The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Event 4

Episode Date: October 31, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. That was a good one, guys. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Let me send out a couple invites here. Wow, the comments are already going. Boom, we're live. Yes, 332. comments are already going. Boom. We're live. Yes. Three 32. Uh, no, three 37,
Starting point is 00:00:49 three 37. Ian and John should be coming in soon. I just have to close the door behind me. Send out a couple more invites. See if we can lure someone onto the show. I'm set up to run the back end. Wow, Suze is here too. We're going big today.
Starting point is 00:01:10 We are going big. We are live. What do you guys think? Pretty good? Pretty good? Sorry about the slight delay here. I had a crying child right before I logged in. No one can replace brian john's trying john's trying event number four in the books tia basically showed us why she is the queen
Starting point is 00:02:04 annie is still keeping the dream alive Tia basically showed us why she is the queen. Annie is still keeping the dream alive. Jason Hopper. You know? You know it's kind of a mix between the games and the Mac, right? He's doing something. He's doing something. He got that win.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I haven't checked the results from. Let's see if they got the leaderboard updated. You have a new podcast office? No. Same podcast office. You know what I did? I basically flipped my desk around. Basically flipped my desk around. Let's see what's going on.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Brian Friend here. Brian, you're live. Brian, you're live. Oh, he called. Let's see what's going on. Brian friend here. Brian, you're live. Brian, you're live. Oh, he called. Let's see what's going on. Wrong link. Says it ended. Ah, same.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Interesting. Let's see. The link doesn't work. Invite. Copy clip or let's try one more time um sorry guys there he is there he is there he is uh There he is. There he is. Sousa. Hey, sorry. You made people making fun of my office.
Starting point is 00:03:30 There he is. There he is. Sousa. Somebody turn off their. Hey, Sousa. I think we're going to get Kristoff on Laura Horvath's brother. Okay. And I'm going to send you his contact uh and maybe uh and maybe you could tell him give him the new link yep share contact okay bam here's sean
Starting point is 00:03:59 what's up guys yo sorry guys you're never gonna believe this right before we came like right as i was about to come on on time i heard screaming from my kid's room and he had pulled a shell he was climbing up to try on some ski boots i don't know why he's trying on ski boots we live in california but uh shell fell on top of him i don't believe you i wish i wish i wish i was lying uh let me pause this rogue what did you guys think first impression i liked it could uh look like a tough workout i mean and it was uh it was really fun because there were, and Justin talked a little bit about this, there was an opportunity to make your move on any of the three kind of components of the workout. No one of them singularly carried the event.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Well, I heard the last thing you said. Were we thinking originally that someone would, that one of the elements that it would be otherwise? Well, not necessarily. You know, we didn't know about the hill run. We didn't know the distance, the steepness, the elements that it would be otherwise? Well, not necessarily. We didn't know about the hill run. We didn't know the distance, the steepness, the severity of it. So that was an unknown factor. But there are a lot of workouts that show up in competitions where there's two or three or four movements in the workout, but one of them ends up being the critical factor. Rope climbs on event one for Rogue this year was the limiter.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Even in the lifting complex, for most people, it was the jerk that was the limiter. This morning, it was the bike that seemed to be, for almost everyone, the most important factor. And now finally got a workout where there wasn't one thing that kind of dictated the results. You had to be good at all three of those things, or you had to figure out how you could capitalize where you were good and give away less where you weren't as good. So let's just dig in then uh you're saying that you that well i get i'm trying to figure out how to word this but the inversion of that is basically what happened to lazar basically he wasn't good at one of the implements and i don't know if i heard chase correctly but chase was thinking that maybe he lost seven to eight seconds every round
Starting point is 00:06:05 because of his technique, which would have been significant, right, in his placing? I think when he was talking about the specific time that was lost per implement, it was actually Vellner losing like half a second on each GHD. Oh, no, no, before that. Sorry, in the heat before that when Lazar went, I think he actually said that he thought that he lost seven or eight seconds because of his technique on the ski. Oh, well, that's perfect.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Those two things in harmony are exactly what I'm saying. It's like you could lose it on the ski. You could lose it on the GHD. I mean, relative to the other people that you're battling with in the heat or the event. Oh, there he is. Bam. It is working. Good thing I bought the $500 version of this software where we can have up to 10 people
Starting point is 00:06:47 on christoph thanks for coming thank you for having me on we're uh we're scraping the bottom of the barrel on the show we can't get any athletes so we have to get like boyfriends and siblings and shit like that i don't see it that way well What did you say? That's what she said? I said it's pretty sad. Yeah, it's sad. Brian said he doesn't see it that way. He's a forever optimist. Christophe, you are the boyfriend of Gabriela Magawa? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And you are the brother of the great Laura Horvat? Both of those are correct. Okay. And are you, do you have any intimate relationships with any of the other athletes, men or women who are out at the field today? As of now, no. As of now, no.
Starting point is 00:07:38 But I'm looking into expanding my roster. Well, you started off with two good ones um can you paint the scene for us there today the weather the crowd um the the athletes the the men the women how are they feeling is it laid back is it tense what's going on what do you see i feel like i'm like uh a news person out here for you are you you're at're at the American-Mexican border. We want to know what's going on. How many are crossing right now in front of you? I can't see no more from here, so I don't know how big it is.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Now, anyways, I'm actually standing right behind the athlete. Your friend Jason Hoppe, he was just walking past by me. He might not be my friend. He didn't do so good on that workout. I took him off the favorites page. It's quite good here. Yesterday it was windy. Today it's not so windy.
Starting point is 00:08:37 It's quite hot on the field. But I think in general, compared to the games, the mood is a little bit, it's not as tense, if you will. There are no cuts here. This is an off-season competition. Of course, there is money on the line and reputation on the line and all that kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:08:55 but it's not as cutthroat, if you will. When you're there, are you in the capacity as a coach for Gabriela or for Laura? Like, do you have a coach's card or how do you have access? So I have a coach's pass, but I'm in the capacity of a support person. I'm not coaching any of them. And so do the athletes get to bring more than one person back there?
