The Sevan Podcast - Semifinal Predictions | Shut Up & Scribble

Episode Date: January 26, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to Ba-ba-ba-bum. What up, dude? What's up, everybody?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Feels like we haven't been on in two weeks. I guess that tells you what my home life has been like over the past few days. Because we did a show last week. I feel the same, too. And I don't even remember what we... Oh, we did. We talked about the Open. What we think we're going to see for the Open.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yeah, opening quarters. Kind of got into that a little bit we're gonna do semi-finals today yeah we're gonna do semi-finals we're gonna do some readings from the sacred text we're gonna tell rambler that he can for sure eat wonder bread post-workout and it's gonna make you stronger and fitter um yes sir and, I just want to share a couple crazy things. I'm going to start with a little, you know, touching my own rod, just a hair here. You? No. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Crazy, huh? So, okay. Well, let's talk about. If I have to watch that 365 split jerk again, I'm going to stab. That's exactly what I'm going to show. But what I want to show first is this article, Virtuosity. And I don't know why it zoomed out that far. But I want to go over a couple things here. Things that I think are incredibly relevant. Well, they have been, obviously, for a really long time because Greg
Starting point is 00:02:26 wrote this article in like freaking 2005 or something. What is it? Yeah, 2005. So in this article, Virtuosity, which can be found in the CrossFit Journal. Just type in Virtuosity CrossFit Journal. This shit will come up. It says, Virtuosity, though,
Starting point is 00:02:42 is a different beast altogether. Virtuosity is defined in gymnastics as performing the common It says, But more importantly, more to my point, virtuosity is more than the requirement for the last tenth of a point. It is always the mark of true mastery and of genius and beauty. There is a compelling tendency among novices developing any skill or art, whether learning to play the violin, write poetry, or compete in gymnastics, to quickly move past the fundamentals and on to more elaborate, more sophisticated movements, skills, or techniques. This compulsion is the novice's curse, the rush to originality and risk.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I think specifically, the reason I think this is so relevant to me is I learned a lot at Wadapalooza. Um, and I'm learning a lot about myself as a coach, an athlete. Um, and I'm just learning a lot about the trends in the space, not just the sport, but coaching in general, coaching elite athletes in general, elite athletes competing in general. And it just seems rampant that people have missed out on mastering the fundamentals in an athlete. That may be someone like Michelle who has obscene amounts of strength, but in most of her squats, her knees do not track her toes. And that is something she could improve upon, sit back into her heels and everything would be more efficient. Um, in coaches, it's the tendency to go right towards teaching the muscle up to the elite athlete in class before you can teach the person who's never picked up a barbell
Starting point is 00:04:35 before to deadlift with good mechanics in five minutes. Um, and it's something that I feel like for myself, I want to take a step back on and really focus on, not just in my own movement but in my coaching as well. So that's what our intro today is about, virtuosity, doing the common uncommonly well. And it is so freaking evident. Like how many people are watching videos of, I don't know, Norman Woodring exercise? Not very many, but how many people watch Rich Froning? And not just because he's the four-time champ, but because when you watch him move, it is beautiful.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Do you know what I mean? Yeah, it's interesting. The whole time you were talking about that, I was thinking about working one-on-one with clients or just working with clients within a class. And a lot of people think that teaching the really sexy movement or the really high skill movement is the hardest thing. I would argue that after like 10 years of coaching, it's actually the most simple movements or what you think are the least sexy to the person that is brand new, sometimes to the person that isn't brand new
Starting point is 00:05:47 is even harder because what do you get a lot of times with experienced athletes? You get habits. Yes. So if they don't have a habit and it's built in virtuosity, then trying to unlearn that habit and create new ones takes way more time than taking like a blank slate. Yep. Someone that's never touched a PVC pipe and getting them to move correctly in the beginning. I love this quote. Thank you, Rambler. You do contribute positively from time to time in the comment section. Fear the man who does one kick 1000 times versus the man who knows 10,000 kicks. Yeah, dude, virtuosity is crazy, dude. It's sick. um yeah dude virtuosity is crazy dude it's sick um actually we just posted this this took forever to post on our instagram page i'm going to share this uh it literally took like 40 minutes to post
Starting point is 00:06:37 and we're going to basically be doing a series of posts like this maybe once a week um teaching the progressions of how to teach a movement, um, for movements that have progressions, but then also going through movements like JR, the squat or the press, which don't have a progression because it's not a multi-step movement, but breaking it down step-by-step and how to teach that, um, these progressions for the snatch, we'll do them. We'll do movements that aren't in the level one handbook, but we're also going to do movements that have a progression in the level one handbook that despite being in the handbook, despite being in the level two, I was never taught by those flow masters or said,
Starting point is 00:07:13 Hey, here's how to do this progression that we use to teach. I never would have learned these things if it weren't for working for Andy Hendel and him saying, this is how we teach the snatch in my gym. This is how we teach it at the seminar. This is the level one progressions and we're going to do it this way. And by learning from him, I've learned, wow, this is a super effective way to teach it. And I, and I want people who don't work for a level four essentially to be able to learn this stuff. Um, let me restart this. Uh, boom. So it'sslides. It's like, you know, take five, you know, progressions for the level one handbook. All right. So today we're going to be teaching the
Starting point is 00:07:53 snap position progression one deadlift to mid thigh progression to deadlift and shrug, et cetera. And we're going to go through all the progressions that are in the level one handbook. And this video, it's me showing you how I teach it in a class. While Bryson demos and other videos, Bryson might demo. And he'll be teaching me. What is this overhead squat? But super excited about this because we just hope to elevate coaching everywhere, but just give you guys a reference point on like, Hey, how can you take someone who's never done a snatch before and teach them how to do it?
