The Sevan Podcast - Sunday Service | Guest Host Steve - O #909

Episode Date: May 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Other conditions apply. Got it in there. Almost a minute late. Still made it on time. Still made it on time. Seven is still out. You guys are stuck with me for one more day. But hopefully we can get in the groove a little quicker this time.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Last time felt all right. Like the first 20 minutes. At first when I saw the Josh Burgess podcast, Last time felt all right. The first 20 minutes, at first when I saw the Josh Burgess podcast, I thought I clicked the wrong button and freaked out for a second there. It took like 15, 20 minutes to get the flow. I think we got some great affiliate talk last time. And so I think maybe that'll be the topic of discussion this time.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So if you guys have any questions, throw them in there about just whatever, about the gym. What's going on? What's happening at your box? Is there any weird, exciting stories you guys want to tell? No, I did not. I did not. But, you know, we're going to work on it. We're going to work on it.
Starting point is 00:02:12 You guys, because I've been playing with these sound effects, you guys want to hear them. So what if we get a little vibe going? Oh, yeah. Good morning. Little Sunday service. We're going to have some fun.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Too much? Is that too much? Oh my goodness. I have a lot of fun with that there. Almost too much. Almost too much. Ah, yes. Okay. What is this one? Here we go. Jake Chapman.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Susan, my mother-in-law is qualified for the 65 plus and doesn't have a coach going with her. I need to pimp her out. Jake. You just used the word pimp her out with your mother-in-law, dude. Come on. Come on. Know anybody that would be willing to help out. Well, now that we have the comment, and I read it out loud
Starting point is 00:03:27 for all those people just listening here, they're going to hear it, and maybe somebody will step up to the plate. Although, I would have used a little bit of a different language. Need to pimp her out? That sounds kind of... Oh, CrossFit Corey, you think it sounds like Pornhub music?
Starting point is 00:03:44 Oh, no. Fullboy thinks it's the same thing. Oh, noFit Corey, you think it sounds like Pornhub music? Oh, no. Full boy thinks it's the same thing. Oh, no. Good morning. Morning, Bob. Morning, Bob. You're right. Practice, practice, practice.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I saw the comments you left there, and I agree. I agree. Philip Kelly, Susan, what's your favorite cereal? The Seven Eastas want to know. You really want to know? Like, what do you mean? Like favorite breakfast cereal? I'm assuming.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I don't need to try to breakfast cereal. It's bad for you. Yeah, exactly. I mean, that's exactly how I feel. I mean, he said, Susan's parents are gone. Look out when the cat is away. The mice will play. Okay, so also, too, I got the phone line going.
Starting point is 00:04:31 We're pretty sure it should still work just like it did yesterday. I'm going to put the call line up here, and hopefully we get someone to call in. At the very least, just test it out. Stefan, going to Madison. Rooms are $400 to $500 a night. Yeah, the cheap ones. Wait until it gets closer and closer.
Starting point is 00:04:54 CrossFit, you look like a Boo Berry kind of guy. I don't even know what that is. I don't even know what that is. Okay. So I do got some clips with you guys. I was in the drunk take last night beard. Paul, I was not in the drunk take last night, but this is a half-ass shave.
Starting point is 00:05:18 That's for damn sure. That's for sure. All right, first clip here. Let's get it played up by the way thank you everybody who uh reached out with the kind words yesterday about um my first time on the show that was very nice because oftentimes when you turn this thing off you're just kind of left to your own demise you know you're like did did I do well? Did I not do well?
Starting point is 00:05:47 I don't know. So check this out. Burger King worker gifted $400,000 for retirement after not missing a single day in 27 years. $400K. That seems a little, I don't know about you guys. That seems a little low for not missing a single day
Starting point is 00:06:08 in 27 years of work. How many days do you think he worked a week? Probably a shitload, too. Look at him. He probably ran that place. If he could make it to Burger King 27 years and not miss a day of work,
Starting point is 00:06:24 and half you guys can't even make it to the gym three fucking days a week, you need to... I don't even know if they said his name. Mr. Ford. You need to take some inspiration from Mr. Ford. Kevin Ford, 54, will get a retirement pension of more than $400,000. This is an appreciation for his efforts while working for Burger King in Las Vegas, Nevada. A video of Mr. Ford accepting a gift bag as a reward for not missing a day of work in 27 years went viral last year.
Starting point is 00:06:53 The video touched thousands of Americans who felt he should receive another present. Since the GoFundMe campaign has started in his name to generate money for his retirement. So maybe he'll get another 400K. That was his pension, Jeffrey. You're right. You're right. Idea for a future show, bro roundtable. What is that?
Starting point is 00:07:20 My name's not even in that, Manny. Where is it? I'm finally putting his card away. Yes, putting multiple of them away as we speak. Doing the hero's work there. So I'm not sure if the call line is on. Any of you guys want to brave it and call it for me? Say hi.
Starting point is 00:07:41 He's going to leave me fucking out here fry jeremy i'm gonna play a little bit of the uh clip from i told you yesterday i didn't play it i forgot to and this time i'm going to play some of it for you. Oh, here we go. See, by the way, the call line will no longer read out your name, so you guys, no need to fear. Caller, hello.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Welcome to the show. Hey, Matt. Hey, what's going on? Cabinet gal. Cabinet gal. What's up? Cabinet gal. I'm sitting out in the sun
Starting point is 00:08:22 in Connecticut. Awesome. I'm just calling in before Jeremy does. Oh, why? You don't like the ongoing story with Jeremy? I'm not into that story. No? Why not? What doesn't do it for you? He needs to move on. He needs to move on? I thought it was going well. Well, it sounds like he's running an experiment.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Yeah, but we all get to participate. So that's all right. I'll try to enjoy it, but it's getting old. Yeah? Anyway, you're doing a great job there. All right. Well, thank you. Thanks for calling and being the first one, breaking the ice. Maybe we'll get a few more to give a call and chat about some stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah, no problem. It's a great day here in Connecticut, and I'll catch up with you this week. Thanks. I can hear the birds chirping. It's so nice. It sounds beautiful. You have a great day. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You take care. Thanks for calling. Bye-bye. Oh, Jeremy, not a fan of your... Okay, I'm still going to play this anyways for you because I thought it was hilarious and it made me instantly think of you. Let's see if I can bring it up, though.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Again, I don't know how... This will just have to chop up into sections because I don't want us to get dinged. But it's pretty funny. Okay. Alright, Jamie. So if you're done running your little experiment,
Starting point is 00:10:00 as Cabinet Gal says, and you're looking for love here, we have. Today, we brought in a group of conservative young women and wanted to get their honest opinions about what they're... Okay, so this is a dating app called The Right Stuff. And it's specifically for conservative women. And...
Starting point is 00:10:22 Looking for in the guys they date. It's Az here. We're going're gonna skip around for a minute why do you want to date a conservative for me at least i know that we're gonna start off with some shared values oh my goodness oh we got another caller here Hold on, we got another caller here. Colin, hello. Welcome to the show. Hi. Hey, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:10:53 This is Darth Vader. Dude, the Jeremy story is so good. Yeah, I don't know why. It's like the only thing keeping the show together in the professional realm it's what it's what makes the show finally like there's a continuity and a thread there and a participation participation it's so good i've never even seen that done before and she nailed it it is an experiment it's our it's what happens when a fucking dude has to navigate the lands of retarded libtardery in order to um get laid like it's like he's certain you know like crane manis that you like you have to have sex with the female and then run away before she slops your head off the black widow you gotta strum the web so you don't i mean
Starting point is 00:11:45 hump her and then and sneak away dude it's just brilliant and there's so many fun things you know what i mean he's the black guy she's the white girl i mean it's just it's so layered yeah yeah he's patient she doesn't shut the fuck up he's described her as a perfect in a loving way just a complete manic retard i mean it's just stereotypical. It's our modern day West Side Story, dude. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's a Sevan podcast exclusive.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Listen, if you can't enjoy the Jimmy thing, just take a few deep breaths, you know, heat up some lemon juice in the microwave, drink a hot cup of, you know, fucking tea. Caffeine free and just chill. Just enjoy this one. Just enjoy the journey on it, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's got politics and sex and love.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And it's fucking nuts, dude. I love it. Who was it? That was Cabinet Lady? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we even got a cabinet lady. She's off her rocker.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I love her. The fact that it pisses David when Jeremy calls, it's a 12 out of 10 on every level. So good. Heidi can't help but rip on him. I just love Jeremy. No one gets it so he stops
Starting point is 00:13:07 calling in we need to hear this saga yeah we need to we need the whole story and at the end we got to take all of them and clip it together into one long story so all of them run back to back yes yes hey guys the more comfortable we can hear make jeremy instead of making fun of them the more comfortable we can hear make Jeremy instead of making fun of him, the more likely we're going to get the stories like, like with nudity and his hog out and like weird shit. She says to him when they're having sex. Is that so much? You have to think of Jeremy is like a snail. You don't want to touch those antlers and then they go back in.
