The Sevan Podcast - The Dave Castro | Live in Studio - CrossFit Game News

Episode Date: July 28, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, we're live bam we're live are we really yeah, we really are I want to pull it up on the screen here so you can see the Comments the Sevan podcast Tell me when we go live we're live we're live Well, I I don't see anything. I know because I just don't have their Dave Castro Sevan podcast Or like I don't see anything. I know because I just don't have their Dave Castro Sevon podcast Wow, it's just old ones. I don't know what's going on. You guys see us are we here? Hi all Happy to finally catch live just walking in uh here in australia. All right
Starting point is 00:00:40 Nice to see you autumn lee We haven't done this in a while. Have we? Yeah. Yeah That was a little weird yesterday when we were talking and you're like, hey, if you start taking phone calls, I'm just going to get up and walk out. I was like, wow, that's so aggressive. I don't think it was that aggressive. It was more aggressive than that. It was not aggressive at all.
Starting point is 00:00:55 It was very aggressive. It was just like, hey, if you start taking comments and phone calls, I'm going to walk out. Wait a second. And then I said something to you and then- Oh, shit. That's cold. That's cold Mertens. Yeah. I'm going gonna take a photo of that and put it on my story
Starting point is 00:01:08 So if you guys are wondering what I'm looking at, uh, that's what I'm looking at Dave And then afterwards I said something to you like would you really and you go try me? I'll do it I think that's aggressive. You know, that's not aggressive this sub on podcast Dave Castro I'm guys I'm trying to pull up the actual live stream on YouTube, on the TV. You say we talk Bible. Is that how you title this? Is that, I don't know. I didn't title it.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Is that really what it is? Geez. We're not going to talk about the Bible. Do you think of this as a right wing show or do you think of it as a free thinker show, libertarian show, show with libertarian? Uh, uh, what do you think it is? Uh, it's definitely not a show for, it's not, it's definitely not like a far left. free thinker show libertarian show show with libertarian uh uh what do you think is it uh it's definitely not a show for it's not it's definitely not like a far left don't don't wrap
Starting point is 00:01:49 me into your your personal agendas the sebon podcast dave castro don't uh the seven don't get me in trouble with your shit i'm not giving you an opportunity to to tell me what you think about my podcast the sebon podcast i don't even think we're live. We are live. What was that? Oh, there it is, there it is, there it is. Craig getting out of an airplane, what was that? That was the last time he was on.
Starting point is 00:02:13 The Sevan Podcast. I don't even think we're live. Oh yeah, we're live. No, it just says Dave Castor live in the studio. It doesn't say Bible Show, what made you think that? I saw something else, okay. Okay, Autumn, hi, Dave wants to say hi to you, too What's in the bag?
Starting point is 00:02:29 Did you bring me gifts? No, no you can't get Oh, I brought you something too. I Got you something too. Look at this Actually was Matt Suza who thought so standard restock of the 500. Thank you. Cheers. Okay, yeah. Cheers. Another dented one. Oh my God. Oh my God. The ones I can't sell.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Is that really why you give me these? Yeah, for sure. Because they're dented? Yeah. And there's like, I don't sell any of the dented ones. So like, not that the product inside is any different. Do you know how that got dented? That particular one got dented?
Starting point is 00:03:03 And then of course the lime. Oh, thank you. Restock of lot my favorites the garlic and of course the garlic. Oh shit now listen I'm not just saying this cuz Dave is here. Well, I am just saying it cuz Dave is here Look at look at that overlay up there. What do you see this? This is the one this is the one you get to you mix this with Vinegar you pour this into a plate with some vinegar and then you dip French bread into it and eat it with your kids. So now check this out.
Starting point is 00:03:31 You ready? Yeah. On your show. Yeah. Live. A new workout. Now. A new offering at
Starting point is 00:03:39 Oh, tell me. I'm gonna rub my magic key chain. Thai chili pepper. Oh shit. Thai chili pepper. Where's the camera? Which camera? Right herechain Thai chili pepper. Oh shit. I chili pet. Where's the camera? Which camera right here? I chili pep. It's on the site now. And so here's the deal since uh, is that actually spicy? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Take a hit since I uh, this is I'm doing this a little differently than the others I'm like bottling it. I'm labeling it
Starting point is 00:03:59 Sealing the bottle so I'm doing more of the prep after I got this from my guy and he prepped it, made it. So I'm packaging it all further more than I did on those other ones. So what do you mean like with your personal hands? Yeah, yeah, I filled the bottle. I'm filling the bottles. I'm sealing the cork, putting the cork in the bottle and then sealing it. Heat seal, that's easy. And then applying the label. So these are all, these are even, uh, I'm completely doing the process here. This is, so this, the olive oil is coming from Hollister from my buddy who, who grows it and cultivates it and process it. And then I'm in your custody, the entire time hired the chain of custody. Yes. Yes. So, um, this is crazy. It's on the site now. So anyways, because of that, it's
Starting point is 00:04:45 cheaper. It's actually, um, $30 instead of 32. And because of that, I'm just lowering the price of those other bottles, the lemon and garlic, also $30 from here on out because that I'm able to, um, be a little more efficient. Hey, do you, um, do you ever spill? What do you mean when you're filling these? I mean, I just started and so like no I have not yet Like overflow. Yeah spilled olive oil. Just sounds like a nightmare to me. I'm gonna I'm gonna take a swig of this Yeah, my house. No, I don't think so But ported that's not it. Yeah, it's a quarter. Okay My family doesn't care either.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Does it smell different? Yeah, you tell me. Oh, yeah. It's oh, yeah, it's good. Oh, yeah. Wow. This is the best one now. Yeah. TDC mercantile dot com. Holy shit. Wow. This one's better than the garlic. Hey, and I didn't come on the show just to push that either. I know that
Starting point is 00:05:48 Might be might appear that way, but I didn't you're you're a you're an entrepreneur So you actually I came on the show to pit push the t-shirt Can you pull are you wearing it? Oh good job wearing it? No, I'm not can you pull up? This is actually fucking really good, dude. Can you pull? Yeah, I know, I'm not. Can you pull up? This is actually fucking really good, dude Can you pull yeah, I know that's the point. Can you pull up the website? Hey, I'm gonna say something stupid. Is this thicker? I Don't think so. God. This one's really good Wow, that's awesome the limited edition games t-shirts that I have way too much going here you take this Okay. Um Let me see TD Games t-shirt that I'm I have way too much going here you take this Okay, um
Starting point is 00:06:26 Let me see TD What it's TD see mark and tile calm calm I should just use the QR code TDC I spelled it wrong Mer Like like Colton Mertens. Well Colton was on the show today. I tried to get some information. Colton's looking at me right here. I tried to get some information out of him.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Did he give you any? No. He doesn't know shit. Really? He knows a couple things. Did he come to the ranch? Mm-hmm. Did he do test workouts?
Starting point is 00:06:58 Mm-hmm. How many workouts did he test? One. Just one workout? Hold on, hold on. I'm processing. Okay. All right. Two. Oh, this is a nice shirt. Three. You brought him all the way out here from the East. Wait, where's he from? Iowa and he only did three workouts? I just brought someone down on Friday I don't know if I should say yet. But then I had her do too. Oh, so it was a girl.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Female. Yeah. This is the shirt. There is your symbol. Yes. And then a V. Yes. And then a one, a one, a one.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So that's eight. So it's actually the symbol is the X. so it's actually the 10 the symbols the 10 18 18 so this is the 18th year of the CrossFit Games and so the logo the logo represents the X and Then you see the the basically the flag the Texas flag What would it is is hold on let me finish the Texas flag is built into the shirt design So you have the star the blue the red the white and then the dates of the games underneath it in In the black someone just wrote in the comments fastest shipping I've seen from a small team and and actually these are I'm still waiting for them
Starting point is 00:08:16 So these are you can buy it now, but it's not shipping for a few more days Oh, so you won't get this in time for the games. No, you will So here's the deal if you want to buy as a fan who you are not going to the games, you'll get it right around the time of the games. If you want it for the games and you're going to the games, buy it and put that in the message. And I'll make sure if I can't ship it to you before the games, I'll bring it with me and give it to you at the games.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Like personally? Yeah, I mean, we'll work something. I'll make it happen. Oh, they'll meet Nicole Christensen in the parking lot. No, I will make sure. I can't have anybody else do it. I'm gonna I can't assign anyone else to do that What would Pat Velner say about this? Does he have any concerns? I want to hear what you have to say. Okay, and then finally The other significant piece of all of this is the green. Why the green?
Starting point is 00:09:05 St. Patty's Day, because you're Irish. Close. The Mexican cultural influence in my life and in Texas, there's a tie to you. So there's a lot of story to this shirt. And basically like a week ago, someone hit me up and said, hey, are you doing a game shirt? And I'm like, no,'s probably good idea. I'm like, alright, so then I just put it in motion and Got it up there. I'm excited about it. I like it a lot
Starting point is 00:09:34 It means a lot to me and so the 18 it's interesting because Probably seven or eight years ago either Tony or Justin or someone it could have been you I think it was no Said hey, should we start and this was early. This might have been you. I think it was Justin though. No, definitely not me. Said, hey, should we start, and this was early, this might've been like 12 or 13. Should we start referencing the games with Roman numerals? And I'm like, no. And I think someone said like the Super Bowl. And I'm like, no, that's not our thing.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And like, so we just left it. And then as the years went on, I started thinking more and more about each game. Cause don't you don't think about the games and we don't talk about the games And we don't reference the games as like in terms of what number they are, which is totally fine And okay, you know we talk about oh the 2022 games or or the 19 games or the 20 games And it's actually better that we do that I like that we do that because then it gives me this little corner of like really caring about and referencing in my mind the actual, what year of games it is. So like, this is the 18th year. And nowhere else in our marketing or messaging or
Starting point is 00:10:41 media are we like referring to it as the 18th games? that's it's not it, but it's just my own little personal thing because because to me the 20th games XX are Pretty significant are gonna be pretty significant the 20th games before I fired Before I got fired was significant to me that was kind of like I had this whole so I got fired was significant to me. That was kind of like, I had this whole, so I got fired two years. I had this whole like three or four year plan that led up to where we were gonna go, how we were gonna do them, what was gonna happen,
Starting point is 00:11:12 what's gonna happen at the 20th. Oh, so you actually care about the games in your job. And so anyway, so I got diverted from my initial plan, still the 20th games and what that represents. Do you know any workouts for the 20th games? Yeah. Would you mind pulling the mic towards you and sitting back? You don't have you don't but could you?
