The Sevan Podcast - Sunday w/ Souza | Live Call In #1043

Episode Date: October 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's So you can save more. Whether it's pantry staples or seasonal favorites, you can look forward to new discounts throughout the aisles at Loblaws to get your essentials at great prices. It's your cue to stock up and save. Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws, in-store and online. Hello, all you beautiful people on the Internet of Things there. Welcome to the Sunday show. I was partially just going to stall until I could see if Caleb showed up today.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Because I could definitely use a little backup as I'm flying solo. You guys that listen to the show regularly know that Sevan is on his way to the Mark Bell podcast with the one and only Mr. Greg Glassman. So I got the reins today. Yes, yes, yes. Caleb, come on here. Oh, thank goodness. I was like, I just hit the button. I was like, well, I was hoping Caleb would come on. Hopefully he does and bails me out a little bit here what's up dude how you doing hey good morning so here's what i was uh thinking we would do i have the live call-in number set up as call forwarding so hopefully we get somebody that'll call in and test that you hiding something back there maybe so we'll uh we'll run the we'll run the banner here.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And hopefully we'll get somebody to come in. You can just call in and test it. Don't freak out. Just call. Let's see if it works. Oh, shit. I think it's working, but I think I... Damn, I screwed it up.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Hold on. Hold on. I was like... I thought I was all prepared for it and realized I never actually connected my Bluetooth to the Rodecaster. One second. One second. Okay, hold on. Hello, caller.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Are you there? Yeah, I'm here. Just making sure the phone works for you, baby. Can you hear it? Can you hear it, Caleb? Oh, I can hear it. All right, we're in there. Nice. What's up, man? How you doing? Good morning, guys. It's Jethro. Have a happy Sunday.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Jethro. It's working. It's working. All right, that's it. You're not going to allow me to force you to talk to me now for a second? Yeah, yeah. What's up? What's going on? I just had a workout. Everything's going well. Tyson's playing today. Yeah, are you pumped for that or what? I just had a workout. Everything's going well. Tyson's playing today.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yeah, are you pumped for that or what? Hell yeah. I just left a message on Hiller's last post. I haven't watched a football game in six years. No shit. I'm going to go to my local pub, and I'm going to sit at the bar and watch the game at 1 o'clock. All right. Hey, how many more CrossFitters do you think will be watching this game today
Starting point is 00:03:21 than would not have been with those posts and everything else? At least 50%. I wish we knew. Or more. If the game randomly had 283,000 more people watch, just everybody that would be on the sign-up for the Open. Put it this way. Would you two have watched a game this weekend?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Not the Chicago Bears. Hell no. No. I would have watched all the college. I would have watched the college games, but I definitely wouldn't have watched the nfl games yeah college seems like there's more of a draw for us than a professional why is that it's kind of like college basketball you won't be bothering with like all the hype and the hoopla with like politics and stuff these guys just going out there
Starting point is 00:04:01 and playing college sports giving it they're all trying to get to the next level you know These guys are just going out there and playing college sports, giving it their all, trying to get to the next level. More on the stakes. There was a guy playing for K-State yesterday, and he was classmates with my brother in high school. He doesn't start, but he'll play every once in a while towards the end of the games. I don't think I've ever watched a game more intently than i did that
Starting point is 00:04:25 game because he was getting in like the second half and he ended up scoring a touchdown and i was more excited for that than i've ever been about anything just because i knew the guy dude once you know somebody you're involved right absolutely it was cool all right thank you brother i appreciate you calling in and test the phone lines Yeah dude Alright guys take it easy Alright man bye Okay so one of the things I was thinking about doing Is since I have a lot of people And we have another call Nice
Starting point is 00:04:54 Hold on I gotta like click the bluetooth button Each time Caller welcome to the show Am I on? You're on who is this what's your name? It's me it's your boy, Chris. Chris Biestefeld. Chris Biestefeld.
Starting point is 00:05:09 What's up? Yeah. How are you guys doing? Fantastic. How are you? I'm blazing. Awesome. Hi.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It's a little early, Chris. Did you do a little wake and bake there or what i got medical issues ah yes your eyebrows hurt i do so what's up what's up man what can we do for you got it you got a question you guys know you guys know odd yes challenged. She said she challenges me. These guys in the chat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Guys, gals, they're always making me do these physical challenges. So what was the challenge? She wanted to get high this morning. I said, I'm available. Okay. How's it going? It's great. How'd you smoke? What was it it it's been a good morning and i had um two cups of coffee so i'm definitely this is the i call this the chris stack oh shit
Starting point is 00:06:16 okay so what how does that work do you like get super hyped up and then not super hyped i don't understand counteracting that i it well it's funny it just kind of it all it just works it just all blends together like the caffeine the cannabis christy do you go to an affiliate i don't you don't okay i have a great garage gym yeah you say you crossfit? I do. Okay, awesome. You ever blaze up and hit a Metcon or what? Yeah, I mean, part of my issues are, you know, it helps me get in the right frame of mind to go to war in the shadows.
Starting point is 00:07:06 You know? Crossfit my life away yeah yeah dude good that's awesome good on you you're not you're not so you're not anxious to to work out anymore you just you feel good feel better about going into your metcons i mean i wouldn't recommend this to anyone. Wow. Other than me. Like, you know, I mean, I just don't know how other people operate. You know, I just know me. And so I've been tinkering with my health and mental health.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Awesome. You know, and this is, so far it's been like this has been the best so far okay well that i don't go crazy too much we're happy for you what'd you what'd you smoke like out of a bong a joint what's your preferred method today yeah today was a little uh like a little pipe a little pipe all right okay it's not that big bag of weed. Savon has behind the counter of his desk, right? On Sunday. Are you there? Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I've been trying to get into the DMS here. This is an obvious money making operation. Clearly, clearly. The Savon cannabis resort. Wow. Now you're on to something. All right, Chris.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Well, you enjoy yourself there. Have another cup of coffee and get ready for that workout later on today. All right. Bye, boys. All right, Chris. Thank you for calling. See you, Chris. Bye.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Bye. Okay. Already off to a great start. Just torched it. Oh, my goodness. Wait, I thought I thought we had no it's not another call somebody was just Chris accidentally called back Chris forgot he called and called right back
Starting point is 00:08:56 okay so real quickly before do you still have the notes from yesterday Caleb this is my genius idea we were just going to go through and you're just going to pick a random one on there and we'll play off those a little bit. I do have this first to start. So if you guys want to be cool, if you guys want to be part of the Swolverine Collective, if you guys want to take the creatine and intra and not eat actual food, you can join the Swole Collective. So this is a link that we have in the show notes here.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And basically, if you want to sling some Swolverine on your Instagram or at your gym, you can apply now to be part of the Swolverine Collective. Each tier gets you more stuff. See? Acceptance. The acceptance package Caleb you could be accepted 15 commission 40 personal discount photo
Starting point is 00:09:51 shoot opportunities only nudes receiving products on launch and 50 off nutrition coaching so they got a couple of them here if you guys want to check this out, if you want to be a part of it, if you're already doing the Swolverine thing and you just want to get some money back on it, save yourself a couple of bones, you can go here, sling it to your friends. They're stealing your shit anyways.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You might as well just sell them their own tub, and then you get something from it, all right? So the link is in the show notes there. Please go check that out. Swolverine Collective. It's where all the cool kids hang out. Okay. The whisper is what did it. Are we pushing? Yes, we are. Yes. And I just sent a shitload of inventory to your house and you better pay for it.
Starting point is 00:10:44 And our latest sponsor, Herbalife. No, just kidding just kidding no it's an affiliate program it's not a multi-level marketing thing um mary matt are you going to rogue no but caleb will be there was going to no not caleb's gonna rock it out are you excited yeah dude i'm stoked it's been like super busy past couple weeks yeah but it's i feel like this will be a little bit of a break in a way well yeah work break right yeah it'll be cool i'm excited shit i just accidentally hit a wrong button and zoomed all the way in on one comment do you freak out when you have to travel places like does it throw you off your routine are you just is there no routine because you're just in the military so they just do what you tell what they tell you tell you to do and yeah i don't really i don't really have a
Starting point is 00:11:28 routine right now it's i'm super up in the air just because i'm not living in a house that's mine and uh yeah so just moving in general is tough but other otherwise i'm just kind of flying by the seat of my pants most days so when i go to rogue it's just like moving my current temporary living situation to another temporary living situation so then you just pack up all your shit in the backpack that you have and then uh take it onto the plane and fly to another place and just rock everything out yeah exactly so if you guys haven't already subscribed to the shattuck in now is your opportunity check it out how many videos do you have in total right now uh i think i like four longer videos but like six or seven reels or shorts whatever dude the
Starting point is 00:12:20 shorts are killing it yeah you have a couple of them that are over 9,000, 9,000. Yeah, it's pretty wild. Yeah, 8,000. People love the renovation stuff, huh? Yeah, it's pretty crazy. If you just look up home renovation, it has over a million tags of that stuff. Yeah. It's pretty wild.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I haven't been able to do anything the past couple weeks just because of... I'm back at work, basically, for a little bit. Yeah. I should be back to it, like, this weekend, next week. Are you shooting this with your camera, or is this just on your phone? That's my mom's phone. Oh, shit. You might want to mute the audio. Is it loud?
Starting point is 00:12:59 No, it's the... Oh, it's going to get us... Yeah, good. Fuck. I don't even know how to mute audio in here i just paused it the top right thing yeah this is why this is why this is your job i just want to it's weird to have you bring up your own thing is that oh you guys so you guys ordered that dumpster to come to the house right there yeah it's like so it's like a 30 yard dumpster they said it was five and a half feet tallster they said it was five and a half feet
Starting point is 00:13:25 tall but i'm definitely over five and a half feet tall yeah and i can't reach over that there's no way over it no you're like what are you like six one six two yeah and uh so when i got when i saw it in the driveway i was like fuck this is gonna suck but we filled it and we filled it with everything that was in that house it was crazy like that all that count all those countertops are gone those cabinets are gone now there were just shelves and shelves of shit that haven't been touched or messed with and forever yeah it's pretty bad so finally it's kind of cleared out it's just our storage basically right now i'm gonna try to maybe fix the heating get a new heating unit that kind of thing that's really
Starting point is 00:14:13 we got a hvac guy come over and he said it was going to be like nine to fourteen thousand dollars to fix it and so we've been that's like our big money suck right now. It's just trying to figure out how to solve that before we can do like a flooring or insulate it and all that shit too. Damn. It's quite the task. That is quite the task. In other news, have you seen this with Dave Castro's, uh, my challenging move, shoot and communicate fire team match.
