The Sevan Podcast - She stabbed him 108 times and it's not her fault

Episode Date: January 27, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
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Starting point is 00:01:07 Like most of you don't want it. Omar. Omar? Omar. Conejo. What's up, dude? Kenneth, what's up? Rosie's in the house. Saber, what's up? I absolutely love the two shows daily, but I cannot keep up due to time zones.
Starting point is 00:01:24 No worries. Mark Bell loves YouTube. Man, I watched a bunch of videos regarding him getting kicked off of YouTube. Every single one of them was just a bunch of cowards and pussies and clickbait D-bags talking. None of it gave me any information. I listened to Mark Bell's podcast about it. I like Mark. I've hung out with him a couple times. He's been on the show. It listened to Mark Bell's podcast about it. I like Mark.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I've hung out with him a couple times. He's been on the show. It was a three-hour podcast, but that was a horrible podcast on his part too. Those guys are all cool, but I don't know what the point of that was. That could have been said more concise, and there's this pseudo-stoic bullshit going on. I should have Mark on, and we should fucking talk about it but i was i am not impressed with any anything around that that being said let's dig in to the subject at hand i mean say something like just be really fucking concise we had some shows on the air, and there were links that took people somewhere that YouTube did not think was cool. It was steroids or prescription peptides or some shit like that.
Starting point is 00:02:41 It was in seven shows. And so they kicked us off. I have a friend and I don't even know how he got back on. But it was like 40 minutes of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's like and this thing like Mark takes this stance of like, well, you know, I don't know how I would handle it. And it belongs to YouTube and it's up to them and it's not censorship. It's like, fuck you, dude. YouTube isn't owned by fucking youtube youtube has fucking shitloads of government contracts people for the fbi working there cia working there all sorts of
Starting point is 00:03:12 crazy shit this is a fucking public space that privately owned shit like this is my house doesn't exist at youtube fucking grow a set fucking a it's just it i don't know i didn't like it and i didn't like i understand he wants to stay on and he wants to be real and he wants to be fair and balanced and now fuck that i'm not even asking you to put your tinfoil hat on i'm just asking you to fucking be real yeah it was it was for it's a it's a, it's a waste of time to watch that podcast. It's a shame. You know, it's a shame anyway. Uh, here we go. Uh, crazy story here. I want to do more of these shows. I want to change the whole, uh, layout of this screen. And I want to have a 20 minute show that I do, uh, where I just go off for 20 minutes. So here we go. The story is woman avoids jail
Starting point is 00:04:05 for fatally stabbing man 100 times during cannabis psychosis. Father of the victim says the judge has given anyone who smokes marijuana a license to kill after sentencing. Now, why would a woman stab a guy 100 times? Was he trying to rape her? Okay, legit. Stab him 200 times. Was he trying to rape her? Okay. Legit. Stab him 200 times. I get it. He was trying to kill her baby. I get it. Stab him. Was he a threat to her? I get it. Stab him. Once you start the stabbing, don't stop. If it's that you smoked some weed, which was your choice, and you lost your shit and started stabbing him, That's not the marijuana's fault. That's your fault. A California woman who fatally stabbed a man she was dating more than 100 times while on a cannabis-induced psychosis has avoided jail.
Starting point is 00:05:06 on Tuesday and must carry out 100 hours of community service that focuses on raising awareness of the effects of marijuana-induced psychosis, according to the Ventura County Star. Holy shit. 100 hours? I put 100 hours a week thinking about this podcast. During the Tuesday sentencing, Spedcher and her loved ones reportedly sobbed in relief while the family members of the victim, Chad, Amelia, were left in shock and anger. And while you're listening to this, there's two things you can do. You can take the easy route and you can be like, fuck this bitch. I feel sorry for her dad. Or you can take the other route and you could think about being the loved ones of the chick who stabbed the guy a hundred times who's still alive. He just gave everyone in the state of California who smokes marijuana a license to kill someone, the victim's father, Sean O'Meally, said of the judge after the verdict.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Spetra was convicted in December of involuntary manslaughter and the fatal stabbing of 26-year-old Mr. Amelia in 2018, who she had only been dating several weeks before his death. The judge gave her probation and suspended a four-year prison sentence, which she could still face if she violates her probation. I bet you she's not allowed to smoke marijuana during her probation. The Ventura County Superior Court Judge David Wardley said that his decision was based on Spetcher having a psychotic episode, according to experts, by taking bong hits of marijuana, the Ventura County star said. Experts? There's experts on bong hits? From that point forward, she had no control of her actions, Mr. Worley said. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. She took a bong rip, and now she no longer had control of her actions.
