The Sevan Podcast - The CEO Life | Live Call In - Trump is back on the Colorado Ballot

Episode Date: December 31, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ooh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh,
Starting point is 00:00:51 must be mating season and hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Collect more moments with more ways to earn air miles. Bam. What? Bam, more light It's fucking started looking like a glass factory up here What the hell is going on? You're retarded You're just straight up retarded
Starting point is 00:01:14 Oh man, already? Man, I need to fix my buttons The thing, I need to get organized before I start the show I always sit down here with three minutes left and I'm like oh you know what I really need to add that Daniel Brandon thing into this mixer you know which part of the Daniel Brandon sound effect I do that's a good one
Starting point is 00:01:35 about how deep it is oh my god it's so deep it's so deep this is what I'm drinking this morning I mean I have more bags But I I have this coffee maker Where you pour the beans in the top
Starting point is 00:01:54 And then when you want a coffee you push a button And then a grinder starts up and wakes up the whole house Oh What time do you start that? Right away right when I wake up Nice I have a very very soft alarm setting on my phone that goes off it's like ding ding ding ding just super gentle right and then i get up and i i always i i cruise in and i um my phone's
Starting point is 00:02:33 sitting in the kitchen and i put it on um i turn off some oh i turn the uh uh turn off of airplane mode so and then the message all the messages start pouring in You put it on airplane mode. You don't just put it in like sleep mode I put it in an airplane mode and you know what? I kind of feel a little weird doing that. Look colin powell Thank you for your service. Welcome to the show nice shirt. Holy shit. Look at that Colon or colin look at that shirt. OG shirt. My kids got a giant teddy bear. One of my kids got a giant teddy bear for Christmas,
Starting point is 00:03:12 and I came out to the living room, and they were wearing that shirt. And I couldn't tell if I should be flattered or I should be angry at my wife that she got it down for them to put on their teddy bear, stretch it out. It was like sacrilege. Oh, that massive teddy bear? Yeah. You've seen it? Yeah, I uh rosemary posted a video of it's bilingual apparently oh bilingual teddy bear yeah okay that's only bilingual uh
Starting point is 00:03:36 colin powell uh is a new member thank you i saw another new member suzy tell hi suzy what's up i can't tell who's a new member i I can't believe how many members there are. Look at this. Don Juan. David Juan. Oh, it says the time. That's this morning. Look at another one.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Johnny Mathers. God, you guys made me rich yesterday. We did a pretty good job. Held down the fort a little bit. Yeah, look at this guy. Leo. Yeah. This is crazy before you know it i'm not gonna have i'm gonna be able to buy my steaks at the butcher i won't have to buy them at safeway anymore chris look at easter felt thank you
Starting point is 00:04:18 every time you guys sign up for a membership that's like one ribeye every time you guys sign up for a membership, that's like one ribeye. Kinda. I mean, a ribeye is like more like $27. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah. I bought them at Whole Foods yesterday. It was like $22 a pound. It was crazy. Oh, that's not bad, right? Nah, they were really good ribeyes.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Like very well marbled. Didn't have a ton of like excess fat on them it was cool and safely there will be two ribeye in one package and it'll say like 54 but with the club discount number that's just your phone number it's 41 i'm like really 13 or 16 it's crazy when when the discount's that big i just think the whole thing is a scam exactly it is like these are going to expire soon we should get rid of them seven you have member jizz on your lip you know what i trip on when i and do you see are those hairs hanging down on my lip no one write in the comments either someone wrote in in the comments, like, tell me I was on a show.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I wasn't at home. I'm like, man, my skin looks red. And he's like, he's so self-absorbed. It's like, listen, motherfucker, I'm staring at a screen that's myself for an hour and a half. It's okay to be like, I got old or I look red or maybe I should pull my hair back tighter. Like, what are you talking about? That's not self-absorbed. That's called just not doing the show with my eyes closed hey there was a poll on colton mertens whoa
Starting point is 00:05:54 fuck it send me your send me a dog i'll give you your money back i want a dog so bad I want a new dog so bad no one of those dogs I'd love one of those dogs seven I want you to know that we have tried to become members and we are not allowed to do this in our region so if we're still, it's not by choice. We want to be green. Seve, you're perfect. I got to show you. I'm not perfect.
Starting point is 00:06:32 You should see me naked. It's a fucking mess. The hair that covers my body, it's not even consistent. It's just in patches. Like I was tied to a wall naked and someone dipped gerbils in glue and then shot them at me. And they just stick to me in patches. That's what I look like. You just have really long hairs growing out of random places?
Starting point is 00:07:01 I'm just getting to that age where I'm getting bushy. I have my neck hair is starting to connect, like, my neck and my back. And, like, they're not even cool hairs either. They're, like, long hairs, like you could brush. Like, I have my neck and my back, and everything's connecting. Do you know what I do? Do not tell anyone this. This is so fucked up. Secret safe with me.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I'll just hold my Philip One razor, like just in the, in the bathroom like this. And I'll be like, just shaving. If my kids walk by, I pretend like I'm shaving, even though I'm not. And then one of them will be like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:07:31 can I shave your back? And I'll be like, Oh sure. And then I'll just lay down on the ground. Don't tell my wife this either. And my kids think it's fun to shave my back with the Phillip one razor. They probably done it a half dozen times. You think I'm scarring them no i think they probably find it earlier maybe in like i know there's one of my kids in 30 years they're gonna
Starting point is 00:07:54 be like holy shit we used to shave dad's back yeah yeah it'll be a good childhood memory for them they'll tell it at christmas one day and you'll be like shut the fuck up i didn't tell you don't do that eventually they're gonna do something like right like fuck you on my back with the shaver you know they'll get articulate yeah articulate yeah with the artistic both yes articulate in their artistry exactly but obvi saw the other day obvi goes i took my shirt off it he always sees me my shirt off anyway and he's like hey how come i don't have a six-pack i'm like what are you talking about first of all you don't want us you don't want a six-pack but look at your body you're just a one
Starting point is 00:08:34 giant muscle and he goes oh he goes you don't have a six-pack so i tighten up my stomach as tight as i can so like you can see like one muscle at the top by like where my ribs are you know like through some fat yeah and he goes oh that's cool and then i relaxed relax my stomach and you know what he says to me you look good that way too i was like you fucking liar i didn't i kept this to myself just a pity compliment oh it was so pity I see episode 6 is episode 6 and 7 oh I'll text Dave now and be like hey where are we on the episodes
Starting point is 00:09:12 he was approving them really fast for a while he got busy or what who knows how's the approval And he got busy or what? Who knows? How's the approval process coming? If I buy you some wine, will it go faster? I thought he was a bourbon guy.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I'm just trying to antagonize him. Oh, okay. I should write, if I buy you a dildo, will it go faster? Yeah, chocolate one. Big one. Sorry, I meant dildo, not wine. I'm texting him at 7 a.m., but I'm acting like I'm drunk. You know what I mean? Those are like total total drunk texts still buzzing from the night before so so there's this someone posts this thing and shares it with caleb and i and it says what's your favorite podcast of the year
Starting point is 00:10:17 and it's from reddit and one of the podcasts it says on there is the sevan podcast and it had a hundred and some odd votes and it was it was the clear winner in the in the crossfit space but what was crazy is i've never seen anything nice about me really on reddit like it's usually like like i'm a pedophile or just crazy shit right just fucking complete out there shit but there's one there's one uh comment on there someone took a screenshot and sent it to me and And it said, hey, I think Sevan's a narcissist and a misogynist. And here, yeah, Reddit users can't be trusted. You know when I think of Reddit, I think of it as dudes who use glory holes.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I think of it as furry people and glory holes. I just think of it as really gross people. glory hole. Like, I just think of it as like really gross people. Oh, okay. Just like gross people. Anyway. So people will say shit like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:11:13 CrossFit's dumb. CrossFit's dumb. But no one's ever like, Hey, constantly very functional movement is dumb. Or no one will be like, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:11:20 moving large object objects quickly across a broad times and modal domains. No one's like, that's dumb no one ever like tells you like what the shit about it is dumb it's always the same thing the kipping pull-up is dumb but then they don't even tell you why no one's like fitness in 100 words is dumb like no one ever is like addressing greg is like completely laid it out do you know what i mean like if i were to say hey caleb you look like like shit today. I haven't laid it out, but then I'd be like, I can tell because you're completely, uh, that sweater shirt is a six sizes too small
Starting point is 00:11:51 and you're sunburned. And I can tell you were doing fentanyl all night. Then now it's like, you know what I mean? Now you have some things you can work on, but they always say I'm a narcissist. And I, and I trip, I trip because I'm trying to think of anything that I find. I even like women's periods. I like the fact that they have them and that they fucking get all squirrely once a month. I like all the parts of the women. I like their leadership. I love their passiveness.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I'm fucking obsessed with their titties i i don't uh i like watching them exercise i like watching them uh be lawyers i like i like all i like watching them have kids i like hearing them talk i just don't you're a humble narcissist that's fair okay i looked up narcissist too and it's like that one's kind of crazy. That definition doesn't fit me either. Like, dude, do you know how much ass I wipe a day? How much like just shit I do?
Starting point is 00:12:54 I'm like one of those people who walks around the house and is constantly like picking up stuffed animals and shit like that and rappers and a person who has excessive interest in adoration of themselves. Oh, fuck. Reddit called me a conspiracy theory sidekick. Dude, it's crazy. I don't think your passion for the methodology is questioned. Your mannerisms are different. I hide things from you guys my bad qualities i would hide if i was a narcissist or a misogynist i would hide it from you like like i pick my nose more probably i don't know as much i don't know maybe everyone's hiding
Starting point is 00:13:40 but i pick my nose and um i try like in the show I just try to wipe it and, like, roll little boogers off the edge. But I don't, like, I hide that from you. If someone thinks I'm those bad qualities from just watching the show, you should see me the rest of the day. It's not good. Well, it's only downhill from there. no or my no hey did you notice the notes have gotten out of control again i'm gonna send them to you now oh boy hey are you gonna this is i'm not passing judgment on your on you at all for this. I'm just asking. This is just strictly – let me think how I can word it so it's just completely benign. Are you going to – your internet that you have right now in the Shattuck, and will it change?
Starting point is 00:14:39 Will you change providers, or will it get better or Will it get worse? Like as things go on, what are your plans for the internet there? I know like you're worried more about like where you're going to piss and shit and cook and sleep. Let's, let's get down to business. What are your internet plans for the shadow? I got the most basic internet plan.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Fuck. You can tell dude. Really? Okay. Oops. Oops. For a while. I didn't think it was that bad what does that mean like you could adjust the speed it really isn't that bad okay but i'm just asking yeah i'm lying to you a little bit i i would like to see it faster okay yeah no i've literally got the most basic
Starting point is 00:15:20 plan because i didn't even know if we would how long we would be here so is it crazy is like the basic plan is like 70 bucks and then the next plan up you have to get cable with it and it's like 297 a month is it some crazy like that oh that's the way it is in my house i was just being cheap oh yeah i don't mind i don't mind being cheap it's actually not bad it's actually not bad but i was just excited or. Is it just pixelated or what? No, it's not. And maybe it's just time to get you a new computer. I don't know. But it's not bad. It's just not perfect. Maybe we need to send you a...
Starting point is 00:15:53 Oh, so Sousa's Rodecaster stopped working yesterday? Yeah. I think he just kind of left it. But yeah, it stopped working a little bit. I got like 800 megabyte upload speed. It changed my life. I had a terabyte when I was in Virginia. Didn't do fucking shit for me.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Yachty... Karkinen. Hey, that cannot be. That's from a foreign land. Karkinen? Karkinen. Hey, that cannot be. That's from a foreign land. Karkinen? Karkinen? Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Hey, do you guys want me to still... If you guys want me to stop making those videos throughout my day, just tell me. Just write it in the comments when I make the videos for my members. And I'll stop. I'll stop bothering you. Just tell me. I know. Leave him alone. I wasn't just tell me i know leave him alone i wasn't gonna mike leave him alone i wasn't gonna say nothing just leave him alone leave him alone i wasn't gonna say anything just leave caleb alone let him get let him
Starting point is 00:16:57 just get away with that one the home mike mccaskey's like terabyte question mark laugh out loud just leave him alone dude who cares I don't fucking know what I'm talking about Mike leave him alone that one you just let slide 10 inch dick 9 inch dick whatever all the same get a Ferrari Lamborghini whatever
Starting point is 00:17:17 give a fast red car we get it cost you $1200 for an oil change we understand I get butt fucked by Comcast for my internet 95 a month Hey the internet that you get buttfucked My internet is so fucking expensive I had to get a cable plan with it
Starting point is 00:17:33 In order to have something that's usable And so it's like over It's like $270 a month or something It's horrible Yeah that's absurd Will leave him alone Be cool, man. Just be cool.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Just be cool. Just say something like, good job, Caleb. That's fast. Yeah, crushed it out there. That fiber optic cables. I was trying to explain something to my dad the other day. Because for some reason it doesn't sit in with people that there's only 15 million Jewss and 1.8 billion muslims and like hey you just got to leave them alone and listen israel's israel's not a call they didn't colonize that land israel's a fucking
Starting point is 00:18:16 refugee camp after world war ii they were like hey you motherfuckers go there the same way gaza was a fucking refugee camp you could call it leave those fucking people alone but but i was thinking about it there there's there's operating systems that these people are using right to like sort of navigate and understand the world like i don't know if they're called cosmologies or theologies or ideologies i don't know what you call them cosmologies or theologies or ideologies. I don't know what you call them, but one of them is Muslim. One of them is Christianity.
