The Sevan Podcast - State Of The Union w/ Andrew Hiller #896

Episode Date: April 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Tack. Bam. We're live. Molly, good to see you, girl.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's been a while. Molly. It's been a while. It's been a while. Yes. Thank you, Susan. Are you talking about that song? Hi, Molly.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Even Shannon Cook says it. Hi, Molly. Yeah. Who the fuck is Molly? Dick Butter, good to see you, buddy. Don? Hi, Molly. Even Shannon Cook says it. Hi, Molly. Yeah, who the fuck is Molly? Dick Butter, good to see you, buddy. Don't worry, Seb. You're not going to tell us anything anyway. Oh, Dick Lee.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Oh, Dick Licker. Good to see you, buddy. Good to see everyone's in the house. I have a feeling tonight could get a little crowded in here. Pack in tightly. Oh, man. Nice to see you, Mr. Hiller. What's up? Caleb. tonight could get a little crowded in here. Pack in tightly. Nice to see you, Mr. Hiller. What's up?
Starting point is 00:01:10 Caleb, hi. I had a fantastic show this morning. Although I definitely, like usual, missed you guys. Not you, Hiller. Unnecessary. I'm just free-flowing right now.
Starting point is 00:01:29 To make up for the asshole that I am, I'm Mike McCaskey. Hiller looking extra fit tonight. He always looks good, though. Oh, shit. All the fellas. Pool boys in the house. Sebon with the sweet Santa Cruz tan. tan yes i was at the beach today yes fights on the morning chalk up post yes yes say that again pool boys getting in fights on the
Starting point is 00:01:54 morning chalk up post oh i like it okay good we'll go over there we're going to assess it all uh about a month ago i don't remember how long it's been. Some time ago, in the not-too-distant past, Andrew Hiller and Caleb and I, and I think Suze was here, we were all here, and we did kind of a State of the Union, and I thought it was kind of cool, and we looked at people's just social media presence, YouTube presence, and all that, and just kind of gave our evaluation of that. Yes, State of the Union.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And then a few months ago, there started being talk about a restructure over at CrossFit HQ. And then about a couple weeks ago, there started being some signs that something was going to happen. And then the day started becoming more and more obvious. There's just signs. It's like, you know, like when there's a tsunami, you know, it's coming in because the beach goes out first. There's just these signs. I don't want to say exactly what they are, but everyone who's in the business knows what the fucking signs are. And so you start seeing certain signs like that. It's, it's nothing. It's, it's not, it's not like Illuminati shit. It's like, like, you know, how like, you know, I was like, fuck, there's clouds everywhere and it's a little warm, but,
Starting point is 00:03:04 but there's dark clouds everywhere. And then all of a sudden the wind starts blowing and, you know, the pressure's, fuck, there's clouds everywhere and it's a little warm, but there's dark clouds everywhere. And then all of a sudden the wind starts blowing and, you know, the pressure is dropping and you're fucking five minutes away from a downpour. Storms are brewing. Yeah, it's like that. It's not it's not secret shit. But I but I also I don't I don't want to say that. But there were 10 different signs that are just like evident. And there was evidence that it was going to happen Thursday. And so earlier in the week, I kind of started getting excited.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I said, Hiller, let's do something Thursday night. And that's why you saw this schedule because it just appeared that something was going to happen. But about two weeks ago, it became really, really clear that something was going to happen. And as many of you know, I fancy myself as being the greatest living expert. I know it's hard to say that because there's some pretty expert people in the CrossFit space about all things CrossFit. Everything. Like everything.
Starting point is 00:03:54 In the totality, I have the most PhDs in CrossFit. More than Greg? I think so. Greg may have three in engineering and I only have one, but I think in the totality, I have one in engineering. I have one in math and I have one in kickball. You got range.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah, I just think I have crazy range. But anyway, I could be wrong. And I'm okay with being proven wrong, like maybe I'm number two or three. Yeah, CrossFit Nostradamus, dare I say. No, feel free to dare. Okay. So you can accept that or not accept it. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:28 And on top of that, yeah, I think I know everything anyway. So it's a triple whammy. I don't know what the third thing is, but it's more than a double whammy. Have you seen Science with Mel Gibson? Hiller, what's up with your audio today? You sound – Garbage? No, it's not garbage
Starting point is 00:04:45 you just sound a little echoey tin canny but you got this campfire glow going on in front of you yeah i changed the computers up a little bit uh i you got one in gender studies too that's right for sure okay so basically what happened is this crossfit laid off a bunch of people today i was very curious what that was going to look like um but there's something you need to know about crossfit that i think so many people by the way do we know if rose is still on the board i know i know when no he's not or we don't know i don't know i'm gonna assume he's not but i i think he just kind of quietly made an exit okay he probably owns a share of it right i don't think yes to get that a run from but i don't think he holds a seat on the board anymore
Starting point is 00:05:23 okay uh lucky camera uh straps uh australia twenty dollars thank you kicking off the donations thank you for the down under friendly time slot absolutely well we made this for you um by the way i think your wife came on the other day and made a donation for you that's hardcore that's really hardcore thank you um better or worse or worse but it's not bad it's just echo it's a little echo you don't sound as manly as you normally do all right oh look at this this guy says um or girl says uh fix your audio andrew yeah no how about now that's why i did it yeah much better there you go i got three different things i can plug into there you go all right good good good thank you dick butter said louder and worse yeah that one where he said is it better was louder and worse okay okay caleb has a moon
Starting point is 00:06:12 tan geez louise it's always good to see caleb who's howie's uh who's howie's profile picture? I don't know. Let me go find out. Reverse search that. So, so basically, so basically this is just going back to rehash some shit, but Rose bought the company and then he left and he, they said some jackasses out there tried to spin it. And I, and I use the term jackass with zero affection.
Starting point is 00:06:42 They tried to spin it like he was getting promoted. And then, and then not only that, they tried to talk shit about us. getting promoted and then not only that they tried to talk shit about us like we didn't know what we were talking about they googled what chairman of the board is we don't know how corporate structure works yes that kind of stuff one dollar each of you now spend wisely thank you robbie mr you remember who tried to say he was getting promoted i do i do i do remember in it i what pardon me who do you have any hints as to who it was i think i i think i know who you're i mean weinstein released it if that's what right like he was the mouthpiece so it was the talking elite fitness guys roger yeah cool all right well now that's out there
Starting point is 00:07:19 and and others i think i think i'm gonna guess LeFranco did it too. I'm going to guess. He was climbing a mountain this weekend. Mountain of lawsuits. So, no, I didn't see your post. At Sleeky, I don't think Seve saw your post. No, I didn't see your i didn't see your post at sleaky i don't think you said you saw your post no i didn't so basically basically don has been put don has been put in charge but there's something you have to know about crossfit and i and i this is something that those guys out there like those people like um uh mr richie uh mr elite fitness and mrs elite fitness and stuff that they don't get in my don't i can't i think i don't understand how the
Starting point is 00:08:12 mr elite fitnesses don't get it but if they got to hear it and they backtrack a little bit like maybe it's their anger so much about the way things went down at HQ that it's caused them not to want to see some other perspectives but basically this I don't know if this is true but bear with me here Greenpeace is agenda green the Greenpeace agenda for Greenpeace is uh is what um let's just say I'm going to make it up let's say Greenpeace's agenda is to stop whale hunting, right? So they pull up next to – that's their only goal, to stop whale hunting. They don't want those Japanese guys anymore just hunting whales, and that's their goal.
Starting point is 00:08:55 And CrossFit had a goal also. CrossFit had a mission. And that mission can no longer be. You have to know that because if Greenpeace got bought by private equity, it could no longer have the mission to save Wales. The mission then has to be to make money. It just has to be. It's the fiduciary duty of the company to make money.
Starting point is 00:09:27 The mission for M&M's is to make money. The byproduct is diabetes. That's true. But the mission of M&M's is not to spread happiness or whatever, to introduce people to the ways of the chocolate mysticism. That's a slogan, not a mission. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And so Max Elhaj and others have said, but his stands out right now, that there's a this company's lost completely and utterly fucking lost and so you have to just accept that like a like a child just out in the woods wandering around and um fiduciary fiduciary what does that mean i made that up fiduciary did did you look it up?
Starting point is 00:10:25 that was the right word for it, yeah Caleb I'm sure will give us the official definition by the way, found out what happened to Rosa fiduciary duty involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary basically it's a fucking legal obligation
Starting point is 00:10:41 well now things are changing by the way they have something called ESG, which is really scary. I think it's called ESG. And it's basically like if you thought corporations were bad before because they were saying that all they're into is that they're legal, they're legally upheld to only make money and put making money first. Now there's this thing where corporations might have to answer to the climate first and other bullshit stuff like equity and just insane shit that you really don't want them uh being involved in a fiduciary duty exists to ensure that those who manage other people's money act in the interest of the beneficiaries yeah
Starting point is 00:11:14 so exactly so so everyone who works at at crossfit has a duty to make money that is it was never ever like that uh when greg on the company and that's not a dig at the current owners and and being lost calling crossfit lost is not a dig at crossfit either it is not just facts yeah it's not it's not dick sarah cox hi thank you good evening beautiful logo california hormones has uh jessica pearson still upset about how they treated dave castro no apologies or acknowledgement for what they did what the fuck i think she's referencing uh talking about like fitness yeah so and i don't mean i i have no ill will for them i i don't want
Starting point is 00:11:58 them to go away i don't want morning chocolate to go it makes me sad how little coverage um there is out there in the crossfit um universe right now morning choco doesn't make any more youtube videos they're toast they're toast imagine how easy it would be to just make an instagram post they only have one employee katie gannon up kga kgu i like that me too kgu she's got she's got a good face too i think she'd make she makes her make them uh she makes for a good frontman so a shitload of people got let go today uh why they were let go i um i don't know but i'm going to guess that they were let go to save money um there were a lot of people let go who basically weren't adding to the
Starting point is 00:12:53 um they were costing more to keep than they were adding yes mr hiller yeah you with the ceo shirt on and the uh and the bedroom eyes please is there a potential that they were letting go people that shouldn't have been there in the first place that's too vague of a question for me but the answer is yes i mean they let go of people like if you weren't making them money if you were here's like here's i'll give you a real an example they had people in the training team that i'm hearing that got let go and they didn't let them go because they were shitty they let them go because they were shitty. They let them go because they were too expensive. That would be my guess. Bad reason.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, so that – So someone's been there 10 years, and now all of a sudden you're paying $200,000 a year, but you have someone who's just as good who gets $60,000 a year but only been there four years. So that person's – their shit gets changed a little bit. I'm not hating on that either. The company has to stay fucking afloat and that's really common by the way to let go of all those people so you could rehire cheaper labor yeah i'm not none of this is um so well i don't know if hobart got the axe but i would guess not i have not heard i heard 22 people by name specifically. I don't think it helped that Dawn made any releases. I saw Lauren Khalil made some statement on her Instagram. I couldn't agree. I couldn't disagree with almost everything she said. I don't think Dawn should fucking talk. Yeah, like this. This is fucking nuts. This is not how CrossFit talks. Whoever wrote this is not how this is not how crossfit talks whoever wrote this is not across is not part of the community this is this is fucking tech fucking uh this is tech um uh
Starting point is 00:14:32 venture capitalist bullshit talk is letting go of 20 of its employees oh who who wrote that that that whole who wrote that oh morning chalk up. Sorry. But what they're doing basically is they're taking that 20 percent thing from what Don released. And Don wrote that thing where we're cutting our employment employees by 20 percent. It's like. Is this it? Oh, here's something that Don wrote. While this was incredibly hard decision, these reductions will help us create a more sustainable business model, ensure that we're prepared for economic uncertainty and position us to make some big bets against our most important priorities. So he shouldn't have said any of that. All that does is make me ask more questions. Like, how about this is an incredibly hard decision. We're doing our best to give people the severances they deserve. End of story.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Like, the rest of this, like what economic uncertainties? What are you talking about? Big bets against our most important priorities. What priorities? It's just bullshit. Sorry. It's just fucking bullshit. Well, it leaves a lot open to interpretation.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Like I wish you wouldn't say anything. Though the exact number of layoffs has not been disclosed, roughly 20% of employees at CrossFit HQ have been terminated as of Thursday morning. This is the morning chalk up thing. The morning chalk up has heard from individuals in various departments across the company, including partnerships, DEI,
Starting point is 00:15:48 adaptive affiliate management positions. So basically what happened, I mean, the good thing is, is they got rid of fucking a couple of psychos. And I mean that in the clinical sense. They got rid of a few truly truly mentally ill uh fucking people people of uh deep hatred for themselves and for humanity and and whether they're cognizant of that or not i have no idea but they did get rid of a couple of them and that makes me very happy uh you go what what basically i'm seeing here also there's one more thing you should know.