Starting point is 00:14:45 You follow this account of his, the TDC Hunts account? Yeah. It's pretty cool. Yeah, so he's putting on, I think these are just done here at the, or there at the ranch. And it looks like these two dudes got first place in his challenge there. Yeah, it's awesome. Yeah. there yeah it's awesome yeah i think it's funny how he uses like an off caliber i think it's not
Starting point is 00:15:11 an off it's not a caliber but he uses a different firing mechanism for his matches it's not like a pin it's not a striker fire it's like a rim fire or something what's the difference so a striker fire is like if you look at around the back end of it is like there's like a silver piece and that's like the more common round but he's using like it's called a rim fire and the the mechanism just hits the back like edge of the round instead so it's but it's it's just a different way of shooting i guess but that's the kind of competition he runs so i thought that was always interesting yeah it is it's also funny too because it looks like all these uh dudes on here would not be like able to just kill you
Starting point is 00:15:58 yeah right right like if you think like this team moving around out in the out in the woods and like shooting shit and and being all badass like you don't necessarily put these faces to that action but yeah like the guy on the right with his eyes closed yeah it's just like that skinny mini looking nobody yeah his eyes actually aren't closed that's pretty racist caleb but it's um but yeah i understand i understand what you're saying. Oh, my bad. Sorry. And I think I found we have some, you know, because when you're out there, they're running around. It's not like there's a bathroom out there, right? And so I actually found somebody who was a contestant of the Move, Shoot, Challenge.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Move, Challenge, Move, Shoot, Communicate. the move, shoot, challenge. Move, challenge, move, shoot, communicate. And, well, he answered the hard-hitting questions for us here. So let him roll. What do you do when you have to poop? Most people don't think of that. Look at that. Would you look at that?
Starting point is 00:17:03 Would you just look at that? QDs. QD qds you see that qds for the qts cute cuties i'm i'm cute i'm whatever so there you go if you guys ever wondered wondered how they use the restroom with their body over arm, that's it. The QDs. So with the phone call, I get a lot of people too that will reach out and ask about affiliate stuff or coaching and things like that. So if you guys have any questions or stories, if you have a story, keep it short. Don't fucking make it weird with everybody putting 1999 while you're talking on the phone. Just make the story short.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And we'll have some discussion around some affiliate talk, talk some shop. Okay, so until then, let's just steal Sevan's notes. Do you have them on your end? Yep. All right. Do you want to just pick a random one? And then we'll see. This is going to be live reactions guys so caleb and i both have no idea what's going to happen we'll just click the button we'll play if it's something that's already been played before
Starting point is 00:18:14 we'll drop it off real quick and we'll swap it up for another one but we're just gonna we're just gonna shoot in the dark and we're just gonna react to some clips and uh have some conversation and wait for you guys to call in with some crazy affiliate stories this one was labeled as comedy so i figured okay all right here we go small generational differences little things i wear a watch i always will since i was 13 i've won a watch millennials don't wear watches it's true apple watch not a watch. Millennials don't wear watches. It's true. Apple Watch is not a watch, sweetheart. Checking your emails on your wrist is a cry for help.
Starting point is 00:18:52 That's not a watch. The summer begins. We're on the beach. I see Leo with a black watch. I go, Leo, what time is it? Because it doesn't tell you the time. Your watch doesn't tell you the time. Your watch doesn't tell you the time.
Starting point is 00:19:06 It's not a watch. It's a whoop. A whoop? What does it tell you? It tells you how you're doing. I said, well, I look at my wrist. I see a gold Rolex. I know I'm doing good.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And I also know what'm doing good. And I also know what time it is. That's pretty funny. And it's also true. I don't see very many people with watches unless it's some sort of like Apple Watch or digital like wearable. Yeah, I think that's a it's I think it's a problem with like normal work spaces is that they just think they need to continue to keep their work with them at all times so like hey i need to have my fucking outlook connected to my watch and i need to be able to check it at four o'clock in the morning when i'm not even attached when i'm not even in in the shop or whatever like i don't
Starting point is 00:20:00 need that shit i don't i need to as soon as i leave work i'm done with work you know watch comes off yeah well i don't wear an apple watch either don't, I need to, as soon as I leave work, I'm done with work, you know? Watch comes off. Yeah, well, I don't wear an Apple watch either. I wear like a regular, just like he's wearing. I wear a Seiko watch and it has nothing else on it, but the time, the date and the day of the week. Those are the only things I need. I don't need anything else.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I don't need to know when my boss is texting me, telling me I need to submit my TPS reports by the end of the day, because I'll do it it's not that important yeah fuck those tps reports you know what's funny is i actually have an apple watch but i have all the notifications turned off so i only use it for the time the day and then the weather is like the only other thing oh but it doesn't seem really in handy if you use gps while you're driving because it buzzes it connects to your watch so then you can like give it a turn and it tells you which which direction to go which is really convenient um your wife doesn't tell you the directions while you're driving
Starting point is 00:20:52 mine doesn't i'll tell you that much no usually she'll start to and she'll hold the phone up and this is something that usually always results especially if it's a longer road trip and like just this like awkward like argument and silence in the car because she'll be telling some story and then all of a sudden she'll be like oh shit that was our turn and she like looks back and i'm like son of a bitch oh my gosh plumber what's up welcome to the show you're live uh susan howa, how are we? It's Plummer. We're good. How are you doing, brother? Good. Where's someone? Is he not here today? Are you taking the day off? Yeah, him and about another hundred people that usually watch the show are taking Sunday off right now.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Oh, good for them. Yeah, we let him know ahead of time I just put it in the thumbnail that he wasn't going to be here So then that way we could just not waste anybody else's time What's up, dude? How you doing? Good, man Good, man Figured I'd catch up Haven't seen much of you on the show recently
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah, I've been working It's always on during when I'm usually headed out It's great Gym's great No complaints I've actually been Are you? Go ahead Nope been working until he's on during what i'm usually headed out it's great jim's great no complaints i actually been uh are you go ahead no keep going sorry my bad i interrupted you no no no i was just gonna say it's been it's been good i have a guy that comes in there that that helps me out quite a bit now his name's albert as a head coach and so my time there as far as like physically having
Starting point is 00:22:22 to be there to coach a lot of the classes is slowly, slowly, slowly winding down a little bit, which is awesome. Oh, that's good. More time for other things. Yeah, hold on a little bit. Hold on. Bye, bitch. Okay. No, not you.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Sorry. I was talking to Mike. He said, Siobhan's not here. I'm out. Yeah. Thanks for stopping by recognizing it, putting in the comments. Unfollow. Unfollow. Oh, that's an unfollow. Hey, putting it in the comments. Unfollow. Unfollow.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Oh, that's an unfollow. Hey, block him. Block him. Block him from the chat. Get rid of him. Done. Done. Make me a wrench.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I'll have it done. No, that's awesome, man. Are you doing work with another podcast or kind of helping start another one as well? Nope. What? What makes you think that? I makes you think that talking on a podcast oh so you might be thinking of through the grapevine it's a podcast i do out here in uh livermore yeah yeah so we meet that that that podcast runs once a week for like uh six or seven weeks and then it takes a couple week break. And that is, that's not my podcast per se. I co-host with two others on the podcast. Oh, you're just a guest.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I'm just a reoccurring guest. And that's focused on small businesses in Livermore. We interview small business owners in Livermore. Yeah. That's neat. Very cool. It is cool. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for noticing. neat very cool it is cool yeah thank you thank you for noticing uh yeah you're welcome of course um i can't you know savon's been pretty quiet about it i think you might be threatened and in fact i feel bad because i'm a terrible co-host because the last like two months i basically missed a ton of recordings because i've been out traveling and working working yeah creeping around with my iphone on a really big tripod hell yeah well how's your coaching are you coaching full-time now or is it still indycar season
Starting point is 00:24:19 uh so it's yeah so indycar it's our off season right now um so I'm actually probably coaching more than I was during the season right because guys are actually in the shop working out um the tough part is is we have a lot going on just like with like testing so our guys are out doing tests for our cars and our trackers but then also since we're a partner with Honda, we're doing hybrid testing. So they're testing the future car. So basically there's just a ton of work right now and the people are all over the place. People are also taking their vacations since it's the off season.
Starting point is 00:24:59 So I have like, like the other day I did a partner workout. We had about like 18 guys show up. Um, and we did, what was it five minutes max cow row, five minutes, max cow ski, five minutes, um, max cow assault bike and then five minutes of a sled bush. Right. And basically there's a minute rest between each station and they partnered up and it was you go i go so that was their like friday challenge like partner workout but it's just kind of the groups vary right um but yeah it's good nice so you're enjoying coaching that's great
Starting point is 00:25:38 that's great hey have you had anybody have you had anything weird happen in your class like have you gone to tell the workout and's like, I'm not fucking doing that? Or like, anything crazy? This isn't a, yeah, this one isn't at like a CrossFit gym. But this is for my IndyCar job. So I'm the human performance trainer for Chip Ganassi Racing. So basically I train our pit crew and other, um, other people in the company that want to work out, right.
Starting point is 00:26:10 We have a gym in our shop. Um, so we have a facility in the shop where people can come work out as a part of their work day. So like, that's basically my, and then I travel with the team when we go to races throughout the season. Oh dude, that's dope. Congrats. That sounds awesome, man. Yeah, it's fun that's fantastic yeah it started out i actually it's funny so my first day driving to my internship i called in and like asked seven and i think you might have been on the call too what's your like one piece of advice you have for someone starting like a new thing yeah and he said like never say no
Starting point is 00:26:41 never say no when people ask you to do something. And then just always be the hardest. Strive to do everything perfect. Whether it was like, I kind of jokingly, I'd take pictures and send them to my friends and be like the fundamentals. When I'd be vacuuming the turf. Always just cleaning up when I wasn't told to. Doing all the little shit. Right. And then my boss,
Starting point is 00:27:06 it was the day before my internship was supposed to end. I wasn't going to get hired on because it wasn't in the budget for an assistant. And then the head strength coach accepted a job starting in August. So basically I had a job offer the day after my internship ended and I took over full time. Damn. Nice,
Starting point is 00:27:24 nice work, man. Oh, man dude it's fun congrats i was like thanks i was like really because that was my main plan like it was kind of that or bust basically i was gonna be like i'm like i still want to eventually like own my own crossfit gym but like i was just like all i all i had my plan was like i'm gonna coach crossfit people like ask me what i'm going to do. And I'd be like, well, I don't know how,
Starting point is 00:27:46 but I'm going to coach CrossFit. And like, I get to basically do that now, but instead of in an affiliate for like a professional racing organization. Damn. Awesome, brother. Congrats.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Hey dude. Thanks for, uh, thanks for calling in. Thanks for sharing the story and, and glad, the advice from, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:04 seven worked out for you. No doubt. All right. All right, brother. Thank you. The meth lab gets built here. One of these days,
Starting point is 00:28:11 one day, one day. Yeah. The Shatkin. That's right. All right. Oh, that's fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Uh, crossing my life away. That's right. We'll talk about that Tyson Bajan clip in a minute here, too. Mary, you're killing me here. If I answer this question, I'm like, hey, you guys, Greg and Seth are live on Mark Bell's podcast right now. This thing's going to fucking zero. What are you doing to me? They're not live, by the way. They're not live. No, no, no. I don't think that podcast is live. So otherwise, I wouldn't have even brought up that comment. podcast is live so otherwise i wouldn't have even brought up that comment but there was uh oh vindicate yes oh by the way you could still um i do believe you can right now limited edition get it while you can this is uh something crossfit should have posted up check it out you could still
Starting point is 00:28:58 get your uh tyson pageant colored ceo shirt you can't wear it today because you should have Tyson Bajent colored CEO shirt. You can't wear it today because you should have already bought it. But for those of you that do have it, great. Wear it. If not, go to Vindicate. Buy the shirt. Be cool. Travis said, Sousa is leaving to go in to start a podcast with Nate Edwardson.
