The Sevan Podcast - The EPIC NEWS SHOW - LIVE CALL IN

Episode Date: December 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:00 Hear me? I can hear you great. Alright. Thanks so much. Yeah, thank you. I can hear you great. All right. Thanks so much. Yeah, thank you. This is a live show. It's a cantankerous audience. I will keep them under control since we have such a great guest on this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:24 since we have such a great guest on this morning. I saw you're up at the UC Regents, and I myself have gone through a similar journey, which I think is what my audience enjoys. You have a much more sober approach. I think you are extremely articulate, and I'm very curious about your journey in sort of making the change in perspective approach i think you were extremely articulate and i'm very curious about your journey and sort of making the change in perspective from where i think you came from from the little bit i was
Starting point is 00:01:51 able to find about you to where you are today to where you're making the bold steps to to make these to make these statements you're making especially while you work in the high oh you can't hear me can you not hear me yeah somehow you cut out for a second but but we're back i think your internet connection might be a little choppy because your picture is a little grainy oh um are you near a router? Yeah. That's a little complicated. I'm unable to hear you. I think you have a really bad connection, David. Is there anywhere else you could possibly go? David, is there anywhere else you could possibly go?
Starting point is 00:02:49 For a second here. Okay, sure. Take your time. Take your time. Because I got a bunch of house guests. You've retreated to the basement. I didn't even know. Or the attic.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I didn't even know they had basements in California. The garage. The garage. But. It looks like the. You know. Like. Connection.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Just. Oh, that's better. That's better. That's better, huh? I think that's better. Just a 90-degree shift. Sorry about that. Oh, no. That's not better.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Darn it. Darn it, darn it, darn it. I don't think it is better. Yeah. I don't think it is better. I got excited. No, it's pretty bad. It's choppy.
Starting point is 00:03:59 We're about three frames per second. It's still bad. Maybe even a phone. I don't know. Sometimes a phone can be better. Oh, really? I don't know. I think it's just interconnections bad for there
Starting point is 00:04:26 oh okay okay you want to log back in with her you want to log back in with the hotspot yeah okay yeah I'll push you out right now and then you can log back in with the hotspot no not a problem at all Okay
Starting point is 00:04:46 I'm gonna remove you from the show and then you just come in with the hot spot When you're ready Thanks brother Listen Ding dong David where's David's comment You look old These are my old glasses These are like my
Starting point is 00:05:02 You know like I got like an important guest You know These are like my, these are my, you know, like I got like an important guest. You know? These are my, I have either hunter or black guests on. And these are just like my normal glasses. I mean, I have like a hundred pair of glasses. But I got a lot of different looks, buddy. You know that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I'm supposed to look old. Supposed to look old today. I'm talking to the german professor from the uc uh uc uh irvine can't just be looking like a regular ding dong that you guys see every morning vittoria what's up dude blade hey uh the red emblem is going to gain seven a whole lot of members the red emblem the red i don't even know what that is All right doorway pull-up bar did you see it? Yeah, that's nice. Okay, I'll write that down. I'll comment on that. That's good Door and I saw surfboards
Starting point is 00:06:01 Doorway pull-up bar you guys are gonna dig this dude surfboards we will take it he is running for the oh he is running for Congress in California
Starting point is 00:06:24 and homeboy flipped the script i think he was a democrat and he had a great up maybe i'll just maybe i'll play you guys the up now here let me play you guys this up now that he did this is at the uh this is at the regions of university of california to urge them to eliminate the University of California diversity program. So he said this in public. Here we go. Let's play this. Here we go. You're going to have to read it. The audio is horrible.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Here we go. I'm here to urge you to investigate or hopefully eliminate the diversity, equity, and inclusion program. He wants to investigate or eliminate the diversity, equity, and inclusion program at the University of California. Let me give you an example of how they function to create discrimination and undermine academic excellence. They undermine academic excellence and encourage discrimination, is what he's saying. Undermine academic excellence and encourage discrimination is what he's saying. I was recently connected with a search committee in which we had three shortlisted candidates. The equity advisor, as a condition of allowing our search to continue, insisted that we include another candidate from farther down the list. They were doing what sounds like a hiring, and they had three candidates who were the top candidates. sounds like a hiring and they had three candidates who were the top candidates and somebody insisted, one of the bosses insisted that they include a candidate from further down
Starting point is 00:07:50 the list. Who was either black, Hispanic, or woman. Who was either black, Hispanic, or woman, because for some reason it was important to add those. Oh, here, I think we might have David back. Here we go. David, hi. Okay. So far, so good. Hi. Hi. Yeah. Sounds better. Alright, thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Was that one of your kids? Sorry about that. Oh, it was my sister. I've got a bunch of houseguests. Both no it's not better stay with me i don't know full house awesome hey is that a pull-up bar over your uh upper uh is that is that yeah uh it's a little it's a little shaky we'll try is that a pull-up bar right there uh there is a pull-up bar yeah there? There is a pull-up bar, yeah. I don't know if you're seeing it.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, there's a pull-up bar in the... It's over there, though. I don't think you see it. I'm not sure what you're seeing. Maybe when you spun the computer around, someone saw your pull-up bar, but they were definitely approving. Everyone in my audience loves a pull-up bar. I love a pull-up bar. It's a good sign.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Good indication you're a good guy. Okay. loves a pull-up bar i love a pull-up bar it's a it's a good sign good indication you're a good guy okay it is i'm telling you it is it is it's it's not it's not a fact but it's a correlate it's a strong correlate uh david oh see okay all right yeah i love you're you're born in uh you're born in taiwan and then you come to this country can you take me back to there when you came how old you were oh man i don't know what's going on so yeah you you cut up for a second yeah i can't hear you in chicago my parents are from taiwan okay so you're born in the states and and then you you uh the connection is really bad hey let me ask you this could we reschedule so you were in a better
Starting point is 00:09:55 location with better internet because i think this is important for people to hear your story. Yeah. I could have Matt get with you and reschedule. That's okay. It happens. You're not the first guest this has happened with. Rappers like to do their interviews from cars where there's really bad internet. Shall I have Matt reach out to you
Starting point is 00:10:26 And we'll reschedule Let's reschedule Okay No problem don't stress at all No it's okay Enjoy your family I know it's the day after Christmas And we'll reschedule with you brother
Starting point is 00:10:39 Okay great Thanks so much Alright take care Well shit Hello welcome to the Sevan podcast How can I help you Damn I was ready for this Full steam ahead
Starting point is 00:11:05 He's a cool dude man He was a democrat And now he's like Yo what's going on The three platforms he's running on Just so you know And we'll have him back But I gotta tell you
Starting point is 00:11:16 The three main topics are Inflation Public schools And public safety Inflation Inflation Public schools Public schools are inflation, public schools, and public safety. Inflation, inflation, public schools, public schools, and public safety. Those are like, you got my vote. Tyler, he seems really cool.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah, he's cool as shit. He's mellow. He's sober as, he is a sober man. What are we going to do now? oh i'm glad you asked mr uh mr uh birchfield birchfeld birchfelder uh apostle to josh bridges the josh bridges apostle uh send blade uh a link and we can talk to him uh judy reed a bummer he reminds me of my dad trying to facetime with us
Starting point is 00:12:11 racist uh you can always just throw episode one behind the scenes up and we can watch together hey you know you guys know mike sour has now seen he's now seen an episode of the behind the scenes that i haven't seen crazy right he's here's something else this is getting me fired i don't know wait i've already been fired mike saw the episode before dave saw the episode how about that you know i was thinking today when i was in the shower about the open i was like yeah i'm doing the open and then i was like why am i doing the open i'm doing the open because my boy d Dave's in charge of the games. I'm supporting Dave.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I think that's like, I mean, there's other reasons too. But I was getting kind of nervous today as I picked up the bar of soap. I bent over to pick up the soap. And I felt my back kind of like give me a little like, you know, sense of electricity down into my buttocks. And I was like, oh, shit, the open is going to be hard. Why am I doing that? I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:03 Because for Dave. Wild Zombie. Dang, I wanted to hear Pan too. Dude, he's awesome. He's going to tear shit up. Man, he speaks so sober on it. And he's so clean in his presentation regarding discrimination.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And here's what else is weird. I know a lot of you guys think I'm batshit crazy for this, but he thinks that he's kind of like me. He thinks that the left actually thinks that they're they just don't know how to think and they're unconscious. Well, I think that they don't know how to think and they're unconscious. But since we both come from the left, we both kind of have this feeling like, oh, no, they want to do the right thing. He's still like they just don't have it. We all want the same thing. We don't want racism.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Whereas I'm getting more and more understanding, no, wait a second. The left just hates fucking black people. But he's not there yet. And so I'm hoping he's right. I'm hoping he's like, he's more like, hey, we all want the same thing. And this is the path forward. And that discrimination is not the way, and racism is not the way to get rid of racism.
