The Sevan Podcast - Ryan Hughes | Greatness Lived and Defined

Episode Date: November 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply didn't get many specifics on how or what like like I didn't, if there's going to be video, just audio, stuff like that. So maybe. We're a live video. Can you do it like this?
Starting point is 00:01:13 Are you comfortable? Yeah, no, I'm comfortable just making sure that I have the right background, you know, and nothing showing that shouldn't be showing now. Let's party. Yeah. So let me, let me see if I can get get you a little bit bigger somehow your connection your connection is great you if you could turn the phone sideways that'd be great if not no problem i know it could be a lot to hold it like that okay yeah and if you need to
Starting point is 00:01:39 move or anything it's um it's my show it's a chill show yeah that's so you just you just rock and roll and do you and have fun yeah maybe all right let's do this let me get some coffee let's run outside because it's uh it's nice outside so all the fires are gone and everything so we're good ryan where are you at right now uh i'm in, I live in Southern California. So down, uh, towards, uh, uh, you know, yeah. San Diego area. Okay, cool. I'm in, um, Santa Cruz. Okay. Yeah. Santa Cruz is beautiful. Yeah. I live just outside Temecula, um, in a place called Awonga. So I live on 30 acres off grid, um, and, uh, live out here solo. Uh, not a, not a friend, not a mate, not a dog, not a cat, completely solo.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yeah, you're doing it. You're doing it. Welcome to yourself. And we are pretty much the same age. I'm born March of 1972 and you're born in April of 1973. Yep, yep. 1972, March of 72, and you're born in April of 73. Yep. Yep. And if I may, we're two guys who've really, really lived a good real life. Lots of stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:56 You have been in the two-wheeled motorized sports committed for 40 years. You have kids. You've traveled the world. You've been at the top of your game. You've, uh, been married and, and, and now you're doing something that's kind of a dream for, uh, I guess for a lot of human beings, uh, living off the grid and I'm getting just really deep diving into yourself. Yeah. Well, you know, for me, I've, I've never really had like a, a plan in life or a goal in life. I've always just done the things that, that make me tick things that I love to do. So, you know, as younger, you know, soccer, football, my God,
Starting point is 00:03:37 I'm going to be a professional this, and I found motocross and instantly just, I was great at it. And so I made a really good, how old were you when you found it? I started when I was great at it. And so I made a real change. How old were you, Ryan, when you found it? I started when I was 11. 11. So I wanted to be, you know, I played soccer, football, and I just have the mentality if I do something, even when I was younger, that I'm going to be the best at it. So I played soccer. I want to be the best.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Found football. Oh, I can hit people and not get in trouble. So I like this. So I want to be a professional football player. And then I always rode motorcycles, but just rode them. And then my brother raced and they finally, they wanted me to go race and I never wanted to, I was too scared. They finally got me to race. I won my first six races and, you know, turned pro in like three years. So it went really fast. And then, so I was able to build a career, build a life, uh, being, you know, top motocrosser and going around the world and
Starting point is 00:04:31 being able to experience, uh, um, you know, people and destinations and experiences that from highs to lows that people would never, um, you know, be able to imagine like winning some of the biggest races on earth, but also laying on the ground, being completely paralyzed from neck down. More than once. Yeah, four times. So, so with that, just kind of, you know, you go through life and then you got married with my, my ex at 21. So I had a 24 year marriage with her. My son will be 26 this year. My daughter will be 22. And so kind of did that whole thing. But then, you know, life wants change. Life wants something different. And so we decided to put like a little bit of a bomb in my life and then divorce happened, sell the house, lose the money. You know what I mean? Then it's like, OK, here comes the real test. And so I kind of found myself out here on this property, not knowing why, but now I know exactly why.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And it's healed me from a lot of situations, from like divorce, letting family go, and also pretty much being paralyzed four times in the last 10 years. I just realized, I was trying to figure out how you popped on my radar. And I just saw this guy in the comments, Jedediah Snelson. He's a CrossFit games athlete. Oh yeah. And he's been on this. Yeah. He's been on the show before.
Starting point is 00:05:55 So he's the one who introduced me to you through the. Yeah, that's right. That's right. That's right. Yeah. That's trying to figure out the connection also. And yeah, so we, myself and Jedediah, we did some work together. He was working for another rider that I was coaching and, uh, you
Starting point is 00:06:10 know, we saw eye to eye and then unfortunately he had a little accident in motocross, but, you know, the mentality and the work ethic and the, you know, the heart that that guy has that I see, you know, uh, on Instagram is pretty, it's pretty amazing. This guy doesn't stop, you know, so it's cool. Yeah. Good. pretty amazing. A good guy doesn't stop, you know? So that's cool. Yeah. Good. Great headspace too. Good dude. I have him help me host a couple of shows and just to just a bro can just hang. You can just roll. Yep. Yep. Hey, um, tell, can you said you started riding at 11. Can you tell me the first time? Is that the first time you were ever on a motorcycle?
Starting point is 00:06:42 And could you go back even further and tell me when you learned how to ride a bike if you remember the first time you were on a two-wheeled vehicle yeah i can't remember like the the first time but i started riding probably motorcycles when i was four four or five years old how does that happen like like most people would be like no my parents won't let me get close to motorcycle but at four you were introduced to this well my dad rode in the desert my dad rode a little bit just for fun, you know, just because again, back in the seventies, he could ride anywhere. Yeah. I mean, nowadays and then is two different worlds. So you could ride down the street, whatever. So motorcycles are rampant. So we had motorcycles and three wheelers and I just, we'd go to the desert all the time. Uh, but so I just did it for fun. But, um, then my brother raced, uh, when I was younger and I didn't race, then he had to quit
Starting point is 00:07:29 cause my dad had to work a lot. He used to work at a power plant and then, um, and then he started racing again. And that's when they wanted me to come out and try it. And I remember the day before the race, I was sitting in my, in the truck, crying. No, dad, no, I don't want to. I was so scared. And then they got me out there and I fell over and somebody, a big guy on a bigger bike stopped and kind of helped me up. And I was like, oh, wow, these guys are nice. And that was like the click for me, you know, because they're very shy kid for some reason. You would never think of it, but very shy kid.
Starting point is 00:08:03 But once I felt comfortable then you saw you know you know myself shine and again i'd won my first six races and then i went from starting racing in 1984 to finishing fifth and the biggest one of the biggest races in the world in six years you know yeah crazy very very. But again, some people are born with that mentality of once they have something in their mind that they're, they're unstoppable. Even if they don't become the best or anything, they get to that destination, you know? And I have that ability to put something in my mind and just tune everything in this world completely out until I get there. And, and with something that challenged you
Starting point is 00:08:52 and bring brought you that thrill, like motocross, it was hard not to be so just obsessed with it. You know, do you have a, um, do you have a second passion? Is there anything else that's even come close to, to motocross in your life, to riding bikes? Uh, no. Um, and I guess besides that, besides that, besides that, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Besides that, um, no, that's healthy though. That's healthy. That's good. Yeah. So I guess to explain it is when I got with my ex, you know, my ex wife, we're when we're younger, we're sitting in the garage and we're talking about going out in this. And I said and I said, hey, see that motorcycle in the corner? You know, that's my bike, my practice bike. And she's like, yeah, I go. That's my first love. I go. Nothing comes before that. I go. If you can understand that, then we can start dating. If you can't, then we're done
Starting point is 00:09:49 because I just, nothing will interrupt that. So I've gone through 24 years of marriage, kids, this, that, and after four years of being involved in the sport, I still have a lot of love for it. Right. So that, that's, that's a blessing. That's an absolute blessing to be able to have something you've been into for so long and still have, you know, a passion for it. Is there anything about racing that's a performance? Um, yeah, it's a dance. It's a dance. You you know when you watch the other guys or with yourself uh it's a dance with the bike and the track and so when you're able to because i do a lot of coaching now i do a lot of coaching and teaching and things like that and kind of
Starting point is 00:10:36 lead the sport with technique and positioning and so i coach a lot of different levels of riders and so when I coach the young the guys that don't have skill It's like they're so they're they're reacting. So the bike does something then they react to it, right? So they're always behind it a little bit behind it a little bit you get someone really really good Well, they initiate everything so their body's moving before the bike is, or if the bike moves, they're moving in a direction because they know it's going to happen. So it turns more into a dance. A dancer is never reacting to anything. A dancer is always initiating his next move, his next, his next flair performance.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And so the same thing with, with, uh, athletes is that you should never be in reaction mode because that is defensive and something's already happened. You need to be in initiation mode because that's instinct, intuition, where you don't have to think about it. Right. Then that then that that softness comes out, that trust comes out, that, you know, that dance. And you see it in Kobe. You see it in, you know, you see it in, you know, soccer players, Michael Jordan, whatever it is. That level, there's that dance. That's what I see. There's this famous fighter named Israel Adesanya.
Starting point is 00:11:54 He's in the UFC now. He was saying that the reason why he thought Jordan was better than LeBron was because of the emotional attachment the audience had to him. I'm paraphrasing what he's saying, of course. The emotional attachment the audience had with him because of his performance. And as a fighter, he wanted to be the same way. Like if there was ever a question if it was a tie, he wanted the audience to be on his side emotionally because of his performance.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Driving is kind of like that, Ryan. I drive, but a lot of people don't drive. They're just out there, and they do everything segmented. For me, it's just between point A and point B, it's all one movement. There's not right turn, left turn, stop, start. It's all, even how I'm braking, slowing down, I'm just constantly, I'm driving. I'm like the car. There's people who don't do that. I'm braking, slowing down. I'm just constantly, I'm driving. I'm like the car. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And there's people who don't do that. Yeah. Well, the thing is, it's just like motocross. So I explain, I go, look, driving a car and riding motocross, the mind can't keep up with how fast it's happening. So if you're trying to keep up with how fast driving a car, riding a motorcycle is happening, you're always going to be behind it. Because you can never think of right now. Impossible. You can only can think of future and past and surroundings. So if you're thinking about anything, it's always going to be away from what's happening right now. And so if my
Starting point is 00:13:15 mind is wandering while I'm driving or riding, well, then I only can hope that my line is where it should be. And I'm set up for that next section. And if there's any hope in me, well, then there's fear and there's fear, there's hesitation, right? But if I learn, if I, if I learn to learn how to feel the drive, feel my seat, feel my tires, feel my wheels, feel my whatever, well, you only can feel right now. You can't feel future past or surroundings. And so if I can feel what's happening right now, well, then I can trust that I'm in this line set up for this next section. And if you have trust in you, you relax. If you relax, you flow, right?
Starting point is 00:13:51 So everything that we do at that level has to become a feel. It cannot be a thought. But we also bring thought into it because what are you doing? You're identifying where you want to be so you can set up where you should be down the next corner but then your then your focus goes right back into where you're at right now that makes sense oh 100 if i'm coming into a corner i'm focused on okay i need to hit this line because i need i need to square this up and then swing this wide in two more corners. Got that, but then my focus goes right into making sure I hit that point so the rest of it kind of plays out together.
Starting point is 00:14:34 The audience says, Seve, you drive a minivan. You drive a minivan. Dude, you drive a minivan. Dude, you drive a minivan. I know. I'm in the arts of minivan driving. He's in the motorcycle arts. I'm in the arts. I drive a small little Toyota. But nobody can keep up with me in that thing, boy. Do you drive an automatic or a stick?
