The Sevan Podcast - SHUT UP AND SCRIBBLE: Freaking out with Angelo Dicicco / Team QF recap

Episode Date: April 13, 2024

We debunk the team quarterfinals myths Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Having to do with raw, unpasteurized, thick milk coming out of cows, from good cows, Amish cows, and cancer rates in the Amish community. Apparently it's like zilch you know because they go on uh because they don't use cell phones or masturbate um is what the research shows um but
Starting point is 00:00:53 i been using this daily hgr cbd relieve And you wouldn't expect this to be a side effect, but after you rub a little bit on your hand, you know, me personally, I got this scar tissue on my knee. I put it on and after I rub my knee, if you touch your junk, it actually looks way bigger afterwards. And it's like an immediate side effect, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:21 So if you're already big down there, don't get this, but most of you guys in the audience i know you need some freaking help bro call our guys over at hdr uh welcome to shut up and scribble where we only talk programming unless taylor does the uh reads and uh give shout outs to our sponsors we need more sponsors everyone if you want to hear about how your topical bombs and other things is that on the back of the bottle yeah it's a side effect penis enlargement but I do love this stuff it's freaking
Starting point is 00:01:53 amazing allegedly it says that feels amazing um yeah so that was just an interesting thing when he was he was talking about cancer rates in the Amish community. I've yet to look it up, so it can be complete speculation. But common sense, one plus one, you know what I'm saying? Angelo is not here. Odds of him showing up. I'd say let's give him 50-50. He's supposed to be here, so the thumbnail is not clickbait. And even if it was who cares right um so jr
Starting point is 00:02:29 how are you doing i'm doing good let's let's let's go ahead and uh fill everyone in if they did not watch last week's episode or if you turned it on and were very scared by my um rhino face paint we're like i can't watch this i can't listen to this guy the whole time talk about workouts when he looks like that. Reaction Gymnastics, newest sponsor of the show, logo up. If you're remote, that's the biggest thing about what Amy does, online gymnastics programming. She can clean up technique. She said she's already had a lot of people reach out to her since last week's show, which is awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Just shows you how much of an influence Taylor Self is. Speaking of influencers. What's up? Can you hear me? Loud and clear, dude. Oh, really? Okay, sweet. So what do you think of quarterfinals?
Starting point is 00:03:21 We'll let you hit it right off the cuff, dude. Straight from the rip, what do you think overall? I thought it was fine i mean i thought the tests were good like uh independently maybe not super great but and then maybe i don't know good i'll say good not great how about that are they too close to last year or kind of close to last year would you wish more variety no no i think they were okay uh difference which let me well let me try to think of last year i guess there was a front that i mean they weren't that close but there were things that were close on handstand walk yeah okay so there's a gymnastic front squat uh they had the um shuttle run dumbbell thruster last year thruster which is yeah that's a lot different than what we did this year.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, I mean, I think they had the individual relay with the 275 cleaning jerks at the end. Yeah, that was totally different. Yeah, no, I think they're plenty different from last year. The only thing would be like maybe compared with the open, you're missing some higher skill stuff. you're missing some higher skill stuff. Like Dom and I were talking yesterday that like a ring muscle-up really isn't a high skill movement for quarterfinals now. Like if you plan on going to quarterfinals, I know it's 25% now, but still if you plan on going to quarterfinals,
Starting point is 00:04:36 you probably have ring muscle-ups. Like it is a relatively high skill, but it's not super unobtainable for any quarterfinals level athlete. Well, this is kind of the thing I was thinking this morning, Taylor, and I'm curious what all three of you think about this. If we can all just come to the understanding that quarterfinals is, you know, they want it to be accessible enough for teams and individuals where they're encouraged to, or almost like interested in signing up to do them where they can do most of the workouts. They can at least start most of the workouts. We talked about this a little bit last week with
Starting point is 00:05:08 the seeming bias to pressing, right? So you have the shoulder overhead, you have the handstand pushup, you have the muscle up, which I'm still going to say is an upper body press limiting skill, not pull. Most likely. Yes. When you make it to a semifinal and you haven't tested any strict pressing or strict pulling for that matter. And really the only way to do that is with the legless rope climb. Do you think it's a problem? Do you think there are going to be teams with huge holes, whether you think it's pressing like last year with the handstand walk,
Starting point is 00:05:39 dumbbell bench press that mangled some teams or just with the seated legless that mangled some teams. Do you think that not having the rope climbs period in quarters is going to create havoc at the team level and especially at the individual level next week? I think you're just making the assumption of who they care about. And I think it has been, it seems to me that they don't give a shit really about who makes it to semifinals. And their thought is if you're fit enough to be fit at the games, top 10, say maybe on an individual side, top five on the
Starting point is 00:06:10 teams, then you're going to make it to semifinals, regardless of those quarterfinal tests, barring something crazy happening. Most likely the fittest will go to semifinals. The rest of the people, it seems like they just don't really give a shit about because they're to their thought process. Well, we'll fix it at semifinals. We'll sort it out at semifinals and then if that doesn't work we'll sort it out at the games yeah i think they do have a lot of sorting out to do at semifinals for us i think our problem more is that we haven't really done any olympic lifting if you want to consider the front squad olympic lift i mean that's the closest thing we've had to it up to this point so it like like I said again Dom and I were talking that it's just kind of like blown wide open so if they do want to test us like and kind of weed out the people who
Starting point is 00:06:55 didn't really belong in semifinals it's going to have to have a lot of higher skilled gymnastics pulling pushing like you said and olympic lifting like those are the main things that we've missed so um just there's not much to say until i see the test of the whole you know with semifinals and then the games as well it's hard to it's hard to say they've gotten it wrong so far you know because they may not have they may have they may be getting the people they want through right now i don't i'm not sure will when you looked at when you looked at the team workouts and if you didn't like that's a little presumptuous press publish so like the strength biased workout was shoulder overhead and deadlifts and they were at a mob would say
Starting point is 00:07:39 a moderately heavy weight for competitors and they were at a really heavy weight for people that like barely got into quarterfinals whatever i. I think if you see that workout, Will, if you see a workout with like deadlift and shoulder overhead versus if they would have written that workout, uh, 20 clean and jerks at 185 into 10 snatches at 185. Yeah. does the fact that it's a deadlift and shoulder overhead make you feel like okay i can probably get through that versus like well if you can't olympic lift it you just can't like the do you think that that came into play and they're just saving the weight lifting movements until semis yeah i feel like it's a little easier to look at that i don't for me i don't see a huge difference though except for the snatch but the clean and jerk versus shoulder overhead and deadlift doesn't really change too much
Starting point is 00:08:31 perception i think trying to make team quarterfinals workouts accessible for people is retarded i was gonna say does anyone do team open team quarterfinal like sign up as a team of the open do team quarterfinals that isn't trying to make semifinals right no does anyone do it for fun i don't think so and i was thinking that i was thinking like team programming could be more should and could be more aggressive than individual yeah 100 but i also think the individuals can be aggressive because on on top of that with everything being more accessible or this is what they're marketing. I like inclusive.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Could you use inclusive? Okay, inclusive. Everything being more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. I would say no one at my gym who's not like, oh, I want to make a semifinal. I was like, yo, I'm stoked to do quarters. Can't wait to sign up, pay 50 bucks to get my dick dragged to the dirt and have no chance of qualifying. There are people who are going to do it, but like they would end up modifying weights or movements maybe anyways.