Starting point is 00:14:09 So he's kind of more on that noble path than I am. And so I wanted, maybe he can bring me back to, bring me back to that. I bet YouTube wasn't letting him be on. Well, he's in the basement. Did you hear what he said? He had a full, I guess it's Christmas time, so he's got tons of people over.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Those glasses add 15 years. I'll leave these here for the next time he's on. These are nice, though. These are actually refurbished. The guy who made these for me died. This is actually like silver from... I don't know. Whenever silver was around
Starting point is 00:14:45 when you guys do a double under do you guys on that first go do you just start with one and then start doing them like a single and then a double or do you just start away just straight double anyone mike sauer hi i want to watch the behind the scenes so bad you know what's funny is there's so i was talking with suza last night and i think what we're going to do is we're going to release two a week for the first like seven weeks and then a week before the open we're just going to release them all for free right so the first the first releases will just be for members only and then after that we'll just release the whole thing and that'll be the week before the open for just a mass promotion for the open but because of that release there might only be like 200 people who see it because
Starting point is 00:15:40 i don't know anyone who's ever really bought anything on youtube and so i don't even know if people know how to buy stuff on youtube and And since we're not putting it on Netflix or Apple, it might just be like, just you guys see it. Just some people here who want to pay the 20 bucks to see it. But that's, that's where we're at. Uh, we have a seven East is group in the open. Yeah. I should probably join that too.
Starting point is 00:16:03 So everyone can say they beat me. Uh, noble path path what's that i am hearing some interesting shit about noble this morning very very interesting all right uh i'm seeing all these names in green now and i'm feeling this obligation that i got to read them oh i said i was on the oh noble path no noble oh noble got it Noble. Oh, noble. Got it. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. Let's just start the morning with some just straight misogyny. Is this misogyny or is this facts? You decide. Here we go. 100,000 women went on strike today in Iceland for man-gender equality.
Starting point is 00:16:59 The entire population is 370,000. So over 25% of the population went on strike. And I have some crazy news for you. The economy did not come to a stop and it continued as normal. The only memo I got was that HR departments were getting no complaints for the 24 hours that the women were on strike. And men were writing that they were really sorry women didn't get gender equality. But I heard one CEO said it was nice to finally get some shit done, end quote. So 100,000 women went on strike today and I saw the men gender equality.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I wonder what that looks like. I wonder what HR reports look like. The proportion. I'd love to see that. Women to men. Ethnicities. Gay love to see that. Women to men. Ethnicities. Gay men to straight men. Gay women to straight men.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I'd love to see that. I'd love to see that. Eric Weiss, what's up, buddy? How are you? Good to see you. Nice jacket. Some of my one of my kids friends their parents are
Starting point is 00:18:14 head of HR in a big big ass company it's a man I just don't see that as a man's job do you guys see that as a man's job to listen to people, bitch? I mean, there's some men who would be good at it. I'd be fucking amazing at it. But I got a little bit of that in me. Oh, so it is true.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Ah, okay. All right. I'm having two conversations at once. I'm having a private conversation over on my text that I'm fighting with someone this morning. I fight a lot with my friends. Whitney, join Noble Community on Facebook. Lots of buy and sell in there. Oh, gross.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Eric Weiss, uh, morning, seven members since day two. I'd love to know the ratio. I'd love to know the ratio. I'd love to know the ratio. The demographics of those who complain. You think that there's something there? What you're about to see is a picture from a camera inside the Capitol building on January 6th. This woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, January 6th this woman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Starting point is 00:19:49 who's married to a chubbier version of a guy who looks like Hunter McIntyre looks like a donut eating version of Hunter McIntyre who is wealthy as fuck tech guy um she was not in the building and yet she has a lot of strong opinions about
Starting point is 00:20:08 what was going on building so below you're going to see five police officers standing there as the protesters march by and then above you're going to see uh you're going to see and hear this aoc lady that's what they call her affectionately call her aoc i think it's affectionate her take on what happened that day. Some people call this an insurrection. Can you imagine not starting bringing guns or a fire to insurrection? One of the reasons why that impact was so doubled that day is because of the misogyny and the racism that is so deeply rooted. Oh, sorry. There's two, four, five, six, seven cops.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And two of the cops are escorting the crowd through the Capitol who are walking annoyingly slow. It looks nothing like a riot. But and yet this this chick is saying that there was misogyny and racism in the crowd. Animated, animated misogyny and racism on the Capitol, on the attack at the Capitol. This is the United States Capitol in D.C. I wish if you guys can't see this, you really need to see this. You know, white supremacy and patriarchy are very linked in a lot of ways there's a lot of sexualizing of that violence so there was white supremacy and some other stuff and there was sexualizing of
Starting point is 00:21:35 the violence i don't even know what that means sexualizing of the violence or was the violence sexualized and um i didn't think that I was just going to be killed. I thought other things were going to happen to me as well. So it sounds like what you're telling me right now is that you didn't only think that you were going to die. You thought you were going to be raped. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I thought I was. Oh, did you see her tell how she turned her mouth to the side? Her lie, her lie tell. She's the second most embarrassing member of the government. She wasn't even there. She was two blocks away in a building called the Ed Perlmutter and the Cannon House office building. She probably went.
Starting point is 00:22:27 They have underground pathways, so she probably went over there. Amazing. And then there's some old lady. The first comment says men vote for her because of her looks. Not just her looks. She got a good body too. And then someone wrote, hey, I don't like AOC at all. But yeah, those pics don't tell the truth about the day.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Come on, my brothers. We know some of you went too far. Yeah, I mean, that's everywhere. In the nicest restaurant in the world, someone's peeing on the floor in the floor in the bathroom I mean of course there's some people who went too far but basically it looks like she was told to just say a bunch of words white supremacy some other words misogyny Supremacy. Some other words. Misogyny. Sorry, I'm fighting with my friend again. If she can get elected
Starting point is 00:23:47 David Pan for sure can get he's got to be 300 times as smart as her I wanted to let you guys know this this is an important piece of information too if you overeat on a regular basis I wanted to let you guys know this. This is an important piece of information too. If you overeat on a regular basis, this is true, what I'm about to tell you. Listen, if you overeat on a regular basis, you will die early. You will die prematurely.
Starting point is 00:24:23 You will not live out a life as long as you could if you ate the right amount. That is true. There's not a lot of things that are true. That's one of them. Usually the fattest person in the room. Join me on my fat positive radio show. It's a great show.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I highly recommend. Oh, nevermind. She actually died. I wonder why. Just because I'm fat, that doesn't invalidate the things that I say. She is also sadly dead. I say sadly because towards the end of her life, she was actually trying to make a difference.
Starting point is 00:24:50 I ruined my life with food, binge eating, and lack of self-care. And I'm hoping that it's not too late for me this time. But realized it was too late. I got fish sandwiches from four different fast food restaurants. Who has the best one? He's dead at 33. Society makes you hate yourself if you don't look a certain way. And I am damn determined to change that.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Yeah, she's also dead at 37. I'm starting to see a correlation here. That acceptance needs to stop. Now that these body positive influences are dying, people are realizing how stupid it is to accept it. You just got to work out and eat less. It's pretty simple. You highly likely don't have a disease or disorder. You're just lazy. And I'm usually the fat. All right, there you go. Don't overeat. You'll end up dead. The Real Kevin, I comment on Zach Tillander's videos And Sporty Beth with Sevan's call in numbers
Starting point is 00:25:46 To try to get them to call in Oh Sporty Beth called in yesterday Did you hear it? That was crazy That nose ring on that girl Was actually a horseshoe Says Eric Weiss Wow
Starting point is 00:26:00 Jessica Valenzuela Yes and they took the injection also yeah for sure 100% I know you guys are like hey we don't really want to see obese people we want to see more of AOC she's so hot fine fine more AOC then She's so hot. Fine. Fine. More AOC then. I know what you guys want. You guys saw this yesterday.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Let's bring it back again. These are two guys robbing. I don't know what they're robbing. I swear to God, those clothes look like they're wrapped in plastic, so I think it's a dry cleaner. But here we go these people are these boys are robbing this uh store because their family's hungry here we go and so they go out and they need to feed their child and they don't have money they're put in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some
Starting point is 00:27:01 bread or go hungry that night and so they go out and they need to feed their child and they don't have money. They're put in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry that night. And that's the David Pan thing, man, public safety. Food is a human right. I don't even know what that means.
