The Sevan Podcast - Sunday Service | Live Call In #899

Episode Date: May 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Yeah. I'm glad you heard the story. Yeah. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Good morning. Good morning, Caleb. Good morning, Sousa. Sorry, guys, about the no cash here this morning. I apologize. Rambler, I apologize. Jake Chapman, I'm looking forward to seeing Suze's handiwork with that cable.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Oh, it fell. A whole hour. Oh. Oh. Soon. You know what? At the end of the show, remind me. As soon as the show's over, I'm going to order another one of these or a few more of these.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I wonder if they even have them in different colors. i guess i have to have black to hide the cable okay i'm gonna order some black ones of those and i'll put it behind there and there will be no more cable sightings unless i hang something from the cable uh thanks for coming over yesterday thanks for having me that was a blast i am am. I'm that's a very provocative picture. Hi, Spiegel. How are you? Hosanna. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:30 That really is. That's a cool picture of her and the way he has it framed and all that. Like she's spying on us. Like she's watching Caleb change in the men's room. Hey, thanks for coming over. I'm so proud to have a friend like you that gets along with my family so well thanks for i'm and thanks for uh i was so when you left yesterday i felt like such pride that you're you're so good to my boys and that my boys get to meet someone like you it was fucking cool thank you that's so nice thanks for having me over you guys take care of me so well over there
Starting point is 00:02:04 i feel bad i'm just like taking care of it. It's awesome. Okay, good. Meeting your friend was amazing. Yeah, what a trip, right? You guys want to start off with the crazy show? You should tell them the story. During my homeless phase, my Jesus phase, my aesthetic phase. I read this series of books written by a man named Carlos Castaneda. And I think the first one was called Don Juan and the Yaki Way. Y-A-Q-U-I or something. Don Juan and the Yaki Way. Anyway, it's a whole series of books.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And there's all this speculation about whether the books are true or if he completely fabricated them or whatnot. But it was like a psychedelic hippie series of books. And in the book, Don Juan Goes to Mexico. Yeah, those books. Yeah. Journey to Ixalan. God, I love those books. The Teachings of Don Juan Carlos Castaneda. I can't remember. I think that was the first one. Sorcerer's Apprentice. Separate reality yeah i was i was fucking addicted to those
Starting point is 00:03:08 books and there was a book in there one of the books in there um was again and all the covers were crazy like there it is there's the crow so carlos castaneda the teachings of don juan the way of knowledge that one i think maybe that was the first one anyway. And I got really into crows. And so I would wake up pretty early in the morning, wherever I was, had found a place to sleep. And I would get up like at five in the morning and I would follow, I'd walk around and check out the crows. And there was this huge group of crows that lived in this town that I was in Isla Vista, California. So I'd walk around and check out the crows. And one day I walked out into the middle of this, there were little parks everywhere and this one particular park none of the kids are ever used it was kind of in a weird location and um it was grassy probably like a four or
Starting point is 00:03:54 five acre park not too big and uh no probably 10 acres and in the middle of this grassy field there was a man sitting out there in the grass and he had a cardboard box with him and as as I'm following the crows flying across the park, it's probably like a pack of like 20 of them. I'm, uh, I, I walked past him and I say, Hey, what's up? And it's just another, it's a homeless guy. I'd never seen him before. And most of the homeless people I stayed away from because I didn't stay away from them, but I didn't engage. I knew them all. I just, I didn't, they were drug addicts and drunks. And this guy was an older guy and he's sitting there and I go, Hey, what's up? And we start talking a little bit and I realized he's not intoxicated. And I tell him that, um, I'm following the crows and he says, Oh, I know they gave me this to give to you. And I'm tripping, right? I'm like looking around like, what did that guy just say?
Starting point is 00:04:47 The crows gave you this to give to me? And he opens up the cardboard box and then hands it to me. It's a big box. It's like it's big. And inside of it is a giant nest. And it's a crow's nest, he says. And he gives it to me. So I stayed friends with this guy for like two or three years,
Starting point is 00:05:06 and I introduced him to like – so there were like five or six houses in town where like I could sleep in the backyard or I could go eat or I could shower. The kids there had fully embraced me or were letting me bone them or any combination. I shouldn't call them kids. College students, college students. And so I – and people really took a liking to him and he's the kind of guy who could you would have him at your house he never asked for anything to eat he never asked to stay the night he never taxed the system he could just be sitting on your couch with a bunch of college kids doing
Starting point is 00:05:38 meth and getting drunk or just whatever it didn't even matter he He didn't care. He was so chill. Anyway. So for probably like two or three years, um, he, he was just cutting my homie. Like we just be hung. And he was significantly older than me. I was probably 25 and I, for all I knew he was 60. So, or 70, I didn't, I had no idea. I still don't know. I still don't know. Anyway. So after like three years of that, he vanished and it was, it was a little bit traumatic to the group. There were like 20 of us in this, in this group. And it was a little traumatic cause we didn't know where he went. And so, um, and so, uh, I, I was talking to one of my other friends who I'm still friends with today to this day. And I was talking to her and I said to her, she said, where's Raymond?
Starting point is 00:06:32 And I said, you know, the last time he showed up in my life, I was reading this book. Maybe if I start reading this book again, Raymond will show up again. And she said, OK. And I started reading that book. And six hours later, I saw Raymond. And then we hung out for another two or three years together after like a two or three-year break. It was very bizarre. And he knows a lot of crazy shit. He says a lot of crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:06:56 He thinks in archetypes. So some people might think he's crazy, but you just have to change the way you think a little bit. Not a little bit, a lot of it. You have to change the way you think a little bit not a little bit a lot of it you have to change the way you think to understand them if that makes sense to you that kind of started making sense to you right caleb uh caleb uh suza when you were there like it's not that he's saying he's he's he's it's not that he's me it would be like to speak to someone that only speaks uh um well i'll give you an example so sometimes he'll just view the world as just the the um the last supper and everything he's talking about is just the 13 the archetypes are just the dudes who are at the last supper and no one else will have any other
Starting point is 00:07:35 names it's a trip yeah but it's very insightful he'll tell you some some very insightful shit and anytime you're like maybe this dude's crazy, then he drops something on you. That's like, well, I guess you're right. That is true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:50 He balances it back out real quick. So I, so I didn't see him for like 10 or 15 years. I didn't see him for a long time. And my wife and this friend of mine were saying, and, and, but we knew we,
Starting point is 00:08:02 everyone knew where he was. He was up in Northern California, staying with a guy and his wife and that guy and his wife got a divorce so no one knew what happened to raymond raymond was staying in their backyard for like 10 or 15 years and so we started talking about him and and wondering where he was and this one day i go to this starbucks that i hadn't i had not been to the starbucks in two years because of the 49ers season. And I went to this Starbucks, and sitting outside was that dude. Right after, like, my wife and this friend of ours were talking about him.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I'm like, what the fuck? So I sat down with him. I took a picture of him. I brought him back to my house, and I thought we had him again. This was, like, maybe six months or a year ago. I can't remember. And we had him for a couple days and then he vanished again well just this fucking past weekend on two not this past
Starting point is 00:08:54 weekend on tuesday i was with these people again and they're like hey what happened to raymond i'm like i don't know he was around for two days after not seeing him. And what's crazy is that I never had seen him in Santa Cruz, right? I had only ever seen this guy in Santa Barbara. That's 320 miles south of here. That's a ways away. For me to run into him at a Starbucks in Santa Cruz is absolutely fucking bizarre. Bizarre. I tried to get him to live in my backyard.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I took him in my backyard and showed him where he could live. I'm like, hey build you can build a domicile back here anyway on tuesday of this week this past tuesday we sat around and we're talking about where he is and i threatened to start reading the book again to manifest him and fucking today or yesterday when i was at the beach with suza and on the ride home i look over and he's standing in front of a church there he is i fucking pulled over and scooped him up dude what the fuck and we hung out with him yesterday for five hours it was crazy it was like suza was meeting snuffleupagus i've told so many people about this guy and it
Starting point is 00:09:59 gets it's so i can't even tell you how magical it is but that's the that's the cliff notes and maybe it's time but I've talked about him before for sure and he brought gifts and stuff Sousa's like it's weird he doesn't even smell yeah he has no vibe or nothing at all there's nothing there's no no he does not
Starting point is 00:10:19 he does not smell bad yeah it's almost like he's not there it's such a trip we are homies Might as well be a ghost. Yeah. He's very tall. It's almost like he's not there. Yes. It's such a trip. We are homies. So that's Raymond. Someone sent me this in a DM.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Hey, I wanted to mention that my mom had me at 42 years old. This is a lady wrote this to me in my DMs. She started having babies around 22 and had a child every two years. I'm the youngest of nine. My mom had me when she's 42 years old and I'm the youngest of nine. My mom started having kids at the age of 22. youngest of nine. My mom started having kids at the age of 22. And she always says her last two were her easiest pregnancies and births. So eight and nine. She was also told that myself and the child before me, my sibling before me, would have Down syndrome and that she needed to abort.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And she did not. And here I am today. It's crazy when we do those stories like that, what comes out, right? Doctors told her mom that her and her sibling would be tarted and that they should abort. And they did not. And the babies weren't killed this show should really be called the patriarchy show
Starting point is 00:11:54 I want to show you there's so many things I want to show you this lady I found this Instagram account. I found this Instagram account this morning. A friend of mine sent it to me. I don't even know if a friend is the right word.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I'm definitely cultivating a friendship with this person. That's for sure. cultivating a friendship with this person. That's for sure. There is no greater proof of the neutering and desexualization of humanity than the passivity with which most women respond to the routine, short term, of medical kidnapping of their newborn babies. The medical kidnapping of their newborn babies. the medical kidnapping of their newborn babies.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Not to mention the fact that women elect to give birth under medical custody in the first place. These are some powerful words. Birth sex and death are a continuum. This lady's name is her Instagram is B A U H. A U S W I-e boss housewife ba housewife ba housewife b-a-u-h-a-u-s ba housewife ba housewife dude this this account's gnarly yeah it looks like it uh you know what else is interesting i just realized she has nine kids and and she says her last one – I think she has nine kids. Two, four, six. There's six in that picture. Maybe she had six.
Starting point is 00:13:28 But she said her last one was her easiest. Dude, this is a – this account – if you're a woman, you're a man. You're a human. Dude, you know what's crazy too is like imagine like i'm the patriarchy i'm the motherfucking patriarchy and this fucking woman makes me powerful like you want to be a strong man read the shit this woman says this is fucking warrior woman shit in here this is like i'm a woman. You ain't fucking with this. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Yeah. Most men can't handle a woman like this. We're not made for... There's too many pussies. This is like real woman shit. Yeah, this is crazy. I don't know if I dig her bangs it does not take a village to raise a child oh yeah where's that one that one i scroll up it was right oh yeah this one's crazy
Starting point is 00:14:32 i read this one too this one's crazy this is just uh uh this is uh communication uh communicate here we go uh it does not take a village to raise a child. This is communitarian propaganda. Communitarian. Yeah. Collectivism is just fucking retard thought. It's Nazi talk, by the way. It's how they end up getting control of you.
Starting point is 00:14:57 If everyone just worries about themselves, good shit happens. But you have to understand people are good and you have to trust people. Raising a healthy child takes a parent with strong boundaries, integrity, discernment, and the courage to protect the child from the corruption of the village, thereby imbuing them in groundedness, self-responsibility, and individuation while remaining part of the world and in right relationship with others. Damn. Damn. Yeah. Authentic community can only arise among humans who are different enough to retain the capacity to think independently of the group. We'll read that again. Authentic community can only arise among humans who are differentiated enough to retain the capacity to think independently of the group.
Starting point is 00:15:42 That's you guys. Damn. That's fucking you guys. This lady's describing you guys. Think independently of the group that's you guys damn that's fucking you guys this lady's describing you guys think independently of the group this shit right here strong boundaries integrity discernment i the boundaries and integrity i think i just i i learned i boundaries i just i don't know who taught me boundaries integrity Integrity, for sure. Dave Castro and my wife had a huge role in that in my later years. Discernment, fucking Greg gave me the balls to trust my own discernment. Courage to protect the child from the corruption.
Starting point is 00:16:16 That's probably my wife gave me that. Yeah, it's cool. You got to find. There was something, and there's's values which you guys have seen like i'm starting to really understand values oh shit look who liked this post josh rain gold uh remember we had him on yep guest of the show yeah i want to click this is that cool i want to see what he's doing what he's what's he doing riding a horse oh i do do i follow him i do probably he's probably shadow band yeah yeah for sure he's probably shadow band. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah, for sure. Probably have the same amount of followers for the last two years because Instagram just buries him. Yeah. Oh, he's yoked. Yeah. Shepherding. Wow. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Shit. Yeah. There's your new Budweiser commercial right there. I'm almost a little scared to have that woman on. Why? i don't know she seems like a uh like a wordsmith she's good she's fucking good okay let's just keep going this is this is the patriarchy show this is where i tell women uh how to behave based on what women have told me on how they should behave i stole stole it all from women. Patriarchy plagiarizing.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Because I'm fucking half as strong as half the women I know. How about yesterday? How about yesterday, that doctor? I really, I don't want to poo-poo doctors. But how about that doctor yesterday? She said, I love performing breast reductions and hate being pregnant. Sounds like a womanizer to me.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And that's the first thing I clicked. It's mind-boggling to me. Yeah, you didn't have to look far for the crazy, right? Absolutely. No. Just like second post. What was the post again? Do you remember what the post was?