Starting point is 00:29:22 You guys are going to talk about golf. Where's my hat? I'm'm gonna throw my backwards hat on and and yeah and then uh he says a humble podcast that's it beautiful all right so we'll also um we'll do this too if you guys want to you could pick the next thing we bring up on here just pick a number between one and 200 put it in the comments a number between one and 200 wait what is this jake oh my goodness so for those of you that are just listening to this uh jake chapman has a funny rotation of icon photos his latest one was him looking jacked, shirtless, and now apparently it's zoomed in
Starting point is 00:30:08 and he's drawn what looks like a bra on. That's hilarious. Okay, so we got a bunch of people that put in numbers. Okay, hold on. Stop putting in numbers now. There's too many. 69. Real mature, guys.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Good one. Real mature. Okay. All right, Caleb, you want to pick one of those? Pick one, say it out loud, and let's bring up the clip. Stefan's like, this motherfucker's just taking all my material. Seriously. Okay, so number, I'm going to go with 14,
Starting point is 00:30:36 because that's the first one that's on there. Okay. And it says truth. Oh, blast it. This might be way over our heads, but we'll give it a shot. This might be Savon-level knowledge. Yeah, if it gets crazy,
Starting point is 00:30:50 we'll just listen to it and both nod and then just it'll go away. Yes. Okay, here we go. Truth has become a right-wing concept. You cannot say it because if you say it, you are considered right-wing.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And to be right-wing is to be in league with the forces of evil. Education was turned from being the transmission of a culture down through the generations into the overturning of a culture on the basis that the culture was illegitimate, racist, colonialist, and all the rest of it. And we are where we are. So knowledge and wisdom are increasingly unacquainted. Truth has become a right-wing... Hmm.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Interesting. I had a debate with my mom probably last week or something. I can't remember. I had a debate with my mom, like, probably last week or something. I can't remember. But I was telling her how the people who are the right wing ideologies are more aligned with, like, what used to be like the original left wing ideologies. And now the left wing is looking more like it's like a moving. Yeah, you're right. It's a moving ideology, right?
Starting point is 00:32:06 Like before you would have been like if you were like anti-war, like if you were, hey, give people their own space to do their own thing, you would have been considered like liberal. And now that's kind of flipped right now. That's conservative. Like now we need to be the protectors of the world and like go out and educate people and everything. Yes, that's crazy's crazy yeah it was weird because i had a weird conversation you know what's funny too is um a lot a lot of times on the show especially we hear like savans always like hey pull your kids out of school like homeschool your kids and everything else it's kind of funny because if i told you hey everything you watch
Starting point is 00:32:40 on the news is funded by the government people would probably freak out to that reaction right like oh yeah it's all propaganda it's all funded by the government well your public education system is exactly that yeah right and it's a it's interesting seeing like these private companies well it's actually now if you think about it, the private companies are kind of controlling in a way what news narratives are being put out. Like what was it? Jon Stewart. Is that his name? He was that used to be on like Comedy Central or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah, I guess he used to. He used to do those bits about different things going on in the world. And now he got hired by Apple to do the same thing for Apple TV. And I guess he pitched Apple TV. He's like, Hey, we're going to talk about China. We're going to talk about vaccines.
Starting point is 00:33:31 We're going to talk about AI. And, and Apple was like, no, you're not doing that. Especially that first one on the list. Yeah. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:33:38 why not? Like, these are things that needs to be discussed. He's like, Nope, you need to get in line with your employer and discuss things that are that help them basically and then he's like okay well i don't really care to work for you guys anymore then he left so yeah i mean i found that interesting too government private
Starting point is 00:33:58 companies i mean everybody wants to a sense of the information so that way it makes them look good or look in the best light and stay away from controversial topics. Right? Right. And the one thing that I've pitched a lot when it comes to public school that I think is huge that's void out of there, which are two things actually, and they're vitally important, I don't think, as far as intellectual development, but just as a human development in the society we live in. Number one, the biggest thing is learning how to cast like a vision and a future for yourself. I think if more people really made that the focus of like, hey, who do you want to be? Why do you want to be this? What do you want to achieve in life? And you started that from a
Starting point is 00:34:37 really early age. And that's a constantly moving target, right? Like I wanted to be fucking Peter Pan when I was five. Well, now apparently I could have. They probably would have changed rules at school so I could be Peter Pan. But that's a constantly moving target. But if you're always thinking about and casting a vision for yourself as an individual, we talk about it in terms of CrossFit the company. We're like, there's no visionary. Greg left and the vision's gone. And that's true. And what happens when there's no vision?
Starting point is 00:35:02 Everybody kind of just like turmoil starts. And I think it's the same thing in the US. There used to be this American dream. Now, whether it was made up and it was bullshit, at least you had some sort of thing to move towards, right? We used to have American heroes, right? You would watch Saving Private Ryan or some of these military figures and you'd be like, holy shit, we would put them up on a pedestal as like a hero because they were protecting others. They were patriotic. They were servers of the community. They were contributors to the United States. And now ask yourself, who is America's hero? There's not really one specific, like there's no entity. There's no like American dream anymore. It's like work your ass off until you can scrape by and get exact get something that you want that's it and so all the the younger generation out here doesn't even have an american gene they're they're villainizing america they think it's racist
Starting point is 00:35:53 they think that it's the worst country in the world they hate capitalism even though they're walking around on their fucking 300 nikes holding their 1500 iphone and it's saying oh capitalism sucks it's like dude even the homeless out here got iPhones. You know what I mean? Even for the bottom tier, as far as income and everything else, it's still much better right now than it was ever in the past. And I think that if you think about, oh, who's America's hero right now? It's the blue-haired victims.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah, they're viewed as the most ideal person to look after, I guess. They're the loudest. Yeah, and that's what all the mainstream media focuses on and everything else. So they're not really casting any vision for America. They're not casting any vision for our youth. And the ones that are being promoted are victims. And that's not a great mentality. The second thing, and this will go with some of the people posting stuff about buying a house or buying stuff, is finance. There is no financial education through the normal school. You don't know shit about taxes.
Starting point is 00:37:05 financial education through the normal school. You don't know shit about taxes. You don't know shit about finance. You don't know anything about debt or credit or any of that. And yet our society fundamentally runs on that. And so when I was in school, the big thing that my parents always said, well, there's two things that my mom always said a lot. She would always say, we'll never have money like that which is already a terrible terrible mindset right because she's just reinforcing something all the time you know you would see like a car drive by and it'd be like oh must be nice we'll never have money like that that's right you know and my dad used to just make a comment he'd be like i could buy that instead i had you two assholes and he was like point to me my brother yeah that sounds exactly right
Starting point is 00:37:47 yeah and we could have that house but it's because you fuckers decided yeah i had two kids instead and the other thing um she would say all the time is oh we're uh get good grades in school so you don't have to work hard like your mom and dad i did that guess what happened yeah load of shit so it's like and that's kind of always what's the only thing that's uh really being pushed right it's like hey get good grades you'll be taken care of blah blah blah well guess what when you fucking graduate school and you want to start anything, let's say you do want to go buy that house on your 8% and pay $5,500 a month on mortgage. The bank is not going to ask you, oh, hey, what were your grades in high school? They're going to say, what's your financial report? And they're going to want to look at your finances because that's the report card of the adult. Hello, caller. Welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Hey, on the financing tip, if you're going to self-educate, any book, classes, what do you recommend? Yeah. The very, very first thing I recommend is Dave Ramsey. Huge. Buy the Dave Ramsey book. I think it's called The Total Money makeover is his is his first book and it's the best now we're talking about personal finance here it's the best personal finance book in my opinion because it just goes down to the basics don't fucking spend more than you make don't use debt and then once you kind of get your head wrapped around those two things then it's about building up a savings and everything else like that. If you don't want to buy the book,
Starting point is 00:39:29 he has like everything posted on his website too. Any concept you want to look at, TSP accounts, getting rid of all your debt, how to spend your money, all that stuff's usually on his website too. And if you need some good, like just motivation to stay thinking about that stuff just listen to his call-in show because you'll hear everybody's like fucked up stories and hopefully
Starting point is 00:39:51 you don't have one of those but it does help you keep motivated to uh save and stay out of debt is that a on youtube or is that a radio show it's on youtube if you just go to the Ramsey show, you'll get it there. Now again, his stuff here is super, super basic. So if you're somebody who wants to learn some fancy stuff or where to invest your money or all that, and you already have the six to nine months saving put away for your emergency fund and all that, then you might want to branch out of that. But if you're just getting started with personal finance, I highly recommend Dave Ramsey, Total Money Makeover. Yeah, cool. And then before I let you guys go, I was watching a news program that highlighted Jocko and his co-host in Jocko Unraveling they were talking about the Israel thing right now
Starting point is 00:40:48 and latest episode it was like five days ago they break down like tactically if they were in charge what they'd be doing right now and it's really really interesting because it's points I haven't heard on any other
Starting point is 00:41:04 topic I've watched on the issues so if anybody's interested in that topic it's jaco unraveling and it's like five days ago awesome thank you we'll have to uh check that out yep yep all right guys all right appreciate your call thank you bye okay wait we actually had um come in. I did this last time, dude, and somebody dropped money. And then you get so caught up in trying to just keep the show moving forward and the comments and where I'm going to go next that I forgot to bring it up. And they DMed me. And they're like, I gave you $1.99.
Starting point is 00:41:37 You didn't post it. And the funny part about it is I actually felt really fucking bad about it. I was like, no. So we got one here, extra slop. Oh, Caleb and I got to meet Mr. and Mrs. Slop. Good. Cool people. I'm going to give Seve $5 to say,
Starting point is 00:41:54 this is a nice dot, dot, dot break, question mark. That is all peace. I think maybe that's because we're stealing all of this. I hope someone doesn't get mad about it. I was like racking my brain last night i was so tired last night i was trying to think like okay i'll get some stuff together and i started looking through someone's notes and i was like you know what we'll just we'll just swoop these and just get the conversation going with these and see what happened okay so there's a couple um uh dave ramsey is a bit preachy you are right mike I will say if you do listen to the show,
Starting point is 00:42:26 yeah, especially once you become a regular, he is a bit preachy. So yeah, I agree with you there. Patricia, is this Trisha's ghost? What is this? I don't know. Who is this person? I feel like it is.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Do you think that they're the same person or do you think somebody else picked up the persona? That's what I'm worried about. I don't know. I can't tell. Oh, man. You guys should have kept track. A mortgage doesn't count as debt.
