The Sevan Podcast - Tai Emery | Fighter, Football Player & Model #923

Episode Date: May 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:01:20 I'm so embarrassed to say this. What time is it there right now? It's 8.30 a.m. Tuesday morning. Okay. So where are you, America? And I'm in Santa Cruz. So you're in the car. Yeah, I am.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I'm in Santa Cruz, California, and I'm looking up at 6.31 p.m. Our connection is so bad. Oh, you're perfect. That always scares me, too. Okay, good. Thank you. I pulled all my hair back. I'm trying to look presentable today.
Starting point is 00:02:00 What an awesome human being you are what i mean i was it's so crazy when you you dig into someone right before they come on the show the last couple days i've been watching podcasts you've done and interviews and what a journey but it seems like i mean i guess i interview a lot of australian australian women i interview are usually athletes but it's um man you guys are a unique breed over there i think honestly i think it's because we have them from like the convict background we've got like like that wild rebel but uh hard-working sort of attitude and we're like a little bit of a rat bag you know what a rat bag is just like a cheeky like a cheeky little bugger but someone who's like you know always down for
Starting point is 00:02:45 the cause like um i think so australia was the convict settlement of england so we're really just like the un-posh uncivilized uh version of england um our mother like our mother home and um yeah we were the backbone of like what started australia so we i think we need to remember most most of them were just blue collar workers um that got sent over in the ships to australia to settle it and you know birth australia as to what it is um and there was a lot of like irish um and english just just like ratbags Everyone who I guess stole bread to feed their family or were in trouble with the law. But for things that were for, yeah, I think it's honourable.
Starting point is 00:03:33 In those days, you're a brave soul if you're about to steal some bread because your family is starving. I think that's like a good personality trait. Obviously, stealing is bad. But if you have to think of like an attribute that you want parts down in your jeans, that's bravery. Hey, when I think of that nation, I think of you guys being a little freer. Like when I think of like partying with Australians, it's like someone's always probably going to get naked or there's someone's going in the swimming pool or it's going to be it's going to be a little while until like this until the last couple years i thought like that country was the baddest ass country until i saw kind of how they reacted to the whole pandemic
Starting point is 00:04:13 i was like what are those guys doing over there shouldn't they be pulling out their knives and like shouldn't they be pulling out their giant steak knives and like just say it again it went worse but it got worse like we were the ones with the with the camps like people getting put into like the detention camps did you get put into one of those no because i stayed in thailand um which was a good thing and a bad thing um i was so i was in thailand um i was going to like the airport i get stuck because COVID I've got like 120 dollars I was meant to go and guest speak at a meditation retreat in Bali which was about to give me my next you know lump sum of paycheck to continue on with you know I think I was meant to go back to America and do a
Starting point is 00:04:56 reality tv show at the time anyway I get stuck I end up going back and living in a Muay Thai gym sleeping on the concrete floors because I had like i had to do it i had nothing else nowhere else to go now once they started what year was that so that's that's 2020 that's like january of 2020 yeah that's like january 2020 because i went to the end of 2019 now when yeah the police started started keeping us indoors and going up and down the streets and everyone. Now, I'm surrounded by just ties and we're a bit more off the beaten track. I went and had a look the other weekend. It's now got a road there. So I was like, oh, wow, we've upgraded.
Starting point is 00:05:38 But I was a little bit off the beaten track. I had no bike. So that made it more difficult to. No, you had no what? I'm sorry. No motorbike, like no moped. Oh, okay. Right. So that kind of makes you very isolated when you're in Thailand
Starting point is 00:05:50 because you're not walking more than 100 meters in this heat. Anyway, I remember I started to get actually for the first time a little bit worried, you know? And I started sending some emails back home to be like, hey, I'm one of the people who are missing and lost. I wouldn't mind being flown home to safety. And then that's when, yeah, the Australian government was like, we have a centre link which is where, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:16 like our poor people go to if you don't have work or you don't have a job or if you're like me and you're a kid that had no home you get put in the system if that makes sense um so I was being in the system for like since a really young age and yes I emailed back to be like get me out of here and um they told me to go go into Centrelink go into a Centrelink office and everything would be sorted out for me to which I thought okay I'm stuck in Thailand um well let's just buckle up and this is where we're stuck through COVID but then I started seeing like it as a blessing because then I started seeing what was happening back home
Starting point is 00:06:54 um and they were like at that time getting stuck for like 10 years back home in Australia um for what for how long for 10 years everyone if they got home, they were meant to be stuck for 10 years. Obviously all this stuff has been lifted in the last year since, you know, uh, new information. That's the kind of shit that they were saying over there. Yes. And I just remember thinking, I'm not going back home. I'm 10 years. Listen, Americans do not ever give your guns back. Listen, never give them back because like honestly we're the testing grounds we're the testing grounds i've truly believed that for a long time even down to them taking our guns um i have to be a little careful usually because i got suspended i got one strike already
Starting point is 00:07:35 because a couple weeks ago you're about to get one no no no we're good we're good hey um say this word again for me again this cinelings thing thing. How do you spell that? I want to see that. I want to see what that is. Oh, sugar. I'm the worst speller. C-E-N-T-R-E-L-I-N-K. Oh, like Centrelink. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Centrelink Australia. We deliver social security payment services to Australia. Oh, wow. Okay, I see this. I got to check this website out. Oh, you got one of these too. This is where they give money to poor people to keep them poor. They say they're helping you, but they're really just trying to keep you poor.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Now, when I was a teenager. We got that. We got that too. It was like, I think I was getting every fortnight like $75. Now, $75 as a teenager was meant to, because I was living at a home. I had no home and that was meant to keep me in school and and surviving but i was a night i ended up doing night packing so i'd finish high school go to go to like your your walmart sort of thing and i'd night pack till 2
Starting point is 00:08:39 a.m and then just bloody bike at home fall asleep wake up eight o'clock and do it all over again. Wait, what would you do? What would you do at the store until 2 a.m.? Night packing. So like filling all your filling, all your food and filling all your clothes and just like the stock that would be like in a Walmart, like your equivalent. You would steal you would steal it from there. No, I would never steal from there. I needed the job.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I would. Oh, oh, oh, oh oh oh oh the shelf sorry sorry sorry you guys speak a little bit of a different english to me i bear with me here hey um ty so you're born in australia yeah and and your mom and dad are immediately out of your life uh i think they're out from like eight or ten, around those ages. They were gone. And what happened? How does someone lose their mom and dad at eight or ten? Well, one travels and starts a job and new life in another country,
Starting point is 00:09:32 and then the mother goes AWOL and just becomes a partier. So I think when that kind of separation in the home, it just leaves you at home alone. Lucky for me, I had my little sister and I just focused on that and just went to school like I still went to school every day I wasn't a bad kid I was trying to get out of there I was trying to get something be something else and so at eight years old you went to around the age of eight or ten you went to foster care no I didn't kind of get caught up into that
Starting point is 00:10:05 until I was maybe 14 or 15 and started really needing money. So then I had to do go into this center link where I had to like prove that I had no parents. And it was actually quite a grueling process. I probably wouldn't want to do that again. I'm tripping on this uh was your mom into drugs yeah for sure definitely and then so you you just cruise in there you're 14 years old and you're like yo i don't gotta just by yourself yeah i had um i actually think it was one of my girl guides so when i was little i did you know girl scouts okay I actually think it was she ended up being she was like my nanny as a kid not our nanny would get dropped there would get dropped there as a kid um but I ended up doing girl scouts with this with this um woman and her kids when I
Starting point is 00:10:56 was older and I'm pretty sure it was them who took me in I forget I think it was her for sure and and then so then she basically had to say, Hey, I got a 14 year old kid living with me. And then boom, you're in the system. Was she your foster? Did you go to a lot of foster homes? No, I went to two friends. So first was like Darlene Wipers. They were Filipino family. I lived with them for like eight months. Then went and lived with the Connolly family, which is one of the best Australian on Australian families you could ever live with.
Starting point is 00:11:27 That was one of my best mates, Dave Connolly. So I played rugby union, and we were best friends through just playing in the same footy teams. And, yeah, everything to – there was a lot of people that gave me a couch to sleep on, I guess, growing up. But there were many – What was that guy's name that you lived with and you guys played on the same football team we played um we played high school rugby union and then boys and girls mix it wasn't boys and girls mix because girls weren't allowed we had when allowed contested scrums because of the i guess they said that the next ability um we weren't meant to like
Starting point is 00:12:07 collide and push because we have a scrum in our football so in saying that i remember like picking my legs up and just like kicking these poor girls oh my god i was such a horrible person just to get the ball back oh so and then how what wow When's the last time you saw your mom and dad? I remember I saw my dad when I went to America, went and tried to find him. Oh, this is, this has turned dark. No, I went and I just went and found him when I was in America. And that wasn't like, you know, I think you, you realize why they end up leaving. And then my mom, I don't think I've seen her in, well, easy over a decade. I just try to keep everyone at arm's length. And at the same time, I haven't been back in Australia for over a decade.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And before then, I've always just been really career-focused. Before sport, I was a thermographer and I was an electrical contractor. What's that word you use? Thermographer? What's a thermographer? Yeah, it's a thermographer. So you know like Predator? How Predator has like the heat-seeking eyes and it's all vibration? It's pretty much a camera where it's just a camera that sees vibration. So it can see variances in like heat and cool, obviously. So like you would assess a building's like um energy efficiency they would call you and you'd go out there and do an assessment on that
Starting point is 00:13:30 with this special tool you have and switchboards or machinery um yeah anything anything that's moving so it would be for insurance or routine maintenance it was such a good job very different to playing football and bare knuckle but let me let me run these two scenarios by you just from other people so i had this guy on the show named travis bajan right from west virginia one yeah one of the best arm wrestlers in the world and from a young age he knew he had to be really good at sports if he wanted other people to like him so from a very young age he put everything into sports so that also, so that other parents of other kids would like him. And then maybe he could go to their house and get a warm meal and maybe get a shower.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Then, then on the other side, you had, I interviewed a woman named Kayla Harrison. I know Kayla Harrison. Okay. Big fighter. So, and I read her book. Have you, do you know about her situation? No, I haven't read her book have you do you know about her situation no i haven't read her book i didn't know she had a book i just know her through watching the pfl because i'm friends with ray seffo okay so from 8 to 16 her jujitsu instructor was molesting her yeah i think that happens to a lot of us females through like younger generation in sport that's like a very common it's a common thing and i don't think a common theme yeah that's like a huge common theme i think for a lot of us when when we're all in the locker room i think a
Starting point is 00:14:59 lot of us have found that that type of shit like goes down um i think it was more accepted back then um i don't know how we're all accepting how it's like becoming accepted i don't know where it's all going now i think that's why the whole um men as women thing is is just a bit more concerning for us women now that we're older and becoming super triggered because we were those little girls that had to cop this flack and keep our mouths shut. So I think when we're just trying to protect women being women, it's just more because of these situations. So, yeah, good on Kayla Harris for speaking out because, yeah, save the children, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:50 You have, in my personal opinion, I think you have to be fucking crazy to let men in women's locker rooms or men play in women's sports. Basically, men should never be alone with women unless it's completely consented by the women. Men are – we're fucking – we're here for one reason. Animals. Yeah, we're fucking – anything that you could conceive that we would do, we're capable of it. And women should be protected from that. It's fucking nuts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 So I bring this up because what you do is so intense, right? So you play the Legends Football League crazy. Yeah. Nuts. Linebacker nuts. Even being an electrician is is a little dangerous right and then and then you're fighting and then you're fighting and i've heard you say in other interviews that like yeah these people have these you have to be able to go deep you have to have a dark place um that you go to that that maybe you cultivated this dark cave unwillingly, but because of life
Starting point is 00:16:48 circumstances, you have it now and somehow you're leveraging it, right? Yeah, because I think eventually things kind of balance out, you know, if you're using it in the right way and you, you know, want to better your life. I'm sure for other people that have gone a different direction, you know, you don't have a million time. Marie's or Kayla Harris is walking about all Rose. Rose was the same. Wasn't she? Didn't she speak out because she was being molested?
Starting point is 00:17:15 Like I, or abused or for anyone, I think. I don't know, but that would explain why she shaved her head. Right. I mean, I heard her say she shaved her head because she didn't want to be seen as just some like super hot chick. head, right? I mean, I heard her say she shaved her head because she didn't want to be seen as just some super hot chick. Like, fuck you. Yeah, pretty much. I think that would definitely put a chip on someone's shoulder in that sort of way.
