The Sevan Podcast - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly w/ Andrew Hiller | Souza's Show

Episode Date: July 3, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 can't tell there it is now it's worked i clicked it like three times and i was like wait a minute is it live is it not live can they see me can they not see me what's up y'all how you doing a little background music i'm kind of getting sick of the saxophone action but we'll let it play out because i didn't have time to uh load anything else in there yet what's up y'all how you guys doing this shit's about to get crazy i feel like oh man so much happening that part's a little weird of the song do you guys know this song you guys heard of this heard this song before it's older i'm a sucker for saxophone sucker for a little kenny g you know how me hope you guys are doing well good afternoon all right enough of that back to the silence of
Starting point is 00:00:43 myself talking to myself. I went on the Glinton Things podcast Sunday. It was a lot of fun. It was so a midnight toker. What's the name of that song? The Joker? Steve Miller Band? We could play that. My midnight is in your six. Okay, I don't even know. Now you guys are just talking to yourselves amongst the comments. I hope everybody is everybody is doing well played the alto sax in middle school really do jam like that hillary looks a lot like suza hillary will be here don't you wait it was actually funny i was like all right dude i'm gonna get the show rolling and then uh jump in in like 10 15 minutes whatever and he's like you asshole you told me this right now i was like, all right, dude, I'm going to get the show rolling and then jump in in like 10, 15 minutes, whatever. And he's like, you asshole. You told me this right now. I was like, sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:29 So he's going to come in. I want to chat with you guys. Okay. I'm super pumped about this. Are you guys pumped? We got the affiliate contest. It's going down. The affiliate video contest. I'm bringing up the school platform here. It's free. You guys could sign up. We got the affiliate contest. It's going down. The affiliate video contest. I'm bringing up the school platform here. It's free. You guys could sign up. We got this whole entire forum going about the contest right here. If you guys haven't seen, we have this whole entire link here. I'll get back to that in just one second.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Also, too, we put together this official community map. I don't know if it's going to change the screen. I'll have to show this. But if you guys are joining on here, join this... Let me show you guys. Join the map of where you are. Where in the world are you? When you join the platform.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Because what we're going to be doing here is we're going to see where all these videos are coming from, from across the globe, hopefully. So I know a few people reached out and was like, I'm in France. I'm in Australia, mate. That was bad. Sorry. And they're like, Hey, can I still do the video? And I'm like, Yeah, of course you can. It's available for anybody in the world. But we put up this little map here so you guys could kind of see where everybody is. And what we're going to be doing afterwards is if affiliates want to join the contest, but they don't have any creators or people that can make the video inside, or they just want a little extra help,
Starting point is 00:02:49 we'll be connecting you guys via location on this map, or you could reach out to them directly inside of the school platform. So go and check that out, sign up for it. And then we have all the official rules here. You guys can get this link inside of the platform, as well as on my Instagram, as well as on this one podcast Instagram. Partnering with Two Brain Business here. This is all the details. This is how you enter. These are the resources.
Starting point is 00:03:15 We just talked about that with the platform. This is all the requirements listed out, the instructions here, and then additional tips and what have you. But we're going to be sharing a lot of information back and forth inside the school platform to help each other out as far as making some really good videos and get you a shot at winning $5,000, potentially pay for your affiliate fees. Heidi Crum, so wait, we can private message people on there?
Starting point is 00:03:43 You can. Are you able to send pictures via school platform private dms where is this going i think you can i don't know i haven't sent any photos to there but i think so are you providing bumpers yes jonathan yes you clearly have not looked at anything that i've done because if you went there for two seconds you would see that the bumpers are downloadable yeah we have it all uh via like google drive so you guys can go there there's the links that'll be provided you just click it and then it's an open access link um and you'll be able to download everything there you guys like this crash shirt a rhino smoking crack oh what the hell There's like weird dust on my shirt.
Starting point is 00:04:26 RhinoSmokingCrack. CrossFitCrash. Smokey like sheep crack. So yeah, so go check that out. We're going to be doing a bunch of cool stuff in there. I'm really excited to see all these commercials and to play them. And I do believe we're even going to have somebody else join the contest
Starting point is 00:04:43 and provide $1,500 and $300. So $1,000 to first place, $500 to second place, $300 to third place to actually use those videos as ads in your local market. Want to love. You have crack on your shirt. Yeah, exactly. I didn't see it. Sorry to be a disappointed. Not disappointed, but angry. Shout out to, uh, Daniel for sending me that. Um, so yeah, so anyways, you guys can, uh, go in there and get all the information. If you need anything more, you could just either hit people up inside there or just send me a message,
Starting point is 00:05:26 and I'll make sure that we have all the information provided for you guys. Before we get into all the stuff you guys are here for, for me and Andrew to talk a little bit about what's going on in the CrossFit ecosystem, I found this clip, and I thought it was interesting here. Version of Froot Loops. That they undoubtedly produce in this country, in the US. They already make it and they already have the formulation for it here and they ship it up to Canada.
Starting point is 00:05:53 And yet the one that they sell here has red 40, yellow five, yellow six, blue one, and BHT. All of those ingredients are not included in their international version of Froot Loops. Why do they sell Americans the shittier, less safe version here? They've acknowledged that natural food colorings are less bright, and when they're less bright, they're less attractive to children. Americans want the brighter cereal.
Starting point is 00:06:14 That's what they say. And here's the worst part, Mark. The worst part in some of the food dice cases, they're not fully banned, but they require a warning label similar to the warning label you would have on cigarettes. Absolutely. And the warning label says ingredients in this food product may impair your children's learning ability and may cause behavioral disorders in your children. Right. And then personally, both of my children are very affected by Red 40 in particular, where my son will come back from a birthday party and he'll be acting like a lunatic.
Starting point is 00:06:40 He'll be jumping off the walls. He won't be able to sit still. And my wife and I will literally say to him, Tyson, what did you eat? And he'll say, oh, I had some Skittles or, oh, I ate some Charms Blow Pops or, oh, I had some Fruit Loops or whatever it is. And when we remove the food diet from their diets, it is a noticeable behavioral change. And there are countless parents that I have met that notice the same thing. What do you guys think? You see this first comment here where it says a literal, literally zero real studies.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Okay. Just kind of literally real studies in evidence suggests that diet is harmful at small level. Stop lying. It's the sugar, not the food diet. I mean, I don't know. I think the fucking, I think the food diet is probably not good for you at all either. And then when you talk about that small level, but what if that's a consistent part of my diet for a span of multiple years? Is it still considered a small level at that point? But when he said the thing about the party and he's like, and my kid goes there and he has red 40, then he comes back and bouncing off the walls. I'm like, is it just because of all the other crap he ate there too? Like, how do you specifically know it was the red 40? Anyways, semantics, because I still agree with the overall message and what we allow and regulate here in the US for our foods relative to what happens
Starting point is 00:07:49 outside of the US, there is different changes. If you guys have gone somewhere and had shitty junk food in Europe or even in Mexico or something like that, it tastes a little bit different. And that's because they use slightly different ingredients due to regulations. And so it's kind of funny too, when you think about it in terms of what we allow here by our trusted institutions versus like what we're allowed to ship to other countries due to their regulations. Just crazy. Yeah. Anyways, I wanted to share that with you guys.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Who's the guy that's sitting next to him? Fuck, I know he's famous or whatever and had like a talk show but he's interesting because sometimes i agree with uh what he says and then sometimes i'm like no not at all not even in not even in the same richter level okay then this i just found as uh fascinating here. Absolutely fascinating. Kenneth Elaps, small level, not a few to consistently for years. Yeah, that was my thought too, right? It was literally my first thought. Sousa, over 12 years ago, we removed food dyes from my son's diet because we were seeing such negative reactions. Typically, a day or two after he'd eaten the dyes, he would have massive meltdowns. Have you guys seen... God, I cannot remember the documentary. But anyways,
Starting point is 00:09:13 it was kids with extreme autism and stuff. And they stripped all the processed food out of their diet. And they only were allowed to eat real whole foods. And there was this huge, it's like really tough for parents because the kids just have constant meltdowns and go like crazy when they try to switch their diet. But inevitably, like survival will kick in and after, you know, whatever, a certain period of time of them not eating, they'll eat what's in front of them. And the differences that occurred in kids with autism in their cognitive ability, their speech ability, their social abilities started just becoming better and better and better. And it's like, I mean, I know I'm preaching to the freaking choir here with
Starting point is 00:09:56 this, but it's crazy when you think about all the shit that's in our food. And then we talk about some of the issues like, oh, mental health issues. It's like, yeah, dude, we're feeding like each other mush here. Like foods that literally are so ultra processed and packed full of stuff so they could like ship it around places that it fucking it's like it just becomes not even real food. I heard this. And again, I don't know if this is true or not, but like at places where they preserve bodies like at funeral homes and stuff like that, they didn't have to use as much embalming fluid as yours went on because we eat so much ultra processed stuff that some literal bodies
Starting point is 00:10:33 would just decompose much, much more slowly. And I know you guys have probably seen this with the McDonald's hamburger and they let it sit there for like a month and it looks exactly the same. God, man, I swore in the first 10 minutes. I i was gonna do that where do you find that video i know which one you're talking about uh franco asuza question knowing you have access to craig glassman have you asked him if he would stayed affiliated i have not asked him that um i have a feeling i may know his answer but that's that's a interesting question. No, I haven't seen it. Sarah Cox.
Starting point is 00:11:08 What's up, Sarah? How are you doing? I don't know why I read your name as if I don't know you. Hi, Sarah. We are trying to say that toddlers won't have meltdowns, though, if they don't eat junk food. Absolutely not. Toddlers are still going to have meltdowns regardless, right? But in terms of their ability to bounce back from that or to, in this case, in the video that I was referencing, them to have more social interaction and have more cognitive function was definitely apparent.
Starting point is 00:11:35 What happened to your light? Did it go out? It's on. Okay. All right. So with no further ado, we're going to bring on... I think the light's fine. Mr. Andrew Hiller. Welcome
Starting point is 00:11:47 to the show. You get a big applause and a music button. Don't you get dinged for this? No, because if I talk over it, it's fine. Do you like that? That was a big intro. Yeah, it was good. Like Buttery Bros style? bro style oh no please don't
Starting point is 00:12:07 you're gonna immediately get less views for that hey i realize we don't have little name thingies on here i don't know why it's like that in my brand but not probably a button on the side you gotta press oh banners or brand or something there it is what's with the shirt on i got one l already right off the back i sent you the clip and then i realized i was like wait a minute can you uh you could just get on this without me you don't even need a fucking link um i'm gonna show something real quick that has nothing to do with what we're gonna talk about um but i had it queued up here and uh i just thought this was fascinating that we live in this place where you could go to, I don't know if this is like a public,
Starting point is 00:12:51 it would be considered a public area or if it's a private university, but these people bordered all this shit off in names of a protest. It kind of just looks like a big camping hangout festival, but then they do this, block you out, and then this guy's riding around a bike trying to film inside of it and these guys with the umbrellas um apparently are trying to block
Starting point is 00:13:10 him from being able to see inside there and uh also are you can stand up at least come on yeah blocking him from asking questions or being kind of crazy. What is this? This is like a protest, like a pro-Palestine protest at a college. This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. That's what I thought when I first saw it. I was like, I didn't... What is happening, right? This dude...
Starting point is 00:13:38 How did he put time to do this? Because they're living off of fucking school loans and mommy and daddy's money and they're here and they're righteous and they're living off of fucking school loans and mommy and daddy's money and they're here and they're righteous and they're yeah now i was impressed by this guy because or gal i don't want to assume anybody's gender here on this campus but this guy ran pretty far after the bike and this is the most annoying video i've ever seen in my life exactly what are they doing with these umbrellas they're blocked that's like their defense mechanism because they could pop that and then technically hear you over this oh sorry man sorry so the umbrellas are apparently supposed
Starting point is 00:14:17 to like abstract your view from being able to see inside there and then they also create this barrier that like if you come up and start pushing up against that umbrella or something like technically that could be seen as like assault or whatever so they do that thing like where they're like i'm not hitting you i'm not hitting you but they're just like super fucking annoying because then if you lash out they're gonna be like see look look what you did and then you get in trouble where is that i forget which uh college college campus this is why wouldn't you just come with your own umbrella? And just umbrella them back? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Just double down? Yeah. Okay. So here's the deal. I've been doing some digging around, dude. And I got a question for you. Okay? And you can't lie to me.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Okay? Don't do it. Okay. And you can't lie to me. Okay. Don't do it. Okay. Do you feel nervous right now? No. Damn it. Okay. Cause I've been digging around and I got something for you here.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Okay. Exposed live on my show for the videos. I'm going to use this clip here. Am I your first guest? You're my second guest. Oh, yeah. Dr. Sean rocket. Yep. Yep. Um, okay. am i your first guest you're my second guest oh yeah dr sean rocket yep yep um okay so i was doing some digging around and i noticed number one there's four hillar fit instagrams are there
Starting point is 00:15:40 i thought there were three okay so there's three hillar fit instagrams right there were three. Okay, so there's three HillerFit Instagrams, right? There's three of them. Then I also notice that sometimes you sign things with Coach Andy. I've done that in the past, yeah. You did that in the past. And then sometimes I hear Andrew, and then sometimes I hear Hiller. Okay, so here's the question. Just come clean.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Okay. How many people actually fucking work for you? How many people? There's just different people signing off differently for me. There has to be dude. There's okay. And here's why. And this is what really made me.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I was like, all right, fuck it. The jigs up. I'm calling this dude out. I'm having them on the show and we're going to get down. You made, like, what? Like 50 of these things?
