The Sevan Podcast - Shadow Ban is back | Live call in SHOW w/ Hunter McIntyre #997

Episode Date: August 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Better p.m. with alerts. Voila. I won't be getting carried away and staying out till 2. That's stop loss orders on Kraken. An easy way to plan ahead. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Listen in the chat. Bam, we're live. Audrey, good morning. Coach Ken, good morning. When I first started getting shadow banned on Instagram, I didn't realize that people thought I was making that up. I didn't realize that saying you were shadow banned
Starting point is 00:01:15 was like a conspiracy theory, like something that conspiracy theorists say that only right-wing wingnuts say. And then, look at it wow yeah i'm watching the numbers right now this is so crazy what youtube has done to us anyway eventually eventually more and more people started being like hey dude you're shadow ban and the most obvious thing that everyone would see is if you try to tag me in anything in instagram my name wouldn't be highlighted.
Starting point is 00:01:45 It would be gray. Or you'd have to type out Sevan Matosian, the whole thing, in order to find my account. But also, every day I was receiving screenshots from people who would try to follow me on Instagram saying, are you sure you want to follow this account? This person puts a lot of misinformation out. And it was just constant like that um and it would be really funny when people would be like oh my god shadow ban is real like dude i've been shadow banned for two fucking years or people would try to tell me the shadow ban was over because they could see my stories again hey you guys see that number up there 56 we haven't seen a number that
Starting point is 00:02:21 low and yesterday's show we saw uh 30 we haven't seen numbers that low in two years and uh yesterday two people immediately told me one of them being including my wife hey we can't find your live show right when we went live my wife obviously watches it every morning or puts it on and then two people in the chat yesterday said that they've been unsubscribed to our YouTube channel. And what we think it is, is the two videos we made two clips. Hey, go on. We made, we made two,
Starting point is 00:02:55 we made two clips from a show where the discussion was about Navy SEAL reading hour. You know, at the library, you know how like they'll bring in these men who've served their country and they read to kids the navy you guys have that right maybe still reading hour it honestly sounds like you they have an hour for themselves to read to like learn how to read that's what it sounds like because you know they're not it is it is if you're a child and you want to come watch a navy SEAL learn how to read, Dave Castro will be at the Watsonville Airport tomorrow. Dave Castro will be at the Watsonville Library tomorrow between three and four, and you can watch him learn how to read. Anyway, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I, yeah, look at Sarah Cooper. No notification for the show. Incredible. Dick Butter, nice howitzers, Caleb. Bam. Arrested, no license. Audrey, I want a beaver to read to me before bed. Doesn't everyone want a beaver?
Starting point is 00:04:01 Nice, nice beaver before bed. How do I unsubscribe uh don't worry about that yeah just subscribe god it's so bizarre i cannot i cannot believe that that happened yeah look there's already more people on this show than there was yesterday so but i still i still haven't seen 88 like when it drops below 100 i i'm like wow it's so rare like 96 would be really low and yet this thing won't get over 93 what a trip what a trip that they're doing this uh john williams a shadow banning uh due to election season here we go again no shit is that it i did see i saw a a ridiculous headline a pretty funny headline uh and someone was saying
Starting point is 00:04:50 that's because of election season two where they're going to start telling you who's killing who based on race so the headline is going to be two white men kill you know six black people like they're saying that that's coming that's coming gonna come big time in the media i wonder if that's true they need the divide yeah they need the divide wow wow wow wow um i do want to uh mention to you guys on september 30th i will be um filming at uh craig howard's gym Pleasanton, California. I do also believe that Mr. Sousa will be there also. And I don't even know what the name of the seminar is exactly called, but it is a coach's course, not different in its spirit than the kids course that CrossFit does or the master's course that they used to do, which my mom said was even as good or better than the level one, the master's course. And this course is specifically designed on how to work with large-bodied human beings. There it is. I got it right. Working with large bodies.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I don't think they mean tall either. And if you're short, don't feel offended either. You could design a
Starting point is 00:06:22 program that's for small-bodied individuals, which would be code for anorexic. Anyway, I am very excited about this. We all know that this country, the world, is eating more and more and more and more shitty food. And our lifestyles have made it so that human beings are carrying around more weight than ever. Even just that two-year lockdown we did, the average American put on 29 pounds. Don't even worry about that weight. Worry about the fact of what that's going to do to your health, your joints, your fucking cardiovascular system, all that shit.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Just not not your brain. Mike Halpin points out that President Trump would also be a good can't if you if you were to work with the president of the United States before you did coach the president of the United States at six, three, two, fifteen, six, two, fifteen. He's like two seventy, right? It was two fifteen. Some say more than 215 it's 215 um good lord uh i keep thinking i'm five five but i really gotta measure myself again because i heard colton say on the show the other day that he's five four there's no way i will lie though i i i thought i was a secure man i will not say i'm five four there's no way
Starting point is 00:07:46 don't you do it do i look five four caleb and you stand next to me do i seem five four you're honest no i think five five five six is probably a reasonable guess thank you you get to stay uh i i am i am very excited to go there and film the seminar I enjoy doing that I enjoy being in that environment we'll be filming all the lectures anyone who's there who's willing to talk to us
Starting point is 00:08:14 who tells us why they took the course what they think about the course and at the end what they got out of it and then that'll be our gift and our participation to my dear friend, Athena Perez, in the Scaled Nation community. And I'm just pumped for it.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I'm pumped for it. And I really enjoy doing it. I knew she was going to be in the area. It's a good excuse to go up there and see her. And I feel like I'm myself when I'm doing that. So it's good. And I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot. So there we go. Also, the Two Brain Business Survey, Chris Cooper. Two Brain is the largest gym consulting company in the world. Comes out of Canada, extremely successful, tons. Actually, in all the years I've been around,
Starting point is 00:09:05 I have never heard anything negative about two brain, not, not even once. And every year they put out what's called the state of the industry report. They are now taking information from affiliate and gym owners around the world to put together that beautiful state of the industry report. They do. I don't have it here with me. It's back at the main studio. There's a link to brain business survey link. I don't have it here with me. It's back at the main studio. There's a link to Brain Business Survey
Starting point is 00:09:27 link. Do we put that in the show notes? Do we have show notes? If you go back to old... If you're an affiliate owner or you own a gym, it would be great if you could take the survey and participate in it. It's easy. It's harmless. It takes just a couple minutes.
Starting point is 00:09:44 You took it? Yeah, I took it. Because takes just a couple minutes. You took it? Yeah, I took it. Because you're a gym owner? Because I'm a gym owner. Okay. And I'm participating in the survey, of course. All right, you're a good dude. And then finally,
Starting point is 00:09:59 Paper Street Coffee, use code SEVON, Swolverine, get your Swol on, Sleep 8, BirthFit, take your peptine, get your Swol on, Sleep 8, BirthFit. Take your peptides from CA Peptides. Okay, bills have been paid.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Oh, and then I'd also like to play from Instagram, SMTP Training spokesperson Will Branstetter. Have you seen the commercial? Yeah. Wait, maybe not the commercial. Why is Will so funny? Is he trying to be funny? Oh, I just love him more than Brian now. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Wow. I see the... He's a younger version of... He's like Brian 2.0. Superficially speaking. Probably has less hair on his back than Brian but Will it's coming you'll get old too when I was inside
Starting point is 00:10:52 I just smelled some really bad BO and I was actually kind of happy about it you guys ever heard the term necking Taylor is on his honeymoon he's in Mexico so today it's just me someone called 911 it's been a. Someone called 911.
Starting point is 00:11:06 It's been a murder. And I'm the victim. There's a version. As written. I'm shaking. All right. Here we go. Three, seven day trial.
Starting point is 00:11:18 SM-TP60. Self-made training program. Look at that. Look at that. You think you shot that with the fancy camera that's just all iphone technology knowing well it's probably a fancy camera yeah sure with a gimbal probably carry it around not even needed not even needed right for that shot that shoot some lighting he's got the reflectors for that all the stops a strong opening line i love the smell of bo right kind of gets your attention well you're kind of like well i can't believe you said that out loud i kind of like some bo2 or he's gross but but you
Starting point is 00:11:56 right away you form an opinion you you either with him or against him at that point yep then he brings his old old soul with the necking comment. I don't even know what that means. You know what that means. Necking? Does that mean naked? No, that means like making out. Oh, yeah. Sorry, you're right. I do know what that is. With the font.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Okay. I would like to give an honorable mention to necking. I read this in Will's voice. Okay, do it. Oh, when you stopped y'all necking him back in the truck. Oh, necking. Iced tea for everybody.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And cough syrup. You know, I had forgotten about this until until i heard yesterday um you uh the the you guys have heard of whooping cough there's an injection that kids get for whooping cough whooping cough what is it a cellular pertussis okay yeah is it? Acellular pertussis. Okay, yeah, that. I was reading yesterday about it, and basically the medication they give for it is no cure at all, zero. It doesn't reduce transmission or cure at all, and it's only to alleviate symptoms. And so that the, and so the, and I remember that being about our most recent little situation too, that if you have kids, you know, people, people have said to me, Hey, you don't want, I don't want your kids around my kids because your kids haven't people who are 49ers fans around your kids if you if you
Starting point is 00:13:46 have to make a choice like if you had to lean one way or another because one a lot of the things they've taken mask the symptoms but don't mask the transmission and then also you always have to remember shedding is a real thing several of these things the one that starts with the p are only still in existence on planet Earth because of shedding. What is shedding? Shedding is when you take a medicine and it makes you sick and then you start spreading the sickness. And everyone who takes, everyone who's a 49er fan, regardless of which, or any NFL team,
Starting point is 00:14:21 your fandom does give you a little piece of the sickness. And it's, I was reading a lot about shedding yesterday. I didn't realize what a big thing it is. It is actually the leading cause of the pee. Anyone can find that on Google. I'm surprised they haven't hidden that. But be smart. If you have kids, do your research.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Do your research. Honorable mention for Rich Froning. He released his podcast talking about leadville with rory and on hello like in channel will's um nice little flare there and hello on hello and you know it's kind of cool because he came on the show and talked about it and a lot of people wouldn't have done that like there maybe there's even some people i'm making this up but maybe there's some people on his media team would be like, don't go in there first.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Talk about it here first. Don't leak. Don't, but he didn't care. He don't care. It's rich Froning. He didn't care. Talk about it here.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I talk about it there. I'm two 15, six, three, six, three, two 15. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Talk about it anywhere. Yeah. And I just thought that that was cool. He don't care. He don't care. Uh, Tysonyson bajan played football yesterday oh you know who i wanted to send a link to maybe could we send a link to um hunter mcintyre can't we yeah yeah sure oh thank you why not i just want to see if he pops on i want to see i'm curious what he's doing did i say anything?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Just drop the link and let it be. Yeah, you can just drop the link and let it be. Okay. So speaking of Tyson Bajan, wow, that's funny. We have a CEO shirt that matches the color of the Chicago Bears. That's weird. They're a little similar, but definitely different. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Same, same, but for legal purposes, different, different. Right. Yeah. So what happened yesterday? Someone said he was 7 for 14 through an interception, but he did hit a guy in the numbers in the end zone, and also he ran one in. Did he do good?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Is he good? Is he good? I don't good? I think he did well. The interception kind of sucks, but his completions were like 50% on completions. Is he the official backup quarterback now? We don't know yet. Twitter says that he is,
Starting point is 00:16:40 but obviously that's Twitter. Matt Reynolds, I watch Rich's podcast after years, same stories. I prefer listening to your podcast naked because of the lack of judgment. And when I listened to Rich's podcast, I was clothed.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Oh, okay. Cool. I like that. I'm flattered. Matt Reynolds has spoken. I thought you were going to. I'm flattered. Matt Reynolds has spoken. I thought you were going to say I'm flattered. That comment did it. You can't pigeonhole me.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Tyson Bajan. Here he is, ladies and gentlemen. In the gun. He has to test himself all the time when he's off the field in downtown. On the move, Tyson Bajan does it again. Another rushing touchdown. For the rookie from Martinsburg, West Virginia. That was cool. Hey, did they win?
