The Sevan Podcast - Shut Up and Scribble // Crash review, WZA - WodGodz - Rogue preview

Episode Date: October 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 have low. Oh, here we go. Hold up. Wow. You have to you have to stay out of the comments, dude. With with you with this new look, all you're going to be doing is answering people that are trying to deprecate you in the car. We had a mom in the 9am tell me I looked like a vagina today. And I was my response was I've never seen a vagina that looked like that But okay, and I thought I looked more like probably like a plucked testicle Like if you just held one All right, well, maybe we will get a lot of views just because I shaved my mustache but All right, well, maybe we will get a lot of views just because I shaved my mustache, but all right, dude, what are we talking about today? We are losing sponsors, everyone.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And that is not a lie that I'm not being facetious. We are losing sponsors. Who would ever guess that we would ever lose a sponsor? Thank God you got rid of that nasty thing. If you want a sponsor, shut up and scribble. Please reach out to us via DMs or email or I don't know, text messages. Yeah, I'm a lot more well behaved without the mustache because I feel like I don't have anything to hide behind, you know So I'm not gonna say as many foul words. I also feel like I can breathe better
Starting point is 00:01:14 And when I kiss my wife and my dogs now I can feel like a sensation on my upper lip. It's really weird Specifically kissing my dog feeling her like dog care on my Is it weird? Is it weird to not smell food that you've been eating all day and like on your I typically I typically don't get food just stuck in my mustache bro so I'm not saying that you get it stuck but like if you were to eat a steak there would still be a hint I wash it of meat I have to wash it. Okay. Yeah. Peter says crap to the chemo already start. I've already gotten that one. No, I don't have alopecia. I still have eyebrow hairs. They're just blonde. That kind of makes me look like I have alopecia though when I Maybe I should shave my eyebrows too. Don't know what this movie is, Powder?
Starting point is 00:02:06 Anyways, alright, what are we talking about today? Pretty sure it's not an Albino person. Are we doing a crash review? We can. We can do it quickly. You said you wanted to do that. Yeah, I'm just a little bit annoyed. We can just go through the events and I can tell you what I'm not happy with and what
Starting point is 00:02:23 I would have changed. Okay, well, event one, three rounds for time, two rounds for time, three rounds for time, Yeah, I just I'm a little bit annoyed. We can just go through the events and I can tell you what I what I'm not happy with and what I would have changed. Okay, well, event one, three rounds for time, 10 alternating dumbbell snatches, 10 muscle ups, sorry, 10 alternating dumbbell cleaning jerks, 10 muscle ups, 10 alternating dumbbell snatches, one minute rest between, 100 pounds for guys, 70 pounds for ladies. What was your what was your issue with that workout? What was your issue with that workout? I didn't have anything really, really power output based in the whole competition. And I was convinced that people would be able to express that on this workout, but it turned out only you and Colton were.
Starting point is 00:02:54 So if anything I would have tweaked, I would have done, I would, I could have done two on two off and it would have really made it a race. However, it may have made it just a who can cycle reps the fastest type race. What do you mean two on two off three rounds for time? Right. Like I if I were going to preserve the format, but in general I was fine with it. Um, I thought it was really, really cool. The layers of fitness, like some people just blew up muscularly, some people lost their ability to do muscle ups,
Starting point is 00:03:31 some people, their grip blew up on the dumbbell snatch and they couldn't really even hold on to it. And then for the select few people, like they could actually race it. So it was cool to see, and really all of them, it was really cool to see the difference between like people getting close to the 13 minute cap and you and Colton doing it in seven.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That was pretty nuts to see. Yeah, sub seven, I actually was. Right, sub seven. To be honest, I do think that was a power output workout. I wanted it to be, but I don't... But here's the thing. I think what kept it from being a power. I mean, you know, it's tough. You pick you have picked those two movements, I think are hard to
Starting point is 00:04:10 make power output unless you move efficiently. And really, like I was watching back some of the video. And most of the men move the dumbbell like absolute shit. Like, why are you pressing out a 100 pound dumbbell in a snatch when you already have to press out a fucking clean and jerk and a muscle up? You should be catching with your elbow and extension at the bottom of a dip. Like just crazy to me. So I think, yeah, if you knew how to be efficient, it was definitely power output. And you know, I will say there were elements of that sled workout. Like, I mean, it was maybe a rep scheme that was, I think being good at that workout showed
Starting point is 00:04:54 good power. And I think being good at the competition as a whole, dude, just to hear me out, I would say probably two of the most powerful athletes in the field are me and Colton. I would say that for the sled workout, if I would have made that workout four rounds for time of eight and kept the sled the same, but allowed kipping, you would have, that would have served as the sprint of the weekend. Like I think most people would have gone unbroken
Starting point is 00:05:25 and it would have come down to how fast can I get the sled from A to B. But anyway, that's just a small thing. Like I had some time domain sub five, which is great. But even like the, even Emma Harvang did the last one in 321. I still don't think that is a typical finale power output.
