The Sevan Podcast - Sara Sigmundsdóttir | The Next Chapter #964

Episode Date: July 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:03 Maybe it's more like, well, bam, we're live. It's weird. If you only have 1% chance of doing something and then it goes up to 10% chance, that's like 1,000% increase, right? Yeah. Gets the juices flowing a little bit. Yeah. I don't interrupt.
Starting point is 00:01:24 The fuck are you talking about hi Lauren how are you miss Lewis how are you good to see you are those your sons you're standing with thank you for coming and joining us at the Sevan podcast extra slop
Starting point is 00:01:37 hi we're out here let's go there she is I'm here and I'm on time wouldn't expect anything else no time wouldn't expect anything else no exactly wouldn't expect anything else the show uh hi sarah can you hear me i can oh hi sarah um the the show's gotten like um i realized how uh
Starting point is 00:02:02 like i've just the show's either gotten so big or I don't give a shit or I'm so confident that now that when guests used to not show up, it used to freak me out. But now I'm like, it's cool. There's other shit I can do. You know what I mean? I can juggle or ride a unicycle or floss my teeth or do some shit. I'm completely lost what you're talking about here oh good okay even better
Starting point is 00:02:28 unicycle sounds very exciting though can you ride a unicycle no but i think i'm gonna add it to my list do you have faith in me always oh it's good then i'll definitely add it to the list uh fly a plane yeah sail a boat barefoot yeah barefoot of course have dreadlocks while i sail a boat and be able to unicycle you know i think sort of you and i have um similar fantasies yeah yeah i Yeah. I see myself living in a place just like shorts, nothing really, no other clothes.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Barefoot. I don't care if there's sand in the bed. Frisbee and reading and drinking and swimming and eating fish out of the ocean and yeah when you've gone spearfishing right i have not but i mean i mean you will do that in the future and that's the fish you will be eating right because that's my yeah yeah a friend of mine was on a sailboat he said that in that in the Caribbean, he said that the chef jumped off the boat, caught, I think it was a tuna, brought it on board.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And within 15 minutes, they were eating it. They didn't even cook it. He just they just had sushi right there. See, that's the dream. That is definitely a dream. And I, I would say that what you just explained is called Byron Bay in Australia. It's like that there, too. Yeah, it's like everybody's barefoot. It's like that there too? Yeah, it's like everybody's barefoot. It's like the hippie style. Savon would cry if he speared a fish.
Starting point is 00:04:16 It's possible. Hey, can't you, Sarah, isn't there, I need to be careful how I word this. Oh, gosh. I don't think I can be careful with this one. Be nice.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It's very nice. It's going to just be seen as – isn't there someone – okay go okay i figured out isn't there someone out there in the world who part of their courtship to um to uh to uh to uh um uh live a long happily life happily ever after with you part of that courtship could be to invite you onto their sailboat um to to experiment with this lifestyle yeah or i create that lifestyle with somebody that has the same interests that could also be of course i'm just thinking like um uh yeah yeah that's why yeah yeah absolutely absolutely i'm just i'm just just just yeah okay okay fine be careful i just, yeah, okay. Okay, fine. Be careful, Sammy.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I just don't want to come across as a, I didn't mean it in a chauvinistic way. I just didn't want it to come across as that, even though I don't think that there's any way it could not. But, but it's not chauvinistic. No, but you're, you're describing it like, you know, like Disney movies. They have the princess, and the prince always saves the princess. Okay, okay, okay. How about this? They have the princess and the prince always saves the princess. Okay. Okay. Okay. How about this?
Starting point is 00:05:46 Trying to do here is that like strong, independent woman who doesn't need to rely on something else. Okay. Okay. Okay. But if, but maybe that's your lesson in life to accept that because you're swimming upstream from it. And you did say in an interview that people want to be around people who are really living out their lives.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And so you are going to be an attractive person to the rest of humanity because you're really living out your life. You're pushing into these – I forget exactly how you worded it. You worded it nicely. Okay, sorry. Hold on. David McKellis, Seve, you got this. Confidence. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Here we go., you got this. Confidence. Okay, here we go. Thank you, David. That you're going to attract those kinds of people who have success in other places that might have brought them a sailboat already. Yeah, exactly. I dunked that shit. Yeah, definitely. Manifesting it. And like, you know, have you heard about the book and the movie Secret?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Yeah, yeah. Manifesting positivity and then movie Secret? Yeah. Yeah. I think I read the... The book's old, right? Yeah, it's very old. I think I read the book in college. Yeah. It's old then. I take it back.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I feel guilty. Don't take it back. I extra shaved to try to avoid the old jokes tonight. I did a little extra shave. Thank you. Yeah, the secret there. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Do you believe in that method is the big question. Can I ask you a question before I answer that? I don't even know if I'll answer it, but I you a question before i answer that i don't even know if i'll answer but i ask a question do you think that people who do have things in their life that they don't believe that they manifested that it's just because they're not aware of their own thoughts yeah 100 okay um okay that's fair and then now i'm to ask you a really fucked up question. I'm with you there. What about like the two-year-old kid who gets cancer? That's exactly why I don't believe it that much. You tricked me.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I thought you fully believed it. Okay. Okay. Here we go. There are thoughts there that I totally agree with, but then they go too far in some areas. And then there's some explanations that don't really make sense. Like you say, a two year old that gets cancer is just insane and negative.
Starting point is 00:08:17 And that's way out of your control. And he can't think his way out of cancer like they're saying in the book. And that gives people hope that have cancer that yeah like that's what i like about the book is that it brings out the positivity of the things that are negative and you can look at it positively and that can help you but then the facts that they're bringing are so i don't i don't know how to say it in a nice way, but like they're, they're, they are in facts. They're more just like stories and they need more proof to be able to say
Starting point is 00:08:52 that if you think positively, when you have cancer, you can heal it. So what about the people that have not survived cancer, but were positive? Like those kinds of things. So that's why I don't completely. Oh,
Starting point is 00:09:04 that too. I didn't even see you going that way. Yeah right so it's uh but but but but or they weren't aware of what they were thinking they were really thinking negative yeah exactly that could also be but it's uh it's it's mixed i i wouldn't say that i don't believe it and i wouldn't say that i believe it completely but i'll definitely put positivity out in that world and, and try to achieve it. Um, and then there's also,
Starting point is 00:09:32 there's like just these outside factors like age, for instance. Um, I'm not going to win. My dreams of winning Wimbledon are, it's not. You never know. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:09:48 You never know. You're going to agree with me. I thought you were going to agree with me. You never know what can happen, Sean. If everyone on the planet under 55 except me died, then maybe I could win Wimbledon. I'm 51. I'd be just beating up on old people.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah. Hey, Sarah. Lucky camera straps from Australia. in Wimbledon. I'm 51. I'd be just beating up on old people. Hey, Sarah. Lucky camera straps from Australia. I have six sailboats in Byron Bay. You can live on one anytime you want. Wow. That was fast.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I already manifested it. I love listening to you on the podcast. I think Sevan secreted this. Oh, $14.99. Wow. I secreted Sarah coming on here. I secreted the you on the podcast. I think Sevan secreted this. Oh, 1499. Wow. I secreted Sarah coming on here. I secreted the 1499.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah. Jay Hartle. She's fucking you up today, Sevy. I know. She's like a basketball player. She keeps like... No, no, no. She's got all these faints. I can't catch her.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah. Just preparing here of the questions i'll get later on stay sharp stay sharp mentally prepared you know let's uh let's start with something in the in the uh physical realm when i when i saw the shuttle runs i thought i always think that they're just stupid i thought that they were just a lazy use of like just laziness and it was to get people to run, but you didn't have a lot of space. And then recently I started playing tennis with my boys and we play a game called short court and we play on only half the court. And there's a lot of quick explosive movements. And granted, I am 51.
Starting point is 00:11:17 But when I do that, I cannot believe how fast my hamstrings light up. I cannot believe it. how fast my hamstrings light up. I cannot believe it. Every time I shift directions, like if I shift directions, like more than five or six times before one of us scores a point, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:11:30 Oh shit. Like I have to be so conscious to like get my ball. Cause my body starts wanting to refuse to do it. Do it. Yeah. To what, do you feel that? What are your, what are Sarah Sigmund's daughters,
Starting point is 00:11:42 Sigmund's daughters, daughters thoughts on shuttle runs? The shuttle, I have mixed thoughts there. I mean, the open test that was, what, one mile in total or something in shuttles, I don't quite support that, but I support what you're experiencing of the shuttles as a power test and a sprint test. experiencing of like the shuttles as a as a power test and a sprint test so definitely support that but doing 50 shuttles it's just like what is that testing and it's becomes more of your back because you're bending down to touch the floor versus it it's actually testing you're running i didn't uh
Starting point is 00:12:21 i didn't like that part no touch to touch the floor part. I think I mentioned that on a couple of shows. It doesn't make a lot of sense. If you're testing running and change the direction, why would you have to touch? I understand that there's like some standard. If you're doing a very fast sprint and everybody has to go over this line and do a burpee or something like that,
Starting point is 00:12:42 like something that is the right for everybody, but 50 reps and that it just makes not a lot of sense and i remember i did the last qualifier that was 10 to 1 shuttle sprints and i remember the clean and jerk were the only things that matter so you were just literally walking the shuttles so you could have energy and clean and jerk so like what is that testing with clean a jerks why isn't there just rowing if you're testing conditioning or something so it's i have mixed opinions about it but it depends on what you're trying to fatigue what movement is with it that you're trying to use the shuttle sprints to fatigue the other moments. Do you train shuttle runs?