Starting point is 00:17:34 And I think that's for any sort of life circumstances. We're not just talking that category or that type of just all about that. But I think for anyone who's gone without a meal even or just had their dad hit them or, you know, there's like a million things that can be seen as a bad story and you have to, David Goggins, you weigh out of it, you know. And I think in the cage especially and in football, like set positions in football and in football, like set positions in football and,
Starting point is 00:18:05 and in fighting, like if you don't have, I guess, I don't know. I feel like it's an award given from life. Um, like a little badge, like you did it son. Like good on ya. That, that gives you something else that someone else who's had like this white picket life fence. Like you can tell the difference when someone's got the dog in them and when someone doesn't but you can also tell when someone has the dog in them and they haven't learned to yet control it um i think you know that also can can show when people are fighting just because things are so down to the millimeter
Starting point is 00:18:40 um in thoughts in movements in you know in, you know, in everything. Um, so yeah. What, what about, what about that? I'm learning to control it. All your power is, is, is, you know, 25 to 35 years old, right? I mean, you're just, I can't speak for women, but for men, you're just completely capable of anything, maybe even younger, 18 to 35. If someone says run through a brick wall, you'll do it. So you have to cultivate. Ideally, you cultivate that control early on, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Like I was watching a couple of your fights and you'll there's a you you especially in your in your, you know, a couple of years ago in your fights, you'll just stand toe to toe and just fucking war. Whereas you saw, you saw a couple of days ago, Loma and Haney, and you just look at Lomachenko's career. He doesn't do that. It's in, out, right? He's controlled, right? In, out. So fucking patient, right? So fucking patient. I still want to go toe to toe. I love it because that's i i don't know you're good at it and you're good i'm good at it and that's probably why i like to have so much pressure and put that onto people because a lot of people don't want that um and now
Starting point is 00:19:58 i'm at the moment i've got a coach from dagestan and they're just he's there from the Muslim background which is so opposite to what I guess my upbringing and you know my sort of crazy wild side but I think to have them kind of give me this discipline and teach me the patience of knowing when to engage that's that's where I'm at with my fighting just because and I guess that's also where I'm at like within my mind as well. I think in the cage, out of the cage, you know, on the football field, off the football field, your life and everything, it kind of matches up as to what, you know, what's happening.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah, I still love to go toe to toe and I'm still getting in trouble after every sparring session for being like that. But I like to bang baby um but no i think i think boxing is something different but i also feel for me bkfc is also a different animal as well um so the the the fighter that that is like giving the most pressure is actually like in the lead just because we're it's a a two minute fight and we're here to fight yeah but it's about balance um with this with this upbringing was there um a change for you uh the the journey of life's hard fuck this this is bullshit why is this happening to me where then all of a sudden it's like that story is not working anymore like i i can't i can't be there can be no more victim i'm gonna have to just i'm gonna have to
Starting point is 00:21:31 just throw that story away and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not i just gotta throw that story away i think sometimes if i'm recollecting or speaking facts i i can start to hear myself and start to say why why why when I'm trying to just more explain an experience that's happened as to what's, you know, happening. But to be honest, I don't think I ever truly had the victim mentality when I'm really just such a hard worker and I'm more that person where I'm like, this is fucked up shit. Head down, boom, boom boom let's work um and hey that's not even that healthy in
Starting point is 00:22:09 itself either if if that's a coping mechanism is to just become like a hard-working overachiever um so training to medicate medic you're medicating with training and fighting for sure because it's meditated it's meditative sorry um because you're able to just immerse yourself and be present um it's like smoking smoking's like that right you're smoking a cigarette and you just become present but it's like fucking bad for you i guess at least fighting you're not ruining your lungs yeah yeah true we're just ruining our brain you haven't been to australia in 10 years did you say that yeah in over 10 years i went back there when i was um extradited or like told i was coming back
Starting point is 00:22:54 from bali i just had an mma fight now i was with jay faber who actually came second in the world series of poker and these boys are all playing poker for like millions of dollars or big cash I remember they must have been shit-faced drunk and they're like yeah we're going to Australia and I said yeah pick me up some Vegemite and they're like yeah how about you just pick it up yourself and so these boys flew me out I'm partying after my MMA fight I go back into America and my face is all bashed up and they immediately put me in some room and send me back because I have to get an O visa because I was playing amateur. I was doing amateur fighting at that stage. I'd left LFL and was doing amateur fighting. And so they claimed that I was a professional and I needed a stronger visa. So for whatever reason, yeah, I was back in Australia for maybe three weeks or six weeks, thinking that my dreams had just been shattered.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And then that's when I left to Thailand and then COVID. So, yeah, now I'm almost, I think my visa is being processed now to come and compete in America. So it'll just be another American journey. These guys, how did you meet these guys the poker players um i actually rolled jujitsu with jay in um at 10th planet in las vegas yes so you just you can meet the most random people through jujitsu and the best part about jujitsu is you don't know who anyone is because everyone's in a rash guard, everyone's sweaty and disgusting. And I remember we'd rolled a few times and, you know, I'm Australian,
Starting point is 00:24:31 so we get real comfortable. And I remember being like, oh, righty, you fat fuck. And everybody around me knows who Jay is and they're all like going. And I'm like. Yeah, yeah. And we became, we actually became closer friends because of that. Because he was like, he goes, I'm friends with Shane Warren. He goes, if you call me a fat fuck cunt, that means this is good.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And I was like, yeah, it is good. I was like, you understand. Yeah, my brother. So I, I, I've got a lot of, um, just from being super Aussie and, and not naive, but I don't really, I didn't grow up in America. So I didn't, I don't know who was famous, who we should should be nice to i don't know that hierarchy of like socialism or whatever um so i think you have the cunt password it's kind of it's like it's kind of cool it's like it's crazy you guys get a pass on that word it's crazy good well we should we can't help it
Starting point is 00:25:22 criminals well we are we're like these cheeky baby criminals you know Well, we should. Of course. We can't help it. Criminals. Fucking criminals. Well, we are. We're like these cheeky baby criminals, you know. There is like a huge innocence to Australians and just in general. I think we blurt out more than what we're thinking and, you know, we don't really think before we say anything. But there's an innocence to that just like a kid, you know, a kid can sit there and go, oh, you're fat. You're just like, well, the kid's not lying.
Starting point is 00:25:49 We're not meant to say that. But who also says we're not meant to just speak the truth? Maybe this world would be better if more people just were a bit more blunt rather than, I don't know, this jigsaw puzzle of words. Yeah, yeah. It would be much better. It would be much uh it would be much better it would be a much nicer place i think well in in the proof is in people like me and you i think you and i probably enjoy our lives on a higher and more intense and free level because
Starting point is 00:26:15 we do just we're just we're just navigating truth and i and i and i relate to you on that innocence part too a lot of it is just like I'm just naive. I'm not interested in being sophisticated. No, not really. I actually have a friend and she explained the first time she met me. And now this is at my lawyer's. Now my lawyer looked after like Mushroom Records, Kylie Minogue, like all these really famous people, lives in a $10 million mansion. you know really famous people lives in a 10 million dollar mansion and she goes and now she's got like her little j-lo hairs you know all you know how they do all that little beep beep and like this sophisticated like chanel looking suit for a day drinking and she goes yes and i saw you
Starting point is 00:26:55 and your hair was wild and i was like i must have just washed it and then she was like and you were just wearing a t-shirt and i was like that, that sounds about right. You know? And so when she kind of said that, I thought, oh, my gosh, all these rich folk are like walking around. Oh, hello. And I was like, yeah, g'day. And, you know, Michael's like, she's a bare knuckle fighter. Oh, you know? And my lawyer, he's like turned into a family member now.
Starting point is 00:27:18 But he's just so proud. He's like, yeah, a bare knuckle fighter. And everyone's automatically like, oh, so that's why she can get away with wearing whatever she wants wants and when she kind of put it like that i remember looking at her and i was you know my hair's still crazy and wild and i thought it's crazy because i wouldn't mind like looking like you once in a while but right that definitely just yeah that ain't me not that you give a fuck two fucks about my opinion but you are much more attractive when you're not made up that i'm just saying yeah wait all the women are all every woman looks more attractive like there's my wife never
Starting point is 00:27:51 looks more attractive than when she's not working out yeah i agree why do you wash your hair do you really wash your hair yeah just because um i wash it with water a lot more because that's what my hairdresser said all right okay right so not so you don't do a wash with soap a lot no you should only meant to like shampoo it once or twice a week um do you do it that often that seems like a lot of work even well i have to because i'm sweaty like i work out two times a day every day so i'm working out for like five to six hours every day um so we definitely have to do something you can't just just water yeah most of the time it is just water that's what I was told to do
Starting point is 00:28:33 but yeah sometimes nah I'm out in Thailand I haven't washed my hair in years with soap that's why it's so luxurious I told the lady at Supercuts that like about a year ago, the last time I went and got a haircut, and she's like, are there bugs in there?
Starting point is 00:28:48 I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? Bugs. The insult. Yeah, like what are you talking about? Look at my hair. It's perfect. How long have you been going there? Obviously a little while.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Growing. I just shaved it myself for the first time. I'm 51. I'm like, God, I don't want to be a pussy, the only guy in the world who's never shaved his own hair. So I shaved my hair uh on the sides and then and then this one of my lesbian friends told me i look like a viking dyke i'm like all right i'll fuck it i'll take it i'll take it all right yeah good nicest thing anyone could say to a man that he looks like a
Starting point is 00:29:21 viking dyke straight from the probably one of the true alphas now is the lesbians right i'm sorry but they're kind of taking over from the male position at the moment in america someone needs to someone needs to hey um uh when there's competing questions in my head i want to go back to your childhood why um? How did you get introduced to sports and working out? And was the gym your first sport? Because you kind of look built like a CrossFitter up here. You got shoulders, you have crazy lats, like you do a lot of pull ups, like you look like you're doing more than than just, you know, grappling jujitsu Muay Thai. The gym was the first thing that i started when i was super little um and i remember just being obsessed with it because my parents were obsessed they were obsessed with
Starting point is 00:30:09 sport they did outrigging um so drugs and outrigging outrigging football drugs yeah that was probably their life so probably hence why i got so attracted to i guess guess, a party, a party music scene. I love music. Um, I'm not a big drug taker so much anymore. Um, yeah, I guess that's something that you start to learn, you know, probably not going to be the best version of ourselves if we continue down that route. Um, yeah, so I've been into the gym since I was super little. Um, I remember even asking for how little. Okay, I remember doing those, you know, those like women classes where they do that. Yeah, seven, three. I think I remember doing that when I was six or seven. And doing the little step up classes. And I was obsessed with just anything dancing, anything with weights, anything with sport. And I've honestly
Starting point is 00:31:04 been playing football like a football was my first toy like that's not even a joke a football was the footballs in the blood footballs in the family and a football was i wasn't even one and i had a football um i've played probably i've played thousands and thousands of games of football i've lost like i've played so many games of football my entire life tackle flag yeah do rugby people do flag or no well it's not we don't have a flag we just tag them okay so and now when you're playing like the a-grade mixed version of that your boys and girls together yeah boys and girls together and it's the like the best league now that becomes not just like a tag this is now it
Starting point is 00:31:45 becomes like combat jujitsu where we're you know um you can make the men really angry because you got to remember like it's a grade and most of these are like ex professional guys reliving their glory days and they're getting pieced up by these cute little little girls like boom slap you bitch like get out of my face it's making them so angry so to make grown men just like get so angry that they have to like push you to slide you across you know across the field you're just like i've won i've met the mental games i've won um so yeah i played football literally my whole life like do you think that's where you built your engine did Did you build your engine then? And I was a sprinter.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I loved running. So I was a sprinter. Um, I was a one, I liked one 80 meters, 100 and 200. Um, it wasn't really super designed for the longer, for the longer runs, but I'd still do them. Um, so yeah, I've been a sprinter and i think that's such great good base um for obviously football football is great for the endurance um and yeah i guess that's what led me to become a defense all-star tackler in the american football league um was just playing a million games of
Starting point is 00:32:59 football um a million games a tag and were you recruited for that or did you apply did you seek that out i was recruited so i got asked by the las vegas sin the la oh uh what was it atlanta steam and then omaha and i chose las vegas because i wanted to be out at um extreme couture with gill i remember yeah gill um he's still out there actually. So shout out to Extreme. That's where I trained out there for all of my football years. I did a lot of wrestling and boxing. Yeah, look at me. I was built.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I was 80. So I was 88 kilos at my heaviest. I now fight at 57 kilos. Holy shit. Yeah. Look how good you hold all that weight too yeah because i'm polynesian we never get fat oh you are what's your what are you what what's your mixture i'm so i've got australian i think a little bit of scottish the emory name actually comes from a
Starting point is 00:33:58 scottish line and then native new zealand which is mold. So there's a mixed babies are the best babies, but yeah, I was 88 kilos that was lifting weights and eating like a meal just before going to bed. It was so hard to be that heavy. And I was still, I think I was in the top four lightest players in the league. Did you, did you like it? I loved it. I loved it. I was, I just loved it. I loved the team aspect. I loved just training and having this grind. I loved football. Um, and then eventually I just started to lose the love of it. Um, how does that, how does they stay in business?