Starting point is 00:06:58 So if I get drunk and I pass out at the wheel and my car hits someone. I no longer had control of my actions. Once I ejaculate in someone, I no longer have control over what the sperm does. It's not my fault I got her pregnant. The pair were taking bong hits from a bong together mr emilia's thousand oaks apartment that's california by the way on may 27 2018 when spetcher had an adverse reaction to the marijuana and suffered from what experts call cannabis induced psychotic disorder by the way i had a few friends in college that whenever they smoked weed they turned schizophrenic it was a trip one of the guys would just start talking in tongues. I hated being around those people. According to a press release from the Ventura County District Attorney from December,
Starting point is 00:07:51 during the psychotic episode, she proceeded to stab Amelia multiple times and stabbed herself, the release said. In the early hours of May 28, 2018, law enforcement arrived at the house to find Mr. Amelia covered in a pool of blood and the suspect screaming in hysterics holding a knife which she then plunged into her own neck prompting officers to use a taser and baton to disarm her. A long serrated bread knife was removed from her hands and the victim was pronounced dead by paramedics the release said. Spetsher's lawyers reportedly tried to claim she was involuntarily intoxicated. Spetcher's lawyers reportedly tried to claim she was involuntarily intoxicated. I'm still struggling with that one.
Starting point is 00:08:34 After pressure from Mr. Omelia, but the jurors rejected the defense's argument, the local outlet said. Spetcher's lawyers reportedly tried to claim she was involuntarily intoxicated after pressure from Omelia, but the jurors rejected the defense's argument. So she said that he pressured her to smoke weed, but the jurors rejected that, but she still got off. During the sentencing, Spetcher addressed Mr. Amelia's family. My actions have ripped your family apart, she said, according to the Ventura County Star. I'm broken and aching inside. I hurt that you never see Chad again. The local outlet reported that the day before the hearing, loved ones of Amelia came together in front of the county government center carrying signs such as 108 stab wounds is a serious crime and Judge Worley do the right thing. While Mr. Amelia's family and friends were reportedly hoping for prison time in the sentence, Spetser's attorney, Michael Goldstein, believed the judge's sentence was fair.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Of course he did. He pulled a fucking coup. Today – by the way, you see what's going on here, right? It's the woke thing again. It's the exact opposite of accountability and personal responsibility. Today, Ventura Superior Court judge did the right thing and imposed a sentence that was fair and accurately reflected. Mr. Goldstein said, reported to Los Angeles Times, it was clear that she had no control of her faculties and never intended to cause any harm. What?
Starting point is 00:09:54 All the medical experts agreed, including the expert called by the district attorney's office. Oh, but we're not done, people. Oh, but we're not done. There's so much more. It's interesting what articles decide to share and which ones decide what not to share. I wish I had known more about the dangers of marijuana. This is from Law and Crime. A woman who stabbed a man 108 times during cannabis-induced psychosis gets probation. So she wished she would have known about the dangers of marijuana.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Justice in the Golden State, that's California, was a long time coming and ultimately lenient for a woman who stabbed a man who she was dating to death with several knives. So it's more than one knife. One, a marijuana-induced state of acute psychosis. What is marijuana acute psychosis? She was sentenced to two years probation, 100 years of community service. Was in a thousand oaks, roughly 40 miles northwest of Los Angeles at 1 a.m. on Memorial Day. The night she also stabbed her dog. They even give the dog's name, Aria. They give the dog's name. That night she also stabbed her dog, Aria, and tried to take her own life, but she was interrupted by the arrival of law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I call bullshit on that. What do you mean trying and interrupted by law enforcement? There was no plea deal struck in the case. And while the defendant admitted her factual responsibility for Amelia's brutal death, he was stabbed 108 times on the night in question. She pleaded not guilty to the loan charge of involuntary manslaughter before being found guilty last night. Wait, I thought it was not guilty. Oh, she was found guilty and faced up to four years in prison. But instead, she got probation and 100 hours of community service. Originally charged with murder in the second degree, prosecutors asked to reduce the charge to manslaughter in September of 2023 after a forensic psychologist submitted a report that found the defendant was acutely psychotic. I mean, who's not acutely psychotic if you stab someone 108 times?
