The Sevan Podcast - Streat Hoerner | What’s It Like?

Episode Date: January 28, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to Bam. We're live. What do you think? If I go, if I am late one minute, let's say I've been late one minute five times in the last six months and I come on five minutes early now, does that erase all those? Oh, Sabir, I got to send you a link. I got episode eight now. I haven't
Starting point is 00:01:25 seen it. I need to see it. It is in Dave Castro's hands now getting reviewed episode eight of Behind the Scenes. I'm waiting for his approval. Good morning, Michelle. I had to look at your picture, so I didn't call you Michael. Paulina, what's up? What's up, girl? Good morning, Michelle. I had to look at your picture, so I didn't call you Michael. Paulina, what's up? What's up, girl? Good morning. Good morning. Lenderman, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:01:50 What's up? Damn, you've been upside down for a long time. Early scorely. Because I wanted to tell you guys something. I joke around about this group of guys I'm with, and I call them the CrossFit Illuminati or the locker room or whatever. at Illuminati or the locker room or whatever. And it is a, it is a group of guys who I want to describe these guys to you today. And I want to do it without any hyperbole. It's like, you know, I've never been a churchgoer, but, um, I would think of it as a, as a, like almost like a Bible club, a young Christian men's club. I mean,
Starting point is 00:02:31 it could be a woman there. It could be, I shouldn't even say that should be a, uh, I don't know, a Christian club. All the guys in the group are, I can't think of one of the guys in the group who does any of this stuff for money. None of them are driven by money. They're driven by their passion and their desire to tinker around with the sport that we have such great access to. They are all, the vast majority of them are pretty like hardcore Christians, guys like I've never been around. Like they go to church every single Sunday. Like I don't do anything like that. These are the kind of guys that I would probably bet $10,000 on right now that every day they go out of their way to do something nice for a stranger.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Like these are the kind of guys, if you're pulling into the same parking spot as them, they pull out. They're putting their groceries away and they see an old lady struggling with their cart. They stop what they're doing and they go do what she's doing. They are a very fun group. They have very thick skin. They like joking around. There's a lot of family guys in the group. A lot of the men have kids in this group. A lot of the men in the group have kids.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And that changes our perception right because uh at the end of the day no matter what anyone says to you as long as your kids are healthy you're like you're on cloud nine it's almost impossible to hurt someone who is a healthy emotionally intellectually once they have kids because all they really give a about is um is their kids and so as long as their kids are fine you could call them any name they they want. They don't care. And they devote a shitload of energy. So, so they devote a shitload of energy to a lot of these guys, to their religion and their love of God and, um, uh, and being better people that, that, that whole thing is that whole group of guys. There's not a one of them that's not working on themselves to be a better people. That whole thing is, that whole group of guys, there's not a one of them that's not working on themselves to be a better person. It's really cool. And they're putting so much
Starting point is 00:04:31 energy into this ecosystem, not wanting anything in return. They've somehow found this as some sort of outlet for them to put energy into this ecosystem. And they're going to be around a long time. So athletes are going to come and go. People are going to come and go. CEOs are going to come and go, and this group is going to be there. And if I was an athlete or if I were in the ecosystem, and some people understand you could call it a game. If I was in the ecosystem, if I was an athlete or if I was a coach, I would say this group should be a tool for you to get out your ideas and what you want to share.
Starting point is 00:05:20 So you're working, let's say you're going to ride an assault bike for 12 hours and you want to share it with the community. This group is your ally. This group is your friend. Let's say you're going to you're a guy with one arm and you're trying to raise money to go somewhere. This group is your ally. For all the athletes out there, for anyone in the ecosystem, this group is your ally. If anyone is telling you anything different or if you heard something said on any of these shows or by any of these guys and somehow your brain wanders off somewhere else, you've completely lost your way. you've completely lost your way. Do not let anyone who's telling you anything that it's good to stay away from this group or it's not a healthy group to be with or that you should be angry at them. They are hurting you. And I'll say more on this later, but don't let anything in your ego drive you away from this
Starting point is 00:06:31 group. This is such a good fucking group of people. Oh, check my mic. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Jeez. Who said that? Oh, Paper Street Coffee. Of course. Look it. Gabe always has my back. Thank you. Jeez. Who said that? Oh, Paper Street Coffee. Of course. Look it. Gabe always has my back. Thank you. Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Cheers. Tonight, right now, I have a guest. I wanted to have him on forever. I don't know why it took so long. All my fault, not his. What's up, dude? How we doing? Awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Where are you, Street? I'm in Nashville right now. Is that home for you? Yeah. I've been here like almost three years now. Yeah. Coming on three years.
Starting point is 00:07:20 It's a dope place, huh? Yeah. I mean, there's always something going on on that's for sure um yeah it's uh it's cool there's uh it's growing like crazy too um like that and Austin I feel like are just blowing up right now but yeah hey street I'm gonna put your um Instagram account down here at the bottom. What's your Instagram account? S-T-R-E-A-T? H-O-E-R-N-E-R. H-O-E-R-N-E-R. Look at that. Did I get it? Perfect.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Dang, look at me. Look at me. Thank you. Look at me. Yeah, no problem. That's what I'm here for. I tried to, you you know i don't think i i i was trying to like look you up and stuff and i don't know you got like blocks all over the place and stuff on your accounts and whatnot i'm on my fourth instagram account okay i thought there was something about that yeah i'm on my fourth instagram account i'm pretty sure i used to follow you or something and then i was like realized when you reached out i was like i
Starting point is 00:08:28 never see some on posts anymore no that's probably why yeah yeah i'm at a whopping uh two thousand instagram followers yeah you know what's crazy street is the last account i had i think i i think i crossed over the,000 mark and I got it taken away. Then I paid some dude $800 in Argentina to get my account back for me. He's like, hey, dude, it's going to be really hard to get your account back. You got to give me $500 more. I'm like, hey, dude, let's just be totally honest with each other. it's going to be really hard to get your account back. You got to give me 500 more. So I, so I'm like,
Starting point is 00:09:06 Hey dude, let's just be totally honest with each other. You're either, these are the three choices. Either send my money back. Tell me you're scamming me. Right. And we'll just,
Starting point is 00:09:16 I'll just write it off. You're scam for sure. Or, or get, get it back for me and I'll send you the 500 bucks. So he goes, okay. And 30 seconds later, he texts me. He said, check your account.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And it was back. What? So I sent him some nudes. No. So I sent him 500 bucks. So I sent him 500 bucks. So now I'm $1,300 in. So street, I'm $1,300 in. And then, um, a week later, my account went down again. So I contacted him. I'm like, Hey dude, my account's gone again.
Starting point is 00:09:51 He goes, yeah, for another 500, I can get it back from you. I'm like, I'm good. Cause I can just picture by himself. Not a bad scheme. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. Right. But, but? But it was fascinating, right? That he could get my account back. That there's people out there who… Why are you getting your stuff pulled down? People don't want to hear the truth? I guess they don't ever actually tell me why. There seems to be a lot of that. why um you know like um there's a lot of that i got a warning the other day i can't i think i was on colton's account or hopper's account and i and i wrote you're a fucking beast and someone and i got a note from instagram we pulled your account down for a derogatory comment so they so some you
Starting point is 00:10:38 know what i mean like and i've said that um exercise which i would never say this again i know this isn't true now. That exercise and diet are the greatest way to fighting off disease. Oh, are you crazy? Yeah. That would get you canned real fast. Yeah. And I lost my YouTube account for a week for saying that.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Yeah, come on. You know better than that. Yeah. So that was just stupid of me. I wish I would have never said that. But it's never anything – I don't feel like I ever do anything – I had a flat earth dude on here, a guy who thinks the earth is flat. No, no, sorry. He knows the earth is flat, this guy in his mind. in his mind. Dude, half the audience got pissed and people I knew who were friends of mine were like, why would you give someone like that a voice?
Starting point is 00:11:28 It's like, dude. It's all chill. It's all good. You're still whole. You're still whole. Everything's good. Were you at Joe Neal's gym? I coach or I program for him a little bit remotely, but no, I'm not at his gym. No, but did you used to be there?
Starting point is 00:11:56 No. I've been up and I used to work with way back when this company called Boxstar, like super way in the beginning. And he was kind of got known through that. And then that's basically it. No, it was just kind of, we became like friends,
Starting point is 00:12:15 started talking to stuff. And he just reached out about some, some programming. And I, and I coached him. He actually just texted me right now. Oh yeah. It's,
Starting point is 00:12:24 it's, it's what's crazy is this is such a small world we live in, this whole CrossFit world. Everyone knows everyone or everyone had everyone at their gym. It's wild. Hey, how's your internet right now? You were kind of breaking up a little bit. Is that the best spot for you?
Starting point is 00:12:41 I'm trying to – yeah, hold on one second. Let me try to make sure this is good are you on a computer or a phone yeah I'm on a computer right now I'm just trying to make sure my connection is good here um no he uh he's not I don't think he's stoned he just has a really deep voice Sean Lenderman is street horner stoned right now no no come on what are you talking about i can't wait but it told me it's only 9 00 a.m i just finished a run so i'm kind of here let's go to yeah you're good you're good don't even don't even listen to them don't even listen to that i don't know hopefully hopefully it's good now hey how old are you, Street?
Starting point is 00:13:27 Almost 28. No, holy shit, almost 29. Oh, yeah, you're at that age where you start forgetting your age. That's good. That's healthy. When's your birthday? February 7th, about a couple weeks here.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Oh, awesome. And what are you doing same birthday as daniel brandon so anybody that's following right now instead of giving her you know all the birthday love just send it over to me and uh we were together the other week and she was like it was so funny i don't know why birthdays got brought up and she was like i would fuck she said i would hate it so if somebody had my same birthday or whatever blah blah like going off about it i don't know it was the most random thing and i just asked her and oh yeah this is what it was like she's like february 7th i'm like no shit so it's just it just pretty funny that happened.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Did you know her before running into her? Well, she moved to, she lives in Nashville now, so. Is that how you just met her? Did you just meet her in the last couple of weeks? No, I met her. We worked, I mean, I've known her just briefly, just through like, you know know the games and stuff but um we worked with a a similar sponsor the same sponsor for like the past like six months and so
Starting point is 00:14:54 i was down in naples uh for like a content shoot we did so spent some time with her down there and stuff and yeah i don't know just kind of through through things like that got to know her what's the sponsor can you tell me uh they actually don't exist anymore oh no shit that was quick yeah it was it was a fairly quick thing uh it was the company was called stagger it was like a photo um almost like a Photoshop, like not Photoshop, but like layout type app where they would like design your Instagram stuff. Basically, they spent all their money. They spent all their money on getting you and Danielle as athletes. And I'm not exactly sure the financials behind everything.
Starting point is 00:15:40 But yeah, but Chrissy is the owner. Chrissy, she was awesome. She's like all time. Really cool. Hey, what did she pivot to? What do you do when your business goes under? It was kind of like a side thing. She's got like tons of, she's so smart. She, she, she's working on like tons of other things, has a different job and stuff. So this was like a side project thing. So I'm not exactly sure what the
Starting point is 00:16:05 end was for it but yeah do you have an agent i do not it's actually something that i've thought a lot about and i'm not sure if i have benefited from never having one or if it's been way to my detriment. Because like right when I was kind of coming into the sport, I had like tons of people reach out to me and stuff about having one. And I don't know. I just, I never, I didn't know anyone really. So it's hard for me to trust anybody.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And so I was just like, I think I can do this myself. And then I kind of just kept it that way. And I think I've probably passed up or not had as many opportunities as I could have and caused myself a lot more stress than I needed to. But I also have everything. It's all on me. So that's kind of, I don't know. I like it and I don't, I guess. It's, I get to control everything basically um on all ends but then it's also like
Starting point is 00:17:07 it's a lot so yeah how did how did um stagger how do they contact you if you don't have an agent what do they say how do they reach out to you it's instagram dm hey street uh stagger we have a business here we'd like to work with you. Can you jump on the call? Kind of. I get tons of those all the time. Most of them are kind of BS. I'll look through and filter through, and if there's anything intriguing, I'll click on it. She actually sent a whole pitch deck where she made layouts with my photos that she pulled off the internet and stuff. It was a full presentation that she sent through and I was like, okay, this one's probably legit. That's cool. Yeah. That sounds smart. Everyone take note of that.
Starting point is 00:17:54 That's good. Yep. Yeah. Either that or like I'll get emails and stuff, but it's hard. Yeah. Hard to kind of sit through what the, the good legit stuff is and what people just want to send you like free products and stuff so i don't know people will just send me money and be like hey um we really liked your podcast we want to give you some money uh but don't mention our name i'm like oh okay no i'm joking i want to get on that how do i how do i on that? I get a lot of ass for my feet or my OnlyFans. You have an OnlyFans?