Starting point is 00:27:24 No, it's not. I don't even know what that means no it's not I don't even know what that means and if it is a human right taking a whole rack of clothes is not going to get you to food how are they defending that kind of shit I'm just cruising I'm just cruising. I'm just cruising. Well, who can name the guy last week who had anal sex in the Capitol building in D.C.?
Starting point is 00:27:58 Anyone? For $1,000, who can name him? Who can name them? Congressional staffer, the congressional staffer who appeared in a gay pornographic video filmed in a Senate hearing room has been fired. Senator Ben Cardin's office released a statement Saturday that Aiden. Must say check. Poor ski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. He will have no further comment on this personal matter. The statement read, the graphic video that led to the firing first released in a bombshell report from the Daily Caller sent shockwaves throughout Washington.
Starting point is 00:28:46 And if you can't see, it's a guy who's on all four on one of the Senate hearing tables with his anus pointed at the camera. Dude, they were having anal sex in a... I'm going to Google this guy's fucking name. Aiden. That is just fucking unreal isn't it uh senate staff are fired over explicit video senator oh let me see if i can find images of this guy oh shit you guys want to see this dude oh oh shit it. Here he is, right here. Here we go. Wow. Yeah, no surprise. So I guess this guy was taking it in the dumper in one of the hearing rooms.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Aiden Massey Cherub. I don't know what his last name is. I don't know what that is. Well, look it. He's got his mom and his dad's last name. That's always a bad sign. Sorry. I know I have friends who've given their kids both last names,
Starting point is 00:29:53 but that's a bad sign. Aiden, a 24-year-old legislative aide working for the U.S. Senate, has been dismissed from his position following allegations of filming explicit content. Filming or taking it? Oh, shit. Here's the video. Well, fuck. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Here we go. Wow, guys. Holy shit. That's insane. You think I'd get in trouble for that? Here, full screen. Wow. Hey, if you just felt movement in your pants, you're gay.
Starting point is 00:30:39 The incident came to light when Masay was accused of sharing an explicit video of himself engaged in sexual activity with another man on public ex account. The video approximately eight seconds long reportedly took place in the same room where Supreme Court nominees are interviewed and where former FBI director James Comey testified about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Starting point is 00:31:04 He's been fired. Oh, so he filmed himself. Okay, so so man doesn't he look like a taker not a giver hey was the dude who was the dude who uh was the dude who i know i that's like i know yeah that was tough i i hear you raging komodo that was tough ah it is what it is um this guy looks like a uh a taker though not a giver but so he filmed it what happened to the guy who who was taking it oh and linkedin he acknowledged it was poor judgment. He's facing attacks on his personal life in pursuit of a political agenda. Hey, he said, I love my job.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Aiden said, I love my job and I would never disrespect my workplace. This isn't going to go over well, too. Hey, dude, if you name your kid Aiden. Like you should know. You're putting him down in a narrow lane uh despite miss a's assertion his actions have drawn widespread public mockery with some politicians including disgraced george santos emphasizing the issue is filming explicit content within u.s government building rather than focusing on personal preferences yeah who gives a shit i mean if any any sex in that building would have been inappropriate but there is something uh vile i mean you guys know i feel there's something vile about anal sex there's something like um straight or gay or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:45 It's disgusting, I think. And you won't hear me use that word very often. Disgusting. Further down the rabbit hole of retards in politics. That's the name of this show. That's the name of this show, retards in politics. Further down the rabbit hole. Irish name is aiden well i'm just telling you if you're named aiden in the united states it raises your chance of being on the receiving end of anal by 32 percent uh let me check 33 i did cross reference to cross-reference some of my data.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Sorry, I'm still fighting with my friend. Okay. uh okay um yeah uh aiden yeah okay let's see let's stay focused people oh shit pedro's middle name is aiden is that fucking true holy shit that would explain so much. If that's true, he can't be teaching elementary school anymore. Can you guys believe Kristoff answered yesterday? That's fucking crazy. I'm seeing if I can find Pedro's number in here. I need to just start putting people's phone numbers in my...
Starting point is 00:34:34 Let me see uh i have in my phone is peter is that's fucking lame right so every i type in pedro and i always have it wrong let's see uh um I should just give Pedro's phone number out live on the air. It doesn't even matter, right? I think he has a day job. I can't find him. Did I call him? I can't find him did i call him i can't find him hello hello hello try again oh okay, here. Here we go. Oh, shit, I didn't punch in enough numbers. Sorry. One more.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Here we go. A plus. No. Shit. You have to hold the zero down. Plus. 353925. 353 925 God, it doesn't look right. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I forgot the 87. 353 87 925 6. Okay, here, five, six. Okay, here we go, Pedro. Here we go. Hello? Hi. Hi.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Is your middle name Aiden? No, Thomas. Oh, all right all right okay you're not gay thank you bye christmas in ireland peter's not gay false information vetted that shit like a motherfucker that was pedro from coffee pods and wads not gay all right okay here. We go retards in politics Don't ever think that I can't just wing a show Met your mom at a bar I sure as hell can wing a show here we go Okay here we go
Starting point is 00:36:58 It's from New York with the worst tourism sales pitch. I've ever heard in my life, so this is mayor Adams with the worst tourism sales pitch I've ever heard in my life. So this is Mayor Adams, the mayor of New York. This is Dream Rare. He's been on the show Anomaly. Partied with him a little bit in Newport. Good dude. Great dude.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Saying that this is Mayor Adams giving a sales pitch for people to visit New York. You're not even going to believe what you're about to hear. Here we go. Take a listen. Mr. Mayor, we've come to the end of what was a very eventful 2023, right? So when you look at the totality of the year, if you had to describe it and the stuff to do in one word, what would that word be? And tell me why. New York. This is a place where every day you wake up, you could experience everything from a plane crashing into our trade center to a person who's celebrating a new business that's open. This is a very, very complicated city.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And that's why it's the greatest city on the globe. Hey, folks, come to the Big Apple City where you might experience a terrorist attack. I mean, it's a complex city. Doesn't that sound fun? Who wants to come? Who's dying to go to New York City this summer? And I mean, it's a complex city. Doesn't that sound fun? Who wants to come? Who's dying to go to New York City this summer? And I mean, who knows? If there's no terrorist attack, you might have protesters turn into rioters and block public transit. That might be fun, right? This is exactly why I've been avoiding New York City for years.
Starting point is 00:38:17 All right. So here's Mayor Eric. Is that insane? I know. I know. You can't even believe it it you can't even believe it what the fuck he has a moment to talk about why you should visit New York City and he mentions a terrorist attack crazy Blade Walker damn he could have sold that way better you think
Starting point is 00:38:44 holy shit dude Blade Walker, damn, he could have sold that way better. You think? Holy shit, dude. That guy is full-blown retarded. 83% of the public still believes it's okay to use that word. But clinically, everyone thinks it. And I was using it in the clinical terms. So I get a full clear. Shall we? Shall we head up to the great city of Seattle?
Starting point is 00:39:24 What do you think happened up there seattle high school or marked incorrect on quiz for saying only women can get pregnant the 10th grade student at chief seattle international high school reportedly failed the true false quiz titled understanding gender versus sex in his ethnic studies world history class imagine sending your kids to a school where they're studying the difference they're spending time studying the difference between gender and sex public school people no seven my public school in idaho is good where i send my kids yeah right right his mother told the conservative radio show the jason rant show sunday the student labeled two statements true the first all men have penises and the second that only women can get pregnant.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Imagine that being in your kid's... Your kid taking a test like that at school. Yeah, the kid probably watches this podcast. That's true. That's where he got all his bad information. He was marked incorrect for both and failed the knowledge check. Hey, just so you know, that's a political divide there. You know all Republicans know that only men have penises, right? Like, there's no Republicans who think that.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Or I'd like to meet one. Biology has become political he was marked incorrect for both and failed knowledge check quiz as a result uh said his mother who asked to be anonymous so that her son doesn't get penalized she's a what yeah she's a what a sissy i keep trying to wrap my head around how it's legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer questions, their beliefs against their beliefs or receive negative scores. It shouldn't even be like that. It should just be, it should be in biology. It shouldn't even be, it shouldn't be a quiz asking, can only men have penises?
Starting point is 00:41:22 I don't know. The first that all men have penises, the second that only women can get pregnant. Other questions on the quiz, which was administered about two weeks ago, asked students about pronoun usage and gender as a construct, according to the talk show. Your tax dollars. No, Sevan, it's not like that where i send my kids to public school okay
Starting point is 00:41:47 okay all right if you say so i'm in idaho all right i'm in a red state i'm in florida it's totally cool here uh-huh uh-huh. Uh-huh. I understand. Mm-hmm. 87% or like 88% of all teachers are retarded. You have to understand that. What do I mean by retarded?