Starting point is 00:42:56 That was another thing. He has this concept with mortgages and the same thing with college education. He says, if you can't pay for college college you shouldn't be going to college okay which i'm not i i understand it yeah but i have a difficult time reasoning that you know what i mean like yeah so then what no so i mean probably 70 of the united states can't go to college because otherwise they're choosing to go into debt you know what i mean right so i never really understood at least for me it was super easy just because i had the gi bill and i could
Starting point is 00:43:39 it was taken care of entirely so but well like to that point dude i think that's what people should be doing is trying to find more um more different ways to do it without going right into debt so this is the average uh borrower in the united states right now for student loan debt and it's 37 338 dollars to the borrower so here's the deal If you are going to borrow money for school, you need to fucking first find out what exactly you're going to do with the degree you're getting. Don't go get something in religious studies or freelance illustration like I did. And if you do that, don't take debt out to do it. Because guess what? You know what the jobs are for a freelance illustration artist? Fucking nothing. So if I were to take out $50,000
Starting point is 00:44:33 in debt with no game plan as to how I was going to pay that back and no... I would say guarantee, but I use that word super loosely. A high probability of me having a job that's going to pay back 2x or 3x what I borrowed, you better be real careful of that. Meaning if I borrow 40k a year, is my job going to be at 60,000 or 80,000 a year or maybe 100,000 a year? That's going to give me a little bit of breathing room so I can actually pay that back because not only are you paying back your student loan, but you still have the cost of living that's happening. So you're probably still paying rent somewhere and everything else. And what people don't realize is when you take out these student loans, the federal student
Starting point is 00:45:13 loans, you cannot go bankrupt against them. They will follow you for forever. Some conspiracy theorists might say that they did that so that way you're indebted to the US dollar. So regardless of what happens to the strength of the US dollar, you're still figgety fucked and got to pay it back. I don't know. That's not me. That's some conspiracy theorist. Okay. Let's just stone it out there. But to your point, Caleb, if you are going to get a career where you could take the loan out, you could see the path to where you're going to make it back, you're going to have the career and everything else, then yeah, that's a safe bet. But all you're doing is just looking at the probability of, hey, am I going to make more than I took out later on once I have that career? And if the answer is,
Starting point is 00:45:54 I don't know, or I'm unsure, then you better find other ways to do it or to minimize the amount of debt you take out or find a way to do it without the debt altogether. Interesting. Okay. Mary Mansour, a.k.a. Toe Spacers, a.k.a. Space Them Toes, a.k.a. Rubber Between Them Toes. I tried to have the last one to not have to do with toes, but I lost it. I don't like how Dave is against credit cards. Don't tell me you do it for the points. Okay?
Starting point is 00:46:28 Don't tell me you do it for the points. Here's the deal with the credit cards. Most people end up getting underwater really quickly. So if you are on a boat, and let's say you could go a little bit faster, just bear with me on this analogy here. Just bear with me. This is going to sound fucking weird. But if you're on a boat, and you think you could go a little bit faster. Just bear with me on this analogy here. Just bear with me. This is going to sound fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:46:45 But if you're on a boat and you think you could go faster because you pour more water into your boat as you're driving, maybe it weights down the back end a little bit. Maybe you do go a little faster in the boat. But the only problem is that if you don't put the... However much water you're putting in the boat, if you're not taking it out of the boat at the same time, quickly your boat fills up with water and your ass sinks. So the only issue I have against credit
Starting point is 00:47:09 cards is most people can't pay them back because what ends up happening is they say, oh, I put this on a credit card because I'm going to get paid this next month or it's only X amount or it's 0% or something like that. So they make up these excuses, they justify it. And then what ends up happening is they might have a bad month or two, you end up making the minimum payment on that credit card instead of the whole entire balance like you told yourself you were. And now each month you're carrying that debt on. But the main thing that happens with that credit card is you get comfortable with carrying the debt. You get comfortable with carrying the debt. So what I mean by that is all of a sudden you're like, I was paying it off, but I liked having the cash in my checking account instead of
Starting point is 00:47:49 paying it off to my credit card. And now it starts to build over time. And next thing you know, you're just paying the minimum and your credit card balance is really freaking high. And then you can't get yourself from out from underneath the weight of that debt. So I get it if you use the credit card because you got the points. Some of them even have like different insurance policies behind them, meaning like they'll protect you if you need to return something or if you have a dispute with the merchant who you bought it. Like a lot of times a credit card will pay you back. And then I get all that. I get all that. And I'm not saying I don't use them. I use them, but I don't use it in a manner
Starting point is 00:48:26 that's going to exceed like $1,000 or something. You have to keep it really low because it is very, very easy for people to get stuck underneath that credit card debt. And one last piece on this finance stuff. For those of you people that want to do anything in business, anything at all, if you want to open an affiliate or even if you just want to turn that side hustle into something a little bit more, you have to first treat your personal finance as if it's your business finance. So what I mean by that is you have to be responsible with your money. You have to know what you're doing. You have to have a budget. You have to be deciding which bucket the money goes in. Is it savings? Am I paying off this?
Starting point is 00:49:09 Am I using this money for something else? Where every dollar is going. Because if you can't do that with your personal finance, then there's no fucking way you're doing it with the business. And that becomes much more complicated because then you have the whole tax thing to factor in. You have monthly ins, monthly outs. You need to have more cash on hand. You probably want to have more cash on hand for opportunities. So if you don't first have your personal finances dialed in and haven't for a long time, then don't even consider opening up a business. Start with that. Start with that. Oh shit, we got Mrs. Slop to comment she must be an accountant or something nice
Starting point is 00:49:49 okay so we'll just to read out the extremely long winded two things that are missing out of public education that you could teach your fucking kids yourself even in the spare time with your three jobs sitting down at dinner together is finance and a vision for themselves.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Hey, Johnny, what do you want to be when you go up? Well, I want to cut my dick off, mom. Okay. End of discussion. Sorry. California public school. Daniel, I fucking love you. I am preachy.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I'm up here on the soapbox this morning. This coffee just kicked in, and we're doing a 24-hour long show now. All right, let's pick up another one of these. Do you want to go back to the make the crowd pick, or do you want to just shoot in the dark there, Caleb? Let's do... This one's blank. Sorry, one last thing. Jay Hartell you don't need to uh build up credit that's not true you could actually buy a house at some point without ever having a credit card okay google it not not saying that you still shouldn't or whatever the fuck but
Starting point is 00:51:03 just saying you don't you don't just saying you don't need to. You don't need to. Okay. Sorry, go ahead. You're good. Let's do... This one doesn't have a caption on it, so we'll just go with it.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Perfect. Oh. Perfect. We'll go with it. Perfect. Oh. Perfect. We'll go with it. It's Novak Djokovic. See, Blade knows. Credit score is overrated.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Scam-ass philosophy. Yep. Ask yourself, who put the emphasis on the credit score? It wasn't fucking the people. Okay. Sorry. And I understand that not being vaccinated today, I'm unable to travel to most of the tournaments at the moment. And that's the price you're willing to pay.
Starting point is 00:51:54 That is the price that I'm willing to pay. Ultimately, are you prepared to forego the chance to be the greatest player that ever picked up a racket, statistically, because you feel so strongly about this jab? Yes, I do. But as things stand, if this means that you miss the French Open, is that a price you'd be willing to pay? Yes, that is the price that I'm willing to pay.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And if it means that you miss Wimbledon this year, again, that's a price you're willing to pay? Yes. Why, perfect. Why? that you miss wimbledon this year again that's a price you're willing to pay yes why why why because the principles of uh decision making on my body uh are more important than any title i'm trying to be in tune with my body um as much as i possibly can and i understand hmm interesting i always found that so crazy like there's our like the first comment on there is already somebody just being pissed about him being selfish. It's like, dude, like, how dare you not get vaccinated? Because the person in the people watching you in the arena could die.
Starting point is 00:52:58 They had asthma and got COVID. Like, hey, it's so unlikely that that happens. But also it's his body, just like that person's body, that they can put in things that they want to. They can vaccinate themselves all they want. Just allow them, allow everybody to do as they wish with the thing, with the flesh mechanisms that they have. thing with the flesh mechanisms that they have. Yeah. Well, it's funny because a lot of the people that would argue like, uh, way no six, five, eight, three did such a selfish viewpoint, right. Is the same type of person that'll, that'll turn around and, and be, you know, pro-choice it's like, Oh, okay. So is that a selfish because aren't you just terminating
Starting point is 00:53:42 the child due to your circumstance or environment assuming there's no health things going on and so people can't like wrap their head around that logic of how like if you're going to have bodily autonomy that just goes all the way across the board they want to pick and choose the other thing that's crazy too is how people don't understand how this is just like a big pharma thing and like who, who is for that? Like, actually stop and think about it. If you don't want government-funded media, then you probably shouldn't want government-funded. The other thing too is,
Starting point is 00:54:15 is everybody wants to be the guy that, or the gal that's all, hey, speak your truth. Live your journey. And then when he does it, they go, oh, well, not him. Not like that. That's selfish. How it, they go, oh, well, not him. Not like that. That's selfish.
Starting point is 00:54:26 How dare you? Yeah, it's fucking, it's totally illogical. Totally illogical. There's some, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. People made some good comments. I will put, what about medical expenses? So I read this book a while back. It's called Modern Money Theory.
Starting point is 00:54:49 And if any of you guys have heard of it or the person who wrote it, you'd be like, why the fuck? Actually, it's right here. Oh, wait, no, that's the deficit myth. That's it. This is it. Okay, this book.
Starting point is 00:55:01 This borders on, it's called the deficit myth, the modern money um theory and the birth of the people's economy this chick is batshit crazy if you read this book this is the closest thing to socialism as far as the finance portion of it goes yes i didn't know that i i liked the cartoon character so i bought it okay like. Like Uncle Sam cartoon? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, and basically she makes this really good point at the beginning of the book
Starting point is 00:55:32 and she goes, trust me, I don't think you guys will want to, like if you read that book or listen to the book and then you listen to my viewpoints, it's the exact opposite of some of the stuff that I preach. So just be prepared for that and know that you're going to invest your time into listening to that or reading that. But the point she makes at the beginning is she says,
Starting point is 00:55:50 Hey, if you have a household where you get paid for the chores you do. So Caleb and I are in the house and there's this almighty Uncle Sam that pays us for every chore that we do. So Caleb does a couple of chores and he gets some money. And I decide, I'm cool. I don't want the money. Well, then how would you make me want that? How would I value the money?
Starting point is 00:56:15 Okay. Well, then Uncle Sam comes back and says, Hey, Caleb, I paid you for these chores that you did. Oh, by the way, there's a new thing called the tax. And I only accept it back in the money that I give out. So whether you decide to do the chores to collect the money or whether you don't, at the end, you're still going to owe me money back.
