The Sevan Podcast - Russell Berger | We Prank Called Planet Fitness

Episode Date: March 22, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I hope this mic is better than what we did last time. Oh, it's good.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I don't even remember. I'm not, if I was just looking for the last one, I forget. No, last time I just used my phone and you didn't complain about it at all. But when I listened to it for a minute, it sounded like garbage. Hey, it sounds good. Tap your mic. It doesn't even sound like it's on. Oh yeah, it's on.
Starting point is 00:01:23 This mic's on. Hey, your picture. Is this better? Yeah like it's on. Oh, yeah. It's on. This mic's on. Hey. Is this better? Yeah. Your picture's a trip. What picture? Like your actual image. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I'm using my laptop. It's got a better camera. Oh. Look at that. I don't think I've ever used it. Oh, it's interesting. It's not bad at all. It looks artistic.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Like you've clicked the setting like make me artistic looking i i use the clean office background um i um behind door number one we can do both doors Behind door number one is I ask you, hey, do I just wait until Jesus calls me? Because I haven't been called, or maybe I'm not listening. I'm open to options. Behind door number two. Hi, Caleb. All right.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Behind door number two. Caleb, you don't have to be on. I didn't mean to just drag you into this mess all right hey kaylee or or behind door number two we call planet fitnesses around the country and ask him if we can go into their locker rooms and look at naked girls have you seen let me let me show you this what What are you talking about? Fucking insanity, dude. This is... So I know which one of those doors just immediately got everybody's interest.
Starting point is 00:02:53 One of them is good for the show. One of them is good for me. One of them is essential, and one of them is going to get a lot of entertainment. Yeah. And a lot of viewership. Let me show you this. I apologize, Jesus, for giving this lady the stage. You're here in mind and spirit, but let's listen to this too.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Here we go. A Planet Fitness member at an Alaska gym snapped a photo of a full dude shaving his legs in the women's locker room. Her membership was revoked. Yeah, you heard that right. The biological man in question supposedly identifies as queer LGB, rendering him godlike and untouchable to criticism or consequence. After this whole farce went viral in social media, Planet Fitness doubled down on revoking.
Starting point is 00:03:38 He didn't even say he was transgender. He just said he was queer LGB. Oh, did she say the T? No, she didn't lgb queer queer lgb or something like that okay that's what i heard too i don't think that gives you access to the woman's locker room but let me let me see i like i like that she called him a full dude like that's a class it's a category hey i i'm on the on the gender spectrum i identify as full dude hey not just a half dude dude if i'm
Starting point is 00:04:07 in the eighth grade me and my buddies like one of the things we used to do is we would go to the public library i mean we did this all the time we go to the public library get a playboy open it up to the centerfold walk up to the librarian's desk and just open it up and be like this is totally inappropriate to have in the library and like we would point like to the vagina and the titties and we would just go off just for they had that in your library as a kid. You were in California. Yeah. Oh yeah. Cali playboy. Yeah. That's worked out well over the last 40 years. Right. So this idea of calling planet fitness. So if I'm in the eighth grade, I'm just going into Planet Fitness and going into the girls' locker and me and my friends. I'm like just fully like, and if anyone asks anything, I'm just a straight tranny.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I mean, we would be going nuts, dude. We would have a field day with this. Woman's membership citing she. Go ahead. What? I didn't say anything. I will say something. Dude, this is ripe for a fuck we should release a cassette tape me and you just call planet fitnesses and release like a uh you remember like the jerky boys oh yeah i remember yeah we need to
Starting point is 00:05:21 release a cassette tape dude i'm telling you i think you could get rich selling these on eBay or from the back of your trunk in your car at the high school. Yeah, when people pushing your beliefs to their logical conclusions becomes hilarious entertainment, your beliefs might be a little wrong. This is a complete missed opportunity on someone's part. Okay, here we go. Yeah. Oh, yeah, like what if we took Graciano? Do you know who this guy is? Graciano Rubio?
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. He's one of – he's a – like we have Yosemite. Looks like he'd pull you over on a state highway. Yeah, he does look like a cop. You know, like we have El Capitan and we have you know like this is one of the wonders of California Graciano out of like I think he's like out of Los Banos California we need to take him into the girls yeah I mean he's he's definitely full dude look at that at Fitness. Just put a little pasty on his helmet. Let's get him into the ladies locker room shaving his legs.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I'll shave Rossiano. He lacks a little mobility. I'm here to help him shave. Getting those hard to reach places. Hold on. Here we go. Back to Planet Fitness. This is serious hold on here we go back to back to planet fitness this is serious shit here we go see prohibiting photos and videos being taken in the locker room planet fitness a judgment free zone huh well i call bs and not just on planet fitness but on every corporation that kowtows to this gender madness if you're a man who goes into a woman's space
Starting point is 00:07:02 violating that space with your manhood aka your.k.a. your junk, you should be judged. Why the actual hell should that biological... Judged. You should be arrested and hauled off. Yeah, Planet Fitness is making judgments. It's not a judgment-free space. Their judgments are just not the judgments they should be making. This lady got her membership revoked.
Starting point is 00:07:29 That's a judgment. Yeah, totally. Because she didn't want to be in there? Yeah. Well, they're saying the caveat, I guess, or the detail is that she took a picture. But listen, if there was someone stealing in there and you took a picture you could think of reasons why the rule has to be broken right yeah i think the rule about pictures is in there so that planet fitness doesn't get embarrassed by their crazy policies
Starting point is 00:07:57 well so also you don't you don't or or you can't be in there just like snapping photos of naked people and then posting them online so So, I mean, anyone to picture that. You should. Isn't that funny? They have they have a rule that you can't take pictures, but anyone can go in the locker room and stare at you if they want to. It's like an all you can eat buffet. You just can't take any of it home yes yes if you want to come and just check bitches out in the locker room you can't but listen that's going to require a
Starting point is 00:08:33 membership hey i haven't been to a globo gym in a long time um i used to go to them all the time loved them i love the whole scene i like the. I like the vast space. But I think it's like when I didn't go skiing for a while and then I went skiing once and there were no people skiing. It was all snowboarders. It was weird. It was like, what the fuck happened here? I think like if you go to a gym now, I think there's people have everyone has their cell phones out recording themselves working out and the locker rooms have. I mean, but you never hear of chicks in the dude's locker rooms ever yeah just like you don't hear about women uh claiming to be men and entering men's
Starting point is 00:09:16 sports right ever yeah i think maybe the locker room is just gonna die maybe that's what it is it's like it is. It's like it's over. Yeah, the only people that will be in there are the ones who are doing weird stuff. Wow. So like every locker room is like the locker room in San Francisco. Yeah. At the Golds in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Feelings and identity trump mine as a woman. And I know most democrats and even left-wingers agree they're just too cowardly to say something planet fitness is shameful and it's high time they get the bud light treatment after a planet fitness i just want to see i just want to see what will happen savannah have you ever read anything by Carl Truman? No. With a K or a C? No, C.
Starting point is 00:10:10 C-A-R-L. And then Truman. He's probably written one of the most important books in the last decade. It's called The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self. And then there's a shorter version right there. Strange new world is, uh, is the less academic version that I would recommend most people read. Okay. I'm going to get it right now. It's fantastic. He basically just chose, uh, through the history of the last a hundred plus years, how we've gone, how we've gotten to where we are in terms of how we think about the self,
Starting point is 00:10:46 that your identity is no longer memetic, meaning you don't determine who you are and what you are by looking around the world and saying, well, here's a bunch of real stuff around me that shapes my identity. Like the fact that I'm a father, the fact that I work at a lumberyard, the fact that I'm an American because I have citizenship here. None of that matters. All of it's poietic. Or I'm a black belt. I earned it. I'm a gray belt. Or hey, I climb trees and get coconuts. I'm a guy who's very capable of climbing palm trees and bringing coconuts down for my family. Okay. Or I have a penis, so I'm full dude. Oh, right, right. I can pee. You can just pull the car over. I can jump out and pee. That's one of my, I identified that. And I'm not, even though it sounds funny, that is like one of the cool things. I do that probably once a month, just stop somewhere and pee.
Starting point is 00:11:31 That's our male privilege, a hundred percent. Yeah. And I do identify with that even unconsciously. conception of the self has been warped and redefined to being entirely entirely internal whatever you feel inside about your identity and who you are is ultimately what determines who you are and what you are like that lady who turned herself into a black woman yeah because she thought she was black and then she was like head of the n double the place you need to check yeah what's her name you know her name caleb uh in double a no it's rachel uh is it rachel gosh i'm gonna forget her last name hey dude you know what's crazy about what you're saying more and more of my friends as i talk to them my acquaintances they think um uh social media is is real. Like,
Starting point is 00:12:25 like it matters. Like it matters. Like to me, what matters is like the, the people I interact with, like in my real life, like the other parents, the other kids,
Starting point is 00:12:34 kids, my parents, like the social media thing is just like a skate. It's like reading a book to me. It's just, yeah, it's, it,
Starting point is 00:12:42 it doesn't, I don't care. I don't really care too much what people say on social media like if someone's like um uh if someone's like hey sebi you're a fucking creep on the internet like i don't it doesn't affect me but if someone in my real life were to say that if my mom were to be like hey you swear too much on your podcast that matters to me no i agree completely and you know how one of the ways you know that it's not real is because half the stuff people say about you on the internet no one would ever say in real life right right yeah like the person who's always in my comments saying negative shit and yet you keep watching my um shows like if i didn't like my
Starting point is 00:13:25 yeah like if i didn't like my neighbors which i do like them but i wouldn't interact with them there's people like or like the the person at starbucks or the coffee shop or whatever that i don't like i just don't interact with them yeah yeah it's all performative and it's uh it's not a real like when you when you read the comments you're not putting your finger on the pulse of what people actually think about you and what's really going on. I'm looking – oh, I like the way that guy spelled his name, Truman, and he kept the E in there. Yeah. Really good book. I mean he's got some crazy observations.
Starting point is 00:14:05 really good book. I mean, he's got some crazy observations. He's like, if you look at the young people today that are just pathological in the way that they think and interact with the world, he identifies three things that defines that pathology. And one of them is the rejection of limits, like limits, like authority, the rejection of teleology or human ends, meaning the idea that we're designed for something, we're made for some particular end, they reject that, and they reject moral obligations, and the way those moral obligations are really tied into our biology. You know, if you're a man, if you're a woman, if you're a father, if you're a child, that relationship comes with moral obligations, and they just, they reject that. No, it doesn't. It's wild. It's a fantastic book. I had, um, uh, Lindsay Cantu on here.
Starting point is 00:14:51 She's married to Lance Cantu who I know. Yeah. And, um, Lindsay runs a, uh, a company called birth fit. And, um, she, she was, uh, Tom Cruise's personal chiropractor for 15 years she flew around the world so she was steeped heavy in the la scene right wow and she has this post on his on her instagram basically saying like hey i escaped the the chains of liberal feminism and in it more and more as i i had her on last, more and more as I think about it, it reminds me of stuff that I've heard you say and other people say that. And she's so happy now. She's glowing. Right. And it's because she's fulfilling her biology. So she's like, hey, I don't I don't my biology isn't to be independent. My biology, actually, I'm happiest if I let the woman in me truly live which is finding a man yeah oh
Starting point is 00:15:45 yeah will you play this yeah just the first 30 seconds of it i think um uh russell will really like it everyone will like it so after i recovered from the wounds of liberal feminism and got clear on my values and desires i found my king my now husband husband. Okay, pause. Isn't that awesome? That's exactly what I've been going through. Fuck, exactly. I've escaped the wounds of my liberal feminism and I've found values. Yeah, she's rediscovering the goodness of limits properly, like in authority systems that are good. properly, like in authority systems that are good. She's rediscovering her end as a woman, and she's rediscovering the obligations that she has to other people, specifically in the context of marriage. And all of that leads to flourishing and happiness in a way that
Starting point is 00:16:35 liberal feminism and the extremes of that destroys. I mean, statistically- You're not fighting against anything. You're just not fighting. All All of a sudden you're like, wow, I'm swimming downstream. It's like, oh, I'm a puzzle piece that's supposed to fit into the puzzle this way. And now I'm there and it feels good. Statistically, there's no group more miserable than white, young, feminist women. And you see it and you see it. Yeah. Yeah. Study after study shows that, I mean, they're the ones taking the highest amounts of antidepressants seeking counseling and therapy therapy at record numbers they're more afraid they're more uh just upset than any other demographic out there yeah they present as upset
Starting point is 00:17:18 in media whereas um these guys who are like crazy successful and achieving what they want in the gym, they're not presenting as miserable. There are guys out there who've taken it to – I don't know. I don't want to pick on him but like look at dan blazerian like he doesn't like for all the stuff he posts and all the vagina around him and all the jets he does not present he does not present happy like that he's the uh he's the poker player right yeah and he has like he he was like the first like instagram famous guy he was on jets and had all these girls and he still does and it always shows him swimming in like deep blue waters but he it does not he's not um he's not presenting um yeah you don't see him you don't see him like laugh like laughing and having fun and hanging out with the boys and throwing the football around and like pretty happy here i agree but when i see his red skin like that, that, that doesn't make me think he's happy.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yeah. I wouldn't, I wouldn't want his life at all. I mean, basically it just looks like hedonism, self-centered hedonism. I'm going to, I'm going to enjoy all of the material things in this world, all the pleasures of sex and money and fame and go places and do things and yet he's lacking the best part of life he's he's not getting to do what he was designed to do which is to be a husband and a father it maybe he is sure doesn't look like it no i agree i agree it's yeah it's interesting he's like he just looks like a giant rich child like right like i'm just gonna do whatever i want and get whatever i want like get whatever I want. Like a kid with a bag of candy doesn't know this is actually bad for you.