Starting point is 00:18:28 No, I said I get ass for it. Oh, oh, oh. Street, in the early years, it was after Rich Veroni, I think, won his first title. I asked him, I'm like, hey, do you get any weird shit? Like, have you gotten any offers from porn or anything like that? weird shit like have you gotten any like offers from porn or anything like that and he did say um as i recall that a gay uh a gay porn site um reached out to him and just wanted him to make a video where he masturbates and that they would pay him big dollars for it yeah i'm sure they would crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy you Have you ever donated sperm to a sperm bank?
Starting point is 00:19:07 I have not. No. I think you can make decent money doing that though, can't you? I don't know. I like those memes and those funny stories where they say if you have unvaccinated sperm, it's worth a hundred times unvaccinated sperm. All right. Maybe I need to look into it. Yeah. You have unvaccinated sperm all right maybe i need to look into it
Starting point is 00:19:25 yeah you have unvaccinated sperm oh yeah you ever you ever travel outside the country have i ever yeah yeah i lived in dubai for like three two years oh shit hey isn't it weird is that where all the hot that's where like kind of all the hot it seems like really attractive athletes with good bodies end up doing some sort of stint in dubai do you know what i'm kind of saying you feel that uh i i guess all the athletes now that i say say that. Jamie Simmons, her husband. Yeah, they live over there in Abu Dhabi. Yeah, and they're both hot as shit, and they both have great bodies.
Starting point is 00:20:11 How about Rasmus Anderson? Do you know him? Yeah. Okay, okay. No, no. No, but he – no. Okay, I see that. Very attractive, but incredible personality, but you're right.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Okay, I see what you're saying. I love Rasmus. Don't make me talk about Rasmus' body. I mean, Rasmus, if you're listening, your body's a thousand times nicer than mine. I'm just saying, like, I got street horner here. Rasmus, you're a 9.8 street, like a 10.4, so. Are you friends with that dude? I gotta have that dude on the show. with that dude i gotta have that dude on the show everyone loves rasmus huh that's that's um uh lauren um uh fisher's husband or boyfriend yeah um uh barry mccawkner uh street did you and daniel danielle uh brandon um share a towel in the gym yeah actually i think she she wiped the sweat off my treadmill so that was nice for her so if you consider that yeah was it was it her sweat or your sweat well we were running right next to each other so it's probably a mixture of both wow i probably should have bottled it up maybe
Starting point is 00:21:20 could have sold it i don't know were you starstruck by her at all maybe could have sold it i don't know were you starstruck by her at all was that starstruck no no um she's crazy attractive when you met her where you did it make you uncomfortable at all not at all no she's she's she's she's one of probably like the most one of the most down-to-earth like uh uh big name like big name crossfit athletes that matt so she's really super cool yes can you tell me what that means down to earth as opposed to like maybe someone who's not down to earth i mean uh i guess i just mean like she's super i don't know she's just really real like easy to talk to um outside of the gym um just about life and just whatever can shoot the shit, I guess.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, I guess that's what I mean. She recently I wanted to get her back on the show. She recently did some stories and I couldn't tell if she was joking or if she was on something or what she was doing. But she changed her whole speech pattern and she was talking like she was from the hood do you know what i'm talking about do you remember that no i'm not do you follow her yeah yeah i just i'm not sure what i didn't see it you don't you don't know what i'm referencing okay caleb do you by any chance is that oh okay okay you're gonna like this he might be able to find it and show it to you.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Where were you born, Street? Iowa. Dubuque, Iowa. Okay, because you seem like a foreigner to me, and I'm from California, so that makes sense. I'm doing a foreigner. Yeah, you seem like a foreigner. Like, you could be a Dutch guy.
Starting point is 00:23:00 You could be from Denmark or some shit. All right. You got a little Frederick. You got a little Frederick Agidius in you. Oh, Frederick. Okay. Oh, here we go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Okay. Well, okay. Watch this. Now, I've had her on the show like three times, and I've never seen this side of her. Okay. Here we go. Oh, I don't hear the audio for some reason. I don't either.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Let's see. What the hell? She kind of goes on these rants sometimes. What is she saying now? Caleb's working hard. You got to use your... I'm Tom Pompey. I'm still kind of sick from Mark Lusa.
Starting point is 00:23:40 But anyways, okay. When I was in the UK, the last time I was in the UK, and I photo shoot the girl who's doing my makeup, which, by the way, if she sees this, hey, hello, what's up? She was so cool. She's one of those people that just has one of those good energies. You just want to be around her. I'm just getting the vibe from her that all of a sudden she's from the hood. Honestly, I don't know. I think she just kind of does that sometimes.
Starting point is 00:24:08 She's just fooling around. Yeah, I think so. Okay. She wasn't talking to you because she never talked to me like that. So when she was talking, she didn't talk to you like that either. No, I don't know. Maybe she moved to Nashville and now she thinks she's like Southern or hood or something. She turned gangster so so so you grow up in iowa and and you're born there and is it is it describe iowa to me because i'm from california are you in a small town how many people graduated from your class
Starting point is 00:24:38 what sports did you play what was what was growing up for property see yeah come on man I thought you weren't there everyone goes there everyone help me I know I'm very basic no uh the town city I grew up in 60,000 so okay I don't know like not like huge but not like super small. Stoplights. Stoplights. My graduating class was 400, I believe. Okay. It's like 1200 kids in my school. Yeah. But I mean, yeah, there's like corn, corn everywhere, like cornfields, farm, a lot of farmland. Okay. I live like right on the, right in the Mississippi, right on the corner of the intersection of Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Okay, so there were cornfields everywhere. There was some stereotypical – it's Iowa? I mean, yeah. In Iowa, yeah, there's a ton of corn. Oh, I didn't realize Iowa was so close to Lake Michigan. Is that Lake Michigan? Yeah, I'm like 90 minutes from Madison. is that like Michigan yeah I'm like I'm like 90 minutes from Madison and uh and you got stoplights in your town dude there's 60,000 people come on you think we don't have stoplights come on all right don't get hostile we just started the interview don't get hostile yet don't get hostile and uh tornadoes shit like that that? Not super crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:06 We get all the seasons really bad or bad, like super hot summers, like deep winters and stuff, but nothing too crazy with tornadoes usually, but yeah. I mean, we have a... Look, Street, you've turned the crowd against me. Seve, you need to leave Californiaifornia more dumb dumb look stop stop
Starting point is 00:26:25 okay thank you uh and did you play sports there what did you play uh yeah i mean football was like my main one like growing up like i ran track and field but that was just kind of to stay in shape for football i played baseball for a couple years like in high school but it was all like football football football and then um when I graduated high school it was like big decision whether I was going to play in uh college or not basically it was like I could have gone to some smaller schools with like really good offers and stuff or i could have walked on at
Starting point is 00:27:05 university of iowa which is where i ended up going um but not playing football um i decided not to uh so yeah i played through high school but that was it wide receiver hell no i wish i was that fast oh i played i played linebacker um but like if i was going to go play at the next level, I would have moved to safety probably just because I was too small. I played linebacker at the next level. Linebacker is on the defense who puts on the big hits. Yeah, there we go. And is that you?
Starting point is 00:27:41 Did you enjoy that? Were you that guy? Yeah, I loved that. The linebacker's pretty aggro right yeah like that was my yeah i love that i've missed that a lot yeah did you did you start in high school oh yeah and what was the most success you had like if you would have gone to college and played would you have been able to get on a division two team so like I could have I could have walked on at University of Iowa which is division one but if I would have done that it would have been I probably would have been on the practice or like
Starting point is 00:28:12 probably wouldn't have played like probably special teams for a few years and then maybe maybe have been able to play like my last year or something just based on honestly my size and my speed like just compared to the other guys so it was just kind of do I want to sit and get beat up for three years and kind of barely see the field and maybe get on my last year or not and so I decided not to yeah and um do you have siblings two younger younger sisters. Oh, wow. Okay. So you're the oldest. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And did you take that seriously? Did you act like a big brother? Were you a big brother, like feeling like you had to take care of them and have that kind of pressure on you? I don't know. I guess I never felt like any pressure about it or anything. It was just kind of, they were my younger sisters and there was never any, I guess there was never anything that really, uh, to be like super protective about or over them about, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:17 We grew up in a pretty good, um, fine area and stuff. Like there wasn't, um, things where for the most part but yeah i mean like if there's ever any like bullying or anything like there's yeah like that's definitely uh something where you know you always have that that big brother instinct i guess so i guess i kind of grew up with that yeah or even if even if like if i'm getting angry i have twins who are seven they have an older brother who's nine and if i'm getting mad at either of the twins uh the older brother obby will come over and he'll start like questioning me hey do you think you're handling this the best way why are you raising your voice to them oh yeah it's fucking nuts i'm like who the fuck are you you did you ever have
Starting point is 00:29:56 that intervene between your parents and your sisters nah see i nope didn't have that uh if they were getting if they were getting scolded or something that would be like the relationship i think i had with my with between my parents and my sisters and me it was a good one but it wasn't like if i were to talk back to my parents that would have been very bad for me basically when i was growing up so yeah very So you grew up in a house with a shitload of discipline? I would say when I was growing up, yes. Yes. I think as I got older and once I kind of graduated, I think my sisters definitely got some more leeway.
Starting point is 00:30:36 But yeah. Yeah. Walter, I love how – look it, man. You've really turned the crowd against me. Walter, I love how well-balanced man. You've really turned the crowd against me. Uh, Walter, I love how well balanced people. That means you street. I love how well balanced people like street find seven on leading questions.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Retarded. Walter. Fucking Walter. I never said that about any question. Uh, is streets body count. This CrossFit equivalent of Derek Jeter. Oh, is Derek Jeter slept with a lot of girls? That's a good question. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Yeah, I don't know. We don't know Derek Jeter's body count. It's impossible to say. Were you able to stay focused through high school, or were you out chasing girls a lot of the time? I mean, I had a really good GPA, but i feel like i was out chasing girls every a lot of the time so i don't know mixture both i guess i balanced it pretty well look at that they made a graphic with all the girls derrick what a graphic crazy someone make one of those for Street Horner.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Holy cow. That's kind of all time. I'm not going to lie. That's pretty damn. That's impressive. Heidi Krum, it seems like girls chase him. Yeah, there we go. I'll take that.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah. No girls ever chase him. I will say probably 90% of the DMs I get are from dudes so I mean whatever that means yeah isn't that crazy dude the dudes in our sports
Starting point is 00:32:13 love dudes 90% of the dudes I DM are dudes 90% of people I DM are dudes yep um what do you think
Starting point is 00:32:21 about your upbringing um has made it uh you um has made made it so that you've assimilated so well in CrossFit? It's obviously really hard. It's uncomfortable. It requires insane discipline around nutrition and work ethic and consistency.
Starting point is 00:32:47 It's clearly anybody could do it, but it's not for everyone, and work ethic and consistency. It's clearly, um, clearly anybody could do it, but it's not for everyone, especially at the highest level. Do you know what's made you kind of what in your upbringing has made you such a good fit? Um, yeah, I mean, I think definitely, um, I don't know a few things like we were always, always, I didn't have a, like, so we had what, 30, I think 30 minutes of television per day is what I was allowed for a long time. Like, most of my childhood growing up, even into high school a little bit, which is like absolutely insane now, like, like for most people. a little bit um which is like absolutely insane now like like for most people um and even back then most of my friends were like what the hell like what um and uh so like that was kind of a mixture of i mean so that and then my mom was i mean we were always told get outside like play outside play outside play outside go go go they were always doing shit outside um and, I mean, naturally just always active kind of things to do with my friends outside. So I think that was kind of obviously a base building,
Starting point is 00:33:52 just being active and stuff. But then just having like, it was pretty strict and structured growing up like with, in terms of, I don't know if we had, you know, it was, you're getting your homework done at this time, you're, you have these chores to do, blah, blah, blah, like, and it wasn't anything like Nazi, like, you know, crazy, but it was like, compared to most, like, looking back at the time, I thought that thought it was normal. So then like, talking to my friends as I grew up, and like, people now it was like, Oh, my my God, like people are like, what?
Starting point is 00:34:25 You had to do that and that and that. And so I think that structure and just that discipline that I was taught kind of growing up definitely translates into like, you have to, if you want to be towards the top of the CrossFit Gamesport, you have to be one of the most disciplined, structured people in every aspect of your life you know and so I think it just kind of carried over to that and helped me a little bit just kind of because if you don't have that that background I mean that's a damn tough thing to do to to you know it's me you know it better than anyone it's literally every single aspect of your life has to be dialed in so uh to
Starting point is 00:35:03 do that is not an easy thing. And so I guess, yeah, just having that, that structure growing up made me, um, definitely contributed to that, I guess. Um, uh, Eric Weiss. So you have great parents. Yeah. That's what I was thinking too. There's a great lesson there for parents. So he didn't even know about all the structure discipline that you had structure discipline and an unwavering consistency in your household so you didn't even know you wouldn't have even known if it was hard or easy because it was all you knew uh yeah and i i would say to to some extent yeah um and it was uh like as i started getting older you know and was around more friends and able to do a little bit more things, it started to get like, oh, my, like, wait, why can all my friends do this stuff?