Starting point is 00:42:22 They'll say things like they're Democrats and they have to push that agenda. They cannot speak to your kids honestly. Christine Young is public school parents preparing our kids for real life. All right. Spin it how you want. Okay. Fine. Spin it how you want my kids are just gonna be dumb unsocialized kids
Starting point is 00:42:53 all those other kids are gonna have the one up on my dumb kids my kids gonna be all confused he's gonna think a boy is a boy. I'm a horrible parent. How about I had a guest on who gave his kid a cell phone? And when I mentioned that, hey, cell phones are basically giving your 13 year old kids cell phones like giving sexual predators access to your kids and someone's like oh it's because you don't trust
Starting point is 00:43:31 your kids and you're not preparing them for the real world oh all right i'm i'm cool with that i'll make the trade-off am Amy Broccoli became a YouTube member. Amy. You send your... You... Libtard Seve. Yep. Libtard Seve.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Yep. There he is. Libtard Seve. Sevtard. I'm just a Sevtard. I'm just a sev-tard so alright turntable
Starting point is 00:44:14 making a strong strong strong yet subtle attack my kid goes to an apostolic school that must be some religious shit never shut down once during COVID yep that's good I'd send my kids, that's good. I'd send my kids there.
Starting point is 00:44:27 That's a start. Thank you. Jim Jordan. Democrats everywhere hate him. Which is weird, right? Collegiate wrestler. A man who's still in fantastic shape. Great thinker. Here we go uh he is asking a lady at the just department of why they're uh suing spacex for allegedly discriminatory hiring
Starting point is 00:44:58 you're gonna love this shit so so the Justice Department is suing Elon Musk. And we know why they're suing him, right? Or what would be a good guess? Because he fucked up their fucking grip stronghold on Twitter, right? So they're pissed now. Okay, here we go. They're suing SpaceX because they hired too many Americans. Too many citizens.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Not enough people who are refugees or people who've been granted asylum. This investigation. And you waited to sue. This investigation started three years ago. I know the facts. It started three years ago. And yet you bring the lawsuit after Mr. Musk purchases Twitter NowX. Is that right? We apply the laws that this body gave us without fear or favor. And Mr. Musk, his assertion is that they're dealing with national security type information at SpaceX. And that's why he's even posted this before you brought the lawsuit. He said this. That's why they focus on hiring people who have a green card or are American citizens. You're suing. I just want to cut to the chase you're suing spacex because they hired too many americans too many citizens um not enough people who are refugees or people who've
Starting point is 00:46:14 been granted a side case you're suing spacex because they hired too many americans too many citizens what do you think about this guy as vice president? Man, he loves himself some Trump, man. He toes that line. He loves himself some Trump. Time to go out and buy a gun. Check this out. Let's just suppose these Antifa people showed up at your house, 15, 30, 40 deep, and all you had was a six-shot shotgun.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Wouldn't make it very long, would you? But if I got an AR-15 with 30, 32 in the clip and 16 or 20 more clips laying down there on the ground, magazines on the ground, I can hold them all pretty good with that. Hold them all pretty good. You see, people have got the wrong idea about what our Second Amendment is.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Our Second Amendment ain't got a thing to do with duck hunting, skeet shooting, or the shooting sports. Not a thing. Our founding fathers didn't just finish a skeet shooting match. They just finished freeing this nation from the most powerful army on earth. The Second Amendment of our Constitution stands for one purpose and one purpose only. To defend this nation against enemies, foreign and domestic, and to ensure that the people of this nation can defend themselves in their homes and keep their freedom, even if that means fighting their own government.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Yeah, I said it. And see, elected officials ain't supposed to say stuff like that. Not supposed to. It's not politically correct. But that Constitution I read and the history books I read tell me this. Governments who have all the guns and have all the power always become despotic and become a terror to the people who do you hear talking like that outside like mark robinson and trump
Starting point is 00:48:31 uh founding father uh turntable i want to know what you mean by this uh uh no sorry uh i don't like being this level of paranoid though what do you mean I don't like being this level of paranoid, though. What do you mean? I don't sense any paranoia. My kid's elementary school in one of the richest neighborhoods in the world. Had a gay flag up next to the American flag a gay sex flag
Starting point is 00:49:09 a gay sex flag at my kids elementary school that's not paranoia oh I don't think people are well I don't think that's fucking paranoia I don't think anyone is, I don't think that's fucking paranoid. Well, I don't think anyone's coming to your house to get you. I don't think anyone's coming to your house to get you,
Starting point is 00:49:33 but dude, there's 20 different incidents of someone who's of Jewish descent being fucking barricading in some fucking office or a lunchroom or a house or something that have been televised in the last fucking two months. That's not paranoid. being fucking barricading in some fucking office or a lunchroom or a house or something that have been televised in the last fucking two months that's not paranoid as you just seen that paranoid is like um i don't know i don't know what paranoid is no i don't think antiva is coming your don't think Antifa's coming to your house either But they're coming to someone's house
Starting point is 00:50:08 Have you ever seen Antifa operate I saw them operate in person once It was pretty crazy It was in Berkeley And it was a park And it was a pro It was a pro-Trump rally And they were probably
Starting point is 00:50:21 Which is really weird to see in Berkeley And there were like probably 50 pro-Trump people there and there was one there was a someone holding up a sign said transvestites for trump and it was this huge giant tranny and antifa rolled up and they all rolled up on bikes and they were all dressed in black and there were probably half as many of them as there were the trump protesters or the trump rally they weren't even protesters they were just rallying just cheering they weren't they were they weren't they weren't like aggressive at all they were just in a park like cheering trump 2016 or whatever it was at the time and i remember i was there with my friend uh
Starting point is 00:50:59 gas we were on a bike ride we didn't even we just happened to be riding through i was not a fucking trump guy fucking hated the dude and we posted up we climbed up on some stairs in front of a building to post up and watch it and just watch the antagonism and so it was these people in this park and cars were driving by and honking and yelling at them they were just like trump 2016 and there was this big tranny with a sign, Transvestites for Trump. And then blocking off the whole street came probably like 25 bicycles with people dressed in black. And the faces covered. And there was one bike that was pulling a trailer. And in the trailer was a bunch of shit like sticks and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:51:42 And then there was also music playing. sticks and shit like that and then there was also music playing and uh they went over and they fucking got the shit out of the while the music's playing a bunch of the dudes got off their bikes just parked their bikes blocked the street got the shit out of the the back of the the bike thing and just started fucking attacking the tranny and fucking fight ensued and most of the probably like i'd say 40 of the 50 trump people ran and 10 of them stood and fought off fought the 20 to 25 antifa guys and got their ass beat the tranny got destroyed destroyed just getting swung around by his hair and shit i have pictures of it somewhere and video you know what's crazy is at the time,
Starting point is 00:52:25 I didn't even know it was Antifa. I'd never even heard the term Antifa. But let me tell you, those people should be more scared for their lives than AOC. Let me tell you, those people should be more scared for their lives than AOC. George Wang couldn't get his Internet working. We sure he's Chinese.
Starting point is 00:52:55 That's a good question. Yeah, but his sister figured out a hotspot, which is pretty cool. Yeah. I was kind of like that as a kid. Turntable says, I have friends who are into punk rock and got into protesting. They didn't care what they're protesting. Just there to instigate and cause destruction. Yeah, I mean, as a young man, like...
Starting point is 00:53:20 I mean, I just like going to New Year's Eve parties to throw beer bottles. Yeah, just boy shit. He taiwanese i know what's the distinction there i wanted to ask him about that too not really anarchist just no direction when you're a boy like that, you have no direction. You have no values. I had no morals. I didn't play any sports. I didn't have any self-esteem.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I didn't have any, like, probably like if I played basketball or I wrestled or I was into origami or Rubik's Cube, I'd have been at home practicing, but I just had nothing. I had nothing. I don't think it's, I don't think it's parent. I don't think it's paranoid, um,
Starting point is 00:54:12 to, to, uh, want a gun that has a clip with 20 bullets in it, just in case. Turntable. Do you have kids? I don't think it's paranoid at all.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I don't think it's paranoid at all. I don't, you know. 355. Oh, there's no one even here. I don't even have to call it open news. Apple News. I don't, I don't, I don't. Bob Iger, CEO of Disney.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Wait, what? Huh? Wait, what just happened? Come on, man. Open here if story doesn't open. Oh, here we go. Bob Iger, CEO of Disney. Disney CEO Bob Iger acknowledges his company has focused too much on movie messaging and not enough on quality storytelling disney named two board members wednesday as it prepares for a proxy fight from nelson peltz's try no not that uh here we go uh let's see uh chief executive officer bob eiger by the way he was the ceo and then he left and
Starting point is 00:55:24 they brought in someone who was fucking the company, right? And then now he's back. He said Wednesday he will no longer tolerate his company's partners and creative team prioritizing messaging over storytelling. Creators lost insight of what their number one objective needed to be, Iger said at the Dealbook Summit in New York on Wednesday. We're here to entertain, not message. Let me see Iger said Disney's prioritization of messaging over storytelling peaked while he was gone in 2022 alluding to the 11 months he left his job
Starting point is 00:55:54 at Disney's executive chairman as Disney's executive chairman Iger had been in charge of creative endeavors in 2020 and 2021 even while Bob Chapik ran the company as CEO. You know who's coming on the show? Hopefully she has good internet. As Jennifer say, if you haven't read her book, you need to read her book. The name of, she was the president of Levi Strauss. She was there for 23 years. The name of her book is Levi's Unbuttoned.