Starting point is 00:17:34 No, they lost. I think he scored the only touchdown, though. Are you allowed to do that as a rookie? Or even just as a not even sure if you're on the team, the way he like, he jumped into the, let the fans like fondle him. And then he does a little, I saw he did a little dance where he puts like his hands up like this
Starting point is 00:17:53 and he bumps titties with the guy across from him. Oh yeah. It's coming up here. This. Yeah. Yeah. Did they plan that he's like hey dude i scored a touchdown let's bump titties usually they'll do like fuck around in practice and then just that's the celebration wow wow i can tell this is gonna be a tough interview Wow. Wow. I can tell this is going to be a tough interview.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Wow. Oh, he's at the CrossFit Games. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. What? That's one of my favorite, most favorite interviews of all time. Dude, my biceps started twitching. I can't tell if I'm shaking because I'm scared or if I'm just like too much alcohol yesterday.
Starting point is 00:18:54 What the fuck is going on? Did he just bounce out or did we drop him from the studio? No, no. I think he said what he had to say, dude. Don't be so judgmental. Neither did I. It was all in the glasses uh you're gonna have to go yeah the glasses were incredible that was awesome yeah can you go to
Starting point is 00:19:11 amazon and see uh middle finger glasses yeah let's find them wow wow that was something huh that was oh my goodness that's no col. That's no Colton Mertens. You can get them on eBay for $7. Oh, but not on – you can't buy a 200-pack on Amazon for like $1? You can get a two-pack from Walmart. Let's see. A two-pack. Walmart sells middle finger glasses. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Oh, you can only get them in the single pairs. Oh, look at that. $13. He's balling, huh? God, those are incredible. He probably got them for $7. Oh, them DBE shades. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Oh, my goodness. DBE shades. Wow. Oh my goodness. I'm confused as to why there's five fingers on them. It doesn't show a thumb. It's like there's literally five fingers. Is the thumb up there too? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:23 There's something called um creative freedom or something creative it falls under creative freedom okay i want to get paid i can't fuck i forgot to get pedro i better write it on my hand like a little kid pedro earphones and then dbe i i need to buyer those. Did you just pick up middle finger glasses? Yeah, here, I'll send a link in the private chat. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:20:50 That's cool. That's really cool. All right. Those are great. Just to get back to that, poetic license. What did I say, Ken? What would a poetic what? Creative license, poetic license. I think poetic license is when I said those guys bounce their titties off each other because you don't usually use titties.
Starting point is 00:21:22 For men, it's a it's a sex specific or as they say in the in the hood gender specific don't say that in the hood they say in the hood gender specific titties are gender specific but poetic license is when i use it for guys it kind of shows that i don't give a fuck you know what i mean that it's like poetic licensing like i'm so secure in my man manness that i could refer to dudes having titties i think that's poetic what was some creative and political commentary sprinkled in there peppered peppered sprinkled so uh sprinkles are feminine uh girls use sprinkles uh i pepper yeah i pepper I pepper. Yeah. I pepper. I just gave everyone a full lesson.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Thank you, Ken, for being my assistant in that. You threw up an alley-oop. I dunked that shit. Number two, shadow banning. I don't know if you call this shadow banning, but this guy, I follow him on Instagram, and he's against child abuse. I got to be really careful what I say. I don't know if you know if on instagram and he's against child abuse i gotta be really careful what i say i don't know if you know if you're allowed to be against child abuse
Starting point is 00:22:29 this guy's against child abuse and he's letting you know uh he's also against child abuse but he is also his account can't be shown to non-followers look at that fucking shadow this is like this one i haven't seen this this is from Instagram. They now have a new form of. They're so creative in their banning. They're so creative. This account can't be shown to non followers. They just cap your shit off. They just cap you. Pop a cap. Okay, here we go. Sick of these modern day aristocrats who work at big tech and get paid exorbitant amounts of money and then turn around and abuse the power that they have to then try and control what we free people are allowed to discuss. Instagram is telling me that their technology found my content doesn't follow their guidelines. Our technology found your content doesn't follow our guidelines. Our technology found? Your content doesn't follow
Starting point is 00:23:27 our guidelines. That's crazy. Our technology. Our technology? Don't blame us. Blame the think police. I don't even know what the fuck that means. Our technology? Is that... Don't blame us.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Blame the machine. My calculator says 7 plus 4 is 17. That's what my technology says. You're right. I don't even... My technology? Talk about outsourcing discernment. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 00:24:08 More specifically, talk about outsourcing discernment okay go on lines more specifically they're telling me that my profile bio is what may go against these guidelines do you want to know what my profile bio says moderate gay republican freedom lover classical liberal and then a link to my piano compositions. Okay, pause. Somehow. A link to my piano compositions? Maybe that's where the confusion is. They thought it was his penis compositions. Common mistake. Sometimes my technology
Starting point is 00:24:38 gets those two confused. Penis and piano. I mean, that's just my technology. Can't even fucking believe this is real. I cannot believe... Do you guys know anyone who works at Instagram or at Facebook? No, but we could grab a camera, put on some suits, and ask to see who we could speak with.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Oh, Nelly, I regret it. I regret even opening this subject. Yeah, if you want to go there, I'm game. I've been game since our friend has suggested it. This is, this is, I have a dislike for people. I have a prejudice and discriminatory feelings and emotions about the people who work there. Without even meaning that my technology doesn't like them. My bicep's twitching again.
Starting point is 00:25:36 My good bicep. Man. That sucks, right? Yeah, but what are you going to do about it? Put on a suit? I mean, Dan made a good point in the comments, too. It's a private company. They get to choose who they serve cake to.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Here's the thing, Dan. I used to think along those lines, too. Here's the thing, Dan. It doesn't work like that. Once you get in bed with the government, some of your rights as a private citizen or as a private business are no longer there. So I think it's like... What do you mean by government, though?
Starting point is 00:26:44 Because we all pay taxes uh it's like if you bake cakes you can i don't even know if this is true what i'm about to say but it's not cut and dry like that let me just let me just say like that you can't they don't they they lose some of their rights as a private company once you start doing business with the government once you start doing business with the government. Once you start doing business with the government, there are certain rules you have to follow. They're the same rules that the US government has to follow. So the US government can't stop you from crossing a bridge in your car because you're gay or straight or because you're allowed to hate gay people or you're allowed to hate straight people or you're allowed to hate white people or you're allowed to hate black people.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I mean those are just – but I think once you're in bed with the government, like once you're like – your car is being used to deliver government packages, then you can't – you have to follow the rules of whatever the law of the land. And I think they have a shitload of lawsuits open regarding that. Yeah. I mean, this should be like the telephone companies, right? The telephone companies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Like I could call you and we could say whatever we want. And if the telephone technology picks up, our conversation doesn't like it. It can't just shut us off. It's like a platform for communication. Cave Dastro is saying Facebook is not a private company. I think I took the liberty to say
Starting point is 00:28:13 I took the liberty to understand what Dan is saying that even though it's traded publicly, it's still a private company. You know what I mean? It's a bunch of people own it. I think that's the... And then, of course, there's this. Sean Sullivan points out,
Starting point is 00:28:36 not if you're Big Pharma, they get to do whatever they want with no consequence. They have their own special laws, too, which is just bizarre. Them and politicians, yeah. Whole set of rules for them. We're at 183 now. I am so bummed, though, that the YouTube channel got smacked around.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Yeah, but it seems to be coming back right now. Like those numbers weren't nearly as bad as they were yesterday. So you know what we did being the strong-minded, value-driven, high-integrity people that Caleb, myself, and Sousa are? You know what we did when we saw that our videos were possibly throttling back to the station? We erased them. It seems like I made them private. I'm like, no, take them down. You know what, though?
Starting point is 00:29:34 You guys, I think we should put – can we go to Rumble? Can you check our Rumble channel real quick? Because I haven't been doing – I haven't been sending us over to Rumble every morning. I've been lazy. Just gotten tired of it. But I had something set up automatically that everything we post, Caleb, goes to Rumble. And I'm wondering if you go – what if you type in on Rumble the Sevan Cup podcast and then you type in the P word, P-E-R-V-E-R-T. I think that's the word. i think that word is what got
Starting point is 00:30:08 us jacked what do you think you know it's funny he's a couple days earlier uh uh hiller warned me about that so i'm gonna type in rumble it's not you can't find it v e r t the seven podcast okay so maybe so so at some point oh oh the live show should archive i don't know if it does the same with the video clips uh you know what's crazy is that it's still in search it takes it to youtube it does do video clips because those shorts that you guys were putting up on youtube i i saw them uh populating on rumble yeah oh cool i saw them not not as shorts either it's kind of funny like they go in the 16 by 9 oh really yeah but it's still cool i mean it's like oh here i do see it you do yeah it doesn't
Starting point is 00:30:54 pop up as like if i look up seven podcast p p e word yeah it doesn't pop up but if i go to our page and i scroll through our content it's's there. Oh, so it made it over there. Yeah. Can you bring it up on the screen just so I could see it? Because I don't believe you. Okay. Thank you. I'm not going to believe you want to know.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Where's the measuring tape? Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Wow. Okay. So, like, if you scroll through our content, it's there. All right. That's cool. All right. You know, what's funny is Rumble doesn't even hit the Google. I type in Rumble, the Sevan podcast, and it doesn't even hit my Google search.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Rumble, Sevanbon podcast, and it doesn't even hit my Google search. Rumble, Sebon podcast. That's crazy. Oh, there we go, finally, after two searches. Spelling it wrong the whole time. And it's a show from 2021 that pops up. It's the Power Rankings. Hey, two things I want to tell you out there. There are – I've been having guests on the show who people are – my guests are telling me, hey, someone contacted me.
Starting point is 00:32:27 We're scheduling shows with people, and then you can see them scheduled, right? You can go look at – go to the Savant Podcast YouTube page, and you can see who's coming. And then you can see also – you can see who they are. So people out there are contacting our guests and trying to dissuade them from coming on the show. Really? Yeah. I'll tell you about it after the show today. I'm going to get a Bloody Mary and I'll tell you at length what I've been hearing.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Don't do that. Don't do that. If you listen to our show or if you don't like us, don't do that. Because I think of myself as kind of like Barnum and Bailey. And all of these stories like just around you become you're just plates I'm spinning and I and I'm I thank you Kayla that was more globetrotter dude I can't see you spinning now that you okay all right all right all right but it's the um it's the uh um, it's the, uh, athletic jersey you're wearing that makes me, when I see this, I think globetrotter. Oh, don't do that. Cause I
Starting point is 00:33:33 don't, I don't want, I don't think you want to, um, be like one of my cats that has to jump through a fiery ring, but, but I like, I like it. I like all the stories, and I like the drama, and I want to have many narratives going on. But you don't want to do that. It's going to be bad for you. And I'll tell you also, in the last week – I don't know if Caleb knows this yet. Susan knows this. I don't know if Caleb knows this yet. Susan knows this. Three people who previously had either taken a hiatus from the show or maybe said that they weren't going to come on have now – are now wanting to come back on again or willing to come back on. And it's like – I don't care either way.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I just keep just asking the same people to come on over and over and over. But don't do that. Don't tempt me i because i i want to i want to parade out the dwarfs and the fire eaters and the cats that jump through rings and the bearded woman like this show needs that that's how this show exists with little bits of drama and fighting in the community but some of you guys don't really want to fight so don't do that what did will smith say keep your keep your mom's name out of your mouth keep my wife's name out of your mouth yeah unless i mean you can put my wife's name in your mouth but if you do then you just got to be part of the show and it doesn't pay so good
Starting point is 00:35:01 no it does not thank you caleb caleb go back to spinning plates please all right okay that that was good right yeah that was nice i better just imagine like taking imagine having the time to do that to like stock the show so much and then find people are coming on and then message them and be like hey i don't think you should to stalk the show so much and then find people who are coming on and then message them and be like, hey, I don't think you should come on the show because I'm an insecure douchebag and they're taking all the air out of the space and there's going to be nothing left for me and I'm telling you. It's like, what do you even say?
