The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Leaderboard Finalized and Answering Fan Questions | Shut Up & Scribble Ep 14

Episode Date: September 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:27 It's time! I'd love for someone to tell me to shut up and dribble again. What's worse, JR, turning into a meth addict after taking one bite out of some stale dried mango? Or me Sidney Welsing myself in the forehead? You can't even see it that way. What does that even mean? I don't understand that reference. She hit herself in the forehead with a barbell snatching.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Really? Yeah, and that's why she has that thing right there. It looks like the world's biggest boil. It's permanent? I don't think it's permanent i don't think it's i don't know apparently i was telling somebody at the gym asked what happened to my head today and they're like oh i just saw sydney wells posted on her story that she like went to boston to get it fixed oh you gotta go to boston dude i'm gonna have to go to boston to get this fixed wait have you seen that video of the guy that has like the giant like pimple thing on his forehead and it's just a video of him like he has sunglasses on his head
Starting point is 00:02:29 just sit on his giant like oh my god jr doesn't have a tooth so look i'm there how dude so i did this all. All right, guys, let's hop programming. What are we waiting on? It actually, like, I felt it, and I was like, oh, shit. And I didn't think it was that bad. I didn't even think I cut myself. And then I just, like, blood all in my mouth, and it was just gushing. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:57 It was everywhere. Second thing is I cannot tell you how hard it is to sell a fucking iPad on Facebook Marketplace, dude. iPads are like 2018, dude. Whatever, dude. I got this guy coming to cop it today. So, 2.30, we got to be off this joint. He's buying my iPad. Fuck, it's been a ride.
Starting point is 00:03:19 This 14-year-old tried to troll me in Facebook Marketplace message, dude. Can I read it? Yeah. All right. He goes, this little fucker. He goes, where is this? Hey, I'm a high schooler who needs it for schoolwork. Would you be willing to trade for Apple Watch Series 7?
Starting point is 00:03:38 I said, no, I don't want to trade, but I'd take 300 bucks. And he responds and just says, nope, no punctuation, nope. So I was kind of pissed. And I said, good talk, douche. And he goes, mad question mark. Just called a 14-year-old a douche. Get a life, old head. Well done, well done.
Starting point is 00:03:59 That was well done. So I said, would you trade the iPad for a ti-84 calculator yeah i did i got to do my homework dude i don't think he was trolling you i think he was being serious like i know i know he wasn't trolling me but just his response so then i said nope and he said lol and i didn't respond and then 30 minutes later he goes taylor hi with multiple eyes and and goes are you still mad question mark you guys are like best friends now dude just check it in it took me back to xbox live group chat dude the live chat you should do the uh briefings with your tooth out at crucible i did it crescendo because the prosthetic that they made me post-surgery did not fit and it was digging digging into my sutures. So on Sunday, I briefed all the athletes like this,
Starting point is 00:04:48 and they were all, you could tell, just like I said, guys, when I say squat standards, it's okay if you don't. Wait, so are you never going to get that thing actually like? I am. I just got the call for the first follow-up. You have to wait four months on it to completely heal. No way. That's nuts. That's crazy welcome to spartanburg you lost it behind fudruckers full funny business
Starting point is 00:05:11 going on dude if you know what i'm saying all right so rogue leaderboard it looks like it might be finalized put that thing back in dude you can put it in now it feels good it's comfortable not to worry about it really yeah rogue leaderboard finalized i mean we we i don't know if it's 100 finalized but it's it's changed a lot so is it too soon for me to text jason and ask him if he's in for that race now i think it might be a little too soon since he's one one point out him and chris fell one point out we're supposed to do uh 80 mile bike race in october and he's
Starting point is 00:05:59 like just wait wait a week before you register well i've heard a lot of i mean you could just call them rumors right some people have said ah they'll if they backfill anybody that declines from the games invites they'll backfill from the games leaderboard and then other people have said that they think they'll backfill from the queue i think it would be cool if they had more than one person that declined they took one one from each and obviously it's easy for me to say that like a homer because Jason's in sixth. But it would be cool to see them backfill someone from the games that barely missed out and then backfill someone from the queue
Starting point is 00:06:32 that's obviously back to training, hungry, is going to show up in shape. I mean, I don't know. You tell me, Taylor, if you just finished 17th at the games and you didn't have any plans on doing any off-season competitions until like December or January, would you be in any kind of shape right now? Or would you just be like, dude, in a month competing at Rogue? Could you be ready in a month?
