The Sevan Podcast - The Fittest Man in the World Breaks Burpee Record - CAPEPTIDES.COM

Episode Date: April 13, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Okay. Bam, we're live. Welcome to the show Congratulations to Colton Mertens and Jake Berman And most importantly The Barbell Spin for having an amazing Showing what a fun thing to do The evolution of CrossFit is happening
Starting point is 00:01:16 In the media space Colton and Jake had a war over the Barbell Spin Over a thousand people watched it live I'm sure it'll have over 10,000 views When it's all said and done, maybe more. Colton's performance was absolutely insane, as so was Jake's. We had a 319 for Colton and a 340 for Jake. We are at CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:01:39 It's New Cove CrossFit. New Cove CrossFit. It would have been nice if I would have asked that ahead of time. We're at New Cove CrossFit, home of Tim Murray, the 2023 fittest man on the planet in the short stature division. He will also be doing 100 over-the-bar burpees. Is that what they're called? Bar-facing burpees. Bar-facing burpees that happen to be over a bar.
Starting point is 00:02:07 The time will be world-class. We have seen a video of him doing it in short spurts, 20 seconds and 30 seconds. If he can hold that pace, he will beat Colton Mertens. Now, the question is, does he have the tank the gas tank is that the word you used is that the word we use john young the gas tank miles per gallon mpgs mpgs also tim the tank murray uh also um uh this show see this show is is brought to by EA Peptides, the most relevant sponsor in the CrossFit game space. Tim is not on Peptides, just as a disclaimer. But they will be giving him $1,000 if he breaks the time.
Starting point is 00:02:58 But listen, every cent you donate today during the show will be added up by our Chinese accountant, Judy Reed. So you know it will be done meticulously. And she will then give us a number at the end, and all of those proceeds will go to Tim to help him pay for his extravagant
Starting point is 00:03:20 hotel room at the CrossFit Games in 2024. Duh. This is called Milano Tan 2. It's supposed to accelerate tanning, and it's also supposed to increase sexual arousal. And I think that the second one is actually more of a side effect than it is the main goal. Everybody wants to know how to reconstitute these things. Remember, the first thing is that you need the
Starting point is 00:03:45 bacteriostatic water second thing that you need to do is you are constantly using these alcohol swabs now here's the thing you got two separate needles never reuse the same needle so I'm gonna end up doing is I'm gonna put two milliliters of water into there it's just sucking the water in there yeah I'm not doing that that's how you know that the peptides are good now I'm insane so I like to re-sterilize the top of it. I just put the pad on there and I just twist it. And I'm just gonna go right here,
Starting point is 00:04:08 right next to my belly button. So I pull this out, put the tip in, yeah just the tip. So there's no air bubbles in there, so you give it a flick, the bubbles rise to the top. Pull this out, and then I just stick it in my stomach right there. Very slight little pinch, it's like the world's smallest bee, doesn't even matter.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And done, Just like that. Go like 10. C-A... I'm just going to mute Tim just for a second. C-A peptides. C-A peptides dot com. You can go over there. You can use code word Hiller.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I would say code word Sevan, but it's so much easier to remember Hiller. To get any... Well, yeah. 1ls thank you andrew um for uh any relevant discounts i don't know if it's free shipping or you get a free bottle of the static water or what it is but uh head over there they like i said they are giving a thousand000 if Tim ties or beats Colton Merton's time. Also, like I said, this is not a free show. To watch this costs $1 to $1,000 depending on how much you donate. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Damn. A bunch of colors just rolled in there. Look at that. Look at the money pouring in. Now listen, this guy might puke. If you want to see Tim live, now this is the most important thing. If you want to see Tim live on September 19th through the 22nd,
Starting point is 00:05:35 he will be defending his title at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas. That is the CrossFit Games for the Adaptive Division. It's put on by Wheel WOD. And just to give you a little peek at what type of performances you'll see there, we have a video for you. We'll be right back. so Thank you. We'll be right back. uh we are uh minutes away minutes three eight eight eight minutes away from watching tim murray uh try to he's not gonna try he's got he's gonna go as hard as he can uh tim what's the uh what's the uh what's the plan like have you mentally do you have a have you had to talk
Starting point is 00:08:42 with yourself about about going to the dark spot? Oh, that's where I plan on going. It's always that dark spot. Just trying to not remember what I'm doing, forget about it, and just go. Do you have a mantra or anything when things get weird? Just fuck around and find out. Did you watch Jake and Colton go? I did. I did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Let me see. I got to mute one of these. Fuck those nerds. You're going to smash them. Do you think that that was beneficial watching them go? Yeah. Kind of like see how they do it and figure out a plan of action for me. See what I got to go up against, which is nice.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Hey, is this iPad on the left? Is that our high-tech clock? That's our high-tech clock, yep. Okay. And then one of us, obviously you won't have the earpieces in when you're going. Do you have a counter there? A counter, yeah. Like a person?
Starting point is 00:09:43 Okay. Yep. counter there i could count there yeah like a person okay yeah and then and then and then you guys in the comments every time he does 10 someone in the comments should count and write 10 and then 20 and so so we all know when we're watching we're not high tech like the barbell uh spin and have a counter so i need someone in the audience do that now listen if you're watching this you need to donate at least a dollar or you need to go somewhere else listen because we're this money and tim doesn't even know this he didn't ask for this he's not doing this because of this he's just doing it because he's a gamer uh but i've uh decided that this costs one dollar and then you're gonna watch it and then uh all the money that we raise will go to tim's uh accommodations so can get a nice room, a fancy room at
Starting point is 00:10:25 a five-star hotel when he heads over to San Antonio. John, the odds are stacked against him, aren't they? I mean, Colton put down a pretty ferocious time. Is Colton the very best in the world? Is there any man walking
Starting point is 00:10:41 on the planet that you would just be like, yeah, that dude could beat Colton? I think there are two people on the screen who could come within 10 seconds uh uh and that one of them is Tim Murray and the other one is Taylor Self yeah wow could come within 10 seconds of Colton
Starting point is 00:10:59 yeah okay just making sure you're not saying I could come within 10 seconds of Jake because I'm smashing everyone in the world. Hey, Tim, what will be the limiting factor? Like if you start to, when you start to get to like 50, what will you feel first? Physical or lungs? bat spin almost like i'm so close to the ground that i'm just quick turnovers so trying to stay away from that to put it in perspective it's one burpee every two seconds okay the entire time easy as that john thanks for the same reason yeah yeah yeah that's it oh my god jesus christ hey tim have you tim have you said or have you set any treat for yourself do you play any psychological games with yourself like are you like hey if i do this and i break this time i'm going to have a root beer float after this or i'm going to uh go to the strip club or is there any like. It's probably greater.
Starting point is 00:12:05 So we have a greater ice cream here. It's like local. So probably go there if it's open still. Okay. So, so, so you have given yourself a carrot, some light.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Look at you people. You, you rebels are donating 99 cents. You fucking rebels. Yeah. You were, you refused. You refused to obey. You refuse to obey.
Starting point is 00:12:29 You refuse to obey. Judy Reed, our accountant, is adding up all of the donations they are pouring in. We also had a donation come in last night. Listeners zelled me. I didn't even know you could randomly zelle people. You ready for this, Tim?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Mike Artunian yesterday gave $500 to you. Jeez. Thank you. So listen. No pressure, Tim. No pressure. So listen. Listen, when you're thinking about slowing down, remember, people paid you to fucking hurt.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah. No worries there. I got enough. I got the right people here to make sure I don't slow down. Yeah, it's only three minutes of time. Taylor, what are your
Starting point is 00:13:14 thoughts on his chances of getting sub four? I honestly have no idea. I think, seeing his burpees, I just think it's going to come down to a fitness thing. Like you said earlier, does he have the gas tank or not? Regardless, either way, he's going to smash himself. That's going to come down to a fitness thing. Like you said earlier, does he have the gas tank or not? Regardless, either way, he's going to smash himself. That's going to be a ton of fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:13:32 In the text thread that we're in, some people were popping off saying he has no chance, and then he put up the demo video, and everyone changed their tune. Is that correct? I mean, he showed us doing 20, and we were all like, oh, shit, maybe there is a chance. There's a chance.
