The Sevan Podcast - Scott Tetlow & Rebecca Fuselier | CrossFit Games Semifinals

Episode Date: May 20, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:56 and then I put Conor McGregor's video after it saying you'll do fucking nothing. And I woke up this morning and it had four light it had four likes i was like oh i said just send it to some friends i'm like is that good is four good four lights in nine hours god i suck that's about my instagram post these days i thought i was so clever because i was up late last night watching that interview with you on the clydesdale media and then i was like oh i'm gonna put it together with that fucking Conor McGregor video you'll do fucking nothing and I have fucking
Starting point is 00:01:29 four likes god I'm a douche such a douche if I was 18 years old I'd fucking be on suicide watch today Jesus hey dude I'm so fucking stoked you're gonna to be in Carson. I fucking love you so much.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And a couple of years ago when I was just kind of getting into you, I was getting the impression from you that you were retiring. And then I watched the Scott video and you were saying how you're not training a lot, but you're healthy as fuck and you seem all pumped to go. I'm stoked to see you, dude. Yeah, kind of just, you know, one of those things i didn't like officially announce that i was never going to do it just because i don't want to be one of those dudes that just like says oh i'm done and then i'm back the next year right kind of thing so i just i just left it open and just seeing how it was yeah my training like literally has been one session a day typically so every now and then when i'm feeling froggy i'll go do a double quick double but uh but yeah no i just
Starting point is 00:02:24 did the open and then did the quarterfiles just kind of see where that went and it was probably around the like a month before the open I was like nah I think I'm gonna try it again this year just to see what happens yeah um yeah and to be fair to you in all honesty I remember it more along the lines of like you were like uh hey the last time I talked to you, you were like, hey, this is my big shot. I'm all in. I talked to my wife. She's okay with me committing the resources and time to it.
Starting point is 00:02:49 But then after this, I'm going to pull back a little bit and get more, I guess, focused on work and family. But so to see you – tell me about that. Am I remembering that correctly? No, you are. You're remembering it correctly. So what year was that? Was that 2021 or 22? No, that was like, that was 2023. That was only last year.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Oh, that was only last year. Okay. Right before the semifinals. Yeah. But I mean, don't get me wrong, I definitely did. And then what happened? So tell me about that. So how did you do in semifinals last year? And then what happened? So tell me about this. How did you do in semifinals last year? Last year I finished, I think, 16th. I was going into the final event with four spots out of a qualifying spot. So going into final event 13th.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And then I was like, hey, well, I got to try to come out top five if I want to try to win, if I want to try to qualify. And I kind of, yeah yeah it just didn't work out that way i finished last in my heat so i kind of went for it but it is what it is i i lowered i lowered my volume guys uh hopefully uh that doesn't make me that much louder than scott hey um scott in that final event that was the one with it had like a ridiculously heavy sandbag or something right that you had to sprint with at the end or something yes 200 pounds in the bag oh yeah shit crazy okay so you went for oh and you took 40 is that what you took 46 in that
Starting point is 00:04:11 event yeah when you needed when you needed to kill it okay yeah um which is going to be interesting this year if you're in a similar situation because it'll be 70 pound dumbbells but i guess now they'll be by yourself or no 100 pound dumbbells guess now they'll be by your side. Or no, 100-pound dumbbells. 100-pound dumbbells, yeah. But they'll be by your side. Yes. Okay. More manageable than the bag? I've been messing around with the dumbbells a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:34 So, yeah, definitely. I can actually – the only difference between the sandbag and the dumbbells is the sandbag, I couldn't get my arms all the way across it. Now the dumbbells, I can barely squeeze the 100-pound dumbbells. I can't get my grip all the way around the handles so but you have good size hands though right no i got small hands let me see they don't look small let me see no they're not they're not that small they're not small to the point where it's like you shake someone's hand and they feel sorry for you you ever shake someone you ever do that shake someone's hand and you're like fuck dude Wait, for as far as like if they got big hands or something like that?
Starting point is 00:05:07 No, small hands. Like sometimes I'll shake someone's hands. And if I think your hand is small and you're a man, I'm like, oh, fuck. I feel like it's weird. You know what I mean? Because it's like when I talk to someone and I look down at them, I'm like, fuck, you're tiny. No, that never happens. That's never happened.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Okay, so you finished that semifinal. And was there any, like, mourning? Like, you knew, like, you thought in your head, okay, this is the last time I'm going to be on the competition floor. Yeah, there was that thought in my head for a little while. I was like, man, I don't know if I'm ever going to do it. But then it's like, I enjoy it so much just being out there. And so, yeah, there was that thought like the entire season, was that going to be my last time and everything?
Starting point is 00:05:53 And so, yeah, it was like a tough – it was kind of like an emotional rollercoaster this year whether or not I wanted to compete again. And I was like, no, I think I got one more year in me. And then so we roll up to the Open, and you take the Open pretty seriously? I did to an extent because I wanted to kind of use it as like a confidence booster in a way, knowing that I haven't really – my training has – it's definitely not what other dudes are doing. So I wanted to use it as a confidence booster and see where I was like top. My goal was top 40 in the world, which I think I did.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I don't know. I can't remember off the top of my head. But top 40 in the world just to sit down. I was like, all right, cool. Well, I still. And then let's see what quarterfinals feels like. I was like, cool. I still got it.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And how did you do in quarterfinals? I finished. Well, I finished 13th in the west but that was that was after all the crazy penalties from the step ups so uh i think i think i finished 15th overall in the uh in the west before the penalty before the penalties were assessed so now i'm sitting 13th but and how did the penalties affect you did you get any severe ones no i just got a six uh six rep penalty for the box step up okay so pretty compared to what everybody else was getting i was like all right i went back and she like one of my buddies reached out to me after that and i was and he was like dude they're hitting hard so i went back and watched my video i was like okay i
Starting point is 00:07:20 think i'm good um i said to my coach just to make sure. And so when I heard, got a six compared to what everybody else was getting and stuff. So six reps was like, okay, I'll take that. And where did you do quarterfinals? At home or an affiliate? An affiliate. The local gym here that I live in Slidell. And you set up the camera and you did everything with the mindset that like, hey, if I make it to semifinals, I'm going. Yeah, I did. I did quarterfinals with the mindset.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Like before before I did quarterfinals, I was in the mindset, hey, I'm going again. And so I did I did that the quarterfinals with the intention of finishing top 10 so I could be in that final heat. No shit. OK, so you were already in that mindset. Yeah. Who do you talk to about that? You talk to your wife about that? You're like, yo girl, I still got it after the open. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I talked to my wife about it and she was like, she was okay. So she stopped being a, she's no longer a police officer. So her schedule is a little bit more open. And, uh, and yeah, so she was like, okay, then if that's what you want to do, then if that's what like okay then if that's what you want to do then if that's what makes you happy and that's what you want to do then do it hey where is she where was she a cop at she was a cop for the uh slidell uh look slidell louisiana the local uh pd here and she was a street cop no shit and how long did she do that? she did that for almost 3 years and why did she quit?
Starting point is 00:08:47 she didn't like it? it was just it was crazy the schedules with 2 kids it's hard she was working every 2 weeks
Starting point is 00:08:57 they switched between day and night and so whenever she was working nights she was sleeping during the day so even when she was home she wasn't home because she was sleeping and so whenever she was working nights you know she was sleeping during the day so even when she was home she wasn't home because she was sleeping and then when she was during the day 12 hour shifts it was like this crazy schedule and she was like she she just didn't like it but not being able to be home with the kids at all and everything so yeah they don't accommodate accommodate moms with that? No.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Interesting. Interesting. I'm not for accommodating a lot of people, but I think you should accommodate moms. Yeah. No. I mean, they were – don't get me wrong. They were very like, hey, if something came up, like family situation came up, like they were definitely cool with her. Okay, take your time off or whatever. Go do, go do what you got to do. But as far as like working different hours or different schedule, no,
Starting point is 00:09:50 only when she was like, only when she was pregnant, they were very, uh, they were, they were, uh, leaning towards her positions and what she was able to do. How old's your oldest, uh, uh, boy? My oldest is eight. He'll be nine in July. So she became a cop after she had her first kid. She went through the academy and all that.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah, so yeah, she became a cop. She started going through the process in 2020 or early 2021. How does that conversation go? wife's like hey i want to be a cop and you're like you're like no and she's like yes and you're like okay no i was all about it i thought that was i thought it was badass yeah it is badass but i'd be scared as shit i'd be like fuck that you're not going out to be a cop you got his fucking stuff you can't be getting fucking hurt well i was more of the lines like i was more worried i like at night the nighttime shifts because i would be sleeping and everything like so like that was always my
Starting point is 00:10:54 fear like i'd wake up to a phone call or something like that to where like hey she got injured or but i would always be like hey i want to – because she would get that like – I would just be like, hey, everything calmed down around like towards like 3 a.m. or something like that after all the bars closed. So I was like, hey, just shoot me a text at like 4.30 or something so I'm good. So whenever I wake up, like I get a text that I'm waking up, and I know that you're good. Yeah, yeah. When you're a night cop, Is she always out with a partner? Or would she ever be solo? She rode every single day solo
Starting point is 00:11:30 After she went through her Field training officer FTO phase After that she was in her own unit But they would have backup come If I may Your wife's pretty fucking hot I uh it's unsettling to me that she would be like pulling people over like at 4 30 in the morning you know what i mean by
Starting point is 00:11:54 herself i'd be like are you out of your fucking mind yeah no uh well she let me tell you something my wife is uh my wife can be a bitch when it when the times come like obviously like nobody nobody fucked with her let's just say that okay okay good fuck oh and then and now that she's done are you stoked with what now that she's done with the uh cop thing like do you sleep better at night oh yeah yeah i sleep better at night but uh yeah it's just it's nice to you know she's home now uh she we we own a tattoo shop tattoo shop, so it works out now. She sets her own schedule. You own a tattoo shop?
Starting point is 00:12:30 Mm-hmm. Are you the dude with the gun, or is she? No, I can't. My son is better at drawing stick figures than I am, so my wife's the lead artist there. That's amazing. So that takes crazy skills. She has those skills huh she does and uh has she tattooed you oh yeah i get free tattoos for life
Starting point is 00:12:51 dude that's amazing are any of those ones she did all this right here and then she's working on the arm i got one on my chest from her i was pretty much her as when she was practicing i was pretty much her uh her skin so i, I was pretty much her, uh, her skin. So I have, I have like six or seven tattoos from her. Um, does she talk about it being stressful, uh, writing on someone permanently? Um, no, she used, she used to, when she first started, when she was new, she was like, oh man, I don't want to mess it up or whatever. But now she's been doing it for so long that it's just like, she's good with it. There it is. Hidden Tattoo.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Holy shit. And so how long has the tattoo shop been open? We purchased the shop in April of last year. And then we did complete renovation of the tattoo shop and so we opened in october of last year is that a good bit is it a good business or is it hard is it hard is it like an affiliate no i i mean i wouldn't i wouldn't know as far as an affiliate because i've never owned one or ran one but as far as like a tattoo shop it's uh you know all our employees are contracted so they said it's a private tattoo studio so they make their own hours so it's pretty much whenever they whenever our artists want a
Starting point is 00:14:13 book yeah that it's like hey open up whenever and it's super easy i'm my wife runs it manages it and everything and then i just run the finances for the shop. And what city is it in again? Slidell, Louisiana. We're the first tattoo shop inside city limits. And what about the bureaucracy shit of opening a tattoo shop? Is that hard? No.
