The Sevan Podcast - Syndicate Crown Debrief w/ Taylor Self

Episode Date: June 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer.
Starting point is 00:00:43 More details at Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Up, dude. yo, yo. Can you hear me? Wow. Hold on. My services. I don't know if it's any good can you hear me better no it's pretty bad uh it's pretty bad you want to use your cell service instead of wi-fi oh i i'm on my cell service that's a lot better can you hear me uh yeah i hear you you're just really choppy. Damn. Okay, let me try to call back in.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I'm on self-service. It says I have five. It says I have five. Nope, you're gone. There's Sevan and the rest. Let's fucking go. What's up, guys? How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Talk to Taylor real quick. Standy Randy, what's up, girl? Nice cabusa Miss Ridao hi Greg hello how are you Renee hi with your thick hair
Starting point is 00:02:15 good to see you Alex Peters Dick Butter hey is it still really choppy yeah hey you know this dude in the comments named Dick Butter Hey Is it still really choppy? Yeah, hey, you know this dude in the comments named Dick Butter? I know of him My kids saw that name the other day I forget what they said, but they said something funny about Dick Butter
Starting point is 00:02:37 I remember you saying that on the show That they wanted to name their kid Dick Butter or something Yeah, something crazy like that. Castro, Caved Astro, Taylor Crush this weekend. Did you crush this weekend? I don't know if I would call it crushed. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:02:58 You know? Oh, I know. What would you call it? I'm trying to get a good one. Let's go back. I would call it a... Let's go back to this morning. This morning when you woke up, did you think you were going to the games?
Starting point is 00:03:17 No. I don't think I had... I did not at any point coming into this have that expectation and maybe not necessarily the belief either. But I want to, it needs to be understood. I didn't doubt myself. I wasn't like, oh, I'm not good enough. I got a relatively accurate self-assessment and accurate self-appraisal of where I was at fitness-wise, what my preparation was coming in, how I got to this point. And all of those things added together, the summation was not, okay, I know I'm going to the games.
Starting point is 00:03:56 It was, I'm going to learn some things. There are a couple of workouts that make me pretty nervous. I want to do my best on them and stay healthy and have fun. And all those things were accomplished. Lucky camera straps. Watching Taylor compete was the highlight of our weekend.
Starting point is 00:04:18 James Carr, 6.9 out of 10 crushed it. Thanks, bro. 69 is a good number. Here's what I think. I think that you told yourself that story that you just told me to mitigate anxiety and stress.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And while you were there, you started tasting it. You started having visions of, oh shit, I'm going. Or maybe, let me revise that, you had visions of, oh shit, I'm not going, which then points to the fact that somewhere inside of you, you, you thought you were going or you wanted to go.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I definitely wanted to go. I've never said I didn't. Um, there are moments where I'm like, man, I have a chance, but I think realistically, uh, I'm sure a lot of that, I mean, you're right. Some of that was okay. I don't want to be anxious and stressed out and put this pressure on myself because it hasn't been a fucking priority for me at all. And I didn't even expect to be here. And I just, again,
Starting point is 00:05:37 I just felt so unprepared for the emotional rollercoaster too. Um, And you weren't, um, i also know you weren't physically preparing to go to the games at all not not not at all but like at 70 percent man maybe even 60 like and i mean that i they were just uh there are no excuses for my placement, but so many other things have been a priority that training to go to the games this year has not been a priority at all and not an expectation in any way. And it's,
Starting point is 00:06:16 and I would say more than anything, what's frustrating is knowing how close I am with that. And me not, I'm not happy with that at all. And I would say where there are moments in the weekend where I could have been a little more aggressive here, could have not made a mistake there at the end of the day workouts. I should have been a lot fitter in.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I wasn't and workouts that I should have been middle of the pack. I was did poorly in. Um, and those are things that in a year will be, will be quite different for sure. Uh, Trevor Gentry, uh, through the open quarterfinals and semis, Taylor's been the highlight and involved in all the best content. Thanks dude. Um, when you woke up yesterday and you had three workouts left uh did you did you look at the workouts and be like okay um did you start making a plan to go to the games like hey this is i need to do this for this one this for this one this for this one
Starting point is 00:07:18 i'm going to go to the games no i i'm not again i'm not i don't think i'm fit enough to have even entertained those thoughts like okay if i do these things i'm going to the games it was more so i have a chance and i need to do my best on these workouts and if these other guys you know fuck up then i'll probably go um but that was a big if. Like, I did everything I possibly could have on event four. And historically, you know, a handstand walk workout like that would have been pretty weak for me. So I was happy. Not happy with 14th.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Like, here's the thing. When I say that I haven't been training to compete, like, you a lot of these athletes like okay you're rowing intervals you're doing bike intervals you're doing strength progressions etc i've been doing 90 minutes to two hours of crossfit workouts and i haven't done a fucking row interval and i can't even tell you the last time and when i finished that workout i'm like ah you should you need to be doing some rowing intervals because what are row intervals like a thousand meters rest three minutes thousand meters rest three minutes that shit yeah shit shit where you're just mind numbing like fucking training you know like i haven't been training i've been working out for fun and that's important to me one it's really important that I have fun when I work out. And I haven't wanted to train.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And now I kind of want to a little bit. Dark Lord Revon. Taylor, you've been the highlight of the CrossFit season this year for me. And you and Sebi keep up the good work. Thank you, dude. We've only begun. Yeah, thank you. 400-meter row.