Starting point is 00:13:44 100's a lot, though. Yeah. There's a chance. Hundreds a lot though. He's got the speed for sure. But the ones he showed us looked perfect, right? I mean, those are perfect 20. Smooth, for sure. Absolutely. Super smooth. I think this is the thing.
Starting point is 00:13:57 This is the thing to look at, or at least if you're watching the difference between Jake Berman and Colton. And you can see a similar thing if you go back and watch 24-1, me versus Dallin. The burpees to start are like, man, the pace is so close. But you watch Colton and he looks so smooth. And then you watch Jake and it's like a frantic pushing the pace type of
Starting point is 00:14:17 energy you get from him. Same thing if you go back and watch me and Dallin. Like my pace looks really smooth. And Dallin just looks like he's frantically pushing. And that extra bit of energy just adds up a ton over 40 50 60 reps so you're saying that frantic isn't good you're saying frantic isn't good yeah stay smooth you can be smooth and fast and if you stay smooth and fast you're gonna be able to close hard just like colton did and that's the key all right i also think you can prolong hurting with when you when you're smoother like the the amount of time that you can hurt.
Starting point is 00:14:46 For sure. Were you going to say something, Andrew? Yeah. Darren Piper said, say it to my face, Taylor. I'll kiss you to your face, dude. Ladies and gentlemen, this show is brought to you by Use code word HILLER or SEVON to get – I don't know what you get, but you get something. And head over there.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Without them, this would not be possible. They will be giving $1,000 to Tim Murray if he ties or breaks the time. This show does cost $1 to watch. If not, they will know that you didn't pay the dollar because when you die and they bury you, your hand will stick up when they try to close the coffin door. And everyone will be like, oh, shit, he didn't pay. Yeah, Dallin, did you hear that? I haven't seen Dallin pay his advance. Yeah, Dallin.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Dallin, where's your 99 cents, bro? Can you afford that? Dallin's mom paid it. Okay, Andrew Hiller from Hiller Fit is up top. Down below, the bald guy is Taylor Self, Taylor Self versus the world, Sentinel Tree, John Young from JY Barbell, Matt Souza on the back end, the executive producer of the Sevan podcast. And we have Tim Murray, who you can see,
Starting point is 00:15:48 he's the defending CrossFit Games champion, world's fittest man in the short stature division. He's going to do 100 bar-facing burpees. You can see him live September 19th through the 22nd, September 19th through the 22nd at the CrossFit Games 2024 Adaptive Division in San Antonio, Texas. Tim, we're ready when you are, buddy. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Smelling salts right there. Let me get these little bars out of the way real quick that I'm practicing with. Was that appropriate to say little bars? Yeah. I said it. It's not my fault. Are those smelling salts there, Tim? No, it's push-up chalk.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Oh, damn. It's chalk in a container. You use chalk on the workout? Look-up chalk. Oh, damn. Chalk in a container. Look at Dallin Pepper. Oh, Dallin Pepper. Tim's the fittest man in America watching you and throwing cash at you. You know he had to connect his credit card to YouTube just for that.
Starting point is 00:16:38 We have the fittest man in the world performing and the fittest man in America watching. Jody Lynn, thank you. What a G. You're a good dude, Dallin. Dallin. Great guy. An extra dollar for me, dude. I'm going to need it.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Alright. Here we go. Tim Murray, 2023. You can take the earplugs out. 2023. Do you have a clock somewhere, Savon? I don't. Thanks for asking.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I'll start a fucking timer on my phone just in case we can't see that. Hold on, hold on. Let me. I got a timer ready as well, Taylor. You got one? Yeah. We can sync it if you want. I got one too.
Starting point is 00:17:16 So, Tim, when you're ready, we're ready too. Can somebody count out loud 10 to 1? No, he's going to start the clock on his iPad. Is that a 10-second countdown? Yeah. Okay. When you're ready, go for it. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Oh, perfect, perfect, perfect. Let's go, Tim. Remember, don't be a bitch, Tim. You're a fucking savage. Three, two, one. Here we go. And we're up 853 people watching live. Actually, more than that since there's five of us watching live here on StreamYard.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Anyone got a count? Seven. Eight. Yeah. Ten. This is a good pace. He's doing the right. On track rack after 10 you can't slow down though See the hop once he's named the hop. Yeah that that looks good
Starting point is 00:18:16 Just so you guys know at one minute had 30 burpees What's he at what's he at john is it okay that i muted his mic yeah yeah yeah absolutely all right that's 25 you're sure yeah seven okay suze is counting eight so he's three burpees behind colton right now nine damn look at suza's titties in the background you guys can't see this live but i'm telling you suza looks good without a shirt on matthew mcconaughey body i always like hearing what sort of music people listen to like berman had some corn on not very often you hear that it's intense Thank you Ortega Kenneth thank you 30 Thank you
Starting point is 00:19:07 39 40 good okay okay Come on Tim He's on pace for 4 minutes right now That's decent You know what next up We gotta have John do it Tim Murray's beating the fuck out of you john uh at a minute uh
Starting point is 00:19:28 51 uh colton had a minute 41 colton had 50 burpees so right here colton had 50 burpees is that what you said right there is that 50 i thought that was 50 yeah 51 so he's about seven seconds behind colton right now. The next marker is at 239. At 239, Colton had 75 burpees. Hey, people in the comments. Come on, Tim. Tell me if we're on the right. I don't think about anything else.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Just fucking go. Stop, John. We're cheering Tim on. Let's go. Yeah. Nine. I think this is 60. Dig.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Come on. See, one. Since we're halfway through the show, it's 50 cents from here on out. Nine. I think this is 60. Dig. Come on. Since we're halfway through the show, it's 50 cents from here on out. Two. Get right to the ground, Tim. Let's go. Come on. God, I wish I was there yelling at him.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I love to yell. There we go. That was good. Okay. How many is he at? 65. Come on, Tim. He's at 67. He's about nine behind Colton.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Right down. Right down. Let's go. Over and down. There you go. That was better. Over and down. 70.
Starting point is 00:20:33 There you go. 30 left. Come on. Two. Five at a time. Five at a time. Fast. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Five at a time. No, he's got to do 30 more straight. What do you mean five at a time? Fuck you, Sebon. You don't know how to fuck yourself. Shut up. Five at a time. Let's go. Let's go. He's got to do 30 more straight. What do you mean five at a time? Fuck you, Sebon. You don't know how to fuck me. Five at a time. Let's go. Let's go. Jake Berman in the chat. The workout starts at 75. This is
Starting point is 00:20:53 critical, dude. When you get in a workout like this, you've got to have micro goals. 80. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Right now, Colton is done right there. Hell yeah. Jake Berman's time was 344.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Come on, Tim. Let's go. Right down. Right fucking down. 87. Yeah, you can. Let's go. Right down. Right down.
