The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Event 5

Episode Date: October 31, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Spam. We're live. Let me see this leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:00:35 What kind of crazy talk is John talking? Saying Tia got sick. You probably won't go to heaven for saying shit like that. Come down here. Are you tired? Am i tired yeah like like we just did a lot of shit today uh no i'm probably going to do a little little workout thing when we're done after this podcast i have to work out me too but you have you already worked out today he had a long uh endurance thing what's that what's your long endurance thing all right it's something i saw patrick melner post and uh
Starting point is 00:01:11 it's basically just an hour good dude an hour long uh biker intervals with like a burpee air squat amrap once each interval is done sounds horrible holy cow you're not joking yeah you took sixth oh my god hayley hayley adams danielle brandon carolyn privo and kristin holta holte Holta. Holta. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Andy better buy them some isotoner gloves. You probably don't remember that commercial. You probably weren't even born.
Starting point is 00:01:57 There was a quarterback, Dan Marino, and he buys gloves for all his like. It was like a commercial for like some hand gloves. And the quarterback would buy gloves for like all of his linemen for protecting him so well. That's incredible. Okay. Thoughts. What is tia is tia victim of allergies i don't maybe i don't know i haven't heard anything uh maybe ryan knows more about that but um yeah it shocked me too i mean she did she did about how she did last time um annie was much faster i think annie was 30 seconds faster than her yes we're 19 uh oh from okay what was her time in 2019 um let me get it i have it here she has 533 i mean she beat uh tia by 24 seconds today. Man.
Starting point is 00:02:49 There's nothing about those movements that's particularly hard for Tia, right? No. The other girls just went faster. There's not really much explanation. Like, she looked like she was going. Amanda Barnhart took 19th. I think that's even more crazy. That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:13 But you know what else is nuts is Gabriela and Laura Horvath didn't do so good either. Yeah, Laura got seventh in this in 2019. So, I mean, she didn't do bad, but she wasn't really great either. Annie killed everybody in 2019 so i mean she didn't do uh bad but she didn't you know wasn't really great either annie killed everybody in 2019 she did the exact same thing here um and then tia was fourth in 2019 and sixth this time around uh can you name off the girls that beat her beat who beat tia in this event today yeah let me just say one thing really quick and i and i want you to respond to this after you're done you can think about it uh let it gestate for a second i think all we're seeing is is that 225 pounds is actually really light for the women
Starting point is 00:03:57 because i'm thinking if this was 265 pounds maybe maybe Laura Horvat and Amanda Barnhart would have done better. But we'll get back to that. Okay. These are the women who beat Tia this year in this workout. Annie, Haley Adams, Kristen Holta, Daniel Brandon, Carolyn Prevost. So of those women, only Kristenin holte and annie were in we're at 2019 and kristin holte got ninth um and she got and she beat tia this time whoa what do we have here how is that even real randy what are you doing i thought you is i thought you were dead didn't you
Starting point is 00:04:45 die of a drug overdose or some shit i don't know man just enjoying the night he has allergies does tia have allergies what's going on why did tia take six i think basically what we're seeing is is that 225 pounds is really light for these women I think that's what all that this workout is saying is that the women of the CrossFit in the CrossFit you know a pantheon the CrossFit game with female CrossFit Games athletes 225 is not heavy for them I think that's what this says Haley Adams took third. I mean, not Danielle Brandon. Who was the other one? Carolyn Prevost. Actually, I've been talking about this for a year and I've been thinking about writing an article that highlights it. I just haven't done all the research yet. But the relative weights of men's and women's weights, like 70 percent or 68 percent or whatever it historically is.
Starting point is 00:05:43 or 68% or whatever it historically is. It's like pretty clear to me at this point that the women will, will beat the men on, you know, on a majority of those workouts because it's really like they're getting relatively stronger. 65, 95, 95, 135. They fixed this in as far as aerobic machines go, because in the echo bike it's 3240, which is 80%. And 80% and it's 70% 225 and 315.
Starting point is 00:06:07 80% would be 250. And 250, I think, would yield a different result, as you said, Sevan. I'm trying to get the, yeah. I mean, basically, we're just, I don't want to pick on Haley Adams, but basically what she is showing is that not being one of the stronger athletes, the fact that she won this shows that 225 is just not – Well, she got third. Or third. It's just not heavy.
Starting point is 00:06:35 The fastest men's time in this workout? But, Savan, we also – we should know that when Haley can move the weight, even if it's a high percentage of her max potentially, she has a great capacity to move that weight for reps. Haley moves 90% of her maxes much better than most people. Can you say the same for Annie? I would say Annie is the other way around. I think Annie has maxes that might be higher, but she would move 90% of her max slower than somebody like Haley. Same thing for Guy.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Same thing for Guy. Guy's max is incredible, but you take 90% of Guy's max, he would not be able to move that the way somebody like Vellner could because he lost way less. He lost, Brian. The camera was on Carolyn Prevo, who took second place in this workout, and she was basically dribbling the weight. It was impressive.
Starting point is 00:07:41 It was impressive. She's amazing at deadlifting. Who, Prevo? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Brian, I thought you vanished. Brian, you're back? You came back?