Starting point is 00:13:41 You know what I mean? You got to let him like have the antlers out and cruise around. You't want them to we don't want them to retract contract yeah he's got to get comfortable yeah we got to make it it's a safe space it's a safe space jeremy i think was already in the uh comments this morning too yeah he is yeah he's soaking it up right now you think his you think his girlfriend's ever gonna listen to it like what if one day she's like oh, Hey, I really want to like get into his world and get to know him a little bit more. You know, I'm going to listen to that podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:10 He always talks about. Yeah. That's the, that's the, that would be the crown jewel dude. When she actually gets involved in the story when, I mean, that's eventually what's going
Starting point is 00:14:25 to happen she's going to find out that he's sharing on the largest podcast on planet earth or second largest uh this story of their relationship and how she handled that like is she going to think she's part of an experiment or is she going to realize we're actually is for this is 2023 counseling and what friendship looks like it's the whole thing is so fantastic and and and and we have our own personal dilemma because we like jeremy but we also know we know we're exploiting them for 39 cent donations on youtube on YouTube. This thing is crazy. I'm so excited about it. Oh my gosh, the chat is conflicted.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Half of them realized who it was and half of them didn't. Stars Vader. Hey, hey, the thought of Jake, that's a media opportunity for us too. We should also exploit Jake Chapman., that's a media opportunity for us, too. We should also exploit Jake Chapman.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Is that his mom or his stepmom? That was his mother-in-law. His mother-in-law. Yeah, we should, like, we should get, like, you should be her coach at the names, and then we'll have someone there doing behind the scenes also. I should do it? A coach is passing shit, yeah. It's like, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:47 It's like, wouldn't that be great if you went there as an A's athlete? Yeah, 65 plus, you know, that's perfect. I'll be ready to run. So slick. What would they be like? No, sorry, no one from the Sebon podcast can be your coach.
Starting point is 00:16:06 They just got to turn their shirts inside out. That's all. Like we did at the game. Hey, you saw I sent you Ezra's phone number? Yes, I did. Yeah, yeah. Ezra's the – I know the audience is going to be ecstatic about that.
Starting point is 00:16:25 We got Ezra Adderhall. Who's that? Michael C is pushing me here. Michael C paid $1.99. It said, hang up, I'm getting bored. And then I saw his comment. Michael C knew I saw his comment. And then his next comment, which was also $1.99, said, say it, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Damn it, I paid for it. Oh, my God. That was good. You guys are good. The haters aren't just about the Jeremy story. They're just part of the story.
Starting point is 00:17:01 They offer no... They don't sway the opinion at all. Jeremy's the best. That story's the thread that's keeping the show alive. Yeah. The story is going nowhere. The story is going nowhere. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:17:13 We're going to keep, we're going to keep that one up. We want to see how that ends. It's like the democratic party without AOC. It's like, you got to keep her. The real reason is, is how could you be listening to the show
Starting point is 00:17:25 and not be totally invested in the story? That's what I don't get. How are you not wondering? How are you not secretly wanting me to show up with a hat low over my eyes and film them across the street while they're out of date? How do you not want that to happen? That's the real question.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Aren't you dying? Everyone's probably dying to know what she looks like. I know's probably dying to know what she looks like. Oh, I know. I'm dying to know what she looks like. I bet she's cute, though, because Jeremy's a good-looking dude, and he's got a rocking body. Yeah, she is. She's very attractive.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah, I said it, Jeremy. I'll give you that. Hey, someone said, Jay Hartle said, I bet the caller is a sexy Armenian. He is. That's correct. It's a good guess. When he's not playing Darth vader dude people dress up people dress up as star wars characters yeah yeah what do you think about that you go to the movie
Starting point is 00:18:16 dressed up as a star i think it's right i think it i think there's nothing less interesting than dressing up as a star wars character but i only bring it up in context of how much better is the Jeremy story than going to Comic-Con as Boba Fett. And a million people would probably love to do that. Yeah, I thought you were going to say if you dress up and
Starting point is 00:18:36 go to a Star Wars theater, mental illness. Instantly, mental illness. Oh, it totally is. Is Boba Fett the bounty hunter? Is that him? I don't even know. I didn't know. Boba Fett?
Starting point is 00:18:52 I don't know. All right. Well, thank you. Thanks for taking my call. Thanks for doing the show. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Thanks for coming in and chatting for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Don't anyone stir me up again. I need to concentrate. No one say anything crazy again. Well, the phone lines will be open the whole concentrate. No one say anything crazy again. Well, the phone lines will be open the whole time. So if you feel the urge. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Thank you. Yep. Bye. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Sevan Matosian. Even calling in from the car. Dylan Val,
Starting point is 00:19:22 anything could happen on the Sevan podcast. Yeah, exactly. Even a schlep like me could end up in front of here running the show huh okay we had a couple of uh questions you guys want to see the rest of that clip about it it was just the end that i thought was hilarious i'm just gonna i'm just gonna play the last piece of this clip because i thought it was funny i'm personally i'm a huge fan of the uh of the story jeremy here we go and what's the biggest red flag when it comes to dating a democrat no democrats a democrat can't be a democrat oh my goodness yeah it's a um jay harrell i need
Starting point is 00:20:11 to get on that site it's called the uh what's it called hold on let me make sure date the right stuff date the right right Get the pun there. So what do you guys have? Do you guys have anything weird going on at your box, at your gym, that you want to chat about? Is there anything strange happening? Is this the crocodile kid? Oh, is that the bow that you guys were talking about?
Starting point is 00:20:43 It's like a train wreck. I'm sorry it happened, but I can't stop looking at it as a drive-by. I think they just talked about the Jeremy story with that. Jeremy, you're such a good dude for letting us in the intimate part of your life there. Yes, Evon is getting his level two cert this weekend. Good guess. I thought there was a... I was looking for a good question that was at the top. I thought I saw one, but...
Starting point is 00:21:08 Oh, here we go. Slater. Susan, what are your thoughts about the mass shooting that happened 20 minutes away from me? Joe Bither this morning on my way to work. Still heavy police presence. Yeah, I think that status quo, after anything crazy like that happens,
Starting point is 00:21:21 I think they end up keeping a huge police presence for a while not only for investigation purposes but just for like like public like appearance right they just want everybody to feel like it's gonna go okay hurry up go back to buying stuff into your jobs we have everything is fine um fuck i don't really like talking about these that much honestly because i i feel that the only way that we could actually make some sort of move towards um a solution or or solving something like this would be to first have to look at the data of like the last you know the last shootings that happened over the course of let's say the last five or six years right you would compile all the data
Starting point is 00:22:00 and then you would find different threads through them to kind of look at and say, okay, is there anything in these threads that connect kind of all these or have similarities of all these happening that we could look at and that we could actually like work towards bettering? And so I don't know what that is. I was just saying that that would seem like a more viable solution than basically the political aisle parting it like it's doing with everything. Because I always feel that once the political aisle parts it like it's doing with everything. Because I always feel that once the political aisle parts it, nobody's solving any problems. We're just going to argue for the home team.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Jay Hartle, Sousa, how did you fall into owning a gym? I wish the story was more awesome than it was. But basically, the long and the short of it was, I was coaching at a gym voluntarily at the one up in Livermore here. And we have a caller. To be continued. Caller, hello. Welcome to the show. Caller, good morning. You are live. Good morning. Good morning, Steve-O-o how are you today i'm great
Starting point is 00:23:05 how are you good i have a controversial opinion on all these shootings oh okay let's hear it i think they're all bad i i would agree with that as well yeah i think that i think that i think that murder might be not popular to say today, but is wrong. Right. Yes. I would agree. That's my take on the shootings. Would you agree?
Starting point is 00:23:31 I would agree. Yes. Awful, terrible, wrong. This is a kind of homogenized thinking that happens when we listen to many savant podcasts. What do you mean? Like some people don't think it's wrong? No. That was a really good joke. Okay. I got a question. Yeah. What's up?
Starting point is 00:23:55 Last night I was in a bar arm wrestling with a bunch of racist South Africans and I think I tore my rotator cuff. That do you have as a gym owner? Yes. Do you have any have as a gym owner yes do you have any like particular kelly starrett ish kind of methods for remedying my broken joints uh yeah also i got one more thing but i apologize yeah no cabinet lady may be wrong but at least she calls in. I want everyone to know this is a call-in show. Yeah. So people that talk in the comments, call in, you sons of guns. Exactly. All right. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Yeah. All right. Sorry. But what do I do about my rotator cuff? Well, first off, you need to stop challenging randoms to arm wrestle in the bar. That's going to lead to injury. So you can reduce your risk down to zero
Starting point is 00:24:47 by just not doing that. And you got a lacrosse ball handy? No. No. I didn't go to college. Okay. So I did not play lacrosse. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:59 So you're pretty much fucked. I'm going to let you know that right now. Unless you have a lacrosse ball, forget about it. Really? Yeah. That's the key. Everybody knows it. Oh, dang.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Yep. Alright, well, I guess I'll just take my happy ass down the road. Yep, the crowd agreed and I just solved the problem. Thank you for calling. Let me know if you have any other elements I could cure over the air for you. Well, I can...
Starting point is 00:25:23 Well, maybe not bye look at the joke because everybody always says that uh lacrosse balls they'll fix everything so yeah so that was basically i was uh i was coaching part-time at a gym it wasn't a paid position it was volunteer position i was uh attending um classes there for a while and a husband and wife that worked there or worked out there at the time basically wanted to start their own gym and they thought that I had a knack for coaching. I clearly enjoyed it. And they offered if I wanted to get on the journey with them. And I said yes. And about eight months later, we actually we didn't start a gym. I bought an existing CrossFit gym in Livermore. We were going to start a gym in Tracy. It was all set. I had the location, everything lined up. We just had to sign on the dotted line for the lease. And when they went to tell the gym owner that they were working out at like what the plan was and why they were quitting and we're going to move to the city about 20 minutes away or so. He said at the time, like, hey, why don't you buy this?