Starting point is 00:21:21 There you go. Across and down. Okay, last 10. I time last time i'm sweating last 10 see if you can get sub four let's go let's go let's go rep you touched the bar god you're not go 95 go. 96. Over and down. Come on, dude. Don't pause at the bottom, Tim. Come on, buddy. 99.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Go. Hundo. Oh, yeah. You're going to have to go back to the other side of the bar and redo that rep, sir. Make a video. You got one more rep. Taylor's making a video. Hey, sir. Make a video. You got one more rep. Taylor's making a video. Hey, Tim.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. You got to get over the bar. 4'14", baby. 99. To be honest, that's crazy. He way beat my 100 burpee last chance time, and that's probably comparable.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Damn. 4'14". Hey, and that's probably going to be comparable. Damn. 414. Hey, and he looks pretty good. Now it's like five minutes almost. I'm going to let y'all know something. I cannot beat that. Let's see. He'll be putting his earpieces in soon.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Remember, Tim does not know this, but we have a surprise for Tim. Sarah Cox has just texted me from California Peptides, and she says she doesn't care. She's giving him the $1,000 on top of whatever money we raised. Anyway, thank you, Sarah. The information and content provided here are not intended to have more to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. The items used in this video are not meant to reflect the views and opinions expressed. They do not reflect those of medical professionals or medical unions. Duh.
Starting point is 00:23:01 This is called Milano Tan 2. It's supposed to accelerate tanning, and it's also supposed to increase sexual arousal. Duh. Now here's the thing you got two separate needles never reuse the same needle So what I'm gonna end up doing is I'm gonna put two milliliters of water into there It's just sucking the water in there. Yeah, I'm not doing that That's how you know that the peptides are good now I'm insane so I like to re-sterilize the top of it I just put the pad on there and I just twist it and I'm just gonna go right here right next to my belly button So I pull this out put the tip in Yeah, just a tip. There's no air bubbles in there
Starting point is 00:23:44 So you give it a flick the bubbles rise at the top pull this out. Put the tip in. Yeah, just the tip. Make sure there's no air bubbles in there. So you give it a flick. The bubbles rise to the top. Pull this out. And then I just stick it in my stomach right there. Very slight little pinch. It's like the world's smallest bee. It doesn't even matter. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Just like that. Just like that. Hey, how many fucking... Let's tally up that cash. Let's tally up that cash, cutie. How many drug addicts do you think watch Hiller's video to learn how to shoot? So that's how you do it. We've probably got a couple walking outside here right now.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Jake Berman was in the chat. Tim, he said the workout started at 75. 75. Okay. What do you think? Is that what you think? It was probably closer to like 70, 65, 70. Did you, did you have anyone there telling you the time?
Starting point is 00:24:33 Did you know where you were at? What kind of data, what kind of inputs did you have? Was the person counting out loud for you? They were counting every 10, which is how I prefer it. And I don't want to see the clock on these. I don't know. I don't want to know where I'm at and probably rush myself and screw up.
Starting point is 00:24:50 So I had no idea at the time. Tim, can you do me a favor? Take five steps backwards and go ahead and hop over the bar real quick. Time! Time! Hey, send Hiller a dick pic for that. time to fucking
Starting point is 00:25:05 send Hillary a dick pic for that if you guys want to see Tim Murray compete live he will be the 2024 CrossFit Games defending his title that's September 19th through the 22nd in San Antonio Texas you can go to to get more information any surprises Tim anything San Antonio, Texas. You can go to to get more information. Any surprises, Tim? Anything?
Starting point is 00:25:30 I usually go the same direction every time I do it. So I threw a couple opposites in just to prevent myself from getting dizzy, which slowed me down. But I knew it was going to hurt right around that 50 mark. And honestly, once I hit that 65, 70, I knew it was all downhill. So I was able to probably, I could pick it up. Not really any surprises though. We've been working on burpees quite a bit the past month or so, if not longer. So I was prepared for it.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Any inner talk that you remember uh like regarding quitting or hey there's a lot of people watching or do you remember any inner talk that you were having during it uh like right around that 70 mark like my body felt like it was going to give up on me but like you just said I knew all the people there and everybody, uh, everybody here watching, everybody on the line. I know, like, I don't know if my family's watching right now. It's past a lot of their bedtime. It's almost past my bedtime right now. So, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:36 I just didn't want to quit because I did this for not just myself to prove everybody to everybody, but also the whole adaptive games, the whole adaptive community that we can compete with everybody else. You killed it, man. 4'14", nuts. Did you hear me yelling? Was that annoying as fuck?
Starting point is 00:26:59 I couldn't hear. You're just yelling in space. I was yelling so hard, dude. I yell so hard. here i don't hear much like when i'm doing a lot of this stuff i just i just zone out and go i hear that one count every now and then that's about it tim i don't know if you heard sarah said she's giving you the thousand bucks anyway uh go ahead and send me uh your venmo that's awesome yeah and she's gonna send you the thousand bucks anyway that's really fucking cool of her no that is i appreciate that that's awesome and then judy will give us a um a number of minutes what do you what do you mean by that when you did it for the whole adaptive community
Starting point is 00:27:39 you you think that like that there's something to prove or a statement to make like hey just because you're short stature someone's missing a like an arm that like a statement needs to be made? Yeah, I mean, I just I'm 37 years old. I've been living this way, obviously, my whole life. And I just see I walk around the store and people just sit and laugh and they point and make fun. I'm like, you guys don't realize what I just got done doing. And it's nothing that you all look like. I mean, you're out here picking up 12 packs of Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, and ice cream.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And I'm like, you're clearly not going to be able to do a burpee. You're going to fall down and ask for help. What's that, life alert? Life alert. It's the life alert button. I can't get up. God, your forearms look like meat hooks right now. Look at them.
Starting point is 00:28:24 It's crazy. Crazy vascular. Hey, so basically it's like, hey, there's a perception of people in the adaptive class that, you know, maybe it's like they feel sorry or that someone might think that they're better or that or they think you're incapable. And so you do stuff like this. You get fit, but also you change the perception out there, not only of other people, but then other. get fit but also you change the perception out there not only of other people but then other there's obviously people in the adaptive community who aren't in crossfit who probably feel that perception and live up to it and you're like hey you don't have to live up to it you can you can go full throttle exactly it's like how i want to set things up like just kind of get the whole world to realize you know we can do the same thing just a little different um hold you live on the air i think proposed this idea to you and you didn't even flinch you're just like yeah i'm i'll do it yeah did you at any point
Starting point is 00:29:16 afterwards when you got off the phone like god phone were like wait wait fuck wait what no my god when you asked me that day i was like yeah let's do it and you were just game yeah i wasn't going to back down i mean i'd already committed committed right away i don't know if i jumped the gun but you know something i've always wanted to do kind of why i started doing this was the you know just prove to the world that we can do it too um uh 414 are you um happy with that time like when you look at it are you like fuck good job tim um i'm not gonna lie i did it last week and i did in like 749 slight slight improvement yeah but i was also like trying to like use it as a time to kind of figure out different places that i kind of look when I jumped over the bar just so I could help like prevent some of the
Starting point is 00:30:09 spinning but Were you shitting yourself today were you like oh god, I'm gonna embarrass myself 749 dude you cut that time in half Yeah, I mean I wasn't like overly concerned. I just knew once I got going I had a little bit of a plan in place i kind of fell apart and right away but usually how all my plans work so you're a game day guy yeah i can plan all i want like as long as i have enough like a little bit of a idea like something to kind of fall back on when shit starts hitting the fan then i'm fine but i'd
Starting point is 00:30:45 rather just kind of see what i have to do have a just like a small mental note in my head about how i'm going to attack it and then just go because i know it's not going to really work out the way i wanted it to but well dude uh crazy impressive uh not just for short stature not for adaptive but for all of mankind. What a great example of a human being you are. When when we why did any part of you ever think when I asked you, hey, should we adjust the bar, make the bar lower? Have you do a different burpee? You're like, no. I mean, you didn't even take a breath. Was that important to you? Yeah, that was probably the most important part was that i didn't adapt it didn't get adopted
Starting point is 00:31:25 uh you know completely i just wanted to do it the same way that way everybody sees it and they're like oh okay this is actually like legit now not just you know doing a regular burpee or jumping over a line or pvc pipe i wanted the whole thing even if it may have slowed me down a little bit but not really that much 99.99 percent of people on earth can't do that in that time correct add another nine on there yeah just a hundred burpees 99.99 gmail heroes can't do that gmail heroes can't absolutely right Haros can't do that. D-Mal Haros can't do that. Absolutely right. He definitely can. D-Mal Haros cannot do what you just did. Yeah, you know who I know can't do that is Mikey Swoosh. That's who I know can't do it.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Smash. Oh, geez. Come on, Andrew. Come on. If we asked him to do it, he would say no. Come on. I don't care if he can do it or not. If we asked him to do it, he would say no.