Starting point is 00:14:58 I drive an automatic. I got my hand free for the lady, you know? Of course, of course, yes. Do you downshift? If you're getting off a freeway exit and you drive an automatic, do you downshift? No, I just hit the brakes. It depends on what exit I'm coming off of. Yeah, oh, yeah. If it's my exit coming off mine into there, I'm pretty much all sideways. Passing everybody on the outside third lane. Wow, all right all right because i drive my i i used to drive a uh um i probably
Starting point is 00:15:33 shouldn't say this out loud either i used to drive a 77 volkswagen rabbit that was a stick yeah and then i had and then i had a toyota pickup truck that was a stick and so now my minivan my my toyota minivan um i i downshift i drive the manual like it's a stick oh you put it over in the left or whatever so you use the shifter yeah especially like anytime i'm getting off the freeway that like and i'm merging with the traffic i like to keep it nice and tight yeah i get in there yeah i always have to pass that last person for some reason the racer comes out me everywhere so yeah i can't i can't race i can't race anymore and do all that and wild stuff because of the injuries that i've had uh so i bought an f1 a simulator so i have a
Starting point is 00:16:11 simulator in my place with uh the wheel and the 48 inch screen and oh yeah it's amazing do you like it yeah it's pretty cool do you wear like the oculus glasses that thing the no just this has you know the wheel i mean just the wheel alone is 2500,500 bucks. So it's a, it's a real deal. And, um, but I haven't got the, the, I didn't, I haven't done the, uh, virtual one, you know, I hear it sometimes it screws with you, I guess. And I don't want to get, I don't want to get too addicted to it. Damn it. I understand Ryan there was this line you said in an interview
Starting point is 00:16:50 that really I had never heard this before and this made so much sense and I think I got it close you didn't want to be a champion you wanted to go fast and that desire to go fast and mastering your art is what turned you into a warrior. And then once you turn into a warrior, your natural instinct is then to go out and get it, which is a synonym for compete.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah. And I thought, wow, that's. That's fascinating because so many kids miss that part because they already want to be Michael Jordan or they want to be something. And it seems like you didn't want to do that. You just wanted to go fast. And then without even knowing it, you transformed into this. to this high level racer and once you started like i guess i'm feeling like eminently competent around that skill you wanted to test it against other humans yeah i guess the thing is it's like yeah i've never really wanted to be anybody i never became somebody but never want to be anybody i never looked up into anybody and was, wanted to emulate them or be anything like anybody. You know, I'm, that's the thing is I'm 100% happy, confident and secure with who I am. There's nobody on earth that I wish I could be like, and that's not an egotistical thing.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It's just, you know, I've, I've, I've been tested and tried and, and, and tuned myself into who I, who I want to be, even though that means I have had to push a lot of shit out of the way, you know, or not have some things that maybe I should. So with that, having that mentality that starts coming out everywhere, right? starts coming out everywhere, right? And so that warrior mentality of just going, like I said before, once I have something in my mind, you know, there's no way that anything's going to get there until I get to that destination. And so having that just, you know, again, unfortunately, it comes out everywhere. Sometimes it comes out in relationship, and it comes out in life just trying to have fulfillment, right? You start chasing and chasing and chasing and chasing and chasing because that's how you got your fulfillment is by accomplishment, you know, in racing. And so
Starting point is 00:19:16 when that racing's gone is when that real struggle I feel happens for a lot of us athletes is because we're so used to chasing something to get what we want. But the only thing that you can chase in life after, you know, competition sometimes is the negative of life, right? Because that's giving you a little quick fulfillment, a little quick fulfillment. And so that's where I feel a lot of, it can help you when you're trying to achieve a goal and become something and and compete. But when you're done with it, then it can almost be the worst thing that you've ever brought on to yourself because you're never you're never going to you're never going to be satisfied. It's always there's always unfulfillment. You know, there's always more. There's always next. There's always what if maybe. Do you still ride any two-wheel vehicles no i mean i rode i ride every once in a while just to scratch an itch but and like i say the last two years i
Starting point is 00:20:15 broke my neck twice and um you know to be able to walk away from the things that I've, I've experienced is, is I don't, I don't have an answer for, you know, I really don't. And so I have to respect that, honor that. And, um, and, uh, yeah. And yeah, yeah. You described one of your breaks as being decapitated. One of your breaks is being decapitated. So, yeah. So, again, I broke my back in 2013 in a crash. And, I mean, the stories that I have, I don't know how long you guys want to talk. But, anyways.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I'll hear them. I'm game. I'm game. Okay. So, in 2013, I was coaching these riders. And we're working on a section section. I said, okay. And I always would, I always would demonstrate that we want to do it like this. We want to do it like this.
Starting point is 00:21:09 And I was going through this section. And again, at this time in my life, there was transition. I was coming off of being this really, really competitive, high world-class racer and now retiring and going through the, okay, who am I now? And, and the only time that I would have satisfaction if, if I went out there and went fast on a motorcycle and proved how good I was, you know what I mean? So it's kind of, you know, just, just, it's ending a persona and finding out that you have a big ego, I guess this turning point and in men around like 40 ish.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And so that, so I'm just trying of just explaining where i'm at in my life and so i went through the section and the bike went a little bit sideways and at that speed as you know racing cars driving cars you don't have time to make decisions it comes from instinct right but time stopped it fucking stopped and i don't it. And he gave me a decision to turn the gas off or turn the gas on. And the section wasn't too bad and it's my mentality. And so right when I made the decision to gas it, it felt like something just threw me off my bike, pulled me off my motorcycle. I went headfirst into a jump and, and all of a sudden, boom, I was paralyzed from neck down. and and all of a sudden boom i was paralyzed from neck down ryan hold on just a second so so a jump looks is like basically you hit a wall when you say you drive instead of going up it you
Starting point is 00:22:32 just drove into a wall yeah i drove into the wall i tucked my head and i hit the wall boom okay thank you the face of the face of the jump and then i rolled down it paralyzed from the neck down and just looking at my arms and my legs just screaming at the top of my lungs like oh my god it finally happened oh my god oh my god because every racer that's their worst that's their worst nightmare or worst fear and so I laid there for I don't know how long because again shock and all these different things and then finally excuse me the the little bit of feeling started coming back through my toes and up through my body. And I started kind of getting a feeling back.
Starting point is 00:23:10 And then it all started coming back. I'm like, OK, OK, OK. They loaded me up, went to the hospital. They found out that I broke T2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. They're all broken. Four was gone. They don't know how I was really even walking later in the, later in time. I didn't, I went paralyzed from chest down. The hematoma grew
Starting point is 00:23:32 on my spinal column. And, um, I went paralyzed for like 10 hours in the hospital from chest down before they rushed me into the emergency room to take off the hematoma. What did they do? They just drained it? It was a blood? Well, they sliced me open and took out the hematoma, and then all of a sudden I started getting a feeling back in my – movement back in my legs. That one wasn't from an accident?
Starting point is 00:23:57 That one was just from that? No, that was the same thing. So I went paralyzed, got back, and then when I was in the hospital, I went paralyzed again. Wow. And then they put two rods, 11 screws in me, fused me from two to seven. And then I was out of the hospital in a week and never went to PT, never went to physio. I asked him, you know, how do I heal? And they said, well, the best thing you can do is walk. I walked 100 miles the first month. I won my first mountain bike race three months later and uh healed myself and so long story
Starting point is 00:24:33 short three years later four years later i was walking through the track and i saw one of my friends that is um that i've known for a long time and we haven't seen each other in a while and he's like hey man good to see you he goes he goes you know what i haven't seen you since that crash when you broke your back and i was like yeah you know it was pretty gnarly and he goes he goes that was probably one of the scariest things i've ever seen in my life he goes i was 100 feet away from the jump and i felt the ground shake when you hit the ground he goes he goes you know what i he goes he goes i hate to it, but he goes, I just walked away. He goes, I just fucking walked away.
Starting point is 00:25:08 And I go, I know. It was gnarly. And he goes, but, he goes, the weird thing. He goes, it looked like something pulled you off your motorcycle. The hair on my arm just stood up. Because, again, I have this feeling, this thought, this memory of this happening, but there's no way that I could ever improve it. When someone four years later from the outside says it looked like something pulled you off your motorcycle, it was a point in my life that I could close a book on questioning the direction in my life or what happened in my life or who I am.
Starting point is 00:25:46 You know what I mean? You have an explanation for it? You think it's like... It was just, it was a turning point. It had to happen or I probably killed myself, you know, or just, I was just going the wrong direction in life. Not by wrong, not by doing anything negative, just mindset, direction who who i thought i needed to be instead of who i should become right because we get stuck in this persona this rhino this
Starting point is 00:26:14 i need to always prove i always need to be the best always need to be the fittest i always need to conquer because that's where everybody you know sings me praise and it's so easy for me to do that because all I got to do is try, but that, that is, that is, you know, there, there's a point where that's never going to grow that man. And so if you don't have these changes, if you don't have these kind of, uh, forks in the roads, then you're never going to grow as a man or progress. And so that was a huge, that was a blessing in my life to be able to, I guess, kind of experience that. There's this guy running for office for the president, Indian cat named Vivek Ramaswamy. And I heard him talking about wanting to put a limit on how long people can be in office. wanting to put a limit on how long people can be in office. And his explanation was, is that the nature of man is, is that we go through self-serving or like serving ourselves and then
Starting point is 00:27:13 service of others. And we go through these, these waves of it. And that when you have someone who's in office, you know, for 40 years, that's where the corruption sinks in because you may be in a giving phase and then you may turn into a self-serving phase. Right. So when you think you're going to go there and like, and, and, and, and help like your community, but next thing you know, you're swinging a deal and taking some money on the side from some guy who's a construction worker, right. Who wants to build homes on, and you're pushing through a shit for an extra 50 grand in your pocket. And it kind of sounds like that's um it's it when i hear you talk about your life even here but in all the stuff that i was watching prior to you coming on you have those two phases at pretty far extremes you have the you have the party that's like you can be a real of real service
Starting point is 00:27:59 and then there's times when you are like really serving you like you're working on yourself yeah is that does that resonate with you? I'd never heard anyone say it like that the way this Vivek guy had said it, but I really like that. No, that makes complete sense because after a while, let's say being in an office and you're doing this and doing this. And after a sudden you're like, OK, hey, where where am I going to get something out of this? And then it's easy to be corrupt. Right. Yeah. right yeah so same thing as I serve myself and that's what every man does in the beginning is serve themselves to be a CEO to be to be you know important make money accomplished whatever it is
Starting point is 00:28:32 you have to you have to be you have to be self-centered greedy selfish to be the best impossible not to be but once that's done well then you have to be able to, you know, take off that costume and see what's underneath it. Because now here comes your true colors. Here comes your true nature, right? And so for me, I feel like this big giving phase, this big serving phase in my life has come from being humbled so deeply. You know, I've had to just, I've had to just give up. I've had to just say, I quit. I'm done. I don't know. You know, just, just, just take me whatever the hell it is from the places I've been in from breaking my neck two times in a year. Right. So that one time was, uh, when I was up in Washington, the bike flipped up, landed on
Starting point is 00:29:24 my head and internally decapitated me. And so my whole left side of my body went paralyzed. Internally decapitated you, meaning your head was just attached to your body like being held on by the skin. My neck, you know, my spine was dislocated. My neck was dislocated. So that means it's pretty much dislocated. It neck was dislocated. So that means it's like pretty much gone. It's pretty much dislocated. It just was hanging on there. So when they came in the off the room, they said, Mr. Hughes, do not move a muscle. Do not wiggle. We don't know how you're even
Starting point is 00:29:58 almost even alive. He goes, we can fix this, but you're, you're so're so you know and then i'm up there by myself in the covid phase and uh nobody's allowed to visit me and just you know completely solo completely solo i mean that was so gnarly to be in that position so they put the plate in there they put six screws in there everything everything was solid there but I still didn't have feeling in my left side of my body. My leg came back, but my left arm was completely dead. Um, and then I'm up there by myself and then crazy me, uh, said, well, I'm good. Right. And they're like, well, yeah, you're good. You're, you're solid. And you could get back into what you're doing probably in about three months. And I said, okay okay so like I can go
Starting point is 00:30:45 home and like well we wouldn't suggest it but if you can handle the pain and you're the age you are you can check yourself out I said okay so I had an uber meet me at the bottom of the hospital the next day made a flight home they ubered me to the uh airport had a wheelchair waiting for me, put me on the plane. I flew home the next day after surgery with a broken neck. But then when I landed in San Diego, I just cried like you've never seen anybody cry. So being so tough, that warrior had to come out in that time, right? That that warrior had to come out in that time right that complete warrior had to come out but once i landed then this this compassionate you know forgiving side of myself came out does that feel good uh it always feels good to cry it always feels good to cry yeah i'm
Starting point is 00:31:42 not afraid i'm not afraid to cry. I cry. I cry. It can be exhausting. What? Crying? Yeah. Or held in all in. Well,
Starting point is 00:31:50 both, but, but I noticed when I'm older now, if I, when I was young, I feel like I could cry for fucking ever. Yeah. Now,
Starting point is 00:31:59 now when I cry, it's like, who like I need a nap. Like that shit fucking works me. Yeah. Well, maybe that, cause there's so much inside.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Right. And so this is what I'm noticing a lot is that I have so much time to give to people right now because it's like life, again, a year later, almost on the same weekend, I was riding my street bike through a parking lot and someone pulled in front of me, clipped my bike, flipped in the air, and I woke up in the street, uh, paralyzed from neck down. A year after that? Oh yes. Almost on the same damn weekend. And so paralyzed neck down again. And from neck down, broke my neck, shattered my heel, all that. And, uh, so I had to heal from that. And, um, um, and I did all these things without going to PT, never went to physio. I did everything on my own out here on my property. So that's why this has turned into be such a blessing because it's healed me from all these, these situations. And
Starting point is 00:32:59 now being completely alone, I'm faced with myself. So now I don't have so much stress, anxiety, fear, worry, all these things that people have being inside society. So my cup being empty with, I guess, my internal bullshit, I have so much more room to be able to accept someone else's struggles. And that's what I'm going through right now with a woman in my life. Like we've got this connection and all of a sudden she kind of emotionally has changed a little bit and become very distant. So now it's become a very, I've had to open myself up a lot to her and just listen and talk and listen and talk and be there. I flew all the way to Morocco, uh, kind of to help her through some situations, but I wouldn't have been able to do that if I was a man before, because I was so full of myself and full, so full of, uh, trying to have something, be something, accomplish something, you know, live up to something.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And not having that allows you to open up yourself to people. And that's, that's medicine to me right now. What's the difference between courtship at 50 versus courtship at 20 is courtship different now uh yeah 100 i have so so so so much more respect for it man for the process of courtship like intimacy and getting to know people you mean that process yeah yeah you have more respect for the process of courtship oh holy shit like i honor it a hundred times more and and and and yeah, and, and yeah, honor it and respect it because I know how fast it can go away. And I know that the grass is not greener on the other side. It's not fucking greener, man.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I used to just get box wine and be like, Hey, you want to go out to the field and drink? And then just hopefully like halfway through the box, you're naked. Well, uh, well, okay. If you want to. Right. That's courtship, right? I mean, that was was my courtship that was my courtship at 21 right hey look at i got i picked this up from the liquor store you want to go hang out yeah i have a better my my my way is much more uh in depth yeah yeah well you're 50 now yeah yeah i'm married i don't even know about courtship anymore i don't even know about it but but the thought of courtship at 52 sounds terrifying to me
Starting point is 00:35:27 Oh really Oh dude I don't want to get to know anyone else Like having sex No no not the sex part is cool Oh getting to a relationship Yeah getting to know someone Being able to learn to shit with the door open again
Starting point is 00:35:42 Like With someone If I lost my wife just the thought of able to learn to shit with the door open again um like uh with someone just like i wouldn't if i lost my wife just the thought of getting to know someone like my wife again it's like yeah fuck like no yeah it was it was a fuck it's a lot of work well that's the thing is so and scary maybe now at the thought of the last i'm ugly now at least least I was cute back then. Now I'm just ugly and hairy. I'm like a fucking carpet. Yeah. So the last 10 years, I, you know, again, I've had to retire, you know, financial stuff, you know, divorce, lost some money, had to sell my dream house. My kids moved out. I've been paralyzed four times. I've compounded into my femur,
Starting point is 00:36:21 broke my foot twice, had to start a whole new off-grid thing. I live completely on my own. So there has been so much challenge in my life, but also so much growth in my life, right? So when I got divorced, I always thought, and always men always think, I love to be alone. I love to be alone. And I love the line. I said, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You love being alone because there's someone to go home to. I go, wait till the day you don't have someone to go home to because that day woke me up. That day put me on my knees. When I was in, I took off from my wife. So this is how I work. We had some struggles and stuff and it was going for a while and I said um you know what today to get
Starting point is 00:37:05 married to you I said I do today I say I don't and I left I never came back you know it's gone because I know if you stick around you're going to start to go back you're gonna go okay let's try and he's creating more residue if you stick around there's too many remembering you parts that make give you too many things to remember. So you're never going to be able to break that break that cord. If you have the balls and you trust what life is putting in front of you, then you will not look back. And that's my question. Was your was your wife an athlete like you?