Starting point is 00:19:08 You should probably stop. Like he should have passed through that phase, enjoyed it, and passed out of it. Did you ever go through a phase like that? Did you ever pass through a phase where it was just raining beaver on you? Did you ever pass through a phase where it was just raining beaver on you? No, but I had the first 24 to 23 years of my life that I lived like that just without those means. Oh, right, right. My life was about me entirely.
Starting point is 00:19:44 If I call this Planet Fitness in San Francisco, do I have to tell them I'm recording? Because I'm in California. Do I say, hey, I'm recording this phone call? Are you in California? I am in California. Yeah, and I think you do. For quality insurance purposes. Yeah, you got to get your studio in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:20:00 So I say, hi, this is Sevan. I'm calling from the Sevan podcast, and I am recording this phone call live on the air. Um, I was just wondering if I could come in and enter the girl's locker room today and hang out for a little bit. Uh, I think they're immediately going to hear a podcast and they're going to say, yeah, I can't give any statements on this. I don't appreciate your, uh, pessimism, dude. Hey, I'm not telling you not to do it. Okay. Hold on. Let me see what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Can you imagine the thought process of a Planet Fitness though? Hey, we're going to go legally pursue this guy and his podcast who's trying to expose us for our crazy policies and bring more attention to it in the process. I don't think that's going to
Starting point is 00:20:45 happen either. It's like Project Veritas. We're doing some fucking undercover investigation. I think yeah, I'm curious to see what they do. Is it ringing? I don't hear anything. I don't hear it either. I'm glad I'm not the one making the call because I called Haley yesterday trying to fuck with her.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Did you guys hear? You guys can hear me dialing though, right? Yes. I hear dialing, yeah. Caleb's lying skills are not up to par for this task. Caleb, you have the voice for it. Oh, just... Hi, this caleb from the sebon podcast uh your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system. Sorry, the mailbox belonging to 65099.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Damn. They have an actual voicemail? That's crazy. That's probably because no one's working the desk. There's no customer service anymore. Here's one in San Jose. Let me try this one. Every time I've gone to a Planet Fitness, there's nobody there. Like no employees.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Yeah, that's the business model. That's a trip. Hey, Cloud Path Fitness. Lupe, how may I help you? Hi, Lupe This is Sevan from the Sevan podcast How are you? Pretty good, how about yourself? I'm great, I'm happy You're live on the air I'm recording this call
Starting point is 00:22:40 I would like to come down to Planet Fitness I'm wondering what your policy is on men in the women's locker room, because I have three daughters and they said they don't want to be in the locker room with men. Saw that coming. Yeah, that's Hey, service, service with a smile. If you ask questions that make us uncomfortable, we're going to hang up on you.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Well, shit. Damn, that was so fast. Okay. Hey, if you get two or three of those, I'm going to start to wonder if that was the company policy that got put out. Anybody ask about this, hang up. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I'm going to call. White email probably. There are three employees. Okay. This one is in San Francisco. They're really cool in San Francisco and open-minded. There's no way they'll hang up on you here. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:23:39 They're really cool. Adrian, what's up, dude? Yo. How are you? Doing pretty well, you? Good. I am calling from my podcast, and I'm recording this call, and I wanted to ask you a question. I have three daughters, and we want to join the gym, but they don't want to be in locker room with men. So I'm just curious what your policy is because I've noticed it's been in the news a lot lately.
Starting point is 00:24:24 What locker room would or um are they a locker room would they uh prefer uh they want to go in a locker room where there's only uh people with vaginas like they don't want anyone with a penis in their locker room yeah we we have that oh that's awesome okay thank you because you know the the the they're saying that um i'm seeing news stories maybe it's just right wing crazy saying that I'm seeing news stories. Maybe it's just right wing crazy shit. But I'm seeing news stories where you guys are allowing people with penises into the vagina only locker room. Yeah, the thing about that, we can't really do anything about it unless it makes other people like other members uncomfortable. We'll just have to tell them to leave or cancel their memberships or just warn them.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Meaning, so if my daughters see a penis in the woman's locker room, they can come tell someone at the front desk and you'll cancel the membership? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. We won't cancel it. We'll just tell them if they can feel uncomfortable and see where it goes from there. Okay. Let me ask you one question between me and you. What if I want to pretend like I'm going in there with my daughters to help them,
Starting point is 00:25:30 but really I just want to look at naked women? I feel like that would make them uncomfortable too. They'd tell us, but I have to remind you. Okay, so I get one strike. I could pass through there once and just take a peep um usually there's never like just one strike um depending on the situation but sometimes two strikes so i could do it twice i'm not no no um depending on the situation it would like be uh cancellation right away oh okay okay yeah all right i mean i could
Starting point is 00:26:06 adhere to that it's not like i'm some sort of pervert or anything but i yeah if you guys had some wiggle room to see naked chicks i mean like shit why not yeah all right that's it yeah thank you uh we'll come down today and sign up i appreciate it sounds like a great place thank you no problem have a good one. Cheers. Bye. Holy shit. I don't believe him. Anybody, if anybody,
Starting point is 00:26:35 this trustful piece of shit, you get, you get one, you get one dude in there who believes he's a woman and somebody complains because they're uncomfortable and he starts screaming transphobia it's all over there's no way how how i understand the guy's on the spot and he's just trying to answer the questions and he's working the front desk so call him back if somebody else to call him back and ask a different line of question hey uh if i happen to identify as a woman can i use the
Starting point is 00:27:05 woman's locker room you think i should that's what i should have said you know alabama is a one-party state i can call anybody and i don't have to say i'm recording oh really yeah i just don't know how to do that oh i'll send you a roadcaster and we'll make a whole series do you want to come on uh 12 times a year i think it's worth the $600 investment for me to send you a roadcaster. And we can just call places. Yeah, we're going to bring the turkey boys back to life. We're not being mean. I don't think that was mean or unethical what I did.
Starting point is 00:27:37 No, I think there's a perfectly legitimate place for calling organizations like this and just probing their policies. And you don't have to tell them anything that isn't true isn't true even to do that right um let me see uh i want to see um i want to see if i type in planet fitness but what what state are you in alabama alabama yeah because you're kind of high and mighty on your state and you think it's all conservative and shit. Let me call one of your fucking Planet Fitnesses.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Just exposing my homeland. Good bullshit. Look in Birmingham. Probably that or Montgomery are the most liberal areas here. Birmingham. God damn it. Why are you bringing these lady dudes into my locker room?
Starting point is 00:28:29 It's weird. It still just keeps giving me. Are there even Planet Fitnesses outside of California? We've got one here in Huntsville. Oh, I think I see it. That's such a California way of thinking. Well, listen. Okay, fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Okay, fine. All right, guilty. Cody Lovelace. We have two in Well, listen. Okay, fine, fine. Okay, fine. All right, guilty. Cody Lovelace. We have two in Huntsville. Okay, here's one. I'm going to start in the north, northern Birmingham. Okay. I'm pulling one up too.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I don't know if speakerphone will work on this microphone, but it might. Okay, do you want to go? Do you want to do it? Sure, let me see. Okay, I think if you just hold the phone like this, you put the top of the phone. I always put the bottom of the phone like a jackass on the speaker, but it's supposed to be the top of the phone.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah, like that. Can you hear that? We are currently open and staffed from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. My speaker's on the bottom. You have an iPhone, don't you? Oh, yeah, you're right. That's better. That's right. Call is recorded for quality assurance. Call is recorded.
Starting point is 00:29:38 RN2. Thanks for calling Planet Fitness in Homewood. This is Laurel speaking. How can I help you? Hey, my name is Russell, and I had a quick question about your membership policies. I'm not a member right now, but I'm curious about them. I didn't quite hear the first part of that. The phone sounded a little echoey. I'm sorry. Do you mind repeating yourself? Yeah, sorry. I was calling with a question about your membership policies. I'm not a member, but I did have a question. with a question about your membership policies I'm not a member but I did have a question so your monthly payments would come out on the 17th of each month okay you'd want to try and cancel by the 10th of the month if you don't want to pay it for like that next month if you do end up paying for a month, you'll have access until the next 16th.
Starting point is 00:30:27 What's the current monthly rate? For a black card membership, which actually gets you access to special things like multiple locations, being able to bring guests with you, use of our black card spa, which has some of our amenities like massage chairs, hydro beds, tanning, some of those basic stuff is advertised. The monthly payment on that would be $25.55 after Alabama State taxes. We do also have a class membership, which gives you access into one location. And if the certain location has a trainer on site, that trainer's classes. I do have a question that's a little bit, um, I guess maybe a little more personal. Uh, so if,
Starting point is 00:31:10 if someone is biologically born a man and if I am identifying as a woman or considering that, is it, is it okay for me to use either locker room? Can I, can I use the woman's? Uh, it is preferred that whichever identity you are trying to, or not trying to, whichever identity you present yourself more as, that you go into that locker room. We're not going to look at license. We're not going to look at anything like that. It is what you tell us at the front desk, what your identity is. You're allowed to use which locker room.
Starting point is 00:31:43 which what your identity is, you're allowed to use which locker room. We prefer if someone who like is, that kind of goes back and forth, like a non-binary or gender fluid, we kind of have to have you pick a bathroom, which kind of sounds kind of cruel a little bit. But some of the other members would get a little upset from someone going back and forth to different bathrooms. So just whichever identity is preferred and more presented, we prefer you to use that bathroom. But whichever makes you more comfortable.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Yeah, I guess just, I mean, if going back and forth is, you know, if that's off limits. I mean, it sounds to me like if somebody was upset about that, that's a little transphobic. Yeah, a little bit. Um, it's just for like, we, we try not to, uh, we try to be a judgment-free zone. Uh, so to kind of prevent judgment on anyone's end, uh, we don't want someone being, uh, wrongfully accused of going back and forth into different bathrooms, like maliciously. So it's kind of like whichever one you identify more as, you kind of need to stick with that bathroom. It doesn't matter what on your actual license.
