The Sevan Podcast - Rolando | Immigration Attorney Pulls Back the Veil

Episode Date: April 26, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I met you through Jorge Ventura. Correct. Yes, Jorge Ventura. Great guy. And how did you meet him?
Starting point is 00:00:38 Just through Instagram or through the internet? We were on a show in Venezuela one time talking about the border crisis. And then from there, we started following each other. Then we met and then we just become good friends. And then I've met him, I've gone to Texas, met him on the border. He's been to Miami. We hung out here. But yeah, so we've become good friends since then.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Two very amazing perspectives on what's going on at the border. Obviously, it's like crazy huge in the news. And I'm ecstatic to just ask you questions and pepper you with questions and just find out, you know, what's really going on. And you're based out of Florida, Rolando? Miami, Florida, but specifically Coral Gables, but you know, it's, you're in Miami-Dade County. So yes, I'm in Miami, Florida. And so, and then, so when you're, um, an attorney with Florida, specifically you deal with immigration in Florida? No, actually, I, I actually, uh, work all across the country since immigration is.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I actually work all across the country since immigration is. You work all across the country since immigration. Oh, wait. Sorry. Wait, I can't hear you. I lost your audio. Wait, I lost your audio. Now.
Starting point is 00:01:59 No. That's weird. I don't know what happened. Maybe you have to log out and log back in. Maybe go out and come back in uh rolando vazquez he's going to log out real quick and then he's going to log back in he is an attorney out of uh miami florida and uh specifically i think he specifically focuses on immigration for venezuelans and he's been doing it since the Trump administration and then now during the Biden administration. And so he's going to give us a perspective
Starting point is 00:02:50 on how things have changed, what he sees. It's going to be awesome seeing. It's going to be great hearing his perspective on how things have changed, what he sees, what the problems are, what the successes are although it's weird like we don't seem to hear any successes just from the little bit of research i did on rolando it seems like the people who are trying to get in the country legally are actually being hurt uh by this this new wave of chaos hi can you hear me oh yes okay okay um so uh so so you you were saying that no you don't only deal with immigrants the you don't only deal with immigration in Florida. It's basically just any immigration coming into the country from anywhere?
Starting point is 00:03:32 Correct. So, just quickly, immigration is a federal law. So, as long as you're licensed in one state, you could practice within the federal courts or USCIS across the country. Obviously, I can't go to Texas and practice criminal law or some other law, but as long as it's immigration related, I can handle those cases in every state. And you've been an attorney since 2015? Correct, 2015. And when did immigration become your specialty? You know, the first case I took was immigration.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Before going in, you know, before graduating, I was actually at the public defender's office here in Miami as a certified legal intern. And then that year I was there, it helped polish my litigation skills. So I'm very grateful for that reason. And I'm also grateful because I realized that's not what I wanted to do. So I looked for other areas. realized that's not what I wanted to do. So I looked for other areas and, you know, just being, you know, Hispanic, living in South Florida, being around the, you know, being in the immigrant community, just naturally, it was just, it was organic. It became something that, it was a natural consequence, basically, that I would go into immigration. Who was president in 2015? immigration who was president in 2015 was that yeah well let me see uh are you saying obama was it was it obama was obama president 2015 so it wasn't trump yeah trump was not in office yet and then he got in in 2016 correct so since you've had this perspective as an attorney you've seen some of obama all of Trump, and now what we're dealing with with Biden. Correct. God, I love it that you have that perspective too. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:11 And Rolando, are you born and raised in this country? I'm from Peoria, Illinois. Okay. And your parents? So my father is from Mexico. My mother is from Mexico. But my mother actually happened to be born right outside Chicago in Aurora, Illinois. But that, you know, she just happened to be born there. Her brothers, her older brothers were born in Mexico. They went back to live in Mexico. But then they came back over for work. My grandfather was working in the U.S. And were you raised in like in a Mexican culture? Like, did you have a very Mexican family with Spanish, your first language, things like that? Correct. I grew up in an all Mexican community in North Georgia, in Dalton, Georgia. Carpet Mills brought a huge Mexican community and part of the town on one side was just all Mexican. The other side was, you know, other, but American, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:12 And when you say to fall into the weeds here a little bit, carpet mills, carpet mills are like actual like factories that make carpets. Correct. The carpet mills. Yeah. So Dalton is known as carpet capital of the world. So, you know, all the flooring carpet, the majority of it comes out of Dalton, Georgia. And so the late they needed laborers. And so they were paying well. So the Mexican community arrived and they worked. And so, and while living in that community, you, you met just like I'm Armenian. Both my parents
Starting point is 00:06:36 are Armenian. My dad's an immigrant. My grandparents on my mom's side are immigrants. And when immigrants come to this country, they usually come in and collect in areas, my family, Los Angeles, in areas where there's already immigrants who are established and so you see the huge swath of different kinds of immigrants right you see families that come people who've come illegally people who came without their kids to try to build a better life and then send for their families you've seen all the um iterations of how migrants come firsthand. Correct. Yeah. I lived it. I lived it. Yes. And I'm guessing your dad also, you, you, you, yeah, by lived it,
Starting point is 00:07:12 maybe your dad sent back for his brothers and sisters or for his mom and dad once he was established, things like that. Right. Yeah. I mean, they came over together. Yeah. One came over, then the others come over. Correct. That's usually how it follows. And growing up, what was your perception of why people come to the United States from Mexico? Just like as a child, what was your perception of that? For work, obviously.
Starting point is 00:07:40 You know, there's something innate in the majority of humans is that they want to flourish. You know, they want to thrive. It's just something naturally we want to do. Not for everyone, obviously. And I say that because recently, you know, what I do as an immigration attorney is I protect people that are victims of Marxist ideologies. And these Marxist ideologies are actually do the opposite. They program people to not want to thrive, to have no ambition, you know, to have no hunger, to do nothing in life. But, you know, when I was growing up, everybody was just hungry to better themselves.
Starting point is 00:08:18 They wanted better in life. And the place they were coming from, like, so most of my family came from when I was a little kid, five, they came from Lebanon and they were they were escaping, you know, the periodic bombings. But of course, they wanted better jobs and they wanted freedom and everything that they saw in the media is just everything was better here. Correct. The quality of life, you know, when you have children, I mean, I'm a father now. I want everything I do is for my children. I want them to be in a safe community. I want them to thrive. I want them to champion, you know, life in general. So, you know, I think it's just natural in humans to want that for their children and for themselves. So your earliest cases were around immigration. Can you kind of paint the picture of what one of those cases or maybe
Starting point is 00:09:05 give us like the three different kinds of cases that you would most commonly see? Like someone maybe came across illegally and they wanted to become legal or someone came with their family and they'd gone through the application process. Can you tell us what the scene looked like in maybe 2016, 17? Yeah. So in 2016, so let me give you some background. Please, please. Yeah. And you can treat us like we're completely ignorant. The more details and the more background, the better. Thank you. All right. So, you know, being in Miami, there's a huge Venezuelan population here in South Florida. They're obviously fleeing, you know, these Marxist ideologies, the communist regime that took over. Largest migration, I think, of humans, like in modern times, is from Venezuela, right?
Starting point is 00:09:48 Just scattering because shit got so bad there, right? Correct. Okay. Because, again, Marxist ideologies, right? They go in and ruin everything for their constituents. So being in Miami, the majority of my clients at the time were Venezuelan my wife is from Venezuela she's now a U.S. citizen but you know she's from Venezuela so at the time most of them were coming
Starting point is 00:10:12 in legally they would come in with visas and then you know decide hey you know I can't go back to my own country my life is in danger because there is political persecution if you go out and protest if you speak against the government, you know, they find ways to go after you. They have their henchmen that go after you. They have security forces that will go after you. They will torture you. They'll put you in jail, etc. Right? It's real. It's real. It's very real, of course. And right now in Venezuela, just to, I'll digress in a minute. There's not a lot of crime because all the criminals just came, their criminals just came through our border. But the one issue they are having is that they are being persecuted politically. They're still being persecuted politically in Venezuela today. So it's very real what happens. So during that time period, people were coming in legally. You
Starting point is 00:11:02 didn't see too many people coming through the border although it did happen obviously but on a much smaller scale not um not like what you see today nowhere near what you see today um rolando what is the trip from venezuela to the u.s mexican border how many miles is that do you know off the top of your head from venezuela to the mexican border no it's thousands and thousands of miles yeah okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. And that would be, that would, that would, you would only do that if shit was really bad illegally. Yeah. Most people wouldn't do that. And it's also dangerous. Mexico is dangerous. So yeah, most people were not doing that. So before they were just coming in lawfully into the country, then they would submit an asylum and go be fired before an asylum officer so everything was for the most part being done legally okay and and so so someone
Starting point is 00:11:53 would come to you what would it tip just your typical case be in 2016 uh they contact you i assume they speak to you in spanish and they need help rolando um i want to come to the united states or i'm already here in the United States. Can you help me so I can be here legally and start working? No, they were pretty much all here. I mean, I mean, yeah, you know, I do have consultations where they're abroad and they're looking to come over legally. But the ones who are requesting asylum were pretty much all of them were here already. Yeah. All of them were practically here requesting asylum in the country. They would talk about what happened to them, the persecution they experienced in their home country. And then from
Starting point is 00:12:31 there, I would go on to represent them before the asylum office or before the immigration court. And then what I did see is slowly, I would say in 2019, we did start to see more people come through the border. But then immediately, at that time, President Trump was in office. They closed that border down. They shut that border down and made everyone who was requesting asylum wait in Mexico. So now you couldn't just come over and wait inside the country. You would request it, but you'd have to wait in mexico and if your case was approved they would allow you in with the benefit they that you received um so then i started to see a change people come more people coming through the border and then as quickly as
Starting point is 00:13:16 it started come the numbers started to rise it was shut down by the trump administration with all the policies they put in place then when when the Biden administration took control, they rescinded all these policies. And then you just have the disaster where we have now, which is essentially already an invade, an invasion. Like that's what it is. We're being invaded.
Starting point is 00:13:35 These people are not being processed. There's millions of people that were never even inspected. We don't even know who they are, how, you know, we just know that they came in and they got away into the country. They're called gotaways. And it's in the millions.
Starting point is 00:13:49 It's in the millions. Yes. So can you imagine if even a half of that or a fraction of that were terrorists and they were all assembling in major cities across our country to, you know, you know, coordinate some specific attack at a certain time? We wouldn't even know. I mean, maybe our security forces know a certain time we wouldn't even know we oh i mean maybe our security forces know that but we wouldn't even know that's the scary part so so during the obama administration if you applied for if you wanted to come to the united states and you and you and you crossed the border illegally and they caught you did they send you back then and you had to wait in Mexico or you got to wait in the United States
Starting point is 00:14:28 So you would wait in a detention center Normally that would be the the process but some people are released under parole or other forms of relief not relief, but like a Supervision program. Okay bond out But you know for the most, you were supposed to be detained and do your process while being detained. But that didn't happen for everyone. That's what usually happened during that administration.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Is it equivalent to, and I'm not trying to be funny here. I'm like, honestly, is it equivalent to if someone broke into my house at three in the morning, I woke up, I saw them in the kitchen and instead of chasing them off, I made them a sandwich and I called the cops and I was like, hey, you can hang out, watch what you want on the TV. And then when the cops get here, we'll discuss it. And the cops don't show up ever or not for three years. Is it like that now? Well, now, yeah. I mean, essentially, yeah, they're just they're just coming in.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah, they're breaking the law. So when you come in illegally, you're violating federal law. So yes, that's what is our country, the landmass that we're claiming is our country. And it's basically irrelevant anymore is what you're saying. Yeah, it's irrelevant. And so under your analogy that you would wait for law enforcement to get there, but they never come. In this case, law enforcement is there watching them break in and actually assisting them in coming into the country. So it's still even more egregious than that. And by assist, that scene is they're crossing the river and our law enforcement will wait there and point to them the path to where to go and what buses to get on, etc. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Or, you know, the state of Texas puts up barbed wires and then the federal government goes in and cuts the barbed wire and, you know, assist them into the country. OK, God, it's just so hard to believe, although I've seen just tons and tons of footage, obviously, from Jorge Ventura. And I watch it on the news daily. And so through this process, when Biden took office, he basically told everyone right away, hey, on day one, I'm going to change the policy. And he did. Yes, that's what he said. And he did. He rescinded all the border protection. So, you know, Tom Holman, who was the former director of ICE during the Trump administration, I saw him go publicly and speak. I think he was before Congress, if I'm not mistaken. And he said he's the first president that he because he's, you know, Tom Holman has been with
Starting point is 00:17:05 the administration for, I think, 20, 30 years, 30 years, if I'm not mistaken. And he said, Biden was the first president he's seen that actually go and unsecure the border, intentionally unsecure the border. So every president has taken some steps to secure the border, Trump being the most aggressive. And then to have a president come in and just unsecure it intentionally, that's unheard of. Obviously, there's motives that that administration has that the American people are not on, you know, are not with. We're not with that agenda. And there's this argument that you hear regularly that we need illegal immigration, We need illegal immigration.
Starting point is 00:17:54 That basically what illegal immigration does is it allows the previous the people who are lower on the rung to move up on the rung because the people who come in illegally can take their jobs. So those people who come illegally, they're the most hungry that they'll basically they they'll work in the fields. They'll do these really low paying jobs and they'll come in and they'll take those jobs. And those are kind of the foundation of the U S economy. Is there, is there any truth to that from your purview? I wouldn't say that that, that that argument would justify to break the law and to do things illegally that that doesn't justify it. But do we see, um, immigrants who have entered illegally do jobs that other Americans won't do or residents or U.S. citizens won't do? Yes, we see it in agriculture. I remember years ago, I want to say well over 10 years ago, Georgia had these strict laws to remove all laborers, illegal immigrants from laboring in agriculture. And it didn't work because they
Starting point is 00:18:48 removed them, but then nobody would replace them. So then that immediately backfired. And so, yeah, there are jobs that residents and citizens won't do, but that doesn't justify to take an illegal action. So I'm not going to say that, you know, it's justified. It justifies the illegality of them entering that way. So what would the solution to that be? Basically make it so that people can come here, but you somehow have to make sure that they're the right people who will take those jobs so that they, I mean, I'm not opposed to that too. All of my family did that, right? All of my family that came here illegally, they all took the, they all took the, uh, uh, jobs that no one wanted, you know, the late night security guards, the working, you know, there's different things for
Starting point is 00:19:33 different people, but middle Eastern people, they might not be in the field, but they'll take the jobs running the seven 11, you know, from midnight to eight in the morning, they take the jobs of being security guards. They take the jobs of, you know, driving forklifts, shit like that in places that no one wants to do it. There basically has to be a way to figure out how to do that legally. argument and say, I support it because there are legal ways to come in and work as an agricultural worker. You just have to go through the process. So no, coming in illegally is never justified. You're breaking federal law. And there's, you know, if you do that, you're not respecting the United States. That's what it comes down to. We have to respect the United States. But there is some validity to it, like what we saw in Georgia. Like if we just shut down all illegal immigration, the agricultural community would suffer well i wouldn't say shut down illegal immigration what
Starting point is 00:20:31 i would say is just um you know you got to be careful what industries you attack because the you know the ripple effect you know on the economy as a whole um you know it will take its toll on on on the economy gotcha and just in general like other things than the economy and you i guess you bring up a good point those people that they attacked they were already in jobs if you're going to have resources to stop illegal immigration do it at the border don't go to the people who are already participating in the economy correct yeah well yes. Well, yes I think you have to be very cautious, you know Because there are jobs that like I'll repeat again residents and US citizens will not do and it's already been proven So to that extent, you know, there's nothing you can do there. But yeah, it still doesn't justify illegal
Starting point is 00:21:18 immigrating illegally One of the things that I've heard that's changed is there's this misconception that it's Mexicans coming across the border, and it's not. They make up a small percentage since Biden took office compared to who's coming over now. Maybe it used to be Mexicans, but now they're a small percentage. Is that true? That's very true. Yeah, it's a very small percentage compared to the other countries coming in. Yeah, I think Mexicans like being in Mexico more now. I mean, even though it's very dangerous with the cartels, I guess that is one situation they're experiencing
Starting point is 00:21:51 that the ones that do come over are usually tied to fleeing the cartel violence. But yeah, it's a very small percentage. And how many Venezuelans do you estimate or have come in the country in the last four years or since Biden took office? That's a good question. I want to say, well, I would say that we know and don't know about, I would say millions. I think we're already in the millions. I don't think they, I think they put lower numbers, but I think we were over a million. I wonder what Venezuela's
Starting point is 00:22:21 population is. I think it's 36 million And I think seven or eight million have already left the country approximately. According to this, what I just pulled up, it says that there were 30 million people in 2022. So what you're saying is, is. Yeah. And it was like three percent of their country's population may have come here. Yes. Like, yeah, that sounds about right. If in 2022, it's 30, then yeah, about six million had left by that that sounds about right if in 2022 it's 30 then
Starting point is 00:22:45 yeah about six million had left by that time is about the statistics i'm talking about that would be six percent wow yeah so there's whole in in in florida seems to be the gathering spot for them not just florida no they're they're all they're scattered all throughout the country but obviously florida was is uh you know miami obviously Florida is Miami and Orlando were the major cities that they arrived to initially, but now they're all over the country. They're everywhere in the country. And Rolando, when you said that this Marxist ideology took over, they just basically rape and pillage the upper and middle class? That's what that is? and pillage the upper and middle class. That's what that is. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And then, you know, use the lower class to say, you know, it was them who kept to oppress this populist political propaganda that they spew and that, you know, that they're going to take from the rich and give to the poor. So, yeah. And then when you do that, the entire economy collapses because there's nothing going on. Everything good closes down.
Starting point is 00:23:48 The good restaurants, the good schools, everything good. All the middle class and upper class shit gets decimated. Correct. Again, so right now there are some high-end, you know, how would I say this? Entities like restaurants. I think there's Ferrari in Venezuela, but it's only for the elite, the people who are with the regime, right?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Because they have sold billions of dollars over these past two decades. And with that money, they really can't flee to other countries. So they have to like entertain themselves within their country, but that's only for them. The, you know, 99% of the rest of the population don't experience that. So yeah, that's what happens. And they expect you just to live in the land of equity. So like a prison, everyone has
Starting point is 00:24:34 the same sheets, the same house, the same, it's just, you're, you're, you're meant to just stay on your rung. Yeah. Extreme poverty. You're, you're, you're, you're meant to live in extreme poverty, and everyone's equally poor, and they control all the basic necessities, light, water, gas, you name it. All basic necessities are controlled by them. Yeah, media. Everything. So the free market's gone. Correct. And just like in this country, everything the government touches and takes away From capitalism turns to shit Correct, yeah
Starting point is 00:25:07 There's no competition and it just turns to shit Correct Wow Any signs of that changing in Venezuela or no? Do they have a firm hold on that? You know when President Trump came back That was like A very important time
Starting point is 00:25:24 For Venezuela that things could have changed. And if Trump would have stayed in power, I believe it would have changed. But now if Trump does come back, this is just my opinion on seeing what happened. Venezuela has essentially attacked us, in my opinion. They've sent all their criminals into here, into our country to continue their life of crime and to attack U.S. citizens and to continue spreading these Marxist ideologies. Right. So that's an attack. They're sending their agents into our country. They've been sending them in for decades. I've been at war with these people for the past few years. And, you know, if Trump gets back into office, he's not going to forget what they did to us these past four years. And Maduro and all of his other clan at the top did this intentionally. So, you know, I think there's going to be consequences to what they did these last four years.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And Maduro is the current leader of Venezuela? Correct. He's in. Yeah, he's the current leader of Venezuela? Correct. He's the current leader. I don't even want to call him a president because they don't legitimately take power. They take it by force, by fraud. How do we know that they're sent? Because that is what the media is reporting, that basically they opened their insane asylums and their prisons. And what I heard is they told these people, hey, leave Venezuela and go to the United States or we're going to kill you. No, well, no, they didn't tell them to kill them.
Starting point is 00:26:57 They said they actually worked for them. All these criminal organizations were released from prison. So I post. So let me backtrack a little. Please, please. I have a significant following. I depend, you know, it's all relative, right? But I have about 155,000 followers on social media at Rolando Vasquez Law. I have a few accounts. I see the one I have here is Rolando Vasquez Lawyer. That one I don't have as many. That's a backup account.