Starting point is 00:18:05 What was the post? The post was TARDIS. Wasn't it a comment? Didn't she make a comment on somebody else and then led you to find hers? And then the first one you clicked was talking about she enjoys doing the best productions because then she gets to see how good they look in there.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And she literally said costume. Yes, yes, yes. Even that wording was weird, like she's gonna like the way you look in your costume uh eric wise i don't know what happened to yeah that was pathetic weird imagine that's your daughter i want to get my boobs reduced so i can fit into my costume fuck i'm gonna go to the doctor. Hey, dude, there's nothing wrong with wanting to. Yeah, Morgan Martin, M.D.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Dude, these are these. I've been to doctors like that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. From fucking from morning chalk up. Sorry, Katie Gannon, but I expect nothing less than the shit that fucking Emily, the shit flies that Emily Beers probably attracts. It's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Did you see Mike's comment? No, where? Oh, let me see. Savon, don't be so narrow-minded. I wish I could afford penis reduction surgery. My back is always in pain, and women are scared off most times. I know. That's the problem with me, Mike.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I alienate people with my strong opinions, and I apologize. You're right. Oh, my goodness. I will make a concerted effort to be more gentle in my wording. I don't know. I will. I'm serious. Judy Reed, shit flies different from regular flies a question mark yeah they're worse um
Starting point is 00:19:54 i don't know i don't have the answer to that i wish kayla would chime in okay is there a difference between shit flies and just a regular house fly or they're they're all sorts of different flies they're horse flies they're like is there one called a shit fly though no i think that's just a regular fly but there's a horse fly that's like probably the size of your eye and yeah i've seen i've seen those um and they land on you and then it's like you can see them doing something with their face like they pull out gear that they're going to drill into your fucking arm with yeah proboscis yeah i saw i saw one land on me one time and then start pulling out its gear
Starting point is 00:20:34 like you're not even subtle the flies that are in jordan just land on you and crawl around you they don't like to do anything but you can just feel them like crawling around like your head and your arm and shit oh that makes sense because i've seen a lot of that on national g graphics they're so uncomfortable they'll just like land on the person that interviews face and like crawl around like fly off uh why is hillar wanting to know if alex gazan is natty or not i don't know if he wants to know i think he oh horsefly deerfly i think he's just uh i think it's um it was just a big topic, and he was inspired to make the video.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah, that horsefly, that nose thing can unfold into just a full-blown drill bit and fucking mash you. Deerfly. Oh, and there's the shit fly on the left there uh jake chapman seve look up dutch sperm donor maybe later thank you though i appreciate it that's cool jake's baiting us remind me remind me in a bit geez those horseflies bite yeah exactly um look at this uh look can you play number number one um this is uh i say this with you uh with peace and love this is kind of what i want to say to you but even since i've read even since i've heard this i've evolved even more i anyway let's um sent me a post about a client of theirs reconstructing their hymen to please
Starting point is 00:22:06 husband. She is in tons of pain, but she's okay with it because it's pleasing to her husband. I live in a city where people gift their 18 year old daughter's boob jobs by 20. Many girls are doing filler, but lifts are a dime a dozen. Mommy makeovers the standard. I have a ton of clients with breast implant illness. It's actually extremely common. And many with pelvic floor pain following vaginal rejuvenation surgeries.
Starting point is 00:22:32 It's incredible that we have the technology to enhance the whole body. Everything is on the table. And yet so many people are getting sick from it emotionally and physically. It's the product of a society where we are made to feel that we are more lovable and desirable and acceptable when we have fuller, bigger, rounder breasts, bigger butts, fuller, plumper faces. And as someone who wants people to feel safe in their bodies, empowered, I often wonder if that also means supporting those choices, not judging people for those choices. I'm still not sure. And I'm working it out. What I do know is that I am tired of judgy spaces, black and white thinking, you want to be in my club? You got to think like me. Thinking I know
Starting point is 00:23:15 what's better for someone else is alienating. But also I am tired of a culture that prizes forever youth and that leads people to make decisions about their bodies from a place of vulnerability. It's hard not to be judgy. I don't have the answers. I just have the thoughts and the questions. Someone sent me. I think probably she's good in bed. i do can you can i see what a hymen is i i here's the thing i i love what this lady is saying maybe i just want her to be good in bed um i love what this lady is saying and when i heard it i was like yeah that's that's me but like i i am i just can't get past the judgmental shit i just can't your hymen is a piece of tissue covering or surrounding part of your vaginal opening it's formed during development and present during birth it thins over time and tears some people will feel pain or bleed when their hymen breaks
Starting point is 00:24:14 but most will not notice um so it's like just a piece of dry skin that covers your vagina that falls off can i see a picture of it can i see or drawing i'm definitely not gonna pull up a picture of it can we see what about a drawing can we see a drawing a private chat artist rendition of it um let me see oh boy this is oh there's one vaginal opening hymen oh so that hymen's did you see that one so so the hymen is still there but it opened up in the middle and that's what is that where the penis goes it goes your penis rubs along the side what what the fuck why would you rejuvenate your hymen i'm trying to understand because it's all the menu why not um uh caleb yeah can you see me so the hymens is that it's like it's the opening around where the penis goes in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:08 And then there used to be a flap of skin over it, and the flap of skin opens a little bit. So when you put your penis in a girl, the hymen is like the O-ring. That's the part rubbing your shaft? Yeah. And then it, yeah, it like loosens as you penetrate. Okay. yeah it like loosens as you penetrate okay it's probably the best way i can explain that i what what the fuck how does why would you let your
Starting point is 00:25:35 lady do that uh michael c some things are not meant to be understood i know i know that's what they that's i know oh jake chapman it's a washer yeah okay okay all right that helps there we go now i got it yeah that's a good way yeah um it this is fucking i i i want to blame men for this this is your fuck your the patriarchy strikes again why why for this. This is your – The patriarchy strikes again. Why? Well, this patriarchy will not tolerate that shit.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Maybe that's just me. Yeah, that's the patriarchy. I won't tolerate that shit. Keep my hammond tight. I so hope my boys get a fucking chick like my chick. My chick is so fucking cool. Her brain isn't bothered by any of the shit what are you doing as a woman that you're thinking about tightening rejuvenating tightening well
Starting point is 00:26:31 maybe they're in the environment oh you know like then it's even more then it's even less reason to tighten you mean like if you're a porn star yeah it's a business uh expense or is there a visual element to it too? You know? If you're down there with your eyes open, I'm just saying if you're in the industry, you don't need to have your eyes open. Oh, right, right. Good point.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I just want to feel comfortable in the costume, and that makes me feel comfortable and confident. Kenneth DeLapp, vaginal hubris. That means like arrogance around the way your vagina looks. That's kind of cool. Juxtaposition words.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Hey. That shit's not going to bring you happiness. That shit is not tightening your hymen. You could die from that. Happiness. That shit is not tightening your hymen. You could die from that. I guarantee you people have died going under the knife to get all sorts of plastic surgeries. Yeah, you can't make like adjustments like that to your body like it's some sort of car and not it's. Hey, a doctor that would do that. I know I'm not supposed to be judgmental, but fuck it.
Starting point is 00:27:48 A doctor who would do those surgeries on a woman is not even a real doctor you're you're fucking dr frankenstein you you might as well just go back to fucking auschwitz where you came from and do some shit on the jews is this all type of stuff just like enhancements in humans that are it's just a natural part of evolution and we start with the superficial bullshit first but eventually you have a contact lens in your eye that like gets lasered in there but you could zoom fucking a mile away and see perfectly clear six million dollar man josh saunders loose lips uh sink ships i don't know oh i see what you're yeah yeah i see that's good it's good hey you know what i like too is when he's like he thought that and he's like that's a good line i could just write it and it might not get seen but i'm gonna invest two dollars into this to share this with society awesome you nailed it josh thank you for that uh michael c uh sevan a head coach not a doctor okay so yeah it's a head coach that gets yeah interesting okay
Starting point is 00:28:37 yeah this uh surgery should only be when absolutely necessary. Also, where did informed consent go? I didn't hear past. You'll look better. Oh, my God. Is this fucking true? Listen to this. Christine Young. I know someone.
Starting point is 00:28:56 What do you mean? You know them like you've touched them before. You've like you've like put your hand on their shoulder. Or you read it in People magazine. I Christine Young. you've like put your hand on their shoulder or you read it in people magazine i christine young i know someone who's very obese and had her vaginal area repaired because of a drooping of the clit area the whole fucking thing down there is drooping like that's what the vagina does it droops maybe hers was extreme like it like like it hung really far like down by knee level uh judy reed i don't know seven my dad was an ob-gyn and he had to do these types of surgeries for women who had lots of babies because their uteruses would literally fall out when they
Starting point is 00:29:41 squatted down wow interesting like a Like a prolapsed uterus. All right, well, that's different than the costume fitting. This is the greatest compliment of all time. Why do I feel 14 years old again when watching this show? I don't know. This is good. Okay. And then all of that being said, there's a kind of a thing there like let's not objectify women.
Starting point is 00:30:10 All that being said, I'd like to show you just a fucking crazy – do you guys think this body is real, number two? This is a fucking woman right here. It's crazy how my algorithm like sends me shit like that. Like, yes, Savanton we know that you don't look at this look at i think this you could should cruise around this girl's um uh instagram i think this girl's body's real this bra C. Come check this. Come check this. I think bra C.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Okay, that's A. All right. B. E. C. C. I don't even think C is a bra. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Thank you. It's just a shirt. I thought that too. Click her account look at her body i i think this chick's body's real and it's like this is it's it's it's crazy she's like just click that one on the left like how look how thick she is look at this yeah i think that's her real body hopefully she'll show her ass what did laura sango say a dump truck Look at this. Yeah, I think that's her real body. Hopefully she'll show her ass. What did Laura Sango say?
Starting point is 00:31:28 A dump truck. Dump truck. My God. Anyway. So there's that. There's a clip of us like don't objectify women and then straight to. Well, technically she asked. Like she wanted it to be voted on it was very clear that that was appropriate yes okay uh number three uh more uh
Starting point is 00:31:52 patriarchy from the patriarchy god poor meredith root she's really i don't know it's poor meredith i should thank her this patriarchy thing i'm really embraced the role i want to be the patriarchy i want whoa what is that caleb oh i thought that was a fucking cat dude that was crazy I'm really embrace the role. I want to be the patriarchy. Whoa, what is that, Caleb? Oh, I thought that was a fucking cat, dude. That was crazy. Just a hog coming. Hey, that cat just farted. Now it's wafting it in Caleb's face.
Starting point is 00:32:15 It's like, shh, smell this. Listen to this. Listen to this fucking lady. I think this lady was like, I think this is Margaret Thatcher. I don't know. But she looks familiar from when I was a kid. Oh, there's Margaret Thatcher. Listen to this fucking, this is some woman shit here.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Here we go. I just don't like people to do things for themselves. Socialists like to get people dependent on the state. You'll never build a great society that way. We're all unequal. No one, thank heavens, is quite like anyone else, however much the socialists may pretend otherwise.
Starting point is 00:32:52 There is no such thing as public money. There is only taxpayers' money. I seem to hear the stench of appeasement in the air. Socialists. Fuck them Those lowest
Starting point is 00:33:07 Conomin Conomin denominators Those lowest common denominator fucks Fuck those guys More patriarchy number four More patriarchy This is the Sunday patriarchy episode. More patriarchy.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Here we go. Listen to this. This is so good. This is where you want to work. If you're a go-getter and a self-motivator, this is where you want to work. Here we go. There's a rule that there's no crying in the office. where you want to work. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:33:46 The rule that there's no crying in the office. If you have to cry, go outside. Okay. And if you're sensitive and somebody hurts your feelings, I don't give a, this is not group therapy. So get over it. We're not really mean, but we'll say mean things to you for sure. So just know if you're crying or you're having a bad day and you've been knocked around, the best thing to do is to come back. Some days just suck. And if I stop this business every time somebody said something mean to me or I felt bad or I felt like I was losing everything, I wouldn't have been in business more than a month. OK, a rule that there's no.
Starting point is 00:34:17 That's our HR package when you get hired here. Is it? We just said that. Hey, there's a chick to the left of this chick wearing a tube top dress. It's like, don't wear that. It's not working. It's not working. That guy's a buffoon.
Starting point is 00:34:33 You just know. Did you see this new person commenting now? We birthed a new character. Oh, Buster Hyman. Good morning. Oh, hey, Buster. What's up, dude? How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah, look at that tube top on the left. That's not, don't wear that. Wait, is that a tube top? How do you know it's a tube top? I think it's just a low cut top. Either way, it needs just even just a narrow strap to give the illusion it's being held up. I don't like, I'm not a fan of this,
Starting point is 00:35:01 like where it's just wrapped around your titties. What if it was a dress? Would it change your opinion? No, worse worse okay yeah i just it gives me this illusion that the tits are being pulled down i even like a thin banana strap that or banana spaghetti spaghetti banana that's what my wife uses on me. Spaghetti strap. It's a small spaghetti strap just to give the illusion of the tits being pulled up. It doesn't even have to actually pull them. Jake Chapman, she's hiding the cables like you should be.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Oh, you think she has like those invisible ones? I've seen those. Oh, like the little plastic ones. I like the cable. It gives it character. You like the cable? Oh, that you like the cable oh that cable yeah that cable hey uh i i saw i i saw a dozen really high i saw really fucking strong men get destroyed because of uh mentally and emotionally not being able to hand that type of work environment
Starting point is 00:36:05 and well and strong women like when you have a boss like that it's fucking it's on like donkey kong and i would just watch people just get fucking people who think like if you're not emotional if you like everything that lady is saying is true yeah i i i spit in the wind of all this stuff where like you you should have boundaries and all that shit but not i don't think with your boss not especially if you're not if you're young and you're ready just to go balls to the wall you're 25 years old just take the fucking abuse and sack up especially if you were in in context of a company like crossfit where you're really like a star mission yes startup it's mission driven like you guys are all like this is gonna to be big.
Starting point is 00:36:45 It's going to change the world, especially in that environment. If you want soft, cushy, just go to some well-established corporate job where you can just kind of slide in and get by. Yeah. But also, you're going to have no success there. No. You're just going to kind of do your thing, slowly climb the ladder. Your soul is going to rot there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:03 You'll end up hating it more. But if you get treated that way in that type of environment then you're getting the hell out of there you wouldn't last because there's nothing driving you i want to i want to show you what it's like probably at uh meredith root and alex parker's house where there is no patriarchy actually i don't know that maybe they do have patriarchy maybe they're closet patriarch years but number five this is what it looks like when you don't have fucking patriarchy. This bullshit. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Nine-year-old Kieran Clawson collects crystals. She dabbles in face paint and she loves sports. To Kieran, who's transgender, it's not about racking up victories. I don't want to win any trophies for it, though. I feel like that's the most unfair way to compete because it's not about winning. What's it about? Having fun with your friends before, though. I feel like that's the most unfair way to compete because.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Oh, that's scary. You saw that. Undeterred with a message now about her journey. Never stop being you. That's it. Pause right there. So when you hear a child who talks like that, by the way, that voice, especially that old, you know, something's wrong. My kids are not allowed to indulge in fake voices. Like something happened.
Starting point is 00:38:22 You guys all know women like that. Something happened to their voice because it got stuck or something bad happened to them. That's something that when you hear a voice like that, something happened to the kid. By the way, that's a boy. Yeah, just just so you know that the parents, I mean, you saw the way the mom was talking the way that when the kid talks, you see that. So the kids talking and the mom's like saying the words like you're saying them exactly the way i taught you to say dude that we've seen a lot of weird shit on this i complained it but that i literally felt like uneased by watching them that's horror that's horror film shit yeah keep going wait till you see this is yeah greta thunberg vibes yeah totally i totally. Keep going. This gets crazier. Here we go. You.
Starting point is 00:39:12 There's so many kids that don't even have the opportunity to express who they really are. Oh, you thought the child come up with this by himself. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The title of this video was Mom Caught Coaching Child During Trans Interview. But I'd go further to say this mother, if you can call her that, has been coaching and conditioning this kid his whole life. This woman has psychologically abused this little boy to feed her own narcissism. That's the thing. It's always the parents or the adults in these children's lives that plant this seed of this dangerous social contagion. You couldn't ask for a better cover for Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Where's child services? Get that kid out of there. Child abuse and neglect is not only legal now,
Starting point is 00:39:50 it's celebrated. Hey, I want to show you something. That guy's, what's LSKD? That guy's wearing an LSKD hat. What is that? That's the CrossFit brand. Okay. You will never see someone stand up for kids wearing noble shit. Do you know why? Do you know why? All you guys are waving a noble flag, and you know why you're waving the noble flag? Because you wear that shit? Because they gave it to me free, Seve?
