Episode Date: May 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Just to let you know, it's happening. Let's cook, daddy. All right, JR's cooking today.
Starting point is 00:00:35 He's got Spade. Daddy's got his cooking shirt on. Look at those biceps. I got the JY inaugural wife beater. Um, just giving some support to John. If you guys did not see John complete the Robin, which was, uh, kind of a, like a spinoff of like a King Kong type workout, go on seven on channel, find that watch it. Seven on Hiller, John Young, he was wearing a black beater and I earned himself, I think
Starting point is 00:01:03 like a 75 inch TV for completing the workout. So just to show some love to John, I wanted to pull black beater and earned himself, I think, like a 75 inch TV for completing the workout. So just to show some love to John, I wanted to pull my beater out. Super cool. Hey, super cool workout. But John Young and Hill are both retarded if they don't think 35 out of the 40 men at the games can beat John in that workout. The amount that he rested between each rep and every exercise was obscene. And for him to show the absolute fucking disrespect to say that I can't beat that slow, unfit motherfucker in that workout is absolutely ridiculous. And I'm tired of the disrespect in the group chat. I'm tired of John saying only one way to prove it just to get his dick drug through the dirt. I'm sick of it. Bryson
Starting point is 00:01:42 beat him in quarterfinals. Travis beat him in quarterfinals. Come on, man. Get out of here. Get out of town. And I love John Young. In fact, I even want to coach John Young with every ounce and fiber of my being. I want to take this man to semifinals, but nothing grinds Taylor's gears like someone not respecting him on any workout. Yeah. I mean, it will, it will literally drive me up a wall until i do what i did to myself in quarterfinal workout too just to fucking beat you bro uh bryson goes dude don't compare him this is this is where john young's fitness is at a point where even bryson gets offended if i compare him to john young so let me just say this john i got
Starting point is 00:02:22 your back if you want to get fit, come see me, bro. Otherwise, shut the hell up with that bullshit. All right, so abbreviated show today, guys. 30 minutes. I got to take my daughter to the dentist, and I got to get her a little bit early from school. So we got to get out of here early. But we are going to give you more tinfoil hatness.
Starting point is 00:02:44 And Taylor might not give you any it just might be me because the competition is over as Taylor knows and a lot of people know I'm extremely intense day to day I'm very focused on certain tasks that I have and around competition time that's kind of the only thing that I think about about just getting over that weekend that weekend is over and now I am only staying up late at night watching old regionals and semifinals footage, trying to see if I can crack the code on the programming for individual semifinals, age group semifinals. I'm obviously looking way too back, too far back in the time machine. I'm looking I'm doing a lot of crazy stuff. So today we're going to talk age group semifinals, which starts on the 8th.
Starting point is 00:03:29 That is next week, I believe. And that individual should be coming out around a similar time. They'll all be released by May 10th. Yeah, I was going to say, I bet they'll come out on the 10th because that's exactly a week out from the first semifinal, the European semi. because that's exactly a week out from the first semifinal, the European semi. And that's how they always used to do it back in the regionals days. I remember them maybe starting to trickle stuff out two weeks before,
Starting point is 00:03:58 but I remember the strict Nate year, the regionals Nate year, I think it only came out a week before, and it was like, good luck. You got a week to be able to do 40 strict muscle-ups. Right. You got some age groupers that you program for that are going to be doing semifinals do you have any uh there are a few uh not individuals but a several following sentinel um two ladies that are crazy good previous 40 to 44 games athletes uh rachel green julia kenyon looking to both make a return trip to the big stage um so i'm excited to see the workouts and excited to talk through it with both of them and i've got a guy named raul zapata i think he's 45 to 49 so a couple couple people yeah so those um for those of you that don't know this year a little bit different right age groupers have
Starting point is 00:04:46 their own separate competition um i know chase uh interviewed the two programmers uh the two head guys for the legends in-person games and they pretty much said you know we've been given a lot of freedom which is really cool i think to program the semi-final stage and the game stage with some oversight from the games programming team. But looking at what the individuals have already done, it's the same thing that the age groupers have already done. So there's two directions they're going to go with this programming. They're either going to test some things in semis that were not tested in quarters, or they might revisit movements that either already came up in the open or already came up in quarterfinals because the field was so big