Starting point is 00:27:23 But on my main account, I have a significant following, but millions of people follow me and see what I post. So the last few years I've been posting about all of their agents who they've sent here. And actually, I actually sued one of their agents that's been here since for almost 20 years now. She attacked me. They tried to disparage my name um i sued them uh they've threatened to kill us i mean basically what i've been doing is putting them on blast is you know the colloquial term but i've been um you know uh posting them on my social media and exposing them for the criminal activities uh that they've committed here in the United States. And as a consequence, they've attacked me. And so if people want to say, Hey, have they really been sending agents? Go to my social media. I post it all the time. Uh, there's content there. And I, I give,
Starting point is 00:28:14 I show their names. I show their photos of them in Venezuela as agents of the regime. And now all of a sudden they're here in the U S and most of them are committing crimes. Why? Because they were sent here to do that. They're sent here to destabilize their country. They're sent here to spread their Marxist ideologies. And they're sent here to do the work of the regime. They have everyone from influencers, people in the media, journalists. They have people that are on Telemundo, Univision.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I mean, they have people everywhere working for them. So same as the United States basically I was seeing yesterday I saw a story that a year before Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post he got a 600 million dollar contract with the CIA and that the guy who purchased the New York Times
Starting point is 00:28:58 he's a Mexican guy he was an open border policy guy and that he bought the Times in order to push his open border policy agenda. You're saying it's just like that. Yeah, no, they have propaganda machines in Venezuela. And actually, my my account, Rolando Vasquez Law. I can't I can't find it.
Starting point is 00:29:18 At just it's just put at Rolando Vasquez Law. I was knocked down. I just recently recovered it. And I know who actually did it. I'm recently recovered it. Um, and I know who actually did it. I'm not going to say it, but I know who did it. Um, it, you know, they are connected with the trend that agua, which is a criminal organization that came into the country. And they were upset because of all the content I was, uh, publishing, I was exposing them and they wanted to silence me. And years ago, they tried to silence me by Oh, I see it. Okay, I see it. Years ago, they tried to silence me. They went on a smear campaign and said that I was stealing from illegal immigrants and that I was harming immigrants.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And one of Hugo Chavez's ex-girlfriend was the one who initiated the attack. It didn't work out for them because obviously it turned out everything was a lie. So that didn't work for them. They're now being criminally investigated. And so now they sent their henchmen, their goons to start threatening to kill me, me and my family. And I've been dealing with these people for the past, since 2021. So it's a very real thing. And people need to understand these people are not joking. We need to take them serious and they're in the country and they're here to harm us. And people don't see that. What, what did you do? What was the catalyst? I'm not sure what
Starting point is 00:30:33 that made it. So they felt threatened by you. If you were just staying, if you were just helping people get, um, uh, legal entry, why, what would their problem be with you? I mean, obviously you don't align with them ideologically, but, but whatitated the the the butting of heads well well there's many things i think there's many um factors here well one of them like you just said i was actually helping those who are really um uh how would i say this um people who really suffered persecution who are against the regime in their home country, right? So if I'm helping the people that they're against to come lawfully to the country, that doesn't go in line with their agenda. The other thing is I've always spoken
Starting point is 00:31:15 bad about their leaders, like Hugo Chavez, Nicolás Maduro. And one thing that Americans need to realize about these people, what they call Chavistas, these communists from Venezuela, is that they put Chavez over God. So there's a saying they would say in Venezuela. They would say, Chavez, God, and my family. They would put this guy over God. So imagine now me, you know, disparaging him, talking bad about him. Imagine how much hate they have for me you know you do you see that yes yes and so there's many reasons and so one of his ex-girlfriends actually
Starting point is 00:31:52 attacked me they they they coordinated an attack and and they said we're going to take away rolando's law license because rolando has this platform and he has this respect because he's an attorney let's take away his license. Let's, you know, and take all that away from him. So nobody believes him and we take away his credibility. Well, they didn't organize the attack. They filed at this point, it was like 30 bar complaints that were reviewed by the Florida bar. They were closed down. They were actually caught lying. And then there was actually a criminal investigation that ensued because they extorted
Starting point is 00:32:25 me they were actually extorting me for money they wanted money from me in exchange to to stop the disparagement and so there was other crimes involved and in that case you know i don't want to get into the to the you know talk more about the oh no maybe go out and come back in again god i would not want um venezuelan gangs to be uh have my even my name in their mouth my god my god yeah I wonder how they took down his Instagram account 154,000 followers
Starting point is 00:33:09 2,500 posts I shit I wonder how he got it back looks like there's pictures with him with Trump Marjorie Taylor Green Jorge Masvidal pictures with him at Mar-a-Lago. It looks like he's a busy man. What a wild story. Looks young too,
Starting point is 00:33:37 huh? I wonder, I wonder how expensive it is. Hey. Okay, can you hear me? Okay, good. Yeah, perfect. So basically you're saying shit got chaotic for you on every level. They attacked you, your occupation, and your well-being.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Correct. They attacked my wife in person. There's been two events already. One guy, you know, cut my wife off on the road, mafia style, and threatened to kill her and the kids in the car. And man, yeah, it's been out of hand. And now we have, you know, luckily, you know, security forces here in Florida and on a federal level are now involved. But, you know, these people are not joking. Look what happened to the girl in UGA, Lathan Riley. That happened from one of the criminal organization, this member of the criminal organization, Trenderawa. They're all over our country.
Starting point is 00:34:37 You're going to start to see kidnappings. You're going to start to see dismembered bodies just found all over the place. And people are going to be like, where is this coming from? You're going to know where it's coming from. It's these groups. This is how they operate. I know in Orlando just last week, there was a lady kidnapped with a guy. I think it was, he had an AR-15 kidnapped her from a car and they found her dead. This is what's going to, you're going to start, this is going to be commonplace in the United States. People don't understand, don't understand what we're dealing with. And I've been exposing this for years, and they wanted to silence me. And nobody really caught on. And it wasn't until they actually
Starting point is 00:35:10 started beating up law enforcement, they killed this poor girl at UGA, and then all these other criminal acts that they've been acting on within our country. Now people are like, oh, they're serious. And it's like, you know, no, I told you guys they were serious. And I told you for years, you need to close that border down because they're coming in by the thousands. And now they're criminal operations that they had in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile. They expanded everywhere. They brought that same business model to the US and they're already open for business in our country that's what's happening it it seems so obvious to me although i'm open to it being brainwashed because i mean
Starting point is 00:35:52 i haven't been to the border but it seems so obvious to me why did why why is the left so lost in this why why are they okay do they do they are they just waiting do you think that they would change their mind if it was their daughter or their son getting who is killed? Is that what it's going to take until the till the till the bad guys roost in their neighborhood? Well, yeah, you know, yes, unfortunately, I think until it hits home to them. But also it's part of the left's agenda that this happened. Like when I talked about when I talk about leftists, I've dealt with this for years as an immigration attorney. Again, I go back to what I initially said. I
Starting point is 00:36:30 protect people that are victims of Marxist ideologies. These are left, what are known as leftist ideologies. And it's part of their agenda. They, if that is, they want this to spread, these ideologies to spread all across the world. And the United States is really one of the last places that we're standing our ground. Thank God to the people who are not leftists, those conservatives that we talk about. I mean, a big difference is, as opposed to those other countries, we're armed in the United States. And Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, all these other leftist countries, these people are not armed like we are. That's why they were taken over so easily. So when people start to attack the second amendment, they're obviously with that agenda because they know that once the,
Starting point is 00:37:15 the constituents in the United States are not armed, they just take us over and, you know, overnight, essentially. I finally understand what you mean, Rolando. Sorry, I'm a little slow to it. When you say that you defend you defend people who are victims of the Marxist ideology, meaning those people who are fleeing the country were having bad shit happen to them by leftist governments. And your job was to bring them to to help them get settled in a place where they don't have to deal with that and where they can thrive. help them get settled in a place where they don't have to deal with that and where they can thrive yeah they're safe and and united states has always brought in the best the the best and brightest of other countries and trust me i've helped doctors lawyers architects the best of venezuela come to this country so you know i know i look back now and there's some that i've helped that i now
Starting point is 00:38:00 realize we're actually with the regime but you, you know, everyone's time will come. The truth will be exposed at a certain point in time because it's very easy for them to fabricate and stage a persecution. And then, you know, many of them do that, right? They'll stage their persecution and they have such good cases. And then, you know, when you look deeper into it, they're very much tied to the regime and they were actually sent here. And then, you know, they're sent here for a reason and they're carrying out an agenda. And so I've seen that happen as well. But trust me, I know and I have a lot of faith that these people will be exposed and will be handled accordingly. And I like the reframing of it. know maybe maybe at one point one point or someone might
Starting point is 00:38:46 see you as an immigration attorney but i like the reframing of it is is like hey because of the laws of this country and the border your job is to help people fleeing uh persecution totalitarian regimes slavery all that shit that yeah i really like that yeah that's really what i do that's what that's what i focus on um and i can't imagine and these people aren't wealthy people so it's not like you you can be charging them an arm and a leg you can't be charging them five hundred dollars an hour no we have to come so we usually do flat fees and immigration we don't we don't usually do hourly rates so yeah flat fees and um how did how did these, um, uh, this gang, how did they attack your Instagram account? How does that work?
Starting point is 00:39:31 They just start complaining to Instagram. Well, I don't want to get into the details cause there's still some things being investigated by, you know, on a different level. So without getting into that. Yeah. But I know who it was and who you know it's tied to the trend that hour they because i was exposing them i would put the pictures of them where they live in the u.s their names what they're the crimes they've committed and they don't like that at all
Starting point is 00:39:56 but you know there's something they started with me just to be clear because if they ever watch this they started with me years ago. They were upset that I refused to represent agents from the regime. They're upset that I was talking about Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro and about Chavistas in general, about communists in general. And so then they felt that they had the right to attack me and my family the way that they did, uh, and the different ways that they did. So, you know, they, they started this fight and, um, I'm not backing down. Um, my Instagram account vanished. I don't know. It's vanished a bunch of times, but one time it vanished. I was given a number of, uh, someone on WhatsApp
Starting point is 00:40:42 and I contacted them on WhatsApp and I started talking with them. I said, where are you? And they said, I mean, they told me they were in Argentina and they said for eight hundred dollars they could get my account back. So I sent them the eight hundred dollars through some sort of they'd already gotten an account back for one of my friends. They had already gotten an account back for one of my friends. So I figured, so, um, I give them, I send them the $800 and they contact me a week later and they say, Hey, Oh, it's going to be another $500. And I said, I said, Hey, here's the deal. You can just tell me you stole my money and we can part our ways. I don't care. You can send me my money back or you can get my account back and I'll give you the, and I'll give you the $500 after you get it back. So in this chat, he goes, check your account. And I checked my account and it was back up. So I sent him the additional $500, right? Then a week later, my account was gone. And they contacted me again.
Starting point is 00:41:33 They're like, do you want your account back? Yeah, no, these are- And I'm like, no, thank you. But at that point, I realized, right, that there's kids in Argentina, they were young kids, by kids, I mean, 18 years old, who somehow have access into our social media platforms in South America that. Yeah, that you know. So exactly. Yeah, you're exactly right on.
Starting point is 00:42:03 So what they do is there's a business behind this closing accounts and then extortion. Yeah, it's an extortion. And then, you know, know you want it back pay me and you'll get it back and then you they're extorting you consistently and they live off these extortions unfortunately and what's interesting is that raises that begs the question what is meta doing about this right right oh you know you know what they told me one of the guys told me that um so he's just the agent for someone who works at Meta, which makes perfect sense, right? There's someone inside there who is – it's like taking money at the border to let people in. There's someone at Meta who's controlling that gate, right? Yeah, no, and I believe it. That has to be what's happening in that case.
Starting point is 00:42:43 So what's happening is there's people in Meta who are actually making money off this extortion. A racket, yeah. A racketeering, wow. So it makes sense. I believe everything you're saying because I hear it from everyone. Oh, I lost my account and I paid to get it back. Everyone does that. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:43:01 So again, it begs the question, does Meta even know that this is happening? It's wild uh so so basically you did get your account back yes it took about a month but I was able to recover it through the channels that they give you but you know oh you did you did use the official channels yes wow wild that you got it back yeah um did you have hope that you would get it back yeah yes i i had hopes and i didn't think i there was no reason to believe i wouldn't get it back um i did nothing wrong you know i wasn't right wrong on it and you know the last uh email that i got from meta is that you know i i never violated any of the um guidelines or community the community guidelines or community the community
Starting point is 00:43:45 guidelines so yeah i didn't do anything wrong but i guess they somehow attacked it or or reported it uh i guess they had to investigate but it was good but again that's what they do they they'll they'll go they won't stop uh until they you know uh silence me they want to silence me so another thing i'll tell you is i get death threats through direct messages saying they have this trend that hour that they have the green light to kill me and that they're going to act on it so we'll see what happens they actually tell you that yeah i yeah i all those reports go to law enforcement you know into different agencies so god that's why america doesn't know what we're dealing with or they do but we
Starting point is 00:44:26 need to put pressure on our federal government said enough is enough you need to start going after these people but at this point it's so many like it's such a tall task now and every day it just becomes harder and harder to believe that we're going to do it in a short amount of time there are millions of them and it's not just just from Venezuela. They're from all over, terrorists from all over the world that have come in. All with maybe their own separate agendas. I guess separate, but I do think there is some group that organizing an overall plan just based on what I've seen and based on what I know. just based on what I've seen and based on what I know.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Let's say Trump does get elected and he does start to enforce the law of the country and he does start collecting the illegal aliens. What does that look like? I'm assuming that would be a booming part of the economy, collecting people and caging them. Well, no, we wouldn't need to get them out as soon as possible. I don't know what what they have in mind what the uh admit what trump has in mind or what his future administration would have in mind um but whatever the case is we either need to um prosecute the ones that came in and that have committed crimes um and then get them out but the you know and have our secure
Starting point is 00:45:43 our border again the way trump did but we need to get them out the country. You know, we're safest when they're not in our country. How is your business doing now that people see so many people coming illegally or like the fuck that I'm not even going to use a lawyer. I'm just going to just, just stay here illegally. You know, I, I've always had filters, especially since my position is so, you know, firm and clear cut on who I will and will not represent. So, you know, I, I'm very well known, my business does well. And that's me excluding a lot of people. If I had a business model to take anything and everything, obviously it would be a different, I'd be in a different situation, much different situation. But I'm happy where I'm at. You know, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm happy that I'm doing it ethically
Starting point is 00:46:30 and I'm, and I'm morally, uh, uh, keeping true to myself. So there's still people who want to do it legally. Do, do, do what? Sorry. There are people who still want to do it legally. Yeah. There are people want to do it legally. And you know, there are people that I represent that come to the border. Again, people coming to our border to request asylum is nothing new. This has happened for a very long time, even before I started practicing. And I have to, you know, really decide who's telling the truth or look to see who's telling the truth. you know, really decide who's telling the truth or look to see who's telling the truth. I have to have a filter and I do my best to do that, to filter out the ones that are,
Starting point is 00:47:13 that have legitimate claims and that are really requesting help. You know, that's what our laws are for. You know, I have the job to balance, to balance, you know, what's right. And then also adhere to what are the spirit of our immigration laws are, our refugee laws are. So I still want to help those that are really refugees. And not, I don't want to be in a situation where I say, well, I'm not going to help these refugees because of all the other bad people. You know, I don't want the good people to suffer because of all the bad, you know, I have to do my um and handle the bad the way i do and and really seek to help out the good god the venezuelan community that was already established in florida must fucking hate this right seeing that their reputation just being tarnished
Starting point is 00:47:55 yeah because now everyone's like oh you know they're even afraid now to say they're venezuelan unfortunately before yeah let's say we're pride because we were bringing the best and brightest but now that you know the goon the the go the goons from Venezuela, the people that made them leave Venezuela, these communists, they would go out and attack and persecute them. Their persecutors are now their neighbors. It's so crazy. It's surreal. It's unreal to talk about it like that. But the persecutors are now the neighbors in these immigrant communities.
Starting point is 00:48:24 And that's where I got all the information from how do you think i got this information from the community the people i represent saying hey you know attorney look this person is uh that persecuted me or they killed this person in my family or they did this whatever and venezuela is now here here's his name here are some pictures of them and they give me all the information so i have so much information on all these people right yeah um what what about do you know anything about the chinese who are coming across the border no because i'm not in that community but it's still awkward because the chinese communist party have um they have a lot of people at their disposal they have a lot of people well that but they know what they do they have a lot of people at their disposal. They have a lot of people. Well, that, but they know what they do.
Starting point is 00:49:08 They have that facial recognition. They know who leaves and who comes back into the country, how long they're leaving. They know all of this. So these people are just escaping and they don't know about it. I don't, I don't buy that. And they're all single males. The majority of them are single middle-aged males and they just
Starting point is 00:49:26 escaped from china china didn't know when china keeps a um a close grip on all their constituents i don't buy that i don't buy it um when when when people come here uh legally and uh they pay you money how long is that process how long is the process to come here legally well they pay you money. How long is that process? How long is the process to come here legally? Well, it depends. You know, there's so many there's different visas available for different reasons. There's different timelines. Some can be, you know, in weeks. Some can be years. It just depends that that's that's a really broad question. I get where you're coming from, but it depends if you're coming to to labor temporarily, you could probably get that process out in a few weeks or a few months. But if you're a family petition, that could take years depending on who's petitioning for you.
Starting point is 00:50:16 So it depends. This guy, Alejandro Mayorkas, I don't know how closely you follow his story, but there are these stories now that he was working for an NGO. He was on their board. And now that NGO is putting up leaflets in porta potties and along the border saying, when you come to the United States, make sure you vote for Biden. Yeah, no. He's somehow involved in that. And God, when I hear that stuff, that shit's scary as shit to me. Yeah, obviously, Alejandro Mayorkas is doing nothing to secure the border. I mean, I don't I mean, I did see that about the flyers. Yeah. But, you know, we know what it is at this time. I stopped looking into the details because no one has to tell me any different.
Starting point is 00:51:00 My mind is made up. I know what's actually what I'm what I'm seeing. I know what's happening. I keep a lot of it to myself, obviously, up i know what's actually what i'm what i'm seeing i know what's happening i keep a lot of it to myself obviously but i know what's happening and i know who's on whose side so when you say you know what's happening you're talking like from a big picture perspective like let me just throw out there like there's this organization uh world economic forum and they believe that there should be one world and there should be no borders. So big picture, you think things like that are happening. You think somewhere along the line, like, hey, because the same thing's happening in Europe, too, right? Correct. It is happening. That's what I'm saying. No one has to tell me different. Like, I'm not going to be afraid to express what I'm actually experiencing.
Starting point is 00:51:39 So, yes, that's what's actually happening around the world. And they've talked about their agenda so openly. And they've implemented it. They have the resources and the power to. So it's not like anyone can sit here and say they're not doing it when they're actually the one saying that this is our plan and they're actually implementing it. So, right. They're not even. Yeah, they're not even hiding their agenda.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Exactly. They're not hiding it. So no one could say it's, you know, that that's just my theory or my belief. Like, no, they're actually saying it they told us they said it publicly yeah yeah it's bizarre and so you you think that people like um uh alejandro mayorkas and what are in on that that they're that they've put maybe um their uh legions allegiance to the some something else besides this safety and security of the United States border. Do you think that they know what they're doing or they're just idiots?