Starting point is 00:05:45 It's more of a, it's still a little bit more like, can I just not blow up? Dick Butterson, I rubbed my mustache off eating Bryson's ass last night. Well, you said you were gonna, losing the mustache kept you from, Ass is not a bad word, bro. Okay, second workout.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Workout too, I would, I thought was awesome. I thought Olivia doing it in a sub 10 and then some people doing it in 14 something was wild. I think it was, it made for some cool races. I would have removed the unbroken requirement. So I would have just taken it out altogether. That way people could have pushed the pace more and there could have been a little bit more strategy
Starting point is 00:06:22 involved. So like if you wanted to go 2020 and push the ski, you could. If you wanted to ski the same and do unbroken, you could. If you wanted to do sets of 10 when you started to blow up, you could. Like I, while only a couple people failed a handstand walk, I think people didn't because they were just standing and waiting. I don't think I needed to make 480 feet unbroken requirement. So I would have I would have just taken that out All right next workout workout three. Yeah, Pylgatory would have been rewritten This is probably the one I'm most angry with just because I know the presentation of it on the stream with
Starting point is 00:06:58 with more so with The the thruster standard at the top of the rep. Hey, tilt your camera down a little bit or don't hunch over like you have freaking Cushing's disease, all right. Yeah, thruster standard at the top of the rep was a little bit, it was just too hard to see in person and on camera. I would have made that workout,
Starting point is 00:07:19 I would have made that workout 50 meter lunge, 50 chest to bar, 100 squats, just just pill squats, 50 chest to bar, 50 meter lunge. So I would have put the lunge at the beginning at the end, put the chest to bar in position two, just like it was. And then I would have made it just 100 anyhow squats. So you can hold it like back rack, you could you could hold it unilaterally, you could hold it bear hug in front of you if you wanted to like I would have done a lot better at that version Like I would have just I would have just made it that and I think it would have lengthened it a little bit It would have made it a little bit longer because those hundred squats would have gotten pretty grindy. Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:58 And uh, yeah, I just would have I would have just taken the thrust the thruster was kind of a risk And it's a little bit more of a team warm movement. But I think looking back on it, I could have gotten the same stimulus and I could have taken out some of the gray area and the standards by doing just squats. Okay, workout four and five, you said kipping or you would have kept it strict?