Starting point is 00:16:33 When Rosa came in and they fired a shitload of people, they also hired a ton of people, an unsustainable amount of people. All of a sudden, I was hearing names and shit from all the departments, and it was fucking crazy. And so basically when Don came in, I'm sure Don saw that and was like, wow, we got to start getting rid of people. This is a crazy load. And I think Rosa may have even had this line. I don't I don't remember what it is, but he was a hire and he hired a ton of people. And his eyes were bigger than his appetite, and he wasn't able to make use of them or have them increase the the revenue. So they had they had to get rid of a shitload of people for that reason.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Did you chat? Write a public statement for firing 20% of CrossFit employees. And it looks exactly like that. The morning shock up post. Oh, I like how it cited the 49er a lot down there. Oh, I should get rid of that. Oh, they do? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah, right at the top. We understand that this news may come as a shock to many of you. We want to assure you that we did not take the decision lightly. Our employees are an integral part of the CrossFit family. It's like the actual template where it says your name because it's just going to be switched out with another CEO
Starting point is 00:17:39 that I want. Holy shit. They just keep it blank. By the way, I stole this from Kate in the comments. It was a Kate idea. Holy shit. They just keep it blank. By the way, I stole this from Kate in the comments. It was a Kate idea. Holy shit. Hey, go up to the top a little bit. Let me look at that a little bit more closely.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Holy shit. I mean, it makes sense, right? It's just the generic, like, we let go of you and we're not really. I know, but I just expect so much more from Don than this. There you go. I thought he was savvy as shit. Yeah, his shit was written by ChatGPT. Motherfucker. much more from don than this there you go i thought he was savvy as shit yeah it was his shit was written by chat gpt motherfucker pretty good eh where's the 49ers part i want to see that
Starting point is 00:18:14 right at the top right at the top it is with heavy it is with heavy heart that we must announce a reduction in our workforce due to the ongoing financial impact of the 49ers game and changes in the fitness industry wow wow damn all right now now do you know how to use this no you say rewrite this but tell her to write it at a third grade level third grade level i know you can do that say please rewrite it to a third grade level let's see what it reduces it down to if it gets it just that little paragraph oh my god and just hired chat gt oh my god oh my goodness your crossfit friends we have some sad news to tell you we need to make some changes in our company and that means some of our workers will not be working with us anymore. There it is.
Starting point is 00:19:08 We do not want this to happen, but it's important to keep our business running. We know this is going to be surprising. There it is. So when you send this to people, you're stealing time from them. You're giving them shit that's just bullshit that they can't do anything with and you and you took time from them i would just rather said fuck off and the truth is this they don't owe us any explanation that's another reason why i could just i i can't agree with lauren at all crossfit doesn't owe a shit right fuck you they'll fire who they want to fire it's
Starting point is 00:19:39 their fucking company i i fully understand i fully understand that um uh so some of the people um some of the people who who got let go i'll tell you some of the no one on no one on the games team got fired from what i hear no one on the games team which is very very interesting the crossfit games team and that was another thing that lauren brought up uh she said that she's she was curious if this was a strategic plan or if this was triage because she's she was curious if this was a strategic plan or if this was triage because she has some concerns of how this would affect the 2023 season for crossfit games i have zero fucking care how this affects the crossfit games how dare you i know well it shows their priorities out a little bit right like what's gonna happen what
Starting point is 00:20:21 do you think's really gonna happen they're gonna put the wrong weights on the workouts? I mean, come on. What's the worst that could happen? And listen, here's another thing. They fired so many people. They laid off so many people. And now, but no one from the games department. Except for one media guy. Really low-level fucking media guy.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Interesting. His name is Patrick, I think want to i want to show you something here really quick you guys at home i've shown you this before i'll show you again it's been a while the statement from don was not written by chat gpt i checked how do you know because i asked it oh wow holy shit That was another kid. She said you could ask it. Wow, that's crazy. Where's my YouTube links?
Starting point is 00:21:11 Oh, shit. I didn't send you those YouTube links. Give me one second. I want to pull up. Oh, no, not the YouTube links. Sorry. I want to pull this up. I'm going to see if I can give this to Caleb.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Control, copy. I'm going to put this in can give this to Caleb. Control, copy. I'm going to put this in the private chat, Caleb. And just to close the loop on Rosa real quick, he still actually is a board observer, which basically just means he could participate in the meetings, he could look over any of the material, but he doesn't have a say on what happens on the company whatsoever. How do you become one of those?
Starting point is 00:21:45 You spend a lot of money. Well, I thought he didn't spend that much money. I think he put $2 million of his own money in the initial purchase to get himself a small percentage of equity. Okay, can you play that first one, the first one I sent you, and then pause this real quick? Okay, and go pull out just a little bit. How many views does this have? Okay, no, I know. I didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:22:04 So this one I think has 25,000 views. I'm guessing that this video cost CrossFit. This is what I tried to explain to Don, by the way, when he was on. This video cost, I bet you, $30,000 to make. Go ahead and play six seconds of this video. Strength. Okay, now go somewhere else in the middle yes i don't know so cross so it's a it's a video showing the bag lift it's three minutes and 10 seconds
Starting point is 00:22:41 i bet you they spent 30 grand making this in totality between the editing, having the guy shoot the footage. Now, play that link to that other clip. This other video I'm about to show you, I bet you cost them $300 to make. And one guy made it, and he made it on the fucking fly. And this guy got fucking fired, which is fucking nuts to me, which makes me realize that no one over there has any fucking clue what they're doing. And look, this has 53,000 views. This has twice as many views. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Oh, they picked up subscribers. Oh, lucky them. Find strength. They probably bought them. They're getting pissed. Action. As productive application of force. Come on, Houdet.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Let's go. Take yourself and productively apply the force your body can generate to everything, not just in the gym, but outside the gym. So this is the same video made a few months later. so this was made on the fly at the games for probably 300 bucks they probably paid the kid the other video was made months later with half as many views and cost thirty thousand dollars and yet they fired this fucking kid and i just use this as an example that someone there has no fucking idea what they're fucking doing you and so so basically
Starting point is 00:24:05 now you have to understand crossfitting and they fired uh jay vera who i i think i hired jay i'm not sure but they hired jay they fired jay vera and they fired this guy patrick which makes me think they only have one creative left there now think about that chris cooper was on the other day and he said the reason why he was an affiliate was because of media so when i was there there were 70 full-time media people and 30 contractors let's say and now they have one i think they have one i i don't know if that guy got fired but they but but if it's who I think is still there, he's a fucking powerhouse. But no, they're done, but not really.
Starting point is 00:24:51 No, they don't have any specific editors on staff. Yeah, they're all contractors. All contractors. Yeah. No one in house. 99% Mariah is a contractor. Yeah, it's whatever Ravi – no, what's the name of it? Greg pretty much got rid of everyone I hired.
Starting point is 00:25:12 But maybe there's a few stragglers left behind that I hired. But a couple people that are gone that are interesting is Alex Zirkenbach is gone. He was the director of the games uh adapted division uh hiller made a video about him and uh he was very very close to getting uh sued into fucking oblivion extreme adaptive athlete on the call remember that he like stood up and like ah i am zirkenbach whoa yes you didn't hear that, Sousa? No. Hear me roar. And she goes, I just want to know why I'm not allowed in. It's funny, too, because some people are like, hey, this is a really tough time and you shouldn't be attacking people now.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Some of these people have done some really fucked up shit. Like that. Well, like that, but worse. They've affected other people from fucking making money and supporting their families. And they've been involved in some pretty squirrely shit. And I've had reports of this fucking ding-dong talking all sorts of crazy shit about me and Greg. And he's blind. From many, many sources.
Starting point is 00:26:18 He was CrossFit's accessibility specialist, yeah, from Athena Perez. Hey, I met Athena. accessibility specialist yeah from athena perez hey i met athena wait i'm a fake fan what does that even mean and uh personally it's just true uh and then and then elaine the head of their um dei was was let go fired so there's a lady there was a lady there named elaine moreno and uh if you look at her job description you'll want to vomit it might as well just say um it may just it might as well it doesn't say anything but it could be interpreted if you understand what diversity inclusivity and equity means you could basically means i hire people based on the color of their skin. And that's it. Just to look at this.
Starting point is 00:27:07 She, her, a, a impact driven D I leader, fractional chief diversity officer, strategic change agent for systemic equity. So she's, I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:20 she's a prison guard. She wants to run everything like a prison. She's a bad, this is a bad person. It's so, it like a prison. She's a bad – this is a bad person. It's so good she's gone. Dude, that background to logo is nuts. She took those pictures in different spots on the same wall and put them together. Continuity. Basically, this person – I have not heard – I assume I would have heard if Dave Castro got fired.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I would assume I would have heard if Dave Castro got fired. I would assume I would have heard. So I'm going to say he did not. This woman is dangerous. Yeah, that woman, she is very dangerous. She is very dangerous. She's the one who determines who gets on the train to Auschwitz and who doesn't. That's what she wants to do. She wants to come into workplaces and look at people and be like you don't look right you do look right it it's uh it's some nasty shit what
Starting point is 00:28:11 do you think people like that think when they hear the way you describe them what do i think they think yeah so if she were to be watching this her and alex i think alex zirkenbach scared shitless he's i think he he hears it and he's like, oh, fuck. Because he knows what he said and knows what he did. And he knows he has no fucking evidence. He knows he did some really bad shit to a fucking really good person. And he should fucking feel like he wants to throw up. And Elaine's just, and honestly in the clinical sense
Starting point is 00:28:46 she's an imbecile so unless someone was willing to talk to her and explain to her um how she she goes out of her way to hurt people under the guise of helping people unless she she's gonna need a rude awakening she probably needs to fucking be just be thrown out in the forest with a fucking bucket of water to live off of for 30 days and do some deep soul searching but she but yeah she's stupid yes imbecile yeah she's unable to um uh oh here it is she said sebon is nothing but hatred yeah where did she say that probably in some meeting i'm surprised she was allowed to say that because didn't she have the whole list of words that you couldn't say because of the harmful language?