Starting point is 00:14:42 No. I mean, there's some people that fought us with being like a new business down there because some people didn't like it because it's an older town but for the most part i would say majority of the people were like supporting of it and in the the era of like a tattoo shop being like a seedy place like a front for a meth lab that's i mean that's like 20 30 years to the wayside right i mean that now tattoo shops are they're everywhere everyone owns one right yeah right tattoos are like the new the new thing so uh it's yeah i mean every everyone has tattoos these days i feel like do your parents have
Starting point is 00:15:19 tattoos no every time i come home every time i go home and see them, they go, they see a new tattoo. They go, oh, you look disgusting. Wow. But when they came down, when they came down, they wanted to actually go to the tattoo shop. They're like, man, this is cool. Yeah. So, you know, it's just, they don't like them on them, but the atmosphere is. I think I'm kind of like that. I think tattoo shops are fucking really cool. The thought of me getting a tattoo, there's no fucking way.
Starting point is 00:15:58 When I was a kid, the people who had tattoos, it was always – I mean I'm 52, but they were always like the tattoos meant something bad. Basically, if you had a tattoo when I was a kid, it was either like a naked girl on your forearm or you'd been to jail and now it's just not like that yeah nope not no it's not the people like she turned she's turned it down because they don't she doesn't tattoo minors at all so like even a was about to turn 18 in a week she said nope come talk to me when you're 18. But you have these 15, 16-year-old girls that are – guys too that are getting tattoos that want tattoos. So it's like the era for tattoos has just changed. It's a new thing. And if you're 15, you got to roll in with your parents? Technically, yes.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yes, you do. Okay. And then you have to show like legal – you have to show supporting documents of it just to make sure that they didn't just go grab somebody off the street and be like, hey, come be my parent for a day. Right. And – but she won't even do it if they're with their parents? No. Oh, that's awesome. What a great line to draw on the sand. Are you cool with your kids getting tattoos?
Starting point is 00:17:07 When they turn 18. You don't look at their bodies and you're like, oh, man, they're so perfect. There's no fucking way. If you get a fucking piercing or a tattoo, I fucking made – me and your mom made this shit. There's no fucking way. Well, I actually had this funny because we had this conversation yesterday how I talked about Easton, my nine-year-old, because somebody that we know got their ears pierced around his age. And I was just like – I was like, man, I don't know if I would get my – I don't know how I would feel if my son got his ears pierced because I remember I came home with my ear pierced when I was 17, and my dad made me sleep outside for the night until I got it out. No shit.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Yeah, my dad kicked me out of that house. That's awesome. that's awesome that's awesome but that's that's just how my dad was tough love like that so uh and i was like i don't know how i feel with these and they're like well i and my wife was like we i don't know we had that conversation it was like hey we'll just have to because at some point it's like that's gonna be the end like he's gonna if kids are doing it he's gonna you know how kids kind of flow with hey what's in for the days and they want to fit in and so we're just gonna have to play it by ear when that happens but i don't think i'm gonna like it if he comes
Starting point is 00:18:15 home with his ears pierced just simply because even though like piercings are like he can get an ear piercing it'll close up but i like a before you're 18, in my honest belief, is because I went and got tattoos with my buddies whenever they turned 18 and I was 17, so I actually wasn't allowed to get one. And all three of them said that they regret their tattoos. Oh, interesting. Interesting. So it's like one of those things where I think you've got to find yourself before you just start marking your body up and figure out who you are and what you want. before you just start marking your body up and figure out who you are and what you want. It's also kind of, I guess a good practice would be, you know, like you're doing a workout and, or even if you go on a run, you know, it's like, let's say you're going to go on a 5k run. The first 200 meters you want to quit. And that's an easy one to say no to. And then maybe you want to
Starting point is 00:18:59 quit again, like at, you know, uh, the mile mark. And then maybe from like mile one to mile two it's easy you're like oh i'm glad i didn't quit this isn't so bad and then that last fucking 800 meters you're like fuck what have i got myself into maybe there is something like there to teach your kids like hey the the first 10 times you want to get a tattoo tell yourself no so so that you have time for it to like you know percolate and make sure if it's a decision you want to go through. Like really listen to the mind and make sure it's one you want. Do you do that or do you do impulse tattoos? And then like – for smaller pieces, I do impulse tattoos.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I've got a – I'm kind of – but if i if like hey we're going out and get a tattoo it's like something i've thought about for a while um and here's also that you're in the military right yes you're in what branch are you in the navy and how long have you been in 13 13 and a half years yeah i give military guys a pass to people who are in prison and people in the military like go ahead you get a pass are you going all 20 years i am and what is your job there? I got light and energy. So right now I just work on boats, manipulating engineering and stuff. So you're a base guy. Would you ever be deployed? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I've been deployed three times. No shit. Why would they deploy you? I'm guessing you fix boats. Wouldn shit. Why would they deploy you? I'm guessing you fix boats. Wouldn't they just keep you at home and you sit around and fix boats? It just depends. If they're attached to a unit, it's just based off where they need you to go. And each unit has to have certain qualifications. So that's kind of how it works is that whenever they go – people have qualifications that they need to go down there.
Starting point is 00:21:10 So if boats are deployed with the unit, then they need people to go fix those boats and everything. They need people who know those boats. Okay, got it. I guess that makes sense now that you say it like that. So you might be deployed somewhere. What's the biggest boat you've been deployed on? now that you say it like that. So you might be deployed somewhere. What's the biggest boat you've been deployed on? So I've actually never been deployed on like a ship or anything.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I work on like the smaller boats. Oh, okay. I imagine you live in like 30 foot. Okay, so you'd be deployed somewhere and there would be a harbor there and they would come in before the boats – like you might change oil on the boat or make sure that before the guys go out on it that it's good and shit like that? That's just regular maintenance? Yep. Like a boat like that? Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Are you mechanically inclined? Did you know when you went to the Navy that you – so you're a boat mechanic. Well, so I'm actually a SWCC, and so on – so I've worked on all of the boats there. So yeah I've had to learn Whenever I came in the military Because before that I didn't actually know Any type of mechanics Special warfare
Starting point is 00:22:34 Combat crewmen That's a SWCC? Yeah I'm looking How about the guns on the boat Would you repair those too Would you change those out Everything on the boat
Starting point is 00:22:52 You know everything Yeah I know the majority of it And every time there's a new boat You go to a new class You go to a new class and learn the boat Oh yeah they try to They try to keep us up to date on those boats. That's a cool gig.
Starting point is 00:23:10 What about – They have like – Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. They have what? I'll tell you. They have like classes and everything.
Starting point is 00:23:17 So when something new comes out, obviously we have to get up to speed on it so we know. Wadzombie has a great question. Where's the craziest place on someone's body she's given a tattoo? She done like a labia or the side of a penis or ring around the butthole or anything crazy like that? No, so she has not done anything. I think the craziest spot is in like the inside of like going to going the chest the clavicle going up underneath the breast there she's done one there and then she's done like butts but like a butt cheek a butt cheek she hasn't she fortunately she hasn't had come to come in and request something crazy
Starting point is 00:24:04 hey i want my I want a tattoo on my labia I want the whole thing colored in pink She probably wouldn't do that There you go She has her limits Going into So semifinals are
Starting point is 00:24:24 Next week they start Friday Saturday or Friday and they go to Sunday You're going to Carson Yes And how Prepared are you compared to last Year where is Scott Tetlow where is he in terms of his
Starting point is 00:24:40 Fitness and his health Fitness I'm right where I need to be. Health-wise, this is the first time that I'm actually going into because I feel like every – at least for me, every single competition prior to this, I have somewhat been – had some type of nagging injury. And this year, I don't.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I feel good probably because I have decreased my, uh, my volume, uh, a bit, but mentally I'm, I'm better than what I have, what I have been in the past. So you think there's less stress on you? Necessarily less stress. Like the goal is still the same. Like I'm going to be like, the stress is going to be real whenever I get there but i've been like talking talking to somebody about a sports psychologist a little bit about hey where do i need to be in uh mentally and she's kind of helped pick me like hey this is what i feel like that you focus on whenever you compete so i'm trying to go in there with the new mindset of where like kind of more stay in my lane and uh so i feel i feel
Starting point is 00:25:47 ultimately better about that and mentally tell me more about the sports psychologist whose idea was that so actually that was at the uh southland competitors camp the one that brandon luckett hosts and and so brandon luckett brought uh the girl the girl that she he worked with uh katie bosco and she was sitting there talking i'm like man like this is really cool like i i love first of all i love mindset kind of things and like just mental toughness approaches towards situations and so i i turned to brandon in the back hey like what like what did you think of her like was she really that much of a help and she he was like she is one of the reasons why i qualified back i can't remember what year i think like 22 or something
Starting point is 00:26:37 when whenever his last individual event was so i was like shit okay well let's give it a go something i've never tried before. So I called her up and I've been having conversations with her weekly, bi-weekly and whenever the schedule permits. And it's definitely like, it's a realization of what I've kind of focused on whenever I go to compete. There's some, I go, Oh, like I never wanted to admit that I focused on that stuff, but
Starting point is 00:27:06 I did focus on it. And it was like, for instance, like what other guys were lifting or what, like knowing that I'm not one of the strongest athletes, it's like, I'm comparing myself versus, versus like, I realized that, hey, I'm not going to be able to lift as much as some of those dudes. So let's just go out there and stay in my lane. But I still let that kind of affect me, go out to the field, still comparing myself, and ultimately that's a negative no-no.
Starting point is 00:27:31 So I'm trying to switch that mindset into thinking like, hey, what are you capable of? And go out and surprise yourself. And I guess there's two ways to think of it um maybe more do you think it's going to actually help you uh perform as opposed to like why isn't why isn't it okay like there might be things that like might not be good for your happiness right but there might be things that are good for your competition like maybe it is good like i remember i think one time when uh mike tyson was young someone's like hey
Starting point is 00:28:10 you should see a shrink and he's like no no i need my demons it's why i'm so good like yeah i mean i think that everybody has their way of mental fortitude going about things, how they think about stuff. And it works for some. Some people it doesn't work for. So you have to find who you are and how you best compete, how you best throw down with the guys next to you to the right and to the left because ultimately, like some events, yeah, you're going to be competing against other guys. But sometimes you're just competing against yourself.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Hey, is Brandon Luckett the real deal? You think he goes to the games this year? He looks amazing. I think he has just as good a shot as anybody. Yeah, okay. I mean, he's definitely
Starting point is 00:28:59 physically capable of it. He was another guy that I interviewed interestingly enough who kind of gave me the same impression you gave me, that like, okay, he was done trying to compete at the highest level. Like, he was going to focus on, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:15 marriage, work, business, and now here he is, and I think he's in a similar boat that you are. I think he feels as good as he's ever felt. Yeah. I know. I talked to him because he lives five minutes from me. Him, Willie, he, and then there's a handful of guys. There's a handful of guys that are within like a 50-mile radius of this
Starting point is 00:29:37 that are high-level competitors. So I went up and I worked out with them one day, and I was kind of like messing around with them. I was like, dude, I thought you were retiring because obviously obviously he's the dude to obviously watch for a semifinal. So I was like, dude, I thought you were retiring. I was trying to get a feel for that. And he goes, I'm just kind of the same way that I was. He was like, I'm just going until I don't want to do it anymore.