Starting point is 00:34:41 How, how are there that many fans for that how do they do that he doesn't pay us so you're meant to turn all star and then you're meant to start getting paid so once i turned all star and i was like okay we're getting paid i've just slugged out some years to get to this level um and then it's the pain never came and i just i was like i'm not doing this this is a lot of uh there's a lot of negativity surrounding, there's a lot of negativity surrounding this. There was a lot of negativity from teammates because I could use social media to get free things. Um, but they didn't realize I'm like, I'm living in another country and I don't have a job. So if I can do a post to get some protein or to help get fuel, to get to training, I'm going to do that because
Starting point is 00:35:22 that's how you make things work um i used pretty much since i've gotten into sport i just used a lot of the methods that i used as a kind of electrical contractor um pretty much business is business so you just kind of take the blueprint and transfer it over you know um yeah made a lot of people angry so so you're young you're in the gym how old were you when you got your first pull-up oh my god i'm actually the worst at pull-ups now um but i yeah oh there we go her phone died there we go it's that easy damn i got some crazy questions we're warming up we haven't even started yet oh good there she is back yeah she cut um yeah after i got my boobs done i wasn't the best at i'm doing pull-ups anymore how old were you when you did that um honestly i think i was
Starting point is 00:36:20 probably eight or ten when i started really liking to do no get your no sorry oh my i was not at eight or ten when i got my boobs guys disclaimer this is that's a whole new world how old are you when you got your boobs done i was 18 turning 19 and um and are you big into uh at this point you're you're pretty serious about rugby, about football, footy. What do you call it, footy? Yes, I was playing football in high school, and I started playing outside of school. And then it was in my second year, so I think I was, yeah, 19. I was a second-year apprentice.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Now, when you're a second-year electrical apprentice, you can, most people, you know, your pay goes up to this, and people get a loan and get a car and I went and got myself a pair of tits and I'm pretty sure these bad boys have driven me a lot further than any of the boys cars that they bought at that point in time hey I'm sorry I said it but it's the truth hey so so how hard is that decision to do that to to to get the boobs it's actually it's a it was a hard decision but i can't i guess because i was always kind of teased for being like a little boy because i played so much sport i was you know i'm kind of like a bit rough um i was always riding the bikes with the boys and then becoming an electrician um it was just kind of nice to want to like dive in and
Starting point is 00:37:44 be more feminine there was something like the more that i started doing more masculine stuff i wanted i'm really girly so i just i don't know i felt it was just like helped me to feel way more feminine um and it probably came the day i was up a ladder and these bunch of girls were checking me out and i remember turning around because i've got big you know i've got to find calves and your whole body's your whole body's pretty crazy and i turned around and these girls were like we thought you were a really masculine surfy dude and i was like oh shit wow yeah you i mean you look like a cross those of us in the crossfit community all the girls look like you but i can remember before i got into CrossFit 15 years ago. Yeah. It's a, you're, you're crazy muscular, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Good genes. And yeah, I've literally played sport and I think, I think being heavier set for so long and being a tradie, like, honestly, I was digging. Oh, you were fat. You were fat. I wasn't chubby. I was, I'm still look back and I'm like, I was never fat. Oh yeah. I wasn't chubby. I still look back and I'm like, I was never fat. Oh, yeah. We just hold weight differently, you know. And then honestly building like as an electrician and like I said,
Starting point is 00:38:56 we're digging trenches, we're crawling through ceilings, we're crawling under ceilings. Like it's a pretty physical job. I did that for 10 years. Then I got into like the football where I was lifting weights six days a week. It built such a good base so then to when when you go into fighting and my height you look at your height and muscles and bone density and you kind of figure out what weight class you should be sitting in that's when I had to really start um changing with food and that's when all it was like all of you stopped lifting weights have you started did you stop lifting weights i and now i only do like lighter weights maybe once a week because i've done so much weights and i'm already so blocky i need more technique and for boxing most boxers
Starting point is 00:39:36 don't even lift um oh so do you ever get accused of doing steroids all the time but they forget that i've okay i work with galupi nutrition so i hope everybody goes to his page right now because he is like an untapped source of of just like the best g-a-l-l-u-p-i galupi strength and conditioning you hate me every time i ask you to spell something. You're like, not a spelling test. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yeah. Galupi strength and condition. He's a Brazilian guy. And his wife is, is Emily. Emily. She just fought on the weekend in the UFC. She's a 115er.
Starting point is 00:40:27 He's been looking up. What's her name? Emily Ducote. I hope I said that correctly. She's got black hair, 115er in the UFC. She just fought over the weekend. He's got a number of UFC girls that that he's been working with for the last you know for their entire career um so really I have to thank myself for doing the base of lifting and then
Starting point is 00:40:54 really I didn't start to shred up until I started working with him and that's when I you know the game changer I was always eating healthy and making meal packs, but it's a, it's a science. Um, we're just a Petri dish. So Gallupi knows the way how to get your abs popping and just get your weight down and how to, um, I can't find their, I can't find their website. It's crazy. Gallupi strength and conditioning. Oh man. I hope I've done it right. I can't click out. He's Oh yeah. Okay. I'll look there. I'll look there. I want, I just want to. I can't click out. He's on Instagram too. Oh, yeah. Okay. I'll look there.
Starting point is 00:41:26 I'll look there. I just want to at least give him some love. Yeah, because honestly, that's because I remember. Is it called Clifton Strengths? Is it called Clifton Strengths? No. He's in my friends list. If you go onto Instagram on my friends, I follow him, Galoopi.
Starting point is 00:41:45 How many people do you follow? Is that going to be to be crazy oh you can type it in at the top look at me getting schooled on Instagram okay let me do this well we're girls we know how to stalk okay so I go to Ty and then where do I go and then I go to um I go following okay following and then um And then G-A-L. Let me see if I can. He should come up. I don't even see anywhere to. Oh, wow. Following.
Starting point is 00:42:16 No. You're going to go where the followers are. Ah, yes, yes. And I can type in something? Oh. Usually, yes. And I can type in something? Sure. Look, we both follow Cody Durden. Oh, Cody, that's from my ATT days. And then Maurice.
Starting point is 00:42:34 He came on the show. He was a great guy. I love him. Yeah, he's so down. He's so Southern. That was actually my first gym out with the Lemurs when I first started doing MMA. I was living at a sponsor's up in Atlanta or down in Atlanta. Yeah, we were at the same gym.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I want to go back to this post here where you're telling this guy that someone grabbed your nipple and twisted your nipple. Okay, that was Dina? Listen to this, what you see here. This is crazy. Funny story I have about my nipples and the LFL. So they're both even and this actual nipple is bigger
Starting point is 00:43:23 and it would be in line out, they would grab your nipple. In the where? In the what house? Who grabbed your nipple? It was Danica Brace. Danica Brace is probably one of the best linebackers, or if not the greatest linebacker in LFL history. She is a beast. She definitely played like past the rules
Starting point is 00:43:49 and I now my left nipple is still I had perfect little baby nipples and I still got good nipples but this one holds a story because it's just the time it's like two mil wider the whole way around because it just never healed like it just got ripped so bad that it just never shrunk back to like i don't like people who do grab nipples there's guys who do that i don't like that like they just like hey how you doing yeah it's sensitive what are you doing and also i could because they would grab the nipples and grab the skin it was you know usually you can do swiping techniques because we're a linebacker. So you can do hand, like now we're in this, we're in this zone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:32 We're in a chopping zone. And well, you can't get rid of someone who's literally gripping onto your nipples. And I'm such a short person. If they like lifted me past a certain thing, I was done. I was just getting lifted by my nipples. How tall are you? I am 5 i am five four oh not that short well i'm only five five so that's i think you're perfect aren't we the average height like we're like this is where i am not average i'm not average i if i have to look down to talk to someone i'm'm like, whoa, this is weird. I live my life like this.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Yeah, me too. I remember being at a concert once, and all of a sudden I felt like this group of people around me, and they've all come down to my height, and they were like, wow, your world sucks. And I was like, thanks. And they're like, you can get on our shoulders if you want. And I was like, it's fine. You've done enough. You've humiliated me enough. you get out of here um uh ty when does the martial arts training start so it's a weightlifting uh footy and when does uh martial arts come in um i think it might have been 2020
Starting point is 00:45:39 and 20 i think i went over end of 2020. So 2021, uh, 2020. So you're new to the game. Yeah, I'm new. I'm still like maybe four or five, just like four or five years in. And that's including, I guess, COVID. Um, so I'm still a baby. I'm still literally like for each fight. The scarier part for me is I'm under full criticism when I haven't had like the amateur years that somebody else has had um obviously my athleticism I you know my athleticism my mentality um the way I approach and have lived my life I deserve to be on the best stage and and that's why I'm there. But the scary part is I'm also learning as I step in there where other people have already got to learn this, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Like even as you said, you like to just get in there and bang and I'm like, yeah, and that's such a green thing to do in martial arts is just want to stand there and bang. And although it's like a strong attribute, like it's not just like what fighting is. Fighting is like a different dance. So, yeah, every time I'm stepping in there, I'm stepping in there like learning and putting it all out there, which is probably why I get even more emotional about it all. Because, yeah, I'm perfectionist.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I want to be perfect. I want the belt yesterday i wonder if the girls resent you for uh all the attention you've garnered and the fights you've gotten and the stages you've been on with only three or four four years of uh experience it's pretty it's pretty crazy i had no i didn't think i wasn't expecting how old are you you're 35 no i'm now 36 wow Wow. You're having your third life. Yeah, literally I'm my third or fourth life now. So I think I'm like a cat. So I don't know how many more we got to go.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Do you, with your parents, are you still in contact with your sister? I'm in like a group chat with the sisters and my mom, which I think is fair enough. You know, like I don't want to go over there for dinners and stuff. I'm not ready for that sort of life. And I'm not willing to like fly over to, to like boost that at the moment. Um, we've all chosen, you know, they chose their life.
Starting point is 00:47:59 They chose what to do, what they, how they treated. And, um, you know, I, I I think I I owe it to the love to myself to put everything into myself and I don't think that's a selfish or a bad thing I think that's a healthy thing for me to do um and yeah I do I still uh have contact with my baby sister she's my full sister actually she's my only full sister same same mom, same dad. So that's like, I guess, you know, raising her and being like her mom slash sister is that's a different relationship in itself, too. You know, you don't have a parachute in your life or you never had a parachute. There's no I mean by that, like, OK, if this job doesn't work out, I'm going to move back
Starting point is 00:48:41 to my parents house. I'm the backup plan. I'm the backup plan. I'm the safety net. And even that is a different stress um and i think i can only imagine of course i i gotta be lucky like i am so lucky that i used my brain and i just trained myself whether it was in sport or just reading and you know i was smart enough to become an electrician i was smart enough to become a know, I was smart enough to become an electrician. I was smart enough to become a thermographer. I was smart enough to become the first female electrical contractor, which is like a business, that's a business degree aspect that throws into that. I'm just lucky that I am me or else I got given a lot of really good tools
Starting point is 00:49:20 that have helped me to survive and to get here. And I think having someone, I don't know, having all the bad stuff happen and a chip on your shoulder, it allows me to become obsessive and just extra passionate about anything I do because I actually care about it. And I think maybe if I was softer or had it too easy, maybe I wouldn't have that same do-it-I approach to everything. So I think it's really a gift it was a shitty gift but you know we've wrapped it in gold i can make shit gold like glitter like gold at any time in my life oh sorry to interrupt one second uh
Starting point is 00:49:59 all right i'm moving a quick phone call here. Sorry, I apologize. We're phoning a friend? Yeah, kind of. Oh, God. Who is it? It's my wife. Okay. I hope she picks up on you, bro.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Me too. Hello. I hope she picks up on you, bro. Me too. Ah, son of a bitch. I hear the kids out. I'm in the, I have a whole separate wing of the house with the studio in it. And the ding-dongs are, I have three little boys. Hey, hey, what do you mean what the fuck? What do you mean what the fuck? I got to call my wife and tell her to tell the fucking ding-dongs to settle down. They're outside. They're outside the studio. yeah hey hey what do you mean what the fuck what do you mean what the fuck i got my guy gotta call
Starting point is 00:50:45 my wife and tell her to tell the fucking ding dongs to settle down they're outside i can they're outside the studio it sounds like they're throwing rocks at my fucking at my mansion what the hell's going on it's my show i do whatever the fuck i want there you guys um so so so there truly is no plan b hey is, is there – so you seem so real. You seem so vulnerable. Very. But on the other hand, there has to be – what's the protection? There's got to be some sort of protection mechanism or something going on. Like how is it that you – do you see yourself as different than other people because of that? You're like, yep, I'm the no plan B bitch.
Starting point is 00:51:30 I only realize that when I'm like talking to certain people and can speak a certain way or I'm standing there and all of a sudden I realize I'm like, I do not fit in here. I do not understand this vibration. I feel very alien alien like at the moment um sugar or you say something and you realize you're like oh wrong dark humor whoopsie oh okay um but not in terms not in terms of like you almost feel like a different species or no i do feel like a different species a lot of the times um even just for you like even and there's a couple of people like you i can tell you're a really intense person so it's like super easy where you're like oh you're not even afraid nothing not even well i'm three i'm thousands of miles away from you well you can't you can't
Starting point is 00:52:16 beat me up but um it's rare for me to get to connect connect with people and even then sometimes i think i have such a boundary out where i like, okay, what do you want, motherfucker? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I mean. That's, sorry, you're helping me. I fucked the question all up. So you're helping me define what I'm trying to say here. Like, hey, ding dongs.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Who wants to ass whooping? That's right. That's right. I heard you scurry. I'm so glad that you smacked your kids i heard him scurry away i said that online i'm so glad that you smack you oh they're such badasses they're they're they're such badasses uh hey um yeah there there there has to so so that is so your connect i guess your protection mechanism is to let people know you're strong right away it's kind of yeah your deal people no no one's
Starting point is 00:53:15 questioning whether you can stand up for yourself or not yeah no one is ever questioning that it doesn't mean that some fucked up shit has happened and people have put me in vulnerable positions right um which ends up getting covered up by a lot of other people around who are like but she's crazy she does this and you're just like i'm crazy yes and but i'm not someone who's going to allow something like this bad shit to happen to me um but yeah it's very rare can me to get that. Can you give me an example of that? And is it dudes? People giving you drugs and then taking advantage of you. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:53:53 That's a guy. That's a playbook number one for gentlemen. Oh, would you like a drink? How about some coke? You're like, fuck yeah, motherfucker, let's go. Oh, doesn't mean that you could wait till tomorrow. If you get it tomorrow, you're still getting it. If not, you were never getting it. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Whatever. Do you have a boyfriend? No, I do not. I actually very rarely have people like genuinely come after me. And even if they are, I still have like the backbone up where i'm like okay some guy's just trying to get a notch on his belt you know like that doesn't interest me i'm not like there's this thing like yeah you're like you are kind of a um i mean you are kind of like a um what are those uh what's the like endangered rhino um The great white buffalo. Great white buffalo.