Starting point is 00:40:15 Well, that's one of the reasons. Hey, dude, they're fucking just a few degrees of separation from fucking insane shit. Remember, they force their people to get the injection and work there they support those fucking psychopaths over at outwad and those people support this kind of shit do not wear noble shit just fucking get over it do not support that fucking shithole company remember that's the guy that said we we we killed ourselves to get to this at this nfl job this nfl contract that's that's what the guy said in the instagram post remember yeah of course you killed yourself you
Starting point is 00:40:51 forced your people to get fucking injections this is all don't put your money towards that shit oh but someone i really like those shoes they're my favorite so what uh michael c my name is officially being changed to mr eaton beaver in honor of the seven podcasting caleb dude caleb holy shit you know what i just saw what would your wife let you do that do what name your first child Eaton. Oh, no way. Come on, dude. No way.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Come on, dude. Oh, my God. How about Slane? Slane. How about just Slane? No, probably not. His child's name is just one big joke. These are my kids Eaton and Slayen. Eaton, Slayen, and Harry.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Oh, my God. Eaton, Slayen, Beaver. What are – are there any – say that again, Susan. I would say it is Eaton or Slayen Be say, is Eaton or Slay and Beaver here? Eaton or Slay and Beaver? Hey, can you – Michael, thank you for this. Caleb, what are some of the people's – are there any crazy names in your house that kind of work, like in your household? Like what's your dad's name?
Starting point is 00:42:16 Jerry. Drillin'. Jerry. Oh, yeah, Drillin'. Poking? Jerry. Jerry Beaver. Yeah. None of our names have like any oh my what's your mom's name bobby joe bobby joe beaver that's really your mom's name bobby joe beaver yeah oh my god that's
Starting point is 00:42:36 a fucking cartoon character like from bullwinkle i know uh hey think of all the don't let don't let fucking your last name bully your first name don't let it limit you caleb if you want to name your kid um eaten just to make up for the fact that the last. Eating beaver. I think Audrey sent me a video of her doing pull-ups yesterday. She did. Do you want to see it? Topless. Are we allowed to show it?
Starting point is 00:43:18 She not sent it to me? Just like the one from last week. Dude, her body's gnarly, dude. She just no-reps me in your video. She didn't send me any pull-ups. Dude, her body's gnarly, dude. She just no-repped me in your video. She didn't send me any pull-ups. Yeah, her body's crazy. If she's okay with us showing it, we should show it. Her body is like something. It's out of this world.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I said, surely not. Where is she? What state is she in? Someone should get her. Someone should date her. If you haven't courted her, yeah, look at this. This is nuts. This is nicer than the girl's body that we showed in the show.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Oh, this is posted. Someone find her and court her. Look, she has a – is that her garage? Yeah. She has a tree in her garage. That's the second time you've commented on that. On her tree in her garage? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:03 No wonder I think – that that's like i just feel like that's a foreign country she's in look at that look at that negative my god those are alex kazan's triceps yeah that that chick could bench too yeah i'll date her yeah you should someone someone needs to date her seven loves my tree why is it inside um winter take some yeah strict chest to bar yeah savage i know and those shoulders i know that i had no idea she's a rapper thumbs was that a play off the rich froning bench press thing? Probably. Yeah, someone should be servicing, making sure Audrey is – everything is good. Okay, number six, money lessons.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I wonder what this is. Oh, these are lessons in money, how money works, I guess. Oh, yeah. That's my mission now. This right here? No, figuring out everything I can about money and studying it, hence, as Raymond suggested. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:17 I like that. I told Grace that. She was like, I'm kind of afraid. Was he okay in the house with the boys? I was like, yeah, he's totally cool. With who? With what? Raymond. Raymond. When I was telling her the story house with the boys? I was like, yeah, he's totally cool. With who? What? Raymond, Raymond,
Starting point is 00:45:26 when I was telling her the story of him. Who? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:45:30 Grace. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know it's hard. It's hard to,
Starting point is 00:45:33 for people to understand. Oh boy. What? Oh shit. Wow. Oh my God. He looks just like Caleb. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Thank you. Somebody found a childhood picture of Caleb. Oh, my God. Thank you. Somebody found a childhood picture of me. Eaton Beaver. That would be that. Manny Spiegel being warming and welcoming. She has bigger arms than you, Seven. I know. I like it.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I feel safe. I'd feel safe in those arms. Someone should feel safe. Okay. Here we go. My wife's probably got bigger arms than me. Okay. Action. So we, I, you know, the $10 trillion that was an increase in spending that you highlighted earlier, to put that into perspective of what folks back home, when you hear trillions and billions, if you spent $13 million every day since Jesus Christ was born, you still would not have spent $10 trillion. And that is just the increase in spending that the one party Democrat rule did over the last two years with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi,
Starting point is 00:46:46 and Chuck Schumer leading the ship. And people wonder why inflation has gone up 14.9% in those two years when inflation was 1.4% before all that spending started. That's crazy. Crazy. Crazy. When you see Audrey's body, do you think Democrat? No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I mean, I know that's my bias, but I just don't. I just don't. I think that's so good that in that video he contextualized what that actually means because I think we throw these numbers around and stuff like that when it comes to spending, and people just have no idea. There was a guy who did a great video. $13 million every day since the dude with long hair was here. Yeah, crazy. Jesus. I don't even know if he's real.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Have you seen the video? When was he born? 2,023 years ago, supposedly? Supposedly. Dude, $13 million every day since then. Think of how much $13 million was back then oh yeah you could have got jesus to fuck you probably could have slept with jesus for that much there was a video i think i can't remember where it originally started from but a guy put like his finger into the sand right made a little in debt and he said okay that represents like uh
Starting point is 00:48:24 ten thousand dollars or something and then he fast forwarded and did it for a million and he's got this little grid of it out and he goes and that represents a million dollars and then he does it and they have to get a drone and they zoom out and he goes and that represents a billion dollars and there the whole thing was just this gridded dot that they all put their fingers and represent the ten thousand dollars and it was so massive. To scale. And it was to scale. To scale. So that way you could see, like you could contextualize, like, here's 10 grand. If I gave you 10 grand, everybody would be stoked. Here's what a million, here's what a billion looks like. And by the way, that's how much of our children's future they're spending. Children's,
Starting point is 00:48:59 children's, children's future. Savon, what is the obsession with hating on democrats or republicans are just as rubbish and trash the u.s economy as well uh anyone can feel that i hear you uh i have no i have no argument i think you're asking it in sincerity and uh there's a very um uh clean answer for it i'm gonna wait and see if some people in the chat will tell you because I want to talk about Audrey's body a little bit more. Here we go. Audrey, I don't know what this means. Savant type of hippie.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I haven't used shampoo in four months. Yeah, I didn't. Your hair looked great. Jake Chapman, 40 pieces of silver a day. I'm not going to do the pedophilia stuff. I don't know if you saw the piece we did yesterday what's happening in minnesota they're basically i think it's gonna pass too they're going to there's a law in minnesota that protects people from being discriminated against based on their sexual orientation so like if i want dick in my mouth
Starting point is 00:50:00 and i have a penis that there's a term for me that categorizes me as gay. And if my employer finds out I'm gay, they're not allowed to discriminate against me. Well, there is, and there's the list of other things they can't like, if I had a pussy and I like to eat pussy, they can't discriminate against me for that. There's a whole list of things that people you can't discriminate against. They want to amend that law so that if you rape children, if raping children is your pastime, one of the ways you like to have sex, that you can't discriminate against that person. And I'm not going to do that. So, like, I don't care what the Republican Party does. I don't care if they lie about dominion. I don't care if they like right now. I don't care if they see blacks as equals. I'm willing to see black people as equal for the time being. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:50:54 You know, I'm going to I'm going to do all the cool stuff the Republicans do. I'm going to vote against slavery. I'm going to support equality. I'm going to do all the things the Republicans do. Support equality. I'm going to do all the things the Republicans do. Until every last thing that's harmful towards kids like that is gone. And if that means getting rid of the Democrats completely and I have to walk around pretending I'm a Christian, so be it. God bless those motherfuckers. I will fucking beg for Jesus to save me before I partake in anything that looks like hurting children.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Amen. I hope that explains it. That's a real simplification of it. I could give you 600 other things that show that they want to hurt kids. Amen. Sean Sullivan, Christ is King. Amen. Do you guys do this stuff?
Starting point is 00:51:43 We used to do this as a kid. Fitting. Yeah, extra sloppy. Yeah, I'm big-time pro-discrimination on kid fuckers, yeah. And I do like the fact that the Republicans think that they believe in equality. So that part's kind of cool too. I like that. I think I can get on with like Chinese people and white skin color
Starting point is 00:52:14 not being an issue. And I don't really like crime. I don't think you should be able to shit in front of my mom's house. Yeah, open drug use in front of elementary school is probably not cool yeah i don't i'm not big on uh yeah i'm not big on needle exchange in black neighborhoods to keep fucking keeping the black man down even though that's kind of not fair because all the footage i see of drug use in neighborhoods it's always white people that's that is interesting you never see the ghetto footage you never see like just people
Starting point is 00:52:43 sitting around doing drugs that's always just the white neighborhoods. Black people must do drugs inside or they don't do them. Yeah, crime is overrated, all that shit, yeah. I hope – difficult. Does that – you can call yourself a Christian and want to hurt kids. I totally agree. I know. I know. I totally agree. I know. I know. I'm not saying that you can't do that either. I hear you. And I'm sure there are Christians that hurt kids. I'm just saying in general, I think that the party that is right now always seems to wanting to be hurt kids. Your words, not mine. So you do see that as hurting kids, right? Diddling kids. So do I. and so i'm just not doing that you see florida's moving uh moving to pass a law to uh allow the death penalty for pedophiles no shit i'm not for that though i'm not doing that you know a death penalty guy no why uh killing an innocent human there's like an opportunity for that to happen so two reasons yeah and and i i when you kill someone you make a killer and i think that that's a serious um i think that's serious i don't know enough about pedophiles to know what to do with them
Starting point is 00:54:06 Florida lawmakers unanimously advanced bills seeking death penalty for pedophiles look at that dude with the red hair he's like I'm out of here fuck this hey but I'm not I'm not dying on that hill I have no
Starting point is 00:54:24 I'm more against on that hill. I have no opinion. I'm not. I'm more against abortion than I am this. Do you know what I mean? You're not going to see me do a show where I'm defending pedophile, accidentally killing the wrong pedophile. Or accidentally killing someone who wasn't. I'm just not going to do that.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Yeah. Here we go. This is good. This is good, difficult. This kind of – I appreciate you guys helping me understand my thoughts. Hypocrisy of the individual is one thing. What he's saying is if you're the priest at the Catholic church who's diddling kids, right, that there's some hypocrisy there. I think. I mean I don't know a lot about Catholicism, but I'm guessing you're not supposed to do that.
Starting point is 00:55:05 But legalizing and actively promoting and hurting of kids is categorically different. Thank you. Yeah, there you go. Okay. So there's that. $10 trillion, people. Brace yourself.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Okay, the weather machine. So the weather shit's true? That's not conspiracy theory like something like that we're in a full-blown well it's full-blown now it's um they've been working on that for like over a decade like that that machine has been in existence for a really long time and is it that the company darpa that does it darpa is a government organization but yeah so what's it's funny how the algorithm just helps me the algorithm actually helps me make this show once I start dabbling in
Starting point is 00:55:51 one thing then it'll just take me off in the direction and start giving me other shit it's kind of crazy uh uh Heidi Krum I love objectifying women's bodies I me too but the only problem is is that that word has negative connotation I looked up the word the other day I like objectifying all all things it helps me understand things like I need to I need to objectify the hymen I just I hear this word all the time and I need to know oh and then someone explained me it's the washer that used to have like a thin piece of paper on it and then it breaks and welcomes the penis or the tongue or whatever the thing or the finger how about the other day that that that meme where the guy wakes his girlfriend up she's like my husband made ribs at three in the morning and brought them to bed and woke me up and we ate them together
Starting point is 00:56:37 and then fingered me no that was a a meme from a few days ago oh it's so good i just saw that and i'm like yep you got a dude you bring your wife ribs and then next thing you know you're fingering her fucking dudes okay uh let's listen to this uh lady with the good skin you're saying the government has created weather tampering techniques so that the, quote, new world order will be able to starve millions of Americans. Worldwide. Millions of Americans
Starting point is 00:57:14 and to control the rest. Yes, sir. And that's my belief. As bizarre as that sounds, when somebody had told me that that equipment even existed 10 years ago, I would have thought they were nuts, sir. And at this point in time, we have all the documents to prove it. And if you think that 85 tornadoes takes place in the middle of our growing area
Starting point is 00:57:35 by simultaneous accident, I'm sorry. With the equipment that's already set up internationally, and as bizarre as that is, it proven and documented we will supply you with those documents as bizarre as that is i would say that weather wars and this is a quoting actually senator claiborne pell himself that they are the greatest weapon ever created in the world and that's the senator's own statement so yes i do stand on that thank you you're saying so wait a second so now we're going to have the left saying that we have climate change because there's too many people driving cars. And the right is going to say it's weather machine.
Starting point is 00:58:13 It's weather weather shit. Hey, you know, it's crazy is in California. They're about to start banning diesel trucks. And there's. Yeah. Can you believe that? And there's a real big concern. It's going to fuck up the supply chain.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Didn't do you remember? We already showed on this show that there's an oil tanker out there or a cargo ship out there? I don't know what they put in it, but it uses – there's 15 of them on our open seas. Creates more pollution than all the cars on planet Earth. 15 of these ships. And yet in California we're trying to mitigate the problem by going after the trucking industry it's fucking people in california retarded you that you you know people who like gavin newsom right weren't we talking about that
Starting point is 00:58:57 hardcore like governor of this state's trying to going after what makes the economy flow that's your way of fixing the the the weather or the pollution it's better than going backwards and being oppressive what was before that oppression discrimination hate that's not the party that i'm for uh trish knows me well sevan falls all over himself for a tiktok filter mommy nodding and pointing at the camera. That was a filter? I did notice how nice her skin was. Listen, someone fucking find Audrey and put a fucking ring on it. Are you out of your fucking...
Starting point is 00:59:33 I fucking love diesel trucks. The sounds turn me on when it cranks up. What the fuck is going on here? How the fuck has someone not handled that? Someone who has... somebody tried really like hey dude this is the kind of chick like if you like get in your truck and drive around the country all over north america and just bone her and all the fucking state parks she is fun work out at crossfit gyms have sex in state parks and hang out with her
Starting point is 01:00:01 holy shit she's cool you go shooting with that girl. Diesel trucks turn her on? She sounds like the dream girl. And she's got a tree inside. Yeah, and she has plants. A tree, yeah. Not some silly fern that she's been trying to keep alive.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Yeah, that she drags in and out of that room. I don't know if she's taken or not, but if you're a 22-year-old soul-searching man, that's who you want. You want to get a camper shell, a truck, and her, and drive around for a couple years and just fucking have fun, make memories. Oh, speaking.