Starting point is 00:09:01 There was the 400, 600, 800-meter row. And then the handstand walks um so you're saying on there you felt you personally i don't mean like to the world but you felt exposed on the row there yeah i handstand walk speed something i will work on and have worked on but i think that's gotten better for me um but i rode like a 139 to start then the middle 600 i was like a 140 141 um which that's like two seconds three seconds even and i was three seconds from winning my heat um and the 800 i pinned it like i rode a 138 but I shouldn't have gotten soft in the middle. And being more comfortable on the rower would have helped that for sure.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Anthony Taylor, you crushed it, man. Two years ago, you were a one-knee slobby McDonald's with John Young. You took out 27 other bums on the floor this weekend. Appreciate you. Okay, so you do that workout, and you finish that workout and you you move up one spot on the leaderboard you actually fall back in points but you move up in the leaderboard right and then the um and and how are you emotionally after that i again i didn't have really any i didn't have very many highs and lows emotionally this weekend,
Starting point is 00:10:25 which I'm proud of. I don't. Yeah. You should be proud. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. I don't,
Starting point is 00:10:29 that's definitely a huge win. I felt pretty even keeled going into every workout and I felt pretty even keeled after each workout. I didn't have any big disappointments. I didn't have any like, ah, you fucked up. You should have done this.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Things I've, events i didn't have any like uh you fucked up you should have done this um things i've some things i learned and then i'll like change but i i was not like oh shit i'm in 12th like you know or 13th or whatever i don't know 14th i don't know where i moved up after that workout but isn't it too late to have a c4 i'm driving home tonight so fuck it i haven't had i've had i had none all weekend and then this is my third today uh david uh greco very good point thank you i should pay you five dollars uh seven on taylor debrief brought to you by sentinel training thanks um uh the first workout you could you could argue that it was executed perfectly under the circumstances yeah and that's a workout that i know by first sorry i mean today first one today for you can say it was like okay let's move to the fifth workout the fifth workout wasn't executed perfectly and it probably cost you five places at least i guess uh maybe yeah but also i did i've done that workout twice
Starting point is 00:11:49 before i did it in 2020 maybe and it took me like 8 50 and i also was relatively healthy then and snatching a ton and i loaded all the bars pre-loaded all of them um and then i when i did it a couple weeks ago dude i took me 10 40 i was so sick and i had been playing and i had been planning to retest it and i was like ah fuck it i don't want to do that um so the only thing i fucked up go ahead let me just tell you so i think you you i could have been 7 10 if i didn't miss that bar yeah okay yeah exactly so that would have moved you up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 uh that had given you first place no it wouldn't have 7 32 is first place you're looking at the wrong workout oh you're looking at workout four oh sorry sorry sorry sorry you're right uh yeah sorry uh you were at 40 seconds you said
Starting point is 00:12:54 so one two seven thirty five and i could have been maybe seven ten okay so that would have moved you up to 15th place. And what happened? You missed the first snatch at 265, and then you hit it twice in a row. Yeah, it was just a mental error. I saw Travis. Like, me and Travis got there kind of at a similar time. Yep.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And I knew he would miss one. And I knew I had them in the bag. Why did you know he was going to miss one? I just saw everyone missing. Oh. So you thought you'd miss once too? Because you did the next two so easy. I know. I was just, I had all of my cues good.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Like I pulled the bar high enough. I had good extension. I locked it out very well. Like I punched it overhead really well. And I just didn't stay tight in the bottom. I was still breathing a little too heavy. I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:47 You hung out in the bottom forever. I just got loose in the bottom. I lost tension. And so I couldn't spit me out and I was so fucking pissed when I did it, when it happened, I was, I knew right when it happened, I was like,
Starting point is 00:13:56 you fucking idiot. Um, it looked like you were going to pull it off. Yeah, I know. Um, so, but again, I took up three minutes off my practice time from um you know a couple weeks ago so jeremy world dude you didn't make the games when does your high rocks career
Starting point is 00:14:14 begin yeah i would actually fucking pack hunters fudge at high rocks did you see the post i made oh so funny so funny uh go to go to taylor's story to see an amazing ass pounding he gives. Did he respond to you? No, dude. He doesn't respond to any of my shit. He talks shit on your show about me, but then he'll never fucking go face to face with me like a man. Were you sore this morning when you woke up? So sore.
Starting point is 00:14:40 My legs were fucking beat. From all the front squats, 50 front squats at 225? Yeah, that and the running. Like, I'm just not... I have been squatting a lot, like, trying to prepare for this, and not running as much, because I'm typically, like, a really strong runner.
Starting point is 00:14:56 And that was a mistake, too, because the running workout fucking beat me down. Enormous tits. Kill Taylor training camps. Kill Taylor better than training camps. Sick. Jeff Gassic.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I was a volunteer picking up scorecards and gave Taylor a let's go Brandon cheer as I walked by. Hell of a run. Great excitement. Thank you. Do you remember that? Yeah. Good dude. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Extra sloppy. Taylor was the big dick in the locker room this weekend. You put them all on notice, and we're proud as hell of you for it. Justin, how amazing that without specifically training for it, you were just a couple spots away. Does that improve your confidence for next year? Thanks for all the great content. Yeah, for sure. my confidence is way higher not just my confidence in my fitness i wouldn't say it's higher but that i'm healthy and that the fitness that i have right
Starting point is 00:15:54 now can carry me in a lot of ways um and that i know how far off from like what i'm capable of i am so that gives me a lot of confidence too Were you impressed by any of those dudes out there? Like when you were out there were you like. Oh yeah. This is a bad dude. Dude. Caron. Fuck on the final workout.
Starting point is 00:16:12 That was a savage. So were Dre Strom and Seth Stovall in my heat. Like they murdered it. That was one workout after I finished. I was like maybe I should have been a little more aggressive on the bike. I was more aggressive than I was in training. But still not like. You know I didn't fucking on the bike. I was more aggressive than I was in training, but still not like, you know, I didn't fucking rape the bike. And that's one thing again,
Starting point is 00:16:28 like I'm not doing a lot of like bike sprints and shit like that. Like, like mindless echo bike intervals. And I just haven't been doing any shit like that. So I'm going to start doing stuff like that again. Nine, you took ninth in the final workout and did you, I, we didn't see, but did you do the muscle-ups unbroken? Yes, and I was swinging like crazy. I don't think I've ever swung like that on muscle-ups.
Starting point is 00:16:51 I didn't break them up, but I was worried I was going to start getting no reps because I was swinging so hard back and forth. Caron went to his absolute limit. The 15th one was like hairball. Dude, well, yeah. I think muscle-ups is something that he struggles with to begin with with but he also annihilated the bike he beat jason off the bike yeah that's crazy uh dick butter for taylor's gas money home dang thanks dude great job this weekend bro um when you uh so you go into that workout and then you finish and is the dream alive still
Starting point is 00:17:27 are you like shit no i i knew yeah yeah i knew like i was i was too many points back and the people ahead of me that were not going to do well were like we're not the people that i needed to do poorly. Like if I were to have a chance, I needed Travis Mayer and Luke Parker to do really poorly. And I knew they weren't going to do super poorly. Like I know I had an opportunity to beat both of them. But I, but I wasn't like, you know, I, what happened to Christoffel? I knew that wasn't going to happen to Luke or Travis.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Larry Young. Great job, Taylorlor not the end goal uh you wanted but experience most will never have it can only make you better oh that's john's dad that's cool yeah dude he does sentinel or at least he supports me uh patrick uh connor what's up dude thank you uh sentinel training numbers are about to skyrocket. Hopefully. I mean, they have skyrocketed already. Yeah, we've been killing, which is amazing. That testament to just your support and, you know, the show, for sure. Enormous tits. Way to accidentally almost make it to the game, Stomp.
