The Sevan Podcast - shut up and scribble / Programming a week of Sentinel Training

Episode Date: June 22, 2024

J.R. Howell works for free, giving Taylor his tips and tricks to programming an effective week of training. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:09 Dang, girl. Look at you with the little yellow shorts girl you better freaking you better fix that camera angle for i be looking inside the inner thigh hole in your freaking shorts bro All right. So, J.R. appeased me this week. Been crazy busy. I didn't appease you. You said I'm moving the show? Yeah. Oh. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:35 That was clutch. Thank you. I've just been, like, crazy busy. And most of it, 100% self-admittedly, is due to me being wildly unprofessional and not good at managing my time. So I suck. I would say it's just all the running intervals you've been doing. I haven't been doing running intervals at all. No.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I've just been running 5Ks, bro. I'm not even kidding. What did you do your 5Ks in today? Not that fast i should have been when i was like so i run it at this cross-country course um where where we had the charlotte charlotte classic workout it's on that course and that hill that people ran at the charlotte classic that's part of the 5k which is crazy awesome so you're already you're already giving excuses excuses for why it was slow it might be slower than what people think okay yeah um but it's really nice because i don't have a 600
Starting point is 00:02:32 dollar garmin phoenix although i'm about to buy one i have this shitty little uh g-shock so it just tracks time so but they have markers it's like every 0.2 kilometer they have a beam that says 0.2 0.4 0.6 whatever um big steakhouse dinner last night garmin new garmin tomorrow geez we don't even need to talk about sentinel it's and that's only because the bid we put down on that house went through bro so i'm just doing uh you know depressive shopping, some retail therapy. Anyways, I was at like 3.8 to 4.2 thinking I'm like, all right, I should give it a kick now. And I think I was just a little conservative. My best 5K ever is 1826 Cave.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And my 5K today was 2007. The 1826 was on a track. I think that if you could have kicked, you have no i just wasn't sure i'm serious i right now the weirdest thing about my running is like that 5k was not lungs like it was i was never at a point where like i can't breathe it's one it's like i'm nearing the point of like my legs not having enough juice. It's really, it's weird. Um, but I'm happy with that in a month. It'll be some, it sounds like some threshold training is in the,
Starting point is 00:03:51 in the, yeah, it'll be sub 19 in a month. And I'm not kidding without a doubt on that course, it'll be sub 19. So this is all to say, I need to win one event at Northern California classic. Cause I know fucking midget boy and tutor are going to win events. So I need to have my day in the sun too, bro. So I'm just going to
Starting point is 00:04:10 run a 5k two or three times a week, swim about three miles a week and I'll be good to go. Sounds exactly like what you would tell someone not to do if they asked you how they need to improve their running. Yeah. Professional coach, everyone. So, anyways. Speaking of sick programming, like rowing 2Ks three times a week if you want to get your 2K better. We're going to talk about Sentinel programming today. Yeah, JR is just going to help me program a week of Sentinel. This is actually a way for me to – this is to kill two birds with one stone.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Help me do some work that I need to get done. JR is going to help me for free. and you guys get to watch i initially you're going to listen to us argue and you're going to watch how he asks for my feedback but then he ignores it if i don't tell him what he wants to hear this guy said this guy running 5ks is not how you get faster 5ks then cue the music when the only thing i've done to take my 5k from 24 minutes three months ago to 2007 today is running 5ks cave okay so munch my butt meat all right um and yes i know that's not how you get better at 5ks there are multiple ways but you should also be pretty comfortable running 5k. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:05:31 So initially I had purchased or I had signed up for a couple of free trials, a free trial to other programs. And I was going to be a freaking massive douche and just do a programming side by side. This is why this generic four letter four letter programming company sucks balls. And this is why, you know, mine's better. Essentially. I got cold feet, um, and scared. letter programming company sucks balls and this is why you know mine's better essentially i got cold feet um and scared isn't that a person in the comments that's pretty active right now generic four letter programming yes yes and yes cave that is because i was out of shape definitely four months ago um all right so here's the reason why we did but the reason why we didn't
Starting point is 00:06:06 do that everyone is because i told taylor that we may have a potential new sponsor and the reason why we may have a potential new sponsor is because it's been behaving lately is that why because we also have another potential new sponsor because i haven't been behaving bro so it goes both freaking ways. All right, dude. Okay. No, no, Kenneth. It's not SMTP. It's SNTL. Okay, bro. Oh, four letter acronyms. Gosh. Okay. Anyways, we're going to go through my process. So this next week is already done. The next week is a back off week. I'll just go ahead and show that. I'll stop sharing this one and I'll share a different one. We'll start with fitter. This is my screen. This is not what you'll ever see as a client. This time of year, how often do you program back off weeks? Every outside. Outside of open prep, quarterfinals training, semifinals training
Starting point is 00:07:06 every fifth or sixth week. And, and it's not a true deload. Like it's not written one workout a day. It's just a, it's a break from a structured lifting progression. And I basically, I put this blurb in there. So let's read this. Is this. Is this big enough to read on the screen? Maybe. Welcome to Back Off Week. This is essentially a deload from the previous four-week lifting cycle where athletes will have a break from a structured lifting progression. Athletes will still have an opportunity for intensity each day if you want it and a few opportunities to lift heavy again if you want it. The key to this week is taking as much rest as you need both physically and mentally.
Starting point is 00:07:44 This will allow you to reset and recharge before beginning our next four week progression for athletes new to the program. This week will serve as a great on-ramp to get you acclimated to the training structure formats and intensities use this week to acclimate. So that's just to say, you're going to look at this and say, Holy shit, this isn't a deload. You're right. It's not because I can't program a true deload because then it's not a program that anyone can jump into at any point in time. So there's enough training to get if you feel great while also knowing that this is a back off week. And if you don't, don't do anything. Um, that's kind of what I cue. So for compete, there's still going to be three pieces a day. There's just not a structured lift. That being said,
Starting point is 00:08:25 the first workout on Monday is quarterfinal test four, but squat cleans. Um, then we have the kill Taylor workout, the burpee pull up, et cetera. And then this is an accessory built off of something I saw similar where it's static holds and seated legless rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:08:42 You know, sixties workout is a run and row interval three on two off six sets um is there ever is there ever any overlap between 60 and compete where the 60 workout is one of the sessions or you know how often would you say you'll see that here? Um, every week there's definitely an overlap. So Tuesday compete is like a Helen ish interval rep scheme, at least for the tan tan pushups, sandbag cleans, and then an email will drag up double under ring dips. Then some jump rope skills. Um, 60 is that quarterfinal workout.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Um, that competed on Monday. Then, you know, notes here for then you know notes here for the workouts notes here for the workouts etc uh wednesday this is just to show what we've done some chest to bar accessory uh an interval like a max rep interval fight combat style um a strength piece ish strength workout piece way to pull up deadlifts um 60s got some handstand push-up ring dip skill development and then jt um then thursday a ski biker piece and a swim interval one or the other that's another thing i cue or i tell people is like on Thursdays, pick one of these or the other, not both. This is inspired by you.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Workout one on Friday is Amanda times two. You just go every 10 minutes. Then a couple of toes to bar sandbag bear hug lunges. And you posted that one, right? Is the workout of the week? Yeah, I posted that. I'm not sure I feel about those graphics too. Me and Lizzie and Bryson basically do all the graphics. And that one, right? Is the workout of the week? Yeah, I posted that. I'm not sure I feel about those graphics too. Me and Lizzie and Bryson basically do all the graphics. And that one was me.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Lizzie did the new font for the Sentinel logo, which I think is super cool. I don't know about the white cream, but I'm just not sure. I don't know how I feel about it. But yeah, this is a cool workout. What is Friday? Oh, this is just a triplet of double unders, toes to bar, single arm overhead, walk and lunges. Um, then Saturday I did this workout last week, but with cut rope climbs, great workout.