Starting point is 00:52:32 No, no, they're not idiots. I mean, I think – I don't want to say it in this way in their defense, but I don't think they have an option to do anything else. So I think they're forced to do this one way or the other. I mean, it is what it is. That's what's happening. think they're forced to do this one way or the other i mean it is what it is that that's what's happening and they're on that other side they're playing against the us and like i said i don't i don't think he has an option to say he doesn't want to do it so i'm not saying that in his defense but right whatever way you look at it he's he's in on it whether he's doing it voluntarily
Starting point is 00:53:06 or not doesn't the stress of that sound like you would you you wouldn't be able to ever sleep at night ever again if you were in his shoes like you would just like how would you live that well depends on your moral compass there's people that you know could sleep at night and they're the most vile human beings on earth but you know it just depends where your moral compass is i'm not saying that i'm perfect or that anyone in this world is perfect right you know it depends it depends on the moral compass of the individual um is florida the way we perceive florida here in california is that they're actually handling their business that desantos is actually doing things, taking action, and that the state is moving forward basically to secure its borders
Starting point is 00:53:48 and make it a safe place. You know, they got the – they passed these pretty aggressive laws. If you're under 14, you can't use social media. Like basically these things that a lot of us think are helping to protect the kids and the citizens. Is it really like that living there? Yeah, no, Florida is amazing. Yeah, I think they could do more, but as a constituent, we always need to request more. We always need to request more from our government. So yes,
Starting point is 00:54:17 but we are living very well in Florida. To give you an example, the squatter situation, right? You see it in New York where the homeowner will be put in jail for removing a squatter, right? The squatter has apparently rights under their laws. Here in Florida, the sheriff in one of the counties came out and said, you know, if anyone goes into your house, you have a right to shoot them, right? And they even said we prefer that you shoot them to save us taxpaying dollars. We don't deal with those leftist ideologies here in Florida. I'm very happy that we're very conservative here in Florida and that we have a governor. And then even at the local level, we still have those same, they carry through those same
Starting point is 00:54:57 ideologies and we actually live it. So I feel very safe and secure, although we do have crime and we do have people coming in to commit crime, but, um, they're handled accordingly. Um, but yeah, it could be better. Yes. Oh, we always can do better. Uh, we always need to keep that mindset. We can never be complacent, but we're doing very good here in Florida. And I could never imagine living anywhere outside of Florida. Um, basically some of these states just allow people to steal your house. They support the theory of homes. These are leftist ideologies. In Venezuela, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:55:34 You just go squat and take people's houses over. There was this guy on social media who was military in Venezuela. I actually sent his information to the right agencies. They detained him recently, right? I saw that. Yeah, I saw that. I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:55:50 You're talking about the guy who gave the five steps on how to steal a home? How to steal a home, how to steal from Walmart, how to abuse the welfare system in the U.S. I mean, everything he was doing was just a planned attack on the U.S. And then when you look further, I was given information of him in military uniform in Venezuela. He even said it publicly in like Univision. They had people from Univision interviewing him as if he was some type of celebrity and like trying to clean his image. And he was talking about his military experience and training and education.
Starting point is 00:56:24 So it's like he was obviously being sent here with that agenda. And that's what, you know, my message has been to the public at large. These people are not coming in and they're just not like haphazardly posting these things and pushing these agenda. They were sent here specifically to do that. This was organized. This was coordinated. this was organized this was coordinated um at some point do do these um crime organizations flee uh florida and move into other states that are more hospitable like like are they just are they chicago so they're just kind of passing through florida they'll set up in chicago are there a lot of venezuelans in chicago uh yes right now there is a lot of the criminals are in there's a lot of criminals that criminal organization, Chicago, New York, Chicago, the city, white, New York,
Starting point is 00:57:09 um, California, but they're here in Miami too. They're in Doral. Uh, and trust me, our law enforcement is very much aware of them and they probably don't even know it, but they're very much aware of them. And they have a big presence here in Doral, um, which is in Miami D-dade county uh i don't mean to speak in um be hyperbolic but chicago's uh ripe for takeover i feel like anyone with some semblance of organization could just take that city it just seems like just everything i hear just seems like a complete shit show i I mean, they haven't had a leader in six years. No, no, it's really bad. Yeah, Chicago. Unfortunately, because, you know, that's where
Starting point is 00:57:52 my roots are from originally, even though I was born in Peoria. Yeah, my family, you know, was in Chicago. That's where we're from. And it's such a great city, which great heritage, I mean, legacy, everything. And just to have all these criminals come in and these leftist politicians come and destroy such a beautiful city, it's very saddening. It's heartbreaking. Hey, what about Los Angeles? What's the deal there? When I think of Los Angeles, I just think of all of the fentanyl addicts and petty criminals that they try to call homeless,
Starting point is 00:58:24 but we all know that they're drug addicts and petty criminals that they try to call homeless, but we all know that they're drug addicts and petty criminals. Is there anything going on there in terms of gangs and large, you know, groups of people coming in? Well, I don't know too much about Los Angeles, I'll be honest, but I do know they do have a presence there, at least the criminal organization I'm talking about. And I do know the lawlessness that's happening and you're right everyone who i talk to you know just it's not the same there's a lot of people who have fled california look at the numbers that should you know speak volumes to you um how many hundreds of thousands of people at this point right have left california if i'm not mistaken is it already yes yes so many and and yes so many have left. And people say to me every day, how can you still be there?
Starting point is 00:59:06 Yes, so many people have left. I think Skid Row, when I think of Los Angeles at this point, unfortunately. I've had a friend go in recently and said, wow, I should have never gone to Los Angeles. They didn't even have fun. They didn't like it. Yeah, it's bad. It's just border. There's so much retail space that's boarded up and there
Starting point is 00:59:25 are so many fucking there's just petty criminals and drug addicts everywhere yeah but that's intentional in my opinion like again yeah i say what i what i believe and i think it's intentional and it's all by design meaning uh the the in conjunction with flood flood the country with um drugs and then shut the country down for two years so people can sit around and do drugs and then open the doors back up and no one wants to work like that kind of shit. Intentional. Correct. And again, then you have this Marxist state, nobody working, living off the government. Again, it's all by design. You could go on and on. You could just break it down and all roads will lead to. all roads will lead to wow there's a very powerful marxist group that is sweeping through latin america and has now arrived to the u.s or has been in the u.s but really there we're starting to see the effects of their policies uh franco dubac i own the only crossfit affiliate in doral
Starting point is 01:00:20 doral door is it how do you pronounce it d Doral? Doral. Yeah, Doral. Doral. So it's a neighbor. And that's where you're at? Well, no, I'm in Coral Gables, but we're still in Miami-Dade County. All right. Small world. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Hey, if Trump gets elected, Rolando, do you think that... Well, let's say, let's go the other way. If Trump doesn't get elected, it just expedites the chaos? There's going to be chaos, of course. Like, if Trump comes into office, they're going to release all the goons everywhere. But at least we'll have a leader in power, and we will take control. You think if he takes power, things will get worse before they get better? You don't think that he'll just fucking hire
Starting point is 01:01:06 you know 100 000 ice agents and they'll start rounding people up yeah no i think that's going to happen but i think there's still going to be a bumpy road i mean i yeah i think it's i'm not going to say it's going to be uh like a war on the streets is what you're saying potentially yeah again they did they did it before they they who rioting in 2020, 2019? You saw the riots. It's a bumpy road. But I think with that leadership, and I think we'll see a rise in people who enlist in our military. I think it's going to be a bumpy road, but I think we'll take control fairly quickly of the situation. And probably the military has been compromised also, right right with all of these illegals coming in that they want to make illegals have that give them the ability to wear the uniform they want to give illegals the ability to wear uniforms at a local level can you imagine these people
Starting point is 01:02:01 that were persecutors and and let's just say Venezuela, since we were talking about that. Now there's certain jurisdictions that will allow them to be law enforcement agents. And now they are law enforcement agents. And then can you imagine that? That's just the it's not even it's not far fetched anymore. It's actually a reality. It's very real at this point. It sounds like minneapolis
Starting point is 01:02:25 correct or chicago i think chicago passed illinois did that non-citizens become become law enforcement i think uh los angeles in my maybe not the city i think i think you're right i think it did pass in los angeles yeah that's how i mean that's how desperate I mean, basically, you know, there was a full campaign here for two years. You know, George Floyd's O.D.'s on fentanyl. And ever since then, cops are afraid to do their job. I mean, in a nutshell, that's basically what happened in California. And so they stopped Percy and then all the D.A.'s aren't charging people. It there became a we live in a class society here. It's just open war on fucking white people in California. They're attacking themselves. Everyone's attacking them. It's crazy. I mean, it's it's OK to say, hey, I didn't hire you because you're a white male now in California. That's it's legit. Yeah, I mean, it's like a Black Mirror episode. It's great.
Starting point is 01:03:21 We're already in the twilight zone. Yeah. I would say, yeah, we are. Unfortunately. Is there any reason? Let's say let's say let's say let's say I did cross the border and I crossed with my family and I got here and I'm working and I'm just minding my own business. But my shit's illegal. I got a wife.
Starting point is 01:03:41 I got two kids. Is there any reason not to start the process? To be competitive. I got a wife. I got two kids. Is there any reason not to start the process? To become like, let's say, let's say I come to the state. Let's say I cross the border. I'm here in the United States. I have my wife. I have my kids. We're all illegal. I'm working at the pastry shop. I got another job working, fucking fixing flat tire. I'm working three fucking jobs like every amazing immigrant. And but I'm not legal. Should I should I go down the process of starting to try to become legal? Should I or should I be afraid of that process?
Starting point is 01:04:13 Well, you shouldn't be afraid, but it depends what you know, what the reasons like what your reason for being here is. Because you want to work, but you want to be able to also to put your head down at night and sleep without worrying. Like, you know what I mean? Okay. So like if you, if you, if you fear persecution in your home country, then yeah, you should start a process. And actually I think our government, no matter what administration it is, you would want to be notified of who's in our country and why they're here. Right. So that's a step forward. So yes, I do think so. But again, just because people want to come and work here, then again, then you need to go through the legal channels to come and work here legally, correct? I hear you, but it seems kind of fucked that you're,
Starting point is 01:04:55 let's say you're not persecuted. Let's say you just live in Mexico. Life sucks there. Coca-Cola owns your neighborhood. The water's dirty. The education sucks. And you just want to come here. So basically you're saying if you're not persecuted and you come here and you get a job
Starting point is 01:05:08 and you came here illegally but you're now a taxpaying citizen could get bumpy for you yeah yeah because we we have to have a rule of law that's what's up i hear you yeah we have to do that like there are a lot of desires i would you know i wish i was a billionaire i'm not going to go and steal money from people just to be a billionaire, right? Right, right. Everyone has wants and desires, but you can't have everything you want, right? Right. Not in that way. Not in that way. Not to say, well, I'm going to do it illegally. It's just not the right way to do it. We still have to have a rule of law. Our laws need to to be respected there are legal ways to do it go through the legal channels um how many attorneys are there like you you think
Starting point is 01:05:51 and uh they're solely focused on um uh helping people who are have been um fucking crushed by the marxist regimes in other countries who are helping expedite and like uh allow people to start a new life here in the U S. You know, I'm, I'm gonna, I'll say, I don't know. Cause I keep to myself and, you know, just to be respectful to my colleagues and, and not even no matter what I say, I don't want to seem like I'm disparaging a colleague of mine. That's never what I want to do. So I'll just say that. I don't know, but you know, I have my beliefs and I, I keep true to my beliefs, um, all the way into my practice. Yeah. Dang, dude, you're a good dude. Thanks for what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Yeah. Thanks for what you're doing. Great to meet you. And I'll keep in touch. Stay safe. Thanks for not backing down. And yeah, I hope I'll circle back around. Hopefully Trump gets elected and we can have this discussion and talk about how things are changing. Hopefully. Yeah, I'm hoping so, too. And thank you for having me. And just you said I'm a good dude and everything. I'll just say that I'm not a perfect person, nor do I try to portray it. But, you know, at this at this stage, at this juncture that we're at in the world, I mean, either you're with the good or with the bad. Yeah. With the good, you don't have to be perfect. There's a clear delineation between what's wicked and who are the good at
Starting point is 01:07:12 this point. I think it's very clear. So thank you, brother. Thank you. I'll talk to you soon. Cheers. Nice to meet you, Rolando. Thank you. oh man so here's the deal I know so many people have so many questions and have so many fucking things they want to chime in about. I saw it. I saw it.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I'm a whore, but that one was too much. I guess it wasn't too. Barry McOchner. How does Ronda feel about quarterfinal leaderboard shakeup? Um... to feel about quarterfinal leaderboard shakeup um i want to play something for you guys here i can't even believe we're going to do this. This show is going to be off the hook. And thanks to Born Primitive, I just called them up and I'm like, hey, you want to fuck with this? And I spoke to Claire over there and she's like, yeah, we'll fuck with this.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Okay. Actually, she's supposed to tell me today, but I think that they will. She felt positive. Okay. This is Taylor Self. He made this yesterday. Okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Listen up. What's up, you guys? Taylor Self from Sentinel Training and Taylor vs. the World on the Sebon Podcast. Got something exciting coming down the pipe this Friday, 10 a.m. Eastern, 7 a.m. Pacific on the Sebon Podcast, episode one of Kill Taylor. I'm going to be writing a workout and I'm going to do that workout live. And then if you think you can beat me, we're going to drop the StreamYard link in the chat and you're going to join up and you're going to do a live. If you don't beat me, we're going to make fun of you and we're going to kick
Starting point is 01:09:14 you off. If you beat me and you beat everyone else, you're going to walk away with $500. 500 bucks. Nobody beats me. The money rolls over to week two. So in week two is a thousand bucks. Nobody beats me in week two, rolls over to week three, 1500 bucks, et cetera. They might be wheelhouse workouts and you probably don't stand a fucking chance, but it's 500 bucks. This week, you're going to need a climbing rope, 15 foot and some kettlebells. Make sure they have a visible weight reading on them. And listen, your ass is going to be on the line. So if you're fucking ripping away no reps, shorting reps, if you look stupid, we're 100% making fun of you. So bring your fucking A game.
Starting point is 01:09:56 If you want 500 bucks, you're going to have to earn it. What's up, you guys? Taylor Self from Sentinel Training. How good is the part where he laughs? Damn, I want to just fast forward to the part where he laughs god he's got a great laugh uh so um for starters i don't want to hear anyone's ideas. Like, just keep your fucking ideas to yourself. Like, I don't want to hear them. Like, I look at the comments, I'm like, Jesus Christ, everyone, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Like, I'm not interested in your ideas. Here's the deal. This is how it's going to go down. And I know I'm going to have to explain this a thousand times, but it doesn't matter. You guys will figure it out. We'll come on at 7 a.m. Taylor will be in front of a rope and some kettlebells, I guess.
Starting point is 01:10:54 He's going to do this workout. Hey, what's up, Jeez Louise? Good to see you, buddy. No, no, no. Seve, this is a two-way conversation. No. Listen. Send dick pics and nudes.
Starting point is 01:11:09 I don't want to hear anything about your ideas around this competition. Like, let us just get a few off the fucking ground. Now I remember when, when I used to work at CrossFit, Dave would say something. I'd be like, oh yeah, we can do this. He's like, can you just leave my fucking ideas alone? Now I get it. Why he said that. Uh, okay. Oh, now I get it. Why he said that. Okay, so...
Starting point is 01:11:38 By the way, whoever won Corey Polito's from the Power Planet business plan, no one collected on that. Like, I don't care. I'm glad. I hope I get the credit for giving away a 500 gift certificate no one gets it also i don't think uh lindsey lane or piece of coffee got their 300 born primitive that's not on me um anyway back back to what taylor's tomorrow tomorrow's gonna be fucking wild we're gonna do this every week it's gonna be on saturdays i going to do this every week. It's going to be on Saturdays. I'll tell you what I think I know.
Starting point is 01:12:07 It's going to be on Saturdays at 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, 1 p.m. Eastern Time. So the camera will go live and then Taylor will do the workout and then we'll run the phone number down below here. This number. You'll text that number and I'll send you a link and then you'll pop up. There's a waiting room down here in StreamYard and you'll just pop up down there. And one by one, we'll let you guys do the workout. And obviously if he did the workout in 403 and it's 410, we'll just yell at you hey stop
Starting point is 01:12:46 stop we don't we're not interested in watching you finish the workout shut the fuck up maybe we'll say a few things to you your reps suck or great job you know you have a future whatever and then we'll move on to the next person anyone can do it i i like um jews trannies boys girls like anyone can do it it's it's it's completely it's the most inclusive thing that fucking ever happened uh venezuelan gang members can do it everyone can do it there's no there's no you could be a fucking libtard and do it anyone can do it there's no there's no you could be a fucking libtard and do it anyone can do it and then um you could be from canada doesn't matter white dudes can do it oh we we that is that we would prefer white men didn't do it but we already got our white man but even white middle
Starting point is 01:13:37 aged men maybe yeah so then um are we ignoring the leaderboard? Dude, you should see this fucking thread I'm in regarding the leaderboard. I'd have to bring someone in because I don't care. If Andrew's listening, maybe he'll come on and like... I don't care. I'll care when it's all settled. I'll do a... Maybe I'll do a show. When's it going to be settled?
Starting point is 01:14:09 Will it be settled tonight? So then, if we have time for three or four or five people, I don't know, depending on how long the workout is to go, then whoever has the best time will get the 500 bucks. But if no one gets the 500 bucks like Taylor can't win it like he just works for free right so then so then it'll roll over to the next week and it'll be
Starting point is 01:14:34 a thousand bucks and if no one gets it the next week it'll roll over and I'll be 1500 bucks and so that's it that's the whole that's the whole that's the whole that's the whole premise for the show and i've always wanted to do a show with tyler and pedro white but i just didn't know what what like what it would look like but i just want like they're funny as shit actually will branstetter's funny as shit too and so spin like they say some fucking deep cutting shit sometimes that's so fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:15:07 So, but, uh, I think it's going to be Pedro and Tyler and then Hiller will be the judge basically. And then me and, um, Taylor will also be there cause Taylor will stay on the show and we'll just
Starting point is 01:15:17 rip people or not. Maybe people don't need to get ripped. Um, yeah, James Sprague, anyone can do it. Listen, anyone, I yeah james sprague anyone can do it listen anyone i mean anyone everyone and anyone can do it you don't even have to be a crossfitter to do it i'm telling you you could be um uh you could be a dwarf and do it you could have one arm and do it
Starting point is 01:15:36 like it doesn't matter anyone can do it anyone can come get get some i mean we're setting it up so you can't win so yeah i hope laura horvath uh does it me too yeah mikey swoo should do it hell yeah but the way this show works is um i i think it's gonna i mean i think it's gonna work i mean it doesn't matter i mean it's just gonna be like it's like high school it's just gonna be clicky and i like i'm gonna i was gonna tell you i'm not gonna pick my friends i'm just gonna pick them in order but but yeah i'm gonna fucking totally um pick whoever i want whatever you know however i want it's totally the whole thing is cooked you know the whole thing is cooked oh oh shit oh shit
Starting point is 01:16:30 listen you guys all right fuck it i won't preface it you guys ready here we go andrew hiller what up send me some poetry send me some Tell me, what is on your mind, my friend? In the faraway land of Selim and Sand, Yertle the Turtle was king of the pond. It was a neat little pond. Do you know that book? No, but I thought maybe it was some poetry you had to remember in the sixth grade and you just remembered the first verse. It's a Dr. Seuss book. Yertle the Turtle. Before we
Starting point is 01:17:11 start with Andrew, please allow me to read some Tao Te Ching. Some random Tao Te Ching. Here. I never start. Let me go to the beginning of the book. Okay. Let me go to the beginning of the book. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt. Chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench. Care about people's approval and you will be their prisoner. Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity. Dowdy Ching, number nine. God, I'm so fucking excited.
Starting point is 01:17:54 The games are here. The chaos. We've inserted into the narrative. Are you excited about tomorrow's show? The Taylor? Yeah. Hey, that little ad was good. With the background music and the cadence, it was good. Brandstetter.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Brandstetter. That makes sense. Genius. Okay, so. You're doing the rope, huh? Yeah, against your adv advises it's okay it's probably good but but i like but but i like it it was funny because taylor called me and he goes hey should i switch i'm like hey dude i respect hillar so much and he goes i respect the shit at hillar too and i go but you should just do whatever you want like i don't even care
Starting point is 01:18:42 if no one signs up to do it fuck it It'll roll over a thousand bucks the next week. Yeah, I don't want to give the fucking money away. Okay. So, quarterfinal workouts were submitted. Let me start. The leaderboard is not settled, right? No.