Starting point is 00:37:43 No, no. She wasn't an athlete, but just I mean, she was precious precious she was probably the best woman i'll ever meet in my life you know do you wish you wouldn't have got a divorce uh parts of me yes do you think that if she was an athlete well you would have stayed together if she was an athlete like you she was no no no no no i mean we we got together at 21. Um, you know, we, we were, we were a good match. Just, just life wanted something different, you know, wanted God life, wanted a change. Cause I wouldn't be the person I am now. I wouldn't be as wise as I am now. I wouldn't be able to help as many people as I do now, if these things didn't happen in my life.
Starting point is 00:38:21 So the divorce was a blessing to me because I grew into a completely different man, a completely different man. And the man I am now is, is, is so much more easy to be than the man that I was. And it wouldn't have happened if I didn't get, you know, didn't get cut at the knees, you know, pretty much be humbled. So what I'm saying is yes, being away, like you can't imagine court having courtship. You couldn't imagine, you know, and being, you know, starting in something with another person. But once you go through that void of not having anybody, you're going to be searching that out because you, now you see,
Starting point is 00:39:00 now you honor what you had. You honor how important that connection is yes you honor being able to walk through that door and be able to have someone that loves you you honor being able to walk through a door and have someone to love right you know when you live alone all that's gone son all that's gone and when you wake up in the middle of the night especially living by yourself out in the mountains and you get and that's this panic And when you wake up in the middle of the night, especially living by yourself out in the mountains, and you get in this panic, this fear that comes up of being alone, it's scary. You wake up and you go outside and there's no one to call, no one to talk to, no one to...
Starting point is 00:39:35 You're stuck with it. You have to sit with it. But that is when you start to heal. That's when you start to grow. That's when all this noise and all this bullshit starts to fade away because you're stuck with yourself and there's nowhere to hide from it so you see that it's fictitious right and that's why the only way to heal these days is to get on your own you cannot be healing and growing in society because you're bombarded by so much entertainment so much stress so much lies so much propaganda you know
Starting point is 00:40:07 too many options that there's no way you're always gonna fall right back into that same person so these people that have these gurus and go to church and read all this stuff and do this ayahuasca and all that but they just go right back into the lifestyle that's causing them to look for the guru go to the church do the ayahuasca They just go right back into it. There's never a change Then you start to feel like you're less than because you're going out to do this But then you're always finding you're slipping right back in because what's happening is you're too comfortable in your environment You're too comfortable in your lifestyle. And so this life put me out here and made me completely uncomfortable. I mean, I've
Starting point is 00:40:50 woken up scared to death. I don't know how many days just going, what in the fuck am I doing? Oh my God, where am I? My wife of course got with, she got in a relationship with my friend that I've known for 15 years and we have a great relationship. Love her to death. Love him. You know what I mean? Hang out with him. I don't have, I don't hold regrets. He's driving Ferraris, living at the beach, you know, doing this. Cause this dude has money and I'm living in a fucking trailer off grid on 10 acres trying to, you know, so those days it's like you get a big slap in the face, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:28 Yeah. Look at the hummingbird. You got that hummingbird can't get enough of that bush. Oh yeah. I got big hummingbirds around here. That is a huge hummingbird actually. I would, that's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Oh yeah. We got some awesome. Yeah. This is my view, man. Check this out. I don't know if you guys can see. So this is my view, man. Check this out. I don't know if you guys can see. So this is my view here. Boom.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Yeah, that's awesome. And for people who don't know, Temecula is kind of like the motorcycle capital of the world for sure. So that's the motocross track right there. Right there is the full motocross track right there. And then Palomar Mountain. full motocross track right there and then palomar mountain yeah and we just had these huge fires too that just burnt like five six thousand whatever thousand acres and it started right across the way from me my neighbor's trailer blew up oh i saw you had rings you had rings on a on a on a bar yeah we have rings i have upside down machines i have saunas ice baths um uh everything so i saw on an ice bath
Starting point is 00:42:27 every day you know i hike run on my trails i have a trail system i built on my property that uh it's all raked and shoveled and uh so i do a lot of hiking and running on those and that that is probably one some of the best that's the best training anybody can ever do is running the mountains or running trails. You know? The best. There's a guy out there I just remembered who is an old acquaintance of mine. I haven't talked to him in forever, but he was a great dude when I used to hang out with him. He was a motocross guy.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Not like at your level, but I think a aficionado, Bob Zing. Bob Zing. Bob Zing. Do you know that name? I think he might even have a track at his house. Hmm. I don't know. And I think he's in Temecula. Anyway, it's a close knit community though, right?
Starting point is 00:43:14 The motocross crew. So that's the thing. It's not a big community. It's a wild community. You know what I mean? But it's so close. It's so tight niche. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:24 Everyone knows everyone. Yes, and everybody is so helpful. Everybody is so respectful. Yeah, everybody will cut your lunch and this and that because of competition. But when it comes down to it, everybody has your back. And even a lot of people that I have met that come into the motocross community and they get into it, they into it there. They can't believe how nice everybody is, you know? And so I think because everybody knows how sketchy it is, how much money it takes, how, how much they struggled getting in the struggles that they had. So they're so willing to, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:00 to give, it's a very giving sport also. So I'm, like I say, I'm blessed to be able to have the idea of putting a engine in a bicycle and call it a motorcycle, you know, pretty much what it was, and be able to take me around the world, meet the most amazing people, most amazing experiences, become, you know, successful, competitive competitive all these things just with and be able now share my experiences and share my love to the sport with the sport and and you know for the last 40 years that's uh that's that's that's a blessing you know it's an absolute blessing eric weiss is this josh brolin i see it wow has anyone told you you look like Josh Brolin before, the actor? I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:44:49 All right. Well, if you saw him, you might recognize him. He's a stud. Asima. Yeah, I got long hair, so I might look different without a beanie on. There's Brolin. Asima, there are a lot of videos where you can hear Ryan Hughes talk on this exact subject. Asima says, Eckhart Tolle said, adrenaline junkies seek it out because they have trouble being present.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I want to rephrase that. It's not that they have trouble being present. It's that they've experienced presence unlike the vast majority of people. I think more than they have trouble being present. And they need the high-risk circumstances to force them into the now maybe try meditation. Yeah. I think that's a little mischaracterized, but he go, go ahead, Ryan, go ahead. Yeah. I think he has a little bit backwards by, you know, we are masters at being in the present moment because when you take a
Starting point is 00:45:38 motorcycle and you have all four extremities moving at the same time and you're riding a motorcycle that has 60 horsepower And you're riding a motorcycle that has 60 horsepower. And you're riding a track that has 100 different types of bumps, jumps, ruts, conditions, and changing all at the same time. Right? Because dirt changes. So there's no other sport, no other racing like motocross. You know? Street, you know, F1, MotoGP, all that.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Yeah, the surface changes grip, but it will never change in condition or create a bump or a bigger rut. Does that make sense? And so with motocross, it's happening so fast that you only can be in this present moment you only can be in this float state and we put ourselves there five days a week every single week year and year in year out year in and year out you know what i'm saying and so i noticed that because i haven't ridden for a year and then i rode about three weeks ago and i got on a motorcycle and it was instantly like i never got off a motorcycle. But once I got off that track, it was like someone hit me with some drug that I haven't that I haven't had.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I was so calm. I was so present. I was so like. Because I put myself in a state of of, you know, a state of almost meditation. Because I noticed everything that I had a concern about or a worry about disappeared instantly. Right? So once we experience that all the time, we want to experience it again. But we can't. And that's why we search for it. Right. There's a difference between earning it through an art like that,
Starting point is 00:47:29 as opposed to jumping out of an airplane or when the first time you went snap a girl's bra and you see those titties, it's like those also bring you to the present, but those you can, they're kind of like, there's not really an art in it. You know what I mean? Like jumping out of an airplane, you can still get that, that feeling or, or get that feeling or looking at a fresh set of boobs. You get that feeling, but it's like – Yeah, it's just like – with that, it's just like commitment.
Starting point is 00:47:52 With mastering motocross or any other sport, you have to put that consistency there. You have to put that fortitude. Like you say, there's an art to it. Yeah. You're mastering an art. There's like you say, there's an art to it. Yeah. You know, you're mastering an art.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Um, one of the things that I do, I kind of have surpassed this, but in the early days when I would be settling into myself, I would shift my awareness all into my body. And then when I would watch it come back to my mind, I would see it pass through this, what I, I don't know what, where you call it, but that's who I was. So I, I would realize I'm, I realize I am only awareness when I shift my awareness back and forth between my mind and my body. And there's a spot in the middle there where it's kind of shifting and that's who I am. And I think that's the spot at high level motorcycle riding where you are the awareness and you're watching the body and the mind as opposed to being in one or the other. Yeah, you can't. That's the thing is you got to have cognitive concentration, but you also have to be feeling what's happening right now, you know. You know, so that's the thing. It's almost like a planning and a doing it all at the same time.