Starting point is 00:18:51 One of them is Buddhism. And there are these things that people read and somehow embrace or they have some sort of relationship with these books that are these stories that become these operating manuals for how we live and clearly the Muslim ones not working so good they got women getting stoned they got boys get like in Afghanistan
Starting point is 00:19:15 it's like completely normal for boys to be getting diddled the whole running water electricity thing the architecture they haven't cracked a code on any of that shit. And so I'm going to choose, like, if I'm going to have one that we're going to move forward with with civilization, I mean, I don't, it's going to be Christianity or what those Jews are doing in Israel, where, like, they can just take water from the ocean and drink it. They don't behead people. Man, I was looking at an article, a New York Times account
Starting point is 00:19:54 of when those guys came in October 7th. One person, an eyewitness says they raped a girl, they removed her breast, and they started playing catch with it. Wow. You think that's narcissistic? And I was talking with Greg about it, and Greg goes, hey, do you think that that's built into their operating system, or do you think that they were taught that? And then before I could answer, he goes, basically, he says, it doesn't matter either way, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That's my point. Like, that fuck those people fuck like those people who did that hey think of it think of think of it this way they were worried about a vaccine killing people that was not going to kill a single kid, right? But there is a group of people out there who, because of their operating system, think it's okay to fucking treat women horribly, speaking of misogyny, and to do horrible shit to little kids, and yet there's people in college campuses defending them.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Would you rather... Oh, this is going to be fucked up would you rather have covid or would you rather live in iraq that's a tough one would you rather be a woman in a muslim country or have covid i'm not even i'm not even trying to be a dick i'm just saying like you choose covid i'm not even i'm not even trying to be a dick i'm just saying like you choose it's in their holy scripture to treat women like that yeah and hey listen here's how cool i am if a woman wants to do that i'm all for like however you want to roll like i think i think that there's i think that there is a i think that there is a place for women who want to live that life. I think there's more so than there's a place for a man to live that life. I would really rather see a woman just live that life than men not enforce it the way they would.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Would you rather live in Iraq or the Shattuck? Oh. Ooh. Honestly, at this point, Iraq. I'm going Shattuckin? Oh. Ooh. Honestly, at this point, Iraq. I'm going Shattuckin. You can just shit outside. Nobody would care. I'll take all kinds of diseases
Starting point is 00:22:18 before Iraq, yeah. And it's not because it's it's not because of the land either. It's not because of the fucking geography. It's because of the way that people operate there. Will Branstad are great question. Yesterday, I was in San Diego and I was I was having lunch with Greg and two of his friends were there and they're Mormon guys. And they were the nicest guys ever. And one of the guys is like, yeah, my, he said something
Starting point is 00:22:51 about having 10 kids or something, or his dad had 10 kids and, or he was one of 10 kids and he has five kids and his sister has eight kids. And I go, what are you Catholic or Mormon? And Greg's like, dude, I only hang with Mormons. And we laughed, right? But like, laugh, joke, but yeah, there's some truth to it. And someone's going to say something like, well, Utah has the highest rate of incest, blah, blah, blah. Hey, by no means am I insisting that anyone's perfect. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:23:30 So I was in Dubai in this really fancy hotel. Wish I could remember the name of it. It was right next to that building that they built that's the tallest twisting building in the world. Maybe it's called the Governor. I think it's the oldest hotel in Dubai. Is one there called the governor or the grover grovener anyway near this really trippy twisting building
Starting point is 00:23:50 and I'm in the bar there and there's a guy there you know just your just your typical looking Armenian Middle Eastern dude he was an Arab though you know crazy huge gut you know what I mean 100 100 pounds overweight. Really fucking nice, loving, good voice.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And we're talking to him, and he starts talking to me about his wife. And I go, hey, why don't you bring her up here? And she's like, she's not allowed up here. I wouldn't let her up here. And he starts telling me how she keeps her covered. And then he starts telling me about, like, the other options for girls in Dubai. and then he starts telling me about like the other options for girls in dubai and i can't i can't it wasn't me or greg but it was someone we were with starts questioning him he's like hey dude how could you like treat your wife and your daughter like these like this way
Starting point is 00:24:36 but then have other women on the side and treat them that way and it was basically like he was talking about having side pieces it was nuts i did not i did not enjoy his uh it's like dudes with daughters i can't once you like once you have a daughter once you have kids you got to like re-evaluate some of the shit you do and i especially assume that once you have a daughter, you got to start reevaluating, thinking about what it means to be a man significantly. Good morning, loving the CEO lifestyle. Okay, good. I'm glad.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Do you see the world's largest twisted building? Yeah, the hotel is the Grosswiener. But it's the Cayenne Tower is the twisting building. And is it right next to it? Yeah, it's right. Oh tower is the twisting building and is it right next to it yeah that's right uh where's oh yeah the gross oh yeah you're right you're right that is where it is yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah except huh i felt like i was closer i felt like i was on the water my room was so fucking cool dude there it was a hotel kind of hotel room i had never been in before the way it was designed was so neat yeah that's beautiful there
Starting point is 00:25:49 they have no they have no stealing there by the way in that country so the guy said you i lost my i left my cell phone in a taxi cab and i thought it was gone and then a day later i got someone overheard me in the lobby saying i lost my cell phone he's like oh just talk to the front desk. And I'm like, you lost your cell phone? I said, yeah, I left it in the cab. They're like, when did you get in the cab? I said, around 10 a.m. yesterday.
Starting point is 00:26:13 They said, okay, we'll have it for you in a couple hours. They got my fucking cell phone. Wow. And then I go, wow. I go, no one steals here? And he goes, dude, no. He's like, you can walk down the street with a million dollars and a wheelbarrow.
Starting point is 00:26:27 He said, you could leave a million dollars and a wheelbarrow just on the sidewalk. Go inside, eat a restaurant, come out, I'll be there. I saw some TikTok where a guy left his Bugatti with the keys in it outside of a hotel in Dubai. And he went inside, did whatever, came back out, and still there.
Starting point is 00:26:44 It was like running. Yeah. No one, no one dares. I, I, I, I think I don't want to misspeak, but it's, it's, it's like 300,000 residents in Dubai and like a million servants. Like the vast majority of people there are just servants they're just they're they're the servant class maybe it's more maybe it's like three million servants what's the population in dubai but but those 300 000 people are like it's like a kid
Starting point is 00:27:16 they're all related to like the guy at the top it's like 3.3 million in dubai yeah so i think like 300 000 of those people are like this the people who live there and the other fucking two and a half three million people are just servants yeah probably like that stealing is punishable by death ask Tanner he lives there yeah he's part of the
Starting point is 00:27:44 the serving class he's serving there no you can steal bread no fuck i don't know no one's chopping your hands off jesus christ look at you you're a fucking superman brandon what's up dude hey so when you guys see you guys see that little symbol next to your name that's all I see you guys must see some other shit yeah there's like a logo it says CEO
Starting point is 00:28:14 when it's on YouTube yeah free speech in Dubai must be awesome it says what it says CEO when they see it oh yeah but when they see me pull it up on the screen they see what i see right yeah uh uh um dubai's original population is 300k oh yeah okay so look what they've done they're okay they fucking bring in immigrants they import them by the shitload but they keep
Starting point is 00:28:52 them in their place they totally keep them in their place I sent you the notes okay can we play the one that says fascism yes I sent you the notes. Okay. Can we play the one that says fascism? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Greg told me this. I've heard Greg say this like a thousand times. But now I got someone else saying it. Here we go. Remember they called Donald Trump a fascist. They called Hitler a fascist. So Hitler was not a fascist. Hitler was a socialist. It's in the name. Nazi stands for National Socialist. They called Hitler a fascist. So Hitler was not a fascist. Hitler was a socialist. It's in the name. Nazi stands for national socialist. They called him a fascist because they want to
Starting point is 00:29:30 paint him as right wing. And they've decided that fascist is right wing, but it's not. Fascism is a left wing ideology. So socialism is communism without the bloody revolution. But the end goal of socialism is always communism. fascism is not the government owns the property you still own the property but the government controls everything that you can do with the property which is effectively the government holding the property and we put the nazis on trial and the commies sat in judgment over the nuts they came out smelling like roses even though they murdered a lot more people than the nazis did. Ayn Rand says all these isms are kind of bullshit, right? It's the individualist versus collectivist.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Collectivists are communist, fascist. They're all there to lie to you and steal yourself. You remember they call it... And that's the liberal part. That's exactly what DEI is there at the end. That's the part that Greg's been trying to explain to me for 10 years. They want to take away rights from the individuals and give rights to groups. And soon as you see that, you know those are fucking Nazis. Those are the fucking Nazis. Those are the national socialists. They want to take away your rights and give them to groups. And remember, so that you're like, well, what's wrong with that? Because the whole group doesn't get the rights. Everyone doesn't get the rights. The victim class has different rights than the white privilege class. The white privilege class, if you're white privileged, you have to shop at Nordstrom's. If you're the victim class, you get to steal from from nordstrom's it's not it's not each person has different rights but they call it a diversity equity and inclusion but it's just more um it's just it's just it's just uh socialism fascism Fascism.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Wait, wait. Go back the other way. Adolf Hitler was a fascist, and his use of the term socialist in the name of his party was more of a strategic choice for propaganda and appeal rather than a reflection of social principles. Yeah, that's like who cares at the end? Who cares at the end socialism is the same thing benchism Troy Martin God doesn't Troy look like it's Troy Detroit just work out so fucking hard and now he's leaning over a bridge getting ready to vomit doesn't look like he's like on the
Starting point is 00:31:59 railing of a bridge looks like he's climbing over something like a road ladder or something oh that's how I feel if I've ridden an assault bike as hard as I can for 30 seconds Right there One time Yeah one time No don't be a dick That's like four times
Starting point is 00:32:16 Alright I'll give you that Two minutes in First one feels great Donald Trump Operation operation warp speed equals operation. He's trying to say that not taxidermy. He's trying to say, like, fuck Trump. He pushed the vaccine. Is that what he's saying?
Starting point is 00:32:38 I have to read into it. Is that how you read into it? Yeah, I think so. Now that I've thought about it. Oh oh you think Troy's balls deep in someone right there you think that's a wow yeah that's his O face
Starting point is 00:32:55 wow anyway that's a nice little summation of what's going on. Okay, this one's definitely we're going to get a ding for. You know what's crazy is last night before I went to bed, I have a TV in my room, but I do not watch TV in my room. Not for any reason, but I just don't go in my room and hang out and watch TV. But we have a big TV there facing the bed.
Starting point is 00:33:24 And last night I walk in. I was kind of pleasantly surprised. My wife doesn't watch TV in there either really. But she was watching TV and she was watching Ricky Gervais. I know we're going to get in trouble for this. But she goes, you have to see this. And she knows that when I come in there, I'm ready to sleep or bone. Like I don't want to be interrupted.
Starting point is 00:33:44 So when she said that, I was like, okay.'m ready to sleep or bone. Like, I don't want to be interrupted. So when she said that, I was like, okay. So I laid down and put my eye pillow on, because I knew when she said you have to see this, that just meant you have to hear this. And when you play this, it's called We Invented That. It's amazing. And Trump's staying on the ballot in Colorado. Did you see that? We'll talk about that next.
Starting point is 00:34:04 It's cool. Yeah, now they're trying to get them off in Maine. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Cultural appropriation. Have you heard of that? Cultural appropriation. The latest no-no. Now, again, in my day, it was considered a good thing to swap ideas with other cultures, with other nations, to share things with other races, to assimilate. It was the opposite of racist. Now it's racist. Gwen Stefani got in trouble in her last video because she had her blonde hair in dreadlocks. People go, no, black people invented dreadlocks. You can't have them. You're white. That's racist. Jamie Oliver got in trouble when he put out authentic jerk chicken recipe.
Starting point is 00:34:42 People go, no, black people invented that. You can't have it. You're white. That's racist. Now, black people, they use the N word, don't they? We invented that. That's the one, isn't it? That's the one. Oh, how did I never think of that?
Starting point is 00:35:04 How the fuck when my wife showed me that I was like part like dying laughing and part like fuck cause when a comic does a joke like that it's taken off the table like he did it yeah of course if you're on a stage and you're a comedian at a comic show you can say that
Starting point is 00:35:20 but also but he took it off the table meaning like I can't use that it's now his. Oh, the joke? Yeah. He won. You have to wait until he dies before you like, I mean, he got that. You just quote him every time you say it.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I can trigger it. He said this thing. Yeah. Because you're not a genius. I know, but I could still get lucky and stumble upon it. Still be like, I understand that kind of thinking. I could have had that. That's so good.