Starting point is 01:00:47 When I think of objectifying people like this dude in my head is just I objectify him all the time. He's just a statue to me. I think of him as just like a dude on OnlyFans. And I just picture him like when he goes outside, he has to carry an umbrella because it rains beaver on him. That's seriously how I think of him. Not eating beaver. Yeah. Oh, she's 35. Perfect. 35 perfect even better no same age as me hey oh my god tyler i want to tell you something about 35 year old women there's a window in there 35 to 40 holy shit is she taken no yeah dude ty, you will have your fucking world
Starting point is 01:01:25 flipped upside down. Yeah, she said there's no ring. Oh, shit. All right, her mic. See? You're right, Seville. Yeah. You guys should just fucking, yeah,
Starting point is 01:01:42 just eat meat and fruit and vegetables and work out. How old is pool boy hey if you've never met a 35 year old woman you're in fucking serious uh yeah yeah 35 to 40 that is the sweet age for women that they're they are it's more patriarchy talk yeah yeah yeah it's nuts more explaining yeah but i'm just telling you i'm telling you does anyone disagree with me no i don't yeah it's like those cars those those rigs need a lot of servicing if your game if you're a mechanic who wants to get into a lot of servicing if you're game if you're a mechanic who wants to get in so a lot of fucking
Starting point is 01:02:26 practice um uh you don't have to do much that 35 to 40 that thing just that thing you just just be there just be present i think it does it's all of its own shit. Yeah, yeah. Someone said as a woman. JV team, as a woman, I agree, 35 to 40. Yeah, you guys are fucking nuts at that time. If you're a man, that should always – I don't care if you're 17 or 70. You want a woman who's 35 to 40. Yeah, 43 is fine too.
Starting point is 01:03:04 I'm telling you, the fringes of that are great but kind of it's okay to have older but maybe not yeah 34 brace yourself buddy here we go yep you better be ready i suggest supplementing with arginine daily okay enough of this i'm embarrassing myself okay uh number eight there are so many oh 68 it doesn't stop it only gets better okay good i know i that being said my wife's almost 50 and i there's like the only thing is that i have to initiate more i went fucking 10 years of just fucking running from her and now i now i have to run at her but other than that, yeah, it's still fucking crazy. I have to go out and start the car.
Starting point is 01:03:48 It used to be the car was always running. Oh, Eaton Beaver, my wife is 40. Eaton, you're only fucking, you were just born fucking 15 seconds ago. What are you talking about? We've been camping for the weekend. No kids. First time. Use your imagination. I had to put up the white flag. Yeah. No shit.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Argenine. I'm telling you. Argenine. I'm telling you. Argenine. GG Strong. I'm still running from my wife. Yeah. There you go. See? Garrett, is she 35? Garrett, what's up?
Starting point is 01:04:29 Garrett, let me know when you start doing podcasts. I want to start listening. Oh, Trish. Last night, my bussy was blown out while watching a video of Susan Mann handling a D-ball. Number eight, there's so many good women. Last night, my bussy was blown out while watching a video of Susan Mann handling a D-ball. Okay. Number eight, there's so many good women. This is a crazy Sunday show. I actually am turning a little red. I'm getting a little red hot.
Starting point is 01:04:55 I like how like half of our listeners are like headed to church listening to this too. Yeah, it's a mess. Vagina is sacred. I hope the vagina is sacred. Okay, here we go. Why is dating so hard? Social media got these chicks thinking that they got something they don't have. So they only
Starting point is 01:05:14 fuck with niggas who got bread. And then turn around and be mad when them type of dudes who got a bunch of money want every bitch. They charge broke niggas to chill with them. They want to deal with dudes who don't have no opinion that's why you see a lot of these bad chicks with these goofy ass soft ass niggas who ain't gonna challenge them on nothing we ain't gonna ask them no questions any man that
Starting point is 01:05:35 got his own taking care of don't need their money don't need their they don't want to deal with a like that they want a that they could talk too crazy and disrespect him because they don't want no structure. They scared of real men, you feel me? Because a real man ain't going to let them talk crazy and do all that. So modern day men are more feminine and all that more than ever. Definitely. Why is dating so- Hey, I really want a friend like that.
Starting point is 01:06:04 That dude? I really want a friend like that. That dude? Yeah, I want a friend who's just like every other word out of his mouth is nigga and he's juice to the gills. I miss that. I don't have that in my life. I'm in fucking Santa Cruz. Well, be in Temple. Head to the East Bay and start working out at 24-Hour Fitness. I need some of that in my life. I wonder if there's like a rapper's group around here or something. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:06:35 You know how there's like Christian groups or Jewish groups or like the roller skating club? I wonder if there's like a rapper's club, like the six black dudes who live in Santa Cruz are part of it. The player's club. He is talking rubbish. Like, I don't know. You think he is?
Starting point is 01:06:50 At most, the most argumentative thing I would say against him is like those are the girls he's hanging out with, I guess. I never knew any girls like that. I never knew any girls like that. Yeah. Sevan, he could carry you on his back. You could become one organism. Yeah, I'm fucking – I would just – Yeah. I don't know any girls like that.
Starting point is 01:07:22 You know girls like that, David, who are like that? That want bitch-ass men? I don't think any girls like that. You know girls like that, David, who are like that? That want bitch-ass men? I don't think any of them do. You do? I don't know. It's probably the most racist thing I've ever said. She says, this is the absolute whitest thing you've ever said. I wonder if there's a rapper's club.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I assume that if there was a rappers club. Well, it's just I assume that if there was a rappers club, there'd be black dudes there. Hey, listen, Santa Cruz has a basketball team and it's the Warriors G team. And you don't, if I see someone tall in Santa Cruz,
Starting point is 01:08:01 I always think that they're part of the G team. Like if I see someone who's like 6'4 or taller. Because you don't see that very often here in Santa Cruz. And then if they're black, for sure I do. So, that's just me. Pay check, he strikes again. Wow, this is interesting. And this could be true.
Starting point is 01:08:23 He most likely wants those women he complains about status symbol fair enough i i possibly possibly but i do think that i think that there's tons of good women out there like just shit loads and shit loads of them i don't even know what that means but i guess you have to define uh good women i think there's a lot of good women out there caleb i figure you'd have your finger on the pulse more uh you're kind of in you don't know uh the people i will say the people that i work the women that i do work with are pretty pretty good people yeah like they're the they pursue men that are very um uh structured they do pursue men who are structured. Do you think – I mean both of you are kind of in a weird place.
Starting point is 01:09:10 You're in the military and you're in a CrossFit gym. You think there's a lot of good women out there? Like if you had a bunch of – let's say you had three sons who were 20 to 28 in age range. Would you be like, man, you guys have a lot of good choices? I couldn't make the discernment just off like the woman i'd have to see her family because my dad would always say that means he doesn't see a lot and he doesn't want to say that because he doesn't want to offend the women at his no my dad would always say the same thing
Starting point is 01:09:37 and he would say son when you start to get interested into a girl and she takes you home and you meet her parents study your mom because that's who she's gonna be oh literally yeah and then the other one was if she does it with you that's that easily she does it with everybody else that easily you're not that special oh yeah that was the other thing he would tell me yeah and they would also say if you get her pregnant it's 100 your fault and that's your fuck up and now you have to deal with it don't bring that shit around the house though if you get her pregnant it's your fault if you want to know what she's going to be like when she's like older look at her mom and if she fucked you on the first date it's not because you're special correct life lessons i love performing breast reductions and i hated being pregnant not a good candidate that's that's the
Starting point is 01:10:28 doctor that's that's the dog and md your local doctor uh nah nah rap's been appropriated by white people for a while go to freestyle rap break dance graffiti event probably 80 white yeah but you threw breakdancing graffiti in there true because your hog is big and she can see it through your beard who's she talking to I don't know I like this
Starting point is 01:11:00 word hog number nine number nine I didn't even write anything I wonder what number nine is it's a mystery oh this one's good I like this word hog. Number nine. Number nine, I didn't even write anything. I wonder what number nine is. It's a mystery. Oh, this one's good. This is good? Okay, good. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Caleb doesn't say that very often. Oh, yeah, this is good. Here we go. Racism. Here we go. The black man and the Mexican man speaking. We caught this with our undercover cameras. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:11:20 You know the difference between a Hispanic and a stoner? What? Stoners have papers. You know the difference between a black father and a boomerang? What's that? Boomerang comes back. What's your favorite band? One Direction.
Starting point is 01:11:30 What's really long and black? The Lion and KFC. You know the difference between a Hispanic... I think the best one is that first one. The difference between a Hispanic and a stoner. A stoner has papers. That's pretty good. Number 10, Trump.
Starting point is 01:11:53 You think Trump? So Trump, it's Trump versus Biden again? That's where our country's going? Oh, yay. Oh, boy. This is kind of scary. High school history book pushes debunked narratives about Trump. At least five advanced placement AP American history textbooks covering former President Donald Trump's presidency push debunked narratives and partisan talk points on Trump himself, his supporters, race relations, and more.
Starting point is 01:12:20 According to a recent report, the books written by various university scholars are endorsed by the college board and used in classrooms across the country. Dude, they should have just – they should have not even had that slide and just showed us what it said and where it was said. On the 2016 election, nearly all the books baselessly claim that Russia helped Trump become president in 2016, though it's been supposed influence on social media, with one saying it disrupted the American election process. The book either omit or quickly gloss over the fruitless and unprecedented federal investigation into Trump's allegations, alleged collusions with Russia. One book attributes Trump's electoral victory to angry white men, while another say that he appealed successfully to nostalgia for a time when people of color and women knew their place. This is fucking insane. i'm done with it you can hey send your kids to school people this is it this is what they get uh they also fail to go back they also uh to the obama one they also fail to mention that sorry it's okay they also fail to mention uh that black lives matter activist narrative of the
Starting point is 01:13:23 police shooting of michael brown was debunked by former President Barack Obama's Department of Justice. If you ever want to see the craziest shit ever, go to CNN, ABC, MSNBC, choose all the liberal news outlets and find as much information as you can and watch the story of Michael Brown. It is nuts.
Starting point is 01:13:47 That was a Black Lives Matter first poster child. And this dude is a fucking bad person. This dude was a bad kid. I don't want to say he was evil, but he was a massive man, 18 years old, 6'5", over 300 pounds. The footage of him stealing and pushing people, the store owners around and reaching into the cop's car for the gun, it's nuts.
Starting point is 01:14:12 It is absolutely nuts. All the books that cover the fatal shootings of Trayvon Martin without mentioning the evidence that led to the jury to believe that his white killer acted in self-defense. Yeah, it's, do not send your kids to school. I cannot fucking believe, I guess I can believe it's in our, it's in self-defense. Yeah, it's do not send your kids to school. I cannot fucking believe. I guess I can't believe it's in our history books. That is what fascists do.
Starting point is 01:14:31 They change history. I was trying to find because it's completely relevant to this with the they did like a poll on if teachers were willing to share who they voted for and if they leaned to left or if they leaned right and it was like crazy over 87 87 percent of teachers i think in this in the school system are democrats and i think the only reason why and they're crazy democrats too right they lean way left yeah and the only the only time that there was a little bit more um republican voting people were the math and sciences and that was just a small sliver of a percentage different than everything else i thought turntable was a uh biggest fuck-ups by the dems in my opinion the lies about russia
Starting point is 01:15:16 libya etc and the acceptance of gender affirmation yeah it's it's all the wording too right like and even the people on the right do it like they, they keep referring to the pandemic as like, that's not what it was. You're more honest if you say scamdemic. At least you're at least being more honest. Number 11, the patriarchy. Look at the irony of this. How fucking, how confused. By the way, this is what you want.
Starting point is 01:15:50 This is, God, I love this. This is the patriarchy, people. If you don't like this, then you're on the wrong fucking planet. This is the patriarchy. This is totally normal what you're about to see. This is healthy man shit you're about to see. This is healthy man shit you're about to see. Action. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:17 You want to come on? You want to flex out? Right there, you look good. How old are you? Huh? How old are you? I'm 22. How old are you?
Starting point is 01:16:30 No, you're not. You're only getting 45. Get out of here. Get out of here. You look good. You look awesome. Two bulls. Two bulls meeting in the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Old bull and young bull. Two bulls meeting in the bathroom. Could be young bull two bulls meeting in the bathroom could be wholesome could be young kid 22 can't even believe he has this fucking body can't even believe it he's tripping he's tripping he can't even believe it four years ago he's a skinny nobody he's fucking looking in the mirror he can't even believe how sw years ago he's a skinny nobody he's fucking looking in the mirror he can't even believe how swole he is he's having fun he's fucking tripping old guy walks in and fucking like hey shows him that hey you can you can keep going this is going to be like this for a long time baby i think that was stage you know why why anytime you go into a public locker and
Starting point is 01:17:23 there's a dude over 70 they're just walking around butt naked with their right can't tell me that that guy had pants that was real and and it's kind of douchey like if you put if you set your camera up in a fucking men's locker room you're douche that's so weird to me when they like film or take pictures in the bathroom like the best lighting uh that's not patriarchy that's just men loving on each other's bodies wholesome isn't that what patriarchy is patriarchy is just man shit that's what man shit is that's right can we look up the can we look up the definition of patriarchy again i thought it's just man shit everything is man shit everything is man shit loving women protecting women man shit protecting kids man shit laughing man shit i'm not saying they're they're not exclusive to men a system of society or
Starting point is 01:18:14 government which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it no that's i haven't seen that definition that's my first one a society communally organized on patriarchal lines. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, I'm fine with that. There's man shit and there's women shit. And then there's where they cross. A system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line. Let me see some other definitions.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Do we have any other definitions? No, you don't have to be excluded. You're included. You're absolutely included. A social organization marked by the supremacy of the father and the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line. I don't like that either.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Uh-oh, I might be using the word wrong. I might have to cancel this whole show right here. Let me see number two. A society or institution organized according to the principles or practices of patriarchy. You can't use the word or the definition. Can I see another definition? I thought I saw one the other day that was just basically like, this is man shit. That's Urban Dictionary basically like this is man shit that's urban dictionary patriarchy man yeah you are using the word wrong i am oh darn it no let's just reassign a definition that's cool no i don't want to do i don't want to reassign we'll just do a reassignment
Starting point is 01:19:37 i just i just i just have a distinct sloppy 100% like sloppy my use of the word yeah fair I deserve that I'm trying to reclaim it Heidi I'm trying to reclaim it I just I just I think I just love man shit we'll just keep going with it a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:20:07 We'll go with it. And then I'll apologize at the end of the show. Number 12. More patriarchy. More patriarchy. Like how we're using it wrong. Right back to you. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:20:24 This is fucking classic. So this is men. This is fucking classic. So this is men. This is so funny too. Notoriously liberal West Hollywood, notoriously liberal West Hollywood had the brilliant idea of replacing police officers with unarmed safety ambassadors. Let's take a peek at how that's worked out
Starting point is 01:20:41 during an assault in progress. This is absolutely amazing but this is the kind of shit you see here we go there was this man kicking his vehicle and i turned my head and i saw the block by block officers were crossing i was literally flabbergasted because they walked right past just like they were just just like nothing. There was this man kicking his vehicle. You know how crazy you have to be to be like, I'm going to put myself out into the community and try to de-conflict assaults without any, like,
Starting point is 01:21:20 without a taser, without pepper spray, without a weapon. Or if there's got to be at least 20 of you, right? They should be rolling deep. There's their crosswalk, guys. They're holding a stop sign. That's the patriarchy right there. Hey, that's the patriarchy that Meredith and Alex want
Starting point is 01:21:38 right there. That's the dudes they want. Oh my goodness. They're just crossing guards standing there like oh we don't know what to do don't forget your reflective belt okay play that again so so that guy in the white t-shirt right there it thinks it's cool to kick off this other dude's side mirror is that okay let's watch play one more time well and i turned my head and I saw the block by block officers were crossing. I was literally flabbergasted.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Oh, he needs them. They walked right past just like they were just like nothing. There was this man. Unbelievable. It's just the guy's voice and be like, I saw the block by block safety officers and i was flabbergasted oh no fucking shit you idiot and what'd you do i filmed it i want to say this right now if i'm ever in trouble and like uh i i i would love a doctor a good doctor to take care of me i know that there's
Starting point is 01:22:42 a lot of fucking good doctors out there and i know there's a lot of doctors that know their limits i know there's a lot of doctors out there that aren't just like doing horrible fucking shit to people i'm sorry that you get lumped up with all these other fucking bad apples unfortunately there's just a lot of them that being said um i i I, I hope everyone, uh, in their life at least once gets to experience, uh, the importance of having a strong man around when shit hits the fan. Because it's the difference.
