The Sevan Podcast - The CrossFit Illuminati | Live Call In w/ Souza & Beaver

Episode Date: January 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to This is an advertisement from BetterHelp.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. Oh, there's an echo now. Okay. All right. Cool. Well, we're going to hang out for a little bit
Starting point is 00:01:06 and wait till maybe Sousa can get his audio sorted out. Good morning, everybody. Good morning. Sousa's broke. Yes. The Caleb podcast. Great. Yep. That's me. How's everybody doing today? Happy Friday, finally. I just got back from the gym. I did some Sentinel programming today. It was... What was it? A clean power cleans, front squats, into a push jerk,
Starting point is 00:01:41 and then load to a heavy double of some uh squat cleans split jerks and then which totally fried me dude i'm not very good at uh doing the doing the old squat cleans you know got a lot of a lot of distance to cover these knees are really, really long. Try to hard to navigate. You know what I mean? So did that. My wife works out with me too.
Starting point is 00:02:11 So every morning that she's not working, we just get to work out together, which is awesome. Nice to have somebody to do all that stuff with. Especially since normally she's working all the time. You know, stay at home husband vibes. You know, dual income, no kids. It's pretty nice. normally she's working all the time you know uh stay at stay at home husband vibes you know dual income no kids it's pretty nice but uh yeah we were training for a little bit we did that that strength session after that we really only have time for like an hour of training so that's why we do the sentinel 60 gives us enough time to just kind of enjoy training for a little bit we don't have really since we're working on this house, it's hard to,
Starting point is 00:02:45 uh, find time to train other than an hour. So, uh, I did the strength session. Legs were fried, uh, especially after yesterday we did the sandbag or I did the sandbag workout
Starting point is 00:02:56 because the wife was working. So my legs are a little toast. Um, after that, then he had like a, it was kind of like a muscle-up cycling type workout, three ring muscle-ups and a heavy power clean. I don't normally do ring muscle-ups because I just never have rings.
Starting point is 00:03:15 But I did it and actually did them all in broken, which was kind of a, that was a win for me. I've never been able to do ring muscle-ups very well. So that was cool. It's probably because I lost weight. I know some people think that's a cheat code. If you lose weight, you lose weight, you just kind of get better at gymnastics, if you will. I've seen some people out there saying, hey, don't lose weight. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:03:42 It's a cheat code. saying, hey, don't lose weight. It's not good. It's a cheat code. You don't want to lose weight too much because then you're cheating on everybody. Am I working? Oh, you're working. Beautiful. I was just telling everybody about how...
Starting point is 00:03:55 What about now? Okay, you're good now. Okay. I was just telling everybody about how if you lose weight, it's a cheat code to get better at gymnastics. There's some people out there, some misconceptions, if you lose weight, it's a cheat code to get better at gymnastics. So, uh, you know, there's some people out there, some misconceptions, if you will, saying that if you do lose weight, you know, it's, it's not good for you. You should just build the muscle mass first. Well, if you have a shitload of extra, extra weight on your body, let's say some, some stored fat cells, if you will, uh, you should probably lose some weight first then then maybe you'll be good
Starting point is 00:04:25 at uh handstand push-ups and ring muscle-ups and bar muscle-ups and things of the like um but yeah i did hold on do these people can you people hear me i'm hearing like i still don't have audio you guys cannot hear me at all i don't know what is i can hear you hear me though right i can totally hear you no the audience cannot hear you can you go on your youtube real quick and see if you can hear me so i can get some better feedback oh you can totally hear you. No, the audience cannot hear you. Can you go on your YouTube real quick and see if you can hear me so I can get some better feedback? Oh, you can totally hear you. Yeah, you're good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:48 These people are just fucking with me now? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck those guys. All right. Okay. Sorry about that, Kev. I was getting panicked for a minute. You're good.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Glad to have you back. I was just going to go on a tirade about fat people again. Okay. All right. Sorry about that, guys. I don't know what happened um i had to restart my computer it's the first time that that's ever happened in any show i've ever done but it sounds like it's just gonna be one of those days i went to the gym and the ipad had
Starting point is 00:05:15 like reset itself and it needed a passcode and we didn't know what the passcode was but luckily i hooked up bluetooth uh to my phone so we could still have some music because the worst thing with thrusters and bar-facing burpees is no music. So I didn't say it was your fault. I didn't say it was your fault. I didn't say you set the passcode and didn't tell anybody. I didn't tell them that. I didn't say that at all. All righty, guys.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Happy Friday. Welcome, everybody. Robbie, what's up? Renta, how are you doing? Good morning. Amy, good morning. Mad Marv in. Welcome, everybody. Robbie, what's up? Renta, how are you doing? Good morning. Amy, good morning. Mad Marv in the house. What's going down? Okay. So I had a couple of plans for today, Kev. You probably saw those notes that I had on there. And then like last minute, I was thinking last night before I went to bed and today I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:00 I wonder if we should real quickly, and by real quickly, I mean probably the whole show, talk about CrossFit the good fight. Have you ever seen that video before? Maybe. It's an old one. It's an old one, dude. Hey, let me, I'm going to send it to you real quick. I'll throw it on that doc. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And let me just get my shit together here. So, all right. You see how I like to organize these, huh? Yeah, it's good. I tried to keep them nice and fancy. First off, thank you to CA Peptides, CA Hormones. If you guys haven't already, go to, use code SEVON and become awesome. Also, Paper Street Coffee, you know it, you love it. It's the best coffee out there. And Gabe is absolutely just exploding i think 2024 is going to be his year in a huge way i think it's gonna be all of our years in a huge way also birth fit please go there they had sent us um something a while back and uh i do believe you get a certain
Starting point is 00:06:56 percentage off on the consultation so if you guys are freaking out if you or the missus are going to be expecting soon, you can head on over there. Just give me one moment. Yeah, you can head over there. Yes, you could use code SEVON and you get a discount off their consultation, 20% off. So if you go SEVON, you get 20% off your consultation. That seems to be where the moneymaker is as far as information for people to get. And that seemed to be really popular for birth. So please go over there and check that out.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And also, if you haven't, I was going to post it before this show, but things got hectic with our virtual giveaway. So if you guys want to attend the CrossFit for Health Summit and you can't get yourself there physically, you could still do it virtually. And all you got to do is go to my CrossFit is awesome. And then you got to go down to the thing and read all the details, though. Okay, so go down to the thing and read all the details. And then lastly, Caleb, I know you've seen the little snippets that we're getting back from Rios and Will based on the based on at the Waterpalooza with Jason, Dallin, Ricky and Colton. I am so freaking stoked for you guys to see what they have working on. It is absolutely insane.
Starting point is 00:08:22 This is a game changer. This is a real game changer so if you ever watched like uh is it i guess usually like mainstream sports you know like the nfls and the nbas and stuff where they have like the mic'd up dude and it's usually like some random linemen who just like has time to talk and they're usually just bullshitting the whole time yeah that's what it's like but it's like 10 times better dude it's so much better than yeah it's great you guys are gonna love it and thank you for uh where was it i just saw it oh my goodness today is not the day for that caleb solid work on the opener yes solid work caleb and i was freaking out because i was like
Starting point is 00:08:58 i don't think if somebody else isn't in the studio i can't reboot my computer without losing the show. Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you very much, Caleb, for bailing us out once again. I think I mischaracterized my mole. This is from Sevan. I've been told it's a wart. Okay. Really? Guys, everybody take a deep breath. The man is okay.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Alright, and also too, he's traveling up to Idaho, for those of you that don't know. And it is a treacherous route out there. And, um, seven is still stuck. We have made it the destination. So you guys are stuck with Caleb and I again today.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And, uh, we're going to have, we're going to have some fun. Um, wait, what did it, what did someone say?
Starting point is 00:09:41 Uh, can we do a poll? How long we should keep it private for members? One week, two weeks, forever? Oh. Well, seeing as most of these people are members, they're probably to stay for forever. Yeah, let's throw a poll up there.
Starting point is 00:09:53 How long do we keep it private for members? We'll let the members decide because this is a democracy and you have a voice here on the Sevan podcast and we want you to feel seen and be heard. No liberty here, but it is a democracy democracy you don't have liberty with these documentaries you only have democracy here yeah so um here we go let's okay so we have our uh we're getting our poll up here somebody said zero non-members don't get a vote. Can we do?