Starting point is 00:16:32 And they popped up overnight? I put them up, what, about 11 a.m. yesterday, maybe? I'm actually making more as we speak, so. Holy shit. You know what I mean. Andy is making more as we speak. Holy shit. You know what I mean? Andy is making more as we speak. I was like, I'm going to screw with him a little bit because I wanted to talk to you about this
Starting point is 00:16:52 and about some of the other stuff. But I was just like, dude, this is insane. You did all of these, right? Right. So I had a couple of different thoughts on these and I wanted to make them just good enough where the athletes would consider using them themselves. And I wanted to also make them better than CrossFit, whatever could ever.
Starting point is 00:17:18 And I think that both of those were accomplished. Damn. You know, I've seen a lot of people like speculate about why I did it. Yeah. Like number one, I just do this stuff. Right. Right. And number two, I'm just acting as if I am CrossFit's Instagram account now. I'm imagining like, Hey, this is what I think that they should do. And I know that they won't listen. So I'll just do it on my own. And so that's what
Starting point is 00:17:45 just inspired you just to go ham with these uh with the athlete interviews that dave was doing and converting them into small little clips i was sitting it was like 9 30 a couple nights ago and i'm sitting there with alexis and i paused it we were watching one of them i think it was the one with the quant and i go alexis i'm just gonna turn this into a clip. Why not? Actually, my initial thought was I was going to send it to Dave. I'm like, here, Dave, use it. But I don't know if I want to give him more work to do. So I just thought I'd use it myself.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And did you collab with any of the athletes or CrossFit Instagram? Yeah, I think a handful of them accepted. I know Luckett accepted. I think Ibarra accepted. Luke Parker accepted. And then there was someone else. A couple of them used them. But CrossFit didn't accept any of them, and neither did Dave.
Starting point is 00:18:43 So what gave you the thought of like – and I'm kind of setting up here too because i we had the same um thought and it's kind of funny because i watched your video with uh after the pedro don interview and i don't know if you watched the show that i did with uh his interview but um yes your face but we hit on the same point similar points and uh had kind of similar responses my favorite thing you brought up that i don't think i really went in as hard with was the food thing right pedro brought up the siphon that they get the level one seminar staff yeah and how it was like brought down yeah and and i think you went a little harder on that than i did dude that, did you see his body language in that when he brought that up? It looked like Don wanted to reach to the screen and punch him.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I was at Costco and I was holding on to a giant thing of ribeyes when you brought that up. I remember where I was when you were talking about it. He kind of triggered Don there. Yeah, he definitely did. Because that was like, not only was it something that obviously struck a nerve but then he had like clearly very specific information so there was probably this part of like fuck you free this up and also like damn how did you even know that um but yeah it was funny because we i watched i watched your video obviously and i was like oh dang like we had
Starting point is 00:19:58 similar threads of different things uh kind of attacked it from different ways but kind of almost had similar answers, at least in the first part. I didn't really go into the part where they talked about you at all, because I figured you were probably going to do something on that. There was no reason to do that. So I just stayed towards the first part of the interview. But it was interesting how many similar thoughts we've had. And one of the things that I've heard you say a lot that I agree with, and we've had this conversation before, is the affiliate is like this microcosm of everything that's happening. It's almost like a microcosm of is like the affiliate is like this microcosm of everything that's happening. It's like almost like a microcosm of like
Starting point is 00:20:27 everything always all the time. And why do you think that? It's just experience. I mean, from what I've seen, whether it be, I was a very different person in my time before I was an affiliate owner, even, even like through college, uh, I wouldn't have really recognized myself. So I grew a lot in there i learned a lot in there the more you realize that that there's all sorts of different types of people that come on in uh and then many of them are just there for the the group of people themselves you'll see people from high level business you'll see people who have no idea about business you'll see the meatheads You'll see people from high level business. You'll see people who have no idea about business. You'll see the meatheads. You'll see rather educated. You'll see people who barely speak English and through all those different people, once you kind of talk to them quite a bit
Starting point is 00:21:12 and you see what makes them tick, you can learn quite a bit about people in general. And then as a business, I think it's very applicable in many businesses. Yeah. Or better or worse worse and i completely agree with you and um i didn't really even know how to answer that but the way that you said it like i was a completely different person from like start like going into the name afterwards i did fix your name i liked it the way it was that was the fifth person oh this isn't me this is someone else well then excuse me no no no i'm messing yeah dd i mean you're just a content like machine it was when i saw that i was just like holy shit and it's funny too because um you took that clip
Starting point is 00:21:54 where the people were talking about getting hurt in crossfit that was like right before you posted all the athlete interviews and i had that like queued up like i screen recorded it was like getting ready to like do something with it and then then you posted it. I was like, yeah, nope. Can't even catch them. Which one? This one here. I'll play it. You see the thing I just put up?
Starting point is 00:22:14 I did. The one I just put up, like as you were on the show. I did. Oh, okay. I did. Oh, wait, maybe the one before that. I just put it up. I would not be shocked if you hadn't seen it yet but i'm curious your your take on it but go talk about what you wanted on this one so remember that no i just i it was just crazy because i had like taken this too but i just did a
Starting point is 00:22:39 little screen recording of it and then it was cool that i just saw that you had already jumped on it and like oh you did okay yeah but i didn't post anything with it because you already hit it so i was just like okay cool he's uh he's got it going on i really like to try to have something up every day on instagram no matter what it is that's the goal one one piece of content on ig a day that was i mean you know i did that on youtube for a while yeah that, that was insane. The YouTube one, when I started, it was, depending on what it was, it took anywhere from probably six to even a day's worth of time to get it done, which would usually take me pretty late into the night. And then the Instagram ones could be anywhere from a post,
Starting point is 00:23:18 which is a minute to that one, which I think took like 30. Yeah, that was crazy. That one wasn't bad. Some of them are, I don don't know it's just fun how many how many uh posts that do you have that have gone over a million views i don't know like at least two i uh i would bet probably 12 to 18 i don't know wow there's that i mean i'm counting the ones on my dad account too. Right. It kind of takes me off.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I'm very convinced that it was Danny Spiegel that had my old Instagram nuked. And I know there was some thought there that it was Mikey Swoosh. But the weekend that it was taken down, Danny Spiegel was at instagram headquarters and we don't believe in coincidence no way really haven't told you this no i didn't know what the was she doing on instagram headquarters i don't know i think it was actually i think actually travis bellinghaus let me know that oh that's gonna be a picture over there on the same weekend of course i've been blocked the same weekend of course i've been blocked and at which like my account was dead and she was there i'm like oh okay but the reason i'm bringing all of it up is because that account was at like 40 something thousand at that point now this new one like 50 something yeah 51 almost
Starting point is 00:24:37 i always want to know like if it's the same people or if i would have had something else going on at this point i think you would have been above 250 000 and i think you probably would have had majority of them yeah dude you don't think so 250 yeah because it's a flywheel 60 to 75 that's where i would thousand yeah who knows i don't know dude i mean your instagram account is one of those accounts that you just have to follow like whether you love you or you hate you, like you have to follow it because you need like that's like where the newest information is going to be coming out. So I feel like I don't know. I feel like you would have had a larger following. I was going through people's heads is like I blasted him with all the athlete videos or if they see him.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I don't even know what it looks like. Is that someone else? I basically saw one pop up on my feed and i was like oh that's cool and then i saw two and then i was like wait a minute and then i went and i saw that you had like 16 of them or whatever and i just thought that that was absolutely insane i see this this right here and i think people are so stupid i think they're so dumb what are we doing this show for right now engagement views eyeballs entertainment thank you uh i think don fall is so stupid like how can he possibly say that anything that i do is no good when they pay for the same
Starting point is 00:25:53 thing and i had that little rant in my video which was i spend my time which is the same as his money he's spending it on seo which is the same thing as my youtube clicks like you run a company you're you're this is the dumbest thing i've ever heard anyone say at this level well you uh inspired me a little bit too because i was like man and this is all that yes and uh here let me show you i was gonna i'll show you this which i was, it's not really as much as yours, but that's the engagement on my Instagram. Yeah. That's great. That's not bad, right?
Starting point is 00:26:31 How'd you do that? I tried to find opportune moments that I thought would do well. Some of them I had no idea, which like the clip of Dr. Sean Rock and I talking about if CrossFit is dangerous or not did pretty well. Yeah. But in all honesty, it was the clip of the chick that I when I was just sitting at lunch in between classes at the gym. And Grace had on the weightlifting nationals. And she was like, holy shit, look at this.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And I turned around and they were showing the replay of the chick like dislocating and putting it in. I was like, wait, can you screen record that for me? And so she's like, yeah, and sent it to me. And then I posted it and I collabed with the chick who dislocating and putting it in i was like wait can you screen record that for me and so she's like yeah and sent it to me and then i posted it and i collabed with the chick who did it and instantly she accepted it and it was the first piece of content of that out there so that reel went and it has like 838 000 um but uh squat university reached out to me and i heard you talk about this right yeah and they were like hey can we can we utilize your clip i'm like yeah sure go for it and then when i looked at theirs i think she was up over oh fuck now she's at 20.7 million right here that clip yeah that that clip
Starting point is 00:27:38 is mine and uh obviously he would have gotten um like he got more just because he has so much more of a following. He has like three million. That's what drives me nuts about the CrossFit Games Instagram is that they have the two million baseline. Yeah. And that is what you just said. They start with more. So yours gets 800,000. His gets 20 million.