Starting point is 00:10:54 So this is tomorrow actually. No, this is next Saturday. This is next Saturday. Okay. Yeah. Um, handstand walk skills. And then 60 is, I, I'm really excited about this workout. This is a cool workout.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Five sets, 12 wall balls to a tall target. Nine Cal echo, six dual kettlebell, hand clean jerk, nine Cal echo, 12 wall balls with a minute rest between. And you gotta be nasty. Um, okay. So that's what we've done. The, this is next week's programming. And what me and JR are going to do is program the week after that.
Starting point is 00:11:30 The week after that starts the next four-week cycle. So now I'm going to stop sharing this. You don't need to see that anymore. And I'm going to share... That's where I copy and paste programming into. Now I'm going to share the Google Doc where I program everything. So let's go to where we need to be. Cycle three, week one.
Starting point is 00:11:54 All right. So the lifting progressions are all written out and this is basically an overview of them. Let me go to the previous cycle and walk through what we did so that you guys can have an understanding the previous cycle we had it was like a hypertrophy ish cycle so you can see on mondays we had high rep back squats on tuesdays we had some sort of a deadlift superset the first two weeks were a dead stop conventional deadlift and a sled superset in a different way i think the first week was a set amount of dead stop deadlifts, max distance sled in the remaining time. Week two was a different number of dead stop deadlifts and a 50 foot sled push for load. Week three was a sumo
Starting point is 00:12:38 dead stop and a hundred yard empty sled sprint. And then this week is just a dead stop sumo deadlift building to a heavy single, like, you know, posterior chain hypertrophy Wednesdays was a pressing complex. So this is the final iteration of that. This is week four. So it's a one around strict press, then a seven minute AMRAP at that weight for three unbroken push presses, then a seven minute AMRAP at that same weight for five unbroken push jerks. Then a seven minute AM wrap at that same weight for five unbroken push jerks. Um, then Fridays were like Olympic lifting squat hypertrophy. So it alternated weeks, week one, one squat, clean seven front squats, week two, one squat, snatch seven overhead squats, week three, one squat, clean five front squats, week four,
Starting point is 00:13:19 one squat, snatch five overhead squat here. And then Saturdays were like a bench pulling hypertrophy piece and this is the final iteration of this as well so kind of a hypertrophy cycle the next cycle is going to get cool too that i think that you um because some people may not have caught up caught it when you said it is that you're spacing basically your upper body pressing and pulling movements by three days like you yeah saturday i tried it good for people to know if they're trying to program for themselves or they need to look for a program that they're not crushing the shoulders and kind of putting them at risk
Starting point is 00:13:58 because they're going over so much because inevitably you're going to end up still going overhead when you do snatches you're still going to go overhead when you do metcon and while the legs can recover a lot faster you got to be you got to you got to be careful and i mean going wednesday saturday is is really good in my opinion oh shit look at mason in the comments why did you quit the sentinel workout today then oh gosh uh but today for 60 was you quit it was that no i guess chris beesterfield did um the workout was 100 cal echo bike for time every minute on the minute five hang power snatches and what i originally wrote it as was 120 cows for time for guys 90 for ladies and then six hang snatches on the minute at 135 and i i did the workout at 145 so i had 55 on a short bar and i started and i'm
Starting point is 00:14:47 like halfway through i look over by so like i'm going to 100 oh fuck it was it was brutal it was a savage workout and let me tell you the hang snatches on my legs were crazy so much legs yeah yeah it was cool that was a good force you to keep the tension too in the posterior chain not like pulling from the floor and just doing singles it's crazy so yeah that was nasty um all right so this next cycle uh the kind of general theme is technique and skills but still is going to be working of getting a bit heavier so kind of how uh i guess i progressed through the years like the first cycle or two can be thought of as like structural integrity like you're trying to build tolerances in your muscles joints tendons all that stuff it's like a lot of pauses a ton of tempo uh good positional work then you move a bit towards
Starting point is 00:15:39 like muscle mass hypertrophy higher volume not still not super heavy, but getting your body used to like volume and loads and building some muscle mass. Then you come to like some technique stuff. And you build off the technique stuff. And then you start giving heavier, heavier, more skills, etc, volume, and then before you know it, you're back at the open. So this cycle on Mondays, or we'll have two Olympic days. We'll have a clean technique day. And then on Fridays we'll have a snatch technique day, and these will mirror each other. So what you do for the clean technique, it'll be very similar variations. If not the same for this, just with the snatch following each set.
