The Sevan Podcast - Sunday Feb 18th | Live Call In - The REALEST SHOW YET

Episode Date: February 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of america express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply we're like three deuces this morning that different drop a deuce and then double back again like you drop it you drop a deuce you know you finish you do whatever wash your hands maybe start to get dressed again then you're like oh oh today was three three deuces wow yeah that's a record and my wife always says to me you're
Starting point is 00:01:29 shitting again like yeah i think she's jealous i'm and i'm not even joking you get three i haven't even gone once i just looked at my roadcaster and it wants to update the firmware and like i want to do it so bad but it would like fuck the whole show up for 15 minutes I was like don't do that I so want to do it hey in the early days when we started the podcast Sousa I would I would come in and I would see my computer needs to be updated
Starting point is 00:01:57 and with like 4 minutes left I'd do it and then it would pop up and say process is going to take 40 minutes oh my goodness I went to a 15-year affiliate uh reunion yesterday yeah how's that i i the owner's cool the gym's beautiful uh to be honest with you, it was a little depressing. What?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Why? Because you could tell how hard the guy worked. He has a kid. He has a wife. He's got over 100 people there at the party. And just from talking to him, I could tell life is still like a struggle. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:02:48 He's not, he's not, he's been doing it for 15 years and he's not sitting on a two, like a duplex somewhere that he's, and he's not getting ahead. Yeah. He's not getting it. He's not getting ahead.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Allison. What's up girl. Yo, actually wasn't in San diego it was in san bernardino county what's up allison long time good to see you girl allison are you not posting on your instagram i just started following you again yesterday on my new account um and it looked like you had i was like has she not posted in two years i wonder what you're up to I wonder what you're up to.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Kenneth, what's up, dude? Good morning. Boy, so many things. There was this lady at the affiliate party. What do you call that? 15-year party? 15-year anniversary? 15-year celebration?
Starting point is 00:03:40 Both, yeah. And she was so fucking attractive. And no makeup uh just had her hair in a ponytail uh i don't know how old she was i couldn't tell if she was 30 40 or 50 her husband was there really cool dude she was so i mean she just stood out she was so attractive and she was really nice and i hung out with her a bunch and i talked to her and um when we left she gives me this big huge crazy hug and um she goes you know i really like you and she looked down she like she looked me over like looked my body over with her eyes and she's i really like i forget how she said it but i really like i really like how feminine you are or something like that. It was something,
Starting point is 00:04:29 it was, it was crazy though. It was, it was, it was wild. And I've been wearing these joggers that I got in the gains box. These, um,
Starting point is 00:04:42 cartel barbell cartel joggers. And've been pretty i really like them and it's all i wear now but i'm starting to think that i look like um roman krennikoff like i i think like maybe i've it looks like i'm wearing almost like lulu lemons do you know what i mean like skin tight pants yeah and i'm thinking like maybe i should not like maybe i'm maybe i shouldn't be wearing maybe i shouldn't be wearing these i don't know but she scanned me up and down and she she scans you but maybe i'm also in denial maybe you you know you know like the gay kid in high school um he's good looking. He hangs out with all the hot chicks. Uh huh.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yeah. I got, like she was saying, I like being, you're safe. You're like, you're impotent. You're safe.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah. Yeah. I feel like maybe, maybe I'm just walking around looking like that, but I don't have the rest of it to like, like if that's, if that's, if that's,
Starting point is 00:05:42 you know, just straight gay, what he's wearing, like, and by gay, I mean like, if that's apparel that's supposed to seduce men, then maybe, but, but he's got enough muscle to compensate it and other things going on that he doesn't straight turn into like, Hey, that guy's on grinder.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I don't know. I don't know. Someone you're having a midlife crisis. That's not what he's got it figured out for us wait olivia i told you that before oh what did she say oh she did what did she say where is that it's just right here but she just said i told you that before oh man you did tell me that that uh man so do i have to stop i don't need to stop wearing these because i started like as we were flying back from san diego and i was like dozing off in my sleep i'm like so is
Starting point is 00:06:29 everywhere i've been going for the last two months all the other parents are like hey that that father's in transition you're do you have any people in your circle who are going through transition like anyone who goes to your gym or like you mean like not not like transitioning from like male to female but just like no no no no i mean or like you mean like not not like transitioning from like male to female but just like no no no no i mean that like like the like the like you go to starbucks and there's a dude there and all of a sudden every day you go there for the last three years he's getting more and more feminine than one day as a girl do you have anyone in your in your in your Yeah. We did. We did. So I'm wondering, are people like, man, at least I cut my hair. Someone in the comments said that I look like an Italian bag lady.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And when I looked in the mirror, when I had my hair long, I was like, oh, yeah, I see that. Like, you know what I mean? Like, she lost her, what are those things called that you squeeze in your girl your girl like you know your girl's looking in the mirror and she's pulling her tweezers it was like i'd look like an italian lady who lost her tweezers if you're a woman i know you get that you know exactly what i'm saying oh olivia's going hard what and that sucks too because she's hot as fuck that's the last i know that's why i keep bringing you up you look like Roman and need to quit that look. It's not attractive.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Shit. All right. Okay. All right. Now here's the other side. There's this video. I'll play this video for you. This video is.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I did not enjoy this video at all. And then I didn't know who this was. Let me see if you know who this is do you know who this isn't do you know do you recognize any of these people in this picture don't read anything i don't think it says their name okay so you don't recognize these people okay no one of these people you know oh and i did i i watched this video last night um my wife sent it to me last night and i watched it i'm like this is so stupid and then this but i wouldn't tell my wife that.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I'm like, oh, okay, huh? Actually, I would tell her. And then this morning, she told me about it. I'm like, yeah, that was stupid. But then she told me who it is in the video. You know who it is very clearly. But listen to this video. It's kind of long.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Here we go. Sure. My niece and I, from one weekend morning, she'd slept over and we got up and we're having tea and playing cards and having this beautiful morning. It was great. I felt great about it. And my sweet little niece reposted it a couple of days later and interesting things happened.
Starting point is 00:08:58 The amount of people that felt absolutely required to talk about how terrible I looked in the picture. That I'm not aging well, that I look like a man. Why would I even post a picture like this when I look that terrible? People saying, God, I didn't even recognize her. This is what she looks like. And then the fights that break out within the comments where someone says, you should be nice. Why should I be nice? She looks terrible. And people start fighting within the comments. I was amazed at what that made me feel. I'm a 50-year-old woman and I know who I am. And still, my feelings got hurt. I was so hurt that people couldn't see the point of it, the sweetness of it, the absolute shining joy of that photo. And I thought, God, what if I was 15?
Starting point is 00:09:56 That's just devastating. And it really made me see all the things about hearts and clicks and likes and you realize there is something neurological about this whole system. It was fascinating to me and I think it taught me a lot about being a young person in today's society.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I posted a picture. Julia Roberts. Yeah. I thought after, yeah, after it started playing, I was like, oh, wait. So I didn't know till this morning. And the thing is, is there's no, I don't think there's any amount of, Sevan, you're fugly. Or you look like you suck cock for a living that could affect me. That's, so that's the other flip side of it like i get i don't care at all
Starting point is 00:10:53 um i i think maybe i pretend like i care because it's a safe place to pretend like it's a um you know like a magician would use sleight of hand and be like, look over here, look over here, look over here. So I pretend like I care. So it keeps all the attacks over here. Like, I'm like, look, there's that hurts. Attack me over there. But really, like, it doesn't. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:15 Because God forbid you actually say something that actually hurts me. Like someone posted in the comments, the level, what a waste of money it is to take the level one. Posted in the comments, what a waste of money it is to take the level one. That hurts me way more than, hey, you look like you suck dick for a living and you look like you're turning into an Italian bag lady. I mean, look at this. There's a crazy comment in here already. Let me see this one. Bernie.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Won't Sebon always be it just is this guy's just like delegating reality it's not even a discussion won't Sebon always be the artsy feminine dude who probably has a hammer but he's just not a masculine presence in the room man damn
Starting point is 00:12:04 oh man oh man uh augustus link insult seve all you want just don't say anything bad about greg or anything greg man yeah i do like the interaction and and i and at what allison says i see how it could mess with a teenager for sure That's the thing First of all I think When I look at this picture I just see two beautiful women Who obviously just woke up in the morning And so for anyone to call them ugly
Starting point is 00:12:37 And I don't mean this I want to say this Without the normal Showmanship that I usually say in the morning. But if you're attracted to tattoos and fake boobs and collagen and makeup and high heels and deodorants and shampoos and fancy cars and all of that stuff to what may, if those are the things that, that your radar attracts you to and the smell of a synthetic toothpaste on people's breasts and all that, I'm a hundred percent certain as I am about anything that something's wrong
Starting point is 00:13:17 with you. You, you're, you should be in your healthiest state, you should be attracted to someone who just walks out of the ocean with their hair looking thick as shit from saltwater with no makeup on and the sun shining on them with natural lighting with a smile on their face. And they've been living that lifestyle for 10 years. And they've been living that lifestyle for 10 years. These guys, you know that, who's the guy who goes on Joe Rogan's podcast and other podcasts,
Starting point is 00:13:48 and he's like the guru guy. He was really big a couple years ago, and he's always saying all these wise things. Someone will say in the comments, but he's just this hairy old guy. And he has a name that starts with an S, like Sidu or... Oh, Senguru?