Starting point is 00:05:28 and because the top 200 made it. I don't know if you agree with me or not. I would think, hey, if you're 190th right now and you barely got in, maybe you only did three or four ring muscle-ups. We probably don't know who's good at ring muscle-ups yet. We need to come back to ring muscle-ups in semis and make sure that at the CrossFit Games, if they're going to do higher-level skill pressing movements,
Starting point is 00:05:54 parallel handstand push-ups, legless rope climbs, seated legless rope climbs, that kind of stuff, that they're going to just come back and redo some of that stuff in semis. What say you? You think you're going to see parallel handstand push-ups for the age groups? No, I'm just saying if they do that kind of stuff the crossfit games and they don't know for sure who's really good at some of the other things like the strict handstand push-ups ring muscle-ups bar muscle-ups that they're going to come back and revisit some of that here at semis i i i wouldn't be surprised right i wouldn't be surprised at all if we see that this is
Starting point is 00:06:24 interesting i didn't know this. So the guys who are programming semifinals for the age groups are the same guys running the Masters games? Yeah, that's what I was saying, that it was cool that they basically said, yeah, let's just call them the Legends guys, that the Legends guys have been given a lot of freedom to write the age group semifinals and the CrossFit games essentially so that there is some good cohesion i think that's
Starting point is 00:06:50 important because if if you write the semifinals and i write the games and we're not really on the same page with how we want to um vet the athletes to the next stage it could be a mess so that's how how much oversight do you think they're getting i I don't know. It's a good question. You know, with sanctionals, it didn't look like the borders were too stringent. It looked like people were just kind of given free reign to do whatever they wanted. So, um, I didn't know they had their own programming company though. That's Seth. I'm guessing that's saying that right there.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Yes. I, so Seth, one of my opinion is, uh, well, for example, Pat Sherwood, we all know owns linchpin and they do that podcast with Boz and Boz has the very not random. That's their podcast they do together. Well, there are very not random programs on beyond the whiteboard, like pull up program, handstand pushup program. So to me, it's essentially Boz selling a program on beyond the whiteboard for however much and he basically programs fucking semi-finals in the crossfit games with with uh dave it is kind of a conflict of interest but since the start crossfit's been open source and i think at the end of the day uh the best trainer wins i do think there are people in positions and i'll
Starting point is 00:08:04 finish with this because i know it's not the topic of the show there are people in positions and I'll finish with this because I know it's not the topic of the show. There are people in positions to leverage the platform that they have access to who aren't necessarily as good as people without as much of a platform. And that's just been the way of the world since fucking existence. And the only thing guys like me to do about it is say, look, man, your program, it sucks dick. Uh, but otherwise I don't think bosses sucks dick. I do think Sherwood's for the most part he repeats a workout every fucking day um and so that sucks dick anyways semis is it weird maybe but you get what you got i what do you see for them like do you see i think it's the same kind of window i
Starting point is 00:08:40 want to say it's like the it's this five or six day window that they have do you think it's going to be four do you think there's gonna Do you think it's going to be four? Do you think there's going to be another workout? There's going to be five scores. What kind of movement combinations do you see five for them? I think five scores. And I, I think.
Starting point is 00:08:57 So from 200 to 40, for those that don't know, top 40, make the games. And it's a completely new group of people programming. For, you know, for example, now it's not like it's who's been programming the age group semifinals in years past.
Starting point is 00:09:09 So call me. Maybe I'm dumb for looking at past year's age group semifinals for guidance as to what to expect or to what to look for. I think there are going to be – I think the idea that any of us at this point have original ideas is a little bit dangerous to say, right. I think we're all influenced by workouts we've seen before about workouts that we've written or it's, it's hard not to come back to the same workout or maybe just tweak one thing. Um, but I like the idea of them using some of the movement combinations that maybe we've seen in other stages of the season or in previous years and then putting their own little twist on it. Like for instance, in the team quarterfinals, we saw that front squat ring muscle up burpee workout.