Starting point is 00:56:34 And that's how we were saying earlier is that when you put the tax order, that starts to rise. Now people have an incentive to earn the money. Interesting. Yes. I've considered that. And her whole thing was that we could print as much money as we want, as long as people are working, because then when you pay it, you could tax it back. And so it won't create this huge rise in inflation because you could just tax the money back. I don't know. You guys can listen to it for yourself if you really want to dive down the
Starting point is 00:57:02 rabbit hole on that one. What's it called again? It's called The Deficit Myth. And her whole thing is that you could balance out the deficit just by printing more money and creating more jobs. But then essentially what would happen is everybody would be put on the government dime there. What do the reviews say? Oh, three and a half. Or four and a half stars at 3,700 reviews. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Yeah, that is pretty good. But yeah, she does a lot of stuff that relates it to Monopoly, so it makes it easy to kind of understand. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Whether you're a shop owner, a pet groomer, a contractor, or a consultant, you can get customized coverage for your business. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance,
Starting point is 00:58:16 it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at that's an italian but it really is um it really is interesting patricia you've never paid your taxes because you're not a real person you don't have an income or a social security number and you faked your own death
Starting point is 00:58:59 mary just called her out in the chat mary's skeptical if that's actually Trish or not. Anybody could have picked it up, right? Pretty much. And the other Trish killed themselves off? Oh, man. Okay, let's drop another one. Go ahead, Caleb. Pick a number.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Let's see what we're working with here. It was a very real bet all right we'll do the tradition this is a some tweet from elon that's awesome so here so it says elon musk got rid 75% of people and Twitter is still working. So I guess it's X now, but here's a video of Jordan Peterson talking about it. 75% of people and Twitter is still working. With record traffic. Exactly. And so I think he will, and apparently, he's also put the boots to the people who are tracking trafficking in child exploitation already incredible right no kidding no kidding in incredible in two ways incredible that he did it but even more incredible that he could do it that fast
Starting point is 01:00:19 and that it hadn't been done right he's got rid of interesting that you wonder about all those people that have apple watches that work outside of work how much are they actually doing and then when they show up in the office how much are they actually doing like you may act like you're busy all the time you have all the technology to be associated with your business at all times yeah but in reality you're not actually doing hardly anything at all. Yep. Yep. I completely agree with that. I actually had a great discussion
Starting point is 01:00:49 at Crash Crucible with Will about this. Exactly. Really? Yeah. And I agreed with what we were talking about or what he said. I don't want to put him on blast too much. But essentially, the consensus was, is that if CrossFit HQ
Starting point is 01:01:03 does not get every single person that's working for them right now in the same building that needs to be that's doing all the day-to-day stuff i recognize there's a lot of other people that could stay remote but if they don't have the core of that company underneath the same roof that it'll never catch traction and dig themselves out of the hole yeah it's difficult it's difficult working with somebody in a different, different time zone, a different, um, like, yeah, in a different roof entirely. Like whenever we would try to coordinate things with other, uh, entities or anything like that, just from like a military standpoint, it's difficult to get ahold of those people. So, and even if you were trying to, like,
Starting point is 01:01:40 if it's me and I have some problem with my finances and I need to talk to finance, they're in a different building. I can try to call them. They won't answer. I try to get over there and see if they're over there and they're out doing something else. It's so difficult to work with somebody, even if they're just across the street. So unless you're able to get all those people under one roof or you're able to get those people on a regular conference call or regular discussion it's no nearly impossible yeah and you could see from the outside looking in that crossfit's just a dog chasing its tail it seems like that internally something's going on there i don't know what it is but they're not they're clearly not on the the boat all rowing in the same direction at the same
Starting point is 01:02:22 time right it seems like you have some people doing this some people are some people doing this a lot of people doing that a lot of people doing that and they're just kind of all over the place and until you bring them all underneath the same roof and have yourself some fucking leadership inside there and again somebody that's casting a vision then there's i just don't see how it gets brought back together even when the company was the strongest it was like let's say pre-2018 when it got fired if you took all those people that rock crossfit hq all the time and then pushed them all all over the country i think it would become much much harder and i realize a lot of them did work remotely but at least they had a home base there was like this hq and you could bring everybody there and you could do this like
Starting point is 01:03:04 i think the last uh all hands meeting they had was a couple weeks ago at dave's ranch and they and i mean a lot of the people that were there might have been meeting each other for the first time yeah it's crazy to think about that right like i've never yeah it would be pretty wild well what you said about um casting the vision is i think is really important too because if you don't you could just say hey these are the things that we need to get done and then nobody understands what exactly they're doing it for so unless you get just like just like you become attached to an individual person a part of a team you become attached to the idea that you're trying to propagate
Starting point is 01:03:40 so if you're if somebody is giving you a wholesale here's everything that we wanted to take care of this is what this is my vision that i wanted everybody to be pulling in the same direction towards and unless you can get everybody to bite on that you're never going to actually fulfill that the vision yeah i mean yeah you fucking nailed it that's it exactly and uh hold on let's, where's this? The Zach comment. Zach, Tyson Bajan post after Hiller calling them out was hilarious. And I think that kind of goes to almost what Caleb was talking about before.
Starting point is 01:04:13 If you had everybody in the same room and one person posted it, or even they did it in reaction to us talking about it on the podcast or Hiller's post, you would have everybody in the same room and they'd be able to move a lot quicker. If I have to call Caleb and say, hey, have you seen the Tyson Bajan thing? Did we get cleared to post this? And he says, okay, hold on. Let me, let me talk with the other people in marketing to make sure something else isn't scheduled or we don't have something else going on before that. Then he makes the call. And then those people look over the schedule and they call Caleb back. And then he has to call the people that are going to actually press the publish
Starting point is 01:04:42 button on the post. By the time all that whole entire thing has circulated back around it's been 48 hours and fucking hillar swoops up did you see that thing it was like 600 000 views or something yeah go ahead and play the clip have a backup plan if you didn't get the shot in the NFL? Yeah, I was going to just basically just CrossFit my life away, get as ripped and jacked as I possibly could, and be a teacher at Martinsburg High School. I also don't think that, I mean, those reporters don't understand, unless any of them are CrossFitters, I don't think that they're any of them are crossfitters i don't think that they understand the how important that what his career path would have been could have could be to other people
Starting point is 01:05:31 you know what i mean like if he says hey i'm going to do crossfit and i'm going to teach at a at a elementary school or whatever that means that he not only is he going to learn continue to propagate his accountability by continuing to CrossFit, maintaining a nutrition, an adequate diet, all of those things. He's going to push that on to not really push it, but he's going to give all of that information to the kids that he's teaching. He's going to tell these kids, Hey, let's go work out. Let's go do this. Or have you done that? Let's go do a burpees and assault bike. Let's go do some shuttle sprints and, uh, and broad jumps or something, you know, just, he's going to give all give all of this information all these tools to every kid that's gonna walk
Starting point is 01:06:09 into his classroom you know yeah and they think i mean i'm sure it's it's just like funny haha in the sense that like yeah i'm gonna get ripped and jacked but this on a serious part part of that he would have changed i mean it is right now but if he were to go on the educational route he would have changed so many more lives from from the beginning from the beginning not just like all these adults are like oh what's crossfit let's check out crossfit he's going to change kids habits from the from the start yeah and hopefully he keeps his um you know i i don't know why this is just that my ego is speaking but when he said like the CrossFit thing I felt like it was a tip of the hat to the show
Starting point is 01:06:47 yeah yeah yeah it's a little nod to like Sevan out there in the podcast and stuff of course that's just my arrogant speaking but oh wait hold on Mary said Hiller sent a CrossFit collab too
Starting point is 01:07:04 no way would they have accepted that though come on like they're not like crossfit right now isn't just about using anything they can to elevate the brand crossfit is just about them trying to do their thing right and it's kind of ironic because they say oh we're reaching out to the people in the community to to you know do some more media and do this and do that and then you have somebody who did it for them and all they have to do is press a button and they're like yeah i fucked that i'm not pressing that button that's hiller is this the oh what are we looking at here this is him this is the request for him that he sent across it to collab oh so he proved it and look at that dude almost 700 000 accounts reached that's wild
Starting point is 01:07:48 and he only has like 8 000 followers so imagine how many people shared that had to share that for other everybody to see it yeah i mean it probably was like what four or five thousand does it say if you scroll up can we see how many shares at the top yeah yeah 5900 5900 people saw that and shared it that's crazy yeah back to what we were talking about and like how many crossfitters are going to start watching the bears play this weekend yeah it's gonna it's the bears now have a cult following strictly because of dyson yeah everybody's just hopped on that bandwagon they're like yeah i'm attached to this guy oh my goodness and the fact that they didn't jump on that sooner or didn't weren't building that story the whole entire time knowing that there was a possibility he can make it it is again it's just another huge mistake but i don't think any of that
Starting point is 01:08:45 changes what's that well we just did it for him so yeah yeah yeah yeah he'll learn this podcast i don't think it changes though unless they have everybody in the same room i think that if crossword were to make this announcement even if they kept all the same players in all the same positions they were in now and they said hey by the way we're moving to wherever the fuck i don't care let's just say they move back to s Cruz. Hey, we're going to go to do CrossFit HQ. It's going to be in Santa Cruz. If you're this or this position, you need to consider moving here. And if you can't, you're going to no longer be with the company within this amount of time and saw what actually happened from that. Right? Like I bet you once everybody got in the
Starting point is 01:09:21 same room, it would, it would, it would help. Or they at least realize some of the people should not be in those positions and they'd probably get the boot a lot sooner. Which either way would be good. Blade had a good... But we got to get you scheduled back on the show. Siobhan has requested that. That's on me slacking. He's got a bunch of great material for you guys to go over.
Starting point is 01:09:39 So I'll shoot you a text after this. Hilly could offer CrossFit $4 billion cash. They'd be like, nah like nah yeah that's funny uh have you seen the show the consultant no um so that it's based off of a book that so basically this business is going downhill and this guy comes in he calls him the consultant and he like fixes everything well there's a scene in the in the movie and where he called everybody who's remotely working he calls him in and says hey if you can't make it here in two hours you're fired and so same thing everybody everybody who could showed up showed up and everybody who couldn't showed up was fired like
Starting point is 01:10:20 there was like right at the two hour mark somebody showed up at the at the door and they were like in a wheelchair or something he made it a little bit up at the, at the door and they were like in a wheelchair or something. He made it a little bit more dramatic, showed up at the door and they fired him. But as he, but he did this, he cut, he cut him in a wheelchair. No,
Starting point is 01:10:32 no, they, somebody was in a wheelchair, showed up to the door and they, he, they didn't show up at the two hour mark. So they fired. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Oh, it's pretty, pretty fucked. But he did a wheelchair. They continue to do this they start doing all these things like changing um aspects of the company and now they're and end of the story is the company's thriving and now it's great so i'm not saying that that's what crossfit needs to do but they do need to take some drastic measures i think yeah that would be cool
Starting point is 01:10:59 if they did it and then they actually filmed it so you could see the employees like a just like a live webcam at the door with a countdown yes kind of like in the show it'd be super dramatic and someone runs up and it's like dawn like locking the door later bitch you had two hours i'm right here my apple watch did you get the email from crossfit yesterday on tyson i personally did not but i know a bunch of other people did did you get that email caleb i know you get a lot of the media stuff i haven't gotten an email from them in a hot minute so i did not see that email it booted you and i off yeah out of the thousands of people they scroll up and they're like yeah like that one's gone
Starting point is 01:11:39 who's this fucked up email address delete click. Who's doing a account? Yeah, so I know they sent out the email. I know some people got it. I did not get it. Oh, wait. I offered two, Bill, and they said maybe. That is a question. So I'll share these with you guys real quick this wasn't this wasn't part of
Starting point is 01:12:07 the plan but since we're on the discussion i wrote down six questions um and there was no reason why it was six it just happened to end to end up this way and maybe some of them could even be switched out or not as valuable as the other questions but um i was sitting in the hotel room uh on the first day of cat uh crash crucible i just finished up a book 100 million dollar leads by alex harmosi you know who alex harmosi is he got no but i've heard you guys recently heard you guys talk about him a lot i've never like looked into him though yeah it's great if you're in business at all, you should definitely, um, the answer is no. You didn't even look at the fucking questions. Um, so I finished that, that book up and it just kind of was jogging my, uh, my thoughts a little bit and I was applying it to my own gym as I do,
Starting point is 01:12:58 but then also CrossFit at large too, right? Yeah. A hundred million dollar leads. You guys could pick that up. He has the other one, a hundred, too, if you haven't heard of them or do it. Start with $100 million offers and then move to $100 million leads. So after I finished the book, I was sitting there and I was applying this kind of a similar thought process to CrossFit. And I was thinking, okay, so here are the questions. I'll propose them to you, Cale. People could go in the chat and let me know. But also, if you want to call in, this would be great to hear your guys' perspective on this. So CrossFit, what are... And it doesn't necessarily need to be three words. One to three words, five words, whatever. What are the three words that you associate with the brand?