Starting point is 00:08:21 Oh, workout four. I really wouldn't have changed anything about that workout other than writing the standard in such a way where any kind of pause at the bottom of the rep when you change direction is impossible without getting a no rep. And that goes with resting on your head and that goes with maybe getting a little bit of a hip hop at the bottom. I would have just negated that by writing the standard better. Other than that, I was, I was really, really happy with four and five I thought they were perfect
Starting point is 00:08:49 Work I was worried. I was worried that 40 drag would not be enough But because but because people went really hard on the sled, especially if you had to race someone I think the 40 was perfect to keep that was the big surprise for me on that workout was when I tested it with a Torque tank your legs just don't get juiced anywhere near big surprise for me on that workout was when I tested it with a torque tank your legs just Don't get juiced anywhere near the way they did on that sled Yeah, that was a that was a shocker All right workout six Would have just made the women's weight a little bit heavier workout seven
Starting point is 00:09:27 the women's weight a little bit heavier. Workout seven. Man, nothing because I really thought that the weightlifting wasn't going to be what mattered in that workout and I was afraid it was too light and it was so perfect. Like the weightlifting mattered more than the rope climbs. I thought that was cool. Yeah, yeah. 100%. That's it. Cool. So not huge changes but just little tweaks that you learned from. Yeah, just like I was annoyed with. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Overall, good competition.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Are you happy with both fields? Yeah, I am still learning how to program to where I don't have to modify the workout significantly, but that the stimulus and the separation is really close comparatively with the males and females because the gaps in the gymnastics for females is still really, really broad comparatively to the men. And I'll use the handstand walk as an example. There were lots of people, I think, like,
Starting point is 00:10:31 below the median versus there not being that with the men. I think still in competitions, even though there wasn't any really high level gymnastics, there was enough volume gymnastics where if you're really, really good at gymnastics using P score, it can help you significantly because even though it's a bunch of semi finalists, there's still huge discrepancies. Massive.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah. So I'm still kind of learning how to do that and still, I mean, it's tough. The women's strict upper body strength in general in CrossFit is so behind. I would say probably behind, more behind than any other aspect out of both fields out of all three modalities. I would say in weightlifting, the men and the women are as close to being like peaked
Starting point is 00:11:19 relative to weightlifting specific athletes. Obviously monostructural, it's off, but nowhere near as off as comparing like the best CrossFitter to the best gymnast. And then nowhere near as off as comparing the best female CrossFitter to the best female gymnast, just strength wise, but you know, it's insane. So there is something that I do want to address
Starting point is 00:11:43 and I think people are a little bit misguided and in their opinion on this I think it's really easy though to look at the competition and say oh It was really biased to blah blah blah and typically the responses Especially if you're a fan of a female athlete. It was really biased to gymnastics and maybe aerobic capacity fine. Yeah What I think I personalized to this year was fitness. So for instance, if you are not fit, it doesn't matter how easy you can make the deadlift look
Starting point is 00:12:14 because you have to run too slowly and burpee too slowly to show it. And I'm good with that. If you like workout too, like there was a lot of fitness involved, but only if the amount of handstand walking didn't just make you stand around and wait. So I think it's a little bit misguided to just say, well, for the women, it only came down to this. You probably say that because you were there cheering for someone who couldn't hang on the gymnastics. And here's the thing. I get that.
Starting point is 00:12:45 The other thing is, did you do a breakdown of like MWG? I mean, let me just turn it out of my head. Dumbbell snatch, dumbbell clean and jerk. We'll just say one weightlifting move. It's like, we'll call the first workout a couplet. I'm pretty sure it's nine. I'm pretty sure it's nine, seven, four.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Nine weightlifting? Yeah. Yeah, so here's the deal. If you count the med ball GHD, if not, it's eight. Maybe you count, okay, eight, eight. So it was 974. So eight, eight, let's call it eight, eight, because the med ball GHA still counts. You know, maybe I count that a bodyweight movement. So it's eight, eight, four. I think people seeing the volume of gymnastics, higher skills or the importance of it, I just, even that I can't even rationalize. Like looking at the splits,
Starting point is 00:13:36 but also I get so tired of hearing people saying, oh, it's gymnastic bias as if it doesn't take strength to be good at gymnastic exercises. It takes a lot't take strength to be good at gymnastic exercises. It takes a lot of fucking strength to be good at muscle ups and legless rope climbs and fat rope climbs and handstand walks and GHC sit ups. I would say the legless and the strict, those are gymnastic strength movements.
Starting point is 00:13:58 They are not gymnastic. So just those two alone to me is like, it's because you can't pull hard enough compared over your body weight or you can't pull well enough or because you can't. I so disagree. There was a strength test. The strict handstand push-up sled push was 100% a strength test. That was 24 body weight strict presses essentially and however much sled pushing distance, I just don't think and again, even for women, the 70 pound dumbbell, 245 deadlifts, what was it 145 135 on the overhead squats,
Starting point is 00:14:36 145 125. All of it together, to me is heavy. And look, Mason, you can't, yeah, but here's the, with your argument, Mason, it goes both ways. So saying that we're not objective because I took second and Gia wrote the program is the same way you're not objective because your athlete didn't do as well as you wanted them to. And I'm not calling any like shit, but I just do think that way too often in CrossFit, it's barbell biased and you skip over the fitness pyramid. Hey, before you get to weightlifting, you have to have the requisite bodyweight strength
Starting point is 00:15:16 to advance up the pyramid. And most women in the sport of CrossFit are not strong enough with their bodyweight, especially their upper body. They just aren't. There's like 10 maybe. Tia? in the sport of CrossFit are not strong enough with their body weight, especially their upper body. They just aren't. There's like 10 maybe. Tia, fuck, I don't even know. I mean, you have some light girls.