Starting point is 00:35:39 How do you start that conversation? And the people who they're telling, I hope that you get off and you see that for what it is and you're like wow like they think they're so much better than me that they have to tell me what i what i have to do oh yeah yeah well said it backfires right right yeah like you know how bad that makes you look it makes you look like you're trying to be the parent there and like you you're on your on your high horse going around telling people morally what to do because you know best it backfires you're the boy what to do because you know best. It backfires.
Starting point is 00:36:14 You're the boy trying to get the – it's basically like you're going to a girl and trying to say bad shit about her boyfriend so that you could get her. Yeah. It's HR shit. It's back to HR shit. So anyway, don't do it. Or do it. it i just don't just think twice before you do it they'd have to think at all before they did it so maybe just think fucking one time and that might solve the problem just think that's your little bubble right in front of that's in front of your face here because then i feel like if you do that you also lose a guest
Starting point is 00:36:44 on your own show yeah like they're gonna turn to come to you like oh well now i definitely don't want to come on your show because you told me not to do that you know i mean like if it's taken the wrong way listen look at this look how coffee pods and wads is leaning into this and then look at hillar's comment this is very interesting hey i saw you're going on seven this is pedro's like doing like um like uh playing a character here hey i saw you're going on seven this is pedro's like doing like um like uh playing a character here hey i saw you're going on seven show he said something i thought was mean he tried uh i tried to get him fired and failed so now i'm doing this uh andrew hiller i bet it's pedro yeah totally pedro's the guy who's the murder he's is the
Starting point is 00:37:22 murderer but he rides around with the posse looking for the murderer that's where he hides you're like it's so weird we had caleb's schedule they got a call now he's on pedro's show and come on holy shit dude speaking of pedro can you pull up his um uh this is this is almost too long to play but pull up his instagram he interviewed uh i apologize to the two of you that don't follow the crossfit scene who are listening to the show but there's this team called crossfit invictus they just won the um crossfit games cool people on the team miss weiss i don't know her first name that's why i call her miss weiss
Starting point is 00:37:59 britney oh it is britney yeah okay uh britneyiss. This guy, it looks like he just got out of jail. El Chama. We call him El Chapo. And then the token Mexican guy, Jorge Fernandez. And then the youngest OG that I know. Fuck, this girl's been around since the dawn of time, and yet she's still probably only 20 years old. Miss Robin Givens.
Starting point is 00:38:29 No, that was Mike Tyson's. Guess her name. Someone help me. Devin Kim. Oh, Devin Kim. God damn it, Robin Givens, Devin Kim. That's not even close. Anyway, it's a cool-ass team, and I got to film with them at the games.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Man, they're cool. They're all bright and shiny and beautiful and great to film and very generous with their time, but they had all sorts of drama. They had everything going on in the team, and El Trauma drops some of the drama, like shares it. He gets real here in this clip. Go ahead and check check this clip out it's pretty crazy the sound here in 2022 usually the coaches decide after the
Starting point is 00:39:13 open who's going to be with who for the first time in history we said after the games in 2022 we want to go back as the same team okay pause that would potentially so basically what he's saying is just normally cj martin or someone at crossfit invictus will say you you you you you're on the team you guys are going to compete at 23 uh 2023 crossfit games as the team that represents invictus and what choppo is saying we were the team at 2022 that did so well that we decided ourselves and invictus let us decide that we're going to stay together so it was the team from 2022 and the four of them decided we're going to stay together. So it was the team from 2022 and the four of them decided we're going to stay together. Okay, go on. It blessed and then a curse. It meant that there was some complacency. There was some comfort across that from all people. We just knew we were going to be in a team. Okay, pause out in the beginning. So what he's saying there is,
Starting point is 00:39:57 is because we didn't have to try out for the team because there was no tension. We probably thought we were cooler than we really were. And we just kind of just rolled in, right? Like they didn't have to retry out for the team when normally he's saying that you got to retry out for the team every year i know someone in the comments right now is probably like stop pausing it and explaining to us and i'm going to say to you shut up shut up okay go ahead go ahead this year of number one slowly start to diminish a little through the year at what point of the year did you or the team or an outside person say guys you need to like strap yourselves in here that's a bit of a tough question because it was kind of flip-flopping throughout the season i would say
Starting point is 00:40:35 after quarterfinals is when we started to see the real hiccups i would almost blame myself a little bit for adding that stress at the time i didn't really think of it like that but in my mind i was like i'm doing everything i can to be a champion why are others not doing the same well okay pause so so he's saying that he was working his ass off um uh uh to uh to to win the cross games in 2023 and uh devin kim was over at the bar serving drinks making tips jorge hernandez was fucking smuggling weed back and forth across the Mexican border. And Miss Weiss was fucking doing bathing suit shoots.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Well, this motherfucker is like serious about winning the CrossFit Games. And he was pissed. Imagine him just laying on the couch, just stewing mad about the fact that everybody else is doing something he's like i'm recovering right now and everybody else is working they're doing that dude doesn't he he looks like he's being interviewed from jail
Starting point is 00:41:34 and even got like that echoey jail his hair's all slicked back and shit yeah it does look he got a tattoo that's his jail number on his neck. I think it says perspective backwards. God, Pedro must have been loving this. This is the perfect – this is the kind of guest you want. He's just reflecting in real time on your show. Pretty cool. Yeah. This guy has sex regularly.
Starting point is 00:42:02 You think so? Dude, so like he – In jail? He has sex regularly you think so dude so like he in jail has sex no no he had he sleeps with the count of the female counselors and shit like he's hot this guy's high on the pecking order him and jorge are high on the uh mating pecking order like if there's so much vagina swirls around him and Jorge, I bet that like, like dudes like me could be friends with them and get some like, just like stuff that falls off. Oh,
Starting point is 00:42:32 there's one just collateral damage. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And just like, imagine like a giant eating and like a 70 foot giant eating and crumbs
Starting point is 00:42:41 like falling down and you're just down below. Just, it's just raining food on you. Imagine that you get, you know what i mean or like have you ever seen like those cows in the field and like they're just grazing and all around them are little tiny egrets i don't know what they're doing they're like eating flies or shit or they're doing something but they're they're getting something from the giant cow the cow is just like one will be sitting on the cow's back you seen yeah he has a whole ecosystem of sex around him yes yes don't be so crass it's not sex it's uh agape love feast as they say i got okay okay okay go on okay so so there's some drama on the team
Starting point is 00:43:19 there's some tension what and what do you expect championship team okay here we go el chapo tells us more about the tension here we go same just It looked different to how it felt for me. We had, again, another hiccup with Jorge's hamstring. So now we have to manage that. I don't know. Another hiccup. There's some hiccups that he's not telling us. But go on.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Do you think this guy's ever had a pimple? Look at him. It doesn't look like it. Fucking Lord. Okay. The way where we still get good team training in but not overload his hamstring but with that said it made for really exceptional games because we went through so much stress so much kind of drama i'll be honest there was a point where devon was missing some training sessions she had things going on personal things going on i couldn't see those personal things because obviously in my mind I'm like
Starting point is 00:44:08 I want to be a champion I need everyone to have the same mindset it was me initially that I asked Dev to step down off the team and the reason I did that so she's at the bar just making mad tips getting paid son yeah she's the most charming athlete at the entire fucking games devin kim if you haven't met her and so she's at the bar at the fucking cheesecake factory just cleaning house on tips and el chapo wants to fucking uh train and he's pissed so he it takes his roadhouse thank you and so um uh he's pissed and he's like, yo, you got to get off the team. I can't believe he shared this. This is incredible. Miss Kim, I know you made twelve hundred dollars last night flashing that smile and charming drunk guys to tip you, but we need to train.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I wonder if she peeled him off a hundred, like stuffed it in his mouth. Shut up, Chapo. Stuffed a hunji in his mouth. Train this, bitch. Yeah. Meanwhile, Jorge's just sitting in a recliner with hot
Starting point is 00:45:20 chicks feeding him grapes and fanning him with palm leaves, just watching those two fight. Massaging his calves. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Someone's massaging his hamstring. That's code for something. Okay, keep going. She wasn't being as serious as I thought.
Starting point is 00:45:34 When we set out for this goal, we all said we wanted to be number one, but she wasn't showing me number one characteristics. I just wanted someone there that was going to show up on time. That's all I cared about. Obviously, Dev came back she showed up she changed the attitude we fixed it and we made it work i in that moment probably made a mistake by asking oh she changed the attitude is he giving her credit or is he giving her blame both at the same time el chapo she had an attitude to change, but she fixed it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Well, then Chapo, then maybe you did the right thing by asking her to leave. She should have stuffed $200 in your mouth. I really like Devin Kim. I really like that whole team. They are hot. They need a calendar. They could do well with a calendar, yes.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Yeah. Something for everybody on that calendar. Yeah. God, can you imagine if they would have done, like, a reality show with that team? Oh, that would have been fucking gold. Sounds like they – and it's in San Diego, so it would have fit perfectly. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And, dude, that gym's got all sorts of fucking hot people. That's the gym that has the hot Asian and the hot blonde chick that like are on a team together. You know what I'm talking about? Emily Lugman and Lost Stalwood. Yes. I know the Stalwood's one. What's the other,
Starting point is 00:46:54 what's the Asian girl's name? It's Emily Lugman, but I think she's, she's married to Holden Rethwell. So it's, I think God, you know, some shit.
Starting point is 00:47:02 God, I wish I had my brain was stuck like that in there. Holden Rethwell, I think, is one of the coaches for the teams. Or individuals, I can't remember. Tell me, what's the girl's name again? The Asian girl? Emily. Emily, just that.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I can't remember more than that. Emily and Stallwood. I saw them at the games. I was a little starstruck. More by them than anyone else. I pretended like I didn't see them. You know what I mean? You don't want to stare.
Starting point is 00:47:36 But you really do want to stare. Yeah, I saw that chick for sure. And I saw her walking with the Stallwood chick. Hey, dude. Her and that Stallwood chick are exactly like they are are on their instagram there was like no letdown maybe even better like they walked by me they were hot and they were smiling like that yeah like that's how they that's exactly how i saw saw them in the middle there is that the that's not the stalwart oh no that's just smith that's ch Chandler's wife on the right.
Starting point is 00:48:06 She's smiling too. Does she have orange hair? Yeah. Okay. Back to El Chapo. Sorry, Chapo. Did I screw that up?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Can we go back to him? Yeah, no, I got it. Okay. Here we go. Sorry. Distracted by vagina.
