The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Event 6

Episode Date: November 2, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. A little more interesting. Bam, live. Sorry to interrupt.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Say that again. I said I wish one person, one or two, could have middled Medeiros and Vellner just to make it a little more interesting. I know we don't know what the last event is yet but maderos would have to get seventh and velner would have to win for there to be for it to be tied and velner would win on tie break that is that is how he would win and maderos has not gotten lower than fifth the whole competition uh that that being oh look at tia is actually winning so chase and sean gave us the unofficial and it was that tia and annie were tied now we're looking at five yes yes we're looking at a new scoreboard and everyone else is basically out of the race there
Starting point is 00:01:21 i guess there's a slight race for third place on the podium between Haley Adams and Gabriella Magawa of 15 points, four 20 and four Oh five. Yeah. Haley made up so much on that event, like a ridiculous amount. Uh, MVP. I'm going to call it right now.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Um, for two reasons, it has to be Annie Thor's daughter for the entire event, both on men's and women's side. And here's why she, she is bringing the most excitement to a field that we had kind of written off. No,
Starting point is 00:01:56 everyone didn't. The women's event at the game was just looking at second and third place. And whether that's fair, fair or not to Tia, because it puts crazy pressure on her and we know she still has to work hard it's where we are as fans whatever but annie has rocked the whole thing she's she's she's changing the narrative right before our eyes and so that's the reason why she's mvp but the reason why it's uh it's so solidified and it doesn't matter what happens now is because she's an old dog doing it if this was a new cat we'd be like okay
Starting point is 00:02:26 cool all right you know but this is an old dog this is some weird this is this is some cinderella shit this is like what the ufc saw last night for those of you who are ufc fans a 42 year old former crossfitter glova to share a won the 205 poundpound light heavyweight division in the UFC last night. Crazy. I filmed that guy at his L1 like in 2008. He should be retired. Jon Jones, the greatest fighter of all time, held the place in that division, and now it's Glover Tishera at 42 years old.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Bizarre. And now we have it, Annie, trying to come back out of nowhere and get this. What the fuck? Jim, Jim, Jim, what are you doing? This isn't a calling show, buddy. What are you doing? What are you doing? This better be good.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Your mom likes me or something? What's going on? I miss you guys so much. I want to talk about it while I got things fresh in my mind. Is Danielle Brandon hurt? Is she disinterested? Does she miss Brian? What's the story?
Starting point is 00:03:22 She looks disinterested. John, you take this. She's mad because she didn't get to go with Mr. Elizabeth next to his macho man Savage. I don't get it. You take this, John. What's going on with Brandon? Give Jim something. I don't know the relations between Daniel, Brandon, and Brian, but I think the other girls are just fitter.
Starting point is 00:03:41 If you look at the last time she did Rogue, she was 18th or 19th. She was near the bottom, and I just think the other girls are just fitter if you look at the last time she did rogue she was 18th or 19th she was near the bottom and i just think the other girls are fitter i think we i think she might be a little overrated as far as how fit we think she is jim why don't you stop looking at other people and look at yourself you obviously have a bias because she's so fucking hot and you can't get her out of your mind and it's clouding your judgment And it's clouding your judgment, brother. It's clouding your judgment. I want you to do 20 burpees and do some meditation and think about what you're doing here, buddy. Dude, I agree.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I agree with John. I think she's overrated. I think everyone sees the hype. She's good looking. She's got a great body. I think she's overrated. Jim, I love you. Bye.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I love you. Bye. You hang up. I want to talk about your boy, Hopper. That boy did zero zero zero good thrusters on his second set of thrusters yesterday he did not his elbows were way in front of the bar never locked out overhead go back and look at it tell me i'm buying jim we've already established that the rogue judges are all high as i hung up we've already established the rogue judges are all high
Starting point is 00:04:42 as fuck and i kind of like it there is a there is a a a wiggle room shall we say there is a there's a uh uh uh uh an artistic element to this judging where they are not as strict they're not the assholes we see normally at a crossfit event yeah they're not as strict as the games that's for sure i don't mind it either i don't mind it hey uh did you hear tia's exit interview john with kiki what the fuck is going on about what first of all extremely charming extremely beautiful extremely easy to understand great voice the most like super present but there's this like nonchalantness about her this like i'm not taking it seriously like there's no pressure on her like i just write down here what did she say i mean she's basically avoiding the question she says she's here for the competition experience oh she loves getting the comp is she just saying
Starting point is 00:05:43 stuff like that till so she doesn't feel the pressure because this is asinine this is like i don't think so i don't i really don't think the pressure bothers her um she is nonchalant she doesn't have like as much of like the eye of the tiger the way we see her at the games it just it seems like she's not as um intense um and we never got that we never get that from fraser he's intense 24 7 uh john 250 000 not everyone's a fucking baller like you dude i'm not buying it it does seem that she's less focused than she would be at the games. She has the most experience out of anyone out there. All the athletes combined in experience in all the different sports.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I mean, she's incredible. She's here for the experience. I'm not buying it. She could say she's here for the competition experience at a non-peaked state. Maybe she wanted to see how she would do without training full throttle for three months on end. Because we know she took a break after the games. We know she's doing other things. know she took a break after the games we know she's doing other things and she wanted to see how she would do not not trained three months as intense as you can and i think she alluded i think she alluded to that too by the way that would be competition experience because you're you're doing
