The Sevan Podcast - Saturday Is For The Boys | Live Call In #881

Episode Date: April 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Is that you? God, why is the default set on loop for this song? Always.
Starting point is 00:00:40 It's weird. Why would the default be loop? I mean, I always don't click it. Oh, there's a little button here. It says fade tracks in and out. Is that what you clicked? No, I did it in GarageBand. Oh, look at that. There's fade tracks in and out. I can click that instead of...
Starting point is 00:01:00 Oh, that's interesting. Okay, I clicked it. Oh, that's nil. That's nil. Oh, that's interesting. Okay, I clicked it. Oh, that's nil. That's nil. Oh, that's nice. Jason CF Media posted it again a little while ago. Yeah, it's awesome, right? Be cool to have my... Oh, shit. Look what I forgot to do this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:18 We just got the notice that we're not live on Rumble because I didn't punch in the fucking keys. They really want to change that. Are we... But we are live on rumble because i didn't punch in the fucking oh they really want to change that are we but we are live on youtube live on youtube and rumble uh archives all our videos okay and and we're not but we're not on the twitter account i see this morning just on my personal one see that weird yeah that's weird that must have just been a forgotten button dude it's so hard for me not to talk about the 49ers oh my god the 49ers yeah the 49ers oh suza oh someone explain to suza about the 49ers please so hard oh my god is that like the loss of midline stability i don't
Starting point is 00:02:02 even know this is breaking my heart. Oh, no. We're on our Twitter, though, now. I got that. Oh, just like that? Oh, shit, you did. You can just do that? I just found that out right now.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Midstream, you can just punch it in? Yeah. I just went to the edit button and then clicked a different destination and hit save and boom, it got it right away. I wonder if it's – I wanted to mess with it i was gonna say you probably could do that with uh rumble too but i just won't fuck that up tomorrow it's hard to remember um some people here we go uh cornholio some people have up to six 49ers that's correct olivia 49ers equals there we go there we go oh okay okay. NFL's greatest team.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Dude, I just found the best business strategy for us. You did? We'll do exactly what Louder Crowder does and be like, okay, we're going to be on here for 10 more minutes, and then if you really want to have the discussion, we'll see you guys over at. Oh, he does do that and then just roll over to Rumble? Yep.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Hey, I wonder if we could do that seamlessly, like I say, by here, and just actually just push a button that stops YouTube but doesn't stop. I wonder if you could. We'll have to do a test on it. You know what I mean? Like you just go over to YouTube and manually stop that stream and then keep going somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:03:20 And then you have a subscription to go to that next one. Yeah, yeah. We charge you guys. Yeah. So happy you're back. to go to that next one. Yeah, yeah. We charge you guys. Yeah. So happy you're back. Take my money. Thank you. There you go.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Nudes is in. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. There was a girl in college, a really nice girl. She worked at the market way out of my league. Fuck, what's her name? She works at the Isla Vista Market named Jennifer or something. And she came over to my house
Starting point is 00:03:50 and she told me, she said, hey, I want you to take my virginity. Have you ever had a girl tell you that? It was so fucking weird. No. I think that was her name, Jennifer. She had so much hair. It was fucking amazing. She was like the drummer from the Muppets. Oh, in the right places, Jennifer. She had so much hair. It was fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:05 She was like the drummer from the Muppets. Oh, in the right places, though. Hair in the right places. Yeah. Well, I just love hair. It was crazy. I just realized the 49er thing, too, by the way, from that comment you read and switched it on one of the other shows.
Starting point is 00:04:23 You say that again? I just realized the 49er thing because it was a comment you read and you switched it oh yeah a little slow sorry sorry uh news i'm i can only offer uh the money sorry that's so thank you i appreciate the clarity god i didn't thank you for having a good sense of humor i didn't mean that to sound creepy but it just it just i was it was it i was you and i and i didn't i was like i was like now she's like yeah and i really liked her and she was really hot it's a win-win situation but i fucked it all up for her i oh no i wasn't her type like you know it's crazy she was she was really dorky and I wasn't dorky enough for her.
Starting point is 00:05:06 She was so smart. I always had to ask her, like, what did you just say? Can you explain that to me again? And she was probably, like, five years younger than me. She was probably 18. I was probably – or maybe four years. I was probably 22. She was cool.
Starting point is 00:05:21 She was basically a boy. I would say that's one of the closest – she was super hot, but she was basically nerdy. You know, you know, those girls that are kind of like boys. She even smelt like a boy. I could almost chalk it up to a homosexual experience. Except she had huge tits. But other than that, we want that erotic ball story. I, um, yeah. Oh, man. My friend actually, that is true. My friend, while I was having my one and only gay experience,
Starting point is 00:05:53 my friend who actually pulled me out of that situation is actually coming over to the house today. He has kids, and we're going to have a crazy Nerf gun war. I'm actually kind of excited about it. Look at Audreyrey i definitely smell like boy i i had james newberry on last night long long show huh you enjoyed your time with him i did i i did i i i did enjoy. I had this fucking major issue going into the show. Made major issue. And, uh, that resolve or no. Okay. Okay. No, I about, uh, you remember what I sent you about 30 seconds before i went live yeah that that's fucking always hard dude that's always hard so i invite these people on the show and
Starting point is 00:06:56 then i go through their instagram and like 30 seconds before i go you think it's inappropriate i talk about this now and didn't have the balls to bring it up to him like it's kind of shallow of me or or not unless you do it like in a negative like if i do it mean yeah then it is because it's like well why don't you just say something you know yeah but if you don't if you're just discussing generally how you you know feel when that happens that's different god damn one of my wife's like hairs is in my shirt here we get that oh yeah it's like we in there yeah you can pull yes like hey did you thread this in there it's like into the crap man my face looks red i just got in the shower it's it's a it's a it's a one in a million
Starting point is 00:07:38 i wish i could tell you that hair was photoshopped. It is not. Look at it. Everyone knows me so well. It's not that I don't want to argue with him. Doses. It's that he made a video 144 weeks ago saying he's out, and it's just ambiguous again. He says he doesn't agree with Greg Glassman, but there's no – like he doesn't – just like all the other ones, he has no – well, maybe he does, and he's just being coy on purpose. But I'm going to go out on a limb and say he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. He just did what was trendy.
Starting point is 00:08:25 lemon he said he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about he just did what was trendy he just shows me that the wave of unconsciousness enveloped him to throw him in the pile with the rest of the fucking tools with the catrons and and and and dans but the thing is i spoke to him for three hours and i love the guy but when i see that video right before i go on i just want to be like why i don't know if i can answer that honestly i i might be too guarded because like i want to be like oh why i don't know if i can answer that honestly i i might be too guarded because like i want to answer that philip why didn't you ask him about it because my immediate response is i just don't want to be a dick to someone who's on my show but i i think that's just a coward's response maybe i was scared i don't know maybe i want to drop it um Maybe I want to drop it.
Starting point is 00:09:13 It's just like if you want to say, hey, Greg Glassman said this, and I hate him for that, I would respect that. But it's not. It's I don't agree with what Greg said. I'm sorry. What did he say? Go ahead and say it. Yeah, I think 12. I mean, you're on.
Starting point is 00:09:22 You're on my show. And I say things a thousand times more off the hook than that. I Floyd 19 the fuck out of this world. I fucking don't mourn that motherfucker at all. I feel bad for his parents. How about that? Like really bad. I've said it on the show before.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Horrible for his parents. I don't give a fuck about him. His daughter? he has a daughter yep oh that sucks i think he's got a couple of them well he should have done he should have done what mary's mary yang or mary slanger and the rest of the democrats wanted uh him to do abort the baby it's ridiculous to have a black child who would be born to george floyd just abort the baby that's what abortion is for save people the torment of their existence i know i know i know that's what i mean you can ask without being dick that's why i think it's just i think i'm just if there's like
Starting point is 00:10:14 if here is if it's if here is dick and here is pussy i think the scale is more on the side of pussy like i'm more scared than is there like a statute of limitations on it though too yeah that's fair too. Give me some outs. Give me some outs, Susan. Give me some outs. Well, I'm just like if you go back and you see something like some of these comedians put a long time ago, and they're like, well, that's not politically correct. And then we like grab our pitchforks and chase after them.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Right. Right, like I'm being part of the – but I do want to ask him about it. It is a little – I mean you and i have had a conversations quite in depth about that time in your response and i thought we had you not that you did anything crazy but i think 12 daily doses kind of said like if you pressed him for an answer he doesn't know either he just kind of like went with like what you were saying the wave of unconsciousness and he was just saying it was just going with like the popular athlete trendy thing so really pressed he probably would doesn't even fully have an opinion on it or a strong one he just went with the populist idea at the time right i still think
Starting point is 00:11:18 it's still crazy for me to see that stuff right uh because uh here we go because i'm saying give everyone the opportunity like you did rich because what rich did is exactly the same well the the uh i don't think rich made a post exactly like that but i feel yeah it's it's hard i don't know i really want to defend rich but the in in the thing with i think either philip or someone asked rich about it on the show they did and listen um it would have been better than talking about veganism for some here's the thing though i have a certain tack that you some of you fucking knuckleheads don't have like like sarah's in the sarah's in the comments and you guys are like why don't you have sarah on what if i don't want her on you're like the fucking little kid that asked the people to spend the night
Starting point is 00:12:05 with the fucking uh with you know like when kids do that they like go like when the parents are there like i don't care about this because they're just kids but they're just like um mommy can i stay the night at uh suzy's house and no one's asked any of the parents and it's awkward for the parents are like i'll be places and the kids are like setting up a play date and i'm looking at the parent and i'm like i don't want to go it's like it's so you know it's like you guys have no fucking tax some of you oh why don't you send him a why don't you send him a ceo shirt how about fuck off i'll decide that stay in your fucking lane you know what i mean they like the comments's like, dude, have some fucking tact.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah. But I called the show. Like, I was like, Sousa, hire more coaches. I was like, oh, thank goodness you've saved me. Now I know what to do. But the thing is – but this thing is, on the flip side of that, don't get me wrong. When – I don't know if it was Phillip or someone, but someone asked Jason Kalipa when he was on What About the Greg Thing? And someone asked Rich.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And it's like, uh, I asked Tom and Tom at, yeah, like that. Fuck. Like I wouldn't have done that. And that worked out great. That worked out great.
