The Sevan Podcast - shut up and scribble / "out of season" competitions

Episode Date: June 15, 2024

we discuss out of season competitions Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:48 What are we talking about? Wow. We're talking about off-season competitions, off-season training, how stupid people are, et cetera. We can talk about how sick of HQ we are. I can't talk about that. You can't?'m gonna eat on the show like john young i have to i'm on a diet i gotta get my shit i keep my shit together you know
Starting point is 00:01:17 you're not on a diet dude it's just your just your diet. Right. I know. You got to start reframing that thought. No, but I do know that. I was just being facetious. Me and Lizzie are trying to buy a house. And let me tell you, dude. I just got to say, Joe Biden ain't making it fucking easy. Let me just tell you that. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:01:49 So you've taken a step back. You want to talk about Palestine? So you've taken a step back on the motorcycle purchase. Yeah, I have to. You know I have to. Brady Libby for lunch. Ground beef. A little bit of chosen avocado mayo,
Starting point is 00:02:08 and whatever, I think a three-quarter cup of farro. Do you know what farro is? Is that like poor man's tallow? No, farro is like an ancient grain. It's like an unprocessed sprouted grain that's really good for you um if you're gonna have a dense carb so what like like is it uh it's like rice but thick and fat it's like a fat it's like if you could imagine you had a imagine you had a big ass black ant, like the big ants, and they have those big fat butts, that's about the size of it. The thorax. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Does sodium bicarbonate give you the mexican milkshakes not sure what that means lately when i take it i'm shitting every two minutes yeah sounds like you have just a just a little baby girl tummy bro so maybe lay off the sodium bicarbonate stick to the create respect i. Respect. I'm with you, Mike. It doesn't give me an upset stomach. I do get pretty gassy, but not fart gassy. I burp. I have belch, belly burps.
Starting point is 00:03:40 You've been doing a teaspoon of that before your high lactic workouts? No, I haven't. I just did it. I just tried it and did it the weekend of semifinals i remember you talking about it um so we're talking about out of season competitions how many you should do out of season let's just start with that i think that's a great topic to my is there an off season right um if you're training for life there's no off season bro there's no days off there's no off season sorry let me pull this comment down but you have days off and i'm becoming more and more of the opinion that crossfit doesn't give a fuck about you
Starting point is 00:04:22 as an athlete now. Like HQ right now, not all of HQ, not all employees at HQ, but the driving bodies of HQ don't give a flying gnat pube about you or the athletes, the professional athletes. Not even a lot of brands in the space give a fuck about the sport growing they just want to allocate everything to the two best people who for however much of a sloppy blow job you give them they'll sell your product for you um what i think is cool is over the past couple years competitions like wadapalooza uh some other big ones i'll even throw northern california classic in there because the prize payout first place is so freaking big your competition i would say they're they're right underneath the
Starting point is 00:05:27 the really really big ones like the really big ones are probably still um rogue guadalupalooza dubai madrid there are probably some other ones i i don't know like his down unders prize purse really really big but that that's a big offseason comp. So I would put I would put Norcott Classic right there with those just because of their partnerships are crazy. Like really. Yeah. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:05:53 In five years, Rogue might be Rogue might be able to say, fuck the games. You know, we're the new benchmark. When you go to Rogue as an athlete, you know, you're getting taken care of and they care about you. You know? Yeah. Yeah, someone told me today, like I just saw that the, you know, the tickets were on sale
Starting point is 00:06:12 and someone overseas told me today that they're almost sold out already. For Rogue, that doesn't surprise me at all. Yeah, which is really, which is cool. So I want to go. Hopefully Becca will want to go with me and we'll go over there and maybe see peter or something do you know in the do you know yeah
Starting point is 00:06:30 because scotland and ireland are right next to each other do you know um when the qualifier dates are um i don't but i bet you if you pulled up their website and went to the queue they would tell you it doesn't. Not there yet. When was it last year? It was not. I mean, I remember Jason doing them, like, I would say within three weeks of the games. They're pretty soon after the games.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I might be fucked then because I'm going to be in Italy August 25th through September 3rd. It's not like they don't have uh pull-up bars and rings and barbells over there i know i'm gonna be working out a craftsman never complains about his tools fuck it i guess i'm going full italiano on them um so august 27th would be like three, about three weeks after. Cool. All right. So we diverged. Off-season comps, big off-season. Is there an off-season?
