The Sevan Podcast - Seth Gruber | A Dose Of Reality #950

Episode Date: June 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Oh boy. Oh boy. Good boy. Oh boy. Good morning. Jessica, good morning. Jeez Louise, good morning. Who has a bad back? God, my back is strong this morning. I didn't even realize it.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I take it for granted when it feels good. I know you were talking to Jeez Louise. Uh-oh. Echo. Better. Yeah, I take it for granted when I wake up and my back feels good. What's wrong with G's Louise?
Starting point is 00:01:15 My left posterior is all jacked. I have a dull sensation from my butt cheek to my knee. Ooh, I don't like that. I don't like that. Time for some toe spacers time for some toe spacers oh i'm gonna fuck you up today seth i came prepared you better brought your a-game dude good morning i got nothing what's wrong with me this show is supposed to be about you but let's talk about me what is wrong with me? This show is supposed to be about you, but let's talk about me. What is wrong with me?
Starting point is 00:01:45 Why do I have the abortion guy on? It cannot be good. Look at, I bet you already got a ding from YouTube for saying that word. Why do I keep, this is, this can't be good for ratings. No, all you have to do is you have to, you have to praise it. If you, if you celebrate child sacrifice, sorry, reproductive healthcare, um, then, then, then you're allowed to remain on big tech. That's how it goes.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I told myself – I'm like, what? Why do I – so what inspired me to invite you back on is I just – this argument you had was just amazing to this lady. You said you were coming up for reasons why – I'm going to ruin it. I'm not going to do it as good as you, but you're like, Hey, let's talk about reasons why you would have an abortion. And you know, you're like, Oh, because you want to go to law school and you're pregnant, because you can't afford the child because the baby's got down syndrome. And you're like basically going through the list. And then you're like, but it's a girl. And he's like, no, no, you can't kill it.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Cause it's a girl. And all of a sudden this person drew the line on no no you can't kill it because it's if it's a girl and all of a sudden this person drew the line on reasons why you couldn't couldn't kill a baby and i was like holy shit that that's got to be the most powerful thing i've ever heard you need every reason to kill a baby is okay except for the fact if you wanted a boy and you and you're pregnant with a girl and i was like, oh, man. Well, that's why I appreciate you. I appreciate that you're willing to have good conversations and ask hard questions. And while we're kind of all over the place, probably politically and religiously, I appreciate that you believe that there is truth
Starting point is 00:03:22 and that we can kind of know it to some extent. We actually have faculties of reason. We have a rational nature. We're not just like a lion or a tiger that just indulges every desire we have in any moment. And we can think through and talk through these things. And I appreciate you being willing to ask those questions. and ask those questions. But yeah, so when you start rubbing up against liberal orthodoxy, let's call it, then, as I like to say, the liberal establishment begins to collapse in on itself,
Starting point is 00:03:59 kind of like a dying star. When you start going after some of their creeds and sacraments, it's hard for the position to maintain its own integrity, is how I say it. So that's why I will ask questions that kind of poke at creeds that the leftist totalitarian worldview or the liberal establishment really loves to try to reassert the self-evident nature of the pro-life position in the person's mind. And so, yeah, I don't know which clip you're talking about, but we had one girl. I tried to find it. It's from months ago. You have so much great content on your Instagram. Well, thanks, man. But yeah, we were at one university recently, bro. And the girl was like, well, I disagree with using abortion as a form of birth control.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And I said, why? And she said, well, I just think it's immoral or irresponsible. And I said, who are you to judge? The fetus has no right to her body anyways. So it wouldn't matter why the mom got an abortion. If the thing in the womb, which they call fetus, which is the Latin word for offspring or small child. So it's actually not dehumanizing to call the baby in the womb a fetus. It just means offspring and small child. If the fetus is not
Starting point is 00:05:14 a person and doesn't have a right to life, which is the pro-choice position. And like I told you last time, bro, I kind of sense that you're not really fully on board with the whole abortion industry's positions, but, but you know, the problem problem is is i know how to think a little bit i like right i know how to think a little bit so it's fucking with me you know what i mean that's right but you know you know that that's their position their position is the fetus has no right to life their their position is not it is it is sometimes wrong to kill the unborn child. Their position is that there is no situation in which it's wrong to kill the unborn child. That the mother's right to bodily autonomy always trumps the child's right to life. Or that the child, if it does have a right to life, the mother's rights always trump that right.
Starting point is 00:06:04 But many times pro-abortion people will just say, no, actually the fetus has zero rights whatsoever, because they'll say it's not a person, which I always say, well, that kind of makes you sound like an 1850s Democrat. But anyways, I digress. Not the first time Democrats have said an entire class of human beings weren't persons. But that is the language that they've used. They've said the pre-born is not a person in the way that we use that word in the Constitution. Hillary Clinton has said this for years, that the pre-born is not a person. Roe v. Wade in 1973 said the term person, as used in the Constitution, does not include the unborn. So if that is their position, and if that is correct, like let's grant them the benefit of the doubt then
Starting point is 00:06:45 any reason you kill them is okay any reason you kill them is okay because that they have no rights whatsoever they're not establishing that is that has been established legally not right i mean based in california they're trying to make in california they're trying to make it so you could even kill the baby a one week after it's out of the womb. And you can't question the parents on what happened to the baby. Right. So that's that's by the way, that's batshit crazy. But what I just said, in case anyone's wondering if that's true, that's 100 percent true. I think that's a Weiner thing. Yeah. Yeah. Don't let me don't get me started on him. But yeah, no. Well, Newsom last year, as you'll recall, signed Prop 1, which codified abortion in it, perinatal, which was really interesting, bro. So they were saying that, so this, what they were doing is they were anticipating that Roe v. Wade would get overturned.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Okay. So they were acting proactively. And they had this whole future of abortion council. I covered it in my podcast at the time. It's called the California Future of Abortion Council, right? Because they're preparing future. What's the future of abortion? Predicting Roe v. Wade getting overturned. And Newsom and a bunch of abortion industry groups and leftist groups had built this like over 40 numbered list of the kind of things they wanted to do legislatively and politically in California. And so they began to implement these legislatively over the last year. And they're all coming from that California Future of Abortion Council list about a year and a half ago or more.
Starting point is 00:08:28 But one of those was AB 2223. And it said that it would prevent investigations into the deaths of babies due to miscarriage, abortion, or perinatal death. Perinatal, P-E-R-I, and then natal, or perinatal death, perinatal, P-E-R-I, and then natal, perinatal. And so you pause, right, bro, and you go, wait, what's perinatal death? Well, you look at the definition and it can refer to a baby up to 28 days after birth, up to 28 days after birth. So the word perinatal, like perinatal treatment for the child or something could refer to the baby in the womb still at a gestational age of development or up to 28 days after birth. And so you scratch your head, bro, and you go, wait a second. Why do Democrats in California want to prevent investigations into the deaths of babies due to paranatal death when that could refer to infants already born?
Starting point is 00:09:23 Right. It's like, wait, you surely, surely Democrats, you're not saying, see, there it is. Surely you're not saying that you want to arrange a legal situation in which infants can be murdered up to one month old and have zero ability for the authorities to look into how and why that happened. No, you're not that crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Well, the conservatives raised a huge terror and sound over this, and they didn't take it out. They didn't take it out of the bill. So yeah, to your point, there's no limiting principle. Maybe that's not the language you use, but there's no limiting principle to the pro-abortion position. They're now kind of admitting, interestingly, bro, think about this one. They're now kind of admitting what pro-lifers have always said. What do pro-lifers say? There's no value-giving difference between the baby in the womb and the baby outside the womb that would make it okay to kill the baby in the womb. I'll say that one more time.
Starting point is 00:10:17 There's no value-giving difference between children in the womb and children outside the womb that would make it okay to kill them in the womb. So there's no like, there's no like magical line of development in utero where you're like, well, two seconds before this line, it was obviously not a person, but now that they did cross this magical line, now it's a person. So, so, but now Democrats seem to be proving the pro life principle principle correct. But instead of saying, well, then we should protect both children in the womb and outside the womb, they've actually flipped it. And they said, yeah, pro-lifers are right. There's actually not really any meaningful differences between babies in the womb and babies outside the womb. So let's kill them outside the womb, too. And this went back to Ralph Northam in Virginia.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Do you remember this in 2019 before the scandemic? Ralph Northam, former governor of Virginia. He went on a radio show and he was asked about his his his one of his legislators bills, his representatives bills. Her name was Kathy Tran. And and he was asked about her pro-abortion bill because it was going to codify abortion like we're talking about California, bro, through point of birth into the state of Virginia. And there was this viral clip where this judge was asking representative Kathy Tran from Virginia to, to, to answer the question, will your bill, and you can find this later. It was pretty viral clip. Will your bill allow abortion through point
Starting point is 00:11:40 of birth? And she wouldn't answer the question. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And this judge was like, OK, let me speak clearly. She's dilating. He like built out the scenario. This woman's dilating it with the language in your bill. Could she legally request an abortion? And Kathy Tran goes like you could see her face get uncomfortable. And then she said, yes, my bill would allow that. So then former Virginia governor Ralph Northam before Glenn Youngkin got elected for running on parental rights and all that stuff. He's asked on a radio show. So what the hell's wrong with you and your representative and what's going on in the Commonwealth? And and he's asked this question. What if a baby survives a botched failed abortion? And I told you last time on the show, bro. Remember, I have friends who are abortion survivors who survived the forceps or the saline salt solution that tried to kill them in the womb. And he's asked, what if a baby survived a botched abortion and was born alive after the failed abortion? And he goes, well, and this is a direct quote. He goes, we would make the baby comfortable. So now it's a baby, right? Because it traveled six inches. We would resuscitate the baby if that's what the mother wanted. And then the mother and the doctor would have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:12:51 And that was the quote. And so Ralph Northam seems like he's defending infanticide. So then after that, you had Senator Ben Sasse from Nebraska propose the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. And he proposed that in 2019. You want to know, but by the time Biden entered the White House, I believe Pelosi and the Democrats had vetoed that bill over 90 times. And all it said, I read the bill, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It did not restrict abortions. It did not restrict a woman's quote unquote right to obtain an abortion. The bill simply said this, bro. And now I'm circling to wrap the bow on my point here. medical treatment and care as any other baby would receive born under normal circumstances. You had to transfer the baby immediately to a hospital because guess what? Shocker, abortion clinics, not well equipped to save the lives of babies. That's like a man bites dog story. I know. If the abortion clinic staff don't report the fact that the baby survived a botched abortion, there'll be legal penalties. And if they kill the baby or let the baby die, there'll be legal penalties. That's all. It only dealt with babies who had survived botched abortions and were outside of the uterus. They vetoed that bill now over 90 times. So what are they communicating? We don't want to protect infants who have survived abortions
Starting point is 00:14:20 because we're afraid that that might put into place moral premises in the law that cause American citizens to scratch their head and go, wait a second, if it's wrong to kill a baby seconds after they're born, it surely couldn't be right to kill that baby seconds before they're born. And if it's wrong to kill the baby seconds before they're born, how could it be right to kill them one week before their due date? And then the gestational trimester framework begins to unravel as Americans go, this doesn't make sense. There's no magical birth canal that confers personhood. So that's the bow on my point there.
Starting point is 00:14:55 They're kind of admitting now that, yeah, rather than protecting preborn children and infants, let's just kill them both. Seth, how did this become a passion of yours, this topic? Yeah, thank you. I actually can't even recall if we talked about that last time, but that's kind of you to ask. So I was raised in L.A., in Whittier, California. And I was homeschooled through eighth grade.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Then I went to public high school because I wanted the sports jock scene and, you know, all that. But, you know, it was wonderful being homeschooled. What sport did you play? I actually ran cross country and track. So yeah. And graduated 2010 from Whittier High School. That's Nixon's alma mater, by the way. But I was homeschooled through eighth grade. And my mother was the director of a pregnancy resource center in the late 1980s before i was born because i was born in 91 and uh she was remained the director of that center in uh in bro in uh in uh
Starting point is 00:15:54 glendora let me ask you this real quick is a pregnant pregnant resource center like plant parenthood got it it's it's really just a place to go get abortions in my mind four and a half million abortions last year right but um is a pregnant resource center the opposite of Planned Parenthood it's really to try to convince women to keep the baby yeah kill the baby yeah that's okay so it's the opposite of a Planned Parenthood that's right that's a good way to describe it for the layperson and by the way there's a just like abortion just means kill a baby in my mind like every every time someone says the word abortion, I translate it to kill a baby. Well, that's good. See, you're you're translating what I say, translating the euphemisms of choice into reality, which is why I love the title of your episode today. A dose of reality. But by the way, just as a point of fact, there's about eight hundred and fifty thousand to a million abortions a year in America.