Starting point is 00:13:13 So I don't know. I love all you guys. Don't anyone take it? Like, uh, I don't mean to be, I'm not, I'm just getting my insight.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Yeah. This asshole piled on to this guy does it too this guy has no tact either mr andrew hiller it's simple don't post anything to the internet you don't mean would have would have fixed all the i'm out black squares or delete them what did hiller did something like that too the other day to me put me on the spot with something i'm gonna get a call from sarah you don't want me on? No, I'm not saying that. Of course I want you on. Just saying.
Starting point is 00:13:51 It was a friendly example because we knew you wouldn't be hurt, Sarah. Yeah, exactly. Man, it's a tough show. It's a tough show. Sorry, I just added this like in the last minute. So you don't have this, Susan. This will be the only one I'll be pulling up today. I haven't read this yet.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I'm going to read this for the first time while I read it to you guys. This is from the CEO of Anheuser-Busch, Brendan Whitworth. As the CEO of a company founded in America's heartland more than 165 years ago,
Starting point is 00:14:18 I'm responsible for ensuring every consumer feels proud of the beer we brew. We're honored to be part of the fabric of this country. Anheuser-Busch employs more than 18,000 people and our independent distributors employ an additional 47,000 valued colleagues. We have
Starting point is 00:14:32 thousands of partners, millions of fans, and proud history supporting our communities, military, first responders, sports fans, and hardworking Americans everywhere. Hey, Don! I love you, Don. I love what you're doing with the U.S. military. I love so much, but get your fucking shit together occupational games military first it's a fucking joke how you've neglected first
Starting point is 00:14:51 responders as the ceo of crossfit uh we never intended to be a part of a discussion that divides people neglected by the way i don't think it's too strong we never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people pointless pointlessless, pointless fucking sentence. We never intended. So you're telling me you're a fucking idiot. It's like someone punching you and saying, sorry. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer. Well, you fucked up, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Well, you fucked up. What if that was the whole statement? We fucked up, dude. Well, you fucked up. What if that was the whole statement? We fucked up. Hey, you know what would be funny, too, is if they got some really fucking smoking hot trannies and passed them off as like women and got like dudes really into them and had them build a fan base. And then after a year of making all these fucking like, you know, slutty like Danny Spiegel fucking fucking you know thirst pick content then you just uh yeah let it yeah yeah yeah let everyone know that they're dudes i would love that you're just like all you guys are faggots fucking amazing and i'd be like i knew i was gay i knew it thank you budweiser
Starting point is 00:16:02 my my time serving the country taught me the importance of accountability and the values I was gay. I knew it. Thank you, Budweiser. My time serving the country taught me the importance of accountability and the values upon which America was founded. Freedom, hard work and respect for one another. Freedom. As CEO of Anheuser-Busch, I'm focused on building and protecting our remarkable history and heritage you know what's fascinating too is alcohol is used as a way to loosen your inhibitions but also to to to pour water on a flame retardant on your soul it's a numbing agent for your soul it's flame retardant for your soul so it's kind of It's a numbing agent for your soul. It's flame retardant for your soul. So it's kind of – it's a tough drug, man, because it's used to just push shit away.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That's really important. I care deeply about this country, but I can never feel it because I drink 12 Bud Lights every night. I care deeply about this country, this company, our brands, our partners. I spend much of my time traveling across America listening to and learning from our customers, distributors, and others. Anytime a CEO says that, they're a fucking liar. I'm listening. Or they're a sellout or something. They don't care. Like, hey, how about you just have some values like fucking Rich Froning and follow those values?
Starting point is 00:17:17 Did you boycott them? I don't buy anything Anheuser-Busch makes anyway. So I don't know. I don't even know what boycott means. that Bush makes anyway. So I don't know. I don't even know what boycott means. Moving forward,
Starting point is 00:17:28 I will continue to work tirelessly to bring great beers to consumers across the nation. Means nothing. He said nothing. He said nothing. It's impressive. There's five paragraphs there. Yeah, you're a fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I want to see a picture of this guy. Brendan Whitworth. I'm so thankful we have Joe Rogan. Do you know know that i was thinking this morning in the shower about joe we're so fucking lucky so lucky we're so fucking lucky yeah what if he would have stayed a libtard what if he wouldn't have flipped the script what if he didn't have three girls or what so lucky we have yeah or he just decided oh i don't want to you know put up this fight or deal with this. I'm just going to disappear. Make my money and chill.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Yeah. He has the money to do it. Yeah, we're so lucky. Oh, yeah. Look at him. Fucking douche. He's tirelessly listening right there. That's his listening phase.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Ah. Yes. I wonder when the last time he's beer bonged a beer or when the last time he's had so many Budweiser's he threw up. Oh, what's this from CIA to beer? He used to work for the CIA. Where did you see that headline? In the right-hand side there, Fox Business, from CIA to beer.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Oh. What if you had stayed at Libtard? On the right-hand side there, Fox Business, from CIA to beer. What if you had stayed at Libtard? I'm going to show you the kind of Libtard I used to be in a minute. I'm going to just bend over and take one for the team here. Former Marine applied to Harvard just before the deadline. Oh, shit. He's fucking – it's Don Fall. It's Don Fall.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Wow. Okay. Fine. So be it. Love me some Don Fall. Wow. Okay. Fine. So be it. Love me some Donnie. Dedicated serving his country first as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Marine was me. This, this, what you, what you are about to see, this was me. I don't know, last week. cohort, this is them. But now they whisper around me because they're so scared.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I heard two fucking libtards, two very close libtards to me recently, talking about how they can't believe – what's the lady's name who was in the Supreme Court? The Roe versus Wade lady that all the women love, the feminist? Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I can't believe Ruth Bader Ginsburg didn't retire. Motherfucker, have you seen our president? Have you seen the footage from Ireland? He's gorked. He's toast.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Have you seen it yet? He's toast. Dude, he's the guy and people are talking to him and Hunter's like, um, dad, uh, they want to know, uh, it's 49 or talk. I can't even talk about it. Is that the clips that he saw where he's wandering around the white house with Hunter? No, he's in Ireland. Oh, so bad, dude. Yeah. I saw one where he was recently with Hunter in the white house and it's, it's sad. He's just being shuffled around. Uh, has, oh yeah, I saw one where he was recently with Hunter in the White House, and it's sad. He's just being shuffled around. Oh, yeah, I saw that too.
Starting point is 00:20:48 That's crazy too. Has Brian Friend disassociated from us now? No, no, no, no. Brian fucking loves the show. Can't keep Brian away. Brian had a – he was sick. He got sick. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Dance around that one. 49ers. And he's at Crash Crucible now Go ahead, dance around that one. 49ers. And he's at Crash Crucible now. Yeah, those are the things. He may still be sick. I think he's really bummed we didn't do the Frisbee show. He should be. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I swear to you, this was me last week. Can't even believe it. It should be nicer to Joe Rog rogan too because there's a former libtard okay action people more clueless than brag are his supporters crimes did donald trump commit to get him here today um all of them what specifically did he commit today what crime did donald trump commit to get him here today we don't know you don't know. You don't know? We do not know.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Go figure. What's the felony that he's being charged with exactly, actually? Fucking idiot. Do you think he's guilty? I do think he's guilty. Of what crime? Of lying. What did he lie about?
Starting point is 00:21:59 Um, everything. What did he lie about to get him here today? Um, the thing that got him here today. And that was? Obviously, I don't know. Fuck. The only people more clueless than Brad are- It really is.
