The Sevan Podcast - Sunday Service | Live Call In Show #940

Episode Date: June 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Arm wrestling matches are the best of three. Bam, we're live. Caleb, hi. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Good morning. Take him in, people. Take him in. There he is. Settle down. Pull down the posters. We're calling off the poster initiative. How the fuck?
Starting point is 00:00:50 What is Wad Zombie doing? What a great opportunity for a post. A Where's Caleb post. He could have been. Caleb, you should have Wad Zombie here. You need to put him, dress him up as a stripper and put him on a corner and the tenderloin was like a crack pipe we found caleb it's good right hey are you guys looking at this um on our uh semi-finals thread with all the
Starting point is 00:01:21 fucking uh games dorks on it are you seeing this um talk about high rocks yeah i started watching that what's crazy is is i think they do have a packed house for a live event but yesterday it popped up in my um youtube for suggestions to watch and it has fewer views than this podcast i mean it'd be kind of crazy to watch right like it's not exactly the most spectator friendly sport i feel like you have to like be there and be into it to like enjoy watching it i guess they do a bunch of different shit i mean like the running parts i don't know they change they do they run six times and do six different movements like in an hour basically right yeah so they shift stations if that's 12 they shift stations every five minutes
Starting point is 00:02:05 yeah i guess that's i mean on average i guess that is pretty boring so it's a guy doing running for five minutes broad jumps for five minutes running for five minutes wall balls for five minutes i mean i'm i'm make doing easy math what are we gonna say caleb it is a lot of running like i was just skipping the runs every time yeah see like watching them row then they run they like push a sled and they like run Like I was just skipping the runs every time. Yeah, see? Like watching them row, then they run. They like push a sled, then they like run. It's kind of like you might just have play in the background.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Did you watch any of that battle bunker stuff that happened yesterday? I want to talk to them and figure out how they filmed that. Was it done good? Oh, I was just wondering about Allison if she still watches the show. Good morning, Allison. Hi. Jake Chapman, good morning.
Starting point is 00:02:51 They have a great community at events. It's reminiscent of old CrossFit events. Oh, okay, cool. Yeah, I wonder if they have a cool online community, like people who train together for the events. Like it's some... Is High Rocks like some sort of rehab shit too? You know, like marathons are like rehab shit
Starting point is 00:03:06 they have a disproportionate amount of former meth heads and shit in their group i mean if it's endurance it's going to lead you to think that that's definitely a possibility right right a lot of those like recovering addicts are endurance junkiesvan, it's Sevan podcast. Eight 1K runs and eight workouts. Oh, shit. Okay, 16. Okay, so that's better. Every three minutes, you're shifting stations. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:32 That's better. I'm starting to dig it. Three minutes is about all I need for any activity. Maxed out. Hand job, two minutes. Less than four minutes. Hand job. It's ridiculous uh sevan uh have uh have how have your first
Starting point is 00:03:49 few days as a black man been here's the thing i've always been a black man and i and the thing is i guess the thing is i was right i had this theory that you shouldn't tell black kids and jew kids that the world's out to get them because they don't know right you only know what you know and so i didn't know um i'm always feeling oppressed that's the thing and i didn't know but i'm i fully accept it i know some of you think i'm joking but i'm like actually not in the slightest he's actually talking with suza about this and other people it's like here's the thing the truth is it's just all dudes and it's okay there's i'm zero complaining every 16 year old boy should be a little paranoid when a cop pulls behind him and that should follow you through the rest of your life until you're like 80
Starting point is 00:04:35 and then when a cop pulls you over you pull your dentures out and laugh at him that's it watch okay watch just watch um caleb if you're uh driving down the street um and it's eight o'clock at night and you see a cop go in the other direction uh what's the first thing you do slow down yeah and then what's the second thing you do clench my asshole good good i i yep i'm with you so far and what's the third thing you do I'm with you so far and what's the third thing you do I don't know check see if I have my ID stare in the rear view mirror yeah yeah this one you look in the rear view mirror right
Starting point is 00:05:10 yeah yeah even if you've done absolutely nothing wrong right definitely you immediately look in the rear view mirror is this motherfucker gonna make a u-turn and I watch him like until I can't see him anymore yeah me too yeah I definitely do that even the base cops and I watch them like until I can't see them anymore. Yeah. Me too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yeah. Yeah. I definitely do that. Even the base cops, like you, you might be a black dude too. That is the characteristic that the media has sold on us. That is the narrative of the black man. And listen,
Starting point is 00:05:37 people it's, it's completely not a, a, a, it's, it's a, it's a man. I don't know know about i can't speak for women i actually haven't had this conversation for with women but this is a total man a phenomenon and and i want
Starting point is 00:05:53 to tell you something we all men should feel that that's the only way we keep fucking society in check it's it's perfectly okay for when a cop do you agree guys agree with me it's good to give a little bump check to dudes driving around in their cars always. Yeah. Walking around like, okay. The base police used to just set up cars that were like police cars that were just unattended places. Yeah. Just to like make people slow down.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Like they would just put like a literal dummy in the car. No actual person is in it. And then they'd park it where people were normally speeding. And then there was just like a dramatic decline in people uh speed when they drive past it i was 20 some odd years old i was sitting at an outside restaurant called javon's i just ordered a turkey avocado and bacon so much i was sitting there waiting for it outside and five cops rolled by on bicycles and as they went by i stared at them just like chill, not mad dogging them, nothing. I was probably barefoot wearing fucking corduroys with fucking holes in them.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And I had long hair. And then they rolled over to me and the cop gets off his bike and goes, what are you looking at? And I said, I'm looking at you, sir. And he said, why? And I said, that's what 23-year-old men do when cops go by. They stare at them. He said, can I see some ID? I said, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:03 I stood up and pulled my wallet out. I my driver's license he ran my number he said can you put your hands behind your back i said what for he said you have an outstanding warrant for your arrest i said what for he said for a dog off a leash ticket i said i paid that he said but you were supposed to show up in court i said i have the receipt where i paid for it right here in my wallet. I'll go to court. He said, no, it's too late. And he arrested me. I am a fucking black man. I mean, I can tell you this story is ad nauseum. I feel like I go through this every few years, but I just never understood.
Starting point is 00:07:44 More and more, I'm just understanding it right i mean we all all of us boys have that um story anyway so i think it's a misnomer to say the first i think how is the first few days of realizing that i'm a black man it's cool it's i have this fucking sense of relief it's a fucking sense of relief yeah and you know what's funny too jessica that's a fucking sense of relief. Yeah, and you know what? It's funny too. Jessica, that's a dick move attitude arrest. Yeah, and you know what's crazy? So they put me in the car
Starting point is 00:08:11 and he drives me into the station and halfway there I could tell he feels like a total douche. A total douche. Black man, don't call the cops all the fucking time. I got a little white guy in me still little fucking white midget in me i'm close to white midget oh david shut your pie hole i don't call the cops all the time
Starting point is 00:08:36 when i'm with your mom and she tries to push on that spot in between my ball sack and my anus when i ejaculate david I call the cops on her. I'm like, dude, I've told you 20 times. Don't touch that spot. A little taint touch. Yeah. She likes to push that button in. Miss Weed, please stop.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Don't. I'll call the cops. I really, I'm fascinated by this text thread about High Rocks. I don't know why you guys watch the fights last night yeah I did what happened to Aldana she just shit the bed I mean she can fight
Starting point is 00:09:18 and she can take a punch like no other yeah I don't know I just feel like if you're going to backfill a fight for a championship belt you're not you're not ready oh it's pretty disappointing crazy that she lasted right i was impressed by that i mean she took some fucking shots i'm not for some reason i'm not a amanda nunez fan i don't know why i can't get my head right i'm not a fan hey and you know what else i noticed um for the first time ever so amanda nunez has been fighting
Starting point is 00:09:51 since 2008 people it's now 2024 she's the great maybe i would say she's going to go down as the greatest female fighter ever for a while and she holds two belts in the ufc which is crazy she retired with two belts and um she's always had her girlfriend there. She always kisses her girlfriend in the ring. She always has her kid with her. But there's never a gay pride flag. There's no mention of her being a lesbian. It's just completely normal.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Do you know what I mean? Can you remember a fight when her girlfriend's not there and they don't kiss? No. Yeah. Yeah, they don't, like, fla it's never yeah they don't like flaunt it around because no but it's just it's just it's just a couple together yeah and there's their kid and there's no fucking like they're they're not going to fucking elementary schools uh talking
Starting point is 00:10:36 about how uh the struggle of being a lesbian couple a man is not a victim yeah it's not a victim. Yeah. It's not being forced down our throat. Just a... Yeah, she's alpha. Yeah, she is alpha as fuck, right? Jonathan. I don't know. That's not exactly what I'm going for. Jonathan Ortega says,
Starting point is 00:11:00 no one cares. She'll fuck you up if you say some weird shit. I just mean... I just... I don't mean it like that. Like we don't talk about it because we're scared of her. I just mean it's like don't be a fucking weirdo. Just fucking act cool. When do you think HWPO is going to start doing like jiu-jitsu programming with her?
Starting point is 00:11:19 I don't know. There was a – I don't know. I don't know. There was a, I don't know. I heard that her and the World's Strongest Gay are going to start an OnlyFans page. So you can see a gay man and a lesbian woman together.
