The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Day 1 | Recap Show

Episode Date: October 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Oh to i tried to take him in there too bam we're live and then there were four andrew hiller thanks for joining us caleb thanks for joining us caleb how was it there in the uh venue it was pretty awesome it's a pretty cool atmosphere a lot of people actually showed up for this one and got to see a lot of stuff um basically the whole race you could watch it from b Village. You go see it in the outfield through the warning track of the baseball field. You could see them running across the warning tracks.
Starting point is 00:01:13 You could see Janikowski roll his ankle right behind the bleachers. Oh, that was a rolled ankle. Okay, I thought it was a cramp. Okay. I thought it was a cramp, too. He hit the deck pretty hard, and he didn't want to get up. And he was limping pretty hard too. Oh, Koski?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah, Koski was. Puss. Taylor, welcome. Jedediah, welcome. Event one, Texas Heavy from the Rogue 2023 Invitational. In the books, lots of fucking questions answered. At least fun stuff. Stimulating stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Let's start with the women. Tia absolutely murders it. Murders it with a 20-24. She started the race in first, and did she keep it the entire race? Believe me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think she trailed Laura for a little bit, didn't she?
Starting point is 00:02:03 She trailed Laura up until they dumped the heavy bag. Yeah. I think she trailed Laura for a little bit, didn't she? She trailed Laura up until they dumped the heavy bag. Yeah. And then Tia pulled away. Yeah. Very similar to what we saw with the guys. Yeah. At the bag dump, I saw I have in the order here was Tia, Gabby. No, sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Tia, Laura, Gabby, right? And then Rolf. Dude, Tia needs to retire, honestly. Are you kidding me? This comment says, I am done with freaking Tia. Retire, ho. Why? Who said that?
Starting point is 00:02:32 No, no, no, no, no. Dude. How can you say that real quick? Why are you hating? Why can't it just be, dude, the greatest ever is back and enjoy it? Is it enjoyable, though? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I enjoyed it. Taylor, what do you think? I enjoyed it. It isn't, though? Yeah. I enjoyed it. Taylor, what do you think? It isn't enjoyable in the slightest. Thank you. Tell me why. Why do you say that? Yeah, yeah. Why? It's fucking boring. It's reading a book you already know the ending to eight fucking times. Let me tell you what's not boring.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Right behind my name is our most important sponsor and friend, CA Peptides. Damn it. It is one event. Thank you to CA Peptides, Paper Street Coffee, Toast Basters, BirthFit, Swolverine, and our newest friend to the family,
Starting point is 00:03:18 Grill Your Ass Off. I just read that. I was wondering what that was. Throw your Toast spacers on. My deuce. Start drilling. Drink some coffee. Take your peptides and fuck.
Starting point is 00:03:32 And then go to birth fit to deal with the repercussions. Hey, dude, I need some of this scent. Can I get some of this scent to me? To deal with the repercussions of having unprotected sex. We have birth fit for you if you use the other products in the proper sequence. We have birth fit for you if you use the other products in the proper sequence. What was answered for us? What was her time?
Starting point is 00:03:52 What was it? She did a mile-heavy ruck, 800-meter medium ruck, mile sprint, a bag carry that looked completely inconsequential, completely, almost stupid. It was stupid the way Tia did it. It was dumb. It was stupid the way T.A. did it. It was dumb. It was stupid. It was stupid the way T.A. did it. That was so disappointing. And for a time of, what was it? 20... 34. 2024.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Oh. 2024. What were some of our guesses? Like, jackasses like me were like, is it possible in 40? Yeah. I was thinking 30 minutes i watch a show where they guessed it would be 40 minutes some old guy with a do-rag said 40 minutes you're close fuck oh my god uh jen and i um are you are you uh to me to me hater miss it's one of those things where in the future we'll look back
Starting point is 00:04:47 and we'll just be impressed and it'll be amazing by what she accomplished and stuff, but when you're in the moment after a while, it just gets old and you're just like, you just want some drama, you want something different. Hey, I gotta say
Starting point is 00:05:02 in the first event to do that, it's pretty cool. I retract any boring statement that I had about it. Anything I've ever said about her at the very minimum, that's impressive. And that's cool to see in the first event after having come off a break. You retract everything you've ever said about her. For that one event, I'm watching it and I'm like, dear God. That's something else. You think she's on the juice? Yeah, but it's still on the watch.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Wait, you think she's on the juice now? Five months postpartum, dude. Yeah, or her baby is the juice. Well, I mean, she is drinking a rain. You guys are out of your mind. Listen, her running looked perfect. Who's running looked better than hers? juice. I mean, she is drinking a rain. You guys are out of your mind. Listen. Her running looked perfect. Who's running looked better than hers?
Starting point is 00:05:51 When I say better, don't start nitpicking the form. Just consistent and efficient. Whose looked more consistent and efficient than hers? 100%. No one. Even better than Hosta's. Hosta's running technique is dick. Dog shit even? It's not good. Jeff's was great. If Hosta had Jeff's running technique is dick dog shit even it's not good jeff jeff's was great and if hosta had jeff's running technique jeff would not have caught him would have no chance
Starting point is 00:06:12 jedidias nelson what did you think of tia tuma's run tia tia tia to me urs running great i was incredibly impressed by gabby i did not expect that. She was impressive as well. Hey, who is Whitney Davis? You people are fucking nuts for talking about she's on the juice while she's fucking nursing her baby. She's also drinking 300 milligrams of caffeine every year, apparently. Great sponsorship. And also, have you seen any evidence saying that that's something that you can't do? Whitney Davis?