Starting point is 00:09:34 So why not just do what you need to do? Yeah. I feel like, I mean, they've, what they've, they've used a heavy barbell or an Olympic lift last, I guess every quarterfinals 21, 22 all of them they've used the heavy snatch heavy ish 185 and then the clean and jerk 275 like those are heavy barbells and a lot of people had to scale because of those barbells so but you know those years are different i guess that was top 10 percent 25 maybe they changed that but i do think but there are there. I guess that was top 10%, 25%. Maybe they changed that, but I do think, but there are, there were a lot of people with scaling that who are in the top 10%,
Starting point is 00:10:09 but only the people, the people who thought they would have to scale it were people who were doing quarterfinals, like you said, just to get their dick smashed kind of for fun. So I don't know. I mean, I don't, I don't know to say, to say anything about it before they're out is difficult. It is. And it's also odd because they're taking this new approach. Okay. The open doesn't matter now when it's, it just seems, I don't know, to act like it should be crazy accessible.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And last year there were 225 snatches for guys. Like first off, like, how about you give us some fair warning? Like, Hey, this year we're going to really try to make things accessible or inclusive, not, Oh, the open's been inclusive forever. didn't know that like yeah i just feel like that's kind of how it was and then yeah nah angel what are your thoughts on the idea of leaving it four scores well they've been five for everybody for the last three years and this year they're only four with an extra day to do them, meaning more days to repeat, but also meaning, yeah, like the people who are going to try to do them for fun, maybe they don't get just buried to the extent that they would
Starting point is 00:11:16 if they had to do 180 pistols, 180 GHDs, that kind of a workout as one of the five scores. Even that year you had a lift that was scored with no fatigue, which is not what I think we should be doing at all ever. But when you have four and you're taking like 20 less people to semis, do you think that's a good thing or a bad thing? I – hang on. I did have a thought.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I was on a thought. I do think taking out one, one event sucks. Taking out one of the scores does suck. Uh, I don't know how much it would have mattered. Maybe, I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:53 maybe people within the 25, 30 to 35 would argue different. Um, gosh, I was on a roll for a second. I lost it. It's all good. I can fill the dead space.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Don't worry, Augustus. I'm 10 steps ahead of you. It's weird. They expanded the time range to submit scores and then reduce the score. Yeah. I don't know that that has anything to do with teams. I don't know that. I think it's just an all inclusive thing.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I think that the individual's time is lengthened out. I believe Castro talked about this, and this could be me putting word in someone's mouth, but I think with Castro, I'm pretty sure he did say they lengthened it so it could be a class schedule, the quarterfinals for the individuals. And I think they just did the exact same thing with teams to be all-. So I don't know that it was had anything to do with teams that we had extra time. And I think just probably the way they programmed it fell down to one, one less event. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Again, like I said, I don't know that one less event would have mattered for most of the teams. It probably would have just started to separate the better ones away from the worst ones. And for the most part, but it depends on what that event was. I don't know if it had a lot if it had olympic lifting and like let's say it's a snatch rope climb workout then i think maybe it does change it a ton but um if the four are good tests then
Starting point is 00:13:16 it should be fine right four tests should be enough but i don't who knows it's a reduced time frame in previous years is that a big part of the test? You think at this stage, like having to do them in close proximity? Yeah, I think so too. I think, I think the extra time, I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:33 if you, if you want it to be a class schedule, I get it. I do. I understand that a little bit, but if you want it to be a true competition where like you can barely maybe redo one, like you want it in a uh you want
Starting point is 00:13:46 it to be shorter and tougher like it i remember the first quarters i did in 21 i was wrecked and like i tried to redo the snatch one i couldn't because i was like i was so sore from the pistols i did this natural and didn't do great on it and i tried to redo it and i was even worse because i was so wrecked yeah i i hate the fact that it's four scores. I'm also envisioning that they're going to be way more inclusive workouts. So like potentially easier to do and now six days to do them. And I'm thinking if we don't give ourselves opportunities to redo all four, it's kind of stupid because you could imagine now with that much time and 20 less spots, people are going to be redoing like crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Yeah. Yeah. I think Dave said on this most recent weekend review, when he was asked about the team workout specifically, he was like, you know, we are kind of like limited when you have a team with what we can program and expect gyms to be able to do.
