The Sevan Podcast - The Christmas Special w/ Hunter & Hiller | Live Call In

Episode Date: December 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Sick of the cottage chaos? Beach? It's time for a reality check. An all-inclusive beach break with Sunwing Vacations can actually be cheaper than a staycation. Let's be real. Cottages sound good until you realize you're the cook, cleaner,
Starting point is 00:00:46 and kids entertainer. Say no to inferior, more expensive vacays and yes to kids clubs and all-you-can-everything. Book with your local travel agent or... I don't know if...
Starting point is 00:01:04 Bam, we're live. ...for someone to play that one on the air nice glasses thank you did we launch the membership yeah sure holy shit yeah Christmas episode did you hear those
Starting point is 00:01:18 did you hear those things I sent no no are they stuff for my soundboard they're hilarious you can put them on your soundboard. Where are they? Send them in the group chat. Okay, hold on. Let me play. Play the first one. Don't play the last one.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Don't play the last one. It's the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me. A dump truck hottie. Wow, I like that. The second one. My true love gave to me. A dump truck hottie. I was actually, seriously, I was just in the bathroom drying my hair, towel drying it.
Starting point is 00:01:56 And I was just staring at my wife's butt. And I was like, it's crazy. I have a Jewish girl with a black girl's butt. It's crazy. Yeah. And she's wearing my boxers. Her ass is crazy. It's the 300 air squat workout.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yeah, it's fucking nuts. Thank you. Can I play the second one? Yes, Susan. The third one. Play it away from the microphone. You can listen to it first. How about that? On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me. Here, play it like away from the microphone. You can listen to it first. How about that?
Starting point is 00:02:25 Okay. On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me. Oh, we can hear it. A $200 million company. Yeah. On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me. A $200 million company. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Is Tom a member now? I don't think so. I don't think so. Peace on earth to those upon whom hosts favor rest. His favor rest. Oh, like Jesus. Yeah, that too,
Starting point is 00:03:03 Heidi, who hoes. If hoes be resting their favors on you you are truly blessed i oh here we go do people know how to sign up for the the membership i i can show you really quick if you want yeah that tutorial here i'll do it thank you so you go to the youtube channel and this is how you do it from the computer. I'm assuming it's different from the phone. And there's this button right there, the join button. Now, click it, but I hope my freaking, there you go. Oh. Media director and the CEO memberships. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Okay, cool. All right. Make it rain cash. Hey, I think January 1st is the debut of the um early release yeah i think so january 1st yeah if everything everything's going to plan i was sending those over to uh dave last night oh look a member first one first look a member the shiz became a youtube member excuse me i'm gonna stop my screen really quick because i'm gonna click the join button i just don't want my credit card, but the pop up on the screen. Nice member.
Starting point is 00:04:09 It says it at the top too. All right. So here, so far I'm good. I'm in the clear. This is the next screen. This is the first. Oh, there's your credit card number. Oh, it's just a lot of digits.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Everyone can have those. Nails is a member. Wow. He's a member. number. Oh, it's just a lot of digits. Everyone can have those. O'Neal's is a member. Wow. Wad Zombie is a member. Wow. Hey, is this shirt made by Vindicate? I'm a member. There you are.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Andrew Hiller's a member. Andrew Hiller is a member. Yeah. I signed up for the $20 one. I wonder if that's the green versus the difference. Is this a Wad Zombie shirt? A Vindicate shirt? Is this a Vind zombie shirt? A Vindicate shirt? Is this a Vindicate shirt?
Starting point is 00:04:47 Yeah. These shirts make me look fucking swole. This is also Vindicate. Yeah. They fit well. I put one on a buddy of mine. He said the same thing. Feels huge.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yeah, they feel great. It's like the perfect tightness of the sleeve, but lots of room for titties if you got titties. You got titties? Dude, of room for titties if you got titties you got titties dude i got crazy titties um flesh jesus birth was no uh insta-perfect manger scene with glowing orbs the most iconic birth in history took place in a lowly unsanitized manger among farm animals oh what a birth story the king of the universe came to earth Upon flesh to live among us The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us We have seen his glory
Starting point is 00:05:30 The glory of the one and only son From the father full of grace and truth John 1.14 I wonder, did Mary experience pain? Did she get scared? And ask how long would it take? I don't know Reading this stuff is what gets people killed i don't know
Starting point is 00:05:48 but like most home births it was probably messy bloody and vulnerable and intense like uh hunter mcintyre's last high rocks race our modern society doesn't like dirty and unfiltered but in fact we censor birth and death it's too uncomfortable for our virgin eyes perhaps instead we run away from our pain winning and setting high rocks world records We like to clean up birth numb the intense feelings with drugs and make it sterile and clean even in postpartum We tell mom to cover up we censor manger scenes and we censor modern motherhood Yes Birth is anything but clean and dignified birth is a breaking of waters the gushing of fluids moans too deep for words kind of like when you fuck hunter man hunter do you
Starting point is 00:06:29 know how many dms i got from women when i said dude you i don't know if you were on there but i said something like dude every chick in the world would fucking carry hunter's baby and you would not believe the responses i got in my dms it was a hundred It was unequivocal. Dude, people want your seed. Oh, so they're all agreeing. Dude, not one chick's like, that's bullshit. I don't want a redhead. Every chick's like, fucking A, take me now. You exude
Starting point is 00:06:56 something. We have Highlander genes, dude. We are the greatest warriors of all times. You're proof that I'm like that of the Darwinist shit. Like even the most fucking like blue haired septum ring wearing bitch to the most conservative fake titty fake lip bitch. They all they can all want your seat. Yeah, they can all get it.
Starting point is 00:07:17 They all know their loins. They're near Hunter and their loins burn swell wet gush all i think like the studies are coming across like if women are not on birth control and there's like a very hyper masculine man around them like it's it's very powerful if they're sedated with birth control i think the studies are in that if you don't want to fuck hunter you're not a woman i don't i don't ever shower dude never i just smell i have musk almost never shower i get wet Never. I just smell musk. Almost never shower. I get wet. You look like you got musk in that outfit.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Well, dude, this is Scott. Don't you remember this guy from Christmas Story? The bully? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Among the stalls when Mary had Jesus were the intended animals. The king of kings was born to a 16-year-old girl. His flesh felt cold air his belly felt
Starting point is 00:08:06 hunger and his body felt pain he was comforted by gentle touch of his mother mary and fed by the nourishment of her breast milk i'm so sick of wow very good morning young hunter mcintyre heidi's a member yes jeffrey are you seeing all these? Out of curiosity. Now, I'm not trying to suggest anything, but at what period of time, if Mary was 16, at what period of time in history did it all of a sudden not become cool to do that anymore? Out of real curiosity. Right after that. Two or less children? When did that become?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Hey, dude, that chick didn't do anything. Still not out of vogue, dude. That chick was a virgin. What are you talking about? No, but you know what i'm trying to say it was not uncommon back then to have children with very young women at what point in time did that become like a real no-no and also men used to have sex with each other all the time like all these like they still do this meme that's going there's this meme going around it's like everybody wants to do spartan shit until it's time to do
Starting point is 00:09:03 real spartan shit and it's just the name of these dudes just banging the shit out of each other. It's like that used to be the way in Roman empires. Everybody was having at each other and then it's like what happened? Would that be like the liver king way?
Starting point is 00:09:21 To bang each other? Yeah. Ancestral tenants. Yeah, I guess so. I i bet you i don't know the ninth ancestral tenant or something that'd be the worst home the ninth incest tenant the worst homoerotic experience you could get into like a extremely stretched across red-skinned fucking troll like that i was gay i would not fuck the liver king oh last person you'd get fucked by the liver king you wouldn't be able to you wouldn't be able to catch any of us in a foot race top five celebrity bangs 100 elton john would be at the top just because the overall wrapped around experience not because the way
Starting point is 00:09:56 he looks it's about more about the experience liver king would invite you over make you eat raw meat and then have sex with you think about elton john he'd pick you up in like a glitter helicopter and then take you to a castle and then seren with you? Think about Elton John. He'd pick you up in a glitter helicopter and then take you to a castle and then serenade you all night. Liver King would make you a semen milkshake. That was a heavy photo. You'd know a night with him would be dynamite. I would rather have the guy...
Starting point is 00:10:19 Who was the guy who died of AIDS they made the movie about? The Indian guy. Although I heard Indian dudes have huge hogs. Are you talking about Tom Hanks in that scary movie? No. Who's the Indian guy? It was a movie about...
Starting point is 00:10:33 What? You remember the movie. I don't think I do. Someone will say it in the chat. Huge movie. What was the movie? Freddie Mercury. Freddie movie. What was the movie? Oh, Freddie Mercury. Yeah, Freddie Mercury.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Oh. Fucking Bohemian Rhapsody. Thank you. That's a great movie. His was kind of fringe, dirty. I don't know if I want to have a night with him. But Elton John, classy. The Lever King would make you his three-car
Starting point is 00:11:01 parking garage for his semen. Jeez. Yeah. This is kind of dirty. So is this – what's the – are you going to keep on reading about childbirth? There is one more thing I'd like to say about this. Oh, I showed you the picture. Okay, I showed you the picture already.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Hey, Hunter, have you – how was Christmas Eve, Hunter? I got pretty drunk. Were you with family? Were you with all the intelligent people in your family, the Harvard grads and whatnot? No, dude. I actually decided to have a West Coast. I actually almost do all my Christmases out here just because I'm at the end of the year and kind of burnt out. I spend time with all my kind of Malibu families.
Starting point is 00:11:42 We went out, had a bunch of food, had a bunch of drinks, took the kids to chase Santa around. Where did you go? Nobu? Nobu? No, there's a place called Lucky's across the street in the shopping center, which is a steakhouse, which is awesome.
Starting point is 00:11:56 And all the families in Malibu, not all of them, but a lot of the families in Malibu go there. So you're seeing everybody while having dinner. And I can just be honest, like I'm not good at drinking anymore. I'm good at partying my ass off, but like that casual drinking I suck at. Okay. Before I go anymore. So you're telling me that that strip in Malibu, like where Nobu is and, um, Aviator Nation and that, and breakfast space whatever where where the tom ford sunglass
Starting point is 00:12:27 places you're telling me if i lived there i would see you you hang out in that strip that's your stomping ground there's that gym that's upstairs you know the gym that's upstairs in that like strip mall yeah yeah you can see the guys working out on the balcony across the street from the uh my buddy runs the show there now no shit it's across the street from that hotel. What's that hotel called? You're thinking of Malibu Beach Inn. Yeah. Holy shit. That's your stomping ground. This is the life. You guys have no idea
Starting point is 00:12:54 how good he has it. It's a little, little, tiny hamlet right on the edge of one of the craziest cities in the world, but yet it's all yours. When you walk around there, do people know? Are you famous there? I but yet it's all yours don't you walk around there are you famous there i mean it's all famous people like you're walking by like there's hunter's house there's i mean not hunter's house there's shares house there's someone i'm the token jock because
Starting point is 00:13:16 everybody out here has done something of some like absolute insane level and i'm just the young jock guy because everybody in malibu but you're either between the ages of 0 and 18 then you go to college and disappear or you're 40 to 100 and you're rich enough to live in malibu and you're having kids and stuff oh like i'm the only jock around caleb's there that's here that's crazy i see kid i'm going to show you guys this um i don't want to see that childbirth picture that was weird no you can't i do we will go back to that in a second you guys so this is where he lives this spot right here that says malibu and pepperdine university everything up in these hills this is like there's no one lives behind him it's just rocky mountains where rich people
Starting point is 00:13:59 try to build mansions i live in the hills though and then this is los angeles just butts up right against it it is crazy as soon as you hit topanga canyon just past there is where the homeless encampments start like and and it they're too far away from the drugs to be up in malibu and concentration but it i go down i'm working with my coach now if you go down to where the 10 hits the highway and go like a couple inches in that's where my coach is like before the 405 nanomonica pier you get off the exit there man and it is it is like a mad max beyond the thunderdome scene like the creatures and the people there go look up mad max beyond the thunderd. And I want you to see what these people look like. Los Angeles is the – California is the fifth biggest economy in the world.