Starting point is 00:56:23 You will love this book, especially if you're an audio book person is Levi's Unbuttoned. You will love this book, especially if you're an audio book person. Levi's Unbuttoned, the woke mob took my job. She had a thousand employees working underneath her, 12 direct reports. She's the president of a brand marketing for the company that was $6 billion. And she was next in line to be CEOo and they fired her and you know why they fired her because she was extremely vocal about kids not wearing masks gotta get that book levi's on button she's coming on soon very soon eiger said disney's prioritization of messaging over storytelling peaked while he was gone um we have entered we we have entertained with values and with having positive impact on the world in many different ways like black panther god did anyone does anyone actually go see movies like black panther i just wish he'd say it i don't trust
Starting point is 00:57:22 him he's not he's not even really saying anything. Just say it. Hey, we're not going to push gay sex on kids. Why doesn't he just say that? And there's probably someone listening right now being like, what are you talking about, Sevan? They didn't do that. Oh, they didn't? Oh, they didn't?
Starting point is 00:57:48 Do you know about how their head of creative over there had, uh, just happened to have two transgender kids who were in transition, who were under 16. And she openly said they were pushing that agenda. Can you imagine having a mom that's supposed to protect you you got the you got you got the lady who's the president of brand marketing who's a hardcore liberal in the heart of san francisco that's where that company is recognizing that whoa my kids should not be wearing masks they are taking a disproportionate brunt from this so-called pandemic a kid why would why are kids
Starting point is 00:58:29 who don't die from this tate having to be punished for this you have a mom like that versus a mom who leads you down the pathway of getting your genitalia chopped off and pumping you full of hormones so that her friends will think you're cool. Just imagine those two different kinds of moms. Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like price drop. Hear that? Loblaws lowers prices every four weeks on a selection of items so you can save more. Whether it's pantry staples or seasonal favorites, you can look forward to new discounts throughout the aisles at Loblaws to get your essentials at great prices. It's your cue to stock up and save.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws in-store and online. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, In-store and online. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Jake Chapman, I don't want my kids watching Disney, not because because of all this I just don't want them getting soft They just watch Predator on loop Fair
Starting point is 01:00:13 Respect Respect the Predator let's take a break from all of this heavy talk look at some boobs i mean discuss football here we go key news the nfl team the washington, have been sued by the Native American Guardians Association and are advocating that the team revert to their prior name of the Redskins. This is what happens when a bunch of white whiny liberals try to speak for other races and then end up coming off as racist themselves because they didn't actually know if it's offending the Native Americans. Breaking news. How great is that? God, I love this shit. One more time.
Starting point is 01:01:17 One more time for the people in the back who didn't hear it. Listen up. Listen up. The Washington Commanders have been sued by the Native American Guardians Association and are advocating that the team revert to their prior name of the Redskins. This is what happens when a bunch of white whiny liberals try to speak for other races and then end up coming off as racist themselves because they didn't actually know if it's offending the Native Americans. Breaking news. There you go. You can say anything twice if you wear something low cut.
Starting point is 01:01:48 There you go. Now you know the rules. Life's rules. We launched our membership stuff. If you buy the big membership, I think you'll start getting to see the behind the scenes. On Monday. I think. I've given the order to schedule it for Monday.
Starting point is 01:02:15 The very first behind the scenes, January 1st. Now, since I don't pay anyone jack, I don't know if they actually listen to the orders I give. But so be it. That's the plan. Monday. So release it on Monday. I'm not sure what time. Anyone have any thoughts on what time it should be released? The behind the scenes on Monday? Episode one. And then that will be
Starting point is 01:02:42 behind, that will be for members only. And then right when that's over, we'll go live and it'll be for anyone and we'll talk about what we just watched and that way people who don't have a membership will feel left out it's cool right it's kind of like a marketing ploy no i don't think you uh can i buy it without signing up i can't afford ten dollars a month i know it's fucking expensive no you don't even get to. Can I buy it without signing up? I can't afford $10 a month. I know it's fucking expensive. You don't even get to see with $10 a month, $10 a month. You just get to like say you're a member is 20 a month.
Starting point is 01:03:11 But I think you can cancel after after you see it. So you can watch it and then cancel. That's what I do. It's just a lazy way of just trying to just recoup some money to see if this is. Feasible. It's just a lazy way of just trying to just recoup some money to see if this is feasible. Do it at 7 a.m., seriously? Huh. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Hmm. I don't know. I don't know about that. I don't know about that. I don't know. I don't know about that. I don't know about that. I don't know about 7 a.m. That's interesting. I have to need to run that by Sousa. 6 a.m.? 6 p.m.
Starting point is 01:03:54 6. Yeah, that's the thing. So basically, it'll be... Thank you, Don, for your... Fawn, for your uh support by the way so so basically that's what it's going to be is two episodes a week and after behind for members only and then right after that i'll go live and we'll talk about it and make everyone feel bad who doesn't have the membership and then it'll
Starting point is 01:04:22 be like that for like seven weeks and then the week before the open I'll just release the whole thing for free so you cheap motherfuckers that dark spot there all you cheap fuckers can see it for free who don't want to support the cause. Oh, this is so good.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I've shown this before. I'm showing it again. I don't care. This is so good. I'm never going to erase this off my thing. This is it, but this is it, people. Here it is. Science.
Starting point is 01:05:03 This is science. Greg's coming to town today. This is science. Greg's coming to town today. Booyah! It's all about predictive value. What is the predictive value? That's it. It's just all about predictive value. So Rambler is a girl.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Savon, I can spend $10 from my bae? Is that boyfriend? This is not Tarded. This is so good, dude. This is so good when I'm about to play you. Here we go. You shut your fucking pie hole. Dastro. Here we go. tools of seven ramblers a dude lesbian oh uh jeremy quiet don't interrupt me here me. Here we go. Here we go, guys. Here we go. Listen carefully. This is it. This is it. Teaching are parables, tall tales, riddles, lies, encryptions, secrets,
Starting point is 01:06:15 difficulties, et cetera. Why? Because this immediately places the listening side, the other side in a place of openness to examine the relationships. Instead of just absorbing the story, you are now at work examining your relationship to the parable. We don't like these things anymore. Allegories, parables, we're still kind of okay with. Definitely, we don't like the word lies. Even though we're living our lives through lies, it's the cement that holds everything even though we're living our lives through lies it's the cement that holds everything together we're living our life through lies it's the cement that
Starting point is 01:06:50 holds everything together that's why that's why that whole loneliness thing that uh hillary keeps bringing up everyone hates it because he's fucking putting a nail polish remover on people's glue and they're like he's pointing right at something they're lying about who cares just be like oh yeah i know why can't you just be cool with the fact you're lying to yourself to keep your shit together just accept it it's okay it doesn't make you any worse or any better. He's not saying it like judging you. He's saying it's like a function of how we operate as human beings. Also, of course, riddles. People hate riddles because it makes them feel stupid, incapable. Yet all of these are missing for us in our world. That's why people get upset when I say you're a shitty parent for fucking blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like, dude, relax. It's okay. Accept it. It just is what it is. It's not even a put down.
Starting point is 01:08:01 It just is what it is. It's not even a put down. Way of teaching, transmitting stories, etc. The old stories don't make sense to us because we want them to make sense immediately without any conscious effort. And those were not the old stories. They are powerful, encrypted crystals with information inside of them. And you have to decipher it and lies. Now, I don't know what the fuck he's talking about. Put crystals, decipher. I don't know what the fuck he's talking about. Put crystals, decipher.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I don't know what he's talking about there, but. Are the essence of any transmission. Nothing in transmission can be truth because again, like it's an extrapolation. So if you assume that everything is a lie, now you are at work. Now you are at practice. Now you are on your way to understand. Yeah. And that's not, that's not to be paranoid. That's not to understand. Yeah, and that's not to be paranoid.