Starting point is 00:29:59 And what about Will Leahy? I know Andrew's way big on Will Leahy. Is he the real deal? I'm having trouble getting my head wrapped around that he's the real deal. Compared to where he started, he reached out to me in 2021, and the guy didn't even know what a hook grip was. He could barely clean 275 or something like that. So, you know, compared to where he started to what he is now he's and he and he's
Starting point is 00:30:27 only like 20 21 22 years old the dude's got such potent like he's gonna be he's the real deal he'd be the real deal if he's not the real deal now the way he trains and everything, he has had that – I'm giving up everything for this in a way. Yeah, I got that impression from Andrew too that basically he's on – these aren't Andrew's words. These are my words, but that basically he's on the Fraser regimen, that it's basically like work out, go sit on couch. Work out, go sit on couch, that basically he's singularly focused on his mission yeah and that's that's kind of what i would i would honestly compare it to as well like i mean i've never i don't know matthew frazier but like like what he did or anything but compared from what i've heard i would probably compare it to that
Starting point is 00:31:21 and you're on a uh different you're on a totally different regiment you're just like hey i'm staying i'm staying really fit i take the hour two hours i train daily very seriously but hey i'm just cruising through life i'm still just i'm like dad and job and you're it sounds like you're you're the gone the opposite way of them, or of Willahee. Yeah. Yeah, well, the way I thought about it is that it was somewhat like trying to last year. I was trying to like – I followed Mayhem last year. And nothing against Mayhem, awesome people there. But I would see – I would follow their competitive schedule.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And I said this on Scott's interview as well, too. It's just like, just try it with my schedule and family life and work and everything. Trying to get all those pieces in, it was all I would think about during the day. It's like, I want to be as good as them. I got to go do this stuff. And so I took a step back this year. And that's really what caused me to go to one set a day or whatever. Cause I would do my own programming now that way. I'm not looking at what other people are doing. It's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:32:30 I got this in. This is what, this was my primary focus for the day. I got this in, I feel good about myself. And if time permitted, I would just, if I had a 45 minute window or something like that, no kids, no workers. And I would write myself something go get an additional piece in but it wasn't like i wasn't they stressing about doing more stuff throughout the day and that's why i just went to that single session but that single session is i'm not i'm not like messing around in there i get in warm up if i warm up and get get after it get out the intensities they're still
Starting point is 00:33:06 getting three three two four separate pieces within that two hours just the intensities the intensity is higher than if i had four or five hours in the gym how old are you 31 and three kids and a wife and a tattoo shop two kids I can't have third who's the third kid in that photo your wife's holding a little kid that's not yours
Starting point is 00:33:37 no no that is mine so Easton brought in the vacation this past year my son Easton brought one of his friends up with us. Oh, God. You're a good dad, man. Fuck your good dad. I got a nine-year-old and a 52-year-old.
Starting point is 00:33:53 And you let him bring his friend. Damn. Yeah. Damn, you're a good dad. Sergio. What's up? Oh, you're breaking up pretty bad. Hey, my kids always want to have kids over to the house and I fucking hate it.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I, and I feel bad because I remember being a kid and always wanted people over, but they always want to have someone over and I fucking hate it. One, I don't want to fucking talk to the parents too. Like, like I just, I just don't want to deal with it. I, I, I'm a fucking horrible like that. You're a good dude for letting them bring you in on vacation. Yeah. Sometimes bringing a kid on vacation or having a kid over, actually, it's easier on the parent.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Because, like, hey, he has someone to play with, and I can just chill and just walk. Do you have a good place you live where you don't have to worry about your kids getting hit by cars or any shit like that or they can just like go play in the yard and all that yeah i let my son roam the neighborhood we got it we got a good neighbor live in the back of a name and uh you know it a, it's a smaller neighborhood, but it's, it's super safe. It's a quarter mile from his school. So it's, it's, we, we, we waited probably waited like a year for a house to open up back here.
Starting point is 00:35:15 And cause we knew that this is where we wanted to live. So, cause this is one of the better parts of, uh, the safer area. Yeah. Good spot. We're here to stay until the kids... There's just no good internet. There's just no good internet where you live. But other than that, it's great.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Breaking up that bad? Oh, dude, it's so bad. Am I breaking up? Oh, my God. Am I really? Yeah, you're lucky you have a good smile. It kicked you to the curb Scott Tettlo is making it to the games
Starting point is 00:35:49 Make sure you sign my uplift shirt When you ship them bad boys Hey No I tried switching it I tried switching it Because maybe I thought the internet was like low or something So I tried going on the data I thought the internet was low or something,
Starting point is 00:36:06 so I tried going on the data. I don't know. I'm on my phone. I don't have a computer in my house. It broke. I like that. The internet was low. I thought the internet was low.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I'm from Louisiana. Yeah. Who's going to semifinals with you and Carson? Are you bringing the family, the wife, or are you going with athletes? What's the plan there? I'm bringing my wife, and then I have my buddy slash coach, John, who goes to the same gym as me. And then we have another female, Annalise Moore, who to who's good who's also going to be competing up there so and then her one of our good friends we have like a group of four and then one of her
Starting point is 00:36:53 friends uh becca my my friend as well too but uh becca and then her family's going out there a group this time have you done the workouts i have and what and what did you and what did you think and what did you think Have you done the workouts? I have. And what did you think? I mean, I think that this is, as far as the workouts go, it's pretty straightforward. It's CrossFit. There's nothing flashy in them that can hold somebody up or anything. It's everything we train for.
Starting point is 00:37:26 So, you know, the only thing that's different is probably the farmer carry lunges. That's something that, you know, 100-pound dumbbells, that I don't think a lot of people train as much. Usually it's with the barbell or something as far as lunges go or with kettlebells. But I think that's going to be those hundred pound dumbbells are going to be heavy for everyone. What, let me, let me ask you about, uh, two, two of the workouts specifically. There's one where it's a row and then handstand walk.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Did you fuck with that one? And how did, and how did that go? You feel good about it? Yeah. That's actually one of my favorite workouts. It is. Yeah. You have no issues being on your hand with elevated heart rate?
Starting point is 00:38:04 No. Okay. It is. Yeah. You have no issues being on your hand with elevated heart rate? No. OK. And do you think that that's a handstand walking workout or a row workout? I think it's a handstand walking workout until the 800 meter row that if you can like the 400 meter row, like you can hold your 500 meter pace but at the same time it's like you're actually not even rowing 500 meters so you could actually go i feel like you can go slower on that but and then i think you got to make it up on your hands at the beginning and then that 800 meter row is when you got to push it knowing that it's just a 72 foot sprint to the end on your hands so handstand walk at the beginning because the faster you can go the faster you get back to the road you might have to be you might be able to save yourself some
Starting point is 00:38:48 time some split times on the 500 on the road and then after that you got to just lay the hammer down i mean some of those i watched guys going those dudes are holding like 138s to 140s on that final 800 row and i i mean that then that's to hold that at the end of a workout that's hard so that's why i think it comes down to who can hold that at the end and then um and then the final workout those uh uh i forget what the first movement is but there's some movement and then you got to go to 15 muscle-ups um are those 15 muscle-ups pretty relevant is that where it's won or lost or is it holding maybe holding the dumbbells and not letting your grip fatigue let's start with the muscle-ups how about those 15 muscle-ups um i
Starting point is 00:39:30 think that the muscle-ups definitely play a part in the workout because it's it's grit you're holding on and 15 ring muscle-ups may probably about you know for the guys that can go unbroken you're looking at about 45 seconds to to 55 seconds of just holding on and that tension when your body comes down and then directly going into picking up those dumbbells. Now, I haven't seen – and this is – I think event six is one of my – the event that I'm most curious to see how guys do on it simply because it's like those 100-pound dumbbells
Starting point is 00:40:05 are going to play a grip factor. And if you could go unbroken on those ring muscle-ups, but you have to break the dumbbells two or three times on the lunges, then maybe it's more beneficial to go to do the double set on the ring muscle-ups. So I don't know. I honestly have no idea if those ring muscle-ups are going to play that big a role for the top guys or something, but they'll definitely play a role in some guys' game.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I'm guessing it's like 25 lunges with the dumbbells. It's 72 feet. Yeah, so it's about 10 steps for me for every 25. So, yeah, 25 for regular-sized people. So me and Col 25 so yeah so 30 30 for me 25 for regular size people so me and colin be doing 30 yeah and then uh and then those those that that's going to be huge right there if you put those down every time you put those down you kind of just have to assume one dude passed you uh yeah essentially i mean depending to pick them back up though you know if it's a strategic break then you know it might not be one dude passing you it might be you passing another guy just
Starting point is 00:41:14 because you can hold on at the end it like that's what i'm saying i think i think event six is is a crazy event and there's multiple ways to do it it's just what it just depends on the individual and you definitely don't want to get no you definitely i guess two things you don't want to you don't want to have to you don't want to fail a muscle up and you don't want to uh get a penalty on the lunge you don't want to have the ref tell you you have to go back yes yes it's huge i don't know and i don I don't know, like everything is in, everything is in segments of like 12 feet this, this week. So I don't know if they're going to make it six foot sections to where you have to complete, or you have to complete 24 foot sections,
Starting point is 00:41:53 or you have to complete 12 foot sections. I don't know. It's, I'm sure some people have insights because they had, they were at athlete briefing yesterday it is so but i haven't heard anything about what the what the sections have to be unbroken are uh someone just wrote in the comments that lazar jukic uh punched his ticket jela hosta punched his ticket hapa linen and noel lakai uh looks like luka jukic um oh victor hoffer made it. Oh, BKG, Harry Lightfoot. Oh, I'm glad Harry Lightfoot made it. What a great name to say.
Starting point is 00:42:29 And Maury's... Oh, shit. Uldis didn't make it? Say it again. Have they already made it to event six? I guess so. I guess so. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Seve, your boy with the giant hog didn't make it. Oh, that sucks. There's this great photo, Scott, of Uldis Upenex hanging from a pull-up bar, and he's wearing gray sweats. And you can see the outline of his dong, and he's got like a 10-inch dong. And so I wanted him to make it to the game so I could keep bringing that up throughout the year. Oh, Uldis.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Great on the pull-up bar. What a shame he didn't make it just to lose that photo. Hey. You're looking good. You're great on the pull-up bar, right? Great look, yeah. Oh, missed out by one point. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Hey. That's crazy. Do you own 100-pound dumbbells? I own one 100-pound dumbbells? I own one 100-pound dumbbell. Do you own 110-pound dumbbells? So I've been using like the – no, I don't own any. I own one 100-pound dumbbell, but the – I mean, like as far as like the gym, there's a global gym attached to my CrossFit gym,
Starting point is 00:43:43 so I go in there and grab their 100-pound dumbbell. The handles are so thick. It's not the same so uh yeah i haven't it's different dumbbells are different i haven't like like oldest is hog it's just different hey what about what about training for that would there be any benefit to training with like 110s or 120s like go heavier uh yeah there yeah there could be the stimulus might be a little bit different but definitely you could definitely do that incorporate that into the training how come you only have 100 pound how can you only have one 100 pound dumbbell that's all i could afford at the time right those things are expensive yeah because i i got it
Starting point is 00:44:38 damn you're breaking up bad Hey I'm really excited to see you Coming to Carson I really appreciate you coming on I can't I'm going to do the behind the scenes there And I'm excited to work with you dude Very excited Yeah I'm excited to meet you
Starting point is 00:45:00 So it'll be good Alright brother I'll see you in a few days Alright later Ciao you so be good all right brother i'll see you in a few days all right later ciao scott tetlow i fucking knew that he was a swit guy oh just by looking at him no i've been trying to figure it out for as long as we've known him and the king never says anything about his job and when he said a 30-foot boat i knew there's only one 30-foot boat in the navy and that's what it is tell me what what so basically he does he do everything like make sure there's enough life jackets make sure the gun's working make sure the engine's light right just way more than that they like cruise in on uh it's like uh
Starting point is 00:45:48 special warfare shit it's like navy seal shit like he's like blowing shit up and shooting 50 cal guns and flying in hot in the river boats and shit and he does that too you think or he's the mechanic no no he does that shit oh he does yeah he's way cooler than he leads on oh interesting okay he was so humble about it i know interesting well we have rebecca fusile fusile on we know she's not humble rebecca what's up girl nothing much dude it's time for our annual chat right yeah dude if you were a man i'd say you the man i was trying to i was trying to like think of like a good way to understand you um today just in terms of your relationship with like the outside world you don't have any of the that
Starting point is 00:46:38 your instagram accounts blowing up uh everyone i know fucking loves you to death you're like the um you have a shitload of followers and yet you have none of the you've done it your own way and you have none of the like uh i don't know you know what i mean like you're not the poster child for fucking uh rad you know what i mean and i'm just i'm just so impressed you're you're like the hot goth girl at high school that the fucking uh football guys want to date like they can't get their fucking head wrapped around it they're like okay that's great so first of all when you figure that out let me know because i still haven't figured out myself like who i am what all this is but
Starting point is 00:47:13 it is unfortunately like i'm getting old many people including matt and we all know how how our relationship is has been informing me that i'm getting old because I'm 24 now. And over the years, I've learned that I was more popular in high school than I thought I was because I was the scary CrossFit girl. Oh, awesome. Yeah. You've blazed your own way. So congratulations. Thank you. It's an an inspiration and you stayed close to your coaching roots and to the, uh, to obviously your local community and you're just cool as shit. Thank you. I mean, I think the biggest thing I always try to, I'm always feeling like I'm testing myself on, is this truly me? Is this truly what I want to do? Kind of deal. I'm 24. So you're still young. You're not, you're actually not getting old.