Starting point is 00:35:50 And why do I have to be in bed at 830 every single night? Why? What? Mom, school doesn't start for another week. Why are we getting it? Why are we going to bed at school time now? Because you need to acclimate your system. That's what you me every time nope your friends are out playing outside I don't care you're going to bed at 8 30 this is school bedtime school doesn't start for a week I don't care so
Starting point is 00:36:14 like things like that um just uh yeah I don't know and I think there's definitely pros and cons to it um uh but yeah I think definitely learned a lot like having it that way so yeah i would say i do i have some good parents uh if uh how we do it if hugh jackman had a son it would be street there was there was another there was someone in here who – oh, Andrew Hiller. I love dudes. He does love dudes. What's up, Hiller? You know me and Hiller go way back? I do know that. That's wild. That's cool. He really likes you. Whenever your name comes up, he always has such – he just sings your praises.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I'm like, okay, okay, I know. You like him. Okay. Good. The day he turns on me, I swear to God. Shit's happening. There was someone in here. I can't find the comment anymore, but she said she'll be sliding into your DMs. Holy shit. This picture. Yes. This is like Waterpalooza, like, poof.
Starting point is 00:37:16 20, I don't even know. Long time ago. What year is that? 366 weeks ago. 217. Wow. That's nuts. Hey, buddy. you turn the lights off in here could you turn them back on thank you sorry that's my production assistant uh he's only nine um hey when you only had a half hour to watch tv what would you watch and what if the show was an
Starting point is 00:37:41 hour long would you would you have to break it up let's say you wanted to watch like night rider i don't even know if they had that show when you were a kid would you have? And what if the show was an hour long? Would you, would you have to break it up? Let's say you wanted to watch like Knight Rider. I don't even know if they had that show when you were a kid. Would you have to watch 30 minutes and then 30 minutes later the next day? So you must've hated commercials. You're all you motherfuckers. You're cutting into my time. Oh, a hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah. Yeah. Yes. It's funny. I don't know why that I was talking about this with somebody the other day. Um, I finally got like, I remember it was the greatest Christmas gift of my life. My parents got me a PlayStation like out of the blue,
Starting point is 00:38:11 like they hated video games to a T like I would, I could never play video games ever. And one year, I don't know why they gave him, but it was still the 30 minutes of the day. And it was back when the games took like forever to load. And so I would turn the playstation on turn my tv on it would load load load it would go through all the ads i would set up the game and i'd be like 20 minutes in i'd be like playing for 10 minutes mom come in nope let's go go outside i'm like mom i've been playing literally 10 minutes here nope get outside it didn't matter yep 30 minutes she didn't waver
Starting point is 00:38:47 nah she's she's tough she actually got me into crossfit oh tell me about that tell me about that how'd she get you into crossfit um literally just she just started going to classes and um she was just kind of talk about it at home and stuff. And I was just always like, yeah, okay, cool, mom, whatever. I don't like you're doing this crazy shit. And then one, I don't know, it was like one Saturday. She really, really wanted me to go to class. I was like, fine, I'll come in.
Starting point is 00:39:17 How old were you? This was my senior year of high school, I guess. So 18. So 11 years ago. Yeah. Yeah, that's crazy. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:33 So, I ended up going in and we did a long workout. I just remember it ended with ab-met sit-ups and somebody screaming in my face. And then, the rest is history, I guess. So, does your mom have a good body what a question yeah well she does cross it we gotta know uh she does very little crossfit these days um actually um yeah she's in very good she's in really good shape um she does mostly a lot of yoga now she goes to yoga almost every single day um and she will do her peloton workouts sometimes and then every once in a while she'll go into our garage gym and do stuff she'll jump in with me when i'm at home every once in a while but that's kind of her routine now yeah hey do you like it when she jumps in with you or are you like oh mom
Starting point is 00:40:23 i'm like i'm gonna go hard you're gonna hold me back or you like it when she jumps in with you? Are you like, Oh, mom, I'm like, I'm going to go hard. You're going to hold me back. Are you like it? No, I love it. When I'm home, I literally asked my whole family, like, Hey, I'm going to go work out. Who wants to come? Who wants to join? And I'll just write whatever for whoever wants to do it. And so I, over, over Christmas, I pulled them into some long, long, long workouts that, uh, I walked up one of the mornings and every single person can't walk down the stairs right now. Yeah. I was like, Ooh, we might've overdid a little bit. I got to remember, got to remember they, uh, they're quite acclimated yet sometimes, but no, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:41:01 And they jumped in. Hey, why did she stop? Why did street? Why did she stop doing crossfit your mom um honestly i think uh well she did have some some back issues so she kind of stopped lifting and stuff and um so i think that was one of the reasons so she kind of like put a pause on it started going to go into yoga a lot which she ended up like really just kind of like put a pause on it, started going to yoga a lot, which she ended up like really just kind of like falling in love with. Is she doing hot yoga?
Starting point is 00:41:29 Yeah, hot yoga. And then I think it was honestly that with a mixture of. I think she kind of started hating it. When. There was like a kind of well there's a period in my career where I like when I didn't or I got cut from the games like my last time and then I kind of went through a period where I was like I don't know if I'm gonna compete anymore and stuff and there was just a ton of turmoil and stuff I think she was super she was so invested in my CrossFit career like from the beginning like she was
Starting point is 00:42:13 the number one fan of mine like pushing me pushing me yes go for it go for it go for it and I think she honestly just needed to take a step back and just kind of remove herself from it because she was so invested in it emotionally um and I just don't think it was good for her mentally. Um, I think that was also like one of the factors. And so I think she just needed to do that. And it's just been a lot better for her mentally to kind of like, like she still does like, you know, functional fitness things and like, you know, things, but she doesn't go like into across the gym these days and stuff. So, yeah. Hey, did you, did you feel that, um, oh yeah, your mom has a great body. The answer is yes. If anyone ever asked you that again, does your mom have a good body? The answer is yes. Um, uh, did you feel that pressure from
Starting point is 00:42:58 your mom to succeed? Um, no, you know, I don't know. i've thought about that before i i feel like it was always my i feel like it was always pressure that i put on myself um but like you didn't feel like you were letting your mom down if you didn't if you didn't when you if you don't win the games no i think it was just more, no, I never, I never felt that. It was definitely just pressure that I put on. Yeah, I think it was just, just, just me, but I'm not really sure why I put so much pressure college with my engineering degree and that was the first year I, uh, qualify for the games. And so I remember I called my dad because this was like right towards the, I think I was, we had, we were graduating in like five months or something. And I was like, Hey, I think I'm going to take the next year just to see what I can do in CrossFit and put off getting like a real job, quote unquote, engineering job.
Starting point is 00:44:15 And he's like, what? What do you mean? And my mom was always the one that she was like, you know what? Yeah, go for it. Go for it. You should do it. And so I don't know it's yeah there's my dad and he oh he looks pissed at you there he looks is that is that that looks like the actual conversation would look at him his shoulders are back and shit he's like you will get a job this is this is actually when they were visiting me in Dubai.
Starting point is 00:44:48 This is during one of the open workouts, I think. And that's your mom there? Yeah. Damn, dude, you come from a good gene pool. Look at those two. This is like her peak crossfit right here. But my dad, he he actually, he works out a decent amount too. Like we turned our whole
Starting point is 00:45:08 home, home, or their home garage is now just a garage gym. They did a whole renovation so that they could finally park their cars
Starting point is 00:45:18 in a garage. And now it's, and now it's just a garage gym where they don't park their cars and they still work outside. They'll live longer for it. Yes. So, 18, you go to CrossFit class with your mom and you're addicted right away.
Starting point is 00:45:36 That's it. You're just off to the races. Sort of. Yeah. Let's see. So, yeah, I mean, I was pretty hooked. So started, started going to like class and stuff. Um, just like competing in class workouts and, uh, went to college because I was like right towards when I was graduating high school, went to college.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Um, there was no like CrossFit gym, honestly close. And so I would like dabble in some like at the field house, but it'd be hard because I'd be like, Hey, I need that squat rack and that dumbbell and that rower. And people would just be like, what the fuck are you doing? You know? Um, but, uh, ended up, um, let's see what it ended up doing. My first open just ran. I was like, my mom, I think convinced me to sign up that year. And I was like, yeah, the first year you were doing CrossFit, she's got you to sign up for
Starting point is 00:46:33 the open. Yes. I think it was 2013. I want to say, um, and in my mind, I was like kind of winning some of the class workouts and I would go home and stuff. And I was like, oh yeah, I think I qualified for region regionals I think I got like 10,000 in the region or something like like I had no idea um and uh yeah so then like through then like the next year um honestly I just kind of like kept at it a little bit and started building up I think I did a local comp
Starting point is 00:47:02 did pretty good I was like uh okay like i think it just became my competitive outlet now that i wasn't playing football um i needed something and so it was something for me to go train for in the gym and it was never like i'm gonna train like for the games it was like oh if there's another local cop coming up i'm gonna do with my my buddy you know let's uh i'm gonna go train for that and then it just kept like doing well doing well finally qualified for regionals trained out of my buddy's garage um for two years in college and you know in iowa like it gets negative degree weather no heat in there we like put the barbells
Starting point is 00:47:45 in front of like a a heater uh like a space heater and like roast it like a like a marshmallow crazy before we before we work out and stuff uh so i did that for a couple years and then the gym opened up across the kilo to my last year i was in college but i got to train there which is so nice but yeah uh dan guerrero uh jason hopper is better looking i'm sorry dude wow wow imagine if you were a girl on the show imagine if you were uh uh i don't know dan guerrero can you give me a dan hey dan can you write up a list of all the dudes that are better looking than me? What,
Starting point is 00:48:28 what if you, what if, what if I had Daniel Brandon on the show and someone in the comments wrote, I'm sorry, Katrin's better looking. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I think she would probably handle it well. I don't know. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Completely. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:48:46 you're, are you, is that going to bother you at all? When we get off, are you going to like, you're going to like starve yourself for a week or, uh, start doing steroids or anything from that comment?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Is that gonna, I don't know. Maybe I have to get a haircut or something. Yeah. Something. Yeah. Who knows? Wash your hair.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Stare in the mirror for at least an hour and figure out what the fuck to do oh judy reed does he remember someone telling him he could be a model in the behind the scenes which i don't remember that did we have a run do you remember that did we have a run in it uh at the games one year uh god if we did it must have been 20 were you doing the first mad games? I think one, one, one, one. I mean, it was either that or it was the year that I only did one event. What a cheesy thing to say to you. Probably a shitload of people say that to you, right? You could, you should be a model.
Starting point is 00:49:40 I don't know. Every once in a while. Every day. Hey, did you, have you ever done any modeling? A little bit, just kind of like side stuff. For some clothing brands and stuff, I guess. But nothing like, I don't know, super professional. But once again, you didn't have an agent, you weren't doing Abercrombie and...
Starting point is 00:50:10 No, I just did some stuff for State and Liberty, like a suit company. Oh, that's cool. Suits. So you had your clothes on? Yes, I was like fully clothed. Oh, Adam Blakeslee. Yes, Devon, you did 2017, the first year at Madison. Oh, yeah. How many times have you been to the games? Well, I usually say like one and a half because I got cut in the first event
Starting point is 00:50:32 and whatever that stupid fucking year was. And I was so fit. I was so dumb. But it's my fault. What was the workout? How did that go down? What happened? What was the workout?
Starting point is 00:50:41 When I got cut? Yeah. It was like run, legless rope climbs, and snatches on the field. I don't remember the name of that. Let's see. This is spam risk. Let's see what they want. Hello?