Starting point is 00:07:40 For the top athletes, there's an off-season. For athletes who have all their chips in on the games, there's an off- off season i think it's becoming more and more evident on the athlete side that the games isn't the only way for you to make money or create a brand for yourself or to um have success in the crossfit space or industry and in fact there are even examples of athletes who all they do are the CrossFit games and no one fucking knows who they are. Um, and that's unfortunate. So I think you've got a couple things to think about when you're saying, when you're making the decision, one, do I have an off season to what is my season three? If I do have an off season, do I compete at these offices and competitions? One, your goal, what is your overarching goal? Do I do have an off season, do I compete at these offices and
Starting point is 00:08:25 competitions? One, your goal, what is your overarching goal? Do you want to have, you know, what does success look like for you? Let's just assume, okay, success is my goal. Success for you could be qualifying for the CrossFit games, could be winning the CrossFit games, could be financial freedom, independence, financial security. it could be building a loyal following and and brand um starting a business whatever based off of your competitive prowess so to speak so i think you have to decide that first if If your goal is to win the CrossFit games, you probably only have space for one off season competition at most. I would say. Um,
Starting point is 00:09:12 and even then I would venture to say your first, your first year or two at the CrossFit games, you probably should put all the chips in. If you're just trying to qualify for the CrossFit games and you've been there several times, you probably have space for two off-season competitions, maybe three. If you're very confident and comfortable in your ability to qualify, a Pat Belner, a Jason, or whatever, a Dallin. If you haven't qualified for the CrossFit Games, and that is your number one goal, you're probably much closer to the side of you shouldn't do anything other than train for semifinals, quarterfinals, open.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I think that depends on the experience level of the athlete, though. How many people do you think that haven't broken through and qualified for the games the only time they compete every single year is semifinals? And because of that, maybe they just aren't good enough and qualified for the games. The only time they compete every single year is semifinals. And because of that, maybe they just aren't good enough at the skill of competing to make it. It's not their fitness. It's the execution.
Starting point is 00:10:13 It's the mental error. And it's when you talk to them afterwards, it's like, well, you know, I got out there and I kind of like, I forgot the workout, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:22 I forgot to do a rope climb. They're not qualifying. Jump over. So you don't think for someone that's, let's say they've been to semis three or four years in a row, but the only time they compete is open to semifinals every year, you wouldn't tell that person, hey, why don't you try to get into a pretty high-level competition
Starting point is 00:10:40 and do something around whatever, November, December, Octoberober i think there's space for one for sure but i think it's one or zero i don't think it's more than one you just think because of the let's just say a month that you're going to be prepping for taper for and then um come down after that's just not worth missing four weeks of training yeah not not twice for an athlete like that on the bubble and i would also say it's super it's highly dependent to the person unique to the person um so many athletes need all of those competitive reps other athletes don't some athletes it's really going to depend on the programming other athletes if they have a good build-up could be fit enough to where the programming doesn't matter um to an extent you told me you told me after your
Starting point is 00:11:39 most recent surgery that the next time you were on a competition floor was going to be possibly crucible 2024 and you ended up competing this past year sorry that's decent what no no what i'm asking is do you wish you would have been on a competition for before semifinals or do you think things like taylor versus the world open and quarters kind of gave you that same good anxiety adrenaline that you would have felt in a like full field competition yeah i was super level-headed the whole weekend of semifinals i couldn't be happier with how i handled the entire weekend emotionally i had no highs no lows i was chill um And I think I can replicate that with a lot higher expectations as well. I learned a valuable lesson in 2021. I was very emotionally level
Starting point is 00:12:33 and crucible following that Granite Games emotional rollercoaster. I was very level headed at Wadapalooza knowing there were events I was just going to have to walk through to stay healthy. It wasn't really fun to do Wadapalooza because I was kind of injured. But I didn't have these crazy highs and lows, this emotional roller coaster trying to come up and come down. I was very level-headed. So you're ready to compete again. So you're ready to compete. At this point, it wouldn't matter.
