The Sevan Podcast - Roman Khrennikov Speaks Out #1004

Episode Date: September 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I see Rosa in the waiting room. Hi, Rosa. How are you? I see Caleb Beaver in the waiting room Hi Rosa how are you I see Caleb Beaver in the waiting room Hi Caleb how are you There's Rosa hi Bam And then there were three Oh I think she froze
Starting point is 00:01:15 Just a girl from Uzbekistan Uzbekistan I don't know if I say that right with the right accent What's up Hiller how are you buddy I was hoping you were going to say that Because I didn't know how to pronounce it Uzbekistan. I don't know if I say that right with the right accent. Uzbekistan. What's up, Hiller? How are you, buddy? I was hoping you were going to say that because I didn't know how to pronounce it. Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan. Some great arm wrestlers out of Uzbekistan. Oh, Rosie Froese, girl.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I'm going to take you out for one second, and maybe you got to reboot and re-enter. I wonder if Roman's having some issues getting in. Okay. I wonder if Roman's having some issues getting in. Okay. I understand. Texting with a dear friend. Fair enough. Okay. Let me see. I sent the link to... Oh, look. Caleb, will you kick off Rosa's other camera? Thank you. Awesome. Hey, Rosa. Hi, guys. What's up? What's up? Thanks for doing this this are you in Uzbekistan right now
Starting point is 00:02:09 no but I wish I was fair enough do you know Andrew Hiller Rosa no we never personally met but i've heard a lot about you so absolute pleasure to meet you roman krennikoff hi how are you hello i'm good thank you good i'm fantastic i'm excited to see you welcome to the show it's good to finally have you on here oh thank you roman where are you right now Роман, где ты сейчас? На русском лучше, да, буду говорить? Да, давай говори на русском. Где ты находишься сейчас, Рома? Да, я понял. Ну, я сейчас нахожусь в штате по-русски, поэтому я буду переводить. Хотя он понял, что ты говоришь.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Он находится в городе Коквелл, в штате Феннесси, и внутри его гаража. О, здорово. Он имеет место с чемпионатом, и он не тренируется исключительно в Мэйхэме. Я думаю, что главным целью этого зала, который вы видите сейчас, было бы его жена. Она берет в себя ребенка, он уже чуть больше года, и когда Роман будет смотреть на своего сына, его жена может пойти в зале и работать с ним. И это будет очень полезно для него. She's taking care of the baby. He's a little over a year old. And so when Roman has some time to look after his son, his wife can go downstairs to the gym and work out herself. She loves CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Oh, I love that. I love that. How's Roman's foot? He's got a big smile on his face. I'm guessing that he's healing up. How's your foot? How's your foot? Is it okay?
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah. Как ножка? Как ножка? Нормально заживает? Да, уже лучше намного. Я уже сегодня первый раз, да, вот, введем в упражнение. Сегодня первые мои приседания со штангой на спине были. Немного чувствую боль, ну, что стопа былаа была в одном положении 4 недели. Сейчас нужно ее разрабатывать. Немного больно из-за того, что она немного атрофировалась. Так, в принципе, она намного лучше.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Я уже могу ходить более-менее, не хромая. Намного лучше. better now with his foot uh although his foot was inside of a boot for quite a long time so the biggest challenge for him right now is that it's very stiff today was the first day he uh squatted with a barbell so it's awesome he can feel a little bit like um some sort of like um in discomfort due to the stiffness but yeah overall he walks he he's doing well and he's doing workouts um can he tell us at the moment, like the three seconds prior to the injury and maybe the three seconds after the injury,
Starting point is 00:05:30 give us kind of like that sort of that 10, or maybe five and five, that 10-second window, no details, too small. I'd really be curious what actually transpired with his injury. He says he's interested in your injury. He says, tell us about it. About 10 seconds, Он очень интересен твоей травмой. Он говорит, что ты думал, что случилось 5 секунд до травмы. Именно тот момент после травмы?
Starting point is 00:05:57 Нет, 5 секунд до травмы и 5 секунд после травмы. Примерно 10 секунд. И не упускай никаких маленьких деталей. Да, я понял. Ну, до травмы я шел с Велнером, мы одновременно практически, ну, я так, по крайней мере, помню, что мы одновременно подходили к последнему бревну с этим
Starting point is 00:06:17 красным мешком, и я для себя понял, что, ну, поймал на мысли, что я могу его обогнать, в принципе, я где-то был на шаг, может, впереди, я понял, что я могу быстрее перебросить и, ну, перелезть через бревно и как бы финишировать быстрее его. И вот эти мысли как бы двигали мной, я перепрыгнул через бревно и как раз приземляюсь на мешок другой, черный, да, который был меньше. И был очень сильный хруст, по крайней мере я не знаю кто слышал, но кто-нибудь услышал там из судей или зрителей, но я просто его прочувствовал, слышал
Starting point is 00:06:53 так, что я сразу понял вот в моменте когда был хруст, я подвернул ногу, я понял, что да, это по ходу серьезная травма. У меня на секунду конечно было такое было такое чувство, что я, может быть, просто прохрустел. Ну, обычно, как люди хрустят пальцами или обычный хруст. Я думал, может, у меня просто прохрустели кости, и я начну двигаться дальше. Но потом, когда я начал поднимать мешок и побежал с мешком, мне было немного больно. И я, когда бросил мешок, I even have a video of my friend, where I threw the bag at the finish and I immediately started to jump on two legs. Well, I tried and I realized that my leg was just over.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I broke it. And then the whole world collapsed in front of me. Весь мир рухнул передо мной. of his eye as he was going and then he it looked to him like it felt to him and he saw that he's maybe a one foot ahead of walner so he thought to himself i think i can beat walner so i'm just gonna toss the bag really quickly over the the log and then i'm gonna jump up and try to get there as fast as i can so i'm just gonna go for it so he tosses his back he jumps over the log and he when he landed on his foot and the other smaller black bag right he heard a big like crunch and then for a second he was like he goes like oh no and then he was like maybe it's just like a little like you know like a little like kind of like your joints kind of and then
Starting point is 00:08:37 he started picking up the red bag and as he's picking it up the pain in his foot start like like it going to his mind and he's like oh my god this is so painful as he's picking it up the pain in his foot start like like it going to his mind and he's like oh my god this is so painful as he started going he drops the red bag and then as soon as he drops the bag i think there's a video of him like he drops it and then he takes a couple jumps and a place just to see what's wrong with his foot and as he took three jumps he landed down Он взял три прыжка, поднялся и сказал, что кольцах разносил, не только меня, но и всех, как бы я думал, я вообще ставил на него в этом комплексе, но я когда сделал практически наравне с ним, я такой подумал, о чувак, я когда выигрывал, я думал, ну как бы можно бороться. And then when, but also there's a positive to it too. Like previously competing with Belner, he is really good in the ring muscle-ups for him to be going head to head and
Starting point is 00:09:50 actually getting well there. And this workout was a really big accomplishment. So he's very excited. And the previous workouts, he always beat Roman on a ring muscle-ups. So he was really excited. And he was like, Oh, I guess I, I, I still have it. And I can still fight even though my leg is broken. And an actual bone in his foot broke? Correct. Man.
Starting point is 00:10:14 If you have a doctor, if you would look at the foot, you'd be like, it's right here and everybody kind of has to come down. Yeah, he put the stories of he's like uh the doctor review and everything but when i was in the room when they took a scan i was looking at it you could see it like i was standing i was like oh no like i was like hoping i can see it it's like a broken you're saying it was so obvious even like a laymanman, like everyone could be like, oh, yeah, shit, that thing's broken. Yeah, like I am not a doctor and I'm like, I saw it. Was it the foot that hit the bag that broke or was it the foot that hit the ground that broke?
Starting point is 00:10:56 Because one foot hit the bag, one foot hit the ground. I honestly didn't watch the video, so I'm going to ask. Я тоже не смотрела видео, поэтому я буду спросить. получается, на газон, то есть стопа начинает касаться первый газон, но потом у меня идет пятка вниз, и пятке некуда деваться, потому что стоял мешок здесь, и пятка не смогла приземлиться, она уперлась в мешок, получается, а мой вес-то давит на стопу,
Starting point is 00:11:40 и стопа просто пошла вбок из-за этого, потому что ей помешал мешок приземлиться. То есть я на мешок сам не наступил, да, левая. То есть я наступил на пол, пятка не смогла приземлиться, она пошла в бок и получился вот этот изгиб в стопе. Ну как бы не в самой стопе, а вот именно в верхней части, где пальцы, чуть ниже пальцев. Я поняла, я поняла. start going sideways and the whole pressure of 230 pounds of Roman Krennikov goes in the front of his foot and that part just snaps. What's interesting, too, is it wasn't even the bag that he threw over.
Starting point is 00:12:32 It was a bag that had already been there. What a shame. Correct. Correct. It's a black bag, the lighter bag that they threw. And so, yeah. You know, what's interesting is basically this is what happened to Ricky Garrard, right? But it happened to him prior to the games, right?
Starting point is 00:12:47 Another top guy, he was riding his bike. But now him and Roman kind of have a similar story in the sense that they've gone through a lot to get to the games. They've had, you know, stuff. And then both of them have had – this year was a tough year for both of them. Kind of weird, right? But, I mean, I guess he can kind of relate. They can relate to each other. They have so much to prove.
Starting point is 00:13:13 How old is Roman? Is he 28? Yeah, is he 28? Yeah, 28. Yeah. сравнивать с реки гарардом он говорит что у гарада такая ситуация была то есть дано до и когда то есть он просто ехал на велики получилось такая неудачная такая такое падай что он сломал себе там плечо я не знаю и что у вас одинаковая примерная история что было очень много чего доказать тебе было много чего доказать на играх и вы вдвоем то есть через многое прошли чтобы дойти до игр
Starting point is 00:13:44 что он не сравнивает? Я не считаю, что у нас одинаково, как бы он травмировался до игр за счет своих каких-то, может, ну, за своих каких-то поступков, которые, ну, в принципе, я думаю, профессиональный атлет должен понимать, что не надо прыгать на велике, потому что этого 100% не будет на CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Нина, зачем тебе это тренировать, тем более до того, как осталось совсем немного до полуфинала, да, и до самих игр, то есть это, конечно, немного другое. Я всегда, как бы, стараюсь вести себя более безопасно перед играми, то есть не увлекаться какими-то своими, там, какими-то эмоциями,ими, не поддаваться эмоциям, не делать какие-то сумасшедшие вещи, что может принести мне травму. То есть я считаю это совсем другое. Я прошел через все игры, и мне особо доказывать нечего.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Я особо не хочу ничего доказывать. Все все видели, все прекрасно все видели, что было перед этим три дня. И на этом, на последнем комплексе, который я травмировался, я тоже сделал его в топ-4. Особо мне доказывать нечего. Правда. Он говорит, что Рико Гаррардо немного другая история, чем его. Роман пытается оставаться в безопасности перед матчами. Ricky Gerrard is a little different story than his. Roman himself tries to stay a little bit more on the safer side right before the games, right? Like you have emotions.
Starting point is 00:15:09 You kind of want to do certain things. You want to get out of your house. You want to try a couple of different things, go out with friends. And Ricky made a mistake by jumping with a bike where you know for sure that that's not going to be at the games. So why do it? And so, yeah, where he's like with romans was like it was an accident during the games and he he got really nothing to prove
Starting point is 00:15:32 everybody saw how he competed all three days prior to that um accident and he has shown that he's physically really prepared and he's done games last year as everybody saw him. I think it was pretty clear. He's got nothing to do Can you read this this is from Athena this is in Russian I can't I can't It's actually in Ukrainian Can't come to time of us to special most provolamos special most by name across games our на украинском витаем вас с успешным поздравляем вас с успешным выступлением на красный день а вот подевают вы добра одужуете я не знаю что такое андрочен ли ай ду на но украине на Congratulations with the way you come here. And probably just saying like congratulations and good luck in the future, but because there was no caution mark or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:30 So learning Ukrainian. Me too. We're going to play a video from, from the behind the scenes, a little clip we have. We want to show, show you guys. So people know how emotional it got in the Coliseum when Roman continued to compete after his injury.
Starting point is 00:16:51 He will show us the video and he wants to show what emotions people had during the Coliseum when you went to the penultimate event. at the free event. Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan! Do Russians have emotions? No, you're right. Never mind. A very emotional moment. Maybe the most emotional moment in the history of the CrossFit Games. Это был очень эмоциональный момент в истории Кроссфит-геймс. Какой был эффект на Романа? Как это на тебя повлияло, быть в этой ситуации? Окружение, эмоции? Знаешь, я уже с тобой говорил, и в документальном фильме, который про нас снимали, я для себя открыл. Я всегда уважительно относился, и для меня всегда примером была категория адаптивно правильно которые с ограниченными возможностями на у которых
Starting point is 00:18:47 нет там руки по каким-то обстоятельствам или ноги или там какая-то и но я не знаю что это как бы кто-то с людьми происходило дай в этой жизни не они как бы выступают несмотря на что за и как бы в кроссфите и вот я как бы меня сразу все вот эти все эмоции мои как бы ушли на второй план и я понял что насколько им тяжело в этом моменте до что они когда выступают и что они не под не получают столько поддержки сколько получил я да то есть понятно да я там сколько получил я. То есть понятно, я там был полностью физически подготовлен, там шел на первом месте, травмировался и такой эмоциональный момент вышел и на одной ноге, можно сказать, хотя я мог на второй ходить, просто мне было очень больно. То есть я пытался сделать все, что смог, потому что я привык так делать. Если я могу делать, я буду делать.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Но я настолько понял, что, как бы, насколько тяжело выступать им, и что мне сразу показалось, что насколько их недооценивают в этом моменте, что их не смотрит такой полный стадион, им не предоставят такую огласку в медиа. По крайней мере, я это вижу, я не знаю, как они там себя чувствуют, по крайней мере, я ни с кем
Starting point is 00:20:09 не общался. Так только пару раз познакомился и сфотографировался. Но вот эту сторону медали я увидел. Я как бы не хочу говорить о других эмоциях, потому что вот эти эмоции, они как бы меня сразу немножко опустили вниз в моменте просто, когда я об этом подумал.
Starting point is 00:20:27 И вообще, то есть гордости во мне, за меня никакой не было, когда я поймал себя на этой мысли. И сейчас я говорю то же самое, даже когда у меня эмоции остыли, уже прошло столько времени, я очень горжусь
Starting point is 00:20:42 теми людьми, и я их понимаю, что они просто великие люди, я думаю, про них надо больше говорить. and he's going to repeat himself again. During the moment when he was in the college team, as he was performing an exercise, all he could think about is the division of adaptive athletes or how incredible those people are and how hard it is for them to compete. As he stands there on his one foot, he could have used his second foot. It was just hurting him.