Starting point is 00:06:57 If you really haven't been doing anything and you're just kind of chilling. But that's such a – that's so – what do you mean by not doing anything? I'm saying like you've just started exercising again. You took a full month off after the games. What does that mean? A full month of not a single time sweating? Yeah, just a full month off.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Yep, full month off. And you were like, hey, I'm going to try to do Guadalupalooza. That's my next competition. I didn't qualify for Rogue. I don't want to compete in the fall. I'm just going to wait until Guadalupalooza. And my next competition i didn't qualify for rogue i don't want to compete in the fall i'm just going to wait until wadapalooza and then you get a backfill invite like are you is it even questionable are you like whatever i'll do whatever it takes to get you know to be ready or do you almost just say no thanks like i'm i'm not my mind is not there right now
Starting point is 00:07:41 because i think because i think that's something you have to consider i think everybody and their brother is going to say yes to rogue yeah it doesn't matter who it is they're going to say yes to rogue there's a lot of money there and then also i think i hate i just hate hearing like oh i took a full month off i want to know what that exactly means like did you actually not do a single workout anything that can be could be considered any type of fitness and did you eat whatever you wanted for a month because if that's the case your ass better not be trying to show up to road yeah i just think at least the people who are on the leaderboard want it have intentions of competing this time of year so i think in a lot of ways taking anyone from the top 10 of the qualifier versus backfilling from the game's leaderboard you might get a way
Starting point is 00:08:32 fitter individual there in person it takes a lot of time yeah yeah for sure it takes a lot of time to lose fitness to actually lose fitness you could take two weeks off, come back. The first week's going to hit you like a ton of bricks. And then pretty soon you're back into the swing. But that extra two weeks of like a full month off, that is a whole different story. That's like, okay, it's going to take you a month to start feeling like yourself again, at least. Yeah. And then people can say what they want about someone like Jason, not completing the full weekend of tests, but like he took a couple of weeks off and came back and I worked out with him his first workout back. And I was like, geez, you're like, you're fine. Like, yeah, but last year he took a month off and it was like comical working out with him for the first week or
Starting point is 00:09:20 two. It was like, you could just tell that that like you're saying that extra two weeks of just chilling your body just goes goes on vacation so yeah yeah so we see pull back up the leaderboard it shift i mean a lot of people got penalties um i think victor was first after the first scores were put in so now ricky's in first. Travis, I believe, stayed at three. Tudor, I think, was in sixth and moved up to fourth. Garrett Clark now in fifth. Tyler and Jason both move up. Jack Rosen will move up. So, yeah, I mean, there was a lot of movement. I want to say James was in maybe 18th.
Starting point is 00:09:57 He can correct me, or one of you guys can, but now he's all the way up to 12th. I thought he was in like 19th or 20th. There was a ton of movement. Colton was on the second page, wasn't he?ton was like in 24th or something so it's crazy when you move well yeah it's um cool to see all these people move up obviously it's a for almost all of them it's uh barely missing out but what's the storyline behind the qualifier for you looking at the leaderboard with games athletes so far down what what do you think are there different causes for that or kind of what does that tell you about
Starting point is 00:10:28 the qualifier well if we really if we really want to analyze it and go through like the top 15 people we could clearly we could look at the scores and see which one hurt them and which one kept them out but off of the initial set of programming i mean at least when i looked at it it looked very rogue to me it looked it looked very robust there was. It looked, it looked very robust. There was a lot of weightlifting. Um, there were a lot of grind tight movements, like the devil press with the suitcase lunge, the sandbag clean with the box step overs. Like it, it, it looked very much like a road qualifier to me. This, my opinion on it is that anytime we have an open quarter finals, rogue qualifier, water Palooza online challenging qualifier, I feel like it's safe to say that 50% of the people that show out and online qualifiers never are able to put it together in an in-person
Starting point is 00:11:20 competition. So it's like, okay, these names that you're seeing up here, they're just knocking it out of the park. You're going to see that in any online competition. So it's like, oh, okay, these names that you're seeing up here, they're just knocking it out of the park. You're going to see that in any online competition. And half of the time, it correlates to them doing well in person. The other half is just like, well, they do well when everything is just exactly the way they want it, set up exactly how they like it in their gym with all of the controllables controlled. Outside of that, it's just an online qualifier
Starting point is 00:11:46 well and then when you look to the in-person competition at least for me and obviously jason's a friend of ours so it's it's gonna sound biased but you look at spencer i think he's maybe in the next qualifying spot from the games leaderboard so if someone declines or if multiple people decline they're gonna go and we think they backfill from the games. They're going to go to Spencer. Spencer showed up at the games. He did his work. He had a solid finish.