Starting point is 00:06:44 Oh, Whitneyney are we nuts for talking about it or would she be nuts for doing it or both i'm open i'm open um because because she does have a commercial showing that she um is drinking 300 milligram cans of rain and and she's bragging about it being a mother in this in the commercial so uh anything that baby aggressive dude get that fuck aggressive, dude. Get that fucker going. Wake him up. Get the baby going. Taylor, the technique, the way that they won, they, Adler, Antea,
Starting point is 00:07:15 is that the way you pictured the winner would win it, the way they paced it, where they broke away? And specifically, Hosta, I thought for sure he had it won. He looked like his strategy was rock solid i i should have expected to see what we saw i was really hoping for a really big race and i was expecting them to drag the bag up the hill and when they didn't i was like oh what the fuck but i would imagine that's because of the weather and the rain when when hosta drops his bag at the 832 mark and he's just running with the with the small 45 pound ruck or whatever that was on his back did you got and he took a huge lead did you
Starting point is 00:07:57 think he had it in the bag at that point jedediah i i thought he did yeah i thought i thought the way he took off in the lead he built, I thought he was good. Sousa, did you have any doubt that he was going to win? Yeah, absolutely. Once the ski boots were off, I knew he was going to hit the jet. Oh, my God. Big fucking ski guy, huh? Wait, tell me.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Wait, tell me. What are you guys talking about? The announcer must have referenced the feeling of dropping the bag. The same as taking off your ski boots after a long day on the slopes, like seven times. I swore I heard Brian in the background in the earlier portion of the women. Could you, could you guys hear Brian friend in the broadcast?
Starting point is 00:08:38 There was like two voices going at once. Yeah. There was a couple of issues. Back around and talk about the commentary it was absolute dog shit it was it was the worst it it now holds the worst commentary heard i apologize to adrian and the lone ranger but it was horrible you didn't know where fucking anyone was they didn't tell you the times hardly when people were passing they didn't tell you it wasn't even a race and get the fucking guy who owns go r rock the fuck out of there give him his own show later on i don't want to hear any of that
Starting point is 00:09:08 shit i need to know where people are i need to know the fucking split times when adler fucking passes yellow hosta i need to know how many yards are left in the fucking race and when he starts dragging his bag i need to know where hosta is behind him. Make something up. Lie. I think he's 80 yards behind. I don't give a shit. I can't watch a race if it's not spoke about like a race, and you're telling me about ski boots.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yeah. An hour of that bullshit. The most accurate comment is somebody saying it was a golf broadcast. Oh, he's creeping up on the back nine. He's taking the sixth par. Yeah, it was a golf broadcast. Oh, he's creeping up on the back nine. He's taking the sixth par of the bogey. And what's a shame, it was beautifully shot. Beautifully shot until the end. They fucked up
Starting point is 00:09:52 the finish line, which is a shame. Beautifully shot. The camera work was fucking brilliant. Yeah. And it was frustrating that they weren't given positions either. It's like, okay, what'd she finish? Or what'd he finish? Anything, dude. Any placements during the 20 minutes, minutes i swear to god go back and watch the men they didn't even talk about the race for after the first mile it was a fucking go-ruck commercial and a bad one at
Starting point is 00:10:16 that oh my god it was fucking atrocious i couldn't even fall i could it was a shame it was a fucking shame we need to know where chandler was we need all of a shame. It was a fucking shame. We need to know where Chandler was. All of a sudden, Fikowski was in fourth. It's like, what the fuck? Come on, man. No, there was no, no. Talk about the jockeying position on one side. The whole pack of the men all caught up at the end.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Like, there was only three guys. You were like, oh, fuck, here. It's going to be Roman, Adler, and Jella. And then all of a sudden, there was like 10 dudes right there. And we didn't even know that they were coming up or how they did it or anything it was and don't tell me you don't know where Chandler is he's the only fucking black guy out there use the fucking drone shot and be like he's in
Starting point is 00:10:52 fourth if Jedediah was out there would you be like well we don't know which one Jedediah is he's the one in the wheelchair oh it's fucking annoying it's fucking anyway we're gonna tell you some stuff that they didn't tell you. We're going to go back to that. How does Kostke collapse and then still get up and beat Hoffer?
Starting point is 00:11:12 Oh, I called Victor Hoffer for the L. And Travis, where did Travis Mayer finish? Wasn't he third? Wasn't he fourth? But we need to know that, too. That has to be answered before the show's over. That had to be answered. That was my question, too.
Starting point is 00:11:25 As soon as I saw them come across the finish line, I'm like, how did that happen? Did Hoffer hurt himself? Or is Hoffer horrible? So why do they hire these slapdicks, dude? Why don't they put me up in the broadcast booth? Because they have shirts and you don't. Shelby Neal got laughed, but I'm still impressed with her finish.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Danny Spiegel, crazy impressed. Crossed the finish line with a smile on her face. She crossed the finish line making fun of how bad she sucks at running. I listened to an interview that she did with Lauren Khalil, which I thought was a great interview, and she said she was excited to compete because she kind of lost the fight going into the semifinals. And all I can think when she crosses the finish line like that is you are not
Starting point is 00:12:07 competing at all at all. Thank you. What is wrong with you? Yeah. She was like, Oh, hi Tia. Nice to see you here.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah. You still, it's just about being relevant. Right. It is a hundred percent for her. It's just about staying relevant. Let me ask. No,
Starting point is 00:12:24 that's all it is. But let me see. Jedediah, as a games athlete, you're telling me she trains that hard just to stay relevant. She trains that hard to eat her crumble cookies. She doesn't need to train hard. She's a general athlete. She can roll up and run the competition.
