Episode Date: April 26, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Yeah, dude, we're about to be alive. What's up, you guys? Welcome to Shut Up and Scribble. J.R. Howell on the right side of your screen.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Boom, like that. And then my name is Taylor Self. And we both love crossfit we both love programming and one of us is extremely anxious right now i'm i'm doing much better now brother let me tell you that uh i was so really the biggest worry i had was you know test one obviously everybody's getting rammed on it um test four is going to be golden and test three there's you know i don't really think i'm worried about much from that workout uh if anything we'll see i gotta ask you a question yeah
Starting point is 00:01:17 when it shows up that your video has been validated, does that mean it's been reviewed or does that just mean validated? That's what validated means. Okay. So it wouldn't change to a different color and say reviewed if it had been looked at and given a thumbs up to? It says the score on your video submission has been accepted for quarterfinal test one. So you got the email. This ruling has been applied across your company. one so you got the email this ruling has been applied across your company yeah i got the email so you're so yeah so you're golden i thought maybe
Starting point is 00:01:50 you were just going off the app yeah no when you get the email that's when it updates in the app sweet um yeah bro i'm good to go other people are taking that shunk fat thing up at the rear, brother. Let me tell you, dude, that is crazy. Several games athletes, several outside the top 40 cut line. Yeah, I was freaking out all morning. Called JR 100 times. Got into a fight with my wife. You know, all sorts of shit because I'm just freaking out. Listen, Wadzombie. you know all sorts of shit because i'm just freaking out um listen wad zombie there's uh my they could still fuck me right and work out three and four i suppose but
Starting point is 00:02:34 the one i was truly worried about was workout one because everyone was getting the cock um anyways feeling a lot better now. How do you feel James? I was going to say there's a, I mean, I really feel bad for all those athletes. Yeah. Hold on. Anyone who's gotten that kind of penalty. And, um, at this point, I mean, I only know of one instance ever in the history of the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I'm sure there are more where someone's actually submitted. No, when someone's actually submitted an appeal and it's gotten overturned. Typically, I know I did this. I got a penalty in 2021 in the age group online qualifier, wrote out this really long thing. And everyone kind of told me it was not gonna not gonna be overturned that is what happened i just kind of got an email back saying thanks for your appeal we reviewed it this time your score will stand so um i'd be curious if any of these rulings get overturned i mean i hope they do because i think unfortunately we'll not get some of the fittest people moving on to semifinals, much less the games. Um, and yeah, it's just, uh, I mean,
Starting point is 00:03:51 I'm not even in the position and I can't imagine how devastated those athletes are. It does make me think what the best protocol would be moving forward in this type of situation. Obviously, it's easy to say in hindsight that like a 185 deadlift really, really fast or a box step up, you're going to get athletes moving really fast and the potential for subjectivity is going to be there. So why not just do cleans at 185 and why not do box stepovers with dumbbells? Because those are both a lot easier to judge online. The snatch, the snatch is no excuse on the athlete.
Starting point is 00:04:31 If you're short in a one 35 snatch, you're fucking out of control. So, yeah, I think there are movements that are more suited for online competition versus in-person competition. But you know, there's always going to be movements that
Starting point is 00:04:45 we can do this on and it's unfortunate that we have to and um i think with me when you look at athletes that are getting penalties and athletes that are not the one thing that you have to say is that the same person is not reviewing every single video oh 100 and if that were the case or if they had an ability to do it through ai then i could stomach it a little bit more but i think that's like ai fuck it's a it's it's it's a human error thing um or it's just a i mean it's subjective which sucks especially when it's online and not in person um but i don't think there's anything else to say about i don't think this is the end of it.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I think there will probably still be more penalties levied. What do you think on other workouts, three and four? I think three is going to be scrubbed a lot more for the protocols before the workout starts or after. Like, is your tape line exactly 30? Is it exactly 10 inches away on the right side of the tape not the other side of the tape are your uh is your rope measured at all and if it's measured at all are you actually touching the target every single time um are your
Starting point is 00:05:58 ring muscle ups really suspect they look okay you know i can't see that one being judged as heavily as i can work out for because there was such an issue with people putting in um incorrect scores uh that they went back and tried to help athletes out by fixing so and that would just be one that um would be an easy watch i think yeah uh joey who the fuck are you calling daddy? You beat me in quarterfinals. So I guess you're daddy for now, brother. Joe's a Joe's a good dude. He came last year. He was on the move fast, lift heavy team. Funny guy. Christine Best was on and he told me he was like, hey, my goal is to compete individually next year at Crucible. So he's making a making good on his word yeah he's he's got a
Starting point is 00:06:45 hard charge going i will say uh i want to ask joey uh if you don't mind sharing the comments if your one and two got accepted uh just be curious to see um is it one judge screwing everyone over this is another question from joey i remember seeing it oh here we go is there one specific judge butt fucking everyone i don't want to say it's, but I would venture to say there's a camp of people that are in the butt fucking mood. And there's a camp of people that are just in a bit of a spanking mood. You know, I'm going to give you a little spank on the butt cheek. Um, or they're going to treat like online competition. If I'm watching the video in real speed and I can't see a no rep, I'm not going to slow it down to 0.25, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:27 playback, zoom in and try to fuck people. But there are definitely clearly a Pat Belner to me, dude. If Belner is getting a major penalty on that workout, when Pat is a fantastic mover, a veteran, savvy veteran,
Starting point is 00:07:41 very experienced and not someone who typically shorts things. Somebody's taking the fucking gloves off, chucking the bottle of lube and stripping down and chunking them in the rear hard. So that's what I think's happened. I think there's some people that are just crushing, and it's not the same person across the board, which makes it kind of like you said. It's stupid. If it's not the same person, then – like you said, it's stupid. If it's not the same person, then one of the things they think about when you go back and you look at the standards and the, the people I've spoken to who have gotten penalties, there has been a mixture. Some has been knee extension. Some has been a head position,
Starting point is 00:08:16 not being aligned with the shoulders and hips. Some has been hip extension. So that's three different reasons for penalties. Um, yeah, yeah i mean i don't know what like pat and tia got penalties you have to suck him it would be interesting to know but like um yeah i i just don't yeah i mean he's one of those people who i feel like has probably never gotten a penalty ever in online competition yeah i was more shocked to see he got a penalty than anyone so 100 same uh thoughts on bringing feet back together within the shoulders to finish a clean and jerk rep that's allowed if you that it's just like it's just like bringing your feet back together from a split in
Starting point is 00:08:53 my opinion um that i'm not you don't see anyone do that but but i've never i've also never seen people penalize for it. Right. I don't believe Pat got his penalty for snatches. I would, I would wager to say it was step ups. I don't know the, the, the idea that you're stepping up onto something, holding things and that your eyes probably are not going to be down during that process going up and down is like, especially at speed.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I mean, it would have to be such a conscious, I'm up. Okay. Chin up. Look at the wall. I'm up. Okay. Chin up. Look at the wall like that, that that's if I had to guess guess i would think most of the athletes are getting penalized for the head position which is which is tardy which has got to be really tough it's fucking dangerous you're not allowed to look where you're going imagine telling that somebody fucking driving hey dude don't look at the road where you want to go instead look up at the fucking sky. Good rep. Oh my God, dude. Somebody, I'm going to lay off. I still got two workouts to be accepted and reviewed. Love you, CrossFit HQ.