Starting point is 01:19:04 But we do know, because from our thread going crazy, The leaderboard is not settled, right? No. But we do know because from our thread going crazy, the network's fucking buzzing, we know that scores are changing all over the place. Right. Hey, the best place to follow that is Helping. Have you seen that thing? Helping's got a link in his story. No, but I also saw Craig Ritchie had some really interesting stats yesterday too i'll bring those up at the end did you see his video where he was showing like the different like how good you have to be to get the through europe versus the united states oh i did
Starting point is 01:19:36 see that but i didn't see that on his i saw that somewhere else like europe's much more challenging right yeah he may have taken that from someone but it was pretty cool okay okay so how open so let me paint the picture here so and then you tell me where i'm wrong so basically everyone has submitted their quarterfinal scores they're in and now crossfit is going through and and and tallying and validating the scores and invalidating the scores right and so we had this original leaderboard and i'm really glad they're doing this because it adds a lot of drama and excitement and we're seeing it move in real time right like you could be like what sydney wells was in and now she's out correct and that's great that's great drama right yeah it's great drama but that's one thing it is for sure. I mean, it's fun. Jake Kazan is so hot.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yeah, you should see his wife. What? That's kind of random, no? He is good looking. He's got a crazy beard. But I really do. I really like Alex. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Back is focused, Sebi. So there's all sorts of movement. But on top of that, the the community has always seen you as the guy. And when it comes to reps and legitimacy and there was this buildup and all of these pieces that you went to William Leahy, who was a complete shit show last year, and you were going to be present in his quarterfinals to make sure that he could get through it without a hiccup and then uh all of a sudden we see that there are some hiccups in his like some of his movements got uh docked by crossfit uh first of all do you agree with crossfit's docking of his i'm not going to comment on that until the appeal's done okay i kind of i kind of explicitly left that out of the video, too.
Starting point is 01:21:27 I don't know if you saw that video. I made one pretty early. I saw probably the first five minutes of it before I came live. I tried to rush it in. So I wanted to – the point of that video was to – Are you shaken, by the way? Are you shaken? Oh, dude, fucked up.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Yeah, I've never seen you get shaken. Like shaken like you stole something and you got home and the cops are at your door and you're like, fuck, like you want to throw up? Right. But it's more like someone put something in your back pocket. The cops show up and they're like, hey, you stole that. And I go, what the what? What do you mean? Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Okay. Oh, shit matthew is 76 so if this will brandster is reporting nick matthew 76 so this is another thing i didn't even know how much i like nick matthew until i saw that that makes my stomach sick too i would be so bummed if he wasn't at the games nick yeah so i respect the shit out of that guy Yeah man Oh shit Leahy went from 2016 to 232 On that workout Oh
Starting point is 01:22:34 Yeah Okay go ahead sorry I keep interrupting I just can't believe this is so fucking exciting I love this shit The biggest one is Patrick Vellner I don't know if he's ever had an issue with is he not gonna make it no he's he went from winning the
Starting point is 01:22:49 West and now he's in 26 so what do we know that's happening do we know have they gone through all the workouts do we know if they're going through them through them in order do we know which workouts they're looking at are they looking at all of them like what do we know so here here's the deal is, and I have a video with a buttload of comments on it.
Starting point is 01:23:10 And I thought it might actually be interesting if you're into it to go in there and address some of these people. Oh yeah. I'd love to. I'd love to. Can you tell me the premise of your video first? The premise of the video is Bill Leahy brought me out to his house to try to get him through the quarterfinals
Starting point is 01:23:26 okay um there is an organization out there called the afj who does what they're professional they're trying to professionalize the judges have you heard of these guys the afg yeah yeah i laugh at all that stuff sure and while that's okay like they are trying to go hard and do the right thing and okay they have legitimately sent out an email saying they want to do what they can to make sure the online nature of competition goes smoothly for athletes and camps and i have that in the video like an email that they had sent out when they first came up I have that in the video, like an email that they had sent out when they first came up. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:10 There are, I think it was Brooke Wells has an AFJ judge during this workout. She receives a penalty. And I believe Brooke Wells judge is a CrossFit Games judge. Will sit on the competition floor. And I've seen her at other competitions as well. And I've met her in person. The judge or Brooke Wells? The judge. So judge so it was okay so she's a monster she's a great judge right like and crossfit has hired her to do high level competition real time and then who were the other i know amanda barnhart's also at
Starting point is 01:24:39 hwpo but uh it was page powers was the other one with an oh yeah that one fucking made me unsettled too. That one made me feel like I was going to have explosive diarrhea. I would be so bummed if Paige doesn't go to the games. I'll be so bummed. I love her. And the thing that I don't think people are really understanding is – How's Alexis Raptus?
Starting point is 01:24:58 She's an AFJ judge, and she seems to be okay. Good. I love her too. Okay. And I don't know if – I'm always, always like open to being the one who's wrong on this but i i really don't when people like me are brought to people like bill and these people are hiring and it looks
Starting point is 01:25:18 like hwpo brings them in and mayhem brings them in and proven didn't appear to have the afj judges there what what left are the athletes to do when it's the issue with an online competition right and i think there's a component of it where they'll see people like hopper getting the score the 260 they'll see people like down get the 258 and then all of a sudden there's like this reversal of scoring and like all right these are the best scores in the world what do we got to do to get there does that make sense to you yeah yeah yeah so you're basically saying that that's what happened with bill but all of a sudden you're you're proposing this real yeah you're you're proposing that we did this show, the quarterfinals, Taylor Self versus the world. Everyone got to see the scores. They wouldn't have got to see them otherwise. And there would have been more secrecy around it. added to some of the corners being cut in full range of motion
Starting point is 01:26:27 or following the standards in order to match their times. Correct. Okay. It's like their four-minute mile. They put more – that event put more pressure on people. It was supposed to help you, but it added pressure that may have caused you to compromise your integrity and your movement
Starting point is 01:26:45 the question i try to ask myself about this is like what would i say had i had not been with bill right i think it's an interesting exercise to try to do and like riley brought this up if hillary didn't know bill and saw his video he probably agreed to no rep it and i'm not talking about bill's video until it's done right right but when it comes to the page powers uh now nick matthew it's very interesting have you watched their videos no no and they're probably not even available. No, they're not. But you're saying that so many high level people are getting ding.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Well, let me, let me, let me push back on you. Let me push back on you a little bit. Wasn't there an open workout where everyone would like, was there a deadlift in the open or something where everyone should have gotten pushed back on? The head position in the open. Yeah. So basically, do you think that that's what we're seeing? Pardon me? It's the athlete and the judge.
Starting point is 01:27:56 That's what they always say. But the thing is, when you're bringing these judges, and you're like a Paige Powers, and you're with Mayhem, and you think you got God Almighty behind you, the CrossFit games official judge you're just going to do it they're allowing you to do same thing goes for me and bill situation will you tell us at one point will you will you break down bill's workouts and and say where either they fucked up or you fucked up or bill fucked up like will you will you examine that closely publicly at some point yeah it's up to bill okay and it's up to me and it's like it's up to the process that like what's the best idea right i think it would be cool yeah um and you
Starting point is 01:28:37 went really hard you've gone really hard for years to where you're standing on this kind of me that's me dude yes that's me i am the one going hard not cross right that's the fucking issue though okay so there's two there's two things here there's the thing that the audience is getting all excited about was andrew not able to live up to his own standards and you know and they're and they're around your house with pitchforks like saying hey you said this you want this you want this this is good yeah this is perfect for this if i don't go to bill's house there's a very real scenario where he gets more reps his score was 236 taylor got 249 and i think 258. I think Dallin got a score adjustment too, by the way. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:27 But anyway, if I don't go to Bills, there's a very real possibility he gets more. Because he moves faster, not worried about – I had told him some things, and he was not moving wicked fast as a result. Okay. He gets a 10 penalty and like in a way it dinged him twice having me there so these people who are like can he not live up to it like we we were doing the thing we were we were trying to get him through unscathed and it didn't and it didn't work it didn't work for people who got the agf cyz judge
Starting point is 01:30:08 like if he put work or if he like if he lets the calories roll over and he's even sloppier the step ups and he gets a score of 250 and he gets a 10 penalty he's not getting impacted like people and i think someone in the group chat was talking about it this morning because my head was hanging over on the dumbbell step-ups. I probably didn't stand up all the step-ups, and they're not looking at my score. And now people like Bill are getting affected by it. That is unless they're going to go all the way down to the 300 spots
Starting point is 01:30:36 in all the regions and check everybody's scores. Are you happy with this? Are you happy CrossFit's doing this? Yes. Yes. Yes. But imagine there's a homeless dude on the side of the road screaming that the cars are driving by too fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:58 And then all of a sudden, and cars are like, oh, it's 50. And that guy's out of his mind. We're going to go 55. We're going to go 58. And then all of a sudden, everyone's going 60 one day the cops drop the hammer everyone's getting tickets right that that that's that's what happened here so kind of uh and like everyone should be getting tickets right but it's the way that it it fell which is weird um okay let me Let me go back for a second. Oh, Dan loves my hypotheticals.
Starting point is 01:31:28 He's good. Let me go back for a second and talk about the LGBTQ judges. Do they offer insurance? So, like, someone like Paige Powers, she uses one of those judges, and she would have gone to the games, and she would have had a chance to win does she get like $100,000 like will they pay her now that they didn't judge her right like $100,000 or something for her lack
Starting point is 01:31:52 of ability to get sponsorships chance at winning the games like do they have insurance like what makes what legitimizes them what would be the benefit of using them other than faith I think Brian actually did a video with them i'll have to go watch it brian spin did a video with page powers the other brian oh brian friend did after she got
Starting point is 01:32:12 fucking dinged oh no no no no this is probably a month or two ago he got on with the people who ran it oh if there's anyone if there's anyone who's been dinged in i don't give a fuck if like you're nobody but if there's anyone who's been dinged, I don't give a fuck if you're a nobody. But if there's anyone who's been dinged, like if Paige Powers is, let me know and I would love to bring you on and just find out what the deal is. So you're torn right now, Hiller, right? Are you torn? Yes. Are you having trouble thinking about it with clarity because it's your own guy that got fucking jacked because you're so intimately involved in it now?
Starting point is 01:32:48 I'd probably have to say yes. You're not just looking from the outside. You put your money where your mouth is. Let's say you wouldn't have done that with Bill. You could be making all sorts of great videos right now saying, good job, CrossFit. you could be making all sorts of great videos right now saying good job crossfit but since you put your money where your mouth is and now you're entangled in the um the what i love is the drama right the drama is always good i do that video i made i woke up and had 17 000 views i was like oh my god on the back end it's like oh no and and then i i read the group chat and they go you have 200 comments oh no um do you want to just go through these one by one sure uh you had one job like you've said over and over standard by most recent that's fine that's
Starting point is 01:33:43 cool okay um i always go to the top ones oh my god there's more there's been four since we went since i pulled this up i think the only problem is crossfit hq changes standards every year that's kind of what you were implying and chooses when to enforce them they let all the deadlifts slide in the open and the athletes thought they were okay doing things that way hq needs a concrete rulebook judge's course and very clear standards for all the movements. I think they have that. And follow it to 100%.
Starting point is 01:34:08 That's the part where we're discussing. This would not be an issue. The NFL has a rule book and they follow it 100% of the time, preseason, regular season, playoffs, Super Bowl. This is like if they didn't follow the rule book and the regular season open, then during the playoffs they started following the rule book. Hey, this is a fantastic
Starting point is 01:34:25 first comment to read chalk factory understand but i expect everyone to be like how dare you you made all these videos i'm like yeah you're right i did make all these videos and and you're torn about now now i'm starting to see the picture clearly. You're torn to speak up because you don't want to sound like you're justifying it. Correct. You don't want to be like – because the people are automatically going to go – if you say, hey, Jesus Christ, now you decide to enforce the rules, then people are going to say, oh, you got what you want and you're pissed. Correct. Okay. You're trying to make excuses there's a bit in here where i say
Starting point is 01:35:07 all adrian bosman had to do was sit there with a phone in his face five seconds say hey guys make it look like the picture or you're gonna get a penalty and all you had to do is post across all crossfit media channels and i think that that goes a long way in a situation like today and yesterday ladies and gentlemen i am adrian bosman the head judge for crossfit hq and the crossfit games this year we will be stricter than ever i'm not joking don't fuck around study the rule book bingo how many of the athletes have you uh well i guess you can even say there's some that you've seen in the group chat they are shitting themselves but they should have been shitting themselves before the competition not after they submitted their videos i think they
Starting point is 01:36:03 were i think uh you know we've had a bunch of athletes on this show, and I asked them, are you shitting yourself because of the video submission? And, like, your camera's not working. So I think on every level they were shitting themselves. Camera's not working. We had three cameras on Bill. Wow, look at this God damn
Starting point is 01:36:27 An observation Batman was removed as head judge of Zealous Games In the middle of the competition Tapped out on Athena Wasn't paying attention to the standards of Bill Yeah Oh my god Should we address these one by one
Starting point is 01:36:43 This one by one? This one, if I address this, I'm going to fucking go berserk. Well, you brought it up. I know. I'm excited for this comment. Okay, go ahead. You were removed as Zealous Games head judge. I just want to take my shot at this first.
Starting point is 01:37:03 You were not removed. Thank you. judge uh i just want to take my shot at this first you were not removed thank you um the the from my understanding from my understanding of it um you wanted to enforce the rules more strictly than uh the the head of the competition and therefore you said with your reputation on the line you did not want to participate correct if you and originally you were told you would have all authority over it indeed um you tapped out on uh athena i don't think that you tapped out i think that you saw that the um you weren't you weren't best for her and you um you weren't best for what she wanted and so uh the if she was going to reach her goal it wasn't going to be with you necessarily i didn't have the means to help her to the extent that i think that she needed and wanted great okay so it's on so it's on you so
Starting point is 01:38:00 it's on you you didn't it's like i had to fire someone once from crossfit hq and i like, Hey, it was a great employee. I'm like, Hey dude, I just don't have the ability to lead you. Correct. Okay. Hey, Seema, you've been the most active in coming at me with this stuff and it's fair. It's called tapping out. I should have just never said yes in the first place. I wasn't paying attention to the standards with bill of that will be addressed in weeks to come. You don't want to talk about that now because he's damn close attention, but,
Starting point is 01:38:37 but you, but you'll address it in more detail. Once his appeal process is done, you don't want to influence the appeal process. Right. Okay. Bond all. Thank you. Douche. process is done you don't want to influence the appeal process right okay fine doll thank you douche no fine doll's a man fine doll's the man um uh pat lang uh hillar my kid needs help proof reading his homework before he submits it i won't calling. I wouldn't do that either.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Okay. Okay, let's go. You were trying to make an excuse for your own misstep while looking up shouldn't be required as long as you reach full extension. You are still trying to find an excuse why you missed this part of the requirement. You are making yourself look like everyone else who has tried to explain their situation to you. Just own the mistake. Okay. Okay. Sure. Tinfoil hat.
Starting point is 01:39:29 If Hiller wasn't Bill's judge, his reps don't get dinged. Did you hear the bit about how all the AFJ judges got dinged? Everyone in all those pictures, every picture I found of the naivety judge those athletes have all been penalized okay that's a tinfoil hat right there but i would but i would say this christian although um uh andrew might not agree with you on that i would suggest um that andrew has had uh whether people want to admit it or not an enormous influence why we have this wonderful drama we do this year i think that he's brought a ton of attention that has not been missed by
Starting point is 01:40:08 anyone regarding judging because we, I mean, just even a year or two ago, we had people getting into semifinals who clearly didn't do the work. You had one job, like you've said over and over standards or standards. Unfortunately, Hillary, you made the intro to Legendary, and now I'm too distracted to listen to your actual words. The intro is damn good. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:40:32 I came up with the intro before I came up with the video. Fuck it. Let's watch the intro. Let's see this. It's from a movie I bet you haven't seen. I don't think so. This is a kill order. I don't want this person dead. Fate does.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Is that true? Here is what the truth is. Your name came up. Your name came up. Your name came up. Your name. Your name. Yours.
Starting point is 01:41:01 Your name came up. Your name came up. Your name. Your name. Yours. Everyone in this room, I invite you to take your gun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger. Jesus. That is what Wesker demands.
Starting point is 01:41:19 Otherwise, shoot this motherfucker. Jesus. I got goosebumps. I think it was pretty accurate. And we know somebody who goes, yeah, I got a pretty good score, and I wasn't standing all of my step-ups up either, and they ain't looking at it. And I think that they're beating some of the people who have gotten penalized I sort of see it the other way
Starting point is 01:41:49 with the go ahead with the elites being dinged and scrutinized and being artificially lowered how many lower ranking athletes will be raised up artificially oh that's what we were just talking about sorry but Hiller suggesting this could be fixed by
Starting point is 01:42:04 Bosman making an Instagram reel. So Bosman was on Mayhem's podcast. That's just a shame. Meaning what? He was on there. Oh, and he didn't say it there? Anything. He explained why there was an 85 pound barbell that's something that popped out but he didn't let everybody know they're about to get pumped in the
Starting point is 01:42:36 butt that it was going to be so you so you're confident saying that the scrutiny this year is the highest it's ever been? At this moment, yeah. The only thing close would have been the pistols of... When were all those pistols getting... Do you remember the year James Sprague got a penalty on the pistols? And I think I was watching James Sprague's video, and I couldn't see anything wrong with it, and he got a major penalty for not standing up.
Starting point is 01:43:03 It was like you had to have full full full extension and almost pause before you switched legs as you were doing your alternating pistols and you would have given him a pass on that i don't know if a pass is right but i wouldn't have seen anything wrong with it because i wouldn't frame by frame the way i did like the louise oscar thing he sent to me was, you see anything wrong with this? And I go, hey, one. The head straight standard is silly, borderline dangerous to ask people to race with. Too many people, despite that, still didn't uphold the standard
Starting point is 01:43:36 and need to be punished as such. My takeaway, if anyone... Go ahead. Keep going, keep going, keep going. My takeaway, if anyone cares, is that crossfit should simplify the standard stand at extension of hip knee and ankle at the top of the box the direction of one's chin doesn't even give an advantage except for being safe or make the movement box step over which is even simpler that makes sense to me yeah having the head having the head position is weird especially i couldn't believe it when I saw a window that someone,
Starting point is 01:44:07 for anyone who's confused on that, there's an athlete who got a direct message from CrossFit saying that this is not allowed and got booted from semifinals for it. Yeah, that's wild. I don't see the point of that. Here's the thing. If you're going to allow burpee box jump over or burpee bar-facing burpees.
Starting point is 01:44:36 It is the head. It is the head. That's the thing. It's the head. It's both. Well, it's both. It's both. It's both.
Starting point is 01:44:49 it's the head it's both well it's it's both both if you're going to allow people to do the burpee bar jump overs the way they do or basically you just you you just stay you don't have to like um open your hip at the top or anything then have making the head position at the top of a step of a step up is't worry. Keep your head up, brother. I can... Who do you think these guys' sources, both Matt and Mrs. Burns, because I've spoken or seen emails. From CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:45:15 Yeah. The Burns is... You've seen them. You've seen them. Yeah, I've seen them too, yeah. They did say that. Maybe you guys are right, butq says you're wrong they they told an athlete that i immediately have this vision of ellie turner sitting on in a corner and saying yeah these cf rules suck don't they um don't worry keep your head up brother i can see the complex wrong comment do ellie turner one uh-huh and why do you say that because it's
Starting point is 01:45:47 guys imagine what it would be like to be ellie turner right now right like she's happy to see the chaos she's happy to see she pulled out so people who pulled out are happy to see the chaos like her and bailey rail are just like roasting marshmallows right now being like Bailey rail for ma'am. Yeah. Yeah. Roasting marshmallows. Don't worry. Keep your head up, brother. I can see the complexity in the matter. Keep changing requirements until athletes either conform to change, forget everything. Um, simply check out or go to high rocks. It's becoming silly and almost unbearable to watch CrossFit, especially after seeing who's in out based on position. I want to say this.
Starting point is 01:46:26 I hear you, but I'm a huge fan of the UFC, and we see crazy shit in the UFC all the fucking time. Dudes are getting kicked in the head when they're in a position where it's not legal to kick them in the head, and the fight's still going on. It's everywhere, man. I don't think you can
Starting point is 01:46:42 just pick on CrossFit. The people at the top running CrossFit, making decisions, and the people in this comment section piling on Hiller, what is wrong with – are exactly what's wrong with CrossFit? Well, I haven't seen very much piling to this point. Have you? No. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:59 You want to call Luis for some tiny infraction that you can't catch in real time by the human eye. That's not true. that's not true. That's not true. Then get mad about CF HQ calling out your athlete for the same thing. I haven't seen the video, so I don't know if you get mad for that. This is one of those moments. You need to take it like a man,
Starting point is 01:47:15 admit you were wrong and move on. Complaining about something you created is weak minded. I'm not complaining. You're a joke. That's fine. Devil's Advocate, did all workouts released have pictures? If so, would you think I need to match what the picture shows? If not, that would be like someone giving you a map and ignoring and getting lost.