Starting point is 00:12:25 So you break into my house. I see you standing over my wife with a knife, and I attack you and stab you 108 times. I'm telling you I'm acutely psychotic at the time. the state appointed forensic psychologist chris mohaddin wrote in a 37 page report that spetcher appeared possessed i mean how is that in a report what who what possessed appeared possessed by what now possessed is some sort of legal argument? Possessed? What is this, a Hollywood movie? In a police body-worn camera footage from the night she killed Amelia, the state's expert also wrote that stabbing her own beloved dog without any evidence of animal cruelty tendencies is highly inconsistent with her love of dogs and underscores her level of impairment.
Starting point is 00:13:25 So what? Then after area, why is this impairment? Why is this impairment? Why does it matter? There's no sane person killing someone. That doesn't happen. I dress up as a soldier. I'm walking around fucking Gaza.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I'm part of the IDF, Israeli Defense Force, and I am in a fucking crazed, hyper-alert state because I know with every step someone might kill me, my options are to kill them or be killed. Then after stabbing her dog, Aria Spector began slashing at her own neck with a serrated bread knife, cutting her jugular, being drenched in blood.
Starting point is 00:14:19 She continued cutting herself while kneeling. I mean, she didn't cut her jugular if she continued to cut herself. She'd be dead despite being shocked over and over by police for the stun gun footage shown during the trial reportedly showed the attempt on her life only stopped after the ninth blow from a police police's officer steel baton by the way this is a white woman not that it matters this is a white woman i don't know why that. This is a white woman. I don't know why that matters. This is a white chick. Still don't know why it matters.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Mohadine also determined that the high potency of the marijuana that the defendant smoked, how do they know it's high potency marijuana? Did they test it? High potency relative to what? Was it mixed with hash? relative to what? Was it mixed with hash? Was it mixed with hash? After multiple successive bong hits, successive. No, they weren't successive. They weren't successive bong hits. They were just one right after another. I mean, this is just retard shit. After multiple successive bong hits, was responsible for her disassociative, huge-like state.
Starting point is 00:15:31 From that point, so what? From that point forward, she had no control over her actions, Worley said, before handing down the sure-to-be-controversial sentence, according to the courtroom. Family members of the victim exclaimed angrily in court. The paper reported, while the defendant and her own family sobbed in relief. He just gave everyone in the state of California who smokes the ganja a license to kill someone, said Sean Amelia, the victim's father. My actions have ripped your family apart. We heard that. During the trial, prosecutors sought to paint Spetcher, that's the killer, as a cold-hearted woman just looking for the next
Starting point is 00:16:07 party, the Star reported. The image, however, did not align with her actual life supplied by her loved ones during the sentence hearing. Spetcher was born with a hearing impairment and previously practiced as an audiologist before the violence that upended her life and wholly undid another. Upended her life and wholly undid another. Upended her life. For more information, visit closely as a master painter carefully brushes benjamin moore regal select down the seam of the wall it's like poetry in motion benjamin moore see the love so i guess if you're uh her parents you're pretty stoked. Right?
Starting point is 00:17:31 If you're her parents, you're like, yep, good to go. My daughter doesn't go to jail. I don't have to spend one weekend a month flying to a different state to visit my daughter in a jail. And if you're the parents of the young man who was killed at 26 years old – I mean I wonder if it even matters whether she goes to jail to them. So she goes to jail. I mean what do they really get? matters whether she goes to jail to them. So she goes to jail. I mean, what do they really get? Yeah, she's stoked, right? She's stoked.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Although, I mean, she's going to be a fucking mess the rest of her life, right? She's going to have to change her name, right? We live in trippy times where someone can do that and get away with it. And the argument that David Worley, the judge, accepted was because of the marijuana that she smoked. Sorry. That she smoked. Caused it. Blame the weed.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Blame the weed. Blame the weed. Bl blame the weed blame the weed blame the weed blame the weed was it laced with pcp who i mean i've seen people lose their shit on uh on weed completely lose their shit on uh on we completely lose their shit so that's where we're at in California and that does set precedent go to this guy's courtroom prove to David Ward Lee that you were completely out of control even though it was because of some act previous actions you took and any things ago what do you guys think it's interesting to see both sides, right? If she goes to jail, I don't think the parents get any satisfaction. She didn't go to jail. They're pissed off.