Starting point is 00:16:44 But it's very I thought I'd go. But it's very hard. Go ahead. Go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. It's very hard to get accurate numbers because when Bill Clinton was president, he he said that states no longer had to report their abortion data. And, bro, you want to know the names of some of the states that don't report their abortion data? California, Virginia, some of the states that have the sort of the highest abortion rates in the country. And so it's actually very difficult to get accurate numbers, although we can kind of get rough figures. But the Guttmacher Institute, which is Planned Parenthood's statistical research branch, reports between 800,000 to 900,000. Sorry. I don't know how to get into the mind of a Clinton, bro.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I mean that's a very dangerous thing to try to do. I don't know if I would come out okay. So Clinton required us when you arrest someone to write down whether they're black or white, but when you have an abortion, you don't have to keep that tally. He was the one that started enforcing the race. That's when it changed. Thanks to Clinton, states no longer had to report their abortion data. And, you know, I don't think that was coincidental. I think it was intentional to make getting accurate figures much more difficult. But anyway, just as a point of fact. But yeah, so you'll you'll see numbers like eight hundred thousand, eight hundred and fifty thousand a year. fact. But yeah, so you'll see numbers like 800,000, 850,000 a year. You'll see those numbers reported because of the abortion pill, which, dude, by the way, according to Planned Parenthood's own
Starting point is 00:18:10 reporting, accounts for about 50% of the annual abortions, dude. So almost basically half of the babies killed every year in America now today are not killed with forceps or suction catheter tubes or, you know, a curette that scrapes out the lining of the uterus and removes the pregnancy, to quote Planned Parenthood's website. About half of them are now the medication abortion pill, which is mifepristone and misoprostol. So the sperm penetrates the egg, it attaches to the wall in the uterus. And you take this pill and it detaches. Well, so there's conception when sperm and egg meet and a new human being comes into existence. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying to you. And then there's implantation, which is when that new human being travels through the fallopian tube and implants in the uterine wall. Oh, I didn't know that. So you're, oh, wow. Okay. Okay. They meet up there and then they
Starting point is 00:19:09 cruise down. Yeah. So the, the, the pill, right, the pill birth control pill that, that can prevent implantation. It has three fail safes. It's supposed to block the hormone progesterone, which makes it much more difficult to get pregnant. Um, secondly, it creates a mucus lining that makes the sperm harder to reach the egg. And then, uh, and I meet people all the time at events, bro, who says, Hey, Seth, I just want to let you know, my mom was on the birth control pill when she got pregnant with me. So like, we know these things are not like foolproof. So if, if you do, if conception occurs when you're taking the birth control pill, OK, the third failsafe in the birth control pill is to prevent implantation, which would which which would be an early abortion. But I wasn't talking about you think I was I was I was talking about the abortion pill, which a woman takes when she already has a positive pregnancy test.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I want to read I want to read this really quick this is um from seth gruber's uh instagram account it says for those of you who can see this is an incredible picture it's it's a baby and and like with two uh the pointer finger and i guess the thumb yeah showing the size of the baby and you can see the baby i mean it's got hands and eyes and shit it says this photo was taken at the university of minnesota by photographer robert wolf in 1972 that was the year i was born it was taken during surgery uh for an ectopic pregnancy no one can deny the humanity of the unborn even in these early stages well i someone can deny it i don't but anyway we'll go on a doctor who was present for the surgery later shared this testimony this is crazy listen up years ago while giving an anesthetic
Starting point is 00:20:41 for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy at two months. That's eight weeks, people. I was handed what I believe was the smallest living human ever seen. The embryo sac was intact and transparent. Within the sac was a tiny human male. Yeah. Swimming extremely vigorously in the amniotic fluid while attached to the wall by the umbilical cord. This tiny human was perfectly developed with long tapering fingers, feet, and toes.
Starting point is 00:21:12 It was almost transparent as regards the skin and the delicate arteries and veins were prominent to the end of the fingers. The baby was extremely alive and did not look at all like the photos and drawings of embryos which I have seen. extremely alive and did not look at at all like the photos and drawings of embryos, which I have seen. When the sack was opened, the tiny human immediately lost its life and took on the appearance of what is accepted as the appearance of an embryo at this stage. Blunt extremities. Yep. Dude, that's crazy. Isn't that beautiful?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Swimming vigorously. Okay, so those are when you take that you can take the pill at eight weeks and detach that thing, Seth? That abortion pill? Correct. The abortion pill, which is also known as RU486, and I'll give you a historical bomb on that in just a second. And we will get back to where your mom worked, but go on. I'll get us back on track. Yeah, okay, go on.
Starting point is 00:22:02 We're chilling. The abortion pill is taken from any as early as when you know you're pregnant. OK, up to 10 weeks. Now, a few a few years ago, it was eight weeks. The FDA only recommended that the abortion pill be taken up through eight weeks. And then randomly the science changed and suddenly it was up through 10 weeks. No explanation given as to how they deemed it was it was safe for mom suddenly it was up through 10 weeks. No explanation given as to how they deemed it was it was safe for mom to take it up two weeks longer. And actually, recently, there's been a push by the FDA and the abortion industry to move to 12 weeks, which is like flirting with the beginning of the second trimester. Increase the sales by 20 percent
Starting point is 00:22:37 because now you have a group, right? I mean, theoretically, I have a group of people who can take it for 20 percent longer. Well, and remember that I said the abortion pill accounts for 50 percent of the annual abortions in America today. Those are Planned Parenthood's numbers. And so why is that beneficial to the abortion industry? Well, the bloodthirsty, bloodsucking abortion industry. Well, because that abortion pill is cheap to manufacture and you can sell at high margins. It does not require brick and mortar abortion centers. So you're getting you don't have to have as many operating centers paying the lease on all these buildings. It doesn't require abortion staff.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You don't have to have a whole staffed up brick and mortar abortion center. And you don't have to pay the third party vendors that come with the hazardous waste, medical waste buckets to dump the limbs of babies and to take them away and in washington dc to burn them to fund the city's electricity um i mean no shit are they doing are they that's a clean energy uh uh use like they burn the babies for clean energy yeah yeah is that really fucking true seth my buddy aj hurley who you would uh wow you want you want to have the the of reality conversation, bro? Yeah. My buddy A.J. Hurley, one of my best friends, he's a pro-life activist. He sacrificed more
Starting point is 00:23:53 to save the unborn than most people I know. And he was in D.C. with his wife when he got a call from some of his friends who do sidewalk counseling. And just to define that term, He got a call from some of his friends who do sidewalk counseling. And just to define that term, these are pro-lifers who peacefully stand outside of abortion centers and they peacefully try to get the mom to talk to them before she walks in and offer her help, a free ultrasound, medical care, financial assistance if she needs it, and get her to choose life at that last moment when she's about to walk into the abortion center to kill her life. So Cesare Santangelo, Cesare Santangelo is a late term abortionist in Washington, D.C. And we've suspected for some time that he was performing illegal partial birth abortions, illegal partial birth abortions, which was banned by Bush. Partial birth abortions is when you deliver a baby forcibly by their legs first, not head first, legs first, but you leave the head and the shoulder blades in the vaginal canal. And then when the, hence, hence the phrase, brother, partial birth, right?
Starting point is 00:25:05 Partial. They're partially born. And then you take a pair of Metzenbaum scissors. If you want to show your audience what those look like. Metzenbaum, M-E-T-Z-E-N-B-A-U-M, Metzenbaum, B-A-U-M. You take a pair of Metzenbaum scissors and you insert them up the birth canal and you poke a hole into the back of the baby's neck, like just below the top of our spinal cord. You open that hole that you just created in the back of the baby's heads. And then you stick a suction catheter vacuum tube into the back of the baby's neck and you suck the brains out.
Starting point is 00:25:46 So these were banned. This guyare is is doing does these we we have we have suspected for some time pro-lifers have because why why bro here's why the abortion industry is the least regulated um industry in the entire country um you know anytime republicans try to you know draft legislation to go in and audit records and, you know, be able to do investigations, you know, Planned Parenthood trots it off to a friendly judge and they get it blocked. So you're talking about like almost no regulation whatsoever. We've suspected for some time that Cesare Santangelo in Washington, D.C., who does late term abortions, has been probably doing some illegal forms of which is always weird, right?
Starting point is 00:26:23 Like you can kill the baby this way, but not this way. It's like, once again, if it's not a person who cares how you kill them. Um, I think, I think it's because a lot of pro-choice Americans are not even uncomfortable with where the abortion industry is taking them anyways. So my friend, AJ gets a call from some sidewalk counselors who are trying to save children and love on moms outside of Cesare Sant'Angelo's abortion center abortion center um and here's by the way santangelo has a one-star review yeah oh dude you really want to throw up go read some of the the women who have left him reviews on on their experiences as he killed their children it's really it's really heartbreaking stuff so my buddy aj and his wife go over to dc
Starting point is 00:27:02 with when they were called by their friends. And here's why they got that call. The medical waste management driver who was coming by to pick up the medical waste, which otherwise is known as dead children from. And I just forgot the name of his abortion center. But anyway, it's Cesare Santangelo and Washington Surgery Clinic, DC Surgery Clinic. Thank you. They call it the abortion mill, the Washington Surgery Clinic. D.C. Surgery Clinic. Thank you. They call it the abortion mill. The D.C. Surgery Clinic.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yeah. And so this guy, people don't like him on the Internet. Yeah. The sidewalk counselors. OK, you ready for this? Had pleaded with the waste medical waste management company driver to give them some of the boxes and buckets of children. He did not know what he was picking up. They asked him, do you know what's in there? He just thought it was probably what, like gauze or maybe from elective surgeries on patients who needed a nerve helped or something.
Starting point is 00:27:58 No, no, no. He didn't know that he had dead babies in there. They told him he was horrified. He had dead babies in there. They told him he was horrified. And so he gave them about 105 dead babies so that the pro-lifers could give them a respectful burial. So they call my friend AJ. Did that dude get in trouble for that? Well, they've been trying to go after some of the pro-lifers, yeah. No, I mean the guy, the garbage man.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Did he get in trouble for? I'm not sure. Yeah, he probably got fired, but I don't know that side of the story so they go to some apartment or airbnb or something and my buddy aj meets these wonderful pro-life heroes who had got these these mutilated children um and they open them up they open them up and they photograph it and this launched a movement last year called Justice for the Five, because five of those about out of about one hundred and fifteen babies, actually, I believe five of them were in the third trimester, third trimester. And they had how many months is that? How many months is that? Well, so three trimesters. So three months, three months, three months, right? So that would be 12 weeks and then 24 weeks. So the third trimester would begin at the end of 24 weeks.
Starting point is 00:29:15 So third trimester would be between week 25 and week 40. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you can Google this too, Justice for the Five. And so this launches this movement to demand that D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser do autopsies, okay, right, to confirm how these children were killed. Because, listen, we know what we're doing, man. We've been in this movement our entire lives. A baby's skull should not be half collapsed in unless its brains were sucked out through a partial birth abortion. That type of abortion is illegal.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And most pro-choicers are very uncomfortable with that. You know what I mean? Most pro-choicers. The whole subject is crazy uncomfortable for so many people. Yeah. When you describe a partial birth abortion, dude, like I've watched pro-choicers go, uh, uh, uh, it's like, well, if you don't want to hear it, then maybe you shouldn't support the act that takes those children's lives.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Anyways. So, um, DC mayor Muriel Bowser has refused to get the justice department or the police involved to do autopsies to confirm if these, if, if, sorry, Santangelo was breaking federal law. Um, so like, anyways, my point is this. This stuff happens in America, okay? And there's never justice and there's never investigations. Why?
Starting point is 00:30:33 Because abortion is the sacrament of the religion of secular progressivism or humanism. It's there. It's the linchpin upon which the liberal establishment swings. This is why when Roe v. Wade gets overturned. Why? How come? Okay, so let's get spiritual and religious. Christ says, I must die so you can live. Abortion says, no, baby, you must die so I can live. Can you think of something more inverted than Christianity, which says that the creator came to earth, became fully man and fully God, died for the sins of the world so that if you repent and believe you will be saved.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And so abortion says, actually, we're going to kill the most weak and defenseless among us so that we can live how we want. Like you could not come up with something more inverted and opposite than Christianity. And so I think at the end of the day, abortion is our belief that we have the right to make difficult life problems just go away. And if that problem happens to be a person, so be it. Because the serpent told me in Genesis 3, I get to be like a god. Can you think of something? Let me ask you this real quick, Seth. For us non-religious people, would you meet me halfway and say that this is the psychological landscape of all men?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Do you know what I mean by that? Let's say there is no god, but still, if you were to be able to peel back and look at the programming of men, that's how it would work. Could you meet me? Yeah, yeah, that's good. That's the mechanism of how the brain works. Well, I think I know what you're saying. So let's run with that. Here's what I would say.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Remove God and moral accountability, and we go right back to human sacrifice. I don't know how much of like your history, but world history. The guy is such a gift to America and to the church, but not the tennis player, but it's spelled the same, Bill Federer historian. But I've had him on the show to talk about the history of human sacrifice. And like, basically, like basically every civilization throughout human history practiced human human sacrifice at some point. Like, I mean, this is man apart from God and apart from moral accountability, right? When you believe that you're going to stand before the creator of the universe one day, and you're going to be judged for, as the scriptures say, for all things said and done and every thought you've ever had, that causes you to live differently. Now, Christianity doesn't say you're saved and will go to heaven by your actions and your good
Starting point is 00:33:32 works. It says that you're saved through the work that Christ did on your behalf by being fully God and fully man and therefore innocent and perfect could be the only one that could die for the sins of others because he himself was innocent and had never sinned. And so now that righteousness is imputed to you if you repent and believe. But good works ought to flow and follow that faith when you do understand that even though you may enter heaven, you're going to be held accountable still and judged for what you said and did. That causes people to live differently. Like the famous atheists have actually said, this is interesting, that they credit Christianity for building the West and the rights and liberties they take for granted. Like famous atheists have said this, it's really interesting, Christopher Hitchens and others about like how, well, while they don't believe there's
Starting point is 00:34:20 a God, they're like, well, but yeah, I mean, it was, it was this belief in like that man and woman was created in the image of God. And so they weren't just like another form of animal. Like there was something, there was something glory and divine about human beings that separated us from other forms of creatures, the sanctity of life, the image of God. And that was the belief in Christianity that built these laws that protected children and the family. And guess what else? Women's rights. Now I'm not talking about killing babies in the womb. I'm talking about like the right to vote, the right to not be treated as the property of your husband. Like, dude, you want to know like who changed those things? It was Christian. So like even atheists have admitted like, well, they hate Christianity, hate it. And
Starting point is 00:35:04 they don't believe there's a God, which is funny, right? When they say they hate Christianity and they don't believe God exists, it's like God doesn't exist. And I also really hate him. It's like, what? Kind of weird to hate something that you don't think exists. But we all understand that it was Christianity that built these rights and liberties in this understanding that man and woman has dignity and sanctity because they were made by God. And so why does abortion drive the left insane? Well, I mean, it's no different than any other culture that's practiced human sacrifice that says like, no, no, rather than putting aside
Starting point is 00:35:40 my selfish desires and my quote unquote rights to to care for the least among us. Right. Because they they have dignity like me. We're going to kill the least among us so that we can live as we want to. And that is the equation. Right. That's the point I'm making. That's the equation.
