The Sevan Podcast - Saturday Night Live Call In

Episode Date: November 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Hey, bam, we're live. Stephanie, my chair. Shit. Stiffening. Great time today. That was awesome in your gym. Yeah, thanks for coming out. Good to have you.
Starting point is 00:01:19 What a showing. Yeah, it was cool. On a crazy rainy day. Yeah day yeah yeah they show up rain or shine you know offer them a hangout and a workout and they'll be there oh shit loads of kids yeah we make them we try to make all the events like that i want people to be able from the gym to be able to come like free restriction worried about like hey can my kids come my husband hasn't worked out in a month you know whatever the case may be it's like yeah bring everybody in i um as i was coming to start the podcast i heard one of my kids say to my other kid hey i think polar bears are going extinct they're endangered my
Starting point is 00:01:54 other kid's like yeah and i'm like nah nah no no they're they're actually that story's over they're like really i'm like yeah 30 year high records 30 year high do you remember that when they were saying yeah the ice caps were melting and polar bears were going extinct and they were losing now we're at like a 30 year high yeah well you remember they did it with that like campaign where there was just the one polar bear on the like iceberg out by itself right and some of the people are like saying that it's not because and we've talked about this on the show but not in a long time but they're saying it's because they uh change the hunting requirements you can't hunt them basically but i but i wonder i mean it's like it's like it's crazy how many more there are now than 30 years ago
Starting point is 00:02:40 dane what's up dude dane lacero It's almost bedtime and they started a podcast. 6.30 for us. Yeah. Nothing long. Just a little catching up to do. Jomber's Inc. is coming on in the morning. Yeah, that'll be awesome. Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Oh, today's not Good Friday. No. Black Friday. No. Is Good Friday and Black Friday two separate? coffee oh today's not good friday no uh black friday no it's good friday and black friday black friday is like a um yeah it's a good commercial thing good friday is like a religious thing yeah there you go why do i keep thinking today's black friday i don't know hey is that thing that's in our chat, is that real? That Black Friday ad? I looked for it. I couldn't find it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Was that a joke? I don't know. That place is wild, man. You can chat? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's coming in there? Hey, did you expect that many people? You know, it's always the same thing.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Did you have to change the thruster to plates or did you know that you were gonna do no i did it that way on purpose yeah i did it that way on purpose so because like anybody walking in the gym could like pick up a 10 pound plate and kind of fumble around like and like figure out those movements right um and if we included a barbell in there all of a sudden we lose a lot of space although everybody did this weird thing in the room which we've never done before where everybody like lined up in around this like the perimeter of the room to like work out oh that's like never happened that's why that's why i was joking i was like i told albert when i walked by i was like did you tell everybody to just get around with like like a middle school dance and
Starting point is 00:04:16 like go around there and he's like no it was pretty cool that just happened naturally completely organically yep yeah it was i mean were over a hundred people there working out. It was more like a, but I get what you're saying. Yeah. Well, that stripped down the center. Yeah. Because usually we line everybody up. Like no one needed to dance.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Like. Castles on their titties. Yeah. But I'd never know if like 40 people are showing up to that thing or a hundred people. It's always hard to tell. But we had a great turnout. What's up, Tom? How you doing, buddy? buddy how you doing you broke my hymen i know you broke it fine uh sema hey so glad you could make it for the gym's anniversary of shame you weren't available for his wedding
Starting point is 00:04:57 remember the conversation we were having earlier? Oh, why? Why? Something stick. Why? Do I have a wah, wah? Yeah. Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. Those crickets are piercing. Wah, wah. Are you lighting on your roadcaster?
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yeah. That's actually a great idea. Oh, with pencil. I wish I had pen. Oh. What would you call that? Chimes. And this is a drum. Joke.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yeah, that's the joke drum. He sounds really loud for some reason. Does mine that loud no let me see better yeah that was better that cricket was close i think it's like in your bedroom yeah you get out of bed and check around for that one yeah you ever do that you ever gotten up in the middle of the night or like right when you go to bed and you hear a cricket and you go and you find him and he's like by your front door and you're like, aha, I see him. No, I've never lived, you know. Yeah. We got roaches though.
Starting point is 00:06:18 You get up, you get a roach running across your face. Why is it called Black Friday anyway? You want me to answer that do you know why yeah boy i had a really nasty racist joke lined up i figured so so here i am to say ah thank you it's because a majority of the business happens for a lot of these big retail things right at the end so they go from in the red negative to in the black positive making oh oh so black's a positive thing yeah it's not like in the western where black's a negative thing how come blacks get that how
Starting point is 00:06:54 come that can't be being in the white i don't know it's a great question my company's in the white what's that what used to be the black I don't know. It's a great question. My company's in the white. What's that? Well, it used to be the black. Yeah, why'd that go over well in some locations? You can choose. You can choose. My company's in the green.
Starting point is 00:07:17 The green would be good. The green sounds better. Makes more sense, too, I'd say. Oh, I didn't send you the notes Yeah So there's a sale going on For Paper Street Tea And coffee On Black Friday
Starting point is 00:07:36 Which is November That's the Friday after Thanksgiving? Yep November 24th It's a great day It's a great day Alright So that's what
Starting point is 00:07:56 If you know someone who wants tea for Christmas You can buy them some And Gabe will send you so much You get some for yourself Wait Barry is this true my birthday i share the same birthday with my cock in her oh so your birthday's in thanksgiving day after yep every four years and oh yeah that's i guess you figured that out right and you're going to Grace's house, parents' house. Yeah. Well, no.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Two. We do, like, it's split. We go both houses. Hers first on Tuesday night and then my side of the family on. Will your stomach just be fucking distended and hurting? I used to when we first started dating. I used to go to two back to back. Oh, they're not on the
Starting point is 00:08:42 same night. Well, because they used to be my when my grandpa would come out from san leandro we'd have to eat at like fucking two it'd be like thanksgiving dinner at like two or like you know 1 30 so we could get home before it got too dark and then afterwards i would go over to grace's in the evening time and have thanksgiving dinner again it wasn't well you gotta eat a lot of both you don't want to insult somebody uh by the way i want to thank everyone in the chat for all the flowers you sent
Starting point is 00:09:10 uh to um crossfit livermore today for the 10th anniversary that was really impressive i mean there i mean well the one bouquet of flowers california peptide sent that's what i meant that was amazing don't worry she sent one so nice.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Pedro sent me a gift. Actually. Yeah. Wow. He's a real thoughtful guy. Yeah, I got it. He is thoughtful. Yeah, he is.
Starting point is 00:09:41 He is. I saw this just a few minutes ago i thought i i thought wow this is perfect this is a perfect way to start the show if you're not a veteran and you want to thank one well there's two ways yes you can say shake their hand thank you for your service you can say that to them yes we appreciate it but if you really want to help you really want to celebrate them huh feed and a veteran they love that stuff they love snacks and they love sexy time so why don't you give them some literally sounds like something gary roberts would say right yeah snacks feed and a. They're not in that order. You can do it at the same time. I don't think nobody's mad at snacks and ass. Anybody got a problem with that? Who wouldn't want to eat their
Starting point is 00:10:32 favorite snack and get some at the same time? Put your hands up. I didn't think so. Have you ever seen this guy's account? No, I've never seen that, dude. Thank you for your service. He's really making the rounds right now look at look at this one look at this one on the next episode of being
Starting point is 00:10:54 impressed by unimpressive shit the airlines has an all-black flight crew. Give me a follow on the next episode. What's a mollo? Give me a follow. I think he said give me a follow. Oh, oh, oh. Follow his Instagram. That's kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Hey, that's what I thought he was going to say, Bruce. I thought he was going to say, show him some titties. That is exactly what I thought. Seban, can you say black in Spanish? El negro. El negro. El negra. El negra.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Is there masculine and feminine? Yes. I do believe so. El negra El negra Is there masculine and feminine? Yes I do believe so El gato es negro Female cat Your pronunciation is great El gato es negra Negra
Starting point is 00:11:56 Female cat Savon Are you using that slang again? No ma'am No mama I am not using slang so this is the whole point of this podcast today and then i'm and then i'm leaving yeah that's not true that's not the point um I heard that. So on the CrossFit Games update show, we had pulled up the the guy.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I don't know if he's still the editor, but the former editor of the Morning Chalk Up. And we went to go look at his Instagram account and we couldn't tell for sure if it was him. But I think it was him now because I'm hearing rumblings that he got upset. Remember, we were making fun of him because his profile picture, he's wearing a mask. Yeah, I mean, it was kind of a funny profile picture. We could all agree that it kind of I'll stand by the fact that you're
Starting point is 00:12:52 a douche if you have a mask in your profile pic. It's like that CrossFit that's attached to a McDonald's. Or how about this? How about this? Wait, but that CrossFit attached to McDonald's was an actual real thing? It's an actual thing. How about this? Wait, but that CrossFit attached to McDonald's was an actual real thing. Dude, it's an actual thing.
Starting point is 00:13:07 How about this? How about this? Sorry, I'll get back to the morning chocolate Joe thing in a second. Look at this shit, guys. This is a CrossFit gym in fucking Chicago. It says, Thank you for the RX only for our 2023 wellness day she provides vaccines for covid other boosters members needed and then and then the owner of the gym said stay boosted
Starting point is 00:13:35 i thought that was a joke comment holy shit wait this is a shake a fake shot for the gram. I don't want people to think I don't pay attention when I'm giving shots. Oh, wait. I thought he faked that whole thing, and now I realize he just faked the photo, but actually still got the shot. You know what's crazy? I don't want to be one of those wing nuts.