Starting point is 00:07:55 I don't know. I can hear you guys. Oh. Fuck is wrong? Did the commentators ever talk about Mal's's no reps the only reason why i know she had no reps is because john uh sent us that screenshot of the of the famous no rep hand movement i didn't watch anybody did you did you did you hear anything i didn't i didn't hear them talk about mal's no reps but i know she got a no rep on the pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I don't know how many I know she got. I know she got one. And then the deadlifts, I saw at least three no reps and her screaming why. She didn't know why she got any no reps. And she was very frustrated at the end. The commentator said she was really frustrated at the end. But at least I didn't hear them talk about her eating no rep we're five workouts in and the only other time that i think we've
Starting point is 00:08:51 talked about no reps is we were speculating that madaris got a no rep i did text madaris and ask him and he says he he you know he says he doesn't even know if he got a no rep which is i think that's just his his way maybe of brushing me off in the text in a nice way um uh but he definitely definitely did not get a no rep for that i actually talked to a couple people who were there and they said that um that like there were a lot of questionable reps for a lot of athletes on that workout and they really weren't giving out no reps on the rope times so the um you know obviously it happened to jason smith and it was bad but bad for him but i think a lot of people were riding the line close on that. Okay, so then that's my question.
Starting point is 00:09:32 So, oh, and was that – Brian, was that in regards to they were dropping off as opposed to not touching the top? Dropping or not showing control before the bottom or below the black line. Okay. It wasn't easy to see on those roads. or not showing control, but before the bottom or below the black line. Okay. Go again, John. There's a black line on the ropes that you have to show control. That's like halfway down the rope or a little under halfway down the rope. And you have to show control or the rep doesn't count. You can't just drop off from the top.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Okay. Well, it's just interesting that that i i i just feel like we haven't heard a lot about that it's important for us to know that stuff as the viewers but i'm also wondering if it's just a um a more lenient um judging crew than we have at the games i feel like at the games the no reps always play kind of a big role every year or at least there's a lot of noise about them i think that the athletes all have a very similar perspective on this which is i'm you know i'm expecting to get no reps at times but i'm trying my best not to fair fair uh what do you think about hopper what happened i mean um it's just a big range of motion i didn't expect him to do as bad as he did. I didn't
Starting point is 00:10:49 think it would be the best event for him. Um, but it, it, it was bad. Uh, I don't know if he blew up or not, but he does have a longer range of motion on his deadlifts. He doesn't cycle them as fast as other people do. Well, I do watch Melaner Medeiros or Chandler Smith. They cycled them as fast as other people do well i do watch melanin maderos or chandler smith they cycled their deadlifts very very fast and he does not he's slow through the movement um and then his burpee pull-ups again he's just got a longer way to go down on burpees than the others do dude this this is one of those things when you talk about like splitting hairs between athletes yeah he can do that workout unbroken he can move through it at a consistent pace but his consistent pace isn't breakneck pace on deadlifts and against that caliber of field that's not good enough no when
Starting point is 00:11:35 the average guy is five foot nine it makes a huge difference when everybody can go unbroken i don't even think i don't know that it's necessarily the height i think it's it's just that like ability to to control the eccentric to go back up without losing your score because your core because vignot is pretty big caron's pretty big velner's six feet tall and these guys are able to do it yeah yeah it's possible are you allowed to bounce the bar you are right i mean it's just basically bottom to top you're allowed to do whatever aren't you they probably have a written rule saying no bouncing of the barbell but it's rarely um that's it's a gray it's a gray area yeah i mean i i don't think you can enforce it i mean you can take your hands off it you could could do release deadlifts like you do release handstand pushups or release pushups, hand release pushups.
Starting point is 00:12:29 John, are the leaderboards updated right now? If so, what are the top fives? Start with the women. I know the women's are. The top five is Annie. Our first is Annie. She's up by 15 points over Tia. And then we got Gabby McCullough.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Dude, he called this this this morning he said it was possible at the end of the day that annie would be in first place and brian laughed at me i won't say that dude annie crazy crazy crazy crazy the real question is the real question is avon you know you were on to this i think what you were asking right when I came on is, is this attributable to Annie just being dialed in? Or is Tia, is something not right with Tia, whether it's lack of preparation or allergies or who knows what? What do you think about Christoph saying that thing about Houdet? I didn't think that that was really too personal for him to reveal that or to start any rumors. But we saw Vellner yesterday.
Starting point is 00:13:30 He was miserable. Miserable. And allergies are a real thing. For sure. For sure. But, you know, Houdet, I'm not sure if Kristoff had seen what Andre what Andre had put up on his Instagram account and who knows what conversations are having on the back. And he wants to respect, you know, some degree of their privacy and let them make a statement on their own.
