The Sevan Podcast - Sara Sigmundsdóttir LIVE | Live Call In #995

Episode Date: August 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show. We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Oh, shit. oh shit bam we're live wow 28 seconds without a word hey good morning good morning open no bam sorry libby oh bam we're live
Starting point is 00:01:39 i started making some last minuteminute changes to this morning's show. And I forgot where I was. I forgot my name. I apologize. I apologize. Unacceptable. We're all professionals here. There's no need for that kind of sloppiness. Jeez Louise, good morning, everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Golf, Foxtrot, Yankee. Good morning. Coach Ken, good morning. Logan Mars, good morning. Wow. What's up, Logan? You're back in the game. Mike, good morning.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Hey. What's up, dude? Good morning. Oh, I have the wrong audio on. My bad. Hey, thanks for coming on, dude? Good morning. Oh, I have the wrong audio on. My bad. Hey, thanks for coming on, dude. Short notice. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, this is exciting. You're doing a level one at your gym. Yeah, it's pretty cool. We've had Dustin Virgil training at our gym for a while. And he's a little connected with the HQ staff. And we got the opportunity to host an L1 a couple years ago. And, you know, they liked the gym. So they keep hosting them.
Starting point is 00:02:57 And it's such an awesome opportunity to have them here at the gym locally, which is cool. just to have them here at the gym locally, which is cool. Hey, Mike, why did I think that he owned a – do you call it a Tascadero or a Tuscadero? A Tascadero. A Tascadero. Okay, I thought that was the joke way of saying it, like Nirvana or Critton. No, no.
Starting point is 00:03:19 No, it's actually translate – yeah, it translates to mud hole, I believe, in Spanish. It's the local joke. Is that true? I believe it is. I wanted it to be true, so I've never verified it. Okay. For those of you who don't know, Atascadero is, now correct me, Mike,
Starting point is 00:03:50 Correct me, Mike. 250 miles north of Los Angeles and 93.2 miles south of San Francisco. It's probably about halfway in between both of those. Almost exactly in the middle. OK, so I screwed up. OK, so right on the Pacific Ocean, not spoken about a lot. on the Pacific Ocean. Not spoken about a lot. A really cool place. Everyone drives by it when you're on your way to the sugar capital, Disneyland, from Northern California
Starting point is 00:04:14 to the sugar capital, Disneyland. A cool place. Is it wine country too, Atascadero? It's pretty close. Paso Robles is the next Napa, and we're 10 minutes away. So we get a lot of spillover when people stay. They can't find something good. They stay in Atascadero.
Starting point is 00:04:32 We've had a lot of drop-ins this summer. It's interesting. Oh, from people doing wine country? Yeah. Atascadero CrossFit is a place to go to work out in between your hangovers. Correct. Very correct. In between trying to pretend like you're sophisticated and you're taking your wife somewhere fancy. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:04:55 How long has the gym been around? And why did I think Dustin Virgil owned that gym? Just because he's so famous in the community? Or did he used to own it? Well, he used to own it. And then he sold it to a buddy of ours and they they changed it up so for a period of like three or four years it wasn't a task at our crossfit um they were still doing you know group classes and stuff but it it kind of it wasn't a crossfit affiliate then and uh that guy moved out, I snagged up the building,
Starting point is 00:05:27 and I asked Dustin if he would allow me to use his name, use the name that he built. He was all for it, and so we brought it back April 1st of last year. It's been pretty cool. It was kind of nice to just honor what dustin built i mean it's a small little town and uh everybody knows him so uh can i ask you something totally inappropriate of course i wouldn't expect anything less is this lady go to your gym right here in the white top no oh shit okay i was gonna be like god what a fucking specimen that's the kind
Starting point is 00:06:09 of person like when you look like that everywhere you go someone's staring at you yeah i'm a little behind on swapping out because when we built the website we were we didn't have any pictures yet so i'm a little behind all right fair enough fair enough i know i knew it was i knew it was i knew it was inappropriate for several reasons it was going to put you on the spot. Not inappropriate for the reasons that some people think. God forbid you admire someone else's beauty while you're here on planet Earth. Hey, how many level ones have been done there? Uh, at this gym we've done, I believe two, our most recent one, we had an L2 here, which was amazing. Um, and I got to just be a fly on the wall for that. Uh, I cannot wait to take that one myself. Um, and then at my old gym up in Path Robles, we had a couple of L1s over there. Uh, when did you take your L1? Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:07:08 over there uh when did you take your l1 do you remember uh i took my i've done it twice most recently in 8 19 or 18 at the ranch and then i think it was in 2014 at um norcal crossfit or oh wow wow wow are there still spaces available at the one that's at what's the date on the one that you're doing? That is September 18th. Is that what I saw? I believe it was the 16th. If I if I have that right, I should know, shouldn't I? Well, you're doing a lot of things when you're in CrossFit gym gym i'm going to give you what do they call it biblically it's called grace or something like that okay uh hold on i got it too uh uh september 16th and 17th correct you got yeah 16th and 17th yeah there are still some spots available. We just had one of our teenage members snag up a spot last night. He came to me and said, how do I pitch this to my dad?
Starting point is 00:08:14 We've already paid for it. It was pretty cool. He's doing it with his mom. His mom was one of the spots I got her in, and then he wanted to do it with her. So he snagged up the spot. Ladies and gentlemen, probably most of you already know, and I speak in no hyperbole, when you take the level one, there will be gifts in there that you will carry your whole life. And you think, oh, so what?
Starting point is 00:08:39 Well, I ask you, how often does that happen at any time in your life that something happens where you carry it your whole life? Not only will it benefit you your entire life until the second you're dead, but people around you. There are so many gems in there. This isn't a sales pitch. It's not an exaggeration. I'm telling you there's things you're going to learn in there no matter how advanced you are CrossFit, that you will take with you your entire life that will make your life better. It is, no, not herpes. Solid guess, but on the other end of the scale.
Starting point is 00:09:17 But thank you, Dick. No, it won't be, you won't get herpes. Appreciate you for any confusion. Because it's kind of a dumb world we live in Mike so people say some crazy shit yeah they think it's about like well I need to do this so I can coach and I'm like nah if you're if you're into CrossFit if you're into just living healthy this weekend will kind of blow your mind and and I you know I to think that I get to participate in every single one that we've done. I've really done it, you know, five or six times, except I'm not on the floor.
Starting point is 00:09:49 But I sit and I watch. I don't, you know, open the door and then leave. I sit there and I watch every single time and just pay attention. You get new stuff out of it. And it's equally as mind-blowing the last time it was the first time. You bring up a great point. The reason why people think that it is to coach is this. The information in there is so good and so life-changing
Starting point is 00:10:13 that you won't be able to stop talking about it. It's like those people who just found God, right? Or they just found veganism. Like they're so excited about what they found that changed their life or someone who just found the carnivore diet. They can't believe they've had peely skin their whole life to get on the carnivore diet they can't stop talking about it there's stuff you're gonna learn in this thing that you're you're i mean you're gonna sound like a coach even if you don't want to be a coach you're gonna start sounding like a coach right maybe a little bit of a know-it-all with some good shit
Starting point is 00:10:39 yeah i remember when we at norcal cross it back in the day, we'd break into the little groups and Kalipa was running our little circle. And, you know, it was the first day and he's like, OK, raise your hand if you guys are excited to coach. And I was the only one who didn't raise my hand. I'm like, I'm just here for fun. And then, you know, here's where it where it took me. But I wasn't there to be a coach at that time. where it took me, but I wasn't there to be a coach at that time. Licks, Sevan talking a lot about God recently. Hey, dude, my whole point in life is in the esoteric realm is to figure out where I was before I was born and where I go after I die. And while I'm here, my kids are my legacy. That's it. So what do you mean just started? But I appreciate you, Licks, giving me an opportunity to address that.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Completely, I see how this is related to the conversation, Ken. Every time I've gotten an MRI, they've said they would put music in the headphones and never do. Seems intentional. I'm telling you that Mike and I are not lying to you like the people who do the MRI. You will walk away with gems at the L1 that you will take your whole life. Fuck those people who do the MRI, right? Right, Mike? This is a different thing. This is no MRI.
Starting point is 00:11:51 This is very different. You're going to get bits of wisdom in your earphones. We don't treat you like they do at the hospital at the L1. And, Mike, you and I each get 10% of all the L1 sales for this gym. You and I take it back. That is not correct. That is not correct. So you're the owner of the affiliate or the owner of the building or both?
Starting point is 00:12:20 The owner of the affiliate. As the owner of the affiliate why would you want um people in your community to take the l1 because they just it it's that hook in them it gets them more even more motivated than they were before and they start making different choices you know throughout their life right they you go to an l1, you're just going to eat better. You're going to work out harder. You're going to fill up. It just kind of spills into everything because it's all interlocked. It's just, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:55 what CrossFit does is cures the, what was that? The cures the world's most vaccine problem. Well, the L1 just gives you more tools and more information to be able to do that and then that just spreads through the community the more people that come here that do the l1 are just going to talk to other people and it just becomes infectious and then all of a sudden we got some really beautiful looking people running around you know that you could appreciate uh they you would go to the click on seminars. Um, it is the, it is the level
Starting point is 00:13:29 one that's on September 16th and 17th. It's directly in the middle of Los Angeles and San Francisco hotels. There are very affordable relative to the rest of the state. It is a beautiful area. Like he said, it's in wine country and, um, and you, and you won't be disappointed. And, and Mike, I got to have you back on. I'd love to know all about your affiliate and the history of your affiliate. It sounds fascinating. And you come from an amazing pedigree. Uh, I love Virgil's an amazing dude. Right on. Yeah. I love that. Yeah. All right, brother. Uh,
Starting point is 00:13:59 keep me posted and I'll be in touch and I can't wait to hear about how the, uh, the level one went. And if any of the participants who took it, um, want to come on and talk to me about it. It's, it's, it's a passion of mine. I think it's the best two days, you know, it's up there in the best two days you could have anything you could do with your life for sure. And I mean that, I don't say that lightly. I totally agree. Totally agree. All right, dude. Have a good day. Thanks for coming on and, uh,
Starting point is 00:14:22 and helping me spread the good word. You got it. Have a good day. Thanks for coming on and helping me spread the good word. You got it. Thanks, Yvonne. Peace. Atascadero CrossFit, September 16th, 17th, middle of California. Never done one of those. I just ran into this guy on Instagram. We're talking, and he's like, hey, we're doing an L1 at my gym. I have someone else coming on here in a second.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Also in the CrossFit space, this fucking CrossFit space. Don't tell me, don't tell me, Jay, are you Armenian? Is that how you call it, you're Armenian? Don't tell me, Mr. Hartle, that there's a different convo in the chat. It is not convo. It is not a different Convo. I can make the connections. I know.
Starting point is 00:15:07 I know. I know. I don't think Tank, I don't think, I don't think Tank, it's a big deal that he was a pharma guy. I don't think it's a big deal that he took Soros money. Yes, Seve, I'm Armenian. Okay, good. Does your next guest look like Milli Vanilli? Similar hair.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Way more attractive. Way fitter. Maybe one of the most attractive human beings that's ever walked the planet. Definitely in the top, you know, in that top 1% of 1%. You guys will be excited. Want to guess who it is? Townsend, good guess, good guess. Good guess. Complete opposite skin complexion.