Starting point is 00:14:39 So to me, like best case scenario is Taylor goes off last week when he sees all the movements and sees the repetition from the open into quarters and the lack of things that we've been seeing like ghd's and ropes and all that stuff best case scenario right the workouts come out the individuals do use the ghd's we do climb the rope you have a bunch of variants we have five scored workouts there are a lot of differences in the formats, right? Like maybe we get an interval style. Maybe we get something scored back to back. Maybe we get, you know, that kind of stuff. I think that that's basically case scenario,
Starting point is 00:15:15 but Taylor would tell me I'm being way too optimistic. I just, it's hard for me to have hope, dude. Well, it's just hard if they say it's supposed to be a declass schedule and that's the purpose of doing it. Then they have to take into account equipment. Otherwise, why would they do it in the first place? Right? Yeah, I keep coming back to this.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And maybe it's just because I'm an affiliate owner that writes the programming for their own gym. Like, okay, great. We don't really need the floor plans. That's a plus. okay, great. Like we don't really need the floor plans. That's a plus. But if you want people to program the workouts for quarterfinals in the class, we are still blind Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday with what we program for our members. So if you don't at least give us a picture of a barbell and just that's it, or a picture of rings with one tape line and a rower and you fill in the
Starting point is 00:16:06 blanks, you're not staying true to the unknown and unknowable by doing that. I would push back on people that say that. What you are doing though is giving people that may not be that good at programming things that don't have a lot of wear and tear on the body for their members to set themselves up to be able to do them with the people who are actually doing quarterfinals for a score, almost like an extension of the open Friday night lights, all that stuff that they want. But by saying nothing, all we know is that cap is going to program quarterfinals for the rest of the week. So that would be worth pulling up. If we could look up, would it be worth pulling up? Would it be worth pulling up? Do you think it would be worth pulling up if we could look up. Would it be worth pulling up? Would it be worth pulling up?
Starting point is 00:16:45 Do you think Cap is equipped to program workouts that don't have high wear and tear on the body around the open? Are you saying like 24.3 into the front squat ladder? Yeah, dude. I can't think of anything less intelligent.
Starting point is 00:17:03 That was crazy. But yeah, I think I'm going to try to. a lot of the people are like, Hey, do you, do you think they're going to be to where we can like do them in a class? I'm like, yeah, that's what they've said. So that's cool. Like, you know, Monday we'll do some Murph prep, right? That's not going to really beat you up. Maybe Tuesday we'll do some like hard machine intervals. And on Wednesday we'll do a partner workout with stuff that I don't think they're going to do like I don't really think they're going to use 25 feet of space I kind of hope I'm wrong because I think you guys should be lunging or handstand walking I think they need to leave shuttle runs alone for a year but I think they could use that distance for something with a traverse of distance with some kind of horizontal displacement I I think you can program a set of 30 wall walks and still get the effect of a 300 foot handstand walk in a workout. But there's something about making sure people can do something like that before they get to semis that I'm probably just holding
Starting point is 00:17:54 on to and I shouldn't. Hold on to it, JR. You should. Have your values, your family values, and hold them tight. Right. Dude, I've got some core values kindness is one of them politeness those are in the aspiring category clearly i haven't my mirror in my bathroom haven't quite reached those yet i feel like you're more of a family shield guy than a family values guy jr loves this phrase horizontal displacement uh i like it when you're talking i like it when when we're talking about like uh pushing a sled or carrying an object i think that's an easy way to describe it yeah you're just like you're just taking something and moving in the distance that's it i didn't know she did not buy me this i bought it in the fucking airport bro okay you think i don't have my own money to buy my own coffee mugs bro anyways dude did you did you do you know how expensive
Starting point is 00:18:43 angela rich probably does do you know how expensive Angela Rich probably does do you know how expensive replacement pads on the GHDs are? Oh, no, I don't know. The butt pads or foot rollers? The butt pads. So essentially anything that you cannot buy, point and click on Rogue, you can just expect
Starting point is 00:18:58 that it's going to be super expensive. So, I mean I guess a little bit of a teaser, right? The workout with GHDs hasn't come out yet for crescendo. It will come out tonight. Are you doing crescendo for the, maybe he's still, he's still waiting to see all the workouts. He's one of those kind of guys. I'm closer to being in as of like an hour ago than I have been. Dude, I'm male team of four, dude, gender identified male team of four. Dude, I'm male team of four, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Gender identified male team of four. So what I'm going to say about GHD pads is I ordered 24 of them for 12 GHDs because we need synchro for six lanes. We don't want to know how bad you are with your money, bro. Keep that to yourself. But listen, dude, you know how it is when you start using them a long time. Like people cave in in the middle and like you could just tell that some people's range of motion is six inches less because the pad is the pads really hard or the pads really squishy. And then I got people complaining that it's like, they're hitting their head on the back. Like they're the, the females with crazy mobile thoracic spines are
Starting point is 00:20:00 like throwing their head into the bar. And I'm like, okay, I have to replace these. But when you have to replace all of them at once, it's we had a long time ago you some people may not even know these ghds that rogue used to make they had like they weren't the big like thick cylinders they were like a pillow and it was wrapped around like it was basically just like a leather pillow case around and it was so thin the worst part of a ghd was well those things would start ripping for one and your shins from having to hold yourself in like now the new rollers are so much better you're holding your shins in and like you could slip out at any moment we've got some old ghd's at our gym they're called uh power max pro max pro line they're
Starting point is 00:20:43 like made in texas like 350 bucks each they're like 15 years old but we have like 12 of them they've held up but they are very minimal you're like 12 inches lower to the ground than the the rogue one i mean you i mean you got one of those abram 2.0s though and you texted me and you're like dude dude, I got one of those GHDs that you have. I told Andy I can't use these anymore. Yeah, they're dangerous. Fun. So hopes for next week, JR. You and Jason, we have this group chat between me, Jason, Colton, and Dallin for the quarterfinal shows.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And I sent him a film of me squat cleaning a hefty 315 the other day felt good nice easy money yeah um it's a big deal for me okay you know just uh for this guy big deal and uh jr goes so i guess you'll be doing the sets of 10 185 front squats on broken and then jason goes no dude if you break those up you're an idiot or if you don't break those up you're an idiot and shit like that really pisses me off when they pretend to have um advanced knowledge because both of them frequently get advanced knowledge and i'm not afraid to tell other people that that's so do you have advanced knowledge presumptuous of you no it's not i wish i did i wish what do you think's coming out do you think we're getting front squats at 185 well listen we talked last week about how, like, for some reason,