Starting point is 00:32:55 It's just whatever you present more as and like what your identity, like I understand like sometimes trans ladies do need to shave and everything. It's understandable that if there's some stubble and stuff going into the locker room and shaving up real quick. Some trans men don't exactly present heavily. So some people might kind of squint at that. It's just whichever you prefer, it's best if you use that bathroom. Yeah, nobody will have to whatever identity you feel more comfortable as yeah so and i know in in some gyms there's been
Starting point is 00:33:31 complaints or if a trans person is it like so biologically i was born male i have male parts and to have those exposed in the locker room where there are biological women I know that's led to complaints and people being upset How do you handle that like if I was completely naked in the woman's locker room? Is that is that okay? We would prefer if you were to go to change clothes if you were in a changing stall the Stalls just kind of like if a lady was to walk into the locker room, like biologically born female were to walk into the locker room. Well, there are people who are biologically born female who are not women.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I didn't mean to use that kind of wording. Just like I myself, I was born biologically female and I still use the females locker room even though I don't exactly identify as 100% female um so like I wouldn't take all of my clothes off like right in front of the lockers just for the sake of making other people and other humans entirely comfortable just like I wouldn't take all my clothes off in public I'd go into a changing stall which for if you go into a changing stall or one of the toilets if you need to cover up with a towel and go from the changing
Starting point is 00:34:52 stall to the shower that's perfectly fine I have a daughter who does not want to be in the same locker room as biological men she doesn't want to see naked men if she's in the women's locker room that's is that she's running the risk of seeing people with male anatomy exposed right we would like to that to not happen and that's why i said that we prefer all people to go into
Starting point is 00:35:20 changing stalls toilet stalls stuff like that to get undressed and if they need to go into changing stalls, toilet stalls, stuff like that to get undressed. And if they need to go somewhere else, like into the shower to wrap up with a towel, it doesn't matter really what's up under their clothing. It's just if you're taking off clothing and you're walking in front of people, a lot of people get uncomfortable with that. I know I don't like seeing naked people in public. Well, hey, thank you. I appreciate all the answers.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Thank you. No problem. I hope you have a appreciate all the answers. Thank you. No problem. I hope you have a great day. You too. Bye. Caleb, can you put up a poll who did it better, me or Russell? I want to know how shitty, if anyone thinks I did it better. Holy shit. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Hey, this is really interesting what Jake says, though. He says, I hate the front-facing employees are having to deal with this shit being pushed by their employers. I agree. Yes. I can't imagine having to navigate that holy i mean even they're like i push back a little and she's like walking on eggshells oh i didn't mean it like that oh i didn't i didn't mean this um yeah this is fucking alabama the only hope this fucking country has. I don't know about that. Florida and Tennessee have us beat in some ways right now. But did you hear the solution?
Starting point is 00:36:30 It's not a locker room anymore. It's a room with a bunch of private stalls. Yeah. It's the same reason businesses are going to, like, single occupant gender neutral bathrooms. It's just to avoid all this crap. Seve, you owe Russell a standee. I know. Trust me, I know. bathrooms it's just to just to avoid all this crap seve you owe russell a standee i know i trust me i know uh i i i remember damn i knew it i suspect okay erase that poll quick erase that don't ask
Starting point is 00:36:55 questions if you don't want the answers erase the quick erase that that look at look at they must have it confused russell and savannah very close people must have had the um hey i i got the i just got the better call like i heard the better oh you're the better point of fitness shut up you're i knew you can you believe that though the the the lady in birmingham has the liberal talking points down and the dude in san francisco is just clueless and how about the fact that she even herself is swerving a little bit well i i don't fully identify as a woman. Yeah. Yeah, who does anymore, right? Christine Young, I'm surprised you got 11%. Yeah, those are very loyal people.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Kenneth DeLapp, Lupe did it right. I agree. Lupe did it totally right. I should have said full dude in there. I identify as full dude. If I identify as full dude, can I go in the women's locker room? Russell, did you ever do locker rooms as a kid? Like have you ever been in a scene repeatedly where like you're showering in a men's locker room and there's naked dudes everywhere?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Like a little bit in high school gym, definitely in the military. Okay. uh like a little bit high school gym definitely in the military okay when when so i when i didn't i didn't have a home so i would go to this gym uh uc santa barbara gym and i would go there and i would work out and then i would shower there and i'd never done that ever in my life and it's it's a just a giant room that's tiled it's super clean and there's um trees everywhere right uh shower trees so for those you don't know what shower trees are, maybe Caleb will pull up a picture or something, but it's basically just a stick, a pillar with six showers coming off of it. So you can make eye contact with the guy showering across from you?
Starting point is 00:38:35 If you wanted to, yeah. You try not to. There's some unspoken rules. But basically, so you go in there, and it's like urinals. There will be six shower trees, and if you don't go in there and there it's like, it's like, it's like urinals. There'll be six shower trees. And you, if you don't go to the same shower tree as another guy, but after like a year of do in the beginning, I was very uncomfortable. And then after a year, I crossed like the 51% line.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Like I was always still a little uncomfortable just because I wasn't used to it. But eventually I just didn't care. I just went in there and just showered. And then you would, I saw guys like a guy would come in there with his four kids, and they'd be showering, four little boys, and they'd be – Something like this. I can't really find Zach's shower tree. It's more like that top one.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, that one's closer. And the room I was in was huge. Did you have bloodstains on the ground there? Iron from the water, I'm guessing. Okay, yeah. But super big, super big room, and it wasn't confined at all. There was only walls on two sides. The rest opened up to the toilets and the locker room.
Starting point is 00:39:34 It was fine. But you would see guys come in there, and they're totally comfortable with it. They've been doing it their whole life. Foreigners just come in there. They don't give a fuck. European dudes, they're like, whatever. whole life like foreigners just come in there they don't give a fuck like european dudes they're like whatever so i completely understand the uncomfortableness but then you just reach a point where like hey it's probably like that in the military like after a point like hey
Starting point is 00:39:56 you're just in there showering like like and you get over it um i wonder if that's what they're going for i just wonder what the end result is of them thinking it's okay for men to be in there with women i think you're headed down the wrong line of questioning if you think there's some logically consistent solution here right right like i'm gonna like a break okay right well let me ask you this why is it not appropriate for men and women to shower together uh it is in the public it's a husband and wife right right right right why why why can't we have women and men it's because of men right yeah it's just us no the human beings, are hardwired by design to recognize one another's bodies as the objects of, uh, of sexual desire and sexual activity. Yeah. And, uh, to do
Starting point is 00:40:55 that with anyone other than your wife is adulterous. And that's not just to act that way, but to have thoughts and to, to lustful desires towards someone who's not your wife or for a woman towards someone who's not her husband. That's it's sin. You don't want to encourage that. And you see not only the moral side of it that I'm talking about, even if you don't believe that, look at the social repercussions. Look what happens in society. The practical repercussions of it. Like what are. Yeah. Look around us. So the sexual revolution in the sixties, which was the first big effort to get rid of some of these natural limits and the natural teleology of the human being and the moral obligations that come from being a man or a woman. We abandoned that in the 60s in a large part and said, yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:46 free love, have sex with whoever you want, anytime you want. Sex doesn't exist to make children, which by the way, it's also enjoyable. It's a great thing for a husband and wife. It's a gift. It's fantastic. But sex isn't primarily about making children. Sex is primarily for your personal enjoyment. As soon as that view, that teleology, that end of sex was changed in our minds, what do we get? We got radical feminism and we got decades of generations of fatherless children. Children who came from broken families where two people met up to have sex with no intention of staying together in a relationship where their moral obligations to one another and the child they created were fulfilled, but just dudes walking away. And women, as single mothers raising children,
Starting point is 00:42:35 has led to all sorts of societal ills that are almost too numerous to start naming. I mean, any negative thing you want to describe about a life, prison, drug use, uh, interactions with the police, education level success, even cancer rates, even cancer rates, shit that you wouldn't even think is connected. Yeah. The amount of money in your bank account, every single one of those metrics that you could use to judge someone's life as, as good or bad. Now pair that data up with fatherlessness and every single one of those gets worse. Statistically, if you don't have a father in the home. Strongest correlate for just shit going wrong. Yeah. Straight up.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Um, there's also this thought that, um, what that did was what that did that sixties did is once again, it was women chasing men's behavior. Like they, they, instead of, instead of women allowing to chase their true biological function, which makes them happy and lets them get into their flow, which is to find a strong man who they would want to bear his children.
Starting point is 00:43:40 They end up just thinking like, Hey, they should be like men and just have sex with everyone. In some ways. So I wouldn't, I don't want to get men off the hook for this either. The idea that men, well, men are just always going to want to have sex with everyone and they're going to try to, and if they succeed, good for them. But women, they're the ones that need to stay in monogamous relationship. That's not how it works. Men are just as morally obligated, and I think should be socially obligated, to seek sexual activity with their wife, just as much as women are. But where I do think you're right is in the logic behind abortion.
Starting point is 00:44:17 You know, we hear all these, I think you'd agree with me, pretty pathetic arguments for why abortion should be legal, permissible, why it's acceptable. It's all justification. There's no facts. But what's behind that? What's the real drive, the real desire? I think in this instance, you're right, that it's generally women wanting to be able to have promiscuous sex without the biological consequences of that. They want to be able to do what men do and sleep around and just make sex about them and their personal desires without having any baggage, which is essentially how they view children.
Starting point is 00:44:52 There was a, um, there was a story I put up yesterday. Greg didn't want to fuck with it so much. And rightfully so he's like, Hey dude, I only want to open up certain, like, like this is my thing. There's so many things out there. But it was basically it was a abortion center that was sending its dead fetuses to a burning plant that burnt shit for energy. And so they were sending these abortion, these these people who are against baby killing followed this truck with medical waste to this energy plant, you know, where they just take shit and burn it into this and spin turbines to make energy. And they pulled 115 fetuses included, including five very well developed babies out of the truck. And they were just, and they were just going to throw them in the incinerator and burn them and off gas them and use it to, you know, you know what I mean? Run the blender at your house, run the microwave at your house. It's wild shit i mean yeah i i don't know i don't know what the significance of that is i
Starting point is 00:45:51 mean medical waste gets burned um i mean the obvious significance to me is just that the babies were medical waste bags to begin with right and what were they called uh caleb red bags yeah i think they yeah like a biohazard bag Biohazard bag is what it is, yeah. Yeah. So, Russell, you're saying, well, fuck it. If they're going to be dead anyway, might as well burn them to run the microwave for 60 seconds? No. I think you're observing correctly that babies are being treated as medical waste, this disposable, which is pretty consistent with how we think about children in
Starting point is 00:46:25 our country anyway. I'm saying, yes, that's correct, but let's go back one more step and ask why we were treating them as disposable when they were alive in their mother's wombs. That's the real issue. Had those babies died of natural causes? Yeah, we would probably through a morgue, send them off to be cremated. Right. But the bigger moral issue here is that they were, that they were treated like tumors and cut out of their mothers. Um, they just, uh, as part of the story, I think that that group of people actually took the babies and buried them all. And I think they got in trouble for that.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Or they would be that, you know, if you read the story from NPR, the story was, um, that those people are being investigated yeah that those guys are being investigated for stealing dead babies and and if you read it somewhere else you know like i read it on some like live action like uh pro-life site that doesn't like baby killing and they had it slanted different they had it like hey they took the babies and buried them. Yeah. I just can't believe I'm reading stories like this. Yeah, it's not new. No. No.
Starting point is 00:47:35 This is a fun one, too. You're going to like this one. Woke doctors thought a tool that accounts for ethnic differences in kidney function was racist so they removed it and screwed up the entire kidney transplant database wait till you read this wait till you see this paragraph uh the new formula will deem more than the new formula this is how medicine works people For those of you who are still like kind of tripping on like not sure what to think about the medical system. The new formula will deem more than 10 million non-black patients to have either less severe chronic disease or no disease at all. While deeming more than 1 million black patients to have more severe disease or to have disease for the first time.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Because the new formula doesn't include the necessary racial adjustments however these reclassifications misrepresent reality so i guess there's something in our in our um kidneys based on our ethnicity um that that changes our what our acceptable uh creatine levels are something like that in the kidney right and so they had that figured out but now they're like fuck it we're all the same since january 1st 2023 6103 black people have been displaced have displaced white people with more severe kidney disease on the list increasing the wait time for sicker kidney patients by 1.7 years and 491 less sick patients actually received a kidney transplant because of their race. So black people are getting new kidneys when they don't
Starting point is 00:49:10 need them. This is what happens when you try and bend reality to match your ideology. And white people are dying when they need them. Yeah, sounds like equity to me. This is fucking batshit crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:30 You only need one kidney anyway. Yeah, and who needs more white people? Yeah, right. Do you remember when Greg used to say, hey, you got to – like when obamacare started coming into place he's like hey listen this if this doesn't wake you up to the fact that you need to take care of your health yourself you're missing what's going on like you like there's no one there truly is no one to save you now there's a matter of fact going into the system you could get a new kidney when you don't need one and when i mean new i used. I for years told people that the most dangerous
Starting point is 00:50:06 place you can be is in the hospital under a doctor's care. And, uh, I originally, I just meant that because mistakes happen, you know, iatrogenesis, you get, you get sick or you get injured because of the intervention. Uh, now it's 10 times worse. Now it's, now it's not just somebody doesn't read your chart right and gives you three times the medicine you needed or, or the surgeon goes in and cuts out the wrong organ because he got mixed up. Now it's, he's, he's actually operating under an ideological system that by default leads to bad results that is warped and doesn't match up with reality. results that is warped and doesn't match up with reality um i i had raw on here the other day uh ronnie teasdale you know who that is oh i remember
Starting point is 00:50:52 ronnie teasdale yeah wow um and we were talking and there was this thing on his instagram that said um uh for some reason when i think of him i I think of cut-off jean shorts. Yes, yes. Is that a good association? Yeah, yeah. He always wore jorts when he competed. I guess that made a big imprint on my mind. Caleb, can you show him what Raw looks like now?