Starting point is 00:16:19 So you'll do clean technique and then you'll finish the session with a really short, dense front squat piece. Same with the overhead squat squat what do you mean by dense like it's going to be a lot of reps short amount of time okay yep not a lot of rest so the goal is still not going as heavy as you can but it's like making you uncomfortable and sweat while you're going heavy um tuesdays is going to be a gymnastic skill day and it's going to be different each week so the first week is going to be a gymnastic skill day and it's going to be different each week. So the first week is going to be strict ring strength. And, um, I think that's okay.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah. So week one is strict ring strength. Week two will be like inverted strength, pressing strengths, like strict handstand pushups, pike pushup stuff. Week three will be static hangs and pulling strength. Week four will be seated legless work.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Wednesdays will be a deadlift positional day. So like how this says technique and skills. The last cycle was like very hypertrophy, like posterior chain smash you. This is going to be holds, deficits, pauses, et cetera. So week one is a deficit deadlift. Week two is going to be a deficits, pauses, et cetera. So week one is a deficit deadlift. Uh, week two is going to be a halting deadlift. So you'll pause at the knee on the way up and the way down week three is going to be a five second eccentric for all your wet reps. And then week four will be a two inch deficit plus a pause two inches off the floor. Um, so just positional deadlift stuff,
Starting point is 00:17:43 trying to really work on that, you know, pull from the floor that, that first pull off the floor. Um, so just positional deadlift stuff, trying to really work on that, you know, pull from the floor that, that first pull off the floor strength. Um, and then Saturday days will be an odd object day. So not just strength, but working skills with, with odd objects, like getting comfortable with odd objects. All right. So just to give you guys an example, this still has the lifting structured out every minute for five minutes, one muscle clean, one front squat at the five. We have videos for all this as well. So you guys are going to see what the complex is, but one segmented clean pull, one halting
Starting point is 00:18:13 power clean, one low hang squat clean. Segmented clean pull is basically you pull an inch off the floor, back to the floor, to the knee, back to the floor, to mid thigh, back to the floor, and then a clean pull. Halting power clean is you pull to the knee, pause for a second, and then finish the power clean. Low hang squat clean is a hang below the knee. So that's complicated to write out. So we have demo videos of all this. You'll do that every 90 seconds for 10 sets at this RPE. And then at the 15, you'll do 30 front squats at your heaviest complex load in as few sets as possible. So it's not necessarily, it says for time, but in the notes, I'll say, Hey, look, I'm not like worried about you failing reps here. We just want you to get through the 30 in as few sets as you can. Um, 60 is doing
Starting point is 00:18:54 that just slightly different volume. Um, here's the gymnastic ring strength day. Um, Then here's an example of the deadlift day, the dead stop, deficit deadlift, two inch deficit. Here's the snatch work, same exact complexes just for the snatch variation. The reason we do this also is because I don't like to spam Olympic lifting volume. A lot of programs do, but the Olympic, okay. So to give that credit, the Olympic lifts are very, very skill and technique driven. Like you need repetitions and drills to get the movements, right. They're so technical, but so is a muscle up and so is handstand walking. And so is, I mean, fuck in CrossFit, you can make everything technical. So why would you only spam ass loads of drills on just
Starting point is 00:19:45 the Olympic lifts and you don't have time to do it for anything else? So I don't like to do that. So on these two days that you're Olympic lifting, you're going to have a lot of skill transfer from this complex to your clean, just like you'll have a lot of skill transfer from the clean technique work to your snatch. And i like repeating the same complex so that you're just drilling those movements you're just getting a little more muscle memory at them um have you tried um previously whether it was on smtp or whether it was programming the john written you were you always snatch and clean and then you always snatch and clean again the later in the week so you're basically
Starting point is 00:20:25 you're doing such a clean twice a week but instead of doing maybe three snatch variations or parts you're snatching and then cleaning maybe you do um full squat on mondays and then on fridays you do uh power variations like do you ever have you ever done stuff like that bryson if you do this i'm gonna fucking fire you bro and i've never sent you a picture of my balls we were talking about this netflix show baby reindeer in the car the other day yeah i've seen it and bryson's pulling up he's in his phone looking for this picture of his AR he has. And he just scrolls past this video of him butt naked snatching in his bedroom.
Starting point is 00:21:11 He's like, hey, dude, look. And I was like, why would you show me that? And while you're telling me about baby reindeer, you sick fuck. Anyways, back to the doc. This is Saturday, week one's Yolk Strain. Are you going to answer my question? I have done that. I don't like doing that.
Starting point is 00:21:29 You like just snatching one day and just cleaning and cleaning jerseys. Yeah. When I was – yeah. I just don't like – I don't like doing the same shit all the time. I'm over it. And if you are an athlete that really needs that, you might be an athlete that needs individual coaching if you have a weakness that big where you need to touch it that much,
Starting point is 00:21:49 and if you are that person, just know it's not going to be fun, but anyways, the yoke strength is like 50 foot. This is progressing so that you can just continue building for the whole session, but six sets to find a 50-foot heavy Zercher yoke carry, six sets to find a heavy front rack yoke, and then six sets to find a 50 foot heavy Zurcher yoke carry six sets to find a heavy front rack yoke, and then six sets to find a heavy back rack yoke that also inspired by you, the Zurcher yoke. Um, all right, so that's our lift. So what we're going to start with now, I'm going to get out of that. I did front rack carry today. It was awful. Really? Yeah, I did
Starting point is 00:22:21 it with, I did it with the ups and shuttle runs runs it was just a it was weird but i did we did this workout me and uh bryson tested this workout that's going to come on sentinel it was like 130 on 130 off for seven sets 10 alternating dumbbell hang squat snatches max cal biker it was great i feel like that's something i need to do more of that's the first time i've done a dumbbell squat snatch and surgery um and they felt good but like beforehand warming up like before i was warm and loose and hitting the right positions i was like fucking about to throw the dumbbell across the gym i was like catching with like a bent elbow on my toes i was so mad dude just just to that point i know you well i'm pretty sure you listened to the very not random episode or else you probably wouldn't have programmed this. But a couple weeks back when you programmed the dumbbell complex with the hang snatch plus the shoulder overhead and the switch.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Someone sent me that and asked me if I watched that episode. I didn't watch the episode. Oz is copying me. Didn't watch the episode. Oz is copying me. I was thinking about you saying the dumbbell hang squat snatch, and I've been thinking about single arm dumbbell complex type movements and doing something like that where you go like dumbbell snatch, hang squat snatch, dumbbell thruster, and then you switch arms.
Starting point is 00:23:38 So you have to do all three movements on a single side, and you could do anything with it, right? You could do dumbbell power snatch hang squat and then overhead squat and then switch arms right so you you have to keep the time and attention one side and it was just cool so i got that idea from the crossfit online dumbbells course which me and andy took during. I think it came out then, but we gave members of the gym dumbbells to take home and shit. So we were just trying to be as creative as possible. And so that had that at that time, it kind of put me on to doing unconventional stuff with dumbbells and kettlebells, which I really like to do. Um, so this is the past. So this is
Starting point is 00:24:21 the current week that we're on the 17 17th of the 22 and this is next week and these are all the workouts that are in and so let's start with the 17th and you tell me let's look at uh the week in general and main things that stand out that aren't there movements general, and main things that stand out that aren't there. Movements. I'm deleting some that are there that I have here that I programmed because this is how, this is generally when I'm not at home, I have a whiteboard that I use. Sometimes me and Bryson use, that's the most effective way. Always the most effective way in person, looking at a whiteboard.