Starting point is 00:13:53 So I can get why he wouldn't want to say that. Should I just text Shane right now and be like, um, I'm not going to get a response, but I'll do it. Um, uh, how John, while he's doing that, what's the, what's the gap? I'm not going to get a response, but I'll do it. John, while he's doing that, what's the gap in points between Tia, Gabby, Laura? So Tia and Gabby, the gap is 45 points between Tia and Gabby. And then between Gabby and Laura is 20 points. And then I think this is the most interesting one. And then between Gabby and Laura is 20 points.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And then I think this is the most interesting one. Haley is 40 points away from Laura with a strict handstand push-up event coming up. And I think – Yeah, and Haley has a tiebreaker because she's won an event. Correct. And I also would say Annie has the tiebreaker if her and Tia end up tying because she's won two events. So far, but if Tia wins one more, then her second will carry. And I kind of think Tia will win event six.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I think she will win event six also. I think, yeah, she should win that. Stefan, I want to go back out to the party. Can we see the men's top five? Sure. While we go to the men's top five, I just wanted to put something in perspective here real quick. So people understand how much 315 pounds is 315 pounds is is uh 16 27 inch imax um 315 bat one pound bags of good dude's coffee uh it's about the average
Starting point is 00:15:19 weight of a refrigerator it's about the average weight of a baby elephant, and it is also the average weight of someone who died from SARS-CoV-2. So, that lets you know 315 pounds is no fucking joke. But it's important to contextualize this shit. Look at Sousa. Look at Sousa. It's nothing better than a Sousa smile.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Look at Sousa. You guys can't see him. Damn. We can't see him, but that was one of the best, probably, three little cameos. What do you call them? One-liners. What do you call that when someone has a solo performance? I've had so many, Brian. I've had so many. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:15:55 That was a good one. I didn't see the last one coming on the list. Thank you. The men's has not been updated yet, but Medeiros is ahead of Vellner by 45 points. And then after that. No way. No way.
Starting point is 00:16:10 It should only be 35 because you said that Vellner beat him on that one. So it should close. Oh, yeah, 35. 35. My bad. My bad. I didn't mix that up. Sorry, Brian.
Starting point is 00:16:19 That five points. Come on, John. Come on, John. So 35 points. Medeiros would be ahead of Vellner. And then Adler will be in third. I don't know by how many until he gets up there. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:30 But Hopper is either second to last or third to last. He's around there. And Adler was only 10 points. Wow. 10 points behind him. So Adler might be comfortably in third place by the end of this and that and that workout tomorrow should be just fine for jeff and then uh travis did well travis is probably ahead as far as the next group goes so travis will probably that makes me so happy that he's doing well
Starting point is 00:16:59 or chandler or chat probably chandler chandler will be in fifth place and travis will be in sixth yeah chandler's putting himself right back in a top five conversation like he does every year at rogue yeah and he'll probably end up being fifth or sixth and people will still say that he underperformed uh we talked about this before and chase and finished the broadcast with it at least when when i was watching he basically said, holy cow, what does Vellner have to do? I mean, he wins, and we talked about it yesterday with Vellner. He wins, he does all that work, and yet he only gets five points. I mean, I think these are psychological death blows.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I mean, this has got to hurt. Oh, 100%. 100%. And he's talked about it. It's very obvious, and, yeah, it's got to be. Oh, 100%. 100%. And he's, I mean, he's talked about it. It's very obvious. And, yeah, it is. It's got to be. How many times can this happen?
Starting point is 00:17:49 You win the event, he's second. He wins the event, and you're fourth. And you're like, well, that's 10 more points. And I've done first, you know, it's got to hurt. It's got to hurt. How the game works. It is, but it's like he's, I he's very resilient he's always been resilient even if you go back to his rookie year he just has a slew of finishes fifth through 15th every event is
Starting point is 00:18:11 popping up there in the eighth tenth seventh spot um he doesn't give up he never stops fighting but when you're like coming to these expecting to win wanting to win think you can beat this guy and and you do you get an event that's great for you or you have a great execution on a workout and win it and you turn around and he's right there again taking second place over and over how many times can you do that without it taking its toll did you did chan did chan did chandler smith's uh sensor not work is that what happened is that why we're still waiting for the scores that's happened a bunch of times where someone hasn't you know the chip timers are sensitive i don't know you guys um all right carolyn prevost took a second place in that workout and you probably don't know why but i do know why so i'm gonna tell you her judge was chewing his gum like a goddamn cow.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Did you guys see that shit? I would have slapped the shit out of one of my boys if they were chewing their food like that. It was crazy. And she didn't want to be around that dude. It was the guy at the Burpee Pull-Up Bar. She did not want to be around that dude. And so she double-timed that shit and took second place. I just want to thank that judge.lyn prevo is one of my personal favorites
Starting point is 00:19:28 um but that judge have a great night boys you too brian uh brian what time we start tomorrow morning perfect perfect perfect oh my see look at uh someone says uh oh my god i totally saw that seven yeah i mean it was nuts it was like a joke you said the judge also looked like he was 12 years old i think you're i don't know if that was a he by the way but um that i mean that that chewing um i don't want to i don't want to mispronounce that. Comp train is smoked. Dunzio? Dunzi? Dunzo? Dunzo?