Starting point is 00:22:07 the shoulder-to-overhead has been programmed for teams the last two years. Last year, the interval workout with the rowing shoulder-to-overhead synchro and the rope climb was, like, a really good, dense upper-body push-pull combination. But for some reason, individuals get – they don't get the shoulder-to-overhead variation. And the teams had it again this year. And I was saying last week that anyone can game a set of 50 handstand push-ups if they just know how to break them and they limit their rest breaks to like three to four seconds they just do really fast sets but if you have like a chunk of 30 shoulder overhead at 185 and you break it like
Starting point is 00:22:40 dude you just got passed by three people and then if you break again you just got passed by 10 people where it's like it's such a movement that you can't start working on quickly so that's the one movement for me that i'm hoping makes its way into the individual side yeah i see that as much as i like handstand push-ups i do like the barrier to entry in the shoulder overhead like with the power clean and and to start the rep that's what made sam and i want to do three sets we thought about doing four sets in the shoulder overhead but we decided on three to go faster because the transition was so long we broke the deadlifts a little bit more because the dead was like half a second break like the other guy's grabbing the bar before it's done bouncing and then he's picking it up on the shoulder overhead you have that clean the pause
Starting point is 00:23:23 in between and yeah it adds it adds time and like you have that clean, the pause in between. And, yeah, it adds time. And like you said, a handstand pushup, there's like – you break them up smart for you. You could be really bad at them, but you could be closing in on guys who are pretty good. Yeah, just if you're – just if you're like time per repetition is a little bit faster, like you can get away with it. So I would say shoulder overhead.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And then I kind of wished ever since last chance qualifier that Taylor did did that they would bring back the 12 inch target burpee on the wall um just because it's simple all you need is a wall and it's kind of devastating if you do big shots is terrible but so those are my two movements that i just kind of am hoping that come out shoulder overhead 12 inch burpee do you think a ring muscle will come out 100 i think especially if they're not going to use a rope they will still call that like a upper body hanging pulling movement um i kind of hope and we can ask angela kind of how it felt i know there's been some funny videos like con porter put one out and you know we were talking about how many ring muscles were possible for teams but i think an interval workout like that would be awesome for individuals to do like with ring muscle-ups as the as the max rep movement while i don't really like amraps in competition if it's like that i think that would
Starting point is 00:24:36 be that would be fine because if if you do 10 more ring muscle-ups than someone else it's not like you're you're just like you crushed yourself right for? For a better score. It's within a window, I would guess. Yeah, if it's within a window and you're not in a live competition, I would think in a live competition it would be different, especially with how much time you have for quarterfinals. That changes my opinion on it as well about having an AMRAP. That would be cool. Maxed out, bring muscle ups. I just like that because I feel like I'd be good at it,
Starting point is 00:25:04 but it would depend on what the buying is. Yeah. What do you think? Movements that you want to see that I want to see, or see, this is the hard, this is the hard time of the year where there's things on the line. The next week you just get what you're given and you,
Starting point is 00:25:17 and you perform. But right now you're the, right now you're the, you're the programming snob. So what do you want to see? I, I agree with, well, not'm not sure where Angelo was going with it, but I think we should probably be touching snatch or clean and jerk
Starting point is 00:25:32 before semifinals so that all these big fat idiots who are strong and can't do anything else don't get to just pass on through to semifinals. Squat snatch, though, is what you want to see. That still might – no, I don't care, any snatch. Just put it with something really hard. If you're, if you're good at Olympic weightlift, uh, you know, I think, I think, uh, I would like to see some Olympic weightlifting with the gymnastic movement that necessitates you to be really good at CrossFit, not just strong and not just, you know, skinny and good at
Starting point is 00:26:04 gymnastics. Like you've got to be strong. You've got to be efficient on a barbell. You've got to have gymnastics skills. You can't just be this lopsided specialist. Um, I wouldn't mind a squat snatch or, or just a snatch. Same with a clean, like a, you know, ascending clean weights, but like don't designate it just clean. you want um toes to bar i think would be cool to have in quarterfinals some form of handstand push-up i would like to see a wall facing again um lunging i think if you see a wall facing you're you're only going to get it in a position style where it starts out with like kipping and then it goes to strict or then it goes to wall facing um i think the chances of seeing dumbbell snatch come up again are probably
Starting point is 00:26:49 high last year really dumbbell snatch into the overhead lunge with the crossover so i would i would hope that they think about what they've done in the past and maybe try to bury it a little bit more but equipment wise you sure has to have 10 70s where i'm kind of going with that is like i think i would be just as happy seeing some double dumbbell work with 50s and 35s as seeing just single arm work with a 70 i think if you program something that's like super easy to judge like a dumbbell step up or a dumbbell step over with two dumbbells like that's a really easy movement to separate people. And it's like a movement everyone can do. But can you do sets of 10? Can you do sets of 20?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Like if you think about if they're served up with toes to bar, anything with a lot of grip, like that's just that there's not an easier movement you can program and just say there's a box, there are your dumbbells, step up and over it. That's it. That's all you got to do. And now that they're saying you don't even need a judge to do quarterfinals and you can just send your video in like, that's going to make it even easier for that too. This is, let me address this before we talk about this judging fiasco. Listen, Magnus, the more you talk about me liking wieners and other things and other comment threads, the less I'm going to be inclined to accept any kind of challenge you throw
Starting point is 00:28:06 out. So zip your lip, bro. I'm not doing these a hundred burpees. Um, the judging thing angers me so much because the, the assumption is like, okay,
Starting point is 00:28:17 if you expect to make a semifinal, you're going to get video reviewed and you don't need a judge. Um, but what if you just say you expect to make a semifinal, you know, you suck ass and you don't need a judge. But what if you just say you expect to make a semifinal, you know you suck ass and you don't use a judge and none of your reps count. And now all these people who have done that have a massive effect on the leaderboard
Starting point is 00:28:33 when their scores are probably invalid to begin with. I mean, that's happened in years with judges and video review for everyone. So now they're just saying, yeah, fuck up the leaderboard leaderboard we don't care what did i say the other day jr it was like you're either gonna you're either somebody who can't make it to semis and knows it and you're not gonna have a judge or you're somebody who can make it and they're basically either way the judge is irrelevant and if you want to have a judge um if you want to have a judge and then you put in your video, they're going to go off what their judges say on the video anyways. Or if you don't have a judge and you do make a video and they end up not watching it, which is a 50-50, they don't watch it at all, then you sneak in a semi.
