The Sevan Podcast - The Dave Castro | Not A POP SEAL #923

Episode Date: May 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, stick with that one. That one's good. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Hey. Oh, I can't believe we pulled this off. Your fucking dog just bit me. That is true. I don't think that's cool. You're lucky that fucker didn't break skin but he took a little nibble you left my toilet seat up that dog's fucking 130 pounds you left my toilet seat up oh there's that i don't know if the two are connected hey this is awkward bro
Starting point is 00:00:57 this is like i i want to i want to do this in person stuff. But like, if there's a way to not make it feel like we're in person, putting two computers in front of me and you is absolutely the way to make it feel like we're not in person. Hey, this is, this is a test run. Okay. Well, I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:01:15 you kind of fail already. I'm going to show the fucking, I'm going to show the world. Look at this is. No, you're not going to see that. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:24 We can't see. Yes, you can. But you still can't. Oh, you're not. Look at this. We can't see. Yes, you can. But you still can. That's because I didn't pull the photo up. Oh, look. That's my view. I'm looking at two computers and his little forehead. How is this?
Starting point is 00:01:35 How is this? I might as well have just stayed home. Oh, fuck. I want to see your mouth and I want to see your eyes. I can't see any of that. Okay. So I'm going to look at you on screen and it just defeats the whole purpose of doing this in person.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I appreciate the feedback. Yeah, and I kind of have to strain my neck. So let's work on this. I'll come back. You have a nice camera. Hey, can you spin the lid around on that cup so it's facing the other way? No.
Starting point is 00:02:00 So that when you drink it, people can see that that's the CEO cup? I'm drinking with my right hand because if I was on the left side, I could. But on the right hand, I'm going to hold it with on the right side of the table. I'm going to use my right hand. I fucked this all up already. It's good.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's a work in progress. All right. Thank you. Thank you for the. I'm done. I'm done with that. You can take you can take your show back. Dave Castro, creator, founder,
Starting point is 00:02:25 inventor, purveyor, former director of the CrossFit games. Uh, here's a picture of you 94 weeks ago. That's almost like a, uh, a previous,
Starting point is 00:02:34 um, lifetime. It's not even, uh, Oh, there we go. Ah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Is that a trip to see that that's cool i like it 94 weeks ago hey what have you done to your instagram you totally uh so yeah totally scrubbed it probably when was that it's definitely before it's fired um oh really it's been that long yeah i an instagram account especially when you start going back is kind of like um it's a living room it's your house it's your it's your office it's it represents you to some degree uh to every degree actually your lifetime yearbook, right? Yeah. And it's what you want to have forward facing. It's what you want people to see when they search. And so I was looking at my account one day and I'm like, hey, just like I cleaned my room, just like I cleaned my office, I'm going to clean my account. And I'm going to go through
Starting point is 00:03:38 and see, like I do a lot of posts. I was, especially at that time time I did a lot of posts related to let's say shooting related to motorcycle riding related to even visiting affiliates that were to support well in the term of in terms of visiting affiliates to really support and highlight them but they're just like you know the same old photo with me standing next to people and i'm like these aren't serving much purpose a year later two years later three years later so a lot of photos like that i just went through and cleaned up and actually this is a good reminder i'm going to do the same now i'll get it down to like a couple hundred um i'll just it is down to a couple hundred i'll get it down to less than 100 then it's pretty it's pretty lean it's funny lean. It's funny. The, the, your Instagram account, I guess is your,
Starting point is 00:04:25 every person's own people magazine. Like, Hey, just so you know, people are digging through your shit and judging the fuck out of you. Yeah, for sure. And,
Starting point is 00:04:32 and especially now that I have the other accounts, now that they have the hunting account where I post all my shooting stuff. So I'm not scrubbing that one. Um, I have my dog account, dog account where I don't really post much to that. And I also have the ranch account, which I should probably turn over much to that. And I also have the ranch account, which I should probably turn over to someone else because I don't do
Starting point is 00:04:47 anything with that. So, and you know, the, the funny thing too, is especially ever since I got my hunting account, I folk spend way more time on that than I do on my, the Dave Castro account. I'm hardly ever on that account. I'm hardly ever, I should post more, but I don't. Barry McCockner, 200 people are waiting on the other YouTube stream.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Holy shit. Yes, Ivan. That's what I'm waiting to tell you. Oh, fuck me. Okay, caller high. Tell me, what the fuck did we fuck up? I fixed it. You know what?
Starting point is 00:05:19 Nobody's on YouTube. You got to get the YouTube going, brother. Everyone else is on Twitch and Twitter and Facebook. It's a disaster. YouTube going, brother. Everyone else is like on Twitch and Twitter and Facebook. I swear, Dave, this never happens. I swear. Never. Hey, man, I'll tell you what. I'm used to going on really professional, high-level podcasts.
Starting point is 00:05:36 I know. Like Jocko, this shit isn't happening there. Hey, thanks. Next time, fucking text me. Don't call in so Dave can hear. Thank you. I love you. Bye. Jesus Christ. That's what Barry McOchner said. There's 200 people waiting on YouTube. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Here we go. Someone named Dick Butter said he'd take the ranch account. Is that one of your regulars? It is. Lucky Camera Straps, $31 in person with TDC. I have to watch back later, but I'm looking forward to it. Why later? Watch now.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Hang out. Hang out, homie. Extra Sloppy, the CEO of Joy Post was great noah's a good dude what's he talking about no clue i i knew it okay uh pull up david's guy so you didn't you haven't seen it you don't know anything about what happened to your instagram account nope so i turned it over to uh christine on um So I turned it over to Christine on... Who's Christine? Who's Christine? She posted to my account during the games
Starting point is 00:06:29 multiple years in a row, probably two or three years. And the reason I started doing that is because I tried for a number of years to post or do things on my account during the games, but there was no time and there was no effort. And really I shouldn't be doing that. So one day I decided to find someone and I forgot who connected me with Christine, but, um, was it Workington? I don't know. Um, and so then eventually she started posting to, she started posting stories
Starting point is 00:07:03 or back behind the scenes from the games. And it was really good. And I wanted it from the beginning to be in her voice and to be not like it's Dave posting. And she did that and she did it well. And that's what's happening now too. And it's funny because people think I'm doing it. Some people, not most, not a majority. Some people think that I'm doing it. I'm getting hit up on even my other accounts. And I saw Dr. Sean rocket posted saying that Christine is, is posting. And he made a comment that he said, Dave would be happy if I were, or he'd, I know he wouldn't mind me saying this and I don't, because we're very open about it. But so when I turned it over to her, um, I saw her very first post that she did this weekend.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And then I didn't see any of the others. And so I haven't even gone to that account since like last Wednesday or Thursday. Yeah, you haven't even posted on it. Hold on one second. And that led to, I actually mentioned this in the weekend review. So I think on Friday or Saturday, out of the blue, Danielle Brandon texts me. And she said, oh, such a thoughtful post or some shit like that. Thanks. Thanks for that. And I was like, what post? I had no clue.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And and that's why, because I'm not looking at it and I'm not approving or viewing. And Christine, can you pull up a Daniel Brandon post? Jeez Louise, guys, come on. Come on. I got you a link. Come on baby come on hook me up hook me up somebody hook me up oh real quick hold on hold on because i want to ask you a question about christine lucky camera chef sorry i got my own live interview starting in 20 minutes thanks for the shout out with josh bridges absolutely dude good luck um christine is the one who just finished writing brooke wells's autobiography did you know that i I did know that. And she's also worked on a few other books
Starting point is 00:08:48 for people in the community. I don't know how public that is, meaning if she was a ghostwriter or actual, she was attributed for her work, so I'm not going to mention those. I haven't talked to her about it. I mean, I've talked to her about it, but I haven't dug in enough to see
Starting point is 00:09:01 if those books were ghostwritten by her. Oh, like if we're not supposed to say that she wrote it yeah exactly okay uh did you notice daniel brandon here it looks like she has uh nipple piercings oh that's a really good post okay hey look at her right arm look at that arm look at that arm my goodness look at that even that guy behind her's looking at it he's like dang girl all right lots to look so now i have seen it that's the first post i've seen from this that was good good job christine i love that shirt orange uh make a note to anyone who wants to
Starting point is 00:09:41 stand out uh do bicep do you think she do bicep. Do you think she does bicep curls? Do you think she does accessory work like that? Who? Danielle Brandon. I don't know. I know Dan, big into it. Rich, big into it. Matt now doing that stuff. I've never seen a girl do accessory work that's curls.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Have you? I haven't paid close enough attention. Oh, Jesus. I've never seen a girl do accessory work that's curls. Have you? I haven't paid close enough attention. Oh, Jesus. Archived a bunch of shit. Here's the question. Does Josh do this? Does Josh do accessory work like bicep curls, Bridges, your boy?
Starting point is 00:10:18 He claims he's pure CrossFit. I hope he does. I think it's important to do it. When's the last time you did bicep curls? Probably a year and a half ago. I said, okay, I'm going to try doing some curls with the barbell. And I'm like, I did like five or six reps. I'm like, this is fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And I'm like, I'm going to go back just to do a crossfit. Look, I'm a skinny guy already. I don't have big arms. I don't really care about trying to make my arms big. I care about being fit, functionally fit. So it's not in – I'm not going to go through this growth stage to try to get bigger arms big. I care about being a fit, functionally fit. So it's not, it's not in, I'm not going to go through this growth stage to try to get bigger biceps. So it was just felt like a waste of time. It's not helping with my performance goals or my life goals. So I did a few reps and literally went, this is stupid and stopped. Um, I did see a picture of you the other
Starting point is 00:11:01 day though. You, you've shedded some weight and I don't know if it's bicep curls or what, but your arms look way bigger because you're leaner. What are you wearing right now? I don't know. You don't know? I have not stepped on a scale. I moved up here in 18. So probably since 17, late 17. I haven't stepped on a scale in six years, at least six years.
Starting point is 00:11:24 On purpose? Do you own a scale? I'm very deliberately and very, yes, on purpose. So basically at the time I was, I think I was zoning pretty hard and I was watching my weight and I was stepping on the scale like every day, twice a day, two, three, two or three times a day, morning, night. And I have a really obsessive personality. So when I get into something, I go all in. And with the scale, I was obsessed with it. And so my wife, she said, you're obsessed with the scale. And I said, no, I'm not. And she's like, you're on it three or four times a day.
Starting point is 00:11:58 And I'm like, okay, watch this. And I haven't stepped on one since. So now you're obsessing on not being on it. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Except, I mean, to be completely honest, like, yes, I've been to doctor appointments where I've had to step on the scale. And I fucking look away. I'm like, I'm not going to look at it. And at this stage, too, so it's been so long, I don't measure my – obviously, I don't measure my weight. I don't measure my, obviously I don't measure my weight, but I can tell when I'm soft or fluffy or by how I look, A, and how clothes are fitting.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And so definitely right now, I'm really lean for me just because of the way I've been eating and just because of, not even because of the way I've been exercising. It's less of the exercise and more for me the way I eat. And I've been fasting a fuck ton. So that all contributes. I'm going to ask you about that in a second. I can confirm super Jack Miranda Alcarez and you saw her today, right? She's already prepping the rant, the rant. Yeah. We were hanging out today. Hey, um, why, what's, what happened? Uh, all of a sudden, like you're, you're full steam ahead on a fasting. What, what, I mean, and you do that, you go full steam ahead on things. Why all of a sudden fasting and are you still rucking a shitload? Not rucking as much, rucking a little. We'll
Starting point is 00:13:09 ramp that up hardcore pretty soon. It's interesting because I'm like rucking. I've rucked so for so long, it's not hard for me to be good at it again with very little effort. I just have a really big foundation of, of spending a lot of time under that type of load. Greg, in that era, especially the last few years, was really big on the keto scene, the fasting scene, the super low-carb scene. And he brought in all these experts, and he had all these talks, and we were putting out a lot of content with him. You were behind that, creating the content. And I was like, fuck this. I'm like, Greg's forcing this.
Starting point is 00:13:55 He's not forcing it, but it's everywhere. And I'm like, the last thing I want to do is experiment or play with keto. And that's the kind of style I am. I push against the popular movements. I push against, you know, um, well, the same with CrossFit, you had all your friends do CrossFit first before you did it. Yeah. Similar, uh, same with tattoos, like in my community, in both communities I've ever been in, in the Navy, everyone had tattoos, especially in the line of work we did. Everyone got frog tattoos. Uh, then I get to CrossFit, everybody
Starting point is 00:14:24 gets tattoos. And so like, I'm like, that's the popular thing to do i'm not gonna do it that's one small example so i've never had a tattoo um honestly smoking fucking weed it growing up here super popular all my friends are doing it everyone was into drugs and i just saw that and i'm like hmm it's not for me i'm not gonna do do it, especially because so many people are doing it to Greg. So he was bringing fasting around, bringing all these experts. And I'm like, ah, whatever. And we were all doing it. Everyone who worked there was doing it.