Starting point is 00:21:21 So that's why he was jumping on one leg. And he just saw the other side of the coin as we say in russian like you almost see the other side and thinking to yourself man must be hard to compete like them of course he's the he was the fittest he's ever been and he prepared so hard and he got an injury it's sad and but he wasn't feeling that like I am I feel so accomplished for like doing what I'm doing I'm so strong I came out here all he could think of is like these adaptive athletes are heroes and like there's never like this amount of people applauding to them at the same time as they were cheering for him and he's so grateful for every single
Starting point is 00:22:02 person in that arena but he just could not stop thinking about the adaptive athletes and that probably what kept him going every single time he thought maybe i should like stop or slow down that's all he could think about is like the adaptive athletes are true heroes and i don't know how you guys feel about it but like the media should really like pay attention to those guys and the stadium should be more filled like do the same kind of like a thing you guys did for roman and like kind of like cheer for them it's awesome Я всегда говорила, что я не могу, я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не могу. Я не могу, я не об этом задумался, когда мне говорили, что я сделал хорошую работу, я даже не воспринимал это всерьез особо.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Мне говорили, Роман, ты чувак, ты вообще сумасшедший, ты сделал такое, показал такой дух. Я такой, ну окей, если вы так видите, то да, я как бы не против, но вы так видите то да я как бы не против ну вы так видите меня да но для меня это как бы вы если внутри то что я чувствовал для меня это вообще не было то есть никакого там супер супер поступка какого-то когда я просто это наверное не понимаешь когда когда ты полностью здоров да когда ты ты начинаешь ценить когда ты что-то теряешь. Мы начинаем ценить, когда что-то теряем. В принципе, я потерял немного фитнеса, и я понял, каково это. Причем, у меня все было на месте, у меня был небольшой перелом. То есть ничего страшного. those encouragements and the words of encouragement saying how incredible he was he was just like soaking it in and thinking if you say so sure I'm not opposed to it that I've like helped you
Starting point is 00:24:11 somehow like oh you think this of me thank you very much I'm so grateful but in reality you just could only think I still had my leg like I just couldn't step on it. It was just a little broken foot. And I didn't do it. Just like the idea of when you lose something, you cherish it a lot more than when you have it. He was very fit. And then suddenly in the blink of a second, he wasn't anymore. So he was just very down. And everybody kept on telling him that he was a hero,
Starting point is 00:24:42 where he believes that the heroes are those who live with it every day. Like he still has a foot and today he can walk a person, an adaptive athlete probably will never have a foot if they don't anymore. So that's like, he applauds to them. It's incredible what they do. Would he have won if he didn't break his foot? Are we looking at the 2023 CrossFit Games champion? Are you asking me? Sure, I'll start with you.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I'm asking you. Yes, yes, I'm asking you. I think we need to ask you to get to him. Yeah, yeah, both, both. I'll take an answer from both of you. Roman, would you have won? Do you think you would have won the 2023 CrossFit игры, если бы не сломал ногу? Сто процентов.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Я выиграл уже игры до игр. Он выиграл игры до игр. Для себя в голове, для себя я выиграл, потому что я сто процентов готовился, то есть я пожертвовал всем, да, моя семья уехала от меня, чтобы я там... Ну, все, я не знаю кого есть маленький ребенок и через это проходили до что он там очень плохо спит по ночам там да из-за каких-то моментов этих и как бы моя семья уехала от меня мы с женой решили то мне лучше будет подготовиться там одному чтобы я полностью сфокусировался и как бы я полтора
Starting point is 00:26:05 месяца до то есть даже больше где-то полтора месяца я был полностью сфокусирована тренировка то есть я вставал ел и тренироваться приходил восстанавливался опять тренировался ел там спал что было по режиму я понимал что и тренировки были жест, вокруг меня была очень хорошая команда Мэйхом. И до этого у меня такого не было. То есть в том году я готовился совершенно по-другому. И моменты с семифиналом, и с болезнью, там вообще было все по-другому. И здесь я понимал, что я сделал все для победы. И, конечно, все тренируются, каждый может так тренироваться, как я. Но я для себя подумал, что я сделал все для победы.
Starting point is 00:26:48 И если кто-то просто сделал больше меня, да, он выиграет. Может быть, он выиграет, да. Но я был перед собой 100% уверен, что я смогу выиграть игры. То есть я шел, я знал, что я выиграю эти игры. У меня даже не было сомнений никаких. Когда он готовится к игру, в его голове он уверен, что он выигрываю эти игры. У меня даже не было сомнений никаких. now a little bit of a story about something that most people probably won't understand, but maybe somebody could relate, like bear with me and my story of an immigrant, right? So as a parent of a little baby, you know how baby's teething and he doesn't sleep and all of that
Starting point is 00:27:39 stuff. Him and his wife made a decision that she will go back to her family in Russia so he can prepare 100% to the Games. As they did, every single day he woke up, he went to a mayhem. He had a great team around him. He worked out really hard. He didn't cheat one day. He did put all of the work. Every single day was all about training, eating, sleeping, training, eating, sleeping, all he did for months as a preparation in his head. And in reality, to me as well, like he looked really,
Starting point is 00:28:12 really ready and fit and ready to go. He didn't spend any time on doing anything else. And even like comparing to last game, his preparation to the game, it's not even close. Like the team that he had around him and everything that he did towards it was to the best of his ability and the only way that another person would have won if they prepared more so and but but that he broke a foot so he 100 in his mind had the win in his Я 100% уверена, что у него был победа. Я с ним согласна. делать байк и трастеры совместно. То есть последние два урокаута, это просто как будто Бозман сделал, писал их и снизу подписывал
Starting point is 00:29:10 подарок для Романова. Финал, подарок для Романова. this right so we're like i was right there every single second but as we're like limping out to the coliseum floor to hear the last two events as we're sitting there and we're hearing the events it was almost like man like you serious all of the movements everything it was so cool it was perfect for roman it almost felt like adrian bosman said there and they just signed underneath the gift for Roman Krennikoff under each of the exercises and he's born the thrusters the echo bike you kidding me it's like the jump rope the flat pull and we just like we just said they, that sucks. I just remember sitting there like, oh, horrible. Andrew, does he win the games?
Starting point is 00:30:08 Yeah. Yeah. Healthy Roman wins the games? Without a doubt. Wow. The final event had that echo bike in it, and there's no one better than him on the echo bike. And then the one before it,
Starting point is 00:30:22 I've talked to some people at the camp over there and he handles the sled incredibly well. Um, Roman, um, you were also very close to being told you couldn't compete, correct? I was, I was down there and you had dozens of people around you minute to minute. You didn't know what was going on. You didn't even get to like i mean psychologically that must have been crazy it wasn't like they were just like okay go ahead and compete it was like there was endless discussion after each event for between the start and end of each
Starting point is 00:30:55 event there was just endless discussion between many doctors and the crossfit staff on whether you were going to be allowed to compete it was like never ending the conversation Он сказал, что это не знал, что тебе разрешают вообще выйти, то есть как на тебя это повлияло, и что там было, расскажи, поделись вот этой историей, как доктора, кроссфит, как это все происходило. Ну, в принципе, когда мне сказали перелом, да, что вот у меня там, возможно, мне в Африке сказали перелом, мне сказали трещина, да, нам же не сказали, что у нас перелом искали трещина но что типа если ты выйдешь на и не будешь трогать ногу да то есть ничего не случится то есть если ты выйдешь и там как-то на одной ноге сможешь выполнять какие-то упражнения то в принципе ты можешь как бы это делать нежелательно но ты можешь помнишь доктор сказала если ты на ногу поставишь я все скажу на ски на последний ты не выйдешь тоже он сказал что
Starting point is 00:32:07 ты как бы если ты поставишь на свою ногу да то есть и бушка ты сделаешь намного хуже и на следующий момент мы тебя уже точно не выпустим что я ответил да я согласен я буду работать только на одной ноге принципе что я сделал в первом комплексе до которые я делал. То есть, и второй, когда я вышел с первого ивента, мне сказали, ну, окей, тогда иди крути байк и там трастеры, ну, типа, не делай трастеры. И я решил, что, ну, делай минимум
Starting point is 00:32:36 работы, что-то пытайся. Ну, я вышел, пытался, да, крутить байк, возможно бы я попробовал трастеры, не знаю. Ну, я сделал то, что возможно, да, очень благодарен медикам, всем врачам и организаторам, что они выпустили меня и разрешили мне делать, потому что минимум работы не было,
Starting point is 00:32:55 и ты должен был выходить и пытаться что-то делать. Но я выходил, я пытался, все это видели, как бы все было очевидно. То есть здесь только большой респект. looked at it and said, I can see a fraction on his foot. Like, I do not know if it's a broken, we do not see any, we don't have an MRI here. So we do not recommend him compete. If he puts his foot on the floor and puts the weight on top of it with whatever weight bearing exercise there is, he will have a less rank fracture, like when he had to have a surgery because his bones like open up, you know, on the foot, like, so you'll have to have a surgery my medical opinion is to not go on the
Starting point is 00:33:49 floor and we said well we don't know what the workout is so we didn't even know what the workout is and there's no minimal work required so there was a lot of like unknown we went and we heard the workout and the doctor was very clear said if i if I see you put your foot on the floor during any time, I will not be okay with it. And so if you can promise me you could jump rope on the one foot, then I will okay it, but it's your choice. So Roman had to make a choice on his own. He go, I highly not recommending compete. I highly recommend withdrawing. And if I see your foot on the floor, I will not allow you to go on the very last event. You had to show minimal work required and requirement was nothing. So you just had to show that you are trying to finish the exercise, which then a lot
Starting point is 00:34:39 of people gathered together. There was a lot of talk. It was like, it was very up in the air until the very last minute. And he's very grateful for everybody to allow him compete because he came there to compete and he was willing to do it in one leg.
Starting point is 00:34:55 So that's why I guess because of those people who allowed him to go, we all experienced that incredible moment in the Coliseum. So he respects the doctors. They're awesome.
Starting point is 00:35:06 It was great. Did he have to sign something saying that he wouldn't use his other foot? Go ahead, Hiller. Sorry, go ahead. That's okay. You're good. Did he have to sign something saying that he wouldn't use his other foot? It's just an odd.
Starting point is 00:35:19 You have to use one leg. You can't touch the ground. If you do, you're done. I feel like there has to be something recorded. I will ask him this, but I know the answer. Did you sign the paper where it was written that you can't use
Starting point is 00:35:32 another leg? I know the answer. You didn't sign the paper. No, I didn't sign anything. No. You said no. But he did have to sign something saying he took responsibility for his decision to go out on the floor. That's correct, right?
Starting point is 00:35:48 And then they waited to sign a paper that said you were responsible if something happened to you. Yeah, yeah. I took full responsibility for myself. But I think it's the right decision because I don't want to blame anyone. When you sign a game, you also donate the paperшь бумажку, которую ты подписываешься. Да, да, да. Сто процентов, конечно. might injure myself even death because i read it oh my god he had to sign that anyway so it's kind of includes the same thing and they they just wanted to make sure he's aware of the circumstances everybody keep on telling him what could go wrong and if he in a like an
Starting point is 00:36:39 emotional moment decides to put all his weight on the foot and then something terrible happened they should be they could be your medication so he said i will take the full responsibility and i won't do it so yeah um while i was filming the behind the scenes there were i would hear rumblings coming up the ranks uh through the chain of command up to dave that there were complaints coming from roman that during the run jeffrey adler was um, talking first. I heard it was, he was, he was what they call chirping Roman. And then eventually I heard that he was actually touching Roman that, that Jeffrey Adler actually put his hands on Roman a few times. And I, I tried to inquire about that with, um, with Jeff that's that's not there was some talking and and i think
Starting point is 00:37:27 you can even see it in the bike event you can see he's talking there's some video of him actually talking to roman but the but what i was hearing coming up the ranks and being reported to dave is that roman was angry about it and didn't think it was appropriate is there any truth to that or can can roman kind of talk to us about what happened what the relationship was like between Есть ли какая-то вероятность этого, или Роман может рассказать нам, что произошло, как отношения между ним и Джеффомдлер тебе там какие-то слова высказывал во время бега и даже рукой тебя трогал. Правда ли это? И если... Расскажи нам что-нибудь подробнее по поводу этого, потому что они не знают, правда это или нет. Ну да, это, в принципе, основная тема, которая меня затронула в последний день. И, в принципе, ради чего мы сегодня все и собрались, наверное. and that's why we're here today. I just wanted to say something
Starting point is 00:38:26 so that everyone knows about it. really wanted you guys to hear him out and he wants to share what has happened to him yeah i would like all the details and but i wanted to also make sure i contextualize with the first 30 minutes of talking to him what this actually was going on showing so everyone can understand a little bit of the build-up i hope he doesn't think that i was beating around the bush it's just that it's important to contextualize what the event was what was going on with him etc so so i so i hope he appreciates or understands the build-up to it and and we would love all the details i'm very very curious and i i'm glad i'm glad he made that post i love hearing from him i think the community whether they like what he posted or not loves hearing from him they're so
Starting point is 00:39:21 excited they can say something bad or good about him now they can get their phone out and try yeah от них. Они так взволнованы, что они могут сказать что-то теперь ты им дал еду для размышления, то есть пасти больше таких. Ну, рассказывай все детально, давай. В принципе, да, я выложил это для того, чтобы там какой-то поднять интерес, да. Ну, возможно, в этом есть какой-то плюс, да, я не спорю, да, есть, конечно, обратная сторона медали. Но я просто почему сейчас поднял эту тему потому что у меня была травмирована были такие конечно не очень хорошие и потом я летел в дубай и как бы прилетел в дубай жену не видел очень соскучился мы проводили время вместе вместе, все там прошло, как бы. И когда я приехал сюда,
Starting point is 00:40:26 люди тоже начали интересоваться у меня, что же там случилось, потому что он, ну, то есть Джефф Адлер, он много раз давал интервью по этому поводу, и как бы, как я понял, и, ну, я смотрел эти интервью, и как люди поняли, что он
Starting point is 00:40:42 гордится этим моментом, да, в некоторых моментах. Он гордится, что он так поступил со люди поняли, что он гордится этим моментом, да, в некоторых моментах, он гордится, что он так поступил со мной, да, что он как бы использовал какую-то тактику против меня, там, тактику, то есть не физическую, а вот эту ментальную, и я решил, то есть, сказать свою,
Starting point is 00:40:58 да, как бы со своей стороны поделиться своим мнением, как с моей стороны это выглядело. И поэтому я решил спустя столько лет, прошел месяц почти, чуть меньше, и почему именно сейчас, потому что все эмоции остыли, я недавно только об этом узнал, и люди начали меня об этом спрашивать, и я решил рассказать им об этом. Сейчас расскажу, ты можешь перевести. his wife and kids for about two months when he went to meet them again and he wanted to spend time with them sort of kind of took a time off to himself to mentally just be there present in a
Starting point is 00:41:52 moment with people that he loves very much and then um and now when he came back to uh cook and he's been training and doing his stuff and a lot of people reach out to him and every all the time asking him questions so what happened what happened uh tell us tell us that 5k run etc and he was like uh he didn't voice it whatever and so and then he started like people start sending him clips of how jeff adler is giving uh interviews and commenting on that particular thing and it sounded to him that like jeff was sort like, proud of what he's done. And that's kind of like a technique of mental games where you win it by doing certain things.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And then you kind of, like, put the mantle on your opponent and it works and then you win. And he was like, and he, so he thought to himself, you know, like, maybe I would just like to tell my side of the story. And then you, so you guys are aware of what exactly has happened there. So you hear both, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:54 he's not, he's not trying to like attack or whatever. He just saying, well, if you want to hear my side of story, now he's going to say his side of story. I stopped him. So I,
Starting point is 00:43:03 just because I wanted to translate before he goes on Yes, please. Yes, please And if some at some point Roman can say from the Rocky movie if he dies he dies that would be that would be I'm telling You I'm telling you it's a missed opportunity to from rocky one-liners. I'm telling you it will just overnight overnight Овернайт 300 тысяч подписчиков. свою какую-то агрессию, думал, ну, это его дело, он так делает, то есть он так чувствует, значит, для него это правильно, да, и как бы отворачиваться от него во время игр при всех фанатах,
Starting point is 00:43:54 для меня это неправильно, несмотря на то, что он совершил, да, по отношению ко мне, то есть для него, может, это хорошо, может, он так воспитан или он так считает нужным, для меня, как бы, находясь на соревнованиях в чужой стране, соревнуясь с международными атлетами со всего мира, показывать себя, и на тебя смотрит весь мир, который увлекается кроссфитом, показывать себя как-то с агрессией, даже если у меня это есть, допустим. Я считал, что это неправильно. Почему это неправильно?