Starting point is 00:14:06 Yeah, good job, Sousa. That guy doesn't look like for a second that anyone's worried about whether he's attractive or fuckable. Senguru, yeah. Do you remember the guy on The Simpsons? He was the farmer, and he was an old man. And then in some episodes, he would just tear off his shirt and he was all jacked and shit. Yeah. Willie's Willie the groundskeeper.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Is that is that? No, not in Liver King. Like you see Liver King and you should know right away something's wrong there, too. Yeah. Do you believe this? Let me take a few steps back do you think that there's something here so the other day i'm driving and there's someone i hadn't thought of in like three years and then two hours later they call me and i haven't talked to him in three years or um this used to happen all the time at work because i spent so much time with dave and. I would say something to Dave and he'd be like, how do you know that?
Starting point is 00:15:07 And I'm like, I don't know that. I'm just asking you. And you're just on sync with these people. You're on just – there's a comms going on out there. I'm not talking about nuances and gestures or like what boxers see if someone flinches. They know that that hip movement means a roundhouse is coming. I'm talking about maybe like something in the ether, that this thing that we call space isn't really space,
Starting point is 00:15:30 that we are actually in something that has form and somehow we're all communicating in a way that we don't know we're communicating. Do you buy that? Does everyone buy that? Is there anyone who doesn't buy that? I should ask Greg that because he's extremely logical. I wonder if he buys that. Yeah, I think to a
Starting point is 00:15:46 certain degree and even the more success that you've had in life i think you even buy it even more right and if you don't you're ignoring it and i always think they're like frequencies and sometimes you can get like really tuned into someone's frequency to where like you know it's all fuzzy it's fuzzy then you hit the knob and it's like in sync. Yeah. That's the way I kind of like visualize it as it's happening. One of the most powerful ones I had was I wasn't in college, but I was living in the college town. And I was dating Haley at the time. And for about two weeks, I all of a sudden got really paranoid I was going to die. It was so strange.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I started getting this crazy paranoia. I started being terrified of my own death. And then lo and behold, one, about two weeks after having that, I was walking one night and that's the night I saw the guy in the car hit five people and kill them and jump out and scream. I'm the angel of death. that night telling Haley, Oh shit, it wasn't my own death. Like somehow I had some awareness that this was going to have, something was going to happen. But my, because my frequency,
Starting point is 00:16:52 my fidelity of my understanding, it wasn't my own death. It was someone else's was death, just death. Yeah. And it was interpreted as your own, but yeah, because of the ego or whatever,
Starting point is 00:17:03 because it's all, it's always all about you, me, I. Yeah, that's crazy. It's definitely that happens all the time, I feel like, too. And so if we buy that notion, then all of these other things would just be interference with it. The cell phone, the fake boobs, the the high heels the deodorants that all the things that would come in that would interfere with that signal that frequency those comms what's your point seve
Starting point is 00:17:37 so when i see julia roberts here or and I see people in that space, they haven't put it in context or relativity with the humanity that they are swimming in. we're not swimming with creatures that are have high quality discernment of what is attractive we are not we are not and what and i guess at the end of the day what would be the best mate for um the procurement of the success of the species. I remember one time Greg said to me, you know why the Jews are so successful, right? And I go, no, why? He said they find hard work and intelligence as sexy.
Starting point is 00:18:38 So they're open to it, they're looking for it? Somehow, yeah, somehow in that culture, they have found hard work and intelligence as sexy and so forth. They make based on that premise. Yeah. Well, imagine finding a culture that doesn't value hard work and thinks that things should be owed. Right. What would that produce, right? There's this – do you remember being a kid? What about this? Again, I don't have the answer to this. Do you remember that being a kid and people would be – you'd be like, how do you know when you're going to get married? And people would be like, you just know.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah. Did you just know? How did you know? Did you just know? How did you know? I guess after like a long time, you're like, oh, this is my girlfriend. And then you go, ah, that doesn't really describe the relationship as it should be. It's more than just that. I think some people just get married because it's probably on some level, hey, I need to do this so I can get on to the next thing.
Starting point is 00:19:46 A hundred percent. And I think the younger kids get married like that it's not it doesn't end well or or it's logical okay she's a nurse she's stable she um i mean i'm speaking from the man's point of view she's attractive she they don't they don't do the long-term look like, okay, she thinks well, and we can get through some really hard – I could get through some really hard – I mean, that's probably a good barometer. I could get through some really hard times with this girl. Hey, could we live in a van together? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And I think you definitely have to – I think there's a book called 101 Questions to, uh, to, to answer before getting married or something like that. But it starts to break that down. I don't know. I actually didn't, I didn't listen or didn't listen to it or read it, but, uh, um,
Starting point is 00:20:35 it was basically the premise of it from some of the stuff I've watched was just like asking those big life questions. So that way it's not a surprise because most people won't. And the number one question it was around the most is finances. Oh, because that's the number one, number one reason for divorce is finances. And so like, if you're somebody who's like, I don't really care, we'll do this. I don't, you know, it's not important to me. I don't have a savings or we just aren't going in two separate directions with that. Like that's something that you can't just ignore because eventually that's not going to work. And so it kind of leads you down to questions like that.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I think this is going to, this is on the most superficial level. I'm just throwing this out here as a immediate quick thought. I find it okay for a woman to be attracted to a man who she thinks is going to make a lot of money or who has a lot of money because that offers stability right right that offers yeah someone who can repair the refrigerator without worrying about it they'll be at peace they won't be stressed out they can pay the rent and i think for a man to be attracted to a woman he should find a woman that's really attracted to him. Like, I think as a man, you need a woman who's like crazy attracted to you. Like, don't worry how much you're attracted to her. You need a woman who is like really, really attracted to you. Like who you are.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Yeah. In champions, he doesn't want to like slow you down or yeah to you from what you're trying to go after because as a man especially as a man you're going to have these needs from a woman and they're going to come naturally and easier for her if she's really attracted to you so if you think that oh well i'm not as attracted to her i think that that could be a uh oh jay hartle marry your hype woman yeah so so addicted to your scent well that's interesting you say that because my wife
Starting point is 00:22:40 to this day loves the way i smell loves loves loves loves the way i smell yeah maybe maybe it's as simple as that could be anyway so someone called me a home some hot shit called me a homo at the party and and then julia and then julia roberts kind of got me thinking it's like dude like it's so obvious to me you're not unattractive. And but also I like what Allison said, too, if you're a young kid. I mean, I used to walk around with I had a brush everywhere with me in high school. So I could always I was obsessed with brushing my hair, making sure my hair looked perfect. And one of my truck, one of my backpack, one of my locker.
Starting point is 00:23:25 When I was in the second grade, I carried a comb in my back pocket. Did you ever carry a comb in your back pocket? No. No. Fuck, I was cool. Sounds cool. Did any kids at your school carry a comb in your back pocket? Well, I specifically remember the one that was made to look like a switchblade,
Starting point is 00:23:46 but when you flick the button, it opened up into a comb. I got those for my kids. Back pocket. Oh, see, look. Cody says it too. Switchblade comb. Oh, I had this one. I'll show you.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I had this one. I'll show you which one I had. I had this one. And the handle would hang out of my back pocket like that. Yeah, I watched too much Grease. Yeah, it was like that. I watched Grease a hundred times. Dang, look at you.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah. Mine too have a comb Uncle Bobby's to carry. He was cool. Did he have one in his back pocket? Yeah. Yeah. Now I haven't used a brush or a comb I can't remember it's been over 30 years my kids don't my kids my kids don't use brushes or combs I wonder if they're gonna go through that
Starting point is 00:24:42 yeah Fonz yeah it was yeah yeah I was a happy yeah i like i liked happy days too i love fonzie oh yeah fonzie did fonzie carry a comb in his back pocket yeah and then he would do like pull oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay all right hey is any of the boys started like rebelling against your the way you want them to dress or just superficial shit that now they're trying to take control of no but my wife uh told me yesterday she's like hey i don't i don't really think the boys should be wearing girls pants anymore which is ironic given our whole conversation right now she's like hey uh for those you don know, my boys are always in their girl stretch pants that I just get on Amazon. And then they wear wife beaters.