Starting point is 00:09:22 No. So I have Gabby's coach's pass and uh oh there's not a coach so yeah i'm here but gabby's coach is also here john singleton but we have another athlete jacqueline dalstrom she's also competing uh so he has her coach's pass okay so so so gabriella Okay. So Gabriella doesn't have a coach there? No. No. So Gary and Jacqueline has both John as a coach, and I am here as a glorified waterboy. Okay. Show emotional support and needs me sometimes. And who's Laura's coach? Laura doesn't have a coach.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Oh, that makes me feel good she's uncoachable she's king of the jungle and that's why she didn't run through the line oh do you have any insight on that that is a lot
Starting point is 00:10:22 of the buzz a lot of people are talking the commentators are talking about the fact that at the very last second, Amanda ran by her. Did you see that or have you talked to Laura about that? Are you scared to talk to Laura about it? No, she knows that I'm talking with you guys now. She's not happy. Oh, man. Tell her we love her.
Starting point is 00:10:43 She said that I'm not allowed to say anything about her or regarding her. But yeah, I mean, she's not, that is a rookie mistake. That is, that is just, yeah, that's just a stupid mistake. You should never celebrate before crossing the line. Never. And you should always sprint to the line yeah it's interesting to see it happen to her because she really is not a rookie
Starting point is 00:11:14 and I guess we'll see if it matters in the end Brian or John do we know if it really matters yet is there any Gabby's ahead of her by 10 points for third Do we know, Brian or John, do we know if it really matters yet? Is there any? Yeah, definitely. Gabby's ahead of her by 10 points for third. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Oh, man, dude. Christoph, you're right in the lion's den. I think I learned to navigate the lion's den by now. We can put it in a positive light. He's in a great spot. There's four women that have separated themselves from the rest of the field at this point, and he's got a great relationship with two of them. Thank you, Brian. I know I can always count on you.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Christoph, have you walked up a modern hill personally? Which hill? The one that was in the field? Yeah. No, I haven't. I don't think I have access to the floor. Okay, I was just wondering if maybe when they gave the tour or something, you had to serve someone water up there.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yesterday, it didn't look steep, but today it looks very steep to me. Some of the camera angles they're shooting on it, is it pretty steep? I can assure you it's the same inc same incline yes yes yes but but is it steep is what i'm saying my perception has changed i wasn't suggesting that they changed the incline i was just thinking that made my perception change i don't know i don't think you can call them the heel it's like um i don't know it's just like a steep incline you drop to the top or you try to jog to the top. It's not that long. I mean, these girls and the guys crushed this very cat. I don't think the hill was affected at all.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I think it just looks like a little bit like, you know, it puts the field more in a 3d perspective. I think that makes sense. It's just a little bit more exciting to watch, but I don't think it adds or takes away from the guy's performance whatsoever i don't think it matters yeah that's a real astute observation you said it does it does definitely help the field when they shoot that camera shot down the field you can see it says rogue on there and i'm glad to hear you say that um i was actually making fun of it that they were calling it a hill it just looked like a bunch of solar panels with some turf on it to me and uh
Starting point is 00:13:24 that makes me happy to hear you say that. But I'm still okay with them calling it Motter Hill. I think that's pretty cute. Yeah, the women's points are up. Tia's 355. Annie's 345. Gabriela Magawa is 325. And Laura Horvat is 315.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And then she's quite a bit ahead of Amanda Barnhart. Yeah, 50 points. That's what I was just saying. Those four women are, that's, you know, four of them are basically, how many events we have left? Three of them will be on the podium
Starting point is 00:13:55 and one will be left out. But those are clearly the top four right now. They've separated themselves. Yeah. Christoph, do you have any idea when we find out what Event 7 is? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:14:09 But what I do know is that the athletes have a heavy jump rope. And I agree with it. I think Brian said that he thinks it's going to be a heavy dumbbell snatch. I think it's going to be something like a heavy dumbbell snatch, double underweight type of some sort. But it might be one. Okay. So what you're saying is that at some point during the weekend, they said,
Starting point is 00:14:30 hey, here's some clothes, here's some shoes. Oh, and here's a heavy jump rope. Correct. And so the athletes are speculating, okay, this is to give us some practice with this thing? Man, I don't think it's a souvenir. I think they will have to use this. God, I don't think it's a souvenir. I think they will have to use it. God, I love you.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Christoph, did you get all the Texas apparel since you're down there? You got boots and hats? I didn't. I don't want to miss anything. I'm never going to use it ever again. Did you get a Longhorn shirt to match Gabby's? No. Do you get a Longhorn shirt to match Gabby's?
