The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Final Recap

Episode Date: November 2, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Hey, John, can you turn that music off? In other words, I don't give a... Dude, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Can't just take that shit on, dude. John, what the hell? I don't give a fuck about you or anything that you do. I heard you... Schooled. Just playing tricks on the young one. Oh, John. Watch, like 10 minutes into the show, I'll push the button again so it plays that song again.
Starting point is 00:00:55 And blame him? I'll give up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See if he comes back. Ryan, good to have you back. How was your Sunday? It was amazing. What did you do?
Starting point is 00:01:04 Oh, look at your hair you're all tightened up yeah i did the halloween and then i got you know got rid of the hairs it was bothering me look at that people are coming straight at you seems like john's pre-dicks are most accurate well he's actually done an analysis a thorough breakdown of that, and I'll let him talk about it when he gets on here. Is on hell right? Is on hell right? Yeah, I would say yes and no. That's what John, I mean, he literally just called me.
Starting point is 00:01:41 He shared me this document and called me and he said, I thought I killed you, but when I actually did the analysis, it ended up a lot to be very close. Okay. Look it. I just scared him away. Look at my wife just sent me a text. Good luck tonight. I'm headed home. Thanks, close. Okay. Look at it. I just scared him away. Look at my wife. Just sent me a text. Good luck tonight. I'm headed home. Thanks baby. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Oh, much better. What are we listening to? So that definitely wasn't me. What are you talking about? That music. How do you know? Cause I got all,
Starting point is 00:02:03 I X this and it kept, it didn't play anymore i just can't believe you listen to that kind of i thought you listen to christian rap or some shit you look square as fuck all right what are we talking about brian's beard adds five pounds to your snatch to his snatch your mom's brian's beard adds five pounds to your mom's snatch. This guy at my gym told me that if I shave my beard, I'll lose all my power. So I just trimmed it up. What's up, Jamal? How you doing, brother?
Starting point is 00:02:35 That's a great name, Jamal Smith. Jordan Fallon, another great name. Just being Rene. Cool. Finally getting a chance to watch live from Australia. Love your work, Sevan. Thank you. We are here to do the rogue. Invitational.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Recap that happened over the weekend. Just to give you a recap of, of what I think about it. The, our numbers were about a third of the coverage that we did for the games, meaning between YouTube and Spotify. We had triple the viewers on this measly, measly podcast with only 9000 subscribers. But we had one third the traffic that we got when we covered the games when Brian was fired from the games team and we did ad hoc. Covered the games when Brian was fired from the games team and we did ad hoc.
Starting point is 00:03:30 What's cool about this coverage, you guys, just to give you a little background, is this is once again, this is just Brian. Are you saying that John reduces our popularity by two thirds? Yes. Yes. Oh, no. Thank you. It's one of the many correlates. John is a guy that I met Brian on Instagram. Brian met John on Instagram. We're just three dudes. um uh john is a guy that i met brian on instagram uh brian met uh john on instagram
Starting point is 00:03:46 um we're just three dudes and uh but they're they're geeks and i'm cool and um they know about game stuff and so about a couple you know you're cool when you have to tell people you're cool yes and uh and so a couple days before the games about before the games we we got our kind of like thought we were going to do something the same thing happened with rogue we just work well under pressure and you guys that just shows you how shitty the rest of the coverage is because you fucking knuckleheads even though my mom told me not to yell at the fans the the listeners you fucking knuckleheads tune in all right that's enough of that we've 94 people listening that's about as high as we're gonna get um do we want to just take this from the top and just go for uh or john do you want to give an overview of your analysis right away when you
Starting point is 00:04:34 were gone um on hell was saying that um your predictions were better than brian's i don't really give a fuck about that whose were better um but were better? But she seems to or he seems to. So how did that play out? So the women's podium, mine was definitely better. I had Annie getting second, and everybody laughed at me for it, and that came true. So I'm very proud of that pick. Good job.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Who laughed at you for that? Sevan said it was ridiculous, and you were about to say that. You didn't say it. You're more politically correct than Sevan, but you were thinking the same thing. Yeah, and we should clarify. These were predictions we made prior to knowing the workouts. Yeah. And after the workouts, we didn't go on here and revisit them,
Starting point is 00:05:23 but in the morning chocolate preview i did i had moved her all the way up to third i thought that the workout favored her really well he did he did and i predicted right before we whatever workout she won right before we ran off i predicted annie to win that but that was like i forget if that was event five or six but i'm like and he's gonna win this but i'm but shit i thought emma carrie and travis mayer were gonna win the events i will also say this john also said that he knew that that was a risky pick with annie like he knew that he was being a bit he was romanticizing a bit like like feeling some nostalgia nostalgia okay go on john so you got uh you got annie correct you got third and
Starting point is 00:06:01 then uh i had laura getting third and she ended up getting fourth. And I had Haley fifth and she ended up getting fifth and Gabby was third. And I had Gabby sixth, I think. So I got three out of the top five for the women and the other two I was very close on. Brian was not on his podium, but he did pick the rest of the women better as far as 6 through 20. Brian, what are you doing? Are you sanding down the bumps on your penis? What are you doing under the table there?
Starting point is 00:06:34 I'll show you in a sec. All right. His picks were more accurate than mine, 6 through 20 for the women, but it ended up coming out. We were both the exact same accurate if you took all 20 women, what actually happened in our predictions, we were off the exact same amount. And then for the minute was kind of you guys, please hate on Brian in the YouTube comments. I've never had any issues with the audio. I've always thought you guys are a bunch of pansies. Oh, look, he muted himself. Damn. Can I say this? I think we're all happy with the winners. Outside of like, how cool is it that Gabriela Magawa took third?
Starting point is 00:07:11 I know Brian's excited. I know Brian likes her like on a personal level. And I know he's thought she's been promising for a long time. I think he even worked out with her once. Didn't you work out with her and Kristoff and the team? I did, yeah. It was their last training session before the games, their last full training day. And I think the only reason why we interviewed her on the podcast
Starting point is 00:07:30 was because Brian was pushing it. Brian's done that with a few people. Lazard, Jukic, I know he likes. So we got to be happy with that. It's a little disappointing. Well, it's cool that Laura took fourth. Maybe then we can get her on the show again. If she would have won this, we'd never get her on the fucking show again.
Starting point is 00:07:45 So that's kind of cool. Whenever we did predictions, Brian had Gabby fourth, and I did not have the balls to put her that high. I even said it on the podcast. I was like, I love it. I do not have faith to do it myself. And it came about right. I mean, she exceeded expectations.
Starting point is 00:08:03 She got third. So that was a really, really good pick on his part. Tia Claire Toomey got more than twice the amount of points as Katrin Doter. I don't know what to say to that. That's just math. I'm just good at math. I just know numbers. 300 goes into 625 more than twice.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And then how about the men? how did you guys do over there you want you want it brian no no you did all this work you can explain it the men were a little bit of the opposite i had madero's third um which after about event two i knew that was not gonna come true madero's killed it uh and brian had him second he had velner first i had velner first and velner came second i had bkg third um you had bkg second i had bkg second and madero's third and brian had bkg third and madero's second so brian's podium ended up being better than mine even though they are like they're around the same people his podi his picks were closer than mine and then the rest of the men um four through 20 i had better picks than brian did what did adler do at the games uh he got 11
Starting point is 00:09:18 so are you guys surprised with adler at third i I mean, I had him fifth. I thought he would do really good. I didn't think he would get third. Did he beat Guy at the games? No. No. He was 13th at the games. 13th. Right behind Travis Mayer.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Justin Medeiros got more points than T than tia you have any thoughts on that does that tell us yeah does that tell us anything or we can't compare is it you just can't compare the two it's just it's just different events it's actually significant i think because in general feel like the, the men's field has always been deeper. So it's hard. It's going to be harder to score more points because there's more guys that are likely to come up in any given event and take points away from the eventual winner. And on the women's side, usually this is actually probably the worst I've done in terms of predictions for the women. Usually it's pretty easy to predict the
Starting point is 00:10:25 women's field. And there's a pretty drastic noticeable difference from heat one to heat two. And I would say that was still the case for majority of the events this weekend. Sometimes there was one athlete in the early heat that ended up being really good, but most of the times in the second heat were better. So that's actually pretty substantial. And if you look at Justin's weekend, I mean, he had everything inside the top five. And Tia didn't do that, which was pretty unexpected. I don't know what level of preparation she put in, and I didn't even know that a certain level of lack of preparation would allow someone to be this competitive with her as Annie was. But we talked about this a day or two ago, is that she has some balance in terms of her offseason
Starting point is 00:11:10 where she's also pursuing another Olympic sport. I love the way you couch that. We talked about that in the show when you were gone. I tried to give John credit for it, but he passed it off to you. That she has balance. Not that it's a distraction, not that she's fucking up, not that she's it off to you that she has balance. Not that it's a distraction, not that she's fucking up, not that she's lost her way, but she has balance. It's just beautiful. You're a good dude, Brian. There's a lot of different ways you could, you could slice that
Starting point is 00:11:34 one. So in general, I would say that this is a good, um, this is a, that's actually a, I'm glad that you brought up that point you know he had a great a great competition and actually on the men's side you know what we're what we're seeing here we can talk about this a little if we want is really him and pat have they uh were clearly better than everyone else this weekend okay well someone made a fucking comment that this this could be let's just study brian's stoic face as i read this comment ready where is it where is it here he goes here here it is this is an interesting one and he was better than velner who is this person where do you live i'm just curious what's the criteria that you're basing that on.
Starting point is 00:12:25 It might be true. It's not. Vellner had 565 and Annie had 560. Is that how you tell who did better or who was closer to the winner? That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. It's kind of an ambiguous claim, and it what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying is like, it's just, it's kind of a ambiguous claim and it's a, and it's also mostly irrelevant. How do you, how do you think just by, by, by God, I shouldn't use this word.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Okay. Woke people enjoy this one. Um, how, how, just based on what you saw and what you feel, who do you think did better? Annie or Velner? I don't think you can compare the men to the women. Okay. I think it's easy for someone to say that Annie was better than Vellner because Annie was in the lead at one point and fairly late into the competition, five of the seven events gone, she was in the lead.