Starting point is 00:44:26 Потому что мы подаем пример, как бы, основной пример подрастающему поколению. Понятно, что взрослых там уже никаким примером не удивишь, хотя и взрослым мы можем людям своих как-то замотивировать, но в основном, да, как бы нас смотрят, ну, и подростки тоже, и как бы ты должен подавать пример, то есть ты не должен быть, нас смотрят и подростки тоже. Ты должен подавать пример. Ты не должен казаться кем-то, кем ты не являешься на самом деле,
Starting point is 00:44:52 но все равно ты должен, если ты пришел на соревнования, если ты не хочешь казаться хорошим, если ты плохой, но ты должен быть хорошим именно в этом время и в этом месте, потому что это определенный слот правил, как бы это норма, это спортивное
Starting point is 00:45:08 поведение. И как бы у нас такой спорт в принципе, где говорят сначала на брифинге, что вы должны себя вести корректно по отношению друг к другу, именно здесь на играх и во время комплекса тем более. То есть нам прямо на брифинге, когда мы
Starting point is 00:45:24 в четверг, ой или в среду сели, и нам прямо сразу об этом сказали, и это было прям слышно, и как бы это было очевидно. И ты об этом задумываешься, да, и много писали комментарии там, вот ты там. Ну я так немного почитал в начале, потому что мне было интересно. Сейчас понятно, там уже тысяча комментариев, я вообще забыл про этот пост уже как бы и ты там хоккей к нам приедет там начали люди писать если бы ты в хоккее ты там начал плакаться а если вот это спорт это типа это нормально для спорта но у нас не такой спорт принципе потому что если делает один то другой не может ответить ему тем же самым потому что на него это может
Starting point is 00:46:06 повлиять по-другому и то есть это не нормально у нас если один будет применять физическую до физический контакт я не говорю о ментальном моментально пусть с ментальным как бы проблем нет если к тебе будет применять во время ивента физический контакт, то ты не можешь ответить тем же самым, потому что если ты, ну, как бы ты ответишь ему тем же самым, ты не будешь наравне с ним. Тебе могут проявить уже другой интерес, да, и проявить другие действия.
Starting point is 00:46:36 То есть, может, ты окажешься еще хуже тем, кто первый начал принимать. То есть, это ненормально, что мы бежим, он начал толкаться, да, и я в ответ, и все такие, как в хоккее, ура, давайте, мы все будем драться. И такого нет. И я это прекрасно понимаю, да, как бы.
Starting point is 00:46:52 И он, видимо, пытался меня, но я еще не рассказал саму ситуацию, да, и он, видимо, пытался меня вывести на то, чтобы я ему ответил. Но я как бы, у меня как бы с этим проблем нет с ментальным, Меня вывести очень сложно. И как бы на эмоции.
Starting point is 00:47:08 И в принципе я не поддался этому. И вот эти комментарии, которые люди пишут, вот это меня больше... Типа, это спорт. Даже профессиональные люди, которые соревновались в кроссфите говорят, это спорт. И мне очень понравился один комментарий, кто-то написал, типа, по-моему,
Starting point is 00:47:25 плохо себе представляю, когда Тия Квартуми, допустим, бежит и кого-то пинает и говорит «Давай беги быстрее!» Это вообще абсурд. Или Мэтт Фрейзер, или Чиронин. Представляете такую картину, что Рич или Мэтт или Тия бежит и такие пинают «Давай беги
Starting point is 00:47:42 быстрее!» Какой-то физический контакт такой, это просто, это бы так смешно смотрелось со стороны, я не знаю, как там смотрелось, но, ну давай, переводи, я потом расскажу, что в итоге случилось. You recorded it and translated it?
Starting point is 00:48:03 Is that what you did? It's about froning and Kia. Yeah, there you go. You're going to be my replacement, Hilary. I'm actually very excited. Rosa, it's getting dark. You can't see anything. I'm going to turn on the light because Roman doesn't like my light.
Starting point is 00:48:23 There was a lot. Yeah, you look better. You look good in the light, Rosa. You look good like my light. You're going to be able to hold on to all that? That was a lot. Yeah, you look better. You look good in the light, Rosa. You look good in the light. That's what I say all the time. Okay, let's see. Light.
Starting point is 00:48:38 So he doesn't have any – first of all, he doesn't have any anger towards Jeff Adler, right? So he's been an athlete at the CrossFit Games since like 2018, in the professional sports, 2018. He, after event, he shook his hand. He would always present himself from the best, like, possible way because we were like literally told to do so. Like if you see him, he would shake his hand. He would say, good job.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And like all of that stuff, he would always act in the best manner. It doesn't mean that he doesn't agree with what he did. So in that moment, it was like a lot of people are watching you. So you almost have to understand that now most of the people that watch CrossFit, I ask him why, like why do you do that, etc. He said because a lot of people watch it and what Avi did wasn't right for a reason because uh you have all this uh future generation that is growing up you have all these adults are sitting there looking out to the top athletes so we were told in the briefing on the wednesday right before the games that we have to um act in a sportsman like sportsmanlike conduct is something that we
Starting point is 00:49:42 briefed upon every single game after game the mental games sure like you can trash talk all of that stuff that is totally normal it's absolutely fine like we were told uh like they were told not to do certain things such as like physically um uh like come into contact with the another individual and that's what the in the very end he said it would be very silly to see if a tia Cleo Tummo or Matt Fraser like running around and like poking somebody with the elbow saying, you will go faster.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Like, it's just weird. So for him, for Roman, that was very strange behavior by... So that is what happened, Rosa? That is what happened? Adler did elbow him? Was it aggressive? Was it chirping? I'll tell it chirping was he's gonna tell you
Starting point is 00:50:29 in just a second i'm just okay like he's like a lot so sorry uh so in a way it's like so the behavior that the adler has shown it wasn't it wasn't appropriate and to him this time and as an athlete orman also understands that he has to behave in certain matters because you have a, like, we had an ESPN there. We had kids there cheering for them. So you have to put an example of what you're supposed to be like. And you cannot just, like, as Adler comes to you to shake your hand and you're just not going to turn around and walk away. That's not a, like, they're not kids. They're adults.
Starting point is 00:51:02 They have to behave certain ways, right? And then lots of comments underneath the post that Roman has posted yesterday were included saying stuff like, in hockey, we fight and would you cry, right? So stuff like this. So just a reminder, like, CrossFit is a different sport. CrossFit is a community. CrossFit is something that isn't a hockey, right? So it's like it would have like as a roman would be running if somebody is like poking him so roman can turn around and hit
Starting point is 00:51:30 him right because he's a big guy and then the person would fall off and like or something would happen to that other athletes now everybody would view roman as a bad guy right so and obviously just because roman is mentally just a guy who has been an athlete, he's competed many, many times. It's really hard to get under his skin, truly. He doesn't get angry. I know the guy for so long. I guarantee it takes a lot more than just a little, hey, man, let's go for it, stuff like this for him to be pissed off or go for it he has his team he has his he's trained for like a while he's not a rookie right so he that doesn't work if and the
Starting point is 00:52:15 the part what what bothered Roman is because Jeff or maybe somebody else think that that's the right thing to do during the competition mentally trying to get into someone else's head to try to win don't do it just be fit you know like be fit go out there show the best of your abilities like there's this kind of stuff doesn't bother him you can continuously do that he's going to tell you exactly what has happened just in a second like about that it was just that you're almost proud like jeff was almost proud saying oh that was my tactic and i have succeeded where in reality is like did you know like that he didn't bother him like he it was just weird like why would you
Starting point is 00:53:01 do that in a way kind of so. Now he's gonna go into... Sorry, sorry, sorry. One more thing. DS, Sebon explained yet that jumping rope wasn't heroic. Listen, listen, you fucknut. Nothing, nothing at the CrossFit Games is heroic. Nothing. Zero. Not one heroic thing happened at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Yesterday, I killed a spider in my house that could have bit my three kids. That was more heroic than anything that happened at the CrossFit Games You jackass I cried a tear when he was jumping. I chanted Roman. I didn't, I lost my mind like everyone else in the crowd. Isn't that a fucking enough?
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yes. Okay. All right. I got you. All right. Okay. Okay. What happened? Did he, did he um did he did he did he what
Starting point is 00:54:07 what happened what they don't do that in russia they don't talk shit in russia they talk shit in russia don't they it's not about so here's that i always say there's two things there's unsportsmanlike conduct and there's a trash talk we understand football right we all watch football мы понимаем футбол, мы все смотрим футбол, Роман не смотрит. Так что треш-ток, он хорошо. У нас есть флаг. В конце концов, мы сможем доставать флаг. Так что это не треш-ток. Теперь Рома. Рома рассказывает.
Starting point is 00:54:40 А что он говорит? Я не понимаю. Он говорит, что в России никто не говорит, что друг друга не подкалывают. Я говорю, что есть две разные вещи. Есть подкалывать, а есть ведешь себя неправильно. Я говорю, что это больше ведешь себя неправильно. Поверьте мне, я тот парень, который подкалывает постоянно. Если ты не следишь за сценами и никогда не следишь за Романом, он будет первым, кто будет говорить с всеми. If you go behind the scenes and never follow Roman, he's going to be the number one trash talking with everybody there, too. He's fine.
Starting point is 00:55:07 It's fine. He's mean. I live with him. No. He's the number one to trash talk to you. That is A-OK. OK. OK.
Starting point is 00:55:19 So what happened? What happened that inspired the post? Let me just read. Can I read the post really quick before he tells us what happened? Sure, go ahead. He says, first of all, who translated this for him? Does he say this and then someone translates it for him? Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Does he say this? Okay, okay. This is me. Playing dirty is a thumbs down. Unsportsmanlike conduct. CrossFit is a community of individuals where the leaders are held to a high standard. My professional career started in 2018. I have heard head judges read the rulebook numerous times,
Starting point is 00:55:48 especially General Rules Section C paragraph of the rulebook, which requires all athletes to compete in sportsmanlike manner. The fittest man on earth wins because he is the most physically prepared. If you think you can get into my head with the strategy that your coach and you think will work, then I'm sorry to disappoint you. Next time, I hope you will pay better attention to the rulebook and try to get fitter versus dirty games.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Meaning, Roman saying, hey, you're admitting that you did dirty games, and I don't think that's very sportsmanlike of you. Correct. Okay. What happened? What's the dirty game? The first thing that embarrassed me, of course, is that Окей. Что случилось? Что случилось? Что-то он мне так крикнул зло, очень зло, когда он меня обгонял на втором раунде. Я сначала значение этому не придал, да, особо.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Но что-то там произошло, что-то он мне крикнул. Возможно, я и так, ну, как бы, английский учу, не особо знаю, не особо смог понять, да, если там бежишь и особо там стресс, и как бы не особо как бы пытаешься понять человека, тем более если это не на твоем родном языке. Возможно, он даже кто-то на французском сказал, потому что он знает французский. Но я уже понял немножко, что какая-то агрессия в его голосе была. Но я как бы особо не придал этому значению и даже не задумался об этом. Но потом в субботу, когда мы готовились на бег,
Starting point is 00:57:26 то есть все как бы было нормально. Чтобы вы понимали, я всегда с Адлером и с его женой, ну тренером, да, я не знаю, жену, жену, я не знаю. Тренер, я воспринимался как тренера, да, его. То есть я с ними хорошо общался всегда, то есть мы с ней переписываемся,
Starting point is 00:57:43 да, там, как бы, ну иногда там узнаем, ну она всегда узнает, как у меня дела там. И с ним я всегда общался всегда то есть мы с ней переписываемся да там как бы ну иногда там узнаем но она всегда узнает как у меня дела там и с ним я всегда общался на площадках всегда хорошо по-дружески да то есть у меня вообще к нему то есть от него и такого вообще не ожидал то есть как бы я больше бы от джастина мидерес такого ожидал потому что он со мной очень общается да то есть мы так привет привет все то есть я с ним вообще никогда не общался, а с Джеффом я много где на соревнованиях виделся, у нас такие как бы
Starting point is 00:58:12 дружеские отношения, как бы я считал, я считаю, что они, ну, как бы останутся после всего этого, потому что, как бы, это все прошлое. И когда мы начали бежать, я сразу понимал, что мы побежим примерно с ним
Starting point is 00:58:28 вместе, потому что он хорошо бегает. И я думал, ну, я уверен, что я побегу тоже неплохо. И я знал парня, который выиграл соревнования, ну, выиграл этот комплекс, потому что я с ним в Мадриде бежал. Я сто процентов был уверен, что он
Starting point is 00:58:44 выиграет, а не я, потому что я знал, чтоадриде бежал я сто процентов был уверен что он выиграет они а потому что я знал что он бегает очень хорошо но моя задача была остаться там в тройке в четверке сто процентов тренер мне вообще сказал останется в пятерке и все будет отлично и по ok но я примерно понимал что мы побежим с ним вместе к мы начали бежать он очень странно сначала конечно вот эти все моменты обсуждают. На всех играх локтями толкаются, когда плывут, задевают рукой твою ногу, оттягивают. Я понимаю этот момент, когда это происходит на старте
Starting point is 00:59:17 или на обгоне один раз, или на старте мы все толкаемся. У меня к этому нет вообще никакой претензии. То есть это как бы нормально. Вот этот спорт, я считаю, когда мы все там толкаемся на старте, или когда у нас велики там были, мы там друг с другом терлись колесами, там как бы это проблем нет. Но когда мы начали бежать,
Starting point is 00:59:38 он уже присосался ко мне вот сюда, я не знаю, то есть он как бы прилип ко мне, на русском там присосался как будто как присоска и и бежал рядом со мной и когда мы пробежали на метров двести меня повергло в шок что у меня вот так локтем ударил ударяя по моему локтю получается и говорит и меня еще удивило он выучил видимо специально но это ему конечно молодец он выучил видимо специально слово «go» на русском «давай».