Starting point is 00:29:25 Damn right. That's who that was? I remember. Like, take a shot, come in, guns a-blazin'? Well. That whole list, do you remember? If I was hatred, I would say put you in a rocket shippy lane and fire you off to Pluto. But I do think that you have a chance, but it would require you, like I said, going out and strippingpping off all your clothes running out into the forest with a bucket of water and surviving for 30 days i was
Starting point is 00:29:48 gonna say dude you sent her to the forest with a bucket of water that's pluto yeah exactly exactly that that's what she would a bucket of water would need to be diverse liquid fine i'm open i would give her i would give her i'd put her near a stream and give her some of those pills that clean the water of parasites. But she is a very – these people are a crazy, crazy sickness. They are at the root. Their existence solely exists only if we believe their bullshit. shit. Only if we believe their lies, their imagination, that's the only way their reality exists. So if there's if there were no racism, her reality doesn't exist. She doesn't exist. Yeah, their job is making up and finding that stuff so they could solve those problems. Yes. Right. And when you ask them what problems they're solving, you get the jargon and then
Starting point is 00:30:41 you get confused on what exactly is happening. Specifically, specifically, I'll tell you you one thing she said she said crossfit has an issue because there aren't enough obese people who work here that was a specific issue she had yeah that was that was one of the things that i was heard she said in a meeting yeah i'm paraphrasing but i'm but i'm but i'm right hey if you asked her why too she would say that the diverse culture would bring a lot of nuance to the way that we attract certain people and it would make them feel more included in what we're doing here yeah something you brought up just a minute ago you said they've got one creative left one creative yeah and you also had chris cooper on the other day saying that the only value and even greg glassman the creator of crossFit said it's a media company with one
Starting point is 00:31:26 creator currently, what's the point of doing anything if the media company has no creators to put out content? Right. So like, let's say you have more fat people and this person is correct by any way. What's the point if there's no message to get out by having more fat people? Right. Hey, um, what's, what's,. Hey, what's scary shots by Shroka is not that half the country believes it.
Starting point is 00:31:51 That's not what's scary, by the way, but we'll get back on track in a second. What's scary is that the half that don't believe it don't care that the other half do believe it, and the half that do believe it, they're willing to kill. They're willing to kill the rest of us who don't believe in the Sasquatch. If we don't bend to their like we don't care that they that they have this thing called gender even though fucking we have no idea what it is we just know it's in their
Starting point is 00:32:14 imagination they're willing to kill us if we don't fucking bend the knee and under and pretend like we we know what it is but we don't care if they want to play with their imagination. That's the difference. That's why these people are so fucking dangerous. They want me, as I'm walking down the street to someone who looks like a threat, not to cross the street. Because it could hurt their feelings. Fuck you. Dude, I was driving the other day. I go, Alexis, watch this person's not going to stop. I can tell like for someone to walk crossing the street, there's no one around,
Starting point is 00:32:52 but I go, that person's going to expect me to stop my car so they can cross the road. And she gave me like one of these as I kept driving, like I was going to hit her. I go, okay, let's say you're right. And you walk in the middle of the road thinking I'm going to stop. and it hit her, I go, okay, let's say you're right. And you walk in the middle of the road thinking I'm going to stop. Then you're dead. Yeah, you're dead. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. You want to be right so bad that you are going to risk your life for it.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah. And that's how I – you can just see it coming. So what's up with gender reveal parties? Yeah, those are retards on the right who don't know the difference between gender and sex. Oh, come on. i've been to a great time at this point in time where it's just not suggesting that retards don't have fun okay so so it's a great it's a great thing that she's gone it's fantastic she's gone i i i i i hope that she takes some time to stop putting on so much makeup stop getting dressed up in stupid clothes and just goes out and does some really deep
Starting point is 00:33:46 soul searching and frees herself from her fucking dogmatic ways and insisting that trying to make the world better on the backs of putting her foot on the neck of fucking black people. So I wish her well and I'm glad she took fucking Alex Zirkenbach with her. So
Starting point is 00:34:01 goodbye. So kudos to them uh there was a guy named jordan holland that was let go uh for the what's interesting about letting him go is many would consider the um california and the west coast of the united states is the biggest hub for crossfit in california and in the world sorry the biggest hub for CrossFit in the world is this west coast of the United States. And I do believe he was the kind of the, what was he? The country manager, the affiliate rep for this section of planet Earth. Which included Hawaii, yep.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Okay, so it's a little weird. It's interesting that he's gone, right? Is it just him out of everybody on the affiliate rep side? Was he the only affiliate rep that was let go i don't know okay i don't know that is a good question yeah uh unsporty beth uh alec and elena moreno have been hooking up in seven's old office uh unsporty beth you had an office i I did. Nice. I did. All right. I know. That's weird, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Well, I mean, you're in one right now, so not that weird. I don't know if that's true on Sporty Beth, but I appreciate that. Oh, sorry. One of our correspondents deep inside the corporate structure at CrossFit Inc. reports Alec and Elena Moreno, Alec Zirkenbach and Elena Moreno, have been hooking up in Savon's old office. Oh, interesting. Imagine Sporty Beth needing to come here to get information because there's no other media outlets,
Starting point is 00:35:34 and she just sees that get brought up. She goes, what the hell? Come on. There's nowhere else that you're going to hear about who's getting laid off, but she wants to know, and she's like, come on. Oh, and Sporty Beth. That's me. What's interesting about some of these people who got fired too is that they are amazing uh dei hires some of these people that got let go like are really amazing dei
Starting point is 00:35:58 hires and uh you know it's it's like um it's a they fit the requirement, ethnic, sexual orientation, skin color, you know, rules on how to hire. But but but they got whacked. So make note of that. OK, so so Jordan Holland's gone. That's that that been around forever. The first time I met him, he owned an affiliate in Seattle, I think. He ran it out of a Globo gym. This is in 2008 or 2009. I made a video with him. The guy has been around forever. He has crazy institutional knowledge. He's toast. That's kind of weird. has made hundreds of movies and pieces for crossfit in their uh journal um uh he made a movie about the struggles with type 2 diabetes uh in the ghetto in east la and that uh won several film festival awards and it is actually part of the curriculum at pepperdine university i'm sure no one who works there fucking knows that. I'm sure, like, when they fired him,
Starting point is 00:37:09 I don't think anyone went to fucking YouTube and pulled up and was like, holy fuck, look at this guy's contribution to CrossFit. I bet you there was no, I don't know that for a fact, but he's also the guy who's made probably the best and most famous CrossFit Games commercial in the history of the CrossFit Games. It was the one of the crossfit games it was the one with the mexican dad and the mexican son and they're playing chess and do you know that one do
Starting point is 00:37:31 you know do you think you could find that kayla johnny medina johnny medina yeah shout out johnny medina what's up yeah johnny medina's a good skateboarder oh there he is he's right there fucking a there he is in the comments holy shit talking about this yeah maybe maybe he arrives look at that yeah so kind of crazy that he's gone kind of crazy i mean uh you have to know though that when they fired a guy named leaf edmondson who'd basically been doing the programming for crossfit inc ever since greg and lauren stopped doing it basically and so once they you know that they're going to fire someone like that you should know that anyone can go they're not interested in preserving crossfit inc they're going to fire someone like that, you should know that anyone can go. They're not interested in preserving CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 00:38:07 They're interested, once again, in… Making money. In stopping people from killing whales. Yeah, making money. Killing whales. That's the Greenpeace mission. Jay's an amazing person. Sucks to that.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, amazing person. Good dude. Good dude. I don't know if you guys remember this but oh but there was a short commercial version do you remember there was a version that's like a 30 second version and a minute version and they played it and it basically it fucking exploded when we played it it was like everyone was tripping yeah it was like one of those little bumpers i would play at the games like in between events like constants yeah like a feel-good piece yeah constants yeah
Starting point is 00:38:42 he may have made that too or that yeah i don't Yeah, Constance. He may have made that too. I don't remember who made that, but he may have made that. Another person that's gone I hear is there was a girl on the affiliate team named Sarah Lucas. I don't know what the fuck's going on with the affiliate team over there. I've been hearing since Rosa came in that they were planning on automating a lot of stuff that the affiliate girls did. Yes, they called them affiliate girls because it was all mostly all vaginas that worked there and at least when i was there it was like 10 vaginas i think there was one penis at one point i think i met that did i meet that group in phoenix they may have been there for just some of them to speak at greg's um to see greg speak uh but
Starting point is 00:39:22 basically sarah lucas was always considered one of the hardest people on the affiliate team i'm not just saying that if she was a bag of shit i'd tell you uh she she knows her shit and she knows the affiliates and so if you needed human interaction with affiliates uh she would be the last person that you'd want to get rid of affiliate team is basically gone that's interesting so if the affiliate team is gone and all the media creatives are gone that tells you kind of what crossfit is prioritizing isn't chase ingram isn't chase ingram on the affiliate team and austin maliolo are on the affiliate team isn't chase ingram basically um doesn't he him and some other people they basically replace people like jordan
Starting point is 00:40:02 holland they have like their own regions like chase ingram has his own region yeah katie hogan is the one out here and it was katie hogan yeah it was katie and jordan and obviously they let jordan go and katie is staying so when when that sleek he says basically the affiliate team is gone it means the people who answered the phones and answered the emails the affiliate ladies as you call them and he said i did meet them they were awesome they were a really good group. Okay, so here's the commercial. Yeah, we can go ahead and play seven seconds of this. Isn't it crazy?
Starting point is 00:40:30 And this is how fucked up CrossFit is. If I played this, they would fuck me. They would try to get me kicked off of YouTube. War. That's a great shot. This is cool. Yeah, it's really... Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Dude, you should do a review of this this thing is crazy i already have a story on my channel from crossfit though me too this is a two of them this is a story base it's a father and son story around uh crossfit it's crazy powerful you gotta be careful you got two strikes. One of them has went away already. You have 90 days. Daniel Garrity, I love CrossFit, and I can't think of any reason I would give them money at this point. That's a terrible business model. Jay is a great dude. Yeah, it's nuts.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I'm telling you that Sarah Lucas, man, if you're an affiliate, I'm not doing her justice. So basically what they did back in the day was a competition between all the affiliate girls. And basically when you made calls, you had to basically write it down. You had to make a note of it in some sort of fucking software. And she was constantly the winner. She was constantly the winner. I don't know how she's done in the last two years, but for the five or 10 years that I worked with her, she was a powerhouse and And she knew her shit, and the other girls were a little scared of her. But she was no bullshit. And she was a fucking gnarly CrossFitter. Did I show you her at Greg's thing? I don't think so, no. She's a gnarly CrossFitter. She has a crazy physique.
Starting point is 00:42:07 And basically, CrossFit health must be dead that's it it's done i heard that uh karen thompson is gone uh karen thompson so greg started this thing called crossfit health and it was to show the ills of modern medicine basically the corruption in medicine that so many people still unfortunately so many of our loved ones and so many people we know and so many people in the chat still don't fucking realize the third leading cause of death in the United States is medical errors. We have a massive thing called the replication crisis. It's a complete fucking disaster what's happened to medicine. Sorry, I know your wife's about to have some pretty serious surgery. Sorry, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Oh, no, it's cool. But – It's tragic. But Karin Thompson was the one who carried that torch for Greg, and she brought in some of the most amazing speakers to CrossFit Inc. These are people who – tons of people who were deplatformed off of Wikipedia and other platforms for their profound contribution to medicine and nutrition and health. And with Karin Thompson gone, that means there that means CrossFit Health is now 100% dead. There's no one. That's gone.