Starting point is 00:26:24 he said at the time, like, hey, why don't you buy this? Because he started in 2008, and it was never the intention for him to have a functioning business. It was just a place for him and his buddies to go work out. More people started to show up. At the time, CrossFit was really popular. So the gym started to grow, and he knew that he wasn't doing the business the justice that it deserved. So he basically said, hey, rather than starting from scratch,
Starting point is 00:26:43 why don't you guys consider buying this gym, which was called MM CrossFit at the time. And then that's how it came to be. So we stopped everything that we had in the other city in Tracy, and we turned our focus to purchasing the existing CrossFit gym. And in 2013, we bought it. And that's that. We bought it. We turned it into CrossFit Livermore. And then in 2016, I bought out my business partners. They were going different directions in life. They were selling actually all their businesses in California, moving out of state. And I was one of those businesses that they had. So in 2016, I took sole ownership 100% of the business.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And it's been rocking ever since. And sorry, I can't see you guys' other comments if you've been talking right now just because I tried to pause on these so I can actually remember to read them because I skipped a shitload, including Philip Kelly's donation yesterday. I apologize. You can put it in. You don't have to donate again, and I'll read it. I can't remember what it was.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Susan, how many days a week does the average member attend class? 4.8. No, it's usually, I would say it's anywhere between, between three and four is probably, but the program I write for the gym, I write it for seven days a week because I do have a lot of people that come that often. So it's a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, classic CrossFit Thursday.
Starting point is 00:28:03 We do some sort of active recovery or a cardio intervals, Friday, Saturday, Wednesday, classic CrossFit Thursday. We do some sort of active recovery or cardio intervals, Friday, Saturday, back to classic CrossFit and Sunday. I teach the mobility class in the mornings. Oh, wait, somebody else also asked that same question. That's interesting. Michael C. Sousa, what's your fan time? Best ever is two 35.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Don't ask me to do that right now though. Okay. We'll go down to the bottom. We'll, we'll start over here. What do we got? No medical advice. Yes, this is not medical advice. Lacrosse ball.
Starting point is 00:28:33 He's referring to the last caller that called in. Susan, why don't you tell us about you? Well, because I think that would probably work better. And Melissa asked, Susan, why don't you tell us about you? Needs to be as good as Brian part one, no pressure. It doesn't work that way. You need somebody on the other side of it, right? You got to ask the questions.
Starting point is 00:28:52 You got to probe. You got to pry. Otherwise, it just kind of sounds weird if I'm just like picking and choosing. Susan, ain't that why God invented computers to do the kind of research you said? About what? That was an old comment.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Sorry. Thanks for putting up a show. That's ideal. I just figured something's better than nothing, right? We already eclipsed yesterday's views, which is good. Got more today. So thank you for... Never meet your heroes.
Starting point is 00:29:26 True. Okay, fair enough. All right, any questions, callers? Suzy, do you have an espresso maker? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Can you do anything about my crabs? Dick Butter.
Starting point is 00:29:42 No, I cannot do shit about that. Don't itch them. It'll probably end up making it worse. Okay. Got another clip here for you guys. Don't worry. I'm curious as to what you guys think about this one here. Now, I apologize in advance because this is one of those things that I know you guys probably, as I do, hate the reactions where it's somebody just sitting there like nodding and like pointing at the clip the whole time.
Starting point is 00:30:14 They're absolutely terrible. They're absolutely terrible. Wadzami, new segment. You look up things we suggest in Urban Dictionary. Yeah, that's not gonna be good i mean how long before we get censored on that one huh we can't even talk about the anymore let alone whatever else we could uh find on urban dictionary that would be a crazy like a little censor okay here we go so another example reincarnation that was going to be my
Starting point is 00:30:44 question to you guys we'll let this clip play uh inside this clip you have a year um in a five month old pianist it's a baby sitting at a piano on its parents lap and it's playing with its it's playing with its index finger the piano and then this woman who uh who did a little side by side whatever the reaction video to it um is saying that this is another example of reincarnation. Looking to see if the adult hand was playing or if there was some sort of video magic. Okay, so what do you guys think? Do you guys believe in the reincarnation?
Starting point is 00:31:46 You think that baby is like Mozart, like reincarnated? I don't know. I don't know if I buy it. How much have you collected in offerings this morning? Just so you know, if you don't pay your tithes in offerings to the seven podcast you are thank you separate dollars yes yes make sure the tie to the jonathan or take is that goddamn baby playing piano yeah i don't know do you guys think that that's real hence why it's all in tune.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Russ Stevens, he's not buying it. Okay, so we're thinking that it's perhaps fake. Look at PK's comment. Oh, God. The hot topic question for every affiliate.
Starting point is 00:32:47 During the Floyd 19, how did you feel personally about the pressure to take a side? I didn't feel any pressure to take any side. We did have some issues with certain members saying they wanted us to respond to it or to post to Black Square. We didn't post to Black Square. We actually didn't do anything about it.
Starting point is 00:33:10 I was going to completely leave the whole entire topic alone. But one of the corporate partners that I had at the time, they basically reached out to me and were like, hey, this happened. And since you're attached to us as a company and you're attached to CrossFit, we'd like you to make some sort of statement, which I thought was crazy. And so, yeah, we made a video and I basically was like, CFL is open for everybody.
Starting point is 00:33:33 We don't agree with any comments that might have come off as offensive or racist. And we're open for everybody. It was basically like the long and the short of what we did. And that was it. It was basically like the long and the short of, of what we did. And, and that was it. That was it. I do that over time. It would kind of level itself out. And,
Starting point is 00:33:51 uh, I also just think it was just the pent up energy from the, uh, government response there to the, uh, so made everybody kind of spring a little bit as soon as a affiliate owner is feeling pressure to respond. But that was it. Mine was pretty low key. WS, Susan, does anyone ever reach out to you to
Starting point is 00:34:14 pick your brain about opening a box? Yeah, quite often now. It started before it was probably like once every couple of months, somebody would kind of reach out and we would chat. And just this last month, I think I've talked to like four people. So there is a little link I put in the bio of my Instagram, which sounds super lame and I hate to do it this way, but it was just made it easy. So that way people that want to come in could just click that and schedule a time to like chat or something like that, which unfortunately my schedule changes all the time.
Starting point is 00:34:44 So sometimes that has to change a little bit too. But by and large, yes, I'm available to talk. So if you want anything, you could use that and hit it up. Okay, I'm trying to see here if there's anything else. It's funny, these comments are tougher to keep up to when you're hosting the whole thing. A lot easier when I'm just sitting shotgun. BS 431980.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I lost a lot of respect for certain athletes over the Floyd 19 stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Philip Kelly, the two-handed hold on the coffee mat indicates authenticity, as Trish described. Trish is quite the character. Trish hasn't been here in the last couple of days, huh? That is interesting.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Trish is everywhere. Jonathan, hey, I'm going to set up a calendar with you, because it's something I talked about. Yeah, please do. Dude, all this stuff gets buried sometimes in my text, and this thing, the calendarly connects directly to my calendar, so it updates in real time, which is good. Oh, Trish, now I feel comfortable.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I was feeling insecure, like you purposely weren't listening to it because I was in the pilot seat here. Trish, I've never had respect for the athletes oh interesting interesting okay i'm gonna play another clip here uh this one doesn't have too much to it it's not very philosophical at all um this one it's just uh a little something i wanted to share with you guys a little spill for those of you guys listening and not watching i'm sorry this clip is uh yeah this clip is video only here we go play it cruising the derby and takes a little spill so now one thing that I want you guys to notice in this clip, it's a little person riding a scooter in mud,
Starting point is 00:36:48 and the scooter slips out, and they completely fall. And I paused it right before they fall, because if you look at everybody in the background here, not even one person, maybe this dude with the glasses, like, even notices or acknowledges little dudes. It's pretty funny. Like even notices or acknowledges little dudes. It's pretty funny. Yeah, so for Dallas, this is, I saw this classic,
Starting point is 00:37:12 the guy behind him looks and then turns away. Exactly, like as if he wanted to, as if he didn't want to be responsible. Like he falls over and they're like, and he's like, okay, if I pay attention, then I have to be responsible for asking if he's okay. I don't want to do that. Your mom. Hey, mom.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Do you think you will ever see CrossFit as a sport separate from HQ? So the two entities that differentiate the two. No, I think they'll forever be connected by the name. By the name CrossFit. I think it'd be hard to decouple that. Like, how would you, would you call the methodology something different? I think by just by the name being the, uh, being the same, the CrossFit games versus just CrossFit in and of itself. I think that the bright shiny object will always kind of attract more attention.
Starting point is 00:38:03 So the masses will kind of look at that and point to it and be like, Hey, that's CrossFit. And they're pointing at the CrossFit games. And us as trainers and affiliate owners, we'll look at that and say, no, that's not my CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:38:14 We'll point to the person that's lost a hundred pounds and completely changed, uh, changed their life and have gotten their health back under control. And I think it'll be really, really tough if they, if even possible to, to uh to separate the two from the uh the eye of the masses which is really what you want because everybody who truly knows
Starting point is 00:38:32 crossfit or is taking their own one understands it so the question really is is like how do you how do you differentiate to the people who don't understand what crossfit is so that's the that's the tough part is so that's the that's the tough part jessica t sues his wee man that would have been a better way to say it damn it jessica that was a better joke get it because i'm like steve owen that's wee man logan mars this is my favorite event at the crossfit high challenge comp well this or the plyo box muscle ups I guess he was referring to the little man falling. That might have been a joke he was making about the race.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Okay, Sousa, why don't you go? Why don't... Philip Kelly. Sousa, why wouldn't you guys go down to semis? I'm bewitched, bothered, and bewildered over this. What do you mean go down to semis? Like have me do what I do at waterpalooza and stuff like that i don't know if the venue's uh big enough and if if it's the best usage of the time
Starting point is 00:39:34 in terms of coverage um we're still going to be crushing it from the house on the weekend so we're still going to be doing a lot of stuff there i just don't think we'll have to be there in person but i'm sure we'll have some on-site correspondents. Some on-site correspondents down there relaying some information. We'll do it at the games. Don't worry. We'll do it at the games. Okay, so I don't know actually if I want to go with this clip. Maybe we'll go for one more here.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Screw it. We'll just play this one. Okay. So one of the members of my gym, story time here, a little story time. One of the members of my gym works at the lab up the way the lawrence livermore lab and he was talking about when they have people travel in from uh from out of state or whatever they're flying them in now to the san jose airport and not the oakland airport because they were finding out that people in oakland were targeting people at the rent-a-car parking lot so you come in with
Starting point is 00:40:44 all your bags and shit like that, and they would basically either wait in the parking lot to see which car you loaded in and then robbed you into go drive away, or there's a gas station coming into the Oakland airport, and they would basically wait by the gas station and then rob you when they knew that you were from out of town with luggage and stuff in your car. So they started having people go to different airports, right?