Starting point is 01:00:10 И то есть он толкал меня первый раз и говорит «давай, быстрее, типа давай, faster», там что-то такое. Я такой «ну окей». Думаю, может он по-дружески меня решил поддержать, чтобы я с ним пробежал, чтобы мы оба оказались в лидерах, чтобы не упали никуда. Ну окей, для меня это уже сомнительно показалось. И буквально мы пробегаем еще метров 200, и он меня опять толкает, типа go, faster. И все, и это продолжалось, наверное, весь круг, сколько мы б, наверное, первый круг, я не знаю, сколько мы его бежали, я думаю, там минут пять мы его бежали, да, там пять с половиной. Если ты хочешь, ты беги быстрее.
Starting point is 01:01:03 То есть я не побегу быстрее. Ну, я могу это на английском сказать. Я говорю, я не побегу. Если ты хочешь, то ты беги. Проблем нет никаких. Я старался вообще о нем не думать. Я уже после третьего раза понял, что у него такая тактика, видимо, какая-то. И момент, я тоже подумал, что он хочет от меня ответной реакции.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Конечно, я про себя подумал. Парень, если я тебя сейчас толкну я во-первых массой больше тебя это очевидно потому что визуально видно если я тебя толкнут и просто улетишь куда-то там кусты я не знаю ли там в ограждении это очевидно то есть у меня физики больше я даже и за счет физики смысле вот этой научной точки зрения физики, моя масса превышает его, если я толкну, он упадет куда подальше, по крайней мере, чем я. И я понимаю, что он, видимо, меня на это провоцирует, и как бы меня сложно спровоцировать на какие-то эмоции, потому что я понимаю, что я на первом месте,
Starting point is 01:02:00 и за мной очень большое внимание не только потому, что я на первом месте, а мы все знаем, по каким причинам за мной очень большое внимание не только потому что я на первом месте мы все знаем по каким причинам за мной большое внимание то есть что там наше вообще выступление наше было под вопросом до русских атлетов и принципе что я для себя сразу на моменте поймал такой мысль что я не должен ничего здесь делать и не должен не косячить ничего не, не идти ни против никаких правил, потому что я на первом месте, это явно может быть кому-то не нравится, да, сто процентов, и все сейчас следят внимания
Starting point is 01:02:32 за мной, и чувак просто пытается меня провоцировать на какие-то действия, и самое, что меня вообще удивило, когда мы выбегали снова на газон после первого круга, он начал поддерживать руками публику дал так что давайте заводитесь и а я-то стоял рядом то есть он не отбегал от меня я не мог от него уйти потому что я бежал по короткому пути прижимаясь к этим к заборам самый короткий путь то есть у меня уходить
Starting point is 01:02:59 левее уже не было никуда и он вот так начал делать давай давай и проси меня бить вообще рукой вот так вот то есть меня оттолкнула я ну это конечно смех от меня только смех внутри то есть злости никакой я думаю насколько же это жалко ну для меня это для него может не для кого-то для меня именно то есть за кого-то не говорю за него или там не хочу никого обидеть то есть для меня это настолько глупо то я немного сбавил оборот после этого потому что это была последняя капля как бы для меня того что я могу терпеть то есть я отпустил его вперед даже после этого
Starting point is 01:03:36 момента видно что они уходят вперед и даже намного сбавил я понимал что я догоню потом то есть с этим нет никаких, я особо отпускать их не буду. Там видно, что даже Велнер нас догнал на втором круге. Я как бы специально это сбавил, чтобы уйти от этого, и он вообще меня не трогал больше. Ну так давай переведи, и я продолжу. Что я думаю вообще, какой потом вывод сделал. and then I made a conclusion. that they were together they always talk on field off field with his uh trainer wife partner i don't know who she is really they always exchange messages on instagram they always ask each other how you doing that she even contacted me a couple times asking uh some weird stuff anyways like how are you who who said who talks to you um so he's coach i i'm okay carolyn thank you um i'm really bad
Starting point is 01:04:50 in crossfit sorry so and so let's say roman and um um justin madaris i never talked to each other like they have never talked before so if madaris was next to him and started poking him, it would be like expected. He never expected anything from Jeff, really. So a couple of days prior, like a day before the 5K was a Helen workout. And then they were running and he was like yelling something at him. And Roman doesn't understand English. So he kind of looked at him but didn't understand. He was like, maybe he's just saying something like, let's go, whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:24 So he kind of looked and he was like, whatever. But he literally was looking at him and screaming at him something.'t understand he was like maybe he's just saying something like let's go whatever so he kind of looked and he was like whatever but he literally was looking at him and screaming at him something so he goes weird like whatever so he didn't pay attention so did he finish helen when they started 5k when you start the run you understand that at the run there's a lot of people you guys can elbow each other kind of go through it right so that's a very like sportsman like situation that everybody is aware of right so it right so that's a very like sportsman like situation that everybody is aware of right so you you know that in the very beginning you're going to grab someone you're going to push somebody to just go get ahead also Roman has experience to compete with most of the guys that was in the field right like even the guy who won the event he competed with
Starting point is 01:06:02 him in Madrid and he ran with him and he knew that that guy's going to win this event. So he says he knew that he only needs his coach told him, stay in top five and you're going to be okay. So don't go for it. Like you're not supposed to win this event, just stay like top five. And he just thought things of, I'll stay in the top three and I'll be okay. So my goal isn't to win this event. So I'm not going to try to push it and try to run, sprint, right? That was Roman's thought or this other guy's thought? That was Roman's thought.
Starting point is 01:06:34 So in his mind, when Roman talks to his trainer in the beginning of each event, they come up with a strategy. And the strategy was stay in the top five. And point-wise, you're going to be all right going to a next event. Right. Who's his trainer? Who's his trainer, Rosa? Mayhem, Facundo.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Facundo and Rich as well. So like they all like talking to him. The Mayhem is always around and they're like talking to him, giving him like an advice. So as they start three to one, you start running. You kind of like push each other. You kind of go ahead. just thought all i'm gonna do he knew jeff is a good runner so he's going to stay together with jeff the whole entire time kind of like draft off of him etc like vice versa like he's not gonna let him go too much ahead he's not gonna let him go to pass him but as they start like like first like 100 meters in Jeff almost like there's this word
Starting point is 01:07:26 like it's like a suction cup he just almost like glued himself to Roman and he was running so close and he was like whatever anyways and he was they kind of trying to stay into that like inside like lane right so you kind of like on top of each other he's like stuck to him like to his shoulder it's like sort of like he doesn't really bother Roman he's fine with it he was running and then about like 200 meters in he like uh kind of like pushes him with an elbow to his elbow and he starts saying in Russian words let's go like which is like he had to learn right he had to learn and particularly think about it as he runs next to Roman speak in his native language because Roman didn't understand what he was screaming to him prior
Starting point is 01:08:08 so he goes and Roman just thinks maybe he's just being like you know like he's my like he's my friend like I know him right he's trying to cheer me on and kind of be saying dude let's run together you know like let's kill this workout you know so he goes cool right and he runs with him like kind of doesn't think about anything he's like oh good dude like he's like kind of cheering me up pumping me up like it's great it's like during the crossfit class right you're like bumping somewhere like let's go come on we can kill it you know as he's running with it 200 more meters in he does it again and then he does it again time and he was and he turns to him he goes you want to go go like in english in his broken english he goes if you want like meaning if you want to go faster go like i like i'm not
Starting point is 01:08:51 gonna go like i'm fine um so as he's trying to tell him that he wouldn't leave his side and the very first lap the whole day lap he was running right next to him and the last like kind of a thing that like made roman be like what is wrong with this guy is was they running into the so they ran around the um the back of a field right and then back into a north park and then it was three laps after first lap was they ran inside it was Adler in front with Roman and Adler started cheering the crowd by picking his arms up like this you know like trying to pump up the crowd as he's doing this Roman is trying to stay more on the left side closer to that shorter like lap right and he like brushes Roman with his hand
Starting point is 01:09:37 right as he's driving riding in and he's thinking to himself the only way I can shake off this guy is letting him go forward because if he tries to go faster he's on him right so in that particular moment he said to himself my coach told me to stay in the top five I have my strategy right this guy is being weird like I don't know obviously he wants me to react and as he's running that first 200 400 meters he thinks to himself size wise would you agree that Roman looks way bigger than Jeff and if Jeff keeps on poking him and Roman just elbows him and pushes him and Jeff would potentially fly away so and he thinks here I am my name is Roman Krennikoff i am watched by many athletes so i number one have to behave unlike like an athlete i have to be an example for everybody but also his story includes
Starting point is 01:10:34 something else that other athletes don't have like his origin and that he's competing in the CrossFit game was always under review last year and this year. Due to where he comes from, there's always a chance of people not liking him as an individual. And it's very clear on Instagram. You could tell where there's a lot of like hatred goes towards Roman. And this is. Well, I did notice the second he didn't fit in their narrative, the second he didn't fit in their narrative, all the sharks came out,
Starting point is 01:11:11 which is, unfortunately, very typical of social media. I love Roman, I love Roman, I love Roman. He shows one sign of being human, and all of a sudden the fucking sharks come out and the name-calling starts, and it's like, holy shit. And that is okay. Yo, like like that's like that's fine because we are all different and he understands this and as he's telling the story
Starting point is 01:11:30 but they don't even know the story yet they don't even know the story yet these people are are passing judgment on him without even knowing the story he hasn't told the story yet or he's telling you like i hope i hope this is gonna clarify but i want you to guys understand that. Let's say I am the person not from this country right now. I am an American. I have an American family. I live here. I feel for people like Roman. He is from the country that the athletes are banned to compete in different sports.
Starting point is 01:11:59 We are watching Roman closely. And if Roman makes a mistake, so whatever mistake it is, Roman has to think about things twice. And I agree with him in every single step of the way. We get certain backsplash that isn't like, oh, I don't like you. It's more like, we want you to die. Right, right, right, right. Or next thing you know, it becomes political, and they're like, hey, you can't compete in the United States anymore. You have to do semifinals back and blah, blah, blah. And he's fucked.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Let me ask this. So what I'm hearing is, is that actually Adler did antagonize Roman to the point where Roman felt like pushing him back or talking some shit back. But he didn't because he has this weight on him that's like, hey, I don i i i feel paranoid about having to behave in a certain way because i don't want those kind of eyes on me so is that what i'm hearing right no did no okay okay no roman is a person it will be very extremely hard for you to get into his head he didn't do it because he is a person who is an athlete who understands the rule book and who behaves in sportsmanlike manner i thought you were sort of saying that he kind of wanted to be like face palm and be like get out of here dude all i'm saying all he's explaining is that he could have but he would never do this but in a situation like this let's assume in a different circumstances, let's say you antagonize somebody.
Starting point is 01:13:26 He's like, what if I hit him and he flies over? What would happen? I would never do this. That's exactly the Roman's words. I wouldn't do this, but I could, but I wouldn't for multiple reasons. And the reasons are like, I am an athlete. I was asked to behave well. And three is like, why are you doing this it's more of that
Starting point is 01:13:46 and he's as he's saying the story you could hear in his voice he's he doesn't he's still he's not angry he's still planning on being friends with jeff it's fine right like it's he's going to talk to him they're going to compete again multiple numerous times it's fine this is just his side of a story because he heard him saying it. This is not right like Okay, you shouldn't physically touch someone. We heard this at the briefing Maybe next time just like you not buddy didn't touch him and touched him on accident though He touched him because he was saying to the cheer So let me ask this.
Starting point is 01:14:36 So the reason why Roman wrote that today, made that post, was only because Jeffrey Adler was being proud of his tactics. And so Roman is basically saying, hey, those tactics aren't anything you should be proud of. They and so Roman is basically saying hey those those tactics aren't anything you should be proud of they don't bother me but you shouldn't be proud of them He asks, you did this pose because you saw Jeff was proud of his actions and you want him not to be? It doesn't bother you but you just tell him you don't want him to be proud of his actions When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later, because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one.
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Starting point is 01:16:26 я не знаю, во что бы это вылилось, если бы я лично ему написал, да, и как бы в интернете это лучше лично общаться. Ну, просто я решил, чтобы с этим больше никто не столкнулся, потому что, если я об этом скажу, то с этим больше никто, по крайней мере,
Starting point is 01:16:41 все задумаются, и в ближайшее время это уже не произойдет, и CrossFit Games, в принципе, обратят на это внимание, потому что был такой момент, что и на CrossFit Games я об этом сразу сказал после этого, когда это произошло. В принципе, я этот пост выложил для того, чтобы такого больше не повторялось, что наш спорт, это, это в принципе не про это. И как бы, может быть, я и хотел, чтобы это было про это.
Starting point is 01:17:13 То есть я как бы особо так и не переживаю по этому поводу. Там, где я рос и там, где я вырос, и через что я прошел до кроссфита, да, какая пламя. Для меня это было как бы в принципе в порядке вещей общения между мужчинами, да, где я рос, то есть друг друга толкали, драки в школе там, как бы для меня проблем это нет, я всегда в этом как бы варился, да, там, и крутился, то есть я выступал даже, да, там, по рукопашному бою. Для меня это вообще не проблема.