Starting point is 00:10:29 Oh, I wonder if we could do that. Just for members. Members only polls. Members only vote. One week, please. I love you, but I'm poor. Fair enough, Craig. I appreciate that. And your stuff, it will be free.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Even the behind the scenes, February 15th, it will be free even the behind the scenes February 15th they will be free as well um Arby can I clean CFL's parking lot for membership if you live that close do you have an L1 I'm always looking for coaches like we talked about the last show you just have to be a good dude that really cares about the people that they're working in front of and I'll teach you the rest Albert will teach you the rest we'll get you squared away if you live that close let me know um kayla what year did you start the open oh what was your first open um it was 20 14 15 14 or 15 yeah 2014 or 15 yeah so it's, it's been a minute, man. So I got, uh, I saw this, this popped up. Um, this was Dan Bailey versus Scott Pancheck. This was in 2013.
Starting point is 00:11:31 This was 13.1. Um, these were the open announcements. And this is why the open mattered, not only as you went to the games, but this is why if you're going to use the games as a marketing tool for CrossFit and for the open, you have to do it in this this manner and so for those of you guys that are just looking at this what we're seeing on the screen here is it's dan bailey scott pancheck in their freaking prime baby head to head facing off inside of an affiliate they're inside and feel that there's a big crowd behind them it's all set up dave cashher would come out dramatically announce what the workout's gonna be and uh yeah 13.2 is dramatic pause burpees and testing um so this is uh this is them inside an affiliate and this is what made it super special because this would travel from affiliates all over the world,
Starting point is 00:12:26 all over the country. We'd have two athletes that were, I think they usually picked the top 10 from the game season prior or just picked good matchups. I'm not exactly sure how they picked them, but they always picked awesome people to go head-to-head. And then we got to watch them inside an affiliate do the workout, and then you get to do it right afterward, right? And that's what, for me, made it super special was the fact that it was inside an affiliate do the workout and then you get to do it right afterward right and that's what for me made it super special was the fact that it was inside an affiliate
Starting point is 00:12:48 they got to celebrate with their communities you got to see dave castro announce it um you got to see two awesome athletes go head to head it was awesome and so anyhow i'll just play a little bit on his 30th rep right here. And Adrian Bosman with the low bar. Hits it. He's moving the burpees. The first live toss. He's got 10 left. Dan Bailey still has five snatches left. This is all adrenaline. It's 10 burpees. He knows in his head already his speed is faster.
Starting point is 00:13:13 You guys remember this workout? It was the burpees and snatches. We said to get them done, but we don't get them done too fast. That 210-pound snatch for these guys. Both having a 270-plus snatch. Didn't they do a review of this? They are right now. the 210 pound snatch for these guys one of the first opens was seven minutes of burpees you remember that and then one year 2011 they just had the snatch ladder so it was 30 snatches at 75 pounds 30 snatches at 135 30 snatches at 165 and then as many reps as possible uh in 10 minutes this was a 10 minute am rap many reps as possible at 210 and that was when we had
Starting point is 00:13:52 the uh dan bailey rich retroning uh face off inside tennessee tech university yeah with uh dave like marking the reps on the ground with chalk every time i see that still this day it gives me like this cringe as somebody who has cleaned a lot of gym floors in my time. Cause that chalk's got magnesium. That shit just doesn't come out super easy. Like sidewalk chalk. That's a whole different ball game to clean for you,
Starting point is 00:14:14 affiliate owners or anybody who cleans the gym floor. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Um, and so that was a really cool workout because in 2011, they had the snatch in 10 minutes in 2012 they had the seven minutes of burpee in 2013 we got to see the combination of that so we put together the seven minutes for the burpees the 10 minutes for the snatch you got a uh um 17 minute am rap and then i think actually the number of burpees that was there was kind of like the average burpees uh
Starting point is 00:14:41 that was completed in the seven minutes so So it was a really cool combination. It would be awesome to talk to Dave about how he thought about some of those workouts. And if you program that snatch one, the burpee one in the combination of them all at the same sitting and then knew that he was going to use that consecutively for the next three years. Oftentimes when I'm programming for the affiliate, if I find a good combination that I like, maybe a couplet or something like that, I'll do what I call a sister workout to it. So it'll be, it'll be the same format, same time domain, same rep scheme, but I'll switch around the movements a little bit. So they're just a little bit different than the ones from, from before. And I kind of like to,
Starting point is 00:15:18 uh, do that. Um, let's, I also let's, I think I got the phone lines open. So if any of you guys want to chime in today, um, we will have that on here in just one moment. Hopefully that works better than how everything else has been going from this point. Okay. Yeah. Pretty good. Looks like a, Oh, people think about a week is about good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Some people say forever, but you know, yeah. Same about a week. Look at those forevers. Man, you guys must be rich. They don't care. They're like, I'm going to leave my membership on for forever, as you should. So if you haven't already, go become a CEO, become a member, get early access to behind the scenes and all the other cool stuff we have coming out.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And I think we're going to try to continue to do cool stuff like this into the future. So you're going to wish you were a CEO member if you aren't already. Okay, so let's do this before we get into that champ paper thing. Let's go to emotional control Jocko. I just wanted to play this real quick. Because I think this is something that I know I think about a lot, which is as problems come your way, as things come up in life, how much control do you have over your reaction to that? And can you switch from a reaction to a response? So the more space you could have to the inputs that are coming in,
Starting point is 00:16:41 my car got a flat tire, the passcode got changed, and then we had no music at the gym and how, how I could choose how to respond to that versus just reacting to it. Okay. Rock it out. Your temper is a weakness. It's a weakness. It's a weakness to lose your temper. When you lose your temper, you're showing everyone around you that you can't control yourself, that you can't control your emotions. And if you can't control yourself, that you can't control your emotions. And if you can't control your emotions, how can you control anything? It's immature. It messes up your decision-making process. When you're getting all emotional, all freaked out about something,
Starting point is 00:17:16 you're losing your mind. You're not going to make good decisions. And everybody sees that, and everybody knows it. So what you have to do is stay calm, take a step back, take a breath, get control of yourself, and then proceed forward. Losing your temper is a... So I could tell we got a lot of Jocko fans by the comments going down. So I think the message is important though. And when things happen, a lot of things happen to us in life, the ability to create some space between what has happened and your reaction to it, I think is one of the most important skills you could continue to develop. And if you're like me, you definitely aren't perfect at it by any means, but if you're conscious of it and intentional,
Starting point is 00:18:00 I think that it, that space in that area begins to grow yesterday i did the i i blew up on my dog it was pretty pretty bad i just started like i was mad so she's been doing this thing so i just have this stack of uh drywall that i need to like use to i'm i'm using it it's just been sitting here uh and but they're also like small pieces of drywall that have like fallen off from like when i'm cutting it or using it for other stuff and i haven't cleaned them up just because this whole place is a mess and that's just not really my priority right now yeah but i also bring my dog down here just because i don't want her to be by herself up in my in-law's house because she
Starting point is 00:18:41 gets bored and she wants to play and do all that stuff. Uh, but she comes down here and then, but then she also gets bored down here while I'm working. She doesn't want to like lay down and sleep. So then she'll start walking around and finding pieces of drywall and like eating them. And so she just starts like paint chips, just starts eating fucking drywall.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And so yesterday I was so, so fucking fed up with it. started i just yelled at her i was like what the fuck are you doing you're gonna kill yourself like if you don't stop fucking like like is this i was talking to a person yeah yeah i wouldn't talk to a person like that but i was like what was happening was me talking to a person and so she looked at me and then she like put her ears back and like went and laid down i was like and i felt bad yeah within half a second i was like i feel bad sorry stop being the fucking drywall not a taxidermy deer my strange addiction dog dog edition dude that was the first thing i thought of if i don't know if you guys ever seen that show but some people are fucking crazy and like pull the hair