Starting point is 00:12:37 You don't think she trains hard, Jedediah? She just maintains. Oh, man, guys. Really? She'll try hard when the events are in her favor. She'll compete then. That's what i was gonna say she probably knew right off the jump that this wasn't gonna be her event so why why why put forth that much effort maybe two more spots but thank you caleb that's eating you're a mind reader let's see let's see danny spiegel's time what is it
Starting point is 00:12:59 don't look at her placement look at her time time. That is fast, isn't it? No. It's all in the context of the placement. Seven minutes slower. Between the time Tia finished and when Danny did it. What was mid-pack? 23-23.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Still four minutes behind mid-pack. What a minute. I took a shit and wiped. Tia's final time on the mile was 620. She lost by more than a mile. She beat Shelby Neal, CrossFit Games athlete. Okay, dude. I think Shelby didn't know she was competing
Starting point is 00:13:36 until four days ago. Like, hey, you want to come to Rogue? She's like, uh, yeah. She literally said she started training three weeks ago. Tia took the lead Sorry, in the notes here I see Tia took the lead On the 800 meter run
Starting point is 00:13:52 That was when they just had the 400 Sorry, 40, how much was that pack? The 35 pound ruck? It was 30 and 50 Okay, so she had 50 pounds on her back? Yes, sir And then her and gabby pulled away significantly and gabby hung with her and like someone said earlier i don't know if it's
Starting point is 00:14:10 jedediah but how impressive gabby looked uh and then they both uh lapped shelby neal she still had the big weight on her back uh tia looked amazing in the final mile that was one cool thing that adrian conway did. She kept getting faster and faster and faster. She looked like she was, she was ready to go run five miles. Uh, Gabby took second. Uh, Laura was completely out of sight. And so I thought Laura took third, but she didn't, I guess, Emily, uh, Rolf ends up taking third. Uh, we, as we said, the bag drag was a joke. I don't know if it was necessarily a joke for some of the guys, but it was for sure a joke for the best people right it had no impact on the race though yeah whatsoever we didn't see any we didn't see any okay now is the baby coming on can she confirm if that was changed hey what do you
Starting point is 00:14:56 think would have been different you think they should have carried those um those ammo cans 100 pounds if they'd have gone up the, they would have had to go backwards. They wouldn't have been able to stay facing forward like they were, and it would have changed the whole pace and the technique to drag the bag. You think that if someone rolls in off the run first and someone rolls in second, someone rolls in third, that going up the hill, there would have been a shift in the lead where there was clearly not when they were dragging it across the field?
Starting point is 00:15:23 I don't know about the lead because of the way t and adler had a had their lead but i think some of the mixed positions with the especially with the guys so close if they're going up the hill there would have been some that's what i'm saying like because there was no lead change once you got to the bag where you got to the bag is where you finish which made it irrelevant i'm wondering yes yeah i think hill because you would have seen people with their feet sliding like doing short steps versus trying to take big like squat pulls like going up the hill it would have made a difference yeah i think it would have been the equivalent of the crucifix bag at the end of the capitol hill whatever whatever you know what the fuck i'm saying the capital what was it
Starting point is 00:16:07 the hussar fell back all right i said it wrong too they should change the name of it to the crucifix bag naming is the origin of all things and i just fucking named it so there it is that's what it's called but you saw people that had a big lead and then just couldn't move the bag i bet you saw people get halfway up the hill uh a hill their quads would have locked up they would have started slipping and sliding that bag would have went backwards you would have people that got stuck and then you would have had others like potentially danny spiegel wouldn't have mattered when she came in performance other but she would have moved that bag a lot faster up the hill so you would have potentially seen some chain lead changes in the middle of the pack had they included
Starting point is 00:16:42 the hill do we think that was a true mile course that's what i was thinking the whole time why wouldn't you who's got no dude they they took a workout that i guess i thought was maybe i'm just so out of touch with what a 100 pound one mile ruck is but i was not thinking 20 minutes no No. I was thinking 30 minutes. I mean, that's just crazy. I don't know. I mean, look, at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. The right people won the workout. I just – it's my ego because I don't want to imagine that I was 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:17:18 off of what a workout should take. Well, you're – You taking that for later, me and and hill shirts off shirts off boys uh uh top 10 uh someone in the comments said lauren fisher uh let's give her uh hats off i agree i was surprised to see her finish in the uh top 10 there she goes number eight number seven daniel brandon a monon anganese nine impressive bethany flores sixth this is crazy host they finished both rucks the one mile with the hundred then the 800 with the 45 in 1240 i think uh tia did it in 1242 that's an eight minute mile averaging an eight minute mile with the 100 pound ruck i mean
Starting point is 00:18:01 i don't know dude maybe i'm crazy adler did the whole thing in 1907. Emma Lawson in fifth, Laura Horvat in fourth, Emily Rolfe in third. In second place, Gabby Magawa. And Tia Toomey with a 20-24 in first place and probably could have done it faster. As she crosses the finish line, she waits
Starting point is 00:18:19 and like the fucking champ that she is, shakes everyone's hands. Come on. Pats them on, come on pats them on yep pats them on the back that's a big move that's a fine big champ polite what you want you know how you say dave castro says good job or he's proud of you yeah i'm proud of you okay it's the same freaking thing all right he wanted to make sure that everybody was fine good job well she wanted to make sure that everybody knew she was fine, that she wasn't hurting, and it had no impact on her.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yep. Mind games. You're right. Hey, I don't blame her. That's cool. I don't blame her either. Good strategy. I'm going to start with Taylor.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Jed and I, you're going to get the best position on this. Oh, there she is. Okay. No mention of Ariel Lowen during the entire run. Did anyone say her name once? No, it's because, like you said, the broadcast fucking blew. How did they not mention her name? Maybe I'm just so caught up in what we talk about,
Starting point is 00:19:14 I think everyone should talk about it. Which one of you slapdicks chose Colin Brander to win that event? I picked her to lose. Yeah. Oh. Yeah, I heard that one. And Sousa's the only one to pick. Sousa picked Tia to lose. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. I heard that laugh. And Sousa, Sousa's the only one to pick,
Starting point is 00:19:26 Sousa picked Tia to win. Add senior analyst to my resume. Harvard MBA, senior analyst. Wow. Senior, senior analyst.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Senior analyst. We got you, dude. I'm coming over, big boy. Uh, let's speak to the man, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:42 who, who's done a ruck or two. Nicholas, we, we met. Is that a fake name? Is that a fake name? No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:57 12 mile in ruck, 35 pounds in boots. I don't know what a flick is. Is that a cigarette lighter? Helmet, weapons. What kind of weapons? Like a pocket knife? He's normally finished in an hour and 50 to two hours by top finishers. Boots weigh harder than shoes. What's the relevance here?