Starting point is 00:11:37 Is this is this like is this cool? Like you tell me what to do like this and like it's not cool, but I'm doing it for you. You look better when you're back. And and I felt like you were coming towards the mic like you didn't have to if you don't want okay But I'm like passionate. It's not okay then fine then you can come forward, but I'll sit back Don't you don't you think you look better back? Let me see that loud and live hat. Oh That's a nice hat That's a nice hat like a Sailing hat or something. What's up with this?
Starting point is 00:12:06 I don't know, but do you like that? No. I like these guys. I like Loud and Live and I like the West Coast Classic concept. Let me show it. Let me put it on. But I don't like this style of hat. I don't wear hats like that. I know, but you almost knocked my drink over on my desk. You have a hat like this in your store now,
Starting point is 00:12:26 in your CrossFit Games store. You don't think that looks good on me? It looks good on you. You can pull it off. I can't pull that off. Yeah, you look good. You look good. Did you see this one over here?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Oh yeah, old school. That, see, there you go. There you go. That's an old school. That's an old school edition. I told someone I would mail it to them and then they sent my address and then I couldn't find the hat
Starting point is 00:12:45 But then I found it again Okay Um, the reason why I made that crack about oh you care about the games and the and the reason why I made the crack about um, Or that what I wanted to bring up about you leveraging pat velner is that really got under my skin me leveraging pat velner I'm not sorry. Pat that conversation that you and Pat had about leveraging your channel to make money interviewing the athletes. Remember when he Pat Vellner came on your show and he said, hey, why don't you want to remember? Yeah, why don't you monetize and like it was it wasn't why don't you monetize it?
Starting point is 00:13:20 It was framed more as hey, I took a look and you're not monetizing. Why is that? Yeah, it wasn't framed as like a suggestion to monetize Yeah And I find it bizarre that anyone would look at anyone's station to find out if they're monetizing I think I'll tell you what I don't find anything Bizarre in terms of what anyone is looking at paying attention to or researching in terms of my actions or your actions. Like anything, everything we do, I assume someone is looking a few layers deep, which is part of the reason why I didn't monetize it. Because I know someone's going to see that
Starting point is 00:13:57 and have an issue with it. So when he was on the show, and I like, and I enjoy having Pat on as a guest tremendously, but when he was on the show we talked about you not knowing the names of the athletes and you not watching other events and I feel like he somehow tied that into you not caring and to be honest with you the the comments on my youtube channel there were at least a half dozen comments where people said hey I really love Pat but that's just a fucking insane notion that because he doesn't know the people's names, that he doesn't care. But afterwards, Andrew Hiller called me and he's like, Hey, dude, you know who's suffering from Dave not monetizing his channel. And
Starting point is 00:14:36 I said, who? And he goes, the athletes. And I go, why do you say that? He said, because the algorithm has no interest in promoting stations that don't monetize, because Google's trying to make money. So if you're not willing to let ads be on your station, they're not rhythm has no interest in promoting stations that don't monetize because Google's trying to make money. So if you're not willing to let ads be on your station, they're not going to show it as much. And I just feel like that's the whole thing. I don't want to get political, but that's that whole socialist mindset.
Starting point is 00:14:57 It's like always, always try to hold someone else down. It's the tall poppy thing. It's like, what do you care if he monetizes it? Let me ask you this real quick. Is it in your job description to interview the athletes? Just to answer yes or no question, please. No, of course. Okay. Would you get in trouble if you didn't interview the athletes? Would Don call you and be like, Hey, Dave, you're slip. No, of course not. No. Is it a little bit of a risk for you to interview the athletes? Maybe? Yeah, sure. Yeah, like the opposite of
Starting point is 00:15:26 Right of of it And so I just I see that and I just get my blood starts boiling and I know I can't control everyone and everyone's not perfect like me, but what you're doing is like that youtube thing is interesting that notion of Monetizing actually gets you it makes total sense when you say it like that and you think about it like of course YouTube is going to reward the people who are monetized because they're gonna make you're gonna make money but more importantly they're gonna make money I did a deposition a few days I thought I don't know I'm supposed to talk about it did they what's a depositions like when someone a lawyer sits you down with another lawyer and they yeah there's a depositions like when someone a lawyer sits you down with another lawyer and they yeah
Starting point is 00:16:05 there's a lawsuit against the firearms company and they Firearms company I should probably not mention the names. Okay, because I don't know if I'm so soon talk about so I'm not gonna go into Detail you like one of these a gun company. So I'm not gonna go into detail about it, but I will say because of Because of some of the content and videos I put out on my hunting stuff and even on my YouTube channel and because you know my following day. Are you being sued? No, no, no. I'm not at all.
Starting point is 00:16:36 But some of the content I've created that features that company, they want to ask me questions about and basically see if I was paid to create stuff for these guys. And one of the things the lawyer said was basically the videos that I have monetized, how do I know that I'm not making money from that same? So let's say I'm going to say, let's say the gun company is called Topo Chico. Okay. And let's say I'm going to say, let's say the gun company is called Topo Chico. Okay. And let's say I'm shooting a Topo Chico video with the Topo Chico gun.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And I have that video monetized because a lot of my gun videos I do have monetized. And I'm making a few, and here's the fucking thing, the monetization shit for someone like my size or your size, maybe you. No, mine's tiny too. It means it's nothing. Yeah'm tiny too. It means nothing. Yeah, I know nothing.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And so anyways, like I make dollars off of it. Like if you get into double digits, you're excited. Yeah, like I made 20 bucks off of a video that's been up for six months. Yeah. And so anyways, cost more electricity to make that video. I know it's crazy. And so anyways anyways they this the lawyer said basically if you're a lawyer and you if I'm not supposed to talk
Starting point is 00:17:52 about this stuff comment let me know so I can stop but I'm not giving any details but basically they said how do you know that Topo Chico's not paying Google to pay for your video and then you're getting the money directly from Google like Topo Chico or YouTube Topo Chico is using YouTube To funnel the money to you and I was just like a I don't know that and B I don't think it fucking works like that at all. No, like it's not like you can tell YouTube Hey, this is where I want my dollar to go Can you I don't know? I don't know she has Andrew Hiller he might know my whole station
Starting point is 00:18:25 Everyone tells me is just Kamala and ads Is that wild? Yes, it is. Someone will say something in the comments. Oh, I just saw Kamala Second thing about me not caring. I'll fucking say this just because I don't know who athletes are has nothing to do with How much I care about the CrossFit Games or the fucking? Execution of it or the sport of it or what it represents. Remember, man, it started 18 years ago on my fucking ranch and I ran. I've run every single one up into this point except for one. And like to think that because I don't know a few of the athletes or even a majority of the athletes,
Starting point is 00:19:02 all of the athletes or yeah, a majority of the athlete, not all of the athletes. That's that's a, uh, that's a false statement. There's a good number of my know, and I know well to say that just because I don't know any, or even let's say, let's say more than 50% or 60% means I don't care is ridiculous and, and B and to say that I don't, because I don't watch other events means that I don't care is also fucking rooted in stupidity. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I care more about this. Well, let me say this about the athletes. They're also incredibly, I've been doing this for 18 years and I talk about this. There's generations of athletes. There's generations of athletes and phases of athletes and they rotate through and guess what? Valmar is going to rotate in and out in the next couple of years and in five or six years, he won't even be part of this and we'll be on to the next athletes. And so like, and especially when, when about half the field or so, um, it's a little less
Starting point is 00:19:59 than half these days. Um, our rookies, you know, there, there's just a natural rotation. Like I can't, I can't be expected to know everyone. That being said, I, this year decided to make a little attempt to get to know everyone and to make some content, um, and to put it out there. And also one of the reasons I don't think I've talked about this anywhere. One of the reasons I did is cause of you fuckers, um, you and Andrew, you guys, it's not you specifically, I don't want to get youers. Um, you and Andrew, you guys, it's not you specifically.