Starting point is 00:14:02 I saw a lady at a cafe a couple years ago someone said trump at the table next to her and she stood up and flipped out yeah like if someone says biden like i don't flip out and everything has to be in context you know what i mean like if if you send your kid away to school and they come back like asking you to use their pronouns yeah i understand flip out it's your kid it's context you're you're bummed not that your kid has pronouns but that your kid has the mind virus right like oh shit this fucking kid's lost his way and so like i i don't mind like if they're giving away if you're bringing in the booster lady to at apple or facebook or Instagram or Universal Studios. I get it.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I get it. Two tons of fun, straight thousands of fat motherfuckers. Like straight McDonald's headquarters, bring the boosters in. Morons. People whose brains are just fucked from the food they've been eating. But this is a CrossFit gym. It's truly unbelievable to me. But here's what's crazy dude homeboy has a septum ring dude it's the strongest correlate for tartan look at that oh my gosh it's funny because i always want to think that you're wrong about
Starting point is 00:15:23 it but i think we found more evidence. You're correct. Hey dude, here's the thing. I know it sucks. Cause so many of you, you, my friends, like, like you had your babies in the hospital and you gave your kids pacifiers and you got the injection and you have some piercings and you have tattoos but all of those things are different forms different levels of being reactionary to a thought you have and so and people who have people who have space in between being able to observe a thought and then acting on it or not acting on it are the coolest wisest people you'll ever know in your life. And everyone else is just a fly that buzzes from one pile of shit to another. And that's what a septum ring is. That's what tattoos are. That's what, sorry, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That's what having your baby in the hospital is. That's what putting a pacifier in your kid's mouth is. That's what wearing a mask is. I'm not mad at anyone. I'm not like, I'm not, I'm not like, I mean, I do some retarded shit. me tell you i i got you should see the shit i do on autopilot i'll be picking my nose for 15 minutes and all of a sudden look over in the car next to me someone's staring at me do you keep going i get my boogers on my arm i mean i got weird habits on your arm yeah you know like if i get a booger and then i'll do i'll like roll it out on my arm with the door open my wife the other day claimed my wife the other day was i on the phone with you you heard that yeah or that this morning my wife claimed while i was on the phone with
Starting point is 00:16:56 susan my wife's yelling at me saying claiming i didn't flush the toilet i left a deuce in there but dude i mean you're a fucking role model at a fucking personal at the personal accountability responsibility place of the highest order and you're injecting poison into you come on brother come on archetype crossfit come on buddy i know you you did it all I know you got the BLM and the LGBTQ and the Ukrainian flag and the... I know. I don't even have to look.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Come on, brother. Part of the do-good. Come on. You got the septum ring. Don't get the shot, too. Don't bring the fucking poison, lady. Where have you been that you don't realize that that thing's not working? You've forever altered your immune system brother like no one no one's denying that anymore oh fuck it's pretty late in the game to have this photo
Starting point is 00:17:57 boosted i've never even seen that and all the internet like i've seen people like get the vaccine it's like but no no one's getting boosted even dude boosted oh shit you're an adult you don't you you have you're an adult and you have a septum ring uh sadie n word oh my god N word. Oh my God. Hey, if that doesn't make this the best podcast on planet earth, I don't know what does. Fuck everyone else, dude. Dude.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I was like, damn, we got a new listener. Did you, did you read the name? I looked at her postcard or postcard. I looked at her profile pic. I'm like, damn, we got a new listener yeah did you did you read the name i looked at her postcard or postcard i looked at her profile pic i like damn we got a new listener i hadn't seen her before that's a good joke too if i seem a little off tonight people i had six tyler uh advil p 26 oh goodness thank god for uh chase ingram a few months back he told me to roll i'd never
Starting point is 00:19:06 rolled out before and he told me to roll out my thigh or my hip on my hip it was all fucked up i was gonna do that to you when we were when you're at the gym you're saying i almost was gonna say like hey lay down i'm gonna try something but i was like the back of my head i was like if i do this and it somehow gets worse and then you have this drive right now you're gonna hate me. So I just didn't say anything. I just got on a tennis ball and rolled around on it before the show. I'm really nervous about tomorrow morning show.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Like if I can't get out of bed. Oh, fuck. Dude, I was going to put on a show for fucking Pool Boy 2. That sucks. Yeah. I hope you kill it. I kind of saw you got lost in the current, you know, because you came in and you're like, hey, the drive,
Starting point is 00:19:47 like my back's not doing well, you know, I'm going to participate, but I'm just kind of going. And then I see like pull back. And then like. But in the warmup, I knew, I knew. I was like, oh, it's still too tight. Yep. And I, there's video of that happening.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Actually, it was just a pan shot and everybody's doing the Cobra stretch. And I watch you go to do it. Then go right back yeah yeah yeah and i was like oh no that was that early and you were like oh cool boy i go oh my back don't like that you could see it you come up and then you just drop right back down like just and and um and i was showing off because the burpees were my bread and butter, and I saw everyone else stepping up. I'm like, I'm not stepping up. Hey, you guys were the first ones out for the run. Woo! A round one. We were leading for two minutes.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Got that camera time. I really like Bullboy. Yeah. He's good, right? I felt warmth from him, yeah. A lot of warmth. Sadie N word, uh, days later after the shot, he tested positive.
Starting point is 00:20:49 You know, it's crazy too, is as you, as, as you start scratching the surface and you start learning about these injections, basically it's how everything it's how a lot of diseases are spreading now too. It's called shedding. So people get the shot and then they, they get when their body's fighting it off, they start shed, they start shedding the infection. Right right and then other people get it and then that's what causes um the little uh spreader events that's how that's the thing with the one that starts with the p that one that that's the only way that one gets out now is from the from the injection damn sadie n word hey but isn't it just
Starting point is 00:21:23 kind of in cycles like not that long ago we were just taking the old rusty saw and being like oh you got a flesh wound here yeah right right you know the anesthetics was just a freaking spoon they stuck in your mouth like that's where this came from and back then we would have been like hey maybe they should rinse that thing off at least right and they'd be like oh well that's misinformation you're not a doctor these guys know what they're doing so to think that we've already become that far away from similar things but in a different context is you know it's crazy it is crazy 2020 uh four three you think we were gonna have flying cars we ain't got shit yeah it's ain't the jetsons it's not close
Starting point is 00:22:03 uh don't sleep with vaxos they tainted me flying cars. We ain't got shit. Yeah, it ain't the Jetsons. It's not that close. Don't sleep with Vaxos. They tainted meat. Oh, tank. I stunk. I know I stunk. Bro, you put on a show with those barbell cartel joggers and long johns. You also smelled amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah, as soon as I got there i was like sorry it's a mission getting out there isn't it uh yeah but it was it was a very it was once i got over the 17 it was beautiful it's nice yeah absolutely beautiful yeah like an old person i read dissolving illusions just before my baby came. Awesome read to understand the history of diseases of disease. Yeah. Smart man. Oh, SEMA.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I don't know what you, you're on the war path tonight, huh? Saturday night. Do you see a Pringles can in their pool boy what were you seeing in my joggers you saw the striations in my in my hamstrings so so the guy from oh yeah morning chalk up morning chalk up i guess we were cracking jokes at him, and I guess someone on the show said, hey, he doesn't have a girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:23:32 If he has a girlfriend, it's a tranny. I guess that pissed that dude off, and now he's pissed because Taylor said. But a couple things I want to say. I met that dude at the games for the first time. I talked to him on the phone once before, and he was nice enough. And then I met him at the games, just in passing. You know what I mean? Everyone's running around.
Starting point is 00:23:55 And then I met him again at the games, and he introduced me to his girlfriend. I can tell you, his girlfriend's hot, and she's not a tranny. But I did think for a split second that she was a beard, a beard, a beard. I had a cover. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Okay. I wasn't familiar with that. I got you. Homeboy's not straight, but his girlfriend's hot. So, so, but also,
Starting point is 00:24:24 also, uh, Joe, if, if you're listening or if it gets back to you, don't be offended. You come from the group of people that thinks it's okay to mutilate the genitalia of young kids and turn them into the opposite sex. So if someone did say you were probably dating a tranny, you should take that as a compliment. Because in your group, that's like a good thing. So don't get a tranny you should take that as a compliment because in your group that's like a good thing so don't get all bent about that take that as a compliment a status point if you will yeah totally appears totally little status little takeaway is don't be offended if it was said your girlfriend and your girlfriend's hot as shit and i i if i congratulations it's fun having a being with an attractive girl so
Starting point is 00:25:06 who's not a tranny I can't imagine I look more I look me and Joe look more like trannies than his girlfriend if anything they should accuse Joe of that I thought it was centered around his profile picture which you know everybody gets a little criticism for their profile pictures
Starting point is 00:25:22 come on that mask is a mess that mask is on so tight too it's like a real mask yeah and it's and it's coupleted with the box squat with the kettlebell so it's like the trip that's a killer combo right there which by the way that it's a good exercise but it would be cool if he was a comedian if he was a comedian it would be a funny picture yeah it was done with like sarcasm but not from an elite uh uh periodical periodical is that what they're called yeah back to your spanish uh periodical periodical periodical periodical uh that uh of the such high esteem and caliber I wonder if they're going to change the name from Morning Chalk up to something.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I wonder if it just gets absorbed and it's just all will be barbed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know. Send Craig Ritchie a link. Okay, so that wound is healed right if Joe's pissed he's all better now he should be I think you
Starting point is 00:26:33 you know didn't text girlfriend we're good sorry about that yeah your chick's hot that's the only thing you should care about who cares if you look like a tranny like I said it's a compliment or if anyone if anyone thinks you're dating a tranny like in your group that's like the fact that if you're offended by the fact that someone thinks you're dating a tranny then that's offensive to the trannies right that's the reason why like you can't call someone gay i
Starting point is 00:26:58 can't be like dude that guy's a faggot or that dude's gay or like that music's gay you can't say in a derogatory way because then people think that you're insinuating that gay is bad yeah so if you're upset that someone thinks your bitch looks like a tranny well then you're insinuating being a tranny is bad hmm that math says different that i'm thinking clearly right yeah well the thing is too is like taylor said it right but i think it was taylor i think he was out there. I think it was in a total joking sense. I don't think Taylor met him, knew he had a girlfriend or anything. I think he saw the mask,
Starting point is 00:27:32 the profile picture, and packaged it all together as it usually is and just made that joke. As a joke. I don't think he meant anything by it. Other than... He's a democrat and and and and it would in all fairness
Starting point is 00:27:52 this probably isn't gonna go over so well but nah I probably shouldn't I'm not ready I just would never in a million I can't see myself in a million bazillion years dating and training basically if you're dating and training you're gay right yeah of course
Starting point is 00:28:13 yeah right yeah so I mean like once you go to do the deed it's like sitting in the lotus position no you're sitting on the floor oh that's different but it's like sitting in the lotus position no you're sitting on the floor oh that's different but it's fine yeah uh speaking speaking of gay this is this is incredible you know what we know it's cool i'm about to bring up a clip and then i saw will branstetter made a comment out of the corner of my eye but i didn't read it yeah i know that i have like two minutes
Starting point is 00:28:49 of show with will i just know that after this i got the next bit already lined up whatever will says i'm gonna go over there and read it's gonna be good i don't even have to read it now but it gives me a little cushion do you know what i mean yeah yeah you're interviewing someone and they're talking you're like yeah i get it yeah yeah, yeah. You know when you're interviewing someone and they're talking, you're like, yeah, I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Every time it was Will's comments. It's the Will comment that I'm like, I don't even have to worry about what I'm going to say now. This next segment is brought to you by Will's comment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Okay, here we go. We're going to interview Eric Weihandmayer, who climbed the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. But he's gay. I mean, he's gay. Excuse me. He's blind. So we'll hear about that. Okay. As we head to the break i'll look at the six are you fucking kidding me that's an intrusive thought it's like don't say it don't say it don't say it said it is that what that phenomenon is i don't
Starting point is 00:29:41 know hey say the n-word what do you think you know what that tells me yeah not like somewhere that seed was planted in her head so like off camera in the green room where they're like making a joke like practicing the line and the amazing thing about it is and then you just like fill it with something funny yeah and then they like rehearse the joke and it got stuck in her head and then she came out on live tv and and it slipped no shit i don't know that's i mean i just you know completely speculation after the break we're going to interview eric wyhan mayor who climbed the highest mountain in the world mount everest but he's gay i mean he's gay excuse me he's blind i like how she said it twice he didn't even she even when she took a second shot at it, she just, she just, she just says, yeah, he's gay, he's blind.
Starting point is 00:30:30 So we'll hear about that coming up. Okay. As we head to the break, a look at the 6 o'clock. After the break, we're going to interview Eric Weihandmayer, who climbed the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. But he's gay. I mean, he's gay. Excuse me. He's blind.