Starting point is 00:25:29 They look like ballerinas. And then they look like male ballerinas. And then they wear wife beaters. And then they wear argyle vests. And on top of that, they wear argyle sweater. Just always. Yeah, Grace calls it the uniform. The uniform, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:42 They got the uniform. Yeah. And my wife was like, yeah. They got the uniform. Yeah. And my wife was like – and they're pretty yoked, and they all have huge asses because of how much squatting and jumping we do. I mean we do a lot of squatting and jumping. And so they have these little bulbous asses, and it's pretty funny. I'm not going to push back on it at all. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Do other parents trip out when they see Avi's arm? It's not a normal arm, dude. His shoulder and his tricep, it doesn't look... It looks normal in anatomy, but not on somebody his age. Yeah, I can't believe more people don't trip on it. I noticed it right away in the videos. When he pulls himself up on something, I'm like, damn, how is his arms better than mine? Yeah, his arms and his chest and his shoulders and his back. And all of them are starting to get like that.
Starting point is 00:26:37 It's crazy. It looks like it's starting to become like a Greek god chiseled out of the marble. it started to become like, um, like a Greek God, like chiseled out of the marble, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:47 you just see like with like, just like crazy ripped and like everything's defined from like those statues. You're like, Oh, that's how you build it like that. You just start them when they're fucking five. By the time he's 25, it'll just be, we were at the skate park the other day and,
Starting point is 00:27:00 um, he was wearing blue underwear, like dark blue underwear, like tidy whiteys. And I could see it through the back of his pants. He had ripped a flap in the back of his girl's stretch pants. And he comes over to me and he takes off his helmet and sweats pouring out. And he sits down and he's like, God, I got a tear in my pants.
Starting point is 00:27:16 He goes, I'm done skating. And I look at him and I go, please don't tell me you give a shit that people can see your underwear. He goes, no, I don't give a shit. He goes, I'm just tired i'm like okay because if i tore a hole in my pants and i was nine years old that'd be it i'd run to the car and be crying yeah yeah if someone saw my underwear i'd be toast for sure i so don't want them to be a little bit i wonder how much of that has to do with public school probably yeah he Yeah. He's well, you know, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:27:45 We were hanging out with some kids the other day and the kids called him fat. They said he was fat. I know he has the fucking eight pack and someone. Yeah. That's okay. He told me that. I'm like, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:27:57 He's all they're fucking crazy. He's like, I'm so buff. Yeah. Yeah. It's funny. I remember I got in trouble. My dad took away like my baggy jeans
Starting point is 00:28:05 in the fifth grade and I had to go to school with like normal size jeans on. And then you would have thought like the world fucking, I still remember it now at 36, you know, you were traumatized. Oh yeah. Yeah. I got in trouble and was like, guess what? You're not wearing any of this dumb shit to school. Put on a polo in the, in the tighter, you know, slack pants. And I was like, no. And it's not because i really cared how i like dressed in it it was fine it was comfortable but i just knew yeah i was gonna go to school and everybody's gonna look at me and i was gonna feel like a weirdo did you get picked on like average picked on no but did anyone say anything about those pants you wore that day
Starting point is 00:28:40 i can't even remember to be honest but i just remember how i felt trying to like wear them to school there was so i was at the airport the other day uh i was at the private airport it's all fucking filthy rich people and we're getting into greg's beautiful plane and there's a plane next to me and it's a father and and wife and the two kids and the kids were dressed i would i would be so bummed if my kids were dressed like that like you couldn't see their bodies at all they were in the baggiest pants and the baggiest shirt and it just looked it looked cumbersome like in a heavy wind it would catch their clothes and blow them away do you know yeah you know what i mean yeah and i was like oh my god boy, if my boys ever start dressing like and all their skater friends dress like that. So all the skater friends dress in like when we go to the skate park.
Starting point is 00:29:32 You know, my kids are always amongst the best skaters there, if not usually the best. But occasionally there's kids who are better. But all the kids are dressed in all the skater gear. Baggy shirt, the special skater shoes, crazy baggy pants yeah um they don't even strap their helmet all the way oh my kids but no but those kids all love my kids like they all gravitate to my kids they like you know they uh but yeah it's a it's a it's a trip yeah your boys definitely have a magnetic pull i imagine it's probably really strong at the skate park because not often do you see kids that like that like roll up and then all of a sudden you just start seeing them shredding and you're like oh it's like it's attractive you
Starting point is 00:30:12 know and they're not and they're not dicks about it either some kids will come to the skate park and just start going as hard as they can to let every kid there know how good they are oh yeah yeah my kids don't do that shit at all yeah There used to be assholes at the skate park sometimes They just chill I went to the When I went to this 15 year reunion They had a CEO Flag banner
Starting point is 00:30:35 That vindicates selves Like this thing That made me feel good And they had the OG culture one up Cool And the owner pulled me aside And he said hey I just want to tell you That made me feel good. And they had the OG Culture one up. Cool. And the owner pulled me aside, and he said, hey, I just want to tell you, you're the realest dude ever. And I really appreciate what you're doing to maintain the culture at CrossFit and just keep it real. And I just stood there stoic.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I didn't want to give a dumb smile. I stood there, and I just said it real. And it, and I was, and I just stood there stoic. I didn't want to like, give like a dumb, like smile or I stood there and I just said, thank you. And it, it, it hit me because that's the second time I've heard that kind of in a week or two that the compliments Chris Cooper gave me the other day kind of like hit me hard too, because I don't usually hear any of that or I don't get that feedback but basically like hey you're you're a cornerstone of what is crossfit more so than the company right i i think that's right crazy yeah i think that's right yeah i think that's right i know i was bummed i missed you too sleeky greg and I were looking for you.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Me and Greg and Dale were looking for you. Oh, so you know who I'm talking about who had the crazy hot wife there too. My God, she's beautiful. Holy shit. You were with Dale too? That's cool. Yeah, it was fun. Which Dale? Saran or?
Starting point is 00:31:59 Saran, yeah. Okay. I just got to sit in the plane and listen to him and Greg talk about smart shit. Dale, they're so funny too. Yeah were laughing so hard yeah i i every time i've had the pleasure of being around dale surround for a little bit he's got incredible stories great stories and amazing pictures to back it up like he was he was telling us the wildest shit from his past career and i'm looking at him like is this guy for real with all this and he's like okay hold on and he goes through all the pictures and he's like show it's kind of like a forrest gump moment where you're like you did all that seriously and then he like shows you all the
Starting point is 00:32:32 pictures as he's go as he's talking about it you're like oh he he we went into the fbo the the little airport fancy airport and they had a grand piano there and it's this huge room with like a you know there would like be like a mclaren parked inside there you know that like someone's selling and then a bunch of big models of airplanes around and the fanciest coffee machine that you can just use and it's just a place where all the rich people wait and then there's a grand piano and the ceilings are high they're like 50 60 70 foot ceilings like airplane and dale gets in there and walks right over to the piano and starts playing this classical music on the piano and echoes in the whole place. I'll post the video. It was really cool.
Starting point is 00:33:12 That's that is really cool. I've always been jealous of people that could do that, but I've never been committed enough to learn piano to do it myself. You think you would learn a musical instrument? You think they're still like it's something you see in your future? Um, i would love to it's just time allocation uh yeah i lived at the old house that i lived at the house for degenerates is what we called it that had a drum set in it and one of the um one of my roommates was like one of these guys that it didn't matter what the instrument was like he could pick it up
Starting point is 00:33:39 and start playing it like crazy like his family came from musical background and stuff like that and so i learned the easiest of the instruments during that time which was drums how was that guy's height how was that guy's like um hygiene people who are low to poor yeah people who are really yes that's the thing that's the thing time allocation there's a trade-off yeah like the dude who's really really good at all the instruments he's not so he's not so much worried about brushing his hair you're absolutely right like or even getting a haircut but no no not disgusting but yeah definitely low on the list yeah yeah he's worn those pants for five days in a row yep yeah i changed my pants three times a day yeah
Starting point is 00:34:19 and i can't play anything yeah Yeah, you're right. He was. He was. I got this email from a guy. And it said, I'm paraphrasing. Hey, it was pretty aggressive. I don't know the guy. And says, hey, your behind the scenes would do way better if you finished it earlier and quicker and released it closer to the event date and he went on and on like six sentences too long pounding it into me and i wanted to say something like kind of crazy to him but i didn't i just wrote back okay thanks then in the morning he wrote hey, I'm just telling you, if you'd released it earlier, I would have paid $20, $50, or $100 for it.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Sorry if I came across like a dick. And then this time, I didn't respond. And first of all, so you guys know, the behind-the-scenes doesn't make any money. Let's say the behind-the-scenes, I'll tell you. Let's say the behind the scenes cost $60,000 to make. So you have to pay the editors. As much as I joke around with you guys that no one gets paid, people get paid. People are putting in a lot of time. And then you have to fly the team of six people out there to Madison.
