The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational 2023 Power Rankings w/ Friend & Young

Episode Date: October 25, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. We're nothing without kayla bam we're live is that the cue to yawn what this we're live is that oh yawn tell you how tired i am dude get people excited for the show i have the whole i have the whole schedule for the rogue invitation almost i just don't have one of the shows for thursday and i don't have tomorrow's Get people excited for the show I have the whole schedule For the Rogue Invitation almost I just don't have one of the shows for Thursday And I don't have tomorrow's show
Starting point is 00:01:09 I really want to do a Wednesday night show Are you doing a show with You're doing a show with Spin tomorrow? Yep Shit, if you want to see John Young tomorrow You will not be able to see him here You'll have to go over
Starting point is 00:01:23 To the barbell spin. When are you doing it? I don't know, actually. Do you always do Wednesdays for spin? Yeah, every 6.30 Central, every Wednesday. Dude, this hat is hot. I mean, I don't know if we want to
Starting point is 00:01:40 talk about your hat or not, but it's a little suspect for me. I saw a few days ago when i saw tyson bajan wearing these that all makes sense that's what it is that's what it is right when i when i saw you wearing those shirts this is uh inner city chicago sevan right there uh ken walters, super sticker. What's up, baby? This is usually the shirt I only wear if I'm interviewing Avi, but I thought I'd put it on.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I should have sent you a question for Tyson this morning, Sevan. Oh, what were you thinking to ask him? It's not uncommon for players in the NFL, especially quarterbacks and running backs, when they have an opportunity to play big minutes for the first time, whether it's, you know, the starter gets injured in the first quarter, first half, and then they have to come into the game or they get injured in a previous game. And then they have their first ever start coming up for them to have decent
Starting point is 00:02:34 or actually really good games. Sometimes. I mean, he has the best pass percentage in the NFL right now. I mean, only game in a quarter, but still. Yeah. The question I wanted you to ask him was, do you think that that's sustainable? The reason I would particularly ask is because every person, as he mentioned in the NFL,
Starting point is 00:02:54 is elite at what they do. That means there's 31 defensive coordinators that now have footage on them. They can go back and prepare if needed for him. It's not completely irrelevant. He's going to be on every Tuesday. Anyway, I would have been curious to see how he would have responded to that
Starting point is 00:03:15 this week to see if he's nervous about it at all. He's kicked John out. Yeah, you got it. Kayla, what's up, dude? Yeah, we got to ask him that. That's great. It's kind of like the fight game you're describing. Okay, listen, we don't, what's up, dude? Yeah, we got to ask him that. That's great. It's kind of like the fight game you're describing. Okay, listen, we don't have time to dilly-dally, people.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Listen, I told Brian my plan, and Brian was like, hey, dude, you're the weak link. So let's get through this really quick. Here's what we're going to do. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Katie Gannon back to the show. Have I been gone so long that someone became Malibu's most wanted and Malibu's most wanted and John Young is the normal one? Listen. That means I was
Starting point is 00:03:49 already off track. Listen. Caleb, hi. The Heat One app, guys. It is the fantasy fitness Tyler Watkins fantasy fitness app it's called heat one the website is heat i don't actually know if that's just go on instagram or yeah or go on
Starting point is 00:04:13 instagram and make sure you go and get the app and download it so you can play the uh fantasy app the crossfit fantasy app the premier number one CrossFit Fantasy app for Rogue this time, for the Rogue Invitational. There it is, the Heat One app. And a bunch of new features on there, and hopefully we can have Tyler on tomorrow to talk about that. Okay, listen, Katie Motter's coming on in 13 minutes. Before Katie comes on, I want to go through every man and every woman
Starting point is 00:04:41 and just have you guys tell us something about them. Let's do something big picture first okay go ahead just in case anyone's not familiar with what the rogue invitational is please this field consists of 14 of the top 16 men from the crossfit games out of hundreds thousands plus that started and 13 of the top 19 women from the crossfit games okay that's obviously not 20 13 of the top 19 women from the CrossFit games. Okay. That's obviously not 20, six of the additional athletes come through a qualifier on both the men's and the women's side. I think it's four on the men and five on the women have competed previously at
Starting point is 00:05:16 the CrossFit games as individuals. So these are not the people making it through this qualifier are not a random people. They're very good. This is a totally different thing, I think. But anyway, and then the last one on the women's side is Tia Claire Toomey, who needs a little introduction.
Starting point is 00:05:31 So this is a very elite field of established athletes that have proven themselves in competition within the past three or four months. Hey, is this chick going to be there, Shelby Neal? Yeah, she was a replacement for Annie Thorzutter. Holy shit. She's one of my favorite. Look, I thought I was bringing up the list of athletes who are going to be competing,
Starting point is 00:05:49 and I didn't. Maybe I should leave this job to Caleb. Okay, that's the big picture from Mr. Friend. Let's go through these athletes so you guys can think about them a little bit. And Chandler Smith. He's going to be great. Where was he on the podium last year? Give me something.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Give me something else. Second place at Rogue last year. Jeffrey Adler. Reigning Games champion. Patrick Vellner. Only person in the male side of the field that's won the Rogue Invitational before. Roman Krennikov. Would have been the Games champion. Would have been the Games champion.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Might have been the Games champion. Definitely one of the top three fittest on Earth. Brent Fikowski. First time at Rogue. Dallin Pepper. Also first time at Rogue. Yeah, also first time at Rogue. And also two times CrossFit Games team champion.
Starting point is 00:06:41 And fifth place at the CrossFit Games amongst the men this year. Probably worth more than the Teen Champion. Jan Akoski. He got sixth this year in the Games without a swimming event. I think that was Jonas' most impressive CrossFit Games year was this year. Has he ever won an event at the Games besides swimming? Biking. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Jay Crouch, a Sevan favorite. He's top 10 at the Games. He's their eighth place. Massive improvement from the previous two years. Excited to talk about him tonight. And a proven athlete. Kind of switched camps, right? Lazar Djokic, three top 10 finishes at the Games in the last three years.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Zero top 10 finishes at Rogue. And he's won the European semifinals? Twice in a row. And I just won the Madrid championships. Jelly Hostie, the big man. Was 10th at the CrossFit Games and should have gotten Rookie of the Year. Yeah, did we ever find out why he didn't?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Do we know what happened? Yes, it was just they decided to turn an award that used to be the same thing every single time into an award that now has opinion inserted into the decision-making process. So rookie of the year is no longer the best rookie. It's just, well, that's good. A woke fit, woke fit.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Bjorkvin Carl Gudmundsson. Arguably the most experienced athlete in the field, especially if you couple that with the consistency. Top 10 in the games pretty much every year. Never worse than eighth at Rogue. Who the fuck is Bailey Martin? That's part of his name, by the way. I know who he is.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Bailey Martin. He had the games this last year. I think he got – he didn't win an event, but he got third in the handstand walk, or did he win? I don't think he won any of the events. But he and Yellow Host, they both finished higher than the athlete that won the Rookie of the Year this year. Who's the guy who won Crash Crucible?
Starting point is 00:08:38 Austin Hatfield. Yeah, Bailey Martin is just like an improved version of Hatfield, just a better version of him. Australian Hatfield, that's perfect. I disagree. Oh, shut it, John. Will Morad. Will Morad.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Will Morad. Probably more experienced than BKG. Will Morad. Well, they qualified for the games in the same year. BKG has made it every single year since. Will's made it like four times. This must be a typo. Noah Olsen, he doesn't compete anymore, does he?
Starting point is 00:09:10 He got the backfill as the 16th fittest on earth this year. And even though he has declared that he's hanging it up as an individual as far as the game season is concerned, he's still competing individual in the offseason when he gets the opportunity. Mr. Ortega, good to see you, brother. Good to see you. Photographer extraordinaire. Zachary Nipple, nice to see you also.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Go ahead. I was just going to mention to Ortega's question that you flipped through there, but while I was listening to you and your new BFF this morning, I finalized my... Well, not finalized. I still will wait till after Rogue, but I put the finishing touches
Starting point is 00:09:49 on my top 200 men in the world. Oh, and where is that going to be premiering? On Be Friendly Fitness? Maybe, unless someone makes me a better offer. Maybe we can do a collaboration. The answer is yes, Jonathan. The answer is yes. He's going to make the games next year.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Ricky Garrid. Ricky Mack, as he's formally Ricky Garrett. Ricky Mack, as he's formally known now. Ricky Mack, with a slight name change. Didn't do the games this last year. This is the first competition he's done since he hurt himself.
Starting point is 00:10:18 One of the most exciting people and one of the most anticipated to compete, I would say. I know this has been mostly objective because it's coming from Mr. Young and Brian, but I'll add that in there. Victor Smoothskin Hoffer. Oh, you've touched his skin. I've seen it. I've seen it from afar.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I'm excited to see Victor. I wish it wasn't this competition. Is he screwed because this is a strongman competition and he's a noodley gymnastics boy? He's stronger than you think. He's one of two athletes in the men's side that has not competed at the CrossFit Games. Oh, okay. Good bit. Travis Mayer,
Starting point is 00:10:57 who will be top five at the 2024 CrossFit Games, according to the creator of the Heat One app. But he's never been top five at Rogue. He's competed twice before and he's finished sixth both times. He's never been top five of the games either. Tudor, unpredictable. Home run potential. Magda,
Starting point is 00:11:18 yeah. He would win the Olympic lifting total against this field. And the only person that I've never heard of, Garrett Clark. Who the fuck is that? John competed against him. Wow. I did.
Starting point is 00:11:33 You did? Did he not compete at the Fittest Experience last year? Yeah. He was a champion. Well, I wasn't around him, so. We were in different heats. Who is he? Who is he? Who is he? Who is he? Who is he? Who is he? Who is he?