Starting point is 00:09:58 And a lot of people were saying how cool of an individual workout that would be for them to do intervals of something like that um i for sure think they'll come back to ring muscle up and i think they should before they get the game field set and those weights that we kind of see repeated a lot especially since 2021 like boz loves that 185 125 barbell we've seen it in bench press workouts we've seen it in front squat workouts we've seen in shoulder to overhead workouts i think we'll see something like 185 pound barbell ring muscle up some kind of a like a like a couplet or a triplet of something like that. Strength is usually the big question people have. Well, what makes sense to me is if everyone did the same workouts for quarterfinals to qualify to the stage and they tested basically let's just call it a clean and jerk battery test snatch makes the most sense now whether it's full snatch or not i kind of know where you side with this especially with the with the age groupers i
Starting point is 00:10:56 think you make them squat snatch you really you don't have to test pistols you make them squat snatch for reps and it already shows you who has movement limitations and who has that part of their fitness dialed in. So I think they snatch. I hope it's not for load. I hope it's under some kind of fatigue. You look at last year, and what did Boz do? He did the shuttle run double under row workout into max snatches at whatever, 225. And then it kind of trickled down with the age groups.
Starting point is 00:11:27 I see something like that. For sure, I see snatch tested. That's an interesting workout you bring up because I remember all the complaints about basically doing a 10-minute or 15-minute workout and cold calling 225 for a master athlete. Crazy. This is also a good point we don't know who did ring muscle ups for the masters because they 100 only reviewed one fucking video dude that's and maybe that's even more of a reason that hey if if we didn't if we didn't look at this video closely
Starting point is 00:11:58 we really need to revisit some of these gymnastic skills that are in this workout you know they didn't it ain't we crossfit didn't look at one three and or sorry two three and four and the age group semi-final guys who are now programming are like shit we don't even know if these guys can do a fucking clean and jerk at 245 uh much less a muscle up so i would for sure expect there to be some revisitation of skills um this is a funny comment going back to that snatch workout, we talked about this before too, the fact that 18 to 54 doing the same workout. I don't see a workout like last year's holding up. I think it's going to be some kind of progression, right? Like we saw clean and jerk light, clean and jerk moderate, clean and jerk
Starting point is 00:12:40 kind of heavy, clean and jerk really heavy, depending on how old you are. So what if they do like that original workout, right? Was the same loads with snatches. Well, you probably can't do that for this big of a field, but you could start the snatch a little bit, a little bit. So you think there's going to be progressive snatching? I think there's going to be, I think snatch is going to be tested. Progressive? I think it has to be, unless it's a one rep max if it because how can you do that how can you say i'm doing 185 for reps and so is my 53 year old uncle
Starting point is 00:13:11 if not if you do 185 it's not gonna be heavy enough if you do but you think it needs to be a snatch if you i think that makes the most sense at this point so if they do a snatch workout, I hope it is not a workout in one rep max last year in the quarterfinals, they did that 10 minute AMRAP and you had to do a max clean afterwards. Right? So there's been stuff like that. I don't know. Mono snatch, gymnastic snatch. If I had to guess monostructuralural snatch something closer to what they did last year when i start thinking about that workout from last year my brain goes to will they even use 25 feet are they going to use 25 feet you don't think they'll do handstand walks or shuttles or carries i listen i think the quarterfinals for teams and individuals set some kind of precedence for the, hey, we are going to try to keep it as simple as we can.
Starting point is 00:14:08 The idea that there's not going to be any handstand walk until the games kind of, I think, is a big risk. But maybe they do a dense wall walk workout. Right. I think at that point, unless they do a lot of like overhead lunging, which is still a different movement, but it does require a lot of overhead stability. I don't know, man. If they do shuttle runs, if they do lunges, if they do handstand walks, I think it's great. I think at this stage with this amount of people, you can do it and trust that people will set up their videos correctly.
Starting point is 00:14:42 But if they don't, man, I mean, what does that leave? Double unders and snatches, rowing and snatches. That's about it, right? As far as like, as far as a mixed modality. They rode in the open, they rode in quarters. Like if I had to, and they didn't do double unders. So if I had to guess, I would say double unders and snatches, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was rowing and snatches.