Starting point is 00:08:34 This is a super effective way. Yeah. So for those of you that aren't watching live and won't get to watch, you'll just listen to this, like in the car, just while you're at work, go to train Sentinel Instagram. There's a lot of tabs there, but basically what Taylor's alluding to is a lot of like instructional foundational videos that are really short that can be used.
Starting point is 00:08:58 If you're a coach at your own gym, if you're a gym owner and you just want to reference some different styles, stuff like that is really cool. It's interesting just watching that video. When I teach someone to snatch, I teach you from the top down. So I start at the overhead squat position and then I go to position one and then I go to position two and then position three is from the floor. So I teach it top down style in reverse order. Like it's cool to see people that teach it from the bottom up starting with the deadlift then the power position then the finishing position so i mean stuff like that there's more
Starting point is 00:09:30 than one way to skin a cat there's more than one way to teach snatch but uh there's some things that are really universal like you heard taylor talk on that video about squeezing the glutes about keeping the bar close stuff like that so talking about virtuosity going back to the basics you're never going to go wrong doing that i was working with a really high level athlete yesterday like semi-final level just on how to kip that's it i said hey today we're just going to work on kipping pull-ups, kipping chest-to-bar pull-ups. We're going to get on the monkey bars, and we're just going to go back and forth, and we're going to spin, and then we're going to go up backwards, and we're going to go down forward, and then turn around again.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Just body awareness, just getting used to hanging in different fashions and not just getting up there and doing the work. So like all that kind of stuff, exploring movement in general, a lot of times if you take a really high level athlete and go back or just make them do cartwheels, make them do some things that they probably haven't done since they're a kid. It doesn't have to be specific to the way CrossFit tests fitness. There will be carry over there yeah and uh to answer your question travis they've always been in style so why don't you shut the hell up with your stupid canadian opinions um love you your team at crescendo should only wear those for your tights under me
Starting point is 00:10:57 me travis brault white john young and bryson are doing a male male male female team of four but travis is the one female um we're going to be competing at jr's competition this spring crash crescendo uh i don't know if it's going to be my return to competition or not i do know i'm doing the open we're going to be doing some insane stuff for the open so excited about that and you're going to do individual quarterfinals. Come on. If I qualify, we'll see. I will say this. This happened.
Starting point is 00:11:29 This happened. Didn't happen yesterday. It happened Tuesday. I got to share this, dude. One last thing, everybody. One last thing. This is crazy. And I just want to show the power of CrossFit, essentially. The power of not getting hung up on, oh, everything has to be a progression.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Everything has to be a lifting progression. Actually, I don't know if I can share it. Oh, well. I don't know how to do this. Oh, do I just go entire screen? Yeah, maybe that's what I do. For those of you that are watching or just listening, he's fumbling around trying to find a PR of his split jerk.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah, I can't do it. And sometimes when the pan is hot, folks, you cook. And that's what he's trying to allude to here is that sometimes when you're working up, there's no need to waste time on jumps that aren't going to matter sometimes you just go for the pr and uh when you're feeling it you're feeling it he was feeling it earlier this week yeah i can't show it i don't know how to do this on my computer so i'm just going to talk about it basically i was doing i am not on a structured lifting progression right now. I squat twice a week heavy. I deadlift once a week heavy.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Then the other days, I typically do some squat snatching, squat cleaning jerks, power snatch, power cleaning jerks. Sometimes I'll do a jerk, strict press, bench, whatever. We hadn't done jerks in a while, we being me and Bryson. We were talking about how we wanted to go heavy tuesday because monday we did heavy back squats tuesday uh we were going to deadlift heavy and do power stuff wednesday so i was like oh let's do a split jerk let's go overhead and i pulled up lifting format from the 60 track that actually i posted on instagram that was a workout of the week it was a five four three-1 split trick on every three minutes. So set one, five, set two, four, set three, three, set four, two reps in the final set of single. And I went 225 for five,
Starting point is 00:13:34 245 for four, 275 for three, 305 for two. My PR for split trick is 345. And I haven't taken anything over 345 from the front rack overhead in like four years last time i put 345 overhead was in quarters for an overhead squat and i was from the back rack and i hit 305 for two from the rack so i was re-racking i was like dude i know i could hit 365 right now i was like fuck it so i put 365 on and stuck it. It was crazy. 60 pound jump. It was nuts. It was nuts. Yeah. And it looked good too. It wasn't a video he wouldn't want to send to his mom. It looked good. It almost looked like it surprised him when he stuck it. The only instability was almost in the recovery, which was pretty cool to see. Uh, I'm going to post that
Starting point is 00:14:25 as you're talking about this and I'm thinking about competition. What are your thoughts on a shoulder to overhead? That's more than one rep in competition. So I know where you're going with this dude, the bear complex. So, so when you're, when you're training and a lot of people just despise re-racking. They're just like, it's uncomfortable, it hurts, even if you know how to dip and absorb. It isn't the most comfortable thing. When you have blocks, it's nice. So you're saying like doing sets of five, doing sets of three, doing sets of two.
