The Sevan Podcast - SHUT UP AND SCRIBBLE / Semi-Final Programming

Episode Date: May 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. When you use your iPhone, you definitely have a beautification filter on. And I don't know if, like, you know, Lilia's got that setting down for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Or, I mean, even when I FaceTime, it puts a beautification filter on. I mean, it's not a Snapchat, so I don't know why it would have that. It's just a standard Apple setting, dude. My first sip of coffee. Oh, we're live. Yeah, we're live, bro. Jeez. oh we're live yeah we're live bro so what's up man you know what's up are you uh no way no way are you are you just dreaming of front squats these days do you just
Starting point is 00:01:20 like you go to bed at night visualizing the first clean at 225 into a big set dropping walking back to the dubs in the lead like do you do are you doing that's gonna happen are you are you doing a lot of visualization as far as like executing that workout to the no i haven't done any visualization of any of the events i have a whole i have a whole another three weeks, dude. That would be miserable if I were already doing that. Just saying, I'm not. How's training been this week? I basically had lung cancer Monday, Tuesday, and yesterday I only had chronic COPD. So I did yesterday.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I did four pieces. Tuesday, I did the snatch ladder. Smoked it even though I had emphysema. Whooping cough? Huh? Whooping cough? Yeah, dude. It sounds like there's a cat playing when I scratch her in my chest.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'll be all fine. I'll be better in a day you got a kill taylor workout yet yeah have you posted it no no have you posted have you posted a teaser about what equipment's needed yeah people are gonna need a ghd and a dumbbell so no that's that that's the teaser what weight uh you should have access to a wide variety of dumbbell weights and this one's a standard weight you know what the workout is shut up and or you know what kind of one of the options yeah so what do we uh i feel like we need to talk about the age group workouts. We probably should go back and touch on semifinal team workouts a little bit. I would never get a,
Starting point is 00:03:14 this guy's an idiot. And also there was one other comment. Sorry. I had to pull this up before we get into anything. Programming Vittorio Vittorio comments at 1.31 p.m. Exactly one minute after we go live. Was thinking of moving to North Carolina, but watching the clowns protest at UNC changed my mind quick.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Didn't realize NC had that many morons running around. UNC is not North Carolina. Think again. Yeah, so. many morons running around um unc is not north carolina think again yeah so that's what i've been dreaming about bro i've been dreaming about uh taping marbles to a wiffle ball bat and going to a palace free palestine encampment and practicing my swing for the fences you know you know what i mean practicing my uh not my bunting technique in fact the opposite of a bunt my uh you're testing me you're testing me early in the show you're testing my poker face early in the show so that's what i've been dreaming about bro i've been dreaming
Starting point is 00:04:25 about freaking hulk smashing some stupid nerds anyways did you watch uh did you watch the spin last night i did not how was it okay it was good boz came on from thinking like 20 to 30 minutes at the beginning of the show talked about a lot of stuff talked about some of the quarterfinals um judging stuff talked about some of the details for some of the events such as not yet known um that on event sits the lunge is indeed hang duh oh my let me just make a comment dallin you're my friend so you're only mildly a puss for doing this for posting that little
Starting point is 00:05:14 hype reel of you going mixed lunge with the hundreds uh travis mayor trevor meyer you're a full-on douche for posting that video hey boys you ready for the double overhead with the hundos so dumb anyways i mean i don't think there's anything wrong with showing people that can be done i think there's a lot wrong with it i think it's just like because it makes you worry about it no because it's that study that came out saying that people who post more about their workouts tend to have a psychological disorder dude that's what, because it's that study that came out saying that people who post more about their workouts tend to have a psychological disorder, dude. That's what that is. It's look what I can do. So what does that say about you having your own show and having your own open and- Dude, I don't post my workout routines, dude. I don't post pictures of my dick on Instagram like
Starting point is 00:05:59 these guys are doing. That's all that is, dude. That's a Danny Spiegel ass pic. That's all that video is. Fucking nerds. What's better, that, those kind of videos, or the not competing this year, but, and then posting what you got on something? That's 100% worse. Especially when you know it's a really good score, not competing this year, but. Or posting not competing this year, and then a clip of them smashing a movement in one of the workouts and having the clock blocked out. Like scribbled out.