Starting point is 00:19:42 off their skin and like eat it or like the one lady that like ate soap or bits of toilet paper and stuff and they were like you can't do that anymore you're going to die yeah and they keep on doing it there's some deep-seated fucking mental illness going on if you're constantly eating um toilet my dog's mentally ill so sleaky my husband was shooting his bow at a course and met Jocko, who was doing the same. Said he was super friendly and a cool guy. Yeah, so suck it, all right? He is super cool. I met him, too, at a jujitsu camp in Maine when they did that origin camp.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah. And super cool. Really small, though. Small guy. Hey, good morning. Good morning. How are you? Are you safe?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Are you in a safe location? I am safe. Okay, good. The people were worried. They saw Caleb and I again. They were like, fuck, what's going down? They're in good hands. They're in good hands. They should be worried, dude. It's crazy. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Some of the pictures you were sending me back, that looks scary. I'm such a California boy. We were on the road yesterday. I think I told you for almost five hours and we saw four cars and that's because everyone else knew not to go on the road you're the only one's like wow look it's all clear and then the thought dawns on you wait a minute I wanted that Jocko subject is something I used to talk we used to talk about in the I don't know in the early days of the podcast all the time. And especially when you're having, when you have kids,
Starting point is 00:21:05 when you lose control, all you're doing is showing your kids that losing control is a coping mechanism. That's all you're doing. Absolutely. Absolutely. The worst thing you can do is lose control around your kids. Always take a deep breath. And I, I should fucking write a book, but the key to raising a kid is always taking a deep breath and creating space and watching. Never go with your gut instinct.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Always make space. And that's the thing with most things in life. Just take a huge, big, fucking deep breath and let the first reaction go by. Yeah. And you're referring to anger right now, right? But does that also apply to like other emotions as well? I think so. Or, or if you are going to let yourself go loose and just be reactionary,
Starting point is 00:21:58 just be aware of it. Try to have that sort of that out of body experience. Yeah. And try to be like, okay, I'm just, and that's the sports phenomenon, right? That's when you're like, you are in autopilot mode, but then you're all, then you become the observer. That's what kind of like doing the podcast is like when you're in the zone, right? In the zone, you're like, holy shit, who is this talking? I, I think about it. Cause when I think back, I think like my mom was always a stress case and like, it's funny even dealing technology. Yesterday, we had to move QuickBooks off of a desktop onto online
Starting point is 00:22:28 and this was a big leap for us at the Sousa household. Every time she would click a button, there was this, she would get so tense about it. I'm like, relax. Why are we reacting this way to clicking every button? Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:44 We all know those people. we all know those people who are reacting to everything they're basically just unconscious they just react they're like flies flying flying from one pile of shit to another do you feel that space over time the space between what's happening and your ability to to respond to it do you feel that grow at all or is it just a comp for you personally and is it just a constant battle? It has to be cultivated. Constant battle has to always be cultivated. The second you let your guard down,
Starting point is 00:23:10 I equate it to being like, imagine being trapped in a room with a Cobra. You would never take your eyes off the Cobra. You wouldn't start thinking about what you're going to do tomorrow. Yeah. That's what to stay conscious is like that. You have to be fucking vigilant on that level, man. And it is hard. You could go and you could go days of being unconscious and then become conscious yeah and the brain i mean yeah and then and you know the brain someone will say hey dude you're
Starting point is 00:23:38 unconscious and you'll wake up for a split second and say no i'm not and then just go right back to fucking sleep i think. The brain's fascinating like that, the way it defends itself. It defends staying in the matrix and staying asleep. Why is that? It's just a coping mechanism, you think? Ask the Christians. It's their God that did that to us. Hey, so what is your plan for the rest of the day today? Are you on the road right now? Are you making some headway?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Do you feel confident you're going to make it to the destination? I do. I want to bring up two more subjects. Dan Thiessen. Dan Thiessen, I appreciate you're concerned about my driving, though, about my journey. Dan Thiessen tomorrow, we had him on the podcast and i'm supposed to call him tomorrow when he's riding the assault bike i think he's gonna ride the assault bike for i don't know some ungodly time right he's going for like
Starting point is 00:24:36 12 million calories and he's raising the money for orphans in um uh in haiti i think it's his brother's project. And I am not a fucking charity guy. I fucking hate charity. What I like to do is I like to reward everyone around me for hard work. That's how I like to vote with my dollars, right?
Starting point is 00:24:57 So like the guy at the table brings crayons for my kids, his tip goes up. You know what I mean? Your rewarding contribution. Your rewarding contribution. Yes yes yes always and then always do my part just constantly but i had this guy dan thesen on my show and god man his his i i don't know how to say it you won't hear words like this out of superficial words like this out of my mouth very often but his heart was
Starting point is 00:25:22 so pure it was i really i really like this guy and he's very often, but his heart was so pure. It was, I read, I really liked this guy and he's an affiliate owner. And you guys know how I feel about affiliates. I think they're epicenters of just good shit in every community. I think if you ever felt like donating some money somewhere, donate it to a fucking affiliate. Why? Because those things breed good, good outcomes for entire communities. They lessen the burden on every aspect of civilization, the people who go to a CrossFit gym. The hospitals, we all know CrossFitters are nicer. They help more people.
Starting point is 00:25:56 They're more confident. They smile more. They're more conscious. In every aspect of life, people who participate in that scene are better for humanity and i know something like well i knew this one guy who went to a gym who molested a kid yeah well they're still human fuck you know what i mean they're still fucking human right right there's always one ding dong in there that wants to like point out the one thing well my gym painted over the handicap spot oh okay okay okay but they also uh help 12 people lose 100 pounds right and so i just want My gym painted over the handicapped spot. Okay. Okay. But they also help 12 people lose 100 pounds.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Right. And so I just want to say tomorrow, if we can, if we do a show tomorrow, I want to try to remember to call Dan Thiessen when he's on the assault bike. Yeah. And we all cheer him on. Okay. There's also something else. There's an affiliate. There's an affiliate owner.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I think her name is Laura Connor. And she has a GoFundMe page. And once again, I'm going against all my beliefs. I don't want my platform to become an obituary or a fundraiser place or any of that shit. But this lady was on the show and she is an affiliate owner. And I do believe we're a tribe or a cult or whatever you want to call it. She's been diagnosed with cancer and she has a GoFundMe page. If someone has a bend that they feel like they want to donate money or they want to help a good cause, I fully support her.
Starting point is 00:27:16 She's an amazing woman. She was a great guest. And she's doing the work that we all know is important, which is she has a place that's called the CrossFit Affiliate that we know is a cure for the world's most vexing problem. And that's Lauren Connor, you said? Or Laura Connor? Yeah, or Laura Connor. And I think I put the link in my story. I think the link to the GoFundMe page is in my story. Okay. I see Caleb kind of typing away now. So we'll bring her up on screen and point everybody at that so they could go check that out. And then finally, thank you for letting me jump onto your platform this morning, Mr. Chooza. You're a good dude,
Starting point is 00:27:50 you know? And finally, or actually I have two more things. The thing you brought up yesterday about socialism and about people taking pride in their own shit, you will never see a coffee cup behind someone's toilet in their you know in their own shit yes you will never see a coffee cup behind someone's
Starting point is 00:28:07 toilet in their house ever because it's their house but every gas station between california and quarter lane you will see a piece of toilet paper a coffee cup something stupid yep behind the toilet yep it's somebody else's anyone who thinks so anything yes It's somebody else's job. Anyone who thinks so. Anything. Yes. It's someone else's job. No one takes pride in anything unless it's their own. That's why when you become an adult and you finally have kids, when you pull up to your house, you do that weird shit that you saw your dad do as a kid. You didn't understand.
Starting point is 00:28:36 He walks around and picks up the cigarette buds and the little pieces of trash in front of the house. Yep. As he gives you shit. Taking ownership of that area. Kids are going to be there. You're going to be there. And anyone who doesn't understand that,
Starting point is 00:28:48 anyone who doesn't understand that, you have a character flaw. You've never actually owned anything and you don't understand how humans work. You do not understand how humans work and you need to fix that. Yeah, that's an internal thing. This is a true this
Starting point is 00:29:07 is a truth we're talking about yep hey i have this theory basically just think of how you treat rental cars versus your own car there's places you park rental cars that you would never park your own car yeah we don't give a shit you park it right next to a bang the door as you get out of the the car onto the pole it It don't matter, right? And also remember there's all of these people in humanity who say dumb shit like this is the dumbest. This is the Trudeau special. It's okay. They're too harsh to that kid who stole that six-pack of beer from Safeway.