Starting point is 01:23:16 It's, uh, it's pretty impressive. It's pretty, it's pretty fucking impressive when you see men do men shit. And right in that video, you didn't see any, any man shit anywhere. Well, the guy who got out of his car and need the guy yeah the one dude who
Starting point is 01:23:28 served up homeboy yeah hey that would be such a good bit if i wore that like crossing guard thing and then tried to ticket people for offensive language oh that would be but we did it in like berkeley yes so we saw them like agree with it and like take a ticket or something hey and they're in berkeley like in berkeley you're not allowed to use the word like female exactly i would just yes so we saw them like agree with it and like take a ticket or something hey and they're in berkeley like in berkeley you're not allowed to use the word like female exactly i would just go excuse me guys i just heard your conversation and there was some non-inclusive language happening here and i just want to let you know as part of the block please i'm gonna have to cite you today and then i i read him a ticket that'll do that we'll add that to the list
Starting point is 01:24:05 of things we're gonna do Trish men are gay that that's correct I don't know if it's exclusive but strong correlate
Starting point is 01:24:15 there's definitely yes yes there's definitely number 13 dudes dudes dudes maybe I'll switch to dudes no more patriarchy just dudes
Starting point is 01:24:26 i knew this show was for me to get smarter remember spike tv yeah yes yes is it is it around still no it'd get canceled now but think about it like that's that's what we could do just do a spin off that like man shit this is a woman at the skate park performing a very difficult skateboarding trick called a kickflip, and it is actually very impressive. And then there's a guy who jumps out six feet out of the bowl and does a kickflip off the side of a tree.
Starting point is 01:25:05 And someone titled this, or not a kickflip, it's like a shove it or some shit in midair. And someone writes NBA versus WNBA. That's fucked up. That guy is such a good skater, it's crazy. The confidence you have to have there is nuts. But what that girl did is still crazy. Yeah, it's still really good.
Starting point is 01:25:29 But that's like way, yeah, it's a bit tougher. Yeah. Okay. Why didn't you get more money? Yeah, which one's going to garnish more of an audience? The gift flip or the launching out of the bowl and doing a foot plant on the tree where does that guy come from oh it's a it's cut it's cut okay
Starting point is 01:25:55 wait is it yeah look there's a quick little cut right oh maybe not yeah that's kind of crazy that you did that. And is there someone sitting on the ground in the bowl in there, like videotaping? What's going on? What's that black shadow right there? Right there. Yeah, it looks like it.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Someone's filming. Sitting on something? Yeah. Filming the cake flip, not realizing somebody's about to plan switch off a tree. Heidi, if she was in a bikini, she'd get more views. Fair enough. Yeah, that you don't even notice the guy at that point.
Starting point is 01:26:30 If she had bra C on, she'd get more views. Bra C during the kickflip. No bra option. Bra C is very cheap. Okay, 14. My doctor told me the other day, gave me a form that they give everyone when they visit the hospital
Starting point is 01:26:49 on things to do to keep yourself healthy. And one of them is make sure you use canola oil. I think we've played this before, but it can't hurt. Here we go. Crazy to anyone else that when you look back at old photos from the 70s, you see zero obese people. I mean, look at
Starting point is 01:27:05 this. Everyone's in shape. Everyone's fit. It really makes me wonder, like, what's changed? But you would think since obesity went up, people are just consuming more calories, right? Well, that's weird. Average calorie consumption has pretty much been the same. Must be all the sugars that they're adding into foods. Well, it can't be the sugars because this yellow line says it's been the same since 1960. But what is this? Oh, that's interesting. Here it is again. Vegetable oils. Wow, that's weird. And again, we see it corresponding directly with obesity. Vegetable oils are red. Obesity is the orange dotted line. Why would we need to produce more vegetable oils than chicken, beef, cheese, or shrimp? This seems a little out of the ordinary. If you haven't picked up on what I'm saying yet, it's that vegetable oils potentially could be the cause of obesity.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Now, I can't necessarily say for a fact if this is true, but it's worth looking into. Isn't it crazy? Yeah, Trish, you keep eating the seed oils. Don't call them veggie oils uh we ate at mcdonald's like every day back then and i was never fat oh that's right i played in sports and exercise literally every day yeah that's the one thing that he doesn't have in that uh the little graphs there was movement like how much more sedentary are we since the 70s has that increased a ton uh extra sloppy correlation doesn't equal causation people
Starting point is 01:28:31 are more uh sedentary oh yeah see i don't think canola oil i think you should stay the fuck away from canola oil uh trish why should i listen to a 20 year old soft boy with three correlate graphs trish why should we listen to anybody you question every single person we bring up you tell you you question rebecca fusli you were questioning the fucking last guy we brought up and now you're questioning this guy who do you want to listen to trish yeah yeah trish yeah trish you're gonna listen to yourself fucking jibber jabbering in the chat how about that trish yeah yeah trish yeah trish you're gonna listen to yourself fucking jibber-jabbering in the chat how about that trish what do you think about that melissa odier who got me to spend a thousand dollars on ridiculous new filters and shit for my house uh says that all seed oils
Starting point is 01:29:15 yeah get them beaver and oh angry beaver that would be fucking awesome too i think that that was playful beaver me personally but we're probably just seeing what we want to see oh shit she's coming hard what does she say caleb i'll beat your ass please try the only thing you have going for you oh my goodness years old oh this is great i used to work with this dude at the bar this is relevant that he um he made fun of everybody wait you said a sentence and then you said this is relevant yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i just wanted you to know where i was going with this
Starting point is 01:29:56 sometimes some of the shit i stories i tell aren't relevant but i was hoping this one is i have a huge dong this is relevant this. This is relevant. Hear me out. Hear me out. It's Sunday. Okay, now I've closed the loop. No, so there's a dude that I used to bartend with that just would always like just trash talk everybody. I think internally he was closeted gay like deeply, and so he manifested that in weird ways. So he'd always make fun of the girls, but he'd always make fun of this guy named Freddy.
Starting point is 01:30:21 He's a flamboyantly gay dude, super good guy. So he comes up to the bar one time, and the bartender that I'm working with is just giving him a ton of crap, just making fun of him and using a lisp and, oh, Freddy, did you order a cosmopolitan? And so finally, there's a bunch of us at the bar and some servers are there because it's getting close to closing time. And he slams down the table and he goes, you know what? If you make fun of me one more time, I'm going to beat your ass. And you know what that you make fun of me one more time i'm gonna beat your ass you know what that's gonna happen to you because you're gonna be known as the guy that got his ass
Starting point is 01:30:49 beat by the gay guy he goes keep it up and like his ticket is like walked off like stormed off and then he didn't say shit after that because all of us were like yeah freddie could probably beat your ass dude you probably don't want to say anything anymore if you don't want that to happen so it reminded me when trisha said that oh if a gay dude beat me up i would accuse him of sexual assault you grabbed my dick dude yeah uh mr martozian how do you know that it was a sexual assault everyone else says he's beating your ass well because i ejaculated what do you mean when i ejaculate what do you mean and uh what does he have to do with it and then he'd be like uh seven uh just because you ejaculate doesn't mean it was sexual assault on uh on uh on his part and i'd be like well then how can it be sexual assault when i do that to a woman because it's just me ejaculating then too to get some sort of fucking like logical explain that to my wife then please.
Starting point is 01:31:48 This is inconsistent. Yes. Uh, someone have you looked into that into this water spinner that Hunter has? No, but you, uh, I'm listening. You got my ears perked up. I love, I love a clean water. Man. Okay. Uh, so don't use canola oil i just just just so ridiculous my doctor told me that i can't get over it uh 17 the patriarchy here we go you guys should see these notes i think just about half of these that we pulled up has just said patriarchy yeah all i did is write on everything patriarchy i'm a little
Starting point is 01:32:26 autistic like that. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. The young patriarchy. Here we go. Do you have a girlfriend? No. Do girls have cooties? No, but they have booties. Do you have a girlfriend?
Starting point is 01:32:43 No. Do girls have cooties? No, but they have booties. See, like we know at a young age. Just a little grin at the end. Number 16. I don't even know what 16 is. They got booties. they got booties uh coke and oil uh oil works for multiple things fellas same time
Starting point is 01:33:12 the john d rockefeller seized u.s media he also hijacked u.s medicine when it was discovered that drugs could be produced from petroleum, America's top oil mogul ordered his army of propagandists to invert reality accordingly. Medicines used for thousands of years were suddenly classified as alternative, while the new petroleum-based, highly addictive, and patentable drugs were declared the gold standard. After buying a German pharmaceutical company that manufactured chemicals of war for Adolf Hitler, Rockefeller leveraged his political influence by pressing Congress to declare natural healing modalities unscientific quackery. Rockefeller then took
Starting point is 01:33:58 control of the American Medical Association and began offering massive grants to top medical schools under the mandate that only his approved curriculum be taught. Any mention of the healing powers of herbs, plants, and diet was erased from most medical textbooks. Doctors and professors who objected to Rockefeller's plan were crucified by the media, removed from the AMA, and stripped of their license to teach and practice medicine those who dared to speak out were arrested and jailed still happens today people still happens today when evidence began to emerge that petroleum-based medicines were causing cancer mr rockefeller founded the american cancer society through which he suppressed that information
Starting point is 01:34:40 john d rockefeller is pause credited listen there's no hyperbole here anyone go research this there's no fucking hyperbole here there's no gross exaggeration the thing was fucking completely hijacked it's it's a complete fucking shit show. Just scratch the surface. It is a fucking joke. Yeah, and then look into it with the American education system in a total, huh? Yeah, it is... It's sad.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Was that number 16? Yeah, that was 16. Okay. 18. What is this? Armenian. Oh, I love 19. 19.
Starting point is 01:35:33 I love 20. 20 is so good. What's this one? 18. Armenian. I hope it's just a giant hog. Oh, kind of is. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:41 So someone sent me this, and notice the weights say Yerevan on it, 2023. This is the capital of Armenia. I don't know if actually this guy is Armenian. But I thought you guys – some of you will enjoy this. There's a variety of reasons why this can be enjoyed. It was funny. Someone sent it to me because of the way this thing bounces off the guy's hog. But I just like it.
Starting point is 01:36:00 I was more just impressed because it says Yerevan on the side of the weights. Okay, here we go. Oh, no way. Jeez. Pretty good, right? That perfect, perfect form? Oh, yeah. I mean, 18 years old years old 221 kilograms it's freaking incredible how about how about that little bend in his arm or is that just his bicep giving us the illusion of some weird angle in the celebration here no he was he was like an early arm pull but he does he's
Starting point is 01:37:00 got to get it over his massive hog first yeah it looks like he uses that to bring it into his hip a little bit. Also because his biceps are massive. See, look, he's got to get it over that freaking big old dong there. Hey, so that's just pinching his helmet, helmet. That's not his sack. Oh, man. Great pauses. It's not easy being a man.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Jeremy, quick with the accusations uh jeremy he's armenian he's not on steroid thank you yeah sure clean look at everyone i was thinking about you when i saw this jeez you guys i'm not i picked this not because of the hog that was a uh ancillary ancillary ancillary is that is that is that the right word do i hog. That was ancillary. Is that the right word? Did I use that word right? Ancillary. You know that filter where it's just the eyes and the mouth talking? Yeah. Somebody should do that and pause it as it comes up,
Starting point is 01:37:55 and then the mouth is just coming in just because, hi, Sevan. Let go away. Providing necessary support to the primary activities or operations of an organization, institution, industry, a person whose work provides necessary. Yeah. I don't know if that's the right word, but I, but I, but I wouldn't have played it just for the cock shot. Like you guys send me so many hogs. Now I'm overwhelmed with hogs. I chose it because it said armenia on the side i
Starting point is 01:38:27 swear okay number 20 uh i don't know this i i'm open to being uh considered racist because i just love this because i cannot fucking believe someone sounds like this it's kind of like that the black weightlifter guy like i just love that guy's voice and how he talks. I'll take a black gangster weightlifter juice to the gills and an old Chinese man. Please. It's a good combo. Listen to this dude. This is a father and son ordering at a fast food restaurant.
Starting point is 01:39:03 This is crazy. Here we go. What minimum coffee? Half have sugar? I'm sorry? What minimum coffee have you have sugar? Medium coffee have milk have sugar. Yeah. What do you want? Anything else? Can I just get a Boston cream donut?
Starting point is 01:39:20 A Boston cream donut please. Boston cream donut, sure. Actually, no. can i get two two please i'm sorry two two two two two two button two bostik creeps yeah actually can i get three three oh okay get me one more sorry okay one more play yeah four four that that that man yeah okay no that's cool yeah that's not no i want four please i'll get it ready no that's four four man why man you say one two three four five man yeah i'm set yeah i just want four i don't want it. You crazy. One, one, two, two, three, four, four,
Starting point is 01:40:06 one, two, three, four, man. Crazy. Is that really how his dad talks? That's, is that real? It's gotta be. Dude, if my dad sounded like that, I would talk to him all day. I'd be just, it'd be, I'd have my Instagram account have 12 billion followers. Wait, just play the
Starting point is 01:40:25 first part again when he orders the coffee. How the fuck does the guy who works at the... Yeah, he did good, huh? How does anyone understand that guy? He's got to hear like one syllable. Jake Chapman, this is the least funny thing I've ever seen. That means because you're not racist like me.