Starting point is 00:10:13 The review process is immaculate. They've done nothing wrong. It's been tremendous. It's been incredible. You're going to love it. You're going to love it. That's all I got to say. Sorry. What are we here for today? We're, we are here first of all, to, uh, make sure you guys, if you're thinking about changing insurance
Starting point is 00:10:39 providers, if you're thinking about something that you need new insurance for reach out to patrick mitrovich lane sponsor crash crescendo starting tomorrow um reach out to him big shout out i know taylor has been blowing up hgr recently getting ready for quarterfinals crescendo semifinals training all that kind of stuff great products look them up head on over the website reaction gymnastics amy fritt um crushing the gymnastics um individual programming video review remote coaching in-person coaching just um can't say enough for the sponsors that have that have helped us out up to this point you guys are incredible pat lane shut the fuck up okay yes you could do that but you
Starting point is 00:11:25 would be a stupid freaking idiot you'd probably be somebody who would vote for biden or something if you did that to be honest well the thing with that is too though you can look up and not move your head we are able to we are able to move our eyes up down side to side without changing our head position so that 20 that doesn't always work 2024 team name for crash crescendo team captain right here uh team fjb by hgr and if you don't know what fjb means it means fun uh jolly boys uh and maybe something else wow so workouts what do you think how happy how happy do you think some people are to be team athletes right now like to make the decision to go team especially ones that have been competing
Starting point is 00:12:14 individually and they just see all this happening they're like gosh i'm so glad i think if you're a team athlete you probably aren't happy i think you're probably secretly inside thinking, man, I'm not even good enough to be an individual. Um, and I never was, and I never will be. So that's all I have to say about team. Um, uh, I was just sent a DM, uh, from an individual who's very, very, very involved in the judging circuit in the competitive CrossFit space. And they said the shoulders being in front is a lot of the reason for the penalties. So the shoulders being kind of drooped over because of you holding the dumbbells if that makes sense that you something i noticed that you did on your video
Starting point is 00:13:09 because i went back and watched it is that at the top you really think about pulling your shoulder blades back and showing your chest and not letting your shoulders internally rotate kind of letting the dumbbells pull you forward so that and the hips not opening at the top seems to be four reasons for the penalties being given. I didn't really think about the shoulders not being in line with the hips, but that does make sense. I'm not talking trash when I'm hitting your mom from the back, dildo. Sorry, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Okay, who do you think programmed quarterfinals pause or dave i'm time i gotta answer this question uh sorry love you dude let's have some fun dude we got some exciting shit coming up how am i managing after last week uh it took me three days to feel normal today was the first i had a full training day yesterday for the most part, or at least full to what it has been four pieces or workouts, whatever. Um, and I still was like a bit tired yesterday. Today I hit a long piece, felt really good. I'll go back and train a little bit more later. Um, it's been a lot. I would say the hardest part is now that I'm going to compete is going to be running my business and doing that because that is my priority. Still a hundred percent Sentinel is my priority.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I love the people on that program and I want that program to be the best. So that's going to be the tough part. Competing this weekend is more about having fun with three of my really good friends. And it'll be good training. It'll be good intensity, getting back into intensity after an easier week, so to speak. Kind of. And then Kill Taylor is really just going to supplement my current training. And what I'm going to think of it as.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Why don't you tell everybody what that is? Kill Taylor. People that don't know. Every week, I think we're going to do Don't Even Dare. It's not going to fall off. I'll take last at semifinals or withdraw before it falls off, and I mean that. Kill Taylor is basically going to be a weekly live show where I make a
Starting point is 00:15:27 workout up. It's whatever I want it to be. And this is why one, I'm not making a fucking dime. I don't get any of the money. So if I'm doing the workout and I'm putting my ass on the line, it's going to be something I want to do too. I got to do it every single week,
Starting point is 00:15:40 potentially for 52 weeks if it goes well. So it's got to be something I want to do so that I don't get bored or I'm like, I don't feel like doing that this week. Um, so most importantly, it's gotta be something that you don't think anyone can beat you at for the most part.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I'm okay with people beating me. I would be okay with losing every week. And I mean that, um, I don't want it to be something where it's like impossible to beat me every week. Then nobody gets to care. And that's fucking dumb,
Starting point is 00:16:04 but yeah, they're not going to work. You would not be okay. If ever like impossible to beat me every week then nobody gets to care and that's fucking dumb but yeah they're not you wouldn't you you would not be okay if if someone beat you every week it would probably be good for me here's the thing um they're gonna be workouts i'm good at i'm going to get beaten um it's gonna be really fucking hard to beat me and if you don't the prize is gonna pull up so we every week if you beat me and you beat everyone else on the show, so say three, two, one, go. The show starts. I'm live. I do the workout. I finish. If you put in the chat, hey, I think I can beat Taylor. I'm ready to go. You'll text the work phone for the Sebon podcast. We'll drop you the StreamYard link. You jump on. Then you get to go. If it comes to a point to where we, it's obvious, you're not going to beat me. We're booting you off the fucking chat next person in line.