Starting point is 00:41:05 Because they can no longer keep control over Oakland Airport. Well, don't need to fear it out. You don't even need to go to the airport to get robbed. This, you could see, it says Hotel Jack London Square. So this would have been in like the Jack London Square of Oakland. This would have normally been classified as kind of the safer part of Oakland because there's a lot of business and stuff down there. But look at this.
Starting point is 00:41:24 These two people just hopped out of a car, broke the passenger window, broke the back window, and they're loading what looks like all of their travel luggage directly just into their car, double parked next to it. They just jumped out, broke out the back window. This is in the middle of broad daylight. And they just pack it up hop in the car and take off and they're pretty well-oiled machine like they don't and they almost ran that biker over when
Starting point is 00:41:54 they went to leave too did you guys see that that was crazy i don't even think he saw that biker but in terms of like as you watch them move and this is how you could always kind of tell like if uh the criminals are experienced or not because they they're relatively calm they're not frantic they're not like running back and forth and doubling back over they're very like concise and making sure that they're grabbing everything and the other one knows exactly i'm opening this back i'm filling this up i shut this he's got one more bag i'm opening the back passenger seat like it was really smooth so that means that this isn't that's definitely not their first rodeo here but the um the purpose of it is just to show that it's just it's getting more and
Starting point is 00:42:30 more brazen i mean just right in the middle of broad daylight downtown oakland little fumble there so maybe they weren't as uh well i guess if they're professional they want to be robbing somebody's car in the middle of the day anyways, right? But yeah, definitely if you guys come to the Bay Area, Oakland, do not leave anything in your car. I swear. They should have signs at the airport if they don't already that just say, do not leave shit in your car. Do not leave anything in your car. Let's see here. already read logan wise uh philip kelly gave me some ptsd because he commented with the donation i talked about that a little earlier and i forgot it so
Starting point is 00:43:15 now i'm like scrolling around trying to uh to find it here welcome back you got uh you got something to say about that last clip you listened to now think about it there's there's um we'll hire signs everywhere in the bay area everywhere everywhere anybody can go get a job for twenty dollars now anybody can get a job for $20 an hour. Anybody can get a job for $20 an hour. Anybody. They're everywhere, right? And yet these people sit there at home, one or two or three or four people. They devise this plan.
Starting point is 00:43:58 They spend a couple hours devising it to figure out which airports they're going to go to. They put together this whole elaborate plan instead to steal luggage. And why do they do that because the consequences yeah hey if if if if i told you that yeah lack thereof exactly if i told you that um uh hey uh a cop uh grabbed a guy there was a guy he put a gun to a pregnant he did a home invasion robbery a man went into a cop grabbed a guy. There was a guy who put a gun to a pregnant woman who did a home invasion robbery. A man went into a house with a gun, a home invasion robbery,
Starting point is 00:44:31 and put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach and strong-armed her and robbed her. You would think this man is very dangerous, right? Yeah. And if the cops apprehended him and he died in the apprehension of him, you would be like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:44:45 it sounds like he was a pretty dangerous man. Agreed. But if I told you it happened three hours after he did it, he's very dangerous. Six days after he did it, does it become less dangerous? A year after he does it, is he less dangerous?
Starting point is 00:45:00 Three years? The, the whole, the whole thing of just giving people pardons and accepting their bad behavior but even worse holding them up as heroes is fucking insane you were just reading that story to me it's it's disgusting i had never heard of anyone getting robbed in the airport until like two or three years ago in the united states. Yeah. And now, by the way, you can't even park at San Jose comfortably. One of my friends parked at San Jose two years ago
Starting point is 00:45:29 and had their catalytic converter stolen. This is at an international airport where there's hundreds if not thousands of cameras and criminals are just going in and stealing catalytic converters. Yeah, because like you said, there's no consequence. And so it's easier for me to just go steal that and I can make more on my hour doing that with less consequence than I could going to get a job somewhere.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And it would be so easy to stop. Yeah. There's no, it would be so easy to stop. It's insane. But you know the gas station I talked about right as you go to leave Oakland Airport, right? I know exactly what you're talking about. There's a hotel there where they have all the swinger parties, too.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Yeah, that's right. So it's – oh, swinger parties. I didn't know about that. Yeah. Yeah. I know exactly what I'm talking about. Right in that area, which is nuts because I've gone there – Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:17 You go there tons of times. You can fill up for some gas and get about your way or stop in there to grab something before you have to head to the airport. Yeah, they're waiting right behind that hotel and and robbing people right there there's a shell there one time and i was getting gas at night you know by the oakland airport and a car pulls up it was a nissan maxima with tinted out windows and the driver's door open and a guy i shit you not had a huge bucket of kentucky fried chicken and he just dumped it out on the ground there. And it was, it looked like it was like, uh, like 300, like wings he had eaten and throwing them in that bucket and dumped it out
Starting point is 00:46:55 and then brought the bucket back inside his car and then dumped out his ashtray just right on the ground there. Hey, all he would have had to do is stand up and like 10 feet to the left five feet to the left put it in a trash can yeah yeah it's crazy i'm all for crazy severe consequences i believe that money is uh human energy and i think the most valuable thing we have is our time i believe in just creating a model hey you know ever since we've uh premeditated stealing premeditated stealing, premeditated stealing is like the worst. Ever since
Starting point is 00:47:29 I met our friend Raymond, I'm calling him my friend now too. Yeah, that's good. Do you remember what he told me about money? What's the deal? By any chance? Oh shit, did I lose you? No, can you hear me? We still got you. Yeah, shit. Did I lose you?
Starting point is 00:47:45 No, can you hear me? We still got you. Yeah, sorry. I'm in the middle of nowhere. I'm sorry. You remember what Raymond told me about money, by any chance? No, what did he say? He said to, if you want it, you need to study it. You need to study it.
Starting point is 00:48:02 You need to know it, right? And I agree with you on the whole money is uh is human energy it's stored human energy it's your own stored human energy it buys other people's human energy right yeah it's human potential yeah it's for buying it like i give this skate guy money and he gives me two hours of his time as human energy right right but here's the scary thing so then what we're basically saying is the central bank owns human energy. Yes, yes. We've agreed to it. We've outsourced it. Yes. Yeah. Which is nuts because if they could, if money can be, if it's not tethered to anything and it can kind of just be printed at the will of the government.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I mean, there's all the obvious consequences that come with that. But the main one, just staying on the track of it being human energy. there's all the obvious consequences that come with that but the main one just staying on the track of it being human energy essentially what you're doing is you're allowing them to control not only the current human energy in present time but all of our future children's generations and everything else is future energy right yep hey big problem have you heard these guys who now are describing what the issue is with ai that it's not going to be it's not going to be robots they come down and take over people it's just going to be the word it's going to it's it's basically going to be minority report but it's going to learn it's going to learn human behavior and how people react to certain words look at the this is not going to be a popular subject here but look at the bible it's this
Starting point is 00:49:23 book full of words right yep and look how many people fucking subscribe to that you don't think ai is going to do a better job of writing the new bible and it's going to be able to be able to control even more people so it's uh uh essentially you're saying through math algorithm response through math yes yes yes yes yeah yeah it knows everyone knows so you stream fire in the movie theater and now we know how um everyone reacts right uh if there's 100 people 70 run for the door 10 people grab their popcorn and uh 20 people stand up and be like does this mean i can't watch the movie and then and then that's a data point, right? And then it says, and it just keeps track of all that at a crazy high speed. It's basically chess with our lives.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And what's funny is it's going to be that easy for the AI to control people, but it's going to be that easy not to be controlled because all you'd have to do is turn it off. All you have to do is not participate. Hey, but that's a thing. But we're surrounded by people who know that and they still don't believe it but they still don't believe how powerful words are that it's all sorcery going on yeah but the thing is too is just like everything else in in our society you
Starting point is 00:50:35 could always choose not to participate but you really can't right it's like the terms in agreement when you get a new iphone like sure you could sit there and read it and understand it. Well, I think you can. I think you can. Are the Amish? You just got to just, you're just not going to do some of the things that other people do. Hey, dude, how is anyone participating in the NBA, NFL, Econ? It would be so easy not to. It would be so easy to stop watching the NBA and NFL.
Starting point is 00:51:04 It would be so easy not stop watching the NBA and NFL. It would be so easy not to purchase any Nike gear anymore. We know how deplorable these fucking companies are. Everyone's still partakes. Willing participants.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I can't argue. Look at the Amish. They're doing it. Are they? You think the guy at the top, though? You think the one behind, like the one who's the fucking leader, is it on TikTok and scrolling through that explore page or what? I don't know. I'm not sure what do I know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:38 But I think you can get pretty far off the grid and not be a permanent too. Yeah. Maybe it'll become a more and more popular movement there. In other words, we'll continue to carve the path on the way out, right? I don't know. Hey, dude, do you know how to catch a fish and then clean it and cook it? Fuck no. I mean, I've done it before.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I was taught it when I was younger. Me neither. But I haven't done it in so long that I couldn't confidently say yes to that. Yeah, that can't be that hard to learn and just think of the independence that we give. That's very true. We live by an ocean, right? I mean, yeah. I mean, we're so far removed from being able to be self-sufficient, though, like by and large.