Starting point is 00:07:18 this competition against a games level field um just to see if you could still win. I mean, and I could see that being a possibility. I don't, I'm not going to say that that's what's happening, but I could see it as a possibility. Okay. By the way, anyone who's watching this, if you guys end up finding out about what event three is while the show is going on, please feel free to what did you say event seven yeah what did i say event three oh sorry final event of day three um please feel
Starting point is 00:07:53 free to write it in there and if you do do that um i will um i would suggest that it shows that you are very helpful in the field of crossFit and that you should pursue your career by going to and you can say, hey, I've contributed to the Sevan podcast. Put that on your resume. The Masters, the Legends. Okay, I just want to get this off my chest real quick. People are like, hey, some people are asking asking why doesn't crossfit have the legends event i want to explain to you what the legends event is in my opinion the legends event is basically bill and katie's
Starting point is 00:08:33 best friends it's not like really like a legends event i mean they happen to be some legends out there maybe most of them even but those are bill and katie's friends those are the people who sold the most t-shirts for bill and katie Those are people who know Bill and Katie the longest. That is not like a master's event. That event is nothing. As soon as you saw them partner, the two of those people, that's a time to go outside and play with your kids. You don't need to watch that. It's a formality. It garnishing that's parsley no one like only a few people eat that shit uh and i just wanted you to know that like it's um the crossfit games that master's event is a legitimate event those are savages out there competing most of those people and these people most of them who are in this legends event couldn't hang there any questions good okay quiet uh um hand the hand the handstand uh you're gonna talk about horvath uh no i'm scared i'm scared to talk about horvath what if what if we talk about her handstands and she never comes on the show
Starting point is 00:09:41 again i want to talk about that mat john what do you think about that mat that was out there that they were doing handstand push-ups on um i i mean i like it it's a two by three right what a normal box would be am i right in saying that i think so i think so um you know and if your fingers or if they have it where if your fingers come out of the mat i mean that's an easy way to judge it uh it's it's you know padding for their head they're not just going straight on the uh on the ground i know it's on turf so it's less it's not as bad it's just going to like a floor but i mean that's fine i'm fine with it easy yeah i like the idea like i don't know what the judging criteria is i like the mat from the judging thing like hey as long, as long as your hand's touching the mat.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It doesn't have to be on the mat. One hand can be. But as long as both hands are touching it somewhere, you're good to go. Thank you, Sousa. It appeared that as long as your fingers had to be on the mat, your fingers couldn't be outside of the mat, which makes me think it's the box that they did with the last game so or the last was it was it open or games where the box was a little bit bigger maybe it was quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:10:51 the box was bigger but your fingers couldn't touch look i'm watching a guy right now in the legends event um i think it's miko and his fingers are actually off the mat interesting i don't think they're gonna judge miko no no no no you can't. This is the Rogue event. We already said that. And he's probably one of the biggest breadwinners for Rogue. He can do what he wants. But here's my thing with that mat. What did you think about the softness of the mat? The mat looks soft.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Like as you pushed off of it, energy was going into the mat instead of transferring to your body going out. There's no way of knowing unless I actually did it on the mat myself. So I don't know. Okay. And they're doing it on grass there myself. So I don't know. Okay. And they're doing it on grass there. I guess they had to come up with some solution, but for the most part, I thought the mat was a brilliant idea from a fan's perspective.
Starting point is 00:11:32 It lets you know, okay, they got to stay in that box. Yeah, I agree. Um, I didn't like the Jerry can being called a Jerry can when it was a Jerry bag.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, the jerry can when it was a jerry bag i i i i those i i don't know what those bags felt like but i i i prefer the can i know i'm just splitting hairs but i prefer the can um do you have any opinions on that no i don't care what they call it it is i thought it would be a i didn't think it would be a bag either but it doesn't bother me um who's covering this event i'm not seeing are heber and mars at this event is anyone doing like a behind the scenes here is there a full-length you know like documentary being made about this i'm just not seeing i don't think so i know there are three one hour specials on cbs um but other than i i don't i don't know i haven't looked on their
Starting point is 00:12:27 channels at all i know fraser's doing a channel um where he's recording but it's more just what he thinks about the events it's not actual like documentary type stuff like the thing he did at the games yeah just like day one at the rogue invitational and stuff like that yeah like where you like you see him like eating something or sitting down oh look there's matt fraser sitting down oh there's matt fraser standing up there he is hugging justin madaris there he is drinking some podium that kind of shit yeah like you like that susan you know what i'm doing you like that getting all the sponsors in there yeah oh this morning i had to go to starbucks i'm so sorry but guys but i had to go to starbucks and i had to get a venti coffee because my
Starting point is 00:13:08 freaking coffee machine is broken see that i didn't say the f word oh then um vigno what happened why did vigno withdraw john what do we know um i'm not sure uh i can look on his instagram real quick, but I don't they didn't really give us any reason. They just said he had to withdraw. I this morning I text with arguably the greatest coach in CrossFit history. And I asked, is the allergy issue real on the field? And they said 100%. Who's the greatest coach?