Starting point is 00:15:13 So, I don't know. Do you think they use a ght i hope so but i i don't know man i think at this point um everyone john young's fucking retarded sorry no one no one thought they were going to do rope climbs we didn't in quarters and they did, which I think was a pleasant surprise. I was convinced they weren't going to do rope climbs. So I could see them doing GHDs for that. Do you think they do rope climbs again? I think so. And if they do, I think it's legless, like they've done in the past. So they've done quarters with legs
Starting point is 00:15:38 and they've done legless with, like they did a farmer's carry, legless rope climb box jump workout one year in the age group semifinals and i know that was just really really interfering last year they did burpee box jump over goblet step up rope climb goblet squat legless rope climb so i mean legless is i mean i think those guys they will look at what's been done previously and they will let that shape the way that they, they test. Greg, I will literally suck all the fucking methodology knowledge right out of your dick.
Starting point is 00:16:11 If you don't shut up. Okay. And that's not, I'm just talking about getting, how are they going to go long? Uh, I don't know, bro. You tell me.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It sounds like you know every workout already. No, I'm just cooking. I'm spitballing. Are you cooking, dude? Are you cooking from scratch? Or did you get some ingredients from the store? I'm trying to. No, I think with something long, in the years past, they would always do like a 20-minute type workout, like an AMRAP or something.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Last year, though, they really didn't. Like the long workout was that shuttle run, double under snatch workout. So movement-wise, though, I think handstand walk, I think, I think, I think handstand pushups have been tested enough. You're going to push back and say, well, we don't know if any of them have done them legit because that workout had three different variations. They didn't get video review, but I, I would think it's handstand walk or wall walk. If they do anything inverted, I guess they could do a deficit handstand pushup.
Starting point is 00:17:22 But at this point, I'd be surprised if it wasn't some kind of hand balancing um and then i mean your your barbell movements like snatch will be heavy but i'm sure there'll be another barbell movement in there somewhere i could see them doing thrusters in years past they've done a lot of thrusters in age group um workouts um overhead squat again, I think is great. In the past, they've done thruster rope climb workouts. I think that's a really cool classic combination. They could also just go back
Starting point is 00:17:54 and do a progression like the open. I don't know. I'm excited to see the workouts. Travis, you go ahead. No, I was just going to say, dude, my fitness and the fitness programming that i program knows no discrimination knows no bounds knows no boundaries bro fitness for everyone and everything and that's all uh heidi shut up you don't need to get in shape to do sentinel training.
Starting point is 00:18:25 There's an option that my mom could do with one arm. Anyways. And you have access to it now. A furry could do sentinel training. I've seen it. All right. Yeah, I'm interested to see what the workouts are. All right. to attack this how do i need to handle business it was easy in quarterfinals because i felt like all the workouts were good for me so i was like oh i love quarterfinals programming um i don't want to look at like last year's semifinals did not excite me at all so i don't want to see some
Starting point is 00:19:16 shit like that um but this year's quarterfinals i thought was way cooler than last year's quarterfinals so maybe that's a trend that we can uh expect to see during semifinals i do think it's going to be fun to see a whole new field of athletes now that we've got 120 however many ding-dongs who aren't going to be there due to penalties thoughts on that i remember the bad the the old regionals days and going back and watching a lot of those videos of of the earlier heats like the difference in fitness level and i know the sport was a lot younger but the difference in fitness levels from like heat one heat two to heat three and heat four was insane and i wonder if because a lot of people got penalties and a lot of people probably didn't
Starting point is 00:20:04 have the video review that maybe they should have. It's just going to kind of be more of the same. I mean, there's there's always going to be that big gap, I think, from the pros and the people who are more so amateurs. But I mean, top 40 entire side of a continent, you would you would think and you would hope that they would be deep enough to where there's there's going to be a lot of movement last year there was a ton of movement with 60 um and and even saying that like you could do bad on one or two workouts and and still qualify for the games so that those margins will be smaller this year which i think is good margins will be smaller i agree what do you think about john young claiming that he wouldn't be last at a semifinal? I think that's only fucking true if somebody withdraws due to injury.
Starting point is 00:20:51 No offense. I think just to make a claim like that, you're assuming, one, that there's going to be some kind of max lift because we've usually seen that. I don't think we'll see that this year i think them doing quarters the way that they did and dave coming out and saying i don't think it's appropriate to test one rep max is like an online competition or i think that online competitions um one rep maxes skew the leaderboards too much like last year yeah they did the 800 into the snatch and then they did the snatches into the 800. So a lot of people will say that that wasn't fresh, and it wasn't completely fresh.