Starting point is 00:14:57 In training, if you don't have them and you re-rack either behind the neck or you re-rack in front. It's just something you get used to. Shoulder to overhead for load is not something we see very often in competition. When it comes up in competition, do you think you should ever be doing more than one rep? Of a re-rack? So should you ever be doing two jerks, three jerks, four jerks, whatever? Do you think it should always just be multiple clean or hang clean or deadlift and then you're finishing with a jerk at the end? Or do you think something like the Bella complex or any other kind of complex where you go overhead twice? So basically having
Starting point is 00:15:38 to re-rack with whatever, 315 plus. Do you think it's just something that shouldn't be in competition because it's so awkward and uncomfortable? Shut up Kiefer. Um, and then also first off, I'm not retired. Motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Answer the question. Get out of the comments. Kiefer. I can't help myself. We're going to talk about semifinals predictions, dude. We got 40, we got 30 minutes to chill here and chat.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Shuttle to overhead. Awesome workout, but they weren't taking it back from the rack. They were doing heavy jerks and they were taking them from blocks. I love that. Bella complex. You're taking it to the front rack. You're re-racking to the front rack, which to me, either – dude, I don't know. It's not a hard black and white.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I think a 3RM bear complex. I didn't think about it. Emily, my athlete out of the West, was like, hey, I'm doing the NorCal qualifiers this week. Put them into my training on the days that look good. So Tuesday was the 3RM hang bear complex, and I didn't really think much past it other than, Oh, this is going to be a clean and jerk complex. It'll be good for her.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Monster clean and jerk. Then someone sends me an Instagram DM of like 12 people. They know of who dislocated elbows and broke wrists doing this complex this week. And I was thinking to myself, Holy fuck. I didn't really think about all the back racks i've maybe had two instances in my life where i've gone to re-rack a heavy bar in the back and it slipped a little bit and i'm like um look in sport there's going to be injury in sport
Starting point is 00:17:17 there's things that are dangerous i think as a programmer and organizer it is not your net it's part of your job to program things that are good tests that also aren't fucking retarded. At first glance, I didn't think of that on the bear complex. Then hearing about all the people that got hurt. I'm like, Ooh, that's pretty dumb. I think there's an easier way to test strength capacity than doing something like that. And I almost feel like more than anything that tests like your competency cycling a barbell and you're yeah i don't know dude yeah it's a long answer but it's a really simple question like i i for one just don't really
Starting point is 00:17:58 care for it i don't really i don't really care for anything where you have to re-rack so i think if you're gonna do a jerk you either just do a jerk or you do it at the end of the complex. And then you either drop the bar or you do whatever with it. Something that you don't see very often in competition are multiple shoulder to overhead reps unless it's like 185. If it's something to me like, hey, we're doing 30 shoulder overhead for time at two 25, which I think is an awesome, just like an awesome workout that shows who is really strong, but also shows who has capacity, who has shoulder stamina, all that kind of stuff. If you drop it, you just drop it and have to clean it again. It's not a big deal, but two 25 is also a, what I would call a commodity
Starting point is 00:18:41 biking load cycling load to where you're not just going to be crushing yourself. It's not like doing 15 reps at three 15 for time where every time you re-rack, it's just like beating you to death. Yeah. And it turns something that is not like we don't train the re you know, this is a, this is also an interesting concept,
Starting point is 00:19:00 absorbing force and taking hits and taking blows is a big part of a lot of sports to absorbing contact or fighting off contact, um, or efficiently taking it in the rear. Uh, so to speak is a big part of a lot of sports and it's not a part that we really train in CrossFit. And that's essentially what re-racking a barbell is, is how to efficiently absorb impact. Um, like football, those athletes are so naturally gifted at taking hits. Well, naturally gifted. You practice for 20 years, taking hits, you're going to get better at it, where you absorb the hit, how you fall safely. We don't really train that. So people that don't know how to absorb impact, dislocate their fucking elbows and break their wrists on something like
Starting point is 00:19:44 this, which is just crazy. And you look at something, this will be actually a probably good. But it is athletic to be able to do that. Yeah. And you look at something as simple as just a heavier sandbag cycling it, right? Like a 200 pound bag. For a lot of people, it's not the load. It's just that bag is starting to beat them up.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Like they're, they're, they're having to handle it. Maybe they're going to the same shoulder every time and their body's just not used to having that thing sit on, sit on you. If you have to carry it, you know, a lot of times it's not the load, but it is the efficiency of which they're moving around that load. And can they just deal with something awkward sitting on their body like that tristan's about to yield to my external force dude you better chill over here in the comments with your big words oh yeah uh cave has been trained to take big impacts from men his entire life no surprise there i yeah long story short my answer is when i first read it i didn't hate it and then after seeing all the people that got hurt,
Starting point is 00:20:46 I also didn't put a lot of thought into it, but then hearing about the people that got hurt, I was like, God, that is kind of stupid. Um, yeah. So with that being said,
Starting point is 00:20:57 what's the max lift this year in semifinals going to be? What's the heavy test? What's the heavy movement, the exercise? Uh, I think it's going to be... Oh, man. I think they're going to overhead squat heavy this year. But I think you could see it in something like