Starting point is 00:22:13 It really is. It was, it's just a witch hunt. It's just, it's just, it's so crazy. We live in ambug-ambugidity. Oh, I can't even say it. I fucked that up. Ambugadi. That's when you're not sure if you want a Bugatti or not.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Ambugadi. Ambiguous. Ambuguity. Damn it. But, Sevan, there's Republicans like that, too. Go ahead. Go ahead. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Go ahead. I'm waiting. Sevan, but there's right-wing people like that, too. No, no, no. Don't worry, I'm looking into that story of the FBI caught some right wing freak who gave Ukraine information. God, there's there's there's there's all sorts of great. There's all sorts of great information coming out about the Ukraine related to the 49ers. In the whole setup that Hunter Biden kind of laid that path to the second that the big fella got in office, deals were settled.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Money was flowing. Dude, there's crazy – I saw some stuff about the 49ers yesterday in Ukraine. I always there had had to have been connected oh it's so crazy i like joe rogan but he was such a bitch when the pandemic started i thought he was a how how i remember that too that's how i got some he just he didn't want to just come out and say it like he didn't want to like just be like hey uh no kids have died from this like he was he danced around a lot he had a lot of chances to say hey this is a fat person's disease you know with an
Starting point is 00:23:51 audience that size though do you think that he would have converted more people into into really thinking and processing what was going on if he kind of floated around it and slowly moved that direction as opposed if he just spearheaded that way like would yeah 40 of his audience shut off and then his impact overall would have been much less like impactful sure sure sure i don't think that he did that strategically i think well i don't know i don't know maybe he was scared maybe he did he's been in the media space a long time he's navigating the hollywood space a long time and i think that if we don't really like look in the thing of totality we're selling him short yeah okay fair enough yeah we're lucky we're lucky we have him you'd be lucky to get one of these cups i don't understand how these cups work he ordered them they sold out and then i asked gabe i'm like hey do we have more of those
Starting point is 00:24:39 cups in stock he goes yeah we just got 48 in stock and then that'll be it what do you mean that'll be it why do him and travis and these guys why what do you mean that why if you have money i want to take it from you if i if there's something you want that i could provide you and that i could then have the money to then spend spend on like uh broccoli or hamburgers or something let's do it this cup is dope it's it's i don't use it because it's too small i was actually thinking about filling two every morning and having two side by side you think i should do that yeah like just to sell more cups yeah because it is a cool cup but if you see me drinking out of it i'm faking it it's a prop it's a total prop as you pour you can only see the logo uh yesterday a longtime listener uh hit me up in the dms
Starting point is 00:25:38 a longtime listener and said hey uh you need to drop the progressive crap and and just accept the fact that um transgenderism is a mental illness i wrote back you fucking asshole i said that before i ever heard anyone else say that two years ago i've always known it's a fucking mental illness i i'm dogmatic about the fact that if you're looking outside all you people with tattoos and piercings and the fake titties and the lips and the boat i think all that's fucking mental illness i think anytime you're outside yourself looking i think me eating a fucking pound of cashews before i go to bed at night is a fucking mental illness i'm looking for fulfillment in the outside world i think you're tarded i think the mental illness is the biggest issue we face.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I mean you see it in the fentanyl crisis and our – Well, then that's like – Regeneration crisis and the way people are thinking and yeah. I would even say that the whole world has a mental illness, but it's on degrees. But there's a thing. I wouldn't even call it a mental – yeah. I wouldn't even call it a mental illness until it has – I don't know. It started affecting the relationships around you?
Starting point is 00:26:55 Well, you know that thing about alcohol. They say if you regret what you did when you were drunk, then you're an alcoholic. Or you're in your 20s. Right. I called someone the other day when I was drunk, and and i and i keep playing the conversation over and over my head and i'm like maybe maybe i wonder if that person knew i was drunk and like i'm like well that could be a sign that i have a drinking problem um there here we go 12 daily doses not sure you really know what real mental illness is brother he's probably referring to me and not you because you
Starting point is 00:27:25 lived and worked there for multiple years in that environment no he would love to say that about me oh even yeah even though i worked in a home for mentally disabled adults for fucking five years and i would sure hope that he would have watched that but hey by the time he made that and don't forget that i was homeless but i don't have any tattoos or crazy piercings. You would look good with a nose piercing. I still have my foreskin. My parents didn't have a mental disorder. Mine did.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I'm going to remove. Listen, if we don't remove the skin off the tip of your penis, kids are going to make fun of you, and you could get an infection. You fucking morons. infection you fucking morons uh i'm a christian and i believe everything god does is great but that foreskin he fucked up that's his only spot dear god please jesus christ my lord and savior please forgive all my fellow christians for removing the foreskin from their babies without anesthesia, causing them the most pain that they've ever had in their fucking life. Fucking nut jobs. It'd take a lot of ring for Sevan's nose. In the news today, a shortage of metal.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You know, they've built buildings like that that are so fucking big and need so much metal and glass that it puts a shortage on the market wow glass and metal yeah at least i've read that uh natalie bates tattoos don't equal mental illness so you're telling me bear with me here natalie okay you're telling me that you're sitting around, and you're compelled to get a – let's say you're an Armenian guy, and you're compelled to get a – what's that thing that they – Like a tribal? You're compelled to get tribal tattoos on your arms and a huge one on your calf. And you're telling me that that makes sense, that you know the origins of that thought, where that came from. That's like a message you channel from God instead of it being something that you're trying to avoid facing something else that needs to be dealt with.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Because that, that, that I think is at the essence of mental illness, right? It manifests because you look for a cure in the outside world. That's the sort of the, the mental illnesses. Let's say one of the components of mental illness is a perseveration of thought. Oh, well that, that that I mean transgenderism is a mental illness and it's time we seriously discuss the dangers here's the thing fuck those people how about the
Starting point is 00:30:16 people who are fucking encouraging it how about the kid like you by the way any parent could give their kid a mental illness go into your room take your belt off How about the kid? By the way, any parent could give their kid a mental illness. Go into your room, take your belt off, go into the room at four in the morning and just start beating your kid every day at four in the morning. You will give your kid a fucking mental illness. Start telling your kid that there's infinite genders and they can pick their sex. You will
Starting point is 00:30:39 give your kid a mental illness. What you're going to do is you're going to inhibit some sort of, your kid a mental illness what you're going to do is you're going to inhibit some sort of you're going to cause some sort of response to them that's going to keep them from the truth and and from having inner peace and uh and it's going to it's going to manifest as a mental illness you can give that to people for sure and so when you have parents out there who are doing this uh it's fucking nuts and that that's the problem i mean we've said it before you if someone comes to you and tells you um they have uh anorexia you don't get them liposuction and yet for some reason if someone tells you that they think they're a girl, we start putting them on hormone blockers. Oh, I know what you're going to say, doses.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Well, this isn't happening very often. Oh, I have some shit for you. Wait till you see some shit. Physical abuse can fuck a kid up. Telling a kid about transgender isn't going to do shit just like telling kids about gays in the 50s didn't do. Oh, God. Oh, my goodness. do you have any kids i'm curious doses you got any kids anyway uh i i i don't have an i i don't have an issue with uh what are those plays called where the dudes dance around as women?
Starting point is 00:32:06 A musical? Yeah, a musical, but there's like one specifically. It's either a genre or a play. I don't have a problem with the city of San Francisco. I don't have a problem with men dressing up as women. I don't have a problem with any of that. I don't have a problem with mental illness. Mental illness is cool and fun too.
Starting point is 00:32:22 All of it is cool and fun. Until you let it seep over to the kid shit. And all I was saying was yesterday when I saw Dylan Mulvaney. I've never seen Dylan Mulvaney cross over into the kid shit. It's just a frail little boy who's fucking scared. So someone's like, you're getting soft on it. I said it so what i'm not a fucking demon i'm not a monster well the people that hold the information to really kind of bust that nut wide open are too entrenched in uh the 49ers um locker room to be able to actually fully speak on in the way
Starting point is 00:33:01 it needs to be spoken on because you talk to a couple of the er nurses and stuff like that and they'll tell you right away hey usually the people that come in that are like that have deep childhood traumas or dealing with a lot of stuff or are off there like there's like there's a lot of foundation of trauma underneath that it's not just like you know the norm thing you could probably do some it's confusing because you could probably do some – it's confusing because you could probably do some study that says that 87% of people who are transgender have been molested. Uncle Buck got to them. Molested by dudes. But you could also say that 66% of society has been molested or probably something crazy like that. I'm just totally making this shit up, by the way. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:33:48 So at some point it becomes like, hey, does it really have to do with been molested or some probably something crazy like that i'm just totally making this shit up by the way i have no idea but but so at some point it becomes like hey does it really have to do with being molested do you know what i mean it's like it's like if you said um uh i think 92 of the people who drove today were stoned and didn't get in accidents therefore marijuana makes you a better driver it's like uh yeah no it doesn't really i don't i don't think i don't think it works like that so i mean i am i i do need to be thoughtful about um that oh shit here we go oh my god the rate of homosexuality of transgender i don't even know what that sentence means has nothing to do with being molested. Has nothing. Dude, are you crazy?
Starting point is 00:34:31 How many gay people have you talked to? Are you fucking crazy? Dude, we've had, we've had. 528, one more time. We've had people on this show, Doses. Let me tell you. You're born this way. Maybe some are.