Starting point is 00:16:48 So depending on the workout length, we're going to keep them ideally from like three to seven minutes. Um, we'll have like three to five people trying each week. If you win, you beat everyone, you take home the 500 bucks. Nobody beats me. The $500 rolls over to next week. You don't know the week one workout. There's no fucking way she's beating me in it. And she can try as hard as she wants. But there's absolutely no chance she can beat me in this workout. Sorry, Alex.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I hope you're listening. I hope you give it a good run. I hope I see you tomorrow at 10 a.m., Alex. No fucking chance, Games Athlete. Anyways, that's kind of going to be the show. I'm going to talk shit. Alex doesn't stand a chance. There's maybe one female on earth who could, and she's definitely not going to do it, Laura, but I, even her, I don't think she's going to have a chance to beat me. Um, you're gonna have to, you're gonna have to pay a bit. Yeah. I'm going to have to make some money if we're going to play that game.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Anyways, so every week I make the workout. People are going to join. If nobody beats me, the money pools. So if we go 10 weeks straight and no one beats me, the cash prize is $10,000. Yeah, I mean, that's what's cool about it. So if people that are wondering like, well, there's not going to be a lot of people that are really high level that want to take time out of their day to one try to beat taylor and to try to beat taylor have everyone know it and not beat him just because people have big egos but what's cool is there's gonna be games athletes who probably say yeah
Starting point is 00:18:24 that's like two to three minutes of pain, but honestly, I'm not doing that for 500, but I'll do it for 5,000. So when it gets up to 5,000 and these games athletes are seeing it and they're like, ooh, I think I could get them on that. That's when it gets fun because it may be up to five grand and we may have five games athletes that all try to do it. I saw some interest from Ariel Loewen. She doesn't stand a chance week one either.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And I saw some interest from James Sprague. He's like, I'm just going to wait four weeks. And I was like, well, I know when I'm going to program muscle-ups and handstand push-ups, you lanky fuck. Yes, Peter, it's not going to dip. And this is probably also accurate, although that's not going to happen either. That's already happened. Stop. Stop that.
Starting point is 00:19:11 No, it hasn't. Yes, Mason, I'm writing the workout. I kind of want to drop it early. What I think we're going to do is I think we're going to announce it an hour in advance so that people can at least have time to set up and warm up. Um, the limit of people who will be able to compete against me on any given week is how long the workout is and how bored we are. If we're shows probably going to be an hour,
Starting point is 00:19:40 we're not sitting around and, uh, you know, allowing 10 people to go. We don't give a fuck. It's probably going to be like three to five people. I'm not going to program the same things every week. There's going to be weeks that are like, Holy shit, this is hard. And they're going to be weeks like, damn, some rando could beat me for sure. It's again, I think the key here is it's going to be a great opportunity for me to get intensity on a weekly basis. Cause I'm putting myself up against people.
Starting point is 00:20:09 So I'm not going to go easy. Um, but it is going to fit into my training and they're going to be workouts that I want to do. And there are going to be things that I'm not that great at that people can definitely beat me. It's not going to be, this is what I was talking to someone about.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I was like, Hey, do you remember rich versus Matt or rich and Matt versus the world? That was really fucking dumb in my opinion, because every time they posted a workout, it was impossible to someone about. I was like, Hey, do you remember rich first, Matt or rich and Matt versus the world? That was really fucking dumb in my opinion, because every time they posted a workout, it was impossible to beat them. No one in the world was going to beat them. They're the two fittest men on earth, combining superpowers, touching tips. And it was just stupid because you're like, Oh, we don't stand a chance. No one's going to try. Um, that's not going to be the case here. You're definitely going to be able to beat me on certain weeks. Um, listen, this is just week one queefer. Okay. Week two, I think we're going to be doing Saturdays at noon Eastern. I think is
Starting point is 00:20:57 going to be the standard time that way. Everyone for the most part should be able to have access to an affiliate. Uh, we're just doing it Friday this week because I'm competing Saturday and Sunday in a competition, bro. Uh, what do you think? I think it's a really cool idea. And I think it's a really cool spinoff,
Starting point is 00:21:22 but also keeps the theme of Taylor versus the world. Uh, I think keeping that going as long as possible is really cool spinoff, but also keeps the theme of Taylor versus the world. I think keeping that going as long as possible is really cool. Yeah, it should be pretty fun. Oh, sorry. Smacking my gum. Let me take that out. Lost its flavor anyways. And did you say this already, that the basic structure of the workout is going to be like a sub five minute
Starting point is 00:21:45 workout. Like they're all going to be pretty short and sweet. They're going to be like three to seven minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Um, look, semantics,
Starting point is 00:21:53 semantics. All I'm saying is it was fucking stupid because most people didn't have a chance. This is for the people. This isn't for clink and Ben Smith. Shut up. Ben Smith, the legend,
Starting point is 00:22:04 another individual semifinal regionals qualifying spot. I hope he goes. I hope he goes and competes. It was really cool. I think the first year maybe that they did the programming for all the semifinals got to do their own. I want to say that I got to be back there with jason and just like watching ben move around warm up and everything was really really cool because he's so he's so
Starting point is 00:22:32 experienced that like he just does a lot of things that some of the other younger guys did not do and i just thought it was it was just cool to be around him and watch him apparently i'm also getting some information that majority of the no reps on that first workout from inside Intel review team judge are for soft knees, not head and like egregious soft knees that you cannot even ignore. And I believe that I can believe that there's some shit when you see it. It's like, damn, that's I can't not no rep that. And for that, what's frustrating is if that's happening at a big camp and you pay these judges to come out and these judges aren't calling shit that's egregious, dude, I would be livid.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Livid, I would be freaking livid. Right. And I don't know the specifics at all, so I'm kind of hesitant to speak on the Judges Federation. But do you think there's any kind of – what's the right word? Pettiness? Like CrossFit saying – Towards that group of people?