Starting point is 00:21:20 the 10-8-6-4-2 regional snatch ladder where they're basically snatching the first rep and then they're going into an overhead squat. I don't think it's going to be something so heavy to where they're going to have to clean and jerk it to behind the neck. I think it'll be something where, hey, you end with a set of two at whatever, 265, 275. So if you just can't snatch it, you just can't snatch it. So I like the idea of a heavy overhead squat. It's not something that we've seen at a semifinal. It's something that usually we don't see until the games, right? That a one rep max overhead squat, they had thick and quick, which was 245 overhead squat for just a few reps, but I really like the overhead squat and weeding out people from a semifinals level to the games. I like that. I like a two 45 overhead squat. I think
Starting point is 00:22:14 a really cool workout would be like five, four, three, two, one, or three, two, one legless overhead squat. That'd be a pretty cool workout. Um, I like that. What are your thoughts on the pistol squat at semifinals? Do you think they're going to come back again this year? First off, do you think they're going to come back this year? I think they're going to come back, but I think last year was a little bit more of a precursor into this idea that things like the pistol a very virtuous movement can be done loaded and it's not something that people train a lot so i'll back up a little bit we saw the sinkers one and we had a weighted pistol we haven't seen a weighted pistol since until last year they did
Starting point is 00:23:03 it with the ruck a lot of they do though didn't they do the weight vesting the leg squats in atlanta yeah weight vest right yeah yeah i'm i'm i'm thinking more of like a true external load that you're having to like hold so they had the ruck which is very similar to atlanta i could see them after a year off from having pistols in quarters, if I'm not mistaken, it's been in quarters every year until last year, they ended up being at semis. I could see them coming back either semifinals or the games,
Starting point is 00:23:35 but I think semifinals would make sense having a weighted pistol. Well, you don't think there'll be in quarterfinals. You think there'll be in semis? Yeah. Cause this is about semis. I think that they could come back for semis, but I think it's going to be like it with a kettlebell now if you go back and you dig into archives especially of boz one of the things he's really
Starting point is 00:23:55 known for is how proficient he is at that movement and he's got videos doing overhead pistol like with a kettlebell he's got things um he's got a doing barbell i think when you get the barbell it becomes a little gimmicky but i don't think that at a semi-final level it would be outlandish to see like a kettlebell pistol and then at the games to have them do something like an overhead pistol with a with one kettlebell here's my problem with the pistol squat i guess it's similar to really every other form of squat and it makes my fucking blood boil and this is coming from someone who's good at them and who has really good positions it is so binary and black and white what hip crease below the fucking top of the knee looks like and what it doesn't look like. And just because an athlete looks like they're going low and because they can't keep their heel down and because they have excessive ankle flexion, they can't get their hip crease below the knee.
Starting point is 00:24:57 It's still not a fucking rep. So here's the deal. If anyone programming anything for CrossFit is listening, if you're going to put a pistol squat or a single leg squat in semifinals, hold the motherfucking standard. Because if you go back and watch any of these videos, half the field is hip crease above the knee just because they have shit ankle flexion. And guess what? That's not a fucking rep. IMO. Sorry for my rant dude pisses me off i'm really not trying to play the other side of the fence but the first thing that came to mind is
Starting point is 00:25:32 two years ago at the games and they had the pistol and they did the mandatory requirement to do them on one limb so you do like five on five on right five on left the nature of that i think does a really good job slowing everything down for people that can go so fast that it's hard to see hip opening. Last year with the Rucks, they did the same thing, which was good. You make everyone go a little bit slower when they can't let the off foot touch the floor. So it is a lot easier to see hip opening at the top. I think that's a great step in the right direction. That all being said, I think online competition, a pistol should never be programmed ever in an online competition. I think depending on camera angle, depending on how high the camera is set up or how low it's set up, it can make it appear like you're getting to depth when you're not,
Starting point is 00:26:19 or make it appear like you're not getting to depth. I think it's an in-person judged movement only. And I'll go a step farther to say that I think it should only be done loaded if done at all. I don't agree with the loaded aspect. I get where you're going with that. I just, I just think and showing extension at the top is critical. I like that. But to me, that's not the challenging element of the repetition on a pistol squat. It's not transferring at the top. I think it is at the highest level when you have someone like Noah or someone that can do them as fast
Starting point is 00:26:55 as most human beings can do air squats. I don't think it's a matter of depth. I think it's a matter of extension. I would disagree. Well, it depends on the athlete. And I would disagree because I think half the field at the games, and that's an ambiguous number that is not based on fact,
Starting point is 00:27:11 but I guarantee if you go watch Triple G Chipper, you go watch the workout like whatever that hat trick. No, it wasn't a hat trick. It was skills, right, from 22? The medley, yeah. Skills medley um if you go watch the workout from semifinals last year um you go watch mary from the games in 2018 or 19 19 i believe half of these motherfuckers are not getting their hip crease below the knee because they don't have the ankle flexion so what what you're testing here, you're testing a degree of flexibility, which is one of the 10 general physical skills. And I'm game with that.