Starting point is 00:14:55 All you guys were doing it. Yeah, it was the talk. It was every time. So I wasn't interested. I just turned my back on it. Do you remember that thing Nicole did one time? Nicole one time ate one day, fasted one day on and off for 30 days. Yeah. That was a hell of an experiment.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I'm very close to that right now. Um, I'm not quite, but I mean, right now I'm, um, every two or three days I'm doing a 24 hour fast. And so I know you do one a week. I'm about two or three, but anyways, let me back up. I actually do more though, just to be fair. I make sure I sleep twice. I fast for a double sleep. Let's talk about the hours. What's the hours? 32 to 40. I think that when I first really got into it was when thomas de lauer asked me to do the ruck the um 35 miles with 35 pounds uh well let's 50 miles with 50 pounds well that was the original intent but i look you got that up but i was i even said hey man that that's going to be a that's going to be a tremendous
Starting point is 00:16:00 effort yeah um 50 pounds for 50 miles i mean we, we could do it, but let's baby step into this. So then I started experimenting a lot with fasting. And one of the things that I really enjoyed playing with was working out while fasted. And especially now, completely fine. especially now completely fine. Like there's no issue in terms of even short, intense stuff for me, heavier stuff, endurance stuff. And honestly, on some of the endurance stuff, it feels more than fine. So just learning and feeling the adaptations for how I adapt to it or how I respond to it. The other piece of this, it's really for me about controlling my insulin and controlling how much carbs in the system and trying to become fat adapted and being in ketosis fundamentally, and what I can do to depart and what it takes to get back in. And so finding this balance of, okay, I can read now I'm figuring out when I'm
Starting point is 00:17:07 eating consistently, well, super low carb, I can, um, fast for 18 hours and pretty much be at 1.5, uh, ketone level. And, and so because some of these events I do like some of these adventure races, well, or, or even sniper competition team shooting competitions i generally don't eat much and try to be in ketosis through those um it's it's helpful to find out where those thresholds are for me are you in a shitload of meat not a shitload and see so like even are you eating carbs are you eating bread at all no not bread right now uh even protein i mean all of that can contribute to a nice insulin response so like i'm not i'm not eating a shit ton of meat but i'm eating a decent amount you have like a number like no more than eight ounces i'm not doing numbers right now okay um what's interesting is it's funny how well i know you uh you're a breakfast guy big breakfast guy
Starting point is 00:18:00 yeah i love breakfast and it's like yeah and it's gone. There's no breakfast in your, in your life now, right now there's not, except for I'm doing one breakfast a week. So either a Saturday or Sunday, I'll, uh, we'll do breakfast and, and, uh, pretty much right now. And it's so easy once you go there and like, it's, it's, there's no issue with this. And even the 24 hour fast, which aren't a big deal are not hard at all they're they're pretty easy to what about um uh uh in a few days here uh greg is going to roll into town uh we start having these uh you'll start being invited to a lot of dinners will you do would you will you bend will you flex will you adapt or do you stay steadfast to your day we had a dinner the
Starting point is 00:18:43 other night with Craig. And you fasted? You didn't eat? No, I ate. Oh, but what if it's your fasting day? Will you? I'm not super rigid on like, I'm just, it's by the wind.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Like I'm not, this day is going to be at 24. I'm just random right now. Okay, but you are disciplined in what you're putting in your mouth. Yeah. Okay. And you are disciplined to the fact that you're going to get them in. It's funny. After three years of fasting, you know, one day a week, I've become a little more flexible too.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Like I knew Sunday I was going out to dinner with my mom, so I switched it to Saturday. I would have never done that in the first two years. No fucking way. Yeah. No fucking way. Okay. Awesome. Well, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:19:28 There was a question. What do you think about your reviews, your weekend reviews? Are you digging them? Are you enjoying that? Yeah. I mean, what do I think about them? So you personally, like, like, like are you having fun doing them? I'm having fun doing them and it's exactly the way I'd want to do them. What I mean by that is like, it's 10 to 15 minutes, somewhere 20 minutes. I talk about things that went on. I highlight things in CrossFit that are worth highlighting at the moment, things I might be involved with. I talk about some of the things I'm doing in my personal life,
Starting point is 00:19:55 the discipline and the discipline of going on camera on a routine basis like that has been good for me. And so I, I enjoy it. I will keep doing it. It's nice. It's nice. Here's the thing. You know this about me. I don't really like to be, and everyone's going to laugh when they hear this, but I don't like to be in front of the camera. I don't like to go out there on a regular basis. But I've also realized through the decades that you don't do that or you don't talk and you're not going to control the narrative. You're not going to own the messaging of your own personal journey or of what you're trying to support. So part of it is to, hey, I'm out there. I'm talking. I'm letting you know what I want to let you know. And I, I interact via comments. People can ask comments.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And, um, you weren't scared doing that opening, opening that up to like, Hey, uh, he's, Oh, I'm not doing it live. Like you do that. I know, but you do it. It doesn't matter. You still do it. Like people are asking questions in the YouTube comments and like, you're sort of obligated to answer them. I'm guessing. I don't answer them all. I cherry pick so so there's even on this post i did yesterday there's probably i think i saw 15 comments or something next week when i do the week in review i'll go through them and i'll just pick a couple but it seems like you're not avoiding hard questions to me i guess what i'm saying no um i try not to but sometimes there's some I do avoid. So control of your own narrative.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Stay present so people see you so they don't start spinning their own story about whatever you're doing so that they know. And be here. And what I mean by that is like- Available? Yeah, be around. Yeah, now that I think about it, the fact that you do answer the YouTube questions
Starting point is 00:21:46 is huge for it. I think... Because then it's like you're serving them instead of serving yourself. The amount people rallied behind me after I was gone and just how much support there was for me, I figured in this return, why not be more available and talk more to a large audience that is supportive of me and, um, had my back. And so even though you were ready
Starting point is 00:22:15 to vanish when you got laid off, even though I was ready to vanish when I got laid off. Yes. Especially it all coincided with the return. I was like, okay, I'm going to do something different. And this was what I decided to do different. I was definitely not going to go on a massive podcast tour. You know, I hate doing podcasts. So super selective on the ones I do. And so, and it's a way to just, again, like 15, 20 minutes, not an hour, not an hour and a half, just my own little engagement. I like having you on because neither you or I want to hang out before or after.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Yes. God bless you, Dave. What did you serve me? It's a little bit of like electrolyte powder with hot water. Okay. Thank you. Does Dave dye his hair or is he just good looking do you have any grays dave you you answer that he doesn't dye his hair do you have any do you
Starting point is 00:23:12 have any grays i got a couple creeping in uh you can't see him on camera but i got a couple couple creeping in that's cool uh welcome club has has the has has the reason changed at all or what you plan on your – the outcome that you wish from it changed at all, morphed, modified? Like I've been doing this podcast for two years, and I'm like, oh, I'm starting to get why I'm doing it. Like I didn't know why I was doing it in the beginning. And like every day I'm starting to understand to the community that I believe been supportive. And I think that's all wasn't thinking of that in the beginning. I am thinking about that now and how I can support efforts and how I could support things we have going on at CrossFit or, or within the community or support at large issues. You ever been in trouble for anything you said on that or had to pull anything down? You ever get slapped around?
Starting point is 00:24:10 You ever had to pull one of these down yet? No. Good job. How often do you talk to Don? So you're implying that maybe Don would have smacked me down? It's either him or Nicole. I don't know who. Nicole's not watching him. I doubt Don is either i want i talked to him on a regular basis i was on the phone with him an hour ago daily you're close you're close not quite daily
Starting point is 00:24:35 but pretty pretty close uh seven days a week do you talk to not seven days a week do you talk to him seven times a week um that might be a lot averaging one time a day no okay um you i have better hair anthony tpa um do you wish you talked to don moore is he available to you is he available to he's available whenever i reach out i mean he's it's a perfect amount at this point okay he's not he's not he's not too busy for you no um you said you're selected about going on podcast and you went on jaco's podcast and uh i thoroughly enjoyed that i thought you did great um thank you i thought you uh there was a term you coined that was the whole pop seal thing was that planned no that wasn't planned that's funny um because afterwards i looked up
Starting point is 00:25:23 that word in the urban dictionary iary. I Googled around. No one's ever used that word before, pop seal. I'm like, holy shit, Dave. The essence of it, of what it represents, was like – I know what it represents. I've been thinking about it a lot, but that I didn't pre-plan. Is it derogatory? It's a little like, hey, it's pop music.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Anyone can make it. It's a pop seal. It's just what's popular. It's a little, yeah. I think so. But it's also – it's pop music. Anyone can make it. It's a pop seal. It's like, it's like, it's just what's popular. It's a little, yeah, I think so. But it's also, it's not even, I mean, you could argue I'm a pop seal at this point. I mean, but not for my sealness. Like, meaning I'm not, I didn't lean on that. And that's my whole point.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Like, I didn't lean on that to become who I am in this community. Oh, shit. There's a spider on my ceiling. You see that? That podcast clip you just pulled up. If you see that guy. Was the whole thing in black and white? It was.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Why is he doing that? Here, we play the pop seal part. I want to hear this. Seven seconds. Seven seconds. Thank you. There's this pop iconic culture now pop seals there's like these icon seals who are and you're one of them i don't even wow wow wow i didn't remember saying that part and you're one of them um that was and then you then you fucking you uh
Starting point is 00:26:45 tdc uh has better who has better hair uh savon or are you i have fucking pretty amazing hair uh extra sloppy uh dave uh would you rather uh do you want to marry fuck or kill greg don and or which one would you do? Marry, fuck, kill Greg, Don, or Rosa? Karina Rain, sorry to back to the food topic. I think Dave has quite a bit of indigenous blood. Therefore, consuming based on his cultural background is solid. Consuming what? We'll get back to Jocko in one second.
Starting point is 00:27:23 She's saying because you're Mexican, consuming what we'll get back to jock on one second she's saying because you're mexican you you have come from an interest ancestry of indigenous people to the south american continent who were raped by uh europeans that you uh should probably stick to what you culturally are supposed to eat in order to stay healthy here's what i know i don't know if it's because i'm mexican i don't know what it's because of but Mexican. I don't know what it's because of, but I am super sensitive to refined carbohydrates. And I am super sensitive to excessive amounts of carbohydrates. What I mean by sensitive is I get puffy. I start rounding out. And so my dad, he was way overweight. He had a stroke. He had type two diabetes. He ended up dying from both. And so he was what I could potentially be if I didn't have this shit in order.
Starting point is 00:28:08 And so I know when I eat a lot of carbohydrates, specifically refined carbohydrates, I start putting on weight and my blood glucose levels go fucking really high really quickly and so that's what I'm dealing with and that's how I'm trying to like part of it's this health quest and just making sure I stay in a good zone and in a good place with everything and understanding what those foods do to me and you know it's funny you look at some of the athletes and how they eat and what they promote, and like way, way high levels of carbs, super, super 300 grams of carbohydrates a day. I'm eating like less than 10 grams of carbohydrates a day. And so not that I'm comparing myself physically against them, they're different. And they also respond very differently to carbohydrates than
Starting point is 00:29:04 someone like myself. And maybe even honestly, you, you probably have a general sense of. I respond. I'm like you also because I'm 51. I can eat if I eat. But, you know, to that point, we also know plenty of people. Nicole Carroll might be like this. We know plenty of people who can eat a ton of carbs and don't put on any weight.
Starting point is 00:29:23 And there's an absolute genetic piece to all of this. And again, though, I'm not going to say it's because I'm Mexican, although there are a lot of people who say that plays somewhat into it, but some people are way more. Some people are way more sensitive to carbohydrates than others, specifically then the insulin response and then becoming insulin resistant. Yeah. And I also think that just you don't live a sedentary lifestyle. Right?
Starting point is 00:29:55 No, but I also know I can be super active and super training hard, doing a lot. And through the wrong eating protocol, put on weight, get soft, be full. Quickly. Quickly. Quickly. Yeah. Here's the reality in all of this. And Greg used to talk about this too.
Starting point is 00:30:15 A lot of people talk about it. Losing weight is way more about nutrition than it is about fitness. Both are great compliments and both work hand in hand, but ultimately you can do a lot to your excess body fat or your weight just by making some different food choices. Bottom of the pyramid. Yeah, nutrition, bottom of the pyramid. Going back to Jocko.