Starting point is 00:13:03 If I'm healthy. Healthy, healthy, right. So I know this is not your plan it's actually quite the opposite but let's just say you're happy doing taylor versus the world you're happy with sentinel you're happy with daily training you're happy with coaching and you're not going to compete again until crossfit's competitive season next year right you think you'd be completely fine doing that versus, no, I'm going to do, I'm going to try to qualify for Rogue, and then I'm going to do Crucible, and I'm going to do NorCal Classic, and if they invite me, I'm going to do Wadapalooza,
Starting point is 00:13:37 and I'm like, you're going to compete a lot this offseason, I'm guessing, because I think you should. I think you should do it for, because you think it's fun, I think you should do it for clout, it for, because you think it's fun. I think you should do it for clout, you know, whatever you, whatever you're doing it for. I think, I think that's great to just ride the wave of popularity, but do you think next year, would you be able to look back on it and say, I competed too much? I know that's hindsight, or would you be able to look back on it and say, you know what? It wouldn't have mattered if i wouldn't have done any of those competitions i'd still be where i am
Starting point is 00:14:07 right now yeah i i want to have fun and be healthy so i got an invite to norcal classic it's a massive prize purse me and lizzie are trying to buy a house 25 000 fucking dollars would be sick um do you know how it's tiered do you know how it's tiered like first second third yeah you gotta win so it's just 25 5 1 and then hundred dollar payouts ish through 10th that's how it was last year and i think it was a 69 000 total prize purse this year maybe at 75 so i don't know it. Um, I do think that, uh, seven, you know, I talked to seven about him going, Colton's going to be there. I want to be around people that I just love hanging out with. Um, and you know, I, again, expectations are low because I'm flying on September 3rd from Italy to California. I'm going to be in Italy for, from August 25th to September 3rd. I guess I'm flying on September 3rd from Italy to California. I'm going to be in Italy from August 25th to September 3rd.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I guess I'm going to do the road qualifiers while I'm in Italy. So that'll be nice training for NorCal. And then I fucking fly halfway around the world because I'm going to be on a family vacation. I'm just trying to have fun and stay healthy. I'm not going to train at a volume this year where it's like, oh, if I compete, I'm taking this four-month block away from my training. I think I'm probably – I just don't – I want to beat people, but what I care way more about is Sentinel being successful, being the biggest program in the space, and I'm not going to throw everything to the wayside to qualify for the games. Here's the thing, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:58 The games team does not give enough of a fuck about the athletes for that to be my approach. give enough of a fuck about the athletes for that to be my approach so in my in my mind like i'm getting mine uh and protecting me because i'm not gonna throw these other opportunities away for the fucking for for the games team like it's to me it's stupid because if you qualify for the games in your 15th to 40th, no one knows who you are. No one's going to know who you are ever. And I'm not naive enough to think that my rookie year, I would just magically be top 15. I would do well in a games field, but there would be workouts that would smack the fuck out of me. So what I want more so than that is to have fun opportunities to meet people to grow sentinel for me um and to do crossfit like i i just love doing crossfit so i want to take opportunities that are
Starting point is 00:16:56 presented to me and i want to have fun um and i'm not going to turn opportunities down with the sole focus of the games. Yeah. It just got me thinking about NorCal Classic because I think they do some things really uniquely, which I think is really cool. We should pull out the work. I'm going to pull out the work. Someone in the comments can tell me, but I want
Starting point is 00:17:20 to say they did their qualifier for 2024 way back. They've already done that. It was a long time ago. Didn't that have broad jumps in a workout for reps? Am I thinking about that online qualifier? It had. Or was it burpee broad jump?
Starting point is 00:17:36 It was broad jumps. It was distance, not for reps. That's what I mean. It was in a MetCon where you had to do a 25-foot back and forth or something like that. Okay. I remember the workouts last year. I remember them doing like that. There's a lot.
Starting point is 00:17:51 There's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Yeah, there were a lot last year because it was kind of a ranch feel. They did like an 800-meter or something sprint. They did a swimming workout. They did like an 800-meter or something sprint. They did a swimming workout. They did a sandbag squat and clean workout. All right, so 23.1, Lake Swim. This event is the split time for each athlete's Lake Swim. I think it was also a part of – let's go back.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Sorry, this is – I'm struggling here. The here the go rock adventure race so it's 300 meter swim that score one is your swim time then you did an obstacle a 1k run and 10 muscle ups uh so that's about event one and two and then three double bra jump for distance um event four upside down 30 2010 cow row 642 pullovers that a backwards that a backwards handstand
Starting point is 00:19:03 walk right no that was in another event okay event five daybreak paddle oh my god 5k kayak for time i would pack a fudge in that workout um event six 800 meter dash that's cool painful um I talked a lot of shit about these workouts last year too. I've been seven 50 Russian swings, 70 pounds for guys, five rope climbs. That's a nasty little sprint couplet. Um, big snatch energy, six minutes to establish a oneRM snatch. Sandbag complex event nine. This is 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Sandbag over the shoulder.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Sandbag squat. I like that workout. And then final. This is the reverse handstand walk. 9, 15, 21. No, that's not true. Oh, it wasn't. Maybe it was in a different workout.