Starting point is 00:54:45 That, yeah. You are kind of like that for like men who, you would be a rare. A catch. Yeah, you would be a rare catch. You'd be like, holy shit, dude, I caught this fucking endangered Rhino. What did you do with it? I fucking shot it.
Starting point is 00:54:59 You want to see it? I got its head up in my living room. You are kind of, I could see like the dudes who are interested in you are like fuck this is this is gonna be it's like wrestling with the porcupine but they really want to fucking say that they did so are you are you do you think that you um do you think that your radar is good at picking um mates uh relationship no way it's all fucked up no it's all fucked up obviously because of my life
Starting point is 00:55:26 obviously because i'm also a workaholic um and i am super vulnerable so that at the thought of like having my feelings hurt which would derail like i said i don't have a backup plan like you know i don't have i can't crumble and then someone's gonna look after me it means that i'm in the shit and i've still got to look after me. Yeah. I'm 51. I can still call my mom if my wife and I fight. You don't got anything. That's so cute.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Yeah. And it's just me. I'm a pussy. I'm a pussy. Don't. That's not cute. And you can see like for anything that I do, like obviously I go to the extreme and become the best at it. And now like with any of those ventures,
Starting point is 00:56:03 I just never felt that one, I was either good enough or two. I just felt like I couldn't, I couldn't give to them in a certain way or yeah, I just, I had shit to do. Like I don't, I don't have time to go dating or to court someone when they don't genuinely actually want to be with me. They just want to fuck me and, you know, throw me on the, throw me on the mantelpiece and be like, I got it. Yeah. right um i don't have time for that i'm i'm trying to like
Starting point is 00:56:29 change my own life um what about the intimacy what about the intimacy of your sport um you have these giant boobs you're beautiful and you and you have to roll around with men like i already see like my so my boys do jujitsu five six days a week they're two six-year-olds and an eight-year-old and i'm always like and sometimes i see them rolling with like 13-year-old girls and i was like man at some point they're gonna realize right that that these are girls i don't know i think you just block that out when you're because i go through and i'm looking everyone you train with dudes i didn't see you train with i didn't see you train with one girl it's all it's all at the moment i'm really lucky i've got um i'm on a chinese team
Starting point is 00:57:14 um with the dagestan so we've got um tankai is the world champion one championship and there's um a few like girls over from china generally speaking, girls don't ever want to play around with me. Too aggressive? Too rough. Too rough. Yeah, I'm too rough. And I don't mean it. But they think I mean it and they don't realize it.
Starting point is 00:57:36 And I'm like, oh, oops. You obviously didn't play rough your whole life. I was playing tag where boys would like smash your head into concrete and stuff and you'd have to get up like me and you're like i'm good you're gonna die you know like we played rough in australia growing up um do you just block it out then honestly i just broke it out and if there's a creepy dude are they just off the list like if because i've heard i've heard about jiu-jitsu places where there's a creepy dude and he's like they got to be careful what you say like you can't be like man that's nice rolling with you fuck you you're toast oh man i'm i'm not that obviously because i was a tradie so
Starting point is 00:58:13 i think i got really thick skin being in a blue collar work at environment for 10 years um with australian blokes like australian humor is disgusting compared a lot to the rest of the world um so I think having that being around that um kind of helped and I'm it's really just like water off a duck's back and this is how I've looked my whole life and sometimes I forget you know of course I do all the modeling and I've been in magazines and then do all of that but I even you know sometimes I'm like what is this motherfucker looking at and then i'm like oh that's right i'm hot my bad sorry yeah yeah sorry sir i forgot that this is what i look like because i have to be this person um and even down to the fact like walking and people staring i don't even see or feel that anymore because it's just always happened my whole life
Starting point is 00:59:00 so i think when something's a constant um yeah you i just forget i just forget um you're you have a only fans page then you had is are you active on that yeah i am active um i it didn't look like you were active it looked like you only had like 48 posts or something like i mean i don't know what what an active one would look like. Cause I've made the page free now. So I wanted to keep set in the archive. So when people would subscribe, they automatically can have access to X amount of photo shoots.
Starting point is 00:59:37 So, but because it's now a free page, I wanted to just change it, just change it so that I could start doing a few pg rated or you know just use it for different things other than just me being super nude um of course honestly to tell you i'm super nerd or super nude i'm probably nerdy and but nude i mean okay i mean naked um i'm proud i'm proud that you know this is i've worked my whole life for this piece of art so if people are you know and if people are like genuinely and want to be like oh and there is a
Starting point is 01:00:13 small part of me where i'm like wow that feels pretty good okay ego like we will allow this to continue allow the worshiping um no but i work really hard, I've lived a healthy lifestyle. And I think when you start getting to certain ages, yeah, like I'm what, nearly 40 and I look like this. Okay, so what choices have I made? I'm sure in the future, like after I've finished fighting and doing all this, like I would love to be able to share that with people so they too can look their best. It's just, it's a lifestyle choice also i think someone has to be the new pamela anderson like someone's got to take
Starting point is 01:00:52 the torch i don't mind taking that torch yeah you you're doing great you're doing a good job uh bruce wayne she's hot as fuck uh heidi krum who's a jiu-jitsu practitioner a woman have no problem blocking that out. I think she's referencing to like rolling with guys. Manny Spiegel, Seve's such a charmer, quote, you have giant boobs. How am I supposed to say it? Eric Wise, oh, shit, wait, she's Aussie too? Wow, woo.
Starting point is 01:01:20 People love us, eh? Is it just the accent, or do you reckon it's just because we're not? I don't know. Well, it's everything. You're attractive and you're a pro athlete and you have an Aussie accent. It's like a fucking... You're cool. You seem like you're fun to party with
Starting point is 01:01:40 or go on a walk with or just do whatever with. Thank you. Magnus Holmgren. She's hot and can kill sebon in 15 seconds oh yeah your favorite your favorite to 25 seconds dude see so i think about it now in like our first minute you were like yeah you can kill me i understand that so that kind of picks up for you as even a man you're like i come here in peace you've already picked up you're like i know you can kill manual like i come here in peace you've already picked up you're like i know you can kill me i've come here in peace yeah and come forth and i'm like okay you've come forth and you've accepted that i can kill you we can be friends you know yes i guess i must really put off
Starting point is 01:02:15 those vibes no well i mean uh well i got something good for you here in a second let me ask you this so so you have an only fans page then you do the the the you you uppercut that chick and then fucking give her the fucking uh left hook yes okay did the uppercut already uh because whenever i was reading about it people were saying was the uppercut that fucked her up but then when i watched it i was like i don't know i think that hook is what did it i feel like it was the uppercut. Okay, well, you would know. I feel like it was honestly just me pounding into her face and not stopping. They were pretty crisp. There was no slop in that.
Starting point is 01:02:53 That shit was crisp. Yeah, and I feel like it was just more all of that and just breaking her down to me all of a sudden going, whew, okay. And then I remember I... Oh, shit. Good part of the story. And then I remember I... Oh, shit. Good part of the story.
Starting point is 01:03:07 And she froze. I told you guys this is going to be a fucking great interview. This chick's cool as shit. She's actually cooler than I thought she was going to be. All her interviews are good. She don't fuck up.
Starting point is 01:03:17 She's like, she's easy. Ty, I can't hear you. You froze. Oh, you're back. Okay, you're back. Okay, go ahead. I hope you didn't hear
Starting point is 01:03:24 any of those nice things I said about you. Go on. Okay, okay're back. Okay, you're back. Okay, go ahead. I hope you didn't hear any of those nice things I said about you. Go on. Okay, so you uppercutted her. You were telling the story. I honestly think it was the jabs that finally just got her to shell up, and, yeah, I think it was the uppercut, but the hook is what made him just finally finish.
Starting point is 01:03:40 I remember even thinking during that, I was like, just die. Like, this is not – like just die like this is this is not like i don't i have to do this because i'm i'm gonna beat you i'm gonna win but you still had these moments where i was like man you felt bad for her i kind of felt bad for her obviously i kept going but there was moments where i was like man just drop bitch like this is not a good day for you but she didn't and i like that that's hard i think that's for all of us and i know for me i'm gonna do the same against every other opponent like you want to kill me like you're gonna have it's gonna be to the last breath and i think
Starting point is 01:04:16 that's actually cool to kind of be able to experience um to experience that do you remember um the first time you knocked someone out? Like you put their lights out with a punch? Yeah, that was in that fight. That was the first time I've been allowed to do that. Oh, shit. So were you tripping? Yeah, I was because I was like, I knew that's my superpower
Starting point is 01:04:40 because everyone's always like, you hit me hard. And I'm like, trust me when I tell you, I am not hitting you hard and sparring. I me when i tell you i am not hitting you hard inspiring i just hit hard but i'm not hitting you hard or you know i just i know i'm no i'm not and so in that fight obviously in the fight we're properly allowed and that's a scary thing because you're like oh we're finally allowed to give it our all and when she when i gave it my all and it knocked her out i was was just like, see, every bitch can shut the fuck up. I told him I wasn't fucking hitting them hard. Hey, did you think that this podcast was going to go this long?
Starting point is 01:05:14 No. Do you have to pee or anything? Are you cool? No, I'm good. Okay. Jeffrey Birchfield, that hook looked legit. Howard DeWitt. I don't know if you know the show is live.
Starting point is 01:05:24 You probably figured that out by now. Savon is a world-renowned practitioner of bullshitito. Okay, fine. I'll take it. I'm a black belt in everything. Okay, so then she goes down, and then you run over, and that's when you – this line is used too often. You broke the internet, but truly this was fucking everywhere um internet and you you you flash your boobs and did you did you just get them oh it's just one yeah did you just get them redone or any did you just get them redone or
Starting point is 01:06:00 no you just you weren't like hey look at these they're new or nothing nah but i i think during training i remember someone who made a joke and they're like hey who's your next champion and i was like it's me like just laughing because obviously to a lot of people i'm still a joke but during training just inspiring i would always pretend as if i was ripping my shirt up and just put my hand up so i think on it that's like always my joke where I'm like, yes, sucked in, shit, bitch, what up? I think that kind of carries on. And I'm from LFL, so we have girls who twerk on people's heads
Starting point is 01:06:35 after a tackle. Class A, class A. Hey, you're wearing a rash guard right now. You're ready to go train now yeah i'm ready to go so as soon as we finish the interview i'm riding straight to the gym to spa is that all you wear you are you just always in it's like fighting here yeah i mean really because you train so much it's like really i feel like it honestly as soon as i get home i don't i don't really want to be in clothes because we're sweat i'm always sweating and i just want to like ah how much water do you drink a day
Starting point is 01:07:09 i will drink probably close to four liters probably more i drink three to four 1.5 liter bottles i wonder how much if someone could do the conversion for me in the comments how much how many gallons is that liter someone someone hook a brother up um so this was my question where i was going to with all this so you have an only fans you do that now they're sponsored by only fans is that you who made that connection did only fans be like well fuck we'll start sponsoring the whole fucking fight league now i i don't know but during when i first was talking with they weren't sponsoring during that fight though they were didn't sponsor during that fight, right? I don't think so, no.
