The Sevan Podcast - The Boat and the Bridge, Black Box Summit | Live Call In

Episode Date: March 28, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:02 Did you get a new camera? Bam, we're live. No, I just finally set up the one that I had. I had to get some cords for it, I guess. Connections. Hey, it looks good. What's the deal with your lighting now? Is it because it's just darker later?
Starting point is 00:01:19 No, I just don't have the curtains open. Ah. So you are kind of going into vampire mode a little bit there's randomly we'll have people like come by the house and like look in our windows what yeah and uh so i've been just closing them all the time basically unless i'm not doing anything on the show hey is that normal for nebraska that's just like the neighbors feel comfortable doing that they see someone working on the house and so that's the kind of like you're just allowed to do that yeah i think so because we've had uh california that means your shit's gonna get robbed
Starting point is 00:01:54 right yeah this is like my neighbors or like the guy used to own the place his friends will stop by because he hasn't told them that he moved oh oh so people just like run by the house and be like oh is uh is mr h here and i'd be like no and he's like well is he alive i'm like i don't know wow he was that well yeah i guess i guess there's a if the house is indicative of the state he was in yeah that's a fair question oh yeah the dude's like super fucked up and uh yeah i don't think we've heard from him recently so it's very possible he's not around but it's sad whatever my son's been complaining about his well all my kids were like on and off like having this kind of weird sickness um for the last month a bunch of kids around here
Starting point is 00:02:43 had it and i swear this is gonna sound horrible but if I didn't have it I wouldn't believe my kid that he was sick yeah because I just don't feel good but I can't put my finger on it but it has it's definitely my stomach really yeah my shits are solid and I'm not throwing up but something's going on in my stomach I just can't it's not even bad or good it's just like you know when you don't feel good and so you kind of pay attention to your body you can't fully be present in the outside world because you're kind of like doing yeah it's so weird you just hate being sick yeah last night i'm feeling oh last night when i went to bed for an hour i just was like uncomfortable in my body yeah i get that i've had so little to drink uh heidi crew maybe stop drinking spicy marks i haven't i've had so little to drink. Heidi Kuhn, maybe stop drinking spicy marks.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I haven't. I've had so little to drink this month. Besides that, I'm trying to think. Besides that wine, I don't think I've drank at my house in a month. Wow. You need sourdough. Well, that's funny you say that. You need sourdough because the best I felt was when I ate Dave's wife's bread.
Starting point is 00:03:47 No, castrate is poison. Is it sourdough? Yeah, it's felt was when i ate uh dave's wife's bread no castrate is sourdough yeah it's crazy crazy it's so good last time i tried to make sourdough bread i had a starter and they said you could either put it this is the first time i ever made sourdough ever or i tried to make sourdough and they said you can put it in the oven or you can put it like on like a high spot in your kitchen so it's like all the heat rises and so it's i don't know what it is exactly so i put it in the oven and put it like saran or a plastic wrap on top and then just let it sit well yeah night my wife was coming home from work and she she was like, well, we have microwave pizzas or whatever. So I went to go heat up the oven. And I forgot that the sourdough was in there.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Uh-oh. And it was in a plastic bowl with saran wrap. And I just melted the bowl into the fucking oven rack. Oh. Ruined it. At the Shattuck Inn? No. It was in one of my apartments when i was in virginia it was very
Starting point is 00:04:47 sad um my kid had whatever uh everyone's like colonoscopy uh hayley pegged you too deep stop chugging olive oil listen my kids have my one of my kids has it too i took him to tennis yesterday he's like dude i'll try but i don't feel good but he looks fucking great you know and but he gets he got out there for 10 minutes he's yesterday. He's like, dude, I'll try, but I don't feel good, but he looks fucking great, you know? And, but he gets, he got out there for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:05:08 He's like, and he's like holding his mouth. He's like, Hey, I can't. Dang. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And it's yesterday. I probably threw up like 10 times in my mouth. I just swallowed it back down, but geez. Yeah. Weird. Right. That is a little weird.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Like my whole life. I've never had like a stomach, uh, queasiness. I mean, I mean, I have, but it's like, you know what? That you don't feel good. yeah weird right that is a little weird like my whole life i've never had like a stomach uh queasiness i mean i mean i have but it's like you know what that you don't feel good you throw up and then you feel better have you been drinking a lot of coffee lately uh no actually less coffee than normal less coffee than normal oh weird yeah less coffee than normal my sister said i should have some ginger not one person has suggested that what's bubble gut
Starting point is 00:05:46 I think it's usually when I have the shits that's what I call bubble guts oh no no my shits are my shits are fine I took just fucking rocks this morning like looks like I eat carnivore but I did notice this morning when I looked in the mirror
Starting point is 00:06:02 that I did look a little thinner I think I ate I'm eating less because I don't feel so good. Really? Yeah. Oh, look, there he is. What do you know? What do you know? Hey.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Hey, guys. Good morning. How are you? Good. How are you? I'm good. Better than that bridge? Dude. Isn than that bridge? Dude.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Isn't that something? Have you seen the time-lapse video of it, Greg? Yeah. Well, I don't know time-lapse, but I think it was, yes. Does that tell you anything about it? Does that tell you anything about it? I'm not seeing anything here other than they ran into the bridge. Somebody was saying they saw
Starting point is 00:06:57 a Knights Templar logo on the side or something crazy. It's a sign. Hey, look at the last minute They actually do try to turn away look at the very last minute before it hits it tries to turn away veer off to the left Yeah, it's like they get power right before it hits and then they're just a little too late Some some maritime guy was saying it would take five miles to turn that boat in a circle, and a mile and a half to two miles to bring it to a stop at its cruising speed.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Oh, wow. And they had some kind of propulsion problem. Like a full-on power problem that's shut off a few times. Hey, so it was supposed to go under that bridge? And the Mayday saved a lot of lives, they're saying. Yeah, it's supposed to go under the bridge. That's a thoroughfare for cargo boats to get through. It's a pretty busy harbor.
Starting point is 00:08:03 By the way, that's eight times the speed is what that says. Yeah, it's not a fast-moving boat, but it takes forever to stop it. And if you watch the video, look at all the cars going by, cars going by, cars going by, and they're screaming Mayday. I mean, they're in absolute panic. But the cars have stopped by the time it hits. Are there any other camera angles?
Starting point is 00:08:35 There would have to be, right? 1.30 in the morning. Man. Yeah, at the very last minute it looks like man yeah at the very last minute it looks like say that again you broke up for me at the very last minute
Starting point is 00:08:57 it looks like the boat tries to turn left our right but his left right before it hits unless it's that impact that causes it to jerk like that god that's so wild hey um it doesn't sound like it's a 30 000 people they said cross that bridge in a 24-hour period on average that's not a very busy bridge i don't think that's that's how i would see it i was trying to compare that to camelback or something i i think we beat that i want to see um how many bridge how many cars cross the uh golden gate or the bay bridge every day how many cars cross bay bridge for people who
Starting point is 00:09:41 don't know the bay bridge is the bridge um between uh oakland and san francisco oh 260 000 i guess 30 000 is not that small i mean the bay bridge is just wild an eighth an eighth an eighth yeah but i think the bay bridge is like six lanes yeah it's yeah i don't it kind of my um do you do you have fond when you when you say you say the bay bridge do you get a warm and fuzzy yeah as a little kid going crossing it you know i just think of sitting in fucking horrible traffic and the smell of urine oh when i was a kid we used to cross it and it was fun i loved looking at all the uh i loved looking at all the, just the structure. When I finally settled in Santa Cruz full time, it was 1995. And all of my friends loved to go to the city.
Starting point is 00:10:35 We were going to San Francisco. That was the thing to do, go to the city. Yeah. And I was like, dude, it smells like piss. Yeah. As soon as you get off the freeway in the city you're smelling urine i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't work past that i eventually did eventually got over that what did you guys do there you go there for day trips like to see
Starting point is 00:10:55 what like the um the air show or some shit or or for bars at night or what i was new to town and i hung out with i got befriended by lesbians and we went to the city oh yeah that's a good spot for those i don't know hey you didn't really have to cross did you guys cross the bay bridge you guys didn't though right or would you stay up on the left hand side when you went there like you were going to the airport or would you go the i guess you could go either way i can't say for sure. I know when we would go to, what was our place there, the St. Regis? Yeah, yep.
Starting point is 00:11:29 We'd get off right before the bridge, right? Immediately. Right, right, right, right, right. We would be on the west side of the bridge. You missed that off-ramp, you're going over the water. Damn, good memory. Yeah, 4th Street, I think. Damn, great memory hey greg yesterday someone was asking about um the the nutrition seminar that crossfit
Starting point is 00:11:55 used to have that rob wolf ran yeah and then and then it stopped and we never went back to it we never had a nutrition seminar can you share the history of that like what happened was that the paleo zone argument or what happened with rob you guys were close right yeah yeah i think on some level we probably are still even though we don't talk and may not um i mean it used to be Let me even go back a little further. The final thing was there was a long simmering problem
Starting point is 00:12:32 on a couple of fronts. And nothing was really being done about it. But then he got super shitty with Greg Everett towards Dave one night oh that around that the black box summit that was a straw that broke the camel's back well and i called to talk to him about it and he wouldn't return my calls and i left message after message
Starting point is 00:12:59 after message then i had dale leave the message you're fired what am i going to do right it's a weird thing when employee won't return a call but there was an over certainty and overstating i you know i have trouble listening to nutrition where we're presenting mechanism after mechanism after mechanism of some hypothetical interaction, it very likely could be, and it might be that you know chemistry so well that these are probabilities, but you're still in the space of conjecture, and you're talking about something that nobody has ever measured, but you see it so clearly. And that was all just rough for me.
Starting point is 00:13:42 There's so much that we can say that I don't need to, you know, this came up the other day at a talk I was asked to give for a group of fellows. But I don't want to say too much and start another war, but I have no interest in the divisions between Paleo, Zones, Scarsdale. None of it really matters to me. Look, reduce your refined carbohydrate consumption until your EPA to arachidonic acid level becomes greater than one or flip that less than one if you want. Get me an A1C, five-ish, and let's see,
Starting point is 00:14:37 let's go triglycerides. I want them to fall off the scale where the number has no meaning. And things, you know, mid double digits starts to look that way. You're outside of the test's reliability. But you do any one of those things
Starting point is 00:14:52 and you'll do the other two. So pick your metric. And pick your fucking way of doing it, too. I don't really care. I've got a I've got a anti-intellectual stepbrother that doesn't eat white food. Because he figured out that it interfered with his golf and his tennis.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And he made it to the pro ranks in both. And he was a very good athlete. And so I said, so tell me about your white food thing. And he says, white food makes you fat. And it was bread, rice, sugar sugar but the kid wouldn't touch a glass of milk because it's white and i i don't need to iron that out i'm not just roll my eyes and go on his model his model worked it's all he needs milk right if it doesn't if it doesn't have a nutrition label on it it's food if it does don does, don't eat it. How do you like this one? That works too.