Starting point is 00:35:58 So so it's basically like I'm going to choose just the worst case scenario. Right. You're you're raped. And for some reason, you don't want to have that baby because you were raped. And you don't want to have the baby of some man you didn't know who violently shoved his penis into your vagina and ejaculated into you. And so now you're going to – because you don't want to live that life with that baby, you're now going to kill the baby. life with that baby you're now going to kill the baby so like i can't logically put that i can't as horrible as it sounds i'm not i'm not even taking sides i just i don't understand why killing the baby makes that better well it's just selfishness like it like like dude let's just get but is that a bad thing to be selfish you're saying like it's a bad thing is that a bad thing
Starting point is 00:36:44 to be selfish well is it a bad thing to be selfish if you're saying it like it's a bad thing. Is that a bad thing to be selfish? Well, is it a bad thing to be selfish if you kill your two-year-old so that you can make financial ends meet? I mean that argument – those arguments are just crazy to me. Right. Well, no. Someone would kill a baby because it's going to be raised into a poor family doesn't make any sense to me. Like I can't – I don't understand. Isn't that playing God again? Isn't that just playing God again?
Starting point is 00:37:05 Because this was the old freakonomics argument, right? From a couple decades, a few decades ago, was like, we need abortion to help the economy, right? Because of overpopulation. And also because a lot of these children
Starting point is 00:37:17 will be raised in really bad environments and become criminals and drug lords. And because of their poor circumstances, they'll probably turn to those things. This was the Freakonomics argument. And so abortion will actually help decrease crime. I'm not embellishing you murder them before they have the chance to prove you wrong. And then you feel really morally superior. We just do different shit. We're just we're just so we're not equal. So to anyone to think that we're equal, I mean, just the fact you can just look at the physical characteristics and bam right there. Why don't we make it so that killing people is illegal? But since men and women aren't equal, there's a caveat for women being able to kill their babies while they're in the womb. So this this was an argument of the sexual revolutionaries. while they're in the womb.
Starting point is 00:38:31 So this was an argument of the sexual revolutionaries in the 60s, kind of leading up to Roe v. Wade in 1973, right? They argued that for women to be equal with men, they had to have the right to abortion. I can't make that leap. I don't understand that. How does... Well, because they have these... Well, okay, so let's... I guess you could say the argument the other way, real quick. You could say, hey, men and women aren't equal. And actually, once women do get
Starting point is 00:38:55 pregnant, you're right. You don't have the right to kill a baby. Sorry. We're just not equal. Well, so let's define what we mean by equal. We believe that men and women are equal in dignity and rights. You understand what I mean? We have the same right to life. We have the same dignity and value in virtue of being human beings. And that dignity and value is the same and equal whether you're male or female. Now, you and I believe that. But I know what you meant,
Starting point is 00:39:27 but I just wanted to define it for everyone. What you meant is that we're not equal in the sense that we're not equitable, right? We're not identical is what you meant. We're not identical, but we're equal in terms of our rights and dignity. So obviously, men and women are not equal in the way you're using it. Down to our bone structure, we're not equal. Right. What was the old comedy series years ago? Like men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Like, you know, but before we tried to say that men and women were virtually the same
Starting point is 00:39:55 and that gender identity is separate from sex, that sex and gender identity are separate. We used to all recognize like, no, we're like completely different species. Like it's like we're not the same species, obviously. But you know what I mean? Like jokes were always made about this before the trans mafia took over the country, which is like, no, we're very, very different. equal with men in the sense of identical same rights, they need to have the right to abortion. And there were actually feminists who said like it was these it was these pesky uteruses. Right. Because we have these uteruses that allow us to get pregnant. And so we can't misogyny, by the way. We can't just. Why would you hate on the uterus?
Starting point is 00:40:52 Well, exactly. That't that a great question? Why is there a hatred for the unique differentiators between women and men? That's a great question because you and I, I sense, I sense, bro, kind of delight in those differences. Now, I delight in them because they were actually given to us by God and there was intentionality behind that because it wasn't a random accident and cosmic sludge wasn't banging around in the universe. And then suddenly human beings existed. And I actually I just came from a monkey. Like, I don't believe that. That's why that's why I celebrate those differences, because they were intentionally designed to be different. How beautiful.
Starting point is 00:41:23 And so I love the differences between men and women. And I believe that we're complementary. I don't I don't believe that any two will do. Do you remember that saying in the gay rights movement? Any two will do. Love is love. What was the argument? That two dads are no different in how they raise their children than two moms and are no different in how they raise their children between a mom and a dad. Dude, I'm sorry, excuse my French, but that's bullshit. I'm a dad of three children, like without without even passing judgment, like fine, if you have two dads or two moms, but it's not having a mom and a dad and having a mom and a dad is the best way to do it. Well, dude, go read Obama's Father's Day message from 2008. He sounds like a conservative, Go read Obama's Father's Day message from 2008.
Starting point is 00:42:04 He sounds like a conservative. Like Obama's Father's Day message from 2008. Today would be mocked and reviled by CNN and Obama would be thrown out into utter darkness where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth. Like he's celebrating the uniqueness of fathers and the irreplaceable nature of fathers, which is you're not allowed to do that leftism today. And by the way, you're not a leftist, dude, because if you were, you couldn't be saying the things you're saying. Like leftists literally say any two will do. Love is love. Children raised by two fathers or two mothers are fair just as well across every sociological and physiological category as children raised by a mother and a father. It's no different. What would you rather have? If you had to choose, would you rather have two mothers or two fathers? False equivalency. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't choose. But but but the reason I come on, come on, Seth, two mothers or two fathers, the reason I said that, right, I'm going to choose two mothers. I'm going to choose two mothers because of what you said. Your question earlier was was why would there be a hatred for the uniqueness of a uterus? Um, which I thought, which I said was a really fascinating question. I was really like fascinated and like excited that
Starting point is 00:43:12 you asked that. I believe it's a, I believe it's a, a hatred of the natural order and the natural obligations that flow out of the natural world. So what do I mean by that? Can we control that we have male chromosomes in a penis? No, we can't control that. Can the woman control that she has female chromosomes in a uterus? No. Now, we didn't pick our gender or our genitalia. Our sex. Same thing. And so because of our unique differentiators, there are certain roles and obligations that flow out of those differences. Right. So you can only have gender. That's what
Starting point is 00:44:07 I call gender, by the way. Those roles that flow out are I would call gender in the dong and the vagina. I would call sex. I understand. You know, you can only have a baby woman because you're the only one with a uterus. And then anyone who has two brain cells left to rub together will admit that mothers have certain maternal instincts that come more naturally than the kind of instinct that naturally arrives in a man. So what am I doing? I'm saying that there are certain biological realities. And from those biological realities that arise out of the natural world, there are actually moral obligations that flow from biology. are so intentionally different between man and woman, it begs the question, why? Who made it this way? Why are we different in this way? Which naturally leads you back to Christianity and to the Creator. I think that the cultural war of transgenderism and abortion in particular is man and woman's attempt to obliterate any distinctions between the sexes.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Because if we're all the same and there's nothing different and unique about us anymore, then we are just evolved from animals. And there wasn't a creator that assigned us duties and moral obligations that flow from our biology. What you're saying is true. The offensive part is some people would take offense to it because they whether it's intentional or not. But it's true. It's like I have feet and I'm going to kill bugs. Well, that's not my intention, but that's what my feet do. So what you're saying about transgenderism is 100 percent true.
Starting point is 00:46:02 And the reason why people get offended is that they think, well, is it intentional that they're trying to do that? It doesn't matter. It doesn't it doesn't matter. Let me ask you this. Do you accept the premise that one man could be attracted to another man and not be attracted to women? Oh, sure. I believe that like that, that that homosexual desires exist. That homosexual desires exist, and some people have a sexual longing for the same gender that they can't – they feel like they can't – they didn't choose. Should they just not have kids since they can't have kids? Let's say they want a kid. Yeah, no, sorry. Children have a right to a mother and a father. Ideally, their mother and their father. Going back to natural – home yeah and that goes back to natural law the natural law piece well isn't it funny that like most animals um fulfill their their parental obligation that that flowed
Starting point is 00:46:58 out of the natural world better than most adults like this is so basic like i'm sure there's some weird animals what do they talk about the black widow who like eats her husband or some weird stuff but like most praying man is too fascinating yeah most species though most species of animals but they don't let it go to waste they're really good liberals they eat the mate they eat the mate they don't they recycle the mate uh most species take care of their own, their own offspring. And, and, and,
Starting point is 00:47:25 and there's, there's like actual, like parent time with both parents and the species you see is with bear cubs and wolves and stuff like this. I'm just saying, I'm not a Darwinist obviously, but I'm just saying like, it's kind of sick that like many animals are better at understanding parental
Starting point is 00:47:40 obligations. All of them do. Those dumb fuckers do it better than us is what you're saying. They're morons. They're dumb. They're animals throw feces and yet they have a they have a higher level of obligation to their children than we do so it's a it's crazy it used well it didn't use that it didn't used to be that way with no fault divorce laws and with the declining of western civilization and christianity in the west um you know now about half of the children probably born, I was looking at the data the other day, actually, we made, I'll have to pull it up again. But, but, you know, sometime in the in the late 90s, and then going into the early 2000s, like, you know, almost 50%
Starting point is 00:48:18 of children were being raised by one mother or one father and they were not living under the same roof of their married mother and father. I mean, the decline of marriage, right, is the decline of civilization because the family is the smallest political unit, right? And it's going back to Obama's Father's Day message, like liberals used to admit this, like your family structure and how you were raised and the health or lack thereof of that marriage and of that family is the predictor of what kind of citizen and individual you will be as you become an adult. We all understand this. And so as goes the father, I believe, so goes the family. As goes the family, so goes the culture. so goes the family as goes the family. So goes the culture as goes the culture. So goes the country. And so why why has the left always been so obsessed with obliterating dist from their parents and educating their children into kooky ideologies like dude this the weird pornographic sex ed just to give an example right you see all
Starting point is 00:49:32 those moms and dads speaking at school board meetings over the last two and a half years like all around the country why because they were pissed off about critical race theory and the kooky pornographic sex ed those were the two things that brought all these moms and dads to school board meetings. Like really lewd pornographic stuff, like sometimes the actual drawings of stuff. Did you know in some of the teen talk and the comprehensive sexuality education curriculum, I've studied this stuff really closely, did you know that they have anal sex in the abstinence section? I also saw a line in there that was telling 12 year old girls
Starting point is 00:50:05 that anal and vaginal sex can both be stimulating. It's like, why, why is the school talking to kids about that? Exactly. Isn't that a dude? They're just dumb white kids anyway. You already taught them in critical race theory that they're dumb white kids. Don't teach them that other shit. This is why I like you is you're used to you. You cut right to the quick and you see these, the realities of these things clearer than a lot of people. What a great question, huh? Dude, why are you teaching them about sex stuff? Kooky, weird sex stuff. Exactly. Because if you can, if you can incite children to a sexual frenzy, um, and, and ruin the innocence of children, they'll be easier to control. It's a breakdown, a breakdown of the family. And we all know it's not healthy for you to be running around,
Starting point is 00:50:46 of the family. And we all know it's not healthy for you to be running around doing experimental sex stuff as a kid. So that causes chaos, doesn't it? And it hurts children and it breaks down the family. Once again, the family, what is it about their attack on parental rights? What did all the libs say over the last two years? That like, we heard this so many times, that parents don't know what's best. That the public education system, this is our job and we know what your children need to learn. During the Zoom learning in 2020, when all the children were doing Zoom stuff,
Starting point is 00:51:20 I know multiple stories about this, multiple documented stories and journalism about parents hearing the teacher say over Zoom to the children that they wanted to make sure the parents weren't around during the teaching, which is like, what the hell? And then some Republicans tried to pass a bill that would require, ready for this, recordings or live videos in all the classrooms so parents at any time could tune in live to what their children were learning. And guess what? It was so interesting. All the Democrats got their panties in a wad and they really didn't want that kind of education, that kind of legislation. But cops have to wear cameras.
