this route instead of that route because it's safer. Isn't that authority? But he's doing it for you. Would you feel resentment about that authority? That's irrational. Wild. I'm not saying I agree with all that. No one get all fucking crazy. Yeah, you probably could.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Yeah, I know. And there's definitely situations that are. I ain't lying. You ain't lying. I ain't lying you ain't lying you ain't lying you ain't lying oh 15,000 messages dude it's fucking chaos in there
Starting point is 01:46:16 I can't do it the reason why is no one's sending me just like one thing like every person is sending me like 35 great clips and i just can't do it i'm fucking losing my mind over it i got a fucking life is this andrew tate's dad dude and and you know what's getting crazier about the the dms every day this podcast grows by like 10 to 20 new subscribers and like you guys aren't like normal fucking like people.
Starting point is 01:46:47 Everyone's like fucking here is like a fucking thinker and has something that they got to tell me that I would kind of need that I want to see. And it's like, fuck, dude. Trying to keep up with the IG DMs is insane, too. Oh, is it? Yeah. I can't even imagine what it's like in there it's the same thing you it's not like one reel it's like 20 reels with explanations of all of them so if i like the most recent message i'm sorry that's i saw everything i just like the most
Starting point is 01:47:17 recent one yeah and dudes like this really fuck me up because i've been dming with this dude forever right like i've seen him in my account since day one. Yep. So I'll always open his and sometimes I see it says like nine next to Ken's name. I'm like, fuck. Nine plus. Fuck. But I still do it because I'm just addicted to like my crew.
Starting point is 01:47:37 Like there's a crew in there, right? Philip Kelly's in there. There's a crew. Vindicate. Oh, man. No, I don't think Corey I don't know if Corey Leonard sounds a lot I know I said it to be funny Bernie Gannon 10 to 20 subscribers
Starting point is 01:47:55 I know that's what's crazy that's the point of that whole thing this podcast grows so slowly but they're all fucking real people no one's ever sent me a nude. Nobody. Every time we, like, say send them, nobody does.
Starting point is 01:48:13 I try to say that so, like, I feel like someone will feel sorry for me. Ken Walters is a good dude he's a great dude um there we go fine I'll send you one thank you they don't it's gonna be like a picture of a duck
Starting point is 01:48:37 look here's a duck not wearing any clothes no dick I'm good just joking I'm good take it back uh hey wasn't there a guy who called on the show who ran like a who is the head of hr at his company and he took a picture and you could see his dick in the reflection or something yeah yeah yeah i forgot who that was but he definitely did that Paulie G
Starting point is 01:49:05 Sevan did you hit puberty late in life your voice sounds so much deeper now than on the CF podcast maybe it's this mic setup or the room I got carpet in here now it's the foam on the walls for sure maybe it's all the peptides
Starting point is 01:49:24 you just go to Sevan at checkout what Maybe it's all the peptides. Use code SEV on it, check out. What? Oh, yeah. Thank you. Yeah, use code SEV on it, check out. Thank you. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:49:34 I got to do this too. Listen, listen. If you're an affiliate owner or you own a gym, any gym, you need to look in the show notes. Are they in yesterday's show notes? I wonder if Susan already put them in there Should I call Susan and bug them? Basically, Two Brain is doing their annual survey Of all gym owners in the world
Starting point is 01:49:56 Doesn't matter what country you're in There'll be a link in the show notes And you should click on it And you should fill out the survey. And then it basically turns into this, the state of the industry report. Here's the third edition. I've shown this last night. I'm going to keep showing you guys this.
Starting point is 01:50:17 Here, I'm just going to open up to a random page and look. How many hours do gym owners work a week? And then here it is. You know what I mean? And there's a graph. Number of survey respondents, it tells you. And then hours of work per week. And then down here is overall profitability.
Starting point is 01:50:33 And every page is like this, dude. It's crazy. Length of engagement changing lives. Retention for clients. And then it gives you averages for retention of clients. This is free. this is free once you this is free uh homeboy puts this out chris cooper and two brain puts this out two brain send that shit over here i think there's an online version you can print it out I don't know if you're talking about what you're talking about
Starting point is 01:51:06 send it over here it could be this wolverine I fasted on Sunday you guys know I stopped eating Saturday night I didn't start eating again until Monday I ate all day Monday and then today I didn't eat but you know what I did today I did a workout today and I was going to post it and I kind of hurt myself doing it even though
Starting point is 01:51:26 I'm fasting today again I'm not eating again today I took a big old scoop I took a pre-workout of swolverine and drank a shot of espresso and when I say pre-workout of swolverine I take their pre-workout their creatine and then their hydration and I put it all in one cup and I stir it with a spoon I throw it down and I did this workout and I warmed up really good for it. And basically I'm back on track to try to do the 100-pound dumbbell snatch. I was going to do two. I guess I'm going to do one because my left arm isn't 100% yet. But I was doing one 80-pound dumbbell snatch, one negative muscle-up.