Starting point is 01:17:49 То, что меня трогает другой мужчина, я не знаю, почему он меня трогает. Может, ему нравится меня трогать, я откуда знаю. Для меня это вообще не нормально. Ты можешь со мной общаться ментально, ты дави меня ментально. Мы с Лазаром всегда перекидываемся пару словами, подкалываем друг друга. Ты можешь говорить мне все, что хочешь, если ты
Starting point is 01:18:12 не задеваешь мою личность, мою семью или что-то. Ты говори про меня вообще во время комплекса, хотя во время тоже нельзя. Говори во время комплекса, общайся со мной у тебя там есть время на это до комплекса зачем ты меня трогаешь я не понимаю вот этого и бежал меня просто весь первый круг ты меня трогал ты зачем это делал что это было типа это было не нарочно, это было потому, что ты был рядом. Потому что я был рядом, я ему говорил, ты беги, если хочешь, быстрее. Зачем ты прилип ко мне, чувак?
Starting point is 01:18:54 Зачем ты меня трогаешь? Я в принципе не хочу, чтобы меня касались. Это то же самое, что если он делает взятие или рывок во время комплекса, и когда он начинает делать взятие, я его так по плечу толкну, скажу, удачи, братан, или что-то там, я не знаю, или что-то, и он начнет рывок гантелей делать, я ему подойду, там тоже руку пожму во время того, как он перехватывать будет. Но я же тебя не трогаю. Зачем ты меня трогаешь?
Starting point is 01:19:17 Вообще, зачем ты ко мне прикасаешься? Тебе кто на это вообще право давал? То есть я понимаю, раз столкнулись, но он делал это на протяжении всего круга. Может он там по-другому скажет, но я от себя говорю. То есть он толкал меня в протяжении всего круга, и в конце
Starting point is 01:19:33 вот эта точка, когда он начал размахивать руками, тогда я уже понял, что это отстал. И я хочу этим сообщением донести тем всем людям, чтобы в принципе вы делаете что хотите ну не надо меня трогать и это правило кроссфита давайте играть по этим если кроссфит games мне завтра напишут роман или нам
Starting point is 01:19:54 всем пришлют сообщение скажут теперь вы можете делать все что угодно с друг другом как в хоккей или в виситом вА, то есть вот этот треш-ток, обсуждать личное, говорить про что-то личное, драться во время пресс-конференции, во время регистрации, устраивать вот эти перепалки, как в UFC. Если за это ничего не будет,
Starting point is 01:20:17 ровно всем 40 атлетам ко всем будут одинаково относиться, то тогда базара ноль. Давай устроим это, я не против. Я только за, потому что это люди любят это смотреть, это интересно, когда кто-то между собой устраивает какие-то разборки. Люди привыкли видеть вот эту плохую игру. Если это будет правило и ко всем будут одинаково
Starting point is 01:20:40 относиться, как в UFC или как в хоккее, тогда окей, я буду с этим играть. Но когда к тебе происходит физический контакт, и ты не можешь на это ответить, потому что это не про это, да, и ты не знаешь, что с этим будет. Может вообще скажут, что ты
Starting point is 01:20:57 первый начал, да, и ты никак не докажешь. И я просто вот этим постом решил донести не только до него, а до всех, чтобы просто, я не знаю, как ко всем, просто все вокруг, вот это тоже обязательно, Роза, скажи, все вокруг думают, что CrossFit это friendly, да, все там, о, там, мы ты друг, мы комьюнити, там, может быть, в залах, да, да, это происходит, да, ну и CrossFit Games типа нас нас показывают, мы все дружим. Я дружу со всеми атлетами. Вообще для меня все атлеты очень хорошие. Я к ним вообще никому не отношусь как-то привзято, можно сказать. Для меня не важно, выиграл ты меня или проиграл.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Ты одинаково для меня на одном же уровень и как и все но я хочу чтобы люди знали что вот такая ерунда произошла что вот так вот это правда ерунда я не хочу из этого раздувать и как бы это просто произошло и чтобы не казалось так что он там меня в конце там по при поддержал когда я на скакалке прыгнул, он был рад меня поддержать. Просто хочу, чтобы люди знали, потому что сюсюкаться за спиной друг у друга, кто-то кого-то на велике толкнул, потом никто об этом не говорит свои обиды или свое мнение, и они ходят между собой обсуждают.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Или на беге кто-то кого-то толкнул и там у тебя какая обида ты в принципе можешь высказаться да в этом же нет ничего такого я высказался он высказывался до интервью а я высказался по-своему я отметил его я просто хотел чтобы все знали его тренера потому что это его тренер и отметил его рол ровно как тренера, не отметил его как девушку или еще, потому что мне тоже комментарии какие-то начали писать. Я ровно отношусь к ней как к тренеру. Для меня вообще не важен пол там какой.
Starting point is 01:22:55 И, в принципе, вот этим я хотел доказать, чтобы люди говорили и общались с друг другом, и, в принципе, соцсети для этого созданы, чтобы никто не говорил друг другу за спиной какие-то вещи вещи в лицо там улыбаться а потом с другим кем то обсуждать что вот он со мной так поступил на играх это вот вообще плохо я конечно не буду называть имена и это присутствует просто я хочу чтобы все об
Starting point is 01:23:19 этом узнали чтобы все были у всех были открыты глаза и все мог и у каждого было слово и право высказаться. Тем более мы живем в Америке, свободная страна. Мне сразу говорили все, ты приедешь в Америку, это free country. И я, конечно... Для меня это самое важное, что я могу высказаться, и здесь все воспримут это нормально. И вот этот пост про это, там особо, я увижу Адлера на соревнованиях, где-то в других будем соревноваться сейчас после этого.
Starting point is 01:23:54 Для меня вообще никакой претензии к нему нет. Я просто хочу, чтобы он знал, и все знали, что меня не надо трогать. Пусть трогают других, если другие молчат и ничего не пишут. Меня не трогайте, пожалуйста. Это нельзя делать. Я могу вам ответить, но по правилам я не могу вам ответить. Если вы хотите со мной попадаться, давайте там
Starting point is 01:24:13 где-то в другом месте мы с вами встретимся там и без базара вообще мы с вами там совершим физический контакт. То я как бы с мужчинами физический контакт как бы не особо приветствую поэтому джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо джо запомнила все вот все на полу сейчас тоже спрашивает. как-то на это все запомнить огромную я знаю очень долго я знаю что с карте я запоминаю очень много
Starting point is 01:24:47 айв дан дэсс фэр лайка ласт 2 years i really good at this драма ролл вайс и doing this the question was the reason why he's doing this is because he wants you to know number one right he wants you to be aware of what has happened what you said it's not wrong right so something has happened that he wants the people to know. He wants to do it his way. He didn't give any interviews or whatsoever. Adler gave interviews and told why. His side of the story to the podcast, to you guys, and whatever other outlet.
Starting point is 01:25:20 I don't know. So Roman decided to do it his way, the way he does it. He goes through the instagram he posts on his social media about his thoughts and ideas of like how he feels right so overall the um the contact you as you're saying it was an accident of like brushing on but like he you were not there he was Jeff was there Jeff has said his side Roman's telling you how he felt and then he wants you to be aware of this as he was running the guy was touching him Roman is not big fan of being touched but he he's like I'm doing my work why are you touching me he keeps on telling him go go like you go like stop like stop this and jeff wouldn't leave so he's aware of the fact that roman isn't
Starting point is 01:26:14 liking it he actually as he's running voice to him you may go but jeff kept on doing this pursuing it and only when he slowed down je just went on so this is him telling you what happened what you do with this is up to you he believes that in a in the internet in the social media when you say something people then pay attention to it when he voiced these two CrossFit games CrossFit game listened to him, they took a note, they said they never encounter anything like that, so they don't know how to deal with this. Maybe now that Roman has talked about this, it won't happen in the next few more CrossFit games, right? But if you don't talk about this, it won't be like out there in public. You have to be aware of what has happened you have to make
Starting point is 01:27:06 decisions what you want to do with this and how to act upon it if it's a hockey if it's a UFC and all the 40 athletes will receive an email from the head judge saying from now on you guys are more than welcome to use any kicking pushing and punching that is totally fine then every 40 athletes will have a choice if they would want to do it that's a rule book but the rule book says you cannot do this and what was done to him was written in the rule book you cannot touch an athlete you cannot do this and the head judge asked straight up because i just want to like a trace like as i was standing in translating what roman was saying i was asked did that impact his performance as i'm translating this to roman roman goes yeah i had
Starting point is 01:27:45 to let him go forward for this to stop after full entire round i thought the only way i'm going i try to go faster he keeps so i mean i'm trying to go a little slower he keeps on going and as i let him pass only then it has stopped so you are he's not like he it's fine it's your strategy it's great and you think it's normal it is not normal it's in the rule books please somebody like do not touch me and then like another person if you're doing to another person another person might not say anything but he decided to say something he does not like to be touched if you want to have some physical contact together with someone you should be asking them permission and again he said free country right now free country of a
Starting point is 01:28:25 speaking out your voice that's what he does that he uses instagram to speak out his mind and be honest about what has happened and it's like he uses it as a platform to tell his story and he's he's he stands up what for what is right and one of the main important thing he told me to translate and not forget to translate is that everybody view CrossFit as a community. A community of athletes who are cheering each other, who's always there. And they're so friendly, hug each other, shake each other's hands and all of that thing. It's sometimes not quite that. He loves and respects every single athlete.
Starting point is 01:28:59 He talks to them. He doesn't have any hard feelings towards anybody. He sees Jeff next time. He'll shake his hand. He'll do the trash talk behind. He'll do all of the same things have any hard feelings towards anybody he sees jeff next time he'll shake his hand he'll do the trash talk behind he'll do all of the same things no hard feelings but he's just asking out there community please do not touch me when i exercise or like is it normal if during the cleaning jerk i would come over and smack you in the back and say good luck brother like right about when you're about to lift the barbell so if that is normal to like come over to someone and just say it in their native language or just in any language go go go
Starting point is 01:29:35 come on come on and just accidentally smack them with a some he's smacking and they're not just saying no as i'm saying would would that be appropriate would that be appropriate if anybody could come to you during during the time when you're about to perform an exercise and physically touch you that is not so and just because they are running you can see there's no judges so now it's up to you to behave in a athlete like manner like there's there's the reason why there is that ruling you act like with a sportsman like conduct do not do this and so read this and next time please do not use that against other athletes maybe that has happened before and other athletes were not so comfortable addressing this issue and speaking
Starting point is 01:30:25 up about it maybe he's the first person who's going to be speaking out about it this is a matter that it should be paid attention to and it's very important that people know about this and he's asking um for like the reason he made this post is because he wants everybody to be aware of that there is a situation that this kind of thing occurred and that is not all right, but he's not having any hard feelings. He's like, not like angry with anybody.
Starting point is 01:30:52 He just, it's, it's good for us to have this kind of conversation for us to have this communication about stuff like this. So in the future, it doesn't happen because you can hurt someone. Like what if he trips? Let me ask you, it sounds like he's over it.
Starting point is 01:31:09 It sounds like Roman said what he had to say. He's over it. He's not looking for any resolution from Adler or CrossFit. Like, does he want a meeting with Dave and Adler behind closed doors where they talk it out? Like, or? No. Okay. He said this in the very beginning.
Starting point is 01:31:24 He thought about contacting Jeff and like in person through messages. Он сказал это в начале, он думал о контакте с Джеффом в личном мессенджере, но это странно, он пытается получить телефон и говорить с ним. И даже больше я хотел, чтобы не только с ним в итоге поговорить, а пользу, чтобы я ему донесу в этом посте, почему я ему лично написал. И еще всем остальным сразу. Да, и другим. Вы должны понять, что он не чувствует, что он закончил, и все. Он просто хотел сделать пример для будущего. Даже если вы не Джефф Адлер, вы еще один человек, который думает, что это правильное, чтобы действовать в такой ситуации.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Может быть, этот конкурс и эта консультация с вами выгонят вас от того, что вы делаете. to behave in such a matter maybe these particular posts and this conversation with you guys will prevent you from doing something like this because in the future maybe now the crossfit will know that those things occur and it will believe me it's not this like i'm like this whole entire station's like we're talking about i'm thinking to myself like i hope it changes something. And, like, and this is, it's, to me, the voices of people like Roman should be, like, not used, but, like, kind of led to a right direction. And I think he's doing the right thing. That's just my personal opinion. He's giving feedback. He's giving feedback.
Starting point is 01:32:39 And this is a very important one because in CrossFit, all we see the little videos that we see of people competing on the stage, you know, you do not see what's happening behind the scenes. So that is a little bit worrisome. You know, trash talk is fine. Like, it's fine. Like, everybody have a trash talk. It's fun. It's boys and they're being boys.
Starting point is 01:33:02 And very weird for me to be there I honestly sometimes I'm just like oh my god why but then it's more like and you're an athlete please behave such a man that was that and it wasn't it wasn't just for other it was for everybody out there in classic community like there is a rule book please read it and behave with sportsmanlike conduct. Andrew, you get one question. Use it wisely. Does he make that post if he wins the games?
Starting point is 01:33:32 Do you make that post if you win the games? Of course. 100%. Oh, okay. Do you think everyone responds that differently? Can you ask him that? Do you understand? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:47 I was wondering... No, no, go ahead. I'm just letting him keep in count. That's two questions. I'm going to take that out of your paycheck. Go ahead. He asked it... He said, did you understand that people have different reactions after this question?
Starting point is 01:34:00 He hasn't finished yet. He'll ask something else. Would there be different reactions if I won or if I didn't? были, если бы я выиграл, если бы я не... Нет, что ты знаешь, что после этого поста ты получил две разные реакции. Не был такой тепло, молодец, там было две разные. Да, конечно, мне как бы... Пусть говорят, я еще раз говорю. Это просто у них есть свое мнение, там открыты комментарии, да, я их не закрыл. Я мог закрыть комментарии, и люди бы вообще там у себя бы где-то обсуждали. Я с удовольствием...