Starting point is 01:47:41 I put the picture in the video. and ignoring and getting lost. I put the picture in the video. And to be fair, no one matched the picture at the high level because they're all going to the corner of the box, which they were told was okay. Why? Is the corner of the box thing an issue also? It was,
Starting point is 01:48:05 it was on the spectrum of things that are to be worried about when you're doing your workouts. That was a point of contention during that. Has CrossFit said anything? Has CrossFit said anything? About that? No, but,
Starting point is 01:48:22 but if you want to make it look like the picture, it's this, it's the opening scene of my video the wanted scene like put the gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger if you stepped up to the corner of the box because that's not what the picture showed oh oh okay okay okay yep fair enough um i can't imagine how painful this must be for the athletes who try to ensure the best possible setup for compliance. If the AF judges, I don't know what that is. AFK, Association of Fitness Judges. If the LGBTQ judges fail to monitor the movements accurately,
Starting point is 01:48:58 then what hope do any of the athletes have? I've also felt your highlighting inconsistencies was more about making it fair for all athletes and hoping crossfit would make necessary changes what happened with you and the judges who are knowledgeable and trying to ensure the athletes are meeting the requirements just highlight the problems you have been trying to bring attention to do other sports that have qualifying events have these same problems yeah boxing's fucking a complete shit show. Can we do a little practice right now?
Starting point is 01:49:28 I want to try something, you and I. Sure. Let's say that you are somebody who's fit, and you see CrossFit, and you want to go to the CrossFit games. You seven. You have to understand the season. You understand
Starting point is 01:49:44 it because you do it a lot, but from the absolute floor, you have to understand the season. You understand it cause you do it a lot, but from the absolute floor, you look up at it. What do you, what do you think you have to do? You have to get through all, you have to be, uh,
Starting point is 01:49:53 there's, um, open quarterfinals and semifinals, and you have to fit in a certain top bracket to move on to the next, like any other sport. So if you do certain, if you do good here in the open, you move on to the next.
Starting point is 01:50:04 If you're in the top and the quarterfinals, you move good here in the open you move on to the next if you're in the top in the quarterfinals you move on semifinals you move on you do the open and you qualify top 25 you're like okay we're moving on yeah you're fit enough to go into the semifinals and you got no idea about anything that's going on what do you think is your best practice to move on to the semifinal you said uh read the rules and ask my affiliate owner or someone at my affiliate to judge me. OK. Do you think that that person is more suited to judge you than the people from the CrossFit games? No, people from the CrossFit games, if I didn't know, I would think that they were the absolute 100 percent authority. And if you were judged at the CrossFit Games, you would be perfect.
Starting point is 01:50:46 Correct. Yep. That's the issue at hand. Oh, wow. Wow. I see what you're saying. You're saying that the communication from HQ is so bad that they're, hey, wow, you know what they should be doing so here's the
Starting point is 01:51:06 inconsistency now i get why you said the faceless judges at hq because the people at the who are the lgbq judges should also be the ones reviewing the videos it shouldn't be two separate groups of Holy shit. Holy shit. I'm a fucking genius. You deciphered the code. Yeah, you led the dog to water. You're saying that if I could pick the very best judge in the world, I'd pick the judges who are at the competition. I'd pick the NFL judges, not the Pop Warner football judges. So pick the judges who are actually worked the CrossFit games, right?
Starting point is 01:51:44 And then you already stated earlier that all of those judges so pick the judges who are actually worked the crossfit games right and then and you already stated earlier that all of those judges um all of those athletes that use those judges also got dinged meaning that there's actually no one in the world who can actually judge to the standard nobody can do it oh hey that you instead of um you can do it you know that thing you play at the end just do it you should say no you should say no one can no you should have no one can do it wow wow wow that puts a huge fucking kink in the system and and it's like you've you've got kids and i've got dogs. And it's like if I let the dog piss in the house all the time, it's my fault. Hey, it's not that no one is perfect, Matt.
Starting point is 01:52:30 It's that no one can do it. And remember earlier. And there's a difference. He's basically saying, let me reiterate this, that the judges who are the judges at the CrossFit Games. So if you were to have someone judge like the way i do it is i just judge myself so when i did the open it says who's your judge i just write in my own name and that's the least legitimate judge it even breaks the rules then
Starting point is 01:52:55 the next best the next best judge would be some rando dude at your affiliate then the next best judge would be the affiliate owner who's taking the judges course and then if you want a hundred percent guarantee of your judging you pick someone who's a judge at the crossfit games who's also on the l1 staff and you're saying that people like brooke wells sydney wells uh nick matthew maybe who did use the lgbq judges still i there's only so many acronyms I can remember everything that has letters is LGBTQ yeah it's fine I get it you're saying that they
Starting point is 01:53:31 wow you're saying if they can't do it or at least allow them to be the video judges also so that there's continuity there has to be something wow look I crossed the line with Jeffrey Birchfield there has to, has to be something. Wow. Look,
Starting point is 01:53:46 I crossed the line with Jeffrey Birchfield. Oh, Jeffrey Birchfield. Like whenever I took a stab at Josh bridges, I'm like, ah, I know Jeff likes him. The,
Starting point is 01:53:58 the difference is the CrossFit games is final. You have an ample opportunity to review workouts in, in quarterfinals and get it right. I hear you, but you don't, you don't need – if you got the judge, if you had the judge who is also the judges of the video reviewers, how can you have those be separate people? Yeah, you can't have those be a separate people. You can't. You can't have those be a separate people you can't you can't have those be separate people it's it's
Starting point is 01:54:29 there's one answer to the solution and it's to give the answer before the test and and that that's why i suggested the adrian bosman instagram reel hey guys you are about to get boned. Yeah. Just tell us before the test. This is the hardest test that you've ever done. You're going to take the ACT? You thought you practiced for the ACT? You didn't. You can't pass the buck here. It's simple.
Starting point is 01:54:56 No matter who your judge is, you should know what a rep is. No one's disagreeing with you with that. No one's passing the buck. Just painting a full picture. Just painting a full picture, guys. Just painting a full picture. No one's passing the buck just painting a full picture just painting a full picture guys just painting a full picture no one's passing the buck yeah three two one go you're gonna do a one minute amrap of push-ups what you got everyone knows what a push-up is right huh okay let's say that uh yes my score would be yeah 40 you said 40 yeah 40 let's say hayley
Starting point is 01:55:26 got 150 push-ups in a minute how many push-ups you got in a minute still 40 me yeah i got 40 uh-huh and then isn't there a part of you that's like i wonder what hayley's push-ups look like yes yeah how'd looked like? Yes. How'd she do two a minute? How'd she do two a minute? Two a second. Yeah. But everyone knows what a push-up looks like. But the reason there's no push-ups in an online competition is because people do that thing where they'll touch their chest and not go up all the way. Hiring a qualified judge doesn't get you off the hook If you screw up Yes we agree with you But how can there be consistency In the judging process
Starting point is 01:56:10 If the best judges in the world Are judging the athletes But they're not judging the videos Will Branstetter How do we know the AF judges aren't also on the review team I guess we don't That's why he called them faceless I guess we don't
Starting point is 01:56:35 here's another thing that's interesting when andrew hiller does the um uh overview of someone's reps he puts it in slow motion and and that and i think that's totally legitimate i don't think that that's something that the online judges who are validating scores should be allowed to use in their critique. I don't think you should be able to slow it down in order to pass or fail someone. Because then you're putting a demand on someone that you're doing it for purposes for people who can't see. you're putting a demand on someone that like you're doing it for purposes for people who can't see, but those people have to be able to view it within the guidelines and consistency of the judge who's there present at the workout. So if they use slow motion for that in order to ding anyone points,
Starting point is 01:57:18 that's fucked. You want to know my litmus test for that? Yeah. Go ahead. When I first got the David hip and seal video back in the day, I was driving. And I looked at it like this for a second, and I go, oh, that's bad. While you were driving? While I was driving.
Starting point is 01:57:37 I'm like, don't look at your phone when driving. Yeah, I get it. But the same thing happened with the Luis Oscar Mora video. That's how bad it is. You could go like that and be like, shit, this out it wasn't slow motion same thing happened with the louise oscar more video i look like oh and then like all of a sudden i want to get in the garage and start making a video but i'm like nowhere near my computer it's crazy hi hey hey i have the dates mixed up which is next thursday oh okay i'm gonna come home oh okay
Starting point is 01:58:16 all right i'll see you in a little bit i'll work in the yard with the boys. No, I'm still going. No. I was a doctor. Okay, bye. Okay, bye. Extra sloppy. Demo video. Demo video.
Starting point is 01:58:35 Just show us what you want, HQ. Do you remember there used to be these pretty crazy demo videos? Yeah, I remember. The ones in front of the white wall, the Hobart ones. Well, those are the ones that are on like the YouTube channel, but there used to be entire events. Like if I go to 2017 or 18,
Starting point is 01:58:53 I believe you would put up videos where they're doing a whole regional event before the regionals. And these were live competitions. You remember those? Yeah. Um, did Jay, did Jason still win You remember those? Yeah. Did Jason still win the 5K? Yeah, we're not going off of anything HQ said. We're using our judges.
Starting point is 01:59:14 We decided that in the beginning. We would just go off of what their one final score is. Let me see if I can find these videos. Oh, yeah. That was easy. It would be worse if the professional judges were also doing video review. That means no continuity amongst themselves. I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:59:38 That doesn't even make any sense to me. You remember these? Individual event six. You show the guy on the assault bike going hard. This is, what's his face? Isn't it the judge? Jason McDowell, yeah, he's a judge. So he's like hammering the bike.
Starting point is 01:59:54 And it's like, oh, here's the standard. And this is for a live fucking competition, man. He's doing this for a live competition. This is what it looks like. Just so you know, just do this. If the judging, man, the judging might get me really weird
Starting point is 02:00:16 at the games this year. Why do you say that? Because if they have some sort of peculiar, minuscule alteration to the judging standard. Like your head can't be forward. Let's say like they say, Lindsay's head's too far forward there at the top of that kettlebell. Those sometimes the athletes can't figure it out in real time.
Starting point is 02:00:42 She falls behind five reps and man. athletes can't figure it out in real time she falls behind five reps and man oh that's jay cutler justin cutler just put something up about this too it's the real time issue of it right oh no segre sorry real quick uh um i just want to read this real quick someone's explaining to me uh no segregation of duties can't judge your own judging. You'll inherently be biased. Well, then they could at least be the judges who judge the people who didn't use those judges. Okay, go ahead. Sorry, what did Kotler say? He said that the quarterfinals need to die as did someone that we know. And it's an opinion that I think is evident in the situation like this,
Starting point is 02:01:31 because here's why the, I get the text from bill. I look at my phone and I die inside. Right. Yeah. And Alexis looks at me and she goes, why didn't you just know rep him? Alexis fucked me up when I was fucked up.
Starting point is 02:01:47 Right. She does that. Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, yeah. I mean, I did and I told him, but when you're doing the online workout competition. Yeah. And let's say you're in the middle of round two. You got to cut it. You stop. You just got to redo the whole thing.
Starting point is 02:02:08 Right. If everything goes this way, if the appeal doesn't work, that will be the regret that I didn't stop him in the middle of a round and restart the whole workout. Right. But that's the online nature of the competition. that like I didn't stop him in the middle of a round and restart the whole workout. Right. Right.
Starting point is 02:02:27 But that's how, that's the online nature of the competition. You do it again. Live competition. You say no rep. Yeah, guys, no rep.
Starting point is 02:02:38 Ha ha. And then they fix it or they don't move forward. But when you're filming it and you have the chance to do it perfect you stop it hey hey hey hey who is this guy have i made a single excuse i don't know i don't think i made a single excuse no you haven't i just i just stated this is what I should do should have Been done Um dan guerrero Uh damn uh nick johnson And grace walton aren't uniquely idiots You're an idiot
Starting point is 02:03:15 Oh yes yes yes Uh I think it's on the Athletes i'm gonna go through Some of these i think it's on the athletes i'm going to go through some of these i think it's on the athletes and the judge to both view the standard which is clearly shown on the website and on the scoring sheet for what to do and what not to do if they do not do it then it's their fault i'd also like to say this uh and the nba is crazy also i mean like i like i'm not even a basketball fan and i just watch it and i just see double dribble everywhere you're not making excuses but you definitely seem irked that CrossFit has finally
Starting point is 02:03:48 done what you want them to do that that's accurate it's the it's the method which it was applied that's all the execution how we got there right to me it seems as if the athletes train hard all year to get to the game is once the tests are released the standards are tweaked just a little bit it's very easy to watch a video and replay it over and over until until mistakes are found we were talking about that in real time such as the games or semis there won't be any video replay or going to the monitor and finding mistakes it's nice to see the professional judges come in for the athletes they know the known or unknown who get reviewed harder and who sneak through just because of who they are.
Starting point is 02:04:25 Yeah, I mean, that's kind of what we're saying. Hiller and Danny Spiegel of judging. Hiller, the Danny Spiegel of judging. That's an underrated comment. It's bittersweet. CrossFit just proved that they're going to do something about holding athletes to the movement standards. So that's a win. Hiller not realizing that your ducks were not all in a row when you thought they were just means you need
Starting point is 02:04:47 to pay even closer attention to what movement standards are expected we all should no matter who may or may not be watching when i did the nopen last year i tried so hard to have movements and video perfect and i still failed by the way nobody from your team know rep me please don't stop doing what you're doing hey this christopher jeremiah her name is amy stone she is a great judge and a professional hey hold up wait don't don't scroll past that that green dot all of which are things i said in the video christopher jeremiah but yeah call her that quote-unquote blonde chick dumbass how you expect for me to remember everyone's name Chris blonde hoe blonde hoe is what I'd have called her everything I said in the video is
Starting point is 02:05:31 that she is a great judge she's a fake blonde she's a fake blonde Hiller she wanted you to call her fake blonde all right I decided to get that out I knew there'd be some comments in here I'm like what is this person talking about did you watch there is an lol at the end so maybe i'm hearing this incorrectly the tone no you're not that's just fucking that's just so fucking petty what should he call her the thing with tits like if he doesn't know her name what how should he describe her blonde chick the girl who had her right nipples hard like what do you want to denote her you You jackass. And I know she, I know she's, and I know that he says that I'm like, yeah, I knew her name was Amy stone, but. Boz doesn't need to explain in a real.
Starting point is 02:06:14 And if you would have said Amy stone, maybe other people wouldn't have known who she was too. So blonde chick lets all of us know. It's just like in boxing, the guy in the black shorts. Right. How do you not know his name he's a great boxer you're a moron boz doesn't need to explain in a real of course he doesn't need to the standard was clear the standards uh clear not clear obviously not the standard is
Starting point is 02:06:39 clear but not for the best judges in the world it wasn't clear but not for the best judges in the world it wasn't how are you backpedaling on this now this is wiping out all your previous statements and reputation of standards being standards in one video here regardless of who judges it's athletes who are responsible for their movement at the end of the day extreme ownership by jocko should be a requirement for competitors oh please oh please oh please oh please yeah also wake up at 4 a.m while you're at it every single day agreed hillary can either man up and take responsibility for not ensuring the video was good or be a huge hypocrite see these people are god how is it possible that people can be so black and white? Like, I don't think that I'm saying anything or I'm backpedaling. I'm stating,
Starting point is 02:07:30 I actually think I stated in the video that they did the right thing. CrossFit. Right. And I think I've said it a couple of times. I think I, I think I've said it a couple of times. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:07:40 Yes. You've just said about, you've just, you were just focusing on the, we've been talking about the implementation of the change. Hey, if you can't see that it's fucked up, if you can't at least scratch your head and be like, wait a second. The judges who are the judges at the CrossFit Games, the very best judges, the judges that you would want if you knew your shit was being scrutinized, which it is. If you can't see that even them not being able to judge this or see the issue there, then you should probably just tune off the show because nothing nothing like that's it that
Starting point is 02:08:25 i mean it all comes down to that at the end of the day that's what we're talking about there'll be a whole nother video on fucking andrew with a gun in his mouth and baking cookies and and all that stuff like um petting his dog and like staring out the window being like fuck i fucked up but but that's not necessarily that you're You guys are conflating the two things. There's two things going on here. That's the problem. That's why you... I don't think they're the best judges.
Starting point is 02:08:52 Right, but it doesn't matter what you think or don't think. It's what they're held up to. That's why they get to go to... Hold up, Jake. Who is the best judge then? Who are they? How can you say that?
Starting point is 02:09:11 But he did make a comment above about how people are so black and white, says the Zebra. That's pretty funny. Saying they're not the best judges is like saying whoever won the Super Bowl last year is not the best football team. Because you could put together a team of guys that could beat them. Yeah, fine, but
Starting point is 02:09:29 that doesn't help this conversation. Like, yeah, sure, we could put together a team that could beat, who won the Super Bowl? 49ers? Kansas. We could put together a team that could beat Kansas. We could do it. Of living men. You think so?
Starting point is 02:09:45 Yeah, of course. Who would crush them. But when you say they're not the best judges, they're the best judges just like Kansas City's the best football team in America. It's the online competition, dude. that's it uh there's a huge disconnect in the way videos are being used at cfhq are they judged or reviewed oh wow this is fucking an interesting
Starting point is 02:10:16 nuance here unlike a live judge an anonymous video judge can call out your rep in real time and help you correct movement meet the standard and move on successfully for the rest of the workout. The online judge is limited to one angle of view at a distant, uh, partly determined by the complexity of the layout required. The live judge cannot do stop action, scrutinize all aspects of the body position and frozen moment. And they should not be allowed to freeze the video. If you're an online judge, if you were, if, if we are having to video judging, then what is the role of the live judge? It's a great question. As an athlete, you'd be better off with a coach at your side than a judge who is instructed to be impartial. Or we'll see if go back to video review
Starting point is 02:10:56 where they confirmed that the workout was done and the score was accurate. Either way, we would all benefit from a clear explanation of standards, including wording such as if the athlete is looking downward at the top of the box. is a no rep so this guy's watching the video not from the perspective of trying to fuck andrew but just trying to figure out the solution for like hey what happened here and how can we fix it moving forward not oh andrew fucked up with will ley. And if you don't think that Andrew feels like he let Will Leahy down, you're fucking out of your mind. Or that he's making excuses.
Starting point is 02:11:32 Hey, I also don't blame people for wanting to jump on. Thanks for making this video. And others like it, please keep making them. Watch a lot of athletes posted videos. Judging is all over the place. Some of it has to do with the requirements. Strict form and max speed is nearly impossible to do or judge some of it is workout itself that demands athletes orient their bodies in certain positions for safety such as looking at the
Starting point is 02:11:52 box in a step up wow that's another thing right like if if someone is being judged for their head hanging over the hanging over the box how the fuck are you supposed to know where you're stepping and when you're towards when you get where you're stepping when you're tired and you're going max speed? It's... All it had to be was a step over. CrossFit created the ideal Gotham and you can't even live up to its standards.
Starting point is 02:12:20 Batman created the ideal Gotham. What did I say earlier? You said Cross oh crossfit hq never ceases to amaze me crossfit destroying their own sport obviously they need to review penalize people more than they have in the past now all of a sudden they're setting the bar higher than they're not destroying it because what they're doing is right and that's the thing that people aren't getting it's like i think what they're doing is right. Ooh, Hefner posted his thoughts on Instagram. Ooh,
Starting point is 02:12:48 that might be good. Okay. Dennis. Oh, Laurie, thanks for the money. Send more money guys. Send more money.
Starting point is 02:12:55 Like subscribe, all that shit. Uh, okay. Oh, you're going there. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:13:00 Is this him on the beach? Oh, nice. Okay. There we go. I got it. A man never shy to say how he feels. Jacob Heppner, former games athlete,
Starting point is 02:13:10 coach of Olivia Kerstetter, even though he denies it. Can you hear that? Okay, let's go. No, yeah. I want to send in advice and opinions from a guy on his baby's moon in the Bahamas. Here we go. Two thoughts. CrossFit controls the sport.