Starting point is 00:48:09 How do you feel? How, how's, how's the, the athlete inside of Rebecca Fuselier feel as we approach Carson? Well, like just being that I'm still competing with this much, like enjoyment is is is awesome. I mean, I'm more excited than ever this year. I feel like I can look back at so much of just my my CrossFit career in general and be like, hey, these are the years we're coming up on the years I've been waiting for of of being stronger, being like more developed as an athlete and um i feel good i'm i'm super happy my body's holding up the way it is and i'm very thankful for that because i mean it can be a bit of a beat down sometimes so i i like what you're saying you're basically like you're like
Starting point is 00:48:59 the kid who's out riding a motorcycle and he's racing at the track but he could never afford the good bike and then this is his first year with the good bike. Basically you knew that at some point you would, or as the years went on, you would acquire more and more tools and skills to present, meaning you would get stronger, get better at the movements. And you feel like some of the things, goals you had in terms of your abilities are now coming to fruition. The hard work's paying off and you're seeing the training. You're like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:49:26 I can do that now. Yeah, absolutely. Like I know even from today, like these aren't going to be my strongest years. As long as we do our job of keeping my body healthy and my brain healthy as well. It's only up from here.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Meaning, meaning you think you're still getting stronger. You're still getting better at 24. Absolutely. Absolutely. Can you get, I think that's more of just like my my my body type too i mean we all know i'm i'm a small athlete so i'm just packing out trying to pack on as much muscle as i can each year um uh are you putting on weight also like you do you have like some sort of objective metric like that like you used to weigh 130 and now you're 142 or something like that um at the games when i qualified in 2022 i was 125 and i went into the games like rather small because the training leading up to that it was really hard for me to keep on weight 122 god 125. 125. And I'm kind of consistently staying around 128 this year.
Starting point is 00:50:30 And I know it doesn't sound like a whole heck of a lot, but it's definitely, I've packed on a lot more muscle and I'm just naturally very petite. So. Hey, are you losing anything as you put that muscle on? Are you losing any any like your overhead squat position or anything like that or your explosiveness or we've done so much strength training this year and this has been a big year of like kind of switching up how matt and i have approached the off season and the type of training we've been doing so the one thing i have noticed that it's not like anything like crazy like major or anything it's just i feel like, I don't have that old school, uh, gymnast flexibility that I used to have.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I'm still very mobile as it is, but I definitely have to prioritize some mobility. And that might be not only just like, um, just packing on, um, a little bit more muscle. It's, it's more just the type of training that you do. It's a lot of power lifting and, um, I got to keep like all my, my hips lose my shoulders loose and everything. Cause we do a lot of squatting, a lot of pressing. Uh, uh, pool boy says his right testicle weighs more than, uh, than one 28. Wow. Congratulations to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Uh, Emily, look, everyone everyone wants to say talk about weight now 119 god damn what do you what do you go eat something eating a lot i've been eating a lot uh you when do you show up to carson i leave on tuesday and and why so early we kind of made, we used to be those people in the past. I kind of push being at the gym as long as we could to try to not mess with our, our, uh, gym schedule and everything. Uh, but we kind of were bouncing back between, uh, Tuesday and Wednesday and our Tuesday schedule kind of makes it more available for us. So we're like, might as well get over there when we can and start acclimating to just
Starting point is 00:52:27 the time and what it feels like over there. And it's kind of over the years. Cause we did this at Wadapalooza one year, we got there, we cut it way too close to competition. And it was one time that I was like, well, that's kind of a bummer. I feel like I wasn't myself one day one. And the fact that we only compete like one to two to three, if you make it to the games, like for me, it's like Wadapalooza semifinals is my other live event. And if you make it to the games, that's the the bonus round is I'm going to make it count.
Starting point is 00:52:57 So we're going to get there early, get acclimated, make sure my my food is ready to go. And yeah, everything's set in place before we start competing do you do hotel or airbnb uh we're looking at both but we're gonna stay in a hotel that has a a little kitchen and everything in it so and are you are you close to the venue um yeah i think so i think we're pretty close like within 10 minutes have you been to Carson before yes I have once when I competed in 2016 as a teenager oh shit so this is really cool this is kind of full circle how did you do as a teenager horrible oh you did okay but you made it I made it as a teenager so that was when um they took straight from the open for the age groups and that year it was top 10 in the world in the open so holy shit look at you oh you did get strong yeah you see that little stick figure wow
Starting point is 00:53:59 it doesn't even seem real when i look back at those old videos but uh yeah so in 2016 we were there uh in carson and i only competed in the soccer stadium there it is so i'm excited to head back it's going to come full circle um are how often are you setting uh pr do you set a pr every month and something um i mean, it's hard to really say because, well, the type of training we've been doing is like we're trying like different types of maxes, one, two rep maxes, sometimes up to three. And then we do we've been doing conjugate strength training. So sometimes we're using bands, we're using chains and there's little things like that where we're using, um, we can see progress via numbers and everything on those types of lifts.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I would say very rarely do we just go for a one rep max snatch or, or clean and jerk and everything, but it's all about, and especially in our sport, how well I can move those 80 and up to 90% numbers. I've been doing really good with that. I just did some front squats yesterday that I was like, dang, no bell? That feel good? Let's keep going up. Hey, and how's your mindset?
Starting point is 00:55:17 From just the form taken from you, you're in a great spot. Yes. I think, and especially from all of us kind of seeing what's going on the last few years especially with with some athletes competing and everything is that's the thing we're most protective of and I've always I've said it from the moment we kind of stepped on in the light of like the bigger competition scene is it's all about balance for me and focusing on the training that I do and make sure that's as fun yet grueling as it needs to be. But I also have the balance of taking care of my relationship, my community, my other things that I do that are still within the circle
Starting point is 00:55:59 of the big picture of CrossFit competing as hard as i want to but it's not always train train train train beat my head against the wall hey um you seem like you have a fucking incredible head on your shoulders what about the um i suspect that a lot of athletes get ass pounded by their social media like it just fucking wreaks havoc on them whether they know it or not and i see you as someone, most of these athletes, I see their social media is just a place to sell stuff. And I see your social media as a creative outlet for you. Do you have any thoughts on that? Yeah. On your relationship with, with your phone and in, in, in the outside world?
Starting point is 00:56:42 Yeah. I think, um, the things that I do, first of all, just started as, like you said, a creative outlet because I kind of always had that like to build things, like to like arts and craft. I'm a very arts and craftsy person. I like putting things together. I like doing projects like that
Starting point is 00:56:59 and making videos and kind of seeing that all come together is a really fun and easy way for me to do all of that. I've also been a little bit of a nut job and like have a little love for comedy. So that's kind of come together. So but when I first started growing on social media, and everybody warns you of like the horrors of social media, right? And it can be a very like, it can cause a lot of negativity and bad influence in some ways. But I was like, hey, it's a little bit of a challenge. And I put hard guidelines on myself when I started growing my account and everything
Starting point is 00:57:37 of what I was allowed to respond to what I was making sure every time I press the post button, it was something that was truly me. So that's kind of and now it's kind of like reps on reps on reps is I I know like what I want to post. And I'm I'm OK with if you get a little bit of hate on something, I just don't respond to it. And I make sure I reinforce like the positivity on my page. And over the years, it's just kind of like added up. I posted something last night that I thought was just brilliant. And I woke up this morning.
Starting point is 00:58:19 It was nine hours later and I had four likes. Now look at you have 60,000 likes and I have four likes. I should probably like just drink the rest of the day, right? Hey, you know what? I was thinking about- Four, I was like, I never even look at likes, but for some reason that just screamed out at me, four. I'm like, how have I never seen likes before?
Starting point is 00:58:39 And now I see, and I think one of those likes is me. Yeah, I liked it myself. Oh my God, I had one of those likes is me. Yeah. I liked it myself. So it's the numbers game is horrible to play. And there is a game with like the algorithm that people like to play and everything. But, but Savan, I was thinking about what you guys were doing versus someone like what I'm doing on media, because I am obviously a fan of you guys, but I, I'm like, can see the hustle on different, the same way, like I kind of, I love watching athletes hustle
Starting point is 00:59:14 and through training and through coaching and that side, I've kind of gotten a little bit of that brain of, I can see those sides of media that are, that are really awesome and that people love to do it and really work hard at it and everything. And I was like, but now there's different categories. Like my page has turned into like full on entertainment, right? And before it was a little bit about me, a little bit of coaching tips. And I still post coaching tips every now and then, but not as much as I used to. I'm like, it's full on entertainment at this point.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And then I was thinking about what you guys do and you still have a steady growth and following and everything. Nothing's like plummeting or anything because you're you're you're media. We put on 10 subscribers a day and people sometimes make fun of me, but I'm like so happy every morning. I see if I have 10 new subscribers, I'm like, okay, we're moving. Yeah. It's just steady growth. And that's how it should be. It's when you get the, you post like one thing that was a bit controversial and you get all these followers that skyrocket. And then the next time you post, it just goes,
Starting point is 01:00:20 that's what, as long as you have that nice steady growth. I mean, but you guys are news and, and, and more of like news source and media and education and everything. And I was trying to realize the different outlets. And then so many people ask me, and obviously with a big following every now and then I come up on sponsorships and everything, And then I come up on sponsorships and everything. Right. I think a lot of people think I make a lot from social media and it's, it truly is just entertainment and everything because I've gotten caught up in this.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Do I want, I, of course I want to make money from it. That's awesome. Having, having a little bit of money coming in from and everything, but I mean, it, it, it opens new doors to do things and every uh but now i'm teeter-totter over this line
Starting point is 01:01:12 of i am i don't want to be selling a whole bunch of things on my page and lose that authenticity and making sure it's still things that i use and so I've kind of come to this road of like, I'm just going to build my brand, big Becca and try to just sell that through the authenticity and the comedy and just without selling, you know, it's this hard line that I'm teeter tottering over when it comes to that. I had a guest on recently and I went to their Instagram to like learn about them and fucking every post was they were selling something. when it comes to that. I had a guest on recently and I went to their Instagram to like learn about them.