Starting point is 00:15:13 I can't imagine you and Brian like in the same space together having a conversation. Why? I just, because you guys are both pretty, just so dry. I mean, you're even drier than me. I mean, Brian, I mean, I just like, it's just like just two pieces of sandpaper just standing around. I don't know. I'll tell you this. From the day I went to train with him, sitting around talking to him felt very natural.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Participating in the lift-off, lifting EMOM with him, I felt very out of place. Are you inspired being there, Christoph? Are you stimulated? Are you like, man, I got to get get back to it or do you like this capacity you're in here are you able to do it calmly yeah for sure but i think i'm on the podcast to talk about the girls and about myself very very very i don't want to i don't want to take i think it's their time let's focus on them if you guys want to know anything about them. Very humble. What do you,
Starting point is 00:16:07 um, when I looked at this, like the entire day of competition, I felt like some of the things early in the day, the way that the nervous system would be attacked in the first workout, the midline and the second workout might make this, this final workout today a little more difficult than it was two years ago. And yet Vellner told us last night that they've put a time cap on this workout
Starting point is 00:16:27 that's very aggressive. Yeah, so the original time cap was six minutes and I believe the best time from two years ago was 6.30. Yeah, so they increased it to eight minutes now. I still think it's quite tight. It will allow the best
Starting point is 00:16:44 to finish it, but not everyone will finish this workout. And this is, again, one of those workouts I think that size will matter. The stronger and the bigger you are, the better you will do in this workout. I mean, it seems like it's yet another workout where
Starting point is 00:17:00 Gabby, Laura, and Annie all have a size advantage over Tia. And this might be pretty tight even after this event. workout where Gabby, Laura, and Annie all have a size advantage over Tia, and this might be pretty tight even after this event. It is true, but at the end of the day, I mean, Tia is incredible. You can never, ever, ever
Starting point is 00:17:15 count her out. I don't think you can. So I think, just to say that the other three will run away with it, I think it's a foolish prediction. I'm just saying that I don't think Tia will run away with this. I think it's a foolish prediction. I'm just saying that I don't think Tia will run away with this one, so that she might still have the lead, but it might not be very big going into the last
Starting point is 00:17:31 day, and we haven't seen that in a long time. Look, I mean, this was a core heavy day, so we'll see how everyone wins in the final round. Christophe, are you glad that Gabby is ahead of Laura for once? Because it's usually the other way around.
Starting point is 00:17:47 They're both tight together, but Laura is usually ahead of her. And this time it's the other way around for Laura. I have two answers for us. Sorry, the truck is just going up here. Lucky you. That's perfect timing for you, Christophe. My initial answer is saying, I would like to say the next question, please. But how can I put this in a delicate way?
Starting point is 00:18:10 No, this is just a stupid question. Let's go with the next one. Ah, ad hominem. I thought it was a very brave question, but I understand the response. I understand. That's what I mean. This guy is in a tough spot. Christoph is crushing this interview.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Someone just said in the comments, we'll be the judge of that. You pipe down 10 burpees for complimenting the guest. What happened to Houdet? Do we know what happened to Houdet? Again, I don't want to spread them anymore. Spread that shit. Sprinkle a little bit around christophe sprinkle a little bit around just a little bit of this i don't know i think he had a tough morning you know yesterday but he came back on the green and jerk he did great all i can say is that uh if you're if you have any allergies the wind was just it was just so
Starting point is 00:19:03 much in the last three days here that if you have any kind of allergies wind was just so much wind the last three days here that if you have any kind of allergies, I was suffocating myself. And I know that there are other people. I'm not saying he was allergic as well, but a lot of people are complaining about also out on the field that they come back in and stuff nose or like running nose or like dry cough. So that's also a factor. We interviewed Patrick Goldner last night when he
Starting point is 00:19:25 was sitting down with dinner. He wasn't even on the field. He hadn't been on the field in a couple hours and he blew his nose 27 times in a 30 minute interview. That's almost one time a minute. And he said it was because of his allergies. He said the allergies are insane. Insane. Yeah, that's interesting. Do you normally have allergies, you personally? I know this interview is not about you. Okay. So how about Laura and Gabriela? Do they seem to be bothered by the allergies at all?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Only the shellfish. Only the shellfish. Yeah, they're fine. And I know Laura is a little bit allergic to me, but I'm 2,500 miles away, so it can't be me. I thought this is just a really, really personal question and self-serving. Did Gabriela Magawa, did she enjoy the interview that she did with Brian and I? She very much enjoyed the interviews. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Was she nervous doing the interview with Kiki today? Was she nervous about the interview with you guys? Yeah. No, with Kiki on the floor today. Her answers were great, but I just felt like she was a little nervous. I wasn't aware that she had an interview with Kiki today.
Starting point is 00:20:42 No, I think she's happy about it, for sure. I think she was just breathing heavy, Brian. I think she was just like, because she just finished a workout, right? Yeah, I imagine you just finish a workout, you go over the red line, and somebody stuffs a microphone into your face. It's quite hard to say the right things.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yeah, she basically said, in the interview, Christoph, she basically said she wasn't happy with their first performance of the day. She felt like she still had more in the gas tank she didn't leave it all out on the field and so she was going to make sure she didn't make that mistake again and she came out and fucking whooped ass i think i think when it comes uh to gabby um she's really having a mature approach to rogue because she recognizes this is an off-season competition. So as we talked about in the beginning, it matters and it counts
Starting point is 00:21:27 and they all want to do as well or she wants to do as well as she can. By the end of the day, she wants to know where she stands in terms of where the season is. There's going to be a couple more upcoming competitions. She's also going to do Dubai. And then what she really wants to do well is, of course, the games. But, Savan, you've got to think, like, the last – this is now really four times that we've seen her compete live.
Starting point is 00:21:49 There was Dubai, where she actually – she didn't do worse than eighth on a single event. She was the only athlete there who could say it. There was Strength and Depth, where she beat Haley and was in a close battle with Laura. Then there was the Games this past year. She finished sixth. And now this one.
Starting point is 00:22:01 This is four straight live competitions that she's had very consistently good performances. it's crazy she's uh she she's definitely making a statement she made a statement at the games now she's making another statement um i found what i found interesting that christoph just said is is that i don't remember his exact words but she understands that this isn't the games but and she's and she wants to test herself out right but but but there's a lot of money on the line right there's a lot of money on the line yes but you'd rather make mistakes here than in the games what did you think about this at the very top when she her and tia were having the final um uh round four they ran up
Starting point is 00:22:43 modern hill tia um at the at the top when she went around i don't know what that thing is called that cone thing pylon the pylon um when gabriella got up there she basically immediately kind of stopped and went into a walk she was very she probably she i was wondering did you talk to her about that was it at that point that she realized she was going to let Tia go? Because all of a sudden her whole kind of being changed. Like it looked like she was in the chase to chase her down and then just stopped at the top of the pylon. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:23:16 So first of all, I didn't see that. And second of all, I think these are such details that is not meant to be discussed after an event or during an event. This is something for her and her co-hosts to discuss when the comp is over, when they go home, and when they reflect on how the weekend went. So tonight you won't be just laying in bed next to her. She's like, you guys are just shooting the shit. And they'd be like, hey, I was just wondering why you walked around the pylon. You want to just drop that in there? Yeah, so first of all, she sleeps in a separate bed.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Damn. They won't be talking about that, no. They're probably going to watch something silly, something like comedy or something like that. Your nickname is the Romanian Bear. No. Romanian Bear. What's his nickname? Hungarian. No. Romanian Bear. What?