Starting point is 00:15:32 It's just to say that it was gymnastic and fitness bias is crazy. There was a ton of heavy shit and probably the biggest strength test of the weekend, I think, was the strict rest. It doesn't need a, well, here's, I think, was the strict rest. It doesn't need a... Well, I guess here's my other question. When you say there needs a strength, do you mean a single modality weightlifting test? Explain to me how the 24 strict deficit aren't strength. Or maybe what load does lift have to be if be updated to make the work out?
Starting point is 00:16:06 Cause I assume that he's deadloaded to lying. I should say that he must be the same. Who's freezing? Am I freezing or are you freezing? I don't know. Okay, well I heard you a little better that time. Yeah, okay, I think you know. Okay. I'm gonna hurt you a little better. Yeah, I okay. I think you're better now.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I I would say I don't know. I just don't agree that there was there was no room for any single modality in that competition. So I'm glad there wasn't and I don't think no stop or a complex. Okay. He said 275 on deadlifts or a complex. Okay, he said 275 on deadlifts, or a complex. I don't know, I don't, I don't know. Yeah, the, and I'm really not saying this to support my own argument.
Starting point is 00:16:56 My reason for making the deadlift 245 was to get to where we had about as many people finishing under the cap as men and then women, because I know that with burpees and high volume running, the women just go slower. But all the females I spoke to, and it goes from the strongest deadlifters in the field that didn't do well to the weakest deadlifters in the field that got time capped, they all said that the deadlift felt like 265 or 275, all of them beat just because of the fact that it was
Starting point is 00:17:26 a short men's bar. So maybe that was your 25 for me. Probably because I was fucking dribbling that pitch. Okay, so what I think is strength is the productive application of force. And if you can't productively apply force on muscle ups or the 70 pound dumbbell, then you got absolutely dicked onto that workout. Same thing with the strict deficit. Same thing with the final workout. Like the strongest athletes at that competition won
Starting point is 00:17:58 and Colton is strong as fuck. Brittany Wise, maybe that's a meh. But who took second? Fee? Yeah. I don't know. I just think the strong athletes in that field weren't fit enough to compete with everything else.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Like if there were an athlete with the fitness of Brittany Wise, meaning the metabolic conditioning and gymnastic capacity of Brittany Wise and Fee, I think this is a retarded statement. But like any most female games athletes, I think beat them in that competition. Olivia being an exception just because she has such massive weaknesses in gymnastics. Like for example, if you put a fucking probably Amanda Barnhart, I think destroys any of those girls like like even a mid level games competitor on the female side, I think destroys most
Starting point is 00:18:44 of the girls. Would you would you give me an example yeah and a lot of it you know this kind of goes into scoring a little bit and it goes into what I said earlier about the discrepancy between the males in gymnastics and the discrepancy between the females over the over over the course of a leaderboard, because with P score, if you are someone who your overhead limitation, gymnastics limitation, for like the handstand walk is your weakness, you couldn't recover from that score,
Starting point is 00:19:22 because Olivia separated herself so much from the field that you got you got punished times too but if you on the volume pulling workout on the chest to bar workout if you in the same respect if you were just low because of the thrusters or because of the chest to bar then Britney's score just destroyed So with this scoring method too, and I think Kyra is the best example, regular scoring Kyra gets second and she got here. And if you look at her scores, she only had two outside the top 10. But it was the ones that she had outside the top 10 where comparatively to the best and to the middle, it cost her a lot of points. top 10 where comparatively to the best and to the middle, it costs her a lot of points. So again, like, what did Kyra place in the first workout?