Starting point is 00:50:56 Hello? Hi, good morning. Is this Kevin? Yeah, this is Kevin. Hi, sir. Good morning. This is Michelle. How are you doing? Hi, Michelle. I'm – oh, my friend Street says hi. Oh, can you guys hear without this, or would you need this? Hi. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:51:24 We can. I'm calling from U.S. Document Services, by the way, and I'm calling to confirm if you will be available to sign these legal documents that have been served for you. Yes. I personally don't have documents because it's sealed. So I see here that it is regarding a complaint being issued against you if you have any questions i can give you the number of the issuing yeah i was throwing rocks at cars on the highway yesterday and there were like 30 police chasing me so it probably has to
Starting point is 00:51:56 do with that that's okay just send them send the cops over to my house and just have them get me i'll be waiting out front i'll put on clean underwear michelle what michelle we're having a conversation i talked and you talk and then i talk let's get this going girl come on this is a good bit i understand i can give you the phone number so you can call them directly because we're just a third party and they just contracted me to call you okay Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, give me the number. Get me the number. Yeah, yeah, give me the number.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I need to call them right away. Please give me the number. need to call them right away please give me the number okay yes yes 888 965 2466 four six six correct and i also have here the case number for the reference of the file please yes that would be three four six two three four six two do you want my social security number or a credit card or anything uh no sir you can just call them directly okay for you to know the details about these documents because I cannot open it. It's sealed.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Okay, yeah, I understand. When you say it so many times like that, like that reveals it's a scam. Listen, if you're trying to scam someone, you got to just say it like once. The fact that you said it five times is getting weird, but I get it. I get you're new to this whole scamming business. I want you to know that Jesus forgives you for your sins. You can just call the number. All right, thank you. I sins you can just call the number all right thank you i love you
Starting point is 00:53:56 say i love you back you just say you can actually put the file for you on hold for 30 minutes okay just just say i love you back and we're good just say i love you kevin good luck thank you so much for your time. You take care. I love you, Kevin. Good luck, buddy. You have a nice body. That was for you, Street. You might want to reconsider that question at some point. You just put Michelle's mind in a blender. She doesn't know what just happened.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Hey, maybe, maybe, I'm starting to think that maybe that was AI. Caleb, was that a real person, or is that just because of the cadence she was talking? It was like she was, was that a recording? I don't know. It seemed really real she got she was very off foot by all the questions so all right what if i told you that i was ai right now they're getting they're getting damn close to being able to to do that are you kind of are you putting your engineering degree to use it all right now no oh are you really smart street are you really smart uh i wouldn't i don't know if
Starting point is 00:55:15 i'd say i'm really smart but i think i'm intelligent you know yeah enough hey let me ask you this let me i'm gonna test your iq here a little bit okay do you think here we go this question what do you think the the races of that lady who was on the phone okay uh hispanic black or asian take your time you could even look in the chat if you want some help i think oh is there a chat yeah don't don't look at it you'll fall into it and you'll never come out i don't see any chat it's just a bunch of dudes saying that they want to fucking bathe with you it's just that you don't want to look she's uh she's ai so she's ai yeah all right she's ai all right uh the people in the chat think she's Asian
Starting point is 00:56:05 Wow Racist The real Kevin, Asian If you say so, Kevin Fucking linguistic Do you answer all of your spam calls, Siobhan? Yeah, it's a great This is the phone number, I just looked it up
Starting point is 00:56:19 It's definitely I think he's right, I think it's Asian Adam thinks she's Hispanic Wow It's definitely. So I think he's right. I think it's Asian. Adam thinks she's Hispanic. Wow. You're not as smart as I thought you were. No one thinks she was a black lady. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Why can I not see this chat? Look up in the right-hand corner. It's probably click private. And if you go to comments, you'll see comments yeah but really dude careful i don't know if you want to do that oh wow there's a lot of people yeah shit shit will get weird for you quick shit will get weird not everyone's made for the chat it's funny i always think the chats because i'm used to it but but fucking it destroys some people Jake's Chat from CrossFit can you have a quick look
Starting point is 00:57:07 and check what size his shirt label says look at see I'm pretty sure it's a large isn't that weird me and you are the same size shirt and I'm like I'm part
Starting point is 00:57:18 I'm part dwarf Devon how much do you weigh 165 how tall are you five five and I don't know if I'm five five anymore because I claim I'm five five and I swear that's a good size yeah I'm stout I'm a little fire plug damn I crossfit and I and I got a roll of fat like, like, right around my belly button that's crazy. It's not quite a roll.
Starting point is 00:57:51 You guys can love the handles there? Oh, my God. I got fucking, it's not even a handle. It's just a full wraparound safety bar. Like, if I jumped into a pool, I would just, like, float like this, like a buoy. Why? I thought you were, like? I thought you were like, I thought you were all on the no sugar stuff and all that and all that.
Starting point is 00:58:09 You shouldn't be having that little tube down there. I know, I know. But I have a, I eat a six pound bag of pistachios and a bag of dried mangoes every time I, before I go to bed. Yes, that'll do it. It's seven margaritas and seven margaritas. Do you drink at all? Street? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:58:28 You do? Yeah. Can you handle your alcohol or do you get weird? I think I can handle my alcohol very well. Yeah. And tell me when you first started getting into CrossFit, how do you stay so lean all the time? How are you so ripped ripped is that genetic or you've like pretty fastidious with your diet uh so i would say a mixture of both i mean i don't
Starting point is 00:58:55 know my like my my parents aren't like i don't know hold on hold on sorry sorry sorry one second samantha uh that's a lie show me your fat friends that are fat by eating too much fruit. Dude, I'm telling like, I do not sit around and eat like cake. I've don't eat donuts. I don't eat. I don't drink Coke.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I don't, I'm telling you, I have a fucking crazy nut and dried fruit habit. That's like, Oh yeah. And spicy margaritas. But I am not, I'm not a sugar guy at all. I really am not. Wait, so, but you and spicy margaritas but i am not a uh i'm not a sugar guy at all i really
Starting point is 00:59:26 am not wait so but you like spicy marg yeah but i mean i don't like make them at home and shit it's like when i go out to restaurants and shit and i don't have one or two yeah right i know i know but i'm just saying like like in my house like you won't know i love it i don't i don't eat sandwiches and shit i don't like i I don't do, I'm good. I'm a good dude. I used to eat a lot of cheese, but I pivoted to fruit and nuts. But anyway, let's talk about you. How do you stay so, no one else talk about my weight.
Starting point is 00:59:55 It's hurting my feelings. Oh, are your sisters very attractive? My sisters are beautiful. i bet okay they're both locked up oh smart um tell me um tell me about your diet how do you stay so lean uh so what was I saying? Oh, I mean, I think everybody like, yeah, genetics are a little bit of a factor, but my parents aren't like super ripped or like crazy or anything. And they were never even like that in shape before they started doing CrossFit. So it wasn't like they just have always been, you know.
Starting point is 01:00:40 But I think, yeah, I mean, like right when I started like getting really serious in CrossFit, I counted my macros and everything for probably a year and a half, like everything. And I don't count anymore. I just kind of have a freaking calculator in my head that's just like always going, which is not, I don't know, it's good for some things and not healthy for something. But yeah, so I just, I don't know. I think I, I try to eat real, real foods and I eat a ton of protein, a ton of meat, eggs. And then I eat a lot of vegetables too, which I know some people now are like, Oh, vegetables. But I don't know. I eat a lot of meat, a lot of vegetables, and then I know some people now are like, Oh, vegetables. Um, but I don't know. I eat
Starting point is 01:01:25 a lot of meat, a lot of vegetables, and then I'll add in rice, potatoes when I want to need to feel like I need energy carbs, blah, blah, blah. And then, yeah, on the weekends, honestly, I'd eat pretty good through the week. And then on the weekends I'd kind of, you know, I'll let myself do whatever I'll go out to eat, eat whatever I want, eat some pizzas, burgers and stuff. But I think definitely something like while I was competing, I definitely was too lean. And I totally know that now. And it actually messed me up in a big way. Like I was not eating enough. I was training for the amount I was training and the amount I was eating way, way out of balance, out of whack. Um, and definitely was like super unhealthy. Um, and so trying to kind of pull that, those levers back now, and that's kind of what i've been trying to do past couple years honestly
Starting point is 01:02:25 um without competing so yeah i don't know it's it's cool and stuff being the oh that the shredded dude and whatnot and whatever but like you're trying to do that and um also perform and crossfit fucking tough and not good for your body at all. Um, so yeah. So, so I'm going to read into what you're saying a little bit. You're saying that you started doing CrossFit, you started really liking the way your body looked when it was really lean and, and like, I don't want to exacerbate any fucking eating disorder, but your body was, is, has always been absolutely fucking amazing. Uh, it it's you definitely have one of the most incredible physiques in the space um uh you're you're saying that you you were be more
Starting point is 01:03:12 fond of your way that your body looked rather than it was performed performed they were out of balance uh no not not exactly like would you want would you want to eat but walk past the fridge because you just looked in the mirror and like the way your body look no no so it was more it was more of just i just was kind of i think i just wasn't educated enough and didn't have the right um i don't know like it's weird i want to try to paint you like you had an eating disorder and you're saying no it wasn't an eating disorder. Like I'm thinking honestly, honestly there. Yeah. I mean, there's definitely some things that were super unhealthy about what I was doing. So I don't know what you want to classify as an eating disorder,
Starting point is 01:03:55 but I guess the mechanism of why you're doing it is what constitutes the eating disorder, right? Like, yeah. Um, I don't know. I, and I think, I think I always felt, um, i don't know i and i think i think i always felt um i don't know like right when i got into got into crossfit and stuff and as i was like um getting better and stuff i never really thought about my body like looking at it or anything it was just like okay i'm getting better and crossing getting better and crossed it um and then I think maybe as, you know, media became more prevalent and whatnot. And I would see like photos of me out and stuff. And it's like, oh, yeah, like, I look pretty good there.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Like, I got ass. That's cool. You know, like, I think that's pretty normal for people to kind of look at themselves and if you look good. And then I don't know if it turned into more of a, um, I think as my, I think I kind of kept my, uh, my eating intake the same, or maybe even lowered a little bit, but my training volume just kept creeping up, kept creeping up, kept creeping up the more I got into the sport. And it created such a big imbalance to where I think I developed the, no, this is what you need to eat. This is what got you there.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Like, you're fine. You don't need more. You can't eat more. You'll, you know, um, but my training was so much more. So, and I just didn't really internalize that or realize that. Um, and it just ended up pushing me kind of over the edge yeah what do you what do you mean over the edge I don't know like my I never got injured per se but like my whole last the last year I competed I I mean I honestly hated it. I hated training. There was no spark, no go. I felt like shit in the gym. I was literally just doing it, just beating myself into a wall every day and I'm so um and I also didn't have the wherewithal to uh kind of back
Starting point is 01:06:09 off and know that like hey you need to rest you need to eat more like it was just like no like the way to get better and the way I've always done it and the way I've gotten better is by I'm going to do the program I'm going to do whatever is on the program I'm going to do it as hard as I can um that's that's how you get better you know mental toughness pain cave like push push push push hard hard hard do the hard thing you'll get better and that's kind of always worked for me until it didn't um and uh so I think and then finally that last year and then it was just like I went semifinals had no, like literally just felt like a shell of myself. Like there was nothing about it that felt like they got no push anywhere.
Starting point is 01:06:52 It was the workout should have been good for me. And I just felt like absolute ass the whole time. And it was just like, What year was that street? What year is this you're talking about? This would have been 20 2020 2021 the granite game it was granite game semi-final i don't remember the it was a couple years ago um back when danielle used to come on the show before she i don't know what she's doing now she's getting some bad advice from someone but um she she told me a story about
Starting point is 01:07:26 how she was on an assault bike and she was riding it when she basically just fell off like and the coach came over and was like hey what the fuck's going on and it was that she was eating she was training for the games a couple years ago at underdogs and uh she was eating 1900 calories a day. Wait, who is this? Uh, Daniel Brandon. Oh yeah. The girl, the girl you're dating. That's nuts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Don't, don't start that. Stop. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows it. Stop that shit right now. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows it.
