The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Women Event 1

Episode Date: October 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. We are not messing around. Bam, bam, bam. We're live.
Starting point is 00:00:38 You hear me, Brian? Yep. What's up with the whiteboard behind you? I'm at the gym. I got eight minutes before class starts. Ask me what you want. Woo! Brian coming in hot.
Starting point is 00:00:51 What happened to Laura Horvath? Is it just jitters? She wanted to win. She wanted to make a statement. She mismanaged. Mismanaged, misunderstood the workout. I think she missed,
Starting point is 00:01:09 she just miscalculated the her capacity on the rope climbs and everything was a little fast. You know, she went a little fast on the, on the wheel. She went a little fast on the first hill run and you watch Tia next to her and Chase Ingram said exactly this. He said, she's cool, calm and collected. She was under control from start to finish. And although she didn't win the workout, Tia basically like maximized her potential on that workout. She didn't waste any time. She did, you know, a good execution of the workout. Low went out a little hot. She still had a good finish overall. You know, it wasn't like Alex Vigneault or her Enrique Apelina that we talked
Starting point is 00:01:43 about earlier who totally imploded and had a bottom five finish in the workout. She was still up there. I don't know if she was sixth or seventh overall from the factor in Terry Helgadotter's time. But, um, yeah, that was, that was, uh, a little surprising, but we've seen it. We saw it in every heat. Someone started hot and then faded. Uh, have you heard about anything about what it's like on the floor out there the temperature etc i think it's pretty comfortable i i've been um talking to a couple of the guys but i haven't asked him about that but it looks it looks pretty comfortable i don't think it's a factor uh do we know a temperature there i think it's like 70 degrees okay and um how how about gabby are you surprised?
Starting point is 00:02:25 Last year you were saying she was someone to watch and she's only going to get better. So I'm guessing you're not surprised. No. And, I mean, she's very strong. She's very good. She's got a lot of experience under her belt for 22, 23 years old. She did have that terrible event in 2019 at the games with legless rope climbs, but we've kind of identified that when it's not legless rope climb, she's actually pretty good.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And like Annie Thor's daughter and Tia Claire Toomey, she had what looked, appeared to be like a negative split where she was able to kind of increase her pace in the back half and have obviously a great finish. I mean, beating Tia in that workout is is like that's got to feel really good for her i mean the truth is right that that every that all those girls who beat tia in there are actually thinking that in their head wouldn't you two girls okay girls okay i uh annie and gabby there's oh no no did hayley i think hayley adams may have beat her she was fourth and then she was fourth in the heat he went i think it was she was fourth, and then she was fourth in the heat. I think it was she was fourth. I'm not looking at the leaderboard. You tell me.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Okay, maybe you're right. I don't even know. Is there a leaderboard? Where is the leaderboard? Is it on the Rogue Invitational site? There is one. Yeah, there is one on Rogue Invitational site, but sometimes it takes a couple minutes to update after the end of a heat. Individual workouts, legends, strongman, event schedule.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I don't see it. There was a point, there was a point while I look for it, answer this one. There was a point where we've talked about this before. Who's the greatest, um, living, uh, CrossFitter and Chase Ingram said something along the lines and I'm, I'm paraphrasing, paraphrasing and now taking floor the, the greatest CrossFitter ever to grace the field or something. Basically, um, let's, 90T is the greatest. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Let's not paraphrase what he said. He said she's the greatest athlete to ever grace the competition floor. And I happen to like this distinction far more than what CrossFit has been saying, which is she's the greatest CrossFitter of all time. Because I've written a couple articles and had some commentary about how it's really tight between Fraser and Toomey. But based on their careers so far, Fraser's obviously done. Tia's still going. But they've had seven years of competition within the game season.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Fraser actually, I think, still has a slight case ahead of her for the best CrossFitter of all time. But if you're saying that, like Chase did, that she's the greatest athlete to ever grace the competition floor in CrossFit, that's hard to dispute because not only has she been, you know, heads and tails, the best women we've ever seen that we have toder. She has, you know, and she excels in things that are, um, you know, very athletic in nature, like swimming and running. And, um, so I would say that that's a better way to characterize her than what CrossFit had said at the end of the games. Well, when can they say that? Probably, probably, probably nine months from now, I think that it'll be like undisputed. Okay. There's a question here. Ask about Katrin and Amanda finishing at the same time and both being under Ben Bergeron. Coincidence or no?