Starting point is 00:32:23 If we asked him to get him out of that picture. He had it coming. Listen, listen. Mikey Swoosh is always welcome on the show to try to break that record. By the way, these people are instrumental in the presentation of the CrossFit Games Equip Products. Mark and Dana Harris of Equip Products, they've been supporting the adaptive CrossFit athletes since 2016, often making adaptations even to the equipment for them. So although Tim does not need that, but thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And we appreciate you guys being here and supporting the show. Thank you. That's awesome. Those are great people. All right, dude. We'll have you back on the show um maybe for an interview or maybe for another challenge if colton wants to fuck around anymore and try to do some shit we'll have you back on to bust them up how are your handstand push-ups uh not really there um okay we won't
Starting point is 00:33:17 be doing that one yeah maybe not that one all right dude uh stay tuned i will will be texting you later on this evening If your phone's off, don't worry I'll be asking you for your Venmo I'll let you know what our I'm starting to think we should have got I should have my wife do it We needed a Jewish accountant Judy's taking
Starting point is 00:33:34 Oh, shit 400 Oh, I was wrong Holy hell Wow, she's We're at 678.10 Plus 500 from Mike Artunian Plus 1,000 from CA Peptides.
Starting point is 00:33:46 So we're up over two grand, dude. Dude, go buy a fucking one wheel, dude. Yeah. That is awesome. Yes, sir. That's dope. That's awesome. That's the fastest $2,000 you've ever made.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yeah, you're not wrong. Four minutes. I'm on a motorcycle with that money. Four minutes. Yeah. All right. Thank you for the inspiration, Tim. I'll be in touch.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Talk to you soon, buddy. Thanks for coming on the show and making the Sevan podcast a better show. Really appreciate it. Yeah, no problem. Thank you for having me. All right. Ciao, buddy. Thanks, Tim.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Oh, and thank you to CrossFit Cove for letting us do the show with Tim Murray. Appreciate you guys. That was awesome. Dude, his internet was insane yeah pretty good and what a freaking g dude i love that guy he's dope he's a cool ass freaking dude bully game on uh sentinel you know i'm saying dude why am i sweating i'm sweaty dude i got sweaty when i was yelling at him i've i get so emotionally invested. Hey, guys, I want to tell you guys something. Not you guys.
Starting point is 00:34:48 You guys in the chat. I don't know what the word is. I don't know if it's proud, but... Pissed. No, man. Every day someone fucking texts me about you guys or DMs me about you guys. People fucking love you guys. And it's, it's, Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Seven 95 97 plus five plus 500 plus 1000. Every day. Someone texts me or DMs me about you guys saying how amazing you guys are. Every time I have a fucking guest on someone's like, Oh my God. My DMs filled with people with support from your show. And I wish somehow I could share, like I walk around the rest of the day thinking I'm the king shit because it's my show, but I wish I could tell you how excited and how proud you make me in the backbone you give me.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Um, uh, even Jake Berman, who was on the other day, I heard him express it on the barbell spin show. He was so excited about the love you guys gave him after the show was over. So I want to tell you, it's not lost on me. I, and I'm not exaggerating. It is every day. I get a DM or a text saying,
Starting point is 00:35:50 wow, the audience on your show is amazing. So, uh, thank you. It's, it's cool. It's cool that,
Starting point is 00:35:55 um, that we're able to just all rally together. Oh shit. Look at this. Look at other people. Look, we have, were you being audited?
Starting point is 00:36:03 Judy? We got 896. Fuck. I hope I don't get aud people. Look, we have, were you being audited, Judy? We got 896. Fuck, I hope I don't get audited. John, I know you will not mince words. Are you surprised that he got 414? It was impressive. I thought he would get around four minutes. The way his Instagram video looked.
Starting point is 00:36:23 I didn't know if he'd fall apart. And if he said, he said it went downhill at 65. And if that's what going downhill is for him, no wonder he's the fittest short Satcher man in the world. He's 30. He's 37. I know that's crazy old for now.
Starting point is 00:36:38 He's a champ. I didn't know that. Damn. Uh, Taylor, uh, same with, same to you.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Don't mince words. Just let it fly. Did you think he would get a 414? Bryson texted me before the show. He goes, 450, I'm betting. I was like, no, dude. I think he can go sub four. When you proposed it, I was like, man, I don't think he has a chance to beat Colton. Obviously, I stand by that. It had nothing to do with like, you know, body size or anything. It's just the difference between being the 19th fittest human being in the world.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Right. Across anyone. Right. You know, 13 people he goes against. Exactly. Exactly. And that's not against him.
Starting point is 00:37:18 You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? Hold on. Stand by. Uh, Sarah, hi, you're live.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Hey, should we double the $1,000 to $2,000? I'm saying. Hold on. Stand by. Sarah, hi. You're live. Hey, should we double the $1,000? The $2,000? Well, that would be extremely generous of you. How do you think that today went?
Starting point is 00:37:41 The show? Yeah. Oh, amazing. The guy fucking... He did $749 fucking I mean he did He did 749 The first time he did it last week And that means today He just
Starting point is 00:37:50 I've been watching I've been watching Alright alright So for Look at her bullying me She's like yeah I know I've been watching Hey how do you think the show went?
Starting point is 00:37:59 I thought it went great It was amazing I was watching the whole thing So I'm very proud of him And and yeah let's do 2000 let's double it and take off um everyone's contributions and let's give it to him awesome awesome awesome awesome you're a doll thank you love you guys love you too so he's got 800 plus that's 30 it's 3 300 bucks 3 300 good grief dude i 100 i've been talking my life about buying oh shit wait wait wait one second one second one second hold that we have 832.94 and 832.95. Oh, wow. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I got 840.72. I've been in Augustus' DMs asking about my taxes and shit. Hey, I'm going to get a – there's going to be a Reddit thread about how I'm stealing money from Tim Murray. Hey, you go ahead and let Sarah know. I will do 100 burpees for time anytime she wants. She's just dishing it out like that. She can just call you at 3 in the morning and ask you to do it? Anytime.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Oh, my God. Andrew, now here's the most important question. Let's say he just focused on burpees, the training piece. Oh, listen, guys. J.Y. Barbell, if you want to get strong, if you want to go to the CrossFit games or you just want to fucking not be a fat piece of shit anymore uh we got two guys above hillar fit fitness and taylor so this is good for all three of you we'll start with hillar yo could he work on on could you put together a training program where he could beat uh 319 where you could actually take a minute off of that score? I think he could.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Through diet and training? I'd have to imagine that he's only been doing that for, I don't know, a week and a half or two. I'd say it's plausible. I'd put a – A minute, 25%? I'd put a 10% to 15% chance on it, which isn't great. I would say it would take more than a year. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:40:04 He was at a burpee for two second pace through 20 so at 20 he was on pace john you don't know anything about developing a metabolic pathways look at listen this guy listen dude hey by the way if you want to hear the craziest shit john young has ever said ever go to the barbell leave this show right now go to the barbell spin and just start at the end after Jake and fucking Colton leave. He says the craziest shit ever stuff. A four-year-old knows about the CrossFit games.