Starting point is 00:43:10 That's got to be. And you know what? To be honest, there was no one who was going to carry that mantle after Greg left. Yeah, I was surprised it hung around as long as it did, right? It seemed like really just a Greg thing. I knew I knew his name from somewhere. Oh, yeah, your open then open yeah yeah oh shit no shit he he's a bad dude i was just staring at his name how do i know johnny and medina i know i i ran into him somewhere i want to say at a skate park recently and he had his kid with him or at the beach.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And by recently, I mean a year ago. I was somewhere and he was there. A pizza place? Fuck, I can't remember. But he walked up to me and we reunited for a few minutes. It was nice. He's a grown-ass man now. He was a kid when I was there.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Yeah, he was a regionals competitor and he was a high-level dude. Yeah, people liked him. If he had gone to the games he would have been huge he was getting real close to it he had that it factor okay so and then Joe Westerlin I hear is toast
Starting point is 00:44:15 I have not confirmed that with Joe bizarre there it is Devon at the Jiu Jitsu comp nowhere better to nowhere better to see a mexican stockton california it's a stomping ground over there go figure awesome all right uh jiu-jitsu turned pizza place i knew it was i pictured i picture when i saw him it was indoors and it was crowded and i kind of like pictured us like by like the fucking Coke machine or the salad bar at a pizza place. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:44:50 That's cool. Joe Westerlin, Flowmaster, was very close to Greg in the inner circle, probably in the top, you know, 20 or 50 closest people ever to Greg. I would say. Ridiculously intelligent. I think I recall CrossFit got him, and he was a strength and conditioning coach, like maybe at the University of Omaha or something. I think maybe when he brought CrossFit to the university there,
Starting point is 00:45:23 it was the first year the wrestling team there won a national championship. Now, they had had national champions, but I don't think they'd ever won the national championship. And he – anyone who has a chance to meet him, he knows some shit. He's the one who introduced the idea to me that he thinks that ankle flexion and shoes, kids wearing shoes, is the cause for, like, so many knee injuries, hip injuries, and back injuries. Because as soon as you lose ankle flexion, it it just goes upstream the compensation in the body from there and he introduced that to me fucking i don't know the first time i filmed with him 10 or 15 years ago i think i think he was uh he was probably stacy tovar's first coach maybe uh libby dibiase's first coach kyle casper bauer the guy has crazy lineage and He's smart, and he's funny as shit. He did my L1. He did do your L1. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Do you have everyone's contact info? Can we just send all these people a link? Hey, you were fired. I think these people are reeling, to tell you the truth, right now. That's why I think these people are reeling. Some of them have been there a long-ass time, right? You were saying they were there with you.
Starting point is 00:46:24 A long time man that's gonna that's yeah what else to do say it again now they gotta go find something else to do yeah don't worry uh when one door closes another door opens uh dark
Starting point is 00:46:40 the sun comes before the darkest part of night shut the fuck up I'm just I'm just saying all these people are hearing shit like that from people right now. Don't worry. You're so talented. You'll get through this. A lucky camera strap since the 2019 roller coaster of CrossFit HQ has really taken its toll on us affiliate owners. Very hard to stay positive.
Starting point is 00:46:59 How do you do it, Sousa? I don't know that I do. Boom, boom, boom. I don't know he's a guest on the show you got to see the show he he ran a program that instead of taking kids to juvenile hall you bring them to crossfit gyms if they can make it in the program they're at the crossfit gym for three months um they or whatever the duration is nine months whatever they they they have time served and it was the most successful program like i forget which state it was but they had maybe colorado but it was the most successful juvenile program they had ever had there by far a long shot and it was because of the community in the gym as opposed to these programs that other people had tried running programs or other fitness programs for the kids and basically this thing was had spread like wildfires wildfire all over the state i think
Starting point is 00:47:58 maybe even the governor of whatever state he's in came to his gym uh matt schindeldecker they killed the only pro and it and it made a fucking uh good little amount of money for the affiliates like a good little amount of money for him if you could have 10 kids in there all the time you didn't even need any other clients matt schindler decker they killed the only program driving revenue directly to our affiliates that truly speaks to the heart of where some individuals at hq are taking the company i don't know what he's talking about there, but is he talking about his program? It sounds like he's talking about his program
Starting point is 00:48:28 or another one that really aided the affiliates, which kind of goes with the speculation of if they've eliminated the affiliate team and they've downsized the media, are they just completely destroying what's left of the value proposition to become an affiliate? Sleeky, 12 years.
Starting point is 00:48:44 What's 12 years? That's how long he was at with crossfit uh uh westerlin no sleaky oh is that like mick lovin oh sleaky and sleaky was fired was yeah i said he missed the show this morning because he was on zoom calls uh getting fired or laid off due to the restructuring of the business model in uncertain economic times. Okay. That's a long time. Heidi Kroom.
Starting point is 00:49:10 I'm cracking up. Savon is on fire tonight. Killing bro. Killing. Thank you, bro. Okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:49:16 thank you. Sleeky. Yeah. So you can stress test anything I say. Jay Hartle. He has been. Yeah. I wish that this was,
Starting point is 00:49:21 this is a terrible cop out. Like free pro. Did you, so you're saying it's good to be more like F45? Are you kidding me? I see this everywhere. It's like, oh, what are they giving the affiliates? Free programming. It's like it's part of the best part of the affiliates is that you get a little taste of what it means to be there.
Starting point is 00:49:38 How many people do you know using the cap? Because I've seen it, and it's all right, but it's also people looking at the whiteboard, and they're going, okay, we're going to do some overhead squats. Oh, he said it's sarcasm. Okay, thank God. He fucked you up. He fucked you up.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I see. I was going to jump in. I was going to jump in and agree with you. Shut the hell up about the free cat program. It's not that big. It's, you freaking moron. I like the cat program, and I'm impressed by it. No, you shouldn't be.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Do you do it? No. Have you ever looked at a workout from it? No. Okay, shut up. All right, fine. Fair, fair. Point Hiller.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Point Hiller. Damn. Look at what you started,le oh yeah but he did this you guys were Hiller was in a bar fight and I came over and was like and got fucking punched in the face I should have stayed fucking at home I was gonna jump in because I was agreeing with him
Starting point is 00:50:35 um uh shots by uh Shroka CrossFit is making media for semifinals uh and uh to help pay for spectator tickets to get in this year I'm not sure what that means but yeah that's the thing so the fact that no one got fired on the games team and there's people fired
Starting point is 00:50:51 everywhere all over the fucking company makes me also wonder what their priorities are and I know that's kind of a cheap shot because you can be like hey the games team is really lean and I get that but I don't give two shits about the games really other than the fact of how they make the affiliates feel. And other than that, I don't – anyone who keeps referring to it like it's anything other than the affiliates after party, year-end after party, Christmas party. I just don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:51:28 And you know the truth is I think Don kind of has that sentiment also, and I love Don for that. You think he gets it? I don't know if he gets it fully, but I don't think he's not – I'd never get Gamesista from him. Never. Neither do I. Like fanboy? No, zero.
Starting point is 00:51:40 And I'm okay with fanboying a little bit, but I don't get – I think he does put the – I think he puts truly the fiduciary duty of the investors first. Which then might come up as a struggle to what you were saying before, right? Because if the fiduciary duties don't align with the interest of the affiliates in the direction of the methodology, then we're going to have a problem. And I think that's what we're seeing now. and i think that's what we're seeing now yeah yeah yeah uh okay so so that's a that's that's that's a um shame uh whoever i was just talking about that they got let go karen thompson was that the last person who said tragedy uh she's the author of a book called sugar-free revolution incredibly intelligent person crazy well connected crazy connected uh knows uh knows
Starting point is 00:52:28 fucking 100 uh new york times best-selling authors she's super nice too i got in trouble by her one time and it was like the nicest way you could ever get like yelled at and threatened yeah powerhouse uh so i i feel bad for uh tim chan oh here's here's a book. Yeah. And I did read that book and it's a great book. Tim Chan. I don't have 100 percent confirmation on that. Maybe someone will say, but I heard Tim Chan was like, oh, which is kind of fucking crazy to me. That's a crazy name. Do you know who it is?
Starting point is 00:52:59 No. He's fucking old school as a motherfucker. And he that was that was Dave's personal assistant for years. Like that, that guy, that wherever Dave was, that dude was. That's an easy job, right? Pardon me? An easy job, right? Not an easy job, right?
Starting point is 00:53:18 I know. That's sarcasm. More sarcasm. And, and not, and then he got fired and then, and then he got brought back. And I think he, when he got brought back, he wasn't brought brought back as dave's assistant um but as i recall when i was fired he was one of the few people maybe it wasn't me he reached out to but maybe he reached out to my wife and he stayed in contact with her in just um in a benevolent way. You know what I mean? Like he was a true gentleman. So that fucking sucks.
Starting point is 00:53:52 A ton of, Tim is confirmedly up. Okay. A ton of fucking institutional knowledge. Capable of anything. So when you're Dave's personal assistant, Dave could be like, hey, I need 200 bottles of water right there when those people walk in over there. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I'm going to need sushi for 500 guests. I need T-shirts printed in three hours that say this on them. I mean the guy, he was truly fucking remarkable. Sherry Zing I heard heard, was let go. She was part of the affiliate team. I think she was actually the boss. I think originally the boss was Kathy Glassman, and then her general was Paula Gravatt.
Starting point is 00:54:38 They were both fired the same day I was. And then I think Sherry Zing was made the general of the girls. Like, she ran the girls and i heard she was fired too shitload of institutional knowledge also running the girls so basically anytime i'll just give an example of some of the shit they did so anytime someone wanted to become an affiliate they had to fill out uh an application when you fill out the application there would be an essay in there and then you'd have to show that you had proof of insured and just all these hoops you had to jump through.