Starting point is 00:51:57 But cops have to, exactly, which raises the question, what are you trying to hide? So I'm just kind of giving some vignettes and examples of like the left's obsession with going after children, the family, parental rights. Right. Why? Because that's life, then they will be determining the kind of future their child lives ideologically, philosophically, politically, spiritually. I mean they will be the number one influences on the lives of their children. But if the schools can educate those children into a certain vision of human flourishing, if the schools can bar parents from exercising their parental rights, if the schools can incite children to a sexual friendly, if the school can pass legislation in California and Washington right now going on, which would allow the state to train your kid without parental consent. right now going on, which would allow the state to train your kid without parental consent if a therapist or public health person deems that your child's mental health is best served by being trans. And actually, there's actually no language in this bill in California and Washington right now, dude. There's no language in the bill that would prevent the state from actually taking your
Starting point is 00:53:19 child from you. Now, if you go Google this, you're going to see all the conservatives have been fact-checked and the liberal establishment and the activist media has said fact check, fact check, fake news, 10 Pinocchios. No, the legislation does not allow us to take your children from you. We would never do that. How many times do these people have to lie to us? A friend of mine in Washington state already had their kid. One kid pulled up.
Starting point is 00:53:43 They have they have four. They have four kids and three of them were already pulled out because of something one of the kids said all three kids were pulled out and child protective services was called already on that yeah and another one of my uh a friend of a friend in the state of idaho someone you probably know someone who's a little bit famous uh uh had um no no had to flee to idaho another person i know who you probably know their name from the state of washington had their daughter uh 15 13 year old daughter taken from him and he basically had to grab his daughter and flee to idaho um and then at 15 years old she's like thank
Starting point is 00:54:17 god you grabbed me because i was going down that path i remember that story yeah it's fucking nuts and now the daughter is like so happy the dad grabbed her and got her out of that yeah the shit's happening anyone by the way i talked to one of my friends the other day i'm like you're crazy to have your kids in school in california and they're like oh they're too busy it'll never happen but this is how it's going to happen people yeah your kid's going to be in school they're going to be like hey billy have you ever thought um that's a cool outfit you're wearing and he's going to be like yeah i wanted to wear a dress today with my sisters and like oh you want to wear a dress why didn't you
Starting point is 00:54:46 wear a dress and that billy's gonna say because my mom told me i couldn't because i'm a boy and the teacher's gonna call child protective services right there and fucking billy's gonna get taken from you and he's getting put into a foster home within three days and they're gonna start talking to him and from that point and do do not think that's not gonna happen one of my other friends in berkeley had his kid already suspended from school an eight-year-old boy for using the wrong pronoun eight years old suspended from school you guys yep don't think it's not going to happen to your fucking kid yeah and by the way it can happen to my kids i live in california too even though my
Starting point is 00:55:20 kids aren't in school you do someone could say something stupid at the beach and next thing i know someone can just fit make it up someone can just call child protective services and be like hey sevan's not letting his boys be girls i'm fucked yep that's right um and there was another we're already there who was expelled uh because he refused to this is elementary school too by the way or maybe junior high but he wasn't a high school student and this this story is going viral right now so i'm sure you've heard of it or you'll see it and anyway he was either expelled or or put on a leave or whatever like he couldn't come back for a few days because he refused to take off a shirt that simply said there are only two genders oh yeah it's like crazy crazy yeah so like i'm glad you recognize that i'm really glad
Starting point is 00:55:58 to hear that because you know i guess you're grounded enough in history to understand that that that's not impossible. And it's actually quite likely if good people don't stand up against this stuff. But here's an interesting thought to kind of bring the circle back to abortion. All of the craziness, some of the things we just touched on that you and I are in agreement and our hatred of, okay, all of the people behind all of those things, so all of the people behind pushing, defending, and funding all of the stuff that we just found shared hatred over, they're all pro-abortion. And so it's an interesting question, right, to ask yourself, why are these people always all on the same team? Why is the liberal establishment always
Starting point is 00:56:42 ideologically aligned on all of their core sacraments or tenets or creeds, transing the kids, killing the kids in the womb? Thinking of melanated people are dumber than white people. Yes, exactly. Right. All agree. Like what did Ibram what did Ibram X. Kendi say in his book? How to be an anti-racist.
Starting point is 00:57:08 how to be an anti-racist. He said that the solution to discrimination in the past is discrimination in the future. And he said white people, he said black people can't be racist because bigotry or discrimination is racism plus power, not just racism itself. And so because black people haven't had power, he argues, then they can't be racist, even if they hate white people, because bigotry is racism plus power. Like, I mean, like it takes a PhD to like, to educate yourself into this kind of stupidity. But my point is- All under the guise of compassion.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Kill babies because it's compassionate. Think black people are dumber. Good for you. It's all under false compassion. Inv compassion. Kill babies because it's compassionate. Think black people are dumber. Good for you. It's all under false compassion. Invite a Mexican person to your house for Christmas because they have less than you. I mean, I've seen it all. I mean, I was, oh my God, that's so nice of you to invite the Mexican family to your house for Christmas. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:57:59 That's right. That's right. Like what? So Roe v. Wade got overturned one year ago this Saturday. So today's Wednesday, June 21st. This Saturday will be the one-year anniversary. I want to talk about that because I don't want to lose you before I – there's something – we have to do some healing here. So bear with me.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Okay, Seth? I want to talk about Roe v. Wade because that's a good point because I wanted you to actually explain to people what actually happened that they didn't outlaw abortion but um I I um I've had I'm a girl and I've had four abortions and I'm listening to this and one of them was through rape one of them I had down sent the kid had down syndrome one of them I just wasn't ready and the other one I was just um young and stupid and my parents told me to do it where where do i go and now i'm like you fucking asshole seth you don't fucking understand like like where where's the um where's the freedom for her yeah how do we set her free yeah absolutely so because that might be our biggest enemy you know what i mean because they can't come to terms with the harsh nature of what we're talking about. So they want to defend it. You know what I mean? Like, I want to really defend smoking marijuana. I used to smoke marijuana. It's good for you. It does this and it has this psychological effect. And man, my back was all fucked up. The next thing I know, you know what I mean? I've convinced myself that burning green shit in the yard is fucking good for me and inhaling the fumes.
Starting point is 00:59:25 inhaling the fumes. Yeah. Well said. Isn't that right? Isn't that right? That it's the things that we've participated in that hit the closest to home. And so sometimes they're the hardest for us to deal with in our personal lives. So, wicked evildoer that who can never be brought back to new life or whatever, because Christianity is very clear that we all fall short of the glory of God. The Bible says there's not one who does good, not one. All have gone astray. And some of the heroes in the Bible are people like King David, who was called a man after God's own heart. He was one of the most righteous, upright kings of Israel. The dude slept with one of his own army officer's wives, watched her was taking it watched her taking a shower while he while his buddy was out fighting a battle he should have been leading sleeps with his his buddy's wife
Starting point is 01:00:29 Bathsheba impregnates her and then murders her husband um so that he doesn't find out what he did um and so and he's called a man after God's own heart and one of the most righteous he's in the hall of faith in the new testament like the you know the hall of faith the faith figures of the old testament and you go whoa wow all right well if there's hope for him and there's forgiveness for him. I mean, some of the biggest heroes in scripture were complete moral degenerates. And yet they would repent and they would turn back to the Lord and they would ask for forgiveness and they would live upright lives. And so listen, if you're a young woman or a man who's paid for, pressured an abortion, paid for it, stood by and did nothing, or you just wanted to fit into your prom dress or you wanted to climb the corporate ladder,
Starting point is 01:01:15 whatever reason someone got an abortion, because I understand there's different motivations and reasons. But the end result- But get an abortion to fit in your prom dress. And I'm sure that's fucking happened. That's fucking crazy, by the way. Yeah, yeah. But again, abortion, a fit in your prom dress and that I'm sure that's fucking happened. That's fucking crazy. Yeah. Yeah. But the end result, regardless of the reason, right, is that an innocent human being was killed. Right. I'm not discounting a woman who's listening. I'm not discounting the the maybe relational and psychological complexity of that decision. But emotional, relational, and psychological complexity does not equal moral complexity. The relational crap that you had going on at the time means nothing to the child who was killed. They were still killed. That's an innocent human being
Starting point is 01:01:57 whose life was taken and snuffed out. But regardless of the reason you chose the abortion, the end result was the same. But listen, if there was grace for King David, if there's grace for me, there's grace for you. I don't believe that all sin is equal because nobody believes that killing your sibling is the same as stealing a pencil from Staples. So no one actually believes all sin is equal. But Christianity says all sin puts us on an equal playing field, meaning like we're all going to be held accountable for our sin when we're judged by the Lord, even though not every choice of sin is necessarily morally equal. So yes, killing a little baby is a particularly heinous type of evil. But, you know, one of the greatest evangelists in all of Christianity, the Apostle Paul, used to murder Christians when he was named
Starting point is 01:02:46 Saul still in the New Testament. He murdered Christians and hunted them down and tried to destroy the church. Then Jesus met him on a road when he was riding a donkey, blinded him, and told him to stop persecuting his church. And he became the Apostle Paul who wrote over half of the New Testament. He literally murdered innocent Christians. So, I mean, far be it for me to cast, um, judgment, um, on those who have, who have killed their babies. How about their judgment of themselves? How about their, how did they free themselves? Aren't we are, aren't we our most, uh, vicious critic, right? Um, many, many of us have been forgiven by family members in our life for maybe ways that we've hurt our family members, and yet we can't forgive ourselves still.
Starting point is 01:03:31 And this is why Christianity is really the only religion. It's why it's such a different religion than any other religion. It says that the very divine logic of the universe who breathed out stars and created human beings made you as the peak and pinnacle of his creation, more valuable than any other form of life he had made. And he proved that when he took on human flesh. The God-man becomes fully God and fully man, steps into human flesh as a perfect human being who had never sinned, and then takes the punishment that we should have endured for our heinous sin against the Creator, against the Lord. And so now forgiveness is available to all who repent and believe. What if you're not a Christian? do you have any way they can forgive themselves or accept
Starting point is 01:04:29 their behaviors uh i mean no because if christianity is true it is of ultimate concern if it's not true it should be mocked and reviled right like this is what csu oh i don't know i don't know about that i don't know about that i i don't, I'm not sure if it's true. I don't, I don't think it's true, but I don't think it should be mocked and reviled. I go back to what you said in the beginning of the show. I think it's been vital. Like I want to be surrounded by Christians. I think it's vital to the success of civilization. That's well said, but if it's, but if it's not true, then we've believed a lie and we're to be pitied and mocked for believing such a stupid thing, you know, that the God became human and that he died and then he rose again three days later. The heaven we thought we would receive, the forgiveness we thought we were given when we stand before God on Judgment Day was also all a myth and a lie, and it's not real, and we're going to hell forever. And the forgiveness that you thought that you had from your sin, it didn't exist.
Starting point is 01:05:35 So if Christianity is false, we've been living a lie. If it's true, then it's of ultimate concern. If it's true, then it's of ultimate concern. And so I don't know how to – You think if a woman has had an abortion, Seth, or a man encouraged a woman to get an abortion or anything like that since that's the behavior we're talking about. Let's say I don't believe in God, but I had a girlfriend when I was in high school, and I got her pregnant, and I asked her to get an abortion. But I haven't been called by Jesus yet, and I don't believe in God or I I had a girlfriend when I was in high school and I got her pregnant and I asked her to get abortion, but I, but I haven't been called by Jesus yet. And I don't believe, believe in God, or I'm not a Christian. Maybe I should just drop to one knee every night before I go to bed and be like, God, please forgive. Like that's the, that's the process, uh, as Canadians say it, um,
Starting point is 01:06:19 God, please forgive me for, uh, um, or lead me out of this um this guilt that i have uh please show me the way that i can um uh appease you for the killing one of your children even though i don't believe it i should just fake it till i make it i'm just trying to figure out how this has got to be a a really tough a lot of people haven't haven't been called by god they haven't been touched by jesus they're not they're not as fortunate as you they don't have your faith what are they supposed to do but and yet and yet they're they're they're i don't know to use your word maybe they're writhing you know what i mean it's a pain in them it's a vulnerability it's a it's a wound they're wounded there can you hear me now yeah i can hear you did you hear any sorry about that shit I was babbling on about? I did.
Starting point is 01:07:05 I'm sorry. I just lost you for like a couple seconds. That's okay. What do we do? What do we do? What's the out for them? Where do they find acceptance? What if God isn't calling them?
Starting point is 01:07:15 What should they do? Should they just pick up a Bible and just spend five minutes reading every night? Like what's the doctor's death? That would be a great place. Really? That would be a great place to start. Seriously? Is it like, hey, you're struggling with the abortion that you had to pick up the Bible and start reading a little bit. So I consider this. OK, OK. There you hear what I'm saying, right? I'm trying to give these people like, yeah, OK. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Well, well, what I like what I like again about you is that you recognize a lot of just human realities as self-evident. And one of those human realities that you're talking about right now is this concept of sort of universal guilt, right? Like don't we all recognize at a deep heart level that we're screwed up and we regret choices we've made? And it's hard to find resolution. It's hard to find peace. The kind of peace that we're seeking. It's hard to find the comfort that everything's going to be OK. I'm not just going to die and take a dirt nap that maybe there's something beyond this. And like maybe I'm an eternal being. And like, how do I come to terms with the fact that like maybe maybe there is more than this life. And I've really effed up and I've made some really bad decisions and choices. Like, I think most human beings think about these things and we struggle
Starting point is 01:08:33 with these things, even if we're not like- Or they avoid thinking about them. Everyone has it. Where do- Because they're thinking about it. Because they think about it, they can't handle thinking about it anymore. And so the things we avoid thinking about are things we're thinking about because we're trying not to think about them. And so we're actually thinking about them. I mean, like this is such a universal human experience. And so like, I like what you're pointing out there, but, but here, so you said, you said, well, what if God's not calling them and they haven't been touched by the Lord? Well, you know, I would say, you know, that the Romans in the new Testament talks about how like that God has made his divine attributes plainly seen.