Starting point is 00:15:56 This person's translucent. But same beautiful like Mr. Townsend, for sure. Crazy hair like Mr. Townsend, for sure. Crazy hair like Mr. Townsend. Body that looks like something. Looks like peptides. Yeah, I said it. I said it, James. James Newberry, no.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Another great guess. I think this person washes their hair. But we shall see. Do you want to know if it's a boy or a girl? Let me see. Okay. I'm ready. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Let's do it. I'm ready. Okay do it let's do it I'm ready okay here we go oh anyone want to guess Sporty Beth no good guess anyone else want to guess Con Porter Con doesn't have as good a hair as this guest
Starting point is 00:17:00 anyone Craig Ritchie nope nope anyone else Anyone else? Craig Ritchie. Nope. Nope. Anyone else? Either J.R. Howell or the Dave Castro. The Dave Castro is a good guest. He has great hair. Shelby Neal. Woo. Okay, here we go. Hi. Hello. Miss YouTube. Miss YouTube, that's true. No, I didn't say I miss you, but I do miss you.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I said YouTube, but I love it. I love it that you thought I said miss you. No, I thought you said miss YouTube. Oh, yeah, miss YouTube. Oh, yes. Oh, okay. I thought you were saying miss you. I miss you too, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I thought you were saying I miss you. I miss you too, it's okay. I saw Sarah recently in a power meeting. I was at a restaurant and I was spying on her. And she was in a very high level meeting, I could tell, with some very high level people. And I took a picture of her. It was the most creepy picture I've ever received. And I sent it to her and she said, why didn't you visit i said i was too shy i was too shy you'd never be shy someone never you just didn't
Starting point is 00:18:12 want to interrupt you're so respectful you know thank you and it was a long walk i'd already done my workout for the day i have to go down those steps there yeah exactly what would i type in what is your youtube station how do i find this new youtube station so you type in sarah sigmund's daughter okay simple as that and then i've already put up uh four episodes oh do you know how cool i'm gonna tell you how cool i am i typed in sarah sigmund's daughter and the um podcast i did with you a month ago came up. God, I feel so good. Oh, do you know what came up and I typed it in? What?
Starting point is 00:18:52 The podcast we did when I was in Dubai with the caption, are you a lesbian? Oh, have you seen the comments on that? No, I haven't. Do I want to see them i just it just people just get offended so easy yeah they think it they think it's inappropriate i think i think relationship talk is yeah i think relationships are oh my god you already have four videos on your youtube yeah we've been working you know um why did you wait so long to do a YouTube station? Well, it's great header photo, by the way. Awesome header photo.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Red Rocks. It's so cool. Yeah. Why did I start so late? I mean, it's one of those things that you just procrastinate. You know, it's never the right time to start. That's how it was for me. I was just like, oh, yeah, this year I'll start. Like, I've been wanting to do YouTube probably since 2019. And then it's just always been, oh, next year I'll start. Oh, this story isn't going to – or, like, the buildup to this season,
Starting point is 00:20:02 it's not the right time now. I'm going through this and this. So like this year, I just started. It's just like it's never going to be the perfect time of starting it. And yeah, so just took the bandaid off and made it public, you know. We've been recording for a while. So it's going to be a lot of stuff. We've been recording for a while, so it's going to be a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I said I was too shy to come down and visit you. Is any part of it that you didn't start it because maybe you were shy? Was there anything like that, or was it just hours in the day? I think it's mostly just hours in the day. You also think, why would people want to see anything Of what I'm doing Yeah that's what I kind of think Why would she want me to come down there and interrupt her That would probably be it more than being shy
Starting point is 00:20:53 Just kind of low self esteem I don't know if low self esteem is the right word But why would I bug her Yeah why would I ever want Why would people subscribe On my YouTube channel there's nothing interesting like you just go straight there but then yeah you also if I would think of like my favorite athlete like Kobe Bryant like I probably watched all his videos so many times just put it
Starting point is 00:21:18 on when I'm cleaning at home just listening to it and maybe I am one of those athletes for some people in CrossFit and I'm like if I can help them and give them inspiration on how my life actually is and what's going on behind the scenes and it's just like giving people a little bit of an insight of how I actually am as a person like it's it's way more personal than your Instagram profile or something like that. Like you actually see the people that I'm around. You see how I am when I'm traveling. You see when I'm stressed.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Like you can see all the things that you sometimes don't want to show the world, but it's very important to show the world, to actually show that you're human. What won't you show um people like um let's just go straight there what about like relationships so i mean those are very like personal and i think that what the youtube will do is that it's going to open up a lot of things that I maybe haven't shared before. Right. Relationships are, are so interesting in this era, right? So we, we know people who, um, have, well, I'll just pick this person because I had him on the show, but like James Newberry, a high profile Australian athlete, he had a girlfriend. They were, um, when I had him on the show, I was going through his Instagram and he had a post on there that he separated from his from his girlfriend. And then I started thinking sometimes when I dig back in people's profiles, I see that they have like X's in there.
Starting point is 00:22:56 You know what I mean? And like, I don't know what the. Conventional wisdom or protocol is on that, because especially someone as high profile as you it kind of twists them up into your life and yeah it may not even be that you want to keep it private or that it's too personal it's just that it could be a distraction from um from your true core message right and people are also very keen on judging right away of like oh sarah's with this guy oh my gosh this is like lucky him lucky yeah lucky him wow yeah but like it's just like there's a lot of um a lot of and also like you have to be quite sure that you're committed that's at least for me to be able to post about it and like it is a serious thing and that's why i want the world to know if it's nothing that's gonna be like
Starting point is 00:23:52 like you don't want to have something public unless it's gonna last you know what i mean like i don't want to have three different boyfriends on my instagram from the last four years like right it needs to be something that's that's uh that's the final destination you know what I mean yeah so that's how I look at it it's like it's it needs to be that personal but that's that's more of just like how much personal life will you share and I think that's a challenge for me it's like I'm I'm maybe not a shy person but I'm I'm a little bit of a private person also I was like I love to keep my private things to myself and the world doesn't quite know everything about me but I still want to be a inspiration for for people that look up to me and I want them to
Starting point is 00:24:37 see actually who the real me is and and how human and how clumsy I am and everything like that. So it's good for people to see a little bit of their private life, but then you also have to keep it balanced so you don't get lost in sharing too many things, I think. Your journey to go to the CrossFit Games, I think Dave said it to me first. And then the first time I ever heard it was from Dave. And then I heard it again from Andrew Hiller in a separate talk that one of the pieces that about CrossFit, and I'm putting my spin on it that people don't talk about is how vulnerable the reason why people don't like it is because of how vulnerable it makes you. about is how vulnerable the reason why people don't like it is because of how vulnerable it makes you so like uh you see these bodybuilders and the next crossfit stupid and like when you dig into it it's probably just because it makes you so vulnerable yeah right and so um on so many
Starting point is 00:25:38 levels in the immediate because you could never you couldn't at the end of a workout you couldn't defend yourself from a kitten um but but also because the whole world, one of the goals in our sport is to go to failure. Yeah. And flirt with that. You're also, I don't know if composed is the right word, but you have these challenges that you have no idea if you can face them or not like like showing up at the crossy games and you get a pack board and you're like I have to climb that in front of everybody here on live camera what if I fail what if this what if people see this side of me and then that maybe happens how do you deal with that afterwards of not judging yourself from what
Starting point is 00:26:23 the criteria is judging you from so i think that's the biggest challenge with crossfit it's just like you have to put your ego to the side and you sometimes have to start from step one to be able to go to step four and that's like when i started crossfit i could not kick up against the wall to do a handstand hold it was my biggest fear i was like yeah if i go on my hands i'm gonna fall on my neck and i'm gonna break my neck like so really you didn't you didn't go upside down in the beginning that didn't come easy or natural for you wow i was terrified and then finally when i kicked up i kicked up to a wall that was like a very thin wall and I broke it. And I was like, it didn't start very well.
Starting point is 00:27:07 But like, that's the beauty of CrossFit. Now I'm walking over handstand ramps and I'm walking over stairs. And it's just like, you have to just put your ego to the side and you have to learn it like a little kid that just started gymnastics and is learning how to like stay in in line before running on uh and do a flip or whatever like you just have to go so far back in some areas and and people judge oh sorry can you hear me now i can't i can't okay sorry somebody called me girls famous you know i understand i understand hey where are you where are you say that again sarah where are you i'm at home now yeah in in in which country in iceland okay okay if you say home does that mean Iceland? Yeah, Iceland is always home in heart. Okay, so going back to the upside down thing,
Starting point is 00:28:10 there are a lot of journeys on the road to the CrossFit Games that are captured, right? Yeah. Have you watched those, or is there anything – you think about that you're like – that you'd like to share about that journey? I thought you were about to say something and maybe you were along the lines of you're going to start this journey and there's a chance you might not make it, right? Only 40 girls around the world get to go. And that's another crazy vulnerable part too especially like if you're not going to wait till the end to put it out so people are there's this eminent failure or success on the horizon no matter what yeah I mean how I look at this
Starting point is 00:28:59 YouTube channel now it's just like okay but I was this uh success successful crossfitter that made it almost to the top of winning the crossfit games a few times like and I did some off-season competitions like me and Tia were head-to-head at Rogue and like it was just there was a lot of things and I was just there like at the top then I get an injury and I go all the way down and I'm still fighting my way back and it's been like when I tore my ACL I was like I'll give myself six months here I'll I'll ask Dave if I can be on the demo team here in August when I tore my ACL in March like I was that optimistic that it would not be as much of a struggle as people had told me I was just like you don't know my mindset or anything but it's it has changed so many things my perspective on
Starting point is 00:29:52 how thankful I was to be at the top and how good I actually was I never appreciated myself there at the top like I didn't know how good I was until I wasn't that good anymore and now the constant struggle for three years of just like I'm on my way up again this happens oh I'm back down how do I mentally react to this and this is what like I look at sports of like sports teach you so much with life of like when you experience uh loss like if if you lose somebody that you're close to that you love you go through all these stages of grief anchor sadness this is the exact same thing you go through in disappointment in sports so sport is actually preparing you for life that's how I look at it and I look at this of like if I give up after after an injury
Starting point is 00:30:46 because it's very easy to just say okay I've tried here for these this long time and it's not happening like it's so easy to just put my shoes on the side and be like hey I'm done here I made it to the top I'm never coming back like that that my heart says like you have so much more and I've so many times always almost reached the top again and then something small happens again so that's why I thought with a YouTube channel of like I actually want to show people that like I want them to be with me in this journey because the moment I experienced that semifinals was insane like I was struggling with the legless I hear a click in my forearm I'm in front of like it's it's every athlete's phobia probably to experience what I experienced I was just like I couldn't perform
Starting point is 00:31:36 in stuff that I was good at and it was just like what is going on here and like the love and just like the energy in the arena of like always when I tried the crowd just went crazy and I remember I was I was climbing up and I was getting goosebumps and almost like emotionally crying because I was just there was so much emotion and there was so much power from all the people of just like they really wanted me to to succeed and that's what i thought was like this is the perfect time of the youtube channel now because people are actually just they show so much love and support and they need to see what's going on behind the scenes to actually like experience it this uh this video is crazy yeah particularly i like um watching your fingers on the rope yeah it's it's who shot this by the way do you know
Starting point is 00:32:38 oh yeah he's there video luke ebron oh yeah the close-ups of your fingers on the rope are crazy because when i see your fingers i i start to i i start to have a visceral feeling like oh my god are her fingers gonna break like yeah yeah that's crazy what a great shot he got yeah it's also just insane of seeing like there was just no strength in the left arm i just as soon as the left arm was supposed to hold something it just didn't and just slipped down like that from yeah the slipping's crazy too yeah so it's oh my goodness hey did you get a rope burn from that sarah no i didn't actually or not that like i was just so frustrated and angry from not having the like ability to climb that, that rope. So I didn't feel that much except for that click.
Starting point is 00:33:31 So, but yeah. Jake Chapman has a question. Are you going to do a video about the most toxic man in CrossFit? Good job, Jake. Who is the most toxic man in CrossFit's the big question nobody knows nobody knows what about what about uh for your youtube channel i'm just now uh let me hold on let me take us off the air okay we're off the air no one's watching now and i just want to spit ball some ideas okay it's just me and you yeah um what about doing shorts so like um you can do shorts from your phone just
Starting point is 00:34:07 one minute videos yeah and we'll do a little yeah i already did three today you did yes did you post them yeah i just posted them this morning uh did you schedule them or you actually posted them no i posted them oh i see it yes i see it okay let me so so these have to be under a minute long yeah okay so here i have some i'm just gonna ask you some questions i just made these up just now while you were talking i just thought okay we'll and see if you can get them in under like 60 seconds they're just rehearsals okay you could use them later and just give me 10% of the earnings from the short. You get 15.
Starting point is 00:34:49 What is something that you've learned in your last intimate relationship? Whether it be something you learned going into it, when you left it, in the middle of it, but a component to a successful intimate relationship. I should have replied to this under 60 seconds.