Starting point is 00:55:05 So they would read your essay, decide whether you know if there's anything in there that needs to be red flagged or anything that makes it like you're not a good fit for CrossFit. They would make sure your insurance was up to date. They would make sure your L1 is up to date. They would make sure that your Hiller Fit or whatever the name of your gym is wasn't taken. Just all the things that helped. They were the docents that helped the affiliates get in the door and then if you started having complaints like hey there's an affiliate that opened up down the street or there's someone calling crossfit um you know a crossfit gym
Starting point is 00:55:33 across the street crossfit and they're not crossfit you would contact them they fielded all of those emails all of those communications and um and it's a pretty thankless job how do you feel about this uh dave eubanks kicked my camera at the 2022 games on purpose he kicked my dog that's what i think i heard that i don't know what uh affiliate fees will be changing a lot about affiliate affiliation will be like what what more i i hope it's more okay interesante i don't really i don't hope it's more but i hope because it'd be so dumb if they made it more uh matt schindeldecker they told us today this program was being eliminated and my business partner was let go they do not want to continue to support programs like this for affiliates or yeah uh yeah i wonder if that was costing them anything i wonder if that was costing anything or even if it did but it put
Starting point is 00:56:41 more money in the pockets of the affiliates, and they could subsidize it through other things. Then it still would make sense to keep it, even if it was a little bit of a loss, but boosted up your base of your affiliates. So that's interesting. Yeah. And I guess that's what I mean, big picture. I wonder what that program caused them. Yolanda Jennings, you can't fire the games team until after the game is over. Otherwise, imagine the uproar. Well, the thing is this, I suspect because of all the changes that have happened this year,
Starting point is 00:57:11 not the changes that we talk about, but like the, the big changes, like the fact that the CrossFit is taking on the expense of so many regionals or whatever the fuck they're called. I think this year is going to be, if there's a hiccup in the games this year, I think we'll see a shitload of heads roll.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Yeah, what's the – how are you going to – I think they're on their last thread. That's just my guess. I have no insight into that. I have no intel. But I'm just guessing if I'm Don, I'm like, and I just saw what he just did, he's not going to tolerate any – if the turnout of fans is similar to the way it was
Starting point is 00:57:45 last year in Tennessee toast that games team is toast I think that would be my guess they have shit for brains in fucking media the black page gone woke putting Meredith Root on
Starting point is 00:57:59 allowing just open hatred towards men on the black page fucking disgusting the black page that wait a minute disgusting the black page now that's what you call uh instagram is called the black page oh so the main crossfit yeah yeah that's what we used to call it with the one that tried to get chase kicked off she is yes yes eating me she's in charge of that the instagram no no no no they made a post of hers they like reposted her post they reposted some of her shit recently they like elevated her little thing there yeah which is a couple of the things that they've like reposted or like a couple of these influencers
Starting point is 00:58:37 that they've like partnered with and stuff and have put on main page has has been like really disappointing outside of the scott pancheck video uh kent sykes uh australian 20 hey so by the way when we talked about this thank you buddy by the way i appreciate it i really do good to see you uh australian time we're live for you uh what's interesting is when they posted this i want to say it had three to four hundred comments and now i think it's approaching 700 that That's good, though. No? Is that true? Yeah, we talked to Trish.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Oh, Trish said some crazy shit. Trish is everywhere. Dude, that was a long Trish comment. It's so novel. She's a thoughtful woman. Oh. The intro really does it but it seems sarcastic um alice nyc do you think the grandfathered affiliates will have their fees increased i wouldn't mind uh i wouldn't keep mine oh you'd let yours go if they increase the fees
Starting point is 00:59:44 interesting because and she's basically what she's telling you right there is that the only reason she keep is keeping is at a discount there's not enough of a value there to where if the price increased slightly they would just leave she would just leave uh yeah well said and i think she has a pretty crazy affiliate i don't know which one it is specifically i think i don't want to say it out here but i think she's got a name that no one could ever get again. Well, imagine this. Imagine you change your, uh, a rate at your gym, at your affiliate by $15 more a month. And then a group of 20 people are like, fuck this. We're out of here. Do you even really
Starting point is 01:00:16 think that group of 20 people wasn't committed in a part of your community and gym anyways? Usually if you have a five-star member, that's really into the community and loves that place. And you say, Hey, I'm really sorry, but, but in order for us to survive and keep growing, we need to charge you $15 more a month. Usually they're like, oh, what took you longer? What took you so long? No problem. $15 extra? No problem.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Sorry to put you on the spot. If they doubled the affiliation fee, would you stay affiliated? Dude, it was tough for me these last two years to stay affiliated. And the main reason why I jumped back on ship this time was because of the belief in don but i was always kind of in the back of my mind was wondering like hey i like don i like the talking points i like what he's bringing like leadership style wise but like can he actually deliver that not in the sense of he's not capable but in the sense that does he have the support from the board and from berkshire. Is that a no? Because you didn't really say anything. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:07 What? He said, is that a no? Because he asked you a question and then you gave an answer, but it was like a yes or a no question. He's fucking you up, Sousa. I don't know. I thought I delivered that pretty well. No.
Starting point is 01:01:19 No, you did. I just wanted to hear you. There's simpletons out there. No. Hey, 40 tickets for the East Regionals are sold out. That's fucking great news for the games team. For reserve seats. Oh.
Starting point is 01:01:32 You did deliver that well, but I just wanted a straight-up answer. I think that would be the case for many grandfathered affiliates. At Allison, I wouldn't blame you for doing so one bit. Yeah, tactical nutrition. That's where Meredith wrote that fucking bullshit from. Dangerous food. That's how I read it. Hey, Jeff, just so you know, let me...
Starting point is 01:02:00 Oh, interesting. Four-day reserve section tickets are sold out for the CrossFit East Regionals. They're $220. Seems like a fair price. Take in the action from the best seats in the house. The tickets for reserve seating section at the main competition floor for all four days. Once you are in the reserve section, seats are a first-come, first-served basis.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Kids under 12 will need a ticket to access premium seats, unless under the age of two and sitting on an adult's lap. Jeff, yeah, what did Meredith Root say? She's a clown. less under the age of two and sitting on an adult's lap. Uh, Jeff. Yeah. What, what did Meredith Root say? She's a clown. These people hate men and think they're virtuous. Um, they need to be called out. They're evil. Here's the thing. Why is CrossFit allowing that? Why is CrossFit, uh, echoing that sentiment? What's crazy is someone in there tried to tell me the definition of patriarchy. If you want to see some convoluted shit, read what they said. The definition is it's not about a specific man. see some convoluted shit, read what they said the definition is.
Starting point is 01:02:46 It's not about a specific man. It's about men in general. It's basically what they said. I took it all wrong. Listen, I don't care if you want to hate on men, but I don't think should be... A system or society of government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
Starting point is 01:03:11 I think that the thing from root should have been 30 seconds because there was some good in there but there was also a lot of not so good in there yeah it was 1950s good like hey who in the fucking community doesn't know like there's no dude in the fucking community that doesn't want a chick with fucking traps and a fucking cannonball ass like is the black page really talking to the community or are they trying to suck people into the community i don't know but the way that the way she said it was is like it was some sort of like profound thing it's like yo dude we're all fucking crossfitters like she should have just and it's kind of like whiny like she just bit into a lemon like it's something profound it should have been said with like a different vibration those are coffee if i if i may tap into my hippie roots like women let's rock and roll let's let our bodies express
Starting point is 01:03:52 themselves let's be strong let's go to a crossfit gym let's let's roll let's work out there let's support each other let's love each other and on top of that if we're dykes we'll find other strong bitches and if we're not dykes we'll find other strong bitches and if we're not dykes we'll find motherfuckers like andrew hiller there well he's taken but other dudes who have personal accountability personal responsibility and will love our bodies for the expression that they have when they work hard fuck yeah and you menopausal bitches i love you too. Get your ass to class. That's it. Not this fucking, it's just fucking, I can't believe what Uncle Buck did to me when I was seven, but let me grind this ax out.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Listen, Uncle Buck did it to all of us. I only got one of them. I got Uncle Joe. There's time. Extra sloppy, you could go to prison. Extra sloppy, $4.99. There's been an observational shift in terms of cooperate emphasis on profits favoring long-term projections
Starting point is 01:04:55 over short-term that's promising for Don. Okay, one more time. I thought this was a joke, but there might be something in here. Susie, you read this and unfuck this. What is he he saying there has been an observable shift in terms of corporate emphasis on profits favoring long-term projections over short term that's promising for don it's bullshit he's just fucking with us yeah i guess that's just jumbo yeah i'm gonna need a phd to decipher that he's cut he's cut all his losses now to save more money in the end. Barry McCocken and Meredith Ruttenowicz-Parker aren't even affiliated with CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:05:35 and they bought IG followers for their nutrition page. Burn! Damn. Okay, Uncle Buck. Yeah, you know Uncle Buck. Uncle Buck just got out of prison. I said you actually said something that you made a really, really good point, which is like what is the purpose of that CrossFit Instagram page?
Starting point is 01:05:53 Like are they trying to speak outward? Are they speaking to the base? Who exactly are they trying to attract and what's the purpose of it? And that's a – yeah, exactly. That's why it's such a good question. They don't know. Who are they speaking to? No, they don't know who they're speaking to. What's the point of the CrossFit Instagram page? Who are they speaking to, and what are the content that they're posting?
Starting point is 01:06:10 They have social justice warriors inside the company still, and everyone who's in charge of everything forward-facing is a social justice warrior. That's what's crazy. Don needs to just see that. You got rid of fucking Peter. Who's Peter? Peter's the guy who made that fucking video. Like you got – like I already told him how to crack the code. It's so fucking easy.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Barry McCockner, 499. Okay, we already saw that. Giovanni Caracci, how transparent was Greg with growth numbers? Too transparent. I hated how transparent he was. He shared everything when you were working there Sevan seems like HQ nowadays doesn't share shit I don't think that they I don't think that they are obligated
Starting point is 01:06:54 to share shit yeah well what was the issue with Greg being too transparent in your I thought it was none of anyone's business it's his fucking business you know what I mean like I'd like the line between what it was almost like anyone's business. It's his fucking business. You know what I mean? Like, I like the line between. What? It was almost like everyone got aboard the rocket ship.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Everyone get on the rocket ship. This is awesome. Yeah, I agree. I'm not saying it was wrong. It just made me uncomfortable sometimes. Like, I was like, hey, we should keep this shit private. But he shared. He was very transparent.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Okay, so Sherry Zing gone. Tragedy is someone else with a shitload of uh institutional um knowledge uh along i i got 22 specific names throughout the day that were gone those are the people that i thought i would mention um i i would like to go over to um if we can, I'd like to go over to Barbell Spin. Is that the place? Is that Brian Spin's Instagram account? It is.
Starting point is 01:07:53 It's in your spin. The trusted news source. Ditto me, 305. Sevan, I'm a big fan. You made the videos that got me in CrossFit Trurogy. Oh, look at that. Jorge Fernandez follows the account. Let me see who else follows the account. in CrossFit Trurogy. Oh, look at that. Jorge Fernandez follows the account.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Let me see who else follows the account. Patrick Vellner and Two Brain Business. Plus 29 more. Wow. Look at that. That's a fucking diverse name. Alexis Raptus. Heavy hitters right at the top. Right. Those top three, though. No, I was was to say those top three are really white males.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Jorge Fernandez. Sorry, Jorge. That wasn't cool. Yolanda Jennings, five dollars from Australia. Thank you. Well, we need to do more night shows. Australians are dumping the cash for continued name practice. Some of my favorite moments on the podcast outside of the alpaca workout discussion.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Fusile Magawa Yolanda. Dude, one of these days you're gonna say that i think it's fusile fusile yeah fusile fusile fusile yeah can you can you say it it's fusile fusile isn't it fusile few it's like few like Like few. There are a few of her. She's 128 pounds. Yeah. Few. Few. Few.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Few. Few. Few. Few. Few. Few. Few. Few.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Jeremiah Clarkson because he's the man. Thanks, man. Hey. Thanks, Jeremiah. Jeremiah, that is some fucking atrocious bar muscle-up for him. You look like you're going to fall off the front, buddy. Hey, man. He's about to finish.
Starting point is 01:09:21 All right? All right. Fine. Okay. Can we pull up a barbell spin and see what they're thank you for the money uh jeremy uh much jeremiah much appreciate appreciate it uh okay let's look at this uh first one barbell spin isn't it weird how little media there is yeah how many people covered it barbell spin morning chalk up and we banged on it this morning and we're banging on it again tonight at 7 a.m this morning i just came out of the i came out of the uh i came at it hard i think few so late you want to watch lauren khalil's story about it i it kind of triggers me do you want to watch it yeahil's story about it? It kind of triggers me. Do you want to watch it?
Starting point is 01:10:05 Yeah. She's our friend. I'm kind of afraid to watch it like I'm going to fucking snap on her. Don't snap on her. Dooley, we don't want to punch Noah. I'm really surprised. Oh, can we get a video about it? No. No.