Starting point is 01:13:41 What are the three words when it comes to CrossFit that you associate with the brand? That's question number one. Question number two, what are the three words, or what three words do you think people who don't know about CrossFit associate with the brand? Because our perspective as CrossFitters and diehards is... Fucking Dan! Coming in hot. Failure. Just straight up. Wow. Is that the people from the outside or the inside? is fucking Dan coming in hot failure,
Starting point is 01:14:05 just straight up. Wow. That's the people from the outside or the inside? Yeah. He just killed them both at the same time. Failure, fitness and fuckery. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Okay. That's amazing. Good start. Yeah. So it's like, it's like, what are the three words that you associate with the brand CrossFit? What are the three words that we think people that don't know about CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:14:27 just the average person walking down the street, like that when Joe Neils walks up to him and he's like, Hey, you heard about CrossFit? You know, what are the, what's the word or the three words or the association with the brand that comes in mind with them? Right. Um, the third, the third question is who's CrossFit, CrossFit, company. CrossFit the company here in this question. Who is CrossFit's customer? Who does CrossFit the company sell to? What is the product or service they sell that they receive money from? Okay, so that's question number three.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Who is CrossFit's customer? Mary Monsoor. Fake pull-ups. Those are all three words, actually. Fake, pull, and ups. Community fitness health. Oh, extreme. Not you, Seema.
Starting point is 01:15:14 I meant Jay Hartles. Community fitness health. Seema with one word, just extreme. Hiller, slow, confused, and woke. Injury, hard, expensive. hillar slow confused and woke injury hard expensive okay so i'm taking that's from outside looking in jamie whoa that's kind of my thoughts too whoa whenever whenever oh you could say you could add you could say colt too whenever i've whenever i've told anybody uh especially so i i've recently moved into a new job the new place and uh they they're like oh what do you do or what do you whatever and i was like oh i i do crossfit or whatever and uh you're like oh so you're like part of a cult or like you do
Starting point is 01:15:58 fake pull-ups and there's all the things i heard right off the bat yep and the funny thing about it is is crossfit that those so when people say that the solution to that is the problem in and of itself so like if somebody is going to say like how jamie just listed these three injury hard expensive okay media team let's address all these and let's make a bucket bulletproof. Let's prove the injury rates are less than or a lot less than people think. Let's talk about how we could build your fitness level up. Let's talk about the expense. Let's compare it to stuff. So when you have these answers, and this is a perspective of somebody from the outside of CrossFit looking in, you also then have your solutions or marketing as well.
Starting point is 01:16:45 This is kind of the same stuff that I did with my gym personally. So who's CrossFit's customer? The affiliates are. Are the affiliates the customer? I would agree with you, but is there more than that? I feel like it's also coaches, trainers, people who want further education and strength and conditioning those types as well yep yeah i completely agree i think that the um education is the
Starting point is 01:17:16 differentiator and i could give some of my answers on this as well um so who's crossfit's customer so we just talked about that the next one here and this is just a personal one as you see it. What's CrossFit's biggest obstacle? What's CrossFit's biggest obstacle? And that's, again, as you see it in your opinion. Question. Wait, is there even six or is it more than six? One, two, three, four, five, six.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Okay, seven. I lied. Lucky number seven. So what is CrossFit's biggest obstacle as you see it? The next one here is what's CrossFit's mission? And don't say 30 million CrossFitters. That's fucking stupid. So what's CrossFit's mission or what should its mission be in the way you guys see it? Question number six, does the mission align with the three words that you listed of the brand? Because if those don't align, you are fucked. So if you think about it and we say,
Starting point is 01:18:12 hey, this is our brand, this is what we stand for. And then five questions later, I said, what's CrossFit's mission? And you give me something that doesn't even equate to those words within the brand, then the messaging is screwed. You don't have aligned messaging. You don't have continuity between what the mission is, what the people inside CrossFit see it as, or the people outside of CrossFit see it as. The people outside of CrossFit are going
Starting point is 01:18:34 to be a little bit harder to sway than the people inside of CrossFit. So first you create the vision, you create the mission. Then we do some branding and messaging to reinforce that mission. Then we get the community rallied behind the mission and then it starts to change the perspective of the people outside looking in says this person who barely knows anything so take it with a grain of salt right okay so uh what what is the uh does the mission align with the brand internally and externally? And finally, arguably, the most important question.
Starting point is 01:19:14 I just wanted to hit the air heard. The most important question, who is CrossFit's enemy? Who is CrossFit's enemy? Now, if we take these questions that we just talked about, what is the brand? Who does it represent? What's the mission? What's the biggest obstacle?
Starting point is 01:19:30 And who's CrossFit's enemy? And who's CrossFit's customer? The customer one might have always been a little bit tough. But I know that when Greg Glassman was behind the reins of the steering wheel of CrossFit, we knew what the mission was. And we knew who our enemies are. And that mission
Starting point is 01:19:45 aligned for the most part with the branding of CrossFit. And now if you also think about it in terms of the way that, from my perspective of the way that Greg Glassman was kind of steering the ship is he was basically like harpooning the major health institutions. He was trying to untangle exercise science from the corruption of the American Beverage Association. He was trying to show the path there and keep the brand safe so that way the affiliates could operate free of scrutiny. That was the NSCA case because they were trying to backdoor it through politics to make it seem like there was going to be some sort of issue where if you weren't certified in a certain way, what we were doing inside the CrossFit gyms would become illegal. And we knew that that was the enemy, the American Beverage Association, everything else. We knew that the corruption in the science and the exercise science,
Starting point is 01:20:35 we knew that the corruption in nutrition was harming and killing people at a crazy rate. And CrossFit was the savior of that. We had the lifesaver. I don't know why I made that analogy. I've never do Star Wars things. But that was what we possessed inside the affiliates. And that's what we were showing and giving to the public. And now, who is the enemy? I don't know. I would say those same institutions maybe that we were fighting against now we're a part of.
Starting point is 01:21:02 But we won't know unless CrossFit has some sort of mission that they're doing okay so let's start looking through some of these comments um f45 orange theory pharma jay harta with that one uh crossfit enemy is themselves deep rambler that's deep uh jedis nelson the problem that's the problem they don't have a clear mission that everybody Deep Rambler. That's deep. Jedis Nelson. The problem. That's the problem. They don't have a clear mission that everybody is working towards. 100%. Mary, to remind us, it's a really small team.
Starting point is 01:21:36 CrossFit's biggest obstacle from the outsider view? Cost. Interesting. Interesting. cost. Interesting. Interesting. It's interesting because we had talked earlier about how healthcare puts people into debt, right? Especially chronic disease healthcare. I mean, Caleb, you know this being in the medical industry and knowing more about that. People come in with these lifestyle diseases that could be prevented by their lifestyles and they fucking don't. And then what happens? They go down the Western medical route, which now they're on prescription drugs. Now they have multiple
Starting point is 01:22:16 doctor visits and all is the doctor doing is feeding them a bunch of pills to mitigate their symptoms as we slowly let them die that's all it does there is no hope for you getting better it's just mitigating symptoms until they bury your ass and that is expensive as and who forcing reliance the entire time yes exactly you're forcing reliance on your medications and your doctors on the hospitals. And that shit is expensive. And then when people can't pay it, who pays it us the tax dollars? What's funny is that we and I say we as like the medical industry have essentially done it to ourselves with how bogged down every hospital is with everybody that we're seeing all the time. Because we require these people to come back for follow-up visits every month. Like if you, as soon as you start,
Starting point is 01:23:11 even if it's just with, uh, like an Adderall medication or like antidepressants or something like that, as soon as you start prescribing people, these medications, they need to follow up. And you see those five times a day, five days a week, that's 25 patients. That's a, and you see those five times a day five days a week that's 25 patients that's a and you do that over the span of months and months and months you're increasing the requirement for them to come into the hospital more people are required to come back to the hospital and if they're not then if they don't comply to their medications that through the standard that the medical system is provided then they need to come back again. They need to get like their prescription renewed, their new prescription and all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:23:51 And so we complain about how many patients we see all the time. But really, it's because we refuse to have difficult conversations with our patients all the time, because when we do have those difficult conversations with patients, they don listen to us so what do we do we revert to a quick fix you give them the adderall we give them the xanax or whatever the fuck it is and then they move on and then they come back and they're like oh wow it worked really well for me and you're like cool keep doing it you pass them along that's right and it puts a whole entire burden on the medical system but here's the thing hospitals needs people need people in beds to make money everybody's fucking healthy and if they're giving these you know crazy things like lifestyle changes to where they don't need to be reliant on the medical system and they don't need to be reliant on big pharma there's no money to be made so just just think about that for a moment there
Starting point is 01:24:47 i always wonder how many problems we could have solved otherwise if we didn't have so many of the same lower level issues all the time so if you think about it like okay we're low and i say low level in the sense like dietary changes lifestyle changes that kind of thing like if we were able, if we could actually enforce those things with our patients and we could give them what they need and give them something that is actually a long-term fix over the span of their entire life, imagine how many other problems we could have solved by now. Like your type one diabetes, your, your cancers and stuff like that. Yeah, exactly. It just, just like fibrosis.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Resource allocation. All we're doing is just mitigating the symptoms of the sick and not helping them at all and just hamsters running on the wheel, right? Right. Dan Guerrero, highly palatable, caloric, dense foods that lead to medication. The two biggest industries. You are 100% correct, my friend. 100% correct.
Starting point is 01:25:46 One hand feeds the other. So anyways, that was just a random, um, food for thought there as far as those questions, because I, if, and you know, this is again, just with a little bit of information I have with the outside looking in, if somebody waved a magic wand and was like, okay, Matt, here you go. You think you fucking know so much, you asshole. Why don't you go ahead and run a CrossFit? Well, I would pull together the team there underneath the same roof like Caleb and I talked about. That would be my first initiative. This is CrossFit HQ. What does it have? It's got a classroom over there. It's got a gym over here, and it's got a few offices up front. Oh shit. That sounds exactly like the, the,
Starting point is 01:26:25 the HQ in Scotts Valley that, that Greg set up. Oh wow. What a fucking, wow. What a concept. A classroom over here, a gym over here and offices for everybody else who works there.