Starting point is 00:15:51 That too will give you the right EPA to arachidonic acid, triglyceride, and A1C. Next diet. This guy, now the context was this. Some guy said, hey, I took the level one. I loved it. I just felt like it was really light on nutrition content. And then I was thinking, oh, yeah. And that was a very popular seminar though too, right?
Starting point is 00:16:09 The nutrition seminar? I think I can say all that's worth knowing about nutrition in one hour up. Yeah. Did you ever consider bringing one back? I felt like there was discussion about it before, but it sounds consistent to what you just said about the chemistry. I don't remember the particulars of it, but that would, that would make sense.
Starting point is 00:16:41 It needed the right champion. It wasn't a, I don't know. How do you say it? It needed the right champion that wasn't... I don't know. How do you say it? You think Zoe would be the right person for it? Perfect. Yeah. She is the only person that I have heard talk about nutrition in a very broad and general sense, scientifically.
Starting point is 00:17:06 The only person. She approaches it systematically, and I find in that a bit of profundity. Now remember, her PhD is in mathematics from Cambridge, and her doctoral thesis was on the unthinkably bullshit math that constitutes nutrition research and science. So there's three strikes against Zoe right there, right?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Yeah, yeah. She's a PhD in mathematics? In maths, which is what she says. That's a distinctly British kind of a Welsh. She was always good in maths. So she got a PhD in it. God, that's wild.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I mean, she obviously comes across as extremely intelligent, but there's nothing. She's she's so smart about her. She's so smart She's so smart And was so profound And correct on the statins Along with Malcolm Kendrick And Asim Malhotra
Starting point is 00:18:14 That they had to be called war criminals And delisted From Wikipedia Was she I don't know if she was But Malcolm was for sure yeah and for what there's nobody he's of all the mess birds he i think has some of the most charm likability good-natured uh and i don't hear i don't i don't hear controversy in anything he says
Starting point is 00:18:42 I don't hear controversy in anything he says. They're taking percents of percentages. It's bullshit. You know, I mean, what are you going to do, argue about it? No, you have to delist them. It's like Oofy Ravenskov, like Bill Buckley was on the political front, like Roger Kimball is. There are some people so effective that none of these little half-witted liberal 25 year old chicks that put hearts on the dots of their eyes wants to take them on they don't they just kind of he doesn't use this doesn't exist they can't do that they can't respond on that level
Starting point is 00:19:19 Zoe Harcombe's not on Wikipedia by the way she's a on Rational Wiki, but not Real Wiki. There we go. She had to go. I would like to be taken off of Wikipedia someday. I think that would be a... I think the people that aren't listed are better people than the ones that are. Right. Well, technically, you're not on Wikipedia. CrossFit is. And your name
Starting point is 00:19:41 is within the CrossFit Wikipedia. So you're not even on Wikipedia either. If you click his name, it doesn't give you a Greg Glassman. There used to be one, I think. I don't think so. No, there isn't. Oh. Tyler, thank you for the 99 cents. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:57 This is interesting. I don't think Greg has an opinion on this. We'll find out. What is Greg's opinion on CrossFit's recent inability to define terms? Feet together on the V-ups, toes or heels over the bar and toes to bar. Basically, they've been some open workouts. There's been some inconsistency in what the rules are versus what's being allowed to the athletes to perform. Dave must be just freaking
Starting point is 00:20:25 it's not the kind of thing he likes Jake Chapman Greg does Greg know what to eat to stop persistent erections yeah let's Viagra cereal don't eat the blue food you turn me on to this movie called no safe spaces.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah, it was Adam Carolla and the guy from who's a friend of yours now. And then the yeah, Dennis Prager did a movie. And do you know, my buddy in uh just went on to become chief of staff for them for evergreen college my buddy ben chief of staff for who for prager you oh no shit moved to la in my old neighborhood uh-huh i met him through his parents who we ran into at north 40 by accident i was admiring their giant rottweiler gus you've met him he came to the house eventually one that fell in the pond or jumped in the pond yeah yeah like an idaho dog right you bring him to a koi pot and he jumps in.
Starting point is 00:21:45 All 200 pounds of them. I ran into them. I was admiring the dog and then we left. I was walking out to the car and the man that was with the couple chased me out. He says, my wife has insisted that I follow you. She thinks you're Greg Glassman. I'm sorry to bother you.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I said, yeah, I am. Then they introduced me to Todd Herman, who filled in for Limbaugh 500 times when his health was failing. Interesting people. Yeah. Was there some Ben who was in the county assessor's office and allowed me to pull off the impossible? Oh, Doc. Yes. With my with my my doc with my peer on the lake herman was also the guy that escaped washington right state yes but i don't know if that's it's yeah we don't can't tell that story that sounds familiar yeah um hey so so that move do you remember the premise of that movie uh no safe spaces like or like the brett weinstein character in there in the evergreen college
Starting point is 00:22:52 yeah and um he was a he was a full liberal right yeah when he went there and then from there he kind of catapulted into fame he parlaylayed that into during COVID having that huge, widely successful podcast with his wife. Have you seen that? It's called The Dark Horse Podcast. I think Dale was on it. Dale Saran was on it. Cool. Anyway, I wanted to show you this clip.
Starting point is 00:23:20 He was on Tucker the other day hey aren't these guys like like like uh taibbi and uh i mean aren't they aren't they happier out of the hive even if even if canceled i was actually thinking about that today about i was never i was never fond of that set and and nor was that set fond of me, but I've enjoyed my canceling, and I think I would enjoy it even more had I been cast from the lot of fucktards. I was thinking about that this morning in the shower, too.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I was thinking about that movie, The Matrix. I was thinking, does anyone ever take the blue pill back? Does anyone ever go back? No're asking, do they go back? No, no, no, no, no, no. The intellectual migration of going from conservative to liberal, it's been done a few times for votes and maybe thinking it's going to increase your pussy score, but popularity kind of thing but uh no that's a
Starting point is 00:24:29 it doesn't work that way wow you just nailed it i the i know i do know a handful of men maybe more than a handful a dozen men who are conservative but parade around as liberal to maintain their vagina in their life wow i never thought it starts with it starts with this shut the fuck up because you don't want the trouble that's you it's that way in santa cruz hey we're just talking about rob wolf rob wolf um on becoming an affiliate went to the sba on his campus at Cal in Chico. Student something unions? Small business administration. And the advisor was looking at the website and told him that all the American
Starting point is 00:25:16 flags and the guns and the soldiers all had to go, that the whole thing was jingoistic. And Rob came to me and said, he asked me if I knew that the flags and all jingoistic. And Rob came to me and said, asked me if I knew that the flags and all the guns and all the soldiers were bad for our business. Jingoistic, extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or war-like foreign policy.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Wow. Arrogatory, even. So having flags and guns wow incredible eaton beaver good morning coach seve and caleb a braylon tender fitness competitor is, is competitive CrossFit, a fruitful effort. It's all competitive. That's what the stopwatch does,
Starting point is 00:26:10 right? I mean, whether it's with yourself or someone else. Yeah. You know, almost anything you can measure, you can race, right?
Starting point is 00:26:23 What's the realization? I'm going to show you this video. This is – so you don't think anyone goes back? Once someone's red-pilled, they don't want to be put back into the – No, it'll happen one item at a time. I mean, watch the evolution of RFK Jr. happen one item at a time i mean watch the watch the evolution of rfk jr this is he's it becomes easier to do you you eventually develop this sensibility where you go that sounds like some bullshit double speak right you start he started with hey something's up with these vaccines and then it just spreads to like hey something's up recently the department of defense announced that they had uh uh
Starting point is 00:27:12 that these right-wing rumors of uh travis kelsey and and swift um were false and blah blah blah blah blah and they were never employed by the DOD. And it sounded so odd to me that I could only come to one conclusion. But I first had to hit it by Jim Watt, right? This is what Jimmy says. And I go, Jimmy, DOD announced today that Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift were never on their payroll and that these are right-wing bullshit rumors. And he goes, yeah, that's what we used to do when it was the DOJ. We'd have the DOD say they had nothing to do with it. And I go, that was exactly what I thought I was hearing. That's exactly what I thought. There was a Department of Homeland Security or Health and
Starting point is 00:28:00 Human Services, another department. There was no need for DOD to deny them on a payroll. Department of Energy. So as soon as they start doing that, that's like almost like, huh? It's a weird protestation. It's weird protesting. I haven't looked into the Diddy stuff it's Nick Jonas saying I've never been sponsored by Coca-Cola and I got a picture of the fucker sitting there
Starting point is 00:28:34 in front of a Coca-Cola wallpaper with his fucking brothers it turns out no Coca-Cola sponsored the Jonas Brothers tour not him, the tour very clever I mean you just turns out no coca-cola sponsored the jonas brothers tour not him the tour right right very clever i mean you just you just you you learned you learn the pattern of lies it jumps out at you oh yeah you can just look up nick jonas coca-c's what I did. I put it into Google, and I found 4,000 images of him.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah. And I'm going to guess his agent's not letting him sit in front of that fucking wallpaper without something. Right? Yeah, yeah, for sure. And there's the glue, yeah. And I know that's why he weighed in on the diabetes thing thing because he got his chain yanked by his keepers. I remember when he denied that.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Nick Jonas has been a part of many advertisements like Bayer, Diet Coke, Dexcom, and many other brands. Oh, it wasn't Coke, Greg. It was Diet Coke. His massive – We used the image. It was Diet Coke. No, I was... His massive... We used the image. It was... I saw that image, too. I was just looking for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yeah, that was wild. God, what a douche. I got that. I got thousands of letters from what Lustester told me had called the T1 terrorist moms and the American dietician or dietetics, whatever the hell they call themselves now, um, can get the American diabetes association, get them all to send letters and tell them what to write.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And they'll say, I remember that they showed up on the, on the blog too. Do you remember that? I got, I got like 5,000 emails overnight. It was the greatest thing and it was the easiest thing to build filters for. That was actually fun. I got where I could actually make them stop completely. Anything about your kid and type one diabetes, boom, it went in the bucket and they And they just filled up so fast. It was super cool.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yeah, for those of you who don't know how that works, when Greg had a little tussle with Jonas publicly, the blog, the CrossFit blog,, filled also in the comments section with shitloads and shitloads of what were obviously moms who would uh do anything that the logic was saying that and i didn't even say it you guys fucking bullshit attributed that to me but i didn't care you know i i pay you you did it i i eat it but uh what was it that we're dead homies thing that was oh i never said it but once it's been attributed to me by my own staff, I'm going to work with it.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And the open diabetes thing. Right. But to say that sugar causes diabetes and I have some obligation to say type 2, that's just complete horseshit. It's a made-up rule to serve the soda interest. And if it needed to be refined, then we'd have a problem with saying that smoking causes cancer. You'd say, I got brain cancer. That's not, you're fucked.