Starting point is 00:29:39 The corporations have insurance. You fucking idiots. We all pay for that. You can't even make one exception cash is human energy every time someone steals they're stealing your time on planet earth we've that's our that's our contract we have with each other that we've decided that these little pieces of paper are tantamount to our time on planet earth which is the most valuable thing we have the second most valuable thing we have is money because
Starting point is 00:30:11 we've allowed it to be that way and i'm cool with that right it's what allows us to operate it's and and so i'll even take it to this israeli palestinian thing or this open border thing for any of you who are trying to make like, hey, we shouldn't be killing the kids or we shouldn't be doing that, just think of it this way. If someone came into your house and stabbed your wife in your bed, you wouldn't stop until every single one of those people was dead. And your advice to the people who are in your house would be to run. So if you were the parents of the kids who were robbing this house,
Starting point is 00:30:43 you would tell them one thing, run. And if you have any problems with what's going on in Palestine and Israel, all the protests would be to Egypt to open the border to let those people out. And I know I've told the story before, but the only reason why I'm here today is because my family ran and because my wife's family ran. And people helped them run. Ellis Island helped them run. Legally. The English ships that pulled up, yes, the English ships that pulled up
Starting point is 00:31:14 along the side of the, that helped Armenians escape when the Turks were massacring them. That's the only reason why I'm here. And finally, I'd like to say this. It is time for Matt Souza to have his own
Starting point is 00:31:32 show. Write in the comments if you agree. Not the chat, but the comments. It's time Monday mornings or Monday afternoons or there needs to be a Matt Souza show on the Salon Podcast. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Thank you for that. And thank you for your contributions this morning. It's time. Jesse Waters and Gutfeld. We're going to be the new combo. I love it. I love it. Caleb can be the black guy in the five.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Robbie Myers says he disagrees. He disagrees. And I got a David Weed fuck no, which we all know that's his love language. That's David's love. Yeah, yeah. So really he's saying no.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Hold on, hold on, hold on a second. Hold on a second. I'm going to go inside my head and punch David for a second because he lives rent free in my head. Okay, got him, got him. Kick his ass out. He fucked up.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yeah, I just, I just punched him in the kidney. He'll be down. He won't be commenting for a few minutes yeah hey to your point about i i so i read this book a while back about disneyland and one of the things they wanted is it to be like ultra clean right like super clean so they started to do this study about how far away they had to put trash cans from each other to get people to never litter never just drop their thing on the ground right because we all know you do it at the ballpark you go to a baseball game you just throw your shit under a seat you're at the movie theater you're probably the asshole that just leaves your popcorn bag underneath there so they were like hey
Starting point is 00:32:51 we put out more trash cans and we put them closer in proximity more people will throw something away and then they realized that that didn't even help because it doesn't matter how many fucking trash cans you put on you have two different types of individuals and the individual that's always going to seek the trash can will seek the trash can, whether they have to put the trash in their pocket or carry it for the next fucking mile to make sure it goes into a trash can. And the individuals who are just going to throw something on the ground are going to do it even if there's a trash can right fucking in front of them. Because there's a certain level of ownership. There's a certain level of pride that you take. There's a certain level of presentation. And I don't mean in the way that you dress, but in the way that you carry
Starting point is 00:33:26 yourself. And that comes from the intention of your actions and your contribution, because your head's on a swivel, literally and figuratively in ways that you could contribute and to be a positive person unto everything around you. Right. And so they ended up, and by the way, the cap to that was they just had to hire a bunch of people with brooms and dustpans, And so they ended up, and by the way, the, the, the cap to that was they just had to hire a bunch of people with brooms and dustpans, but because that was the only way they could keep it that clean. But yeah, it's, it's a hundred percent. Just, I just wanted to illustrate that point because even if you put things in front of
Starting point is 00:33:54 these people that would help them make better decisions, it's, it's a whole internal thing. It has to come from inside of them. And for whatever reason, we're getting peppered with the shopping cart issue. Do you want to defend yourself on this real quick? People are saying the shopping cart is... Oh, I'm putting the shopping cart away? Yeah, yeah. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Because I like it. It gives these guys something to do. It gives them something to do. That's job security. You're contributing to the person who's going out there to put those shopping carts back away. Without you, man, they wouldn't have a job. Without people dropping trash on the ground,
Starting point is 00:34:24 the people who pick up the trash wouldn't have a job either that's right that's why disneyland hired a bunch of them here here's the nuance that here's the nuance that people uh don't understand i bet you i put my shopping cart away more than all the listeners combined but here because because and when they do it they feel bad when they don't put it away i don't feel bad when i don't put it away i don't see it as a rule like that i'm not i'm not a social i'm free i do what i want to do and and these people see it as like some sort like they believe it's like some sort of part of the social contract right the part of the social contract is to not leave it in a parking space to not not let it run away, but to put it all the way back to the to the corral or back to the front store. Not part of the social contract. Not not even not even a little bit.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I just I understand that. And that's a nuance that people don't understand. It's like the same thing with the Coca-Cola thing. Greg has nothing wrong with Coca-Cola. People are like monsters shouldn't be sponsoring the games. I couldn't disagree with them more. Everyone in this good, more, more borough should be sponsoring the games. The fact that you ask people to be disingenuous and unauthentic, that's the part I don't like. I don't like the fact that we had to listen to fucking Brooke Wells for 10 years. Tell us that that shithole of a company that required their employees to take injections is the greatest shoe ever. And then now that they're not her sponsor, she won't be seen with
Starting point is 00:35:49 any noble honor. It's that part that I don't like. I don't like the fact that LeBron James can't say, yeah, I take a billion dollars from Sprite a year, but you should know it's the number one killer of shortening the days of life of black people in this country. He can't say that. That's the part I disagree with. Yeah. And you guys like someone, someone in the comments said, and Instagram wouldn't let me comment back, but on the seven podcast, they're like, Hey, don't you think it's fucked up? You're supporting California peptides because it's illegal. I don't give a fuck what's illegal and not illegal. I'm not worried about that. I'm not dictated by that. And when, and they said, well, you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:36:22 say anything bad about them. The fuck I wouldn't't i told you guys a million times i would never take trt ever ever ever and they kept giving me money just like gabe sponsored the show and i go hey dude i don't drink your coffee i only drink good dudes and he goes it doesn't matter i still want to sponsor your show and those are the relationships i want to have just authentic real on i just want to be honest i don't want to i don't want to uh i don't want to, uh, I don't want to lie. You want to be free. And so, and so for me, but I'm also okay with people putting that rule on themselves. Hey, I always, I like that discipline. I will always take the shopping cart back to the corral, but I also would, I would also in my guesstimation say that the people who do put their shopping cart back, 87% of you do it because you're afraid what someone will think if you don't.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Interesting. And yeah, so there. There it is. Yeah. And another good point, I love it when someone didn't put their cart away and I pull my car up and there's one kicked up on the curb and I can just grab it right away. Thank you. Convenient. That's because I have faith.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Because that's because I'm more Christian than most of the Christian listeners. Because I have faith that every shopping cart is exactly where God wanted it. All right. And there you have it. Any questions? There you have it. Well summed up. I already laughed twice in the show, by the way.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Great job. Hey, thank you. Appreciate that. A little panic this morning. And I like Caleb's stories about abusing his dog dog that's going to get us a lot of comments a lot of hate i already got one already got one there you go how dare you yell at your dog the dog didn't do anything wrong yeah i did it hey we'll we'll tie the two things in together about Jocko and the dog thing too. It's like people who get a dog and then it chews a pair of shoes and they lose control and get angry.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Like, listen, motherfucker. Every dog you bring into your house is chewing four pairs of shoes. You brought the dog into the house. You don't think a puppy or people who yell at their dogs for barking. Like, what? Let's get a shot call. They chew shit and they bark. Yeah, they chew shit and they bark. That, what? Why did you get a dog? They chew shit and they bark. Yeah, they chew shit and they bark.
Starting point is 00:38:28 That's what they do. You're retarded. Do we have that sound? You're retarded. You're retarded. Don't lose control. Take a deep breath. Just like, I got to put my shoes away.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I got a puppy in the house yeah see look heidi's on it she's saying you're you're the one leaving all the drywall over the place damn i'm aware of all these things and he started the story saying that by the way so i will i need to defend caleb here he literally started the story saying it and then saying it was a priority and he knew it he took ownership of that it's a me problem i know it was a priority and he knew it. He took ownership of that. It's a me problem. I know it's a me problem. I was just really irritated. The plumbing is fucked up and I got to sort this thing out and then the
Starting point is 00:39:11 dog's over here chewing on drywall. So I decided to take my anger out on the dog. There we go. I know I did that. He's tree. He's triaging. Hey, Dan, I'm drinking out of your mug today. All right. Okay, guys. Thank you. Love you guys. Be safe. Bye.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Oh, that was good. Okay, so let me get rid of this comment there. Let's go ahead and all the way at the bottom of the notes, we have Sean Strickland gives a fuck. Can I do one comment, please? Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Yeah, yes, yes, yes. Paul Peters. And he's been really, really bad. can i can i do one one one comment please yeah yeah absolutely yeah yes yes yes paul peters on okay and he's been really really bad at his any any comment he's made towards me most of the comments he makes are towards me which is okay hold on let's see uh paul peters uh c beaver seems like he has a sex dungeon in his basement where he holds circle jerk parties okay you told me you weren't going to tell anybody about that, Caleb. That was our secret. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:40:06 But this is the best one by far that he's made, and I just wanted to appreciate it. He's really poorly putting these together. This is the best one. So I just – thanks, Paul. Thanks for increasing your game. Otherwise, I'm never going to acknowledge your comments ever again. Jeffrey Daniels, thank you for joining the CEO club, my guy.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Wadzombie, $1.99. Is this Spongebob referring to Sevan on the phone? No, it was Sevan on the phone. Toby Leron, euros, pounds, $4.99. My box owner thinks CrossFit should make cat mandatory For a pin for affiliates. What's your Opinion Sousa? We're gonna hold that. I'm gonna come
Starting point is 00:40:51 Back to that Magnus Hang up on the crazy caller I can't he'll fire us We got We got sneaky sneaky. I'm the Weirdo who wipes down the counter or the sink in a public restroom slash gym restroom if it's dirty. Sleeky, I wish we had a bagillion weirdos like you.