Starting point is 01:01:46 And fucking every post was they were selling something. To a point where I got embarrassed. I was, I got, you know, like when you get embarrassed for someone, you know, like when Joe Biden talks, you kind of get a little embarrassed. You're like, oh no. Wherever you're going,
Starting point is 01:01:59 you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout?
Starting point is 01:02:14 Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. It was like that.
Starting point is 01:02:29 I was just like, oh, shit. I'm like, I guess I'm just going to wing this one. It was literally one fucking ad after another. I also think that you haven't put yourself into a pigeonhole. I also think that you haven't put yourself into a pigeonhole. So there are these people who have just completely pigeonholed themselves. Like they just post the same shit. Granted, they have a fucking million Instagram followers and I have 4,000. But they post the same shit every single fucking day.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And their comments are just absolutely boring. It's 400 comments of hearts and tongues and fire emojis, and that's all it is. Yeah, I just – I don't think – I think by being funny and by being entertaining, you haven't pigeonholed yourself. You could do anything. You could sell something. You could do a training piece. You could do anything. And not to say that you're not like extremely attractive and you
Starting point is 01:03:25 haven't worked hard on this incredible body but that you haven't you haven't um that's not what your site's about it's like a bonus that you're attractive it's not like the um foundation right right um i think to just i over the years i think growing up like a big competitor, too, is always always that the little kid that believed that you just have to put everything you have in 100 percent into one thing at once. And I used to like beat myself up to to to that and like everything would be focused on training. And in a sense, like what I do now, I think I've really learned just over the years, like what I do now is everything does circle around the big picture of like what I want to do at this point, which is obviously compete CrossFit at the highest level, get to the games multiple times and become that pro athlete that I've always wanted to be. Like, of course I was the little kid that dreamed of going to the Olympics too. And somehow life brought me here to CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:04:25 So I'm sorry. I apologize. Did I miss something? No, just that you said you had Olympic dreams and now you're doing CrossFit. Oh, yeah, I know. Well, I was watching. Anyway, I'm not going to sidetrack off of that. You can.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Anyways, everything's still like centered around the major goal but it's not i've closed all the doors to everything else and i made sure like something like crossfit as much as i love it i it's not that big and i want to do big things with it i'm so for helping crossFit. And I hope people realize this, like I want CrossFit to be as big as I think it could possibly ever be and change, continue to change the world the way it has. Um, but there's also different outlets that I have open for, if I, I don't want to say it, but if I get injured in competition and my competition career ends or something changes and I don't want to do that. So, yeah, make sure I don't close off opportunities to me.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Excuse me. Meanwhile, Big Becca is a front runner in the CrossFit comedy space. That's for sure. A paper street coffee. I sponsor the podcast because Seve and Caleb are sexy. No, duh. Wow. Just sluts. Just sluts. I'll buy anything Becca sells, even a banana hammock. Wow. I don't believe I have that on my website yet. Do you have – you do have a – Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:56 You do have a marketplace? You do have a website where you sell something? I literally just opened up a shop page on my website with all of our new merch oh cool merch oh these are cool oh that's why you said big becca yeah design who designed these uh i rough sketch them my little sister mocks them up digitally and then we print them ourselves look Look at you. Good on you. Who's the model? Person I pulled from the internet.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Oh, okay. We should get Matt to model. Matt who? My husband. Oh, yeah, for sure, always. You want to model, Siobhan? No. No? Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Maybe if I grow my locks out again. That's good. You ever had lice? No. Okay. Maybe if I grow my locks out again. That's good. You ever had lice? No. Oh. We had a lice break. My kids do jujitsu, and for the last two months, they've been warning us that there's lice, and I'm like, nah, we don't got it. Oh, gosh. And then my kids started waking up itching.
Starting point is 01:06:59 My wife's like, hey, they have it. So we all took a number one razor and shaved our heads. Not my wife, though. I was going to say, she didn't cut her hair? No. Lice creep you out? They don't creep me out. Some people think they're really gross. I just don't want to deal with it.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Don't you have to wash the entire house if that happens? Our washing machine has been going 15 loads. It's just always going. I woke up this morning at 6 and I went and it was going. My wife must have got up in the middle of the night. It's just always going. I woke up this morning at 6 and I went and it was going. My wife must have got up in the middle of the night. It's just going.
Starting point is 01:07:29 The closest thing we've gotten to that is crabs. No. No. No, Blitz has brought in ticks. Oh yeah, ticks are fun. I don't like ticks, but whenever you catch one, it's kind of fun, right? Like you catch one on your arm and like, you little fucker.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Well, one was on Matt, and we did the whole process of when you have to like heat its head, you know? Oh, and it already bit into him. Yeah. Luckily, it wasn't like, I don't know, do they bury or something? Bury the head in your skin. Yeah. And we took like a hot uh a metal skewer and like heated it up and put it on it and then like we got it off so it did it
Starting point is 01:08:12 back out on its own like you heat it up and it's like fuck this I'm out yeah I think that's why you do that I could be wrong but yeah that's why we kind of like heated it up and then we're like screw you little guy what are we gonna do with this guy next i don't want him around so we went and like this is like at 7 a.m one sunday morning yeah we put him on the barbecue pit oh and we lit it on fire yeah you know the thing like popped and i screamed so loud i felt bad i was like was he pretty full had he drank some blood like was he because normally ticks are flat was he full was he big and puffy when you pulled him off? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:08:47 But I think we caught it in time. But it turns out – When I see them, I like to bring them inside and set them on the kitchen counter and, like, play with them a little bit because you can push on them with your thumb as hard as you can, and it does nothing to them because they can lie flat. And then eventually I'll take something sharp and cut them in half. Nice. I know, pretty sadistic. This is why i like your show savon it's educational to tick tick management have you have you have you done the workouts i have done some of them um i have not tested a hundred percent of them we've done most of them but we always have this our way of going
Starting point is 01:09:23 about structuring them to where we learn the most about them and train for them properly without overdoing them. And, um, have you done, we'll come back to the workout specifically in a second, but have you looked at the list of gals that you're going to be going against and looked at yourself and been like, okay, I'm knocking that bitch off. Ooh, that bitch is going to be tough. Like, have you gone through that and seen like um i do that a little bit in my head bless you we do whole shows on it we get i make like five hundred dollars off a show just doing that yo i know i know we can you're done if you don't keep up with with you guys i mean if you're competing um i do that a little bit but it's more Matt and he's the numbers guy too, that goes and looks at that. Cause I mean, I could, I'm, I'm pretty much okay with, um, talking about the workouts and studying and putting some effort in like that. But as soon as I feel like it's, it's exhausting me, I'm just like, okay, I'm going to back away from this and let you let coach do the work.
Starting point is 01:10:22 And you're able to do that. Yeah. Yeah. And what about, what about visualizing the workouts? Do you do that? Big time. And that's something I've learned over the years of competing and getting better at competing is how to visualize good reps and, and, and CrossFit, the world of pain, you just learn where it hurts and how you're going to talk yourself through all of that. So I'm a big, I'm a big believer in visualizing and running through mental reps. Give me like that, that last workout with the muscle ups and the farmer carry with the lunges.
Starting point is 01:11:02 How, how would you visualize that? Would you visualize, Oh, and 30 cows on the echo bike. Thank you. I kept forgetting what that was. Would you actually sit there for 60 seconds and imagine yourself, visualize yourself doing all 15 of those muscle-ups? So for that one, it being the finale, and they always like to put us in these spots in the finale, like these racing yeah the full-fledged sprint yes uh this workout we have tested and it just reminds me of 2022 when we made the games that was another just muscle up work ahead of you get to the finish line and um it makes it makes me
Starting point is 01:11:42 sick to my stomach when i before I before we tested it, I kept saying, I think I'm going to throw up just kind of visualizing like what that's going to feel like, because it's just going to be a who wants it moment. And depending on where you're at, it might be just a full fledged foot race to the finish. And you might have to, to hang on to something a little bit longer than you thought you would have had to. So, yeah, I do. I do visualize that one. And it just brings me back to when I qualified for 2022, the games in 2022. We were at the Mac and I was right next to Kelly. Is it Kelly Clark? She's now Kelly. Kelly.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Oh, yeah, I am Kelly. Yeah. And what a beast of a competitor. And I just remember her being by my shoulder and being like, oh, God, we're in a foot race. So it kind of brings me back to that moment. Will there be grip fatigue in that with those lunges? Mm-hmm. And you could have to make a decision two steps away from the finish line. Do you try to go just do you let your fingers go numb and hope they stay in there or or set it down?
Starting point is 01:12:53 Oh, totally. You just hang on for dear life. But yes, thank you for bringing this up. Yeah. So this is just every time I watch that that moment i know exactly what that felt like tell us what's happening here where is this what's happening here this is 2022 at the mac and i'm in that foot race with kelly uh-huh and it was god she fucking looks like a monster next i know i know i know she's something else jesus christ so it was like a, uh, so many foot, maybe 30 foot lunge or something to the finish line after some shoulder to overhead. And I remember doing the last shoulder to overhead before starting the lunge. And I did like a set of three and just decided to start walking.
Starting point is 01:13:37 I go, shoot, there's no turning back now. So I just tried to lock in that bar as much as possible. And then that last step, my elbows just buckled and everything, everything went black at that point. And I was like, I remember rolling onto the finish line when it was all over saying, Oh no, like I lost the whole thing because I lost the race. But luckily what gave out there that what gave out there didn't even look like your shoulders gave out.
Starting point is 01:14:03 It looked like it was your midline. My, I, my elbows like your shoulders gave out. It looked like it was your midline. My elbows. Your elbows. Okay. I love your elbows. Okay. Because I thought I saw your body wobble. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I mean, you're just numb at that point. And you're just kind of praying that it stays above your head. Damn. And so when you crossed the finish line, you thought, oh, the dreams are over. Yeah. I said I lost. I thought I lost. And I did lose that foot race. But I needed someone. She needed someone in between us. the finish line you thought oh the dreams are over yeah i said i i lost i thought i lost and
Starting point is 01:14:25 i i did lose that foot race but i needed someone we needed she needed someone in between us and luckily i was able to recover after three more no reps and she didn't qualify right i don't want to be in this position this coming week okay well um i love uh i'm gonna go there and i'm gonna do behind the scenes and i love the bubble athletes i feel like that's obviously that's where all the tension is right the tears the drama the fucking sweat the like the the nervousness and when you say you don't want to be in this position you mean before you get to the final event you'd like to be you don't want to be like in 10th place i don't want to be in that foot race again. Yeah. I mean, it's fun, but it's rough.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Are 70-pound dumbbells heavy? Yeah, they're heavy, but we can move them. Yeah. And I assume you own some and you've been dabbling. Yeah. What about training with heavier? Do you train with heavier dumbbells too? Would you do that farmer's carry, like try to do it with like 80s or 90s or 100s just as a solo piece we've done some training uh with just holding
Starting point is 01:15:34 on to some heavier dumbbells like testing the workout we wouldn't do it heavier we want to get the actual feel for it and everything um but training wise yeah we'll we'll hold on to some heavier things and and then just a few years, that would have been an impossible workout for you. I mean, every year I feel like this, this year I'm, I'm very confident in the weights that are, that are written up there for the workouts and everything. But every year it feels like you're chasing down, at least for, for an athlete in my position, I'm always chasing down heavyweights, like maximum, like if there's a ladder, there's always, um, something that I need to chase down or PR or get close to my PR and everything. So, um, but yes, these are very doable. Something like last
Starting point is 01:16:17 year when we were, oh man, last, last year's semifinals, when everything just felt super heavy, that was a year where I was I felt like the training that I did leading up to that was just a beat down just because I felt like I was just moving maximal weight for so long how did you do last year horrible it was a horrible year what what place did you finish I think I was in the 20s at semifinals it just wasn't my year for programming was really heavy it was just a lot of I felt beat up after semi-finals just because it was heavy so you went to the games you had an amazing experience then another year passed and you didn't make it to the games did any part of you be like
Starting point is 01:16:56 okay that was my run I'm done um there was no no like full honesty. No, it just made me angrier coming back for next year because I'm never going to let up on qualifying for the games one time. I have to know that's not how it's going to that's not how we're going to end that story. But I after semifinals last year, I was I was heartbroken for a little bit of time. But I mean, you get over it. Hey, are any of your friends from high school having kids already? Yes. I'm in a weird stage of life right now. Yeah. What are your thoughts on that? Like for historical purposes? Are you like, OK, I'll have kids when I'm 35 or you're not going to have kids?