Starting point is 00:48:24 It's like June. This was about two and a half, three weeks before the games, man. We had a pretty sound year in 2020. Two or three weeks before the games, he was asking Devin to – no, it can't be. Wow. You know how insane that is? I heard that the replacement was Danny Spiegel too, but I think you have to listen to the whole podcast
Starting point is 00:48:46 to get that shit I haven't listened to the whole thing I'm going to they have backups training with them I wonder that's a big change to make if you don't have somebody who's also been like training with the team at least part time when you got the dump truck the dump truck hottie can fucking step in for anybody
Starting point is 00:49:03 no doubt you the shit you the shit when you got the dump truck hotty can fucking step in for anybody. No doubt. You the shit. You the shit. It's wild. Coffee pods and wads. What button do you click on YouTube for copyright claim? Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Shut it. Shut it, Pedro. Shut it. Anyway, great. Great, great. He's got... Pedro's fucking... I like it. He does the interviews. I just steal
Starting point is 00:49:35 his shit and commentate on it and judge people over here. That's what makes the world go around. Hey, I wonder if there... I wonder if what Jorge's doing, if he's going to go individual next year, I wonder what they're doing, if they're going to stay together as a team. I think Jorge's talked about being individual still.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Isn't it customary to try to go back for a second one? I just like that word customary. I hope so. Caller, hi. Is it customary to go back for seconds? Is that aer High, is it customary to go back for seconds? Is that a word? It's always customary to go back for seconds. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Okay. Truth, I've never had a one-night stand in my life for that reason. It seemed like just a complete… Was it that reason? Well, I just thought it's so much work. That's the reason. I spent $37 getting you drunk. There's no way I'm letting this just be one night.
Starting point is 00:50:31 There's no way. I got a rollover minute. I shared a pack of cigarettes with you. Come on. Come on, girl. Oh, man. What you got? What you got?
Starting point is 00:50:44 Why'd you call What do you wanna do What do you wanna say What's up guys This is John I called a couple weeks ago For the first time I just wanna touch
Starting point is 00:50:53 Basis On On The topic of the show About the shadow banning It's coming back It's coming back With a vengeance
Starting point is 00:51:04 Why Why So it's election season with a vengeance why? so it's election season so if you don't essentially if you don't hold the how can I say it the neo liberal
Starting point is 00:51:19 woke perspective politically and if you're on the side whether you're a classical liberal whether you're a conservative woke perspective politically. And if you're on the side, whether you're a classical liberal, whether you're a conservative, whether you are a, you know, whether you're a Democrat that leans center, if you don't follow the narrative that the media wants you to follow and you go against that in any way, you will be either outright banned or shadow banned. It doesn't matter if you're a media personality or a regular,
Starting point is 00:51:53 you know, person who posts things that go against the traditional narrative. You think there's like a, you think there's a hierarchy like, um, so, so like, uh, um, maybe it's like black, gay.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I don't know. There's this hierarchy. But then all of a sudden, if you vote Trump, all that's out the door. That dude was gay, right? And you would think the woke group would like him just because they decide things like that. But because he likes Trump, he's just automatically toast. Yes. Yes. That trumps all of them and if you like trump you're toast at this point if you like if you like i mean you have people i mean even you know you have the uh the answer the whole anti-trump
Starting point is 00:52:41 perspective when he ran initially the first time you had a ton of people that you would consider conservative, like a lot of folks that run the Daily Wire. You had a lot of writers for the Daily Caller. Some of your more conservative-slash-right-of-center individuals that you would think that may have at least leaned towards Trump, even after he received the Republican nomination that put out a huge amount of articles that essentially said, do not back Trump, do not support him. This was a lot of individuals on the right, not everyone, but a lot of individuals on
Starting point is 00:53:22 the right. Not everyone, but a lot of individuals on the right. So now at this point, I'm not going to call a bunch of media right of center media names, but they are all, I mean, without looking at all of the evidence,
Starting point is 00:53:39 much of which I would use the term, quote unquote, trumped up against Trump. They still will just say, Hey, the media is right. What's going on with Georgia. What's going on with New York.
Starting point is 00:53:58 What's going on with everything that's coming out against Trump without looking at the details, they will say, Hey, you know, we don't care. You can't Trump. What's going on with Trump?
Starting point is 00:54:07 What's going on with his lawyers? This is the right thing. And I'm telling you that this is setting a precedent in this nation, which is going to destroy this nation. Because I want to say something really stupid but you know you just made me realize too like the skin color the sexual preference all of that is just all
Starting point is 00:54:30 distraction they don't care what your sexual preference is and they don't care what your skin color is it really just comes down to your keeping them in control right like the same reason why all of a sudden they call larry
Starting point is 00:54:46 elder a um a uh uh a white man in blackface like the second like you step out of line with the party they'll just cannibalize their own i always forget that the woke will cannibalize their own they don't all those other things i don't know if the word is straw man but they don't those issues don't really matter to them. They just leverage. They don't care about gay rights. They don't care about equal rights. They just leverage all of that nonsense to fucking keep people in line and control people.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I always forget that. It's weird. It's like I've had that epiphany like 100 times. Look, I'm going to throw a couple things at you. I don't want to hold you guys too long, but I'm going to throw a couple things at you. I don't want to hold you guys too long, but I'm going to throw a couple things at you. That is absolutely true. I know I'm going to sound like a really old man, but there's underpinnings. Socialist And Underpinning Within what's going on
Starting point is 00:55:48 Within the fluidity of what's going on Socially And politically Now I'm going to throw a couple things out For you to check out Some media Two documentaries One is called
Starting point is 00:56:04 Uncle Tom And Uncle Tom. Yeah, great. And then Uncle Tom 2. Yep. The next one is going to be an old one that was made by G. Edward Griffin in the 60s. It's called Anarchy USA. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And I'm going to throw one more thing, and I don't, hopefully this won't get you kicked off of YouTube. Okay. And I'm going to throw one more thing, and I don't, hopefully this won't get you kicked off of YouTube. Okay. But doing research. Oh, I'm sorry. I lost connection with you. Nice talking to you.
Starting point is 00:56:34 No, I'm joking. I'm joking. I'm joking. No, go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. This is just factual. This is just factual.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Do research on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his father, what they wrote, and their socialist connections. Specifically, Martin Luther King's socialist connections to Ben Bella and other individuals that have backing with Cuba and very hardline socialist and communist perspectives. Do some reading and some research on that. There's a lot of material out there. I would suggest everybody read what Martin Luther King wrote. Not what people say about him, but what he wrote. Okay. And do some research on his connections. Well said.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Hear it straight from his mouth. Find out who he is from his mouth Not the way people are holding him up To what he's supposed to be Yep Alright that's it Thanks for calling dude Have a good day
Starting point is 00:57:36 Hey Are you going to church Yeah I am I knew it Why do good people go to church uh i'll pray for you thank you cobra roads what's up brother uh sebon rocks uh team agent unreal talent yeah crazy crazy right cobra absolutely nuts how um absolutely nuts what Tyson is doing. Killing it.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Killing it, killing it, killing it. Stuff on that jacket looks good on you. Well, thanks. I get made fun of for wearing this. You get made fun of? What kind of jacket is it? Yeah, it's like an old man's jacket. It's just a vest. It makes you look like a rich yachter.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Yeah, it's stupid expensive. Even though it feels so cheap, it was like, Greg bought this for me probably like 10 years ago on the Scotts Valley Mall. Is it a Filson vest? No, it's some crazy swanky brandy. This thing feels like it could be used as a rag to wash your car, in all honesty,
Starting point is 00:58:49 but I think this thing was like $500. Do you wear white pants with them rolled up? You could. And you know what sucks is yesterday I was putting it on, and the zipper peeled from the bottom. Oh, no. I was like, ah! Yeah, it's like members-only shit.
Starting point is 00:59:04 I swear it is like that. the the it's such old man gear um oh wow oh wow what's happening oh wow i'm just getting some good news i don't hear a lot of news from Greg. Wow. Oh, that's cool. Wow. He says they got some AI software to help clean up with some audio issues from that event. That would be amazing. God, that would be amazing. Clock, Sevan still thinks the cool people have Apple computers. That would be amazing. Clock. Caller. Sevan still thinks the cool people have Apple computers. They're actually
Starting point is 00:59:49 communists. Message is a bridge to... Okay. Okay. Fine. I can't read. Maybe you need a reading hour. I can't read. Maybe you need a reading hour. I do.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Okay. What number was that? What was that? That was number two. What was the gay guy? Oh. God, number three is gnarly. God, number three is gnarly.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Do you want it? I don't know. I don't know, no, not yet. Number three is too gnarly. Should we read through the YouTube community guidelines to make sure we're – Yeah, probably. Let's spend the show reading through the community guidelines. Number three is gnarly.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Hate speech, harmful, dangerous. You can't use – like you could – probably hate speech harmful you can't you can't use like you could you like I'm starting to understand like during election season you can't use anything for cover like so non-election season like if like you know like if you're missing an arm or like if you're some
Starting point is 01:00:59 if you're some minority like if you're some if you're some like yeah victimized group you can you have cover but during election year it doesn't even matter like no like you're in a fucking wheelchair but you on the wrong team fuck you we're pushing you in the lake oh you just hit one what there's a whole list of them age gas disability you're looking at them now the guidelines nationality race which is kind of on there twice. Immigration status.
Starting point is 01:01:28 What about those? You're not allowed to what with those? Can't mention any of these. Religion, sex and gender. Different than gender identity, by the way. Sexual orientation, different than sex, gender, and different than gender identity and expression. Three different outlines for that.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Victims of major violent events and their kin in veteran status all the way at the bottom there like i can't tell you yeah i can't i can't tell you what is caleb not allowed to announce his status with the u.s military or no no because he's probably breaking these other thank you for fighting for our freedoms caleb thank you i's probably breaking all these other issues. Thank you for fighting for our freedoms, Caleb. Thank you for fighting for our freedoms. I'm probably breaking like a million of my own rules. I've been doing it for two years now. It's okay. I said shit about it.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Look at him, breaking rules. Okay, let's do number 61 then. This goes back to what we originally talked about on the show now listen uh you if you report me for using the r word then then all it does is you just be it just becomes one of the uh cats in the three ring circus rhetorical yes rhetorical thank you uh number 61 here we go uh a lot of things that some of the older folks don't know there are certain things you can't say now like you you might not notice a word you can't use no more. Can't call them a retarded. Can't call them retarded.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Now the proper term is a feminist. Feminist. It's important to understand that. Why are words funny when people use them in the wrong conjugation, too? You know what I mean? Yeah. You can't call them the retarded. The retarded. I remember my grandmother brought a rug, smuggled a rug through Ellis Island, an oriental rug.
Starting point is 01:03:33 And then I remember being a kid, and I don't know how old I was, 12 or 13, and then we could no longer call it an oriental rug. That became politically incorrect. Fucking weird. But as a kid kid you just accept it you're like all right you can't say that word anymore oriental crossed it off but i think it's back now i think you're now you're allowed to say that one again but it's so it's it's crazy how did she smuggle a rug through ellis island i just want to know that it was for it dude it's a huge rug that weighed like 60 or 70 pounds it's huge i have it still in my house yeah it's in my living room and as a kid we weren't allowed to walk on it and now it's like one of the main
Starting point is 01:04:10 drugs that like it's just complete it's just in my house and everyone stomps on it um that's how frugal i am i have the same i have the couches that my mom bought when i was like in the eighth grade and i have the rug my grandmother brought from Ellis Island just in the middle of our living room. It was folded up so tight with mothballs in it and put into a duffel bag. I think she brought it through that way. That's all she packed when she came through
Starting point is 01:04:36 Ellis Island? I guess. She packed the oriental rug and whatever she was wearing. She was like, yep, this is all I need. Maybe my mom will write in the comments that story's not true and fucking ruin it. She bought it at Ikea. We just told you that to stay off it. Hey, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:55 My mom, we had a room in my house, the living room, where this rug was laid out. And because of that rug was in there, we weren't allowed to go in there. Was it the piano room or something? Yes. Yes. There was a was in there, we weren't allowed to go in there. Was it the piano room or something? Yes, yes. There was a piano in there too. Everybody's got that room.