Starting point is 00:25:22 When I don't have that, I use this. This is basically like Apple Freeform. And so it's like at a whiteboard when i don't have that i use this this is basically like apple freeform and so it's like a digital whiteboard um and this really helps me just visualize stuff uh no it's cool yeah i like this uh high box jumps whoever lunges else it's okay dd complex it's not just deadlifts okay i think most of these movements are like okay i haven't done these i have some things compete needs some wall balls for sure so what i'll do now is i'll go and change these dates to be the week that we want to program and that is july 1st your compete also needs some ghds what's i'm missing on right so there's no so the week of the 24th look for ghds i think you're correct there's no gh oh there's a wall ball ghd no i'm
Starting point is 00:26:16 looking at the week of the 17th okay right yeah the next week there is ghds yeah um and there are ghds this week it's uh check out c 18th drag ghd oh drag i didn't see it yeah right after dragging you can see that it's hard it's complicated this doc a little bit are there movements for you that you are more reluctant to program every single week just because you don't think that they're as important as other movements every single week for instance i know for a fact that you're going to do burpees every single week of some kind yeah but do you feel like uh strict handstand push-up doesn't have to be every single week. And it can be every other week if you do a deficit kipping. Right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Yeah. Yeah. There are other movements like that. Yeah. A hundred percent. So there are weightlifting movements like that and gymnastic where I don't need to do that exact variation every week, but there needs to be some variation every week.
Starting point is 00:27:19 So like every week you got to snatch with a barbell, I think, or close to it. It doesn't have to be a squat snatch, but every week you should be snatching the barbell, I think, or close to it. Doesn't have to be a squat snatch, but every week you should be snatching with a barbell. Every week you should do some sort of clean. I try to do a clean with a barbell every week. But again, you don't have to.
Starting point is 00:27:36 But a move like a strict handstand pushup is a perfect example. I don't do a strict handstand pushup every week, but I do do handstand pushups every week. And I do do some form of strict handstand pushupup every week whether it's a deficit strict wall facing strict regular strict etc they need to just i do something strict like that every week um handstand walking you do every week muscle ups i do every week um they touch a sandbag every week they touch dumbbells every week they touch kettlebells every week so it's kind of like you know they squat every week they deadlift every week they press every week you know what i mean um but i like to rely on movement variations as much as possible to offer variance the more volume
Starting point is 00:28:17 you're doing the less variance you're going to have inevitably that's the tough part about training to compete um 60 if you could you could see something and you could see it not again for three weeks but not be like, oh, I haven't been doing that a lot because you're just doing new shit all the time. But compete, there's so much volume. You're seeing shit every week. I would say the gymnastics skill I program the least frequently is like a chest-to-bar pull-up.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Okay. And why is – like what's the reason for that? There's just so many other pull variations that I feel like gave transfer of skill there. Like a burpee pull-ups, a lot of transfer of skill, regular pull-ups, a lot of transfer of skill, you know, muscle ups. You get a lot of pulling. Do you know what I mean? So when I do chest bar pull-ups, I give them in a decent dose of volume and there's, you know, oftentimes some like butterfly. What about chin over the bar pull up yeah i program i i program a kipping pull up every week but it's not like a butterfly
Starting point is 00:29:10 chest bar every week if that makes sense so some weeks i'll specify gymnastic kipping pull up right that's not in here so that yeah i know you're a big proponent of the the regular kip and to not always rely on butterflying and actually that's something brent um talked about and he actually we were talking the other day on instagram was saying that he maybe had spoken to you and wants to get together to like talk some programming and stuff so we should do that sometime if we want to have him on oh get him on the show yeah that'd be great clean technique but i'm saying that because i know he's a big proponent of training gymnastics, kipping pull-ups because that same kit variation, you know, is used in ring muscle up bar muscle up. Like it, it, there's a lot of,
Starting point is 00:29:50 there's a lot of tactility and being able to do that skill really well. Yeah. A hundred percent ring strength. This is going to be a deficit deadlifts right now. I'm typing in the lifting structure and then we'll type in we'll go and do workouts um underneath snatch and then this day is yoke all right so first thing i thought I needed wall balls, but Compete's got wall balls this week, and so does 6D.
Starting point is 00:30:29 But what they don't have is any sort of a thruster. I think the last thruster we did was a 115 barbell thruster. And then the last thruster we did before that was like some dumbbell thrusters with the 50s. So I typically want something to accompany squatting on this day because we're already doing cleans and front squats. So athletes are going to moving into a workout that has some form of squatting is going to be a really easy transition. Same thing on, on Friday, they have squatting here. So I think there's three places for squatting or a unilateral
Starting point is 00:31:05 like lunge step up type of variation. I think that's Monday, Wednesday, and Friday here. Um, cause we're doing lower body here. So that would be a good day to put some lunges or step ups. Um, you can also have dead lifting in a workout that day, which we do need, but I think here I'm already going to put some ideas down. I i i want to do that uh dumbbell complex i gotta get out of bold no bold dumbbell fuck my balls lunch makes makes a lot of sense to me on wednesday because a lot of times based on what your strongman stuff is going to be on Saturday,
Starting point is 00:31:45 inevitably the glutes and the hips really get beat up. So like when I look at it, I'm like, Hey, let me get that away from Saturday a little bit so that I don't have to worry about if they do a ton of step ups and they do a ton of lunges, it doesn't matter. They're going to be recovered by them.
Starting point is 00:32:00 It doesn't look like, okay, I've got the bear hug lunge on Friday. I kind of want like what I haven't done in a long time is a, uh, is maybe a heavier barbell lunge in a, in a workout. So I think I want here, I'm not going to want to do, there's probably going to be some overhead in this clean day. There's definitely overhead Friday. There will probably be a little bit overhead Saturday. And this ring strength, while it's not overhead, it's upper body. So I probably want to leave the upper body out of this.