Starting point is 01:07:47 They weren't. Not during that fight. Not for me. 1.3 gallons. Okay, not bad. I think OnlyFans was looking after individual fighters, and then I think not long after the flashing moment is when they started to go on the banners
Starting point is 01:08:03 and go on the fight ring. So you think it's just a coincidence that you flashed and OnlyF they started to go on the banners and go on the, on the fight. So you think it's just a coincidence that you flashed and only fans happen to come on? I'm saying you hook that deal up. You probably get, should get 3% of that. Out of kindness, that would be nice, but they didn't, they didn't, there's been no numbers swung my way. Um, even after, okay. In the second one, they like the night before the fight they're like hey only fans is now like sponsoring you directly you need to get only
Starting point is 01:08:31 fans and like do this sort of thing after um and and i said okay so are we signing anything what's the numbers oh right now it's just all in promises you have to trust and i was just like i'm like so now of course we know what that means and i knew even i'm sitting there and i was just like i'm like so now of course we know what that means and i knew even i'm sitting there and i'm just like i know what this means it means i'm getting fucked looks like it sounds like i'm getting fucked but i have to fight and i want to fight and you're saying i'm not allowed to fight unless i do this wow wow guys right right so then when you talk to them after everyone's like oh whoa and you're just like yeah motherfucker well let's see how that goes for you thanks oh that's seven pounds of
Starting point is 01:09:14 water you drink a day isn't that isn't the human body amazing you drink that seven pounds and then your body pushes it out through your skin yeah and my coaches i have to wear these like pretend um like it's just you know like the yoga things that just go on your arms like i actually have to wear those because i sweat so much that every time i punch it like just showers my coach so i either have to get him like a face protective screen or i have to have literal changes where i'm like okay i've sweated through the first one on the second one punch through the second one any of the dude anyone else have to do that i think tankai the world champ does and then the ufc chinese guy has to i think there's like four of us he calls shower oh hey do you wear do you wear these what is that it's a toe spacer a toe spacer yeah
Starting point is 01:10:09 do you know what that is for my toes yeah oh no what does it do you never seen this before i wore it for the first time today ever during my show you put this you put this thing on top of your foot and then these little wedges here spread your toes apart. That was not. And I did that for – I'm almost always barefoot. I'm a barefoot kind of guy. I've been barefoot for like 20 years. I used to just be a dirty hippie.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I know you can't picture that. And so someone sent me these toe spacers, and I used to wear toe spacers, and then someone sent me these toe spacers. And I used to wear toe spacers. And then someone sent me these toe spacers. And I've been wearing them. And today was the first day I wore them for two hours. And when I took them off, my toes were actually noticeably further apart. Maybe I need to do that too. I thought you were going to be like, yeah, all the fighters wear this.
Starting point is 01:10:59 No, I've never seen them. Only maybe something similar if I got my toenails done. I'm going to send you a pair of these oh i'd love that yeah i've got like hobbit feet maybe it would like fix me too i have hobbit feet too yeah they're so wide and hobbity i think it's because of our height yeah five five and just huge dong and uh and uh giant and hobbit feet yeah that's me uh she's like oh what the fuck toe spacers i know i thought she was you know what when i showed her these i thought she's gonna be like yeah everyone wears all the fighters wear them no i'm sorry maybe someone else does
Starting point is 01:11:36 hey everyone's about that one percent i think everyone like with where your general interests go is where you start like looking for your own one percents for anyone who's at like the top top you know they're either really obsessed with whether it's nutrition uh sleep yoga um getting their bloods done and then you know doing the correct supplementation towards their blood work like there's all these other little avenues that you go down to when it comes to like wanting to run more efficiently. And the more efficiently your brain's working and your body's working is, you know, the better you're going to perform and the better your body's going to like respond in really the flight or fight response during a fight. So it's kind of interesting when you can start to get into like certain, you know, just anything. Maybe Toastbases is the next 1% that someone's chasing.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Earlier in the show, you mentioned that you were on your way to Bali. And I believe you said to teach a meditation course. Yeah. So my friend Charlotte is actually an accredited heart math foundation. Now I got into the heart math foundation because I'm an electrician. And once I started learning like that, the heart and the brain emits EMFs, which are electrical magnetic flux, I just got obsessed. And then I found the heart math foundation and started learning how the heart actually like puts out more EMF. Anyway, as I'm getting like deported from America, I actually meet this HeartMath Foundation
Starting point is 01:13:11 coach. What's the word you're saying? I got to stop you. Heart, what meth? HeartMath? HeartMath. Math? H-E-A-R-T-M-A-T-H. Woo! Oh, like HeartMath. Yeah, HeartMath. Okay, okay. Sorry. I speak a slightly different language than you. Okay. Okay, go on. Okay, so you met the guy. Yeah, I met her and then eventually –
Starting point is 01:13:34 Yeah, her. And then eventually that's where we started like wanting to work together and I was going to come guest speak at – I think it was a 10-day retreat we were going to do together. Yep. So she's accredited by these guys. HeartMath Foundation is an amazing, amazing, amazing studies that they're doing.
Starting point is 01:13:52 I absolutely love them, one of many. So, yeah, that's what I was meant to do is really just – I remember at the time I was thinking, why the hell would anyone even want to listen to me, you know, which is probably why I took a break from doing the podcast and still i started realizing i'm like okay with great power comes great responsibility and honest obviously with my life and what i'm doing with it i should be speaking more you know because it's who knows who's listening um and maybe someone else needs to know that oh fuck maybe i'm just being lazy and i can do whatever i want in life
Starting point is 01:14:25 you had taken a break from you had taken a break from podcasting just i i did for a little bit just because it got so overwhelming um after my first fight it was like so crazy and for me i think like people forget that you know i've had this traumatic life and i felt like after that first fight and and getting all of this i just was like i felt like I was at the top of this mountain with breeze. And I just was like, I just need to be alone and just need to meditate for and process a lot of things right now. Cause I'm really proud of myself and I don't think anybody's like being sensitive towards me and I give a lot. So I just need a moment. So yeah, I just took a small break.
Starting point is 01:15:09 I needed to. When you say this traumatic life, basically you raised yourself in the world. Yeah, I raised myself. Whereas a healthy person would have a mom and a dad, or not healthy. Have a mom and a dad. not healthy have a mom and a dad a lot of uh sexual abuse physical abuse um yeah just feeling because you didn't because you didn't
Starting point is 01:15:32 have a mom and dad because you didn't have someone looking out to protect you even when they were there that's we weren't being protected so fuck that's even worse um And then that occurs again through sport. And then I think just being like the black sheep your whole life. Yeah, just you got to live through it and even just allow yourself to realize that all of it was real and happened. Even that takes takes years to do. You mean like you deny it for years? You just deny it happened? Yeah, I blocked it so far out that i just but eventually it comes back it comes out like in in other ways so you got to deal with like your own trauma responses which i think um a lot of hurt people don't do you know
Starting point is 01:16:20 hey when someone says like when my sister says to me i have an older sister she says well i just listen to my heart or like someone says my heart i'm always i'm always like what the fuck are these people talking about well are you telling me that it's your actual heart well yeah well you're like that thing inside of me that like it's good that thing in there it's like listening to that uh that. I don't mean like the heartbeat, like the noise it's making, it's pumping, but I mean like it's like communicating some knowledge to me. For sure. Because it's pumping out more EMF than what your brain is. So obviously it's picking up on other signals. Bruce Lipton talks about like signals on the skin. So our skin in any environment is picking up on information and processing it.
Starting point is 01:17:08 And then these signals obviously go to your gut. These gut signals are what's sent to your brain to allow you to think correctly. So, you know, if we're not eating correctly, that fucks things up. And then you've also got this signal from your heart. Now, I think there's something different for women because we have more hormones. So I think for women, that's why we have women's intuition. And we're just built differently to men. You know, that's just how it is.
Starting point is 01:17:33 But men still have instincts and still have intuition of their own. Just different. That's all. Do you dream? Yeah. Sometimes they're quite like, okay, for one, I didn't get into LFL until I had this crazy weird dream that I was with someone who was blonde in the middle of a stadium and I was feeling all the
Starting point is 01:17:55 feelings of like, I've done this. I'm the best in the world. Ah, blah. And I remember just waking up and going, righto, we're going to quit our thermography job, which is a couple of thousand dollars a week. And we're going to go give footy a go. And I just kind of went from there.
Starting point is 01:18:10 And that was all from a dream. So look at this life. It's been hella crazy. I don't know if I'd suggest for other people to go sleep on concrete in the jungle to find themselves. But if that's what the universe sent me to do. I recommend it. Actually, yeah yeah to be honest
Starting point is 01:18:26 you kind of do start to realize like you don't need anything um i don't think if you've ever been if you've never been homeless i don't think you really lived there i said it i think it's true yeah um uh mike uh pool boy uh did someone wear that same shirt this morning? No, I was wearing the black with the white silver CEO. What do you mean? No, this is totally a different one. I know, Philip Kelly, I heard that too. Philip Kelly from Northern California. I'm shocked to hear you use the word hella.
Starting point is 01:18:57 I heard that too. But she did say, I think she trained in California. Did you train in California? I would probably thank my friend Mark for that. He was in this thing called the Sloppy Boys. And they're out of Vegas where they just get cars and do like street drifting and crazy tricks and stuff. So I was kind of surrounded by that group of youngsters. And they say hella a lot. So I think I've probably gotten that. They've got Twitch accounts and I like to support their Twitch accounts and all the crazy stuff they do.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Are they from NorCal? It's a total Northern California type thing. Oh really? So maybe they've got someone from NorCal from, from there, but Mark's from Las Vegas. They got the Marky Diet Cafe. So they're all like yogis and whatever, all that sort of group of people.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Random note, my husband wanted to say that he has been wearing toe spacers wrong for a year until you corrected him. I don't – listen, listen. Don't be taking my advice. I'm going to contact these people, this company, and I'm going to ask them if they'll send a miss Emery, a pair. And then I'm also going to ask him how you put them on. I could probably Google it, but I know I've had one on like this and the,
Starting point is 01:20:12 I had them on opposite ways on opposite feet. So I don't know. Baby. I think just wearing him is better than not wearing them. Right. Me too. I want to show you this. This is,
Starting point is 01:20:23 this is all stuff I harvested off of your Instagram page this is this is the guy that runs the Abu Dhabi combat competition and he's on Joe Rogan
Starting point is 01:20:38 and this is pretty cool this must have been hilarious when you saw this they get a lot of hot chicks over there. And you see that last girl, she flashed the crowd. Yeah, I saw that. Her name was Ty something or another. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Yeah, she showed her tits after she knocked some girl off. Nice combination, too. Nice combination, too. You get this girl with a clean cut and a smooth left hook, and then she's like, and here's my tits, too. Look at Joe. a clean cut and a smooth left hook and then she's like and here's my tits too look at joe he's giddy like a little kid who like accidentally saw some boobies i love joe right there he's so giddy when he talks about my the technique where he goes straight to technique just like i'm like oh joe oh my god uh that that's that i mean that's so awesome i think i got more people like messaging me about um joe rogan speaking about me than i did when i had people like from germany going you're
Starting point is 01:21:34 in our newspaper and you're on the news and you're on the radio like i mean every country around the world it wasn't just the internet it was newspapers right like it went like to everything and there was more people going joe rogan talked about you then like you're the most viral thing in the world it's like joe rogan talk about you you're like oh well i guess that's the power of joe isn't it um did when you were doing that were you like did you have like an out of body it's like sometimes i have these like i'm especially during the podcast this shit gets more and more real sometimes it's like i'm just watching the podcast even though i'm on it like holy fuck who's this guy talking when you were up there and you pulled your shirt up well was that left over after you
Starting point is 01:22:20 punched her and then and then and then the left hook where you kind of like like you become the observer and then and then all of a sudden you're like whoa the body's now going over here and showing its tits it's like was the whole thing kind of like it just flowed yeah it's not like some marketing plan you weren't like okay after i knock this bitch out then i go over and show me yeah no and i think if it was i think that's why it it all was such a flow from knocking her out from the moment i knocked her out i literally was just like no like he kind of grabbed my shoulder like thinking like come back here and i was like no she ain't getting up bro you know from from that moment from the moment that she went down i just was like i am on cloud nine and i remember people were thinking like you should have been jumping up and down.
Starting point is 01:23:07 I'm like, that is me celebrating. That's me feeling myself. Like I just knocked her out. Let me do what I want. You celebrate and act and do whatever you want. And that's your moment. And that's cool. But this is my moment.
Starting point is 01:23:19 And I was just like, hell yeah. Yeah, I'm the winner. That's why it went viral. I think if it was, like, hell yeah. Yeah, I'm the winner. That's why it went viral. I think if it was – I don't know. We can all see when we watch like these TikToks or weird. We can tell when something's staged. It's so annoying. You're just like, ugh, next.
Starting point is 01:23:37 That's what makes something viral is because it's just genuinely itself. And what's interesting is even if someone maybe didn't approve of like, let's say someone hated the female body or something or like they didn't approve of nudity or whatever the reason, they would have to transcend that to be like, hey, this is someone who's a professional athlete who just won. And this is just like the fucking idiots when they score a goal and they fucking run across the you're i see you see them around 100 yards you're like dude what are you doing where are you going and that's how i felt yeah and i do that when i get so excited i like laugh and i run up and down you know like i can't contain myself so we're like trapped in this little thing so you kind of do you like you know like come out have you been knocked out ty no not yet um do you think that um uh when you go on podcast and they just ask you about that right away that there's something a little insincere about it like i waited uh i tactically waited
Starting point is 01:24:42 an hour and 10 minutes before i brought up do you think that maybe it's um or or do you appreciate it on one hand like you appreciate the bluntness like hey let's just get it over with that's why i like the blunt there's so much more okay go ahead i like the bluntness of any of the questions to be honest um the fact that somebody's taking time and going hey this person is interesting yeah i'm going to talk to them, you know? And I think I probably appreciate that a lot more now because I'm in Thailand. I've been in Thailand for like four years or whatever. And I'm surrounded by people who can't even speak proper English. It doesn't mean that the language barrier, there's like lack of communication,
Starting point is 01:25:20 but to speak like this is, is totally different. And I probably appreciate it a lot more. Okay. And going back to the knockout thing, you've never been knocked out? No, not yet. I mean, I didn't tap in jiu-jitsu once, and I went to sleep, and I've had that happen. Let me pull up this footage here I have.