Starting point is 00:24:05 What's his nickname? What's... Ah. Hungarian. Hungarian. Hungarian. Hungarian. At least I didn't say Armenian.
Starting point is 00:24:12 At least I didn't say Armenian. That would have been better, actually, than Romanian. Your nickname is the Hungarian Bear. I don't... Hmm. You gave him that nickname. I did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Oh, that's fantastic. You just started referring to him as that when we were talking. I can't remember. I think we were talking to Gabby. Oh, that's a brilliant nickname. Thank you. I must say, standing next to the strongman over here, I don't really feel like a bear.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Are there any Hungarians there representing the strongman competition? No, there aren't. But actually, another Polish competitor is leading the Strongman event. As of now, I think. At least one event ago. Mateusz. He won the last event.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yeah. Is that fun to watch? Have you ever watched him live before? Dude, they are huge. But I gotta say, they are like, especially like Brian Shaw. You know, when you're like a giant amongst monsters, he's just another. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:12 He's just huge. But they're like such a like gentle giants. You know what I mean? They look, I think I always think about CrossFit when I look at CrossFit competitions and CrossFit athletes. It's almost like, obviously, it's a community. But Strongman is really like a brotherhood. It is nice to see them. I think they're zero and must be there.
Starting point is 00:25:32 They're just getting on well. Brian Shaw, is he winning? Is he like the hands-down favorite, Brian Shaw? No. At least he's winning right now. Is this Yeah. I'm just seeing
Starting point is 00:25:48 Is this Is that Brian Shaw right there? Is that what he does? He's a nice He said he's a big nice guy. Just think of Shrek. He he's never gonna come on this no he's got two how many followers do you have on instagram christoph uh over 10 000 okay yeah that's about you're about as big as we can get
Starting point is 00:26:18 you're about as big as your double your double our average. We're never going to get Brian Shaw. Will you go to Dubai? And what about the Mayhem event? Is Gabriella doing the Mayhem event or is Laura doing the Mayhem event? Yeah, so none of them are doing the Mayhem event. Both Gabby and Laura will do the other Dubai one. And will they both do Wadapalooza?
Starting point is 00:26:47 I think none of them will do Wadapalooza. I don't think any of them are too keen on Wadapalooza. Why is that? How do people choose? Because we had someone on this morning and they were saying it was vice versa, that they were keen, that the athlete, and it was a male. Who did we have on this morning, John, that was telling us that?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Or was that yesterday? Someone was basically saying. Well, there was talking about how a lot of the North American athletes would just opt to stay in the U.S. instead of Dubai. And probably a lot of the European athletes, if they have to pick one or the other, will go to Dubai. So I think from our perspective, at least, there's two things to consider. So I think from our perspective, at least, there's two things to consider. Number one is, so Dubai, as Dubai just finishes, you go into the Christmas break and holidays,
Starting point is 00:27:35 and it's just very natural to just have a good deal out there, enjoy some time with family. And the Moura Palouse is sort of right after Christmas, so you can really take time off and relax a little bit. So that's one. And the other one is, it's not our perspective, but a perspective is that what a Palooza prize money is almost double as Dubai, I believe. I think Dubai pays out 50,000 and what a Palooza is like 100 grand or so. For the winners, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yeah, for the winners. So if you would have to choose one or the other, if you have a chance to win, you would want to go to what a Palooza, I imagine. Also, as I heard from other competitors, Boropalooza is more like, well, let me put it this way, Dubai is a brutal weekend. They're going to drag them through the dirt.
Starting point is 00:28:16 So, if you have the chance to win that money, go to it. And I must say, Boropalooza is an easier event than Dubai. Interesting. And I must say, Krokodil is an easier event. But Dubai has some interesting events. Christoph, thanks for coming on. Do you guys have any more questions for the Hungarian bear? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I didn't mean to be rude about Gabi and Laura. It's just like, you know, it's a question. You weren't rude. No, it's fine. No worries. We've already met your sister. We already know what it's just like you know it's uh it's a question you aren't rude no it's fine no worries we've already met your sister we already know what rude is we we you're you're good you're good you're good that makes me sad you're good no i dude let me tell you i love her she's she's fantastic i got to get her back on the show but man it was and people loved having it loved hearing from her oh my god it was one of our most popular shows. I can't promise anything, but I'll put in a good verse for you guys. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Christophe is the man. Christophe, you are the man. Thank you for having me on, guys. Thank you. We'll try to bug you again this weekend. Thank you. Sure. Bye.