Starting point is 00:12:10 For Rogue specifically, do you think that programming lends more so to you wanting to see a certain style of athlete? Like if you look at Jason, Jason's won three events at Rogue. The first year he won the Echo Bike Thruster. Last year he won the Trail Run and the Strict Deficit Parallel Handstand Push-Up. So, like, do you want to see someone who you think would do well back fill into Rogue to, like, cause a shift in the leaderboard?
Starting point is 00:12:37 Look at Chandler last year. He got in through the queue and crushed it. Do you want to see someone like that, or do you just want to see someone who proved it at the games no i want to this is what i hate about rogue is it's so subjective and that's their prerogative because they fucking own it they can do whatever they want but i hate how like we just there's no process in place i want to see the most deserving person go to rogue i don't want to see who they feel like fucking inviting. What does deserving mean? Deserve or earn?
Starting point is 00:13:11 Earned, I suppose. So I guess six off the Q leaderboard. I don't want to see the fucking backfill from the invite. So they didn't earn it through their games performance? Where is that rulebook? Exactly. That's what I'm saying. No, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:13:28 If they had it written out that, okay, we are going to invite the top 15 from the games and then the top five from the queue, and when we backfill because the games get the first 15 spots, they're going to get the first opportunity to backfill, cool. Without any of that, I'm just like, how do we fucking know who's supposed to be there? You just wish the speculation wasn't there. Invite Hunter McIntyre for all I fucking care. So you'd rather have the structure in a rule book than have Tia Claire there maybe this year
Starting point is 00:13:54 or Annie Thor's daughter there last year? No, if that was in the rule book, that they could invite Tia Claire to me whenever they wanted from now till 2032. But how does that make a difference? Just saying that they can do whatever they want versus doing whatever they want without saying it i just don't like knowing what the process is i don't like knowing what you don't like not knowing yeah i don't like not knowing how it's supposed to work i don't know i mean call me crazy i just don't like sitting in the dark being like well who gets the first backfill invite who's because then it makes me question well who's most
Starting point is 00:14:29 deserving of the first backfill invite um i don't know there's so much in this sport where it's like there's so much that's just not set in stone and it's so ever-changing it makes things like this difficult and and kind of fucking dumb to a degree when it's like when when is it just going to be set and people learn how to play by that rule yeah a lot of times a year before you change it and a lot of times too the argument is going to be oh it doesn't matter whoever they backfill is going to finish bottom five that that's not the case at rogue it's so exclusive there's only 20 you take someone that finished 16th or 17th or 18th from the games, they could have just gotten a string of tests at the games
Starting point is 00:15:10 that weren't suited for them. They could show up to Rogue and wreck. You could backfill Jason or Tyler Christoffel. They could show up to Rogue and do really well. So it is a big deal how they backfill it. And this is the truth too, not just about Rogue, but about the games as well is there the with the exception of four people total individual side men and women the programming matters so fucking much and the placement of one movement or not having one
Starting point is 00:15:39 movement in the games the difference between a top five and a top 15th potentially or something along those lines, or a slight bias towards one thing versus a slight bias towards another is a huge difference in placing at the games. There's it's the podium and maybe those four to six people can say, okay, I'm going to do really well, but I wouldn't even say podium. I would say they can guarantee themselves a top five, regardless of the programming. They're not guaranteeing them. Not who competed this year is going to guarantee themselves a win regardless of the programming but they can guarantee a top five or podium and then everyone else it's like
Starting point is 00:16:12 oh you could be fifth based off the programming or you could be fucking cut yeah yeah i guess to me it just doesn't make it for me it just doesn't make a difference until Rogue's actually a part of a season under CrossFit. Then it's like, I hope they invite Tia Clare, even though she didn't compete at the games. And I don't really care if they tell me what they're doing. I understand why from an athlete coach perspective, it's frustrating because you don't really understand. Okay, well, should I do the qualifier if I'm, you know, in 16th and the likelihood of someone not doing Rogue in the top 15 of the games is pretty high. So I figure I'll get a backfill.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I understand that's frustration, but I guess from my perspective, I just don't really care. Unless it's going to be contributing to some season long, we're going to crown a season champ for 2023, regular season, whatever. Rogue is actually a part of contributing points to some