Starting point is 00:35:03 For instance, Jethro in the comments. Yeah, I'm not suggesting that – I think he said he has a son that's gay and that was born that way but don't say it has nothing I mean you can't be absolute on either end of the spectrum I bet you it's more than half
Starting point is 00:35:18 I bet you it's more than half Daley let's find out I bet you it's more than half there's never been any like research or studies conducted on it either, huh? I want you to be right. I want to be wrong. I want to be wrong. Okay. We've already played this before, but I just want to play it one more time.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Okay. Tolerate what? Castration and double mastectomies for 13-year-olds? No, seriously, man. That's not tolerance. That's crossed, man. That's not tolerance. That's crossed the line. That is not tolerance. That is an inexcusable silence on the part of the majority,
Starting point is 00:35:56 the vast majority, who knows this to be wrong in the deepest possible sense. Most of the bloody Nazi propaganda that led to the extermination policies at the beginning of World War II were predicated initially on compassion and tolerance. So this whole, we're being compassionate and tolerant, it's like, no, you're not. You're aiding and abetting the surgical mutilation of minors. That is not compassionate, and it's not tolerant i love it when he says come on man i just love that part uh i have a daughter that was born that
Starting point is 00:36:32 way sexuality is a spectrum and can be influenced well that's yeah that's good uh 527 TikTok. Holy shit. So I read this article. It looks like it looks like they banned TikTok in Montana, but it's it's just a it's for scroll down a little bit, please. It's for a sentiment, not actually enforceable. The bill makes it illegal to download TikTok in the state with penalties of up to ten thousand dollars a day for an entity such as Apple and Google's app stores or TikTok itself that makes the popular video streaming app available. Wow. So I think they get penalized if they allow someone. Is that true? The bill makes it illegal to download TikTok in the state with penalties of up to 10,000 a day for an entity. Wow. Federal court challenges from TikTok is expected well before then likely teeing up a legal brawl um we will continue to fight tiktok users and creators in montana who's uh we will continue to fight for tiktok users and creators in montana whose livelihoods and first amendment rights are threatened um aclu says it's a violation
Starting point is 00:37:38 of free speech college say that again oh no never mind never mind i was like hey what do you think that's about you think it's really you think they really uh give a shit or you just think the tech companies want their market share back i i i it's weird because on this i'm torn i fuck tiktok i want it gone but i also believe that it's a fucking huge mistake to do it i'm like on rand paul's side it's holy shit, it just gives more control over the government if they can do that shit. Yeah, I think that, number one. And number two, I just think it's the tech companies have infinite money to lobby to get this thing pushed, right? And TikTok has forced all of them to change.
Starting point is 00:38:19 YouTube with shorts, Instagram with reels, right? Like it's forced them to have to do more to keep up. So it has inspired competition within the social media platforms. But I don't think this whole band around like protecting our privacy from China is a fucking joke because the real issue with China is the amount of fentanyl they're dumping into our country. So if you want to have a fucking impact on the youth here in the US, you get rid of the fentanyl problem. Close the border. Close the border. And you got to know it's coming
Starting point is 00:38:45 in from the cartels right that's the it's walking right in right in through our back door uh look up the data man yeah but you think brianna taylor was innocent so so easy there buddy easy you fucked yourself yesterday wait till you have a brianna taylor one i oh we got into it about he thinks he thinks i he's fucking he's got some shit so fucking wrong. This is an interest. No, Mike, you cannot change what you're attracted to. Well, that's a very interesting thing. Isn't that interesting?
Starting point is 00:39:15 You can't change what you're attracted to. Well, that's not true, but you can definitely have your shit fucked up and misguided. and misguided. There's a lot of, unfortunately, a lot of women I've known out there who had what they were attracted to fucked up by abusive relationships. But that brings you up to the point of molestation. Is that an argument that you're saying that pedophilia is okay
Starting point is 00:39:40 because you can't change what you're attracted to? Because that is the foundation of that argument. That is where they take it. That's why they want to change it from pedophilia to being attracted to minors yeah that that's where that argument starts uh 526 i forget even what this is but we'll get to all that too we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna cruise today we're gonna cruise look at let's move on i agree uh this this is what tiktok is for ladies and gentlemen take a deep breath and enjoy the wonders of social media we'll play this probably a couple times enjoy yourself i apologize for the racist component. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Cheers. I don't know why it has to be a black cock. Cheers. Isn't that great? Oh, my goodness. Don't worry. There'll be more, ladies and gentlemen. You know, yesterday, I was talking about the things that this show is about.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I'm like, well, I'll see you guys tomorrow morning, and we'll talk about pedophilia, abortion, racism, and other fun topics. And someone's like, don't forget hogs. Okay. The Adaptive Division, 525. The Adaptive Division. Oh, there was a section cup at the end. I was interested, and I would like to hold that thing. I'd like to... Okay, this...
Starting point is 00:41:21 Careful, bro. One's going to show up. This... As long as it's in a box this is um this is a uh this is a trip this is a fucking trip right here watch closely to this i i don't even know if this is cgi or what i don't know if this is real but i all the shit in the background look at all the crap in the background like there's a leg I don't even know if this is CGI or what. I don't know if this is real. All the shit in the background. Look at all the crap in the background.
Starting point is 00:41:49 There's a leg brace and just a bunch of guards. It looks like that thing was shot with a gun on the ground. Like a hat's pick. Yeah. Okay, here we go. You broke your arm and you can still play the banjo. Yeah. And it never re-healed.
Starting point is 00:42:05 No, and I'm still working stuff. Yeah. Look, working i mean look that is ridiculous i know man can you put it back together and play the banjo yeah yeah wow when i have a stain though it keeps them straight you know what i'm saying that's amazing you know the muscles because like if this naturally that one would kick out right here's bottom see what stays bruised like it because this constant when I'm using this constantly press that bones pressing against that plate You know saying god bless you man, you know, and I'm this black ladies. I was a friend wife is Is that unreal or what? That's some CGI shit Hi, Katie. No, I think that's real dude. I Think that's real God the. I think that's real.
Starting point is 00:42:47 God, the human body's amazing. Katie Gannon. Hello. I mean, how do you think people survived with broken bones prior to Western medicine, right? It's just broken. The same way Katie Gannon survives in Morning Choco. It was too easy. As soon as I heard you say survive, I had to do it. Katie. We love you, the true survivor.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Survivor's tale. Katie, you inspired me the other day. I actually got a little jealous of you. I felt a little competitive towards you. When I found out you guys were covering, Andrew said you were going to talk to him about the Nopin. You let those people know over there that i will partake in the resuscitation of morning chalk up i'm not joking
Starting point is 00:43:30 i will i will and if you have any ideas of how i could help you resuscitate it i mean you can share them to me in confidence i won't i won't share them you can or you can talk to matt about them i won't like let me know do not or you can talk to Matt about them. I won't. Let me know. Do not want you fuckers to die. The Hill article went up this morning. Awesome. Congratulations. Right when you said the occupational games,
Starting point is 00:43:57 or that part in the open, immediately I thought there's a huge opportunity there for somebody. For the, oh, yeah, yeah yeah that's a good point hey wouldn't that be cool if budweiser did that budweiser said okay uh we see crossfit's dropped the ball on that and uh um what we're gonna do is we're gonna fight we're gonna use the crossfit open and they can do this anyone can do this and give we should do it let's interview someone who's the fittest something let's find out who the fittest something is like the fittest marine how about the fittest guy in the military yeah how we do that just like someone someone
Starting point is 00:44:35 someone will figure it out like a help and will or something and have them on well budweiser could do that and give that dude like you know what i mean like budweiser for life and ruin his life with peace and love you got budweiser for life your shit's ruined like congratulations on your win sir uh daniel garrity uh already tried to get that guy with the banjo in the adaptive division and already got a letter back sorry you don't qualify for the adaptive division he's got too much arm on him i wonder if that guy qualifies or he's got too much arm on him jeez oh my goodness oh my goodness okay uh 524 words matter i don't i don't i'm okay with a good juicer i've accepted the juicing the juicing you know what i did here though i heard that everyone at um morning chalk up takes adderall uh and that's how they uh pump out so much work same at clydesdale media both both heavily addicted to adderall there's a
Starting point is 00:45:44 shortage in the country so that we might see it slow down. Is there really? There has been for a while. Yeah, a lot of prescription meds, I think. Got it. But that one being the main one. Okay. Action.
Starting point is 00:46:01 We can't become too sensitive with language because we're going to prevent ourselves from describing reality. I saw an activist on the news and she goes, I don't see color and I don't see gender. And I thought, good luck describing your attacker. We'll just keep an eye out for somebody with a frown, you fucking snowflake
Starting point is 00:46:25 yeah language we can't become too sensitive with god it's so real right yeah that reminds me of old like fuck what was the comedian was it carlton george carlton that did a lot of this stuff back in the 90s too do you know what i'm talking about i probably screwed his name up maybe somebody in the comments will get it right. But he was saying like the, all like the language has been lost. And like, as,
Starting point is 00:46:51 as, and he did this whole bit on like shell shock. And he was like back in, you know, world war one, you came home, it was shell shock. He's like,
Starting point is 00:46:58 and then it was battle fatigue in world war two, then operational distress. Yes. And it kept getting bigger. He's like, now we have post-traumatic stress disorder. And he's like, the words got fancier. They got more ambiguous,
Starting point is 00:47:09 and nobody got the fucking help they needed. Right, exactly. Yeah. All right. I can't wait till they look back in time and see what... It's the same with the lobotomy. Like, does anyone think a lobotomy was a good idea? Basically, literally, they take off the front of your skull and then take a butter knife and mush the front of your brain.