Starting point is 00:29:22 So it's like you could sneak in one way or you could get screwed one way. There's no, there's no way to even guess what the way to cheat the system is or what the way to do the right, what the right way either. Yeah. And if you go back to the rule book and I remember, I think spin or maybe seven on went through the rule book when it first
Starting point is 00:29:40 came out, it actually says on there for quarterfinals, it says qualification process for semifinals one video will be reviewed and then multiple other videos could be requested yeah so basically just saying hey there's a threshold we're not going to tell you what it is but we're going to watch at least one and then from there if we need to watch more we will and i think the point that we were kind of making was like last year, I think TTT did it. I want to say like,
Starting point is 00:30:10 I want to say some other, yeah, some other camps did it. They hired games judges to come in house and be the in-person judge. However, those judges that are watching in real time awarded repetitions that were taken away or said did not meet standards when reviewed online. So then at that point,
Starting point is 00:30:30 what's, what is the point of having a judge in person? If, if just to make sure that you counted your reps, right. And that's it. Exactly. And if you take a day's course,
Starting point is 00:30:38 they tell you you're, you're not there just to count reps and cheer them on. Like they tell you, they say you're there to hold it, withhold the movement standard. That's it. was there actually any point in the judges course no there's no point in the season a certified judge is required you get ceus for it yeah if you're if you're a coach if you're a level three and you need to uh accrue accrue 36 continuing education credits before your or units before your shit expires, just take your judges course
Starting point is 00:31:05 for 10 bucks. That'll knock the number down. Um, I feel like as an athlete, you're, you need to go in. If you're expecting to make semifinals, you need to go into quarterfinals and knowing that all of your video is going to be scrutinized to the degree by people doing a video review process. And your in-person judge is for nothing other than holding you accountable to where you're at in the workout and what your reps are. Because a lot of judges in my experience, there's one judge that has judged me in workouts consistently that has called close border, no reps that have saved me in workouts. And that's Andy. And he's the only one I've ever been judged by that has the balls to do that. My wife is a really good judge, but she hasn't judged me in workouts where I've like moved.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I wouldn't even say poorly where I've had borderline reps, but Andy no reps me for like the first three snatches in that one quarterfinal workout where it was like nine, six, three burpee box jump over snatch for not locking my knees out. Something that a normal judge is probably missing a little bit. He know that's all three of my quit the fucking workout and screamed at him and then restarted. But if you like most people aren't going to have that. And as an athlete to think that just because you have a judge, you're going to be okay. That's really stupid and short sighted because your judge is going to give you reps that they're still going to take away on video review. So I almost like maybe not having one is better so that you're training or you're working out scared. Like I, I need to move perfectly.
Starting point is 00:32:26 The only problem that I have is like me personally is I've done some qualifiers, not the games, but I've done some qualifiers where, um, and it was, it was double unders, double unders. I went back and I watched my video. I didn't have a judge. I went back and I watched my video and like my rep count was off like three or four different times. And it was just by accident. Like I was like 50 reps and i was doing 51 or 48 or whatever and i was like i'm gonna have to freaking redo this workout because it's just wrong and so i redid it and i didn't have a judge again i just had somebody count my reps for me to double check and um yeah that's the only thing i see is like or like a lunge let's say it is a lunge and you're lunging with a 70 pound dumbbell over your head. Those last few, uh, the last few, you know, 25 foot turnarounds you get, you may not be
Starting point is 00:33:11 able to see the, your heel is just on the line a little bit and you get up and maybe the camera angle can see it. And now you're screwed because you literally could not see it. So I was just, I'm thinking of those instances. Yeah. Like I want there to be variety and movement choice for sure. Like Taylor's talked about that too, but like something that I know it was for weather contingency. And I know Angela had strong thoughts about what water blues in general, but doing the stationary lunge there and at rogue because of weather,
Starting point is 00:33:44 like, I think that will come around. but doing the stationary lunge there and at Rogue because of weather, I think that will come around. And if they do a lunge in quarterfinals, it's not going to be for distance for that very reason you just said, is that when you're lunging away from the camera, you really can't tell if someone's coming to hip extension when they sweep their leg through. And when they cross the line and as they're crossing the line, they're bringing the dumbbells down.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Did they get to extension or did they not? Well, I don't know. Their back was to the camera. So if they, if they show, if they say, Hey, you got to put your camera here and we want you to just stand in front of the camera, hold the dumbbell like this and just step back and then step back again and step back and we can freeze frame it all day and see if you're opening up your hips or not. Like that's a movement to me because we've had single leg and like every year times two i think every year quarters has had a form of lunging and has had pistols until the up until this year the annoying thing about the annoying thing about in place lunges and wall walks in my opinion is you just give little people more of an advantage
Starting point is 00:34:41 because now they don't have to cover a set amount of distance they get to capitalize on their limb length and and for the wall walk that's if you use the standard where you just mark that where your shoulders are versus a 50 foot hamstring walk for everyone or a set distance of lunges i don't know i just think in online competition inherently to begin with favors typically smaller guys women and uh i don't know just probably the most useful thing i can think of with someone looking at or a judge participating in the quarterfinals would be because there's extended time having someone just watch your videos back instead of actually judging why or why you're going because you have extra time and if they're like hey look at all there's a quite a few questionable reps in here you still have time to redo it if you want to i feel like that's where they might be the most useful
Starting point is 00:35:28 i'm an athlete i'm watching all of my own videos like three times like you have a ton of individual athletes there at mayhem that you know are going to be doing quarters will they do them and like immediately submit them so that they can get feedback before the deadline and just say hey like does this look good? Like it looked like my camera angle was a little bit off and they're like, yeah, uh, you need to re you need to resubmit this or it's going to be invalidated. Okay. Cause I know a lot of people do that. You don't get feedback from them before the submission window closes. Yeah. Usually not. Um, I do know that, uh, I do know that some athletes did that last year. I
Starting point is 00:36:03 think he is one of them. I don't know if a ton of them did that last year i think he is one of them i don't know if a ton of them did that i know that he is one of them um i think rich has done that in the past as well but yeah you are really you're kind of like taylor said you're at the yeah at their discretion at that point you're like hoping they reply and there's like a 50 50 that if they do or not and i actually want to circle this back to the layout. Not having a layout is easier for a class, and like having tape lines and all that stuff is easier for a class, but we didn't get any idea of how they want it laid out.