Starting point is 00:13:26 I definitely do because I am horrendous in them. At what part? At the changing the directions? Just everything. Like these legs, they weren't born to run. I tell you that. A great book. Yeah. Did you read that book?
Starting point is 00:13:41 I haven't read it yet. What did he say? You haven't read it, you said say you haven't read it you said i haven't read it it's on my list though yeah you'll love it i did the um audiobook yeah i'll definitely do the audiobook too yeah it's cool fan it's a fantastic story uh bj penn 1989 savon starstruck you're starstruck or i'm starstruck i'm always starstruck oh sarah starstruck you're telling me savon she stars's Starstruck. I understand. Yeah, yeah. Are you in the city of San Francisco?
Starting point is 00:14:10 I am. Or it's called Santa Marina. I'm 30 minutes from San Francisco. San Mateo? Oh, that, yeah, San Mateo. No, yeah, maybe it is that. It's like 30 minutes from Santa Cruz. You're south of San Francisco, and you're north of Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Yes. I don't know Santa Marina. Hold on. No, it's like a new, maybe, wait. New town. Is it Marin? Marin? Monte Sereno. Is that the name of the hotel?
Starting point is 00:14:49 No, that's the place. How do I not know that place? Yeah, I know it's more than you know. Mountain View? I'm literally... Go down to San Jose, Caleb. I think she's... I'm 10 minutes from Los Gatos.
Starting point is 00:15:04 So I've been training at Jason Kalipa's gym while I'm 10 minutes from Los Gatos. So I've been training at Jason Kaliba's gym while I'm here, which is an amazing gym, by the way. It's been... I find it. I think the... Are you staying with a friend? No, I'm staying in an Airbnb. And how come you're there?
Starting point is 00:15:24 So I'm seeing this guy that's helping me with a movement like a movement specialist i'm seeing him for about 10 days before the season starts to try to get the body sorted um so there wasn't a lot of availability because the fourth of July. So I had to be pretty far away. So I'm about 30 minutes from, from, uh, Santa Cruz. He's in Santa Cruz. Yeah. How long have you been here? 4th of July. Wow. So you're driving over the 17. Yeah. Holy cow. It it's amazing i haven't seen these many trees like in so long yeah oh how'd you find that you went to nc fits um yeah i just i just google mapped across the gym that's close by and i that came up and i was like oh i might as well go there i didn't know i was like close to might as well go there i didn't know i
Starting point is 00:16:25 was like close to the gym and then uh i went to the gym and jason actually messaged me afterwards to welcome me to his gym it's so nice yeah that's crazy i i uh i don't know if it's my place to do that but his house is vacant i actually thought about it it. Sorry. Jay Hartle says invite her over to Greg's. Yeah, he has a huge house here that's just empty in Santa Cruz. I probably shouldn't say that. No, it's full of people. Full of people, yeah. Full of people. What do you mean you're here just before the season starts?
Starting point is 00:16:58 What season are you talking about? CrossFit season. Okay, tell me. I didn't know CrossFit had a season. Well, you try to have a season here. You have the CrossFit Games, and you pretty much go from there, right? So the Open, the quarters, and everything. But, well, you can pretty much choose your season now compared to all the good
Starting point is 00:17:21 competitions that are on the way also. So for you, the season starts in 10 days? No, my season, yeah, I would say my season would start around August and that's, or it's off season starts now. Like I've been taking time off since semis. So before the on season starts or or the first week of real training, I would say it's probably going to be around beginning of August, mid-July. And then what are you training for?
Starting point is 00:17:59 That is the big question. I have so many competitions in mind mind so i'm trying to choose pick and choose here i'm waiting for uh dates for uh the qualify for rogue invitationals i really want to compete there but uh i think they're in mid-august so if i just started training again in august then they're only five that come through I'm not that optimistic about it the shape I'm in now is uh not uh not that great I'll tell you that um and if not like there are some other competitions on the way like some in Europe and and I might actually go to Australia this year and train with Caitlin in off-season so go there in October so I might do
Starting point is 00:18:46 down under but probably as a team not individual so there's there's a lot a lot of options but I think it all like what matters mostly for me now is just getting my body ready for some real training and not have any niggles or anything when I start training. So taking a good off-season. Wrist, ribs, knee? Well, now it's after semis, it's elbow. I tore a tendon in my elbow in event six. So I'm on week five now in recovery.
Starting point is 00:19:29 So it was a great two tear. So I didn't have to have surgery. Very happy with that. Can you show me where it's at, Sarah? My elbow. Yeah, your elbow. Sure. I don't know if you can see it on here, but there's a gap here.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Oh, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah i totally see that i totally see that that's where it tore but we're getting there so i'm gonna be smart with this and let that heal completely before i can decide what i'm gonna or where i'm gonna compete at but i definitely want to do one team and one individual competition. There is a, a video of you. It's a pretty poignant video. You posted it on your Instagram account right here.
Starting point is 00:20:14 It says, I have no words. Some things don't have an explanation. Yeah. And that was workout six, but in training, you finished it in sub 12 minutes, which would have put you in fourth place
Starting point is 00:20:25 instead you you got uh capped and you finished in 56th place it was very interesting because you did not seem to have any trouble climbing up the rope but coming down the rope i didn't have any strength on my left coming down uh so i just slipped always when i had to grab with my right on the way down and and there's footage of you putting your knee on your arm like trying to rub your arm out yeah i was just trying to do something to to to try to get this rope like i didn't know what i could do on that floor i was hoping that adrenaline would take me through it or it was just a very very heartbreaking experience to be honest and it's probably every athlete's fear that this can happen and and that happened and I'm still alive so I'm happy with that but
Starting point is 00:21:18 it was like I felt something pop on the way down in the second attempt uh so i wasn't sure what happened completely like it wasn't that painful but there's also so much adrenaline going on so yeah i didn't have an explanation of what happened and i was before going into that event explanation of what happened and I was before going into that event these were my two events I I haven't said to to Snorri and my friends so just like Sundays are always my days and especially with these two workouts I can't wait to do them and I was in 12th place and I was like I'm in a good because I was mostly the I was stressed about the snatches because uh mostly the i was stressed about the snatches because uh impact into squatting has been one of the most challenging parts after acl tear so i was very nervous of like doing a wonder max snatch after a run which went very good so happy with that but i thought that would
Starting point is 00:22:19 be like i thought i already had the ticket almost there and you can like that just taught me you can never be sure of what will happen ever um this in the write-up you write there's no explanation yeah but there is an explanation and now there's an explanation I did an MRI when I came home just to get it cleared like it could have just been a small like a minor like a muscle tear or something like very minimal but it's the the muscle junction or whatever it's called it's completely gone off the tendon so that's why i didn't have any strength holy shit yeah so so it's it's good to have an explanation now but i also i don't want to be the one that has excuses of why things go wrong. This just wasn't supposed to happen this year that I could make it to the games, and my body made sure of that.
Starting point is 00:23:16 So I need to make sure that my body is ready next year for something like that to never, ever happen again. Jeremy says, so easy to cheer for this lady, all heart. How did you break your ribs? The first rib I broke from overtraining. What year was that? 2017. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I think I knew about that. Okay. Yeah. And the second rib I broke was because of a belt that I used at the games. So I broke my second rib in the warm-up before the 1RM work-up, CrossFit Total. What year was that? 2018.