Starting point is 00:20:26 I don't want to get you in trouble, but, but Andrew, Andrew, you know, I wanted to fill the space with some other noise. I wanted to give you guys something else to talk about. I wanted to put some just, uh, oh, it's totally strategic. I wanted to, to, to, to fill the gaps and, and, you know, give you guys some, I was like, hope like come after me, talk shit about me. Like start like, you know, so I'm going to keep the series going with other people with
Starting point is 00:20:51 other, I just did Matt O'Keefe. That was a fun chat. So to take fire off of your colleagues, take fire off of CrossFit, my colleagues take, yeah, for sure. All of the, all of the above. Oh my God. Dave doesn't know Emma Lawson's name As opposed to looking at some other shit exactly. Yeah, perfect. Yes. That's what I mean second for what you yeah Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh Dave doesn't know all the athletes. Yeah, we can make a whole show on exactly
Starting point is 00:21:17 okay shit about all that stuff be critical of that and cuz the thing is like like I Have crazy body armor for that shit. Like I could give a fuck. You know what? I mean you you mentioned earlier you told me let's talk about that other thing you told me about Smato Keef and then oh before we get to that I want to say one more thing about the athletes there's also this notion and I know that I have a proximity to that makes it so I would know this and others but there's this notion that people think that you're better friends with like rich and tia and brooke and matt and uh the athletes
Starting point is 00:21:52 No, uh, there's this notion that frazier. Yeah, there's this notion There's this notion that you're friends with them because they're the best and that's bullshit Well, I I know I know that I'm not friends with matt first of all, right? But but even but evenly with him, right? But but what I'm saying is is the athletes that you're gonna fuck about what place they take But here's the deal the reason why I'm friends with those athletes you just mentioned specifically rich Dan Bailey Josh Bridges Even Tia to some extent you have to realize where we came from and what I mean by that is some extent, you have to realize where we came from. And what I mean by that is Annie Thorisotter, even Camille LeBlanc,
Starting point is 00:22:28 back in the day, Rich, Annie, Camille, all seminar staff, they were all games athletes, and they also all were on our seminar team, even Camille LeBlanc and Annie Thorisotter, they wore red shirts and they- Did Anshik wear a red shirt? No, he never did. And they taught seminars. So that's one piece. Second piece, we used to have a five week open. Kalipa, he never did. And they taught seminars. So that's one piece. Second piece.
Starting point is 00:22:45 We used to have a five week open. Kalipa, Josh Everett. Kalipa. Yeah. So we used to have a five week open so that there's all these moments of just engaging with them. We used to have regionals. So we'd go to a lot more events.
Starting point is 00:22:57 We used to have big sky where we'd bring in athletes to do affiliate thing. Where we brought people to the office. Q where we brought people to, um, We had HQ where we brought people to. We had Team USA versus Team World, then Team USA versus Team Australia. And so we had all the, we had so many more touch points back in the day. And then all of the content we were making with these guys,
Starting point is 00:23:18 like you're saying, we'd bring them to HQ. So you would naturally get to know some of those athletes way more because the amount of time we were spending with them and it just happens. Guess what? Who gets the invites? Yeah, the people who are doing really well. And I wasn't even... And affiliate owners and Rich did a shitload of level ones at his gym etc etc goes on on so but so and now this day and age like so yeah all those athletes you mentioned except for Matt and we're cordial like we don't have an issue we should I mean I could have a lot of reason I could have an issue with them but I don't whatever um even Matt I've done a few we've done offseason things with him motorcycle rides and stuff like that you were on
Starting point is 00:24:00 that one so any of the friendship or any of that stuff that I've had through those are with a lot of those athletes is because of is just that time with them. And even you take a look at someone more recent like Danielle and Brandon and the friendship there. It's that and Saxon even and Chandler because they were on the demo team and you meet these people and you become friends with you Spend a lot of time with them. So there's these when engagements beyond just the games if you just go to the games as an athlete and you haven't done all those other things our Interaction is way minimal, you know and the and the that you are, I would even say the closest to,
Starting point is 00:24:46 no one even knows because either they've never been to the games or they've only been to the games once and they're just local to our area. Yeah. I was just thinking, I'm thinking I can tell me. Yeah. Kelly, uh, Scuds, Scuds his boyfriend. Um, uh, Natalie. I mean, there's just a whole slew of athletes who like you would see around town or whatever. Yeah, exactly Okay Anyway, I just wanted to bring that up because they only they know but the caring thing the caring thing because I don't know The athlete that one really bothers me. That's like it's just it's juvenile even Yeah, like somehow you're just going through the motions yeah
Starting point is 00:25:22 I'll tell you like yeah, that's not happening. Yeah, I'll tell you, like, yeah, that's not happening. Yeah, I know that. OK. All right. OK, so you wanted to talk about the team thing. So you brought up on the interview with O'Keefe in the first 30 seconds of the interview you did with him.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Why did you do an interview with him? How did that happen? How did you all of a sudden pivot? So this is what I thought. Remember I text you or I talked to you or something I can't remember. I was like, hey, now that you're done, do you have the bug?
Starting point is 00:25:52 Are you gonna start doing more? And you kind of just fluffed me off. And then a few days later, you're fucking doing an interview with O'Keefe. And I either called you or text you, I'm like, oh, you got the bug. You feel empty not doing it. Is that what's happening?
Starting point is 00:26:03 It's not that I feel empty not doing it though Keith thing is Someone from our team actually hit me up and said hey Do you mind doing this with some of the programming partners at the games to highlight their involvement? I said, yeah, no problem What's the programming partner like? Them like what does that mean? They're gonna have engagements and they're gonna have okay, you know like a booth like a program of the Program programming and they're gonna have, Oh, okay. You know, like a booth. Not like a program of the, like a program like an opera program. Programming like they're, they offer, they work in the world of programming, but at the games they're gonna have a booth
Starting point is 00:26:36 and they're gonna have fan engagements. Okay. And so the person from my team asked if I could interview them and I said, sure, of course. And so then they scheduled one with Matt and actually have one scheduled proven soon too. Did you do the scheduling on that one?
Starting point is 00:26:49 No. Is that the first one you didn't do the scheduling? Yeah. Of 80? How was that? Do you look forward to getting that off your plate? I actually told, I told the person on my team who scheduled those. I'm like, Hey, these are like, cause a lot of times sketch stuff that gets
Starting point is 00:27:01 scheduled just pops on my calendar. I'm like, these don't just pop on my calendar. Like you have to hit me up and like say, hey, does this time work? Because like I need to like before doing these, I need to have like the right mindset and headspace. There was one I canceled because I was just really busy and I was like, I'm not, I don't feel like talking to anyone today. You don't feel like talking to anyone any day. Yeah, exactly. But then to do an interview where you're going to post it to the world, I have to be at least a little warmed up for that, you know Anthony will continue with the mattoke if question in just a minute the Dave Castro
Starting point is 00:27:31 How much hair gel did you use for the Daniel Brandon interview? Great question. No, I didn't have any hair gel. I just Finished Working out or something like that. You had done another video that day, too It looked like you just gotten a haircut or got out of the shower or something. You've done something else that okay on video. Yeah But great question. Okay. Um, so so then he comes on and do they tell you when they schedule that for you? Do you know do is there something you're supposed to talk specifically with him about no I just just free flow winged it just talk to him. Yeah, I just thought chatted I wanted to ask him about what they have going on on that like we talked about the fan experience at Will Rogers and at the
Starting point is 00:28:10 Stadium so like the will what Rogers venue at the games where we're doing the fan experience. It's pretty fucking cool Where is that that's actually on the campus? So here's the stadium and then a few hundred yards away There's this big expo center, which is gonna be rockin and crazy and it's what's cool about that It's free to the public So even if you're going to the games or you don't have a ticket and you want to go to the games You could go hang out there all weekend and have a wonderful time. There's TVs there showing the events and all that shit Yep, everything is there beer there. Yeah, I'm pretty sure there should be. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Anyway, there's gonna be food court and stuff and there's training engagements. Our training teams are gonna lead people through workouts and through clinics. Is that where Vendor Village is? It is Vendor Village. Oh, okay. It's the Vendor Village.
Starting point is 00:29:00 The Will Rogers Expo Center is Vendor Village. That's where all the fun is gonna be. Vendor Village. And so that's where all the fun is going to be. And so like Vendor Village isn't at the stadium. There might be a couple like little pop-up vendors like our store and stuff like that. But then all of the Vendor Village and the Expo experience is in Will Rogers, which again is free to the public.
Starting point is 00:29:24 So we talked about that and we talked about all the things HWPO is going to do around town and how they're going to engage there. When do you go to Vendor Village? Like before it used to be you would go, I guess you could go when the teams are going. Still, you could still go when the teams are going. Right. But I wouldn't recommend that. I mean, smart, smart, smart, smart.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Good job, Dave. But there's also some big blocks. There's also some big like couple hour blocks every day, breaks, just in the natural. If you look at the schedule, even at the past games, there were always hour, hour and a half blocks. Same sort of thing. And so that's when you should really go out there.
Starting point is 00:30:03 So there are times when there'll be nothing going on. It could be an event. Oh, for sure. Okay, so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But still you'll wanna stay because something else is coming. No, no, no, I wouldn't say still you wanna stay. I wanna say still you're at that point
Starting point is 00:30:16 you should probably go to. But I mean, you still wanna stay on campus. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like between like maybe noon and two there might not be anything. Exactly. Okay. Yes Now in that interview with O'Keefe you mentioned something that we brought up in the CrossFit Games Update show yesterday
Starting point is 00:30:36 Where you mentioned a team award like how a jiu-jitsu tournament would do so let's say if HWPO brings ten people and has ten people competing and proven as eight people and and Whoever misfits have certain amount of people and underdogs has a certain amount of people or brute. A training think tank. Then you would give some sort of award for like whoever did the best. Whether it be, and you talked about possible scoring but let's not even fall into that.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Anyway, and the boys hated the idea. Good. I don't like a majority of my best ideas and this isn't one of my best ideas, but a majority of even good ideas people hate and don't like, and that's like part of the process. And like, I don't want to make decisions where everybody likes them. If I'm doing that, it's like, uh, I'm guided by the wrong things. Even internally, I had a lot of pushback on like, I don't think this is good. People close to me were saying, I don't know if we should do that.