Starting point is 01:17:43 Like what do you even think about it? I mean, I wasn't thinking about it at 24. I think about how long I want to compete and how that weighs into stuff like that. My biggest thing is – Isn't it weird? You guys grow babies. And so like if this other thing – Don't even get me started on how weird babies are. Like you grow babies,
Starting point is 01:18:08 but you can't do this other thing while you're growing babies. Although fuck, look at these girls who grew babies. I don't know. And then still did it and then came back and did it. Freaking Andrea Nistler. Oh yeah, that's insane. Wild. Right? I mean, even Tia and Annie, the whole thing is wild.
Starting point is 01:18:23 And then there were girls, there's been girls. There was a girl I'll never forget back in 2009 on tommy hackenbrook's team and they won she was breastfeeding in between heats wow yeah um it's been amazing just at our gym the gym goes through stages where every now and then we have our mamas to be working out and everything and it is incredible to see the women go through their pregnancies and how fast their body bounces back and how fast – we were just talking about this the other day because we just saw one of our members that just had a baby. And she's rocking and rolling in classes and – Just being around the babies make you want – you know, being around those babies might make you want to have one too. Like just, I think like there's some sort of like chemical shit in the air that floats
Starting point is 01:19:09 around between you guys. My sister, older sister just had her first, um, her first baby. So I'm anti big Becca. Oh, congrats. That's awesome. Congrats. And I like being the fun aunt right now. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Yeah. I mean, there's, there's, there's. I mean, there's shitloads of time. I mean, the years of having babies at 24. But I wonder now because, like, I mean, you're obviously mature. Your life's getting together. Like, basically, other things will start playing a factor. You have a stable relationship. You have a good gig.
Starting point is 01:19:41 You're getting more and more mature. And so those thoughts will creep into your mind. Do you think you're going to have kids? I don't. Well, we've had conversations about that. And I think I feel like it's just one of those things where when you're you know, when your relationship's ready for that. Yeah, there have been many times. I mean, obviously, Matt and I have our our age gap. And I just make sure we're on the same page of just like, Hey, do we still want to do this? And I very thoughtful of you. Very
Starting point is 01:20:12 thoughtful. My relationship is making sure he's happy too, because if he's not happy, I'm not happy. And, um, I don't want to take away from, from that at all in the rest of our life, but we're both in it to compete hard where we're at right now. Yeah, that's awesome. And on the other hand, it's weird asking that because at 24, you're still a kid. I mean, you can look back and be like, oh, yeah, I'm still a kid. You're not that far away from being a kid. I feel old. No, you're not. Do you have any training partners do you
Starting point is 01:20:47 train with anyone any anyone uh high level athletes just folks and i mean really no and that's where people have asked me many questions for training and like why i'm not part of camps or do i go to any um get togethers with camps or. We just have a group of a great, we had like 32 quarter finalists this year between all the divisions and everything at our gym. So we have a group of quarter finalists that we structure workouts to where they push me. And I, I train with just our folks at the gym every now and then there'll be some great athletes that stop by for some training sessions and everything that, that we each other so other than that no it's usually just me and myself and the I just train and coach all day so I train in between the classes
Starting point is 01:21:33 who will go with you to Carson besides Matt will your parents or your sister anyone go with you yeah my parents will go and and his parents will go and what do your parents think about what you're doing does it are they excited but stressed out oh they're they're full-fledged fans my my dad which um he's probably watching right now because he's a big fan of you guys now too awesome hi dad hey dad um they're just full-fledged fans i mean my mom is what uh she got me into all of this and years years down the road we finally got dad into um CrossFit and taking care of himself and working out with us at the gym and everything and now he just loves watching competition and he's kind of at the point where he he he's like I've loved watching you guys grow up and now it's fun to like be your by your side and cheering you on through all the adult things that you guys do whether it's like being a a grandpa now or watching me try to
Starting point is 01:22:31 compete and become a pro athlete and everything so yeah he must be ecstatic that your your mom and dad must be so excited that your sister had a kid oh yeah they're loving being grandparents yeah that shit that i wonder if i'm i'm so old i wonder if i'm gonna get to have grandkids my kids are how old your dad 57 i'm 59 i'm 52 i guess he's a little older than me i'm 52 and uh my kids are seven and nine maybe i'm 58 i won't be 59 until next month. The tennis stadium, you haven't ever competed in there? No. The year I was there as a teenager, they took top five to the finale, which was in the tennis stadium, and I did not make that. So I've been in it just as a spectator. So you're excited.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Yes. Stoked. I'm just totally honored to, to step foot in there. Um, the, the part of going there and having to see people that you, does anything about it stress you out? Like the, the social interactions or is any part of you like, Hey, I want to go there and compete. Um, like, like pulling up to the stadium and getting out of the car and like having to like walk to where you go does any of that stress you out like seeing people you don't know who know you from the internet no no okay no i've had luckily i've had just just really positive interactions in person and it's kind of one of those things where maybe if i was we were competing live more often and running into a lot of people yeah all the time i mean it'd be different but we don't i i live in a in a dungeon and train in a dungeon so in a positive that doesn't make you anxious socially no no god i
Starting point is 01:24:19 hate that part i mean maybe maybe there would be one person I'll be like, I don't want to talk to them, but no, I can't think of anyone off the top of my head. Are you open to people coming up to you and asking for autographs and pictures and all that shit? You're open to that. Absolutely. Yeah. No one, no one come talk to me. The three of you that want to meet me, do not come talk to me. Just see me and look the other way.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Do not come and say hi. No, it's going to be a lot of fun. And I hope there's a lot of people going to carson just to relive like the history and everything like how cool is that um i never thought like when we left carson when they said the games were leaving carson i was like okay we ended it right there i'm probably not gonna come back to this place and now bam when i was fired i never thought i'd be back i honestly when i was fired i thought oh i'll never pay attention anything to the games again and now i'm more immersed uh than ever it's so
Starting point is 01:25:15 we're in such a weird uh place because i'm and i don't i mean i i feel like i get similar vibes from you guys and everything just matt and matt, he opened his affiliate in 2011 and we're still affiliated and everything. We're those diehard CrossFitters that'll go down with the ship and believe in it. I want it and I believe in it so much. I want it to do such great things for the world and everything. It will. We're still out here working hard, trying to change lives in our, uh, one of the most powerful things like I've ever heard. And, and, and Matt actually told me
Starting point is 01:25:51 this, he was like, let's just focus on making our corner of the world better. And hopefully it just keeps growing and everything. And I love what we do as a CrossFit affiliate. So do you drink coffee? You do drink. Is that your, and do you drink it? You do drink coffee. Is that your – and do you drink it for the caffeine? Yes, and a little bit. I like coffee, just the taste. Do you drink – do you do pre-workout? No, I don't.
Starting point is 01:26:18 I've never gotten into pre-workout. What supplements do you take? Do you take creatine or – Yeah, just protein take creatine or uh yeah just protein and creatine it so before workout before workout do you do a shot of espresso or anything like do you have any like sort of you don't do you have any no no i have um uh hydration uh packets that have a little bit of caffeine in it that sometimes i i have but um i've even cut out coffee before training just for hydration purposes and everything who is your sponsor do you have any um i've even cut out coffee before training just for hydration purposes and everything
Starting point is 01:26:46 who is your sponsor do you have any sponsors i have uno i have an apparel um kind of halfway apparel they're just really good friends that helped me with my apparel so shout out to cambro apparel they're based out of texas and here with me and resin hydration is little stick packets that have hydration, but they have a little bit of caffeine in it. So if you're a caffeine lover like me. Do they sponsor any other athletes? Yeah, I believe if you scroll back to the top, there's Freya right there.
Starting point is 01:27:19 And she's another, she went to the games the same year I did. Who owns that company? Do you know them? Do I know them? Are they a CrossFitter? Yes. His name is Matt, but they're based out of Newfoundland. It's kind of amazing.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Is that a country, Newfoundland? Is that that island in between Greenland? Where the fuck is Newfoundland? Is Newfoundland between – that's a dog, isn't it? Is Newfoundland between – there's Greenland, there's Iceland. Where the fuck is Newfoundland between... That's a dog, isn't it? Is Newfoundland between... There's Greenland, there's Iceland. Where the fuck is Newfoundland? Is that the capital of a country? Or is that an actual country?
Starting point is 01:27:51 Canada. Oh, please no one clip that. Oh, yeah, it's a state in Canada. Thank you, Sarah. Okay. That's why I'm tripping. Okay, Canada. Let me see the map.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Where the fuck is Newfoundland? Oh, that one over there. Okay. Canada. Let me see the map. Where the fuck is Newfoundland? Oh, that one over there. Okay. Yeah. God, who the fuck lives there? That must be wild living there. I've never been out of the country, so. And where do you, you're in Louisiana?
Starting point is 01:28:17 No, I'm in Texas. I'm in Dallas. We're right next to Dickie's. We gotta make it. Oh, shit. Are you a city girl? You live in a city city we're right north of dallas so yeah we're in the city do you see cows every day like if you drive out of your house like
Starting point is 01:28:33 to go get a gallon of milk do you see a cow so we used to have cows right across from the gym but there is so much construction and building going on for the airport and turning it into a city that we do not have. I do not see those cows anymore. But I am originally from Louisiana. You got that. Yeah, you seem like a small town girl to me. You don't seem like a city slicker. I mean, I don't.
Starting point is 01:28:58 To be fair, if you come visit us in Capelle, where we're at at and you're like, Hey, what are some fun things to do in Dallas? I don't know. Cause I never go into Dallas. Gotcha. Okay. It's just kind of that. It's just where we live. But I am much, a much more outdoorsy person and take me camping, take me anywhere like, like that versus going shopping in the, in the city or something like that.