Starting point is 00:24:04 So I broke the rib in the warm up. And I thought like, okay, I felt the crack. And I knew that it was broken. I was like, if I don't release the belt, I'll be able to finish this event. And then we had the marathon rowing in the evening. And then we had the day off on Thursday. And I just thought, okay, if I can push through this today, then I can make a decision of what's about to happen I can't make anything worse by having a broken rib like it's it's not it's just painful and if you're a crossfitter you can handle pain so uh so I went went through that um and then I couldn't finish the competition
Starting point is 00:24:41 on Saturday I did everything until the last event then so that was also that was the most heartbreaking moment before event six on semifinals this year before before semifinals this year was what that moment of just having to disqualify from the crossy games because oh okay yeah besides that right right yeah and then and then when you went into event seven did you know this year semifinals did you know something was wrong with your elbow or you still didn't know no i i knew but i wanted suspected okay yeah yeah i knew i like that gap was right away or like i saw that
Starting point is 00:25:21 gap and the difference in in the fore, but it's one more event, and you have off-season after that event. You might as well finish. Hey, does that thing attach to this bone here? Yeah, it attaches to the... That little knob. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:41 It's actually like all the way in here. Oh. It's a muscle. It's actually like all the way in here. Oh. It's a muscle. It's called teres, something. I can't remember quite what it's called. Okay. I can feel that thing too. It's like a wire.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the muscle close to the wire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why do you say your elbow? Why don't you say your bicep? Okay. It's more a lower here.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Okay. What I feel is the forearm. Let say that okay yeah i asked because i hurt my bicep uh lowering a dumbbell a snatch yeah and um and everyone keeps saying it's your elbow i'm like no it's my bicep it's my bicep but it's right here but everyone keeps saying it's my elbow and and i'm like, hmm, I wonder why she says it's her elbow. But was your pain here? So pronator teres is what I tore. God, it's a fucking mess in there. Oh, yeah, okay, so they all kind of attach there.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah. Hey, Caleb, is that arrow pointing to the inside of the arm? Yes. Oh, okay, yeah. Fuck, I know exactly where that is all those suckers attached to that thing yep oh so but this one the one that you hurt comes over the top yeah and you got three other ones underneath it yeah i don't know why they didn't work with me and the rope climbs you know yeah it makes sense it makes sense that um uh it would happen on the way down right because
Starting point is 00:27:07 that's where the that was i just didn't like i just slipped down and then i was trying to grab with my right but like nothing nothing worked um any other um what were the what were there was this your easy year for you besides that was it a fun year was it no i would definitely say like like the the competition was just very interesting let's say that the judges were very very like uh strict and like taking it to a different level of sometimes being a little bit unfair to some athletes um and i don't know if it was because we were the last weekend and like like some standards just changed from weekend one which is very unfair like you could see people in pistols balancing by putting one leg behind themselves and then all of a sudden that's a no rep.
Starting point is 00:28:05 So if your other leg goes a little bit behind or to the side, it's a no rep, but you're not like, you're not used to it. You're not putting your foot down. No. Right. So, well, the first weekend, like that's me, that makes a huge difference. If you get 10 no reps in a pistol, you can do way less burpees.
Starting point is 00:28:24 So I would say like those things were very, very, makes a huge difference if you get 10 norips in a pistol you can do way less burpees so i would say like those things were very very uh annoying but there's just some things you can't control and i mean they're just trying to put the standard higher of of it being equal for all all athletes but some judges just become extra strict and just are not fair in some areas and um uh this hold this guy put on his decoder ring uh sarah says the judges were strict i translated it to the judges sucked i wouldn't say like the judges are there as volunteers and they're trying like they're doing their job to for us to be able to compete so like that's so respectful and everything but it's just very heartbreaking when you put your whole
Starting point is 00:29:13 year into one event and then it's a judge's call of some things that put you down 10 places or something like i remember in the muscle-up workout like I had to stop in every moment for about one to two seconds to show control while you see other athletes barely barely extending so it's like you were the unlucky one with that judge so it's like the judges need to be on the same page of how strict they are so it's equal for all athletes consistent yeah it needs to be consistent are you seeing this thing that they're talking about um uh in regards to the grips i have you watched any of that today that's gone down on social media i haven't watched anything i just saw this yesterday and today i actually put grips on and put sweatpants here so they became shorter.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And the grips go to here, but as soon as I jump to the pull-up bar, they go above. What do you think about, why don't they just get rid of grips altogether so they don't have to worry about it? Yeah, I don't understand this at all. Would you be okay with that if they just got rid of grips? I mean, you would just have to deal with it.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Right. The guy from the grip company has even spoke out about it. Yeah. From Victory Grips. From Victory. Yeah. But this is why. What benefits are you getting for the grips being a little bit longer than your fingers?
Starting point is 00:30:38 I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't think anyone understands it. No. Like, I understand when people rap. Like, but I don't understand anyone understands it. No, like I understand when people rap, but I don't understand. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:52 I don't understand what's going on there at all. Like these new rules and these, yeah, I just, it's becoming out of control in my opinion. Can you pull that back up? I think Sarah agrees with the second comment there. The guy said it doesn't matter from Julian Marquez. It's not how long it is, but how you use it. That's what you were...
Starting point is 00:31:19 Yeah. It's a very good comment there. Let me read this here just really quick um the judges thing is always interesting i mean um right because there's 40 people hearing one guy tell them what the how they should judge and it's got to be hard getting consistency judges use the standard they are told to uphold okay we'll take your word on that it's the head judge and boss to determine what the standard is and not change the standards week to week i think that's true too um andrew but i think what sarah's referring to is there were some people who were put in the pistol at the top they would let their foot go behind them and then other and they would get a no rep
Starting point is 00:31:59 and other judges weren't calling that so there was inconsistency there but at the end she's even saying it's irrelevant why would that have even been a benefit but it's the same with the wrist guards like if there's a problem with the wrist just wrist straps just get rid of them yeah but like what i mean in the pistols is that in the first week that wasn't a standard you could actually put your leg behind yourself yeah well at least we watched it on or i watched it and i saw many athletes do that right and all of a sudden three weeks later it's a it's a rule that you can't do it so it's it's weird that you're watching people do something and getting away with it but then all of a sudden they make of these new rules on the way uh sarah cox there were some people she even
Starting point is 00:32:43 saw rest their foot on the ground on some pistols yeah exactly this is like like i had four judges over me in the pistols and i understand it like my depth is like pistols are one of the hardest things for me now and i understand that i need to reach a specific standard and everything but i was getting no rep so much for four actually reps and four judges over me and it was just like does this really need to be like this like why why isn't the head just walking over to other athletes too why why were judges at one point staring at you as you did pistols yeah oh no so it's like it's just uh yeah i mean they just want me to hit the standard and everything but me from an athlete side it's like i also want the other
Starting point is 00:33:33 athletes to do it and then you see videos of girls posting later that evening that are not hitting the standard in the same heat as you and you're like it's great that the head judge was over me right yeah well you know what's interesting is there i mean there's always going to be a ton of eyes on you right so someone was saying that even in event six no one was even watching the winner all eyes were on you struggling with the rope climb and it's and i know you don't want the audience is one thing the judges are another thing but the judges probably do feel extra pressure around you right yeah probably because there's a thousand people watching you and and you know and they're just every one of them is judging your reps but i mean i also want to be
Starting point is 00:34:13 an athlete that hits the standards but right when you're hitting the standard standards and you're not getting the reward of it like that's that's so heartbreaking because you're losing so much energy and time i understand a few reps but when when the reason you don't do well in a workout is because of ton of no reps that weren't actually no reps is it can be hurtful let's say it's horrible it's horrible it's horrible uh sarah needs a training card wands wad, make it happen. A training card. Like a Colton Mertens trading card. Oh!
Starting point is 00:34:51 Or a Ben Smith trading card. That is so cool. They are cool. And they're in this really hard plastic. They're really cool. It's like a Crosshead Pokey one. I know a guy. You know a guy? Yeah, I'll have him contact Snorri. Yes. I have a guy, you know, a guy. Yeah. I'll have him contact Snorri.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yes. I have a question for you. If I would have only gone through Snorri, if I wouldn't somehow been able to infiltrate your cell phone, would I still be waiting for an interview? No, no, no. Snorri loves you. So he would make it happen. Okay, good. All right. Thank you. I love Snorri. And now I love Snorri too. so he would make it happen okay good all right thank you i love snorri and now i love snorri too i'm easy like that uh andrew with any sport there's human judgment there there will be inconsistencies it sucks and should be called out when it happens yeah um uh andrew hiller uh-oh it's because she was squatting with sunny webster andrew not nice holy cow holy cow does sunny webster not squat below parallel no I wasn't squatting below parallel because I just had a knee swelling that day.