Starting point is 01:40:42 This is fucking crazy. Here we go. One medium coffee, half half meal half sugar one medium pause one minimum coffee half meal half sugar half milk what he says it worse the second time one medium coffee have milk have a sugar wow that's incredible i am i am a uh oh here we go judy it's a vietnamese accent it's fucking amazing i was gonna say yeah i had a good friend of mine too and and that's exactly how his dad would talk he'd come out and yell at us he'd come out boy what you do every time you work on car there's extra part and then you like look and like we like lowered one of the cars and there's
Starting point is 01:41:24 all these extra parts we're like yeah that's probably not right and he would like look and like we lowered one of the cars and there's all these extra parts and we're like yeah that's probably not right and he would take a long drag of a cigarette and he would never exhale he would just talk and let the smoke kind of come out of his mouth as it will oh there's more of his oh let me see
Starting point is 01:41:39 let me see let me see oh so it's like a bit then is that when we were younger more of his let me see let me see it's like a bit then it's that when we were younger you were my my boo
Starting point is 01:41:52 I I I I I I I I
Starting point is 01:41:57 I I I I I I I I
Starting point is 01:41:57 I I I I I I I I
Starting point is 01:41:57 I I I I I I I I
Starting point is 01:41:58 I I I I I I I I
Starting point is 01:41:59 I I I I I I I I
Starting point is 01:41:59 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I need to follow this again. Hey, Dad, what would you do if you seen mom with another guy? Me? Yeah. What would you do? Fuck, man.
Starting point is 01:42:14 I cut them, man. What do you mean you cut them? Are you going to stab them? I kill them. Damn, man. Why not? You fuck my wife, man. I kill my wife, too. Why not? Fuck my wife, man. I kill my wife, too.
Starting point is 01:42:27 What the? Yeah, why not? Fuck wife. She don't love me, let me know. Okay, wife's cool. Not a bad. See what I cut bone, man. All right, man.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Damn. I have the gang, man. You know, I saw something that I don't cut. You want to see the gang? You want to see? Yeah, man. Let me't care you want to see the gang you want to say yeah man let me see what you see my game yeah i have them here man why are you so mad man what oh his gun yeah oh shit that's awesome god so i need that i need i need to i've become so soft i need more i need more diversity in my life yeah i need a better uh okay uh so 20 that was accents that's fun this i wish i'll try to find more different kinds of accents accents are fun the appreciation it's the it's exact opposite of
Starting point is 01:43:20 racism it's the appreciation of a cultural appreciation someone called me a friend called me and i said hey i'm doing the podcast and they said you need to take a break from that wow so like talk to them or just in general i don't know i don't know what did you see did you see what the crossfit games uh site did did you see what hillar posted no no i haven't but i i can only imagine what's going on now you can't even make the shit up that they fuck up you can't you you really cannot believe how many fucking mistakes they make it was it was never ever even remotely like this when I worked there. Not even close. Oh, no, sorry. It's on his Instagram.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Basically, they scored the Masters division wrong is what it looks like. So, you know, in the games, they add the points up and the winner has the most points. But in the open, it's whoever has the least points. Yeah, okay. I did see this. Yep. And they use the wrong scoring table yeah yeah for the master's division imagine imagine so they use the wrong weights and now they're using the wrong they're the wrong scoring table yeah that's bad
Starting point is 01:44:40 um i i'm pretty sure that all falls on Justin Berg I don't think any to be honest with you someone needs to interview Justin Berg yeah he's like the guy right the administrative logistics he took over Dave's job he's head of the CrossFit Games
Starting point is 01:45:00 he took over Dave's job I don't know how much Boz is uh just like the games the programming dude the event guy and they're not all in the same building are they everybody's remote i think so i think boz is in tennessee just in colorado i don't know justin moved justin there's a funny story justin moved to fucking Colorado because Rosa was there. He used to live in Santa Cruz. And then Rosa's gone and now headquarters is back here.
Starting point is 01:45:32 His shit's all fucked up. Can you imagine that? Picked your whole life up, moved to fucking Colorado because of Eric Rosa. And then when he moved there, I don't know if you know this story, but he moved there and then couldn't go in the office because they had a 49ers policy at the office. So imagine you move somewhere for a job and then you can't go into the workplace because they have a 49ers policy. You'd wear a 49ers jersey. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:45:56 So his whole family, everybody moved out there. Can't even go into the building he intended to do it with. And then the whole thing moved in and back anyways. Fuck, that sucks now so now he's getting back at everybody by screwing up the games is what you're saying well it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy he's a douche and what's up it's just Don't be negative, Sebi. Too late. All right, fine.
Starting point is 01:46:29 590. 590. How are you guys on time? I'm good. Good till 915 is when I go down. Okay, 590. We all know this. We're having Brian Friend on like six shows this week.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Yeah, he's a daily occurrence. I wonder if me and him are going to get sick of each other. 590, we all know this. Sorry, I just scrolled through 20 pages of notes. Thank you. I appreciate it. Hey, once again, everyone knows this. I've been saying this for years. Ever since I started going to kids' classes, I could tell all the kids who eat like shit.
Starting point is 01:47:09 By the way, yesterday, Susan came to my house. It was 7 o'clock at night, probably 7.15. I was starting to lose my shit. I was getting cranky. I hadn't worked out yet. And I needed my medication. Like, I needed it bad. So I'm like, you know what? Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:47:19 I don't care. I went to the garage and I said, Susan, you want to work out? And he said, yeah. And my boys ran in there and go, we'll work out too. And we went on to do a brutal one hour workout, one hour of nonstop moving. And all three boys finished. We were in there. It was probably like ended up being like an hour and 10 minute workout.
Starting point is 01:47:36 And, uh, and it was just fucking five dudes in there grinding. And, uh, it was nuts. And basically you could do anything you wanted. The only thing you had to do is you had to run. So that was most of us did some form of squatting and running. And I guess all of us did the assault bike to all bike the runner, we all hung from the pull up bar, you wouldn't pause that Caleb, see if that hip crease is below that knee line for me there. Caleb, see if that hip crease is below that knee line for me there. Let me set all this to... How good is your paw?
Starting point is 01:48:07 How good is your paw? Boom! Where we at? See, I'm already coming out of the hole on that one, though. Hey, and here's the thing you have to understand. That's a 60-pound ball. That's a lot of weight off your midline, people. That's a lot of weight.
Starting point is 01:48:17 And that was the last minute. That was the last minute. Yeah. That is the last minute. No, I'm already coming back up. You got to be quicker than that, Caleb. It's too fast come back up you gotta be quick in that caleb it's too fast it's too bad look at that band on my head it looks like i'm wearing a yarmulke heels lifted man you're getting worked yeah hung from the pull-up bar yeah we did we did holds from the pull-up bar too look at it was just a savage doesn't no one even tells those dudes what to do
Starting point is 01:48:50 everyone's just in there just getting it look at ari here doing a 20 pound dumbbell hold in the middle while watching the fight it's fucking crazy dude that was an hour so yeah you look jewish as fuck yeah i do look jew Jewish as fuck right there. I could even look Muslim there. Yeah, make that the thumbnail. God, that was fucking, we got at it. Look, was that Jorge Fernandez commented on there? Fuck, I've arrived. Let me see that.
Starting point is 01:49:16 Yeah, that's cool. Look at those three heavyweights. Dr. Sean Pastuch, Jorge Fernandez, Dale King. Birchfield. Birchfield, Jorge Fernandez, Dale King. And then – And then Birchfield. And then Birchfield kicks you in the balls. Yeah, takes me down a notch. With six likes.
Starting point is 01:49:31 Oy, four replies. Holy shit. Well, the replies are me. Man. All right. Great. Got him. great got him uh seven on that shadow boxing looks like a lot like every random homeless dude screaming outside of a 7-eleven oh i wonder if you don't live in the city if you don't live in california you might not
Starting point is 01:50:02 understand that reference but we've all seen it those of us who live in cali yeah i do look like the guy on the island who's just like punching air fighting with air like i just got some i got some bad meth that's funny okay uh did what did we do we all know okay so we all oh there we go yeah yeah yeah there i am wow good job caleb wait we did that for an hour though even that's hard for an hour excuse me uh 590 we all we all know this here we go everyone knows this i i knew this the second i had kids and i started interacting with other kids everyone knows this here we go. Everyone knows this. I knew this the second I had kids and I started interacting with other kids. Everyone knows this. Here we go. it's always a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors. Nutrition optimization is crucial for a successful treatment, but it doesn't reflect the complexity of real ADHD cases.
Starting point is 01:51:13 So please give your children proper food to avoid ADHD-like symptoms and severe maldiagnosis. Let me know your thoughts below. There is no such thing as ADHD, just for anyone knows and if you think there is you're lying yourself just you're not thinking clearly there's no such thing as adhd same way there's no such thing as fucking hypertension but if you want to exhibit signs of of someone who has adhd i thought you said adhd't exist to someone. It doesn't. If you want to exhibit signs of someone who does have ADHD, you could exacerbate them with
Starting point is 01:51:49 eating shit food. It's so obvious. I see with my kids. The second I give my kids a little bit of sugar or ice cream, they start doing this thing where I can tell it in the quality of their speech. It's a trip. I have this argument with people close to me where they just, they're like,
Starting point is 01:52:09 I have ADHD and I'm taking medication for it. I'm like, why? You eat like shit. You don't exercise. You could train yourself to have, you trained yourself to have ADHD symptoms. You trained yourself to not be able to focus just cultivate focus dude it's crazy yeah but then nobody profits off that right well they could
Starting point is 01:52:34 well crossfit does so you just want them to eat right and decide cultivate focus focus uh has chick uh i got diagnosed with add back in the day nah i just move faster than you actually sloppy i was diagnosed with it by several doctors it's just something to diagnose people with that helps them justify their lack of confidence wow wow yeah they tried to just they tried to get me on the adhd train lots too and the only thing that stopped it was my dad just really good at working on multiple projects at the same time with levels of completion uh uh mr uh suza uh your son matthew has adhd no he doesn't. He just fucks chicks who fuck on the first date. He just likes easy girls. No, Mr. Sousa, that is, no, that's not correct.
Starting point is 01:53:39 And I told him, I told him, I told him, if their moms are fucked up, they're going to be fucked up. And I told him that girls who sleep around quickly is because they have ADHD. Hey, that's what it is. Girls who sleep on the first date, they're not hoes. They have ADHD. No one said they're hoes. It just was you're not special.
Starting point is 01:53:56 Right. There is no negativity towards women at all. It was just don't think you're special because you're not. Okay, you're right. And protect yourself because you're not special. You're not okay you're right you're right and protect yourself because you're not special you're not the first one yeah the other thing was you're gonna get them around all those fucking those uh teachers and they're gonna try to put them on the drugs and all that and their lives are all fucked up so what are they gonna say about my son like literally that was like like no don't bring him in there with that he doesn't need that crap get him outside yeah
Starting point is 01:54:19 get him outside uh jeremy kinnick said it dude if you He says if your kid's under five, but I think it's probably even longer. But he said if it was 80 percent, if your kid spends 80, all you have to do as a parent, if you have a child under five, is make sure they're outside 80 percent of the time. So basically, that means when they're not asleep, they need to be outside. And I guarantee you that Jeremy's spot on with that kinnick nailed that one it's that fucking easy you don't even have to do anything crazy you don't have to take him to tennis or any shit i do but don't none of that dumb shit that's just my ego just keep your kid outside he'll be he'll be fucking amazing uh my kids actually have a combination of autism and adhd they will be hyper all day without any sugar we don't do meds either
Starting point is 01:55:05 because it gave them bad side effects james ellis thank you for the exception james i i appreciate that that's good good stuff um melissa odier uh all kids i have treated were on gfcf uh something go fuck your i don't know what that is. Free something free. All kids I have treated were on GFCF, non-processed foods, no soy, no grain diet, and improved their behavior dramatically, especially those with autism stereotype movements. I want to... I should actually show people what happens to my kids. I should give them ice cream and show you guys what happens.
Starting point is 01:55:48 They just get spun up. It's like a wind-up story. They start just chattering. Their mouths just start moving, and they're just chattering. It's almost like they're talking to themselves. They just get loud. They lose intention in what they're doing. Usually, they have so much intention.
Starting point is 01:56:02 They lose intention in what they're doing. Usually they have so much intention. They're either catching a lizard or working out or trying to play the piano. They're doing something. They're almost always like cultivating focus. They're building Legos. They're talking to each other. They're wrestling.
Starting point is 01:56:23 And then the second you give them sugar – yeah, it's alcohol for kids. Interesting. You see they start like chattering a little bit. There becomes noise in the system. They lose the ability to sort of focus. Have you seen that with the autistic kids that have really trouble with like speech and stuff like that? And they eliminated all the processed food and sugars out of their diet. And it was remarkable at how far they could come. Like there were still issues and things happening, but it was like night and day
Starting point is 01:56:54 difference. And they said the hardest part for the parents was just getting over the hump of having them to go through the process of detoxing. And it showed the little girl and stuff that they were following it. And she was just going nuts. And the parents were like, didn't have it showed the little girl and stuff that they were following in it and she was just going nuts and the parents were like didn't have it in the house so they're freaking out and then once they got over the hump they were like well what do we do she's not eating we're afraid we're afraid and they're like she's a human being wait wait just wait yeah yeah my kids my kids threatened not to eat i started laughing at them yeah and then and then sure enough they like checked back in months later and it was like, she was like more calm. She was more focused.
Starting point is 01:57:26 She could communicate better. She could learn the stuff that she was being taught. Like it was, it was absolutely insane. The thing with my kids too, is when they're hungry, they'll ask for just the dumbest fucking food. And so what I've started doing is I carry fruit nuts in a cooler with me wherever I go. And the second, like they start if
Starting point is 01:57:46 they start like getting crazy i just pull up they'll be like basically throwing a temper tantrum almost like demanding me to take him somewhere i just pull out this bowl of fruit you know and some nuts and it goes away two seconds no more dumb shit gone oh uh the magic pill that's the documentary uh matt is talking about yep that's right that's right thank you justin justin uh crossfit salty beaver salty hive salty hot utah utah i was an anxiety i was on anxiety meds after my second child and it turned me into a zombie i hated that feeling so i got off it and my family and i just deal with me being crazy person all the time and they like you better for it anyways hey can't you put some mechanism in place like i i put this mechanism in places i
Starting point is 01:58:36 know it's pretty hard with kids but when i start like spinning out i um just set a timer and go lay down for five minutes like Like I just catch myself. Sometimes I'll even like, I don't do it so much now, but there's been times where I've done that where if I'm catching myself, Oh shit, I'm spinning out. I'll,
Starting point is 01:58:53 I had this mat with these like spikes on it. One of those yoga mats. It's like hurts to lay on. And I would just lay on that thing and breathe. It basically self stim myself, self stimulate myself. Can you do that? I know it takes time, and the fight with that is real when you have kids buzzing around everywhere.