Starting point is 00:49:13 You have to almost you have to be in the middle of there and then be in the middle of there and then also not get attached to emotion. Can't get attached to bringing the past into the present, meaning that, you know, just because it happened once. Well, don't tense up in fear. Fear it's going to happen again. Are you going to start bringing that because you know the body prepares for all that and so it's like a fine it's like almost a fine line and that's where what's interesting to me is i don't feel anybody's ever dissected motocross and what you're truly going through or maybe even road racing or whatever what you're truly going through to a level like they have with like a yogi or just someone meditating. You know what I'm saying? Like, could we find that state doing these things that we do if we went through with a different approach?
Starting point is 00:49:57 Because you can't say that we're not in that state. Like, there's no way to think. And it was so blatant to me because I never had such a contrast I never took such some so much time away from it and then got on the bike and instantly felt like I rode yesterday And then instantly felt this new state of awareness or new state of consciousness And not being some hippy-dippy anything. Just like, holy shit, people. There's something here. Do you know this book?
Starting point is 00:50:30 It's called Siddhartha. The author's name is Herman Hesse. The author is familiar, yes. It's a story of the Buddha as a young boy, and the three things that he can do are he can – his three skills are fasting, thinking, and meditating. Those are his three skills. And the skill you use to find the present – and there's like another book called Zen and the Art of Archery. archery and a guy finds his and then when he's done when he finds
Starting point is 00:51:06 for lack of a better word God he has to eventually put his bow down yep and so it's almost like is there a piece to this that do you ever wish let me start the question again let me be even more harsh to you do you ever wish that maybe
Starting point is 00:51:22 you would have picked up a different tool to find God like you would have been a a different tool to find God? Like you would have been a singer or a world-class yo-yo guy or have another – because now you really are saying you have to give up your tool that you use to find yourself with, to find God with. And now you're not allowed to play with it anymore. You've put it down. Yeah. So to answer that question, no wouldn't want that makes sense to you though what i'm asking i know it's a little bit okay okay no it's like fucking perfect sense
Starting point is 00:51:50 like perfect these questions because these are questions that don't get asked through my sport yeah right so i love these questions uh so one no i wouldn't want to be fine god fine you know spirit fine peace uh through singing or through yo-yo or through anything else because I'd have to put it down at some time. You know, my voice will go crackly at some time. You know, there'll be another yo-yo, a better yo-yo person that way. not maybe they didn't experience the level of presence of um god of whatever it is because it didn't have a it wasn't a consequence of death all right wow that that that that that puts you in a different space when there's a consequence of death not just singing and not just yo-yo yo-yo and the yo-yo hits you in the knee right
Starting point is 00:52:45 and yeah taking off a girl's bra there's no consequence of death yeah and singing and singing you just singing just missed a note no i have i have 10 friends or more that i know i can call right now that are paralyzed i have friends that are that are dead from the sport and so it's not it's not like just it's kicks and giggles. So that brings a whole nother level of concentration and intensity. You know, like they said, they've done some tests on people, riders, and motocrossers are the fittest athletes on earth scientifically, like proven, you know, because of the level we have to do that and they even our our and our reactions aren't even measurable because it has to be before reaction it has to be instant and so i did this
Starting point is 00:53:32 one test one time for nike they had this vision board not vision board but like they tested your eyes and derrick jeter and all these guys were had done it and they just they put these goggles on and you got the all these things i mean it really high tech. And it came to this point of intuition of just go, hey, you tell us where you think the light is that, you know. And when we got done, they said, we've never seen a score as high as yours in that one. I couldn't see the lights, but I just they said, OK. And I just would guess what I thought they were you know and so to me that's more of an intuition thing and and and that's where this this motocross thing has but then the point comes is what do you do when it's done yeah that's great when you can use it you have an avenue but that's my problem now in life is like like it kind of it kind of i'm like deer in the
Starting point is 00:54:26 headlights a little bit because i can't do that motocross thing i can't i can't have that thrill in my life i can't climb that peak you know what i'm saying but i'm starting to learn that once i climb the peak well i have to go back down to the valley so i'm always just kind of just i'm always just kind of just covering up what could be this underlying issue in me that i'm always having to chase something for do you like teaching it yes i love teaching i'm one of the best in the world you love teaching it yeah yeah love it love it what i'm hearing you say is like hey if piano was your um tool as opposed to a motorcycle you might be able to do it till you're 95 there's no consequence of death and you wouldn't get to experience the other side of life the adventure of having to put
Starting point is 00:55:16 it down so two two things you have you have to put it down, which gives you another 50 years to look at yourself without that tool now. And, and, and, and yeah, that's, I like that. That's very, uh, man, that is some warrior shit. That is some warrior shit. Because the thing is, is how can you go through life? Just being the same thing. Yeah. Now that to me, that's very boring. You didn't, you didn't progress. You didn't evolve. You didn't challenge yourself. You didn't take a risk. You didn't actually look inside and see who, what your true colors are. So to me, it's just like the same thing as, you know, when you talk, when you're, you're, you have kids. I do. I have two six-year-olds and a nine-year-old. Okay. Awesome. And I'm sure your wife complained like hell that she was pregnant and saying that
Starting point is 00:56:00 you don't have to go through this and holy shit and this and that. And I say, cool. All right. But my outlook on it is yes, you're right. We don't have to go through this and holy shit and this and that. I say, cool. All right. But my outlook on it is, yes, you're right. We don't have to go through this. But the pain you go through and the discomfort you go through, the love that you gain from giving birth to this child is something a man will never, ever in his life experience. For sure. So it's kind of like the same thing, you you know like they have to go through all this pain but the love that they will experience is so deep compared to the love a man will experience for that child and you know it
Starting point is 00:56:35 you see it yeah yeah i love watching you were i love watching their connection you're right yeah you were used to stand on that used to stand on the podium, right? Yeah. First place. First kid came. Now you're second place. Third kid came. Now you're off the podium now. Fuck, dude. Yeah. So that's how it works. So it's the same thing with this is that the intensity that we have to focus and we have to be there because of the consequence or the possibility of pain and death to me would bring would bring you to so much sharper or a fine-tuned point.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Just like Ayrton Senna said when he won Monaco GP in the rain, he said he experienced God in the race because of the way he was driving. It just, you know what I'm saying? So he got to that point. But again, how do you go from the warrior and put down the sword and be able to walk through this garden without feeling like you need to stomp on shit? You know, and also feel like you need to just replace what that warrior is doing. So a lot of times people get done with this sport and then they pick up another sport and just go crazy with that. Right. You know?
Starting point is 00:57:55 And so, but I don't think that's correct. I think that's just like someone going, I'm not an alcoholic, but I now I smoke two packs of cigarettes. What about young men though? Like I have a good friend and, uh, and he's a, he frequents the show and he's, and he's 35 years old.
Starting point is 00:58:09 And for four years, he was the fittest human being who ever walked on the planet. And now it's a young man's game, right? The CrossFit game is a young man's game. So now at 35, he he's picked up a bike riding. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And, and he wants to be really good at it. You know, his first bike race was the fucking leadville 100 nice you know what do you think about that what do you think about that he is he is like fulfilling he is like supplementing you know he wants to he wants to be i don't know if he wants to be world class at it but he wants to be good he wants to challenge the same thing as we all do all motocrossers get done with motocross and they go into mountain biking or something. And just, you know, again, you're just taking that addiction
Starting point is 00:58:49 and just putting another name on it. Yeah. Right. So, but that's fine and that's good. You're young and there's nothing wrong with that, but there's coming, there's going to come to a point where you have to put it all down. You have to put everything to bed at some time. And can you handle not being the best ever all the time? Yeah. So there's always going to be a point where you're not going to be able to beat people anymore because now you're 50 and there's a bunch of 30 year olders, so to speak. And there's going to be a point where you don't feel that competitive anymore because you're getting older, you know, or there's going to be a point where you just have to put it down. So can you make that transition and not pick some, have to pick something else up?
Starting point is 00:59:29 So my whole thing is like, look, sometimes I look at life and just go, okay, what is there? You know, I've lived on the, the, the highest level of it doing a sport. And I live, I lived a wild life too. I wasn't afraid to have my fun to get them saying. So I lived on that level too. And I still do. Uh, so just the normal life seems very monotonous. So I've had to learn, how can I just relax in life? How can I enjoy, how can I enjoy being alive? And so with that, now I start to look at such little things. And when I start to help people get through their struggles, I see how I do it. It's like, I'm always, I'm always, I'm always soothing myself, always soothing myself, even with the toothbrush that I use,
Starting point is 01:00:21 even with the coffee cup that I use even you know I mean just small little things that make me just feel good you know I don't need this big extravagant thing I don't need to climb to the top of the mountain because the valley is much deeper than the peak is high and you only can stay on the peak for a teeny teeny teeny bit then you gotta come to you gotta go one direction you always that's down so can you relax in that valley more can you relax and then how do you do that is by making your life kind of more soothing, I guess. Because I feel a lot of our points when we get older and we get done with becoming something is that we're so wound up, so,
Starting point is 01:00:57 you know, kind of off kilter that we need to be soothed more instead of, you know, be soothed more instead of you know challenged more um i like this i like uh that makes sense i planted a hundred fruit trees on my property hell yeah and and i have a couple dogs or i had a couple dogs now i got one dog and i like um every day i like getting the poop bags and i like like separating them from their serrated you know they're connected like a thousand of them and you rip them apart and then i like that feeling of uh sliding it open so i can put my hand in it and then i love going in the backyard and finding one the whole fucking process ryan of capturing a poop so that my kids don't step in it and that i put it in the trash is like,
Starting point is 01:01:46 I know you think I'm crazy as you're telling me about brushing your teeth. Picking up dog poop from me is the most soothing thing. I fucking do all day. Holy shit. Yeah. Breaking, breaking sense of accomplishment. Every time I fucking grab one of those fuckers or,
Starting point is 01:02:02 or thistle plants. If I see a thistle plant on the property, going over and getting my shovel and gently extracting that guy out me like sorry you're not welcome here buddy no yeah yeah yeah um yeah that would take a long time here but yeah i'm that way with the rake you put a rake and a shovel in my hand i go meditative yeah you know i'm like i'm like zen and uh uh so i get that, but just, you know, the biggest thing I'm getting at is transition. Cause I feel a lot of people right now are in this point of like this whole, all it's almost like humanity is, is in this state of, of aloneness, even though everybody
Starting point is 01:02:38 feels like they're connected. Right. Yeah. We're so disconnected. And this is where I feel we, we have this, this anxiety and the struggle in this fear Because everybody is has this disconnected Sense in them even though they have a family even though they have a mate even though they have you know jobs and all this stuff Yeah, because you're getting so much farther away from yourself. You know, we're being we're being so like We're being so uh entertained by these exterior influences that we have lost our connection with our own senses. So it's sensory overload from the exterior that we're forgetting who we are.
Starting point is 01:03:20 And to me, forgetting who you are is you're, you're going farther away from spirit, farther away from God. And so that's going to create this, this almost this aloneness feeling in everybody. Right. And it's because of all this entertainment and everything that we have. It's, it's, it's because of these kids, like you're saying younger, what are these younger kids? I have to teach these motherfuckers how to be, how to be confident, how to want this, how to love what they say they love to do, how to believe in themselves, how to be tough. Like this new generation has, does not, has, uh, has been numbed out on how to understand, deal and express themselves emotionally. And that even comes out into their their uh their passions and their loves
Starting point is 01:04:09 right yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's it's crazy so it's just like i have to it's like i have to reteach these kids i wasn't confident until i was 50 and my kids are already confident it's cool like they've already done they've already accomplished that they're they're full-time professional athletes they're just practitioner of skateboarding the martial arts and tennis they don't go to school like that's all they fucking do and they're so calm and confident they don't do any screen time stupid shit there you go there you go like you know because i have a girl and stuff like that, you know, 32, this and that. And, and so I have 32 already. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:04:49 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no bit so anyways like for some reason these these younger ones like me and uh but um now you got me off track um what was i saying fucking a confidence confidence i said i wasn't common until i was 50 oh yeah no i'm going back to like screen time in this night so i've had to think about look if uh if i if i had another kid you know i mean because i've had to think about it you know if i say if i tell if i fall in love with a woman that's, let's say, 32 and and she wants to have a child. But I tell her I love her. Yeah. Then I say, no, I don't want to have any kids. Well, then you must not love her, because how can you strip away one of the most precious gifts a woman could ever have to conceive a child? You know, 90 percent with you. I'm 90 percent with you.
Starting point is 01:05:44 You know, so I said, all right,. I'm 90% with you. You know? So I said, all right, if I have another child, well, this is how it's going to be. These little fuckers are not getting a cell phone or anything
Starting point is 01:05:50 until they can buy it themselves. You know? Because I saw the transition. I saw when cell phones became very available to kids because my kids are 26 and this and that.