Starting point is 00:35:07 No, no. That was too much pressure. You can, you can, no 60 seconds. But the final has to be 60 seconds. Yeah, yeah. I'll give you another one. You don't even have to answer that one. You can though if it comes back up.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Here's another one. When you're hungry at night, what do you, and you're not supposed to eat. Like last night I ate way too many pistachios. I mean before I went to bed. What is the – what is like something you can tell yourself so that you can just make it to bed without eating like three pounds of pistachios? I mean I have – like I love eating before bed. So I actually always make like a bowl.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I call it like a Sarahbal so because i would love cereal so i make this i cut fruit and put like protein over the fruit and eat it like a cereal with peanut butter on okay so you don't don't so not the answer i was thinking don't deny yourself uh use peanut butter okay um do. Yeah, exactly. Do you ever go to bed with wet hair? Is that a bad idea? Yeah, but I would never go in public after that night without looking in the mirror, you know? It's a little bit of an after all. So you would go to bed with wet hair, but there's consequences to pay in the morning. There are big consequences.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I call it the lionese. here's another one if you feel an itchy throat coming on what what are what do you do i don't even care if it's right or wrong to immediately take precautions and address it you know like oh my god the cold come out say it again turmeric ginger and garlic all mixed in one shot and drink loads of water. And then another short. These are all just short ideas, right? For a little 60 seconds. You've traveled as much as anybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:01 What is some mistakes you've made that you don't make anymore and that you continue to make that you need to stop? With traveling, I'm always late. So like my record. The airport? You're late to the airport? Yeah. Oh, you're stressing me out. Oh, you're stressing me out.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Oh, my God. Like I'm so lucky all the time, though. So I showed up. This is a great story, and it's way longer than 60 seconds, but I feel like I need to'm so lucky all the time though. So I showed up, this is a great story and it's way longer than 60 seconds, but I feel like I need to share it with you. Please. Thank you. So I show up,
Starting point is 00:37:32 this is the record of showing up late to the airport. It's 35 minutes before departure. Snore is already at the airport. So I have this trip to London for wit. Which you're supposed to three hours, three hours ahead of time for international. Yeah, but it's Iceland and I used to work there and it's it's 15 minutes from where I live. And it's just like, you know, girl needs to train and everything before.
Starting point is 00:37:57 So, yeah, so I show up in the airport and I am actually going to Dubai after London. So I'm starting in London London so I have loads of stuff with me I go up to the checking desk and the girl's like you're going to London I was like yeah and she's like I'm not sure if the plane or like that I can still board you I was like yeah I worked here it's 30 minutes before and I had no idea if it was true or not she's like oh okay so she boarded me and I was like okay ran to the security go to security forget to get take my computer out so I have to go back again run to the gate snores at the gate and I was like I made it this is great and I had this feeling inside me I'm like why do I feel like I'm forgetting something
Starting point is 00:38:38 so it yeah so it's an outdoor gate and I I go to the bus, to the aircraft. And then I realized, I was like, oh, my bag isn't that heavy. Like my hand luggage isn't that heavy anymore. That means that my computer isn't here anymore. So I forget my computer, walk up to the airplane and see the stewardess. And I was like, do you have like a walkie talkie because when i used to work here like you had a walkie talkie from the girls that used to work in check-in and to the like the air traffic control to the um like the luggage guys and everything so she's like no i
Starting point is 00:39:19 don't have any sorts of things like that you can please just have a seat and i was like well i forgot my computer at security and and are you sweaty at this point are you sweating i'm not only sweating snorri is also sweating because we were just like holy hell because i was in school at that time and i was like i need everything that's in my computer she's like you just have to sort this out later and I was like that's not good enough so I sent up uh I call the security from my phone and I was like I forgot my computer is it any possibility that somebody could run with a computer to the gate and the guy there is like yep I'll send one I was like okay thank you uh then I was like how can I let the girl at the gate know that the computer is coming before she comes to the aircraft?
Starting point is 00:40:06 So I see the cockpit and I was like, I might as well try. So I just go, knock in the cockpit, ask the pilot if he could actually, like, because they have like the line, like the phone line to the check-in girl. He lets her know and she brings the computer. And I got my computer. This was all in a 35 minute time cap. When your computer showed up,
Starting point is 00:40:36 was everyone already sitting down? Everybody was already sat down, but the girl was still waiting for the boat. The plane was boarded, but it was not delayed because of me. Crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Have you ever thought about going an hour early and just like chilling? I've often thought about it, but you know, it never happens. I'm always on time in America to the airport there, but that's because of like, there are no chances there but in iceland i live on the edge you know one time one time i was going through tsa and the
Starting point is 00:41:14 lady said something about um as i pulled up i went to hand her my driver's license or something i hand her to the wrong thing and she said you've why aren't you ready and she started yelling at me i'm like ma'am i'm trying she goes you stand here and wait here and then she made me stand there and wait there at the you know where they check your id yeah for like to punish me for like five minutes yeah to make you feel horrendous and then she didn't make eye contact no no even though they're waiting and i'm just like i treated me like i was a four-year-old it was crazy i was like wow this is nuts ashamed yeah yeah god it's so it's it's um yeah i like to get there i like to get there early and sort of observe the people who are panicking yeah i actually enjoy that a lot
Starting point is 00:41:59 too but if you know when you work for uh like couple of like I worked for Isadair before and, you know, the rules and stuff and how it works. It's like, yeah, you're like, oh, they're just in the process of this. It's still about 30 minutes until we go through that. And so, like, I think it's a flaw or a curse that I actually know it because that makes me live extra much on the edge, you know? Right. Well, I'm excited to see your um youtube channel yeah what do you want to see on the youtube channel that's the big question i i personally um think you should do make yourself do a short every day that shares some
Starting point is 00:42:38 sort of lesson from you that you've learned you know what i mean one lesson a day of the shorts okay yeah you know something like hey before you get into a relationship you know it's really important to know like what time if you're a professional athlete what time people go to bed or um never um never guilt trip someone who's these are reasons why you should never guilt trip on someone why who who has uh really focused aspirations. You'll lose them. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Or hey – It's the wisdom of the day. I don't know why I keep showing up late to the airport, but I'm telling you my life would be better if I always showed up a half hour early. Yeah. My heart rate would be better. Yeah. Every time I feel like my throat is getting itchy i start taking 2 000 milligrams of vitamin c every hour for 12 hours and it's 99 i think people would just want to hear from you i have
Starting point is 00:43:31 a great one also tell me tell me love is life life is love yes that's a deep one that's my saying of the day yes hey um i was talking about this the other day along that line. Love is life. Life is love. It's that second one that I think is really important that people forget life is love. Gandhi said something like you can't separate religion and state because your life, your existence, how I treat Sarah is my religion. Life, your existence, how I treat Sarah is my religion. How I interact with the world, how I treat bugs, how I look at the ocean.
Starting point is 00:44:15 It's all my minute, second-to-second, moment-to-moment interaction with the world is my religion. So what you're saying is like love isn't something you turn on and off. No. You're saying life is yeah love like this is like Bob Marley would say heaven on earth yes did you watch that or at least the opportunity is there the opportunity is there have you transmuted I don't know if that's a word your love into anger and hate and frustration like why are you spending it like that why not just let it just be always loved yeah exactly that's why my youtube channel is called 3407 oh did you watch why it is 3407 no but i watched the video to where you took it to where you were about to say why it is and then the video cut off yeah you need to watch the full
Starting point is 00:44:57 video it's uh there's a story behind it okay don't tell me now hold on on. No, you can watch it. Yeah. Hold on. It's almost in the end of the YouTube video. Which one is it? Which one is it? You had me at hello. Yeah, you had me at hello. Did you notice that all the names of the episodes are names of songs that fit with what's in the video? Is this deep thoughts here? Oh, I haven't noticed that.
Starting point is 00:45:24 No. Now you're going to get extra excited for each episode. I even think some maybe some like superficial love stuff. Like I was going to say what I find most attractive in a mate, but it could also be how to pick a dog, how could also be a, how to pick a dog, how to pick a pet, how to pick a dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah. Just some life lessons and wisdoms. Yeah. Yeah. I think I can do that. I had this, I had this guy on who was a fighter, Sarah,
Starting point is 00:45:59 real alpha guy. And I was saying something like, Hey, how do you stay focused? And then, and not get distracted by like wanting to chase girls. Yeah. And he said something like, hey, how do you stay focused and not get distracted by wanting to chase girls? Yeah. And he said something like,
Starting point is 00:46:09 hey, when you're a man like me, alpha men don't chase women. That's not, we don't do that. And I was just like, I never, I'm 50 years old, I'd never heard something like that. I wasted like 20 years of my life chasing girls. And when he said that, I was like, how the fuck does this 25-year-old guy know this know this yeah exactly and there there are some gems in there there's things like
Starting point is 00:46:29 that the people like you know that you take for granted yeah um and and i keep harping on relationships because that's how we're all i like relationships and and that's how we're all created yeah this union of these two creatures coming together and then hopefully making a love child and then the spawn. So I just like that topic. Yeah, I love it too. All right. Thank you. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:03 I'm going to have to start a whole clean slate of judging you. Why? Because I had you in this category. It was like you and Daniel Brandon in this category of impossible to schedule. And now you just fell out. You're like, I texted you last night, and I'm like, you want to come on in the morning? Just a Hail Mary, just a throw into the end zone. But, I mean, after the last chat you became high on
Starting point is 00:47:27 my priority list so like like i get extra notification if you message me yeah you're one of them now so thank you dear you're always welcome congratulations on the youtube channel um and uh and i look forward to crossing paths with you again past paths paths paths with you yes thank you so much bye bye And I look forward to crossing paths with you again. Paths, paths, paths, paths with you again. Yes. Thank you so much, Ewan. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Dang. Seve needs a cigarette. Oh, my God. Jessica Valenzuela, love Sarah. Hey, I saw your comment, Jessica, about how you have to retire the CEO shirt because because you got Sarah's autograph on it
Starting point is 00:48:16 I don't know if I approve of that I should have asked her Sarah's so fucking awesome I should have asked her if she was wearing uh toe spacers damn i hate it when i'm trying to click something and something else pops up vindicate new shirts vindicate kind of i'm kind of i'm a little bit embarrassed by them having my face on a shirt is um unsettling.
Starting point is 00:48:50 As soon as I type in Instagram, it goes to Vivek Ramaswamy. I'm going to try to get Dreamwear on next week. He's been on before, but I think he's kind of bummed about Vivek Ramaswamy. Yeah, but I'm not going to lie. As much as I'm a little embarrassed about my face being on a shirt, this shirt tickles my fancy. Maybe I am a world-class egomaniac narcissist, but he who must not be named. It's pretty funny. says but he who must not be named it's pretty funny remember when they were doing the um uh woolly and gang were doing the um we said they were in cahoots so they kind of ran with the
Starting point is 00:49:32 cahoots thing which which i i like this is kind of the same thing he who shall not be named this is like i think i haven't even talked to travis i should call travis find out if that if it's because no one will say my name like the other day Wooly called me a D-bag but won't say my name let me see if I can call Travis let me see if he's
Starting point is 00:49:51 T-R-V-I-S Travis where's I kind of have your phone number in here it's all just Travis Bajans oh do you think I have you in my phone as Vindicate V-N-D It's all just Travis Bajans. Oh, do you think I have you in my phone as Vindicate?
Starting point is 00:50:09 V-N-D. Oh, I should put the phone number. Travis, if you're listening, could you call me? What the fuck is going on? How come I don't have your number? How do I get money from you when I sell shirts if I don't have your number? Travis. Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 00:50:26 There it is. There it is. I got your number. Don't call me. I'll call you. Don't call me. I'll call you. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:50:32 402. Just kidding. 880. Just kidding. Just kidding. Just kidding. Just kidding. Chill.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Everyone chill. I'm giving this number out. Can you call me of course you can hey is this um is this because like whenever like someone talks shit about me they won't say my name yeah you know the people yeah we won't say he, she, they, or they, them's names. Yeah, it's cool. It's so cool. Hey, I'm in full cahoots with you. We are completely in cahoots. Yes. You said you're embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:51:17 You're not going to be sad when I send you a check. Yeah, that's true. Oh, my God, I'm so embarrassed. Look, $1,200. I'm so embarrassed. There you go. No, people love them.. I'm so embarrassed. There you go. No, people love them. Hey, the blue is dope.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah, that was kind of a last minute. I'm like, oh, I'm going to try this color and see how it does. Oh, my God. The white is nice, too. Off-white. Not white-white. Off-white. Hey, and those glasses. Hey, you could do something total blasphemous and put a crown of thorns around my head.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Oh, my. Oh, look at this. I don't even remember. Salmon. I don't even know where you were at in that picture. I just grabbed it off of Google. You're wearing like a tie. You're at like a formal.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Yeah. I went to a I went to a it's a christmas dinner at crossfit and i would never wear those like i wouldn't like i would never wear something like that or a suit or put goo in my hair and for that i'd for some reason i just wanted to go there just like totally like totally absurd to a christmas dinner and i went there like that my call call the kids say you had some drip in that photo hey you were very swaggy um do you want to be part of a panel discussion really quick sure okay um what are we talking about um i don't i'm gonna surprise you with it like when is this it would just be right now. It would be just really quick. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Let me – I'm going to – I'm going to see if I can get – I wonder if I can get Hiller on too. And then you guys – Oh, good luck. Your calls might actually go through. Yeah, he lets me break through his – okay, hold on. Do I need to look at my YouTube? No, no. I'm going to send you a – are you on your phone?