Starting point is 00:27:59 20 million. And if I put up some stupid crap that gets a million, imagine what would happen if it had that. It's like a trampoline, a two million baseline. Yeah, it'd be insane, right? And especially if they were posting and people were engaging all the time because the algorithm would pick that up and just send it. It's just not cool anymore to be in cahoots with CrossFit games. There's a point in time where people give their dick to be featured on that account. And now I bet that they offer to collaborate with all these athletes they just did one with adler but it's not going to do anything for him yeah i mean if we look at the games where they
Starting point is 00:28:33 just put up a thing with adler and i bet his he gets he picks up like 10 followers and it's like there was a point where that was the thing i remember when it was just get your the photo of uh the workout of the day photo on main site back when everybody go to main site and so we got a photo they're taking their shirts off to get on there no yeah literally the backwards pull up with it yep yep you're absolutely right and uh it was funny because i remember the day that they posted the picture that we put up like one of the kids in our kids room wrote on the chalkboard that we have they're like i love crossfit but like spelt it all funny with a k but like phonetically and it still worked out there was this big bear that we had in there sitting next to it um and so they posted the picture up and uh we were so pumped like when we saw it we're
Starting point is 00:29:17 like holy shit and like went all crazy and stuff for the shitty thing was is somebody stole the CrossFit Livermore Instagram handle. So we had to be at CF underscore Livermore. And at the time, there was some drama. Oh, they tagged the wrong one. And so they tagged the wrong one. And it sent everybody who would have checked us out to that wrong one, which there was one post that said, CrossFit's for everybody, don't be an ass. And it had a picture of a donkey inside of some empty-looking gym.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And we tried to get that handle back for forever but the gym that we i ended up leaving out of and starting the new gym like the guy got super butthurt about it and um well got super butthurt about it and started that instagram and would not give me that handle and is like hasn't even been around the space for like nine ten years do you know where he is you know we can mess with him right i don't know where he is i don't know much about him he wasn't even like super into the space at all i think he saw it more or less like as like a business opportunity aren't you italian no i'm portuguese oh that's why why because don't telling people miss people it's like just and hold grudges for forever no no no you just get back what with yours i tried i've messaged a lot of people i tried to go through instagram i tried to do a bunch of stuff like way back in the day
Starting point is 00:30:30 and they they never um uh they never instagram never did anything for me and i could never get a hold of anybody from that account or the guy that i think started it i could be wrong but david at one point tell savon that if he went to meta then he would feature him or something um alex stein yes alex stein said hey you should dress up nice and fancy go to meta and ask about what's going on with your account and if you could speak to an in-person customer service and film the whole thing and he said that he would put it up on his youtube channel uh and share anything on the instagram that we made i wanted to do that so bad there's been a couple of things that i've wanted to do on the table um i'm sure it would be alex is a homie dude like he's he's a good guy so
Starting point is 00:31:15 i feel like he would definitely um hook us up with whatever we asked but i want to get back to the conversation so when did you have the epiphany, if we want to call it that you're just like, okay, I'm not going to try to push what CrossFit should do. I'm just going to do it myself. It would almost be like you're working with somebody who's overweight and you, you can lose the weight for them.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Like, Hey, I'm going to train you for an hour. I'm telling you what you need to eat, but you could absorb what it is that they need to do. And they don't got to do anything. That's kind of how I'm looking at it. Does that make sense? It does.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I'm going to run a little bit more. I'm not going to eat any refined carbohydrates and then you're going to lose weight. And it's, it's good for me because I'm getting it too. And it's also good for you. And, uh, maybe you'll start doing it too, because you see how it's working for you already. If you could imagine that in some weirdo universe. No, I, I, and the reason why I asked is because literally I had a conversation last week with somebody, um, who all of of you guys know and somebody who has done great stuff in the space and that i respect a lot and they basically said like hey why don't you just
Starting point is 00:32:32 do what you want them to do like independent of crossfit like just act as if you are crossfit and i just thought it was funny that you kind of had that same thread what's that what did i tell you this no no but it was just funny because we we came across like the same thing and i wonder if we if we talked to the same person i'll ask you after this no we didn't okay so interesting i'll do it myself and that's that's exactly how i felt and so with the school platform and the affiliate contest and just being able to help like if someone were to ask me and i did have somebody asked me like, Hey, if you were in charge of CrossFit, what would you, what would you want them to do? What is the solution? Yeah. And they're like, what is the solution? And I started going through the whole thing. Here's what I would do, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I mean, you've heard me talk about it and spit it out and all this other shit, but, um, they, uh, they were like, cool. So why don't you just do that and there was an interesting time in my life where that same exact thing was told to me by seven when i was at the ddc in 2018 and i was like you need to start your podcast up again that shit was awesome we need to do more stuff that just i could listen to because that's how we're going to reach a younger generation we should turn all the articles into audio versions and sav Siobhan was like, that's a great idea. You should just do it. I heard you talk about that on Glidden, right? Yeah. And I was like, fuck, he's right. I should just do it. And so I started doing it. And it was funny because after that, the ripple effect or the cascade that happened after that kind of launched
Starting point is 00:33:58 everything that we have now. So then I was just thinking to myself like, well, I heeded that advice from somebody else again, who I respect in the space. And you're right. I'm just thinking to myself like well i heeded that advice from somebody else again who i respect in the space and um you're right i'm just gonna fucking do what i want them to do and i'm just gonna do it on my own and we'll just see what comes of that and i just thought it was interesting that um you kind of had that same thought process no nobody told me that it's just something i thought of and it's something it ebbs and flows. Like I can do whatever I want. And then every once in a while, it's this is what I think they should do.
Starting point is 00:34:29 And I'll just do it. Yeah. What, if CrossFit hired you, would you ever work for CrossFit? It'd be a number that I don't think they would give me. Money-wise. It would also be decision-making choices that I don't think they would allow.
Starting point is 00:34:45 But it would be potentially, but probably not. wise and would also be decision-making choices that I don't think they would allow. Yeah. But it would be potentially, but probably not because it's just, they would never. And then by money, you mean like they would have to pay you enough to stop what you were doing now. Plus the opportunity of cost of where you would be if you kept doing what you were doing now. So that's why the number would be so high, right? What's the number on a business?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Isn't it profit by three or five years, depending on it? Typically. Yep. And at which rate it would be whatever I make because I'm entirely self-employed. All my money comes through me. Right. What I made two years ago into the future by five and they couldn't afford that. Yeah. I don't think. Well, I mean, and even if they could throw money at it the second thing that you said which was uh actual autonomy to make decisions at a high level right that's the most frustrating thing like that's why i can't hold things against dave potentially everyone's like uh you don't even watch his stuff it's like well maybe he does but
Starting point is 00:35:41 maybe he can't really speak his mind i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt a lot of the time i don't think what he's saying is the gospel truth and i don't talk to him he hasn't told me this but i'm inferring that and if you look into the things that he talks about for example annette revis i did the entire video on her where i simply showed her own words and when he spoke toward that point it he had never specifically said she doesn't it's that we do not i have not and it's like well he's not really defending a net he's defending a team of people and crossfit saying he has not he hasn't seen it that stuff can all be true but it can still be happening yeah agree with it and while you didn't watch the video he's not really coming at me he's just speaking facts as he knows them
Starting point is 00:36:31 and why do you think that people are viewing that as negativity they project right project, right? Yeah. I found it interesting that they were in her presence. And people use this E word, the empathy word. They have empathy. They put themselves in the person's shoes and they would not like it if they had made a statement somewhere and it was being viewed in such a light. Because that's all it is. It's being viewed. I didn't really, my opinion on the thing was that i would not do that i don't agree with that and stop but the comment section it's a different story right there could have been the same comment section on that video in
Starting point is 00:37:18 my opinion you go to the net rivas video from i think it it was September of 2023 maybe around then it was right before she was hired at CrossFit and it could have been the same comment section all from CrossFitters right yeah I could have put a comment in there it goes you know I don't agree with this and currently she is the CPO at the company where I spend all my time talking about stuff and everyone in the CrossFit world could have gone in there and flooded it it's just a different thing and people view it in a certain way and I don't know why it's negative but I do think that they think oh I really wouldn't want that comment section about me well it's like well then also you shouldn't have said it in the first place I thought yeah I don't
Starting point is 00:37:59 know if you've ever heard this but I have the thing where if I wouldn't do it in private and be ready for everyone to know about it, I probably shouldn't be doing it in general. Right. Like if I shut this camera off and I just started jerking off in this chair right here and a video went public about it and be like, well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:17 I did that. Like what? Yeah. And she public podcast talking about it. And for all of a sudden she got caught jerking off in a chair and I'm the one who's negative podcast talking about it and for all of a sudden she got caught jerking off in a chair and i'm the one who's negative about talking about ridiculous i i mean i watched that video i watch i watch all your stuff but i didn't it's not like there was any like personal attack on her it's not where you're like she drives a great 2007 honda civic that looks like a piece
Starting point is 00:38:43 of shit and so she's terrible and like her haircut sucks like you didn't like that's you that's my car yeah the way i drive even in it and um so like it's it's interesting because it's always like this juxtaposition where they feel like they were attacked but ultimately you can't really point at anything that was like overtly negative like see he's making fun of her there because i don't make fun of people right right i don't do it and so that's why i've always just thought like that does it do it doesn't do any good and it doesn't work towards like i always feel that there is a sense of a solution if you if you shave your head and be like oh you say you shaved your head why and then you have the option to go oh i had lice or i was balding or i think i wanted to see what it was like or grace told me she didn't like my hair
Starting point is 00:39:31 so i got rid of it you have all of those options or you can get all like self-defensive and self-conscious and defensive and come at me and say they're attacking me for shaving my head it's like well that's your fault i just want to know why you shaved it yeah i want to know and i think it's okay to hire people based upon the color of their skin she said it you shaved your head like come on yeah no objection here i i just think it's interesting i don't like bald dudes i tried it i was bald once and your face is black too yeah not that long ago. I don't mind that. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:40:07 But when I buzzed my head or I shaved it, I'm like, what does this look like? I don't like it. CJ said you watched the jerk-off video. Yeah. Sure did. Sure did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:18 It's interesting because I think you have to bend towards the fact of the feeling bad being like, oh, I feel bad for you. So then I agree that it's negative as opposed to the other option of like, yeah, well, shit, you said it. And it is what it is. It sucks that it got brought up. You can either want to be a pussy or you cannot be. That's it. You want to think it's negative and you want to be soft?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Oh, I wouldn't. Don Fall said it in freaking self. What if it was your significant other that had this done with them? It's like, done what? Your significant other did something that everyone could see, and they did it to themselves. It's like they're doing heroin. Like, oh, I feel so bad for the heroin addict.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It's like, well, they shouldn't have done heroin. Yeah. And I have another example that happened to me today. And I took the... Don said that. What's that? It's disgusting that Don said that. Imagine it.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Your sister, brother, wife, husband, whatever, had a video made on them. I'm a little bit incorrect with the phrasing there, but he did say that. Right? Yeah. What? And I think it's because it's like you said, the narrative of like, hey, we feel bad for this person because they might not have liked what they saw. And so for us, we're just going to view it as like, you're the bad guy.
Starting point is 00:41:44 This is negative. And we're upset with you because it happened and like i don't like there's nothing there's no solution to that because like then there's nobody's even agreeing that it's a problem or anything else it's just kind of like okay well yeah we all feel bad for you and nothing happens and the example that i was going to give is like so today um i came in and on one of the whiteboards we have two two whiteboards across the gym. So you could see the workout on the other whiteboard if you're on the far side of the gym. And what's that? Nothing. Oh, yeah. Like to make sure it's accessible. Yeah. And so on one side, it said every two minutes for five sets on the side that I presented to the class and gave the whiteboard
Starting point is 00:42:23 briefing. It said every two minutes for seven sets. So then half the class at five sets started to like unload their bar and like get a prep, like they were going to go into the workout. And it was like, wait a minute, guys, we got two more sets here. And they're like, well, this board says this side. And then, so I have the option there to be like, Hey, I screwed that up when I wrote it on that side. i could be like why didn't you guys better at the beginning i said it was seven and like get upset about it right but either way it was my fault for screwing it up and writing five on one board and then writing seven on the other board and the only thing at that point that i could control is like how i how i respond to that
Starting point is 00:42:58 right everyone's doing six yeah yeah we're gonna split the difference, you assholes. Six sets. And yeah, so I just think that it's just, it all comes down to how you're going to choose to respond to something. And I think that to a certain degree, it made them internally look a little chaotic by responding like that because it seemed like they had to kind of like huddle around like a wounded deer. And since they're making it that response as opposed to just like either a ignoring it or b just addressing it head on it makes it just feel like there actually isn't any response to it but they're just going to point
Starting point is 00:43:39 at you and say that you're a bad guy and then that is the response because he never addressed it in terms of like we don't have those hiring practice did they sure didn't so that's it right yeah imagine just 45 47 minutes of me pointing at you calling you a deer you're a deer you're a deer it's like what yeah d-e-e-r you heard me deer the animal with antlers and all that and It's like, what? Yeah. D E E R. You heard me deer, the animal with antlers and all that. And Don's like, you know, I really don't like woodland creatures. They're not all that great. We shouldn't call us things that live in the forest. And it's like, dude, are you a deer or not? Yeah. And when you, um, when you're making those videos and stuff like that, are you,
Starting point is 00:44:21 are you actually like really intentionally not having it go that direction so that way you could you're making sure that it's staying on fat like on track to what you're trying to show or what you're trying to highlight like what goes like what kind of goes through your head as you're making making a video like that there is a tangent i do really much consider whether and i think the things I, and I saw this mentioned in here already, the trash can story when it came to Alexis and I brought that up twice in videos,
Starting point is 00:44:51 but I think it's a really good example of like, Hey, just because she's close to me doesn't mean that it's not how I treat her or anyone like anywhere. It's just how I think it needs to be. Think not has to, but right. I remember I was at Chipotle once and I go there all the time.
Starting point is 00:45:08 And there was a day where there's, I always have a habit of talking to people and on the line. And they're always talking, talking, talking various things. And one day this guy kept on saying stuff and I go, well, you could have,
Starting point is 00:45:20 or, you know, on the flip side of it. And he goes, dude, can you stop being so fucking positive for a minute and i see this guy all the time right because it was the chipotle next to the affiliate and i go i didn't mean it like i just didn't think that any of those things were
Starting point is 00:45:34 all that bad it could have been worse yeah i told this to alexis i told her this recently there was something going on i don't know it wasn't all that great and i go i remember i was probably six seven eight years old. And I had this wandering eye. And every once in a while, it would pop up. And when I got contacts, it fixed it. And I hear this a lot. People wear glasses or contacts.