Starting point is 00:30:45 You can't out-train a shitty diet. Like that line is great. It's gold. Yeah. Canadian money, tank reeves, 420. Thank you. Sevan is easily amazed. There's got to be a nicer way to phrase that.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Hey, I think if I took down this computer, a problem would be solved. I'd be looking right at you, right? Yeah, I don't think the audience has a um an understanding of how poor this interaction is i think you you fucked it up pretty good in the beginning with your camera i appreciate hey i will i will take this computer down and then i can put another camera over there so it's a wide shot and we'll be gold that's my view hold on let me show the world again get down low dude they they know i'm just showing them again i just want them to be they know okay you look at good job good job yeah pull that oh look
Starting point is 00:31:29 at switch cameras hey you know what i'll tell you what's funny there it is tell me oh i know exactly what you're gonna say okay i just see his eyes i know exactly what you're going to say. This fucking thing. You're so full of yourself that when you have a guest, he has to be framed by an image of you. Are you fucking kidding me? Like, hey, and Meshie, you just recoiled into your chair. Listen, someone came and fixed my studio with me today, and they put that picture on the wall. And I said, dude, are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:32:07 And they said, why? I'm like, Dave is going to say you're a fucking arrogant piece of shit for putting a picture of yourself on the wall. And here we are. Six minutes and 30 seconds. Going back to Jocko. So you said that to him.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Did you guys have any talk afterwards about you calling him a pop seal? Did that come up ever again? No, it never came up. I actually thought that moment in the exchange was a little awkward. I did feel like, okay, this is weird going here with him, but I think it worked out well. He responded well.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I did finish the whole thing. I just felt kind of off. You said you really enjoyed it. In your weekend review, you said you really enjoy in your in your week in review you said you really enjoyed the podcast to a point where i was like i don't know if getting jealous but i was getting kind of disgusted i really enjoyed getting to know jocko and the relationship that was established via the effort to do the podcast meaning what really sits with me is the 45 minutes prior to going on the podcast okay just shooting the shit
Starting point is 00:33:05 with him catching up why does he do that why why does isn't that weird to shoot the shit i would never do that shoot the shit with someone before we go on well you have a unique situation so like i show up i write it show up in my rental car to his gym which i've been to a bunch i've worked out at his gym a number of times and he's out there and this dude echo charlie who i had no idea was a deal like people like oh you met echo charlie i'm like yeah i didn't i had never heard of him prior to that podcast he was super cool i'm annoyed by his name too i'm annoyed by his name they're both uh someone asked me if he's a seal he's not a seal um they both were at the door hey and his name's not echo charlie either
Starting point is 00:33:39 and so um they greeted me got out of my car they're at the door we walk into the gym jacu starts shooting the shit thanks for coming hey let's go check out the gym we walk over to the crossfit gym start talking in there talking about crossfit talking about how we met and we actually met through crossfit i talked a little bit about that and it just a lot of ice breaking and just those moments were like the really powerful ones for me with him and just you know shooting the shit and it really broke down um when i went up there with him and and made it much easier and more enjoyable then i did enjoy that i did enjoy the podcast but i just felt slightly i didn't feel like i was doing i thought
Starting point is 00:34:24 you were fucking great on the podcast you really took control of it and i thought it was really cool and compliment here's a compliment for jaco the way jaco just flowed with that right he even cracked a couple of jokes like well i was going to go this way but fuck and you were an easy guest i'm sure he really enjoyed you and i bet you really impressed him too with how because a podcast host wants someone to do that right run with some shit there was a so we took a break once he we took a quick break and on that break i filled in a couple details on something i had said and uh just to give them a little more context and i did the same thing
Starting point is 00:34:57 afterwards too there is a topic uh afterwards i'm like hey i'm gonna give you some extra details can you tell us what nope okay um was Okay. Was it – here's what I was thinking. There's a social – a weird social dynamic because of his – because of people that we all know together mutually, like people like Andy Stump, for example. And so – and he's close friends with Andy, right? And there was some – and obviously there were some hiccups with um all of us and andy and with his departure was was that the part that was uncomfortable like you knew that you were going into this guy here's here's what i'll tell you not at all okay that wasn't your mind okay because here's what i was thinking i'm thinking here's this guy who's had a chance to invite you on his
Starting point is 00:35:37 podcast for 15 years or 12 years or three years or five years however long he's had the podcast right and he's had a chance to invite greg on and as far as i know he's never invited you on long he's had the podcast. Right. And he's had a chance to invite Greg on. And as far as I know, he's never invited you on or he's never invited Greg on. And now he's selling drinks and he's inviting you on, which is cool. But to not come open with that. Seem disingenuous to me. And maybe fair enough. Maybe I'm just maybe I'm just in the know. So I think disingenuous is a little too strong. He addressed it at the end. right? He did. But, but not what I'm saying. Do you know what I mean? Here, I'll say this. And I agree. Like what did you say, Dave? I thought you were a dude. I'm so glad I finally met you. Do I think I did that podcast? Cause we have a relationship now with, uh, he has a relationship with CrossFit. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Do I think in the last, whatever, like you said, five, 10 years, he's had a podcast. He should have asked me to be on, uh, probably it would have been cool to go on independent of that, but it didn't work out that way. It went on, uh, because of that. And so totally cool with it. Right. And okay. Like understanding of that. I'm all about using people. I like using people and I like to be using him. I know. No, I'm not saying you, but I'm just saying using it's okay to use people, but you should be just genuine about it. And so I will say this I'm using him. No, no, I'm not saying you, but I'm just saying it's okay to use people, but you should be just genuine about it. And so I will say this about the whole experience. You loved it.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I saw your weekend review. You fucking loved it. Well, I'm going to say it again. All right. So he asked me to go on, and I saw him a few months before that at a funeral, at a memorial that we both attended, and we chatted a little bit there. And that was the first time in a number of years we had seen each other. Um, it'd been a long time. And then, so when he asked me to go on, I purchased both of his books, something I would have never
Starting point is 00:37:16 done. I started reading them. I didn't finish them before I went on the podcast. I really wish I would have. And then after the podcast, I finished his books and I served some of his presence online and I just looked a little more into him. And here's what I really realized. I have a tremendous amount of respect for what he's doing. I really like his message. I really like how he's trying. I believe he genuinely cares about people and making people better. The way he's done it is just not the way I would have. people better the way he's done it is just not the way i would have and that's totally okay for sure and he's um but he's doing a really good thing and he's motivating people and spreading a good message and um a large segment of society rallies behind him fundamentally oh people love him people on this show the listeners of this show if i fucking cracked you hard on them they'll come
Starting point is 00:38:03 after me. I'll tell you another thing. I don't know him at all. And we didn't know each other at all in the SEAL teams. I met him through CrossFit. Even when we were both active SEALs, we talked about it a little there. We met at a level one seminar that we put on. Two things. um when when two two things you i would have liked to have seen a little homage to uh greg glassman a little more respect from him that's but that's just me he can he can do what he wants from who from jocko a statement like like when when his name came up in the in the podcast i like to see he could have
Starting point is 00:38:39 said dude isn't it fucking incredible what's happened this cross for things exploded in the fucking do you think a million lives have been saved? I think he did say stuff like that. Even if he didn't say Greg's name, whenever you talk about what CrossFit's done for society or how amazing it is as a movement, as a fitness movement. Okay, I could be too sensitive to it. I'm open to that.
Starting point is 00:38:59 I think you might be too sensitive that it's not explicitly said. Okay. And I wouldn't expect it to be explicitly said by most people but him i did but him i did but but well but here's the other thing to that point yeah he as little as we knew each other which we knew each other to a decent degree he and greg even knew each other less like they didn't have much of a relationship they didn't have i was at i was at lunch with them for the only time they ever met each other or hung out.
Starting point is 00:39:27 In that podcast that he did with you, and maybe I'm too sensitive to this too, he implicitly and explicitly shared with you some feelings that were less than positive about Greg. I'm not saying that they were derogatory, but they were ambiguously. Do you have any feelings that are less than positive towards Greg?
Starting point is 00:39:46 Absolutely. Okay. So then how can anyone else not? Why shouldn't anyone else not? But they can, but like you just said, he doesn't know him. And like, if you don't know him and you want to look at the big picture of what he's contributed to the world. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:57 It's fine. No, but I mean like. You think I'm being too, you think I'm being too hard on him? Too picky? I think you're being too picky. I think you're holding him to a standard that's not necessarily appropriate because there wasn't – I think he was incredibly supportive, and look, he was an affiliate for 15 years.
Starting point is 00:40:17 That's standing behind Greg. That's standing behind the methodology he created. And he's helping the world. he's helped a lot of people let me bring up one more thing about him since we got with us since i'm on a roll here with jaco when when joe rogan someone made a montage of joe rogan uh dropping bombs dropping derogatory slurs okay and i saw jaco's response to it did you ever see jaco's response to it. Did you ever see Jocko's response to it? No. I got a big old head. Someone said I got a big old head. And you do have a big head. And I didn't like that response either.
Starting point is 00:40:51 He was basically saying – Sevan's love for Greg is a protective type of love. Oh, boy. He was basically saying, hey, I like Joe Rogan. He's my buddy, but I'm concerned about his drinking and drug use or some shit like that. And I'm just like, dude, at that point, it becomes about you.
Starting point is 00:41:10 You unfairly have this notion that people should all think like you. And so when people don't act the way you would think about a situation, yeah, you get really triggered. Fair enough. yeah yeah you get really uh you get really triggered fair enough um uh eaton beaver uh both of you staring up at the ceiling would be a great meme great to have you back on the show seven has been like a teenage girl going on her first date
Starting point is 00:41:39 i was like waiting for dave to um come on he's dropping his shit this morning. And one of these was creeping on me. There are spiders all over my house right now. I don't know what's going on. You got a nice office. I do. I like this. I've cleaned it up a lot, but I like it. Tank Reeves.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I know. The guy who's like, dude, are you going to sweep the floor in here? It's fucking disgusting. It is disgusting for Jesus. But it is nice in here, and it's a great space. Tank Reeves. Wow. You're on a roll speaking of narratives and by the way congratulations in summation i'd like to say it was cool seeing you on that podcast um it was cool it was cool even if you have you drank any of his stuff any of his on that show i was actually drinking i had a few sips of one of his
Starting point is 00:42:23 i don't know what it was called. A protein or energy drink? An energy drink, which I don't drink energy drinks at all. So that was kind of, I diverted from that rule. Is it true there's semen in his Gojaco drink? One dollop per 3,000 cans? I can't believe you're still on air. How have you not got cancer?
Starting point is 00:42:41 Where was I going to go? Oh, earlier, as they were developing the relationship with CrossFit, they sent me a bunch of product. And I had some of the protein powder to my house. You gave me your address to your house? Well, the CrossFit team, our team has it, and they push it to someone. If they ask, hey, can we send you some stuff? I'm like, sure.
Starting point is 00:43:01 I had some of the protein powder, but I'm indifferent to all of that. Protein powder is protein powder is protein powder do you take any supplements not really sometimes i do sometimes i don't there's nothing you take religiously every single day to aspirin to vitamin c to i've gone through all of all of them i've gone through fish oil um periods where i take a lot of fish oil i'm not now. I probably should. Taking a lot of olive oil right now. In private, did he ever talk about why it took him so long to invite you on? No, dude.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I'm not going to be like, hey. He may have told you. Hey, bro, why didn't you ask me sooner? No, he may have told you. No, he didn't bring it up. He may have. Dave, do you have any thoughts on deep state regime trying to control the masses through nefarious narratives?
Starting point is 00:43:47 Tank Reeves, 550. If I were to have any thoughts on that topic, I for sure wouldn't put them out here. All right. Would you put them out under a pseudonym, a fake name somewhere? No, I'm in an interesting place. Like you have to understand, um, with my, who I am in CrossFit and what, um, what I represent to the community, what I represent to affiliates, how I, um, kind of them as ambassador spokesperson, someone that, uh, people look to for leadership at times. or spokesperson, someone that people look to for leadership at times, I have to be very cautious on taking divisive positions. I can't talk about a lot, nor should I talk about a lot of things
Starting point is 00:44:36 that are going to potentially splinter and or fraction or alienate some affiliate owners or alienate some CrossFitters versus one group versus another. So stuff like that and just political stuff and other topics, I have a lot of opinions on, but I'm not going to go on a platform like this and share them because ultimately there will be some people
Starting point is 00:45:02 within our community from one side or the other who feel insulted or I shouldn't have said that. On a lot of that stuff, that's where I just don't go there or just don't talk about it because I don't want to create those moments of division. Yet, you see other people doing it in the public sphere all the time who actually get paid by public tax dollars like who like uh like the conversation we were having earlier about uh you were at a uh school event and people were saying stuff that was divisive at the school event yeah absolutely and so that they also don't have communities of people globally who they are i'm not obligated to them right but i i respect the relationship i have with them and i want to be able to walk into any box well you kind of are obligated to them yeah but listen i want to be able to walk to any box walk into any box anywhere in the world and
Starting point is 00:45:57 not have people be like oh that fucking guy here's his position on this and i don't agree with that so what's he doing in here okay i'd rather be just a radiant of light yeah yeah yeah and you are and fuck dude i think it's the it's to stay in the center of the circle is the way to go a lot of times so that's why you know this better than anyone it doesn't mean i'm free of those opinions it doesn't mean i don't have my own thoughts on things um i'm just very conscientious of where I say them or who I say them to and where I express them. And I was going to give an example of that. So the example is the TDC hunts page.
Starting point is 00:46:35 It shows a variety of shooting competitions, hunting meat, cleaning the pigs, things like that. But you won't see a bunch of Second Amendment stuff. Yeah, I don't put the second. I don't talk I don't put the second, I don't talk about that stuff there. And here's the other thing too. When I have brought that side of my life over to the other side, what has it been in years past? Not positive. Meaning it's been, people have been pissed off by it. People get upset.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Right. And there's people like me, you know, there's, there's people out there. That's a good shot. That is a good shot. I know. Do you know when I saw that picture, I had no idea people actually shot like that i was like wow that's really a position to shoot in you're are you following me follow me that's not my account okay follow click the button click the button look like by 700 hey um an example would be so like there's people out there who do needle exchanges in neighborhoods and they think it's a positive thing. And then there's people like me who are like, fuck you. Why are you doing that?
Starting point is 00:47:28 Why are you being a codependent of drug addicts? And so either way, you're fucked. Yeah. People who are thinking you're doing something good, helping people. Hey, I mean, even you, even you within this community, there's a lot of people because of how vocal you are with your position who are like, fuck that guy. No. Live in your own echo chamber echo chamber buddy your feedback buddy trust me i'm joking i completely understand uh jeremy world uh sebon give this money today for
Starting point is 00:47:57 always keeping it real on every level mad respect to the real ceo isn't he great at answering questions like that too but But fucking. He said, and he's, he told me, he's like, he's like, I said, are you nervous at all?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Are you concerned? Like, I'm going to fuck you up. He's like, you can't fuck me up before. Yeah, I did say that. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Hey, you can't fuck me up. I can fuck me up. Yeah, I can do something wrong. You're not, there's nothing you could. And it says,
Starting point is 00:48:19 that's why like this podcast format or podcast in general, don't phase me because I know what I'm able to, where I'm able to say no, where I'm able to draw a line like I did with Jocko. And there's just things I think what this platform in general has done to podcasting in general, podcasting in general, people feel like they have to vomit with their stories, with everything they've experienced. I hear podcasts where people talk about individual conversations and you think it's like this person's like talking like, oh, I'm giving you some info. No, you're giving it to the whole world about a personal conversation you had with someone. That's not cool. And like this whole thing, this movement of podcasts has created this, well, vulnerability or opening up on a podcast makes it okay, where you normally wouldn't
Starting point is 00:49:12 expect to talk about things or shouldn't talk about some things. And then there is for some people, I do acknowledge it's therapeutic, it's healing, it's part of their process. Maybe they're talking about stuff that is by sharing their story, they're going to help others. Sure. Fine. But again, for me, that's not what I'm trying to do or what I'm about. When did you learn how to say no to people? Do you know what I'm talking about when I say that? Yes, but re-ask it. One of the lessons i've learned from you in life is i can say no i don't have to answer that question no or just no can i borrow your truck no uh can i have a sparkling what no it's my last one don't touch that uh can i use your computer no you just whatever uh
Starting point is 00:49:58 someone if i'm on a podcast i'm asking because i'm not answering that like i don't have to um i can say no and i and i was like wow this dude just says no to shit and boy life's so much better when you and you're comfortable with it you don't even have to be a dick about it you're just comfortable with it no you're just direct well actually one of the byproducts of that was is that people really respect you and for the way i was raised is if you say no or were too honest people, people would dislike you and God forbid anyone dislike me. I mean, Was there a moment where you said, I can't point to a moment,
Starting point is 00:50:32 but definitely the, the, my twenties was my formative years for who I am now. And that's when I was active duty in the Navy that from basically 19 to 32 or so that period, when I reflect on it, the lessons I learned, the people I worked with, the way I was molded, really, even to a fault, because there's a lot of pieces of me that are faulty, define who I am. And so, and I've had a lot of learning experiences and a lot of things since then, especially through all this work and time in CrossFit that have also been very later life formative, but that's foundational. That's very much, you know, made me who I am to this degree.