Starting point is 00:17:06 overall point scheme then it's just like well i don't know yeah i mean i think katie said when she went on savon show recently she's like you know this is a showcase that's what we want it to be we want to showcase the athletes we want to showcase the legends we want to showcase the strongman community we want to celebrate the iron game so with that with that outlook of like it being a showcase and we can get into the programming of it what we think the programming is going to be like what it's been like in the past but take something like a handstand walk for instance it's something that we're accustomed to seeing at most high level crossfit competitions whether it's um unbroken requirement whether it's over obstacles whether it has pirouettes whatever the movement has never been programmed one time at rogue.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Never. So, so, but like, that's their style. So to me, do you, do you just stay with that? Do you say, Hey, we've never done this before. It doesn't mean we would never do it. And you shift the programming. I mean, last year we got on and talked about how it felt more like a crossfit game style programming like the number of workouts the how how aggressive they were the loading that it was just like dang dude this is like this is nasty like everyone's gonna leave this weekend being pretty messed up and it was a lot of pressing so much pressing yeah so it's like you know do you make it four days and you make it nine or ten events do you make it three days and you make it six or seven i mean like you've said they can do whatever they want but when you start to think about rogue you have this idea in your head of it just being a standalone type thing
Starting point is 00:18:40 maybe the most exclusive competition in the world as far as CrossFit goes. You want to know what it is and you want to know how you get there, kind of to your point. I think it would be really cool for them to invite Tia. It would be cool. Yeah, that wouldn't upset me one bit. I'm just saying I don't like not knowing where the backfill is supposed to come from. And I don't really give a shit who it goes to. I care who it goes to in the sense that because it's so exclusive,
Starting point is 00:19:09 I don't want to see a single fucking athlete there just taking their licks and moving through events. I want all 20 athletes on each side throwing haymakers. So what if they said we're never going to backfill from the queue maximum we're going to ever take is the top five that qualify and if we backfill either be from game spots or uh invites outside of that kind of what you're looking for something like that yeah just to just tell us what the process is so that so that people know um and but at the same time i understand why they're not because then they don't have to be nailed down to a process and feel like, oh, well, I changed
Starting point is 00:19:46 my mind. I'd rather do this. They can just do whatever the fuck they want, which is again, that's their prerogative. Um, I do think that Bill and Katie both care about finding the fittest athlete there. I think if they've ever made a statement that is, I believe at one point in time, one of them may have made a statement that's saying like our primary concern is like showcasing the athletes. Then we care about finding the fittest there. This episode is brought to you by RBC Student Banking. POV, you're a student listening to an RBC ad. You're learning you can get up to
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Starting point is 00:21:01 mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or... I'm hard-pressed to believe that that's not bullshit, that they are okay with giving away $250,000 to a person who's not the most deserving,
Starting point is 00:21:24 who's not the fittest in the field i mean what do you think jr i don't know what they would say to that but i can assume that they would say if the right people are in place to write the programming that takes care of itself that it should be like that should happen without trying to make sure it happens i and i agree to a degree i think that rogue programming in comparison to like dubai or water polo or the games in the past has shown more bias than anything else and this goes back to like the argument of these competitions that aren't claiming the fittest on earth. Should they be concerned with the most well-balanced tests? Or should they just have their own biases?