Starting point is 00:35:51 And I wasn't going to prove anything on a YouTube video, so you can hear that, Andrew Hiller. It wasn't about the depth in the back squat. It was about changing the position of my hands, if you were listening. Oh, yeah, if you were listening oh yeah if you were listening andrew no in the pistols i think he means in the pistols no he said in the sonny webster video oh from that video oh hey is sonny webster cool as shit he is so cool i had him scheduled to come on a podcast and somehow it got, I need to circle back around. Yeah, he is amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I was just meeting him for the first time in Dubai. And he was very nice and just very helpful. Like the comments that he has, he has simplified so many things and he understands how CrossFit is like and how he can cue you with your Olympic weightlifting when you're a CrossFitter. So it's, it's very like he is, uh, he has some very nice videos also of like just evaluating people's techniques.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Um, do you know who Tanner Shrunk is? Yes. Do I, do you like him? I love him. Yeah. He is amazing. Yeah. I really like him? I love him. Yeah, he is amazing.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Yeah, I really like him. Very honest. Yeah, he was on the show. He wept on here. Maybe I wept too. Yeah, he was on the show. It was good. Really? Was he on the show? Yeah, I'd love to have him on again. I really enjoyed hanging with him. Yeah. Yeah, I trained in the same gym as him in Dubai. Andrew Hiller says, well played, Sarah. I'm listening. Carry on.
Starting point is 00:37:27 And he's saluting. Yeah. Oh, he trained at the same gym as you. Yeah. When that happens, does he come over and say hi to you? Yeah, of course. We chat a lot. We trained one time together.
Starting point is 00:37:42 But I mean, the first time, like, like i mean he lives there right and you're and you're more there like periodically yeah and so when he sees you come in does he say walk over me like oh hi sarah i competed with you in dubai uh nice to see you here yeah he's just very will you marry me no he hasn't asked that yet but but I'm still waiting on that. There's time. There he is. Yeah, I really like him. He's cool. He has a lovely girlfriend also that trains with him.
Starting point is 00:38:13 So, yeah, and he's just a very nice person. He's very honest on Instagram, and then you meet him, and he has the sweetest heart. And he's been through so many knee issues, so it's good to meet somebody that you can relate to a little bit oh that's right he did like uh instead of like four years of his life he spent like two years in a wheelchair or some shit that's right i remember that yeah yeah yeah yeah he's a good he's a um he's a good dude yeah um when i was asking you about this year i actually didn't mean about the semi-finals i meant how was your whole entire year has it been a um would you say oh my god i what a blessed year what a great year first year come back from from my um knee issues or was it just like holy shit i just couldn't get things going it seemed like you got things going i had i had an amazing momentum going on uh through quarter
Starting point is 00:39:03 finals and everything and then just three weeks even going back to waterpalooza team yeah like it started there like the individual and team at waterpalooza and then just training again and like everything was just going smoothly and i was like just getting back to where i was again uh and then just something personal happened three weeks before semi so like i couldn't quite make it up in that time so yeah so everything was going well until then and i just did the best that i could compared to circumstances and when you say that um something personal happened that means that i'm not supposed to ask about it. Did I say that out loud? If I write a book, you can read about it. Did I say that out loud?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Okay. Just a small hint. Something emotional or something physical? Both. Oh. Yeah. Yeah, you just wait. You just wait.
Starting point is 00:40:01 My book will be as thick as the Bible, I tell you that. Great stories that I will have. It doesn't matter how long it is, Sarah. It's how you use it, they say. It doesn't have to be a long book. Yeah, it's bullshit, by the way. Will you write your own book? I mean, I don't feel that I can do it now.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I would say that I'll write a book probably in the end of my career when my shoes are on the side and on the wall or something. But I don't think I'll write a book yet, no. Nice try, Sevan. We appreciate the effort, Sevan. Hold on, hold on. I'm not done. Give me a second here. No. Nice try, Sevan. We appreciate the effort, Sevan. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I'm not done. Give me a second here. Give me a second. So we'll circle back. We'll give her a slip of molly and do her drink. Now, when you say you'll write a book, when I say will you write it, will you write personally or will you have someone no i'll write it personally you'll write it and what if you forget what if you forget what happened i won't forget tell you that i won't forget anything like i think that soon i'll start to write all the things that have happened until now and like start to decide what the name of the chapters are and everything but
Starting point is 00:41:26 this is not going to be a priority now the first priority is learning how to fly an airplane and become an athlete again so what about um uh i wrote this screenplay that i also well i wrote this graphic novel but it doesn't have pictures yet and i wanted it to be a screenplay that I also well I wrote this graphic novel but it doesn't have pictures yet and I wanted it to be a screenplay and it's called five years to fornication and it's the five years from it's from the day I met my wife to the five years it took me to to do the magic when you write your book would you throw things in there to make it more enticing for a screenplay i think what i'll like a little more tell all like you know what i mean like a little
Starting point is 00:42:18 like exaggerate a lot of things are you talking about that? No, just like at the 2014 CrossFit Games, there was an opening between the men's and women's locker rooms that no one knew about. And as I looked over at the crack, I saw Jason Kalipa staring at me naked. That night, I snuck over to his hotel room. You know, not, I'm just, like, making it up. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah, erotic or... Just adding some stuff to these other people, not just fucking one knee injury after another, but like a... Adding some love and drama to it. Love, love. Thank you. Adding some love to it, maybe.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Yeah. If I have a story like that, I'll definitely write that up. Okay. But that doesn't happen a lot in CrossFit, to be honest. No? No.
Starting point is 00:43:07 No one has time. No one has time for that shit. It's too, um, that reminds me of a question I forgot to ask you. We'll come back to your personal issues in a second. When you say that your fitness isn't, you're not at semifinals level right now, it's only been a month since semifinals. What would you say is the fastest reason it declines a nutrition or a exercise?
Starting point is 00:43:33 I would say it's mental. Oh, okay. I didn't even make that an option. No, I would say that it's the balance between all three. Like my nutrition is not bad at all now, but the drive of training and everything is zero because you're not going somewhere and you have been going somewhere for so long so like you've been thinking about semis and will i make it to the games will
Starting point is 00:43:57 i not like it's so mentally hard and like mentally draining for such a long time and then you don't reach your goal and you feel that all the stuff that you've been through and everything you push through is like, was it worth it? Like you go on, I call it like post competition depression. It's not depression, but it's just like,
Starting point is 00:44:16 you're just not aiming for something anymore. And, and you can actually calm down a little bit. So the drive for training, the drive for eating super healthy, the drive for training two times a day, and everything's about having a good session, like that needs to calm down a little bit after that.
Starting point is 00:44:36 So you can actually go back up. I'm trying to see if I can relate to that. I mean, you must've had like a major event that you've been looking forward to for such a long time then the event is over and you're like empty that's how I I think about it it's like you're so empty you're going to bed and you're not thinking about your dream or where you're going or it's two weeks until that and i need to be doing this this this like all of a sudden it's like this this calmness and emptiness until you find the next goal the only thing i can
Starting point is 00:45:12 think of is is this is gonna be horrible don't tell anyone this but i push my kids so hard without them knowing they're being pushed i keep them them on this schedule, this schedule, this schedule. And then if one of them gets injured, I always have this, like, like I take every, my foot off the gas completely. And I just want to, I used to have this whole reevaluation, like, Oh shit. All that matters is they're in the game. It does not matter how well they do. Like, uh, completely let off like, Hey, what do you want to do today? Like completely let them fall. But it takes always, like, something like that. To realize.
Starting point is 00:45:47 I don't even know where we're going, but we're on, like, a regimented, like. Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? You get lost in the outcome versus the journey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I feel guilty if we miss a day of training for skateboarding or jiu-jitsu or tennis or studies. Like, I was even thinking this yesterday like you sometimes forget the important simple things that give you fulfillment because you're always
Starting point is 00:46:12 striving for success in everything and i think that is very much connected to social media and what we see every day is that we always feel like we need to achieve something because this person is achieving this and this person is achieving this. And what am I doing? I'm just relaxing here. I could be doing so much more. Yeah, because of because of what what you're seeing and you're like, I don't know if composed to is the right word or just what you're what you're seeing every day and the information you're getting. Yeah, when one of my kids got I love to see the growth in my kids. It's like I grew marijuana back as a young man. And I love waking up in the morning and opening the closet and every it's a really fast growing plan every day it looks different I'm growing cucumbers now I can't believe they like you I could go to bed and see cucumbers only this big and I wake up in the
Starting point is 00:47:13 morning it's like this it's crazy and yeah you just want to you're just you just want to see change you become addicted to the to the growth to the to the next goal like I can't wait for my kids next skateboarding yeah and I can't wait for the next success feeling I'm gonna feel the accomplishing something like you get addicted to that versus I sometimes think about like okay when I'm 80 years old and I only lived in Iceland and trained from eight to four in the darkness when I have all these other opportunities while I'm an athlete why would I only focus on that versus I can do what I love around the world and inspire versus just thinking about I want to win I want to win I want to win like I think that the happiness that comes around the journey actually leads you to a better outcome you know what i mean i hope so i do know what you mean i it's so hard to see that when shit's going sideways but yeah yeah it's so hard to see and
Starting point is 00:48:17 it's so hard to like some athletes are different than others and some need to simplify things completely well some simplify things but because it's so simple they overthink too much and they get like i'm one of them if i'm only focusing on training i get so obsessed so if i don't sleep nine hours and i start stressing about that and something goes wrong and like i got this realization when I got injured I was like wow I've completely lost who I am here because I have no idea I'm off now for six to eight months what what do I do now like it it's almost an eye-opener of like you are this athlete and that's your full identity almost and then something happens to you and you can't be that identity for six to eight months which is a long time for an athlete.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Or at least I felt it was very long. Lifetime, lifetime. Yeah, lifetime for an athlete. And you just like you have to realize that this journey isn't going to last for so long. And why aren't you enjoying all the things that you could enjoy while you're on it? enjoying all the things that you could enjoy while you're on it um the last time we were here you and i on this computer we talked about um you helped me with values understanding the importance of values yeah um this this new values after that conversation uh i've just become aware of my values more more like like i i had them but i know it's
Starting point is 00:49:45 important to articulate them for the sense of like um uh kind of like a superficial placeholder identity right so it's like the kind of thing like no matter how injured you get at least you still have values yeah right like no one can take those from you. No. And that's the person that you are. Like you, you think around your values, like your values are there for a reason because that's the person you want to be. So if you are aware of what your values are, you know what direction you're going to. This, this, a personal event that happened, it was three weeks long?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Yes. Well, it's longer than that, but it was discovered three weeks before. And did you come out stronger from it? No, but I will. Oh. I'm not going to say anything more here. Do you have a boyfriend right now?