Starting point is 00:35:55 We invented that. We definitely are going to get told that if you're not watching the show live, you won't see what just happened. We'll have to remove that. Brock, hey. what's up dude i can't tell so that guy just signed up to be a member right there listen i got to tell you guys a bunch of shit right you want to raise money so that I can be like, oh, look, we made $10,000. Let's use that money.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Or we made $50,000. Let's use that money to go to Carson and do another behind the scenes. And then the sole purpose of that would be, Hey, we made more, we made money. Let's use that to go to the games again at Dickies and then to get this cycle to just pay for content. That's the, that's the sole purpose of putting it behind the paywall, the purpose of making the content. And this isn't a hundred percent true. No one quote me on this, but let's say this is 42% of the reason the whole purpose of making the content originally was I just wanted to, I, I wanted, I want to stay relevant. I like, I enjoyed doing it and I wanted to stay relevant. So it was cool. I get to stay
Starting point is 00:37:12 relevant and I, and I enjoy doing it by going to the games and doing, doing the behind the scenes to get what I'm saying. So the first time I was just like, Holy fuck, dear God, will they let me in? So I got to go in and, and I made this behind the scenes and I got to film it and I got to be a little bit, I got to be relevant and I got to hang out and i got to be the cool kid and i got to do what i like doing so it was it was just a giant win and i got to hang out with caleb every day and eat steaks or but then after we after we got it and the sponsors were nice enough to pay for the people to edit it um and pay for our stakes uh meaning ca peptides and uh two brain business um then from there um we were like okay um what if we can put this behind a paywall
Starting point is 00:37:58 for uh some duration of time to see if we can raise more money to pay for the next, the next go round because the editors and all that stuff, we didn't, we paid them fucking like, um, Rios and Brandstetter got like, I threw breadcrumbs at them. I mean, they've been working their ass off. You see all the crazy content. I didn't ask him to make that trailer. They just did that. I thank you, Mary. Oh, we're happy to play pay. You don't have to explain it. I know. I mean, at the end of the day, I would love it if I made $5 million and got rich off it. Don't get me wrong either. I mean, I am – being rich is dope. But I'm just explaining to you the thought process, and thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:46 so then I was thinking then at the same time I wanted to over promise to CrossFit. I wanted them to be like, Hey, I wanted to check all the boxes. So them not only think, wow, the behind the scenes was really good. And it brought a lot of traffic and attention to CrossFit, but I also, and like really invigorized invigorated the base, but I also wanted them to be like, Whoa, we didn't expect that. So we're working on this, uh, take your level one commercial and, um, join the open commercial. And that's why I'm doing the open this year. I'm doing the open to try to score points. I'm going to enjoy the open and I'm going to put myself out there and I'm going to give anyone who beats me $10,000. That part's a lie.
Starting point is 00:39:25 and I'm doing that because I want to, I'm trying to really show my support for CrossFit. It's like they scratch my back pretty hard. And so I want to scratch their back. And so I'm trying to get some synergy going by doing all that. So that, so that's it. And so that, and so the, the, the, the paywall, when I proposed this to, um, Don and Dave, I didn't want to use the word paywall because it's a scary word. So I wanted to I use membership, you know, like to try to trick them. I was like, OK, we just want to make it available for our members. Of course, I said to Dave and two seconds later, he goes, you mean a paywall? I was like, yeah, members, members. And so it was just an easy way, you know, turnkey way to just turn that on.
Starting point is 00:40:06 And the timing was kind of good because Cave Dastro was loud in the comments for the month or two building up to it being like, hey, you should turn on memberships. So that's what's going on here, a proof of concept to see if it can continue. of concept to see if like it can continue but so so the two things are but only the most only the top member will get there's two members the ceo member gets to see it ahead of time and everyone will get to see it what i think will be 14 days prior to the open we'll start releasing them one at a time. Jake Chapman said, do you think the methodology and the sport are two distinct entities separate from each other? No, not zero. I couldn't disagree more with Sousa on selling the games off.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I think a horrible idea. Absolutely horrible. I'm a firm believer. I don't agree with Greg on that either. I'm a firm believer that the games is an amazing promotional tool. Maybe he does too, but I get the sense that he doesn't think it is. And I think it is. I think you can have your cake and eat it too.
Starting point is 00:41:24 I think you can use the games to promote anything you want so no i think uh i i fucking love the games i love the athletes um i like the people i like the party i love um the thing that i really agree with Don about is that he said it energized. It really energizes the community. And I agree with that. Really, especially the people who went there. And even Susan will admit that like he was on a fucking high after being there. I don't like this word marketing. I would rather just say. It's a.
Starting point is 00:42:05 No I can't go back to HQ. Rumor has it. That Sevan is going back to HQ. I can't go back to HQ. I'm too strong. I've become too strong. Of a. Yeah I can't go back there.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I think abortion is killing babies i just do i know that's dishonest i know abortion is killing babies and because i know that i can't go there because that's nothing i would ever stay quiet about i would never be i would never i could never stay quiet about that i don I would ever stay quiet about. I would never be, I would never, I could never stay quiet about that. I don't want to stay quiet about that. I want people,
Starting point is 00:42:49 for some reason, people who are confused, I think they need to hear that. Susie tell became a YouTube member. See, this doesn't make sense right here, dude. She became a member earlier.
Starting point is 00:42:59 She upgraded her membership. Oh shit. Okay. All right. Peace and love. All right. Fuck you. Seve.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Look at Caleb's Caleb. You could chat me that in the private chat. Don't embarrass me. Oh, shit. Okay. All right. Peace and love. All right. Fuck you, Seve. Look at Caleb. You could chat me that in the private chat. Don't embarrass me. I feel stupid. Sorry. Sorry. She said she didn't realize. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I don't do anal. And I'm going to... I guess I could not talk about that without really... You don't want to just scream from the rooftops i don't do anal no i i could actually suppress that wow if hq i wouldn't make it i wouldn't make a deal with hq there's some things that i i would like to continue my uh admiration uh for the beauty of uh men and women's bodies without being called uh creepy and i will um i will uh not talk about anal sex anymore i will just not unless unless it's somehow related to the sport unless like unless i was like interviewing someone or like yeah i had anal and it was hard to
Starting point is 00:44:01 do that last event with my prolapsed anus. Like in that regard, that's not on me. Right, right. But I would omit that. Of course. But I would also have to say that if you're pregnant and the doctor vacuums out the arms and legs and head of your baby out of your vagina, you killed the baby. I have to. I can't not. Yeah, I can't not yeah I can't
Starting point is 00:44:30 I don't do any of that stuff I do soap down there like thoroughly that's good just on the border of sodomizing myself just just on the edge but I'm still a virgin but I don't break the barrier?
Starting point is 00:44:46 No, but it's bushy. Okay. Trump stays on the ballot. Speaking of anal. Epoch Times article. Yeah. Oh shit, do you have a membership there? No.
Starting point is 00:45:03 No. I need to get you all those memberships. I need to pay for your I need to I need to get all those memberships and I should pay for your Internet. That would seem that would seem fair. Sure. Let me see. Scroll down. Can I read the whole thing?
Starting point is 00:45:20 Oh, OK. Here we go. Here we go. OK, good. OK, here we go. With Colorado Republican Party's appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to keep former president and current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump on the state's primary ballot, President Trump is near certain to stay on the ballot. The Colorado secretary of state's office, which oversees elections in the state, said that Donald Trump will be included as a candidate on Colorado's 2024 presidential primary ballot when certifications occur on January 5th, 2024, unless the U.S. Supreme Court declines to take the case or otherwise affirms the Colorado Supreme Court ruling. So basically what's going to happen – it sounds like if I'm interpreting this right, they're going to appeal it to the Supreme Court.
Starting point is 00:45:58 And since it gets appealed until a decision is made, he gets to go back on the ballot. Here's the part I'm tripping on that I guess I didn't understand before, and someone can confirm this for me. It's not that Trump wouldn't be – this isn't to run for president. This is just to be able to be nominated to be president. It's that ballot, right? That's what I'm reading it to as well. Okay. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:46:22 So it's fucking – it's ridiculous how little i know so are you are is there going to be an election soon that that lets us choose who's on the ballot when is that uh here we go january 5th colorado 2024 is presidential primary ballot when certification occurs on jan 5th, 2024. I think that's the certification. I don't think that's when it's voted for. Anyway. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I think. Anyway, we'll have to figure this out. Someone will tell us in the comments. Oh, the primary. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Everyone needs to write off everything. Caleb, write off his internet.
Starting point is 00:47:08 You need to pay him to make him an official employee so he can do tax write-off. Yeah, okay. Alright. I've tried to get Vivek on. Vivek. I used to bug the shit out of him. I've gone through so many Instagram accounts now, I don't even know
Starting point is 00:47:23 who I'm bugging and who I'm not bug the shit out of them. I've gone through so many Instagram accounts now I don't even know like who I'm bugging who I'm not bugging Sevan checks his own prostate I wish I seriously wish I knew how to do that Because your other choice is some random dude Some random dude, sorry sorry it's more like this and then i guess he's much just enough and then you get and then you got then you got pulled off in maine hey what if you went in the doctor to have your prostate checked and it's like just like some little short guy with small hands like me and he's like hey i'm gonna have to call in my associate fucking this dude fucking lumbers in and he fucking got this huge hand
Starting point is 00:48:09 his hand's so big that the rubber glove only like goes to here oh no it immediately felt like it immediately felt like I had to take a shit. It was it was horrible. Just gonna shit your brains out right on the table. I saw the movie last night. Fall of Minneapolis. I practice saying the word fall of Minneapolis. That was good.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Yeah. Hey, if Graciano's fingers are probably so thick if he checked i don't know how long his fingers are but his fingers are so thick your butthole if he was a doctor your butthole would probably never seal back up again right yeah it'd blow that shit out yeah yeah i had my butt cherry popped like god that's a horrible thing to say it was years ago i think it's rehealed go i think it's rehealed dude if you see this movie fall of minneapolis you're gonna fucking shit yourself hey listen if you want to do something that's just absolutely otherworldly watch that movie with a democrat watch that movie with someone who actually kneeled for
Starting point is 00:49:22 like eight minutes or nine minutes or whatever it was in memory of George Floyd. You think that's your wife? No, it's not. You have to see that movie, Fall of Minneapolis. You have to see it. And get a dowel. The producer's coming on the show by the way the produce she's like one of the main stars in the movie she does all the interviews it is unreal
Starting point is 00:49:52 it's so painful to watch i sent the documentary to so many people it it pissed me off olivia said dude it is so crazy. When you see the mayor of Minneapolis or the police chief, when you see how many just femme males there are in the movie, there's so many elements that are going to drive you crazy, but the facts are what's really going to drive you nuts. There's things in there I'm just dying to know more of. There's things that the judge would not allow admissible in court. They wouldn't let the police manual be used. What?
Starting point is 00:50:39 What? They wouldn't let it be used? That doesn't make any sense. they wouldn't let it be used that doesn't make any sense they wouldn't let the the the they wouldn't let the defendant chauvin's attorney bring in the police manual and be like look here's where it's taught to do mrt that's like the whole base what do you know it's it's nuts dude they interview like seven cops afterwards who are like yeah we were all trained in mrt yeah the police chief just straight up lied on the stand dude i didn't know this either they forfeited the police station the night the day before 24 hours before they allow that precinct three to be burnt down
Starting point is 00:51:17 they emptied out the precinct that had never been done in u.s history where they abandoned the precinct that had never been done in u.s history where they abandoned a precinct to a mob it is just given up you just give up like yeah go ahead have it the thing is is that we own that's our precinct and they let a mob of angry douchebags scumbags take, take it over. Ani Shoup became a YouTube member. Ani. Ani, I wanted to name my son Joseph Ani. I wanted it to be Ari, Avi, and Ani. I always wondered why you named him Joseph. It's my dad's name.
Starting point is 00:51:57 My wife put the kibosh down. She's like, listen. We're not having three three-letter A names. Uh-oh. It's one of those. Got it. Makes sense. But I wanted it so bad. I could just call him that. we're not having three three letter a names oh it's one of those got it makes sense but i wanted it so bad i could just call him that you think it's too late it's a little bit of a stretch from joseph just switch him to annie
Starting point is 00:52:15 he'd probably pick up on it pretty quick just like another nickname first thing i do when I walk in the house I'm like hey Ani And then they killed each other in the fires He means when he says they He means the black people Themselves And then they killed themselves No it's not
Starting point is 00:52:50 It's not Annie it's Ani I bet you it's Ani let's ask her It's Ani I'm saying it right right Ani Shoup It's not Annie I'm ethnic If they're American it's definitely Annie You know what else is crazy Up until fucking 20 years ago Jews were not like white Now they're like super's definitely you know what else is crazy up until fucking 20 years ago
Starting point is 00:53:05 Jews were not like white now they're like super white like they were refused to be allowed to be white people they're Jews and now all of a sudden they represent white people white people god the media is so fucking bad uh the the legal dose uh for dying on fentanyl
Starting point is 00:53:32 was like uh it was like the the measurement is ng over ml i think ng over ml and if you die if they find you at home and your fentanyl level is 3 ng over ml whatever that means and there's no other signs of of foul play that's considered an overdose three guess what george floyd's was 11 he had three times closer to four times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his fucking bloodstream he had COVID there were no signs of asphyxiation one of his arteries
Starting point is 00:54:13 major arteries had 75% was occluded 75% he was in serious he had serious coronary heart disease Ani there you go. Thank you. Wow, nice. They have a picture of him with his mouth open screaming.
Starting point is 00:54:40 And you can see the fucking fentanyl he put in his mouth. Yeah, they got a free show mouth yeah they got a free show van they got a free show van they got to free show van do you just get stabbed a shitload of times yeah they've got to fucking
Starting point is 00:55:03 free show van oh They've got to fucking free Chauvin Oh Yes I can take your Kids if you want I can take you I will be by Your house
Starting point is 00:55:23 With Avi At tennis I will be by your house with Avi at tennis. I will be by here. Sorry. I wonder if there's any other shows that do that where the host like does his personal life. You think that's narcissistic? No, I don't think so. I will be by your house with Avi at tennis. At tennis.