Starting point is 00:32:00 You're smearing my ass. We don't say every time lung cancer, right? Right. Right. in my ass we don't say every time lung cancer right right right horse them out for your dead homies that's what we that's what we posted that and yeah yeah and you got stuck hey i you know i didn't say it and you got me into a fight i didn't mind having Hey, I didn't say it, and you got me into a fight I didn't mind having. Okay. I don't miss any of that. Tell me.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I'm waking up in the morning and like, okay, it's 4 a.m. What the fuck's going on? Somewhere in the world, there's a problem. And I could look through the affiliate email flow and there it was that sarah lucas working all night long taking care of business kathy that was a great team that was a great team the affiliate girls were so capable they drastically reduced my legal costs i don't have a way to to measure that exactly but my estimation would be that they saved me millions of dollars annually oh shit listen to this what uh abc nudes says the rest of glassman's statement was so aggressive it was not suitable to print. What kind of fucking witchcraft? What kind of witchcraft
Starting point is 00:33:32 is that? God, that is fucking ridiculous. Isn't the guy in the CrossFit community that took me on for writing that didn't get my quote. Something like, fuck Nick Jonas. He and his sponsor
Starting point is 00:33:49 are part of the problem. Fuck Nick Jonas. How crazy is that? That's the media today. That's why I'm having trouble believing the P. Diddy stuff. It's like every article I read...
Starting point is 00:34:04 Go back, Seve. That was the key line. They just left out the fuck Nick Jonas. trouble believing the p diddy stuff it's like every article i read go back savvy that's the that was the key line they just left out the nick jonas it was so aggressive and then lied around the thing this is about the scourge of type 2 diabetes and centerline causes his sponsor coca-cola is a significant contributor to the diabetes epidemic both with product and marketing spend yeah and then the part two then it was fuck nick jonas but uh there's no there's they don't even deny what i'm saying there god that was so good for our brand holy fuck for people who don't know how how gnarly coke is uh in mexico i think the stat is is 55 of calories consumed by the people on average in the country of mexico is from soda pop look my thing was i didn't have
Starting point is 00:34:54 i we went on the soda tour and i explained there that we're not on the methamphetamine tour it's not the heroin tour there's all kinds of students it's not bad for you right but what what's important to understand about these guys is they're weighing in with both feet in the health and fitness space right and they're corrupting the science of nutrition and they're the they're the biggest player in the fitness space. The biggest player. Coca-Cola is. Yes. Exercise as medicine is a bigger deal than CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:35:33 It's baked into the Affordable Care Act. It's never going to go away. And CrossFit is going to get regulated out of business. Alex Peters, that's my question. There's no one at the mothership there's no NBA that gives a fuck about that gradual process you'd have to care about the industry or the players involved on some kind of personal long-term level you'd have to have a 10-year view Josh Everett told me he's been at he's been at uh Naval Special Warfare 15 years now. I would have said he's been there four years. 15 fucking years.
Starting point is 00:36:09 That's amazing, isn't it? Yeah, it's wild. It's crazy. Time flies. Then you die. We'll see about that. Okay. So the movie no safe spaces um there there was that there was that uh event by the way you would recommend that movie to everyone right absolutely and i thought the animation was terrific and i thought adam's uh portrayal of his mother was hilarious and i'm gonna if i did a joint project with him on a kroq
Starting point is 00:36:50 uh documentary radio station la and uh it's it's doing it's a it's getting a lot of attention it's not even done it's a great movie too and the fact that these two teamed up i think uh um uh prager might be a um a devout he's jewish but i think he might be a devout christian and and adam's a devout atheist and you see where their um logic intersects and it's a it is a it's a profound movie prager's just jewish he's not a christian is he he's not i don't know i just assume i don't think so but he surrounded himself with christians right his organization sort of parades as this uh maybe maybe i'm he oh look at carolyn m he's not christian okay i just assumed you what he was
Starting point is 00:37:40 okay modern orthodox yeah it would have been a recent conversion. But his cohort seems to be devout Christians, all the people he's using on his platform. Or you could say it even transcends religion. They have similar – their values align. They have similar – their values align. Yeah, I mean what makes it likely that farmers and construction workers hold similar political and social views? Why is that? He's ecumenical. Thank you, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Representing a number of different Christian churches. Ecumenical. Yeah, I am too. And a non-believer. I'm like Frederick Hayek. Everything I value is only found in Judeo-Christian cultures. And so if you want to get rid of the Jews and the Christians, I'm going to be in your way.
Starting point is 00:38:56 By the way, someone wrote in the comments the other day that Sevan is still a libtard. He just parades as a libertarian, so Greg will be his friend. Wow. a libtard he just parades as a libertarian so greg will be his friend wow you know you hang out you hang out with with uh someone with a mature worldview long enough and you're just going to see enough instances of you know where someone goes, hey, watch this. Look how this turns out. You go, well, fuck it. Yeah, of course it did. My contractors tell me about a guy that he was getting
Starting point is 00:39:31 complaints of road rage on the guy. He's like a Vietnam vet, a good dude and all, great on the job, but people were calling he tried to kill me and pulled me out of my car. He said he'd had two or three of those. And we finally got him to stop. And I go, you had to fire him for something else though, right?
Starting point is 00:39:53 And he's, oh, my God, how did you know? Guy's laboring under pronounced character flaw. What do you mean you had to fire him for something else i wasn't able to follow that what do you mean by that i just it just you know he wasn't saying that we got rid of him over that i was like yeah this there's a problem with this guy it's gonna show up somewhere else oh right right right okay like you know we had the leak in this house here and the uh uh contractor called his roofer and the roofer went went on the wayback machine or google earth you google earth and he turned the time back on it i didn't even know you could do that and he watched
Starting point is 00:40:34 the building of this house and what he detected what he saw is that the orange membrane to seal the deck only half of it had been put down when the Tylers came and then he watched the box of of membrane disappear from the job site and so they said he says when you pull that deck up it's only half orange membrane so I was like I'll be goddamn that's something else so I go tell you what we got two other decks. You got to break into them and look. And they go, you got no leak. I go, let's see what we got. So we tore into the one on the girl's side of the house upstairs, and we filled a 40-yard dumpster with black rotten wood.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Wow. Now, what led me there was that the character flaw that cheated the proper construction somewhere will manifest itself countless places at least where the where the where those guys are concerned where that sub is junction boxes with no cover full of water right you know like okay the electricians also got the got the bad work ethic i just had my skateboard uh uh ramp rebuilt i got the skateboard ramp on my driveway it's like probably like a seven to ten thousand dollar ramp by the time you get it in and have it assembled you had to to re-skin it, Seth?
Starting point is 00:42:05 No. So that's what's interesting. So there's a masonite on top, right? There's stuff called skate light that's crazy expensive. It's like $500 or $600 a sheet. And so they pulled all that up, and that was fine. And underneath, all the plywood had rotted. And my neighbor next door who's a contractor is like, hey, watch this.
Starting point is 00:42:23 He's like, I'm going to build your ramp better than before. And my neighbor next door is a contractor. He's like, hey, watch this. He's like, I'm going to build your ramp better than before. He relayed all the plywood, and then he spent $300 buying gallons of this stuff that he said waterproof would so well you could build a shower out of it. He's like, this could be now a shower bed. What is it? Can you do the commercial? What's that shit?
Starting point is 00:42:37 I'll ask him. It's pink. Thompson's water seal? No, no, no. It's pink. Whatever it is, it's pink it's it's whatever it is it's pink and um caleb you know they bend they make commercial buildings with with sheet metal you know instead of studs right you think someone would do that in skate ramps you could do the
Starting point is 00:42:56 whole thing in the factory all the bending cad cam it all out right so you skate on metal yeah just no you put that put that shit over the metal oh oh yeah probably lasts a lot longer too hey anyway then they put the masonite down in the ramps better new and so he same thing when i moved into this house brand new i don't know if you remember this but when they pulled up my floors because there was a broken pipe underneath it and i'm on a slab they said oh, we're lucky we did this. I said, why? They said they put the membrane on upside down that goes between the slab and the hardwood floor. They're like, this whole house would have filled with black mold in a couple of years.
Starting point is 00:43:39 We've been asking our builder for recommendations for subs on the current house. You know, like, like hey who's your electrician who's the roofer and his the talent around john schultz um is amazing it's a it's a curation of 30 years of collecting the best subs across the spectrum that can be found. Really impressive. Is John Schultz the guy who brought the pool from Europe? Yeah, for a customer, yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:22 That's when you talked about building the uh you know the steel frame for underneath the skateboard ramp i thought about that pool that's a crazy story entire can you find that caleb see if they like look up glass pool or it'll probably just be with you it was just a single mold pool. Yeah. Single piece of construction glass, I believe. And it cracked and it delayed the home start. And you can't, did they save it? I forget the story. Did they save the pool? No, I think it had to be done again.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Holy shit. And they sent the pool back, right? I don't remember all the details but i thought i thought you told me they wanted to analyze it so that maybe they sent it back they might have sent someone out i forget oh yeah that's right that is what you said yeah yeah not one like that no no greg has greg's buddy built a house that had a pool that was just basically a giant glass bowl that was brought from italy and put it in the castle up on the hill. Remember above the house we used to rent castle up there.