Starting point is 00:30:46 So we'll hear about that coming up. Okay. As we head to the break i'll look at the six o'clock after the break dude her heart must have been beaten out of her chest yeah but it also tells you they're professional bullshitters both of their poker face and that to like completely not react to it and then yeah yeah happen i mean so that's got to be high on the you know they do their whole entire read-through thing and then they're like okay now we're gonna play something ridiculous and you just pretend it's not true or happening okay well absolutely uh right away bob sure like bob yeah that's how you could sit there and and uh feed lies into the american people and fucking know it and just do it straight face. Puppet.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Puppet. I don't think of Will. Seema Rose. Seema, I smelled so on the games. It wasn't bad at the games. I may have. Sometimes when I'm in big crowds,
Starting point is 00:31:37 I'll wear deodorant. Sometimes I don't remember bringing deodorant to the game, so maybe not. I smelled him too. Well, I tried, but I was a foot taller. I think he smelled my armpits. Hey, you want to hear something crazy about that? Yeah. I went to a friend's house the other day.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Fuck it. I went to Greg's house the other day. This is good. Okay. As long as David Weed's not in the comments. Oh, you said his name. He's going to show upid weed's not in the comments oh you said his name he's gonna show up he's not he he cannot hear this so i'm at greg's house maybe i shouldn't have said who it is let's
Starting point is 00:32:14 just say i wasn't at greg's house it's for the sake of the story it wasn't actually his house yeah i was at a friend's house and we were talking and i was talking about washing your hair and i was like yeah i won't wash my hair in forever. And then someone goes, do you wash the rest of your body? I'm like, yeah, I wash my armpits, my chest, my butthole and my pews, my cacking balls. And that's it. And I wash my face. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And really, when I wash my chest, I'm just lathering the soap because I got a tough of hair here. You know what I mean? To get. It's like just like a. Yeah. Get a little. Yeah. When you hold your hands over the fan at the bowling alley like it's like that just like you know like yeah
Starting point is 00:32:51 just a little lather got it and um uh so we we talk about that and then my one of my friends one of my dear friends guys whose house it said, just fucking pops in the fucking kitchen where I'm talking to goes. Yeah. In the last few months, two people have told me you smell like cat piss. I was like, Holy shit, dude. Holy shit. Wait, I've been around you a lot and I've never, you've never smelled like cat piss. I have some sensitivities. Like I don't want anyone to ever smell my breath piss like I know and I have Some sensitivities like I don't want anyone to
Starting point is 00:33:26 Ever smell my breath like I'm always like Flossing and brushing I don't want any food in my I work with this guy I just always like And Triggered I was like Yo what do you mean I smell like cat piss And I'm like Seven you're cool nothing can bug you shut the fuck up you're about to start crying
Starting point is 00:33:50 oh shit so we go back and forth and finally i'm like relieved they're like no it's your head like i'm just trying to be act cool like i don't care but i'm like oh what i wonder what about me smells like cat piss and they're like dude we just told you it's your hair this is like two months ago or yes so since then i've washed my hair like three times where did i go when i went to that game when i went to the um um chargers game bears game yep i was in that fancy hotel i fucking soaked the shit out of my hair still check no cat piss around here all right i would also just like this is slightly out of out of order of context here but i'd just like to point out that tank reeves said suza you're reaching bro the guy that said we're
Starting point is 00:34:43 gonna turn into zombies on October 4th said my story about the news anchors was reaching. There's just something funny about that. Yeah, that's too far-fetched. Is that what it was in reference to? Yeah, I saw that pop up, and it just kept in the back of my head. I was like cracking up. Everyone's seen the video, right, where it's like one news anchor
Starting point is 00:35:04 saying something, then two, then four, then four then eight and sixteen and you realize oh shit they're just giving scripts and yeah i think that was a reference to what i said they were joking about the lines in the back and then she came out let the joke slip um seaman he smells like a hard-ass working man with a hint of dirty vagina but the kind of dirty vagina where you said fuck it and still eat that shit yeah that's fair i mean it's just man's smell i don't smell like if you don't if you're like i'm okay with bo if it's just like you know in like indian guy bo curry bo i'm fine with that's kind of like me i just but i I got there. I got out of the car and I'm like, fuck. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Let me see. Phil's got the answer. Just spray Axe and you'll be good for weeks. I'm so expensive they can't afford anyone else. Shit, I missed. I had a will line in here that was supposed to be like. Oh, I should have started when he said it. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:10 It's OK. Oh, here we go. Wow. So you'll wear deodorant to protect big crowds from your stench, but you won't protect big crowds by getting boosted. Fair enough. That was the argument God he's such a douche he wears deodorant Are you a spray guy Are you like a roll guy
Starting point is 00:36:32 I'm not a roll guy And I don't like the white stuff either I don't like the antiperspirant But I would wear it I wear so little it doesn't matter Sevan gave me a breath strip like it was candy at the games. I felt honored. Did I give you a whole package or just one?
Starting point is 00:36:51 I stopped before I got to Sousa's at the gas station, honestly hoping I would get there after the workout started. I flossed my teeth, and I looked for Listerine strips, but I couldn't find them so i got hauls instead wait like a cough yeah they just make your they just make you like really wintry like yeah yeah yeah you gotta feel something that's why you get those strips because at one point they burn a little how did how do you think it went the 10-year anniversary good it went great yeah it went awesome like i was super excited i mean like you saw how many people we had there
Starting point is 00:37:29 that have been there for all 10 years right and like the coaches and uh it's always really cool to see how many people jump in and help out and contribute and like i mean although i kind of move around and kind of make sure everybody's good like really that like it just kind of runs itself like everybody's jumping in and helping cooking the protein pancakes and helps set up helping the protein pancake cakes what's that who was the guy cooking the protein pancakes well it switched off a little bit a rich dude buff mexican dude um you're probably referring to nicole oh yeah the chick and kid maybe yeah he was cool oh um no maybe not nicoa they didn't have a kid oh interesting i don't maybe i don't know maybe he didn't have a kid maybe i made that
Starting point is 00:38:11 up but there was a guy who left towards the end he was there till the end cooking i think yeah cook is that koa yeah that was nicoa yeah even mike's in nicoa yeah yeah nicoa's him and savannah are awesome savannah was the one that worked with me for a long time. Oh, Savannah was there? Yeah. That's Nikoa's wife. Oh, I didn't even get to meet her. You've met her before. Oh.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah. Briefly at my reception thing. Yeah, I was with you in there. What's that? It was titled Climbing Mount Everest with a cock in your mouth. Hey, anything crazy happen? Anything like? No, none of that one one you know what matt i just wanted to come for your 10th anniversary but i'm also uh i'm uh
Starting point is 00:38:51 d member membering myself no we did have a recent like 10 year member that's no longer with us is like moving and stuff that showed up uh that's not crazy obviously but um no i did get a new member we got somebody that signed up that day too that came in which is when someone said hey is this your first time here and me and another guy raised our hands yeah it was one it was one of that one of the people in that group wow yeah because we open it up and a lot of times like when they come in and they see how like big and supportive the community is and like everybody's working out like you could have a good time working out like so many people think that it's just like beating your head against the wall or it doesn't have to be fun and so when they come in and see that group it's like you know have you already teetered on the edge
Starting point is 00:39:30 like why would you not sign up that day and like come back and be with all these people um that was and that was a really good intro to crossfit like if you've never been crossfit before oh it's perfect right the workout was like easy it's easy to scale you just drop your plate you don't have to do anything and uh and you could just keep moving um but yeah they're those for me quick like halfway through he's like air squats i was like i'm thank you yeah he's a good dude he watched me go from a 50 year old man to 90 year old man in the fourth round fuck the one thing that i'm uh pissed that i forgot to mention is we have i don't know if this is unusual this is just a random data point for our gym but we've had six people who have met and gotten married at the gym over the course of those 10
Starting point is 00:40:15 years wow six six people yeah that seems like a lot yeah so we made the joke that like cfl was like all boys and girls or any boys and boys or girls and girls? Yeah, I can't take credit for the other one because they started at a gym. It would have been seven, and that would have been a girl-girl couple that would have started with me. They actually met at the on-ramp class that I coached, and then much later are married and have a kid. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:40:43 So it's a girl-girl. Yeah. Were they there? No, they they weren't they weren't there a lot of people with a lot of kids i hung out with one dude and one chick they had three kids three girls yeah yeah we and that's the fun part about it like i said we like to bring everybody in like there's a couple people that have like three kids there's some big families actually at that gym like people stayed for a long time yeah i was there for five hours i think yeah nine to two but there were people there before me who stayed longer than me yeah it's um those events are always like that like we love it but sometimes i gotta like start vacuuming around the people like you saw like aj
Starting point is 00:41:20 who does the floors for me like he was just kind of sitting there like bored like waiting and i was like hey dude just go ahead and start the machine and like they'll kind of get the hint and and we scheduled the cleaners that come to like do the front of the house stuff at that time to kind of minimize that but yeah sometimes like at our holiday party like you yeah you want to see it get wild you come to that one yeah i should come to that i was kind of surprised i only saw maybe one or two people that was like saucy. Yeah. Yeah. It was tape. That was tape. But sometimes at the holiday party, if I'm lucky, we get it to like wind down at around
Starting point is 00:41:52 11 or 1030 and everybody like pushes the downtown Limoire because downtown Limoire has quite the night scene. And so people will push out to downtown Limoire, which is nice because then I get to start cleaning and I don't want to be there till two in the morning there were a handful of very attractive uh women there yeah maybe two handfuls yeah and you know what's crazy of all ages of all ages like from 18 to 70 like there were just some like chicks in there you're like damn yeah yeah it's a good looking group we got come find love baby cfl raise his mom's uh looking good yeah she's fit she takes care of herself nice skin always good she eats really well good eye
Starting point is 00:42:32 good eye contact yeah and she may like every time we go over there for stuff like for dinners or anything like that she's like a great cook and goes like all out and like so she'll come over great cook what's that attractive and great cook yeah and it's funny too because she'll make different desserts or treats and like she'll like watch me eat it and i'm like she's like how do you like the cake i'm like good and she's like it's made out of macadamia nuts the whole thing oh she's like macadamia nut flour and yeah she's like it's got this much sugar in it will like hold up like a little you know what i mean so it's uh it's cool yeah she's she's great she's great you worked out next to my mom
Starting point is 00:43:06 i did work out next to your mom yeah your mom is very warm yeah yeah yeah a lot of energy yeah she was cool she always makes me feel warm when i first came in and you referred to her as mom um calm down dude we know, we went outside. We did. You saw that. Hey. And you knew not to fuck with us. Like when you walked over, it was uncomfortable, right? Like you had to break our little, we had a little bubble.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Yeah. You guys were chatting. I'll let you every time. Yeah. We had a little bubble. Um, when, when, when, when I got there, you said something about mom and i and i you were referring to your actual mom but i when i heard it i thought meant mom of the gym and it took me like probably like i don't know 30 or 40 seconds to connect no motherfucker that's his actual mom
Starting point is 00:43:56 yeah but if you show up at 8 a.m class she comes through the door like she's like okay gang what are we doing and like right like she gets like everybody at the gym fired up to where like, sometimes if it's, I'm already like, all right, mom, like dial it in a little bit. Like Kramer,
Starting point is 00:44:11 like on Seinfeld. Yeah. Smart flies in. Oh yeah. And she's pumped. And so like, I mean, honestly too,
Starting point is 00:44:16 if I could, I would, and maybe she'll, she'll do it after she retires, but I would just have her sit at the front desk. Like, she's like perfect for that. You know what I mean? Like you're all intimidated. It's your first like CrossFit class. And you come in and you just see my mom there. And she'sires, but I would just have her sit at the front desk. Like she's like perfect for that. You know what I mean? Like you're all intimidated. It's your first like CrossFit class and you come
Starting point is 00:44:27 in and you just see my mom there and she's like, hi, what do you want to say? No, honey, I do this exercise. Don't worry. You don't have to get all crazy. Like you think it is like, you know, she'll sell it. Cause when people see, sometimes you walk in there and you go to see your first class and you know, you see how big the gym is and you saw all those ropes I have. Like imagine coming in there and your first class happens to just be a bunch of people that have been doing it for a long time using some heavier weights. All those ropes are down. The place is all big. There's so much stimulus and it's overwhelming.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Like, it could be intimidating, especially if you first get in there. So it's good to have somebody offset that a little bit. Like I was telling you there, too, I was tripping that you had never told me how nice your gym was. It's crazy nice. Crazy, crazy, crazy. It's crazy nice. Crazy, crazy, crazy. It's crazy big, dude. Thanks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Crazy big. Hey, on a weekend, you could do anything there. Anything. And that Shadow Puppet Brewery is like, like I said, like whatever five floors down. And they usually have even food out there. So we could even piggyback off that. Did they open when we were there? They probably didn't know.