Starting point is 01:29:26 When you're in semifinals, are there girls that you know you'll gravitate towards there? Do you have any friends? Like is Alex Kazan your friend or do you have any friends there? Like I can see you being friends with her. I love Alex and Ariel. I mean we just chat via social media and everything and obviously ariel is a fellow texan so we're chatting via social media and she's creative as fuck too do you see she's amazing so she'll send me things every now and then and i i every time i see her
Starting point is 01:29:59 post one of her her adorable reels with like blake lee and everything it cracks me up and she she's very creative and she's i know she's working hard too to try to just grow a little bit and create a little bit different um things on her her platform too but she's dylan swinging on the rings naked just cacking balls out dude i i love that and when people are are there kind of making fun of themselves and and and doing and that's totally you can tell that's totally her too and ariel is someone i look up to because i think she's the most chill competitor i've ever met but to answer your question and great balance it looks like she presents like she has good balance in her life too right like a fun husband fun life but also serious as a heart attack when it comes to competing so to answer your question like i know all the girls and have nothing but positive
Starting point is 01:30:53 interactions with them when we go see each other like once or twice a year it would be wrong for me to say like i'm best buds with everyone because i i live in my little bolt world over here in in capel and i'm um just mainly just see them at competition, but nothing but good positive things to say about them. Are you a chatty Kathy when you're in the corral or are you, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:31:17 I'll, I mean, I'm not, I, I've learned and said kind of own that about myself recently is to, that's when I'm doing my visual like reps and everything and don't feel like I need to start a conversation or anything. Just kind of focus on me at that point. You're comfortable in your own skin at that moment. You know, there's a task at hand. You don't let like weird energy enter you. It's just like, okay.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Yeah. I need that for, for me, I need to just stay in the visual reps and just keep the blinders on. Where will Matt be when you're competing? Where do you coaches, uh, I'm assuming he'll be down there with the coaches and he'll be close to you. Yeah. I mean, as they told you, say that again, have they told you anything about like the way the setup is going to be? Have you received a packet or anything from. We have our handbook, but I assume they're going to tell coaches where they can and can't go when we get to check in and everything. That's usually how it rolls.
Starting point is 01:32:11 He tries to stay as close as possible, but usually, I mean, they have either a coaches will take you this way or you're allowed to sit here and here to stay close, but he bounces around based on like what lane we're on and based on what event I know he might have, he might try to see what the running course is like and help based on like what lane we're on and based on what event I know he might have. He might try to see what the running course is like and help me on like the first event,
Starting point is 01:32:29 if he can get near the running course and just keep me on track for that. So. Will you look for him? Let's say like the snatch ladder. Will you, when you go out there, will you look for him or look for your parents from the, from the tennis stadium? I've done that sometimes. And it's usually like lifting events because you're usually, I mean, you're not mid workout when you're doing that or just trying to get like, I remember vividly last year, the sled, you remember at the first event at semifinals last year, the sled pull that everybody was getting like, Oh yeah. The one where it was like coming up, the weights were coming off the mat and all that. Yeah. I couldn't budge that, that sled. And that was one moment where I looked around and I was
Starting point is 01:33:08 like, is there anything I can do? Like help me out right here. Um, but most of the time I'm pretty, uh, just focused on my lane and he'll try to tell me like where he's going to be just in case, like I need to like look around or, or, um, he needs to give me a tip or two, but, um, I, I, we do such a good job preparing for it that I'm, I'm comfortable once I get in my, in my lane to just run the race. I'm pumped to meet you that man. I'm so, when I saw, I was going to Carson and I saw you were, you qualified and you were going to be there. I'm so excited to point the camera at you, talk to you and hang with you, man. You, you are one of the cool, uh, down to earth cats in the space. Thank you so much for coming on. Appreciate you. Yeah. And, and, um, everything that you guys do too,
Starting point is 01:33:53 y'all bring so much good, um, energy to the, to the sport and it needs more of that. You know, we have this, uh, show, um, called kill Taylor. And if I think you'd be great on the panel if anyone ever calls in sick. I think you could really chop it up. And we make fun of people who try to beat Taylor's scores. I think you'd be great at that. Hey, I need to see Taylor face-to-face. You remember he was the original one? I think that tried to talk smack.
Starting point is 01:34:21 And that's how I met you guys originally. Oh, really? Oh, shit. I think it was. Hey, that doesn't surprise me he talks smack to everyone his opening line to people is you're a fucking cuck hey like it's like that's his mad mad mad respect he's an amazing athlete and i got horrified when during the the quarterfinals burpee workout that I was watching you guys do. But I think he was one of you guys. Maybe I shouldn't be so mean to Taylor.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Oh, you can. I think that's fair. He talks so much shit. Someone said she's just the TikTok girl. Oh, yeah. That's awesome. Oh, that could have been any of us. Not me.
Starting point is 01:35:01 I know you're more than that. It would never be someone. That wasn't me but that's good that's funny i like that so that's how i originally got connected with you guys so that would be that would be fun i am down for it whenever y'all need it awesome all right girl uh have a good one and i'll see you in a few days yep see you soon travel safe say hi to matt for me thank you okay we'll do thanks guys ciao later rebecca fusile i think i got the name right fusile Travel safe. Say hi to Matt for me. Thank you. Okay. Will do. Thanks, guys. Ciao. Later. Rebecca Fusile. I think I got the name right. Fusile.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Yeah, good job. Thank you. I tried to look up what Cambro is. I just got a shitload of measuring cups and insulated coffee mug. Oh, Cambridge Food and Storage Containers. They look like they make amazing storage containers Yeah, man when the right sponsor finds her and figures her out That's gonna be awesome. I want to see this
Starting point is 01:36:01 I want to see this commercial Oh, okay, I'm gonna play I haven't seen this yet on the big screen. Bear with me guys. This is, Patrick Rios just made this. I think we're gonna have a shorter version too, but here we go. I miss it, those nights when nothing ever really mattered So ill and weak, to give it all even though you might just shatter Now you're scared of time, gotta beat the clock now It's all up to the price The puppet, struck out when you had about 30 chances One bad day, now you don't know how thorn back there though. It made me think it was a thorn commercial. Did you see that? Yeah, I's good. Yeah, it's good. I don't like that thorn back there, though.
Starting point is 01:37:05 It made me think it was a thorn commercial. Did you see that? Yeah, I get that. Yeah, I don't like that thorn back there. But really good. I'll write him some feedback on it. Slightly seductive, Matt Souza. Is that really Matt Souza?
Starting point is 01:37:21 Yeah. I can't see that as his picture. Look at that. Paper Street Coffee right now, if you buy $100 or more there, you get entered into a contest. Oh, did I just come? Maybe. Send me a screenshot. You both did.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Wow. Send me a picture. Paper Street Coffee right now, if you spend $100 there, I think if you use code word Sevan, you have to spend $117 there because the code will give you like a percentage off. Someone figured the math out, like $117.65 or something. And you'll get entered to win two free tickets to the games. Great seats. I want to say the tickets are probably at least $1,000 each. At the finish line?
Starting point is 01:38:01 At the finish line? Okay. And not $99.99, people. Correct. Very thorny. At the finish line. entered multiple times you can do two different purchases and i think you can use the code word seven as many times as you want so you know it seems like get coffee and get a chance and i think that that will be going for another two and a half weeks wow really yeah it's cool right fuck that's crazy i um i need to i want to hang out with you guys but I have to I'm gonna go watch all of the semi-finals I didn't I uh dude my throat was sore last night when I went to bed and that's from not sleeping I haven't had a sore throat I can't remember the last time I had a sore throat you
Starting point is 01:38:58 know like when you swallow and it hurts yeah I had a fucking sore throat last night and this morning when I woke up and I know it's because I fucking stayed up all night last night. So last night I just went to bed. Last night I got, I think, like nine hours sleep. I actually woke up 6.08. That's eight minutes late for me. Damn. Slept in.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Yeah, crazy, right? There's probably a couple things I should – let me see what this is. This is like, oh, this is good. This is good. This is funny. There's a couple of things. I mean, I can't let my life calling notes get too big.
Starting point is 01:39:35 And this kind of calls the herd to write like people who came here just like to see Rebecca and. Tetlow, it's like, OK, now beat it. Now we're going to get down to get down to business. This is so good. I really like this. Here we go. Democrat or Republican? I'll say independent for sure.
Starting point is 01:39:51 You think other people could guess that? Probably. Yeah, I would say so. Do you think that this guy is a Democrat or Republican? Probably a Democrat. Why? Well, he's walking a dog and then he's also a minority. Are you a Democrat or a Republican?
Starting point is 01:40:07 Biden. Do you think that other people could guess that? Yeah. Why? Do you think that this guy is a Democrat or a Republican? Democrat. He just look like it, bro. You could tell, bro.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Look at his glasses, bro, and the way he dressed. Like, look at his shirt. You could just tell he on the special. You see that? Democrat or Republican. I. Look at his shirt. You can just tell he's on the spectrum. I'm a crack Republican. Oh my God. You can tell he's on the spectrum. Oh my God. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:40:38 He got a dog and he's a minority. Hey, if I told you that guy takes estrogen supplements you'd believe like if i told you this guy right here in the blue shirt was on testosterone you'd be like okay and if i told you that other guy was on estrogen you'd be like okay yep it's fucking so crazy it's fucking unreal that's what people could guess that probably yeah i would say so do you think that this guy is a democrat or a republican probably a democrat why well he's walking a dog and then he's also um a minority are you a democrat or a republican do you think that other people could guess that yeah why yeah
Starting point is 01:41:27 do you think that this guy is a democrat or republican democrat he just he just looked like it bro you could tell right look at his glasses right and the way he dressed like look at his shirt you could just tell he on the special you see i love that guy's hand gestures. He's like, his shirt, he does his shirt and like, look at his glasses, man. You can tell he on the spectrum, bro. White libs are racist. They don't even recognize it. I know.
Starting point is 01:41:56 He wanted to be black so bad. He's like, yeah. He's a minority. Minority. Yeah, he's black. Or Republican. I'll say independent for sure. You think other people could guess that? Probably, yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:12 I would say so. Do you think that this guy... Look at that guy's earrings. That guy... Dude, he has another pair of glasses. He has glasses on and glasses hanging from his shirt. He has glasses on and glasses hanging from his shirt. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Hey, dude, at that point, why is your shirt even tucked in? What the fuck is that outfit that guy is wearing? Look at his belt. Like, do those shorts and belt and shirt all come together and the bandana? Goodwill special right there. belt and shirt all come together and the bandana goodwill special right there that guy's forearms looks like he's never picked anything up dude like the good the black guy with biceps he could
Starting point is 01:42:53 have picked him up and thrown him probably look at that guy's forearms dude fuck that's hilarious can't even tell what they are is that a dude or a chick? How about the black dude on rollerblades behind? Oh, shit. I didn't even notice that.
Starting point is 01:43:13 What city is that? That must be like Austin or something. Where the fuck are their black dudes rollerblading? Is it Democrat? Austin, yeah. It's got to be Austin. Look at that guy's earrings. Jesus Christ. that's funny
Starting point is 01:43:29 oh fuck Atlanta that's Atlanta oh maybe amazing so good stereotypes are so fun the best what was that one called um men and women uh
Starting point is 01:43:53 oh no that one's called democrat or republican hey that would be a great that's a great um that would be a great skit i'm when saw that guy doing that, I was so jealous. I was like, oh, God, I wish I had thought of that or I had the time to go out and do that. I wish I had the time to do that. There are a lot of those. They're funny. Man, oh, man.
Starting point is 01:44:15 Here, we can do one more. Here we go. This is pretty good. Rambler, Austin's crazy. Yeah, I believe it. No, dude, that guy, he that guy is not transitioning. That's a full blown like liberal man in all his glory. I wish it was someone transitioning, but it is not all his glory. OK, here we go. Watch this glory okay here we go watch this one here we go the thing about cancel culture and free speech
Starting point is 01:44:50 and these things is what if you have a message that's like woke but you say it in a way they don't like like what if I made t-shirts and it just said racism is retarded I'll wear that shit and it just said, racism is retarded. I'll wear that shit.