Starting point is 00:20:11 Six miles an hour is 12 minutes. They did two and a half miles. How do you compare that to 12 miles? First cut it in half and go six miles would be 55 minutes. This is back of the napkin math and I'm fucking out. Three miles would be uh this is back of the napkin math and i'm fucking out three miles would be uh 27 and a half minutes for those guys but with half with one third the weight in some in some shitty um shitty boots so all right good that's good yeah that's good all right thank you for your service. When you see them down here, Kyra Milligan, Danny Spiegel, Shelby Neal, Paige Powers in 16th.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Go ahead, Hiller. Emma Carey. Emma Carey in 13th place. And tell me why you think she's just, you just expected better. That's it. Yeah. I put up my heat one app right before the event started and I had her finishing pretty high.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Taylor, Taylor, who, who are you like? Oh my goodness. Really? What happened? Most disappointed. Laura. I don't think she stands a chance now. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:29 She just pulled out and shot it all over everyone. Dude. Unfortunately, as much as I hate to say it and I want it to be exciting. It's not going to be. To you. To me, uh,
Starting point is 00:21:44 uh, dick slapping people. Hey, Taylor, that's probably a good thing to say right there because we opened up the show saying that it was kind of, oh, my God, here we go again, Tia Toomey. And what's impressive was what she did here. What's going to be bothersome is the outcome, which is she wins every event.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Right. She's going to destroy people. And if she's not going to listen to this one, but if she did, she would at least have the consolation what do you mean this is what she does going to bed fuels really yeah you didn't hear that she plays this for her baby I wanted her to come
Starting point is 00:22:22 higher up I want to steal more points I wanted a tighter race between her, Laura, and Tia. So she still did great. Fifth, top five finish. You know, no issue there. But I would have loved to see her switch spots with Gabriela. Mr. Snelson, the only real athlete in the group. I agreed with Hiller.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I think Emma, I expected her to finish better The fact that Fisher and whatnot beat her That's a total surprise to me But somebody I will tell you I was impressed with Was also Bethany Flores The fact that she would look that strong Coming off and if she continues to progress She could be a threat next year
Starting point is 00:22:59 For me it's Paige Powers When I think of Mayhem I think of runners Really? Rich? Yeah I like that pick I do too She's rather disappointing on that event
Starting point is 00:23:14 I want her to be 6th or 7th Top 10 for sure You know what to be honest For a running event this is disappointing for Spiegel Because it's an 80-pound fucking ruck. Here it is. That's why Roman comes out so hot with the heavy bag. That's the only reason Danny didn't take 20th.
Starting point is 00:23:37 All right. I think 18th is a big dub for her. I don't know. Kyra's got some small legs. I mean, they're big, but it's like a pug running around. Let's cruise over to the boys. They came out hot. Roman
Starting point is 00:23:51 Yellowhosta Adler, Mayer, Ricky Mack, Jay Crouch, Chandler, Fikowski, Jason Hopper come out really hot right away. One of the first things that happens is Janikowski goes down, as we mentioned where did he end up taking what place he took 19th victor hoffer lost to him and yonakoski
Starting point is 00:24:09 laid down dude that's embarrassing gently took his bag off and laid down and then it was examining his leg like he was in no rush he's like oh my leg and then he got up and still be hoffer kudos to the camera team for catching that. That was pretty cool. Hey, one thing we didn't catch real quick before you move on from that, actually, he healed up twice as fast because he was using the toe space at Rockmat. I heard that. It was his ankle? It wasn't his ankle.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Nope. He had this product. The med team rushed it out. He rolled his foot on it, did some squats. Good as new. Beat that. Did he put any seasoning on his foot? Did he put some of that grill your ass off seasoning? Powdered probably meal prepping with it right now in your kitchen okay birth on it
Starting point is 00:24:52 too carry on hey that was yana kosky's uh mistress right there she also uses the rock dude i think that's what the rock mat is for. If you have a home birth like Kara, you just lay it underneath your body and dump your baby on it, dude. Toughing it up. That resilience early. I don't know. I don't feel any difference with the rock mat, so. Nelson's starting walking again after using the rock mat. Look at this freaking guy.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Hey, what? He didn't. Did he cramp or did he roll his ankle? I think he cramped. Did he roll his ankle? Jedediah, you cramped or rolled ankle? I think he cramped. Sousa.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yeah, I'm going with cramp too because he's got good feet. I mean, it looked like a cramp, but Caleb said he rolled his ankle. He was there. Taylor. You heard it said. Caleb said a lot of weird shit. Okay, Caleb, come on. Caleb, can you come on? Do you know?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Because the way he held his leg looked like it was a cramp. Do you know something, Caleb? I'm pretty sure I saw him roll his ankle when he came around the berm. And then he just laid down. I'm pretty sure. I mean, he was 50 yards away from me. Did you see it, Taylor? Did you see it from the camera angle?
Starting point is 00:26:07 No, I didn't see shit. Well, we saw him holding his – it looked like he was holding his hammy. Oh, I saw him holding his ankle when he stood up. Okay, fine. Okay. I could be very wrong. All right. We'll find out.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And so up until – some great camera work uh we're for uh hosta comes in after the first mile with the ruck 100 pounds at 8 32 they did actually have a graphic for that i think which was pretty nice um and then krennikoff was in second adler in third and i think ricky in fourth as a yellow made a huge breakaway there, Andre Houdet, his coach was on the sideline, and you could see him. And I don't know what he told him, but he was telling him something and jogged a little bit with him. Yeah, we were in the next lap when Adler was catching him.
Starting point is 00:26:58 He runs like he's pillaging a freaking village in the freaking 1400s, dude. That's how Yellow hosted runs, dude. He needs to get some running technique uh what did you say jedi um uh caroline was running next to adler yeah and andre was nowhere to be found like when adler was actually catching him i thought that was weird that he wasn't there the next lap who day was in the bar already celebrating like we were uh at 12 40 uh by my estimate, you didn't see this on the feed, Hosta finished the first mile and the 800,
Starting point is 00:27:31 and he started the second mile or the third phase of the race. At that point, I don't know who was in what fucking place, but I think it was Hosta, Adler, and then Roman in third. And I think Chandler at that point was alone in fourth and just kind of hanging out um adler was closing in on hosta very quickly was it the last 800 i don't know but they had no rucks on and adler made a move and pulled away from roman and caught up with hostosta. Adler takes the lead. We don't fucking know where. With its 300, 400, 500, we don't know where the fuck it's happening.