Starting point is 00:52:23 I mean, I know there's a couple people people, but I'm not one of those people. Instead of those people, instead of fishing fish out of the ocean are waiting by the airport to strong arm people. I mean, it is, it is nuts. Hey dude, that's the urban fishing. That's urban fishing. Yes. We're being called Californians. Uh, Trish also said we sound like two 14-year-old boys who smoked our first joint. Hey, it's fair.
Starting point is 00:52:51 That's fine. Hey, and not only that, but those people are being defended because of the color of their skin. Well, it's okay. Imagine that. Imagine what that says to all the other people, the vast majority of melanated people who are disgusted by that. It just lumps all of them up. Statements like that, that is the root of systemic racism. People say, oh, but it's just reparations.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Or, hey, it's okay, they're marginalized people, we have to have sympathy for them. That's the Democrats saying, hey, they're stupid, we're smarter than them. Yeah, the superiority complex is baked into almost every single one of their policies and their vernacular. But is there a way out of it? Like, hey, do you honestly think that San Francisco is on a one-way track to just fall off the fucking cliff? No, no.
Starting point is 00:53:34 You need some crazy fuck like Rudy Giuliani, what he did to New York. I remember when New York was dangerous and then when it got safe again. Yeah. It was crazy. Well, what was the main thing? They can totally do it, dude. What was the main thing? The stop and frisk policy was that what yeah it's just allow yeah just just let the good hey it's what they didn't uh dude i guess what they just did in ecuador hey dude or el
Starting point is 00:53:55 salvador they just arrested two percent of the nation's population yeah but aren't you aren't you worried that that that that stop and frisk policy is giving too much power to the state? Very worried. Very worried. But I have to choose my battles. Dude, I went on this. I started, remember a while back,
Starting point is 00:54:20 I said I was going to do a deep dive on public education? And this ties in. The more and more that you start to look into it and see the progress as it's made to, I don't think we have the tools to even get ourselves out of this the way that the generations are thinking these days.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Think of all the endless evidence that there is of all the crazy fucking sexualizing of kids and brainwashing and filling our schools and yet i bet you half our listeners send our kids to still the public school i bet you majority of them will i didn't you know i don't know if there's too many viable solutions that's a tough call to make it's nuts. Move on to an Amish. Become Amish. Daniel said, I hear Rudy is available if you want him. I think we need Rudy, too. We need to go back where I'm a swan.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Tank Reeves says San Francisco is a lost cause shithole. Yeah, San Francisco is pretty, it's, man. Trish, you boys would be running in high and running to the state as soon as you had to clean a fish i know hey hey that's you're you're fucking you're right you know what i mean she's right yeah yeah trish like that's the thing she that's the thing. I know smoking is bad for you because of the smoke, right? I mean, it's like – but 99% of the people can't even admit that. They get defensive. It's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:56 CK Kevin said, they could frisk me any day, nothing to hide. That's the thing, though. It's like – Hey, and here's the next thing, too. I use the iPhone. That's the thing, though. Hey, and here's the next thing, too. I use the iPhone. That's horrible. Tyson Bajan, I love him to death. I'm so excited that he made it to the NFL.
Starting point is 00:56:14 The hypocrisy is everywhere. I'm not lying to myself. I'm not lying to myself. Jeremy World says, hurry up, so they have an exclusive live girlfriend update. Uh-oh. There's movement in the story.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Okay, I'm getting off. Thanks, Jake. This is going to be good. Thanks for coming in and saving me. Okay, bye. Love you, bye. Okay, Jeremy, we need that update.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Did you see that clip that i showed about the right stuff dating thing sorry i didn't play that yesterday i was like it was freaky um trish are you good trish you good you seem a little angry this morning mr government how do i gut this fish please help call it you're live on the air good morning yeah jerry what's going on brother I got this fish. Please help. Call it. You're live on the air. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Yeah. Jerry, what's going on, brother? What's up, man? You're holding on the fort pretty well again. Nice job. Nice job. Hey, thank you. I'm just kind of feeling my way through the dark here.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And I figured I'd just jump into the deep end and just run it, run it solo and just kind of see, see how it goes. I took the nerve. People really don't understand how hard it is to do what you're doing. Thank you. Yeah. I didn't even understand how hard it is to do what I'm doing until I did it yesterday. Hey, you know what, you know, what was even harder is like going back and I knew I had to do this,
Starting point is 00:57:40 but like watching portions of it back, like watching myself to figure out exactly like okay because i really felt like i was like all right the first 15 minutes was a little shaky i was kind of projecting that nervousness a little bit we got into the affiliate talk i like settled in once i settled in i was able to like keep it together but having to go back and and watch that was like dude i couldn't do it i was like oh man this is gonna be there's not much harder things to do than watch yourself back we use the dad's group we use the marco polo app and you're talking to your phone and you're watching yourself talk and you're just like hopefully i
Starting point is 00:58:16 don't sound like a bumbling idiot and then you watch your video back and you're like damn it i sound like a bumbling like this sucks but no i think you're doing great i think you're like, damn it, I sound like a bubbling hit. You're like, this sucks. But no, I think you're doing great. I think you're doing great. I don't have a... I'm going to go height and move. Wait, wait, say that again. You cut off. You cut off.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Uh-oh. Jeremy, we lost you. Come back. Oh, no. Right when he was about to give the update. All right. Well, try to call back, Jeremy, if you could hear me still. I seem to lost the call.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Okay. Hopefully, he'll get back because I kind of want to know. Odd, what's up? Finally made it back to civilization and got enough service for the pod. Okay, here we go. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Hold on. Jeremy, you back with us? Did I lose you? Oh, perfect. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What was I ranting about? Well, you're about to break into an update for us with the new lady friend.
Starting point is 00:59:27 And I got this little chime thing. We're going to play that. We got to give you something a little bit better next time you call, so that way people know the segment has started. I like that. I like that. I'm flattered. No, actually, it's funny. I was listening before when Darth Vader called and he's giving me the shout.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I just wanted to, I just wanted to return the love. Thank you Darth Vader for the shout out for the encouragement. The stories will keep coming. I don't have, I mean, I have some, but I'll save them for another segment. Um, let it pile up a little bit, you know? So then that way everybody, that way when you really hear it, you get the little bit, you know? So then that way everybody is, uh, that way when you really hear it, you get the crazy stuff, you know? I love that.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Yeah. We're going to go on a hike today, so I'm sure there'll be plenty of, uh, moments, memories made. Okay. Yeah. So have you guys spent a lot of time together with just, just conversationally like a long drive or like this hike that's coming up? Is this going to be the first one of those or have you have you experienced that with it already be the first
Starting point is 01:00:29 hike but we have had uh we've had a lot of one-on-one conversations and i'll tell you what what nor what what i normally do is by the way i had a something else i was going to talk about but i this is cool this is cool um what i normally do is kind of like what savon had uh suggested early on is ask questions you know instead of jumping to conclusions or getting upset or getting my feathers ruffled i ask questions you know she says something how she feels about this or that person and i i ask the question like why do you feel that way or you know what's led you to believe that you know and then i can get into like all right this is why she thinks that way and then i can and then you offer a counterpoint you just hit her with just hit her with one of those.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Do you feel that she does she like go deep into issues and like really spend the time to kind of like process them? Or is she more of just a headline sensationalist kind of go with whatever the popular opinion is? The second part. And yes, and that's what's that's frustrating at first. But again, when you're in a bubble, when you live, and a lot of people do, I don't want to say everybody does, but a lot of people exist in a bubble. And when you exist in that bubble, you do what people in that bubble do, typically. You don't, if you're one to watch CNN, for example, and see a story about a black guy that was, you know, assaulted or whatever by the cops, you don't read past that. You see that it fits your narrative,
Starting point is 01:02:14 fits the narrative of the bubble that you're in and you just run with it. Confirmation bias. Yeah, 100%. Yeah, don't look at it. 100%. So when I push back, when I, you know, even tell her or go a little bit deeper, she brought up Joe Rogan the other day, asked if I like Joe Rogan. Is that a baiting question? I feel like that was a baiting question. Did you feel baited?
Starting point is 01:02:37 Well, she prefaced it with all these losers. She works with a lot of guys. She's like human resources. So she works with a lot of guys and all these losers at work, like Joe Rogan. What do you think of Joe Rogan? I'm like, Hmm, I'm being baited or she's just genuinely asking a question, but you know what? I'll answer it. And I told her, I said, over the years, I probably watched, I don't know. I don't watch them a whole lot. 10 episodes, you know, he had the, the COVID doctors on by COVID doctors.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I mean, the doctors that were being banned or whatever because they were going against the COVID narrative. He, he had like Francis and God, he's had some really cool interviews and I'm like, I appreciate the guy. She's like, well, well, isn't he racist? And I'm like, I'm glad you asked that. I'm like, and actually I was talking with Savannahannah about this offline and i said no uh have you actually how far into that story have you actually looked and we went back and forth about it and it was really cool because at the end of it she's like
Starting point is 01:03:38 oh okay like like you can see the wheels returning maybe you know she didn't say she doesn't she loves them or anything now but you can see the wheels returning. She didn't say she doesn't or she loves him or anything now, but you can see the wheels returning a little bit there. I'm like, all right, that's cool. You could still not like the guy. I don't care. I don't need you to like Joe Rogan, but what I need you to do is think a little bit better. Think a little bit deeper.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Go further than what a headliner or your friend might tell you. Yeah. I think, too, be careful with debated questions. Usually, just follow it up with a question. You watch Joe Rogan? I have from time to time. Have you listened to the majority of his stuff?