Starting point is 00:11:47 Is he any good? He's 16th in semifinals last year. How old is he? Does he have a chance to go to the games? Is he too old? Is he washed up, or is he young? I mean, he's in a range of athletes that you cannot say does not have a chance to go to the games,
Starting point is 00:12:02 but he doesn't have a ton of excellent competitive performances under his belt yet. Okay, Garrett Clark, an unknown. I'm assuming he came through the qualifier. He did. And the most famous of all the athletes, J-A-Y-S-O-N, Hopper. Did he pay you to say that? No, he would never pay you. He might have asked you nicely.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Jason Hopper. I think we're going to see something special from Jason. Who's Jason Hopper? He's had a very up and down career since entering the scene three years ago. Absolutely, we'll be looking to prove something this time around after
Starting point is 00:12:41 not finishing where he wanted to at the games this year. I think he was seventh both years at Rogue though, right? Both two years he competed. He's very consistently seventh. To the women, Caleb, one of the most, training at one of the most prestigious camps alongside the likes of Mal O'Brien and Matt Fraser. Laura Horvat, who does not return my texts.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Reigning Games champion. And reigning Rogue champion. Emma Lawson. Second place at the CrossFit Games and is only on the way up. Third place at Rogue last year. Ariel Lowen. Go for it, John. Oh, he. Go for it, John. Oh, he's fucking with you, John.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Fittest American. Fittest American woman. Works out in her garage. Lives in Texas. Home field advantage. Went to my high school. Just keep listing accolades at school. Did she go to your high school? Did she?
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yeah, she did. I just found that out the other day. I'm friends with a guy who is in her Bible study group. Wow. Big dick. Wow, wow. Did you go to college with Dylan too or something? No, no. There's a guy who lives in Midland
Starting point is 00:13:59 that is one of Coachella's athletes. Are we just going to stay on low end? I got my ass kicked by her on a workout two days before the CrossFit Games this year. Damn. SC Fitness, Lawson equals hot. Gabby Magawa, the L is pronounced W. Gabby Magawa. Gabby Magawa is one of the top fittest women in Europe the past couple years,
Starting point is 00:14:24 multiple top ten at the games. In my opinion, is built for Rogue. Her skill sets. She's banging Laura Horvath's brother, Kristoff. John, do you have anything? Alex Gazan. Another up and coming person. I think Rogue is built for Alex and we'll get into that later
Starting point is 00:14:48 but i think uh i think alex kazan is going to crush this weekend somebody that i was not high on and has completely swayed my opinion and now i'm gonna go all in on her she's fifth place at the games that's a good good thing to say for now and as i learn about football i hear about franchise quarterbacks. Alex Kazan has quickly sort of become the franchise face of the famous, infamous, notorious, prestigious underdog. Underdogs, athletic, underdog, athletic, underdogs, plural. What the fuck is that? You got Ricky there, too.
Starting point is 00:15:20 The face. Yeah, but he's in Australia. You want to get a bet on the books early? Go ahead. I'll take that. No bets right now, Sevan? No, no, not yet. No, we got to cruise through and get through this before Katie comes on. Emma Carey.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Ate at the games last year. Just switched camps to Mayhem. Danielle, the wonderful Brandon. John, you're killing it on the road. Daniel Brandon, multiple-time top 10 at the games, always has a home run potential on specific events. COVID survivor. Paige Powers.
Starting point is 00:16:04 One of the only uh mayhem athletes who's consistently improved year after year um and she hasn't showed any signs of slowing down uh miss emily rolf four straight times to the crossfit games absent the year she had to withdraw she's inside the top 20 every year coming off her best 12th. A vaccine survivor. Tia Toomey. Tia Toomey. Tia Claire Toomey. She's a mom.
Starting point is 00:16:31 She's a mom. Anything else? Toomey Orr is how she is going by these days, so feel free to call her that. Tia Toomey Orr. Tia Claire Toomey Orr. That's too much to say. No, I don't mind, Tia. Greatest Cross Orr That's too much to say I don't mind Tia Greatest CrossFitter who ever lived
Starting point is 00:16:47 On the women's side for sure Men's and women It's hard to say if she's the greatest You can say she's the most dominant I don't think you can say she's the most dominant She's got to be the greatest at something Six wins, still in the game I think she's the greatest individual games competitor. She's got to be greatest at something.
Starting point is 00:17:06 You got to give her something. That doesn't mean peak fitness. I'll still take Fraser. I think Fraser's the fittest person we've ever seen. Person. But you can't argue six versus five. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Welcome Miss Katie Motter. Hi, how are you? Hey,
Starting point is 00:17:22 hi. How's it going? Good, how are you? You're getting ready to... NBA season started tonight. So, how are you? Hey, hi. How's it going? Good, how are you? You getting ready to... NBA season started tonight. Are they putting you in the game? What's going on here? Hell yeah, hell yeah. Hey, what's with the guy with the 7'4 guy with the 8' arm wingspan? He's going to be really good, I think. He is? Tell me something about him. Have you looked at him? Someone was like, hey, he's not even playing.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Have you seen his wingspan? You should see how some of these guys are training to get their shot off yeah he's i mean he's a rookie so we'll see but uh he's got to prove himself for sure he looks like an alien and he's not playing the position that he's supposed to be playing right he's he's like in a six foot four man's position yeah he can pretty much play them all you know know when the Monstars stole the talent in Space Jam? He looks like one of the Monstars versus everybody else. How about Tyson?
Starting point is 00:18:11 Come to Tyson first. I start every time with Tyson. That's pretty cool. Great job. Super confident. I'm really excited for this weekend. Yeah. I had to make a really difficult decision about Sunday. Very, very, very difficult. Very, very difficult decision.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I'd rather not talk about it right now. It depends on if we keep going with this phone call here. Katie, can we change Ricky's name on the Rogue scoreboard to Ricky Mack? Garrard Mack is his middle name, and I just think it would add some pizzazz to him. I would just like to put that in formally. Maybe if he specifically requested that. Okay. It's not a big deal. It's like
Starting point is 00:18:56 something you guys have the technical ability. Yes, yes. Okay. Hey, if you hear that, it's a train. I'm sorry. It goes right by the diamond. Bill's in bed, and he pulls like a cord and it makes that sound. Yes, I'm out. Yeah. Hey, tell me about Shelby Neal. How did she end up at Rogue?
Starting point is 00:19:18 So she was the next person up, obviously, you know, with Annie. You know, congrats to Annie. I think it's amazing. We wanted to make sure that it was fair. So we had invited her and wanted Annie to announce it to the world and didn't want to say anything. So Shelby has known for a few weeks now that she was going to be in. Okay. Okay, cool. So you give her the – you tip the hat but say, hey, keep your mouth shut.
Starting point is 00:19:40 But, okay. And why wait? What's the point of waiting in case Annie changes her mind or something and she tries to like pull it off no not changing but obviously there was 21 on the on the leaderboard and then there would be more questions you know i figured it could be a number of things but we wanted annie to announce because that's her story to tell and uh really proud of her with the way she's handled everything and you know i think uh shelby's handled her her spot with grace as well yeah awesome i'm a huge fan of hers. And what about Tia? Can you tell us about how she came in?
Starting point is 00:20:10 Was that like – how touch and go was that? Was that last minute? Obviously, she deserves to compete, and everyone wants to see her compete everywhere she's going to go. How did you guys handle that? I don't know if everyone thinks that, right? I've heard a lot of stories that people don't think she should be here. Everyone thinks she should be there. I don't know what everyone thinks that, right? I've heard a lot of stories that people don't think she should be here. Everyone thinks she should be there. I don't know what you're talking about. She's had an invite for sure.
Starting point is 00:20:30 It wasn't touch and go. I think if she wanted to compete, we wanted her to give that opportunity and really happy she's going to be here. And I'm excited to see where she's at right now. And I think a lot of people are interested to see the race, but super happy she's here. And when was the deadline that she had to confirm? Was there a date? It was sometime in September.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Okay. And basically, did she feel very confident or did it seem like she was unsure? Or how did she feel about her commitment to it? I think she's really confident. I think she's ready to be here. And I think if she wasn't confident, she wouldn't be here. think she's really confident yeah i think she's ready to be here and i think if she wasn't confident she wouldn't be here um do you feel are you are you excited about this more so than maybe years past that i i think i think it's probably the greatest most anticipated competition we've ever had um in crossfit in any area because we have a champ going against a former champ and they're both arguably in their prime but also tia dealing
Starting point is 00:21:25 with what she's dealing with um you know coming rebuilding herself or do you feel that too are you like oh my god i'm more excited than ever to watch a comp uh i think it's year five so i think we're excited as a team just because we you know we're five years into this thing we've learned a lot along the way we've listened to a lot of the feedback we've been given about the event but it's always been about the athletes. If the athletes come out and perform, it's going to be a hell of a show. And so it's our job to make sure that the workouts are right. It's a safe place to compete, and it's a cool opportunity for everybody.
Starting point is 00:21:57 But, yeah, if the athletes come out here and do their job, then everybody's going to be happy. Was it John Young who was saying that maybe he doesn't want to see Tia compete? Was it that guy down there? I've heard there's been a few. John, did you have any issues with Tia competing? I could not believe it. I want someone to say that to me that she shouldn't be here. Yeah, John, should she not be competing?
Starting point is 00:22:17 I said that she shouldn't compete. I said that I don't think she's going to win. Oh, okay. I don't remember hearing anyone say she wasn't going to compete either. But was it on a different show,ie were you listening to different shows you know i think i think it was on the show maybe i was referencing she should be training like that's on her not like her don't get nervous don't get nervous i'm not i'm not i'm saying y'all you're misinterpreting what i'm trying to say. Alexander Berry, can't wait for this weekend. Money for the recaps. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:23:01 When you invite these people for it, the format is to, in general, is the broad format just to go down and pick the best people who finish at the games? Can you tell us what the general idea is it's part of the equation right so we look at um top 15 top 20 at the games but we also know that we want to qualify in at least five people from the the queue um our qualifier and then depending on if people decline then we decide if we go to the queue or if we keep going down the games list. That guy, Garrett Clark, you ever heard of him before this Rogue Invitational? No, I never heard of him. I know a lot more about him now. Yeah, no, but that's what's cool about the queue, right?