Starting point is 01:09:06 And so people are left without excuse. What does he mean? They're left without excuse because they don't have a good argument to say, I didn't know God existed. I just really, I had no reason to believe that. The Bible says, no, you were left without excuse. Like, look at the stars, look at human beings. Isn't it funny that like, you know, so here's an iPhone right here, right?
Starting point is 01:09:28 Like no, no secular liberal, liberal or leftist would say, oh my gosh, that iPhone just appeared in a studio in Silicon Valley. That thing just built itself. Like, it's, it's funny how like we, we, we look at intelligently designed things and we cannot believe that it was coincidental or accidental. In other words, we know that there had to be a creator. But then those same people will look at the complexity of a human being. Now that we know, have you looked into the complexity of the human eye Like this actually caused, I believe if I'm, if I'm remembering correctly, this caused Darwin at the end of his life to recant most of his beliefs when he studied the diagram and portrayal of the
Starting point is 01:10:16 human eye. Because he said there was no way that that could have just happened accidentally or rosen out of human species. It was, I believe it was Darwin. He either recanted his beliefs or he said that that had to be intelligently designed. And this has happened to a lot of atheists who have set out to disprove God. This happened to C.S. Lewis, one of the most famous evangelists and Christian writers of the 20th century. and Christian writers of the 20th century. This happened to Josh McDowell, one of the most famous Christian authors and speakers of the 20th century. This has happened to a lot of,
Starting point is 01:10:55 who's the other guy? I'm forgetting his name right now. Anyways, a lot of- Why can't God have created evolution? So some Christians believe that God is still the creator and he used the process of micro evolution, not macro, so not meaning monkeys to humans, but micro evolution to bring about creation.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Some Christians believe that. I don't really want to get into that. But my point is like the same people who look at the complexity of a MacBook Pro or an iPhone and say, well, there must have been a lot of creators there, can also look at a human being and say there was no creator. It was all accidental. I'm just saying, isn't that interesting? And I'm making a very popular argument for God. It's the intelligent design argument. It's nothing new. It's not my argument. But it is a good argument because it's so what? Self-evident. And so to your question about, well, but like, it is a good argument because it's so what self-evident. And so like,
Starting point is 01:11:46 to your question about like, well, you know, people haven't, you know, Seth, God hasn't spoken to other people like he has you, like maybe they haven't had any experience with the Lord. God has already spoken clearly to us through his word, which is the Bible and through what? Creation, which the Bible says has left us with without excuse. We all know there's a God because we know that the freaking Milky Way could not have happened accidentally. But ultimately, what differentiates Christianity is, firstly, one God. Secondly, that God became a human being. Thirdly, that God, being an innocent human being, allowed himself to be murdered so that our sins would not have to be punished by death because that punishment was put onto the lamb, the scapegoat, if you will, almost in a way, the innocent creator. And fourthly, that God-man rose again from the dead three days later.
Starting point is 01:12:40 So there are 11 basically undisputed facts about the resurrection in Christianity, which is really fascinating. What do you mean undisputed? Meaning that there are core facts- I'm disputing them right now in my head. About Christianity. I know we're long. I'll send you an article to check out and dig into. And I can recommend some really wonderful Christian apologist brothers who all they do is they defend the resurrection and the historical veracity. It's all self-referential. Everything you're doing now is self-referential, right? You're saying it's true. God is real because of this book God wrote. And I'm just like, I'm thinking to myself, you can't I don't think you can do that. spit some of these off to you. But there are a lot of core historical facts that liberal
Starting point is 01:13:27 atheistic historians agree are historical fact. The first is the death of Jesus by the crucifixion. There was someone named Jesus. He claimed to be God and he was crucified. The second fact is that there was an empty tomb. Something happened to the body of Jesus. Historians know this. We can be sure of this. Not only was Jesus publicly executed in Jerusalem, but his post-mortem appearances and empty tomb were first publicly proclaimed there. Historically, we know that the man named Jesus, who claimed to be God, who we know was crucified, was not in the tomb three days later. So we know that. Again, I haven't proved anything that he is God or anything. I'm just saying these facts are agreed upon by historians. The third fact is the post-resurrection appearances that hundreds of
Starting point is 01:14:19 people, hundreds of people claim to have seen that same jesus who they saw murdered and hung on a cross who they saw wrapped up and put in a tomb who wasn't in the tomb three days later and hundreds of people i'm telling you liberal left-wing left-wing atheist historians say yes there were hundreds of people who claim to have seen the risen jesus after the tomb was empty empty. The fourth fact is the origin of the Christian faith. So no scholar denies the fact that the Christian religion exploded out of first century Israel. And within one generation of the death of Christ, the movement that was called the Way, which Christianity had spread to Europe, Africa, and Asia, and Christianity is an effect that needs an adequate cause and explanation. In other words,
Starting point is 01:15:05 what exactly did the Christian faith come from and what best explains its origin? And the best explanation for the origin of Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus, the man who claimed to be God and then died, and he told people he'd rise again, and then he actually rose again. So so anyways, my point is this. If if there are good reasons to believe that's true and if there's if it's a good chance that that's true, that changes everything. Right. Like if I told you, dude, that sure as fuck does change everything. I agree with that. Yeah. If I told you I was going to be murdered and then I was I was like and then three days later, I'm just going to I'm just going to like resurrect myself. You you probably mock me and laugh at me, of course. We all would to someone.
Starting point is 01:15:50 And then if I did it, you'd probably bow and kiss my feet. Like, what the bleep? So if you ever want to dive down into those conversations, which I think you should, I can recommend some great brothers who've built their entire career in ministry and calling on defending the historical veracity of the resurrection and the rational reasons to believe in the monotheistic Christian God. But all of that means nothing if we're still in our sins. If we're still doomed to hell, then what's the point of Christianity? But Christianity says you're loved. I created you, says God. I have a purpose for your life. I came and died so that your sinful, disgusting choices would not have to be judged.
Starting point is 01:16:35 And some people think God is like me. He's mean because he judges sin. Nobody lives like that. Like if someone murdered your son, like we would want justice. You know, like if someone murdered my son at a park, like I would expect the court to carry out justice. Why should it be any different in the eternal? Why do we think that our sin against God is somehow less significant than our sin against one another? And so Christianity says, like God says, no, I actually took that punishment for you. Now, if you repent of your sins and humble yourselves and believe in me and follow me,
Starting point is 01:17:08 fulfill my plan for your life, you're going to be saved and be in heaven with me in glory forever. That's the hope and the message of Christianity, that we will rise again with the Lord. If we repent and believe, we'll be given new bodies, perfect bodies. There will be no more shedding of tears, no more blood, no more pain, the way that God originally intended the world to create. And so I can't offer someone hope beyond what I believe is the truth of Christianity. Because you can turn to any therapist that you want, but I believe at the end of the day, it's just psychobabble and psychological self-talk. You're trying to make yourself feel good for a future horror that you're afraid might be real,
Starting point is 01:17:50 which is that you'll just return to dirt or burn in hell. That's a horrifying reality to think about. And Christianity says, yeah, that is all true, but you're spared from all of that if you repent, believe, and follow me. That's the new life. That's hope. That's true freedom. You said earlier, how do I offer women freedom from this? That's the true freedom that you can have. And that's not reserved for just a few human beings. That's plainly open to everyone because God created every human being in his image and
Starting point is 01:18:21 has a purpose and plan for their life. And by the way, that beauty and plan began at the moment of conception. And so now we've created the circle. Jesus proved that because he entered human history as a fetus in the womb of Mary to, to really communicate how significant and beautiful human life is. Good thing he wasn't aborted. We're not just monkeys.
Starting point is 01:18:42 That's right. That's right. I talk about that a lot, by the way, when I preach in churches. Would Seth be willing to do a live call-in show where people can just call in? Dude, he thrives in that. Yeah, anytime.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Hey, this is – outside of the whole abortion thing, if you just want to see just a wonderful mind work, go to his Instagram account and just watch how he answers questions. It is a – he does not get caught up. It's fascinating. One of the questions that I saw recently that was fascinating. Well, first of all, we started the show by saying. You led that lady down that path of saying, well, what are the reasons to kill a baby? And she was agreeing, agreeing, agreeing. And then you're like, well, what if it's a girl?
Starting point is 01:19:21 Can you kill it just because it's a girl? And all of a sudden she had a problem with it. And what he does is he helps expose people's own um uh own lies in their head their own inability to think and so there's another lady at uc berkeley who's talking to him saying hey who are you to fucking make a decision on what's right for a woman and what's not right for a woman and he said hey i was a baby i was a womb. I get a vote too. And I'd never heard that before. I was like, holy shit. There it is.
Starting point is 01:19:48 There's Seth thinking clearly again. He's saying to you, you think it's just about women? Well, I was a baby and I could have been murdered. I'm on the other end of it. I was also, I lived in a womb. Sunil Matwani, is the morning after pill considered murder? So the morning after pill. Is that the plan B thing?
Starting point is 01:20:07 Yes. Thank you. God, I'm glad I'm old. Plan B is the same thing as the morning after pill. So that could cause an early abortion. Here's the very short answer. A conception can occur within, you know, 24 hours, 12 to 24 hours of sex. And so you don't know that, of course, though, right?
Starting point is 01:20:26 You don't know that conception has occurred when it occurs. And so if we believe that all human beings are equal in dignity, value, and a right to life, simply because they're humans, not because of their degree of development or their functions or capacities, because those all change and come in varying degrees, but simply because we're humans, then we have to protect the lives of all innocent human beings from the moment they become human. And the science is very clear. You become human at the moment of conception. And so when there's a likelihood or possibility that you could already be pregnant by the time the morning after pill begins to take effect, it is possible that it could cause an early abortion. So my analogy has always been like,
Starting point is 01:21:02 if I'm going to church and I'm dropping off my kids at, uh, at Sunday school or kids church, and they tell me, you know, every, every, every five years we have, we have one kid dropped dead and our kids church at our church, we don't know exactly why it happens or what causes it. Um, we're looking into it. We don't have an answer yet, but you know, that it's a, it's a pretty small ratio. So, you know, your kid will be fine. Yeah. Any parent would be like, what the hell? Later. So if you're pro-life and you acknowledge that we must – Ejaculate in a girl, you shouldn't take a pill. As soon as you ejaculate inside of a girl –
Starting point is 01:21:35 Yeah, if we must protect all innocent human beings, if there's a chance you could cause an innocent human being to die, then you shouldn't be – you shouldn't do that. You have to make the decision before the, you put the penis in the girl. Yeah. If you're a Christian, if you're going to stay true to the Christian faith. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:21:51 well, I actually, I would just, I know lots of atheist progressives who are pro-life activists. It's really interesting. Who, who agree with everything I'm saying about human life at the moment of conception,
Starting point is 01:22:02 protect all innocent human beings. Yeah. Yeah. And, but they're atheists. So like christianity bolsters that that belief but like i know i know non-christians who agree as well because they follow the science um there's there's two two things do you have time for two quick things sure go for it okay i want you to talk about roe versus wade but i but um there is a – there's something very powerful you say in here. Let me see. It's a Jane Fonda clip of her saying – oh, here it is.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Okay, let me show you guys this. There is a Taoist saying that if they lie for you, they'll lie to you. If they lie for you, they'll lie to you. You have to you have to remember that. And that's OK. That's fine. I have good friends who are liars and who are thieves and who are crooks. It's fine. I'm not saying that they don't they're not worthy of my friendship, but I'm aware of their behavior. Right. And this is this is a really important thing to remember about the whole abortion process. If you kill a baby, just think of the implications it says about this person. I want you to hear this. This is some crazy shit. This is from Seth Gruber official Instagram account. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Watching and protesting. What else do you suggest? Instagram account. Here we go. Watching and protesting. What else do you suggest? Well, it doesn't happen overnight. It's not a miraculous. What did you say? Murder. She's kidding. Wait a second. She's just kidding. Don't say that. Oh, you don't know. They'll pick up on that.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Yeah, that's the worst. She's just kidding. Well, let me talk to you about that. You know, I've long said that those who murder the unborn cannot be trusted to govern the born. And that those who murder the unborn will one day murder you too, if you dare stand in the way of their core sacrament. And Jane Fonda on The View, of course, the most garbage television show, just proves this point beautifully, persuasively, disturbingly. When she's asked about what women should do, given this post-Roe versus Wade society, she says, well, murder. And they all say, no, she's joking. Don't say that. They're going to pick it up and they're going to twist your words.
Starting point is 01:24:24 And then she gives this face like, am I? Am I kidding? You know, scripture talks about how bloodshed. I would never consider killing someone who's pro-choice or pro-life as an option for settling this dispute. Well, good for you. But like I said, you're not. And she's not joking, Seth. You're not joking.