Starting point is 00:53:07 Yeah, but I have my computer up also. I just got to turn my YouTube off. Okay. So it's not echoing. I'm going to send you a link right now. Okay. Okay, and then go ahead and come on, and then you'll be part of the panel discussion. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Okay. Sounds good. Yeah, I'm going to show them my hogs and have them rate it on a one to ten that's exactly um standby uh no um there is this post i made yesterday uh that i that i didn't i did this is i think this is a fascinating conversation. I was trying to figure out... Oh, okay, fine. Fine.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Okay, fine. Fuck it. Where's Heidi? Heidi wants to be part of the panel discussion too. That's four. That's good. That's four is good. Now we have four squares.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Oh, and you've got a girl on. How cool. Oh my God. You have a girl. Heidi, how come I can't find your phone number on my computer? Maybe it's only in my phone. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. No, I text with you here okay here we go hey um not that you're not like pretty on the internet but you're one of those few people that actually like uh shows up like you're you're actually maybe even more attractive in person so congratulations you know how like most people you're like oh that's what you look like so you um good job okay uh uh um so we have a travis bellinghausen from vindicate coming on we have a heidi heidi krum there's no way i said travis's name right right and uh and maybe andrew hiller maybe i I should call Andrew and let him know that he's part of a panel discussion.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Okay, there's Travis. We got one. Hi. Can you click the link and come on for a few minutes for part of a panel discussion? Can you give me five minutes? No. Can you give me three minutes? Sure. Can you give me three minutes?
Starting point is 00:55:25 Sure. Cool. All right. Three minutes. Bye. I'm probably taking his wife to the bathroom. I think he's going to miss the discussion. What's up, dude? How are you? Well, I'm going to figure out. I got to turn the show off.
Starting point is 00:55:42 There we go. You have no echo, and your picture looks great. You look great. It's my fancy lighting. Yeah, you look great. Okay, let me pull up this. Should I be nervous? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Not at all. Not at all. There'll be no penises shown in this. As long as it's not mine, I don't care. Fine. Not fair, not. Paper Street Coffee. That's how I feel about penises, too.
Starting point is 00:56:09 That is, yeah. You know how I know I have a little gay in me is because I love my own penis. I just love it. Hi, Heidi. Oh, shit. We got Heidi. Hi. What's up, girl?
Starting point is 00:56:21 What do you look like? What are you, at the city college taking fucking classes? You look like you're at the city college. Where are you? At work. He's at the courthouse. Oh, okay. Nah, nah, nah.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I like that. City college or the courthouse. No one went with job. I posted this picture yesterday, and it's of me and Philip Kelly. I went out drinking with Philip Kelly yesterday. Got sauced in the morning. Sauced. Here, let me get a better service.
Starting point is 00:57:01 And so I posted this picture, and it's Philip Kelly with his arm around Sporty Beth, and then someone had Photoshopped my head on it, my face onto it. And then so someone in here said that it suggested that this was bullying, and I started thinking when I posted it, it's supposed to be making fun of myself, and I thought, wow, what if I would have put her head on my body? when I posted it, it's supposed to be making fun of myself. And I thought, wow, what if I would have put her head on my body? Would that have been like, which do you guys think? Which one is that would have been of me and which one is making fun of her?
Starting point is 00:57:40 Like my head on her body, I think, is making fun of me because it turns me into a girl. Yeah, I think you should have put your head on her but no her head on your body would have been better but that would have been bullying right no no oh the problem with okay i just think go ahead if we want to be sexist i just think like from a woman's perspective you know she's already said that she's self-conscious about her body image she has body image problems and i think this is probably like potentially her worst nightmare where people are editing her pictures now and it could come across i'm not saying obviously you know me i i oh i like this i like i don't care but
Starting point is 00:58:25 i think from her perspective that's kind of too far probably okay so so let me so let me get get to straight so you're saying even if i would have put any chain any you're saying that it could be potentially seen as bullying any photoshopping of her picture whether i put my head on it because i tried to pigeonhole you i tried to say hey if you put my head on her body would it not be bullying or my or her head on my body whatever the two options are but you're saying both of them could be construed as bullying i think as soon as you start, uh, like editing any photo of hers, she can, she's going to take it that way. God, you're really big picture.
Starting point is 00:59:09 You really fucked up the panel. I didn't see this coming. No more smart people. That's why there's no women allowed on the panel. People, no women on the panel. Jesus Christ. Okay. Travis, please.
Starting point is 00:59:18 I should have asked you first. You're far more simple. I think, I think I summed it up pretty quick in my text. Okay. Oh, well yesterday. Uh, what was that? Savage. Right. Isn't it funny? far more simple i think i think i summed it up pretty quick in my text okay yesterday uh what was that savage right right isn't it funny i knew exactly what you're talking about but do you think that do you think that it would have been more or less bullying oh yeah i gotta come back and ask heidi this too do you think it would have been more or less bullying if i would have put her
Starting point is 00:59:40 head on my body i think it would have been less if it was the opposite yes wow and and frankly i don't think it would matter on this what okay go on you know there's gonna be a video made i get a video for this oh you'll get a video for this 100 i'm surprised you haven't had comments but i haven't gone back to see what's in there hillary's gonna have a completely different take on this. Hiller's going to make a fucking video about it probably. Okay. What about the,
Starting point is 01:00:11 what about, let me take this back a step. So you think even the picture of her and Philip Kelly that I originally posted that just someone had changed her shirt to say seven on East is how about that? Was that bull? Could that be construed as bullying? Listen, if you're a victim in your brain, everything is bullying.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Wow. Okay. Do you guys personally think I've gone too far? She thought it was bullying. Right. Do you think that this is bullying? Tank Reeves called her Snorty Beth instead of Sport. Right. Do you think that this is bullying? Tank Reeves called her Snorty Beth
Starting point is 01:00:47 instead of Sporty Beth. Do you think that that's bullying? God damn it. I have to control my responses. Or do you think that that's bullying? Wow. My God. That is good, Kenneth. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Okay. I don't think it matters. If you do anything that could even remotely be considered negative, it's going to cause issues. I mean, you got her media passes, and you can't even get a thank you for that. What about the fact that she can clean and jerk twice as much as me? Does that make it so that because she's a better CrossFitter than me, I am allowed some leniency to poke fun at her?
Starting point is 01:01:39 There's no leniency. Oh. No, no, no. You're not allowed shit. No. All right. what about this okay so I'll pull that down right after the show
Starting point is 01:01:54 clearly I've gone too far you can't pull it down then it's already out in the world it was screenshotted and recorded just like Spiegel's was after two minutes. Oh, my goodness. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:10 The panel has spoken. I appreciate both of you. Please go to Amazon and support Heidi's writing career. It's Heidi Krum, C-R-U-M-E. She has two children's books out. And go to Vindicate and buy a bunch of T-M-E. She has two children's books out. Go to Vindicate and buy a bunch of t-shirts, please. They're all cool. It's all I wear.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Codename Sebon. Thank you. Do you have a code for discount for your books? My name, Heidi? My code is fuck you, pay full price for my books. Yes, okay. Fuck you, pay full price for my books.
Starting point is 01:02:44 That's a long-ass Yes. Okay. Fuck you. Pay full price for my books. That's a long ass code. Good luck trying it. Alright guys. Thank you for being part of the panel. I appreciate you guys being my moral compass. Now I know. Anytime. Anytime. Bye bye. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Alright. Alright. Oh shit. If I wish Kayla was here so I could hear from you guys, I could do a vote. I seriously thought it was just – it's so funny because when I do stuff like that, I kind of think like I'm building a bridge between us. You know what I mean like I'm a fucking idiot I've almost
Starting point is 01:03:33 become like a challenge for me like can I can I close the gap with her but like there's like I guess I fucked that up too excuse me I thought oh thank you I thought it was making fun of you
Starting point is 01:03:54 yeah it was supposed to it was supposed to be like yeah it's my way of flirting thank you totally that's probably one of the truest things it is kind of my way of flirting why are you flirting with her? I don't know it's what I like flirting that's probably one of the truest things. It is kind of my way of flirting. Why are you flirting with her?
Starting point is 01:04:07 I don't know. It's what I like flirting. Oh, shit. Caroline Morris, this is likely a step backwards. I know that's what Caroline, that's what the panel was saying. Yeah, you guys get it? Okay. I guess that's why you guys follow the show.
Starting point is 01:04:21 It's my way of being friends. Yeah. Like, if I'm sitting in the seat behind you and I pull your hair. Like I flick my kids ears gently all the time. That's my way of telling them I love them. I pull their ears. I squeeze them. I love squeezing their hamstrings. Oh, Caroline's now going to give me this is i think important
Starting point is 01:04:48 can you accept her victimhood mindset as what it is yeah that's important i see what you're saying you want to get make this conversation real for a second not needing her to be something she is not first wow wow holy shit Wow. Wow. Holy shit. You're saying that I'm trying to be friends with her by getting her to accept me, but if it was a sincere effort or maybe the – I don't know if sincere is the right way, but a genuine effort and another valid effort is to accept her for who she completely is, regardless of what I think about playing the victim. And like I can even drop that story that I tell about her in order to be her friend so that she can. Wow. God damn.
Starting point is 01:05:43 What if you were my mom? You would. God, you would suck as a mom, Caroline, you would be fucking your kids up left, right, and center, god,
Starting point is 01:05:49 you guys, this is so good, can you accept her victimhood mindset, and that's in quotes, not that she really is that, and I appreciate that, as what it is, is,
Starting point is 01:06:03 not needing her to be something she is not first, god damn, I know you just read that out of a self help book or some shit yeah flirting is cool uh rambler uh seven done with mri today what'd you get an mri for yeah those are kind of scary. I don't have any claustrophobia. And the two times that I've experienced claustrophobia is I had to go into the trunk of a car one time to go film at a drug house. And then the MRI. Man, the MRI is confining. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Okay. That's good shit, Caroline. Thanks for fucking up the humor in my show and just dropping a big fat wisdom bomb. Caroline Morris. Yes, exactly. Just let her be that. Okay. All right. All right. I don't know if I'm going to take your advice but i know it's true so if whatever that um i don't even know if it was advice or you were just like pointing at something but either way i hear you i'm i'm so inspired by the relationship as part of bits that, but you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Thanks for ruining it. Phillip Kelly, 499. Let's post one with your face on Brian Friend next. I'll send you one. I'd love my head on snuffle lufficus. Well, I don't know, Kyle. I don't think that's exactly what she's saying. I think it's better to not's really good at this is Athena Perez. I think you can accept people without validating their position. It's like address the person, not the behavior.