Starting point is 00:23:38 It's not the games. If you look at Ricky, right? He didn't have a chance to go to the games. He now has an opportunity to compete here with, with the top 20. Do you have a favorite that you want to win? Like in your head? Like, are you like, I'd be nice if that person won?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Absolutely not. No, not even between Laura and Tia. Of course I have who I think will win, but I'm not going to say that. Not who will win, but I mean, not based on,
Starting point is 00:23:59 I mean, just like a favorite, like, Hey, who you want to win. Yeah, no, I don't,
Starting point is 00:24:04 you know, I think, um, friends with a lot of these athletes we sponsor a lot of these athletes and so i'm not gonna go out there and be unfair and and feel that way i what i want is i want everybody to stay safe and i want it to be a hell of an event if you want everyone i want it to be competitive and if it comes down to the wire like that's the most exciting thing for everyone. Let me push back on the safe
Starting point is 00:24:27 thing. If you wanted it to be safe, why would you have a deadlift event? A one rep max deadlift. These guys should not be doing a one rep deadlift. Too dangerous. If you want us to push back on that, they've done the CrossFit total at the Games several times
Starting point is 00:24:44 and that involves a deadlift plus two other lifts in a very confined time window. In the rain. Was there any concern about the deadlift? Like, oh, my God, you're going to bring these guys. You're like, man, they're fucking professionals. They're professionals. They know where their limits are. If they want to test that, that's on them.
Starting point is 00:25:02 If they want to hold back, knowing they have more events to go, that that's on them if they want to hold back knowing they have more events you know uh to go then that's on them as well are there any surprises like where we think it's going to be a deadlift with the bar and it's going to be a deadlift with a different implement study your face people study your face maybe study your face we haven't released everything we haven't released everything i'll leave it at that did she twitch but it's but it could be we could be it's it's similar that wouldn't just because you say deadlift doesn't mean we know what it is. Correct. But you guys can talk about all kinds of possibilities. I know that's what's going to happen as soon as I get off of here. my um premier package for 25 so i can get the different angles and then someone said hey dude um can you send me the link and i'm like can we do that or can we share links is that what no no you guys got some security for that yep all right all right uh ladies and gentlemen uh
Starting point is 00:25:59 katie henniger um uh owner of rogue fitness and and basically this is your baby, the Invitational too, right? You're the director of this project. And I would like to invite you if you can, with no pressure to get some post shows with you. I'll be bugging you and sending you links at the end of every evening. Maybe like we got evening talks with you on the Hill last year. Maybe we could do that again. Yeah, let's do it. Awesome. Do you have anything you'd like to, do you want to apologize for anything, John? No, I'm talking about what's good for
Starting point is 00:26:29 Tia in winning the games. Okay, fine. I wasn't even talking about you, but it's okay. I mean, look, I hope it's going to be a great event. We have some stuff we haven't put out there yet. Obviously, there's been some weather in the area. We have contingencies throughout the weekend that we've already been talking about, but we're really excited. Like you said, the field
Starting point is 00:26:48 is stacked. I mean, what more could you ask for? Dude, it's insane. Patrick Clark has a great suggestion. Katie, oh, this is a great idea. Ms. Henninger, can you have the Dave Castro demo of the deadlift? He's pretty good at the deadlift, yeah. Maybe he'll come out here and do it for us. he's pretty good at a deadlift yeah maybe he'll come out here and do it for us you are gonna have um it's very rare for dave to go to uh outside events and he is going to the event he's right i think he's gonna be here yeah yeah yeah he told me he was all right brian is there anything you'd like to say to katie i'll see you tomorrow see you tomorrow all right katie thank you very much for coming on thanks we'll be watching closely. Thanks Katie.
Starting point is 00:27:26 And judging. Yeah, of course you will. And criticizing. Yes. Thank you. See you. Have fun guys.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Bye. Damn, we're lucky. Jeez. I didn't know you were just putting in the spot like that. I didn't know she was, I didn't know what shit I was taking her lead. I didn't know she was going to ask pound you either.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I didn't know, but I was like, fuck, if she was going to ass pound you either. I didn't know. But I was like, fuck, if we're going to ass pound John a little bit. Start doing a lot more Barbell Spin shows after that. What is this Malibu's Most Wanted vibe? That's the second one we've gotten. I don't even know that show. It's a movie. Caleb will pull something off for you.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Okay. Did we make it through the women's? Mm-mm. it's a movie. Caleb will pull something off for you. Okay. Uh, did we make it through the women's? No. Okay. Let's go back. So close. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Okay. Let's go back to the women's division and, um, I think because the last one was T on that list. No, we didn't do like Elena Caratower. Wow. Maybe this is wrong.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Okay. Well, hold on. Hey, that was impressive though. I liked how Caleb, how you pivoted and tried to go to pictures. Okay, well, hold on. Hey, that was impressive, though. I liked how, Caleb, how you pivoted and tried to go to pictures. Yeah, I found it, and I was like, wow, this is genius. That was cool.
Starting point is 00:28:32 It's not right. Austin Hartman, Mr. Young is used to the ass poundings. He can handle it. Fair enough. Will Branstetter, Sevan looks like prison Mike. That's the one we were talking about before the show well thank you before we went live we made that reference okay uh miss karen freyova 14th at the games um i believe has a 420 deadlift somewhere around there maybe it's 437 or something
Starting point is 00:29:02 like that uh she i think she's gonna surprise a lot of people i think a lot of people don't know her name and they should know her name because she's been in the game for a while and i think she's gonna shock a lot better know her name i've been talking about her since 2009 i know you have i know you have who's better her emma tall her she's been more consistently good over the years emma emma did beat her this year at the games um but it was you know first kind of first time she's beat her on a major stage so i'd say karen's better uh it does in does karen have the um cotton does karen have the uh best deadlift in the bunch? No.
Starting point is 00:29:46 There are like four girls with 415 plus. She's one of them, but I don't... We'll talk about the deadlift. We'll talk about it when we get there. Dude, I was listening to the Lone Ranger podcast today, and Lauren Cleal has a better deadlift than I do.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Lauren's pretty strong. Bethany Flores. Bethany Flores made a return to competition this year. Really unknown what she can do on the strength side, but she's great at the monostructural and gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Terrified of the deadlift. Her and Danielle Brandon, terrified. I heard Annie Thor's daughter's not even pregnant. She just saw a deadlift and pulled out. Annie's pretty good at deadlifts. She's scared, though. Paige Semenza. Great. Anyone who has a podcast, invite her on.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Great guest. Down to earth cool. 18th at the Games this last year. She's been in the game for a while. She's very consistent. I would say she's one of the more consistent people that are competing. Misfit athlete. She's cool like Shelby Neal's cool.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Like you go camping with them cool. Anything else, Brian, about Semenza? That's pretty good. Shelby Neal. Yeah, last woman in, 19th at the Games. Has some really specific good skills in her arsenal, but those skills are usually not programmed that frequently at Rogue. She's going to have a hard time.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And Shelby, the year before 2022, was marching straight into the games and then shit the bed in the final workout. Came back the next year, 2023, and made it to the games. It was 19th. It wasn't like she made the final cut. Fun fact, Brian picked her to not be in the games.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh my goodness. danny spiegel she likes to eat uh mr friend she's uh she's gonna put on a show at least once probably twice during the weekend always a threat to have one or two wins in any competition she goes to depending on what's during the weekend. Always a threat to have one or two wins in any competition she goes to depending on what program they're probably the strongest across the board when it comes to just raw strength
Starting point is 00:32:11 in the field. For Rogue Invitational, it's fun to have her there. Prior to the games this year, she was making some statements that she had bigger plans than CrossFit and had bigger things to do than CrossFit and then didn't make it to the games, which seemed like it was very emotional for her. Maybe she had to rethink maybe her verbiage.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Manon Angones. Manon Angones. She was 35th of the games. She has very specific strengths and weaknesses. She's not super well-balanced. She has strengths and weaknesses it's not evenly across the board but her strengths are more in the weightlifting realm so i like i think she'll have a couple workouts where she'll be pretty good at the invitation
Starting point is 00:32:54 she was the top uh top finishing female out of the invitational qualifiers at rogue last year taking 12th and then i think in 2022 i don't't remember if it was the semifinal or the games, but she refused to attend because of the requirements to get the injection, like Novak Djokovic stood by her conviction, so she missed a year. Was that the games she missed because of that? It was the games, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Well, that wasn't the reason that she didn't have a chance to make the games that year. No, it wasn't? She couldn't travel somewhere. She didn't travel somewhere because of her convictions. That might be true. But that year she missed the submission deadline because of a time zone change. Ah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Okay. Okay. Fair enough. Elena Caratala Sanahua. Pretty good prison, Mike. Elena made the games two years ago. Training culture, right? pretty good prison Mike Elena made the games two years ago training culture right or the training program the training culture in Spain
Starting point is 00:33:52 and yeah she's won some big offseason competitions in Europe I think she's still looking to have kind of a breakthrough at the games or the rogue level oh prison Mike is from office space she's still looking to have kind of a breakthrough at the, you know, the games or the rogue level. Oh, prison.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Mike is from, um, office space. Just the office. Oh, office. Just the office. Okay. I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Uh, who else was there? One more person on. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Interesting. Lauren Fisher.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I was wearing a bandana for a while. I have a blue bandana. I was wearing, I just didn't know if that was appropriate for the show lauren fisher she's known to go full retard in events every now and again she is she is she gives it she gives it her all lauren fisher with you know she's she came onto the scene as an individual uh several years ago she competed as a team athlete for most of the past few seasons,
Starting point is 00:34:48 and she's been giving it a run as an individual. She had a decent semifinal. She was inside the top 20, and she may qualify again for this, podiumed at NorCal. So she's doing pretty well for a kind of return to individual season. Longest competitor in the group? Most CrossFit experience? turn to individual season longest competitor in the in the group most crossfit experience no not in terms of years but in terms of the first year that she made it until now
Starting point is 00:35:11 she might be yeah uh will brandsteader sebon creates a story in his head that every athlete he likes got blocked from the country because they didn't get that's correct because they didn't get that is true i'm not that transparent? Jeez Louise. Christine Kohlenbrander, a fantastic guest from the show. She got second, I think, in the Olympic total at the Games, only losing out to Laura. She is the person – I think she's the person who's going to win the deadlift. But between her and four other girls she's very
Starting point is 00:35:45 very very strong uh i know i know i didn't give my but i think she's going to win out of those four girls but they're all really close so it's hard to say um and a future guest of the podcast got to get her on uh miss kyra milligan only only female athlete in the field who doesn't have individual games experience, but she was, was it fifth or seventh place this year with Caruso-Mayhem Independence? Think of it fifth, last year, and seventh this year. Is a mulligan something in a sport? Like if you don't...