Starting point is 00:14:56 And I'm not a politically aligned person, but if I had one gun and one bullet, I'd shoot Gavin Newsom. Oh, he is a douche. This is what the people look like in the streets. He's horrible. It's freaking crazy. Marmalade. Do you go to Marmalade? Do you go to Marmalade? I go to Marmalade all the time, it's freaking crazy. He's horrible. Marmalade. Do you go to Marmalade? Do you go to Marmalade? I go to Marmalade all the time.
Starting point is 00:15:07 It is so crazy. Like, I don't know if me with a baseball bat and a night in L.A. would survive. What? I'm just saying. It is crazy there. It's absolutely crazy. I don't know if I'd make it a night out there. Like, it is so crazy and bad.
Starting point is 00:15:24 And I just live up here in the hills of Malibu looking down on that shit pot of a city. It's crazy. Oh, wow. Caleb, what are you in some six-year-old girl's room? Who the fuck are you? Yeah, he does look like QAnon. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Guys, it is pizza parlor right now. Where are you, Caleb? My Monsters, Inc. bedroom. I just outfitted the Shattuck in with the Disney room. Where's the kid and what did you do with him? What's behind that curtain? Is it a door or a window? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:53 That's a window. Out of curiosity, how much does that CEO thing behind you cost if I was going to ask Santa for something? Well, you know, it's great. So yesterday, maybe Susanan knows but yesterday i had someone the owner of paper street coffee was on and he had one of those made for his paper street coffee uh store he has a new store in new jersey and he said it was a thousand bucks that's fair bigger that size it's a little bit bigger not big oh wow unsolicited plug towards those guys they sent me some of their new canned
Starting point is 00:16:25 coffee like it's dope like they're doing really really well i like that company a lot they're killing it thank you babe is killing it yeah they're killing it they're the coffee's so good i can be real with you guys when i say that i haven't bought coffee ever online before all these brands just keep on sending it to me but i keep on getting suckered into going into starbucks and spending seven dollars for a brown a cup of brown water um but i'd rather invest like i'm trying to be that like that hippie guy who like grinds his beans and like smells them afterwards then puts hot water over top weighs them you gotta weigh too, if you really want to get fancy. Josh Bridges and Matt Brizzy. I know you got it. Who do you think amongst all the CrossFitters is the big swing and D in town now? Who makes the most paper?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Does Josh Bridges have a secret? Is he a secret millionaire through his coffee company? Is it Rich Froning? Is it Tia Claire Toomey? That's a great question. Who do you think is making the most money? Hey, can we do a three-way poll, Caleb? There's no poll.
Starting point is 00:17:29 It's Rich. Do you think it is Rich? I know it's Rich. I bet his company pulls in probably anywhere between $500,000 and $800,000 a month. Which company? Here's a curveball. Yeah, street parking and Ryan Fisher with chalk.yan just broke over 25,000
Starting point is 00:17:48 members for his app yeah that's he's doing really well that's that's decent how much does it cost to be a member how much does it cost to be a member 20 bucks 30 a month and i bet you he's ranging price points that people got in at. Let's say 30% of that is obviously a much cheaper price point. Then the 30%, they're middle tier. Then there's 30%, which are full price.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Hey, dude, if it's $10 a month, he's killing it. Pretty soon, it's like the Savon podcast. Yeah, my YouTube subscriptions are going to be crazy. But is there like some secret kingpin that we don't know about? Like, I love the industries like that. Bill and Katie are the... Oh, you're talking about the people who own Rogue.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah, more than everyone combined. They basically own Ohio, which is a worthless state. They made it so it's not worthless. I get it. I respect that company. I'm not by any means aligning them with the state of Ohio. It's like owning a dumpster. And then you know the RX bar kid, that kid with autism sold for $600 million. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:58 That's like eating an iPhone, though. I hated those bars. It was such harsh, tacky. Oh, wait a minute. You didn't put a Fraser in there? I hated those bars. It was such harsh, tacky. Wait a minute. You didn't put a Fraser in there? You guys didn't put Fraser up there? Have them write it in.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Fraser would be froning in literally everything. Name one thing that Fraser could be froning in. One thing. Shouldered overhead. Like exercising? No, he couldn't. He can't. He was the first patron saint of CrossFit, though He was the first person to align the entire community in excitement
Starting point is 00:19:31 We did see Rich put 400 over his head in a competition I think he missed that He missed overhead squat, but he got the 400 over his head to set it up Think about how celebrated Michael Jordan is in comparison to... What's his name? You're making me second guess myself Don't, you're right set it up. I don't know how celebrated Michael Jordan is in comparison to, um, uh, what's his name? Making me second guess myself.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Don't you're right. I know. Yeah, but I feel like so I missed it. Well, it happens to me now that she'd lost to, um, how many hacks she lost the lower Horvath.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Her stock goes up She needed that It makes her more likable She needed that loss? Yeah, I think so Interesting Look at all these members piling in What does new member mean? Does that mean this is the first person
Starting point is 00:20:20 Ever to come in here? Or is this just like today They're a new member We launched our membership program today Hunter So we never had a membership program before first person ever to come in here or is this it's just like today they're a new member we launched our membership program today hunter so we never had a membership program before and so today we launched a membership program and you don't really get anything with the membership program except well that's not true is it a contribution like do i have to pay 99 cents yeah it's like that we're launching today i think we're gonna put out a behind the scenes from the crossfit games
Starting point is 00:20:44 and uh and those people will get early access to it by two weeks or like a month and then when I think we're going to put out a behind the scenes from the CrossFit Games. And those people will get early access to it by two weeks or like a month. And then when we do behind the scenes at Waterpalooza, if we do that, you'll get access to that. And if we do it at the semifinals, you'll get access to that. But I don't know what we're doing. Are you guys going to Waterpalooza? Is anybody going? We might be.
Starting point is 00:21:00 We're looking for a sponsor. Builder. I might have one. do um yeah like i i'm going there and i'm going to work with represent we're having like a whole booth and we're gonna basically do like a workout with some prizes behind it but i don't know if we go we should just party hard always hey what um so you you try you tried to set you set the world record you try to set the world record partners then you set the world record in individuals and you try to set the world record in partners are you burnout yeah you are you're chill not in a bad way i don't mean burnout in a negative way i mean like hey like you need i don't want to talk about high rocks
Starting point is 00:21:40 anymore like that kind of stuff wow you are wow holy shit that's the most aggressive i've ever seen you no it's not like it's not like i'm being rude to you it's just like you were you were a little bit no no no i mean it i mean it i mean i mean it that in like the nicest way possible like i'm sure there's a certain point in time in the year like after the crossfit games like i don't want to talk about the crossfit games like let's just go review strongman videos for the next eight weeks and like women's arm wrestling let me say this about you let me say this about you people take you as cavalier gung-ho always positive but the truth is is that you're an obsessive compulsive psychopath fucking world-class top tier fucking athlete and somewhere it burns so fucking bad that even though you said
Starting point is 00:22:27 you're the fucking probably the fittest man on earth right this very second you're bummed that you didn't set the doubles world record and it's eating you away alive inside because you're such a fucking freak is something like crushing my soul wow how bad was your teammate wow he's a good guy blame Blame him. Talk shit about him. End the relationship right now. Burn the boat. He's not a good guy,
Starting point is 00:22:52 but that doesn't make him fat. Screwed the pooch, dude. I don't think he wanted to kill himself the same way I did. Like, I don't really care. There's a certain point where like everybody is like, you just like,
Starting point is 00:23:02 you're like, I'm going to do it regardless of like, I tear the skin off my hands and I have blisters like when i'm done with my races i still i can stand up and i still have like bloody scabs in between my thighs for my thighs running together i just don't care i think some people will just cash out at a certain point because there's like a you're like i'm i'm okay did you guys make the second fastest time in history? Yeah, we did by 12 seconds, which is a fucking loser move. So you lost the world title by 12, the fastest time ever by 12,
Starting point is 00:23:34 but you beat the second place score by 12. So you're right in the middle. You split the difference. Yeah. Yeah. There's an interesting way to look at this. Do you know that it's going to damage the friendship when you do that with someone like every show i go on with hillar i'm like this could be our last one
Starting point is 00:23:49 i think the same thing like this could be the one this is putting it all on the line here you can say something what do you think what is there something you guys could like really encounter with each other that you'd write each other off for good i think we've talked about that before haven't we i don't know but we have we have disagreements for sure on things like like and it's but it's good but it's good for the relationship i think we had a full conversation where it'd be like i walked in i'd be like what are you doing banging a lexus like hey man it was an accident it was an accident oh okay i'm gay okay walk me through this real quick i think we've had into your color i'm gay hey i'll tell you what he's most disappointed about about hillar about the he i
Starting point is 00:24:39 sense he is disappointed in how fit i am he wishes i was fitter He doesn't like the fact that I'm not a little more fit. He called me the other day and was telling me about this workout. He did the ring, did pull up workout and he didn't finish. And I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah. That puts stress on our relationship.
Starting point is 00:24:55 My lack of fitness. Other than that, we're good. Do you still wear those creepy Peter Pan pants? Do you have a clothing sponsor? No, no no but you know who i want i i want either a born primitive or a barbell cartel i'm addicted to the barbell cartel pants would you wear those barbell cartel pants you know do you wear joggers i don't even know what that is i'm gonna do some googling look at look at their joggers it's so unlike me i feel like a 17 year old kid in them
Starting point is 00:25:25 wow is this like those gigantic like like muscly mexican guys like that own this company let's get this straight alexis with zz pound seve yeah she'd probably have to carry me around ass pound oh ass pound these are super cute they're thick i wonder who the model is that dong is huge they're thick i mean they filled them out nicely mine is the dong those look like my legs dude i put on a pair i went to go skinny jean shopping the other day and there was not one pair of pants that didn't make me look like a walking sexual harassment claim like every single like my butt try wearing a size that's the right size dude try wearing good size dude i'm 32 32 it's just like i feel like they want men to continue
Starting point is 00:26:10 to get slender to slender i go to seven all mankind's genes like seven genes all the time that's that's how screwed up my body is you're a 32 and i'm a 32 how tall are you six two yeah i'm five five what a fucked up body I have. How did that work? How do you? I saw you. Even if you go, even if you go, I'm talking about my waist. I can go 34. I'm talking about my waist too.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I'm 32, 28, motherfucker. I'm 32, 30. No wonder you're a god. No wonder women want to just fucking. I don't know what's going on. So I only wear fitness clothes now which I'm not into those jeans fit your thighs and shit no
Starting point is 00:26:50 they don't like it's getting skinnier with time I don't know what's going on with society it's like I feel like they're changing things they don't want men to have strong legs I feel like I should be going through I can't believe all these new Amanda stack so what do these
Starting point is 00:27:06 people get do you just say warmth in their heart supporting me and my humble family warmth in their heart we hang out with you in Malibu and we pinpoint your location on the coast oh Johnny
Starting point is 00:27:21 3430 yeah boy I love it just go online right now. I didn't know that this is true, and it's probably going to get me in trouble. Just Google what is Hunter McIntyre's address, and you could literally get my address, and it attached to my phone number, and it's just up on Google so easily. I didn't know that at all. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Got it. How fucked up is that? Well, that's pretty fucked. What's going on? How did that happen? I don't know. I don't know how my information got sold on the black web. It's probably my ex-girlfriend. Crazy chick.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Classic. But, yeah, dude. I can get a full background report on you, too. Really? Oh, shit. You're putting on a lot of followers, dude. I can get a full background report on you, too. Really? Oh, shit. You're putting on a lot of followers, dude. What's he at? He's at 122 now.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Nice. That's pretty good. That's a pretty influencer. It's because Hyrox is becoming bigger than CrossFit, as he says. God, that was a great day. I think I won that fight. Hey, everyone's riding that. There's so many videos on that now. I think I won that fight. Hey, everyone's riding that. There's so many videos on that now.