Starting point is 01:07:56 We've seen the pictures. Yeah. Pictures. Uh, yeah, that's, I mean, yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:02 that's, that's nuts. That's nuts. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's nuts. But, but that's nuts that's nuts yeah yeah that's that's nuts but but i'm getting that same vibe from you i'm getting the vibe that like you increased your training but didn't increase your fuel and you were just basically just just falling off of shit just like
Starting point is 01:08:16 like like like you were swimming through molasses kind of yeah yeah um essentially um and yeah basically just uh not not good until yeah i mean i don't know did someone have to have a talk with you how do you snap out of that does someone have to have a talk with you no i literally finished the granite games that year and i was like i need i basically just said i need a break it's kind of what I put it at just from basically I told myself I need a break from competing because I thought that's what it was I thought it was just kind of like burnt out and I just didn't I don't know I'm trying to figure out what the hell was going on so like hey I don't know when I'm gonna I just need a few months and so it ended up that and then ended up working with some doctors and stuff,
Starting point is 01:09:08 um, doing a lot of work, uh, just internally. What kind of doctors? What kind of doctors? I work with wild health. So we did a lot of blood work stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Um, and, uh, just kind of try to fix a lot of shit that was messed up. And that's kind of been ongoing and definitely getting better now. But it was honestly, I never planned on, I had no time horizon of how long of a break I was going to take. But this was like, I realized how awful I literally felt. And I was like, it's not worth at all competing.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Like if this is how I feel anymore. So it's just been trying to figure that out and get myself to actually feeling good again, which I'm finally in a pretty decent spot now, which is so much better because it was, yeah, I felt like shit like 24, 75. Did you have to tell yourself or did someone, did you just see it on, like,
Starting point is 01:10:04 at some point are you sitting down with someone or you're sitting down, you're looking at a piece of paper and it says, for this activity, I need 4,100 calories a day and I'm eating 2,300. Like, did you have a moment where you're like, oh, shit? No, I think it was honestly just talking to, I don't know. know no there wasn't like a certain thing it was just like talking to to people in the space and stuff and I think honestly the thing is I think I knew it it like it just wasn't because I was people would tell me that like my training partners and stuff and be like hey are you eating like you need to eat more eat eat eat and I'd be like yeah I am I am or like but then I would like go and then uh like and I felt like I was eating more but really it would be like and then all of a sudden on the weekend I'd be like oh my god I can finish this whole pint of Ben and Jerry's and I'm still hungry
Starting point is 01:10:58 like oh that's probably not a good thing you're probably pretty under fueled um and it was just kind of like an endless cycle of where it's like ah yeah i think i'm eating more now and then it's like nope still not and so it was just such a deficit to where i think i i just i didn't understand how much i literally was just destroying myself um and i just kind of got into a rabbit hole um but like sitting down, like after when I said I needed a break, it's just been a slow process of like talking to people and be like, yeah, you really, really, really kind of fucked yourself up. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Do you have a nutritionist now? Nope. I mean, no, I work with like wild health, but it's not like a nutritionist. We just like talk about like general things and whatnot. Do you have a coach, Street? Nope. No. Like for what? What do you mean? For CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:11:57 No, I do all my own programming and stuff now. Were you at, were you, have you been a coach? Are you affiliated with Brute at all? And Matt Torres over there? Yeah. So we have a program it's called Brute Body by Street. Um, so it's like a templated, uh, program that I put out with him. So he kind of, uh, um, I've been looking to put out, cause I always just got people asking me every past couple of years, like, what do you do for training? What do you do for training? And I was like, I just do my own stuff. Cause I post like workouts randomly and whatnot and so finally i was like okay i don't know i just like here this is literally what i do
Starting point is 01:12:31 so with through uh the help of him like in brute we just kind of uh i was like hey this is like my training i'm just gonna write it out and then he just kind of went through and make made sure everything was actually structured like so that there's progressions and stuff, you know, based on like people just jumping in, not getting hurt and whatnot. Um, but other than that, so we have that program through them. It's just basically my training. Um, and then I do like promote, uh, personal training, personal clients, and then in-person personal clients right now. That's actually mainly what I'm doing. Caroline M.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Wow. And I really respect Caroline. She has a lot of great comments. Street Meat. That's what she... I think that's also a good name. Street Meat. There's a lot of things you can do with my name. So if you want to start some sort of company or something with it like actually don't you uh
Starting point is 01:13:27 have you had hunter on before yeah mcintyre he's a regular yes he just posted i don't know some posts about street meat or something i was like hey if you're trying to do a collab here we can do something good yeah or have your lawyers talk to him be like hey you can't use that street meat that's yeah my lawyers um when you the when you the first time i remember seeing you like really pop up is when you were dating katrin she was like she was very adamant on her social media about her love for you like it was like that that was she just thrust you your relationship kind of into the into the foreground would you say that's an accurate description a little bit yeah i mean she was she was she seemed like she was in a really good space i remember texting her dming her and being like holy shit i'm so happy for you look at you you're just fucking on cloud nine how long did you guys date i want to say it was about a year ish but it was all so it was when i was living in dubai um so
Starting point is 01:14:33 like i would go spend time with her in iceland and then we'd go to boston for a little bit and then she'd come to dubai but it's kind of like distance and not like off and on for about a year. And what was the courtship like that? Like, how do you, she's this icon in the sport. She's bigger than life to a lot of people. She's a, sits on a,
Starting point is 01:14:57 on a, on a, on a tier, you know, two times CrossFit Games champion. She's kind of, you know, alone in this like crazy elite division. What was that courtship like? Did you pursue her or did she pursue you? Imagine you're in Ottawa paddling along the Rideau Canal. Oh.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Then ziplining across the Ottawa River between two provinces. Ah. Before cycling along a picturesque pathway. Oh. And seeing your favorite artist at a giant outdoor music festival. Adventure awaits in Ottawa. From O to Ah. Plan your Ottawa adventure at
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Starting point is 01:16:05 See the PC Optimum app for details. I'm taking notes here. How to pursue a superstar. I want to say she DM'd me first. If I'm being honest, maybe it was me. I don't know. It was an instagram dm and then we were like randomly just like every once in a while like
Starting point is 01:16:31 clergy dms i guess and then i met her in cape town at a competition yes it is in cape town and and then it was on it It was on like Donkey Kong. Honestly, no. Just met her there. Talked to her a little bit and then actually at Rogue that year is when we kind of like started actually talking. And did you enjoy that?
Starting point is 01:17:00 Did you enjoy that phase of your life? Was that a fun relationship? Was that cool? How did you feel about being kind of thrust into the scene? Yeah, I don't know. It honestly feels like another lifetime. Wow. It's so weird. Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:20 I enjoyed it. We did a lot of cool stuff. We went to Milan together and Switzerland and traveled and I got to go do cool things. And, um, yeah, I have nothing bad to say about her at all.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Um, it was just, yeah, I think we were, none of it, none of it looked bad. It looked like it was fun. It looked like a,
Starting point is 01:17:40 it looked like a fairy tale. Yeah, honestly, kind of, kind of was um yeah it's so weird like it literally people ask me about i'm like oh my god that happened um did you ever bring her home to meet your parents did you ever bring her home to meet your parents uh not to iowa but they did meet her in Boston. Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:10 And, and, and so you have this relationship with her. She's the superstar. You're all over her Instagram, beautiful pictures of you guys like on beaches and shit together. And then, um, uh, as it winds, does it, as it winds down, um, were you sad? Did you cry? Was it hard? I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a big crier. I'm not going to lie. Um, Oh, that's fine. No, I don't know. It was, it was honestly just, I think we're, no, it was more just, I just wasn't really in the right, uh, right spot for like a really long-term relationship, I think.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Like I didn't know what I was kind of half living in Dubai. I was almost going to move to the States. I didn't know what I was doing kind of all over the place. She was still kind of in Iceland, didn't really know what she was doing. So it just, we just were both not like ready, I guess. Yeah. Long term. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:08 It's wild because I mean, people come in and out of relationships right and but yours was so public that did you did you feel that that it was different because it was so public that the public eyes on it affected the relationship like you couldn't hit her in public yeah no yeah i mean it's hard to like there's a point to where okay what do you do are you doing this because you actually like or love this person or is it just cool seeing everyone else love you guys right right right right and and that's a that's a tough thing to determine and figure out right it's yeah it's fucking cool i remember opening up my phone the first time she posted me and i had like triple the amount of instagram followers and you know
Starting point is 01:19:58 you're getting all this hits from like oh my god yeah people love this i'm amazing like this is so cool like would you actually do that and do shit like i'm just fucking with it took a photo with her um right and so it's that and then it's also okay so you're trying to determine so at first it was just like yeah this is great like i'm of course i really like this girl and then you start like actually thinking about it and it's like okay do i what are what are our values or are we the same person do we you know are we actually compatible do i actually really like you love you for who you are and whatnot and i like i said nothing bad to say against her at all but it's just right that is a tough thing to navigate when you're so public and
Starting point is 01:20:41 just get thrust into it i mean i think that think the Iceland did have like, I think they had articles in their paper about it and shit. I'm like, what in the hell is going on? Um, so yeah. I mean, her star was, her star was the brightest.
Starting point is 01:20:56 It was at the peak of her, probably her. It was at, it was at her peak. And then all of a sudden she's with this fucking stunning, beautiful man. Who's also in the ecosystem. And so everyone's like, and people were happy for you.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Happy for you guys. So that's interesting. I didn't think about that. Are you doing it for yourself or at what point are you trying to make people happy? Because we're all conditioned to try to make people happy who are around us. Yeah. yeah and and i don't even know if it was to make other people happy it's just more of you know when you post a photo of you and you get like all these comments and likes and stuff about it feels good you know yeah like it's like oh yeah people love us people love me like yeah but like, you know, what, where's the, uh, so yeah, I don't know. I've, I hate social media
Starting point is 01:21:49 for lots of reasons. Um, it's good for lots of things as well, but there's a, I don't know, kind of weird, uh, trying to navigate my relationship with social media has been interesting for sure. Joe Neals, uh, to the best coach in the game. Wow. Street Horner, best coach in the game. I cannot speak enough to Street's knowledge and ability to program, change my fitness, and what I thought was possible as an athlete. A successful coach and affiliate owner in his own right, Joe Neals, CrossFit Kenosha. That's my man right there.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Hey, that dude has worked his ass off. Like, worked his ass off. And I respect the hell out of him for that and he's done all everything i've said for programming wise and more on his own and it's it's really cool working with him so i'll text you back whenever i'm done with this were you in kenosha during the riots no no that's too bad it's too bad that'd be be that'd been cool to go out on the get a big gulp and just walk around on the streets with fucking 64 ounces of diet coke and a fucking just checking shit out burning down probably i'm taking my camera um hey um when when you guys separate are there rules
Starting point is 01:23:03 like you guys have a phone call and you're like hey Hey, she's like, Hey, it's a, you guys are like, it's a, yeah, back to catch on. Of course. So it took me an hour and 10 minutes to get here. I can't let it go that easy. So you, you say to her, um, you guys say, Hey, we're, um, we're breaking up. Let's be cool about it. Let's, um, did you have to, did you guys make a post or, hey, just let it fizzle out?
Starting point is 01:23:25 Or, hey, can we agree not to say anything negative about each other? Was there any discussion like that about how you were going to deal with forward-facing? Nope. Just two mature people. It was just, yeah. I don't know. It was kind of like more of like a fizzle thing so it wasn't like a hey we're like we need to like do this it's kind of like ah yeah maybe we'll keep talking and then
Starting point is 01:23:53 it just kind of fizzled out so um i don't know i mean i got like tons of questions about like hey where's why are you never post catching or what blah? Where is the United? I just kind of always just ignored him, to be honest. And so, yeah, never. That was it. There was a great... No, he's not uncomfortable. You're not uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Rambler. No, he's not uncomfortable. There was another good name in here for your company, if you want to start a company. It was called Street Value. Hey, give me a list. I need a list of all the best ideas here. Oh, I just thought of a good porn title for you, Street in the Sheets.
Starting point is 01:24:43 There we go. Street in the Sheets. I'm writing it down, putting it in my you. Street in the Sheets. There we go. Street in the Sheets. I'm writing it down, putting it in my notes. Street in the Sheets, Street Value. How about – Street Meat's a good name, though, too, now that I think about it, for porn. Street Meat's solid. Streetwear.
Starting point is 01:24:56 I'm trying to start a clothing company. Streetwear, yes, yes. Yeah, right? Yeah. There we go. Yep. Patrick Clark, so young to be thrust into that role where your relationship was so public. Yeah, but that's the only time to enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Like, you don't want to be like 60 and, yeah, you got to enjoy it. Yeah, yeah, I don't know. Like I said, it's weird. It literally feels like, I don't's like it was like a lifetime ago how do you get a jawline like that do you have one of those rubber things you put in your mouth that you bite down on to get your jawline thousand thousand reps a day and then I also made sure my lighting is exactly perfect wherever I go in the angles of how I said I can tell you've done a lot of work on your lighting and your camera placement today fantastic wait are you being sarcastic because i kind of very very okay
Starting point is 01:25:50 yeah i'm sorry i'm like wow i hope they can see me shit um uh by the way joe thanks for the money dude i appreciate it um so when you when you i want to go back to daniel brand in a second so you all did what happened was is that you guys were both at wadapalooza and there were storms and the roads were closed or something you just ended up at the same hotel and ran into her in the hotel gym and worked out is that the story or no no uh um no i'm Okay, so yeah, we were both at Waterflusa. We both had the same... Me, her, and my other buddy had the same flight back
Starting point is 01:26:31 because we were all going to Nashville. And we literally were about to board the plane and they canceled it. Nashville had got a ton of snow. And so they canceled the flight and so we were... They said, well, what the hell do we do? And so we all just said Well what the hell do we do And so we all just
Starting point is 01:26:46 Got a hotel room together And stayed the night And then Flew home the next morning That's it You all got a hotel room together Yeah we're in pain for Come on
Starting point is 01:26:57 What you mean You all You all got a hotel room together This is correct Okay And And where did you guys sleep if there's only one hotel room on the beds there were two beds you and your buddy slept on one bed and danielle slept on another bed just leave it up to your imagination hey but you're a young man and she's this beautiful
Starting point is 01:27:21 young woman don't don't you feel like that tension in there like there's just like there's like just stuff coming off of your guys's skin and shit and it's like interacting in the in the ether and nope no um do you do you remember what she smells like nope no do you think she remembers what you smell like? Or your smell was probably mixed up with that other guy's smell, so she has no – she doesn't know which one was your smell. There's a lot of smells going on. I was at – I'm at Greg's house now, and I was using his washing machine, and I was taking the clothes out of the clean washer, and I thought I smelled him. You know what I mean? Because I know people's smells, so I'm like, oh, does his washing machine and i was taking the clothes out of the clean washer and i thought i smelled him you know what i mean because like i know people smells so i'm like oh does his washing machine
Starting point is 01:28:08 smell like you know it doesn't yeah you probably got it now yeah like yeah i like i know a smell um oh look graciano rubio i'm not sure i understand this question who won okay um so so so you guys are um you guys get off the plane and you go to the hotel and whose idea was it like but you're like well fuck we might as well work out uh no i basically was like hey i'm gonna work out in the morning because i just always work out like i if i especially when i'm traveling, I will get up. I don't care what time my flight is at. I will do something no matter what. And so I was like, hey,
Starting point is 01:28:51 I'm going to work out in the hotel gym in the morning. You guys can join if you want. And Daniel wanted to join. Hey, that's crazy discipline right there. So you're telling me if you're going somewhere, if you have a flight at 7 a.m., you need to leave your house at 6 a.m or at 5 30 you'll get up at 4 30 so you can get a workout in okay flights at 6 get up at 3 whatever i need to do no shit yeah i don't know it's uh yeah i feel
Starting point is 01:29:23 i don't know just no matter what makes me feel better throughout the day. Cause what happens when you have a hundred delays and you're sitting down stuck traveling all day long and can't move. I don't know. I just feel better that I've done something. Um, feel better. Yeah. That's just world-class discipline. I've never heard before. That's, that's nuts. And it's, and you're, you're a hundred percent on that. Like, Hey, you do it. What if you're hung over a little bit, you'll still do it. I've done way worse on hungover. Yeah. Even more so, right. Like kind of kick your ass. Like this will teach you to get hung over. One hundred percent. Yep. And literally sometimes it's literally just put on your fucking shoes And get outside
Starting point is 01:30:06 And go run for a little bit Yeah that's awesome Uh Did Street ever buy Catrin a box of wine To drink in a field with him You know I didn't
Starting point is 01:30:18 And maybe that's why We didn't end up together You know That he's making fun of me That used to be my move I'd get a box of wine and put in my backpack and then if i met a girl i'd take her out to a field and drink it damn so that had to work dude every time it was such a boss move such a boss move in college i would do
Starting point is 01:30:37 that i would sit next to a girl in class and you know talk to her and then you know three weeks in after class be like hey i got a box of wine you want to go drink it in the field as a legume i mean that's a pro move right there that's like a hundred and i was like a hundred no with that move yeah yeah it was crazy um uh one time this fucking crazy hawaiian chick that i took out to the field she was like do you have any meth no i knew i was fucking out of my league. I was like, whoa. Damn. You're taking out to the field.