Starting point is 01:51:59 And I was going to do that just for 10 rounds, right, just to see how it felt. going to do that just for 10 rounds right just to see how it felt and something happened when i put the not bad but when i put on the on the third or fourth round i switched to the 60 pound dumbbell because something in my upper back like not injured but something weird happened so yes wolverine so that'll work up to that Hyundai. I'm going to. Friday night, Daniel Brandon's coming on, so she says. I think we got Adam Klink. Adam Klink? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Or Horvath's coach. Yeah. You think he knows I called her? Yeah. Do you think everyone in her camp knows? Do you think Ben Smith knows? Do you think she told them? Do you think it's like, oh shit, that Sevan dude called me?
Starting point is 01:52:50 Yeah, if she didn't tell them, they found out pretty quick. Good. I hope so. Part of me thinks she didn't tell anyone. Hopper had to switch again. He's going to a wedding. You know, I think he's going to Taylor's wedding of all people. It's kind of weird, right? I don't know for sure.
Starting point is 01:53:04 I thought Hopper. Oh, yeah, that's Karina. Karina, so what it's kind of weird right self i don't know for sure i thought hopper oh yeah that's karina karina so what's up no didn't like you don't what what's your thing on dudes give me a little pushback on the dudes thing maybe i agree with you uh let's come into your house no i live on a old old highway road country road and the accidents whenever there's an accident it's horrible and so oh yeah tomorrow so listen this oh is tomorrow thursday no tomorrow the guy from rolling stones coming on nothing tomorrow night thank god thursday i'm pumped jason kalipa in the morning to find out why the fuck that might be jason's last time on my podcast i might punish him for going on other people's podcasts i can't have someone who's been brand i bring him on my podcast. I might punish him for going on other people's podcasts. I can't have someone who's been branded.
Starting point is 01:53:45 I bring him on my podcast for his brand value. I'm using him. And then after Jason leaves, he'll be on 45 Minutes. Guess who's coming on? Guess. The last needle mover. Who? Dick. Yes. Thursday morning. After Jason Kalipa.
Starting point is 01:54:07 I should call that the old needle mover and the new needle mover. Jason Kalipa and Rich Froney. Jason Kalipa's not going to be able to move any needle if he keeps fucking going on the wrong podcast. Yes, thank you, Philip Kelly, Rich, the GOAT. Get down to the bottom of this fucking biking thing. I need to make up some ground with Rich, too. Because the last podcast, when I was like, you're being a dick, I was kind of like,
Starting point is 01:54:32 you're being a dick today, and then it got all weird. So I got to, like, I got to love on him again. Like, you know, you got in a fight with your girlfriend to make up sex. Very similar, yes. And then after that, Taylor and JR go on at 11 a.m., the programming show. You guys have fucking made that the most popular show on the Sevalon podcast. I'm really happy for them, assholes.
Starting point is 01:54:56 And then Friday morning is going to be an interesting morning. Oh, wait. What? I have Rich on Friday morning. Is Rich coming on Friday? What the fuck is going to be interesting morning. Oh. Wait. What? I have Rich on Friday morning. Is Rich coming on Friday? What the fuck is going on here? Hold on a second. Hold on. Um.
Starting point is 01:55:16 Oh. Okay. So Friday. We don't have a guest Friday morning yet. But Daring Weeks is coming on and we are going to talk Friday morning about Aljo and Sugar Show Sugar Sean O'Malley we have Darien on for 20 minutes
Starting point is 01:55:31 we're going to get to the bottom of this see who's going to win I think Aljo's going to win I hope he does honestly oh shit listen to this Paulie G this is fucking heavy Rich Froney might be more consistent at CrossFit than CrossFit itself
Starting point is 01:55:43 I changed my mind no haircut Susan oh look Susan looks disappointed Rich Froney might be more consistent at CrossFit than CrossFit itself. I changed my mind. No haircut, Susan. Oh, look, Susan looks disappointed. She's going to be like... Pissed. I'm not cutting it. You love JR now.