Starting point is 00:06:33 You're such a douche canoe. Never let that happen. No, Augustus, you should. That's fucking cool, dude. It's cool watching you do workouts. Look at him waffle back and forth. No, it's not cool posting something like hey it would be cooler if travis posted that clipping was like i bet only fucking five of you who follow me can do this but instead he's like bet you hope you guys are
Starting point is 00:06:57 preparing for double overheads with the well that's a dude that's basically the same thing you're just different personalities no anyways being a facetious i think i think john said we john and the mouse in his pocket said we last night but really he meant chase had a cool idea that if it was 72 feet was broken up into like 36 24 and 12 and it was just like four steps overhead so it was a play on from the whatever the 2022 lunge variation finale and it was like hang lunge into front rack lunge into double overhead lunge like it would be more like that would be more like a games workout but it would still be really cool if it was just 72 feet and it changed
Starting point is 00:07:34 variations as you yeah i just think that'd be too complicated for that kind of yeah and it's clear with all those workouts that they look like how can we make these as simple as possible so that no judge can fuck them up and so that the fittest people on each workout actually take the credit. So obviously it came out yesterday that they're doing actual running. But let me pose a question to you about that. We know that venues are different. I mean, Carson obviously is like, to me, like the ultimate venue as far as what you could do with it. They could run the berm, which would make the workout a lot harder. And people would say you wouldn't be able to cross compare because the run is so much different.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Well, the run is probably going to be different in a lot of places. But you have a lot of different flexibility in Carson, but places like Knoxville, maybe, um, Africa, Asia, you would think that those venues are kind of smaller convention centers. You think they're just going to be running like laps around the outside of the competition floor. Is that what you imagine for that? In Carson? No, at all the other places, not Carson, all the indoor venues yeah i don't know i don't know how they would do it uh laps man laps around the syndicate floor i mean that would probably that would probably be like 100s i mean you probably have to do eight so as much as as much as it would be cool to watch an actual foot race unless they're running like
Starting point is 00:09:03 unless they're running 400s like two 400s would be awesome but we're gonna do we're gonna do shuttle runs 800 meter shuttle run down and back the floor lane down and back in your lane everyone everyone complaining about watching people running the air runners or doing shuttle runs is going to be begging for that to come back after they watch and they're like wait a minute i don't know if this is lap four lap five or lap six for taylor like i don't know where he's at until they come back into the watch and they're like, wait a minute. I don't know if this is lap four or lap five or lap six for Taylor. Like, I don't know where he's at until they come back into the barbells. But yeah, that was announced.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I still think that's cool. And even if it's for the reason of Carson being fun to watch outside, I still think it's a plus that they're not running on the air runners. Jedediah Snellson, clearly Taylor's never heard of mind games and getting inside of other people's heads. Let me just tell you this. If you watched Travis Mayers or Dallin Peppers video of them lunging with those dumbbells, and you also read the workout, you would be an actual retard. If you believed for a moment that it was double overhead lunge or even mixed,
Starting point is 00:10:00 because that would make the other two movements completely irrelevant. So they weren't playing mind games with people. They were just too retarded to see that there's no shot, that it's overhead and mixed. And that maybe, in fact, they were so retarded, they believed other people were retarded enough to believe that too. Jedi, the thing you have to realize with Taylor is that his mind games are very aggressive and blatant.
Starting point is 00:10:25 They are not passive in any form. So if he wants to play a mind game with you, he's just going to go up to you and say it to you. He's not going to, uh, passive is the way of, of it's not your way. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah. It's definitely not my way, bro. Um, what else did he talk about? He, we asked about the handstand walk flow and he did acknowledge he did acknowledge that it looked a little funky on paper, but he kind of brushed it off and just said, yeah, I think when you see the flow on the competition floor, it'll make a lot more sense just of where everything is. equipment involved in that workout but he also didn't he didn't act like he was trying to hide anything either so i i think i would be surprised if there is any other equipment in the lanes for
Starting point is 00:11:13 event four for the handstand walk workout and if it's not just um either like 24 foot chunks or even if it's like something as long as a 48 foot chunk. I think unbroken requirements would be cool. We've talked about that before. If it goes 48, 48, 60, 60, and then 72 foot straight, I think that's very appropriate if you're not going to use an obstacle at this stage. Um, and then some people are still thinking that maybe there is an obstacle. I think either of those would be amazing, but looking at previously programmed workouts, especially by Adrian, like the last chance qualifier workout where it's like, yeah, if you don't have at least a minute and a half to handstand walk, you're not going to get a good score. And the only time, the only way you're going to have that time is if you have some balls and you row hard. So I feel like that this is kind of feels like that kind of a workout who can handstand walk fast and who can row hard. So I would imagine that's the
Starting point is 00:12:01 case who can handstand walk really fast and row really aggressive? I tested it in one particular way. And I don't know. It just would strike me as too fancy or cute. And nothing about the programming looks fancy or cute to do it any other way. Yeah, and I think I said this to you. There are six events and there are seven implements used. A barbell and plate is used for three workouts, a set of rings, a pull-up bar, a jump rope, a pair of dumbbells, a rower, and an echo bike. So in six events, there are only seven things used. And you can say, well, that's boring. I would say that's not boring. I would say it shows you because I think the
Starting point is 00:12:55 programming is really, really good and well-rounded that you don't have to get cute and you can be very simplistic and you can just keep everything simple and have really really good well-rounded programming it also kind of falls in line with the opening quarterfinals not trying to use a ton of different equipment not trying to use 25 foot of space and then it also really really at least for me gets you excited about the possibilities of the games because there's so many things that we haven't seen yet up to this point and it like a lot of people are wondering how they're going to utilize that indoor venue not being able to do a lot of stuff outside so it seems like they are saving all the cool stuff for the games which is
Starting point is 00:13:34 like it's fun to look forward to i also think it's a it's a smart well one you can do so much with those pieces of equipment uh you really can and i don't think you need more than that. And I think to me, the programming, while it's not like, there's nothing super exciting about it, you know, regionals or semifinals for the most part is not really an exciting competition for anyone other than people who are excited to see who makes it to the games for the athletes. It's not exciting. It's probably,
Starting point is 00:14:08 I mean, it's incredibly stressful. I would imagine, especially for good athletes. Um, the only people it's not stressful for, it's stressful for the delusional fucks who think that they actually have a chance of making it.