Starting point is 00:31:28 It's such a low lift thing and it's such a non like, it's not a big deal. It's really not a big deal. You could deter, I could not say we're doing this and we could still determine this just off of some fucking simple paperwork on a Google Doc. And so, but I think it's cool. I do think it's cool. And you know what? People used to talk shit, no, not talk shit. us some fucking simple paperwork on a Google Doc. But I think it's cool.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I do think it's cool. And you know what? People used to talk shit, no not talk shit. People were not excited internally when we wanted to introduce the age group stuff. People were not excited when we wanted to do 40 to 44. People weren't excited when we wanted to do 35 to 39. People weren't excited when we wanted to introduce the teenage division. So like sometimes there's just little ideas
Starting point is 00:32:06 that are easy to execute on that we should execute on. Go ahead. And like that's the creativity, like that's kind of my role. You know what I mean? Like I've created a lot of the things that we do at the games and a lot of those things that I just mentioned were like, hey, we should do this. We should add this. Let's try this.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Met with pushback met with resistance. And if, if the resistance and the pushback would have been like, Oh, okay, you're right. It's a bad idea. We shouldn't, we shouldn't do that. We would have done nothing. You know what I mean? So like, and you've been through some of this process back in the day when you worked with us, like how many ideas did we? Or did I suggest all the ideas are bad. Yeah. Until you actually execute on it and make something happen and just live with it
Starting point is 00:32:51 and see, and, and, and be there and feel games in Carson was a horrible idea. Remember exactly the stupidest idea ever. Yep. Um, uh, let me ask you this, um, and this is tied to the team thing, and this might be falling to being too petty or falling into the weeds for you. How am I going to tie this together? But the spirit of the games award, no, sorry, the rookie of the year award, is that an objective
Starting point is 00:33:14 award? Meaning, did CrossFit make a mistake giving that to Kerstetter instead of Yellow Hosta? Was that just an oversight or is it a subjective thing? Is it like, because from the outsider I thought it would I just I Project on that it's objective. Okay. He did the best of all the rookies. He gets rookie of the year award Or is it subjective cursed at her school or than jello hosta? She gets it. That's why she got it. No Joe Yeah, it should be objective and it'll be fixed this year.
Starting point is 00:33:47 That won't happen again. Okay. So that was okay. I don't even remember how I don't even remember what happened there. Okay. Like that part of the process I was kind of not leaned in on and you know, the team made the decision. It doesn't seem like you should be leaned in on.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And I still like I still almost still okay with it too. Like, Hey, for whatever reason, like we gave one that year. And the year before, the year before they gave two. A boy and a girl. Yeah. Okay. Um, I think the year before that we did one, the call that I made was let's just do one. And so in that environment of one, she was still the highest placing
Starting point is 00:34:24 rookie of the female side, right? So it there's some Objectivity there. I mean if that still is a true statement and if it yeah like like when Leah Thomas and Riley gains tide They gave it to them. They chose just to give it to Leah Thomas That doesn't make sense Trust me. I know do you even know who those people are? Yes, I do. Did they actually tie in? Yeah, they tied in a race and they get and they handed the trophy. They said, okay, I don't believe they tie. You know how hard
Starting point is 00:34:57 it is to get a tie in swimming? I know. I know. Because they go to like the thousands Leah Thomas Riley gains tie. She tells a story I left there with no I let's it's in on swimming world magazine I left there with no trophy after a tie with Leah Thomas. They told her that Leah Thomas had to get it for optics Yeah, that's fucked up. Um, I'll say this but I still Don't see if what you're saying does make sense though It's crazy that there was a tie because the the chip goes down. Yeah. Yeah, that's such a wire Yeah, it really does so that doesn't make sense to me
Starting point is 00:35:32 But let me say this back to that and so then if you're just gonna take one gender You're gonna give it to one gender the rookie of the year, yeah There might have been other factors that our team was looking at in terms of fan engagement, athlete engagement, um, judge engagement for all I know, yellow Hossie was a fucking asshole to judges and I'm just, but, but you know what I mean? And so like, there's a lot of other things taken into consideration, but moving forward, you're saying it won't be like that. I mean, here's the deal. So like now even I'm talking myself out of it. Like, Oh God,
Starting point is 00:36:09 come on, dude. If we're giving it to one, if we're giving it, the highest placing rookie should get it. She should be in the top. The highest placing rookie female athlete did get it. Right? Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Right. Right. Okay. And now I'm telling you, so yeah, even I'm thank you for helping me get here This is talking through this if there's two athletes There's gonna be a male and a female and we have to make a decision between the two There might be other factors that we do take into consideration Thank you good I'm gonna fucking ass pound you more on the next game
Starting point is 00:36:44 They show now this thing now the nuances with this thing with giving the I know we're not going to solve this today and i'm not part of your team, but the nuances uh around like like colton is new to the to the um, you can you can close that arm more you can bend The nuances to the team event The medal for the best team, the best camp, like someone like Colton is, let's say if he went to the games, he's only been on proven for a month, right? Or whatever. And so there's going to be that debate's going to start too. Like so, or Pat Velner's only been on HWPO for... So I don't care about any of that. And what I mean is like, here's how it's how it's gonna work the athletes are gonna self-identify at the beginning of the games fucking on you yeah you know what I mean if oh join anyone you want if proven if proven has someone if Danielle Brandon
Starting point is 00:37:35 self-identifies with proven yeah that's their issue to work out oh wow you know what I mean that's like that we're just going off of what who people identify their camp is and but but then that but at that point Then she's publicly labeled as being part of that camp. Yeah, you know what I mean? So like I could be describing I don't care Yes, you guys deal with that like if you're in line with someone and listen at the end of it when when When mayhem's being like hey, that's bullshit. Danielle Brandon's not unproven, but they're getting their point. Talk to Danielle.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yeah. Talk to you guys. Let you let Hiller make a video about it. I don't give a fuck. You know what I mean? And that's part of the entertainment of it. And it means nothing. And it means everything.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And what I mean is it's just a nothing award. It's just an underground fun award that marketing piece. There's going to be kids that want that. Once again, like, look at dude once again like look at What are we doing? What is promoting promoting? We're talking about it? Yeah, we're talking about it ever since I mentioned it Yeah, there was post about it you guys dissected it. This is what running a sport is about It's about running a sport is purely entertainment.
Starting point is 00:38:45 This is all entertainment. And so like I'm entertaining by making a decision like that, by putting something like that, that's entertainment. It's things for you to dissect, things for you to talk about, things for people to post about. And I'm being kind of like- And honestly, it's exciting for the camps.
Starting point is 00:39:00 And it means something to the camps. And it means something to those athletes that are representing those camps and to the Athletes who aren't in camps because it's kind of like a fuck you to them when you win Hey, and and you know what? It's interesting. Hey, I'm serious. We are not gonna call this out on the floor Like it's not gonna be Read as like I'm gonna have it and I'm gonna we're gonna who the stats guys and to tell me who it is And I'm gonna we're gonna who the stats guys and to tell me who it is and I'm gonna walk over to whoever
Starting point is 00:39:30 To Tia or to rich or to heaven. I'm just fucking handed to them. Congrats. You're not gonna be like and mayhem Okay, um, and you know what? I'm sort of being like I'm behaving what I'm accusing Velner of doing like because for some reason it can't be done. Perfect. Don't do it at all and So and so every and so everyone suffers yeah okay i like it uh robin uh dudeson will colton be given the 40th spot in the men's field no why would he i don't know are you enjoying working with him yeah so far yeah he's a good dude he is good dude yeah i like him is there anyone you regret having on the team so far? Give me a few weeks on that one. Okay ESC sounds Dave's one of the all-time good dudes
Starting point is 00:40:12 ESC sounds they're the they are they like the yeah. Thank you. You're see sounds. No, what's the name? Yes, he sounds. Yes. See. Yes. I said ESC. Yes. He sounds okay back to the Show is scheduled. Okay. Um last year you had Christine ball doing your Social media I had Rebecca fusilla on the show and she's very creative with Social media. Do you have room for two people to do it in which she only lives 30 minutes away from the venue? She only lives 30 minutes away. Yeah. Do you like her style? Yeah. I've seen some of her things. They're funny. Oh, she's lighthearted. She's cool. She engages. She's a coach. She's an affiliate owner. Yeah. She hit tell her to hit me. Hit me up,
Starting point is 00:40:58 Rebecca. Okay. Yeah. All right. Done there. Oh, how'd your life go? How'd your life go? I can't get on a on a one to ten for your first time. It was a ten overall. It was like a two Yeah, it was a one to me. I didn't like it. It was too many things going on too many things Like here's the deal. So like when I do the weekend review I already have multiple things going on meaning I have to go down this hit list of things I want to talk about which is usually small and then I have to go down this hit list of things I want to talk about, which is usually small. And then I have to read all the comments. And then you have your dog that you're watching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And I'm watching my dog and making sure she's not biting the UPS guy. So I have the comments, I have the dog, I have my agenda, and then you toss in all these sidebar comments that are coming in. And it was just too much for my little brain. But I think it's a good idea and I think you could learn to work it. I might use it for some other format. I'll say this, Monday I'm not doing that again. I'll just do my standard weekend review. Okay. What happens is you'll start having your go-to people. I got it. I got it. I get it. I don't care. I get it. You know how I am.
Starting point is 00:42:02 All right. I'm just... You recommended it to me and it's been a You're a podcaster. I'm just some dude who fucking turns the camera on Do you think you got better in the 80 that you did just the getting in the reps you got better? I yeah, I think so way better. I think so and and hey the overall Community it's like if you were an Amazon book, you'd be like a 4.7 star out of five. Cool. Don't you think? Yeah, I think people really liked it. I think the athletes enjoyed it. I think you guys, the pundits, the community, everybody, I think they like it. Like it could have gone horribly wrong. Like people could have been just picking you apart. They still can if they want.