Starting point is 00:28:27 I have a video like that. I think Talking Elite Fitness did one. What? Yeah, they – What are they talking? What? The Lone Ranger podcast. Sorry, didn't mean to throw you off there.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Where did you originally do it? You did it on the Chalk Guys, Ryan Fishers. It's kind of like – It's got a little buzz. What did I do? Just you guys talking about how Hyrox is going to surpass CrossFit. Yeah. Trayna became a YouTube member. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Cool name. Yeah, that's what I meant to say. Thank you. CrossFit's like that deer that got shot with a bow, and it's still running away and blood's just spurting all over the place. No, I refuse. And it's just trying to get through the field
Starting point is 00:29:12 and you just know it's not going to make it to the other side. Everyone's watching like, ugh, fuck. Tell me, what's the most expensive gift you bought someone this year? Have you given any presents? Hunter, what's the most expensive gift you bought someone this year?
Starting point is 00:29:29 I just got totally suckered. I went down to like Cross Creek, which is the mall here. And I bought a couple of hats. And that like cost me like $400 to buy some hats and some T-shirts in Malibu, which was a huge mistake. I bought my mom a nutritionist, and that's been her year-long gift. Okay. That changed my mom's life.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I think it's pretty insane how there's pretty much a large portion of the population that doesn't understand how eating food properly can massively affect your lifestyle and just helped my mom out tremendously. What's the biggest thing she had to change. Do you know? Wait,
Starting point is 00:30:07 wait, wait, wait, hold on one second. High rocks is a retarded chicken. Okay, fine. I'll,
Starting point is 00:30:11 I'll go, I'll go with it and cross it to deer that got shot. All right. Yeah. Okay. Back to your mom and the nutritionist. Yes. Um,
Starting point is 00:30:20 I think my mom was just like telling me, she's like, my gut just like feels like crap all the time. I was like, mom, all you do is drink wine, black coffee, eat cheese. Like everything you're doing is like very acidic. She's like, what are you talking about? And then the nutritionist kind of like started to pull these things out. Like you can't do them all at once. Like you can maybe have one and now she just feels so much better and like like doesn't feel sick. Like last night I went and I had a bunch of red meats and like fried calamari, fried onion rings and then a bunch of wine. And I literally woke up this morning and I was like, I've been poisoned.
Starting point is 00:30:57 And, you know, it's so surprising like how a certain cocktail of all these things together can make you go from feeling like the fittest dude on earth down to like, I don't know if I'm going to make it to this Christmas party this morning. Yeah. You mean with the fried food or the combination of everything, including the red wine? It's just everything. It's just like, it's so crazy. Like, you know, you could be right here and it just starts kind of wavering which degree that you start to tip towards. And what's your body like they've proven like once your body becomes highly acidic that's
Starting point is 00:31:28 where all the issues start to stem from meat's not acidic right i think it can be i think it can be like especially when once you put all of the dressings and stuff on it that's not meat then no i get it but like nobody's just like, think about it. Do you go and get, when you have a burger, do you just eat a patty with buns? Like, no, you put on like all onions and then you put on,
Starting point is 00:31:51 you know, people in general because, Oh yeah. Red meat are the most common acidic foods in the Western diet. No. Yeah. Hey dude, one of the coolest things ever.
Starting point is 00:31:59 When I was first in Newport with seven, he gets his boys, three burgers and they just whip the fucking hamburger buns to the side and they start eating the meat out of the middle. One of my favorite times when we went down there is we went to that little coffee shop like Bodega Burrito Shop and we're
Starting point is 00:32:15 having dinner together and there was just rats crawling all over the walls. Don't you remember that? The kids were having so much fun. Do I remember that you jumped up out of the seat and started trying to take TVs off the wall to catch the rats? Of course we remember that the kids were having so much fun do i remember that you jumped up out of the seat and started trying to take tvs off the wall to catch the rats of course we remember that for the kids i don't think i would get this hey i'm a hunter i want to go back to your mom for a second so what is what do you do you know a nutritionist in malibu and you're like hey can
Starting point is 00:32:39 i give you 3 000 bucks and you and you walk my mom through the next year and they're like okay cool and then you tell your mom hey i just got you a nutritionist you, and you walk my mom through the next year and they're like, okay, cool. And then you tell your mom, Hey, I just got you a nutritionist. You don't even ask her. Yeah. Super worth it. If you think about it, dude, there's like, what's called like there's chronic health and then there's acute like crisis health. People are not dealing with their chronic health. It's the reason why CrossFit is like as cool as it is, is because it's the thing that is going to give you a long longevity in your life and actually like a healthy existence. And then there's people who just believe in like acute and crisis-based health. They're like, oh my God, I have chest pain. I need to go see a doctor now. It's like, no, address it every single day and you will never reach that point hopefully. Whereas people allow
Starting point is 00:33:20 crisis to enter their life. And then from there, that's when they try to have an intervention with herself. And then the people give them pills, which give this like artificial response within your body. They don't take any ownership over their actions. And now they're on pills and insulin and all of these things to create an artificial response to their terrible lifestyle. And, you know, I would much rather pay now for my mother rather than pay for my mom to be in some kind of, like, hospice care 10 years from now. So if that's what it takes to just pay for my mom to have,
Starting point is 00:33:54 you know, a nutritionist all the time, I'm cool with it. Wad Zombie, have you heard of that clothing brand Vindicate? You should bring up their site way better than Barbell Cartel. Well, the only shirts I wear, the only shirts I wear are made by Vindicate. That's all I wear. They're the ones who make my CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:34:13 They're the ones who make this shirt. I actually see people wearing CEO stuff all the time. I was at the, whatever it's called. High Rocks. Fuck that thing. The fucking sun? Fuck that thing. It looked be right back. You're the fucking son? Fuck that thing. It looked good. It was like raining light on you.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I'll show you one more thing that I'm addicted to that they sell here. Advisor? No, the short. Oh, and I wear my tank top now all the time. Oh, shoot. But also the shorts. The shorts. I literally have four people working on my media team, and those hack jobs can't do anything. What do you mean? Look at The shorts. The shorts. My media team and those hack jobs
Starting point is 00:34:46 can't do anything. What do you mean? You would love these shorts actually. Where are the shorts? I can't wear those joggers are made out of like sweat pants stuff. I can't wear that stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I'm not going to lie. I'm embarrassed to say that I'd never seen your website before and the new logo that we have for I'm not going to lie. I'm embarrassed to say that I'd never seen your website before, and the new logo that we have for our podcast looks identical to yours. Which one? What do you mean? CEO? Let me see your podcast. That microphone screaming.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Type in here to party sports. I don't know where it's going to come up. Hey, your YouTube channel is actually doing quite well. Congratulations. Are you enjoying that? Yes. Oh, wow. You're not. That's a no. You don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:35:36 No, no, no. I am. I am. This is your opinion. I feel like I'm shouldering the process of what you guys created for CrossFit, which I think you guys did a brilliant job with storytelling and creating like a total media presence for athletes and community when you were working at CrossFit. I think High Rocks like doesn't do that at all.
Starting point is 00:36:00 So I'm shouldering the entire process of what it's like to create a media presence and story for the sport which i don't think should be my not necessarily burden it shouldn't even be my position because i obviously have like a very skewed version of displaying what's happening because i'm actually an active player in it hey dude us too is there anything here what's that? The white man ripping off the black man. Nothing new. Black John Young. Wow. Young J. I just say I have 12 views or four views. Hey, here's what's crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Look at your. That's just because that's on that platform. But look on your station. All your all your podcasts are killing. Kill my podcast. You have 12,000, 6,000, 10,000, 29,000, 14,000, 000 14 000 14 000 hey are you on spotify also yeah i think so yeah that's where we get we that's where we get most of our shit but you're killing it on youtube dude we're trying my team's done a very very good job i'm very grateful for
Starting point is 00:37:00 what they do and we like sit down and anytime like i see something that i don't like i'm like rip it down take it off like redo this and we're trying to like really create an awesome presence dude that eric murray guy that one with the rower with his thumbs up you have to interview that guy he is the most cool and casual beast in professional sport in history. Tell me his name. Eric Murray. Murray. And that dude rode.
Starting point is 00:37:32 He has the world record for an hour pace, and I think he held a 135 for an hour. Is it I'm 6'7", Eric Murray? Yeah. Dude, he's never going to respond to me. Is he a black guy? No, he's a white guy. Look, he's never going to respond to me. Is he a black guy? No, he's a white guy. Look, he's a white guy in the picture.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Oh, there's a guy, Eric Murray. I'm not looking at the picture. I'm looking on Instagram so I can invite him onto the show. I'll connect you guys if you want it. He's such a legend. New Zealand Order of Merit Supreme Decade Champion. Is he a two-time Olympic gold medalist? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Seven or eight-time world champion. Is he a two-time Olympic gold medalist? Yeah. Seven or eight-time world champion. I think for seven years, they didn't lose, or maybe more than that, and he went 152 races undefeated. He's a golfer. He's a golfer. Yeah. Are you talking about this golfer dude, Eric Murray?
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, he's done rowing now, and he plays golf. I think he's just enjoying himself. How come I can't find this fucking guy? That guy right there. Oh, yeah, okay, fine. I'm inviting him. He's such a mutant.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Eric. I'd love to meet him. Oh, that doesn't sound good. 280 meters? What the fuck? Travis, what's up, dude? Hello? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Hey, good morning. Merry Christmas? Yeah. Merry Christmas, guys. I just wanted to tell you, this has become one of my favorite traditions. The Hiller and Hunter and Savant show in the morning.
Starting point is 00:39:06 This is our 17th year running doing this together. It's incredible. I remember when we were kids. Thank you. You're the first to recognize that. 17th year. No, I got something wrong. I can't do math.
Starting point is 00:39:21 He said he wants to touch your balls. Christmas balls. It would be the first time. You guys should... No, I want to find out... Hunter, are you... Travis, the floor is yours. Hunter, are you still wearing the cut-off sweatshorts?
Starting point is 00:39:38 Is that your still favorite? Fuck yeah, dude. Are you kidding me? Look at these, dude. I'm going to bring you a stash of them at Wapusa. Are you an XL or a large? I think so. You just need to let out the front of the pants and the back of the pants,
Starting point is 00:39:53 and then you make them as short as possible. Hey, those are my favorite shorts, by the way. Those ones you gave me, the cutoff ones, are my favorite ones. I can't believe how nice they are. They're perfect for working out. Lots of room in the front for my huge fucking hog. Respect. Respect.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I'll bring you a stash. Large or extra large? Let's go large. I want to keep it tight. I want people to see what's up. Put that bulge in there a little bit. Hey, Travis, have them just try them on right in front of you.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Have a stash of large and extra large and have them try them on right in front of you and make a video of it. Are we all dating in Miami? Nothing's free. Miami. All of us except seven. I'll be in
Starting point is 00:40:41 Newport for Wadapalooza. Get my blood circulated and injected. I say that we, we, we reenact, um, Scarface down there and just have a blast. Get a bunch of Cuban guys with us. Get high as a kite. Do they have cocaine in Miami? Yeah. I don't think they do that in Miami
Starting point is 00:41:07 I think the fentanyl crisis is more of a California thing yeah I think you're right Travis are you a hog up man penis up or penis down is that where you put the penis into your bell line upwards depends on the day and how early in the morning are you penis up or penis down guy
Starting point is 00:41:24 Hunter if I have an erection Are you a penis up or penis down guy, Hunter? If you see me with my hands in my pockets, you know that I have an erection. I just mean just in general. If you're sitting down, I don't know anybody who'd put their penis up. That is creepy as fuck. Dude, a fuckload of people in here,
Starting point is 00:41:41 including apparently seven. That is a serial killer move if I've ever heard of one. Who puts their penis up? Oh, shit. So it can get some air every once in a while. Like, every time I stand up from where I'm sitting for a while, I reach into my pants and I just kind of like pull my balls off my legs and peel my
Starting point is 00:41:58 fucking penis and put my penis up. Pull it up. So it's up. I get that. It's a readjustment, but I don't leave it up. That's a serial killer move. Yeah, I leave it up. Put it in your waistband? Fuck no. I get that. It's a readjustment, but I don't leave it up. That's a serial. Yeah, I leave it up. In your waistband? Fuck no. Who does that?
Starting point is 00:42:09 People do that in their life. Yeah, I'm a penis up guy. Always. Gravity is there for a reason. It's meant to be pulled down towards the center of the earth. I'm going to do it right now. Oh, damn. Much better.