Starting point is 00:50:42 No. Wherever you're going, you better believe Do you have a boyfriend right now? No. Last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. I'm a lesbian, remember? I have information to the contrary.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Barry McOchran or 69 Shades of CrossFit. Just pretend like you don't notice. Just pretend like you don't notice. Just act cool. Act cool, sir. Act cool. Well, thank you, Barry, for the money. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Thank you. I appreciate it. Act cool. Don't read it out loud. That's what they want. That's what they want. He deserves it. He I appreciate it. Cool. Don't read it out loud. That's what they want. That's what they want. He deserves it. He paid for it. Okay, fine. She gets the joke.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Justin's a zimbo. He is a salty hive CrossFit in Utah. And I think he... I shouldn't say this, but I think he should change the name of the gym to salty beaver. It just, it seems just like,
Starting point is 00:52:10 cause, cause it's a sweaty gym and sweat is salty. Yeah, true. Okay. Uh, Justin's a Zimbo. My favorite thing about Sarah as a guest with someone is how well she
Starting point is 00:52:19 listens. She gets as excited about what he says as he does for what she says it's just a back and forth awesome well thank you it's true it's not but she's like that with um i'm not special she is an absolutely amazing uh guest if you watch her on any podcast why don't you do more podcasts oof that is a big question you know i are you really a lesbian you're not i've some other stories you don't you don't remember what you asked me last time so i asked you if you were lesbian yeah the first time you asked me sarah are you lonely and i said no why and you said because you travel a lot lot. And then you asked me, do you have a boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:53:05 And I said, no. And then you said, are you a lesbian? Oh, good. That's fair. Okay, good. So it was like the conversation around it. You just wanted to try to get it out. See, that's how cool I am.
Starting point is 00:53:19 I can't even remember what it is. I don't remember anything, so I don't hold anyone in a box. Things could have changed. Yeah. Well, I remember everything. You do? what i don't remember anything so i don't hold anyone in a box things could have changed yeah well i was everything you do um my wife remembers everything too girls are good like i think girls have better memory yeah we have skills our skills that guys don't have by memory like connecting to memory i think i i heard that memories are connected to emotions and because women is that you see where i was
Starting point is 00:53:45 going to go with that because women are more emotional they're able to remember better they can connect emotions to memory yeah exactly yeah they connect the emotions to memories and that makes you actually so if you connect emotion to something that's happening and you have that emotion for about 90 seconds it stays or that's what i read one time i don't know how true it is so can you fake it connecting to an emotion like can something happen that i don't want to remember like right now could be like oh my god sarah you're not a lesbian holy shit and like fake some excitement like some emotion and then like be like okay i think that stuck i think you would have to have a like when you would say you would actually have to think about like a success from your kid while you're actually saying it out loud.
Starting point is 00:54:28 So the emotion comes as a happiness and then you'll always connect to success with your kids. So Sarah is a lesbian. It's not a lesbian. Yeah. Now I'm really confused. I don't even know what I believe. Hey, what about that thing when people have a rubber band around their hand and then they snap it? Yeah, that's when you have bad thoughts and you need to make pain to let your body know that that's a bad thought and you should not remember it and that you should get rid of it. So if you have that bad thought again, you think about the pain but there's also a cue of like you have an arm like um you have a bracelet here and then you change it each time you have a bad thought so you're aware of that you're having a bad thought so it's mostly like the awareness of stuff oh
Starting point is 00:55:17 okay i like that uh jeremy world uh do you want one i think that was a a boyfriend uh do you want one i think he's offering yeah well uh like i said don't have time you know he's a creep anyway god i'm a creep fair enough there's a it's fine a little creepy we know that you mean well we know that you mean well look at you how good you are uh um sarah gets it instantly it took took seven weeks. Yeah, the Barry McCockner thing. I didn't get it forever. Now everyone's trying to have a funny name in here. Okay, we're going to give up on the three-week event. We're going to give the boyfriend thing that on hold. Let's move on to um aspirations for uh next year yeah is it um
Starting point is 00:56:13 is is it the games still yeah of course i think it's always going to be the games, but I feel that I'm very excited for Rogue. I feel that Rogue is one of the most fun competitions. But I think that on the way to the games, you sacrifice a lot to be able to peak at the right time and everything like that and then maybe it doesn't go well like let's say that that some like i get sick next time in semifinals and i don't make it to the games again like i think that i've learned my lesson now of like i don't think you need to sacrifice all the competitions on the way for that one competition. So that's why I- You never did that though. You never did that, right?
Starting point is 00:57:07 You always kind of thought of competitions as training? Yeah, I function best when I compete, but my body needs to be able to hold up because when you're competing, the intensity is just way higher. So you're pushing your body through a lot more stuff. And I think that, yeah, a few competitions on the way, but the games are, of course,
Starting point is 00:57:29 if I wouldn't try to compete at the games again, I think that that's one of the signs of giving up, and that's not in the system here. By the way, that's a classic Sarah Sigmundsdottir look right there. What do you call that look? Yeah, it's ferocious. It's ferocity. Yeah, you see an animal in the distance that needs to be brought back to the cave and eaten.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yep, exactly. Do you – but don't you have to so when you think you retire that's giving up no no no i wouldn't say that's giving up but i would say that if i would just compete now and not aim for the games i would say that would be a little bit of giving up like my goal has been since i tore my ACL of making it back to the games. And I feel that I cannot like give up on that until I have actually made it. And yeah, like that's been my main goal. But I feel like the games are, the atmosphere is changing a little bit around the games.
Starting point is 00:58:44 I feel especially this year. And it's going to be interesting to see a little bit around the games, I feel, especially this year. And it's going to be interesting to see a little bit how it goes. And Dave Castro is back in business, so I'm excited to see what he's going to bring. And, yeah, it's just going to be interesting. But, of course, I'm not going to give up on trying to make it to the games, to answer your question. What do you mean by different atmosphere?
Starting point is 00:59:06 I don't know. It's just like these rules that they're setting out now a month before the competition. It's just like you're throwing off the athletes for no reason. Why don't you just change the standard next year? If you're going to change anything, why a month
Starting point is 00:59:23 before the CrossFit Games? What do you mean? Like the gloves and the belts? Yeah. It's just like trying to test the athletes or throwing them off because of equipment that doesn't make any sense. It's like I just feel like we're already stressed enough and we've already sacrificed enough. Why are you adding to the plate of something that doesn't make any sense like how are you gonna judge this that's what i think what do you mean the gloves and the
Starting point is 00:59:50 belts and yeah anything else i like the grips is what i mean it's like how are you gonna judge that when somebody shows you that it's shorter here but then they just move their wristbands up and they start the competition it's like judge gonna know rep somebody that has longer grips than their finger and what are you gonna do mid-floor when that happens like you say like it either needs to be that you can't wear grips or or they need to make the standard that clear that nobody gets away with something. Do you watch Dave's Weekend Review? No. Do you think you will start watching it? Do you even know about it?