Starting point is 00:18:50 almost make it to the game's thumb when you when you finish the final workout um and you come off where do you go like do you just hang out on the field and watch the final heat yeah we had to stay on the floor for drug testing did they drug test you yeah dude they took a fecal sample you did someone watch you pee in a cup dude A guy held his hands right under my ass and made me shit in his hands. No. This guy stared right into the sole of my cock as I had to pee in a cup, dude. He stood like six feet away from me. I pulled my pants around my ankles and he stared right at my dick as pee came out. Oh, why do you have to pull them around your ankles?
Starting point is 00:19:22 I didn't have to. I just was like, fuck it. If he's going to stare at my cock i'm gonna give him everything okay and then uh he and then does it take you long to pee no i drank i like when i went back there i was like hey can i drink this water because i knew that like okay if i if i if i even marginally don't have to pee that bad it i'm gonna have the worst stage fright ever so i want to have like pee right at the tip when i go back there did you did you fill the entire cup and have to pinch it i yeah i filled it like three quarters of the way up and then he was like and that volume's probably good and i was like all right can i finish off in the toilet hey why you how many people did they take they test? They tested the top 15.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Oh, no shit. Did you see anyone have to give blood? No, I didn't. Okay, so you go back there, and that's after the final heat goes. Yeah, they had already gone. Oh, okay. So then when they announced the names, Sousa said he came up and tried to talk to you, but you weren't talking.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I didn't see him come up to me. Oh, no shit. Maybe I had my back turned to him. Okay, so you weren't tripping. No, I was more just in my thoughts. Well, that's tripping. I wasn't like fucking crying or like, oh, I was so close.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I was more just like, man, it was a good weekend. But this is frustrating. And also seeing some of the guys who made it, like I know what I'm capable of. And that's frustrating too. Did you feel a sense of relief? I felt a sense of relief going into the final workout and maybe there's a bit of relief. Now I, this morning I was like, when the today's over, I'm going to be relieved regardless of the outcome because it's just such a high stress few days. Um, and I'm not as relieved as I thought I would be.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Hey, uh, what about, do you have, are you going to give me the talk where there's more to life than crossfit and you'll be okay and i mean there is like i have a business and i hate saying that sounds so gay sorry not like in a homosexual way but it's just like a dumb way. Um, I, I need to go home and program. I got a lot of programming to do tomorrow and I'm fucking excited to do that. I'm excited to grow Sentinel and explode it. Like I want me and Bryson to take this thing to the fucking moon, um, like bigger and better than any of the big programs out there. Uh, and that's another fucking thing, dude, all these coaches, there were some coaches back there in the fucking
Starting point is 00:22:04 warmup area, mugging me hard as fuck dude undoubtedly at some of the shit I talk on the show you know I heard Travis Mayer chirping a little bit about me just being a big shit talker and unfortunately I didn't
Starting point is 00:22:20 beat him this weekend but I beat him in events so if Travis if you just think all I do is talk shit you're retarded bro because I beat him in events. So if Travis, if you just think all I do is talk shit, you're retarded, bro. Cause I beat you in several workouts. Um, so clearly that's not all I do. Um, and I also started a fucking program from scratch. That's growing crazy. And it's going to be massive. It's gonna be huge, tremendous, but I have a ton of motivation for that, but I don't have that speech. That's like, Oh, you know, there's more to life. Like, no, I fucking want it. And I know I'm good enough. And I, what I did not have any sort of hunger going into this weekend.
Starting point is 00:22:48 That's one thing I think like looking back, I don't regret because I wasn't in a place to be hungry. Um, but you need hunger when you go out there to be aggressive. And I had no fucking hunger in any of the workouts. And when next year comes around, I have a feeling I'm going to be hungrier than ever. Jay Wade, Taylor, you're the man. Great job.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Maybe Andy won't make you clean toilets this week. Look forward to the future. Cheers. I won't be cleaning them tomorrow, but I'll be back to it on Tuesday. Jen, it was amazing to cheer you on, Taylor. Thank you, Jen. Janica. Janica., Jen. Janitsa.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Janitsa. Halle Berry. Super proud of you, Taylor. Had a great time watching you. Dude, only three people got cheered for louder than me, bro. Who? Hayley Adams. That's fine. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Tiatumi. That's weird. Andiatumi. That's weird. And Danielle Brandon. So it's all beaver. No cock got cheered. No cock, dude. I'm the beaver of the cock. You're the high-end beaver.
Starting point is 00:24:00 You're the titties of the... Of the male division. Hey, did you see any dudes crying? Travis almost fucking cried on the floor. I looked over. This is so fucked up. It's fucked up because it means a lot to these guys. And I'm not taking anything away from any of them.
Starting point is 00:24:17 They all work so fucking hard. It takes so much to be at that level. And you fucking put yourself on the line. And it's an emotional fucking weekend. And if there's one thing i enjoyed most about this weekend it was having zero stress and pressure that's a very free way to compete um so i'm gonna train to to close that thought i'm gonna train really hard the rest of the year but i want to compete next year as well without that stressor stress stress pressure expectation but i'm gonna be way hungrier and way the most prepared i've ever fucking been in my life that being said uh i was watching tyler christophel
Starting point is 00:24:52 start to fall apart on that last workout i look over and travis mears like lips quivering and i will be oh because he knew he that meant he's gonna make it and then he had a shot yeah i walked over i was like dude you did everything you could bro like i'm pretty you're i i like walked over i smacked in the stomach i was like you got it dude chill you're good don't cry bro you're in you're in he's like forget so tyler was fucking falling to pieces dude it was crazy heartbroken for him too that fucking sucks taylor's the most sincere dude in the space, best programmer and coach too. Thank you, Daniel. Hey, so would you say you're buddies with Travis? Not at all, no.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I think he hates me, which is fine. I don't care. Not a huge Mayer fan, but hey, he killed it this weekend. Super impressive. And he is a perennial games athlete. I hope when he hears me talk shit, he doesn't think that I have no respect for him. I just think he's gay. So clip that, chat.