Starting point is 01:10:23 It would be awesome. Okay, go look. Caleb, should I go look at that or are you going to look at that i got it he's got it i saw it over there okay looks great she looks great by the way start off there nice positive are you there first and foremost my heart goes out to anybody who's being impacted by those layoffs right now pause pause that's number one yeah so uh i'm especially uh for disappointed for all the people who work at the local coffee shop that uh jay vera went to every morning where he spent money because he's probably not going to go there and buy coffee from you anymore what the fuck does this mean everyone who's impacted by the layoffs you're really your heart goes out well they lost their jobs. The Khaleesi. I know.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Sleek worked there for 12 years. You just be nicer because you know you're going to run into her at some event. I'm being nicer because I like her. Okay, fine. She's a homie. Okay, go on. Number two, thank you to CrossFit and Don Fall for at least giving a statement
Starting point is 01:11:23 instead of people just speculating from whispers that they've been hearing pause the speculations have 10 times as much information as Don didn't say a
Starting point is 01:11:39 fucking thing nope zero nope nope yeah daniel garrity i prefer when someone rambles for six minutes not realizing he forgot to share the video he's rambling about yeah at least i'm saying shit incredible i went to lunch today and i had a hamburger. I drove there in a 64 Impala and parked in the handicap spot because I don't give a fuck. I went did a little three wheel motion and was listening to fucking LL Cool J going back to Cali. When I got out of the car, I stepped in dog shit and I'm such a baller.
Starting point is 01:12:18 I just took my shoes off and left him there. I told you some shit I'm doing. You know, right? that is a baller move you just ditched the shoes but but what i don't know what the fuck don said i just wish don said i don didn't whispers and being hearing etc shut the fuck up sorry lauren but yeah you are you do look good in that color and you are you are very easy to understand you're articulate am i allowed to say that about women that they're articulate is that where does that get canceled no that's condescending that's called mansplaining oh not to be confused with man bun
Starting point is 01:12:52 shut the fuck up man i also go on the record saying i also like lauren good but she's my friend he'll get out i agree Sevan they haven't said shit so go on I don't know what she's saying so far I don't know what she said other than give us something to talk about giving us content etc
Starting point is 01:13:17 however I want to caveat that by saying now is the perfect time to hold a press conference. No, Dawn. No press conferences. Don't fucking take Dave Eubanks and fucking put him in a fucking rocket ship and shoot him to Pluto with no fucking cell phone.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Let no one speak. If someone has to speak, fucking now bring out Nicole Carroll. Get Dave Eubanks as far as you can away from yeah everyone else needs to shut the fuck up only people who are actually gonna say shit like bring out a fucking pipe hitter you know bring out the seal if he still works there or nicole like don't know no one else like with the bullshit. Got enough of the bullshit. Or don't say anything.
Starting point is 01:14:05 I'm totally fine with you not saying anything, too. I'm totally cool. Like, you owe us dick. We think Roman's workout was just fine. What do you mean? Yeah. You don't owe us anything. Please do not have a whole depressed conference.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Do not. Okay. More questions than answers right now. And I think as somebody who works in the community, I want to know what's going on. And we want to know what exactly is happening specifically, knowing that we are in the midst of the 2023 season. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:43 So there's a conflict there. I agree with her. I want to know what's going on too. I sure as fuck don't care about the 2023 season. Okay, so there's a conflict there. I agree with her. I want to know what's going on too. I sure as fuck don't care about the 2023 season. I want to know what's going on too, but don't do it. You don't know it to us. She's giving you advice for what she wants,
Starting point is 01:14:55 not for what you want. I agree with her. I'd like you to fucking come out and tell us a bunch of shit too so we can make more content making fun of you guys. But don't do it as a homie. I'm telling you, don't do it. This is a 1983 hunt. Right? Does anyone disagree with me? Do you guys but don't do it as like as a homie i'm telling you don't do it this is a 1983 right does anyone disagree with me do you guys disagree like i completely agree with you i think the less is more approach is going to be big here pillar do you think that
Starting point is 01:15:15 don should come out and fucking field questions from us oh no yeah me neither oh yeah yeah right there i want to know out of curiosity too but it really doesn't matter no exactly right by the way you know i want to say something about the buttery bros uh real quick um awesome their editing is on another level it truly it truly fucking is i was i was thinking about why the other people suck so much. Which other people? Just all of them, including myself. It's just like everyone else sucks. You don't suck, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yours is good too. I apologize. I'm a rookie. I'm a third grader. But, dude, they do 30-minute pieces of just – sometimes of just – there's this crack. They make crack. I cannot believe what good editors they are. They're out of this fucking world big talent i do if they leave the community i don't know that would be bad the the correct one is the next question will be from andrew
Starting point is 01:16:16 hiller from youtube that's how that's how i that's how they had them address me from youtube yeah i did the the buttery bros are really great but really annoying at the same time That's how they had them address me. From YouTube. Yeah, the Buttery Bros are really great but really annoying at the same time. But they've even toned that shit down. They have. I watched something recently of them, and that Bible really wasn't there anymore. If you haven't seen any of their recent stuff, check it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:43 They know how to work it. They know how to work it. Okay, enough of them. This is accurate. Stephanie edits their videos. Oh, who's Stephanie? Their editor. Oh, whoever the fuck that is, she's a beast.
Starting point is 01:16:56 She's fit too. We're hiring at the Sevan podcast. There's no money, but we're hiring. Okay. It's a mission. It's Greenpeace. We're preventing whales from being harvested yeah okay miss kalil i apologize go ahead something that was a calculated decision and has been happening behind the scenes for a bit or is this a triage situation that's question number
Starting point is 01:17:19 one and then my second thing or i suppose just like another thought that I have is while I'm happy that CrossFit released a statement, why are they releasing just a quote to our media outlets instead of sending an email or a memo or something themselves like we're all subscribed on your email distribution list you have um youtube channels with over a million subscribers why aren't we leveraging these channels to help communicate with the rest of us so um what did she just say youtube to talk to everybody along with the email list? The hopper. No, don't do that, CrossFit, either. You're just going to bring out the haters. Just, just.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Oh, you're kind of going down the route that you said about the weight messed up at 23.1. Yeah. Yeah, they fucked up 23.1 and they put an apology on all the social media platforms. Do not do that. Put one apology on the games page hidden somewhere. And if people want to find it, they'll go there and be like, oh, they apologize and let them comment
Starting point is 01:18:36 on their nasty shit there. Post it with the CrossFit podcast so no one can see it. Yeah, yeah. Lauren wants you to do shit for her. Like, this is not good business advice. Maybe that's an important distinction here. Not Lauren for CEO. She needs a CEO shirt with a line through it.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Not CEO. A dragon with an arrow in it. Okay. To at least get the word out there so that we can have reported um news instead of people getting in comment sections and speculating and jumping to conclusions like the internet loves to do uh but i just i just want more and i'm hoping that in the coming days we'll have more answers me too okay uh let's go back to uh oh so so did did i did uh what's the guy's name what's the armenian guy's name this is steph oh oh buttery rose chick wow speaking armenian that chick looks armenian that's their fucking editor yeah um dear dear miss root the patriarchy speaks uh we're all gonna vote on her
Starting point is 01:19:48 body uh are you guys allowed to vote on girls bodies there's only two choices good or bad okay okay you can are you allowed to do that hillar caleb are you allowed to vote yeah yeah okay uh can you please pull up stephanie again that picture of her holding the camera in the workplace okay i liked her i like her in her work outfit holding the camera in the workplace? I like her in her work outfit, holding the camera. Alright, we're going back. I gotta go to this. We will now vote on...
Starting point is 01:20:13 Oh, fucked up the bit. Okay, we will now vote. The patriarchy will speak. All in favor of her body, say aye. Aye. Aye. Alright, fuck. Nay. Unanimous. The patriarchy has spoken to Musk,
Starting point is 01:20:32 to muscular, to bulky, and to gay votes from how we do it and the clock. Oh, I saw a picture of her with your, your showmate. There you go. Oh yeah. Look at her. Oh, Claire, at her oh claire small world and here's and here's your proof community oh is that guy on the right is that who who's that is that jr's guy that's rick that's him small world look at me look at me look at you okay Who are you? Okay. Where are you? Did Armand Hammer make a video? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:21:10 He was just fucking with us. Okay. It'd be a great comeback video though, right? It would be awesome. Okay, could we go back to Spin and just address some of the comments there? Yanni's Big Dick Rick, affectionately known as Big Dick Rick, yes, in some circles. Trying to eat dinner, stop burping into the mic.
Starting point is 01:21:33 I apologize. That I will refrain. Develop yourself. Okay. Barbell Spin reports CrossFit told the Barbell Spin that the layoffs will not have an effect on the relationship or commitments to affiliates or partners, nor on the upcoming semifinals or 2023 Nobel CrossFit Games. Okay, I think that's everything that Ms. Khalil wanted. Bobby J Block, they always look at a headcount first.
Starting point is 01:21:56 They never assess their processes as a continuous improvement engineer. The process, I have no idea what he's saying. Skip over him. Oh, shots by Roka. This guy was also in the comments unfortunate news never enjoy hearing about people losing their jobs at the same time it seems like crossfit is in limbo with no clear direction oh a couple things you also need to know two weeks ago they uh ditched their ahr person uh trish her name was trish and they got a new one. Her name is Annette. Doesn't she suck?
Starting point is 01:22:29 If you look her up and look at her 2022 interview, she did a 30-minute sit-down podcast, and it is some scary shit. I like the face Susan made of my ass. I mean, it's so scary. If that's really who she is, it's really scary. It's like Mussolini scary, dude. I'm not sure's so scary. That's really who she is. It's really scary. It's like it's like Mussolini. Scary, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I'm not sure what that means. It's like she's she's she's like the friendly prison warden and not. I mean, maybe all H.R. people are like this, but it's not. It's it's it's scary. Basically, she's more than woke. She said her than woke you have to see the video I'm not ready to go at her yet I'm not ready to just completely decimate her but it is we will go through that video and watch it if it needs to be done
Starting point is 01:23:15 it is some scary shit you do not want to be working with someone like that but we'll save that for another show okay blueprint health and fitness laugh out loud at everyone commenting someone like that. Um, but we'll say that for another show. Okay. Uh, uh, blueprint health and fitness, uh, laugh out loud at everyone commenting with zero insight.
Starting point is 01:23:29 He's been there for nearly 12 months. He's had plenty of time to analyze the landscape. Uh, the problem is, is that people don't even know. I don't, we don't know if Don knows what he's really manning yet. Like,
Starting point is 01:23:39 does he think that he's like, does he think he's manning, uh, angels? I mean, that one always works. Does he think he's manning – Hells Angels? I mean that one always works. Does he think he's manning Hells Angels or Harley Davidson? But the thing is he has to be manning Harley Davidson. There is no more Hells Angels because they can't do it.
Starting point is 01:23:54 You have to have a mission to make money. You have to be selling shit. He has to be. And so somehow he thinks he's going to do both when the company wasn't built to do both. So we'll see what happens. He's got to man the Snickers bar company the widgets didn't you start off the show with candy talk m&ms he's got to run the m&ms mars yes yes okay yes yeah uh dan schaefer i think you missed a few paragraphs from the email here's one i want to assure you that crossfit is financially healthy and that we will continue to
Starting point is 01:24:24 work hard to support you and the rest of our community. Q1 showed growth and momentum for CrossFit with process and driving new members, great affiliate growth and retention, and a successful CrossFit Open. Building strong affiliates remains a top priority for us in 2023, so expect to see more from us on this front. As always, we are here to support you and remain grateful for your partnership. Thank you, Don. That's pretty good. Can you, for the love of God, explain to me how they can be financially healthy while also laying off 20% of their workforce? Does that make more sense?