Starting point is 01:06:01 You know what I mean? And, and so I saw the light go out in them instantly instantly you know that the what this did it just completely almost numbed them and then and then also uh junior high i would never put my kids in junior high again maybe high school but junior high it's like this man. And this is when all the kids come together and they don't know how to act and this and treat people. And it just I saw a big change in them also there. You know, it's almost like they're not ready for this stuff yet. Almost this bombardment of comparison and competition and guilt. It's crazy. Big licking. Yeah. Guilt. If you're not, uh, if you're not so-called smart, uh, guilt or shame, if your mom brought you in a Volkswagen and this has a
Starting point is 01:06:53 Range Rover, you know, guilt, shame this and the, cause you wore the clothes two days in a row. And this guy has new Gucci's right. It's like, they're, they're not ready for that yet. You know, if you stripped all the kids down and just put one uniform on them and didn't have grades, and everybody walked to school and don't know where they came from, then they would all fucking get along. No? Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws, like Hit of the Month. So you get the best deals and low prices on amazing products every month.
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Starting point is 01:08:02 Here, we'll set the scene. You put the load right on me. Life's a trip. and make more memories to look back on. Here, we'll set the scene. Life's a trip. Make the most of it at Best Western. Visit for terms and conditions. I just think that's just social and then also now cell phones that is putting in more pressure on these kids of having to be this and thinking
Starting point is 01:08:23 that anybody can be anything. No, sorry. Get that out of your people's minds too. You can be anything. No, you cannot. No,
Starting point is 01:08:32 you cannot. Okay. There's people that come ride motorcycles and I can tell you the first fucking time you will never be good on that motorcycle, right? There's someone that picks up a microphone and the first time they sing, you'll say, there's no way you'll ever be a good singer. Just, it just dot in your cards. So I think that's
Starting point is 01:08:50 kind of just patting people on the back too much, you know? Because again, when you tell people that they cannot do it, well, then that means they all of a sudden can now find a direction that they can do instead of just fooling themselves. Honesty. That's what's missing in this world. Someone tried to say to me that was trying to talk to me about mental illness the other day. I'm like, oh, you don't need to talk to me about that. I already know the cure. And they said, what do you mean? I said, for 95% of people, it's to throw away all interaction with the outside world, meaning throw your phone away.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Just throw your phone away. I can't do that. I'm not telling what you can and can't do. I'm telling you 95% cure for your mental illness. Throw your phone away. You're denied. And if that doesn't work, move to Africa. And if that doesn't work, just kill yourself.
Starting point is 01:09:32 But I just told you, you don't need medicine. You don't need a therapist. I'm telling you the two, 95%, 100% cure. Throw your phone away. But Sebi, I can't. I needed to look at the bus schedule or to call my mom. I'm just telling you the cure for mental illness don't you can have all the excuses you want yeah i'm just told you yeah it's so you don't really care you don't really care about fixing
Starting point is 01:09:54 yourself right so you don't really care about fixing yourself because you still need to be comfortable so it's like the people when uh covid came out and we're in a restaurant these guys come in with a mask and they take the mask off and eat for 45 minutes and then put the mask on and walk out. I'm like, okay, so either you're superhuman or you love food. You're such a glutton for food and for taste and this and that, that you're willing to die for these 45 minutes. You know i mean it's just it doesn't make sense to me like if you give the vaccine when you were in the hospital ryan did they give you the vaccine when you were in the hospital with your paralysis they didn't know what they tried to no they asked they wanted to test me and i and i said the fuck
Starting point is 01:10:37 you're not testing me i've never been tested ever and so the guy and then it was a kind of a younger guy and he's like hey how about you do it a younger guy and he's like, Hey, how about you do it? I'm like me. He's like, yeah. So I rubbed it on the outside of my nose and I gave it to him and he's like, I gotcha. Yeah, no, hell no, man. I've never even been tested. I won't go down that road. Yeah. So, uh, of course, of course, of course, of course, you are 100% right. Because again, you got to get away from that, the influence of this entertainment and constant distraction. And then you got to get yourself back into nature. Nature is just medicine, man. I promise you. And that's why I am so fucking blessed to live out here. Cause I don't have 5g and wifi and noise and break dust. And it's why I am so fucking blessed to live out here because I don't have 5G and Wi-Fi and noise and break dust.
Starting point is 01:11:26 And it's like this place is to heal people. So I have this girl in my life that's going through these things. And every time she gets around her family or this and that, they're like, oh, you need to go see your doctor and get back on your meds. I'm like, fuck you. I go, fuck you. I go, if you go down that road, you'll never hear from me again. I go, what you're doing is you're coming out to my place. You're going to stay here for two weeks and we are going to change this narrative. You have just been following the same narrative because all these
Starting point is 01:11:53 people just bow down and don't have any fortitude or discipline to change. You're going to come out here and we're going to do this right. Ice baths, hiking yoga you know no phone vitamin d waking up with the sun in your eyes and all these different things and doing what has healed me and so um that's what's going to start tomorrow so it's like you're completely right about 95 of it and also not bowing down to it. You get what I'm saying? Not putting that label on. Right? Because when I was in my marriage, you know, we have our struggles and my wife would say, and then also getting done with being a racer, oh, you're just depressed. I said, don't you ever say that to me? Don't you ever say that to me? Don't you ever put that label on me?
Starting point is 01:12:41 Because again, once you say I am, now you take on all that weight, all those jungle, all those excuses. Oh, now I'm just depressed. Well, you just took on all its little, all its weaknesses. And so I think that's incorrect for people to say that because everybody has mental struggle. Everybody has mental confusion because everybody has mental struggle everybody has mental confusion everybody has mental uh uncertainty it's humanity you know someone in the comments said sebon don't advocate for suicide that's like saying if i said to you um go if you go to mars kill yourself listen i know i know a hundred percent of the planet except for me is a too much of a pussy to throw their phone away and then move to africa i personally would do it and i know the rest of you guys are too much
Starting point is 01:13:28 pussy so i'm not advocating for suicide because not a one other person cares about themselves enough to do that so fuck off okay uh peace and love um did you ever after a motorcycle race um um have sex in the back of a pickup truck like Like I picture you winning a race, opening a Bud light, sorry, not a Bud light, a Michelob and, uh, and having sex in the back of a pickup truck. I just feel like that's a, uh, no, I've never, I've never done that. The stories that I could tell you with people have a lot of people that have to turn their internet off. Um, but those were after, after parties, stuff like that. Um um are there girls around in
Starting point is 01:14:07 motocross yeah i mean there's a lot of course there's a lot of girls it wouldn't be like it is now if if it was our days now with the connection you could have holy shit but we'd all be in jail you know our my my era was wild man we had a good time we had a good time i mean where did you meet girls that isn't it's a it's a it's all dudes in the sport right no no we have like say when you go to vegas supercross you go to supercross all the bouncers at all the hotels and stuff like that or doorman uh at the hotels go what do you guys do you guys motocross brings the best looking girls in any event because motor girls love a fucking guy that has control of something that's
Starting point is 01:14:46 uncontrollable right yeah i mean girls love a guy that has control of something that's uncontrollable that's why they like warriors that's why they like fighters that's why they like you know you know fucking bull riders whatever it's just because they know that man can handle their shit. They know that man can stand up in the face of fear. Oh, shit, this guy just checkmated my ass. What did he say? He said, throwing the phone and computer away is impossible, then how would you watch the Sevan podcast?
Starting point is 01:15:21 I agree. I take that back. I'll rework that. I apologize. Yeah, did you say only only for well one uh two hours a day you can watch your podcast then you throw the shit away okay there we go we fix the problem when when when my son started taking when my son started taking jiu-jitsu i never even told them what it was i didn't tell him it was a martial arts i didn't
Starting point is 01:15:42 tell him it was for fighting i said hey here's just this class it's funny i don't even know what they thought of it i don't know if they thought it was tumbling or rolling around do you do you remember what you thought has your thoughts on what motorcycles are changed over the years do you ever think about what a motorcycle is i i just i just feel it was one of the most creative inventions that's ever been created. Because there's nothing that you can ride on snow, sand, mud, dirt, wheelies, uphill, downhill, rocks. Go fast, go slow. Travel around the world. Go long distance, slow distance. Do backflips on it.
Starting point is 01:16:23 You know, just, I mean, there's nothing ever been created like this a bicycle you can't you know it's limited a car is limited well there's no combustion engine on the bike that's for sure skis are limited footballs are limited basketballs are limited you know what i mean a street bike is. Are there electric bikes in motocross yet? Yes, sir. It's coming. This wave is coming. And do you have thoughts on that?
Starting point is 01:16:51 I mean, I think it's good. I think it's good because it can open up a whole other arena of motorcycles, like bring it more mainstream inside the cities, which I see. Let's bring it inside the cities. Like you see Formula One racing in it into the inside the cities like you see formula one racing in in uh in uh las vegas and all these cities well let's bring supercross something like that inside the city where you're not going to have noise you're not going to have dust it can be more on street you can bring in ramps you know man-made stuff like that you can go down alleyways i don't just something different because it's not going to
Starting point is 01:17:25 be fun to watch supercross in a stadium with with a bunch of blenders and you can hear everybody talk over them it's not it's not going to be exciting at all and but you cannot have electric motorcycles riding with four-stroke or normal motorcycles because we go off of noise to know where our competitors are at behind us or inside of them and so when we don't have that we're moving over and we don't know that guy's there and you're going to cause a lot of crashes dude you know urban is is there urban racing anywhere is that a sport already no no and i've been talking about it that's where that's where we need to go so then people could just be even sipping their coffees on their little terrace watching this.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Wow. More urban, downstairs stairs and stuff like that. It has to be a different realm or what are you doing? You're just trying to just make a change that might not be a good change because listening to electric motorcycles and watching them go it's not exciting i mean i hate to say it right hate to say it that's why it's happened to formula one formula one took down the noise and they lost their fans that's what's cool about fucking formula one is the noise is the pitch same if they did that to any you know if they did a drag racing no go you want to the thing is is your heart, like your heart stopping when that top fuel is going down the drag strip.
Starting point is 01:18:51 That's why you like watching planes at the airport, the sound. That's the joy of it, yeah. Yeah. That's like going to a football game and go, okay, everybody, nobody cheer. That game would all of a sudden be the boringest thing you've ever watched. The boringest. Because football is three hours, and they actually only play 13 minutes. I do not know how people are so addicted to this fucking game
Starting point is 01:19:13 that only plays 13 minutes, and you're sitting there for three hours. Oh, which game? Football? Football. I'm sorry, but if you didn't have... If people didn't applaud in that game or cheer in that game it'd be the boring thing you ever watched right i'm sorry but and a bunch of big dudes just running full speed into each other it's really a kind of a fight kind of like football or kind of like basketball too it's like there's so many fouls that it's just it's just
Starting point is 01:19:39 stupid what do you think about that isle of man race that's gnarly that dude's got balls bigger than balls you know have you have you been out to watch that ever no but i've watched a lot of documentaries i've watched race you know this and that but dude that's that's a whole nother level but not necessarily not necessarily because when i get you know when i get on a road and i don't know it and i'm going fast on it, well, I'm so focused. And it's not scary because I have such control of this motorcycle. This motorcycle are my feet. This motorcycle are my hands.
Starting point is 01:20:14 This motorcycle is my eyes. This motorcycle is my thoughts. So I feel very safe on a sketchy surface or situation because of the control i have so that's where those guys are at they have such control of these motorcycles and they know these streets so well that they can ride that edge but that edge always has one place where you could slip you know and so for me that's where that's where i go silent is on that edge you know when i'm at that edge um is uh is where where i go silent and that's probably what those guys you know are experiencing because a lot of these guys aren't high caliber racer racer racers in in the moto gp and stuff like that a little bit sometimes older guys too
Starting point is 01:21:05 and uh but someone said six people died this year at the isle of man man i wonder how many were in the audience and how many were on the bikes dude but again it's like you can't you know people want to feel sorry and this and that i don't feel sorry i'm sorry i don't know why i don't feel sorry because you knew the risks. It's not like the first event and everybody was telling you that it's going to be safe and slow and then all of a sudden this happened. No, this has been happening for years
Starting point is 01:21:34 and years and years and these guys keep signing up for it. That's their thrill. That's their passion. That's their love. That's their what they want to get out of life. So if they lose their life in it, well, hey, I'm glad that you're doing what you love. But I don't feel kind of sorry. You know?