Starting point is 00:25:56 So when you went to the bat, when you guys go to the – did you get chatty, Kathy, with anyone there? I know that – No. No. No. Did you get chatty Cathy with anyone there? I know that. No,
Starting point is 00:26:03 no. Oh, I, you know, the, the four guys that I liked the most from the weekend. Um, Ben,
Starting point is 00:26:11 Woff, Boulanger. Oh, did you know him before? No, I, I had met him before. Like Ben,
Starting point is 00:26:17 Wala. Cool dude. Does he have an accent? Yeah. Heavy accent, but like, dude, he's the man.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Okay. And he's a big fan of the show. Like he loves you guys. So Ben vigno oh cool yeah vigno is cool right yeah vigno's the shit alex caron as well and sam cornier i've always had a lot of respect for sam i competed at 2018 granite games like the first competition i ever did and he was there was just super impressive was when he was super young the first competition I ever did and he was there was just super impressive was when he was super young um and I had like never competed before I was so fucking green um I've always had a ton of respect for him but he's just a cool dude I like him a lot I've like kind of known Alex and Caron like seeing them on the leaderboard we competed at Guadalupalooza together
Starting point is 00:27:00 um but just a ton of respect for those guys. One, just because it's clear they work so hard, but two, they are very... Those Canadians, and Jeff, I would say as well, he's honorable mention, I would say. They have a lot of respect for their competitors. They talk
Starting point is 00:27:20 shit, they have fun, but I don't know. There's just they something about them as a cohort makes me want to really respect them and be nice to them and that's rare in people usually i see someone i'm like gosh i just want to fucking be a dick to that person but those guys i like a lot hey um do you think that um maybe and they're all because Aren't they almost all mayhem? Benoit and Adler aren't but Caron, Vigneault, and Sam are mayhem
Starting point is 00:27:52 Do you think that maybe it's because they're kind of outcasts there and you're kind of an outcast there? I don't think they feel like outcasts Those guys are better now Uh Uh oh something happened to your audio Something happened to your audio Hold on Better better
Starting point is 00:28:11 I'm fine now? Yeah Okay your phones must have been fucking up So they don't feel like outcasts By outcasts I meant just like foreigners Like Canadians No dude I mean Yeah fuck no They've got their own squad there By outcast, I meant just like foreigners, like Canadians. No, dude. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Fuck no. They've got their own squad there. And they probably feel at home there. They've been there so many fucking times between all of them. Yeah, maybe not at home in Tennessee, but at home in a competition like that for sure. Michael Marlowe. Taylor. I'd probably sign up to Sentinel just to support you, even though me and my affiliate are mayhem.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Let's turn that probably into a definitely, Michael. Did you talk to Rich? I know that you saw Rich. Did you ever get a chance to talk to him? Yeah, Sousa caught the whole thing on camera, dude. Oh, how was that? What did you guys talk about? It was sick.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I accidentally disrespected the fuck out of him um which i feel horribly about i walk over there as suze is like uh interviewing them i was like what's up rich i'm taylor he's like what's up taylor he was like uh do you hear me do you hear me calling out your split times on event one i was like yeah dude all i could see was like a tan dude with the beard and i was like holy shit rich is cheering you on we had a laugh about that and uh you know they said they liked all the stuff we were doing with kill taylor and um he asked me what this week's kill taylor workout was and i was like me and bryson just made it and none of the guys at mayhem will beat me but you probably stand a chance and then i thought back on the conversation
Starting point is 00:29:39 i was like damn i kind of just disrespected the fuck out of him no no he expects that from you um but uh he invited he invited us out there we should go out there and do something with them really what do you say what he says he was like he was like uh you're oh your audio is gone again don't cover don't cover it hear me yeah better okay okay he said uh he said you're welcome to come hang out whenever and then um i think it was dre on the floor was like yeah dude we should do like a collaboration on something you guys come to mayhem so uh hey you know what would be fun is um we could do a sebon podcast retreat there and just get a big fat Airbnb there and go there. Dude, we 100% should do that.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Dude, wouldn't that be... Hey, fuck, dude. Oh, he's got that race the week of the games. I was going to say... Yeah, never mind. Oh, I like what you're thinking, though. Never mind, never mind. I like what you're thinking.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Never mind. That's not going to work in any way logistically, and I need to shut my mouth. But anyway... I like what shut my mouth. But anyway. I like what you're thinking. God, the games are going to be amazing. I'm going to tear that shit up. People are going to see the best behind the scenes ever.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Wadzombie, Taylor, I love you. Thanks, bro. Will Capron, Shout out CrossFit. Cabarrus in Concord, North Carolina. Cabarrus. Shout out. Never been there. Do you know it?
Starting point is 00:31:13 Nope. Wyatt Begay. Taylor, if Dave invites you to demo team at the games, would you do it? I don't think he would invite me. How could he not? Him invite me? Last time I went out there, I had to fucking simp him so hard, dude. I slid into his DMs.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I had to beg him practically. And I go out there, I got injured within the first five minutes. Yeah, that's why. Oh, my goodness. i will say this if he did uh he would have the smartest athlete he's ever had out there to be a demo athlete and i would give him more feedback than he would ask for and he'd probably fucking send me packing because i can't keep my mouth shut not about things that are confidential but uh i would give him way more feedback than he wanted and probably i'd probably
Starting point is 00:32:05 push back a lot like you do the workout and he'd be like how did that feel and you'd be like hey make this three rounds raise the weight here and make these chest to bar pull-ups yeah and probably more than that like i would just give a lot of input not with the expectation that like oh my way is better but when you have it's my belief that if you're going to have an athlete test something, like you want someone who is smart enough to understand maybe what you're going for. And if you're going to pay someone to fly them out there, you should use the fucking tool that you have to its fullest capacity. Don't just fucking, you know, half-ass the fucking tool that you have. I mean, a lot of those athletes that go out there are big, dumb fucking idiots, so I get it.