Starting point is 01:05:11 I fucking knew it, yep. And it has wood paneling on the walls and a fireplace, and it was just... So nice. Nobody could use it. A table you never sat at. The piano stayed closed all the time. We weren't allowed to close the piano.
Starting point is 01:05:27 For some reason, it had to stay open and air or something. I didn't label number 62. Let's just play it. Let's just see. It might just be a still frame. No, not a sex den, but I appreciate your thinking. Oh, yeah, this is – Jay Nara wrote this. This is great.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I'm so bummed. I'm really bummed that I didn't – I should make memes. This is Jay Nara saying, I identify as is no different than saying I'm pretending to be. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones
Starting point is 01:06:22 and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We're your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout?
Starting point is 01:06:56 Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy a room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of american express visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply yep yeah i don't don't have anything to come back to that one with yeah that's why you're crazy to fucking ask your kids what they identify as you're just you're just adding to their delusion. Give them some shit to earn.
Starting point is 01:07:28 You know what you identify as? You identify as the kid who knows how to grow tomato plants in his backyard, start the seeds in a little cup, water it, sprout it, and transplant it. And now you have a skill. You don't have to think about what you identify as. Teach a kid how to throw a football. Play catch every day in the yard with your kid. Now your kid has something he identifies with is his ability to move and throw a ball. He doesn't have to identify pretending.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Right, nothing. Is there a difference? I was just trying to think about it. It's just if you choose it, you're just pretending. The problem is that we're all given names and people think those are even real, right? I'm just pretending to be – it's just a signifier so that someone can address me particularly. But it's to identify, establish, or indicate who or what is. I've never identified as straight, right? I'm never like, yeah, identify as straight.
Starting point is 01:08:43 You just are? I just am. I have to assume it goes the other way too. That's why it's ridiculous to identify as gay. Are you? Yeah, identify feels like you get a – all of a sudden now you've left it. You've headed into the world of delusion. Turntable.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Retard was fine when it was used to describe a mental development yeah it's okay to call someone retarded if they are retarded but it becomes an insult when they use it for anyone else yeah that's how that's why i don't say the word gay or fag yeah but you could still like somebody could you could retard their learning right intentionally which has nothing to do with a mental disability like if i teach that it's not a noun though right if i teach you if you come in i retarded the growth of that plant by taking it away from the windowsill then it's right yeah i could say it like that is that what you mean yeah that's why i prefer the word imbecile stupid if you call someone stupid you sound kind of stupid you call retard you trigger some people you use imbecile that's
Starting point is 01:09:57 fucking potent that's like you're calling someone a dummy but and also establishing you're smarter than them you know what i? You like the word imbecile? It's got, it's got some comedic value too. Has he used a thesaurus? Imbecile. There is a ranking too. I think Kayla pulled it up or you pulled it up once.
Starting point is 01:10:15 There is a ranking for, those are like, um, uh, delineated IQ levels, retarded, imbecile. Maybe stupid is one of them too like there's metrics next to them it's empirically driven it's like crossfit you can go to crossfit livermore and find out how fit you are and
Starting point is 01:10:40 for 1999 you can get the radish peeler. And for another $19.99, we can tell you if you're an imbecile retard or something. It's your in-body scan. You pee on the toilet. All you do is go to the bathroom and come out, and then we go in and look at the bathroom. We will tell you where you fall. You, sir, are an imbecile. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Imbecile Slater what about a retarder on a vehicle is that really a mechanical component on a vehicle my son is severely autistic and that word doesn't even bother me good thank you a retarder is a device used to augment or replace some of the functions of primary friction-based braking systems, usually on heavy vehicles. Oh, like those, you know when you hear trucks going downhill and they're like, brrrr, that's a retarder? Yeah, it slows down the car. I'm one of the, oh, this could become a theme for the show
Starting point is 01:12:03 for the next two years. Here we go. Ready? I'm one of those, oh, this could become a theme for the show for the next two years. Here we go. Ready? I'm one of those people that downshifts even though I drive an automatic. What? Yeah. Yeah. What do you think about that?
Starting point is 01:12:16 So you go from drive to second or whatever it is? Yes. Yes. The shifter? Yes. Yes. Why? You're going downhill?
Starting point is 01:12:25 When I get off at freeway exits. Like when I downshift from fourth to third to second. Brr, brr, brr. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Here we go. Why? Why do you do that? I don't know. Save on the brakes? Do you also drive with one foot on the gas and one on the brake? No, I do not. I only use my right foot for driving.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Do you put it in neutral and coast? That's a good question yeah no but when i used it when i used to have a motor home i did do that and hey there's nothing that makes me more angry than when i'm um when i'm when i'm in let's say i'm in cruise control i have it set to 75 and then i start start to go down a slope on the freeway. I don't like my cruise control keeping me at 75. Yeah. I don't like to hear it downshifting or braking or whatever the fuck it is,
Starting point is 01:13:34 so I take it off cruise control because that's the frugal part of me because I'm like, hey, this is some free, this is going to improve my mileage by coasting down this hill. Bomb down the hill, bomb down the hills you're going yeah but i won't but i don't put it but i don't put it neutral but i used to do that before i had kids i would put it neutral or if i when i drove a stick i put it in neutral
Starting point is 01:13:52 yeah i did i did a guilty of that too just let it coast yeah oh that's pretty funny you do you have paddle shifters? Listen, no. My minivan. The only thing Sevan hates in this world is his transmission. It's funny because sometimes I do get concerned. I'm like, this has got to be okay for the transmission. This is fine. Oh, look at Tom. Tom.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Tom work. God, I wish your last name would have been walk. That would have been so much better. A downshifting in an auto is worse than not returning your shopping cards. That's awesome. I'm so glad you shared that with us. Adam Blake's.
Starting point is 01:14:41 They do make shifting noises with your mouth. Like your face card. He also leans into the bank while he's going off ramp i do do that that's all i lean a little bit uh number 60 no matter how many times i hear stuff like this i just struggle to believe any of this but here we go this is like this is go. This is like what shadow banning is to some people. Weather control is like this to me, too. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:15:11 I think this is from 10 years ago. Oh, this aired nine years ago on CBS. Here we go. Lasers? Really? To change the weather? That's right. Well, as Mark Twain once famously said, everyone complains about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it.
Starting point is 01:15:24 once famously said, everyone complains about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it. Well, instead of doing a rain dance, we physicists are firing trillion-watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds and actually bring down lightning bolts. Well, this fascinates me in part because, too, I remember reading the stories that China had used this during the Olympics, that the USSR had used this after Chernobyl to create rain clouds. I mean, did those really work then? We have some of these capabilities now. Inconclusive. Even in the 60s, the CIA used this to bring down monsoons during the Vietnam War to wash out. Okay, pause. So it goes from inclusive to the CIA bring, like, I don't even know. What is this guy actually saying? Does it work or doesn't it work?
Starting point is 01:16:08 He can't decide whether it works or not. And what is a trillion watt laser? Did they use that word trillion? And how does that affect climate change? That's the real question I have. And I just can't. They're speculating, although it did bring down monsoons on vietnam like what the fuck is going on in this interview we heard this and this inconclusive but we do know
Starting point is 01:16:32 this yeah but we do know yeah the fuck i can't help but look at him and uh neil grass the tyson tyson whatever neil grass tyson yeah paid actors now I don't know why something happened and then I started watching one of them before and I was like oh fuck you seem fake to me this seems completely wait what say that again Neil deGrasse is is he's what he's I said me personally I can't look at him or this guy any as anything more than Bill Nye the science guy like a paid actor oh I agree because for a while I was like wow this is really cool i like his 10 minute book on now you understand astrophysics or whatever i was like oh this is cool he's like dumbed down physics or whatever it was and now i just see him all the time and i'm like you're fucking bill nye the science guy yeah the big
Starting point is 01:17:18 thing too when neil degrasse tyson went on um uh bet david's podcast. That was embarrassing for him. They kind of got into it, didn't they? It was just weird. Neil deGrasse Tyson was trying to act like he had some sort of independent thought, but then he would just completely toe the line of the 49ers
Starting point is 01:17:40 in Big Pharma. Then Patrick would make some good points. Then he'd be like, and he does the freak out. What I hate like and he does the like freak out or like what I hate is when he does the like laugh at you because oh my gosh you would think that because you don't know what I know so like once you already have that underlying like it's a pretentious
Starting point is 01:17:55 attitude like he knows more he got destroyed by Bet David yeah and like you wouldn't even quite why would you even question that you're so silly to even question that like that was his attitude and that one really destroyed it for me and then now when i go back and watch him and that mitch you to whatever guy i just like i'm like fuck you guys are just paid for dude and when when the scientist uses the word can um the consensus is spoken you're you should be done with them yeah all the scientists agree, that's... Yeah, and Chapman was kind of like
Starting point is 01:18:25 the flat earth guy too, who he was very condescending in the fact of like, you believe in dinosaurs? Well, I can't even have this conversation anymore. It was like, it was that same attitude. You're like, hmm, I don't know. Help a brother out. I'm stupid. I still believe in dinosaurs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:41 I don't believe that the planes were holographic. Is there any more to that laser thing? Here, I'll go back. Thank you. I'm gender fluid. Governments have been paying attention. Alleged to.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Alleged to, right. Now, we realize that for decades now, these governments have been alleged to have experimented with weather control, but nothing conclusive. governments have been alleged to have experimented with weather control, but nothing conclusive. This time we're digging into the laws of physics rather than simply waving our hands and uttering mumbo jumbo. We're actually, that's culturally offensive by the way. That's a direct attack at native Americans. I think.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Yeah. Waving our hands and mumbling mumbo jumbo. That is crazy. Culturally offensive offensive you should get canceled for that okay let's go on in the laboratory sure enough they precipitate rain out of water vapor sure enough you can actually bring down electricity down the down wait a second did you see sorry sorry it said the reasons why you control the laser and or uh the weather and there were all these reasons it was like you know farming uh help drought but the reason why he said that
Starting point is 01:19:52 it was used originally the example was for fucking wartime yeah that wasn't on the list that wasn't on the list to fuck people up inconclusive anyway I think as much as I don't want to say it it seems like people fuck with the weather with trillion watt lasers or it's just mumbo this guy's just mumbo jumbo
Starting point is 01:20:17 I'm open to it all thank you me too that's why we're such good friends but let me get really angry about a belief I'm holding on to right now and start personally attacking you for being such an imbecile for even thinking that. So is weather
Starting point is 01:20:33 controlled? That's not a conspiracy? Depends on the context you're using it. Are we helping people? Yeah. Minorities farming? Perfectly fine. Are we using it for warfare to push agendas you're a conspiracy theorist see how that works there it just depends on how you do it yeah okay it can be oh yeah okay okay i like that that's a great place to it can
Starting point is 01:21:00 be manipulated well we we can try to manipulate it. There are people who have spent money trying to manipulate the weather. Indeed. Okay. 59. 59. Is abortion killing
Starting point is 01:21:21 a baby? That's the answer to that. Oh, here we go. Planned Parenthood. This is look at the nuance of this. This is crazy. This lady works at Planned Parenthood and Planned Parenthood. Well, just watch this.