Starting point is 00:19:57 The handstand walk was in that one with the pullovers. It was. Okay. Yeah. So that was upside upside down you're right okay 25 feet the rower back and backwards handstand walk from rig to rower cool all right anyways that's last year's workouts that's a lot of events i for whatever reason i was thinking it was like six events you know there's one there's one in there that's was pretty long and then there's a lot of shorter
Starting point is 00:20:33 ones which for spectators especially i mean let's be honest it's way more fun to watch stuff that's seven minutes or less way more fun yeah and kind of that vibe that they have i remember hiller talking about it bill talking about just that down and dirty old school ranch vibe type um environment is really really cool especially with all the spectators and partnerships that they have coming out so it's like that old school feel but for a lot of money did sweeney win that last year yeah so hey i wonder how old school it's gonna be like if i fucking shove somebody over in the dirt is that am i good well i wonder if they're gonna continue to come back to that or if it's just gonna be a little bit if they're gonna keep kind of changing
Starting point is 00:21:17 it year to year the venue the venue looks dope oh let's go to the new venue so it's a new it's at a new place yeah it's right outside Folsom State Prison bro not even kidding it's in Folsom California Folsom State Park let's share this screen and this is starting the third September 3rd no uh six seven eight I'm just not gonna fly No. 6, 7, 8. I'm just not going to fly fucking to Charlotte on the 3rd and then to California a day later. I'm just going to fly straight to Cali. Let's see. Maybe it's Granite Bay State Park, I think, is what it actually is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah. There we go. Images. there we go images wow this is a dangerous game i'm playing over here here this was the picture that they put on their instagram granite bay that looks pretty dope man well i'm gonna tell you this if there's an open water swim um you fucking land dwellers are destroyed do you know how many athletes are in the field um i want to say there were a lot last year like find out uh you know you know you have the goals of winning crossfit games but you're also someone that's embracing kind of like you are um holy shit wait where's the cut there's got to be a cut line for elite.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Are you on the qualifier? Yeah. For those of you that are just listening. No idea what the cut line is. Do you think you can maximize your potential at the games if you do more than two offseason competitions? Depends on the person. And do you think that's a little bit more of a wear and tear issue? Or if that's just a, hey, you have holes that are too big.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And if you don't spend those extra three, four, five, six weeks to close them, then you're never going to be able to close the gap. That's what I think. Maybe it's a mixture of both being beat up, but also having the time to address weaknesses that will hold you back at the games. Yeah, I think now maybe more than ever before, and it's only because there are people out there
Starting point is 00:24:00 that want to put on competitions and want to give athletes an opportunity to get their name out there, win some money some money i mean really just be able to live that people are just saying hey if like like kind of like you're saying making it to the games like that status really isn't going to pay any bills but competing year-round winning prize money getting my name out there trying to be a little bit more marketable for companies is gonna is gonna do it so like especially luka jukic for for years everyone would talk about how often he would compete sometimes right before and right after semifinals
Starting point is 00:24:40 and all that he's just like dude listen i'm trying to make a living. I'm just making it to the games. If I make it to the games, if I'm not one of the top five or ten, I'm not going to make any meaningful money anyway. Nope. I think that's cool that some people have that mindset of, do I put everything in these big three or four competitions where I can actually win 25, 50, 75, 100K, or do I try to run the off-season
Starting point is 00:25:07 gamut and like, Hey, I'm going to compete a couple of times a month. And I can, I can try to clean up making, you know, anywhere between five and 10 grand a weekend. I mean, that's a, that can be, and you're, you're, you're the closest thing to a professional that a lot of people could ask for. I think travel in Europe is quite a bit smoother than traveling the united states maybe and maybe cheaper even um i don't know it's a rare individual who can uh i think handle the stressors of competition week in and week out um and also be confident to beat everyone and make money. I wouldn't want my sole source of income to be dependent upon my placement at an event. Well, for one, I haven't had the track record of being healthy consistently enough for me