Starting point is 01:59:13 Yeah, timer and deep breath. Yeah, timers. I would do this thing where I'd lay on something that's uncomfortable so that I had to force myself to breathe through it. I still do it. so that I had to like force myself to breathe through it. I still do it. And Trish, stealing a line from Matt Souza.
Starting point is 01:59:32 The problem is, is that no one profits from it. Yeah, I do that too. So that's another thing I do. I take my shoes and socks off and just force myself to go outside and sit and walk around in the yard. And you know what that ends up turning into every time is me start obsessing on poop so then i go get poop bags and i just my my happy place is walking around the yard picking up poop every time mason mitchell with the proper hand motion you can stimulate anything he's not wrong extra extra sloppy we can also employ a lot of tactics to mitigate adhd but
Starting point is 02:00:14 we also have to realize that people have varying strength and weaknesses people with adhd shouldn't be working at an office job that's okay or at least on a treadmill i don't think that extra sloppy i don't think people should be accepting that diagnosis. I hear what you're saying. I'm not like saying you're wrong. I just don't think people should accept the diagnosis. It's like saying you can't dunk. Well, yeah, because you fucking haven't put effort in to try.
Starting point is 02:00:42 Yeah, Rambler TikTok,ok the adhd uh creator um okay 589 retards these are these are all old these are probably all a week week old love to get through some of these you have 15 minutes uh suza a blm leader says uh repar leader says looting is reparations. So here's the thing. There's different classes of people, I realized. It really is true. Like if you think it's okay to litter, you're in a different class than me.
Starting point is 02:01:18 I'm different than you. Sorry, I just am. I'm more couth than you. I don't know if that's a word, couth. I'm more civilized than you. I'm better for humanity than you probably. The one simple thing to do is I don't litter. I'm just a different class than you. If you litter, you should live in a different zone than me. you should probably just live you should live in a different zone than me I don't want to be around that
Starting point is 02:01:48 I'm better than that I think I'm better than cultured, refined, well-mannered yeah and looting is exactly the same thing people spend their time which is their human energy it's their life source
Starting point is 02:02:00 it's the most valuable thing they have and they trade it for money and this lady wants to take that from you I think that makes her It's their life source. It's the most valuable thing they have, and they trade it for money. And this lady wants to take that from you. I think that makes her uncouth. She's below me. She needs to – and anyone who's willing to cover their mouth, their face as a human like that is kind of below me too. You're less than me. Yeah, below me.
Starting point is 02:02:24 I'm really saying that. I can't believe I'm saying it, but, um, it's, uh, you're, you're, you're, you're not me. I don't, I don't want my kids, your kids. I don't want anyone's kids around you. You're, you're not, you're not, you're, you're not, you're not pushing. Um, you're not pushing society forward. It's not healthy for anyone to have trash everywhere and to have masks on your face you see that top comment too you're like a lesser creature than me nah it's stealing yeah no no i'm sorry the one right underneath it uh irony is uh the coach store that was looted is black owned. Yeah. I don't even like. Then how would that work for reparations? Like, yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:06 Oh, yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. And anyone who talks about reparations, you're below me, too. You're like in a lesser class than me. You're not thinking clearly. You're like entitled to think for somebody else's struggles. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:19 Where does that end? How does that solve the problem? Yeah. It's such shallow thinking. You're like a you're like imagine like if I told my dog, imagine if I told my dog, Hey, we only have enough food to last us a week. And then I put his bowl of food out. My dog doesn't listen.
Starting point is 02:03:37 He just eats the whole thing. And that's what makes me different. Cause, cause I'm, I'm civilized. I can think. And then the dog goes hungry for a week. I don't do that. Maybe it dies. You could tell a dog, hey, we only have enough food for two weeks, and you have to feed you and your baby with it, and that dog will eat all the food and not give any to its baby,
Starting point is 02:04:01 and the baby dies. You're lesser than me. Anyway, go push play. This shit is just fucking so sad that there's people like this. She doesn't have to be like this. She could change overnight. She could wake up. Here we go. Me me too by the way
Starting point is 02:04:26 because i'll be on joiner i'm different because i'd eat the dog me too actually survival survival fuck out of my dog i've actually thought i've actually thought about that okay actually i salute a gucci or a macy's or a a Nike because that makes sure that that person eats. That makes sure that that person has clothes. That's reparations. That is reparations. Look at these fucking tools behind her, these beta males. That guy has gloves on.
Starting point is 02:04:58 A mask and gloves. Yeah. Yes. Hey, this is not patriarchy this is what it looks like when you don't have patriarchy by the way miss root okay go ahead action they're gonna get their money back my people aren't getting anything if somebody my people my people and look at the all the people behind her people. My people. And look at all the people behind her.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Are those your people? Fucking disgusting, really. Full-blown retard. If her house got freaking robbed and everything stolen out of it, she'd be singing a completely different tune. Yeah. And the Native Americans would do that to her be like reparations bitch uh they're probably wearing condoms and dental dams look at the person to the left of the guy wearing the mask and the gloves that person has a full like plastic something on plastic shield yeah she probably can't even do a pull-up word yeah for sure not oh my god i love our uh
Starting point is 02:06:12 god look at those dudes behind her god what fucking bitches uh 588 the crazy is those are the most scary people like just a mob of group that is subconsciously following whatever they think is good and they're willing to fucking kill you for it yes totally ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 02:06:37 I present to you this show is made for five-year-olds on Disney+. And what's amazing is I have family that subscribes to Disney+. Do not support them at all. Do your best. Do not support them at all. Wait till you see this fucking insanity these are kids and watch this be brace yourself homies brace yourself
Starting point is 02:07:18 t-rexes have a nest too but those aren't eggs. They're rocks. So that's why they want to be around other dinosaur nests. These dino daddies want eggs of their own. They want a family. Aw, they'd be great dads. There must be something we can do to help them. There is. There are lots of eggs that need loving parents to raise them. And we have a T-Rex egg back in the hatchery that needs a home.
Starting point is 02:07:52 We can give the egg to them. They have T-Rex eggs in the hatchery that they can give to the gay dinosaur couple. This is Disney Plus? Now we know what the plus stands for. Do you think there were any gay T-Rexes? Even one. Do you think there was one gay T-Rex? No.
Starting point is 02:08:20 But Sevan, in nature, they've shown that animals show there are gay animals in nature. Yeah, do you know where it exhibits the most amount of gay animals, by the way? Do you know where that happens? In the zoo. In the zoo, animals show all of the sexual behaviors that humans do. Rape, incest, homosexuality, all the things that are differentiated from just straight fucking pounding to make kids.
Starting point is 02:08:50 Guarantee there wasn't one single gay T-Rex. Fucking nuts. I can't believe this is fucking Disney. Savon, you're so anti-gay not in the least not in the least i just don't see two gay dudes uh making a kid and i just don't think i don't see why they should have a kid i just i just don't it's just where i stand i just don't think that they should maybe i'm wrong i'm open to it have the have the gay dudes come on the show. I'll talk to them. Let alone taking them from the fucking hatchery. Why is there a T-Rex hatchery?
Starting point is 02:09:35 I don't know. I think they should be able to adopt them if they want to. You think two dudes should be able to adopt a baby if they want to? Why not? Because they can't naturally make babies. So can other people i i agree i hear you why can't they have the experience of raising a child have nieces and nephews to do some shit like that i just don't think i think that you're supposed to be a man and a woman make a baby and so therefore they have the equipment to raise a baby yeah but if you have two people you have two men they don't have the equipment to raise a baby. Yeah. But if you have two men,
Starting point is 02:10:05 they don't have the equipment to make a baby or to raise a baby. Meaning, uh, meaning that there's something that a woman provides that, um, yeah. Prisons, zoos and prisons.
Starting point is 02:10:15 Yeah. Prisons. Also you get a bunch of dudes together in prisons. Yeah. Well said Dave. Yeah. And, and the military,
Starting point is 02:10:20 sorry, Caleb bootcamp bootcamp. Yeah. Um, so, uh, real gay. I, sorry, Caleb. Boot camp. Boot camp, yeah. It gets real gay. Because kids needs mom and dad, Sousa, yeah. Yeah, but what about all the fucked up kids that have a mom and dad that they don't give a shit about them and they're being mistreated
Starting point is 02:10:37 as opposed to going to a family that wants a kid, that wants to love for them and care for them and do all the right things. And I'm not saying that two gay men can't i'm not saying that two gay men can't raise a fucking child to perfection right i'm not i'm not i'm not saying that didn't they say having a dad is better than not having a mom say it again didn't they say having a dad is that having a dad and not the mom is better than that's what studies show but i'm not i'm not i'm i i i would rather i would there's no fucking way i would want to be raised by two dads i don't want the cost to risk is too high i don't i don't want to be around two dudes
Starting point is 02:11:17 uh yes every time and here's the thing here's the thing. There's something that I think that's fake about two guys being together. There's a temperament that a woman has that a man has to have or else he's not going to be a good man. He has to learn something from a woman um about his temperament uh yes evie told us to bang it out uh to get kids yeah i recommend i just thought i wanted to propose the idea and your response was fucking great by the way what if the gay guys bang it out to get the kiddo from the surrogate? Yeah, maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:05 I mean, at least. Hey, see, so then they may. So then they're not really gay guys, right? It has not. And it actually has nothing to do with the fact that they're gay. That's a really good point. I'm totally OK with it. You made the baby with a woman.
Starting point is 02:12:20 And then, you know, theoretically, there's women, there's couples that break up and then the guy is gay and he him and his partner end up raising the kid someone there i mean this waves in the face of adoption but some it is probably is pretty ideal that someone's there who's uh genetically connected to the child a caller hi i just want to call because I'm literally flabbergasted by that clip and you know what they could do oh about the two dinosaurs the gay dinosaurs that want to have kids I am literally
Starting point is 02:12:56 flabbergasted I think they could actually probably take a uterus from the hatchery and probably put it in one of the dinosaurs and then one of them can birth the child themselves. Wow.
Starting point is 02:13:12 Wow. Hey, dude, you know somewhere in some fucking hospital in China, they're trying that. They've tried. Oh my god. Totally. Yeah. This kind of sounds like Heidi. Whoever it is, it's fucking brilliant it's a great California accent
Starting point is 02:13:28 I thought I saw a little Midwestern slip out of that voice there a little bit let me see if I can see where the I can't see where the calls from I'd have to reverse engineer who is it well thank you that's it that's actually a brilliant idea take the uterus and put it in a male T-Rex
Starting point is 02:13:44 and totally Brilliant idea. Take the uterus and put it in a male T-Rex. Totally. I'm pretty sure they have like probably 20 uteruses in the hatchery. Yeah. And they could just take one. Thank you. That's a brilliant idea. And then that could help me with my concerns, with my bigotedism. Totally. Bigotry. All right. Well, thank you. Bye.
Starting point is 02:14:06 Bye. Bye. Sevan, can you, uh, Sevan, you can explain to the kid in foster care that he can't go live in a supportive, loving home because that's not what nature intended.
Starting point is 02:14:16 Yeah, I know you're right. It's fucked up. It's I, maybe I need to rethink it. Maybe I need to rethink it. That's where I always just go. It's just like, what about all the kids that's where i always just go it's just like
Starting point is 02:14:25 what about all the kids that would love to have just a supportive like family and just the fact that it's a gay couple like now i used to work for these two i used to work for these two gay rich men and uh in santa barbara and it's, I never even thought of this guy. I worked for them for like two years, and they had a daughter, a black daughter. Holy shit. This was in... This was in...
Starting point is 02:14:59 2000. Super wealthy dudes. Both psychiatrists, both Jewish. Two black, gay, Jewish dudes with a black daughter. Super wealthy dudes. Both psychiatrists. Both Jewish. Two black gay Jewish dudes with a black daughter. Seemed like a fucking great family to me at the time. What do you mean at the time? I mean, still does.
Starting point is 02:15:14 It's funny. I never even thought about it back then, right? I didn't have kids. There wasn't fucking this racial conversation wasn't in the forefront. It's funny. I never thought of her as black, and I never thought of them as gay. No, they didn't finger me. I know it's funny. I never thought of her as black and I never thought of them as gay. Uh, no, they didn't finger me. You know, it's funny. Oh, you know, it's funny, David, you're going to love this. They were kind of, I worked with them with my, with my,
Starting point is 02:15:33 with another guy who together we had a production company and they were way nice. I felt like they were always attracted to my partner and not me. And I was kind of, I was a little hurt hurt from that they weren't as affectionate with me no no one touched me in weird spots i would i would have liked a little more affection from them uh froning and uh tdc had gay dads and they are uh and is god tier patriarchy. Yeah, maybe. Maybe gay dudes would make better kids.
Starting point is 02:16:12 I'm just telling you how I think. You're good with gay people. I'm good with anybody who is taking a child into a loving home and is going to give them support and everything they need to be successful in society. Me too. Me too. But if you had to, what if you had to make a sweeping policy?
Starting point is 02:16:29 You don't think that if you're putting kids out into homes, you should have a man and a woman. No. For adoption. Now I'm not saying that two guys couldn't have a baby. Like what M was talking about. M was like, yeah, if they, if like you bang a chick, like you find a chick who will let you bang her or carry the baby for you through artificial insemination and then the men get the baby i mean shit legally there's nothing that can stop that but you think adoption through same-sex
Starting point is 02:16:56 couples is is cool yeah i mean i think it should be vetted to make sure you want to be adopted by two dudes as opposed to putting in the foster care system? Yeah. Or being fucking aborted and killed and not having the choice? Yes. Fuck. All right. 110%.
Starting point is 02:17:10 Two zero, Sousa. Two zero. I would rather be adopted, yes, by gay dudes and left in foster care or be killed. And I know a gay couple that has a- I don't even have to think about it for a second. Yeah, that has a young, that has a boy. don't even have to think about it for a second yeah that has a young that has a boy and um and it the family's amazing i mean the kid has tons of experiences they put lots of male figures in their life it's a lesbian couple they put lots of male figures in his life they expose them to a ton of stuff they're very aware that there's going to be a missing piece
Starting point is 02:17:39 of the puzzle that they're going to find a way to include that through other family members and stuff like that and so i just feel that when it comes to your choices of like, oh, be adopted and I'm going to make a sweeping policy and half these kids are going to go into the foster care system where we know they're going to potentially be abused. There's a high probability of that because we see it. There's also a high probability. They're not going to get loved, that's for sure. Trafficked as like sex slaves because we know that a bunch of those kids in the foster care system just go missing. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Starting point is 02:18:03 like sex slaves because we know that a bunch of those kids in the foster care system just go missing look it up if you don't believe me and so i would rather have yeah i would rather have two individuals vetted to make sure that you know they're they're economically and of sound mind that they could take care of it you could have a dashboard of metrics to do that and then fucking let them have a good family why why should they be robbed through that experience i don't know liz are you're a good dude suza i'm hoping to be wrong, though, too. So it is what it is. Sebi, there are so many weird guys that are gay and pretending to be straight guys, and their fans are fucked up. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 02:18:32 Here's the thing. I just feel like without a woman around, there's no checks and balances for the dudes. That's just how I feel like you need a woman around. But I also agree with everything suza said uh philip kelly i agree a thousand percent with suza i only agree 100 with him and that that's just the way i feel i mean you guys don't agree or not but i would uh seven did you see james townsend post something new i saw the one with
Starting point is 02:19:05 he's accused of child trafficking or some shit. No, nothing new. Yeah, that was crazy. But I do have to jam. So I love you guys very much. And I'm going to go work on my squat depth.