Starting point is 01:00:31 No, I didn't know about it. Yeah, he has a YouTube channel. What? And for the last three years or, I don't know, for a long time, he's been doing just this weekly thing. Yeah. And it's called the Dave Castro Weekly Review. Oh.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Yeah. I haven't seen that, but I'll definitely watch that. And look what happened when he became put in charge of the game. Look what happened to his view count. Wow. From 2,000 to 20 to 20 000 that's insane
Starting point is 01:01:08 you would be crazy not you have to watch those yeah they're good i think they're very endearing and they're good but i think also as a games athlete you'll appreciate them they're short too and you can watch them at one and a quarter time yeah okay anyway it'll be interesting now channel say it again they they beat me by starting a youtube channel you still don't have a youtube channel no but it's work in progress okay what are you going to do on there oh like all the great things unicycle hey um do you do you um uh do you do any programming uh i do but not like um public programming like it's mostly just if my friends need it or something like that do you enjoy that oh i love it it's just very time consuming like i'm i'm such a perfectionist, so if I'm giving out a program, it has to be a proper individualized program. So I just haven't given myself time to do that.
Starting point is 01:02:12 That's something that I might have in mind after my career also. A gratis. A gratis. Yes. Sara Sigmundsdottir, gratis. Gratis. this is an icelandic saying here that we uh that we love what if crossfit just prohibited all equipment sure i'm fine with that yeah i mean that is equal for everybody. How many coaches have you had? Do you know how many coaches you have, you think?
Starting point is 01:02:52 Do you remember them all? Yeah, I remember them all. You do, really? Honestly, you don't just have to say that. I can't remember every girlfriend I've had. No, I can remember all my boyfriends and also... You cannot remember all your boyfriends. Yes, I can. all my boyfriends and also... You cannot remember all your boyfriends. Yes, I can.
Starting point is 01:03:07 How old are you? What do you think? 27. Great answer. No, I'm 30. That goes away in the next seven years. You better write those down. I'm telling you, by the time you're 37, they'll be like... Then I won't remember anything. Yeah, you'll be like, what was was that guy what was that guy's name okay uh how many coaches have you had a lot of coaches more coaches okay are we gonna do this oh yeah let's do this yeah let's do
Starting point is 01:03:35 it okay okay so first coach was eric and john so they were like a combination into um eric and john and then So they were like a combination into Eric and John. And then I wouldn't say that Froning was my coach, but Froning assisted me with programming 2017. Let's just put his name down there because it's fine. He deserves credit, so yeah. Okay. And then from that
Starting point is 01:04:07 i went to red pill oh what who's red pill red pill is uh james jousey and phil i don't know them are they still around uh jousey is jousey is i'm on the quates coach and brixie's coach oh yeah who's brixie sam brixie yeah yeah you call sam brixie yeah i didn't know that brixie and yeah i like both of them what do you say i like both of them yeah they're amazing yeah really amazing. Then from them, I went to Max. And then now I'm working with Justin. Oh, that's not very many. Well, Max into parents or training think tank. Yeah. That's not that's not very many. It is a lot though. Like I, I mean, BK has had Yami for 10 years, so he has had one coach while I switch a bit. That's five.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Yeah. And why are you switching? Is it different every time, or is it the same reason every time? I would say it's different every time. Just sometimes you and the coach just don't work that well together. So you need to switch it up or the coaches brought everything to the table that he has. Like it's just it's very different. The vibe. Go ahead. I just said it's the vibe, you know. know oh what do you look for in a coach um i think it's what i need now is somebody that believes in what i can do and what i'm capable of that helps me believe it also. Yeah, that has a very positive energy.
Starting point is 01:06:07 It's pretty laid back also. And I'm just describing Justin Cutler here because he's the perfect guy in that area. He believes in you? Yes, he actually does. And where did you meet him? I actually, me and Carrie Pierce, we were good friends. And I remember I met him at Waterpalooza 2018. He was standing there with a cowboy hat and just a legend from day one.
Starting point is 01:06:37 And he just brings this energy in the area of just everybody is friends and and loving and it was just he brought this different aura to to miami 2018 and and yeah that's just how i met him and then i met him again uh like throughout the years competing but i met him uh 21 in dubai and uh and he was so nice because, you know, like I had talked to him a little bit, but he said one thing to me, he said, the light of CrossFit is missing. So he was just referring to that the competition of CrossFit misses me. And I was like, you have no idea how much I miss being on that floor. So it was so nice to actually hear his opinion about it. And, oh, there he is. And, yeah, and then we just stayed in touch,
Starting point is 01:07:35 and I met him again at Waterpalooza, and Caitlin, one of my best friends, is coached by him, so we spent some time there. Caitlin Van Ziel? Yeah. I need to have her on the show too. She didn't make it, right? She didn't make it.
Starting point is 01:07:50 No, she was so close to making it. But, yeah, we're going to train together now this offseason, so we'll push each other. What about proximity? Kotler's out in the middle of nowhere like in UFO land. Well, I'll see it soon. I'm going there after a week. So,
Starting point is 01:08:07 Oh, you are. Yes. And will you reside there a bit? I think I'm just going to stay there for a bit. Try to push Alex a little bit before the games. And Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Yeah. So, uh, I just see the environment and see all of them and, and yeah, just, just checking it out and then take it from there. Like I have some, I have pilot exams in August, so I need to leave the States before that. Tell me about pushing Alex.
Starting point is 01:08:38 You'll go out there and just put the love on her too? Yeah, of course. You only push her because you want her to do well and it's it's very hard like i know that she trains a bit by herself and it can be so hard when it when it's getting close to the competition the nerves are kicking in and you almost like i wouldn't say you lose your motivation but it gets hard to motivate yourself because you start thinking about a result that you want to get and maybe some days you don't get it. So it's very mentally tough.
Starting point is 01:09:08 And just having a person there that can make you accountable of showing up and putting in the work and enjoy it at the same time, of course. So I think that's – hopefully I can push her, but I'm not sure that I can push her in a lot of things now. She's so good. She's a specimen, huh? Yes, and she's insanely strong. Her bench is more than Snorri's bench, and that says a lot.
Starting point is 01:09:40 You've been waiting to say that the whole show, huh? Yeah. That's really cool. I like the thought of you guys training together. I like the thought of you going out there. Does any part of her when you see her journey remind you of yourself? I think that she's just an underdog. And that's where I can relate to her.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Like you saw her last year and you saw the potential in her and then you see her this year and how much she's improved. And it's just like she's the definition of an underdog. And she's so young still. Yeah, she's so young and she's so talented. And there's a lot of there that's – and she's going to shine now at the Games. So it's going to be so much fun watching her. And she's just a nice person and a human at the game so it's going to be so much fun watching her and she's she's a nice
Starting point is 01:10:25 person and a human at the same time while being so talented what about kotler um uh how um emotional he is as a coach that's why we connect we're the same in that area we're both like we love that energy point off of them yeah we like i've always competed through my heart like that's where i get my energy i see the crowd and i'm like it's just some people don't get that energy but i've always competed with my heart and with emotions and everything like that and and then just Justin is exactly the same way. In the training think tank crew, Max Elhaj, I don't remember your coach's name, but it was the Asian girl, right?
Starting point is 01:11:11 Yeah. I really like listening to her talk. She's amazing. She is. She is amazing? Yeah, she's amazing. Yeah, she comes off like she knows her shit and she's committed. Yeah, she definitely does. And she's sending now a team and she's working with Bethany.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Oh, Shadburn. Yeah, she definitely does. And she's sending now a team and she's working with Bethany. Oh, Shadburn. Yeah, yeah. But their energy seems very, like, I don't know what the word is, equanimous, like there's an equanimity to it. There's a steadiness to it. But you, whereas Kotler is like, he could explode. Yeah, I mean, we have a little bit of control but we also like this is the reason why
Starting point is 01:11:51 not that he does explode but he flirts with it he's like a space shuttle like on the on the launch pad and like you see smoke and flames coming out of it you're like this fucker is gonna blow yeah but it actually when he is like that he sends the energy to you like you see how much he cares and you see how much he wants you to succeed and that's
Starting point is 01:12:13 what gives you so much energy because you don't want to let him down like you yeah yeah he believes in you or else yeah he's making himself vulnerable yeah he's making himself vulnerable. Yeah, he's making himself vulnerable, and you don't want to let him down because he puts so much love and effort in it. That's Perrin, yeah. Oh, hi, Perrin. Bye, Perrin. That's just... There he is. Sarah, I get this...