Starting point is 00:35:46 And you want to pay for their food. And out there to Madison and you have to, you want to pay for their food and you've got to buy an extra camera here and you just, everyone wants to be treated right. And then the benefit for the Sevan podcast is, is that it's just incredible for our brand value, right? For lack of a better word, just draws a ton of traffic here, makes you guys like me more, makes you listen to shows like this more. So there's a synergy there, right? So it's a Susan and I do it, and we know that no matter what, when we release it, it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Straight to the point, Jay Hartle, when are we getting episode 11? Right after the show, you'll get it. Let me address that really quick too, just so you know, because some people don't know, and I understand they don't know. The goal was just to release one every Monday or Wednesday, but I want you to know that all of you who gave the money up, who are paying for the memberships, you're helping us raise the money to pay for the taxes on the $60,000 we got to pay for it, and that you're helping us save money to do – we use a bunch of the money to go waterpalooza we're just pumping the money back in but i feel zero obligation to actually release one every monday and wednesday besides the fact that i'm doing it as hard as i can so if i if we ever uh renege on that or you don't get them or something, that was on you. You took the risk. Time code that, 36 minutes. Anytime you give us money, you're doing it in good faith.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Everyone on the team is trying as hard as they can. Everyone on the team is working, is available 24 hours, 365 days a year with the other people to make sure that this gets out. And there's so many hands involved from the final thing of Dave actually watching them. And it's a lot to ask Dave with his full-time job to watch all 15 episodes. And so he's fallen behind a little bit. And so what we've been doing is we've been releasing them without even showing him.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And so the risk of that is that he could be like, we look at them and I make sure that there's nothing in there that I think Dave would be concerned about, of course. But the risk of that is Dave could be like, Hey, fuck you. You're not doing that again. Blah, blah, you know? So there's a whole game going on. There's a whole, the game's not the right word. There's a whole process going on for us to try to get these out as fast as possible. But if you're a member, you're just a member because you're a good dude and you see that we're working hard and that we don't, you're just helping us. You're, you're voting with your money to keep us doing what we do. So just so you know.
Starting point is 00:38:07 So there's a few people now who are writing, hey, I thought these were going to come out every Monday, Wednesday. Yeah, so did we. Yeah. But we're not, no one's sitting around like this. I'm not at the arcade or at the bar drinking or none of that shit. Yeah. This is my life.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Also to that point, we also never said, hey, when you become a member, you're going to have two Waterpalooza documentaries. Yeah that all yeah and you guys are gonna get more too there's we there's gonna be more great shit coming out but um yeah there might even be something from the health summit eventually in heart right right for something great coming from the health summit jay hardell when are we getting episode and i didn't take what jay is saying in that group by the way i know jay's not complaining that it's late i know he's just excited to see it i didn't mean to put that on uh ardle but 99 of you guys are like get get it i know but there's a few people who aren't regular listeners to the show so they don't realize what a shit show it is and they think it's like like we're coca-cola and shit and like our new coke's
Starting point is 00:38:59 coming out tomorrow no we're just we're just cruising we're just cruising uh lauren have either of you read do hard things i have not i have not either single ski water skiers so so this guy writes it to me writes that to me and i'm thinking he he doesn't know how much it costs he doesn't know how long it is to edit he doesn't realize Really think about this for a second on all the implications. The CrossFit Games behind the scene is the most viewed content minute by minute, minute-wise, minutes viewed, than any content in the CrossFit, for sure at CrossFit HQ, games, com of any content made worldwide, like anything that like the buttery bros have done or and anything that mayhams done anything these other powerhouses have done. And unfairly, also, it's because there's more episodes and they're longer.
Starting point is 00:39:59 But just know it's the most minutes watched hands down. And the second most minutes watched ever in the most minutes watched, hands down. And the second most minutes watched ever – or the most minutes watched ever of any content is the Killing the Fat Man series. So those are both my projects. I was both – I've been there since 2008. I'm arguably the greatest chief marketing officer that's ever lived on fucking planet Earth. So when someone someone and i'm doing it all there's no there's no i don't have any long-term business plan that all sits in suza's head i'm just a cow out in the field eating grass and suza moves me from field to field
Starting point is 00:40:35 so you have i just want to put that in perspective for you so when people are like giving me these advices and stuff like you um you're you're the you're the kind of person some of it i i'm and i'm really open to a lot of feedback there's people in my group who like i like will branceter i respect the fuck out of him if he were to be like do this i would just do it yeah and i would just do it i don't even care if he's wrong i just want i i appreciate how he just wants to try certain things but you wouldn't tell a base jumper hey dude uh your your craft would be way cheaper if you didn't um wear a squirrel suit just jump it'll be your last jump and it'll be super cheap
Starting point is 00:41:19 and that person's accurate but but they don't understand what happens when you hit the bottom or – it's just really poor advice even though it makes perfect sense to them. And I get – the other day, this is not a dig at Keith Knapp, but someone is like, hey, you should hire Keith Knapp because he'll teach you about brand marketing. Hey, you should hire Keith Knapp because he'll teach you about brand marketing. And I'm just like… The librarian has read Dr. Seuss in front of kids 3,000 times. She is not going to teach Jay-Z shit about rap. Or if she is, she better start with her credentials up front so sean m uh you mean before we get to behind the scenes number 11 we got to watch this whole dumb show no you go take a shit or something or
Starting point is 00:42:19 go outside and throw a tennis ball against the wall and catch it with your right and left hand 200 times when you're done. Unbroken, of course. Does Trump have shoes? Seve, you need to compete with Trump and make your own CEO shoes. I like that picture. You think that's America or you think that's a foreign land? At first I thought it was foreign, like Italy or something. Because of the architecture of the bridge?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yeah. But I just like it because it looks like it's at like sunset and the lights are coming on and that's a cool vacation shot. You'd be sitting there with the spicy marg as the sun's going down looking at that bridge. You know that's great. You know your audience, spicy marg. So there's that
Starting point is 00:43:09 But just to just doing some housecleaning just some thoughts I've been having Mm-hmm Release the release the behind the scenes closer the games you get more views Maybe but you know, that was something that Dave was always telling me to how come you can't do it faster And I've in my and I'm open to that and I hear it it's just the way it's just the way it was said and that I don't know his credentials and that that guy probably doesn't know the context that one of that hey it's been doing amazing it's been doing amazing and hey and part of me also like i don't expect um i don't expect anyone to be to know that either i expect people maybe to to be aware of or open to the idea that there's stuff they don't
Starting point is 00:43:55 know um but even the people so so there's a woman over there who's second in command at the crossfit games her name is heather lawrence she her and she's like oh dave's main general and she has been absolutely amazing through the entire filming of the behind the scenes and then as we make the episode she's been giving us compliments that she probably doesn't realize how powerful they are how much how much they like meanness yeah mean to us but everyone else at h no one else at HQ is saying great job or thanks for the commercials or any of that. But I also don't expect it because I know everyone else has their
Starting point is 00:44:30 head down and is doing their own shit. So I don't expect it at all. And we're crazy overstimulated here over at the Sevan Podcast because everything's crazy. We're about to have our biggest fucking month ever. I mean, it is.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Our numbers are just absolutely nuts right now. We're on a terror. Hey, can I ask you a question real quick about the frequency thing from earlier in the show? I wanted to ask you this. Have you heard of that? And I haven't read or listened to this, but have you heard of that book called The Secret? And it's like about the manifestation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I read those books. What do you, where do you stand on that? Like you, like, and I guess let me frame it like this. Like, I think that stuff works, but only if you're, as you're thinking about what you're trying to accomplish, you're actually like working towards it. Like, I don't think I could lock myself in the room and just think like,
Starting point is 00:45:27 okay, we're going to have the most successful podcast ever. And like, it appears like we have to think that all the time, but then we, our actions have to also be in alignment with those thoughts. Like, that's where I kind of am at it.