Starting point is 01:21:49 One audience member and five riders this year. Now, the audience members, now that sucks. I feel bad for them. You know? That's no bueno. Because, again, you're sitting there in a, and that's what could close down that race. It's shit like that. You know?
Starting point is 01:22:03 And that's what could close down that race, is shit like that. And maybe you never can tell where the crash is going to happen, but there's places that you don't need to be putting fans probably. Tell me about being off the grid. That sounds like you literally have your own electricity and your own well and you're growing your own food and you've got animals that you eat. So I started this thing about three years ago and again i just was just found myself out here after divorce all this and i had i bought this property didn't really want to but it happened to fill in my lap and uh one time you know i'd keep coming out here trying to get things going and once i got divorced i bought this this big fourth, fifth wheel trailer, five slides, just massive thing, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:51 whatever it was. And I, one day I said, you know what, if I do not go out there, I'm never going to get this started. So I brought the trailer out here, dumped the tanks, the poopers, filled the water tank up, came out here, got a dog from the pound and i said all right here we go and i started and i just started chipping away and chipping away and chipping away so i have my own well i have my own power so everything's solar so like the other day all the power was turned off from san diego county and riverside county because of the winds not me i'm the only one in the whole place that had power so i have that i have about 40 fruit trees growing right now and as you know it just
Starting point is 01:23:30 takes time for them to produce um you know my dog got killed by a car last uh january so that was uh pretty devastating i had chickens but then they got massacred by the neighbor's dogs. So I've just been in a phase of not wanting to have a responsibility, not having a responsibility anymore. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Hey, let me ask you this. What do you do if there's no sun out? Your batteries can hold power for a few days? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Then you start you know again that's what being off grid it brings you more it makes you more present it makes you more tuned in you have to remember you know your battery storage you have to remember you know maybe some soul uh some uh some propane or some diesel for the generator to for to run the pump or whatever it is you know it's just you, you know, you can't just flip the switch on for heat and cool and call Julio and your pool guy and all this shit. Like all the chores are on me. All the shopping's on me.
Starting point is 01:24:35 All the cooking's on me. All the cleaning's on me. All the everything's on me. But that brings you more to this present moment, more tuned in with nature yourself instead of always feeling like you're distracted by constant entertainment. So yes, this is the winter times. I have to be more conservative. Maybe if I run my sauna, I'll turn my generator on to run my sauna and not go to my batteries.
Starting point is 01:25:01 So I've just got to be a little bit more smart that way. And the internet, do you have Starlink? Yeah, I have Verizon. I have Wi-Fi out here, but I can turn it off and all that. And I have TV. I have a Formula One simulator out here. Two saunas, two ice baths, full kitchen, three outdoor showers, two outdoor bathtubs, three outdoor toilets, indoor bathrooms.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Yeah, so I built it up. Ryan, how did you get the nickname Ryan? Well, my name is Ryan, and my buddy's dad named me because I'd always, in my beginning of my career, I'd always get bad starts. And I would just come through the pack like a fucking, you know, like a rhino. And he goes, one race, he goes, dude, he goes, you're just like a rhino. It doesn't matter who's in front of you. It doesn't matter where you're on the track or whatever. You'll get through somebody.
Starting point is 01:25:59 You'll charge through somebody and get to the front. And I'm like, everybody just call me rhino. charge through somebody and get to the front and i'm like and so there's everybody just call me rhino and it fits because that's kind of the way i go about life is this uh i came in wild and i'll leave wild no other way it did it would be meaningless for me to be here and be be a duplicate you know because we're all you know again when your children were born they couldn't even suck their own thumbs right when your kids were born, they couldn't even suck their own thumbs. Right. When your kids were born. So that means they're a blank canvas. Well, here comes here comes the wife. Here comes the dad, the grandma, the grandpa, the school system, the religions, the society and all that.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Putting their their brushstrokes on them. And all of a sudden you had a you had a masterpiece because it was a blank canvas now painted like a duplicate. And life does not make duplicates. It only makes ones of a kind masterpieces. And that's where we're all missing is that we're getting painted like what we feel we should be instead of allowing our true colors to come out. And the only way to do that to me is through these tough times in life, you know, looking at them as blessings, not as poor me's, and then be able to have time and, you know, to be able to have solitude with yourself. So you can have an inner dialogue with yourself. So you can actually ponder on these thoughts and these worries and these concerns
Starting point is 01:27:23 and these this and that. But it's so easy just easy just to be like ah to cover them up because you have so many ways of doing it uh christian kettler how does he produce all that electricity off grid he's in a really sunny spot on planet earth uh california temecula that area there's a lot of sun there and he's got solar panels and batteries so he collects it and stores it. Yeah, I live in a very, very, very sunny place. I call this place Casa de Sun because I can see sunrise, sunset, 360 degrees of the year with no obstructions. It's great. Ryan, how do you do most of your teaching? Do you do it remote, or do you go out to tracks? How do you do most of your teaching do you do it um remote or do you go
Starting point is 01:28:07 out to tracks how do you do most of your teaching um i do most of my teaching uh you know in person at tracks you know i travel the world doing it uh uh consistently you know at tracks that are local i do a lot of stuff on you know of, old DVDs. I have stuff on YouTube. I have stuff on Instagram. I have some master classes that I've created, training websites. Yeah, I've put it out in all different ways. Is that a competitive field? Are there a lot of motocrossross trainers it was competitive when i started i was kind of like the first one that came in with technique you know coming in
Starting point is 01:28:52 change i changed the whole sport with technique you know the rider everybody rode a different way everybody rode actually incorrect they used the body kind of pretty much the wrong the most the worst way you could ever use it by rounding the back and tucking the butt, you know, that there's, that's, that's impossible. So I brought this functional positioning into the sport and really dissected it and was able to, uh, get it through everybody's understanding. And it took a while because everybody thought I was crazy, but now the whole sport follows that there's not one person on earth that rides that doesn't ride that way. There's not one coach on earth that's teaching technique that's not teaching what I brought into the sport. So now there is so many coaches and teachers because now all these riders are getting done with riding racing and becoming a coach
Starting point is 01:29:45 you know and and stuff like that so uh yeah so that's why for me i'm i'm i'm going different different directions where motocross is a little bit stale to me because i feel like there's no way there's nothing else i can teach in it except the mind of it and that's what i'm looking for is to try to get everybody to understand how the mind works while you're racing and where the pitfalls are and stuff. But then also helping just the normal person with inversions where people come and stay with me for a day, come stay with me for three days a week. And I get them to emerge into my lifestyle and what I do, and that will be able to heal or, I guess, let something heal something and let something grow that's inside of them. Teaching them how to get back to their instincts.
Starting point is 01:30:39 You're doing a retreat in Hawaii in December? We wanted to, but we're trying to wait for, you know, the people that sign up and this and that. So I have a place that wants to do it. They always want to use my name, but then they don't kind of, uh, stay on board with it. Gotcha. So what I would like to say, I want to, I have a cottage and all this stuff here, so I want to bring people here and they emerge into my life, you know? So same thing away from cell phones, we're doing ice baths, we're doing saunas, we're hiking, we're doing yoga. I'm cooking food for you. We got, you know, the best coffee, the best, you know, super drinks and all these things. And we just, you know, emerge people.
Starting point is 01:31:14 So that's something that I'm more interested in now than trying to find this next rider, this next athlete. Um, tell me humanity needs more of that than another a better rider fair um tell me about um uh then what you did your involvement with getting knee pads no sorry uh knee braces knee braces tell me about that journey and like in that are those out of the sport because of you uh well what happened knee braces came in in like the 1989, 1988 or 1990. And that's when I knew I was best friends with the son of the guy who invented the first knee brace for motocross. Jim Castillo, CTI Brace Innovation Sports. And so, yeah, it was like, oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:32:00 Yeah, put them on. And I wore them my whole career. Then some new braces came out with a neck brace. And this neck brace brace came out and this is what happened to our buddy jedediah as he had a neck brace on and it pushed into his spine and paralyzed him so i saw this problem straight from straight from the uh the get-go is that you cannot have something that your head hits that's attached to a metal that's attached to a carbon fiber strut, a two inch carbon fiber strut that has no movement resting on your spine. And then it has a stopping point. Does that make sense? So if you have this, it's going to push in. So when the
Starting point is 01:32:37 head goes back, it pushes into my spine. And that's what's happened to so many riders that put this neck brace on to try to protect themselves that actually made them more dangerous but the problem is is the position that it would put you in just to be able to see up made you the most dangerous rider on the track and so this came out right when the four strokes were starting to come out be more popular get faster so the development of equipment was coming out and this neck brace was coming in and causing people to be in a very weak unstable uncoordinated inefficient position and making this sport very dangerous now and so this is where i came in at that same time with this new technique and the balls enough to say that you guys are fucking wrong. This does not work.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Look at the, you guys can put any kind of test you want into a, into a, a, a laboratory or whatever, but you're never going to resemble what the body does technically on a motorcycle. And again, you're, you're trying to, you know, you, you're you're you're worrying about after the crash has happened, which we have no control of. I'm only talking about the position to be in before the crash has happened. And that's where you're going to save all crashes. Right. So people started listening and people started listening. And now that that device almost barely even exists in our sport at the top level. I think there's one guy in the whole world that's wearing it now.
Starting point is 01:34:08 So make your worst rider, which makes it more likely you'll get in an accident if you wear the thing that's supposed to protect you when you do get in an accident. Yeah. So again, you're starting out in a weak, unstable, uncoordinated, inefficient position. So now you just magnified anything that happens that you're not ready for or that causes you to go off balance, right? That's wild. Because you're hoping, you're hoping that this fucking device
Starting point is 01:34:35 that you have wrapped around your neck that's not even attached to your body, that's made out of carbon fiber around your jugular and your throat and all this is going to save you, right? No, no, no, it's not. And it's going to lock up your head. And again, if we're supposed to not be able to tuck and roll, then that wouldn't be the first thing that everybody teaches you in jujitsu and everything else. You know, if you can't tuck and roll, then you're a lawn dart. So anyway, so that happened. And then we always been wearing knee braces. And so one day I just went riding
Starting point is 01:35:06 and I didn't want to put knee braces on because it was just too much. And I'm like, I just want to ride, you know, and I put knee pads on and I rode and I came back and I'm like, holy shit. I can't believe how good I just felt. I can't believe how light I felt. I can't believe how much I could feel the motorcycle. And so then I started putting them together, started thinking about the body. Okay, well, you know, you have 30 to 40 degree, 30 to 40 degrees of interior and exterior rotation at your knees, right? So in a car, in a motorcycle, anything, take 30 to 40% out of anything that's supposed to move on it and tell me how good you're going to ride it you're going to be limited so if the body has been designed to have
Starting point is 01:35:51 all these joints to move at certain angles in certain positions well then they need to be used to their to their maximum not be locked up or you're going to limit the ability of the body does that make sense yes Yes. So when you do that, then you become, you have so much more efficiency because there's a lot happening at the knees because that's where the seat and the rest of the bike is. And so when you don't have movement at your knees, well, then you have to bring it up to the hips and then you start to counterbalance everything. and this is why downhill skiers cannot use knee braces yes if they have a blown out knee of course but to be the best
Starting point is 01:36:29 downhill skier you can't wear knee braces because you need to have that that movement at that point what were they supposed to do why even wear they're supposed to protect your knees so now to my point is whatever you don't use you lose oh whenever you put a cast on your arm in 72 hours of not moving that muscle that muscle start to atrophy so when your knees don't have to stabilize themselves then they will become weaker i don't give a fuck what anybody says they'll become weaker and so everybody's comment to me is well hey yeah but so many people have hurt their knees and blown out their knees i said okay let's go back 20 years what did all those people have on their fucking knees knee braces there hasn't been a person that has
Starting point is 01:37:12 blown out their knee in in motocross without an e brace on and you I don't know how many years because everybody has them on so if they work so good then why are they because in you to still hurt your knee and why are they causing you to to move inefficiently think about it that's the only thing and i'm not and i didn't come out and i didn't come out with the i didn't come out with the knee pad i didn't come out with a device i didn't come out with anything to sell right i'm just i'm just i'm putting my name dragging my name through the mud yeah i'm having people not like me yeah i'm having people talk shit about me because i'm gonna care about the sport your friend's dad must have hated you
Starting point is 01:37:50 must have killed his business i tell everybody in the sport i say be very careful of me i go i'm not afraid to lose you as a friend to tell a million people the truth yeah okay i don't give a fuck so what what is the truth is what is the truth. And if I don't speak the truth, then I'm a liar. Because I know something that I'm not allowing anybody to know. Because I have to save face for somebody, protect my persona, protect a job, protect a paycheck. Nah. Just so I live off grid, nobody owns me.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Did your friend's dad, was he pissed that you killed his business? I didn't kill his business. His business is already sold and this and that. Oh, okay. But, I mean, no, he knows the same thing. They know the same thing. All these people know the same thing. You know?