Starting point is 01:12:53 Sarah, I get this perspective from you that you want to like everyone, love everyone, and be good to all of humanity. True. there's a piece of that inside of me. Like I used to have this thought that if someone ever robbed my house, I would just jump out the window and go to the bar and have a drink and just let them take what they want. What do I care? I'm not. Like, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Well, I'm not completely there. I feel that the people that deserve the love and everything, that they're giving it back also. They're good humans. But then you have some humans that are very selfish and self-centered that don't respect others and look at themselves in uh as the only thing that matters in the world and everything should be around them so the people
Starting point is 01:13:39 that are like sacrificing a lot like like the judges and semifinals they're sacrificing their time they're they're volunteers they're spending three days of long days setting everything up and everything like you have to bring everybody love and energy and some people just don't take it or don't want to give it back and then you just ignore them and you still keep giving energy right okay okay all right you don't agree there, I do. I mischaracterized you. I thought that there was sort of a – I mischaracterized you. Where I was going to go, like for me, I was – everything is God's creature. The worst and the best, they're all walking around as beams of light manifesting in different forms. darkest things and the lightest things but at
Starting point is 01:14:46 some point they're all still light and then I had kids and then it became well if you come in my house in the middle of the night I'm going to put a hole in you and I didn't even see it happen and I'm just wondering
Starting point is 01:15:04 if that I just want to and i'm just wondering if that um i just want to see i'm just curious if if what if that uh what that change in you would be like because there's a part of you that is uh reminds me so much of myself in the as over the years as i've studied you that's like okay i you're you're an alchemist you could bring in darkness and turn it into light like Kotler said there is a but I wonder if at some point
Starting point is 01:15:32 something do you think you're going to have kids? yeah 100% oh 100% yeah I'm going to have a big family boy it's going to be fun this is going to have a big family. All right. Boy, it's going to be fun. This is going to be fun knowing you.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Are you not doing a lot of podcasts? It's very difficult to find interviews with you. No, I'm actually, I don't do them a lot, to be honest. Just with you, Simon. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. I'll take that. Why is that?
Starting point is 01:16:06 It's just time. I prioritize the things that matter more. And if I have a time slot that I can fit some podcasts in, it's no problem at all. But I have time. I have a little bit more time now because it's off-season. But I'm a legend in finding things to do and always be busy. So for snoring, maybe lines up a few things. And then I have different plans. And then we have to reschedule and Oh, yeah, you have to get a haircut. Yeah, but to be fair, in that, like, that shouldn't have taken that long it was all planned beforehand
Starting point is 01:16:49 i'm very thankful you forgave me but i was just getting a haircut before the podcast so i would look good for you you know i i uh you always look good no matter what. I'm a crossfitter. I like a sweaty, ponytail mess. But I didn't forgive you because I was never held it against you. I mean, it's so, it's, you, you sent me a picture of you sitting in your, yeah, like you don't owe me shit and you did that and I melted like an ice cube because she's busy she sent me a picture of you in the barber's chair it was my sympathy of I'm trying my best
Starting point is 01:17:34 to not be late but I have no control of these circumstances picture it worked yeah good my wife had a haircut that lasts six hours one time. I definitely relate to that. Absolutely insane.
Starting point is 01:17:54 With absolutely no stress, I don't want to put any stress on you. Zero. Since you are in the area if you're nearby and you wanted to hang out or say hi or go out to dinner or you need if there's anything i could do for you reach out if not there's no um you're my friend i never want anyone to feel there's no obligation thank you so much i really appreciate it yeah and and and the secret that you're keeping from all of us right now that you can't keep from me um you that's more than welcome to that's more not one there's another one
Starting point is 01:18:35 yeah can you see the private chat can you see the private chat wait i'm checking this now in the in the? Can you see the private chat? Wait. I'm checking this now. In the computer, can you see private chat? No. Oh. Well, yeah, I can see it, yeah. Okay, here.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Oh, gosh. I knew I had to prepare myself for something here. You're welcome at any time to chill. You want to get a sandwich or something or see what it's like to have three kids. Yeah, I have to prepare myself for that because I'm going to have four. There you go. You're always welcome
Starting point is 01:19:25 on the show. You seem like you're in a great headspace. I wasn't sure what to expect coming off of semifinals. You were very vulnerable on your Instagram. Let me finish with that. Is it hard being vulnerable on your Instagram? It is. You want to show all the good things.
Starting point is 01:19:43 You don't want to show the bad things. This is hard for the ego of just actually showing uh that you failed it's very hard but it's part of it like i look at it in that way of somebody that might experience something similar to me can look at that and then they see me hopefully succeeding again and then they see the possibility of it happen and like that's why you do that like there i was surprised to see you on the floor crying with your ponytail like showing emotion of disappointment before you posted that were you like oh i don't definitely not want to see that even i was still so angry like looking at it now even i get just like this feeling inside my heart of just it's a it's a heartbreak well there's no sign of
Starting point is 01:20:34 it on your face now no no no we we um we learned everything happens for a reason we have to we have to have faith in that and I also have faith in everything is going to be provided at the right time awesome I can't wait until the next time we talk you're an amazing human being dinner time
Starting point is 01:20:55 person talk yes alright my dear thank you for coming on thank you for having me Simon bye bye bye god she's great she's amazing uh rambler sarah i love you i saw you multiple times thank you sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah geez louise uh jeremy thank you for trying to help a brother out yeah sure brother i think that you spelled that wrong it's brother b-r-o-t-h-a brother i need a cigarette who is that with jessica the other one Ty Emery probably Sean Sullivan my daughters love her hey dude
Starting point is 01:21:49 who was saying who was the guest we had on that Caleb that people were saying was a vibe oh god was it Ty Emery I think it was that sounds familiar yeah she was a vibe. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:22:06 That's right. From one brother to another. Thank you. Rosie Photography. She's so beautiful. Dude, you're going to get to take... Oh, I forgot to ask her if she's going to the games. Well, shit.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Well, maybe you can ask her that later. Yeah, that actually wasn't Sarah Sigmund's daughter. That was Michelle Bazinet. Zachary Kadatz. The Daily CrossFit tip. The only time my wife watches the show is when Sarah or Danielle Brandon Energy are on. It's a shame. Sounds like my wife, too.
Starting point is 01:22:40 It's a shame, too. One of the most passionate moments I saw from an agent was after Sarah's injury at Wadapalooza, and I saw Snorri in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it. Snorri in it. Okay, fine. Oh, there it is. The rest of it.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Oh, trying to comfort her. A Mike Flair private chat reveals what he was trying to half on Sevan's doter. Oh, I don't know what that is, but I like it. Sevan's doter. Oh, she loved the show. Great. The Unknown. Nice job, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Thank you. I apologize for snapping at you earlier. I really do. Snapped on The Unknown earlier. Thank you. Sevan, Sevi, I'm still waiting for CrossFit to send me the email that I'm for sure going to the games. She's a real one. Great show, Sevan. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Hey, Mr. Justin Kotler. Coach of Jerry Garcia. No. Not Jerry Garcia. Ricky, not Jerry Garcia. Ricky Garrard. And Sarah. Got my wires crossed.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Sarah Sigmund's daughter, Ricky Garrard. Ellie Turner. No, not Ellie Turner. Who else? Oh, Alex Gazan. Jeez Louise. Fucking scramble. I just see it.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Just so you guys know, you want to know what it's like in my head when I close my eyes and I think of names I just see thousands of people jumping around on the trampoline like just imagine like you know what I mean like great lobby yeah they just have a bunch of characters just literally doing that jumping around even even like my own wife like I'm like what's her name
Starting point is 01:24:21 oh yeah yeah there she is jumping over there what's she doing with Waldo Alex Gazan like my own wife like i'm like what's her name oh yeah yeah there she is jumping over there what's she doing with waldo alex gazan i got a chance to speak with jake gazan which is pretty cool today hillar and i did had a three-way with him oh yeah so So – oh, yeah, yeah. Let me – does that play? No. Oh. Yeah, imagine a trampoline with like 3,000 people on it. When I close my eyes, that's what I see, and they're just all jumping around.
Starting point is 01:24:53 And I'm like, fuck, what's that dude's name? People that – It's a nice change to emotion. People that shouldn't even be on a trampoline. even be on a trampoline. Constance Fitness. Jeez, what a pose. Holy camoly.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Jack? Yeah, that's crazy. Am I am late, but what do you think of the cuts of the games? I don't know. I probably need someone to tell me what to think on that. I think that's a Friday show. What?