Starting point is 00:13:13 She was only five points out of the lead going into the final event, whereas even though Vellner was pretty much locked in the second from the midway point of the competition, he wasn't ever threatening for the lead the same way Annie was. Yeah. from the midway point of the competition, he wasn't ever threatening for the lead the same way Annie was. Yeah, that's kind of how I take it too. I thought Annie had a better chance. Did you all see Sammy was Catron's coach this weekend? It was said in Fraser's latest video.
Starting point is 00:13:39 No. As opposed to who, Ben Bergeron? Thank you, Dylee, for saying that. Yeah, Catron has left the comp-trained team. Tell us more. Really? We're all ears. Yeah, I think she's moving back to Iceland,
Starting point is 00:13:51 and she's going to just be coached by Yami along with Annie and those guys over there. She sees how good Annie's doing, wants a piece of it. I think it's, you know, I'm not 100% sure that she's moving back there. I'm just speculating that. I think she's been spending more time over there. Her sister's starting to have kids. So I think she likes spending time with them.
Starting point is 00:14:14 She's been over here in the States for like six or seven years. She's been working with Ben closely for that time period. That's a pretty long time period. My guess is that it's nothing bad. It's just time for a change in her life tomorrow i'm having having emma john i'm having emily abbott on at 7 a.m pacific standard time and i called brian this evening and i was like hey brian we're not it's not going to be any games talk it's just going to be like vulva and vagina talk pretty much the whole time
Starting point is 00:14:38 so i'm going to take this on brian's like yo yo yo yo yo i did an article on the morning chalk up about emily abbott oh yeah and i'm thinking and we talked about for that for two hours and that was basically the whole thing so i'm dying to see this article that brian wrote about emily abbott vulvas and vagina by the way she she uses the word pussy well it was published like 10 12 months ago i'm excited to see it oh just just like i was trying to i was trying to be i was so excited that he hasn't gotten to see it i was trying to i was trying to big dig brian and he's just like do you know what a parry is and um in boxing it's like when you knock the person's hand
Starting point is 00:15:14 away we still haven't figured out what a pinner is pinner just tiny tiny brian was a pinner in high school before you know now he's not now he's all swollen shit um going back to catch in here is she is that announced anywhere is there any drama about that does it like like so who's over there it was her uh bergeron had her chandler smith and cole sager is so is that emil quant okay and they all had moved there this year sam quant i think is moving back to washington now Harry Paley, who'd been one of their primary coaches for a long time, is no longer with CompTrain. And now their premier athlete in Catrin is also leaving to go, like I said, move on in her life.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Chandler Smith, to me, is like he's a rogue agent type of guy. He could go wherever he pleases. He's got roots with Training Think Tank. He's got roots with Mayhem. He's got roots with the Army team. He's got roots with mayhem. He could, you know, he's got roots with the army team. He could, you know, he's, he's used to being on the road. So I don't know how long he'll stay up in new England,
Starting point is 00:16:10 but this is pretty significant. Comp train has been a mainstay in terms of, you know, games, champions, podium threats and regular, um, you know, podium athletes and all the competitions they go to going back even before Katrin to when he had Michelle LaTonga and Chris Spieler, like there, he has a good pedigree of, of getting athletes or maintaining athlete success at a high level. And it seems like there's, there's a transition going on with underdogs coming up with mayhem, starting to recruit more and more athletes. And now with Comptrain losing their biggest, most recognizable and most successful athlete
Starting point is 00:16:43 that they've ever had. It'll be interesting to see where they decide to go. Well, Fraser was comp trained too. He was for a year or two he was with Ben. No, the year, the first year he won. The little bit I've hung out with Ben at the games and when I had him on the podcast, man, fucking easy to hang out with he's is amanda still good ryan she's still confident as far as i know but you know i think her and sam quant both had been coached had been being coached by harry who's no longer with them so i'm not i'm not entirely sure about her wow that's really interesting do these
Starting point is 00:17:22 things normally go on cycles is this just like another like you know academy was a new thing um that they were doing and i mean it came crumbling down pretty quickly it did not last very long what do you mean it's over he's like he launched an academy and it's done i mean if if harry or i guess i shouldn't say Academy. What's Harry's last name? Hallie. Oh. What word do they call it, Brian? Camp? I think they were advertising it as the Comp Train Academy, and they were planning to create an environment for athletes to come and live and train for different periods of time. I'm looking him up on Instagram. How do you spell his last name?
Starting point is 00:18:04 P-A-L-L-E-Y. Do you guys know Harry Mack, the rapper? You have to see him. You have to see him. Is he the guy who was singing that song earlier? No, that song that was coming from John's computer. From me, apparently. Clean it up buddy i genuinely was freaking out because i did not know where that was coming from
Starting point is 00:18:31 i was like this can't be from me okay i'm gonna follow this guy harry harry pally and see if see what i see he actually would be a fun guy to interview. He's basically Comptrain's head coach other than Ben Bergeron. Like their head guy. Not anymore, but he was for a long time. I know, but I'm saying with Comptrain, he was their head guy other than Ben Bergeron, and they split up their athletes. Amanda and Sam were always under him.
Starting point is 00:18:59 When Sam got second, Harry was his coach. Oh, hey, dude. Oh, okay, and he was with Quant at the games. In a row. See, hey, dude. He's the – oh, okay. And he was with Quant at the games. In a row. See, that's what John just said. Oh, sorry. I'm just looking at the – sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:12 He's a redhead. This is what I was opening earlier, by the way. Oh, congratulations. That's awesome. Came in the mail today? Yeah. God, you're like a little kid. You couldn't wait until the show's over.
Starting point is 00:19:23 You had to open it on the show. Second place gets a blue Frisbee. It's a frisbee golf trophy third place i don't want to claim anything above what i achieved did you feel did you did it suck for you not being there this week brian were you like kind of pissed like did you have any like what's that called what's fomo stand for beer missing out yeah did you have that? No. No. I was enjoying the weekend. The only time I was like, oh man, a couple people messaged me who were there internationally
Starting point is 00:19:56 who I haven't seen in a while, and I was like, man, it would have been nice to catch up with that person, this person. Like Miko Salo? No, like Snorri oh yeah yeah does snorri is snorri the one that has sarah sigman's duder he does yeah i just had to just be like i yeah i just gotta just gotta go around snorri we gotta have snorri on the show so he treats us better he treats me great. Oh, damn it. I've never met him.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Event number one was on Friday morning at, well, for them it was afternoon. I wonder if the allergies kicked in right away. I have three or four people now telling me that it was no joke um and and and we know we have more than um just hearsay you know we saw patrick bellner was a mess when we interviewed him um what what do you guys think about event number one uh the go ruck were there any events that you guys just hated that you thought just hey that that was that didn't belong i wouldn't say that any event individually didn't belong we could you know we could talk about the totality of the programming and and how it's biased but
Starting point is 00:21:13 that's also something that you know as competitions evolve this is only the second time they've had a live event i don't think we can really consider the um the the virtual competition as like what we should expect from Rogue. But if you look at 2019, you look at 2021, if you're going to the Rogue Invitational, you kind of know what you're getting into at this point. And it's the same with the other big ones too. Dubai is always a little bit more endurance biased
Starting point is 00:21:38 and Guadalupe usually is very highly skilled and Rogue is a little strength biased. It's kind of funny because those are the three biggest competitions and those are the three areas of crossfit as far as like big areas of crossfit to specialize in hey i just want to say because this guy's laughing about the allergies the allergies in austin are 100 a real thing when i moved down there to play collegiate soccer i had to get a steroid shot in my ass. Nothing else was working. And that actually did work, but it was brutal. Yeah, go watch our
Starting point is 00:22:09 podcast with Vellner. He lives on an island in Canada, and he was dying. Was he not, Savon? He was a wreck. After day one. He was a snotty wreck. It was like interviewing an old man. The only person that might have been okay okay even if he had
Starting point is 00:22:25 an allergic reaction would be mertens and that's because i think he could do anything he wants he just had his mind too yeah yeah um anything we want to say about event number one any surprises there anything like you don't don't feel obligated to say something there's seven events i'm sure we're going to like really dig into some so don't or say like the first event was when you see a go ruck event that's not what you think of a go ruck event there was really there was no running the movements were almost all irrelevant other than the last two or three rope climbs um and so it was you know others running way up the hill or whatever, but the sandbags, but it was, there should have been like 800 meters in between instead of a hill be like three hill and backs.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah. There's no reason that they couldn't have had them run around the perimeter of the entire baseball field and made the, made some other element of the event a little bit more substantial than, than just those, that second half of the road climbs. If you really, cause if you really look at the programming, there were zero long endurance events their longest event was a muscle fatigue workout it was not we're making the presupposition that it needs that right i mean it's obviously their event like what if
Starting point is 00:23:35 they're like hey fuck you and i didn't look that's fine yeah they're the we talk about it you know and there's significant data to back up the fact that this is a very strength bias programming. When you, when you, when you get to the end of the weekend, um, nine of the 10 men, with the exception being Andre who day withdrew from the competition, who finished in the top 10 of the Bella complex finished in the top 10 overall on the weekend, seven of the seven of the 10 women who want, who finished in the top 10 on Bella complex finished in the top 10 on the weekend, the four athletes who did not place in the top 10 on the
Starting point is 00:24:08 lifting event that did crack the top 10, come to the end of the weekend. You could probably guess them before I even tell them to you for the men. It was BKG who's amazing at everything else. Haley Adams, Kristen Holton, Carrie Pierce locks like mainstays in the top 10, no matter what the competition is, but they're not going to excel in the lifting competition. And then, you know, obviously people like Tia and Justin and Pat, we know they're going to be up there no matter what, but it's really when you look at the next, the six through 10 spots on the men's side, or maybe even the five through 10 spots. And you have Guy, Travis Mayer, Jason Hopper, Chandler Smith, Alexander Caron. You know, Guy obviously did well at the games, but those other four guys were well outside the top 10. And three of those, two of those guys, Hopper was 19th, Chandler Smith
Starting point is 00:24:49 was 21st, Caron 24th at the games. And suddenly they're placing inside the top 10 because it wasn't just that lifting event. Besides the Bella complex, the last workout came down to the snatch and there were five odd object strength elements throughout program, you know, scattered throughout the workouts. And so when you get to the end and you suddenly look back and see that the top 10 finishers overall reflect very closely the top 10 on that lifting complex you can you know it's a pretty strong correlate that uh that strength was was what was featured here at rogue but that but again that's not surprising that's what they do bam uh the go rocket that that's basically just a backpack that holds weights nicely so they don't flop around inside the backpack yeah i mean that's what it looked
Starting point is 00:25:32 like right someone explain that to me it's just a backpack right yeah we're waiting and like i'm guessing the weights it's so so it's a weight vest for your back. I mean, honestly, like I'm just looking at the event. I did not enjoy that event for some reason. I mean, I didn't – I mean, I like – I felt like it was too slow. And unfortunately, I've been spoiled because of what they used to do in Carson when they would run up over that thing, you know, at the top of the stadium and then run down the stairs. Yeah, I mean, that was obviously incredible. But think about other events that have featured rocker weight fest. Even at 2019 rogue, they had event one go rock. It was called,
Starting point is 00:26:11 but you had rope climbs, only three of them run 800 meters, throw five sandbags over hay bales, carry a heavy sandbag for 800 meters. I think it was, then you had to drag it to the finish line. There were a lot of places in that workout where you could make up time or lose time instead of just being stuck or not stuck on the last couple rope climbs and if they did run more in that workout they wouldn't have struggled as much as they did with the with the last set of rope climbs be more about who could climb the rope fast rather than who um paced correctly because of muscle fatigue um jamal did dan marino never win a super bowl nope holy shit crazy well he bought his team his
Starting point is 00:26:54 team isotoner gloves uh yeah that's crazy that's crazy it's crazy that jamal smith knows that that john young and jamal smith know who dan marino is that old fuckers i'm pretty nerdy when it comes to most sports um i really enjoyed the uh bella complex by the way that was a great observation brian what you said about the bella complex about the the how well people did in the top 10 and how strong they were i saw john just like, I wish I would have said that. Pin up that comment by Ant14k. Okay, here we go. Oh, no, he didn't pay anything. He can't get his.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Rogue event objective is not to crown the fittest with more endurance workout like the games. So the first half of this is what is substantial, is that Rogue is a showcase event. And part of what they're showcasing is their ability to make equipment, to build new things like the modern hill, to have the Zeus rig with the logs in it and do all this, this stuff that only they are. We just making that up. Or do we really know that? Do they say that they don't make a claim when they go out to this?