Starting point is 00:45:56 They correct, so both eyes are working the same. And I got out of the car. And for some reason, I was thinking about it. Maybe I was looking in the rearview mirror. But I got out of the car, and I saw this dude in a wheelchair. And I'm like, why aren't I at that bed that you can't walk? Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:46:12 And it's just kind of something that I've always thought about. Like there's always a, it could be worse. It's not that bad. And the reason I'm telling you all of this is because I don't think I'm inherently or ever even negative. It's not really where I go with things. And if it, and if there's just something good or bad it's just it is what it is yeah something worse and people he's so negative
Starting point is 00:46:32 it's absurd to me to hear that because i've never heard before until i started making youtube videos that did that make you feel bad like not about like what you like not about like making the video but were you just like damn my i was totally misunderstood my intentions does it make me feel bad that people think i'm negative yeah no like you're like fuck that's not my intention we can't do anything about what other people think uh if anything my time again in the affiliate where we just talked about that made that obvious like as obvious as possible half the gym tells you to put a mask on the other half of the gym tells you that they're going to be pissed if you haven't wore masks and it's like well how do you
Starting point is 00:47:13 win you can't yeah and all of a sudden you remember the affiliate teaches you everything you need to know you can't win so why try to make anyone happy and just do what you wanted to do in the first place and let the rest just fall or will yeah because i'll ultimately if you try to make anyone happy and just do what you wanted to do in the first place and let the rest just fall or will? Yeah, because ultimately, if you try to please everybody, you're going to please nobody. Head. Is it wandering? Well, no. Wall is different than wandering, all right?
Starting point is 00:47:36 Like they're both going the same direction. But, you know, you're absolutely right. And I think we're also seeing that internally with CrossFit, meaning they're trying to appease everybody at the same time. And then in turn, they're appeasing nobody at all. Is there any coincidence that the people in charge have never run an affiliate? And you think that would change their perspective on stuff? I don't think that the people who have been close to the affiliates have much of a say-so. Yeah. There is a little bit of like, what do you know? Because I've been selling fucking memberships for the last 10 years.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And you haven't sold a membership in your life. So who are you to tell me how to do things or this or that or the other thing right dan guerrero calling people stupid is not negative if it's true it's honesty and the same thing goes for fat and i grew up my mom always told me not to talk about like never ask a woman what she weighs or how old she is and i'm like why like what if you're curious yeah and you're like how old are you and you just want to know if she's like close to your age it shouldn't matter it's like well it matters i think that's what if we don't watch the same movies that's part of the uh uh what you might call it like the wear a mask or
Starting point is 00:49:00 don't wear a mask like if you're just gonna open the can of worms and just end up being the bad guy. So you're just going to be screwed regardless. Um, okay. So let's, uh, let's get into, do you have any, anything in the hole right now?
Starting point is 00:49:15 Is there any grenades in the hole? The YouTube hole? I've got something I'm working on. It's going to come up on Monday and it's not like a grenade. It's just something that I think is going to be cool. Okay. be cool okay do you know about that i don't think so i wouldn't spend the weekend with an athlete oh it'll be an athlete video see that's another reason why i think there's fucking 10 of you how are you gonna be traveling somewhere and spending time with an athlete in cutting all these reels in making those those other videos, in staying as engaged as you do,
Starting point is 00:49:47 that's pretty freaking nuts. We were watching a movie, Alexis and I, and I told her that I consider it work. And she's like, you're not allowed to work right now. We can't watch this movie. Stop working. I'm like, everything is work. And it's why I'm convinced that it's, I think you do need to have opponents, right?
Starting point is 00:50:11 And CrossFit at the moment is my opponent. They can't win. They can't, they cannot win because I'm always working. And I know that the people that they've got over there, they take time off. They take vacations. They're not thinking about it the way that I think about it. They cannot win. They take vacations. They're not thinking about it the way that I think about it. They cannot win.
Starting point is 00:50:25 They might as well play along. And it's not if you can't beat them, join them. If they can't beat me, they should work with me. Yeah. If you had your way, who would CrossFit sell to? Magic wand moment here. There's no restriction. Is it worth more or less than they sold it for last time?
Starting point is 00:50:52 Doesn't matter. Money doesn't matter in this situation. What do you want to have happen? Me. You run it? Yes. Yeah, it's the same thing I say too. Would you hire me?
Starting point is 00:51:06 Yeah. All right, cool. You could be in charge then. Yeah. Can I make Dave the CEO? You can make Dave the CEO. You can be a people's officer. How about that?
Starting point is 00:51:20 Yeah. I'll take it. I'm only going to hire you based on your brand. That's why the question of how much is it is important because I would have never had said me if you wouldn't have said money don't matter. Right. And that's because I've talked about it. I know you've heard me talk about it on the other shows and that's what I say all the time. I'm like, someone's like, hey, what do you want to have happen? And it's like, ultimately, you would like to see it go into the hands of a
Starting point is 00:51:42 private owner, like a single individual with a really long-term vision, not necessarily a private equity company, because they're going to run it through their machine of stuff that they do to try to add valuation to it, just to offload it and sell it to somebody else, right? It's just a pass-through thing. This is probably as good, if not better, of an option. But the thing is, I don't know if he wants it. And the thing is, I know I would. Yeah, I don't think he wants it. And greg is for sure if he's like a 100 out of 100 on the education scale everyone everything crossfit would need i'd be like a 10 but i can make up with that 10 with effort and yeah i'm not saying he wouldn't try i'm just saying he did he'd been there done that he's got nothing else to prove i'd have a lot to prove
Starting point is 00:52:23 easy sounds thank you for the a dollar 99 Euro. We're just here for the negativity. That's what we're unraveling. Is there, there is no negativity. There's only a thing. This is the only real option. Sell it to Frank.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And the only stipulation is you can have to continue to work from your bathroom. Well, it's funny that you mentioned that because on this clip here i was going to uh show this okay so let me um let me show this because frank actually just commented this on one of my uh things here i love matt suza and that he points this out but what is he proposing as a solution i propose that the affiliates organize and collectively take action to either buy crossfit from private equity or start a new brand check out the cf collective okay then he turned the rest of it into a promo for his thing dude i i love his dedication that's all that's all it is it's you gotta admire the guy for the relentless dedication i mean he like tried to
Starting point is 00:53:23 steamroll him and he just popped right back up like a month later like fucking nothing happened and just like oh my god have you seen game of thrones i have not i hardly watch anything everyone who has seen it will know hodor and it's like he's hodor it's like hodor hodor hodor what does hodor mean like we really don't know what frank means but we're gonna figure it out at some point. What do you mean by collectively gather the affiliates to buy it? Because you don't even know what it means. Yeah, that's- It's provocative, Hodor. Hold the door. It's one of those situations where it sounds like a really good idea, but I would love to see logistically how that would actually work. You know what I
Starting point is 00:54:04 mean? Is he just saying- It won actually work. You know what I mean? Like, is he just saying like... It won't work. Hey, route all your... It didn't make sense until it made sense. Well, here's the way that I see it. And I like the fact that you just said like, I'm not trying to view it as negative or positive. I'm just trying to view it as like it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:54:20 And I'm just holding it up for everybody to see, giving it a platform to give it exposure and um that's kind of like you know that's kind of how i feel a little bit about all the stuff that we do which is like goddamn suza you and savon live under a rock who said that hardly last it was just a new name and it totally threw me off what i was going to say so now i completely forgot so we'll move on because you haven't seen i know seven seen game of thrones that's probably what they're referencing oh okay okay you guys in the comments you always assume the comments are bad can we uh have a poll of who should own crossfit and caleb's not here so
Starting point is 00:55:00 i don't know if we could uh if we could do that everyone figure out how to do that this morning oh did he i mean actually operate a pole i don't know honestly i could do it i just don't do it right now susan until we uh have summit videos for the until we have to oh until when september 7th if you uh look at that link um which I will also put inside the chat here in a moment. If you look at this link, this will have all the information that you guys need as far as the affiliate video. But it goes until September 7th. There's all the links in there, like where to submit it. You could download all the bumpers that you need, the intro bumper, the outro bumper, everything else. The reason why I feel like a lot of people say like, hey, we're CrossFit, we're the community,
Starting point is 00:55:48 it's us, we're bigger than one person. Here's the deal. We don't have the resources or the reach that one global entity like CrossFit has. So when you're at the helm of it, it is your job to grow the pie, in my opinion, as CrossFit HQ. If you are not focused on growing the ecosystem of CrossFit, then nobody else is. And a perfect example that I have that I was just thinking about was Chris Cooper just had his Two Brain Business Summit. There was over a thousand gym owners there. I think they have to get a whole new space and venue next year because the thing is just exploding. He had multiple speakers that came up and spoke to the affiliates. He paid those speakers. He took the money and said,
Starting point is 00:56:30 I want to put people in front of these gym owners to give them some sort of value. And I am willing to pay for that for them. Whether that's travel expense, speaker fee, whatever the case is. Who's the speaker? Do you know? Right? Who got paid? The year before, he had Jocko. And I know he's had Mike Mc mcconowitz which is a small 5 a.m and go work out well he had he had mike mcconnell 50
Starting point is 00:56:52 grand i think i thought i had one of his books but mike mcconowitz is a really good um writer yeah clockwork there's another one up there but he wrote like profit first and a couple other things and so his information is really good. And he has nothing to do with the CrossFit space whatsoever. So typically, you're going to have some sort of speaker fee or bring somebody in. Now, CrossFit brought in Jocko. Jocko paid CrossFit. So think about that.
Starting point is 00:57:23 One person pays somebody to bring people in to add value the other person is paying them to come in to essentially monetize us the crossfit ecosystem right so if you look at those two different things and so something like that is always what i think about in terms of like if they're not focused on growth and partnerships, and they're only focused on extracting from the community, so that way they could grow their bottom line to get the evaluation that they need to be able to have a successful exit of the company, a successful sell of it to somebody else, then there's no way that you can be growing the thing at the same time you're trying to extract from it. And I just love that example. Pay people,
Starting point is 00:58:05 right? What's that? CrossFit does pay people that can do the things that Chris Cooper had. Jocko do for them, right? Cause let's, let's say you gave him out on 50 grand. Let's just say,
Starting point is 00:58:16 I don't know. Okay. Chris Cooper gives Jocko 50 grand. He's giving the gym owners something to listen to. Right. Right. Who does CrossFit pay? Cause they pay people tell me they pay people right yeah well i'm assuming they pay their employees i'm assuming that too keep going who else do they pay i don't know yeah this is this is correct that that's an
Starting point is 00:58:41 employee yeah that's an employee. The athletes at the games. What do you mean they pay them? When they win. Oh, like the prize purse and stuff like that? We had Jocko. His name was Froning. His name was Fraser.
Starting point is 00:58:56 It was Tina. It was the daughters. We had people, and they're just not using Jocko anymore. Crazy. There was a freaking year where Jocko Adler just chilled in Canada. Bye-bye. Have fun in Canada. Do what you want. We think you're doing the zone diet.
Starting point is 00:59:15 We don't want to see it. We don't care if you tell anybody about what the zone diet does for you. But we have a Jocko. We do it. We just don't use it. Chris Cooper paid Jocko to sit at home and jerk off. There's a second time I keep on referencing. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I mean, you're, that's exactly it. Right. And so that's cool. I never really thought about that. And if you, to take your example,
Starting point is 00:59:40 okay, so they could, so if you have $1, how are you going to spend that dollar? And where are you going to spend that dollar and where are you going to spend that dollar? And you have two decisions to make. Are we going to spend this on things that are going to make us more money or are we going to spend this on something that's going to grow the community? I give the dollar to Rogan.
Starting point is 00:59:55 To Rogan. Yeah. And get on the show and reach 120 million people in an episode. Yeah. Yeah. I'd pay the Hawk Tooie girl. I'd give her a buck. If I were CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:00:11 I'd give the Hawk Tooie girl a dollar because everyone's watching her right now. Dude, did you see that clip that I sent in last night when I saw that? I saw that like an hour or two after it was posted. I got two minutes into it, and I thought it was absolutely crazy. I haven't seen it yet.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Oh, dude. I put it in the thread it was fucking i she's in this big hat and they're like so you don't have social media and she's like no i was off social media before that clip ever came about she's like i just deleted it she's like okay so you're on social media again now that you have all this attention and she's like well i'm working with my manager and my agent and i'm like what the fuck this chick hasn't even produced one dollar but here come the vultures right like let me be your agent let me be your manager oh we're gonna do this i'm gonna put together this business plan for you and it's just it's fucking insane it's like here come the leeches
Starting point is 01:00:54 and by the way don't even get me on the fact that the cross the agents in the crossfit space like when um uh dave said yesterday on the weekend review he's like i'm gonna bring affiliate owners into here and talk to them and share their stories. Oh, fucking what a novel idea. I'm going to bring in all the CrossFit Games athletes and have all of them. Yep, we did that last year, brother. And then now he's like, I'm going to bring in the agents. Please don't fucking bring in the agents. Please don't bring in the leeches. Dave said that? Yes, in his last week. I didn't hear the agents part. And dude, I thought it was absolutely insane. I had a conversation with an athlete and I was like hey you just got this they like posted about it i was like have you
Starting point is 01:01:30 considered doing xyz i would do this and they were like holy shit that's a great idea and i said yep and then when they respond xyz is i can but i'm not gonna do it on air why i can show it to you it's gonna help so many people and you don't want to help people for free. Who the hell do you think you are? And it's not, it's not, it's not, um, it's not the fact that I don't want to help people free. Cause when I finished this, you'll still receive the same help. It's the fact of that. Nobody, again, nobody's thinking about growing the pie, right? Because then I asked this person right afterwards, I said, Hey, have you and your set agent ever sat down and said, okay, what is the long-term goal here? You have a finite amount of time in your competing space,
Starting point is 01:02:08 and we need to leverage that time and leverage that attention to a longer-term goal so that way you have something to fall back on when your competitive career is done. And then once you put that stake in the ground, even if it changes, you could reverse engineer everything that you're doing back to that long endpoint. And without that long endpoint, you become super short-sighted. So I was like, hey, have you reached out to this company, this company, this company, this company? None of them were in the CrossFit space at all. Way outside of the CrossFit space, but big, big companies. Marlboro, right?