Starting point is 01:34:27 Чтобы ответить на вопрос, он оставил комментарий открытым. Для того, чтобы ответить на вопрос, вы можете всегда поделиться своим мнением. Да, пусть обсуждают. Да, я как бы дал повод для обсуждения, и это есть повод для обсуждения это есть повод для обсуждения потому что даже даже кроссфит games мне сказали когда об этом рассказал мы никогда с этим не сталкивались и мы никогда и мы даже не знаем что с этим делать роман они мне вот так отвечают мы никогда с этим не сталкивались и мы не знаем что с этим делать я говорю так давайте тогда я буду отвечать и мы тем же. Но я говорю, я не хочу ему отвечать тем же. Если вы мне разрешите, я буду отвечать ему тем же.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Они говорят, нет, мы очень тебе благодарны, что ты не ответил ему тем же, но мы не знаем, что с этим делать. Давай будем просто наблюдать. Ну, окей. No? Okay. And as I mentioned before, he has brought this up to a CrossFit Games head judges to hire people in CrossFit. I don't know many of people's names, but they kept on coming in and we kept on talking with a lot of people. And as it was going on,
Starting point is 01:35:39 they quote was, this never has happened before. We do not know what to do with this. And Roman asked so can I hit him back is that all right and they said we're very grateful that you didn't do it so please uh don't and we appreciate you doing so and he said all right but and then what are you guys going to do in return they said we are notified the security and everybody and judges kind of like to watch around we had the conversation with Adler and his coach on the side and everybody in judges kind of like to watch around we had the
Starting point is 01:36:05 conversation with Adler and his coach on the side and we're going to make sure that that doesn't happen so from that point on there was like a an eye on him and um I kind of like just because Adler was second right so I kind of like or then he was first you know kind of like I kind of stood next to Roman just in case I would see anything so they allowed me to do that too so like in a way I Я стояла рядом с Романом, чтобы я не увидела что-то. Они позволяли мне это сделать. Я хотела остановить это поведение. И они это сделали. Но ничего не получилось, потому что это никогда не произошло.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Это открытая комментировочная сессия. Вы можете сказать что угодно. Он хочет, чтобы люди знали. Я не знаю. бы особо у меня вот что у меня там выиграл поднимать вот эту тему из четырех очков да что я там на него у меня выиграл если бы он там этого не сделал я бы выиграл это конечно если бы я прибежал там 30 из-за этого а он вторым а я 30 да вот это бы был повод. Я там проиграл из-за него. Мне вообще без разницы. Просто я за ним прибежал ровно. То есть как бы эти 4 очка на меня вообще не повлияли. So in a way, he didn't drop 30 points. Is that sarcasm? Is that sarcasm? No, it's mine. It's just me. Oh, okay, good, good, good. I'm just, I'm talking my own way.
Starting point is 01:37:47 I just want to be clear. I like it. I like it. Yeah. So he, Roman is like, he's laughing this out. Like he's over it. I get a little bit emotional because I'm a woman. We do that sometimes.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Anyways, so he didn't, he only lost four points in the whole entire, the strategy of Davai Davai elbowing, right? So he didn't drop 30 points. He didn't lose by much that event either. So a lot of people are like, oh, you're a sore loser. He didn't lose that event by a lot to try to find justification of why he lost. He got third after Jeff. So it's fine. He's not a sore loser.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Again, this is all to bring a light, not a light, bring attention of people to the situation that has happened. Maybe it has happened to somebody else as well. And it's a good thing to talk about. And he wants to talk about this.
Starting point is 01:38:40 And I'm great. He is talking about this. So let me sum this up. Let me see if I sum this up. Adler was chirping to him, running close, trying to get into his head, trying to take him out of his game, trying to get him to run faster than he really wanted to run as part of his strategy, try to get Roman to burn out, to come out too fast.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Then when Adler did that raise hand thing to make the crowd noise louder, he should have had the situational awareness to know that like, hey, you're in my fucking space, buddy. You've been chirping me the whole time. You're riding on my fucking ass. I can smell your bad breath. And now you're doing this and touching me under the guise of raising, making the crowd louder.
Starting point is 01:39:19 But what you're really doing is you're using that as an excuse to hit me. Is that like i'm trying to understand but he tries to tell the whole story in some tables he says that you say that adler clung to you that you're even so close that you can feel his bad breath Вонючее дыхание на себе. И что он всю дорогу тебе что-то говорит, что-то тебя толкает. И что когда он забегал на стадион, он должен был прекрасно понимать своей головой, что ты находишься рядом с ним. И размахнуть руками, немножко понимать, куда он махает руками, чтобы тебя не трогать. Но он специально тебя это трогал, что ты веришь в то, что это было сделано специально. Да.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Корректно. Окей. Когда он будет соревноваться с Rogue? Ты поедешь на Rogue? Не знаю. Может быть. Может быть. Хорошо. И он будет хорошо проводить время на шоу?
Starting point is 01:40:20 Он будет снова выступать? Тебе нравится это шоу? Ты вернешься? Я думаю, нет. Ты вернешься? Я вот этим сейчас пожертвовал, сижу тут, рассказываю о какой-то перепалке с двумя пацанами, которые один другого локтем толкал, и как это все мне не понравилось. Еще раз, это не об этом, это о том, и я к этому не вернусь, потому что я больше не буду жертвовать личным временем, семейным. Я хочу сразу, ну, может, перевести, я напомню. Посмотри на этих хернях, которые не имеют профильных пикселей, они только те, кто говорит нет. Отойди оттуда. Пожалуйста, Роза, я ополчаюсь. I want to know right away. You can translate it. what he just said so you don't have to hear this no i'll hear it i'll hear it i'll hear it go ahead go ahead yeah he goes i appreciate your time but no he's never going to come back he sacrificed his time of bathing his son and playing with him so he's been here for an hour and 40 minutes telling you the story about two dudes rubbing each other and like it's so weird he does not
Starting point is 01:41:42 want to talk about this ever again right right okay perfect he he wants to know this was with an intention to bring awareness to this there's no hard feelings he's not upset and no the next time he comes on we won't talk about this at all. We'll talk about fun stuff, kids and raising kids and all that stuff. Now you have to talk to me and his wife about that, okay? Why are you talking to him about this? Well, he's saying, honestly, like a lot of people have questions, and they send him DMs, you know.
Starting point is 01:42:17 He felt responsible. He has a good fan base, and he appreciates all of you guys. And you, as well as like a media people, like you do a great job. So he felt like a responsible to tell you the story because you guys all asking questions. You obviously are curious and he wanted to pay a little bit time to you guys.
Starting point is 01:42:37 He doesn't do this kind of much often. He's very like a family guy. He's going to be spending more time with like, if you, your show is about like 10-15 minutes maybe okay good yep next time we'll limit it to eight one one question sorry i apologize hillar's a chatterbox sorry i got one more that's cool yeah go ahead one more one more it's a rumor i've heard a rumor i heard that roman talked to crossfit after the run and he said, hey guys, he's been giving me a hard time.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Can you knock it off? And then I heard that on the requisite, like the following event, which was the intervals workout, where Roman had an issue on the floor and there was a translation and he had to do an extra box jump over. He was frustrated, ran to the row or two early. Afterwards, Adler was giving him a hard time in the warmup area or the cool down area at that rate. Он был расстроен, он подошел к ровному слишком поздно. После этого Эдлер дал ему тяжелый час в тепловой области.
Starting point is 01:43:27 Или в области кулдауна. Есть ли что-то в этом отношение? Что было после того, как Роман говорил с CrossFit? побежал на рой и потом когда вернусь такой там а для того чтобы там пока молочи то тебе говорил на кулдауне к ты сидел на релике нормально это это было правда что там после этого ивента это нормально все друг друга подкалывают ну да после вентов конечно ну я никого там особо не подкалываю да понятно он подходил там ко мне после бега говорил там даже видео есть есть что мне снится там будет сегодня ночью там или что-то он еще мне там после байка я особо там
Starting point is 01:44:23 его как бы не слушал и после интервала фон там подходил мне я после интервала вспомнить и сидел на на велике с собой же не разгар потому что мне не что-то он говорил по моему или после интервала это во время я помню когда было с мешком пришла с мешком тоже да да с мешком тоже что-то говорил. Но после интервалов я уже стояла между двумя, я не думаю, что нам он что-то говорил. Хотя не помню. С честностью, это нормальный треш-толк, люди общаются друг с другом. Да, может быть. Я лично не помню, что я сказал. Я не думаю, что он сказал что-то, но я помню, что он встал из санбэка, и он не видел Романа, и он встал перед ним.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Он был такой, что он не видел меня там. И после раунда он был такой, что он увидит меня в своем мечте сегодня. Я думаю, что Батери-бро были вокруг, и он был такой, что он не знает, почему я... Может, ему там понравилось сильно, он пытается свое внимание... Он видел его в мечтах? Maybe he liked me there, he's trying to get his attention. Did he see him in his dreams? He's just saying maybe Roman is a very attractive man and just really likes him. Has anyone ever told Roman he looks like a turtle that's out of its shell? No.
Starting point is 01:45:45 I'm still afraid. Вылезай из своей козыры. Нет. Я еще боюсь, самое страшное, что этот парень, который в синей футболке, я еще не совсем запомнил его имя. Я очень переживаю, что он когда-то снимет мой ноурэп где-то и выложит к себе, как я там неправильно был. Мы с женой вчера разговаривали,
Starting point is 01:46:02 он говорит, наверное, ты даже больше всего... Картунный пирог, дай мне картунный пирог, хорошо. Не такой жуткий, который на левом, это милый пирог. Это хорошо. Вот такой вот. И да, я хочу, чтобы мы с женой вчера разговаривали по этому поводу. Он говорит, мне кажется, ты трясешься из-за этих ноурэпов всегда, наверное, благодаря вот этому парню, который всех выкладывает, а там, я вообще, мать, боюсь к нему попасть. good he's actually thanking you this is incredible he's saying he's so petrified to end up on your
Starting point is 01:46:48 channel with a no reps so makes him do his reps perfectly and his wife was joking about that so he's she's saying i think you should uh in the end of the show i have to say andrew thank you so much because of you i do my reps um thank you you're the man, Roman. Tell him thank you. Tell him I had to ask my mom to take my kids to tennis and jiu-jitsu today. So I also, if misery loves company, I also missed this. And I did that for him also. So I really appreciate it. And I'm always here if he wants to come on.
Starting point is 01:47:19 And the show is massive today. It's one of our biggest nighttime shows ever. And I do appreciate Roman coming on and doing that for the show. Thank you. He said he also donated tickets to the training with Jiu-Jitsu. His mom asked his kids to take them to the most massive show. A lot of people joined them. They really want to thank you. Are they watching us online now?
Starting point is 01:47:40 Yes, I think so. Everyone is watching us online right now. He's asking, I'm like, I think so. Yeah, yeah. Will it be posted somewhere later? Will it be saved somewhere? It's on, we stream live to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, and Twitch. It's all live on all of them right now. There's over a thousand live people watching now. Just so he knows, there's a thousand people watching now, or eleven hundred or something. So, taking this moment, we want to say hello.
Starting point is 01:48:29 taking this moment and realizing how many people are watching us i'm going to say hi to this one person he's incredible the only reason i love crossfit games is the community of volunteers who are behind the scenes are so incredibly great and they work so awesome our dr sean is incredible human being who reacted so quickly who've done everything in his power to help roman i am so in awe with every single volunteer but one in particular is angel he is her name is probably the best to describe her she is an angel she's incredible all of the volunteers at the CrossFit Games work so greatly and they um attitude and what they did throughout the whole entire week I was there for master athletes I was there for teenagers I was treated equally as great by every single person there no matter if I'm with Roman or the other Russian athlete that I was translating to so a big like thank you for every single person now and every single person who was there and Я хочу сказать спасибо всем, кто здесь ради этого, благодаря этому посту, которого я опубликовал, я хочу сказать всем людям спасибо, кто от него реагировал. Почти 9000 р мимо, обратили на меня внимание, потратили на меня свое время драгоценное, конечно.
Starting point is 01:50:09 Я вам не советую в следующий раз этого делать, потому что лучше займитесь чем-нибудь полезнее, по крайней мере, чем писать какие-то плохие вещи. Ну, хотя это ваше право, но мой совет такой. Ну и, в принципе, да, спасибо вам, друзья, что согласились поговорить со мной. Это для меня первое интервью, откровенное про игры. Первый опыт. Я очень рад, что это произошло с вами. Всем спасибо. Всем привет, кто смотрит и болеет. И последнее скажу, что кто за меня переживает, что я там сломал ногу, да, там, и сейчас какой-то, может, там, в эмоциональном упадке, хочу напомнить, что мне не давали визу там 4 года подряд, потом там случился ковид, я там получил визу, там, доехал до игр, потом еще много всяких обстоятельств со мной произошло, да, и то есть для меня, то есть нет ничего в этом такого сложного, то есть вы можете не переживать, я в полном порядке, в следующем году я на позитиве, в следующем году вернусь замотивирован, как никогда, и никто не переживает. every single person who's been supporting him he's absolutely grateful for your support and if you're worried about his foot he wants to remind you he didn't get a visa for four years to united states of america he went through a covid through a bunch of other stuff that to get
Starting point is 01:52:14 to united states of america he has missed the birth of his own son he has been sick and had to travel all over the world to uh compete at the last year. And he's going to be fine. His foot is fine. He's going to be training. He's all positive. And he can't wait to see you all guys next year at the Classic Games. Thank you, guys. Thank you, Roman.
Starting point is 01:52:36 Thank you, Rosa. Thank you. Thank you. We'll be sending you an invite for tomorrow night. We only need two hours tomorrow night. Thank you. Tomorrow, only two hours, I guess. night we only need two hours tomorrow night thank you uh hillary i mean andrew you would um take over the translating part so thank you very much thank you thank you thank you all right roman
Starting point is 01:52:55 good night thank you thank you too All righty. My takeaway is that Rich and... Thank you. It's getting claustrophobic in that shirt. My takeaway is that Rich and Facundo are his trainers. That he actually does have a coach. That all that stupid talk is he doesn't have a... I mean, he wanted to emphasize that Rich was his coach. He did, yes.
Starting point is 01:53:25 He did. What else did you pick up? That's it. That's the only thing. I summed up the whole thing. Basically, Adler was jockeying him and fucked with his little peanut a little bit. And then when he did this thing, he obviously did it on purpose to brush him. And that just kind of pushed him too far.
Starting point is 01:53:43 And he just, I don't know he thinks that it's the right thing to do is to um talk about it i i uh it was rather um i don't know do you have an opinion on that yeah i do do you do you feel like opening it up uh no i no, I'd like to wait two months. I'd like to wait too much. He, he, he said to me,
Starting point is 01:54:08 uh, he basically said he wanted to wait two months. He, um, I'm not a hundred percent sure that I understand the situation, believe it or not. Even after an hour and 52 minutes, what do you not understand about it?
Starting point is 01:54:21 Like that, that culturally there might be, well, tell me what you think happened. You tell me what you think happened. Give me, give me might be well tell me what you think happened you tell me what you think happened give me give me the one minute version what you think happened see now oh that was tough that was really tough for me because i had so much to i don't know i've never dealt with a translator before but i i've heard a handful of things i tried to get to it with that question which was that there's more to it than that run but he really only kind of opened up about the
Starting point is 01:54:49 run yeah she said something about like hey hi gil she said something about along the lines of like hey they were sending me weird text messages but it's like we're an hour and 52 minutes in like i want to know what those weird text messages were there were lots of questions so the the dudes yelling in russian it seems like it was preconceived. What are we going to do to mess with Roman? You don't even learn Russian on the fly. Right, but I'm okay with all that. Or maybe he did know some Russian.