Starting point is 00:13:51 I can't tell you that. I can't tell you. I can't reveal my source. You can figure it out yourself. And they said it's real. Notice how I'm not revealing what sex this coach is. They said it was real and it comes and goes and you don't even know. Like one minute it's there and one minute it's not and i'm not like a real uh expert on um allergies
Starting point is 00:14:10 thank you suza i must withdraw from the competition for medical reasons i couldn't do the last two workouts i mean what does that mean well it means he knows what the last workout is, but I doubt he knows what the last workout is. But I don't know if he has a lat hurting or something and it takes away from his pulling or a shoulder issue. That's the only thing I can think of. What about allergies? Why aren't you just saying that? OK, it's the allergy thing. I mean, we got we got we we suspected who day left because of that we know that velner's all jacked up he was sick for like nine days prior um like he had been dealing with an illness uh i don't i don't think anybody's gonna pull out for allergies i think
Starting point is 00:14:57 they're just gonna their performance will be hindered i don't think anybody's gonna pull out for that though okay uh he's talking about chris henshaw i think it's h to pull out for that, though. Okay. He's talking about Chris Henshaw. I think it's Henshaw with an I. And no, I am not talking about Henshaw. I'm talking about arguably the greatest CrossFit coach alive. Oh, Gershwin, that's awesome. I've never seen that picture of you before.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It's always so little, but when Sousa puts it up on the screen big like that, I can see your big old smiling face that's cool by the way gershwin if you uh want to look at my instagram story i did more than 50 burpees in a workout so i already paid up just letting you know i know you had a million times last video jessica's saying she saw heber and mars there i'm just wondering if they're filming. I mean, someone should be doing something. Someone should be doing. I'm sure they are. I just haven't looked. I haven't scoured YouTube for it. So we don't know what happened to Vigneau.
Starting point is 00:15:54 You don't think it's allergies. Ryan, you are a smart, smart man. I said that already. You did? Yeah. That was the first person I said and what was my response
Starting point is 00:16:07 you said you weren't revealing who it was yeah i absolutely am not going to reveal who it is um uh and what would you think about this john in the ufc they've started this thing well not not started but basically in fights you get to hear what's going on in the corners. You know, in between rounds, they'll put a camera in there, but more importantly, you'll get the audio. What do you think about a roaming camera on the ground? It doesn't have to be a big reveal, but something with audio so we can hear judges, just to make us feel like we're closer to the action. We can hear some clanging. We can hear judges yelling, no rep.
Starting point is 00:16:44 We can hear a judge saying you know seven eight nine velner your hands coming off the mat you know what do you think would that add anything am i am i know i'm the film guy so it's it's obvious i think that would be hard to uh hard to do because i mean if you're talking about like like fights and stuff they're not doing anything when the camera's over there, they're, they're resting. The coach is talking to them. Nothing's happening. But like,
Starting point is 00:17:08 if people are performing reps, if you have a million cameras out there, because I know you said a roaming camera, but just one with the good mic hard for that camera guy to zoom in on Belner and then the run over and zoom in on lane 10. If lane 10 is making a move, I just think it'd be hard to, uh, it would be hard to perfect.
Starting point is 00:17:26 It would be hard, but you just have one guy, and he's out there, and you have someone in the truck who when they hear audio they like, they go to that camera. No, it would be cool. I mean, the 2020 games was cool because there was no music. You heard everybody breathing heavy. You heard all the no reps. When it was at the ranch um it was a
Starting point is 00:17:45 different it was a different aspect that we weren't um accustomed to yeah i think it would be hard to perfect i'm not saying they can't do that but it would be hard to do that's all i'm saying yeah i think i just saw i got the live feed going here in real time i think i just saw josh bridges kids out on the field. That was cool. Yeah, that's what I mean. He's a favorite. Josh Bridges, Katie, and Bill love him. That is not like the Masters event. That's Katie and Bill's favorite athletes event, and they deserve to do that too.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Shit, it's their event. We talked about Alex Vigneault. We don't know what's going on there. Medical reasons. I don't like that like medical medical reasons like it because i is it that his cancer is flaring up or is it a physical injury that his fucking mcl is fucking like torn like when you say medical it's just too broad like if it's before event six, I would think it would be something with the shoulders because that many ring muscle-ups, your shoulders – Then he should say that. Then he should say that.