Starting point is 00:14:18 It's stressful for the athletes that actually have a chance of making it. It's stressful for the athletes that are for sure going to make it unless they really fuck up the only people and then it's it's not stressful for the people who have no chance and know it um it's just a stressful all around so i i just you know there's not much exciting about semifinals but these workouts are all definitely they're going to take the fittest for sure the fittest are going to go to the games when you heard the format of one events two events three events for you did you really like that did you care at all were you like oh i'm surprised i thought it would be two two two or one three two all i was thinking personally when i saw the programming was holy fuck friday is
Starting point is 00:15:06 gonna be horrible right so when it was so when it came out that it's gonna be one friday two saturday and three sunday were you now are you like happier are you more i think that's easier i think that's easier on the athletes i think it'll allow them to perform better everyone generally across the field i think doing a handstand walk row, then a snatch ladder, and then the echo bike muscle up lunge all in a day is a whole lot easier than doing event one and event two in a day. I think that combination of workouts is like, that would be a, that would be a day. I mean, fuck me, dude, even doing that at the games, that would be a hard day. If you had those events on the same day, um, I'm sure they would have something else in there with it. Probably something not super
Starting point is 00:15:48 taxing, like skill oriented, but you would look at that day and be like, fuck, that's tough. Yeah. I actually really like it now that we know there's only one because you have no option. You can't say, Hey, if I, if I bury myself myself running i'm not going to be able to hold on to the bar on the front right end of the day you don't have that you don't have that excuse now everyone just has one workout so you you have to go forward on event one which is awesome there are so many people i and this excites me that want to watch me do poorly on that workout and when you don't do poorly it's going to be sweet i'll probably fucking suck cock at that workout who knows we'll see um what i think is really cool and you mentioned that the the
Starting point is 00:16:33 workouts aren't necessarily like sexy or exciting but i think the workouts do lay out for some really good races and i think at the end of the day that's really all that matters like the athletes will take care of the excitement for you. You just give them workouts and they're going to create the drama. Whether that's like, hey, is this person going to hold on to the front squats or are they going to break or get passed on the last round? That's going to be exciting. Hey, is there someone who tanks the last run and someone comes from behind and goes touch and go and ends up winning that event? Yeah, that's going to be an option are there going to be people that pass people on the lunge of course so like
Starting point is 00:17:10 there there's definitely going to be drama and in every event and there's going to be people who can't do stuff i mean whenever you have a legless rope climb workout for males and females especially one with 14 at really really high heart rate. You're just welcoming people to fail a rep trying to go too fast. I mean, we saw that just with the shuttle runs in Legless, and you're going to see that a lot here. Handstand walk, same deal. Is it going to be someone that maybe fails a last trip of a handstand walk? Sure.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So I think there will be some good drama. What do you think the fastest time in event one's going to be sub 20 for men i would be hard for me it would be hard for me to see sub 20 unless that like they've already kind of announced that some of the courses will be a little bit different unless there's a course that's like closer to 700 meters i don't think sub 20s happen uh the spike taylor hope you get rid of that lactic acidosis before semis yeah dude i'm actually shooting it all out of my wiener onto your face so um also i heard of a sub 20 time on event one dude i heard it from two different people on the same dude outside or
Starting point is 00:18:18 air runner i would assume on a runner i don't know but it's benoit boulanger and first off bro why are you fucking telling everybody your score so that two randos that should have no idea what your score is are telling me on instagram one two i mean i guess we'll find out in a couple weeks he's in the east if sub 20 is possible that's savage yeah sub 20 sounds really really fast um do you think uh yeah that's i mean this was my first thought he's lying augustus that was my first thought um uh your air runner's not calibrated maybe or you ran 600s at your gym i don't fucking know so just like doing the doing the really quick math six six minute mile paces gets you to 15 minutes and then you have five minutes for 50 which sounds really really fast to me so we're not not having transitions which you would think there's gonna be some kind of
Starting point is 00:19:18 moving at the bar forward unless there's gonna be a judge that just like moves a chess piece which would be cool too they just move the chess piece down the floor for you while you run and you don't have to roll the bar you don't have to do any of that stuff my my i prefer like in if you're testing workouts i it would really fuck with my head if i put a score up in testing that i was scared to try and beat on game day. Do you know what I mean? Like say, say Ben Wap does sub 20 on test one in training, dude,
Starting point is 00:19:55 uh, knowing what we know about it now that it's on a road course and that it's potentially going to be longer than 800 with transitions. Like you're not coming close to sub 20. I'd be fucking shocked it just would really i i prefer to underperform yeah massively in training and leave a lot of room for improvement you prefer to to to test them at like 90 effort as well yeah yeah or or when i have you know copd sure um the legless workout can, we can, this is kind of be a good
Starting point is 00:20:29 segue into that one too, into the age group semis. Um, but let's talk about the flow of that one first. I think you move every round. So, okay, great. So that's kind of what I'm thinking too, is that the box is going to just show the race. The box is going to show what round you're on. We can get into the age group semis workouts, but they have 30 inch box jumps with mandatory step down. So do you think the box jump overs at the same height for you guys is mandatory step down? I've been practicing a step down and all I could think of when I was
Starting point is 00:21:06 practicing the step down was geez, I can do well. We'll see. I'm trying to make it so that my fucking step down box, jump over, step down technique is really fast and efficient. It's hard to be efficient when you're stepping down without like smoking your hip flexors.
Starting point is 00:21:23 But there's a little thing that i'm doing where i you know basically use my wiener in this weird way to make it easier for me to step down so almost like kickstand technique exactly exactly my thought was if they let people bound those or jump down after event one the day before and then 500 dubs in event two, there's going to be Achilles popping all over the place. So, I mean, you brought that up. I mean, do you disagree? So I will say I'm very much on the conservative side of this conversation. I'm super conservative.