Starting point is 00:32:33 So I'm just going to say heavy lunging. You know what it could be? It could also be with dumbbells. After doing that semifinal workout, I was like, wow, a farmer's lunge is so underrated in the strength that it could build yeah because inevitably especially when people deadlift they lose that ability to like retract their shoulder blades and really like stay upright and toward the dump and with the dumbbells too i mean if they're not conscious right it just kind of pulls them forward but if they're really
Starting point is 00:33:04 conscious of keeping everything pulled back i agree i think it's a really really good transfer okay so here's i have this has been missing i haven't done this in a long time back squats in a workout i know that i've been looking for a place to put that in so this is this is going to be the day for that so go back squat um and i'm not sure what i'm going to pair it with yet but i just know that I want that movement, back squat. Okay, so at that point, are you going to take out kettlebell squat? No, no, no. This is from the other week.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Anything in bold is from a previous week's of programming. So right now, when I'm inputting it, this is the key for the change in fonts, the bold and unbold. When I'm putting new stuff in, I want to make sure there hasn't been a back squat in bold anywhere in this week or the last, like I want something. You see what I'm saying? Yeah. So I'm leaving the bold stuff until I fully replace it with shit. That's new for that day. Like I don't want to do muscle ups or dips on that day or anything with kettlebells. Cause that's what I did the previous, not the previous Monday, but the Monday two weeks prior. And that's still too like same old, same old for me. Um, so, okay. Um, Oh, okay. So there's heavy lunging. I also,
Starting point is 00:34:12 I'm just looking at shit and like seeing where it fits. I want to, I've been wanting to do a DT complex in a workout. So I'm going to put that here. We'll be deadlifting anyways it doesn't have to be super heavy um but i've been waiting um and maybe it's not overhead i talked about maybe not wanting to go overhead here we'll see but it could just be deadlifts and hang power cleans and a shit ton of them um or a brutal hang power clean workout so i I'm going to delete this. I've got back squats in a workout as well. Um, I'm not sure on this piece yet. Oh, so this is a good segue next week. Me and Bryson are probably going to make the coolest video workout video. Um, that we've ever done. Seth, how many times a week do you heavy squat? What, well, first off, what is heavy to you to me? Sent what I think is heavy is like,
Starting point is 00:35:13 uh, this clean technique and dense front squat piece. And then the snatch piece, they'll heavy squat those two days. So two days a week, they have the squat. Um, what if you, what if, what if someone, what if you have someone do, um, let's say they do like a fifties style workout where there's four movements and one of the movements is 50 dual kettlebell squats with seventies. I wouldn't count that a heavy squat. What does it need to be in a conditioning setting for you to then say, hey, they actually did. Like in the quarterfinals workout four, that was squat clean. That's heavy.
Starting point is 00:35:57 I would consider it. So you put that as heavy. Okay. Heavy enough. Heavy enough at intensity where you, if there was no intensity to it, I wouldn't count the two 45 is heavy for me, but under the intensity after the two 25 for 10, I count that as heavy. Are you conscious of, are you conscious of having something like that in a conditioning piece once a week? So like to Seth's question, you squat heavy in a non-fatigue
Starting point is 00:36:23 setting twice a week. Do you, or do you try to make it a point to do something at a moderately heavy to heavy under fatigue every week or just kind of whenever it comes up, it comes up. No, I don't do a heavy squat in a workout every week, but I do do heavy squats in a workout. I would say every 10 days. Okay. Yeah yeah i don't think you need to squat heavy in strength twice a week and squat heavy in a workout once a week yeah you don't need that i don't think um it depends on the athlete as well all right so let's see let's see let's see um back squat heavy lunging dd complex yoke strength what else are we missing let me look at this list um okay i was talking about sorry i was talking about the best
Starting point is 00:37:14 workout video me and bryson have ever done is gonna come be coming to you guys hot next week at some point we're gonna do the coolest fucking workout that we had the idea to do and i'm not sure if we should reveal it right if i should reveal it right now or let the suspense build, I'm just going to tell it to you after the show, dude, but the workout is going to be so fucking cool. Uh, damn, it's going to be sick. I can't wait to do it. And I wouldn't be surprised if we see something like it at Northern California classic. It's something that you have never seen in a CrossFit competition before. It's crazy combination of movements. All right. And with that, I'm not going to tell you. So, okay. Let's see what else? Um, Ooh, wall complexes. I haven't done those in a while.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Let's see. I think I have some wall facing. There's a chipper. Yeah, here we go. Oh no, that's just wall walks and strict hands and pushups. I don't think i have some wall facing there's a chipper yeah here we go oh no that's just wall walks and strick hands and push-ups i don't think i have any wall facing in the past two weeks so a wall complex could be like i like that on monday with with the back with the back squat you know what i was thinking i was thinking of that games workout one to ten wall walk thruster but maybe back squat wall complex right when you said that that's what came to my brain if you're gonna program something like that or are you are you completely fine with just being like yeah use a rack dummy are you like no i want it to be i want it to be taken from the floor and i really don't care like what's the weight for you where it becomes unsafe is
Starting point is 00:38:42 there a weight like oh yeah there's a weight where it's just not – I would say anything over 275 for guys, you probably don't need to take from the floor. Okay. That's a lot heavier than I would have said. Maybe even 275. Yeah, I don't know. 275, that's like meh enough for me where I can always power it. Maybe it's 245. I'm not sure what I would go with on the weight for the back squats here
Starting point is 00:39:05 and it's only been done like a handful of times of people using back squats and i think uh i want to say filthy 150 did it with bar muscle ups and back squats from the floor one year that was a really cool workout rogue goes from the rack which is cool rogue rogue does it but it's just something you don't see very often it's something that's always in the judges course and it's always one of those movements when the season comes around. I'm like, dude, why don't – I mean, they've made people do back rack lunges before with a barbell. Why don't they just have back squats from the floor?