Starting point is 01:21:37 This is nuts, but doesn't surprise me. Another undercover investigation came out exposing Planned Parenthood, aiding and abetting underage sex trafficking. Planned Parenthood Federation of America went out publicly saying that they would retrain all of their staff on how they reported abuse. I walk into the room, it's dark, there's a projector screen pulled down, and they begin to play all of the previous undercover investigations that had been put out about Planned Parenthood. I thought, you know, what's going on here? I raised my hand and I said, I'm confused. Like, when are we going to actually begin the retraining? What can I do as a manager to enforce policies and procedures
Starting point is 01:22:16 that would help protect women who are experiencing either sex trafficking or abuse in any way? And she immediately, you know, shot me down and she said, we're not here to talk about that, Ramona. We are here to teach you how to identify if you're being videotaped or recorded or entrapped in any way. Another undercut. So think about that. Planned Parenthood was busted for being involved in child sex trafficking. busted for being involved in child sex trafficking. They said, hey, we know we've been caught. We're going to train our people to make sure that that doesn't happen again. But instead of the training to make sure that doesn't happen again, the training is about how not to get caught doing child sex trafficking. Which is also right. I mean, they're not let it happen again. They
Starting point is 01:23:04 didn't tell you how the method in which they're gonna get there they just said we're gonna train them on how to not let that happen again the problem it's it's like it's like uh it's like changing your hiding place where you hide your drugs in your house when your parents catch you like we'll let that happen again yeah and then you just move it you hide the drugs in their room you're like they'll never find them here that's yeah that's right they're probably doing the same training at black rock hey what what's uh what's crazy too though is i like the way james o'keefe does it none of it matters like you can always trick dudes with pussy always it doesn't even matter
Starting point is 01:23:52 like it just doesn't like and with dick you know they they they do the gay ones too right if you can just convince a guy that somehow you're going to touch his penis and assist him in ejaculating, you could get him to say anything. Fucking spill the beans. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, it doesn't even matter.
Starting point is 01:24:12 I know. It's very true. You want the nuclear launch codes? Yeah, exactly. Could you just tell me that you want to touch it and I'll start giving you the numbers. Yeah, that might take two of them, but we'll still get there. Yeah. You might need two of them but we'll still get there yeah you might need two crazy
Starting point is 01:24:25 and what's crazy about dudes too is dudes will be like uh in whether they're straight or gay god i think she has a camera i think she has a camera man i think she really likes me too okay i'm giving her the launch codes not the power of addiction you could just justify it out any way you want my desire to proc to spread my seed is greater than anything uh ck kevin we are such suckers yeah and it's ridiculous that's why uh in greek mythology they have all the statues they they had small weenies. Oh. Because if you were small, you weren't thinking as much with it.
Starting point is 01:25:10 Therefore, you were a more logical, rational being. Is that true? Yeah. And if you had a big one, you were lustful. So unlike all the statues that you would see, they got small ones. That's why. Wow. Are you making that up?
Starting point is 01:25:22 No. Oh. Logical, not rational. Seve, have you seen Lila Rose on whatever podcast debating the Destiny cut guy? I like it. Dude, that Destiny dude's hard to listen to. The blue-haired Twitch dude.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Oh, I like Ryan Douglas's. Thank you. Ryan is calling bullshit on uh suza's uh small penis statue i know suza reads into shit too much right that was way too much right there's no way suza's aristotle reincarnated your research suza suza the consensus is suza's uh uh suza did research and found that out, but Ryan and the rest of us scientists know that the penis was just small because it was cold outside. That is our consensus.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Daniel's saying I heard it on a dollar tour in Florence when I was in Italy. It was a YouTube guided one. You just go there and listen to it. I was on that red bus. I was on top. I had the translated headset. I was on that red bus. I was on top. I had the translated headset. I did that
Starting point is 01:26:29 in Barcelona. Literally on top. 58. Oh, fuck. Leslie, damn. Susan must be really smart. He is. That was a small fetus
Starting point is 01:26:52 joke. Oh, shit. Oh, my goodness. I've never even seen Leslie before. She's like a good looking woman too. Fuck. Redhead. Holy shit. Wow. Is that her first comment ever in the chat too just i think so it's for the first time i've seen her wow oh damn that's good how
Starting point is 01:27:17 come i don't get jokes damn suck me i think that's why i'm not a successful comedian okay here we go I think that's why I'm not a successful comedian. Okay, here we go. Madam Commissioner, I don't know why you said this, so I'm asking you why. You said that we're going to experience another pandemic in the future, and Bill Gates has warned us about that. What brought that on? Why did you say that? Why did he say that?
Starting point is 01:27:44 I'm asking you why you said that. Well, I was just, as an example, trying to tell you that more than likely there'll be other surges, other pandemics. We didn't know that this one was going to be the way it was. We just have to be prepared. There's no why. Okay. Why did you use him as a resource, though? Like, is he an authority on virology or an epidemiologist or. Don't go there. Of course not. OK. I did go there. So I will. Thank you, Madam Commissioner. Thank you. Now, so listen, this is a New Jersey's health commissioner, Judith. New Jersey's health commissioner, Judith Pershilly, after Senator Testa questions her about why she used Bill Gates as a reference.
Starting point is 01:28:34 How fucking funny is that? Don't go there. Yeah, why are you using Bill Gates as a resource for that there will be another pandemic. That makes no sense at all. He's a really smart guy. He has a big library. He's invested in it. That's why.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Have you seen the books he has at his house? Fuck, man. He's smart. That's why we should trust him. Do you know what fast times at Ridgemont High when Sean Penn goes they total the car and Sean Penn says something like don't worry my dad's got a killer set of tools
Starting point is 01:29:14 you know that like to repair the car that's kind of what it's like anytime someone cites Bill Gates don't worry he's really rich. He knows. Fucking Bill Gates.
Starting point is 01:29:33 She should be so fucking embarrassed. Do you think she tries to defend that later? Or do you think she's just embarrassed as all get out? I feel like she's embarrassed just by that. She didn't even know how to respond there. She's just like, stop. Stephen Flores, hospitals here in Fresno started wearing masks again.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Yeah, I started seeing more of that too here. Why? What's happening? I don't see that. On my worldwide news feed on Instagram, I haven't seen any. I haven't seen. Is my worldwide news feed on Instagram. I haven't seen any. I haven't seen – is something here?
Starting point is 01:30:09 Is there something here? They're saying there's like a resurgence of COVID again, and they're preparing for the flu COVID RSV season. Are people still taking the 49er for COVID? Are people still doing that? Yes. People still ask for it every time they? Are people still doing that? Yes. People still ask for it every time they come into the hospital. Oh, yeah. They're like, oh, I'm here for my booster.
Starting point is 01:30:32 You're like, how many have you had? And they're like, this is my fifth one. I've had five. This will be my sixth. Savage. Where are these people getting their news? CNN, MSNBC, the local news station. But they're not even pushing it anymore, are they?
Starting point is 01:30:49 New York Times. No, but they make it comfortable for them. Yeah, I don't know where they're getting it from. These people are going to accidentally kill themselves. Oh, I know. Not accidentally. Accidentally on purpose. How is this happening? it's a trip we have families come in
Starting point is 01:31:09 and they're just they just ask for like their whole family there's like a family of five and they've two or three kids under the age of 12 they're like yeah i want to we need our boosters like what oh my god our tax dollars paid for it, damn it. I'm taking it. Yeah. Is the kid sipping on a Coca-Cola while they do it? Yeah. They're like eating something with sugar. Like they have suckers in their mouth or their parents have bribed them with donuts after the fact.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Like it's it's hilarious. When we had that girl on the other day, the Wolverine lady, she lady, she said something like she doesn't think she's better than other people or something. And I was like, I think I'm better than other people. Let me give you another example of how I'm better than other people. I've been taking the kids to AOJ, the Art of Jiu-Jitsu. It's a beautiful jiu-jitsu center, beautiful. the art of jujitsu. It's a beautiful jujitsu center, beautiful. And there's all, and there's this bench that probably like seats goes the whole length of the mats and it probably seats comfortably. I want to say 40 parents and it's full. It's completely full. I sit on the floor.
Starting point is 01:32:23 I would say 10% of the people sitting on the bench are eating kids and adults maybe more 20 30 they maybe it seats 80 people i don't know the place is packed and they're like there's the place is completely white. It's completely clean. The floors are polished concrete floors. I don't know what in your fucking mind thinks it's okay to let your kid walk around there with a Ziploc bag full of those little marshmallows. Or your kid eating granola walking around. Or you as a parent sipping out of a fucking fountain drink. Like, it's a fucking jujitsu studio just go outside and eat what happened you're going to spill something my wife and i were sitting down by the trash can and some kid had spilled his granola mix and um so the mom was trying to clean it up
Starting point is 01:33:26 and of course didn't clean it up and everywhere on the ground was fucking granola and little tiny pieces of dried fruit that now a hundred people are stepping on as they walk back and forth it's like dude it's so fucking inappropriate to eat in the gym any gym it's uncouth do you let people eat in your gym susan no but we've never i mean the kids area we've had to tell them like don't bring food with your kids because they'll drop random shit inside that kid's room with it and yeah that's crazy and it gets everywhere especially there used to be this one like back in the day that would always the mom would always hand him a sucker or two.
Starting point is 01:34:07 And it was just crazy to me because she was super into her health and fitness, but she would just pacify the kid with a lollipop. Oh, my God. And then the lollipop, you would go in there to clean it, and it would just be super sticky, stuck all over the place, other food there. Yeah. We haven't had that in years, though, so people have been really good.
Starting point is 01:34:28 The way the classes work, a lot of people will take classes back to back. My kids will go there, they'll take one class and then there'll be a break and then there's another class. During the break, we go outside and I feed them. That's it. You're just conscious of what's happening around you yeah i think that's what i
Starting point is 01:34:48 was like distilling it down to there's like there's like conscious and then contribution like everybody should work to have those two like be conscious of your behaviors and your actions and the way they affect the other people around you and be conscious of like your motives like why am i doing this or why am i acting this way and then try to find ways to be like to contribute or at the very least don't don't impose upon don't tax the system so if you can't contribute or you think you can't then or you're not in a position to contribute then the very least just don't make it harder on everybody else who is contributing and like those that's what i kind of distill down to your you know i think i'm better than other people think it's
Starting point is 01:35:24 like because you yeah who do you want do you want a bunch of people in there who are eating or do you want people in there who are not eating? What makes the place better? Yeah, we're not eating. Well, it contributes to the instructors. Now they have less cleaning to do because, yeah, I mean, because you are conscious of your behaviors because you ate outside because you knew it was inappropriate to bring it in there, which then hacks the system and everybody else around them because the food's all over the place and somebody has to fucking clean it. And it's no big deal to go outside. It's no big deal. It's six feet away. There's a window. You can see it. It reminds me, there was another gym my kids used to go to, and one time a
Starting point is 01:35:55 black belt came in, and his kid was with him, and his kid was eating an ice cream cone. Licking an ice cream cone. And I'm just like, dude dude you should have that fucking black belt wrapped around your neck and fucking fucking jackass no judgment no judgment and there's also the difference in parents there's two there's like three different levels that i've noticed especially with the kids from at the gym the whole the whole gym for the last 10 years has
Starting point is 01:36:23 just been one big like social experiment of like watching and doing shit and the way i do shit and how people react to it but there's the parents who don't do anything they just grab their kid and they go come on we're going and then you peer over the side and you're like oh they just left it a disaster all the toys are out everything's left then there's the parents that will come in there and just start cleaning it and their kids are just running off doing something else and they're cleaning it and then there's a third one where the parent just stands there and make sure the kid has cleaned all of it to the appropriate level and then they might step in as you know the kid's done 80 of it or something okay now we get the fuck out of here so i'm gonna help
Starting point is 01:36:55 you do it but there's those those are the three things i've watched nothing at all them doing it for the kid or them them making the kid do it. Who do you think turns out to be a more conscious contributor to society out of those three? Right. And so. Yeah. That's three choice, choice three,
Starting point is 01:37:13 choice three. Yep. Choice three. You want, you want to have some, uh, self-consciousness around your contribution or else, or else then you just pee on the street
Starting point is 01:37:25 yeah you shouldn't pee on the street you're nothing you're no better than a fentanyl addict all right there's a there's a fourth um uh don't touch any toys because i don't want to have to clean up after you that That's true. Yeah. And there's some kids that come in with books. There's some kids that come in with tablets, you know, iPads. It's like, it's crazy. And there's different like levels of behavior that come with those actions. There's a turntable, a shopping carts, there's people who put their carts away.