Starting point is 01:02:39 It was living spaces, Dyson vacuum, and a handful of these organic, chemical-free household cleaning supplies. And I was like, have you ever thought about reaching out to any of those people? Do you have contacts at Dyson? What's that? Do you have contacts at Dyson? Dude, I got contacts all over the place, bro. That's one way of saying no. My contacts are so crazy, it's insane.
Starting point is 01:03:04 That's one way of saying you're going to go to the website, sign up the contact form. But you know, as well as I know, that we can get attention of those companies. You post something with their product or their company. It does really well and gets a ton of engagement. You collab with them on that reel, you tag them, and you get the attention of that company. And if you do it right, and you have a big following already, you're going to get the attention of that company. And you could move that conversation from Instagram to an email to a phone call, especially if you're strategic about it. And you don't just do one, but you do a shitload.
Starting point is 01:03:38 And you do it in a way that's authentic and works with you and your plan. I heard that's how Hugh Jackman got the Wolverine role. He tagged him on instagram this for 50 days in a row put up a picture of him holding a wolverine and tagged uh mcu and eventually they're like we get it yeah right because oh okay well but the point being is like if you get if you garnish the attention you're gonna have the leverage yeah that's what you have if you had 200 subscribers on youtube and you made all the videos exactly the same way you did and they never broke a thousand views you think anybody would give a shit no so. So what's the leveraging point? It's the fucking attention. That gives you a really big lever to pull, right? So anyways, you could get their attention with that. But again, it's just going back to the extraction of the space. Living Spaces
Starting point is 01:04:41 is the furniture company. Bingo. i wonder if they could distill who i was talking about down from that i did reach out to trojan you know i reached out to trojan and i reached out to magnum when we were gonna have um daniel brandon on for the live call-in for love advice with daniel brandon i reached out to a couple companies like that and was like hey here's this person here's this person like we're about to do this show you guys should get involved spaces ariel lowen yeah they're what'd you say it's probably ariel lowen he tried to like living spaces just a guess easy sounds uh they're not all leeches uh a few of them are really good people no doubt that they're really good people no doubt i'm not really saying that uh they're a person or
Starting point is 01:05:21 not a bad person but i just think that if they they look at it as in terms of just extraction and not growing the whole entire thing, then you're just kind of like sucking away what's there and not adding to it and contributing. And that's kind of the way you're doing things, right? What's that? There's just ways to go about doing things.
Starting point is 01:05:37 And you explain something a little bit longer versus something a little bit shorter. Yeah. Talk to me, girls got our agents all lined up and it's crazy. It different it's shorter it's much yeah much shorter for her especially uh huge huge jackman was wolverine before the internet okay interesting and he'll be wolverine after the internet it's just gonna carry on you use uh metrics on your instagram and on your
Starting point is 01:06:06 youtube to show two things number one that crossfit is uh digressing it's shrinking and number two that you have um ran circles around anything that they produced over the last couple years why are those important i need to wonder from what lens just in general, like why would you use those two things to show what's happening in relation to their, their growth or their shrinkage or a CrossFit in total as shrinking or it, why, why are my numbers important or why is CrossFit shrinking important?
Starting point is 01:06:40 Both. Like why would you use that as a metric of something shrinking versus not? important both like why would you use that as a metric of something shrinking versus not it's what i'm passionate about it's what i would like to make all of my content about it is what i make all of my content about without crossfit succeeding excelling i have less to potentially speak on, grow with. I'd like to grow with it. If my metrics are clearly lesser and if I can do more than, it shows that they aren't trying to become what I would be trying to become, which is I want 100,000.
Starting point is 01:07:23 My equivalent of their 100,000, I assume, would be like 10 million. Yeah, actually pretty close. I would have to double and then some. They'd have to go up by five times. They aren't trying to do that while I am. It's where they came from. I know somewhere out there, and it's probably on one of the now 50-some episodes that Greg did this stuff on, he said CrossFit's a media company.
Starting point is 01:07:50 From very vaguely what I can remember, was it registered as a media company? It may have been. I don't know. Because when you think about it in that, and that's me really reaching, I don't know if that's factual. like when you when you think about it and that that's like me really reaching i don't know if that's factual if you think about it that way and that's true and this is what they have to show for it like they got nothing yeah well um we have a football team and all they have are basketball players without pads and they're all eight feet tall and you don't have a running back that's what they look like and don falls the don falls yao ming it's like what good is he gonna do with 300 pound walruses running at him nothing he's gonna get
Starting point is 01:08:30 killed yeah i've heard that killed by well i heard that that crossfit was a media company as well too that was actually told to me in my l1 in 2013 because somebody was like what what is crossfit like as a company do outside of like the certifications like how you know and they were like it's a media company and they're like that's what that's what we were told is like what is this like this is a media company and i completely agree especially like they were already on it back then but even more so now if you're not a media company first and then your product or whatever afterwards like no one's going to know who the hell you are or care kind of going back to just the last conversation that we had about like engagement and reach and all that is so important to actually become known and expand your um reach otherwise you just a video in another 10 days i put up a
Starting point is 01:09:15 video calling them out for not putting themselves up in 40 days and then they put up two videos one of which was from the affiliate playbook so it wasn't anything new that they created it was just something that they made public. Right. I have unlisted videos. I have unlisted videos for my, my online workout. I can make one of those public.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Like great. That doesn't mean they did anything. They don't freaking make anything. They don't, they don't. And so at some point you kind of have to wonder like what it is that's actually happening. There you go go get with the programming uh greg said it in his opening speech of the 2013 crossfit media summit crossfit media summit oh so before crossfit health there was crossfit media
Starting point is 01:09:58 summits that's interesting that is interesting maybe it was just a weird play on words maybe he just meant like the 2013 crossfit summit you remember when they used to have the big sky montana uh yes i do yeah they're like affiliate gatherings after the games and stuff like that he that's uh chase could be referencing that oh um there was one of them and only one of them. Okay. Yeah. So that was correctly what it was. But okay. There was this one comment here. Where was it? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Because you had mentioned earlier, like, did you see the post that I just posted right before you started the show when the show started? Yeah. And CrossFit said, is Andrew's post today siding with CrossFit over broken science? Yes. It's siding. What do you mean by that? Can we pull it up?
Starting point is 01:10:48 Yeah. You want me to do it? No, I got it right here. Yeah. Oh, look, they finally posted the cut schedule. Didn't Dave bring that up like days ago and they finally made it public? Yeah, I think he made mention of it like it was going to be posted that day and then it wasn't or something like that, typical.
Starting point is 01:11:09 All right, so the ins and outs of this is they both have their own sort of medical deal going on, right? Yeah. From what I understand, the CrossFit Medical Society is an extension of what CrossFit Health was back in 2017, 18. From what I understand, it's being put back into action,
Starting point is 01:11:32 trying to do an extension of what Greg had started. They're trying to get doctors to be the gateway to unhealthy people, to push them into affiliates. That's what I gather, right? Okay. And then I also think broken science is doing something similar. Like Greg started it over at crossfit he's doing his own thing with broken science and then there's been this weird we started it you did it you're doing it now and
Starting point is 01:11:56 yesterday it was uh karen thompson who actually commented on here and she put up something yesterday about how if you want to be part of the real medical society there's something over in new york at this date and then the broken science page said that they had something in january and then there's all of this extensions of crossfit basically reciting what they were doing, inferring that there was plagiarism or copying, right? Okay. Broken Science is on January, and then CrossFit starts coming
Starting point is 01:12:34 out with it, but I came across something from Best Hour of Your Day in September, four months previous, that said that CrossFit was starting their medical society, which would essentially mean that broken science is copying CrossFit, which it really is if you think about it, right?
Starting point is 01:12:53 But wait a minute. If Greg started CrossFit Health in 2017, how could the entity that Greg owns now be copying the thing that Greg started? Because he sold the entity didn't he i don't know the ins and outs of like the crossfit health versus crossfit but technically i don't either i haven't seen the paperwork but if you if well i was gonna say technically greg started both really correct you can yeah sure start both that that's the thing right that's the thing that i don't get about it yeah what do you mean do both and i don't know why there's all of this like read read the
Starting point is 01:13:30 thing that says right there uh the next slide it says something about if you play it and pause it again is this paused right now i don't know what's happening let me refresh the screen try it again so this next screen the final thing from broken science why is it not and after that okay so it's playing it's reading it right now it'll slide over in a second okay it should send the medical society and after that crossfit announced that uh they were also doing medical society same wording is it more or less about the wording and the message that BSI is concerned about other than the actual overarching? Yeah. Where,
Starting point is 01:14:08 where they say some stuff that Greg has said in the past, but it's like, dude, it is Greg, right? Right. It's CrossFit is Greg. It'd be like,
Starting point is 01:14:20 if Jesus got pissed that you were quoting him after Jesus sold the Bible to somebody. It's like, well, dude, it's the Bible. Didn't the dude write the Bible? Ha ha, I know, he didn't write the Bible. Come on. Ernie Godgett, I'm pretty sure Emily said it in August. May, June, July, August. Yeah, and when are the games?
Starting point is 01:14:41 August. Okay. And the First Hour of Your Day podcast, you can see they're having that at the games okay so wouldn't that make it be like at the same time then all i know is that when i got involved with some of the stuff with broken science with with emily sheet i mean this was years back like they were always talking about doing something like this and working toward it i just don't know if it was publicly like stated ahead of time or not. You want to know what I think?
Starting point is 01:15:12 Yeah. I think it's a big wish to everyone's time. How so? Like just semantics over like who started it or who said it first kind of thing. Yes. That. Okay. And it'd be like, like just semantics over like who started it or who said it first kind of thing yes that okay and it'd be like how many podcasts are there in the crossfit space a few just be the best fucking podcast
Starting point is 01:15:37 and here's what i did what all i've done to this point, like I usually do, is I show people what's happening on the internet. Here's something. Here's something. Oh, you said January. Here's something from September. That's it. So the pissing match is be the better of the two of them. And at the end of the day, you guys both have more recognition than you had before it started.
Starting point is 01:16:02 So chill the fuck out. more recognition than you had before it started so chill the fuck out i also think too that the the unfortunate stuff with private equity is anything that started by private equity has no guarantee that it's actually going to continue on because so let's say crossfit does uh the medical society thing and let's say it sells in a year or two from now and the person who it sells to are like yeah we have no interest in this then overnight the whole thing's gone and let's say it sells in a year or two from now, and the person who it sells to are like, yeah, we have no interest in this, then overnight, the whole thing's gone. And there's nothing anybody could do about that. And we know that with CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:16:33 in terms of what they're actually trying to accomplish, who knows how high of the list this is on priorities. I think Emily had said in one of the interviews that she did that there's not going to be meaningful investment into this on the CrossFit side. And obviously, that's going to be true because they're not going to meaningfully invest into anything. CrossFit's not going to meaningfully invest into anything that isn't going to produce a bigger bottom line for them. In something like this with the medical side, you're going to need a lot of investment into it. It's going to take a lot of resources. And then on top of that, you have to have a long-term vision with it.
Starting point is 01:17:09 So just in comparison of the two... Why are they even starting it? Why is CrossFit starting it? Right. I think CrossFit is just a licensing thing for them, isn't it? Because it's a... I think this is Tom McCoy is tom mccoy's thing and i think crossfit licensed the name crossfit to them
Starting point is 01:17:28 see this is why i honestly i could care less to actually show that either one of them is going to do something worth this worth the fuck because neither of them do hey susan tell me this if you didn't know anything about broken science yep and you were just sitting on the outside of the world what do you know about the medical stuff going on over there not not broken science because that floats around and it's kind of cool when people know about it but what about specifically this medical journey that's going on with them what do you know nothing well it's kind of cool when people know about it. But what about specifically this medical journey that's going on with them? What do you know?