Starting point is 00:36:16 A mulligan. Oh, oh. What is that? What sport is it? Is it baseball? It's golf. If you have a bad shot, you just take a mulligan, meaning that shot doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:36:28 It's not something that you can really do. So it's not in pro sports. But prison night takes a lot of mulligans. No, no. All right, all right, all right. Mulligan. I'm going to keep calling you that until you take that stupid hat off.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Thank you. Well, it's going to be a great show then. Tank Reeves. Canada, $5. Black Pill Break. No problem. Thank you. SV40.
Starting point is 00:36:49 You guys know what SV40 is? Tank Reeves is a big Disney fan. Huge. Do you guys know what SV40 is? If you don't, look it up. It's nuts. You can't even believe it. But the first thing it comes up is the National Institute of Health.
Starting point is 00:37:02 If you Google it. SV40 hits mainstream. America bases attacks in syria trump confuses via v orban and turkey press putin has 1000th fake heart attack did putin have a heart attack is that true i don't know caleb all of those comments are outside of my areas of expertise you got to look up sv40. It's crazy. Can you believe Tyson Bajan was on the show this morning? Technically, the backwards hat is date, Mike. This isn't a backwards hat.
Starting point is 00:37:33 This is like an Amazon. I looked up do-rag in Amazon, and I put it on. Then it's prison Mike is the better one. No, it's not better. It's different. Oh, hey, just so you know, my kids wore Kangol hats for the first three years of their life.
Starting point is 00:37:51 So many. I own that hat too, actually. I actually own that hat. Okay. Do we want to start with the boys or the girls? I say we start with the boys. I feel bad because I'm so excited about the women, but the boys are like,
Starting point is 00:38:06 if it wasn't, if Lauren Tia weren't there, I would be losing my mind over the boys. So, I'm going to the Chargers game on Saturday. Are you really? Sunday. No,
Starting point is 00:38:21 you're not. Chargers Bears on Sunday. Yeah, I am. You going to buy a Bajan jersey I'm buying all that shit Sitting in a box 50 yard line Hang out get a cleat
Starting point is 00:38:36 Okay I don't know who's gonna run the show Sunday All right Let's go with... Let's do the boys. Wow. Okay. These... Ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:38:51 Brian Friend, John Young. Do you want to pull up your story real quick first, Brian? The two very best at the CrossFit analytics game. Very different styles. Very different styles. Very different styles.
Starting point is 00:39:08 One human, one subhuman. Going head to head here. We're going to have to do a post show and have you guys back on and just like see who's the best. Can we start at the – oh, yeah, I don't care. Do you want to start at the top or the bottom? Let's start at the top. Let's just go in big. Wow, this doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 00:39:29 John Young, Patrick Vellner. What's your argument for Patrick Vellner? Why do you think Patrick Vellner is going to win the 2023 Rogue Invitational? I'm going to invite Pat on just because you have that. I know I said I was never going to be on the Belner train ever again. But you are. After picking him for the games this last year. But whenever the one rep max deadlift came out,
Starting point is 00:39:52 like whenever the events came out, there is nothing that Patrick Belner is going to be bad at. So his worst event is going to be his first event, ironically enough, and it's going to be a ruck run. Every single other event Pat is going to be good at. I imagine the dual three will have legless rope climbs of some sort. How do you know that it's going to be a ruck run? Because it's sponsored by go ruck. It's going to be a run of John.
Starting point is 00:40:15 So is the dual three. Okay. Well, it's going to be a run of something. Is it not? It could, it could be, it has been historically, but. What day and what event are you guys talking about on thursday on thursday how many events have not been announced three okay there's something else i should tell you guys and and caleb's going to show you this they made their list they ranked their guys who they think's going to win right in order. And then that was before the workouts came out. And then the workouts came out, and John changed all of his rankings. Brian did not change his rankings.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Brian could change his rankings if he wanted to, but he chose not to. Brian, did you think it was like cheating to change your rankings? No, but I just can't believe what John just said. There was a ruck run as the first workout in 2019 and 2021 at the rogue invitation on Velner finished first in 2021 on that. That's a different field. And second in 2019. And listen, he was,
Starting point is 00:41:16 he was a better runner back then. Like a Jeff Adler, Roman, like a lot of people have shown to be better runners than him. And they were listening. Mark this argument down right now. And we're going to use it against John on several different occasions later on in the show. All right,
Starting point is 00:41:31 mark it, do it. First off, what is definitely true is what John is saying is definitely true is this is a, an exceptionally deep field at the rogue invitational. And there are athletes that have the potential to finish in the top 10 of the CrossFit games that have little to no chance to finish in the top 10 in this field. Constance Fitness, a Vellner winning the whole thing is delusional. Wake up, sir.
Starting point is 00:41:54 She's so polite. Wake up, sir. Let's do this, Jeff. What place did you have Vellner in prior to seeing those workouts announced yesterday? Fourth place. And you moved him all the way up to first based on one event. No, all of them. There is not an event there's nothing there's nothing about the rest of the but there's nothing about any of the other events that were announced besides the deadlift that we
Starting point is 00:42:14 could not have already projected about road correct correct but but listen i'm thinking about what is jeff what is jeff good at and I enrollments in this too. And first off, first off, I still kind of think Jeff is going to win, but I do think it's close. And if it's close, if it's close enough, I don't think there's anything Belner's bad at here. Nothing, not one thing. I think, hold on, let me, let me interpret something. Hold, let me say something real quick here, John, because you have Belner first Adler second brian is adler first velner second but what i'm really so then you guys really shouldn't be arguing this much but what i think brian's really tripping on is the fact that you had him go from fourth to first and he and he
Starting point is 00:42:54 wants to respect you as an analyst but he thinks you've shit the bed and lost your mind because there's nothing that should what i think is that what i think and i don't think john's unique in this regard i think that many people saw that one rep max deadlift and had a lot of different and had a lot of thoughts that were like, wow, that could really change things. But what we see here, and Katie alluded to this, six of the nine scored events have been announced. So there's, they have listed nine, six of them have been announced. Most of those have missing information. So when John says that, that Velner is good at everything that's on this list, we could scroll to, for example,
Starting point is 00:43:28 what's the workout that has the ring muscle ups in it. The 10th inning, I think it's called. Yeah. 10 rounds, four ring muscle ups, a handstand pushups. He's not a handstand pushup guy.
Starting point is 00:43:37 He's gotten hurt in handstand pushups before. Luckily that's in an event with four ring muscle ups and 12 power snatches. He might be the best. He's going to win that snatchups. Okay, you say that. Wait, wait, wait. You say that. Maybe Chandler him, yeah. He's good at handstand push-ups.
Starting point is 00:43:54 He's good at handstand push-ups. No, Jeff Adler. Yeah, Jeff Adler. Jeff Adler is going to win this workout. The four ring muscle-ups is a wash for most of the men's field. That is four ring muscle-ups with that much rest in between. Every athlete is doing that on broken. That's Vellner's best movement in this workout.
Starting point is 00:44:09 And it's negated by the nature of the workout. The handstand pushup is the mystery here. Rogue has never programmed a kipping handstand pushup. Most likely because of the volume 80. This is just a strict handstand pushup to the ground. That's the crux of the workout for Vellner. And that's the reason why he won't win this workout when he usually does win the ring muscle up workout.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yeah. Hey, let me say this. If those are just regular handstand pushups, Ricky's going to destroy this too. We've just named three people who have the chance to beat Velner at a workout that concludes a movement that is usually the best in the world. I think of the opposite. I think handstand pushups is a workout that he's usually the best in the world at. I think of it the opposite.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I think handstand pushups is a workout that he can get hurt in where he can finish middle of the pack, and he's not going to because it's two things that he's very good at. So normally where Jeff would make up ground or Jeff would be better than Belner, they're going to be really close within two spots. That's why I bought these grapes tonight, Sala. Let me just throw this out here too. Noah's going to be really close. Just a lot of blackies and grapes tonight, so. Let me just throw this out here, too.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Noah's going to murder event four. Here's why. I think if it was five rounds, Noah might murder it, but not ten. Noah's going to be very good at this event. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your
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Starting point is 00:46:08 We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at I mean, look, there are a lot of – this event is actually going to be super fun to watch for the last seat. There are several men, depending on who's in it at that time. But like this is a great workout for BKG. This is a great workout for Yonikoski. This is a great workout for Noah Olson.
Starting point is 00:46:32 And yeah, there's there's a lot of rounds. But, you know, these guys move that barbell very well. No question. The Vellner is a good workout for Vellner. But I don't. But if you're thinking about the Rogue Invitational and you're evaluating Pat Vellner, you're expecting a high density of ring muscle up workout. I'm saying this is about the worst version of that workout that could come up for Vellner and that it's a reason why after seeing the program, you would
Starting point is 00:46:52 not move them up three spots on your rankings, but you would probably keep them the same and it might negate the greatness on the deadlift. Is it not the best version of a handstand push-up workout he could ask for though? We don't know. Let me add this in there too. It doesn't matter what the handstand push-up is he could ask for though we don't know let me add this in there doesn't matter what the handstand push-up it doesn't hold on john let me push up this let me put some context here too mel brings up a good point she's done the math 80 handstand push-ups and 120 snatches so for people who thinks that that those are small numbers when mel does the math for us she says good grief and it is it's it's a it's a it's a lot at the end of the day. All right. So so you guys are pretty happy with your one and two. You got that. That's as close as you can get.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Let me ask you this, Brian. You think it's going to be close between Jeff and Jeffrey and Patrick? Oh, yeah, absolutely. And I don't think that there's a guarantee that either one of them wins either. I just think that they have the best chance to win that. I would say in order Adler and then Vellner have the best chance to win the rogue invitation of this year. But the next three guys there are also athletes that I do not think that you can ignore. I think the top three, any of the top three can win.