Starting point is 02:13:23 They can do whatever they want. That's the thing you probably don't want to hear, right? They can do whatever they want. That's the thing you probably don't want to hear, right? They can do whatever they want. It's their sport. If you don't like it, all you can do is really cry about it. Right. Fair. Yeah, fair.
Starting point is 02:13:35 I agree with that. Yeah. I learned the hard way in 2018. It takes a lot of forearms. But here we are. Now, because they – Wait, pause. Yeah, so what he's referencing there you want to tell
Starting point is 02:13:45 him what he's referencing about the handstand push-up he there's a measurement so the present day they've got the 30 inch tape line that's got to be 10 inches away from the wall that you have to be touching when you do the handstand push-up whether it be wall facing or regular and when it was back then you had to put your arm on the wall and do a measurement it was a certain i think it was half of your forearm, was how far away the measurement from your thumbs or your fingertips when you approached the wall. He's got weird-shaped arms, I suppose, and he couldn't hit the standard, and it kept him out of the regionals due to the measurement.
Starting point is 02:14:17 It had to do with a forearm measurement. He was good enough to go to the games that year. Certainly. Actually, that's right around the time he retired, if I recall. Okay. Proceed. They should do it. So my second thing is, what's the fix for it?
Starting point is 02:14:35 If you're going to give that many penalties for something, then at a minimum, at least, you need to be looking at the highest penalty given by gender in each region. I think he meant by sex, by the way. He doesn't know how to use words, but that's okay. I'm not going to blame him for that.
Starting point is 02:14:50 By sex. No one gives a fuck what your gender is. What does that mean? That means if you're going to give Paige Powers a 600 and some odd placement on Event 1, you need to be looking at all the 600 and some odd placements in front of her in her region oh that's a really good point we've we've pounded that into all the shows from the network yeah that is that is another serious problem yes everyone who she falls behind then needs to be scrutinized like fucking crazy. Wow.
Starting point is 02:15:28 Andrew, thank you for becoming a member. Oh, is this real? Seve, give this. Oh. PFAA, we plan on doing much more than crying, Jacob. Why don't you join us and make the sport better? I think this is fake. The PFAA rep.
Starting point is 02:15:45 Pat. No, I think that is fake The PFA rep Pet No I think that's real Uh Sev give this to Hiller and tell him to put it towards his level one No but thank you Hey hey Hold up check this out Before we go back to Jake's video We can do this again The practice between one another
Starting point is 02:16:01 You want to go to the CrossFit Games You go to the quarterfinal you need to get a judge where on the hierarchy is somebody who's taken their level one when compared to somebody who is a crossfit games judge of multiple years amy stone pick the judge and how many people do you think fall between level one and crossfit games judge of multiple years what do you mean fall between so like level two level three level four yeah where's somebody who took the online judges course for 10 bucks like where where do all these people fall in line like oh the hierarchy i would read so for me personally i would want someone who's taking the judges's course over a crossfit games judge uh no crossfit games judge then judge's
Starting point is 02:16:48 course then level one then affiliate owner then ding dong then myself another interesting thing i just thought about if the people who are doing the online review judged page powers in person is the result the same repeat that one more time if the person who reviewed page powers video yeah and took her out of semi-finals did it in real time does she have the same result what do you mean in real time page is sitting right here and i'm the person i am the person who made the decision to say 10 penalty or whatever it ended up being on her that's no because that that's the difference between what this other guy was saying the difference between judging someone and reviewing
Starting point is 02:17:34 so we we don't even know what they're doing there's this yeah okay yeah that was it yeah kevin mcmahon is not slowing it down. Yeah. But, but also not slowing down. And if you're there, you could walk around them and see different angles. A SEMA boobs.
Starting point is 02:17:54 I'd love, I love seeing your boobs. Uh, God damn. Uh, 516 people watching hit the like button. Hitting the like button is like a nipple tap. You see where the Google logo is on Seamus picture.
Starting point is 02:18:07 I know. I'm so bummed. I'd love to get another two inches of cleavage. All right. Back to happener. Okay. Sorry. Go back to it.
Starting point is 02:18:17 Because I guarantee you all make a bet on this virgin pina colada that 200, 300 of them didn't even video the workout and didn't even do it correctly and if page powers did it wrong the probably 400 of the rest of them did it wrong too we know somebody who did it and didn't video it and is affecting people who have been penalized god damn dude he just said something crazy You're telling me she's being... Oh, my God. You haven't wrapped that up yet? You haven't put that together?
Starting point is 02:18:50 Yeah, it's nuts. Oh, my God. She's so fucking good, dude. Fucking CrossFit, dude. It would be fucking insane. Is she out right now? I need to go look at the leaderboard. Yes, dude.
Starting point is 02:19:02 She's out. I'm fucking tripping dude she's out uh way out how do i go to um she just win water will lose her finish second as well uh leaderboard for quarterfinals she cannot fucking be out that would be crazy if she doesn't go to the CrossFit Games. Dude, Sevan, she's out. What is she? She's North America East? Yes.
Starting point is 02:19:34 Alexis Raptus in first, Emma Lawson, then Danielle Brandon, Erica Folo, Haley Adams, Carolyn Prevost, Lena Savage, Tia Toomey's in eighth. Now Paige Semenza in ninth. Carolyn Prevost, Lena Savage, Tia Toomey's in eighth. Now Paige Semenza, ninth. Sfisa Goffey, tenth. Annika, eleventh. Rose Scott, twelfth.
Starting point is 02:19:51 Fuck, I don't see Paige Semenza. I mean, I don't see Paige Powers. I don't even recognize any of these chicks. Brooke Wells is in 38. I don't think anyone's safe, to be honest. They're not done reviewing? No. I don't
Starting point is 02:20:16 see Paige Powers on page 2 either. I'm going to just type in Can you just type in, oh, Brittany Weiss, 51. Can you just type in her name? Can I just type in her name and just type in, Oh, Brittany Weiss 51. Can you just type in her name? Can I just type in her name and see where she's at? Yeah, you can. Where do I do that?
Starting point is 02:20:31 Uh, do you want me to, I got it. Oh, search. I see. Search athletes by name, page powers.
Starting point is 02:20:42 You're about to shit. Uh, teams, affiliates articles athlete what do i do now i click her name i click her picture she has two pictures she has two profiles you want me to pull it up homie i click the top one there i got it for you 2024 she's only oh okay there it is oh my god oh my god 660 that's a that's not a good number to be if you're a mayhem athlete oh my god she's between someone named nikki and hannah that's i would say irrelevant but you're you're correct she's gonna be crying like crazy uh bring a mayhem podcast one hour and three minutes mark from yesterday i can do that you want me to do that sure can you tell us why can you fucking tell us why should i still do it um sure i got no problem with it 19 hours ago individual quarterfinals recap
Starting point is 02:21:54 one hour three minutes yeah they talk about um uh oh the lgbq judges okay let's see trust me trust Trust you. You're not even... Oh, you're a member. Okay, I'll trust you. All right. You put in the wrong score. I thought the age group leaderboard wasn't working. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:22:15 Everyone was... He put in the wrong score. He put in just his 245 reps. Hey, the funny part is that he gets after people on the SugarWad leader board about putting in their scores wrong he gets after him all the time like hey you didn't log this right or you didn't log that right or like put your time in the comments whatever it is and he logs his score wrong i don't want to jinx it uh because you know there's still five more days but what was what
Starting point is 02:22:40 is nice the past couple years is we've had the games judges, and so we don't have to worry about everyone getting a nod. We don't have to worry about what? Everyone getting a what? We've had the games judges, and so we don't have to worry about everyone getting annihilated on the review. Shout out to the judges for coming out. Also, I want to say, a lot of people will come on the news and be like, why didn't this place get judges like
Starting point is 02:23:06 this other place but we're never mentioned as the first place to do it we definitely were we started doing that in 2020 so so here here's some of the most experienced people this is maybe the most experienced training camp in the world and they also have the same assumption that hillar and i were making that if you got a judge from the games it would be at the highest level and and be a guarantee that your shit won't get dinged even they know that i just got that fucking feeling again that i got we need it we need that needs to be an instagram post uh jace chan dear mr someone Jace Chan dear Mr. Someone I'm what's with the title What's the title
Starting point is 02:23:47 Oh of the video I had a lawyer on earlier Who represents People escaping Marxist regimes That was that's rough do you should i call jake jake lockhart yeah jake lockhart or jake uh or jake lockhart the head of uh mayhem yeah are you friends with him i've talked to him before uh Paige is hot but she's built like a linebacker No Paige is hot and she's also built like a linebacker
Starting point is 02:24:29 You have the wrong conjunction in there Hiller the penalties seem a bit harsh no No It's like it's just what they do No. It's just what they do. And by the way, whoever suggested we watch this, you were right.
Starting point is 02:24:52 Thank you. That's fucking amazing. You need to make that into an Instagram clip. Yeah. I should say that this is great. It's good. It's what should happen. But the issue would then become how they move forward with it.
Starting point is 02:25:14 So if next year the Open doesn't matter again, you hear people like Fraser on Brian's podcast say it doesn't matter. You have every athlete saying we're not peaking. We don't prioritize the open every chance they get. And then CrossFit does stuff such as gives the worldwide win to a chick who doesn't have a video for her workout. Remember that debacle? I think it was Emily Claw, right?
Starting point is 02:25:36 Yeah. Emily Claw, who wins the workout in the world, is like, oh, don't worry. And I'm getting input from random sources over there they don't know one another that she didn't do the full workout and when she tried to repeat it she got a full round less that's how seriously it appears crossfit's taking it and then all of a sudden it's like so they just need to keep it going that that's all like if you know that you're entering a country where you can't be over 200 pounds and you weigh 201 so they're gonna cut a freaking foot off well you can enter the country now explain this to me really quick because i'm having much i get having trouble getting my head wrapped around this
Starting point is 02:26:20 sure if you do push page powers to 666 are we thinking clearly that now you have to for you have to you can't let anyone you have to raise her to the point no one can beat her who didn't turn in a video for starters absolutely that's what happened i would say so you got to raise her up to so everyone who has a video now has to be fucking shoved out. And then everyone who does have a video needs to be judged also or else it's unfair to her. Not unfair in the sense that like how I say who gives a fuck about being fair. But just in terms of we're talking about a sport here. And the goal is to with the intention and goal to get the best person to the next
Starting point is 02:27:05 stage. Am I thinking clearly on that? How the fuck are they? I don't know how you justify that. I don't think you can. I don't think you can ding her unless you can do that. Hey, you want to make that even more crazy? Same thing applies to Luis Oscar
Starting point is 02:27:22 Mora. You can't compare someone who has a video to someone who doesn't have a video you just can't louise got down to a thousand so she's 666 he's a thousand something that's that's 400 more people they gotta look at i i need someone to explain to me where i'm thinking wrong on that i just don't get. I don't get how you can justify that. It doesn't make any sense. Post-Curse header just got penalized. Wow.
Starting point is 02:27:52 Oh, my. Hey, how much longer do we got? Because I got to pee really bad. I'm like, I'll stay on. No, no, go pee. Go pee. Go pee. This is amazing.
Starting point is 02:28:07 I couldn't ask for anything better, to be honest. Hey, Hiller, I'm a big fan of yours here. I've listened to the entire video and understand the intention of what you're trying to communicate. However, I think it's not really the final image that's coming across. Somehow, it seems you're trying to make excuses for something overlooked on your watch. You messed up. Everyone messes up. But this is what you've been building in the CrossFit community.
Starting point is 02:28:31 The guys at HQ are listening to you. It sucks, but in the end, it's good for the cause and better for the future, we hope. Also, feelings that you had when you received the text image. If the other dude had picked up the phone during your live show, how would he have felt? I was watching, and I'm glad he didn't. I'm sure he also thought he was doing his best while judging Maura. Fair enough.
Starting point is 02:28:48 Finally, don't give up. If you mess up, keep up the good work you're doing. Maybe just remember we're all humans. We make mistakes. Not all of us are idiots. Gabrielle Martins. Nicely said. Hmm. I know people are saying you're a hypocrite,
Starting point is 02:29:14 but they can't see past CrossFit's lack of communication. I couldn't find videos of the APP about standards. It was on Insta. They said lateral box jumps, but you don't have to be lateral. It took 30 minutes to verify what they meant. Yeah, that was, if I didn't have friends who did that work for me, I'd have never understood what those meant either. How far did Kerstetter get sent down?
Starting point is 02:29:41 Let me see. I don't even know if I know how to. Kerstetter. um let me see i don't even know if i know how to curse that or i find the site very difficult to navigate but maybe i'm just old is she north america is she east she is oh she didn't get no she's a ninth dude where did she penalize it this is incorrect she she won that workout worldwide. She must be in the West. Yeah, here. There she is. This can't be correct. Unless it's not a workout, she won
Starting point is 02:30:17 and she won. It would have had to have been one of these two. Maybe I need to upload, no dude does this comment is incorrect okay the site is trash oh I don't know about that I mean I preferred the last one but I don't think it's bad. A telemarketer keeps calling me. I like that. Oh, Joey. I think this is the guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:51 His bed. Who are you calling? I have to call Sousa really quick. Oh, did Paige post something? Oh, she did. Wait a minute. 20 hours ago. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 02:31:15 I want to go to Halpin's. See if Halpin posted anything. What are you asking? Hello? Hello? Hello? Oh, the phone's not even working. I was going to ask him if we can still use you for Taylor Self versus The World Tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:31:37 Kill Taylor now that your reputation is tarnished. Oh, no. Oh, no. You haven't seen this document, have you? From Halpin? No, no. Yeah, I understand if you don't want to use me.
Starting point is 02:31:53 You know what you could do? You can go get one of the AFJ judges. Halpin's too smart for me. Yeah, let's see. Let's look at what you got from Halpin. I would like to see what page posted too hey guys this is not a nothing it was from 20 hours ago before it happened this is from known and knowable and uh he's been updating this so the last time he updated
Starting point is 02:32:15 the dudes 7 11 a.m the chicks 12 p.m eastern but what you can see is he's been showing you where they ranked and then where they fell after they hit their penalty and then the event from the penalty and the ranking. Okay, so Augustus Raquelme was in first. He's still in first? Patrick Bellner was in first, and now he's in 28th? Correct. And that's in their region?
Starting point is 02:32:41 Oh, Lazar Djokic took a hit. What did the pink mean? That means that they fell out of a qualifying spot as a result of it. Yeah. Will Bennett is one that he really got hit. Um, will there's will Billy Arthur. So lay,
Starting point is 02:32:59 he's still in. He's still in. Yeah. There were people asking that too. Yeah. He's, he's still in. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:04 Let me ask you. Oh, uh, Raphael Sanson. No, he's got it. Henrik have a that too yeah he's he's still in okay let me ask you oh rafael sanson no he's got it henrik have a line and went drop one place hey so so we know that they've looked at workout one and two and we're we are speculating that they're now combing over workouts three and four correct okay like as we're doing the show they have their they're listening to this show on one ear and watching videos in the other ear. Yeah. There's Luis from 31st.
Starting point is 02:33:30 Wow. Now here, this is what I was talking about. This is where he currently ranks 1,030th on that workout. So if you want to apply what you said about page, that's a thousand videos that they need to look at in order for it to be. I mean, they can get rid of 700 people just right away
Starting point is 02:33:45 who don't have videos and just push them. Yeah, if you don't have a video, you can't even be compared to them. I want to know what happened with Jacob Fath. He fell far. He was in a qualifying spot and now he's 900. Bradstetter, I doubt
Starting point is 02:34:01 they're done with 1 and 2 yet. No shit. I agree with that. When is the official? Have they given a date when they expected it to be? Oh, Benny Garrard got knocked, huh? Benny Garrard. Oh, we haven't seen Ricky's name on there.
Starting point is 02:34:14 Ricky done good, huh? Ricky done good. Or did Jay Crouch get dinged? Or Bailey Simon Bailey Martin No I don't think so When's the official day Hiller that we're supposed to have the
Starting point is 02:34:33 Know the who's going to semifinals I wish I knew that I don't know that They probably gave a date They usually do yes I didn't see any Go back to the top I don't see anyone dinged that I know. Shouldn't Paige be up there? She'll be on here somewhere.
Starting point is 02:34:50 It was organized earlier, but no, it's not. Maybe you have to click something at the top to organize it. I think it's a locked document. I don't think he lets you do that. Oh. Douche canoe. He's got multiple names here helping. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:35:10 Amy Kringle from 6th to 11th. That's the first name you recognized? Maybe there's a few others. Elena Caratala Sanagahua. Same as I went down five spots. Oh, shit. So some people went up spots. Look at Elena went up three.
Starting point is 02:35:24 Right. Emile L some people went up spots. Look at Elena went up three. Right. Emile Lundberg went up. Matilda Garn's got, but I think she's on that team, the P360 team. So she got tossed out. Look at someone called Gooch. The Gooch. Wait a minute. M. Day Gooch?
Starting point is 02:35:42 Tara Milligan? Why is she on the list if she's not been moved at all? What just happened? It just jumped on me. Maybe he's updating it as we speak. Scores are being corrected. Where did you say that? Oh, hold, please.
Starting point is 02:35:57 Help him. He sees we're looking at his list. I saw it jump. Oh, look, new. He's putting in new. Oh, to let us know that those have been most recently updated. Yeah. By the way, if you want to
Starting point is 02:36:13 follow Halpin, you can go to known and knowable on Instagram. Known, I think, underscore knowable. Hey. Yo. Hey, dude. Who you got? Sousa? suza suza what's up dude do we have we have a reputation to protect buddy what are you talking about just in general like we just we have a reputation to protect and tomorrow we're launching the what's going to
Starting point is 02:36:42 catapult us and transcend us out of the CrossFit space with Kill Taylor. Uh-huh. And I've chosen the people to be on the show very, you know, this shit. I mean, I spent at least five minutes thinking about this. Yeah, that's a good chunk of time right there. And Pedro White, always wanted to do something with him. And he's very funny. Yeah, you mentioned that. And Tyler Wat with him, and he's very funny. Yeah, you mentioned that.
Starting point is 02:37:05 And Tyler Watkins is smooth, and he's funny. Yeah, people have been loving him on the day of week in review. And Taylor's brand is skyrocketing. Oh, yeah, huge. Taylor Self vs. But this guy, Andrew Hiller, went from the largest influencer in the space to, man, his reputation has taken a shot. Oh, what happened? What are you working?
Starting point is 02:37:33 Running an affiliate? Yeah, yeah. I'm actually leaving Station 6. Just worked out the Hayward Fire Academy recruits. He was seen at a pro – Someone got to a hospital. Oh, really? Yeah, he got fucked up he got i think he might add a little too much pre-workout or something like that but he got yeah he had to
Starting point is 02:37:51 be attended to wait at your gym a guy had too much pre-workout you think his ticker got fucking got scared no not at the gym i'm over i'm over here at the uh training facility wow out in hayward booster yeah this is simultaneously doing uh both these these academies and so i'm out here with them today and uh yeah we were doing some friendly little relay races and uh all of a sudden i thought he knocked the wind out of himself going too down hard on the burpee but um no we had to uh we had to attend to him he's all right did you walk right up to him and stand over him to him stand over and be like you shouldn't have got the pfizer shot that's it yeah that's exactly what i said to him all those guys see what happens when you boost oh my god i forget what i was even telling what's
Starting point is 02:38:37 what's what's going on with hillary's uh reputation what happened listen so there's just fucking chaos so basically everyone's getting fucked up on the leaderboard right now and when i mean fucked up i mean ass pounded like the great page powers has been fucking knocked down to fucking like 600th place or some shit i mean it's not or 100 second i know and and and the best day the best judges the crossfit games judges are we're judging some of these athletes a lot of these athletes, and their scores aren't even standing. So who do you get to even judge you now, right? And so basically the event is unjudged.
Starting point is 02:39:11 They're basically admitting that the event is unjudgeable. But Andrew's getting, I would say at least 1% or 2% of Andrew's fan base is upset with him. Oh, okay. So I was thinking maybe we replace him on tomorrow's show taylor self versus the world with someone i don't know who but someone with a larger call sorry someone with a large who's who won't tarnish us and also some video surfacing where he was at a pro hamas rally yanting anti-semitic slurs ah there it is yep i already got the statement uh
Starting point is 02:39:44 hi mr hiller we really appreciate your uh interest in working with the seven podcast but as of now it is not the right fit for our brand thank you and then can you and all them and the check that we sent him can you stop payment on that yeah we'll go ahead and cut cut that real quick awesome all right well thank you is andrew on right now is Is he on the, are we live still? Or are you guys? We're live.