Starting point is 01:18:07 Nothing. Well, it's hard for me because like you said, I have to position myself in something that I don't know. Give it a good college try. Imagine you don't have anything to say with any of it. Okay, so if I had no idea about what anything was going on. Imagine you're Molo Polo or Frank Fobach, Chad F, any of these people in the comments.
Starting point is 01:18:29 I would say everybody needs to give me $5 and then I'm going to buy CrossFit. No, imagine you're them. If I'm them and there wasn't a ton of information on it or I had no previous information, I would assume that this is something that is being put together by broken science to try to connect the theories in the conversations that Greg is having to some sort of actionable thing that is like boots on the ground. Pull back. That would just be my
Starting point is 01:18:53 assumption. Pull back. How do you know that? Because I would just assume that what Greg was doing over at BSI with the collection of characters that he had would be a continuation of kind of the movement that he was starting with CrossFit Health. So you're under the assumption that Ernie Garza perhaps signed up for the BSI email, making him aware of what's going on at this medical society. What do you mean? Wait, wait, wait. Now you lost me.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Because I don't think that anybody knows about any of it. Oh, so you're saying the promotion of the media is an issue's issue with stevan's middle name akhman is it really no i totally made that up but i got you back for the bullring thing you no i don't yeah you and i are currently talking about both of them yep it's a pissing matchup about something we don't even know what it is if i removed myself
Starting point is 01:19:47 from the information that i already know we don't know if that runs middle name does he have one we don't know ahmed yeah we're gonna go with ahmed ernie garza doesn't know it and you know and at the end of the day i think it's good to be talked about and they should be using it as something to differentiate themselves or work together or just be the better of the two of them. Okay. And it's so weird that it's like, my middle name is cooler than your middle name. So you're basically saying like- When you found out what your middle name was, it doesn't matter. I don't even know if it's cool. basically saying that more effort should be put towards promotion and understanding of what it is
Starting point is 01:20:25 and how it works and everything else, as opposed to kind of the back and forth semantics that we're seeing more of than, well, how do you know it wasn't their goal the whole time? Maybe they did this and it got picked up by you and now we're talking about it and it's a whole thing. I don't think that they're at least on one side. I can't say the same for broken science. I know the intelligence isn't there to do something like that. And we know that because we saw the CEO talk publicly the way that Uber goes about it. Cause I was going to say,
Starting point is 01:20:55 Emily's a very smart and strategic, very smart. And at which rate to be like, Oh, nice. Yeah. Then if she's like, well,
Starting point is 01:21:01 now that we have all the public attention, like here's all the stuff, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Right. It was a pissing match between Emily and and annette revis i know who i'm choosing yeah so okay so what so what is your intent with that post there is just to
Starting point is 01:21:17 basically like were you trying to set the record straight from your first post prior or like was there any continuation i posted something because it just happened okay as you know 95 of what i put up is merely repurposings of what is happening on the internet with a tail and it's a story it's continuing oh did you know that they talked about it in september and if they talked about in september then all right it's your turn broken science what do you got where did you talk about it before that like who if you want to play this game and you want to have the pissing match it's like all right keep it coming who's next yeah well either way it's good for uh it's good for promotion of um what's going on over at the
Starting point is 01:22:06 broken science and medical society and it's getting more attention to the crossfit medical society because they wouldn't really be even talking about it if it wasn't for the back and forth of it that's right uh good old frank i think bsi will be licensing the greg or the glassman methodology once his non-compete is up in August. I won't be signing up for that. You know why? Because it has the word methodology in it? And also, hey, dude, Alexis makes these fantastic points.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Like she strikes gold sometimes. And she goes, you know what we're missing right now it's just the word crossfit look at your shirt i know that's a crash shirt right smoky like cheap crack what is this that's a hillar shirt right where are the crossfit shirts yeah they're for sale in the noble inventory for 50 bucks a pop we we went to we were at the West coast classic, and this is when it hit Alexis that the word CrossFit used to be the thing. It was so, so cool. And if you were a CrossFit affiliate,
Starting point is 01:23:14 one of the best parts about being a CrossFit affiliate, why is Stefan calling me? Does he not? Hey dude, when you, when you were an, you're like CrossFit Livermore. It's like everyone sees CrossFit on the shirt. Right. And now we got HWPO. We've got Mayhem. We've got Proven.
Starting point is 01:23:34 We have all these things that are just not CrossFit. That's probably one of the biggest things. And when we're at the West Coast Classic and Alexis goes, let's go get a CrossFit shirt from the Northern spirit booth they don't fucking have any she couldn't get one if she wanted to holy shit that's crazy because even i bought him out the games a couple years back that just a shirt that just said crossfit just because i wanted to have like a straight up crossfit shirt it used to be the thing and And the reason the Glassman methodology never works is because there's nothing like CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:24:09 You can't put the Glassman methodology on a shirt. It doesn't stick. It's like, what do you do? That's true. I do the Glassman methodology, and you had to recoil a little bit. Yeah. I was going to, I'll tell you what I think offline because I don't,
Starting point is 01:24:28 this one, I don't want anybody to actually steal my idea. Yeah, it was $70. Dan, you're absolutely right. Um, they should,
Starting point is 01:24:36 they should, Hey, they should legitimately have. And if I were the CEO of CrossFit, this is what I would do. I would have $13 CrossFit t-shirts. Why? Because that's what it costs to make them. That's what it costs to send them out it makes me zero money but what it does is the
Starting point is 01:24:50 whole world will now be buying 13 t-shirts and you know what i've actually fucking done it so you can't act like it's a pie in the sky concept it's just good for everyone to see everyone wearing it instead of your hw, instead of your provens. And instead of my no ref shirts, I'm sitting here wearing a CrossFit shirt because I'm happy that I got it for 13 bucks. And it's so easy, but private equity won't want to waste money on that.
Starting point is 01:25:16 I mean, we did it on, um, with our shirts. We haven't had shirts or clothing a long time. And Travis hooked us up over at vindicate, made it super easy for us to get shirts. So you guys should go over there and check them out especially if you own a gym and you guys want some stuff but we haven't had shirts in a while and then when we resold them um we basically
Starting point is 01:25:32 sold them like a super close to cost like we we did 25 bucks for the shirt and 40 for a pullover hoodie patrick clark did you not hear what i said because you said sweatshirts. I said t-shirts. They're $200. Holy shit. Suzelle, are you no longer affiliated? I'm still affiliated because my affiliation does not come up until December. So the answer to that is yes. Yes, I still am.
Starting point is 01:26:05 GP, who is the ideal owner of CrossFit when Berkshire sells in a year or two does greg even entertain rebuying as far as i know no greg has not entertained uh rebuying in fact he usually seems pretty like whatever about the fitness side of stuff he doesn't really seem that interested in it um you know what and at the end of the day the thing that's probably most um that that statement kind of drives me nuts because when you go into a gym nobody gives three shits about who owns it it's about what they do with it right and it'd be great greg buys it but it's like what do you what do you do with it how do you make it worthwhile for these people that are spending money to be part of it like why why and and even if it is a brand loyalty fee which i think is what greg said it was for the longest time right and it's actually what didn't best hour of the day just put out something about it being a brand loyalty fee make it something where you actually want to be loyal to it
Starting point is 01:26:58 yeah which is um a good point that you brought this up so i'm going to go ahead and plug this right now here's what we do. You want to be loyal to it because you put out so much media and you make it so fucking cool and you make the trainers professional. You focus on your education, you focus on your trainers, you focus on your coaches. If you make that become really cool,
Starting point is 01:27:19 you partner with other people inside the health and fitness space that have the same viewpoints and values that CrossFit does as an entity, then you're able to spread the message further and farther than any one individual can, especially because you would have the resources and you have the global brand. So you would make it fucking cool again, number one, and first and foremost. And number two, if I were in charge, we'll just say it that way. If I were in charge, you would know exactly what you're getting as an affiliate because you would be like, holy shit, I want to be a part of this. I want to, as Dave would say, raise and fly the flag in front of my business to let them say like, this is us, this is what we stand for. And we're
Starting point is 01:27:59 different than everything else that's out there. And then people know that because they're seeing the content that's being produced at scale with our partners all over the fucking place. Like you said, if they had 10 million in engagement and reach, and that was just the normal run of the mill because they were producing a ton of stuff, like you wouldn't have to really ask the question
Starting point is 01:28:18 of what is the value proposition of being an affiliate, right? Or am I off base? Do you disagree with that? I mean, I do agree with it, but you know that they think that they're doing that right now right there's no way they could think that dude you've literally held up the numbers and been like here's mine here's yours you've got access to the affiliate toolkit don't you i do did you see the thing that craig howard put up with timmy no did you i mean the the the the prs all day podcast where he says that there is so much
Starting point is 01:28:48 content i think it was tim who said it's like there's so much content i can't i can't tell you how much and then wad zombie was in the comments and wad zombie goes i don't know what you're talking about he goes well because you don't pay to see it so i'm assuming that the affiliate owners have access to all of this your bottom of the period pyramid media do you do you or do you not uh no there is no i um i've done i've done more inside the school platform already than is in as available as far as social media marketing inside of the i don't know that's true that's like another part that i wasn't aware of and that
Starting point is 01:29:25 makes it way worse yeah there's a couple of things okay you want okay you want to hear something you want to see something fucking crazy real quick here's the affiliate toolkit no that then i would get a fucking what you would call it uh matt or uh sorry but you uh have breached contract and you are no longer a part of it okay so check this out dude um and i could i could i got receipts bruh i got receipts number one okay yeah that's from bedazzled that's good that's a good let me let me hide that for just one second because i want to bring something up so i could be accurate in this Let me hide that for just one second because I want to bring something up so I can be accurate in this.
Starting point is 01:30:08 And I got witnesses. Receipts and witnesses. Receipts and witnesses. What's that? I hear that's how you win a court case. Okay, where is this? Hold on. Not that. Um, okay. Yes. All right. July of 2022. Um, Dave Cascio was fired from CrossFit. Dave Cascio was making a return to CrossFit. Dave Cascio visited a couple affiliates and had some conversation with affiliate owners about what's kind of going on right um he did that at diablo craig howard set
Starting point is 01:30:49 the whole entire thing up invited a ton of us affiliate owners and really awesome inside of that meeting dave said as an affiliate owner outside of the media because that's the biggest push especially when you talk to the old school affiliate owners everybody's like we need more media dude we need more content we need more of a reason for people to be involved. He was like, outside of that, what else do you think would be a good idea? And I said, hey, every single thing that CrossFit should post or does post
Starting point is 01:31:16 as you guys start to put a bunch of media should be sent to me in an email as an affiliate owner at the end of every month where I just click a button and I could download everything that you guys posted or didn't post, or just all the content you guys were working with that month. And I could post it on my own social media. Right. So essentially you're just handing us all the content for us to distribute on our own with our own captions and everything else. Right. But it's produced by CrossFit. Okay. So then after that, um, he was like,
Starting point is 01:31:44 okay, awesome. Like that's actually a pretty good idea. Shoot me an email. So Dave said that Dave said that to which I did. And then these are a summary of the notes of what I talked about. Number one, the health of the L one is directly related to the health of crossfit culture in the company to produce media at scale for the l1 and the l2 this can be done on a very low budget media cost produce media on the stories happening inside of affiliates not only the media to teach and inspire current in future affiliate owners but more importantly it reinforces the message of l1 welcome open source content around the l1 and affiliates from the community deliver that media
Starting point is 01:32:24 via portal on or email to affiliates to post it on their own platforms. Deliver the media, strengthens the value proposition for the affiliates twofold. It creates content that shows the expertise of the CrossFit methodology, the L1 professionalism, and strengthens the brand, which helps answer the question, why pay my affiliate dues and not just become a functional fitness gym? But it also creates contents for the affiliates that they could use in their local communities to gain new members. I also believe that this is the best path to international growth as well.
Starting point is 01:32:52 Give affiliates periodic discounts on L1 and L2. This is another value proposition of being an affiliate because it helps them aid in building future coaches. In return, the affiliates organically sell the L1 for CrossFit at scale, which is both good for CrossFit and affiliates alike. The CrossFit L1 and the affiliates are self-feeding loop. The more media and attention, the more growth, which in return helps produce more media and so on. This is especially important for international growth. And then there was a few more.
Starting point is 01:33:23 See what I just did right there? You showed me what they're doing or should be doing i just took full credit for everything whether it was actually true or not well well are you are you you came up with the affiliate toolkit is what you're saying no i didn't come up with i'm sure other people had that same tell me what tell me what you mean toolkit is what you're saying. No, I didn't come up with that. I'm sure other people had that same. Tell me what you mean. That's what you mean, right? This is something that happened before.