Starting point is 00:18:53 But I mean that's just the – it could be anything. I know. It could be urinary tract infection. That's what I mean, medical. Like when I think – like it's an orthopedic issue is what you're guessing. Yeah. BKG for the win. Yeah, he finally showed up.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah. Is that because that's the first CrossFit workout we've seen? No, I mean, the mule is a CrossFit workout. I mean, the event four is a CrossFit workout. I expect him to do better on event four, the GHD running up the hill skier workout. Word. I mean, they are like more weight biased, but they're still CrossFit workouts. And then this one had no weights in it at all.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And it was all gymnastics and a CrossFit workout. But the how he dominated this work, he was first easy. Like he was first by over 30 seconds, I'm pretty sure. And if you look at the scoreboard, he currently is fourth, I believe, either fifth or fourth. He's fourth. And if you take his 13th and 12th place that he did in event three and event four, or event three and event four,
Starting point is 00:20:06 or event two and event three, and they were eight and seven, the way his events normally are, the way the rest of the events are, he would be right there with Adler as far as third place, his points, which is what we are used to seeing. So as far, I mean, that gives credence to the allergies coming and going, because if it just flared up in the morning for event three and that would have been a seventh place instead of a 12th place, you know, that's a difference of 30 points. And he'd be right there in contention with third place like he normally is. And that's how BKG is. He gets, you know, he gets top 10 and everything. And then he occasionally hits something out of the park. Oh, thanks, Sousa, for putting up there, putting that up there. gets top 10 and everything and then he occasionally hits something out of the park oh thanks susan for
Starting point is 00:20:45 putting up there putting that up there that's funny because i was looking down at my other screen and then i look up and you got it up there what um john why does it take so long to update the women as opposed to the men they had the same problem last night too but we've already seen the women rankings they flashed it on uh as a graphic on the screen uh yeah i'm not sure they uh they have to it's updated or no it's not they uh they have to the last people to go for some reason takes a longer time this happened like yesterday i think the men were the uh last people to go at some point and the men took forever to upload the women uploaded very quickly and the men took forever to upload so whoever the last people are it just takes longer i'm not sure why okay so i was i had it backwards i'm going to tia's uh yeah so gershwin said tia uploaded a video today it already has 4 000 views in the
Starting point is 00:21:35 last two hours it's called rogue invitational day two what's happening wow wow, wow. Okay, and there's interviews with Shane on there. Okay, okay. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. That would have been great to have seen that last night. Shane, you're such a great coach. I love how you don't sugarcoat things. Wishing you and Tia the best.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I'm looking in the comments to see if there's any giveaway. Alrighty. Incredible. Looks like he's watching it from a screen inside uh they're about to announce event seven they're live about to tell it who's saying that uh in the comments so on the youtube live youtube there's some guys announcing it okay let's see can we uh don't play it can we yeah let's play it fuck it let's see. Can we... Yeah, let's play it. Fuck it. Let's see what happens. You want to play that, Sousa? See what we get? What kind of trouble we get in?
Starting point is 00:22:34 Heavy double-unders into three snatch at 205 and 145 into one sandbag load onto a pedestal, which is 48 inches for guys, 44 inches for ladies. The weights of the snatches are 205, 145, and the sandbags are 250 and 165.
Starting point is 00:22:55 So the flow of the workout. We are going to start on this line right here. On the beep, you're going to move forward to the first platform, conduct your double unders. From there, you move forward onto the next platform, conduct your snatches. From there, three snatches. From there, we move over the bar to the sandbag and the pedestal.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Get the sandbag onto the pedestal, sprint to the finish, and that is the workout complete. Why didn't they choose someone who spoke English? It is squat snatches. So for the standards, Dubliners, we're fine, okay? Squat snatches, the judges will be looking for you to hit depth and stand completely up with full extension before you bring the barbell down for
Starting point is 00:23:46 the next rep get the sandbag onto the pedestal make sure it stays there run through to the finish job done sandbag weight 250 and 165 good question okay last, last time. Last time. Three snatches, a 205 and 145. Paddle stool height, 48 inches and 44. 50-pound bag, 165-pound bag. But this workout is called a duel. And we're going to finish with a duel.
Starting point is 00:24:19 It will take place in a bracket system. Oh. So the race... Right now, the guys are shuffling after the last event. They're going to do it more than once. The top five in each category, male and female, will get a buy
Starting point is 00:24:34 into the next round. 15 will battle out five per heat. Once we get there, the bottom five will drop out. Ten will advance. That system will happen all the way through to the last heat of five where the bottom three will drop out and we will finish with a duel. Top two race it out at the end. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Like that. Everything stays the same. We just go through. Give someone like Hopper a chance to be a superstar. You can make a name for yourself now. is something maderos could possibly not like this is where you can make ground on this event because everybody's fast uh well maderos gets a buy so he automatically gets 25 points all the top five i know i know but he's seventh place if melner wins first and he gets seventh or they need to be six places in between them i'm just saying it's a
Starting point is 00:25:25 possibility it's not out of the realm of possibility for bonner to make up that ground suza you're such a stud for doing that that was so dope i wonder if i wonder if this video is going to get flagged for that and again this has a possibility to make people rush way more than they want to because there's 60 heavy dubs say you trip on the first one which happens sometimes then you're going to be rushing your squat snatches and 205 is light but if you're rushing it i mean touching go 205 rushing three you know you have a chance to miss those just from rushing and being unbalanced so um i i want one second here um uh mark purcell thank you we appreciate it crossfit crestview man you keep up the good work you're doing the good work brother uh i'm confused here a second can you explain the workout to me i'm confused so they start at a starting line at least this is my interpretation of what
Starting point is 00:26:25 we just heard uh they started starting line 60 heavy double unders three squat snatches at 205 and then you have to pick up a sandbag and put it on a 48 inch pedestal so a four foot pedestal you pick up this sandbag and you put it on there. The sandbag is 250 and 165. I think it's what I heard. Okay. Um, so a very heavy sandbag, very heavy. Um, I, I don't, I've never done a 250. I've never seen, seen one, but, um, it's very heavy. Um, and then that's it. Was there a running component? Was there like go up the hill or something? No, no, no. You just sprint to the finish line.