Starting point is 00:40:32 The senior analyst in the CrossFit space, John Young shows us that there's some things he's clueless about. So go over and watch it. Go ahead. Sorry, Taylor. If you watch his burpees back, there are a lot of points where he stutter steps,
Starting point is 00:40:42 stops like turns around, is not smooth with his jump over. So just there alone, I think he can take 20, maybe 30 seconds off. Also, I think looking at him, like you look at Colton and you like pinch his belly. He's got no body fat. Tim Murray looks like he's carrying a little extra weight. And I think that if he lost five, seven pounds, maybe leaned out a little bit, eight,
Starting point is 00:41:06 extremely clean, which a lot like metabolic training is a lot of what you consume and trained for a year. I think he for sure can take 50 seconds off of that for sure. 50 seconds, maybe a minute. John Young, senior analyst in the entire CrossFit space.
Starting point is 00:41:22 What does your big brain say? Here's what? I agree with that, but it's a minute and 25 seconds and i know it's not that to to beat colton it's a minute i just i think you could take 30 seconds off with movement but i just think it would take long i'm not saying you couldn't do it i just think it would take long. I'm not saying he couldn't do it. I just think it would take longer than a year. I don't think it's there. Look at Sarah. Can't give her money away fast enough. Seven on 10. I'm going to,
Starting point is 00:41:49 I'm as soon as soon as the show's over, you will be the first person I call. I think it takes, I think if he was, I think if all he was worried about a hundred burpees for time, you can fucking beat it in six months. I'm not even kidding. He just made more money than he probably makes winning the CrossFit games.
Starting point is 00:42:03 We should do this every year. Hey, he made more money than they made at the semifinals last year. You know what I mean? But hey, but listen, we wouldn't have had him on the show if he didn't win the CrossFit Games. That's true. $3,300. Jeez, dude.
Starting point is 00:42:17 What would you buy with that right now, John Young? Hold on. No, no, John, don't answer that. This is my show. Listen, at first I thought you guys were full of shit, but here's the thing. You can take someone who can do 20 strict pull-ups, who's 15 pounds overweight, have them lose that 15 pounds, and they can all of a sudden do 30 strict pull-ups. You can take a 170-pound man, get him down to 160 pounds, and he'll add 50% more pull-ups. And so maybe
Starting point is 00:42:45 you're right. I can't tell how lean he is. I don't know what's underneath that shirt. Maybe he's just a fucking fire hydrant. No, he's not. He could lose a little weight. Yeah. Just a little bit. Oh, I had a run on the show. You get money and then all we do is judge your body. I had a running coach that told me I had like two and a half to five pounds to lose. And I could take like 20 seconds off my miles. Like no way. And she made me run a mile holding change plates. Didn't that crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And I was like, damn, you know, it's different for sure, but it puts things into perspective. Don't tell me what you're the programmer. Don't tell Amanda Barnhart. Oh, she can't lose any weight.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Yeah. She's a brick shit house. Yeah, she's a brick shithouse. Yeah, she's a fucking lean as fuck. Are we looking at the 2024 champ? Right now? Yeah, you're looking at him right here. Yeah. Tim Murray wins it again?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Yes. Did you just announce you're competing, Taylor? He just has massive balls too, dude. Like to have the fucking stones to do that, that says a lot. respect that definitely think he could beat jake next year and what 100 bar facing how hard jake is training jake's really i don't and the other thing is 340 is still wicked fast crazy colton beat me in 24 seconds what How fast do you think you can do that, John? 100 bar-facing burpees? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Five minutes. Five minutes? No, you cannot. No way. No. No shot. I'll bet you $100, dude. You want to make $100 cash flow?
Starting point is 00:44:17 John, if you can't do five minutes. Five flat. You got to get five flat. If you're 501, you'll be $100. If you can't do five minutes tomorrow, you got to retire from CrossFit. Oh, my God. There's no way. John, can we stream that?
Starting point is 00:44:29 I know. I can't do it tomorrow, but I will make a bet. I'll make a bet on 100. I'll make a bet on that. Sure. He's going to be sore for a week, dude. It's going to fuck up his quarterfinals. After quarterfinals, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I can do it in 20 minutes. He's doing burpees. Do it tomorrow. After quarterfinals. There'll do it. I can do it in 20 minutes. No, you don't need burpees. Do it tomorrow. After quarterfinals. There's a lot of contractions. His chest is going to be so sore, he's not going to be able to snatch when the weights come up. This fucking nerd will do a 185
Starting point is 00:44:54 SOTS press, but you won't go do 100 burpees? Yeah, it takes three seconds. It's easy. That stuff's easy. 100 bar-facing burpees hurts. I want to thank a couple people again. Of course, CA Peptides. I want to thankpees hurts. I want to thank a couple people again. Of course, CA Peptides. I want to thank Tim Murray. I want to thank CrossFit
Starting point is 00:45:09 Cove. Cove, Cove, Cove, Cove, Cove. I want to thank Mike Halpin. He sent me a picture from the event. I don't know how he got it. I guess he was there. I also want to thank Lisa, who's the media director for the CrossFit Games that are an adaptive division
Starting point is 00:45:26 that's in San Antonio for getting us the media assets we needed. And also thank Kevin Ogar. He's been great. I've bugged him a few times live on the show. So I want to make sure. And of course, thank all you guys. Maybe we should start a poll. Can anyone start a poll? Can John do
Starting point is 00:45:41 100 burpees? Bar-facing burpees in a, Oh shit. I will pay John $500. If he does it tomorrow, I'll be at four for that. I will try to do that. I don't think I can beat four 45,
Starting point is 00:45:58 but I will try. Dude, you film this whole fucking thing tomorrow, bro. Yeah. Holy shit. I was going to go watch the news. I'm so glad I'm not you.
Starting point is 00:46:12 It's fine. I'll try it tomorrow. You think you could do it under seven? No. No. Why not? I don't know. I just don't.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Those look fucking hard. What is that? 13 a minute? 15 a minute? The last time I tried 50 and it wasn't it was just clapping over my head. I did 50 in like two minutes and one second. That's harder than a bar facing. And I was hurting.
Starting point is 00:46:38 That's fast, dude. I need to. I'll try again. And that was probably a year ago. Yeah, I think 20 minutes is fair for me. I've been lit on fire for less money. Yeah, dude. I got a fucking brand on my ass.
Starting point is 00:46:51 That's funny. Doesn't he a stunt dude? I think that's it. Can John do sub five minutes? Wow, it's 50-50. Jeez Louise. Wow. It's not 50-50, bro.
Starting point is 00:47:01 It's 60-40, dude. The people hate you. Sarah? Oh, my God. Holy shit. All right. I'll give it a crack. No, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:12 You don't give it a crack. You fucking do it. I know. I know. What's bad, though, is I'm going to try to sell my soul, and I don't have the tank that Tater Tot has, and I'm just going to get the second. Can John and I go head-to-head? Can John and I go head-to- Can John and I go head to head?