Starting point is 00:23:41 Like CrossFit saying, how dare these people who don't work for h2o and aren't on l1 staff yeah maybe i mean a group of professional judges if they're not i don't i don't know that they are not i'm just i'm i'm just trying to obviously just wearing a tinfoil hat i do think i do think that uh crossfit um damn dude everybody's picking apart my hoodie dude Dude, this thing's old, dude. Relax. I do think CrossFit in some instances can act like an old boys club where if you're not in there and you attack or you get too close or you threaten, they can act like a rattlesnake. They fucking start checking, strike, bite. So I think that could be happening here.
Starting point is 00:24:28 strike and bite um so i think that i mean that could be happening here um i think more than anything they're very protective of what they believe in and uh i could see it frustrating some of the level one staff and some of the judges who've been judging at the games on the floor for the individuals for a long time for this group of people to come in and call themselves professional judges when maybe some of these some of the games team and the L one team feels like these are the judges that are causing issues, um, at competitions by not calling no reps and they're going to teach them a lesson. I don't know. I could see that. And this is the other thing I'll say. I was really freaking out about my step-ups cause I just saw everybody getting dinged and I was convinced I was going to get dinged too. I feel like that's always how I am. I'm pessimistic. Um, if I would have gotten dinged,
Starting point is 00:25:09 I would have learned my lesson the hard way. And I have learned a lot of lessons in my life, the hard way, and it would have really sucked ass to have to learn another one the hard way. Um, but I think a lot of these athletes have never learned a hard lesson. And sometimes the only way you learn a lesson is by learning it hard. You gotta, you gotta take it hard. You can, uh, take it soft and you're not going to learn it unless it's swollen and hard. So. All right. On that note, let's get into what the clickbait at this point, thumbnail, has been insinuating that we're going to talk about. When you look at these four workouts, sure, a bunch of people, how much is Dave involved?
Starting point is 00:25:54 How much is it just Boz? How much is it collaborative? Boz has gone on several podcasts, I think, this season and basically said it's really collaborative, and it always has been collaborative, but especially since Dave stepped away and then came back, it's been even more of a team effort when it comes to programming that Dave has been more heavily involved in some stages
Starting point is 00:26:14 and then Boz has been more heavily involved maybe in some other stages. But when you look at the workouts and you know how they paint and you know what colors they like to use and you know what kind of strokes they like to, they like to use who, if you had to guess, which was the primary programmer of quarterfinals. A hundred percent boss. Why do you say that?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Well, if I remember correctly, boss for the most part program, the 2021 online semifinals and the last chance qualifier, that clean and jerk workout was an exact repeat from 2021, just to clean and jerk instead of a snatch. And I could very much so see boss saying, Hmm, that would be a really good format to test format, to test strength. The snatch is a bit too hard to say it's inclusive for top 25%, but if we turn it into a clean and jerk, it's perfect. Um, Boz also in the past past from my understanding has been heavily heavily involved
Starting point is 00:27:08 in the age group online qualifiers and they historically have a lot of redundant gymnastic workouts like pull pull type stuff um dave rarely programs like gg G, G to stuff. So I think that was Dave as well, or sorry, Boz as well. And more so than anything, when you look at Boz's programming, there is an air, an element of old school. When Dave programs things, there is an element of, I've never seen that before. I think it's more so when Dave is programming a workout, to me, the general theme is he's trying to find a format, a rep scheme, a pair of movements, or a time domain, or some combination of those things
Starting point is 00:28:05 that is uncommon or that you haven't seen before that you haven't experienced. Or as Boz takes things from 20 years ago that used to be the norm or people used to do frequently or that have been talked about at length. And he's like, here you go. And if there's any workout that screams old school, you should be doing this. Most people aren't have fun. It's the second workout, uh, make it long, but it's CrossFit. You don't need monostructural to make it long.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Um, and you've talked about this and your hundreds chipper and that three rounder screams Adrian Bosman. I mean, I can see an element of Dave in it, meaning it's just kind of a big fuck you, but I could all, I don't know. What do you think? Yeah, I agree with you on, on a lot of those points. Um, you already touched on it, that format of lifting when you're fatigued. Um, it's been done twice before, once in the online semis, once in the age group.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Um, with both with Snatch. That's crazy. I've got a couple other things, though, because I dig a little deeper on stuff like this. There was the Run the Test series after the games, I think, in 2022. Stop pulling up comments when I'm trying to explain to you why. I can't help it. This guy's attacking my vocabulary and the way I articulate my thoughts.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Penis, anal sex. And I never said I never would use the R innuendo. Okay, I'm done. What a douche. Shut up, Sebastian. I lost my train of thought. Yeah. So he was talking about in the run the test series
Starting point is 00:29:46 when the workout up and over at the games, and he was talking about how much jumping is a thing that should be tested a lot. And you should be able to jump in different ways. You should be able to jump over something using your hands. You should be able to jump over something not using your hands. You should be able to clear something. using your hands. You should be able to jump over something, not using your hands. You should be able to clear something. Also, he talked early on when he took over about how athletes tend to only pigeonhole movements and practice them the way they think they're going to show up in competition. That lateral burpee box jump over, no one ever practices that. one but all it is is just a tiny variation of a movement that everyone does every week which is a burpee box jump over facing the box so when i saw that
Starting point is 00:30:34 and him just basically come on he was on richard's um mayhem show and say yeah i mean we just want to speed everyone up a little bit but you got to to step off. That's a tiny thing, but what does it require most people to do? To squat again and to go slower and to make it more of a grind. So that movement alone was just like, oh, man, this has Boz written all over him. Otherwise, the seeming way to program bottlenecks. Most people can play on the first three rounds of workout three. If they can play on that, a lot of people can still play on the next two rounds