Starting point is 00:47:58 And then I don't think Chandler or Ricky can win. I think any of the top three can win. It's hard to, I do think that Ricky and Chandler have a chance to podium. I did. I did. I think any of the top three can win. It's hard to... I do think that Ricky and Chandler have a chance to podium. I did too. I did too. How do you guys... Why do you guys have Ricky so low because of his injury?
Starting point is 00:48:15 Well, just to be quite frank, you do have to factor in things like that. Roman Krennikov broke his foot at the CrossFit Games. Is he 100%? Can he run? Can he jump onto a 42-inch box multiple times comfortably? Can he go up that hill? Can he lunge? Well, we see he has to lunge. There's a lot of things that put stress and demand on that foot that have, in fact, shown up here in the competition, and we don't know
Starting point is 00:48:39 how healthy it is. It's the same situation that we're going to talk about with Tia. We will assume that anyone who's signing up for this is making a responsible decision as an athlete and that they believe that they can go there and compete without concern for their injury. But we also have these pieces of information that Roman had broken his foot, that Ricky had broken his shoulder. And so there's an element of unknown for those guys. Whereas as far as we're concerned, Jeff and Pat are coming off healthy seasons and are coming in without those question marks looming over them. Uh, Katie Gannon,
Starting point is 00:49:08 Brian with the asterisks. Those are the online qualifiers. No, she's just talking about how you go. I can't guarantee they're going to win. I think that's what you were. She was right. there's asterisks on my list.
Starting point is 00:49:19 They identified the athletes who made it through the road qualifier. Oh, okay. Let me finish the top three argument, then we can go on. I agree with you. I think Adler probably will win. I think he should win.
Starting point is 00:49:35 But I do think it's very, very close. And just so it's close, I want Belner to win. So I'm putting, and I think when it's close, I'm going to root for my guy. And I'm always going to put that guy first. That way. So I'm putting, and I think since when it's close, I'm going to root for my guy. And I'm always going to put that guy first. That way,
Starting point is 00:49:47 if I'm right, I can celebrate it. And then way, way more than if I'm right. And the guy that I wanted to win doesn't. Katie Gannon. The yellow is a strictly missionary position guys. And the orange is a reverse cowgirl for the,
Starting point is 00:50:04 if you're wondering what the color code is. And there's the actual key. Oh, right. Okay. There's the actual key. Sorry. All the yellow ones means John was high when he made them. The orange ones when Brian was high. Heidi told me I was high when she saw my pics today for the women.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Heidi Krum. I don't get what that means. John is higher, meaning you're higher on John's list and then orange is your higher on. No, no. Scroll back over. Okay. So there's the athletes that are highlighted in yellow. John has them, what I deem to be significantly higher on his list
Starting point is 00:50:38 than I had on mine, meaning that they, because it's a fairly small field. So I said if there were at least two athletes between. So you can see I have down Pepper sixth. He has him ninth. That's two between. field. So I said if there were at least two athletes between. So you can see I have down Pepper sixth. He has him ninth. That's two between. So that means I'm higher on Pepper than he is. Tell me, why is Ricky so low?
Starting point is 00:50:52 Fourth isn't that low. Why isn't he top three? Is it the shoulder? It's a combination of things. Even if he was coming off a perfect season and he won the CrossFit Games, the Wigan Votational was not the CrossFit Games. And we're going to mention that several times, but it's a totally different style of testing.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And some of the athletes were like, damn, we're getting ranked here lower than we finished at the CrossFit Games. I already have said it. There will be athletes who had finished in the top 10 at the Games that have no chance to finish in the top 10 in this competition. And it's not because they've gotten less fit. It's a different style of competition. Did you guys pick winners for events yet?
Starting point is 00:51:31 I have in the Heat One app. Remember I told you that I do that slow, long, 90-minute plug for Heat One app? Oh, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, same. Who's going to win the deadlift event? Well, if you want to talk about the deadlift event, it's going to win the deadlift event? Well, if you want to talk about the deadlift event, it's going to be on,
Starting point is 00:51:48 on Saturday night. And if you think about last year's, uh, Saturday night, that was the one right max clean and jerk. And Jeff Adler is one of the best in the world at the clean and jerk. Right. John.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah. How did he do on the one right max clean and jerk on a Saturday night last year? At the. It's 15th for the log yeah because they weren't doing a traditional they weren't doing a traditional clean and jerk exactly what if this is not a traditional deadlift we don't know anything about this workout one right max deadlift you think that on saturday night and the diamond nightcap under the lights that they're just going to roll out a barbell and have you do a one right
Starting point is 00:52:24 max deadlift i mean they did an elephant bar and then they just kept going up until you couldn't pick it up i think it'd be pretty sweet just i think that there's i think it's highly likely that there will be something probably strongman related that is testing the deadlift in a way that's unconventional and it'll be really cool to watch but it also has the potential for all those people that are so drawn to this one event and saying how it's going to skew things on the leaderboard it might introduce an element of unknown that causes athletes who would traditionally be great at a lift on paper to not maybe have such a great performance relative to what we usually would see from them but to answer your question chandler smith okay okay yeah is it i feel like brian likes to dance around all
Starting point is 00:53:06 these questions and just throw up we have to give a context if you want and once we get that information we can talk about it but like if it's just a one rep max deadlift elephant bar like strongman does strongman does a regular deadlift whenever they test this they just keep going up weights until you can't do it they don't it's not a funky implement um and if that's the case then chandler smith would be my pick to win caleb text me your uh address at some point um soon i'm going to send you a package of these hats we need it okay go back to the list, please. Let's go down and scroll down a little bit before we cruise over to the women.
Starting point is 00:53:51 We got some stuff to do at the bottom. Let me see the bottom of the list. Let me see if there's any like, oh, you guys are dickheads. Garrett Clark. Talk about Travis Mayer. Garrett Clark, The Unknown, Tudor Magda, Victor Hoffer.
Starting point is 00:54:02 What about Tudor's deadlift? Can Tudor win the deadlift? I genuinely have no idea what Tudor's deadlift is. What about Jelly Host? Why is he so low? He's just too big of a man. He's like that Wembley guy from the NBA. You need to be a brick shithouse to win Rogue,
Starting point is 00:54:19 and if not, he's just too long. I think that Yellow Host has some really specific skills that he can not just excel at, but when, or place top three in workouts, if there's any opportunity for a horizontal displacement of a load, the more odd the load, the better, he's going to have a good performance most likely any, the longer the distance running is going to be better for him. You know, I'm, I'm curious to see how he does on a couple of horizontal displacement load, picking a load off the ground, moving it that way, carrying something horizontally, not vertically.
Starting point is 00:54:53 OK. Oh, OK. OK. So like you think about like, you know, like at the games, he did phenomenally well on the uh inappropriately named muscle-up workout it should have been a sandbag workout and uh he just you know he he was moving those sandbags so easily and it was taxing him a lot less than than the other athletes and you know so he's able to mitigate whatever advantage they had on the muscle-ups i've been have spoken with some of the athletes who were up there and they were like surprised to see how well he was doing on that but uh sled pull sled push sandbag carry jerry can't carry uh you know anything where he's got to move weight laterally or forward and backwards is going to be a good thing for him machines is good for him uh some of the some of the uh upper body pulling can be good for him but he'll have
Starting point is 00:55:42 some problems as well uh young J.R. Howell, Mr. Young, could you please lower your voice a little bit? I didn't think it was loud, John, just so you know. Okay, that's my bad. No, it's fine. I just don't know. It's good. Will Murad down there at 17th, do you think
Starting point is 00:56:00 he'll have an event win? If he wins the handstand push-ups, he could win that event. If it's a harder version of a handstand push-up. Yeah, I mean, the thing is, like, you know, Will's competed at the Rogue Invitation before. He's an incredible athlete. I think that he really deserves a ton of credit for what he's been able to achieve over a long period of time in the sport.
Starting point is 00:56:22 But the two other times that he competed in 2020 was online and he finished third to last and then 2021 there were two withdrawals and other than that he beat four guys in the field. So he's only beaten six total men in his two years competing at Rogue. So as good as he is and even though there is the chance that he could
Starting point is 00:56:39 have one or two highlight performances he's probably going to be taking bottom third finishes on most of these. And that's just the fact that he's going against the best in the world. Sarah Cox. Thank you. CA peptides. Use code seven.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Get your shipping free. Right. Get your phone up there, up there, you know, put it right over Brian's face. Oh no. Put it right over my face
Starting point is 00:57:05 guess who i'm going to the uh chicago bears game with who one guess sarah cox uh-huh no way oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah Just chilling in the box. Free alcohol. At least we'll be able to watch it this time. Travis is going to be there with us. Greg Glassman. Yeah, him too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:34 It's going to be a party. Sarah's bodyguard will be there. Nice. It's nice. Is that Travis? No. Travis will be there, though, too. It's going to be awesome
Starting point is 00:57:45 I'm so tickled I think Travis is a good bodyguard Yeah, he used to be a bodyguard He's a great bodyguard He's the one I told you carried that U.S. Marshal Andy Stumpf and Dave Castro Were going to get in a fight with that U.S. Marshal One time at a party in Texas
Starting point is 00:58:00 At a Texas bar house Travis got in between them and grabbed them The Marshal and carried them outside I carried a man today party in Texas at a Texas bar house. Travis got in between him and grabbed him and the marshal and carried him outside. I carried a man today. Did you read that? Oh yeah, that was crazy. Yeah, this guy blew out his ankle playing disc golf. I carried him back to his car.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Was his name John Young? No. But he told me he weighed 250 pounds. Was he obese? I mean... How tall was he obese? I mean. How tall was he? I'll decide. How tall was he?