Starting point is 00:47:29 It's like that. Or like the bleeding. I'm listening to this book that's on like origins on certain topics we're not allowed to talk about. Like how did it get to where it was, right? Yeah. And it's crazy because in the early or the late 1800s, the Wild Wild West was all charlatans. Oh, the medicine? All the professionals.
Starting point is 00:47:49 It wasn't until the- It still is. It still is. It still is. The 49ers are still charlatans. Yeah, but in 1892, just the four that were self-proclaimed the most scientific at the time
Starting point is 00:48:01 because they were following scientific method, just basically formed the school and then and then the factory just pumped them out boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and i could go more detail with it but i just yeah that's it that's it and so i well i just i don't want to dance around the topic but he can't he he he doesn't want to talk about the nfl until after july we're not doing any nfl talk to after july but it's a really interesting book it's called the way of the white coats oh okay that's what you meant bruce way of the white coat should i read that
Starting point is 00:48:35 the white coat ways i think it was is the author still alive i haven't finished it so i can't tell you if it's good or yeah the book's brand new it was written in like january someone sent me a link to a podcast that andy stump did yeah yesterday with the one of the guys who was at the brianna taylor shooting john mattingly and i want i'm and i bought the book i want to read i want to read his book and then get him on here uh 50 523 oops oh you're gonna love 522 i got this footage of a man beating a woman you guys are gonna love this but but before we get to that oh don't worry it's sanctioned don't worry it's sanctioned i'm gonna show you footage of a man hitting a woman so hard he fucking knocks her out but don't worry don't worry it's all it's all it's for women's rights. Women need equality. 523.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Wow. Oh, my goodness. So it's hard to make me laugh. I don't laugh easy, I don't think. This is fucking awesome. It says, get a girl you're comfortable with. And it's a woman looking up at a man's crotch with a shaver, and apparently she's shaving his pubes. Here we go. Action. I was like, where's this going? Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Good, right? That is too much. Oh. Oh. I don't know. Shave your own shit. I think, I think, thank you. I appreciate whoever sent me that. Thank you. Just to wrap this, this was the book that I referenced there.
Starting point is 00:50:38 White Coat Ways. What year was it written? January. Oh. Yeah. You already read it. Why did you read that? How do you pick that book? No, I didn't read it already.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I'm only like maybe like one-fourth of the way, and that's why I said I'd recommend it to you after I finished it, so I really knew. Why? Right now they're just talking about the education of it. Why did you pick that book up? Yeah. Because I've just been super interested in like origins. Because if you define it, you it right yeah so who defined all the stuff and who decided and who went from plugging shit in and then stabbing it into you to see if it worked too now you can't talk about it unless you're a
Starting point is 00:51:17 professional when did that happen how did that happen where did it start from so i just got curious and this kind of the algorithm fed it to me the amazon algorithm fed it to me well fuck good on you i like it that you read so much because it makes me competitive i want to read more too cool i like that 522 uh as long as you're uh as long as you pretend to be as long as you pretend to be as long as you pretend to be a woman you can beat the fuck out of them so says the libtard community you think this is
Starting point is 00:51:55 the person who wins this fight is a man by the way and I ask you once again do you think this is a democrat or a republican you guys think this is a Democrat or a Republican? You guys think this is okay? Right here? Watch this. Fox, deliver the knees, and that's it! Fallen Fox!
Starting point is 00:52:11 Holy cow! Game over. Need that woman in the face. Our first winner's $20,000 championship tournament fight. Two winners, one knockout. I was the real of Swords.
Starting point is 00:52:27 How are you feeling right now? I'm feeling excellent. That was sweet, huh? Did you like that? Yeah! And I want to tell everyone else, I'm coming in this tournament. Every woman in this tournament better look out.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I'm freaking coming. You hear that? Fox, the lift of the knees, and that's it. I'm freaking coming. Fox, that's it. Fucking crazy, dude. Fucking crazy. What? Oh, don't worry. These are just
Starting point is 00:52:57 isolated incidents. It's not a big deal. This doesn't really happen. I'm coming. You tell all the players out there. Don't worry. Don't worry. That's not even the UFC. That's just some side. Don't worry. I should have cut it with that.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Don't come. Do not come. I'm coming. 521. Break it up. Break it up, guys. Break'm coming. 521. Break it up. Break it up, guys. Break it up. Break it up.
Starting point is 00:53:29 That's all I got to say. Break it up. What's up with my eyes this morning? Yeah, you've been itching them, yeah, right? Dude, my six-year-old son is so fucking good at tennis. Will you play 521, and then I want to show you this footage I shot yesterday. It's crazy. Oh, this is so good.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Here we go. Enjoy yourself, people. I like the guys. I like the LGBTQ community. I like them all. I like the L, the B, the G, the T, the Q. Me too. In equal
Starting point is 00:53:58 measures. I don't even have a favorite. I like them all equally. I support them all equally I support them all equally as individual groups I do not support them as a collective group because they have fucking nothing in common you have one bloke who's like
Starting point is 00:54:24 I like sucking dicks. Another guy goes, I want to cut my dick off. We should be a group. I like the guys. I like them. Thank you. Thank you. That's so funny.
Starting point is 00:54:40 That guy stole my bit. Break that shit up. Oh, man. Get the fuck away from each other. I have so much fun doing this. It's so jealous when I just listen to it on the way to my fucking – all the shit I'm doing. 520. Oh, let me see.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Will you go to Three three plane brothers yes this i just some of you are going to get this very few of you are going to get this and some of you who get it are going to be like holy shit this is a six-year-old this is so fucking crazy this is so fucking crazy what you're about to see this is a six-year-old playing full court fucking tennis now granted all the shots to them are easy but this is nuts this this right here this is nuts this is my six-year-old boy joseph by the way people who do know like while we're there at this place people stop by and they're like wow you can hear people audibly going,
Starting point is 00:55:46 holy shit. Just looks like just a kid hitting a tennis ball, right? He's fucking rallying and he's six. Full court. With top spin. That's Avi over there, eight-year-old, hitting to him so he can hit them all back. Avi's just going crazy
Starting point is 00:56:03 easy on him. Dude. Oh, that sounded like a double bounce. Here I get it! Look how yoked that fucker is already. It's crazy. I was laughing so hard at that one. He posted of them reading on the skateboard ramp.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Oh, yeah, and he flips me off. He's getting such a personality, dude. Dude, it is fucking – what you just saw is nuts, the coordination it takes for a six-year-old to track a ball like that for a minute and hit back and forth full court. He's put in so much work to do that and it's totally true and the reason is because it's that exponential growth remember when i was telling you about that a while back and i was like all of a sudden you're just gonna look up and
Starting point is 00:56:57 all his skills are gonna kind of like accommodate and his freaking skateboarding gonna go through the roof and that's yeah yeah his his skateboarding is going to go through the roof. Yeah, yeah. His skateboarding is crazy right now. That's exactly what's happening. His front side, like, out of the bowls and stuff like that. Like, people don't realize how hard that actually is. The disaster is nuts. Yeah. Seven, are your boys eight, six, and six?
Starting point is 00:57:21 Yeah. They don't know any of that stuff yet. Who's his tennis idol? My boys are so naive. They're so naive. It's school right now, dude. Idols, it's moving to school and play and learning. They know who Djokovic is probably because they've heard me bitch about him.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Not getting because of the 49er incident. I love that. heard me bitch about them not getting because of the 49er incident yeah it's it's um you know it's uh the reason why we don't do much skiing's just skiing's so bloody expensive yeah skiing's so bloody expensive track too yeah i mean all of it's a crazy expensive but the skiing's just out of control yeah they all their handstand push-ups crazy. I don't know if you're talking about my kids, but they can handstand pushup like crazy. Okay, this account is really – I kind of got stuck on this account yesterday. Like it was like – might as well be one of those hot chick accounts. It's – this account's a trip.
Starting point is 00:58:22 This guy's a trip. I like what he's doing, this genre. Oh, yeah, they know who Brian Shaw is also, yeah, because they asked Alexa who's the strongest man in the world. That's correct. They do. Eric Wise, watching my nine-year-old pitch his baseball game for the first time last night was pretty special.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Wow. Yeah, hard work, patience, and consistency, right? It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy. Congratulations to you. That's really cool. Yeah, it's nuts. And no one knows, except for other people, that small cohort that have other people who, like, want their son to pitch.
Starting point is 00:58:59 And, like, you take your 10-year-old out there, and he can't even throw the ball. And yet there's a 9-year-old out there pitching a game. It's mind-boggling. It's, it's mind boggling. Yeah. Mind boggling. It's crazy what those kids like pick up on and what sticks to them too. Like, I know you talk about that a lot on the show,
Starting point is 00:59:15 but like now that we're four or five cycles into the, uh, the youth strength and conditioning that I do in the evenings at the gym, like some of them will come up and be like, Oh yeah. You remember when you said blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, how the hell? I didn't even know you heard that or remembered it or anything, you know? And like a couple of them too were like, we'll stand there.