Starting point is 00:45:32 And that was, uh, uh, Curt, uh, Holland's job. It had to pull over the living room or something. Yeah. Yeah. And you could, and the ceilings were high, you know, 15, 20 feet, but it was the bottom of a pool and it was super bright and amazing skylight. But you could actually see a bee on top of the water through the water in the glass 15 feet up. Wow, that's crazy. Did you ever go in that house and see that place completed? No. I wonder about it though often often that was fun when we stayed up there yeah i'd like to see that yeah i think it's something like that but big oh that's cool damn
Starting point is 00:46:14 that takes balls to do that okay so that guy brett so everyone go see the movie if you haven't seen it yet no safe spaces you'll be so happy you saw it. It's a it's a great. It's a great movie Anyway, this is Brett Brett Weinstein. He's one of the main characters in the movie he was a extremely Extremely far-leaning left professor at Evergreen College and here he is now talking to Tucker Carlson far-leaning left professor at evergreen college and here he is now uh talking to um tucker carlson but look at look at there there's some of your friends in these pictures by the way
Starting point is 00:46:50 who they call kind of like the the dream team if people somehow put aside the obvious danger their ability to earn and maybe to their lives of saying what needs to be said, then we greatly outnumber those we are pitted against. They are ferociously powerful, but I would also point out this interesting error. So I call the force that we're up against Goliath, just so I remember who the battle is. Goliath made a terrible mistake, and it made it most egregiously during COVID, which is it took all of the competent people, took all of the courageous people, and it shoved them out of the institutions where they were hanging on. And it created, in so doing, the dream team.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Created every player you could possibly want on your team to fight some historic battle against a terrible evil. All of those people are now at least somewhat awake. They've now been picked on by the same enemy. And yeah, all right, we're outgunned. It has a tremendous amount of power, but we've got all of the people who know how to think. So I hate to say it, or maybe I like to say it,
Starting point is 00:48:15 but I don't think it's a slam dunk, but I like our odds. Yes, if people... Do you think that... We have two things on our side that are important. The truth? Three things. But
Starting point is 00:48:38 it's a smarter crowd on the right. Right. For every guy in overalls missing teeth, for all those people that fit the stereotype, and hell, you might even put Trump in that category, there's at least one Joe Biden. For every how many? What are the odds? Every Trump, there's at least one Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Right. So the left's sense of being smarter than the right is a complete illusion. And at the highest reaches, the Roger Kimballs are smarter than any liberal. By a long shot. William F. Buckley, smarter than any liberal. So you get the truth, the brains, the guns. The truth, the brains, and the guns guns those are the three pieces those are this so i mean if if there is serious about their hatred of us as they claim to be if they really want to disenfranchise a candidate in the name of democracy through bullshit, spurious litigation and criminal charges.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Feels like feels like civil war. They got a movie coming out. I'm going to vote for Trump because they want to take him off the ballot. So I can't vote for him. Right. Otherwise, I'd never vote for him. I'm an RF vote for Trump because they want to take him off the ballot so I can't vote for him. Right. Otherwise, I'd never vote for him. I'm an RFK Jr. guy. I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:50:32 What do you think of his running mate? Who's that? She was married to that Google dude for 15 years. That's what I think. That must have been weird. Nicole Shanahan is her name? Yeah. I don't know anything about her. Who is she married to? Like Larry Page or something? I know that must have been weird. Nicole Shanahan is her name. Yeah. I don't know anything about her.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Who is she married to? Like Larry Page or something? I know that. Say that again, Greg. She grew up in poverty in Oakland. Father to the drug problem. Single mom. I mean, she's a hardworking gal.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Here's the thing. What I know about her is that he picked her. And so I assume that she's a person of intelligence and values because I know he is. Shanahan, 38, is a California lawyer, philanthropist who has never held elected office. She – and this is the CNN, of course. AP News. Oh, this is AP. Okay. Kennedy's campaign has spooked Democrats who are fighting third-party options that could draw support from President Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Without the backing of a party, Kennedy faces an arduous task to get on the ballot with varying rules across 50 states. He has secured access to the ballot in Utah. He and an allied super PAC American values 2024. What's a super PAC? I think it's a way of raising money for politicians that helps you work around rules that limit how much people can donate. So basically, I think there's limits on, I don't know this for a fact, maybe Greg will clear it up but um there's limits to how much money you can donate to a candidate and so these independent super packs are formed and then you can donate as much money as you want to them but then they end up with all the influence something and they and they they have to maintain a firewall between
Starting point is 00:52:20 themselves and the campaign and I know in the case of RFK Jr., they've done a tremendous job of that. I've spoken with both, and they don't talk. Seema Beaver, she would come into Lululemon in Palo Alto and buy $10,000 worth of clothes at once. One time I told her orange wasn't a good look for her, and she
Starting point is 00:52:43 said thank you. Wow. That's only six pairs of pants that's great what an amazing thing to tell someone where where is that that is that the lululemon that's oh no i don't know where that what's the one that's across the street from the apple store what city is that the apple store we used to go to is that palo alto or what city was that the The one just right over the hill. And there's a piece of my heart there.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Los Gatos. All right. Oh, Seval Vartanian. It's a legalized form of buying favors from your candidate if she wins or he wins. That's probably a more accurate. Mr. Soros is a big super
Starting point is 00:53:26 pack guy alright she was very generous with all her friends she would just buy people stuff all the time give me a hundred dollar tip at the cash register wow sounds like someone else I know who would go to Lululemon and buy stuff for all his friends
Starting point is 00:53:42 and then tip the cashier. Thank you. I made many a run to Lululemon with a bunch of people with Greg. Never know when you're going to need some ABC pants. What are those? We got seated. We got.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I got into Ocean 44 here last night with eight of my kids. You have eight kids? I have eight of them here. Eight of ten. Yeah. Still nine, but it's brewing. Wow. How was that?
Starting point is 00:54:26 How was dinner? How was the crew? It was cool. Two grandmothers too, right? Eight kids, two grandmothers? Yeah, yeah. But I got in with hardly a notice. And, you know, it's just so unlikely to be able to pull that off.
Starting point is 00:54:42 And they were so accommodating and put us in the private room. And the wait staff was incredible. And I don't know, it inspired a 100% tip on what was an outrageous bill. But I got the means to do it. And I want them to know I appreciate it. And I want to go back. I'd like to, on a day's notice, be
Starting point is 00:55:03 able to get 12 people into a restaurant where otherwise it wasn't going to happen. And you form these relationships over time, and they're super valuable. We would be foolish to, you know, I mean, look at what we have going at Cilantro's. Yeah. Do you remember Puerto La Boca in San Diego? Yep. We showed up there one time with 14 people, and the waiter that loved us eventually ended up an owner of the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:55:41 But, Caleb, they actually were moving people that were eating. Seriously. restaurant but caleb they actually were moving people that were eating and it was like get your spaghetti and come with me or whatever you know you guys can sit at the bar we need this yeah they were moving people there's people working their fork and i felt so bad for them we bought their meal oh awesome you want to be disruptive to that extent yeah Yeah, of course. I'm sure they appreciated that after the fact. I'm good for that. If you want to pay for my meal, I'll move halfway through it. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:16 You're not going to like these next two stories, but there's hundreds of them. One time, it may have been at Puerto La Boca. I can't remember, but it was when the partnership with Reebok first started, and there were 15 of us who went to dinner. I can't remember the bill, but it was expensive. It was like 2,500 or $3,500. And, um, Greg tipped the lady the same amount as the cost of the dinner. And of course, none of us knew that until the waitress came back crying. I don't know if you remember this, Greg, and she was a single mother and her car had just broken down and she had no idea how she was going to pay for it and it was it it was intense she was walking to work with a with a car in the shop wow and then another time it's slightly different um this time he paid for a whole restaurant's
Starting point is 00:57:02 foods um everyone's bill at the entire restaurant which was less than our meal of 12 people. It was at the Silver Spur. And Greg and I walked in there and it was like six in the morning and it was just Greg and I. And I shit you not, I bet you 60 guys from ICE. Every single table in the place was filled with ICE. And when we left, Greg paid for their bill. And then the commander chased us out and gave Greg a hat that Greg gave to me.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Do you remember that one? Yeah, I remember Linda asked us, rest in peace, if we would talk to her staff and let them know that they weren't there for them. Oh, that's right. The cooks were taking the burglar bars off the windows and we're going to leave. That's right.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I forgot about that. Yes. I went in and told the kitchen, no, no, no. These are for the Mooey Mao. Not you guys. The Mooey Mao. I forgot about that part. That was crazy. They were tripping. Yeah, you gave it to me.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Yeah, that was cool. Hey, those guys had a neat story story they had a guy that was on their fugitive list and they were getting ready to take him away and he pulled him aside and he said that the girl in there will kill my son and so they went and they
Starting point is 00:58:20 ran her she had no wants but they knew her they could find enough about her to know she'll probably kill the kid wow so they unhooked him and took her for a drive and gave him a chance to flee and he was actually he was a he was a fugitive but he was wanted for chicken compared to what the this lady was into they had a couple cool stories like that right like basically like it's hard work and these are honest men trying to do good things for people but they weren't going to take some father away from his son and so they
Starting point is 00:59:00 they got and they also said they they weren't just scooping up illegals like you had to do some bad shit like some really bad shit these guys had come from seven different states and descended on watsonville you know i mean it was it these were for night raids right they said they started at midnight for night raids they started at midnight or something and then we ran into them at six in the morning at the end of their shift or some shit hey i, I was in Kauai when the feds showed up, and they served like a dozen federal warrants, felony murder warrants. So we had a dozen murderers just chilling on – hanging 10. On the plane, did you say? No, hanging 10. On the plane, did you say? No, hanging 10.
Starting point is 00:59:46 The guys – active murder warrants that had to be served on my little kawaii. Jeez. Does RFK even – he doesn't – does he even stand a chance? Does he even get 1% of the votes? I wouldn't think so. I don't know though. I think he's got a formula of like if he can get 15% from both candidates, he'll have more than them or some magical number. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I don't know. It makes the lesser of two evils feel fun to go for a long shot, who I think is an honorable man and, more importantly, capable of learning. I would imagine he has probably a better shot than previous independents. And you know what? We haven't seen how bad Joe and Donald are going to be, too. How what they're going to be? How bad.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Oh, oh. Like in their age? Or are you just in what they're going to be? No, just in that grab-em-by-the-pussy moment. And Biden, he might molest a little girl smelling her hair. I don't know. Anything's possible. There'd be no surprises
Starting point is 01:01:08 except for anything that looked like intelligence coming out of either one of them. That would be a fucking shock. If Donald Trump were to... He won't even read smart stuff that smart people could write for. JFK won't?
Starting point is 01:01:25 Doesn't either. Have you heard it? Sorry, RFK. It says he's running at 10%. 10% of the nation's vote. That's bigger than I thought. My fantasy is that he truly is taking away votes from Joe, so I'm in.
Starting point is 01:01:45 God, it's crazy. All the left-wing outlets just fucking hate him. Listen to the insane shit they say. I told the Super PAC folks I'll be back. Have you met him, Greg? Yeah. Where did you meet him again? Zoom calls.
Starting point is 01:02:07 But after Marie Carpenter wrote that piece on me, he called me out of the blue. Oh, years ago. Years ago. He got Ralph Nader to call me, too. Oh, shit. It was funny. He came on the phone. He said, hi, this is Bobby Kennedy.
Starting point is 01:02:28 And I was like, I just recognized the voice. It's like, wow. And I didn't care, but all I could think of was, I wonder how he got my phone number. Oh, yeah. Did you ever find out how? No, but it was interesting. But I know, I now, like, I think Emily can get anyone I can point to put them on the phone. That's a good person to have. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Journalists, journalists are good that way. Right. Sean Sullivan, RFK's VP is a left wing crazy person. Oh, no. That's a bummer. We'll look into it. But you know what? I mean, if that's whatever it takes to get rid of Joe. There's a lot of crazy people in the Bay Area.
Starting point is 01:03:14 I mean, a lot. How the fuck did Gavin... I mean, here's the proof of it. How did Gavin Newsom not get recalled after 2 million signatures? Hey, do you think – I heard this thing the other day that just Joe doesn't even know either, that when they take him to the border, they clean up the border so he doesn't see the problem. Or the same way – you know how Gavin Newsom was in Target and those boys were stealing all that shit. They're leaving, and uh he says what the fuck's going on here you think these people are just oblivious they're just protected from it you think they're in denial or oblivious or don't think it's bad the problem they don't care they just don't care
Starting point is 01:04:02 get elected being elected is all they care about. Yeah, it's not their problem. What were Pelosi and Gavin doing during the lockdown? They were visiting their favorite restaurants as if business as usual. Were they wearing masks only in public you know not even that not even that just for the photo shoot as soon as the photo shoots were over they would pull them down this is this is the ideology that can't believe that the first amendment that the framers would have intended for the First Amendment to hamstring government.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I know you're referencing about the Supreme Court justice, right? I am indeed. Terrifying thing to hear a Supreme Court justice utter. Terrifying. There were a thousand Court justice utter. Terrifying. There were a thousand comments that said that's exactly what it's for. You know why? Because that's exactly what it was for. It wasn't to protect me from my next door neighbor that's trying to get me to shut up. Do you remember during COVID when Newsom said, they asked him, hey, why aren't you releasing the truth about COVID?