Starting point is 01:25:44 What about gi training? I was kind of surprised to see you training gi. I miss the gi. Honestly, I love the gi and I love jiu-jitsu, but there's no time for it while I'm doing boxing because there's not enough hours in the day even even just to do, you know, normal life. Um, oh man, I miss the gi so much. That was at Pom gym. They got me in a gi. I don't mind jumping in a gi for a bit of fun. You look like you were having a lot of fun with that guy. Like
Starting point is 01:26:15 you guys were flowing. Yeah. Cause he's, he's a black belt. So that's, um, at Pom in, um, in Bangkok. And now I have to be a bit more pickier just because, like you've said, you're probably pissed a lot of people off, like, you know, getting to where you've gotten so fast and looking like that. And the answer is yes. And what happens to people like me is people will try to hurt me and take things away because – No shit.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Like someone will be just looking – like by any means necessary, some guy will be like, okay, I'm arm barring her, a tap you'll go to a gym yeah literally um so i have to be a bit more picky with who i'm gonna roll with um it's not worth getting injured when i don't even get that injured in boxing i go back to help someone in like wrestling and next thing you know i'm breaking that breaking in every in every department um so i like boxing boxing's boxing's a bit safer um what what about you are you are you a um good uh partner yeah i am i'm i'm a really safe partner like if a blue belt or something came in or something or like let's say a white belt who wasn't spastic you're a good
Starting point is 01:27:25 partner yeah i'm always a good partner i allow them to get subs i don't mind being subbed why is because i used to be a white belt where i was just so eager to learn and nobody wanted to roll with me so i always remember remember that um and yeah i think even black belts should be you know helping helping people to grow and helping people to learn I think it's important I'm super good with all the kids programs too and other girls yeah just because I know what it feels like for people to you know just be standing there and being like oh okay I've never been not picked. Do you get along with other girls? I do. I get along with them, but I don't tend to mix. I don't mix with people because in the end, they just end up doing weird stuff,
Starting point is 01:28:17 and I don't like that weird shady shit. I'm not about that. What do you mean? You boy boys as friends than girls because girls end up being uh letting you down um i think all humans can let you down um they're going to they're going to right and we all let each other down and that's fine yeah you just got to choose the right ones who like you're willing to kind of like put up with that um but for girls they tend to think that i'm after their guys um do stuff to where I lose coaches or get kicked out of gyms. And just for those reasons, it's easier for my own business model to just find other women that are on, I guess, what I see as my level. Because guess what?
Starting point is 01:28:57 Haters are never doing better than you. So I'm really lucky i've got people like ebony bridges and kendra lost and and leanne and other women who are successful in their own ways who aren't jealous and i consider those people where you know i'm i trust them and go to them for advice or ask them to help me for fights or you know like there's are they in thailand they in Thailand no they're all in different countries would you consider Thailand your home I guess now I guess at the moment yes um it's so it's everything's just easier for like fight life training you don't so you don't think of life as like you have a home this is my home Thailand's my home Australia's my home anywhere no I don't I don't really consider anywhere in my home if that makes sense i just i just understand especially for over the last 10
Starting point is 01:29:50 years i've been living out of like a suitcase and and it's home is where you're meant to be in that moment um whether that's with uh in a specific gym or around a specific teacher or a sensei um yeah you just once i start being like oh i'm at home within a week it's like i'm cursed and it's going oh you let yourself get comfortable and this isn't home and we're going to teach you that you're not allowed to have that yet and you're ripped away and sent somewhere else so i kind of just get comfortable and being uncomfortable all the time you were fine fored for showing your boobs to the crowd. You weren't rewarded. And how much did that end up being in American dollars?
Starting point is 01:30:32 Or what percentage of the purse was that? None. I think they paid me. In the outside of BKFC America, they don't pay you. I think I got $1, dollars american for my first fight and 800 for the second fight so you don't get paid that doesn't cover anything it doesn't cover anything to live right absolutely and and um uh but so so was the was how much was the fine like 100 bucks or more than the actual fight i think it was like in the millions of bar and that was covered by BKFC Thailand.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Oh, that's cool. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And then were you able to, now that you did something, now that something like that happened and you saw the attention you got, are you like, okay, next time I have to be ready to like sell a seminar, sell a shirt, a butt plug, like whatever like have have something i have to be more ready in in those ways um and that's that was all meant to be done by the second fight um but the people in charge weren't weren't qualified enough or just became too jealous or something i don't know but they
Starting point is 01:31:41 ended up having to go um so yeah it's more just making sure that there's monetized positions in place I'm now with first round management now these people look after like Paige Van Zandt um and I have a lot of WWE girls which um obviously they have pages you know out of fighting career has has taken off so I feel like now I'm probably in better hands that could handle that type of like attention. I don't know if maybe my management team was ready or they just didn't know what was going on. Right. No one was.
Starting point is 01:32:16 So it was kind of like, I don't want to say a waste. That's too strong, but it was kind of was though. Cause you do something like that become the most viral thing and then not even one sponsor out of it or one good interview all of my interviews all of the good interviews with tmz um and mma oh that one was actually that was pretty good yeah those ones came through bkfc thailand uh by the way they weren't good because the interviewers were good you carry that shit you're fucking easy oh thanks yeah i mean you are i'm not trying to compliment you it's an
Starting point is 01:32:49 observation this is fucking cakewalk i think i think because i'm like i said i was a tradie wear black belts and talking shit like if you're stuck beside someone in a 12-hour day like you just learn to speak a lot and have a chat. Why would you make the only fans free? After you did that, couldn't you have like made the only fans not free and then, and then the management team took over and it was making quite good money. And then the management team just ran it into the ground to the point where it got to where i was like okay so no you're pissing me off you're fucking pissing me off yeah they're pissed are
Starting point is 01:33:31 you fucking kidding me no i'm not there's there's girl there's friends of mine girls who are friends of mine intimate friends of mine who are making a million dollars a year on only fans and they're just showing the shit that they show on their Instagram. Yeah, I know. It's having the right team with your OnlyFans. It's a business. So, yeah, I don't know what happened there, but mine just went down to nothing. So I think at one stage I even posted like a photo that was super pixelated. And I'm like, dude, people are paying for this stuff. And just by the day it just went into nothing.
Starting point is 01:34:03 So it's just been – I've been handled. I'm a good product, but I need the right coach and just by the day it just went into nothing and i so it's just been i've been handled i'm a good product but i need the right coach and i need the right like management and i need to be handled correctly especially at this level of the game um and it's just so easy to see things like change when you're not in the right hands and yeah i'm and that and that team's gone from you that team's gone they're gone That team's gone? They're gone? No, but their team that was looking after the OnlyFans 100% is gone. From my OnlyFans, anyway. I went back to my original group.
Starting point is 01:34:36 I'm so bummed. And you've kind of abandoned your own Instagram. I have but haven't. I just don't have anyone. I'm really good at taking videos, so I take really good video of all my teammates and coaches. You haven't posted in forever. Yeah, because we don't have a photographer and I'm training, so it's so hard to get content for yourself when I'm the person
Starting point is 01:34:56 that's usually helping get content for everybody. Everybody's videos are like the really bad dad photo where your feet are out and and i'm not posting that i don't care damn i i'm moving to thailand to fucking be your photographer i used to dabble in photography now and again i would love i would love if i had a full-time photographer i would man listen if you're in fucking thailand and you're an aspiring filmmaker fucking fine thai and and and i mean that that's all the athletes that i know in the crossfit space because it is such a niche uh niche sport it's all aspiring filmmakers who will find someone
Starting point is 01:35:38 and be like hey um i'll i'll film you and make clips for you and do all that shit for you for free i mean that's how this podcast grows it's and do all that shit for you for free. I mean, that's how this podcast grows. It's all just people doing shit for me for free. Yeah. And I think that's where any good product builds from is through that. I think your podcast looks bomb, bro. All of it, the whole from this online, your little backdrop, it looks good. You know, the viewers bought this for me.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Oh. Can you fucking believe that? Oh, my God. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's cute. I would move there for her.
Starting point is 01:36:15 I just need a camera. Asshole. Sorry, I know I've had you for so long. I know. I've got like five minutes because I've got to go spa, and my coach is Dagestanian. And he's always like, okay, pop star, superstar. I'm like, yes. I'm going to show you this, this clip from your Instagram.
Starting point is 01:36:40 So here you are, this really tough girl. You have this wall up, right? you're not a wall but your wall is your superpower it's one of them right i won't even show this clip i'll just ask you the question myself but in this clip you basically say is is that the only okay let me try and be delicate so that my listeners don't attack me like don like, don't be a scumbag. I'll have these girls on the show who are really strong. You know what I mean? They got a 350 pound back squat. They could do 50 pull-ups on broken. They can fucking run a six minute mile and they won't, they're not interested in any guy who's weaker than them to fuck, to mate with,
Starting point is 01:37:19 to court, right? Would you ever, would you ever meet with a guy who you couldn't beat up or that i could beat up oh sorry that you could beat up i don't know i think there's so many different matches um let's say mark but like i say mark zuckerberg becomes single i doubt that fella's coming this way. I don't know. He's really into jiu-jitsu now. He was at the tournament where my kids competed two weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:37:52 He competed there. It was crazy. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Hell yeah. Goes after Berg. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Would you kiss him? Would you go out on a date with him? I would have to. Of course, you'd have to go out on a date. But then at the other spectrum, I'd go out on a date with Joe i would have to of course you'd have to go out on a date but then at the other spectrum i'd go out on a date with joe rogan too so like look right you've got two but you could probably only beat him up because he's old um what i don't think so bro he's a martial artist okay all right all right all right i don't know i think i'm attracted to i'm attracted to people
Starting point is 01:38:21 who are who own own themselves um do i like alpha guys yeah for sure that's a natural like thing for me to be all oh my god but i also like guys who are super passionate and into music or intelligent or funny um they're just owning themselves and and at least as long as they're just fully themselves like that that's, yeah, that's hard to come by. That's already, that's, that's already a unique trait. Yeah. Heidi says she needs a man. She can relax run. Yeah, I get that. So sure. That's why my shoulders are up. It's, it wasn't really meaning, like I need to get dicked down, but every coach is always like,
Starting point is 01:39:00 you're always so, and I'm like, yeah, because what does down mean? Like just have sex. Yeah. Just just have sex more meaning for relax yeah just to have sex just to relax so a lot of my coaches are always like you're just so stiff and and yeah it's because i'm always overthinking and stressing and i don't i think if i had a real like a proper male like a proper male in my life like a real one i probably would drop my shoulders and relax because you know i'm a little bit more protected but i do not have that um i don't have that gift to be able to just like let my guard down i have i'm always on edge so yeah this guy has a video camera and i bet you he has a nice body and he says she's describing me uh magnus homegrown stefan forget about it she won't date anyone below six feet
Starting point is 01:39:44 you're out of the picture fine okay but in there you say something that's fascinating to me that basically you're in such control your whole life and that you're fucking knocking bitches out and that basically you need a man who can just take it from you pick you up while you're cooking dinner pick you up carry the bedroom and fuck the bejesus out of you. And so you can just be like – Oh, that'd be nice. You're looking for a man who makes you safe to surrender, but he also has to be able to take it. For sure.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Yeah. That was a beautiful romantic story you just explained. Thank you. I started sweating. Ty, if you could send me an address, I swear I will try to get these pieces of rubber sent out to you. Yeah, for sure. And it was my pleasure having you on the show. I put you in Google Alerts.
Starting point is 01:40:38 I'll be following any media on you. If there's anything I can ever do to help you promote anything, if you're ever out in Santa Cruz and you need three little boys to do jujitsu with, uh, they're only gray belts, but, but they'd love to roll with you.
Starting point is 01:40:51 They'd probably be, they'd probably beat my ass. Not even. Oh yeah. And I'll send you a CEO. I'll send you a CEO shirt too. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Yes, please. Thanks so much for having me on the show. I've really enjoyed this. Yeah. Anytime. Thanks for keeping it real, man cheers bye i knew it she needs to date jocko sucks because i get off the show and i kind of need to unwind 8 11 i got brian friend coming on tomorrow morning that's always easy he's so good
Starting point is 01:41:43 friend coming on tomorrow morning. That's always easy. He's so good. 11, 11 PM. Yeah. It's late here too. Fire guests. I know I'm, I'm tickled. I'm right now. I'm just in my head. I'm so tickled. This is good. I love having guests on. God, I love it. So cool. I wanted to put these on, the toe spacers. I really enjoyed the experience today.
Starting point is 01:42:21 I want to reach out to them and ask them if they'll sponsor this show. I'll put these on before every show. These are dope. I mean, these suck until they pay this show. I'll put these on before every show. These are dope. I mean, these suck until they pay me money. I really enjoyed these. Oh, thanks, Bruce. That's all I needed before I left. Awesome job, Seve. Can she be a regular?