Starting point is 00:11:33 That's what I mean. Rumors, just strictly rumors. Kenneth Giordano. This show is awesome. Thanks, everyone. It really is awesome. David We everyone. It really is awesome. David Weed. Amanda's a cool dude.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah. I think her household is probably crazy, though. I think she's hard to date. That's what I'm guessing. Oh, here we go. This is going to piss me off i can tell uh gp gp is different than g's louise right yes that's interesting i still can't wrap my head around the fact that sevon had the pound for pound king volk on but still can't get Laura Horvath back on.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Thank you. That doesn't piss me off. I appreciate it. The thing is this. I don't know if we really – well, I was going to kind of – I can't tell if it's just my ego saying that. We're not really trying to get Laura on. It's just part of like the shtick to say we can't get her on. I mean we probably still can't get her on either.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah, there's probably some truth to that, but we haven't really tried either right i put more effort into putting these toe spacers on every morning than i do um contacting laura horvath but but that being said i would not wear these toe spacers for a week um if laura horvath would come on like if that was the stipulation she was like please don't wear those or if she was like please don't wear those when i'm on the show i'd be like no problem we can accommodate no toe spacers while you're on um caleb i have a medical question for you great what is this smell my toe spacers have this is that is that yeast it's what i imagine they have the smell before you put them no no no no this is
Starting point is 00:13:29 i mean it is it is a trip probably i don't i don't like the smell but i can't stop smelling them is it skunk yeah what does it smell like is it like sour? Yeah. Musty? Let me see. Toast basers, gay as fuck. No, that's not what they smell like. Fungus.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I guess fungus. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here we go. Here we go. I don't know what this means, but it smells like a kind of cheese. It does smell. Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh. Toast basers aren't supposed to smell like anything.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Oh, that's not good. These definitely did not... I think cheese is close. I was going to say yeast, but I don't really know what yeast smells like. But it's what I imagine yeast to smell. Thoughts? Probably just the stank in your feet
Starting point is 00:14:27 do you wear shoes all the time no I hardly ever wear shoes well it's probably not that usually if people wear shoes too much then it's you just get like a build up of like it's like humid in there
Starting point is 00:14:43 but something just ate off something is in the middle of eating off one of my toenails like i have a toenail where half of it's missing and you know it's missing from the bottom up and so you can see the new toenail underneath it's a trip that's a fungus for sure oh okay is the fungus related is there is so good so this cheese smell makes sense yeah it's probably correlated you could get like a cream for it but really it's probably just going to solve itself all right well i got them on um toast pacers aren't supposed to smell like anything i do not have four inch toenails I have nothing that's four inches. How dare you?
Starting point is 00:15:29 Maybe three. Oh, really? Is this true? This is like something my dad would say. Oh, gross. Slap some Vicks on there. Vicks like vapor rub? Is that for sure? Maybe she's referring just to mask the smell. Oh. Just put a little under my just put a little under my nose uh dick butter good morning olivia please stop okay fine anything for
Starting point is 00:15:57 you i don't wear so i don't wear socks really either that often but if i wear shoes i wear socks vix cures everything no shit I don't wear socks really either that often. But if I wear shoes, I wear socks. Vicks cures everything. No shit. Okay, I'll try that. That's a Mexican remedy. Is that culturally Mexican? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I would say Mexican is probably appropriate, but a bunch of people use it. Oh, no. I'm not going to like this next comment. Oh here we go brace yourself uh seven i used to date an armenian chick and her feet smelled like pure unadulterated full baby diaper wow that hurt that okay let's start the show let's rub it off on the toes. Okay, number 64. Your son. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:16:54 We'll start with something fun here. Let's just go straight to... David, I dedicate this joke to Mr. David Weed. Oh, look at it pop up down there. That was cute. I had to adjust the little boxes. Okay, here we go. But wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Seve
Starting point is 00:17:13 using semen as chapstick. Listen, asshole, you can't call me Seve and fucking throw me under the bus. Seve's like my affectionate name. Like when you say nice shit about me. Like Seve, your show rocks. Not how you semen his chapstick jesus he's got like a nice little photo of a bridge at dusk too he met we got a jumper uh yeah that's not good okay he missed the new ones okay here we go
Starting point is 00:17:39 it's been 15 years since we last saw each other. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom quickly. Hey, which one of us has the most successful son? My son is very successful. He owns a car dealership and actually just gave his best friend a Ferrari. Well, that's nothing. My son owns an airliner and just gave his best friend a private jet. Well, my son's more successful than that. He owns an architectural firm and just gave his best friend his own castle.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Uh, what are you guys talking about? We're talking about how successful our sons are. Well, my son is a gay stripper. Oh wow. You must be disappointed at what he's done with his life. Actually, he's doing pretty well for himself. He just got a Ferrari, a jet and a castle from his three boyfriends. Can't believe it's been 15 years since we- listen to it. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:18:33 That's good. I like it. 62. Oh, here we go. Oh, this one's just titled Nasty Joke. For me to say nasty, it must be bad. Chris Beasterfield said, someone just cured my foot fetish.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Listen, this show is capable of all sorts of things. Hey, would you put Daniel Brandon's toe spacers in your mouth? Would you wear Daniel Brandon's toe spacers in your mouth as a mouthpiece for doing Murph? toe spacers in your mouth uh as a mouthpiece uh for doing murph and and uh if you do if you do you get to uh keep them okay what is what is this nonsense okay okay here we go oh nasty okay the most offensive joke ever told okay here we go brace yourself this one. Okay, the most offensive joke ever told. Okay, here we go. Brace yourself. This one's even over the top for me, but here we go. The most offensive joke that you've ever written.
Starting point is 00:19:35 If only Africa had more mosquito nets, then every year we could save millions of mosquitoes from dying needlessly of AIDS. Yeah, because there's supposedly a lot of AIDS in Africa and it's like value in the life of mosquitoes. It's like, it's mean. It's a mean joke. It's a mean joke. GP, do you think Daniel Brandy is so admired by guys because she's
Starting point is 00:19:59 the only top girl with actual boobs? Yes. Darn it. Did I say that out loud? I answered that too quickly. Emily Rolfe has boobs. Emily Turner has boobs. Alexis Raptus? Alexis Raptus has boobs? I would say
Starting point is 00:20:21 kind of. I try not to look at her like that. She seems like she's 14 to me. But maybe she's not. She's a grown-ass woman. But I look at Alexis Rapids like this. Okay, I'll stop. Fine. I know. But I don't think that's the only reason.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I think Daniel Brandon's got this whole girls- door thing going on too like daniel brandon's the kind of girl like if she the top ripped off of her convertible she don't give a fuck throw it on the side of the road and keep driving like something she don't give us like she's not gonna let that ruin her day yeah here we go jay hardell it's daniel brand's fuck it attitude yeah yeah like if you're a dude who has ocd and like needs things like perfect that's not the girl for you she's going to test that um test that and she seems like she has like more uh like just more going on outside of the crossfit games like go to instagram and she's partying with friends on the beach. Usually, the competitor's at that top of the level.
Starting point is 00:21:30 It's just me working out, me sleeping, me eating the right food. She's taking shots of tequila and killing it at the beach and shit. I could see her. You go to a bathroom and you take a shit and then there's no toilet paper and so you got to reach into the trash can to wipe your ass with toilet paper that's in there.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Danielle Brandon does that without flinching. Not a problem. She's not like looking for a clean piece or something. She adapts easily. In any environment. She don't give a fuck. Okay, this is fair too. Girl Next Door
Starting point is 00:22:01 is raptus. Danielle Brandon is crazy hot. But the thing is is i don't think any of them can be like crazy they're just too there's just so much discipline around what they're doing right i don't know i think all of them are crazy i mean like crazy i mean like they're none of those bitches are going to jail well Well, no, not that kind of crazy. Yeah. They're not full crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Whereas when I think of crazy, I think of some chicks, like the entourage of girls that probably hang around like Floyd Mayweather. They get in bar fights and shit. I don't know. I feel like if you cheated on Daniel Brandon, you'd come out in the windows of your truck and be busted out. Keyed your car? Yeah, for sure. Spray painted like bitch on
Starting point is 00:22:50 it. She probably has a pretty gnarly ghosting game too. Oh, yeah. Or just ghost you and break your fucking heart. Your heart shrivels up. It gets no sunlight in there. Yeah, your heart dies. She gets bored of
Starting point is 00:23:05 you and then that's it yeah you're toast whatever the last text she answered was the last text she'll ever answer yeah she's not like the kind of girl where you break up with her or she breaks up with you you're like hey can we have sex one more time and she's like yeah nah she's like i'll lose my phone number yeah she's three steps ahead of you lose my phone number. Yeah. She's three steps ahead of you. Lose my phone number. 57, Formula One racing. This is kind of a trip, right? Formula One racing, I don't understand this full story.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Maybe someone will paint the picture for me. But Formula One racing, oh, this is two different stories about Formula One racing. Okay, let's play this. This is really interesting. There's a city called, Monaco is a country, not a city, right? Or is it a city and a country? Monaco is the – it's like a – Kingdom? Country city.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah, kind of like a kingdom, I guess. And it's smaller than Central Park in New York. And I heard that you can't even buy a home there unless you establish you have like $20 million in the bank. Yeah, I know where ultra-wealthy people go. Some of these numbers in here are staggering. Oh, Monaco is a country in Europe? Oh, no. That's a person.