Starting point is 00:20:10 Nero, they focused on stupid shit, then actually game. They focused on stupid shit. Well, Chandler's in fifth right now. I mean, he's doing fine. I think he'll be their best athlete, though. I'm leaning towards your thought about Katrin Savant. The more I watch her, the more,
Starting point is 00:20:29 the more I think that she's, her best days are behind her. I think she got like a TV show deal or she got a new sponsor for her Instagram or her husband, her new dudes is rich, but she's just, she just seems just a little checked out. Maybe she's pregnant.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I don't know, but she just seems a little checked out. Like, yeah. Uh, anyone watching the strong man events, their fans in the chat are complete pricks. Yeah. It's pretty, but it's fun, isn't it? I mean, it's, it's, it's pretty good. Uh, the comments are... Why does Rogue have the comments up there on the side?
Starting point is 00:21:08 I don't think... When... I think it was actually Katrin, when she finished across the finish line, we couldn't even see her cross the finish line because the comments were taking that whole side of the screen. What do you think, John? Do you like the comments running down the side?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Not really. It's not when everybody's just being mean on them. I'm kind of shocked at how much negativity the CrossFit is getting because I feel like they're the majority of the show. Well, dude, this is going to sound like I'm being mean, but people who watch Strongman are like, those are people who live in their mom's basement and have spent every extra cent on fucking steroids i mean they it is
Starting point is 00:21:53 i keep up with a strong man though it's the lowest of low self-esteem groups it's the dudes with like with tiny dicks and just i mean i'm this isn't my opinion this is just like i'm just telling you the facts like i like strong man i'm just i like it but just it's it's it's um it's just a bizarre you know those fish like those oscars you ever seen those oscars like they sell them at aquarium shops and they're like there'll be one that's been there for like too long it's been there for like 15 years and it's starting like to grow barnacles on it and shit and its lips all deformed like that's what these guys do they have a pathology or a sickness that makes them just want to be so strong and for what and it i mean i like it i like it but it's just um it's kind of like this weird bubble of growth or
Starting point is 00:22:37 possession or pathology on in in it's just weird i I mean, taking anything to an extreme is weird. That thing is just really weird. I can lift three thousand pounds, but I can't wipe my own ass. Sacrifices I make to be this strong. I mean, it's just weird. It's just I'm not going to hate on them. I'm not hating. I'm not hating.
Starting point is 00:22:58 That's not even hating. I'm telling you the truth. If you can't wipe your own ass, you can't wipe your own ass. OK, it's fair. Someone said Cheeto fingers i don't know what that means but i was watching the um the the event right now uh the crossfit games event and i have a friend over and he's one of five boys and he was telling me that um we were talking about he and he also has a son and we were talking about when you should let your son pee in the toilet um because they the toilet because young boys make a mess and they pee all over this place. And he said he was one of five boys and his mom and dad would throw Cheetos on the ground outside and they would have to hit the Cheetos.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And that's how they worked on their aim. So anyone who wants to train a boy on how to improve his aim with peeing, I thought that that was a piece of wisdom that i should pass along to you something i learned while watching crossfit today what else did i learn uh i don't know i think i'm done anything else john um no i think tia i think tia is going to have a very good event tomorrow morning and i think annie is probably going to it's going to be damage control for her um it's not i think it's the same for laura even more so uh i wouldn't be shocked if hayley adams is fourth after event six um which is surprising considering how low she was. Because she was like 13th at the start of the day.
Starting point is 00:24:29 She moved ahead the most out of anybody, men or women. Haley? Yeah. God, it would be so easy to jump on the Haley Adams bandwagon. What's there not to like? She's so cool. Easy going. And everybody hates on her strength. She's only like 20 pounds
Starting point is 00:24:47 away on her front squat. That's it from it not being a problem. If you look at the women ahead of her, if she were to get 15 more pounds on the Bella complex, she'd be 12th instead of 19th. And that's all it would take for her to be ahead of people like laura or gabby that's all it would take it's that 20 pounds and that's not much if you really think about it um you should um you should text her that that's some good shit that's like some motivational shit only 15 pounds i like that she's got she's got smarter minds in her ear than me nah everyone likes to hear from an outsider. Um,
Starting point is 00:25:27 Chase is very repetitive. What are your thoughts on Chase? I like Chase. I, I, I have not thought one time. I mean, there's been some,
Starting point is 00:25:35 some things I disagree with, but there's not one time where I'm like, Hey dude, shut up. I'm like, I'm actually interested in, in knowing what he's seeing, what he's hearing, what I'm, I really enjoyed. It was him and Sean, right?