Starting point is 00:41:13 I do the same thing. It's just one of those things like when I'm done, wash my hands, and I have that paper towel. I'll give everything a nice little clean wipe down, especially at the part of the sink when you would lean against it and get your shirt wet. Because ain't nobody like that shit. That's a day ruiner. It's a day ruiner right there. You're having a good day. You lean against the sink. Your shirt gets wet. Fuck. Day ruiner. We have not a taxidermy, dear. Shopping cart equals cup of coffee on the toilet. And then earlier, he was like, how the fuck are you not getting this? Meaning the correlation between the coffee
Starting point is 00:41:42 cup behind the toilet and the shopping cart. I'm right there with you. I put my shopping cart away all the time. I, I, you know, I try to be conscious of opportunities where I can make contribution. And honestly, go ahead. An instance where I would not put something back is if I'm going through
Starting point is 00:41:55 like a department store and I found like a shirt that I wanted, but then I like have carried it all through the store and I found another shirt and a different part of the department store that I wanted. I would put the one that I first found where I found the new one and I wouldn't put the other one back. All right. And they could sort that out. Job security again,
Starting point is 00:42:12 right? Job security again. But yeah, I always try to be conscious of like opportunities that I could do that or make some sort of contribution when I can. I hope everybody looks for those opportunities as well, but I got your point. Trust me.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I wasn't, I wasn't blind to your point. Okay, let's go. Sean Strickland gives a fuck. He's about Canada, but coming in here to that ovation, what does it feel like to be a hero to these people? You know, man, let me
Starting point is 00:42:40 tell you. Let me tell you. Let me tell you. Let me tell you guys something. And this is what the media doesn't understand when it comes to me and you guys and Australian fans. Let me tell you guys something. You guys don't care about me fighting. Yeah, me and Dreykus, we're going to have a death match. Someone's going to get their hand raised. Someone's going to get their hand
Starting point is 00:43:06 raised. Someone's going to get their hand raised. But when have you ever seen a UFC champion, George St. Pierre, or anybody else, stick up for you fucking guys. I fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:43:21 I do it. I am not chasing the Chinese checkmark of Nike. I don't give a fuck about that. I care about you guys. I care about you guys being free. I care about you guys having freedom of speech. I give a fuck about you guys. And I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:43:42 You guys are fucking awesome. And I cannot wait for this man to fucking go to war for you fucking guys let's go let's talk intense dude that i i god the more i see strickland like in his media bits and stuff like this then you can't help but just fucking really like the dude right did you see him him on theo vaughn by any chance where he started crying dude did you so i watched that clip and then i wanted to go back and watch it with some more context that shit was oh really yeah i really only saw the crying part and i was like interesting and i didn't sorry i didn't watch it but it was good was good. There's a lot of build up to it because
Starting point is 00:44:25 there's a lot of him talking about it ahead of time. Hold on, we have this caller again here. Let's see. Caller, welcome to the show. Sorry. Listen, Sean Strickland fights this Saturday evening in Canada. He had the biggest
Starting point is 00:44:42 upset in UFC history with his last light heavyweight fight against Israel Adesanya, Israel's best striker in the history of UFC. And Sean just stood toe to toe with him and fucked him up. If you want to see what that's based on, that clip, sorry, I should have sent you this too. The Alpha News has a clip of someone, one of the reporters asking Sean Stricklandland how would you feel if you had a gay son and it's a very point it's a very poignant clip um and there's a nuance there right if anyone has a gay child you should fully accept your child you should love your child no matter what absolutely 100 but but the part that people are reacting to and this this is about the diversity thing and
Starting point is 00:45:25 inclusion thing it it is it is perfectly okay to be a man and not and think it's absolutely disgusting to have another man's dick in your mouth that is perfectly okay that doesn't make you a bigot a homophobe it doesn't mean that we need we actually need those people we need men who think it's disgusting to have another man's penis in their mouth. We need that. That's that's what's pushing the civilization forward. Does that mean you should disown your child if he's gay? Absolutely not. No. Or treat other people that are differently either or treat other people that are even if they're not a family or something. Yeah. But there's people who have these intellectual flaws that they're unable to or they're defensive.
Starting point is 00:46:06 They're basically stuck in the matrix. They're stuck unconscious that they don't think the two can exist. And so to say that those people want diversity, they don't want diversity. They don't want the man who thinks it's disgusting to have a man with a penis in his mouth around. And both are perfectly fine. But if you find that clip from Alpha News, you will be blown away. And both are perfectly fine. Yeah. But if you find that clip from Alpha News, you will be blown away. It just came out also in the last couple of days.
Starting point is 00:46:31 It's from the press conference at the UFC. And someone asked Sean in Canada about the LGBTQ T plus ZY. Caleb's got it here. Caleb's got it. Okay. Thank you. Bye. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Bye. Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage got it. Okay. Thank you. Bye. All right. Bye. Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage? Check. Music? Check. Snacks? Drinks? And everything we can win in a new game at Circle K? Check! With Circle K's summer road trip
Starting point is 00:46:58 game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout?
Starting point is 00:47:26 Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. All right, I'm flat.
Starting point is 00:47:43 We've got a pretty supportive gay and lesbian community in this city. I did want to ask you about something you wrote a couple of years ago. You said, if I had a gay son, I would think I'd... Oh, look, another... I'm saying the swamp, you guys, the swamp. You become a champion, you become a star, and then someone says... Let me ask you something. Are you gay?
Starting point is 00:47:58 I've had the chance to interact with a more diverse... Are you... Let me know, are you gay? Can I get an answer? Well, I'm asking, this is a part of the... Are you a gay man? I'm an ally of the community. Okay. If you had a son, then he was like let me know, are you gay? Can I get an answer? Well, I'm asking, this is a part of the, are you a gay man? I'm an ally of the community. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:07 If you had a son and he was like, you know, you had a son, he was gay, you'd be like, oh, man, you don't want a grandkid? No problem with it. Oh, man. Well, dude, you're a weak fucking man, dude. You're like, you're part of the fucking problem. You elected Justin Trudeau. Like, would you fucking, when he sees the bank accounts, like, you're just fucking pathetic. fucking when he sees the bank accounts like you're just fucking pathetic and and the fact that the fact that you have no fucking backbone and and has he shut down your fucking country and sees bank
Starting point is 00:48:31 accounts you ask me some stupid shit like that go fuck yourself move the fuck on man that doesn't really answer the question but i did want to ask also things you said about the trans community you said uh this past october when they announced the bud Light sponsorship that we've got a pretty supportive game. Interesting. Is there some more to it? You'd go so hard on Bud Light in your next fight. They'll have to accept me or denounce me when, when they know what,
Starting point is 00:48:55 and we'll know what they stand for. This guy's like, this Canadian is not that Canadian. Are you still going to use your fight time to kind of speak on that? Here's the thing about Bud Light. Here's the thing about Bud Light. Here's the thing about Bud Light. Ten years ago, to be trans was a mental fucking illness. And now all of a sudden, people like you have fucking weaseled your way into the world.