Starting point is 01:31:09 No. You're in the gym, and when she takes that picture of you two, do you know that it's going to cause a ripple in the matrix? Oh, the Danielle photo I posted? Yeah. She posted it. If you had posted it, it would have been no photo i posted yeah she posted it if you would have posted it it'd been no big deal but she posted it she posted a few of them i think did you know that was going to
Starting point is 01:31:32 cause a ripple in the matrix did you get a call from torres and he's like yo dude yeah i mean i'm i was like hey this is good good for my uh my program can we can i just use you for my social media for a little bit here yeah she's cool with it yeah no yeah you didn't say that i i don't know i might have joked with her something like that because i well yeah i mean i knew obviously if she posted something like that but yeah people are gonna be like what what no you go ahead i won't forget my question go ahead uh do you talk to her on the phone do i yeah if i need to i know but like like you call her like you're like if you're driving home from the gym like yesterday when you're driving home from the gym, you're like, Hey, Danielle, what's up? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:32:26 No. Not that she lives in Nashville. Like on the weekend, I'll be like, Hey, what are you doing this weekend? Yeah. We'll like go out and stuff. And hang. Yeah. We hung out last weekend with like groups of friends. Yeah. Even though you're not part of the, well, I guess you are sort of part of, you are part of the Brute family. Yeah. A little bit. Yeah, that's fair. Even though when I had Torres on here the other day, I said, is she a Brute athlete?
Starting point is 01:32:52 And he said, she's her own brand. I mean, she is her own brand. Yeah. When you're in the hotel room, who did the programming? Who decided the workout? Actually, she kind of did. She wanted to do like some running and dumbbell crusher thing. I was actually going to Peloton and then the seat was messed up.
Starting point is 01:33:20 So that was disappointing. So I was like, damn it, I have to do your hard ass workout. But it was actually really good and you crushed it yeah i actually scaled the weight up so of course you can't let you can't do the same weight as her hey um you go back to the hotel room and who showers first to the hotel room and who showers first man um she did actually i think i stayed in and i did some like cable shit and then she went back and she showered and then she ate breakfast and then i went and then i showered and then we all packed up and then we got the uber we went to the airport i'm disgusted with that answer i wanted to. I wish I had more juicy details for you. I wanted to hear.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Hey, listen, asshole. I'm green as fuck. And we showered together. We just faced each. We just didn't look at each other. But we're not wasting water. I mean, that's what I would have said. That's what gets the people going. Daniel, I know you're really into guys who are green and who are conservationists and concerned about the planet.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Would you like to shower together? i'll stay on my side i might have to use that line at some point here you can please thank you look at carolyn m loves it great trick questions debbie yeah yeah awesome uh street what what's the plan now for your CrossFit aspirations, like in terms of competing? What's the deal? If I'm being honest, I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm going to compete again. Very much just the plan was kind of always to come back and compete at some point but just based on my honestly physical and mental health and how much better I feel not it's really tough for me to put myself back into that situation
Starting point is 01:35:17 even though I still I train all the time like not like for the games but I'm always just like in some fashion I just like training I like fitness um uh that coupled with the amount of money that I wasn't making and uh it's hard to like, I mean, live that lifestyle 24 seven, be that locked in and come out with literally almost nothing. Um, like barely making, you know, I mean, yeah. Okay. You can, I can make enough to do what I was doing because that's all you do go to the gym and come home and then eat and that's it uh but like it just it's so tough um and it just honestly just wasn't worth it from basically all three of those standpoints you know financially physically mentally for me and every time I think about it it's kind of what I come back to um I get the itch every once in a while like when I'm down at water palooza and see an event you
Starting point is 01:36:25 know i'm like oh damn that would be really fun i'd crush that one up then i just kind of think back and it's like yeah but what do you how do you feel 99 of the other time um so yeah i don't know it's kind of where i'm at uh will you stay in the space have you thought about coaching i mean that's mainly what i'm doing right now is not not even competitively but i've transitioned more into just like i have a decent amount of personal clients that i coach um uh kind of all levels um people that literally are just looking to get into shape like super super out of shape um to people that you know are like not like top level competitors but are trying to like um get better at um in crossfit
Starting point is 01:37:11 um so basically what i'm doing right now that and then my completed program with brute and uh kind of trying to figure out what exactly is you know my end goal or the the next step and whatnot because this is good for now but it is also hard to scale and i hate it when because that's like i do personal personal coaching personal training and it's that real personalized stuff and when you do that you can't have like people that say they have 50 personalized clients is bullshit. You're given the same, almost the same shit. Probably everyone like you're not, it's not personalized. I don't care what they say. It's not one-on-one coaching.
Starting point is 01:37:57 So if you do actual personalized coaching, which is what I do and give people based on their goals, their results, every week, you know, what, how, how things are going. It's hard to scale that, right? Because you only have so much time. You can only take on so many clients. So kind of right now I'm trying to figure out exactly what next step is, what exactly
Starting point is 01:38:18 I want to do with it. But I do, I mean, I really like like the people I work with and changing people's lives has been pretty cool, like doing it that way. like the people I work with and changing people's lives has been pretty cool. Like doing it that way. Um, then I also, you know, I'm still training a ton and like, I just do like random stuff. Like I hopped in on marathons and like, uh, more running events and stuff. So just kind of doing some different competitions as I feel like it. Uh,
Starting point is 01:38:39 but yeah, basically what I'm doing right now. Um, there was another name in here. Competition program, street racers. There we go. Put it in all mine. Thank you, Crossback. How's it? Street Horner could not be a more likable guy.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Seems like a good dude. Thanks, how's it? What about this street? What about like, okay, listen. Listen, fuck not fuck not you're 28 you're in fucking great shape you're at the fucking 95 yard line quit being a pussy just go to a dark place one more time make one more fucking run because because when you're 35 you won't even have the option at least now you have the option you're still you're 35, you won't even have the option. At least now you have the option. You're still young and strong. You're healthy.
Starting point is 01:39:26 You're physically healthy. Okay. Fuck it. Okay, one more run. Fucking one more fucking run. How about that? First of all. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:41 First of all, I'm not a pussy, you little fucking midget Armenian. Yeah, that was actually the first thing i wanted to say secondly um that i mean that's ran through my mind many times yeah because you're lucky you still have the choice like there's a time's going to come where you don't even have the choice 100 yep but it's i don't think you understand how i don't i don't messed up i i like i i wasn't i was in a bad spot physically and mentally like so bad um and it took me a while to kind of like realize that and like internalize and be able to like talk about it but i was not well and it's it's it's to the point of where it literally is not even, I mean,
Starting point is 01:40:26 very, very little intrigues me about even putting myself into a place to where I could potentially be back in that. So that's honestly what it comes down to. And I know like, I still do like, like I, I do fucking hard shit every week, like just because I want to.
Starting point is 01:40:47 And it's, I know it's good for me. It's clear you're at the 95 yard line. Yeah. It's clear you're a world race car. But I think just putting myself into that, um, that space again, or potentially it's just, yeah, it's just not worth it to me. Can you explain to me – and you're right. I have no idea what that – what I'm hearing is – I was kind of thinking of it as like an alcoholic.
Starting point is 01:41:14 It's like you've been sober for 10 years, and it's like, okay, I'm going to have one drink. And it's like, dude, my life was so fucked up when I was on alcohol that I'm not even even though i think i can i'm not even gonna fuck with it because it's just not worth the risk is it like that can you explain to me what's it mean like a dark spot yeah um i don't know i think it's a mixture of like i mean i guess a little bit like it's funny because I still train. Like a decent amount, honestly, like pretty high volume just because I like. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. One second. What the fuck is the 95 yard line? The 95 yard line is this guy can go to the semifinals easy. That's the 95 yard line.
Starting point is 01:42:02 It's it's it's it's the it it's the that's it okay go ahead so okay so you still train regularly yeah and i think honestly i think it might be more of a um yeah i i don't know mentally like it just it was so i i don't think you understand how bad i kind of hate it like got to hate it right um it like it made me like hate just crossfit in general for a little while and i've come back around like not totally like there's still some things that i don't like about crossfit but there's tons of good things about crossfit um and it just is to the point of where I, and every time I think about it, maybe or whatever, I realized I can get very sucked in like super easy, kind of like you said. And it's, as I've taken just a step back, like I'm still very much involved in the CrossFit world,
Starting point is 01:43:01 but I've also expanded to other like areas just in fitness in general and seeing how much more just there is out there than just the CrossFit world, which I think has been very good for me. And I think there's a lot of things that when you're in the CrossFit space and you're in that bubble, it feels like there's all there is. And just taking like a little step back has been uh it just allowed me to grow a lot and uh in lots of different areas and i think just putting my toes back in the water like that um i'll get sucked into that bubble again and i mean there's and there's if you can handle it
Starting point is 01:43:39 and do it and that's exactly and you know that's what you're going for and that's what you want to do then fucking by all means go for it but i just know for me like it just there's it's very little that makes me want to go back to putting all my eggs in that basket and potentially mentally and physically putting my body in a bad spot again what's the mental part was it was it the social stuff was it being in the limelight the pressure um yeah i um i think just like i think i think the pressure that i was putting whether it was external or i think that i just put on myself every single day and then just uh when I wouldn't and I think and I think I didn't release myself to like the like it was just it was all like hey you have to perform you have to perform and if you don't do well then basically your whole year of training which is all you did all year you didn't have a life you couldn't do
Starting point is 01:44:43 anything else you know you didn't go out with friends you didn't blah blah do this this this you're locked down and now oh what'd you do all that for you didn't even qualify for the game like shit like that and i think the mental space i was in i mean you have to like totally that is not a good spot to be in you have to have a good fucking reason to be doing this and really love it you know what i'm saying and if you are even like wavering a little bit about that then if everything is on that outcome it's a bad spot to be because you never know what's going to happen and it's when it doesn't happen i mean it just fucking devastated my world what what do you think happened to um mal o'brien
Starting point is 01:45:23 like just if you were to speculate what what do you think happened to Mal O'Brien? Just if you were to speculate, what do you think happened to her? I don't know. I don't want to speak to it too much because I really don't know much about – I don't know her very well at all. She's from Iowa, though, so that's awesome. And I don't know a ton about the situation i mean i've heard things and what just as she i mean she took time she what we do know is that she was world class she was look like she was destined to be the next tia to me and then she basically she she took a
Starting point is 01:45:58 she took a uh she's walked away and it doesn't look like she's going to come back. I think those are fair. Just observations. And I'll start looking in. Yeah. Pressure. Probably the number one from fucking. I'm never in different ways. Uh-huh. Sponsors money,
Starting point is 01:46:20 your fans that you you're in, you know, social media and how young you are trying to deal with all that i mean that's fucking insane and then so i think that would probably be number one and then i mean getting thrust into i mean i don't know thrust into the limelight being with HWPO probably was added pressure too, right? All of a sudden you're trying to live up to the greatest who ever did it. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:46:52 And I don't know what her training looked like, but I don't know, like, went from training at home in Iowa to this massive training camp with, you know, some of the best athletes in the world. And, yeah, it's just, it's unfortunate. And I would say the other thing is, like, when you're – I hate – I don't know. I think that kids growing up that – I'm still very much on the you need to play lots of different sports. And I don't like personally – I think if you want to do CrossFit, that's great, whatever. But I think you should not –, especially in high school and stuff, I don't think you should be skipping out on your opportunity to play a team sport and immerse yourself in different activities just to go to the gym
Starting point is 01:48:01 and train to be at the CrossFit games from when you are 14 years old i think you will get much better development and overall fitness in every and plus a ton of other positive things from uh playing other sports and becoming well-rounded and um being on a team there's so many good things that can come from that being around your friends. And then sure, if you're going to go into the gym and also do a little bit of CrossFit, dabbling, that's great. But I don't think spending four hours a day in the gym as a high schooler is a good or healthy thing. And I think that can learn that can lead to probably a lot of burnout and probably a lot of dysfunction as you grow up.