Starting point is 00:42:22 That just feels so odd. You know what's weird, though? My stuff always is on the left side. I don't understand why. It's like never a day is it on the right side. Yeah, mine's on the left side. How does it just make that decision and live that way for the decades that I've been around? In all honesty, you know what I heard it is?
Starting point is 00:42:38 You got to switch hands once in a while. Yeah, I heard that from all the masturbating with one hand, it slowly puts a... Yeah. Switch it up once in a while. I think that's just the torqueating with one hand, it slowly puts a... Yeah. Switch it up one second. I think that's just the torque of the earth kind of pulling it. I think someone's on to something. There's a lot of connective tissue built up in that bitch. It starts curving.
Starting point is 00:42:55 How many female listeners do you have? Six. Erica. Look, Erica just became... She's down to three now. Erica just became a... Is Spiegel a dude? Erica, look, Erica just became a... You're down to three now. Erica just became a... Is Spiegel a dude?
Starting point is 00:43:10 Because I have to admit, that's pretty creepy to have a drawing of a chick's butt and coming here and comments all the time. 100 years. Tommy Rodriguez, Merry Christmas to my favorite podcast crew, of course. Once Hunter sends sponsorship money, I book my tickets. Oh, that's good. To what? Miss Pugface. Look, all sponsorship money, I book my tickets. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:43:26 To what? Miss Pugface. Look, all the women are chiming in now. There you go. We got one chick. Oh, here's a girl for sure. Anita Dick in me. Hey.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Have we found out what Rambler is yet? What's Rambler? No, we don't know. We don't know. It's a chatbot. Not a real person. Jedediah S. Nelson, my wife just commented seriously on Christmas. Yeah, what else is there?
Starting point is 00:44:00 I said this is my favorite section. The fact that everyone's here Is pretty impressive There you go Another one You want to know what's crazy Hunter too Is these shows are We've been on a terror for two months With our biggest live numbers
Starting point is 00:44:17 And yet our overall numbers Haven't been lower in a year Through YouTube I mean they are just stepping on our dick. Is it because they don't want you guys to have good views? I mean, I'm assuming it's just the words we use on here get us...
Starting point is 00:44:34 Here's what I think. I'm just making this up, but we're going into an election year, and so certain voices are being turned down a little bit. Why don't you just put everything on Twitter, then? We do. We're on Twitter, too. We're on twitter too we're on twitter if i was somebody who considers their brand to be at risk at all i would completely invest in twitter we're on twitter rumble facebook all simultaneous everything goes to rumble like
Starting point is 00:44:55 two days later twitch yeah it's pretty crazy i mean after you find out about that stuff that went on with twitter like i'm super pumped Elon Musk bought that. That's some creepy stuff. I'm impressed you know about that. Well, I'm not retarded. But you do live in the liberal hive. Malibu is the liberal hive. You do live with retards.
Starting point is 00:45:19 But I live up in the hills, dude. Like I also just like my family is super blind and super on the wagon of all this crazy shit and i just i just block them and like i'm in family threads i just block them everything like that it's crazy and like i don't care like i would just like if they want to talk to me they can call me but they can't send me like these blurbs of like, yeah, Trump's all of our problems. I'm like, you haven't shut up about Trump in eight years. I'm like, go do something other than complaining. And I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:45:55 The world is super weird these days. And I would just think that if you want to see a change, everyone's probably going to have to start pushing their content towards Twitter. John Clark, okay. I have to go away to lunch with my family. See you in Manchester, Hunter. Hope you like big hugs, and congratulations on moving everything to Twitter. Nice. Very nice. Common Sense, rise up. Let me show you this, Hunter. Are you in front of a computer?
Starting point is 00:46:26 I'm right here. Look at this. Is this shoplifting? What's going on here? This is shopping in California. Listen, you don't understand what's going on. People have to steal, Hunter, because the times are hard. You have to steal. Watch this. Here we go. They go out and they need to feed their child and they don't have money. They're put in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry that night.
Starting point is 00:46:56 And so they go out and they need their child and they don't have money. They're put in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry that night. Yeah, you don't understand, Hunter. They're put in a position to where they're put in a position to where they're hungry, and so they have to come into that store and push out a whole fucking rack of clothes.
Starting point is 00:47:18 And so they go out. My favorite thing is one of my favorite things I've seen on the internet with people that act like this is, is like, like one of my favorite things I've seen on the internet with people that act like this is like, they're like, Hey, like stop them. They're like, let, let all the immigrants in, let help out all these people. They're like, okay, can we host them at your house? They're like, no, no. Like, as soon as you turn, and I don't even care what the topic is.
Starting point is 00:47:38 As soon as you turn any of this challenge on the people that are you know trying to support it they immediately back down let me tell you how i know i'm racist okay ready i assume that those people stealing are black but also because all of those pieces all that clothing is wrapped in plastic i assume that that's a dry cleaner and that that lady's asian She looks Middle Eastern. I know, but it doesn't matter. I don't care what they actually look like. I'm just telling you that's how judgmental I am. And the gentleman trying to feed his kids there.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Oh, that was a white guy in the red. It's a white guy and a black guy working together. Did you see that? That's harmony. See, guy in the red's a white guy. Crime ends the divide. Looks like a the white guys. Crime ends the divide. Looks like a hood to me. Crime ends the divide.
Starting point is 00:48:31 World's getting weird. I cannot believe we have politicians justifying stealing, dude, as people are hungry. That's a fucked up situation. As they should. AOC is going to lead us to the new America. And you better buckle up and get in. What's AOC is gonna lead us to the new America and you better buckle up and get in what's AOC stand for that chick Alexandria
Starting point is 00:48:52 Ocasio-Cortez that one was a politician Hunter I'm not joking at all when I say this if you fuck her I'll give you $10,000 just so you know for some reason you were somewhere and you put it in her when I say this, if you fuck her, I'll give you $10,000. Just so you know,
Starting point is 00:49:07 for some reason you were somewhere and you put it in her. Hey dude, have you ever seen her husband is the fat version of you? Holy shit. Have you ever seen her husband? He's the opposite of you. If you're the super alpha, her husband's a super beta version.
Starting point is 00:49:21 You look at him. Yeah, you would have to be. That's you. That's you. If you had, if if your dad had where's your politician if your dad hadn't have tied you to the bumper and put throwing a brick on the gas pedal that would have been you dude she's she's also wearing a designer dress at a gala which has like a fifty thousand dollar plate to it that just says like tax the rich or eat the rich or something this
Starting point is 00:49:45 this woman is the epitome of fucking backwards thinking like she she was a bar yeah right there tax the rich at her fucking met gala with our all of her elites look at all those fucking losers with their masks on back there playing this is incredible yeah is this recently no a couple years ago a couple years ago and then she also was i think elon like she's a horrible person hunter she's a really horrible person she's if you're a marginalized human being if she is a massive threat to fucking uh hispanics and colored people the black she's a massive threat to the united states yeah she's, she's a horrible human being. Hey, she's got to know what she's doing. No. No one can be this stupid.
Starting point is 00:50:28 She's stupid, dude. You think she knows, Sousa? Yes. Yes. I think you should never underestimate your enemies. Never underestimate your enemies. Either that or she's truly insane. Like Sporty Beth level of insane.
Starting point is 00:50:45 That's where I vote. They like the attention so much. All they can do is eat to make people like her. Do you guys vote? I'm going to this year. I did last year. Last two years I voted.
Starting point is 00:50:59 You've never voted. How come? I just think that this is all a game. We're all distracted right now. i just focus on my own i'm not distracted i was focused i was a little distracted by her titties but i'm pretty focused on the subject at hand i'm just saying like i feel like it's a it's a game that everyone's playing and then the people that are successful are not playing it they're just displaying they're just taking a projector and putting it out there for you guys to watch and be distracted.
Starting point is 00:51:26 So you mean to tell me it's an illusion of choice? Totally. It's an illusion of choice and there's actually very few pulling the strings and Democrat and Republican are only there so we fight each other? I don't know. I learned that at a very young age. I was like, wait a second. I was like, everyone's so involved for four years and what's
Starting point is 00:51:42 about to happen next and the only action that they have is to show up with a piece of paper and write it down and put it in a box that's supposedly safe, I was like, that doesn't make a lot of sense. What would we be distracted from? What would they want to distract us from? Who the fuck knows? I guess it would just be
Starting point is 00:51:57 taking your own life into your own hands. The best thing you could probably do, at least in my opinion, is just to become as powerful and as independent as possible. And like, if you do become big enough, you are now outside of the system and you could do that. Like you can literally work yourself outside of the system. If you read this Elon Musk book, like he literally did that. They're like, yeah, this is how the rocket industry works.
Starting point is 00:52:25 He goes, no. And like, you could just do whatever you want. He goes, I don't want to drive on the highways anymore. I'm just going to make tunnels underground. Like you can do that. You can get so rich and so successful. You don't have to play the game anymore. And I think that's really the only way that you can win at this simulation
Starting point is 00:52:46 that we're in. Because what do you think the number is hunter like when's the tipping point like is it 100 million you get like you get to detach from that is it 200 million is it i mean it depends on where you exist but if you want to live in like america in any major city i think you have to be above $20 million and then you're outside of the system. And what they want to do, at least in my mind, is like, it's much more difficult. It's very difficult to get to $400,000 and then at $400,000, there's another tax bracket. And the difference between getting from $400,000 to like several million dollars a year is very difficult. It's like, if you talk about rocket ships like the difference in the amount of force you have to get from this place to this place is like infinitely
Starting point is 00:53:29 higher just to make that extra move and you have to be able to like break through that you know supposed stratosphere into that next level and then all of a sudden once you're in this game you're no longer shackled by the level below you and if at least of the people that i witness in malibu that are so insanely wealthy i'm like holy crap this is a totally different game they don't get refoxed about who they're voting for do they no not at all dude i mean some of them will get caught up in the bitching and moaning but the ones that you really watch that are most settled like you never hear them talk about it. And who cares the most about who they're voting for?
Starting point is 00:54:09 Yeah. And then like, if you really think about it, you could probably just, if you have that much money, you could probably just go sit down with a person that's pulling the strings and have a conversation with them. And I mean, at this point, I don't have any alignment with any person that has to do with our government because I just sit there and recognize. I was like, this is just a megaphone for somebody who's not standing in front of me. This is just in the strength of the wires going way, way far away to some group that we don't even fully see. And I've at least reached that level of confidence in my life to know that that's at least happening. So just get rich.
Starting point is 00:54:44 And if you don't like rich people that you can always work for rich people get rich or die trying yeah i was gonna say that well that hey that is that's a really i think that's the first thing that i fully align with that you just said you can either get rich or work for rich people those those are those for sure are true you didn't align with the rest of it i know not so much watch what happened a lot of like the rap the rapper culture where they used to hate the system they're like fuck the police fuck the system all this kind of stuff and then they hate the certain level of wealth and they're like oh wait a second we can now pull the game on the system we'll now own the production companies
Starting point is 00:55:18 and the record labels and the this and the that and they stop bitching and then they completely become gentrified also But here's the thing. I think they even become more enslaved. I think a lot of those people in that $20 million bracket, $20 to $200 million bracket, they're enslaved. I think it depends if they see it for what Hunter's saying. I think there's certain people that are playing the game to break out of the system, and they're aware of it.
Starting point is 00:55:43 And then I think other people are tethered to it pretty good, even if they have money. But I think they're choosing to. Also, Greg fits into that bracket. Is Greg enslaved? No, he could do whatever the fuck he wants. I would say he's also like, that's another one of those guys that's scary.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Like I thought about like, after I said all that stuff about the CrossFit stuff, I was like, imagine if I ended up having a conversation with him. He is one of those kind of people who's very litigious, where if you just get into argument with him, he'll just sue you. Like that's another thing that you can literally do where you reach such a
Starting point is 00:56:12 level of success that you can now just destroy your enemies through the legal system. Yeah. And he'll just drag you into quicksand and you will, you will eventually run out of energy and it will drag you down because they have so much money you can't mess with them. And that's like another level of affluence that you can't even understand until you get there. I don't think $20 million is enough.