Starting point is 01:55:15 Who knows? But maybe he knew Let's Go or Hi. But either way, I don't have a... I don't know. – I don't know. Vodka. Vodka. Karenikov. Everything that – Kov.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Kov. Kafka. I don't know. What do you think – so tell me what your takeaway is from this. is from this i don't think that there is a language barrier but i think people would who have a the opinion that he's being soft i think that you need to take a second put yourself into the shoes of a guy who's had some issues getting to compete at the crossfit games due to a visa got over here there's some preconceived notions that might be going along with that. There's a guy who is competing under a flag that hasn't been allowed
Starting point is 01:56:13 to be thrown onto the games for a couple of years in a row, which comes with some stuff behind it. And does he have a fighting background? Do we know? Looks like a turtle to me. Looks like a turtle to me. I don't know. I thought he had a fighting background.
Starting point is 01:56:31 And if he wanted to, I think he could rip Adler's head off. And I think that he was under control, which in my opinion is the opposite of being soft. If he turns and just like elbows him in the face and breaks his nose, this entire conversation is, and there's some demon who's come to the CrossFit Games to destroy everybody. Sorry, did I say Ed? I meant Roman. Roman.
Starting point is 01:56:56 Roman elbows Ed there in the head. So when he's saying those things, are you reading into it? Like when Roman was saying those things, like he did this. Which words was Roman saying? The ones that roman was saying those things like he did this saying what which words was roman saying the ones that wrote right right the words that are are you reading into it at all yeah okay trying to parallel with things that i may have heard and i'll get a little bit more confirmation on that i didn't get much of it by the way you didn't get much of what the russian information on things that no i didn't get much of it by the way you didn't get much of what the russian information on things
Starting point is 01:57:26 that no i didn't get any of the russian but i had heard some things such as there was some jabbing in the back after the rowing event i had heard that maybe even adler had come up to him and put a hand on him and said some stuff to him in his native tongue i didn't really i couldn't really get to asking him that they're long winded and not very ready Brakes But we don't have confirmation on that So it probably didn't happen Um
Starting point is 01:57:52 I'm underwhelmed Right right right I'm totally underwhelmed too You mean by the information You're still confused why he made the post you're still confused why he made the post. You're still confused why he made the post? I understand why he did it. He said why he did it. But maybe it's just the fact that it could have been said in 40 minutes, but because of the translator, it was two hours. And I was just waiting. I'm like, where is the moment where it's going to be more than this run? Here's the moment where it's going to be more than this run. But it was about the fact that CrossFit didn't know what to do with the information,
Starting point is 01:58:31 where Adler was provoking him or trying to toy with him. And Roman says something, they don't know what to do, and he's hoping something is done, which resonates with me. Because if you don't say anything ever, then it's going to happen again. I don't think he was coming after Adler's character. It didn't seem like it. Roman didn't seem intense at all, by the way. He was laughing. He was jovial. He wasn't like, that motherfucker pushed me.
Starting point is 01:58:54 He was right up on my shit. I didn't get any animation from him other than just like... He had two months to digest it, too. First off, he was in a garage. He wasn't intense. Meaning?
Starting point is 01:59:10 What do you mean? The stupid joke. God damn it, Pillar. Someone in the comments will get it. Oh, intense. No, he seemed calm. He seemed collected. He seemed like he knew what he wanted to talk about.
Starting point is 01:59:23 He really seemed like he knew what he wanted to talk about. We can't go there yet. We got to finish talking about this. Bernie Gannon, the question is where gamesmanship and sportsmanship begin. Yeah. And, you know, I'll take the blame for that. I don't think we got to that. Did you see the video I made today on that? No, no. Is it on your Instagram? The rule book, the CrossFit Games rule book has this entire section about what it means to abide by their... Instagram or YouTube?
Starting point is 01:59:51 No, an entire... in the rulebook. No, where's the video you made? On Instagram or YouTube? YouTube. It's longer, but in there I kind of break it down. I say, hey, CrossFit says you can't do this. They say you can't do this or this, this. Before talking to him, I didn't really get clarification on it. It seemed like there was a point where Roman had tried to say something to CrossFit, and then it just kept on going. And he's like, guys, what the hell?
Starting point is 02:00:14 I told you, and because they didn't do anything there, well, now I'm going to talk about it on social media so that something has to happen, which resonates with me. There you go. Sportsmanship. happen, which resonates with me. There you go. Sportsmanship. And I love the ability of an
Starting point is 02:00:29 athlete to compete on the floor, which everybody goes, hockey, basketball, football. Have you ever seen a cross-country race? They're shoving each other. Wait. Sorry. You can't do that. Hiller, they have the words diversity, equity, and inclusion
Starting point is 02:00:46 in the fucking CrossFit games are you fucking kidding me no why is there a red line through that why is there a red line through that it's the play button it'll go away
Starting point is 02:01:00 and then bring the mouse off the screen I think yeah as the performance arm of CrossFit oh shit let. Yeah. As the performance arm of CrossFit... Oh, shit. Let me see it. As the performance arm of CrossFit Games, have the ability and responsibility to showcase our core values of... Wow! Wow!
Starting point is 02:01:18 Racism. What is that really? Racism, sexism, and what's the last one? Holy shit. Wow. racism sexism and uh uh what's the last one holy shit wow wow that i cannot believe what a fuck what a woke fucking sellout that is do they not understand what that fucking means no they don't i don't oh they know they know there's some hardcore fucking ding-dongs in the camp. Wow. Yeah, misogyny. Thank you. That is exactly what it is. Thank you, Cave Dastro. Wow.
Starting point is 02:01:50 Sexism, racism, and misogyny. Yeah. I didn't know CrossFit Games was about that. I can't wait to have Dave on and ask him about that. Well, to be fair, I think that that was... Dude, it's the least diverse the games have ever fucking been. 2018, most diverse the games have ever been. 2018, most diverse the games have ever been. 2019, most diverse the games have ever been. It's gone nothing but the opposite.
Starting point is 02:02:11 You can't even fucking go to the games if you're from Africa the way they have it set up. It is the least inclusive. The only thing inclusive about it is the fucking open. The leadership has done nothing to fucking make it more inclusive and diverse and inclusive what a fucking joke just fucking cross that line out calm Sevan okay
Starting point is 02:02:40 hey I saw that the Lone Ranger and Tonto talked about this before we went on earlier today. Oh, really? Yeah, the Lone Ranger and Tonto talked about – the Lone Ranger is Shawnee because he likes superheroes and masks are coming back. He loves masks. God, Shawnee loves a mask. And masks are coming back.
Starting point is 02:03:04 Is that right? So he's the Lone Ranger, and Tonto is just Tommy. That's just me. I just think he fits good as a Tonto. The Lone Ranger and Tonto. Look, I just gave someone a nickname. There they are. That's Sean Woodland on the right and Tommy Marquez on the left. I got it. I got it. So the Lone Ranger and Tonto did a show today uh trying to figure out why um what's going on with uh roman yeah i know i know it's slightly racist not the lone ranger part but the tonto part because tommy's like mexican and it's native american i thought i mean i don't know if
Starting point is 02:03:39 racist is the right word but but um but but but lone ranger is a perfect nickname for Shawnee. The Lone Ranger. There they are. How did he do that? What's crazy, so they said later on today, Tonto said later on today, Roman's going to be doing an interview.
Starting point is 02:04:00 But he can't say the name of this show. He can't say, hey, later on. And just so you guys know, later on in the week, Talking Elite Fitness is going to be interviewing Julie Foucher and they're going to be going through a play-by-play of the 2012 CrossFit Games. Don't miss it.
Starting point is 02:04:19 Your favorite woke posse. They'll also be talking about wearing masks. The Lone Ranger and Julie Foucher will be talking about wearing masks. Fucking A. Yeah, I know. All right. I'm going to get it. Okay.
Starting point is 02:04:34 What's the show about? Sorry. I clicked onto that at a couple of points, and I could not stand listening to what they had to say. I really want to give a piece of it, but I just tried to throw it out of my brain that hurt so bad. Sebon, how did you get Roman on? You're the man. Do you want to know how I got fucking Roman on?
Starting point is 02:04:57 You want to know how I got fucking Roman on? Andrew Hiller reached out to me and goes, hey, I'm going to start a thread with you and Roman and Rosa and Sousa and we'll do a show tonight and I said okay and then he's like we'll do it on your channel no that's not right that's right
Starting point is 02:05:13 and I'm like holy fuck that's really cool fucking Hiller to bring that to the show and then I text Caleb Caleb are you going to be there he's like yeah Caleb's always there I take no credit for it it's all Andrew Hiller it's like what we talked about this morning
Starting point is 02:05:32 on the show or a couple days ago on the show there's this like, I don't know what you call it, a consortium or a co-op but there's this group of us that are kind of holding down the fort together, we look out for each other, help promote each other it's unspoken it's not like we have some fucking formal agreement i didn't i had no i had no i just
Starting point is 02:05:52 had a contract that said if they're in the top 10 they go to his channel my dude got one fucking the lone ranger i can't even fucking believe you guys you still can't say oh hey go over to the sevon podcast and watch the show you know what dildos you guys sound like when you do that i know what tommy said why do you think that they do that why why would why would you not be able to say hey guys just so you know um from our talking elite fitness Whoop Noble studio. If you want to see an interview with Roman Kranikov tonight, go over to the Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 02:06:29 We'll be tuning in. I mean, I watch your show religiously and quote it all the time. I wonder why you can't do it. I wonder why you can't do it. What? Probably because you call them Tonto. Hey, hey, hey, Tommy and...
Starting point is 02:06:44 The Lone Ranger and Tonto's premise Of their entire show today is what's up with A little shit talking is perfectly okay The Lone Ranger loves a little shit talking He loves masks He's so glad masks are back And he loves shit talking wasn't that the premise Of their show the premise of the show
Starting point is 02:07:00 Was that we like Roman But he's a pussy because He can't handle shit-talking. That was the premise of the Lone Ranger and Tonto show. The thing that I remembered was if you really want to deal with this, you do it behind closed doors, which is exactly why Roman did it. You want to know what I took away from that? It's that exact thing.
Starting point is 02:07:18 If Roman goes and handles it with Adler behind closed doors, then there's the potential that CrossFit never has to do anything about it, and he's trying to make a change at the level of the games about this issue. Like, that guy can't freaking make me finish in fifth just because he wants to scream at me, and I don't want to get kicked out of the competition for murdering him in front of everybody. And I'm Russian.
Starting point is 02:07:40 And I'm Russian. You're a freaking Canadian. How does that sound? How do you like that headline? He did that on the CrossFit Games. He had to wait a month to talk about it. It was like, well, yeah. Are you going to do an editorial on this
Starting point is 02:07:54 on what your perception is of the whole picture? I think you just got it right there. I think you should do a whole editorial on it. This is what you think happened. Sounds like a journalist right there. I don't know what an editorial is. Tomorrow is day 365 for Alan Kesterbaum's 100 burpees a day.
Starting point is 02:08:10 To celebrate, we're going to do 365 burpees for time. Show him some love and post a clip on social. Alright, fine. Tomorrow morning or something. I think tomorrow... I met him. He's awesome. Alan. Kesterbaum? Yeah. Yeah, Alan. I did 100 burpees with him, actually. One day, like, I don't Yeah, yeah, Alan.
Starting point is 02:08:27 I had 100 burpees with him, actually. One day, like, I don't know, 95 or something. All right. I just summed up a two-hour episode in that one minute. Can you sum it up one more time? Sum it up one more time. Roman didn't want to take matters into his own hands because there is a connotation about him as an individual at least he believes and he didn't want to handle it behind closed doors because then nothing's going to
Starting point is 02:08:56 change and he thinks that nothing's going to change because nothing happened as a result of him already trying to address it with prostate. That's what I heard. Hey guys, this guy's messing with me. We don't know what to do. Well, what are you going to do? We don't know. All right, well, I'm going to post on the internet and then everyone's going to know.
Starting point is 02:09:15 So you'll have to do something. It's the premise of my entire YouTube channel. Yep, definitely needs a video. Okay. Definitely needs a video. Okay, okay, okay. Agreed, disagreed, thoughts? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:09:33 Honestly, the difference between me and you is why I like you so much. Because I I'm so Say it again He should have handled it with Adler Man to man, face to face Or in a private chat where no one sees it I don't even have any opinions on that
Starting point is 02:10:00 The only metaphor I can think of Is like I need to be balls deep inside of a girl before i know she likes me and you can tell from 100 yards away if a girl likes you you have the ability to see some things that i can't see and so i knew about it and you're me what alexis liked me four years before she knew she liked me. There you go. You're more comfortable filling in parts of stories that aren't completely clear.
Starting point is 02:10:31 If you see two eyes and a nose, but you can't see the rest, you'll be like, okay, there's a mouth under there. I'll be like, I don't know. I don't know. I can't see it. Fergie Show, I want a jacuzzi with Rosa. Yeah, spell her name right first bro thank you
Starting point is 02:10:55 G-O-F-Y you were at 23.9 for at least a day I know you don't pay attention to that I do You were at 23.9 for at least a day. I know you don't pay attention to that. I do. Wait, say it again. I said, what?
Starting point is 02:11:10 Say it again. 23.9 thousand for a little bit. Oh, 23.9. 23,900. Hey, there's this, you know what's crazy is I'm doing this 24 hours of meat eating, and then today we got a listener of the show owns a meat company. It's called Kick-Ass Grills. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:11:35 Yeah, and they're signing up. They're going to give us money to keep talking shit. Jeffrey Adler, great show. Is that really Jeffrey Adler? No. Oh. No, I don't mean is that really a picture of Jeffrey Adler. I mean, is that really Jeffrey Adler? No. Oh, no. I don't mean if that really a picture of Jeffrey Adler.
Starting point is 02:11:47 I mean, is that really Jeffrey Adler typing that stuff? No. Oh, and actually there was a Dave Castro comment in there too, but it wasn't actually, well, the Dave Castro,
Starting point is 02:11:57 I know, but, but we've had every time. Oh, this is the real Adler. Nice try. I thought it was funny in the show, though. I was looking at those comments. I thought that was great.
Starting point is 02:12:08 Oh, look at Jeffrey Adler in front of the child grooming flag. Oh, they got the child grooming flag in there. That's cool. Oh, no. Not child grooming. Not cool. No, it's fine. I like everyone.
Starting point is 02:12:23 Even if they're confused about the child grooming flag Even if they're confused Oh look at Yanni That's gay Jeff Yeah Whatever What's gay? He had the
Starting point is 02:12:38 What was supposedly the gay flag It's not even the gay flag I don't know any gay people who Wear anything rainbow You ever wear anything rainbow? supposedly the gay flag. It's not even the gay flag. I don't know any gay people who stand for that flag. What? Say it again. Do you ever wear anything rainbow? I really used to wear tie-dye. Yeah, I don't do tie-dye.