Starting point is 00:49:18 You are an infection. You are the definition of weakness. Everything that is wrong with the world is because of fucking you. And the best thing is, is the world's not buying it. The world's not buying your fucking bullshit. You're fucking peddling. The world is not saying, you know what? You're right.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Fucking chicks have dicks. The world's not saying that world say, no, there are two genders. I don't want my kids being taught about, you know, who they could fucking school. I don't want my kids being taught about you know who they could fuck in school I don't want my kids being taught about you know their sexual preference I mean he's got a point there in the sense of like he doesn't want his kids being taught to I think every single parent should have autonomy over how they teach
Starting point is 00:49:58 their kids and what they teach their kids and when they expose their kids to stuff that's their right as a parent I also want to just make a quick statement on what he said about when he was asked if his son was gay there. I think what he meant by that was by not answering the question, he tried to shift the question to like, hey, you're going to ask me these things that are very trivial when you have some major, major shit going on in your country, meaning in Canada. And the reason why I think that we always pull back to those things is because they incite a lot of emotion in people and there's a great way
Starting point is 00:50:30 to create some division. And once you have that division and people can't agree, we lose sight of the other major issues like they're doing with the free speech thing and the government being able to take control of their bank accounts or shut down their money and these things. Those things are way the fuck more important than worrying about some hypothetical situation just so you could play gotcha with some sort of celebrity. So you could take that soundbite and then we could start to drag them through the mud. Because once that happens, and regardless of which side of the fence that you sit on, you should be starting to push away these trivial questions and really focusing triaging as they probably taught in that L1, right? If your back's all broken in your squat,
Starting point is 00:51:06 you're not going to really worry too much about where your hands go on the back squat bar if you can't properly do it. So I really think that if, and if you guys find yourself in these situations as I do, I usually tend to not answer those questions and then move on to something more important. Like why the fuck do we have this bullshit two system party when it was never meant to be intended that way? And I think that a lot of this Republican, a lot of this Democrat stuff is the same coin with two different sides. And the reason why you know that is because the different things like the institutions, like the Central Intelligent Agency and all these that really are pulling the strings here, or the Federal Reserve, or the central banks,
Starting point is 00:51:43 or the corporate media, or the banks or the corporate media or the pharmaceutical companies. Those people have the fucking stranglehold. The president is the next parrot or puppet that they put out there for a little bit. I know some of you guys are thinking Trump's going to be the savior, but his darling is on Wall Street just as the way everybody else is. And maybe he might be better than the next guy, but we need to break that motherfucking two system party apart because division creates more division. And what we need to do is have somebody who is holding the government responsible to the people, not the people being responsible to the government. That's where we lost fucking sight because we started outsourcing all of our thinking.
Starting point is 00:52:18 We started outsourcing all of our thinking. Go to school, go to public school. It's provided so mommy and daddy could fucking turn the wheel of the economy and have no autonomy over what's being taught with you because you're just going to public school. And then it would be really great if we called all the homeschoolers or anybody who thought alternatively weirdos. Because why would we try to understand what they were doing when we could just label them and move on so we could feel better about ourselves instead of really deeply understanding what the fuck is going on. That's all I got to say about that. Okay, let's move on to the...
Starting point is 00:52:53 Hey, Forrest. What do you... You like that? I'm just following it. Heidi Krum, homeschoolers are pretty weird. When I was a kid, when I was a kid and I ran into homeschoolers are pretty weird. When I was a kid, when I was a kid and I like ran into homeschoolers, I thought it was a trip.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I just thought it was like so fascinating that these people just sat at home and learned stuff. Yeah. You wondered how like they got, they got along in life, not a taxidermy. When you're, when you have the CEO of Chase Bank sucking you off, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:21 it's time to run from that candidate. Yeah. Be very careful who those candidates are associating with and who they're being endorsed by. I'd rather have somebody... And here's the problem with that two-system party is once you're outside of it, and you've seen this happen with Trump, is you just get attacked. And people aren't really willing to do any sort of research beyond what's being presented
Starting point is 00:53:40 to them on the TV screen. So once that attack starts to happen from the matrix, if you will, if we want to call it that, then it's hard to get yourself out of that light. Let's go real quickly into It's Never Over, Jesse Itzler. And I think this would be a good segue into this next clip here that you're going to see by Jesse Itzler. For those of you guys that don't know, Jesse Itzler is a serial entrepreneur. He's done stuff with uh i think it's like marquee jet um he was also part of the coconut water uh thing back in the day he also created jingles for basketball teams go nick go new york go new york go he's also married to sarah blakely who is the creator and owner of spanks banks and um he had And, um, he had David Goggins come
Starting point is 00:54:27 live with him for a month before David Goggins was David Goggins. I think that, um, if you guys really want to listen to his podcast with Joe Rogan about that is great. And then he also wrote a book called living with a seal. They don't state Goggins in that book, uh, by name, because at that time he was, uh, in, he was, he was active duty Navy SEAL. So anyhow, this is Jesse Itzler. If I need that buyer, it's never over. It's certainly not over with a no. I got thrown out of the NetJets facility. A year later, I'm doing $200 million in sales on their airplanes. It's never over if I need that account. What are you willing to do to separate yourself from the other realtors, from the other lawyers, from the other trade show
Starting point is 00:55:10 people, from the other clothing companies, from the 10,000 other physical therapists? If I need that buyer, it's never- And most people, I think, just give up too soon. I can apply this directly to our behind the scenes. I would have assumed that everybody would have been in the camp that there's no way someone's ever going to come back and there's no way that we're ever going to create the behind the scenes again. We didn't necessarily accept that. Now, sure. A lot of things had to come into play. Obviously Dave being a help to, to help kind of move that forward for us as somebody on the inside that that's no surprise to anybody. But it doesn't matter that we got a lot of no's.
Starting point is 00:55:51 It doesn't matter that the rest of the CrossFit Illuminati came after us and said, hey, don't associate with these guys. Hey, hey, you know, athletes get rubbed the wrong way. Hey, we can't have them back there. And what happened? We kept pushing, we kept pushing. And we got there. And we were able to create 15
Starting point is 00:56:05 fucking amazing episodes for you guys. So sign up to be a CEO member right now so you can watch them. You like that? Spun that right into a cell for our membership. Go sign up. I'm telling you guys, the support has been incredible. It has been awesome. It has been humbling. But most importantly, we are now able to continue to do stuff like this. So please believe me when I say that we are using those resources to move the show forward to bring more to you guys. That is the goal. this new car. He's literally already on to the next thing. Hey, can we pay so-and-so? Hey, can we send them out there? Hey, how could we do this? Hey, are we pushing enough? Are we innovating enough in these areas? And like Caleb was saying earlier, that's how we were able to bring you the mic'd up stuff, which was awesome for the things that you...
Starting point is 00:56:53 If you guys like it in the NFL, I mean, fuck, I cannot tell you how cool it is. And I know I feel like you guys are probably thinking I'm over-hyping it now, but I'm not. Promise. Chris, with supporters, made I'm not. Promise. Chris, with supporters, made possible with supporters like you.
Starting point is 00:57:11 PBS. And thank you for it. Okay, I wanted to, is there anything on that list that stuck out to you? I know I didn't put a ton of this stuff down. I mean, we could go to Cody Sanchez. We could talk about rich politicians. Or we could dive into a little bit about the NSCA case in a video that CrossFit made eight years ago. And when I put the CrossFit Illuminati up there as the title to the show, I was thinking about walking us through this video here. And so, Caleb, we're going to have to play the game a little bit with
Starting point is 00:57:46 starting and stopping this just because it is CrossFit. And I'm sure they would probably ding us if we just let it roll. So let's move this forward. I just have a couple of points that we're going to make in this, but I didn't get a ton of time to study. Let's move forward to 104 real quick, Caleb, please. That's perfect. We could start it right from there. I think in 2012, spoke of our relationship across HQ's relationship with our affiliates as a covenant. And he said three specific things that it was our role to do as our job in upholding that side of the deal. Okay, pause it real quick. And so when we were talking earlier about what hq should offer the affiliates we've talked about what greg glassman has said before and this video was created eight
Starting point is 00:58:32 years ago and this is russell burger is that who this is yep okay yeah i thought so i was just like for some reason became really unconfident about that answer right now. But yeah, so we have Russell Berger here. And he was referring to something that Greg said in the past. And this video is eight years in the past. So this isn't something that's new on here. Okay, go ahead and play. The affiliates to develop and express the brand. And number three was to protect them.
Starting point is 00:59:01 And that's what this lecture is going to be about. It's what we've done and what we've been doing to protect our affiliates from threats that they may not even be able to see or know about. Okay, perfect. So I like this because if you're an affiliate owner and you are focused on providing the best possible experience and the best possible CrossFit class to your people, it would be really tough to understand and to get involved with different litigation that's coming down from either state or a federal level that's trying to make what you do illegal. And what I mean by that is once the massive rise of the L1 came, the NSCA used to be the market shareholder of the certificate for personal training. They were the people. You wanted to be a personal trainer, you had to go down their path.
Starting point is 00:59:46 And when the L1 started to not only deliver immensely more value, but it started to become more and more popular, they had to do something to gain their market share back. And now let's move this to 204 real quick. And this is going to be a bit of a teaser, because I don't even know if I'll have time to really break this whole thing down, but we'll just get some key points to it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:09 SM, NSCA fellows, private contractors to the military, and a couple military personnel where they basically got together. These are academics and professionals of the exercise science industry, got together and talked about CrossFit. And we have slides from their presentations. got together and talked about CrossFit. And we have slides from their presentations. We know a lot of what they talked about, and it's incredibly disparaging towards the CrossFit methodology. And it's very critical of the CrossFit methodology.