Starting point is 00:27:07 So, um, just very fast. I mean, this is kind of an O just strong man, because it's, it's kind of a strong man like event. This is how strong man events are. They do three things really fast. And it's usually around a minute. Um, yeah. um yeah uh 60 double unders heavy rope that's like strong man like you're talking about something heavy heavy snap a sprint with a heavy snatch that's kind of like the crossfit piece
Starting point is 00:27:36 and then the bag and then so what is that is that that's under two minutes yeah it'll be fast so 60 dubs is 30 seconds three snatches is probably around 20 seconds and then that bag it's just you know it depends how heavy or how fast you can do it i think it would be under a minute and a half do we do we normally have we seen um double unders with a heavy rope yeah that that's in the games too those heavy ropes it's not singles a million times yeah okay and and it's a traditional heavy rope there's nothing special about it stuff that we've seen before yeah um is that the one that's made of steel that i've seen it's like a it's like a
Starting point is 00:28:15 like a steel cable i'm not sure so some have weighted handles and um and then somehow have a heavier rope i have one I should pull it out. Um, it was one when I let Dan Bailey stay at my beach house for two months for free. Maybe it was three months for free. Um, leave all his shit all around my house, uh, his bullets under my bed and all that, that, that, that when, when he stayed there, when I let him stay there for free, I remember he left this heavy rope there and I, and I think I, I still have it. It was a big steel cable.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Uh, and anyway, I uh and anyway i digress i digress um so uh okay i like this um laura will be good at this event annie will be good at this event um it depends how that sandbag goes tia should be good at this event but that sandbag you know i she's smaller than the other girls are being big pays off when with a heavy implement like that and tall right t is shorter than and tall because it's a 48 inch pedestal the same height for for both men and women um usually it's 48 and 40 but it might be the same height i don't i didn't him say. Okay. What did he say was 50 and 60? I think he just said 60 heavy double unders. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Are we missing something? Is this written down somewhere? I feel like we have something wrong. I'm looking. Here you go. So 90 second time cap. So that means it's going to take under a minute and. So 90-second time cap. So that means it's going to take under a minute and a half. 90-second time cap.
Starting point is 00:29:50 60 heavy double-unders, three squat snatch, 205 and 145, which everybody can move, everybody. Haley might be good at this event, even though it's kind of heavy, because she's long limb uh and then one sandbag load 48 inches and 44 inches the pedestals yeah okay um so i would i think it was chase said that um that annie has two wins. And so if there's a tie between her and Tia, Annie will win. And we were talking about that and someone said it doesn't matter because they're going to be tied going into the final event. But I guess it does matter now because they're not tied going into the final event, which means they could tie and then Annie would win it, correct?
Starting point is 00:30:41 They could tie. Yeah. And if they tied, Annie would win it unless Tia wins the event. But, I mean, then they wouldn't tie. So, yes. No, you're right. You're right. Yeah. If they tie, Annie will win. Because Annie is in first place and Tia has won.
Starting point is 00:30:58 I liked how you did that math. I like how you did that math in your head like that real quick. Hold on a second. I just saw a crazy text message come in. And Annie owes that to Carrie Pierce because Tia would have won the last event if it wasn't for Carrie Pierce being so dang good at handstand pushups. I just got a text from Emily Abbott. I'm going to get her on the podcast this week.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I'm so excited. I'm kind of scared, to be honest withott. I'm going to get her on the podcast this week. I'm so excited. I'm kind of scared, to be honest with you. I'm kind of scared. Susa, will you remind me to forward you her contact information as soon as this is done? I don't want to fuck this up and drop the ball with this one. You da man. Holta on the rower.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Best camera work of the entire event. I don't know if it was just coincidence. The camera was right on her. She passed up the other girls on the rower. It looked like she was pulling it twice the cadence as the other girls. And she ended up coming in ahead of Mal O'Brien on that, huh? Yeah, it's different rowing stylesing styles though twice the cadence doesn't necessarily mean faster um if you look at hopper he has a very slow rowing cadence and he's always one of
Starting point is 00:32:12 the best rowers uh annie has a slow rowing cadence and she's a very very good rower velner passed maderos maderos had a faster cadence than velner did on the rower so it's different rowing styles but um yeah but holty's a better holty rode better than mal o'brien for sure she passed her up uh and and and hats off to mal o'brien too proving once again she can grind and hang with the big dogs yeah i told you mal would be good at that workout um what happened to gee first of all i i wish we could have seen him doing the handstand push-ups i didn't see him doing any handstand push-ups but you could see in the leaderboard that is where he he made up a ton of ground
Starting point is 00:32:47 and it looked like he was going to finish pretty high and then all of a sudden he fell apart where did he fall apart was it in the step-ups uh so yeah um and he's always been like this he has um attributes that are very good and better than elite crossfitting crossfitters the top elite people he has attributes better than them but when it comes to the fitness aspect how fit your lungs are he is below average and when you get when you get done with the strict handstand push-ups the ring muscle-ups which is muscle fatigue endurance. He's very good at that. Then it's about fitness, how fast you can row and how fast you can do box step-ups. And that's where – so he passed everybody.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Not everybody, but he passed a few guys, and then the other guys, those few guys passed him again once they got to the box step-ups. And then he comes out in, like, ninth place, which is about what his fitness is. And then he comes out in ninth place, which is about what his fitness is. It's just a trip because his arms are long. Handstand pushups are usually a struggle for people who are new to the CrossFit scene. Or not a struggle, but at least it's not their strongest suit. And yet he kicked ass in there.