Starting point is 00:27:56 We're going to find the fittest this weekend. They say, do they say, Hey, we're going to show off our building prowess. And I don't have to, it's pretty obvious that they're doing it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:04 And they're using new implements like the Jerry can and the new heavy sandbags to a platform. And they're, you know, they're always introducing stuff like the wheelbarrow. You know, that's what they do. They're always pushing forward the sport by creating new implements that people can use and train with to test their fitness in various ways. The tests are still good. The workouts are still good. Obviously, we see that when you look at the, you know, look at the people that are finishing near the top or on the top they're for the most part and we're talking about top you know three or five like they're for the most part are reflective of um of what we would expect but there are some people that are doing much better at this
Starting point is 00:28:38 competition i mean this is chandler smith's third time finishing in the top eight at rogue three for three fourth fifth and eighth he's never had a finish that good at the games actually i think in 2020 he might have but that's like there's a hardly counts yeah yeah but it was only seven events yeah it's a comparable it doesn't count i'm gonna ask it uh some people are gonna think it's a dumb question uh that's okay where's the crossover then is this a crossfit event let's start there with the most obvious yeah it's a dumb question. That's okay. Where's the crossover then? Is this a CrossFit event? Let's start there with the most obvious. Yeah, it's a CrossFit event. It's just not aiming to test for all around total fitness. It's just all around fitness with a strength bias, which you cannot claim the fittest person in the world doing that because you essentially
Starting point is 00:29:26 take out all the endurance athletes but if you weren't a if you weren't a crossfit athlete you still get smoked at this so so those are the two ends of the thing it's not a crossfit event but no one from the nfl no fucking decathlete it still is no one can beat these people these are these people who showed up here outside for some weirdos that didn't come like noah and fukowski and whatever and bethany shadburn like um these were the best people for the job there's no one better walking around on the planet yes okay sir sure it makes sense and it's their event fuck it i'm glad they do whatever they want. I thought that fucking hill was stupid.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And then, and then it grew on me. And by the end of the event, I thought it was the smartest thing I'd ever seen. And I would argue divide just the same thing, but on the endurance side, would you agree with that? Ryan?
Starting point is 00:30:19 I've always said this, but I've never, I don't have any stats to back it up. Um, I think that, you know,ai developed a reputation like 2015 16 17 of just being this this brutal grueling weekend with an excessive amount of events that were very difficult that they obviously had what you know ocean events
Starting point is 00:30:39 the ocean was sometimes rough desert events it's brutal running in the sand and it was just compounding and really beating down the athletes. But at that time there was no other event outside of the games that was offering as big a prize purse. So the athletes were enticed to go there. Plus there were some, there's sometimes they could get some compensation for their travel or hotels or whatever,
Starting point is 00:30:57 depending on their pedigree as an athlete coming in. And Dubai is, has did establish a reputation of kind of finding athletes or having athletes who had success there before going on to have success at the games. Laura Horvath is probably the best example of that, that, that just comes to the top of my mind, but in the, you know, they didn't get to have a competition last year, but the last time they did have a competition, it wasn't as much of a beat down. I think that they've, they've changed their ways a little bit, um, and understanding that, you know, they want, they want athletes just continue to want to come
Starting point is 00:31:29 there and realize that in the totality of the season for them to come there, they can't beat them up in that way. But, and I don't know if I, if I necessarily agree with this anymore, Jamal, because what's also happened is that Dubai went from being the highest paying off season event. And now they're the third highest, the third, well, they're still the third highest, but Wadapalooza and Rogue are offering bigger prize purses now. But just so you know, Jamal said, would you say Wadapalooza is the middle child between Rogue and Dubai?
Starting point is 00:31:54 No, I think what he's saying by middle child is it is the blend. He could correct me if he wants. It's the blend of the endurance and the heavy. I don't think he meant in terms of the prize money, at least if I was contextualizing it between what you guys are talking about. The other element that I hear you guys talk about a lot is that the number of events. No one does 15 events, right? No one even comes close, and that's a whole other reason why everything is different than the games. Dubai does 10-ish, 10 to 12.
Starting point is 00:32:41 So is that why Christoph said that he thinks athletes avoid Dubai? I'm paraphrasing because it fucking is just a beatdown. It's more of a beatdown than Rogue is for sure and probably Waterpalooza too. No one wants to do two games in a year. Well, they used to do it when it was the second highest paying day. No, and look, there's still going to be several very high-level athletes at Dubai this year. People still want to go there.
Starting point is 00:33:03 They still want to have that opportunity to either... I think that it's also like a destination thing. If you haven't been there before and you get an opportunity to go, and especially if you don't have to do a qualifier to get there, that's enticing. Anything you want to say about the Bella event,
Starting point is 00:33:23 either of you? i thought it was an amazing event if i'm if i'm not wrong it's basically just it's all those events we've ever seen before that's like a max snatch match max clean max clean and jerk max jerk whatever but but the the complex version of it and dope yeah and if you're thinking never been done before right uh they had they did have a that exact lift as a competition earlier in the season, right, John? Yeah, and Taylor Williamson was the highest for the women. She got 245 and T.D. 260, I think. That was some Instagram competition, right?
Starting point is 00:33:59 Yeah. I mean, they send that challenge out to everybody. But we've never seen that at the games. We've never seen that at Waterpal everybody. But we've never seen that at the games. We've never seen that at Wadapalooza. We've never seen that at Dubai. Yeah, I think it's so cool. Anything you want to say about it, Brian? Do you guys like it?
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah, I mean, it's a good – if you're going to have a max strength event, it's fine. I mean, we saw some really big lifts and impressive – it was fun to watch. Yeah, I don't mind having a max lifting event in the programming um i don't you know i would raise a like if the if that event is so closely mirroring the eventual results at the end of the competition then maybe you say the rest of the events don't balance it out that well is like that's possible but as it is one endurance event that's all you need and everything's balanced out yeah one endurance event or one really heavy gymnastics you know skewed event or maybe one of each of those things yeah i mean it's more fair than a one rep snatch event though, right? I put them on the same playing field.
Starting point is 00:35:06 It's a one rep max of some sort of lifting. Whether it's a complex or not, the strongest people in the clean and jerk are the strongest people with the belly complex. Just because you put a different name on it and it looks a little different, the strongest people are the strongest people. What is the bear complex?
Starting point is 00:35:21 a little different. The strongest people are the strongest people. What is the bear complex? That's deadlift, power clean, hand clean, overhead, back squat, front squat, thruster? What the fuck is that one? Did you hear Tia's interview at the end of the competition,
Starting point is 00:35:37 Sevan? I did. And did you hear she was like, you know, this is a competition where I have the opportunity to test my fitness and to test my strength. I, what I, what I glommed onto.
Starting point is 00:35:50 That's interesting. I, what I, what I focused on was when she said it's to get experience and, and basically experience. She did say that. When she was done, I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:00 wow, I got some really good vibes from her, but she said absolutely fucking nothing. And she did that on purpose. You're really liking this comment you have pinned up there uh yeah yeah sorry i'll go back to the one where brian is smart sorry it's just so rare to have such a nice compliment about yourself it does it is i i so so what was your point in regards to that in regards to what she said what were you gonna follow it up with no it's just like I think that she she recognized and
Starting point is 00:36:29 and I feel like in that case at the end of the weekend like those athletes they're they're hanging out all weekend and they're talking whatever I think that they probably understand that that is what's being tested here which is what which is what is strength okay strength and fitness but there's a great comment here how about this uh something about gee here we go by jeffrey birchfield bam because it's not and he did win and he did win with the strength bias you would think he but he won the strength event. He won both strength events.
Starting point is 00:37:08 He's talking about the whole competition. Yeah. No, no. I mean, look. Like Savan just articulated. Fitness is still being tested. And the guys that beat him are fitter than him. And also strong.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Because it's a CrossFit event. Yeah. I mean, look at his event finishes it's very similar to what we saw at the games a couple event wins go a long way you know if he doesn't have those two home runs if he doesn't have those three home runs at the games he's finishing three to five spots lower in both competitions but both the games and rogue had a couple competitions that were perfect for him. He capitalized on them.