Starting point is 01:56:03 And I'm telling you, that show's fucking taking off. Fucking Ding Dongs probably start their own podcast channel. No one scheduled Saturday. No one scheduled Sunday. Monday, I... Oh, shit. Monday, we have Fluffy Duck scheduled. That can't happen. I won't be here.
Starting point is 01:56:19 Shit. We got to move him. He's cool. You're out of your mind, BJ. You're out of your mind, BJ. You're out of your mind. Fuck no. I know. Aljo.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Thank you, Patrick. Can't say I'm fans of either of them, but I would prefer Aljo to win. Aljo's going to tie him in a knot, I think. I don't think I respect Sugar Shane as much as I should, though. I don't know. The way he was talking in the interview Sugar Shane, Sugar Sean Sugar Sean the way he was talking in that interview he didn't seem confident at all
Starting point is 01:56:55 he's like I'm just going to stay away from him I'm not going to let him wrap me up you saw that where on the UFC station yeah I think it was I can't remember if it was UFC or something else, but I'm just not going to let him tie me up. I'm like, good fucking buddy. You're just going to run away the whole fight?
Starting point is 01:57:15 Yeah, he's not going to be able to get away from Aljo. In no way. Aljo's pace is crazy. Hey, I want to show you this my kid my kids uh um jujitsu uh striking and uh mma instructor has a fight friday night on ufc fight pass oh and it's here in town and just so you know instead of going to the fight like i should i'm um i'm uh doing the crossfit games uh show update show look at mckenna oh shit that's awesome would she would she get you tickets if you could go oh no i would buy i would buy tickets it's i mean it's right near my house dude it's right
Starting point is 01:58:00 near my fucking house this shit goes to all my kids. That's why I'm such a douche for not going. But the only way I can pay the bills is to keep doing shows. Oh, that's incredible. Oh, and this is the two of them. That's their main jiu-jitsu coach, Nico. And then that's their main MMA coach, McKenna. Wow. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:58:23 Yeah, that is cool. I think that's the Seychelles. Yeah, I'm pumped. Oh, she keeps asking me if the kids want to come over and ride horses at her house. Oh, she's a horse girl? I think her family is horse people. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:58:40 I don't sense any crazy in her. She seems cool, though. Yeah, she's great. She's so good with her kids, too. Oh, she's awesome. She's strict. Oh, good. She's strict.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Oh, she looks so young there. Fuck, that's three years ago. Holy shit. She's strict. Oh, she looks so young there. Fuck, that's three years ago. Holy shit. Wow. Anyway. That's cool. Yeah, I'm pumped. It's on Fight Pass?
Starting point is 01:59:13 Yeah, it's on UFC Fight Pass. Sweet. And she's dedicated. That'll be cool. Oh, here it is right here LFA 165 McKenna Mitchell LFA strawweight bout Kaiser Permanente Arena Santa Cruz California
Starting point is 01:59:34 What comments Yeah I don't know if I should see these don't piss me off you guys it's my kid oh she'll be your bodyguard yeah yeah dude what's crazy is it's a good eye Patrick this girl fucking walks around at
Starting point is 01:59:57 135 and she is thin yeah she's tiny but she's gonna fight 115 I mean she's tall tall Asian chick and today in class i could tell um the uh jujitsu she was on like when i said bye to her she's usually like like make strong eye contact with me and like we'll be like hey if you want to talk like you know to the parents today uh she's already like losing weight yeah she's serious as a heart attack yep yep rambler yep
Starting point is 02:00:22 Yeah, she's serious as a heart attack. Yep, yep. Rambler, yep. She's dropping down to 115. Damn. I think my kids asked me recently if I could beat her up. I'm like, are you out of your fucking mind? Can't even beat you kids up.
Starting point is 02:00:37 Yeah. Beat her up. That's funny. Yeah, arms and legs are great. She probably, her jiu-jitsu is good and yeah she's good i'm pumped yeah she whore vast me yep but nah yeah kinda she's close though i call her family you know what i mean i let her take the yeti cups home and bring them back you know what i mean like when i make her a cup of coffee when she comes over yeah. That's cool. She can take the Yeti Cup home. $30 Yeti Cup.
Starting point is 02:01:08 Not the paper street ones. All right. Thanks, guys. Ricky Mac. Ricky Mac. Ricky Mac. That's it. Ladies and gentlemen, I am a motherfucking influencer.
Starting point is 02:01:26 You too, Caleb. Today, we have changed through our influence. Ricky is now Ricky Mac. It is official. I like it. There are 10 new followers we put on a day. Anyone's feelings were hurt in the making of this podcast you have some uh work to do

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