Starting point is 00:51:16 He's changed his name to Raw, Raw of Earth. And he had this thing on his Instagram where it said, hey, how should you treat other people? And then the response was – that was written was what other people? And I shared that with one of my Christian friends, and they go, oh, that's so selfish. And I go, oh, no, no. That just means that there's not other people here. It means that we're all one. And for me, I translate that as the golden rule.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Treat other people how you want to be treated. Oh, here it is. A question. Question here. How are we to treat others? Maharashi, there are no others. Um, meaning it's just all one. When you look at someone, they are also you. And in this conversation with raw, we started talking about how, when you have, um, good and evil or Satan and, and, and, you know, and these characters that basically you're just separating the whole, like from that viewpoint is where the actual trouble occurs. As opposed to seeing the whole, do you have any thoughts on that? I mean, I know you do. Yeah, it sounds like nonsense. Okay, tell me. Tell me why. I mean, aren't there even spots in the Bible where they say we're all God's children? Right, plural. Children, plural. We're not one child. But all, but all.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Yeah, yeah. And in a very general sense, every single person on earth is created by God and bears his image. Right. But we are individuals. We are not one. Now, what that statement says, that there are no others, I mean, if what that is supposed to mean is that you're supposed to treat other people like you would want to be treated yourself. Yeah, that's the way I see it. Like you're just looking at yourself. But what a silly convoluted way to say it as if the word others doesn't mean anything. And then you go on to interpret it as in treat others as you want to be treated. It just sounds like it's self-contradictory. I'm a big fan of speaking clearly. And that does not seem clear to me.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Well, to me, it's killing two birds with one stone. It's also transcending this. it's killing two birds with one stone it's it's also transcending this um so you think it like it has like more like communist uh uh manifestations or communist leanings that that there's an ideology there that's no no okay i wouldn't read that into it i i just feel like this is what this is how people talk when they're trying to present themselves as, as intellectual and light and enlightened. They give these sort of cryptic, almost self-contradictory statements that, and leave that for us to interpret. But I think a real, wow, you just described me. I think a real measure of your intelligence and, and level of understanding of difficult topics is best measured by your ability to say them simply and clearly. Like put the cookies on the bottom shelf.
Starting point is 00:54:10 If your worldview, if your view of reality requires me to like sit and ponder and really try and understand what you mean and words change meaning, you're not- Well, I think it's pointing to the fact that there's an illusion here. And I guess there's no proof of it, but the illusion being is that we're separate. I don't think that's entirely illusory. I think we are separate in some ways. And I think you know this. Right. I mean you're over there and I'm over here. Yeah, physically separate. There's also moral separation. There are things that I could do that are wrong that you're not guilty of, right? So there's a moral separation.
Starting point is 00:54:50 When you're supposed to – are you supposed – as a Christian, are you supposed to love everybody? Yeah. What do you do with the people who – like the people who are – um, like the abortion doctors, like, like how do you love them? Like they're killing, they're, they're killing. Okay. Yeah. If you, if you know them, like if you can actually interact with them, you tell them the truth and you tell them the truth in love. I've, I've done this, uh, outside of an abortion clinic, the doctor pulls up in his, uh, you know, super tricked out Cadillac SUV cause he makes a lot of money and, uh, he's got his window down and I got a couple seconds
Starting point is 00:55:31 just to tell him like, Hey, I need you to know you're killing babies. I think you probably do know this. Um, maybe you're just ignoring the fact. I know it makes you a lot of money, but it's not worth it. You're, you're killing children and someday you're going to be held accountable for that before God. And I don't want that for you. And so I want you to recognize that. And if you want to know what it would mean to turn from that sin and trust Jesus and be saved from all that, please keep talking to me. And he didn't, but that's the kind of way to- He used the power windows on his caddy. That's the way you love people who are doing evil. You tell them the truth about it in love and try and lead them out of it.
Starting point is 00:56:07 The same way you would with anybody. Something where you recognize someone's obviously doing something that is harmful to themselves and others. You're trying to talk to somebody who's ruining their life with an addiction. You got to tell them the truth and you got to do it lovingly. Or you're talking someone off of like suicide yeah that's a good yeah it's a good analogy like extreme uh ken walters uh amen brother um seven i just posted a picture of you and you look strong handsome intelligent and talented i believe at least one of those is true i don't't know. I don't know if that... That doesn't have a place
Starting point is 00:56:45 in this show. Yeah, I'm not sure that that was a compliment. No. Well, you look pretty good. Here. Oh, you see the picture? Oh. Oh, yeah. Holy shit, I have gray hair.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Is that this year? Jesus. That's from doing a three pound uh static hold for fucking 14 hours look at that fanny pack i'm envious that thing's awesome yeah it was cool it sucked too because it was it was noble and i'm not a fan of their brand at all and what they stand for yeah no thanks. But man, someone had it there, and the fanny pack I came with was too small, and that thing was huge. You could fit like six booster shots in that thing. I'm going to – I am going –
Starting point is 00:57:40 I think I do need to send you a Rodecaster. You probably have the technical ability to – Yeah, let technical ability to, are you doing a lot of podcasts? Uh, so for my own podcast, I'm starting that back up. I took like another two month hiatus from that. I'm starting back up next week. And then I actually did an interview on somebody else's podcast yesterday. And then another day before. So I've been doing quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Where was the one you did yesterday? Cause someone sent me a they're like hey russell just did a podcast and i forget where it was uh the one i did yesterday was actually an interview with a with a uh a radio station oh yeah radio station it's called haven radio it's been around for like decades and uh they're promoting a documentary film that I was in. And so they did a quick interview. What documentary were you in? American Gospel, Christ Crucified. It's a second in a series on basically false, false iterations, false teachings of Christianity.
Starting point is 00:58:45 false teachings of Christianity. So the first one was American gospel was basically comparing like the historic, true biblical Christianity to the prosperity gospel, which you've probably seen. It's like the pastors who say, Hey, if you, if you if you want God to bless you, you need to give me a bunch of money so I can buy another jet. There's really pastors who say that? Not quite so bluntly, but yeah. Yeah, if you want to be healthy, wealthy, and successful, you need to be faithful to God and obey him. And part of obeying him, and the part they always emphasize, is giving me a lot of money. I need to see that. I can't fucking believe that.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Who would fall for that? So watch that documentary. They have a ton of clips. Basically, the only way that they present the prosperity gospel side is in their own words. Like they use clips of these guys preaching and saying, Hey, if you, Oh, you got cancer. Well, you'll be healed if you have enough faith. And that's all it takes. And part of being faithful means giving to the ministry. to the ministry that's fucking amazing now i want to be clear i have no problem with people fucking showering their wealth um and giving money to the church like like yeah me either do it all you want and i have no problem with the um with the uh the priest or the pastor um uh or i don't know what you guys call the guy who stands up at the front and reads the bible stuff i have no problem with him driving a nice car and living in a nice house and
Starting point is 01:00:08 eating good food. I have no problem with that. But yeah, but if they're lying to get that, no, that's a problem. No, it should be people wanting to support him.
Starting point is 01:00:18 It's kind of like, it's kind of like a jujitsu studio, right? If you have a, if you like your jujitsu studio, you know that your, your teachers are probably barely making ends meet. So everyone you talk to, you're trying to get them to goitsu studio, right? If you have a, if you like your jiu-jitsu studio, you know, that your, your teachers are probably barely making ends meet. So everyone you talk to, you're trying to get them to go in there, right? It's the same, like anything your kids go, anything your kids
Starting point is 01:00:32 do that you like, you try to recruit other people because you want the instructors to stay in business. So if you go to a good church, you're obviously going to tell people because you want that guy to be shout, to be happy and to keep going. Yeah. And you're going to give freely. You're not going to give because you're motivated by false theology. That's manipulative, um, with false promises that string people along thinking that their disease is going to go away or they're going to get that raise at work, or they're going to end up with a better car because of their faithfulness and giving to the church. That's, that's all nonsense. Um, there was a, Greg had this, um, That's all nonsense.
Starting point is 01:01:08 There was a Greg had this condo in Scottsdale for a little while. Like less than a year. He I don't even think he stayed there a week. He thought he was going to move there at one point. And now he does live there. And it was in this beautiful condo complex. Huge, you know, like a thousand people live in there, massive sprawling right next to the mall. And, um, every time we went there, I saw, it was just like the hallways were just littered with beaver. I mean, it was crazy. Like a whole foods or something like a more, more, and this was like all foreign beaver, but, but, but yeah, but, but similar like the, and
Starting point is 01:01:54 But yeah, but similar. And basically I asked, hey, what's going on here? And his hypothesis was that this is where rich dudes keep their side piece. But that living condition – think of all the people who live in these giant cities. So if me and my wife just live out here like i'm not tempted by beaver ever i don't see any beaver you know what i mean like i'm obsessed with my wife but it's easy for me to say because like i go to the skate park you know what i mean and i and anywhere i go like 80 of the 90 of the people are extremely unattractive right or they think differently than me but imagine living in a you're a guy or a woman and you're living in this high rise with just all of these other people who want to fuck it's like that system that we've put people in is is kind of a weird system it's like um it's like living next to a candy shop and trying to
Starting point is 01:02:43 raise kids not eating candy are you just talking about the way apartments in general just sort of yeah just just living arrangements that people live in i was i was sorry i'm flashing i'm flashing what you're saying about like uh like it's like it's like i think someone said this one time when when newt gingrich or someone was was talking shit to bill clinton because he stuck up was banging um young girls someone said well yeah that's easy for you to say no one's trying to bang you but like if you're every time you leave your house you're walking down a hallway and you see three girls in bikini tops with huge fake tits um time to move yeah oh it is time to move. Yeah. Oh, it is time to move. Okay. It is time to move. I would. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:26 But part of you enjoys it. That's the problem. Yeah. Yeah. It's like eating cake. Part of you enjoys it. Like last night, my wife pulled out my birthday cake, and the first time she brought it out, I passed on it three days ago, but it was sitting on the counter because she was going
Starting point is 01:03:40 to throw it away last night, and I ate some. I indulged yeah i mean maybe there's people who are uh have more fortitude than i do and have better control of their their lusts and desires i couldn't but here's the thing here's the thing it's not i i'm at an age now where i can control it but why even but my biology is is like hey i just like i can't stand fake boobs and yet i love fake boobs intellectually i hate everything about them and yet when they're presented to me i'm like those are great they're there for you to be paying attention to them they're designed for that yeah like nobody nobody gets breast implants and hides them. What's the point?
Starting point is 01:04:26 Right, right. Time to move. Hey, do you think some people will be like, hey, I saw a comment. Someone took a screenshot of Reddit the other day and sent it to me, and they said, hey, Seve's still a libtard. He only parades around as a conservative so that he can stay in good graces with Glassman and Russell Berger. Like a Bill Maher type thing? I made that second part up.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And if he didn't – and if he wasn't, the proof of it is that he still lives with them. But part of me thinks that I'm being – I don't want to say – You're a missionary? Well, that too. That too. But right. say well part of the missionary people no well that too that too but right but part of me also thinks like hey like you're a fucking coward if you leave like like i mean other i don't actually think that but the other side of that is is like hey you guys are all leaving california fuck you you're a coward yeah it's not going to get better if everybody thinks that way i mean you're doing you're doing something i could never do, but that's your home. So you want to stay and you want to fight for your home.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I would never be able to do that in California because it's not my home. Well, that's not really true what you said. That's just the narrative I was portraying. Like, I don't really want to stay and fight for my home, but I've just found a good path here to where I don't see the tards. Now, I do think you'll end up leaving. You do? Yeah. I think California is just going to where I don't see the tards. Now, I do think you'll end up leaving. You do? Yeah. I think California is just going to keep going down the drain.