Starting point is 00:25:48 Sean Woodland. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, uh, like part of me doesn't want to say anything nice. So the fact that, um, I have nothing negative to say, I think, uh, I think that that says volumes uh only one part of tomorrow's event is strength hayley will crush the rest what we don't know event seven so event seven could could be i think particularly travis is talking about um six tell me the tell me the movements in the chipper one more time i want to write them down here and just look at them so the chipper and i actually did this one um you did it today i did it yesterday at my gym oh thanks susa it's a 45 oh you see if it popped up yeah there you go
Starting point is 00:26:37 why different row for men and women who cares uh? It's actually, I'm surprised it's not a bigger difference. If it is only going to be a five cal difference, I agree with you. I don't, it's kind of, doesn't matter. If it was 35, 45, that would make more sense. And let's just go through these and just appease the dummy inside of me the boxes the box step-ups are higher for men because men are taller on average yep okay and then the men lift
Starting point is 00:27:12 so so sorry for those of you who can't see this um it's a 40 45 calorie row it's 35 box step-ups to a 24 20 inch box uh with 70 and 50 pounds depending on what sex you are 30 strict handstand push-ups like okay so like that one well we'll come back to it 15 ring muscle-ups jerry can carry 100 and for men 70 for women 15 ring muscle-ups 30 strict handstand push-ups uh 35 box step-ups with feedback again um and then finish with the row. Why finish with a row? Cause that creates a race. So make it a sprint then make it a sprint so we can see that shit.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Well, I mean, it will be at the end. So if, if people are near each other, so the 30, the, the,
Starting point is 00:27:59 the big maker break is the 30 strict handstand pushups and 15 ring muscle ups. Um, you have to pace that. It's 60 strict handstand pushups and 30 ring muscle ups total. That's a lot. And it's basically a muscle fatigue workout. It is not a cardio-esque workout.
Starting point is 00:28:18 But once you're done with those handstand pushups, you can push those box step-ups and the row. After those handstand pushups, it'll be a race if there are people close to each other. But other than that, it's just who paces or can do the best at handstand pushups and ring muscle ups. rationale is that they change the row the calories for row for men and women and the height of the box um for men and women and the weight of the of the implements why wouldn't you um also do something to the handstand push-ups like allow the women to kip or let make the men do a deficit am i not thinking about it right um no the uh i'm not thinking about it right the range of motion is already different because women have smaller or shorter arms okay so their range of motion is shorter than men's are okay it
Starting point is 00:29:14 ends up even now the the people who are the best at straight handstand push-ups for the women are just as good if not better than the man look at at Carrie Pierce. Carrie Pierce beat everybody at a handstand pushup workout. Fair. BKG may be done. Michael Barton says BKG may be done for podiums. Sad. I like him. When Michael says this, is he talking about all podiums? And what's your opinion on that? Are we seeing a decline in BKG? I know. I think he's just talking about Rogue. I think it's just off event. I I think it's just an off event.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I don't know what's going on with him. I don't know if the allergies are with him or two. Or if it's just been bad events for him. But he usually does better than this. I expect him to be the same BKG the next competition he does. But yeah, I think he's done for the podium too as far as Rogue goes. but yeah i think he's done i think he's done for the podium too as far as road goes um matt can you pull up the events and take us back to the go rut uh go ruck event i think that was event number one right we got a doozy here for you look at this one i don't know if this is true let's double
Starting point is 00:30:17 check this you see this one john yeah i think they had 20 pounds not 30 or okay yeah it wasn't the same okay so so the question was why uh women had same go ruck weight uh renata we're seeing here that it was different and uh john knew that too nice trying to throw a curveball in there um send me your venmo send you some money for trying to fuck john up uh six ibs would have gotten her 13th, I believe. Six pounds, six. Oh, Bryce Tucker. I think that's in reference to Haley Adams. Right, yeah. I mean, but six pounds on the Bella complex.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I'm talking about 20 pounds on just her front squat max. And you can't equivalent a front squat to a Bella complex. But 20 pounds would give her 10 pounds for sure. 10 pounds more. So that's what I'm saying. Do you think Carrie is finally getting as much airtime as discussion as O'Brien? Who's Carrie? Emma Carrie.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I know. I'm just fucking around. Emma Carrie's is, is getting more attention this weekend for sure, I think. I mean, they've shown that basically if you're not in the lead, you're not getting attention. The games is kind of like that too. Or if you're not just a big name.
Starting point is 00:31:36 The games really neglected Noah a lot even this year, and he's a big name. It was weird. Yeah, and Mal O'Brien had that historic historic event for when and it was kind of a race against her and tia so i i could see why the games chose to focus on her because after that it was the mal show as far as the 17 year olds went there are these people that get a lot of attention now and again and then if they don't do something to repeat it it's kind of like what have you done for me lately so mal got a lot of attention because she's young emma carrie's starting to get some because she's
Starting point is 00:32:07 young we saw cody same thing happened to cody anderson we saw the same thing happen to um sam sam samuel quant when he first came on the scene he was very young we saw the same thing happen to ben smith the difference with ben smith is he he he fucking capitalized on that shit he ended up becoming the crossFit Games champion. But when he showed up, he was super young, too. I mean, Annie's similar. Annie was very young. Annie got a ton of attention.
Starting point is 00:32:32 She's one of the first foreigners, too, showing up at Dave's house from... Iceland. Iceland, yeah. No, Greenland. Greenland. Iceland. Finland. Iceland. We'll go with Iceland. Hayley No, Greenland, Greenland, Iceland, Finland, Iceland.