Starting point is 00:34:05 The real good news for Gui is that's a really hard thing to develop. So people who have that naturally, um, I shouldn't say naturally people who've acquired that it's, they have an advantage. It's, it's good for them, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I think, yeah. If you're able to build your aerobic capacity for sure. Um, isn't that basically where, and I'm not even talking about the robot capacity. I'm just talking about the handstand pushup, that movement. That's basically where, that's basically where Annie and Laura not even talking about the robot capacity i'm just talking about the handstand push-up that movement that's basically where that's basically where annie and
Starting point is 00:34:28 laura horvath shit the bed right no annie annie's actually very good at strict handstand push-ups um her ring muscle-ups she ah kind of fell fell fell apart at the ring muscle-ups when she got to the handstand push-up she was still cranking faster than most of the women. Actually, I think you're right. I think they even said she finished the first 30 handstand push-ups faster than Carrie Pierce. That was a mistake. I think she came out too hot. I think she wanted to build a little bit of a lead so she could hang with Toomey once Toomey stormed back. I think she probably could have done that workout a little bit faster if it would have been a place higher i don't know but if she would have paced a little bit more i think she would have been able to do the ring muscle ups faster than she did because she fell apart there
Starting point is 00:35:14 everybody like five girls caught her there and once she got to the handstand push-up she was back at home and she could do you know get through get through the workout. Well, Gotcha. Um, look at this, look at this comment that, um, Shilpa Reddy said, I think he said three sandbags, two 50 pound bags and one 65 pound bag. Yeah. I heard something like that too, but what is that? No, no, no, no, no, no. So it's one sandbag, 250 pounds. Okay. One sandbag, 165. Okay. Okay. And one sandbag, 165 pounds. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:46 It's a heavy sandbag. Okay, so Shilpa and I are tripping. Okay. Yeah, it's a very heavy sandbag. Yep, yep. And Guy might win this event. I think he will be the fastest of the 205 snatches. He won't make a lot of time there,
Starting point is 00:36:03 but I do think he will be a few seconds ahead of most people and it's going to come down to that sandbag though i'm telling you that sandbag is going to win or lose the workout what if you know who else could kill this ben smith might destroy this you know every time somebody says ben smith might destroy this he doesn't destroy it um sorry ben um no offense to ben no no i've already offended him enough but but i would love to see him fucking crush this and win this that would really yeah i love just when people just are like come out of nowhere and just fuck shit up not that he's coming out of nowhere but man he's shit in the bed this way so like i think hopper is going to be slower off of the snatches because
Starting point is 00:36:46 just range of motion but i think he'll do that sandbag better than almost everybody just because longer arms and being bigger helps when moving heavy objects it just does velner has longer arms i think that'll help him um i'm not gonna doubt just Justin Medeiros. I think, I think this is, I think Vellner could make up ground on this event, whether it's six places that he needs to tie Medeiros. Well, I don't know. So, but I'm not going to doubt Medeiros. So I'm not going to say that Medeiros is going to do bad. I'm just going to leave it up to see what happens.
Starting point is 00:37:20 But Vellner should be good at this event. Hopper should be good at this event. Guillermo should be really good at this event. It just depends how good he can move that sandbag which i won't know until he does it if i understand the way brackets work uh correctly and and fuck i probably don't there is a chance that we will see annie thor's daughter and tia toomey go head to head in the final event oh that'd be awesome and and if that happens you basically have to look at them as tied because if annie beats her they will be tied and the tie goes to annie and that may then become one of the single greatest crossfit uh moments in the history
Starting point is 00:38:02 of the sport i agree especially if annie wins i agree completely and this shit goes down at 11 25 uh a.m pacific standard time uh which is an hour and 25 minutes from now yeah 125 thank you elisa yeah uh elisa yep colton martin's comments it up there he did yeah colton uh i think i like this new co-host you have seven do miss brian too though brian's around i think brian dressed up as uh um uh randy macho man savage last night he probably he's probably like he's got a golf tournament right now oh i picture that sucks because i pictured him like drunk in bed with like three girls. I mean, in my mind's eye, that's what I saw.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Just like him, just all wasted and just like can't even move. Can't even remember what happened. Sousa, do we have Colton Mertens coming on the show? Have we reached out to him? We got to get this dude back on. I you're talking can you come on can you say ah mr suza prepared this time yeah we gotta reach out to him last time we did uh didn't work out with his schedule but we need to get something set up for him okay okay yeah that'd be bitching even even maybe we could bring him on the um news show show Tuesday for a few minutes with Hobart and Kate.