Starting point is 01:33:50 It's there. You showed him that. Two years ago. Okay. Yeah. Let's not do any of this mumbo jumbo, hoo-ba-da-ba, freaking with Don Fall bull crap. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:03 You're telling me you came up with the affiliate toolkit. Sure. I just can't say yes about that because I don't know internally if they were already working on stuff and i just tapped into something that they already had an idea about but and then on top of that i went on to say in this i don't know most people would agree with this but i said take the cert renewal from five years down to three years give a discount and incentive for l2 l3 over the l1 renewals create a platform on the, like the journal, for all CrossFit-related content.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Still distribute this content on other platforms like YouTube and Instagram, but make the main hub Convert all old articles and lectures into audio form. This will help build the next generation of CrossFitters and further spread the message of the methodology. Leverage new technology, platforms, and personalities to distribute content. Own the narrative of the company and the culture. I would say that they're not executing on a lot of that.
Starting point is 01:34:50 So I just thought it, I, I, I, you know, I don't really have any point to say that. I haven't read this yet, but I saw my name. At one point in time, Hilder was an affiliate owner and currently is not yet. He still trains people. I think his story about why he's not an affiliate explains the lack of value. Well, number one, I'm not paying $4,500 to have my garage affiliated and I'm stopping at number one. Yeah. I wouldn't do that either. That doesn't
Starting point is 01:35:15 seem, and not to mention that, but like you'd have to go through the application process, which has its own set of fees to it. And then you'd also have to get your L1 if you don't already have it currently, and then get your l2 within a year after that what does having my garage affiliated do for me nothing nothing nothing but you know what i would do is i would make a proposition about a value to you and i would say hey you could become a garage affiliate and you're gonna say well how much does it cost and i'd say it costs a hundred dollars for the year and you get a crossfit banner or flag your choice i would do that bingo i'd probably do it for 250 deal we just raised the price we just well i'm just telling you to be honest like and if i'm under i probably wouldn't do that again
Starting point is 01:36:03 yeah but that the point being is like you're like why would i want to do it it's like well because you could put yourself on the map or you could fly the flag or you could just be a part of the brand and you really want to do it and for 100 200 bucks a year it's worth it for you as a garage gym right owner as i've said 50,000 times, Patrick. I don't know what you're trying to insinuate there, but owner. And the other reason why I brought that up as far as the bullet points of like what I would do if I was in charge of CrossFit is because I think that in the overarching talk about what we were doing the whole time is that like you or me or other people that are like the negativity in the space are always doing criticism. We never have any solutions.
Starting point is 01:36:46 There's never this or that. But I would like to say that that's not true, that sometimes just the criticisms are louder than the solutions, but all of us kind of want the same thing, which is the growth of CrossFit. And all of us meaning us media personalities. You get the content that I don't want for the thing that won't do anything for me right okay last piece though um one of the things also that i did want to uh highlight real quick about the bsi and crossfit medical society stuff is like i it's hard to just spend my uh knowledge
Starting point is 01:37:24 of what was going on because i was in the inner workings of the bsi and i was close to that and i understand what the mission was right or is and um at one point in time when the conversation was first happening it was never supposed to be like at odds with crossfit it was always supposed to be like in conjunction with the medical society. Yeah. And it wasn't until that thing switched and then cross it, that then it became more or less at odds and not in lock and step with or creating a synergy.
Starting point is 01:37:59 So it's it's interesting, but I do think that at the end of the day that there's going to be more resources behind the bsi one and it's going to have a longer term vision because it's actually owned by greg as opposed to the other one i think it's just a licensing deal and who even knows how long that'll last for or what their metrics of success within that deal is going to look like for them to continue on with it and that's kind of the problem with private equity in general. That's the truth. That's the truth. Yeah. Well, you just said that's the truth. Yeah. And that's why I think there's going to be a more of a long-term impact for sure with
Starting point is 01:38:40 what's going on over at BSI just because of the vision, the leadership, and the resources behind it. How many doctors do you know? Like personally? Yeah, that you would see, I don't know, calling on a bi-weekly basis. Maybe, yeah, every two weeks. Is that bi-weekly? Yeah, probably two that go to my gym. How are they? What do you mean, how are they? Just as people? Well, they're good. Come in. They're members of CrossFit. I ask them lots of cool questions.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Are they stressed? Yeah, they're typically working pretty hard. Every doctor I know is pretty stressed yeah every doctor i know fell into this scheme that was go to school do it all these years get your job and now they're in their job that they spent all this money to get into and they're making pretty decent money they got their families and now they're they're stuck right and they're being worked like crazy yeah you see the same thing typically yeah because especially too there's usually massive loans involved with schooling and then you know all that has to be repaid and the hours are crazy
Starting point is 01:39:59 for medical professionals i know these doctors that they get like three hours of sleep a night and it's interrupted because they're always on call and while i'd be wondering if there's a way because it's like to help out the people right and it's from what i hear the broken sign or not the broken signs the medical society is a way to cure the world's most vexing problem chronic disease that's what i hear right and they're trying to do it and bridge the gap with doctors to the the normal people who maybe not don't know about crossfit but the doctors kind of need help the doctors are screwed from what i've seen right um you mean as far as like time management actually being able to make
Starting point is 01:40:45 an impact in that because they're already so stressed on trying to just do their normal life well i don't know how they're surviving from the doctors that i see i'm like i enjoy every waking moment of my life and i don't think that they would say the same just because they're so stressed. Well, here's the thing I can tell you. When I was going to the DDCs that Greg was putting on at CrossFit back in 2018 to 2019, the doctors that I talked to there, their biggest concern was I got into medical practice because I wanted to make an impact, a contribution, and help people. And they said, quickly realizing that the current medical institutions and the way things are set up aren't actually helping them at all.
Starting point is 01:41:33 And so now I want to find an alternative way to help my patients. And I think with, at least as far as, and I don't have the whole workings of what the CrossFit group was as far as it's like they're supposed to be connecting affiliates with doctors. So doctors could use that directory to hand them off to CrossFit affiliates. So that way they could have a alternative healthcare option for them when they're like, hey, you're fat and out of shape and you need to do something about this and eat right and exercise. Otherwise, you will be on prescription meds and we're going to have this whole issue. So here's your prescription. Go see the affiliate.
Starting point is 01:42:12 You know that there's absolutely no way this works with the current way that CrossFit portrays themselves, right? What do you mean? portrays themselves right what do you mean if you take a quick peek through the crossfit instagram youtube channel whatever it's sunshine and rainbows it's like that that scene in mean girls with the chick on the stage and she doesn't even go here yeah yeah yeah get along with everybody and you're thinking there's all these people well let's say there are 13 000 doctors in 13 000 affiliates and there's one doctor per affiliate and that'd be like the golden thing let's say that's the vision that's what they want because then if there is a
Starting point is 01:42:56 doctor in every affiliate theoretically you could send 10 patients and then there's 10 people who wouldn't have been exposed otherwise in there. You have 130,000 people. But the people who would need to make that jump need a kick in the ass to get in there. They don't need someone to, I just need everyone to get along with everybody to get into an affiliate. They need someone to write the script and say, well, you're going to die in five years or you can go to the CrossFit gym. And there is a little bit of a nuance to way that has to be presented right but it but when i say they don't have the the way they portray themselves that's what i'm talking about they're they're very much more on a scale from one to ten and it's sunshine and rainbows versus kicking the ass they're like a
Starting point is 01:43:37 1.5 where they need to be probably like a seven and there's no way and you and i both know that their media is going to push the message that hard to actually bring that up to a seven and there's no way and you and i both know that their media is going to push the message that hard to actually bring that up to a seven it's like even if this thing works it doesn't work because it's it's it just doesn't work there's one way for it to work so you like the bsi version for the reason of which there's no... When they sell, do they get the same help? Do they have help at the moment?
Starting point is 01:44:12 Is it like a couple of people over there holding on by a thread trying to do something versus BSI could be there forever? Right. You probably have to go with the BSI version. And it doesn't matter who started it, who's going to finish it. Good point. Good point.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Good point. CrossFit can't finish anything. We don't even know. Are the teams going to be at the games next year? We've never known that. We never know anything. How can you – It's like you're married to Grace grace let's say when you propose to her
Starting point is 01:44:47 she's not going to freaking be there three years from now it's like well i want to have a kid do i want to buy this house with her i don't know i might need to get a different shit gracie you understand right how would you jump on the bandwagon if it's not going to be there there's no wagon interesting got no wheels and do you think that um let me ask you this then with that in consideration do affiliates think that same way why would you start working out so i could be fit and healthy why would you start working out? So I could be fit and healthy. Look good.
Starting point is 01:45:33 Why would you start using the CrossFit name? Well, if I was right now, and you're not us, let's just say that you're a, just a random jury and you're like i'm gonna open a gym i need to open a gym i like power cleans burpees should i use that name at this point in time i would not because i just know that that would be more of an expense and i could do it without it and i i wouldn't like since there's not this big pool to like raise the flag above my gym and like
Starting point is 01:46:05 be like yes i'm super pumped i'm i'm a part of this because they're a level seven on their messaging and it's all over the place then i don't i don't know i don't think that there's a as strong of a value proposition now to be attached to the brand you want this yeah if the liver king had started a gym company two years ago okay that would have been let's say it was the same price three grand versus three grand ten thousand percent you're better better off using the liver king gym brand because of his reach the messaging the attention he's gathering everybody knows what he's doing and everyone everyone knows where to go to get it and his reach was more powerful more potent than crossfit's
Starting point is 01:46:50 damn at the moment he boned himself like yeah he really fucked himself with that whole thing and now he looks even worse so yeah yeah he should have came out right away and been like the 10th that's an example of one human being so i guess the question to anybody who would want to affiliate even worse. Yeah. He should have came out right away and been like the 10th. That's an example of one human being. I guess the question to anybody who would want to affiliate would be, what do you value your time at? What do you value your people's time at? Do you think you can do more with that per hour versus $4,500 a year? If you think you're worth 100 bucks an hour as a human, are you going to put 450 hours into marketing that's going to be better spent for your particular affiliate or would you rather put that into a mark into a name and hope it pulls some people in from ground zero what's 4500 over a
Starting point is 01:47:37 year it's like 375 an hour and a half a day you can spend an hour and a half a day. You're going to spend an hour and a half a day marketing your own thing for $100 an hour? Yeah. That would probably do way fucking more for your gym. But you also have to then say you're dedicated to doing that because most people aren't. Most people will not put in an hour a day towards their own thing anywhere ever. Even as business owners. And no i think chris cooper said this this is a chris cooperism in a way uh he was on one of the podcasts with seven and he said the best thing you can do for your own gym is spend the first hour of your day like working on it not on the needle mover not cleaning not
Starting point is 01:48:22 filling out the books and emailing people, but like trying to reach people, make posts. Yep. Yep. Do events. So then with that being said, last question here. Do you ever see yourself leaving the CrossFit space in terms of your content? Probably. probably is it weird that that kind of made me sad uh is it weird that i didn't know i was going to say that yeah well here's the way that i see
Starting point is 01:48:57 you could take one of those any one of the videos that you that you do especially like in the groove that you are now and you could focus in on like a sam solik type and just go hard in that arena and probably end up with your 100k followers within a 30-day period yes right like something that i'm passionate about there's something that i want to do well and it's it becomes increasingly more frustrating that they don't want it anywhere near as bad as I does. Yeah. Me too. Me too. Me too. I mean,
Starting point is 01:49:27 look at, look at where your efforts are going to look at to where my efforts are going to look at to where a civil, I mean, we have to beg and plead to get access to highlight their fucking event and their athletes. We're not even asking them for a dollar. We're literally asking,
Starting point is 01:49:39 can we go back behind that door? And it's a huge fucking deal. Never put, put it that way to me ever again because i might leave tomorrow okay don't leave tomorrow you gotta at least hang around to the end of my you hear what you just said i never really thought about it like that yeah it's crazy i do all this work for you for free for free not only for free but we're gonna go hustle to fundraise for it we're gonna ask a lot of favors from the the awesome fucking team that we have we're going to go hustle to fundraise for it. We're going to ask a lot of favors from the awesome fucking team that we have.
Starting point is 01:50:07 We're going to put all of it together. Everybody's going to sacrifice. Everybody's going to sacrifice. Everybody's going to work hard as fuck. And we're going to have to work really hard. Rios and Will are going to work really hard in post-production for multiple months afterward. And the only thing we need for them
Starting point is 01:50:22 is for one of our people to be able to just follow dave around which he's done for a decade plus decades fucking mountain of work there dude and that in that for whatever reason with them is this point of like should they do it or should they not should they do it and should they not it's like are it and should they not? It's like, are you kidding me? You let the... And then here's the thing. It's called not having a nutsack is what it is. Dude, and here's the crazy part.