Starting point is 00:28:10 No one's even talking about it. Do you think he was speaking third-grade Russian and talking shit to Roman? No, Hosta. He passed Hosta. No, I know, but do you think he was talking shit to Roman during that first bag carry in the 800? God, I hope so. Okay, let's go back. We have the footage of Yonikoski going down.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Look how casual that is. Yeah, and he definitely was favoring that ankle like Caleb had said. Oh, come on, man. That doesn't look like a leg. That looks like an ankle to me. He's holding his face. He pulled his face. Watch right here. Watch right here. So watch his his foot you can barely see it by the bag and then as soon as i hit play watch him kind of
Starting point is 00:28:51 come and favorite right there which is the right one yes his right foot i think you're right probably a rolled ankle and then he just lifts it up and kind of like looks at it but the doctor's spoken diagnosing him ivana this is so aana, this is so a cramp. This is so a cramp? She's saying this is such crap. She wanted him to do better. He is such a tramp. And
Starting point is 00:29:17 okay, so then Adler, where are we? Chandler and Forth, Adler closing in on Hosta. Was it the last 800? Adler finally takes Hosta and really puts it To him what was interesting is in the interview Adler was saying in the beginning That he was running his own race
Starting point is 00:29:35 But then at the end of the Interview with Kiki Dixon he said he was pacing Off of them So when I think what happened is in the beginning He was pacing and at the end host to slow down adler basically was saying hey i didn't turn on the afterburners this fucking guy just gassed out and i passed him i i don't think he expected to catch hosta i think he thought he was satisfied with second and then all of a sudden hosta kind of dropped to anchor jeff is an amazing
Starting point is 00:30:01 runner just look at his technique look at his technique yeah but look at the gap too like he was well well aware if you watch that clip he just peeked back at roman to see how close he was and he just looks more comfortable right there and and and not but and susan and great runner and and no but he looks like he's almost as good of a runner as me yeah but you said you're gonna do this workout in 40 minutes. Yeah, it would have taken me probably 60 minutes because I would have wheeled it five times. I would have came up with actually a 1.5-mile loop. Taylor, you won the swim-run event at Wadapalooza, right?
Starting point is 00:30:37 Took the W in that one workout in my life. I even have a note here at this point. Camera work was fantastic um in the final mile uh mile fikowski uh was in fourth held that fourth place um adler grabs the bag first and he finishes in 1907 which was a minute and uh 17 seconds faster than tia Toomey. Well, it doesn't relate to, it kind of relates to this, but I have a crazy question. By the way, that commentary, feel free to use that.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Adler 554 on the last mile. Is that a... Where'd you get that info? John Young's Damn. John Young's like, damn, I just PR'd at a 559 fresh what was um what was uh what was tia's final mile 620 also from john young i believe what's the fastest mile you've done jedediah in a chair
Starting point is 00:31:36 uh 717 wow okay wow is there are there hills does it does it make a difference or is that a track oh it makes a big difference. That was just in my neighborhood around a block. What a dick question to ask, Killer. Okay. Does it matter if it's fucking hills? He's on wheels. Dude, I've had people at the gym
Starting point is 00:31:57 when I'm beating them go, of course you're beating me. You're on wheels. I'm using my arms, you fucking retard. I'm beating my chair and giving it yeah i know i'm like did somebody sit here i could i wish i heard somebody say that to you uh that's um that's crazy what do you say to that nothing there's nothing what you can't fight stupid i would just say you're in the chair and you say you try it. You say, are you in the neuro class? Dude, I'm thinking that mile is a bit short.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Pull up the boys. Let's see what's going on here. I want to do that thing with the most disappointing, but we can wait. We can. No, no. We'll do it with the boys. We're close. We're close. Just loading that leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It was having an issue. I was having an issue too, Caleb. I don't know why I died. What is it? How the fuck does Guy Maieros have his own shoe for tier? And who is going to buy that? Hold on one second. Hold on one second.
Starting point is 00:33:04 C Hill, what camera angle does premium show? I think premium shows back angle. You can just stay with it. You know how the feed that we saw was incorporating like four or five different angles? If you have the premium, you can basically just stay with one angle. So when they switch, you don't have to switch. you can basically just stay with one angle so when they switch you don't have to switch so it's all those angles we already saw but you get to you get to just stay on them which could be cool so like if you just want to follow the drone and you don't want to hear the ceo of some company pitches shit
Starting point is 00:33:35 to you you can just stay with the drone shot and you could listen to rich and brian friend or someone talk about it on the alternate feed. Say that again, Jedediah? I said you probably have a better idea of what position people are in. Yeah, right, right. Oh, with Brian commentating? 100%. 100%.
Starting point is 00:33:55 100%. No question. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale. To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that.
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Starting point is 00:34:53 We're your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at And if nothing else, he'll tell you, hey, we don't know. He'll just say, we don't know where Fikowski is. We're guessing. He'll give you something. Yeah, I might buy it. I i might buy it you guys are convincing me to pull the trigger oh dude it's worth it just for the fucking 15 minutes brian's gonna talk this is something taylor could talk about perhaps uh you know why hopper was so dominant last year in a more endurance ruck than not dominant at all
Starting point is 00:35:22 what would seem like a more suited event than last year. He truly does not know. John Youngbar. Not training as much. Training two hours or 90 minutes a day. Or maybe he blew himself out last year and he knew to play the long game this year better. Six is not a bad finish. No, not at all.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Hey, and let me say this also. I think last year when they ran it was hot as shit and he's also not been training i i mean that's relative you'd have no idea how how much any of these athletes have been training but for him he hasn't been training a ton uh it's nearly 40 no i think it's i paid 25 25 yeah yeah this is the other thing i thought about the other day i am like really hard on some of the athletes sometimes what no listen now because this guy goes hopper is super overrated and like none of these guys suck even danny spiegel she may no she doesn't suck. She just has a different strategy for her career. They are all insane. She has bigger things to do than CrossFit is what she told us.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Okay, let me go down the list. Can we start back at one, Mr. Beaver? Jeffrey Adler, the CrossFit Games champ, no question he won. Like, just he was the man. A host that tried to do it, you know, went full steam ahead, put on a show for us. Great job. Krennikoff, we fucking lost him. Fikowski, we lost him. I'm still impressed with Fikowski. It kind of shows that size matters.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Chandler Smith doing well like everyone thought. Jason Hopper, some of you guys shitting on him. I think he did great. Jay Crouch, impressive. Yeah. Imp impressive. Yeah. Impressive. Yeah. Built like Marky Mark.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Did great. Ricky Mack, a little disappointing. Underwell. A lot. Number nine, Travis Mayer, a little disappointing. A lot. Lazar Jukic, a little disappointing. Will Mora.