Starting point is 01:05:50 You can't. I worry about some of my friends who still have their kids in the public school systems because I don't think that they take it seriously enough to what could happen to their kids, both ideologically brainwashed, but that their kids could also be taken from them. Oh yeah. Have you, uh, have you picked up bad therapy yet? I talked to you about that. Dude, did you tell Greg about that book? I did. Because when I went to his house a couple weeks ago where I dearly missed you, I thought we were going to get to him. I know. Sorry. That's cool. Um, there was a name tag for you and everything. What'd you say, Caleb? Said I had a name tag laid out for him and everything. What did you say, Caleb? I said I had a name tag laid out for him and everything. Yeah. There was a, you know who else was supposed to come?
Starting point is 01:06:29 By the way, let me finish this. There was a stack of those books as you entered his house for people to take. Oh, fantastic. Yeah. Anybody that doesn't know, I put Greg onto this and I'm putting you onto this. So Abigail Schreier wrote a book a couple of years ago called Irreversible Harm. I think I mentioned that on your last podcast. Yes, yes, you did. And I ended up buying it. I just haven't read it yet. And then Greg gave me a copy too.
Starting point is 01:06:50 This one is her newest. It's about basically the therapeutic approach to raising children and what an absolute disaster it is. about talk therapy and trauma and people needing to work through emotions and the way that we parent our children is, is all just psycho, psychobabble garbage that actually leads to more harm than good. So fantastic book. Um, was she on Rogan? I think so. I haven't seen that clip, but I think she was. Okay. Cause I saw a clip of a lady on Rogan being like, Hey, uh, you uh you should i'm paraphrasing but you shouldn't ask your kid how they feel and let them ramble on for an hour that's her yeah she one of the greatest points that she makes uh hold on i'm gonna plug my laptop in uh braylon tender fitness competitor we will get you shortly Thank you for your patience Sorry I got North Alabama allergies Don't have that in California No we do we do
Starting point is 01:07:59 We have allergies here Yeah we have allergies here You don't own that Just like your planet fitness is fucked i told you birmingham i wonder what happened if we if we called uh called one of the more conservative areas of alabama hey i wonder if if what are the rules if i'm on the phone too and the show's from california we should figure that out yeah it relates to the to where the call's initiated from oh okay good believe me i learned all of this working for
Starting point is 01:08:30 crossfit oh good i'm gonna move to alabama just so the show gets the quality of the show goes up um okay what were you gonna say something oh that clip of that lady what were you gonna say about that yeah yeah i just one of the main takeaways I've gotten from her book is we have the idea that all of our children's emotions are valid anywhere they feel needs to be validated and needs to be expressed. Uh, and that negative feelings lead to trauma and scars both physically and psychologically. And if you don't process those things regularly and helpfully, then you'll end up with a problem in your child. And that's all nonsense. She goes to study after study showing it's not true, shows the efficacy of these approaches and that they're not true. And basically, you can't be a normal person and function well in life unless you get good at
Starting point is 01:09:20 ignoring a lot of your feelings, just ignoring them just becoming resilient learning to deal with bad feelings like thoughts maybe ignores not the right word but it's just like thoughts you walk by you walk by a candy store and you have the thought oh i love candy corns you have to let that go you can't just like walk it or else you're gonna end up 400 pounds right i have thousands of those every day you can't stop a bird from landing on your head, but you can keep it from building a nest there. It's a Martin Luther quote. Basically, you don't need to ruminate on your bad feelings and give them an authority and
Starting point is 01:09:53 a respectability that treats them as if they're the super important thing that if we don't address it, it's going to lead to trauma. Well, actually, that does lead to trauma. Like just keeping your kids ruminating on negative experiences. Spinning a narrative that then you believe yourself about your problem yeah yeah hey it's just a feeling why give it its own story i wonder what the negative ratings are look at that only 4.4 you know what they are i bet there's some angry people in there that have not read the books so uh okay uh shreer largely cries outdated research as well as books and newspaper articles, including herself, which have a much lower bar for publication.
Starting point is 01:10:31 That's a logical incoherence. She has a habit of citing something that doesn't actually seem to support her claims. For example, she claims the grief counseling is harmful and cites a newspaper article, but the actual research article reference shows that it's helpful for those that experience traumatic bereavement and ineffective for others. Well, tell us what that is then. At times she cites an article where the point – hey, you know what it really is? It's not what you just described. It's consciousness or meditation or self-awareness that you let things come and go. So a real simple thing is, is I had this idea that we would call planet fitness. And that thought is kind of the reverse. I wanted to let
Starting point is 01:11:10 it go because I knew it was going to be work to look them up and call them. And it was going to make me uncomfortable, but I held onto it and was like, told myself, Hey, this is actually going to make for a funny show, which is the opposite of the thought of like, Hey, that dude cut me off. He's a piece of shit. i don't actually have to um uh oh i'll give you a good example yesterday i'm at tennis with my kids and a palm frond fell from the tree and i and it and it almost it was a fucking 20 pound palm frond it would have fucked me up and i was just about to sit in my lawn chair i set up to watch my kids play tennis and it knocked my chair over and i went straight to like who the fuck threw something at me
Starting point is 01:11:43 i went straight to fight mode and and it was wrong right and I just let it go palm fun damn look at you Caleb my big one not a little pussy one like that dude that's like one yeah it's a picture of one palm from world's largest palm front anyway so feelings are the same way i totally agree feelings are you can i do think that they need to be um they need to be watched the same way you would watch a fucking if a cobra slithered into the room you would watch it and then it slithers out and you're done with it you tend to your feelings like a gardener tends to the garden you throw out pull up the weeds and throw them out and you cut things back and you let other things grow but if you don't
Starting point is 01:12:23 if you're told that every feeling you have is legitimate and important and you need to dig into where it's coming from and ruminate on it, that's not good for kids. And the reason I brought this up is because it's social emotional learning is what they call it. It's a big part of most public school curriculums now. And she, she gets into that in the book. My, my, uh, yesterday my son was in the backyard crying and I, and I looked out the window and I saw him crying and, um, he was out there for just like weeping for like 20 minutes. And I was like watching him from like the windows and he comes inside and he sits on my bed and I go, Hey, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:12:58 And he goes, he just didn't say anything. I go, Hey, do you know why you're crying? He goes, I don't. And I go, awesome. And I remember being a kid like that too just having emotions yeah like all right cool i love you brush the dirt off your shoulders and keep going yes yeah yeah i'm here for you i love you and i trust my relationship with my kid that if he did know why he would tell me but i'm not going to be like well let's get i'm that's it we're done i told him hey by the way
Starting point is 01:13:23 crying is really powerful you should learn to harm as you get older i said you don't see me cry a lot anymore right and he goes yeah i'm like because i harness that energy now i use that energy i said but it's fine i cried a lot as a boy too and i did and i didn't know why just emotions yep and yeah if you if you don't learn to to tame those and listen to the ones that matter and ignore the ones that don't, you end up with a generation of really old children that cry over Planet Fitness telling them that they can't go in the bathroom of their choice. God, that was good. You're good. I think you had 89% before we can. Is the survey still up, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:14:03 No, but it was 89.11. I'll tell you that oh fine fine fine thank you it's gonna get bad i think uh braylon tender fitness competitor should women be subservient to men in what sense yeah what is absurd can you look up subservient for me handers to obey others unquestioningly well Well, no, that answers that. That's your definition of subservience. No, you shouldn't obey anyone blindly and unquestioningly. What are those nuances? Prepare to obey others unquestionably, less important or subordinate, serves as a means to an end. Yeah, women are not less important to men and women don't serve as a means to an end yeah women are not less important to men and women don't serve as a means to an end for men well they do in some people's minds but they ought not
Starting point is 01:14:50 blizzard yeah that's exactly right that's that's like the argument right for for the independent woman you can't tell me what to do blah blah blah hey i the best part of my day to be honest is when my wife't tell me what to do, blah, blah, blah. Hey, the best part of my day, to be honest, is when my wife's telling me what to do. Do you know what I mean? The best part of my day is I'm in the gym working out and she's like, hey, in 15 minutes, do you want to take the kids to tennis or do you want me? I'm like, fuck, like, I don't have to think about any of that shit. I'm like, I'll take, and I always take them. I'll be like, I like I'll take them I Little time alone quiet in the car It's just great having
Starting point is 01:15:29 Some and there's things that I do like I just like Everyone has their role like so I Woke up the other morning I'm like hey I'm taking the van Into the shop and I'm gonna be gone for two hours I'm gonna drive it there and then walk home Take care of the kids bitch Or else I'll beat you That sounds like subservience Oh no it's just everyone Take care of the kids, bitch. Or else I'll beat you.
Starting point is 01:15:47 That sounds like subservience. Oh. No, it's just everyone. There's just fucking roles, man. Your wife tells you the fucking maintenance light is on, and you know what that fucking means. Yeah, and those roles vary. What?
Starting point is 01:16:01 So those roles vary. Oh, sorry, Cal. Go ahead. Yeah. Go to the dealership, bitch. That's what that means. My wife's never like hey i um my wife's not like uh um hey i need a uh i'm having kids um i'm gonna need a chair to breastfeed i know she's like hey i know we're gonna have a kid and she's gonna breastfeed so i go down to the store and fucking buy the fuck a leather recliner for her so she
Starting point is 01:16:22 has a place to do it she's gonna be nourishing i fucking get the chair so she's comfortable to nourish the kid it's just so seamless i don't you know what i mean you don't um and then she tells you picked a shitty color and then you tell her it was the one on sale you got her the yellow one yellow recliner i'm trying to visualize that. And then the Jew in her is like, hey, it's totally cool. Good job. Nice move.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Yeah, it's on sale. Mazel tov. Dude, Russell, this buddy of mine, Andrew Hiller, made a video yesterday. That's always true. You can say that every day oh yeah that's the chair hey dude that's almost that is the chair no way that is i mean i don't know if it's that exact but that was it that was that was absolutely hideous hey hey uh my wife has almost that exact same chair it doesn't have that that wheel on the bottom that lets you rotate it
Starting point is 01:17:21 yeah i went all out i got the wheel yeah and you know it's crazy we had no furniture in our house and we bought that so that just sat in the living room that was it nothing i mean we hadn't had anything for forever it is on sale what do you know that looks like something that would be in the set of a kid's cartoon shit, like a live action. Yeah, Blue's Clues or – So my buddy makes this video yesterday about this other guy I know, and it's like a 50-minute psychological breakdown of the other guy. So like – and he posted it to YouTube. So imagine I made a 50-minute video on Caleb just breaking him down psychologically for 50 minutes right then someone in the comments writes who's like a listener to
Starting point is 01:18:10 my show who knows writes um uh caleb sounds like a real jew that's the comment did you see that coming caleb i did i'm like okay hold on a minute. What the fuck does that mean? And I got three little Jewish kids. Sounds like a pejorative. Come on. Come on. Don't read into it. I'm still on the fence.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Or is he like, he's the real deal. He's a true Jew. Israel of Israel. He's the remnant. Hey. I'm going to go with pejorative. All right. Fine.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Fuck it. I'm banning that guy. So this friend of ours – I'm going to tell you a story about a friend of ours, and then you guess who it is. A friend of ours who I've never thought of as a Christian. Wait, I'm guessing. Yeah, you're guessing. He had a really rough week the other week. Public-facing rough week.
Starting point is 01:19:10 public facing rough week and um so he gets on an airplane right after some some fucked up shit happened to him and he's reading the bible as as literature and he's been he's and he's told me he was about a month ago he's gonna he was gonna start reading it and he and he's a voracious reader so i like i don't think anything of it he reads one book a week and he actually reads them he gets up every morning and reads for an hour and so um i talked to him when he's in a bad mood and then he goes hey i'm getting on a flight and then he and then i call him again when he lands just to say what's up it's all are you good and he goes hey dude the weirdest thing happened to me and i'm like what he's like i got i got on this plane and i read the bible for 30 minutes and i felt better i'm like how come he goes i don't I got, I got on this plane and I read the Bible for 30 minutes and I felt better. I'm like, how come? He goes, I don't know why. He goes, it's the second time it's happened. And I'm like, Hey dude, don't try to like convert me and shit. He's like,
Starting point is 01:19:59 he starts laughing and I start laughing and that's it. Do you know who it is? Wow. Uh, I don't know. I know Dave's reading the Bible, right? Yeah. Bingo. Oh, is it Dave? So, so listen to this. So then he tells me, um, uh, hey, I might, um, he was talking about some, some trips he might go on and some, some for, for work, and he said he might end up in the Middle East. I'm like, dude. He goes, what?