Starting point is 01:05:27 And he said because the public's not smart enough to process it, so we're just telling them what to do. I mean he just straight-up said it. They're just not – the public's not smart enough. There was a – sorry, WAD Zombies. Oh, does Greg use a bidet? If I'm there, I will. You have nothing against a bidet. But you're not addicted to them. You don't need it. No, but I...
Starting point is 01:06:02 You know, I think I told you. I heard Kid Rock was asked by Stern what the best parts of being rich were. He just instantly said it was his Pilates and his toilet. The airplane and the toilet. I laughed. That's all it takes, right? That's all a man needs. There's a lot there CrossFat RFK will likely get 3-10% Of the popular vote
Starting point is 01:06:29 It gives voters an out When one of the other two win To take no responsibility Isn't that what they always say The Democratic National Committee Did not give RFK a fair shot At getting on the ballot as a Democrat nominee Same thing that RNC did with Ron Paul way back when.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I don't really want Tulsi to be Trump's running mate. She talks too slow for me. She's the only person who talks slower than RFK. She's good, though. I she's she's good though i agree she's good i agree she just talks so slow god i don't it's gonna be hard to find someone for trump i um i was dumb in 92 and voted for Bush Ross Perot was a prophet Hey why do you think it's going to be hard
Starting point is 01:07:28 Like someone just for him to I do like Tulsi I just in all the interviews I'm like yo girl Spit that shit out Why do you say that Greg Just for someone for him to get along with Who's going to be able to deal with him Like managing him is going to be harder than managing the country?
Starting point is 01:07:47 Well, you know, you want to balance the ticket, right? So he's from New York, so you might want, say, an intelligent, rational conservative from California. There may be no such thing. I don't know. Or they would be also willing to hang out with him. there may be no such thing. I don't know. Or that we'd be also willing to hang out with him. If you balance him out, you find
Starting point is 01:08:12 something that just probably couldn't tolerate him. Look, I don't know what he's like in private, but his public persona is disgusting. The deplorable comment, I didn't think it was directed at him. At us, I thought it was directed at him. Oh, Hillary's comment.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Uh-huh. I hated it because I knew what she was talking about. I find her deplorable as well, but she's on the end. Pence was good until he wasn't. I mean, he was a good soldier up until the end, right? He hung in there. He destroyed Kamala in the debates. He was a gentleman.
Starting point is 01:09:02 He was a gentleman. No, you don't think so? Kamala. I don't think it was hard to destroy Kamala in the debates I mean He's poised But the only thing is When I hear Malcolm X talk about the white devil And close my eyes I see Mike Pence unfortunately
Starting point is 01:09:20 But maybe I would give I'd give the Biden campaign 10 grand if Kam i would give the uh i'd give the biden campaign 10 grand if kamala would do the venn diagram thing in my living room with my friends and for i'd give him i'd give him 50 grand if she'd do the yellow bus thing too the electrical buses no yellow buses yeah i think that was the one about she talks about them being electric too right no no i didn't hear that part oh she talks about i'm a kamala expert i think i've hunted down everything she said i love listening to her talk
Starting point is 01:09:57 dude wouldn't that be so funny for your birthday if like some people get magicians some people get bands and you're like okay everyone we have kamala hair she's gonna do when she starts with you know the three circles i want i want to shit myself that's right there i just think that's so fucking good you can't you can't make that shit up you can't spoof her her caricature of her becomes an impersonation. Kamala Harris mocked for gushing over a yellow school bus. They really can't let her talk in public. Oh, can we hear some of it?
Starting point is 01:10:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Please. You can't if you love a yellow school bus, right? There's something about the, and most of us, many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? And it's part of, it's part of our experience growing up. It's part of, you know, a nostalgia and a memory of, of the excitement and joy of going to school, to be with your favorite teacher, to be with your best friends and to learn wow it's like she's celebrating it's like she got a new dildo it's so wonderful and she does it she's done it several times that's a regular riff so she has these she has these ups that she does
Starting point is 01:11:22 She has these ups that she does. And yellow buses is one. The Venn diagram thing is another. The other one I can't remember. It's such a weird turn of phrase. What is it? The historical thing. Oh.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Don't let his change what could be. Yeah. I Googled that shit, too, to see if it actually had any me You know, it's really interesting Greg You've had a very close relationship with my wife for 20 years now and all of a sudden in the last two years I saw it really develop around Kamala Harris content and October 6th or 7th content. It's why you guys have probably all of a sudden upped your whole relationship has changed. You guys love the Kamala Harris stuff, and you guys are very eye-to-eye on the slaughtering of Jews.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Yeah, just some of those threads I've been on. I'm like, wow, look at these two. Bonding over fucking Kamala Harris content and slaughtering of Jews. You guys love Kamala, and you guys don't content and slaughtering of Jews. You guys don't like, you guys love Kamala and you guys don't like the slaughtering of Jews. You guys are really bonded on those subjects. I, I,
Starting point is 01:12:34 I find it unbelievable that she's gotten as far as she has. And it was, it was unexplainable to me until I heard Victor Davis Hanson explain it. Victor David Hanson explain it. And he said that she came of age politically in the post-retail politics era of California politics.
Starting point is 01:12:58 There's no debate, no tough reporter questions. The party picks the candidate and the candidate will win. And so you can pick a fool, a person who's absolutely incapable of expressing coherent thought publicly. It's the Chauncey Gardner thing. Remember that being there? No. It's a great movie. Dumb and Dumber, the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Starting point is 01:13:32 book of stupid quotes. Oh, wow. Wow. Tell me, why do I know the name Chauncey Gardner? Why doesn't that... The movie was being there. Pull that up. It was really good. And forget the guy. I think he got Best Actor for it. But it was
Starting point is 01:13:50 a guy who's a complete idiot. Oh, that's right. Speaks these fucking worthless platitudes and it's seen as significant. Peter Sellers. Yeah, that's who it was. It's a good matchup.
Starting point is 01:14:08 That would make for a nice evening to watch, being there. Damn, Greg. 1980, for fuck's sake. What's the Idiocracy? Is that what it's called? Oh, yeah. That's depressing. That's a great movie.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Watch that in Requiem for a Dream and put a gun in your mouth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember my concept of therapy by cinema? Yes. We pulled Brian out of a deep clinical depression with Requiem for a Dream.
Starting point is 01:14:41 The next day he felt the burden lifted. It was like shock therapy. That's how bad, that's how depressing that movie is. Rob Smith, one of the reasons Democrats don't have to do much for the black vote is because they know they can use rappers like Glorilla Pimp to push their agenda while really offering no solutions or plans. By the way, the Republicans use their influence in very similar ways this this clip is gonna blow you away this
Starting point is 01:15:11 is cnn i just whenever i see clips like this and i see stuff like this happening on news stations i kind of get embarrassed for um because you remember like when we grew up greg our parents like watch the evening news do you remember that like they'd'd have Walter Cronkite and shit on, right? Can you imagine your dad seeing this now on the news? Wouldn't you be so embarrassed that he would have to watch this? Listen to this. This is wild. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Talk to you about what they wanted politically. Did they want your endorsement? They want you to help people get out the vote. Hey, you know, that ain't got nothing to do with me. You know what I'm saying like i'm just living my life like it's golden living my life like it's golden but you know i'm not going you know what i'm saying but i love the president you know what i'm saying i love everybody and it's the end of the day that they gotta end if you ever wonder why uh democrats don't really
Starting point is 01:16:01 think that they have to do anything for the Black community. If you ever wonder why the left and Democrats and all of them never really do anything for the Black community, it's because they know that they can get barely literate rappers like Glorilla, you know, to go to the White House, take a little selfie with Biden so that they can just go ahead and continue to push their propaganda to the people. To me, if you're a thinking Black person and you see something like this, it honestly should really offend you. And it should even furthermore offend you that you've got a major news network that is giving this low-level illiterate rapper a platform to talk about politics. Look, Joe Biden and these Democrats and Corinne Jeanumper and all
Starting point is 01:16:45 of these people know that they have to do absolutely nothing for the Black community. Why? Because they have already co-opted the entertainment industry, the music industry, all of the poison that they push out to Black people. They know that they can just pick a rapper and bring her to the White House and get her to take a selfie with Kamala or get her to take a selfie with Joe Biden, and then that's all they have to do for the black vote. It's actually really pathetic. You can't even believe that's real, right?
Starting point is 01:17:17 At the end of the day. What's the fellow's name? Rob Smith, is it? Yeah, Rob Smith, yeah. Yeah, you know, he's not a black man on CNN. Right, they don't, right. They won't put a guy like that on. Unless you're speaking Ebonics and you're aggrieved, you're not going to be seen on CNN.
Starting point is 01:17:40 You know what's crazy? In other words, if you leave the plantation, you're no longer black. Right. And Biden said it fundamentally as much. You're not voting for him, you're not a black man. Do they not vet their guests on CNN? Like, how did that chick get on there? Dude, she's a half-wit.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Hey, how about P. Diddy? Yeah, what happened? Is he... Once again, every article I read just seemed like slander. Like, I want to know exactly what he did. I want to see – show me the fucking picture. What was claimed in the civil cases is tantamount to violation of federal law for which there's no statute of limitations. federal law for which there's no statute of limitations.
Starting point is 01:18:45 If there's any merit to these civil cases, it's just like R. Kelly. Is there a video of him doing any of this? Is there any proof? If there was and he was stupid enough to keep it, they have it now.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Did he or didn't he? There's another piece Did he or didn't he? Jake Chapman. That's good. And you know, there's another piece that could be... What if this has something to do with the trial in Vegas of the guy for killing Tupac? What would you tell me? What's the connection there? Well, who was it? Fitty Scented said that Diddy or Puffy lined up Tupac, laughed about it.
Starting point is 01:19:35 I mean, that's what this guy that's on trial has been bragging, that it wasn't. Isn't that the story, that P. Diddy ordered the hit? I think I have heard that but once again i i just feel like it's all um it's like it's there's it's just all hearsay it's all just finger pointing just like just liberal slander trial i forget his name, Keithy something, whatever. Uh-huh. He had proffered some kind of statement with LAPD where they promised immunity if you just
Starting point is 01:20:14 tell them what happened. So yeah, we fucking shot him, man. You know? And that was one of the other murders. But anyways, he told the cops what happened. And the deal was only good if he didn't tell anyone else.