Starting point is 02:12:55 Tie-dye has been taken over by D-bags too. That's me. I had the sweatshirt that Alexis bought me this freaking Lululemon jacket so that I'd never wear this sweatshirt that Alexis bought me, this freaking Lululemon jacket, so I'd never wear this sweatshirt ever again. It was just a tie-dye sweatshirt. Oh, she didn't like it either?
Starting point is 02:13:11 I got it at Walmart for like $8. How is your chick? Is she doing good? I've been reading the comments, and apparently she needs water. She's been in the comments telling people, talking to people. She's more mobile than she was last week. There was a week there where she couldn't get up and down on her own. So I had to move her legs around. I have a CEO plus shirt. She, she pees and poops by herself.
Starting point is 02:13:35 You don't have to do that for her anymore. She's been doing that after about a week and a half in. So we're, I think we're approaching four weeks on Friday. So at about a week and a half, she I think we're approaching four weeks on Friday. About a week and a half, she could do all that on her own. Did you wipe her butt for her? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:54 Oh, yeah. You told him about that? Hey. It's all hard. She's got this hip. The toilet seat is higher. She can't sit straight up she's got to sit kind of reclined like this so there's this seat that's here so she's got to like figure out a way to get into the seat like this and it's it's crazy i don't even know where i was going with this, but the toilet seat is high and the one leg is dropped because she had the hip surgery.
Starting point is 02:14:27 Oh, she's here. Hey, let me ask you this. I just saw your body. You're off the sauce still? Yeah, how do I look? You look good. I think you look good. That's because I lost all my water weight. I think you look good. Thanks.
Starting point is 02:14:43 How much do you weigh? I was 194 this morning, which is, I don't know. I had a big meal the night before, though, so I'd say it's two pounds heavy. All right. I have to pee so bad or else I'd stay on for another 45 minutes. Well, Caleb and I will stay on. Thank you. No. kill the house down. Thank you. No. Good night, Caleb.
Starting point is 02:15:12 Sure got a thousand people here, dude. He doesn't need a resolution. Who? I would like to also say that. Roman. That's another important part. You asked a really good question. Would you have done that if you had won the games? He said yes. But another important thing is he's not asking for a resolution.
Starting point is 02:15:30 And I would also go as far as to say he wouldn't have said anything if Adler wouldn't have done interviews. So if it would have just stayed under the radar, he basically was, okay, Adler's saying something, so I'm going to say something. I don't need resolution, and we're still friends. It's not something i would have done but also um you have to understand that i am a lion and i'm a little bit um neutered because of the fact that i'm in a uh foreign country or with a government back home that could kill my family conveniently throw them off of a building. Conveniently.
Starting point is 02:16:06 And the Lone Ranger and Tonto can't say the name of this show. That pretty much sums up this show. Okay. The Lone Ranger. Hey! Sorry, go ahead. No, yours is just better than mine. I like that. That was good.
Starting point is 02:16:21 Oh, thank you. Someone gets heavy a Gatorade bottle. My cock would not fit in Someone gets heavy a Gatorade bottle. My cock would not fit in the mouth of a Gatorade bottle. Nice try, though. Just the tip. Are you kidding? Oh, right, right. I'm going to put my whole dick in the water.
Starting point is 02:16:36 You ever see a rat go into one of those tubes to get away from the snake? That would be your dick. But never mind thank you that's a beautiful picture uh i i um anyway it was good i i also think that the show did this really well i think it put it into context of who roman is i did not like to see it i felt like he was taking a bit of a ass pounding on his instagram. Yeah, he was. It's like, dude, it reminds me of just the woke crowd. Every time they can just turn on their hero.
Starting point is 02:17:15 I don't know. He's a good dude. He's a good turtle. Jeez. You're right. You're right. But now what you said, I love shit shit talking i lost i've told the story before i lost two racquetball partners because i talk shit um i've made my kids cry playing tennis because i talk shit um you know i i i really enjoy shit talking and I, I'm also like a huge,
Starting point is 02:17:45 I support Adler's shit talking. I don't know what to say. Yeah. But I'm also okay with him being upset by it. I'm not upset at Roman for being upset by it or, or not even upset or just being like, Hey, don't do that.
Starting point is 02:17:59 I'm okay with that too. Why does it have to be like other sports they do it in cross country hockey they yell at each other across so you do you would you do you think um do you do you have a side you're on are you like yes that was inappropriate adler or uh roman stop being a pussy. Neither of them are wrong, and they're both right. Is that possible? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think Adler can do whatever he wants. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:32 And I think that Roman can do whatever he wants. And from everything I've heard, Adler did not cross the line. Correct. Caleb, as a doctor and a guy wearing a Nike sweatshirt you must know some shit do you think he crossed the line from what you know no I don't think so I think it's it's like if as if you
Starting point is 02:18:54 were to put do put man coverage on somebody during like a basketball game and you just have one person on that guy like the best defender on your team is guarding Kobe Bryant all day I think that's what jeff jeffrey adler just did he just played man coverage with him on that 5k and he got so frustrated and he was just like fuck this i'm done and he like he slowed up yeah that's that
Starting point is 02:19:16 right um uh patrick clark makes an interesting point here um we are testing for fitness not for shit talking yeah we're not giving an award for shit talking it still doesn't mean it's not okay but I will say this everyone needs to cut that fucking crap out it's not shit talking he's bumping into him and keeping him behind him the whole time uh
Starting point is 02:19:37 interfering with his running I don't know the way I heard it is he wasn't in front of him he was actually behind him but he was running very close to him uh yes because adler i suppose the talking comes it's like hey get up here and then he was bumping into you do sympathize with roman a little bit i'm hearing it in your voice get a little defensive for roman word okay okay um in tennis and in jujitsu you're not allowed to talk during competition well that's interesting yeah you're not allowed to talk but it's in the rule book i'm guessing i think it
Starting point is 02:20:11 said that you're not allowed to do that you can't touch people like you can't hit a ball in tennis like i do this to my kids and they get pissed you hit the ball and and i'll yell in even though i know it's going out but just to fuck with them and he'd be like dude and everyone be like dude you can't do that i'm like what do you mean kyrgios does that and he gets away with it all the time i don't think it's a rule oh really no he during the match he talks during the match wow okay he's yelling all the time okay okay that's why everybody after the match oh i love him okay and injitsu, you're supposedly not allowed to talk too. Like during the match, you're not allowed
Starting point is 02:20:48 to be like, you're fucked or I'm going to choke your ass out. God, you're weak like a bitch. You can't say that. You can in arm wrestling. You can do it. Oh, I know. But like that guy, the whisperer guy. Yeah. That'd be funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:10 No, it's not a bow flex behind me that's a lat pull down machine hey isn't it god they were the the the chat it's crazy how cool the chat is when it's just like the the hardcore group and then when it's not the hardcore group it's just crazy like they're they're like bad notes in a band do Do you know what I mean? Like there's a flow to the chat and then Lilo Dallas multi-pass. Wow. It's not the shit talking. It's him bragging about his strategy, which doesn't seem very sportsmanlike, especially when competing in an international professional sport. Okay.
Starting point is 02:21:41 I'm not agreeing with your I'm agreeing with your analysis. I'm not agreeing with your, I'm agreeing with your analysis. I'm not agreeing with what you're saying is true, by the way, but that is it. You nailed it. That is, that's a good explanation of what Roman was saying too. It's not the shit talking so much that bugged him,
Starting point is 02:21:54 but it's the bragging about it as a strategy afterwards. Yeah. Well said. You know who this is? And I, and I like bragging. I think bragging is cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:05 I remember that outfit she wore. She, she was a bragging. I think bragging is cool. Fifth Element? Yeah. I remember that outfit she wore. She was a braggart? Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon.
Starting point is 02:22:11 Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon.
Starting point is 02:22:11 Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon.
Starting point is 02:22:11 Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon.
Starting point is 02:22:14 Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon.
Starting point is 02:22:14 Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon.
Starting point is 02:22:14 Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. Lululemon. L movie the fifth element wow glad you're good i don't know about that i've just seen that movie enough great movie uh tank reeves two dollars 15 minutes back seven on rant tonto laugh out loud perfect yeah right the lone ranger he loves masks masks are coming back and he loves superheroes i'm sorry it can't be something like the only thing there's only like the next level up from
Starting point is 02:22:42 lone ranger is batman and that's already. Both of them kind of putzes in the superhero world because they don't, sorry, they don't got any special powers. They're just dudes. But, I mean, Batman would beat the shit out of the Lone Ranger and Tonto together, but I'm just saying they're kind of in that same vein. But at least he gets to be a superhero, and you get a nickname from the Sevan podcast now. I know you didn't like Shawnee.
Starting point is 02:23:06 How do you know that? People tell me And I just love it that their whole show Was about a little shit talking's okay A little shit talking's okay Roman shouldn't have been upset about that Oh, okay Well good Do a little shit talking
Starting point is 02:23:22 How we do it It was just a little shit talking how we do it it was just a little misunderstanding like the time when at Taco Bell oh this is gonna be weird I walked up to the counter and said you know what I want and they thought I was robbing them they hit the silent alarm no shit is that true
Starting point is 02:23:38 were you a regular and they were just wow regular cashier wasn't there that's so disappointing car trap supreme And the regular cashier wasn't there? That's so disappointing. Cron Trap Supreme. Chalupa.
Starting point is 02:23:54 I hate Taco Bell. I don't know how people eat at that. I had a friend the other day say that she had gone to Taco Bell, and I think I've changed my perspective on this person. I haven't been there in 10 years, and last time I had it, it was terrible. I'm going to go when my carnivore shit's over. I haven't been there in fucking 20 years, but I used to live there. I haven't been there in 30 years.
Starting point is 02:24:13 Why are you doing 24 hours of meat and why only 24 hours? No, no. 30, sorry. 30 days of meat. Did I say 24 hours? Whatever. Hey, I'm going to let you do this. So there's the Loneanger and then above him is
Starting point is 02:24:26 batman in the superhero world oh where would you put robin hood oh probably below the lone ranger no shit because lone ranger's got a gun yes fuck it i'm calling i'm Robin Hood then no it's gotta be it's gotta be Lone Ranger cause he wears a mask I also like that they're already together okay good why would you even think of Robin Hood it's somewhat Judy thought of him
Starting point is 02:24:59 Judy likes a man in tights now Legolas Lord of the Rings have you seen that movie yeah I couldn't tell I just remember Gollum Judy likes a man in tights. Now, Legolas, Lord of the Rings. Have you seen that movie? Yeah, not in a... I couldn't tell you. I just remember Gollum and the guy with the feet. I could spot that dude's feet.
Starting point is 02:25:13 Everybody in the movie has the feet. They're all the hobbits, dude. I knew how to speak Elvish for a minute. 30 days of meat. cherry tomatoes, butter. Is this what you're doing? I admitted on the fucking show that I cheated and ate some tomatoes from the fucking garden and a slice of cucumber. Dude, what's wrong with you? And it's just like, fuck.
Starting point is 02:25:41 There's nothing sacred. Why? like fuck it's like no there's nothing sacred why if you're gonna do 30 days of meat then you already have it you have to restart the second you have a tomato no I'm good I'm really compassionate towards myself I don't know what that means I have no idea what that means
Starting point is 02:26:01 but Zorro someone said Zorro in the comments. That's good too. What does this mean? Ken banned from Hiller fit. Is that true? Uh, Ken Walters.
Starting point is 02:26:16 That's I mean, any Ken. No, there's not. I have not banned anyone from ever. Yeah. Yeah. So it's something on Ken's side.
Starting point is 02:26:26 If it's the 10 I bet at the bar that one night, I'm guessing it's a technical difficulty on his end. Total bias I have there. I would like to take a stab at this question. Hiller, how does your camera look so crispy? Take a stab at it. Very shallow
Starting point is 02:26:43 depth of field. ton of space behind him A7S3 A7IV oh A7IV and by the way have you done this yet I can show you right now here we go wow
Starting point is 02:26:59 no I can't I thought that would work anyway I have it plugged in directly to the camera. I know you've been talking about that. Yeah, I did. Oh, dude, I got some crazy shit for Crash Crucible. That's going to be exciting. I'm pumped about that.
Starting point is 02:27:16 Me too. Have you called JR yet? No, not really. But we got to do some dress rehearsals this weekend. Okay. Thank you, everyone. What? What are you going to wear? But we got to do some dress rehearsals this weekend Okay Thank you everyone What are you going to wear For those shows
Starting point is 02:27:30 CEO shirt and some pants And a belt Toe spacers Do they still smell like cheese No No And I wore them tonight for over an hour and a half My feet are pretty they still smell like cheese? No. No. And I wore them tonight for over an hour and a half.
Starting point is 02:27:49 My feet are pretty... I was barefoot at the beach for like 10 days. My feet are pretty pristine. Okay. Don't lie. Have those had an effect on your toes and the space between them? Don't lie. Mine have, for sure.
Starting point is 02:28:05 Okay. Caleb didn't lie. Mine have, for sure. Okay. Caleb didn't lie. I used to shove my feet in soccer cleats for years. And so, like, I had no ability to splay whatsoever. I'm looking at my toes right now, and they're not touching each other. And I've never seen that before. But I did wear them for an hour and a half today. But I'm looking at my – and when I take them off,
Starting point is 02:28:24 they usually stay pretty far apart for, like, at least a half an hour. So I had them on for over an hour and a half today but i'm looking at my and when i take them off they usually stay pretty far apart for like at least a half an hour so i've i had them on for over an hour today just now in the show and i took them off about 30 minutes ago my and their space between every single one of my toes which is kind of crazy are you bringing your feet into the show right now or not i could i already put them in did you see when Roman showed his foot, I showed my foot. I haven't done it yet. There it is. Yeah. Oh, your toes are pretty far apart already. Pardon me? You can't do that?
Starting point is 02:28:54 No, I cannot. Yeah, I can't do that. No? My feet are so... Your feet are what? Nothing. Nothing. All right. My feet are so... Your feet are what? Nothing. Alright.
Starting point is 02:29:08 We're still working on the behind the scenes. Oh, tomorrow. Tomorrow morning we have UFC fighter on Blake Builder. Thursday we have... We're supposed to have Jorge Fernandez on and Jorge Ventura. But Jorge Fernandez we had to reschedule. So we're just having Jorge Ventura. I don't know who we're having Friday.
Starting point is 02:29:28 Ken. There he is. Ken Walters. Okay. Thank you, Andrew Hiller. Thank you, Roman Krennikoff. Thank you, Rosa. Thank you, Caleb Beaver.
Starting point is 02:29:42 See you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Love you guys. Buh-bye.

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