Starting point is 00:31:14 with the rope climbs and the strict, but some people are going to get caught up on the strict. And then at the end, either you can do the wall facing or you can't. We can find that out by only doing 10 of them. At that point, you've already um 50 handstand push-ups anyway and then let's end with muscle ups and we know every single rep there is going to be hundreds and hundreds of spots so that progression style with the movement redundancy that you talked about, with knowing that there's going to be big chunks of bottlenecks,
Starting point is 00:31:47 is like very, very Boz when I see that program. So you got the lifting under high heart rate. We've seen it a ton. Shuttle to overhead being the one that's probably the most thought of when they think of Boz's programming at the games, going heavy. Then you get the slight variation in the box jump over, which is really consistent with things he said in the past about not trying to train movements the way you think they're going to be tested. The gymnastics workout. And then in workout one, I mean, again,
Starting point is 00:32:17 how many people do step-ups? A lot. How many people do step-overs? Probably more people. How many people though do a dumbbell box step up like think about in your program when you program a double dumbbell box step up how often do you program another weightlifting movement with it i never do oh so i i usually will program that with like a gymnastics movement that's more shoulder intensive or maybe a gymnastics grip element but that movement combination was like was very clever in oh man like i typically don't pull from the floor i typically don't hinge with a step over movement i just thought it was very like creative as far as the movement selection goes yeah i agree i agree um and i also agree that when i program step ups or step overs
Starting point is 00:33:08 it's typically with like an inverted gymnastic movement and a handstand walk a wall walk a handstand push-up or monostructural i've done row i think i've actually done a bench press row dumbbell step-up workout different though than a snatch for sure. I have to address this. Taylor, Pat Lange, 12 daily doses. Taylor, Trump loves the poorly educated. That's your kind. Ha ha ha. Pat, who's more fucking stupid? The person who willingly pays their fair share every April, every year, and the person who takes a vaccine the first chance they get when the government tells them to do it and then takes every subsequent booster thereafter because you're brainwashed by a liberal retard in office. Sorry for going off on this guy, dude, but shut the
Starting point is 00:33:54 hell up. Stay out of my comments. Don't call me stupid. I can be emotional for sure. I can be passionate. I can be even crass. I can be abrasive. I can be vulgar. But I'm not stupid. I can do dumb things. I can be a dummy. But I'm not unintelligent. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Okay. Sorry. I actually saw – I'll have to ask him about this workout. But I remember it because when I saw workout one come out, I was like, dang'll have to ask him about this workout, but I remember it because when I saw workout one come out, I was like, dang, that's like Michelle gave him a really good training piece. One of Pat Vellner's workouts that he's done in the past month was dumbbell stepovers with fifties and two 75 power cleans. So you had that pull from the floor with that step over movement, which I was like,
Starting point is 00:34:46 and I saw it and I was like, oh, that's not something I ever do. Like you're holding something and then you're pulling from the floor. And then we kind of see it in quarterfinals. I remembered that workout specifically. And I think it was pretty short. I think it was like,
Starting point is 00:35:00 I'm going to mess it up. But I think it was like five rounds of five power cleans at two 75, 10 dumbbell box step over. So like 25 cleans and 10 step overs. And really it's just the step overs making the cleans harder. Um, and as your pool gets more and more fatigued from grip, the cleans get, get harder to do. I'm going to, I'm going to ask him what the specific workout was, but it was really cool to see that movement combination come up in quarters. I have done dumbbell stepovers and dumbbell shoulder to overhead dumbbell stepovers, dumbbell squats, um, dumbbell stepovers,
Starting point is 00:35:31 rope climbs. I've also done dumbbell stepovers, wall balls, GHDs, toast a bar at crucible. There you want. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Um, I, yeah, I mean, I just don't know that for me, the, that the stimulus of that workout wasn't really the step up and then the snatch, it was really rowing hard and then going into the step ups and holding on after messing yourself up on the rower. If you could snatch fast and keep your heart rate down, which I can, that was an added benefit. But I felt like if there's anything that was irrelevant to the workout, it was kind of
Starting point is 00:36:02 the snatch, at least for me, it was all row row step up which i've done a lot of interesting and on sentinel we do a lot of one minute one minute one minute one minute rest fight combat style it's an awesome way to train intervals and i love that yeah there's something about doing an interval based workout like that where it's max rep versus like uh every minute on the minute when you have a goal and you have a lot of coaches that'll be like, hey, for this every minute on the minute for 15 minutes, it's really just five rounds of three-on-one-off or whatever. But you have these goal numbers and people game it. Like what if you wrote that EMOM of workout one and you wrote it. Like what if the, what if you wrote that email of workout one and you wrote it as 20 cows? Well, how many people are like, okay, so I can get on and hold a 1250 to 1300 and still get my 20. And so that's what I'm going to do. But no one gets on the rower
Starting point is 00:36:55 and says, I'm just going to get what I can get and then have to deal with the step ups. And that's what you had to do in that workout. So it was cool that it wasn't every minute on the minute AMRAP, but that's not something a lot of people program. You program it a lot, which I think is cool because it allows you to be a coward if you want to be a coward. Oh, Kill Taylor shirts. Yeah, we got to come out with some shirts. That logo is super sleek and
Starting point is 00:37:26 subtle but i loved it who made that yeah i don't know i think seven made it maybe someone sent it to him we'll have to get travis to get on just get on board with it the mustache is the eye and it does have some like uh kill bill um feel to it just the simplicity of it yeah any so we're both kind of in the general consensus that boz programmed quarterfinals or it was a majority of boz's influence yeah yeah i think so i mean i i would be shocked if they came out and they were just like yeah actually dave wrote all these and i think it would be even cooler to know that because um when i look ahead to semifinals and I'm sure that'll be really collaborative from them,
Starting point is 00:38:08 it'll be really interesting to see if there are themes that continue. Because now we've got the open and we've got quarterfinals. Quarterfinals being the same for everyone. But do we see kind of a progression with movement? Do we see a regression where we did all the handstand push-up variations at quarters? No handstand walking, so really no hand balancing. No handstand hold, no handstand walk, no wall walk. So when we get to semifinals, do we just see a ton of handstand walking?