Starting point is 00:51:20 And do you, do you say- And listen, so like that environment was really direct, really like no fluff, cut to the chase. And yeah, say, you know, even in some of Jocko's points, like people should be able to challenge their commanders on certain aspects of missions. We couldn't just sit and be quiet. And you had to learn how to be very direct. very direct. And even in call it mission briefings, but then out in the field, you don't, you need to learn how to communicate clearly. So you can get your point across with all the power that that point needs. Do you see what I'm saying? Do you see what I'm saying though? We live in a world of people who don't want to say no, who don't know how to say no to one of the questions, ask them or don't want to do something or it's more, it's not even not
Starting point is 00:52:02 even say no, but it's more like we live in a world where people don't want to be genuine. People don't want to hurt the other person's feelings with whatever answer, even if it's a yes or a no people are just so, um, fake to some degree. Oh, and maybe this is oversimplified, but why do you think people respect the fact that you're not like that? Why do you think people just, well, I guess some people don't like you for that. Yeah, I guess it's a double-edged sword. Some people don't like you for that. And some people like, I'm a double-edged sword in that regard. Some people love to work with me, love to work for me, love to rally behind me and others hate me. And that's just like, do you think that that is the point right there that we're talking about? It's just the directness. There's definitely
Starting point is 00:52:43 style. There's a style thing that some, my style resonates with some and does not resonate with others uh is the camera angle seban has for the show the reason he's not the media director anymore so does this this is like this do i someone said something about my head does this is that like do i listen you is this a bad angle for me mr anthony he gave you five dollars oh i know thank you anthony i appreciate the five dollars thank you also tdc eats echo charlie for breakfast i really liked echo charlie he was a cool dude um miranda alcarez i do quite a lot of carbs and have to in order to maintain muscle the fuck is she talking well yeah absolutely and that's my point every one of us is distinctly different in how we...
Starting point is 00:53:26 But the thing is where the mistake... Yeah, get her, get her. What is she talking about? The mistake comes in how people then preach to everyone else. Well, this is what you should do. No, that's your experience. That doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be the same. So I'm not saying Miranda's doing this.
Starting point is 00:53:41 But so that's how Miranda eats. And that's how Miranda responds to carbs. For her to then go on a platform and preach that to, to everyone that I think is not nuanced enough. We're not taking into the reality, taking in the reality of our unique different situations. Fair. Thank you, Miranda, for your kind contribution. Did she give you money? No, no. Just to the conversation.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Yeah. Come on,anda judy yudkin any thoughts on why crossfit didn't allow froning back as a coach with his athletes at semis oh i don't think dave's aware of that story uh they did they did offer him to come back i'll tell you that after they did you do you know that story yeah yeah they they for sure offered for him to come back right away and um i don't want to get into why he didn't come back i mean that's his own get him on the show and ask him why he didn't come back but he was definitely given the opportunity to come back you talked to fronium very often we chatted a little over the weekend oh you did texted um you did yeah about this subject no actually he sent me a clip um of the rock which
Starting point is 00:54:40 was pretty cool um video clip the movie the rock oh oh, he's my boy. We go way back. He is your boy. Yeah. I'm a big phony fan. Early generation. Like we're tight. Like we're, we have our moments where we're not tight, but we're still brothers. Yeah. What's happened. What's happened. Oh, just like, you know, we go, we each go on, we each go our own way at times. And just just like sometimes our paths are really crossed and other times they're not um have you guys had any have you yelled yelled at him have you got mad at him oh yeah we've got mad at each other before i mean he gets mad at you too yeah for sure but he we um he's almost like a little brother who's that oh that then you guys aren't to be talking for a while now. Who's had bigger fights, you and Rich or me and you?
Starting point is 00:55:27 Well, me and you because we interact so popularly. We've had some good ones. Yes, we have. Okay. Okay, so Froney was allowed back in for a variety of reasons. He did or did not come back in. I think it's because there was an Independence Day marathon on TNT and he was watching that.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Sarah Cox, Super Sticker, $49.99. Dave, California Hormones is launching a peptide. Peptides. Peptides, plural. Okay. Would you do peptides? Tell me about them. They can do everything and anything to you and they're not illegal.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I don't care if they're illegal or legal. I care more about what the long-term effects of them are going to be, if I'm going to become dependent on them. Oh, yeah, me too. That bugs me too. You don't want to become dependent on anything. I don't want to become dependent on anything. I don't want any – I don't want to –
Starting point is 00:56:17 Do you think happiness comes from being less dependent on everything around you? Do you think that's the holy grail of happiness? What? The holy grail of happiness is when you don't need anything oh no okay that doesn't resonate with me at all well you give up eating you give up i'm not giving you don't you don't want to be dependent on things every single day like like wouldn't it be just nice if like you could grow your own hay breed your own horses and ride your horse from your house to your ranch and not need your car and not need your – No, I really like my car. There's a lot of things that really – a lot of luxuries that I really like that are afforded us.
Starting point is 00:56:53 You're not as obsessive as I thought you were. I would say this though. I don't know. Just ask your question. I have an injury in here on my bicep. I have to look at the screen because the computers are in the way. Yeah, that's how high he has to raise his arm for me to see his arm. And I think peptides would help it tremendously.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Oh, yeah. We were talking about peptides. Okay. So all of that. I would rather control my destiny, my health through nutrition and exercise than trying some of those alternative methods. Obviously, I've never fucked with roids or won't do that.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Even the hormone therapy stuff. How come you won't do steroids? It's the same. Just scared it'll hurt your health? You don't want to hurt your health? You want to be strong like Hulk but not take days off your life?
Starting point is 00:57:43 At the end of the day. Not days off my life at the end of the day that's the not days off my life but um that's the equation i'm gonna do some peptides and i don't like messing with shit like that and like oh i've never used any drugs and like there's like if i've never even i've never even smoked weed so like this notion that i've never used any drugs you never went out with a bunch of seals and did coke and bang hookers? No. Oh, okay. And so this notion that I'm going to then inject some steroids into my body,
Starting point is 00:58:09 like that's crossing. I'd rather do coke first. Like ask me after I've done coke. What's more littered with steroids, the teams or CrossFit athletes? That's a great question. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Next question. What's wrong with soldiers doing, deployed soldiers doing drugs? Who gives a fuck? Like, if doing steroids, if it's going to make them better soldiers. I agree with you. Oh, that was easy. Sarah, thank you. I appreciate it very much.
Starting point is 00:58:41 She's going to try to get a booth at the games. Oh, cool. California Peptides, California Hormones. If she does it, I might go there, do my podcast out of there. You aren't going. uh you she's gonna try to get a booth at the uh games oh cool california peptides california hormones if she does it i might go there do my podcast out of there you aren't going anywhere if i did would you come by the booth yeah so you're going to the games yeah i'll go you are going if you go yeah what what was the decision in not going to semi-finals this year i just had a lot going on i got a lot a lot of stuff um just with the street parking event coming up and the wound hasn't healed no it's fine but it's it's a there's a
Starting point is 00:59:14 wound of course right but it's good yeah okay that's fine yeah i got those two uh because of that picture savon is a pop podcast host listen I would fucking love to be a pop podcast host. As much as I talk shit about Jocko, I would switch. If Jocko wants to take over my YouTube channel and I take over his, let's do it. Oh, thank you. Fraser set a low bar. Before we go there, so I want to ask you about your relationship with Tia and Matt Fraser too. Let's start with Tia.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And when I say Tia, does it have to be with Shaneane too is it tia and shane because when i think of them i think of them as kind of one no it doesn't have to be okay do you have a relationship with tia would you ever text tia just without shane on on it like hey what's up girl oh on a regular basis i communicate with tia i don't communicate with shane no shit yeah and there's no like group thread of the three of us it's just wow. Wow. So you'll be like, hey, congrats on the baby. Yeah. Hypothetically, I didn't. But yes, that's something I could say, but I didn't.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And recently you went out to Nashville for a shooting. That's a cool photo. Shooting competition. And you left that one as part of your narrative, as part of your People magazine. Will that one make the cut when you go home tonight and call the herd? Will that one stay? I'm not going to call the herd tonight. I'll wait a little. Will that one make it?
Starting point is 01:00:29 Maybe, yeah. I like that one. Well, you don't have a picture. So how is your relationship with her? It's good. Why do you say that? So here's what I describe as good. We've kept in contact throughout the years.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And you got to remember, someone like Tia, I mean, so she was competing in Carson, right? So like long time, she's been competing for a very long time, that generation of athlete, there was something called the CrossFit Invitational, there were obviously the open announcements. And so there were these multiple touch points for us to work with, and engage with, and interact with these athletes. And that's one of the reasons why I'm so close with Josh and Rich, because throughout the years, we had a lot of involvement with them at different events, even Big Sky. And so T was of that phase where we had Team Australia or Team World versus Team USA. And so we spent more time than just the games events we spent time together at all of these other things like packed into the back of a car driving
Starting point is 01:01:31 somewhere 4 a.m breakfast uh standing in line at the airport like just intimate shit that you do with like friends and family you look at after 18 when greg dropped the media got rid of the invitational got rid of regionals got rid of all of the, took the open announcements away from us. Fundamentally, all of these touch points that we had with a lot of athletes went away. And so the major touch point was the games. And so there's this phase from 18 to maybe up until even when I left
Starting point is 01:02:03 where the engagement was way lower. So the more modern and recent athlete overall, um, even when I was running it, I had very minimal relationship with or interaction with, whereas the earlier athlete, again, like Tia, especially like rich, even Camille,ie thor's daughter you have a relationship with annie too yeah but that's not like that don't think it's like uh rich or tia but i'm just saying i'm using it as an example i mean you look at even all those names i just said there who did i say i said rich i said annie and i said camille hey jason kalipa and jason check this out yeah all four of them were on level one seminar staff.
Starting point is 01:02:46 People don't even realize that. Tia? Tia was? I didn't say Tia. I said Jason. I said Rich. I said Camille. And I said Annie. I'm leaving Tia out of this group.
Starting point is 01:02:52 They were all on level one seminar staff. So another area where they worked with us. And so. Are those days over? Those days are done. So gone. So gone. So gone.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Meaning like. So they were way more ingrained in the community and involved with us because of the amount of events and things we were doing. Those guys I just mentioned, they were, again, on level one seminar staff. Most of them of that group I just mentioned, 75% of those four were affiliate owners.
Starting point is 01:03:18 A few of them, Rich and Annie actually are still affiliate, oh, and Jason, are still affiliate owners. Now you look at this generation of athlete, most of them are training full-time for this. Most of them are really young. Most of them are not affiliate owners. Most of them are not even CrossFit trainers.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Most of them are just all in on this as a professional sport. So all of that leads to Tia was part of that earlier phase where we engaged a little more and i got to know her and then through her success the last number of years um obviously kept in contact with her she was one of the few who stayed in contact with me would check in every once in a while and you mean after you got whacked yeah and so um yeah i would say we have it and then i spent so when i went out to cookville or i went out to nashville it was to see them um spent the morning with her really good so had breakfast with her and not shane just no shit and um no shit was the baby was she pregnant she was
Starting point is 01:04:22 pregnant and so we and she had one of her head trainers with her. And so we spent the morning. Who was that? Do you remember their name? No. All right. We spent the morning. We spent the morning.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Oh, that person's like, oh my God, I met Dave. Is it he or she? I don't want, I know, like I said, I don't want to say what his position is because just whatever, it doesn't matter. Okay, but you don't remember his name? Or you do remember his name, you don't want to say it? I don't remember his name, but I just don't, I'm respecting.
Starting point is 01:04:47 So there's some things I'm going to respect. like the privacy of conversations and you know what i mean okay what did you want to talk about so we hung out for um we had breakfast did she seem happy yeah she seemed great we chatted for um a while then we drove to her gym and we hung out at her gym who drove who drove they did did she actually drive she wasn't driving okay i'm just wondering she's she was and then at the And we hung out at her gym. Who drove? Who drove? They did. Did she actually drive? She wasn't driving. Okay. I'm just wondering.
Starting point is 01:05:08 She was big. And then at the gym. She was weeks before giving the. Yeah, it was like a week or two. Okay. So she got the seat reclined and like. I mean, you're talking about details that I really. I'm into pregnant women. I'm into.
Starting point is 01:05:18 It's the whole phenomenon. Pregnant seats. It's a hobby of mine. A fascination of mine. I'm still baffled you have a show. Procreation's important, buddy. Okay. So you're close to her. That was fun. I don't know how, I wouldn't say super close, but we stay in contact. Okay. And did you see Shane at all? Yeah. So then when we went to the gym,
Starting point is 01:05:42 we actually got, when we were driving to the gym we saw him walking down the road they live nearby and so he was walking and then we got to the gym and he showed up and i listened to him brief his athletes on their day it's a monster day they do a lot of shit they do a lot of workouts and so um too much did you judge him i mean i i'm not gonna say it's too much because he's training the best in the world and they're able to handle that volume and they're able to go at the highest level was broke there yeah it was sydney there yeah it's too much for the two of us it's what i would do in a week and a half i could take that whole board they had and each one of those would be a single day workout and most of them i'd still have to scale oh uh how was sydney she was cool
Starting point is 01:06:26 i don't know her that well i um we're not close at all brooke i uh chat with talk with on semi regular basis for i'd say she's of of the more modern athlete and even then even when you look at her she's put enough years into where there was that phase where she was part of that same similar cohort that's sydney do you like do you have her phone number are you close like could you do you call do you do you ever text with her sydney no yeah no brooke yes and you were i think i remember recently you i saw a picture i didn't see in your instagram now but you were with brooke and someone else maybe in florida i don't remember okay okay and so and how was your relationship with shane good this this is all such superficial do you have anything good that happened like did you get to touch her stomach and feel the baby kick did shane tell you hey
Starting point is 01:07:16 uh you know two of our athletes are on steroids anything you got like no nothing like any secret training how about something any secret training you saw that was like whoa i can't believe they're doing that no right you weren't surprised any piece of equipment like they have 25 versa climbers anything weird no okay uh thank you for that and say well and uh now let's move on to matt fraser okay do you speak to him so for since the podcast no and actually from the podcast, we spoke a lot. Wait, wait, wait. What podcast?