Starting point is 00:58:28 Six foot, 6'1". All right. That's good. What about the Chargers superfan? Is that Patrick Clark? Is he a Chargers superfan? No. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I think he's talking about someone. That post that you made about the football announcers talking about Tyson was amazing. Thank you. What a douche nozzle that guy is. He mispronounced his name, said Taylor Bajent. Hey, I feel like I should put the peptide sticker up the whole show. What if I put it over on this side? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:01 I got to make eye contact with Sarah this week, so I want to make sure I do my part, represent the brand, see a That's probably why I'm wearing this do rag and this, uh, tank top too much peptides. Travis mayor,
Starting point is 00:59:20 seventh place. Uh, another one. You guys are putting him down there because... John's got him seventh. I have him tenth. Is it because he's been gone for a year and you just don't know what you're dealing with? I'll address it first.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I'll address it first since I have him lower because I think really with the rankings here, we already mentioned that Travis Mayer has competed at the Rogue Invitational twice. He's finished sixth both times. Jason Hopper has competed at the Rogue Invitational twice. He's finished sixth both times. Jason Hopper has competed at the Rogue Invitational twice. He's competed, finished seventh both times. The problem is that if you look at these rankings and you look at every single person that's ahead of them on the rankings, other than Dallin Pepper and Brent Fikowski, who have never competed at Rogue, all of the other guys always
Starting point is 01:00:01 have finishes that good or better also. And you're inserting two men into the equation, one who's coming off a fourth and one who's coming out of fifth place at the CrossFit Games, both of whom have the potential to upset some of these rankings within the top 10 to a certain degree. And suddenly you're just left with a problem where there's going to be athletes competing at Rogue this year on the men's side who might be as fit as they've ever been. They might have a perfect performance there this weekend,
Starting point is 01:00:27 and they still might yield the worst result they've ever had at the Rogue Invitational because the field is too deep. I hear you. I just can't see Dallin Pepper beating Travis Mayer. I'm just having trouble getting my head wrapped around that. What? He had the best finish in the games between the two by a lot.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Dallin and Travis? No, compared to Travis's best finish ever in his career. I mean, look, Dallin Pepper beat everyone at the CrossFit Games this year except for Adler, Velnir, Krennikov, and Fikowski. Damn. And John, you thought he would never win the games, right? Dallin? Yeah, I don't think he'll ever win the games.
Starting point is 01:01:05 I think he does. Boy, this is going to be exciting. Who's the dark horse here? Who's in the bottom 10 who, when he's in the top five, you're like, yeah, man, it's like. I don't think any of them can go to the top five i think noah olsen is the biggest dark horse i know that's well you've got here's well here's the thing is you've got noah ranked pretty you know pretty highly so it's you know it's i wouldn't uh i
Starting point is 01:01:35 would say relative to where i haven't picked it would be a dark horse pick but where john hasn't picked is appropriate based on noah's previous performances at rogue he's finished i think third one year maybe that was the online year and like ninth another year. So I have, again, projected him lower than he's ever been, mostly as a result of the fact that the field is better than I think it's ever been. If Noah finishes top five, I bet you he goes individual next year at the games. The athlete that I'm really curious about on this list is Lazar Djokic of the bottom 10 guys. The main reason being, I wrote an article last Friday, that basically before I knew
Starting point is 01:02:10 any of the workouts, I projected what I thought would be programmed at rogue based on the past four years. And they've pretty much been true to form. They have, you know, the snatching is always for reps. They always have remuscle ups. Their handstand pushups are always strict, which we don't know that yet, but we're assuming that's the case. They never have handstand walking. They always have a sandbag. They always have a rock. You know, it's like echo bike.
Starting point is 01:02:32 You know, you can see a lot of patterns over the years. And it's really bad when you compare what they program every year compared to what Lazar Jukic is really good at. And, however, I spoke to Lazar when I was in Madrid. He told me back then that he had had the plan to come over here in the beginning of October and train for the entire run up to rogue weeks, read more time than he comes over to prepare for the CrossFit games alongside Roman, because he wants to prove to people that he can overcome the rogue programming and that he's still good enough to finish better there than he's ever finished before. So we'll see what ends up happening, but he has made a commitment in
Starting point is 01:03:08 terms of his life to come over here beginning of October and spend an entire month training along one of the best in the world. And I've talked to him since, and he's, he's really happy with that decision. He thinks that he's learned things from training with Roman that even in all the years that he's trained previously, he hadn't been able to account for. I know he's excited to go there and prove that, you know, last year he didn't hurt himself, but the year before that, he had finished 12th on a perfectly healthy. And he's, he's out to prove that that was, that he can do a lot better than that.
Starting point is 01:03:35 So we'll see. What's a lot better than that. Like where would you think he would be satisfied? He would be satisfied. I would say if I think that at a minimum, he would expect to be inside the top 10. I think that he believes that he can finish fifth or sixth. I think so, too. I think he can finish.
Starting point is 01:03:54 I think he really believes in himself, I think. I don't think that's out of the realm of possibility. I don't think it's going to happen, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility. Whose careers are waning in this group? Is Noah waning? Is Will Morad waning? Is Will Morad reinserting? Is Bjorkman Carl Goodmanson waning?
Starting point is 01:04:10 Who's waning? Is this a telltale moment for Jason Hopper? I mean, it's crazy. Honestly, the answer is nobody. Okay. If you think about the older guys who are traditionally – Are you going to consider that waning? What do you mean waning?
Starting point is 01:04:24 Getting worse? Yeah. older guys who are traditionally next year you're gonna consider that waning what do you mean waning getting worse yeah who who who could just is like they just aren't what they used to be i i agree with brian then i don't think anybody's like that yeah it's it's it's really crazy i mean i remember sitting here and in 2021 saying this is velner and fukowski's last chance to win the games and we're sitting here you know two seasons later, and we're still talking about him having a chance to podium, contend for wins at the biggest competitions in the world. BKG would have had another top 10 finish at the game this year, if not for being injured. Will Moret is doing as well as he's ever done in his career
Starting point is 01:04:57 at an older age. Noah Olsen, he had one of his, tied for his worst finish at the CrossFit Games this year. So you could potentially say that Noah is on the quote-unquote decline. But he's always rebounded from anything. He has these up-and-down kind of performances at the Games. Travis Mayer, yeah, he had an injury, didn't compete in the season. He came back to Madrid, and he came within two kilos of beating two guys
Starting point is 01:05:18 who finished sixth and ninth at the CrossFit Games. Every one of the guys that's over 30 is still competing at a high level that's comparable to what they've always done. It's really impressive. God, I'm not buying it. Let me tell you who I think is waning. Ready? Can you start at the top?
Starting point is 01:05:33 I want to tell you. There's no homeostasis. Okay. Here's who's waning. Uh Um Vellner, Krennikoff, Rickey Chandler, Fikowski Jorgman, Carl Gudmundson
Starting point is 01:05:49 Travis Mayer Janikowski Noah Olsen I'm just gonna wait Will Morad All those dudes are just getting worse All those dudes are like Like next year's gonna be a parade of retirement parties here soon.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Jonah Koski just had his best game finish ever, and there was not swimming in the games. Fair. Okay. Great point. Black and white pictures everywhere. Promise. Is that retirement party shit? That's retirement.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Jake, what? What, Jake? Talk to me, Jake. Talk to me. Jesus, Jake. So, okay, Janikowski. Okay, we'll take him off the list. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Janikowski. Okay, how about the rest of the guys? Well, Noah's going team. Yes. Okay, so that's fair. Black and white picture. If you want to say he's waning, I mean, I don't think he's any worse than he's ever,
Starting point is 01:06:50 than peak Noah. Okay. I'm not taking him off the list. Janikowski, though, you got me. Janikowski, okay, he's getting better. Who else? I'm kind of with you on BKG. BKG, just...
Starting point is 01:07:06 Hey, I want to say maybe Vellner's physically capable. I want to say mentally, though, he's ready to just fucking hang his hat up. I don't think Vellner is waning at all. How about Fikowski? How about Fikowski? How about Fikowski? I kind of feel the same about him. I don't think he's waning at all.
Starting point is 01:07:21 I think he's just staying the same. I don't think he's waning at all. I think he's just staying the same. I don't think he's improving. They both do. Two years ago, Valdon was sixth at the games. This year, he was second. Two years ago, Fikowski was 16th at the games. This year, he was fourth. How about Ricky Mack?
Starting point is 01:07:37 How about Ricky Mack? How about Ricky Mack? I think he's waning too. What do you think? I think he's ascending. He's ascending. All right. Okay, great. Shit. You guys are good for the sport. What can I say? I think the three fittest men in the world are Adler, Roman, and Ricky. Belner's going to win Rogan Ventasional.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard it here. Tomorrow, we'll process this, and we'll be back tomorrow night with more men. But now, what we've all been waiting for. Jesus Christ. Have you looked at John's picks yet? No. Yeah, there's going to be one that's pretty rough. You want to start at the bottom?
Starting point is 01:08:14 I don't want to hear any. Well, it could be. It's just a pick. It's stand by your shit. No, no, I will. I'm just telling you. I don't think a lot of people are going to agree with me. I want raw card.
Starting point is 01:08:24 When it happens, you heard it here first. Keep the voice down, John. Yeah, there's people. You want the bottom or the top? Let's start at the top. I like it. And here's the thing. I think those guys who are waning
Starting point is 01:08:41 can still win just because the field they don't make them like they used to. I'm going to just leave that. Wow. Wow. Oh, I like these lists. Oh, shit. I like these.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Holy shit, John. Do you hate moms or what? Holy shit. There's going to be a protest at the Capitol tonight. Liberate the moms. John Young, Brian Friend, both agree that your 2023 CrossFit Games champion, Laura Horvat, will be putting on a clinic
Starting point is 01:09:20 at the 2023 Rogue Invitational. What do you think she does here? clinic at the 2023 rogue invitational. Oh, what do you think she does? What do you think she does here? You think it's, it's all top five finishes for her? No, no.