Starting point is 00:38:40 Do we still not get any handstand walking and we just get a workout with like 30 wall walks in it? Like we've never seen that at that stage we saw it in the open and then we saw it at the games but we didn't really get it in that intermediate stage like that'll be really interesting for me to see okay we've had we've had bar muscle ups in the open we had ring muscle ups in quarters uh do we see pullovers at semis do we go back do we see any muscle-ups at all like that that kind of stuff is really cool when you when you get like three pieces of the four-piece puzzle did boz is that common knowledge that boz wanted crossovers and workout one dan comments how about boz wanting crossovers and workout one, I think? I don't think.
Starting point is 00:39:25 I haven't heard where he said that. I would love to know where he said it so I could listen to it, though. Okay, from Chase, get with the programming. Boz programmed. Dave critiqued and approved. That's what it looks like to me. It looks like a collaborator. It looks like Boz programmed it within a set of constraints where he's like,
Starting point is 00:39:43 okay, Dave will approve of this. Whereas when Dave got canned, shit canned, and Boz was running the show at the games, it was like, damn, he doesn't give a fuck when anybody thinks he's programming stuff that he likes and wants to do. Cool. We were right, and we didn't even know it. HGR. You should probably know stuff like that cbd athletics how are the kill taylor contestants being chosen uh that's a seven question but i think people are just gonna say me me me i can beat you i'm ready to go we'll text you a link and you'll jump on
Starting point is 00:40:21 yes like how many how many times times, or is it going to be a waste of time before we're like, Hey, maybe we should hit up this person's Instagram or just like search them on the, on the open leaderboard and make sure that they're even somebody that can even give a valiant effort that doesn't just want some screen time. Pat Lane's just commenting again about how many vaccines he's ingested into his butthole. The suppository variation of the Moderna vaccine, they actually sent it out in a penis shaped mold. And he's been known to have been like, I think 12. Dude, look at my right elbow.
Starting point is 00:40:56 12 daily doses of that suppository vaccine. What happened there? That's the shoulder that I've had so much trouble with over the years it feels great now because i don't i don't go overhead heavy as much but that's the that's that's the shoulder that got the penalty in 2041 for sure can you do what do you think hangs would help single arm hangs to hangs mess you up is it your labrum or your rotator cuff no they feel okay it's just my rotator cuff it's like infraspinatus and terry's minor hillary hillary andrew hiller the bat is in the chat leo franco is ready to smoke you i would laugh so hard if that i'm not even gonna say it joined on the show and i'm just gonna say i'm gonna say it right now i think either 40
Starting point is 00:41:44 or 50 ring muscle-ups for time has got to be one of them. I don't think anyone can beat you, but I do think you'd get some interest in some people that fancy themselves as really, really good at ring muscle-ups. Maybe. I've already done 100 for time. I know. That's a completely different workout than 50 for time. Selfishly, I just want to know how fast you can do that because at this point in the game, I think that like 50 for time is now a games workout. I almost think 30 for time is not enough.