Starting point is 00:45:27 They probably were just getting open. I think they opened at like maybe noon or one or something. You could throw a big competition there. Yeah, I could throw a big competition. Yeah, tons of parking. Yeah, you could throw a big competition there. Tons of room. Yeah, we've actually worked on it.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I mean, anything that's done worthwhile like community event and putting and organizing things together like grace does all that like you know that that thing wouldn't have gone off the way it was like without her all the decorations and are you kidding me usually i'm like we're gonna clean the bathrooms after they leave let them be dirty you know like i don't want to clean it and clean it again um but yeah so she sets all that on him for a while we were this was pre-pandemic We were really considering having something like what JR does, where it's like, it's a higher level competition. It's built for an individual.
Starting point is 00:46:10 The programming is really thoughtful. We could do some cool stuff that most local competition couldn't do because of the size or the access of stuff that we have there. Um, and so, yeah, we've, we thought about it is actually was called aces. And then we took that title and applied it to our youth strength and conditioning program when we started that a couple years back. Would you ever throw a competition? Would you still get into that?
Starting point is 00:46:30 Here's what I would do. Now that we have the group around us that we have, the Brian Friends, the Chong Yuns, the JRs, like the Taylor. How about all these people too, like in the comments? Oh, I mean, yeah. Oh, of course, the chat. But like I would just utilize them to do – this might sound bad, but I'd be like, you guys can make it your event.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Let's just host it here. Oh, right. And so that's why I was referring to those people. I'll make sure the electricity is paid and the internet is working. Yeah, you have the space. Here's the access. Here's what we can do, what we can't do. You guys hammer it out and do the logistics of a lot of it.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I would definitely do that. It's huge, Ken. it's huge it's huge ken it's huge how high are the ceilings 30 feet 30 feet yeah it's huge and and not janky huge it's fucking like it's a it's a great building it's a fucking it's a superstructure it's killer great parking lot uh good part of town yeah yeah it was dope it sucks that the weather was kind of shitty because that area like just around it like our parking lot that side lot where you guys were coming out and like running back around like that whole space is really nice and like when we do murph we put a couple of easy ups across the parking lot there and like block
Starting point is 00:47:41 that whole thing out so you could see everybody coming in and running when they finish their mile and everybody's like clapping and hanging out and it's cool but that whole area is awesome do you get that many people for murph that you had today yeah that was about that's about typical that'd be typical when we but we run murph like we'd run three heats of murph so you come in the early morning and do it late and then at the last heat halfway through the last heat we'd have the barbecue start and then we get people that come do the workout come back with the kids like you saw that kind of happen too yeah so it's cool there's this there's this chick that's been um doing interviews on the ufc shows and her name is um what's her name nina marie danielle
Starting point is 00:48:35 i'll show you a picture of her and i think her name is nina drama that's like her her name and she does interviews during like press week for the ufc and i had never heard of her before and i'll kind of take you down the path of how it unfolded for me okay so there's this guy tom aspinall he's cool as shit he's from the uk and he just won and i don't know if he's the heavyweight champion of the world or if he's the interim heavyweight meaning there's two heavyweight champions i can't remember but he's the best guy in the ufc right now at heavyweight and she she comes to the event.
Starting point is 00:49:25 She interviews people. It's like, you know, I thought she was just a regular interviewer. I didn't realize she was a celebrity interviewer, so I'm kind of leaking that part out ahead. Okay. Okay, here we go. Wait, hold on. I screwed that up.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Oh, shit. Let me see if I can refresh it so we don't miss the... Okay, here we go. So she's supposed to be interviewing him. This is before the fight. Okay. Here we go. I've got a question. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Have you ever been fingered by an MMA fighter before? Fingered? Yeah, fingered. No. What would it take to... To finger me? Yeah. Like, are we talking about the same thing?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Exactly. To finger me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Never. No. All right. Well, I've seen some really weird questions on your Instagram. That's a weird one to ask.
Starting point is 00:50:21 I'm just going to throw one in there. Like, I've got a question. And look at, she comments, she comments, uh, the champ threw me off with that. Oh,
Starting point is 00:50:30 she's kind of protecting him there a little bit, huh? I guess. But then you look, then you go to her thing. I wonder if anyone knows what her, you go to her account and you start to scroll down and I don't know where, but at some point you realize that she used to be a porn star. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Anyway, which makes it different, right? Now you can ask her. She's a porn star. You can ask her, like, have you ever been fingered by an MMA? Right? Right. Yeah, weirdly changes it, but should it? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Why? Because if your job, just like it's okay to ask a black guy who goes to Harvard, did you get in here because you were black? Or to ask a woman who works at NASA, did you get this job here because you're a woman because those come those places are admitting that they're hiring based on skin color or sex well her job is about getting fingered and fucked and just riding cock and all sorts of different positions and just doing sexual shit right so she's an actress actually yeah it's like asking her if she's been fired fingered by an mma fighter is asking like a firefighter um uh have you ever put out a 11 story uh fire that would that would be a better uh yeah all right i'll buy it sorry i had to work through but you're right as like
Starting point is 00:51:58 racist and sexist shit before i get to the actual good metaphor. Well, as you built in more context, it seemed, uh, less inappropriate, I suppose. Like if I said to you, you ever, when you're at work, you ever seen anyone throw up? That's like an appropriate question to ask you.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Yeah. Would be weird to ask someone that who works at like Tiffany's. Anybody ever throw up on the floor here? What'd you guys do? But there was that one dude on Delta who shit himself all the way down the aisle and they had to turn the plane around. Really? Dude,
Starting point is 00:52:32 you didn't hear about that? Oh, did we cover that story? You had, I thought for sure somewhere along the line, you at least touched on it. Homeboy had explosive diarrhea, got up to use the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Like when he couldn't get up, I think like at a time when the plane was taking off, so you had to be sitting down. And he was like, no, it ain't going to go, and stood up, and the whole thing just started running down his leg, and it went all the way down the aisle. And I guess it smelled so bad in the plane that they had to turn around as a Delta flight. Yeah. Delta flight, shit. It'll pop up immediately. This was like a Delta flight. Yeah. Delta flight. Shit.
Starting point is 00:53:05 You're going to, it'll pop up immediately. This is like a month or two ago. Oh yeah. Here it is. On Friday, September 1st, the pilot of Delta flight heading to Barcelona,
Starting point is 00:53:13 Spain from Atlanta made the difficult decision to turn the plane around after a case of severely running diarrhea called caused biohazardous conditions. The mess created by the event forced the U-turn before the plane reached the Atlantic. Video. Oh, there's video? That's fucked up. Hold on, let me see. This shit's loading. We've turned into such, like,
Starting point is 00:53:41 whores for a while. It's like, something terrible's happening. Don't insist. get out your phone Where is it Hmm video starts in This pit is weird this page is like dark Video of Delta's it says video of deltas. Careful. It's going to be some sort of.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Oh, I haven't accepted the cookies. Okay. Where's the video? It's gone. Hmm. The only thing I saw was like pictures of the aisle down the plane where they had stuff like trying to cover where the apparent mess was. Oh shit. It, I think it says it's on TMZ.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Oh shit. Wow. Wow. Uh, pretty much how Ned explained it I haven't laughed harder than his phone called to me at midnight to explain why he was still in America he said it was the funniest thing he's ever experienced damn
Starting point is 00:54:54 feel bad for that guy dude they have an ad in front of to watch this video that's a minute long that's not like so if you want to see the oh my goodness god TMz must just that sucks yeah hey what do you do if that happens to you do you like do you lean into it and try to ride your 15 minutes of fame and just go on like you know oh the morning show and shit and be like i was the dude on the plane or do you just hide do you just go hey do you remember the lady on the plane who went fucking crazy?
Starting point is 00:55:27 Oh, yeah. She's like fucking, she's doing the circuit now. She was on Stein Show. Yeah. Stein Show. Look at that. She's smoking. She's so hot, right?
Starting point is 00:55:41 Look at her. I want to get your reaction. Your instant reaction was 9-11 and inside jack what in the world was it do you think it was you know just 19 terrorists hijackers i am not talking about this 9-11 you know with the hijackers and all this stuff nope all swag attack building seven you ever heard of building seven we're i'm i'm not gonna answer all right well that and then look at her look at her instagram account she's like she's she's doing it. Oh, yep. Look at it. Wow, she's got freaking clothing and shit. Yeah. That is amazing.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Yeah, she's doing it. She's killing it. Dude. Hey, guys. Once again, your request came from me, so now I am coming for you. Let's have a little fun with it. I want to see your best rendition of this fit, and then I will choose three of my favorite lookalikes.
Starting point is 00:56:54 So she's selling. People were dressing up as her for Halloween. That's amazing. That's how you capitalize, huh? Sir Troll's a lot. Great cans. Yeah. Do you know what's crazy?
Starting point is 00:57:08 I just like instantly my mind goes to like, did she manufacture this whole thing? You know, like I, I sit on, I think she would be in big trouble if she did. I don't think you're allowed to do that. Shit.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Like pretend that she wouldn't had some freak out on the plane and knew the person and then later just like kind of rode that out yeah i don't think you're allowed to do that oh sure trolls a lot that's standby for that once the uh once you need to ride that second ride of clout that's where she'll go only fans god how about the other day when That chick who made the comment on the Froning thread actually had an only fan Well that Goes to what you were saying though should you lean Into it yeah you should she leaned into it
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yeah What if crossfitters knew how to do that They don't they get offended They just get upset Kelsey Keel leaned into whatever she she leaned into it who else has leaned into it rich did originally when him and hillary had that first butt of heads oh yeah yeah remember he did the whole like joker joker thing yeah rich things into a bunch of shit he's smart yeah i don't think there's much i think everybody else just like
Starting point is 00:58:29 gets upset to be honest have you been seeing any of this january 6th footage come out no so they released all the footage from january 6th oh okay the guy who's the new head of the house god i could fuck this up i think maybe his name is michael johnson okay and uh he's he's releasing all the footage so there's like 40 000 hours of footage so people are combing through it now and check this out look at this breaking the january 6th footage has now officially been released available to the public for all to see. We were told this was a violent insurrection, an overt attempt to overthrow the government. Now you can see for yourselves thousands of hours of footage. This will break some people's minds and worldviews.