Starting point is 00:55:53 All right. There. He got stabbed at the Fed house in Tucson by a former informant for the Fed. Yeah, he got stabbed. Oh, yeah. Has chicken. Oh, it was to be an informant? Yeah, the guy who stabbed him.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Oh, that's another thing, dude. The FBI's involvement in the case is bizarre. They just show like, hey, this is completely – like, why is the FBI involved in this? And, dude, and the judge is just such a scumbag. There were some parts of the movie I didn't understand that I'm going to have to ask her. Like the judge was somehow involved in another case that made it so that he shouldn't have been involved in the Chauvin case. And I didn't understand why there was – I didn't understand that part. Yeah, Slinky, we're talking about the fall of Minneapolis. You have to get someone liberal to see that
Starting point is 00:56:45 movie i wonder if they'll even understand i wonder if they just go to the i mean it's i wonder if they go to the point well hey this has nothing to do with politics it's so bad and and it's changed it's changed policing in the united states everywhere which is a shame it's such a shame. It's such a shame. The dude who arrested him was black. The guy who showed up on the scene and arrested him was a black dude. His partner was like Asian. Yeah. Man. I don't need the FBI to be perfect either
Starting point is 00:57:27 Like I don't need anyone to be perfect Oh oh oh shit Uh Oh yes please Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah Yes please I just got a text from Angelo De Chico Yes, please. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes, please.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I just got a text from Angelo DeChico. Can you believe how many people? Alex Kazan gave us an L1 video. Yeah, I've been seeing them rolling. That's pretty wild. Yeah, that's cool. Some good ones in there for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:03 What do you think about that Oh Baby Beast one? You think that one's going to make in i don't know maybe that maybe that one needs to be behind a paywall oh that's a fucking great idea oh i wonder if she'd be cool with that make that a members only video what's 390 oh that's the drowning lady with the mask oh my notes are all fucked up yeah we did that one what about uh 389 oh yeah this is great this is, this is great. This is great. So a while back, Bay Area Rapid Transit, Bart, that's our subway in the Bay Area. They announced that they were no longer going to make surveillance footage public because it leads to racism. Now, just think, what does that mean? Why would you why would showing surveillance footage lead to racism?
Starting point is 00:59:02 showing surveillance footage lead to racism? Is that because every single video that they play showed a guy with a baseball bat, and so therefore we started hating baseball players? That's what they were afraid of? Am I understanding that right? That checks out. And so they didn't want to keep showing us the surveillance footage because they felt like it somehow unfairly portrayed baseball players because all of the attacks involved a baseball bat
Starting point is 00:59:28 so because of that they're going to censor that because they don't think that we're able to distinguish the difference between a baseball player and someone who swings a baseball bat is that correct right but I am reading into it. I don't know what the. They don't say that. They just say. We're not going to show you the surveillance footage. From the Bay Area Rapid Transit anymore.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Because it leads to racism. But to put that shit together. Even a little bit. Seems like completely racist. I wish they would just explain it. Once again, it just reminds me of someone calling me a narcissist or why someone thought Floyd 19 was bad. They won't ever – they don't say it because they can't. Because if they do go down that road, it's going to reveal their narcissism, narcissism. No, sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:29 They're misogyny. Sorry. If someone's claiming that I'm a massage and get my misogynies and my misarcenies, it's like, if you start trying to explain why I'm a misogynist, you're going to reveal that you're a misogynist that for some reason you hate the female form and so that my appreciation of it offends you you for some reason find it despicable the hip to waist to shoulder to breast to back to calf ratios that i appreciate in life i'm a mathematician of pussy pussy mathematician and you're going to show when you start describing me as a misogynist you're going to be like oh shit I just hate the female form I should have been a Muslim and kept that shit covered
Starting point is 01:01:10 even if you do cover it you find ways to appreciate it well thank you I mean I agree it cannot be covered you cannot cover the boozy the booze. The booze. Savant, Peter. Benoit, French.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Savant, 10 cops were put on trial in northern Louisiana. No. NL, Canada. Is that one of their provinces? NL? Nordic? It's the one up in the... Fuck, I don't know. 10 cops were put on trial in Canada for a death in a prison. The chief coroner made up videos, reenactments that did not match the video of what actually happened.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Holy... Newfoundland. Holy shit reenactments. The reenactments. How is that even permissible in court? I know. That's like History Channel bullshit. San Francisco Police Chief William Scott explains.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Here we go. The black and brown men all the time who are, you see these mugshots either on television news movies you name that the media source and The mind begins to associate that group with that type of activity and there's a lot of science out there on this on this time You see black and brown men and Francisco ended public mug shots mug shots in 2020 because they perpetuate racism Really Because they perpetuate racism. Really? Hey that once again. That's going after the symptom. Instead of the.
Starting point is 01:02:57 What's the word I'm looking for? The symptom instead of the cause. That's not. That's not going's not that's not gonna stop anything FBI crime stats indicate a certain 13% of the population is responsible for something like 80% of the crime here's the deal dude it's that guy in the comments it's not even 13% there's no there's no there's no black women or white women doing this shit oh there are some, Seve. Fine. Fine. There's some. Leave me alone. It's not many. It's just dudes.
Starting point is 01:03:34 It's just black dudes and white dudes. Wow. Wow. Marco Calderon. I used a multi-bathroom. so bad the lady after me she got a strong scent wow okay call in you dropped the deuce oh shit my call forwarding's on i gotta turn that off no wonder fucking i wonder if what's homeboy's phone's been blowing up you dropped the deuce in a uh that's amazing that is amazing bluetooth on fire up the phone sevee just fire up the bat phone system settings bluetooth enabled phone calls accepted connect roadcaster pro 2 dropped a deuce and the girls i mean i read that as he dropped a deuce in the girls bathroom Listen
Starting point is 01:04:26 Let me tell you how real Fucking G's think There's not There's men's restrooms and there's women's restrooms And if There's one that's multi Genital It's a woman's bathroom
Starting point is 01:04:41 There's no That's rough multi Kenneth DeLapp there's a serial rapist on the loose be on the lookout what do they look like we can't tell you it would be racist fucking nuts
Starting point is 01:05:02 hey do you think there's any republicans who agree with that not showing people's faces oh here's another way I I I I like this logic to a multi bathroom is a men's bathroom that could also be a handicap bathroom yeah boy
Starting point is 01:05:22 I want to go in there because they know men are going to drop nasty shit in there yeah look at Mary just cast a spell on me I was like casting spells like dictating reality and then she just fucking was like she's good yeah she gave me like some fifth level magician shit God Nikki Haley
Starting point is 01:05:40 if the shit Vivek is saying about Nikki Haley is true have you seen the shit he's saying about her now about her daughter or about her specifically about her specifically that basically she's just owned by BlackRock that she's just a complete fucking puppet
Starting point is 01:05:58 and that she believes in those ESG scores and all that shit hey and the only thing that I've heard her say is that she believes in those ESG scores and all that shit. Hey, and the only thing that I've heard her say is that she did play the woke card. She played the, you can't attack, you're only attacking women. You can't say that to me, I'm a woman. Oh. oh oh tennis is cancelled okay too wet
Starting point is 01:06:35 extra jujits I would never use one of those I'd rather shit myself wait you did use one no i'm confused yeah let me go back up here and scroll up here a little bit uh there's a multi-gender third bathroom at starbucks phoenix wow new york city is just like multi-bathrooms all of them
Starting point is 01:07:08 there's multi-gender it's just like a room of bathrooms yeah with like walls or uh florida ceiling doors yeah and just sinks in the middle where everybody go new york city starbucks i don't even like washing my hands next to the to the to the other sex i i want i want i need that moment to like just like decompress yeah just like like i just have my dick in my hands like let's be cool it's chill give me give like, I need 10 paces to walk it off. I'm still farting on the way out. I want to crop this. Five other women on the way out of the bathroom. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:07:54 You ever go somewhere and you just fart and it's so fucking gnarly. And like, you think you're alone somewhere and then someone, like some chick will walk around the corner and just walk through your cloud. Like you can literally like see your cloud it's so thick and musty and then they walk through it you're like wow you're just like I'm so sorry
Starting point is 01:08:11 yeah like that was not for you like you just wanted the air to like distribute that thick and moist the fart that like as you see her walk through it her fucking eyelashes stick together it's like oh It's like, oh. She's like coughing.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Yeah, you got mushed. I hope you win the lotto. You deserve to have a good day after that. I parked in the handicapped spot in front of the market. I had a handicapped placard, of course. And the guy who owns this store later told me, a Palestinian guy, good friend of mine, great dude, great dude, fuck, such a great dude. His whole family works there. The nephews, the cousins, he's such. Great dude. Great dude. Fuck. Such a great dude. His whole family works there. The nephews, the cousins.
Starting point is 01:09:08 He's such a good dude. He was building his dream home there in Gaza. Wow. Yeah. I'm afraid to ask him what happened to it. I need to ask him. Leveled. His wife wanted to work out with my wife, but she wanted to make sure that there were no dudes there.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Because she can't work out with dudes. Fine. Whatever. So he said some lady came in and reported me for parking in a spot to him and said, hey, there's some buff guy who keeps parking in the handicapped spot. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout?
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Starting point is 01:10:34 Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. How do you know I'm not handicapped? Just because I'm buff. No one's ever said I'm buff. I do you know I'm not handicapped? Just because I'm buff. No one's ever said I'm buff. I'm handicapped as fuck. Who's the bald guy looks like Mr. Clean's penis?
Starting point is 01:10:58 Wow. Good one. Yeah. It's kind of weak. You're really creative. Oh, here we go. I knew this would... I got in a fight in a restaurant for a guy doing that the other day. I was seriously ready to throw down.
Starting point is 01:11:09 My wife intervened. Oh, I want to hear the story. That would be interesting. I want to hear the story. Yeah. You probably needed it because you needed to... Can you hear me? The door...
Starting point is 01:11:18 Yeah, hey. Jesus Christ, you didn't even let me say hi. I just answered and you're like, can you hear me? So, I want to clarify. We know you took a shit in the girl's bathroom. We know. We know. Someone said earlier that it was a boy-girl bathroom where there's girls and boys inside.
Starting point is 01:11:42 And no, I want to clarify. I've never use one of those you said you were in a mold you said you were in a in a in a man woman bathroom and you dropped the deuce if i read it correct yeah exactly yeah yeah i felt so bad for the lady i was like even i how did you end up in a stall that's terrible you were in a stall next to a lady so you're looking down at your feet and you look down at the bottom of the stall and you see some high heels and shit? No, so it was a single bathroom. So you go and then as soon as you come out, you see who's going to come into the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've done that. Oh, yeah. That's the story of my life. I do that every day. Okay. I understand.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Okay. All right. But it was a unisex bathroom, so it wasn't genderfied. It was either male or female. It wasn't like that. It was only for white men and white women, your bathroom used. What do you think? What do you think?
Starting point is 01:12:43 I want you to answer this question quickly. what do you think what do you think i want you to answer this question quickly uh and and what do you think you're more likely to see in the world today a bathroom that's just for white people or a bathroom that's just for black people just for white people wow okay i would never thought that yikes all right what state do you live in? California. No shit. You think you would see a bathroom that's just for white people before you see a bathroom just for black people? Oh, if you put it that way. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:13:19 You're a regular listener. You should have known. You don't get like a second shot. Fuck that. You just completely undermined everything. I've been working this show, whole show has been three years of trying to convince people black people are more racist and you just set me back three years. I have to start all over. So now you get reparations? Now you're just white racism is stronger than ever. You just convinced me.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Okay. Well, thank you for calling. Thank you for clarifying. I'm glad I don't have any fucked up listeners thank you okay uh next time you're in new perpete um uh i'd love to hang out with you okay can you buy me a drink of course done i'm sober but i'll still buy one okay don't have, we'll go for a walk then. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:06 How long have you been sober? How long have you been sober? About 10 years now. Fucking a dude. Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you. Are you crossfitting down there?
Starting point is 01:14:17 Yeah. I've been crossfitting since 2013. No shit. Where are you doing it? Are you at a gym or are you at a gym? Crossfit gym? Yeah. It's called a CrossFit gym? Yeah. It's called a CrossFit. Sir,
Starting point is 01:14:28 city. Dude. Congrats. What a great story. I love it. Thank you. Thank you. And you helped me out really a lot.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Cause I was living in Portland and I was, uh, I was, uh, brainwashed. Oh, so the podcast, uh, I started listening to you. Oh. So, I started the podcast.
Starting point is 01:14:47 I started listening to you and like, I was like, oh, I'm listening to someone I disagree with and I ended up agreeing with you. What do you think it,
Starting point is 01:14:53 what do you think it is? Why weren't you just like, fuck this guy, he's an asshole or he's a Nazi or what, what, what do you think,
Starting point is 01:15:00 do you think it was, I'm hoping that you're going to say it was the humor that broke you, but what do you think it was that made it so you were like open enough to um or maybe it wasn't even the show maybe you just like fuck someone keyed your car and you're finally like all right fuck it i hate fucking portland what what was it that you think made you stay or cracked you i think it was just some straight facts. Everything just started to make sense.