Starting point is 00:22:15 And should you know that as a fan and as an athlete going into it? If it's a CrossFit competition, then it should be most balanced, well-programmed. And it's clearly a fucking CrossFit competition. These are not bodybuilders signing up for the Rogue Invitational. These are not strongmen signing up for that particular competition stage at the Rogue Invitational. And if it is, then, you know, it's just different. But if it's CrossFit athletes, CrossFit Games athletes,
Starting point is 00:22:44 like, give them a crossfit test make it fucking balanced i just don't get like why why do you have to fucking try to reinvent the wheel um why do you have to try to put your own you know oh when you go to rogue you know you're gonna go heavy every event like i just don't like that like make it crossfit um yeah well i think every programmer has biases, whether they know it or not. So even when they get to the games, Dave and Boz have tendencies.
Starting point is 00:23:12 When we program competitions, we have tendencies. When Josh and them program, they have tendencies. When whoever programs Dubai does. I mean, everyone's going to have that. So at this point, maybe we're just talking in a circle because what you think capacity across broad time and modal domains is and what I think it is is subjective to our events.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Right. I just think they should care. I don't think it should just be this flippant like, nah, it'll take care of itself. I'm sure they care a lot. And I'm excited to see what they do this year if they incorporate some of the other parts of the iron game like strongman last year we saw with the log clean and press for load um they did the tiebreaker with the jerry can carry i mean there's always some pretty cool things obviously the hill i hope the hill is
Starting point is 00:23:57 just something they always keep yeah that's it and it's always there and you know when you go to rogue that's one thing you have to deal with i I hope they have to put that fucking, that seesaw bin at the top of the hill and you have to carry like fucking 10 sandbags up it and make it tip over. Yeah, shit like that is so cool. I hope they continue to involve strongman implements and things that the
Starting point is 00:24:18 athletes are just not going to touch anywhere else. That's super, super cool. My last point in the programming is just that it's pretty easy to balance that out with anything i mean even row could come up with a implement body weight wise or gymnastic or skill um that perplexes athletes or well and last year you know we saw the log muscle up which i still think is one of the most creative programming things that i've seen in the competition that was that was sick so um do we want to look at the female leaderboard real quick?
Starting point is 00:24:48 Yeah. Did we look at the men? Yeah, we looked at, yeah. Oh shit. I don't understand how this girl scored. Didn't get invalidated.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Didn't Danny have that day? And they released a statement that basically said, Hey, you made it yourself. Not Jared. Go ahead. Taylor. Yeah. basically said hey you made it yourself not jared go ahead taylor yeah i'm pretty sure they put out a statement that basically owned the discrepancy between the sketch and the drawing and the
Starting point is 00:25:15 description so you know one said it was the outside of the tape line one said it was the inside of the tape line so it was yeah so i'm pretty sure they they kind of said hey this is a wash um as long as you're good can you hear me yeah before we go to the leaderboard how about what are your guys thoughts on that they came out they said uh we had i think you have to do it we had tape lines that were wrong in the graphic and we said something else in the text we're gonna allow both what are your guys thoughts on that i think that's the next right thing they could do that's all you can do at that point is to own it and say yeah it was a mistake and here's the deal if you showed your measurement and you showed it from the inside of the tape line or the outside of the tape line
Starting point is 00:25:57 we're still going to count it how big of a difference does that make the tape line the two inches for for for someone like me it makes a huge difference being make the tape line the two inches? For someone like me, it makes a huge difference being 12 inches away or being 10 inches away. For someone like Danny, I'm sure it makes a pretty big difference too. You think? Even though she has short arms. Bro, you got all that counterweight trying to pull you over on the other side. As good as she is at snatching, I don't think it would have made any difference. It probably would not have taken her out of the top five was that the only thing that happened that that was i didn't i didn't remember seeing much controversial stuff with the
Starting point is 00:26:35 with the females at all i know i think sydney mcalishan i think made a post yeah that said that she didn't i think measure the measure the 30-inch tape line length. And that's why she was invalidated. This is what I remember. And it's that her video was like 100 feet away from her handstand push-ups. Where you couldn't see if her hands were on the line at all. Who's that? Danny Spiegel.