Starting point is 00:42:16 You could still do 40 cause it would force at least one break from people, maybe two. But I think that you would not beat me in any, uh, dimension of reality that exists in ring muscle-ups no i would i would take a leah against almost every female athlete not against taylor on this and even male athlete because she was one of the only people at crucible that did the muscle-ups on broken that's a cool workout and yeah alex kazan might be might be okay cross
Starting point is 00:42:44 fat alex kazan will outbrew taylor maybe so dude but that's why i'm and yeah alex kazan might be might be okay cross fat alex kazan will outbrew taylor maybe so dude but that's why i'm not going to program a fucking bench one rm you guys are missing the whole point and i beat the caved astro froning could beat him i beat froning in 100 muscle ups for time it's a whole fucking video dude it's on our youtube get educated good grief i don't want to do lila again anytime soon that workout sucks it's hard what a beautiful workout that needs to be programmed at like a semi-final or games that would be so good god that's so good could you imagine that's why they put 20 at the end of a workout and did clean and jerk battery it's for a workout like that i think it would be great um for those of you who don't know what lala is it's one of the new girls
Starting point is 00:43:30 that they've come out with and never done anything with other than uh the mac the year jason one they did gretel and then ingrid was the online was was the snatches i believe it was yeah so that's the only time we've really ever seen them but lila is 10 down to one positive favorite rep scheme just saying of cleaning jerks at at body weight which i would assume they would just do at like 195 one i don't know 35 145 and ring muscle-, which is really a really cool workout. It would be really cool to see them advance the bar forward. It would be really easy to watch. I think it would hold up as a semifinals or a games test.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Cave Dastro, so triggered today. Correct. I am triggered. I'm an emotional wreck. I'm a bit of a stick of dynamite today. I apologize to all you guys. Love you all. Hey, why don't you do, and bills get with the programming uh muscle up into muscle up as one of the work one of the workouts i don't want to do that because i'm programming them
Starting point is 00:44:35 and then and then somebody would have an advanced notice now everybody's going to go do that workout and be ready for it when i program it so no do you think any do you think it would matter how much people practiced ring muscle up into bar muscle up to beat you? Cause I don't know. I would do both. I'm broken. So then, so then why wouldn't you do it? Cause I don't want to do bar. I don't want to do things that I don't want to maybe fall off the bar trying to go home broken. No, I just don't want to do muscle ups. I know I'm good at them. I don't want to do them. Um, Bryson Taylor, if lila was announced as a semi workout would you test it again before you go or no since you did it recently i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:45:09 test it as written again but i would train it and i'm not going to give away my secrets as to how he would test it ascending i would train it differently. Let's see. Ooh, Daddy Hunt. No, see, we can't do Murph, and I'm not doing it versus Hunter McIntyre. The guy doesn't even know how to sit down onto a toilet to death. He probably lifts his ass three inches off the seat of the toilet to shit because it's how bad his squat is. Ooh, SUAS training camp at crash
Starting point is 00:45:46 i'm expensive oh and when i say expensive i mean not expensive at all because i was just letting do it for free are you stressed about this weekend or happy? No, I'm good, dude. This is a like, I'd start to get excited when it's like a day before, because there's so only so many things that I can do ahead of time. Like just little things like we were going to take the floor tonight. We're going to put up all the P bars so that when the same sex teams come in tomorrow to check in, they can all practice the rope lunge i'll have some of those out for people just to kind of see how that feels and no i think i'm more excited at this
Starting point is 00:46:30 point as long as the weather as long as it doesn't rain like i'm i'm i'll be happy all weekend when i start a rant draw your dagger i want to know what jr is looking at when taylor's ranting he pulls his phone up and probably he's he's's responding to, he's probably like texting his wife, Becca. He's doing it again or something like that. Like he's just talking to people. No, if I don't make eye contact,
Starting point is 00:46:51 I can't, um, I can't break character. That's, that's why this is true. Joey, you're correct.
Starting point is 00:47:04 People can prepare all they want taylor you know damn straight you are one of the best upper body tuggers in the sport i definitely give a good tug that's for sure well uh video review process i think is supposed to be over on the 29th of obviously they can just say hey we're not done yet you're gonna have to wait another week but do you anticipate like by monday you knowing hey i'll get i'll i'll have my email for my invite and i'll be focused on training i have no idea what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I mean, at the rate they're going, I would say they're for sure going to be done. Yeah, you would think. Hopefully. Hey, when's the Crash Crucible qualifier? We'll probably be consistent with last year and we'll do it the week after the games. So that's like, I want to say the,
Starting point is 00:48:08 maybe the eight through the 11th, I'll have to pull up the schedule, but it's still going to be the second weekend in October as far as the in-person competition goes. Um, yeah, we will do the eight through the 11th. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Like the Thursday through Sunday. Uh, if I don't make the games games will you invite me to crucible still uh i mean yeah i can i can invite whoever i want um but at this point the plan is the podium from last year automatically gets an invite male and female so those top three because they came the year before, they finished on the podium. I still want to keep that like staying true to the people who have supported the competition,
Starting point is 00:48:54 continuing to give them a chance to support it if they want. So the top three from last year, male and female. And then games athletes. There's already one games athlete that is committed who like 100 coming who carolyn prevo what dude she is freaking awesome yeah so she's one of my favorite female athletes she's cool as shit if you guys don't follow yes i'm leveraging you yes i'm leveraging you because i want more people to come. But I'm really excited just to be like, yeah, she says she's coming. So, yeah, games athletes like active games athletes that want to come.