Starting point is 01:42:36 Eric Anis. Eric, she's cool. She would peg Brian Friend. Yeah, probably. Does she replace Daniel Brandon for the dating show i mean fuck she's good um let me see what's going on here uh oh wow wow Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Oh, okay. 84 people. People are really into this podcast when it's not CrossFit. Get David Weck back on the show. He was cool. I enjoyed that. Daniel can play it cool. Gotta wait a week before you contact her. Dude,
Starting point is 01:43:38 Nicky Rod won't even fucking... I'm gonna text him right now. He hasn't returned my last 15 texts. First, I'm going to tell Ty, you're a beast. Thank you for being so awesome. I wonder if Danielle Brandon would get jealous if she found out that I hit it off so well with another girl on the show. Who am I? Oh, Nikki Rod.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Nikki Rod. Nikki. Nikki. Nick Rodriguez. Let's do a podcast please thank you you must think you should see art it's just me texting him and him never responding uh get feedback on the show i know right holy shit yeah jealous i said it jealous i said it you know she's jealous you know i'm gonna get on the fucking show you know i'm gonna get on the show is matt torres i'm getting
Starting point is 01:44:51 matt torres i'm gonna say uh i'm gonna tell suza that right now i want to call suza i always to call suza and tell him i either did great or i shit the bed i don't to honest, I don't think I did great, but I do think it was a great podcast. I wanted to ask her more about her boobs. It seems irresponsible or not fully committed to get fake tits and be a professional athlete.
Starting point is 01:45:22 What do I know? You reached Matt. Leave a message and I'll get back to you. No. Wait till Danielle finds out you have tight toe spacers. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I don't know if I – that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:45:41 I don't know if I did great. It was – yeah, I agree. It was a really good podcast. She was cool though i was never bored i was like concerned like questions were like just falling out of the tree and like i didn't know what to like which one to grab i was like oh fuck which one and i got like two pages of fucking typed notes and all these I didn't get to use all of them. Oh. Oh, it's my wife. Hi. Hi.
Starting point is 01:46:11 I'm still, I'm live. Oh, okay. Do I need to come inside? Oh, you aren't? Oh, shit. Oh. Oh, fuck. Oh. Oh, no wonder.
Starting point is 01:46:26 These monkeys were outside the studio fucking like just like screwing around and shit. I'm here. I said those monkeys were outside my studio like throwing stuff out. They were out in the backyard like just getting crazy. out like they were out in the backyard like just getting crazy so i called you live on the air but you were you were out uh making uh being the breadwinner uh oh i just made five dollars great show dd one two three that's awesome thank you thank you all right i love you tell me when you're home. I'm going to finish the show when you come home and hang out.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Okay. Okay, love you. Bye. Why so long? Are you driving? Yeah. Okay. I'm elevated.
Starting point is 01:47:17 Okay. Okay. Bye. Bye. Why would it take my wife so long to get home? You think she's stopping by someone's house do you think it was awkward between carrie and brandon at the end no i don't think i know i know i know what i saw
Starting point is 01:47:36 hey uh i know what i saw i uh they didn't um so they didn't celebrate at all uh at the finish line they didn't high five and then when they did the interview They didn't celebrate at all. At the finish line, they didn't high five. And then when they did the interview, they didn't celebrate. But it's real. It's not awkward. It's not like goofy, awkward, dumb bitch shit. It's like real. Like she said, Danielle said something in that interview like, yo, I know she's good at the world class at the machines and next time she's not going to win next time and it's like yeah she's it's cool i like it and i got oh matt torres oh i tried to call susan tell him matt torres i got to get matt torres on dude matt torres has cracked the code i'm telling you someone said it's premature it's not premature nate ackerman dallin pepper james sprague um uh uh uh emma carrie uh uh daniel Emma Carey Daniel Brandon all those people's parents right these are half the little kids and there's some other freaks
Starting point is 01:48:34 I think he might be the only adult there he's like he's running a fucking daycare and a daycare of like pitbulls it's a uh uh sebi you're a five stage clinger i don't know what that is but i don't like it that is not fucking true i've never seen uh sebi humming after a show i hum after every show. That's a great description. After the show, I'm humming. It's funny. You nailed it. Not only individualized, he has kennels for them. He keeps these
Starting point is 01:49:12 motherfuckers in kennels. She was upset, but she was faking that she was upset, but it was also real she was upset. Do you know what I mean? Faking's not was upset, but it was also real she was upset. Do you know what I mean? Like she's so – faking is not the right word. She was upset, but she was watching herself be upset. Like she's – it's – she could stop it, but she's watching it. Like she's like maneuvering that ball of anger. But it's cool.
Starting point is 01:49:45 She's special maneuvering that ball of anger. But it's cool. She's special, man. Someone said to me the other day, who said, someone on the phone, I was talking with someone on the phone today, and they go, oh, so-and-so doesn't think Daniel Brandon's hot. I'm like, listen, it doesn't even matter what she looks like. She transcends looks. It's not, who gives a fuck? She transcends looks. It's not who gives a fuck. I mean, her body's insane, but real dudes like me can sniff her fucking three continents over.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Everyone wants to fuck her. Men, women, cats, dogs, everything wants to hump her. She transcends her. she's not a girl like it's something different like everyone everyone wants to do jacuzzi with Danielle sorry I shouldn't have said fuck that was too crass
Starting point is 01:50:34 but she transcends it yeah she's out yeah yeah that whatever that is yeah she's she's like get me a beer and like three people get up oh here we go I gotta just find out how Torres is doing hey what's up Sousa
Starting point is 01:50:50 hey what's going on I'm humming after the show you're humming? I just left a city council meeting did you have to wear a mask? no no no there's only a couple of those only a couple hey but we got to say the pledge of allegiance oh that's awesome really yeah that's
Starting point is 01:51:14 how they started it oh that's awesome yeah yeah did you see any blue hairs like who refused to stand up no No, no. No, nobody participated. I was wondering if the masks were, but they participated. Wow. Hey, can we get Matt Torres on? Yeah. Do we have his number?
Starting point is 01:51:38 We do. We've talked to him before, right? Yeah, I text him during the event, and I was like, dude, you're a fucking freak a fucking freak. I, we need to, I think he, I bet you he was a dog. I bet you he ran a dog kennel in a previous life or a dog fighting ring, dog fighting ring, pit bulls. Yeah, total. Something where animals had to be kept in cages and something. And he's, he's, he's leveraged that knowledge to uh to and it's called brute now it's called brute oh my goodness oh my goodness uh in cage number one we have emma carrie
Starting point is 01:52:17 she appears docile uh and and friendly but uh don't let the demeanor fool you. Don't lean on that cage. He comes out of his office and Daniel Brandon and M.R. just tangled up and he's got to run over and get between. Oh no, there's lasers and barbed wire and brick walls and shit between them. Those animals can never She's the dog with the muzzle.
Starting point is 01:52:40 In cage number two, we have Dallin Pepper, a prepubescent experiment that is currently transitioning into a man, a Superman. It's like, I don't know what he's doing over there, but it's nuts. And that dude, Nate Ackerman, that kid, he did pretty good too. He didn't even look like he's gone into manhood yet yeah he's got a couple studs that still have a long career ahead of him huh yeah big roosters trina says yeah it's a big rooster farm yeah he he knows something now you got the wheel spin like
Starting point is 01:53:18 what protocols does he have in place does he like gauge everybody's mood and see which which which dogs can come out to play with each other or are they all separated? Like we got to figure it out. It's a strict, it's a strict schedule. I got to know everything about how strict the schedule is. I bet you like, I bet you Danielle has a parking spot.
Starting point is 01:53:32 I guarantee you Danielle pulls up to the fucking gym and she scans the parking lot and sees which cars are there and which aren't. And like it all, and it just fucking already sets her off. It's already going. Yeah. It's like, it's like, Hey, it's like, uh, it's like if Emma Carrey's in her spot,
Starting point is 01:53:50 when she walks in, she throws Emma Carrey her keys, and she goes, when you want to get out, you're going to have to move my car. It's like, fuck. You know what I mean? I blocked you in. Yeah. And Matt Torres has to be like, I got it. No problem, girls.
Starting point is 01:54:01 I got it. And he gets both their keys and moves that shit around. Or he has a handler there just shock Danielle, like with a stick with an electric prod on the end. Cattle prod? Yeah, just prod her down for a minute. Oh, yeah, Nate Ackerman was incredible. I agree.
Starting point is 01:54:20 They were all incredible. Dallin Pepper looking like Captain America. I agree. Lean as shit. Danielle and Emma's bodies looked best I have ever seen them to. Everyone was fee, man. Fee smile was fucking bigger than everyone's smile combined in there. It was nuts. It was so good.
Starting point is 01:54:38 All for Kat. Someone did say that. Well, none of them won the games. Who cares? I don't even care who cares that pressure's on uh justin madaris let's see i got my money on justin to win the games everyone else is just oh shit i wanted to ask this girl are you driving right now suza
Starting point is 01:54:59 no i'm actually standing out in front the thing that i was here for is like the longest thing on the agenda. There's a lot of people speaking about it. What is it? Can you tell us? Yeah, it's for the Littler Wine Valley Inn, that bed and breakfast. Oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. People, right, okay.
Starting point is 01:55:17 I don't know what I can and can't say about it. I mean, yeah, I have a small minority ownership in it, and it's a project that they're building out here in Livermore. It's like 13 high-embedded breakfasts with a restaurant, smaller restaurant, farm-to-table restaurant, and it's going to be planted up here in Wine Country, Livermore and South Livermore. And there's just a neighborhood of really affluent houses that it's going by,
Starting point is 01:55:41 and they don't want it to be in their neighborhood, essentially. So all the people from that neighborhood, which I think are about more than double my age, um, are all here voting against it by making them tweak the plans. Like it's making us tweak the way the development's done each time, which is prolong the project. And they've been kicking the can on the road for like two years now. So hopefully this is the last time because this is the last piece of approval funding's already in place and we should be able to break ground like hopefully come september if it all works out well someone in
Starting point is 01:56:14 the in the comments said matt suzy gates yeah like bill gates matt suzy gates yeah god i hope so yeah yeah it'll be dope hey i might even get you to come out here put you put you in a inhale one of those nice bed and breakfast uh rooms i just want to go there and drink some vine some vine oh yeah yeah so hopefully uh hopefully this is the last one so they're presenting in front of it it's already been approved by the city so the city's actually pushing it through with their lawyers because it meets all the zoning requirements in environmental requirements like there's a lot of hoops that have to be jumped through and we've already knocked them all down so hopefully this is the last step um yeah i hope so that bureaucracy sucks hey um i forgot to ask i wanted to ask her about pressure i wanted to talk to her about the mal
Starting point is 01:57:00 o'brien situation i forgot to do that and hear her opinion on it. Oh, that would have been a great question. Because this chick's under a lot of pressure. Hey, you know what? Someone called me today. A friend of mine called me today. Okay. And kind of schooled me on the whole Mal O'Brien thing.
Starting point is 01:57:19 It was pretty interesting. Oh, and this friend is a good reference for this? I think so. I think so. A fantastic reference. And they basically told me, so I got a handful of it. Well, when I met when we were going through the reasons why maybe Mal isn't competing this year, there was a particular reason that was thrown out there that got an audible gasp in the comments. Right. So that we were going through like, is it because a polar bear ate her foot? Was it because, you know, she has really bad diarrhea? Like we're going through all the possible reasons. Right. And there was one reason that I gave that maybe it was that I had heard that I had heard and I got an audible gasp in the comments. And then I got a couple of DMs from people that I that I really trust. And they're like, Hey, um, uh, that wasn't cool,
Starting point is 01:58:08 but they didn't tell me why it wasn't cool. And actually my mom said it wasn't cool, but she couldn't explain to me why it wasn't cool. Maybe it struck on do something there. Yeah. Oh, it's, it's, it's, it's awesome. Uh, the guesses in the, uh, so there's someone, someone said, uh, it was Fraser. It's because she was juicing. They're trying to figure out what I said.
Starting point is 01:58:29 It's because she's a scissor sister. Okay, well. And so this friend told me this. They said you can't talk like that what you said about a girl her age. I can't remember how old she is. 19, I think, 20. Okay. First of all, you can't talk about a girl like that who's that age. And I was like, okay. And I'm sensitive to a modicum of dignity when I have those guests on, right? Don't you think? I talk differently to a 19-year-old girl than I spoke to this 35 year old girl today. I wouldn't talk to her about it. I don't want to talk to a 19 year old girl or whatever Mal is about her tits.
Starting point is 01:59:17 Um, but the other thing is, is that they told me that you can't say that because you can't tell when when someone is not has not come out about certain things in their life you can't be the one to do it that that's that that's a major faux pas and that there's some things that you have to leave for other people. It was so, so I'm thinking to myself, Hmm, that's interesting. And it's along the lines of this, that girl, what's the benefit? What's the benefit of saints? That girl who, who, uh, sporty Beth who made that video about me, is this okay to talk to you about this? How are you on time? Yeah, I'm just chilling after this. I'm going to head back home in a minute that lady who made that um video sporty beth calling
Starting point is 02:00:09 me the most toxic man in crossfit it's weird if you have mental health issues to make it um to to talk shit about someone on the internet right yeah because you're like you should be sensitive to it right you would think so right if you were dealing with it you wouldn't want to push it on others yeah like I'm a father I have kids And like she could have just sent me a note Being like, hey dude, you're a piece of shit And like you should knock this off and this off
Starting point is 02:00:31 But she made a whole video And it's just weird It's just like a It crosses kind of a line If you have mental health issues And you're It's just weird I have the sensitivity to
Starting point is 02:00:43 If I would have known that you don't. I, it was like, I gave, it was like I invited people to her bar mitzvah and I shouldn't have. Nah, that's not a good metaphor. I'm trying to think.