Starting point is 00:05:39 I would not. This was a rope climb workout. I would say this was a probably the worst workout for both of them maybe along with the chipper later on that has a lot of high volume muscle ups on it but um expect expect them to do better on a lot of the events coming up by the same token cole sager and chandler smith did great so to say this is a bergeron problem is a little bit naive right right right right right um uh annie uh unstoppable annie i mean we need the t-shirt right i mean look look she's making a statement isn't she yeah i mean it is it's really fun it's really fun to see and no one
Starting point is 00:06:19 knew what this year would be like for her after giving birth obviously she i think she exceeded her own expectations. We talked about it at every stage of the season last year. And to come into Rogue here and start off with an event win on a workout like that, I don't think anyone was picking her to win that event necessarily. Yeah, she's incredible. I think that at this point, it's really Tia and then Annie
Starting point is 00:06:41 is clearly the next best woman we've ever had in the sport. What did you think about the appropriateness, the appropriateness, Brian, of Kiki Dixon? How dare she ask Annie Thor's daughter about her outfit? The sexist, homophobous, racist connotations around that question were appalling to me. Simon, I hate to do it to you, man, but I got to go coach this class. All right. Thanks, brother. Thanks, Brian, for giving us your time, will we see you later on this evening? I know we have another event. We'll
Starting point is 00:07:10 be seeing you made possibly before to do a look at it or a recap afterwards. I would like to, um, I, I have no idea how long that event's going to take. It's scheduled to start at 7 PM. You've scheduled our podcast for 8 p.m., one hour later than that. I don't think that that event will be done by then with the way that they've been kind of drawing things out. So let's just see what the scheduling is like for that event. And when it finishes, I'll do my best to be on. Okay, cool. I'm going to go ahead and talk here for a few minutes and see if I can lure, um, John Young to come on the show and give us another five minutes.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Um, cause I got a few more questions here. Enjoy your, enjoy your class. Where are you? Where are you teaching? I'll try to see you tonight. CrossFit where? PFT. PFT.
Starting point is 00:07:59 All right, brother. Bye. Okay, guys, let us see if John Young. John, John, John, we're waiting for you. John, we are waiting for you. How many minutes? Do you think this is why Brooke left driving? John said he'll be on in 15. Oh, that's not good uh john said he'll be on in 15 oh that's not good
Starting point is 00:08:26 he said he'll be here in 15 minutes uh one minute ago we won't be on that much that was just a joke i was cracking about annie's outfit um i've been i've gotten in trouble about asking i shouldn't say i've gotten in trouble people have ridiculed me for asking about people's outfits in the past obviously there's nothing wrong with asking about outfits that was quite the onesie that was some like dave chapelle uh onesie shit it was pretty cool or like she was going to space or something um kiki did ask her about her outfit i didn't understand the exact explanation she said something about hoping to not burn her back i don't know if that was a burn from the sun. I'm not,
Starting point is 00:09:07 I'm not sure, but basically she was saying is that her back got exposed in Murph. I think when you're at the games and it got burns that were so bad that she has scarring from it. Um, John young, I'm 10 minutes away driving as fast as I can. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:09:20 John, don't get an accident. Chill, chill. I think, uh, what was the most, what was the most was the most amount of viewers you guys saw? You know what I'll do? Also, I'll open up the phone lines here. What was the most amount of viewers you guys saw?
Starting point is 00:09:36 At one point, I checked and I thought I saw 42,000 concurrent viewers, which is pretty darn crazy. Did anyone see more than that? Pretty darn crazy. Did anyone see more than that? I mean, I have to say that that's a huge success for Rogue and for the athletes. The comments that are scrolling on the side of the TV set on YouTube, I don't know if those are helping or making it worse. They're kind of funny, but there are a lot of nasty comments. There are a lot of douchebags out there.
Starting point is 00:10:02 So many nasty comments, especially about CrossFitters. And the irony is that, and i know everyone knows this but uh no one would even be watching the uh strongman if it wasn't for the crossfit event it basically is subsidizing the whole event don't get me wrong i'm not hating on the the strongman shit but i mean let's be honest uh the people watching this the tens of the 38 000 people of of the 42,000 are there to see Tia, metaphorically speaking, as a representative of CrossFit. I heard that YouTube is – anyone who writes, let's go Brandon, I heard that those comments are only staying on there for 30 seconds and they're vanishing. I do not know if that's true. Does anyone know if that's true?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Can anyone verify, verify confirm or deny some uh la femme natal is saying uh she saw 27 000 uh giddy up saying uh 41 000 okay yeah everyone talking about people juicing i know it stupid stupid um what do i got here i noticed that the athletes were hanging out in the dugout as opposed to the corral and i thought that was really cool that looked fun right that that's a baseball stadium obviously they're in or some sort of baseball auditorium and the athletes look like they're prepping in the dugout that was that was cool to see um looked like the leaderboard was having some issues basically if you were in the lead if you went from 25 reps to 26 reps, the next person that went to 26 reps came on top of you and pushed you down. That was a little bit annoying because we could never know exactly according to the leaderboard who is in first place. That's some sort of ranking issue that whoever wrote the program didn't take into consideration. whoever wrote the program didn't take into consideration uh once again the the stream was beautiful uh looked great um i'm wondering if they're going to have a leader jersey i i don't
Starting point is 00:11:55 recall ever watching the rogue invitational in years past i'm not sure if they do that but that would be cool if they do and that's about all i have here people someone asked me what I thought about Daniel Brandon's new hair color leaderboard issues Tia the greatest of all time the dugout that's it that's all I got for you guys
Starting point is 00:12:16 we're not going to make it to get John Young on the show do you guys have any questions anyone want to say anything comments Anyone want to say anything? Comments? All right, guys. Have a good one. We will circle back and give you more coverage, thoughts, comments as the day goes on.

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