Starting point is 00:29:21 No similarities between him and Laura. It's a trip. Nothing. They both lift big weights. Yeah. They're in and they're, and they are very similar. Okay. Uh, China, uh, first off, before we start, um, trying to show, I just want to say that
Starting point is 00:29:38 the quality of her presentation and her voice is fantastic. I, I don't ever remember seeing her on any of the feeds before maybe i don't watch a lot of events but i i i think she's killing it so i just want to throw out a give her some love do you guys agree yeah yeah i think her and pat sure would work well together savon you remember that we we did a podcast with her right before the games in 2018? It's lost in the archives. Her and Freddie. Oh, because we never posted it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:11 They stopped posting. It was probably like one of the next two to be released and never got out there. It's a shame because Freddie and her go way back in the sport and had some great stories. Yeah. I wonder if I could dig that up, if I have a copy of that somewhere. July of 2018, early July. I'll write it down. I know people too. Hey, I just – Adam Neifer just said – I said, hey, you should come on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:30:37 He goes, when? And I just sent him a link. So he might come on. Haley Adams. I thought I heard Shay say something about her rounds all being approximately the same. Yeah, I texted Hinshaw about it. She nailed the pacing. It was perfect. And the only deviant was really just the extra run at the end. And it was faster? No, no.
Starting point is 00:31:03 It was more distance, so it took a little longer like they didn't have to stop at the skier they had to finish all the way across the finish line and why is it that you want every round to be the same you don't want like doesn't that mean that maybe you still had something in the gas tank at the end they weren't they weren't identical her first round was the fastest this middle two right were exactly the same and then the last one basically was just the extra distance there. But you know, it's, it's that time domain, like eight to 15 minutes in CrossFit, like you got to know what you can do in that time domain, depending on what what's in the movement. And I think all of the people that really excelled on that workout were very consistent round to round
Starting point is 00:31:41 with one, there was only one heat that I'm not sure if that was true for, which was the second heat of the women's because that was the only heat where the person who got in in front didn't win. Instead we saw Tia real people in round by round. So I didn't hear them talk about Tia splits, but it would have been fun to, to know if she took a different strategy and ended up having success with the alternate strategy.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Are they posting those somewhere? How did Martin have that? Chase said I'm live on the broadcast. Those are exactly right. Yeah. Good job. A lot of the second heat too. I think that would might be the difference.
Starting point is 00:32:15 They came out way hotter than the first heat did. We talked about the hill looking steep. The hill looked really steep today. I mentioned the two things or I mentioned one of of the one of the observations i made was is that i thought gabriella magawa gave up the race to t at the top there she walked around the pylon the other thing i saw was um not only did velner make up time on the ski erg but on the first hill run he chased down madaris and in the second one he he didn't. And although chase reported is, this is identical to the first one.
Starting point is 00:32:47 It wasn't actually, he didn't make up ground on Medaris there. And I think that's when I saw, we started seeing a Velner get maybe demoralized thoughts. Not, I want to say demoralized, but it's, it was just a realization set in.
Starting point is 00:33:03 It's like, okay, I'm not going to beat him on this one. Or I think, and I actually think he might've realized my GHD sit-up cycle rate is too slow because it seemed like he was getting faster round by round on those. And, um, it was curious listening to Justin's interview afterwards, because he basically said, I learned from watching the earlier heats that the GHD cycle time was actually a place that time could be made up and lost. And Vellner seemed to be learning that in the middle of the workout which was too late and if you if you watch it the two people who won haley and justin they were the fastest people at the ghgs they in in
Starting point is 00:33:36 my opinion i have the best ghgs in the field their backs are both very flexible if you watch them ghg it looks a little different than everybody else. It's faster than everybody else. A little more snappy. Yeah, very snappy. And I know it's a strength of Haley's and Justin's. If you remember, Justin won the quarterfinal workout where there was 180 GHDs. He's very good at those.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And I think that's where he made up his time on Vellner. It was not on the ski. Vellner probably got his time back on the skier and then it's just too much uh for him to continue that pace and that's where maderos got ahead i i don't want to quote i don't want to quote fraser exactly because maybe i heard it wrong but um i thought i heard fraser talking to china cho and and Sherwood before the show. And he was talking about GHD technique, the sit up and that you shouldn't, basically you could get chest fatigue by holding the ball.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And when I saw Medeiros doing them, he did hold the ball the whole time. And it almost looked like he was using a little bit of the momentum, the weight of the ball to bring himself up faster. What Vellner was doing is he was actually like letting the ball as he came up parallel roll from his knees to the tip of his feet to the top, to the, I guess, the touch point on the GHD where your feet are, and then rolled it back every time. It was bizarre. And I'm not sure if that's the technique that Fraser was endorsing, but I think he lost a second or a half a second
Starting point is 00:35:06 every time he did that to Medeiros relative to Medeiros' speed. Did you guys see that? Yeah, they were different, but he just wasn't as snappy. It wasn't that he got tired. No, he puts the ball down and actually rolls it.