Starting point is 00:26:59 That's what somebody sent. And it just reminded me of that like old brooke wells video of her like doing diane all the way across the gym yeah like oh is that brooke over there uh trying to do her workout i feel like that's going to be the that's normal though on handstand push-up workouts if you're having to film from that far away to see on that plane on the ground tape versus where your hands are at it's pretty hard yeah if you're having to be out in front of the rig to do movements and then having to have a view of the floor it's going to be a pretty difficult view to get yeah depending on how your gyms laid out there might not be space where the well on the way i know i think there's
Starting point is 00:27:39 space no matter what gym that you have it's just that do you have seven other athletes also trying to film their qualifier performance at the same exact time and go at the same time. And if that's the case, that's just stupid because look, if Danny Spiegel is doing a qualifier, the other six ladies that are doing it, odds are they don't fucking matter. Just let Danny do her shit alone so she can do it correctly.
Starting point is 00:28:00 My, my humble opinion. I mean, when me and Jason do qualifiers to crash, it's not like, like me and him go like two people is the max you can run right like more than that and it's just a shit show if you go back to the women's leaderboard those it is cool to see some
Starting point is 00:28:15 people like simon trying to break through lauren fisher kyra milligan um elena caratala julia she she's competing this weekend in Madrid. So, I mean, that's pretty. Say that again. Caratala. Wow. That was good. Two R's, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:34 You got to roll them hard. You threw Will for a loop there. I was like, wow. That's better than his Smeagol impersonation. No, I don't know about that. But no, I think like seeing Lauren Fisher and Kyra in there is, is really cool. I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:47 those are two, like think about how OG Lauren Fisher is. And she's, she's been competing again and individually for the last couple of years. But like seeing someone like her qualify for rogue, I think is, is really cool. I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:59 I remember her being somebody who is considered like barbell specialist years and years and years ago. This is, her being somebody who is considered like barbell specialist years and years and years ago uh this is i think kyra milligan's pretty excited like that's exciting to see someone super new i'm not really excited by any of the other four athletes out of the queue what's the is there a what's is there a deal going on where uh like what's the deal with women competing versus men in off-season competitions i feel like generally the men's fields have way heavier top like even at water please the last year there was a bunch there were not a but maybe not a bunch but there was a big handful of guys that did both individual and team in the women's division there was almost none of that here we see
Starting point is 00:29:40 even like the pages of people that did the qualifier, it's double at least for men. What's the deal? I think this is just an issue with the entire sport, but the male depth of talent is so much greater than the female depth of talent. I mean, even the difference between top half at semifinals comparatively to the guys is huge yep i mean we we brian's talked about ad nauseum about this this this point that like when you get to any competition like the top half or the top 10 the levels to this stuff is completely evident on the female side more so than on the male side. But even 100% even though – You're just talking about them even wanting to compete. Yeah, even games qualifiers.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Like there's only one individual games qualifier on this entire list. But you look on the men, right, of women from this past year. No, man and Anganese and also – Colin Brander. Colin Brander. Two. And then, no, keep going. There's one at the bottom. Sturt. past year no man and anganese and also colin brander colin brander too um and then no keep going there's one at the bottom the start no she didn't qualify this year no oh sorry um so i just feel like even the top heavy like even qualifiers from the games you look at the men's leaderboard
Starting point is 00:30:57 you got you know on the front page you got six qualified six of the bottom 25 men that didn't get a spot or whatever automatically my take is that like the women don't feel the need to fucking slang it around and measure it like the guys do like i feel like a lot of women play a smarter game where they train and build for the open quarterfinals semifinals in the games where a lot of guys are like no i gotta fucking compete again i gotta get back out there you think it might you think it might be an issue with issue with partnerships and how financially set up the females are
Starting point is 00:31:28 comparatively to the guys? That's kind of my thought. Like that if you have strong representation and you've got a good team and you've set yourself up with partnerships that you don't need to compete as much. Right. That's a very good point.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Maybe the social media monster is a lot more conducive to females than it is to males and that's why they they have to compete more simply to earn a living makes sense to me will steering us in the direction that he wants us to go and i like yeah that's uh it is very true though that the men the male depth of talent especially in north america is so much deeper facts dan what did he say he said will doesn't actually follow the sport uh that is facts fair enough just kidding never say that again there are a lot of team athletes though though, on here, for sure.