Starting point is 00:42:42 But there's no reason to is what I'm saying. Yeah, I don't give them any reason to. I mean, it's pretty chill. And you got better and better and better and better. And all I'm saying is you should push yourself and add that one component of going live. Live, yeah. Yeah, 80 is crazy. I mean, you'll get better at anything if you do fucking anything. What's the most you did in a day? Seven or eight. And that was a lot. That was, I just, because I decided I wanted to do this and then early on you said I'm not gonna make it past 10 or 15. Yeah, I was like, alright watch this motherfucker and
Starting point is 00:43:09 And then I want to tap no no no it once cuz I said it like once I put that out I got to accomplish it So then I just started I wanted to schedule them and get them done quickly But the seven and eight was too many in a day. I mean I spent my whole like those were done on weekends They weren't done during work days So basically the whole fucking day was spent emailing organizing and I had I scheduled everything with these athletes. So It was a lot I am I was wondering if I Was wondering if I pulled up pictures of all the athletes that you interviewed
Starting point is 00:43:49 Damn I can't make this big enough. That's too bad. Oh, can I no? Okay, I wonder if oh, I know what game you want to play I've even seen photos of them competing since I interviewed them and I'm like, they look different. Some of them look different. Yeah. And no, I could not play that game. Like if I just scroll through images of them
Starting point is 00:44:11 and I pull a picture of Emma Tall, you'd be like, Emma Tall. No, let's not play that game. Daisy McDonald. Okay. The other day. You know what I liked about it too, in the beginning someone got mad.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I forgot who it was. Someone told me that like one of the interviewers was critical of why is he doing this and he shouldn't do this. Oh, yeah, yeah. Scott Schweitzer from Wadsdale. Yeah. I was like, why am I doing this? Do I have to fucking get permission from you guys or should I ask you guys if you have
Starting point is 00:44:37 the plans? It was such a weird place to take it, which motivated me even more. His his point was is if you guys need content for your channels, why aren't you taking content from people who are already doing the interviews? But I think anybody else do what I did. No, but but but you could go out there and somewhere every athlete has been interviewed except for maybe Duan Wong. But but I think it's irrelevant. I think it's cool just think it's cool. Just seeing you do it. Yeah, I think it adds like the whole
Starting point is 00:45:10 Dana white thing. Okay, so when There were two there was a I think it was Emma tall who asked you the question If you had to program or what workout If you had to program one workout just to pick the fittest person in the world, what would it be or something? And you just kind of just flowed like you didn't. So I'm asking you this question.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Hopefully you can be as honest. What's the most memorable interview you did? Who pops in your brain first? Well, I, this is, it's easy because we've been talking about him. Valner pops in my head. Yeah. Um, most memorable. I'm not going to say most memorable, but like what I'm, um, but most memorable. Let me think.
Starting point is 00:46:00 When you think of them, who are the ones that stand out just like pop up in your head right away? Well, the army guy, Jack. Oh, Rosamond. Yeah, he's dope. Yeah but the international athletes some of The lady who who said that the handstand belongs in the circus. Oh, so there's a classic example She's the most memorable, but you can't remember her name, but's like that's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Who was that? She was fucking awesome. Who was that? God that was so funny. I like seeing your reaction to it. You're like Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that was good. Who was that? Oh shit Not grace. What was the grace walton was she australian the russians? Oh karen fray
Starting point is 00:46:44 The russians were fun because r Rosa was on there and like those were memorable. They were all like they all they were all little moments. But you like doing the with the translator. I hate that shit. Yeah, it didn't bother me. But but I think what they're the stories of the athletes and how they got into CrossFit. That that was like really cool to me and like so many of them and this is gonna sound like duh they all so many of them were high-level in athletics in another realm not all of them but a lot of them was like oh yeah I was national
Starting point is 00:47:14 champion judo you know I was trying to go to the Olympics you remember who that is yeah it was a dude from Europe one of my favorite. God, that guy's cool. There were so many stories. Yellow Hosta, he's dope. You know, and then like, oh yeah, what would you do? Well, you know, I swam and I was on the national team and like, come on, you know, like so many things like that were cool. Dave, the workouts you've introduced so far are the event number one, the run swim run, the event in the evening, I think at the field, I think that's Friday night, it's a sprint and then a run, a long run, and then Chad. And when I look at those, I think of people who are like the, the
Starting point is 00:48:06 hammers, the really strong athletes. Can we expect a balance on the other, on the other end before the cut? Like, does that mean the other four workouts are going to be filling the gaps of what we haven't seen? Cause those are, those are all all longer longer or running, you know Time domains those are what they call them in CrossFit monostructural shit, right? The step up and down the running the swimming the running like we haven't does that mean the other four? There's gonna be a great balance or is there gonna be a huge like or the punts gonna be like Jesus
Starting point is 00:48:42 This whole thing was so if you weren't good at Running you were fucked before the cut It's gonna be balanced of course to be balanced of course I mean I personally wouldn't have a problem with it if you weeded those people I mean, I don't know I don't have a problem with it, but it will be balanced so so there can be some Algebra start being done by people who want to start predicting the other events Okay, there's gonna definitely be some gymnastics in there Yeah shit like that. There's gonna be something there's something heavy gonna be in that like
Starting point is 00:49:16 Good luck. Oh really? Yeah. Good luck predict. I mean, it's all part of the sport It's all fun, right try predicting some of the other stuff coming. But it is balanced. Yeah, of course it's balanced. And it can be balanced even if... So here's the thing. Strength test that we announced is after the cut, but that's also classic like where and how I program in that we're not looking for the strongest person at the games. We're looking for the fittest person at the games. And so to then express your strength, you have to earn it. You don't get to show it off. In this case, you know, the 10 lowest ranked people
Starting point is 00:50:03 won't advance and get to highlight that aspect. And so when you look at how we've done things in the past, it's pretty consistent with a lot of that. I want to show you a picture of someone and see, let me see if I can find a picture of someone just. No. Oh, no. Oh, wow. Why God, there are some horrible pictures of you, John, on the internet.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Do you know who John Young is? Oh God, this is a crazy picture. Wow. We did John dirty, man. oh man, who made that thumbnail? Yes, Thomas Graves, if you put a note in the order. Oh, is he talking about for the shirt? This is just for the audience. This isn't for you.
Starting point is 00:50:58 If you want to take a 30 second break. John, look at this picture of you in this thumbnail, dude. It looks like you're wearing earrings. This is a crazy photo of you, dude. I apologize, whoever made that of you, that they did you dirty. Did did Colton do the clean ladder? Yes. And when you saw him do it, were you, by the way, I asked him that and he said, no, he just chased pigs with you.
Starting point is 00:51:36 What did you think about his performance on that? It was part of the process. Were you like, fuck, this dude's a hoss? Or were you like, fuck, I got the wrong guy. This midget can't live shit. No, it's not the same thing. He does. Well, I guess you guys know the reps now because we posted that yesterday.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Oh, he but he didn't when he has that he didn't test he he was part of the process to get it to where it is. Okay. Were you happy with him as a tester that he that like that he wasn't too weak or too strong or too one-dimensional? Did you know he was he's strong. He's good. He's good and and I was surprised when you laid out that workout that you have that three two one one one one It just looked I thought it looked messy for you. Oh, I think it does I think opposite I think it looks pretty like elegant. Well, why wouldn't you just do...
Starting point is 00:52:26 If there's five bars, why wouldn't you do five? Because I have 321112111111. Okay, so all three bars are all one. But why wouldn't you just do... Why didn't you do 54321? For the loading, for the time, for what I was trying to accomplish. Okay. Will there be a bar in there that's heavier than any bar that's ever been in a clean ladder event? I don't know. You did specifically say that it was a bar. Some people were speculating that it could be a sandbag.
Starting point is 00:52:59 If you said bar in there... I don't remember what I said in there. Alright. Could it be a sandbag? Could be anything. Could be any clean? Yeah. Okay there. All right, could it be a sandbag? Could be anything could be any clean Yeah, you could clean. Okay, can be a dumbbell be an axle bar axle bar. I don't think you'd do that Okay And Let me ask you this if you did say bar in there and and they in but you didn't mean it you wouldn't feel the need to correct it
Starting point is 00:53:26 It's like hey, it's the unknown and unknowable. So what I fucked up calling it a bar. You got here It's bag shut up and do it. Is that the? What was the question I wasn't looking what are you doing on your phone over there just posting if if you it Let's say let's say it was the bag It was a bought bag you were cleaning But in the in the when you told us what it was as a bar, you don't care. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah You're not worried about it. You're not like oh I fucked up. I have to fix that you're like No, dude doesn't matter cut your hair and do the work. Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 00:53:57 So same thing with the run if the run if you switch the run to two thousand meters, you don't, um, you'd be fine with that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Like just show up and do the work. Don't worry about that stuff. Hey, that, what were you going to say? Um, no one cares about his cleans asking about his underwear.
Starting point is 00:54:17 No, look at that. That's dumb. Look at the comment underneath. Uh, um, did you? Look at the comment underneath. Uh... Um... Did you? You just posted something about... Jesus Christ. Why would you do that? Why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:54:38 Uh, do what? Did you know you were gonna do that? Why wouldn't you tell me so that we could be... Tell you what? Why wouldn't you tell me so that you would why wouldn't you tell me so we were synced synced on what? Why would I sync with you? I don't know. Okay, uh, ladies and gentlemen breaking news What we have here Are you able to show it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's just a little behind. Demo athlete, Trisha Smith, testing CrossFit Games. Okay, let's watch this. Here we go. Action.
Starting point is 00:55:29 I like it no info. Who did the framing on that? Jesus Christ. Get him back a little bit. I had I did the framing and you want to know why? Yeah why not show us the box and the whole thing. Exactly you just said it. All righty. All righty. Hey, anything else you're going to release about this? Nope.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Okay. Ruck goes on the back like that? Yeah, well, that's a weird question. What do you mean on the back like that? Just on the back like that. Yeah, like you wear a ruck on your back. Okay, well, shit, I don't know. I never want a ruck. And then shouldn't that have like a lap band in the front?