Starting point is 00:37:48 He didn't miss any lifts when he couldn't afford to. I mean, you could screw up that last event even if you're the strongest guy. He didn't. And like I said, Fikowski showed us to this in 2016. You could win four events and basically get last in four events, and you can end up fourth at the games. And me and Se seven talked about that earlier when we talked about the last event because i had g rank so low i did not expect there to be two home runs for him i didn't expect the last event to just be who was the strongest
Starting point is 00:38:15 one or the fastest fastest fast or the most fast twitch fiber guy i thought it would be another middle of the pack workout and he'd have one home run and one bad event, which would make him three or four spots lower than he is. Let this person, Kevin, know that Amanda Barnhart did finish in the top 10. She was 10th. Yeah, Kevin. Yeah. The Echo Bike, I enjoyed I, I would have never thought I would have enjoyed it. You guys told me that it was going to be a good event and you guys are right. That was cool. So, Hey, Matt Fraser gave, uh, more credence to Hopper's new nickname. The machine.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah. Uh, and our YouTube video, I think he was recapping day two. He said he put him through an echo bike workout and he had never seen numbers like that before. Just like how I said on the rower when he said his 2K time. So that just gives more credibility to that nickname. Jason the Machine Hopper. It's done. It's done. We gave it to him.
Starting point is 00:39:21 He's in stone. Anything you guys want to say about that event? That wasn't my – that's not in my top two favorite events. Stunt. We gave it to him. He's in stone. Anything you guys want to say about that event? That's not in my top two favorite events. My top two favorite events were the Bella Complex and the final event. But John said that that was his favorite event. Right, John? Yep. Brian, do you have a favorite event?
Starting point is 00:39:46 I mean, I know it was a busy weekend with you with Frisbee and shit and whatever else you do on your weekends, but did you get a chance to pick a favorite event? I actually think that the event that I enjoyed the most was the one that I was least excited to to start the weekend, which was the Concept2 event. And I liked it because each of the elements could potentially factor into the workout come the end of the workout. Huh. elements could potentially factor into the workout come the end of the workout huh i liked it because it was four rounds and you got to see them like run race you got to see them race you got to see people pull ahead on the ski and push it a little harder you got to see people who could cycle the ghg fast you got to see people who took a risk
Starting point is 00:40:19 and ran up the hill harder and you got to see how that played out over four rounds yeah it was a fun that was a fun race to watch and it was the way and there were times when they showed enough of the field that you could actually get a good feel for what was happening on the competition floor definitely could tell when people were demoralized or like let off the gas chasing people and i thought that was neat. gabriella magawa was on tia's tail and tia ran around the pylon at the top of the hill and gabriella magawa just stopped basically and walked around the pylon and let her go and i think gabriella still got second in that workout is that correct what uh what event number are we talking about event four she took third yeah i think uh there was a the winner came out of the first heat hayley yeah hayley adams yeah damn hayley's good damn hayley's good by the way that podcast we did with her the
Starting point is 00:41:33 fucking numbers are skyrocketing it's like it's trending to be our most popular podcast outside of rich or so that's that's showing a opposite correlate of having john on the show why was he in that was did you do that show with me john i think so oh right maybe not sorry i can go back and edit him out um event number anything else you guys want to say about that event number four i think the ghgs were much more valuable than we originally thought on that if you look at the two winners they were the two people that were the fastest and most snappiest at the ghgs and they actually made time on people in the ghgs i know we talked about velner rolling the ball and how he's losing a half a second every rep but watch if you watch haley's ghgs
Starting point is 00:42:20 and justin's ghgs they almost look exactly the same. They have super flexible backs. The seat is all the way back, so their butt is on top of the seat, and they are just flying. And they make up a lot of time on people on the GHD, not necessarily the skier. And then they're both pretty good runners. And at this point, when we get to that halfway point here in the fourth did we at this point we thought that velner could still win although we we everyone was like madaris and tia were doing great
Starting point is 00:42:52 we thought that velner could still win and and the anti-dream was like really alive do you want to talk about velner real fast yeah please please or maybe not so fast no no i i yeah i want to talk about him because what's weird is, is like, for some reason I don't, I, I'm not, I just don't get on the Velner train. But then when I talked to him in person,
Starting point is 00:43:13 like I started just wanting him to win the whole weekend. Like he's sitting there at dinner. He's blowing his nose. Like soon it was, he's just, he's got his kid. There's his family there. He's entertaining them.
Starting point is 00:43:23 He's not going and resting between events yeah he's a magic man he's a magic man well check this out event one he beat maderos by 25 seconds event two maderos outlifted him by 10 pounds you know you love this john event three maderos beat him by 10 seconds event four maderos beat him by 5 seconds. Event 5, Vellner beat Medeiros by 11 seconds. Event 6, Vellner beat him by 7 seconds. So going into the final, they'd gone back and forth, 3 for 3 on events, and
Starting point is 00:43:53 obviously we saw what happened in the final. Oh man, Brian, you're killing it. We couldn't talk about the final when we get there, but if you take, if you trace this back to the games, they've competed in 22 live competition,
Starting point is 00:44:09 live events and competition, the games in rogue and head to head, the records 11 and 11. It's really, it's really competitive between the two of them. But if you draw that out a little bit more, what you'll see is on the events that Medeiros has beaten Pat, 79 men have come in between Medeiros and Pat over'll see is on the events that medeiros has beaten pat 79 men have come in
Starting point is 00:44:26 between medeiros and pat over those 11 wins on the events that velner's beaten medeiros no m foul while i'm getting there on the events that velner has beaten medeiros only 32 men have come in between velner and medeiros so while head-to-head record is 11 to 11 when medeiros is beating velner it's by a more significant margin than-11, when Medeiros is beating Vellner, it's by a more significant margin than when Vellner beats Medeiros. And under pretty much any scoring system or circumstance, unless it's just a direct head-to-head match, that's going to carry the guy to the win at the end of the competition.
Starting point is 00:44:57 And that's why Justin's won both these events. Now, I think Brian thinks this is a field problem, and I think it's a Vellner problem. Before you go into that, 79 and 32, were those the numbers? 79 men between Medeiros and Vellner on the events that he's won, and only one time was Vellner the direct finisher behind him. So, you know, and then Vellner's 11 wins against Medeiros head-to-head, only 32 men were managed to come in between Vellner and Medeiros,
Starting point is 00:45:26 and five of those 11 times, Medeiros was the next person to cross the finish line. Meaning third place. Whatever place Vellner got, Medeiros was right behind him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow, dude, that is some fascinating shit. Go, John. Yes. That in head-to-head events, they are tied, and everything that Vellner is really good at and better than Justin,
Starting point is 00:45:48 Justin is like 1% less than him. Ah, the 1%. That's what I'm telling you. Everything that Medeiros is really good at, Vellner is like 5% less than him. I think it's a Vellner problem, not a field problem. Vellner needs to be better and closer to justin in the places that he's not rather than there needs to be more people get in between just to be clear um i don't think brian is saying it's a field problem is he he's just giving us the numbers to look at he's just contextualizing it he hasn't made an excuse for velner yet he could no what i'm really
Starting point is 00:46:23 saying is look when when fraser retired last january everyone started to say well what's going to happen on the men's side are we finally going to see people actually compete and contend for the podium what ends up happening is that in at the last event the final event at the games and at the rogue invitational in a very different circumstances but madero's basically Vellner on that last event for one reason or another. And so the points gap by the end of the weekend looked much more significant than it actually was. Vellner was pretty close to him throughout most of the events, most of the competition in both cases, but he gave up like 50 points on the last event both times.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Whereas up to that point, he was only 30 points behind after 14 events or six events and i completely agreed with brian at the games and i i think pretty sure we both thought velner was a fitter than madero's even though madero's won which is why we both had velner winning rogue and the what madero's did during this competition i I've completely flipped. I think Medeiros is better than Vellner. And even though they were close in every single event, it felt like Medeiros dominated this competition. If you look at their rankings and Medeiros' rankings, 2-3-2-1-2-5-3. That is dominance.
Starting point is 00:47:44 And then compared to Vellner, and I won't even do the last event. I'll just say the events before that one, eight, five, two, one, four. The eight's the only outlier.
Starting point is 00:47:51 The eight and the four. Okay. That's, I mean, the four, five. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:47:55 You're right. I'll take the four out. The eight is the outlier, but that outlier is still there. I know, but if you switch that lifting event to this, if you lift that lifting, if you switch a lifting event to a snatch event instead of a clean and jerk event, then he's probably in the top five and Justin's probably out of the top five. Hey, you could change the conversation and say—
Starting point is 00:48:13 And Medeiros will beat him on that. Like you could say, if it doesn't matter, Medeiros is winning and Vellner always has an outlier event. Vellner always has an outlier event. You could say top three, and then all of a sudden, Medeiros only has one out of the top three, and Vellner has one, two, three, four. So it's kind of arbitrary. If you look at event three, event three, I think you're saying is close because they're 10 seconds apart.
Starting point is 00:48:43 In a sprint event, They're not, that's not, I have, I had the only event that I think was a small margin between them was event six. No way. Which event are you talking about? Uh, John,
Starting point is 00:48:54 because the, the, the, the, the amount of time that they win by is not necessarily indicative of a larger, small margin of victory. For example,
Starting point is 00:49:00 on the, on the workout with the, with the GHDs and the concept2 skier in the hill run, Medeiros takes first, Vellner takes second, and Medeiros only beat him by five seconds. But at no point in rounds three or four did I ever think that Vellner was going to catch him. So I would say that even though he only beat him by— Medeiros came out at breakneck pace and was like, come follow me if you dare. And Vellner tried tried and then he backed off
Starting point is 00:49:25 hey the guy who took third the guy who took third in event number five came 25 seconds after velner i mean he wasn't even close which means that vel like i'm sort of defending Vellner. For all we know, Vellner could have come in even faster because at some point when the person's that far behind you, it's like you don't give a fuck. And I'd also like to say that every time Vellner... Say that again? I think you have to give credit to Justin then because Justin's
Starting point is 00:49:59 right there with him. Did you ever think that Justin was going to win that workout? That he was going to beat Pat on that workout though? just like event four right i think i mean i think those are i think those are even and that's and same with event three when i say that justin's beat him by 10 seconds it sounds small but you know 10 seconds on a sub two two minute event two to three minute event is a lot and two people were able to come in between them velner also has two first place victories where madeiros only has one. And that,
Starting point is 00:50:27 was there something similar like that at the games? Did, did, did Velner have more higher finishes? Well, Medeiros had not won an event until the, until the final. And,
Starting point is 00:50:36 but this is okay. Like this is what, what's becoming his MO right now is I don't need to win events. He's the opposite of the Fikowski. Fikowski has these highs and these lows. Vellner has, I mean, Medeiros has no lows.