Starting point is 00:47:26 I need some money, dude. I'm paying taxes over here. I could use a thousand bucks. If you want to donate it. And by the way, if anybody else in the chat just wants to donate to John and I's show too. Oh, shit. Look at all the crazy shit that's going on. Taylor, I'll Venmo you 500 if you beat my time tomorrow. I'm definitely not doing it, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:42 What? Dude, talk all this crap. Oh my God. You've been talking so doing it, dude. Fuck no. Dude, talk all this trash. Oh, my God. You've been talking so much shit, dude. No fucking way. Thursday's my rest day, dude. I don't give a fuck. Jake, listen. Listen, Jake.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I'm in a chat with Taylor. We're never allowed to talk about what's in the chat, but I'm going to break that rule. He was fucking talking mad shit that he could beat your time when you were done. Mad shit, dude. Mad shit. I'm rich now. I don't need 500 bucks done. Mad shit, dude. Mad shit. I'm rich now. I don't need 500 bucks. Oh shit, John. This isn't going to be pretty for you. Hi, Sarah.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I just said I would give him $1,000 if he did it under five minutes. Okay, I'll video it tomorrow. No, no, we got to stream that. Okay, thank you, Sarah. That would be crazy. Yeah, I put it in the text.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Yeah, I see. You're getting us all riled up. John's losing his mind here. And if he doesn't make it, he has to pay me $1,000. Oh my, no bet. No bet at all. You made that really easy for me.
Starting point is 00:48:41 I guess I'm wrong. I'm not doing a hard burpee seminar. In under five minutes, we'll pay him. We'll Venmo him a thousand dollars as well. All right. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Boy. Which also means that he's a CA peptide athlete. Oh. Oh, wow. John Young, CA peptide athlete.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I don't know if I'm allowed to be that. To be honest. Yes, you can. You can be. Yeah. All right. Thank you, Sarah. We're still pressuring him. to be honest yes you can you can be yeah all right okay thank you sarah
Starting point is 00:49:05 i don't know he um we're still pressuring him we're still pressuring him okay bye dude if i had so one i would just die so listen um seriously taylor i'll pay you five seriously i will pay i will seriously pay taylor 500 if he beats berman tomorrow berman also said he'll pay you $500. So you could make $1,000 tomorrow, Taylor. I'm not doing it. And, John, you could make $1,000 if you break five minutes. John Young is so unfit that people pay him $1,000 to see him do basic exercises.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Jesus Christ. Okay, sorry. We have it in account. Hold on. Let's go. $100 from Taylor, $1,000 from CA Peptides. No, there wasn't
Starting point is 00:49:49 $500 from another source. There was. There was. The guy, Luis. Luis Lamos. But his was $445. His time's insane. $445's insane.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Can you do $445, Taylor? Bro. Fuck you, Savan. This is – He doesn't know. He doesn't know. Yes, he can, Savan. He says some dickhead shit like this to get me all riled up to make me do something that he doesn't think I'm going to do. He just makes one comment like that, and then it's off to the races.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I just want another big show. I just want another big show. I'm mature'm mature bro i'm not doing burpees tomorrow hey think of all the crazy shit that's on the internet that people watch like people are watching video games and all sorts of just fucking dumb shit and in here we're watching people work out and getting inspired to do fucking healthy stuff can people paying money other people money just to go into the dark zone. Let me see that one more time. Did Colton do 20 burpees in the first 30 seconds?
Starting point is 00:50:49 Colton? No. Maybe Jake did. Someone did. John goes sub 5. 38% say yes. 62% say no. Jake was flying to start, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:01 He was like 310 pace. He was ahead of Colton for 40 burpees. Yeah, he was flying to start, dude. He was like he was ahead. He was like 310 pace. He was ahead of Colton for 40 burpees. Yeah, he was flying. Hey, I'm not hurting like that tomorrow. Are there any games athletes that can beat Jake? Can Adler beat Jake?
Starting point is 00:51:21 Jake's pretty darn fast. I don't know. It'd be close, though. How about Yellowhost? I'm going to take Jake in that battle. Fuck no to Yellowhost. Yellowhost, we would not get him. No.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I don't think there's anyone. Victor Offer would probably have a pretty decent title. I'm going to take Jake in that battle. I'd take Jake, too. To be honest, this is the thing. Noah. Noah. No.
Starting point is 00:51:44 All right. I think we would know it already. What about to do with the gray sweats? Is that Hapalainen? The guy you could see his dong and his sweats? Or was that – So far, everybody you've said is over six foot tall. Uldis.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Uldis. Uldis. Uldis Upenex. Could Uldis do it? No. Not good enough. I'm going to take Jake on all of these, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:02 The only other guy I think is Alex Katotullis and he's not a games athlete um and to be honest what was uh Colton was 319 Jake was 340 I was 540 and 24.1 and Colton was 520 519 so that's like I don't know dude I didn't wow 340s fast what can any can any girls can anyone with a vagina beat berman no no there's not not on planet earth not one vagina girl with a vagina beat me in 24.1 i think she had a vagina yeah but there's also dumbbell snatches and those are christy aramoka give him a run no she could not how about how about tia how about tia accurate no how did i know you were talking about all this when you just mentioned his cock everyone's known for their specialty hey does he know that about himself dude what he's known for in the crossfit space
Starting point is 00:52:57 yeah how can he not i don't know oh christy aramo that's a good that's a good take but no i bet she i bet she'd be close yeah i bet she would be close to christy for sure maybe kristen holt as well those are good to be close to four minutes maybe yeah go back she did like 406 in the last chance qualifier that would be a great show dude how about how about feast of golf how about'm going to look up that last one. Yeah, look up those times, Taylor. Because I think Aramu won that. What year was that, 21? Jeez.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Aramu won what? A hundred burpees to a target for time. Which event was that? Yeah, Taylor went 421 on that. That's not even good. Damn. Oh, what the? I mean, I think that's not even good damn oh what the i mean i think that's pretty good but not compared to these i was 422 um cole grayshaber beat me no fucking way that guy cheated um okay let me give you some names let's go through the top girls laura horvat
Starting point is 00:54:00 emma lawson no no oh here we go christy was16", in 100 burpees to a 12-inch target. 12-inch target. Jesus. I don't know. That's crazy. Yeah, she's too – isn't that the High Rocks chick right now? Yeah, but she's not the fake one like Mal. She's actually fit.
Starting point is 00:54:19 I know. How about Emma Carey? She did a High Rock. The High Rocks chick is probably Miriam Bunroar. Emma Carey would be a good pick, but she's not competing right now. She's off in search of Christ. All right. Bailey Rayl.
Starting point is 00:54:33 No. Ellie Turner. No. The fuck no. She'd hurt her back. Ellie couldn't be Tater Tot. Sorry, I'm being impolite. I'm not practicing my family core values right now.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Impolite? Holy shit. I've always thought your name was synonymous with politeness, Taylor. Synonymous with politeness. Taylor, polite. Dude, Christy Aramal almost beat me in the three rep deadline. Okay, let me ask this. How about Carrie Pearson or Prime?
Starting point is 00:55:03 No. That's decent. I mean. No, they're not Prime? No. That's decent. I mean. No, they're not better than Christy Aramo. I would take Christy with that 416. That's a crazy time. That's insane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Fuck her, dude. She beat the next person, Fisa Goffey, in the last chance. The next closest person was 444. Wow. Dude, that's annihilating. And if you watch, and her video is out there on YouTube, like she just never stops. And it's the same pay.
Starting point is 00:55:28 It's like, it looks exactly what Colton did, but just, you know, in a different version of burping car Saunders, that's a good guess. You have a two, two,
Starting point is 00:55:35 two, two big. Yeah. Not in a bad way. She's just a, she's thick. No. Sam Briggs.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Was it? This is about speed. Yeah. Christie and bricks might could do 500 burpees for time faster than everybody, but not 100. Spoken like the senior analyst that you are. And then there was some shit talking about this, that basically there's people in the grid league that would destroy this.