Starting point is 00:27:51 But you can't just say, ah, they're getting low. It's good enough. No, dude, it's not good enough. It's not fucking good enough, homie. Dude, I get fired up thinking about that. Yeah, I mean, like, so for me, and i think of a workout with with chunk pistols like for instance nasty girls when they did volume two you know that ends up being just even then in whatever year that was at regionals ends up being who can cycle the pistols fastest so let's let's say they
Starting point is 00:28:19 take a spin on angie classic benchmark and they go uh hundred chest of our pull-up a hundred handstand push-up a hundred pistol I'm sorry um a hundred GHDs a hundred pistols so they end the workout with a hundred pistols hundred shipper beautiful say you have them progress every 25 down the floor every 20 down the floor do you just if they go hey every single set has to be 10 right 10 left advance 10 right and left advance because if that's the case i'm with you i don't think it needs to be loaded however i don't think you can let them alternate at race pace right and be confident that every judge is holding that same level of extension. Extension. Okay. I agree there.
Starting point is 00:29:06 When I say it's the challenging part to standardize, I agree with that. I'm not talking about standardization. I'm saying the challenging part for the athlete, like what's the hardest part on you in terms of having the mobility, flexibility, and strength, and it's 100% the bottom position. You just see athletes everywhere who physically can't get that hip crease below the top of the knee. So unless you're willing to say, hey, half the game's fueled, you guys taking a fat fucking L on this workout because you can't actually do them. Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check.
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Starting point is 00:30:32 Air Mile. Either do that and make them all look retarded until they can come back and show you they can do it right, or just don't program them. I don't know. This is deep rabbit hole discussion. But you know when Grid branched off, right? And when Tony was with Grid.
Starting point is 00:30:52 And you know that a lot of the early years. I would love to have Dave on to ask about stuff like this or Greg. When you had all the minds together at one time. And you're thinking about movements. And what is flirting the line with gimmicky. Or what is just part of the 10 general physical skills and pushing the envelope. You think about some of those movements that you saw on grid early on. We've talked about things like the uprise or like the back roll to support, especially, um, things like doing a
Starting point is 00:31:19 pistol into a one-legged box jump or over a PVCvc pipe you see those movements they came out in grid do you think any of those movements were just uh i was gonna do that eventually but now i'll never do it because you guys did it over there you don't think you don't think dave cares about stuff like that i think dave does care about stuff like that but i think the movements they do at grid to me are so gimmicky and i don't think they would ever do that also i to a degree they're having these kinds of conversations but i don't think i think a lot of the assumption is they're games athletes they can do it which is wrong to assume um i think boz has less of those assumptions and that's why you see things like the L-sit press to handstand and the crossover double. And he's like, well, you guys are going to get –
Starting point is 00:32:09 and he foreshadowed it with people are going to get embarrassed in some workouts this year. I'm cool with that. I don't think that they look at something like the triple touch or the pistol burpee and are like, ooh, I had that idea, but now I'm never going to do it. I think they look at that move and they're like, that's fucking dumb. Do it all you want.
Starting point is 00:32:26 This week I went back and watched the – it's probably from a level one, but Dave Castro programming, like it was part one through six, and he has Boz come out and he has him do a pistol, and then he has him do a pistol into a box jump, and then he has him do a pistol with an empty barbell overhead. And that was back in, what, 2004, 2003. And I'm going back and trying to consume a lot of that old stuff because I think that's where you can find a lot of the information
Starting point is 00:32:59 about what could come, and now we're kind of more so talking about the games. This leads into a good question and i know it's something that within our group we talk about a lot should a new movement be released before the crossfit games and i and i'm and i'm talking about new as in v up is new like never been programmed before in competition i'm talking about new as in like a crossover single under now you could make the argument with a crossover single under that they did crossover dubs at the game so it's not really a but it never been programmed competition
Starting point is 00:33:37 before a crossover single under do you do you think that is okay do you think some things can come out in earlier stages? A lot of people would argue it's a good thing because it gives you an opportunity to, oh yeah, there was an issue there with standardization, now we know. Or do you think it should only be something that we see at the games for the first time when there's something new that's never been judged before?
Starting point is 00:34:00 I think there, it's again, not black and white. I think of like... I think there it's again, not black and white. I think of like, this doesn't count because they had done a dumbbell snatch at the games or had they, or was it just a heavy dumbbell squat snatch, but 2017, the dumbbell snatch workout. Was that the first time they introduced a dumbbell snatch competition or was 2016 the all dumbbell regional?