Starting point is 00:20:11 Really, really good. I think she started out with like a second and then a 22nd. I'll have to look home. She was, yep, she was second and then 22nd and then fifth, sixth, seventh, and then 12th and then third.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So the 22nd, the 22nd, she only got one point out of a field of 28. So that workout kind of single-handedly calls her the podium, if you could say. Yeah, I'm just thinking of strong athletes and which events they did best on. I think event one is a good example because Caroline Stanley took first, right? She's pretty strong. Kyra took second. I mean, me and Colton won in two. She took first.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, I'm done arguing about it. I disagree. Wholeheartedly. No, that's okay. And listen, I also think this discussion is a product of what we've always been told is
Starting point is 00:21:06 who's the strongest girl in CrossFit strongest girl in custody on 21 on what is this Olivia? Uh, probably so. Yeah. But I mean, she, she also, here's the deal, dude. She also broke the deadlifts a lot. So what's the explanation there? Oh, she got 21st on the sixth workout. Yeah. Hey dude, at a semi-final level competition
Starting point is 00:21:33 or in a seven event competition, if you don't have the fitness to go fast in a workout like that, you don't deserve to show your strength in the single modality test. So okay, say JR makes a complex, then he has to make it just a fucking 5k. And in that event, Olivia takes so much worse than the 5k that it's the same thing just combining them into that sixth workout. It just is no difference.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And lastly, I'll say this, I just had to say this before you go. Gymnastic bodyweight strength is prerequisite to weight lifting strength. And you can't be strong body weight if you weigh too much, or if you just have a fucking feeble upper body. And in the women's field, what we see more often than not is weak upper bodies or you weigh too much display the strength that you do have. So, gymnastic strength is requisite.
Starting point is 00:22:21 If you didn't do well, your fault. There was plenty of strength tested. Now, I was just gonna say I think the from the time that the CrossFit games has started and from the time that they've been programmed online or in person competitions the way has been when we test strength we use an external load and we don't do it under fatigue. And then over the last few years, for the powers that be, we've seen more shuttle to overhead. We've seen more strength expressed in a fatigue setting and not just an arrested setting. But I think that because I've always been firm on if you only have six or seven events you shouldn't be programming a wonder at max or three
Starting point is 00:23:06 Rip max and the four at max it would just be like me saying 30 parallel handstand push-ups for time if I did that And I did a one rep max deadlift. Okay, they would probably balance But that's two out of seven events that are single modality single movement And I don't think you can I don't think you can find as much fitness For like six or seven events if you spend two of them doing that I would even argue that if you did a one rep max lift a 5k isn't even enough to balance that out You need to make it a fucking 10k Like I just I don't think like you have such an extreme on a barbell one rep
Starting point is 00:23:40 That you have to go to an equal amount of extreme on a run Maybe it's even more comparable to say if you're doing a one rep that you have to go to an equal amount of extreme on a run maybe it's even more comparable to say if you're doing a one rep lift you have to do a fucking marathon like I just yeah I don't know I just hate I understand Mason's argument and I know he's not the only one that feels that way and I completely get it Wow Mathias this motherfucker overhead squats in the fucking handstand push-ups. You're a bastard dude. Just to put the point this out really fit guy. The most winningest contestant on kill Taylor ever money wise at least I think he's probably made more money than Colton
Starting point is 00:24:17 he's only won once that's crazy day one leader 2021 crucible when Taylor won Mathias was the leader after day one really correct oh it was wait oh the year i won the parallette and parallette sandbag squat and then the uh snatch ladder he was the leader after day one crazy um no leader jersey that year unfortunately you should send him one you should make a retro Leader Jersey and just send them. We didn't have the money for Leader Jersey's up in the water. This is the greatest comment though. Theoretical hierarchy of development, but it's not even so theoretical.
Starting point is 00:24:53 It's very applicable. Obviously it's effective. It's been just proven since it was conceptualized. If you have a shitty diet, everything else suffers. If you have shitty body weight or shitty diet, everything else suffers. If you have shitty body weight or metabolic conditioning, everything else suffers. If you have shitty body weight strength from there, everything else suffers, etc. So just get your ducks in a row.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Hey, fuck off, Chase. I do not look older. Hey, my kittens, my kittens, the the youngest ones have fleas and there's an exterminator come into my house to spray. So if I have to take a call, that's what it is. Well, you got kittens? We got four kittens. Damn, do you wanna give two of them away? Yes, no, I don't.