Starting point is 01:15:26 And it was just straight in the truth, basically. Right. Right. The truth is this. Even if, let's say there's 12 unarmed black men in 2019 who were killed by cops. Let's say it was cops that did purposely go out and say, hey, today we're going to kill a black guy. Let's just say worst possible scenario, right? And so those 12 guys died right and then so then we had the george floyd incident and now there's been fucking thousands of more black deaths and at some point you just have to
Starting point is 01:15:54 be like well we should have just accepted those 12 right it's just it's just the facts like even worst possible scenario that there were cops out there who killed those 12-armed black men because they were black. Dude, now we have a 34% increase on black-on-black homicides since George Floyd because of the defund the police movement. Who did that help? Nobody at all. Yeah, nobody at all. Fucking ruined everything. Yeah, the facts are weird. The facts are really weird. Anyway, okay, Well, cool. Well, thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:16:29 I should do... I should throw a party like we used to be libtards. I could be the king. I could be the king of that group. We used to be libtards. I love it. I'd definitely attend that. Do you know what else is weird too is that we can see what they're thinking but they can't see what we're thinking right like you can be like yeah i totally understand uh why you think that um uh if you don't allow abortion that it invades on a
Starting point is 01:16:56 woman's rights for her body and it um it affects her reproductive rights like you can totally see that but if you say to them yeah but how about the other part where you're actually killing a fucking human being so that you can so that you can live out your dream and go to law school what about that and they're like no fuck that and you're like what like how come you can't see both there's a level of naiveness that i i i'm like how do you not like realize all this yeah me too i was dumb as fuck yeah because we feel we're feelers instead of thinkers we were feeling instead of thinking i that's my guess express out of emotion yeah like affirmative action sounds great doesn't it like okay yes let's open up stanford and let in 20 extra black guys who who grew up in a fucking rough neighborhood who didn't make a lot of money that's great until someone's like yeah just so you know there's 20
Starting point is 01:17:49 fucking white kids who work their fucking ass off and studied for fucking 10 years to get a perfect score in sat who don't get to go then you're like no one ever tells you that part no not at all yeah and so you have to be like wait a second second, right? It's racism against racism. But yeah, but we just feel, we just hear the part that we like and it makes us feel good. So we go with it. I think that's why we were libtards. You think, Hey, did you think you'll vote for Trump? Oh, I've been, I've been, I've been on the Trump train since about two, like two years ago. I was like, Is your family losing their shit on you?
Starting point is 01:18:25 Like, are you just losing friends left, right, and center? Well, I'm Mexican, so they think I'm like, why would I go Republican? But I started explaining the facts. And then my dad's converting too. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:18:41 He's a weak man. Paco's converting? My dad. My old man. old man yeah his name paco he's like we want trump we want trump what's your dad's name i'm tony oh oh fuck i could have got that paco fuck it's close yeah he just sees the difference he's he's uneducated on the on the political side but he sees the difference from biden and trump like it's all he he's a better businessman um i think paco is a pretty gangster name yeah it is like antonio like your kid probably ends up not dealing drugs and shit.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Paco, though, by the time he's 12, he has a BMX bike and he's dealing meth around the neighborhood. Paco. I know a couple Pacos. Are they gangster? One of them is. He just runs thousands of miles and the other one just got stabbed recently. Oh, sounds like a Paco. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Paco got shanked. We call it shanked, by the way. Shanked. Stabbing shows white privilege. Shanked is more of the hood dog. Shanked. Well, thanks for calling. This has been quite enlightening.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Caleb did a poll. Only 20% of us are libtards. The other 80% were always wise. We're fucked. We've come a long way, me and you. Yes, yes, we have. All right. Well, tell your dad I said peace and love.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Will do. Will do. All right, brother. Thank you. All right. Well, tell your dad I said peace and love. Will do. Will do. All right, brother. Thank you. All right. You're welcome. Okay, now back to Jedediah.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Who did you... I want to hear... So what did he say he needs... Oh, Athena, what's up, girl? Did you get the hard drive? I need it for my wheelchair For wheelchair room So I don't get run over by someone backing out that doesn't see me That's the biggest reason
Starting point is 01:20:51 The handicapped spot I took Wasn't even in a parking lot It was on a street So they got the curb painted blue If I lived in a neighborhood Where there were curbs I don't unfortunately Because I live in the neighborhood where there were curbs, I don't, unfortunately, because I live in the country. But if I did, I would paint the curb blue in front of my house.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Fucking A. Hey, if one of the listeners does that, will you make a video of that? I would love to see that. I have a curb. I can just put it in my lot, and I'll just paint it blue. Paint it blue paint it blue yeah i might even just paint a hand just in my driveway even though it's gated and fenced in i might just put like paint the ground blue there so my wife doesn't park there
Starting point is 01:21:36 yeah uh the hey but here's the thing jed, my handicap placard is legit. I mean, not for me. It's my wife's. How I started. Jorge Villa. Do you have the... Oh, that guy has this shirt, too. Yeah, he does. Wow.
Starting point is 01:22:01 God, that was a great shirt. I don't wear mine anymore because I wore them so much I kind of stretched them out a little bit around the neck it's my dad's favorite shirt too it is? I wonder if Vindicate can make more Jorge thank you
Starting point is 01:22:19 look at that Jorge Villa Gomez isn't Villa Villa Gomez. Isn't, look, Villa, Villa, Villa, Villa Gomez. It's like the, like his name could have just been Jorge Gomez. No, it's extra Spanish. Or it's like his dad was like the mayor of that city. So isn't Villa like village?
Starting point is 01:22:41 Live? What is it? Jedediah Snellson, did you know what the handicap place card you don't have to pay meters fucking a i do dude i'm telling you this this doctor gave my wife so this doctor botched her surgery and it was it got hairy and she almost lost her leg and so he gave her a fucking lifetime handicap placard. And pushed us off to another doctor. That was his compensation? I guess. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:23:12 My wife has this knee that's like twice the size of a normal knee. But it still functions good. She can still do all the CrossFit shit. But it's like a barnacle knee. I call it the barnacle knee like you know you ever seen a branch when you break it but then you put it back and it heals and it's got like that nodule on it
Starting point is 01:23:32 right like it's over compensating now like fuck you try again yeah uh yeah my wife has a knee like that she's not gonna like this this bit anyway so uh so so we got a handicap placard She's not going to like this bit. Anyway, so we got a handicap placard. We park everywhere up in the front
Starting point is 01:23:52 and yes, Jedediah, it's free. It's awesome. Not only are you incapable of shit, but we know you're poor. It doesn't even make sense why it would be free. Like all of the things you get for being a veteran. They're like,
Starting point is 01:24:09 well, you've done so much for us. Here's some extra stuff. Oh, I just feel bad for you. Yeah, that's nice. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:16 I like that. Hey, can we play this whole Tucker Carlson piece, um, about IBM? Uh, it's three 91. I started playing it on another show but i never got through it here we go okay so this is he's referring to james o'keefe who i
Starting point is 01:24:38 absolutely love okay here we go video that was leaked to o'Keefe of Krishna, the CEO of IBM, telling his employees to hire fewer white men or they will be punished. Their pay will be cut. Watch this. I'm very clear about this. I expect at the executive level that that is not just my direct, but all executives in the company have to move forward by one percent on both underrepresented minorities. have to move forward by 1% on both underrepresented minorities. Let me say it. Asians in the US are not an underrepresented minority in a tech company. Others are. Ditto on gender diversity.
Starting point is 01:25:16 So we take underrepresented and gender. You've got to move both forward by a percentage. That leads to a plus on your bonus. By the way, if you lose, you lose part of your bonus. How did an immigrant to this country wind up supporting racial fascism? It's a great question and one we should think deeply about as tens of millions of new immigrants pour across our border. Here is video that was leaked. Here's the part that's weird, though.
Starting point is 01:25:40 That guy belongs to a tribe that's two billion deep. Underrepresented. He's Indianian i mean like i heard you're able to claim hispanic status without any proof required maybe also changing your last name to something hispanic how about that games athlete that's like his name is like like little light foot or some shit did more members come in yesterday or today dude yesterday I don't know what fucking Caleb and Sousa were doing like I haven't seen the
Starting point is 01:26:14 show but the members poured in poured in yeah squid pro quo Caleb any advice on trying to go for 100% SquidProQuo Caleb any advice on trying to go for 100% I was 80% had brain surgery and now I'm at 90% what's she referencing
Starting point is 01:26:34 disability so when I so she was in the military probably that's how I get it good question I know so i i'm still i'm going through this process right now so i don't know exactly how to do it but my dad did it and he was in the same boat where he was like 80 or 90 percent and uh he had he went to a friend of his who does he like resubmits people's paperwork
Starting point is 01:27:06 to so that it reads that it reads in a way that the VA will determine that you're 80 to 90 or that you're 100% disabled basically. They just basically take all your medical records and compile it into one thing
Starting point is 01:27:21 and then they document it a specific way and then they pass along to the va so i'd recommend trying to find somebody who would be able to do that for you as well trying to get some help because that's a pretty big deal because you get uh no property tax and a shitload of other benefits and you get crazy money so just find somebody who can help with that i had i had a friend i don't know know exactly what you guys are talking about but I had a friend who was in the military for a long time
Starting point is 01:27:51 I don't know if friend is the right word acquaintance someone I know in the military for a long time then was not in the military for a long time and then someone said one of their friends said hey I get crazy money and so then this acquaintance of mine went to the va and he got crazy money and he got all 100 of it and like you said he was
Starting point is 01:28:13 telling me some other shit like he didn't have to pay property tax anymore it ended up being like it ends up being it's crazy it's crazy live off of it for sure yeah and but and if you don't have to pay property tax dude like in California that's like Well I guess it's just federal Is this federal and state Probably just federal But either way that's nuts If you
Starting point is 01:28:36 Just DM me squid pro And your kids get some shit too I think I think like your kids Don't have to pay tuition at college I mean It starts getting crazy they do everything for you yeah shoot me a dm and we can i'll try to find out if your wife stops blowing you they'll come over and slap her yeah something like that eric van eric van became
Starting point is 01:28:59 a youtube member i feel like there should be more to that name It looks like he's sitting on elephant ears Maybe it's just tooth What? I don't know what's going on Sorry I didn't mean to yawn Okay grandpa Okay so Amy Broccoli Oh so she upgraded her membership
Starting point is 01:29:21 Because I've seen her before Yep and then if you go to the YouTube Like if you go to the YouTube page, like if you go to the YouTube chat, it'll show that. Oh. Oh. So it shows which level they chose. Yeah. Or if they upgraded. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:38 That way you can see it that way too. Okay. I like it. Property tax is state local level Still Anything helps I spend so much money in property tax Every year it's fucking nuts
Starting point is 01:29:58 We talked about Kwanzaa We talked about Kwanzaa We talked about AOC We talked about showing Oh this is a good one How about 386 This one's wild This is the kind of shit By the way if you travel in South America
Starting point is 01:30:22 You will see this stuff 100% Central and South America Especially Central America I've done a lot you travel in South America, you will see this stuff a hundred percent central and South America, especially Central America. I've done a lot of traveling Central America, Central America, a lot, a lot, a lot,
Starting point is 01:30:30 a lot. And if you travel there, you will see this kind of shit guaranteed a hundred percent. And once again, this is the kind of shit like I just hear about when I hear people whining in this fucking country. I'm like, God,
Starting point is 01:30:41 you guys are douchebags. You have no idea how good you have it. Look at this shit. This shit's crazy. Here we go. Did you see that shit? That kid fell off the fucking truck. What the hell? He just like jumped too.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I mean, he just got. Oh, fuck. God damn. Every time I see that, I think it's Avi. Yeah, I can see it. It's pretty fucked up. Oh, my God. What's going on with Kelly?
Starting point is 01:31:29 Damn, Bonespur should have served. Squid, I'm here, aren't I? I want to see. Is this girl new? 45 is not known for having a sense of humor. Oh, President 45? No, I'm actually interested in a recent podcast about Chris Bledsoe. Man, the comments on the Chris Bledsoe podcast, that's the guy where the guy's called – he wrote the book UFO of God.
Starting point is 01:31:57 And where he thinks that the UFOs are in God and basically the same thing. It's all part of their angels or whatever. Anyway, the comments on there are fucking crazy like half the comments are people just hating me like like i asked something that was inappropriate i think i asked him when he sees the uf the aliens in his house if he feels like if like does he ever get concerned they're watching him jerk off to porn and he said i don't jerk off to porn i said how about when you're boning your wife and he answered it i don't understand off to porn. And I said, how about when you're boning your wife? And he answered it. I don't understand why that would be. I understand why it's uncomfortable for some people, but don't attack me.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Just be like, yeah, that's a fucking pretty wild question. But no one else is watching you jerk off to porn, bone your wife, or take a shit. Those are things you do in private. And if these guys are rolling around your house, I think it's a fair question to ask about those guys watching you do those things don't you think sure it's not it's not like I know it's not something
Starting point is 01:32:52 Wally Safer would ask on fucking 60 minutes but you're not watching this show to fucking hear Wally Safer ask questions. And like those how we get the good answers. What if you would have said, yeah, well, actually, while I'm having sex with my wife, the UFO guys tickle my butt. What if he said that?
Starting point is 01:33:26 Then you know it exists. This is a fucking crazy manipulative question. You ready for this? Look at this post. From Kenneth DeLapp. Oh, you're saying if he sticks his finger in your butt, then you know. Then you know.
Starting point is 01:33:43 It's not just your delusional or just, oh. It's not just a book anymore. So I'm kind of looking for – while other people get caught up in maybe the uncomfortability of the question, I'm like really doing – I'm looking for points of reference that validate him. Chris should be thanking me. Everybody who comes on the show should be thanking you. Good point. You know what it is? My questions are like Elon wanting to go to Mars like some people think he's crazy
Starting point is 01:34:09 but he just dreams big we're just trying to go to Mars man yeah and I just want to ask the questions that like I'm not trying to ask the questions no one asks it just happens I just want to go to Mars Kenneth DeLapp.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Look at how he put that accent over that A. That motherfucker. That's beta shit. He turned me into one stroke over the A. He betas me. Savon. Savon.