Starting point is 00:56:35 It depends. I mean, dude, if you think about it, I had to pay this humongous legal fee to just do some structure in our business. And I was like, I thought about it. I was like, man, if I just was making a little bit more money, I could literally have a lawyer on retainer all year round. And now we're at the point in our company where people are starting to take things that we've trademarked and we're having to like go after them. Like people are selling stuff with biceps when race is on it, which is trademarked. And now I have to contact the lawyer. And then
Starting point is 00:57:01 that's a charge fee for that. And this, and I i'm just gonna pay a lawyer two hundred thousand dollars a year to sue anybody who gets in my way that's make sure 100 that you don't let lawyers tell you what you can and can't do sure one of the smartest things i ever heard greg say is lawyers are not there to guide the ship they're only there to look out the back window after you run people over because they will they will stop you from doing anything of value risk for the right reasons they they are strictly fear-driven so don't just let them you know what i mean they're like nah you can't not 100 you can't be lifting weights in your videos because someone's going to sue you because you're there then they're going to say that you encourage them to lift weights and it hurt their back and you better
Starting point is 00:57:43 not do that yeah smart lawyers should be a should be a damage control, not damage aversion, like risk aversion. Thank you. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah. That's what you'd want to have. But I think that's the thing that Greg got to and he was like, I'm just going to sue Coca-Cola. I'm going to sue this educational platform. I'm going to do that.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And you're like, sounds pretty cool to me. Didn't he just run a little bit first? What's that? don't know i was i was rolling with simon's analogy it landed better for me run over and look out the back window hey sorry hey go deal with that guy that's the kind of thing where i think for him though like if you really want to win this game is when you reach a certain level you gotta get out. To keep on going back in is basically like you're out of the burning building. It's time to get out.
Starting point is 00:58:32 What are you getting out of? You just gotta get out of this society. Like, look at Jesse the Body Ventura. Love that dude. WWE star. Super, super rich. Movie star. He's a running man. Then becomes the governor of, I think, Minnesota. Libertarian.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And then all of a sudden he's like, one, two, three, kind of like the Arnold Schwarzer thing. And then all of a sudden you're like, wait a second, I'm getting out. And he moves to Mexico. And he did move to Mexico. He's in Mexico now. Hey, so look at this. These are two professors at distinguished universities, and the guy on the right, John McWhorter, is a reporter. What is going on?
Starting point is 00:59:13 It's Will Plummer. Oh, how do you know? I had a feeling. Will, hey. Jesse. Hello, Seve. Oh, hi. It's me, Sporty Beth.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Oh, my goodness, Sporty Beth. Hi, Merry Christmas. Oh, hi. It's me, Sporty Beth. Oh, my goodness, Sporty Beth. Hi, Merry Christmas. Hi, hi, hi. I just wanted to say Merry Christmas. Oh, Merry Christmas to you. I hope you saw that I've started easing my aggression towards you and that I did come out and openly claim that your tits were nicer than Danielle Brandon's. And I stood by it.
Starting point is 00:59:46 It's true. Oh, Savvy, thank you. You're welcome. You know, being pregnant helps that a lot as well. Oh, I agree. You do have some advantages with being pregnant. to compare Danielle's that are being just abused by CrossFit to yours, which are just being supported by a pizza and Valium and, and, and, and pregnancy and semen.
Starting point is 01:00:14 What are you doing about the antipsychotics that you're on? We've been worried on the show that you're continuing to take those during your pregnancy. Oh, well, you you know the thing is savvy i'm sorry that the baby might have the same type of tendencies as me so i we did best to continue oh because baby might have the same psychotic issues you know sporty beth hold on one second hold on one second i got to uh i want to make sure that this is a clean you you deserve a uh clean recording so i'm so narrow-minded in my thinking you are saying that because you're a psych psychopath that your baby would probably also be a psychopath and so you're getting ahead of it by continuing to take the medication potentially yes fuck you're a good dude wow wow okay all right
Starting point is 01:01:09 and and the man and the man that um um uh that is your the father of your baby are you are you happy with him is he is he a strong masculine man who's going to take care of you is that what you're looking for well the thing is well the thing thing is that I'm not really sure who's the father. There was a wild night in Edisa and I think it could be one of several. So we're not sure. We're going to just see what color it comes out as. Oh, fair enough. Hey, I know this is a little awkward and I don't get a lot of chances to talk to you.
Starting point is 01:01:46 So I'm just going to jump into some some like uncomfortable conversations here. But do you think that maybe there's some sexual tension between us and that's why we haven't been getting. Oh, savvy, baby. Of course. I suspected that. Let's get right to the chase. Let's get right to the chase. And just are you still strong? If we were to get together, could you carry me around? Oh, Savvy, I'll do more than that, baby. I'll climb you like a tree.
Starting point is 01:02:15 All right. All right. Well, I know it's I appreciate you calling. A short tree. Yeah. One that's been cut down. More like's been cut down more like a shrub more like a shrub yes well uh anyways i got to go i'm off to my christmas lots of treats okay so love you guys thank you i look forward to seeing you next year at the crossfit games
Starting point is 01:02:40 are you coming out to dickies oh i'm coming to your dicky baby all right all right i love you okay okay love you bye bye wow merry christmas what was that we lost hunter in that transaction he he said he could only be on for an hour he turned into a pumpkin yeah what do you bet that's crazy damn like how'd she i can't believe it were you gonna ask how she got the number it's down there on the bottom no no i'm just i'm just kind of in awe yeah it's crazy awesome powers i mean here's the thing listen it's a big show. It's a prominent show. She knew Hiller was going to be on.
Starting point is 01:03:29 She obviously called in because she wants to like, no one wants to be fighting with anyone. Yes, she does. It's Christmas. Are you sure? I think so. You think that was just a momentary? You think tomorrow that's just like a, hey, it's Christmas.
Starting point is 01:03:41 I'm going to throw you an olive branch, and then tomorrow we start fighting again. It's a truce christmas truce like all you have to do is fight dude you see you just think it's just a slight reprieve like like they they got in gaza gaza what's going on over there i know nothing about gaza i'll tell you in a second but hey dude these guys if you guys want to so the the the narrator and the producer of the fall of minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis yep thank you caleb i was you knew i was looking for confirmation yep give it to you you're welcome god we work together well um uh and she's coming on the show but yesterday I watched this while I was on the assault bike.
Starting point is 01:04:29 And these two dudes were like, holy fuck, George Floyd fucking OD. And it's like, no shit, motherfucker. These guys reported for over a year that George Floyd was murdered. Shoot, dude. They never looked at all the – they finally looked at all the camera footage and they're like, holy shit. He fucking killed. He killed himself You're right investigated it. It was a suicide. He killed himself. He fucking OD do it for the fucking up team millionth time So his suicide, I don't know if that qualifies Swallowing, uh, what would you call it? It's evading the police
Starting point is 01:05:02 We know but if you if you swell, I mean he had a heart attack from swallowing fentanyl And he had COVID Oh definitely suicide then Yep If you eat something that kills you Is that suicide That's what I'm saying it wasn't intentional Accidental
Starting point is 01:05:18 Anyway watch this video We're going to have the producer of the movie On here soon in a couple days. But this is... Are you going to play something? No, I just want you guys to see it. I can play anything. It's all good.
Starting point is 01:05:35 It's like you can play anything. You conclude, as you have just done, that Floyd wasn't murdered out there. See? Yeah, Floyd wasn't murdered out there. Good spot. Wow. Good spot. Wow. Oh, dude,
Starting point is 01:05:46 this thing is gold, dude. This, these guys, Glenn, Lori, and John McWhorter. And,
Starting point is 01:05:54 uh, this is crazy. And think of all the damage that was done to the United States. And Hey, you guys talk about people being played. That would, that, that,
Starting point is 01:06:04 the country was played so fucking hard this episode is brought to you by disney's young woman nsc streaming on disney plus this friday i've decided to swim the english channel a woman i believe she'll die in that water from producer jerry bruckheimer and director yocum roning comes the must-see true story da Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. This episode is brought to you by RBC Student Banking. POV. You're a student listening to an RBC ad. You're learning you can get up to $330 in value with RBC, including $100 when you open a no-monthly fee RBC Advantage banking account for students
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Starting point is 01:07:21 that she's posting about her pregnancy two weeks into it three weeks into it i mean people would not even announce that they're pregnant until like week 11 or 12 yeah right because you don't know if it's even going to be a viable pregnancy yet yeah some people wait till week 13 so that way because if they have a miscarriage they don't have to tell but like that's part of me thinks is like who cares like what who cares if you have it like a like you shouldn't be hiding the fact if you had a miscarriage anyway, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. I mean, the woman, if she wants it to be a big deal. We say if you tell everybody, then it has to be a big deal. You don't have a choice.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Well, that's part of that's part of the freaking narrative, dude. Everything has to be a big freaking deal. Well, what if she's not really pregnant and she's just saying that so she can do the victim role of losing the baby holy shit well then you heard it here first but then that was heavy that was heavy as shit there's no way hey imagine using that as a as a grab frame her bent over there where right there she knows what she's doing. Yeah. Mike,
Starting point is 01:08:29 Mike McCaskey. Someone had sex with her. I mean, I like to roll over a wet. Didn't you just hear? She said some ones. Yeah. Some ones.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Yeah. She was just on the show. Yeah, I know. I know. I know. Rambler. I know that was heavy. I know's christmas anyway well i hope she i it was nice of her to call in i hope that that's a uh i hope she's a regular i hope she calls in
Starting point is 01:08:54 regularly i think it's good to bring the community together on this show that's what this show's for you know she's got more subscribers than you how many many has she got? 26.4 thousand. How many do we have? 25.2. I'm going to kill myself. Hey, if you put up a bunch of shorts where you kind of just talk about your insecurities, a whole bunch of people would jump aboard
Starting point is 01:09:21 and you pick up some subscribers. I'm going to go aboard myself. I'm going to go aboard myself i'm gonna myself it's they're called late late late board 51 51 years in fluffy duck sent me the best video yesterday holy shit i can't wait to show it to you guys i cannot wait to show it to you he's funny it's He's funny. It's cool. Hey, you're making a pretty exciting video. Which? Remember the one we talked about last night?
Starting point is 01:09:49 Yeah. Yeah, that's exciting. Oh my goodness. Your video about loneliness is insane. What an amazing video. What an amazing, amazing video.
Starting point is 01:10:01 You nailed it. For those of you who didn't understand before why it's weird to say crossfit click cures loneliness like why that's just backwards thinking watch andrew's most recent video he fucking murdered he fucking murders it but you know you know what's crazy though you know what um you what did you think about um in the chat yesterday when i said people do join people do join the Crips And the Bloods because they're lonely
Starting point is 01:10:28 That is That is a community That's community That's fair No one's joining CrossFit because of the community People are joining CrossFit to get fit And the bonus is the community You join the Crips and the Bloods for community
Starting point is 01:10:44 Nobody joins CrossFit for the community yeah you join the crips in the bloods for community nobody joins crossfit for the community i don't think so i've had people would anyone say that it's really wait you've had someone join for the community multiple people explain that what does that yeah i don't i think they're i think they're lying to you what does that look like yeah what does that look like explain that to me so they walk in the gym and i go hi i go hey i go i just moved here so i decided to find my nearest crossfit gym because they're a fucking crossfitter already yeah that's not they're not joining now listen so let me be clear what i'm talking about i'm saying like you don't you don't buy a um you don't buy toyota because you want to be part of the toyota community you buy toyota
Starting point is 01:11:23 and then maybe at some point you're like hey i've I've had six Toyotas, and you think it's so cool that you get a jacket that says Toyota on it. So then you become a part of the community. People join CrossFit because they want to get healthy. They want to get fit. They want to – they're looking – for all the reasons. And then the bonus is the community. And then once you've been doing it a while, if you move, like my mom,
Starting point is 01:11:41 my mom moves from CrossFit gym to CrossFit gym because she enjoys the community. That's a part of it but no one no one's joined you can't you're no one you can't you're not going to advertise the community and bring anyone in through the community there's no way people show up to the like the 10 year that their friends went to and then they finally got them in to like do it to be their partner workout and they like did the workout they were there and were like man this is a lot of fun these are the people you're here with and then they joined the gym afterwards yeah but but but listen but but if it was i'm snorting fentanyl or playing my young or playing scrabble um they they might they might
Starting point is 01:12:15 not have uh they might not have come it is it's the fitness piece is the is at the bottom of the pyramid a hundred percent it's it's just a side I like that example way more, Sousa. What? What he just said about someone coming in with him on a partner workout. Right. It still falls underneath what you guys were saying, though, because they didn't just show up to hang out. They showed up to actually do the workout with their friends.