Starting point is 00:25:35 No, my kids would never let me hear the end of it. Anyways, we were gonna talk a little bit about this competition. Hey, that is doing that us that shirt that Travis from Vinny. Okay, just since pretty cool. Yeah, yeah. We need to make it look more like you, though. I got a P. Can you talk about something for 30 seconds? Sure. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:13 All right. I'm really curious to see what Rogue's gonna come out with. Some of you probably saw today that Concept2 released like a strength machine that like I guess you can you can load the body without using external weights. It's pretty funky if you haven't seen it, go over to Concept2. I think they're even calling it like the Strength Erg. So I think there's like an upper body use for it. There's a lower body use that's almost like what you would think of as a leg press. Kind of wonder if that's gonna make its way
Starting point is 00:26:37 into competitions and how that's gonna be done. I'm a little bit scared to see how people use that. Rogue's coming up soon. It'll be really cool to see, as I say that, someone sent me the layout for the floor. I don't know if Taylor can share that screen, but if we go over to Rogue on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:27:01 they showed, they just announced the layout for the venue, which is going to look pretty cool. It looks like there's going to be a turf inside and less that, unless that color field is just, um, just green for no reason. So that's pretty sweet. Let me see this. I was just talking about the strength erg. Oh dude, I was so disappointed. It's a really funky leg press looking thing. Wow. This is indoors. Yes. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:32 That looks huge too. I would say it's one, two, three, four, five. Fucking money. I would say a hundred. So that from, from Zeus to the finish line looks like a hundred feet. You would think those are probably 20 feet squares. Yeah, even maybe even anymore. Maybe they're like 10 yards. Yeah, that's massive. Okay That's fucking cool
Starting point is 00:28:01 That's sweet, oh we got to talk about sorry we've got a lot of things to talk about let's go next Just let's cover this real quick. Do you buy? Yeah Dubai, how do you spell Dubai? H-A-M. Just kidding. I'll stop. Okay, where is this? They invited, okay, I gotta go to Barbell Spin. Yeah, they invited a guy, I think maybe a guy from South Africa maybe. So this is why Dubai won't be a joke going forward. You invited someone who I don't even think this guy's made a semi-final. I mean, maybe he has. But to compete in a field where he's going to take dead last on every single workout, Redouan, let's go to this guy's profile.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Is that him right there? Geez,ique goals. Look at this thing. Look at his shoulders. He just makes him looks, he's so skinny that his shoulders look really huge. This was the first thing and is that how you say I look? What I'm so skinny. My shoulders. Oh, here we go. This is the first thing I saw when, uh, when I went to this guy's profile. It says little fucking, it's actually not that little. Can you see that?
Starting point is 00:29:10 I mean, hey, if that's the reason they invited him, good on him. But otherwise, crazy, bro. What a joke. All right, so we're off Dubai. What gods this competition is way better than Dubai. This is right. Yeah, Bryson's competing mid November here. What is this swag for volunteers innovate? That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Is that the actual color? That's kind of sick. They get innovative sneakers. Do you think innovative fuck them over as hard as a rad fucked you should I not bring that up that's a little strong I think in saying that but uh that's not strong bro I won't I won't go any further but I just got to go on a small tangent here this is we can't we we can't control the weather right it's not something oh
Starting point is 00:30:03 stop it stop it, stop it. So the shipment, the shipment dates got pushed back and everyone's gonna get their shoes. Everyone just didn't get them here on site. Okay, so just to correct you. Did you get your shoes? Does the weather affect how you load a pallet? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I don't work in shit. Okay, so stop. This has nothing to do with JR, but this is as someone who's been around so many events in the CrossFit space. This is how it works typically. You have these companies who want to milk every last ounce of shit out of the CrossFit space as possible for as little in return as they can. In my mind, the last honorable company, maybe even that's a stretch, to work in the CrossFit
Starting point is 00:30:57 space on a large scale is Reebok. Go Ruck, I think, also does a good job. It just so happens that their shoes suck balls, so what do we care? But that's just to say, these competitions look for sponsors, they look for companies, and these companies continuously fuck the competitions as hard as they can.