Starting point is 00:34:24 2017 was the all dumbbell regional uh 2017 was the all dumbbell regional they had in either 2012 or 2013 though the 100 pound snatch shuttle run workout at regionals and they also had the cinco or uh sorry pedal to the metal one and two which had dumbbell squat snatch and that was later yeah that was 15 i think or 16 i i don't know i if it's something like that say for example that the dumbbell snatch was introduced in the open, I'm fine with it. I think the standard is not so subjective, and they did a good job of saying it has to be over the frontal plane, your hips, knees, elbows, and extension of the dumbbell over the top of your body. The V-up standard, I think that would have been fine to release i just think they fucked up by not saying literally the feet need to be touching one another and your fingertips
Starting point is 00:35:10 have to touch your toes um yeah i don't yeah we've we've talked about this before and about how the v-up brings into this idea that it's no longer about getting from A to B. It's about how you get from A to B. And when you open up that can of worms, now you're opening up so much more subjectivity into the idea that, hey, you can do toes-to-bar, but from now on, if your knees bend, it doesn't count. It has to be a straight leg toe-to-bar because that's what you're saying in a V-up. If the knees ever get if your knees bend, it doesn't count. It has to be a straight leg toe to bar because that's what you're saying in a V up. If the knees ever get higher than the head, they don't count. Even though your hands are touching the floor and your feet are touching the floor and at the top, your hands touch your feet. We're talking about what's going on in the
Starting point is 00:35:56 middle of the rep. So there, those movements are very, very, very few and far between. I do wonder though, if the V up was just kind of like, yeah, man, I want to take a chance and see if it works. Oh, I don't really like how it works. Okay, cool. We'll just never do it again. Or if it's, if it's one of those, no, we're going to come back to it and we're just going to make sure people hold a higher standard or, Hey, we're going to come back to it, but you're going to have to do it with weight or whatever. You know, if there are movements like that, that are a little bit more playful and experimentation, like,
Starting point is 00:36:26 are they here to stay or are they just here to see how it goes? And then we won't do it again. I don't think they're going to be doing the VF again. Uh, maybe they take it to the open this year. I don't know. I wouldn't be shocked to see that either. I just.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So you think for semifinals going back to that, no one rep max do you think there's gonna be a rested max i do but i i think boz will will push back as much as dave maybe wants to and i don't think that we'll see it i would be i would love to not see a rested one rep max, but I do think we will see one in some form or fashion at semifinals. I also think I could see them doing a day that we talked about in this last episode where it's three single modality benchmarks, and they're all performed in conjunction to one another, and it's all part of a maybe 150 point score, 50 for each modality. And I could see it being performed. I mean, they've had workouts as long
Starting point is 00:37:32 as triple three at semifinals. So I could see it being performed on a Friday event one where it's 15 minutes for this 15 minutes for this 15 minutes for this. I mean, just just move from station to station and at the semifinal level, I don't really care that much if that's boring for people to watch, suck it up. Um, and I also think that leaves them the opportunity to come back on a Saturday or a Sunday and to do a 20 ish minute workout. Um, so I, I think we could see something like that, where it is a potentially rested one rep max. Maybe it's the first thing they do is a heavy test. 15 minutes later they do a monostructural benchmark and 15 minutes later they do gymnastics
Starting point is 00:38:09 or in what order um and then i think that we see a long workout that has a murph-esque military feel to it this year at the semifinal level i would like to see that and one of my favorite workouts of all time is that 2017 1200 meter run into 10 rounds i believe of 12 8 4 yeah that's right 12 8 4 and a weight vest 4 4 8 12 i think there's lots were at the end yeah um awesome workout and i just want to see something grindy like that where you put a fucking vest on and suffer for 20 minutes and it has to hurt like i i think that would be a cool workout format to bring back. We haven't really done anything military-ish at the games or semifinals, and I don't count that go-ruck workout in any way as military-ish.
Starting point is 00:38:56 That was acrobatic. I'm probably going to be wrong because it's such like a – there's been a lot of years. But correct me if you know i don't think a bar muscle-up has ever been programmed at a regional or semi-final ever i think it made its debut in 2016 in 16.3 and it's always been ring muscle up always never bar okay well i would i would semi-final but yes it is sanctional yeah no no yeah i'm not talking about the year that that everyone did their own programming when there's been uniform programming i don't think there's ever been a bar muscle now when you think about dave d, wait a minute, stuff like there's going to be pretty clear progressions.
Starting point is 00:39:46 We're going to try to get back to that. You alluded last week to, hey, do we get the burpee pull-up again? And if we do, then in quarters, do we get like a burpee chest-to-bar? Then do we see a burpee bar muscle-up? Something like that, I think, in like a couplet would be really cool at a semifinal level. Not because I've never done a bar muscle- really cool at a semifinal level, not because I've never done a bar muscle up before to semifinal or regional, but because that, or,
Starting point is 00:40:09 and a lot of people will probably say, what about a burpee pullover? Maybe fine. Um, what about a bar complex? They've done a ring complex. What about a bar complex where they go like toes to bar bar muscle up pullover and you have to do it as an actual complex when you stay on the bar the whole
Starting point is 00:40:25 time um i think that would just be cool to see some things we've never seen before at a semi-final and you'd have to dig a little bit like if i'm right about that i just got lucky but there's got to be some movements that we typically will see at a regional level that we don't see before at the games and then likewise there's other movements that we always see we always see you know uh toes to bar in the open right we always see toast bar in the open but we never see toes to bar in quarterfinals why not like it would be cool to see some of those movements kind of change hands as far as when they come up in the season i would be you're you're giving me you're making my wiener rise a little bit
Starting point is 00:41:05 talking about the old burpee bar muscle-up brother let me tell you uh if that came out at semifinals i would be freaking stoked uh just this this raises a a question i kind of wish like i kind of wish pat was on for this because i think he usually has some good insights he did that burpee pull-up thruster workout last year, and he kind of made a good point about the height of the bar, right? It's like, well, when you're a taller athlete, if you're still saying the bar has to be slightly out of reach, then you're already making it harder on the tall guy, which does make perfect sense. It's like saying that for a wall ball, depending on your height, your target goes up or down.