Starting point is 00:24:21 City-state. Country? Is that what it says like the vatican it's got its own rules it's a sovereign city-state and a micro state on the french riviera a few kilometers west of the italian region is monica part of france or
Starting point is 00:24:37 italy it is surrounded on land by its neighbor france and it's and italy's borders are just 10 miles away and Italy's borders are just 10 miles away. Oh, it says to stay there, you need a minimum of $300 a day. That sounds like fucking Santa Cruz. That's wild. $300 a day doesn't seem very much. It's nicknamed the billionaire's playground
Starting point is 00:25:05 and is the richest country in the world when measured by GDP per capita. And the average person there makes $173,688 a year. God, that doesn't sound... Anyway, watch this. So Formula One goes there and it's fucking... It sounds crazy. $10,000 and a yacht to attend this F1 race.
Starting point is 00:25:29 You know what I mean? That is a brilliant, brilliant performance. The Monaco Grand Prix is like nothing else in all of sports. And here's five facts about Monaco's venue you will not believe. At number five, before the race even begins, 760 yachts pull into Port Hercules for the race, costing on average one million dollars between fuel crew and maintenance expenses to bring your yacht to monaco okay pause
Starting point is 00:25:51 that you hear number one so think about what that does to the economy that's a billion dollars of movement in the economy just to get those boats in there they were talking about this year they had a water shortage, so they couldn't fill the pool for the race winner. Is this serious? Yeah, but their income is so much that, I don't know. It was kind of backwards. This friend of mine who was a bodyguard for one of the prince's prince prince in saudi arabia told me that they
Starting point is 00:26:28 were on a boat one time and they had helicopters flying pallets of evian and they filled the pool up with evian what the fuck do you think any of those plastic bottles ended up in the ocean okay i that does what do they do with the pool caleb they jump in it after they win what do you mean the pool yeah there's like a probably a five foot by 10 foot 15 foot pool and at the whoever wins the race they go to that pool and the driver and their team jump in it that doesn't even make any sense that they didn't have enough water to fill that they're literally next to the ocean okay let's keep going at number four there are only 37 000 tickets available for the race with vip tickets costing 16 000 each number three monaco is already home to the best F1 drivers of the world, like Lewis Hamilton, Charles Leclerc, and Max Verstappen, as there is zero federal income tax.
Starting point is 00:27:30 At number two, the Grand Prix in total brings in over $110 million a year, making one-third of Monaco's population millionaires, which is weird because at number one, Monaco itself is smaller than New York City. Okay, pause that. So now we have a problem. If one-third of the population is millionaires, but the average GDP per person is 173,000, that means there's just servants there. Well, obviously. There's just buildings there full of servants. servants i i guess that i went to uh dubai one time and they said that the uae had six million people and only 300 000 were residents and the other 5.4 million were servants could that fucking be true oh for sure and they're brought in from like all over like like uh what's that country where they look like indians but they're not sri lankans and shit. That's how they built the World Cup in Dubai. With people like that? Yeah. Just bringing in tons of servants?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Okay. I don't know why I call them servants. I don't know if that's propaganda. Employees? Slaves? If they're being paid. Maybe that's because I identify with being black that all of a sudden I'm kind of like
Starting point is 00:28:43 slant everything that way. That's why you always slanted it that way skewed towards that yeah instead of just people with an opportunity inside of an amazing beautiful city yeah yeah living a great life of safety clean water sunshine living on a yacht serving people fluffing pillows nobody ever uses. Mason Mitchell. Mason knows a lot of stuff. They give the residents stipends. Same as the United Arab Emirates. Oh, hospitality specialists. Oh, okay. Melissa Odie,
Starting point is 00:29:15 90% of the UAE residents are expats. Meaning people who come from other countries. In this country, we call them immigrants. What if we started calling the Mexicans in this country, or all the migrants, expats? Patriots? Yeah, to their country. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:38 Expats. Okay. Wait, tell me. Expats are only from where? I don't know if I was going to say. Is it only referred to from the U.S.? But I don't actually know that. I, tell me. Expats are only from where? I don't know. I don't know if I was going to say, is it only referred to from the U.S.? But I don't actually know that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I mean, technically it's true. I'll give you the definition. A person who lives outside their native country. Okay, so it's any, yeah. Yeah. Man, we're so blessed with all the expats that come to our country. You know what's cool is there's several ways to come to the United States, but one of them is you could take a vacation to Mexico
Starting point is 00:30:11 and then do this crazy adventure race across the border. And they have guides. They're called coyotes. And then you just roll in. And then we have one of the largest hybrid military police forces in the world. They're called Homeland Security and Border Patrol. And they'll greet you. And, God, you're going to meet so many different people, Chinese, Russian, Afghani, Mexican, Venezuelan.
Starting point is 00:30:38 It's cool. So much opportunity for networking. Oh, man. Illegal expats. i don't know what you mean by illegal okay uh more on monaco sorry caleb right as you pull it down central park you need a hundred that was it okay anyway uh there was another there was another thing here i had on formula one racing that was a trip they they had girls they had girls
Starting point is 00:31:17 like you know how boxing has ring girls they there were there were f1 girls and they got rid of them because I guess they're misogynist. They hate hot girls with good bodies. I don't know why they got – pit girls. Thank you, David. Pit girls. Is that what they're called? Pit girls.
Starting point is 00:31:41 There should just be girls everywhere. Skateboard girls, boxing girls, several on podcast girls, CrossFit girls. There should be just girls. I don't understand what the problem is with girls, but these people hate girls, but now they've replaced them with trannies.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Have you seen that? They have trannies. Yeah. It's fucking crazy. One of these we'll get to it. We'll get to it. Okay. Let's go to 66. We'll start moving through these and we'll get to it. We'll get to it. Okay, let's go to 66. We'll start moving through these and we'll get to it.
Starting point is 00:32:07 They have fucking pit trannies now. It's fucking nuts. So they got rid of the pit girls, but now they have pit dudes dressed as girls. Somehow that's okay. They used to say all rivers lead to the Nile. Is that a saying or am I just thinking about that? Oh, Jake Hagel.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I know, but I like that. This guy was on the show. Do you guys remember this? And he lost a lot of weight. This guy was fucking... This guy was more round than cylindrical. He was huge. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah. And I want to show you something. I think he's on the show over a year ago. This guy did something today that I've never done in my life or a couple days ago. Go back up to the top. This fucking dude did Murph with a vest. Crazy, right? Fun time competing. My first Murph this weekend. this weekend injuries held me out last few years proud to have finally completed it proud i was able to throw a vest on and get under an hour wow dude nuts right yeah that's awesome i've got the cash flow flag in the gym
Starting point is 00:33:20 jake hagel what a stud what a stud i love seeing this this guy has a world telling him that it's impossible to keep the weight off right oh it's impossible you're destined to be obese your whole life genetics he even wears jorts now do you know how fucking confident he must be anyway congrats jake yeah that's really awesome fucking stoked for you dude look at you look even jake chapman says in some fancy english shit what a lad i know isn't that crazy allison under an hour i know it's nuts nuts. I've only done Murph without a vest and every time on that last run some weird shit starts happening to my
Starting point is 00:34:12 head. It starts throbbing and pulsating. Wow, good find. Holy shit, I used to look like that? That was a year and a half ago. Damn. I think I'm wearing the same glasses. I like it. It's my old apartment.
Starting point is 00:34:30 You look like a baby. What's that couch doing there? What's the couch? Eaton Beaver, good morning from Portland, Maine. Thank you for the distinction. I like the way the comments pop up on this. It's more vibrant colors and bigger icon photos. Did you switch it?
Starting point is 00:34:50 This is from them fucking around. This is from What about this? Do you like this? Yeah, that was a good one. I entered a race event today. This is from Yon Clark in the comments. I entered a race event today. Part of the online registration form asked my sexual preference.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Don't know why it was important for a trail run, but maybe they're going to supply hookers. No, there's a section that's called the elephant walk section where if you're gay, you get to hold the man's penis behind you as you run up a steep incline. Why is he gay to do it? For safety reasons. Fucking yourself.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I cannot believe. Hey, when he tells me that, I just block that out. I don't even believe him. Do you ever do that to people? Like, I just can't accept that, that you're running a race and they ask your sexual preference. Block it out no i won't i won't accept that yeah i don't i can't accept it makes about as much sense as the uh race question for the college applications race oh right why the fuck do you need to know that for the college app you either made the
Starting point is 00:36:04 grades you pass the test and you got the money or you don't yeah what is the fuck do you need to know that for the college app? You either made the grades, you passed the test, and you got the money or you don't. Yeah, what is the reason? Can you think of any reason? Government intervention. Legitimate reason? Like why you'd want to know? Like maybe what if you're – what are those people from – what if you're white and there's a building that gets less sun and they don't want you to sunburn? So they have to put you in the dorms in a – they would just ask if you have any sun allergies instead.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yeah, are you – any sensitivity to the UVs? Wow, wow, fuck. This is a crazy sentence right here. Because it's racist if skin color doesn't matter. Wow, that's a crazy fucking... Wow. Oh, God bless. Hector gets it because of the government.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Okay, Hector. Wait, what did Hector say? They receive money based on the minorities. Oh. And the only reason you would do that is because if some other third party intervened and said we'll help you out if you do this you know what's interesting is when dave was on the show castro was on the show the last time maybe we should find this clip and play it he basically said that when he applied to go to
Starting point is 00:37:19 college he took advantage of that right he said he they told him to put that you're mexican on his college application that's what got him in but then when he went into the military that shit didn't matter so much oh now it does in market for the military and his sexual preference would matter too uh um mr miller race and sexual preference are looked at before qualification at my work welcome to 2023 speaking of qualification after this there's this girl in town and she's so fucking good at skateboarding and she and surfing and i know where she's going to be skateboarding today not creepy at all well she's going to the six games let me i should probably say that better she's going she's going to the same skateboarding instructor that
Starting point is 00:38:18 she's going to a skateboarding class today that my kid can get into awesome yeah so after the show i'm taking him there and and and i my kid is just obby's just smitten by her fucking skill set and she's so cool is she well known is she in the area she is just yeah there's there's these families in town that are just everyone knows like you're you're the family with that kid you the the the people with kids know yeah like everyone all the people people with kids know yeah like everyone all the people who have kids know who she is the girls they have a they have a shitload of kids everyone knows who all their kids are but this their oldest kids um well obviously the best best at it so far because she's the oldest but she's awesome and i know avi's gonna be stoked
Starting point is 00:39:02 i don't want to say i was gonna i wasn't gonna I don't want to say how old she is because I'm trying not to give too many details. I've been getting slapped around for talking about people in my life on my show. And I'm like, no one knows who you guys are, but I've been getting slapped around for it. And it's like, did you see,
Starting point is 00:39:21 remember that clip we played yesterday where if you tell the truth and someone hates you for telling the truth? Remember that guy was talking about that? Like if you say, hey, that's a man dressed up as a woman. That's hateful. That's hateful even though it's the truth. Right. And that – I guess that's kind of one of the cornerstones of what being woke is, if being told the truth.