Starting point is 00:59:33 They'll watch some of the new kids squats and they're like, no, you got to go full range of motion. Let me show you. And we're like, feeling like, you know, just, just two months ago, none of those kids even knew how to squat. So it's pretty cool. They'll have that their whole life, what you gave them. And I do. I go deep with them. So we'll go and they'll break out into aces.
Starting point is 00:59:51 And I'll be like, hey, guys, pay attention to the wall balls. See all the numbers weren't out here? And they're kind of like, yeah. And I'm like, if you pay attention to that level of detail, life gets so much easier because you don't feel like you're missing things. And they're like, oh. Or one of the kids almost walked in talking to the other kid back squatting. And I'm like, hey, situational awareness is your number one goal
Starting point is 01:00:07 to safety. And we started like talking about different things that they would notice and how far away stuff was. And so people always like, what's the best, you know, martial art or self defense. It's called paying the fuck attention. People that's your best self. Wow. Wow. Did you make that up yourself? Uh, I'm sure I heard it somewhere, but yeah, it came to me right now. But I'm just like thinking about it. There's nothing else that would, you know, everybody's worried about like what's the best way for, you know, defense of this or the best martial arts, like getting your head out of your cell phone. Pay attention to what's going on around you and just keeping your distance. Distance saves your life.
Starting point is 01:00:39 It doesn't matter if you're in a car, if you're in a fight. Distance and your ability to control the distance is the most important thing. You mean if there's a gang fight downstairs in front of my house and I'm on the 13th floor of an apartment building and I see 60 people fighting in the street, I shouldn't go down there? No, film safely from your balcony and post it on the internet. Hey, that was another thing about the I'm out thing like all those people could have just stayed away but they couldn't resist they were all cozy in their on their 13th floor but they couldn't resist catcher had to go downstairs walk out in the street yeah yeah yeah throw some punches oh yeah see how that plays he's down get him he's knocked out kick him david arsenal five dollars for the snowboarding fund thank you it's a nice shirt
Starting point is 01:01:26 uh cancel that why do you have alexa i don't i don't know the answer to that uh probably because probably because we uh we used to have one in the bedroom and then my wife said no so that one got tossed then we had one in the garage and it just stopped working and then we got the big giant one with the giant screen in the kitchen um probably got it like i don't know when the day it came out five years ago and it just stayed on top of it the whole time um uh katie i'm actually surprised by that too i'm actually surprised too to be honest. Well, we trust Jeff Bezos. I'm actually surprised, too. I'm open to talk me out of it. I'm open to...
Starting point is 01:02:13 Mostly, I use it to look at and laugh at the shit. It's all clickbait. It's funny. And there's never any heavy, serious topic. It's all biased. But usually, we use it to play music or um timers we're constantly setting timers in the house yeah probably that too i should ask it that that'll make me you mean that's a good way to get rid of it when it says
Starting point is 01:02:38 like joe rogan i just throw it out the window you remember years back when i pushed it to that way when you would say hey alexa what is fitness it would come up with my what is fitness article that i read and haynes called me the alexa guy when he would see me at the ddc you got it oh yeah wow yeah because back in remember that what was it 2018 or 2019? I was having that conversation and I said that voice will be that next generation. So by taking all the journal articles and converting them into audio files and then hooking them up to making sure that when you say, Alexa, hey, what is fitness? Hey, what is a squat? That it travels all to the CrossFit journal articles first.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And if you just overwhelm the system, like, you know, doing the same thing in YouTube in 2008 or nine, you know, and you just own that that search you would do it through the same way with voice in in 2016 i got a company to come on board um it is the largest distributor of documentaries in the world and i got them to start putting the god what the fuck was the name of that company? It's the company that distributes all of Heber and Mars is documented. Gravitas. Gravitas. Yes. And I got they we I got them to start pushing along with one of our staff, Kevin Daigle, all of our content from YouTube to Amazon.
Starting point is 01:03:56 And even though it was free on YouTube, push it to Amazon and start charging for it. And they said that they would do that to all of the ott platforms in the world and that we could probably make 30 million dollars a year doing it easy that was like if we got one percent of one percent of one percent of all the people to subscribe it was like some it was totally doable and it was all stuff we already had we had to make nothing new and it was shot down by uh the fucking dumb fuck ceo at the time and uh and greg it was crazy that by the fucking dumb fuck CEO at the time. And, and, and Greg,
Starting point is 01:04:26 it was crazy. That was such a mistake because I remember you talking to me about one of the platforms was Alexa. That's what made me think of that. Yeah. Dumb fucks. And it's so funny because you're that idea, which we also discussed way back then too.
Starting point is 01:04:39 And you had to come up with that many years before we had chatted about it. But if they, if you would, if they would have given you the permission to do that. And then this whole new idea that CrossFit had of like, hey, now you could do these 12 workouts at your house by paying 150 bucks. And then it gives you, you know, the the nearest CrossFit gym. So now you could go into your affiliate.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Right. So it's supposed to be like a starter program. During the pen, the the the time we were inside our houses and couldn't leave. That would have fucking killed. Killed, killed, killed. The combination of that and Glassman giving the information so you could think clearly through this crazy muddy water time and the tools right there in an OTT. Holy shit. CrossFit, look out. Killed.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Killed. 520, this account. God damn it. I'm going to tell you another crazy story I thought of. You know the NSCA case? We have no idea how much they settled that for. Right. But think about that.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Let's say they bought the company from Greg for $10, but they settled the case for $20. That means they made $10 when they bought the company. You ever thought about that? Yeah. Let's talk about that offline too. Okay. And that's only a direct transaction. If you think about how that goes over a time period.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Yes. Yes. It's a no brainer. Drop in the bucket. Okay. This guy's. And I've talked to people and they're like, don't be stupid. It didn't happen like that.
Starting point is 01:06:00 But Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey,
Starting point is 01:06:04 Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey,
Starting point is 01:06:04 Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, It didn't happen like that, but hey. Okay. Project the interests. Scroll down a little bit. Go to Reels. Sorry, go to Reels. The Reels tab next to post. There we go.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Okay. Click that second one with the guy with – or click the first two. Click the one that says Nick Gah. Here we go. God, this guy looks like haynes how are you today i'm good how are you except he talks you go by any pronouns by the way um she her she okay do you know what neo pronouns are so my neo pronouns are nick or ga-A. G-A like God, not like God.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Can you say them again? I kind of forgot. It's okay. Nick, like the name Nick and then G-A, so God. So if I was to refer to you as she, her, you'd refer to me as Nick God. Who you cosplaying as? Hello. Okay, go to the next one.
Starting point is 01:07:07 I think this is that Omegle. I think this dude just does these on Omegle. Who you cosplaying? Yakuyen Togami. He is mostly of a richy rich guy who's pretty much a douchebag to everyone during the game and actually is the main, well, not main antagonist, but side antagonist. He antagonist he usually would ruin the trials really yeah you know what's
Starting point is 01:07:28 crazy about that i don't give a and there we go the obvious answer that i have known you've proven me right ah look at you thinking you have all the power in the world thinking you could trick me i've fallen for your illusion how disappointing so you're gonna longingly gaze at me yeah you a funny ass dude what the this guy just meets strangers go to the next one it's crazy and there's so many fucked up kids what is it omegla chat roulette not omegla chat roulette oh no it says no it's omegla it says it right there yeah you're right right here okay did you also see that tide bottle he had on like a that was weird okay yeah yeah i saw that i saw that oh wait scroll down a little bit more scroll
Starting point is 01:08:21 down there's one down here that's just fucking crazy. Oh, go to that one with the bald guy. These are real people. We're probably going to start doing more in-person stuff. Sorry to cut you off, but I just want to slap the shit out your head. I'm sorry. I just had to get that off my chest. I'm sorry. That wasn't very impressive.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Just look how bald it is. I understand the fathom of how bald as fuck my boy is, but I cannot be saying that. We probably need to start doing more. And look at these crazy kids. These are real kids. Don't worry. These are isolated. Oh, keep going down. Keep going down. Keep going down. That one on the left.
Starting point is 01:09:00 That thing that looks like a girl-boy thing on the left. Yeah. Watch this one. Yeah. What the fuck is going on here? Shut up, nigga. Why are you – Yeah! I don't like black. And I don't like fanboys.
Starting point is 01:09:13 So what's up? Well, fanboys don't like you either. What the fuck is going on? You know, it's crazy. So that guy calls him that name right and he's so excited because he knows that that's content yeah yeah yeah yeah look at how many views that got 425 look at the one that got 905 000 right above what about the 1.1 mil where's oh yeah yeah go to that one that one's crazy too i am transgender oh nice you couldn't tell i'm not gonna assume anything about you
Starting point is 01:09:46 would you go from female to male oh you're male now i didn't even notice you're just saying that i am i am transgender oh nice you couldn't tell i'm not okay there's one more you gotta see uh uh keep going is it um where is it he's talking to this fat girl it's crazy keep going maybe it's the other way maybe it's the other way what an account right this dude's got 117 000 followers doing this keep going oh i don't know where it's at anyway well that one has 5.5 mil that's his his. This is his biggest one. Okay. Sure.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Sure. Yeah. That one's good. Do I watch? I do. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm a drag queen. So I go by neopronouns.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Okay. Yeah. So what are those? So when I'm in drag, I like to go by Nick, but my regular secondary pronouns are her. So I have this exercise that I do actually. So I'll start off with the exercise.