Starting point is 01:24:52 Uh, in a second, I will. Hey, Don wrote that. That's something Don wrote also right there. I think that might've been in an email that went out to the affiliates. Well,
Starting point is 01:25:00 that's better. I didn't get it, but I mean, I got it. I got it sent to me, but I didn't get it. It's still a little vague, but at least it's better. Like if you trust Don, then that's better. I didn't get it, but I mean I got it. I got it sent to me, but I didn't get it. It's still a little vague, but at least it's better. Like if you trust Don, then that's at least better.
Starting point is 01:25:10 That says something. Now I'm like, okay. Yeah, that's directly quoted from the email. Hey, dude, those people – even if the company is hugely successful, if there's people there that aren't doing shit or that are causing problems you got to get rid of them i mean not only i don't even know if it comes down to the the personality traits but like so each one of us in this square they're not adding value each one of us in this square has a different thing that we're working on and there's a hundred dollars that go to each square we decided that three out of the four squares are no longer important we want to take the dollars from there and move them to the to the other square we want to invest our
Starting point is 01:25:44 time and our money and then therefore the three of us are no longer needed in our positions because they're no longer funding those projects yeah why do you need a dei council oh so here's another thing we don't know what the fuck's going on in the training department because they got this dude fucking rex over there ken no who's rex did some guy that i hear who's running the training department and yes then and and i heard also that he wasn't around uh when i was around and so he wasn't he he doesn't come off of greg's lineage because a few months ago nicole was promoted to um brand in charge of brand or something she's in charge of brand or something it was a promotion okay theoretically i guess i think she should be in charge her dave like they aren't weren't they
Starting point is 01:26:30 originally there with greg doing the seminars and delivering the message they were you would think that they would have some sort of but she just moved out of that department a few months ago and and from what i'm hearing that the staff is not happy with the current leader who which is a guy named rex is what i'm hearing interesting yeah uh and so trish is and trish has gone from hr and they brought in a new lady and then there was one more thing i like the name rex so in a way in a way don's also clearing out some of the woke the woke people yeah but couldn't he have done this a bit ago did he have to wait so long uh is he also the one who's firing these people is that how this works i don't know who's firing them to be honest i'm guessing i'm guessing it's i would guess it's a
Starting point is 01:27:15 net yeah the new hr lady for sure yeah like she's the one who tells him if you're asking who made the decisions it would be the board the collective voting of the board. I do think it was really a promotion for Nicole, and here's why I think that. Her title change and titles really mean something to those people, and the way her title changed is now she officially reports to Dawn. to don i don't know that but i'm guessing that she was already reporting to don and that um and that they gave her promotion that actually shows uh she is reporting to don and in her new position of being in charge of brand it still may allow her to have her uh toes in the water in training and the toes in the water i think in media that's what i'm guessing what happened they need someone to replace they need someone to replace greg and they don't have that and so and so i was for a while it looked like at the beginning of the year in january it looks
Starting point is 01:28:13 like they were going to replace greg with nicole like they finally figured it out but it doesn't i don't i don't see that anymore it seemed like that that fizzled out eric's never liked a guy named rex so and and from and from what i hear rex doesn't live in the united states either That fizzled out. Eric's never liked a guy named Rex. And from what I hear, Rex doesn't live in the United States either. What? Hey, do you think with all the turmoil, and I'm asking you this because you've seen it from people working inside, out of headquarters where everybody was together collaborating. You've also seen it where people were remotely working.
Starting point is 01:28:45 Do you think in this environment, what I mean by the environment, is all these people being fired, new CEOs coming in? It seems like since the sale of the company, and even before that when the infamous tweet went out, that everybody who's worked there has just been on shaky ground for the last three years. Dude. Since 2018, it's been terrifying to work there. So how in the world? Everyone there has PTSD, crazy PTSD.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Everyone's scared, I'm guessing. So then let's make an analogy. Even Don's scared a little bit. Everyone's scared a little bit. It's not a, the only people who aren't scared are people who don't care if they get fired. So if you have like $10 million in the bank, you don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Okay, so either you're really rich or you're just completely uninvested into the company. So either way, you got one foot out the door because financially you're secure or you don't believe in what you're doing anymore, right? And we had like – of the 150 people who worked there when I worked there, there were like three people like that. So what I worry is like if you were at a – if we were at a house and the parents of that household and we're all siblings are just constantly arguing. It's just a terrible environment that you go into. It's crazy. You're up all night.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Is anything productive in the short term until we remove ourselves out of the environment going to come from us as the kids living in that situation? Always being afraid of what's going to happen. Is it going to be crazy tonight? Are mom and dad going to go off the handle? Are they going to show up? No. We're freaking out. So how in the world?
Starting point is 01:30:02 We're in survival mode. We're not in productivity mode. So if you don't have your house in perfect order, this is a Jordan Peterson quote for those fans out there. How are you going to actually deliver any value and help other people? If everything else internally is just in turmoil? Chat GPT. That's a great answer.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Philip Kelly, how the fuck is Nicole Carroll in charge of brand and their social media is so ass here's the thing there must be some disconnect there there must there's something protecting some garbage in the media department and i don't know what it is but they got a real problem there and they keep missing yeah and that's and and for some reason they're not dealing with it and i don, and I don't know what's protecting – I don't know why they won't just cut that cancer out, but they're not. And that's a perfect example of the turmoil that's happening with no direction and accountability and not everybody under the same roof pushing towards the same mission. Hey, I'm all for controversy. I'm all for doing i'm all for like doing things that
Starting point is 01:31:06 are fucking provocative like you like i hated working there and they showed a guy fucking with standing next to a trophy bear that they shot i didn't like that i fucking hated that on on easter they they put um uh they spelt out happy easter with dead a guy had killed. I didn't like that. Oh, yeah. I remember that one. I didn't like that. I didn't like that at all. But those things are different than posting on the front end open hatreds towards men or anything that's woke. Those things are just not –
Starting point is 01:31:43 there's a difference between things that maybe you don't like and then making certain people just outright not feel welcome. Like the woke group is like, hey, you don't put enough gay people on the front end. Well, but the woke group will offend people in order to get more gay people on the front end. We never even thought about that. Some people are gay. Some were not. Some were black. Some were white. We didn't think about it.
Starting point is 01:32:06 But they are willing to offend other people to make other people happy. And that is not something that you want there. And that's something – that's a cancer. The media team is being run like that. It's just being run woke. And I don't know – well, I know who's doing it. I just don't know why they keep being allowed to do it and
Starting point is 01:32:27 it's pretty rotten to its core anyway Eric Weiss CrossFit needs to buy street parking so Miranda can replace Greg maybe street parking will buy CrossFit at the rate things are going damn right unless you want a class action lawsuit you don't do a press conference when you do
Starting point is 01:32:44 massive layoffs I'd listen to her Lauren Unless you want a class action lawsuit, you don't do a press conference when you do massive layoffs. I'd listen to her, Lauren. Yeah. So basically you don't want to say something stupid. Yeah, exactly. In the press conference. It's stupid. Yeah, you fire 30 people, and now Don's up there speaking, and he has 30 lawyers listening.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's a great point. What did Don say? He can't say that about you uh alice nyc no one can really replace greg now that is another uh yes that is says all you're doing is you're paying uh basically a fee because he created it right Yesterday, the day before $3,000 because you created it. Cool. I get it. And, um, where, where's Greg? Why, why you pay $3,000 to CrossFit? Tell, tell him, tell me again. Uh, Miranda Alcarez workouts now. You think that's really Miranda?
Starting point is 01:33:39 Yeah, I do because of the purple icons popped up before. Um, agree, before. Um, agree, Alison. You know, it's interesting. Did you see the joke I did with about street parking this morning? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:52 That's pretty good, right? Yeah. That's pretty good. Wait. Uh, yeah. You didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:33:58 You didn't think it was good. Uh, maybe I didn't. I don't think I got it. Oh, okay. That's fine. Or maybe it's not my kind of joke are you going to retell it
Starting point is 01:34:07 it is me breastfeeding my baby fair enough I want everyone to know this show is breastfeeding this show is breastfeeding Allison is probably breastfeeding her kid too it's a breastfeeding show yes this is a show where you will lactate at twice the normal rate
Starting point is 01:34:24 show yes this is a show where uh you will lactate at twice the normal rate the patriarchy has spoken once again um can we go back to the spin post i want to see if there's anything else in there that needs to be addressed thank you brian uh or brian spin for doing this uh cost structure what the fuck does that have to do with reaching 30 million people sounds like they're preparing for a recession and leaving affiliates once again, out to dry by charging the same for less services. I don't know if I agree with that. Uh, newts,
Starting point is 01:34:49 a listener to the show, uh, couldn't successfully execute a season with the limited staff. They had roll on Greg's next venture. I'll be there like a shot. Well, Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Um, when she says roll on Greg's next venture, I think she's referring to what Emily Kaplan said in her podcast with Andrew Hiller. What is it, six months? Twelve months, I think. Twelve months. These CEO messages aren't worth the paper they're written on. All the BS, just tell the truth.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Or don't say anything. Tank Reeve, toilet fit. Who could have seen this coming? Is that a joke? Yes. Okay. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Go, go broke. Uh, coach Greg Glassman being missed. He ran the show way better than these guys. You have to understand though, Don is running a different company. Don is not like Don is not running green piece with a singular goal to get
Starting point is 01:35:49 whales, uh, to save whales. His is now to make money. It's a totally different, uh, the community sport nor business needs or wants you. Wow.
Starting point is 01:35:57 That's a little harsh. Is that all of them? Leave. Just leave. Period. Yeah. is that all of them leave period i don't i think hey i will i will the last thing crossfit needs is don to leave that do you guys agree on that that's the last the last fucking thing this company needs that would sink the fucking shit for sure yeah like dude i'm telling you this he's i i think he's a rock and by the way we're like i mean that in a good way i don't mean like a rock like a doorknob i mean like a rock like i think he's solid whatever he's
Starting point is 01:36:36 gonna do like if he crashes the ship he's gonna do it with all his might i don't think the i don't think we want that guy to go away. And definitely not get Don Lemon. Okay, what were you going to say? Sorry, go ahead. I was just going to say we're lucky that we got him because he knew the challenges coming into this company and what he was kind of up against, right? Maybe he didn't know the total scope of it, but he knew it was in a situation that it was going to take a lot to get out of. So the fact that he decided to say, okay, because I mean, just from where he lives, I've never seen Don's house other than the room that he was in when he interviewed us. But to be in Woodside, he's probably financially well off or in a position to where he didn't necessarily need to take this task on. Right. He has a resume where he could go and add value to a lot of places he goes to. So it is cool of him that he decided to take this challenge on and step in,
Starting point is 01:37:27 and it is good for us because at least we gave somebody, like you said, we got to rock. Somebody solid. Don, along the lines of what we've been saying, Dually Rondo, Don is running a business, not driving a mission, different things. Once Greg stepped down, it became a business no matter who's running it. Yeah, and that's profound what Dually just said. Dylan vowel thanks for the money brother hope the kid's good uh be the new media platform uh other podcasts to help uh project the methodology help people get healthier
Starting point is 01:37:57 but more so get people thinking deeper yeah it's good it's good it It's good. It would be interesting to get someone who maybe wants to pursue the truth and be logical, but not be as hellbent on certain issues and dogmatic as me. Maybe someone who didn't have kids or something like that, but still pursuing the truth. Or someone with vagina or just the slightly different uh lens to see the world that's crazy i'm gonna have reconstructed surgery tomorrow and i don't have kids and i'm not all that uh political we will have a podcast and the host will be hilarina uh you're going to love her she's a brick shithouse hillarina okay um okay the great idea dylan by the way i got your text message the other day it's a great idea and uh what the the interesting part is is uh you're in your suggestion for garrett's a fantastic suggestion and what's's interesting is today another group of people reached out to Sousa and made a very similar offer. So we'll see. I'm all for it.