Starting point is 01:04:13 And then it forces her to be like, yes, I've listened to it or no, I haven't, right? Because then you could start to dig in a little deeper. She's like, no, I don't really listen to it. Yeah. And then the conversation almost just ends, right? But if she's like, yeah, I have listened to some of it. Yeah. And then the conversation almost just ends, right? But if she's like, yeah, I have listened to something. Cool. What episodes? Oh, okay. That's
Starting point is 01:04:29 interesting. What didn't you like about it? What did you like about it? Because chances are if she honestly thinks that Joe Rogan's a racist, she's probably never really even listened to the show. There's no way you've listened to it. So just rather before giving out your, showing your cards, probably a little bit more, ask a little bit more questions and you know how much of your cards you have to show.
Starting point is 01:04:50 I love that. That's genius. You're a wise man. I appreciate that. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. So I got that going for me. Hey, Annie's humble, man. Grace is a lucky lady. Grace is a lucky lady. Um, so the, the, actually what I was calling him, um, I know that maybe within the last few months I called him and I asked you a question about, uh, my, excuse me, my affiliate, I think, but I don't know if it was this exact question. So here's the question. Um, we were talking about affiliates and weird, you know, weird things or whatever. Uh, so our, uh, real quick, uh, I started, uh, helped start an affiliate back in 2013 and I left and then came back.
Starting point is 01:05:38 And, uh, so I left to coach somewhere else for a while and help a few other gyms. And I came back and when i came back it was around the pandemic starting and the previous owner that i had started with uh couldn't you know he he wants to shut down he he couldn't afford to stay open or at least that's what he said uh so he sold it to um um one of the members one of the members stepped up and uh she bought it and i was her first coach and so she you know asked me to come back and help out so i come back and she bought it, and I was her first coach, and so she asked me to come back and help out. So I come back, and she owned it, and I would say the first year was pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:06:11 She was very involved, all the things. You know, checking the boxes of what you want to see from your affiliate owner. But for about the last, I don't know, year and a half or so, two years, For about the last, I don't know, year and a half or so, two years, her and her now new boyfriend are very, very, very absent. I mean, like, they'll be in there, shit, maybe once a week to stock the FitAid fridge. But they don't attend classes. She doesn't coach.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I was at her L1. I sat with her and talked and encouraged her said hey you're gonna have to do this someday especially if you're the gym owner you know uh we had very deep talks about it she doesn't coach her boyfriend doesn't have his l1 uh he doesn't coach they're never there this and this is what's the really unfortunate thing is they are the type of people that change the energy in the room in a bad way so because they're never there because they're not involved when they come members coaches anybody they get it changes everything changes everyone goes from happy to you know not so happy. And we've had coaches meetings without them.
Starting point is 01:07:25 There's probably 12, 12 to 15 total coaches. And we've had coaches meetings without them. And the only thing we can come to the conclusion of doing is maybe try to drive them out to sell to one of us so that we can, you know, carry on the gym and not have to worry about their app. How, how do you go, you know, you're a long time affiliate owner. How do you go about navigating something? I don't know if you've personally been in this situation or if you've seen it, how do
Starting point is 01:07:56 you navigate like absent owners? And it's not a anytime fitness, you know, this is a CrossFit gym owners. You need to be there. Right. So how do you go about navigating that yeah it's a great question and uh and uh jace jay sizzle sizzle i'll read his comment here because this actually applies to it says i think it's unfair not to show cards there needs to be a balance to have an open conversation um and in this case i 100 agree i think that it's
Starting point is 01:08:22 not very fair to the current owners if somebody isn't speaking up and saying, hey, look, can I talk to you guys privately? You pull them aside into a room and you say exactly what you said to me to them and say, look, I'm saying this for the sake of trying to better the situation. I think we've got an awesome community here and there's a lot of potential. And I want to work with you guys to help, you know, find that potential here and then listen to what, what it is in their case. Cause there might be a ton of stuff going on in their life that everybody's unaware of that is,
Starting point is 01:08:52 is keeping them from being more included into the affiliate, more involved. Or they simply might just be like we talked about on the Chris Cooper show. Maybe they're just burnt out and they're just out of time. And the thought of going back into the trenches and, and upgrading everything and rolling their sleeves back up is just too daunting for them to take on. In which case, you could start to explore the option of potentially purchasing it from them.
Starting point is 01:09:14 But I think the very first thing you have to do, and it can't be, and if you do have a conversation with them, Jeremy, and you decide that, okay, I'm going to all step up and I'll have a conversation, whatever you do, do not say we and do not say they and when you have it don't say well we think and they think don't do that because what's gonna happen is the conversation is gonna be completely lost they're gonna get defensive because they're gonna feel that it's an us versus them mentality and then they're going to think oh shit well all you guys just talk a bunch of shit behind our backs like this isn't even a fair conversation and in their mind it's going to be completely lost as far as having
Starting point is 01:09:48 any productive outcome. So when you sit down with them, you have to be willing to say, hey, I think that this is the way this is. I think this. I've been experiencing this. So that way you're addressing it as you and not this, you know, you're not the operator of the group and coming in saying, well, we all think, and now I'm here to defend the group. As long as you do not approach it like that. And you just approach it as like, Hey, I'm generally concerned. I'm involved in this community. I want to see the beat to be at the best it could be. And then get into the conversation with them. Um, I think that would be your best hope for for a for a good outcome here i like all that i i totally missed the uh i forgot or failed to share that another coach
Starting point is 01:10:34 and myself last november or so talked to them about that um about potentially them selling just the conversation came up and they made it very clear that was November so it's May now that at that time they were just straight up like no there's no way we have absolutely zero intention of selling and um so then that's really what's been sparking a lot of the conversation between the coaches is like okay so they're not here not only us coaches have an issue with it but a lot of members are between the coaches is like, okay, so they're not here. Not only us coaches have an issue with it, but a lot of members are coming to us weekly, daily with their issues about it and their frustrations. We came to them, two of us came to them, the only two that
Starting point is 01:11:15 actually probably have the means of buying the gym from them. We presented that to that option of them because they're older, 50 you know, they, they they're older 50 or so they, they have their jobs, no young kids. So they don't really have, I'm not going to say they don't have the stressors. You know, I have three young kids and I got all sorts of things going on, but I'm still stepping up and offering the best I have because I love CrossFit
Starting point is 01:11:44 that much. And I love CrossFit that much. And I love the people that much. So they don't really have a whole lot that's hindering them. It seems like it's their choice. Like they just want to own the CrossFit gym and it sounds cool and they can come whenever they want. And, you know, they're in charge. So we, you know, we've had that conversation. They made it very clear. Oh, we don't want to sell right now.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I'm like, that's why I said earlier, like, We've had that conversation. They made it very clear. Oh, we don't want to sell right now or in the near future. That's why I said earlier, do we drive them out? No, no, no, no, no, no. Don't drive them out of their own business. Have that conversation with them again. Ask if they're open to any changes. Give them a little bit of space to make the thing. If somebody showed up, coach showed up to me with their pitchforks and torches and said, hey, we think
Starting point is 01:12:27 you should sell, I would immediately get defensive as well. But I tell you what, now we got two threads of the story. So you're going to have to call back and let us know about what's going on with the affiliate too. For sure. Absolutely. I'd love to. I'd love to. Thanks for your call, brother. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Yeah, keep crushing. I'll talk to you later but all right he was he had to go he had to he had to go go to a new affiliate i know you know what um hillary which is interesting is the calls that i get uh about it are very very similar to um what's going on with Jeremy. They're very, very similar. Meaning they think they're like, hey, all the coaches think this. We want to do these changes. The owners aren't present. The owners are absent.
Starting point is 01:13:14 So now this us versus them dynamic has started to form and that's tough. But as an affiliate owner, you got to get in there, roll up your sleeves, have the conversation and get in front of your coaches
Starting point is 01:13:24 and everything else. You got to get in there, roll up your sleeves, have the conversation and get in front of your coaches and everything else. You got to have those conversations. You got to have those conversations. This might get interesting. I sent a link out to see if somebody wants to jump in and chat for about the last
Starting point is 01:13:39 15 minutes or so of the show. Actually, I'm just going to leave you guys hanging. You'll never know who it is if they don't show up. Audrey, you should be able to talk to your owner. I completely agree. I think that all affiliate owners need to make themselves available to their coaches and to the community for all those suggestions.
Starting point is 01:14:01 The main thing, too, is if you're a member of an affiliate where you feel that that's happening or you're a coach in an affiliate where that's happening like you really have to fucking talk to the owner like you can't create a situation where you're you know you guys are all going behind their back and talking about it because that's not really gonna um that's not gonna set that set it up for success there caller hello welcome to the show hello brad from livermore brad what's up buddy how you doing oh what's up matt how are you i'm good i'm good you sound like you're driving on your way to an l1 or something i could just hear it in the in the in the car i could just hear it in the tone yeah you can feel the energy the tone of my voice excited for day two of my L1 course.
Starting point is 01:14:46 All right. I'm going to make this test my pretty much. Hey, how did day one go? Tell us, did anything strange happen in L1? Was there like, did anybody like shart themselves or anything during the workout or anything crazy? Unfortunately, no, there was no sharting. It was actually pretty uneventful in that kind of category.
Starting point is 01:15:07 But it was good. Lots of great stuff that I learned. Built camaraderie, of course, with my fellow classmates and instructors. All in all, great day to one. Hey, did you learn anything that we don't do at CFL? Like you're like, oh, fuck, we really missed the mark here. So, no. Nothing like that but what i did learn was kind of like uh kind of putting a
Starting point is 01:15:29 formula behind like my thoughts around uh some other things like the things that we do in the gym it's like if uh let me just put it this way so like one of the things that stood out to me yesterday that really stuck with me was when we just learned about threshold training and that's kind of to me is like the science behind moving the needle right so when you know you're at that point where you're like really gassed and like that's when you keep pushing yourself to increase your speed while maintaining technique or or improving that technique is where you're really moving that needle. So that was a really cool concept for me to learn about was threshold training. All right. Nice.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Hold on one second. Let me send this out. So are you on your way to day two right now? Yeah. What time does it start? I thought that should start at eight. Are you late? No, of course not.