Starting point is 00:25:55 to like believe in that. You know what I mean? Luckily, I'm not just a big, dumb retard. I'm not supposed to use that word. Luckily, I'm not just a big, dumb idiot who's stupid, but I have a brain on top of my head and can use that as well. If you try to decide on an off-season competition and money is not the motivation or not the inspiration, how do you pick one?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Do you pick it based on programming? Do you pick it based on time of year specifically? Do you pick it based on the field? Like, are you want to go and be competitive or do you just want to go and say you competed against some really good people? Like, what's the hierarchy of like making that decision for those people that are,
Starting point is 00:26:40 let's say you're just a semifinalist, you finished bottom half this year. It's the first time you've made a you finished bottom half this year um it's the first time you've made a semi-final so you hope to make it back year after year not knowing what the season structure is going to be how do you go about picking competition um well i'll give the i'll give the three that i'm going to try to do um i'll give those examples and describe why i want to do each um i when is crucible the dates the 11th through the 13th of october yeah i will do crucible if you invite me um if i'm good enough to be invited i don't know when's the qualifier maybe i'll do the qualifier too just to fucking
Starting point is 00:27:21 the top 20 from semifinals are can forego so you would be in the camp previous champions go to bro no it's just last year's podium wow seriously yep that's whack you were top 20 so you don't have to do the qualifier well i'm just saying anyways whack okay so i'll definitely do crucible because it's close because you have good programming and i know that i can you know i'm gonna try to program you out of it that's fine um but i also know that odds are i'm not gonna get hurt doing your competition um you run things really really well there's a very respectable cash prize purse the competition will be insane there'll be a lot of really great athletes and that will be a really good uh semi-final simulator so to speak in terms of level of competition uh structure of the weekend volume and professionalism all right that's enough next competition i'm just saying
Starting point is 00:28:27 you think a little bit outside the box programming implement wise that i wouldn't expect to see stuff at semifinals um but i like that so i'm not so in that sense it's different very different but in enough ways it's very close to getting those competition reps and you're an hour and a half away and lizzie has a house there no brainer um and i want to unzip and flop on some fucking assholes there we might have to bleep that out but anyways uh norcal classic some of the things last year i would have been pretty nervous to do with where my knee was at um i wouldn't have been able to do it. I'm sure this year there will be something that shows up that's going to really push me out of my comfort zone. And I might not be ready for it.
Starting point is 00:29:15 And I'm prepared for that. And that's fine. But what I do want to do is I want to go to a competition where I can swim a little bit, which I think they're going to swim there. You just get like an outdoor vibe. It's Northern California. I've never been there. Sevan's going. Colton's going.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I want to hang out with them. We're getting a massive Airbnb. We're going to put some freaking crazy content out, like some cool stuff. Like I want to go there for fun. And they invited me, they invited me, which makes me feel good. They struck my ego a little bit.
Starting point is 00:29:52 The level of competition I think will be Colton and Tudor and maybe two or three other guys. I know Leo Franco is going, but that's not competition. Phil Muscarell is going. I hate that guy because he's the re-investment. I didn't go to the games in 2021. So if you're listening to Philip, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:30:14 It's OG. It's so OG. And I have no idea what they're going to program. They programmed a fucking crazy, crazy, like arm hang bear complex or some shit in the qualifier like 20 people dislocated their elbows i'm not gonna go that hard if they program something like that i'm just gonna be completely transparent i'm gonna do a bethany flores if something like that comes out i'm not gonna hurt myself um but outside of that i'm gonna pin it but outside of that I'm going to pin it and then so for that one my consideration is more so it's a little bit money they have a huge first
Starting point is 00:30:54 place prize payout you're going to get to do a lot of unique things and some of my favorite people are going to be there like Savon, Hiller, Colton, and it's going to be super fun to just hang out with them. So that's huge. And then why Rogue? Rogue because it's like the most prestigious competition, more so than the CrossFit games, in my opinion. It is so prestigious, so prestigious.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Only five people qualify. I would argue it's probably harder to qualify for Rogue than it is for the games out of a semifinal. They only take five spots so i'm gonna do my best odds are probably low that i will qualify for it but i'm for sure gonna give it a rip um and scotland is sick i really want to go to scotland it's on me and lizzie's bucket list travel wise that's cool yeah i mean travel alone i think is a crazy opportunity and if you're going to be traveling and you get reimbursed for some of that that's like a like that's something that you know most people are never going to last year for teams of two we did shouldered overhead with a railroad