Starting point is 01:39:13 I'm all for it. You're selling the podcast. I wish. We're making some layoffs. Give it to programming Andrea Hiller. I present to you Andrea Hiller. Thomas Owen, one must know that Don, no matter how much we like him, is a servant to shareholders' value first and foremost.
Starting point is 01:39:33 Call it a puppet. Damn. You going to use that language on this platform like that, Hiller? I don't. I can't. I can't. Breaking, Don Fall fires himself in solidarity with the staff he just laid off earlier today. Hey, man, it's okay that people got fired.
Starting point is 01:39:53 It really is. They didn't get fired. They got laid off. They got laid off. It's okay. No one should take this as me thinking that they did the wrong thing. I'm just trying to give you guys perspective. I know some of these people. There's a couple other people i really want to talk about
Starting point is 01:40:08 um but we will uh let a little dust so you said there's 21 um i i don't know how many there are i know i think i know 22 by name i think all right so how many of those would you say are productive fires like in your opinion because you have one and you're biased but i want to hear it i honestly i don't know i think 10 of those people i think that there's another 20 people there that probably could be let go and not and we and we not even feel you and susan i just want to know the answer well here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing i don't know hillar i don't know what the fucking bottom line.
Starting point is 01:40:45 I don't know. There's people that I know that I think that they let go. They let go who were just making too much money. So I think they added value. But if you're making $200,000 a year and they can bring someone on who makes $70,000 a year, so I think there's a handful of people like that. Then I think there's people like if they're not doing CrossFit health anymore and they can't find a place for Kararen thompson then then then i get it
Starting point is 01:41:05 i mean as much as it sucks and she's fucking amazing and she brings so much to the table like they're just not like if they're if they have no interest in making any more video content then fuck then didn't jay vera buy like i get it um so so it's hard it's hard for me to say uh people who are just shit disturbers like Alec Zirkenbach. I don't know if they're just shit disturbers. People who have done some really bad stuff like Alec and Elaine Moreno. I mean that's like losing – going from 40% body fat to 10% body fat. I mean you just threw them – the hot air balloon was going was going to crash inside of the hill and we just saved ourselves and then you're saying the firing of the 200,000
Starting point is 01:41:48 to 70,000 is like taking a fat burner you don't really know if it's going to work or not but but i but i just don't even know i don't know what the reason i don't there's some people i don't know what the reason is um like like like so here's the thing they got rid of some of those affiliate girls like sarah lucas and sherry let's assume that they were doing a great job like I remember them doing, exceedingly great job. Let's say they have intimate relationships with all these people out in the affiliate community. They know more affiliates than anyone else who works at HQ by name, by voice, all that. But CrossFit is about to automate everything. I don't know if that was smart or not.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Like I want to say no, it wasn't. But maybe it was. I just don or not. I like, I want to say no, it wasn't, but, but maybe it was, I just don't know, but I don't see anything on there. We're like, not like, I don't see anything on there. Like leaf Edmondson. Like that was a fuck up.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Like, like that just shows that someone's a really, really shit, shitty leader. The same way when they fired Dave, that just shows someone's a really, really shitty leader. All ego.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Yeah. That means you were unable to, uh, you, you, you have have you have a backyard full of trees um but but uh but you throw your chainsaw away because you think it's dangerous it's like well you're fucked because then you're three years away from a tree falling on your house and killing you i mean they just they threw away something of tremendous value to the team. I'm going to remember this comment until the day I die. Mary Caleb, fuck Sousa, kill Hiller.
Starting point is 01:43:15 I'm just a piece of meat to you. You know what? I'd rather be dead anyway, Heidi. You got it, Sevan. Automation coming. How am I supposed to know how the affiliates are going to react to that i'm not sure oh no no no no no he didn't crossfit didn't have crossfit does not have 15 cross he said crossfit has 1500 employees no no no no no like a hundred employees maybe you think 150 maybe at the most if they're claiming it's 20 of the workforce and we're getting numbers of 22 to 25 and we can assume there's probably about 100 people that were there, 150. This is the best podcast in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Everyone, including TDC, knows it. Fellas, thank you for doing what everyone else is scared to do. This is the only press conference I need. Philip Kelly, 1999. Thanks, Philip. You're awesome. Thank you so much. But Lauren's angry because we're speculating.
Starting point is 01:44:05 I don't know what we're going to do. Yeah. I don't know if she was angry, but she was, she was suggesting that what Don said added clarity. And I, and I, I don't see how it added any clarity.
Starting point is 01:44:15 I think it added to the confusion. I think she had chat GPT, right? That for, yes. They're running CrossFit, you know, you know right um ai is running crossfit yes like how many how many employees do you believe are at crossfit currently i mean if there's a 20% layoff where there have been 100 now there's i think there's 100 i think there's 100 not
Starting point is 01:44:39 including contractors not including like maybe there's something that's going on with the maybe there's and there's probably another 200 trainers worldwide or on the L one team. I don't, if you, I don't know if you include them as employees and, and, and in CrossFit's defense, it's fucking almost impossible to fucking run a company like this.
Starting point is 01:44:55 And with Joe Biden and the Democrats is in power. It just, it just is. It's almost impossible to run. And you can even see that on, on CNN's own business TV shows. No one impossible to run and you can even see that on on cnn's own business uh tv shows no one wants to run a company in california massachusetts all these states but let alone the united states is a very difficult place to run a company as soon as you go over a
Starting point is 01:45:16 certain number of employees they're just fucking you especially when you i forget what it is it gets worse every it gets bad like at 10 then it's bad again like at 30 and then it gets worse at like 70 and here because they start putting all these they might they start putting all these rules on you but here's the thing with crossfit why it's extremely weird with crossfit is because they have these employees that that are like the trainers that are in this gray area and uh it makes for some really really weird weird shit. Games employees, judges, all those kind of people who aren't full-time, it makes for some really weird shit. Those are volunteers. Pardon me?
Starting point is 01:45:52 I was going to say those are volunteers. It's a loophole. Or contractors. Isn't that a loophole? Yeah. No. No, it's not a loophole. It depends on how much you pay them and if you've and if they've
Starting point is 01:46:07 been there for more than two years it's a fucking mess dude yeah it's a fucking mess crossfit's in a tough situation oh okay okay clarify the mess and they're not selling anything they don't have they're not selling m&ms widgets uh cars trucks they just they're they're they're uh i don't know what they are yeah they're selling greg Glassman and he's not even there anymore. Right. For $3,000 a year, you can get some Greg Glassman. So some, some old Greg Glassman slowly wearing off. Uh, tomorrow morning, tomorrow morning, 7am.
Starting point is 01:46:42 Andrew, I'm glad you, this, this was a good state of the union i'm glad you came on yeah thank you for having me um tomorrow oh today tomorrow's friday oh we have a live call-in show at 7 a.m tomorrow okay uh anything else anyone want to add anything anyone want to call in and and and andp? You get a little chirp time? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do. I want to say something. Okay, please, go ahead. Look at that. Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:47:16 Yeah, he's going to get drafted tomorrow, right? Oh, shit. I have that. I got that thing from Toastbasters, too. He has that, too? No, I think he's going to get... So they did the first round today,'s gonna get so they did the first round today tyson they did the first round today yeah i believe so maybe he's already drafted we don't know no no i think we would have known somebody would have said something are they doing the um how many rounds do they do tomorrow do they do second and third yeah at least is it he'll be drafted
Starting point is 01:47:43 tomorrow i think so. I think so. I do think so. Go ahead. Someone say something stupid in the comments. Go ahead. Get yourself banned from that chat. Oh, man. This morning, Jeremy Eat World gave me $5 to ban 12 daily doses.
Starting point is 01:48:00 We can't ban 12. And then I didn't ban 12 daily doses, and then he donated $100. Oh, he just big-dicked Jeremy like that? He dick jeremy like that and made me look like a hoe wait he's not made me look showed the world i was a hoe oh okay shots uh shots by shroka saying there are three picks left in the first round still Oh. Okay. Your boss called him Mr. Irrelevant. Who, Tyson Bajan? The last person picked in the draft is Mr. Irrelevant. Oh, wow. Is that really true?
Starting point is 01:48:36 Yeah. It's like a whole, they make a whole thing of it. So they're like Mr. Irrelevant, number 356 and round number 20 uh thomas owens has tyson considered transitioning i've only had him on the podcast twice um and so i haven't felt comfortable asking him that but i will um i will eventually is this any good what does that mean i don't even know what any wait let me see let me see let me see. Let me see. Let me see. I'm going to fucking... 5.68 is his prospect grade. And then at the bottom, it gives you a score.
Starting point is 01:49:11 And I was looking at it. 5.6, priority undrafted free agent. He's going to be one of those guys that might... If he doesn't get drafted in any of the main drafts, he'll get picked up on a free agency and then he'll just destroy everybody who is drafted and get a starting spot that's what's gonna happen what caleb said dude he's if they if some if he doesn't get drafted everyone's going to be hating themselves exactly good night bros good night good night, bros. Good night. Good night, Miranda. He's dangerously close to you. Good night, Miranda. Good night, Miranda.
Starting point is 01:49:46 I think they're discounting his performance in a Division II school. Of course, yes. Even though they saw him at the fucking Senior Bowl, and he kicked ass there, and he's – I mean, if you watch the interviews with the other people, the other draft prospects and him, he's like a man amongst boys it's nuts okay john fuller you're not here for football me neither oh he dude he stares down targets that's an issue a lot of decision making you should let him know that his next show of course spreadsheet what's his oh he didn't even do the bench press put up
Starting point is 01:50:20 Of course. We should just talk about this spreadsheet. What's his – oh, he didn't even do the bench press? What up? He's doing one that matters. Two or three of those, he was like third best all time or something. Okay. Thank you, everyone. I think we're done here.
Starting point is 01:50:37 Yeah. For those of you who work at HQ still who are fucking snitches who listen to this show. Hi. What up? who work at HQ still, who are fucking snitches, who listen to this show. Hi, I hope you get a, I hope you get a fucking venereal disease. That's curable. Just something to give you a little, a little stress in your life.
Starting point is 01:50:53 I'm more of a new disease. And by the way, Hillary, do you see that? Heidi made up for it and said, she'd marry all three of you guys. Not, not me.
Starting point is 01:51:01 It's the only one. Not you. No, she was like everybody but me. That's? No, she was like, everybody but me. That's all right. All right. Omar Canejo. Seminar staff got hammered, yes.
Starting point is 01:51:14 This won't be the last show. I'm pacing myself. Thank you. Oh, we're back to Omar. Where's Omar? Omar Canejo. Yes, thank you. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:51:23 See you guys at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time for all the truth talking.

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