Starting point is 01:48:46 That's my personal opinion on that. I don't even know if that was the question. It kind of went off in a rant. Yeah, it's good. I liked it. It's the most you've gone off. You're getting really wound up. I like it.
Starting point is 01:48:56 On the wound up scale, you're now at two. The whole show you've been a one. Now we're 100% more wound up. We're at a two. A street legal. Another great name. taking it to the streets there we go street puts it in street puts it in deep like that one i just made that one up uh engineer street street engineer sesame street jeez louise that's me street some good shit how
Starting point is 01:49:23 the how the david weed uh uh i don't know who he's calling a dick if he says i'm being a dick That's some good shit How the David Weed I don't know who he's calling a dick If he says I'm being a dick for asking these questions or not But he's very soft Maybe he just likes dick Oh maybe he does like dick Maybe he was just having an outburst Someone give me some dick
Starting point is 01:49:38 But he's very soft So he probably He probably is internalizing Some of the questions I'm asking you. Hey, I will say this. I do see – it is weird when you see CrossFitters out there who don't have athleticism. So – and, like, you see it, like, when they're riding the bikes and shit, or, like, there's some, like – they have these amazing bodies, and yet you're like, hey, dude, you're riding a bike like you or like there's some like they have these amazing bodies and yet you're like hey dude you're riding a bike like you're on a leg press machine that's not what
Starting point is 01:50:10 and it's just it's bizarro world right and you're like hey maybe you didn't maybe you didn't get out much yeah 100 um yeah i mean like i i even know like, I feel like I've lost so much athleticism doing CrossFit. Like, I've gotten so fucking fit. But, like, going out and, like, trying to play a pickup basketball game. Like, I used to do that all the time with my friends. Even in college, we would do that all the time. And, like, going out now, I'm I'm like yeah I can play and stuff but I just feel like like just so I'm like what is going on like so uncoordinated and just like with certain
Starting point is 01:50:56 things like that it's just like weird to be like wow I should be able to go out here and actually enjoy and like play and like feel I feel like I should be pretty good like i'm in shape like i'm like way more in shape than all my friends that are playing right now but yet i'm over here like you know it's kind of odd uh translating that all that time in the gym and then you go out and you're like oh i'm gonna actually try to do something and it's not there so there's definitely did you play high school basketball street uh just a couple years i did yeah but but on the team on the high school team oh that's cool shit so you played football basketball what else did you play i played like so i played baseball basketball football track so four sports for like two years
Starting point is 01:51:42 So I played baseball, basketball, football, track. So four sports for like two years. And then I cut down to just football and track my last two years. When shit was getting sideways for you and you felt it was dark, did you go to therapy or did you talk to your mom? Or did anyone ever come up to you? Did your family or friends? Everyone's like, hey, dude, you okay? Could people see it on the outside? I mean, my mom talked to me a lot tried to talk to me and you'd be like give her the the
Starting point is 01:52:10 heisman hey about easy chill yeah i don't know i i've i've tried to get better with kind of like opening up about that stuff but yeah kind of um and then uh honestly no i never went to like an actual therapist and stuff which i've been told many times I need to do. And I think that's probably a good thing. I probably should. And I think, I don't know, I've heard all good things about people that go to therapy. So, I don't know. I think it is probably something I should look into.
Starting point is 01:52:37 But when I started working with Wild Health, actually, they have like a health coach. And my Steve, Steve Weather weatherholt his name uh he's a guy i worked with and he actually helped me through a lot of shit not even just like he wasn't my therapist but we just we just shoot the shit and talk about stuff so i don't know he was somebody i kind of like talked to a little bit i guess what i'm um getting from you too also is that I'd like you to expand on if you could taking a step back so basically you were like this and everything you saw you hated and you took
Starting point is 01:53:15 a step back and let some shit in you like do you relate to that? you were really focused on CrossFit and you had learned to hate it and then you took a step back which means like step away maybe from some competition and and and and like take that off of you and when you took that away your blinders in your in your awareness or your perception of your world grew because it wasn't so focused yeah yeah not only was it focused but you were focused on some shit you didn't like. And then when you took a step back, it led in some good shit.
Starting point is 01:53:48 Yeah. A hundred percent. I mean, it was just like, I went how many years of just every time I stepped into the gym, it was, this is on the program today. This is the numbers you have to hit.
Starting point is 01:54:01 These are the times you have to hit this, this, this, this like exact thing. Every are the times you have to hit. This, this, this, this like exact thing. Every single day I would go into the gym for, I don't know, like seven years or something. And so I think it just got to the point to where I,
Starting point is 01:54:16 that's why I hated going, just exercising in general, like the gym. And so taking a step back from that and just refocusing it, I just had to recalibrate kind of everything like to learn to like okay no i do love fitness and i love working out and i love like lots of things about this doesn't have to be you know that all the time and so that's yeah just kind of like okay trying to get out of that headspace, which, I mean, when you do the same thing for seven years, you get, you're just wired that way. So it's kind of hard to recalibrate, but I'm working on it.
Starting point is 01:54:53 And yeah. David Weed, a therapy is gay. There's straight therapy too. There's bisexual therapy. There's all the different therapies. You get all the different therapies, dude. Yeah. And look at your picture.
Starting point is 01:55:07 Speaking of gay, David. What is that? Who knows? I love just how prototypical David Weed is. He's just like, he's just like the guy. Yeah. Therapy's gay. Therapy.
Starting point is 01:55:23 Uh, um, what about, what about kids and, uh, um, Therapy's gay. Therapy. What about kids? Are you in a relationship right now with anyone? Do you have a – are you dating? Me? No, I'm – sorry, I was looking at the comments. I need to stop. You're right. You can't, like, go down those rabbit holes.
Starting point is 01:55:44 I just tried to read notes. But if you need to stop you're right you can't like go down those those rabbit holes but if you want it you can by the way no like if you want to just like sit down and read a few like this show can have weird pauses and stuff so it's perfectly okay um yeah david never misses yeah he doesn't i know it's great it's great just just like uh he he like me and you were having a heart-to-heart in the bathroom and some dude taking a shit in the stall. And that's, that's David Weedon. He's like, faggots. Like me and you were like, dude, are you okay? And some dude from the stall taking a shit's like, you guys are gay. Thanks, David.
Starting point is 01:56:15 You know what I mean? Like in a truck stop. I got it. Yeah. Um, uh, yeah, he's a pure Coxman. Yes. Oh, Oh, Oh, uh, who a street Horner? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Okay. Uh, dating. Are you, um, are you dating? Are you street Warner. Yeah. Okay. Uh, dating. Are you, um, are you dating or are you, um, are you single as single as hell right now? It's do you like, would you like to have a, uh, a relationship that you invest some energy into? Yeah. Although I'm not very good at, at it, I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not very good at it. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm single right now and I'm not putting the time or effort that I need to, into having a relationship. And I know that, but I still would like to have one.
Starting point is 01:56:57 Yeah. And would you, would you like, do you have a preference that you'd like to meet someone in person or on a dating app or do you have some sort of. I'm not on any dating apps. I was, I had them for like, I think the last dating app I was on was like two years ago. And I just got, it's just like, you can't tell who the fuck people are on there. Like it's so hard. So yeah, no, I haven't had a dating app in like two years.
Starting point is 01:57:24 fuck people are on there like it's so hard so yeah no i haven't had a dating app in like two years so you'll probably if you ever end up with anyone ever again um before you die it'll probably you'll meet them in the wild they need to just fall i'm waiting for them just to fall into my lap where are they yeah and i'm just gonna know but that hasn't worked out very well because i've been single for a long time now so maybe I need to switch up my strategy and what about kids do you think you'll have kids I think I would like to yeah
Starting point is 01:57:53 would you would you date Danielle Brandon no no street oh wow look at this a street fingered me No. No. Street. Oh, wow. Look at this. A street fingered me.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Not a taxidermy deer. Oh, my God. Graciano Rubio. When you're built like a street, Instagram is a dating app. I'm telling you. I mean, if I was into dudes i would be man killing it but women aren't exactly uh you have to be more see i i don't really go out of my way to slide into any dms on instagram yeah so it's just whatever's coming to me and whatever comes to me is like 90%
Starting point is 01:58:47 of dudes so it's not working out well do you try to clear out your requests uh i mean i'll go through them every once in a while i get i'm getting like so much spam these days though it's crazy me too asian girls that just say hello yeah like yeah it's crazy yeah every time i go in there but i don't know hiller doesn't clear out his request do you know that what do you mean doesn't clear out like he doesn't like you can't dm with him i mean if you like like basically if you want to dm with hiller you would have to like write a note like on Reddit or on in his, in you'd have to go to his Instagram account, go to one of his posts and write in there. Andrew, can you find me in your requests? You know, there's two folders or three folders, you know, there's like people you like randos then the requests, or however yours is set up. The request one, every once in a while you look over it and you're like, holy shit, there's 50 people in there.
Starting point is 01:59:50 So you go through and you're hitting accept as fast as you can to get them all into the main. He doesn't do that. So he has a request folder that has fucking thousands in it. He just doesn't do it. I don't know if he has time or if he's not interested, but he's not interested in that. He's probably getting a lot of hate in there. Or a lot of do it i don't know if he has time or if he's not interested but he's not interested he's probably getting a lot of hate in there or i don't think he gets it i don't know i think he gets a lot of love i think he gets a lot of intel you know what i mean yeah like right now like probably somewhere in his request there's nude for someone's like hey i have pictures of
Starting point is 02:00:21 uh street horn or naked on a beach with Katrin in the Bahamas. And they sent it to him and we'll never see it because he'll never go to his request and dig it out. Damn, missing out on some gold right there. Yeah. I don't even understand this. Do you understand this? I am streets five for 555. You get that?
Starting point is 02:00:44 What that even means? No, not sure. I'll put my Venmo up though. If you want to hit me with that five 55, not a text. Dear me, dear.
Starting point is 02:00:51 That's what I should have done. Instead of my Instagram handle, you should have put up my Venmo. Oh, that would be good. Yeah. No one's ever done that. Damn.
Starting point is 02:00:59 All right. Wow. Next time I come on the show and then we'll do like a, like a little strip tease or something. And we can do like every, you know, thousand dollars take off another article of clothing. Hey, speaking of strip tease and doing things for money, when is the last time you've done a competition?
Starting point is 02:01:18 The CrossFit competition? Yeah, any CrossFit competition. I think that Grand Games semifinal. So do you miss that? So you've done no competing for a long time. Maybe I did. Why not go to some local? Could you go to some local comps?
Starting point is 02:01:35 Could you dabble in a local comp? Or even that might get you there. Yeah, it just doesn't really intrigue me that much. I don't know. Yeah. Because usually those are on the weekends and then i i like to go out and have some time spend some time not exercising and doing normal people things and drink some beers with some friends and watch the football and i don't know oh in case you were wondering the last time you completed you competed was Wadapalooza 2022. There we go.
Starting point is 02:02:05 I thought it was. Yes, because I think I got. I think Alex Smith and Sam Dancer asked me to be on a team like last minute. They had somebody pull out or something. Yep, there you go. Yeah, they called me like the day before. So just two other hot dudes just to ask you. You're right.
Starting point is 02:02:23 You really are. You're a dude magnet. Dude magnet. hot dudes just to ask you you're right you really are you're a dude magnet dude magnet oh uh smoke some meats with streets it's another smoke some streets street smoker street street meat smoker all right what kind of fucking crazy question is that do you look back in your childhood with happiness come on wow that's i yeah that's now we're getting real deep yeah i think i had a pretty good i had a good job yeah yeah he didn't know he just didn't know he was disciplined structured and worked hard hey dude i really appreciate you coming on it was great to meet you i look forward to uh having you on again and talking to you more. You're a cool dude. Holy shit. That was two hours? Damn.