Starting point is 02:01:02 Hey, it's like, she's got a really great story to tell. And you just show up at the room first and you just say it. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, I stole her thunder think Hey it's like she's got a really great story to tell And you just show up at the room first And you just say it right Yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like I stole her thunder But it's way worse than that It doesn't do it enough it's not heavy enough
Starting point is 02:01:13 And I'm not saying it's what I said that was What was true or not true it's just that It was a social faux pas It's not even political correctness It was a social faux pas like F not it's not even political correctness it was a social faux pas like farting in an elevator right but it was worse but this was worse than i did when i had it explained to me and it made me wish i didn't say i mean that's the nature of having a live podcast i mean i'm not like beating myself up over it i just wish i wouldn't have said it just like i wouldn't
Starting point is 02:01:39 it's different like it's different to uh bend over and accidentally fart you know and and fuck up the the elevator but it's like but it's also like hey you did it on purpose and mine was kind of in between i didn't know really how bad the fart was going to be but anyway i can you turn the volume up on the phone yeah sorry how's that better thank you that's what i like about this show people can just give me – yeah, there you go. He's not even talking. He's giving you right off. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:08 How's that better? Anyway, do you see what I'm saying? You're not supposed to out someone. I do. Right. It would be like if someone gave my address out on the internet. It's not cool. Yeah, I probably shouldn't do that.
Starting point is 02:02:22 It's not against the law. It's not wrong. Anyone could do it who hated me. But, like, I should have't do that. It's not against the law. It's not wrong. Anyone could do it who hated me. But, like, I should have known better to not. Chat with the rogue bot. The what bot? The rogue bot. I was relating it back to your address.
Starting point is 02:02:38 Oh. I don't get the rogue bot. I don't get it. Because you were on the rogue website talking to the chat bot. Oh, you think that was a bot? You think that was a human? I do. Oh, you're talking about when I was chatting with rogue
Starting point is 02:02:54 and my address came out on accident. Yeah. That was my fault too. That was pretty stupid too. Well, the AI chat outed you. Oh, it did. Oh, yeah, that's right. Right, right.
Starting point is 02:03:04 Is this your address yeah yeah yeah Ken Walters your place looks great from Google Earth fuck you anyway I just I just I appreciate the lessons that some of you try to teach me like it's good
Starting point is 02:03:24 I learn a lot from this I appreciate the lessons that some of you try to teach me. It's good. I learn a lot from this. I learn a lot from this show. I truly do. It was a faux. Did you drive somewhere? Yeah, I want to spell faux pas. How do I spell faux pas?
Starting point is 02:03:40 F-O-P-A. Nope, that's not right. Someone will spell it for me in the... Oh. F-A-U-X-P-A-S. Faux pas. A definition. Oh, that sounds right.
Starting point is 02:04:03 A significant or embarrassing error by mistake. A socially awkward or improper act or remark. Yeah, it was inappropriate. Socially inappropriate. Oh, I just did that at the city council meeting. That's good. What did you do? Well, all the people that were coming up from the south,
Starting point is 02:04:18 Livermore, the neighborhood there, were talking about being fair or the plan being compromised. And I walked up and I said, I'd like to quote my mother here in life isn't fair. Oh, shit. The city council members raised their eyebrows and I called that up with, we have to understand that this is a long-term thinking. We're thinking 10, 20, 30 years out in front
Starting point is 02:04:34 of what it could do for a little more wine culture and the smaller vineyards here to allow the other businesses to flourish. And that was kind of a dig at them too because if some of those people make it 15 years, that would be impressive. They all have to be like in their late seventies. Did you guys think you won? Did they vote? Well, it'll, I don't know. I love that. I was talking to you.
Starting point is 02:04:59 So we'll find out. They had the whole day of a show. There's 30 people speaking against it and they all get two minutes and they take up that whole two minutes wow uh howie howie duet says this for example this is just an example uh i would like to apologize for telling everyone that brian friend is gay before he's ready to do it himself that just for example like yeah that would be a that would be a social faux pas uh uh seven seven's bun um a high profile person does that and people aren't expected to speculate why no they i mean you are expected to that i mean you are expected to speculate i mean it's not like to speculate. I mean, it's not like we're ambulance chasers. It's like,
Starting point is 02:05:45 it's like what we do every day. Anyway, so socially insensitive. I don't know if I like that. I appreciate the attempt. I'm just going to go with faux pas. Faux pas, good.
Starting point is 02:05:59 Yeah. Anyway, so, anyway, it was, it was, negligence at most on my part. Malicious is zero. There was no malicious intent.
Starting point is 02:06:12 I think overall the podcast was spot on. Yeah, there was no malicious intent. By the way, no one from her camp was like, oh my God, thank you so much for defending her and letting everyone know that it absolutely 100% wasn't steroids. I didn't get any of that. It was just like what I fucked up on. This is the longest apology. I don't know if I'm apologizing. Yeah, maybe I'm apologizing Yeah maybe I'm apologizing
Starting point is 02:06:45 I'm not apologizing I'm just giving a lesson I learned it I learned it I'm more like it's a I'm appreciative of the lesson learned I'm appreciative of having friends from this show Who are willing to call me And gently navigate The monstrosity
Starting point is 02:07:01 The ego that is Seva Amatosian To be able to teach me shit. How gracious of you to accept it. Yes, thank you. And I thought I was, if I was her, I would be really, I'd be like, wow, Sevan has my back. That's what I would think. Honestly, from that show.
Starting point is 02:07:23 Would you think that? You can be honest with me. I think that it's actually, I talked about it with FaceTime. I thought it was really cool. And he like summed it up in a bow and you're like, hey guys, it's fun speculating,
Starting point is 02:07:33 paraphrasing here. But like, we have a fun speculate, but we have to remember there's a person behind this and yada, yada, yada. I thought you did a great job doing that piece of it. And you were sincere about it. You know, it wasn't superficial.
Starting point is 02:07:44 I don't really know how to be superficial. Well, that's not true. Barry McOchner, I do not like this. You ready for what he said? Uh-oh. What did he say? He said, we still love you. Like he thought I did something wrong.
Starting point is 02:08:01 Oh, I think he was. Oh, but you know what? I think he was the ones that had an audible gasp. I think even he, I think I even crossed the lines of a guy named Barry. Oh, wow. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. Okay, good.
Starting point is 02:08:17 Okay. Then I accept that. We still love you. Hey, that was pretty cool. We had that great weekend. Are you driving now? Yeah. We had that great weekend.
Starting point is 02:08:34 The show was massive over the weekend with Tyler Watkins, John Young, and Brian Spinn. And I had you and Caleb in the background the whole time. And JR came and went and the thumb was here and great show in rich froning and Daniel Brandon checked in with us. Not. And there's still two weekends. That, that, those, those numbers rolled over to this morning. This morning show is pretty big. It was big for a morning show. Yeah, that was cool. There's a morning show is pretty big. It was big for a morning show. Yeah,
Starting point is 02:09:05 that was cool. There's a lot of people hanging out. That was fun. Yeah. I kind of walked around with a little more swag today because of that. Yeah, I get it. There you go.
Starting point is 02:09:15 Oh, Trina's in the comments cause we're doing a night show. Ah, or a morning show. Right? No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:09:23 Trina's not in the morning here in the mornings, right? Cause she's not, I never see her in the mornings. No, no. I'm in a morning show for Right. No, no, no. Trina's not in the morning here in the mornings. Right. Cause she's not, I never see her in the morning. No, no. I'm in a morning show for her. Oh,
Starting point is 02:09:29 right. Something. Yeah. 14, whatever. Some crazy hour difference. Yeah. Ken Walter,
Starting point is 02:09:39 75,000 views on the last show so far. Oh, but who's counting? I never look at the numbers. I just do my best work. I worry about these. did Bob, did Boz read,
Starting point is 02:09:53 did you reach out to Boz? I did not to come on the show. I'm still courting him for the games. I'm just, you know, I just told him, I thought, I thought that the last event was fucking amazing in terms of, uh,
Starting point is 02:10:04 for a final event. Got to see the guys run across the floor with the bags. I like the one girl we saw dive over her bag and trip and eat shit. I love all that. That's why I loved all the rogue. That rogue event where the people jumped over the bag was killer.
Starting point is 02:10:20 Eric, she wouldn't come on the show before anyway. No real loss, right? Who? I don't know who you're talking about i'm not uh who you're talking about if you're talking about mal no no i just don't want to do that i don't want to do i don't want to do people bad i don't want to do i don't unless unless let me rephrase that if i want to do someone bad i want to do it bad because i want to do them bad i don't want to do someone bad on accident right yeah no that doesn't feel good i'm not i'm not interested in running the dog over with my car unless he unless he killed one of my kids
Starting point is 02:10:57 then i'm running over with the car i'm not interested in hurting mal's feelings or anyone's feelings. I didn't have to use that example as possibility, even though – well, I better stop. I better stop. Ken Walters, Jeffrey Birchfield If you're not over 60 You're not old enough Then again
Starting point is 02:11:28 I'm on my second bang Oh my god Ken You're gonna have a fucking heart attack Are you joking? You're drinking a bang And it's 841 at night You're fucking 60 dude That's
Starting point is 02:11:42 That's like the party Damn That's extreme Intent actually matters cornholio yeah so yeah someone make a clip of that fuck the guest is gone and the viewers are going up what the fuck is going on you guys the guest was amazing today if you did not watch that show today ty emory you did not see my best work it's been 100 and i spent an hour and 39 minutes just waiting to ask her um what kind of man she wants to do it with
Starting point is 02:12:18 i wonder if someday I'll move to Thailand and my kids will train there oh Thailand huh I've had delusions of grandeur yeah watch out for those ladyboys I'm so committed to my wife unless something weird
Starting point is 02:12:44 were to happen oh did you want to hear something interesting about Thailand unless my by weird I mean like my wife like brought home a lady boy but in Thailand if you're a woman you can't show your tits in public but if you're a lady
Starting point is 02:13:00 boy you can show your tits so if you have fake tits and a cock you can show your tits that if you have fake tits and a cock you can show your tits that's the same though and you know i kind of got him on a loophole too they're like hey put that away and then like show him the cock like all right never mind oh all right my wife's home all right guys awesome thank you thank you mr suza um i guess i won't i don't know when i'll see you you're not coming on the show tomorrow morning right oh shit are you gonna be on tomorrow night showed with running the back end when dave castro comes on yeah okay that's exciting he's
Starting point is 02:13:39 coming he's coming in the house oh shit i just saw the thumbnail Bruce made. It's sick. Oh, awesome. Yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. He wrote on the thumbnail, not Dave Castro, not a pop seal. Oh, I saw that title. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:14:01 Oh, thank you, Trina. Oh, no. oh no oh thank you Trina oh no we're gonna have to adjust that I don't know no let's go with it Ken Walters says it's so good but he's fucking all spun up on caffeine he's out of his
Starting point is 02:14:21 he doesn't know what's going on alright I will i'll talk to you later thanks dude for giving me a call yeah oh yeah yeah you're gonna check with our news we're gonna reach out and maybe try to get a sponsor right yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll give a conversation here we can deal with that okay all right thank you awesome All right. Thank you. Awesome. Bye. Bye. These guys are a fucking perfect fit. I'm going to wear these every show. Might as well try to get some loot out of them.
Starting point is 02:14:53 These things are cool. You will like these. I don't know how much these are. But you will like these. I'm telling you. I'm already promising to send them to people. God, I hope that Susie can ask them, hey, someone promised a pair here. What do you want for the sponsorship deal?
Starting point is 02:15:15 Well, first of all, we promised a pair to someone. Really? These are 50 bucks? These are 50 bucks Holy shit I better fucking be cool with these They're toe spacers I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna leave them here every morning Right by my mouse and then
Starting point is 02:15:38 And then I'm gonna when the show I'm gonna wear them for two hours During the show And then I'm gonna take them off and set them right here Damn Alright show i'm gonna wear them for two hours during the show and then i'm gonna take them off and set them right here damn all right um you got them for me jeff and i appreciate it thank you thank you all right guys i will uh see you guys in 10 hours and 15 minutes with mr friend Friend and John Young for Predictions Tomorrow. It's going to be wild.
Starting point is 02:16:10 20 bucks. Oh, 20 bucks. Dude, I buy 300. I have to go. 300 pairs for 50 cents each. Under my socks. I don't wear under my socks. No, no no no no don't you don't change the thumbnail it's fucking good it's fine let's get let's let's make it so we get slapped around so what
Starting point is 02:16:34 jaco's a confident man so is goggins it's okay it's just funny it's all chill nothing but love for jaco bye

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