Starting point is 00:31:22 They bend them over, they spread the cheeks wide and they fucking Destroy the buttholes of these competitions and no one ever calls them out because as a competition organizer You're scared of burning a bridge The company is burning the bridge not the competition the company by the way, they do business is burning the bridge examples of Competitions or companies never paying competitions out, never paying athletes out, fucking over event organizers. The list goes on ad nauseum. It's crazy to me. And I just have to say, I'm never ever going to keep
Starting point is 00:31:57 my mouth shut about it again. GR is going to hate me for doing this. But Rad apparently was supposed to send someone in a van wrapped with Rad marketing all the way around it to fit each individual athlete with their shoes for the competition and each volunteer. That became, hey, I'm not going to be able to make it. I'm just going to ship the pallet of shoes there. That turned into, hey, we actually only have overstock, so we don't have the right sizing. So people are going to have to go a half size
Starting point is 00:32:27 or a full size up. So now you're not even getting the size shoe that you wear. Then that changed to, uh-oh, the shipments are delayed. They're not gonna be there at check-in. Then that changed to, they might not even be there for the entire competition. Then that changed to the companies, the shoes got delivered a day and a half late, half of them aren't even
Starting point is 00:32:48 the right size, and there were 30 plus pairs missing. What? How are you going to do that to a competition organizer? How are you going to do that to them? That's crazy. Stop that. That's horrible fucking business. If you make a commitment, stay true to your word.
Starting point is 00:33:06 And that's just life advice. You would think that's common sense as a fucking business owner. Fuck, that's crazy. Sorry, this just really frustrates the shit out of me. JR left because he doesn't want to be a part of this, but I just can't handle it. I can't stomach it because I love JR. JR was telling me, Hey, this looks bad on me. And that is gut wrenching because it shouldn't look bad on JR. What are you talking about? Are you still talking? Are you still talking about that? I'm talking about how strong your character is, dude. And how other people fucking you over in your mind makes you look bad, but it's not your fault because you're a good dude. And I'm just sick of people getting
Starting point is 00:33:40 let off the hook for shitty business practices. I've experienced it with the Charlotte Classic. I've experienced it firsthand with Wada Palooza. A lot of athletes experience it getting paid six months late. Like it's just crazy, dude. You do a job, you get a fucking paycheck. You don't wait six months. It's crazy. Yeah, I'm sick of it.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Sick of it. Sick of it. So- I love my rads. I have eight pairs that I've purchased. And yeah. I don't know what you said while I was gone. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:34:17 That's crazy. I should probably go back and look at the comments. Check this out. You can't really see it. My dog, Lizzie sends me a picture. My dog's pulled this $30 candle off the table and chewed it up. Lizzie's pissed. All right. Anyways, yeah, I got my rad shoes too and I do like the runners. I wear the runners for workouts that have weightlifting and running in it. I don't like to do any weightlifting in my Soconis because
Starting point is 00:34:42 they're a little squishy, but they are faster. But I like the Rad Runners a lot. But the way they do business, man, fucking horrible. I'll never buy a pair, so thanks for sending me a free pair. Note the date and time, everybody, that he said that. No, I've never bought a pair of Rad shoes. I never will. Fuck them. You know who I do buy shoes from?
Starting point is 00:35:02 Born Primitive, love their shoes. I've bought several pairs of Matcons. I like like MatCons. Not the newer ones. Older models. I love Reeboks. All my training shoes. I would say I guess out of all of them, probably my Born Primitives have lasted the longest. But I go through all of them in like three or four months if I wear them every day. And Vans, I like the van XOs. Yeah, I like those shoes a lot. Roger. Well, we're on the topic of brands and companies. Some shoutouts to the sponsors, HGRCBD. That's a great company. You guys know Taylor uses their products religiously. I've used their products with any kind of like nagging things that have going on in my shoulders. They're
Starting point is 00:35:42 awesome. Big thanks to Carl. He came through big for Crucible, one of the lane sponsors. Same with Patrick Mitrovich at State Farm. Hit him up, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina. Personal business. He'll hook you up. He's been a long time sponsor and I really, really appreciate both those guys being involved with Crucible. Yeah. Corey Pulido also, did you mention proven business plans already? Not yet you just did. Yeah so he actually did he send you that business plan? He did and I'm just gonna say like I don't know what I expected but he went way above