Starting point is 00:41:43 like saying that for a wall ball depending on your height your target goes up or down so if you're taller you don't just get the benefit of a uh an 86 inch bar it still has to be above your reach so where i'm going with it is if they did a burpee bar muscle up would they just they would just have to set a uniform height which i fucking love height for females and i think that's i think that would be great so if you if you had to jump a little bit higher you have to jump a little bit higher just like people who are taller have to do handstand push-ups too with longer arms i and i love this bailey also freaking awesome workout 2018 i believe was battleground that workout with rescue randy 2018 or was it 19 it's 17 or 18 no because no okay it was definitely 18 then because 17 was the regular obstacle course that Tennille Reed Berlin won with the climb up the ladder onto the platform.
Starting point is 00:42:30 This dude rescue Randy would be sick to see at a semifinal. Oh man, there's no way they would do that. Those dummies have got to be obscenely expensive. No shot. They do it. Maybe at the games though. I think that would be really cool. Swimming at us., there's no way.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Biking. Yeah, so before we keep going with some of the comments, we need to pull up some of those. Just want to thank some of the sponsors, right? Patrick Mitrovich, State Farm. Phone number 803-818-6980. Shout-out to Patrick. He competed this past
Starting point is 00:43:05 weekend at Fitness of the Coast he was 9th in the 35-39 out of like 25 competitors so he had a strong showing there I was kind of helping him out a little bit with some workout strategy make sure you go to him if you need any kind of insurance hit him up
Starting point is 00:43:21 also big shout out to HGR Homegrown Relief you can go to and uh use the code recover better all one word for 15 discount um their products are awesome started using some like i said last week a couple weeks ago um yeah better sleep better shoulders taylor probably lubed up some salve after that 365 jerk. I didn't actually, but I did put it on my old knee, buddy, after a heavy squat day. Just lube it up, give it a little scraping, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:55 loosen up the tissues. Has Kiefer given any insight to what he thinks semifinals? No? Just wants to tell you to get on topic and that's it? Oh, yeah, that's all he wants to do. He just wants to talk a little shit, tell me tell me what to do just like the man dude people just want to be telling other people what to do all the freaking time and we're out here doing what we want that's why we have fun we talk about what we want so say it'll be it'll be interesting to see um
Starting point is 00:44:21 with dave you know back in the fray from the beginning and it being, you know, his boss and his team, right? That's that those are the programmers. And Dave said it, but that he will give his insight and he will collaborate. If we get back to kind of what we were used to seeing in the past with the open and quarters, you could throw quarters in there being a little bit lighter, a little bit more maybe skill dense but not super high skill. But then when you get to semifinals, it's shorter, higher power output, heavier weights, higher skill. And then the games gets back to being a little bit more of, yeah,
Starting point is 00:44:58 outside of the gym, Rescue Randy type workouts. I would love if at a semifinal, they did a little bit more game style stuff. I think having quarterfinals is an opportunity to do some of that other stuff, the in the gym stuff. So at a semifinal, when remember everybody, the field is like 30% smaller. I think you need a little bit more odd object, a little bit more funky stuff sometimes to weed out the people. Everybody's good at the, in the gym CrossFit stuff, even at a semifinal level.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Everybody is. Yeah. I would like to see a pegboard at semifinals. I don't know that they would make it work cost wise, equipment wise, but man, that would fricking weed the field out. If,
Starting point is 00:45:42 if however, I don't know what, like 20 women last year couldn't get through one of the complexes. If that many ladies couldn't do a fucking ring complex, could you imagine the carnage that a pegboard would cause? Oh, God, I would love it. When you think about stuff that we didn't see at the games, right? That's the first year. Is it the first year since they first debuted?