Starting point is 01:38:39 But if they don't scare you with fear, you're never going to buy their product. And that's what a lot of these brace companies do. they create fear in you that you're going to blow your knee out or break your neck so you need to buy these products but now you just cause other problems other issues there's no obese people in motocross huh like perfect high-end riders you can't be obese oh dude you can't no again the fittest athletes on earth are are are they as fit. Are they as fit as I think they could be? No. I'm blown away by how a lot of these top riders have just soft bellies. You know, like just like what the fuck do you eat?
Starting point is 01:39:14 Who's actually looking at what you're doing? You shouldn't be this high caliber of an athlete and have a bloated belly. You know, bloatedness means that there's disease in your body. So that means you're not running at your optimum you're then that means you're just relying on your bike to do everything so that means you're never you know yeah i could go on and on and on why don't um why isn't um a motocross what about the woman's mind makes it so that women aren't attracted to the sport like you know i don't see a lot of women garbage collectors i don't see a lot of women my kids
Starting point is 01:39:49 into magic i don't see a lot of women magicians what about um what about motocross isn't uh give any thoughts on that there's a lot of there's a lot of women that love motocross you know there's a lot of women riders but there are oh yeah there's a lot of women riders. There are? Oh, yeah. There's a lot of women riders, and I believe there would be a shit ton more if the sport would actually take it serious. See? Fuck the sport. That's what I'd say to the sport. Fuck you. Because there is women out there that care about it and love it just as much as men and spend the same money as men and do all the same thing as men just because they're
Starting point is 01:40:25 not as fast just because they're not as exciting to watch doesn't mean that they should not have an opportunity to express what they love to do or to uh be rewarded for what they love to do because there is room for it there is a there's room for a series there is room for a big race there's room for you know uh teaching women bringing them into sport, because when women get into the sport, they absolutely love it. I have dude, I have three, four of the hottest girls you would imagine wanting me to teach them to ride motocross. But it's also OK if it's it's also OK if there's things that are inherently more attractive to men than women, too, right? You're not opposed to that. Of course.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Of course. They want to have all these women be engineers at Facebook, right? Because it's dominated by Indian men. And I'm like, dude, who gives a fuck? Let men do what they want. Let women do what they want. No, that whole thing of being that whole gender thing of we need to make room for everybody. No, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Yeah. Okay? A woman should not be a soldier. Done. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Just you yeah okay okay a woman a woman should not be a soldier done i don't care yeah i don't care just you shouldn't be a soldier a woman is never going to be a professional motocross racer impossible doesn't mean that they cannot still have the an opportunity to do what they love right okay all right a woman a woman watching a woman ride motocross compared to a man watch motocross it's like it's like it's like they're doing two different things.
Starting point is 01:41:47 And it's just because of how men work. Now, change that role. Who would I rather teach, a woman or a man, to ride motocross? A woman all day long. Because of their ability to learn? Their ability to learn, their ability to listen. They need to know how to do it before they do it because they didn't just see Johnny do it.
Starting point is 01:42:06 And now Billy's ego says, oh, I can fucking do it. And now he's in the hospital. Right. So just because they're not as physically demanding as us doesn't mean that they can't learn it better than us, quicker than us. Right. It's just roles. I don't think a man really needs to be a nurse, you know? He doesn't need to be a preschool teacher.
Starting point is 01:42:28 He doesn't need to be a kindergarten teacher either. Yeah, it doesn't need to be any of this. It's just like, no, that's not, you don't have that softness. When a man, I have a man nurse, I don't feel the same love that I do from a woman nurse, the tenderness, the care, right? Get your ass out there and start pounding nails and fucking making stuff and
Starting point is 01:42:45 building stuff and protecting stuff and and and all that that's what a man should be out doing uh heidi krum so the women are just there because they're hot well and they listen women are there just because they're hot and they listen i don't know what she's saying uh no they're, they're not just there just because they're hot. You just accept it that you're hot, Heidi. Yeah, they're all hot. They're all hot. Any girl that rides a motocross to me is hot.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Yeah. You got a motorcycle, you're hot. What, you're an ugly chick? Go buy a motorcycle. Go buy a motorcycle. Damn, girl, you just got hot. Look at you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:22 Ryan, you are a cool dude. And people who, man, you have a lot to teach the world and I'm excited that I got to, uh, chat with you and I'm excited to keep following your story. Please keep posting on Instagram. Uh, cause there's a lot of us who are interested in all the nuances of your life, um, between what you eat, your health. We didn't even scratch the surface on that. How you live your life, past your future kids relationships diet i mean you're you have a lot to offer the world brother yeah i know i do and i've been i've been pushed and i've been prodded and stuff to always have like a youtube channel yeah you know yeah but but i've just been i'm like everybody has a podcast everybody has this yeah what can be different i need to find something different because that's me as i don't i don't need to be different i just that's just how i tick i love the
Starting point is 01:44:09 uniqueness uniqueness is beauty and so that's the same thing as i look in women like the women i have or the women that are attracted to are so fucking unique like most people couldn't handle them but it's just i need to have that because that's who i am. And so I want to share more of this, but I'm also not a person that is good with putting a camera up my ass all the time. Yeah. And I'm also a person that loves his solitude. Right. to be able to share your message so much more because you are right, dude. I got a lot of stuff to talk about and to explain and to share and to this and that. And that's kind of medicine for me. That's what I feel a little bit is missing in my life is that life is more like God has wanted me
Starting point is 01:44:58 to transition from expressing this rhino out in my physical form which excited everybody and entertained everybody to expressing it out into my words and into my into my my feeling you know my energy hey if i could if i could recommend something that i think that you'll get a lot of enjoyment from and that i think the people would enjoy um i think what's really popular or, um, uh, how to video. So like someone buys a shithole house and they spend the next three years remodeling it and they start a YouTube station. Those stations explode. But if you showed like, Hey, here's my bat.
Starting point is 01:45:34 Here's where I keep my batteries for my solar. This one went out. I have to go to the store and replace it. If you made a two minute video on that or Hey, here, look at my chickens died. They got eaten by coyotes today. This is what I built for them. So they don don't get eaten again people will go nuts because they could live like anybody ever taken a piss anybody ever taken a piss outside on your podcast no wow a 143 54 cut it you you have your dick in one hand and the phone in the other hand
Starting point is 01:46:01 straight god that's good well actually the dick on the ground sorry so yeah you just rested on the ground 1400 i gotta i gotta i gotta pee rock you know i just kind of rested on the rock right there yeah oh that's nice a warm pee rock yeah well hey that's about living off grid 1400 episodes in and we had a urinator on the show I'd like to be the first see I've always liked to be the first so I had to come up with something that nobody's ever done I appreciate it
Starting point is 01:46:33 I'm a hog connoisseur brother thanks for coming on yeah man thank you thanks for the very interesting questions and perspective and yeah that would be cool to do some stuff in the future, whatever, but I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:46:48 I'll be watching and I look forward to our paths crossing again. All right, buddy. You take care. All right, brother. Have a good one. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:46:54 you too. Thank you. Ryan Hughes took a pee on the podcast today. Rest his, Hey, a P rock. That's actually a fucking brilliant idea. You know,
Starting point is 01:47:11 those sticks Caleb you have, and then it goes to a Y like this. And then you put it in your yard to hold up branches that might break off. Let's say you have a heavy branch that has like 300 apples on it. You don't want to break off. So you put like a, you know what I'm talking about? Right.
Starting point is 01:47:25 Imagine if you kind of had something like a, you know what I'm talking about? Right. Imagine if you, you kind of had something like that. We, we designed something like that. It's called the P stick. It's a, it's a seven podcast invention and you have them around your yard so that you don't even have to stop and put your phone down.
Starting point is 01:47:38 Like if you're texting or Instagramming, you just pull your penis out and rest it in there and pee while it's like the V's holding it up. I like it. That's a good idea's holding it up. I like it. That's a good idea. You like it? Yeah, it's good. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 01:47:53 I was trying to think of a name for it, like the TSP. Phillip Kelly. We have now found the difference between an alpha and a beta. Seve needs piss breaks. Beta. This guy pisses on the show. Alpha. Hard to argue with that, Mr. Kelly.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Hard to argue with that. I like to think of myself more as an alpha whisperer than a beta, but... Yeah, that was pretty hilarious. I had no idea where to go with this guy. This guy's done a lot of shit. Yeah, that was pretty hilarious. I had no idea where to go with this guy. This guy's done a lot of shit. Yeah, he's the most interesting man in the world.
Starting point is 01:48:32 Yeah, he is. It's hard to find a video of his racing. Because I think at this point, he's just posting everybody that he's coaching. Yeah, just still photos. Plus, he raced a long time ago. Before, there was like every Tom, Dick, and Harry had a cell phone. Right.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Oh, the Piz prop by Sevan. Wow, Spiegel. The Piz. The Piz prop. That's good. Shlong slang. Oh, Deja, what about that? What about like a necklace
Starting point is 01:48:58 that goes around? Yeah, I like that. And so, that would hurt my neck. Probably break my neck if I had to hold my penis up but for most people it would be fine alpha curator thank you Jan thank you oh wow that could be
Starting point is 01:49:16 I want to change the name of the podcast not the Sevan podcast the alpha curator wow oh my goodness can that be written below where's Sousa the Sevan podcast, the Alpha Curator. Wow. Oh my goodness. Can that be written below? Where's Sousa? Can that be written like here? The Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 01:49:34 And then here it says the Alpha Curator. Just take a piece of cardboard and cover the Sevan podcast. Look, here's the wire. You guys see the wire? You guys miss this? Hmm. There it is. Vanished like that, like a magician. I've tucked it away.
Starting point is 01:49:56 Mrs. Burns from Sabbath Essentials. Trying to win my favor. Sevan. Sevy. Two Vs. I'm sending out another care package for you And Mrs. Seve Oh that's awesome I just used some of her stuff yesterday The Sabbath Essentials
Starting point is 01:50:15 Did she send it to the Shattuckin No she sent it to my parents house But yeah Does the Shattuckin get Oh it gets mail Oh it does yeah automatically received bills and uh letters from congress about voting oh sounds like it gets i can't find sabbath essentials on the internet right now it says Sabbat essentials
Starting point is 01:50:51 Dude I've saw some fucking I've seen seen the craziest shit. I've ever oh here. It is. I found it Did you find it? Are we racing? No? Set Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath What is the Sabbath? That's the day like it's some God stuff I know but does it have is it like it's after like God made the earth and then he rested on the seventh day or something
Starting point is 01:51:12 yeah that sounds about right what do you think she sent to me and my wife a daily cleanser face wash I think my wife sprays that on my kid's face. Probably essential body oil. Men's body oil.
Starting point is 01:51:33 Do they split by sex on here? No, you can just... Oh yeah, men's products. Look at it. Oh, there you go. Oh, we even get different color. Men's night balm. Men's toner.
Starting point is 01:51:50 Men's face and beard oil. I don't really think of myself as having a beard. You don't think so? Not just hair on my face. You could probably use some oil for it, though. hair on my face. You could probably use some oil for it, though. You know how much you sent me?
Starting point is 01:52:12 Is that what that bar is? What bar? I didn't know what it was, but it smells really good. I don't see any bars in the collection. Oh, there's hormone support. And it's spelled W-H-O-R-E. Hormone support.
Starting point is 01:52:33 The hormone workbook. Wow, this is pretty robust. She's... Wow. I don't see any bars. Okay. Oh, yeah. She said that's the soap
Starting point is 01:52:44 that she sent me. It smells really good. I haven't used it bars. Okay. Oh, yeah. She said that's the soap that she sent me. It smells really good. I haven't used it yet. I love soap. Lather my balls with it tonight. I stole... I stayed at the Omni in Los Angeles, and I took the four bars of soap
Starting point is 01:52:57 in the two bathrooms in my room. I did. Why? I just do. I always steal the soap. I'm just just a fucking cheap bastard
Starting point is 01:53:07 um look at this this is fucking nuts so we went through like two or three years of just like like um everyone hates black people
Starting point is 01:53:20 do you remember that sure yeah and then and then we went through like everyone hates Asian people even though it was just black people do you remember that sure yeah and then and then we went through like everyone hates asian people even though it was just black people beating asian people and stealing their shit but but then we went through like a little like month or two asian hate phase right but like the news had to tell you that stuff right like you had to be like like they would
Starting point is 01:53:41 show like an asian woman like getting beat up and the news would be like this is asian hate they would never be like this is a black guy beating a asian woman or something but but the but the the the stuff where it was like people hating black people like it was like 365 million police stops 12 unarmed black men dead and like every time they showed you the video footage it was like a female cop like trying to pull over like some some black dude and he's fighting back and resisting so she shoots him and it's like well uh why do they all look like that it was never like the 12 year old black kid playing his trombone on the front yard and some cop runs by and just shoots him you know what i mean it was like it what I mean? And I'm not justifying any of them. I'm just saying the truth.