Starting point is 00:36:35 So the only problem with that for me is like where do you want my clock to be and where do you want my camera to be? Like what angle do you want the best? Because some teams you may put it in a position where you know if you if you put it in front and you're squatting towards the camera it you know you don't can't really see if someone's going going below parallel from that angle and i know they say from like from the from a 45 or whatever does help but like it just it you're leaving it up to the person and i may be limited
Starting point is 00:37:07 in my gym space with where i can put that camera where i can put the clock and where i can i can't move my rig you know like at mayhem josh malone is actually like hey if you guys see a layout and you want to move a pole bar or something like we have that access most people don't have access to move their rig move their camera move the clock and like having this perfect little setup so that with the video thing that plays a huge factor in my are they are you saying they didn't tell you where to put the camera no really there was because normally like there's a layout it's a it's like a little diagram kind of like what jr was saying like he said roller wine rings wine whatever camera here and that's usually what it says they're not doing that
Starting point is 00:37:50 mostly for because it's so inclusive and they're going to run a bunch of people in it that makes it easier that you can use whatever setup you have other than using the setup they're forcing you to use do they tell you that they can penalize you based on that no they didn't i mean they didn't say there you can but you can set yourself up to get screwed by that as you could you could set up your camera say ah this looks pretty good and then now all my reps look like shit because my cameras are in the wrong spot so yeah i think it's easy for them to put it on you in the description to just say uh place the camera that allows for all movements to clearly be shown meaning the skills and like yeah but how it's vague and then are they really gonna fucking be
Starting point is 00:38:32 are they gonna hammer people who fuck with that no i don't think unless you're a big name so yeah but i mean honestly like it it does kind of go both ways like when you have the picture with the little green arrow that says athlete facing or athlete start and people don't follow that and they get penalized for it. Like, Hey dude, just like look at the picture and start behind the line or like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:38:52 make sure that you make sure you were facing this way on your squat. Like in 2021, the master's online qualifier, we had to put the camera at our back. So it was, um, overhead squat, burpee box,
Starting point is 00:39:04 jump over. They wanted to look at us from the back. So it was overhead squat, burpee box jump over. They wanted to look at us from the back. And I think to what you were saying, while you can't really see the hip opening in front, you can see depth a lot better from the back of somebody than you can from the front. I'm about to watch you from the back. I will say this, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I'm going to have to pause for a full second at every single fucking rep because of how much shit I throw at HQ. Dude, they're going to 100%, dude. They're going to fuck with me so hard. I will say this. You guys will love to know this. Our workout one submission was accepted.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Let's see. I don't want to get this wrong. I'm trying to find it in my email. Workout one was accepted on Sunday at 9.28 a.m. And then I didn't hear anything until... Yeah, until Tuesday at 5.55. Workout 2 was accepted. And then here's the best part of it all.
Starting point is 00:40:02 at 5.55. Workout 2 was accepted. Here's the best part of it all. Tuesday at 8.17 and also 8.17, workout 3 and 4 were accepted. I don't know if they looked at 1 or they looked at 2, but they certainly didn't look at 3 or 4.
Starting point is 00:40:18 They just sent me a check mark same time. I'm going to sit. Yeah, I'm nervous. nervous angel as far as movements go for the individual workouts anything that you hope does come either back around or like kind of around for the first time or i hope they rope climb uh i hope they do ghds and i hope they have some form of snatch. I feel like rope climbs cleans up a lot of the stuff that we missed and could avoid that situation for the individuals. God, I hope rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Well, I was going to say, Taylor, for you, you're good at everything, right, when you're going against three guys that are good at everything, for sure. Yeah, I'm the best. The fact that every year the past three years have had high-volume GHDs, and yes, that's probably top three of your best movements. Seeing that the teams did a pretty high-volume Toast-a-Bar, I think that it's fair to think that it's reasonable to say that there's going to be high
Starting point is 00:41:25 volume toast bar. I'd almost rather be toast to bar. I've been doing so much toast to bar right now. Angela, who you take in Taylor, Jason Colton, Dallin to win that little matchup in quarterfinals. Obviously without knowing the workouts,
Starting point is 00:41:42 but hard to say without knowing the workouts, it's really hard to say that I know the workouts. it's hard to say without knowing the workouts it's really hard to say without knowing the workouts uh i'm just gonna i'm gonna go ahead and assume that their workouts are gonna be similar to ours just for the sake of helping me figure it out and then if so i think if they're similar I'm taking a fucking L. Well, do you think you're beating Colton in a two-on-two-off style workout like that with front squats, burpees, and ring muscle-ups? How many rounds was it? Five? Five rounds.
Starting point is 00:42:16 And it was max rep ring muscle-ups? Let's just say for you it's like, I don't know, 12s or maybe 15s because having a minute or a minute for two people is different. If it's 10s, maybe it's close. Okay. If it's 15s, he's beating me in it and neither Jason nor Dallin are beating me in that, but all the other workouts are just not like, they're not things that I'm, I'm not bad at them, but those guys are all games athletes. I, I, yeah, I don't know. There are workouts that could come out that none of them could beat me in with, and they wouldn't have a chance, but there are also likely workouts that, yeah, I don't know. There are workouts that could come out that none of them could beat me in with, and they wouldn't have a chance, but there are also likely workouts that, yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:48 I don't know. I don't know. It's hard to say. I'm going to take the safe pick and I'm going to say Dallin. I, that's what I, to be honest, Dallin is incredibly well-rounded.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah. Uh, and there are only two or three things I could think of that could come out. And I don't think they'll come out in the volume necessary to hurt him. I mean, I would honestly have to be like a – which I would love if they did because while the 50 shuttle runs – no, sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:16 While the 100 shuttle runs was so boring to do last year in quarterfinals, that rope climb, bench bench press rope climb combination was so good man and if they did if they did like a 185 bench press for lots of reps against you guys that could be one of the only things i could see down like you know not being top of the top of the pack on i'll show you i'll show you what the workouts would have to be for because i think he's even told me it's like running and running and bench press and those are the only two real things that i like really need to work on a lot really running and bench press that's what incredible things now do we get back stop it dallin said that yeah he said that at charlotte dude he's high he sucks at ring muscle
Starting point is 00:44:00 ups this workout i would absolutely obliterate everyone but colton then um and then that will be talking about pistols and how they don't ever need to be not in person those dumbbell over at squats are just as bad to judge i would murder this workout but also there's no shot that that comes out and then i would probably do well with this snatch workout too but then i think uh where is this i like that style of snatch workout for capacity i loved these workouts but the volume of gymnastics was just it was like damn you guys both you guys both took an l on that one that you just showed yeah to you bro and that was 10 years ago when i was like freaking 12 i think it was two or three years ago i would never lose to jason in that workout with anyone other than you watching i hope you know that taylor what are you doing with the 5k if you do
Starting point is 00:44:59 win buying a harley or what percent buying a heritage soft tail. Fucking wait. Do you win money from CrossFit if you win quarterfinals? No, just the open. Nice. Yeah. If I win quarterfinals,
Starting point is 00:45:13 Dave sends me a dick pic. That's actually the, that's the arrangement to it. I hope he doesn't watch the show. Just kidding. We don't see that. Angela, if you were,
Starting point is 00:45:21 if you were participating in this, like four person, like round Robin type, type thing that they're doing. And it was either, don't see that angela if you were if you were participating in this like four person like round robin type type thing that they're doing and it was either it would just winner take all or you all get like a grand and then you only earn more money for event wins which one do you think would be more fun which one would you rather do would you rather just like all compete and the winner just takes all of it or just be like hey hey, at the least I'm going to make a thousand bucks. But I could make if I if I hammer them all and I win all of them, I could win even more.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I like I like where it takes all. I like the where it takes all just because I don't know, there's more way more incentive that way. Like I'd happily take third and get a thousand dollars out of four people. way like i i'd happily take third and get a thousand dollars out of four people but uh i think the winner takes all adds a lot more stress to it adds a lot more um uh competition the competition is more heated has the price been decided yeah five grand for a winner that's it that's all that's the price first for us that's it. That's all. That's the price first. For us. That's it. But that no one else wins. I don't know that that's the price first. I just know the first place wins five grand.