Starting point is 00:35:21 That's what I was talking about. Chase was saying that that technique was costing him about 10 seconds per round relative to some of the other guys adam and ifa were live on the show hey dude it's knifer knifer adam knifer that's what i said that's what i said what do you got a hearing problem hey are we live for real yeah we are did you get the link that's awesome no so i like i don't my phone won't connect to the wifi at the stadium. This software is top notch. You don't need wifi. I'm getting like every third text. I can only, I can only send and receive texts in like the right field corner of the
Starting point is 00:35:57 stadium. All right. Well, I appreciate you trying. Did you try the link? What happened when you try the link? It just did. Just like times out. Oh, interesting. That is some really slow bandwidth. For those of you who don't know, this is Adam Neifer, not Adam Kneefer, you jackasses.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And he's Justin Medeiros' coach, not Justin Medeiros' coach. All right. Well, thank you for trying. Can we bug you throughout the weekend to try to get you on? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I can get like an hour of Wi-Fi. So, yeah, I'd love to. You guys keep doing the good work.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Justin's about to start warming up for the next event. You guys, too. You guys are killing it, man. All right. And Brian said to say you guys keep doing the good work, too. You guys are killing it. Okay. Hey, thanks, dudes.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Have a good night, boys. Okay, bye. Sweet man. Sweet man. All right tried we're trying we're trying thanks suza for uh sending over the about 10 minutes okay um so so did he lose that event because of that um that ghd technique or it would be you know it would be interesting to ask him. It's like I said, it seemed like he was learning. Okay. I'm going to have to cycle these faster. And I think he was round by round. And if he could have applied that from the beginning,
Starting point is 00:37:13 would you have been able to hang with Justin maybe? But honestly, I think Justin still even had a little more. I mean, this was almost reminiscent to me. This was reminiscent of watching Fikowski and Medeiros do the wall walk thruster workout at the games where you're like, you're starting to ask this question is Justin going too fast too soon. Can you hold this pace? And instead of holding the pace,
Starting point is 00:37:31 he increases the pace at the end of the workout. I thought back then that Fikowski was going to catch him today. When I was watching us, I didn't think that Velner was going to catch him. I was like, I'm starting to accept the fact that this is how good this guy is. Yeah. Medeiros was just better in this workout um when they when they were running at the end there uh going back to the women did you notice how tia um i would love to hear uh
Starting point is 00:37:59 hinshaw's thoughts on this tia runs like an athlete and he runs like a statue like like like like like like clay like she's like i'm watching claymation but this dig it just is what it is it's just it is and and the thing is uh we know that claymation is kind of like choppy do you remember old claymation when you were a kid she's always run like that and tia's always run like this tia has a running background what i noticed in terms of the running for the women was how impressive gabby looked running because in the early rounds, that's where she was. She passed Mel O'Brien, Laura Horvath and Annie Thor's daughter on the run, not on the, either the other two things. And yes, Tia ended up passing her on the run by the end. But I think, you know, Chase said it,
Starting point is 00:38:37 he's like, as soon as they get to this run, like we've seen that there's really one or two athletes that have ever been able to challenge Tia in a running event, and usually they're longer distance running events. So not being able to keep up with Tia is not a problem for Gabby. But being better than those other women in the running on this workout, I think bodes really well for her. She's listed at 165 pounds for the Rogue Invitational. That's a lot of weight to run that fast also. That's where she's listed at.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I mean, I've said it before. I'm always skeptical of the weights that they're checking in at. I don't know how accurate they are, but that's what's listed. Mamma mia. Hey, when Emily Abbott competed in the Del Mar. Yeah, the West Regional 2018. Yeah, she was the heaviest athlete there at 165. You know, just to put things in perspective, Mr. Lockbomb number two says
Starting point is 00:39:26 Vellner lost to the fittest man on Earth. Got it. Check. Well said. I'd just like to say this, because we talked about it coming into the show. There was reason and precedent to think that Vellner could beat Medeiros in a competition like this. If Justin continues, and look at
Starting point is 00:39:42 40 points up, three events to go, as good as he's looked at the games, and now also this weekend, I think it's out of reach. And if Justin does end up winning this competition, then he is the favorite in every competition he enters for the foreseeable future until someone beats him. Um, and a well said, and then, and then Colin Lawrence says this, and I don't know if this is true. It's, it's funny as shit, but, um, it says if, uh, if Matt, if Matt really is friends with Pat, he invites Pat to stay. No, no, no, no. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Not that one. Pat needs a training partner. The old man across the street interrupting his workouts
Starting point is 00:40:18 ain't going to cut it. Now, that's pretty funny for two reasons. One, we know Vellner just had a baby, so he's got that distraction. He's got his baby with them, but also he made a joke or, or one of the interviews we did with him, he talked about like a neighbor coming across and interrupting one of his workouts. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:33 it's like how many times was, you know, Usain Bolt interrupted while he was trying to become the fastest man in the world. I'm guessing not very many. And I would argue that what Pat is doing is much harder than what Bolt did. Can we, before we go, can we just look at the fact that just like the women, the men also have four guys that have pulled ahead of everyone else, but it's not necessarily
Starting point is 00:40:56 the four people that we thought coming into the weekend. Justin's 40 points clear. Vellner's second. Those are the one and two people were expecting, maybe not in that order, but they were expecting him at the top. But Hopper and Adler, 320 and 310, are now 65 and 75 points ahead of the fifth and sixth place and seventh place tie. Five, six, seven are off 245. So it's pretty likely at this point that Hopper or Adler are going to end up, one of those is going to end up on the podium. And for either one of them, that would be an incredible accomplishment. Yeah, that's a great observation. Just to switch over to the women here. The women, it's Tia, Annie, Gabrielle, and Laura.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Okay. Okay. Interesting. Emma Carey had a great event three and then event four, bam, almost at the very bottom of the pack oh you really didn't want to talk about the guy those guys you don't know no i do i do i thought you were done sorry no no let's go back sorry i do i thought you might like ask oh well which one of those guys do you expect to do better over these next three events john uh john uh brian
Starting point is 00:42:02 no you know what i'm really curious about when i look at that does i looked at travis mayor and i look at gear a gi and i'm like okay it's it's the changing of the guards like like unfortunately like look like look at the new guy gi is about where the guy travis is and they're passing each other as one is waxing and one is waning another thing that's worth noting here on the men's side, when we did- What's BKG doing? Jesus, BKG. Come on, Bjorgvin. He might be one of the people affected by the allergy thing. What do you think, Brian? I expected him to be better than he is. Well, look at what the events are. He did well in the first event. That's what we'd expect. He had a bad lifting day. Who knows why?