Starting point is 01:20:29 I'm like, you have to take Russell Berger. You fucking have to. Russell has to make – you have to take Russell Berger. And he was open-minded to it. Where is he going in the Middle East? I don't know. I think like just wherever there's CrossFit gyms. You know what i mean like yeah i think israel probably been to them yeah yeah yeah you probably already visited those gyms but you know over there like you know i'm guessing wherever
Starting point is 01:20:53 there's gyms jordan israel wherever those gyms are um but that would be crazy would you go if he invited you if i could i'd love to be paid for it yeah yeah i would do it yeah that'd be awesome i go hey dude you got to take russell he'll be like pointing that shit he'll be like look there's jesus's toenail in that box that's where he got dipped in the pond over there i go he'll fucking hook you up he'll know all that shit he'll get you baptized convert him on the plane over so did he say why he so he didn't know why the bible reading the bible made him no i told him hey dude it's like fucking a mcdonald's hamburger there everyone likes them they've served billions i go that book fucking somehow the words when you say the word it
Starting point is 01:21:35 resonates with you and changes your uh your frequency and makes you feel good it's fucking it's magic i think he said he didn't even know what he was reading specifically like it wasn't like a specific chapter or verse or anything he just read it about like yeah and he talked about it publicly on his on his a week in review and i'm like jesus christ dude you're gonna get fired you can't be saying that shit yeah seriously well he uh i mean that's a it makes a kind of sense you know it's a book it's a book that has god's words in it and even if you don't know exactly what you're reading, you hear his voice, you're going to, you're going to have the same effect of a baby hearing his mom singing the lullaby or tell him a story. He doesn't know what the words mean,
Starting point is 01:22:13 but he knows it's his mom's voice. It's comforting. But yeah, I mean, it's a powerful book. It's efficacious is the word I'd use it. It kind of cuts to your heart. And so sometimes that's good. Sometimes it doesn't good uh depending on what you're reading but what do you mean why wouldn't it feel good like if it's contradictory to what you like if it's giving you a lesson maybe you don't want to um you're hearing from dad and it gives you and he says something that you don't like like hey come home by 10 you're like yeah there's a lot of places where I've been reading the Bible and I, you know, it'll be in scripture. I'll see like somebody's obviously the one in the wrong. Like it's a, it's a parable or it's a story or there's, you identify the bad guy in the story and the good guy. And you're like, yeah, get the bad guy, show him how wrong he is, Jesus. And then you realize like, oh, that's me. I'm the bad guy. That sucks. oh, that's me. I'm the bad guy. That sucks. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you rightly understand the gospel, it doesn't stay feeling bad because you recognize that you're forgiven in Christ.
Starting point is 01:23:12 But yeah, that's more often than not how we ought to look at the Bible, particularly the stories of Jesus and the moral element of it, that we're usually not the good guy in the story the vaccine has proved both efficacious and safe is that seriously that's the suggested sentence yeah yeah something inanimate or abstract so if that's the example that makes me less clear what efficacious means that's kind of a trip. Hey, you're good, Russell. That's a really great explanation. The simile with the mom and the baby, the baby hearing the mom's voice. That's a great simile.
Starting point is 01:24:06 mom and the baby the baby hearing the mom's voice that's a great simile yeah it's not it's not like the bible is unique because people have these subjective internal experiences i mean we do when we read it but it's objectively a divine book and that's why you have those experiences there's something different about it and it is unlike any other book on earth And it is unlike any other book on earth. This friend of mine started listening to the podcast three days ago. What? Which? Your podcast?
Starting point is 01:24:37 Yeah, the Sebon podcast. Is this Dave Alsma? No, no, no. He's never listened to it. But it's pretty funny because he asked me what the podcast is about. And the first show he heard was with Raw. Then he heard one with Greg. So he heard one with the spiritualist.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Then he heard one with the atheist. And now he heard Russell Berger. I'm like, I don't really know what to tell you it's about and and even even after i had raw on he's like man you'll have anyone on hey i wonder if i had raw on and tried to crank call uh no sorry do investigative journalism with planet fitness uh how that would play out that would be fucking hilarious you know who could do that good but probably wouldn't do that greg could also do that good oh he'd have some funny questions. I want Greg to feed me the questions in chat while I talk to these guys.
Starting point is 01:25:36 I hope Joe Westerlin hears this. He'll really appreciate it. Oh, did you know Russ Green was also you and Russ? Oh, look it. I want a mustache ride, Russ. Oh, look, there he is. Yeah, that's Joe. Confirmed. Yeah. Do you know what we need to do is send Joe into the counter while you're talking to the lady so she's getting word from both sides? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:25:59 Hey, before I go, can we call back the San Francisco front desk of Planet Fitness and ask? Yes. Like, hey, I'm transgender. Can I use the women's locker? Let's just see if they're just, they're going to tell anybody what they think they want to hear. Okay. Do you want to do it from your phone? Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Okay. Okay. Let me, I'll get you, I'll get you the number. Hey. Hey, you're, you're, you're the captain of the ship here. We don't have to do this just because I said it brother it's it's brilliant look at i i was so um um i made so much i was so presumptuous dragging you into these juvenile heathen games i apologize um russ green was going to be at greg's too so you and russ would have been there at the same time
Starting point is 01:26:42 oh he was supposed to be there and he wasn't yeah he had some issues come up too yeah god that was when's the last time you've been in the same room with him uh before i got fired do you ever communicate with him no i haven't spoken to him since that day oh wow, wow. Okay. Yeah, there's a lot of people who I've kept close in touch with, and he's not one of them. Okay, I see one in San Francisco. I want to make sure it's not one we've called already. Let me see. 415.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Okay, we called that one, 433. We called the one in San Jose. We called the other one in San Francisco. How about, you know, text me the number or can you say it? Can you say it on your podcast? I don't know if you can. Can you see the private chat? Yeah. Okay. This one's in Oakland. Is that close enough? It's just right across the Bay. Oakland. I just, oh yeah. It was on, it was on on your show the video of the dude in the taco bell
Starting point is 01:27:47 that was oakland yes yes i was like where did i just see something from oakland yeah okay sounds like the right place he's just really sleepy he's tired guy okay let me see a see the private chat yeah okay yeah i said i'm typing in uh he used the private chat earlier yeah i did i guess can you see the private chat oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah that's good wait i just typed that in wrong file usually doesn't take it until the end he's like damn those were good yeah i'm like oh shit someone private chatted me so if you want me to ask something different Usually he doesn't check it until the end. He's like, damn, those were good. I'm like, oh shit, someone private chatted me.
Starting point is 01:28:30 So if you want me to ask something different, type it in there. Listen, you're 89% approved. This is now open at our newest location at 900 Market Street, This is a different one than the one you called? in Oakland, California. If you would like to speak to a team member, please press 1. You can call it a front tail. That's real pervy. I feel like the guy who's supposed to answer the phone here is the same guy who was tripping at the Taco Bell. That's his other job.
Starting point is 01:29:24 It's Oakland, so they're on tranks behind the desk just it's probably too dangerous to show up to work there i don't think they have an answering machine just let it rain just let it ring first i'm going to type in another number we can we can talk i'm just going to let it ring next to me i'm typing a number of a of another one in um oakland also okay just in case we need it maybe there's like a sweet spot where you have to pick a a really progressive liberal city but one with the fruit of that no i hung up oh you have to pick one where the the fruit of that no i hung up oh you have to pick one where the
Starting point is 01:30:05 the fruit of that worldview hasn't led to complete apocalyptic chaos so that people still work behind desks or maybe that guy right in the middle yeah maybe the lady in alabama is so open that she likes everyone oh wait hold on like the less hostile libtard. Like they're really trying to walk the walk. I think some of that's probably just being in Alabama. Like she knows. Okay. I mean, Lupe was sophisticated.
Starting point is 01:30:36 She knew. Planet Fitness is now open. We are open all day, every day, with the exception of closing daily from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. for disinfecting. If you would like to speak to a team member... I think that tells us everything we need to know about the locker rooms. Mopping up semen. Thank you for calling Planet Venice. This is Samantha. How can I help you?
Starting point is 01:31:01 Yes. Hi, Samantha. I was calling... I'm not a member yet, but I did have a quick question about your locker rooms, your locker room policy. Okay. If I was born biologically male but identified as female, can I use the women's labeled locker room?
Starting point is 01:31:20 Yes. Okay. Okay. So it won't be a problem for me, even though I'm biologically male, but to be nude in there, use the showers in there. It's, that won't be an issue. No, sir. We do not discriminate as a judgment-free zone. If you have more questions, you're more than welcome to contact corporate office also, if you would like that number. Yeah. And I think I would, but also is that the same policy everywhere
Starting point is 01:31:45 or is it different from planet fitness to planet fitness? Like, could I drop in on one, like in the morning and get naked in the shower in front of people and then drop in at lunchtime and get naked in front of people all in the women's locker room? Or is it, is it, um, I would actually like to refer you to management just for a little bit more insight on that. Let me give you her info. And then also, would you like the corporate number too? Yeah, the management number and the corporate number would probably both be helpful. Real quick, before you tell me those numbers,
Starting point is 01:32:17 I know I have a daughter who's a teenager. She does not want to be in a women's locker room where there are people who are born biologically male, even if they identify as women. Is that, can she be accommodated as well? Or does she just have to run the risk of seeing naked male body parts? This is why I would like to refer you to management and corporate just so you, they could probably give you better answers than I can. They're a little bit... I want to say they would have better answers than me.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Let me get you their numbers. Give me a second, okay? Okay. Notice how quickly and easily she answered the yes, you can be a man in the women's locker room question, but she did not want to answer the is your daughter going to see penises question. We'll protect the perverts,
Starting point is 01:33:07 but not, not little girls. So it sounds like I'm being transferred to manage. Yeah, I'm ready. All right. So our manager's name is going to be. I believe that's how you say your last name.
Starting point is 01:33:20 So the last name will be C A L I C D. I'm writing this down. so it doesn't get broadcast right so courteous of russell right yeah what a good what a nice guy we only i'm ready. Is your refrigerator running? Well, you better go catch it. I'm sorry, can you say that last part again? I was trying to mess with that number.
Starting point is 01:34:01 I'm sorry, would you like me to take down your information for a callback possibly? Or would you like to contact them yourself? No, I don't. I mean, unless you think you could answer that last question now, just a teenage girl in the women's locker room, is she going to see male genitalia? It seems like something a local gym could answer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:22 I mean, we, to be honest, I mean, anybody is allowed, whatever you identify as, you're allowed to go into the restroom. And would I be allowed to identify as different things in different days and go between the two locker rooms? That's why I want to refer you to management because I don't have an answer for that question, sir. And I want to make sure that, you know, you're properly educated on it. I don't have the answer for that. I'm sorry. That's okay. I just know sometimes some people might identify as a woman and the next day, full dude.
Starting point is 01:34:52 Yeah, I mean, I'm sorry. I wish I had a better answer for you. Me too. You will definitely get that answer either from corporate or from management. Okay, I'm going to call that number now. Thank you so much. Sounds good. Have a good one.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Okay, I'm going to call that number now. Thank you so much. Sounds good. Have a good one. So people can't be themselves, basically, is what we've come down to. Everyone's in paralysis. You can't just be like... Judgment-free zone means that we're going to make judgments, but all of our judgments are going to be in favor of this shrill, angry, sexual minority and not children. We're going to protect the grown men who want to declare themselves women and let them do whatever they feel comfortable doing. But if you have a adolescent or teenage girl who want, you would like to protect from seeing naked men in the same bathroom as them. Can't answer that question.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Sorry. That's too morally complex. Let me, let me get into the definition of it. So what you're saying is, is it's impossible not to make judgments. And when they say they're not, because you have to make judgments like, Hey, do you need shoes in there? Do you not need shoes in there? Um, because, because if there was absolutely no judgment, then people could take weights in there. People could masturbate in there. People could bring their sandwiches in there. People could film in there. So it's not, so what you're saying is it's a lie there. This is, it's just feel nice words that there's no judgment, but the judgment is, is that men can be in there and it does. And the judgment is, is that women's desire for men not to be in there doesn't matter. And you're saying that that's a judgment under this false premise that it's not a judgment,
Starting point is 01:36:26 but we already can give you 50 things that you do judge already. Yeah. They're making judgments and they are discriminating. You can't play the saxophone. You can have your dick out in there, but you can't have the saxophone out in there. Yeah. Everyone makes judgments. Everyone discriminates.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Every business on earth does this. There's certain things you can't do certain things you can do there's certain uh we need that to operate even our unconscious decisions you're walking down the street on the sidewalk and the reason why we don't fall in a hole is we're having all of these unconscious decisions being made that keep us on the sidewalk that don't allow us to wander off into the street yeah it's it's it's fucking it's it's more of that word fuckery Yeah. It's, it's, it's fucking, it's, it's more of that word fuckery. It's wild. It's, it's actually a really common way of framing debates from the left that actually tries to kill the debate before it can ever happen. So the way that looks, there's going to, they're going to say, they're not going to agree to the presupposition. It's like the starting
Starting point is 01:37:23 point that, Hey, we've all got to make judgments when we set policies for, for example, bathrooms and showers, we are going to be discriminating against someone. So if you say men are not allowed in the women's bathroom, that's a form of discrimination of drawing a line in the sand about what is and is not acceptable. Well, when they say, yeah, we don't discriminate. Well, really what they're saying is, is they are now discriminating, discriminating against people who believe children should be shielded from seeing a bunch of hairy naked men shower in the women's locker room. That is a discrimination. And the problem is they've learned to see the word discrimination as always wrong and always bad because they've associated it with evil things like racial discrimination. And they've come to associate the word judgment with always
Starting point is 01:38:05 being bad when in fact they're doing it too. So if you don't agree that we all make judgments and we all have to, then how can you have the discussion over which judgments are right and wrong? You don't. You just ignore the debate entirely by saying you're the judgment side, you're bad. We're the non-judgment side, we're good. End of discussion. And that's how kids get hurt. Yeah. Yeah. Damn.