Starting point is 00:21:30 But I would say that we get strength tested in more of a battery-type situation like we did in quarterfinals this year. So a workout with... Sure. situation like we did in quarterfinals this year so i don't work out with sure like even if it's um even if it's a workout like they did at quarterfinals where they're like hey all right well you guys did you guys did this workout with cleaning jerks now you're gonna do it with snatches and we're gonna have the weight go up so you're gonna do you're gonna do a lot of reps and you're
Starting point is 00:21:59 gonna rest and then you're the weight's gonna go up and you're gonna be able to watch everyone as they work down the floor starting at kind of different times. And then by the end, you're going to do max snatches and you're going to advance every five. So it would be really clean, really easy to watch, but some kind of fitness strength test and not just a, hey, go out fresh, do a three rep max overhead squat, and that's it. Barry, I'm going to bury my cock in you and just so you know half of brutes coaches just copy and paste their individual programming to every individual client they have and i have this
Starting point is 00:22:38 on good authority so shut the fuck up shut the fuck up or all right so last year almost fucker for the shit like that sorry guys last year there was running in three of the workouts at semis and there were echo bike in two or two do you think there's gonna be running in more than one workout And when there's running tested and I don't think there's anything wrong with having running. And I would say two of the six, because all anyone ever talks about is at the games. What's the most common movement test running,
Starting point is 00:23:15 running, running. So I think, yeah, yes. So I think most frequently programmed workout on main site 77 times since CrossFit's inception is the 5k run. Running is foundational to being a human being.
Starting point is 00:23:26 If you can't run, you're probably fucking fat and you're probably not fit. Yeah, so if we assume they're going to do running in at least one, probably two of the workouts, how do you think we get it this year? Because we're going to run. I would say it's still going to have to be on a runner unless they're going to do like a 100-foot shuttle run, back and forth type workout. I mean, it just makes sense that they use an air runner. But do you think it's going to be cyclical?
Starting point is 00:23:53 Do you think it's going to be rounds? Do you think it's going to be a chipper? Do you think it's going to be like what would you have to guess if like gun to your head, how are we going to do running? I know what you hope it is but but but how do you think what do you think i hope it is that's something that's a crazy long grind like something something where something where the run matters and where you're going to have to like get gutsy on the run where it's not just going to be like it's not just gonna be like
Starting point is 00:24:22 the run is the buy-in the run doesn't matter type situation. Week three semifinal is Memorial day weekend. I would ejaculate all over myself if it was Murph, just saying, and not because I think I would win the workout. I'm not that naive. I haven't been running a ton, but I just love that workout. It's my favorite CrossFit workout.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Not because it's my favorite group of movements, not because it's my favorite group of movements, not because it's my favorite stimulus or whatever, or even it looks pretty on paper. It's my favorite workout just because of the story behind it and the kind of the zone that I get into before doing it. That would be so fucking cool. And I can promise you this. I would take myself to quarterfinal workout two place if that were the event and probably beyond.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Well, it's funny that you say that because they've been doing a lot of Murph pushing and promoting. Does GORUCK make a fucking – you keep talking. I'm going to look at that. I don't know if you're asking if they make a weight vest. Yeah, I'm pulling to look. I don't know if you're asking if they make a weight vest. Yeah, I'm pulling it up. I don't know, but that would be really cool. I think back in 2017, they did the weight vest workout that was very Murph-like
Starting point is 00:25:38 where they did 1,200-meter run into 12 rounds of four, eight. There you go, bro. Oh, it doesn't even go on your front sheesh and when i when i think about the movement like the push-up and judging it some kind of ruck or something like that makes way more sense as far as judging goes does that say black foreskin camo? Just kidding. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Keep talking. Sorry. That'd be cool. I mean, if they did something like that too, back in 2017, I went back and watched that they had heats of 20. They had 20 runners.