Starting point is 00:56:22 A waistband? It's optional. Okay, and she's not waistband? It's optional. Okay, and she's not using it? She's not using it. Okay. Is she actually testing the workout here or is she just getting you,
Starting point is 00:56:36 were you like, hey, I'm gonna post this, do this? Components. Wow. Wow. You got to fucking schedule. Now you have to schedule another review show. See, this is it though, man. You're living it. This is like fucking drop it. Drop it out. Let people talk. Let people people look this this piece above her head here Is that a sky is that a Roma sky? Is that a skylight? Is that opaque? Oh, I thought you're talking about puke yet first No, that's a that's an old skylight that like if you step on that it's gonna shatter You're gonna fall straight through like if you're on the roof. Yeah, exactly So when you're up on the roof fucking avoid avoid those like, like I should replace that.
Starting point is 00:57:25 You know what I mean? Yeah. Hey, when you put that up there, was that thing clear? And it- Ah, dude, I mean like, I was probably eight or nine when that building was built. All right. You know, like, I don't know if it was,
Starting point is 00:57:36 of course it was clear. I didn't put that up there. And that's just gotten like that. Cause that'd be nice. That'd be nice element to let some real light come in there, into the dungeon. It's funny. It's funny the things you look at
Starting point is 00:57:46 And was this video monetized? Hey, you know another another interesting thing that I find so fascinating is the misunderstanding of people's idea of Instagram so you have you have almost a million followers three-quarters of a million followers and you don't know in this step position The lady looked at my account and she's like so you must make a lot of money off of your your Instagram what are you talking about I haven't made shit off of that that I don't even think I've made double digits it like I mean double digits in like ten dollars right right then they even know how I wouldn't even know how to monetize I tried turning everything on at one point, but I don't know if it made a difference.
Starting point is 00:58:26 And then, what was I going to say? Do you know that I... She basically, the other thing this lawyer said was something about like, hey, well, you rely on your social media for like, you know, I don't know how she phrased it. She said you're a content creator. I'm like, no, I'm not a content creator or I don't view myself as that. And she said, well, why not? I said, I think content creators
Starting point is 00:58:49 and a lot of those people who do this, like make a living off it. You make a living off it. I go, I right now could shut down my Instagram account, could shut down my YouTube channel, could shut down everything I have and nothing changes. I'll be fine. I still have my job.
Starting point is 00:59:02 I still do what I do. I'm not relying on any of that. I'm using it to amplify things I like doing. I'm using it to promote the sport. I'm using it to promote CrossFit things, but like the position I'm in, I'm not relying. Maybe in a few years, or maybe there'll be another phase of my life where I am relying on it, but currently I'm not.
Starting point is 00:59:22 When Trista was stepping on that box, were you telling her to make that sound, that squeaking sound, to reveal what the surface was made of? No. You were not? No. I mean, how would I?
Starting point is 00:59:32 Squeak. Drag your foot on that so people know that it's metal or that it's wood or that it's... Nothing like that. So are you saying that you're not sure what people are gonna step up on yet is? I didn't say anything. Are you saying that?
Starting point is 00:59:45 Are you saying that I'm not saying anything. Good look at the video. Have fun with the video. Your little mind says your hip have to open at the top. Standards will be briefed at the games. Standards will be briefed at the games. Do you think that this is going to make the times faster or slower stepping over the box? Similar. For all of these idiots out there, and I say that with pure venom to all of my friends,
Starting point is 01:00:21 you know who you are. Who said, if he tweaks tweaks it it's not Chad anymore Do you have anything to say to them because I'm like shut the fuck up Right shut the fuck up like I don't care. He makes you put your thumb in your butt It's if he calls it Chad. It's Chad I'll say this I feel comfortable to what we're doing that it's an Expression of Chad worth celebrating his life and worth celebrating the Chad movement.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And with what we're doing, I also talked to Sarah about it and said, Hey, are you comfortable with this? Because ultimately you did you pass or she knows the workout. Yeah. Because I wanted to not I don't want like this is, you know, her, um, previous husband and like, you know, it's the, the effort she has going on to celebrate his life still and to bring awareness to, um, suicide prevention. So I didn't want to spring it on her with any twist or any difference from what the perceived norm
Starting point is 01:01:26 is for it. Okay. So the twist is, okay, let me, let me, I'm going to say a bunch of stuff here and then disregard everything I say and I want to hear your version. My memory of Chad was you have this lady that works for you named Sarah. She had a husband. Um, he, he killed himself. He died. I don't remember what the exact was. I just remember we
Starting point is 01:01:47 worked together at the time. And you were and you were like, Hey, guys, we're gonna do a workout. We're gonna call it Chad. You skipped through all the lines of like, all the protocol for doing hero wads. And everyone in the community just started doing it. Like I think I don't even think we did it You just unilaterally said, Fuck you guys. Here's a hero w wad and you put it on your Instagram account with your seven hundred thousand followers And then everyone in the community started doing it and then eventually it became an official hero wad But everyone in the community thought I was a hero wad because you just called it like at that and then
Starting point is 01:02:16 Is that there's a few other steps in there's few other things that happened When I was an instructor in Coronado Chad, he'd actually, uh, he got out, he was a seal, he got out and then he decided to come back in and serve and, you know, contribute, go to war. And, uh, so he, you were in, when you were in, I was in, yeah. Okay. So I was an actual, so I taught at the end of buds and it's a phase where I taught shooting and small small unit tactics and and close quarter combat and Their requirement the Navy's requirement for him prior to going back to a seal team was as a former seal to go through this block
Starting point is 01:02:59 of training and So I put Chad through that block of training and And so you got to understand, it's like 40 or 50 brand new guys who don't have their trident yet, their seal pin. And Chad, who was a former Navy SEAL. And so of course- Was that rare? How often did you see a guy go through again? Was there always at least one or two? No, not always one or two. Maybe during the three years I was there, he might have been the only one. Maybe one or two. I can't think of anyone else. So pretty rare. So I mean, of course, he excelled. He was squared away. He was really good. And of course, he made it through. But so and then he's a seal in the class. We're seal instructors. So we became friends. And we had a relationship to that. And then he eventually went to and his wife and my wife trained at the same gym, and they became good friends. And they're still friends to this day. And then he eventually went to, and his wife and my wife trained at the same gym and they
Starting point is 01:03:45 became good friends and they're still friends to this day. And then he eventually went to a team and we stayed in contact and, you know, saw each other over the years. So we had a relationship. That was part of it. That was the early part of it. Then as that all that stuff went down, months later, maybe even a year later, Bobby from our training team, who you know, she was basically like,
Starting point is 01:04:08 Hey, you know, Chad had this workout that he did. And she told me about it. And I was like, huh, I like that. And then that's when I was like, all right, with Jimmy Letchford, Adrian Bosman, who else was there? There might've been someone else, Jimmy, Adrian, Greg had like a, it wasn't broken science, whatever it was back then.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Greg had a health thing at HQ here. I came up because at the time I was living in Carl's bed, I came up and I got the guys together and I said, hey, let's do this and we're gonna film it. And yeah, I mean, not even- Should I film it? No, I don't think you film it. I actually, nobody filmed it.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I think we just had shots from it. Okay, and and then we did that and I posted it and then it just started slowly getting momentum and then Sarah actually right on your Instagram Chad. Yeah, and then 1000 step-ups with 40 pound Yeah, and even then when I did it I did it we all did it advancing the box so like yeah, we made we made the box move forward every hundred. And so it was a, and then I don't wanna say though, like that was, it's not like from there, it just blew up.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Sarah put a lot of work in, created her effort with GORUCK. And I think even early on born primitive was involved and and And then it started growing from there, too. It was kind of a it was big at HQ I remember once you I remember we did it I mean like soon as you did it like everyone at HQ started doing I remember it was fucking miserable I didn't do it with the rock. I guess I didn't do Chad I mean, I still bet that's the thing you did it like you did something because you're too weak to Do it with 45 pounds You did it with what you could. And you know Kara Hipskin did it next to me with the fucking ruck. Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:51 And I'm with the dudes right? I've done it a bunch. I did a version on unloaded just to solve an argument I had with Boz about the speed of it and Basically Boz was like, hey dude, if you go unloaded, there's not much time to pick up. It's still gonna be similar to what your current time is. And I was like, bullshit. And I'm like, unloaded is gonna be way faster
Starting point is 01:06:15 than with 45 pounds. And for a given person who's done it at 45, so then I did it and it was like 20 minutes faster. I just went to my garage and I'm like, all right, watch this, Boz. Unloaded was? Unloaded, yeah. So did it and it was like 20 minutes faster. I just went to my garage and like, all right watch this boss Unloaded was unloaded. Yeah, so did you take you an hour loaded it? I think my best is like low one hour like maybe one oh two or three. I don't remember exactly I know I've done I think I crushed everyone in the class and I did it in like 40 minutes
Starting point is 01:06:37 Yeah, but with no way with no way then I did it in like 40 something like 42 or something. Yeah, okay Did you get any clicking when you did it? Like I was getting some weird clicking like in my knee and in my hip. No, no. All right But nothing that hurt and it went away the next day That's funny Okay, well that's it that's a great story and did you know That today was the day to release it or you just got inspired by being here? I knew this weekend was, at some point.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Okay. All right, well that's fun. And do you coordinate this with, does everyone on your team know this? No, Boz knew this and Heather, I gave them a heads up. I'm like, hey, I'm going to do this soon. Is Chad set in stone? Are there some pieces that are still being worked? Hold on one second.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Some pieces still being worked maybe? Like is, are there some elements like the height of the box or the weight of the rug that could change or the kind of- I mean that's a great question. Is it set in stone? It's all part of the box or the weight of the rut that could change or the the kind of I mean, that's a great question Is it set in stone part of the is it is every workout set in stone already? They're all set in stone until they're not okay. Okay. All right When do you go to Dickies? One week from today, let me see. What is that? That's the I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one.