Starting point is 01:54:28 I'm just saying that you were never like – you never saw lynch mobs ever to black people or to Asian people or to any people. It was a complete exacerbation. The worst thing I ever saw, the worst thing I ever saw is now when you turn on CNN and it's just a blatant attack on white people. They'll be like, well, it's just another entitled white man running for office. And it's like, you just attack someone with the whole premise that they're white. someone with the whole premise that they're white you could never say that right it's just another black man with his pants sagging yeah right it's just another black man who kills other black men you could never say that how dare you but those are more true than just another entitled white man because no one knows if the white man's entitled or not but we've seen tons of black men with guns and tons of black men with black men with their pants sagging the whole thing is fucking crazy but what but you've never seen anything like what i'm about to show you like fuck the black dudes and the white dudes and and the in the in the
Starting point is 01:55:33 asian hate you've never seen what i'm about to show you this is fucking you saw the airport where the fucking dagestani white people were like trying to kill the Jews. Did you see that at the airport? Yeah, they're like going through there, the planes. Fuck! You've seen on campuses all over the country now where it shows Jewish kids like hiding in classrooms while like Palestinian riots are going on outside, right? I'm sorry, protests. Well, look at this fucking shit.
Starting point is 01:56:00 This is fucking nuts, dude. This is fucking nuts, dude. A Cornell University student named Patrick Dye was arrested for making online threats, kill and rape and slit the throats of all black people. Oh, no, sorry. All Jewish people. Oh, no, sorry. All Jewish people. Oh. How? So just so you know, anytime you hear Jewish people, you might just think white people.
Starting point is 01:56:45 And then if you really if you really wanted to be completely honest with yourself, just think Americans. Jewish people and Americans are synonymous. That's how the outside world sees it. You need to know. Like, so the three chants are death to America, death to Israel, and death to Jews. Like, to them, they're all synonymous. Death to Zionists. All that is, like, just death synonymous. Death to Zionists. All that is like just death to America.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Death to America for... Do you think this guy's a Democrat or a Republican? Shit, I don't know. Come on. What are the chances that this guy's a Republican? Very slim. Zero. Well, yeah, he's not racist because Asian people can't be racist. So get that out of your mind right now.
Starting point is 01:57:32 Only white people can be racist. A Cornell University student named Patrick Dye. I'm going to see if I can find him on Instagram. Was arrested and charged for making the online threats, kill, rape and slip. Hey, I've never said to I can't ever remember saying to rape anyone. Have you ever like, I've never been like rape those go tell my dog, rape those gophers. Even though I probably should say that I've never, I've never wished anyone to be raped ever.
Starting point is 01:58:01 I've never even thought of it. No. I've never even thought of it no I've never thought of slitting anyone's throat ever never I've never even said the thousand times I've fucking thought about Hitler
Starting point is 01:58:16 I've never thought about slitting his throat no take the worst racist in the world white racist in the world they've never white racist in the world they've never thought about slitting a black guy's throat no cop has ever like well today i'm gonna go and slit a black guy's throat never it's never happened this is just nuts can we go burn ferguson down or something again. Okay, fine. It's tell me, I mean,
Starting point is 01:58:47 Victoria, yeah, you're right. Hey, Victoria, here's the thing. Here's the thing. Victoria says never Seve. Come on. All crows are black. Now that is not a true statement. Not, not because anyone's ever seen a crow other than a black one but because we just
Starting point is 01:59:07 can't see all crows you understand we just can't see all the crows it's impossible so that statement is just not true all crows are black so if you if you want to go there sure okay i agree with you you're right one time a guy with a with a lisp instead of saying i want to go there, sure, okay, I agree with you. You're right. One time a guy with a lisp, instead of saying, I want to see up that black girl's skirt, he said, I want to slit that black girl's neck because he's talked funny. His parents said, Mike McCaskey, his parents said he's depressed and didn't type those things.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Oh my goodness. If you see a Jewish person on campus, follow them home and slit their throats. Rats need to be eliminated from Cornell. What did he write that on? Democrat or Republican? Communists. There's no Republicans doing this. They might hate Jews, but there's no Republicans doing this. The genoc Jews, but there's no Republicans doing this. The genocidal fascist Zionist regime
Starting point is 02:00:08 will be destroyed. Rape and kill all the Jew women before they birth more Jew Hitlers. Jews are excrement on the face of the earth. No Jew civilian is innocent. I want to read that all to you now like this. In the last three years, have you ever heard of this at all?
Starting point is 02:00:22 Okay, ready? If you see a black person on campus, follow them home and slit their throats. Monkeys need to be eliminated from Cornell. The genocidal fascist regime will be destroyed. Rape and kill all black women before they birth more black rappers. Blacks are excrement on the face of the earth. No black civilian is innocent of genocide
Starting point is 02:00:47 let me go on I mean oops I didn't accidentally like that did I yeah you did fuck me unlike I don't get anything you've never heard anything like that ever
Starting point is 02:01:03 the only time I've ever heard that isis about but it wasn't about black extremists no i wasn't just i'm just saying like yeah you would hear that said about americans they so just so now just think now just think for a second i just want you just to put it in perspective george floyd was driving on the streets. Drunk on meth, high on fentanyl. He put a gun on a pregnant woman's stomach. He was using counterfeit money. His last two previous arrests, he screamed, I can't breathe while on the back of the cop car also.
Starting point is 02:01:37 For his third arrest, he was also screaming that. And when he died from a drug overdose while a cop had his knee on his neck to keep him from banging his head on the concrete, this country fucking fucked itself up for two or three years. If you're going to defend a guy like that and build a bronze statue of him in New York as a hero, imagine what fucking Jews are going to do when you say you're going to rape and kill their women. Netanyahu is going to flatten the Middle East. Flatten. They raped and killed fucking healthy. I'm not justifying it. I'm not telling you it's the right thing.
Starting point is 02:02:37 It's the wrong thing. I'm just telling you. Yeah, they're going gonna flatten the curve Yeah Like if you have any trouble understanding The fucking hypocrisy You never I just have never heard anything like that Towards any other ethnicity
Starting point is 02:03:03 I'm tripping Any people, nationality I mean you have to go back and read some shit like the KKK and by the way the KKK did that to white people too and by the way they were democrats also oh you're out of your fucking mind You're going to jail
Starting point is 02:03:26 I can't find Patrick Dye On the internet The plant by the CIA Maybe Man Oh shit it's already on the Department of Justice Website United States Attorney's General Office Cornell student arrested for making online threats To Jewish students man oh shit it's already on the department of justice uh website united states attorney's
Starting point is 02:03:45 general office cornell student arrested for making online threats to jewish students is that illegal what about freedom of speech why can't he say that like why couldn't he just be like well no that was just a little creative writing it was actually to show you how what if he were to flip the script and be like hey i actually it was to show you how fucked up the muslims are what if he said that you guys totally misunderstood what i was saying i don't know isn't there something about like yeah inciting violence or some sort of call to action for violence against certain people. Oh, you can't do that.
Starting point is 02:04:27 I don't think you can do that. The charges filed against Dye carries a maximum term of five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 and a term of supervised release up to three years. He's expected to make his initial appearance tomorrow in federal court
Starting point is 02:04:43 in Syracuse, New York, before United States magistrate. I almost didn't want to show this story because it's so negative. But I just in the context of just like what you see against. People, when you categorize them by their ethnicity nationality or skin color it's just it it just takes the cake and it's it once and it's a thousand times worse than anything anyone would dare to say about black people in this country no fucking way no fucking way the worst shit said about black people in this country is by other black people it's called rap music
Starting point is 02:05:40 and uh and and it's just fucking nuts we live with complete fucktards which is okay it's called rap music and uh and and it's just fucking nuts we live with complete fucktards which is okay it's okay i mean you guys listen to a podcast where one of the guy's favorite activities is picking up poop i mean i didn't i didn't he was he judging me for that that i was soothed by uh excrement of uh like keeping my yard clean? He did get a good chuckle out of it, I think. Oh, chuckle, okay. Yon Clark, we're moving on to something fun next, yeah?
Starting point is 02:06:18 Judy Reed, it's important to see they will call him a white guy with slanted eyes. ... important to see they will call him a white guy with slanted eyes you're you're uh i encourage all everyone especially black people in this country to find out what ethnicity you are stop calling yourself black same with mexicans just for shits and giggles find out if you're kenyan if you're Asian just go with like I'm Korean stuff like try to even get away go find your shit go back as far as you can next time someone asks what you are just be like I'm Kenyan or I'm Ethiopian or I'm Sudanese or my people are like see how far back you can go Or don't like fuck who cares too on some level All right
Starting point is 02:07:17 I'm going to play tennis I'm pretty pumped. It's just me and avi Sweet. Yeah, we're going to play the best. So the last two times we play, we play 11 games to 11. And it's the best out of 11. Actually, only once we've made it to 11. Every time he's won, I start to fatigue. The last couple of times, this last time he beat me 6-1.
Starting point is 02:07:41 At that point, I can't win, right? No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If it's best out of 11. I'm going to put a vest on him. On a fucking nine-year-old kid, I'm going to put a weight vest on him. Four-pound weight vest and try to beat him today.
Starting point is 02:07:57 Give him a handicap. Jake Chapman, tennis is gay. You should see how I play it. I play it with one dick in each hand. Jake Chapman, tennis is gay. You should see how I play it. I play it with one dick in each hand. As long as no one ejaculates, it's fine.
Starting point is 02:08:14 David Weed, tennis is gay. I couldn't agree more. You should see the fight. No, but you know what? Now they have a sport called pickleball. So all of a sudden sudden tennis isn't gay. Pickleball is. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:34 I saw on Instagram there was a chick who hits a shot like this behind her neck with her paddle. And people were like, oh my God, that's the most amazing shot ever. You know, people are like celebrating. I'm like, no, when you can do a shot like that in a sport, it's not a sport. You know what I mean? If you can do trick shots in your sport, it's not really a sport. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Okay.
Starting point is 02:09:01 Uh, yeah, I think Gary's doing good. I think Gary's doing good. I saw him in that Andrew Hiller video and I just got pissed at him. I just thought that was such a douche move. If you're arm wrestling with someone, and they've never arm wrestled before, and you fly out on their hand, you expose their hand, you're a fucking dick. That's a dick move for anyone who knows about arm wrestling. You don't arm wrestle someone for the first time who's never arm wrestled before and just fly out on their hand. It's like he could have fucking hurt hillar's bicep
Starting point is 02:09:28 it's just a fuck i really pissed me off that gary did that and maybe it's just because i really like killer now i wouldn't have liked if he did it to anyone you don't do that you don't need if you don't need to um i was at the skate park yesterday with my kid and this kid's like kept talking about all these moves you can do and finally avi got tired of it and he's like okay show me something the dude's like well i can't do them now and obviously well you keep saying you can do them and i had to finally pull obvious side i'm like hey dude you're the fucking best kid here you don't ever have to worry about what if don't worry about these other kids who are like talking i can do this i can do that like he's like well he said it to me 20 times that he every move i do he says i can do that so
Starting point is 02:10:09 it's like show me like i know i hear you everyone uh john clark do you think he was intimidated by hillar i don't know i don know. That's an interesting question. I just didn't like it that... Is it gay if I arm wrestle other dudes' hogs? Seve, do you always intervene for your kid?
Starting point is 02:10:41 Do I always intervene for your kid? No, I don't always intervene for your kid? Do I always intervene for your kid? No, I don't always intervene for my kid. I resent the question. Alright, guys. I'll see you later. Caleb, thank you. Do we have any more shows today? What's today? I don't think so. Today's Wednesday? Wednesday.
Starting point is 02:11:04 Okay. Oh, tomorrow, Pat Vellner. Oh, that's awesome. Winner of the... He won, right? He did. Bad dude. And then Friday, Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 02:11:17 Nice. It's just a question, says Heidi. Heidi, I noticed you were a bit a wily today. Is your period coming? It's just a question. Thank you. Thank you,
Starting point is 02:11:35 Caleb. Thank you.

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