Starting point is 02:40:07 We're live. Andrew's just sitting there. Take it. Is he broken up about it? Oh, he's broken up. He's, he has a big tub of lube next to him.
Starting point is 02:40:15 He's lubing his butt cheeks. He's, he's prepped. I heard he's pretty good at video editing. So we could always use somebody in our, uh, short, short clips department. We're always looking for good interns. Listen to this, what he said to me.
Starting point is 02:40:32 Okay, so if you wanted to go, if you were in the open, right, and then you wanted to go to quarterfinals and you wanted to go to semifinals so that you could make it to the games, and you could have anyone judge you, would you choose just anybody in general yeah anyone out of everybody that you go oh i mean i would definitely choose boss okay and then and then after boss who would you choose um andrew hiller okay fair me too and then and then after that and then after that who would you choose yeah look at even jessica velasquez says i want to enter then after that who would you choose and then i would
Starting point is 02:41:10 take the middle lane judge from rogue so andrew asked me that and he and basically like the worst judge would be yourself that's what i use for the open the next worst judge would be some ding dong in your affiliate then the next person after that would be an affiliate owner. Then the next person after that would be someone who took the judge's course. Then the next judge after that, if you could have any judge, you would have one of these professional judges that's been certified who's also a judge at the CrossFit Games. And what we have here is we have these fucking judges, right,
Starting point is 02:41:41 who are the best in the sport. They judge at the CrossFit Games, and now they're parading themselves around so people like mayhem can hire them bringing them in and those athletes who are judged by those judges they're getting dinged just as much as everyone else meaning that the event is actually unjudgeable yeah at some point that's a common denominator right right i mean it's just the algebra that i've been doing this for forever yeah yeah and so and so then people are be conflating that with the fact that like hey then now they're saying andrew you're just making excuses no andrew's saying yeah i fucked up with lehi but hey also look at all the who didn't fuck up and if no one can do it then we were all set up for failure yeah and when you have people like you were saying that are very familiar with it
Starting point is 02:42:24 i've done it a lot and you have high caliber athletes that have been doing this for multiple years and all of them end up screwing it up yeah at some point you got to just say hey the standards on this were fucked from the get-go and the point what is it is it the head hanging down or something sorry go ahead make the point it's it's it's everything it's all sorts of shit but the head hanging down is one of them but the thing is this, too. If the point was it didn't matter who went on or if no one went on, I could understand this. But the event is supposed to move people on.
Starting point is 02:42:56 Right. And so it has to be judgeable. Yes, agreed. David Wheat says you can spin this as much as you want, but Hiller looks stupid for crying about what he's been screaming for years. I ain't crying. I'm saying it's good. I'm saying that they did. Good job, CrossFit. Yes.
Starting point is 02:43:17 I'm not. It's the way they did it that maybe I may be crying about a little bit. So what happened? Did all these big-name people drop it down that leaderboard and not a contention here? Are we going to have an issue where we might see some really big popular names due to the fact of this standard? Yeah, we already do. Sidney Wells and Paige Powers are out. It's just crazy.
Starting point is 02:43:43 T is an 8. I mean, that's also like I mean no one's ever gonna believe that hey I wonder if Suze can answer that who is the best moving longest tenured male in the CrossFit space who's never received an online qualifier penalty well I don't know if they've ever seen an online qualifier penalty but I know Rich's movement was always pretty sound uh currently competing and also I know that I I don't know if they've ever seen an online qualifier, but I know Rich's movement was always pretty sound. Currently competing. And also, I don't know that for a fact,
Starting point is 02:44:09 but I don't think I've ever heard of this person receiving a penalty. Not Rich. Men. Top ten, Caliper. Tia? Men. Men. Oh, men.
Starting point is 02:44:24 Belner? There it is. Good answer. Belner? There it is. Good answer. Belner's been pretty solid. I'm so happy you nailed it like that. Yes. And he received a penalty on the workout for the step-ups. Hey, dude, Belner's down at the bottom now, dude.
Starting point is 02:44:37 He could not make the games, dude. That's not true. No shit, really? He's in a qualifying spot. He's at 31st, and they haven't finished reviewing all the workouts. That's scary. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 02:44:52 What happened to our guys? Was there any major discrepancies there? No. Before that? No. Okay, that's good. That's cool. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:45:01 That's cool. Hey, did that guy Have to get taken away In the ambulance At the fire academy Yeah Well The thing is
Starting point is 02:45:11 That the ambulance Is basically there So he didn't really Get taken away But But Yeah He got tended to
Starting point is 02:45:19 He's alright though He's alright But there is an issue I can't wait Yeah Alright Which was pretty crazy We didn't do that much Just some relay races He's all right. But there is an issue. I can't wait. Yeah. All right. Which was pretty crazy.
Starting point is 02:45:28 We didn't do that much. Just some relay races. And yeah, it jacked him up. At first, I thought he was faking it to get out of something. But then when I looked at his face and he kept trying to go, I was like, no, there's something seriously wrong with this dude. It was for him to try to stay in it, too. Yeah, it was and then it was funny because i come walking out uh the fire chief is there the second guy in command is there and the person who runs the academy is there and i come walking over they actually have this
Starting point is 02:45:58 like a family day going on where everybody who works for the city of hayward they got the police they got the city municipal people out there they They got the fire department. They get to bring their kids in and they do these demos and show them what their parents at work and shit. So, of course, there's this ton of attention on everything we're doing because we're basically right in the middle of it, like working them out. And all
Starting point is 02:46:18 the head honcho guys come over and they're like, what the fuck, dude? You come in here and you need to work out with this guy in front of all these people and we have to have him sit in the back of the ambulance it was uh pretty funny i'm glad he didn't die nah he's all right usually a good thing when people don't die yeah that's uh i like to have that on the record is zero deaths yeah good zero deaths in my academy all right thanks suzo i'll call you later. Tomorrow's show's gonna be off the hook. 7 a.m.
Starting point is 02:46:48 Yeah, I'm stoked for it. It looks like you got a ton of attention on Instagram, too. People are gonna be, uh... This will be fun. I'm really excited to see how this will go. Holy fuck. All right, I'll talk to you later, brother. Thank you. Damn. Bye, guys.
Starting point is 02:47:02 Nick Matthew? Really? Hey, did you see? So here's to prove your point your head has to be over the picture yeah i saw the picture yeah you mean like tall yeah it says uh finishing with the head and shoulders in front of the hips i think what matt burns has been saying is no good. He's talking about Bill in particular. Bill's issue was not the head, but there are athletes whose issue was the head. I just want to address Matt Burns. Let's look at the positive.
Starting point is 02:47:37 All the Heat 12 superstars now. Nick Matthew is in 500. I did that workout, and I beat Nick Matthew is in 500. Oh, here's the, so I did that workout and like I beat Nick Matthew. Oh, wow. But I don't, I don't have a score in because obviously I couldn't compete, but like, dude, that, that, that's the issue. You think I'm better than Nick Matthew on that workout? Nuh-uh.
Starting point is 02:48:03 You know what that means? It means Chase Ingram beat Nick Matthew. Wow. Chase Ingram beat Nick Matthew on that workout. You think they're going to check Chase Ingram's video? No.
Starting point is 02:48:23 Not at all. Wow, another 34 comments dude that video is it's something wow yeah pepper pepper got a penalty a couple reps that's that's an interesting thing i wonder how they did that Pepper got a penalty. A couple reps. That's an interesting thing.
Starting point is 02:48:44 I wonder how they did that. What is this? What are all these names? Medeiros, Pepper. Are these people who got penalized? Are you saying that Justin got penalized? Caller, hi. He did.
Starting point is 02:49:05 A couple reps. Hey, caller, hi. Yo, what's up? What's up? Caller High He did Couple reps Hey Caller High Yo what's up I think for the sake of Having inclusivity To letting too many people be able to fuck up the leaderboard Shouldn't they have it where Judges Okay
Starting point is 02:49:20 Assigned by CrossFit However you want to do it Have it be the standard go to different affiliates that week of quarterfinals and assign these judges as the last say for crossfit instead of submitting videos you have to travel and you have to do the workouts in these areas whether it's one per state if you're willing to travel for the old regionals or semi-finals these people will travel to get their quarter finals workouts done you pay the extra fee whatever it is they had 25 000 people in the
Starting point is 02:49:58 individual quarterfinals this year i think they had like 13 000 men and 12 000 women or something i saw on help and say, and so 25,000, I mean, they would probably, they would, they would probably only like then a thousand people would sign up and they'd be out, you know,
Starting point is 02:50:13 fucking a couple million dollars or whatever. Jethro, I hear you. Also, like what we've found at the moment is that these people didn't do what they were supposed to do, including my guy. Right. Hey, and here's the other thing. Here's the, is this, is didn't do what they were supposed to do including my guy right hey and here's the other thing here's is this is this uh um jethro yeah and here's the other thing jethro we we're still stuck on the problem that no one can judge this workout because even the
Starting point is 02:50:38 best judges in the world couldn't even judge it so even if we had this event we would still have the same problem no right but if you get the people who are level 2, 3, 4 and up or affiliate owners, you are in a conference call or whatever you want, and you are the person, the last line to go. So CrossFit HQ decides, Andrew Hiller, he is in Chicago. You can go to his garage and you can perform the workouts. What he says goes because we are on par with what CrossFit HQ is looking for. As opposed to some rando person just counting reps and then submitting a video.
Starting point is 02:51:16 I hear you, but even the best people in the world couldn't do it now. You don't think those AFJCWY judges were, like, prepped? No, I understand that. But CrossFit then has to make the decision. Are we going to have to go through this video review process and have the 606-person beat Paige Powers? Or are we going to decide, all right, this is it? Those 606-person, they're definitely not going to semifinals they might not even sign
Starting point is 02:51:47 up but if you have people pay three four hundred dollars because you have the chance of going to semifinals if you make semifinals you get that money back your semifinals is paid for everyone else that's the fee that you pay to try to get to semifinal. All right. Well, thank you. Coming to your every state will now, moving forward, have one judge for the quarterfinals. That's the official judge.
Starting point is 02:52:21 Or California, you could have four because it's such a big state. Thank you. All right, brother. Good hearing all right all right peace i love his voice yeah hey dude maderos got a rollover calorie as i'm guessing because he got docked one one rep that has to be a rollover calorie same thing with with Agustin Raquel May, Patrick Vellner. This side of the chart is great where you can see how far they fell because of it. Oh, no. He's updating.
Starting point is 02:52:54 Helping is updating. The screen is jumping. I didn't do that. Where does helping get his information from? I think he can just pull data. So you can see helping doing stuff see that's not me helping stop it so so so nick matthew went from 17th to 540th yeah oh he just did he just made this easier for oh maybe he made it easier to see thanks helping he he's assuming these are
Starting point is 02:53:25 the people we want to look at i think casper gamble mark damn dylan pepper went down fuck about hobart now what are you doing helping knock it off dude where's hobart hey the only name got analyzed so the only name that matters there is Nick Matthew. And then Sam Stewart's a distant second. And then the rest of you guys go fuck yourself. Hey, I don't know what he's doing here, but like, stop it. I want to see all those names again. Helping.
Starting point is 02:54:02 Stop. I'm putting your screen away. You bothered me. i was figuring it out there's too many changes too fast too advanced i just couldn't follow i think we uh i think we uh kind of sorted this thing out huh maybe we should do a show tonight what Mike Halpin, are you there? Can someone tell us? Hobart is one of the people I would have had judge me.
Starting point is 02:54:31 Zombie. Yeah, totally. Me too. I agree. What is... We need to know when the leaderboard is going to be finalized. Does anyone know that? When it's supposed to be finalized?
Starting point is 02:54:44 I can look it up pretty quick. They have a date you think they gave? CSF on. You just left me. I have to pee. You want to pee while I find the rulebook? Nah, it's cool. I'm good. I don't have to pee that bad.
Starting point is 02:55:00 I never had to pee that bad. Quarter. I don't have to pee that bad. I never had to pee that bad. Okay. Quarter finals and teams judging a validation 205. I'll pull this up so we're not just looking at nothing. Look with me. Should be right here. Somewhere. Here we go. Video review.
Starting point is 02:55:34 Submitting a video is required. Leaderboard finalization will be no later than April 10th. That's not right. will be no later than April 10th. That's not right. Oh, this is freaking last year. Are you kidding me? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:55:53 Is there a new? Oh, yes. But it looked weird. I thought I pulled it up. Should we look at the transgender policy? I heard that there's a dude in the woman's master's division. They changed this. Can you see this? This is a different... Oh, here we go. Finalized on 4-29.
Starting point is 02:56:18 Thanks, Alvin. Four days from now. A lot of stuff can happen in four days. now okay got a lot of stuff can happen in four days huh the finalization right speak your mind go ahead hello hey what's going on guys what's going on, guys? What's going on? And just calling about the debacle right here. So a little input on me as far as that. I've competed at regionals. I've judged at regionals. And this past weekend, I judged quite a few in those that are potentially semifinals bound.
Starting point is 02:57:04 I can guess what state you're from in three guesses. What you got? Louisiana. Yeah, you're right. No shit? Yeah. Oh, I was going to go with Oklahoma first. I can't believe I got it. Okay, go on. Fuck, I'm a beast. Go on.
Starting point is 02:57:20 I just feel like the way that the rules are written, the way they describe them, there's just a lot of just nonsense that I feel like, what's the purpose of it? You know, for example, like I said, like, for instance, you put up the video of Louise about him starting, turning face in the bar, not facing the bar. Correct. The dumbest shit of all time is that thing. It's
Starting point is 02:57:53 so dumb. It's a stress put on the athletes. It's a stress put on the judges that isn't even needed to be there. Why does it even matter that's one less thing to even think about um i mean throughout this whole weekend i judge
Starting point is 02:58:14 athletes on saturday and sunday and even me just going through the trying to remember like okay are they doing this are they doing this on the on the handstands are they doing this uh on the cleaning jerks like all those different things like like we just need to go back to like straight movement and then also think about further ahead what issues are we going to see if we describe it that way you need to get a job at crossfit i mean man it's just it's just one of those things i've already i mean it's just hard you know and hopefully none of the athletes that that i that i judge this weekend get hit with any major penalties but i'm a strict judge like i hold them to the standard and that's the way it is but like little little small things turning around, uh, not facing the bar. It's just kind of one of those things.
Starting point is 02:59:08 It's just so aggravating from a, from a judging standpoint, that's not even needed. It's, it's a stress that that doesn't even need to be in there. Um, and that's just my, my thing on that, you know, The head hanging over at the top of the step up is ridiculous too. Yeah. Like, so I'm a, I'm a shorter guy, right? Five, five. Uh, I did the step ups, uh, and that's heavy. And naturally a hundred pounds is going to kind of pull your shoulders down a
Starting point is 02:59:38 little bit. So your head might fall down just a little bit. So you judging just an individual that's, that's literally looking down but they're still upright with their chest as like a no rep like versus an individual like louise where like he clearly wasn't stepping all the way up with both legs right he didn't have extension of his knee didn't have extension of the hips things like that um it's just one of those things where it's just like man like what the heck are we doing you know um and another thing i think could be easily be done um is um if they need to set it right that if you're going to put your name on the leaderboard a video has to be uploaded by
Starting point is 03:00:22 every single individual doesn't matter has to be uploaded somewhere if you don't upload the video your name gets taken off right um or you just get thrown down to like that's like the scaled version so the highest you can finish if you don't have a video is below the worst the worst person yeah yeah The worst person who has a video. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd be fine with that. I'd be fine with that, yeah. And if you do that, you won't have these individuals like Nick Matthew that got hit with a penalty.
Starting point is 03:00:52 So now he's like 690th or whatever on the workout. And you're going to tell me like all those individuals before him all did 100% correct reps? No, but he's going to have the kind of outfall from it because of his name and his placement. Those other individuals, the 650 people in front of him, they're never going to get judged. Their videos are never going to get judged.
Starting point is 03:01:14 So he's getting screwed, you know? I'd like to see this fixed before there's peace in the Middle East. I think that would be i think that would be the the right stand you know uh on that but man i love i love the games and i love everything i've been to uh i went to carson four years i went to um uh wisconsin four years i'll end up going to dallas uh for a couple years while it's there i love everything about it i love the sport of. I competed in a long time as an, you know, as an affiliate on affiliate owner,
Starting point is 03:01:48 I don't have the time to put my effort into it as much as I used to. Are you still on an affiliate? Yeah, I'm 14 years. Yeah. Oh, what affiliate? CrossFit Denim Springs.
Starting point is 03:01:59 I'm right outside of Baton Rouge. What's your name? Brad Patty. Brad. Nice to meet you, dude. Thanks for calling. You're kind of close to Bill.
Starting point is 03:02:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's in Mandeville. I'm from Hammond area, so that's literally only like 30 minutes away. Is your rope relatively close to your pull-up rig? I actually had to go to a different affiliate to
Starting point is 03:02:23 do the rope climb workout because I don't have ropes inside my gym. I have them outside my gym. Um, so it was one of those things, but yeah, I, I, I trained, uh, with, uh, Brandon Luckett for years. I was a coach on the teams that he was on for years. Um, so I know all those guys, uh, born and raised down here as far as that. So, um, What's up with Brandon Luckett's score? Is he still in it? He's looking good
Starting point is 03:02:50 Yeah, he moved up to second What a beast, dude Hey, do you know him? Do you talk to him? Yeah, very well I love that guy Last time he was on the show He said that he was kind of retiring. He said he would still stay fit.
Starting point is 03:03:06 And then we saw him pop up in teams last year, and now he's going individual again. What changed? Because I know he was working with, as you guys say in the South, his daddy. Yeah, so his dad started a business years ago, and they kind of have territories between him and his dad. I mean, they're both really, really intelligent. The whole family is very intelligent.
Starting point is 03:03:26 I think his brother, JP, is a doctor. His sister, I think she's going to be a doctor. The whole family is very, very intelligent individuals. But, I mean, the dude's fit. I mean. Bitter than John Young. The dude has always been sick. But as he's gotten older, you know, he struggled with the string stuff for a long time just because he was a smaller.
Starting point is 03:03:54 He was a little bit taller, but a little bit skinnier, you know, but he's putting on some some weight over the last three, four years. And I mean, the dude is a complete animal. You know, he's put on some girth. four years and i mean the dude is a complete animal you know he's put on some girth i've had i've had i've had the ability to be around him for for quite many years and um he's impressive you know uh every time you see him have you checked out his uh his business uh the iman company no yeah it's cool he's got a he's got a um like a a little business where he he does programming and uh basically all of his workouts are like imams and stuff like that and he's got a little business where he does programming. And basically all of his workouts are like EMOMs and stuff like that. And those workouts are insane.
Starting point is 03:04:31 Oh, Andrew follows them. Yeah, I like EMOMs. Shitload of followers. Oh, he's fucking jack, dude. Dude, Brandon looks great. He looks great. I saw him do a workout too. Smoked it.
Starting point is 03:04:46 Oh, he would be so good. Is he a West or East? He's East? West. He's in the same one with Medeiros. Yeah, he's in second Medeiros right now in the West. Oh, that would be awesome. I would love this because I'm going to go to the West semifinal.
Starting point is 03:05:04 He'll be so fun to work with he's great is the is the west is the west at the same place uh that the games were at yes sir carson yep in that tennis stadium man dude that's such a cool place yeah it's gonna be dope oh my gosh that is i went there for four years, and that was probably – that was like old school CrossFit. I was in the video when Rich Froning was climbing up the rope, and he falls all the way at the top. I'm in the back of the video just screaming my head off. I know. I heard you called him a pussy, I heard. Is that true?
Starting point is 03:05:40 No, I didn't call him. No, you can't call Rich Froning a pussy. Come on now. All right. Just checking. I'm just making sure if that was you call him. No, you can't call Rich Froney. Come on now. All right, all right. Just checking. I wasn't sure if that was you or not. No, but man, those were some great times, man.
Starting point is 03:05:53 How excited are you for tomorrow at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time? Kill Taylor. You think anyone's going to beat him in the workout and get the $500? What is the workout? I'd like to do it. Have you announced it yet? No, you won't know it. Cause we can't get you and let you guys get the money.