Starting point is 01:08:06 I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one.
Starting point is 01:08:22 I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to be a good one. I think it's going to one? Not one. What's wrong with you? Why don't you watch? I don't care about the sport apparently. You'd have been proud last week. It was a swim workout. I don't have interest in like your bro club. Like it's not like I'm not going to take time out of my day. It's not it's not my bro. Yeah it's your little bro club. Like oh it's my fraternity. The stories you tell me. The stories you tell me. Like I'm like yeah I totally totally hate that and then the clips I have seen of Taylor like he's uh, I Don't think you've been good for him
Starting point is 01:08:53 Oh, you think I've been a bad and I don't think you've been good for it I I've worked with him before and he seems like a He's a cool dude then and I like him but I think you've you've given him a lot of you've emboldened him to kind of like Try to emulate you and I don't know if like and this is from the small little clips. I've seen so Wow Wow You're influential and people look up to you. No, that is not true. He looks down on me good. Okay. Well, you should watch the show When In the years past,
Starting point is 01:09:31 I've done the behind the scenes, I think 11 times or 12 times and consistently all of those times in the mornings, I meet you in the parking lot and we drive to the venue together. Will that be something that we will be doing this year? Possibly. Why would there be some, can you think of any reason why we wouldn't? Is our relationship taking a turn? Yeah, maybe I just want clear head space. I don't need like... You don't enjoy it? The morning ride, me, you and Nicole, I think you do. Nicole Christiansen is not on the team this year. She's not. No, why not?
Starting point is 01:10:13 She's running the training stuff. She's running the training booth. Holy shit. Yeah. Yeah. Who's doing her job? Courtney. Oh yeah. I mean Courtney. You're good Right, yeah I love what you're talking about me and Courtney are good. What's uh, okay Uh, we shall see but but if you were to give it a percentage, what would you send you? Uh, 45 Below the 50% new venue, new hotel, new location. Like things are different, new, you know, evolved Dave, who actually
Starting point is 01:10:51 cares about the sport now and cares about the athletes. I'm going to keep going back on that one. Uh, okay. Let me tell you this. If you don't let me, I will take it as a, uh, direct attack at the athletes and the fans because of the value that I've received. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Okay, ready? That was an easy question. Oh, okay. One more thing before I get to the really hard question why I brought you here today. Community events. Saturday, I heard there's a community event on Saturday. Will people die in the heat there? Is there?
Starting point is 01:11:29 I heard that there's a Chad on Saturday. Yeah, it's early in the morning. At the fucking field where the sprint's going to be. Yes. Yes. Are you guys going to give a hardest motherfucker award or something for that? Like how is that possible? It's the same thing. It's not going to be it's going to be like a little modified
Starting point is 01:11:47 version. It's going to be just about getting people out there getting people moving like at 4am. I don't know what time they have it scheduled for but it is early and it's uh you know it's just like being out there with other like-minded people. I understand that part. I'm talking about the heat. Yeah deal with it. I can deal with it Do you do ten reps or do a thousand reps? I don't care. Do you want to do it's it's just a community Opportunity bring a bottle of water. Yeah, we'll have water. But yes Hey, what about I think everyone doing it understands it's gonna be hot. And what about misters? He is I can remember I was in Syria one time and every restaurant had misters there We had misters at the games before remember I was in Syria one time and every restaurant had misters there. We had misters at the games before. Remember all the drama? No, in Madison.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Remember all the drama from people saying their lanes were wet versus other lanes that are not. And so we'd have to turn the misters off for, for, for events. But I mean like for fans, like, like in vendor village, well maybe there'll be a place where they're just fucking like misters. Oh, it is? Yeah. It's a massive convention center're just fucking like misters. Oh, it is. It's a massive convention center. It's a massive hall. Oh, like Vendor Village is AC. The venue is clearly like here's the deal. Other than those two things we talked about where, yeah, the outdoor events.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Yeah. You're going to be an AC 90 percent of the time. Like there's going to be days where I'm never in the only time I'm reading the heat is getting from a hotel to the car and then you from the parking lot to the venue. I won't leave the venue all day once I get there. But there is a short walk to the to the Expo Center. So you'll go through the heat then. Yeah, that's fine. And that's a good excuse to drink a FID aid.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Are you sponsored by them? I am. How much will it cost to get you to plug my shit? I'm plugging it right now. Look at look at that QR code up there. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Thanks, Suza free Oh, I'm sorry. Wait a second. Yeah, thanks. He's a nevermind. Did you say 45% chance? 45% chance of what of me getting in the car with you? Yeah, that's weird. What happened your QR code Yeah, that's weird. What happened your QR code? Okay, listen this isn't gonna be fun, but this is just the the facts Flags taken down. What do you think about flag burning?
Starting point is 01:14:05 I'm not a fan clearly like I mean, I don't think it's cool. Um, you know, people are allowed to do that, right? Yes. Yes, they're allowed to. Yeah. I don't just cause you're allowed to, doesn't mean it's okay. I mean, I personally am not supportive of those burning. You're talking about our flag, the U S flag. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Yeah. Hey, so here, let me, let me pull it up videos. No, no, I'm not going to play a video. I just wanted to make sure I wanted to, um, uh, it was at Union Station in Washington, DC. They, they went, people went on to the prop, onto property. I think it was, I think it's federal property is Union Station, federal property. I think it's federal property. Is Union Station federal property? And they took flags down and they burned them.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Here's the thing I'm... See, so at that point, I think you're... Arson. Trespassing. Trespassing. Vandalism. Right, right. All of that should be taken into consideration and acted on.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Like if I want to burn a flag in my backyard, no problem. Go for it. Yeah. But once you're on federal property once you're damaging federal Statues or anything and pulling flags down and burning. I think there should be someone there Enforcing like hey, you're not allowed to do that here and hey, you're breaking the law now so you can't imagine you're allowed to vandalize on federal property or Spray paint shit spray paint the replica of the Liberty. I think there should probably be some enforcing of the existing laws in those cases
Starting point is 01:15:28 As a as a former soldier as your boss is a former soldier Who I'm guessing you guys take her actually he's he's considered a sailor to he's not considered a sailor, but And in wartime fighters in I'm assuming you guys take an oath to like defend the Constitution Yes, is it is part of you like This is really fucking cool. Look how free our country is everyone can express themselves Or is it more like God dude, can't we just have one thing? That's like It's not God can't we have one thing it It's like sacred, that we all agree on a sacred, it's the flag because it represents the ability to do all of these other things. Like the flag is what should hold us whether we be gay, straight, Koran loving, Christian loving, atheist.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Like can't we just all have just like one thing that's like... No, I don't think we can ever all just have one thing. Just this piece of cloth that all of our other shit can be in. No. And also historically look like the flag burning phenomenon isn't new to this year. Right. Right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:16:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's existed like people for a variety of reasons. So like to me, when I see that I'm like, yeah, it sucks, but like, it's not cool, but they're, they're not cool, but they're going to do what they're allowed to do. And also though, the problem that bothers me is the vandalism and the trespassing and
Starting point is 01:16:52 the allowance of it in those cases. So that's where I think like, that's what's not cool. Like why can't, my question would be to the authorities there, Why can't you enforce the existing laws and actually move people away, arrest people for vandalizing, arrest people for destruction of government property? That would be my question in that situation. Yeah, like when people trespassed onto the Capitol, why can't they just have a truck there with a giant fire hose and just water those people down? Yeah. Just water cannons. Or just enact the actual, call it procedures for managing mass crowds. Yeah. That a lot of those departments have and utilize and
Starting point is 01:17:35 do. I have a police officer friend in this town and he said that they showed up to the probably most expensive neighborhood in town right on the beach here during 4th of July And there were 500 people there and they were lighting off fireworks and when the police rolled up They were started throwing m80s m1000s and shooting Roman candles at him And I go oh, did you fire off tear gas? He's like no, we're not allowed to in the state of California Yeah, and I go I go what do you mean? He goes we're not allowed to use pepper balls or tear gas for crowd management. I Go what'd you do? He's all we retreated That sucks that's fucking crazy
Starting point is 01:18:14 That's fucking crazy All right, give a flag in front of your house. No make me want to put one up that I should my mom put one up I was kind of really surprised. Yeah, that was cool Yeah Yeah, all right Anything else it was nice you to come over to the studio No, thank you. I appreciate the time. So there's we talked about fusile community events We talked about your brilliant idea for team comp medals Oh, there was one other time team comp medals. You just framed it in there in the wrong way. That's misinformation
Starting point is 01:18:47 Do you and dawn have a special camaraderie since you guys are both in the military? Yeah, you do. Yeah, I Wonder how Pat feels about that if that's not cool Pat hate you. No me and Pat are tight. Okay. Will you let me drive you to the games this year? Or drive with you to the games 45% chance. I killed Taylor's my bro club Any new olive oil? We did that. This is great. By the way, thank you Best one yet. Thank you. The chili pepper use the QR code by the way Listen, if you guys use the QR code Dave will know Do people do people are people able to use that?
Starting point is 01:19:26 Yeah, I think, I mean, I haven't tested it out. Okay. You wanna test it out with your phone? No. Let's see if it takes you to your... You know what's crazy is when you sip this, for a second you're like, oh shit, should I have not done that?