Starting point is 01:16:21 No, I'm either right on time or I don't show up. But it starts at nine. Oh, okay. Okay. Are you excited for anything on, on, uh, on day two? Am I what? Excited for anything in particular? Who are your, who are your instructors? Yeah. So to answer your first question, I'm excited. Uh, I'm excited for day two. I think we're going to do some deadlifts today. So just moving um the instructors uh i'm sorry i'm gonna forget some last names but austin he's the uh owner of constant milpitas where i'm taking my l1 course jack pine and then megan her last
Starting point is 01:17:00 name starts with a b and i can't remember what it was. But they're great instructors. Nice, nice. Yeah, you got a good cast there. I know the three of them. Not like no-no, but you know, know of and have spent some time with the three of them. Over the years. Over the years. All right, well, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:17:19 You got anything else for us? Anything exciting? Anything else you want to say while you got the floor? God, there's so many things I guess I could or want to say. But other than that, if you're thinking about taking the L1, and I'm not paid by CrossFit, I'm not endorsing, or maybe I am endorsing. You're definitely endorsing.
Starting point is 01:17:40 It's not a paid endorsement. Yeah, that's right. This is an unpaid endorsement. Even if you're not taking the L1 course to become a coach, if you just really like CrossFit and want to like it more and learn about it more and actually really just learn about fitness and health in general, I strongly recommend taking the course. I'm taking it so that I can be an instructor at the great CrossFit, or not instructor, coach at the great CrossFit Livermore.
Starting point is 01:18:07 But I would have also taken this course just if I wanted to know more about fitness and health and CrossFit. Beautifully said. Thanks for the call. Enjoy your day too, Brad. Thanks for taking my call. Have a great day. I'll talk to you later, brother.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Bye. Bye. Boom. Got the L1 that's brad roots he's a member of the gym good friend of mine and he's on his way to the l1 right now your inspires on saturday so the question is are you going to go for the l1 again are you going to go and get the l2 my suggestion get the l2 j World, he actually paid to endorse CrossFit. Yes, that is right. What's going on with Frank? Why are you guys... Who is Frank? To just own a business and show up sometimes.
Starting point is 01:18:55 I don't know. Wait, what was that one before? Let's go with this. This is probably like some hater comment because I see people are arguing with him. Frank. CrossFitters has such a romantic idea of what the owner of a business should be. The thing is, being an owner of a CrossFit gym doesn't really work unless you're engaged.
Starting point is 01:19:12 But still, it's not immoral. Okay. Well, I just kind of read that randomly. So it's not too much background on that. Okay. Back to our clips here. So this one, this one I thought would be a little feel good, a little perspective shift, if you will.
Starting point is 01:19:36 And I don't think any of these, sorry, just checking these things. Okay, so odd. I don't coach, so why would I pay a CrossFit HQ a grand now? I struggle with this question for months now. Oh, yeah, I guess that's true. If you're not applying it or anything, then I guess it doesn't matter. You just let it expire out.
Starting point is 01:19:58 The L2 is great, though, if you are planning to coach. The L1 is kind of that introductory course, but the L2, you'll be able to take some real tangible things away and immediately apply it into your class. Heller, I sent you a text. It's always on Do Not Disturb, so you probably didn't even see it.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Yeah, Jay Hartle, if you don't plan on coaching, then don't. I think the first time is necessary so you can learn all the information because, of course, it's just incredible. But I do kind of agree that maybe if you're not going to apply it, there might not be a reason to renew it. Frank, they're arguing about my point about programming.
Starting point is 01:20:39 They're arguing my point about programming. Okay, fair enough. Sorry if I read your comment out of context. Mason, let my L1 expire. Is that like a threat? Let that L1 expire, son. See what happens to you. See what happens.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Okay. So yesterday's show, I ended with saying, if you only had today what you were grateful for for yesterday, I'm using the right tense here in this. Caller, hi. Welcome to the show. Oh, damn. You're in a car, so that means you can't come hang out.
Starting point is 01:21:16 How did you know? Because I could hear you driving. Yeah. Oh, crap. Yes, I am in a car. How's it going? It's going great. How bad is it?. How's it going? It's going great. How bad is it? Being on the show solo? It's pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:21:29 No, no, no, no, the sound. Oh, no, no, no, your sound. No, it's fine. It's fine. No worse than the other ones. It's good. It's good. Are you going somewhere you can talk about? Anywhere fun? Or are you just doing some daily chores and shit? I just got back from Florida. Ah, okay. How was that? It was good. We're looking at houses houses we're trying to get out of chicago as everyone in the comment section always says to do so i listen to what people tell me to do nice and how's that working out so far pointing in the right directions we looked at like 50 houses in one day. It was miserable. But it was good. I don't know if some people are into that sort of thing. Not me.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Oh, uh, Venner. Alex is on a blast. He loves it. I can't even say his name, but someone said, sounds like shit. Stop being a pussy, Sousa. Wait, wait, wait. Sounds like what? With you in the car. Oh, come on. Is it that bad? No, I don't. It's not that bad. I don't think it's that bad. It sounds fine in the car. Oh, come on. Is it that bad? No, it's not that bad. I don't think it's that bad.
Starting point is 01:22:26 It sounds fine in my headphones. Wad Zombie at $1.99. Is Hiller going to semifinals? You going to semifinals? Wad Zombie wants to know for two bucks. As of right now, the East is probably 50-50. And the West is 0%. 0%.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Okay. Right. Are you going and the West is 0%. 0%? Okay. Right. Are you going to the West? I am not. I don't think. Well, I live in the West, so I'm kind of already here. But no, I don't think I'm going to go to the semifinal.
Starting point is 01:22:56 I think I'll just be helping out. I thought you said earlier you weren't going. I was not. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not. So what are you beating out the Bush for? Why don't you just tell me now? I mean, I don't't know i like to have a little air of suspense keep the people guessing you know what i mean keep the people guessing it's so hard to do what we do when you're at the events would you agree yeah it's um it is tough i honestly it's kind of like doing the show by
Starting point is 01:23:21 myself like i thought i had an idea of what it was going to be like. And I was like, I got this. And then you show up and you get working and you're like, fuck, this is a lot harder than I thought it was. Especially. What is this company asking about to an open before that's being released? An open is over. The leaderboard is finalized.
Starting point is 01:23:37 I'll make a post about it probably tomorrow, but it's a, it's an official release on the podcast. An open is over. Who is that? Oh, I was just reading the podcast. And Open is over. Who is that? Oh. Xeron? I was just reading the comments.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Yeah, Xeron. Taylor, I have two no Open workouts been released. Yeah, that's a little late there. When we were running around the games, didn't we have multiple conversations about how we had no idea what was going on at the games because we were so busy trying to talk to people? Oh, I mean, that's the hardest part,
Starting point is 01:24:05 is figuring out what the hell is happening at the events, right? And then you know how it is. You kind of wait. You wait where the athletes come in and out. And then I got my camera on them, and everybody's like, go talk to so-and-so. And you're always kind of afraid because you're like, hey, how was that last event?
Starting point is 01:24:19 They're like, oh, I fucking didn't know. Yeah. Yeah, my whole season's over. And you don't even know. I also found that the blanket, like, Hey, great job out there.
Starting point is 01:24:31 When you really have no idea what happened is also not a good strategy. Cause I did that a couple of times and they gave me this weird look like, yeah, you don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. But yeah, you're really kind of lean into it. And we go, we don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Tell us how you did. Yes. Yes, yes. That's after we wised up a little bit there. But yeah, you'd be surprised at how much we do not know. We don't know anything that's going on. You're kind of isolated to the job and getting the
Starting point is 01:24:58 people that are directly in front of your camera. Outside of that, it's tough to keep up. And then we'd have the AirPod in and be listening to some like cia agents trying to see information he's asking questions and we're trying to put our head up to our earpiece okay we have some intel we need to know if you got naked on the floor yeah yeah hey we're gonna go to the games again this year what oh? Oh, yeah. I'll go to the games. You are too, right? I'm assuming.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. We'll be there for that. We got to get our audio situation handled, though, because I know the people that are watching will like it a lot better if we got that dialed in. Wasn't that what Simon was playing out of that mic for with the DJI and his expensive
Starting point is 01:25:44 rainbow shack toys yeah we got a couple of um we got a couple of things that we're testing out uh but nothing has been a huge success for us yet but hopefully by um august we get it squared away because that would be dope to have another one kenneth the lab suza will never or sua will forever be haunted by walking in on Sarah Siggs crying out water please. Oh my God. Yeah, I just I got bold. I got bold.
Starting point is 01:26:13 No, that's good. That's what you had to do more of it. Hey, do you realize that everyone to talk about it for up until this point in history so you go, oh, this is what people talk about. We need more of this. Yeah, exactly. I mean, that and people kind of forgot about Haley Adams running away from me too.
Starting point is 01:26:32 That one kind of slipped under the – I heard she made a retire from CrossFit. It was that creep with the cell phone. Jake Chapman has a question. Hiller, want to coach my mother-in-law? She's in the 65-plus category division for semis. If she was in the male division, I would, because she'd go up against my boy.