Starting point is 01:34:41 When I was a kid, people were like, is the accent over the E or the A? I'm like, fuck fuck off I'm fucking 8 and now I still want to do that like if anyone has me like I don't know accent accent ask me a real question
Starting point is 01:34:55 I say axe A-X-E put a tilde on there is that what that thing's called oh no the tilde is the two dots squiggle one oh and what's the Is that what that thing's called? Oh, no, the tilde is the two dots. That's an umlaut. Oh, the two dots.
Starting point is 01:35:08 And what's the... Like a little U? A little sideways S is the tilde. Oh. What's the one that's kind of like this? Like a skateboard ramp? Shit, I don't know that one. But you've seen it, right? Yeah, I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:35:24 A sub on random question Are we keeping the holiday show tradition? What fucking tradition, motherfucker? And getting Hiller and Hunter on for New Year's? I know what you're doing I know what you're doing You're manipulating me I'd love to, that's a great idea, Kenneth
Starting point is 01:35:40 Hunter just boned out kind of quick last time. I think I have that David Pan dude coming on New Year's. That'd be cool. Don't listen to the haters, Sevan. That show is great. Oh, the Blood So One? I fucking read the book. I listened to it a
Starting point is 01:36:05 fake seven holy shit Wow that's pretty good hey how about at cf media made a little piece on me on the behind the scenes did you see that yeah it did i said i uh i told suza to send him a um a free screener of the behind the scenes fucking oh really yeah make a video about me you get a free screener what what what what what jr just text me hey like what i mean hey does that mean you're yeah that's something some asian whore fisher fishing fishing strategy would say to me that's something some asian whore fishing strategy would say to me. That's something some Asian whore fishing strategy would say to me. Hey.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Now when I say that, I don't want anyone to get upset because they wouldn't really be Asian. They would just use the picture of an Asian girl. They're fake Asian. So really, I didn't say anything bad about Asian. Oh. God. oh god JR's like my fucking wife
Starting point is 01:37:32 what he just said to me he goes that's what you do to me that's what my wife says to me I'd be like why'd you do that she'd be like why did you do that to me I'm like fuck you fuck you you ain't my I have two wives now. JR and my wife.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Now he writes, now you know how unsettling it is. Dickhead. As soon as you start texting, I just wait 10 minutes until you're done with your thought. I don't need your therapy. I designed that for you. Motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Fuck me with my own shit. Just send me a hey. Get me all triggered. That's what triggers me. Someone texting me hey. H-E-Y. Oh, Jeremy, I know you text me by the way.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Oh, wow. He actually asked a great question. Shit. I don't know the answer to that. That's a really interesting question he asked. JR now identifies as Sevan's wife. Probably not. JR now identifies as Sevan's wife probably not that's a really good question he asked that's funny I never thought of that he said something really
Starting point is 01:38:52 smart again that guy says a lot of smart shit oh do you remember this thing that Woody Harrelson did let's revisit this 378 he was on Saturday night he was on Saturday Night Live and someone they said he heard the dumbest movie pitch of all time and he turned down the movie
Starting point is 01:39:19 you guys remember this I'm not a huge Woody Harrelson fan but this is pretty fucking good I had a little I had a run in a huge Woody Harrelson fan, but this is pretty fucking good. I had a little, I had a run-in with Mr. Harrelson one time in college. He was a dick. Here we go. Drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes.
Starting point is 01:39:43 and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes, and people can only come out if they take the cartel's drugs and keep taking them over and over. I threw the script away. I mean, who is going to believe that crazy idea? The biggest drug cartel in the world. He was on campus, and I had heard, I was I don't know how old I was at the time 30. He was on campus at UCSB
Starting point is 01:40:10 maybe I was 28, I don't know. It was 2000 24 years ago Oh, maybe I was 26, 25 I don't know how old I was. He was on campus and he's walking around and I had this show that I did on campus called ivy tv or
Starting point is 01:40:26 at uc santa barbara and i walked up to him and i said hey is it true that you uh when you have sex with your wife i read that you don't ejaculate that you hold all of that in and he fucking tried to like basically fight me what yeah he's like fuck you and your paparazzi blah blah blah i'm like what and that's like a total typical question that like that's the kind of shit we asked on our show all the time to people he got so fucking defensive he tried to fight me you know what else had you know who else tried to fight me one time i was at a party in las vegas at a casino and fucking chris angel i think i told that story before i was talking to this girl and this fucking magician yeah and this skinny fucking gross piece of shit walks up to me with the biggest fucking bouncer ever he actually looked
Starting point is 01:41:11 like you caleb but with like maybe three like six five and a hundred pounds like a fat on him i left that party someone i because that that guy was getting so threatening, like, I thought, like, that that dude was going to kill me. Like, I had any chance with this fucking, the girl I was talking to.
Starting point is 01:41:33 Like, it's probably like the only girl I talked to in 10 years. Fucking asshole. God, he's such a scumbag. He was such a scumbag. Uh, oh, became a scumbag. He was such a scumbag. Oh, became... Okay, cool. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:41:54 Make your ass disappear. Make your ass disappear. Chris Angel's gonna make your ass disappear. Oh. Chris Angel's so 1999. Yeah, it was probably back then, too. He looked like a meth head. I just remember thinking,
Starting point is 01:42:11 wow, this guy's fucking on something. He still does. Yeah. Ooh, I just got hungry. I don't remember having that sensation on the show. A kid falling off truck. Okay. Oh, what about 377?
Starting point is 01:42:34 This one's supposed to be funny. I don't like being accosted. People threatening my safety. Oh, here we go. Comedy. Okay, here we go. I'm at the age where you realize doctors know nothing. You guys are too young.
Starting point is 01:42:54 You guys still believe in doctors. Doctors know nothing. And the more specific they are, the dumber they are, too. Any doctors in the audience? What kind of doctor? Dermatologist. Perfect. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:43:20 That's an idiot that knows nothing. That much I could tell you. Dermatology. You got a bow. My God. Let me say it. Try much I could tell you. Dermatology. You got a bow. My God. Let me say, try this. If it works, if it doesn't, come back in two weeks. We'll monitor it.
Starting point is 01:43:43 Do you know that you know nothing or no? Are you like, I'm the king of my thing? You love it? Yeah, all right. Are you a full-blown or are you a residency, internship? Residency, yeah. Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!
Starting point is 01:44:02 nothing why am I so mean to doctors that's fucking hilarious that is so good what's 378 oh here we go we just played that we did 388 or 378
Starting point is 01:44:27 378 is the Woody Woody Harrelson thing oh there's another 378 it says when I was living in there how dare you Caleb dare you think that I read something?
Starting point is 01:44:46 That's just to keep Caleb on his toes. Double up on the numbers. J.R. Howell, listen, guys. That's a friend. He gave me content in my text messages over here. And then pays me for the therapy session he gave me. That's what you call when when i when i um would visit the middle east on a regular basis you would see this thing all the time you'd basically see people living like in concrete huts or in really fucking poor conditions but there'd be the nicest mercedes you've ever seen
Starting point is 01:45:24 are in really fucking poor conditions but there'd be the nicest mercedes you've ever seen and uh parked out front and everyone had cell phones everyone had like blackberries and just shit like that the nicest shit but they lived like an utter squalor okay here we go very quickly about that digital map you're telling people where is going to be targeted next people don't have power to power up their mobile phones. They haven't got Wi-Fi. Well, I don't know. I mean, I think you and all of your viewers saw our hostages being paraded through the streets as they were released to Israel over those seven nights. And hundreds of Gazans holding their phones, videoing them.
Starting point is 01:46:01 So clearly there's enough power to power their phones when they're parading our hostages throughout Gaza. Now that same power to their phones will be to get the maps, download the maps, look at the flyers and don't forget, we're not only- I'm so sorry. We are out of time, but we appreciate your comments this evening. Just wanted to ask you very quick- He fucked that dude up. Hey, that's when Marco called in, that's the whole common sense thing again right yeah right okay like here's the thing i want to know like the moon landing thing i just want to know who filmed it
Starting point is 01:46:37 like when the guy gets out of the fucking thing and he's like one smile and there's like the wide shot like who filmed that where's that from just tell me i'm cool i mean i'm i believe we went to the moon but there's just some things like you just gotta know like yeah like they've hundreds thousands there's videos of all this shit and you're telling me that they don't have electricity over there they don't have like shut the. They don't have like, shut the fuck up, dude. Obviously they have water and food and electricity or they'd all be dead. There'd be millions dead, not 20,000.
Starting point is 01:47:14 Oh shit. Uh, sleaky moon landing definitely did not happen. Jesus Christ. No wonder. See, here's the thing. It's Kubrick's heavy. Here's the thing. I am Kubrick, Seve. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:47:25 I am not a fucking conspiracy theorist. For some reason, I'm a magnet for these fucking wackadoodles. Conspiracy theorists. Christians. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not... I need help
Starting point is 01:47:46 this show should be called help Seve not the Seveon podcast people who help Seveon therapy with Seve you love me I love the thought of you that's for sure okay I got distracted that threw me for a loop
Starting point is 01:48:14 I got flush pull that comment down can she read my mind probably Fuck can she read my mind probably I saw that Mary ma Mary did you did you see Cali's giving undocumented immigrants health care starting Jan 1? I wonder what that means I wonder what that means I saw that article I wasn't sure whether I should run with that or not what are you doing today Caleb after this
Starting point is 01:49:02 probably going to work on the bathroom some more i need to oh really get some stuff done there so we can set up the shower are you actually doing stuff or do you just kind of go in there and like kick it around and stare at it yeah as hillary would say just move stuff around like like like do you actually like you know what i mean like you're like okay i'm gonna work on the bathroom today and like you take off like a layer of paint and then you're like no i'm plumbing needs to be done and i don't really want to do that so fuck it i guess i'm just gonna like now i'm just gonna clean the sweep out the floor are you i've done that for a few days now and now i actually like i've i've built
Starting point is 01:49:41 up the the annoyance with myself that'm going to actually do something because the plumbing and the shower is so fucked up. That kind of shit takes confidence. You have to muster up some... You can't be in focus. I don't know if it's confidence. It's just the energy to try it.
Starting point is 01:50:01 It's like, okay, I have to get started on this. This will be the first bathroom you've ever done the plumbing on in your life. That's a very good point yes it is yeah and i've never known the thought of it is like doing it to me sounds like oh fuck you could start this thinking it's going to take three days and it could be a month right this is a bathroom projects like having kids if anyone actually told you the truth about how hard it is you definitely would not do it but like once you're in it, you're just doing it.
Starting point is 01:50:27 I'm not helping you, by the way, by talking about this. I shouldn't have said any of that. You're going to kill it. Thanks. I hope you have a lot of room on your credit card. Yeah, right. Okay. Cut up concrete and shit. That's what you have to do? Cut up concrete?
Starting point is 01:50:44 Yeah. This building's on a concrete slab. Yeah. They cut out a square of concrete to put the drain for the shower in. When I removed the old shower and bathtub, the drain was rusted out.
Starting point is 01:50:59 I went to just mess with it. I was able to pull the drain entirely out of the concrete. Now I have to cut through all the concrete that the drain runs through and repair it and put in new drain new piping to be able to fix the drain i have a really fucking shitty story for you i can't wait i bought this house and it was a flip. Oh. And it has three bathrooms. And they span the land. I have a ranch style home and it spans the length of the house.
Starting point is 01:51:34 There's a bathroom in the one end, a bathroom on the other end and a bathroom in the middle. Okay. And they said that all the plumbing had been brand new. Well, after we lived there for a couple of weeks the the toilet was clogging every single day all the toilets all the sinks everything i called a dude in and he came with the camera and he said hey dude and i said what and he said there's a 50 foot cast iron pipe in your slab. Well, let me rephrase that. There used to be a 50-foot cast iron pipe in your slab. I'm going to show you it. And he shows me the camera footage.
Starting point is 01:52:11 And it's a camera going down 50 feet of just like a rusted pipe. It's like there's holes and shit in it. It's touching the cement. And he's like, and all this metal and shit is every time flesh toy is just grabbing shit and clogging he said you're fucked your house is toast oh my god and then they they went through all these options of like putting in a new pipe inside of that pipe or blowing in some like fiberglass it ended up being that i had to move out of the house and come up with a hundred thousand dollars and they pulled up all my hardwood floors and everything and re-put down uh all new cat in the in the slab uh 50 feet of new piping
Starting point is 01:52:51 oh my god and i have a feeling when when you were talking about that that maybe whatever that pipe is that's running like it may be. And you know what those fuckers did, Caleb, they did what you're doing. They replaced just enough. So when they first took it apart, they're like,
Starting point is 01:53:11 Oh, all the plumbing is new. But then once they went like another, like 14 inches around the corner under into the, they're like, Oh no, it's old. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:21 My only saving grace is the fact that it's like maybe six feet of pipe like there's like i mean it's so small it's only it's both the bathrooms are right next to each other and the drains are just sandwiched into one section so there's only like a couple drains so i don't know it's gonna fucking suck um fuck slabs why like why why does anyone why the fuck does my house have to be and you know another thing it when it rains a lot like i feel like there's moisture on my floor like you can't see it you can't wipe it up but i just feel it on my feet my floors feel different i walk around barefoot a lot yeah yeah i fucking hate a slab i'm maybe i don't know what i'm talking about, but I just hate a slab.
Starting point is 01:54:06 I don't like it either. McKenna Payne became a YouTube member. Hey, that girl rides horses. That's a horse girl for sure. Yeah, look at her. She's married to a man who has money, and she wears a blue jeans and she has some stuff with rhinestones. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:54:28 She has like shirt. She has like a shirt, like she, she can square dance or whatever that was line dance. Is it line dance? Please tell me I'm right. It's both. There's both.