Starting point is 01:25:32 That's a Friday show thing. Okay, yeah. Tomorrow night, Constance. Constance, I think they don't get cut until after six events or something like that. I don't know. I probably don't care.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Although, what is interesting, Constance, yeah, it is a tomorrow show, but it could be weird. We have to see the programming to judge the cuts, I think. Because if it's like last year, right? Didn't Laura go from like 75th place to second place like in the last day? Yeah, I think I can play a big
Starting point is 01:26:08 factor in it. Pool boy said, you're not alone. My brain does the same thing except people on the trampoline are dicks. Oh, like assholes? What? Oh, just everyone looks like a dick? It's like just balls and dicks jumping around.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Everyone's like a... Oh my goodness, Dale. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Dale. I don't even want to read it because I'm afraid I might answer. Tomorrow morning, Lewis Brackpool. want to read it because I'm afraid I might answer. Tomorrow
Starting point is 01:26:48 morning, Louis Brackpool. I got something really interesting I want to show him. Look at this. This morning's show with Greg Glassman has been passed by the
Starting point is 01:27:03 show with Taylor and JR and Brian this afternoon. Un-fucking-believable. Kicking those guys off. That was a good show with Greg. Oh, you did like it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:19 It was very mellow, right? Yeah, it was so chill. Someone in the comments wrote, amazing stuff. Thank you for your time, Greg. Thank you for your hard work. Keep it up. How come it says there's four comments
Starting point is 01:27:32 and then I go to it and I only see one? I don't know. What do you think about the fact Sarah's still going for it? I think she articulated it well, where she says she's still trying to, like she's enjoying herself and that she doesn't, like she still wants to go for it,
Starting point is 01:27:56 but she's appreciating what she's doing in the meantime, like how she's going to try to get there basically. But I'm not not 100 sure that will get her to the games she took this crazy deep breath and her shoulders came up when she said since my acl there it's been my goal to get to the games and i was like oh i was like if i had paid attention in psychology 101 I would have known what that is. I imagine it's probably a little bit of a sore spot because she hasn't been back since, what, 18? 1854.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Yeah. You know what is going to happen? This is Sarah and Greg on at the same time. That would be a great chat. You know what's interesting is what's going to happen is both of those shows are going to be brought to their knees because the Sarah show is going to explode. That's what happens.
Starting point is 01:28:52 We did three shows in one day. People don't have time for this nonsense. And so they're just going to pick the Sarah show easy Seve what did I say dude Bruce Wayne Bruce your thumbnails are getting so good
Starting point is 01:29:23 yeah they are they They're dope. That one where you made me into George Washington was crazy. That was awesome. Oh, I think Sarah sent me a... Oh, what's that? Ah. Ah. Ah. You got to take her out to dinner now?
Starting point is 01:29:53 Yeah, I got to go. She wants to go to dinner. Sweet. Okay, so tomorrow's Louis Brackpool. It's going to be a fun show. And then CrossFit Games show tomorrow night?ackpool. It's going to be a fun show. And then CrossFit game show tomorrow night? Yeah, that one's going to be awesome. Those are always good shows. Those are fun.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Tomorrow's is going to be a shitload of CrossFit talk. Sevan, tuck your phone under your pillow and listen to all three shows while you sleep, people. Oh, everyone. Yeah, that's a good point. That's a great point. Yeah, Brucie's killing it. Brucie? It would be awesome if Sarah was on the demo team. Wow.
Starting point is 01:30:38 I think she's too big time for that. She can't be on the demo team. Louis Brackpool is on tomorrow. English guy. Right up my alley. Oh, thank you. Aren't these cool?
Starting point is 01:30:54 Yeah, they are cool. I want one. Me too. Well, we didn't get the QR code, so people can just point their... No, not yet. I was trying to figure out how to upload that. I think Sousa has a system for it or something. I can put the link in the chat, though.
Starting point is 01:31:12 Oh, you're a good dude. Thank you. Oh, there's something I want to show you guys i just think i should wait till tomorrow morning okay oh when are you gonna have calvin robinson on uh we had him scheduled that's funny you asked that roxanna's wonderful that's crazy what are you in europe he's the he's the um he's the pastor right the black guy with the froze the pastor, right? The black guy with the froze, the pastor? We had him lined up, and he no-showed. I'm going to tell you this. I am several hundred percent closer of going to the games now
Starting point is 01:32:08 than I was this morning. So if I was 1% this morning, I'm like 5%. That's a 500% increase or 400, 500? Huge chance. Yeah, that's huge. I think that's huge. Oh, Tim Brown, thank you. You were a wide receiver for the Oakland Raiders.
Starting point is 01:32:32 I think maybe even, I think you were the fastest man in the NFL for a while. There was a comment here I need to pull up. What's the name? Oh, what's the name? SEMA. What's the name? Oh, what's the name? SEMA. What's the name of the movie? I don't think we got that guy rescheduled yet,
Starting point is 01:32:52 but can you look up Sean Hibbler? Hibbler? Oh. I think it's called Level With Me. I'm in the UK. It was scheduling issues with Calvin time difference okay I'll bug him again you're right I dropped the ball on that
Starting point is 01:33:09 he's interesting Rambler Stevon's NFL knowledge yeah I know a little bit of everything that's not true by the way I don't know a little bit of everything level with me level the next level Fluvid 19 those are four different movies Level With Me, Level, The Next Level, Fluvid 19.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Those are four different movies. I can't remember which one I watched. I really liked it. Like it's not, it's let me see. I didn't see the one that had Bryce. I don't think Bryce Mitchell was in the one I saw but I really liked it
Starting point is 01:33:50 and it basically starts off with yeah you talk oh my god it had two stars let me see that it had two stars 3.2 it looks like it's 1.5 on there it's not like that at all it's so easy to watch it's 1.5 on there. It's not like that at all.
Starting point is 01:34:07 It's so easy to watch. It's so good. It just moves through stuff. Yeah, I don't know if I saw that one or the one. Let me see. Keep going. Oh. The next level.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Anyway, I thought it was good. 4 out of 10. Those are people just, I bet you, it was like today I looked at something. I can't remember what it was good 4 out of 10 those are people just I bet you it was like today I looked at something I can't remember what it was it was a camera or something online at B&H and there were like 21 stars and they were all that the camera came broken it's like that's not a one star you fucking idiots I bet you all the one stars
Starting point is 01:34:40 are from people who just refuse to like they didn't even watch it they're like hey this is just nonsense and it's not like that at all it's're like hey this is just flat this is just nonsense and it's not like that at all it's not like I watched it in a room with six people no one everyone went into it you know kind of like
Starting point is 01:34:53 not as serious as I was going to take it and everyone came out like oh fuck I don't know if I should have seen that yeah really yeah it's not um I mean they're going through stuff they go anything that you would say the first thing they they explain is is like yeah the reason why people laugh at us is they use a i don't want to get into it but but it's good it's good it's good i was i was a 49ers fan as a 49ers fan and a Raiders fan. Joe Montana, Steve Young, Jim Plunkett.
Starting point is 01:35:36 Oh, look at Chrissy. Scouting out camera gear for Madison. scouting out camera gear for madison fuck so many fucking snoopy fucking investigators listen what i say that was like when bruce noticed that i ate last sunday said i was having a hamburger he goes what about fasting son of a bitch i did actually fast yesterday in the middle of the week yeah i had to because i was fucking off last sunday i went to a friend's house and dude i i had two cores lights the ones like in steel cans i know it was fucking crazy you're really off the walls now it was nuts i had two cores light and passed out by my friend's pool and then woke up and had two desserts dang what kind of dessert was like tiramisu i don't even know what it was one was or one was
Starting point is 01:36:31 key lime pie and one was a banana something dude key lime pie so when i was i didn't even like it but it was good that when i was deployed we used to like take trips downtown to Oman and drop patients off. And if we had to spend the night, we would stay at a Marriott. And it was like going from living in a tin can. I saw that Marriott. That was the world's nicest Marriott. It's beautiful. It is so nice.
Starting point is 01:37:01 They have like a there's like a steak steak restaurant with a cigar bar attached to it. Oh shit, Caleb froze. You froze. Did I? Yeah, you froze at steak. Now you're back. Okay. So there's like a steak restaurant with cigar bars and humidors and all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:37:20 And every time we would go, if it was past dinner time, I would order just the biggest steak that they had. And then I would have key lime pie at the end when that was like my treat. Did you bill that to the taxpayers or you had to pay for it? No, I paid for it myself. Oh, that sucks. But that was like my little treat every time we had to drive downtown for the patient. Why would you have that pie? That pie is not even that good.
Starting point is 01:37:46 It was like really good for where I was. Okay. Like everything outside of the food that they were providing to us was just better. So I just have like really fond memories of key lime pie now. Key lime pie is like there's desserts that suck that I like, like black licorice. I can't stand black licorice, but I love it. Or hot tamales.
Starting point is 01:38:15 I mean I haven't had – I mean I don't – but key lime pie or key lime, key lime, it's just – it's bad and it's bad. I mean I still eat it, but it's no black licorice so do you know what i mean by black licorice is shitty but it's still good yeah i i understand i don't i won't eat it very often like i won't go out of my way to eat it but if somebody like offers it to me i'll like have a bite or something like it's weird yeah it is weird like it almost like feels like it has some additional value. Yeah, almost like cough syrup. Yeah. All right. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 01:38:53 We'll see you tomorrow morning. 11 hours. Holy shit. 10 hours and 53 minutes. Can't you don't you can't possibly I mean sorry Rosie said I could borrow some of her lenses and I was going to say you can't possibly have any lenses I don't own but that's just
Starting point is 01:39:15 dickish I think I'm going to change my answer to thank you that's very sweet of you right? yeah that sounds way better love you guys Caleb and i will see you uh very soon tomorrow night i'll see you in the morning caleb we'll see you tomorrow night

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