Starting point is 01:20:36 And then he put it in his book. And so now it's fair game. So he's got his hands full. What was the guy's name? Remember? I'll say the wrong I'll say the wrong rapper. Explosive audio submitted as evidence
Starting point is 01:20:57 involvement in Tupac Shakur's murder. Explosive audio recordings have been submitted to court as evidence in the murder case of iconic rapper Tupac Shakur implicating hip-hop mogul P. Diddy. Oh, so it is that? It is the murder case? In the assassination, yeah. Yeah, I was thinking that in the sex trafficking, at some point— This is just from a little while—last month.
Starting point is 01:21:19 The audio features Dwayne Keefie Davis. Yeah. Uh-oh, Houston. We're back. The audio features Dwayne Keefy Davis, a West Coast gangster, a suspect in Tupac's murder, boasting about Diddy allegedly orchestrating the hit on the rap legend. The chilling two-hour and 25-minute secret police interview
Starting point is 01:21:41 took place in 2008 with LAPD with Keefy D. He claimed that Diddy offered him $1 million for Tupac's assassination. Yep. That's what he said. He had a personal gripe because his nephew got beat up, but he knew he could get that million dollars.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Tupac was shot on the evening of September 7, 1996 while driving to a club with Suge Knight. Despite Keefie D's claims of his involvement, Diddy's alleged connection to the murder remains unproven. Damn. damn I wonder when P did his last album I wonder when his last album I can see him being
Starting point is 01:22:32 removing stuff from a hard drive that they get oh you think that has that audio hey I can't even share a screen anymore. Did you know? Oh, there we go. There it is. Damn, that took forever.
Starting point is 01:22:49 That was weird. He was freaking out while they were raiding his home. Did you see the video of that? No. Did you see the video of that? No. His pacing, and he's on the phone, and you could just feel the anguish.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Where was he? He wasn't there, was he? No, he was somewhere near the airport. Yeah, didn't he fly to Africa or something? Oh, here we go you you found it caleb yeah damn caleb what's your cat's name this is pam she got pawned off on us by uh my in-laws found out that they were deathly allergic and so we're like do you guys want a cat?
Starting point is 01:23:45 And he said, sure. So now we have Pam. I've taken a liking to cats, and it's kind of a new thing for me. I mean, I've always been nice to them. I'm not a cat hater, but I never fully enjoyed them until I got rid of the cat at Santa Cruz and the rats took over. Oh, yeah. Totally. It's really nice to have her around.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Cats are a must for a farm or barn. Absolutely. And they're so low maintenance. You don't have to do anything. Just chill. Great. Following breaking news of Diddy's Loseles miami home being raided by federal agents on monday tmz obtained footage capturing around 3 p.m pacific standard time that shows
Starting point is 01:24:30 embattled music executive casually pacing outside of customs office in miami opa laka executive airport according to an eyewitness puff and a few others stopped by the feds stopped by the feds at the airport after which members from the department of homeland security arrived in the footage which can be seen below did he is neither in custody nor is detained he is merely walking by himself damn oh so he's stressed to the max you know the the conspiracy theories are saying that um he they he's that they've been using him all along as a pawn that since 1996 or 98 that they've been using him all along as a pawn that since 1996 or 98 that they've told him, hey, we have proof that you did it
Starting point is 01:25:11 and so now you're going to be a good boy and listen to us. So he's been some sort of pawn forever. Whatever. I've seen no proof of that, but that's been something that's out there. You know, when you look at the path of Michael Jackson that's been something that's out there. You know, when you look at kind of the
Starting point is 01:25:25 path of Michael Jackson and R. Kelly, look where this P. Diddy thing could go. Sex trafficking or murder, those are the allegations. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:25:48 They're making Kanye look normal. It's probably the most normal one out there. One of my favorites. What a waste. one of my favorites what a waste I see things like this and I wonder about like so you were talking about how RFK
Starting point is 01:26:14 like once you crack the dam the whole thing starts to sort of unfold right before your eyes you start seeing like hey this then this then this and you start basically getting red pilled right the phenomenon of getting red-pilled. Okay, listen to this lady. There are no abortion clinics at the border.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Here we go. You got abortion clinics at the border? They're telling us as American women, specifically Black American women, we need to abort our children. But if you're coming across the border with your baby, oh, come to the land land of milk and honey the great land of opportunity will take care of you joe biden even said i'll give illegal immigrants coming across more than four hundred thousand dollars a piece can you imagine if they were to go to that black single mother living in the hood not even four hundred thousand dollars offer four thousand because i know some black women that can make something jump with four thousand offer her forty thousand you know why they'll never give
Starting point is 01:27:12 us that because they know that we'll never need them again welfare reminds me of an old man i used to date i was in a relationship with him for 11 years he would never marry me right but whenever my bills were due i would tell him he would give me just enough he had a whole lot of, he would never marry me, right? But whenever my bills were due, I would tell him he would give me just enough. He had a whole lot of money. He would give me just enough. Rent due, $1,200. He'd give me $1,200, not one cent over because he knew that every month the rent was due that I would have to come back to him. He wouldn't give me $100,000 and say, here, baby, bump that.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Go buy you a house and start you a business because then he felt like I i wouldn't need him the government system is the same way when it comes to black americans they'll never give us enough to get over and get up it's only enough to make sure we continue to come back every 30 days so that we can remain slaves to their system they don't got abortion she's kind of she's a little confused she's conflating stuff. She's great. But she's close, man. She's great. It's profound. It's fundamentally correct. Why nitpick? Do you know why
Starting point is 01:28:16 Asians have had the problem I can't get into Harvard. They don't count as a minority. You know what their sin is? Being too smart too smart no there's not enough of them it's not enough and so it's not it's not they're not they're not they're not an appropriate target for the government largesse that buys votes and destroys people's lives. We could create, if you, you know, if you give me the money and I'll show you how to create fatherless homes, high unemployment, and fill the jails all with Asians.
Starting point is 01:29:02 There's a way to do that. And what you have to do is you have to pay them just like she was talking about the rent. Treat Asians just like you do black people. And pretty soon they'll suffer from what look like the discrepancies of race hey i i think that hajian hajian hate movement was a seed planted in that right hey we're gonna you guys should start playing the victim too i think that that whole campaign was it was the planting the seeds for that you know what thomas uh so well said also about the asians versus the plight of uh the melanated is the
Starting point is 01:29:46 melanated people went into politics to try to solve their problems and the asians didn't because they weren't allowed to and so they put their head down and just started working and and so that became a cultural difference that this sort of like hey uh it's kind of like what you said about obamacare oh guys you better take full responsibility and accountability for yourself fucking hospitals and medicine's about to take a shitter and that's what asians did with their life and now you know on average they make twice as much as white people in the united states you know who else you know who else makes a shit ton of money and i i don't remember the exact
Starting point is 01:30:22 but they they stand out like like jews and and and chinese immigrants with i do know it's it's uh nigerians native uh nigerians i think it is yep yep yep i think that they are the single most kicking ass yeah yeah hey but they're not considered black either by the left, just so you know. They're Africans. I could take my eight kids and put four of them on the plantation, make the other four go out to work and fend for themselves, and you'd be able to see the difference in their outcomes at 40 years of age. This could be done to anybody.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Right. What are the Nigerians doing to make money? You know what? Business. And ironically also, they're all crazy highly educated. Like there's a crazy amount of nigerian doctors and pharmacists and i met a guy that came over here with it was in a master's program in chemistry and he started driving a car at night and pretty soon he's doing
Starting point is 01:31:40 30 hours a week of chemistry and 40 hours a week of car driving and by the time he gets his phd in chemistry he's got like 40 cars he's running and when he's when he graduated he finally got the phd he couldn't afford to do chemistry he had a he had a business with this you know i can by the time we come around that kid's got 100 cars and people drive it. He doesn't even have to drive it. He's a limo tycoon. He can't afford to do the chemistry. I know two...
Starting point is 01:32:13 I know two Nigerians that figured out how to make money with Jesse Smollett. Jesse Smollett. I liked how they came clean. That was pretty funny. Oh, yeah. It funny oh yeah quick too yeah it was so good he paid us uh greg do you know anything about fenbendazole for cancer treatment fenbendazole well the fenbendazole was initially formulated
Starting point is 01:32:45 for veterinary use, preliminary research suggests that fenbendazole may inhibit cancer cell growth and induce cancer cell death through various mechanisms such as disruption of microtubule formation and inhibition of glucose uptake. Evan Brand Is that the new ivermectin? Is that what that is? Hey, did you see the three-judge panel that ruled against the FDA and their statements around ivermectin? Did you catch that, El Malo Gato? I did see that. Was that a few months ago?
Starting point is 01:33:24 I don't know. I got see that. Was that a few months ago? I don't know. I got it yesterday. I think I pushed it to you and Matt maybe or someone. But I read it way too fast, entertaining or feeding the kids, and needed to look at it again. But I thought it was profound. It's funny when you Google it, it still says. They took down their tweets.
Starting point is 01:33:43 One was, come on, people, you're not a horse or a cow On the use of ivermectin That's right Hey listen When you google Ivermectin FDA The first thing that pops up is why you should not use Ivermectin to treat or prevent
Starting point is 01:34:01 But then if you scroll down a little You immediately get to you immediately get to uh you immediately get to the story of course has agreed to remove and stop reposting several social media messages suggesting ivermectin fda removing ivermectin social media posts and publications drugs some doctors use to treat COVID is intended for animals and not humans. The move settles a lawsuit filed by three doctors who accused the agency of hurting their medical practices. Oh, well, that's not the reason why I want it to be removed.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Let me see. Yeah, but the court ruled they were in the wrong. Okay, it wasn't the ruling the FDA was looking for. Right, right. Do you remember the ivermectin pharmaceutical plant that burned down during COVID? Do you remember that? Like in Taiwan or some shit? Wasn't that crazy? Do you remember that? Like in Taiwan or some shit? Wasn't that crazy?
Starting point is 01:35:07 Do you remember that story? Yeah. The FDA has already taken down, according to a settlement agreement, the FDA has already taken down a page that stated should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? No. It will also delete posts including one that reads you are not a horse, you are not a cow.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Seriously, y'all, stop it. According to a settlement agreement filed with federal court in southern texas fda will also remove another page titled why you should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent covid 19 within 21 days the article on the page further says ivermectin neither authorized or approved the use of the drug to prevent or treat covid 19s in humans or animals. For those of you who do not remember, there was no advice from any doctors or any politicians or anyone on any preventive care or any treatments that you could do by yourself. It was all run to CVS, get your swab and take your shot,
Starting point is 01:36:03 100% across the board. They were not allowed to offer any other therapies. Home therapies. Them taking this down in the face of litigation suggests that this was on the cusp of demonstrating ivermectin's effectiveness.
Starting point is 01:36:18 That's what was going on. That's the... It wouldn't be that it's still ineffective and you had to pull that shit down. They were looking at the filings and someone said, you know what? These fuckers are going to show that ivermectin
Starting point is 01:36:36 worked. Then what do we do? Well, then just invest in the production of ivermectin. I think that there's not a um i think the patent on it's over i don't think it's a profitable drug to make oh or like or a hugely profitable all right i'll take it back all right great show i don't trust i don't trust public health authorities on any subject. Not the efficacy or safety of any vaccine.