Starting point is 00:50:48 And Fraser was this way in 2016. I think it's because he got the shot. I think he would have won this if he wasn't vaccinated. What if Vellner stops taking care of his credit card issues during competition? He goes to sleep without entertaining his family. Fair, fair. Hey, but you know what? It could go the other way too. That could be with the saving grace for him, but who knows? without entertaining his family. Fair. Fair.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Hey, but you know what? It could go the other way, too. That could be the saving grace for him, but who knows. Justin's proof. Yeah. I mean, Justin's proof you don't need to win every event. I mean, dude, goddamn, Justin's good. Brony made a living on be good and then close,
Starting point is 00:51:20 working for Medeiros. You don't feel like he he kind of like he dominated this one not like a fraser dominance but like he was gonna win and nobody was going and velner wasn't going to catch him did you not feel that way brian uh no i didn't feel that way until um event six when when velner wasn't able to gain any ground on him in that workout, then I was like, nope. Once again, same as the games. Same thing. It was the same thing with events 13 and 14 at the games. Even though Pat had made mistakes up to that point, I was like, these workouts are pretty good for him. If he can get some guys in between him and Medeiros, he can make it close going into the final.
Starting point is 00:52:00 But he wasn't able to do it. He did great. And Medeiros was right behind him. And that was exactly the same on event six because i agree with you for the most part completely in disregard the last event event um for the games especially not so much for this rogue one but i i get where where you're coming from if he didn't have that mistake i think the weight should have been heavier so every guy couldn't just touch and go 205. It wasn't an execution workout. It was a little bit more strong. I think that the biggest problem with the last workout was that the bi-round was very unnecessary and disadvantageous.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Detrimental, yeah. Especially on the men's side because in the men's side, there were already two withdraw. So in the first round, there were only 13 guys lifting and three were going to be eliminated. And, uh, if, um, if not just, if not just Valner, but also Jason Hopper, they had to sit there for an extra like 20 or 30, someone set up to 35 extra minutes waiting to lift just in that dugout cold, and then go out there and cycle two Oh five with knowing that you had no margin for error. And in the second round, you're going against guys,
Starting point is 00:53:10 10 of the 15 guys that are now competing with five spots being eliminated that have already had a chance to cycle through the event. Once you had their opportunity to make mistakes, some of those guys made mistakes in the first round, but it didn't. And we're still able to, and they were still able to advance. But now by this time, the blood's flowing, the body's used to moving. You have some experience with doing that. You know, obviously as some of the guys who had the buy and some of the women who had the buy
Starting point is 00:53:36 were able to make it through, but five of the 10 athletes who had a buy, Velner Hopper, Laura Horvath, Carrie Pierce, and Annie Thor's daughter all looked pretty shaky on the snatch in the first time they did it. And all of them, except for Horvath ended up being eliminated immediately. That's what we're going to talk about tomorrow morning with Emily Abbott, the snatch,
Starting point is 00:53:58 right? 7, 7 a.m. Pacific standard time. The vulva. Uh, did you want to respond to that, John?
Starting point is 00:54:07 No, I, i agree completely i don't think having the first round buy was advantageous at all i do of course you of course you don't because you're a fucking pundit ask any of those five people they're glad as fuck they didn't have to do it. No, they're not. I talked to two of them about it, and they both would have rather have not had to buy. Who? Can you tell us who? It was Hopper and Velma. Oh, yeah, yeah. Fuck those guys.
Starting point is 00:54:31 No, I watched Hopper's match, and the first match looked— No one's ever said that. —looked so out of balance. And I know 205 is not heavy for him, and I agree. I think if they wouldn't have won the first round, they would have gotten through. Or if they didn't have to sit in the dugout for the extra 20 minutes, but they could have gone in the back and continued to warm up and had a similar amount of time before taking the floor
Starting point is 00:54:55 as the guys who did the first stage. No, the answer to this is no. Most of the, I would, if I had to bet money, I'd say most of those people are not vaccinated. I would say most of them are, but not all of them. I would say most of them are not. I want to talk about event number five on the women's side. Tia got sixth.
Starting point is 00:55:16 It's the deadlift pull-up event, and Annie Thor's daughter got first. Any surprise there? That Annie got first or Tia got sixth? Both. Yes. Yes. I would say not that Annie got first. She smoked this event in 2019 over everybody, including Tia,
Starting point is 00:55:36 and she did the same thing this time. So I expected Annie to get first. I'm pretty sure Brian did too. I did expect to get first. I forgot because Carolyn Prevo was doing so poorly in the competition overall. I didn't even give a second thought to it, but she is one of the best deadlifters in the world. I mean, she's just broken her own record for the road. Didn't she win?
Starting point is 00:55:56 Yeah, she broke her own record for the road record breakers, max 225 deadlifts in whatever it is, two minutes or three minutes. So if you're looking at Tia didn't place... Wait, Carolyn Prevost did that? Yeah, she got like 52 reps, I think, in two minutes. 67, I think it was. No.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I'm pretty sure I heard someone say 67. It was Chase. Maybe 57. She probably has one of the weakest deadlifts out there i bet what's her max deadlift who carolyn prevo it's probably significant they're saying in the comments 67 john hey well her she's not strong she's not that's her that's her weakness that's her weakness uh oh it's a battle in comments. They're going to war between 66 and 67. Richard Henson's being smart.
Starting point is 00:56:48 He's telling us what the previous record was, 62. Hey, what's her 66.5? Someone's saying 66 and a half. Maybe I'm thinking the men that got 52. She was dribbling that bar. She was dribbling that bar. But that amazes me to hear this because I don't think she has't think she does a stronger deadlift than tia or annie or gabriella or laura i don't know about hayley well i i mean it's not uh how strong are you workout it's how can you cycle 60 of your max
Starting point is 00:57:19 hayley did very well in this workout and hayaley's deadlift is nowhere close to Tia's. And I think Haley beat Tia. Did she not? Yeah, she did. Yeah. Haley beat Tia. Her deadlift is nowhere close to Tia. I mean, people, it's just how good can you do 60%?
Starting point is 00:57:39 69%. Sure. So any surprise there between Tia and Annie? I look at the people who came in between them i wasn't surprised that anyone you know looking back on it not surprised carolyn prevo did well on this workout and then you have uh hayley danielle brandon and uh kristin holta um and i would say yes i would have expected tia to get third on that workout. There's some analysis there that John and I were talking about that's worth thinking about maybe, Brian. Maybe we need your big old brain to think about it. That basically it says something about that weight relative to the field. Like if that was 235, would that have fucked up Carolyn Prevo and Haley Adams?
Starting point is 00:58:22 Like is 225, like is that the sprint weight for these savages i want to say for the record if hayley is watching this is seven saying this not me i don't know i mean there's the the uh there's the the uh get that out there if you go julie foucher was like the original example of an athlete like this she did not have top end strength numbers to compete in one rep max events but when it was this type of weight like a cycling weight that was moderately heavy she was amongst the best in the world at that time. And Haley Adams is the new age iteration of that type of athlete. We know where she finished in the Bella Complex, and we see where she finished in this workout.
Starting point is 00:59:12 And so we understand that even though she doesn't have the top-end strength when it comes to moving 80% of her one rep max, she's as good as anyone. And typically when people have a hard time getting stronger and they are one of the more weaker ones, but they're at this level of fitness, they usually are better at cycling 80% to 90%. Katrin was the same way. If you have a hard time getting stronger, you're usually better at cycling moderately. Notice the past tense that he used there, Seva. Was the same way.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Do you guys know what Haley Adamsams max deadlift is no i think in the total she did 315 maybe more it's interesting um yeah i i think that's normal for people too i think it's normal for people especially who like aren't aren't the super strong people like if your max is when my max is 315 that was also my seven rep max too like like i was just what's your max deadlift brian you got a weak ass deadlift don't you yep and how what is it have you done 300 yes and and what what's your max? Just tell us. 365. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:00:28 There you go, Brian. Holy shit. And Brian, was it a one rep or did you do it more than once? Once. And I haven't actually attempted to go above 315 since that. That was probably two or three years ago. Did you hurt yourself? No, I just don't like dead lifting heavy yeah just you're smart dude you
Starting point is 01:00:46 are smart someone else say smart so i can post that again um there was this a comment up here that i wanted to post oh there it is oh it's up there it's up there it's up there does annie have any chance to beat tia in madison no not i mean but she thinks she does now which is i don't know about that i i mean it's one of these things like it could go either way and and the competitor and her obviously should embrace that mentality but on the flip side of it it's it reminds me of what velner what happened to velner with fraser at rogue in 2019 there was only a two-day competition then he was ahead of fraser going into the second day of competition and on the second day of competition fraser finished second first first second and velner finished ninth fifth eleventh third
Starting point is 01:01:39 and so fraser basically said um when when when push comes to shove, I'm going to do what I need to do to win. And Tia clearly did that on the last two events. And that can be, you know, like I said, she should embrace the fact that she thinks she can beat her. But to me, what this really showed is that even a less than optimal Tia still has what it takes to beat the entire field. Well,
Starting point is 01:02:05 so, so that's interesting. You, so you guys are basically saying, I don't think that that's what happened here. I don't think she is less than optimal. I don't think she is distracted from, um,
Starting point is 01:02:14 uh, Bob sledding. I don't think any of that. I think that we just saw a fucking fantastic show on Annie's part and that it's seven events and that it's rogue bias and just what all those other factors are and who's there and who's not there but I give all the credit to Annie until I see otherwise um when I see comments like this Mal O'Brien in 2023 what I think is is that like one of these fucking savages or or six of the seven of these new savages here are going to be
Starting point is 01:02:41 basically the the Scott Panchex of the women's division someone are going to be basically the Scott Pan checks of the women's division. Someone is going to rise. Tia's not going to stay around forever. One of these chicks is going to rise and the others are just going to be supporting characters. Maybe. Or we could have a period of time because as close as
Starting point is 01:03:00 it's been between Medeiros and Vellner in certain aspects, there's a huge age gap there. So Vellner is going to disappear next year. The year after. It's going to be all the new kids. And that's, what's going to happen on the women's side because Laura Horvath, Gabby Magawa,
Starting point is 01:03:14 Haley Adams, Emma, Carrie and Mel O'Brien are all going to be relevant podium threats for the next five to eight years. If they want to be. Longer. No, he's, he's offended. john's offended by the comment 485 i think john's max deadlift is 575 is your max out of 575 i don't know what my max deadlift is i i'm gonna do it
Starting point is 01:03:38 this week though which is fun you've done over 500 pounds john yeah i don't like to max it very often either though but i think the most done is 525 holy but i'm pretty positive it's i haven't that was like two years ago and then you couldn't even you couldn't even test your max at my house unless you put like maybe if you used all my bars, taped them all together. There was another interesting comment in here. You just have each one of your kids sit on the weights. Right. Was Annie actually peaking here? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Stuff like that. That's over my head. Doesn't Mal have Lyme disease? What? Is that true? Is there truth to that? Does Wednesday Adams have Lyme disease? Because that's what you were inferring the other day who's wednesday adams the adams family oh oh yeah is that her name in the show wednesday yeah oh uh thought of emma lawson's competing in
Starting point is 01:04:41 dubai and the women individual i think no we're not we're not we're not doing that we're not doing that uh maybe we'll come back to that we let's keep going. I think we're not doing that. We're not doing that. Maybe we'll come back to that. Let's keep going through these events. We're on a roll. So that was the mule. We talked about the deadlift. Anything else you guys want to mention there in the men's category?