Starting point is 00:55:57 They're not fit enough. Fuck no. Yeah, they wouldn't. No, dude. No grid league nerds. This is the fucked up thing about The Last Chance. This is why I fuck CrossFit HQ real quick. I took like top five and three out of the four workouts.
Starting point is 00:56:11 They didn't show a single video of me. Listen, this is one of those shows that kind of bridges the gap and brings the community together, not where you lob hand grenades at the mothership. That's tomorrow morning. There she is. Goodness gracious. Not where you lob hand grenades at the mothership. That's tomorrow morning. So this is... There she is. Goodness gracious.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Dude, she's jumping high, too. Look, it's that speed the whole time. Yeah, but she did use a maxi pad. You see that thing? That's kind of lame. I don't know. That thing's taking... I don't care, man.
Starting point is 00:56:38 That thing's probably harder to push off of. No, it's not. You bounce off it, dude. I did it on the hard... Oh, and you had to rotate. I forgot about that. You did 50 and rotate dude. I did it on the hard one. Oh, and you had to rotate. I forgot about that. You did the 50 and rotate. You did the 50 and 2-0 something.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Wow. You know how hard it is to do a burpee next to that wall? Not that hard. Oh, it's hard. Don't stop. It's because you're short. Tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Oh, yes. Sebon versus Sporty Beth would be electric. That would be amazing, dude. That would be awesome. I hope Sarah Cox comes in the chance as 20 grand of the winner of. Oh, dude. Sporty Beth versus Sporty Beth would be electric. That would be amazing, dude. That would be awesome. I hope Sarah Cox comes in the chance as 20 grand of the winner of... Oh, dude, Sporty Beth wouldn't do it for 30 grand, dude. Sporty Beth has to do it
Starting point is 00:57:12 on the 7-Octane Podcast channel. She's got to do it on my channel. Tomorrow, Brooke Entz is coming on. Ladies and gentlemen, just so you know, we just did Tim Murray 100 Bar-Facing Burpees for Time, brought to you by CA P peptides. They gave him $2,000.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Uh, Sarah Cox called in, go to CA And, uh, and then I think the chat, you guys raised almost a thousand dollars. Um, and then,
Starting point is 00:57:36 uh, Mike Artunian gave $500. Uh, so it was a nice, uh, little payday pay evening, uh, for Tim Murray.
Starting point is 00:57:43 It pays to be fit. Made more than fifth place the semi-finals this year i can i did the literal workout you dumb ass 8 8 98 89 from the crowd it's pretty good look at that listen dude step on yeah that's your community dude no shut up that's the kind of people dude dude. I'm just saying. Okay, thank you. I appreciate it. That's cool. Yeah. Can we get to a thousand? I fucking hate you guys. You're an embarrassment.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I heard fucking WeFitness made almost that many sales and rags last week. Oh, shit. I will give $750 if Taylor beats Berman's time tomorrow. I don't believe this guy for a second. If you donate half of that, donate half of that to the Super Chat right now.
Starting point is 00:58:31 No, don't do it because, listen, that guy gives hundreds of dollars regularly. Like, this is one of those people who donates $100 at a time. I'm not doing it. All right. Just saying. All right. I'm not doing it alright just saying alright fuck you guys YouTube takes
Starting point is 00:58:52 30% Tim will get 600 no I'll make sure he gets the whole thing I'll make sure he gets the whole thing oh Jake's gonna match it that's 1500 Taylor no shit it says that yeah where does it say that i'll match that oh joshua says oh we're here oh fuck
Starting point is 00:59:11 dude oh my god come on oh my god i'm not doing it this is a lot of i've got to be stressed out for this fucking stupid quarterfinal thing we're doing in a week. I'm not adding another layer on top of it. It's too much for me. I'm not doing it. My wife just texted me. If this is her... Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I'm not doing it. Did she just tell you don't be a pussy? No, she didn't. Holy shit. Asymmetric ears don't do it, Taylor. I'm not fucking doing it, dude. But listen to this. True CF, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Bro. Bro. That means do it. Don't lay off John either. There's still a 1,000 on the line. Yeah, fuck you guys. Get off my back, dude. You've seen me let my dick on the line.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Yeah. Crazy. 952.45. Holy cow. What can you do 100 over a box in taylor 100 over a box yeah no idea i've never done it uh dude patrick velner has 100 burby box jump overs um on youtube and it's one of the most impressive things i've ever seen what was the time on that he never stops he never stops patrick velner but what was his? I'll look it up right now.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I don't know. Hey, Sousa, I'll be back in two seconds. My generator is doing something weird. Wow, somebody's – look at this. Therapy is working for me. Is it 537? Damn, that's fast. Why is this in Spanish?
Starting point is 01:00:41 537. 537, 100 burpee box tip overs for for time so almost 20 so not quite 20 a minute yeah but somebody's got a crazy wife in spanish oh it's not even facing it's that but he does this the whole entire time and then he actually speeds up on the last 20. all right i'll go to the last 20. What year is this from? Four years ago. 2020. Sheesh.
Starting point is 01:01:14 The burpees of the muerte. What's muerte? Los burpees de la muerte. Of the day? It's death, like dying by burpees. Oh. Okay. Or burpee death. I was going to say, I think I've done's heidi's in the comments asking for more dick more dick geez chill guys yeah that's what i thought i thought it was day
Starting point is 01:01:36 of the dead like judy said but like i don't get it um what was what was villaner's time for the burpees 5 5 37 wow 37. Wow. Holy shit. That's fine. I think Jake Berman and Colton would be hard pressed to beat that time. Hard pressed to beat that. Yeah. I'm a hundred percent beating that tomorrow. Fuck you, John.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I don't have anything to lose, dude. I'm not doing it tomorrow. I got quarterfinals next week. You do it. We know I'm going to find those next week too. Uh, guys, uh, I don't guys this week. But today is today, Wednesday or Thursday,
Starting point is 01:02:10 Wednesday, Wednesday. Okay. So guys, sorry, seven next week at this time. Uh, I believe the quarterfinal workouts will be coming out.