Starting point is 00:32:45 We'll go with Iceland. Uh, Haley is kicking ass. Haley is crushing it. Do you think, okay, how about this one? So you had mentioned, I think this was you had mentioned John and it was a really nice answer. Um, and I apologize if it was Brian who said it, that you thought that, um, that Tia had a balance as opposed to fraser fraser was just singly obsessed and that tia had a nice balance of uh athletic expression in her life that might be preventing burnout uh at least i think that's what you're insinuating that would make it so she
Starting point is 00:33:19 would be in the sport longer what do you think about this though um so i was that was brian i'm just gonna okay so that was brian i said that i agree i agree though? So that was Brian. I'm just going to give it. So that was Brian that said that. I agree with him, but that was a great point. Do I think the bobsled thing affected Tia's performance? No, I don't. I don't. I do think she's more peaked at the games than she currently is showing. I think it's a possibility she didn't peak to her full fitness abilities
Starting point is 00:33:47 for this competition. And I could be wrong and Annie is just great. But as far as what I've seen from Tia, Tia has shown that she, like Fraser, is dominant and way better than everybody else. So when she doesn't show that, i'm trying to search for reasons why she why that is happening and the obvious like the most um the most likely thing is just that she didn't train as hard for this event as she would for the games or allergies or allergies correct yeah or allergies i didn't know that would be part of the equation when we got here. Or she feels bad for everybody. It's just holding back. Yeah. Shane's like enough of this beating up on everyone.
Starting point is 00:34:35 So do you think the new kids will do good on this next workout tomorrow? And they wrote Haley, Mal, Guy and Emma. But Haley's not a new kid. Right. Felipe. You could say young kids. Right. But she's not new ma'am right no this is uh she was three times in the games uh second time at rogue so no she's i think she's established as far as a competitor yeah and i do think they will i gee such a wild card to me. But I think Haley, Mal, and Emma, I think that these three are not afraid to grind at all. I think Haley and Mal will shine tomorrow
Starting point is 00:35:13 on event six. I think they will both do really good at event six. I wouldn't be shocked if Mal beat Haley in this one. I don't know if she will or not, but I think both of them two will do very good i think emma will be middle of the pack and uh guillermo middle of the pack to not good uh my suggestions would be my predictions felipe say felipe said yeah i meant young i know but it
Starting point is 00:35:37 was either way either way how you worded it it just brings up a good um point felipe i didn't mean it to be a dig at you um mr lock bombbaum, too, like I don't want to touch this question, but I definitely have an answer for you. Why did Carrie Pierce never get the attention she deserved? She didn't get the attention she deserved because of who she is. That's it. She's not a bad person. She's a quiet person. She's extremely reserved.
Starting point is 00:36:00 She was more – this is my opinion. This is not truth. This is 100% my opinion. She's quiet quiet she's more reserved she is more difficult to interview i honestly i haven't talked to her in years so i i think she's really come out of her shell when i see her on social media now she seems like a different person but when she came on the scene this young lady was quiet and she was uh um a bit of a loner kind of kind of like um trying to think who else is like
Starting point is 00:36:27 that you know sam samuel quanta was always quiet in the back a bit of a loner even ben smith took a long time um these are people like laura yeah laura horvat um life is is high school it's about the popular kids it It never changes. And it's okay. You have to get over saying it's not fair. It's fair. It's okay. And,
Starting point is 00:36:49 and some, you know, you might be the popular kid in second grade. You might be the popular kid in high school. You might be the drug addict. Then after high school, even though you were the homecoming queen, it's always changing,
Starting point is 00:36:58 but life is like high school. And she was just, um, yeah, she, just based on her performance, she deserves a shitload more attention. Insane beautiful body, insane performance. Like she has all the pieces.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I think it was just her personality. You got to be able to put yourself out there. And then there's these special people that come along like Rich who have both. I mean absolutely both. He has the beautiful body body the beautiful face the the performance that's like otherworldly and then the the fucking mouth of kindness um angelic you know words that just pour out of them so it's kind of like but but but i think it's as superficial as that and i don't mean superficial in a bad way. I mean it just like in a literal way.
Starting point is 00:37:45 My opinion. Seven, you're right about Carrie. She also – I'm not thirsty for attention, a.k.a. doing it for the gram. Sure. Fair enough. But you know what? I want to tell you something. I would try to think of a good example of this. People should don't be afraid to take risks in life. If you don't like, if you don't like where you end up going, you can change
Starting point is 00:38:10 directions. I think in height, you only have one shot at this life. And although I, I'm not judging Carrie Pierce for a respect for the path that she took and she chose, but I think it's better to, um, to, to put yourself out there and just try. And then if you didn't like it, then, then you can throw it all away or you can go into hiding if you want. I guess what I mean by that is, um, this is the example I'm going to give. This lady hit my wife as she was going through a crosswalk and it was the lady's fault and it really fucked my wife up and she almost had to have her leg amputated and it ended her career as a yoga instructor and when the lawsuit was going down um uh it was clear my wife was going to get a shit ton of money and my wife felt bad for this lady even though it wasn't going to come
Starting point is 00:38:56 out of the lady's pocket per se right because she had insurance and the lawyer said look if you get get this money when when it's to slam dunk win the case, and if you feel bad afterwards, you can give the money back. And it was like – what's funny is my wife didn't know. My wife ended up having like six surgeries and almost losing her leg. And so, you know, like it all made sense when it was at the end of the dun. It actually was never enough money for what she lost. No one wants to lose – I don't want to lose any mobility for any millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:39:31 So I'm just saying. I'm just saying. So tying this back to Carrie Pierce, if – I get it. Maybe you're saying she doesn't want the attention, but hey, man, if you have the platform and you muster up a million followers, do it. Maybe you're saying she doesn't want the attention, but like, Hey man, if you have the platform and you can, and you muster up a million followers, do it. And then you can talk to him or not talk to him.