Starting point is 01:05:02 I mean, I want to say I was surprised by Justin, but I mean, Ryan's right. He called that, that Justin would be good at that. And I did not think he'd be that close to Vellner. I think that people are getting the wrong impression of when I'm comparing Vellner and Medeiros here. I'm not taking anything away from Justin. If anything, I'm saying is that we actually have a good competition on the men's side, and it's actually been closer than the final standing show in terms of the points gaps because of what's happened on the last event.
Starting point is 01:05:29 But this is exactly the thing. Medeiros has proven through these events that he's not bad at anything right now. He hasn't given away anything, regardless of what anyone else in the field has done. And so we look at these and we're like, I don't know, I don't know. And the answer keeps being like, well, now we do know. He's got it all right now. And the only thing he's weak at is maybe a strict press, and he went and hired a bodybuilding coach to work on his shoulders
Starting point is 01:05:58 for a whole year. That was the only thing he's ever been weak at was that strict press in 2020 uh velner too modest during competition he's opening the doors and giving kisses on the cheek instead he needs to slap some asses and go for the kill i think there's a killer in there i think he's going for the kill i think that boy has a switch um that i think that boy has a switch yeah he definitely does do you guys want to talk about la Laura Horvath and her handstand pushups at all? If you watch that event, I think that Chase Ingram pretty much nails it. If you're not good at that, you can practice it,
Starting point is 01:06:37 but there's only so much improvement you're going to make. And I think that if anything that we've learned from Laura is that that is true. And I don't hold it against not anymore that she's bad at that it's the one thing that she's not good at and she's probably never going to be great at it i think brian's using that as an excuse to not work on his handstand push-up i am working on them but i don't ever expect them to be great i think i think she expects hers to get better that's why she's at the games i think they would have been better by now if she didn't uh interesting um the chipper event number six
Starting point is 01:07:14 let's just address this about daniel brandon real quick yeah sure we projected her 11th and 12th and she finished 12th so we were pretty much spot on with her. Next question. Yeah. She, she told, she told Brian, she whispered into Brian's ear that she was going to get 11th or 12th.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Um, uh, the chipper events, uh, we're now we're going into the final day and, uh, Tia and Annie are neck and neck. Uh, the women are basically, I want to say stealing the show um
Starting point is 01:07:49 well it's pretty much i'm velner and maderos and that's all you can and that's all that was actually you know i put up three was go ahead yeah yeah velner's the only hope in the men's division for for crying out loud. He kind of is. He's kind of – who would have ever thought that we'd be talking about the men this way with Tia in the women's division? But that's why I gave Annie MVP for the event, like hands down. I used to think BKG would be up there too, but I agree with Brian. I think Patrick andin have separated themselves on their own playing field and it's just a who's who's gonna beat who in that field and then there's everybody else can fight for third but that's still exciting um more exciting than it has been
Starting point is 01:08:39 i think i think uh fukasi would have done well. I keep thinking of Rogan. I keep forgetting. Yeah. But, but what did you say? What did you say about Fikowski? You think if he was there, you would have won this event?
Starting point is 01:08:52 No, no, but I think he would have been, I think he would have done well on majority of the workouts. And gotten in between Vellner and Medeiros. As good as, as consistent as Medeiros is though, I don't think Fikowski would be able to give him a run
Starting point is 01:09:05 because there's always going to be a workout that Vukowski anatomically is not. Event six. Yeah, exactly. But everything else, it should have been. Less than Laura, less than Annie even. But I just think that there's always going to be an event like that. And Justin will not be bad at that. And Vukowski will be.
Starting point is 01:09:23 It's not necessarily his fault. So I still say Vellner andin are in the field of their own it might be just vikowski in between everybody else and those two vikowski i sent him a dm asking if he'd come on the show did i tell you that right yeah and i told you i sent him a message that was much more subtle adler's been getting fitter if he like what hey what kind of toilet paper do you use or Yeah. And I told you I sent him a message that was much more subtle. Adler's been getting fitter. Like what?
Starting point is 01:09:49 Hey, what kind of toilet paper do you use? Or, hey, dude, how's the weather up there? I said, I think I could have beaten Veldner on event one. Oh, nice. Nice. Nice. Going into the final day, I put up three polls on Instagram. One was who's rogue champion, Tia or Annie? And the vote was 52,
Starting point is 01:10:05 48. So it was basically a split, which is a little ridiculous. I think I put up, we have, you know, people voting with their heart and what they wanted to see and the excitement of actually having someone who could win besides Tia.
Starting point is 01:10:19 And then I put up a third place, Gabby or Laura, and it was a 50, 50 split exactly on the voting. And then I put up third place Ad, Gabby or Laura, and it was a 50-50 split exactly on the voting. And then I put up third place, Adler or Hopper, and Hopper got nearly 70% of the vote. People are just not paying attention to the scoreboard. No, they're not paying attention to the events. They thought it was pretty obvious that he was going to struggle on event six and probably fall out of that conversation.
Starting point is 01:10:43 And obviously people didn't know. We didn't know what event seven was at that time, but that's also, I think it's just a testament to, you know, people voting with their hearts. Jason Hopper has gotten a lot of love and attention and conversation this year. He had a really good start to this competition.
Starting point is 01:10:57 He kind of limped to the finish line with three consecutive 14 place finishes, which I want to talk about when we get to the final event, by the way. And then, and then, you know, Adler's Adler's just not as well-known. Yes, he won the Open one year. He's had some good performances, but he's not a very outspoken and gregarious guy.
Starting point is 01:11:17 He just very much minds his own business, gets to work, and does his thing. He's kind of a quiet personality. But this was a great competition for him and i thought it was i was surprised i thought more people would be on adler than hopper going in the final day who do you who do you guys think offhand brian adler because i know he's crazy strong but he always looks smaller than i like feel that he is but what is. Do you know his height and weight offhand? I think he's actually almost ideal.
Starting point is 01:11:53 No, not that one. This one. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Why is that so funny? Because we know it's true. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Why is that so funny? Because we know it's true. Oh, shit. Now, Fikowski would have brought his pills. Sorry, Brian. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:12:12 That's a great comment, though. He would have slept in a mask or had something available to him. Yeah. Elder's listed at 5'9", 195. Oh, so he's... Okay. Just normal size? Normal cross-footy size?
Starting point is 01:12:25 Yeah. He's pretty, he's pretty dense. Yeah. So the, the lowest person that took first place, um, the lowest ranked person at the end of the day who took first place in the men's division was Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 01:12:35 He finished in sixth place and he, he has a first place finish and event number three, then Travis may or finished above him and Jeffrey Adrey adler finished above him but they're the only people who didn't have first place finishes now here's the part that's like that that could i wonder if it's troublesome for gee he has is only one of two guys who has first place finishes and he took fifth multiple first place and the implications of that are that he has some real and i know i'm beating a dead horse here, but he has some real holes.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Yeah. And that's like real holes. Like, like, like he might not make it past a semifinal holes. I mean, that's not good. Well,
Starting point is 01:13:15 he holds other holes that are easiest to fix. Okay. Well, that's good. What'd you say, Brian? Holes should be the holes that are easiest to fix. And that is?
Starting point is 01:13:27 Long, going long. My only, I agree with you, but I'll caveat that with the stronger you are, the more extreme side you are, it is harder to get that cardio side. I know cardio is easier to get than strength, way easier, it's way less time. But the more extreme you are on one side, the harder it is to get good at the other.
Starting point is 01:13:59 It speaks like a man who knows from experience. Spencer Hendel in 2015 is the example of this. I was consistently winning events at the games and kind of pushed past about 10th. Spent an entire year working on being better at exactly that type of thing and ends up with a fifth place finish. But Spencer Hindle was not Bella complexing 367. You know what I mean? I agree with you, but it is harder the stronger you are. And he is so good on that extreme. And he probably should keep it.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Is that true what he's saying? Is that true what John's saying? The stronger you are, the harder it is to build Metcon? Is that what you're saying? I don't know. The more fast Twitch you are, it's harder to build slow twitch peg peg mess melissa's comment you're right but there's that's why there's only been one matt frazier if it was that easy damn you're good everybody would have a engine like bricks they're all training to have amazing engines why is it why are people fitter than others? Because it's easier for others than Mr. Frazier.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Frazier and Tia are one out of a billion. That event that Guy took 19th in, you know why he didn't take 20th? Because there weren't 20 competitors for that event. He took fucking last place, dude. Yeah, but he was only three seconds behind Ben Smith.
Starting point is 01:15:22 That's a very optimistic way to look at it. Oh, man. Hey, dude, if he would have lost and he lost to jason smith jason smith is fucking one year away from taking him back take him to the glue factory i want to add one more thing to my uh melissa um i know this for a fact in 2015 fraser ran a mile four time and he said it was one of the only times he ever ran a mile, and it was 5.05, and that was when he sucked at cardio. 5.05 mile. That is why there's only one Matt Fraser. Yeah, that's crazy. BJ, you're high. Who's BJ? Brian?