Starting point is 00:39:34 So if you break, there's somewhat of a penalty. You just let it sit there, pick it back up. I think it would be cool if we saw it in like a CrossFit Games-style program competition. What are you doing? Yeah, my fucking typo. This is crazy. I typoed the latest workout of the week post.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Whoops. It says 50 slash 100 pounds. It's supposed to say 150 oh well anyways um all right what else do we got here uh okay so this dumbbell complex i wanted to pretty much repeat the workout me and bryson did today it was 130 on 130 off of 10 alternating dumbbell hang squat snatches maxed out by kirk maybe it's a different interval you know what i had thought of i'd sent this in the text to you the text i said had a couple ideas um that i wanted to start the week with and i've kind of already missed five on five on three off maybe right yeah a five on three off interval so the idea i had when i was talking to bryson earlier today
Starting point is 00:40:46 we were doing this workout i was like what it needs to be is five minutes of work 10 alternating hang squat snatches 15 burpees over the dumbbell 20 cal biker 15 burpees over the dumbbell ting 10 hang squat snatches and then in the remaining time max cal biker is that too complicated for you two sets two intervals five on three off five on no probably more like i like i don't do enough long period of work intervals repeats i would say i do but they're more like every seven or every eight or every six minutes for however many sets there's not like a set am rapP. When I do AMRAP intervals, like three on two off, I stick to that like two on one off,
Starting point is 00:41:29 three on two off, one on one off. So I want to do a five on three off for like five sets. And that would be 40 minutes. Like I want this to be like a 40 minute-ish conditioning piece. I mean, what are your thoughts on something like that? Well, that's interesting too, because as you're talking about stuff, I guess I'm maybe thinking about how I approach this kind of stuff. And it's interesting that you take a movement selection approach and then build formats and time domains around it. And I
Starting point is 00:41:59 think I'm more inclined to pick structure format, time domain, and then put movements in with it so like when i look at this i look at barbell complex wednesday dumbbell complex friday nothing wrong with that one's a clean one's a snatch cool then you're now you're saying hey i kind of want to go long on friday so i'm thinking to myself okay cool so if he's going long on Friday, is he really conscious at all of if Saturday's long or not? Or do you really not even care? Or are you, are you saying to yourself, okay, Friday is interval long. Saturday is just going to be nasty sprint. Like, are you, are you, do you think that way? Or are you not even there yet? You're just like, Hey, I'm going to do this workout. And then if I need to tweak something later on, after I already have the movement combinations, I'll just change the format. Yeah. I'm not there yet. I would say for me, what's, what's most important,
Starting point is 00:42:55 you can get a lot of variants in time domains and formats with just saying, okay, this will be intervals. This'll be a couplet. This'll be an AMRAP. This will be an EMOM, max reps, whatever. Um, and I definitely do look at time domains to vary a bit. We spend most of our time in like the, I would say most of Sentinel is between 10 and 25 minutes. Um, there we totally working time, right? We definitely do most of what we definitely do plenty of intervals longer than 25. And we definitely do our fair, short workouts that are sub 10, but majority of the training is 10 to 25 minute, um, time domain. So, but what I, what I do think I lead first with is making sure the movements fit in a day so that I'm saying, okay, all of this training volume wise and movement
Starting point is 00:43:39 wise is safe. Safe is, uh, makes sense. It's not stupid. It's not redundant. I'm not squatting two days in a row. I'm not doing a thrusters one day. Wall balls the next day. I'm not doing handstand walks one day, strict handstand pushups the next day. That's my first priority. I think, um, all right, so we've got that. So I'm not even, yeah, not even quite there on what for Thursday.
Starting point is 00:44:01 That's a good workout. That's a triplet. Uh, you've got weightlifting, gymnastic, monostructural. There's my burpee for the week. Uh, then let's say, all right. Ooh. Oh, I told you about this workout, but it's not going to fit this week. Oh, I told you about this workout, but it's not going to fit this week. It's that toast. You know what I want to do? I think I'm going to make a toe to bar.
Starting point is 00:44:37 So now that you have this Friday workout, though, you at least know the format and you're pretty sure about movement selection. Yep. Why wouldn't you just go immediately to Saturday and just do Saturday? Um, cause there's still another workout that needs to go in on Friday. Okay. I do two workouts and an accessory. Okay. Um, and maybe, maybe I should, I don't know. Let me, let me look at Saturday. We wouldn't just finish. You wouldn't just finish Saturday or finish Friday and be done with it. It's hard. I don't know. I, I skip, I'm not even, I'm not trying to skip around. No, it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I'm listening and watching you jump around, and I'm like, man, that's just how your brain works. That's fine. Yeah. Let's see. Let's see what some comments. I'm just looking through here to give myself a little bit of a break. Guys, if this is the most boring show ever, I apologize,
Starting point is 00:45:27 but it's the kind of stuff we just think about and talk about all the time. It's the most fun we're having. What about bench press? Let's say bench press comparatively to any other strict pressing, ring dip, strict handstand push-up. Are you more partial to bench press than you are to other strict forms? I wouldn't say I'm more partial. We do both.
Starting point is 00:45:50 I mean, we find every week we benched every Saturday, the last cycle, but it wasn't the same. Will they bench every week if they're not doing it for strength? Will they like doing it in conditioning? Yes, they'll do it in a workout for sure.
Starting point is 00:46:02 If not every week, every 10 days, I won't say 60 does it every week, but compete does it every 7 to 10 days 60 does it definitely every two weeks um like with compete i want to do ghds every week with 60 i want to do ghds every two weeks it's like one week they'll do toes to bar or something like that another week they'll do ghd's um so i haven't had a workout with all right so there's the snatch technique in the overhead squat back squat wall complex you know the ring let me look let me go peek at what that is and i'll read it off that ring strength is for quality and as few sets as possible partitioned as desired 30 false grip strict chest to ring pull up 45 strict ring dip
Starting point is 00:46:54 rest three minutes same format but 60 supine ring row 90 ring push-up four inches off the floor rest three minutes and then a five minute AM wrap a banded tempo ring transition. So where you have the rings attached to bands and you're seated or kneeling and you're pulling and just doing those. Um, so that's a good bit of pressing. So I think the wall complex, there doesn't need to be any more pressing on Monday.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Um, I do think, uh, how would you feel about a shoulder to overhead Wednesday? Would that be too much for you? Well, you had DT complex, so you're saying you're, you're, you're, you're just going to do the deadlift and hang clean. You had said that initially. I could just do the deadlift and hang clean.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Um, but so for me, me the wall complexes that ring strength piece um unless i did more overhead like it wouldn't present a problem me doing some jerks on wednesday but how would you look at that i would look at that as you have strict gymnastics pressing and then you have strict gymnastics primarily pulling and then you have dynamic overhead pressing which i think makes sense to me like if i were looking at that i wouldn't look at that and say ah this is way too redundant right so if you just look at plane of motion and you're using rings chances are you're going to be pressing in that dip plane, and then you're pressing overhead, and then you're pressing loaded overhead, and it's not a strict press.
Starting point is 00:48:33 So I think it's fine. And knowing how you program, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see it. Yeah, that wouldn't give me a problem, but we've still got to wait and see kind of how the week comes together. I think. Now, I will say, though, on Friday and Saturday, you have like a burpees fine. I would be really conscious of more overhead pressing. I would.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I was thinking hinging, too. I don't want him to pull a whole lot more going into the yolk stuff um also okay so i'm looking for a spot now for that now we'll go i'll go to like movements that need to be in every week some sort of a handstand walk um some sort of you did handstand walk tuesday within the last couple weeks so i don't want to do that yes i'm thinking this day since they're doing a wall complex um or gosh yeah and all these things that we're saying are opening up a lot more questions like for me right if you're programming
Starting point is 00:49:40 for competitors if they're going to be upside down do you just want to go ahead and have them be upside down or do you just want to have them be upside down twice a week? Right. You know what I mean? Would you rather just go ahead and do all the, most of the handstand stuff on one day? Or would you rather say, nah, I'd rather just do it on like two or three days? Yeah. I think I'm going to have them handstand walk on Friday and I'll just make sure that there's virtually no overhead Saturday. I really like that because they're, they're doing snatch work and then they're doing the dumbbell hang squat going ahead and just doing some hand balancing
Starting point is 00:50:11 makes a lot of sense to me on friday um then a ghd so you've got a handstand walk need a ghd and a toe to bar in here um i was thinking i wanted toast bar on saturday even though they're here the previous saturday there isn't a total bar or anything uh i i just this is where i will i would like it on tuesday just because you're you're you're hanging after a lot of days of being in after a day of being inverted so i i would look at after a lot of days of being inverted. So I would look at pulling a lot for Tuesday, hanging or pulling, whichever kind. Because so far what you have on Wednesday is mostly loaded movements.