Starting point is 01:12:37 So the draw was they could try a fitness regimen, and then they stayed because they were like, damn, this is a really cool group of people. Yeah, Hiller's by no way saying the community is anything negative about it. That's what the problem. It's like this. You could have the best dinner in the world, but if there's not a beverage provided like water or something, it could ruin the whole fucking meal for you.
Starting point is 01:12:58 So then you guys think that CrossFit gyms are just completely like, you know, if somebody goes, Hey, Hiller, what's the difference between your CrossFit gym and the other one? They'll say, oh, the programming or all the coaching, which doesn't mean anything to anybody who's never experienced either of those. And they'll say, in the community. Our community is the best. And then I know you can't advertise that because you can't control it. You can curate it.
Starting point is 01:13:22 You can help shift it in a direction. You can take care of the forest. But, you know, you can't. This is not something you can curate it you could help shift it in a direction you could take care of the forest but you know you can't you this that's not something you can offer oh hey dude that's helen bach did you just compare the crips to crossfit bad analogy dude listen fucking ding dong every comparison is not an analogy an analogy is different than a comparison what i'm saying is is that the crips and the bloods are a fucking community they're a community first there's very few organizations that are community first i can't think of too many hey this hell swingers swingers analogy a comparison between two things typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification yeah that's good this is called conflating or you're not addressing the freaking
Starting point is 01:14:03 issue who this guy helen bach i don't even know what the fuck that's a chick dude i think it's trash oh hell helen i've been to more affiliates than you've been to you fucking dipshit oh dana hi welcome to the welcome to the uh merry christmas helen thank you merry christmas thank you for being a member. Thank you. Your horse is very lovely. Excuse me? Oh, that's a nice horse. And I just want you to know that as a member, you can suggest to me people to have on, and I will raise it to the top of the queue for my consideration. Hey, you know what?
Starting point is 01:14:40 Your money will influence me. You know why Dana just became a member, right? Dana's a member? Oh. You know why? Penis up? For right? Dana's a member? Oh, you know why? Penis up? For the community. Oh, for the community. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Yeah. Yes. Yes. I love this community. I fucking love this community. The Sevan Podcast community. Thank you. Now, everybody watch every video because the community is so great.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Hey, it's too intellectual. What you explained there is, I think, too intellectual for 80% of your audience by the way in that video did you read the comments no i'm gonna fucking lose my mind if i read the comments yeah you'll lose your mind yeah if you either get it or you don't he's not saying anything negative about the community the community is absolutely wonderful it's fucking dope i had so much fun at suza's gym it was so fucking warm people were so fucking cool to me the food was good i like i fucking had a blast there i just went to my mom's christmas party for her fucking class at west fitness there were 30 people there that they were the best fucking community ever extra sloppy doesn't get it and i really like extra sloppy
Starting point is 01:15:43 the community is the greatest asset of cross it crossfit did you see f45 and orange series website luckily for us we all know they wish they were crossing because it's ultimately your methodology that sets us apart crossfit presents multiple faceted values to people and i've showed that uh the shit is fire the hook in is the community the hook is the community no's not. It's absolutely not the hook. It would be like going to a church and saying that you were drawn from the community, not from the fact that you wanted to be religious and celebrate God at a church.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Hey, I'm in a podcast. Can I call you back? Yeah, Merry Christmas. Call me back. Merry Christmas. Love you. Bye. Merry Christmas.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Love you. Bye. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Yeah, if you were to separate the fitness aspect of it, I don't think people would congregate in the building. So, like, you have to have the chicken or the egg first. I'm sorry, Greg. What did you say? The first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Starting point is 01:16:43 a $200 million company. Sorry. Greg, please stop interrupting the show. Hey, dude. What was that third message? I haven't played it yet. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. Play it. way before. I've never seen you react like that. That was good. Usually, regardless of what happens, you are like cool as ice. Hold on. I need to erase that. Show the knife up his butt. Here we go. It's so deep.
Starting point is 01:17:40 It's so deep. Oh my god. I'm panicking. You can't even tell. It's so deep oh my god i'm panicking you can't even tell it's so deep you can see how deep it is oh my gosh that thank you merry christmas uh the fittest leilani uh became a youtube member awesome hillary fit member 195 bench by two but no shit she does crazy fit look at her that photo crazy hey can we go over really quick why it's so important that we keep talking about this thing like why what like why the community is in the it's not just for the sheer fact of doing it it's because that's the main talking point of crossfit's promotion right now of itself for me it's for me you want the selling points to be the the the observable repeatable shit the
Starting point is 01:18:37 shit that keeps us true you want to stay on the north star you want to stay true true true true and you don't want to let any woke shit uh settle in and all the other shit is fun like you can make videos i'm all for making a video of a guy uh three veterans who came back from the war who weren't feeling good who were suicidal joined a crossfit gym and had their life changed and they made the best friends of their lives and they got married and lived happily ever after one out of ten i'm all i'm all for that. What are the other nine videos? But for the selling point to be, the other video should be how to squat, squat therapy,
Starting point is 01:19:11 why it's important to do a constantly very functional movement, and then nutrition to talk a shitload about nutrition, and to talk about maybe how to find a gym near you, how to pick a good gym, shit like that. And then for every one video about the community, you should have Dan Bailey doing grace in 50. Yes, yes. Dan Bailey doing. So that's the problem.
Starting point is 01:19:35 They also they keep saying and I cringe and I hear a lot of affiliate owners say this, too, that there's this perception out there that CrossFit is dangerous. It's going to hurt people. Me personally, I wouldn't fight that. CrossFit is dangerous. It's going to hurt people. Me personally, I wouldn't fight that. CrossFit is dangerous. I wouldn't fight that. I would just keep focusing. It's like what you guys were saying about politics. It's just the other side.
Starting point is 01:19:54 It's just the other side of it. I would just focus on what you're really good at. Who shot this video? Heber and Mars. This is downstairs in the… It it's at the ranch isn't it oh is it at the ranch no no i think it's downstairs at the gym at hq oh yeah what uh although although although that is kenny right there castro so maybe that is at the ranch well it looks kind of like the ranch.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Maybe you're right. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It is the ranch. You're right. You're right. My bad. Hey, how many views does that have, Caleb? Like 2 million? Oh, only 800,000. Only.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Which, by the way, the big thing is that it's easier to make one really really good video than make 15 fucking community videos which they have in the past 11 months this video did more for crossfit because more people know about it from watching them do this and then they might go to the website and be like what the fuck does this guy do whether or not they're trying to piss off each other or not. You know what the best display of community, quote-unquote, was ever that was published through this? Was the different workout demos of the workout of the day.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Oh, I love those. Because you went to every affiliate all over the place. You got to see all the way they interacted. You got to see all the different types of people that did CrossFit. They usually included a couple different like scaling options so they would show those members they would show some rx members everybody would be rocking in the gym the coach would be super engaged everybody would like high five so it's focused on displaying the workout the fitness but in the peripheral was the community and so it's kind of subliminal messaging that
Starting point is 01:21:42 happens you're like man i get to do that awesome. I get to look as good as those people to get in shape and do what they do. And there's a group of them that do it. That was the shit. Those workout demos from back in the day. Not this with Hobart or some bot from here. I'm talking about a serious affiliate owner. None of these will work, Caleb. You'd have to go all the way back to 2014,
Starting point is 01:22:06 2015. I don't want to see these influencer types. I want to go to a fucking gym in bumfuck nowhere, Kansas, and listen to the guy that's there with all 50 of his members that show up to the one class he coaches a day. And then I want to go all the way over to South Bronx and see whatever, David Osorio, that guy in his massive gym that has two across the street then take me back over to california like that's how you fucking do it because you're giving so many examples of what could be and showing it but it's all centered around the fitness and the workout yep yep yep yep you see the you see the community in the video it's as explicit as shit and yet it's you don't you don't talk about it yeah yeah 100 100 and then people decide yeah which i parallel this article but but but we
Starting point is 01:22:53 can't talk about it internally i do think it's cool that we say i think it's cool that we remind each other internally and be like dude i love my crossfit gym when i i told people that i was moving they all showed up my house to load the moving truck my fucking house burnt down and fucking my community so fucking great they all chipped in like i think we can message to her i don't think that there's a problem message in internally no or even highlighting that an affiliate hey we're here at crossfit livermore today and they're doing a workout what's the workout for oh well somebody in our member uh the community had this crazy tragedy thing happen we're doing this to make money so they could rebuild their house that burnt down. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:23:29 What's it centered around? This workout. That's why we're all here. But what else is going to come of that is, you know. And the reason that any of you can work on the house that burned down is because of your fitness. Which is why you're there in the first place. You can't fucking do that shit. Great point. Great fucking point. of your fitness which is why you're there twice you can't fucking do that shit right great point
Starting point is 01:23:45 great fucking people a bunch of fucking fentanyl people who all share something and there's a community of them they're not fucking helping out and the reason why you help other people is because you like yourself and why do you like yourself because you take care of yourself you're right that's what you talk about fucking dan bailey is about as natty as hillar Dan Bailey is about as natty as Hiller. The thing about Dan Bailey is he's so ebb and flow. There's no ebb and flow to him. Like, there's no, like, I sent a picture to the group chat the other day of this athlete that looks deflated.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Yeah, yeah, the team athlete, the team athlete. Yeah, and it's just, hey, guys, where'd all of his muscle go? Got no forearm vascularity. Here's a sauna pitch next to a sauna. I think Dan has an extra chromosome. So the thing about Dan, he always looked like that. Call her.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Hi. Seve crew. It's a plumber. Merry Christmas. Plumber. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Where's Hunter?
Starting point is 01:24:42 No show. Dude. He knew you were coming and he pushed out no call no show yep um on the note of kitty and i think suza was kind of getting to it i think um the most forward-facing thing right like you say savon um it has to be the methodology. And what that is for CrossFit is the workout of the day. Right? Like, kind of Hiller a while back brought it up with the balls and the wall walk thing. Right?
Starting point is 01:25:15 They let, they're giving it to people who don't necessarily represent what the methodology is best. Right? That has to be the most forward-facing thing is the workout you go to it what do you see first i think we should i think they should go back to the old website oh totally yeah i mean i've just i obviously i've said a thousand times just go back to the old website just make that thing just like and people will be critical of it but who cares just go back to the old website blog he'll be critical of it community driven culture
Starting point is 01:25:48 is the very first thing that pops up now fucking dipshits plumber do you have any prunes plumber uh not regularly no why are you afraid of them afraid of them oh brandon waddell all right well look it's orange
Starting point is 01:26:04 theories fucking website. Fucking F45. Oh, look. Tennis. I thought there was supposed to be less white people in these. Oh, geez. Right? Oh, look.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Oh, my God. You fucking dipshit oh my god i didn't even notice hey guys when i make these videos and people fight with me you don't fucking know how much work i put into the back end of this to know like check my basis so i can get fucked up about it oh my god i can't the exact same fucking thing he did he's toggling back and forth for people that are just listening to this and you literally can't tell the difference f45 crossfit orange theory the websites all look the same hey so here's the thing someone some like conspiracy theorist is going to be like yeah it's one company that community driven culture community have you gone to orange theory the same fucking thing You need to go to their missions game
Starting point is 01:27:06 and define the word community, but it's part of their mission. Oh, man. Hey, we should probably tell Sadie that the... Oh, wow. Yeah, Sadie. Hey, but Orange Theory, same thing, right? Oh, no. Dude, it's
Starting point is 01:27:21 identical. It's definitely do their map better because it's a pop-up. That comes right away. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. God, you're fucking hurting me. No, dude. You're hurting me a little bit. You're hurting me a little bit. What hurts about it?
Starting point is 01:27:39 Because CrossFit is not the same as those. But it is. It is. Yeah. When you prioritize the community, which is the same shit F45 and Orange Theory do, the workouts are different.