Starting point is 01:07:48 His Rogan podcast. Right after the Rogan podcast, we chatted. You and him did? Yeah. I mean, we kind of went back and forth via text and. You were critiquing his performance? No, we were just discussing it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:04 And then after that. Were you honest with them about were just discussing it. Okay. And then after that... Were you honest with them about it? Oh, yeah. Okay. We were both honest with each other. After that, we were both... He was unhappy with me for certain things, and I was obviously unhappy with him for certain things.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Right. So we pretty much hadn't... We didn't talk after that. You never told me that. That's so weird. And... You tell me a lot of stuff. That's pretty crazy. That event... No, that's not it. Is that it. That's so weird. You tell me a lot of stuff. That's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:08:25 That event, no, that's not it. Is that it? That might be it. I did go to his workout at the Granite Games a couple years ago. Oh, no, that's seven days ago. Well, that might be from it, though, two years ago. I saw him there, said, what's up? We didn't mend the relationship or anything. So it was working after Rogan. There was a hiccup because of some of the stuff he said on the show.
Starting point is 01:08:50 And then you started a mending process. And part of that mending process may have been to enlarge the wound. No, there was no starting a mending process. Oh, it was just a little fighting. Yeah. Okay. And so a little airing out of uh grievances essentially and um here we are a few years when you have that um uh sorry when you have that um with him when you type
Starting point is 01:09:14 are you like i know that everything that i'm typing he could possibly screenshot and post or send to my boss or yeah for sure i know that in anything I do. I know that in any... Yes. But he recently reached out. So about two weeks ago. And good on him. He's a bigger man than I am. He texted and said, hey, I just opened up a new gym. Why don't you come? I'd love to have you come check it out.
Starting point is 01:09:38 No shit. And I said I'd love to. And so I'm actually heading out to New York. He texted you or O'Keefe texts you? No, he did. He reached out. Fucking A. Good job, Fraser.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Yeah. And so he was a better man. And you responded? Did you think about not responding and ghosting him? No. No, look, at that point, I'm not going to. When someone reaches out, especially years after, I'll engage. I could think of a few people you wouldn't.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Three come to mind. So yeah, I'm going out to New York in a week and a half. I tried planning it around that trip, but he's not going to be around. So there'll be another time. I'll definitely prioritize getting out to his new gym and his facility and touching base with him and hanging out and getting us to a better place.
Starting point is 01:10:24 It's better for all if we're good. You know what I mean? facility and touching base with him and hanging out and getting us to a better place it's it's better it's better for all if we're good you know what i mean do you like that i like it when wounds heal i like it like like there's people out there that i've uh um uh that i have issues with but i like it when wounds heal almost always i can't think of one where i'm like fuck i wish we were still fighting yeah i mean i couldn't agree more in terms of having positive and healthy relationships with people is a hundred percent better than fighting with people and i fucking fight with plenty of people and once you know someone what they're capable of you can part of it is just like what you just accept the fact that like okay this person bites and so i'm going to stand two feet away from him at all times and i'm going to like them but i
Starting point is 01:11:09 know the i know you sound like you're describing me well you well you're not you used to be very prickly like there's a friend we have i don't want to say his name i don't know if you will remember him specifically um we don't seem that often anymore but he was a pathological liar and then once you accept that you're it's okay but in the beginning it's rough it's a rough entry you're like what the fuck is going on here yeah i agree but there's some other good qualities that you're like okay i'm gonna have to figure out how to accept this yep and or okay and so it's kind of like that right and you've known known Fraser long enough to whatever you, and now it's each person's kind of responsible for taking care of their side of the house, right? I mean, same thing with Matt.
Starting point is 01:11:50 So like when I talk about these athletes and these air, like there was a point where we were spending a significant amount of time together, open announcements, not really the Team USA stuff. There's the drama behind that. Right. But I don't, you know, so listen to to this what's one of the things when i get affiliates together i tell them one of the things i'll ask any group of affiliates i get together
Starting point is 01:12:12 in local localities i say i'll say who in here do you guys all have a good relationship and most of the time they say yes like they're not gonna be like no fuck that guy um and i say okay cool one of the best things you guys can do for us as a community and as an affiliate owner and as someone flying the flag is get along with the other crossfit gyms and have a healthy relationship because crossfit gyms that are getting along in an area um create an environment that's better for all of us crossfit gyms in a given area that are fighting, it's just, it sends the wrong message to anyone who's interested in CrossFit
Starting point is 01:12:49 or in CrossFit in general. It's just a bad look for us. It's a bad look for the gyms too. No one wants to go to a gym. No one actually likes fighting with another gym. Yeah, it's a bad look for the gym. It's a bad look for us. It's a bad look for CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:13:03 So how could i say that and advise people on that and then not be open to talking to that right or mending any relationship with matt right i'd be hypocrite so are you going out there yeah it's kind of that's what i've been talking about the last and when well i just i said a few minutes ago, I was going to, I'm going. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, easy, easy, buddy. When it works out. In the next month? Probably not the next month. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Come on here and tell me I'm not fucking listening. Fucks as you think he is. Oh, you know what's crazy about this thing over here? Where is this? Oh, shit. crazy about this thing over here? Where is this? What are you doing? Do you routinely do this on your show? Yeah, I do whatever I want. Sometimes I call my wife in the middle of the show. Show? Is that? Oh, no, no, no. I know where it is. I know where it is. I'm starting to figure this out. Okay, here we go. Oh, yeah, here it is.
Starting point is 01:14:12 What is wrong with you, dude? Hold on, hold on. Just be patient. Dave. Dave. Are you playing games? Yeah, just testing it out. See if I can give you some flashbacks. Extra sloppy.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Fraser set a low bar consider it a victory no matter how you feel sincerely you were great next time let Sevan tag along I'm not I don't know what that's in reference to fuck we missed it I waited too long to get to these comments I apologize Dave got a big old head huh Sevan
Starting point is 01:14:42 yeah a huge head it's not my favorite on guys but on girls I really like a big old head, huh, Savant? Yeah. A huge head. It's not my favorite on guys, but on girls I really like a big head. Did Dave watch – Is that a thing? It's like something you talk about on a regular basis, big heads? Yeah. You know who Gal Gadot is? Or Bethany –
Starting point is 01:14:56 Bethany Shadburn got a big old head. I find big heads attractive. Okay. Did Dave watch Fit Wars? What's that? Okay. Will he be in pasadena we have the fitness freedom event here this weekend so undecided priorities do you view street parking as a competitor of who of crossfit no keep your enemies close they're not they're not
Starting point is 01:15:21 our enemies all right just checking just checking uh dave is seven easier to be friends with now compared to when he worked at crossfit eric wise i'm truly surprised we still are friends i can i can agree with that yeah i second that i am i and here's the reason why because we used to talk about work so much and i thought that when i didn't work anymore we would have nothing to talk about. But now we still find tons of shit to talk about. We've been talking about olive oil. You've been just chewing my ear about olive oil.
Starting point is 01:15:54 I don't know how you got me so into olive oil. For those of you who don't know, you are launching olive oil, right? Yeah. And I saw the bottle on your – oh, there it is. Yeah. Look at it. Fuck yeah. I had props.
Starting point is 01:16:04 I brought the bottle. Oh, shit. Is that is. Yeah. Look at it. Fuck yeah. I had props. I brought the bottle. Oh, shit. Is that one full? Yeah, that one was full too. Are you leaving that at my house? No. I got to package it. I got to label it.
Starting point is 01:16:13 So I'm not giving you a clean, empty bottle. I got to put the label on. So my label's being made currently. Look how excited Caleb is. Caleb wants that. You want that, huh, Caleb? Can you see Caleb down there below? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:24 He got all perky. Everyone's going to want one of those. So check this out. This initial that, huh, Caleb? Can you see Caleb down there below? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He got all perky. Everyone's going to want one of those. So check this out. This initial batch. So for the street parking event, I'm having my logo and the street parking logo on the olive oil. And I have 100 bottles that we're selling there. And this is the debut, the first time I'm launching this to the world. I've partnered with a guy, a local guy, a local grower.
Starting point is 01:16:45 He has 1,100 trees in Hollister, so about 25, 30 minutes away from me. He picks them. He and his wife pick them. And then they take them to San Ardo where they have them processed. San Ardo is about an hour away. And then it's bottled and packaged, labeled, and then I'll sell it. So here's the cool thing. So it's all locally sourced all locally grown there's no you know you've told me this and i looked into it it's
Starting point is 01:17:11 true the olive oil is the olive oil industry is incredibly corrupt there's a ton of cutting and dilution that goes into olive oil because it's such a essentially precious commodity and this from from the tree it grows on, to when it's picked, to where it's processed, we have complete control of the whole system. So this is some authentic shit. But the cool part is... Can I post a label right now? I'm sending
Starting point is 01:17:36 the label to... Can I show the label? No, no, no. Don't show the label. I haven't... That was an internal thing. That was an internal thing. If I accidentally sent that to you, don't post it. I was just about to send it to you. I want to launch that in a grander scale. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 01:17:51 So this is tins. So this is a... Please don't get any of that on my computer shit over there. There are paper towels over there. Please do not get any of that oil anywhere over there. This is a 200 milliliter bottle. Uh-huh. I'm tripping.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yeah, keep it on Dave for a second. This is a 400 milliliter tin. When I launch this to actually, when I launch this for people to order, I'm going to launch in this tin concept. So I still don't have the tins yet. I'm still working on sourcing those. That's a 400 milliliter
Starting point is 01:18:26 tin this is a um this is one liter so it's kind of i'm not going to go that big i'm going to do 500 milliliter tins is there oil in that there's oil in all of these these guys 43 ranch they're the ones who actually process it they're in san arto they put theirs they do their own they put theirs in tins i saw the tins and i was like that's perfect that's great for um it'll look good with my theme my logo and everything like that so i'm really excited about this and i'm really excited about it just because it's execution of an idea and what i mean by that is i've been talking for years about doing this and I didn't do it. And I was just, it was fundamentally, I'm like, I'm all talk. And finally, recently I was like, all right, you need to execute on this idea. You've talked about it and you haven't put any weight behind it. And so I just decided to make it happen. And even if it flops, even I don't even care. I don't care if I don't make any money.
Starting point is 01:19:27 I don't care if I don't sell any bottles. I'm just happy that I actually did it. These are the labels too. This isn't the label, but basically this is what's being made right now. These labels and then I'll have to sell it. All anyone gives a fuck about is how can they get one? Well, so the street parking one, the first batch, this 100 bottles, is they get one well so the street parking one the first batch this hundred bottles is going to be sold at the street parking event um the the tins that's
Starting point is 01:19:52 probably a couple months off what's your what's your wife say about it i know she's a like a top tier cook chef is she is she what does she say about all this? Just super excited and happy that I'm excited about it. Is she really doing the work? No, I mean, for these, so this set here for this hundred, I'm going to get a hundred, actually two hundred. I'm getting two hundred of these labels, not this label, but my own
Starting point is 01:20:17 printed. And we're going to have to spend Thursday night and Friday night putting these on the bottles. And so look, now it looks like a real olive oil bottle. And we do that and these will be this is the actual olive oil will you have your daughters do it probably not uh we'll see um for future offerings that's what i'm saying i'm going to use tins and i'm going to purchase the tins where i source them from and they're going to come packaged and or i'm sorry labeled and then i'll send them actually to this guy in san arto you look like a hand model he'll take the
Starting point is 01:20:50 oil that i'm purchasing from hollister and then he'll put it in the bottles cap it seal it and then um but so the big thing is i'm gonna order these tins with my label already on them when I receive them. So I'm not spending the time putting labels on bottles because I don't have the time to do that. Also. Hey, dude, those are going to sell like fucking crazy. Isn't the tin look so fucking cool? Dude, like I want that so bad. Is Rogue going to sell that?
Starting point is 01:21:23 I talked to Bill about that. No shit. Does rogue sell olive oil yet no no i mean i have like you have to understand how low expectations i have at this point like um i'm ready to subscribe i want to do four a bottle every three three months are you gonna have subscriptions you don't even have i should i should put that into play yeah i don't even have my website up yet i don't even i don't even have a name for this shit so that the why are you rushing it um just because you went to for for street parking just because like you're like hey this has to get done yes i'm rushing it to say i did it and like i executed on that goal like
Starting point is 01:21:54 you look at the things i've done throughout life even becoming a seal like i dropped out of college enlisted and pursued that goal and i like went after. I feel like this is one of the few things that I've talked so much about and done nothing with that now I'm actually executing on it and making something happen. So I'm really excited about it. Sousa, what's the most wealthy
Starting point is 01:22:15 olive oil company in the world? I want to see how much money Dave has to make. It's probably like Cisco or some shit. Like no shit. It's big that these mass producers mass producers or privately owned olive oil company even amongst even amongst the smaller labels and the smaller brands there's corruption and um issues going on so you got to be really careful in this world hey do you think that um uh do you think you're cooler than everyone else because you're not doing coffee i don't think i'm cooler
Starting point is 01:22:41 than everyone else i think i'm just more uh just more... It's okay if you do. I think you kind of are. I'm taking a path not... Did you just fart? No, it's just a chair. I'm taking a path not traveled in the CrossFit world, meaning no one in CrossFit, in this community, everyone, not everyone,
Starting point is 01:22:57 a lot of people have done... That's just a chair. Sounds like your stomach, Jesus Christ. A lot of people have done coffee. I'm not doing coffee. I'm doing something original, and that's perfect for who I am. I like to travel the path he's traveled. And also, again, with all my efforts and what I do now and how I'm eating,
Starting point is 01:23:17 so in line and so perfect for who I am and my story and what I represent. I forgot you were in the room for a second. I don't even know what that means. What do you mean by that? I just forgot you were over there. I thought you were at home. I got freaked out when I saw you. That's the part of this setup.