Starting point is 01:37:10 Nothing on nutrition. Nothing on exercise. Nothing. Nothing. It would be a combination of wrong or a lie. wrong or a lie they've gotten every important issue wrong I remember the most used drug in the US military it's been safe for 60 plus years I think the guy who invented it won the Nobel Prize. I think you're right, too. Are you sure it's not Motrin and not ivermectin? Ivermectin,
Starting point is 01:37:52 most used drug in the U.S. military? Ivermotrin? Hey, Greg, what microscope were you... Do you remember the name of it? I forget. You know, and i thought we'd ordered them even right that seems familiar i sometimes i order things in amazon i never hear anything i should dig through but the way to go is ones that broadcast the image to push the image to an
Starting point is 01:38:18 ipad you don't want to have the kid to fuck around with the ocular and all that shit have the james thurber story the experience of where he drew his eye in biology class he was looking in the microscope you're supposed to be looking at him and to teach you you've drawn your eyeball oh my goodness you did get do you remember the name of the company was it called but i'll look again i I'll look again. Okay. Cause I'd like to do that. Digital scope for iPad. I got a full color, uh, uh, beautiful, uh, vinyl periodic chart.
Starting point is 01:39:01 Oh, I saw a picture of that. Yeah, that was, oh wait, no. I saw the glass statue periodic chart black model i tell you getting a little boy interested in chemistry is about the easiest thing you'll ever do i mean we we were throwing sodium and water right looking at that and uh after the war uh the u.s military dumped dumped 20,000 pounds of sodium into a lake. And it was 1947. It's old black and white film.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Epic, epic pyrotechnics. But there's some really good videos of just throwing sodium into water. You know you got the kid when Rhett goes, wait, wait, dad, wait, wait, wait, wait. Back that up. He's getting closer. So I think he's seen half of the videos on sodium on YouTube. And we're just like doing an element of the day, right? look it breaks through the ice thick ice and then muffled explosion the music's great i love that
Starting point is 01:40:22 no the music and the voice are so... The same guy that narrated The Lone Ranger. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. ...thousand pounds of highly dangerous metallic sodium head for destruction in Lake Lenoir, Washington. The government surplus chemical ignites and explodes when wet. The alkali lake is devoid of fish and forms an admirable disposal spot. A 3,500 pound container of sodium
Starting point is 01:40:48 hurtles into the lake and crashes through a foot of ice. As the water seeps in, smoke rises through a series of muffled explosions. That's awesome. Objective conversation. I work for a telemedicine staffing agency and we work with companies that prescribed ivermectin and hydrochloroquine yeah i bet we did 500,000 consults with people and had zero negative effects brought to our attention wow miracle see here here again without without any evidence for its efficacy the behavior of those that are against it creates an enormous plausibility
Starting point is 01:41:41 like god these guys are acting like this works do you get that yeah yeah yeah yeah heidi karim this show is getting taken down so we might as well talk about whatever we want. Oops. You'd have to be an idiot to go by the World Health Organization. An idiot. An idiot. There's millions of them, dude. Millions. Of idiots?
Starting point is 01:42:24 Billions of people who follow the World Health Organization. Doctors. Millions of doctors. J. Wade, Tennessee affiliation owners heading to Santa Cruz for the first time today. Any recommendations for places to throw tea? Throw tea. What's going on? Do I need to go to Santa Cruz? Sure, come. What are they bringing people in
Starting point is 01:42:55 one state at a time? What's going on? No, I don't think CrossFit, I don't think this is a CrossFit HQ thing. I don't think CrossFit actually has a, considers Santa Cruz its home anymore. Tennessee affiliation owners heading to Santa Cruz. Jay, wait. I need more information.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Any recommendations? Give us some – make it enticing, and I'll get on a plane, and we'll go to Cilantro's. Well, that's enticing enough. Hey, go by the water. hang out by the water it's fun hey i'm going to home depot soon to do um my mom's getting what are those called those chairs you have them too they're different than yours i bet but uh we're going home to you adirondack Adirondack. Adirondack. Adirondack. Adirondack. Adirondack.
Starting point is 01:43:47 Adirondack. Get the plastic ones or the... I don't know. She just said to me, hey, last night I was at her house and she said, hey, can I come by your house in the morning and we go to Home Depot? I said, yeah, I need a can of paint from there anyway. Let's go. Get the plastic one. Your weather there, no wood will hold up oh right that makes sense
Starting point is 01:44:11 i got some wood ones with like a wicker backing there i already moved just from the move they already started falling apart it's kind of oh that's my me too my wife just said my son woke up and said his stomach was better and then he said it wasn't yeah i woke up this morning my stomach was fine and then all of a sudden it went to shit oh here uh oh here we go jay wade just to visit uh and coming for yosemite usa weightlifting masters nationals and my wife loves steinbeck oh that's cool hey you should if you're out in Steinbeck country, you should swing by the ranch. Reach out today. That's really neat.
Starting point is 01:44:48 I'm glad you asked. That's super cool. What are the dates? When are you there? Sounds like today, right? Was that the Tennessee affiliation owners heading to Santa Cruz the first time today? How long is he there?
Starting point is 01:45:03 Yeah, how long are you there? I got my kids here until the Portland kids go back on the 28th or 29th. Are you itching to come see me? I mean, to visit your house? Yeah. Yeah, come. Especially if the weather cooperates.
Starting point is 01:45:19 There you go. From today until Friday. Are you showing them the weather? Oh, okay. I want to look at the weather and see. God, dude. It's supposed to rain basically between until Saturday and then the sun's here.
Starting point is 01:45:32 Oh, shit. Next Friday, 71 degrees. All right. So starting Sunday, it's all good. Bring your kids, Greg. I'd be interested to get down to the boat in San Diego too, Sylvie. How's your wife?
Starting point is 01:45:46 Can she fly right now? Or is she too big? Yeah, she's great. Yeah. She can do everything. Is she nesting? Is she, is she nesting?
Starting point is 01:45:54 Is she, uh, want to stay home and like not move? You know, by home, I mean in the, in Arizona. Or is she up for a trip?
Starting point is 01:46:01 No, we're going, we're going, we've got some glamping thing this weekend that we're doing. In Arizona? Yeah. Wow. And we've got a Bora Bora trip and a Kauai trip.
Starting point is 01:46:14 And now she's not. You're still going to Bora Bora? Fuck yeah. Yeah, she's going. Wow. How far along is she in her pregnancy? We're due end of August.
Starting point is 01:46:34 Jeez Louise. I can fly also. Heidi will go if your wife can't go. Yeah. I was hoping she'd get so big that she'd slow down a little. Hey, this is funny.
Starting point is 01:46:50 If I was as rich as Greg, I would never glamp again. Listen, he would have never glamped before he had money. Now he has to do it. Greg never thought he'd glamp either. So I've got this giant... Greg would rather sleep in a rest area in his truck than fucking go glamping i've checked this out so we got we got this giant fifth wheel and i i would like to compete the fifth wheel against a uh big flatbed steak bed truck in and and bring like a mega tent, generators, flat screen TV, lazy boy chairs, awnings.
Starting point is 01:47:34 I think you could beat the luxury of any fifth wheel in what would take be a four-hour setup off the back of a flatbed truck. When you say you're going glamping, you're going in your fifth wheel? You're not going to one of those places? No, it's a setup. We're not bringing anything. Oh, okay. One of those big old dome tents that you can see through in the
Starting point is 01:47:58 night? I don't know. Yeah, absolutely. We have a lighted tent that has a rainfly that you can see stars, but the rain won't come through. Oh, that's amazing. That's such a beautiful sight. Do you think my kids would like being there? Where?
Starting point is 01:48:18 The Peter Sellers movie. I don't know. I remember seeing it as a kid and thinking it was so weird I didn't get it I didn't get it until just now when you said told me what it was about alright I'm off to Home Depot thanks for coming on
Starting point is 01:48:41 hey great to see everyone here Caleb good to hear your voice again see your face I hope Cilentro Home Depot. Thanks for coming on. Hey, great to see everyone here. Caleb, good to hear your voice again, see your face. I hope cilantro tortures you today. I hope it festers in your mind until you head to the airport. When can you
Starting point is 01:48:57 go to San Diego to get on a boat? There's only next month there's like a six-day window where i'm kind of stuck here and other than that i'm wide open i can move anything so they're outfitting the boat now with all the fishing stuff and we we put bike racks on it oh that's cool yeah super cool super cool all alright thank you alright buddy talk to you soon
Starting point is 01:49:26 bye I like that show yeah it's fun I feel like we covered a lot of topics today oh yeah went from black box summit to I feel like we covered a lot of topics today. Oh, yeah. Went from Black Box Summit to P. Diddy. I had to post something.
Starting point is 01:49:58 They were going to deactivate the old YouTube channel that I had that was the Josh, Matt, and Sevan channel, so I had to post something on there. Did what I post not work? Oh, did you post something yeah i just oh i posted something then again yesterday i fuck sorry i forgot that you did that well anyway and it's funny because people a bunch of people think like that that account's live again or that that's like a new video i want to see uh who's fighting in the UFC today. There's fights today? No, sorry. This Friday.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Oh, shit. God. I don't even know. The women's flyweight division is so weak. I don't even know who those two are. Yeah, me neither. Chris Weidman's fighting, though. Yeah, I see that.
Starting point is 01:50:42 And Vincent Luque and Joaquin Buckley. Those will be good. I can't believe Chris Weidman's fighting though Yeah I see that and Vincent Luque and Joaquin Buckley Those will be good I can't believe Chris Weidman's still fighting at all I know it's wild Who's fighting on the prelim card Oh the guy fighting the main event That Nate guy He's good
Starting point is 01:51:00 Oh Herbert Burns Is that Gilbert Burns' brother Jesus Looks like him Alright that'll be fun He's good. Oh, Herbert Burns. Is that Gilbert Burns' brother? Jesus. Looks like him. Geez. Yeah. All right. That'll be fun.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Is it? I hope it's at night. Okay. I did the news show yesterday for the first time in a long time. Yeah. How was it? I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I mean,
Starting point is 01:51:26 it's a lot of old news. Let me see what the comments say about it. Dang. You should see the picture that somebody just sent in our group chat. That's so good. I don't see it. It's in the... Is it writing? The writing?
Starting point is 01:52:00 No, no. It just got sent from the other group chat. Oh, oh. writing no no it just got sent from the other group chat oh oh oh shit that's dope wow all right let's post it hey this is so this is very interesting right here someone just sent this to us santa cruz california march 27 2024 crossfit llc has announced a plan to offer 50 10 000 crossfit foundation school fund grants in the first half of 2024 domestic and international schools that want to form non-profit affiliates for students since 2019 crossfit is awarded 57 grants okay you know what's so funny about this? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:52:46 God, I hope I... We know that healthier people make the world around them better. So our... I wonder if you can say that without getting canceled. So our goal is to bring the life-changing potential of CrossFit to more people in more ways, said Don Fall, CEO of CrossFit. Change happens at a local event, and these grants are helping schools introduce the concept of fitness for a lifetime to one child at a time.