Starting point is 01:08:37 And so right now I'm addressing her behavior. But if I just addressed her and not the behavior it would be totally different so I've seen her behavior and I'm addressing it when I used to I used to work with for five years I worked basically 24 hours a day with developmentally disabled adults and that was one of the things
Starting point is 01:08:58 it's like don't address the behavior address the person that's kind of like what we're dealing with here, right? So it's like I'm not, I'm not, so she acts out a lot and then I'm just like fooling around with it. so oh Ken Walters I always took it as sexual tension if someone paid me this much attention
Starting point is 01:09:30 dude there's no yeah I'll just yeah there's no denying that there is some validity to your statement when it comes to human beings yeah
Starting point is 01:09:58 nothing to say I have nothing it's a very honest Caroline Morris I'm working with the premise that it is not anyone's job to change her. It's her journey. Dang, stop. Damn it. I don't say that on the show anymore. Right? I don't say that anymore. I got rid of that. Tried to get rid of that. Wow, Caroline Morris. She's just flipping through a self-help book right now, dropping bombs. Jake Chapman.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Wow, look at this illustration. Once you've been deep sea diving, swimming in a pool doesn't seem daunting. you've been deep sea diving, swimming in a pool doesn't seem daunting. Kenneth DeLapp, is there any other tension other than sexual tension? Wow. Oh, I'm not going to get into that. But I'll tell you, Fanny Spiegel, you are lying through your teeth. I will tell you that. You are lying through your teeth. I will tell you that you are lying through your teeth.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Yeah, that was that was dumb that she went out, Athena. What's crazy in those texts that you can see that Athena posted, what's crazy in in those texts that you can see that Athena posted what's crazy is is it for it's it's totally one of those people it's like hey can I come over to your house and play and then the person's like no I'm busy and then you're like are you sure I'm gonna bring cake and then Athena's like no sorry not today um and by the way I don't eat cake and then it's like well I'm gonna be outside at your front door so when you're ready let me in and it's like hey dude I'm not even home and then the last one is like i'm gonna tell people that you're mean and don't let me come over and it's like holy shit i mean like at that
Starting point is 01:11:54 point you're like wow i i mean you can see uh yeah sporty beth definitely escalates quickly to like some sort of – well, the irony is it's just bullying shit, right? You don't get what you want, and you just start strong-arming people. Sorry, guys. Jokes are fun too. Yeah, I like jokes. But I hear you. I hear you. I love the value.
Starting point is 01:12:22 And what you're saying is like – well, you're saying definitely important. It's like, I got to be careful. Like I fuck with my kids and my wife like that too. A lot. If I see, like, I can't help it. It's like seeing a, you know, when you see like a loose string on something and you're supposed to just cut it off with some scissors, but instead you pull it and it unravels the whole shirt or like you have a tag and instead of cutting it off, you rip it off and now you got a hole in your shirt. Or like you have a tag and instead of cutting it off, you rip it off and now you got a hole in your shirt. That's sometimes what I do to people. Like I see my wife like a string dangling, you know. Instead of like gently cutting off, I just pull on it and try to unravel her whole shit. I always regret it. And yet I'm like a little kid. I can't stop.
Starting point is 01:13:03 So. it I can't stop so Eric Weiss someone has a great voice well thank you cave dastro unravels the whole shirt okay okay okay okay well that was fun um back Back to the show notes. I want to talk about... Ramaswami. Shit, I didn't put the link in here. There's a video on Instagram going around that he took a scholarship from George Soros. Someone sent it to me. And Soros is a bad, bad dude. A bad, bad, bad, bad, bad dude.
Starting point is 01:13:56 And you don't know about him. You should look into him. Son of... As I recall, he's a Jewish man at the age of 14 he lost his mom and dad to the Nazis and he in turn would work
Starting point is 01:14:14 with the Nazis one of his uncles was a Nazi so he would go door to door basically taking with his uncle and the SS taking Jewish people to fucking wherever they took Jewish people to before they boasted them.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Put the tags on their house. All that shit. It was part of the genocide. But he was 14, right? He was 14. And he was doing it in order to probably to stay alive, to be fair.
Starting point is 01:14:50 And because he's 14, right? And he's trying not to. I don't know if the details are right. You guys look into it yourself. But he's trying to stay alive. He's 14 years old, Jew boy. And he's trying to stay alive and not get fucking torched by the Nazis. And so he ends up being an inside man, right?
Starting point is 01:15:05 And I think his parents got fucking toasted. And he comes to this country and he starts – and he's a full-blown – he is a full-blown Nazi. I mean he's a full-blown BLM motherfucking guy. He is as racist as they get. He is a dark man. He is a dark... I don't mean his skin. He's white as shit. But he is
Starting point is 01:15:31 the epitome of wokeness. He is fucked up. And basically what he does is he gives people money and puts them in position uh gives people money to run an office to get them in positions of power right a lot of uh district attorneys shit like that chiefs of police shit like that where then he and he gets these people who are more or less Marxists or communists, believe that the media should basically be in bed with the government and that people should be judged by their skin color.
Starting point is 01:16:15 It is some really crazy socialist shit. Mad Marv, look into him. It's kind of almost too much to look into him to be honest with you as you start hearing more and more about him crazy successful crazy wealthy mad marv uh he addressed it vivek ramaswamy addressed it there were zero strings attached to the scholarship it was up for grabs and he would be a fool to turn down the money i know and hey mad marv the other thing that people and that's why i want to have um dreamwear on and have the discussion because i think he's really down on vivek and i really like vivek i also don't think that that's a reason to to to not like him but
Starting point is 01:16:56 it's definitely a point of contention to see because the people who are who have come out of the soros camp are trip and he was listed on the WEF, you know, like best leaders. And I know he addressed that also. And he is part of Big Pharma. And he addressed that also. And I give him passes on all of those so far because of what he said about those experiences. Oh, my city is a Soros city.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Wow. District attorneys and mayors. Yeah, those are fucked up places. I bet you your city has a shitload of crime. Anyway, there is that conspiratorial concern that maybe he is a Trojan horse, right? That he's just another Soros dude trying to get into power. I don't think this country can do another four years of that shit. But I'm going to try to get Dreamer Air on.
Starting point is 01:18:00 He's blowing up, man. I saw a picture with him and Joe Rog, saw a picture with him and Joe Rogan on the internet. It was cool. You know, together. I also saw him interviewing Roseanne bar tank. Did you see that? I saw dream rare, uh, interviewing Roseanne bar. I know you're big on her. Hey, uh, tank says, uh, dude, the whole government needs to burn. Well, the interesting thing about that is that is kind of his, that's one of his stances. And that's probably what scares a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Debbie, you seem deflated today. Do you want a hug? No, no, I'm not. No, I'm not. I'm not home. And so it's like slowly taking a toll on me. You know what I mean? I'm not in my own bed.
Starting point is 01:18:43 I'm not in my regular routine, but I'm good. I'm so good. I'm so happy. It's a beautiful day. As soon as I'm done here, we're going to walk across the street. I bought the boys a surfboard. They're going to go surfing. I ordered a wetsuit from Amazon for them for like $40.
Starting point is 01:18:59 They're pumped. Everything's good. Dude, the jiu-jitsu is off the hook. Life's good. Life's good. Maybe my coffee's not that strong. I'm i'm not drinking paper street coffee but i'm good everything's great happy happy as a clam sorry okay here we go um i like this uh i like this just a little reminder just a reminder for everyone. Hit the weights. Lift heavy. Set to five once in a while.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Right? Do a little bodybuilding. A little bodybuilding. Here we go. Here we go. Ready? Here we go. Pistols are where you dispose of glucose.
Starting point is 01:19:36 The difference between you and someone with type 2 diabetes so bad that they're going to get their digits amputated is an extra one teaspoon of glucose in the bloodstream. That's how critical it is that we regulate our blood sugar. And the most important part of blood sugar regulation is having muscles that are big enough to put the glucose into and that are insulin sensitive enough to respond to the signal of insulin. Muscles are where you dispose of glucose. Ooh, I just like that. That's the takeaway. That's it.
Starting point is 01:20:12 That's it. Muscles are where you dispose of glucose. There's nothing. That's it. That's it. Audrey, I did an ass workout yesterday bodybuilding over Metcons. Just put you up on like a stool
Starting point is 01:20:35 and just run full speed into your ass. Damn. Sounds fun. Who's the guy who used to wrestle girls? That's so cool. Have you guys, have you seen this fucking girl? I made, this is how, if you want to, if you ever are curious how cool my wife is. Anyway, real quick, I don't want to lose that. You have to be buff.
Starting point is 01:21:08 You got to do some shit. You got to do sets of five. You got to do bench press. You got to do heavier squats than you want to. You got to get buff. Give a fuck who you are. Get buff. I want to show you this fucking girl.
Starting point is 01:21:22 I'm just, I'm, uh, she, this girl is, oh, here she is. God damn. I spent so long, I spent fucking 20 minutes on this girl's Instagram last night.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Fucking, I made my wife go through it with me. This is fucking nuts, dude. I think this might be the most, I really do think bigger is better. Sorry, I mean, there's some nuances to it, but I can't even fucking believe this is real. She says in here somewhere that she's 215 pounds. 215.
Starting point is 01:22:24 That's her dad. Her dad's 6'3". I mean, clearly she's wearing high heels in that but still dude look at when she slaps her thighs look at what movement you get none oh yeah pool boy god me and you are god me and you need to hang out. She had an OnlyFans? I'd climb her so hard. What the fuck is this? Look at her brother. 7'10". If she grabbed me on the inside of my leg like that, she'd get a surprise,
Starting point is 01:23:10 my god, dude, this is just crazy, I don't like the Sevan podcast, he just ogles women, all right, fine, don't like it then, I can't deny, I'm not ogling her, I can't deny I'm not ogling her look at her face dude how is she so normal she doesn't even have like filters and shit on she's 7 feet tall and just normal
Starting point is 01:23:33 5'9 is in her tits her boobs 5'9 is in her tits. Her boobs aren't real, are they? Those are implants? Somewhere there's a close-up shot of her face, and it's just crazy. Look at this. D1 breeder?
Starting point is 01:24:02 What does this mean? Anyone want guaranteed D1 babies asking for me? Oh, my God. She's basically saying that whatever kid she has. Will be division one athlete. Oh, look at David. We do just say it. You like men. No, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:29 I don't see any man in this. But I hear you. I'm open. Mike, I'm 5'7", and I literally can stand tall and have our melons just resting on my head. Oh, my head. Oh my god, this is crazy. It is just crazy. I wonder what the male equivalent to her is. Dude, she moves good. Look at this. Look at this. I showed this one to my wife. She moves good.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Look at this. Look at this. I remember I showed this one to my wife. What are the benefits of being seven feet tall? I don't know. But all I know is the short kings think I'm too tall and the tall kings only like short queens. You're out of your fucking mind. Hey, I swear to God, I bet you I could talk my wife into letting her move in.
Starting point is 01:25:25 You want me to call her and ask her? You want to see how this goes? I don't know. Yao Ming, really? I don't know. I don't know, dude. This is... I don't know, dude. She's too much, though.
Starting point is 01:25:42 It's fucking ridiculous. I'm hoping that it's, like, not even real. I'm hoping, like, on some level, it's, like, she's lying. She's really only 6'3", which would still be crazy, right? Okay, okay, okay. Look at this. This is fucking nuts. Look how good she moves.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Look how good she moves. This is fucking nuts. Look how good she moves. Look how good she moves. This is nuts. Oh, she has her hand on the counter. It's pretty good. Oh, my God. What? Hey, in here she says what she is too. She's like, I forget what she is, but it's like Cuban and something else.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Oh, what is this on the basketball? Can you dunk without jumping? Maybe her boobs are real. No, she's standing on something. Oh, something was underneath her. Okay. Maybe she can't dunk. Jeez Louise. Anyway, what's her Instagram?
Starting point is 01:27:16 Marie Tamara. Tall, natural model athlete. Oh, and she has another account d1 breeder oh and she's she's she's saving the world by posting these pictures oh i didn't know that no i'm joking she didn't say yeah she does look polynesian right but aren't they like tiny little uh women uh bruce wayne i've never seen cuban women that tall yeah i know that when i saw what she was like uh she's part giraffe yeah totally totally uh jay hardell her boobs are real oh god i would love it if she came on the show i
Starting point is 01:27:59 hey anytime someone's like oh i love how deep and honest and true and blah, blah, blah. Someone is just be like, no, he's superficial as fuck. He wants to be friends with a girl because she's seven feet tall. Because because I do. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. Well, imagine if she was in your house where would she sit in the minivan if she's part of my family it's fake she's not even seven feet tall hello hi babe It's fake. She's not even seven feet tall. Hello?
Starting point is 01:28:48 Hi, babe. Hey, I was just going to text you. Oh, what's up? Joseph is going on a walk with me. Avi and Ari are here. Oh, okay. Is he old enough to be home alone? He is now. Hey, I got a question for you. You don't have to be home alone? He is now.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Hey, I got a question for you. You don't have to answer now, but I'm just wondering. Are you still in the air? Yeah. Oh. Do you remember that girl I showed you on Instagram yesterday? Oh, the really tall girl? Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:29:30 She coming on your show? Not yet. I haven't got a hold of her yet. Could she... Would you be okay if she lived with us? oh shoot I think the dog is pooping in the house I gotta go clean it up okay bye I hope Sarah didn't hear that
Starting point is 01:30:04 you think that's real? you think the dog really pooped in the house or she just didn't like the question easy tiger what what oh my goodness my dog doesn't poop in the house. What is she talking about? She didn't like the question. Let me see. I'll text her. Let me text her. She is a saint.