Starting point is 00:42:46 That's one of those workouts where if you struggle with the lift, you can give up a lot of points to guys who you might beat in pretty much everything else. This morning's workout was, I mean, from you take out maybe the top two times. And I think that the rest of the men were all within a 15 second window. So you're like, you're not really that bad. It's just the margins didn't go your way on that workout another bad finish for him and then seventh on that workout is okay but i would i would say that overall yeah it's not the bkg that we're used to seeing in terms of
Starting point is 00:43:14 um just two finishes outside the top 10 is not not a normal bkg performance outside of the top half of the field i should say he depends on his consistency he doesn't depend on winning events so when his consistency isn't there it's he's much lower than typical seven what you see here there's three guys at 245 there's two guys at 240 and when we did the simulations uh for rogue prior to this using different scoring systems this scoring system yielded a lot of variance in groups like this. So I think that over these next three events, those five guys are going to be, like you'll see a lot of volatility there,
Starting point is 00:43:54 fifth through 10th basically. Same thing with the couple guys up at the top. And probably if we went further down, we'd just see these like groupings of athletes. So it'll be fun because they know the points like you know what they'll basically know when they go into the final event at some point these two guys are the guys i have to beat and if i beat these guys then it's going to be you know good enough because how the point system is it's crazy that who days in 18th place and you
Starting point is 00:44:19 didn't do the last event brian are you surprised how good adler's doing we talked about adler as as uh potentially doing really well on these workouts with the programming obviously he's one of the stronger guys um i can't he's shining for sure he's shining he's never even been on my radar i couldn't have picked him out of a crowd of two people and now i can oh john john john had him uh ranked fifth i think like at least a week before the competition. That might have even been – was that before workouts were announced even? Yeah, I had Hopper fourth and Adler fifth. Looking pretty good. How come we've never had him on the show?
Starting point is 00:44:55 We haven't interviewed him, have we, Brian? We could get Adler and or his coach on probably anytime we want. Does he speak English? Oh, yeah. Yeah, he speaks English. Shit. Yeah yeah they're great they would probably come on together well um brian while we were watching the show you text john and i and you were like you could but you were concerned about lazar's technique on the skier
Starting point is 00:45:17 what do you see right away that made you i mean you basically texted at the same time chase said it like is it that he's not dropping his ass? Like, what happened? What do you see that's not right? He didn't use any legs at all. It was all lats. It's very bizarre. You know, you might see that technique in the gym setting with someone who's got, like, poor mobility in the lower body. You might see that on a workout if the skier gets coupled with something that's extremely demanding on the legs or the core, but that wasn't the case in this workout. It shouldn't have been a problem that you needed to defer to a less than optimal
Starting point is 00:45:52 technique. I don't know if that's just how he skis and someone hasn't taught him or something was feeling off, but it was very bizarre to me that someone of his caliber would have that kind of technique. It's an easy thing to teach. This should have been a good workout for him. And it, that single-handedly killed his workout. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:46:13 Chase was speculating that someone just gave him bad advice and told him to do that to save his legs or something. I think for what? For 84 GH, it's not much. I would just, it was, it's not much. It was just speculation. We talked about Vellner pushing it in round one.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Did you guys see that? Did you guys see what I saw? Maybe I'm just making it up. I saw exactly what you talked about. Was that a mistake that he did that? Did he push too hard or he had no choice? He had this, you have to stay close to the leader. I had a thought at the, in the first round, um, I was reminded of the first cut workout
Starting point is 00:46:56 from 2019 when he was like basically just staying right on Fraser's heels and it ended up biting him in the ass at the end of that workout where he started failing snatches at 185 and people passed him by a couple of people passed him by, which those points ended up being valuable as the cuts went on. Um, but I think in this case, he was just kind of like, he was testing Justin and seeing, and I, like, I feel like what you saw from Gabby making the last turn at the pylon, when she's like, yep, Tia's out of reach. I'm just going to make sure I get second that happened to Velner in the middle of the second round. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:28 And Tia, what was the furthest Tia was back in that event? She was like an eighth early in the first round. With the skier, yeah. She skied much slower than everybody in the first round. But she skied faster than everyone in the last round. Yeah. She paced it pretty perfectly. Well, she did that
Starting point is 00:47:45 she did you know she was the one person who won her heat that did the opposite of the other three heat winners she just seemed to get get faster like basically had a negative split round after round after round is what i'm guessing and all of the other heat winners got out to a lead and then just held on it would have been interesting to see hayley in that same heat definitely because um if she tried to pick it up because she would have been ahead of tia and then he would have gotten to see if tia would have had enough to reel in an additional 10 seconds yeah yeah it's it's interesting i'm trying to figure out whether it's confidence on her part like she knows like hey this is my plan i'm just going to stay with my plan
Starting point is 00:48:25 and whereas velner velner would that have worked for velner like could he because when did what what round did she make up all those places no she made up like two or three at each round yeah okay it was i mean it was impressive honestly in the first round i was like at the first maybe the middle of the second round i was like, is something wrong with her? Because in this style of workout, we never see her in the back of the pack like that. But she must have known something that we didn't. And obviously, the plan was good. She passed everyone in her heat.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And I feel like if Haley was in that heat, it would have been like she might have been able to reel her into. Is Haley in six? We have Emma Carey. Sorry, were you going to say her into um is hayley in six we have emma carry sorry were you gonna say something john it's only six seconds i know but hayley would have picked it up too she might have because she did look like she coasted in and i was if there was one thing i would have criticized hayley on in her workout was that she didn't seem to be sprinting the last 50 yards and with a whole an entire heat to go you you know and not being in the situation you want to be so far in the weekend you can't really risk just coasting that in i mean maybe she was dead you know who knows but um yeah it's certainly possible hayley could have had more too it would have it's kind
Starting point is 00:49:33 of a shame we didn't see him go head to head in that one so i'm just saying if you know somebody's time it's much easier to beat that time and she still didn't beat that time so i just don't think if hayley was in the same i still think he would have won but it would have been fun to see her try uh the next event is the mule uh remind me remind me the movements again it's 21 15 9 3 15lifts, 225 for the women, and then burpee pull-ups. Let's talk about Haley Adams specifically for this. Right now, she's in a tough spot. She's sitting in eighth place behind Emma Carey and Mal O'Brien.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Can she climb in this workout, or is this 225 going to be heavy for her? I think she's going to be fine in this workout or is this is this 225 going to be heavy for her? I think she's going to be fine in this workout. I don't know if she will be over Mal or Emma, but her strength is very similar to Katrin's. And Katrin got fifth in this when they had it in 2019. So I think she will be fine in this workout. I think she'll be around top 10, in the top 10. I mean, you know Tia, Annie, Gabriela, Laura, Amanda Barnhart are going to eat this thing alive.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Well, I noticed I didn't say top six. God, it's just savages up there. It takes us back to the beginning of the conversation of what you were saying, Brian, about these top four have just, are just pulling away. Yeah. And, and, and honestly, it's pretty refreshing. I mean, maybe Tia is not priming for this competition. Like she has for others in the past, maybe the other girls are just having great workouts come their way, but it's been a long time since we've had a close race like this on the women's side. And like we said, when Christophe was on this next workout is not going to be a workout where
Starting point is 00:51:29 Tia pulls further ahead. She might still retain the lead, but it's not going to be by much. And it's not impossible that Annie overtakes her going into the final day. Oh, why did you say it's refreshing to see these guys, these four at the top? Cause it's fun to have a close competition.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And we often have close competitions for for the the last podium spot or between second and third on the women's side but it's really you have to go back to i guess 2017 when when car was pushing her i only came down to two points the last time that uh that tia was pushed like this john did you have any winning this event did I did. Yeah, she's going to win this. You nailed it. Do you think she will be ahead of Tia after this event?