Starting point is 01:24:49 You're not truly pro-abortion. But she's not joking. She's not joking. No, she's not. Can you imagine if Tucker Carlson, before he got fired by Fox, is the most successful viewed political pundit on mainstream television in American history. If he had said, you know, one of the solutions we need to consider for defeating these crazy leftists who are castrating children and murdering babies is to murder them. Can you imagine if he had said something like that? Talk about talk about a nationwide conversation, right? They always
Starting point is 01:25:21 talk about like, we need to have a conversation about this. I mean, like they would be calling for Tucker Carlson's head, He would have been fired in about two seconds. And then the left would use that as a broad way to condemn all conservatives and pro-lifers as domestic terrorists. But when Jane Fonda and the religious figures of the left on The View laugh about Jane Fonda saying, well, because by the way, what they asked her in that clip was, what should we do about some of these like oppressive pro-life laws that are being passed in different states? And that's when she goes murder. And they go, what did you say? She said murder. And they're like, don't say that. You're like, they're going to cut that up. And she just
Starting point is 01:25:58 kind of goes, huh? Like, I don't know. Am I joking? Like, this is why she's not joking. I know where you paused it. I said that bloodshed begets bloodshed. The Bible talks about this. Bloodshed begets bloodshed. We've been sowing bloodshed in the womb, and now we're reaping it in the streets. We've been sowing bloodshed in the womb, and now we're reaping it in the streets. shed in the womb and now we're reaping it in the streets. When you can rationalize and justify the slaughter of a baby, of an innocent human being, because they're defined as unwanted by society or unwanted by their parents, you can do anything. Mother Teresa said, if a mother can kill her own
Starting point is 01:26:40 unborn child, what is left for us but to kill one another? Mother Teresa also said, if abortion is not wrong, then nothing is wrong. So yes, the people who can rationalize this as reproductive justice, you know that's their new one, right? It's reproductive justice. The changing of words and the lies calling it health care, it's like it has nothing to do with health care. It's like saying I don't want my kids. I don't want my kids talk to about my six year old talk to about transgenderism. And all of a sudden I'm transphobic. It's like that's right.
Starting point is 01:27:15 That's right. They're saying that the right is passing 500 transphobic laws. I started digging into the laws. None of them are transphobic. That's a single one. Well, that means you're afraid of people who identify as transgender. Like they don't even use these words for what they mean anymore. Like what do they call people who are opposed to gay marriage and and children being legally
Starting point is 01:27:32 allowed to be two gay dudes being allowed to get a kid? They call us homophobic. I'm not afraid of gay people. Right. What do you do? I just think children have a right to their mother and their father or a mother and a father. Right. They could word it as your pro child. Yeah. Yeah. So they redefine everything.
Starting point is 01:27:55 But but maybe we'll we'll wrap up with this. This is nothing new. OK, this this this gradual dehumanization of political opponents or dissidents, those who dare stand against liberal orthodoxy or the liberal regime. Martin Niemöller, who was part of Bonhoeffer's confessing church in Germany, right, so these were the pastors who mobilized against Hitler. And Bonhoeffer, by the way, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's story that you should learn, he was actually, he was hung naked, murdered by the Nazis in April of 1945 because he was involved in a failed assassination attempt on Hitler. So him and others, the Valkyrie plot, they tried to murder Hitler. They failed. Bonhoeffer was charged for knowing about and being involved in the plot. And he was hung naked. They hung him naked on April 9th, 1945 at Flossenburg prison.
Starting point is 01:28:44 Days later, the Allied troops would liberate that POW camp. Bonhoeffer is one of my personal heroes and one of the heroes of the 20th century and of during the Third Reich and the Nazi regime. And you're going to know this quote probably I'm about to say, but you might not know that it was attributed to him. Martin E. Moeller, he woke up too late. In other words, he was one of these parents now who kind of defends the gay stuff and the trans stuff and the abortion stuff. And they go, hey, live and let live, right? Live and let live, tolerance, let each person kind of live their own truth. Martin E. Moeller was like that for a little bit in Germany. He wasn't fully aware or awakened to the threat that Hitler represented. And he kind of
Starting point is 01:29:25 wanted to work with, you know, with the Third Reich. And he actually had a meeting with Hitler and others. Maybe the Jews are a little dirty. Maybe the Jews are a little dirty in their own section of the town. Yeah. Martin E. Moeller, he kind of gave some ground to some of the anti-Semitism a little bit. And then he woke up. He woke up and he realized and he joined Bonhoeffer's confessing church. But it was too late. By the time he woke up, it was too late. He spent some time in a concentration camp. He survived the war. Okay. And later after the war, he famously penned these words. First, they came for the socialists and I did not speak up because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak up because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak
Starting point is 01:30:05 up because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up because I was not a Jew. And then they came for me. And there was no one left to speak up for me. I told you earlier, I was going to give you a truth bomb about the abortion pill and RU486. We can dive down that whole rabbit hole another time, but here's a short truth bomb. And the reason I'm saying this is to say the liberal establishment and the abortion industry are not so far disconnected from the Nazis. Oh, yeah. The same type of type of eugenics, eugenics philosophy. The abortion pill RU486.
Starting point is 01:30:49 OK, RU486, okay, RU486. The RU stands for Roussel-Uklof, Roussel-Uklof. It's a French company that invented the abortion pill. And then Bill Clinton brought it to America in the year 2000. Roussel-Uklo, R-U. That's where the R-U comes from in the title of the abortion pill, R-U-486. Roussel Uclof emerged from the breakup of a German chemical company. Sorry, Roussel Uclof has a majority shareholder named Hoechst AG. It's a German company, Hoechst AG. I think it's H-O-E-S-C-H-T. Hoechst. Hoechst AG is the shareholder, majority shareholder of Roussel Uclof. Hoechst AG emerged from the breakup of a German chemical company known as IG Farben. IG Farben is the company infamous for creating a cyanide gas known as Zyklon B. Zyklon B is the gas that was used to poison Jews in Nazi
Starting point is 01:31:48 concentration camps. So Hooks AG simply shifted from creating poison to murder Jews to creating the very poison to murder babies in the RU-486 abortion pill. It's the same company. I could do this with an hour for you, and maybe we'll do it another time. But it doesn't make you a conspiracy theorist to recognize that the leftism, secular progressivism, humanism, whatever you want to call it. It is in the same intellectual, philosophical and political tradition as eugenics and the Nazis. I'm convinced I scratched the surface on Margaret Sanger and I'm like, oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. We are in big fucking trouble with her.
Starting point is 01:32:29 What a mess. But the point is this to connect it back to Jane Fonda. Yeah, it does not make you a hysterical conspiracy theorist who's trying to rile people up into a frenzy to believe that that those who murder the unborn, you know what? They might also murder the born. unborn you know what they might also murder the born and you know what they they might actually take their revolutionary agenda against anyone who poses a threat to their political regime or stand against their agenda oh the socialists will uh stack bodies like cordwood they don't give a fuck who's the best gop presidential candidate to protect life yeah great question i mean i'm a political pragmatist and so like i will vote vote for the GOP candidate simply because they always are the only ones who stand a chance. Like, I'm not going to split the vote. But in terms of like who I believe and I trust would
Starting point is 01:33:25 probably make the abolition of abortion their highest political priority, because if you don't get the right to life right, you won't get any other rights right. And so the longer we delay the protection of the unborn, the sooner our own rights will actually be forfeit as well. And that's the truth bomb. I believe that. But I would say Ted Cruz has always taken the abolition of abortion pretty. What about Vivek? What about Vivek? Yeah, I don't. I've been following him. He's very smart. I think he speaks a little above the layperson's ability to understand him, but he's very sharp and bright. I believe he's pro-life, but I don't know if I've heard enough on like actually. So that's a deal breaker for you. His political solution. Well, I would never vote for a pro a pro-choice person ever no matter what so this is actually an interesting question
Starting point is 01:34:12 i if i had to um if i only had two choices right because politics is the art of the pos is the art of the possibles right like what's what are the possible solutions we have in a self-governing republic like you know whoever the candidate is let's say i don't like them it's at the end of the day in 2024 it's going to be them or the democrat candidate you know nominee uh and so like i'm a realist i'm a political pragmatist and like if i'm left with this really crappy choice let's just say for for reason, we get this like GOP nominee who's like super against big pharma, super for parental rights and education, right? All these great things, but then they're like pro-choice. I'm going to vote for that person when the only other option is the Democrat nominee who's going to continue to push and to try to enshrine abortion law
Starting point is 01:35:06 through point of birth, attack pro-lifers, let Merrick Garland, our attorney general, arrest pro-life sidewalk counselors, force religious institutions to fund abortion through subsidies through their health care plans. You know what I mean? I'm going to pick the crappy Republican who's going to do less damage than the absolute Marxist totalitarian Democrat nominee who's going to do way more damage. So just to like carry your thought experiment to like the conclusion you were looking for. No, I could vote for a pro-choice Republican when the only other solution is worse. But we're talking about like a really crappy situation, right, where it's like really is that the lesser those exist? Do you do pro do Republicans exist who are pro choice? Do those exist? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Oh, my gosh. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:35:48 plenty of pro choice Republicans at the at the state level. And even even some many in the House of Representatives at the federal level are pretty bad, too. But largely, the party will tend to align against the radical left when needed. And so like, we can still get a lot of good done with the Republican Party, even though I mean, like, I despise the GOP and so much of so many Republicans today are so spineless when it actually matters. So I'm no like political hack. You know, I just want the best candidate. But right now, I mean, yeah, Ron DeSantis is incredible. Trump, you got to give him credit. He overturned Roe v. Wade. Although I don't like what he was saying recently about how like DeSantis and some of the Republicans, he said they're being too
Starting point is 01:36:31 pro-life and it's going to hurt us at the ballot box. I didn't really like that statement. But you got to give the guy credit. He overturned Roe v. Wade through his three Supreme Court nominees. And they hate him. And we just arrested the political opposition. And we all know they would not have done what they're doing to him if he if he was not running. And we had peace and we had peace on Earth when Trump is president. So anyways, we're going off on a tangent now. But let me ask you this. I think DeSantis is doing really good stuff, and he seems to be pretty unapologetic about even the push for pro-life legislation in Florida that other Republican governors around the country haven't gone as far as him. So anyways. What happened to – do we know what happened to Biden and Obama in terms of the fact that they used to come out and say that they're against gay marriage and now they're letting trannies dance naked on the lawn at the White House? Good for you.
Starting point is 01:37:34 You've seen those clips, huh? Yeah. I don't understand how they changed so much without – We have clips of Obama. I mean I've changed a lot too, but why don't they – We have clips of Biden. We have clips of both Clintons. Yeah. We have clips of Chuck Schumer. We have clips of biden we have clips of both clintons yeah we have clips of chuck schumer we have clips of nancy pelosi we have we have old clips of all these people saying that marriage is a union between one man and one woman that why did they decided
Starting point is 01:37:56 they got enlightened they wake up every morning they walk outside they lick their finger they stick it up into the air and they see that and they see which way the wind is blowing now no i believe you think it's just like that you don't think they've evolved you don't think he's just like hey money power hungry grubbing politicians now there is a breed of politician we all know these kind of people um who are true revolutionary authentic um activists meaning like they have deep convictions. They're very wrong and dangerous. Who am I talking about? Uh, Bernie Sanders. Um, I'm talking about, um, actually, actually I think AOC, um, I think she's a true revolutionary. I think she actually believes the,
Starting point is 01:38:37 the crap that she's spouting and selling. Um, uh, the, the squad, which is crazy because she doesn't say anything. Remember the squad members? Um yeah what were their names anyways all all those dumb and dumber can't say anything yeah so there are some politicians who i believe have really deep convictions and they're they're actually they're very dangerous actually um but then there's the kind of politician that really just goes whichever way the wind blows they They want power. They want money. They want influence. They want respect. They want to be famous. Joe Biden has wanted to be president since he was a fetus, I'm convinced. I mean, the guy was one of the youngest members to enter the Senate. I think it was like 30 or 31. Did you know he's been in American politics for 50 years? Do you know that? He's been, I mean, geez, Louise, the guy has wanted to be president his entire life.
Starting point is 01:39:25 Now he is. Why would he give that upper step aside even when he has obvious dementia and should just be enjoying his last few years with his family? Why? Because he's wanted to be president his entire life. He wants power. So, yeah, a lot of politicians, I think Americans kind of have to realize this and wake up to this. A lot of the Democrat politicians that they really love and respect and are almost like saints to them. You remember the religious veneration that Obama received for so many years? Many of them are just power hungry, money grabbing politicians. And those clips kind of prove that, don't they? The Internet's forever. Thank you, Internet. It's like here they are
Starting point is 01:39:59 sounding like a conservative Christian. Fast forward. Here they are looking like a Marxist revolutionary. Yeah, I don't know what happened. I wish they would explain. Here they are looking like a Marxist revolutionary. Yeah, I don't know what happened. I wish they would explain. If they could explain their evolution of thought, it would be helpful. Like, hey, they never will. Right. Because because then then they'd have to be admitting I change my political opinions based off of where the culture is going so I can keep getting votes and keep getting my campaign funded. Anyway, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, you're always welcome on the show. As soon as the algorithm, you just sent me back two years and I'll be back on again. Well, you're very kind, man. I appreciate you. Thanks for reaching out.
Starting point is 01:40:38 You're a wonderful mind. You have wonderful clarity. You're a wonderful mind. Yeah. Thank you. I enjoy our conversations and maybe we'll do it in person one day when I'm in California. But I'll send you this undisputed historical facts of the resurrection. And then if you ever want to just pick the brain of someone and challenge someone and play devil's advocate and push and argue with a friend of mine, whose entire career ministry is to defend Christianity. Um, just text me and I'll make an intro and they'd love to come on, but I appreciate your clarity and your honesty and your hunger for the truth. So awesome. Thanks. It means a lot to me. All right. Go have fun skating. All right, brother. Yeah. You know, bye. Bye. Okay. Fucking Trish. I saw what you said in there. Dig that dig that shit out trish who do you want me to
Starting point is 01:41:28 have on uh heidi uh heidi will be sending birthday nudes no not that he only has people on from the hard right who do you want me to have on what what lefty fucker do you want to have on to tell me send me a dm Send me their Instagram account. I love him. He was a little on fire today. It was a little much for me to handle today because I wanted to direct the conversation more. But I really enjoy listening to him. He's just such a clear thinker i don't i but i can't make the leap with him to faith to to to what he calls faith i can make the leap to my own faith i don't need to uh i don't none of that stuff matters to
Starting point is 01:42:18 me that they found jesus's tomb or none that none or or um i see what he's trying to do, the iPhone thing. But that doesn't work on me. So what if 100 people saw him? When I had long hair and I was 20, people thought I was Jesus. They'd be like, oh like oh again what the fuck um trying to figure out what i'm gonna do now they did not find jesus's tomb oh well he says they did. But either way, it doesn't matter to me. That's not a – that does nothing to me. That does nothing for me.