Starting point is 00:59:20 They think that the mainstream narrative was not the accurate depiction of the truth. views. They think that the mainstream narrative was not the accurate depiction of the truth. Hopefully, being able to see this full unedited tapes will help wake some people up that there was a clear agenda to keep you misinformed. But eventually, truth prevails. And this provides some vindication for those who always questioned the narrative and were persecuted for being fascist and supporting an insurrection. Links to the tapes of my broadcast channel. Enjoy. Breaking. And there's so much stuff coming out.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Look at this guy. This guy says he was there, the real Huckleberry. My brother, myself, and many others were crucified for that day. Our lives ruined over an orchestrated event. Wow. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve.
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Starting point is 01:01:26 Hmm. Mattitude would have been better oh I like that mattitude matt suza it could have been matt suza used to make a joke about that mattitude 5 dvds to changing your life and then the song would play and it would be like no no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:01:46 you need a new matitude instead of attitude. Why, did you have a matitude? No, I didn't. Just some dumb shit I would say at the bar. I always gotta laugh. I don't want to show you this right now.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I was gonna show, oh, when you were a waiter, when you were a bartender. Certain jokes you knew would hit. Up that tip. I want to keep this show with funny shit. Funnier shit. Funniest shit.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Easy. Oh, shit. Lighthearted. Yeah, fuck. Okay, here we go. Oh, here we go. This one's good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:23 This one's great. we go oh here we go this one's good okay this one's great this is some kid some melanated kid at a hospital obviously he's not playing with the full deck and his mom asks him uh does she does he want tacos he's in the hospital for some maybe he's getting like a late circumcision or something here we go you want some tacos i'm fucking mexican i'm a fucking fried chicken bitch i'm fucking black is you blonde you want some tacos i'm fucking mexican i'm a fucking fried chicken bitch i'm fucking black is you blonde damn you know what's funny too is people in the comments here um
Starting point is 01:03:11 someone says this can't be real or why do people let their children use language like that they're like dude that kid doesn't know what the fuck is going on yeah oh man I hate that that first comment was my first thought what this what this can't be real yeah like it's just the dubbed over is going on. Yeah. Oh, man. I hate that that first comment was my first thought. What?
Starting point is 01:03:26 This can't be real? Yeah. Like, it's just the dubbed over. It looks lip sync. Oh, maybe. That's where I go every time I see something on the internet first.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Wow. Okay. I didn't even think about that. Wow. Are you about to ruin Instagram for me? No.
Starting point is 01:03:40 I hope not. That's what we call Mexican and black cuisine. I was like, is this real? Man. Wow. Especially because what Hiller did to Jada Koontz. Hi, I'm Jada Koontz. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Fuck. You know what's crazy too? I guess that's just some AI voice because I'm hearing it all over the internet now. Yeah. But to me, it's, it's de Coons. The association. It's the association. Like once he did that whole thing and how he just keeps putting that snippet in it.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Like every time I laugh and every time I'm like, fuck. And now it's like, that's the voice you're going to hear. Damn. Yeah. Next one. This next one's wild. This is Bryce Mitchell. He's a UFC fighter. A good one.
Starting point is 01:04:34 He's kind of... I like Bryce, but he's kind of like a low-rent Colton Mertens of the UFC. He's cool, but he's not like Colton coolertens of the UFC. He's cool, but I mean, he's not, he's not, he's not like Colton cool. But here we go. You believe that we evolved from monkeys? Yes or no? Yes or no? Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Yes. Bullshit. It's bullshit. It's bullshit. It's a lie from Satan. It's a lie from Satan, brother. You have been tricked. You have been deceived.
Starting point is 01:05:08 We are not coming from monkeys. We are the apex predators. Do you believe that we evolved from monkeys? Yes or no? Yes or no? Yes. Yes. Bullshit.
Starting point is 01:05:23 It's bullshit. It's bullshit. It's bullshit. He's triggered. What's great? That guy's free. Freedom. He's a little dogmatic in his thinking but he's free he's like
Starting point is 01:05:47 bullshit vindicate he's definitely not Colton oh my god look at this dude holy shit that's nice I think he accidentally struck with a marker
Starting point is 01:06:02 did you scratch it? no I didn't it's not a scratch it? No, I didn't. It came like that. It's not a scratch. It's like one of those Sharpie permanent markers. So I'm like, okay, this one's done. I was like, you motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:06:14 It came like that. What do you think about that, Travis? How do you think that got there? Anyway, I don't care. I look at this side. Dude. Dude. God damn. This is so cool. I don't like the lids.
Starting point is 01:06:39 It came with a lid where this piece that slides is plastic, and this piece is a magnet for the magnet ones. Do you have a preference? No, I actually always leave the lids off because the Yeti works too good. And I like my coffee. Right, right. It'll be just fucking hot forever. Hot forever, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Patrick, let's not use this let's not use such loaded words like conspiracy here this is a safe space no label this is a safe space oh i'm off i'm off i'm off never again i'm off how do you know i turn mine off see that green camera on the top of the screen? Way in the upper right-hand corner? Way, way up on your monitor. There's a green camera.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Okay, yeah. If you click on that, and then you go down to reactions. Oh. Look, I just made my shit portrait mode. Not portrait mode. Studio lighting. Not studio lighting. Reactions. Re lighting. Not studio lighting. Reactions.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Not reactions. I don't know if I have that. Do you see it? Uh-uh. Touch up. Patrick Clark, Bryce is a huge... Bryce is an open-minded young man, and he happily admits it.
Starting point is 01:08:03 There we go. Is open to alternate non-primary narrative methods of thinking non-primary narrative i'm a non-primary narrative oh i'm sorry we're non-primary narrative here this household no what's this what's he talking about suza did you watch the pbd interview with the antarctica guy what was that some of it yeah he worked for uh raytheon oh i watched some of that too that was scary a little bit yeah that was weird it's hard to uh yeah some of that stuff's a little a little out there but maybe it's true scary yeah i mean he sounds very like like he doesn't give a shit if you believed
Starting point is 01:08:46 him or not and uh and then even like uh at one part of the interview pbd's like so you're you're telling me you're just a plumber and he's like yeah and he's like okay so you go to my house i got a few things you could fix it you think you could and he's like yeah and he's like you think so and he's like i know so i just like okay and then when he goes over the other party he's like you know usually we ask people i want to come on here hey dude like what are you looking for is there a payment do you want to promote something blah blah blah and he's like we dug into you when you said no i don't have anything to promote or bob you know i don't have anything to point at and they looked into and he didn't and he was like so that up your credibility like you don't have a reason to be here oh so that was yeah i don't know it was interesting that's for sure but the whole
Starting point is 01:09:29 mind reading shit and stuff like that he was a plumber there said it was a plumber for that company but it was weird you got to listen to the whole thing it's super vague too vague but but he thinks something's going on there like ice aliens no just really advanced technology that has the ability to like sway opinion oh the earthquake machines that was another one oh yeah yeah yeah i think that's the clip i saw earthquake machines yeah and that they could also control the weather quite a bit and he claims like there was a hurricane coming in on 9-11 and then it paused out in the ocean and then 9-11 happened and the hurricane went back into the ocean i don't know hey is it true that there's no footage of um there's no footage of the plane hitting the um pentagon yeah yeah because i watched some footage of it the other day and they're like look you can't see the plane this is the only angle we
Starting point is 01:10:31 have although there's 83 other cameras that have the footage you know that thing's covered in cameras yeah did you even did you hear um that that was supposedly part of the pentagon that where this like really large sum of money went missing and that's where those records and what have you would have been held or something like that? Have you heard that theory before? No, but I did hear at the bottom of the World Trade Center there was gold being stored there.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Interesting. There's a bunch of good shit like that. Like the guy who recently who owned it took out some crazy insurance policy on terrorist attacks, like relatively soon before that, right? There was the money that was missing. There was like, whatever, like a trillion dollars missing. That's probably wrong.
Starting point is 01:11:17 From the Pentagon, but like a huge thing. There were all these people who were short-sailed the United Airlines stock. They flew with binomas bin laden's family home to germany or flew him to germany yeah the day of they were on the last flight out of the states or something crazy before they ground all the airplanes uh sema oh i need one of these shirts wearing my he he here's another uh sign of someone who has a mental disorder if they wear a shirt with their picture on it uh travis i need one of those wearing my he who shall not be named shirt and so cozy how do i get more vindicate in this fabric
Starting point is 01:11:58 god i hope the eyes are just like right on your tits. It's my face. Unacceptable. Did you see that? Uh, speaking of, cause SEMA also said, wow, we're digging at the bottom of the barrel in 1999.
Starting point is 01:12:14 I'm assuming to our nine 11 conversation. But did you, did I tell you about the guy that came, um, uh, onto my Instagram and was like, I found you here after the Heibler episode on your podcast and you didn't say much.
Starting point is 01:12:28 But then when you left, you bashed him a ton and everything else, but like tagged Heibler and everything in it. And then Heibler wrote back like something of the effect of like when alphas speak, betas keep quiet or something. And then the guy who snitched on me essentially came back and was like i know a brother or something like that that's on your instagram yeah dude and i just thought it was funny because like dan a couple other people always like give me shit because i
Starting point is 01:12:57 yelled at them for being like you know pretty harsh to that guy and we were like cool with them the whole time and like of course nobody nobody got it you didn't even talk in that podcast it's like okay so yeah are you yeah what a fuck what's that make that dude who's a tattletale there's so many fucking tattletales oh dude that was my whole thing here i'll bring'll bring it up so you can see it. There's so many fucking tattletales. God damn. Oh, there's the phone. Oh, look. Let's see if the phone works.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Oh, shit. Hello? Hello? Hello? Oh, hold on. Hold on. I can fix this. This is just normal fuck up.
Starting point is 01:13:41 I can fix this. This is just normal fuck up. How far away do you think we are to where the phone is just always working? Hold on. I'm going to get you, caller. Hold on. Close. We're getting close. I think we're just back to it just being just a shitty connection. I have to reset the connection every
Starting point is 01:13:59 30 minutes. Caller, hi. Hello? Hey. Hey. Are the phones like normal now? 30 minutes. Call her. Hi. Hello. Hey. Hey. What's up? Are the phones line normal now? Not normally.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Are you still holding the phone up to the mic? They're normally. No, no. It was. They're normal the way they were when they were fucked up, but they're not like it's like full tarded. They're only an imbecile mode right now. I was a little behind in a couple of episodes so I went to go uh listen to one while I'm gonna pick up my daughter from a party and I said let me see what these guys are up to
Starting point is 01:14:32 how do you spell daughter daughter d-a-u-g-h-t-e-r oh why do you pronounce it uh d-o-T-T-E-R? Daughter Daughter? Like D-A-W? Yeah, it's just Daughter Oh, D-A-W Oh, daughter Yeah, daughter Daughter Hey, dude, you're about
Starting point is 01:14:50 When's your gym open? December 2nd I can't believe you're coming on the show I'm so fucking excited I can't believe I'm going on the show And I'm opening a fucking gym up Listen Holy shit
Starting point is 01:15:03 Yeah, congrats To anybody in the world, but especially people who work at CrossFit headquarters, remember, this podcast pumps so much fucking life and energy into the ecosystem so much
Starting point is 01:15:19 that one of our fucking brethren, die-hard mofos, Eduardo from Ecuador, otherwise known as Jethro, Cardona, shit, don't tell me your last name, Jethro, Jethro. Did I get it right? Yeah, Cardona. He's opening a fucking gym. Now, granted, it has a racist name, but...