Starting point is 00:39:45 So if you say unsporty Beth is fat and obese, and that's somehow hateful. If you say my nose is big and you're making fun of me for it, that's somehow mean or hateful. Well, I think if you just say it as a statement versus that if I'm making fun of you for it, so the intention probably matters. Are you just being descriptive with factual things or are you doing it with the intent of twisting it to make it into a joke that intentionally hurt your feelings? Right. There's a nuance there. Okay. Let's pick. Okay uh okay let's pick okay but let's pick something then that's like
Starting point is 00:40:25 that's not personified uh-huh today's a hot day okay a little weird in the uh delivery but yeah i'm trying to be mean about it i'm trying to be mean about it i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying i mean i kind of see what you're saying but but the responsibility lies on – the responsibility on whether it's mean or not stops with me. That's true. Right? Yeah. Fuck your nose is huge.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Is that a gag nose? because because there's a uh a universal acceptance that a large nose isn't attractive and would somehow inhibit my ability to get pussy because it does come down to pussy right your mom's dead uh yeah why yeah you need to stop with you don't be offended by that it was just a fact Yeah. Yeah. You need to stop with you. Don't be offended by that. It was just a fact. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or, or, Oh my God, you're tall. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:37 And if you're a dude and you're six, three, it's like, that's the opposite. Like you're not getting made fun of. That means you're getting some pussy just cause you're tall. Yeah. My God, your shoulders are are broad i fucking love to hear that probably not so many girls want to hear that who are trying to be victoria's secret models yeah oh my gosh that looks like you're on so much steroids um but uh but the truth is just the truth.
Starting point is 00:42:08 The truth is just the truth. Foreigners are like that. You know what I mean? Like my Armenian family is like that. Like they'll just be like, oh, you got fat. Yeah, yeah. But no intention of like – Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Foreigners are a trip. The statement. Oh my goodness. your teeth look horrible. First thing, that's the British people. Thank you. Now, as a black man, I've never had this happen to me, but someone could come up to me and be like, my God, you're black.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You're black as night. Damn, you're light skin, brother. I got stopped coming into Miami and sent to secondary and I walk up there and I'm like, hi, how are you? And they're like, how many years did you serve in the Syrian army? That's the guy's opening fucking question to me. How many years did you serve? How?
Starting point is 00:43:22 Excuse me. That fucking went on for 15 minutes i had to sit down and like empty my pockets and shit i like this suze is uncomfortable that's my favorite one uh no way he asked that dude bro so many times like 15 times brought over a lady i i was i was probably i don't know 40 when it happened no i was probably 30 i was in my 30s or somewhere in my 30s. I was somewhere in my 30s. It was probably right after 9-11. 9-11 happened in 2001. Yeah, it probably happened in my 30s. It happened sometime within years of that.
Starting point is 00:44:11 And the chick who was questioning me looked like she was fucking 14. Ask the guy with the gun photo. I'm going to bring my gun onto the show tomorrow and fire it what's the question you gotta do a desk pop a desk that's when you just fire a gun at your desk yeah you just everybody everybody does it is that really is that a term uh desk pop for sure yeah just a casual good shot at the desk exactly yeah yeah uh jonathan ortega speaking of foreigners yeah i facetimed my mom and told her i was coming to visit and her response was you got you got fat are you still doing crossfit yeah yeah it's fucking his mom is probably fucking venezuelan or ec or Ecuadorian or some shit, right?
Starting point is 00:45:06 Mez again. Sabir and Kelly, triple CEO. Oh, is that fucking Hiller? God, look at him. He's everywhere. If you're insecure about something, then you're going to be offended by the truth. Mental illness can make one very insecure. Oh, here we go. Yon clark i hadn't seen
Starting point is 00:45:26 my family for over a year in that year i'd lost 100 pounds when i bumped into them they were with friends instead of saying how well i looked they said how fat i used to be damn motherfucker used to be fat no one's ever told you that before right right? You just come over and they, do you want a Pop-Tart? And they pull one out and hand you the box. You know? I'm not shooting at my desk. Are you fucking kidding me? Thank you, though, for the advice.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah, this, I'm more, yeah, thank you. Tim Brown knows what it means to be a black man guns are just for flashing around listening to hip-hop that's what the nba you got yeah and that's how i think of it too you flash your piece at me i've been watching that clip from uh big lebowski you flash your piece at me i take your piece and put it in your ass until it goes click God the parents just asked me if I'm going to skate camp real back of course don't you know who my kids are
Starting point is 00:46:37 yeah that question's insulting yeah yeah thank you thank you fuck you like Thank you. Fuck you. Like, are you doing the podcast now? Like, what the fuck do you think? Yeah. Number 65.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Hey, so I went into StreamYard and I tried to make a clip because they have clip-making options from yesterday's, like, me throwing the dog in the bathtub, but the clip options are only a minute. Oh, this is so fucking good. Like, duh. People, how is anyone still a Democrat? Listen, they shut down our country for two years.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And they demanded everyone gets a 49er ticket and put a diaper on their face action here we go this is crazy you argue that religious services religious people pose a greater risk of infection than people gather to to argue for defunding the police the policies restricted all types of activity in the district all types of activity in the district yes senator did it restrict mass protests in the district. All types of activity in the district? Yes, Senator. Did it restrict mass protests in the district? I don't believe it said anything one way or another. Of course it did, because it didn't accept mass protests.
Starting point is 00:47:51 If you want to come and protest and defund the police, if you want to support that, that's fine. You can gather in mass, person to person, close up thousands of people. That's okay. You know the facts. You were a good lawyer. Why'd you lose? Senator. Oh, come on, judge. Don't make me do this. Mayor Bowser was going to mass protests herself personally with thousands of people. At the same time she was doing that, she was
Starting point is 00:48:18 prohibiting churches from gathering socially distanced outside wearing masks. Why did you argue? Do you know why they did that? Do you know why they did that? Did what? Let the protesters protest in mass? No, why? Because they wanted to kill us. They want to kill the black man.
Starting point is 00:48:40 So they let us all go out onto the streets and protest. And they're trying to save the good Christian people. That's why. Did you know that? No, no, no, no. Excuse me. I thought it just worked with their political ideology. How is – I don't understand how anyone reconciles this.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Can someone come on and just tell me, like calmly explain to me how they reconcile this, how you're still a Democrat when you're like the largest gatherings during that time were by your people protesting stuff to defund police because the police were rude to us black people. And then in the end, your protest just caused an increase in black on black crime to go up 37 percent. Black on black murders. And yet you you still are voting you're still worried about um boxes of papers in trump's bathroom like can someone explain that to me just nicely i just want to understand how how how you're like and i'm open you don't need to be right you can just be like well it's still worse what the republic Republicans do or I just really hate God and the church. Just explain it to me. You could do it anonymously even.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I just want to hear how you reconcile this. How you thought it was okay to partake in any of that stuff, the scare pandemic stuff when this was going on. The fucking mayor. What city is mayor bowser the mayor of is that dc i bet you it is yeah of course about that city's completely below that lady's bad shit crazy mayor bowser no because i've all it was all it's always been big that was another sign since uh seven since you started being black did it grow from three to 4.1 inches no it was always big so that was
Starting point is 00:50:35 another just more facts i know you guys think i'm joking but I'm not about any of it, any of that stuff. Just it is. Democrats, 65. Anyway, so I don't even know what 63 is. I forgot to write a note by it. I want to find this one. Oh, here. Here's another good one.
Starting point is 00:50:59 My goodness. 64. It's about China. It's 63. I think 64 is gone. You see one? I put the link above the number. I make nothing easy for Caleb.