Starting point is 00:21:58 A lot of people would say I'm soft. All right, fine. That's cool. I've been called worse. But to me, in a workout like this with 70 box jump overs, if you're really, really good at legless rope climbs, the workout is going to be more metabolic and legs than it's going to be upper body pulling. Oh, it's a hundred percent more legs, especially after event two.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Then it was, so you're going to, so you're gonna have to bike hard and you're gonna have to do the box jump overs fast. Yes. So if, if I'm an athlete that just doesn't think it's worth the risk, and maybe that's my fault in my training that I don't practice bounding 30-inch box jump overs a lot, or it's just because I think the risk outweighs the reward of doing it, you are basically saying, okay, Taylor, you can step down if you want, but you're not going to get a good time.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I'm basically telling you if you want a fast time, you have to bound because no matter how fast you're stepping down or how fast you're biking, stepping down is so much slower than bounding high box jump overs. So I really hope that they make everyone step down. One, to your point, I think it makes it more leg intensive, and I think that's kind of what they want. It does blunt the intensity a little bit. I don't think it does.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I mean, it slows it down. It slows it down a little bit. It makes you feel it in the legs and hip flexor a little bit more. But just from an athlete safety standpoint, you made everyone step down off of the box in the quarterfinals. the age group semifinals athletes are having to step down from 30 inches i i think it would make a lot of sense for them to be mandatory step down i actually can't judy reed i'm getting ready to send taylor some robitussin i actually uh robitussin is a relapse because you can abuse that he can't do he can't do that's like scissor man come on that's this this the tussin's a relapse because you can abuse that he can't do he can't do that's like scissor
Starting point is 00:23:45 man come on that's this this the tussin that's what it is man codeine and like kool-aid that's what come on yeah oh dude hey i know anyways i just am gurgling uh life source and salt water all right age group age group semis pull those up pull them up sheesh all right give me a second bro start talking about something yeah so the age group semifinals workouts came out uh yesterday afternoon there are four events they have basically the same amount of time as the individuals had for individual and age group quarters, almost six days. They have windows, so they have to submit one and two, I believe, by Saturday. And then they have to submit three and four by Monday. Seth came on yesterday to get with the programming.
Starting point is 00:24:42 It was extremely adamant that the masters athletes will do no less than eight workouts. And I think he's right. I think everyone's going to repeat all four and some people are probably going to repeat more than that. So if we want to get into them, we can kind of break these down a little bit. Uh, Taylor, I think it's got some age group athletes that he coaches that are doing these. I know Seth said he had some John John Young said he had some. First workout. Timeout, timeout. I just want to say it's appalling that I had this information a full week before the workouts were announced. I'm just going to read this. I'm not
Starting point is 00:25:20 going to give my source, not going to tell anybody these workouts yeah yeah time it just time out um i'm not gonna i just have to highlight uh there's a leak in the sieve bro and uh it's frustrating the ever-loving bejesus out of me really grinds your gears huh it grinds my uh grinds my uh gooch so to sum it up this is the this is the text it's one text it says no rope climbs and this is about the age group semifinals no rope climbs no gh no pistols no handstand walk then it has four little lines of movement combinations. Line one, rowing and increasing snatch load. Line two, double unders, chest-to-bar, box jumps, strict handstand push-ups. Line three, front squats, muscle-ups.
Starting point is 00:26:31 No way. three front squats muscle ups no way line four cleans toes to bar thrusters it's not even in the wrong order it's not even like they put cleans toes to bar thrusters on the first line and everything else after it this is verbatim the programming and for me to have that information, who most people hate and nobody would tell a fucking thing to, is outrageous. Who's telling people this shit? Dude. Fucking. And listen, I got another conspiracy. I'm not done yet. Not done yet.
Starting point is 00:27:16 April 24th april 24th let's find this text message if for all those who are wondering why that date is significant it's two days after the quarterfinal submission date closed april 22nd was that that Monday the quarterfinals finished. April 24th was Wednesday. It is now May 9th. On April 24th, I received a text message, and I'm not going to give any context outside of what the text message says. But the text message says, Ring muscle-ups, legless rope climbs, running,
Starting point is 00:27:52 clean and jerks with running, heavy snatch, heavy front squat, echo bike, walking lunges. And for those of you listening, there's only one movement on that list. Sorry. There's only two movements on that list that are missing from the individual semifinal programming, and that is double unders and box jump overs. All of the other movements for beta are in the programming for individual semifinals. And there's not a single incorrect movement. There's not like overhead squats and there's no overhead squats. Every movement listed is programmed in individual sitting aisles. So anyways, that's just all to say. You fucking people need to shut the fuck up with this information. Keep it to yourself if you have
Starting point is 00:28:33 it. And if it's leaked, then don't keep it to yourself. I definitely want to know. But if you're one of the people who has the information and you're not supposed to leak it holy shit dude pinch you at the tip of your wiener hold it in freaking hey man dude yeah this is mike mike pool boy uh suggests whoever tests the workouts for them is the leak um i don't know i mean i don't know. I mean, I don't know. Well, these workouts were a collaborative effort from the CrossFit Games programming team and Legends, correct? Yeah. So there are probably more people, you would think. There are more people in general that know them or know movement combinations.