Starting point is 01:23:33 You guys, Jay, help him out. Fix this. Greg Glassman has an orchard of olive trees. Have you contacted him and considered harvesting those they're they're right by your house no i haven't and actually um i think there's more there's more to it than just that like you can't just go there with a bucket yeah and actually after picking them you have one day to get the maximal freshness out of them to take them and have them milled processed um so no i haven't talked to greg about his olive trees but you will no i'm he's coming to town in a few days it's going to
Starting point is 01:24:12 come up all video you all tape that that would be a good instagram post uh allegra r 499 thank you i love it when you have dave on i hope you have a kick-ass time at fitness freedom dave bummed i won't be going i love it when i have Dave on. I hope you have a kick-ass time at Fitness Freedom, Dave. Bummed I won't be going. I love it when I have Dave on, too. Barry McOchner, hookers are very nice people. Unsporty Beth, Dave, alcohol is a drug. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Miranda Alcarez, $20. I took this from my Roids fund. Thank you, Miranda, for supporting my little friend i uh i i'm a i'm i'm envious of your olive oil thing god so great why don't you sell programming one of one of my friends told me that he sells programming. He never advertises it, and he makes $3,000 a month. He has 150 people signed up, and he charges $20 a person. Yeah, he makes $3,000 a month. I mean, he's passionate about it. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:25:15 It's not like he's crazy passionate about it. So I work for CrossFit. You had a whole fucking room with all workouts, and you have a whole workout programming room too. So I work at CrossFit. Right. So, and one of my roles with CrossFit is programming and I would be a conflict of
Starting point is 01:25:34 interest if I were to sell programming. Hey, what if, what if, what if oil, I can sell olive oil. I can sell t-shirts and hats. What if,
Starting point is 01:25:42 um, what if, God, please don't spill that over there. That I'm getting, I felt I got a little anxiety. This one's open. This is don't spill that over there. I felt a little anxiety. This is the only one that's open. I don't want to talk to you
Starting point is 01:25:52 about it. It's not open currently. Did you think about doing it when you were laid off? Yeah, I had to. God, you should have done that and then you could have just grandfathered that shit in. Yeah, right i should have uh i think i could yeah of course i've thought about doing program programming right like would i have people subscribe for my programming if i were to program i imagine so so like um and and the thing is to your point of your buddy who has three thousand three thousand
Starting point is 01:26:26 150 he has 150 he never advertises ever and he makes three thousand dollars a month i mean like he's like you he like thinks he's like constantly thinking about that shit and i know you had the two rooms at the ranch the one where the safe is and the other one under the stairs where there was just programming shit yeah um. Could I get 150 subscribers? Probably. Could I get 500? Sure. And then at those numbers,
Starting point is 01:26:52 like, yeah, very quickly, that turns into something that's... Lucrative. Yeah. Good security. Can I do that in my current position? No. Is it something I thought about while I was gone?
Starting point is 01:27:04 Of course. And it's actually something I didn't want to go there to go there at first when I got fired I was like ah people were like hey put some program and do that and I didn't and actually now there is kind of like I didn't because I didn't want to go down that route at the time now I'm more um accepting of trying that it's if I don't work for CrossFit again, if I'm not doing CrossFit at a certain point, guess what? I'll probably try programming. Like, why not? Why not?
Starting point is 01:27:31 I'm really good at it. I'm really passionate about it. I like it. I know some people would get some benefit out of it. So, but yeah, currently. Are you going to be programming for the games? I'm not programming the games. Are you going to be programming the games? I'm not programming the games. Are you going to be programming the games?
Starting point is 01:27:45 I'm not programming the games. Are you going to be programming the games? I'm not programming the games. This year, you're not programming the games? Yeah. There was a press conference in Orlando this weekend, and someone asked, I think maybe it was even Caleb. Oh, it was Caleb.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Caleb asked, the Savon podcast, our correspondent, asked Adrian what your role is. And he said that in a summation, he said that there was different departments that did programming, obviously like CAP, main site, the games, and that basically your role was to oversee to make sure all of those people who were offering program to the public were collaborating. That was your job as part of training. Is that an accurate description? Yeah, mostly collaborating. And also I think speaking the same language, getting on the same
Starting point is 01:28:34 page, kind of following principles and just being one unified front. It's going to take a little time to make that happen, but definitely showing up in a, call it consistent voice, consistent look is something I'm looking to do in this role. And that being said, we're offering Cap. We're offering, there's a bunch of different elements. If Dave Castro was to start selling programming that'd be totally inappropriate when Rosa pulled you out of the training department
Starting point is 01:29:11 and just put you in games you used to do both you co-directed training with Nicole Carroll and then you also ran the games did you know that that was a mistake what do you mean as a mistake did you know that that wasn't the best thing to do to pull you out of training that for whatever reasons that like I think mean as a mistake uh did you know that that wasn't the best thing to do to pull you
Starting point is 01:29:25 out of training that for whatever reasons that like i think it was a mistake because of because of what both of you offered as a team this is not a dig at nicole at all i think the fucking world of her in terms of her leadership and her capabilities running that that team but i know that the team was very fond of you i know they saw it as yours and nicole's team together and i think that it was a huge hit on morale and uh in in the elements of what made that team great having, you know, you and Nicole there. I think it was a mistake. And I think I think I've never talked to you about this, but I think that you think it was a mistake, too. I really when I was pulled out of that team, I really felt that. I wouldn't say it was a mistake, but I lost connection and missed it. And I really
Starting point is 01:30:08 care about, I cared and still do care. And now I have the opportunity to run that team again. And I'm honored to do that. Um, I felt like I, it was a significant piece of my journey in CrossFit and who I was, and it was more defining of me, I believe personally and professionally than the game stuff. The game stuff is incredibly defining of me, public facing. And that's what like I'm known for. And for even up until before I was fired,
Starting point is 01:30:35 21 or whenever that was, I was known as the games guy. But up until, so when did he sell? What year is that? 20, 21? 2020, I think. 2020. Up until that point, those people sell? What year is that? 20, 21? 2020, I think. 2020. Up until that point, those people who knew me and worked closely with me knew how involved
Starting point is 01:30:51 and how much time and effort I put into the training side of things, knew how passionate I was about all of that. I mean, up until 2020, right or wrong, I scheduled and posted every single level one, level two seminar we ever did. And I say right or wrong i scheduled and posted every single level one level two seminar we ever did and i say right or wrong god damn what up until when till like the shit went down and um i say right you explain to people what that is that is fucking nuts i say right or wrong because early on people were saying hey you should turn over scheduling to someone else. Worldwide, you were scheduling level ones up until 2020. Yeah, every single seminar.
Starting point is 01:31:29 I'll put one here in Cookville, that one. And you would do the calculations and you'd figure I'll put one here in London. Okay, well, let's try one just with one guy in the Amazon forest. And same thing for staffing. And pretty much every seminar going on, maybe earlier than 2020, I turned that over a little, but staffing all the seminars too. And so it was a passion. It was something that meant a lot, getting to select and identify areas where we're going
Starting point is 01:31:55 to go into or grow or taking in requests, listening to our country managers on where we should host and then developing that team, working with that team. That was all significant to me that all meant a lot i didn't realize how much i'd miss it until like five or six months after you know i just run in the games and then the that's a shitty job dude what is the one that you like which one scheduling uh that's hard work that's tedious monotonous but there's some daily discipline in it that I really enjoyed.
Starting point is 01:32:27 And like every morning I was looking at the course, post numbers to where- I remember two things I want to say. And the system, here's the thing, totally understated and totally undervalued. But the systems we put in place to measure, track, observe, follow, all of that is incredible. And like they the shitty ass, the tech behind them is pretty, it's not great.
Starting point is 01:32:55 And our current tech team has to work all those issues out because it's not great. But like, I have a lot of pride in the efforts over the years that we did putting all that stuff together. I have as much pride in that as I do, frankly, in what I did in creating and nurturing and developing the games over the years. I had two stories. Feel free to correct me or say, hey, I wish you wouldn't have shared those stories. Two stories I remember. I don't remember what year it was, 2012, 2015, 2010. I don't know. But I remember you got a second monitor or you got a big monitor and I was on the phone with you and you're like, fuck, I'm so happy. And I go, why? And you're like, I can finally see the whole schedule now on it. And I was like, oh shit. And then I also remember about six months
Starting point is 01:33:33 after Rosa pulled you off and you know, we talk, you and I talk a lot of shit and it's not like we don't have an intimate relationship, but we fool around a lot. And you would call me and I think the word was with purpose. You're like, Hey dude. And I go, what i go what you're like i fucking really missed the training department i go why he goes because i was getting purpose from there and i never kind of ever had heard you talk like that hey i mean with training like we're planting the seed and we're exposing crossfit to new audiences and there's people sitting in those chairs when our trainers are talking to them that are going to walk away. And you know this as well as anyone else. Their personal life is their life is going to be changed.
Starting point is 01:34:11 And then they're going to go out and they're going to affect anywhere from two to if they open up a big affiliate and are successful, 200 to 500 people. And so that all starts in the training department and in the seminars and in the effort we're doing. And then you take a look at like the level two and how they're improving people's training capabilities and working with them as, as trainers to give a better experience to the, to the actual members. And it's all, it's all super rewarding in, in the daily application of it, the daily, like the weekend, 51 weekends a year, 50, 50, not 51, 50 week, we take off. I don't know what they're doing now, but we used to take off New Year's weekend and
Starting point is 01:34:52 Christmas weekend, only two years, weekends of the year that we took off doing seminars. We didn't even take off the games weekend. And here that's the other piece. Like I was the games guy. And instead of saying, we're going to shut down all our seminars so that we can just focus on the game. I was like, no, we need to keep doing seminars and keep doing them around the world because the reality is, and I, and I challenge this a lot internally, even just because the games come around or the semifinals come around or anything comes around, we can't all just stop and focus on that. There's a massive other piece of this puzzle that's still ongoing in this case i'm talking about the execution and the delivery of seminars and we're doing seminars
Starting point is 01:35:30 all around the world so um i remember one time nicole said i'm paraphrasing but she goes the only week that we take you know the joke is obviously well in a second uh she said the only week we take off at crossfit is games week and the joke was is because she knew that none of us really took it off because we were all working our fucking ass off yeah but it was like it was kind of like a just a momentary shift but but there were even l1s going on at the games mike leave us pool boy buddy local guy ripped ripped mexican dude he just said uh i enjoyed my level two more than i enjoyed my level one. I totally agree, especially as coaches to someone like him who's as passionate about coaching and changing people's lives as he is. The level two is something so special.
Starting point is 01:36:12 The level two should within months after starting your coaching journey, not after going to a level one, but after starting your coaching journey, because they're very different. You can go to a level one and not coach anyone. Oh, you pulled up Mike. You could go to a level one and not coach anyone. That's his name, Mike. Yeah. I just know him as Pool Boy.
Starting point is 01:36:32 Isn't that funny? Why do they call him Pool Boy? I don't know. Super cool, dude. Okay, back to your level two pitch. Sorry. Within months of starting your training journey, and again, I'm saying the training journey
Starting point is 01:36:44 is different than the level one journey, because you can go to level one, and a majority of people do training journey, and again, I'm saying the training journey is different than the level one journey because you can go to level one. And a majority of people do just for the experience, just for the information, just to be exposed to CrossFit from call it the mothership. And it could be months, even years, or maybe even never before you start your journey as a trainer. So once you decide to become a trainer and actually start training people, within months of that decision, you should definitely attend a level two. Caller, hi. Hey, how's it going? Oh, shit. Good.
Starting point is 01:37:17 I like Miranda's comment. This is going to be crazy. Brace yourself, Dave. Who is it? I have no idea. What's up with the voice? I didn't want to interrupt. I didn't want to interrupt important level one,
Starting point is 01:37:29 level two talk. I do have an important question for Dave. Okay. This doesn't sound real, does it? No, this is from CIA headquarters. This is going to be crazy. I would just hang up on the fucking guy. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 01:37:43 I'm not hanging up on you. Don't worry. I ain't scared of you. I'm SEAL Team 7 you. Don't worry. I ain't scared of you. I'm SEAL Team 7. How many times does Dave think he's going to get beat by Haneel Chris at Freedom for coming? Oh, you're breaking up so bad, brother. Stand on one foot and hold on. I love your audio effect.
Starting point is 01:38:01 You're breaking up. Are you QAnon supporter? What's up with you? Thank you, Shana. Can you hear me? Yeah. So how many times does Dave think he can get the Julian Knockout fitness festival coming up soon?
Starting point is 01:38:18 Oh, okay. He wants to know who's going to win and knock out Dave or Julian at the fitness festival. By the way, you don't really need tickets to that. Everyone just show up at the ranch. You're good. You're all good. Everyone gets free. If you buy a bottle of olive oil, you get free entry.
Starting point is 01:38:36 He's just good looking. He doesn't have any game. It's all show, no go. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for keeping that somewhat safe. I was worried. God. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:49 Thank you. And the earth is flat. Thank you. Okay. Jen of Vaccaro. Thank you. Nine ninety nine. Dave, I don't know if you're familiar.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Boz and JB out. Dave and seven on it. Dave's already. Dave's already. Thank you, Mr. McOchner. And I love Mr. Bosman. I've got two questions here. Finishing up the conversation with the level one
Starting point is 01:39:15 and then back to programming for the games or just programming and the company in general. Is there anyone who's in charge of strictly driving the L1? You know that I am deeply passionate and genuinely sincere about my commitment to the level one and it being just fucking one of the most important things that we can get out there in the world.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Well, at this point- Is there someone who's just like, because I personally could increase your sales by 10%. Do it. Over 12 months period. Do it. I got other shit to do. I interviewed a girl with giant boobs today this morning or last night uh you didn't tie emory fighter i don't know who that is oh she was fucking awesome uh but i could and everyone
Starting point is 01:39:57 knows i can you know i can everyone knows i can do you have someone in that position well at this point um just to drive seminars Everyone knows I can. Do you have someone in that position? Well, at this point – Just to drive seminars. We didn't have that when I worked there. I'm just curious if you guys have it now. A creative, a creative. Fuck, man. Would you stop interrupting me?
Starting point is 01:40:19 Now I'm done with your question. Too much interrupting. Next. Oh, I knew it. I knew it. I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you. Now you know.
Starting point is 01:40:27 The programming at the games, have you seen – there are some things, the double under crossover, the parallettes to handstands. They did the pirouettes in the semifinals. Do you find any of those problematic or cringe when you see them? the semi-finals or do you find any of those problematic or cringe when you see them or or there was a there was a ring complex where um i think a lot of us were like oh it's just it's it's just too much it was you had to wear a ruck and then you had to do a toes to bar and then you had to do a muscle up and then you had to do a dip so for every one of those to answer to answer your question for every one of those i cannot assess or evaluate or give my opinion on programming, especially event programming, 100% event programming, in isolation of the entire picture. And so before I'd say anything about any of those, I would have to be intimately familiar with what's going on in the entire weekend.