Starting point is 01:38:34 This may be one of the most fun I've ever had on a show. Thank you. Hey, this goes back to our religion one too. What do you mean? So like everybody has religious beliefs, which ones are good and true and right. Which ones are not well, the left, particularly the left who would deny religious belief would say, yeah, we're, we're, we're, we're non-believers, we're atheists or we're spiritual or whatever, but we don't, you can't have the conversation
Starting point is 01:39:02 over which systems religious beliefs are true and right and good if you just deny that you have a religion. You've just basically, through redefining words, stopped the debate from happening and just declared yourself righteous and true by switching the meanings of words around. Does that make sense? Yeah. Let's define religion here really quick. Maybe we don't have to make the time, but religion is a set of values. Yeah. I'd say religion is like a broad set of beliefs and values, both ethical beliefs, moral beliefs, and values, as well as answers to fundamental
Starting point is 01:39:38 questions like who are we? Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? What is our end, our teleology all of that is part of someone's religion or their world view you might say their view of reality so every and everyone has that because you can ask someone hey what happens when where what happens when you die and they can be like nothing or you go to heaven or i don't know but you you may not you may not even self-consciously have answers to those questions, but then that is your de facto religion, right? Right. And so when you say, and as human beings, we have all those, we have like one value that almost all of us have is to preserve our own
Starting point is 01:40:15 life. So that's why we don't just run across the street. We wait for it to turn green. So that's like one of our, our, our deepest values that we share. We don't want to die. So when the public school starts teaching your child, the religious ethic of, um, of LGBTQ sexuality. Yeah. And you say, Hey, why are you teaching your religion to my kids in a public school? They say, Oh, we're not religious. End of debate. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I know. So they've redefined what religion is and carved out their own little special area that's free from challenges and debate. And that's why they redefine words the way they do. It's to avoid rational discussion, rational debate, having to defend their views. They want you to assume that their views are morally superior without challenging them in the realm of intellectual debate.
Starting point is 01:41:06 It's always word fuckery for them. Yeah, George Orwell had it right. They really are like they're slimy. But not slimy like in a negative sense. They just slip out of your hands. They don't allow themselves to have any
Starting point is 01:41:21 discourse to pin down. There's no vulnerability in them. There's no like, hey, you bring... And that's why i guess it always goes to add homonym with them also yeah yeah damn well this was crazy uh crazy show great show i thought i had fun tell me how much fun you had so I can tell my mom you had fun. I had a great time. Okay, good. Yeah. I hope she'll let me come over again.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Yeah, totally. She's cool. She likes you. All right. I'll see you soon. Can I just invite you back on? Should I just reschedule you? Let's do it. All right.
Starting point is 01:42:00 You're the man. What was the movie that we need to see? American Gospel. There's two of them. The first one is the true gospel in contrast to the prosperity gospel, which I talked about. The second one, which I'm also in, is the true gospel in contrast to the progressive liberal gospel, which is sort of a syncretism, a blending of liberal ideologies, feminism and critical theory and progressivism with Christianity. And so both of these films is like designed to show you the
Starting point is 01:42:31 difference between truth and falsehood. They're really good. And, and, and, um, uh, YouTube for free on YouTube. They look like they're free on YouTube. I think the first one is, I don't think the second one is, Okay. But you can get it on Amazon. Oh, okay. Apple TV. It was on Netflix for a little while. All right. Hey, dude, thanks for your time.
Starting point is 01:42:53 Love you to death. Talk to you soon. I'll tell Susan to get us rescheduled. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Do I have to pay you? Do I have to pay you?
Starting point is 01:43:00 It's a joke. Don't answer that. I don't care, actually. Okay, bye. Do you want that gray beard to go away? Just believe in god and give me some money all right i love you buddy i tried to kick him out i can't kick him out wait i have to hit leave studio i'm gonna do it all right kicks kick from studio jesus Wow. God really wasn't that. God took over the studio.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Did you try kicking him out? No. I tried kicking him out twice. It wouldn't let me. Wow. He's too powerful. Jesus Christ. If you want him to leave, you have to have faith in God and then he'll leave.
Starting point is 01:43:42 I'm going to say something that I really should not say. It is so it's probably one of the most inappropriate things i've ever said on this podcast russell burger is the best guest ever wow yeah you really said that huh yeah i want this to be i want this to be a place where – well, I mean, that's how I feel now. I mean, there's obviously some proximity bias, but I always liked him. Like, so if we were at work and I was like, hey – this is how juvenile I am, but this is the truth too. It would be like, hey, guys – I would be like, hey, you guys want to go to breakfast? And like, you know what I mean? Like 10 people in the department – in the media department would be like, Hey guys, I would be like, Hey, you guys want to go to breakfast? And like, you know what I mean? Like 10 people in the department, in the media department would be like, yeah, Russell was
Starting point is 01:44:27 kind of like hybrid in the media department and work for directly reported directly to Greg. And so I would always like get Russell to, um, drive in my car, like in the front seat. You know what I mean? Like my friend, you know what I mean? So like, all right with me. You're ready with me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Russell come with me. Yeah. Like I wanted him to come with me. So he can, yeah. That's cool. Just my, you know what I mean? Like he's, you're my friend. Even like, we weren't even that close, but we weren't, I mean, I just knew I really liked
Starting point is 01:44:55 him. Like I just felt so good around him. Good company. God, he's fucking awesome. Uh, Seve. Uh oh. Ready, Caleb? Seve's gagging on Russell's hog right now.
Starting point is 01:45:04 Beaver isn't garglingg beaver isn't gargling Insert gargling noise All right cool what a what a shame that that that show uh another thing that i i don't ever remember saying that show should have like three million live viewers that show is so fucking good god damn it was great yeah i can't i can't be serious i'm really bad at lying. I'm really bad at watching people prank call people. It's hard.
Starting point is 01:45:49 I'm in the corner just laughing hysterically because I just can't take it. It's hard. Excuse me. Heidi was tripping. Yeah. And I was tripping. I was reading her comments and i was like yeah shit that's the way i feel i'm fucking coming on hinge it's so uncomfortable but in a good way
Starting point is 01:46:12 it's it's crazy they're very nice people i feel bad for them just like jake said i feel bad that they have to deal with it oh yeah that was a astute observation on jake's part you know that room that always stuff like comments like that always make me realize how good the people are yeah listen to the show like like that's that's empathy hey hey babe you're on hi you're on speaker we're in the car okay um you're you're on speaker too okay hey um the 400 other people yeah So you took, there's no kids here? Right. I have all of them. All right. If anyone, do I have a car or no car?
Starting point is 01:46:56 You have a car. I took my mom's. Okay. Is your mom here? I'm here. No, she's in the car too. Oh, okay. I'm going to school. Oh, all right. You guys have fun.
Starting point is 01:47:06 That's my mother-in-law. That's my mother-in-law. You guys can hear her. I'm the Jew mother-in-law. Haley. Yeah. Andrew made this video, like a 50-minute analysis video on one of my friends yesterday and published it to YouTube. And someone in the
Starting point is 01:47:25 comment said brian seems like a jew what do you oh no do you think that's i asked russell if he thought that that was negative uh or positive i don't want to read into it and hate and no i think it's just i'll just take that as an observation. Okay, good. All right. Okay. Brian friend room. It says Brian friend reminds me of a Jew. Oh, look, you thought you look, I thumbs down that. Like, listen, listen, be cool, man.
Starting point is 01:48:01 I love Jews. All right. Finally, if any of the boys need to be picked up, call me and tell me and I'll come and I'll come get them. Oh, thank you. OK, I might. Yeah, I might have to. So thank you. I'm just hanging out all day on the assault bike. I'm not doing nothing. If you bring your projection about Jews to that statement, then that will determine whether you think it's positive or negative. OK, yeah, I think that that's a good thing that if you're a Jew, that's a good thing. It makes you, it means you're one of the smartest,
Starting point is 01:48:27 wealthiest people on the planet. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. Fine. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Thank you for talking me off the ledge. I thought I was going to have to like hire a mercenary. I love you. Turn the thumbs down to a thumbs up. Yeah. All right. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Bye. Love you. There's no such thing as racism anyway. Yeah. All right. Bye. Bye. Love you. There's no such thing as racism anyway. Just between your ears. Dan Guerrero, he's barely, he's barely doing anything
Starting point is 01:48:54 on that bike anyways. Yeah, that's. Be on it all day just pedaling along. I took Avi to tennis yesterday and the coach is like, hey, warm your son up. I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 01:49:04 I always get there early and so I warm him up and the coach is like hey warm your son up I'm like okay I always get there early and so I warm him up and I'm exhausted after the warm up it's like 4 minutes long it's like skipping and butt kickers and shit you know what I mean this is such a dumb warm up I hated those warm ups they're so stupid
Starting point is 01:49:18 oh really I like them oh do fucking side skips okay now do high knees now freaking kick your butt I'm like dude I'm not warm after that oh body still aches oh yeah i'm not totally warm but i'm but i'm warmer you and brian need to kiss and make up there's no there's nothing between the two of us you have to understand there's no i don't dislike him i don't hate him I don't I have there's nothing there's no it's not like that at all I think yeah there's nothing that video was wild though or no sorry not but and that video was wild
Starting point is 01:50:09 um how much did brian ask for uh he didn't ask for uh i don't even remember i don't think he asked for anything i mean he just said i think originally he just said hey i need to get paid i need to make money and i found a sponsor who would pay for the shows that we did together. Well, just not even that. It was just like, hey, here you go. Here's the money. See if you can do you can basically do whatever you want. And we had some rough guidelines, but they went out the window quickly.
Starting point is 01:50:41 But then it's just like that. It's just like Andrew said. Then he's like, okay. Um, Hey, talking to fitness wants to hire me and they're going to pay me more. He didn't, he never, I never knew how much I, but I wasn't going to pay him more. I don't think he misrepresented that at all. And he just said, Hey, um, so I'm going over there to work. He had already told me though, he had told me six months or a year earlier. He had already told me, though. He had told me six months or a year earlier.
Starting point is 01:51:05 At one point, I said, hey, what if I expanded the Sevan podcast to include, to compete, basically do what Morning Chalk Up is doing? Fulfill all the holes, do articles, do all that stuff, like a competitor Morning Chalk Up. And he said, oh, the Lone Ranger people are also thinking of doing that. If they do it and you do it, just so you know, I'm going to go with them. I mean, he told me that. He was very honest. Oh, he just started a live video. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:51:44 It's in 10 minutes. Oh. It's in 10 minutes. Oh, it's in 10 minutes. Okay, we should go over there and watch that. That'll be fun. How do you know? Wait, but it says just start bringing it. Oh, bring it up on the show. Oh, me bringing it?