Starting point is 00:29:19 So more, just a higher likelihood of someone talking about them. And here's the thing. If you get this information, you have to use it because you have to especially me i'm a dumb freaking idiot nobody tells me shit so if i get this information i know everybody else has it and is it using it to their benefit uh it's true guys taylor texts me at least once a week uh so what do you what what are you thinking for age groups simmy shut the fuck up it's uh that's it's just unreal uh that this information's out there and you know if you have the information you kind of have to use it to your advantage and i'm glad hiller does what he does as soon as he knows he fucking makes it available
Starting point is 00:29:56 to the world so that there aren't these little small pockets of fuckery fuckers that get to just benefit off of early knowledge that That really pisses me off. Okay. So let's lighten the mood again. Let's get into the workouts. A lot of people are super excited to do them. They do look fun. Starting with event one, which we'll see kind of serves as the heavier under fatigue. And before we get into these really, really important to understand that there are really wide ranges of ages doing these workouts. So when you're looking at them programmed for a five year age group specifically, it's a little bit irresponsible. And I think I get caught up in that a lot too. You get used to just looking
Starting point is 00:30:37 at the workouts based on what age group you would fall into and whether or not you could perform the workouts. So I think it's important to acknowledge that before we start. For time, 50-cow row, you're going to do that three times, and you're going to do that before three different snatch loads at 9-6-3. Those loads are 165-115, 195-135, and 225-155. First thoughts, Taylor. Time cap, 20 minutes. As we'll see as we go through, these time caps are extremely generous. And much like individual quarterfinals workouts,
Starting point is 00:31:13 sometimes they are really appropriate as goal times, and sometimes they are not anywhere close to appropriate. So first thing you think of when you see this workout? Gay. That's your first thought. Yeah, not in like a homosexual way. Don't even fucking go there with that. I just mean this workout.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Dude, it's seven to ten minutes of rowing. Let's say, okay, yeah, maybe depending. Okay, females, go ahead. Exactly. Seven to ten minutes of rowing and a handful of snatches hate it i just think i just think at a bare minimum you could have adjusted it's not the same workout for men and women why not all it takes is this forward slash four zero or, or forward slash three five. And then the workout is the same for women. Why do you want it to be different for women? Why do you want it to be a row test for women
Starting point is 00:32:14 and kind of a row test for men? Why do you want it to be only rowing for women and for men, mostly rowing and some snatching? I just don't get that. And for men, mostly rowing and some snatching. I just don't get that. Yeah, I would push back a little bit and just argue that it is relative. I still think that for the people that are strong with a barbell, that are going to be spending a minute to two minutes snatching, it's just a rowing workout. It's who can row the hardest going into your snatches.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I talked to an athlete that said their three snatches at 225 is going to take them not 30 seconds. So they're going to be able to just do power at singles. When I see the workout and I see 150 cows juxtaposed to 18 snatches, I just think it swings too far in the calories favor, especially when we see the totality of the programming. And we know this is supposed to serve as the lifting under fatigue event so 15 10 5 to me would make a lot more sense if you want to
Starting point is 00:33:12 leave it 50s that would be 30 snatches compared to 18 if you go 12 9 6 that'd still be okay still 27 9 even 21 15 9 i think it's still appropriate there or you keep or you keep it 963 and you go like 30 cows because that's like a minute of rowing hard or let's just say a minute and a half of rowing and then so it just bounces a little bit and i think that that shows some of my bias in programming i think a lot of times when i write workouts i like for not only one movement to matter in the whole thing, whether it's a movement that's three or four movements, whether it's a workout with three or four movements or a workout with just two. I think here you're going to see like to me, a good goal time is 10 minutes. Like if you're a serious games caliber athlete,
Starting point is 00:34:00 it's a 10 minute workout for guys. And let's just say probably a 12 minute workout for ladies. You know, I'm not going to pretend to know a whole lot about programming for masters. I think it's, it's probably incredibly challenging because there's a small subsect that for all intents and purposes is about as fit as most people in the standard age group, 18 to 34. And then you have the overwhelming majority who are like, yeah, I can't do this. Can't do that. Whatever. So it, uh, it's hard. I would imagine it's hard. Um, I would also imagine that you kind of just need to program for, uh, the best and scale for the rest or like this. I like the progressive weight style where everyone can start, but at the same time, Hey, remember it's semifinals. it's not quarterfinals it's not the open you're taking people to the games is that enough for 35 to 39 can you make weight adjustments
Starting point is 00:34:53 for 35 to 39 40 to like 35 to 54 like in the open and quarterfinals like everyone doing the same loads right and oftentimes the same movements but yeah let's talk positives i think it's really cool that they why why why do you only want to talk positives well we just did we. Okay, okay. All right. I think, like you said, an ascending ladder and load is good. I think that putting the heavy thing or the heavy workout with something monostructural is cool. Last year, the same thing with the shuttle runs, double unders, and rowing into the max snatches at 225 and 155.
Starting point is 00:35:42 So we did clean and jerks in quarterfinfinals so i think it's cool that they're doing snatching here uh just to change up the lift a little bit uh i like the jumps i like it being like 30 pound jumps and 20 pound jumps and not like 135 185 225 i think that's a plus you're only doing 18 so having them closer together and weight is good. But yeah, just for me, more snatch reps or a little bit heavier or less cows. That's it. Barbell spin. Taylor is the voice of DEI.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Thanks. The workout looks fun to do. I'm trying to come up with an acronym uh dicks entering inside brian spin i guess is the first one that comes to mind if that's the you're talking about i'm full on bro uh bryson del monte uh comments i'm a cuck. Not sure what that's about. And all right. Let's work out, too. Work out, too. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:59 All right. As many rounds... Look. All right. As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes. 50 double unders, 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups, as many rounds. Look. All right, as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes. 50 double unders, 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 10 box jumps. 30 inches for guys, 24 inches for ladies. 10 strict handstand push-ups. As a 20-minute AMRAP, this is hard as fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:18 It's a good test, I think, of body weight proficiency. Double jumping. of body weight proficiency, double jumping, I don't know, I mean, look, hey, I like the workout, if there were one thing I had to look at,
Starting point is 00:37:36 and be like, I typically, wouldn't program box jumps, and double unders in the same workout, I don't think, man, fuck, maybe I could go back, and find a time where i have um but i like an all body weight 20 minute amrap remember how
Starting point is 00:37:53 nasty the uh lcq workout with wall ball burpee box jump over and double under was i never did that one oh did you not do it that year it came out? Negative. Was that surgical year? Yeah, dude. My whole life is the fucking surgical year. All right. So when I look at this workout, I always try to look backwards. And I always try to think of things that we're not thinking about, parameters that they had that we don't know about.