Starting point is 01:30:37 My wife is a saint. That's why I think I could get away with murder. I think I could. Oh, shit. I forgot. I forgot. I forgot. You. I forgot. I forgot about you. Andrew, shit. I forgot you.
Starting point is 01:30:47 I forgot about you. Andrew Hiller says I can't come on. I said I forgot about you. Alright. Oh, Pamela was supposed to come on. So we had two guests cancel this week do you see how the universe works in mysterious ways Sarah Sigmund's
Starting point is 01:31:11 daughter and Mike from Atascadero CrossFit and came on surprise but Adam Clink and Pamela Agnon whatever what's her name
Starting point is 01:31:27 the mayhem gymnastics wonder god they cancelled because of your sporty Beth picture says I'm gonna call my wife again I'm all nervous and shit They canceled because of your Sporty Beth picture. Oh, it says Kate. I'm going to call my wife again. I'm all nervous and shit.
Starting point is 01:31:53 No, she didn't cancel. They rescheduled. When I say they both rescheduled, they both had really valid reasons. Like, you know. So they didn't cancel, sorry, canceled is not, right,
Starting point is 01:32:07 they rescheduled, okay, all right, that's enough of the tall girl, remind me, remind me, I'm gonna try not to bring it up to my wife at all today, and then remind me,
Starting point is 01:32:19 I'll call her again tomorrow, let's see, let's see what she, what she says, okay, here we go. Vivek Rama Swami. Oh, shit. This video
Starting point is 01:32:38 has no sound. Oh, shit. They took down the sound. Alright, fuck it. I guess we'll do that. Isn't that weird? I mean, obviously it had sound before i guess i'll do that isn't that weird i mean obviously it had sound before how do they do that okay here here's one here's one holy shit can you're not gonna believe this guy's tattoo what a mess what a mess okay here we go you Okay, here we go. You guys ready? Here we go. I remember when I was growing up, I was like a mega punk rocker and I was just super anti-establishment, super anti-system, oppression, stupid laws telling me how to think, how to live my life. People trying to dictate
Starting point is 01:33:19 what I do, you know, it's like super punk rock when I was a kid like i had a whole mohawk it's like a foot tall for like most of my teenage years you know i grew up in new york and you know i realized it's kind of funny you can't really be a punk rocker and be a liberal anymore because that has become the establishment so if you want to be a punk rocker you by definition have to be a conservative it's the weirdest thing and like you know i you're probably going to get all mad and try to defend your point like, oh, well, they're Christians. Like, that just makes you the bigot. Strangely enough. So, uh, good
Starting point is 01:33:54 on all you Christians for being real punk rockers while the world has gone ultra-establishment, ultra-oppression, ultra-government overreach. So, uh, yeah, you can't be big government and be a punk rocker That makes no fucking sense at all. So That's this is there's a shout out to all you globalists out there
Starting point is 01:34:11 Keep doing what you're doing. We'll see how long it lasts Damn he's good Damn he's good Hi Oh Hi. I really was joking. Oh. I realized after I said that wasn't a good one. I was trying to avoid the question. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Because I knew you were going to do that. You did? Yeah. Are you still on? Yeah, I'm still on. Oh, you're texting me. All right. Are you still on?
Starting point is 01:34:41 Yeah, I'm still on. Oh, you're texting me. All right. Answer the question. Can she move in with us or not? We want. Thank you. Oh, can you imagine her in the minivan with us? Could you imagine her in the minivan with us?
Starting point is 01:35:12 We could get a giant adult stroller and she could push me and you around. Perfect. I'm the kid. That's what you're imagining if she did this? Man, yeah. Yeah. All right. I love you. I'm glad the dog poop was a best. Man, yeah. Yeah. All right. I love you.
Starting point is 01:35:27 I'm glad the dog poop was a joke. I'm glad the dog poop was a joke. Let me do the jokes. Wasn't funny. I don't know. It scared the shit out of me. Like, Sarah was listening. She's going to think our dog shit now.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Well, I guess it's good payback for me. I guess it was good payback for me. Here I'm asking if a seven-foot woman can move in with us, and you're fucking with me. So I guess it's a point, Haley. Thank you. Thank you. I need some points. Is Philip Kelly?
Starting point is 01:35:55 Philip Kelly said he's going on a walk with you and Joseph. Is he out there? Okay, Philip, what's up? Oh, that's cool. No, I don't see him. Oh, all right. No. All right all right. No. All right, I love you.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Okay. Bye. That's her. Just fuck with, and she won. Did you see that? Fuck, I felt my back get all weird. See how that works? I think I'm going to fuck with her and ask her on the air if some chick can move in with us,
Starting point is 01:36:23 and instead I fucking got destroyed. Fucking hate that. Seve, I'm going to have to kink shame you on the stroller one. I'm fine. I don't care. Can't kink shame me. Judy Reed, Haley's a good dude. She convinced me I was stressed out for having to clean up.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Me too. The dog's this big. his poops are like rabbit pellets so i mean it's but that dog hasn't pooped in the house in 10 years 20 years that dog did shit in greg glassman's uh bedroom before i did panic a full panic anyway uh yeah so it's just funny how things have changed right the punk rockers used to be uh liberals and now lives have become our full establishment so it's such a trip right and right in one lifetime we just like right in like a year we saw it all happen. I love everybody, too. I just want you to know that a part of me, somewhere inside, like Sarah was saying, life is love, love is life. I mean, it is a fun space to be in.
Starting point is 01:37:48 This guy, Bird for governor, is running for governor of Washington State. Here we go. Very clear. I do not discriminate against anyone. And then if you're LGBTQAI+, you're my brother, you're my sister, but what I'm saying very clearly, leave our children alone. Stay away from our children. Stay out of school. But on that same note, if a child presents as being gay or homosexual, I will love them. They are welcome in my house. We'll break bread together. We'll have fellowship. I love everyone. All I'm saying is we've gone to a part where we have drag queen shows and it's wrapped in a wrapper of Disney and invite your children.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Now, a parent has their unalienable right to do and to lead and to guide their children. And I support that regardless on which side you're on. But when you're bringing that and establishing it as a societal norm and you're influencing the children in the schools that is not their job it is not their role that children be children that parents be parent and let's get back to actually educating our children i'm very clear thank you god wouldn't it be great if washington state got you as their governor it was a good dude Washington State got you as their governor. Mm-mm-mm. That was a good dude.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Political candidate running for governor of Washington 2024, Purple Heart recipient, former Marine and Green Beret, a behavioral scientist, got a great smile. Governor Inslee will not see fourth term uh semi bird in the running good what is that his name semi is that a name semi washington's democratic oh let's let's watch one more on this guy i haven't i haven't watched this let's watch this governor jay inslee announcing he will not seek a fourth term quote during a decade of dynamic change, we've made Washington a beacon for progress for the nation. I'm ready to pass the torch.
Starting point is 01:39:50 And now a veteran and conservative school board member is throwing his hat in the ring for the top job. His name is Semmy Bird, a U.S. Marine veteran and Army Special Forces Green Beret. Thank you for both of those aspects of your service, sir. And he joins us now. Sammy, why are you jumping into this race in this very, very blue state? Well, I'll tell you, the current administration has led our state to the precipice. You know, we're trampling on the Constitution, it seems, every day. We've taken away our Second Amendment rights just recently. We're dividing families from children and supporting the concept of children as young as 13 doing sex changes when they can't even get a tattoo, buy cigarettes, or serve their nation, let alone the homelessness,
Starting point is 01:40:39 the lawlessness, the breakdown of our education system. There are so many reasons for this call to action, for this call to action, for this call to duty, and I'm equal to the task. It's just that simple. You know, Sammy, you mentioned... Hey, it's crazy that that governor thinks that he's made a lot of progress, the guy before him. And then this guy, I mean, Washington State is the state the state by the way where they can take your kids away if you're uh if your kid wants a sex
Starting point is 01:41:11 change operation and you don't you don't acknowledge it or get them on the path of looking into it um when they're the age of at the age of 13 the state can take your kid away that that's like true in washington so let's say your kid's at school, and they go to their counselor, and they're like, hey, I want – it's a girl, and she's like, I want to be a boy, and my parents won't let me even like talk to anyone about it. The state can take your kid away. It's fucking – that's real shit in that state. Riley S., Sevan, you know he has zero chance in Washington with Seattle.
Starting point is 01:41:41 Riley S. Sevan, you know he has zero chance in Washington with Seattle. And hey, I know you guys think that zombies is like a metaphor or a illustration or hyperbole. Some people do. That state has like real zombies in it. If you don't believe it, go look. Go to Portland in Washington. Go to Seattle. the streets are full
Starting point is 01:42:06 of zombies i've been saying it for more than five years and what's funny is is when i first started the podcast there was that story of one of the zombies bit a man's ear off and they said you could see his fucking brain an old man there's people there like literally just walking around like zombies. You know, what's funny is I buy coffee every morning, six o'clock at a bar here called Dory's deli. And the bartender there was saying that on his way to work yesterday morning, he saw a zombie fucking in the street,
Starting point is 01:42:35 his word, not mine. And it got hit by a car and it flew like 20 feet in the air and then just got up and started walking. You can turn yourself into a zombie too. Just start doing a shitload of drugs. And watch your shit just fucking, your brain deteriorate. To a point where you're basically just dead.
Starting point is 01:42:59 And you're just channeling just addiction. It's fucking gross. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. just channeling just addiction it's fucking gross yeah most yeah yep that's kind of a they're more like you know there's the pupa stage like you go from being a human to being in the cocoon to then rebirthing as a zombie instead of a butterfly. Man. Chris, Besterfeld, drugs are bad. They sure fucking are. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:43:41 I invited that guy on the show. We'll see if he comes. It'd be cool to talk to him. I like that. I love everyone. This is the third time I've shown this on the show. The third time. Maybe fourth.
Starting point is 01:44:01 I don't know. Someone tell me. But this one does not get old. And so we're going to listen to it again. The insights into the human brain and being a victim. Ready, go. He did an experiment with a group of women, and they put scars on their faces, and they told these women that they're going into a job interview, and the purpose of the experiment is to find out whether people with facial disfigurements face discrimination they showed them the scars in the mirror the women saw themselves with these scars and as they led them out of the room they said we're just going to touch it up a little bit and as they touched it up they removed the scarring completely so the women went into the job interview thinking that
Starting point is 01:44:43 they are scarred but actually being their normal selves. And the result of the experiment is that those women then came back reporting massively increased level of discrimination. Indeed, many of them came back with comments that the interviewer had made that they felt were referencing their facial disfigurement. And this is why I think this ideology of victimhood is so dangerous because if you preach to people constantly that we're all oppressed, then that primes people to look for that. They... First-hand witness to that shit. First-hand witness to that.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Almost every day when I hear people talk. The being trapped in your head phenomenon. Here we go. Joe Westerlin. First time I stayed at Hotel East Lund in Portland, now near Greg Glassman's house. I asked the dude at the front desk, where's the zombies at? He laughed and directed me to a
Starting point is 01:45:45 nearby park. Sure enough. Yeah, that's awesome. Now you don't even now they're just everywhere. It's crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. They're everywhere. Cave Dastro, it's all in your head. Sure is. Sure is. Kenneth, I don't know how to put my sponsors up there. I don't know how to pay. Paper Street Coffee, BirthFit. I'm going on the BirthFit podcast.
Starting point is 01:46:17 Really pumped. Might be next Thursday. CA Peptides. Oh, I know how to do them. I know how to do that. That one I do know how to do them i know how to do that that one i do know how to do uh see i put the code up there dude so many of you by the way have reached out to me about peptides so many and i apologize i i'm trying to get back to all of you as fast as i can and give you all the details and amazon links to where I got my needles and my bariostatic water. And I'm trying to point you like tell you, but like I'm fucking
Starting point is 01:46:52 by far not the expert, but I'm really, excuse me. I'm really happy that I took that journey with them. I'm taking the, I took the week off at the games. And then when I went back, I got back on them again, putting them in this bicep all right here. Twice I shot it into my back by my spine. And then, uh, and then I'm taking the week off while I'm here. Also, I've just heard that it's good to take some breaks from it. Um, but I'll continue probably for at least another couple months. Um, and then, uh, then I'll be healed. But like I said, I did, um, right before I left on this trip, I did do, uh, I did 20 negative muscle ups where I jumped at the top and lowered myself through while kind of alternating on the assault bike.