Starting point is 00:39:27 That's a good idea. I'll shoot him a text concluding this and see if he's available Tuesday evening. Colton, if you're still watching, you're available Tuesday evening. Let us know. Because I think he actually trains late at night too, but we'll make it quick, Colton. I'd just like to see you and pick your brain a little bit. he's in time right uh is that where he is iowa i think so just i just just i just picture it like in georgia i think a uh kansas i don't know kansas kansas iowa georgia i live in missouri i feel like i should know where he uh where he is uh i think doing like
Starting point is 00:40:09 a week-long training camp just on mertens's farm would be amazing dude he should charge for that he should he should i think he would make a lot of money doing and he does some huck finn shit too or or is it huck finn or basically he you just do all his work for him so he so he just has you like moving shit around pick up the pig and move it from yes point a to point b yes um back in the day people when we did the behind the scenes for the crossfit games they were not the most popular videos we ever made but they were the most minutes watched of videos in the history of What do I mean by that? It didn't have the most views.
Starting point is 00:40:53 So you get someone like doing Grace and they break the world record, it would get a couple million views. But for the most minutes watched in the entire history of the crossfit games it was the behind the scenes content and the most views ever in a crossfit video that wasn't games or the most minute watch of a video that wasn't games related was killing the fat man the thing on gary roberts losing weight why were those things never repeated why aren't those things happening right now those things were very cheap and not making them right those things are very cheap to make uh i'm just telling you i'm just telling you i was at
Starting point is 00:41:41 that company get ready if you don't want to hear me brag now's the time to tune out i was with that company when there were 300 gyms and i left when there were 15 000 gyms was the second person on the media department when i left i was head of the media department that when i mean head of the media department i mean chief marketing officer that's what they see in cheese dick diversity exclusivity equity land or whatever the fuck that those racist idiots call it when is laura horvat coming back on the show i don't know that's why like i kind of like i'm hopefully soon but if if john and i start talking about her handstand push-ups uh probably never oh goodness okay let's talk about him she
Starting point is 00:42:22 said when she was on the show hey hey, I'm paraphrasing. I don't really give a fuck what anyone says about my handstand pushups. The next time I do them, people will see. And that was kind of like, hey, I took that. I interpreted that. I read into that. I take responsibility for perceiving her saying she's getting better at them. Did she get better at them and it just wasn't enough?
Starting point is 00:42:44 Or do we not know since the camera wasn't on her enough that's probably the case um this was a very hard uh workout as far as your shoulder endurance it wasn't like 50 handstand strict handstand push-ups for time or anything like that you know it's 60 strict handstand push-ups and 30 ring muscle-ups that's and they're all very close together and after 30 strict handstand push-ups and then 30 ring muscle-ups. And they're all very close together. And after 30 straight handstand push-ups and then 30 ring muscle-ups, you're burnt out hard. Even Tia was doing threes. Annie was doing threes.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Medeiros and Vellner, who are great at handstand push-ups, were doing threes. The only person who wasn't down to that number is freaking Carrie Pierce or Will Moore. I wouldn't want it's very good. But I mean, I think she's getting better. It's just it's just going to be a slow process. And I do kind of agree with what with Brian. Brian's there is, you know, Laura is amazing at almost everything except for handstand pushups, and it's only going to be in one workout where she struggles. If you look at the leaderboard, she's 5'2", 2'12", 11", and then this one she would have been 18th.
Starting point is 00:43:59 She hasn't done as well as we thought she was going to do, at least as well as she would have had as she did at the games. Because at the games, she's super consistent. She's a beast. She's probably the second best person there behind Tia. And then a handstand pushup workout, she's last. It's still good enough for second place most of the time. But this is why I had Annie rank second ahead of her, because I knew if there's an event like this,
Starting point is 00:44:28 Laura will suffer and Annie will be fine. And even if Laura was better, which, which she hasn't been, but we thought she was going to be better. It wouldn't matter because that one event is going to make her suffer. I think she's getting better, but I think she's always going to be near the bottom of the pack no matter what. I don't do any kippy muscle ups,
Starting point is 00:44:49 but I do strict muscle ups. And I'll just, I'll tell you this for whatever it's worth. If someone woke me up in the middle of the night and said, Hey, here's a thousand bucks. Do if you can do 10 strict muscle ups. If I weigh weigh 155 i can do it if i weigh 165 i can't i don't know if it's the inflammation i don't know if it's the extra 10 pounds of weight i don't know i'm not sure exactly what the cause is but those fucking things make a huge difference to me just with a 10 pound weight difference from being 165 or 155 and i bring that up just because those are bigger girls i mean i don't know what t is probably 15 pounds less five four inches short okay and how and she's like four or five inches