Starting point is 01:41:21 And this isn't the call for that, And I don't want to do that. Okay, so let me then take just a takeaway then. If there was something so preposterous, like it was getting dressed up as a clown for time, you could speak on it. So none of those are so preposterous that
Starting point is 01:41:38 they don't just stand out to you and be like, yeah, no matter what, that doesn't fit. Well, again, seeing the whole picture and also seeing how many other i need to so you know this like i'm a very visual programmer yeah like even right now when i'm looking at it like i'm trying to look around like i put everything out and i write different letters to different for different movements and stuff i would have to see it uh i'd have to see the complete picture i'm not going to comment on it now fair enough uh juiced games 999 i can listen to dave castro talk endlessly he's an awesome dude i didn't agree with every decision he made for the games,
Starting point is 01:42:25 but you can always understand why he made them. Oh, that's cool. Also, thank you for your service. Thanks. Please ask Dave about Alexander Caron. I don't know. If I go into the weeds with him, he'll – no, I can't do that. But thank you.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Franco Morris, 799 Australia. The Dave Castro is the man. Adrian is doing a good job, but I think I speak for everyone when I say we miss having him run the open semis in games. I agree. I think a lot of the criticism that I maybe have had for Adrian, the things have turned out very, very nicely, especially the final event. What do you think about this?
Starting point is 01:43:04 Let me ask you about this. I think having runners, I'm starting to get really disgusted with machines. Were you ever disgusted with machines? Like, like for example, the final, the final movement for one of the workouts this weekend was an 800 meter run. And then the winner of that 800 meter run won the event, but they're all on runners. So we can't even, they're not doing shuttles. There's not running around a track and jockeying. And so it doesn't seem like competition or a sport to me. Does any of that shit ever irritated you
Starting point is 01:43:30 when you were programming the games or semifinals? You're like, what the fuck are these too many machines? Yeah, machine, in general, yes. I tried not to overdo it with machines. I wouldn't say they annoyed me, but- It looks more like a test than a competition. Yeah, and there's a big difference. Um, I'll say this to what you just described. There's probably a better, I would
Starting point is 01:43:50 on a workout like that. I would prioritize a race finish and a visual that's clear and, um, super intuitive for someone to look down and see. I used to say this thing for all the work. Like, I believe I was really good at laying out workouts and seeing how they would play out. Like through all the years, if there's one thing I got really good at, it was visualizing and thinking through and seeing the race. I had this saying that I told myself when I programmed games, workouts, or any of these workouts, I believe you as a fan in the Home Depot Center should walk away, be able to grab your hot dog, come back and sit in your seat and be able to look and see who's winning. And if you can do that, I'm doing a good job at the programming. And that's kind of the visual I was looking for. And you've heard me say this too. I used to always call it a slow motion horse race.
Starting point is 01:44:48 And so fundamentally, I'm a big fan of the Derby and the Preakness and the Belmont, just those races. The Triple Crown, no other races. I like watching those horse races. And so what we have is they have the gates and the horses launch and they run around. And it's the easiest, most intuitive thing all running races like that are. It's super spectator friendly.
Starting point is 01:45:11 We can't be unless it's a race. But for most of our stuff, we do have gates just like they do. We have lanes. And we can show a race. It's just about laying it out with that in mind to do that. So for me, I put a lot of thought and effort into how visually the workouts played out. I love that. 144, clip it. That's good. That's good to go. This is a great question, I think. I can't tell if it's a joke, but I think it's an important question. Dave, is the ranch olive oil going to be safe for sport labeled or do we have to
Starting point is 01:45:50 worry about being tested is that's an interesting question you're saying it's safe it's olive oil it's organic it's organic i know but are you gonna have are you gonna have it go since there gonna be so many athletes purchasing it are you gonna have it tested for like to see if there's like rad 44 or whatever ricky pop for in it no there's no there's no nefarious things going into this no performance enhancing elements performance enhancing all of those uh the the olives of wrath oh i like it uh rob miller sorry just uh wondering why does andy stump seem to be so hated in this community rob miller five dollars i don't hate him all right there you go i thank you for your money rob uh castro oil no charge for that but you have to let me design the label oh five dollars i'll probably get sued to shit if i go with cash i. I like it, but I don't think I can pull that off.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Extra sloppy. It sounds like Frazier mentioned affiliating. Oh. Do we have a courtship of affiliation going on? Very astute, Mr. Sloppy, or Mrs. Sloppy. We'll just see how that all plays out. Hopefully it's not called Castro's Oil, as people might mistake it for castor oil that was kind of in line with the other comment yeah and that guy didn't pay for it do you do this section when you run out of questions or witty
Starting point is 01:47:16 things to say no it's what the people are at pay me money i'll do anything for money a castor oil ex-ceo collab mini tins altoid size oh travel little travel uh travel tins shana madero is justin affiliated justin madero is affiliated is jim congratulations i need to come check it out is he in california let's see what she says oh i don't know where is where why would he affiliate it's not like people are going to drop in there because he's proud to fly the flag what you saw you saw his mom's post somewhere it's right there it's right in front of us oh just really wow hook a brother up does he get that for free he should dave what he does he get that for free i don't know do you think he should um
Starting point is 01:48:03 yeah sure the champ double double champ maybe pay him three thousand dollars to affiliate for free? I don't know. Do you think he should? Yeah, sure. The champ. Double champ. Maybe pay him $3,000 to affiliate. Philip Kelly, does CAP that's the programming offered now given for free by CrossFit. By the way, congratulations. I think that's really cool. Does CAP take away from Greg's claim that the cream will rise to the top with regards to coaching and programming
Starting point is 01:48:21 for your own affiliates? Oh, look at Dave. You were ripping all my questions. And then this person writes, Sevan brings the questions. I do. I have pages and pages. Don't listen to Dave. Cap, Davey, cap.
Starting point is 01:48:36 I don't even understand the question. I don't understand the question either. I'm thinking about it. I think that he's kind of talking about in terms of gyms being in the same market and competing against each other i don't think he was with that phrase in that comment not the not the commenter but greg i don't think greg was talking about via programming people still have to execute on cap they have to read it and then they have to the cream will rise at the top concept for greg was
Starting point is 01:49:01 about coaching and about quality and about experience and about just the better gym in the area is going to be the one that thrives. Well, what do you think? Yeah, yeah. I don't really understand the question, but yeah, I think that's right. The cream will rise to the top of just whoever's fucking nicer to their clients. More so than nicer. I mean, like also delivering results, but nice is part of it.
Starting point is 01:49:23 And also I think it gets you to the 51 yard line. Okay. Just being present when someone walks in the room. I think the guy's conflating some ideas of Greg. Like the question doesn't make sense. In your weekend review, someone said something about, hey, I went to the MDL one or we hosted an MDL one. That's a level one that's just for doctors. And I just wanted to tell you that the information inside of that level one is identical to the L1 that non-medical doctors take.
Starting point is 01:49:50 And you answered the question with, yeah, you answered it really nice. They are the same. And it's really just to get the doctors together. Listen, fucking people. These are my words, not Dave's. These are my words, not Dave's. You have to fucking understand that I went to the doctor a few months ago, to Kaiser, and they gave me a pamphlet on how to live a long life, and one of the things in there was cook with canola oil.
Starting point is 01:50:14 The vast majority of doctors aren't even remotely equipped with the knowledge that is the cure for the world's most vexing problem that the L1 presents. It doesn't need to be tweaked at all for doctors. It's just a place because those doctors become so unique in their situation of knowledge compared to the rest of the field. That's what's really going on, right? You're an outcast basically once you're a CrossFit doctor, right? I wouldn't say outcast.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Well, people are going to think you're crazy. What I need you to do is instead of taking insulin, I need you to exercise and reduce your carbs. You're definitely not mainstream. Yeah, yeah. You're way off the fucking beaten path. So I just want people to know that the L1 is profound. It's red pill.
Starting point is 01:51:01 It's red pill. Jeremy, whether you like it or not, it's red pill. For all the – tomorrow. Remind me to tell you about CrossFitting Liberals. Jeremy, you're worth $5. I met Dave in 2017 in Milwaukee. He ain't lying. He was more passionate talking about the L1 training stuff than he was about the games.
Starting point is 01:51:22 Will Branstad, we can tell Dave is good at organization because when he left the games they can't organize and plan anything right be nice be nice be nice i don't vet these i just read them oh so like look at shannon madaris we need more day but please is there a way to push crossfit kids so kids can learn the methodology my kids are grown up but i think it's important um i beat the district doors to send the message hey like on like on this topic, I agree 100% with Greg. And I've realized it more over time. As you get older and more seasoned and wise. Institutional insertion of this is never going to work.
Starting point is 01:51:55 It has to come through. It's not going to come through federal mandates. It's not come through federal programs. We have to have, we have to create more ambassadors. We have to create more passionate people. We have to create about ambassadors. We have to create more passionate people. We have to create about it. We have to create more PE teachers, more people who are on an organic level,
Starting point is 01:52:12 introducing CrossFit to their cohort, be it what, be it PE teachers, be it soldiers. Hey, this army effort, we have a big ambassador who's well seen great results with CrossFit. And so we're applying it to a bunch of his soldiers. A three-star general. Yeah, a three-star general. And so my point is, again, this idea of institutional adoption or, so I'm not trying to discredit your idea, Shane. I think it's very important. I think we should strive to get CrossFit exposed to more children, but the way it's going to be most effective is through passionate people in
Starting point is 01:52:53 localities, passionate people in their own environment, in their own ecosystem, call it advocating for pushing for implementing the programs. Mike Oliver, aka Poolboy. How do you not know my actual name? It's literally written here.
Starting point is 01:53:13 I just look at Poolboy and then I look at your body. I just put the two together. Most people have to take a pause to avoid answering questions, to avoid responding with emotion. Dave is such a pro that he rolls with logic and reason without hesitating. I don't know about that. I was waiting.
Starting point is 01:53:30 Logan Mars. Kill, fuck, marry. Savon, John McCain, Rich Froning. Jeez Louise. You know the only two people on the show who have never answered those when they're posted to them is you and Josh. That's funny. People fucking answer those? those yeah i answer them all the time anything for a dollar uh parker 499 is there any movement dave had planned for the games that he never got to implement wow great question that's better than some of my questions that was good the apps fucking literally there were oh there Yeah, I mean, I had a whole, you got to understand,
Starting point is 01:54:06 like when I used to say I was programming three years, four years out, that wasn't, that was a genuine statement. And so there were multiple years where I had things that could have been, but just had to get slid to the right. This was, and then there were other things that like, yeah, in two years we're for sure doing this. So, and I had a board prior to getting fired that had all the future things. And then it took a while, maybe five or six months after getting fired, I finally deleted
Starting point is 01:54:33 it. I just fucking said, fuck it. It's done. Oh God. Hey, did you have stuff that you're like, this is so fucking hard. I'm going to have them do this, this year, this, this year, then this, this year, and then they'll be able to do it. I'm going to have them do this this year, this this year, then this this year, and then they'll be able to do it? Not, I didn't think of it in terms of so fucking hard. I don't think of things in hard. I think of things in like fundamentally I bias towards is this going to be a good test to test work capacity across broad time and modal domains with movements that move large loads, long distances and quickly. I would revert back to our core principles more often than not in the programming application. And I just didn't try to look for hard things.
Starting point is 01:55:10 I think Adrian's doing that too. And he's doing it with a gymnastics bias. I think he's doing exactly what you just said. I think he's going back. Yelena Jennings, Dave, would CrossFit consider a subsidized L2. If you do it example, two years of your L1, it took me almost five years to do my L2. Wish I had done it sooner, but was trying to get most bang for my buck before expiring.
Starting point is 01:55:36 Oh, what she's saying is, is make it cheaper for people who want to do it sooner than before their L1 expires or something like that. Yeah. I sure that's an interesting idea though yeah it is it's a good idea to the closer you do it to your l1 maybe like the price goes down or you know what they could really do what i would do is i would make it more expensive as you wait longer carlos mejias that's a great idea yeah i uh yol, if you email Dave, he'll pay you that $10 back for that. That's easily a $10 idea. Carlos Mejia, $20. Is there a plan in place to give more affiliates an opportunity to host a seminar? It always with hosting seminars at the same locations. And it's largely, as he's pointing out, not popular. But there's efficiencies to not having to go to new locations in the same city over and over to get people up to speed on hosting, to make sure the gear is right. right when we find facilities and hosts who have hosted us a couple times and they have a good rhythm it makes a lot of sense to send our team back to those to something that's familiar to them too it's not a slight on the community it's not that we're trying to avoid other gyms but again efficiencies and operation matter and it also matters to the team in terms of you know going to a new box or going to a new
Starting point is 01:57:06 gym to host um it's starting from ground up and so that's why you see us go to the same places oftentimes and again i acknowledge it's not incredibly popular but it also serves a purpose carlos i would say this i would squeaky wheel gets the grease. I would continue to beat the drum, give CrossFit HQ a reason to come there. And I will say this too. Even that being said, they do rotate to a couple of different gyms.
Starting point is 01:57:37 They try to rotate through a couple of different gyms in a given area. So it's not just like we find one and only stay there. And when times are booming, when we're doing really good, like the gyms can't host us to the frequency we need. So rotating out and rotating through is a necessary piece of it. Caller. Hi.
Starting point is 01:57:57 Oh, we can't do this again. You have such a bad connection. No, no, no, no. Is it the same guy? same guy uh uh mark fuentes i just listened to the jaco pod where dave mentioned he was at dli what's dli stand for defense language institute that's in monterey california yeah i was there from 2010 to 2012 can you ask dave what language he learned i learned spanish and he's using that term loosely. And I did not learn Spanish. I lost all of it. I'm sitting here for the 325 pound bench press buy-in
Starting point is 01:58:33 for any event. Hey, he's got my photo. That was quick, yeah. I am Hop. Dave, what do you think of the emergence of camps versus athletes coming from affiliates like in the old days? Versus athletes coming from affiliates like in the old days.