Starting point is 00:32:26 No one cares. Okay. Never mind. They're not. Don't worry about that. Yeah, fucking come on. Do you see that, J.R., in your – for Crucible when you do a qualifier? Is it male-dominant as far as sign-ups?
Starting point is 00:32:41 Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think there were like 35 females for the online qualifier and there were about 60 65 male um always double double it but i will say like in in in the first couple years um it was easier to get higher level guys to come compete than it was for the females and then last year um the female depth of field was far greater than the guys. And I was really happy about that because it had been so hard to kind of recruit semifinals level talent to come.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And again, I don't know if that's because they have more options. Like, well, I've got an invitation to go do this competition and this competition and this competition. So they can really just decide based on payout, which one's more conducive to them and their earnings. This year, though, with the late addition of James and Colton and Ty Jenkins,
Starting point is 00:33:32 I would say it's now swayed to the male side. But before that, I would still say that the female side was deeper going into it. This year? Yeah, it was really close. But now that those guys have signed up late, I think that now the male field has kind of gotten deeper. I mean, simply because you're obviously adding two games, athletes individually.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Dude, I can't fucking wait to watch. It's going to be great. Are you stoked, JR? Yeah, I am. It's weird i'm a lot more focused now because at this time now it's just like okay like now you have to put on the show now you have to execute it it's not it's it's cool for the qualifier to be done and over with it's cool for you to announce that you're doing certain things for people to practice that are going to look fun but unless it happens on game day and everything runs smoothly i don't care about it do you ever get
Starting point is 00:34:28 this compliment jr i've never gotten that jeez should i pee in hiller's mouth for a drug test is that how we do it same thing right that's how he tests He measures the magnesium residue on his tongue. Here, get me. He gargles, swishes. It's like wine tasting. He takes a pH strip and he just puts it on his tongue. Back to full blast training, baby. I'm getting this inflammation up.
Starting point is 00:35:02 How are you feeling? How's training going? Pretty good. Training's going pretty good. I had like fucking, fucking dude i had the worst case of covid 38 last week or whatever strain we're on now devoc 91 dude the russian strain oh yeah this hasn't even come out yet um i bought it actually on silk road um that cl me, but I've been feeling pretty good. Nice. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yep. We got a listener question to do. We got a few more minutes. Will, do you have any listener questions for us? No. Do you have any questions? Drop in the chat.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Yeah. All right. So, okay. So we can, we can spitball this a little bit, but it's, it's probably a full,
Starting point is 00:35:44 it's probably a full, it's probably a full, uh, a full episode. If we take benchmarks and we're creating like a semifinals or a games level athlete, what benchmarks do we think you need to hit? I think you sent me that a while ago. Oh, we can combine or like, okay. What's your 40 yard dash time? Two 25 for reps time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Or just, and like two K row, like some, some of the tests that still hold up, like we're probably not going to put Fran on there because at a certain level, it's just kind of like everyone has between a two minute and a two 20. I think you, I think the standard 30 cleaning jerks,
Starting point is 00:36:18 30 muscle ups, 30 snatches for time. I think that should be a benchmark. Uh, I think 20.3, was it? Diane into handstand walk, Diane? Yeah, they did it twice. I think that should be a benchmark.
Starting point is 00:36:35 No, that's cool. All right, so for next week, I think we should talk about Madrid and how that went down. That'll be over with this weekend. But then you come up with how many you want to do? Eight? Oh, shit. Ten?