Starting point is 01:10:46 For you, I'll go, my she, they, my she, they, my she, they. And for me, you'd go. Nick her, Nick her, Nick her. Oh, my God. Caught in 4K, man. You know what pronouns are? I do. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Good luck. Congratulations for using the internet the way it's supposed to be used. I caught you in 4K. Good luck. Congratulations for using the internet the way it's supposed to be used. I caught you in 4K. 519. I do not agree with this guy. I do not think that – one of the listeners sent me this. I don't think I – I think this is flawed logic here. I think maybe – this is some weird shit here. I don't think this guy is thinking correctly. Here we go. He's saying, why is homosexuality a sin if we're born like that? I I think he's comparing apples and oranges. Oh Wow, okay, go ahead
Starting point is 01:11:39 That's who you are and that's your identity I Disagree just because you're born with a drive does not make it good. I'm a heterosexual male. Do you think that my heterosexual drive is to have sex with just one woman? Thank you for smiling. No, I would like to have sex with many different beautiful women. The question, though, for me as a heterosexual male is, has God created my sexuality for a purpose? And if so, what is that purpose? Just because I'm born with a drive doesn't make it right. And we're all born with mixed up drives.
Starting point is 01:12:24 What I hear you saying so there's all these presuppositions presupposition of god presupposition of right and wrong um i i just don't uh interesting you you that's the problem i have with the god people anytime they lean on that shit so fucking hard as like a hole for their logic. You know what I mean? Like when in doubt, just use God and find your way out. Yeah, it's like – That's a rhyme you guys can have.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Homosexuality has no purpose. That's the point. I guess I could see that. Yeah. I mean you mean like no superficial purpose. It's like it could be just fun or but there's no superficial meaning. There's no practicality. Oh, here we go. I'm about to get fucked up.
Starting point is 01:13:11 This guy always fucks me up. Here we go. Mr. Will, hi. Without God, then we should let boys become girls. Without God, the only moral compass is someone's own self-determination. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:31 The other day when I had Jay Nair on, he explained to me objective morality, and objective morality is when you treat people the way you want to be treated so you don't kill people because you don't want to be killed. Okay, but what makes that objective? to be treated so you don't kill people because you don't want to be killed isn't you could okay but what makes that objective you can make something objective you have to appeal to an authority beyond this beyond us beyond our world so either either you appeal to what the U.S. government determines is right or wrong or to determine – or to some other earthly authority. Okay. But to make it objective, it has to be beyond ourselves. And so to have any sense of moral compass of right and wrong, you must appeal to God. You must appeal to God.
Starting point is 01:14:31 I guess I just take that as morality is always going to be subjective. But if you accept morality as a fact, then it does seem like it's objective to me to say that you shouldn't kill. I agree with you, but what if someone disagrees with us? What if someone thinks that if economic times are tough, it's okay to kill your child so they don't grow up with a hard life? Right, right, right. Well, then those people are void of morality, because I used to be like that. You're void of morality.
Starting point is 01:15:27 I agree, Sevan, but why can we say they are void of morality? It's because we have an intuitive sense of right and wrong based on the fact of our creation by a God who loves us. loved us and if we don't ground that sense of right and wrong based on the created order of life then we then it is just a question of who's in power who's got the money and the gun and what do they think is right and wrong and you either agree with them and you're outcast or you you do agree with them and you're happy because justice or something right i like this framework of this question well a lot or statement i should say that he just said yeah that was it's pretty good like i got i got nothing i mean it got me thinking it really got me thinking. But that's the thing with us God people. It should change everything. And like to say you can't bring God into the equation, I mean, that's like saying you shouldn't bring oxygen into the equation when you go for a two-mile run.
Starting point is 01:16:40 It's just – it seems like an out instead of intellectually explaining something. Well, I mean, I'm happy to intellectually explain to you why it's bad for children to let them determine their gender at six or seven years old. I'm happy to explain to you why it's bad for society to open up the institution of marriage to any consenting adults who agree to it. But, you know, it's weird. Right. I see all of those. But what this guy was saying, I'm not even sure I understood what this guy was saying. Did you see the clip I just played?
Starting point is 01:17:18 Yeah. So we talked a few weeks back about the natural law. And just because humans are born a certain way doesn't, it also means that we're born with original sin and the tendency to do the wrong thing. Because we're a composite of body and soul that is marked by God's creation, but is marred by original sin. And the temptation, from what tree did Adam and Eve eat that they shouldn't have? It was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The temptation to determine for yourself what is good and evil. And so it's entirely rational to say that you, a handle on, you know, inbred temptation and inbred,
Starting point is 01:18:09 inbred, um, not inbred, sorry, but you know, innate characteristics, right? His point was,
Starting point is 01:18:16 you know, the, you are not necessarily born with the biological drive to, you know, only have relations with one woman, that being your wife. But that is what's good for you, and it's what's good – happens to be what's good for society as well. But you can't make that same frame with homosexuality. Could you imagine being told that being attracted to women is wrong? being told that being attracted to women is wrong no because it's not it is it's okay so so how how is that the natural law so how am i supposed to
Starting point is 01:18:54 even comprehend if someone claims they're attracted to men to tell them it's wrong because of all the things outside of like breathing and like maybe digesting food my my attraction to women's like ranks pretty high of things that feel like automated response and so how how am i supposed to i cannot possibly imagine telling someone one that it's sin what they're attracted to that it seems just crazy to me said or to try to change them well so to be clear like like if i was attracted to dudes i'd be like what the fuck like how and there were people telling me there was a sin i just have to i have to convert that to like suza pulling me off on the side and being like hey dude um your your attraction to the female form is just wrong it's inappropriate
Starting point is 01:19:45 and i'm just like wow it would hurt me dude a little bit that's why i hate all those people who call me misogynist it's like dude are you kidding me you're out of your fucking mind what is what is wrong is to uh a sin is an act of the will so So to lust, right? One of the seven deadly sins is to lust and long for something. Right. Something that is disordered. Right. And so, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:13 even the Catholic Church does not teach that the mere inclination towards homosexuality is a sin. It is not to damn all people who have that inclination. What is the sin is to act on that inclination to lust after someone of the same sex. Similarly, Sevan, you know, I would not necessarily say, although, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:42 like when you remark on a woman's body, on its beauty, I mean, trusting your goodwill and intentions, i don't necessarily think that's a sin because you are you are remarking on the beauty of something now if you were to say give me that and you were to do that as a married man i think that would be a sin and i think that i think someone should tell you that's wrong because you, you are married and that, you know, I mean, to me, it's, it's the breakdown of the moral argument. If, if you can't tell someone that something about them is wrong, then we, then it kind of goes back to our original question. We don't live in a society that's grounded with any sense of morality. My, my dad is an alcoholic. It is in his, his any sense of morality. My dad is an alcoholic. It is. And his dad was an alcoholic. His dad was an alcoholic. And so I have to be able to tell him it's wrong to have that inclination, even though it is as much a part of him as anything.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Let me say this to you, Will, just to get really objective with it. Okay, so first of all, for some reason, I'm really, really blessed with the inability to visualize. So my whole life, the whole time you're talking, I can never remember seeing a hot girl and thinking about fucking her. I just think she's hot. And maybe at most I think, holy shit, what if I could talk to her? But that's just the way I'm wired. I'm not wired to – but that's just the way i'm i'm wired i'm not wired to but but here's the thing i i see a man with a beautiful body and i think holy shit that's a fucking incredible body i wonder if i could get my body to look like that like i like i i'm
Starting point is 01:22:16 interested in what he ate or moved or how from a young age i wonder how i can pole vault like that i wonder but with the girl there's something a little more i want right i see her and i start to want more like maybe to talk to her to hear her voice to have an interaction with her maybe maybe be in an elevator with her where i could smell her or get closer to like my other senses want to experience her right and then each one on top of that wants another one and another one and then all next thing you know you want to fucking like be naked with her in a bathtub right and like eating a bowl of soup with her, sharing a spoon with her. You know what I mean? Shit gets – you're a dude.
Starting point is 01:22:51 You want to do some shit, and I'm very romantic. But imagine if someone had those – had that for men. I just don't understand how I would ever judge them for that. I don't understand how anyone – I mean I control that. I don't talk to every pretty girl I see. I don't talk to any of them. I'm a pussy, and now I'm married. But I don't understand how I could call it a sin if someone wants to – if someone had those – if it was a man and had those same feelings for another man that i have
Starting point is 01:23:25 uh with with a girl i know i'm amazing are you is there is there any is there any sexual inclination for which you would be willing to tell someone that they that they are expressing a sin yeah unfortunately and i was afraid you were going to go here there absolutely is right and so my so if you if you if you if you were to rape any human being take them forcefully or if you if and here's the part where it gets weird and where you you have me cornered if you have those inclinations for a child i i i mean i really don't care what happens to you like there was a guy i know who got in trouble uh it was a crossfit gym owner he got in trouble for molesting some kids and he killed himself.