Starting point is 00:32:54 But that'd be cool. It would be a dream of mine to get to help with the games, but I think the problem with me going out there is I would want to help way more than he would want me to. Taylor, this is an interesting question. Who was the most stunning CrossFit babe in person? My wife. Smart answer.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Hey, do you think that if you get back home and you still have these thoughts that you have, I know that they're going to evolve and morph as the days and weeks go on. Do you think that your relationship with competition is going to affect your relationship with Jason? What do you mean? I don't talk to him that much to begin with. You don't? No.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Once a week? I don't talk to him really at all in competition. Ah, fuck him. And you guys don't? No. Once a week? I don't talk to him really at all at competition. Ah, fuck him. And you guys don't train together? Yeah, no. I mean, I love him, but fuck him. So it wouldn't change anything? No.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Taylor, great to see you out there this weekend. Jenny Sock. Dude, the love was crazy. It was so cool. The love? Yeah, it was insane. It made me embarrassed. I'm like the fucking 13th, and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:34:14 everybody's like, let me get a picture with you, and they're looking at some of these other athletes, and they don't even know who they are. Sorry. Love cheering for you, Taylor. You're an inspiration. Hey, that workout, that final workout, could that be a Kill Taylor workout?
Starting point is 00:34:32 Well, I would have gotten beat by however many dudes in the world that beat me. No, but none of those dudes would call in because they're pussies. That's true. They are pussies. Saxon said it should have been a Kill Taylor workout. Did Saxon beat me?
Starting point is 00:34:44 Go look at the leaderboard. If fucking beat me then no because he suggested it and if he beat me and he suggested it then i'm fucking pissed no i don't think no he took 21st and i want to say you took uh ninth yep ninth hey dude what but but i mean travis mayer only beat you by two seconds and then it's adler rosimo krennikoff seth stovall alexander coron and dre strome down pepper i mean i i think hat like i don't think roman roman doesn't know how to use a phone seth lives in a van coron doesn't speak English. I mean... Dre has some balls. He would have called in on that.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Dre did. When I saw that time domain, I was pretty happy. What do you mean? My time? Well, both. I liked your time too, but I knew that you could get your head wrapped around that. We've seen you week in and week out get your head wrapped around sub five minute workouts and go hard right it's so weird because that used to be a huge
Starting point is 00:35:52 weakness for me I got I've changed a lot as an athlete since my surgery where like typically in the long time domain I'm unbeatable and I don't mean that in like a cocky way i mean that like if it's a lot of monostructural element and it's longer than 20 minutes it would be really hard for anyone in the world to beat me in crossfit and now i've just changed so much and so i know that that will be there when i start training it um but i really want that back because i'm i don't know that i'll ever be the athlete who's going to dominate the three-minute time domain. But I've gotten a whole lot better at it, which is cool. You better dominate it.
Starting point is 00:36:31 We're giving money away every week. You better fucking figure out how to dominate it. Well, that's why I get to pick the movements. As long as the movements are right, I'm good. Hey, how are the warm-ups throughout the week through the six events? What's it like there being an athlete? Do you have time to warm up? Do you feel prepared?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Or is it just half the workouts, you're just on adrenaline? No, everything was great. My warm-ups were spot on. I had help from my coach with those. The only thing that I was... He was there? Your coach was there? No, no.
Starting point is 00:36:59 He sent me a lot of help, warm-up-wise and protocol-wise. My biggest disappointment is that we had a fucking briefing at 7 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. When the West, what my expectation was, because they did this in the West and I sat through it, was Thursday afternoon, before competition started, they briefed all the athletes on 1, 2, and 3. So on Friday and Saturday, there were no briefings. And then sunday they had a morning briefing for the final day what we got was on thursday evening we got briefed on the first workout and then saturday morning we had a brief at 7 a.m and then so you didn't get briefed on workouts two and three no we got briefed on two and three saturday morning at 7 a.m so i had to wake up at fucking six both okay and that pissed
Starting point is 00:37:44 me off i don't fucking like waking up early so that just fucking annoyed me and then you have to come back home it fucking annoyed me because no i didn't get to go back home saturday it fucking annoyed me because the west didn't have to do that and they got i was like oh wow when i was at the west i was like hey i really like this this is smart and then i was going out to knoxville and like had that expectation when they didn't do it, I was fucking livid. Joseph Piero, one of the guys from Kill Taylor, got sixth in the snatch ladder.
Starting point is 00:38:11 He touch and go'd the last bar. He touch and go'd? Wow. He's a beast. Him and Will both called in. Will got fourth in the second workout and Joe got sixth in the last, or in that fifth workout. Good for them. What was the second workout? The front squat double under.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Jessica Valenzuela, you did great this weekend. Taylor, let's fucking get it next year. Thanks, Jessica. Seve, JR's his coach. No, JR's not his coach.
Starting point is 00:38:41 It's his butt buddy. It's his daddy. Daddy. Oh, great. This is butt buddy This is daddy Daddy Oh great Press conference Now this is official press conference Are you from the media? I am not from the media Take two
Starting point is 00:38:57 Are you from the media? I can be Okay take three Are you from the media? Yes Oh thank you Thank you for calling. New York Times correspondent, please go ahead.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yeah. Huge, huge Taylor Self fan here. We want to cover you on New York Times. Our readers have not cheered, has been invested in events since we've seen Rich Cronin doing the clean on 59 in the tennis stadium, I believe in 2013, 2014. So Mr. Self, amazing job. Way to represent America.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And this is them, Savant Podcast. Thank you, New York Times. Appreciate you. Thank you. By the way, the rest of your journalism sucks. You're the last good journalist there. Thank you. Appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:39:38 All right. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Dude, that's crazy that someone would call in and say, I haven't cheered like that since Rich Froney. Yeah, that is crazy. All you have to do is, listen, listen, athletes,
Starting point is 00:39:50 if you're listening, if you're watching this debrief, the fucking governor that you have on your mouth and your opinions, take it off and be yourself. Listen, fuck, dude, fuck. There's going to be some people that don't like you. And if you're a dumbass, maybe don't do that or try. And you'll have a lot of people that hate you because you're a retard. But you'll also have people that love you for just you being yourself.