Starting point is 00:38:17 So in quarterfinals, there was no 25-foot space. And let's just assume that for these semifinals, they're like, hey, guys, we want you to keep it simple. We don't want you to do anything that requires space okay if that's the parameter i'm given and let's just say i write this workout 50 double under 10 chest to bar 50 foot handstand walk 10 box jump and i'm like oh i really want to do handstand walk okay i can't do that anymore what can i do strict handstandstand pushups were tested in quarters, but there were a lot of people in workout three with the all gymnastics that probably skated by
Starting point is 00:38:51 with a hole or two, whether it was on muscle-ups, whether it was on strict handstand pushups, but because the peers that they were competing against were not very good, they were able to get into the top 200. So they're thinking, hey, let's come back and make sure that these guys can do strict handstand pushups, which is cool. That's fine. Um, the double under box jump thing,
Starting point is 00:39:13 maybe it was double unders in shuttle runs. Nope. Sorry. Can't do that. Can't use a 25 foot space. Okay, cool. What's the next best thing? Another monostructural movement, box jumps. Great. When I see this workout though, the first thing I think of, unfortunately, because it's still in everyone's mind, the opening of the hip on the box jump, even though it's a 20 minute AMRAP, is this going to be the really, really heavy, heavily scrutinized workout? And if I have an athlete and it's an am rap dude you have 80 reps around and you get a 15 penalty on this for hip extension or soft knees on the box you're done you're not going to the games so when i look at this workout and i think about what just happened with the step ups i'm thinking they're making them step down which i think is great you have to step off the box
Starting point is 00:40:06 but 20 minutes now we're using the box as recovery and we are like taking a breath at the top of the box every single yep all i see when i look at the workout though is strict handstand push-up capacity because that's what it'll come down to wow really i'm so think about around every two minutes which is this is going to be very doable for the youngest age groups at the highest level that's a hundred of all three of those movements in 500 double unders and i don't think that's unreasonable at all to think about 10 rounds what about the 40 to 44 age group i'd say more 8 to 10 so when you look at the workout though, it is really cool because it's 20 minutes. And I think there should always be something that's like 20 minutes long,
Starting point is 00:40:51 whether there's four tests, five tests, whatever, or workouts events, because I think people need to get into that time domain and prove that they can operate for that long. You're one of two people. You're not the best at high heart rate stuff double unders and box jumps and you need to go unbroken or you need to do big chunks on the gymnastics so that you can kind of recover on the other two things or you're someone that just needs to go five five or six four from the start with a quick break on the gymnastics because you know you're not going to have to stop on the double unders and the box jumps so i think that's really cool too i you're not going to have to stop on the double unders and the box jumps so i think that's really cool too i think there's going to be a lot of different
Starting point is 00:41:29 ways you can go about manufacturing the same score here yeah i just uh fear for athletes who want to go to the games and uh get sloppy in any way on that. So yeah, I think that at the games, we could surmise that there's going to be handstand walking and whatever capacity that's there because it hasn't been tested in the first three stages of competition. For me, at least, I just want to know that the people getting there are going to be good at it. So that's the that's the only thing I would say about this workout is instead of strict handstand pushups, if they were given the option,
Starting point is 00:42:08 I would have done handstand walk or even five wall walks, 50 dubs, 10 chest to bar five wall walk, 10 box shop, and just getting them to have to do a little bit more shoulder stamina stuff, but without a press, because as we see,
Starting point is 00:42:22 pressing is going to be a theme here, strict handstand pushups, ring muscle ups, thrusters, and then obviously the block out of the snatch. Yep. All right. Workout.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I like that workout. Also repeating that is going to be detrimental to the body. Yeah. Horrid. Uh, I like this workout. Three, six,
Starting point is 00:42:43 nine, 12 reps for time front squats 185 for guys 125 for ladies and muscle ups um i guess you can just pick i bet i guess you can just pick bar or ring um yeah it is it is ring muscle i know this workout is awesome hiller actually posted a video doing it which is pretty impressive to go and watch. I think that Tom's going to hold up as a really fast time. He was just under four minutes, did everything unbroken,
Starting point is 00:43:12 didn't waste a lot of time. Um, it's worth a watch for anyone that wants to go watch it. Any age grouper that just kind of wants to see how long transitions take with someone who's pretty fit going unbroken. I love this. And you know why I love it. I love it because it's asinine and i think that in an online format especially whether it's an amrap whether it's for time when you put something ascending you can just create a ton of separation and you can decrease the amount of bottlenecks which i think think is great. 30 and 30, it's really clean.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I think it's an awesome workout. Bryson, that's true, Vindicate. When I squat or step up and down, it looks like I'm not wearing shorts. Bryson's like that fat bitch on Tinder who just wears the type of clothing that accentuates or just completely hides your entire body.
Starting point is 00:44:07 He's basically a CrossFit catfish that's what i would say um okay what do we got next that's the third workout fourth workout and right i told bryson listen i ordered a short i ordered i got some shirts for us or i had some shirts sent to us, and now I'm only getting XLs. I'm not getting him a 2XL that he can wear on our videos so that people can look at that, think it looks retarded, and decide not to buy it. So you're blaming Bryson's preference and fit to how many versions does she sell? Tanking our freaking sales, man.
Starting point is 00:44:44 You're tanking sales, bro. Interesting. Okay. Final workout or first workout or whatever workout you want it to be. Workout for, since it's for workouts across a hundred days, four time,
Starting point is 00:44:58 30 cleans. What is this? Squat split. Any hang power power, muscle. Come on, dude. You know that. If it says cleans and it's not specified, it's anyhow. You know that.
Starting point is 00:45:11 30 toes to bars, 30 thrusters. Why are they hyphened? Are you a writing or saying? Do you say toe to bar or do you say toes to bar i say toe to bar is that og thing i don't know if it's og i i did take a light you write wall ball shots yes and i hyphen wall dude i took it i'm an advanced lit major. Okay? I like to write, and I like my writing to be clean, effective, concise, literate. Do you write 400-meter run, wall ball shot, comma, 20 reps too? No, I don't write like that. Andy all the time does for class.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Dude, that's super OG. He goes push-ups comma 30 reps i'm like i'm not writing like that fuck that coach yeah that's i could not yeah i i feel like really really og people too like they don't they don't abbreviate anything so they don't write wb ttb hsw they write they write everything out which is kind of impressive in a way this is icky very icky like this is gross uh grip and then just like who wants it on the thrusters uh i'm probably saving this to do last or i do the chipper before i do this i think for those people they're gonna have a limitation with the snatch load.