Starting point is 01:15:44 But he does have some Native American blood in him if we want to be honest completely fair, completely honest oh, well shit, then it's not racist fuck, but anyway it's Taino hey, you gotta that's some apparel, I'd rock some fucking
Starting point is 01:15:59 chieftain apparel well then, I'm gonna have to send some your way yeah, I'd rock the shit out of that it's gonna be awesome dude i'm stuck what city is it in yeah uh massapequa new york mass ooh spell that for me i'll pull up on a map yeah m-a-s-s m-a-s-s a-p a-p e-q-u-a e-q-u-a ap ap equa equa how about everybody on that yeah massive people i met a bunch felt the way it sounds yeah i met a bunch of people in california one year uh like 10 years ago and i had them saying all this new york type uh accent stuff and all these towns that we live in that have the Native American connotations.
Starting point is 01:16:46 They could not get it. Oh, this is cool. Wow. This whole thing out here is called Long Island? Yeah, you've never heard of Long Island? I have, but I'm just not sure if it denotes that whole piece sticking out, like this dick off the side of Manhattan, that whole thing. From Garden City to Montauk, that's all Long Island?
Starting point is 01:17:10 It's all Long Island. People like to front, and they're like, yeah, Brooklyn and Queens are part of Long Island, but it's definitely not. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, that's where we are, man. It's really nice out here.
Starting point is 01:17:26 God, you guys are so fucking vulnerable out there. Well, that super storm Sandy I've heard, I know you've heard about it. Yeah. Almost killed this fucking island. It was a disaster. Right by my house, it was like six feet of water in the streets. No joke, six feet of water. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:17:45 I'm looking at... Tell me the name again. I lost it. Massapequa. Oh, there it is. Yeah. Oh, it's shaped like Louisiana. There's a Starbucks. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:00 How much do they pay for that? Oh, don't condone it. I got a cool I got a cool story For our Show, How I Got the Name You know who reached out to me? Karina Rain reached out to me
Starting point is 01:18:15 Oh yeah, she's cool, I like her Yeah, yeah, we had a nice chat Via Instagram Is she a New Yorker? No, she moved to where she moved to she was in california i don't know where she went but uh yeah the uh i mean we talk about it further but here in new york state all of a sudden the new york state regents board that's who like governs all of our schools here they decided to uh take away all of the Native American mascots and images for our public schools and erase that history.
Starting point is 01:18:51 No more. So Massapequa was called the Massapequa Chiefs as a Indian chief. So they decided like every every single like warriors or Indians and there's a lot of them over here, they said you cannot have that as a mascot or as a connotation for your school. You have to get rid of it in two years. So what I did, the first thing I decided to do was to honor the Indian heritage that we have on
Starting point is 01:19:18 Long Island and call my gym CrossFit Chief Nation. I'm not going to let that go away. Yeah. crossfit chief nation dude i'm not gonna let that go away yeah in the language of the algonquin first americans who inhabited this area means great waterland yep so why would you want to take that away yeah why would you because for uh middle-aged white moms who were bored, have nothing to do, but sit around and complain about stuff. Yeah. Let's change this up now. I don't think so. We're very proud of our Indian heritage here.
Starting point is 01:19:50 And we're pretty rich in sports and we use the chief name as, you know, a leader, a tribal leader. And Hey, and that's what you are. Yeah. That's, that's, that's what we're trying to do. Massapequa uses the Chief's nickname, had vowed to fight against the state's Native American mascot ban and filed a lawsuit on Thursday claiming it was unconstitutional. There are 13 Long Island school districts affected by the ban
Starting point is 01:20:14 that was paused unanimously by the board in April. Oh, it sounds like it was paused. But then they went through it. It might be an article after that. But, yeah yeah you know our school district mass peak was school district was the first school district to uh sue the state for the use of masks oh that's that unconstitutional law that they uh tried passing so we were the first ones to go against it hey if you need any um uh pointers um on like uh thing offerings for your uh
Starting point is 01:20:49 gym you should call archetype crossfit they do some really cool things for their members like they have a type crossfit yeah we talked to them yet no but i i just on their instagram account and they they brought in someone to give people COVID and flu vaccines and boosters. Oh, that's so nice. Nice parents at the gym. Hey, and they're going to have septum piercing day. So anyone who wants to can get a septum piercing. Is this gym in California?
Starting point is 01:21:16 God, that's a great guess. Chicago. Chicago. Come get your pump in your prick on here. I hope there's some of you that wanted to get a septum ring and just my constant bashing of it has made it so you change your mind and you hate me for it. And then in 10 years, you're going to be looking for me.
Starting point is 01:21:38 You're like, dude, thank you so much. I'll be like, no problem. I get it. No problem. I'm sure you guys talked about it, but Matt, how was the 10-year anniversary? It was great. We had a great time. It was a super good turnout. Was that yesterday or today? Today. It was really this
Starting point is 01:21:52 morning. Wow. You're such a boss. You're on the podcast tonight. Look at that. Yes, sir. No plan B? No plan B. That's right. Yeah, but I don't got to go back tomorrow. Everything's all cleaned up and nice and set up. So that's exciting.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Congratulations. I didn't see any people hooking up there. It was dry. It was a pretty mellow wedding. Mellow wedding? Mellow 10-year anniversary. Dude, I'm telling you. I had six Advil PMs.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Daniel said I look like an eggplant because of my shirt my mouth's dry like i did fucking weed i did like i did some weed he's on the devil's lettuce no that's just seven advils hey do you remember when they would like everything was like racist for a couple years and they're like uh this is this adds more stress to black people and do you remember like everything was about adding stress i was thinking the other day i wonder if world the the the looming possibility of world war three is more stressful on black people they haven't they haven't said because if it is they gotta not have that shit yeah they should probably because that's just probably not good for the climate too definitely not good for the climate there's no he's driving a big fat nuke blocking out the sun
Starting point is 01:23:21 oh man savvy i sent you that text message with uh that article from uh the new york post i believe it was that uh the budget is getting cut in new york now because of the migrant crisis they're cutting about 4 000 cops dude new york is in trouble that makes sense when i tell you it's when you say trouble, I'm kidding. They've never had levels of police officers like this. Trouble. The problem in New York, not the problem, but the problem in New York is that now, since the crime is running rampant, no one wants to lock anyone up as a cop because they're just going to get back in the street. Why would they get in trouble for people filming them on their phones, trying to arrest somebody and then claiming they did something wrong?
Starting point is 01:24:06 And now all these cops are either retiring or they're going to different jurisdictions like in Massapequa, where we are, because it's different out here in the suburbs. So now they're leaving. Now they're not hiring. They canceled the next five academies. Yeah, dude, it says right here. The next five academies? academies. Yeah, dude, it says right here. The next five academies? Listen to this.
Starting point is 01:24:29 The NYPD force will be reduced by 29,000 cops by the end of the fiscal year 2025. Yep, I said it. 29,000. NYPD to have only 29,000 cops. Oh. That's two different conflicting things, what it says here. No, no. We usually have, we've had about 42 000 cops at one point now they're going down to 29 000 wow okay so so it is reduced and down to 29 000 yeah and it says that
Starting point is 01:24:52 they're gonna stop doing they're putting a freeze on new recruits yep and they're blaming the migrants that's not that doesn't that sounds like some racist shit. The lowest level since the mid-90s amid a slew of citywide budget cuts. Under City Hall's newly unveiled updates to the 2024 financial plan, the next five police academy classes will be axed. Damn. Decimated in an already strained department, as roughly 4,500 officers are expected to leave their ranks within the next 18 months.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Wow. And I didn't read that article fully, but we know what's happening. The defund the police crowd's woke dream has come true. We were fed a line of BS that the wave of migrants would be a benefit to the city. Now we are defunding the police to pay for their beds, said council leader Joe Borelli. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Whenever anyone mentions anything about Biden, how bad he's doing, or Eric Adams here in New York, the only thing I say is the people have spoken. Dude, it's going to get so violent in New York. Wow. Most of the savings will come from getting rid of jobs that have yet to be filled, as well as reducing after-school program seats by just 3,500. Your kids are fucked. That's another thing. I'll leave it.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Yeah, I'll leave it. Thank you. Thank you. A little discipline. Just ain't going over it. The Jamaican horn, I love it. Despite the glaring cuts, his owner, whose office took an $8,000 hit for travel allowances this year, still hailed his plan and claimed it would have a minimal disruption.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Please. Under the budget plan, savings will also come from hiring freezes being implemented at the law department, DOE, the fire department, and the sanitation civilian employees. The Department of Aging, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Department of Mental Health and Mental Health, Office of Administration Trials and Hearings, and the Parks Department. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:27:16 I'm on a law enforcement page on Facebook. Yeah. And there's cops that always say, hey, I'm going into Barclays Center. I'm going to Madison Square Garden. Do they allow off-duty carry, you know, off-duty carrying of a gun if you're a cop? They'll say no. And they go, oh, do you know if we should bring it?
Starting point is 01:27:36 And everyone's just like, don't even bother going to Manhattan. If you don't have your gun, don't even bother. Wow. Damn. Wow. Like, Stay home. Dude, that's scary. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:54 When are those rich people, they're going to flip the script and become Republicans? They won't. They won't. Is that Caleb? No. Just the Caleb AI voice. Sound like
Starting point is 01:28:12 him for a second. You know, all these rich people have their private security guards. They'll have all their drivers. I was driving in Brooklyn the other day in a not so nice area and I looked to my left and this guy is in this souped up BMW. This guy's a driver
Starting point is 01:28:27 for this really rich older white guy. He's in the back seat reading the Wall Street Journal. You think that guy would have been taking the subway or taking a cab? Elmo. Awesome. Good for him. I'm glad the rich
Starting point is 01:28:44 people are safe. Yes. They're him. I'm glad the rich people are safe. They're safe. I'm glad the phone's working back and we got a live show tonight. Pretty awesome. Thanks for calling. I'm excited to have you on. Thanks. Me too. I'm really excited. It's going to be a lot of fun. Are you just waiting outside to dance
Starting point is 01:29:03 to see who your daughter comes out with uh she went to the act she went to the uh cast party so now i gotta go drive and get her oh all right it's almost 11 o'clock here so oh yeah all right thanks dude it's coast time all right dudes good night good pop later later all right clear phone call good dude sounded great i'm glad the phone worked are you making a call right now oh that might be a noise here okay i'm tripping are there any muslim countries that are accepting palestinian No, they never have. That seems insane because there's all this support for the Palestinians.
Starting point is 01:29:48 If you're Islamic, if you're a Muslim and you want to support these Muslims, wouldn't you support the idea that your country, this Muslim country, would accept those people and they could be in a place where they could be free? Now, 22 Arab nations, over 40 Muslim nations internationally, right? There's one Jew
Starting point is 01:30:05 nation. And that one Jew nation, Israel, has done more for the Palestinians. I just like when he says Jew nation. Any other nation ever. So it's ludicrous and it's insulting to the Palestinian people to start throwing stones at Israel when in fact they're the only group that has been trying to protect in any administrative way, provide food, water, and resources to the people that are there. Over 40 Muslim countries, not one of them is accepting any palestinian refugees what is the answer to that like why they're a problem that is with the with the radicals that are embedded inside of them how do you differentiate between who is a peaceful muslim palestinian to who is a radical that is working for hamas like How do you do that? Right. So are there any...