Starting point is 00:40:15 And the athletes that are marginally smart, you'll have a lot more success. The athletes that are witty, you'll be fan favorites. That's why people love Josh. That's why people love Richosh it's why people love rich uh they didn't try hard to be things that they weren't but they were 100 themselves um and that's fuck dude that's what people want that's all people want is to like get to know you even if they hate parts of you that's fine no i don't like parts of seven he doesn't like parts of me that's fine i love all the parts of you. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:40:45 That is true. Hey, when I first met Rich, you know, 20 years ago or however the fuck long ago it was, I remember saying to him shit like, hey, dude, you got to put that fucking Bible shit on the back burner. It fucking hurts your saleability. And he was like, fuck you. Not even that he was just he i mean maybe inside he was but it's like you're you're so much better off just doing you and here's the thing eventually the world will catch up people say that about this show too like hey you got to tone it down
Starting point is 00:41:17 i hear that all the time it's like hey dude that's because we're five years ahead of you all that woke cancel bullshit it's fucking going down the drain. People make mistakes. People say things that are fucking stupid and that are wrong and that are fucked up. And as long as you're humble enough to admit it and say, hey, I was wrong. I shouldn't have done that. People can forgive you. Forgiveness is a real thing.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Being a forgiving person is a good thing. Holding things over people's head uh after they've asked for forgiveness is fucking stupid so relax be yourself don't be afraid to fuck up don't be afraid to say something wrong don't be afraid to be imperfect like i think yeah i mean that's the things p ah dude it's instant. I feel like this is so it. It's this belief that on Instagram, your whole profile has to be this perfect curated thing. When like, dude, you look at meme pages with pictures of like fucking shit
Starting point is 00:42:15 and dicks have like millions of followers. There's nothing perfect about that. Like, I don't know. I mean, it's crazy. I think it's important to forgive people too, or, and not forgive them in the sense that maybe it's better to say this, forgive yourself for being rude to people.
Starting point is 00:42:33 And I'll just give this example. It's pretty self-serving, but like when Wooley lost his page, like I had to forgive myself for like being like ever rude to him so that I could get to the part. And I called him. I'm like, dude, I'm so fucking sorry. He's like, nah, dude, it's cool. rude to him so that I could get to the part. And I called him. I'm like, dude, I'm so fucking sorry. He's like, nah, dude, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:42:47 It's fucking cool. I'm ready to rebuild anyway. And we had this great fucking conversation. And before then, I'd never fucking talked to the dude. Yeah. Like when I saw he lost his page, it was like, I know it's not like your kid having cancer or anything. Like, I don't want that shit to happen to anyone in the space. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:43:01 I don't like. Well, you know what it's like. Yeah. Yeah. I know what it's like yeah yeah i know what it's like yeah exactly um and and so yeah it's it's also important to just forgive people too just like you know forgive yourself for being an asshole to people and then hope that they forgive you too but also forgive other people you know what i mean i mean you're great at
Starting point is 00:43:18 forgiving people i know i'm preaching to the choir or you're great at like fighting with someone and then becoming best friends with them yeah i commented on his on his post and usually i hate his shit and i was like more more uh pictures of or i was like uh more cocks and feces please and he was like i'll post four times as much i liked it um so yeah it sucks because uh i mean also in this community And I know a lot of people don't Especially people who don't like me They don't
Starting point is 00:43:49 Blood's thicker than water Like, this is our family You know what I mean? It's like, this is our Like, don't shit in the kitchen Like, it's okay to fight But you don't want one of your brethren to die no matter what. And that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Like, it was a little death with the loss of his account. And that sucked. Yeah, the CrossFit community is thick, for sure. It is thick, and there are fucking, there are hyenas that walk around the fucking Boma, dude. They're fucking circling the Boma, trying to fucking break through the thorns and fuck you up and uh there were some of those hyenas there this weekend there were yeah dude todd fucking mulaney dude oh the um the the noble guy who uh made people get the vaccination talk about talk about a fucking hyena dude dude. After all this love talk.
Starting point is 00:44:49 That's Brooke Wells' like, is it her boyfriend? That just, oh. Is that who you're talking about, the noble guy? Yeah, the noble guy with his own new dumb fucking company that means nothing. Whatever it is, hard on fire. Like fucking, sounds like a fucking bruce springsteen album i he's just like uh you see him and and you look into his eyes uh and you can tell there is not an ounce of authenticity and i hate that that's the word i have to use I wish I had a broader vocabulary there's not an ounce of sincerity maybe there
Starting point is 00:45:27 and uh I consider myself a very intuitive judge of character maybe sometimes too judgmental um but I do feel like I get very good gut instincts on people and he is a person who sets off every fucking radar in my body and uh if you're retarded enough to get into bed with that guy business-wise you may make a lot of money but you are actually selling your soul to a no i don't think you do make a lot of money with him to be honest well then then you're then you're just fucking you're lying in bed with a demon walking this earth i believe he if like i could imagine a person who was like the devil and is a liar and just has all these poor character traits and defects that he allows
Starting point is 00:46:08 to run his fucking business. This sounds really strong. Very strong. Very strong. I know it does. But that's my gut instinct on him. And I'm completely unashamed to share it. Genuine. You don't feel he's a very genuine human.
Starting point is 00:46:24 I would go the complete opposite direction. I don't feel he's a very genuine human uh i would go i would go the complete opposite direction i wouldn't say there's a lack of him i don't wouldn't say he's uh he has a lack of uh genuineness i would say it's complete opposite yeah and genuine uh hey um look at this i just accidentally clicked on this um i't mean to pull this up Look at Travis Yeah that's him While I make fun of this Listen while I make fun of this In 2021 I cried like a fucking bitch When I didn't qualify dude
Starting point is 00:46:54 So this isn't from a place Where like oh I would never do that I'm just laughing because it is funny It's a funny face Yeah they split screened him when uh and also uh he's laughing his way all the way to the bank because he qualified and i didn't hey i think they i think they even show the no reps are so bad yeah watch they show me walking over there yeah i think they show you exactly what I said when they show it.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Keep going. It might be after Tyler comes in. No, it's before. I went over to him before he came in. This is at two times playback speed. Oh, here. This is where it is. I walking over watch watch i see him oh he gets another no rep dude i remember seeing that and i looked at travis i saw him almost crying i'm like i gotta go say something uh oh look there you are yep i walk over i smack him on the stomach
Starting point is 00:47:58 keep press play walk over i smack him on the floor i smack him on the shoulder i'm like hey dude i still think you're super gay But you got it God, poor Tyler, fucking A And dude, good for him Travis went in there three points back Had to make something happen and did it That's what a veteran does.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Damn. And Caron's smiling like a like fucking Mickey Mouse. Mm-hmm. Caron fucking demolished that workout. Ernie Garza. What's up, Ernie? Taylor, you fucking killed it. Way to lead by example and do what you do.
Starting point is 00:48:42 When you come to the games, I'd love to pick your coaching and athlete brain. Pantera CrossFit in texas sick thank you ernie you're the man dude john young shut the hell up i don't know dude i watched that and like he said is uh john young's in the comments he says is christopher justin capable of bringing it home it's crazy dude It's not like... Oh, man. How many times has it happened to him? Just this scenario plays out.