Starting point is 01:19:43 Like, is it gonna to get too hot? But it stops. Good. Yeah, but it stops. Let me see if I have anything else. And you know, how'd your live go? Social media with Rebecca Fuseli. God.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Okay, hold on. One more thing. Map Girl, what kind of olives are used in the TDC olive oil? God, I hope that's not a hard question. There's like five different Tuscan varietals. Go to the website and take a look and you'll and they're grown locally. So it's grown in Hollister. So it's 30 minutes away. She thought she was going to throw you a curveball. That was a curveball.
Starting point is 01:20:17 OK, anything else? I got a question for you. OK, please go ahead. How did you get into CrossFit? That was the common question I asked all the athletes so I'm gonna ask you that When I use the QR code it takes me straight to Pornhub Ryan Chewie That would be amazing. That's their fault not my fault. They made that would be amazing. I Was in Colorado and I was I was in Colorado and I was producing a show for ESPN that Travis Bajan was actually I was directing and Travis Bajan was producing it and I was there
Starting point is 01:20:52 and there was a guy there who was one of Travis's friends who you know who is a who owns an affiliate now Travis Titus okay And we can he would this is I think 2005 and he was in between arm wrestling matches. Carrie Peterson started talking to him and asking him what he did for his workouts because he was jacked out of his mind and he started telling us what he did and when he walked away Carrie and I were like isn't it weird that someone who would be so yoked and so fit would have to lie about their workouts because he was saying the craziest shit, right? Like he's saying he did like 100 pull ups and 300 air squats and he was repping 225 for reps over his head and just crazy shit,
Starting point is 01:21:33 right? And you remember the guy, right? He was a savage. Yeah. And explosive. Not like big just like Travis Bajan, but this guy could move. So the shoots over and I'm at home and like this is a week later and Kerry calls me and it's like hey can you get in front of a computer I'm like yeah he goes go to this website called and I go there and he's like dude these are fucking real workouts and then so we started doing them and we did them for probably like three or four months but I didn't know Kerry did all the research I didn't know we were supposed to do stuff for time. So like when we did, you know, I still haven't incorporated time. Some things don't change. True, true.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Still haven't. So we would do Fran, you know, you do 11 thrusters and I do 11, then you do 10, then I do 10, then we go to the drinking fountain. Oh, you had, I just remembered something else. You had a workout issue with me today. Oh, do you want to talk about that? Let's do it. Okay. That one, I feel bad because I'm gonna have
Starting point is 01:22:27 to beat you up on that one. I've been nice to Dave and Donna bros because Don was a seal in the Marines. That's what that's a basically is that we said that and I then made a video about like, killers inaccurate statements. Okay. Um, oh, oh, right. Okay, I get it. Okay. Let me see if I can see You're so patient today. You're so chill.
Starting point is 01:22:52 I don't even know how to get to work out of the day. Okay. Here it is. Let me pull this up here. Okay. You and I probably gonna get in a fight over this. That's fine. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Okay. The workout basically, it's a two completion workout, which I think is stupid to have on .com. And it's 40 minutes long. And it's 20. Why do you think two completion is stupid? Because I think that just in general main site should be Uh for reps or for time there should be something measurable in it
Starting point is 01:23:31 Is completion not measurable if there's a fixed amount of work? if there's a standard put out set of A goal or a task to accomplish is completion not sure sure I I guess you could say it is I guess you could say it is but but not not to What I like not not to what I think Here, let me look I think comm should be the mantle of where you can go every day to get a fucking great Fucking workout, but look that's good. Do you think you can't get a great workout by doing that? um Go ahead. Do you think you can't get a great workout by doing that? um
Starting point is 01:24:05 I'll tell you what I could get a dude. I'll tell you what odd minutes 20 step ups in one minute Yeah, that's gonna be fucking hard. I'm gonna move hard on that even minutes 550 that probably isn't easy either. Yeah, that doesn't look easy And so like I could I see that and i'm like, yeah, it's hey, it's different. It's not normally programs. And guess what? That's okay. No, I'm not going to say that's okay. That's part of that's part of this effort with programming partners.
Starting point is 01:24:36 That's part of that too. I hate that too. That's part of getting uncomfortable by having other people program for us. There's going to be things by uncomfortable. You mean dumbing down the front end? There's gonna be things they do that aren't necessarily what traditionalists like you or myself are used to or wanna see, and I think it's totally fine.
Starting point is 01:24:54 I think it's cool that you tried letting partners program, and I think it's time to stop it and just get, just give it to one dude and let him run with it. Yeah, no, that's see that's that's just like that's being so fixed in the past and not like trying anything new or evolving or or growing no, you know you did try it no and I think it yes we've tried it and I'm like really happy with how it like the Engagement the the people we get to work with the people different styles of programming that we get to see Like that's cool. I don't think it's the best offering
Starting point is 01:25:29 That cross hey, you know what? I'm gonna pull this up. Let me also say you would have hated You want to you would have paid you have to put the rucksack on and off every other minute cares you know fucking easy to take off a 45 pound rock a very hard very very difficult, but it doesn't even matter whether it's difficult or not. It's not elegant I would swing it. I think Greg would think this is elegant. You think Greg would allow this Do you think Greg would like this workout? I'm very curious some of the most radical programming that we saw in recent years. Yes Pre I understand Was Greg's programming you're talking about in
Starting point is 01:26:06 2018 19 20 yeah Greg decided to come back and you remember this yeah I Greg and Greg decided to come back and program for a little while yeah and it had people going what the fuck is that what is in few as sets as possible in as few sets as possible were things that he did. So you're talking about like this being odd, he was doing things which was cool but was also like nobody had seen or heard of that before and like he was doing things like that that were like I would say man I wish we knew the exact period. Let me ask you what do you think about this workout? You like it? I mean, let me see. I don't have an issue with them programming like that.
Starting point is 01:26:47 I would have not made it odd and even. I would have made it just a 40 minute, 20 step ups five. I wouldn't call them recovery shuttle runs. I'd say five by five shuttle runs. And that way, you know, you can modulate the intensity on your own. Would you use the rock or would you have used dumbbells? I'm saying that I'm trying to preserve the essence of what they've done.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Yeah, I would preserve the route of left the rock or so. Good to though. You're right. I like your idea. Put some dumbbells in and do it with dumbbells. And guess what? In a class setting, if someone chooses to do this, that's a great way to adapt it for the people in your gym.
Starting point is 01:27:24 So the one thing you would change. No. Would be to do as many rounds. You would turn this into an AMRAP. No, no, no, no, no. You said yes, you did. Yes, you did. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Okay. You're right. I did because I said the 40 minutes. But let me say this. I'm saying I don't have a problem with this and I would do this. If I programed it or I had or if I were to gonna make some tweaks on it okay so yes and I said in 40 minutes then yes it's an AMREF of 20 and 5 if you got a RECSEC where it's simple let me see yeah I
Starting point is 01:28:00 don't have an issue with it it's not my style it's not what I'd program it's not what I'd like I'd go seek to do I like, but I I'm happy they did it and I'm happy it's on there and guess what? There's other things that we've said. Hey why so your programming stands out as so much better That's your opinion, right? That's your take Some other people are probably excited about this and like to uh, what i'm saying is more objective than the way you guys chose the rookie of the year. Hey, and there's other things we said no to if you want to just know, be comfortable. There's workout. So we see the list. We see the workouts. Oh, and there's run them by my people run them by my boys club. You should run the workouts by my boys club. This didn't
Starting point is 01:28:41 cross the line. But there's been other points where he said, Hey, that's just too far outside of the box for what we want to see on main site. So there's gotta be some leeway there. When a guest programmer comes, we can't just tell them to program like us. That's the whole intent. They have to be able to express their creativity and show us different ways of doing CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:29:04 They're doing CrossFit and they're showing it their tweak and version of it that... Has anyone ever done programming for dot com and you call them up and just revoke their level one? Hey, no, you fucked. So they submit the couple weeks. We have our programming team looks at look at it, then they pass it by me. I look at it and yeah, there's shit I like here's the thing I'm not saying I love this or I would do this there's things I see that I'm like that that's kind of
Starting point is 01:29:31 dumb but I can't be like I can't let that be the thing that permits prohibits something from going on if it's still in the realm of fucking CrossFit you know it's okay that people have different expressions of it Bernie Gannon Dave, do you miss semon at CrossFit headquarters his skills his input and the fun he brings to everything I don't remember when he was at CrossFit headquarters. It's been so long at this point I don't remember any of that from him That hurts, huh? Yeah. Okay everyone, thank you very much. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Make sure you join the local affiliate.
Starting point is 01:30:13 My name is Jose Guacanegra. I'm originally from Mexico. I'm 27 and I go to Salty Ive CrossFit. When I came in here I was 195 almost 200 pounds and I had never been that heavy like ever and then I got in here started eating well you know we have the consistency is key that's always like I don't know like ever since I heard it here like it was always in my head and it didn't just apply to the gym I applied to my eating habits to my workouts to even like just work school consistency is key so I started eating healthier started avoiding sugars I started avoiding candy because I love candy I try to avoid it as much as possible and I was
Starting point is 01:30:54 I'm now 169 pounds this morning actually and I don't feel I don't feel skinny either it's like I'm actually fit, which is awesome, you know? I think it's the most fit I've ever been in my entire life, regardless of playing soccer in high school. I'm actually trying for a while to get my dad in here, because he's struggled with obesity throughout his life. What I tell him all the time is like, you gotta get in here because it's not just a gym. It's not just you get in there and people maybe just judging you for what you're doing. No, it's a community. It's somewhere that will help you actually improve and not just lose weight and actually get strong and actually get fit. And it's
Starting point is 01:31:35 so much more than a gym. That's what I tell him.

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