Starting point is 00:50:58 You don't have any gymnastics there yet. And like for me, Wednesday, just looking at this, unless you're really, really conscious of running after a day of bounding i think some sort of a jump works well on wednesday on wednesday um on wednesday you said yep a jump some sort of jumping box jump box jump over double under um again i said you know you have you have running or swimming so it's one of those things like are you cool doing that i wouldn't care um unless you know it's just going to be a ton of running and let's just say that on friday you had some bounding which you don't't. I think Wednesday makes sense to have some bounding. Where is the – okay, Hanson walks box, clear.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Maybe. I think those are spaced right. The GHD and the total bar. Yeah, and as the week starts to shape now i look at tuesday and then i don't see any upper body pulling and i think that like gymnastics wise so i think saturday needs to have a lot hmm let's see what i've got on here hanging you're hanging some on tuesday and you don't have any any more throughout the week yeah so far i there will be so there's a lot of strict pulling here um i think this
Starting point is 00:52:40 where i typically do a rope climb or maybe yeah I mean I was thinking you know you have some ring work on Tuesday on Saturday you could come back to rings but you could also do bar muscle up you could do rope climb like all that stuff is kind of was in my head I think I want him to do handstand walks and rope climbs with with maybe some monostructural or maybe just a couplet but i like some i like a little bit of pulling here and then a little more here rather than just dumping it all into one day that way we that way it's a little bit of overhead a little bit of pressing a little bit of pressing um then oh yeah and and dude we i mean we did rope we did we did rope climbs today in class they're doing chest
Starting point is 00:53:31 tomorrow i do not when you when you're looking at different apparatuses i will not really say well you're pulling two days in a row like you're not doing pull-ups one day and chest the bar the next day what i what i do have have every Saturday is so while this is the only week that the gymnastic strength is going to be ring strength, like the week after it'll be an inverted gymnastic strength. Every Saturday on this cycle competes going to have a strict handstand pushup except, or sorry, a strict ring muscle up accessories. So I need to type that in now.
Starting point is 00:54:01 And I just remember that. So I need to type that in now. And I just remember that. And that is something that I like. If I have strict ring muscle ups in a day, I like generally just do it. Maybe, maybe here for me, I've got all the ring strength. Where's my last, I don't think i have ring muscle-ups that previous week so that will oh no i do i have the amanda interval um so so also too when i like when i look at what you have here so far um so far you only have two monostructural yeah total we're not even we're not even close to filling in and so like saturday
Starting point is 00:54:46 makes sense there for that because you have the biker gone um friday but you know you could have some saturday you could have some monday or tuesday and i know you're very machine oriented so that's a ton there's no running yet either um what i think i want to do is have an interval where you start with ring muscle up, GHG in the middle, and then finish with bar muscle up. I haven't done a workout where it contains both in the same, and I don't want to do bar muscle ups on a different day of the week. So I think that works there.
Starting point is 00:55:17 And the volume doesn't need to be high like that. This is just so that we're touching uh a variation of things over four weeks like we've done cycles on 60 in the past where they work on strict muscle ups for a four-week period and we'll do them again but for this one i just wanted more variants touching different things yeah that's i think this is getting inverted tonight that's a really good uh that's a really good question because most programming that i see treat the gymnastics like they treat the barbell and like hey on tuesday if we're gonna do ring strength it's all gonna be geared towards strict ring muscle up it's not gonna be it's not there's not geared towards strict ring muscle up it's not going to
Starting point is 00:56:05 be it's not there's not gonna be variation within that and that's just something you feel strongly about which is good because i think it's it's good that everyone doesn't do the same stuff like that yeah yeah so that's good ish um Um, for anyone listening, there's no way you're still listening. So everyone needs to watch. Our actual, actually our live listeners have gone up, bro. So why don't you chill out? Everyone needs to watch this one because if you're just listening, uh, you've got to be asleep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Yeah. There's a, there's a lot going on on the screen right now. So those of you that just joined us, things in bold. I did not know this for the first 15 minutes of the conversation. The stuff in bold is what has – Yeah, the stuff in bold and this week at the top, this entire week at the top, has already been done. So the bottom row – fuck, July 1st. I'm stuttering now.
Starting point is 00:57:03 July 1st through July 6th, all of this, the stuff that's not in bold is stuff that we are programming now and have added in and is for that week. The stuff in bold was for the week of the June 17th. Well, if that didn't make sense. All right. So we've got, I've got a GHG set up with a muscle ups here. Let's see. What's also interesting is that you say things like, I really want to put GHDs in this workout with bar muscle up and ring muscle up. And so you just say, I really want to do this. And then you'll just put it in and you'll go back and just be like, does that make sense? Okay. Yeah, it makes sense. And not just like, okay, I want, we need GHDs. All
Starting point is 00:57:56 right. Let me go look through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Okay. We don't have muscle up. Okay. I'm good. Cause what if you would have found muscle up on Tuesday? Would you have said, I'm changing tuesday because i really want to do the ghd muscle combination i i don't know well i changed the ghd handstand walks that i could put it on saturday because i wanted to put the rope climbs on friday so i definitely make a lot of changes um now let's go to the double unders. I liked the idea of double unders with the DT complex. Um,
Starting point is 00:58:33 I also want running on Monday because there's a good bit of squatting and I think that's a good day to run. So not sure how, but I think I want it to be in intervals and not necessarily so some days there will not be an accessory piece in place of the accessory pieces like a structural interval so on monday it'll be four pieces that are getting some intensity um other days that accessory pieces like, hey, here's jump rope skills or here a tip extension in Sots Press, misspelled.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I hate to do this on the air right now, but I have to admit something. I'm not gay, but I did misspell Sots Press my entire life until a week ago i always thought it was two t's bro and then i looked up a catalyst athletics videos one t i was like what the fuck i feel like that movement is the most um miss named when they like post videos of it because everyone just posts it from behind the neck and said yeah i did sots press so like no you did it behind the neck sots press sots press is from the
Starting point is 00:59:49 front ah so chris goes oh oh it break it breaks the rules of english normally when you have a double consonant the vowel that precedes it is a short sound like an ah and not a o so when you see one t a lot of people think it's a like soaps press so it makes it makes sense yeah okay maybe that was too much of a deep dive so mason taylor do you call a press in snatch a sOTS press? That's what I always have been referred to as a SOTS press. You're in the bottom of an overhead. So you're doing a snatch SOTS press. Yeah, I think that's a snatch grip or a behind the neck SOTS press.