Starting point is 01:16:15 No, BJ. There's no someone in the comments. Oh, Haley Adams needs a new coach. Yeah, you are high BJ. okay uh anything else you want to say about before we go to this final event which was one of my most favorite events um i immediately uh text dave and i said dude it sucks that event seven is the best event in the history of crossfit competitions because i know you'll never do it because someone else thought of it before you um but but john disagrees with me he doesn't think it's the best competition in the history of crossfit events do you have any thoughts brian where we dig into it and i want to say a huge flaw that um that that rogue made in that event huge flaw go on go ahead okay the pedestal the pedestal did not need a tabletop on it. I'm going to actually text Bill this today, tonight. It should have just been a pedestal, like the old school strongman.
Starting point is 01:17:14 For the stones? Yeah, yeah. It should just be like a cylindrical thing because that table fucked some of those chicks up. Did you see how close Laura Horvath's bag was to falling off in the second to last round? Guy's bag was falling off every round and it never did. I was I was so excited about that event. I was like, what would have happened if they crossed the finish line and look back and their bag was on the ground? Oh, it didn't happen, but it could have happened.
Starting point is 01:17:45 I feel like you have to put it on the, it can't fall off. What if it falls off after you've crossed the line? I think it has to stay on the ground. I wonder if they had a rule about that. Anyway, the concept of the event was very good. I think that, I already said it, I think that the buy was completely unnecessary. I think it was a huge disadvantage for those athletes. And I also think that, you know, oh, I mentioned earlier about Hopper.
Starting point is 01:18:18 He finished the competition with three 14th place finishes. The way he got those 14th place finishes just doesn't sit that well with me. place finishes. The way he got those 14th place finishes just doesn't sit that well with me. He told me that he did what he considered to be his best and perfect execution of event number six, which was going to be a tough event for him with 60 strict stand pushups and 30 ring muscle ups weighing at 220 and being that big. And he said, if you look at the scoreboard, he was actually within like seven seconds of three or four other guys. And he knew that. And he was pushing on the row. He just couldn't close the gap.
Starting point is 01:18:48 He said he was really happy with his execution there and proud of that 14th. When you look at his 14th place finish in the next event, he basically had to do nothing to earn the same number of points. He could have just walked on the floor and done nothing and gotten the same number of points as spending nearly 17 minutes executing a very difficult workout perfectly to maximize his points in that workout. Man, he was one second behind Udis. Udis. Wow. He was seven seconds from 11th in event six. And event six was the chipper.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Damn. And Brian, what did you preface all of that with? That you don't like the way he's thinking about these events? You don't think he's pushing himself hard enough or what? You don't think his expectations are – No, no, no. That's not what I said at all. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Are you listening? No, I was hardly listening. But I want to know no i'm just saying like i i didn't i just really didn't like the buy in that event and i thought it it took like i didn't think it was necessary there are only 20 athletes he only takes one minute why give him that by the first round no no sorry before you go here tell me but but you were talking about these 314 place finishes and you prefaced that with something i thought you prefaced that with you didn't like jason taking that or you didn't like
Starting point is 01:20:10 his response to that no he didn't do it okay i know i was just saying that the way that he got that he earned those points i mean you're if you're finishing 14th you're still earning those points by beating certain guys and he had to work hard to get those points in events five and six, even though it's not a lot of points, even though it doesn't look that great on the leaderboard, he had to maximize his, his potential as a, you know, as a guy who was just like John said about Fikowski was biomechanically at a disadvantage in those workouts. He did as good as he could right now on those. And he was proud of those. Okay. You get to the final event, he gets a buy. So he's immediately the worst he can do is 15th and he gets 14.
Starting point is 01:20:49 He basically had to do nothing at all in the workout. The same number of points that he had to bust his ass and execute perfectly on a 17 minute workout to earn those points in the earlier event that day. And you could say, well, he earned those points by getting there in the other six events, I guess. But I don't know. Something didn't feel right about it to me. I don't know why they needed to buy. Those times that they have on Event 7, are those their fastest times? Do you guys know?
Starting point is 01:21:23 Ask that again. So if you look at Event 7 um and no no there there's those are the times in the round that they were eliminated i've actually gone through and and and listed out every person's time from every um round and done i'm doing a little analysis and i'm going to write an article about this specific event. You look at the – Amber, Quant, and Medeiros were all the three fastest, right, every time? Not so much on Quant, but Medeiros was very consistent at 54. In the first round that Medeiros competed, he was fifth fastest. In the second round, he was second fastest to Guy. In the third round, he was third fastest to Guy and Quant.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Yeah. But if you look at, here's a good example. Chandler Smith in the first round was at one Oh five 74. And he advanced through that round in the second round. Velner was one Oh four 87 and didn't advance through that round. Chandler Smith improved by over a second in the first round, from the second first round to the second round. And it still wasn't good enough to advance.
Starting point is 01:22:28 If Vellner would have improved by a similar margin, and we could actually probably assume that he would have improved by more than that because he was probably not going to miss a snatch a second time through. I think that in the case of him and look in the case of Haley Adams, she's not strong enough to cycle that weight for squat snatches. But in the case of Brian said that Brian said that, but in the case of Valner and Hopper, we know that they are, and they just missed it. And I can't really fault them for missing after sitting in
Starting point is 01:22:54 the dugout for 35 minutes. Like that's, that's pretty brutal. I get what you're saying, but does it, does it matter with Valnerner? In terms of what? He was not going to beat Medeiros. Even if he didn't miss that snatch, it would have been maybe a minute. At the rate he was moving, I don't think he would have been able to win. No, no, but I'm saying I want all the athletes to have the same opportunity in the workout. I'm just saying, I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:23:20 And while some people, maybe they're painting the picture and saying, no, it's an advantage. They had to do it one less time. And I would say that would be an advantage if the rounds were immediately following each other. But there were 10 minutes between every round. You were completely fresh and reset by then. Those athletes can recover and do a one-minute workout 10 minutes later as many times as you want them to. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:23:39 And if guys have to sit in the dugout and go for, you know, wait somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes, depending on if he won or he three of the first round and those other guys, those five guys have to wait 35 minutes, which is the number that I've been told by those athletes. Maybe they're exaggerating. It was 25 or 30 minutes, but I actually did it. I actually wrote down all this. That's what I'm saying. If the weight was 225, you could afford to make a mistake.
Starting point is 01:24:01 If you look at the women's, Carrie Pierce missed her first snatch. I think Daniel Brandon missed her first snatch in one event, in one of the heats. And they still got through, like easily. Like it wasn't close because a lot of the women were having trouble with the sandbag or slash the weight. And the men, everybody could do it.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Everybody could do it. But this also goes to the bigger picture, which is that there's greater depth on the men's field in general. So you're going to have more separation on something like that in the women's field, I think. Is this comment, John is right, love this event, but it was more about execution. Is that supposed to say, and it was, John is right, love this event, and it was more about execution. What's this button reference to? Is it bad?
Starting point is 01:24:43 I think he's trying to say it's more about execution than fitness. Ability. Ability. Or ability. Yeah. And is that bad? No, there are events like that at the games too. I mean, we saw like the Hanson obstacle course.
Starting point is 01:24:56 You had to execute that event well. The squat cleans in events six and seven. You had to be very strategic about how hard you ran. I don't think you need the last event of the competition though look how strong this this statement is richard henson not letting guys use their fitness to decide the winner doesn't make any sense in a crossfit competition man i don't i oh man i i really see what he's saying but if that's the case then let's just fucking hook these guys up to electrodes and figure it out like you know what i what I mean? Like, no, no, no, there is 100%.
Starting point is 01:25:25 This guy, uh, someone Andre says execution is a part of fitness and it's, it definitely is, you know, we can go back all the way to the first times that we saw part of competition also. Sorry, Brian, finish that thought, finish that thought. Well, yeah, it's a part of fitness and it's definitely a part of competition. And sometimes you have to, sometimes you have to risk it for the points. But in this case, I don't think that was what was going on. It's not like Felder and Hoppe were risking it going for that rep. They knew they had to do that.
Starting point is 01:25:53 But coming off of 30 minutes sitting in the dugout doing nothing, why was that something that – and some people say like, oh, no, no. Well, in all competitions, they have to get in this corral and stay there for this amount of time before they take the floor. But that's true for everyone that's doing that event at the same time. In this case, it wasn't. There were five guys and five women who had to wait for twice as much time before going to do that event in that dugout without having a chance to touch a barbell or warm up.
Starting point is 01:26:19 They were told they couldn't touch the barbell. They couldn't do any warm up reps. And they were given at least 10 extra to 15 extra. Why is that? Why does anyone give a fuck of what they're doing over there on the side? As long as they're not fucking popping sarms, like what do they give a shit what they're doing? I don't even give a shit if they're doing that. Like let them warm up.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Like let them. I mean I agree with that. I want to see the athletes do their best on the competition floor i think that those men and women that were given the buy were get were put in a position where we did not get to see their best in the first round and that might have been the case for everyone in the first round it's just that they were then going against 10 people who'd already had one crack at it and they didn't and the fact that they already had one crack at it didn't make them any more tired it actually warmed them up in a way that those athletes didn't get a chance to do i'll respond to this comment you can't have it as
Starting point is 01:27:09 one of the middle events because some people work more than the others guillermo and samuel quant did more work than but that's happened at the games when they've had the squat clean ladders the clean and jerk ladders the squat snatch ladders as middle events. Yeah, I agree with both. I agree with John. And it goes way back. You can remember Rich Froning in 2014 or 13 when they did the squat clean ladder and he ended up 21st out of 20 and he had to sit there and watch because he failed to execute when it mattered. No, that's fair. That's fair.
Starting point is 01:27:37 Yeah, John, we totally agree. We're just so you know, we're just, we're happy that Bill and Katie do this. They can do whatever the fuck they want. If they wanted to just make it one big sand hill and we shoot rubber bullets at them and see Glass Man standing, we'd watch the shit and commentate on it. You're right. We know that. We discussed that in the beginning. We're just having fun with it.