Starting point is 00:31:56 tie see that's fucking sick that's some shit i would program and it's some shit someone like brent fikowski would shit on me for in a Reddit thread. And here I am shitting on them for doing hang bear complex, but that's fucking cool. Make people do shit that you've never thought to do before. I hope those railroad ties were soaked in Korea. So, and, uh, you guys all get melanoma from that, but I would have done that. It depends on the programming and some athletes are really great on online competition and others are not. I'm okay. I would say it online competition.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Yeah. So, I mean, there's a, my raid of reasons you might go to an off season competition. I think these younger athletes should be airing more towards the side. I'm changing my tune a little bit from the beginning of the show. I think people should have, should be airing toward having more fun than not. And all these athletes you see getting
Starting point is 00:32:55 burnt out and taking years off, et cetera, it's because they aren't having fun anymore. Like remember what you started CrossFit for. It was so fucking fun to have no idea what you're going to do the next day to do something new every day. Um, and I think a lot of people miss that. And, and I miss that. I miss being healthy. I miss, you know, believing, Hey, I'm resilient. I can go do whatever and have fun, even if it's new and I've never done it before.
Starting point is 00:33:20 And so I want to get back into feeling like that. And that's why I'm doing these events. So you're flip-flopping. Yeah. On how often do you think you would advise someone to compete? Right. You know what? If you're a young buck, you got a ball full of testes.
Starting point is 00:33:45 You got a sack full of testes, a nut full of test. I would say, go have some fun, brother. And if you're a lady and you're full in the other areas that aren't testicles, same thing. Sister, go have some fun.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Find a competition. Find some friends that want to go do it with you. Be safe. Be smart um but send it like yeah i missed that that's cool like like my probably the coolest competition i've ever done and i think part of it is because it was my first big competition but granite games 2018 it was just so freaking cool to like do all of those things I had never done before. The star power that was there. To compete against them. To run a freaking ski slope with a sandbag.
Starting point is 00:34:33 It was just a ton of cool shit. Was that the year they had... This might not even be the right competition. had like i might just mind not i might not even be the right competition they did um deadlift and farmer carry with uh with uh like uh no we didn't do that with a hack bar but front of it was cut off so you could like deadlift and then walk forward that was i think that was ran at games but that was like 2020 or 2019 yeah i always thought that was really cool did i say that incorrectly fuck you i said you know in another word i said incorrectly the other day with bison i said collegiate you when when talking about the
Starting point is 00:35:21 male genitalia you also made it singular twice You said a ball and then a testicle. Yeah, I know. What, dude? What if I only have one? You may. That's okay. Are you excluding me? You could still procreate.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Are you putting me in a box, bro? Hey, Travis, you're in Canada. You don't have any male genitalia. You've been vaxxed and fucking neutered, so shut up. So not only do we talk about programming out of season competitions etc we also talk about um medical choices which are critical to your crossfit career be smart medically um training out of season after semifinals there was a week where i was like I'm going to do all the things that I didn't do this year. So that next year I'm prepared.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And now I'm already back to being like, I just want to have fun. Yeah. What's the, uh, heaviest load you've put on your knee since semifinals, since the two 25 front squat. No,
Starting point is 00:36:18 since the two 65 squat snatch, what's the heaviest weight you've put on your knee? I did a five by 12 back squat yesterday or the day before and five sets of 12 yeah my last two sets were at 265 nothing crazy but um were you feeling that the next day no my knee feels good i worry about that like how many miles do i have left on it do i have a a finite number of reps? I was more, I was more so talking about muscle soreness, not, not knee pain.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Oh no, I wasn't sore from that. I squat clean three 15 before semifinals too. Big shot. Um, I also split jerk three 65. So fuck all you weak boys out there trying to act like I'm not strong. John Young can't even jerk like three 15. It looks like looks like a push press looks like a push press with a muted hip
Starting point is 00:37:09 heavy shoulder overhead in a competition would be really cool so it's still not something you see very often like a 2007 reload type just a workout that has like 225 or more of reps at shoulder overhead what i want to be careful of at northern california classic is the environment that was the ranch when i went to the ranch and that was there was some setup shit that was absolutely stupid and if you weren't looking out for yourself as an athlete you were gonna get hurt and i got hurt because i wasn't uh looking out for myself so like i think a shoulder overhead would be sick but like what's the surface going to be like i need to be careful of that hey jr how was podcasting with dave what was that like that was cool i just tried to keep my mouth shut and listen yeah he never shut up did he i mean he he was in i don't know he seemed really really like talkative and like