Starting point is 01:54:38 Please tell me I'm right. McKenna, you know, I'm fucking right. Why does she have to be married to a man with money? I don't fucking know. I'm just kind of a psychic. Anything we buy, we pay for the sewer septic camera scope.
Starting point is 01:55:02 Oh yeah, hoedown. She definitely does hoedown. Oh yeah, ho down. She definitely does ho down. Jeez up, hoes down. Oh shit. McKenna just demolished the workout this morning at crash. So fit. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:18 People in JR's neighborhood have horses. That girl rides a fucking horse for sure. Her kids are grown she changes mckenna changes the as the seasons change in mckenna's house she changes like the decorations in there do you know what i mean right it goes from like like the fall is like some like browns and oranges and yellow yes and the summer is going to be like your brighter colors. Yep. Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 01:55:46 And like dried flowers from the season or she has like certain like dolls that maybe like, like, you know, come out like things that go around the salt and pepper shaker shit like that for the different seasons. There's like some Thanksgiving shit that goes on at her house. Yep. Exactly. God, tell me I'm right. McKenna, the show is going to be over soon.
Starting point is 01:56:04 I got to pee so bad. You got to tell me I'm right. Or just don't tell me I'm right McKenna the show's gonna be over soon I gotta pee so bad you gotta tell me I'm right Or just don't tell me at all Take that as I was wrong But no one has to know Oh shit here we go Uh Hi What's up
Starting point is 01:56:18 What's up What's up What's up Oh hey Oh hold on Okay, okay Cave hold on cave hold on hold on. Oh Something's wrong with this phone. Does he using some sort of voice changer? So we don't know who he is. Oh Cave really is on a lot of testosterone cave. Are you on a lot of tea?
Starting point is 01:56:44 Nailed it slow. I said date. What's my name? Gabe? Oh Oh, Cave really is on a lot of testosterone. Cave, are you on a lot of T? Nailed it. Am I slow? I said Dave. What's my name? Gabe. Oh, Gabe. Gabe.
Starting point is 01:56:50 Gabe. Dave. Gabe. Yeah, that one. Hey, what's up, dude? Oh, fuck. I was thinking about you this morning. So was I.
Starting point is 01:56:59 I'm drinking the narrator. You were thinking about yourself, too? No, no. I was thinking about you, but it was in the shower. It was something else. Oh. Ooh. No, I got to gotta be careful i got in trouble last time my hr department got really upset paulina got mad at you how does anyone ever how does anyone ever sleep in bed with their wife like can you do you ever sleep in bed with your wife and not want to get it like there's no there's no i want to get it every single second of every single day yeah it's crazy bedtime is so weird i know bedtime is so weird it's like it's even weirder now i'm starting yeah i bet
Starting point is 01:57:39 yeah it's getting getting crazy yeah you got good shit going. You got good shit going on. Yeah, yeah. I just finished interviewing some people for the coffee shop. Oh, employees? Yes, sir. Did they have to give a DEI statement? They did not. The cool thing was the the demographic that started coming a lot of them were high school kids uh we're really we're like five minutes away from a high school yeah and it's a again it's really small towns around the area so it's a lot of kids from
Starting point is 01:58:16 from that area right out of high school still in high school so it was really cool to see um but they did a little they the cool thing was a lot of them are athletes and for me obviously hey if you're if you're an athlete if you're a crossfitter it's like you go right to the top of my list just because there's like a little bit of dedication a little bit of hard work that you have to put in. And I'm really liking that. I really respect that. And hey, if for whatever reason we've been doing, a lot of them have been searching us online and stuff like that. If what we've been doing is bringing in like those awesome individuals who are, you know, seek a little bit of excellence, seek, uh, that discomfort. I mean, shoot, I think we're doing really, really good. Uh, sorry. I gave one second. Um, uh, uh,
Starting point is 01:59:12 Olivia, it's exhausting. Oh, what's exhausting. Just being in bed with like a guy every night, dude, you're you're, you're you, Olivia, you better lock yourself in a safe no dude can be like within a mile of you and not be all stirred up so you're fucked if you think it's exotic you better lock yourself in the safe laugh uh squid pro quo my fiance and i generally generally have a 17 month in bed with us that makes it easy to not want to do anything. Yeah. No one asked you talking about your fiance. Your fiance don't give two shits. He like put the baby down on the floor for a minute. I'm just telling you as a dude,
Starting point is 01:59:53 it's fucking nuts trying to sleep in bed with a woman every night. It's just, it's just crazy. It's like 10 minutes. I have to really focus. I have to really focus to fall asleep. If you say otherwise otherwise you're definitely lying to yourself yeah or you if you're a dude or you hate your wife oh that's a whole nother
Starting point is 02:00:11 issue that's that's one of those things where you want your husband your fiance your significant other your partner whatever it is you want him to be wanting you every every second if that's not the case something's going on uh olivia olivia is trying not to be so hot yeah she's it's she's if it's yeah i bet she's exhausting for you it'd be exhausting if i was you too no she's not single she has a dude mill guy i think probably not my place to say sorry um daniel garrity please explain the bed thing so my wife understands i'm normal she's currently a captive audience listen if you have a penis and you're laying down horizontally next to something that has a vagina you just it it has to be the pieces have to go together it's like you don't even want to or you do want to it doesn't matter
Starting point is 02:01:04 it that piece has to go over to the other piece Or that piece has to be disarmed The male portion The part that sticks out Not the whole portion Has to be disarmed It can't lay there Have you ever been around
Starting point is 02:01:24 A really fucking powerful magnet? Like they have these little magnets you can get on Amazon for like $40. They're so fucking powerful. It's crazy. Like if you're holding it and you get close to like a steel beam or something, you have to be so careful your finger doesn't go between the magnet and the beam. It will fucking – it will hurt so bad. That's what it's like having a penis near vagina there's just a
Starting point is 02:01:47 point where you come close enough to it that you just you it just becomes a war not to get to it i mean literally you just walk in the other room and close the door and it goes away i mean it's like that it's it's an it's an unfathomable pool you don't have any even i mean don't get me wrong you can just observe it just be like okay i'm observing it breathe breathe but but it's still pulling it's still pulling what are you trying to explain this to all the dudes know it's true i was someone's someone's It's still pooling. It's still pooling. Who are you trying to explain this to? All the dudes know it's true. Someone's wife in the comments is listening.
Starting point is 02:02:33 It's your fault. You have the hole. If you weren't there, the penis would turn off. Isn't that like a compliment? I guess. Like a good thing? I don't know. Some girls just don't want to get smashed all the time, I i mean that's almost every woman i guess but i mean it's our job to be like hey how about now or 10 seconds later how about i do that now yeah how about now i do that now
Starting point is 02:02:56 like hey how about now how about now and then when she gets really upset i'm like all right cool i'll wait like five minutes but i'll ask you in five minutes again yeah and there is a yeah exactly and then donovan said my wife just said randomly it's not just penises here's the thing though you guys have a window you guys have a window it's like 25 to 40 you're completely insatiable. Gabe, are you married? No, not yet. We were supposed to start planning, but coffee shops got in the way. Someone said, what are your bathroom options like at the – how many bathroom options do you have at Paper Street?
Starting point is 02:03:40 Is it one bathroom? There's only one bathroom. So if I take a fat shit in there and it stinks up the bathroom do you have a strong fan in there i do have a strong fan in there god we'll take a massive dump it'll be taken care of don't worry about it i've already talked to my employees about that about the bathroom is the most sacred uh spot that you like as soon as you walk into any any business as greg as soon as you walk into any business, as Greg told us, you just walk into the bathroom
Starting point is 02:04:08 and it pretty much tells you everything about that business. Hey, you know what would be a clever little thing is to put in another fan, another ceiling fan, and have a switch and be like, if you're going to take a dump, please turn on to both fans. It's gimmicky, but it's cool right and you could
Starting point is 02:04:26 even put that maybe that switch right by the toilet super dump fan air it out for the next guy and then be like hey we know our bathroom's so clean that you like taking a dump here please leave it clean for the next guy that's another another yeah you should really run the the dump thing i i'll consider that with the next one because right now this place has already taken so much money. I don't want to do anything else other than open it. I need to just open this place. What's the day?
Starting point is 02:04:54 What's the grand opening? What's the grand opening? When we get back from Autopalooza, I think that Friday, which is the 20th, that'll be the grand opening. January 20th uh that'll be the grand opening january january 20th someone will a customer will buy a coffee in there and have to rush to the bathroom and take a deuce
Starting point is 02:05:10 january 20th i'm hoping i'm hoping that's the case they'll have a nice bathroom it's a really nice work mirror yeah i mean it should be it should be really, really cool. And then obviously now people are knowing that we have our Paper Street No. 2 in Nashville. And then Paper Street No. 3 in the works. Really? Do I know about Paper Street No. 3? No. No one knows except for whoever's listening now. Can you tell me what state it's going to be in? Potentially Alabama. Wow.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Not affiliated with any fitness or gym or anything like that. Paper Street Coffee. There's no sense in aiming small. We believe in aiming big and then multiplying it by 10x to make sure the goals scare us. A coffee company with some online sales was our first goal. Then we decided to help some of the communities we love well 2024 just around the corner and we have some crazy cool plans and things already in motion before we share ours we would love to hear about your goals for 2024
Starting point is 02:06:16 leave them down below and then uh and then it's pictures of a building where your new where your new coffee place is going. Yep. Oh, shit. I can't wait. And that looks like a CrossFit gym. It looks. Hey, that's what they tell me.
Starting point is 02:06:37 Jeremy Eat World wants Alabama. Will blacks be allowed in that location? Probably. No promises. I mean, what kind of fucking question is that? Jeremy might not be allowed. If they're escorted by a Jew, they can't.
Starting point is 02:07:03 I mean, dude, as long as you give me money as long as you buy coffee you just walk in there with whatever hey will uh yes they all the a7 series have issues staying on as webcam all those fucking things overheat except like all the big big big fancy. Not like the a6700 does not overheat. And I don't think that the really expensive one, the FX3, overheats. But yeah, that a7S III, all those cameras overheated when I was at the games also. But if you're
Starting point is 02:07:36 going to get a camera, get the Sony FX3. Gabe, was there something? Go ahead. You haven't seen the weather for Waterpalooza? It's supposed to be like 70s and it might be cold. 70 is cold? For me, it is. Nah, 70 is actually pretty good.
Starting point is 02:07:57 But I mean, I hope it gets cold. I'm excited about Waterpalooza. JR and Taylor will be there. You'll be there. Travis. Oh, Travis. coffee i'm excited about wataplooza jr and um taylor will be there you'll be there uh we didn't have this uh oh travis oh vindicate's gonna have a boot there yeah he's gonna be right next to me oh that's awesome i i'm really bummed we didn't find um i really wanted to find just a sole spot i wanted to like try something new with Colton there. Let's do it.
Starting point is 02:08:30 No, I'm not using any of my good sponsors for that. I need to find a new sponsor for that. Did Tupu say no? Oh, I don't know if we tried Tupu. Try Tupu. Okay. Tupu. That's one of his, yeah. They're going to have a lot of athletes there and Colton is a powerhouse when it comes to Did we try Tupu. That's one of his. Yeah. They're going to have a lot of, a lot of athletes there.
Starting point is 02:08:45 And Colton is a powerhouse when it comes to. Did we try? And I'm not, I'm not upset at the people. I know that everyone has limited budgets and whatnot, but I just want to do, I would think that this would be really cool. I really want to blow Colton up.
Starting point is 02:09:00 And I think we could really help one of his like current sponsors, blow them up, but we just need some, we're not, we just need some funds to send a couple couple camera guys there so we can always be around I'm streaming Reach out to the liver King. Yeah, okay Speaking of sponsors what's going on with the banner? What do you mean? What's going on? Oh man?
Starting point is 02:09:22 What banner are you doing the one down at the bottom? Tell me. Oh, real reason why I called, by the way. Oh, good. What do you think? I'm going to spitball a quick idea. Quick idea. Quick idea.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Quick idea. You spend X amount of money on Paper Street, right? From when you drop the behind the scenes. Yeah. So the day of the open. Yep. And we'll pay for your open registration. Maybe you spend like, you know, 50 to $100 and then paper street will cover your open registration.