Starting point is 01:09:33 I can't stand pushup one. She will not be top five. Last year, last year at rogue, she had four finishes outside the top five. Those are ninth, 14th, 19th and seventh.
Starting point is 01:09:44 What did she take there? The other finishes were first, 14th, 19th, and 7th. What did she take there? The other finishes were 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. And what did she take at the Rogue? Did she win last year? 1st. Who took 2nd? Annie Thorster. Who took 3rd? Emma Lawson. Who took 4th?
Starting point is 01:10:00 Ellie Turner. Two of those are out on the field this year. Wow. What did Ariel Lowen take last year? 10th. And people think I'm crazy on the field this year. Wow. What did Ariel Lowen take last year? Tenth. And people think I'm crazy for picking her seventh. Wow. Man, it's hard to vote against her. It's hard.
Starting point is 01:10:13 It's hard to. It's hard. Rogue is not the games. Where did she shit the bed last year at Rogue? Lowen had a third place last year on the ski bar. This year it's paired with the heavy back squat which she was 12th on she had basically middle of the pack finishes 11 12 11 10
Starting point is 01:10:30 15 13 9 6 9 and a third so she's you know Ivana Trump ain't no way the fittest woman to ever exist on planet earth is going to come fourth. Tell me, Brian, why does he have her at fourth?
Starting point is 01:10:58 Do you think he's crazy or are you feeling him? Sean, where did you have her before the workouts came out? I think third did you ever you definitely you definitely had it either second or third i had a third because we weren't matching on the top two did i went to the gym i was at the gym the workouts got announced i come back home i'm talking to jr i pull up the the rankings to look at something and john's are just blank he He's just deleted them all. I don't even have a chance to like. John, who made the biggest transition?
Starting point is 01:11:31 Alex Kazan. She went from what? Fourth to third, I guess not. But that's a big. But putting Alex over Tia is the biggest thing. I had Emma Lawson beating Tia already. How many points did Laura win the games by? Let's find out.
Starting point is 01:11:57 She won the games by 47 points. And who took second? Lawson. Okay. Okay. Is Lawson rogue ready is she is she a rogue invitational athlete seven she was sixth her rookie year and then she got third at rogue that that same like the next you know within four months however long the games is to rope okay and then she was second this year she was already
Starting point is 01:12:26 third last year and then the second place woman is not doing it right and she's only gotten better she went from sixth to second and it was you know kind of a convincing second like she wasn't really ever in danger of not being second yeah the margin between her and and Laura was slightly greater than the margin between her and Ariel Loewen. It's 37 points. What did Danielle Brandon get last year at Rogue? I know she had that. She was not – She was nice.
Starting point is 01:12:53 She did okay. But she was injured. Well, she got last on that back squatting workout. But that was because she wasn't injured at Rogue. She just was unable to squat heavy for the whole year. So you guys, so you guys have her doing worse, even though she's going to come in better shape.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Well, yeah, but I think that again, I just, I think these fields are as strong as we've ever seen at rogue. Okay. Do you have a problem with John Young having her in fourth? The women's field,
Starting point is 01:13:23 our first timers at road. So there's a lot of big unknowns in that regard. Do I have a problem with Tia at fourth? Yeah, Ms. Ur. I mean, look, Tia could show up here and just obliterate everyone. We really have no idea. From what I understand, I think that from what you reiterated that she had said when she went on with Sean and Lauren is that she's looking to prove what's what is possible. And she's
Starting point is 01:13:51 looking to redefine that in terms of coming back from a pregnancy, we have seen women come back and compete after pregnancies, 910 1215 months and do exceptionally well, just as good as they were before or better. Five and a half months, yet to be seen. So it's massively unknown. I agree with Katie, though. If Tia is confident enough to sign up for this, then I think that she's coming there with the intention to compete at full capacity and the belief that she can win. The only reason I didn't pick her to win is because I think that there is an element of
Starting point is 01:14:22 unknown. It's similar to Roman and Ricky that Laura is not dealing with. This is the best version of Laura Horvath that we've ever seen. She's a defending rogue champion. She's a defending games champion. There's no question marks surrounding Laura Horvath, where there's a massive one surrounding Tia. And so I think that it's fair to pick Laura there, but I really think that Tia has just a good a chance to win this thing. Who took second place at the games this year? Emma Lawson? Mm-hmm. And Ariel Lowen took third?
Starting point is 01:14:47 Mm-hmm. Do you guys have a problem with Ariel Lowen being third? Do you – can you get behind her being – I understand. Can you get behind her being the third-fittest woman in the world? What did John say? He said it's the programming, and I understand that. It's a different program. But are you guys also both happy with her placement at the games,
Starting point is 01:15:03 or do you think that the programming was bad or someone had a bad day i mean hey man look you i don't know what she won the she got third in the crossfit game she's okay fittest woman in the world as far as i'm concerned am i gonna rank her third next year probably not and brian do you think she's the third fittest woman this year? Like, she's like, yeah, that was legit. Fuck. Legit programming, legit competition. That was legit. I've spent a decent amount of time looking at her results from the CrossFit Games this year. And, you know, some of the things that she did best on
Starting point is 01:15:35 are some of the things that demand the most fitness. Second place on the pig chipper. Fourth place on Helena. Third place on the intervals. Third place on muscle-up logs. These are like, you got to be fit. You got to have a well-balanced fitness. You have to have capacity, and you have to be willing to hurt to do that well on that many.
Starting point is 01:15:54 They're not one-off events. It's not like she's taking a top-three finish on a bike ride and a run and a swim, and she's leveraging these specific skills and a handstand walk to fitness. No, this is a really impressive year at the games for her. She had nothing worse than 17th place, which is, you know, that's very difficult to do. It's actually her performances this year were kind of comparable to Justin Medeiros' from two years ago when he won the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Yeah, well-earned and definitely deserved. 195 points clear of fourth-place Gabby McGough. Wow. And Paige Powers wins Wadapalooza, then goes to the games. What did she take at the games? Tenth. And then you guys have her here at ninth. Wouldn't this be more – why isn't she higher?
Starting point is 01:16:39 Why don't you have her – you think Paige Powers is – Alex Kazan is better than Paige Powers? Yes. I mean, yeah. Yeah. By a margin. No shit.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Yeah. And you think page powers is better than Danielle Brandon. I think that's, I mean, that's. But they're in the same category, yeah. Can we scroll down a little bit? I want to see – wow, Emily Rolfe.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Once again, I know what you're going to say there too. It's the programming. You have Emily Rolfe and Danny Spiegel. Would you say that those are kind of polar opposite athletes? I mean, as far – I mean, I know they're both extremely well-rounded, but as far as the group goes? I think that's fair to say. I understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I guess. And what's gray mean? You have no chance in hell. Enjoy yourself. Drink a beer. No, it's just exactly what it means. That there's whatever he's about to say. Exactly what it means.
Starting point is 01:17:41 He's going to be all political about it. Okay. Let's go, Brian. Go ahead. Let's hear it. That means that we had the same group of athletes in the same part of the rankings, but not in the same order. So it's like we've basically grouped those athletes together.
Starting point is 01:17:54 They were red, and then I put in a gray because at the top of the women's field, there was two groups of those that bled into each other. So I didn't want gray next to gray because then you couldn't distinguish them. So anyway. You guys think Danny Spie um uh and i don't mean this negative someone thought in the comments that this was a negative when i say do you think someone has a chip on their shoulder you think she has a chip on her shoulder i mean that like in a good way that she has a motivation to come out here and prove something i see i see if you enter a composite competition it's good that no you don't think she has a chip on her shoulder? I don't think she cares about CrossFit. See, I don't believe it.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Maybe she tells herself that, but it's too hard to not care. It's too much work to not care. It's too much work. It's hard for me to see what she puts out and then say that she lives and breathes CrossFit the way everybody else does. You mean what she presents forward-facing on her Instagram, her social media? What she decides to promote, yeah. I think those two things can exist exclusively from one another. I agree with Sevan.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Of course they can, yeah. It's too hard to be this good to not have some other kind of desire or motivation to be out there, and I think that we did see some, you know, some emotion from her this past season. And I think that she'll come out here with, with a bit of something to prove. Yes. And where do you think she'll, do you think she'll prove that on events she's traditionally been bad at,
Starting point is 01:19:15 or do you think she'll just win the stuff she always wins and be bad at everything else? She better, she better do the, the, the first thing. I bet she does the exact same thing she does every single freaking year. What do you bet? I think you're right, too. But, yeah, I don't think she wants that. We picked her in the same spot. If you have a chip on your shoulder, you're working
Starting point is 01:19:34 on your weaknesses. She's not working on her weaknesses. She wants to be as strong as she possibly can and she's fit enough to make this stuff. She'll never get better than what she is. Jeff Giardina, I appreciate the color coding. I get it. Katie with the
Starting point is 01:19:49 quick response, don't lie Jeff. Fair enough. I appreciate both. I appreciate both. Hey, people, you know, having a chip on your shoulder can mean different things to different people. And, you know, if that's what it means to you, John, then that's probably not what it means to her, but for her, it might be,
Starting point is 01:20:07 I'm going to go out there and prove that I can still hang with these girls on, on certain workouts. I can win other workouts and yeah, there's going to be some that she's going to be towards the back of the pack. It is, is always the case. Yeah. Like, I think you want to enter, I think you want to enter a competition with a little chip on your shoulder, little, the victory could be a little sweeter. What victory is are going to be
Starting point is 01:20:27 that's had? The deadlift event? Oh, you've always done that. Does she win that? Do you guys know who wins the deadlift event out of the girls? I think she's in the running. Who's more likely to win the deadlift event? Spiegel or
Starting point is 01:20:44 Chandler? Michael Chandler. Chandler Smith. I'm going to say who's more likely to win the deadlift event spiegel or um uh uh chandler mike michael chandler chandler smith that's a chandler i'm gonna say chandler's more that's a heat that's cue that one up for the heat one app yeah that's a that's a that's a good heat one question slow slow promotion of the heat one app uh audrey um does brian have a chip on his shoulder i got some i got something to prove yeah Audrey, does Brian have a chip on his shoulder? I got something to prove, yeah. Who's the dark horse in the females? Would you guys be surprised if Daniel Brandon breaks the top three?