Starting point is 01:24:06 And part of me thought he was a hero. I know as gross as that sounds, I kind of was like, wow, I kind of look up to that guy. Well, and so then we both agree. We both agree that there is a some some order that should govern an individual's private sexual action. Being attracted to kids sounds like a fucking living hell. Yeah, I mean, God, you're right. That's what the ninth layer of hell is for, as far as I'm concerned. The what? The ninth floor elevator?
Starting point is 01:24:38 The ninth layer of hell. Oh, oh, oh. That's Reed Dante's Inferno. Conversation from another time. Oh, okay. Yeah, I mean, I don't need to keep going, but to my mind, you have to draw the line where it makes the most sense based on how we are created to exist as man and woman and what that means for the propagation of, of our species and for the good of children, which is to live with their mother and father, uh,
Starting point is 01:25:07 who, who made them. I wish, I wish I could do a, uh, yeah, you're right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:13 Yeah. Yeah. All right. Thank you. See you guys. Bye. I just can't, I just,
Starting point is 01:25:21 I just like your energy. So powerful. Yeah. Yeah. That, that got a little muddied for me towards the end but i just really like the i like questions that really make you just stop and think about a bunch of shit for a minute you know yeah it's great and he he started that he started it
Starting point is 01:25:34 out that way because in last time remember he gave me crap because i like stopped him with the whole uh hate speech and who governs it and yeah yeah so that was that was a good that was a good start he's free but he's got some bumpers on yeah uh 518 speaking of sin i absolutely adore danielle brandon i fucking I kind of wish I was her sometimes. So watch this video here. I just... People say that thing, so-and-so is my spirit animal. I swear to God, she's my fucking spirit animal. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Okay, so she's squatting here, right? Okay. Now, so scroll down a little bit in the comments this is uh keep going amazing daniel brandon totally focused queen things only baby beautiful glow of heart i love you repeat it uh it really gobbles oh here we go okay now look at this guy uh gobble squat on my face please Repeat it. It really gobbles. Oh, here we go. Okay, now look at this guy. Gobble squat on my face, please. Take me out to dinner first. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 01:26:55 She's so cool. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Hey, that dude, Albalitis or whatever your name is, you should just fucking jump off a building now. Your life only goes downhill from there. Like, you did it. Okay?
Starting point is 01:27:17 So good. Yeah, you did it. Holy shit. Holy shit. I love how she just leans into it, too. That's so cool. Yeah. How about take me out to dinner first, damn. Take me out to dinner first, damn.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Oh, my God. Gobble squat on my face. And I just like how that guy says, please. Gobble squat. Dude. She's awesome dude rad scored with her oh my god i'm getting me i'm ordering my 13th pair of toe spacers today oh my god he's a tool for posting that no no no john no no no well that was a great comment maybe he's a tool but either way she she dunked it it was a bad pass and she fucking smashed it in the hole and i think with like the please and like stuff i it seemed to me like it was a joke like he was making it as a joke.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Yeah, I mean she could have gotten so sensitive. It's like, listen, no one's – she's so fucking incredible and just oozing fucking yumlito. She's a fucking box of cereal, man. And she's just not in denial. Like, yeah, like I get it. Yeah yeah y'all simp hard over daniel yeah triple quadruple simp yes all the simping yes i hate that word simplicious i like that one though yeah like fuck you yeah we simplicious here. You sip on my nuts. But I just, needle mover, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:07 It's just like, it's so good. And you know what? If tomorrow, if the next day she said, hey, how about you fuck off? Any response. It's just like, it's a win. It's like, how about I shit in your mouth? No, I mean, she handled it perfect i can't
Starting point is 01:29:25 do better than her i just wish i could just walk in her shoes for a minute god we got a party with her one time maybe she'll come to like that no no i don't want i'm i'm happy at three thousand yeah yeah yeah i hope i never meet her i love her so much I don't ever want anything to get Some of these people that I meet I just assume you've met I'm just happy She's fucking rad Oh rad shoes
Starting point is 01:29:55 Pun intended Plug intended And if you have fucking goals In Danielle Brandon That dude's goals are set Like yeah Okay If you have fucking goals in Daniel Brandon, that dude's goals are set. Like, yeah, okay. 5.17, just in case you thought it was just a joke or that it's just an isolated incident.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Let me play 5.17, the top one for you, James O'Keefe. Speaking of saints and angels, not only is Danielle Brand an angel. You can just play like 15 seconds of this. Washington Correction Center for Women Inmate Insider Footage. So we have men rapists and men murderers in here with us. This is a women's prison. Action. Men rapists, men murderers, child rapists, men who have killed women and are in prison for raping and killing women who keep prison in our room. James O'Keefe, OMG News here.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Have you heard of the Washington State Correctional Center for Women, which has been in the news for its policy to place men who identify as women in the same prison? Okay, stop. Don't worry. I'm just kidding. This isn't a real story. Don't worry. This doesn't really happen. This is just an isolated incident in Washington.
Starting point is 01:31:14 It's not your mom or sister that's in there. Those girls deserve that. Dude. Dude. Dude. Dude. These fucking people are atrocious. Who are putting women in this situation.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Are you fucking kidding me? I don't care what a woman's done. She'll fucking drown all ten of her kids. You don't put her in a fucking cell with a fucking rapist. This show is so rowdy today. Keep it going. Thank you. It's fucking nuts. Do you think these people are Republicans or Democrats doing this? Those Republican right-wing monsters.
Starting point is 01:32:02 You fucking assholes. Two wrongs don't make a right do you remember that one from 1907 you guys remember that one don't be a piece of shit to someone because they're a piece of shit to you because then you end up being a piece of shit I'll tell you what's
Starting point is 01:32:20 between right and wrong you don't put fucking men in a fucking prison cell with fucking women ever. Especially fucking a man who's telling you that he has a mental disorder, telling you he's a woman. You put him – it's fucking nuts. Okay, and then this. Click the second link. I'm just showing this because there's some people in the comments who thinks these are isolated incidents.
Starting point is 01:32:43 This shit's happening all over the fucking place. Here we go. This is kind of crazy. I've stayed at this hotel many times. This is a fantastic hotel. As a matter of fact, I interviewed Andrea Nessler. No, Andrea Ager. I Andrea Nestler.
Starting point is 01:33:03 No, Andrea Ager. I interviewed Andrea Ager, like on the 13th floor on the balcony in my room. And in this hotel, it was a cool interview. She was cool. Super Christian. I think,
Starting point is 01:33:14 I think she got married as a virgin. That's a throwback name. I only remember her from like that rope climb, thrust to work out with like her and like Jackie and like strength and beauty campaign. yes yes yes i rock it jackie okay yeah agar mom okay here we go so keep with omg news outside the four seasons hotel i think i'm really i think um uh rob earth used to uh go out with andrea and fitness Lonnie.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Oh, wow. That's funny. No, no. Fitness Lonnie's a monastic monk now. He's fucking... I've tried to get him on the show, Lonnie. I talk to him a lot. I really like Lonnie. I would consider Lonnie a great friend. Okay, here we go. Lonnie. I would consider Lonnie a great friend. Okay, here we go. Hills, Dylan Mulvaney is inside the women's restroom right now. So I'm going to ask him for comment about our story regarding women being raped in prison by men claiming to be
Starting point is 01:34:17 transgender. Here we go. Dylan, this is James O'Keefe, OMG. Women are being raped in a prison in Washington state by men claiming to be transgender there's footage of them talking about the rape do you have a comment on the story here can you pause this the women being right now i know this is probably a lot for this dude dylan right it's probably like fucking intense j James O'Keefe's a fucking yoked man, crazy presence, crazy famous, and Dylan's being like just questioned about a pretty sensitive issue in the hotel. Mm-hmm. Caught off guard too.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Yeah, caught off guard. I honestly do feel for Dylan. That being said, if you're Dylan's handler, one you would never leave uh him alone like this and especially if whoever put him up in the four seasons who has the money to do that this hotel is so expensive you guys it is nuts but if you have the money you have to have a handler and then second um he needs to lean into o'keefe right there he needs to lean into O'Keefe right there. He needs to be like, hey, dude. Definitely. There's straight people who are killers too.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Come on. Why are you doing this to me? Come on. Let's go for a drink. Why don't you turn the camera off and let's just hang out for a little bit. Let's get to know each other and then I'll give you an interview. Like something, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Like use this opportunity to flip the script so all of us people who are like think james o'keefe is a god which i do oh shit i'm late fuck me yeah i know i was wondering about the tennis thing sorry i should have said something do you gotta run right now yeah shit okay anyway i had some good stuff on this too oh okay we'll bring this back don't erase this one we'll leave this one 517 we'll come back to this okay guys i love you those of you i know some of you i love matt okay fine um i will uh talk to you guys soon uh don't forget to watch watch the max uh uh holloway um uh fight tonight it's gonna be fucking incredible it's uh it's if you have cable you can just see it on espn it is going to he's probably one of the most special fighters alive it's going to be fucking incredible it's uh it's if you have cable you can just see on espn it is going to he's probably one of the most special fighters alive it is going to be a blood
Starting point is 01:36:28 bath if you don't like gore don't watch it uh maybe we'll come back late tonight for a late night show i will be bugging suza uh for sure see you tomorrow at 7 a.m love you guys two great interviews this week uh with uh james newberry and the ufo god guy love you guys and buh-bye

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