Starting point is 01:26:55 Oh, well, then there you have it, Jake Chapman. That is Hiller saying no, basically. That is Hiller saying no. No, I'm not taking on athletes. So Vaughn suggested I i do it and he's like yeah coach uh coach jake's mother-in-law and i was like i don't know i think yeah yeah yeah or they don't have a semi do they it's just uh the online qualifier to the games they're already over with that was it they're they're done that just happened oh dude i have the best video for tomorrow on a semi-finals in one of the age groups i have some
Starting point is 01:27:32 awesome information and it's going to be although it's an age group video it's if it were if it were in the open category it'd be my biggest video of all time and i'm curious to see how it will do because it is an age grouper, but it's going to hit so hard. When's that coming out? Today? Tomorrow? Tomorrow. It's both a natty or not
Starting point is 01:27:56 and a no rep video in the same video. Yikes. I got a whole bunch of information from a group thread of athletes that are all talking about this one individual that's just out of place wow you got a mole inside it's awesome damn not the gym it's a community effort that's hilarious i got a group thread that just goes you got to get this to hillary you got to get this to Hiller. You got to get this to Hiller.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Can he not release it while it's on the podcast? No, he can't. He can't do that, Jake, because he's driving in a car. He's driving. Yes. I'm not. I'm in a taxi. Oh, you are?
Starting point is 01:28:41 Right. Yeah, well, that makes sense. Come back from the airport. All right. Well, you got anything else for us? Anything good? I had something. All right. How come you're not going to coach Jake's mom?
Starting point is 01:28:54 I don't know. I'm not going to do that. I'm assuming you don't have time. Piff and Steele about to get ripped up? You don't have any time, right? No, I couldn't do that. Yeah, there's no way i could dedicate my time to that that's uh just because like i don't i don't have enough information coming in and nor do i have enough uh enough time to do that although i'm sure it would be a fun experience but yeah no well i'm assuming this would be from what it
Starting point is 01:29:21 from what i understand she's already qualified and then you'd be on the floor with the games level athlete at that point. It'd be a big undertaking. It'd be huge. Yeah, it'd just be a resume builder. No small task. Well, no. It wouldn't be a resume builder. It assumes that it should be put in the back pocket.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Well, yep, that was nice. Yeah, I'd put it in my Instagram bio. CrossFit Games Coach. You don't want Susan to coach your mom. CrossFit Games Coach. Because both Katrin and Fraser were resume builders for Bergeron, right? That's it.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Pretty much. Got them all the way to a TED Talk, baby. Got them to a TED Talk. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh my God. I keep messing with my mic. People hate when I do that. All right.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Well, thanks for calling in. When you started the show, you touched the mic probably 50 times. Yeah. It's a nervous habit. I grabbed my shirt too. When I talk to you on the phone,
Starting point is 01:30:18 I can't see you talking on the screen. I have the comment section rolling up. Uh-huh. But you frozen. Uh-huh. But you've frozen. Oh, interesting. I'm glad the comments are still working. Have you talked about Noble at all or no? No.
Starting point is 01:30:34 And the Todd man leaving? No, no, no, no. No, I haven't talked about that. I like Todd. He seemed like a cool dude. A lot of people didn't like him. I don't think Sebban liked him very much. He was interviewing
Starting point is 01:30:47 somebody or he was getting interviewed somewhere and maybe it was in that athlete where they were all wearing the clothes that made him look really out of place. And they showed Brooke Wells' elbow snapping to all the athletes in front of everybody and they did it slow motion. But I think Todd
Starting point is 01:31:03 was interviewed there and I go, oh, I like this guy. And then everyone in the comment section was saying, he's going to go work for Nike. He's going to go work with HWPO. It's like, why do you guys just assume this stuff? Yeah, that's funny. That's what I was thinking. Yeah, that's funny that they would think
Starting point is 01:31:19 he would stay within the ecosystem, right? Like those other guys do, because that's their area. That's what they got. That's inside their circle. But him, I imagine he has other options and ventures. I would shit if he went
Starting point is 01:31:35 and worked with HWPO. It would just be so odd to me that everyone goes and works with them. But what do I know? Yeah, that would be a little weird. I don't see it happening, though. I think he disappears out of the CrossFit ecosystem and we never hear from him again.
Starting point is 01:31:51 I think that that's the most likely scenario. Yeah. I just want to know what makes people think that. I don't know. I don't know. There's nothing in my head that would have ever made me think that. As CrossFitters, it's all about us, dude. It's all about CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:32:07 It's all about us. It's all about our world. There's nothing that exists outside of it, right? We tend to stay in our small little bubble. Yes, and the WPO is where he was the CMO, right? Yeah. That's where he has to go. Either that or mayhem may be proven.
Starting point is 01:32:22 There's nothing else to do. Yeah, exactly. No, he's going to go. He'll probably go to another major corporation. CMO is way over there. I know Salon doesn't like to talk about CrossFit as much as I think we'd like to or people would like him to, but this is one where I need to hear his take on it. Oh, I'm sure he's got some takes.
Starting point is 01:32:40 I'm sure we'll be talking about it once he gets everything set up. Have you talked about where he's been? He's driving to Newport, right? Yeah, he's just taking a little weekend break. He's got some jiu-jitsu tournaments, a little travel going down. So we wanted to keep the show rolling. I'll see you there next weekend, right? What's that?
Starting point is 01:32:59 I'll see you there next weekend? Hopefully. I don't know. It'll be... Well, dude, dude, I'm about to there next weekend. Hopefully. I don't know. It'll be, uh, we'll do it. Dude, I'm about to have to go, but I need you there so we can pull that fricking dude out of his shell. That's been our plan forever.
Starting point is 01:33:14 And if you don't show up, it's going to be twice as hard for me to make him talk to people in the public. All right. Maybe I'll do the quick check trip. Like I did when you were out there and I'll, I'll drive the work truck down and, uh,
Starting point is 01:33:24 spend a good Friday evening and, uh, and I'll drive the work truck down and spend a good time. I'll head out Friday evening and we'll kick it until Sunday morning. Everybody needs to know that this has been our plan the entire time and you're about to bail on it. I'm bringing all my camera gear and we're going to...
Starting point is 01:33:39 It's up on the left, the next house. Next house on the left. I got to go, dude. Alright, thanks, Colin. Later, man. I'll talk to you. Bye. Oh my goodness. the next house next time it's on the left the next one i gotta go dude all right thanks colin later man i'll talk to you bye bye oh my goodness do you guys like that we do a little man on the street and uh in la hillary and seven okay back to the clip here thank you for calling Mr. Hiller. Okay. So this clip here, if you're just listening, you'll probably still hear it,
Starting point is 01:34:09 but you might not get the whole gist of it. I'll paint the picture. There is a little 10-year-old boy and the caption reads, 10-year-old boy gets colorblind glasses for his birthday and his reaction will melt your heart. So yesterday I left you guys with,
Starting point is 01:34:23 if you only had tomorrow, what you were grateful for today, what would you be grateful for? Right? So if you really thought about that, what would you have today? What were you grateful for yesterday? And this is just a little reminder that it doesn't take a lot to be grateful for little things. Here we go. Go ahead. All right. Somewhere in there is your gift. So there's a bunch of colorful balloons. There it is. And the little boy kind of moved the balloons around the crowd
Starting point is 01:34:48 with his glasses. What is it? Be careful. That haircut's rad, too. So he pulled out the colorblind glasses. Thank you so much. Oh my God. And he could see the colors of the balloons for the first time.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Thank you so much. It really helped me. So there you go. Just because he could fucking see color. And so all you guys, myself included, So there you go. Just because he could fucking see color. And so all you guys, myself included, that have that privilege to see it
Starting point is 01:35:32 the whole entire time since birth, it doesn't take too much to appreciate the things that we take for granted, like being able to see color. So I hope that warmed your heart a little bit with the little boy seeing color for the first time.
Starting point is 01:35:50 I mean, that's so much is, right? We take for granted our situation and if you he probably sent a sick pic. I don't know. Jake Chabot, he's going to get rid of that awful t-shirt for a start that's funny yeah he might see that that's the first time he's like you guys have me wearing this
Starting point is 01:36:14 ridiculous uh jay says maybe we can all be colorblind yeah that's why i said if you if you're uh if you're not i mean if you are colorblind then you can't take it for granted color because you can't see it maybe get those glasses that'll help you out kenneth the lap what is color anyway Isn't that right? Jake Chavin, Seve doesn't see color. Yes. What if blue is really red? For that caller that just called while Hilla was on a minute ago,
Starting point is 01:36:55 if you want to call back, we'll tell him for a few more minutes here. I would love to hear from you. It was a random line. I was going to play another clip but I think I just want to end it there on something good just a moment of gratitude are you guys going to be down at the games are you guys going to go down to the
Starting point is 01:37:16 CrossFit games are we going to have another little meetup a CEO board meeting I'm emotionally colorblind. Sean. Okay. Oh my goodness. You guys are too funny.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Hillary is moving in with Bruce. Yes, that is happening. All right. So I did this last time. I opened the show with it. This time I'm going to end the show with it here. Just a little reading
Starting point is 01:37:49 for you guys. Just a little story time. Alright, so get stoked about it. I know you are. See through the emotional outburst. If a person explodes with anger at you and it seems out of proportion to what you did to them, you must remind yourself that it is not exclusively directed at you. Do not be so vain. The cause is much
Starting point is 01:38:11 larger, goes way back in time, involves dozens of prior hurts, and is actually not worth the bother to understand. Instead of seeing it as a personal grudge, look at the emotional outburst as a disguised power move, an attempt to control or punish you cloaked in the form of hurt feelings and anger. The shift of perspective will let you play the game of power with more clarity and energy. Daily Law daily law instead of overreacting and becoming ensnared in people's emotions turn their loss of control to your advantage keep your head while they are losing yours 48 laws of power law number three conceal your intentions don't show them all your cards Show them all your cards. Boom.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Oh, God, 48 Law of Power. Again, yes. Get used to it, Mr. Volcateer. All right, guys. Thanks for hanging with me again. I really appreciate it. I really appreciate all you guys' participation. I appreciate the calls.
Starting point is 01:39:23 I appreciate you guys hanging in there, being so awesome in the chat while I kind of feel my way through the dark and get these reps in doing this solo. It means a ton to me. And just having you guys present is a lot. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful Sunday. Be good to each other out there. Adios.

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