Starting point is 00:37:26 They're all grouped together T-Wire, T-Wire is throwing fucking money into the scene look at all these athletes with those shirts on coin they paid you to say that 12th place they're not getting any of that back Gudmundsson, if you guys didn't know
Starting point is 00:37:42 he's a vampire and you can't take a picture of him let's have you know, he's a vampire and you can't take a picture. Let's have me know. Okay. Let's sit on Pat for a bit. Pat did what he had to do. Pat did Pat of all the guys down here in the shit pile. Pat's most likely to win the event still. Like you can't rule him out.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Who took 13th of the girls? Gazan? No. Who was it? Two seconds. I got it. It was someone we were talking about. Who was it? Two seconds. I got it. It was someone we were talking about. Who was it? It was Kerry. Emma Kerry.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Oh, Emma Kerry. Okay. So Emma Kerry and Vellner are both going to do significantly better than 13th. True or false, Jedediah? True. I mean, Vellner was a perfect example of how poor the broadcast was because when he came across at first, I thought,
Starting point is 00:38:24 oh, that's actually a pretty, like, I thought he was further up until they panned to the other side of the finish line. And you saw all those guys standing there. I was like, holy crap, when did they all pass? Hey, I think he cuts his place in half by the end of the day. I think he's in sixth or higher. Sure. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And Emma Carey. Uh, no. Sure. Agreed. And Emma Carey. No. No. I got greedy. I got greedy. Okay. Noah Olsen, 14th. Didn't hear about him until he crossed the finish line. He's
Starting point is 00:39:01 pretty much retired. Anyway, 15th, Garrett Clark. Oh, I was wondering who that was. I was like, is that guy just cleaning up bags? What's that guy doing on the field? Okay. Dallin Pepper. He needs to be doing better if he wants to be. That's my disappointing pick
Starting point is 00:39:17 along with the guy that was right. Tudor Magda? Yeah, I'm always disappointed by Tudor. Bailey Martin needs to build confidence. He seemed almost a little surprised. He made it to the games this year. He needs to build some confidence. Koski with the injury.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Disappointing, but not, not harsh in his gig. Let's see if he continues. And a 20th place, Shelby Neal. No. Victor Hoffer.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Damn. I know the fact that Koski did not get last still blows me away. Yikes. Hey, I got a crazy story about Victor Hoffer. Let's hear it. What, he sucks at running? Hey, I got to pull up his games profile really quick. I was going to make an entire video on him, and I'm happy I didn't.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Was it good for his feelings or blow him up? I was going to blow him up, but then I'm happy I didn't. I sat on it for a minute. Ready for this? This is Victor Hoffer's games profile. Can anyone notice anything about this before I tell you what to look at? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Oh, the women. The women. Where is it? Women. Why in 2018 is Victor Hoffer a woman Because he's got a Dude I think I think he made the switch Wait what Oh shit
Starting point is 00:40:35 Okay guys what Andrew Hiller is looking at Is if you look at the open score He has a women's ranking In 2018 He does have some of the nicest skin If any Because if you look at the open score, he has a women's ranking in 2018. He does have some of the nicest skin. And he's got a structure that isn't quite the biggest. And he just got his thing turned into a big round.
Starting point is 00:40:58 You think that guy tucks his penis like Taylor does, but permanently? No, he untucked it, dude. He took those freaking flaps and turned them into a dong, dude. I don't know how they did it, but he's a man now, and it's harder. It's not like a guy transitioning to a girl. I heard it. Wow. What is going on? Here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Here's the deal. I'm at the crash crucible, and Daniel Kutz, he's his training partner. And I go, dude, I got to ask you about this. Is Victor Hopper his training partner? Are coached by the same person? They're close. I go, hey, dude, is your training partner a chick? I couldn't make this video because I couldn't find anything dabbing on it,
Starting point is 00:41:36 but I look at his pictures, and it wouldn't be the biggest surprise. He said something about his body at the games too yeah Daniel goes I don't know man I don't know I gotta ask him so he snapchats him he goes dude are you a chick Hiller needs to know and then he sends him a picture of the games profile he goes my dad set that up I thought he was a chick you should not do that to a French dude it's too believable I thought I thought he was a chick. You should not do that to a French dude. It's too believable. I thought you were going to say he sent a picture back of his dick.
Starting point is 00:42:10 No. That's what he should have done. And if you look at his pictures, you can find stuff of him on the gymnastics team, but they're not on his main profile. So this is what made me skeptical. If you go into his Instagram and go all the way to the bottom, it starts when he's about 18. I go, holy hell, he made a new Instagram at 18. team, but they're not on his main profile. So this is what made me skeptical. If you go into his Instagram and go all the way to the bottom,
Starting point is 00:42:27 it starts when he's about 18. I go, holy hell, he made a new Instagram at 18. But in the tag pictures, you can find the gymnastics team stuff. Oh, goodness. But it was funny at the minimum. And I'm like, dude, cool. I'm glad that you just straight up told me. Dead last in the first event, overall uh fantastic first event i really enjoyed watching it um i'm glad i know a lot about the sport and the people and so i was able to you know fill it in
Starting point is 00:42:55 and hear all of your voices talk to me as we watched it i'm extremely excited by tia's uh performance we have an exciting week ahead of us now we know that her metabolic capacity um is is intact we know that uh her um time under uh stress time under tension is intact uh because she would carry to that 100 pounds or 80 pounds for a long time the only thing now we need to test i guess what the next next thing we're going to see is her explosiveness and maybe how the pregnancy is going to affect her gymnastics, center of gravity, and understanding her body. But I suspect we're going to see a lot of the same.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Taylor, thoughts on – go ahead, Jedi. Do you think that Krennikoff fell off because he just went out too hot or because his foot started to bother him? I think he went out hot. He did on the 5K run, too. And I think Jeff paced that perfectly. And I actually talked to Chris Henshaw a couple times at the games about Adler, and he was saying that that was one of his major strengths
Starting point is 00:44:01 is being able to pace as well as he does. And we saw it right there in that run. He struck right when he needed to, he passed him right when he needed to not a moment before just hung right there and was hot right at the time that he, he needed to, and it was going to be successful. So pass them and he's gone.