Starting point is 02:19:20 Not! See you guys. Bye. Thank you, Sousa. Bye. No one will ever love a kid like a mother, but two dads is better than an institution. Fair enough.
Starting point is 02:19:32 True. David Weed, 100%. Judy Reed, bye, Sousa. Let me see. Did James post something new? No, there's nothing new. Oh, okay. Just for some time.
Starting point is 02:20:02 No shit. let's see that really 600 for two how tall is he is he tall too oh my god I think he's a little shorter than me hey look the body drifts away the bar drifts away look at first of all than me. Hey, look, the body drifts away. The bar drifts away. First of all, look how close his feet are.
Starting point is 02:20:27 And the body drifted away from him with that first lift. He's taller than you, Caleb? No, no, he's a little shorter than me. Oh, and you're 6'2"? Yeah. First, watch when he lifts. The bar actually drifts away from his shins a little bit. Oh, yeah, it did.
Starting point is 02:20:44 Man. Philip Kelly, James Townsend is a beef beef cake that's a fucking understatement did i tell you about the time that i saw him arguing with matt fraser one time yeah someone sent me a picture of that yeah i think that was me oh it was kind of funny to watch because he's much larger he is like when you saw them together yeah um mark front is the false dichotomy of having to choose between being adopted by gay people or end up in foster care you mean are you saying that that's not a choice uh mark that that's that's not a real example? Yeah, he does make it look easy. Would you say the podcast
Starting point is 02:21:36 is listening only friendly? Listening only. The long pauses make me think I lost connection. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, without the view. I do kind of pride myself on not being afraid to take long pauses. But I also understand the repercussions of that, of you being like, wait, what?
Starting point is 02:21:55 What happened? Did my iPod stop working? My iPod. Oh, check the comments. Oh, oh uh is it getting crazy of the previous post uh of the james townsend post um oh i'm looking at it i don't see anything it's in the deadlift post I think oh oh
Starting point is 02:22:29 take a quick there'll be some silent pauses here oh oh wow it's 12 daily doses went over there wow that's 12 daily doses went over there. Wow, that's 12 daily doses went over there to stir shit. Wow, holy shit, that's amazing. Excellent.
Starting point is 02:22:51 Imagine going over, what is wrong with that dude? Hey, go to the Sevan podcast. He doubts that you were looked at differently by the lady the other day because you're black. No, it's not that I doubt it. It's more than that. It's more than I doubt it. I think that anyone who thinks that it's because they're exposing that they're racist. They're demanding that, that they're projecting onto James that he's black and he's different. He's different because he did the 600 pounds. And even though
Starting point is 02:23:19 he wasn't there, he's not black and he has no clue what you've dealt with in your life, which are all irrelevant. That's all emotional appeal. That's all completely irrelevant. The fact of that only bolsters my my opinion, by the way, that I'm not black. Right. That I'm not that I'm not walking around concerned that I'm black. That only bolsters my opinion that it's that there's no proof of it. Right. And that he would have a bias that only bolsters my opinion that it's that there's no proof of it right and that he would have a bias that only bolsters my opinion that he would have a bias i'm sorry james it's not fair to talk about this with you not here by the way either you've no clue what you've dealt with in your life yeah absolutely retarded talk to say that of course no one knows what anyone has dealt with in their life he presupposes better than anyone no no i'm not presupposing
Starting point is 02:24:05 if those people didn't say that they called because he was black that's the presupposition crazy uh he's not a bad guy uh overall but no one can get in someone else's head better than him he's the goat at that uh he does think you made it up he just thinks she didn't call the cops because you're black no i i wow wow i i okay so james townsend writes and i don't have your number by the way and i asked i don't have your number by the way i honestly do not have your number, by the way. And I asked, I don't have your number, by the way. I honestly do not have your number. I thought I did have your number, and I also asked Matt Souza for it. And Matt Souza said, I think we were dropping him links through Instagram. So if you do have my number, I would fucking love it if you text me
Starting point is 02:24:55 so I could have your number again. And I did look for your number. What I'm saying is he has my number. It doesn't have to be discussed on his podcast. If he doesn't think that he could have called me because now i'm pissed about the statement no i don't think that either something like that could have ended badly for me sure could have ended badly for anyone for him to think that and it's his right to all he has to do is look at the comments and see why everyone is saying glad you made it home safe well everyone's saying that
Starting point is 02:25:21 because every all those fucking people are racist i've already made that very clear there's no evidence except for the fact of what he might have been thinking as proof that those ladies called because he was black there's no actual empirical evidence so glad you're safe glad you made it uh back to your home etc i it's and i and i am glad by the way you're right that was inappropriate i should have said that here anyone that thinks otherwise has to ask them that question for themselves hey james i've had the cops called on me a fucking hundred times too and and don't wow you are man yeah i don't think well at least he said this he can he doesn't think you made it up up uh 12 daily doses i don't need your help thank you 12 daily doses looks like he works for the orange county choppers and i do and i do think and i do understand also why james um
Starting point is 02:26:21 thinks that i have his number because he's been on the show a bunch of times. And I would say, I would refer to him as a friend. But I also, this is a podcast where we talk about all sorts of fun shit. That's called man. Man. Oh, which one?
Starting point is 02:26:41 The guy in the middle? Oh. He's got a tough life, dude. Wow, that's amazing. Look, no one else wants to fuck with the comment. I understand it's a scary topic for some people. If you haven't lived a robust life, it could be a very scary topic.
Starting point is 02:27:13 It is a little sad. I agree. Anthony Davis, I feel the whole situation may have gone better if the lady didn't hide behind the car after the cops showed up.
Starting point is 02:27:24 Yeah, she's probably scared to death. Hey, I agree. I agree. And hey, listen, by no means am I suggesting that James Townsend is crazy for thinking that way. He has his life experience. I'm just saying that there was no fucking proof of that presented and i think it's a fucking very dangerous slope and i think that if people who truly love james
Starting point is 02:27:50 won't push you down in that direction they'll liberate you from that thought instead of exacerbating it i'm not saying there's anything wrong with me thinking i'm walking down the street and it's at night and i have a fucking hoodie on and someone calls the cops on me i understand why they did it. Because their car probably had been broken into three times in the previous week and they thought that I was the guy coming back. I get it.
Starting point is 02:28:12 And if you're a black guy and the fucking media is constantly telling you that everyone thinks you're a fucking bad guy and they're constantly telling you that, then the second someone calls the cops on you, I totally understand thinking that it happened because you're black that's on each person is responsible for their own thoughts responsible
Starting point is 02:28:32 your thoughts are not you but you're responsible for them but for the other people to then support someone who is having those thoughts it's the same thing as fucking starting to go funding page for a fucking gastric bypass with someone who has um uh um anorexia why why would you do that why would you do that to someone with melanated skin why are you insisting that that those fears of theirs are true are you demanding it it's a fucking crazy uh the context of it is James had a shitty situation happen. And the one thing that I do agree with James 100% on is I should have said, hey, dude, I'm glad you made it home to your family. Because I love him as a fellow man and as a father and as a coach and just his contribution to society.
Starting point is 02:29:19 He was at – he was – I don't remember where. He was somewhere. Was he at a car wash or something? And there was another guy there, and some guy needed a lift. It was an old man there with his two grandkids, and something happened. He locked his keys in his car, and he needed a lift somewhere. The old man and the kids jumped in James' car. James drove them to the dude's daughter's house where they got a set of spare keys and then brought him back.
Starting point is 02:29:43 When he came back, the cops were like, Hey, we reported that there was child trafficking going on. So someone obviously saw James and this old guy. Was that old guy black, by the way, or was he white? I don't know. Do we never find out? Anyway, someone from afar – I'm piecing this together. Someone from afar saw this old man and two kids get into James' car,
Starting point is 02:30:04 and they jumped to the conclusion that there was some sort of like fucking like kids being sold right and uh someone like someone probably who watches too much fox news or something and so that's what uh and then so and then so people in the comments were just started piling on in the original post i didn't see james said anything about it but people in the comments just started fucking piling on saying yeah it happened because you're black and it's like I think that's fucking I think it's fucking despicable to do that a caller hi hey it's Mark
Starting point is 02:30:31 hi James James Townsend thanks for calling no it's Mark Mark oh sorry you got a three more comments that you missed on that so James responded directly to you I read that did I read that one james responded directly to you i saw i read that did i read that one no oh no you you kind of click the view more replies
Starting point is 02:30:51 oh there's more like in the there's previous replies from james that you didn't see i think that they're all kind of addressed in that last comment, though. Is it all under the 12 daily doses shit-starting one? Is it all under? Yeah. Where is it? It's the one where he deadlifts 600 pounds? Yes.
Starting point is 02:31:17 Yeah. That's a shame that it has to be there. Okay, it says six replies. I see plange, plange I see the one James did No, I only see one, two, three Oh, okay, I see, I see, I see Share your screen real quick Oh, he says, Sebon, come on man, stop hiding behind the mic
Starting point is 02:31:36 And have the conversation with me, you have my number You think I just made this shit up No, he's not a bad guy, not at all Just dumb stuff at times, but he's cool Oh, thank you if i'm dumb what are these people that are insisting that you're surrounded by racists are i do not have james townsend's phone number by the way i will i uh in in my defense i've asked there's i'm on a group thread with like 14 other fucking people, and I asked anyone on that thread, Caleb's on that thread,
Starting point is 02:32:06 and I asked them last week, does anyone on here have James Townsend's phone number? I can't find it. And I asked Sousa for it, and Sousa said, I think we got to him through Instagram, and I could have contacted him through Instagram. All that's absolutely true, but I will reach out. I will get his phone number.
Starting point is 02:32:21 I'll invite him on the show. We'll talk. I mean, we are very civil with each other. I mean, I would say we're friends. Me and him can have this conversation. Yeah, look, J.R. Howell's on that thread, too. I did ask for James's phone number and no one pasted it in the thread. And that's OK. I can get if you want. Cool. Thank you. Yeah, just send it to me. Me and James are cool. I can DM him too. I'm just being lazy. And this is just one story of 120 stories I do on every show. show love the guy i really like james too yeah he's great he's great i wouldn't i'm gonna try to think of like what i wouldn't want people to do um uh imagine imagine if i was paranoid that my wife was cheating on me and she wasn't cheating on me i don't i don't want to i don't want to be
Starting point is 02:33:20 surrounded by a group of friends who are exacerbating that well seven what if she really was cheating on you uh then then maybe then maybe i would need to work it out but even if that even if that even if that let's say that lady did call because james is black hey here's the thing she called she called just as much that he was black is that he was a male if that was two women switching kids right there you think that they would that they would have called – thought it was swapping? Probably because it was two men, their age, their color. There's probably – everything probably had a little bit of the factor, a little bit of the contribution to it. Will Branstad, if I start telling people I felt like I might be a girl, I wouldn't want people to encourage the exploration of that. Yeah, me neither. I think I have a small penis.
Starting point is 02:34:14 I don't need my wife to be like, yeah, you do. I just think that there is an unhealthy, from the left, an unhealthy determination to make sure that everyone uh is plays the victim and i'm sensitive to it and i'll own up to that i'll own up to that i want to push i'm made to push back against that uh they also called the cops on the other dude involved yeah i wonder if that dude was black that would really fuck up james's story all right love you guys uh thanks for pointing that out to me it's fun at the end of the day
Starting point is 02:34:54 it's all i i um i like the whole thing that was actually probably the best part of the show i'm bummed that suzer wasn't here just fucking call or dm him instead of talking about it instead of talking about it just fucking call dm yeah i will maybe i don't know i'm gonna go uh actually i'm gonna get off the i'm gonna get off here and i'm gonna i hear someone i heard the garage door opening people on the skate ramp, so that's what I'm going to do. Dutch sperm donor, okay. Big topics Mr. Townsend and I discuss about race, Dutch sperm donor, and – oh, this is interesting. I was a bitch race instigator in high school. I ended up getting my black friends into shitty situations, shitty situations which wouldn't have happened otherwise. Lesson learned.
Starting point is 02:35:53 Melissa's right. Shut the fuck up. Melissa's right. You guys act like this is like my fucking whole fucking life. This is the fucking... If my life is a phone book, this isn't even one page. This is this issue. You call them. You can tell me what to do. It's okay, but thank you.
Starting point is 02:36:20 I love you too. Caleb, thank you. Tomorrow morning, who do we have on tomorrow morning? I think tomorrow morning we get shot out of a fucking cannon. Oh, yeah. It becomes a big week all of a sudden. Oh, yeah. Is tomorrow April 30th?
Starting point is 02:36:35 Tomorrow is April or May 1st. Okay, tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., a men's power ranking for CrossFit. Okay. Okay. a men's power ranking for CrossFit. Okay. And then... We do men's and then women's.
Starting point is 02:36:55 Hey, that really is that story. The story has nothing to do with whether he's black or anything. The story has to do with the fact that he got home safely to his family. That's all that matters. Someone called the cops on him for something he didn't do. Tomorrow's James Townsend. And then we have power rankings on Tuesday.
Starting point is 02:37:16 We have a disc golf show on Tuesday night. I can't fucking believe we're going to pull that off. Wednesday morning, we have another show on some sort of CrossFit game shit. No. Yeah. No. Yeah. No. Oh, Wednesday morning's a live call-in show. Thank you, God, for the break. Then we go to more CrossFit game shows on Thursday and then a semifinals programming
Starting point is 02:37:36 predictions show on Thursday night. And then on Friday, another live call-in show and then True Strength of Field with Mike Halpin. That'll be interesting. Mike says some good shit. And then on Saturday, I have the guy coming on,
Starting point is 02:37:53 Mike Celeris, who hypnotized Tyson Bajan before he went to the Combine and also hypnotized his dad, Travis Bajan, before he won his first um combine and also hypnotized his dad travis bajan before he won his first world title in um arm wrestling all right guys thank you uh i appreciate everyone um i extend um my uh my uh gratitude for james for being patient with me james townsend being cool as fuck uh to all of you for participating, making this a safe place to have open dialogue and may the world be filled with happy children and safe children who get adopted by gay men. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:38:34 Bye-bye.

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