Starting point is 01:26:38 And I'd pull everybody out underneath the same roof. And I would first separate all of them. Like I was the motherfucking police. You know when they separate? Where were you tonight? We're going to ask your friend. So Oh God. Here's my magic wand.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Awesome. Awesome. This is going to be a side tangent. Hopefully I don't forget what I was talking about. You see the Theo Vaughn when he's talking about Tom Brady's son on the beach. Yeah. He kissed him on the mouth or some shit. And he's like,
Starting point is 01:27:08 that boy's got a wand on him. It's a weird shit. He's got a wand on him. So the first thing I do is I would bring everybody together underneath the same, the same roof. I would separate everybody else and I would run through these six questions with each individual key team member. So if you have whatever your CFO, your CMOs, your chief operations officer, your, you know, whatever affiliate, this affiliate that, um, I would do
Starting point is 01:27:39 the same thing with HR because once you have a company of some size, you can't just like push HR out, but I would make sure I had the right individuals in HR. And then afterwards, I would get everybody's opinion on this and I bring everybody into the same room and I would say, hey, look, here's the answers that we came up with with these six questions. Here's what was right. Here's what was wrong. Here's the mission. Let's get to fucking work. And yeah, so there you have it. And the magic wand tastes great. let's get to fucking work and yeah so
Starting point is 01:28:06 there you have it and the magic wand tastes great tastes like strawberries I was hoping we get somebody that would call in and rant on that yeah that'd be nice but we just got we got an early pop we got like three calls early and then now everybody's like
Starting point is 01:28:24 fuck that. I don't want to call and talk to these guys. Okay. So let's go ahead and, um, let's pull up another one here. Yeah. I know the podcast keeps freezing.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Is this true for everybody else? Or is this just, uh, Mary forgot to pay for internet. Here's a good one All right, so this is the Head coach of the I think it's the Flyers the Philadelphia Flyers He said if any of my players sit on the bench for the national anthem, they will sit there for the rest of the game and
Starting point is 01:29:11 I thought it was interesting the if anybody remembers britney griner the uh women's women's basketball player who she played for like baylor and then she went to the wmba started playing some more i can't remember her, but she was caught with some substance when traveling to Russia. And Russia detained her for an extended period of time. And we had to do a literal prisoner swap with them where the Russians got a high level arms dealer in exchange for a WNBA basketball player, which I'm not really sure that equates very well, but anyway. So when we got her back, she went back.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Yeah. When she, when she came back, she went back to playing basketball in a WNBA or whatever. And then they caught a picture of her standing for the national anthem with her hand over her heart so I just I hope that she understands the gravity
Starting point is 01:30:12 of the freedom she has here to do to act like an asshole to act like an asshole yeah literally yeah put some fucking respect on it I mean I love it when i find this and i say younger people like roughly like 10 years younger than me like in their early 20s
Starting point is 01:30:32 right and they're like i fucking hate america i'm like how why because of the fucking tiktok bullshit you watch on tv like take your entitled ass to any other fucking country and within a week, you would be wishing, oh, I wish I had the ability to do whatever I did in the US here. Now, some people are like, well, I live in Barcelona and it's a lot of fun. Try owning a motherfucking business in another country.
Starting point is 01:30:57 You think you have those opportunities? Most of the countries won't let foreigners fucking own shit. You go to Mexico, you can't even own anything. Right. So it's like, people don't realize that, sure, if you just want to fucking sit in your little bubble and consume your shit, and you don't have any aspirations outside of that, yeah, it might be better for you somewhere else. But if you actually want to try to make something for yourself and build yourself a career and a future, there's no better place in the United States. And there's no better time than the United States and there's no better time
Starting point is 01:31:26 than right now, regardless of what you think. I mean, I know people like we're on the brink of world war three. We've been on the brink of world war three since world war two ended. That's how that fucking works. Just continued with the cold war this entire time. It's always,
Starting point is 01:31:38 it's, it's, it's always, Oh, it's the next thing, right? It's this fucking catastrophe is going to end and we're all going to die. Yes. until that time
Starting point is 01:31:45 passes and then the next one shows up that way right i mean so get the fuck over it you have the internet of things right now you could take this fucking phone my case is jack oh my you could take that phone and you could become a millionaire just by fucking putting some effort into something and starting to work on it. I mean, you could spin up a website, a Shopify, a Stripe account, and you could start instantly selling something. You could start getting free shit. This is very Gary V-esque if some of you guys listen to him. You go get some free shit from a garage sale, come back, put it on your fucking Facebook marketplace and sell it for $20. And make money out of nothing.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Just by posting it on your phone and repackaging it. Maybe wiping down the table a little bit. Buy a shitty house. Film yourself renovating it. Discuss all the ways that you're fixing it. Sell some things that are inside it. Now you've made money. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:50 It's clear. He just read alex mosey book i appreciate that because that means i've actually internalized it it's even more clear when you see my facebook ads played fucking bringing grandmas into crossfit susan the preacher transitioning into susan the angry dad one in the same like yeah the burpee dude only fans fuck it do what you got to do bro the opportunity is there sell some feet picks sell some feet and the point is is that most people that complain about it or especially when they complain about capitalism or they're like oh these fucking rich people and it's like just take a moment to actually understand and and fucking learn the opportunities and the offers that you have here in this time period right now in the country that you're in don't just shit on it because you think it's a fucking cool thing to do i need to sell some feet pics
Starting point is 01:33:41 you could sell more than feet pics, I'll tell you that. Should make a killing. All right, should we do one more? We reached the 90-minute mark. I was stoked about that. Let's see. That's why I don't date guys without passports. Damn, Seema.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Oh, shit. Do you have like a litmus test of rules that you have? You're like, instead of the six questions for CrossFit, you got the six questions for the dudes you date. You're like, do you work out? Do you have a passport? Do you go to drag queen reading day in the library? Damn right with my toe spacers on you'd be surprised how many people actually talk about at the gym with toe spacers i wish you guys had like a up click of like uh locations yeah because
Starting point is 01:34:36 i dude i had bad plantar fasciitis like not bad that's like it was getting bad in my left foot like have you had that before plantar fasciitisitis? Yeah, dude, it's the worst. Like I would run and I would like turn the corner and it'd feel like literally like the bottom of my foot was like ripping. Like, Oh, it's terrible. And, um, I just started trying the toe spacers on, um, because, uh, Sevan had him. So it was, you know, he's an influencer in the space and he didn't, I was like, Oh my God, it's so cool.
Starting point is 01:35:04 I want to do it. And Sevan had him. So he's an influencer in the space. And he did it. And I was like, oh my God, it's so cool. I want to do it. So I put on my toe spacers. And I did it for like three or four days.
Starting point is 01:35:12 And literally, I could already feel it getting better. It wasn't like an overnight fix. It wasn't like I put on the toe spacers, plantar fasciitis was gone. But the more I started doing, the less and less and less I felt. And then when I coupleted... Coupleted. Look at the workout. When I coupleted my toe spaces with a little uh golf ball and rolled out the bottom of my foot it's the winning combination plantar fasciitis has been
Starting point is 01:35:31 reduced down quite a bit okay sorry you want to go and pull it up now the toe spacers plug right there and if you really need toe spacers you could uh steal them damn single leg He's got those hands clamped too. That's awesome. Damn. So it looks like the guy was just trying to steal some stuff. And then some random citizen decided to stop him.
Starting point is 01:36:29 He got him around the waist, took him to the ground. Another bystander decided to rip all the clothes away from him. Security was just standing there doing nothing. He's on the radio. He's like, aw, aw, aw, aw. And then takes him down for a single leg.
Starting point is 01:36:43 A little bit. Tries to whizzer out of it. And then he walks back over, tries to grab some more clothes. And then takes him down for a single leg. A little bit. Tries to whizzer out of it. And then he walks back over. Tries to grab some more clothes. And then grabs him around the waist again. Drags him out of the store. He can't break that. Look at that. Oh, that's so good.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Yeah, he's definitely tried to break that. He's got that gable grip locked in, baby. Locked in. That's awesome. So that dude definitely. What do you think the guy that was handling that dude he trains jujitsu or wrestling or something gotta be some he's got to be some wrestler or something that that grip is it's tight on there yeah he knows what he's doing yeah with that
Starting point is 01:37:15 little bit of a takedown and then the way he positioned himself he knows he was doing that's good i agree i was gonna just say that too that was a great play-by-play dude thanks you should have like like one of those situations and then we just call it the beaver I agree. I was going to just say that too. That was a great play-by-play, dude. Thanks. We should have one of those situations and then we just call it the Beaver Breakdown. And you just play-by-play it, break it down. There you go. Yeah, that'd be cool. Awesome. Security guards are useless.
Starting point is 01:37:38 For sure, dude. They just drive around and they only have orange lights. They don't have red and blue. I want sort of that security guard. They're just professional witnesses. Damn, yeah, that's exactly what they are. Right? It's like a, like Rent-A-Cop.
Starting point is 01:37:53 It's like, well, I can't really do much, but I'm going to witness the hell out of this. I'm going to give a great description. He like jogged up and he's like already on the radio. You know, we'll just let let him let him hash it out i was gonna let it turn okay pause it right there security guard guy who worker who took the clothes back and the guy who tackled and security guard out of those three guys which one do you think doesn't work out the security guard for sure why do you say that
Starting point is 01:38:28 the security guard for sure why do you say that the way that he looks yeah he's about fucking 30 pounds overweight yeah he's busting out of that that security shirt for sure and you know what else he's got a lack of confidence in his physicality look at him he's scared shitless because he never fucking uses his body he doesn't do any goddamn thrusters or pull-ups heaven forbid he does jujitsu once in his life, even though his fucking life may depend on it. He's going to sit there with all his fucking gear and his NFL gloves, as if he's about to punch out and go to work.
Starting point is 01:38:55 He ain't punching out and going to work on shit. He's not going to work nowhere. Goddamn. If you are somebody who is a first responder and your job is to protect the community, fucking run around the block. I mean, this dude doesn't even try. No.
Starting point is 01:39:12 He's on the radio. Dude. So bad. That's crazy. So I talked about it a little bit on the Coffee Wads and Pods podcast that I was on. That felt revealing. I was freaked out about that afterwards. I talked a little bit on the Coffee Wads and Pods podcast that I was on. That felt revealing. I was freaked out about that afterwards.
Starting point is 01:39:26 I talked a little bit about my graffiti days in specificity. And I'd never done that. So that was kind of, I felt a little exposed. Yeah. It was funny because Siobhan was like, no, it was good. I mean, most people, myself included included thought you were a fucking nerd so oh my goodness yeah so if you guys want to hear about that you could go check that out uh over there but one of the things that i was talking about was um working with the uh first
Starting point is 01:39:59 responders oh god you're making me nervous oh no no i'm not gonna play it okay it's i was just happy to have 1.3. I thought it was going to be less than 1,000, and I was going to be upset. I haven't checked it out, so I just was. It was a one and done. Boo! And dislike, motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:40:18 Dislike. And so with working with the first one, I was working with the fire department and a little bit with the cops and stuff like that. It's crazy for their physical tests. And you probably know this, too, from some of the stuff in the military, Caleb. We're like their physical agility test has to go under such scrutiny for like discrimination and stuff. So if they decide, like if the fire department says, okay, one of our tests is you have to take that dummy that weighs 110 pounds and you have to drag
Starting point is 01:40:50 them, you know, 50 feet or something like that. If somebody doing that, just a random outsider that's taking the test is doing that and has trouble with it or determines that it's too hard or something, literally they could sue the department and then the city will take that and they will bring everybody who developed whatever that portion or the event is of the test and they will put it under scrutiny. And they will say, hey, you need to prove that this is going to be something that they do in the job that actually might come up. And if it doesn't or it hasn't in a long time, then it's going to be on you guys for implementing that as a test and you'll
Starting point is 01:41:25 be in trouble. Whoa. Yeah. That's fucked up. Yeah. I can't say that I've done that, but I can say that I've no people. I know it's happened.