Starting point is 01:00:37 From this, Champ Conference. Okay, so keep it paused right there. So the importance of that and what Russ is saying here is that if CrossFit were to come in with a superior methodology for training to get people ready for the unknown and the unknowable, and they were able to get some military contracts, which seems to be the work that Dave is currently doing now. We've seen all his photos on his Instagram and everything else of him doing L1s with these generals and with different parts of the army there, that that contract is fucking massive. If you were to get a contract with even one branch of the military, not to mention multiple of them, and they said, hey, we want to bake this L1 into part of our training for either, you know, I'm not familiar enough with the military, Caleb would probably be able to know who would be trained for that. But if they were to get that contract for the military in one branch not to mention all the branches of the military i mean
Starting point is 01:01:28 this would be a government contract that would be incredible for crossfit basically at that point the affiliates and the rest of the l1s would just be fucking icing on the cake um yeah go ahead the the military adopting this in a way would be incredible. Not only for just the knowledge aspect of people who joined the military in the first place, because a lot of them have no experience whatsoever with moving, exercise. They just know, okay, I'm going to run and I i'm gonna do fucking push-ups for as long as they tell me to do and even then like it's not very adequate in in any capacity but if you can if you can give uh people that that foundation say hey okay we're gonna not there's not just
Starting point is 01:02:19 running there's not just push-ups there's thrusters there's front squats there's push press there's push jerk there's um snatching there's rowing and skiing and whatever the fuck um you are giving them just like anybody else the the tools to like move their body the way that it's meant to be moved and uh it just it provides a something that the military like needs essentially. And if you get that across every branch, I mean, we're, we're a more prepared force.
Starting point is 01:02:49 We're more capable. We're more, uh, agile in a way and mentally clearer and physically fitter. So I, I love what Dave's doing and I hope that he can get it across all the branches. Cause that'd be incredible.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Yeah. And, um, one of the things that came from this, and you guys will find out as Russ goes back, and I encourage you to go watch this whole video in its entirety, 29 minutes and 45 seconds here, that once those papers by William Kramer,
Starting point is 01:03:17 who was the professor of exercise science out of Ohio University. I should have more of my shit together to give you guys this. So I apologize if I give any misinformation as far as the actual facts of it, but they essentially falsified injury reports in a study that they did across it back in 2009. So that way that paper could circulate in this conference to essentially make it sound like it was dangerous and that it should not be pushed into the military at all. And we're going to leave that one where it's at. I know I kind of came in there as far as wanted to hype that up. And I will get back to that at some other point as Sevan put me on the
Starting point is 01:03:58 spot here, getting my own hour on the Sevan Podcast Network. Maybe we'll dive into that for the first couple of shows. But I just wanted to bring you guys that attention and the importance of it. And like I said, I know I'm kind of leaving as a cliffhanger, but go watch it, go watch it. And then that way, when we really break that down in this next episode, maybe next week or something like that, you'll be able to engage with it a little more thoroughly. Okay, so as we're coming to the end here, let's go ahead and let's go think about what it means when governments create
Starting point is 01:04:30 policies. And let's just bring that little clip up real quick. It's actually just a still, so it's not a... And I do believe we're going to have Russ on the show soon. I'm actually just thought about that i think i
Starting point is 01:04:46 left him hanging fuck hey when that happens i gotta get back to him okay uh stat of the week this is from value attainment stat of the week 99.9 of businesses across the u.s are small businesses nearly half of all u.s employees are employed by a small business. There are 33.2 million small businesses across America. Now think about what that means when governments create policies like minimum wage that makes it much harder on smaller businesses. So this is also related to what we were talking about when um greg was talking about litigation and being able to defend the affiliates because governments make policies that affect the small businesses and most small business owners are super fucking busy and they don't have the time to understand what's coming down the pipeline and they put a bunch of confusing language in these
Starting point is 01:05:41 policies and in these bills that they pass and then all of a sudden a new regulation comes and you either owe them some more money or you have to change the way that you operate. And it's incredibly important that we have small businesses in America because we're going back to what we talked about last episode, which is if we don't have ownership, the standard in which we live by and our contributions in which we make to us, ourselves, and those around us become smaller and smaller and smaller. Without ownership, or as Tank would say, the illusion of ownership over a property and over the decisions that you're able to make, quickly, it's a race to the bottom. Because why would you give a fuck at that point?
Starting point is 01:06:24 You're going to leave your shopping cart out and you're going to leave that coffee cup back behind the public toilet. You're not going to be like Slinky and wiping down the sink. And what most people don't realize is it doesn't take very long, maybe two generations, for people to completely have a different warped reality than what it was that they grew up in. And we're already seeing that here in the United States because most people grow up and we see all this stuff around us. We see this abundance. We have our iPhones. We have all of it. We don't realize where that came from.
Starting point is 01:06:50 We don't realize that the work that that came in on. And it doesn't take much for that to change. So stay focused on your contributions personally to make the world a better place. And we'll hopefully get somebody to pay attention to these policies because i still don't even pay attention to my own too damn busy okay let's get that out too much too much too much um okay we have one more that we we want to end on do we want to end on something kind of funny with the what the fuck moment with heat a one app or do we want to uh go with luxury cars or rich politicians with cody sanchez okay let's do the what the fuck with he won out okay let's do it and then i'll answer those two
Starting point is 01:07:34 questions i'll get back to the cap question then philip kelly has a good question here um as well so we'll go with those all right this looks like fun When you go to the bathroom in Mongolia And you wipe your ass Do you roll the toilet paper or crumple? No, we crumple Yes But the toilet like this
Starting point is 01:07:59 You know, like USA toilet You sit down like this Mongolia, you sit down like this. Yes. Mongolia, you sit down like this. Very weird. It's very odd. Mongolia. He said he don't use toilet paper. Snow white.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yes. Yes. Snow white. Yes. He uses bidet. He like water in his butt very weird big enema very weird i don't know why that's not normal in mongolia it's just no no born with uh not right yes oh my goodness that
Starting point is 01:08:45 oh yes and that poor dude that's just like chilling there he's like he doesn't speak english but he's like don't worry i got it i got it okay so um we'll go back to toby's question here for uh 499 euros my box owner thinks CrossFit should make cap mandatory. For affiliates, what's your opinion? Here's my opinion. Anything that says mandatory on it should not be mandatory at all. There should not be any,
Starting point is 01:09:14 like HQ should not have any hand in how I'm running my business or my programming. If you're programming shit and you're having issue with it or you're programming too aggressively, you'll know that because the market will respond. Your members will leave. They'll tell you they're beat up. They'll tell you it's you're programming too aggressively, you'll know that because the market will respond.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Your members will leave. They'll tell you they're beat up. They'll tell you it's too aggressive. They'll tell you it's too wimpy. They'll tell you it's too much of this or that. And when you start to hear a ton of that over time, you'll know that your programming sucks. I don't think that cap should be mandatory. I don't think that anything should be mandatory coming from CrossFit HQ.
Starting point is 01:09:41 The other thing that's always really hard to push inside the normal gym setting is the heavy days. If you just have seven sets of five back squat on there, and that's the only thing for an hour, that's really tough to sell. And I'm not saying I disagree with that because I do think that when you do the strength, there should be an emphasis placed on that. But if your members don't leave sweaty, if they don't feel like they had some intense workout, what's going to happen is they're going to do that five by five by five by five back squat five by five by five by five and then they're going to go hop on an assault bike with their buddies and do some burpees in assault bike and if you do too much that becomes i don't i don't
Starting point is 01:10:16 know anything about being an affiliate owner because i'm not an affiliate owner but i do know that you guys are crazy busy and And if you are an affiliate owner, why, how do you have the time to worry about what other affiliates are doing in regards to their programming? If you're one, I think it's lazy. If you're like,
Starting point is 01:10:35 yeah, everybody needs to do cap. Right. But also fucking do better programming at your own gym. If you're just like, that seems absurd yeah what do you mean like you think it's lazy like you think affiliate owners should be like invested into their programming yes absolutely i think they should be invested in their own programming
Starting point is 01:10:54 i i noticed uh there was an affiliate that i used to go to uh over probably the span of a few years um you you notice that they just stop caring about it. They're like, oh, we're going to program 50 cal row, 50 cal ski, 50 cal bike, and warm up and do some pull-up work at the beginning. Yeah, it's lazy. It's really lazy. If you are not paying attention to what you're programming,
Starting point is 01:11:20 you're just saying, oh, this is a cardio day, oh, this is a pull day, this is a push day, whatever. It's fucking lazy. Pay attention to what you're programming. Give a shit about what you're just saying, oh, this is a cardio day. Oh, this is a pull day. This is a push day, whatever. It's fucking lazy. Pay attention to what you're programming. Give a shit about what you're programming and give members something that they feel like they're improving on and stop giving people fucking med ball slams three days a week. Well said. And I agree with that. I think that owners should be invested in their programming. They should kind of keep their thumb to the pulse of their members' needs.