Starting point is 01:27:55 I think the same realization right now. Oh, my God. I'm fucking hating myself. Even though Hillary's been saying it for months, I've just chose willfully to ignore him. That was brutal. Hey, if you listen to the show show you're lucky you didn't just see all the shit we just saw that was nuts oh that's but you should go watch it on youtube monica oh will that willetson became a youtube member awesome thank you how much is the membership again? What's the price for that, Seve? $7,500 a month for the VIP.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Jesus Christ. What do you get for that? A standee. Personal training. At the garage. Hey, guys. I know the issue to the problem there, by the way. The other day on the show, Greg said he would rather it.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Why isn't the level one 999.99 he goes because i'd rather have people pay a thousand dollars and weed out the dumb asses who bought it because of the difference of one fucking penny he said that on your show the other day yeah yeah same fucking people are the ones who say the website looks stupid the 999.99 people this website looks like it was made in the 70s, make something newer. So what CrossFit's doing is they're listening to all these people where the fucking person who created the thing only did what was the best thing to do in every situation,
Starting point is 01:29:14 at least for what he thought. He didn't listen to fucking people, as far as I know. So what CrossFit's doing is they're listening to everybody, and what happens then is you get orange theory uh sean sullivan i have two buddies one who has been doing f45 the other orange theory i've invited them to my garage gym to test their fitness it's going to be glorious are you eating a can of beans the fuck uh oh here whipping post yes the membership is access to something we can see for free later dude couldn't be more accurate and a spot in the seve retirement fund dude
Starting point is 01:29:55 judy reed good comment i was a member of orange theory for almost 10 years and the community was a huge part of their selling confirm is the same thing with crossfit is at the moment dumb uh yeah sounds like chill chill chill it's fine it's fine no go go go go nuts all right i'm i'm nuts the thing is is it doesn't matter what they call crossfit from the front end. We are what we are. If you're an affiliate, it's probably a little frustrating. The thing that's driving me nuts about the Craig Howards out there is he's getting confused.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Explain. You can't look at this website and look at the way that they're promoting it and say that it's anything like what it used to be when he started. He's defending what it was. He's completely flipped the script in the last two weeks. and say that it's anything like what it used to be when he started. And he's defending what it was. Well, he's completely flipped the script in the last two weeks.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Something happened to him. Oh, has he? Yes. He's completely flipped the script in the last two weeks. He's on an affiliate. CrossFit sent out an email with an affiliate board. And he's on the affiliate board. Him and Jason Klikaba were the two names that I recognized. So he's on the team. So he's on the affiliate board him and jason klicka were the two names that i recognized
Starting point is 01:31:05 so he's on the team so he's on the team now and so it feels like yeah and so all of a sudden he i i feel like he thinks that any he doesn't he doesn't want to throw rocks at the ship yeah he thinks constructive criticism is negativity he doesn't want to throw rocks at his own ship it's like hey dude no one's saying anything negative about crossfit the four people who love crossfit as much as anyone out there are these four people what we're concerned about is that the promotion of it the way you're promoting it it's not accurate it's not it's it's not accurate it's all it's off message that's it that's it's fair constructive criticism no not one person on here is like hey don't do it it hurts you or thrusters are bad
Starting point is 01:31:43 or you shouldn't go to an affiliate. You should go to an affiliate. You should take your L1. You should fucking go to the CrossFit Games. Everyone here thinks all those things are fucking dope. Go do a High Rocks race. Yeah, go do a High Rocks race. Go do all that.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Is there anyone here who thinks it's dumb to go to an affiliate? No. Is there anyone here who thinks it's super cool to go to an affiliate? Absolutely. Here. Does anyone think it's dumb to take their level one? does everyone think that you actually should take your level one even if you don't do crossfit yeah here yep yes and same does everyone think that the crossfit game is fucking dope fun ass time fucking great way to spend a fucking week with your whole family
Starting point is 01:32:18 yeah i hear yeah i mean like fuck dude we're in and multiple times yeah does everybody agree that crossFit has no philosophical direction? Yeah. Well, it does. It does. It's just not being pushed. It's not being pushed. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:32:35 They're pushing the wrong fucking shit. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. You're driving the boat backwards. The community's in the back of the boat. Turn the boat back around and drive from the front. Right, right, right. uh hey how about a crew how about a cruise i think a lot of people go on the cruise just to do the all you can eat all you can eat you get a pool i think just i just think that that's kind of a weird one too like what do people go on cruises because of the community no they go on there because of the food well it's the same disneyland we should just do a
Starting point is 01:33:09 crossfit cruise a seve cruise i think they all go on the same one right we did a crossfit cruise once it was a complete fail god it was so bad i remember that i felt bad for some of the affiliates that went on it because they didn't even like we didn't even i didn't even see some of the affiliates until there were probably like 10 affiliates on it and like 50 people from HQ. And like those 10 affiliates, we didn't even meet up with them once. It was so weird. It was a disaster.
Starting point is 01:33:35 It was such a disaster. We didn't have like a meeting or like a conference that happened or like a, dude, I don't even know. I know two, two, two of the H you want to hear something crazy two of the hq members got in a fight like a fist fight yeah fist fight yeah over what hell yeah we were we
Starting point is 01:33:52 were at the two tough guys like really tough guys like a dude who was fucking yeah he was a collegiate wrestler another guy was just a tough guy and they were both friends of mine both on the staff and they got into a fight and they got in and like it was like 65 filipino guys just dropped from nowhere little tiny like the keystone cops and gathered them up and took them to the brig like took them to a jail in the bottom of the boat yeah wow see see they bought they thought they bought harley davidson's but it's the Hells Angels. Yes. Bye. Merry Christmas. Rambler, talk about that Strongside dude, Hiller. That's the dude from Georgia that immediately sent the email after the affiliate
Starting point is 01:34:35 raises went up. He goes, Hey guys, do you want to join Strongside instead of CrossFit? For whatever reason, the bald dude who's a dipshit. He emailed everybody or he Instagram messaged everybody saying, Hey, I of all dudes, a dipshit. And he emailed everybody or he like Instagram message to everybody saying, Hey, I think our message is a line. I go,
Starting point is 01:34:49 you're fucking wrong. Nice try though. Sorry. And then eventually he reached back out and goes, thanks for all the promotion. I go, fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Yeah. That's how that works. You're right. I get it. But he probably didn't get any promotion. He's just being sick. He's just trying to like Either way I was cool with it
Starting point is 01:35:09 Either way Alright I have to go my kids want to open presents Thank you for coming on Guys hold on Wow this is a hell of a last name I need a Hey what's going on Hey what's up dude
Starting point is 01:35:23 Hey Merry Christmas everyone Merry Christmas i need to hey what's going on hey what's up dude hey merry christmas everyone merry christmas hey guys so i i would not consider myself a crossfitter per se i followed like crossfoot football for a long time because i was focusing on sports and everything so from that aspect i really appreciate the. One of the things that I've been trying to get my wife to do, she's currently doing orange theory. I've been pushing her. I have some ideas that I'd like you to try to get your wife to do too when we're done. Yeah, she wants to do butt stuff too. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Yeah. Anyway. Yeah. Anyway, so I've been telling her like, oh, you should really try CrossFit. And she works in the pediatric department. And she's like, I see kids and a lot. Like, I can't. It's one thing like to say, hey, the methodology works. But when your firsthand experience is seeing that day in and day out, like it's hard to argue with that. So that's one of the things I see people getting in. She sees people getting injured doing CrossFit and they come in for a surgery like a rotator cuff or a fucking some new knee or some shit exactly yeah not not nothing like super major but just the typical hey i overdid it on snatches or i overdid it on you know i missed a a ring muscle up and tore my rotator cuff or something like that yeah and it's like hard because i i mean i like we all know okay crossfit if anything has benefited so many people. And honestly, of all the methodologies with regards to fitness that have come down the line, this is probably the most well-rounded for everyone.
Starting point is 01:37:14 However, when you are seeing that day in, day out, we understand that. But what she's seeing is people getting you know kind of fucked up from it it's like shit i don't know how to like like there's a disconnect there and that's one of the things i think crossfit kind of has to figure out is what like how to meet those people halfway and hillary you've talked about it like they're saying this community and shit and it's like man that's not what people are seeing they're seeing people get fucked up or hearing those you know common stories about you know rotator cuffs and everything it's like that's that's really where i feel like they're missing the mark the biggest issue with
Starting point is 01:37:59 the people getting hurt is it's like you're trying to run through a forest you there's two options like right now your wife does orange theory right yeah and it's like she's kind of just sitting in the forest and she's happy chilling in the forest and you wanted to get out of the forest yeah she's not doing anything bad yeah there's nothing wrong like there's something the forest is i know there's nothing wrong in the desert but but what ends up happening when people get hurt is because they try to run full speed out of the fucking forest, which is what you're trying to do at CrossFit. You want to get the fuck out and find the best version of yourself, and CrossFit will get you there. But everyone runs into a fucking tree because they don't do it the right way.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Because the coaching sometimes is too focused on increasing your snatch, rather than teaching you the right position to hold the bar overhead. Everyone's these rules yeah hey i want to do a muscle up okay we'll work on gripping and shit hey dude i got i got something for you along that same line so the you know chad was a workout uh you put a ruck on and you and you step up a thousand times and i fucking did it against my better judgment and i did that like i don't know when that was two or three months ago and i still have anytime i play tennis with my kids now or i change direction or yesterday i was doing i was climbing stairs anytime i do something explosive i get a little burning in my crotch like right next to me toward my leg and my scrotum fucking meat i got like it feels like i've torn something they're like a little tear that stings
Starting point is 01:39:21 like a paper cut but it's inside internal and i get it and that's what's gonna i i i don't know i don't even know if there's an argument there like it you're gonna push yourself hard in crossfit you're gonna it's for people who want to set prs it's it's i a lot of people i think for a lot of people like my mom's fucking just turned 80 yesterday and she still sends me text messages i just did 115 for two she deadlifted you know and it's like i don't know i like me i think it would be a mistake to take that away i think that just you maybe there needs to be a sign on every door use your best judgment don't be an idiot don't be a sevan but like i knew doing chad that the time before i did it it was plenty good stimulus without a rock and this this time I did it with a 20-pound vest.
Starting point is 01:40:06 And I fucking hurt myself. People who get hurt don't have that, by the way. I think your wife is right. I spent some time with the fire department and the amount of fucking people that die in cars is insane. I mean, they get fucked up. Especially, too, I spent a little time in the air. Snowboarding, too.
Starting point is 01:40:21 You want to avoid something? Avoid snowboarding. I've just stopped driving. I was like, you know what? It's not for me it's too dangerous oh that's good but but but but but without being tongue-in-cheek like that i i think that there that's something crossfit just is gonna have to embrace like yeah we fucking want to put more weight over our head than all the other people and are we gonna have more injuries because of that yes we want to live more off the ground are we gonna have more injuries than that yes i Yes. We want to live more off the ground. Are we going to have more injuries than that? Yes. I agree with that. We want to live longer than the rest of you. Is there going to be some
Starting point is 01:40:50 chances? Yes. I mean, we take chances that the other people aren't taking. Didn't Greg always say something about how you have to take risks with orthopedic calamity or something? Yeah. If you want to improve your cardiovascular health, you have to take risks with your orthopedic calamity. But on the fringes, I can't really disagree with your wife.