Starting point is 01:43:16 Renata Novantana. Who will have Dave on first, Sevan or Talking League Fitness? I appreciate the question. I was going to say something mean, but I respect you. or talking to me fitness? I appreciate the question. I was going to say something mean, but I respect you. I feel like a king right now. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 01:43:38 I was so excited about that show yesterday. I'm so excited about Friday's show. I'm going to go look at the numbers right now. Jerk myself off a little bit. On yesterday's show I did with John Young and Tyler Watkins and who else was on there? Oh shit, yeah, of course this show has already been flagged. Of course it has been. We didn't even say anything crazy.
Starting point is 01:44:03 Does anyone think we said anything crazy? Yeah, wow. Yesterday's show is massive already. What a title. Dave is back and all of a sudden everyone wants to listen. Oh my goodness. I did listen to, I listened to that. Did you guys listen to that around the horn show? Um,
Starting point is 01:44:30 Lauren has a show on talking elite fitness where there were a bunch of people on it and it was Kotler and, um, Kalipa and, um, that dude that she always does stuff with the blonde haired dude, big dude. I can't remember his name. And there was someone else on there. Kim Paulson. So Tim Paulson, Jason, another morning chalk up guy and Justin Collar. I thought that was pretty good. I thought that was, I thought that was pretty cool. The whole different perspectives.
Starting point is 01:44:57 It was interesting. Collar's perspective. Like, cause he's got just like, he's pretty my optic. He's got the myopic myopic. He's got the, you know the hundred foot view and then jason jason's done it all he's been the affiliate relationship owner with dave the athlete with dave just all the different relationships with dave and uh jason added some good perspective to it dude jason and dave have had a fucking tumultuous relationship
Starting point is 01:45:20 well what's crazy too is lauren asked all three of those guys, the question, like, what do you think about what's going on? And didn't ask Jason. And then Jason came circled back and answered. He's like, hold on. I want to answer that shit. And he's the most knowledgeable out of the bunch. It was cool to hear what Tim and Kotler and the other dude said, but, um, uh, Jason's was the most relevant and they almost fucked up and um they almost fucked up and didn't ask jason that would have been a huge mistake good good on jason for circling back and adding like a really big uh big view that was important and um then i watched the show the show later by the way which i which i recommend that first show i do not recommend the show with uh lauren and tommy and sean and brian after that show was fucking horrible absolutely horrible my goodness uh i i
Starting point is 01:46:15 don't like talk i don't like talk um there was this where you just accept presuppositions. I think it was Lorne just kept hammering the point of all of these presuppositions about Dave that maybe he was closed-minded or didn't accept change or wasn't open to feedback or all this shit over and over and over without giving us one fucking example. At some point, it just becomes slander. It's that woke fucking morning talk-up shit. Hey, dude, don't tell me someone's an asshole. Tell me that they fucking threw a rock through a fucking window of a pregnant woman's house.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Like, I need to know. God, that show was horrible. That was the ass show. My God, that was embarrassing. I was embarrassed for Brian. I was embarrassed for all of them. I was embarrassed. They're all, when those four are in their portals
Starting point is 01:47:06 of where they should exist in their capabilities, they're fucking all superstars. Tommy, Sean, Lauren, and Brian. But man, that show was fucking an embarrassment. That was horrible. They should pull that show down, a matter of fact. I wonder how many views that has. That is a mess.
Starting point is 01:47:25 But the one with Jason, Lauren's great at just asking questions and pushing the show forward i like that ask questions push the show forward and brian needs to be in a place where he can talk let brian talk for like he can't be in there sharing his opinion with those other guys so those guys just the fucking let brian talk brian's great at talking just give him fucking he needs windows segments to talk for like three to five minutes at a time so anyway that i i think i'm spot on with that don't don't make me accept premises i need examples dave was closed-minded he got feedback from 32 athletes and blah blah blah Dave was closed-minded. He got feedback from 32 athletes and blah, blah, blah. And then he didn't – they told him they didn't want the climbing wall, and he still put it in there.
Starting point is 01:48:14 And so then we as the viewer can be like, okay, he's listening or fuck the athletes. Like we can decide. I don't need someone to tell me that he's closed-minded. Fucking insanity. It's just shitty reporting. it's not even reporting it's like almost like hey dude you guys already lauren already hit it out of the park with fucking paulson kalipa kotler and the other dude like why did you guys even go on ding dongs uh trish i love hillar but i don't think that cross is looking directly at him i think there's a sea change that is inevitable. Anyone with above average intelligence knew that thing had to circle back.
Starting point is 01:48:55 Hiller's been kind of beating that drum for two years though, since he came, or a year, since he came on the scene. Making connections to videos he made that he thinks have affected change at first i thought it was kind of weird now i'm used to it now first i was like geez you really want credit for that but but now i just i i accept it i think it's fun it's funny i don't agree with this
Starting point is 01:49:25 Tommy and Sean need to get the fuck out And let Lauren and Brian run the show I think that I think Lauren and Brian Should do their I think they would do a great show She asked questions and he just pushed forward And she just kept pressing forward
Starting point is 01:49:40 And I like all this stuff I think think tommy and sean do great also but just the four of them together yesterday was just atrocious fucking atrocious there's a point there where sean was talking about fucking uh justin's uh vision and not sure if dave has vision as a cohesive the games being a cohesive unit with the rest of the company and being able to work well with the rest of the company I was like holy shit dude
Starting point is 01:50:14 they give a fucking example of why you think that uh Sevan's chat proves that there was more organic grassroots frustration building up over the past three years. I, um,
Starting point is 01:50:34 watch the one, uh, Alison, if you're going to watch one, watch the one with Lauren, uh, interviewing the four, uh,
Starting point is 01:50:38 people that would, that one was actually good. Even though Kotler got under my skin, like I, I, I like him. Like it was, it was it was a you know he's he's adding a perspective to it i don't and i have my own bias too i don't give so
Starting point is 01:50:53 much a fuck about the like the athletes and the way these other people do or the concern about like people being notified or important comms i don't give a fuck like i watch ufc and they're not like telling me before the event that they change the size of the ring or which they do you know what i mean or or that that all of a sudden the monster energy drink logo is on the bottom and it's green and they should have told the athletes that because some athletes have an aversion to green and just like fuck off get the fuck out there and run that's like it's more how i feel and i and i like I don't watch the weigh-ins if it's not Dana White doing it and I just want Dave to go out there and just be Dave and I know he cares like a lot Justin probably cared a lot too I know Adrian cares a lot like they don't take this
Starting point is 01:51:37 thing and so I just want to just see him go out there and just be a dick and get shit done. Get in the gate. Close the gate. Three, two, one, go. I don't know what this means, Gazan, but I love Gazan. So. Cornholio, I continued to watch to see how bad it would get not disappointed yeah it was it was a train wreck it was actually a little bit embarrassing for me to watch
Starting point is 01:52:11 especially because they hit that first one out of the park but maybe just a bad show maybe just like hey you guys had one bad show. And, you know, the thing is, too, is like everyone has their own thing, right? Like clearly Hamilton Road and Talking Elite Fitness want to be organized. Like they're going for a certain look. They want to be organized. Brian Spinn wants to be fast right so if you want like you go to go to Instagram go to barbell spin open it up and click the bell and do instant notifications he's that's the account you want
Starting point is 01:52:54 immediate information from because he's he's he knows everyone and everything and he's going to be getting information to you fast talking elite fitness is organized clean interviews like more of that ESPN look Brian I guess we'll see what Brian is going to be doing but his is just like analysis like just reading his shit is just analysis morning chalk
Starting point is 01:53:20 up who the fuck just schlock CrossFit games media is just like fuck can I keep my job? Like everyone has their spot, right? And so Morning Chalk Up or Talking League Fitness isn't – those people there aren't designed to speculate. That's the Sevan Matosian show. That's the Sevan podcast. So you got Sean and Tommy and Lauren and Brian's a little more flexible, but they kind of got their notes in the air.
Starting point is 01:53:48 They're the journalists, and they must do the adequate investigating and curating and aggregating and vetting. And so they put themselves in a situation where they couldn't succeed. themselves in a situation where they couldn't succeed like just like you know like me and john and uh who else was on the show me john tyler suza like we're fucking we're made to speculate and talk shit and throw shit we're monkeys those guys aren't they have their collared shirts on and stuff they're very i guess our correspondents in eastern Europe are. So they were just out of their lane. I think that's what happened. So that was it. They got out of their lane.
Starting point is 01:54:35 They got excited. They wanted to do a show. They got out of their lane. And I guess they could learn. They could drop the rules that they put up about themselves and kind of you know get a little get uh have a little more fun i don't know if that spends any of their equity though right they're the equity that they're trying to build of being whatever image they're trying to give off then if they start doing the speculation shit um i don't know it was pretty funny that they kind of had that rule
Starting point is 01:55:06 there was like some show like we don't know what's going on and we shouldn't speculate and then speculate oh shit Seth already sent me the 12 facts that prove the resurrection this doesn't prove anything to me hmm I'll give it a whirl though I appreciate him sending it to me
Starting point is 01:55:40 Sunday became the primary day of worship how is that one of the facts that proved the resurrection? Tomb was empty a few days later. Oh, really? Oh, really, Trish? Oh, really? It's like that? Oh, now you're
Starting point is 01:56:08 back in the game. I don't trust his facts after he presented a misunderstanding as fact. Oh, Seth? Dude, he's a lot of information. He's a hose, a big fire hose of information.
Starting point is 01:56:28 I'm ready to be converted. Christian Kettler, there's no selfie with Jesus on the cross. I wanted to ask him some other shit. Like, what was Jesus like as a kid? Do you think he ever, like, cock-swabbed someone's shit? Like, you know what I mean, as a joke? Or, like, you know, never mean as a joke or like you know never he never cock swabbed oh darwin never recanted his work i started to look that up is that true i started to look that up recanted yeah I agree well said
Starting point is 01:57:08 well said clock he didn't present it as fact Trish has really changed his sentiment his behavior Trish must be off his meds he's acting like a dude now he used to act like an old lady uh travis there's a show on uh talking elite fitness i can pull it i can show you hold on with uh that lauren khalil um
Starting point is 01:57:41 posted it's fucking good. I liked it. I didn't like it, and that's why I liked it. When I watched it, I was getting all fucking pissed and shit. But it actually is a good show. And when I reflect on it. When I reflect on it. This one here. Dave Castro replaces...
Starting point is 01:58:04 Oh, that's the guy. What's that guy's name? Oh, Dex. This one here. Dave Castro replaces... Oh, that's the guy. What's that guy's name? Oh, Dex. Dex Hopkins. This show with 19 hours to go watch. This show, if you want to fucking revisit Morning Chalk Up Schlock, watch this. T-E-F-2-5-2.
Starting point is 01:58:21 That is just horrible. But this show is good. Dave Castro replaces Justin Berger's leader of CrossFit sports team. Oh, man. I don't want to get started again talking about why that show was so fucked up. He can stand presupposition they can't stand you telling me bad stuff about someone without telling me what they did she's not like an asshole
Starting point is 01:58:53 uh bailey walker he presents self-serving facts but ignores facts that are against his point he just talks confidently so people think he must be telling the truth. He hasn't very – I don't know if he – it's interesting you say that. I'm not sure if I agree with you there, but he has a veneer about him that's very interesting. I can't – I have lots of thoughts on it about his veneer, how he presents. He's a fascinating person. I should do a show where I don't talk about abortion at all and just ask him about him he's a fascinating human being
Starting point is 01:59:34 huge influence from his mom I remember in the first show he talked about that oh this is some shallow shit. I'll watch Amanda Hari's video instead. She's a lot more pretty to look at. Who, than me? What you talking about? Allison NYC.
Starting point is 01:59:58 Interesting equals obnoxious, the smiling and laughing. That might be a protection mechanism because he's just bombed so much i mean he i mean he that dude wakes up in the morning just steps into the fucking crossfire right dude his favorite topics are where you were before you were born where you go after you die and killing babies i don't know if favorite's the right word but he's an expert in those things he's he's rehearsed he's polished in those in that discussion and it's uh
Starting point is 02:00:32 that's a that's a fuck that's a fuck ton to take on i just come over here and hang out with you guys wait for hillar to come on and save the show I just come over here and hang out with you guys. Wait for Hiller to come on and save the show. Dude, if you really are drunk... By the way, that's Dr. Ruth Westheimer in Savant's Therapist's Picture, who I was a huge fan of as a young man. I loved listening to her show. I used to listen to it.
Starting point is 02:01:04 I used to bring a radio into my bed. She was on an AM radio station, and I would listen to her show. I used to listen to it. I used to bring a radio into my bed. She was on an AM radio station, and I would listen to it. I'm drunk and naked, and it's only 11 AM. Oh, I like that Dex dude. Dex is hard to take. I liked him. I like him. I'm glad we agreed.