Starting point is 00:46:47 So they're going to do that one first or the muscle-up workout is going to scare them. So they're going to do the muscle-up one first. What does BBL stand for? Big Bad Lips Art. What does it stand for? Brazilian butt lift. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Don't ask me how I know it. I'm just a humble um what do you call me like guy with ethiopian hips what do you call my god a somalian somali i tell jr he looks like he has the rear end of a somalian woman dude just tall and narrow oh that's funny tall narrow dainty all the adjectives i want to describe 115 75 on the load tarted you doing quick singles to go on broken are you doing quick singles on the cleans to go on broken are you trying to do like clusters on the cleans knowing that you have to break the thrusters what are you doing if i do this workout i'm definitely not doing singles on the cleans. I don't think. So you see, well, that's a stupid sprint. So you're,
Starting point is 00:47:47 so you're going touch and go for a big chunk and then go into singles before the toast bar. What are you doing? Uh, I think I'm probably doing 12, 10, eight. I don't know,
Starting point is 00:47:59 dude, is that stupid? You're the expert, dude. I'm just asking. I'm asking. Oh, shut up.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I think it's 75 pounds for really fit women singles is dumb i think 115 maybe singles is not dumb for guys i love the 115 weight i think it should be 80 or 85 but i love the 115 because it's such a weird weight it's like the it's not a muscle snatch or a muscle clean it's like not an afterthought it like just it but it's also not 135 so you usually don't respect it like you you start respecting it at 135 the load of whatever whatever the movement but at 115 it's just like that weight that makes you think i really like that part of this workout just Just the loading is good. What are you trying to get up in, bro? You're not beating me at semifinals.
Starting point is 00:48:50 If Hatfield beats Taylor at semis, I have to wear a wife beater in our next YouTube video. If not, then John Young has to wear a mold of Taylor's cock in his mouth. Bryson Del Monte. I just want to know who's going to wear a crescendo leader jersey, podium jersey first. You or Austin? I don't have one.
Starting point is 00:49:11 You do. You have a leader. I have it to give to you. Oh, then I'm definitely wearing it all weekend then. I got Bryson's too. I'm going to say it's going to say leader. And underneath it, I'm going to write in Sharpie, of your mom's spank bank. I'm going to say it's going to say leader. And underneath it, I'm going to write in Sharpie of your mom's spank bank. I'm going to wear that all weekend.
Starting point is 00:49:30 That's the advertisement I want for sure. Dude, I'll sell that shit out. So, hey, 10-minute cap again. Like five minutes? What do you think? Just sub five? Yeah, sub five. This is dirty though, which I really, really like one of the things I like the most about this program's entirety. I know we've kind of picked it apart, but that's what we do. We're just kind of snobbish about workouts. I love the variation of time domains. You have a 20 minute, you have probably a 10 minute, you have a sub five, and then you have another one that's sub five. So you have good variation, good variation of stimuli. The one thing that I would
Starting point is 00:50:14 say is just looking at it on paper, there's only, there's only, um, two workouts that require squatting. It's fine. There's two workouts with a hinge, that's also fine out of four. What two workouts? Oh, just kidding. Keep going. And then I would just say in general, looking at the four, it seems very shoulder-intensive. It seems like a lot of shoulder stamina. Maybe that's by design because maybe the games are going to have a ton of legs.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I think the time domains are not as varied as they look on paper. I think most guys are going to be around 10. I think good women will be maybe 13 to 15 here. Uh, so that's like 10 to 15. Then this workout, I guess you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Yeah. 20. You're going to have like a, you're have like a like a 9 to 12 a 20 i think this is like a 6 and then a sub 5 i think this is like for most people who are doing the age group workouts i don't think it's sub 5 i think it's like 7 to 10 yeah so i i think it's i think it's really good as far as like the variation of time domains. They kept it classic. I mean, the last workout is technically a chipper, right?