Starting point is 01:30:47 Oh, wait. I'm getting a bad echo. How about now? No. Oh. Oh, very slightly. From me? No.
Starting point is 01:31:02 It was me. I could hear myself back. And now I can hear that. Oh. Somebody calling? Gone. Oh, that's crazy that you could hear that. I couldn't hear that. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Do you hear it now? No. Yeah, but I keep hearing a little bit of echo back on me that's weird alright I think that's good I'll be back
Starting point is 01:31:33 tomorrow oh it's gonna be fucked hey I guess I should say this did I tell you this guy died going through my notes oh shit did we talk about him because he passed away i can't remember but i went i went out to his gymnastics academy in armenia and filmed with him i interviewed him yeah yeah yeah i think we had greg on we were sure i pulled up clips of that
Starting point is 01:31:58 oh yeah right the iron cross guy yeah okay he's dead 94 god i hope i lived in 94 that'd be awesome yeah maybe even more 103 103 yeah technology will advance you know they'll have another booster for you by then you'll be good to go another booster oh get you hooked up um uh anomaly i i need to reach out to not only did you see i found it he i told you he reached out to me i sent you his contact information right yeah i have it all saved all right check this out here we go for new politician adam schiff said that israel is experiencing its own 9-11 there is no both sides to this attack this is a statement that most politicians in both parties seem to agree with. And all I have to say outside of prayers for the victims and the families from these brutal attacks is remember
Starting point is 01:32:50 when 9-11 happened, a horrible, horrible tragedy. They used it to start multiple wars in the Middle East, passed the Patriot Act under the guise of spying on terrorist Muslims in America, and it ended up being weaponized against American citizens that weren't that. And a lot of the same Republicans who lobbied for all these wars in the Patriot Act ended up suffering from them. And lots of people who pushed both the Patriot Act and the wars in the Middle East even admit they were wrong today. So I'm going to keep it simple today and say God bless everyone. And just remember the days of George W. Bush and how they used a real tragedy to push certain war agendas and domestic spying agendas. Trillions of dollars spent, thousands of lives lost.
Starting point is 01:33:30 And they called anybody against this and anybody against the Patriot Act a terrorist sympathizer at the time, even though they now know they were wrong for that. And although there's going to be a lot of pressure. Greg was way against the Patriot Act. Way, way, way, way, way against Patriot Act. Greg was way against the Patriot Act. Way, way, way, way, way against the Patriot Act. For obvious reasons, the following weeks, people on both sides of this equation trying to bully you into agreeing with them. Understand that it's okay to remember exactly what followed after 9-11. God bless you.
Starting point is 01:33:55 California politician. I think he's been on. Someone said Anomaly would be a great show. He's been on before. Yeah. And I actually partied with him in newport i i actually really enjoyed him he's dope uh you know what's weird is that the official stories that the palestinians are captive to hamas and egypt won't let them in but yet israel issues a warning for them to leave that's good enough i'm not sure i understand
Starting point is 01:34:27 exactly slobby you don't leave like that you need money and then then even if you could you take your kids leave your mom sister brother crazy people think you can just move like that. I disagree with you 100%. I read something about immigration one time that said even if shit's really, really bad, most people still won't leave until they're threat of bombs being dropped on their houses or soldiers running through their streets. Yeah. Greg said no no no i read that oh yeah yeah yeah the thing is they knew that this was coming they've been living there for that long like people found a way to
Starting point is 01:35:16 survive there um they've they've known that they need to move to one end for a while now. The thing is, it's like one of the largest human migrations ever. 900,000 people have already got up and fucking moved fucking 10 miles and are living on the streets, right? And anyone who calls it a genocide is a fucking idiot too because if the Israelis wanted to, they're going to flatten Gaza and they could have flattened it already with all the people in it. It's 10,000 people dead is tempered.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Here we go. Okay, here we go. Hello. Here we go. Oh, here we go. Oh, wow. Hey, so this is, it's extra sloppy. Oh, hey.
Starting point is 01:36:01 So just to clarify what I was kind of saying there um i have these like official narratives right and it's very convoluted because on one hand they want to make they want to make it out that you know no muslim nations care for the palestinians and they want to tell us that everybody in Palestine is a hostage to Hamas, right? But when Israel issues a warning for them to leave, that's supposed to be good enough. And like, well, we told them to leave, but realistically, they don't have anywhere to go. And if they did have somewhere to go, they couldn't anyway, anyways, because they're hostages. But then Israel bombs the surface, knowing that all the Hamas fighters are safe in tunnels. So they're really just bombing citizens anyways, like the public. And the tradeoff is like 150 to one.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Right. So they're just like incinerating the public and doing nothing about hamas so so what was that i i'll buy i'll buy i'll buy some of that i won't the emotional appeal part 150 to 1 doesn't matter to me the the israelis had no chance at all they weren't warned at all they weren't warned at all although they're dumb fucks for living on the border. I'll say that. Knowing that those fucking freaks who have been chanting death to America and behead America, like that, the loudspeaker coming out of that country is death to the country next to us. Non fucking stop. Yeah, and there's no justification. I want to make that clear.
Starting point is 01:37:45 There's no justification for the actions of violence On either's behalf Zionism or Hamas What do you think Zionism is? When you use the word Zionism What do you think that means? It's just a far right faction of the Israeli Government Essentially When I think of Zionism
Starting point is 01:38:01 I think of it as like Hey it's people who want Israel to have its own country. Yeah, it could be. And I think that pretty much everybody in Israel that's a Jew would say that they believe that, but that they don't affiliate themselves with Zionism at large. Right? Does that make sense? Yeah. Melissa is saying, ask your dad or your mom, Sebi. I'm sure they know a lot about the region. Hard, complex resentment.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Yeah, I mean, I told you the story. I went and visited the house with that, if you want to call it that, the cave that my family escaped during the genocide in. Yeah, there's a lot of just atrocities that have been committed on behalf of the israelis and the palestinians towards each other and we just have to keep in mind that there's a lot of innocent people trapped in the middle of it right now um you know the onslaught of the Israelis to the like the Gaza Strip is just really hard to watch. Right. So we were the Hamas fighters killed the innocent Israelis and our hearts went out to them. And now, like the onslaught of the Israelis to the innocent Palestinians has like my heart just goes out to them.
Starting point is 01:39:22 It's so what about this? Let me let me run this by you um i think that all these people chanting in the streets free palestine that they're getting the palestinians actually killed that there's a component of like that there's hope for them and that they should stand and fight and that some injustice is being done and that we're we're standing up for you what it reminds me and is like in my mind is tantamount to the blm crisis you say defund the police because they're bad the blacks and guess who fucking dies by the thousands over the next two years because you defunded the police blacks if people really wanted to help they would be doing two kinds of protests egypt open the
Starting point is 01:40:02 fucking border arab countries take these fucking people in and three uh hamas free the hostages and we know why they're not protesting that because two two reasons they're not thinking clearly and all these other fucking people are fucking animals dude you know what i mean by animals they're fucking sc're fucking scumbags, and there's no reason. The reason why they're closing down our bridge is because we fucking are civilized and have a bridge. What the fuck are they going to— They know if they protest on the streets like that and outside of fucking in Libya or Syria, they're going to get fucking gunned down. It's just crazy. It's just crazy.
Starting point is 01:40:50 It's important to acknowledge that nobody is going to get more innocent Palestinian Palestinians killed than Hamas is. Right. Right. Their their attack on October 7th was a brutal display intentionally. Right. They were luring Israel into the Middle East. Right. Or like come to come to the West Banks, come to the Gaza Strips. We need to sabotage these peace treaties that are kind of underway with other Muslim nations and Israel, right? And they did an excellent job at that. The timing was impeccable. And it's really just the same playbook that, uh, bin Laden took with us, right? Where the 9-11 attacks were supposed to be like a spectacle and everybody was outraged.
Starting point is 01:41:31 And then he got us into a 20 year war in which we spent trillions of dollars, uh, killed, you know, millions of innocent Muslims across the Middle East, uh, destabilized a giant region of the planet. And for what? So that we could replace the Taliban with the Taliban. You know, we just got our asses kicked. Right. And that's exactly what Hamas is doing to Israel right now.
Starting point is 01:41:53 And we just need to, like, keep that in the back of our minds. Right. Like, there's really not a way for Israel to win here. And I don't know what to do with that because it puts them in a paradoxical position right like what do you do like you can't win so is bombing the surface and killing civilians you know the answer that you're looking for i mean it's it's better than doing nothing maybe i'm not even sure if that's true uh melissa melissa odier uh um uh no matter no matter where you come from you see your child being killed there's no way back it has been done over and over on both sides for so many years
Starting point is 01:42:33 reconciliation is out of the question yeah that's that's scary because you know what the next question is so you're saying that they just need to line them up and kill everyone. Here's the other thing that's just crazy, dude. That doesn't look good for Israel. Well, they can't do it. Here's the thing, dude. 1.8 billion Muslims. 12 or 15 million Jews worldwide.
Starting point is 01:43:03 Like, dude. Right. At some point, someone's got to talk to the muslims and be like dude just leave him alone yeah yeah and i don't know what you do man like the entire history behind 1948 1972 all the things that have taken place between palestine and israel since then it's an impossible situation right there's just no right or wrong it's just wrong do you know wrong do you know the the biblical relationship between those people the the arabs and the jews the people who follow islam it's crazy it's fucking it's uh the sons of Abraham, right? Yeah. And they've been pretty much just fighting over the same land, Jerusalem, really.
Starting point is 01:43:47 Do you know the story, Sousa? No. I couldn't say I remember it very well. So I think my sister called and told me, but it was something like this, that basically there was this chick, and she's fucking this dude this dude i forget who they are and they can't have kids so the chick says to the dude you go ahead you could fuck another chick and have a kid with her so he fucked some other chick and they have a kid then she gets pregnant. She has a fucking kid. The original one. Her own kid with her husband. So she tells the kid who is from her husband from with a different lady.
Starting point is 01:44:33 You got to get the fuck out. And that was the split. That's why we have Islam and Judaism. I think that's I think that's what my sister told me. Yeah, that sounds right. It rings a bell for me. I can't say that I ever knew the story that well, but it's fascinating. Maybe I just made it up.
Starting point is 01:44:52 Maybe I made it up. No one in the chat is saying I fucked it up, so I might be pretty close. Yeah, you're in the clear with this 169 people. Are you guys fucking crazy? Someone has seen a hang-up. Are you kidding me? This is great. I ain't hanging up. Oh, sorry. She says hang-up. I Someone's seen a hang up. Are you kidding me? This is great. I ain't hanging.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Oh, sorry. She says, hang up. Okay. She's saying hang up. Cause she has something to say. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Sorry. Go ahead. Oh, if you check your DMS, I sent you like so much stuff on this conflict. It's amazing. So check, uh,
Starting point is 01:45:20 DMS on Instagram, X slap. I'm in there. Like, so no, and there's this one thing that like 20 of you sent me about how basically the jews control the world like you're just if it's that thing did you send me that thing the black guy oh no no i'm not really into that yeah like i'm
Starting point is 01:45:37 when you're sending me like i don't give a fuck yeah okay fine they control it or they don't control it i'm just yeah no yeah it's about that. It's more just about like how, how, um, you know, propaganda gets into everybody's heads and convinces us to pick a side when realistically there, there are no sides to pick.