Starting point is 02:01:24 He collars a giant pussy. I'm not agreeing with that. I'm not agreeing with. Collar is a giant pussy. I'm not agreeing with that. I'm not agreeing with that. Hey, listen. He. I don't know. Why can't you just. I mean, dude, I'm a fucking Dave loyalist to the fucking like.
Starting point is 02:01:40 Nth degree, but. I respect the fact that he's um he's singularly focused on oh right oh that was intense i appreciate the fact he's singularly focused on uh protecting his athletes what he thinks is best for his athletes even though he's wrong he's wrong on it what is dave is what's best for them if you want the sport to grow dave's the guy i'm telling you there's no doubt uh seth is unapologetically anti-abortion why can't he just be why does it have to be anti-abortion it's not something that i'm used to seeing i admire his commitment i learned a lot yeah i'm not used to seeing it either and it's cool because it's something that people don't want to talk about. Hey, if someone's like completely pro-abortion, like they're a full baby killer and they want to come on the show, I'd be more than happy to have them come on the show, by the way.
Starting point is 02:02:48 isn't it crazy like you would think that if you were pro-life that it's a valid thought to want to kill pro-choicers because they kill babies you think it's about like if someone was like hey this year i'm going to kill 800,000 babies in the united states you would think well i got to kill that person right but for some reason it's not like that it's the other way around it's the people who are killing the 800,000 babies that are willing to kill the people who are trying to stop it. Because why? Because they're killers. That's what they do. That's how they handle shit. It's fascinating. I do not. I don't scratch my butt. I never scratched the Cheerio. But if I did, I probably would smell my finger that's true trish oh trish i admire the taliban's commitment to their values wow wow i see what you did there
Starting point is 02:03:34 okay so you think you think oh here we go here we go oh this is going to be good this is a caller we've never had before hold on hold on Hold on one second. Let me I don't have the phone. Oh, good. How are you? backward for the CrossFit scene because Dave is so alienating and has iced out so many people that his presence coming back could continue to alienate some of the people closest to CrossFit the way that he would you know play favorites perhaps I was wondering what you thought about Dave's communication how it affects uh the next chapter or if who's going to do anything different in the way that he interacts with the athletes and um police uh it will alienate i would love an example of that but it will alienate people who want to sit around and talk about um things that are just complete
Starting point is 02:04:40 horseshit like and and it will uh invigorate and attract people who want to work hard and grow the sport and that is that is a uh not just my opinion that's fact i've oh you hung up on me i've seen that people who want to work hard and get shit done people who want to get back on espn get back to the road to the games. Get back to the behind the scenes. Get back to the Netflix big exposure for the movies. Those are the people who are going to be attracted today because they know shit gets done. People who want to be proud of crowning the fittest. They want to be able to stand behind the brand because they know it's fucking strong the people who know that CrossFit makes the strongest
Starting point is 02:05:30 mamas and papas in the world that it's good for your kids that it's a place for families those are the people he's going to fucking attract he's going to reinvigorate the people that get alienated by that, who cares? He's not going to make a stand on fucking abortion.
Starting point is 02:06:01 People who get alienated by the fact that he has a TDC hunts Instagram account where he he shoots guns like fuck those people. Who cares? Does not matter that. And hey, that's going to be that's what's going to be so valuable about him. And hey, that's what's going to be so valuable about him. He is going to be able to distinguish between what's important and what's not to move the sport forward. He's not going to be spread and be like, I'm listening to you. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 02:06:37 If he does do that, I cannot picture Dave doing that. But if he does try to do that, pick up that man. At some point, the leadership is going to have to decide. Do they want this thing to fucking explode like the ufc has with a strong fucking leader or do they want to pussyfoot around and try to appease everyone you you can't do it you're not gonna you're you're not gonna be able to do that you're gonna just fucking fumble the ball he he's gonna stand for some shit and it's gonna be like it's gonna be integrity and honesty and whether you it's going to be the kind of thing it's like whether you like him or not you're going to be like well there's integrity and honesty and you're going to see that transcends your concern whether the fucking sled should have been
Starting point is 02:07:14 200 pounds or 100 pounds or whether the girl should have gone first in the final heater the men should have gone you're gonna or whether there's enough fucking hispanics in there or fucking enough uh you know you you're not going to, the people who really give a shit aren't going to care about that. They're going to be like, wow, he has integrity and values, and we know what's going on. Dave is very black and white. There will be no question or confusion about his vision and direction,
Starting point is 02:07:38 exactly what CF fucking needs, and they became the next Titanic submarine. Yeah, that is, there won't be any confusion. You're right. He's not going to try to be like, okay, I'm going to try to fit everyone in here and then fucking every, and then it'd be fucking the whole thing fall apart.
Starting point is 02:07:56 It's not going to be like that. It's going to be, it's going to, I'm guessing, I'm guessing if it's the old Dave, maybe he got soft and turned into a pussy or maybe he's going to be like pushed around by those by corporate douchebags who knows but i think at the end of the day whoever bought the company is like realizing oh fuck we're gonna have to fucking buckle down and take the ufc route this isn't um this isn't gonna go the way of uh the n the NBA or the NFL where you can just
Starting point is 02:08:27 straight fucking be racist, fucking pieces of shit. And, and it succeed. It's not going to get the cross is not going to work like that. It's too, it's too little. It's too,
Starting point is 02:08:39 it's, it's going to need, it's going to need, it still needs to be, um, it can sink still. It can still still go under it can go away i know some people don't think it can but it can't and especially with the fucking way the economy is right now the economy is fucked the economy is fucked i'm very curious what's going to happen with sponsorship. There's something very, very, very, very important that you guys either know or should know. They have to have a fucking clothing sponsor.
Starting point is 02:09:13 They have to have a Reebok or a Nike or a Noble. They have to or else the whole thing changes overnight. And with Noble fucking circling the bowl. Noble, Noble, Noble. overnight and with noble fucking circling the bowl noble noble noble with noble uh circling the bowl uh man the games will be a weird fucking creature uh tear tears mom and pop company i think tears like a 30 million dollar company but man someone's got to be able to print all those shirts someone get the shoes someone's I think Tears is like a $30 million company. But man, someone's got to be able to print all those shirts. Someone's got to get the shoes.
Starting point is 02:09:55 Someone's got to have the infrastructure in place to get all that clothing shit and all that shit organized. Born primitive? Born primitive clothes, your shoes victos victos that's the thing you're concerned about the influence of private equity yeah they're gonna have to
Starting point is 02:10:14 sack it up they're gonna have to be like if they don't sack it up they're gonna fucking lose it they're gonna have to fucking sack it up and be like okay we're gonna let the seal
Starting point is 02:10:23 run this shit and then Dave's gonna have to have the balls to do it to try not to to to pussyfoot around he's gonna have to have the balls to do it and they're gonna have to let him do it he's gonna have to tell people to fuck off and stuff that will galvanize that will galvanize the base the majority of people want that. I'm telling you. The majority of people want that. And the truth is what the athletes say and their coaches say is the least irrelevant, least important.
Starting point is 02:10:59 Absolutely least. It's like that dumb shit when people say, safety first. Our biggest priority is safety. Like, what? Event number one at the CrossFit Games, the cotton ball toss. In this event, we have chosen cotton balls
Starting point is 02:11:18 so that no one will get hurt. It's like just... Yeah, Dave won't do any idiot talk like that. Yeah, when we push human we're not trying to hurt anyone but when we push human beings to their absolute fucking limit the chances of people getting hurt increase
Starting point is 02:11:37 I mean Greg said that you increase cardiovascular capacity and you are automatically putting yourself in risk of orthopedic calamity. Yeah. Cock and ball toss. I like that. Cock and balls.
Starting point is 02:11:51 And so, and so you're going to have the CrossFit games and you're going to have fucking the, the, the, the PZFZ, that thing that I'm not Fraser. Who's the other F guy?
Starting point is 02:12:04 Fikowski is in charge of. He's like, well, we're concerned that the net is too high. Shut the fuck up and get over the net. I don't think Fikowski really said that, by the way. We just need Dave. Like, hey, you don't want to do this event? Don't do this event. and then the thing that happened to Pat Panchik
Starting point is 02:12:30 Scott Panchik he wanted the fucking ropes cut and they didn't cut the ropes I think Dave would have just told him cut the fucking ropes Dave's the kind of person when we're about to go live on ESPN and something's not right he's like no this is going to be right
Starting point is 02:12:49 so Pat Panchik Scott Panchik Scott Saxon and Spencer no help today huh just hanging out to see if I get any help Spencer. No help today, huh? I was hanging out to see if I could get any help. I guess someone called.
Starting point is 02:13:16 And hung up, got disconnected. You know who's coming on tomorrow? Greg Glassman's coming on tomorrow. Oh, Greggy. I think Greg's going to start coming on once a week. Oh, Greggy. I think Greg's going to start coming on once a week. Oh, Nelly. Yeah, it'll be fun. I want to beg.
Starting point is 02:13:40 I'll see if I'll text Dave as soon as this is over and see if he'll come on the show Friday. The Friday evening CrossFit Games update show. See if he'll come on. Not for long. Five minutes. Five minutes. Yeah. Colton. Colton rolling in that paper street dough. I want to know.
Starting point is 02:13:59 Ask Colton what he thinks about Dave coming back. He probably gives two fucks. Because he just wants to win. And at the end of the day, that's the sentiment. Fuck it. You know what I'm going to do? Before I go,
Starting point is 02:14:21 I'm going to play this. Here we go. I don't know if i've played this before but i had a bunch of clips ready for the seth gruber show but fucking seth seth monopolized the time here you did and your lanyard's still on from it and there's a photograph on it what is that it's a photograph of a baby's ultrasound. Why is that? And then you designed that? Yes. Why? What does that mean?
Starting point is 02:14:48 It just represents life and pro-life. Boy, so you wear it on a badge. What kind of response to you? And I agree. I don't care about people's responses. I care about the fact that there's more black babies being aborted than born in new york city at this point that 50 of black death in america is abortion so i really don't care about people's responses i perform for an audience of one and that's god just landed in your lanyard still i perform for an audience of one and that's
Starting point is 02:15:19 god hey travis uh travis oh vindicate i need to call Travis. You know, you guys, Travis made this backdrop for me. Oh. Shit. Why? How do I make it so you guys can see what's in the background? What button do I push here? Yeah, that's good, right? this one i wonder if i stopped playing the banner oh shit i need it i need it so you can see the sponsors i need so you can see paper street
Starting point is 02:16:03 coffee and uh california peptides um well peptides work for back pain dude they have peptides for You can see the sponsors. I need to say you can see Paper Street Coffee and California Peptides. Will peptides work for back pain? Dude, they have peptides for everything. I'm going to have a peptides expert on very soon. And he's going to come on. Him and Hiller are going to come on. We're going to talk about peptides. And that website supposedly is up, California Peptides.
Starting point is 02:16:20 You can just go on there and order peptides. Oh, yeah, shit, it's up. Here, here we go. They got peptides for fucking everything. Look it. That's the one I need to take. BPC157.
Starting point is 02:16:48 Hiller said he would help me inject that on air. Available on subscription. You can subscribe to it. This is crazy. Yeah, just start researching peptides. I'll have an expert on, and then you just go to this website. Here, I'll put the link in the chat. Order away.
Starting point is 02:17:14 I think if you use code word 7-1, you get free shipping. I don't know if that's true, but I think it's true. And I don't know. I'm sure there's one that's for your back. You can buy one time, or you can subscribe oh here we go Mike Poolboy I use peptides for my giant cock syndrome it helps shrink it to a normal size
Starting point is 02:17:33 thank god for California hormones there you go it's why is that girl laughing and smiling at that guy? What does she know? That's a trippy photo, right? No doctor required for peptides.
Starting point is 02:17:55 Why can't they be in pill form? I think that there are... No, you're right. Liquid. Here's some powder. Hey, Ken, why can't you snort them? Why can't I snort it? They have 25 peptides.
Starting point is 02:18:19 Sort by price. I just want the most expensive one. I want that one one whatever that is yeah hillar said that if i shot that shit into my fucking bicep it would help do that whatever that veiny that that that wire is that tendon that ligament do you know how many times i've said it's my fucking bicep and people keep fucking sending me dms saying hey i can help you fix your elbow listen you jerk off it's not my fucking elbow never said it was my elbow okay so we saw kan, what he thinks about abortion.
Starting point is 02:19:05 He doesn't like, he specifically doesn't like black babies dying. I wanted to ask him what the profile is of an abortion doctor, if there's like a, there's a profile for it. all right oh shit uh bailey walker i listen every day and literally just thought it was your elbow okay okay fine i'm a bad communicator i apologize when i'm i've been bitching been a whiny little bitch about my bicep not my elbow i apologize for those of you who were praying for my elbow please no wonder my elbow's been feeling so good oh shit here we go bicep bone connected to the elbow bone get the fuck out of here with that, Eric.
Starting point is 02:20:05 No, no bicep tear. Or maybe. Lowering. I was lowering a 70-pound dumbbell. Thank you, Jessica. Yeah. Thank you. Hiller was the elbow. Savon was the bicep. Yeah. Truth. Savy saw a doctor and they told him to drink canola oil that is the truth all right i'm feeling my nipples that means i gotta go uh
Starting point is 02:20:44 oh jiu-Jitsu instructors here. All right. Okay. See you guys tomorrow. Unless something crazy happens today. Right? Like what if someone else gets fired? Then I'll see you very soon
Starting point is 02:21:05 okay

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