Starting point is 00:46:30 That's it. 5k is nothing, bro. It's pocket change. Well, okay. We get it. That's four of those GHG butt pads.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Yeah. Hey, the, the, the chat voting was 45% Dall 20 percent taylor 32 percent colton three percent jason i hope you're listening jason well you know if if they do something like the 120 120 workout right that's like that's best case scenario for something like Jason. Or if they do something like that, kind of what the teams did. Let's just say they do a 21-15-9, 3-15-185 couplet.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I mean, does Colton still beat him on that? Yes. Do you think, Taylor? 100%. I think Dallin beats him too. So he has to get something heavy, heavy, So he has to get something heavy, heavy, or he has to get something very row heavy, which I think is still possible that there'll be some kind of a row heavy test.
Starting point is 00:47:31 But anything online for someone of his height is just going to be really tough. Yeah. Because that year they did the 120-120. Him and DeLugos, I guess, won the world on that for the quarters. But that's two of the best movements you could put together for someone like him. 21-20, him and DeLugos won the world on that for the quarters. That's two of the best movements you could put together for someone like him. Well, my hopes aren't high.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I'm pretty sure the workouts are going to stink. If I stay there, then I won't be as disappointed next week when they drop. Last thing, Angelo, would you go on a famous rant if they did a choose-your-own-adventure, like ring muscle-up thruster workout for quarterfinals? I hate those events.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Dom was saying how he likes them. I freaking hate those. Like, I don't know. I mean, no, sorry. Those are bad. What's worse is what they did with the Masters last year where they said you had to get a minimum amount of this amount of work. And obviously, anyone who did decent did 1,000 thrusters in that workout.
Starting point is 00:48:40 They're not even close. Those two movements weren't close. Like, it needed to be a 95-pound thruster and a bar and a bar muscle up maybe and then you and then you kind of choose your own adventure that way it's so much worse the the yeah there you have to you have to test it obviously whoever tested it was must have been terrible at 135 thrusters so they're like oh yeah these are about these are about right and they won what do you what do you guys what do you guys think about and also almost like an iteration from 24.3 and they did like a 10 minute amrap of ring muscle up squat snatch 135 do you think those or do you think those are comparable or do you still think one is a lot i actually think they're pretty close
Starting point is 00:49:22 i think they're close closer what they do but close. I think they're close. Closer. What they do, but I don't know that they're going to force a squat snatch. Have they done that? They force a squat snatch instead of just a snatch? 2017 and first cut at the games, maybe. They haven't done it in a quarterfinal stage, right? That's the only thing that I'm thinking.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Unless they did power snatch, toe to ring, squat snatch, ring muscle up, progression, kind of like they did for snatch toe to ring, squat snatch ring muscle up, like progression, kind of like they did for 24.3. People would definitely lose their minds over toes to ring. I mean, if it's tested thoroughly, it could be cool, I guess. But don't make a minimum amount of work on both of them. That basically says this isn't even so we're gonna make sure you at least do some of these so you can do a bunch a bunch of those like
Starting point is 00:50:09 yeah just a 10 minute am rap of five and five or something like yeah yeah that's fine that's fine um i gotta say when i saw that video of bennett tripping the wire on the clock i i was like oh my god if that happened at our affiliate i well you know i i don't have like i couldn't put myself in your shoes because it would have been someone like will or lizzie and it would be really hard for me to be angry at them because they already do so much to help us and i'm sure bennett does as well but in my perspective i was like damn this guy who like probably doesn't know that well or maybe you you know him well, but like, yeah, I do. Uh, fuck. I would have freaked out.
Starting point is 00:50:48 And then, so I was like, damn, I would have reacted way differently. And then when you sent me that video, I was so satisfied. I was satisfied for you too. There was, it was the only way to react. I mean, I couldn't, I couldn't hold it in. I was so mad. I was so mad in the moment. It was furious.