Starting point is 03:06:07 We're putting everyone at a huge disadvantage. You'll see Taylor do the workout. That's when you'll hear about it for the first time. There's rope clients and, or there's a rope in it. I don't know if it's rope climbs that you need a 15 foot rope that's hanging from the ceiling and kettlebells. He hasn't even said the way to the kettlebells and he'll do the workout.
Starting point is 03:06:23 And then there'll be people in the chat who want uh who will dm me their phone number and then uh on the work phone and then i'll um i'll send them a link and then they and then we'll go live with them and see if they can beat it if they beat it they get 500 bucks well no you have to beat it and be the best person who beat it so if three people beat it only one of them wins 500 but if no one wins it we roll it over to a thousand bucks the next week and 1500 the next week 2000 how how impressive is he oh my god talk about a guy fucking striking while the iron is hot he's fucking living up to to all of it right yeah like i mean i knew about taylor whenever he competed um think he, he missed it by, I think a spot at the CrossFit games. And then he got buried by that pig. Um, um, so I didn't really know. I didn't, I knew of
Starting point is 03:07:15 him, you know, I knew, I knew he was fit. Um, but man, what he's did in, in the quarter, in, in the quarter in in the open uh in the quarterfinals was crazy um but he's impressive but man he sent he sent it on that last one and it it it was uh it was fun to watch i think i think i'm pretty sure one of the weeks too the workout that he's going to end up doing is five minutes burpee box jump overs and and season and give the world a chance to beat him at that but also for him to kind of regain his uh his reputation although although fuck man it only helped his reputation to see him collapse right yeah did he say like was it was it nerves was it that he just came out too hot what did he did he ever say like what he thought there's there's something called lactidosis.
Starting point is 03:08:06 That's not real. There's something where supposedly you build up so much lactic acid that it crosses into your fucking brain, and you basically shut down, and it could give you actually brain damage. And basically, that's what happened to him. He said for 30 minutes, he felt like his cranium was filled with pudding uh hiller says it's bullshit he's just a pussy but it's correct no i didn't say that either oh i mean if if he redid that workout today like he obviously would
Starting point is 03:08:36 probably go be somewhere way way faster than his time that he had he said he says no he still will stand by that no one in the world can beat him at that workout. He still claims that, like, hey, I can get beat anyone in the world at that. I don't necessarily – I don't know about that after watching his first attempt at it, but he's definitely a fit dude, He's definitely a fit dude, and I think he would definitely be up there with Hopper and with Colton as well. He used to be a drug addict. Maybe an old piece of heroin in one of his arteries broke off and went to his fucking brain. That might be it.
Starting point is 03:09:22 Man, I don't know that was that was insane to watch well hey thank you for calling 14 years as an affiliate badass it's an honor to have you as a listener and uh feel free to call at any time yeah i appreciate it man all right dude yeah ciao bye all right all right i like that guy something about the accent of people down there i think it's good and you picked it up in one state that was crazy thank you i was gonna go oklahoma and then i pivoted quickly hey this is a comment mauricio do you think they're going from 10% to 25% is affecting the fitter athletes because of one-time home runs? Absolutely.
Starting point is 03:10:10 We've talked about that. I don't even understand that. What does that mean? It's the phenomenon. It's what Hefner talked about. If Paige Powers goes to 600th, you have to check all the 600 videos. And when you take more people, chase ingram is a great example i think he got 100 and almost 90 reps on that step-up workout right and yeah i don't think chase would be upset
Starting point is 03:10:33 with me saying i don't think he makes the top 10 this year in the open division but he made the top 25 so chase is a one-time example of somebody who is affecting Matthews' burnout. It's a problem. Hey, Mrs. Gazan, hi. There you go. She's not. Yo, how's it going? This is Alex Gazan.
Starting point is 03:10:56 Day's perfect now that you're calling. How are you? Damn, what's up? Jake was like, hey, call someone. I was like, okay. So I'm calling. You're North America West? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:11:14 And have you gotten any correspondence from CrossFit Inc.? Workouts one and two are good. I haven't heard anything about three or four, but I cleared that one. And how do you know that? They call you and they send you an email and say, just so you know, we reviewed workouts one and two and you know that they call you and they say hey um they call or they they send you an email and say just so you know we've reviewed workouts one and two and you're good to go yeah they'll send you an email like per workout like workout one we've reviewed your video and like your score is accepted so the others say that your score is accepted or it's penalized or it's like um rejected so you'll get usually like one of three responses do you
Starting point is 03:11:46 know anyone else who's gotten emails from uh crossfit regarding workouts one and two being accepted oh yeah i know like a good amount of people that are accepted i also know a lot of people that aren't uh yeah it's wild i don't even understand what's happening. I wonder, Alex, if they wait till they have everyone reviewed for one and then send out all the emails together so that that way we can just... No. No. No, because I got mine reviewed a couple days ago. Okay. And then like, God's got hers this morning. So I don't know if they just... Yeah, I don't know. I don't know the order.
Starting point is 03:12:22 I don't know if they just... Yeah, I don't know. I don't know the order. I've had two of mine reviewed now for a couple days. Some people are just getting emails. We have no idea if they're actually on workout three or four yet because they just
Starting point is 03:12:38 send them out as they're done. Yeah. Are you anxious about it? No, I feel pretty good i like all my videos i like watched them and they were all fine and i sent a backup video for three already just because my timer looked a little blurry but like i i feel like the only really the only reason i would have been nervous was because it seemed like they were kind of giving really random penalties for the step-up workout but like i said that was cleared so i'm not stressed anymore awesome so you're going to the so you're going to the semi-finals that's the plan unless they pull
Starting point is 03:13:16 something crazy on the next workouts too hey do you win some um money if you take first place in the quarterfinals is there a prize prize? There's not, and I think if there was, it would just be worldwide. I don't think they would do it based on region. Do you think that there's any chance tomorrow that you would compete against Taylor Self and the Kill Taylor
Starting point is 03:13:38 Show? That's also why I'm calling. Jake told me to ask about it. You guys aren't saying the workout yet? No, we're not saying the workout yet. We're trying to make it so no one can win. So we just want to give you as little notice as possible. But all you'll need
Starting point is 03:13:56 is you'll need just to be somewhere where there's a rope that's 15 feet long and some kettlebells and a cell phone. All right. I can be convinced. And if you beat his score and everyone else's score who enters, and there won't be a lot of people who can enter.
Starting point is 03:14:11 Like, we'll only be able to take four or five people. Is he going to have a week with a bench press? Maybe. Maybe. We're going to do this every week. I'm not doing Taylor. Taylor's got a god-awful bench press. We're going to do this every week
Starting point is 03:14:25 Until Until we've completely taken over Until it's like the only thing people want to watch It actually is really entertaining Watching Him die on the box jumps was my favorite part Of quarter finals Mine too
Starting point is 03:14:39 You and I probably have a lot in common Hey Alex How's everyone's Video submissions going over at Underdogs You and I probably have a lot in common. How's everyone's video submissions going over at underdogs? Anyone get dinged over there? So far, so good. I think there's a girl in the East, her name's Sam Q. She got dinged, but she wasn't in contention anyway.
Starting point is 03:15:01 So it just knocked her down a little bit. Because you're over there with, like, Ellie Scott. Ellie's good, right? She's the picture on it. She's good. Yeah. She said she got, like, a two-rep penalty, so she didn't get a major penalty. So she's good to go.
Starting point is 03:15:19 As far as I know, Kyra's good to go. Good, good. Yeah. It sucks. Underdogs, like, Australian underdogs, theredogs there's like shit going on there too uh caitlin van deal her like video link didn't work and i guess like she didn't see the email within a certain timeline so when she responded like like hey like it should work like they were just pretty much like nope like you're out but she had like sent the video on time and had her score in on time wild it's so loud yeah so what is there is so is that is that a done deal she's out or
Starting point is 03:15:52 there's still some um you guys are still contesting it or uh uh kotler still contesting it she told me she's out but i have such a hard time believing that like that's just the end of it like if you submitted your score on time, you have proof that you sent the video on time, but the link just didn't work. Like, I feel like you obviously aren't going to cheat your score because it has to be the same score once the video does work. And you can see, and you can see when the video was uploaded too.
Starting point is 03:16:19 It's not like you can change that. Yeah. So I don't, I don't know. I don't think that that's fair. It's, that's actually a big problem too. Like Laurie, uh, I can't pronounce her last name, but she's in South America.
Starting point is 03:16:31 Like that happened to her. Yeah. Yeah. Laurie Kuna. That happened to her. Um, there's a few people that that happened to. So it's just,
Starting point is 03:16:38 I don't know. Like, like I said, I posted this on my story. I don't know who's got their panties in a wad, but people are out for something. Hey, would it be a shame to you if Paige Powers didn't make it? Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 03:16:54 Like, I think the idea of the CrossFit Games is to find the fittest on earth. And if all these penalties let all these other people at semifinals, like, it just takes away from like the i'll say like the quality of the athletes that are gonna be there and page powers obviously you've seen in live competition like she moves well she's never had like movement problems before so it's just like it'd be devastating she's a phenomenal athlete and i think a really sweet girl like it's terrible and she's definitely games caliber no doubt no doubt just one water palooza she was top i think she was top 10 like she's she's fit hey um was kotler your judge for all your workouts yeah um and and when
Starting point is 03:17:41 he and does he go crazy during during all of them like that? No, so the one, the video is actually kind of funny because I just got like, not nervous for that one, but like I just, we were at the gym for a long time and like the, I guess like the hype and the adrenaline of quarterfinals just starts to like get to you a little bit and I went up to him because I like want to like tell him what I need right like you don't want like someone just yelling at your face it's like that's not going to help you and I was like hey like just so you know like I kind of want to zone out for this workout like I just want to like be in my own like little world and he's like word for word what the fuck does that mean and I was like uh he's like you mean you're not gonna try i was like no like i'm gonna try i just like want to be chill like i don't want to stress and he was like uh okay well i'll just tell you if you're like taking too long on your breaks of wall balls then
Starting point is 03:18:35 and i was like okay and you could tell he was like so stressed the moment i said that but he like he didn't say much like he just kind of was like all right like good job like you're doing good and then like halfway through the workout he just kind of was like, all right, like, good job. Like you're doing good. And then like halfway through the workout, he was like, all right, like if you keep this up, like you're going to have a good time, like keep going. And then after the workout, he just went fucking nuts. It was awesome. That's workout two.
Starting point is 03:18:57 Yeah. And you got a sixth place in the world. Now on that last rep, I just noticed you actually jump over and clear the entire box. Was that the plan? Uh, I mean, I saw people do it so i was like okay like i can clear this one is that the only rep you did like that yeah just to get the last rep rep yeah hey dude that's championship shit good job you're a fucking you're a future champ look at you fucking a alex kazan yeah justin's awesome. I could watch that video on Reiki
Starting point is 03:19:27 and it just gets me so hyped. All right. Well, hey, thank you for calling in. Good to hear your voice. You're wonderful. It's a pleasure and honor for us at the Sevan Podcast to have you call in. Tell your husband he's wonderful, too. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:19:42 Good job. Yep, for sure. Maybe tomorrow, even. Oh, yeah tell your husband he's wonderful, too. Thank you. Good job. Yep, for sure. Maybe tomorrow, even. Oh, yeah, maybe tomorrow. All right. Love you guys. Bye. Love you, too.
Starting point is 03:19:51 Bye. Alex Kazan sitting currently in first place. In the West. In the quarterfinals in the West. Wow. Bright blower Emily Rolfe, Abigail Domet, Ariel Lohan, Rebecca Fuselier. Say it again. Most jacked chick in CrossFit. Yeah. Natural. Yeah. abigail domit uh rebecca fusli say it again most jack chicken crossfit yeah natural yeah
Starting point is 03:20:09 part i made a video on it you know how you know because you could bench 225 pounds at the age of 14 i know crazy hey someone in here goes you think that's genetics or you think that's hormones? You think it's, do you think like if we did a hormone test, you think our hormones are just fucking like through the roof? It's like one of the same, I'd say. Okay.
Starting point is 03:20:34 All right. And also it's like just the way you're kind of made up. Some people are made to be good bench professors. Hey, Taylor and a bench press would be good. Like a one rep max for verse Taylor. I'm pretty sure she might be able to take him straight up Taylor and a bench press would be good Like a one rep max her versus Taylor I'm pretty sure she might be able to take him Straight up
Starting point is 03:20:49 That would be wild The overall Leaderboard Let's take a look at it for the women in the quarterfinals Emma Lawson in first Emma Lawson I think at one point I saw Gabriella McGowan first Emma Lawson in first Alexis Rapt point I saw Gabriella McGowan Emma Lawson in first, Alexis Raptus in second
Starting point is 03:21:06 Gabriella McGowan in third, Laura Horvat in fourth, Danielle Brandon in fifth, Maddie Sturt wow Maddie Madeline Sturt cool Emma Tall Jay Crouch is on her
Starting point is 03:21:21 Man on Angony, 7th, Emma Tall in 8th Emma McQuaid in 9th. Alex Kazan sitting in 10th. Kazan. Kazan, yep. Haley Adams in 15th. Ariel Lone in 16th. Haley's moving up. I think she was in 20th.
Starting point is 03:21:35 She's gone up five spots. Gracie Walton in 19th. Tia Toomey now in 29th. Oh, that's in the world That's where she got kicked to After that one penalty Turi Where is she
Starting point is 03:21:52 38 she's up a couple Up a couple Right there 37 High Rocks girl in 38 Sigmund's daughter and 43rd. Stanley and 47th. Hey, Amanda Barnhart's impressive where she's sitting.
Starting point is 03:22:11 Cause she basically wasn't doing anything because of her shoulder for a bit. No, she's top 50 in the world. Hey, does everyone on the top 50 in the world get to go to, are these all semifinal people or do some of these, that's still not even good Get to go to are these all semi-final People or do some of these that's still not even Good enough to go to the semi-final Yeah they're all good Once you get to the back end of I bet like 80 to 100
Starting point is 03:22:33 There might be some chicks in the And dudes in the Europe region that might not Make it because it's so dense over there This is a good question Is Sarah Sigmund's daughter uh underdogs athlete who knows not from what i know um i don't think so where do you think she is that's a great question i'm like trying to rack my brain on that i don't know. Janikowski still in first.
Starting point is 03:23:05 Adler second. Victor Hoffer third. Krennikoff fourth. Hatfield fifth. Bjorgen Carl Goodmanson sixth. Moritz Fabik seventh. Jason Hopper eighth. Jay Crouch ninth.
Starting point is 03:23:16 Anolka tenth. Ricky Garrard eleventh. Medeiros twelfth. Jan Brant thirteenth. Fourteenth Samuel Cornway. Fifteenth Samuel Quant 16th Fabian Benito 17th Bonoit Boulanger
Starting point is 03:23:28 Harry Lightfoot, 18th Nika 19th Hey, Dallin got a 10-rep penalty on that first workout and he's still in 9th in the world Travis Mayer, 28th. Jack Farlow, 32nd.
Starting point is 03:23:50 Jake said yes, she is. I wonder if that's in response to Sarah Sigmund's daughter and she's an underdogs athlete. Sprague, 43rd. She is okay. Thanks, Jake. Fikowski, 49th. I didn't even see Vellner in the top 50.
Starting point is 03:24:06 Because he's not. He might not be in the top 100 either. He probably isn't in the top 150. Go over to the West. Colt Merton's in ninth. And, oh, I don't see Vellner. 26. Oh, 26. Okay. and uh oh i don't see velner 26 oh 26 okay all right guys uh great show
Starting point is 03:24:33 uh stefan if you could sleep with anyone in the chat who would it be jake is in no i can't say who that is you can't say jake is in i could say jake is in. No, I can't say who that is. You can't say Jake is in. I could say Jake is in, but I can't tell you who that really is. Barry, the answer is it's top 40. Look at Heidi. She.
Starting point is 03:25:08 Okay looks like the leaderboard won't be Complete for till the 29th Which is Monday I'm guessing 5pm We definitely can't stay on till then Something happened to burn Wait what Yeah He is in Barry he's still good I am going to Wait, what? Yeah, Leahy is in. Barry, he's still good.
Starting point is 03:25:28 I am going to... I'm going to go pee. I don't know how you made it. And I'm going to go to... I got to figure out tomorrow's show. Tomorrow's show is going to be crazy. All right, Andrew Hiller, thanks for coming on. Oh, shit. They rejected a workout because he missed a video.
Starting point is 03:25:51 Oh, Berman. Wow. They're talking about the same thing that happened to Daniel, maybe. Can you pull up Jake Berman and see if he's got a zero somewhere? Jeez Louise. Yeah, I'm on it. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 03:26:02 Oh, my goodness. Jake. Wow. Oh my goodness. Jake Berman. TTT. I might go get a haircut right now at super cuts. He's back in. They brought him back in. Who Berman? Oh,
Starting point is 03:26:18 Oh, Oh, they brought it. Okay. That's what album was saying. Oh, it's been fixed. Okay.
Starting point is 03:26:24 Hey, Jorge Fernandez is in. That means that he was in the fifties., it's been fixed. Okay. Hey, Jorge Fernandez is in. That means that he was in the fifties. So he's down there. Wow. Wow. Good on him. I'd like to see him at the games.
Starting point is 03:26:33 I would too. I like Jorge. Taylor sit at 33. Where was he? He was at 34. No. He's only moved up one spot. Where was he? He was at 34? No, was he that? He's only moved up one spot. Did he get penalized?
Starting point is 03:26:53 Wait a minute. What's going on here? Nothing. His scores are the same. How do you know if someone's been penalized? How do you go to help can you click how do you know if someone's been penalized like you click on the document okay so you can't just click on their name and see it no that would be a cool feature though all right maybe they haven't really gotten to the east yet oh yeah shut up shut up and scribbles on today oh they're coming oh taylor's not going to be able to make that out alive
Starting point is 03:27:26 I bet he's a nervous wreck So I don't know how Jorge's moved up so far But Taylor's only gone up one spot Oh Oh shut up and scribble Shut up and scribble is on at 1030am Oh it's in three minutes. How come they have fucking such great thumbnails?
Starting point is 03:27:54 JR. Definitely not. JR doesn't do thumbnails. I think JR makes the thumbnails. All right. So that show will be on in three minutes. Maybe we should hang out with you guys for a couple more minutes. I wonder,
Starting point is 03:28:20 I wonder what happens if they try to come on at the same time we're on, on the same channel. Can you have two live streams from one channel at the same time i don't know but i'm gonna say no i don't know though here's the here's the link to their show let's find out I hate whenever I have the text thing pulled up on my screens and it dings I'm assuming that's what happened to you it bugs me and I gotta get rid of my text yeah do you guys hear that when I have texts come in yeah you're uh no one normally texts on this phone well what's going to be interesting is tomorrow you're going to see here a shitload of them come in if people want to be
Starting point is 03:29:08 on the show i won't be able to take so basically that number down there 928-583-3903 that's the number you'll text if you want to come in and go um go to war with uh taylor with Taylor. Okay. In one minute, you'll be able to hear from Taylor self and Jr on the whole subject. Andrew Hiller, actually less than one minute. Thanks for doing this dude. Appreciate you.
Starting point is 03:29:36 Thank you. And we'll talk to you guys soon. Enjoy the show with Jr and Taylor. I'm sure they're going to have some insights. It is going to be interesting. Like killer said to see since Taylor, we have Andrew Hiller giving his perspective of being one of the judges that his athlete got dinged.
Starting point is 03:29:52 And now you're going to hear from one of the athletes who's in the top 40 sweating fucking bull. You guys, I can't send you links already. People are already asking for links. Testing. That's smart. Okay. Oh.
Starting point is 03:30:08 And then someone says, I DM do about your sub clips page. Okay. Thank you. Oh, this is a funny comment. Bike, rock,
Starting point is 03:30:14 run, lift. I saw the HQ recommended that everyone use a judge who has completed the 2024 judges course. Yeah. Obviously they're going to recommend that, but what does it mean when those that they trust at the highest level can't do it themselves? All right.
Starting point is 03:30:33 Shut Up and Scribble is live. Oh, I see them. They're live. Oh, you can do it at the same time? Let me send you a link. Talk to you later. Can we pull it up? Can we watch their stream on the stream?

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