Starting point is 00:39:51 It's up to you. You can throw it all away when you're done. But at the end of the day, you only get one shot at this. I mean, look what Fraser's doing. I mean, that,
Starting point is 00:39:58 that he's making bank right now. He's, he's business manning it. We all know he's doing it and we're all fucking around him like puppy dogs, and it's cool. We're all good with it. He's striking while the iron is hot. Those reasons are BS, which is why I hate that they don't shine light
Starting point is 00:40:23 on those incredible athletes like Pierce. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. That's also why Mal will always get more coverage than Emma. Who knows, man? That's the way it looks now. Who knows, though? Who knows? But we'll see. You know, Emma's young. All these girls can still—we haven't even heard Emma say a word yet. Speaking of which, Susan, we've got to get her on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:40:50 BKG is still going to take third. That's nice. That's nice. I mean, it would feel comfortable if he did, right? That's what we want. That's the norm. Well, once the leaderboard gets updated, he be uh around eighth place so i doubt it but maybe he'll shock the world he has 245 points you're saying it's going to get even worse for
Starting point is 00:41:18 him he's currently in six you're saying it's going to get worse. John. Yeah. Chandler took third in that workout. Travis Mayer took fourth in that workout. Um, I'm pretty sure Alexander Caron did very well in that workout. Uh, Jason Hopper might still be ahead of him. He had a 70 point lead. That's four guys that'll that, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:41 three that should jump him and four that could. Um, so he'll be around eighth, ninth by the end, Three that should jump him and four that could. So he'll be around eighth, ninth by the end, about once the leaderboard updates. I worry Hopper won't live up to the expectations. It's almost impossible. Let's be fair to him. It's almost impossible for him. What are the expectations?
Starting point is 00:42:00 That he's the next Pat Vellner at bare minimum. That he either has to become the next, um, guy to win the games or he has to be the greatest foil. And that's what kind of what hot Vellner was, right? He just kept, um, Fraser on his toes and that's going to be. Medeiros is foil. Is that what you're saying? Either that or he, or he has to say Medeiros has to be his foil, but man, it's, um, it's –
Starting point is 00:42:26 I think he'll get there. I don't think he's there, but I think he will improve. It's asking a lot. It's asking a lot. Yeah, but he's done phenomenally better considering how he did at the games. And this is the guy that we all thought was this guy at the mac um i think i think it's i think what he's done here and at and at the mac is who he is and not what he did at the games i think the games taught him a few lessons
Starting point is 00:43:00 and we can expect hopper to be very competitive in top six top five every time he gets into a competition yeah but that's i agree but that's not like that's that's not um that's not our expectations are i mean maybe i'm wrong i'm reading into it i don't know what nicholas's expectations are but my expect when i when see expectations, expectations are podium every single time and really first place. And look at all these people who, I mean, look at Jeffrey Adler, what the statement he's making here at Rogue.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Look at Guy just jumping onto the scene. I mean, it's just to get to the top of this heap. And that's what I'm saying. I know Brian and you keep saying, well, Vellner took first, second and third place in the um in those three events that were before the last three events of the games but just where madaris did it at those last three it's so crazy and not everyone only one person can be doing this and then look how great everyone who's trying to do it there's no it's not like there's not there's not one bad dude yeah not even there's a hundred guys
Starting point is 00:44:12 who didn't make it to the crossfit games who are fucking like i'm more impressed with what maderos is doing right now than what he did at the games like it is hugely impressive what he did at the games but you know you're super impressed with his three two one and his last three events that's what you're referring to right yeah yeah velner beat was two one until the last event velner beat him two out of those three events and was second in first and if he would have tried on the last event which we've talked about before he would have been fourth or fifth and i know maderos won it and what maderos did was hugely impressive and he's was his fittest man in the world but what he's doing at rogue right now he's like soundly the fittest person at this competition and i did
Starting point is 00:45:00 not look at him like that before this competition started. And he's impressed me like crazy. In my opinion, he's the fittest man in the world. And we're all rooting for Vellner to be better because Medeiros has no weaknesses. He's not as dominant as Fraser. He's not as good as Fraser, but he's not weak anywhere. And he's on route. He's on route. He's on route. He'd have to keep improving.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Like, so Fraser was what Medeiros was, but then got better every year and made this gap that nobody could, nobody could jump. Medeiros was this guy though. We just didn't see it. When you say you're more impressed with what he's doing here, you didn't know it was going to be like this.
Starting point is 00:45:45 It's us who didn't know, but he always was that guy. Meaning if he was sitting at home on his couch right now and didn't show up here, he'd still be that guy. I mean, he's that guy. But I didn't see him as that guy, and this competition has made me see him as that guy. Medeiros is impressive. I'm sure V velner is thinking
Starting point is 00:46:05 maybe i got to talk to ricky before madaris gets older never never i think he's insinuating that velner would get on the sarms uh gee training at mayhem will tell a lot how his future can be haley ran him into the ground when he got there so it'll be interesting to see how or if he can hang yeah and don't forget about lazar man i think lazar is an insane competitor and uh he's going to uh i'll say this about guillermo if guillermo's weaknesses are basically what hayley's strengths are and then vice versa but that hurts him more than it hurts Haley because it hurts Haley in one or two events. And his, if he has, you know, CrossFit is more cardio than it is lifting. Every single event has an aerobic piece to it, except the max out event.