Starting point is 01:53:10 So this is very misleading. There's a guy, Josh Murphy, that's been around since the fucking dawn of time with CrossFit. Did you meet Josh Murphy at Greg's house? Probably. I can't remember. Big beard, tall, strong as shit looking dude. I think he's a dude who puts on a 50-pound ruck and walks all night.
Starting point is 01:53:36 He's that kind of dude. Okay. He's been running the CrossFit Foundation in some iteration forever. He's been around since when Greg was building schools in Africa. And I think that when Greg sold the company, this foundation, Josh has basically just been running this foundation for Solo, separate from CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:54:06 I think. I think maybe Eric Rosa was a little bit interested in this thing, but this thing's just been sitting on $350,000 cash forever, I think. Really? Yeah. This is a total... This reminds me of the Health Summit.
Starting point is 01:54:30 Sitting on a gold mine, not doing anything with it i just feel like it's crossfit taking credit for something that's like this is like a little misleading god this i i bet you this you know what's funny i bet you this will be the ironically i think that this will be also, I would be very curious to ask Don. I think this is the end of the CrossFit. God, are they claiming it's CrossFit Inc. doing this? CrossFit changed local grants.
Starting point is 01:55:00 I think this is the end of the grant program. I think it's just money they've been sitting on forever, and they're just trying to figure out a way to shut it down. I'd be curious. Maybe I'm wrong. That doesn't smell right. Like, yeah, something here does not smell right. This is a pr stunt
Starting point is 01:55:26 it's like saying i got drunk and crashed into a tree and but i saved 10 people's lives coming the other and then and but the article says man saves 10 people's lives coming the other direction on a highway and decides to hit tree instead of running into them i mean it's just you know i mean it's like uh yeah something something's weird with this this is this is uh uh please don't share oh uh okay what is this oh oh oh wow hey does daniel brandon's movie comes out today right uh yeah i think so i want to go over to the rad oh i type in rad into youtube oh no i got by oh
Starting point is 01:56:28 i get bicycle movie let me see if they have that shit scheduled yet how do i get to there oh wow i don't see it scheduled oh really on YouTube it's not up there I thought oh no three way Daniel Brandon oh yeah at 430 p.m. Pacific Standard Time today three waiting oh god I hope they didn't over stylize this thing
Starting point is 01:56:58 holy shit it looks like a Barbie movie oh Nelly. Interesting. What else did I see? I saw something on Brian's friends. Saw something on Brian's. What did I see here? Oh, he hasn't tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:57:36 Oh, no, that's in April. Okay. Brian's interviewing Matt Fraser. I wonder if that's going to be live. Didn't he just do an interview with Danielle Brandon? Where the fuck is that? How do you find. How,
Starting point is 01:57:58 how the fuck does YouTube work? Look at fucking Brian's account. And I'm not suggesting my accounts any better, but a home. I don't see the Daniel Brandon interview oh is this it no okay uh videos I click on videos oh there it is okay how is that not the first one on the page I don't know we get we get screwed like that it's because he doesn't have it organized right we don't have ours organized right too I don't know if We get screwed like that. It's because he doesn't have it organized right. We don't have ours organized right, too. I don't know if they have the tools to allow you to organize it right. This stuff used to not be like this a year ago.
Starting point is 01:58:33 This home video shorts lives thing. What do you mean? It used to be all one? Yeah, it used to somehow be all smashed together, and shit was easier to find. There should be a button you can hit and just everything is chronological yeah all of it yeah whether it's live or a video or a short yeah just like hey i want to see everything this person's done anyway all right uh and then um what what's Pedro doing today?
Starting point is 01:59:06 Coffee, pods, and wads. Let's see. Is that? Oh, yeah. Okay. Around the whiteboard. Ooh, who's on it? Carolyn Prevost.
Starting point is 01:59:22 Colton Mertens. Holy shit. There's always one person I don't know who's that dude oh shit Ant Haynes holy shit wow dude on Hong Kong time
Starting point is 01:59:35 can I like this already here we go boom sweet god that's cool Colton Mertens, Ant Haynes and Carolyn Preview Canada America and Hong Kong I think Ant Haynes can get a little fired up
Starting point is 01:59:52 too so that'll be fun to watch could you tell I said that with an Asian accent Asian accent Hong Kong Hong Kong or do you like some rock Hong Kong welcome to Hong Kong. Would you like some rice? Around the whiteboard. Hong Kong. Welcome to Hong Kong.
Starting point is 02:00:10 Welcome to first episode around the whiteboard. Wow, that's good. Are you going to have Ryan on to discuss Hiller? That would be fun. I don't know. I just want all that shit to go away, really. I don't like to see... I don't want to stress over... I don't want anyone...
Starting point is 02:00:33 I don't like the thought... Really, to be honest with you, the biggest takeaway from the Hiller video for me is just how many assholes there are in the world. I just can't fucking believe the comments. I cannot fucking believe the comments. It's never going away. The world's most toxic man.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Let's see how my Sporty Beth video is doing. I have to go. I bet you my mom's here I just type in sporty Beth into holy shit like look so look at her YouTube page you go you go to her YouTube page and look at the number one video on there just sits there for you, thank you!
Starting point is 02:01:27 I've been exposed. This is crazy. Why do you have to choose that picture? It's not flattering. So this is like... This is like... Man, she was bracing people before... Before Hiller was bracing people. Brian's pism got away from him again here's the thing no one has to like people shouldn't be you
Starting point is 02:01:50 shouldn't be in comments just fucking hating on people especially when the when the video is already critical it's like hey just watch it and like just text all your friends about it like wouldn't have been cooler if someone like you sent your condolences to Brian like you're like hey dude tough video let me know if you need someone to talk to condolences or you know whatever like I mean like hey dude sorry you're having that bump and it sucks that like RIP to your reputation not sorry about it
Starting point is 02:02:17 like there's like there's 500 people in the comments and like two people said hey this sucks I liked it better when you were getting along yeah like I think everyone like shouldn't that be the sentiment that seems like the healthier sentiment like no one was always people there's always people in the circle around the fight yelling yeah fuck him up beat his ass fuck you that's what's happening yeah no just make videos Hating on people. Here's the thing. If there's this,
Starting point is 02:02:51 I don't know. Do you think that the story I told about, I don't want to bring that up. And it gets worse. Here's the thing. I think that Brian told a story on that podcast and Hiller on that Jason CF media podcast and Hiller came back and told the story too. And so whether that's good or bad or they're just stories being told, but then to get in the comments and like fuel it,
Starting point is 02:03:18 like no one even know most of the people in the comments probably don't even know either of those people. I don't know. I i do know you shouldn't you shouldn't ass pound people but you shouldn't kick someone when they're down uh i am a man doing crossfit the seven guy is it i am a man doing crossfit look at this comment this seven guy is a disgrace for crossfit and it's a shame that crossfit hq works with this narcissistic sexist uh it's not oh look at this guy samuel this guy oh this guy has a mental health this guy this guy's one of the guys who's always in the comments bragging about how he's a PhD. Yeah, okay. Do you know who I'm talking about?
Starting point is 02:04:08 It's not surprising he's so toxic. Hey, by the way, if you're a man and you use that word toxic, that means you have low T. It's clinically proven. He's a glassman, brown noser, and crap sticks. Crap sticks? what does that even mean I don't know can you zoom in on these comments I want to read them too um
Starting point is 02:04:36 can I how do I I don't even know how to expand no never mind forget it anyway I'm feeling a little left out that brian got his own uh ass pounding video so i want to do um you wanted to drum up more yeah yeah listen listen i got my own ass pounding video over here but i still don't understand why i still don't understand why it has to sit at number one like that look it goes one year than two weeks ago that was a year ago so she has it pinned is that how you do that she must
Starting point is 02:05:23 you yeah that kind of makes it sema don't you think that that makes it kind of though like if you do that and you have that shit like just sitting there that's basically means it's open season on her all time too she's basically standing at the mountaintop looking at me being like yo you want a piece so i mean i think i'm allowed to like anytime for comedy's sake i'm allowed to ass pound her uh that sporty beth video is great The only thing that I didn't like was you fawning all over that cunt Brooke Entz. Wow. Jesus, I like Brooke Entz.
Starting point is 02:05:51 Jeez. Was I fawning over her? I was fawning over her? You said that video was good. That video was horrible. It mischaracterized me. is good that video was horrible it mischaracterized me uh athena needs uh counseling and coaching that's not what hillar's about all right uh i have a piece on her that would ass pound her should i film it hillar knows about it oh yeah sure why not of course i mean there's a difference
Starting point is 02:06:25 between storytelling i think and then just like just hating on people trump or biden are you fucking kidding me megatrump hong kong hong kong i started watching i started watching roadhouse yesterday the new one yeah let me just say this there was a time i don't know i know i'm jaded because it's so funny i spoke to someone they're like hey they're at least Let me just say this. There was a time. I don't know. I know I'm jaded because it's so funny. I spoke to someone. They're like,
Starting point is 02:07:09 Hey, there, at least there's no DEI shit in it. And the first 15 minutes, like I see all the DEI shit. Like, it's just like, it's just screaming at me. I don't think it's as bad as other new movies.
Starting point is 02:07:19 Right. I agree. It doesn't like it. It's like yelling, not screaming. Yeah. Shouting. It's like watching commercials on the ufc if you do you watch ufc like if you see a white person in a commercial during the ufc like you used to see just a full mix of people now every commercial is just black
Starting point is 02:07:36 people it's amazing oh wow i didn't notice that yeah i don't watch commercials though so now you know now you know and it's like hey, like you've completely overcompensated. Yeah. It, I don't know if it sucks. It's, it's, it's,
Starting point is 02:07:56 it's not bad. And, and Jake Gyllenhaal, the characters are all, the acting's either really shitty or all the characters are supposed to be really weird. I mean, that's kind of how the original one was. Just kind of like weird actors and storylines kind of off.
Starting point is 02:08:11 I don't know. If you like really quick, like elaborate fight scenes, those are pretty good. Yeah, no white males. Look at Hiller. The Labrador saw a tentacle. Okay, I have to go. My mom's probably waiting for me let me call my mom really quick here to see if she's here um it sucks bad if you like movies just to watch movies
Starting point is 02:08:32 then just watch it it's it's on amazon and you pay for it with i mean since you if you have prime you just get it for free yeah like if you like your packages hi Hi, honey. Are you? I'm coming. Yeah, I'm coming now. Okay. Okay. I love you. Bye. Bye. All right.
Starting point is 02:08:49 Got to go. Do I have another podcast today? No. No, I don't think so. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We have the Daniel Brandon documentary review. Right. All right.
Starting point is 02:09:12 Talk to you guys soon. I'm going to go watch it right now. Bye-bye.

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