Starting point is 00:52:15 If 2019 stands, Tia got fourth and Annie got first. If that happens again, then Annie would be ahead of her. Annie got fourth, but the people who got second and third are not competing this year, Sarah and Brooke. However, um, Gabby wasn't in that competition. And so, you know, maybe there's another spot in between. So actually if there are people coming back to you, it would have been second. Oh, this is going to be huge. What time is this on at?
Starting point is 00:52:40 This is on it. Uh, pretty soon. All right. I got to go. Um, I'm going to be out the rest of the night guys. Wait, wait, wait. One more thing. One more thing before we do that.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Give me the pick for the men for this workout. Who do you got? Patrick Rauner. Well, look. Rauner won it last time. But I just – Medeiros might win this one too. I'm just putting it out there. I'm just putting it out there.
Starting point is 00:53:03 This guy, dude, he's incredible. He is. And if he beats Pat on this one, then that word that you used earlier, demoralization might set in. Okay. Let me, let me ask you this one more question. Cause I talked about this with John before you go, Brian and Brian, you got to come back on later on tonight. Um, uh, what is, is, is, is Medeiros, um, 1% better than he was three months ago? I hate that 1% – to get 1% better thing every day. No, no. It's not 1% every day. It's 1% in three months. Is he 1% – he's 22 years old.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Okay, okay, okay. I'll make it easier for you. Is he better in every fucking domain than he was three months ago. Still three tests to go. Let's see. Ask me tomorrow night. Guys, thank you. John, you want any final words? If Brian's prediction comes true and Medeiros
Starting point is 00:53:57 wins this event, I think nobody's going to beat him for a long time. I really do. If he dominates Vellner in something Vellner is good at, really good at, it could be the next run. I just reminded – It could be the next run. I'm having PTSD of event 14 at the games.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Vellner won that. Deadlift. I know. And Medeiros was right behind him. I know. Clearly in second i'm just saying and this was an event this was an event that fraser and velner were right there within the same second i know fraser got a no rep but they were right there within the same second so maderos
Starting point is 00:54:36 is beating velner in this what is don't count out chandler smith on this one either chandler jason walkins jason walkins the number guy is saying that um gabby's gonna win by the way count out Chandler Smith on this one either. Jason Watkins, the number guy, is saying that Gabby's going to win, by the way. This workout? Yeah. I mean, she's been great on everything. She should do well on this.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I think, once again, what's her worst finish so far? Gabby? Ninth. On the event three, again, where it was so close. Yeah, I can... I mean, this should be another top five for her easy can you read off we read off maderos's finishes brian two three three one or something like that two three two one man that sounds fraser-esque hey i want to say something that's not very nice um you whenever we talk about jason hopper it's almost feels forced because he because it's important to talk about him.
Starting point is 00:55:26 And by that, I mean he's just not in the game yet. It really is still the Medeiros-Velner show. I don't know. Right now, it's the Medeiros show. Right. Okay. Because Medeiros is 40 points clear of Velner, and Hopper's only 20 points behind Velner. Hopper's in third.
Starting point is 00:55:42 He's doing great. There's a closer race for second than there is for first and you know what and tia doesn't want us talking about her because we would never talk about tia unless there was blood in the water and so the fact that we're talking about tia is like uh-oh brian i have a question for you then when then i'm like no one get off here um if that's okay with you seven Sevan. Of course. Whatever Brian wants. I told Sevan if Hopper gets second and Medeiros gets first, I think the rivalry
Starting point is 00:56:10 for 2022 between them two and Valner will be an afterthought. Do you agree with that or no? Disagree. I still think Fikowski is relevant. If he was healthy and competing here, he would have been good on these events and he would have been good on these events and he would have been right in the mix with those top four guys.
Starting point is 00:56:28 And I actually think that if you're looking at who can win at the games next year with Fikowski's intent, I have to assume, because he said he's going to come back and compete next year, that his decision to take this offseason out is very much in line with the stuff he's talked about before, which is he wants to get another solid year, very meticulous, and set himself up for potentially his last chance to win the games next summer. Who's that running out onto the field?
Starting point is 00:56:53 I didn't even recognize that girl. All right, guys. I'll see you tomorrow. Brian was rushing just now, rushing to to see. All right. We're going to be on after this event. What he can do to scrape two nickels together instead of get abused on this show. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I'll see you in about an hour, brother. Thanks, John. Sounds good. Bye. Bye.

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