Starting point is 01:41:12 The CrossFit I do is I used to try to do everything RX, and once I had kids and I started really hurting myself, now I take the women's weight and I cut that in half. And I'm equally as happy. I'm equally as happy. Maybe she's right. I guess she's right i guess she's just right she's just right yeah so i just got i got one quick question for you guys so current so are you strong enough to carry your wife are you strong enough to have standing sex yes i am and do you guys do that uh no oh okay all right she says it's uncomfortable put a piece of fucking tape on her mouth i am not strong enough to have standing sex anymore and it sucks i really enjoy i like carrying a girl around the house
Starting point is 01:42:03 uh it's just more stuff to do merry christmas are you can your in-laws hear me caleb i'm nervous I really enjoy standing sick. I like carrying a girl around the house. It's just more stuff to do. Merry Christmas. Can your in-laws hear me, Caleb? I'm nervous. You made me nervous the way you're going. Okay. I got one quick question for you guys.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Open gym. That's one of the reasons that I don't belong to an affiliate is because I follow my own programming, and I want to follow that programming but most crossfit gyms they either have only time classes or their open gym is like during weird work hours don't you do you think it would be viable for them to have more open gym time no i think if there's more open gym time your wife's going to see more of these people coming from crossfit gyms with good point and i think it's super uh it's obviously up to each gym but i i tell people all the time when they say hey i want to do my own programming
Starting point is 01:42:58 you have a space they say no i don't sell space i sell coaching and i sell classes so for a program that's written to the best and scaled for the rest, people don't need their own fucking quarter. Yeah, but for me, the people that come in that want to open gym, especially if it runs congruent to the class time, it's the worst, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:43:19 I understand that, but when classes aren't running. Yeah, then when classes aren't running, I mean, sure, you could do it. But like you like you said majority of those times now i have to pay somebody to be there to make sure the gym is open for like the maybe one or so people that might come at one in the afternoon right so then at that point it starts to turn into just a resource thing like how many open gym memberships are going to sell how many of those am i going to utilize versus the me paying out the staff to be here and those two numbers i just wanted to understand like yeah no i get it like i wanted to understand the logic because it was like i've been to some gyms where they do have plenty of open gym time
Starting point is 01:43:57 and then like i have affiliate near me but they only do the classes yeah and i'll tell you this for a period of time last year i was looking to buy a bigger building like actually buy this building and one of the draws to it was it had it was somewhat compartmentalized to the back and to the side and i was like oh i could have an open gym space that would run from the time my gym opens to the time the gym closes and it wouldn't affect the class at all because it was behind a wall and so if that were the case and my building supported it in the way that i wanted then i would have open gym from the time the gym closes and it wouldn't affect the class at all because it was behind a wall. And so if that were the case and my building supported it in the way that I wanted, then I would have open gym from the time we opened for our first class to the time we closed after our last. It just doesn't work for my building. I was going to say that about JR's.
Starting point is 01:44:36 I think it works successfully over there, but he's got space for it. But it's compartmentalized. Yeah. And if you watch what he posts sometimes, he'll be like, open gym is an open gym space. Do not come into my classes. Do not use the equipment for the class that's being used that day. So like he makes it very clear who the priority is in his gym. It is definitely the classes. I've been with my wife for, I don't know, 25 years and she always has open gym time and I can use any of the equipment I want. You're going to go right back to standing sex. I've been my wife and now I can't have standing sex. That's my fault.
Starting point is 01:45:10 Some of the weights in the gym, I can't lift anymore, but the gym is always open. All right, caller. Thank you. Appreciate the time guys. Thanks for the,
Starting point is 01:45:17 thank you. Okay. Listen, we're going to do a members only thing now. Oh, you can turn it on. Yeah. This is so Yeah so all
Starting point is 01:45:26 This guy tells me we're never turning that on We're doing members only Listen if you're not a member It's the honor system I need you to get off I'm about to call Laura Horvath right now No on Christmas What time is it there
Starting point is 01:45:42 Can you hear the phone I don't know Hold on let me there can you hear the phone she's 8 hours ahead I don't know I'm kind of an idiot hold on let me see can you hear this no yes yes this is on the honor system if you're not a member hang up call Laura wish her
Starting point is 01:45:59 a merry Christmas this is for members only fuck out of here everyone hang up Merry Christmas. This is for members only. Get the fuck out of here, everyone. Hang up. Get out of here, Zach. Members only. You can still buy it, though, right now.
Starting point is 01:46:14 Some people have signed off. Good. All of you sign off. Members only. Oh, man. I'm so nervous. God, I love that ring, that European ring. So nice. Olivia, you're out.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Enough of your excuses. Send more photos. Your lifetime membership. Members only. Eric, disrobed member. Dismember. Okay, yeah, hit the like button if you're not a member. Come on, Laura.
Starting point is 01:47:02 Is it a Gmail voicemail? She might be snowboarding. Hello? Hi, may I speak with Laura, please? Sorry, who is this? This is Sevan. Sevan Matosian. This is Christoph Horvath. Christoph!
Starting point is 01:47:23 Holy shit! Ah, this is Christoph Horvath. Christoph! Holy shit! Are you calling on... Is it FaceTime? No, I'm just calling on the podcast. We're huge fans of the Sevan podcast, of all the Horvaths, even though you're the lower tier Horvath, but we'll still take you. You're second tier Horvath.
Starting point is 01:47:44 I'm absolutely bottom, bottom tier. There's only two tiers. There's the very top and the bottom. And I wanted to give the members a members exclusive because of my close relationship with Laura and I just wanted to wish her a Merry Christmas. That's very kind of you.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Thank you. Merry Christmas to you as well. Where are you right now? Are you in a foreign land? Well, to you, it is a foreign land. Yeah, it is my land. Yeah, right, right. You're in the motherland. That's awesome. And are you in the room with the fittest woman on earth? The fittest woman on earth is not in this room oh damn she's she's out walking her she handed me a phone yeah pick this up and then she left with her dog for a while
Starting point is 01:48:33 oh she's a good girl your sister uh christoph what time is it there how's it is 6 p.m. 6 p.m., all right. That's a nice time to call. And you've opened all your presents? We did that yesterday. Christmas Eve, on Christmas Eve. Yeah, because in Hungary,
Starting point is 01:48:59 the tradition is that on the 24th evening, the angels come in your present and then one of the angels before she's leaving, they'll ring the bell and then you enter the room and then lo and behold, there's a Christmas tree and all the presents. I like it.
Starting point is 01:49:17 Are you bigger than your Christmas tree? You personally? Maybe. Yeah, I know you are. You're like three men in one. Three men in one. All right, buddy. Well, hey, great talking to you.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Thank you. We'll take it. Tell Laura Merry Christmas to you, and thanks for blessing the show with your beautiful voice and your presence, buddy. Well, I didn't know, but it was my pleasure. Thank you for calling. I tell her you said Merry Christmas and Merry Christmas to you all as well. All right. Hey, let her know she
Starting point is 01:49:53 can call me anytime. Will do. Okay, thank you. All right. Bye-bye. Okay, non-members, you can come back now that's what you get for your fucking membership that's what you fucking get tell me i don't give nothing to the members god christoph is a fucking specimen we'll, right? That's good. That was good.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Way better than a voicemail. So she either doesn't hate us or she hates her brother. That means she saved your number. She went out to walk the dog. She gave me the phone and said, talk to this. Answer this. Answer this. What a character,
Starting point is 01:50:46 Ms. Horvath. Cortez, thank you. The trailer was fire. Great. What did I miss? Will Branson. An honor system. You're a good guy.
Starting point is 01:51:04 Maybe we'll do it. What if we do what if we did a late night show and we just called everyone called yeah just like get on here like at 10 o'clock at night and start calling fucking people like call daniel it would be hella late for them though yeah whatever i'm into it i'm gonna call Don Fall right now No you're not No Alright
Starting point is 01:51:32 One of my favorite calls you did was Dave I told you not to do that When you called me I told you not to call me on the show And then he just hangs up at one point He's a good dude It was pretty funny Alright okay i'm
Starting point is 01:51:46 going to be with my kids uh hillary thanks for coming on christmas i know that uh you're you're a family man and this pulls you away from your family i apologize caleb thanks for calling from a weird bedroom uh judy reed call brian friend Don't want to disturb him. It's his vacation time. Oh, so that means she's a member now that she has that squiggly line thing? Yeah, it's kind of weird. It doesn't look like a squiggly line thing when you watch it on YouTube, just in the way that it translates in our chat.
Starting point is 01:52:15 And we can't see the emojis. You have to go to the YouTube to see the emojis. Otherwise, it just pops up as whatever the name of the emoji is. Oh. Yeah. It's a beaver. It's a beaver. It's aton C. Beaver underscore. Yeah. On the first day of Christmas.
Starting point is 01:52:33 Judy, tomorrow we have an Asian guy on. I can't remember if we've ever had it. Have we ever had any Asian guys on? Yeah. We had Hans Kim on. Oh, that's right. Okay. Tomorrow we have, I think he's a professor at University of Irvine. We have, oh yeah, Jay Cooey's Asian. You're that dude who was in the SWAT, the SWAT guy out of Chicago.
Starting point is 01:52:53 Oh, that's right. Wow. Good memory. Yeah. We have David Pan on tomorrow. He's running for Congress. He's pretty much done with the racism that's going on in the university of california system and i am super excited to have him on he's crazy well-spoken sober adult voice that this show doesn't get very often so members only yeah members only show tomorrow everything from now on i'm just gonna say Hey, did you watch Pedro's year in review video? No, is it good?
Starting point is 01:53:28 Yeah. Is it funny as shit? It's good. Okay, I watched it. It's a good recap on the year, which is what it's meant to be, but the funny thing is that everyone's favorite part of the year was the Flat Earth podcast. Oh. Okay. For some reason, talk about the Asians made me think
Starting point is 01:53:44 of Hubler think Hubler Hubler Dinosaurs aren't real Oh Hiller where can people go see your 12 days of Christmas workout Is it online anywhere I'm gonna program What do you mean Jeffrey
Starting point is 01:54:00 What the hell is my phone It's actually the old outlaw one For anyone who cares It actually the old outlaw one for anyone who cares. It's the old outlaw 12 days workout. I was in the group chat the other day because I was like, guys, all these fucking crazy, stupid shit, 12 days of Christmas workouts, where it's the same movement over and over again. At the very minimum, you can repeat it.
Starting point is 01:54:24 So if you're doing a 12-day workout, which by all means, they're fun, and everyone does them together, and they're long, and cool. They're stupid as shit if you do fucking random shit every single year. However, this is the first one that I ever did. It's the same one that I do every year.
Starting point is 01:54:40 This one's ridiculous. I think I've probably done this eight times. You know what r12 is 1200 meter run 12 ounces of beer nice did you see the thing that uh who the fuck was it was it maliallo who put it up or someone put up a 12 days workout and it was like 100 box jumping burpee overs. Yeah, I think it was 100-meter run. One-mile sled drag was the one. Yeah, who was that?
Starting point is 01:55:08 Is it Maliallo? No, it's Sherwood. Sherwood. At least the one I saw, yeah. Kenneth DeLapp, I got to be honest, I'm more likely to join Hillerford Programming than to be a CEO tier member. Listen, you would be fucking wise to do that.
Starting point is 01:55:22 You guys have all been so fucking generous to me and i'm not by any means offering you anything new um all the the whole thing for the memberships is just it's so fucking you're not getting anything from it all we're trying to do is is find a way that if people do want to support those videos then we'll keep making them right so if like we can if depending if we make 10 or 20 or 50 or a hundred thousand dollars from this, then we can go back to the games. We can go back to semifinals. We can keep asking and we can start making more and more behind the scenes content. And if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I'll still be here every day at 7.00 AM. I'm hanging out with you guys. So by you, you choose, I'm not in any way. Uh, uh,
Starting point is 01:56:04 I want you guys to be happy. My commitment to you guys is 7 a.m. no matter what. Obviously, for anyone who thought for even two seconds I was serious about not listening when that was a satire to not listen for when I called Laura. If you don't get that satire, you're probably
Starting point is 01:56:19 not made for the show anyway. There you go. Unsubscribe me. Eric Weiss left and came back. He knew. I don't know how you came back, but somehow he knew. Yeah, he knew.
Starting point is 01:56:35 Judy Reed. It's fun for us to feel a part of another tier supporting you. So yeah, thanks. That's all it is too. Yeah. If you want to support support, if you don't don't,
Starting point is 01:56:42 it's cool. Like I'm still, I got you. We're good. We're good. All right, you want to support support if you don't don't it's cool. Like I'm still I got you All right guys Merry Christmas see you guys tomorrow morning 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time every day. I love doing this Hiller Thanks for coming on. It's always a treat for us to have you Caleb. Good to see you. Suze. Good to see you Merry Christmas. Did you want to say something? Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Oh I keep thinking I hear someone else's voice.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Is Brian Friend on the show with us? He's behind, Taylor. First day of Christmas. What do you mean? My true love gave to me. On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me. Who am I kidding? All I need is me.
Starting point is 01:57:14 Ha ha ha!

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