Starting point is 00:45:37 But what do you, what do you stand on? I don't think that 30 people could sit in a circle and be in, and look at the center of the circle. There'd be a little taped X on the floor in the center of them, and they all think Lamborghini. And Lamborghini in time, with all that energy they put into those thoughts, will show up. Materialize. Yeah. materialize yeah on the other hand i used to play this game with my wife and um it was called the manifestation game and we would wake up in the morning and every every other day you would get a turn so my wife would say, rooster. And then we would go about our day and the second one of us saw rooster,
Starting point is 00:46:28 we would say rooster and that would be, and then you won, right? And one day I said, Babadas or Ram Das or something. I said some guru's name, Baba Das. I think it was Baba Das.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And I had my first meeting that day with Tony Budding, the head of media at CrossFit HQ. He's the only person on the media team HQ. And I drove to Santa Cruz and I sat down with him and it was like nine o'clock at night and we're in his living room and I'm sitting on the floor. I'm talking to him and he goes, yeah, I used to write books for Baba Das. No shit. text hayley i'm like well i got it babadas
Starting point is 00:47:10 and the reason why we stopped playing that game is one day i said to hayley five hundred thousand dollars or she said it i can't remember it probably sounds like something i would say and she said okay and later on in that day she got hit by a car and it ended up being really, really bad. She almost lost her leg. And, uh, six months later, when that case was settled, she got $500,000 from the insurance company. Oh shit. Oh shit. Did you, when you saw the, summer like yeah right away right away right away right away we both looked at each other like oh shit oh be careful what you wish for huh um wow and then i know i'm not answering your question um no you are yeah and then there's
Starting point is 00:48:07 the thing you know there's the thing that i said to my buddy one time we were in we were in college and my buddy goes man dude he goes you miss so many good asses and i go why he goes because you're always looking at tits and that's the line that thieves only see a world full of wallets and purses and it's just there's there's obviously and then there's and then on top of that i guess i'm just trying to throw there's i feel like you you you laid out a big pot now i'm just trying to throw things into it to make the stew. But there's also that thing that Patrick, that the book you told me to read the Patrick bed, David made the first book is you have to already see yourself where you want
Starting point is 00:48:51 to be five years ahead and the world will catch up. And although Greg didn't talk in this self-help book shit, he, he did that all the time. He would run so far ahead into the future and be telling stories that almost seemed like they were lies, and then three years later they were true. And I used to always think, wow, Greg can see the future. So, yeah, there's – I mean so many successful people talk say what you say you know i mean yeah it's endless ways that it's being said that all those laws of attraction and i don't know i don't know
Starting point is 00:49:34 what the mechanism is i don't know what the mechanism is but i do believe there's something at work yeah for sure yeah i do believe there's something at work. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I do believe there's something, but then also I've known other people who are completely into all this shit and they live a life of fucking misery and debt and they're obese and their shit's just all fucked up. But they read all these books and they're always preaching it. And it's like, but their shit's all fucking sideways.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Yeah, these books and they're always preaching it and it's like but their shit's all fucking sideways yeah because they're probably not internally acting upon like the same way they're externally talking about it right it's like there's a big difference between reading something and then reading something and taking that knowledge and acting on it so i think you're there's like a lot of like ignoring um what was uh, how did I forget his name? The guy that just showed up back into your life. Raymond. Raymond. Raymond.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Yeah, Raymond. Great example. Bizarre example. Yeah, well, he was talking about how to train it to make it stronger with the beads. Oh, you were at the house? You met him? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:50:44 And how did he say to train it and make it stronger um by taking the beads and then in your mind visualizing the bead like moving over and then as you're visualizing and you move it over like physically move the bead over so you're concentrating to where it's like you're seeing it first for that split second and then you're moving it over you're seeing it first and he was talking about manifestation and i said okay how could i just manifest 50 million dollars you know just a normal smart ass comment yeah and he goes uh he goes well what do you know about money and i said what do you mean and he goes what's the origin of it why does it exist what's the you know what's happening with it right now what does it actually mean and what is it and i was like interesting and he goes and once you study and learn more about it and the
Starting point is 00:51:30 mechanisms of how it works and why it's here he goes it'll find its way to you that's interesting um uh greg one time told me that uh and i can't believe i'd never thought he said money is human energy when you start thinking of it like that and you know it's that by the way you're all your and I can't believe I'd never thought he said money is human energy. When you start thinking of it like that, and you know, it's that, by the way, you're all your perspectives on, on the way people behave will change. By the way, your, your tolerance for stealing when you realize it's human energy goes way down. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Mine. Yeah. Mine definitely does. You know, who recently said that too, is Elon Musk.
Starting point is 00:52:03 That money's human energy yeah yeah like within the last month i've heard him talk about talk about that yeah we've agreed as a civilization that it's that it's equal to human energy yeah and it's also equal to time and it also can't exist without a debt existing so like money can't exist without a debt but to like it's like a yin and yang thing. That's what I learned after talking to Raymond too. OG micro pen money is here for cocaine and titties from Twitch. What's up? OG micro pen.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Oh, good, good catch. The Twitch listener. There was something funny that Jeremy world said, uh, I don't know what this has to do with anything, but this is great.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Sticking feathers up. Your butt doesn't make you a chicken. It's true. I was going to say something about the podcast but it can wait sorry I derailed that no no no you didn't it's good I think all those that no no no no no you didn't you didn't it's good it's good i think all those books are important for everyone to read like like the
Starting point is 00:53:09 secret and and all those books just to just to get those stir those juices whether it's true or not i think that there's a net benefit to stirring all those juices um uh there's another one too um there's a bunch of them there's this one where this i can't remember what the name it's a whole series of books but this lady talks to like god or spirits or something and conversations with abraham or some some shit like that interesting omg he's reading twitch comments what mouth sounds welcome to the show. So,
Starting point is 00:53:52 so that's that, that, uh, everything's good. Life's good. It was fun. Um, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:58 I'll be purposely not, are you not revealing the gym? Oh no. I don't remember the name of the gym. You think that's wrong? I don't remember the name of the gym. Do you remember the name of the gym? Oh, no. I don't remember the name of the gym. You think that's wrong? I don't remember the name of the gym. Do you remember the name of the owner? Rich.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Riverside? It's in Riverside. It's in San Bernardino County. I don't think it's CrossFit Riverside. Oh, okay. What's his last name? Alvarez? Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:54:21 That sounds right. He looked like an Alvarez. He looked like a mexican dude lots of black haired people there oh yeah crossfit riverside richard alva oh yeah yeah so he's got it okay cool yeah yeah great dude insane gym dude holy shit it had so much going that's the thing i was blown away when i went to your gym this gym when i go to gyms and there's like dude there were there were 20 rowers and 20 bikes and 20 skiers. And I'm like, how does someone pay for all that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:49 How in the hell does someone pay for that? Someone wrote in the comments that a level one isn't worth $1,000. And I said, you have no idea what you're talking about well i mean what they expect out of it that's in that's like the conversation and they said if you're not going to become well they said if you're not going to become a coach or open an affiliate you don't need your level one and i thought man what a missed opportunity but then i said that and this person responded well you should be getting that taught at your local affiliate. And I used to, I used to go to the, I used to go to the park by my house in Berkeley.
Starting point is 00:55:31 There was a 400 meter track there. I ended up finding out it was a 333 meter track. Did I ever tell you that story about how I used to run it? Yeah. I was fucked up and I would run these 59 second four hundreds and I'd be like, fuck dude, I am fast.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Anyway, these 59 second 400s and i'd be like fuck dude i am fast anyway found out it was 333 meters so who the fuck does that who makes a 333 meter track what it yeah that's weird what idiocy somebody fucked up and they and they had or something and they had pull-up bars there and shit and everything. So I would load up all the weights in the back of my truck, and me and my wife would go work out there. And I started building up – people would start working out with us. Hey, can we work out with you? And so I had a group of people who worked out with us. And I always warmed up with my version of one of the level one movement lectures always push press push jerk air squat overhead squat deadlift i always warmed up and i always just
Starting point is 00:56:37 talked about and that's what we did for 15 or 20 minutes like always i assume that's what every gym in the world did i assume that every single – and it just was on repeat, the nine movements. That's what I thought every gym did. I only did that for probably two years, and I never had more than 10 people in a class. But I can't imagine ever teaching a class without going over a movement. And the movements that were going to be in the workout. There's no – the best crosser in the world, like if Rich Froning comes to your gym, and he's going to work out, and the first 15 minutes are going to be a squat therapy, he's going to be stoked. He's not going to be upset.
Starting point is 00:57:31 He's not going to be like, dude, I already know this. He's going to get an insane warm-up out of it. Yep. Yeah. If you own a gym, how are you not – I would be teaching the level one just over and over and over. So when he said that, I was like, oh, yeah. I mean I still think he's wrong. You're crazy. If you are a parent and you haven't taken your level one, you're hugely missing out.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Like if your wife's pregnant and you're a dude, you should go take your level one. You will use all of the stuff in there, not even the movement stuff, just the big principle stuff. Like, hey, you only get you get dramatic. You get dramatic adaptation and change when you work hard through difficult things. And you can apply that to everything, to everything. How are you not doing the Bergner warm up like in your class once a week? Just all those things. I just can't imagine not.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Yeah, I mean, you should be well we actually just did this last weekend there's like a photo of it that i have here so that's uh yeah you got the pvc pipes out yeah and that's just our coaches and so what we do is uh take them through like a mock l2 and i just literally ripped the material off from the l2 yeah i love it holy shit together and then and we've done this even where we've just invited members or aspiring coaches. If you think you want to coach, you're just welcome to come into the workshop.