Starting point is 01:11:43 And I like doing my own programming because sometimes too, how it comes out on paper versus how you feel, you can make small tweaks throughout the week and you have the autonomy to change that. And then you learn based off of that as well. And I think that if you're not kind of investing your time into that and you're just kind of outsourcing it, that is the product that you sell. You sell the experience that happens in the class and you sell them the workout that they do and so you got to be careful outsourcing that because uh yeah that could get messy quick um okay there is one other one uh uh ctp camp with all due
Starting point is 01:12:17 respect mcgregor is ahead of sean strickland with his mic skills i think yeah sean hasn't had as much practice as mcgregor did but mcgregor he owned it he was great i really i like listening to him when he's on the mic even i watched the what is the ultimate fighter when he was a coach he did really well so i'm yeah i think i think mcgregor's had some more practice on strickland but he's working yeah and i think they're kind of two different things right like mcgregor was a smooth shit talker and he really knew how to like push people's buttons and stuff and sean strickland seems to kind of be going a different direction when he has the mic he's touching more on like you know civil issues that are happening um but yeah of course mcgregor is super smooth on the mic uh our last question
Starting point is 01:12:58 here philip kelly suzy do you think most members and affiliates pay attention to the games and the games athletes no i don't i don't think they do um i could tell you right now and i made this comment inside the uh the thread of of all was there in the locker room and i was like nobody i would be willing to bet that 70 of my members don't even know who tia tarik lumi is tia tarik lumi whatever yeah we don't even know who i don't even know like even the even the people that are at the top it's like i i would say no majority of my members don't even fucking know about it and they don't care and uh the ones that the ones that do that do know about that are into it it's great i'll talk to them about it um but even then it's at a very like surface level i mean it's like it's funny too because sometimes i'll see like affiliate owners or somebody they'll be like oh my uh jim does proven's programming like and i kind of have this
Starting point is 01:13:55 the same exact opinion that caleb had on that so i'm just thinking to myself right away like oh okay so you just outsource it to a competitive program like Like what is, what is, what is that doing for your members? Right. And I think that in terms of CrossFit athletes and CrossFit games in general, we're really like siloed in this small, tiny little pond. And we think that like, Oh, we're like somebody in the world. And I'm a CrossFit athlete with 700,000 Instagram followers. So I'm some sort of celebrity and it's, it's not. And for CrossFit themselves, I would say they need to start making the level one staff seminars, the heroes. Those are the people that need a lot of camera time. Those are the people that we should start looking up to
Starting point is 01:14:36 because they're great communicators. They're really great coaches. They deeply understand the methodology that is CrossFit. They know how to not only take a CrossFit workout and apply it to somebody to meet their needs where they're at, but they know how to take the understanding of the methodology and tell somebody about it to meet them where they're at and their knowledge of that methodology. Right. Remember when they were hot? What's that? Remember when seminar staff were like legendary people?
Starting point is 01:14:59 Yes. Every time, any, any time I like, I remember when I took my first L1, Chase was my, was like the instructor for the L1. And I, I was like, holy shit, this is, this is the guy. This is one of the guys who teaches the methodology that I've been paying attention to for years. And finally, I now have the opportunity to learn from this guy. I thought it was the craziest thing. Like I didn't even take a lunch when I was at either day of my L1 when I took it the
Starting point is 01:15:23 first time, because I just wanted to hang out and talk to Chase or watch him work out or see what they were ask any question that I had under the sun I remember when those guys were primo they were the coolest and same thing when I met when I met uh Joe Westerlin I thought it was the same thing I was like dude this this guy is the holy grail of information of anything like obviously he's like super smart and cross with things but he's had so much experience in everything else he's he's he's he's has he's well versed in all facets of his life he's been doing jiu-jitsu for 20 years he's done crossfit for 20 years he's like these people are more than what like they're presenting they they have so much experience you just they're they're important to the community they're way more important than these fucking athletes are.
Starting point is 01:16:05 And we just need to expose them. Yeah. Phillip Kelly, I love the games. I'm just not that interested in the athletes of today as they are not the same as the old days. They don't coach. They don't own gyms. They're just into themselves.
Starting point is 01:16:22 You have so many... Back in the day, had marcus hendron across the board is that what his name is the guy who's a farmer and he just fucking yep yeah you had everybody who was in the everybody who's in at the games was like a marcus hendron they were affiliated they they coached an affiliate they fucking worked regular day jobs and they fucking trained their asses off and now they're and then they were games athletes now you have these fucking dipshits who decided they're like i'm not gonna work i'm gonna fucking work out all day and i don't have to give back to anybody because i'm getting paid a bunch of fucking money
Starting point is 01:16:50 yeah i nice getting what is that trigger level trigger level 10 we uh uh i was talking about with sev on the other day on the phone and i was like hey the real the reason why the the games was and used to be the ultimate marketing tool, and maybe not the ultimate marketing tool, that's giving away too much credit, but a strong marketing tool for the affiliates and for CrossFit was because you could see a very straight line from the affiliates, like we just showed at the very beginning of the show with the open announcement being done inside an affiliate
Starting point is 01:17:22 with the games athletes, but around that community, right. To the regionals, which in my opinion, we're kind of the smaller places where a lot of these affiliates would gather once a year because it was localized a little bit easier to get to. You're most likely watching an athlete that you know, or that you know of in your area. And then to the games. And then a ton of the people that were at the top of the sport at the games were either L1 staff seminars and gym owners themselves. So we have this really great loop, right? That I could look at the person at the very peak of the sport and be like, wow, they're an awesome coach. Wow. They own an
Starting point is 01:17:53 affiliate. Wow. They deeply understand the methodology. And then that's going to tie it right back to the affiliates that no longer exists. We don't even have that straight line from open to regionals to games. The season's all, I don't even know what the fuck is semi, semi hard. And so now that we have that and it gets a little lost. And then we also have these athletes like how Caleb was saying that are no longer invested in the community the same way they used to be, the more so just focused on their own personal careers. And I don't fault them for that.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I don't, you know, it is what it is. They're athletes. They're out there trying to make the most of the time that they have, um, as their popularity rises through the sport and what have you to selfishly use that hopefully to leverage for a little bit more of a longterm. But I just don't think that that's the best marketing strategy anymore for CrossFit. And I think that there was a lot of those other tangible things that were in there that made it powerful. And once those things went away, it just, it, it, it lost its, um, ability to actually convert and people into, into affiliates.
Starting point is 01:18:51 But I still think that that can exist for CrossFit. You just have to highlight the right people. So if we start highlighting, like we talked about the flow masters, these L1 staff seminar people, we make them the superheroes of CrossFit. So that way, like what Caleb experienced when he went into his L1 with Chase Ingram was a little bit of this, oh shit, there's Chase. Like this is the guy I watched. This is where I got my coaching stuff from. This is where, and then that way he went and learned from him. That mattered a lot, a lot more. Like my first L1 was Jason Kalipa, Pat Barber, Neil Maddox, and Miranda Alvarez. And I remember watching them.
Starting point is 01:19:30 I knew that they were like coaches and like everything else. And then when I went into the L1, I was like super stoked to go in there, right? Audrey, do we love CrossFit or do we hate CrossFit? I can't figure it out anymore. Why does it got to be binary? Why can't we just discuss it? Non-binary. I identify as non-binary. Why can't we just discuss it? Non-binary. I identify as non-binary.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Why can't we just talk about it? Why can't I just give my opinions on how what I own across the gym, where you work across the gym, would be better suited for long-term growth and health? Genar-mean? Okay, I definitely have to go now. I am late. Caleb, any last words before we take off?
Starting point is 01:20:05 No, that was great. If you want to watch behind the scenes, sign up have to go now. I am late. Caleb, any last words before we take off? No, that was great. If you want to watch behind the scenes, sign up to be a CEO. If you want a CEO t-shirt, go to If you want CA peptides, use code SEVON. Beanies are sick. They're sick as fuck, dude. This one is kind of tight at first, but my big-ass noggin spread it out, and now it fits perfect.
Starting point is 01:20:25 So if you want that one, that one's pretty good. Keeps your head warm. Bingo. All right, guys. I hope you enjoyed the show. I think we should have Sevan back in the hot seat tomorrow morning. We do have another affiliate series show coming up. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Have a great day. And happy Friday, y'all.

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