Starting point is 01:38:05 And then there's people who make their kids put the carts away. And there's people who are pro-economy. And there's people who don't even use cards. Cards are for pussies. Carry it all in your hands. Yeah. I did yesterday. One trip or die. Right.
Starting point is 01:38:22 That's a good shirt. Yesterday, I put my um shopping cart you know uh the raley's here in newport beach it has two different size shopping carts it's got those little ones and then it's got the big ones and i put my little one into the big where the big ones were and i always thought i should take a picture and post that so you guys could judge me so everybody could get upset i mean yeah it just fucks everything up you put the little one in there and now that like they don't all fit together nicely and it just it just fucks everything up how dare you
Starting point is 01:38:58 i would rather someone not put their shopping cart away than let your fucking three-year-old steer the cart and shopping in the store while the rest of us have to deal with your shit. How's that? What's 57? There's no, there's no. Oh my God, 56 is so good. Wait till you see 56.
Starting point is 01:39:21 56 is amazing. 56 or 57? No, no, 57, 57. Oh yeah, this is good here we go, this is this is fun enjoy this Just because I have rainbow hair wearing a rainbow shirt I got a rainbow prize like yeah How can you assume down disabled just because of a messed up body with messed up hands? And I drive mobility scooter because I can't walk
Starting point is 01:39:54 No way Good right, how are you gonna assume I'm gay just because I got rainbow? That's amazing. Along the adaptive class athletics, this is truly remarkable. I need one part of this video explained to me but the rest is is just absolutely amazing okay number 56 uh swimming world record uh swimming this is incredible 50 meter world record got obliterated by juo ying chang in the paris swimming games and look at his strategy everyone else is splashing he's just still as can be. His legs are motoring. His head looks like a water balloon that hasn't burst yet,
Starting point is 01:40:48 but is about to burst. His torso has got to be as strong as ever. Head first into the wall, broke the record, finished under 30 seconds. The record for people with arms is 21 seconds. The 50 meter world record got obliterated by Jiu Ying Chang in the Paris swimming games. And look at his strategy everyone else is splashing he's just still as can be his legs are motoring his head looks like a water balloon that hasn't burst yet but is about to burst his torso has got to be as strong as ever head first into the wall please tell me they have a pad there at the wall for no arm swimmers i have no idea i know that that's some world-class athleticism the first of all i don't i don't want to disregard that
Starting point is 01:41:31 whatever that body control is whatever the fuck he's doing that dolphin kick insane but how about the head into the wall i know there's like a little like i don't know it's for like the timer so like when you touch it it stops the timer yeah it might that might be a little padded that looks like it hurts dude that looks unsafe hey he doesn't even have a um he doesn't have a uh swimming cap right he's just bald yeah he's bald god damn that looks like that hurts yeah it does
Starting point is 01:42:08 oh yeah there's a Eric Wise there's a pad for everyone yet Caleb's concerned that it might not be a thick pad I don't think it is you would be able to see it and it's not super thick off that wall I know it's not a thick high absorbent pad if you know what I mean
Starting point is 01:42:24 the thin for the lighter days yeah not like the ones they have at the CrossFit It's not super thick off that wall. It's not a thick, high-absorbent pad, if you know what I mean. The thin for the lighter days. Yeah, not like the ones they have at the CrossFit Games for people doing handstand push-ups. Pads. Thick pads. Thick pads. Look at this comment. Sunny K. Pausing to give my man his morning B-Day Hummer.
Starting point is 01:42:45 Be right back. Wow. Time stamp at 8.38. Let's see how long it takes her to come back. Remember, this is true. I'm about to tell you this is a truism. Technique is irrelevant. It's the effort and passion.
Starting point is 01:43:11 Effort and passion effort and passion the technique on a blow job is almost irrelevant oh well i don't know you get a little peepee you're gonna sing a different tune there it's it's no don't listen i get a little scrape bitch he'll tolerate be really, it's all passion and passion, determination, commitment. Are you laughing at this? Stretch first? No, I'm laughing at you. The determination part is. Yeah. I'm like visualizing it. I'm like, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:43:51 Yeah, thank you god wow yeah timestamp that okay as soon as saying i'm right timestamp that too oh uh thank you okay so yeah let's give let's give some pointers here this is good um the daniel garrity there goes you'll definitely get the nuclear codes eye contact yeah there you go going in and out of it though making eye contact with what yeah yeah a little bit of both helps yeah uh okay um kevin i've been married for 24 years i can't i have no pointers for you ken walters make sure you ride the bike with no hands. That's always a little show. Two hands. Stacked.
Starting point is 01:44:31 Yeah, both. Both. Automatic and stick. Not like this. No, no. You want to make him feel bad? Yeah. bad yeah and i'm a logical reasonable man that's why and when you're and when you're done when you're done just say that was easy that was easy oh you know at the end of the barclay marathons
Starting point is 01:45:01 that's a button like when they're if they finish the barclay marathon they have a button he like brings out a button so that was easy button oh they have to hit it and then oh i didn't know i didn't know that so i was running for 40 hours and they're like that was easy oh my god pedro what did page uh uh not that fond of head uh my jaw gets so tired oh man oh nelly uh call me later pedro i want to tell you something your timing is impeccable but um your understanding of the situation is these little work uh oh, turntable. Wow. I think the opposite is for eating at the Y.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Technique is more important than passion. Wow. Wow. Maybe we could get some of the female commenters to comment on that. Cave Dastro, my mom just came down to the basement and asked me what I'm listening to oh no Leslie
Starting point is 01:46:11 Leslie Smith only dropping facts today laughing laughing laughing damn oh shit keep my new favorite Damn. Oh, shit. She's my new favorite.
Starting point is 01:46:29 I know. I like her. I can't wait to get home and see her on a big screen. Like McCaskey. Oh, nothing, mom. Someone's just talking about head. Pull up a seat. Hey, this falls under the contribution category for us here.
Starting point is 01:46:48 We're contributing to everybody. 54... I don't know. I don't know if I want to do racism today. I don't know i don't know if i want to do racism today um i don't know if i i assume that um oh we could put vivek on blast i got a whole bunch of just like the blasting poor vivek oh you know i really liked him and then now i'm starting to become skeptical of him uh let's go well let's play these and then and then i need to have um i'm gonna get dream rare on uh let's let's play a whole uh 50 let's go through these three clips and then maybe we'll
Starting point is 01:47:34 call it a show uh poor vivek he's getting destroyed but better to know now hey and you know you know trump is gonna fucking have adam with all these two okay here we go is this the top one uh caleb we're just gonna go take it from the top okay here we go so first let me just address a question that is on everybody's mind at home tonight who the heck is this skinny guy with a funny last name and what the heck is he doing in the middle of this debate stage i'll tell you i'm not. I'm a mill worker's son who dares to defy the odds. The hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him too.
Starting point is 01:48:13 So who is Vivek Ramaswamy? The Obama plagiarizing big pharma CEO. Who wrote a book less than a year ago in which he compared Trump to sore loser Stacey Abrams, said he respects Pence, and says that Mike Pence did the right thing on January 6th. A man who tweeted out well said George Soros and seemingly even parroted his rhetoric on open societies. A man who took money for his law school from a Soros fellowship said he did it in a video defending himself, quote, when I didn't have
Starting point is 01:48:40 the money. When I didn't have the money and it was a merit scholarship. Yet Fox News reported that he made millions of dollars that year and a million dollars every year for a couple of years prior. So he lied about that. A man who made a fortune off of a failed Alzheimer's drug and a man who just last year wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed in which he said, the most important step in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic was the distribution of vaccines. That's in 2022. So who is big pharma salesman Vivek? Well, he's whoever you want him to be, because just like Obama, he'll say whatever he has to say, even copying Obama, to tell the naive
Starting point is 01:49:14 and foolish sheeple what they want to hear. Everyone's giving this guy softball interviews and weak debates. Vivek, if you want a real challenge, come on my channel. I don't buy your shtick at all. So first, all so first let me wow bug dreamer is a beast dude he is a beast uh okay uh number two uh i'm not i'm not i'm not uh i don't hate vivek but uh but boy some uh some shit needs to be uh talked about of ak rama swami biden says all adults will be uh vaccine eligible by may 1st that's good news give credit where credit is due hey that that's the part that's a trip because once again all you have to do is a little bit of research and that that particular 49er no one knew anything about we still don't know anything about it the studies are so poor
Starting point is 01:50:05 in regards to it they didn't even know if it stopped transmission uh vittorio uh seve falls in love too easy dude you're you nailed it you you are like when my wife and i went house shopping every house we walked into, I was like, let's get this one. I'm so that guy. I'm so that guy. Okay. And finally, my love for Vivek Ramaswamy. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Oh, yeah, this guy's's good this guy's taking over instagram rameswami should you trust him some of you won't like this but hear me out he seems to be everywhere clips of him giving it to the man and calling out the establishment all over social media skyrockets from unknown to top of the Republican polls. And I understand why. He says what we all want to hear. End the war, secure the border, drain the swamp, unity, freedom, truth. Which outlets are considered untrustworthy propaganda media? MSNBC, Business Insider, AP, Forbes, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Huffington Post, Axios, Political, just to name a few. The mouthpiece of the establishment.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Then why are they all so supportive of Vivek? Doesn't make sense. How is he considered anti-establishment when he's supported by the establishment? He's supported by the establishment. If you or I were to say some of the anti-woke things he says, we would be shadow banned. But somehow, he's trending on every single major social media platform. Hmm. Prior to politics, he was a hedge fund manager. His claim to fame was a pharmaceutical startup company called Roivant.
Starting point is 01:52:01 In the nine years it's been in business, it has never been profitable or delivered a working product. Although Roivant continues to fail their clinical trials, they were able to find investors and raise money making Vivek an extremely wealthy entrepreneur. Good at convincing people to invest, poor at delivering product and execution. Not a good sign. So what about the money? The media highlights that Vivek has invested over $10 million of his own money to fund his campaign, an honorable feat. Vivek announced his run for presidency in February 2023. How long do you think it takes to make that decision and execute a plan?