Starting point is 00:58:54 You mean like one of your clients is like, hey, can I come? And you'd be like, yeah, sure, come. Come teach a little bit. We've done it and been like, bring your parents because we're going to teach you how to squat and how to press above your head and how to hinge and pick something up. And they can never work out here. But if they learn how
Starting point is 00:59:07 to do that correctly, it'll better their lives. Right. Um, so yeah, so we, we purposely do that all the time. And the two things that we talked about was having your, um, having all the members move more than you're talking. So if you're talking like, and they haven't moved in 30, 40 seconds, that's's there's an imbalance there so they need to move more than than you talk and then the other thing is is anybody walking out of your class if they took your class i'd say all right sebon or so and so you just took sebon's class like what was the two points of performance on the back squat today and if i can't tell you what they were then that's a problem you You didn't communicate them enough to the group.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And then we always only just focus on two points of performance and purposely ignore a bunch of other details just so that way people can absorb it and dial it in over time, right? Joe Westerlin, imagine any CrossFit sport athlete not drilling the fundamentals before every single practice or game. You can't because it doesn't happen. Yeah, that's a great point. That's a great point. Imagine any non-CrossFit sport athlete, so let's say a volleyball player, You can't because it doesn't happen. Yeah, that's a great point. That's a great point.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Imagine any non-CrossFit sport athlete, so let's say a volleyball player, not drilling the fundamentals before every single practice, meaning some serves and bumps and spikes. You can't because – right, right. Okay. Yeah, that's how they're going to warm up. They're going to work the fundamentals, and the same thing should happen with your group. And we use the PVC pipe a lot with the class.
Starting point is 01:00:28 And I always tell the new people that comes in, it doesn't matter if you're here for five minutes or five years, you're going to go through this thing the same exact way. And there's going to be something new that you'll pull out of it. I mean, I've been coaching for 12 years now and an affiliate for 10, went and did my L2. And they made some slight corrections into my strict press that helped. Right?
Starting point is 01:00:45 Just because they're always focusing on the fundamentals and improving the movement virtuosity as some might call it. And hey, if you're doing a squat, if you're teaching, if you're the worst teacher in the world and you start your class with teaching people how to air squat, everyone's still going to get better. You're going to get better for teaching it. You're going to probably see something. They're going to get better. Everything's going to get better you're going to get better for teaching it you're going to probably see something they're going to get better everything's going to get better even failure
Starting point is 01:01:10 at this practice will make you better nothing bad is going to happen if you're doing air squats with people uh philip kelly the worst are the members and coaches who ignore the coach running the class. Absolute pricks. I just cracked that whip. Yeah, yeah. I went into Joe Westerlin's gym. It was probably the leanest I've ever been in my life. I remember it very well. I took a picture of my wife and sent it to my wife.
Starting point is 01:01:44 It's probably the only selfie I've ever taken in a mirror. I couldn't believe how lean I was. I went into their locker rooms there. I don't think he still owns it. Maybe he does. CrossFit Omaha. And I was snatching there, and I sent my snatch PR there. I think it's my lifetime snatch PR.
Starting point is 01:01:59 It was 147. Nice. 47. You use the one-pounders, huh? Something like that. But I just remember basically Joe walked over to me and was like dude like if you just hung out with me for a minute i could increase your snatch by 20 pounds he was probably right but i was like nah fuck you yeah he probably saw quite a few fundamental things just tightened up you would put more
Starting point is 01:02:20 weight on the bar without even having to get stronger dude ridiculous ridiculous i didn't take him up on that i could ridiculous he probably could it could have happened right there yeah what is it if if someone tells you if someone tells you hey i got a 205 pound clean and jerk like i can wake up from it it's my you know it's a young guy let's say he's uh let's say he's been doing crossfit for five years he's 30 years old and he says i got a 205 pound clean and jerk um and you see him do it and it's good for him and you can do it easy but it still is max what do you think his snatch could be or should be i mean i'd have to see his overhead squat you know what i mean i think i think i oh i think my i overheaded 175 pounds overhead squat
Starting point is 01:03:12 10 times at that point like 10 times yeah oh then you should you should snatch that for sure then that's that's crazy yeah there's a problem there you're not lifting with your legs enough you're putting your low back into it you probably don't have a vertical torso before you jump. Like there's probably just a bunch of, and you know, it's a funny, it's the same thing with business. Like you look at a business that like, oh, this business is kind of successful. Then you find out they don't have anybody on electronic, electronic reoccurring payment. You find out that like, Hey, we, you know, nobody follows up with the members when they
Starting point is 01:03:40 leave or something like that. And all of a sudden you go, wow, we could do two or three minor, but fundamental things of this business. And it would grow. Same thing with your snatch. I look at it and there's like two or three fundamental things that I know you're missing. And I'm like, Hey, this is great news. We're going to tighten these super fundamental things up and your snatch is going to increase automatically. You know, I never back squatted 175 for 10 or front squatted, but I overhead squat 175 for 10 once maybe maybe a few times i know i know it's weird what is that how does that work out just obsessing on movements because when i learned
Starting point is 01:04:10 the overhead squat i went to the uc berkeley weight room you know what's crazy too is that that that stunt right there got me kicked out of the uc berkeley weight room i did 175 for 10 and then dropped it and they were steel weights yeah yeah and i was in a cage and it was so fucking crazy yeah that's a no-no i can't do that it was dude it was crazy dude and and back then 15 years ago it looked like you were doing stupid shit even overhead squatting yeah yeah it was totally foreign like an overhead squat people like what Yeah, it was totally foreign. Like an overhead squat. People are like, what?
Starting point is 01:04:52 My, someone said my mile time on the 333 meter track was like 727. I thought I was a stud. But I was one lap short. It's closer to 802. Yeah, i don't think it was ego lifting i think i was just into um uh i was into um maybe ego lifting the snatch thing at joe's gym but i was just into all the weird things crossfit was cool for someone like me because i wasn't just i was never good at sports or anything but there were some things i could do that other people couldn't do so i could get into a great overhead squat position i could do muscle ups i could do bar
Starting point is 01:05:27 muscle ups before they were a thing oh i could just so i wanted to just do good at the shit that made me better than the guy who was better at me that 99 of the other shit right so you got a guy who's a fucking 300 pound back squat but he can't overhead squat 175 so i thought there's something yeah i don't think i ever pressed um shoulder pressed more strict press more than 135 yeah strict press is a tough one you got to really train that specifically to get that number to go up i came into crossfit with a 135 like like on day one and it never and it never changed yeah yeah well that's because i mean for that
Starting point is 01:06:05 particular movement you're gonna have to like train it with like progressive overload where you're doing it like two three times a week you're building up in percentage you're yeah adjusting volume like all that has to come into play for it to climb boring yeah definitely definitely uh caleb's uh mom no no c's mustache. People lose their minds if you overhead squat a bar in a bodybuilding gym. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Most of those guys can't get into that position. Shoulders are too tight or whatever the case may be.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Wow. See, like, this is just crazy to me. My pool boy. I strict pressed 200 for three yesterday. God. Damn. Yeah. Whoever said that their manifesting pool boy show up to the show.
Starting point is 01:06:46 There you go. I saw that comment earlier. Oh, there he is. Jake Chapman. See, Jake, you did it.