Starting point is 02:10:05 Hey, that's fucking rad hey but how do you make sure how do you make sure that they use that 20 for the open i love that if if if it if it forces people to actually use it to do the open if there actually is a way to stay connected to it here's here's why i i'm saying it here is because then i can reach out to individuals because there's there's a coupon code right that or there's a code that crossfit can give you and that would you so would you so would you work with crossfit on that i'm hey i'm putting it out in the universe Hey you know if I reach out to them I'll be like hey I'll buy it Do you have Dave's phone number I'll give you Dave's phone number
Starting point is 02:10:49 If you if you'll pitch that to him Yeah I don't have an issue yet That's fucking brilliant Dude you're so you're saying Someone spends a hundred Dollars on a coffee They'll get I'm just making that up –
Starting point is 02:11:05 that they'll get 20% off. You'll eat that fucking 20%, but you'll give it to CrossFit. That's your way of supporting the community. Yep, I will buy – let's say I buy – if everything goes well, there's 100 orders, right? Let's just say. Yeah. It would be $ two thousand dollars right yeah yeah and whatever it is i'm not looking to get a discount or anything like that from
Starting point is 02:11:29 crossfit right right for your membership and then right generate 200 codes i give it or 100 codes i give it to those 100 people and they have a code and they can sign up for the open they can only use it for the open does the open does the open registration have a code a place have a code and they can sign up for the open. They can only use it for the open. Does the open, does the open registration have a code, a place for a code? There is. Oh,
Starting point is 02:11:52 previous years. I don't know about this year, but ideas. Hey, you have, do you have Dave's phone number? No, no,
Starting point is 02:12:01 no, we just DM. I can reach out to him. If he's cool with it, just throw us in a group chat. And that way I can, you know, bug him that way. If he's not cool with it, i can reach out to him if he's cool with it just throw us in a group chat and that way i can you know fuck him that way if he's not cool with it i'll reach out to him on dms or agent on dms and i'll figure it out dude it seems like a fucking no-brainer unless they had some sort of sponsorship with someone else already that would prohibit them which would
Starting point is 02:12:22 just be weird well i'm not looking to i know i get it you're not i get it i get it you're not asking to blow you up or promote it or nothing we got all that no i'm gonna give you money you just give me codes to make it easy because yeah you want to buy people gift certificates for the open oh shit that's basically it yeah so we could facilitate that and maybe you know streamline the process through crossfit or or david's pool just you know having a quick conversation with that text back and forth if not i'll just yeah hopefully he'll get back to me if not we'll figure something out. But that would be something that would coincide with
Starting point is 02:13:07 the second that you guys release the behind the scenes. We'll start pumping that out. Yeah, it'll be really, really cool. Alright. Okay, thank you. That's a great idea. I'll run that by Dave. Talk to you guys. Bye, Cal.
Starting point is 02:13:24 Later, dude. Anyone in the new jersey area who wants to get a good cup of coffee you can do it live in person at the paper street uh location in new jersey and then it sounds like there's gonna be another one on the proven campus in nashville very soon uh rebecca rebecca rebecca that's how like if i was Australian, I'd say, is that the organ Carl Goodmanson and snorey? Looks like it. And that girl in the middle looks like a schnaz, a Craig Ritchie's chick. I'm guessing that's Rebecca.
Starting point is 02:13:56 So is that Susanna bar? Swazna bar. Swazna bar. Swazna bar. Rebecca Swaznabar? Swaznabar. Rebecca Swaznabar. My reading has improved dramatically since I started doing this show. I used to be horrible at names.
Starting point is 02:14:13 Now I'm kind of a god. Rebecca Swaznabar. Hey, that's a good name for a bar. Swaznabar. She should come out with a bar. Swazna Bar. She should come out with a bar. Swazna Bar. Rebecca Swazna Bar became a YouTube member. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:14:37 Seve, have you been to CrossFit Krypton? No. It's in Chesapeake, but... I've been told I'm not allowed. I've been told I'm not allowed on the premises. It's a nice gym. I went there I've been told I'm not allowed. I've told them didn't told them not allowed on the premises The nice gym I went there before I left you did yeah Asymmetric HQ is brilliant having you guys do all this work for them for free. I Am NOT a whore I will only suck cock for free Savi did you pee under the no, but I got gotta pee so bad. I'm doing the total pee dance.
Starting point is 02:15:05 I want to get one more thing off the list. Can we play number... San Francisco is crime-ridden. 162. 162. Oh, 163 looks fun, too. Sexual freedom. I wonder what that means.
Starting point is 02:15:27 Here we go go What is this Nope can't play that Damn that sucks that's great music The Gap is gone The Nordstrom Rack is gone Saks Fifth Avenue is gone Abercrombie and Molest Kids is gone Nordstrom's is gone
Starting point is 02:15:42 Anthropologie is gone. Aldo's is gone. Oakley. God, Aldo's is gone. Oakley's gone. Old Navy's gone. Dang, even Old Navy. Gangstop.
Starting point is 02:15:54 Ciba2. Ciba2. The Container Store. The Disney Store. The Molestation Store. Barney's. Creighton Barrow. Disney's the training store.
Starting point is 02:16:04 Uniqlo. Uniqlolo St. Laurent The Ordinary H&M Scotch and Soda Marmot Steve Madden Marshalls
Starting point is 02:16:17 Tap 41 Century Theaters Rest in Peace San Francisco Wow God damn Sad Now why is that That's because
Starting point is 02:16:39 They stopped enforcing crime That's all the George Floyd phenomenon That is what that is No You have to know that's no, it's Amazon and people buying online. No, it is not. whatever they fucking want and the white privilege class uh i don't know i don't know what the the privilege class is just i don't know what they get they get nothing they get to lose their stores hey and here's here's what ends up happening oh it's because they're so compassionate right sorry Seema Seema I've been seeing a lot of Seema yeah yeah because I started a new account and I never followed her before but some it popped up and I and I'm only allowed to follow like three new people a day or some shit so I followed her early on so she's like really in my algorithm so like I see her shit a lot now it's kind of cool yeah she's great white flight oh that's
Starting point is 02:17:47 wow that's a great white flight yeah there's white flight those fucking white people yeah the george floyd phenomenon i wonder what party's part uh responsible for that but they feel so good well 163 sexual freedom 163 i don't know i don't these are all I just, oh, here we go. Casual sex makes women miserable. Oh, well, shit. Here we go. What I think we're seeing is what I'm going to describe as the homosexualization of heterosexuality.
Starting point is 02:18:34 So basically a trend towards seeing greater male preferences in the sexual culture, you know, in the same way that obviously you would expect to see in gay male sexual culture, because it's entirely composed of men, right? You're seeing that in the straight dating world as well. So more casual sex, more kind of anonymous sex, more porn, more tolerance for fetishes, all of this stuff, you know, Sex and the City is actually a TV show made by and about gay men. They admit this, you know, Samantha, the horny one, she was based on a real person, a man, the writers have said as much, right? But the problem is that Sex and the City is so emblematic of this idea that having sex like a man, and that's what they
Starting point is 02:19:18 call it in the first episode, having sex like a man is aspirational. And I've heard from so many women, because they email me all the time who say that they lent into this they tried so hard to prioritize sexual freedom and it made them miserable hey i talked about this like two years ago this exact same thing i couched it a little bit differently but it's basically like hey that it's just fucked being gay, like as a man, because you need women to you need someone who's like pushing back and like making you jump through hoops because it makes you a better person. And so to be a gay man, you need such crazy discipline and structure and fucking like. In ritual, like you can't just get a bunch of dudes together and just like like all they'll do is they'll just jerk themselves off to death but you get a couple women around we'll start
Starting point is 02:20:12 inventing light bulbs and cars and fucking musical instruments and spinning pizzas and jumping over fucking fucking canyons with motorcycles we'll start doing all sorts of cool crazy shit you know what i mean start breakdancing spinning on our head we can do crazy make nuclear bombs we need pussy do if you don't have pussy then then you have no reason to perform That doesn't sound like misogyny to me Yes I own you bitches Not you guys but you know The reddit gloryhole fucks Squidpro quote
Starting point is 02:21:02 Alright people made it outside for this new years workout Have a great day happy new year everyone May this year be much better than last god i don't know like my i don't know if we can last year was great every year keeps getting better uh soda horse became a youtube member that's awesome thank you good to see you you're scaring me with that profile pic a little bit a little bit of a serial killer in there. I hate to say it. I know. I agree with this.
Starting point is 02:21:29 I hate to say it too. But easily available porn contributes to this. Yeah. I don't want to censor and all that. But yeah. It's the same thing with like rap music and porn and all that shit. It's just all fucked. But like I hate to say it.
Starting point is 02:21:38 But. My brain is not warped. I'm a fucking critical thinker. It just takes down. It takes. In true critical thinking, there is so much vagina. You have to understand that. At every turn, there's vagina.
Starting point is 02:21:56 In true, real critical thinking. Do I need to explain that? You get it, right? Do you get it, Caleb, or no? I'm not judging you. You're struggling to explain that? You get it, right? Do you get it, Caleb, or no? I'm not judging you. You're struggling to get it? There's so much purpose around vagina to not think about vagina as part of, like, anything you think of. Like, when I turn this light switch on and the light goes on in the room, like, you're not bizarre if you're like, how does vagina play a role in that?
Starting point is 02:22:25 Like, that's not like bad thinking. Now, I I'm not saying it's good thinking but it's not bad Thinking it's it is the driving Force of so Much shit that goes on on planet Earth vagina The reason I'm Renovating this house is for vagina Okay
Starting point is 02:22:41 Now I'm tracking Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky Jeffrey Epstein Hillary Clinton Yeah the vag holds all yeah I don't know if it holds all the power Well And you kind of need it to hold All the power because you can't just have dudes just running
Starting point is 02:23:01 Rampant without there being some sort of Vagin component It's like it's like that it's like that That those pancakes my wife makes that are just like they're flowerless like they shouldn't be called pancakes. They need the flower component That's not a good example So just vaginal I'm a fucking marvelous critical thinker that understands that you have to include vaginal
Starting point is 02:23:31 I'm gonna erase 156 for good can you play 156 it's gone oh fuck 165 they'd kill you I'm erasing this one for good too I don't even know what this fuck At 165 they'd kill you I'm already seeing this one for good too I don't even know what this one is 165
Starting point is 02:23:49 Oh I have to pee so bad Do these people not realize The Palestinians would behead them After their first yas? Yas? Queers for Palestine. Yeah, they don't like you so much over there. Hold on a minute.
Starting point is 02:24:14 Of the 1.8 billion Muslims, six of them like gay people. I told a guy the other day I do not think he was happy he was talking about how a JV team hey what's up thank you nice dog look at that schnoz on that dog that's a hell of a schnauzer some guy goes hey dude Israel is a place where pedophiles go and they can't be prosecuted and he sent me this article showing that like pedophiles in the United States have gone there and they can't be prosecuted they're protected in israel and i didn't i didn't even look into it right i was just like okay i just took it as a fact okay fine okay and then i said to him i said this i said hey dude there's 15 million jews on the planet and there's 1.8 billion
Starting point is 02:25:00 muslims i bet you that every day 15 million muslim boys are molested by muslim men in these countries like afghanistan every single fucking day sure it would still be less than one percent so don't be worrying about what the fucking who the six pedophiles that are hiding out in fucking jer. I mean, I don't even know if it's true. But it's once again the math. And look, the problem with this story is there's no vagina in it. I hope my mom is not listening this morning. This shows whack.
Starting point is 02:25:46 Oh, 136. This show's whack. 136. This one scares me. It's called Black Guys. Oh, no. 136, Black Guys. It's gone. Oh, good. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:25:57 Dodged a bullet. 125, Shoplifters. 125 shoplifters 125 shoplifters I think we've shown this one but it's good Is it good? Okay good Fed up with citizen Fed up citizen tackle shoplifter And take back what
Starting point is 02:26:21 What he stole Yeah he It's a he Okay let's go oh shit oh it's a wrestler he's a wrestler right you can tell by the way he's holding him down oh single leg oh shit he's trying to go back and steal more shit Oh, single leg. Bro, quit it. Oh, shit. He's trying to go back in and steal more shit.
Starting point is 02:26:51 All right, let me go, man. You're going to stay in that for a full month. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:26:55 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:26:55 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:26:56 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:26:56 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:26:58 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:26:58 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:27:00 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:27:04 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. yellow hat on, that black dude looked buff as shit. Yeah, he did. Look at this guy. Poor guy. Just let him go. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:12 After he just ran back in the store and grabbed more shit. Yeah, dude's definitely a wrestler. There you see it. Kenneth DeLapp, new member. America. John Shaw, Brian Shaw just became a member. What's up? My kids love your brother, Brian.
Starting point is 02:27:27 Jesus. My kids are always talking about how he's the strongest man in the world. Do you think you could beat Brian Shaw at arm wrestling? No. Fucking leave me alone. Can't even beat your mom. Ask me that shit. Can you throw a football farther than Brian Shaw?
Starting point is 02:27:44 No. You got to fucking dwarf as a dad. Leave me alone. You're going to be able to beat me up when you're 12. Poor kids. What can you do? I don't know. 48.
Starting point is 02:28:04 Shall we build homes for these people? Do you guys ever feel sorry for me because i have to go to the bathroom does it give you guys anxiety how bad i have to go to the bathroom are you guys like fuck i can't enjoy the show knowing seven's fucking like 80 of his attention is on his helmet i have that little ting i have to pee so bad i have that little tingling going on on my helmet 48 build homes for these people? Yeah, okay. So this is what... Anytime a politician says,
Starting point is 02:28:30 oh, you do feel a little anxiety about how bad I have to pee? Thank you. I appreciate that. Look at... Oh, you guys do? Yeah. Okay. Good.
Starting point is 02:28:37 So it ruins the show for you guys. Good. That makes me feel better. David. Zero empathy. No. Black John Young. Just what I expected from a fucking guy who does black empathy. No. Black John Young. Just what I expected from a fucking guy who does blackface.
Starting point is 02:28:48 No. They want to build. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Flies on the crowd. And you want to build shelter for these people. You think that's what these people need? You think she needs shelter?
Starting point is 02:29:11 Look at that. What? That's amazing. That's amazing. That's amazing. She's passed out And there's a fucking swarm of flies On her vagina
Starting point is 02:29:28 By the way that's not the kind of vagina That makes the world go around No Alright guys Love you Maybe I'll leave you with something We're only a couple days away from Is today Saturday? Yes We're only a couple days away from is today Saturday?
Starting point is 02:29:46 yes we're only a couple days away from behind the scenes being launched nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible nothing can surpass it the soft overcomes the hard
Starting point is 02:30:02 the gentle overcomes the rigid everyone knows this is true but few can put it into practice therefore the master remains serene The fuck does that mean? True words seem paradoxical. Oh, yeah, that. Love you guys. See you tomorrow morning. Buh-bye.

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