Starting point is 00:51:13 No consistency, no. Well, you said 65. Oh, even worse. I meant 63, but I tell you 65. 65. Question is for you, roth how has the biden administration enabled our adversaries through these green initiatives like china and russia uh china makes most of the components of electric vehicles they they make the batteries, they make the components, they make about 70 or 80% of wind turbines and solar panels.
Starting point is 00:51:49 So the big question we have before us is this, is displacing American energy intensive manufacturing and sending it to China, does that help the environment at all? Does that help the global climate? Does it help climate change? And I would argue that the answer is no, because what we are doing is giving up American jobs in energy intensive manufacturing sectors, giving up auto jobs, and these individuals are hurt. And the Chinese are gaining, the Chinese subsidize labor. They have forced labor from Xinjiang. They subsidize energy. They have these coal-fired power plants that we're not allowed to have here.
Starting point is 00:52:30 They subsidize capital with very low interest loans to favored companies. And they are gaining, and we are losing, and it's not helping the environment. That's the fundamental question before us. Can you pause this? She kind of conflated some shit there, right? Like this person is trying to figure out how – if the question was like, hey, how are we going to help the environment based on the fact that – if you believe that we need to help the environment, right? Let's just make that presupposition. But instead of saying how we're failing to help the environment she just basically says we're losing jobs the only thing
Starting point is 00:53:08 she said there that china was doing bad was burning coal in relationship to harming the environment but either way i like i keep going sorry kayla either way i still like the conversation right like like if there if there's any polluting why don't we do it? If the net outcome is better for us than for them. And we are doing to America, helping reduce emissions. I would answer that the answer is no. OK, but great information. OK, fine. Pass on to your liberal friends who don't know how to do their own research.
Starting point is 00:53:44 My question is, I don't know. I wasn't very good. who don't know how to do their own research my question is i don't know that wasn't very good i don't think so um uh uh stephen flores says something said something good in here what did he say um there's a couple interesting comments in here he said two bad things can be happening at the same time he's referencing he's referencing the climate issue well no he was referencing um the fact that mayor bowser's out uh may mayor bowser's out in protest burning cities down and spreading covid when churches are closed but the thing is is yeah i don't i don't it just churches? No, they closed down all sorts of shit, but they left open Baskin Robbins. Someone in here wrote, Sevan's black, and then I am black. And then someone wrote, he identifies as black.
Starting point is 00:54:33 No, I don't identify as black. No, I don't identify. That's hateful. Yeah, I am black. I'm more black than Leah Thomas is a man. For sure. 100%. I can see that.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Culturally. Culturally speaking, I'm more hip-hop than Armenian. I'm only Armenian based on my parents' hip-hop. I practiced the hip-hop lifestyle. Yeah. Someone watching Walk Down the Street, that's Swagger Don't Quit. Thank you. They know.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Instantly. They know. Two 15s in the – no, I had four 15s in the trunk, took out the back seat in the Rabbit. I had the amps. I had the crossover i had the um uh amps i had the i had to cross over to separate the frequencies i had loud punk kenwood all the two life crew uh curtis curtis blow uh i could do it all i wasn't great at basketball but i but i but I can, I can, I can basketball.
Starting point is 00:55:46 There you go. What? Who? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If you know, you know, Oh, here we go. Uh, as, as a black, uh, I confirmed Seve's blackness. Thank you. There we go. Here's another one. Thank you. Too short. Oh God. So much another one. Thank you. Too short. Oh, God. So much too short. Holy cow. Holy cow. Obsessed. Were you obsessed with
Starting point is 00:56:12 too short being from the Bay Area? Of course. Everybody liked too short. What's my favorite word? Hey. Hey. It's biatch. Do you know that song that him and Biggie did together?
Starting point is 00:56:30 Too Short and Biggie? Yeah. Oh, I mean, if it was popular, I'd have heard it, but I don't know. Oh, my goodness. It is so nasty. While Caleb pulls it up, I got to make a note. Is it called The Old Thing? You can drop him off here i can take him
Starting point is 00:56:48 i'm leaving at 8 30 ish it's a nasty song it is a nasty nasty song it is one of the nastiest songs ever. Let me, can you play it? Yeah, let me five seconds. Let's hear in the middle. Listen. Now first come the cash, then come the ass, then come big blunts with big chunks of hash. Oh no, this isn't it.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Is there another one? That's a good song though too. Too Short and Puff Daddy. Oh, that's after, That was after Biggie died. That was like a tribute. My goodness. Oh, I think this is probably accurate. I'm good with this.
Starting point is 00:57:36 The Moors invaded Armenia and raped the women. Sevan is African-Armenian. Okay. But really, it's like more like I was born in Oakland. It's really, it's really, I got a, I'm a Bay Area dialect of African. I hide that part on the show too, but I don't hide, like if Sousa, if I don't hide it, it's my, I'll show, I'll definitely show my wife and my kids. I'll show Sousa a little, Hiller a little.
Starting point is 00:58:09 I get a little loose. If you like dick and you have a couple of drinks, you start lisping. I get a couple of drinks and fucking my blackness comes out. I let it be known that I like the big girls. Blow job, Betty. Yeah, it's a good one. Oh, shit. It's the truth, though.
Starting point is 00:58:37 It's the truth. It is the truth. We used to sit around and have cap sessions did you did you ever do those that was yeah that was fundamentally yeah that was like you just sit around and just rip on each other yeah just say horrible shit six or ten guys sitting in your in the parents are sleeping you're in the living room roasting each other there's no fucking way white kids were doing that not the way we did it i mean i mean we were white oh i'm confused i'm gonna need therapy i better be careful with this I'm gonna confuse myself I'm gonna get fucking confused that's okay
Starting point is 00:59:26 okay 659 but let me I need to step back into into white mode again hold on NWA just don't bite 100 miles and running love that song this is pretty crazy
Starting point is 00:59:45 I'm struggling believing this but whatever I'm going to believe it here we go alright guys typical front yard in a non HOA neighborhood Jim's front yard where he makes about 7500 bucks a month
Starting point is 01:00:04 alright so Jim is a market farmer growing about 50 different varieties neighborhood, Jim's front yard where he makes about $7,500 a month. All right, so Jim is a market farmer growing about 50 different varieties of lettuce alone and 50 different other annual vegetables. He feeds about 80 families a week out of his half an acre front yard that includes this front yard and the house to the right. Jim is basically running an 80-person CSA with his buyer's club and also goes to a market in downtown Newport Ritchie every Tuesday for any other excess produce that's coming out of this. What's a CSA? He's running an 80-person CSA?
Starting point is 01:00:37 Yeah, so that means you could buy in ahead of time. I actually just talked to some local farmers. So you buy in ahead of time so those farmers have money to the uh to essentially plant the seeds get the crops before the crops are there and then you get them in return when they're ready community supportive agriculture it's like buying futures yep oh i think i've had friends who do this and you pay a monthly fee and then you don't even know what you're going to get the dude just drops up You drive by his house and get a box of shit. Yep. Just get a box of whatever the produce was grown.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Oh, my God. Did you hear he said he works 50 or 60 hours a week, and he's 60 years old? That means he works. That means he wakes up. He only is not working when he's pissing or shitting or brushing his teeth, basically. Yeah, look at it. It looks super nice.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Very well kept. What do you think that guy's sexual preferences are? You think to be a part of the CSA, you have to tell him what sexual preference you are? Yeah, it's on the application. Fuck, man. That is so awesome. I so want to do that. I want my neighbor to do that. So you could just buy into the CSA. Hey, do you want to know what's crazy? I say that,
Starting point is 01:02:01 but I think I'm a lion little bitch. I think my neighbors are doing that. I think that there's little farms around here all the time now that i think about it there i see signs on the road around my house and i've actually been to some now that i'm saying it out loud a couple years ago there's one just right up the street on the right it's seasonal and and you go in there and you weigh the stuff and you buy it all and it's on the honor system there's no one who works there hmm yeah people i live in california that's the thing people there are some crazy good places around here i live in a crazy good spot yeah man i know i i um oh here what russ stevens. There are parts of London now where people treat shops like a cupboard in their house.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Just take what you want when you need it. Police are never going to respond. Shopkeepers just give up. Oh, that's not good. I have these massive rose bushes in front of my house that I planted. And I don't know, like 10 of them. They're massive and they're blooming right now. And every year someone will come by and knock on my gate or leave a note saying,
Starting point is 01:03:12 hey, can you call me? I want to come by and pick flowers. I always say, yeah, pick as fucking many as you want. I mean, there's fucking 100,000 of them. Oh, I know. I know. I didn't open your last um i didn't open your last text message because i need to do that i really want to do that are they close by yeah they're uh they're
Starting point is 01:03:35 in a town called reidley 130 miles from my door i already mapped it out oh well it's a little bit of a track. Right next door, though. Maybe I should start an OnlyFans page, and if you want to see my trip to Readly, you have to pay like five bucks. I like how you went OnlyFans instead of like Patreon or just putting it behind a paywall. Well, I just heard, I think that's what girls do on OnlyFans. They say, hey, I'm going to go get my nails done.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Do you want to pay for it? And then the guy sends them $125, and then they send them a video of the girl getting the nails done, right? But she has 75 dudes pay for it. Yeah. Like one video, but will think that for five bucks you're getting an exclusive video of me down with the fucking Josh's family the Lehrmans
Starting point is 01:04:32 but really it's like 300 you motherfuckers got it but you don't know just don't compare notes I'd pay more to hear my name in the video Sevan is it okay to pluck lemons off the bushes from around here I think so for the most part I think so especially if it's like if it's
Starting point is 01:04:52 if it's curbside street side I think you can pick a few I probably shouldn't say this about my family my sister's cool fuck it my sister will fucking come to my house and fucking go to my neighbor's cool fuck it my sister will fucking come to my house and fucking go to my neighbor's yard with a fucking fucking garbage bag and fill it up with fucking fruit
Starting point is 01:05:11 i'm like my dad does that shit too it makes me so uncomfortable it's like dude you're over there struggling there's three of you carrying back the fruit you picked off my neighbor's trees what do they make with it they just eat it it's just it's that's that's that they're struggling there's three of you carrying back the fruit you picked off my neighbor's trees what do they make with it they just eat it it's just it's that's that's that they're not black that's armenian that's why i don't do that yeah yeah that's such an armenian thing to do i just pick go over your house whenever i want because I'm black and just eat one off the tree and just fucking throw the pit on the ground. Oh, you guys want to get into that? About shopping carts and throwing pit?