Starting point is 01:06:53 You think this is true? Rambler does a two 95 press. No fucking way. No way. No way. Two 95 strict press. Get out of here with that rambler oh this is uh joe westerlin's favorite subject here we go daniel garrity joe westerlin my uber driver in boise told me his daughter tore her acl playing soccer joe's a expert on acl shit by the way i i'm not i'm not being facetious either um fantastic uh reference for
Starting point is 01:07:27 all all sorts of shit like that um but is now building back through crossfit made me think of you last time you're on the show i think it was joe i think it was joe who introduced me to the idea that if you when you lose ankle flexion, everything starts, the places you compensate for it start moving up towards the hip, whether it be your, you know, your knees, your hip, your back, it just starts moving throughout all the other places in the body to try to compensate for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And that made me even more of a proponent of having barefoot kids. Yeah, so they don't lose that dorsal flexion. I did hear this and I really hesitate to say it, but I do think that there could be some validity to it, but I, but I don't think anyone has to worry about it, but there could be some validity to this. I did hear someone say when my kids were young,
Starting point is 01:08:21 that if you don't ever put shoes on, first of all, when you teach it, when your kids first starts learning how to walk and then you put shoes on them, it seems batshit crazy. That seems crazy to me. It's like, dude, do you know how hard it is to fucking walk? It is. If you've ever had a kid, it's crazy, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:38 And you can sit there and be like, wow, I can't believe all of us made it. It's a lot of fucking neurological firing and balancing going on the feet are tiny compared to the rest of the structure and the way it can move and be so agile it's a trip dude it's i mean it's some it i'd be curious you know like you can see um you can run a program on your computer and see how hard your cpu is working and you see the numbers when we walk it must the brain must be walk, it must, the brain must be just, especially in the early days, it must be just at full capacity, a chance of the CPU overheating.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Right. And so your kid learns how to walk and it's like day one. And then you put shoes on them. It's like, are you crazy? And at that point, all the mechanics are going to change. By the way,
Starting point is 01:09:24 and kids shoes don't even fit like the way our shoes do. It's so weird. It's like their feet are different. The ratios of their feet are different. They're not even like real shoes. They're just pathetic. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:37 And so – but going back to what I was saying, what I heard is I heard that if you don't ever put shoes on your kids, that it will affect them later, that they will struggle. People will struggle to like they'll never get their full ability to operate their highest capacity in shoes. But meaning like if you didn't put shoes on your kid until they were seven ever, that when they put them on their seven, something will be wrong. But I don't think anyone has to worry about that. But but there might if you did run that experiment, I suspect there could be something. You do still need to practice in shoes. Most people – but I don't think anyone here – I've never seen anyone who needs to worry about that. Do you remember the Kelly Starrett study in the San Francisco public schools?
Starting point is 01:10:16 Was that the sitting at the desks one? Tell me about it. I forget. Yeah, so they basically just watched a bunch of kindergarteners run and just observed their movements, and they all ran beautifully because it's just written in your DNA. It wasn't heel striking. We have the next rule of the foot, all that. And then I think by the time they followed them just in first grade, so like two school years of sitting, right? So kindergarten plus first grade, by the time that they were at the end of first grade and running like a large percentage of them were heel strikers and so they ran inefficient and there was going to be issues with it by the time they're in the second grade like almost all of them were like that and then some of them started to already have like loss of range of motion in their hips wow just in those first three years if you go to the end of the second grade but mostly the damage was done in those first two years and by the by the end of that third year in second grade like it was pretty bad wow yeah my my kids i you know in the cartoons when people run they run with their arms back like this yeah that's because that's how kids run oh yeah you're
Starting point is 01:11:18 right and and obby was first it dude it's crazy, dude. And what was I, um, and I, you know, when I saw that, uh, I saw the movie Aquaman and in the movie, um, he was running with his brother and his brother was running like this and Aquaman's like, try going like this. And he had to teach his older brother that it was like a grown man, but since he had always been in water, he swam like this, but that's how kids are. It's so funny. It in my son, Avi didn't stop doing that until late. All the other kids in all the sports he was doing were all already running like this.
Starting point is 01:11:51 But I never told him to do that. But finally, one day, it just clicked. But it's a trip. They run like this, like those cheesy superhero cartoons. It's so weird. Seve needs a stand-up desk now. I want to redo my whole – I want to redo all my shit. Hey, you know who – that guy Andrew who's coming on, the guy who runs the podcast for Mark Bell?
Starting point is 01:12:14 Yeah. He's coming on, and he's starting a seminar on how to set up a podcast studio. Oh, cool. You know, it's funny. I watched their recent video where they moved into a new space. Did you see it? Did they close down the old space? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Did they say why? No, I don't think he did in the video. I think when Mark said it, he just said like, hey, we had the free and open gym for a long time and we're just shifting spaces now because we're combining it into the podcast studio or something. I don't know. Are they going to charge for the gym now? combining it into the podcast studio or something i don't know maybe are they going to charge for the gym now i don't think the gym's big enough for it to be like a public gym i mean it's big don't get me wrong like it's going to be a badass gym but i think that when they shifted it it was to be to have it be a little bit more private when i was there a couple a month ago it was massive yeah and it was massive and they had every machine you could ever think of yeah yeah it was crazy don't get me wrong this this gym now looks like it's pretty it's pretty
Starting point is 01:13:13 big but um i think it's just gonna be for for mark and whoever he had like invite like an invite only over gym but andrew was inside the room where they were going to do the podcast studio and he's like explaining how he's going to set it up and what he has to do for the echo and and things like that so i thought that that was pretty cool and i was also my mind too i was thinking i was like damn i'm like i'm close enough that i wonder if i could just go hang with him for a day yes just to learn it just to learn really he's really cool they're all actually really cool yeah they're all actually really i got to meet mark once at uh greg's um and his brother i wonder if we could if i could pay him to come do my to do the studio here yeah i definitely want to go out and see
Starting point is 01:13:57 the studio because he was saying it looked like it sounded like they were going to do like a couple different parts to it maybe so you could have like the one main podcast studio and then and then there'd be a couple other recording spaces i can't remember now exactly but oh um yeah do you read the chat uh far sean chops welcome to the show all the tips all the fine nuance and tips you need to learn about having anal without lube welcome to the show hell yeah awesome he's into it uh hot lady told me she likes my feminine side okay did that oh i'm getting ready to go on the garrett glinton podcast oh look at this question oh golly golly gee how did you know how did you know i gave the base jumping example earlier and i've given this example before also about people who just misunderstand things so my mom was an attorney for many years uh she charged uh four hundred dollars an hour And I remember going to the Apple store with her one
Starting point is 01:15:06 time and it would, it takes, you know, the trip to the Apple store, let's say took us three hours, right? You got to go there. You got to park, you got to buy the stuff. You got to get back in your car. You got to go home. It's always like 20 miles from her house. And I told her, I'm like, Hey, you should get an extra mouse here. I think you'd like this mouse better. And the guy's like, no, it comes with a mouse. And I go, yeah. and he goes if you don't like it just come back and it's like he does he didn't have the full picture yeah he didn't have the full picture he wasn't saying anything wrong he just didn't have the full picture and so um be cheaper for to buy the mouse and not have to come back than it would be hey buddy it's a compliment i'm his grandfather that's the thing i started i i had uh i'm his grandfather i had his dad when i was 14
Starting point is 01:15:50 i'm his grandfather yeah we can talk about volkanovski you want to know something i wonder if anyone else saw this so volkanovski you guys know he used to weigh like 220 pounds right now he weighs 145 pounds and what i saw around his waistband was this little tiny extra skin from when he used to be uh 240 pounds it's very subtle only only only those of us who are experts in the field of uh of flesh uh would see it i do think that alexander did not look in the shape that we've seen him look maybe three or four fights ago and i don't know if he's off the juice or uh using different drugs or i don't know what but he did not quite look like he was in the shape that i've seen him look in i would also say this, and the people I was watching the fight with were making fun of me.
Starting point is 01:16:47 I think he was winning the fight, and they're like, yeah, until he got knocked the fuck out. And I'm like, yeah, but he's winning the fight, and they're like, until he got knocked the fuck out. So I think he was the better technician. I thought that I didn't see anything. He clipped Volkanovski on his chin. I need to see it back. I need to run it back. I'm not convinced. I'm not convinced.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Burn, yeah. This is interesting. He said he had a drinking problem this year. Two KOs in a row. Chuck Liddell all over. Yeah, he has been saying that he's been drinking a lot of alcohol. If I had to guess your guys' names and ages, I'd say the father is Phil. Close. My name is Abdul Jamal Hassan Habibi, but close.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Phil works. My friends call me Phil. He's 58. Close. And he works at a Starbucks as a cafe manager. And does some casual work as a gas station cashier a couple days a month. How are you doing, my friend? Do not steal the candy bar.
Starting point is 01:18:00 What are you doing? Jake Chapman, UFC for men is like sex and the City for women. I never watched Sex and the City, but I heard that it was written for male characters and then they decided to make it female characters. Oh, interesting. Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 01:18:19 Yeah. And so you get this whole genre of women who are perverts, but it's really men and then it's screwed with all the women who watched it like it was like some way to be there was some fulfillment just just riding cock all the time i remember when that movie came out i was still bartending at black angus and the amount of like women that would come in there in groups and order cosmopolitans and flirt was insane and And that was the drink of the show? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:18:47 It had to have been. I'm not familiar with any of the sex in the city at all, except for the fact that I know that there's just a bunch of promiscuous women living in the city being boss bitches. Yeah, just riding old Coca-Cola. The best show I've ever seen is um californication with the coveney god i love that show uh the the son that's you matt yeah i think trent jones works he's 24 comic book store cashier and pizza delivery man why does he that's a coolest shit for 24 dude i would i would kill that at 24
Starting point is 01:19:22 comic store cashier and pizza delivery man. It's only cool for two more years. Then people start to question your choices in life. Now foreign chops. I would like to. I would like to. I would like to. Tell you who I think you are.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I think that. You woke up this morning. And ate some pop tarts. And reduced your life expectancy by two weeks. The first thing in the morning you do is you turn on your three giant gamer TVs in your bedroom and dust off your joysticks and your remote controls and all that. You go to your Amazon account and look at the new headset you wanted to buy for the last six months but it cost $32.95 and you can't God that seems so
Starting point is 01:20:08 that seems so fucking expensive to you your penis is raw because you masturbate to porn so much and you struggle with that deeply because you think that fuck I'm never going to get any pussy if I keep doing this.