Starting point is 01:45:53 It's just evil. So. Just people taking advantage of an opportunity to pursue their own interests. Yep, man. Just sell lots of weapons. So, yeah. All right, guys, have have a good night i appreciate you taking the call okay
Starting point is 01:46:08 thanks for the call god it makes me sound like a monster he's like so sober like hey baby killing thing ain't cool man as i was like listening to you know you guys talk about this to be honest i'm just not that i'm caught up on like this issue or haven't really looked into it that deeply but all i could just think the whole time is like haven't we been doing that for forever since the 90s what fighting over there just going over there disrupting things going in a war droning people innocent people like oh let's
Starting point is 01:46:40 turn the fucking hospital or this birthday hey we got this leader we think like you know like it's all the same stuff that the US has done for a long time oh zero there's zero part of that story that's true well tell it to me sorry did I fuck it up no I think she might be responding to Bruce oh how many drinks have you had
Starting point is 01:46:57 she said two god Seema your hair is awesome oh Patrick Clark says pretty close. Fine, good. That's awesome. Yeah, when I was a kid, we were fucking with Beirut hardcore. Yeah. Yeah. Some like that Sevan read Genesis 17 and 18 for the full story of Abraham.
Starting point is 01:47:26 Something like that, maybe. Something that Sevan. I think she meant to say something like that. I thought she didn't read it like she thinks I read it. Do they have an audio book of it? I'll read that shit. I'll listen to that shit. Abraham had two original sons called ishmael and isaac
Starting point is 01:47:46 then he had sons with a third woman a third woman so it was even a little more complicated than the way i said it it's disappointing that's all this history and like war and everything like boils down to like that like yeah i want it to be like grander like i want it to be like something more like spiritual or not touchable or something you know someone else someone didn't want someone else's offering in the house it's so crazy yeah 2500 years later we're still like how do we evolve beyond that? All right, I have to pee.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Thanks for doing this late night show with me. Yeah, that was fun. Thanks for coming out today. Did you understand these bank records that we saw? Not that I want to say whose bank records they are, but someone sent us someone's bank records. You do understand that? Yeah, from like what I saw on it.
Starting point is 01:48:50 Yeah. Just looks like a normal filing. And then someone and then did you also someone's like, hey, can I get a link to the full records? And then someone's like, sure. And then they go, is that possible, too? Yeah. I mean, I think a lot of it has to is like public record. Damn.
Starting point is 01:49:06 Mm-hmm. Damn. That's getting a little savage for me. Yeah, that's rough, right? Yeah, digging in people's money shit. And I wonder what the circumstances of how that's filed or whatever, that's made public. Because usually you could find the owner of the business and information about the LLC, the filing, some history of it. But to be able to just pull up a balance sheet, that's like...
Starting point is 01:49:36 That's pretty gnarly, right? Yeah. Call her hi. Hi. Oh, hi. It's Seema. No, it's not Seema. It's Seema. Oh, it is Seema. Yes, it is. Oh, hi. It's Seema. No, it's not Seema. It's Seema.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Oh, it is Seema. Yes, it is. Oh, okay. See, I knew right away. Ishmael. Tell me about Ishmael. So really quick, Ishmael and Isaac. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:57 So Sarah was the husband of Abraham. How long is this story? How long is this story? I have to pee. Hold on. I have to pee. Hold on. 30 seconds. No, no, I can't. Sarah went to Abraham and said,
Starting point is 01:50:14 I can't have babies. You should go have babies with Hagar. Go have an affair. And Hagar said, fine, I will have babies. And that's how we got Ishmael. And we have Isaac and Ishmael. And then you have the we got ishmael and we have isaac and ishmael and then you have the muslims of ishmael you are a descendant of isaac you are an armenian so you are a christian by trait and which is why the palestinian israeli conflict is so at the heart of why you're so
Starting point is 01:50:43 adamant about fighting for it. Because. What was that? I said, because he's a Christian and he doesn't know it. Yes, he's a Christian. No, which is why he identifies with God and he's constantly entertaining all these callers who call in. What do you think about that? You think he's denying it?
Starting point is 01:51:07 He's stuffing it down? Probably. Okay. All right. Sorry. Keep going with your story. So eventually the Muslims start invading Turkey and Iran and Armenia. And there's this blend of Muslims and Christians in the Middle East right okay
Starting point is 01:51:28 one of the things that happened in the Gaza Strip was a blend of the Christians the Judea Christians the Ishmael and Isaac sons right of Abraham were all of Abraham. Did we do the sex part yet? Did they have sex yet? And so when this happens, right, they only have the default to a national identity, which is what they're trying to default on for the location. But there are many things that go along with these cultures in fact one of the reasons why are you palestinian no oh what are you persian oh same thing i'm persian i'm i'm from my dad is from tehran my mother is irish my mother is ir-Norwegian. Tehran. Tehran. So one of the things that happens during these conflicts is that they actually literally aggregate a certain amount of water to Israelis because they are defined as more cleanly than Palestinians. And then what did the Israelis do with that? They went and created a whole agricultural system. And so they now have a whole economic
Starting point is 01:52:53 system based off of their water rights, because they are deemed more cleanly than Israelis. Or I'm sorry, Israelis are deemed more friendly than Palestinians. And so they have more resources. And so this whole conflict, they're trying to create a whole new canal in the Gaza Strip that would create a whole economic diversion with the Suez Canal. And so for any of us to think that this is based on ethnicity or on culture or religion is out of this world. This is all a whole economic ploy. And so the policy behind all of this, I think, is really important to value on what the economic history is, where it comes from, and why we're fighting this fight.
Starting point is 01:53:50 See my listener this. Listen, interesting. You ready? Yeah. Here we go. We need to put the economics of water, not only in terms of monetary values, but also in terms of governance,
Starting point is 01:54:01 in terms of recognizing water as a commons that we now need to manage as a broad systems approach. So that's why this commission is not only necessary, but urgent to take this challenge on. You know, not only have we not focused on economics of water, when we have focused on water, we've only focused on drinking water, domestic water. And that is roughly 150 liters per person per day, which is what the wealthy are using. It's a review on the economics of water, and we will be looking at the value of water and considering different novel economic policy measures,
Starting point is 01:54:38 which one may be, for example, putting some form of price on water in order to guide and give incentives, but not as a price to punish those who are poor, Oh, she couldn't hear it. That's why she hung up. Oh, that's why she hung up. She couldn't hear it. Oh, I could hear it when you play it. I know.
Starting point is 01:54:54 I guess the caller can't hear it. Shit. Sorry, Seema. But this goes along the lines of what you're saying. This is the World Economic Forum, and they basically want to take over the fucking water supply. They want to fucking take over the world's fucking water supply. Our stewards of fresh water for the common good. So this is kind of.
Starting point is 01:55:11 He wants to be stewards of the water. World Economic Forum wants to be stewards of water for the common good. So what she's saying is this whole thing is for water rights. Resources and yeah, the ability to change some stuff in the land. That sounds more reasonable to me. That's like tangible. It's the first time I've heard that. But I'm not like, no, there's no fucking way.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Dude, if you control the water. You got everything. You got everything. Yep. Yeah, there's only one more thing upstream from you. It's air. That's right. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:48 Oh, man. only one more thing upstream from you it's air that's right yeah yeah oh man that sucks i went to the bathroom because because that makes it now i have no reason to leave well the first part she was just clarifying on the story you told which is essentially the same the spirit of it was the same a little bit more facts on it then made a suggestion that that's why you're a christian uh um was there um was there three were there three women in her story or just two like in mine no and then there was just two like in yours okay and then it deviated off hey you know when you said um the next thing upstream from water was air yeah reminded me of this story there was this really like she was very good looking attractive but she didn't exactly have a lot
Starting point is 01:56:28 going on upstairs and they told her one time at the restaurant working at the restaurant she was a server at the restaurant i worked at that somebody had to go into the dry storage and recycle out the air and so i walked back there and they had given her this trash bag and she was capturing the air and then walking outside and luckily i caught her doing it on the first try as i walked back and i knew what those assholes were doing and there was like a bunch of the other servers like people and they went to like laugh and like pull out their phone and i like walked over and just like snatched the trash bag out of her hand and she was like hey and i like threw it away and it was just like in passing kind of like pissed off i just remember she was mad at me and then everybody else just kind of
Starting point is 01:57:09 laughed and walked away and i was like you have no idea i just saved you from looking so stupid damn she was literally like trapping the water the other one everybody used to get was they would say hey seven uh after you finish the roll-ups you got to empty out the hot water tank okay and you go okay what does that mean go grab one of the big liter things, just fill it up with hot water. It'll basically fill that up. Then when it cuts, just kill it and you're good to go. The thing is that's hooked up to the main water line, so it'll never ever shut off. Then people would sit there and just pour out the hot water and dump it and be like, why isn't this ever going? But it would never run out.
Starting point is 01:57:44 People would play on the internet. They could empty it. Yeah. Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent at the end of the show. No, I like it. It's good. It's perfect. All right. Glad we got you guys wound up. Tomorrow morning, Jon Brzezink, the world's greatest arm wrestler.
Starting point is 01:57:59 I made a movie about Jon. It's called Pooling Jon. He's been on the show before. He's an amazing, amazing human being. He's such a stud um and he's still arm wrestling at 61 and he's still fucking crushing it i'll show you just really quick his um let me see what he's got going on these days on instagram he i mean he is a fucking legend in the sport of arm wrestling when he goes live on youtube it's nuts it's like the whole fucking youtube community fucking chimes in oh shit something went wrong can i not get john's page oh there it is uh oh shit look at this look at this damn look at there he is with
Starting point is 01:58:38 tyson tyson bajan oh cool yeah nothing but strong arms baby and that looks like that was the party that um and that's john on the left heist in the middle and travis on the right that looks like the party killer went to a hundred percent that yeah killer met him killer met him yeah that's cool yeah john is such a stud he what we'll talk about In the movie Pulling John He arm wrestled this guy Alexi Vovoda For the climax of the movie And then
Starting point is 01:59:09 He arm wrestled Alexi again recently I think it's like been 20 years Wow Kind of crazy He is truly amazing Damn I know some people are going to poo poo it because it's arm wrestling or whatnot but
Starting point is 01:59:32 in in all the sports that i can't think of anyone like him in any sport like it would be an understatement to say he was the michael jordan it's like so beyond that now what he's done it It's fucking nuts. I mean, he's been doing it since he's been 18. He's been traveling world arm wrestling and he worked for Delta Airlines. He'll talk a little bit about this tomorrow so he could fly anywhere for free. So when there was no money in the sport, it didn't matter.
Starting point is 01:59:56 Oh, he gets anywhere. Wow. Yeah. And he's a great guy. You guys are going to absolutely love him. He's so cool. For those of you who haven't seen him on the show before. Does he cross it? No, he doesn a great guy. You guys are going to absolutely love him. He's so cool. For those of you who haven't seen him on the show before. Does he CrossFit?
Starting point is 02:00:08 No, he doesn't do it. He just arm wrestles. He's so chill. Just an arm wrestling machine. All right. See you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Love you guys. Sousa, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 02:00:25 I know it's been a long day. Thank you. All right. Bye-bye. Peace.

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