Starting point is 01:47:35 And then I did 10 strict muscle ups in singles, but I started each one at the top, lowered myself down and then did a strict one with an L sit. And the next day my bicep was a little sore, but no pain, no nothing. So I think that shit's working. Oh, Dick Butter. Wow. Day 30 of BPC 157 in my low back. How's it working? You know what really pushed me over the edge, which is kind of crazy to see how easy I'm influenced, is I saw Huberman say in a reel somewhere that he did two shots of VPC in his back and his sore
Starting point is 01:48:12 back of fucking 10 years was better. Get a new bed yet, Sevan? No. Matter of fact, I have two beds, and one of the beds is really good, and one of them is ass, and I still sometimes sleep on the ass one like a jackass. Huberman. Huberman.
Starting point is 01:48:37 Bully. Pool. Critten. Critten. Dick Butter, my back isn't cured, but it's the best it's been in three years. Wow. Hey, do you do it yourself? Is BPC gateway to TRT?
Starting point is 01:48:55 Fuck no. Not for me. Not in the slightest. Hey, I don't feel any extra strength. I don't have any body composition change i don't have any of that from the bpc still fucking little chubby dad bod marshmallow um i don't have any weird hair growing anywhere my shit's not receding i'm i'm not like everything's i might look different this week because i'm i'm in the sun every day and I'm quadrupled down on my drinking.
Starting point is 01:49:28 But other than that, no. There's no – no. Oh, you do it into your love handle. I stuck it like just like – Dick Butter says he puts it in his love handle. Okay, I was putting it like right – the two or three times I put it in my back, I put it right, right, like basically where it hurts, like just off to the side of my spine. Yeah, great question, Eric.
Starting point is 01:49:56 I'm no doctor. How do you know the best injection site so you don't hit the veins or nerves? This needle is tiny, dude. I would stick this thing into my tongue, to be honest with you. This thing is tiny, dude. I would stick this thing into my tongue, to be honest with you. This thing is tiny. Can peptides help with limp dick? I could ask Sarah.
Starting point is 01:50:14 I might call her. Have I ever called Sarah on the show? I mean, she's not a doctor. I don't know if it's appropriate to call her. Let me see. I'll just call her and ask her. Fuck it. I have her still in my phone as a Sarah podcast sponsor.
Starting point is 01:50:38 It says hormone podcast sponsor. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. you know who that is which i should probably ask is um andrew uh hillar oh shit she hung up Andrew Hiller. Oh, shit. She hung up. That was quick. You hung up on me. You hung up on me. Hey, is there a peptide for lymph dick? All right.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Yeah, I think you're supposed to put it local, wherever the fuck up is. That's my understanding. But if you put it in your love handle, I mean, I don't know what it would do there. Some people, because that shit's supposed to help with gut health, they shoot that shit right into their abdomen, too. Sean Lenderman, I think I fucked my rotator cuff.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Sounds painful needing to shoot that into my shoulder. No, no, no, no, no. I'm telling you, there's this. I'm telling you. This is, there's absolutely nothing. Oh. Oh, look, Sarah Sigmundsdottir new YouTube channel did you guys know Sarah's launching a new YouTube channel
Starting point is 01:52:32 I don't think you can drink it oh what's this Joe Westerlund VPC 157 TB 500 that's what I take and then a CJC 1295 I don't know what that is and then a CJC 1295. I don't know what that is. Oh, Vindicate.
Starting point is 01:52:53 Heidi, you can just shoot it in your mouth. Joe Westerlin. Also, I also shoot it in the love handle. Wow. Wow. What is CJC 1295? CJC. Let me look. CA peptides.
Starting point is 01:53:13 See, this is like a drug show. A drug show. You take CJC. Shit, I lost it. 1295? Where is that comment? CJC 1295 CJC 1295
Starting point is 01:53:32 is an incredibly effective peptide which works by stimulating the release of your own body's growth hormones oh yeah I don't think I'd fuck with that let me see if California Peptides takes that CA Peptides takes that. CA Peptides. Oh, it's so funny.
Starting point is 01:53:52 Okay, here we go. Let me see. I think you can use code SEVON and get some sort of discount here too, by the way. Here's the BPC. Here's the BPC TB blend. blend oh shit there it is cjc 1295 uh there's two different kinds wow uh there's a there's a dac i wonder what that means and then there's a non-DAC. They're both 5 milligrams. Wow.
Starting point is 01:54:33 I bet you that shit, Joe, will that shit make you stronger? God, it's so tempting. Yeah, Caroline Morris, not only with the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual wisdom, but also with some superficial knowledge. Yeah, they're just diabetic needles. Yeah, they're tiny. Bacteriostatic water and insulin needles off Amazon. Yeah, that's where I got them. Anyway. anyway
Starting point is 01:55:06 my daughter is fixing to start growth hormone I had no idea all the risks associated with that your hair looks good Sebi that's what my wife told me you know I'm wearing it down because that saw that guy, that porn, born porn, the porn primitive, porn primitive. Oh, my goodness. The born primitive guy had his hair down and he looked like a stud. I was like, I wonder if I can look like that. So who are the sponsors for the show? Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 01:55:48 Use code word, Sevan. Paper Street Coffee. If the code word doesn't get you a discount, you're on the wrong fucking site. People always order from the wrong site. Don't order from the wrong paper street. CA Peptides. Birth Fit. Mothers and Fathers Go, who are interested in having a baby, a healthy, safe baby. Good experience. a birth fit, where mothers and fathers go
Starting point is 01:56:05 who are interested in having a baby, a healthy, safe baby, good experience, like-minded people who want the best for their child, who are probably, in large part, people who subscribe to accountability
Starting point is 01:56:22 and personal responsibility, people who are interested in truth instead of what they want to hear maybe. Birth fit. People who believe in the power of the vagina. I made that up. I'm just telling you what I think about them. I think that they believe in. I made that up.
Starting point is 01:56:42 I'm just telling you what I think about them. I think that they believe in, there's a strong, strong belief in women there. And an understanding of what a man's role is in the partnership or support role of a woman growing a baby inside of her. How normal and yet profound it is. Crazy normal.
Starting point is 01:57:14 Maybe one of the most normal things on planet Earth, dude. Right? And yet probably the most profound thing. So normal. So yes, so what? You grew a baby inside of you all women can do it but on the other hand holy shit you might be growing something inside you that's gonna make a rocket ship that goes to fucking outer space I mean it's just nuts
Starting point is 01:57:49 hashtag women hashtag semen in women whatever however it happens i have to go back to the email my mom sent me to teach me how to get hayley pregnant my god walk that shit out of my mind uh post and seven why do people give me stink eye when I wear CEO t-shirt to the workout because they hate it they hate it that you that you believe in personal accountability responsibility and love for all of humanity they hate how much belief they feel the stress instead of like being appreciative of how much you believe in them as a human being they see it as stress they see it as stress they're not like oh my god that guy believes in himself and believes in me believes in my potential
Starting point is 01:58:34 they're like oh my god what an asshole he probably thinks that you can change your whole life by changing your diet and working out. He probably thinks it's a bad idea to choose someone based on their merit instead of what genitalia they have in their pants. Oh my God, he thinks it's okay for women to give vaginal birth. That's what that CEO shirt says. Some people just don't like that shit. Sebi, how do you feel about your kids having a different accent, uh, accent to you? You mean
Starting point is 01:59:23 like when they whine to me? I hate that shit. Or when they put emotion in their responses. I can't stand that shit. Or do you mean like a different accent like how my dad sounds like he's Middle Eastern and I sound like I fell off the fucking Three's company. I sound like a TV dude.
Starting point is 01:59:40 When I listen to the show, I'm actually like, wow, I kind of sound like I'm part TV, but I've also listened to too much rap music. I think the way I say crittin' is like hood. Crittin'. I wonder how hood dudes say that. Crittin'. Bully. dudes say that. Grid.
Starting point is 02:00:07 Bully. I say bully. I say bullets. I bet kids are going to start asking their parents if they were born vaginal or C-section. I bet they're going to start. Doesn't everyone ask that? I can't remember what the answer was I don't think I breastfed I think I
Starting point is 02:00:26 slapped my mom around a little bit for that Critten thank you Critten Heidi Kroom sometimes I talk British to sound smart if I could do it I would oh here we go. Was that from Sarah or from Fox News?
Starting point is 02:00:49 Oh, she didn't respond to my limp dick question yet. Damn. Oh, shit. I'm on a text with my sister and my wife. My sister's giving my wife props for... and my wife. My sister's given my wife props for... She said,
Starting point is 02:01:08 good job, Haley, with the dog shit story. And Haley said, I knew he was gonna ask that, but then I was like, oh shit, what if Sarah's listening? You knew I was gonna ask if the tall chick could live with us? How the fuck do you know that? Okay. how the fuck do you know that okay I know this isn't to show that
Starting point is 02:01:30 we're supposed to be judgmental at all we're supposed to be open minded and love everyone here at the Sevan podcast we just are but I really want you to judge the shit out of this lady this is please tell me there's audio. What is this lady doing?
Starting point is 02:01:56 Okay, this is Vivek Ramaswamy on MSNBC. Wow. The name of her show is Simone. Wow. My God. This is what a shit starter.
Starting point is 02:02:12 Here we go. You talk about your campaign. I think I've, I've just heard a preview of your debate strategy. You talk about your campaign travel. You've spent about 19 days campaigning at Iowa, 15 days campaigning in New, 15 days campaigning in New Hampshire, only three days in South Carolina. But you've appeared on more than 70 podcasts.
Starting point is 02:02:30 Is this your strategy to to to reach voters? I'd say our strategy in this campaign is talk to everyone. I'm not running to lead a political party. I am running to lead a nation. And so I've gone to places where people don't go. You are you are running to lead a nation. And so I've gone to places where people don't go. You are running to lead a political party. You're running to be the Republican nominee for president. I'm running to lead the United States of America, actually. But this is really important, Simone, is the way that I'm running this primary is a little bit different than the other candidates, because I'm already planning for our ultimate destination, leading a national revival.
Starting point is 02:03:01 I was going to mention, I've been to the south side of Chicago. I've gone to Kensington in the middle of Philadelphia. These are places where any Republican politician or consultant would tell you, you'd be crazy to waste time there in the middle of a primary. I don't see it that way. Many people might even say that about coming on MSNBC. There are other candidates who have said that they won't talk to NBC News because NBC News is not nice to Republicans. My view is if I'm not willing to sit across the table from folks like you, I'm not ready to sit across the table from Xi Jinping. You know, you talk about your campaign. I think I've just heard of. Damn, I think I was too harsh to her. She's not. I said she oozes angry, angry, angry,
Starting point is 02:03:37 but she's not as bad as I remember. I must have been in some sort of mood. I apologize, Simone. I remember. I must have been in some sort of mood. I apologize, Simone. I apologize. Cave Dastro said, when are you moving to a palatial estate in some rural state? I went and filmed with Joe Westerlin once. The guy who was on the show. And he lived
Starting point is 02:04:10 in... I don't know where the fuck he lived. Omaha. Kansas. Nebraska. Oklahoma. Something. I think it had an O in it. Omaha. Omaha State. Omaha. Where do they play the World Series of College Baseball?