Starting point is 01:08:46 That's not to be paranoid and think that – that's not to be paranoid. It's just to start up your mind and be – the words aren't going to be the truth. At best, they're going to point to the truth. At best. Matt Burns, hey. Hi. Nice to see you. He seems like a Jew.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Raging Komodo Sebi, you knowo is israeli right he got he stinks like jew or he smells good like jew the essence of jew he's smart as fuck man i never heard it said like that and i heard shit said a lot of different ways oh i'm back ladies and gentlemening a gun is not paranoid. Have and not need is better than need and not have. Oh, let me read that again. Have and not need is better than need and not have. Wisdom.
Starting point is 01:09:41 From a man who walks the streets and he ain't no ho um asymmetric 300 BLK suppressed with subsonic ammo is my suggestion for home defense for everyone who does not think they need a gun oh Jake Chapman like having a 9 inch hog yeah exactly that's so good so good so good all right uh
Starting point is 01:10:14 i'm not even erasing that that that ito portal thing needs to be played uh regularly is there anyone that finds this guy speaking of jews is there this guy but it's got to be jewish right here right is there anybody that finds this guy attractive my god this guy is such a pussy this guy just smells like pussy look at this. What's his name? Andrew Sorkin. The approach to some of the stuff you're doing with AI has been very specific. Right? There's not a let the chips fall where they may approach to those businesses, I don't think. No, we focus on making the best products.
Starting point is 01:11:01 And Tesla's gotten to where it's gotten with no advertising at all. I understand that. Tesla currently sells two, twice as much in terms of electric vehicles as the rest of electric car makers in the United States combined. Tesla has done more to help the environment than
Starting point is 01:11:17 all other companies combined. It would be fair to say that, therefore, as a leader of the company, I've done more for the environment than any single human on Earth. How do you feel about that? How do I feel about that? I'm asking you personally how you feel about that, because we're talking about power and influence. I'm saying what I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it.
Starting point is 01:11:44 And what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil. Fuck them. Okay. Let me ask you this, because I think part of this, I will say this about this guy. He's handling this very well. This is a fucking highly stressful situation. So I want to walk that back a little bit andrew's handling it very well but i just hate him because he's at the new york times they're disgusting the approach to um some of the stuff you're doing with with huge elon fan savvy you've shown that before i know i'm just i'm just winging it today. I'm just going through my notes. Whatever. Blow me. I'm ready for... Sarah, if you're listening, I'm ready for some more peptides.
Starting point is 01:12:32 I need more peptides. Has anyone here tried the CJC 1295? It takes you from looking like this... To this. Yeah. If you do two bottles, you look like this. Yeah. Where was I?
Starting point is 01:12:59 Oh, Elon. Okay. Oh, Elon. This isn't just how kids work. This is how all humans work. This is how we all, this is it. Here we go. Have fun. Enjoy. You're welcome.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Bringing your child's awareness to the things they're doing wrong, I can guarantee you they're going to keep doing them wrong. Does that mean we ignore their behaviors? No, it means that we have a disproportionate amount of focus on the things that they do right. We give as much energy and we pay as much attention to the things that are being done right, not the things that are being done wrong. Because whatever you pay attention to expands.
Starting point is 01:13:42 This is the most humbling thing you'll ever hear. Kids are a direct reflection of the environment that they're in. Most parents want to go, no, no, no, it's not my fault, it's the kid's fault. I work with three of the top early developmental child psychologists on the planet, and every single one of them, their role is to work on the parents. They don't work on the kids, they work on the parents. The kids do nothing more than demonstrate the symptoms of whatever's being suppressed or repressed in the household.
Starting point is 01:14:00 If you keep bringing your child's awareness to the things that they're doing wrong, I can guarantee you they're going to keep doing them wrong. Does that mean we ignore their behaviors? No, it means that we have a disproportionate amount of focus to the things that they're doing wrong, I can guarantee you they're going to keep doing them wrong. Does that mean we ignore their behaviors? No, it means that we have a disproportionate amount of focus on the things that they do right. We give as much energy and we pay as much attention to the things that are being done right, not the things that are being done wrong. Pay attention to the things that are being done right. God, I used to talk about this all the time.
Starting point is 01:14:31 talk about this all the time pay attention to the things that your kids are doing right oh uh oh Is inertia Newton's first law? Inertia. I just got a text. Threw me off. Inertia. The tendency to do something or to remain unchanged. A property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by external force. Have you seen those videos? It shows like something's on a trampoline and then something hits the shot in super slow-mo and then something jumps on the trampoline and it stays there.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I think everyone should try doing that today. Look for 10 things. Just go overboard today noticing things that people are doing right and compliment them on it. Like, go out of your way. Not fake, just conscious, intentional. Don't tell my wife today, man, you make a fucking great steak. I tell her that all the time anyway.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Give your kid attention on what they're doing right. Oh, this one's kind of scary. This one says, I am black. Oh, I already showed you guys that one. All right, this one's kind of scary. This one says, I am black. Oh, I already showed you guys that one. All right, this show's over. Shortest show ever. Even though membership sales are skyrocketing. I realize I need to do less.
Starting point is 01:16:42 If I do less, you guys will like me more. Oh, Jake Chapman, your huge nose really suits you. I don't think that works. I appreciate the attempt. I don't think that's it. I don't think you did it right. I don't think you did it right. I think it's more like, but I... Asshole. did it right i think it's more like um but i asshole
Starting point is 01:17:05 is that's not true sabir and kelly seven your winging skills have greatly improved i remember earlier this year when susan didn't show up you were in a frenzy no no no no no not true my winging skills have been great for the last two years. Maybe I was just angry. There was one time this year where they didn't show up or him or Caleb didn't show up when I thought they were going to show up and maybe I was just pissed. I didn't expect
Starting point is 01:17:36 them to show up today. This show wasn't sexy. No one was going to show up for the Pan show. They wait till Tyson Bajan's here. Those sons of bitches my notes are a mess again i wonder if i have to start from zero hey my instagram account is fucked oh look at this wow look at this jim look at this Jim look at this Jim the Reebok lab in Los Angeles
Starting point is 01:18:10 our lab is our wow our lab our lab family is happy and grateful to welcome fully vaccinated with booster guests go to our holy shit this this gym you have to be vaccinated to go to
Starting point is 01:18:36 you know who i think this is? I think this is... I think the guy who owned this gym wrote the CrossFit affiliate playbook or something. Maybe. Wow. Do you guys see it? You guys see it you guys you guys see it so those kids all those people gave their kids the injection all those people are injected you can't work out at this gym unless you're injected that's wild and boosted
Starting point is 01:19:21 And boosted. What? Where are the. Holy shit. Age is no barrier. It's a limitation. You put your mind. Put on your mind.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Injected. This. I don't know if that's a man or a woman but that thing's injected and so is that baby that baby's injected oh man be so happy you don't live in LA. Holy shit. Look, it's Eric Rosa. You know what's funny too? Look at this. This gym has some of the weirdest, like obviously people with mental health issues you've ever seen at a gym. But this guy in particular, he's wearing this clothes, which is normal for his gym, male gym members. But yet he says in here he has to wear it because he lost a bet. So he's making fun of the clothing. But yet the people there, the men there wear those clothes anyway.
Starting point is 01:20:49 That's, I guess, a Halloween episode. The number one costume for men at this gym is to dress up as women. Oh, that is a cute ass dog. Wow. Lab Reebok. Crazy, dude crazy dude man the hive is crazy what he doesn't live like really close to this but that's the crazy thing about david pan the guest he lives basically in a hive like los angeles unreal and what's and you know that that used to be a crossfit gym too right they're basically just stealing um they're basically oh shit oh shit look at this look at this fucking thing same gym same gym same gym
Starting point is 01:21:39 same gym same Jim celebrating as a black superhero a man who's a counterfeiter, home invasionist put a gun on a pregnant woman's stomach drove the streets intoxicated always, daily
Starting point is 01:22:01 resisting arrest, violent offender, pornographer. And this gym's celebrating them. The Reebok Lab. Reebok Lab community. America's suffering from two pandemics of virus and racism.