Starting point is 01:05:51 I'm perfectly okay with throwing orange peels out the window, by the way. But they got to land in tall grass and shit. It can't just be out, land on the concrete. Yeah, that's like giving back. Throw the orange peels back in the grass. It's giving back. So why can't they understand the shopping cart thing? Well, shopping cart's metal. That's like giving back. It's giving back. Why can't they understand the shopping cart thing? That's giving back too.
Starting point is 01:06:11 It's in the way. I put it up on the curb. Hey, have you ever been taking a shopping cart somewhere and you go outside the boundaries and the wheels lock up? I have, but I also wonder how that happens because there's so many fucking shopping carts that get stolen out of it like how some places well they're just like jimmying the little thing off with the screwdriver or something it's so fucked up when that happens it hasn't happened to me in a long time but you'll go to a supermarket the parking lot's packed you have to park like
Starting point is 01:06:42 across the street or something right and then you fill your shopping cart up and you fucking are – you're going full speed because I don't do anything half-assed. Because I'm a good runner because I'm black. And I'm fucking running with my shopping cart and the fucking wheels lock up. And now I have six fucking grocery bags in a shopping cart and I'm stuck halfway in the fucking middle of the street. It's like now you can't drag it back to the side. You can't like. Oh, Jake Chapman. Seve, the cart thing isn't something you'll ever convince us on.
Starting point is 01:07:20 I think it's a fetish of yours. No, there's just nuances that I'm helping you guys get through with your autism. So you'll walk the shopping cart off the premise, but you won't put it back. You can't put it back. The wheels have locked up. It's not his fault at that point.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Yeah. Whole Foods. CK. Every time I put a shopping cart away, I think of Seve. Every time I put a shopping cart away i think of sebi every time i put a shopping cart away i think of ck uh okay so i don't know i'd like to grow some more i'd like to have a more serious farm at my house even though it's probably for most people it's probably pretty fucking serious my my farm in my house is so serious that i called my mom last night at nine
Starting point is 01:08:08 o'clock i'm like hey will you come over for like three or four hours today and help me in the garden she said yeah i mean it is serious it's a good mom shit here we go i'm not gonna like this one at all how we do it in the comments savon is a blarminian what's what's that blarminian oh okay black thank you blar why can't it be black minion why is why is there an o because the r blar blar okay okay i see it thank you caleb savon is a blarminian characteristics include short stature small penis above average sprint speed, and affinity for rap music. Famous Blarminians include Too Short Lil Wayne and Kim Kardashian. I think some of the details you have wrong.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Kim Kardashian. But, yeah. kim kardashian um but uh yeah uh so crossfit uh farmers carries will prep you for a shopping trip not true oh here what's this armeniac oh that's like armenian and black yeah sounds better what do you call like do other ones have that do black chinese people have something blazians oh blazians glazians i was thinking blinks but that's probably that's probably racist i was with my friends uh two blinks and a blick
Starting point is 01:09:48 and a blue oh god those who don't know that's a Mexican a Chinese guy and a Jew that are also black I'm in fucking trouble no wonder he can't get any no wonder he can't get any sponsors. Gingro.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Why are words so funny? Oh, here we go. Japanese. Oh, yeah. Blackanese. That's good. Okay. Oh, yeah. Black and Ease. That's good. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Okay, stop. Blacksican. That's good. I'm white, white. Audrey. Oh, yes, we do need that. I don't know how you have a following or a show i don't know how you have a podcast we do need that audio of dave caster saying that as a soundbite yeah
Starting point is 01:10:50 as a soundbite i don't know how you have a show i don't know how you have a podcast okay uh uh number 60 this is serious enough joking we need to do some serious this show's gotten i this show should be serious it's supposed to be about like abortion and stuff number 60 this is this is a self-driving so a couple nights ago last night in San Francisco I guess there was a drive-by
Starting point is 01:11:16 shooting and nine people got shot I don't know if anyone got killed or anything but but a self-driving car got stuck it is parked in the fucking first responders can't get past it. Walking emergency medical and fire. I gotta get it out of here now. Hey, pause that.
Starting point is 01:11:42 In high school, me and my friends would have just gone over and picked that fucking car up. Did you guys ever do that? We would have picked that fucking car up. My friends and I would have circled that car and picked it up and moved it. We used to do that in the parking lot. You guys never did that? Just pick up someone's car and move it?
Starting point is 01:11:57 No. It's so fucking trippy. It's so fun. Okay, keep playing. Let's see what happens here. Walking emergency medical. So this is in the bay area this is probably san francisco uh frozen self-driving vehicle blocked first responders from getting to the scene of a shooting where nine why did they have an asterisk marks for shooting where nine people uh were injured his grandma take it down if they have those words up
Starting point is 01:12:23 there that was like I got suspended on Twitter for 12 hours for saying poison yourself I used those words I wasn't telling someone to poison yourself but those words existed in my post and so they said I was telling people to kill themselves because I wrote poison yourself
Starting point is 01:12:39 they totally took it out of context like I was telling fucking idiots anyway that story there has a lot of implications self driving car stuck in the middle of the street obviously the first responders can't get by
Starting point is 01:13:01 but just think what they're going to do when we all drive electric cars just think number 58're going to do when we all drive electric cars. Just think. Number 58, I wanted to celebrate CrossFit survival in Glendale, California, or Southern California. Your head coach is now famous. We mentioned him yesterday. We mentioned him yesterday on the show. Mr. Eric Boyd, head coach at CrossFit Survival.
Starting point is 01:13:34 He's loved. He was able to, after beating on some mothers and fathers at a local Antifa rally, he was arrested, and they came to his aid. You're not going to put this up? Oh, I'm sorry. For whatever reason, it does this every time. All right, thanks.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Eric James Boyd was arrested at the Brawl in Glendale. He has a prior arrest. Oh, he's been famous before for felony child sex crimes and assault with deadly women. The charges were related to sexual contact with a child below the age of 14 years old. Anyway, CrossFit survival. By the way, if anyone from that gym wants to come on and talk to me about this, I would love to have you on.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Like if the owner wants to come on and talk to me. We do this show. It's called an affiliate show. We've had a little bit of a hiatus i would love to have you on i'd love to hear about this guy do you think they knew about his background before no i don't so you think this was like a surprise to them i do they just say that to give them the out? Yes. Cool. Sousa, you're not supposed to ask that question. Number 56.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Oh, there he is. There he is. Nice. Oh, how sweet. You wear pink. One of my boys loves the pink. It totally can relate to you got his helmet on he's got a trans badge on
Starting point is 01:15:07 look at you see that it's crazy they just cover their faces like they don't want to be known as who they are it's weird like why would you do that I like black and gray
Starting point is 01:15:23 I don't know why I guess I like black and gray. I don't know why. I guess I like red. I'm not a huge fan of pink. Not that I hate the color. Number 56, James Bond. Oh, this is good. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:15:42 This is a sneak peek of the new James Bond film. A lot of people don't have this link. This will be coming out in 2024, January of 2024. A special exclusive on the Sevan podcast, a preview of the new James Bond. And action. Who is this? I'm Bond, James Bond. Seriously though, where is Mr. Bond?
Starting point is 01:16:05 Are you insinuating that a half-Black, half-Mexican, transgender, homosexual, disabled dwarf who identifies as they slash them can't be a James Bond? No, I just thought that you would be... A straight white male? It's 2022, sweetheart. Get over yourself. Very well. Then I should inform you that we have your girlfriend hanging over a vat of lava.
Starting point is 01:16:22 So give me the nuclear launch codes. She is not my girlfriend. She is an independent platonic woman, and she most certainly does not need a man to rescue her. You Russian bitch. Lower her into the lava. Do it. She's killing everyone!
Starting point is 01:16:34 Told you, bitch. She's gonna be the one saving me. Kill that! Bring it, Zaddy. Kill that. She's too powerful! It stays slash then, bitch. How is that physically possible?
Starting point is 01:16:45 Oh, okay. You think it's physically impossible for a woman to do what a man could do in an action film? Yes. Sweetheart, I've been recording this whole conversation on a secret mic, which means you're now canceled. Bye, bitch. Coming to you. I don't know what the fuck he has on his head. But it's not funny because we're there.