Starting point is 00:38:07 really happy and i just kind of let him go you think he popped an adderall before that he was freaking no i just i think he was he even said that like you know this time of year is when he's the most most excited he doesn't even want to be there for like longer than a day because everything just starts you know the wheels start turning with the games and all that kind of stuff so no i i mean it was a big privilege and honor obviously to just sit next to him and talk crossfit but um no that's definitely a situation where it's not about me it's not about john it's not about seven it's just about him talking about the season and what he said about the games, I think was really,
Starting point is 00:38:46 really insightful of just kind of this whole thematic old school, classic, nothing sexy in the open and quarters and semis at the games can be more of the same, just like getting to our roots. I mean, I think that speaks a lot and I think it'll be a really fun game is to watch because of it.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I also really consider when i'm doing a competition now is who the organizers are and do i like them do they stand for things that i stand for um you 100 do katie and bill henniger 100 do i i would like not that they need it for me they're rich as fuck but you it's impossible for me to say anything that's actually bad about rogue rogue is the coolest fucking american company not just american you know they have a european branch right rogue eu maybe maybe not they're an amazing company and bill and katie are the shit um and then from what i've heard of Ben and Blair who run Northern California classic,
Starting point is 00:39:47 they're really OG and cool as fuck too. Um, so I'm excited. I'm excited to go there. Um, there are some event organizers in the space, people who work for particular, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:59 events that just, all they do is suck cock. And I'm not going to be a part of that going forward so i'm sorry am i getting too controversial for you bro i don't know i was just daydreaming when you were talking what are you saying shut the fuck up were you daydreaming about me spilling hot coffee all over everyone's back at Crucible in October? Spilling hot coffee.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Me walking into a Whole Foods part of? Yeah, if I have not talked to you yet and you finished, I guess it's either 10th through 20 in the West or 12th through 20 in the East, and you want to come compete, let me know. I've talked to almost everybody and I know there's going to be a handful of former games, athletes,
Starting point is 00:40:50 and hopefully a handful of current 2024 games, athletes that want to come, um, online qualifier. We'll get no less than five, but five is the only number that I'm confident in saying the top five from the qualifier will make it everything else will come from previous games individual status 2024 top 20 semifinals
Starting point is 00:41:14 and then any special invites that i just want to do just because but that'll be very few wilson pack is a great great dude yeah all the interaction that i had with him uh before and at the semifinal was about as classy as i could have asked for really good dude um taylor do you like more than like three people yes but not much more than that. I would say. I like you. I like Savon. I like almost everyone in that group chat. Let's put it this way, Magnus.
Starting point is 00:41:53 If I decided to run an online training platform, it would put me at huge risk for, I hate that guy. Yeah, I wouldn't like you at all if you did that, bro. That would be like if I open an affiliate five minutes from you, Taylor hates anyone that tries to make a living for themselves doing the same thing he's doing. That's not true. I really like Seth page.
Starting point is 00:42:22 This is because there's a large body of water. No, dude, the guy fucking, he he's got some she's got some mainland shit going on too from what i'm from what i understand um i like seth page a lot but yes any other training platform he defaults to i hate those guys i like street parking i like miranda and julian they're great i think i don't necessarily like the way they attacked a particular niche that needed some massaging back into the crossfit community but that's neither here nor there i like them um i dislike a lot of people that's for sure i'm not everybody's cup of tea that's all good bro and i And to be completely frank, to bust any myths that you guys might be hearing or seeing in the comments, this one especially, I fucking detest Michael Halpin. And I'll probably never get that into it. But let me just tell you, if you've ever met someone and every alarm in your body goes off, your dick tucks back in like you let your head out of the turtle and it sucks back in. Let me just tell you, bro, every gut instinct I had said that if I was younger, he would
Starting point is 00:43:34 want to have sex with me or something like that. And so with that being said, this show is not going to be monetized and we'll see you guys next week.

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