Starting point is 01:02:20 We'll probably have at least one or two shows that day. And then Thursday we have Taylor self versus the world. It's going to be big it is going to be the only place where you can watch live quarterfinal competition and the guys who are putting it on the line uh because of the nature of this competition taylor colton dallin and jason hopper will be putting it on the line and the other athletes will be watching them and so they'll be exposed and so they're putting a lot on the line there will also be some pretty damn good prize money that'll be brought to you by born primitive and ca peptides they are going to be wild shows they're going to be full days thursday is going to be a full day i'm guessing we'll go at least four times live and maybe five and then same with friday four or
Starting point is 01:02:59 five times live also i don't know if i've shared this with you guys it will be fisa goffy versus i think it's lindsey lane from uh crossfit uh crash yeah which is going to be amazing i do believe she won the crash crash crucible so those will be the pre-shows those will be the shows that we did with bryson ahead of time it is going to be a wild two days now i have something that i i don't know for sure but on saturday and sunday there's a chance that some of these guys will be repeating the workouts and we're not sure exactly how we're going to give away the prize money but we do have a bunch of prize money to give away we're going to work out the details but if they're going to be repeating the workouts we're still working out how we're going to figure out the scoring if the repeated workouts are going to go to the score
Starting point is 01:03:44 how exactly it's going to happen but those are going to be wild days and you're going to be repeating the workouts we're still working out how we're going to figure out the scoring if the repeated workouts are going to go to the score how exactly it's going to happen but those are going to be wild days and you're going to want to watch uh the winner for quarterfinals the fastest times for quarterfinals there's a very good chance it's going to be one of these four guys are going to win every single workout there's workouts that taylor is going to be the best in the world that colton's going to be best in the world that jason's going to be not jason down is going to be best in the world that and so uh it's going to beton's going to be best in the world that Jason's going to be not Jason down is going to be best in the world that and so it's going to be it's going to be a crazy time. There'll be a lot of big names in the house and it's going to be it's going to be a good show. So don't forget to tune in for that. It's going to be a wild week. And then like I said,
Starting point is 01:04:17 tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Geez. Oh, no, what's going on? Oh, shit. Brace yourself, everyone. Sarah, hi. I don't mean to be annoying No no you're never annoying Whoever wins the quarter finals Wins 5000 points Wow Wow You mean of those four guys
Starting point is 01:04:38 Whoever you want Whoever you want I'm the fucking people stamp Even if I take last, let's go Listen Listen So first place, thank you Sarah This is wonderful
Starting point is 01:04:56 I love you Money can buy love, don't let anyone tell you different You know I love you no matter what But I think it's great Let's put it along the line tell you different. You know I love you no matter what, but I think it's great. Let's put it all on the line. You should see Suze's smile. It's like his cheeks are going to break.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I haven't even spoken to Sarah for six months. Yeah. Whoever wins the quarterfinals, whoever you want to do the competition, is $5,000. Okay, thank you. Love you, bye. All right. Okay. Thank you. Love you. Bye. Breaking news. First place
Starting point is 01:05:33 for the quarterfinals. Either Colton Mertens of Teeny Weenie Weenies, Taylor Self of Sentinel Training, Jason Hopper of doing videos with your wife uh psychiatry or dylan pepper one of them is going to go home with five thousand dollars crazy
Starting point is 01:05:56 oh we did it yeah you guys are fucking awesome we did it can't did my mom donate any money i'm gonna she didn't i'm gonna be pissed i didn't even see i saw i saw my mom in the chat on fucking barbell spin i haven't seen her in the chat on my own goddamn show sorry i try not to say those i'm gonna fucking murder myself next week i'm not even kidding that sounds like a suicide uh threat yeah i'm 100 call the hotline bro report me dude okay last question um i'm gonna go around um are you surprised at how colton merton's looked after his performance john young on just how quickly he recovered no man colton's a freaking he's something else uh taylor any surprise on how jake berman looked we we don't first off we don't know how colton looked because he went and hid off the camera
Starting point is 01:06:50 for three minutes before he came back also fair and no not surprised at all and uh and and and andrew hiller what about um tim murray uh 2023 crossfit games champion, fittest man. He seemed like he was ready to go. Hey, Tim Murray jumping over that bar is – I mean, I'm not trying to play the whole, like, he's a short dude thing. It's harder for him to jump over that bar. Oh, you can do that. It's hard. It's harder. I would say that that's just as impressive as there are times, if not more.
Starting point is 01:07:23 That six-inch jump is a son of a bitch for him. No, I agree. So yours, wow. He had to jump higher to go over the bar than I did to do the 12-inch burpee to target. Because when you're reaching with one hand, you can reach higher. When you stand up on your tippy toes, that's four inches. And then I only have to jump four inches to touch that 12-inch target.
Starting point is 01:07:42 He had to jump higher doing the burpee. I mean, just think about someone who's like six eight doing a 24 inch box jump versus someone who's five eight that one foot like where their hips are relative to how high they got to jump it's a huge difference watch a tall dude do some box jumps it's easy yeah easier crazy uh you guys heard it uh two thousand dollars to tim mur Murray plus $1,000 from the chat here plus $500. Taylor, you can be a sponsored athlete too. Dude, I'll 100% be sponsored. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Hey, don't take my sponsorship now, Sarah. You don't want to sponsor John now. You poo-pooed it. Your religious ass won't put needles in your body. Sea of Peptides has been extremely generous uh with the show uh let us uh learn a little something about administering peptides from andrew hiller duh this is called melanotan 2 it's supposed to accelerate tanning and it's also supposed to increase sexual arousal and i think that the second one is actually more of a
Starting point is 01:08:47 side effect than it is the main goal. Everybody wants to know how to reconstitute these things. Remember the first thing is that you need the bacteriostatic water. Second thing that you need to do is you are constantly using these alcohol swabs. Now here's the thing you got two separate needles. Never reuse the same needle. So what I'm gonna end up doing is I'm gonna put two milliliters of water into there. It's just sucking the water in needle. What I'm gonna end up doing is I'm gonna put two milliliters of water into there It's just sucking the water in there. Yeah, I'm not doing that. That's how you know that the peptides are good now I'm insane So I like to re-sterilize the top of it
Starting point is 01:09:13 I just put the pad on there and I just twist it and I'm just gonna go Right here right next to my belly button. So I pull this out put the tip in Yeah, just the tip. Make sure there's no air bubbles in there So you give it a flick the bubbles rise at the top pull this out And then I just stick it in Make sure there's no air bubbles in there. So you give it a flick. The bubbles rise at the top. Pull this out. And then I just stick it in my stomach right there. Very slight little pinch. It's like the world's smallest bee.
Starting point is 01:09:32 It doesn't even matter. I'm done. Just like that. I had someone else text me saying they'd match that 500 for John to go 445. Dude, they just said Pat Vellner did over the box and five something. There's no fucking way John does 445. Do people bitch about you being sponsored by peptides?
Starting point is 01:09:54 No, just like one or two retards. They're fucking pussies if so because Sarah just... She just stimulated the entire economy, dude. And hey, just so you guys know, she's like a legit fucking badass CrossFitter. She made a back squat of what, 255 or something like that? Something crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:12 She is a legit, like got crazy time. She got a, I think it's more impressive. She did a 185 for 20. She may have even gone to the regional. That's what it was. She did. 2015. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Hey dude, she did the open workout 0.1 in under eight minutes i think it was she did it three or four times okay uh so brook ends tomorrow morning 7 a.m john any final words no it's fun show uh i think you're doing on a show for us what doing that thing tomorrow yeah i'm gonna do it live'm going to do it. Live? I have to do it in the morning. Y'all can do live in the morning. What time?
Starting point is 01:10:51 Let's go! 8 o'clock Central. That's 10 a.m.? It'd be 6 for you. Oh, yeah, I can do it. You're going to do it too? No, no, no, no. Spin could stream it too. 8.m central 8 a.m i can speak for spin he's giving me the authority dude i can be on so so we're gonna do it live
Starting point is 01:11:13 tomorrow morning 6 a.m before yeah let's call it let's call it 8 30 so like i can get set up like i have classes and stuff going on i got a time out let's make sure we have the correct amount of money that people have offered up in the comments comments, we know that Luis Lemos, he said 500 for sub 445, but that's at least on the table. Who else? We don't got to worry about sub 445. Shut up, dude. Don't fucking, don't stop now, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:37 You're going to go ham. Who did, what did Sarah Cox say? $1,000? $1,000 for five minutes. I got a 500 for 445. So that's two 500s for 445? Or is that the same guy? And 100 from you.
Starting point is 01:11:51 No, I'd say we got 1,000 from Sarah for five minutes and 100 from you. Fuck you. He's got, what do you, oh, hey, back me up, Chad. I need two people donate 50 bucks. Back me up, Chad. I need two people. Donate 50 bucks. All right, guys. There is a chance we'll be on before Brookends comes on tomorrow. We will be watching John Young do some burpees. Someone will give a standee for $4.45. I will throw in a standee.
Starting point is 01:12:21 P. Diddy will throw in a standee. All right. I'd probably do that for, I don't know, like $500. Thanks again. Hey, I am going to keep the $35.97. I'm just going to round it down. I hope no one minds. Start a Reddit thread. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Bye-bye. Oh, we got another $50.

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