Starting point is 00:20:01 jail they're pissed off nowhere in there there's any there's any argument that the son did anything wrong it wasn't like he was hitting her or he was threatening her or that he was abusive or that he was raping her or there was nothing she got off because she smoked weed. 108 stabbings. The Illuminati is going off tonight. The CrossFit Illuminati. I mean, we got like some crazy fun drama going on.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Crazy fun drama. Crazy fun drama. A great thread. If you can build a massive circle of trust, the power of that group is mind-boggling. It has to be a really tight circle of trust, but when you have a really tight circle of trust, it's wild. I don't know if I should go into the details of what Romo drummer why I save on drunk. He's not I just worked out I Worked out in the garage here probably 34 degrees. I used a full
Starting point is 00:21:46 Ski mask tonight last night a couple nights ago ago i didn't use anything to cover my ears i had to work fucking earache forever jeremy what's up brother hey hey hey hey good i'm pumped up just worked out i'm pretty fired up opened up sparkling water i was like you know i don't want to do one of these 20 minute shows I've been following this story yeah it's cool right yeah thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh wait wait they say they can't hear you hold on you guys can't hear jeremy seriously you guys can't hear him that doesn't make any sense you guys really can't hear him?
Starting point is 00:22:46 How about now? I can hear you great. Oh, no, that's crazy. No, that is a big deal. I wonder what's going on. Hold on. Call back in two seconds. Let me disconnect the phone and you call back.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Okay, bye. That's bizarre that you guys can't hear let's try that one more time uh roadcaster pro uh hooked up i could even call him back call him back. How's that? Can you guys hear the phone ringing? Can you guys, yeah, can you guys hear him now? He's on the phone now. No ring?
Starting point is 00:23:40 Serious? Yeah, they said they can't hear you. Wait, let me see. No, shit, this is bizarre. What's crazy is I have all the mics turned on i have the phone do i have anything i have nothing muted yeah that's bizarre no they say no no yeah that does suck.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Okay, what did you want to add? And then I'll relay it to him. Yeah, it's Bluetooth. It's Bluetooth. I'm Bluetoothed up. Bluetooth. Yeah, he's saying that people should get out of California. Oh, I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I can't do it. Okay, I can't do it. All right, bye. I got to hang up on you. If they can't hear, I can't do it okay i can't do it all right bye i gotta hang up on you if they can't hear it it's we can't i can't have you on sorry okay bye oh hey hey hey hello that's a good idea someone said hey put it to the um unplug your plug how about this that's good right here we go yo okay go ahead i'll use speakerphone go ahead racist jeremy go ahead um people always tell me i get out of california because of what is going on and i
Starting point is 00:24:51 i typically sort of laugh that off part of me is serious part of me part of me like me buys in know what they're saying part of me doesn't but when i hear stuff like this and you know other things that i've either come across or that you will talk about it might not be as serious as what's happening over in like uh gaza and israel and all that but i know that one of your one of your strongest things or one of your uh things that you'll die on the hill of is get out, you know, like your family got out back in the day and you're telling people get out of Israel, get out of Israel. When you start thinking, man,
Starting point is 00:25:35 things are really getting completely ass backwards here in California, when do we get out? When you take your family, because one of your sons could be that 26 year old who's dating some chick that stabs him to death. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Fair enough. When I've been there, so I've been there enough times to completely understand why you live there. Place is absolutely beautiful, but this, that it just, it's like, like for every one story you hear of something cool or whatever or good, you hear like 10 that are like that.
Starting point is 00:26:15 You're like, what the, what? You know, so I don't know. I just, it's like, how long do you deal with that shit? Good point. All right. Thank you. Valid. Absolutely. True on it. And I expect a full answer tomorrow i'm just kidding i'm kidding okay hey tomorrow street warner's
Starting point is 00:26:31 coming on we're gonna ask them all about dating catcher and david's daughter and what danielle brandon smells like dude that guy i tell you what he's doing something right what a what a pimp all right bye-bye i look forward to I'll talk to you later, Mike. I like Ken's response. It says the guy who lives in the state that produced Jeffrey Dahmer. Barry McOchner. Jeremy sounds like a valedictorian. I'm Matt Marv. I just finished working out, and I just chugged down a LaCroix.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I'm just in it for goals. So much criticism this evening. Alright guys, thank you. Have a good night. Tomorrow morning Street Horner. He's very good friends with Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:27:28 He used to work out at Joe Neal's gym. It's his first appearance on the show. I'm excited to have Mom. Someone signed up for a membership during this show. There we go. Stephen Flores. Savvy, is there somebody outside behind you? No.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Love you guys. Have a good night. Bye-bye.

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