Starting point is 00:36:48 This is a good one. We don't know, dude. We don't know. I've met his wife. She's lovely. So have I. She's awesome. He's not gay.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Chill, guys. But yeah, you come up with yours. I'll come up with mine. Okay. A list of eight? Yeah, we can. We probably need to put some like let's say that's obscure number why why four four of them at the most can be single modality four have to be mixed modal oh four mixed modal four single modality uh four single modality because we've got three modalities. Why don't we do five mixed modal, three single modality? Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And you can't have – it's one monostructural, one weightlifting, one gymnastic. Yep. Damn, dude. That's going to be hard. What the fuck do you test for single modality for gymnastics? No idea right now. Okay. Oh, this is a good question.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Dude, it ain't even close. I love you, Hiller. Man, Hiller's off the sauce right now. Yeah, he's off the sauce. He doesn't stand a chance. He's got to at least sauce up for another two years, another 24 months straight cycling. Then he can beat me in a deadlift one rep max, and that's it.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Am I growing a third eye? Yeah, dude, I'm actually trying to book a flight to Boston to get this fixed. Why is Taylor ducking Crucible? I told JR if he had another spot that I'd take it and he told me I couldn't compete. Wow. Taylor told me. told me I couldn't compete. Wow. Taylor told me, I think I have it saved, said the next time you see me on a competition floor will be 2024 semis. I said, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Did I say that? Yep. He said the next time you see me in a competition will be 2024 open. Okay. Maybe. So I'm trying to keep him honest we're still quite not there yet maybe maybe maybe but he has he has tested several of the crucible events which will be fun to talk about after they come out i don't know that i would ever go team just like not at
Starting point is 00:38:59 the games for sure not at the games like i would definitely do a team at a different competition like guadalupalooza. What? Dude, you, you, I will say like you and Jason are some of the hardest people I've ever worked out with for a team workout. It's so interesting to work out with people that only want to be responsible for themselves and don't understand how maybe letting, letting someone else do more than them would benefit them. Like they can't see through that. It has to be like, well, no, if you do two legless, I have to do two. Yeah. It's not, it's, and in the same way where it's like,
Starting point is 00:39:37 uh, how about we go for two on the flip sled? Well, what do you mean? I'm not doing more than you. You got to do four, like in the same same respect it's just like you expect everyone else to do what you do and then you also expect yourself to do what your teammate does regardless jr asked me to help him and like two other people pick up a scaled weight worm one time it was for like a freaking festivus competition and i dropped it and almost broke everyone's back i don't dude no team is not i asked taylor to demo for the video releases a worm movement for crucible for the teams and taylor said no i refuse and i was like what and he made me get in there and do it no i just don't know how to use a worm and also i hate depending on other people in a workout yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:40:25 just ask just ask tyler walkins it would have to be yeah fuck yeah ask tyler what it's like working out with me on a team yeah and i will say like me and me and jason do a good mini partner workouts together so he's gotten a lot better about it but i remember the first time i did a workout with him i was like how you want to break up the toes to bar he's like let's do 15s so i did 15 and then he did 20 and i was like why did you do 20 me no jason it was just one of those like i can't handle someone not doing more you know i i have to do more like i i can't let you show me up that kind of mentality it's good when me and jason train together because we just run each other into a fucking dirt hole which is hey shut the heck up about deeper in the girl's side we all done hurdy thank you tony i love you bro down i'll be here in a couple weeks i think so yeah we're gonna
Starting point is 00:41:16 bike come down for that and yeah um is he gonna ship his bike out here are you just gonna let him borrow yours he could borrow mine if he wants, yeah. I'm sure someone's got another one. I don't know if we're going to road bike or mountain bike. I'm sure mountain. Mountain, probably, with old Zachy boy. All right. Sick.
Starting point is 00:41:39 This guy is actually at Circle K waiting for me to show up with my iPad. All right, we'll take off if you need to. I've got to go pick up my little girl from school. All right, so I'm going to go make these racks. Thanks everyone for watching. We'll see you next week.

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