Starting point is 01:21:19 Yes. Yes. I mean, if she did that, I would pick her to podium at the Games. Why? She's a former collegiate athlete in a very, very difficult sport. She's crazy athletic. She's a powerhouse. She may be on the small side. No?
Starting point is 01:21:35 You don't think she's on the small side? She's small. She's 5'7". You've been around her, right? No, I haven't. What? No, I just seen pictures. You didn't see her at the games this year?
Starting point is 01:21:45 Did I see her at the games? Oh, yeah, I did see her at the games. Shit, I forgot I went to the games. Look, Stefan, did you read the articles that I wrote about her? Yeah, she's on the small side. She looks like she's worked for every little bit of muscle she has and that girth on her body, where some of these girls are just fucking brick shithouses.
Starting point is 01:22:01 I think you're thinking of a different person. Danielle Brandon? Pull up her Instagram. Let's do some gratuitous ogling. Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm surprised you guys would have her, though. What's the highest you would put her? Did you read the... Salvan, did you read the articles that I sent you?
Starting point is 01:22:17 Of course I did. Alright, so then you'll know what things that Daniel Brandon is good at, right? So tell me, what's the highest you'd put her? For this competition? Yeah. Can I go to my list? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Can we see the list? Yeah, as soon as we're done ogling her a little bit. Whose dog is that in the back? Look at that. I think the best that she can finish is sixth and you have her in both you guys have her at 10th yeah so you think in in her crossfit career gazan has passed her up i think alex kazan is fitter than her yeah i think so like the i would say for this competition six through ten is a tier that can what does that mean what does that mean like uh like it can be they six through ten can
Starting point is 01:23:12 finish the women in those spots can finish in any order of those spots like daniel brandon could finish six you could finish 10th i currently have karen prayova sixth. She also could finish 10th. I think they're in a tier six through 10th. Brian, are there any picks that you see of John's that are just completely outlandish? You're like, he must have messed up, but I didn't want to tell him because I just wanted to talk shit.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Well, I mean, I'm as big a fan of Karen Frejova as anyone is, and I think that from just watching her compete over the years, when she competes with confidence, she's exceptionally good. And I think that the sixth place that he has her in is something that's attainable for her. But we haven't seen her compete that way against the best fields in the world,
Starting point is 01:24:00 Rogue and the game specifically, ever. So I actually felt that eighth was a pretty generous ranking for her, and I was surprised when he had her higher than that. That's his, not outlandish, but for you, that's his most head-scratching pick, but still not wild. You don't think less of Jaune. I just don't think that she's done. I haven't seen anything from her to warrant placing her ahead of Carrie or
Starting point is 01:24:27 Loan. How was your, how was your interview with Emma Lawson? Oh, it was awesome. That was really, it was her and Jack Barlow. I was really impressed with them.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Um, I mean, they're young and they speak as if they're not, uh, sorry, sorry. I'm getting a call from mainland China. Hello.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Hello. Sorry, I'm getting a call from mainland China. Hello? I don't know if I didn't have to pay for that. Okay, where were we, Karen? Who were we talking about? Karen Freyola. Karen Freyola? My most headstrong... No, no, Emma Lawson. You interviewed Emma Lawson.
Starting point is 01:25:04 You interviewed Emma Lawson. Thank you. Sorry, that Chinese just threw me off. Camfrayova. No, no, Emma Lawson. You interviewed Emma Lawson. You interviewed Emma Lawson. Thank you. Sorry, that Chinese just threw me off. Sorry, go on. Yeah, I mean, I was super impressed with her ability to communicate well and articulate herself. And I think that both her and Jack, some of the answers they gave to the questions we were asking them about
Starting point is 01:25:18 were quite impressive for young men and women, young athletes in the sport. As far as Rogue's concerned, other than Laura and Tia, she's the only other person in the field that I think has a chance to win the Rogue Invitational. I'd say it's a small chance, but the fact that John has her second is not a mistake. Her resume is extremely positive. She did talk about the fact that last year heading into Rogue,
Starting point is 01:25:39 she went through a strength cycle to prepare for that, and it proved to pay off well i think she's done that again is the understanding that i had from talking to her and i expect that you'll come in you know very much prepared when when we're looking at these athletes and we know that um i mean justin kattler's talked about the fact that alex kazan wrist isn't 100 we know what's going on with tia we don't we have anything uh with regards regards to Emma Lawson other than the fact that training is right on track and she's ready to have another great performance. So I'm excited to see her
Starting point is 01:26:09 in the field. I think she's a real deal and I think she's going to be around for as long as she wants to be. Brian, that's, I mean, John, that's one of the strongest things we've heard yet in the show hour and 24 minutes in. He said of all the people he thinks that could win this, it's Laura, Tia, or Emma Lawson.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Do you agree with that? Yeah. No, you don't. No, you don't. But why do I not? Because you have Tia in fucking fourth. Ding dong. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Tia's the biggest wild card there is to have. She's five months off of having a baby. Who do you have in third? Who do you have in third? Who do you have in third? Who do you have in third? Alex Kazan. Do you think Alex can win it? No. Do you think Alex can win it?
Starting point is 01:26:46 No, I think Tia has more of a shot to win than Alex Kazan. I don't think... I think there's a wide range of possibility with Tia. And if Tia wins, then I am going to be on Hiller's side about if she's juicing or not. I'm going to completely flip. My God.
Starting point is 01:27:03 I think if Tia comes out here and destroys rogue and beats everybody and beats laura then everybody should just stop until tia retires like we should boycott like wow boycott it until tia retires because she's there's no point if she could get pregnant and have a baby and then just destroy everybody within five months, then the rest of the CrossFit women are, y'all are pathetic that you can't get closer to Tia. There's no way it shouldn't
Starting point is 01:27:34 happen. And if it does, I'm going to be mad about it and I'm going to completely be on Hiller's side. Look at Caleb. Yeah, I don't know. But I think there's more of a chance that Tia wins than Alex wins. All I'm thinking is, man, that's great for this competition. I think Alex Kazan can beat Tia in this competition.
Starting point is 01:27:56 I think there's a lot of good events for Alex in this event. Okay. So the three of you, the three of you agree that the only three people who can win it are Tia, Laura, and Gazan. Or as they say in France, Gazan. Are you, I mean,
Starting point is 01:28:17 are you intentionally getting it wrong? No. Tell me, tell me. Emma, sorry, Emma, Emma,
Starting point is 01:28:23 sorry, Emma, Emma, Laura, and tia yeah and if and if it was not if you told me that someone won the rogue invitational and it wasn't one of those three then i would assume it was gabrielle mcgall i don't think there's any shot that that happens
Starting point is 01:28:39 i i i think gabby i don't think we've seen the best of gabby i don't think gabby's put it together yet I think it's There's just A missing piece somewhere Just a couple Maybe gears missing Something's missing
Starting point is 01:28:58 I think she can win the game I think she can win the games How old is Gabby Magawa? 25 or 6. Yeah. Do you think she's Scott Panchick? Possibly. Which there are other athletes like that too.
Starting point is 01:29:16 There are a group of athletes that just hit a ceiling at 4, 5, 6, whatever it is. And there's nothing to be ashamed of. It's incredible. It's an incredible accomplishment. But like I said earlier, this is a competition that lends itself extremely favorably to Gabby McGowan's skill sets. You know, I write about that. And I think that her performances there have basically suggested as much. And, you know, I, I think what I picked her forth, and I think it's a very, like a very likely placement for her.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Uh, John, are you around tomorrow night? I have the podcast with spin. And if, Oh yeah. Oh, as soon as that's over,
Starting point is 01:29:56 if yours is before I'll be on, I'll be on yours. Okay. I want to, I want to go over the events tomorrow. DM me. If you want to be on the show tomorrow. I'm looking for people. Just kidding.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Do not fucking do that. Nobody do that. What if Laura DMs you? I already have too many friends. Laura, you can come on the show tomorrow. Absolutely. Gentlemen, fantastic picks. Anything you'd like to say in closing?
Starting point is 01:30:23 I think we've reached a critical point in tia's career and laura's career i think tomorrow or this weekend we're going to see something amazing unfold i think either way it's not going to be done on sunday no matter what happens this is just going to be the uh i don't know what did you call it the prequel to the 2024 CrossFit Games what we're going to see between Laura and Tia any final thoughts from either of you
Starting point is 01:30:50 nothing John I'll just say you know this is a I think this is the deepest of the Rogue Invitational fields have been I think that you know there's some information out there about the programming but there's a lot more that we're going to learn. I think that we're in store for some really cool events. I hope that the, you know, Katie mentioned the weather. I hope the weather cooperates. The athletes will always show up. Um, they're going to be put in on a show.
Starting point is 01:31:15 It's going to be fun to watch. I hope that you guys can tune in. This is a, it's a, it's a standalone. There's no other competition like this one. Um, you know, we've tried, we have collectively tried to provide you guys with as much information as we can about who's competing, where to look for them, ways to, you know, get involved, whether it's through the fantasy, through the live stream that Rogue's providing, the secondary stream that they're providing. There's a ton of ways to be actively involved in what's going on this weekend
Starting point is 01:31:39 and support, you know, the, the competition, the showcase that they've collected the best athletes in the world to be a part of. Nico Nunez, Sevan, are you buying the Rogue Crocs? Listen, look at me. Do I look with someone with my fashion sense
Starting point is 01:31:56 would ever be caught dead in Crocs? Yes. No. Thank you, Caleb. See you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Do we have a guest tomorrow? Oh, tomorrow morning we have Greg Glassman coming on at 7.
Starting point is 01:32:11 He'll be here until 8.30. And then at 8.30, Rich Froning, ladies and gentlemen. Crazy morning. 7 to 8.30, Greg Glassman. 8.30 to as long as we can keep him. The greatest, Rich Froning. Talk to you guys later. Buh-bye.

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