Starting point is 00:36:18 and beyond as far as like details as far as like ways to put these things into practice. Like, I haven't gotten through the whole thing yet, but it made me a little bit self conscious, knowing that I wasn't doing a lot of this stuff in the gym. And let's just say he will exceed any kind of expectation that you have. He also sponsored one of the events, which is really, really cool sponsor one of the workouts. Yeah, I won't go any further on any other brands specifically that I think are
Starting point is 00:36:47 absolute dog shit, you guys, but just tune into the CrossFit Games update show tonight and I'll be going off on there. I can't, I can't taint JR's presence with my opinions anymore. He faces the backlash, so I'm going to save his face, even though he's talking about a kitty fleas right now. And tonight, you guys are going to see his face, even though he's talking about kitty fleas right now. And tonight, you guys are going to see the gloves come off fully. You guys have never seen that. Gloves are fully coming off.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Anyways, if you're a company and you invest in the CrossFit space and you fuck people over, beware. I better not ever be a part of it or you're gonna get destroyed. And I'm a nobody. I don't have anything to lose. So, with that, we talked about Crash Review. We talked a little bit about Rogue, not much. Talked about Dubai and their joke and who they're inviting. Let's talk about WodGod. So this competition's in Louisiana.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I think this year all of their workouts are former CrossFit Games workouts. The first workout they released was first cut from the Games, 2019 first cut. I'm trying to see where the workouts are. WodGods V2. Trying to see if the workouts, where they are. I know they released two workouts, and I know what both are, the which is a pretty sick one. From the games. Yeah, they're all former games workouts. So four rounds for time, 400 meter run, three legless rope climbs, seven squat snatches.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yep. Yeah. Oh my God. Beautiful workout. Absolutely beautiful. Already, already with the programming full 10 out of 10. Second workout is the 2012 chipper. I don't know if this is the second workout of the weekend or if this is just
Starting point is 00:38:51 the second announced workout. If it's the second workout of the weekend, I would be a little bit I would be a little bit hmm, put my thinking cap on, you know, rub the chin a little bit just because in first cut there's 28 squat snatches. In the 2012 chipper there's 20 thrusters and 20 overhead squats. So you've just got like two back-to-back workouts with similar forms of squatting at like similar moderate weights. But I watched Bryson do this workout this morning and tried to beat Rich's time from 2012. And he finished the workout and just said, wow, Rich is really fit, was really fit. It's crazy to me. I will say this 2012 Rich was huge and strong as buck. And those are probably all as wheelhouse
Starting point is 00:39:38 as possible movements for Rich at that point in time,head squats, box jump overs, et cetera, just all super hard. But I think, oh wow, Bryson did the workout, oh this is RX, this is RX. I was gonna say, it looked like he did the workout at the wrong weights, but this is the RX weights. It's 155 overhead squat, 135 half-hour thruster, 205 clean. What's really cool too, from like a programming movements,
Starting point is 00:40:08 how many times they've shown up in competition. This is the first time the burpee ring muscle up came up in competition and it's only been programmed one other time, which is interesting. It's only been programmed at regionals 30 for time, right? After a snap, after hang snatch or three rep overhead squat, one of the two.
Starting point is 00:40:24 That's kind of crazy that they haven't come. I think what water Palooza maybe did it last year in an online qualifier. And that's the only other time I've seen it. Yeah, I think so. So I love that. Um, super cool competition. We'll be going Shreveport. Uh, when Bryson told me where the workout or the competition was, he goes in Shreveport and I was like, you mean Shreveport? You fucking idiot. You ever watched, uh, uh, uh True Blood you big True Blood guy no the vampire show yeah that's in Shreveport yeah free pull so is that I think Duck
Starting point is 00:40:55 Dynasty is near Shreveport you know am I, Phil, what's his name? Phil McCracken? No. Come on. What's their last name? Phil Robertson? Someone in the comments will know. Phil Robertson? No, Bryson's not educated. So those are the only two released workouts so far? Yeah, only two released workouts.
Starting point is 00:41:20 When is the competition? November 10th. 12th, 13th, 14th. Okay, so maybe the weekend after Rogue. Yeah. Rogue I think is the 8th through the 10th. Sookie! That's crazy. I have watched that show a little bit. Sookie Stackhouse. All right, well that's all we got for today. I gotta go coach class. Missed you guys. We're gonna be back regularly scheduled Friday afternoons. And that's it.

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