Starting point is 01:41:39 Like thing, like dragging a person, picking up a person, any sort of physical instance where I've needed to pull somebody along or pick somebody up, put them on a stretcher, carry a stretcher long distance. Yeah. What the fuck? That's crazy. And it's nuts because if you were to ask me, I would say we should train harder than what we expect to see.
Starting point is 01:42:03 Absolutely. Like the training should be the hardest part because in that one, when you run on scene and shit hits a fan and chaos breaks out, which inevitably it's going to do, like, like they say, you don't rise to the occasion. You fall back to your level of training. And so if you're training at a higher degree of what you expect to see out
Starting point is 01:42:19 there, even by a little bit, you're going to be more adequately prepared for whatever comes out. And it's, it's literally the unknown and the unknowable, right? Like you get a call and who knows what the fuck's going to happen. I can't tell you how many times between my wife and I,
Starting point is 01:42:32 we've had experiences similar, like similar to this, where we've had to run 800 meters or carry something for a period of time, go up and down four or five flights and stairs multiple times. And you have in between the two of us we've never had an issue with it but you you look at our our compatriots or and they they have difficulty going up one flight of stairs or two flights of stairs and then coming down or they're they're telling the the fitter person to go take the take the stairs back down
Starting point is 01:43:01 and grab the halogen instead of doing it themselves when they're the ones that lead on the position you know it's a it's ridiculous in a very frank sense yeah it's crazy what is john saying here over in stockton they took away the wall from the test
Starting point is 01:43:19 like dog this is the one city you need to know how to jump a fence slash a wall oh Oh, shit. Wow. They took that away. So. Oh, my goodness. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:43:33 So what happens if you're like, no, let's like let's even reverse it. And let's just say that you're not in pursuit of a criminal. But let's say you're you're running away for your life, which as first responders, you never know who you're going to roll up on. And as shit gets crazier and the economy gets worse and times get tougher and accountability keeps and keeps slipping and slipping away. I mean, here in the US, I mean, here in California, there's fucking zero accountability. I could go walk over right now and we'll rob my Walmart.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Well, since I'm a business owner and a taxpayer and I have a little bit of money, I'll probably be in trouble. But let's pretend I was just a drug addict that lived in the creek right next to my think that you would take jumping over or climbing a wall or fence out of a police physical agility thing is, well, it's fucking crazy. Um, cutter cutters had some pretty good comments. I haven't seen this person in the comments before. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:40 Did you just change your name or profile? Like, yeah, thanks for hanging out and being so interactive. A 150-pound person hasn't been carried out of a fire since the 1960s. My friend are not wrong. You are not wrong. Sousa, did you see the SR? I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:45:09 I don't know what that is. Blade, I had to help an old dude who fell by his door by trying to get to his car. 250 pounds of dead weight is not easy. Fuck, no, it's not easy. It's awkward, too. Yeah. It's not like a barbell. I mean, it's not easy. It's awkward too. Yeah. It's not like a barbell.
Starting point is 01:45:26 It's not a, I mean, it's not even a sandbag. It's the sections of a human body are unequal. And like you said, it's like, it's cumbersome because it's not like you could grip it. Like you can't a barbell, like you could try to get under an arm or something. And then if that starts to slide and then the feet's going to have some drag,
Starting point is 01:45:43 some drag to it, there's a lot of friction yeah name i'm the caller oh cool awesome thanks for calling too oh wait what's this so did you see the strongest man attempt to break martin's record in no i didn't i didn't to break merton's record okay interesting i think everyone who sits in on an emergency row mary montour i think everyone who sits on the emergency row on an airplane should be able to deadlift 225 no kidding no kidding because if you're there at least not like at least not be a roadblock so like even if you can't lift 255 can you get yourself out of the chair and out of the way but yeah i completely agree but i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings it's like dragging two horse doll mats on top of each other dude you must either have those in your garage gym or you own an affiliate because that is very accurate. I had to move like six or seven of them to my new place.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Yeah. Oh, that sucked. It was not fun. Dude, they're like 90 pounds each. Yeah. And they don't drag like you can't just like they don't slide very well and they don't slide on top of each other well you can't like you have to like pinch grip it but it's slippery too so you can't actually get a good grip on it and yeah it's fucked up yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:47:15 i'm moving 250 of them right now into our new affiliate oh awesome congratulations zach on uh your new affiliate um can we check it out? Where are you? Where's your affiliate? Where are you located? That's cool. Congratulations. And that's about as many as I have too. Maybe a little bit more than 250. And we had to move a lot of, we had to move them across Livermore. Luckily our community was fucking awesome. So everybody who was a part of the gym that owned a truck, like showed up and we had so many people the day that we moved the gym, this was in 2017, that we just had a constant cycle of trucks coming like someone would pull in four people would be there they load up the mats they would drive off next person
Starting point is 01:47:53 like it was crazy it was crazy um 125 pounds each yeah is that how much they weigh fuck i believe it um to caleb's point when you said you like you had to pinch them like hold it with your thumbs to drag it this is also kind of embarrassing but both my thumbs like had issue afterwards yeah it's no little baby thumbs like they're like stuck in like i don't know yeah for like two days i had like the claw hand going, Graciano Rubio. You like that? You like that, Arlo? Rubio.
Starting point is 01:48:29 Bienvenidos. That was bad. I was going to say to the show, but fucking I had nothing else after that. Graciano, I dragged 24 horse stall mats into the parking lot every morning and night during COVID. That, he just gave away a secret. Holy shit, guys. Mark it. Hour 46, 56 into the show.
Starting point is 01:48:51 Graciano Rubio. We just found out how he got so strong. If you want to be as strong as Graciano, drag 24 horse stall mats out and in to your gym every single morning for three years. No, I made up the three years part. I don't know how long you close probably, but if you do it,
Starting point is 01:49:08 you'll be as strong as him. Promise. Three 15 trick press. Fuck. We've seen some of this stuff on his account. Do you follow him? The wall street weightlifter? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:49:18 I love it. Insane. I never get tired of watching like what he's, it's just absurd. Yeah. Me either. That's funny. I thought about that. I'd never actually get tired of watching like what he's it's just absurd yeah me that's funny i i thought about that i'd never actually get tired of it either every time i see one of his posts i always stop and like watch it that's funny because some people that are like weightlifters that i've watched before i'll fall like i'll follow them and i'm like ah it's just another lift but with him god damn yeah live squat clean oh it was a ploy trying to get you to read the
Starting point is 01:49:49 yeah and it was good because uh i'm not i need to like familiarize myself with exactly what's going on um in uh racionos county but i'm pretty sure don't hate me if i screw this up i'll screw this up i think there was a whole deal with some of the businesses and the city council people and stuff ended up taking a bunch of money that was given out for small businesses during COVID. And essentially, his gym got fucking butt-kissed and a bunch of these other people, individuals, and companies that didn't even necessarily need it or wasn't even in business
Starting point is 01:50:22 or wasn't affected as greatly by it, ended up taking the lion's share of the money. But you guys should definitely go spend a couple minutes. Go to his account, the Wall Street Rate Lifter. Listen to a few of the city council things that he had clipped and put in there and follow up on what he's got going on. Yeah, what is that, $325 or something? $315. $315. Jeez. yeah three what is that 325 or something 315 315 jeez just insane yeah it's pretty good it's just i mean look at the whip on the bar
Starting point is 01:50:58 oh stupid oh yeah see he's got more of the Los Manos. John Graciano did all 24 in one trip. Damn right he did. That's right. Didn't start out that way, but slowly over time, he did it. Okay. All right. That was fun.
Starting point is 01:51:19 I had a good time with you guys. Hey, for all 150 that hung out with just Caleb and I this morning, we appreciate you guys. You're for all 150 that hung out with Caleb and I this morning, we appreciate you guys. You're freaking awesome. Thanks for coming along. Thanks for listening to us. Thanks for always showing up. Thanks for commenting. Thanks for being awesome humans. Thanks for being contributors to the
Starting point is 01:51:37 CrossFit community. Thank you for being a contributor to your community. If you're not, fuck you. Be a contributor. Don't throw trash out of your car window. That's a bitch move. Mike, thank you. Thank you for letting me blast you earlier today, too. That felt good. It felt like a homie made fun of me. And then we were like, okay, we got it out of the way. But it was like fuzzy fire. So he was like a good dude and was like, where's Siobhan? You fucking suck. He didn't say that.
Starting point is 01:52:04 It felt like it. It felt like it.'s Siobhan? You fucking suck. He didn't say that. Felt like it. That's what I internalized it as. Next weekend, we'll be crushing it with Rogue. Caleb will be on scene, on site, on the... There. He'll be there. He'll be there. We'll be
Starting point is 01:52:21 rocking it from home. It's going to be a great time. We got an awesome week lined up for you guys too. We got the CEO of Gainsbox coming on tomorrow. Looks like we have Tyson Bajent coming on Tuesday morning, I think with Greg, or we might shift Greg's date. I'm not sure. We'll have to double check with that. And then that evening, we have the dynamic duo back.
Starting point is 01:52:44 The dynamic duo. Who's the dynamic duo back. The dynamic duo. Who's the dynamic duo, you ask? Who is it? Who could it be? It's fucking Brian Friend and John Young, and they're going to argue about people that are going to be exercising very fast at Rogue. That's what's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:52:56 We got the Rogue power rankings on 6.15 p.m. Tuesday night. Be there, or we think you're a bitch. Then, on Wednesday, we have the needle mover himself, Mr. Richard Lyle Froning Jr. So he'll
Starting point is 01:53:16 be most likely on Wednesday morning. Thursday, we'll rock and roll with something, probably just a live call. We might sneak a guest in there. Then, of course, we have Shut Up and Scribble with the infamous J.R might sneak a guest in there. Then, of course, we have Shut Up and Scribble with the infamous J.R. Howell and Taylor Self. Hopefully, we'll get to that mix as well. And then, Friday,
Starting point is 01:53:32 we'll be bringing you some Rogue coverage. Caleb, when do you get to Rogue? Friday? Thursday morning. Is this start on Thursday morning? We don't have a schedule yet, do we? No, but I think stuff starts on Thursday. I think on the Rogue website, it showed. think stuff starts on thursday i think on the rogue website it showed that stuff starts on thursday yeah we brought it up and it had the um
Starting point is 01:53:51 we had uh it had like the days listed out so like thursday full day live stream friday saturday sunday but it didn't really tell us anything so i imagine that rogue will be sometime during this week i mean they have to it starts next. So once we get that full schedule lineup, I do believe we're planning to go live before every event, in between every event, and then we'll close out at the end as well, recapping. We will have Caleb there on site reporting in, telling us all the fun stuff.
Starting point is 01:54:22 Yeah, I just saw... Who's competing out of there? i just saw um who's competing out of there i just saw shelby neal come out of the bathroom with toilet paper still stuck on her foot it was crazy here's a here's a shot we're like oh damn get the toilet paper never a dull moment uh yes one hunter's on okay what's happening all right okay all right guys that's it thursday just one event. Yep. We'll see you tomorrow. Sevan will be back in the building.
Starting point is 01:54:49 I'm sure we'll learn a ton about the Mike Bell podcast. Yes. Found it right before. John, thank you. Caleb and I will be splitting that dollar. Dollar each. And we'll see you later. Go watch the Bears game.
Starting point is 01:55:04 Bye-bye.

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