Starting point is 00:49:13 He's in a qualifying position, and he bips it in the last event. It's just... Oh, that would haunt me. And if it happens more than once, fuck me. That would haunt me. I mean it happens more than once fuck me that would haunt me i mean he's a good dude and uh yeah i don't know he's a good dude so i just got nothing to say about that i didn't qualify either so do you really know the uh oh hold on sorry oh shit uh mr president hi uh taylor oh fuck joe biden taylor taylor taylor this is the president of the united states Mr. President, hi. Taylor. Oh, fuck Joe Biden. Taylor, Taylor, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:49:47 This is the President of the United States speaking. I watched all weekend. I'm proud of you, Taylor. Can't wait to see you next year. Here's money for your C4 addiction. This is funny. We read Wadzombie's comments. Christofal is gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:50:04 He deserves to have some difficulty in life. Yeah, that's probably fair. But the problem is he's creating it for himself. Self-inflicted difficulty sucks. Do you really know the... Thank you, Joe, Mr. President, by the way, for the money. Did you... Do you really know the workout for Thursday?
Starting point is 00:50:24 Yep. And do you think you're going to change it? Oh, highly, highly, highly doubt it. I could do it right now. Will you still be score? Yeah, I'm going to probably... No, I'll probably be fine by Thursday. I could do it right now, though.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Yeah, I could do it right now. Does it have any fucked up equipment like last week's? No, no, no. And do you know what time we're doing it Thursday? No, I coach the early classes Thursday, which I'm kind of annoyed about that. I might ask Bryson if he'll switch the early with me. I might do it a different day in the week and I'll do it Thursday. Let me know. I want to coordinate with Bear Hanlon because he's going to be in...
Starting point is 00:51:10 I'll text you if I can get my schedule changed around to where I coach Bryson's morning and he coaches mine. It'll be up to you. You guys pick the time. Say, Bear, you tell me
Starting point is 00:51:25 what works for you. Okay. I'm gonna send her that right now. Well, fuck, let me confirm with Bryson, dude. Well, what if she picks the time that you switch to? Okay, just whatever. You know what I mean? Let me just see what she says and then I'll work it.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Alright. There's a comment here. I'm going to read it. Lance Need Lance Need dot dot dot. I'm sure there's more to your name. Did Taylor have any thoughts of trying to just go out super hot on the bike and try to hang on?
Starting point is 00:52:08 Or that would have been horrific. was he scared of the 15 ring muscle ups after the kill taylor incident that that whatever i wouldn't say i was scared i wasn't scared of the ring muscle ups that's not where the workouts weren't lost it's obviously it was lost in the lunge and here's the thing dude, five seconds faster on the bike. If that makes you break the lunge, you lost all that time plus another 15 seconds. So like, it's so not worth it. And I think that's just an area where I need to learn a little bit more about myself of what I'm capable of and get more comfortable on the bike. Looking back, I think I could have gone five seconds faster. Um, and that, you know, that's
Starting point is 00:52:47 not the place where I look at the weekend. We're like, okay, that's where I need to make the most improvement where I look back or other areas. That's an area of improvement, but more so just competitive experience. Um, I definitely do not look back and wish I would have done what Jason did or what Luke Parker did where they absolutely sent it and then had to break the lunge fucking twice or once, whatever, however much. The guys who did the lunges unbroken were top 10.
Starting point is 00:53:15 And you did it unbroken? Yes, and I would say if there's anywhere I could improve a lot on in that workout, it's not the bike piece, but stepping through all of my lunges and not meeting my feet halfway. Like, I pause at the top of every lunge. Yeah, that's a... And that's just my strength.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Yeah, Caron only did that, like, the last 12 feet. Yeah, he fucking flew, dude. Justin Cody, way to go, Taylor. Haven't been this pumped for an athlete since froning, spieling, and bridges. Keep on crushing, bro. Thank you, Justin.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Man, what a year. What a year this is going to be. What a fucking year. No, I'm not going to compete at Waterpalooza. I do want to compete at Crash. I hope some people show up to Crash. I think Crash is going to be huge this year. Yeah, I hope it is.
Starting point is 00:54:14 And I'm going to... Oh, yeah. Oh, you want to ass-pound Hatfield there? I want to fucking ass-pound everyone there. Oh. Holy shit. You won't even believe what you just... If you read our chat, you won't even believe it.
Starting point is 00:54:37 What? You won't even fucking believe it. I mean, hey, let me say this real Quick too about forgiveness um do you Remember James Seeley the guy thought Was telling people not the agent that was Telling me not I thought he was saying Did not come on my show yeah I still Think he was doing that so if you're
Starting point is 00:54:54 Gonna say something's trying to change My mind don't okay I still think he was Saying it too but either way I had a Very nice chat with him at in Carson Okay hey Tony tone fuck, fuck you, dude. You really think Colton's gonna go there and ass-pal me? Dude, when people post shit like this, shut the fuck up. You don't know shit.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You don't know fucking jack shit, bro. Where is that comment? I don't even see it. Yeah, it's a trans dude. Anyways, who cares? But anyway, FaceTime is important. It's dude anyways who cares but anyway FaceTime is important it's good to talk to people FaceTime is important
Starting point is 00:55:29 so I say that but just like of all like it uh if what's in that chat is true I mean it does show you that Exactly what you're saying is right That there are some really Not good people
Starting point is 00:55:49 I can't wait to go and look at it Should I look at it and then comment Kind of comment on it I mean it says not to share it with anyone Okay I'm going to look at it real quick Give me one second Okay go ahead Pat Lang can you still hear me Taylor
Starting point is 00:56:03 Yep I can hear you bro okay uh pat lang taylor you inspired the hell out of me this weekend this is 12 daily doses one more year you're healed and you will qualify guaranteed thank you pat pat's a good dude and this is a perfect example pat is an incredibly liberal uh biden cocksucker that he's gonna hate you for that no dude he's not every time i post something political he dms me basically sends me a dick pic and fucking calls me a faggot uh and uh not like not in a homosexual way but like i'm a douchebag and he shits on me all the time and this is the thing dude we can disagree on things and still love each other so thank you pat lanes you're the
Starting point is 00:56:42 fucking man i appreciate it when you send me antagonistic DMs. It gets me riled up and I like a little bit of rile in my life. So thank you, bro. Alright, I'm reading now. Give me one moment. Someone wrote some weak sauce saying stuff behind people's back. I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Taylor, what will you be doing to celebrate Pride Month? No, not that. Are you going to continue? Oh, Harley Mom, are you going to continue with Kill Taylor workouts? Man, we haven't even started Kill Taylor. You just wait. You just wait.