Starting point is 01:17:11 That's not satire. That's not satire. That's the other. So there's 200 people listening to the show right now that's the other um uh seven billion 900 million people on the planet god tell me i'm wrong right tell me that's just a minority oh my goodness they gotta do it the guy the guy who's the founder and former ceo of youtube i forget his name charlie something or another, is also part of the World Economic Forum. It's just a gathering of a few close friends with a little bit of money.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Right, thank you. You're right. 55, I'm just jealous. 55, huge dong. You're right. 55. I'm just jealous. 55. Huge dong. It's not like there's a handful of major investment companies that own the majority of the largest 500 companies in the U.S. that pull the strings on making them what to do. And if they don't, they'll get their funding pulled. That would be weird.
Starting point is 01:18:22 Well said. Thank you for shedding light on that. I want you to know something and this is a hundred percent true some you some because you guys are fucking a dick obsessed guilty because you guys are fucking cock obsessed you're gonna think i like caleb don't do that what if that would have turned me on uh because you guys are dick obsessed you're gonna think i'm i i like this because of the uh the the subject matter but i don't i what i really find fascinating is this man's delivery and in just the the artistic makeup of of uh of this piece i just
Starting point is 01:19:01 really like this it's it's a story's a narration. It has a plot twist. So try not to be, get all dick obsessed and just see this, broaden your scope of appreciation, please. I'm Patrick Ewing's dick was rumored to be so big that he had to fucking tape it to his leg. It was rumored that during a game against the Clippers in 1996,
Starting point is 01:19:22 Patrick Ewing went up for a monstrous dunk and people at the game were able to see his tape contraption give out on him. There was supposedly a snake-like movement in his pants following the dunk that quickly unraveled assuming that the tape wasn't able to withstand his schlong. Now, no one knows if this shit is actually true or not. However, in an interview, Ewing subtly admitted that the rumor was true
Starting point is 01:19:41 as he stated his piece was over 40 centimeters long and thicker than a cup of coffee. I always thought it was I want to be like Mike, but fuck that because I want to be spewing like Ewing, baby. Dude, someone sat down and put that shit together. That's amazing. What's the process? Do you write it first? Someone wrote that and then pulled the clips together or like interesting yeah how'd it come together
Starting point is 01:20:14 hey that's a fucking course that could be a college course yeah isn't the narration on point the guy's voice is so good spewing like ewing that part was a little crass i'd have toned that down a little bit in a perfect world i prefer if they could work the word ejaculate in there. Look at number 61. There's so much shit that's just lying like this in the world. There's so much stuff that's just straight lying. It's crazy. This is a clothing line.
Starting point is 01:21:06 It's called Virus, Virus International. And it says, a virus we believe that everyone has the right to safely express the passion that defines them. No, they don't. You think it's, everyone should have the right
Starting point is 01:21:24 to express their passion for pedophilia? You think it's right for people to express their passion to force kids to take drugs in order to attend local public school? At Virus, we believe that everyone has the right to safely express the passion that defines them you're out of your fucking mind there's no broad blanket statement like that that works you think just anything's okay you're a fucking piece of shit if you think that it's like when people say about the crossfit game far less severe but safety first
Starting point is 01:22:08 safety first that's propaganda bullshit no one wants to watch a crossfit games it's safety first you will not be doing overhead squats this year. Safety first. Safety first. Kevin, I can't wear any clothes anymore. You can't. You really can't. You got to make your own shit. I can't wear any clothes anymore. Is that Thor's trans hammer?
Starting point is 01:22:41 Yeah. Dude, you can't even express yourself on this platform. You can't. What happened to Caleb? I don't know. The camera went up. You can't even express yourself on the,
Starting point is 01:22:56 oh, he's back. He's gone. You can't even express yourself on this platform without getting worried. We got kicked off for suggesting an alternative to us for a certain ailment as exercise and diet, and we got kicked off for a week. What if that's your passion? Yeah. Not only is it my passion, I think it's true.
Starting point is 01:23:15 I think it's the first line of defense. I believe it. No, I think born primitive is good. I think born primitive is pretty good I think born primitives are good. Are they making shoes now? Interesting. I don't – I'm totally down with the making a converse that's rainbow-colored that's a Pride week, Pride month, Pride day, pride year pro sucking cock if you have a cock. I'm so down for that.
Starting point is 01:23:47 I'm so down for a Malcolm X t-shirt. I'm down for fucking Let's Go Biden wife beater. I'm down – whatever clothes you want to wear and advertise, I'm down for all of it. I'm down for a whole line of fucking girls' clothes that are designed to fit men's bodies. Just keep the shit away from the fucking... If it's fucked up shit, just keep it away from kids and don't put it into our schools
Starting point is 01:24:17 and shit like that. Are you saying that the virus is doing that somehow? Don't shove it down people's faces. No, sorry. I don't care about the corporations doing it down uh people's faces no sorry specifically corporations like it doesn't fucking matter like yeah yeah do what you get super bowl stuff they advertise yes it just doesn't do it for me and if we're gonna hold the line of the kids with the school then i think you hold the line with the kids with the school yeah otherwise you're just
Starting point is 01:24:39 kind of like searching it out and be like see more see more see more see more and it's like well of course and and um and and i'm just calling them out because it's a fucking lie we're there to support everyone actually no you're not i would support people who hate gay people or who hate jews or who hate black people or who hate um uh any hate group before I would support pedophiles. Like a thousand times before. Yeah, for sure. I'm okay with the I hate Jew club in the high school way before I'm okay with the pedophile club.
Starting point is 01:25:20 There's levels to this shit. So we're in a time where if you want to play the game then then you're going to get called out on it too i think well until they don't let us call people out on it every this country don't get it twisted people this country the united states of america probably other countries too requires you in order to allow your kids into the public school system, to take a massive fucking cycle of drugs to get in. A massive cycle. Massive. What's massive, Sevan? Five shots? No. Ten shots? No.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Twenty shots? No. Sixty shots? Getting closer. Injections of stuff that you have no idea what they're doing what they're putting in your kids that's this country not true savvy okay talk to me i'm open tell me tell me tell me i'm open tell me tell me are you gonna tell me in south dakota they don't require that tell me i'm open i'm open i want to know i want to fix it for the record tell me oh and are they going to public school are they going to public school? Jeremy E. World, someone is a very articulate black man.
Starting point is 01:26:52 They are in public schools in Atlanta. Wow, okay. I stand corrected. That last part, strike it from the record. In my great state of California, it is almost impossible. And we've jumped through all the fucking hoops. And also, by the way, let me push back here a little bit, and I appreciate the discussion. Your kids may have already been grandfathered in.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Things have changed a lot in the last three years. You used to be able to go to some hippie doctor and get a waiver, an exemption. You think racism trumps pedophilia I don't pedophilia trumps all I'm fine with all everyone can have do whatever the fuck they want except for that I don't care if you hate short people or any shit like that hey someone said to me the other any shit like that hey
Starting point is 01:27:45 someone said to me the other day they're like someone sent me a really cool Jay Sizzle that may be true some states have waivers still you know look how proud he is his son's taller than him already I can't wait till one of my kids is taller than me what a fucking stud congrats on the boy
Starting point is 01:28:04 with the medal. Someone said to me the other day, this morning it was in a DM, they said, it's crazy we live in a time where women still think that men aren't attracted to muscular women. Basically saying, she was saying, hey, I'm a muscular woman,
Starting point is 01:28:25 and like I don't have that issue at all. Tons of men are attracted to me. And here's the thing. There's people who are not attracted to Christians. There are people who are not attracted to short men. There's people who are not attracted to fat people. There's people who are not attracted to tall people. There's people who are not attracted to smelly people.
Starting point is 01:28:41 There's people who are not attracted to rich people. No, that's not true. That last one's not true. are not attracted to rich people. No, that's not true. That last one's not true. Everyone's attracted to rich people. Everyone will push away all their stupid shit to suck a rich dick. But the thing is, is of course, there's going to be people who don't want a muscular woman, but, but there's people who don't want someone with big ears even more.
Starting point is 01:29:02 And so for some reason that that's become some sort of platform for like women to be like, I'm going to stand up for women. And I'm going to show that like, you don't have to do that. Just be buff and be hot and be healthy. And it will just happen. You don't have to like, it's okay that some guys don't want a chick that can bench press three Oh five. It's totally fine. There's some guys that want a chick that weighs 305.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Yeah. It's totally fine. No one's like... It's totally fine. Not pushing 49ers in my California county, but we are a conservative county. Not pushing them, but I bet you they're required. She must be in Shasta County. Do you think she's in Shasta or Orange County?
Starting point is 01:29:51 Orange County? Where Newport is. Is Newport in Orange County? There's only two counties, really. Yeah, but I feel like that wouldn't be, I would consider conservative for the public school. You think Orange County? I thought they were.