Starting point is 00:49:32 I'll have enough spots for. And then after that, like through the qualifier, I still want to take five through the online qualifier. So I can go fuck myself. I'm going to have to do the qualifiers, which is I think that'll grow. But then after that, I'm probably going to have to cut it off the top 20 at semi so let's just say that let's just say the semifinals get get 10 into the games because it's easy math so 10 male 10 female in the east and the west they qualify for the game so they're they're a games athlete i would let them come anyway hey stop correcting people in the comments we don't care okay did i say no no is it is it caroline or
Starting point is 00:50:07 caroline it's caroline caroline whatever dude you'll get to ask her in september because she's coming to your competition i can't wait to meet her i've met i met her at water palooza she did a team with one of my athletes yeah i would think why why with two n's and an e would be lynn and why i think it's caroline and e is okay caroline she's cool as fuck kickboxer yeah so teacher i would probably just take 11 through like 11 through 20 would be the people i would say hey if you if you finish top 20 in semifinals you come because i have to keep it 30 top 20 at semis yeah unless unless there were enough you know games qualifiers that wanted to come and i'm not i'm not uh assuming that it's going to be that alluring of a of an option for people to
Starting point is 00:50:57 compete but hopefully year after year it continues to get better i know you said you're coming no matter what so if you have to do the qualifier or if you finish top 20 at semis which i would expect you could and would uh yeah i don't know what about tommy marquez saying i'm gonna be bottom 10 is that what happened i don't know that's what travis brault yelled at me in the middle of my 40 minute imam today it's probably just travis's way of um keeping you honest with you nah fuck you tommy marquez that's what i'm going with dude i don't think tommy would have said that uh i'm taking what do you think i place in semifinals if i if i end up squeaking through the old video review process not knowing the workouts i would still say that if they're taking anywhere from 10 to 12 people to the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:51:50 that I would pick you to finish in the top 12. They are taking 12, apparently. That's what I was going to shake out, you think? That's what Brian Spinn said. Yeah, I mean, until all the pennies are given out, you never know how many people are going to end up in the worldwide top 100. So I would agree, though, that it'll be within one spot of that. So, yeah, I mean, yeah, I'm a homer for sure, but I also know the stuff that they just tested,
Starting point is 00:52:18 and so I can anticipate the stuff they probably will test at semifinals. And I know how good you are at almost everything so i would say that with a lot of confidence that i think you qualify for the games after the workouts come out i would be straight up with you you know that yeah but here's the other thing that's beneficial is that i'm week three and the workouts come out and i have some time to prepare which typically i would not prefer i prefer to be first week No one gets a chance to do them all. And I'll do better than most people without touching them. But coming back from surgery, I would love the opportunity to prepare because there are going to be
Starting point is 00:52:53 things that I'm going to have to manage. So. And see, and for everyone wondering, Taylor's still planning on being in Carson. Oh yeah. I'm going to be in Carson. We're going to train.
Starting point is 00:53:06 You're going to have to train with me. Yep, that's the plan. The plan is that he's going to be traveling a week before semifinals. I think that's cool because I was talking to his wife, unbeknownst to him, I'm sure. And I think a good way to make sure that Taylor does taper and that he's not just sitting around pacing back and forth, thinking about all the athletes that he hates that are in his heat and the heats after him.
Starting point is 00:53:27 He's going to be like with his friends training, maybe 90 minutes a day going really, really hard. And like, he's going to go into semifinals a lot more refreshed mentally. We a hundred percent got to go to Jamie. High gear is Jim. She's cool as fuck.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I've never been farther West than Minnesota. So I'm just really excited to go out. I've been to Lake Tahoe. Um, so I'm pumped too. I'm pumped to stay in LA with seven little mansion and Cali, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:59 I'm going to sleep right. I'm going to orient myself, uh, in my slumber right on top of his wiener. So just so you know put your earplugs in bro and your manta sleep mask because you don't want to see or hear what we're going to be doing in that house talking about crossfit you're already dude you guys this is what you're not going to be able to see behind the scenes jr is going to laugh more that weekend than he has this entire year i can't freaking wait baby
Starting point is 00:54:31 all right what i'll tell you what i'm not going to laugh at like all the information that i've given taylor about all these workouts that he's about to do this weekend, low standards, all that, because I know he has not glanced at one time that when he comes up to me and I give him that look like this better be good. And he just says like something like, so we have to face the same direction when one of us is doing the support hold and one of us is doing the dips. I will,
Starting point is 00:55:03 I will not respond favorably to him he knows i'm gonna read all of that stuff dude i've been freaking busy it's been a busy time of the year i'm gonna read it i got all tomorrow to prepare i've been doing some of the workout movements i did a bunch of sandbag loads over a yoke yesterday they're over a yoke right that's what the video showed they are okay um Okay. And then we did that awful. We did Annie up Annie. Me and Bryson did that. Nice, tight time cap, but it's definitely doable.
Starting point is 00:55:32 What's the time cap? Eight. Oh. Yeah, we'll get it. We'll be fine. As long as you don't got to wait on your partners, you can go. Yeah, I ain't waiting on nobody. I'm going to run these boys into the dirt. You got to wait on them on nobody i'm gonna run these boys into the dirt
Starting point is 00:55:45 you gotta wait i'm gonna run these boys into the dirt there ain't gonna be no fucking waiting they're gonna feel this weekend how i felt last weekend uh it's gonna be fun cool yeah if you're uh i mean if you're within four hours, come watch. A lot of good team athletes elite. Co-ed, yeah. Co-ed is stacked. They start tomorrow. They do two workouts, two to five, and they're done. Saturday, same sex and co-ed.
Starting point is 00:56:16 The Taylor self will be in the advanced male field. And that's like seven to seven on Saturday. It's a long day of competition. And then Sunday is like 8 to 6. We'll be out of there. Okay. If my team consists of me, Bryson Del Monte, Travis Brault, the Ragin Canadian, and then a good friend of mine, Marin Dugast, guy from California.
Starting point is 00:56:40 He's actually from Belgium. Super good dude. So we're just stoked. You said he used to follow SMTP or he still follows Sentinel or how do you know? Marin? I used to program for him individually and then he went to Sentinel. He owns an affiliate
Starting point is 00:56:55 CrossFit lift. Is he good? Yeah, he's good. Cool. Good like... What do you mean good? Games athlete, semifinal athlete good? no like he was like 120th in west like on like okay so like on your team no one's gonna be waiting on him that's what you're saying right yeah that's good yeah the way the workouts are structured uh there are some opportunities for someone who's really, really, really good at something to shine.
Starting point is 00:57:26 But in general, with the advanced people, I try to make sure they got to all pull their own weight. So until you get to the finale and you get Quentin McQueen and Taylor Self going head to head, placing bets on how many legless they're going to get done before their teammates join them, you'll pretty much see a lot of actual partner stuff being done. Is Quentin good at legless yeah fuck him i love quentin good dude um i gotta text him he actually reached out to me about coaching all right that's it you guys rock on uh if you are anxiously awaiting your quarterfinal scores to be reviewed and approved, good luck.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Hopefully the sniper doesn't get you. And we're out.

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