Starting point is 00:57:21 We've just begun. We've just begun. Before you know it, the prize money will be $1,000 a week and $2,000 a week. We've just begun we've just begun before you know it the prize money would be $1000 a week and $2000 a week we've just begun wow I know that's crazy right but if it's perfect with what you're saying about hey man there's just some really bad people
Starting point is 00:57:37 in the space some really bad fucking people and also if you're a camp or a coach I can't i can't uh express this i can't express this any more uh aggressively um emphatically you need to be so selective with the people that you bring into your team and your camp because the people that they've worked with before um it's it's indicative of their character and you don't want to taint your fucking environment or your culture or your
Starting point is 00:58:12 community with a big name just because you think it's going to bring eyes to you if they're a fucking douchebag of a person and let me tell you this it is really hard to be the kind of leader that uh you can take someone's shitty character and turn it around like in fucking credibly hard like i don't know that there are really any people in the crossfit space that are that strong of leaders in fact if you bring a shitty personality into your culture they're just gonna fucking rot you from the inside out and uh that's what happens with a lot of these camps and programs. It's fucking shitty athlete to shitty camp to next shitty camp to next shitty camp. Hey, it kind of makes me feel sorry for the big athletes, too, because they just get like sometimes like we blame them for shit.
Starting point is 00:58:55 But I think like a lot of them get taken advantage of. They get taken advantage of. But don't be fucking retarded, dude. Like, look who you are asking to mentor you and spend all your time with. Are you really that fucking stupid? Joe, what's up, dude? Fucking A. Oh, what's going on in here? What's up? What was it? I hear something about my touch and go, huh?
Starting point is 00:59:13 Oh! What's the matter here? That made me blast rope when Sevan sent that to me, dude. He said you went touch and go and I got hard. Dude, I had nothing to fucking lose you know i shit the bed on every other event so i had to come out here for something hey when did you decide you were going to do that you knew beforehand i knew going into it on wednesday
Starting point is 00:59:35 on my last training day i said i'm looking to uh 60 to 65 year old to just qualify for the game name uh tracy had a crossfit bison and uh i told her, I said, I'm going touch and go. And from that day, I just made it a thing. Were you in Ben Smith and Jack Farlow's heat? Or the one after that? What heat were you in? No, I was in – I was with Jorge Hernandez in heat one. You were in heat one?
Starting point is 01:00:02 Yes. I was out of heat one. I want to see if I can find it really quick. Hey, because I think it was fucking like Colton's. It was just a mess, right? Your second one was just like, hey, look how strong I am. I'm going to say it was way smoother than Colton. It was smoother?
Starting point is 01:00:15 At the ground at the same time. Yeah, but the only thing is from the side, my collapse heavy. But it looks good from the view. Did you practice it in training i didn't um i didn't practice it once in training um i knew i've touched and go 265 for three before so i definitely for two was in the cards but um yeah i kind of out of my ass i only touched and go to 185 in the warm what time was it at? Was it like 5.50? What was your time on that workout? Do you know?
Starting point is 01:00:49 It was 6.58. 5.58? Okay. Oh, 5.58. Alright, bro. Chill. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Here it is. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Oh, yeah. It's way smoother than Colton's. You're right. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah, it's way smoother than Colton's. You're right. Oh, wow. I'm looking at you. You're out of your fucking mind. Dude, I love athletes that can snatch. I love athletes that can snatch. So you just earned a whole lot of respect for me, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Appreciate that, brother. I need some of your skills, though, you know? Stop. Damn. Hey, did you think you were going to get it too? Did you know? He knew. I picked up.
Starting point is 01:01:30 I had no clue. I honestly just pulled and prayed, tried to chest over the bar, and it went up, no problem. Damn, Joe. The fucking crowd erupted, man. If you get that volume up, that was electric.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Beast. Good job, dude. Great job great job hey did you have fun thanks brother yeah i had oh it was a it was a it's a tough weekend you know that that feel was deep um yeah i got my work cut out for me placed in basically 30th or worse than every workout so i'm gonna put the lifting to the side let me try to come back with a little more gymnastics and cardio for next year and have a little more losing socks put it like that uh and and how old are you i'm 27 oh okay all right so you're a young buck compared to taylor fuck you i'm 28 yeah yeah yeah all right yeah we're
Starting point is 01:02:19 still ramping up over here the t levels are still going up and where's home for you jersey new jersey yes awesome all right dude i appreciate you calling in great to hear your voice good job today that was fun say it again i said i had i got i was receiving some text so i had to call in and show some love yeah appreciate it hey 1500 on thursday dude come get it don't be i'm gonna definitely be coming for some money, man. Hell yeah. See you Thursday morning. All right, bye. All right, you the man. Later, you the man.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Touch and go. I got to get in the car here soon. Oh, why are you doing that? You just want to get in your own bed? Dude, I want to get in my own bed. I want to see my fucking dogs so bad. Oh, that means you're that? You just want to get in your own bed? Dude, I want to get in my own bed. I want to see my fucking dogs so bad. Oh, that means you're going to have kids soon. So it's 10 o'clock there, so you won't get home until 2 in the morning? Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Is it a four-hour drive? Maybe, something like that. Someone in the chat said that. That's why I made that up. It's fine. It's fine because I don't coach at all tomorrow, so I'll get in my bed at 2, and I'll fucking wake up at noon if I have to. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Go in on sauna, hit the cold plunge. Are you driving by yourself? No. I'm going to get my wife with me. I'll fucking wake up at noon if I have to. I don't give a fuck. Go in on sauna. Hit the cold plunge. Are you driving by yourself? No. I'm with my wife with me. We'll switch off maybe. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, put my headphones in and listen to some Rogan. Do you have a reliable car? Yeah, dude. My car's the shit. I bet I got a brand new fucking car, bro. I'm rich.
Starting point is 01:03:40 That's right. I forgot. I forgot. Alright, Taylor. Thanks for coming on, dude. You the man. Appreciate it. Hey, thank you for everything this weekend. Crazy year so far. Excited for what's to come. Yeah, how fun. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I will schedule a show for tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. I have no idea what we're doing, who's coming on. I'll probably invite Andrew on. He's a fucking real needle mover. All right. Everyone, good night. Have a good one. Thank you, Taylor, for coming on.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Taylor, I love you.

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