Starting point is 00:44:18 What were your thoughts on it? Jedediah, did you think by any chance that a injury played a part? Did you see anything? No, I just just I was hoping not like I think that he was still able to maintain a good position so I think he was okay I was just at first worried
Starting point is 00:44:32 when he started to fall off I'm like oh I hope his foot's not bothering him any final thoughts Taylor on your part on your overall are you excited I mean I'm even more excited now that I've seen it I'm I hope it I mean, I'm even more excited now that I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I'm ex I hope it, I hope it's a race on both sides. I don't want to see Jeff just dominate and I don't want to see T dominate. I want to see a race. I want to see excitement. So that's what I'm hoping for. Hey, if T dominates,
Starting point is 00:45:00 it does that crap to Laura, which is there's no way she would have won the games this year, and it undercuts that win. Yeah, for sure. Wow. Wow. If Tia goes out and beats her by 100 points here overall. No one even questions it. They're like, well, you won the games, but only because Tia.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Thank God Laura put Tia in there. Jed and I, were you planning on watching this? Go ahead, finish, and then I'll ask you. Go ahead, finish. Oh, it's just basically you're lucky I got pregnant is what it'll be if that happens. Yep. No one will ever be Tia's shame. Jedi, would you have watched this
Starting point is 00:45:37 if you weren't coming on the show? Yeah, of course. And will you be watching the rest of the weekend? As much as I can. Yeah. Do you have any picks for this? Who do you think is going to win it? I don't know now. It's kind of shaken up. Like, I mean, I think Adler showed a strong position coming off the games and he's in a good position. And the same with Tia. I hope that it's a race. I hope we see some others mix it up.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And the same with Tia. I hope that it's a race. I hope we see some others mix it up. Susan, there's this thought in fighting that once you become the champ, you're 30% better. Just the belief in yourself. You see that, Nadler? You think like, oh, shit, this fucking guy believes in himself?
Starting point is 00:46:19 100%. It's the same thing when you see it in an event, right? The first guy finishes and just struts around, and everybody else comes across the finish line just dying. It's like that little bit of extra confidence boost, and that's probably tenfold after winning the games. Do you think she stole some of Laura's estrogen too? Do you think Tia winning hurt Laura's confidence? Yeah, I think Tia's got a chip on her shoulder,
Starting point is 00:46:40 and I think there's one person who's running through her head throughout this whole entire weekend. And it's the man sitting right to the right of me here. Oh, no shit. You think Hiller's in her head? No way. Did you see that text message about that? No. She internalized
Starting point is 00:46:58 all of that, sparked off with Hiller. She probably read the comments. Now she feels like everybody's against me. Like, fuck that. I'm going to show these people and there's nothing more dangerous than an ex-champ with a chip on her shoulder ready to come to play. She's doubling down, which is why she posted that ring video today. She's like, I'm going to do whatever I want. Maybe. But I think she's going to.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I think this is her putting it to all the naysayers. Hey, she's wearing her pants real high. Third place for Laura is an amazing finish. God, John, you're a dick. Jeffrey Adler. So is this Jeffrey Adler in the house this is yeah that was confirmed that's really him well it matches the YouTube profile and uh
Starting point is 00:47:33 it's a bulletproof confirmation by the fact checkers here at the Jeffrey how much Russian can you speak is that him in the chat can you say I'm gay and russian type it out i checked his youtube last time and that is the photo it seems to match up but now i'm skeptical seeing as like the event just finished and he jumped on the pod like i don't know because i'll send them a uh we'll send you a link right i'll send them a link yeah we just want five minutes of your time
Starting point is 00:48:01 if he says yes in here, I know it's not him. Here's what I'll say. When you have somebody that's a multi-champion, what you really learn about them is they don't love winning as much as they hate losing or fear losing. And when you talk to those people that are dominant like Tia and others have been in other sports, it's more this disdain for a loss than it is the joy of winning. And that plays a big part in being able to be in that position. Do you think Adler's already feeling that too?
Starting point is 00:48:39 I think it's too early to say for Adler, but Tia, I think that's 100% the thing. She's like, she hated not being at the games and hated losing, and she's going to get back on top as far as she's concerned. Adler
Starting point is 00:48:55 is in the jacuzzi. Jacuzzi. By the way, if you were at the Rogue event, you would be smart, wow, to go over to the Vindicate and Paper Street Coffee booth and get a CEO shirt. There do not look like there's a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And there is a blue one there that I do not have. How the fuck are there shirts there that I don't have? Jed and I, did we ever send you a CEO shirt? I have the Harley one. Oh, you don't have this one? I don't. Okay, we're going to send those out to you. We need tattoos so you and – so Hiller can have a tattoo on his chest,
Starting point is 00:49:35 a CEO tattoo on his chest. Do you have any tattoos, Hiller? No, none. Dude, so this would be a virgin tattoo? Yeah. Would you ever get a tattoo? No. Wow. virgin tattoo? Yeah. Would you ever get a tattoo? No. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Too Christian? No. I just don't think I'll like it in five years. I don't like any of mine. Not having tattoos. You don't like any of yours? No, I'm kidding. Yeah, this was five years ago.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I got this one hammered. Let me pull up this maybe i should let uh do you want to do it caleb or should i do it oh do you gotta go caleb are you getting kicked out yeah i think they just told us we gotta go okay oh okay so i'm gonna show this screen share will ask you this question do you ever do you Have you tried the Vivo barefoot shoes, Sevan? No. Dude, I just got a pair. They're fucking sick.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Do we have any shoe sponsors, Sousa? Not yet. Okay, talk away then. We're in the market. Dude, I can get you a hookup with Vivo, dude. Yeah, hook it up. Okay, here we go. Here we go. No idea.
Starting point is 00:50:44 A wet man right there. Bruska. Belodushka. Hey, Ricky. Welcome back, bro. Thanks, brother. Welcome back. You broke your foot, man.
Starting point is 00:50:57 You're still fast. You're way fast. Good job. Thank you. Oh, wow. That's a cool candid scene. Good job, whoever's running the rogue. Invitational Instagram.