Starting point is 02:03:06 Yeah. The time warp on the 7-Hour Podcast. Yeah. Thanks for having me on, man. I appreciate it, too. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. It was good.
Starting point is 02:03:15 See you around. All right. All right. Adios. Adios, Mr. Horner. We lost Caleb somewhere in there. Caleb had to go do something I know I could charge 19 again Street send me money for that therapy session there
Starting point is 02:03:38 will be a whole cycle of athletes that come and go. And the media guys will still be here. They'll still be working their ass off. They'll still be doing it for free. They'll still be doing it because they love it and they're curious. And I want to tell you that everyone in the media group is like
Starting point is 02:04:03 happy and loves all the athletes and it's cool, but that's probably a mischaracterization. But I'd say the vast majority like are super excited. They're pouring their energy into these athletes and that anything that hurts any of the athletes' feelings is mischaracterized. They should get over it. They should lean into it. is mischaracterized. They should get over it. They should lean into it.
Starting point is 02:04:25 And at the end of the day, if you don't embrace the media, at the end of the day, there will only be one person who's hurt. There will only be one person. Hurt's not the right word. That's not accurate enough. There's only one person hurts not the right word that's not accurate enough there's only one person who who it will um
Starting point is 02:04:51 it will reduce their um what they can get out of crossfit there's only one person and that's the athlete it does it doesn't matter it doesn't matter like that the access the the you know when someone does something mean you know when you get mad at your parents or your wife or your spouse or someone like who's close to you and you think you're going to punish them so you're not going to talk to them or you're going to be cold to them and that that's always that's always wrong you're not you're not punishing them and at the end of the day the only person who it's who's going to the media doesn't care like if you give them access or not they're going to work exactly with whatever they have and whatever they can do and they're going to keep chugging away.
Starting point is 02:05:47 And the people that are in my direct group. Are just some of the. They're fucking the guys. You want your sister to date. A hundred percent. The whole group. They're the realest. The nicest. They're guys who have value.
Starting point is 02:06:03 So many fucking hardcore weird Christians. They don't swear. They don't smoke. They don't drink. They don't, I mean, it's just fucking a crazy group of dudes. So at the end of the day, just be careful who you're listening to if people are giving you advices on things
Starting point is 02:06:21 to not get energy from this group. This group is just pouring energy. If for some reason the energy you're getting you don't like, change your relationship with the group. But it's just a fire hose. It's just a fucking fire hose of energy. And just get it, harness it, figure out how to use it and be an alchemist and run with it. And it's weird because you might think it's self-serving coming from me because I'm this outside media it's it's truly not because it's not
Starting point is 02:07:11 so be careful be careful who you're listening to out there at the end of the day they're they're going to uh they're they the people around you are probably you have to remember a lot of them are trying to placate your ego rather than giving you what's good advice. There's a lot of people out there, and it just keeps coming back to me over and over. And I say this with peace and love and humility i don't really care because it doesn't it doesn't stop me the seven podcast is just chugging along and we're killing
Starting point is 02:07:52 but there's people out there who think that like they're punishing me or that they're gonna say something tell someone not to come on the show or they're gonna warn people about me or any of that or anyone in my group and it's like dude it does not ma it people about me or any of that shit or anyone in my group. And it's like, dude, it does not matter. It does not matter to any of us. In the end, you're only going to hurt yourself. We're a fire hose of just pure energy. What's Rambler? I'm not even talking about you.
Starting point is 02:08:21 Chill. We'll take a cold shower or something. Chill. You chill. I don't even know who Michelle is. Who's Michelle? Is this about Michelle? I don't know who Michelle is.
Starting point is 02:08:29 No, it's just this big picture. I've just been thinking about it a lot because I keep thinking it's gone away. And I just hear just people just saying crazy shit. And it's like finally I realized I'm like, man, why are these people trying to hurt the people around them? Once a month, I hear someone's panicking about coming on the podcast. It's like, dude, come on here. I'll love the shit out of you or don't, or don't. But just remember at the end of the day, you're, you are, it's a, it's a loss for you. It is not a loss for me. And it doesn't mean that I don't want those people on. It doesn't mean that I'm not eager to have everyone on, but like, there's no, if no athletes ever came on,
Starting point is 02:09:18 if no coaches ever came on, I would still just do this from, from where I'm doing it. And I would still just be, I would still be a fire hose of energy just pouring out. And so it's just free energy. Don't let anyone think that it's not. Don't be sensitive. Don't get hurt. Don't – it's all good. I just feel like some of these people have this short window to elevate themselves, and they're putting in so much hard work.
Starting point is 02:10:04 People like Street Horner, why not just take the opportunities that are out there and don't let people misguide you or not put you places where there's just free energy. And I'll say like the perfect example, the perfect fucking example is Colton Mertens. Nobody, nobody goes easy on him. Nobody goes easy on him in the media space. And he's figured out a way to just take all of that and fucking run with it we're he's like our favorite but we don't play easy to we don't no one's no one's like going out of their way to sugarcoat shit to him so he's he's figured it out for energy yeah for energy yeah ask ask hopper if he benefited leaving the show or benefited more by coming back yeah exactly
Starting point is 02:10:51 fuck another good example and i'm not using these examples as like there's there's this really narrow scope i i'm concerned that someone's going to run with it there's two ways you could run with it you could think that i'm bragging or you could think that i don't give a fuck maybe it's both of those but there is this spot in the middle that's just each person has to has to figure out a way how to get the most out of themselves with the resources that are out there and they're this group of guys and gals that I'm working with in the media space, they have so much energy to give. And so if someone's guiding you away from that, ask yourself why.
Starting point is 02:11:37 Ask what happened to them. Did they get hurt? Are they frustrated? Whatever. But just remember at the end of the day, you're only going to have one shot at this. Your career is going to come and go. And this team is still going to be just flooring out energy. Figure out how to use this space to benefit you.
Starting point is 02:11:53 Don't let any ego get involved. All right. That was kind of a continuation from the beginning. All right. That was kind of a continuation from the beginning. I'm happy, and I want to share this with the few people out there who need to hear it in a very sober voice. It's fun. Your time here can be fun. The media can make it fun. And. Specifically.
Starting point is 02:12:32 Be very very careful of fucking your agents. And the people who are close to you. Who think that they're giving you good advice. Be very careful what the fuck they're telling you. No one's bigger than the space itself. Nobody. I don't know if I have games tickets. I got a fucking... CA Peptides got me a fat hotel room right near the venue.
Starting point is 02:13:01 Baller. Baller spot already i don't mean to be vague posting go ahead ask me a question i don't mean to be vague posting i'm not trying to be vague i'm not trying to i want to i want to be i want to be specific i mean i can tell you specifically i think the Hopper and Colton examples are great. I could be specific in exactly what you mean, but if you want me to be specific, I don't know how many Instagram, just for superficial metrics, I don't know how many Instagram Hopper had when he vanished off the scene and went to HWPO, but I promise you in the next four or five months, he's going to realize that that was a mistake.
Starting point is 02:13:46 That he's a shining star as long as he can handle the pressure and all the eyeballs are going to be on him. People are going to love him regardless of his fucking performance. I haven't seen someone call him flopper in here in four or five months. Isn't that amazing? Before, people were saying that shit all the time. When you guys see, when everyone sees the Wadapalooza content, they are going to shit themselves. Everyone going to be like sending nudes david weed's
Starting point is 02:14:09 going to be sending nudes to hopper he's the nicest sweetest funniest fucking he's a fucking stud he's a genius so just take advantage just take advantage of the fire hose. Don't let people misguide you. If you're mad at someone and someone's fueling that anger and trying maybe not to facilitate you getting through to the other side of it, then maybe that's not a good person to be around. All right. all right what's going on today let's see what's going on today oh god i have a toothpaste conversation today i'm so excited i'm so excited i sent it to my toothpaste guy oh and you guys keep sending me so much cool stuff on how poisonous fluoride is. I love it. Did you see this guy?
Starting point is 02:15:09 This guy just retired. I think I have a link of it somewhere. But this guy who is in charge of the city water for a city just retired. And when he retired, he admitted the fact that he was not even putting the right amount of fluoride in the water. He's putting in way less. Made me so happy. What a rebel. Okay. Nothing tomorrow. What a rebel. Okay.
Starting point is 02:15:26 Nothing tomorrow. Maybe a good time for Greg to come on. I might even drive home tomorrow. I'm here tomorrow morning. Oh, shit. I've already rescheduled with Rafa twice. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:15:43 Might have to reschedule with Rafa Three Plain Brothers They went to their water slide parks A water slide park for the very first time They went to two, two separate water slide parks They skied for the second time in their life And last night it was really cool So last night
Starting point is 02:16:03 It was 8.30 at night. I had finished working out and I did that podcast on the chick who stabbed a guy a thousand or 108 times. And so I was just chilling upstairs and Greg's son and Avi were playing Monopoly. And I went to the garage of Greg's house and I pulled out two 10 pound dumbbells
Starting point is 02:16:21 and I walked to the entrance of the house and I said, hey boys, come here. And they said, I'm like, you want to do a workout? And they're like, sure. So I had them do grab a 10 pound dumbbell in the front rack and then for 20 minutes, add one rep. So the first minute one, the second minute, two, the third minute, three, and he got all the way up to 20. So the last round at a, basically he did the last round, they did, um, 20 reps. It was pretty awesome. Right right and then after that I took the 10 pound dumbbells and I gave
Starting point is 02:16:48 Avi one and I had him do shoulder press five reps other hand five reps and then trade off with Greg's son and I did that for 10 rounds and it's so cool because they were just in the middle of playing Monopoly I'm like hey you guys want to work out
Starting point is 02:17:04 they're like sure and they came over and they did that 30-minute workout. And then we laughed and giggled. And then that was it. Rambler seems easy. Okay. I'm glad you mentioned that. So, Avi weighs 60 pounds. And he used a 10-pound weight.
Starting point is 02:17:21 So, if you're 180 pounds, you can grab a 30-pound weight. And go ahead and do that. Grab a 30 pound D ball or a 30 pound dumbbell and put it in your front rack and get at it. Hey, Sevan, when does episode 7 come out? I think it's out.
Starting point is 02:17:41 You guys can all leave and go watch it now. All the members can, can leave. Let me see. Uh, let me show you some, some stuff of episode. Um,
Starting point is 02:17:58 let me see, uh, content. Episode seven. No, it says unlisted. It's not out. Unlisted. Hold on. Let me call Sousa here really quick.
Starting point is 02:18:20 Hold on. Is it out? I skied. I'm a great skier i forgot what a great skier i am dan gross said sebi did you ski yeah i was i i forgot i'm a fucking great skier i didn't i forgot i hadn't skied once in the last 30 years and then and then i skied this weekend i'm dope I'm so good. It's crazy. Ski backwards, fucking forward, parallel. I mean, I can't jump and shit, but I'm dope. I look good. I look like a little fucking athlete out there. What's Sousa's phone number?
Starting point is 02:18:56 Oh, he's in my favorites. Matt Sousa. Okay, here we go. I think Kayla was supposed to make it live at 830, or someone was. I can't tell if this is it. I don't want to make the wrong episode live. What episode are we on? We're on seven.
Starting point is 02:19:12 Really? You pay an extra 10 bucks to see me ski? Really? Yeah, it's cool. We're getting scammed on these memberships. Yeah, about time you realize that. There should be 10 episodes out already. I agree.
Starting point is 02:19:29 Definitely getting scammed. So this was the episode that was supposed to come out Wednesday, and we pushed it to Friday to release the Wadapalooza doc. Okay. I need to call maybe I should call Will Branstetter. I don't know what's going on here.
Starting point is 02:19:59 Let me see what's going on. Will Branstetter. Call him. We'll get this taken care of. Hey, we're live on the air. I got a question for you. Am I supposed to make episodes? Oh, you did.
Starting point is 02:20:20 Oh, okay. Okay, well, thank you. All right. Okay, bye. Shit. There, okay. Okay, well, thank you. All right. Okay, bye. Oh, shit. There you go. It's live. It's up now.
Starting point is 02:20:32 There, Rene. There you go. It looks like it's long. Let me refresh this page. I would watch... Oh, yeah. I would watch it with you guys, but I'd be stopping it like every three minutes
Starting point is 02:20:52 and you guys would be yelling at me and shit. Knock it off. Stop stopping it. Stop it. Stop it. Don't. Don't. Stop doing that. Stop it. Don't. Don't. Stop doing that. Knock it off.
Starting point is 02:21:10 Oh, Dan Guerrero. It's available 33 seconds ago. Okay. All right. See you guys soon. I don't know when. Okay. Buh-bye.

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