Starting point is 01:00:36 I think a SOTS press is going into the front rack position and then pressing overhead. Okay. And if I'm wrong, then it's me that's wrong this is so this is what i'm referring to bitches time out you guys are gonna watch some crazy horny shit right now i'm about to pull up crossfit porn uh and we're at an hour everybody look at that look at that crossfit pornography james hobart in the perfect bottom squat position. It is perfect. Pushing the barbell straight overhead.
Starting point is 01:01:09 No issues. Is this a, uh, whoever's in the comments, is this a highly debated topic? Is a SOTS press actually supposed to be from behind the neck? Or is it not supposed to be from the front rack? Hey,
Starting point is 01:01:20 want to watch a short film by Josh Bridges? Nope. I'd rather watch Jamesames hobart i would watch it now i'm watching this spot gosh moves like an angel look at that dumper dude look at that booty touching the ground she skins the back of his head he doesn't even he doesn't even move like there's there's no there's no pronation of his feet even in slow motion it's ridiculous perfect ah i just came all right um back to the digital whiteboard a little bit of porn let's get bored again all right so yeah i got i don't have that i don't have that much more time
Starting point is 01:02:03 all right all right all right all right we're gonna be done in five minutes where there's no way we're gonna finish there's no way but this is a great start uh thanks jr um maybe we'll pick back up um now we won't pick back up next week because i'll be done next week but essentially this is kind of how the programming process goes for me um jr has given me a lot to think about the easiest way to do it for me is to have another person. So me and Bryson, he helps me out a bit, but the easiest way to do it is to basically copy and paste what's on this screen now and put it on an actual whiteboard and erase and write as I go and have ideas, erase and write. It's always a little more clunky when I'm doing it on the computer. But so what I'll do is I'll go through and I'll program this week movements.
Starting point is 01:02:46 And then once I have that week of movements in, I'll go, I'll go, okay, what am I missing from this week? What didn't they do this week? And then I'll put those movements in for that week. And then I'll have a really good rough sketch template for a two week period. And I'll go through that for two weeks at a time, two weeks at a time. Um, and that's how I programmed the CrossFit, the lifting progressions, as I said, or kind of showed before I'll show one final time, uh, the lifting progressions. What I think shows, um, your attention to it's more so your awareness to your own personal biases
Starting point is 01:03:22 is that you do not as often as I thought you might take actual workouts that you've thought of and just cut and paste them from your brain to the page and said, everyone has to do this because I want to do this. You have, you, you take a little bit more of a systematic approach to like, I have all these movements. It's important for me to hit a lot of them. I'm I've done this format. It's a little redundant if I do it again this week, which is really good because I, I mean, I'm guilty of it. Uh, you want to do what you want to do. So a lot of times too, if you're doing the workouts, you're like, Hey, we got to do this workout on Friday because I thought of it. I really want to do it. So I'm just going to make everyone do it and then I'll just build the week around it.
Starting point is 01:04:06 You don't really do that, which I think is really cool because I would probably do that. Dude, Adrian was not a porn star. He looks like one, but you're lying to me if he was an actual porn star. Anyways, just to show, so I programmed the CrossFit workouts and accessory into eight blocks, but I have each cycle written out all four weeks. So this is Tuesday, week one. Tuesday, week two. Tuesday, week three. I'm really proud of this.
Starting point is 01:04:40 This is a good piece. Me and Bryson came up with that guy. And then week four tuesday all written out so and again snatch work through all the weeks deadlift for all the weeks etc so i write that out in a four-week period the lifting progression and then i go and kind of program around it um all right and i'm not mad at josh i just don't want to watch him talk i like it when he yells fuck and wins workouts and yeah
Starting point is 01:05:13 speaking of josh i wonder who's uh programming rogue you think it's the same team should be us in a couple years look at those that's not what i asked you katie bill you listening? We're on the market. If you really want the best programmers in the game. So Katie, Josh, and Spiel. So Katie, Josh, and Dan. So Katie, you think it's the same people?
Starting point is 01:05:40 Probably. It's probably the same people. God, we would fucking kill it for her. Fuck, we would kill it. And I wouldn't even i would i would request even if i had a team if i had a team of people which i don't if you had a team of people which you don't programming competition do you know how hard it would be dude do you know how hard that would be to relinquish that to someone else that would be so difficult what are you talking about oh a team of people like oh i have i have josh Spiel? No, I would say this.
Starting point is 01:06:05 No, like if me, you, and Chase were the programmers of a big competition, do you know? Dude, do you know? It would never happen. It would never happen that we would be like, hey, guys, I think we should let these other guys do it instead. We would never do it. But listen, Josh and Spiel don't work for Rogue.
Starting point is 01:06:23 It's not their event. So what I'm saying is Katie runs the business. Katie work for Rogue. It's not their event. So what I'm saying is Katie runs the business. Katie runs the event. It's her event. And she's thinking, I want the best fucking programming ever. Is it Spieler and Josh's full-time job to program? I don't fucking think it is, dude.
Starting point is 01:06:44 All I'm saying is if I'm Katie, look, i love josh and chris great people they know a shit ton about crossfit um but it's like uh that scene in 300 bro are you pitching right now what is your profession jr yeah no i'm not pitching i'm pitching in my pants a little bit thinking about it okay but i'm not pitching anything I'm pitching in my pants a little bit, thinking about it. But I'm not pitching anything, dude. I'm just saying we would fucking kill it. Yeah. Are you going? Do you want to go?
Starting point is 01:07:14 I want to go. I'm going to have to do the fucking. Oh, that's right. You're trying to go compete there. Yeah, I'm going to have to do the qualifiers in Italy, dude. I don't know how the fuck I'm going to do that.'s plenty of gyms you're good to go not in the dolomites the dolomites there's not a single fucking crossfit gym so i don't know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna try hey if you're in italy and you know about boxing the dolomites let me know i speak italian um
Starting point is 01:07:41 that's one of seven words i know clearly Clearly. And I reave a dare to you, motherfucker. Okay, so that's our programming show. This is kind of the process for me, programming a week of Sentinel. Hope you guys didn't want to jump off a bridge or blow your brains out. If you did, I'm here for you. I love you. Don't do that. Should I go look in the comments or are they brutal
Starting point is 01:08:05 no what do you mean there's a world wide uh chris is already quoting pitbull matt sues is jelking holy shit all right we're done we're done here see you guys oh come watch kill taylor tomorrow i'm gonna stick my dick in everyone's butt. So that'd be fun. And with that, see ya.

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