Starting point is 01:52:42 Six, eight months? July 2022. The value of Roivant stock is just over $3 per share. On February 21st, 2023, Vivek announces his run for presidency and on February 22, he sells 4 million shares for approximately $32 million at nearly $8 per share. Well over $15 million in profit in six months prior to him announcing presidency. Good for him, right? Make that money. Company is losing over $1 billion per year, but he got paid. Smart guy. But anytime things are just so coincidental, I'm forced to keep digging. Why did the stock price of an
Starting point is 01:53:25 unprofitable failing company rise over 100%? How does it go from an all-time low to nearly its all-time high? Institutional money. You remember when Vivek said the financial investment giants like BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard represent arguably the most powerful cartel in human history? Well, guess who's on the list of institutional investment giants that started giving his company money one year ago? You want to guess? BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard. All three have added to their positions in the last quarter, and Roviant, which Vivek still owns 7% share in, is now up over 300% in the last year, making it worth close to $1 billion. During the Republican primary debate, Vivek vowed to end the
Starting point is 01:54:14 teachers union. Guess who is also on this list of investors? California State Teachers Retirement System. Look, his intentions may be pure, and this is all a coincidence. Maybe there is a great explanation. However, I am not a financial analyst nor investigative reporter, but I was able to find all this out in a couple hours of sifting through publicly available data. Why is this connection to George Soros via scholarship and his involvement in the ohio covet 19 response team scrubbed from wikipedia in 2021 he was named that part that part's a trip that part's a trip the teachers union thing yeah whatever i wasn't even even able to follow that
Starting point is 01:54:59 like if the teachers unions if he's trying to dismember dismember dismantle the teachers unions, if he's trying to dismember, dismember, dismantle the teachers union, but they're also investors. Seems like it should be the opposite, that he shouldn't be trying to dismantle them anyway. Yeah, I think that was the point he was making. How can he be against the establishment when he's funded by the establishment? Oh, OK. OK. You know, hey, and there's this pushback on everything this guy's saying dude black rock and vanguard's money is everywhere you can connect everyone to them i have my fucking retirement in vanguard yeah me too s&p 500 they own 80% of it so if you're like s&p 500 you're also with them
Starting point is 01:55:39 yeah so but anyway uh there were some great comments in here. True, Sebon does fall in love easy. He wants to suck off the born prim and a founder after watching 30 seconds of his podcast. It was a good 30 seconds though. It was. And I don't, to be fair, I think it was a minute. I think it was a minute. Double what you say.
Starting point is 01:56:01 Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. You retard. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. You retard. You're a retarded dick. You're a retarded. You're a rhetorical.
Starting point is 01:56:12 I called him that twice. Good times. This show has more inside jokes than Audrey has inside cats. No. This show has more inside jokes than Colton has inside dogs. Better? Because that's an inside joke
Starting point is 01:56:36 on an inside joke if you don't know Colton has. Julie Slewinski. That's how I'm going to look at the born primitive guy. See how she's looking at him? So don't take a fucking load off you, motherfucker. Take a load right off that shit.
Starting point is 01:56:52 Oh, dollop that, Daisy. Yeah. Polish your knob. Polish your head, and then I'm going to polish your head. Julie Slowinski. Sebi, did you ever share the hotel room story from the games where you were gonna have to give up your room for something holy shit no and i am not telling that story wow i heard it though wow that's funny wow i did wow god damn wow Bring that up like in a year and I'll bring that because because I was I was told not to tell that story.
Starting point is 01:57:30 It could make someone look bad who does not deserve to look bad. And I agree. But wow, Julie, she's Louise. God. There's something about that picture, her and that dude. Look how happy they are. Nice wedding photo. My wife looks at me like that.
Starting point is 01:57:53 You think that's a wedding photo? Yeah. Yeah, I'm going to put my vote on wedding photo. Is her hair braided? No. No, but it's done up nice. He's in a suit. She's in a white dress.
Starting point is 01:58:07 Forest scene. Cute. Turntable, I don't want someone to find out who I am. I don't want to find out who you are either. I like all you guys. I don't want to find out who any of you are. I'm kind of friends with him on Insta. But he might be disappointed because I lick his balls on here.
Starting point is 01:58:35 A golf foxtrot Yankee after reading RFK Jr.'s book. It's clear that clinical trials are just an idea, not a real thing. Yeah, totally. trials are just an idea not a real thing yeah totally there's there's and also there's there's never been any trials or any studies of the mixture of the mixture of concoctions that that everyone takes there's no there's no studies on that zero no one's like trying to figure out if you mix tylenol with the 49ers with your insulin with your trt with your like like no one's studying what the whole mixture of the 72 drugs does to you. Are you guys skating far?
Starting point is 01:59:14 Okay. I'll bug you guys soon. You have your phone? Awesome. You can leave that door open. Just close the screen. All right. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:59:24 Skateboarding time. Night. that door open just close the screen all right thanks skateboarding time night i wonder if i should save those i'm gonna i'm gonna save the vivec i'm not gonna erase that yet in case i need that for when um let's go back to it i'm gonna erase it know. It's on Dream Rares. 48. Do you want to build? Oh, no. 47. Do you want to roll the dice?
Starting point is 01:59:54 You want to roll the dice? You want to roll the dice? You want to gamble a little? Un-gamble? Oh, it's the last clip? I don't know. It's at the very end of our show. So we can even edit it out. Dude, this is so crazy. This is so fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Why do you do stuff? Like, I wear a seatbelt because I believe that it offers safety and because I don't want a ticket. Mm-hmm. safety and because i don't want a ticket this is absolutely nuts dude you want to play it i want to play this in a room full of people who who the injection. I want to know what they think, honestly. Imagine someone talking to you like this. Every time... It's just nuts. Yeah, let's play
Starting point is 02:00:59 this. This is just absolutely crazy. This is the craziest montage ever. How does this guy sleep at night? How do either of these guys sleep at night? Knowing they killed people. They loaded people onto the trains. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Get in. Come on. Get in. Okay. Here we go. Don't get the vaccine. You can't go to the supermarket. Don't have the vaccine. You don't should. Can't go to the ballgame. Don't have the vaccine. You can't go to the supermarket. Don't have the vaccine. You don't
Starting point is 02:01:25 show it. Can't go to the ballgame. Don't have the vaccine. Can't go to work. You don't have a vaccine. Can't come here. No shirt, no shoes, no service. That's where I think we should be right now. I think we have to stop coddling people when it comes to this and the vaccine saying, oh, you can't shame them. You can't call them stupid. You can't call them silly. Yes, they are. The people who are not getting vaccine, who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science, it's time to start shaming them.
Starting point is 02:01:52 We can't have mealy-mouthed people like that. You have to be more direct. It's a more concerted effort to say, get vaccinated. You're going to kill other people. You can't come into this office or this place of business. It has nothing to do with freedom.
Starting point is 02:02:04 There's nothing to do with liberty. Put some rules in place that will demand that people get vaccinated. You cannot be that selfish and quite frankly, that ignorant. It's my freedom and I don't wanna get vaccinated. I don't wanna do that. Don't go to the hospital then. People who don't wanna get vaccinated are conservative Republican whites. I'm saying, do people really know what's in stuff that they inject in their bodies all the time? Stop it. We have to start doing things for the greater good of society and not for idiots who think that they can do their own research.
Starting point is 02:02:33 We're gonna look at the greater good of everyone in our society and you're not part of that. Don Lemon has been fired by CNN. The longtime anchor announced the news in a tweet on Monday. I'm bummed they fired him. I'm bummed they fired him i'm bummed they fired him why what do you mean like like it's like somehow it's like some sort of out for them like they just replaced him with worse people the people they replaced him with are even more heavy-handed more racist, this is unreal. And you're telling me that there's people still coming in and getting the injection for their kids.
Starting point is 02:03:09 I don't understand. Sometimes I think that we must be like the world must be like raw things. Like Ross says, like there's different realities going on simultaneously here. I must be like, well, I must be in a different one. Those people. Are you in a reality where the injection works? You know what I mean? I'm in the reality where I just don't question it.
Starting point is 02:03:30 I've totally screwed up my reality and my reality. The injection doesn't work. It kills people in your reality. It helps people. Yeah. Oh my God. All right. Um, Oh my god. Alright. Remember,
Starting point is 02:03:52 vote Democrat or don't vote at all. Or you ain't black. Yeah. Or this show's gonna get cancelled. That's a good one. Vote Democrat or this show's gonna get cancelled that's a good vote democrat or this show's gonna get cancelled
Starting point is 02:04:09 say you're gonna vote democrat or this show's gonna get cancelled who do we have on tomorrow Mr. Josh Bridges oh that's awesome so today's guest was Hunter McIntyre then tomorrow's will be Josh Bridges then on Tuesday will be Greg Glassman
Starting point is 02:04:26 that would be awesome what if Greg came on with the fuck you glasses that would be hilarious Eric says that's fabulous Eric Utley that's fabulous advice always vote Democrat thank you the show's all about vote Hillary
Starting point is 02:04:42 write Hillary in in your ballot please are we close we're close to 24 close they stay in the hood 24 uh wednesday uh born primitive pumped about that oh shit my wife just texted me uh josh was in my dream last night thanks so yesterday's text. Did you hear the text come in too? Yeah. Oh, thanks for telling me that while I'm on the show, honey. Thanks for bolstering my confidence.
Starting point is 02:05:16 Really appreciate you giving me. I felt my T count drop. Nothing like the support from your woman. She just really likes her guests. Viva la Ukraine. Viva la Ukraine. Keep that border open. Keep that border open.
Starting point is 02:05:38 I saw them welding those gates open in Arizona. Wait, what happened? Sorry, this is opening a can of worms. they welded the gates open and the border wall in arizona from arizona to mexico they welded them open so you can't shut them oh well that's so that the uh um the uh midwestern uh coyoteote can still keep its migrant path open. Who welded them open? I don't know. I didn't say specifically, but they were welded open. I'm pretty sure that the car – El Chapo, the guy from the clip in the beginning, the guy on the Invictus team, welded them open.
Starting point is 02:06:19 They got mile-long tunnels. They could weld open a little gate. Bruce Wayne, she's getting you back for the seven-foot girl. Oh, yeah, with a four-foot man. Perfect. I like it. I like how Bruce's icon photo has just been a rotating thing of guests on the show, like podcast people. It was like Hiller before, then it's like
Starting point is 02:06:36 Pedro now. Oh, God. Pedro looks famous in that picture. He is famous. Is Bruce wearing a suit? It looks like a little button-up action. A couple buttons from the top missing. Let him know he's there to party. W.M. Buckley.
Starting point is 02:06:58 You want to? You want to go? You want to go? Bill Gates, vaccine expert like Glassman, is a diabetes expert. Bill Gates is making billions. Billions off of injecting people with drugs that any ding dong can research for 15 minutes and be like yo that's not working no that is not true you do not get uh herd immunity from uh from the tetanus vaccine uh the last measles outbreak we had in the united states of the
Starting point is 02:07:40 150 people that got it at dis, more than 75 were vaccinated. There's no money in Greg Glassman, uh, pushing up against, uh, um, diabetes just for starters, just for starters. It's,
Starting point is 02:08:00 uh, you know, the, the fitness industry, there is a pile of money out there, right? There's, there's limited resources. There's not infinite money. So there's this pile of money out there and people can spend it how they want. And you can use your money to get a gym membership, get a nutritionist, sign up for a CrossFit gym, hang out with like-minded people and use that
Starting point is 02:08:21 money to go there. But that's money that won't be then going to the, uh, the medical community. And so, so that pile of cash is being, um, there's withdrawals, that big pile from different areas.
Starting point is 02:08:42 There's no one in the fitness industry who's concerned that pharma's taking their money. I've never heard anyone say that. But there is concern from pharma that other people are taking their money. He'll be on Tuesday. Ask him. There you have it. Turntntable I disapprove of this comment
Starting point is 02:09:09 okay oh and and thank you Bruce and of course the injection is free I love it see you guys tomorrow morning who is it Josh Bridges Josh Bridges easy day alright love you guys bye bye

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