Starting point is 02:04:29 State is that. Wherever that is. And I went and visited him. And it was during the summer, and I was filming with him, and I was filming with some other people there. I was filming with his wife, Libby, and Ricky, and I can't remember who else Omaha, Nebraska. Come on now. Okay. Thank you. And it was the middle of summer and I went there and I went out and walked
Starting point is 02:05:01 around during the day and there was no one out during the day. Nobody, nobody. And me and my wife and the dog that she said we should upstairs. We're out walking around. I'm like, this is so fucking weird that no one's out. And we walk into this beautiful, huge park. And it was hot. It was it was over 100 degrees and really humid and even some showers and shit. And I'm like, like man no one in this
Starting point is 02:05:26 town fucking walks anywhere beautiful whole foods just just a great place not one person for hours we're out and then we walk down into this park area massive park with a pond and i'm like man there's a lot of mosquitoes here and i look down and my little 14 pound dog is covered in like 3 000 mosquitoes completely covered and when i wiped his back to wipe mosquitoes off of him he was covered in blood and we ran back to the car mosquitoes everywhere and uh uh the dog was covered in bumps for like a week hundreds of little bumps where it got fucking eaten by bugs and while we were there i also looked at some homes there and like for five hundred thousand dollars you could have a 43 foot
Starting point is 02:06:10 home 4300 square foot home on a on a on a river or a lake or something i couldn't even believe it and it was like half a million dollars i was like wow we would leave live like kings here but um but uh the environment just doesn't seem conducive to just chilling between the bugs and the heat and the i guess now that i'm older i don't know i guess i could see myself living there hey i'm in newport beach california right now it's like arguably the best place in the world for skateboarding, tennis, and jiu-jitsu. And those are the three things
Starting point is 02:06:50 my kids do. So unfortunately or fortunately, if I were to move, I think I would move even deeper into the hive. I think one of the taglines for Newport Beach is the home of tennis or some shit. Heidi, what do you do for a living that you can
Starting point is 02:07:10 listen to the show while you're at work? Take a break and be a guest. Should I do more panel discussions? I really enjoyed that, even though it did not go the way I wanted it to. Did not go the way I wanted it to. I should have stuck with Hiller. He'd have had my back. He'd have had my back.
Starting point is 02:07:25 He wouldn't have fucked me up like Heidi and Mr. Vindicate did. Bullshit. Supposedly, these are just some notes. I should probably vet this before I read this this is like the kind of shit that I think about when I'm laying in bed at night supposedly tranny is a bad word and if you're woke you'll be offended by it
Starting point is 02:07:54 imagine how much cooler I am that words like that don't offend me must have been high on myself at night in my bed connotation and context is everything I must have been high on myself at night in my bed. Connotation and context is everything. I was bathing with a Jew tranny. What's offensive about that?
Starting point is 02:08:17 Yeah, what is offensive about that? Yeah, I definitely should have edited that before I read that out to you guys. Here's another subject on being triggered. Oh, here you guys. Here's another. Here's another subject on being triggered. Oh, oh, oh, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. This one's great.
Starting point is 02:08:36 Turn your radios up, people. Turn your fucking radio up. This is great. We may even watch. I watch this like three times. This is so good. This kid's great. Who is this kid? times. This is so good. This kid's great. Who is this kid?
Starting point is 02:08:48 God, this is good. Get this kid a CrossFit gym membership. Someone reach out to this kid and get this kid a gym membership. This kid's got like the body of a dude who played football in high school and then just kind of let himself go to shit. Okay, here we go. What are your pronouns? Go f*** yourself. Those are your pronouns your pronouns no you have a true social thing you're a mega get the out of my face why you get so mad brother because you're an asshole you're not being inclusive though it's 2023 you're not respecting
Starting point is 02:09:17 my pronouns you have a great day out in the out in the private property. What did you say? Filming people in private property. Oh, no, that's not. He identifies as a camera. His pronouns are camera. You got it. You know, it's funny because it's always the white liberals that get so triggered. What are your pronouns?
Starting point is 02:09:35 Go f*** yourself. Those are your pronouns? No, you have a true social thing. You're a f***ing mega a**hole. Get the f*** out of my face. Why do you get so mad, brother? Because you're an a**hole. You're not being inclusive, though. It's
Starting point is 02:09:45 2023. You're not respecting my pronouns. You! Have a great day. Doesn't it seem like a bit? How is that guy real? How is that old guy real? Can you imagine getting that triggered by someone? Like if they weren't, like, threatening your kids or
Starting point is 02:10:04 something? Wow. It's crazy. Sebi, is your goal with jujitsu for the kids to make them child champions or is it to make them successful adults? I don't know. I have to answer that. I don't know the answer to that. I don't know the answer? I don't know. Do I have to answer that? I don't know the answer to that.
Starting point is 02:10:27 I don't know the answer to that. I kind of don't want my kids to play professional sports. It sounds stressful and guaranteed to get injury. Guaranteed. But I don't know. Oh. Seema Globes, I don't start conversations with, I have a vagina. Oh, my goodness. Oh, Mike.
Starting point is 02:11:12 Oh, Mike. Oh, Mike. That's not nice. Mike says Seve is applauding him for getting security involved. Not nice. Jake Chapman. I can't stop thinking about sporty Beth. Can we talk about her more?
Starting point is 02:11:42 Dude, easy, easy. We'll do it. Chill, buddy. Chill. Chill. Can we talk about her more. Dude, easy, easy. We'll do it. It's chill, buddy. Chill. Chill. Can we talk about her? We can? We can?
Starting point is 02:11:50 Go ahead. What do you want to say? Call in. What do you want to say? No, I definitely wouldn't want my boys to compete. No. I definitely wouldn't want them to compete as CrossFitters. CrossFit Games athletes? athletes dude that sounds horrible
Starting point is 02:12:07 horrible i honestly think that it's a sport like it's it's a it is of all the sports it's like the most one that most screams uh pathological like uh-oh something something really fucked up has happened to you that you're running from. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? You know what I'm saying? Oh, shit, Haley is with Philip Kelly. Holy shit, that's fucking hilarious. She just sent me a photo.
Starting point is 02:12:40 Fucking A. Barry McOchner if you insist I will can we get a sporty Sevan shirt made holy shit holy shit sporty CEO where would that go
Starting point is 02:13:02 oh my god just take over. Just like, Oh my God. Sporty CEO. And then a silhouette instead of this, instead of this, a silhouette of her body in there.
Starting point is 02:13:17 Oh my God. Fucking genius. Dude, your kids would follow Josh Bridges, Chris Spieler, and Colton Mertens. Are you kidding me? I have no fucking thank you. Josh Bridges. Josh Bridges is a fucking seal.
Starting point is 02:13:37 Being a CrossFit athlete is a fucking afterthought for him. Chris Spieler runs a... I don't want my kids following in Chris Spieler's steps. Are you fucking kidding me? Colton Mertens. He's a fucking dog breeder, for fuck's sake. I'd rather they train with Colton Mertens, but have a YouTube station where they build shit with Legos.
Starting point is 02:13:59 How's that? Look at Philip Kelly. I'm flirting with Haley. I know. Trust me, I know. Who doesn't? Who the fuck doesn't? This fucking guy yesterday.
Starting point is 02:14:19 I don't know if it was yesterday. It was either yesterday or the day before. I'm inside of a place wrangling up the kids and i hear hayley say to some man behind me like it's clear like i'm not with her like i'm like 15 feet away from her i'm trying to get the kids out of this restaurant or something and i hear her say to this man oh sorry am i in your way and he goes no i'm just checking you out i'm just like all all right, fine. I'll ogle my wife, whatever. I'll ogle away.
Starting point is 02:14:55 She is, she's, she's good. It's all good. She CrossFits. It's all good. She cross fits. Uh, just started back. Uh,
Starting point is 02:15:08 um, uh, key master zero two two five. Let me guess. You're a locksmith. I just started back from the beginning. Seven on just loving on the affiliates. The show. Always.
Starting point is 02:15:21 All right. I have to pee. I feel like there's some other shit that I should share with you guys that I'm not. Oh, dude, Crash Crucible is coming up. We started meetings. With J.R., Brian Friend, Hiller, Caleb, Sousa, Will Branstetter. It's going to be a... We're going to crush that.
Starting point is 02:15:48 It looks like they're going to get a fat pipe at Crash Crucible that's just going to be for the stream. And so it sounds like Brian and I are going to commentate it. And probably Hiller too. And Hiller's going to be in charge of cameras there. And it's going to be fucking crazy. It's going to be fun. I'm really excited to kind of,
Starting point is 02:16:13 it's like Zellos games 2.0, but at the crash crucible, you know what I mean? In terms of like the production, I'm pumped. It'll be good. It'll really, I mean,
Starting point is 02:16:23 Brian, it'll really be the Brian brian friend show doing the commentating and then i'll just be like cracking jokes or asking the dumb questions that um that the layman needs the answers to us layman but what i'm really excited about is we'll also do some pre-shows pre-hype shows for the crash crucible so we'll get to know the athletes so we do that for the games and that brings some interest to it. But I want to see, can we do that for the Crucible? Can we have like 10 of those athletes on?
Starting point is 02:16:49 Can Brian and I talk about them, make predictions, have John Young, Tyler Watkins, spin the whole posse on? And the Grundlers, the Chase Ingrams, the the Pedro's can we get them on and really hype this thing I think we can make it make it fun right pre-show
Starting point is 02:17:15 yes Robbie pre-show okay let me show one more thing before someone fucking 1999's me let me see what else I got in here the old bag of tricks. People want me to talk about parenting. I don't know what I have to say about parenting right now. I think I have to be.
Starting point is 02:17:35 That's going to be the birth fit of the show. Okay, here we go. Here we go. I don't know if this is funny or not, but I just liked it. Here we go. Here we go. Jake Chapman. Ackerman.
Starting point is 02:17:47 What's an Ackerman? Jake Chapman. What's an Ackerman? Acronym? Acronym for the Crash Crucible? The CC? Yeah, I'm down with acronyms. Justin H.
Starting point is 02:18:04 Sevan. I will be at Crash to watch. Let me know what i can do to help awesome thanks dude you know there will be stuff to to basically one of the ways we're going to improve the stream it's still going to be a little bit of a ghetto setup but instead of just streaming from phones we're going to have a a internet pipeline that's just for for those cameras and those cameras are going to be directly hooked up to computers. So the picture will be as good as like my picture, Hiller's picture, Brian's picture, whoever's picture when they come on this show. So the image quality should be out of this world, but there are going to be some fucking crazy jobs like, Hey, can you stand here and make sure no one trips over this tripod or trips over this cord and pulls that computer down
Starting point is 02:18:43 from over there. So there will be some really valuable things people can do front row seat to the event but um but tedious but there if there for sure will be stuff like that okay justin that's cool all right i won't be there i think the point of contact for organizing this will end up being the media will end up being uh andrew hiller um but i'll keep you guys posted. Okay. Okay, here we go. Okay, here we go. It's illegal for you to have your dog off-leash at any time in New York City.
Starting point is 02:19:18 So you have to put your dog on-leash or I'm going to give you a $300 ticket. And I said, I'll put the dog on the leash then. That's fine. Quick question though. That homeless guy smoking crack with his dick out on the playground floor right here? Are we going to have a realization with that?
Starting point is 02:19:44 And the cop was like, do you see a fucking dog with him? You know that's a true story. You know that's a true story. Cop giving you a ticket, $300 for having your dog off a leash. And there's a guy smoking crack with his dick out on a playground like he should be fucking put in jail for five years right and the response is do you see a fucking dog with i mean I mean, you want to say it's a joke, but you know it's not because you just know how stupid people are.
Starting point is 02:20:31 Anyway. Love you guys. Comedy's good. Bloody Marys are better. Love you guys. Oh, what is today? What is today? What is today? Today's Friday. Oh, shit. Cross? What is today? What is today?
Starting point is 02:20:45 Today's Friday. Oh, shit. CrossFit Games Update show. Colton Mertens is coming on tonight. Oh, it's going to be crazy show tonight. I invited way too many people. It's going to be nuts. Okay, Colton Mertens is going to be here.
Starting point is 02:20:58 Jessica Griffith is going to be here. We actually had another special guest who you guys all love, who you haven't seen on the show in a long time, who is going to come on, who we had to push off the show. I apologize, but we will get him back on. But Brian Spinn will be on the show. John Young will be on the show.
Starting point is 02:21:13 Chase Ingram will be on the show. I'll be on the show. Pedro's going to be on the show. Pedro. And I'll hopefully be serving, since he has to set his fucking alarm alarm hopefully I'll let him get a lot of talking in he has to get up
Starting point is 02:21:37 in the middle of the night Sean Lenderman Donald Trump is 6'3 215 pounds with a 13 inch hog I still like the 7 foot tall girl Donald Trump is 6'3", 215 pounds with a 13-inch hog. I still like the 7-foot-tall girl. I prefer to get 215 pounds. Bye-bye.

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