Starting point is 01:20:26 You find girls with septum rings attractive, and you think insecurity and mental illness is a normal feature of the homo sapien. And when you heard me say homo sapien, you got offended because you thought that was some sort of derogatory comment towards homosexuals. Am I close? Come on, baby. Come on. He he said what about my name age and job um uh you you don't even you've been using a fake name for so long uh since you started your hormone therapy and transitioning um your name is uh your first name is super your last name is victim and um and you're thinking about moving to canada fucking trump wins this is clearly you think i'm unemployed no no no no no no you have a night job at the quick stop and uh and but but you cost the company more in stealing slurpees than in actual money you sell you would know this as a cafe manager so
Starting point is 01:21:31 so i i hope you appreciated that let me let me uh that that brings me to this that that brings me to this we haven't talked about this in a long time but you know that for psychological issues there used to be a surgery it was called frontal lobotomy they basically would either just open up the front of your brain your forehead and take a butter knife and mush
Starting point is 01:21:59 the front of your brain with a butter knife or they would just fucking take a spike and drill it up here between your eyes along the angle of your nose and just hammer a spike into your brain. By the way, that wasn't nice that I did that to you far and drops.
Starting point is 01:22:15 I'm sure there's some nuances to your character, and I apologize for judging you just because you come from Twitch. That was brutally honest. It should be more subtle, but accurate. So so so they made that illegal they made that illegal and since then there are no surgeries for uh being a uh misbehaving that like it, it's a legitimate surgery to chop your penis off or chop your tits off or give someone drugs to either increase their testosterone or suppress it.
Starting point is 01:22:58 So we've fallen back into some weird, grotesque stone age, the way we're treating our fellow man instead of helping them would become codependents but this i found this the septum ring is just pure idiocy to me but check this out here we go in the day all the mentally ill people got this piercing done but nowadays it seems like all the mentally ill people are choosing to get this piercing done. Back in the day, all the mentally ill people got this piercing done. But nowadays it seems like all the mentally ill people are choosing to get this piercing done. And why is that? What do you think it is?
Starting point is 01:23:38 Why are the mentally ill people getting their nose pierced and dying their hair blue? I think it's fair. Someone could be like, hey, you're making a presupposition. That's true. Dude, I think we can go with it's a strong correlate. Yeah. You woke up. You got in your car.
Starting point is 01:23:57 You drove down to CVS. You bought blue hair dye. You slid your ATM card in there. You came home and spent the day dying your hair blue. You slid your ATM card in there. You came home and spent the day dying your hair blue. Does that concern the whole time that your 13 bracelets are going to get caught on your septum ring as you're doing your hair? 13 bracelets.
Starting point is 01:24:17 I mean, dude, what? Yeah, that's interesting. Does that type of behavior just like, is it an attention attention thing is it because it just kind of demands attention you remember the old um who the fucking pickup artist dudes that were just like the biggest fucking weirdo nerds but just like would show people how to like it was like the pickup artist or something like that and it was like helping nerds get laid but they would do they would wear this like like it'd be this pink fucking fedora like scarf and they would wear this, like, like it'd be this pink fucking fedora, like scarf.
Starting point is 01:24:46 And they would wear this like top hat or whatever to the bar and would just wear this like ridiculous stuff because it just like demanded attention. And they would like walk in. And once they got the attention, they would try to like utilize that to like pick up chicks. It's not, it's not a, it's not a,
Starting point is 01:25:00 it's not a, it's not a fact that blue hair makes you crazy. I'm just saying it's a strong core. Look, Brianna Roney, Danielle Brandon had blue hair at one point. Yeah, and? She's pretty wild, right? Yeah, it doesn't, I mean, that kind of exemplifies our point. Yeah, yeah, she's wild, right?
Starting point is 01:25:19 Yeah. Yeah. We're pretty simple creatures. We're pretty simple creatures we're pretty robotic there has to be a there is a strong like 90 of the people who not get septum rings and hair they have a thought or or a a group of thoughts or perceptions that are causing them to do that. It isn't, it is not, it isn't,
Starting point is 01:25:54 it is not attractive. It is not attractive. And I'm going to go out on a limb and say, think that if you do find it attractive, it's, it's not for the, it's, it's not attractive that you find.
Starting point is 01:26:03 It's not the word attractive. It's, it's, um's not attractive that you find it. It's not the word attractive. It's maybe out of curiosity that you're interested in that. It tall girls are attractive, short boys are attractive. There's all sorts of attractive things. They're on different scales and interests and things like that. But dyeing your hair blue and punching a hole through that really sensitive part of your nose that no one even wants touched, and then you punch a hole through that. God damn it.
Starting point is 01:26:44 God damn it. I want you to punch a hole through this thing are you out of your fucking mind yeah no boobs no boobs are fine there's all these things like on a superficial level that you may that someone may think is good or bad but but but but it's not it's all just like we're all just want like intimacy but the blue hair it's like somehow you're you're drawing someone to you for the wrong reason the reason to get a septum ring here's the reason to get a septum ring i'll tell you the reason so that you know that anyone who's attracted to you is not who you should go after how's that that that's the only thing i could think of it's like you try it on And anybody that approaches you You go that was a trick
Starting point is 01:27:26 Yeah and the person who thinks it's absolutely disgusting And like what the fuck That's the person you want Be like alright you're my target Hi Hey I need to leave soon to take Avi. Can you take the twins to your mom's?
Starting point is 01:27:49 Or do I need to drop them off? I'm going to get off the podcast now. I'll stop fooling around with my friends. Okay. Bye. Listen, if you want a crazy bitch, date a redhead. Naturally crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:04 You want a crazy fucking dude date a redhead have you been keeping up on Tommy G's videos no okay I kept looking for the one in the Bay Area because remember he was out here with like Ricky oh yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:28:23 and then it was like the hardest Bay Area because remember he was out here with like Ricky oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and then it was like the the like hardest Bay Area Afghan gang was that Trent's mom on the phone it was yes yes it was good call damn you quick we like you welcome to the show what sorry so sorry what about the Afghan gangs oh yeah so it was like that the Afghan gang or whatever out here in the Bay Area and they're uh based out of Fremont and so I was like that the Afghan gang or whatever out here in the Bay Area and they're based out of Fremont And so I was like, okay cool like I'm gonna check this out I haven't seen Tommy G so I threw it on it's like background noise and like a couple minutes into this I was like What the these dudes are fucking crazy like not crazy as in like gangster like like these dudes don't They don't have fucking they don't think they have no discernment. They don't know what the fuck is going on
Starting point is 01:29:03 Like daddy hangs with you in one fucking sentence. goes tommy g brings up and he goes yeah well if you go back to afghanistan like do you do is there certain things you disagree with like the fact that women can't go out in public without a male they can't drive they can't be educated blah blah blah and the kid goes usually he's like well that's that's more or less like a um that's a that's a protective thing. Like, do you really just want your woman out there? And then he says one other thing and he goes, oh, but I don't mean to be sexist. Like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:29:34 And then they go, okay, are you from, are you from Afghanistan? He goes, no, I'm from here, but I can't wait to go back to my country. Are you afraid? Have you ever been around a man who has to, feels like he has to always protect his woman like everything she does he has to go out with her yes it's fucking holy shit hey you can put that with the blue hair and the fucking septum ring like dudes that are like that dudes that are like that i gotta tell you someone's go anywhere i'll tell you someone I know that's like that It's fucking crazy
Starting point is 01:30:06 I'm so bummed this person's like that Yeah Walked into the local bookstore yesterday First book in the kids only section The book bodies are cool was there Alright I love you guys I gotta go
Starting point is 01:30:18 I'll be at the tennis tournament today I'm not sure if I'm doing that Or if I'm gonna stay home with the rugrats Alrighty today. I'm not sure if I'm doing that or if I'm going to stay home with the Rugrats. Alrighty. RB, I still can't believe you had Patrick Beddavid on here. He's been on a roll. What are you talking about? You can't believe he's been on here. RB, just you wait.
Starting point is 01:30:36 Just you wait. He can't believe he's been on here. Just you wait. Thank you for tuning in to the Sevan podcast the greatest host in the entire podcast space it's been a pleasure dealing with you love you guys, buh-bye oh, check me out

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