Starting point is 01:51:55 No, I'm not bringing it up. I don't want it. I'm not bringing nothing up. I'm cool. I'm chilling. Dan said that I look like the person who got picked last in class and that's just not true i was always picked first oh you were i would pick you first too always yeah i just don't warm up because it's dumb i'm already athletic i don't know if you if you saw caleb in
Starting point is 01:52:19 in person you would not say that if you saw him in person you will be very uh he does not look like a guy sitting in a fucking at the shed he's a different guy sitting in the shattuck and with wood paneling behind him and what like what is that knob and tube electricity what is that white thing on the wall stuck on the wall what are you talking about that oh oh that's a skateboard wheel oh yeah i am the guy who wins every game for you You pick me first I can totally see that Look at Caleb this is the only time I've ever seen him He's posturing
Starting point is 01:52:50 It's arrogant Caleb right there you saw the taste of it Unbelievable Wow I win every recess game Kickball dodgeball No one ever beat you at tetherball that's for sure No fucking way you're way too coordinated and tall I whooped everybody's you at tetherball, that's for sure. No fucking way. You're way too coordinated and tall. I whooped everybody's ass in tetherball.
Starting point is 01:53:09 You want to ride bikes around the neighborhood? I'll beat your ass in riding bikes around the neighborhood. You want to run to the stop sign and back? I'll beat you in the run to the stop sign and back. I actually believe all that. Yeah. He beat everyone in the deadlift competition. He put all the weights on until there were...
Starting point is 01:53:23 I mean, maybe it was a a tie but there was no one he yeah we're not fucking around here he's not just a pretty face pushing buttons making gurgling sounds hey just so you know caleb actually that is actually caleb he's so um caleb gurgling i recorded it myself i I got my studio. And it's actually with... No, it's not water. Be honest. I told you not to tell anybody. He wanted the sound to be authentic.
Starting point is 01:53:54 And he really took one for the team there. He went deep. Deep into the character play. Awful retard. Alright. I think I'm done. Awful retard. All right. I think I'm done. Oh, let's see who's on tomorrow. Hey, guys, I think we are doing a quarterfinal show six or seven days in a row.
Starting point is 01:54:18 I spoke to the owner of Born Primitive yesterday. It looks like they're in. Fuck. I said to them, I spoke to bear and claire over there oh it rhymes bear and claire like dude you guys got to get all those shoes in stock before we do those shows shows everyone wants the shoes everyone everyone wants the fucking shoes jeez louise oh yeah so it's oh it says dal and pepper Pepper will be on Brian's show In seven minutes And I think I have confirmation From Dallin, Jason, Colton
Starting point is 01:54:50 And Taylor Self It's going to be Taylor Self Versus the World Invitational And if you perform well enough I'll send you to the semifinals Yes the 7-1 podcast will send you to the semifinals If you do well enough at their invitational That's the kind of pool we have.
Starting point is 01:55:06 How cool is that? Those shows are going to be gnarly. And hey, I think, remember how we did a show with Bryson Del Monte? Yeah. I think we got someone else to do like this. You know, there'll be two separate shows, but I think we have the co-main event. I think we have someone that you guys are all going to love. No shit. And I don't want to say who it is,
Starting point is 01:55:29 but she's going to be on the show soon. She, huh? Yeah. Interesting. Matter of fact, she's going to be on tomorrow. Oh. And that's just a coincidence, by the way. That's just a coincidence by the way That's totally a coincidence
Starting point is 01:55:47 So Denise Or dense after 40 Our gym has 38 people qualified for quarterfinals 13 qualified for both individual and age group Curious to hear other gym stats After these three tests fuck that's crazy oh devin kim would be good too i don't eat beets but i would eat beets like i like i've gone through phases where i eat beets when i was at greg's house uh in arizona his wife had made this crazy beet salad and there
Starting point is 01:56:22 were a bunch of just like boiled ones on the side, and I ate a few. I like beets. I like beets, actually. I like how they turn my shit red. I like anything that affects my… Your digestion? Yeah, like asparagus. Anything that affects my pee and my poop, I get off on.
Starting point is 01:56:40 I enjoy the… It's like smoking. Like the fun part was watching the smoke come out. I enjoy the it's like smoking like the fun part was watching the smoke come out i enjoy the uh response hey can you can you pull up um one more thing i want to see which hayley adams did better oh yeah of the two hayley adams all right Okay, so we had a H-A-L-E-Y Adams, right? Yeah. Oh, I can pull them up on my Instagram too. Haley Adams proper, the American. The legend.
Starting point is 01:57:21 The legend. Hiller's girlfriend. Prodigy, if you will. Yeah, yeah. 126th. 126th place in the world. And then H-A-Y-L-E-Y. Was that the other one?
Starting point is 01:57:37 So the... So that Hayley Adams, man, she did good. I'm looking at the right. Other Hayley Adams, H-A-Y-L-E-Y. H-A-Y-L-E-Y, Hayley Adams 3. Yeah. Yep. How'd she do?
Starting point is 01:57:57 Holy shit. So that chick's good. I'm getting that chick on the show. I want to get that chick on the show It was Hayley Adams 3 right Yeah I'd like to get like 4 Hayleys On the show at the same time And just see like how I manage that
Starting point is 01:58:16 Like talking to them Without giving them code names To see if like they're smart enough to see Like can you by the nuances of the conversation Let me see this chick oh i like her already i'm getting full shelby neal vibes from her oh yeah good point oh she's just you know she's just a girl she's just a little kid i love her how cool is she look at that yeah what a beast let me see i want to see what sport she played she played something then she came to crossfit I bet her dad must be so proud of her. I want to see her dad too
Starting point is 01:58:50 Let's see skiing. She's australian. So you already know she's got a good head on her shoulder God I hope she didn't take the injection Why do you have to go there? I don't know because I care about people. I don't want them doing drugs, bad drugs. Guy who mentioned my car page. Wait, what was that? What was that, a family photo on the left? Let me see your family.
Starting point is 01:59:11 I want to judge your family. It looks like a gym photo. Jeez, what if that was her dad, the dude who's like 30 in the back? It's dead. Let's see. Is that her dad? At the beach? No.
Starting point is 01:59:23 Oh, boyfriend. Oh, she is just a kid. This is going to be wild. All right. I hope she can talk and shit. Dang, look at that. Strapped up to a big old machine. VO2 max test.
Starting point is 01:59:41 Knees weak, arms are heavy. Mom's spaghetti. Is that how that goes yeah so no parent no pictures of her dad that's really disappointing Haley nope not her dad it's crazy when you can go back into someone's Instagram and they're still they're in diapers Jesus Christ she's like. Let me see that very first picture. I want to see how young she is in her earliest picture. Did there.
Starting point is 02:00:12 I used to wear, I used to wear rugby shirts like that. That's almost 10 years ago. Did you ever wear rugby shirts? No, I think that's what those are called rugby. They have the thick rubber buttons and they're like, have those weird collars like that.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Like, yeah, that kind of like polo shirts All right Sweet what do you think she played you think she played up? Oh polo is it polo? Sorry. Maybe it's polo Thank you polo Ralph Lauren or polo made them. Hey, um I'm gonna guess she either did softball i'm gonna guess she did a couple things softball cross country softball and cross country do they even have softball in australia i don't know but she's like softball girls don't wear
Starting point is 02:00:58 makeup and don't dress like hoes and i didn't get like any hoe vibe from her that's my wife that's a perfect depiction of my wife. And does she play softball? Yeah, she's a stud. Yeah. Don't stop. Yeah. She doesn't wear makeup, and she dresses in sweatpants and big hoodies.
Starting point is 02:01:18 The track and field chicks are like a hybrid. They want to be on the cover of Playboy, and the softball chicks want to be on the cover of Playboy, and the softball chicks want to be on the cover of Forbes. Seve, that's not true. I know, but I'm just like, so what? Just shut up and let me have my time. No, Heidi. My wife is not
Starting point is 02:01:39 subservient. She's a firefighter. Yeah, but I could deadlift as much as her. That's Seveon's crowning achievement hey listen you know listen when I know what she's gonna be like when she finds out that I'm like bragging about this
Starting point is 02:01:54 every other show she's gonna deadlift 300 I know she's gonna make a mess of my story I asked Caleb I said hey what's your wife thinking about you fucking around with your grown-ass man fucking around on podcasts every morning she goes yeah she knows it makes me happy like that's it end the story that's all that's all i needed to know you know and she always stands close to caleb i like that too why can't it be caleb standing close to her okay fine they when they're around they hang out
Starting point is 02:02:26 she's my comfort blanket yeah you can tell they hang out it's cool it's great I love your wife I love your relationship yeah it's cool always down to help
Starting point is 02:02:38 the nuances show that their relationship is in a positive direction oh someone sent me something about homosexuality oh i wonder if i could read this uh post there are people who are assholes you think so yeah there's just people who are assholes let me give you an example um you throw something in the trash And you miss And you don't pick it up
Starting point is 02:03:29 Okay People who Judge other people for not putting their shopping carts away Assholes Joe Biden Asshole Total asshole carts away assholes uh joe biden asshole total asshole yeah he's a dickhead wow it's like oh someone came up with that nope somebody in the cat did yeah he's a dick if you don't vote for me you're not black i mean that's just a dickhead thing to say like that's funny for a comedian, not a politician.
Starting point is 02:04:09 And I'm not saying that you can't be an asshole. Being an asshole is fine. But I'm just saying there's people. Yeah, chicks that wear tube tops. Not assholes. Just bad. That's not asshole. Thanks for trying.
Starting point is 02:04:24 Thanks for trying. Heidi, I appreciate the alright I don't want to go I'm trying to milk how good that show was but oh here you go nose ring asshole I'm trying to milk how good this show was, but... Oh, here you go. Nose ring.
Starting point is 02:04:47 Asshole. It's got the middle one, like the bull ring. That's just kind of a... That's just a correlate. I mean, clearly there's probably some dumb shit component. I'm just talking about there's just people who are just straight assholes. Someone who... just talking about there's just people like who are just straight assholes um someone who um someone who uh you're holding the door open and like five people come through and then a capable
Starting point is 02:05:16 male comes through and he doesn't take the door from you and he just walks through too oh here you go asshole i was carrying a box of packages to the post office yesterday and a lady held the door for me and this guy walks in front and tells the lady uh thank you oh tells the lady thank you she says it wasn't for you somebody oh i don't know that that one i need to see video footage of there's some nuances there i like being oblivious doesn't make you an asshole you're an you're oblivious. I mean, the fact that he said, thank you means that he wasn't that, that he was oblivious to,
Starting point is 02:05:49 I don't know. That one's, you got a guy with an arm full of packages coming through. Maybe he didn't see him. Maybe he was focused on like, what if he said, yeah, the chick holding the door open had some huge titties.
Starting point is 02:05:57 So he was just like locked in. Thank you. I don't know. Someone who tells you to sell your company because you sent a tweet. Asshole. Asshole. Asshole. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:06:16 People who bleach their assholes. I don't know if those are assholes. Those are ass pounders, though. See, I don't think people who post black squares are assholes. Maybe like strong correlate for dipshits. Alright. I bet you Joe really loved the fact that
Starting point is 02:06:39 Russell was on the show. He seemed titillated. Joe and Russell got along good. Joe is really fun to be around too. Yeah, he is. Joe is very fun to be around. In the same way that Russell is fun to be around. It's like, you could just be like, hey, to either one of those guys,
Starting point is 02:06:57 you could be like, hey, you want to go outside and have a rock throwing contest? They'll be like, sure. You know what I mean? Or they'll tell you some really smart shit. Yeah. While you're throwing the rock, Joe will be like, hey, You know what I mean? Like they're, they're, or they'll tell you some really smart shit. Yeah. While you're throwing the rock, Joe will be like, Hey dude, not enough ankle flexion. Did you court extremities? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:13 That's right. Yeah. Yeah. If any, if my dad picked up anything from the seminar from L1 seminars, that's what it was. Court extremity. He just says it all the time. Now he goes core extremity. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:24 What is he even talking about look at i knew it joe loves russ yeah you guys are two peas in a pod you guys should have been brothers all right love you guys uh tomorrow morning uh fisa goffy i think she took her level two find out about that find out about about where she's at with her competition. Find out what the fuck's going on over at brute. Why, why Torres got stuck with the two squares people in CrossFit feast of coffee and down pepper.
Starting point is 02:07:53 Fucking dorks. And, uh, that's it. Find out what it's like working out with the America's fittest man. Shit like that. Find out how for, she still thinks her husband's the cat's meow.
Starting point is 02:08:06 All the fun questions. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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