Starting point is 01:30:03 I would agree with definitely like shasta county you're away with a lot more up there my wife has a tiny head i like tiny heads i'm fine with tiny heads my wife's got a tiny head not like beetlejuice tiny just like normal tiny i don't hey i don't think your kids i don't think kids in your um county can go to school without the i don't think anyone in california can go to school anymore without a massive amount of injections you can't even before they used to be able to even say hey i'm gonna get them or i'm on the i'm on the uh right you acknowledge that you have to get them and are working toward it yeah what's that called you're on the schedule now you can't even say that
Starting point is 01:30:48 you know what's crazy is the um i live in a near a big i live in an ag area and so there's shit loads of mexicans here right and the in their town their town uh all their murals there all of them with the people the people are wearing masks and so the people they're still wearing masks and it's so fucking crazy because the murals are going to be there for 30 years and there's just kids like playing in a playground on a big mural on the side of a three-story building and they all have masks on. Yeah, kids aren't allowed to go to school in California. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Here's the thing. If what I'm saying is not true, it's like 99% true. I mean, I'm telling you. Yeah, here we go, Allison. No religious exemptions here either. Impossible to get one. Yeah. We got all we we tried everything
Starting point is 01:31:46 from k through 12 there's 20 everything legal that are 12 20 shots i mean uh k through seventh grade you need 20 of them yeah and it looks like yeah and and hey and i bet you most of those are like three shots each too when they say 20 it's not that was the total doses also i gave so if you do no no let me show you one two three four five six seven but each one requires multiple doses oh okay so it's seven no no no no categories and each one of those seven require five four three or two that's to go that's to go to school yeah k through seventh grade i'm pulling up a uh yeah here we go so this must not be this must not be to uh yeah that's the same thing i have oh it is it is? Okay. Yeah, so it's like you have – you can count the amount of them you need down the side, and then you add the doses into it. But no, but look, look, look, look. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Those are three different drugs in one shot.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Right. And you have like your DTAP polio, which is like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and polio. Yeah. And you have your meningococcal, and then you get meningococcal, and you get ACWY, which is four different strains of meningococcal. And the same with like your pneumococcal. You get like three different variations of pneumococcal in one shot. So do you see that? It ends up being way more than 20, Sousa. Right.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Okay. See what I'm saying? But you're right. I'm glad you pulled this up, though. It's like important to be clear about this so the the shots are maybe you're accurate with the number of shots but the fucking concoction is is significant well i think it just further proves your point what you said earlier and you have no idea what's in them so like even when i had the numbers and the thing it still didn't tell all the information of the cocktail that you were receiving. I like how it's about
Starting point is 01:33:46 cocculuses and cocktails. Patriarchy. Inoculus, cocculus. You have to get inoculated from the pneumonal cockle through a variety of cocktails. That's a lot of cock.
Starting point is 01:34:00 a cock. I like what Jay Hartle just said. I'm not going to read it out loud, though. This? Yeah, that. Didn't Bridges say that his second round, he told the guy to shoot it on the floor? Yeah, if you get a cool medic, I'll help you out.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Nothing like a cool medic. Oh, here we go. Yasser, in cockulous cockulous. the inoc in cockulous cockulous when i see stuff like that i just picture people typing that shit out how excited they'd be like did he have to spell check that you know how many times his computer probably tried not to let him send that was like trying to auto correct that shit multiple times to get that in correctly a buddy all my kids are out of school
Starting point is 01:35:09 two are in college and the woke agenda is alive and well scary times yeah one of my friends sent or acquaintances sent his kid to Stanford and he lost his son whatever fucking they got in his fucking head contaminated him he got the fucking
Starting point is 01:35:24 the mental virus and he lost his kid. What do you mean? They just come back and they argue with him? You don't know anything, dad. You're a racist. Yeah, yeah, exactly. You're a white cis male. How do you take over the world?
Starting point is 01:35:41 I was thinking about that the other day, too. My pronoun is not cis male too I don't my pronoun is not cis male I don't want to be anything cis my sister is a cis I'm not a cis I'm a bro I'm a brother with an A at the end
Starting point is 01:35:57 brother I'm brother thank you they've all been they've all been fucking compromised I'm brother. Yeah, you got it. Thank you. Man, my traffic's like so bad. They've all been fucking compromised. That's why you should send them down south for college. Even Hillsdale College, the most conservative college in the country,
Starting point is 01:36:15 has been compromised. Mm-hmm. Oh, here. I was indoctrinated in college 20 years ago. Thank God I figured it out quickly and got back to my roots. Can't imagine college now. Yeah, me too. Look at the photos photos just those wood meals
Starting point is 01:36:29 might be a little more I had someone walk up to me at the broken science initiative pull me in really close I enjoyed every second of it probably because those fucking margaritas
Starting point is 01:36:53 the Madaris's family brought me they know how to have a good time oh Shanna and this person said I am so and so and they told me their code name they told me their name in the comments who they are how'd that make you feel uh i liked it it was great it was fucking crazy my eyes got all fucking i got all tingly like it was weird like i it was weird it was cool though does it ever give you a bit of paranoia
Starting point is 01:37:34 like you go to those things that it's like open to the public and you're kind of looking around and you're like is there somebody here who i know that i don't know is trish i know i never even thought i didn't never even thought of it. I never even thought of it. I was totally caught off guard. I was totally caught off guard. Is it Dick Butter in the comments? But I got warm.
Starting point is 01:37:54 It was great. It was great. I'm gradually starting to figure out who Trish is. You are? You're breaking the code? Yeah. gradually starting to figure out who Trish is. You are? You're breaking the code?
Starting point is 01:38:04 Yeah. I'm not going to give away any of my notes, but I'm figuring it out. I feel like Caleb would just have all the strings and the stuff printed out and it's all mapped out at the house. What you can't see behind the screen here is just a massive
Starting point is 01:38:21 camera. Already looking forward to the next gathering. Oh, yeah. is just a massive... Did the camera run? Yeah. Already looking forward to the next gathering. Oh, yeah. Poor Hunter, 96% of polio is mild symptoms or no symptoms, but if you're in the 4%, it's brutal. Okay, we should finish on something. We already did Jay-Z's new home on a racing number 13 somebody poured gasoline on your car and your kids were inside
Starting point is 01:38:48 okay we did that one first cool thing I've seen in baseball how about number 11 this one might be good oh number 6 says black guy maybe I started as a black guy. I should end as a black guy.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Six or 11. Let's try six. I bet you I've already done six. This is a dude named Tyler. He used to comment as himself. Yeah, because Trish turned sweet. You remember when I was in barcelona and we did the uh you had gary roberts on yeah and a couple of the comments trish was making was like
Starting point is 01:39:32 they were like really like um risque if you will because of the background that i had behind me and she was like oh i wish she's like soon they'll pay you a dollar to lick the screen. All this other shit. You remember that? Trish's personality has evolved. Yes, evolved. Yeah. Let's discuss offline. Okay. Okay. Great hanging with you guys today.
Starting point is 01:39:59 It's going to be a crazy week. Let's listen to the black man gets the final word. Here we go. People ask me if I'm black. The conversation always goes the same way. It's, hey the black man gets the final word. Here we go. People ask me if I'm black. The conversation always goes the same way. It's, hey man, are you black? Well, I'm Egyptian. Oh, so you're African.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Yeah, so you're black. What does this guy think? Decide right now. Black or no black, the world's worst game show. It's okay. Usually people just panic and say mix, and I'm like, of what? Herbs and spices? Be specific. Because here's the thing. I'm North African. That does sound kind of blank. But on the other hand,
Starting point is 01:40:32 white people had to start somewhere, right? We're all from Africa. You guys can just pop up at a farmer's market in Vermont. You had to start somewhere. Maybe I'm just how white people used to look. The Ford Model T of honkies. Here's my take on it. I'd love to be black.
Starting point is 01:40:51 I'd love to be on the team. I just don't think the team wants me. Because if I say I'm black, people are like, who are you kidding? You're not black. But if I say I'm not black, people are like, what are you ashamed of being black? It's like, what race do I have to be to walk away from this conversation? Because North African sounds kind of black, but I have a very pale skin tone. And Egypt is right there by Greece.
Starting point is 01:41:09 And Greek food is just Arab food with too much fucking yogurt on it anyway. At the same time, though, you know, put me in a sweater, give me a chain, I look like I'm in a hookah lounge. Maybe a pawn shop or a bail bonds office. In all three cases, it will be named Aladdin's, just to be clear. In all three cases, it will be named Aladdin. Just to be clear. A lot of people ask me if I'm black. He's good, huh?
Starting point is 01:41:32 That's pretty funny. That was good. The comedian I wish I was. All right, guys. Thank you very much. We will see you. Do we have a guest tomorrow morning? Negative.
Starting point is 01:41:39 Okay. He's not yet. He's not yet. Let me tell you the awesome group of people we have coming up. Tuesday, Asia Bartow, Dad Talk. I'm going to ask Asia his birth story. You always hear about women's birth stories. Let me hear about him, what he saw. I mean, I like women's birth stories, but I just thought, oh, let's have Asia on, and let's find out.
Starting point is 01:42:04 What did he see? What did find out. What did he see? What did he feel? What did he smell? Wednesday, holy shit. Jesse Bifano. The man behind Justin Medeiros and Ellie Turner's strength. Second mention of Ellie in the show today. Ellie Turner's strength.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Second mention of Ellie in the show today. Number Thursday, the 15th, we have Will Roosh. Roosh? That's the guy who doesn't want people talking in echo chambers. He's an open-minded guy. Hopefully he can unfuck me and bring
Starting point is 01:42:39 me back to the pro-choice side because I'm slowly slipping over to pro-life. And finally on Friday, the big show, James Townsend. Is James Townsend really human? That's the question. Is it possible for a human being
Starting point is 01:42:57 to have those physical attributes? Alright. See you guys tomorrow morning. Mr. Beaver, good to see you. Likewise. S. Beaver good to see you likewise Susa same to you paper street coffee thank you California hormones thank you
Starting point is 01:43:11 thank you bye bye

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