Starting point is 00:26:19 They had people split a pull-up bar down the middle. So you had two people on each pull-up bar. They had like, you know, handstand pushups on each side um i think that would be cool i think it would be a way to get the community really excited about doing murph it kind of checks all the boxes um do you think if they did murph how much squatting do you think they would do in the rest of the competition that's a fuck ton of squatting and under a ton of intensity that's legs for days bro
Starting point is 00:26:49 they do kind of work out if you hit it intensity it will fuck you up for the rest of the weekend they would they would do one other squatting workout and i think it would be moderate to heavy for low reps reps oh shit let's go bro let's fucking go you're getting me fired up yeah holy shit i'm doing fucking murph next week dude that being said that being said not so fast my friend whenever i have an whenever we have an idea like this that makes so much sense it's never correct so i'm gonna say that when they run at semis they're gonna it's gonna be a long run it's gonna be a lot but it's gonna be very very in line with what we've gotten as long as Adrian has been kind of at the helm. Look back every year from, I think, 2021.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Last year, semifinals. I already talked about it. Shuttle run, double under row snatches. Last chance qualifier, 2022, 10 down to one. Shut one shuttle runs cleaning jerks at 225 2020 two or three games shuttle to overhead we see this he said on podcast before there's there's you can't have a competition without testing running right he even said that and this whole running
Starting point is 00:28:30 and lifting and being able to show that you can do both last year at semifinals 800 meter run max snatch 10 snatches max 800 meter run we see huh
Starting point is 00:28:44 okay snatches max 800 meter run we see we huh i thought it was eight snatches okay i don't know it might have been what if they did that that i'm just saying i i i think i think that we we we typically don't get this um when you think about like long grinder type workouts i've got machine workout last year with the carpet sled we got this stuff but but i think that we will get this like this workout hopefully that maybe has like three or four movements but it's very mixed modality and we get a lot of running but it's not just like running in gymnastics or it's not just like, um, uh, running with machines. And I think we get like a long workout might be the Friday workout. I mean, are they doing a broadcast for Friday? Like I, you know, like, but anyway, I think Murph would be amazing. And I hope that's what it is. If they did, this is crazy. Final event, one high rocks high rocks uh this will never happen well i don't
Starting point is 00:29:46 want to say never but this isn't happening this year if it did i bet at least three of the individual men uh beat a world record high rocks time you what say you sir uh you think someone could i oh dude i think there are three men across the field at east west in europe and oceania that could three men across those regions that could beat the world record high rocks uh without specific training for it no i don't think and squatting to depth squatting to depth and still setting a record because Hunter can't fucking even touch his butthole to the toilet seat. That guy shits halfway standing up. No, I think it's too specialized.
Starting point is 00:30:33 It's too running specific. You cannot make up time on the stations enough to make up for it. And no, I don't think it would. If you had to squat to depth at a high rocks race okay that's there's would are them in the butt that's three minutes that's three minutes of a 50 minute workout because 100 wall balls is three minutes so i may have relapsed but whatever even if even if you squatted halfway or full depth it it's irrelevant no dude if they had to squat all the way down they'd run a lot fucking slower but those guys just do wall ball push presses and jerk off for the rest of the race it's the very last
Starting point is 00:31:08 movement of the competition whatever dude i don't even know shit about high rocks fuck high rocks high rocks is for cross hit quitters ah did you see sydney well signed up for high rocks dude i i mean she's a great runner i'm sure she'd do awesome. I'm sorry for going there. Dude, if you were her, what would you do? You'd look for something to do. I'd lay in my bed and masturbate for six months probably. And before we get off, we need to thank our sponsors. We're supporting this Tomfoolery. Re gymnastics amy fritt reach out to her
Starting point is 00:31:47 individual in-person coaching online coaching if you need to get your body weight movements up to snuff if workout three dominated you reached out to her she's awesome hcr cbd all the recovery needs go check them out state farm patrick mitrovich a big supporter of us from the beginning our very first sponsor patrick mitrovich at it is on the screen yeah on that note i'm glad that you're i'm glad that you're not going to i'm glad that you are going to semifinals and you're going to carson the week before and that you're not going to – I'm glad that you are going to semifinals. Me too. And you're going to Carson the week before and that you're not going to lay in your bed and do that. Kevin Doyle, I have nothing against High Rocks.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Some guy responded to me in a comment a couple weeks ago and said, we mock what we don't know or we mock what we don't understand. And that's probably a perfect painting of my approach to life is not understanding something. So I make fun of it. High rocks, I'm sure, is sick and I will probably do one someday. But that is a 10% option. If I had gotten a major penalty, not qualified, meth would have been on the table of things to consider. And, oh, ideal semis workout workout i didn't see that question send it to me and we'll talk
Starting point is 00:33:09 about it on the next show thanks guys peace

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