Starting point is 00:45:59 Since 2015. That they hadn't been there. And a lot of times when they take a break from something, they want to see who's, you know, who's still staying brushed up on things that, that aren't coming out year after year. I think it would be incredible. I think the, I think the seated legless,
Starting point is 00:46:14 although not being able to do it the first year at alpaca took away a little bit at Sunderer, everyone did their homework and said, Hey, we didn't have to do these, but I think we're going to have to do them. Everyone had to do them at semis and they still prove to be something that weeded people out. Um, I would love to see the cut rope come back. I think that would be awesome, especially with a really,
Starting point is 00:46:33 really high rep scheme where they have to do a set of 10 at the end of a chipper in the middle of an up and back style chipper. Um, God, I would love to see the cut rope come back. back style chipper um god i would love to see the cut rope come back i've been begging for it begging for it since 2018 that was the last time it was in competition right what was it four eight twelve or twelve eight four thrusters four three two cut rope or five four three ish something like that it was 155 thrusters i know that or 16 12 8 was 432 was climbing snail after or before that regional climbing snail because that was cut rope right climbing snail was before that because the only other event where they chaos was with the snail right or is that something different fuck i don't know climbing snail might have been 2019 that was a tumblr pull
Starting point is 00:47:35 they like drug they drug it but yeah um sarah a cut rope is essentially a climbing rope that is cut to 60 inches or 55 inches off the floor. So the bottom of the rope is a, is basically at eye level and you have to jump up and do a couple legless poles. And then once you get to a certain height, which is not standardized, it's whenever you want to try to clamp with the feet, you can try to clamp with the feet. You can do a full legless. You can try to jump up and do no pulls and clamp your feet if you can get your feet high enough um but it just is very it adds a very very high element of skill and technique to the legless rope climb or to the rope climb which i love what else what else how you looking for crescendo you got the programming done yeah i would say it's 90
Starting point is 00:48:28 done look at you dude yeah and we'll get the get the movement expectations out on saturday for a lot of people that are wondering like am i should my team do advanced so they do intermediate or should they do novice um i'm really excited about the programming. It's a crescendo. 2024 is for the girls. So it's all based on old benchmark girl workouts for the she has that been posted on the Instagram. No, I haven't posted yet. Dude, you got to post that dude for the girls. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:59 So it's all going to be girl retweets all based on old girl workouts. The co-ed programming, they will not. Their programming will be completely different. I'm very, very serious when it comes to the co-ed programming because a lot of teams are starting to use it as a touch point and as a way to get some live reps before it really matters at semifinals. So because of that, I don't think it's a time to do anything gimmicky. I think it should only be like testing them,
Starting point is 00:49:23 trying to test them in a similar fashion to what I think they could be tested at semis and or teams that I know are coming that are pretty much shoe-ins for the games like last year with Christian Harris' team. I tried to throw in some game-style workouts so that they could see, hey, we thought we were good at pegboard, but maybe we need to spend some more time working with that or whatever. Wow. Now I'm just trying to think about what girl workouts I got to text the squad and tell them to listen. Pussies, heavy grace, heavy Isabel. Nasty girls. Probably Angie, you and your freaking hundreds chippers, bull crap.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Probably some variation of Angie for teams. Look at that smirk, dude. I caught him with his pants down, baby. I'm not doing an iteration of Angie. for teams. Look at that smirk, dude. I caught him with his pants down, baby. I'm not doing an iteration of Angie. Yeah, I don't know. Go back. I may throw in some of the new girls that no one ever talks about. Ellen, Lane.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Is Lane a girl's name? Lane. You know that benchmark that came out, right? Five rounds, max reps, hanging power, snatch, handstand push-up yeah like three quarters body weight or something andy yeah there's a lot of them there's a lot of them out there dang boy so yeah they're all based on these are based on og girls though so there will be no new girls involved okay so yeah i mean classics classic couplets triplets like it's uh yeah all of you that are like single modality people that don't like that there's not a lot of single modality benchmark workouts
Starting point is 00:50:52 so amanda you never know dude let's go who has said that in the group text that if amanda 45 was that in reference to coming out of the games or semifinals yeah so spin was saying that he think one of his predictions for semifinals is that we'll do some version of amanda my prediction is that since the first workout on friday night in the tennis stadium was amanda and since the first workout on friday night in madison was amanda 45 i think think the first workout Friday night at the games in Fort Worth is going to be a version of Amanda. God, dude. Amanda's my favorite workout. Amanda 45 is my favorite workout. Um, Travis brought, I just did unbroken Karen. Cool, bro. But actually good job. Um,
Starting point is 00:51:44 cool bro but actually good job um well well well yeah travis that's what that's you guys are gonna do four person synchro karen for time oh my god that would be carnage please no that would be crazy um i cannot wait though to freaking put john young and travis to freaking shout out to john young competing at fittest experience this weekend oh is he yeah and i think uh they were talking on brian and um pc show about dude there's some heavy hitters there for the like the lift i think ej is competing there i don't i don't know if he's gonna be competing this weekend oh my god yeah i don't think so i don't know matt retay i think is gonna be competing he's got like a 400 pound cleaning jerk so there's some crazy matt rate is tiny there's crazy strong guys that are competing so i'm i'm interested to see did
Starting point is 00:52:37 you see their skills workout triple under triple under max unbroken ring muscle up. What was the third movement? Handstand hold. Handstand hold, yeah. Yeah. The guy I trained, Bryson, who's just on, I brought into Sentinel. That's what Brian was saying, that he's incredible at triple unders. He can do like 70 unbroken. That's nuts, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:01 It's annoying. He's like, let's do a triple under workout. I'm like, let's shut up all right cool thank you everybody we went six minutes over but we had fun talking you got anything else no i gotta get my daughter go get the girl hope you guys loved it head over to crossfit crash instagram at crash crucible for his events the best events in the southeast better than any elite competition ever. And then have it over
Starting point is 00:53:28 my Instagram if you want to qualify to those competitions. See you guys.

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