Starting point is 00:51:33 It's just one time through. It's like a Jackie style workout. So three movements, but only one time through, you've got a quartet in the 20 minute AMRAP and then you've got two couplets. So, I mean, classic,
Starting point is 00:51:44 there's nothing cute. There's nothing cute. There's no intervals. And I think when you only have four workouts, Seth said this yesterday, the margin for error is very small, which is a positive to doing fewer tests. I'm always going to just be biased to the side of more is better as far as the amount of scores because I just think you can cover more bases and you can make sure people don't have holes. Okay, look, we're on the CrossFit Games main page
Starting point is 00:52:10 and we still got Roy Boy holding down a little advert spot. Mr. Felipe Toon. Go check his Instagram out if you don't follow him. He looks like an alligator uh he looks like an alligator fucked that rock guy from guardians of the galaxy and that's what phil toon is oh my gosh he fucking deadlifts a thousand pounds he's a four by four he's a fucking six by six dude crazy thick ah insane hey but i bet he's clean now ah so overall i mean individually workouts two three and four i like workout one i don't
Starting point is 00:52:59 necessarily like as a group of four workouts to send people to the crossfit games fours like you said tough like as a group of four workouts to send people to the CrossFit Games. Four is, like you said, tough. Yeah, I think like the individual semifinals, the way they've done the programming here leaves a lot for possibilities at the games. So I think that's great. I'm always to the side of the stage preceding the next stage
Starting point is 00:53:28 needs to almost serve as a screening process. So if you're going to do legless rope climbs at the games, that at the semifinals, unless they're told you can't use a rope, which I don't see that being an issue
Starting point is 00:53:45 because they use them in quarters, I would think you probably need to program something either with a really small number of legless rope climbs or a very dense upper body pulling rope climb workout. Because I want to know that people getting there can not only do it, but do it in race and show that, oh man, these people are really, really, really good. Likewise, if they do a handstand walk workout and they have it to where it's really high skill, right? They do pirouettes, they do obstacles, they do, um, anything like that. I want to know that they can handstand walk first. Again, say it not knowing what kind of parameters they were put on. Nope. We can't, can't have you do that. Cool. Um,
Starting point is 00:54:25 but no, I think in, in general, it's, it is well-rounded workouts. One and two, there's minor tweaks that I would have made, but in general,
Starting point is 00:54:33 I think they did a good job. Uh, Alex Peters, when is Sentinel doing the semifinal workouts? Uh, the compete track is going to do them along with the week two semifinal. So that is 18, 19,
Starting point is 00:54:47 20, 19, 20, 21, something like that. Uh, of may, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:57 um, no Augustus, they're programmed for the second week for sure, but I know you've already done some. So, um, Programmed for the second week for sure. But I know you've already done some. Do you think all the semifinal competitors have done all the workouts? I know two that haven't.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Who? You and Jason. He hasn't done them all yet? No. See, this is where I think – this is where a lot of people, I think, want to call other athletes dumb for the reason of doing them all or for the reason of not doing them all. And I think it really is personal preference, but I also think it just depends on the athlete. There are people who, because we got them one to two weeks early,
Starting point is 00:55:45 they're going to want to do them three or four times. I'm going back and watching behind-the-scenes stuff, and it's really, really cool. Just that era, listening to Jason Kalipa say, he had practiced the regionals workouts a crazy amount
Starting point is 00:56:02 of time before regionals. I think back in the day, people just used to do that. You used to hear about Ben Smith saying he would never do time before regionals. I think back in the day, people just used to do that. You used to hear about Ben Smith saying he would never do them before regionals. It's not that much different nowadays. I think there are people that don't want to do them at all, but they want to do the movement combinations and intervals a lot. Instead of doing
Starting point is 00:56:17 event two, they want to do five sets of 100 dubs, 20 toes to bar, 10 front squat. They want to go every two and a half minutes. And then they want to substitute the double unders for SkiErg, and they want to do the combination. And then they want to take SkiErg, and they want to do it with the handstand walk,
Starting point is 00:56:37 but they don't want to do it with the row. So they want to feel the movement stimulus, the event stimulus, without doing the actual workout and i think that's fine like generally too like at the end of the day there are some people that know that they're good enough to not practice the workouts and think about hey i don't need to just train to these movements for the next month because i'm planning on being at the games and i'm sure there is a lot of athletes out there that if you ask them are saying,
Starting point is 00:57:08 I'm not really concerned about qualifying. Like there's enough, there are no, there are no tricks. There are no new movements here. It's just CrossFit. And I'm really good at CrossFit. I'll be fucking lucky to qualify it somehow.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I, I mean, you're going to get what you earn. You're not going to get lucky. You're going to get what you earn. You're not going to get lucky. You're going to get what you earn. And I think you're going to earn it. I will see. Uh,
Starting point is 00:57:29 I am not delusional enough to think that I'm good enough to not test them. So I'll do them all once. There might be one that I do twice, but I I'll do them all once. And then I'll just work, you know, the movement combinations that are the biggest sticking points for me. And I know Jason has said to like, and I know he wouldn't care if I shared this.
Starting point is 00:57:50 He doesn't he wants to do them, but he doesn't want to do them in the first week or week and a half that they come out. Because then after that, what is he going to do? Just going to think about doing them again, probably. So it's going to be more of a yeah, I want to do them, but I want to to wait until like within two weeks like which is when we would have gotten them anyway tomorrow yeah tomorrow is one week out from the first semi which is probably when we would have gotten them all released anyway i've done i did three and six right after kill taylor last sat, which was kind of targeted. I did three and then I rested like 10 minutes and I did six. Then I did the snatch ladder Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Oh, and I did the handstand walk one Friday morning, like the day after they came out, the way you sent it to me. But all three, I think maybe the one I hit the hardest was three. All three, I think maybe the one I hit the hardest was three. Four, the way you tested it is kind of like, yeah. I mean, I got what I think is a solid time,
Starting point is 00:58:56 but there's definitely a lot of room for improvement there. Six, massive amounts of room for improvement for me on that one. And then the snatch ladder, I got annihilated by 185 i did 185 so fast and then uh couldn't catch my breath for like i'm thinking about you saying that you you went really hard on three and it got me thinking about three as a standalone workout but then also where it falls in the weekend and now you've got some pretty cool like possibly people's grit being a little bit messed with on the toes to bar double under front squat workout and then doing event three uh i wonder how much event two is going to affect event three they're all in the same day and people that are scared about the legless like hillary you have you must not
Starting point is 00:59:45 have been here earlier on when i said i prefer to dramatically underwhelm everyone when i test a workout in training rather than fucking blow my load during training and not be able to beat that time in competition so did i go sub 315 in training absolutely not and i don't want to talk about my time because it's probably not even going to beat half the women's field that I did. But on game day, I like to think I'm pretty good at echo bike ring muscle ups and lunges for the most part. We'll see. I also had to do it with 105s. JR dropped off some hundreds for me earlier this week. But when I did this workout, I did it with 105s. And I did double overhead lunge. So.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Yeah, I dropped off a AI ramp stair combination, not for event four, but because not before, not for event four, but because it's for games training. So I was just messing with him a little bit. Yeah, I did the 185 bar under 315 i think uh brian friend boy oh boy dude if somebody does that work out under 315 i will shoot a load in my own mouth um so don't think that's happening i gotta i gotta get lilia all right see you bro we're out of here see ya

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