Starting point is 01:50:50 They let this third-party entity, right, last year, come around and follow everybody around. And by the way, if it wasn't for Tyson Oldroyd telling them what CrossFit was and explaining it and trying to lay down the tracks in front of the train as they're moving around, that film crew would be completely lost. And by the way, they're like,
Starting point is 01:51:10 well, it's free. It didn't cost us anything. You kidding? It doesn't sound good to pat yourself on the back for that. What do you mean? Oh, like the third-party doc that they didn't pay for it? Yeah, we haven't even seen it. It's the same as saying, yeah, we don't pay those judges,
Starting point is 01:51:28 so we don't expect for them to hold a standard. Yeah, you know that coach that we had at that CrossFit gym? We didn't really expect him to show up on time because we didn't pay him. He works for a membership. He'll make his money eventually. Everything you'll learn is in the affiliate you know people who work for their memberships right coach five hours a month you get a free membership yep like oh we didn't expect him to show up on time it's like oh that's that
Starting point is 01:51:57 that's what you're gonna fucking say it's like oh my god yeah yeah yeah yeah i i that's crazy you're right and when you put it back to me like that because we do have you know coaches that we do like what i call value exchange but essentially it's a um yeah it's a free membership in terms of their work but there's an expectation imagine saying that to your members like so and so joe schmoe wasn't on time in class like yeah i don't pay him so sorry guys yeah because that's what dave said on his weekend review hillary's trying to say the affiliate's paid for it's like no we got it for free it doesn't matter when it comes out yeah hold on if you guys are dog lovers out there you might want to turn your uh ears off for this
Starting point is 01:52:37 because i'm about to beat this fucking dog um sebon's dog look at these two dicks everything they are is because of crossfit and yet they're yapping left and right. No shit, motherfucker, because we're trying to save this bitch, dude. Don't you see it? We're here trying to grow the pie. Andrew just reached like 6 million people in the views that he did. He just put up 16 clips of the athletes for freaking free, recycling Dave's stuff to pay further distribution because it's going to reach more people on Instagram than it is on YouTube. You're going to get more people involved in it. And you're going to get more people involved in the stories of the athletes, which make them want to show up to watch it. If I am not emotionally invested in my athletes, look at what we did for Colton Mertens. If I'm not emotionally invested
Starting point is 01:53:17 in my athletes, there is no reason for me to pay the money to travel to the place to watch them freaking work out, dude. And here we are sitting here with my free time, listed out all this stuff. I should have been focusing on my affiliate, but I was focusing on everything, the bigger picture. And now you're going to say, oh, here we are yapping left and right. Yeah, bro, because we're trying to save it, dude. Get up off my shit. I try not to cuss as much when I do those because when I watch them back in retrospect, I'm like, oh shit, I should not swear that much. My mom's going to be upset. Frank, instead of doing HQ's work for them,
Starting point is 01:53:53 start an alternative brand and control your future or join the CrossFit of, okay, another plug. Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude. Didn't you just hear everything we just said? It needs to be underneath one unified brand. Otherwise, it's going to turn into different religions. It's going to bucket everywhere. Did you see the clip that best hour of their day put up recently where it was put pay pay the uh pay where it is due like if you're using burpees and
Starting point is 01:54:15 thrusters and power cleans and all that and i said something in there it's like hey does mr ford own uh oh mr ben's royalty payments for every ford that he's ever used uh the one on the right uh if you're selling crossfit your dues where why don't i see this next to the chick with the purple hair okay henry cross they have to continue to pay royalties to carl ben's into a gym now they do not look like they looked 10 or 15 years ago. They do not. And that is thanks to what happened in CrossFit. That is thanks to all... What happened in CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:54:50 Here we are. People give us crap about talking about the past, but they're going to try to sell us on why we need to pay them because of the past. So pay your dues. And you call it values, integrity, but yeah, you know if you're doing CrossFit. And if you're not paying an affiliate fee, your integrity is suspect. It's like, you know if you're doing crossfit and if you're not paying an affiliate fee your integrity
Starting point is 01:55:06 is suspect it's like you know how you do something is how you do everything right right i that's it you walk into a gym now they did not look like they looked of the automobile from all bends and it's like hey everything we are it's because of crossfit it's like if you want to always be that then you're never going to create the ford like sure yeah i just you know what if you're going down to the bottom of the barrel and saying you know the strong one of the strongest reasons is just like an integrity play. What if you told every member that came through your door, hey, we do CrossFit here, but I can't afford to pay for it. I don't think there's enough of a value proposition, but I just wanted you to know that that's what we do here. So that way I have higher integrity.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Rough, rough. rough rough all right the reddit thread made about this somehow some way dude you and savon get me wrapped up in reddit threads i was just all nice and cozy over here and my own and i don't know if i'm looking at reddit he's terrified of reddit i'm terrified of reddit the one time i looked at it they called me like savon sidekick or something and they put up that meme of the dude from always sunny in philadelphia when he has like all the conspiracy theory to help and he's like this and like showing the whole thing and they're like here's savon's little sidekick this is all he does and then you know what i did i was like these people are so negative why would they do that to me no i'm just kidding i was like fuck they're right and then you turn
Starting point is 01:56:45 around like shit i even have the whiteboard with the lion i was literally like damn yeah that's probably kind of accurate all right anyways thanks for your time dude i enjoyed uh just chatting about all this different stuff with you and how old are you a format what's that how old are you 36 i'm 32 and seven's dog said that all we are is because of something that hasn't really been the same for quite some time. And at what point does anybody owe it to themselves to start to say, well, just because I married you at some point, I don't care that you beat me every night. I got to start talking about it. every night i got to start talking about it because savon's dog is essentially saying that well you should just basically be happy that you said yes in the first place to the proposal now take your bow down to the abusive spouse man or woman don't matter
Starting point is 01:57:36 it's been five years till you and i get beaten every single night first five years were great we've been married 10 years it's like seven dogs like that's you're ridiculous that's a it's a crazy statement to say that yeah you would be nothing without me you wouldn't live in florida you lived in georgia when we met we live in your big house and you get a bruise here and there that's fine you should just be happy that we're in florida on the coast i think i think he like appalled not apologize for it but he was like let it out let out the demons maybe he maybe he wanted to trigger me i generally love susan's dog susan's dog meredith hi how are you seems
Starting point is 01:58:18 ridiculous yeah see this is a great solution he's moving to florida she figured out she saw right through what i was saying she solved it okay well on that note um all right everybody bow down suza you and i bow down i am bowing down i'll bow down uh hillary is making money off the car the the chaos and arguably so is matt um i'm making money off of it fuck i wish i need money anywhere i can I'm making money off of it. Fuck, I wish. I need money anywhere I can. I mean, I'm making money off of it at my affiliate, if you count that. But all right, cool.
Starting point is 01:58:58 We'll be done. I was going to turn on the live call line on, but we're already at the two-hour mark here. So we're going to... Oh, the last thing that did bring up how old we are oh yeah because what ends up happening is before you know it you're 40 you're 50 and if you don't push back on the thing that you think is important you're gonna be old and pissed and dead and never and you've never done anything with your life because there's people out there like savon's dog we're gonna say stuff like that you owe everything to this concept and before you know it you've done nothing with your life and you're a piece of shit that's why most people think that it's negative
Starting point is 01:59:36 no i'm saying they would never the real thing back without just bashing it as a whole was it were we bashing it as a whole or were we bashing the people that were in charge and the decisions that they're making i don't know what he's saying here i don't know i don't know what he's saying either no i'm saying claim do you do you make a do you have long-term goals are you a goal guy like a a long-term? But you are. 100,000. Yeah, okay. I don't cash that. Okay. Okay. I've always said it.
Starting point is 02:00:10 Hey, you want more on that? If I said a million, I wouldn't be doing CrossFit videos. I can't say a million. Damn. You know why I can't say a million? Because CrossFit themselves couldn't do it right now. I would venture to bet that if CrossFit and I started at ground zero the time we did, I'd have more
Starting point is 02:00:30 than they would. Damn. And I say that 99% certainty. Wouldn't be hard. We'd have to go look at the videos we've put up and see what they've done with them since. You want to do that real quick? You got to go? Kind of also shut up you don't gotta go yeah what do i gotta do what
Starting point is 02:00:52 are we looking up the youtube channel are you bringing this up i got it here let's see let's see if i can do this quick people like when i do this oh social blade analytics yeah so if we just go to like uh what have they done in the past year how many subscribers have they put on so they're at 1.272 yeah they put on 30 000 subscribers in the past year for january february march april since april last year, they put on 30,000. Hey, dude, I bet you that if I had just the backing of the CrossFit name, like, so it was anonymous, like, this dude is, like, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 02:01:33 called the spokesperson for CrossFit, we could pump that fucker up. But they've, so look at this. I would leverage so many relationships. Basically, every week, they put on a million views, right? Is that across all their social media stuff or is that just across their
Starting point is 02:01:51 YouTube? Just YouTube. Okay. So five, six, seven versus, so they put on a 36 million views this year. Right. Okay. million views this year right okay and I guess we can see how many videos they
Starting point is 02:02:10 put up total videos they look at videos tab total video views videos gained we would have to go count them because I don't think there's a metric for that total videos put up but 36 million views dude in a year and they haven't put up anything so basically we can see how many views they've gotten versus how many the videos they've put up hey what if don changed his thing instead of 30 million crossfitters he was like 100 million views you just sparked my mind on something well the open how do you plan for the open was like just over 300 000 or something and how many views did this final open announcement have i don't know like a million something right right and how many live concurrent viewers were there uh in the hundred thousands wasn't there and i want to say it was even approaching 200 000 right
Starting point is 02:03:07 okay do that math for me how does that make any sense you've 300 something thousand people signed up and every single one of them is watching the open announcement live essentially yeah oh what is that service where service where is an apple authorized service provider located that's not me this family owned and operated business started in 1981 it's my phone but it's not playing anything you crazy son of a bitch i don't even know where that was playing from that was a big service plug where for, uh, that's awesome. I never, I never looked at it that way,
Starting point is 02:03:47 but when you look at it that way, it makes it increasingly obvious that they purchased views on that. You understand what I'm saying? Yeah. Because there's like more people that were interested, uh, less people that were interested in the thing and their views didn't match the amount of people that were participating.
Starting point is 02:04:02 330,000 or so sign up, 200,000 watch live. That is not an accurate representation. And if you want to stretch it out to the number of views you got in totality, it means that everyone who signed up for the open watched it three times. And there's no way in hell. What about people that watched it that didn't sign up for the open? You think? Interesting.
Starting point is 02:04:24 You think that there's 700,000 people who didn't sign up that watched the open announcement and you think that those same people wouldn't just kind of like peek in at the other videos here and there because they don't okay i see what you're saying relative to like the other stuff that they have up too the biggest the biggest tell was when they had those interruptions remember those commercial breaks that they had for no reason and they'll lose 50 000 concurrent viewers for some reason yeah that shouldn't happen it doesn't happen unless they're bots and the people who bought them are like send them back in and it's not people telling them it's an algorithm they're live they're off they're live they're off they're live they're off why what would uh what would like what would motivate them to buy followers
Starting point is 02:05:11 or buy views it saves jobs that's crazy year over year we've done more than ever to promote the open and look it's working and you. We've gotten those emails that show that CrossFit's engagement was better than ever during the Open. It's stronger than ever. I don't know what the common narrative is out there, but they're lying because, look it, we had more concurrent viewers than we've ever had,
Starting point is 02:05:37 but they weren't real. Oh, shit. Dude, if that's true, that's fucking crazy, dude. Use use your brain homie i'm on podcast has 30 000 some of the strongest community yeah yeah yeah now that would be the same as you guys at some point having 20 000 live viewers close to just that i think i've seen it come to is like in the threes i don't remember what the occurrence was but there was like maybe it was like a post-game show but it was like just over
Starting point is 02:06:10 3 000 concurrent and that's percent and that's massive yeah that's massive yeah and generally a good show will be in like the low thousands right it's like oh wow that was good we killed it 12 to 1500 concurrent and crossfit games had one third no not not one third two thirds are sorry i'm talking about in relation to subscribers but this is with views you hear what i'm saying though right yeah there's no way in hell yeah shit all right well on that note thank you everybody for joining us um well we covered a lot of shit in this that's crazy it'd be five percent of their total viewers but they've been up since i don't know what 2016 2015 the game channel went live
Starting point is 02:07:00 wow Wow Alright I was hoping we'd end on like a big spark here You know what I could do? Play the Taylor thing, the meat and fruit I don't have that one but I got this like Wait, this song. I was playing this one when I broke down the dawn thing,
Starting point is 02:07:28 just because of the chorus of it. Have you, you know what the song is? Yep. Life right there. Oh shit. All right guys. Uh, peace out. Go over.
Starting point is 02:07:41 I think, um, page has got a show going on with uh taylor self and um seth uh page with uh jump ship um go over there hang out with those guys thanks for uh sitting down and chatting with hillar and i are we going shirtless right at the end beautiful okay that's our cue all right guys peace out thanks joining us adios

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