Starting point is 01:45:10 Because they'd be like, wait. Okay, yeah, no, I agree with the message. Why did you say it? Oh, do you think racism isn't retarded? No, I do. I just, I'm going to come back to you okay here's the thing about cancer fucking genius isn't it that's so good hey dude i might make it i might make a shirt like that racism is retarded you should it'd be perfect nobody would know what to say what i mean that is
Starting point is 01:45:47 fucking brilliant look at even chris knows oh my goodness racism is retarded the thing is is they'll they won't they they won't say that you said that they'll just say you said the word retard. There'll be no context or just nothing. Hey, did you see this chick, Crockett, this black chick and Marjorie Taylor Greene in AOC fight? Have you seen this clip going around? No, I haven't. No, I haven't. So basically, it's pretty. So Marjorie Taylor Greene's a Republican and AOC's a liberal, a Democrat.
Starting point is 01:46:32 And this other black chick, something Crockett, she's black. And this this chick Crockett, this Democrat, says to Marjorie Taylor Greene, she says, hey, Marjorie Taylor Greene's talking. And she says to her, she's not even being rude. She goes, hey, do you know why we're here? Because Marjorie Taylor Greene's off subject. And Marjorie Taylor Greene responds just kind of bitch rude she goes hey do you know why we're here because marjorie taylor green's off subject and marjorie taylor green responds just kind of bitching goes do you know why we're here and she goes yeah i know why we're here but you're talking about a when we should be talking about b and marjorie taylor green goes well maybe you can't read this isn't this is like like in a fucking like congressional meeting right she goes maybe you can't see because your fake eyelashes are blocking your view of the
Starting point is 01:47:05 sheet of paper so aoc gets crazy she's like oh no you didn't baby girl you better apologize to her talking about the way she looks well then i i don't know if it was aoc but but here's the thing you know how people say democrats are racist and they didn't even know it? So Marjorie Taylor Greene makes fun of her fake eyelashes, right? But this fucking bitch comes back with, calls her a fucking butch. It goes straight to fucking attacking. Like, listen, if you're a Democrat, you can't call someone a butch in a derogatory term.
Starting point is 01:47:42 She called her a butch. She basically makes fun of her for being a crossfitter right she says you you she makes fun of her body she calls her like square square bodied butch and i'm like wait a second she went from fucking talking about your eyelashes to you fucking making fun of her for being looking like a lesbian like you can't do that that's why you can't call someone gay you can't be like you're gay because then you're insinuating the gays be bad right that's the whole that's the whole reason you make fun of someone's eye there's levels to fucking like talking shit about someone like you can tell your wife like hey fuck you but you call
Starting point is 01:48:17 her and you might recover from it you call her fat you ain't coming back right you ain't coming back you're dead you're dust you'll hear about that shit in five years hold on remember that time you called me fat i called you fat with a p no with an f oh i know i don't remember that how the fuck you found it it's crazy dude i when she called her a butch i was like uh oh please tell me what i don't think you know what you're here for uh said miss green i think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you're reading now this is so i think you know that that's inappropriate but it's like whatever but listen
Starting point is 01:49:01 i'm just curious to better understand your ruling mr crockett told chair james comer about mrs green's jabs if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde bad built butch body like all of a sudden all you're referencing there is that dykes are ugly that's all that is she just drug in a fucking whole class of fucking liberal voters. I apologize because I know most of you lesbians are flipping the script now. You guys you guys are the first to wake up. Congratulations, by the way. I don't know. Maybe it's a tie between you and the black people.
Starting point is 01:49:42 Let me see. Lower down a little bit. I want to see what the other the rest of that sense is. That would be engaging in personalities, correct? I don't even know. That would be that would not be Engaging in personalities correct Bad built butch body Damn Those glasses Damn damn damn Just Alienated fucking just a whole chunk
Starting point is 01:50:04 Of lesbians You know lesbians. You know, lesbians, they usually roll like that. Like there's one hot chick and there's one chick who's like, just like, not that she just looks like the dude. One's an actual chick and the other one's just a dude. Yeah. Just like doing dude shit. Right.
Starting point is 01:50:19 Sure. I was talking to Garrett about it. Like her wife will be like, Hey, the rain gutters need to be clean. Garrett's like, I got it. Like you just do the dude you're the dude you do the dude shit you stand up and pee sometimes that's right fuck dude
Starting point is 01:50:34 that's the thing soon as those bitches fucking get hot and be bitches I just mean Democrats the racism comes out it goes from making like can you imagine if she would have said that like if a republican called someone butch uh lesbians aren't the only uh butch people in the world savvy that kind of warmed my heart that she called me savvy a savvy at the end let me see let me see let me look up the word miss mel
Starting point is 01:51:02 butch i actually looked it up yesterday to make sure butch having an appearance or other qualities of type traditionally seen as masculine a lesbian here we go noun a lesbian whose appearance and behavior are seen as traditionally masculine oh the pictures are great uh heterosexual women can be built with bad body shape i agree but i fuck dude yeah i agree anyone could fuck look at me i'm like 80 man and my body's a fucking mess but what i'm saying is is that term uh butch refers to like you you would mel you you never heard anyone straight called a butch. Like if you call someone a butch, you're referencing to their appearance and their genital.
Starting point is 01:51:51 It's like it means it's the same. Butch is the same definition as lesbian, but with the explicit nature that you look more like a man than a woman. Right. I think that's fair. Sure. Yeah. Body shamer, but also on the back of lesbians i agree body shame her but also on the back of lesbians right that's definitely not butch what that that's a tranny i would consider that butch oh really that's a dude a woman isn't it
Starting point is 01:52:24 no it's actually a woman but they just made her look hideous for the movie oh you butch butch is like fucking you got a mohawk let me show you butch like that chick who has fucking said that she was hoping athena would unfuck me let me show you butch let oh look at uh oh oh this is look at this is from Cosmopolitan magazine. Let me show you, but she's what the fuck is wrong with either. Either Caleb's fucking out of touch or I'm completely out of touch. That's a butch over there. You got the button up shirt, pop collar.
Starting point is 01:52:58 You got the pocket tee on and you got a fucking haircut like like like half. Yeah. Where's Mel? Let me see what she if she agrees with me or not on this where the fuck did Mel go oh yeah that's butch nailed it yeah savvy butch mustache what I mean I don't got I don't got a butch my butch savvy no there I can't be a butch I'd love to be called a butch There was someone making fun of her like disappointed a lesbian disappointed at me in the comments um Named like oatmeal or something and when I went to her instagram, I was like, oh, she's the butch like I just knew But it's not derog it's not like it's not a derog. I don't think it's a derogatory word
Starting point is 01:53:40 But the way she used it it's like just be like being gay isn't derogatory but if you say it with a negative connotation like fuck okay like if i saw you like if i said if i thought you were dressed shitty and i said you're dressed you look gay no that's not a good example oh yeah like here bears are gay old gay men that's like the big hairy man right bears are gay men that's what they call them oh yeah lipstick versus butch anyway
Starting point is 01:54:13 huh I just think that there's levels to like I just found it fascinating that the Democrat was just went straight to fucking insulting straight to insulting lesbians. Bears are masculine. Hairy gay men. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:30 Alright I'm tracking Brianna. I um. We already talked about the. I think yesterday we talked about the dude. Who jerked off on the chick at Whole Foods. Yes. Oh. Oh, look, I think I have the audio clip of it. There's an audio clip to this?
Starting point is 01:54:54 Yeah. I watched the audio like five times yesterday. You know what's interesting, too, is I watched a clip from cnn and i watched a clip from fox and cnn actually played the whole entire thing and then went after marjorie taylor green and fox only played the part where marjorie taylor green pops off and then ripped on marjorie taylor green and you wouldn't have thought it would be like that right yeah that's weird you would have thought cnn would have hidden the part where she fucking disparages lesbians,
Starting point is 01:55:28 the Dem disparages lesbians, and that Fox would have definitely shown that and highlighted it. But they both ass-pounded Marjorie Taylor Greene for being out of line. I watched like five times yesterday. Maybe 20 Watch the audio Dick Butterfox isn't MAGA
Starting point is 01:55:50 They have video of it They have video of the exchange It's everywhere The guy who did it looks kind of funny The guy who did the what? Ejaculated on the woman at Whole Foods. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like his mugshot's pretty funny looking.
Starting point is 01:56:11 See if I can find it. Two conversations at once. That's my favorite. Okay, I can't. I want to fuck around with you guys all morning, but I'm going to go watch... It's nine. I'm going to go watch two hours of semifinals,
Starting point is 01:56:24 and then I'm going to come back with John and Hiller and JR. Oh, it's Usher. Oh, let me read it. Let me just read it. Fuck it. Let me read it. This is so funny. I see this gentleman walking down the aisle who's pretending to be shopping,
Starting point is 01:56:43 and he's holding a basket, and he's looking kind of like a normal gentleman. Like late 20s and 30s. Nothing like extra suspicious about him. Dr. Sabine Lavelle, a plastic surgeon, recounted to Fox 5 after the incident. I bent over to grab the chips. And as I was doing that, I felt something like wet and warm on my back. So I put my hand on the small of my back and then saw that it was like this gooey white substance. And I turn around and
Starting point is 01:57:12 see this guy looking at me and then he zips up his zips his pants up. Hey, dude, I'd never guessed in a million years it was a black dude. That dude's way out of his lane. You know what I mean? black dude that dude's way out of his lane you know what i mean not not stereotypical no that's so fucking white dude crackhead shit yeah it is at a whole foods too of all places yeah fuck hey dude i how big would the load have to be to go through did he fire it on her bare back uh no i think it was on her clothes but he had like unzipped his pants and let it fly on her back like that but how would you feel if someone shot a load on my back i don't think i'd feel it you probably would just like a change your clothes dude yeah i think a load what you would feel a load land on your back if you're bent over your clothes are like tight against your back right i i and then you literally have something land on your back okay
Starting point is 01:58:19 and i feel like and i feel like when you touch semen like and you pull it back and look at it i think when you touch i think semen only looks white for a second too as soon as you touch it it loses its color or something you know what i mean like just something about it doesn't make sense to me she bent over to pick up the chips she felt it and then she looked at it and it was a white gooey substance i don't know it's like it's like you, lotion when you put it on your hands or face and you rub it in, the whiteness goes away. I just, I can't see you pulling up.
Starting point is 01:58:49 What? That is not how cum works. No. Okay. No, I'm gonna have to pay more close attention to cum. You should. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:57 You should try it. When Haley's in the kitchens next time or something. I'll put a, I'll put a load on like a, I get, I, I'll put a load on like a... I'll put a load on a piece of white tissue and see if it stands out. Maybe she was wearing a black shirt. There you go.
Starting point is 01:59:15 Semen on her. Believe women, Seve. Fine, I will. Okay. I just think it's crazy that he aimed it so well. He must have had some crazy fucking trajectory on it thank you Brianna I agree Seve don't let Caleb gaslight you
Starting point is 01:59:29 fuck off let me gaslight someone whenever I want Jake sounds like sexual assault alright I'll see you guys in two hours uh for those of you who don't come here for uh real talk it won't be real talk it'll be back to the games so it'll be safe uh thank you scott tetlow thank you rebecca fusli a uh we'll talk to you guys all soon caleb thank you will you be back in two hours sure all right talk to you guys all soon. Caleb, thank you. Caleb, will you be back in two hours? Sure.
Starting point is 02:00:06 All right. Talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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