Starting point is 00:51:07 It's Roman Krennikoff welcoming Ricky back. And also then Chandler Smith says, good job coming back with a broken foot. Gabby Magawa, a photo of her. Can you guys see all these? Okay. Oh, can you tell me? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Here we go at the ice bath. Yeah, she's going to put her arms in the water. Good girl. Dude, that was finesse the way she grabbed that. She didn't waste any energy. Here's the starting line of the female race.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Texas heavy that we just watched. The women, 80 pounds. Great shot. First mile. Texas heavy that we just watched the women 80 pounds great shot first mile I was thinking about those guys running next to him with the cameras looking at him carrying the bags going amateurs uh someone should tell Josh not to do that. That's hilarious. That's a great stance right there. Pay the man. Dude, I looked up those guitars because I was like, damn, dude, I wonder how nice they are.
Starting point is 00:52:17 They're not that nice, but it's still a $140 guitar. You get it at a competition. It's crazy. Everyone got one? Everyone got a guitar. Yeah, they always do cool stuff like that for all their athletes. That makes Rogue special. guitar you get at a competition it's crazy but everyone got one everyone got a guitar yeah they always do cool stuff like that for all their athletes that makes brogue special so they dropped 100 grand no it's five grand of guitars you think they only they only bought 40 guitars
Starting point is 00:52:35 so maybe they bought 10 grand worth of guitars oh for the strongman and the the strongman and the but seriously you got to get a pair of these Vivo barefoot shoes they'll change your fucking life you're a hippie hold it up let me see him you want me to go get him sure hopefully he's got pants on okay good you want to see my dick we have I have
Starting point is 00:53:01 thank you yeah we've seen where it should be. We've seen the footprint. Hey, while we are getting his shoes, I think it's a good time to bring up the shoe that we talked about earlier. What shoe is that? Guy Malhera's shoe. Oh, that's what he's going to get right now?
Starting point is 00:53:21 Oh, he's sponsored by Vivo? No, no, no. Tear. Oh. Those are cool looking shoes. $170? My wife's watching us in the living room. So I walked out there and I was like, I got to get my shoes. She's like, I know.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Dude, these things. I got the knit ones. I got the knit ones. I just did a bunch of mountain biking today in these bad boys. But I've been doing clean and jerks. Like I did 100 clean and jerks in the other day. I got the knit ones. I just did a bunch of mountain biking today in these bad boys, but I've been doing clean and jerks. Like I did a hundred clean jerks in the other day. I'm obsessed. What did you say Jedediah?
Starting point is 00:53:51 I said, you guys start talking about shoes and I check out. Yeah. They make gloves. Hey, you lose power in those Taylor. No power. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Like lifting. So if I actually go do a power snatch. Way more power. Even more. I think I have more power. Like if I'm wearing a regular shoe, I relax my feet and rely on the stability and the structure of the shoe and the grip almost. With these, I feel like I have to use every muscle in my foot.
Starting point is 00:54:22 All right. I just want to barefoot for fun. If you power snatch barefoot, can you do more or less than you do with shoes on? I would be a little scared. Probably less just because of the – I feel like it would hurt my bone of my heel to land hard on the rubber. I don't know. And more with those shoes on. Sousa, are we doing the live call-in show tomorrow morning?
Starting point is 00:54:42 It's just – it's literally like just putting on nothing but it just protects the pad okay okay if you want to know about the vivo shoes please dm uh self-trade i didn't have a live call calling scheduled uh yet we can our the first event is not until uh 10 or our first show is until 10 10 10 AM tomorrow. Okay. If you guys want to hear about how cool the world is, we might be here at 7 AM to talk to you about it. Really a fun thing to talk about. If you're closed minded, that show's not for you. So don't, don't come. You won't like it. That's a trigger warning. It's only, it's only for, yeah, you have to be so confident you never get triggered.
Starting point is 00:55:24 And besides that, we will be live tomorrow morning, You have to be so confident you never get triggered. Besides that, we will be live tomorrow morning, 10 a.m. with J.R. Howell, Taylor, and John Young with the pre-show for Event 2 for the Rogue Invitational 2023. Thanks, everyone, for checking in. Huge thanks
Starting point is 00:55:44 to all the sponsors absolutely amazing I do want to tell you this also that we have some pretty big event coming up in November I think it's on November 13th get the book state of the industry baby
Starting point is 00:56:00 there's been a lot of talk lately about affiliates and gyms and gym owners and the premier book about So there's been a lot of talk lately about affiliates and gyms and gym owners. And the premier book about gyms and boutique gyms and the industry leader in knowledge about all of that is a company called Two Brain Business owned by a gentleman named Chris Cooper. He has thousands and thousands of clients who he consults, and he's had thousands more throughout the years. He's owned a gym for forever. He's been around forever. And every year he puts this out.
Starting point is 00:56:30 It's a worldwide look at gyms and it is unbelievable. It's called the state of the industry report. Everyone knows it's the premier industry report for gyms worldwide, not just the United States worldwide. And this is the 2023 edition and the third edition. And the fourth edition will make its debut on the Sebon podcast, I believe, on November 13th. Chris Cooper will be coming on the show.
Starting point is 00:56:55 And it's kind of like the biggest honor. I think it's the biggest honor you can have in the CrossFit space is to be affiliated with this book. And so it's a huge honor you can have in the CrossFit space is to be affiliated with this book. And so it's a huge honor for us to do that. So get ready for that for those of you who own gyms or who are interested in opening any gym. All right. Thank you, Jedias Nelson. Thank you, Green Games athlete.
Starting point is 00:57:21 HillerFit of the Hiller Fit training program, growing huge. The YouTube channel is also absolutely amazing. It's the leading, probably news station, not probably, leading news station for CrossFit. It's all things CrossFit. There's content almost every single day. Be up to speed on everything from the mundane to the most important issues that affect affiliates,
Starting point is 00:57:42 athletes, anyone. A self-made training program, a man who is, God, in the pantheon now of training, of commitment to making workouts that are potent, effective, safe, not only for individuals, but for elite athletes. And then, of course, executive producer of the Savant podcast, also a man who spends his dedicated life to curing the world's most vexing problem, Matthew Souza, owner of CrossFit Livermore. And I'll talk to you guys later. Bye bye.

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