Starting point is 01:58:50 What do you think about camps? What do I think of camps? Doesn't bother me. It's natural. It's natural. I don't think any of the greats came from a camp unless it was their camp. Tia, Rich, Matt. It's the evolution of it it's all it's
Starting point is 01:59:06 all good it's all part of the process yeah all right fine i'm okay with it too i like i like matt torres's camp you know about matt torres's camp brute do you know about those guys daniel brandon's down there i know of tommy hackenbrook and brute oh yeah oh yeah is tommy's that's old day brute i think that's like original brute it's old day brute, I think. That's like original brute. It's old day brute. Anthony TPA, $5. If Don offers you 100 control of the games in game season. Okay.
Starting point is 01:59:32 If Don offers you complete control of the games in game season, would you accept the task? Will you move the games to another state? Yeah. Sure. yeah sure cobra roads i met senor castro on the tennis courts of the crossfit finals when i had to exhibit what i am at best at oh this is a arm wrestler wow oh cool cobra what's up cobra how you doing buddy i'm a huge arm wrestling fan, by the way. Do you know I beat Tommy Hackenbrook, again, to bring up that name? In 2010.
Starting point is 02:00:12 And Jason Kalipa in an arm wrestling match. I did know that. Do you know where I did that? In Lake Tahoe. Yeah. And do you know why I did that? Because Travis gave you tips? Actually, you gave me the tips. Oh, good. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Yeah, you taught me a few key components of arm wrestling. And I've beat a few other people. But then after seeing like the spiral fractures and that shit, I never arm wrestle anyone. Yeah, smart. Yeah, it's too risky. Especially at your age. Is it true the DEI was fired for sending Dylan Mulvaney
Starting point is 02:00:42 a commemorative 365 days womanhood rogue Bella barbell and pink bumper plate set. That's an amazing comment. I'll read anything for $4.99. Only seals are impervious to the Mary fuck kill. So the right comments I see, does the world not see those? Everyone sees. Well, some people see all of them. You can choose whether? Everyone sees – well, some people see all of them. You can choose whether you want to see them all or you see all of them.
Starting point is 02:01:09 Some people don't see all of them, but you and I see all of them. Okay. And you display all the paid comments. Yeah, and I display – to be honest with you, money never pours in like this. This is because you're here. This is like this morning we had 4,000 people, and like i think i think one kind soul gave like 50 and then that was then everyone else is just stealing from me okay bunch of motherfuckers eric utley utley uh utley crossfit kids in schools could use more advertising i don't think enough high school coaches know about it or truly
Starting point is 02:01:41 understand its efficacy that's my opinion yeah um so to that point in general we can do more messaging and talking about the methodology and the power of it for the world to for all audiences and um again, even with high school coaches, they have their personal training biases and things they've done for a number of years. They're not going to fall in. They're not going to start doing CrossFit because of some fancy advertising campaign. They have to have an experience with it that's profound, either from themselves or from their family members or from a child, that then it clicks with them and they see the value of it to use with their students. Do you think it's too controversial to give nutrition tips to kids in high school, like to say, hey, don't drink soda?
Starting point is 02:02:39 You think that's too controversial? I don't. I do not think that's too controversial i don't i do not think that's too controversial to say uh there might be others who do i think absolutely all right i give you you're breaking up dude it's a great bit i love your voice but you're breaking up what oh yeah yeah read that shana comment because i did do that that was funny okay hold on one second call her hi no just oh that might be it for the phone call something happened with that last one oh someone just said hey you're not live on youtube anymore is that true uh caleb will you check that to see it says we have 660 people watching don't get feisty dave hang tight we got a little bit more to do oh yeah something just happened to the phone
Starting point is 02:03:36 i'm toast the phone's toast um can you guys hear me uh dave can you hear me through your phone still yes uh okay um aaron uh macau dave i did my CrossFit level two eight months after I did my level one, and I have no one other than my affiliate to thank for the opportunity. I'd ask and see if your affiliate has a coach run for more education and opportunities. I'd like to ask if your affiliate. Why did you pull the Shana comment down? That was fun. Oh, I didn't. Someone else did.
Starting point is 02:04:08 Someone else can pull it back up, though. This guy's asking... Okay, read this one. Okay. A great memory with Dave when he told my good friend at the hotel at semifinals that he was a Mexican worker at the ranch. I think it was regional. I don't know, but it was a few years ago, and I did do that. Do you remember the details of that story?
Starting point is 02:04:27 What happened? That's pretty much it. Did the person believe you? Yeah. That's awesome. They didn't know what it was, so I ran with it. That's awesome. This guy is just – are there any scholarships for –
Starting point is 02:04:40 I think what he's saying is are there any scholarships for uh seminars do you guys do scholarships for seminars not in a super formalized way no okay yeah right dave then bug him uh uh aaron odin aaron aaron mccall but just write the bug dave that's i always just bug him you have no problem not answering people if you if you don't have something for them right yeah yeah i know that's how all like high level people are just like that who get shit done right you have to answer every text that comes to you uh thomas graves 499 dave keep keeps going back to the core of crossfit when he talks about training and doing his job he's the glue of CrossFit. Thanks, Dave.
Starting point is 02:05:25 Did something happen to my audio? I've heard you. Are we on YouTube, Caleb? Yeah, we are. Spencer Davis, $4.99. Anything for $1.99, Seve? Show Dave your fucked up toe and let us let him see your reaction.
Starting point is 02:05:41 I do not want to see your fucked up toe. I am wearing toe spacers. Do you wear toe spacers? No. I wear toe spacers. I've been putting on... Did Danielle Brandon send those to you? I've been wearing toe spacers every...
Starting point is 02:05:56 No, Danielle Brandon did not send those to me. But I've been wearing toe spacers every... I don't know what the fuck's going on here. Give me one second. Are we done? No, no, no, no. I know you want to be done's going on here. Give me one second. Are we done? No, no, no, no. I know you want to be done. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 02:06:09 Bluetooth. Disconnect. Search for audio devices. Give me one second. I want to see if I can get the phone reconnected. Broadcaster 2. Let's see if we can get this fucker back going um okay uh okay phone's reconnected again that was that was weird it's something having to do
Starting point is 02:06:34 with what that guy that guy that q-none guy spencer davis anything okay here we already did that oh we might be done uh danny i'm going to bed, but I'm not a thief. Well, that's nice. I was just joking. Thank you, 499. You're a good dude. Block the number, Savant. I don't do blocking. Okay. David Smith.
Starting point is 02:06:56 Hello, I'm a physical education teacher. What are your thoughts about a school to career readiness program for high schoolers? Thoughts about a school to career? Oh, to become trainers or to become affiliate owners. Do you guys do something like that for the military or for the NFL? We did with the NFL Players Association for four or five courses, I think, years ago. But don't have anything like that right now.
Starting point is 02:07:24 It's a good idea. but don't have anything like that right now. It's a good idea. Jeremy, world $5 towards a CrossFit Super Bowl halftime commercial. Thoughts, Dave? Man, people really want that. What's that going to be? What is it now, $2 million?
Starting point is 02:07:37 Just for like a second? 30 seconds? I don't know. It's a lot of money. This is the same caller. Caller hi hello hey um i had two guys on um you work with the uh um you work with the swat team in uh six and seven million dollars for a 30 second spot oh shit you guys aren't doing that geez no um maybe i'll do that for my olive oil good idea you you you went you worked with the la SWAT team you were invited to something that not a lot of people were invited to right some sort of event i saw you took a picture there a
Starting point is 02:08:16 bunch of dudes hiding behind a bus yeah yeah i'm wearing yep and and you're and you're big into shooting yep and i had these two guys on here who, one of them was from Europe, and I think the other one was from Canada. Yeah, the UK and Canada. And they both had two of the longest shots. One guy was 2,500 meters. The other guy was 3,500 meters. And the guy from 3,500 meters talked about some prism that he got.
Starting point is 02:08:41 How far is that? That's like two miles, more more than two miles 3,500 meters 1,600 meters 1,600 meters is is a mile right 3,200 meters is two miles so when you hear that do you even from your time served is that 2.17 miles did you even get your can you get your head wrapped around how the fuck does that work he in in the book he talks about um it's the JTF2 guy. He talks about going to Texas and working with some experimental prison scope. Have you ever shot with one of those, something that's kind of like a periscope on your – I have not, but I know of them, but I have not.
Starting point is 02:09:18 What do you think about that? Do you think that that's real? They said two guys took the shot. They don't know which one hit the guy how do they even confirm the kill from that far all good questions all valid questions so i believed him the whole time i'm just asking you here as as as um someone who plays with guns it wasn't 35 someone's saying it was long it wasn't 3500 meters's saying it was long. It wasn't 3,500 meters. I was, will you, will you look that up? Uh,
Starting point is 02:09:46 so a minute angle of a minute angle gun, let's call this a, the guy's name was Dylan Anderson or something. Dallas, Dallas, a definition of, uh, um,
Starting point is 02:09:57 a description of the accuracy potential for a gun. Let's say a gun is shooting one minute of angle. What that means. And, and there's guns that shoot half minute of angle. You typically, I would say, don't see them in military rifles, but we'll call it one minute for easy numbers. One minute of angle gun in perfect conditions, gun, super stable,
Starting point is 02:10:18 shooter, completely consistent shooter, completely trained at a hundred yards. That one inch, that one minute angle gun is going to shoot all of its bullets within a one inch square. That just inherently that's as capable as it's going to be. What was the distance on that? 100 yards. So 100 yards, one inch for a one minute of angle gun. And what's a one minute of angle mean for every minute? I'm just listening. Just hear me out. Okay.
Starting point is 02:10:46 So I'm saying I'm describing this accuracy potential for this platform as a one minute angle gun. And I'm saying at 100 yards, that's expresses every single round will go in one inch at a thousand yards. A one minute of angle gun, every single round in perfect conditions is going to go in a 10 inch box. Oh shit. Okay. So that is,
Starting point is 02:11:11 and that's not taking wind in consideration. That's not taking movement. That's not taking anything else. 10 inch box. Okay. Do you see that on the screen? That's kind of what you, where you're going,
Starting point is 02:11:19 right? Yeah, exactly. That's exactly it. At 2000 yards, a one minute of angle gun in again perfect conditions no wind and wind fucks everything up especially when you talk 2 000 yards that's now a what size box 20 inches 20 inch box so 20 inch 20 inch 20 inch 20 yeah at 3 000 yards that is now 30 inches
Starting point is 02:11:44 At 3,000 yards, that is now 30 inches. How wide am I? I'm like, well. 20 inches. I don't know. I don't think that's 20 inches. From shoulder to shoulder? Shoulder to shoulder, maybe. Anyways, that's a-
Starting point is 02:11:54 So it's three feet in perfect conditions, a three foot by three foot square. And again, that's not taking wind into consideration. That's not taking even the twist of the barrel and the natural movement of the bullet to a certain direction that the barrel twist is affecting it. That's not taking the actual curvature of the earth into effect, which at those distances has to be taken into consideration. Those shots are incredibly unlike. The hit percentage on something like that is really, really low. Doesn't mean it didn't happen. Also, though, those distances you also have to take into consideration.
Starting point is 02:12:38 You have to talk about target ID. Like, hey, can you even identify what you're shooting at? That's another piece that needs to be talked about. Like you see a gun in that guy's hand at 3000 yards. Most of the scopes, that's a long distance. Right, right.
Starting point is 02:12:56 So my point is with everything I just said about the platform and the guns is most of those guns hitting a man sized target at that distance is incredibly fucking challenging. And like, it doesn't matter how much of a Carlos Hathcock sniper you are or how good of a professional shooter you are. The odds are just right away stacked against you for making an impact at those distances. Hey,
Starting point is 02:13:19 shooting a man-sized target at 1500 yards is incredibly difficult. Mason Mitchell, Dave's calling bullshit. I'm not calling bullshit. I'm just saying it's that there's for sure i i mean i believe they might have made it happen i'm just saying it's incredibly difficult and and not even by the shooter's skill just by so many other factors that have nothing to do with even the guy pulling the trigger do you have any um intimate experience with uh snipers yeah but nothing like that but but have you have you um ever been have you ever done sniping have you ever been a sniper i've been a
Starting point is 02:13:59 sniper but nothing like that okay and a sniper is someone who basically is hidden somewhere that is uh searching for targets different teams have different uses of them for different applications so um anything who the stuff we were doing i was we were never put in situations like that okay and were you ever a spotter no you you're oversimplifying it okay Okay. What was the farthest shot that you ever had? I'm not going to go into that. When? When? When?
Starting point is 02:14:32 Next question. When do you go into that? I don't. I don't. Will you ever talk to your daughters about it? If they wanted to, but I don't think I would voluntarily start talking to them about it. Who do you tell those stories to? You don't tell those stories to me.
Starting point is 02:14:48 Nobody. Nobody. Other guys that I've worked with, sure. But other than that, nobody. I don't know. It's just my way of how I handle it, how I deal. Yeah, it's fine. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:15:03 Thanks for letting us join, Dave. Can you highlight good behind the scenes of you and Sevan working together you being pissed at him or proud of him god the best is that video clip remember that video clip where I'm like talking to the judges and then you walk up with the camera and I fucking drive you away
Starting point is 02:15:18 yeah I remember we need to pull that clip up it's somewhere I have it I remember in the stadium pop seal seven uh yes uh all right uh thank you incredible didn't even have to get through half my questions you demand thanks for coming out do you do you feel um uh do you feel like you've checked something off the list like okay i got my quarterly or bi-yearly podcast done with Seban?
Starting point is 02:15:47 Yes, I do feel that way. You think there's a charity component? I think I'm good for a few months. You think there's a charity component? Like hooking you up with money? No. Well, that too. I think I might have used you to pit my future olive oil business. All right, good. Use me all you want.
Starting point is 02:16:02 I love being used. Do you like being used? No, not at all. I do. Guys right, good. Use me all you want. I love being used. You like being used? No, not at all. I do. Guys, thank you. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., live call-in show. You have another show at 7 a.m.? Yeah. You're nuts. 7 a.m. live call-in show. Alex Stein will be here.
Starting point is 02:16:17 We'll ask him what it was like hanging out with Tucker Carlson amongst others. We'll get his perspective on what's going on over there at Twitter with Elon Musk. And thank you everyone for joining in. You guys are all the shit. Love you guys. We're trying to schedule Danielle Brandon if we can corral her sometime this week.
Starting point is 02:16:34 Sarah Sigmund's daughter, Greg Glassman. Lots of fun stuff. Can you leave some of that olive oil? Nope.

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