Starting point is 00:46:59 There's some gymnastics events that are the exception, but I do think Mayhem will help him a ton but if he has trouble getting aerobic capacity the way haley has trouble getting strong i i think it'll be harder for him to improve than it will haley as far as his placement in the fitness world he's still amazing i mean he's top 10 at this competition but as far as like getting on the podium and we're winning if he has the same trouble that Haley has getting strong, building a rubble capacity, I think it would be harder for him than it is Haley. That makes any sense. Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 00:47:36 You know what else is crazy though, too, about him speaking of tying this back to Carrie Pierce, he's going to be a superstar because if he can just win that one of of if he can make it to the games and just win that one heavy lifting event every year especially with that frame and everybody obviously he looks buff and stuff but he's no like you know paul trembley or or you know he doesn't go out there he doesn't or tommy hackenbrook they just look like brick shit houses right yeah yeah he has a svelteness to him and like uh he yeah he he can be a real superstar even if he never wins the games he's got he's got that thing you know that that thing you know it's not quite as cultivated as josh bridges but he got it the uh crossfit wasn't as big back then but neil maddox had a ton of people who loved him and it was just because he was the strongest one there yeah and and although neil was like big when you stood next to him too,
Starting point is 00:48:26 once again, he, he, there, he had this like kind of thin ripness to him to step on out, hand out candy to trick or treaters. No, but I do let my kids go trick or treating and I do let them have a few
Starting point is 00:48:36 pieces of candy. And then when they go to sleep, I throw that shit away. And I think every year, at least one of my kids has gotten sick, like had like two or three pieces of candy and gotten sick. And I just sit there and go, told you,
Starting point is 00:48:47 I told you, uh, tomorrow morning we start with the chipper. Uh, it is at 9 30 AM central time. That is 7 30 AM Pacific standard time. Oh shit. It's early.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Yeah. I don't think we'll be doing a pre-game show okay um but uh we will jump on right after if uh john's around or if brian's around and then we'll be excited to hear uh what event seven is and then we'll do don't ask that after event six i do right after i think they'll gather i mean at least that's what they do at the games i think they'll gather them all around so we can come on right after they announce it then okay uh gg strong we have been spoiled with tia and matt correct winning every event all the time. Greatness is amazing to watch, but remember, Fraser had one event win his first year, so Justin. Yep.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Fair. Burpee pull-ups were pathetic. Brian will be hungover. Party animal. Well, if Brian is hungover and he doesn't make it here tomorrow, what I will do is I will send him a link to, and I'll say, brother, our time is done, but you're about to go on a new adventure.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And he'll go to and get a new gig. All right, I'm going to jump off here. See you tomorrow. Bye. Guys, tomorrow when we do the final wrap up show, we'll probably do a live call in show. It'll be me. I don't think Brian's actually going to be here tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:50:32 He's already told me. So it would be me and John Young and Matt Sousa. Hey, is that weird when I just bring you on like that? And I don't tell you Matt, like, like, Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Oh shit. Like what if you were naked? Oh, I just cut you off. What if you were naked? I don't tell you matt like like oh shit oh shit like what if you were naked oh i just cut you off what if you were naked i don't know i wouldn't i wouldn't be naked i would stay dressed just stay dressed all the time in case you could still see me on the back end so just like like you're doing a little naked dance for me and then i just turn it on hey guys look what i'm looking at yeah like you did the other day when I was half awake and I got on and I was in a dark cave. Right. There's a garage. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:51:10 You're not at home. No, I'm at my parents' house right now. Oh, cool. Burpee pull-ups are pathetic. Athletes got away with ridiculous reps. Andes were perfect. Oh, what do you mean? Like they didn't get their chin over the bar?
Starting point is 00:51:20 Like what's a pathetic? I don't know what a pathetic burpee pull-up is. I mean, basically, it's getting your chin over the bar and then falling flat to the ground that's all that matters right i mean it's about the range of motion at least that's what i remember being taught in my l one some of them ended up some interesting strategies there was a lot of stepping back stepping up i don't know if you saw chandler smith he did like the weird slow like push up and then like then stood up and almost did like a, well, he's a little bit shorter,
Starting point is 00:51:48 so he had to jump, do a little more strict pull-up. His jump was weird. He jumped and then he almost like he doesn't grab his hands around the bar. It was just like the tips of his fingers. And then he has kind of, even his first one, he does like a little swing kip. It was a trip. Yeah, which is even more impressive because
Starting point is 00:52:04 he doesn't really have all his fingers. Oh. Someone said that he wishes he had a hand in the planning. Brian's probably drinking non-alcoholic beer. I agree. Okay, guys. We're out of here. Thanks for everything.
Starting point is 00:52:25 I'm exhausted.

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