Starting point is 01:22:20 They lie on both. Both accounts Fucking insane Hey we're gonna have the producer of that movie on too Fallen justice hero I know it's fucking nuts Hey and this Jim Obviously has no problem stealing The uh I know, it's fucking nuts. And this gym obviously has no problem stealing the CrossFit methodology without giving it credit. God, these people are scumbags.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Wow. Wow, wow, wow. What? Unreal. All right. Those are our brothers and sisters, people. Yeah, of course Reebok's associated with it. They fucking, they pay for that shit uh yeah we'll reschedule
Starting point is 01:23:31 pan will for surely reschedule him he's awesome oh yeah drug addict yeah hardcore yeah George Floyd is a fucking piece of shit I don't know I don't know what was what would have happened with the rest George Floyd is a fucking piece of shit. I don't know what would have happened with the rest of his life, but he was a danger to everyone around him. He was not a positive influence. I'm surprised.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Just think of all the shit that he's done that we don't know he's done. Those are all the things that I mentioned that he's been caught for. How many home invasions did he do that he wasn't caught for? Man, oh, man. So my Instagram's all jacked up. My Instagram is so jacked up. Anytime I try to follow someone, let me see. Let me go to my, uh, I'll go here. Who's some, okay. Like, like, okay. So I'll go to James O'Keefe. I'll show you guys.
Starting point is 01:24:35 James O'Keefe. And then I go to follow him and watch what it does to me. Give it a second. Oh, okay. All right. give it a second oh okay all right i was on a 48 hours where i couldn't follow anyone new for my safety in the community safety i've tried to follow jamie hagaya yesterday are you guys following this story right here? This story is wild. You ready for this? So IBM said that they are no longer going to purchase ad space on Twitter or ex-Elon Musk's platform, social media platform, because when they purchase ads there, there's a chance it could be next to other ads that they don't like.
Starting point is 01:25:26 And they don't want that. Okay? They don't want that. And yet, because, and the reason why is they don't want to be seen, there's ads on there that they think will make them seem like they're discriminatory. I guess stuff that, there was something on there about white pride or something that they didn't like. I don't even know if that's true. Yet the CEO admits to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in hiring process. You think there's no fucking way.
Starting point is 01:26:10 You think there's no fucking way the CEO of fucking IBM would tell people that, hey, if you don't hire someone because of their skin color, you will be fired or you'll lose your bonus. Okay. Let's keep going. Let's keep going. Where is it? Let's keep going. This is from an internal document from within IBM's subsidiary, Red Hat, from another brave whistleblower inside the company.
Starting point is 01:26:34 You're not going to believe this. We've been reporting all week on IBM and Red Hat's discriminatory hiring practices, and it just keeps getting worse. Apparently, back in 2020, Red Hat had an allyship program within the company asking employees to follow certain commandments so they've turned this dei thing into some type of religion now i'm gonna read he's not joking he's not joking they've turned dei into a religion and these i mean we want we everyone listens to this show knows this but these are going to be these are the 10 commandments at ibm the the show knows this, but these are going to be these are the Ten Commandments at IBM, the Ten Racist Commandments. You're not even going to fucking believe what you're about to hear from this slide here.
Starting point is 01:27:10 This is given to us by an insider inside IBM. Quote, Your allyship commitment accepts these fundamental truths. OK, you ready? These are the fundamental truths you have to believe at IBM. Openly acknowledge privilege and systemic racism exists and results in trauma. You have to openly acknowledge privilege and systemic racism exists and results in trauma. Never question the reality of our black friends and colleagues Reject the idea of race is political Accept that white people are responsible for dismantling racism
Starting point is 01:27:58 Dude, do you know what that is right there? That is the worst thing you could say to someone who's black. You understand that the only way this thing gets dismantled, if there is anything to dismantle, is each person taking personal responsibility. And what you're doing right there is you're taking all the power away from black people. That's the exact opposite if you gave a shit what you would say. You would never say that to someone if you care about someone and you want them to be the strongest version of themselves you have to make everything their fault whether they're ready to hear that or not
Starting point is 01:28:34 who knows you don't like the word fault fine they have to be 100 accountable and responsible for everything it's their fucking existence to take that from them is the worst thing you could do for someone. If you truly love them and want to empower them. I'm telling you some truths here. Understand only white people are racist. This is fucking IBM people. No the black community owes us nothing in this work. Fuck. No, the black community owes us nothing in this work. If you are a black person and you watch this show, I would love for you to fucking let me know if I'm wrong on this.
Starting point is 01:29:18 But do you think that white people are more racist than black people? You're out of your fucking mind. I agree. more racist than black people you're out of your fucking mind i i could that's fucking that's fucking nuts based on your skin color one group is more racist than the other you're out of your fucking mind it requires uh i'm trying to think if I Requires our acknowledgement And repair of inevitable mistakes Is never rooted in white Saviorism
Starting point is 01:29:58 That's the entire The first seven are all rooted in white Saviorism See the black community as a group Of individuals and not a monolith That's what this the first seven are all rooted in white saviorism. See the black community as a group of individuals and not a monolith. How about just see everyone as an individual? How are the first eight? How are you supposed to how are you supposed to never question the reality of your black friends, but also see the black community as a group of individuals and not a monolith.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Does not seek recognition or praise for a job well done. I don't fucking know what that means. Listen, here's the deal. I hate bringing these things up because I don't want there to be a distinguishment between people because of the color of their skin. But obviously we have different color skins for obviously whatever fucking genetic reasons reasons where we live, whatever the fuck the reason is. But the but this is basically taking away individual rights and giving them to groups. And when you do that, you're fucking racist. This entire thing is about giving people rights and not rights based on their skin color.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Doesn't matter whether you're white or black or whatever. Yeah, there we go. Yeah. Hey, I'm perfectly okay with everything being racist. I'm perfectly okay with that. Not one not racist thing. This is just fucking nuts. It's just crazy that this is coming from the CEO of IBM.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Okay, here we go. The document reads, listing 10 commandments employees must adhere to if they don't follow the commandments. Do you think that guy's a Democrat or a Republican, by the way? Just check yourself. We have to take former CEO Paul Cormier, who's currently the chairman at his word. Those employees will no longer be working at Red Hat. I could name multiple leaders over the last year plus that were held accountable to the point that they're no longer here at Red Hat because they weren't willing to live up to the standards that we set in this space. They fired people
Starting point is 01:32:01 because they weren't able to follow those Ten Commandments. Here's an example of some of the commandments. Never question the fucking nuts. The reality of our black friends and colleagues. And your allyship understands only white people are
Starting point is 01:32:22 racist. Knows the black community owes us nothing in this work, is never rooted in white savorism, and does not seek recognition or praise for a job well done. One of the biggest complaints about DEI is that it borders on a new religion. Now, it's hard to deny there's an underlying religious aspect of DEI when it's literally called the Ten Commandments. This story has hit an unprecedented nerve inside of corporate America with hundreds, perhaps even thousands of DMs to OMG from within companies all over the place saying they've experienced crazy stuff like this. We'll stay on top of it. It's, of course, a full-time job merely responding
Starting point is 01:33:06 to all the messages that we receive, but the ones with documents and video take high priority. And as always, we'll protect our sources. If you're on the inside, it's or communicate with us on Signal at this number. Stay tuned. Hey, and don't forget forget anyone who's watching we've just like you this is this shit is like this is not the time you want this is like the worst thing
Starting point is 01:33:33 that can happen to but no one no one 99 of black people do not want to fucking hear any of this shit same with the gay people don't want anything to do with the fucking lgbtq fucking yz shit the black people sure as fuck don't want to be clumped up with that. They're trying to grab them too. You don't want to be fucking working at it, be black and working at a company like IBM and this shit happens. You just want to fucking be left alone and do your fucking job. No one, no one's,
Starting point is 01:33:57 no one's enjoying this. Like one or 2% of fucking the retards at the highest level are enjoying this. Here, you want to hear what the CEO of IBM has to say about it? This is fucking great. He's fucked. And by the way, this guy goes out of his way to say when he talks about marginalized people, he's not talking about Asians. That's what's even crazier. So fuck you asians
Starting point is 01:34:25 this guy this which is interesting because this guy's uh indian right here we go i want to start by addressing something that has occupied a certain i'll use the word small media first term maybe large media first term on x and that is a piece of news by a... This is the CEO of IBM speaking right here, Arvind Krishna. A journalist called, I think, James O'Keefe. He just called me a journalist? He did. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:34:56 He called me a journalist. The first term is around a set of topics that are asserting, though the language is more, I'll call it deterministic. Deterministic. You mean damning. But it's asserting that what we did is illegal and we are doing discrimination. I'm not asserting anything. I'm quoting you.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Mr. O'Keefe. Yes. Looked at this and probably got uh somebody internal it's actually a lot more than one person krishna so the assertion is that we are being discriminatory in our hiring practices yeah that's right your assertion because that's what you said i did reference a 5% plus minus. This, by the way, is only on executive bonus pool for those who make improvement by 1% on certain underrepresented minorities. But not Asians, because Asians in a tech company are not a minority, according to you. Let me say it. Asians in the U.S. are not an underrepresented a not a minority according to you let me say it asians in the u.s are not an underrepresented minority in a tech company plus you're asian so um there's that the ceo of ibm
Starting point is 01:36:16 is an asian foreigner so like why does he lose his job congratulations you played yourself. Okay, now. Okay, okay, okay, okay, now. Now. I think that people misconstrue what this means. It is not a target. Trying to figure out what the distinction between the word goal and target is. Because the screenshot in your company, it shows that it's a target.