Starting point is 00:51:04 And I was mad all day. I was mad all day. And the next day I was really mad. I was so mad. In the moment, I was furious. And I was mad all day. I was mad all day. And the next day, I was really mad, actually, the next day, when my back, I thought, like, I need to go to the hospital. My back was hurting so bad. I was at work. And I mean, I didn't do anything all day. Like, we ran, we actually, we ran a lot of calls. But other than calls, dude, I didn't leave the recliner. I had my heating pad on. guys are like what's wrong with you i'm like i'm just trying to recover like i'm doing everything i can to feel at least halfway decent because i have to try to do that workout again tomorrow i was so messed up um like that afternoon i thought i was injured like i thought it hurt my back it was hurting so bad and then i it got better the next day and then finally the
Starting point is 00:51:43 day we did it it was just like sore it was just really sore and it warmed up okay so did you so you so you redid that workout before you did the 315 deadlift workout yeah oh yeah i don't know yeah i don't know if that was i mean it was fine actually it ended up being fine i don't know if it was the best no no we had to because it was due it was due that's why we did that yeah so we didn't have a choice well there's one thing that they do i hope like yeah there was no there was no single leg movements there was no lunging or anything but for the individuals if they have like two pulls from the floor two squats i'll be happy if they have you know that kind of variety like i still don't think a kipping handstand pushup should be getting anyone
Starting point is 00:52:28 to a semifinal. I think at minimum, it just needs to be a strict, if it's a deficit kipping, that's fine. Like the year that Taylor and Jason lunged for steps and not distance. And they, they get overall just like kind of short striding.
Starting point is 00:52:40 But then that workout ended with what? 10 strict and people were doing like twos. Like that was like, that was, that was a really cool progression style. Just like, Hey, we're,
Starting point is 00:52:50 we're, we're going to see who has good shoulders and who doesn't. I just don't know that a workout like that, even going hang lunge, front rat lunge, overhead lunge. If they think that that's just too hard now for like a quarter finals level. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Too hard. The God. Okay. Okay. I don't know. Too hard. God, okay. Show's probably over. I'm good. I'm serious. I don't have anything nice to say. All right, guys. We're going to come on, what, next Wednesday
Starting point is 00:53:21 as soon as they come out and try to at least air our grievances before Taylor has to get into competition mode. Sorry to break it to everyone, but I won't be here to break down the programming. I'll be on a work trip. You'll be on a work trip, and then he'll be at Crash making sure the stream is extra crisp.
Starting point is 00:53:38 I won't be there the first day, though. It's going to be great. All my stuff will be there. I'm going to buy insurance from state farm for that one day that I'll just leaving all my equipment with these Yahoo's. Who's taking it down there. Am I taking it? No,
Starting point is 00:53:55 I am. Oh, and then you're flying out. Ah, okay, cool. Angela went on short notice. No problem.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Thanks for having me guys. Hey, this, uh, tonight is tonight, before we dip out, tonight going live on the Train Sentinel channel with, actually, was Jessica on your guys' team? Alabama? Me? No. She was on, oh, okay, right, Mayhem Justice.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Yeah. RIP Mayhem justice. Yeah. RIP mayhem justice. Yeah. What's the deal with the everyday hero games, Angelo? You tightly involved with that. What's going on? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Tidily involved. I am helping program. Well, we have the online events programmed already. We are, we're going to start working on the in-person workouts. Try to figure out, like try to push the envelope as much-person workouts, try to figure out like, try to push the envelope as much as we can,
Starting point is 00:54:47 like to get them, get the events outside, like really kind of change it up, make it really interesting, make it its own event. And I've had a lot of people ask what my best hint is for the workouts is to follow the everyday hero program yeah baby smart man if you want to hit if you want to hit pay up bro i have a lot of people ask me they're like so what program
Starting point is 00:55:13 what program on mayhem would be the best one to like get prepared for the everyday hero like i do some of this one and that one i was like i don't know probably the everyday hero one i do have involvement i have a lot of involvement with that and programming everyday hero so when's the online competition can people still sign up yeah sign up is live right now i forget when it closes but it's live right now so just go do you how do you prove that you're an everyday hero like you have to send a video of yourself fighting a fire or saving a grandma out of a toilet well a calendar pick will work too okay um if you've been in a fire counter no i think you have to like send an id
Starting point is 00:55:50 like almost everyone like i have an id that says firefighter city of cookville so like send an id something like that i think you only really have to do that if you are one of the winners so you can sign up technically but make sure you are in that profession especially if you plan on trying to do well and possibly win. Just because your mom calls you her little hero doesn't mean you qualify. I'm fucked. At the games, is it like firefighters versus police? Like everyone's doing the same workouts against each other or is it?
Starting point is 00:56:21 That's sick. Well, we're going to try to have, I think the idea idea is that five events in one day I believe it's mostly one day and they're all gonna have a theme to them so like there's gonna be a firefighter theme of law enforcement theme teacher theme like this educator is the category there's gonna be a button there's gonna be five events with five different themes hopefully trying to make you know make it work for that profession. Nice. So the teacher-themed one will be like,
Starting point is 00:56:49 how fast can you sit in a desk? How fast can you erase stuff off a chalkboard? That kind of thing. How fast can you allow your students to choose their gender identity? Dude, that would be a hot one. Gender identity choosing is actually the educators event. Oh, sheesh.
Starting point is 00:57:07 That's awesome. All right. So are they going to, are you like theming the workouts? So I guess there's two ways. Is it going to be like a typical CrossFit competition, but they will be themed towards like everyday hero workouts or things like that or could would it be like more outside the box uh both try to do both try to integrate them both together like um yeah i mean they're
Starting point is 00:57:38 they're gonna be crossfit obviously they're be CrossFit, but they're going to be more outside the box thinking CrossFit stuff. Yes and no. Do CrossFit. Nice. All right, JR left. We're leaving. Damn. He did just dip out. I'm going to watch Civil War. If you want to see Angelo, go check out the Rich Froning podcast, aka
Starting point is 00:58:01 the Angelo DiCicco podcast. We all know that's what we actually watched for Angelo and, uh, and everyday hero. Where can you sign up for that? Uh, we'll go to my Instagram. I have a link on there.
Starting point is 00:58:13 That's the most spot or mayhem athletes, Instagram, uh, just, or mayhem athlete on the internet. And you can sign up, you can go through the link. There's every hero program on there.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And then there's everyday hero games as well. Nice. Then train Sentinellor's programming the fastest growing training platform in the crossfit space allegedly and uh is that self-proclaimed or what that's self-proclaimed dude fastest growing biggest largest a couple extra inches more than the other guys. It's enormous. It's ginormous. It's exploding. And next Wednesday, they'll go over individual quarterfinal workouts. And then Thursday, Friday, whatever. I don't know if we even have a schedule.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Live from CrossFit Crash. Kind of like Taylor vs. the World style broadcast. Taylor, Jason, Colton, and Dallin. Bye.

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