Starting point is 01:27:58 We're just talking about it. Brian is too smart. Man, I agree. Too smart. Too smart. uh brian is too smart man i agree too smart too smart uh so so um there was hope in a dream that annie was going to bring this um home and what was really cool is even though she went into the final event down by five points it was really a tie because what she had done was she had won um she had taken first place
Starting point is 01:28:25 in two events and all she had and t had only taken first place in one event which means if there was a tie it would it would it would go to um it would go to annie annie would win it so as long as annie beat her by one place annie would have been the rogue champion and we didn't get that and and actually um she took 13th i mean she did she did really bad he's going back to what brian said to describe hopper i mean she got the buy i mean she only did two places better than if she would have just sat out and like hung out with her kid and she struggled with the bag so if she would have struggled with the bag in the first round and still got enough got it in enough time to get past she probably would have struggled with the bag in the first round and still got enough, got it in enough time to get past, she probably would have improved in the rounds after that.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Her time, her, even as poorly as she did in that round, her time of one 20.03 would have beaten five women from the first round. So she could have had that opportunity to screw it up. Learn. Oh, he is too smart people.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Sorry, Brian, go ahead. That's good shit and then corrected in the second round and we had um you know some other that's a strong case that's a strong point what are you referring to and then hold on is basically saying that if she if she if she if she would have got to go first she might, she would have fucked up and still qualified for the next round, but she would have known her fuck up. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Yeah. Oh, you did say that? He's saying the same thing. He just doesn't have all these numbers right in front of him. Oh, oh. But there's other athletes. We can take Katrin Davidsdottir, for example. She also had some execution errors in the first round.
Starting point is 01:30:00 She finished in 1.12. It was good enough to advance. In the second round, she improved by 10 seconds. Laura Horvath, uh, from round two to three improved a ton. I'm just saying she improved by five seconds. Yeah. So, you know, and this is one of the things that it's going to, I'm going to show in the article is that there's that it wasn't every athlete, but some of the athletes, um, had regression and that could, you know, but it could come down to any number of factors at that point. But, but a lot of athletes showed improvement from for their first round to their second round. And those, and then in the case of Annie Thor's
Starting point is 01:30:35 daughter, Vellner, Hopper, I think those are really the three that it's relevant for here. They didn't have a chance to do that because of the way that the event was structured um go ahead john um i agree with them it's also their fault that they didn't execute but i agree they are at kind of a disadvantage that they don't get lesser times to beat because of the buy so it's just poorly set up it's still on them but they are at a slight disadvantage going into this workout and i mean look the the counter argument is well tia toomey and uh gabby magawa and justin maderos and jeffrey adler had the same circumstances and they found a way to make it work. Yeah. Can I move the picture?
Starting point is 01:31:25 My friends are still at their fault, but they are at a slight disadvantage. Can I? This guy just said, the Brian podcast with friends Sebon and John, it makes me want to fucking move Brian out of the center now. Put me in the center. But I can't figure out how to fucking do that. I feel like every single comment has misspelled my name.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Oh, how do they spell your name? J-O-H-N. Every single comment I see is J-O-N. You're just lucky that they're talking about you. Dude, there's still people that spell Matt Fraser's name with two T's. With two T's, yeah. It's really cool seeing
Starting point is 01:32:04 that Tia is so good that she won five CrossFit and three rogue invitational in a row. She is the best God in, in, in less than 12 hours, I'll be on this show talking about vagina with Emily Abbott. Does that, does that mean we're done here?
Starting point is 01:32:20 Truth. Uh, any, sure. But let's, let's just talk about how great the event was and how lucky we are we have it um it's a it's a trip i i do i do think that this rogue thing is is i could say a million nice things about it uh but i do want to say one thing about it that
Starting point is 01:32:42 jumped out at me and i've been processing it it is not an affiliate event and it uh but i do want to say one thing about it that jumped out at me and i've been processing it it is not an affiliate event and it is and i mentioned in the beginning that it are our numbers for covering it were one third of what the coverage we the the attention we got for the games and that was when we just started the podcast so i can only imagine next year what it's going to be like on this channel with the games. It's going to be fucking nuts. But this is kind of a weird event. It is not the CrossFit Games because it doesn't have that sort of community piece to it. If the affiliates all went away tomorrow, CrossFit would vanish. Like the CrossFit Games would vanish.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Like those people who own those affiliates and those members who go to those gyms, they are what makes any of this possible. They're the ones – I mean, shit, I don't know why I'm telling you guys that. There's 384 of you right now. I'm guessing 380 of you aren't games competitors and you're just people who work out in affiliate. competitors and you're just people who work out an affiliate so um i think this does something to the system and i can't tell if it's positive or negative but i think it also spoils the athletes and what do i mean by that is that rogue can fly all of these people out there and treat these guys really well and i'm not saying that they don't deserve it but i i just i just want to be aware of what's going on here i just just i don't have a strong point to what I'm saying, but just some observations I wanted to throw out there.
Starting point is 01:34:10 I don't think it's bad, but just like I don't think Halloween is bad, but yesterday my kids figured out what Twizzlers were, and it changes the landscape of everything. It changes everything. And I'm done. Do you guys have anything? It changes everything. And I'm done. All right. Do you guys have anything? It was a good competition. I enjoyed watching it. Mr. Friend.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Besides the people that we've already talked about, I was very impressed with both Gabby McGowan, Jeff Adler. And I also think that this was an extremely valuable weekend for both Mallory O'Brien and Emma Carey. And I know that Mal has gotten the better of her in two competitions, but you got to just stick with it. Both of them are going to be very relevant and it eventually will happen where Emma beats Mal in a competition like this. And I think that both of them, like when I say that it was a good experience for them like if you watch what happened to mallory o'brien on the last event and she was getting these no reps on the snatches and she had to deal with that like those types of
Starting point is 01:35:11 things happen in these in these environments um and you just gotta like go back and learn from them and shake them off and get stronger and i think that they're both incredibly impressive for their age and very mentally tough and And I expect them to, um, to continue to show up. I mean, at the start of the year, it was a huge surprise. And now they almost seem like mainstays and that they belong on this stage
Starting point is 01:35:32 with women that are 10 and 15 years older than them. And it's, it's, it was, it's pretty cool to watch actually to watch both of them. Uh, it's Mal O'Brien getting those no reps. Something I want to throw out there she took
Starting point is 01:35:45 15th in that event which basically means like like you said that's the worst i mean since she got a buy that's the absolute worst she could have well she didn't get a buy oh she didn't no no oh no she i mean she she qualified through the first round and then she was 13 seconds worse in the second round. But that's what I'm saying. Oh, okay. The raw numbers on that aren't necessarily reflective of, like, oh, she did so much worse because she was tired from the first round.
Starting point is 01:36:16 I'm not sure why she was getting those no reps, but you saw when she was leaving the competition floor that she was shaking her head and just clearly frustrated. Are you talking about the deadlifts? No, the snatches in the second round of the last event she got a bunch of no reps in the dead in the mule too for the deadlifts she was upset about that one as well i'm following jeffrey adler now get him on the show at adler jeff yeah get him on the show he's canadian he's got to probably like ask someone hey canadians the canadian, the Canadian men crushed it here, man. They're really good at getting second and third.
Starting point is 01:36:49 So I heard at the Legends event, I heard that the Legends event, the judges were told not to no-rep the Legends people, which I think is fair, but just to give you, like, they weren't told, hey. But then in the last round of the first work workout Kalipa and Bailey started getting no reps so that Rich and Miko could win is that true no like no no reps for legends
Starting point is 01:37:16 unless we need to just make it make sure that Rich and Miko win this one because that'll be real fun they have to win thank you so much Brian John and King Sev on your comments are so honest and hilarious one because that'll be real fun yeah they have to win uh thank you so much brian john and king seven your comments are so honest and hilarious um noble uh i enjoyed you guys you guys are awesome did you guys see that the mayhem desert heat event has been postponed what uh yeah there should be an article coming out about that tomorrow or the next day are there
Starting point is 01:37:43 are there exact dates on that do you know what i mean you know it's postponed indefinitely okay yeah so we don't know oh shit what happened do we know no no i didn't know it was postponed i thought it was just canceled but hopefully they'll be able to do it still that's that's what postponed indefinitely means, canceled. Right? Yeah, it's not going to happen this year. Okay. And you know why. I don't have any relevant details. The things I've heard are very vague and meaningless.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. I don't believe you. I don't believe you. I don't believe you. I don't believe you. Tomorrow night, tomorrow we have Emily Abbott at 7 a.m. At 9 a.m. directly after Emily Abbott talks,
Starting point is 01:38:34 and we're going to be talking about a workshop she's doing on November 5th. I'm excited to have her on. She's going to, I think she's quite the powerful lady, and she's going gonna say some fun stuff um and then at 9 a.m directly after that we have jason hopper on um he doesn't talk so that'll just be me and brian talking the whole time and then uh at 6 p.m tomorrow we're doing the news with james hobart and it looks like kate gordon is like on a like she's doing like some romantic getaway with her dude so she might not be on the show so i gotta find someone to fill her spot then on
Starting point is 01:39:12 thursday no sorry sorry sorry guys hopper was right in the middle for us brian you said 10th and i said fourth i ended up seventh yeah hopper uh oh look at this had to do with the the mayhem event had to do with the Vax guaranteed fake COVID news where am I here on Thursday on Wednesday I'm having Michael Todd on Michael
Starting point is 01:39:41 Todd is you should go to his Instagram account and check him out he's a fascinating guy a great athlete but who's really just pushed all of his fucking chips into arm wrestling he's one of the most successful professional arm wrestlers in the world and then on thursday thursday morning oh shit it says not yet confirmed i have ian gary on if you guys do not know who ian gary is you need to look him up and you need to watch the video on him. Ian, please stop calling women chicks. Please notice that neither her or your younger, smarter co-hosts do it. Hey, Mission Bella. Chicks, chicks, chicks, chicks, chicks, chicks, chicks. Chicks.
Starting point is 01:40:21 They are – I'm having Ian Garion, on ufc fighter from ireland he's seven and oh he's going to be on the card for us ufc 268 they're calling the next conor mcgregor you guys have to watch the short documentaries on him on youtube his name is ian gary i-a-n and then g-a-r-r-y you don't even tell me why to stop calling them chicks do you hate birds are you a bird hater what's wrong with calling them chicks tell me tell me write it up let me see what's wrong with calling chicks chicks you probably don't like dudes dudes can i call cowboys just watching the ticker of the number of viewers just go down one by one by one as you talk about this good good and uh and then on on um on friday the 5th i'm having the chick
Starting point is 01:41:08 from birth fit come on and and that's going to be awesome too all right guys you're both marvelous tonight thank you ask her about shaving i will or lack of love you guys

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