Starting point is 01:36:43 As laws change, as whatever happens, we will always try to comply with the law. Fuck. David Attaway became a member. David, hey, what's up? It's endless man We are surrounded by endless douchebags This is such a great Instagram account James O'Keefe is a stud
Starting point is 01:37:21 Oh look I'll try to follow Donald Trump Jr Here we go Oh there we go people there it is there it is you see it we limit try again later we limit how often you can do certain things on instagram like following people i can't they won't even let me follow people i'm going to report this as a problem oh i can't report it as a problem look at that I can't even report it as a problem uh uh okay all right All right. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Let's see if I can try to follow. Who else can I follow? What if I try to follow Carrie Lake? Here we go. Follow. Nope. Report a problem. Oh, Dinesh D'Souza.
Starting point is 01:38:33 Nope. Fucking crazy. Alright. What are we doing? You guys done? Oh, you know what happens today is... I'm just a humble monk finding his way in this hostile world i wonder when dave's um
Starting point is 01:39:18 i wonder when dave's week in review is coming out oh caveman what if you try AOC? Oh, that's a good one. Let's see. Let's see if I can follow her. AOC. Oh, that would be fucking crazy if I could follow her, right? You ready?
Starting point is 01:39:47 I doubt I can, but here we go. Nope. Good go. Good try, though. What about Bernie? Nope. What about New York Times? Nope. Report a problem. It's not even an option. Look at who all the suggestions are after AOC. Bernie, New York Times, NPR, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio, Rashid Tlaib. Crazy. Washington Post, Trevor Noah, Peter Buttslammy, Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Wow, what a tornado of scumbags. Elizabeth Warren, Black Lives Matter, Pelosi. Man. Man. Man, oh man. You guys want to watch one of these videos with her? Holy shit. Congresswoman for New York 14th Bronx and Queens 100% grassroots All right. Day after Christmas.
Starting point is 01:41:42 I apologize. Tomorrow, it looks like. I should have invited Tyson Bajent today instead. Tomorrow, we have Greg Glassman. Then on Thursday, we have Jason Kalipa and then shut up and scribble. Oh, shit. Do you know who we have on thursday night we have the guy who holds the fucking world record for 50 miles charlie lawrence that's awesome 50 miles fastest 50 miler ever i think it's sub five hours. I think Tyson did get his iPad because he asked me for Gabe's contact information.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Just send him a thank you. Paper Street Coffee. Dave Asshat is on Friday. I think that's an affiliate owner. Eisenstadt. Not spelt like a Jew though spelled with an a not an e And then on Sunday we have Darren Thomas on I don't know a lot about him, but I saw his Instagram account He's in a wheelchair, and I think he got put there by being shot with a gun And I think he got put there by being shot with a gun.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Oh, who did 8,000 pull-ups? David Asshat or Charlie Lawrence? Or you? Oh, Truett Haynes? Let me see. I can't. Here's the thing, dude. I can't even just give people, tell people to contact me now.
Starting point is 01:43:32 I can't even fucking contact people anymore. This shows with my, they've limited my access to Instagram. Truett Haynes. Says, sorry, this page. Send me a DM with his Instagram couldn't even find him fuck I fucked up my whole algorithm and Instagram has this thing now
Starting point is 01:43:58 where when you invite people on to when I message people like I can only message them once I and the message goes into some box or something and then if they don't see it's just everything's gotten harder
Starting point is 01:44:13 I didn't get I didn't get big time enough fast enough Olivia when is Dale Strand coming back on soon I think he's scheduled okay thank you cave soon. I think he's scheduled. Okay, thank's not Monday. I thought today was Monday. Am I confused?
Starting point is 01:44:53 Oh, so maybe, maybe did Dave do a weekend review yesterday? Today is, uh, the fuck's going on here? I'm off a day. Today is Tuesday. Oh. All right, guys, thank you Um Oh Really I am a really I am aAT guy. Let me see. Fine. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:45:46 Cave Dastro says, Truett has the craziest LATs ever. Let me see these things. Messages. Cave Dastro. Oh, Just Truett. Let's see his LATs. I am a crazy LAT guy.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Just. What is it? just just underscore T-R-U-E T-T okay I'll share it with you guys thank you Cave thanks for prolonging the show Um, let me see, oh he's jacked oh shit, he's a fucking big dude 100 pull-ups and 100 push-ups before every day workout every day And yes, I have similar build to Tom Haviland before everyone says something about it And yes, I'll be winning the Christmas bench
Starting point is 01:46:52 Contest this year I'm okay with those push-ups too actually Fuck that's a big dude to be doing 8,000 pull-ups who's this with oh Cam Haynes look at
Starting point is 01:47:17 always honored to go elk hunting with my dad that's his dad thank you for supply of the steroids and also still being a beast always honored to go elk hunting with my dad. That's his dad. Thank you for supply of the steroids and also still being a beast at nearly 56. Wow, look at that arrow straight through the heart. That's crazy. Oh, here we go so that's wow oh thank you dad for the lats and thank you origin usa for the jeans
Starting point is 01:47:53 oh shit yeah now i know what you mean his lats are crazy wow yeah that is a weird i need to get really skinny so I can show off my lats. My lats are ridiculous. Wow, that's crazy. He's got like a double lat under there. I don't know if my body could take that. Fuck, it sucks I hurt my bicep. I would love to try to do that just like every other day.
Starting point is 01:48:27 A hundred pull-ups for a month and see what happens. CJC 1295 CA peptides. I need more CJC and BPC 157. Chris loves lats too. Yeah. No Kip. Yeah, I don't Kip either. Not really. I got a weak ass Kip if I do Kip. Yeah, I don't kip either. Not really.
Starting point is 01:48:46 I got a weak-ass kip if I do kip. Damn. Look at his chick grabbing his titties. That's what the HR lady did to me at CrossFit. She grabbed my tits. No one's ever really done that. She didn't grab him from behind like that, though. Cave Dastro, he did thousands of pull-ups every week
Starting point is 01:49:19 working up to his world record attempt. I like his chick. She's cool. But Mr. Dr. Professor Truett, how is it possible to have a perfect marriage, no cavities, eat 11 eggs, time to pet dogs and do 2,000 pull-ups in a single day?
Starting point is 01:49:46 I haven't had a cavity in 40 years first of all through christ all things are possible so jot that down second of all you got to make time for what's crucial and that's what we do every day 2 000 pull-ups done in my fastest time yet 406 four hours and six minutes is that really possible? That's four pull-ups a minute? Five pull-ups a minute? Five pull-ups a minute would be 300 an hour, and four hours would be... shit how's that point wait hold on a second 10 pull-ups a minute and 60 minutes would be 600 pull-ups so he's doing somewhere between five and
Starting point is 01:50:40 six wait nine and ten pull-ups a minute for two hours? What the fuck is going on here? What is that? At this point, I'm roughly spending 12 to 14 hours a week on that bar, and I'm happy to say this isn't getting easier. Golly, good for me. and then he tagged his chick oh interesting why does he do that
Starting point is 01:51:10 so he doesn't tear his hands yeah this I gotta get this dude on someone text this dude and tell this dude oh he has his legs are skinny stupid ass choice for a dog but whatever what a beast jesus oh that's the same chick? Wait, how is that the same chick? Is this chick?
Starting point is 01:51:57 He got a new chick? I don't know what's going on. Oh, she just changed her hair color. You make me happy. Yeah, she changed her hair color. Here's a chick eating. Oh, he's married. It's pretty insane to say, but my wedding couldn't have gone any better.
Starting point is 01:52:31 Shit, you're stoked. Good job, dude. Oh, there he is with Joey. Cool smiles versus real smiles. All right. Alright There's his mom Oh his mom's hot too Jesus criminy There he is with David Goggins
Starting point is 01:52:56 This guy's found himself in a good loop of people Let's see who else he's got on here all right i'd follow him if i could i can't look at follow nope that's that well thank you cave good little journey down just truettes instagram account uh alright see you guys tomorrow
Starting point is 01:53:42 love you guys thanks for hanging with me today memberships for the behind the scenes Monday I think we'll start airing those January 1 Talk to you later Bye bye

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