Starting point is 00:45:32 shorter than than probably laura i think laura is like five six five seven and t is laura is laura's only five six or five seven yeah she's not super tall oh in my mind's eye she's not super tall. Oh, in my mind's eye, she's 6'2", looking down at me. Wow. She looks so tall. Annie, I'm pretty sure Annie's 5'9". 5'9". So Annie is tall. Oh, I would have never guessed that. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:45:58 But, um... And the same is true with handstand push-ups. The handstand push-ups are so much easier for me when I'm lighter. And once again, I don't know if it's the weight or the inflammation or just like a better diet because I am eating like shit when I start going over 165. So Laura's 5'7". So she's taller than I thought. Okay. So that's three inches.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Three inches taller than Tumi. She's three inches taller and 25 pounds heavier. Okay. And I've heard, I don't know if this is true for every inch taller you are. It's about a seven pound difference. I don't know if that's true. Like in normal people. I mean, these aren't normal people. Uh, in reference to what? Just in terms of your height. So like, like if someone weighs, if someone's five, five and they weigh one 50, I, and someone else is 5'8, you would guess that
Starting point is 00:46:46 they would be 171. I've just heard that as a rough average for every inch taller you are, you're about seven pounds heavier. I would say for men, it's more like 10 pounds per inch. And then for women, seven pounds. I mean, that makes sense. Okay. What happened to Guy Crossman? Oh, okay. So this is my, this is my final thought. And then I'm pretty much out of stuff to talk about here unless you got something CrossFit movements. I noticed more at pan chicken Sager did good in these, in this workout. Did they, I thought they did, but anyway,
Starting point is 00:47:21 my thought was is these are some old school guys. And this was, school guys, and this was a bit of an old school workout. So Pancik was sixth, and Sager was seventh. Okay, and where was Morad? And Morad was second. And Morad's about as old school as you get. Yeah, Morad is extremely good at handstand pushups. He's probably the best handstand pushup person in the whole men's field. Wow. I had no idea. Yeah. So I've,
Starting point is 00:47:51 Wilmore has done a hundred strict handstand pushups, I think under five minutes. Is there a video of that on YouTube? Yes, there is. He, he did strict JT. Do you know what that workout is? I not offhand. So 21, 15, nine strict handstand pushups, strict ring dips, and then pushups, regular pushups. He did now. Um, it is all muscle endurance, but it's very easy to blow yourself up and you have to like, wait to do it kind of like this workout. You have to wait. You can't just go at it as hard as you can. And he did that under three minutes.
Starting point is 00:48:28 And that's the fastest I've ever seen any person do that. Under five minutes is elite. And he did it under three. Crazy. And BKG, I would say, is a CrossFitter too. Meaning he's going to excel in these more traditional. And he got first in that workout. Yeah, and he always does great in chippers, especially rogue chippers.
Starting point is 00:48:54 He won the chipper in 2019 or 2020, the online one. He won the chipper for that one too. Sorry, Jake. Go ahead. one he won the chipper for that one too sorry check go ahead oh no i just my wife just sent me a text message and she was making fun of me because i said freaking but this is a gym i can't win gymnastics heavy it's gymnastics heavy chipper and bkg is a gymnast so it makes sense that he would do he would do well justin madarisiros, second, third, second, first, second, fifth. Is he getting tired? Somebody asked that.
Starting point is 00:49:31 No, I'm just making fun of him because he's so damn good. Like, what can we say negative about him? I'm just trying to make shit up. He's killing it. We still don't have the leaderboard updated for the women. Oh, we do. No, we don't have the leaderboard updated for the women oh we do no we don't no we don't okay all right guys i think we pretty uh clive mclaughlin still catching up with the last event but leaving a question athletes pulled first stroke with at least one foot on the ground no penalties for this on the rower oh do you have to be sitting on the roar i've never even heard of that as okay hey could you stand can you do the rower any way you want are there rules to it
Starting point is 00:50:15 i mean you're the way they roll is the most efficient way to get it you do it any other way you would not pull as hard i'm just saying, do you even have to sit on the seat? What if you just stood over it and pulled the handle? I'm not saying it's efficient, but is there a rule? There's probably a rule, but I don't know for sure. Okay. Rogues should have done weigh-ins and measurements just for the views to have reference. Good point.
Starting point is 00:50:41 I think they do. They just randomly post them up, though though they don't have it as uh like a list in front of us all righty all right john um i am good to go is there anything else you want to say hey this is an updated leaderboard from the women's here it's just not live on the leaderboard but this was shown on the rogue live after oh wow malo ryan might is close to laura oh wow good screen grabs it was a nice work we should save that so i don't think this will happen but hayley adams has a complete shot to podium she's only 15 spot 15 points ahead uh behind gabby magawa yeah i think anything can happen now right because of this format what if gabby gets hooked oh so so sorry
Starting point is 00:51:33 i'm going to change thoughts here real quick so i'm guessing the way the bracket goes is tia goes with shit we need to see who's number 15 right okay okay okay right so tia annie gabriella magawa hayley adams and laura horvat oh shit that's huge for laura yeah good honor uh colin lawrence i was wrong about tia she's increasing her lead i mean and and thank you for the cashola thank you for the cashola. Thank you for the cashola. Hey, it's always taking a risk to bet against Tia. It's a bad guess. Okay, guys, we're out of here. Get your TVs, your computers, everything prepped.
Starting point is 00:52:18 We are an hour and ten minutes away from the final event, and then john and i will be back i can't promise you that we'll have any guests but i am texting the shit out of everybody and anybody who's over there who's on the ground and uh and and they're responding they're just saying that they're busy um but hopefully at the end we'll get someone who wants to come on and uh give us some some insights

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